LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
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Questions Published through May 15, 2022
It would be helpful to have the calendar for the next
month(s) available for download even if it will be
updated. That way, events that are known can be
taken into consideration when making other advance
Thank you
This is a suggestion that the Events Committee, along with the staff responsible for the
calendar and events planning, will seek to make a reality. The current process will need to
be changed, and a large number of people, including those involved in setting dates for the
many clubs and groups, will need to be brought up to speed on a new process. Therefore,
it is anticipated that we will need time to make this happen. We anticipate being able to
start with the May calendar.
I like the LakeViews function, but feel it should be left
to the questioner/commenter/
suggester to indicate that the issue is of broad
applicability and should be published with the
response for all to see. If the respondent feels
otherwise, he/she can privately respond but should
include an explanation for the response being private.
After all, why go through LakeViews only to get a
private response when one has always had the option
of privately emailing to a board or staff member, or the
Comments and suggestions that have broad applicability to members will be published with
the response for all members to see. However, there are several reasons why a question
or comment may not posted simply because the questioner/commenter believes the issue
has broad applicability. One reason is that people have a tendency to over-estimate the
degree that others share their views, beliefs, and values. In fact, psychologists have a term
for this very human nature; it is called the “false consensus bias” or “false consensus
effect.” Instead, LakeViews will base publication decisions on data (e.g. the number of
times a question or comment comes up, either on LakeViews or in other forums,
consistency with comments in the Hampton Lake Member Survey, or when there is obvious
impact on a large number of members.) Another reason is that questions and comments
are sometimes based on mis-information or misunderstanding. It is preferable to privately
provide accurate information rather than publicly correct the questioner. However,
LakeViews will be operating just as your comment suggests: the LakeView response will
include the reason why it is being responded to privately.
With so much standing water and warm weather right
around the corner, what is the plan for increased
mosquito spraying? The current headline Zika virus
causes great concern.
Mosquito control is handled by Beaufort County. If we see there is an increase in activity, a
request for service is made. You can learn more about the County’s policies and
procedures by visiting the following website: http://www.bcgov.net/departments/Public-
Safety/mosquito-control/index.php. HLCA also has a contract with Hilton Head
Exterminator, who uses backpack blowers to treat around the amenity village to deter no
see ums and mosquitos once per week during the months of March through October.
Is there going to be an attorney or law firm familiar
with South Carolina single family community
association law/regulations and experienced with
property transfer/turnovers representing the
Association - the best interests of owners collectively -
involved in the property transfer process under the
purview of the recently Declarant appointed Property
Transfer Committee? If not, why not?
Yes, in conjunction with the Property Transfer Committee, HLCA will be seeking legal
advice from a firm or lawyer with appropriate credentials.
I would like to suggest lowering the speed limit to 20
MPH at the blind curve near Heartwood Ct, entrance
to the Villas. Very dangerous when walking on
sidewalk. Cars come speeding around curve on
wrong side. Already had the street sign ran down by a
car. Fortunately nobody was struck by this car.
Thank you!
The curve near Heartwood Court is one of the areas we monitor very closely. We will be
utilizing our new speed monitoring station to gather additional data. The monitor should be
in place at the end of this week. The four initial areas to be monitored include Fishdancer,
Hampton Lake Crossing, Heartwood Court and the front gate exit. The information
gathered from the device will be valuable in the decision regarding speed reduction. As an
additional safety measure, Palmetto Coastal recently did a major cutback of trees and
bushes which has made a huge improvement for traffic safety.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
2. Do members of the recent Declarant appointed
Property Transfer Committee have the education,
experience and credentials to render an expert
opinion on the property (1) design, (2) construction,
and (3) maintenance in South Carolina and to (1)
identify defects and their root cause, (2) determine
what is necessary to repair them, (3) assign
responsibility for them, and (4) estimate the costs for
The nominating committee of Sandy Leath, Peter Bromley and Fred Chitty
selected/nominated members of the Property Transfer Committee for having the necessary
education, expertise and credentials to meet the committee’s responsibilities. The Property
Transfer Committee includes four members with engineering degrees, two of whom also
have MBAs. One is a CPA, one has extensive background in maintenance management
and environmental compliance, and one is a real estate attorney, professional mediator and
former HOA President. You can view their bios here for a fuller picture of their
This past Sunday while reading the newspaper on my
screened porch at approximately 9:45 am a hampton
lake owned boat passed our house. While this is not
unusual the time on a Sunday morning is unusual.
The tackle box does not open until 11:00am. The
question then becomes.....who and how does one get
a rental boat before the tackle box is even open?
We had a special request from new owners to have a guided boat tour around the
lake. We scheduled Jordan to come in early to captain the boat before his shift started at
11:00. The new owners paid for the boat and the captain.
For the past three years I have observed the water
fountain at the tennis courts leaking water. It is rusty
and unsightly. If it cannot be fixed then replace it. It is
hardly good advertising to prospective buyers to see
this thing. When showing friends around the amenity
center, this rust bucket stands out like a sore thumb.
Please do more than put out a orange traffic cone and
sign that says Out of Order. It is obvious that it is out
of order.
We have had this particular water fountain repaired numerous times (freezing temperatures
caused problems the last few years.) This last time we were notified that repair parts are no
longer available. It has since been turned off to stop the leak and we have been working
with the developer to see if a time line existed for our new tennis center. We were hesitant
to spend thousands of dollars for equipment that potentially could be removed in a short
period of time. Pratt Reed notified Bryan Rhame on March 1 that there is no set time frame
for the new tennis complex and it could be several years away. We have begun the
process to find a replacement. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Specifically, what common property is going to be
transferred under the purview of the recently Declarant
appointed Property Transfer Committee? When will
the transfer occur?
Hampton Lake phase 1 and 2 common property will be conveyed to HLCA in the near term,
while phase 3 and beyond will be much later. Title transfer of common property occurs with
the recording of a deed with the County. As the phase 1 and 2 common property is
comprised of several individual parcels, title transfer (i.e. conveyance) will occur
incrementally as the parcels are properly defined to effect title transfer. The first parcel to
be transferred will be the Lakeside Amenity Center. This should occur in the next week.
The Property Transfer Committee will be notified to perform their inspection either upon
conveyance of the property to Hampton Lake Community Association or when property
improvements are completed, whichever occurs last. In the case of the Lakeside Amenity
Center, it is expected that this will happen in next few weeks
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
My hubby and I went to BWB to have cocktails, dinner
and listen to the live music on Saturday February 27.
We wanted to order dinner and was told the kitchen
was closed and that was at 8:10. The place was
packed with people. Why close the kitchen so early on
a Saturday night when they are packed? Makes no
sense to us. The band was great!!!! Cocktails and
service was great !!!! Leftovers at home were O.K. But
not what we had planned on :(
We did have a great event on Saturday night and the band was excellent. Our posted hours
of operation for Backwater Bill’s kitchen is from 5-8 pm. Saturday dinner service continues
to grow, however still does not reach capacity. Even with the special event this Saturday,
we still had space available. When hosting special events in the future, we will do a much
better job of supplying kitchen hours so owners can make appropriate arrangements. We
will also consider having some type of snacks and/or appetizers available at these special
functions when possible. Our Board of Advisors will be tasked with researching to decide
when and how long the operational hours should be extended. Extension of hours involves
many factors, including labor costs and staffing, just to name a few. It is encouraging to see
the positive direction our community is going and we will continue to provide the best
service and events possible.
Regarding the newly opened Phase 3 section of the
lake (once you're through the connecting waterway),
please explain the significance of the vertical white
poles. We boated back into Phase 3 on Sunday and
ran aground. We were 'outside' the unmarked white
poles (though not near shore). Though we were
cruising slowly, our depth reading suddenly dropped
from 8 ft to less than 3 ft in the blink of an eye. A
passing boat had to tow us back to mobility. What is
the significance of the white poles? Are boaters
supposed to stay between them? If so, please issue a
communication to educate us all and prevent other
boaters from potentially running aground. Thank you.
The white poles are a channel that boaters need to stay in. More detail has been published
in this week’s community update. Click here to view the details.
Suggest we alter times to rent boats so that on at least
two notes per week boats can stay out til dark (esp in
summer months) as I have heard multiple folks say
they would like to take sunset cruises but could not
due to closing hours of boathouse. If budget is an
issue then could a adjust on those couple days to
open late so as to stay within budget.
We do have extended hours on Friday and Saturday in the summer. The Tackle Box hours
of operation are until 6:00 pm on Friday and 7:00 pm on Saturday, even with these
extensions we do not experience heavy usage. With such a diverse ownership, many
would not be in favor of opening later as we do get requests for early fishing rentals. We
will continue to monitor these hours to optimize rental opportunities while managing the
budget and trying to meet our owners expectations. We will look at scheduling a few nights
on a trial basis to see if this is a popular idea.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The appointment letter for the recent Declarant
appointed Property Transfer Committee provides for
contracting with any outside consultants at Association
expense the committee believes are necessary.
According to a LakeViews February 22, 2016 question
response, in conjunction with the Property Transfer
Committee, the Association will be seeking legal
advice from a firm or lawyer with appropriate
credentials to participate in the property transfer
process. Does the Association 2016 budget provide
for hiring independent experts for property transfer? If
so, where? What budget line item(s)? Line item No.
6420 Professional Fees Other? What is the total
amount and distribution? How does/do the line item(s)
amount(s) and profile(s) compare to previous years?
The 2015 budget included an estimate of $25,000 for professional fees supporting the
Property Transfer Committee. At the time of the 2016 budget preparation, in the late
summer/early fall of 2015, it was not known that these funds would not be used before the
end of 2015. Therefore funds for this purpose were not included in the 2016 budget. Every
year, HLCA has expenses that were not anticipated in the budget. HLCA’s 2016 will not be
an exception. Barring some major unforeseen circumstances, HLCA is confident in our
ability fund the professional fees to support the needs of the Property Transfer
Why dosen't Hampton Lake add pool tables to the
amenities. there are many men, woman and children
that enjoy the game of pool. It is a fun relaxing game
that brings about new friends and is great for simple
There are two main reasons for not adding pool tables to the amenities: Space limitations
and little apparent interest. Interest in pool tables did not show up on the last member
survey nor in the focus groups for our new amenities. When reviewing requests and
suggestions to the Fitness & Recreation Committee, pool tables received little if any
It is very difficult at night to see the outgoing and
incoming lanes at the entrance to Hampton Lake off of
the Bluffton Parkway. We need more bright lighting
other than the dim lighting that is there now.
Thank you
This issue has been forwarded to the Grounds and Facilities Committee for a
recommendation. The challenge, however, is that the area in question is part of the Shared
Road Association, of which Hampton Lake is a 50% partner. Although Hampton Lake
does not have total control of this area, we have been working to make improvements, with
the addition of a street light in the median and improvements to the low voltage landscape
lighting. Palmetto Coastal just finished the annual inspection of the lighting and replaced
parts last month. We anticipate a change in signage with new development starting in the
resort tract section. Once we receive plans of these changes, expected approximately six
months from now, additional improvements will be proposed, including some reflective
material on the curbs.
I understand we will be getting some new gym
equipment in June or July. I have asked and no one
seems to know what new equipment we are leasing.
The last few weeks when I go to the gym between
9:00 and 11:00 during the week, the elliptical
machines and stationary bikes are usually very busy
and more often than not there are people waiting for
these machines. The gym will only be getting busier
as new people arrive.........are we getting more
ellipticals and stationary bikes as part of this new
equipment?.......why do we have to wait until
July?.......when will we know what equipment is being
leased?.......thank you ....skip magee
We’re very excited about the new equipment, which includes additional ellipticals and
bikes. There are a number of reasons why the new, state of the art equipment will be
making its debut in the June/July timeframe. One reason is related to the budget; we
budgeted for the lease expense to begin mid-year. Additionally, because swapping out the
current equipment with the new equipment will mean that there may be a couple of days
during which the cardio equipment is not available, we wanted to schedule this for a time of
the year when the fitness center is less busy, in order to inconvenience the fewest number
of members. Moreover, as these are relatively large pieces of equipment, the process for
ordering, shipping, and scheduling the move is somewhat lengthy. We will be making a
detailed presentation to introduce the new equipment to members.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
There are a number of boards and committees that
participate in the governance of Hampton Lake and as
such have authority. Can you enlighten us as to:
- a list of all the boards and committees
- how the chair and member positions of each
and committee are filled; e.g., by election, by
appointment, by
volunteer, etc.
- when the chair and member positions of each
board and
committee is filled; e.g., a set time each year,
whenever an
individual wants to occupy a member position,
- whether there are time limits to chair and member
- how many members comprise each board and
Thank you.
The Board of Directors for Hampton Lake Community Association (HLCA) consists of five
members, three are appointed by the developer, two are elected by members for a two
year term. The president of the Board of Directors is elected by the members of the board.
The Architectural Review Board (ARB) has one owner member; the director of the ARB is
Gail Garbett, an employee of HLCA. The owner member is a volunteer selected by the
Declarant. The selection is based on qualifications and credentials. The HLCA Board of
Directors and the ARB are the only two boards with governance authority for Hampton
Lake Community Association. Several of the neighborhoods within Hampton Lake, such as
the Coach Homes and the Villas, have boards that are elected by the owners within those
neighborhoods. These neighborhoods participate in the election of the Owner Directors of
the HLCA Board of Directors, but they have their own schedules of elections for their
individual HOA boards. The Board of Advisors consists of five volunteers: the Board of
Advisors Chair, and the Chairs of the four advisory committees, including Events, Fitness &
Recreation, Food & Beverage, and Grounds & Facilities. Thirty three volunteers serve on
the four committees, each committee ranges in size from five to fifteen. The advisory
positions are also a two year term; the current Board of Advisors began their term in
January 2016. From the pool of volunteers, the BOA chair was selected by HLCA Owner
Director, Sandy Leath; HLCA President & Owner Director, Fred Chitty; HLCA GM, Bryan
Rhame and HLCA VP, Pratt Reed. The newly selected BOA Chair then participated in the
selection of the other BOA members, from the pool of volunteers. At any given time, there
may be one or more ad hoc committee established to achieve a particular goal. The
Property Transfer Committee is a current example. This committee will exist until the
property transfer is complete. Nominating Committees are appointed by the Board of
Directors. The governing documents contain more detailed information.
My concern relates to the desk that was recently
placed in the lobby of the Lakeview Room. The desk is
an eyesore which dramatically diminishes the
appearance of the foyer. It is totally inappropriate for
that location, both in scale and style. Was this
something that was formally in another location? It
looks as though it was repurposed from a much larger,
more utilitarian space. I do understand that an
appropriate desk might be needed for that space.
What is objectionable is the obstructive size of the
furniture that is now there. How can guests gather
when events take place? There is no room in that
entry now. Additionally, we still have no place to hang
coats, which many of us have requested on a regular
basis. Please replace this with an appropriate desk or
remove it and find a space in another location.
While we appreciate your concerns and opinion, we have purchased this office furniture to
provide the best work space possible to ensure our new employee is productive and
successful. This new position will be a valuable asset to our community in servicing our
members and guests, and providing administrative support for our department
heads. Hampton Lake has a shortage of office space and we are doing our best to make
sure we increase the number of employees to meet the increased demand of our
ownership. We have a very diverse membership, one in which we have yet to reach an
overwhelming consensus on any matter. This is evident in the architecture of homes built
and currently under construction. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, because we
have also received many compliments on the new purchase. We do have plans to add a
coat closet in the foyer to be completed as soon as this week. We will continue working
hard so that all of our owners are proud of their club while making the best business
decisions possible.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I recently took my boat into the waters of Phase 3. I
noted that the steep banks on both sides of the water
have really eroded placing a huge amount of dirt into
the water - thereby making the lake more shallow and
I was told that the Developer has responsibility for the
waters edge problems within Phase 3. OK Developer,
take corrective actions.
But, there are private lots within Phase 3 that are
having homes built on them. Some fencing is in place
to assist with runoff. But some property owners who
are now building are not being required to place
fencing and/or walls to prevent dirt and debris from
going "directly into our lake".
Enforcement is needed to stop the runoff. This type
of runoff would not be tolerated in Phases 1 & 2.
Developer, step up and take responsibility for your
The developer is still working on shaping and stabilizing the banks. None of the lake banks
are private; they are all common property. The developer will be re-grading, seeding, and
sprigging this spring as the weather warms up. Due to the timing of the lake completion
this winter, nothing could have been planted that would taken root.
Lot 726 on Fish Dancer has been cleared and it looks
like the house that will be going up is going to block
the exit/entrance to the Nature Trail. Are there any
plans to reconfigure the Nature Trail to allow access to
There is very easy access to the Nature Trails just a short way up the street, right across
the road from 30 Fish Dancer. Work is currently underway to clear an additional access
path adjacent to lot 726. This additional access should be ready by mid-April.
Can't help but notice the construction on hampton lake
crossing by the coach homes. That area has been
used very often for overflow parking on market day,
backwater bills events, parade of homes etc. is there
any type of plan to where the overflow parking will be
for next weeks market day and parade of
homes?.....Has there been any thought of a section of
the parking lot be reserved for resident
parking?.....perhaps residents that would like to use
the fitness center or lunch or park to use the pool
area. There does not seem to be a permanent solution
to the expansion of the parking lot in the near
future....thanks...skip magee
We do have permission to use the space next to the Coach Homes, and they should be
available for the next 5-6 months which gets us through the Tiger Bass Race. We currently
do not have plans to reserve spaces. We will encourage members to use boats and golf
carts to help relieve congestion. Employees and purveyors will park across the street to
leave as much space as possible for owners and guests next to the amenities.
At the tennis courts the ball picking up tubes are
cracked, the water fountain has been leaking for a
year. We do get people visiting from other
communities and it is embarrassing. Does not reflect
well on our community. Who is responsible? Why
aren't these being monitored or addressed?
A new water fountain and ball pick up tubes have been ordered. The pick up tubes should
arrive shortly, and based on the vendor’s predicted delivery schedule, we expect to have
the new water fountain operational before the end of April.
Are there any plans to add more Doggie Bags and
Waste Stations further back towards Phase 3? Last
one along that route is on Hampton Lake Parkway
near the Driftwood Place entrance.
There are no immediate plans to add to the five dog stations already in place; however, we
will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as the density changes in the
new areas.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With the addition of phase 3, will more boat / trailer
storage be planned? We have been on the dry dock
waiting list for 3 years.
There are no plans to increase the boat/trailer storage space. As there are many nearby
outside options, long term storage is not intended to be offered as an amenity that would be
available for all members who might have a need for storage.
I have noticed walking around HL that the side walks
adjacent to new homes have been cracked and not
repaired by the builders. These cracked sidewalks are
usually adjacent to brand new driveways. Is anyone
surveying our sidewalks and enforcing repairs?n
The ARB is monitoring our sidewalks and does require builders to repair damage caused
during construction. The ARB and the developer are currently working to ensure that the
builders are in compliance.
What is the status of the road overlay "punch list?"
There is still quite a dip in the road as you approach
Fishdancer going out of HL.
The road punch list has been completed and the only remaining action item is to install
more reflectors in some areas for safety concerns. The dip in the road is to insure water
flows into the storm drain and does not remain on the roadway. The particular dip by Fish
Dancer is not to original specifications due to budget constraints. The decision was made
to use funds to correct the drainage problem causing the asphalt failure. The finished
asphalt section does exceed recommended strength levels and this area will be monitored
to ensure it performs the same as other areas of Hampton Lake Drive.
As a frequent dog park user, I would suggest installing
in each kiosk a timer-controlled ceiling fan such as are
in the cabana's at the adult pool. The mosquitos and
noseeums that otherwise frequent the kiosks in the
warm weather might be minimized were there a fan
turning to keep them at bay. Additionally, a fan would
give a modicum of relief to the dog owners in the
kiosk. If this suggestion needs approvals and entry
into the budgetary process, please so submit.
Thank you for your suggestion. In order to obtain approval and entry in to the budgetary
process, a study to determine feasibility and cost will need to be performed. This
suggestion has been forwarded to the Grounds & Facilities Committee to review.
We are the owners of lot 255 and have come down to
select our builder. I noticed that many of the wooden
structures (bridge raile, path decking) seem to be
weathered and may need some stain or protectant to
keep in good shape long term. Is there any plan to
stain these items?
HLCA has been letting the bridge wood rails and board walks weather naturally. Although
treating and/or staining the board walks are not included in this year’s maintenance plans
we are receiving bids on power washing and inspecting the wood. Once the inspection is
completed we will rely on recommendations as to best practices to preserve these areas.
With the arrival of warmer weather, our "friends, the
gators are out in full force. With their arrival have
come concerns from residents about the community's
position on their removal. In the HLND concerns
forum, someone has suggested an education session
that would resident safety concerns. Would the
management team consider preparing / presenting a
session to address these issues? Thank you.
Thank you for this suggestion. Sandy Leath has contacted the Coastal Discovery Museum
to arrange for an education session for Hampton Lake members. The museum naturalist
will coordinate with Catherine Guscio, Hampton Lake’s Member Relations Director, to set a
date for an information program. We expect to announce a date for this session shortly.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
When we were building our house in '14 and many
others prior and subsquent to, were required to
retainold growth trees to improve the environmental
landscape of the property.
It appears upon viewing recently building lots that a
clear cut process is being implemented. Witness lots
on Hampton Lake Drive, Anchor Cove, Balsam Bay,
etc. in whicha clear cut approval has evidently been
aproved. Also the Pulte sites and the model homes in
Phase 3 have also been clear cut thus eliminating the
integrationof the house and old growth.
If this is the new policy of the ARB, what, if any, input
has the community residents had on the evident
change and what is/was the justification for such a
dranatic change?
The ARB still requires old growth trees to be left when possible. Lots with drainage issues
are allowed to be clear cut so that proper fill can be brought in to raise the elevation to
appropriate levels. Existing trees would not survive having this amount of soil added
around them. In these instances the ARB will require a more stringent landscape plan to
mitigate the lost trees. There is no new policy and the ARB does consist of an owner
After a recent boat ride we saw the following
We recently took a boat ride into Phase 3 lakes and
were shocked to see the extensive amount of erosion
that has occurred on the bare slopes. There are
sizable "gullies" on the slopes with lage amounts of
soil being deposited into the lakes. The one slope that
has been sodded had minimal, if any, erosion and the
one with a bulkhead/dock, the erosion ended up on
the deck, not the lake.
What, if any, fine and remedial actions will be required
of the property owners to correct this situation from
occurring again, i.e. silt fencing and/ or hay bales at
the toe of the slope. Also the removal of the seeped
soil from the lake. Additionally, considering the
severity of the slopes and assuming they will be
grassed/sodded, what measures will be instituted to
prevent the growth fretilizers and herbicides from
leeching into the lakes which would have a detrimental
effect upon the fish habitate and the environmental
health of the lakes?
The developer is still working on shaping and stabilizing the banks. None of the lake banks
are private; they are all common property. The developer will be re-grading, seeding, and
sprigging this spring as the weather warms up. Due to the timing of the lake completion
this winter, nothing could have been planted that would taken root. The ongoing
environmental health of the lake is a top priority. We will continue to work with Wade
Bales, Fisheries Biologist, and President of Quality Lakes, our professional lake
management expert, to ensure the health of the expanded lake. The Grounds & Facilities
Committee is also investigating several options for effectively managing the lake and the
lake banks.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Two pine straw issues:
1) Are the dog parks going to have pine straw added
as was added outside the dog parks and in other
common areas?
2) What's HL management's feeling about the HL
property owners tacking onto HL's pine straw order
with pine straw orders of their own? With such a
volume order, it would seem the property owners
could get a super low price even with HL applying a
fee for their coffer. It would be a win-win for both HL
and the HL property owners. I presume Palmetto
Coastal has folks to handle the HL property owner
orders so as to not tie up the Palmetto Coastal crew
that services HL.
The natural area in the Dog Park is not part of the pine straw schedule. Palmetto Coastal
has put down some additional pine straw in the large dog section along the fence line and
in areas affected by last week’s storm. Some additional pine straw will be added in the
near future to cover some bare spots. Palmetto Coastal has agreed to negotiate a volume
discount from their supplier for Hampton Lake property owners that are interested in getting
together to place an order. Palmetto Coastal has no interest in delivering or installing pine
straw to individual lots as the scope of work for HLCA is a large undertaking. Home owners
would still be required to install the pine straw or arrange for it to be installed. In order for
Hampton Lake owners to take advantage of the volume discount, a homeowner such as
yourself will need to volunteer to coordinate the effort of compiling the orders. We will
announce the discounted price once it has been established, and the volunteer will be able
to begin coordinating the order shortly.
We were excited to hear about the running track that
will be part of Phase 3 amenities. Can you give us
any information about the track - will it be a hard
surface, or a cushioned surface? Running on the
asphalt here in HL can be hard on the knees! What is
the expected date of completion?
We’re glad to hear that you’re pleased about the planned walking/running path. The
schedule for all phase 3 amenities is contingent on sales. As you may have heard, a fund
is being accrued by setting aside $7,000 from each lot sale. We’re still in the process of
costing and working out schedules and sequences. As the walking/running path will
probably not be completed for two years or more; the exact surface has not been finalized.
The two questions I have are:
1) When will the damage on Hampton Lake Dr., by
Green Trail, be properly repaired?
2) When will the repair be completed, of the black
fence, in the Little Pine Ct. area. A picture of the area
of concern has been forwarded to management.
The contractor witnessed damaging the road near Green Trail has accepted responsibility.
They are willing to make the necessary cuts in the road. Currently there are patches filling
the damaged areas and HLCA has requested Lane Construction (the contractor that
recently installed the top coat) come out and give us a recommendation on how to proceed.
The fence that was damaged during the site prep in the Little Pine area has been re-
established. The damaged boards of the fence will be replaced by the builder in the next
several weeks.
Really good news that the fitness center is getting
some new cardio equipment. I understand that we
owned the equipment that is being replaced. Some of
the people from the fitness myself included are
wondering where the old equipment is going and why
were the residents not given an opportunity to
purchase this equipment. There are a couple of ways
this could have been done....put a price tag on each
piece and first to claim gets it.....have a bid process for
each piece and high bidder wins. There are people
who would love to have a treadmill at home and we
probably would have gotten more dollars than active is
getting. Where do the dollars for this sold equipment
actually go?......thanks
Thank you for your suggestions. The cardio equipment was sold in a bundle which
includes dismantling and removing the old equipment. If you are interested in purchasing a
treadmill we would be happy to sell one to you. We have two treadmills available at $600
each, without delivery. Members who purchase a treadmill must arrange for pick up no
later than May 6. Please understand that the treadmills are being sold “as is” and that there
is no warranty or recourse available. The money received from the sale of the equipment
will be recorded in miscellaneous revenue.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
For wooded lot owners with watercraft, has/is any
consideration been/being given to either in Phase 3 or
Phase 4 building/installing docks in a lakeside area
that property owner's can rent to dock their watercraft
or cordening off a lakeside area for property owners to
purchase dock space and at their own expense
install/maintain a dock?
The idea of creating a space so that owners of wooded lots would be able to rent a dock on
the lake was presented by the Reed Group at the Phase 3 Amenity Member Focus Groups
last year. Given that there appeared to be only minimal interest, and the limitations on
where such a space could be situated, it was apparent that everyone would be better
served if the funds were used for other amenities that could be enjoyed by a larger number
of members. Making dock space available for purchase was not considered, for the same
reasons. However, if demand is sufficient, additional rental boats can be made available.
Renting a boat can be a far more cost efficient option than renting a boat slip.
Many people have been commenting on Nextdoor
about laying of "miles" of new turf on the expansive,
sloping lake front banks of the home sites in Phase 3.
I have a question related to that:
If that turf is being applied within the boundariies of
the homeowner's property, are respective owners
paying for it (and will that cost be included as an add
on to lot price for future lot purchasors?)?
Alternatively, if this will be considered HL POA
community property, Id like to know the cost that HL
will incur to maintain these acres of new grass?? I
dont believe that this is a situation that has existed or
occurred relative to any properties in earlier phases.
Just as in Phases 1 and 2, the initial building, grading, and sodding/seeding of the lake
banks in Phase 3 is a developer responsibility, not an HLCA responsibility. After the
development work is completed, and the lot or lot/house combination is sold, as per the
governing documents, the individual property owners are responsible for landscaping and
maintenance of landscaping from property lines to the roadway and to the edge of the lake
or waterway. This responsibility applies regardless of where the actual lot line is and is the
same as what is done in Phases 1 and 2.
Is there a map available to show the Bluebird House
Trail? I know that there was some confusion on where
Bluebird houses were placed vs. bat houses. Some
written documentation on location would be helpful.
Projects like this should always have some public
notification prior to installation.
A map of the Bluebird houses is currently posted on our member website,
http://www.myhamptonlake.com/Community-Documents.aspx it can be found under the
HLCA Docs section in “All documents pertaining to the lake, boating and fishing”. This map
also includes current and proposed sites for Bat houses and Wood Duck houses. The map
is also available in the link provided here.
We live next door to the slabs that have been vacant
for several years on Hampton Lake Crossing in a
Coach Home. Who maintains the grass and huge
shrubs that are at the waterline ? There are 4 dogs in
our building and I am afraid of the alligators being in
the shrubs as they were last year and the safety of our
pets. I know the previous owner went bankrupt but
someone has to own the vacant slabs. You do not see
the unsightly shrubs anywhere else on our beautiful
Also, what time do the construction crews have to be
out of HL in the evening?
Thank you, Sheila
Property owners are responsible for landscaping maintenance from the property line to the
street or to the water’s edge. In situations where a property owner does not maintain their
property as required, HLCA takes steps to get the owner to comply. Unfortunately, in
certain cases, the remedy is sometimes a long and drawn-out process. However,
Hampton Lake management is investigating other options to address a near term solution
to the issue that you have raised about maintenance in this area. As for your concern
about the alligators, members are encouraged to attend the HLCA sponsored lecture by a
naturalist from the Coastal Discovery Museum on June 8. This lecture will cover important
aspects of living with the wildlife in our area, alligators in particular. Contractors are
permitted entry to Hampton Lake to work between the hours of 7am to 6pm (7pm during
daylight savings time) Monday to Saturday.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have several related questions regarding entrance to
the community. First, with Phase III is another manned
gate entrance to the community being planned? If so,
will there be a formal residents-only lane to bypass
visitor traffic? Also, in the meantime can a
contractor's entrance be utilized to reduce the traffic
flow through the main gate. Being new to the area I'm
not sure which roadways the property lines are
adjacent to, and what the zoning requirements are,
but I would hope there are several possibilities. I
would even think we might be able to get the
contractors to cover, or at least defray the cost.
Four options have been considered regarding the entrance to our community:
(1) Continue with our existing front entrance that is staffed 24/7 for construction traffic and
implement more efficient gate processing procedures, including added gate staff in the
(2) Construct a guard house at our existing back gate and staff it during construction work
hours and require construction traffic to enter Hampton Lake via Old Miller Road
(3) Add another traffic lane at our current front gate
(4) Have the Developer create a new entrance and staffing a gate on the Sandhill property
(which is not part of HLCA yet and is located between phase 3 and Bluffton Parkway),
which would then have construction traffic enter HLCA via phase 3.
While none of these options will actually reduce the amount of construction traffic, all have
advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost and reduced congestion at the front gate.
After review of these four options, the decision was made to go with option 1 for the time
being. The decision was based on several factors, including results of the member survey.
In the survey conducted in December 2015, over 50% of the responding members did NOT
want to spend money on a construction entrance. On another survey question related to
dues, 55% said they would not be willing to pay higher dues for additional services. Adding
another lane at the front gate was ruled out because it would require filling in wetlands, a
process that would incur high permitting and construction costs and a lengthy approval
process, without guarantee of successfully obtaining approval. Having the Developer
create a road and staffed gated entry on the Sandhill property would result in the loss to
HLCA of over $350,000 in commercial permit revenue each year. This option would result
in about a $450 per year increase in dues for each member. We also considered the fact
that phases 1 and 2 are less than 50% built out; we still have about 500 properties without
completed homes in phases 1 and 2. As of April 1 there are 91 homes under active
construction and only 13 of them are in phase 3. After looking at the various options to
reduce front gate congestion, the Board doesn’t believe the alternative options are worth
the cost to members. Additionally, based upon the member survey, the Board believes the
majority of members agree. At some point in the future, after the Sandhill property
becomes part of HLCA, we will have another primary entrance off of Bluffton Parkway in
the area of the River Ridge Academy entrance. This is where you currently see the very
large dump trucks enter and exit the Sandhill property. We understand that the county is
planning to install a traffic light at this intersection.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Could we please remind members / residents that
although dogs are wonderful creatures, their "poo" is
not! Allowing your dog to "poo" on a neighbor's
property is flat-out wrong. Allowing your dog to "poo"
along the sidewalks, on empty lots, etc., is okay - but
you MUST pick it up. Last week, someone allowed
their dog to "poo" right in front of our driveway and in
the wee hours of the morning, we did not see it when
we went out to get the paper. You know how this
ends. Finally, dog urine can really damage grass.
Members / residents should be reminded not to allow
their dogs, no matter how small, to pee on someone
else's yard. Thank you.
A reminder about the rules regarding pets has been published in the Hot Topics section of
today’s community update. However, your comment says it best.
Is it true that the developer and his employees treat
the pool and backwater bill as their own? Specifically i
have been told that they receive drinks and food at
half price and can bring anyone of their choosing to
the pool and other amenities free of charge.
I have been told that the developer allows groups and
pays nothing for the cost of the services.
Section 17.15 of the Community Charter, entitled “Founder Members”, gives the declarant
the right to designate up to 20 people as Founder Members. Founder members have full
member privileges to use all facilities, invite guests, etc., without the requirement to pay
dues or special assessments. John and Pratt Reed are both Founding members. Other
than the requirement to pay dues, Founder Members are subject to the same rules as other
members and they are required to pay for food, beverages and special Community
Association events. Reed Group employees receive a 50% discount on food. They do not
receive a discount on alcoholic beverages. All employees pay the 18% service fee that is
charged to all non-members.
May 25, 2016
Open Letter to Hampton Lake Compliance Committee
Dear Committee Members,
I write this letter as a homeowner in the delightful
Hampton Lake community. Recent announcements
regarding the imminent activities of a newly appointed
homeowner guidelines compliance committee have
created unnecessary angst for many. I have not seen
any discussion of the process being applied by the
members of this committee. For example, should a
homeowner be found to be in violation of a guideline
for some reason, what then? Is a polite, respectful
request issued noting the problem, explaining how or
why that issue represents non-compliance, and finally
a suggestion as to what action(s) might be taken to
remedy the issue? How long would the homeowner
be given to accomplish the required correction? What
would be the next action if the remedies were not
completed? It is very important that this process be
transparent. I have wonderful law (and rule) abiding
friends and neighbors who are st
Since your question asks about communication and transparency, as well as process, the
answer here will address both. Communication and Transparency
The announcement of the Inspection Committee occurred on April 7, at the Board of
Directors meeting, which was open to all members. Members had opportunity for Q&A at
the end of the meeting. The April 17 Weekly Community Update (emailed to members)
had a link to the Board meeting minutes and a paragraph about Resolution #5 (the
resolution creating and approving the formation of the committee) with a link to the
resolution. The minutes and the resolution were posted on the HLCA web site. The
Weekly Community Updates for the weeks of May 8 and 15 informed members about the
upcoming Compliance Committee’s inspections. The update included links to several
different documents that are posted on the HLCA website, including the board resolution
creating the committee, the scope of the committee, and an index to help members
determine where to obtain specific documentation about the rules and regulations that
apply to the inspection. To summarize, members were given notice via the May 8 and 15
update that inspections will begin on June 8 and continue throughout July. The focus of the
inspection includes mailboxes, propane tanks, roofs (stains, mildew, debris,) building
elements in right-of-way, foundation plantings, boat numbers, playground equipment,
flags/signs/banners. Reflectors, and yard storage. Specific information about what is and is
not in compliance can be found on the HLCA website in the Community Rules and
Regulations and/or the ARB Design Guidelines. Observed infractions or violations will the
reported to the general manager. Although members found to be in violation will be given
time to correct, members are encouraged to read the rules and guidelines in advance of the
inspection so as to correct any violations before the inspection.
Links to all of the relevant information appear below, but essentially, the role of the
compliance committee is to conduct the inspection and report their results to the General
Manager, Bryan Rhame. The GM is the individual who will communicate with any
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
offending owners, in accordance with the HLCA Governing Documents.
The “Enforcement Process” is covered in the HLCA Governing Documents, available on
the HLCA web site. In particular, the HLCA Rules & Regulations in Chapter 14 cover most
of what you asked about. See below for some excerpts from the Rules & Regulations.
14.4. Process:
14.4.1. It is in the best interest of all concerned parties to encourage the amicable
resolution of disputes involving the Community without the emotional and financial costs of
14.4.2. Hearings shall afford the alleged violator a reasonable opportunity to be heard. The
general policy of the Community Association shall be that neither the Community
Association nor the alleged violator shall have counsel present at any such hearing.
14.4.3. Any party wishing to report a violation should submit a written or email incident
report describing the incident, date, time, location and persons involved to the General
Manager (GM). The GM or his/her designee will investigate the report, and if he/she
determines that a violation might have occurred, he/she will contact the property owner
against whom the complaint was made within ten (10) days. The GM (or designee) shall
attempt an amicable disposition of the matter satisfactory to the Community and the
Property Owner within seven days after the initial contact.
14.4.4. If the parties cannot resolve the matter, the GM (or designee) will serve written
notice to the alleged violator in accordance with the Hampton Lake By Laws and provide a
copy of the notice and file to the Covenants Committee (CC). The written notice will include
the nature of the alleged violation, the legal basis, a proposed remedy/resolution, any
sanctions imposed, and a deadline for compliance or appeal. It will explain the procedure
and timeline for an appeal to the CC.
14.4.5. All incident files are confidential and are maintained in the GM's (or designee)
Office. The name and any identifying information regarding the grievant will be redacted
from the file. Both the grievant and alleged violator(s) may review the file by contacting the
GM (or designee).
14.4.6. The GM's decision, including sanctions, will be implemented unless the violator
appeals to the CC. The GM has the authority to waive the sanctions if the violation is
corrected within ten (10) days of the written notice.
14.4.7. If the violator appeals to the CC, the CC's decision will be implemented unless the
alleged violator appeals to the Board.
14.4.8. In accordance with section 14.6, ongoing or repeated offenses that cannot be
resolved by the GM or the CC will be referred to the Board for further action.
14.5. Property inspections:
14.5.1. The GM (or designee) will inspect the HL community at least annually for violations.
(the compliance committee is the GM’s designee for the property inspections)
14.6. Appeals process:
14.6.1. The alleged violator may request a hearing before the CC within ten (10) days after
receipt of the written notice.
14.6.2. If the alleged violator fails to request a hearing within that time, the right to appeal to
the CC is forfeited.
14.6.3. If the maximum allowable fine ($1,000 total) is reached before the hearing, the right
to appeal to the CC is forfeited
14.6.4. If the alleged violator requests a CC hearing, the Chair of the CC will convene a
Complaint Resolution Meeting within no more than twenty (20) days from delivery of the
written notice of violation (above) from the GM. These meetings will be conducted in
executive session and will involve only members of the CC and the alleged violator(s). No
outside legal or other representation shall be permitted. All issues will be held in strict
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
confidence. A decision by the CC requires a majority vote of a quorum of its members, The
chair may vote to make or break a tie. In the case of a tie vote, the decision will be to
"dismiss the complaint."
14.6.5. Within five (5) days after the hearing, the CC will communicate its decision, in
writing, to the alleged violator and HL Board of Directors. The results will also be recorded
in official minutes of the hearing.
14.6.6. The alleged violator may appeal the CC’s decision within five (5) days of receipt of
the decision, by requesting in writing, a hearing before the Board. The Board will schedule
a hearing no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the written request.
14.7. Sanctions and Fines:
14.7.1. Sanctions that may be imposed include reasonable fines, suspension of right to
vote, suspension of right to use any Common Area facilities, suspension of services the
Community Association provides and the levy of Specific Assessments to cover costs the
Community Association incurs in bringing a Unit into compliance.
14.7.4. For non-traffic violations: If fines are not paid within 90 days, the Board will
determine when to impose a lien on the owner's property. 14.7.5. Sanctions for Non-Safety
First formal action after good faith efforts at amicable resolution have failed Second or
Ongoing Violation
Single Event Violations of a routine nature
Examples include:
a. producing excessive wake
b. generating excessive noise after allowable hours
c. failing to clean up pet waste • Written Notice (see section 11.1)
• Require immediate cessation of violation
• $100 fine (may be waived if not repeated)
• At the discretion of the GM, the matter may be referred to the Board immediately for
further action.
• $100 per repetition of violation to a maximum of $1,000
• At the accumulation of $1,000 in fines, the matter will be referred to the Board for further
Ongoing Violations of a routine nature
Examples include:
a. failure to maintain landscape in acceptable condition
b. failure to dispose of debris in yard
c. making structural changes without ARB approval • Written Notice (see section 11.1)
• 10 day window to correct (window may be extended if circumstances warrant)
• $100 fine (may be waived if corrected within 15 day or agreed window)
• At the discretion of the GM, the matter may be referred to the Board immediately for
further action.
• $100 per day beginning at end of window to a maximum of $1,000
• At the accumulation of $1,000 in fines, the matter will be referred to the Board for further
Violations of an extreme nature
Examples include:
a. discharging firearms or • Written Notice (see section 11.1)
• $200 fine
• Notification of authorities
• At the discretion of the GM, the matter may be referred to the Board immediately for
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The information here and the document links below should answer your questions. If not,
you can contact Bryan Rhame, as the communication in the May 8h and 15h Weekly
Community Updates indicated.
As this is the first inspection by a committee of owner volunteers, it is understandable that
members have questions and concerns. This is true of most changes. However, in time
they will become a routine, twice a year, process. The bottom line is: if members properly
maintain their property in accordance with the Community Wide Standards, they won’t get a
citation. If they do get a citation and correct the problem in a reasonable time, there is no
need to worry. If they don’t correct the problem, they will be subject to significant
sanctions. If they disagree, there is an appeal process in place.
Click here for HLCA Board Resolution #5 creating the Inspection Committee
Click here for the Compliance Committee Scope
Click here for the Compliance Committee Inspection Cycle 1
Click here for the Community Rules and Regulations
Click here for the ARB Design Guidelines
What function does the new club concierge serve to
residents other that receptionist for hampton lake
Our Club Concierge, Leslie Walls, was added to our team not only to provide much needed
support for our current department heads, but to also improve levels of service to all of our
owners and guests. The departmental support would include club calendar creation and
synchronization, marketing and promotional assistance, member profile maintenance, and
many other tasks as deemed necessary. The most important reason for the addition was
to improve our member and guest experiences. Having someone at the Lakeside Amenity
Village creates a professional first impression. Leslie will be a presence on Mondays and
Tuesdays when Backwater Bill’s is closed. She will be able to direct owners and guests to
their proper destination, whether it be a meeting or a specific departmental office. She will
assist in setting up and preparing for the various group schedules. In her short time on our
team, she has already helped with our Memorial Day Cookout, aided with pool monitoring,
and she has greeted and escorted guests into BWB and introduced new members to other
members. We hope during your next visit you will stop and introduce yourself as she is
working hard to become familiar with all of our members.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
We have a lot on Fishdancer but still live in Illinois.
We hear a lot about the alligators in HL. What is the
policy regarding alligators--do you just leave them
where they are or are they relocated out of HL. I
realize they can be dangerous, so is it a waiting game
until there is a tragedy??
Thank you in advance
Alligators are indeed part of life in our area. Members are made aware of their existence
and provided with guidance on dealing with alligators through several avenues. Most
recently, on June 8, a naturalist from the Honey Horn Museum presented a lecture here at
Hampton Lake about living with alligators. Key points presented include: 1. NEVER, EVER
feed or approach an alligator. (Throwing dead fish or fish parts in the water is the same as
feeding an alligator.) When you do this, you are training the alligator to associate people
(or boats) with free food or as some say, “people become easy pickins in the alligator’s
2. Never swim in a lake that has alligators.
3. Keep your pets out of the lake and keep them away from the water’s edge.
4. Same goes for children.
5. It is not recommended to feed animals that are part of an alligator’s food source, such as
turtles and fish.
6. Normal behavior for alligators is to move away from people closer than 30 feet. If they
don’t, you should move quickly in another direction and report it to Bryan Rhame, the
general manager. (But baby alligators may be more curious.)
7. Adult alligators (over 6 feet long) do not feed often and can go months without eating.
They are opportunist feeders, not aggressive hunters. Alligators don’t chase their prey. If
they can get close, they grab their prey.
8. Alligators typically begin courting during the late spring, and breeding is under way by
early summer. In June and July, the females begin building nests on dry ground, out of
vegetation, sticks and reeds. The females deposit eggs in the nest and cover it back up.
Eggs hatch in late August and September. In a nest that has 60 eggs hatch, only about six
will survive one year. Predators of baby alligators include egrets, great blue herons, and
other alligators.
9. Alligators that don’t behave normally, i.e. approach people instead of moving away from
people, can be terminated by those with a proper permit. There is no such thing as a
“relocation” program.
10. Alligators are an important part of the balance of nature in the Lowcountry.
The Hampton Lake Community Association Charter, part of the governing documents we
are all provided with when we are purchasing our homesite, also has references to
Each Owner by accepting a deed to a Unit acknowledges that wildlife is abundant and
thrives in coastal South Carolina, will be located throughout the Community, and can be
very destructive to residential landscaping. All Owners are advised to use a landscape
plan for Units that contain plants known to be wildlife resistant or tolerant. In addition, all
Owners and their families, guests and invitees are advised to use caution at night when
driving through the Community and to be on the alert for wildlife crossing roadways.
Neither Declarant nor the Community Association will be responsible for any damage
caused by wildlife, whether such damage is to landscaping, automobiles, personal injury, or
otherwise. Further, neither Declarant nor the Community Association can be required to at
any time or in any way control the wildlife population within the Community; provided,
however, the Declarant and/or the Community Association reserve the right in their sole
discretion to control nuisance wildlife.
FAMILIES, GUESTS, AND INVITEES. (Part Three “Community Association Operations”,
Chapter 9 “Property Management”, Section 9.7 Wildlife, Nuisance Wildlife, Use of
Common Area (added by 7th Supplement to the Charter, August 18, 2010)
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The HLCA Rules & Regulations also provides guidance related to alligators:
6.11.2. All users of the Lake are hereby notified that the Lake contains alligators and shall
use the Lake at their own peril. Users of the Lake shall not agitate alligators and shall avoid
them at all times. Alligators are never to be fed. All alligators should be considered
dangerous, even those basking in the sun. Alligators can attack with amazing suddenness
and have very sharp teeth, powerful strong jaws and a tremendous capacity to re-enter the
water quickly with their prey.
Can something be done to the HUGE trees on each
side of the entrance into the Fitness Center? They are
taking up sidewalk space and people are running into
each other because you can not see around them.
This is a busy sidewalk going into and out of the
Fitness Center.
Thank you
Our Grounds and Facilities Advisory Committee has been researching the replacement of
these trees, including some recommended alternatives to be planted that would not grow
so large and that would be more easily maintained to an appropriate size. If the funds
allow, this may be a project completed toward the end of this year. If we are unable to
include this project in this year’s budget, the BOA may include removal and replacement in
next year’s recommendations. This type of tree is not very attractive once it has been
trimmed, but we will discuss options with our landscapers to see if something can be done
to scale them back without making them look unsightly until they can be replaced.
Will Leslie be taking reservations for Backwater Bills
and events? If so what is her phone and email
number? In the pat we have had a lot of concerns that
people make reservations and receive no confirmation
that they were received or acknowledged. A number
of people have called in or emailed reservations to find
when they get there no reservation has been set. A
text message or email response back would be a
great enhancement to service for our residents.
We prefer all Backwater Bill’s reservations go through our on-line reservation system. To
make a reservation go to myhamptonlake.com, click on the Member Tab and Dining
Reservations will be included in the drop down menu or use the link on the BWB’s weekly
update. This system gives you an automatic confirmation. We are working to have this on-
line system for all member events. Until we achieve this capability you may email Leslie
Walls at lwalls@hamptonlakeclub.com to make reservations for member events. The
phone number (843)836-7480.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
My husband and I are concerned about the drainage
issues on Hampton Lake Drive on property owned by
a resident here. The specific property is across the
street from Scott Lang. The water is extremely high
and this is creating a wonderful mosquito breeding
ground. Each time we have rainfall it is only getting
higher. What is the solution for this and when might it
take place ? Thank you
Our ARB is working with the owner of the lot and builder next door to address the drainage
of this particular lot. A meeting is scheduled next week.
I notice that the evening lights at our beautiful boat
house are no more. Is this an economy move? If so,
could they just be on for a shorter time?
We have not made any budgetary changes in exterior lighting at our Amenity Center. The
lighting is on a timer. Landscaping lights are on from dusk to dawn; at this time of year
building lights are on from about 8:30 pm to midnight. Adjustments are only made to
accommodate for changing daylight during the year. Power outages and other occurrences
can affect the timer. If an owner notices a change of this nature it would be helpful to
contact management so it can be corrected.
What are the plans to bring the adult pool and the
hydro-therapy pool into compliance with the
Americans with Disability Act standards of 2010?
While the main pool is zero entry there is a rope
across the entire width near the two feet water level
which precludes some people with mobility limitations
from proceeding beyond that point.
Hampton Lake facilities, including the pools, will be undergoing a joint inspection in the next
60 90 days. As a part of this inspection an independent consultant will be determining if
our amenities meet all required ADA compliance standards. Once this report is received a
plan will be initiated to ensure our community meets required ADA guidelines.
Some yellow street reflectors on Hampton Lake Drive
between Heartwood and the Front Gate appear to
have gotten dislodged and are thus mis-aligned,
needing re-alignment. Also, on Hampton Lake
Crossing, given some deep curves and increased
traffic due to Phase 3, are there any plans for yellow
street reflectors on Hampton Lake Crossing?
This issue was discussed in a recent meeting with the project manager assigned by the
developer to oversee the road project; and the reflectors are now in stock. We are planning
to replace existing reflectors and installing some new ones on Hampton Lake Crossing and
Hampton Lake Drive next month.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
This week, the natural areas adjacent to the nature
trail and nature preserve behind our home on
Harborage were ravaged (sorry, there's no other word
to describe this) by a bushwacker that (as I
understand it) was necessary to preserve the integrity
of the lake. What I don't understand is how stripping
trees of their foliage and essentially dissecting others -
leaving a raw angry (and tall) stump does this when
clearly, nothing was done that affects the root
structure. Perhaps a deeper explanation of this
process and how it will benefit the lake is in order.
From my vantage point all that was achieved was the
obliteration of a pretty view / pretty path and the soiling
of the lake with tree debris. Thank you, in advance,
for your response.
What you are seeing is the unfinished and temporary results of the work being done along
the nature trails and lake banks in order to push the woodland edge back several feet. The
lake bank clearing was not something we decided on lightly. Proper maintenance requires
that the berms between the lake and the nature preserve be free of woody shrubs and
trees. We may have been remiss in not paying more attention to this in the past. The
many community dams and berms that failed in South Carolina last October was a wake-up
call to everyone. That coupled with discovering water seepage through the berm that
occurred across form Anchor Cove Court in between Fish Dancer moved this project up in
our priority list. The leak was discovered by Wade Bales with Quality Lakes during a
routine inspection. We called out engineers Thomas and Hutton who designed the berms.
They all strongly recommended removing the woody plant material to prevent future events
which could be more devastating and costly. Based upon these recommendations we
tasked Palmetto Coastal Landscaping with providing the most efficient and cost effective
way of removing the woody plants and trees on both sides of the berms. While we
understand the lake banks currently are not as green and bushy as before, we have
opened up the trail system to their original design and have protected against a more
severe leak which would jeopardize the habitat of many of our animals. After the machine
has made its way around the lake we will see what cleanup efforts can be made. This is a
temporary condition. This project will allow our landscapers to routinely maintain the banks
and hopefully prevent the need for this type of major cut back and trimming in the future.
Two pool questions: What floatation devices are
permitted in the pool? There are no guidelines posted
at the pool (at least that I saw), and when I asked the
pool attendant that was taking names at the pool they
did not know (which is possibly another issue). My
specific interest is for float rings for use in the lazy
river. The only thing I found in the pool rules is the
"4.1.19. Flotation devices are permitted for non-
swimming children. Any child who cannot swim must
be accompanied in the pool by a parent or adult. Use
of floats, beach balls, rings, etc. may be restricted at
the discretion of the pool staff."
So what is the answer? And the answer should be
posted at the pool easily visible, and the pool
attendants should know the answer.
Second question: While the rules clearly state that
eating is not allowed while in the pool, what about
drinking? While at the pool recently I noticed adults
with their drinks in the water.
As you have noted in your question, flotation devices are permitted for children who cannot
swim. Other flotation devices such as floats, beach balls, and rings may be permitted,
provided that their use does not interfere with the enjoyment of others at the pool. For
example, pool staff may restrict the use of a flotation device that is being used carelessly,
such as a beach ball that is being tossed too close to other people who are at the pool.
Likewise, all flotation devices (except those for non-swimming children) may be restricted
during busy periods, such as holidays, if it is determined that the pool is too crowded for
them to be used without creating a nuisance. Food is not allowed to be consumed in the
pool. Beverages may be consumed, but glass containers are never allowed anywhere in
the pool complex. The rules will be reviewed with the pool attendants to ensure that they
are able to adequately enforce the rules.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With HL continually growing, info in the two following
areas should be continually communicated and I
suggest a permanent posting in the weekly eblast:
1 - How and by whom are calls put out to select
property owners to fill committee slots. How and to
whom do property owners
communicate their interest in serving and what info
are they to
provide. Who selects the property owners interested in
to serve.
2 - How, to whom and when do property owners
road debris including nails in tires, and what info is to
If this info is already cited elsewhere making
unnecessary permanent posting in the eblast, at least
the citations for the info on committee membership
and road debris reporting should be permanently
posted in the eblast. Publicizing this info this way
should eliminate queries on the subjects through HL
Neighbor, Lakeviews, letters to the BOD/HL
Management, etc.
The purpose of the weekly community update is to provide timely information, rather than
serve as a repository of permanent postings. Information about how members may
volunteer was discussed at the Town Hall Meeting on June 29, a summary of which can be
found on the HLCA website. Here is what is contained in the Town Hall summary: “The
members serving on HLCA’s various committees are individuals who have volunteered. If
you are interested in volunteering, you just need to advise one of the owner directors or
management. We do have three formal calls for volunteers every other year. These are to
serve on the ARB, the Board of Advisors or its committees, and to run for election to the
Board of Directors. In some cases, the Board seeks members with particular qualifications.
The Property Transfer Committee is a good example of this, where we have several
engineers, a real estate lawyer and a CPA serving on this committee.” In accordance with
the HLCA Governing Documents, most volunteers are selected by the Board of Directors
and some require a Board appointed nominating committee. There are also several
member run groups that have their own process for seeking and selecting volunteers.
These include the Hampton Lake Women’s Group and the Tiger Bass Committee.
Information about the call to volunteer for the advisory committees, the ARB, and the
election to the board of directors is posted in the weekly community update for several
weeks prior to the start of the committee selection process. Members can report nails and
other construction debris to the General Manager and/or to Gail Garbett. Please be
specific about the location. Please identify if the problem is clearly from a specific worksite
or contractor. A photo is helpful. The Town Hall summary also contains the following
information regarding efforts to mitigate debris on the roads: “Our landscaping contractor
continues to try to keep our roads free of debris as well. We currently have five practices in
place to help us minimize the amount of debris. We have a magnet attached to the front of
a utility vehicle, a blower in the rear of the vehicle. We have a utility vehicle with a sweeper
attached. We have a vacuum truck that operates once per month and we have several
builders who have purchased magnets to help clean up their job sites.”
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
My husband and I are lot owners who spend a week
using the ammenties at Hampton Lake. We notice the
drink prices on especially on Specialty drinks are
extremely high ($9) and wondering why. We know it's
a convenience, but we've never seen drinks this
expense even on a cruise.
Also, we noticed that the pools are not clear and a lot
of algea and debris. Normally when swimming at a
community pool you'll smell chlorine which aids in
these issues. How are the pools maintained and how
Thank you!
A recent informal price comparison found that our prices for beer, wine and other drinks are
comparable to several restaurants in the local area. Although specialty drinks were not
included in the price comparison, we believe that our prices are competitive. A more formal
review will be conducted shortly and specialty drinks will be included. Our pool is cleaned
daily and is checked daily for proper maintenance of water quality. Water quality tests
include ph, Chlorine, and Cyanuric Acid levels, all of which regulate bacteria. The pool is
also inspected by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
(DHEC) several times per year. Our most recent inspection was held on June 9th in which
the water quality was found to be in compliance with DHEC regulations. Mother Nature
plays an important role in the water appearance as well. When we have major rain events
where we get several inches of rain in a short time, the pool can become cloudy until the
adjustment of chemicals brings the pool water back into chemical balance. This can
sometimes take several days.
With all the new development and street lights it has
become more "city like" here. I see many of the new
homes in my area with full lighting all night.
That is, up lighting, porch lights and coach lightes on
all night.
I thought it was lights out after 10?
HLCA Rules and Regulations require that outside lighting be turned off by midnight.
Security keeps a lighting log each night and homeowners who leave their lights on after
midnight are contacted. If you observe lights on after midnight, you can contact Security
and report your observation with an email to Gail Garbett at
ggarbett@hamptonlakeclub.com. Please include the address of the home where the lights
are left on after midnight.
This morning the ground crew got their lawnmower
stuck on a 20ft tall Willow tree on the corner lot of
Hampton Lake Drive and Hampton Lake Crossing.
When I came back from the gym they had cut this
beautiful tree down. It was part of the reason we
bought this lot due to the privacy from the bridge and
the noise from the lake ventilator machine. Will this
tree be replaced?
The tree was removed after the mower was stuck behind it and very close to the water’s
edge. The willow trees around Hampton Lake are not thriving. After inspection, the tree in
question was found to be only 50-60 % foliated. We have no plans to replace the tree at
this time. This area does have a magnolia, an Arizona cypress, and several wax myrtles
which are healthier and provide a buffer from the aerator and bridge.
At a recent board of directors meeting I understood
that because of the huge interest of pickleball among
our residents that the court would be painted for
The group has purchased their own nets and
equipment and with over 80 pickleball enthusiasts in
the community I am wondering when will the court be
painted so these players do not have to tape the court
to play???
Thank you ....skip magee
During the July 7 Board of Directors meeting, management indicated that striping the multi-
use basketball court so that it can be used for pickle ball would be considered. After
receiving a detailed plan from the Fitness & Recreation Committee subsequent to the board
meeting, management has decided to paint the pickle ball lines on the multi-use court.
Once certain logistics are worked out, the painting will be scheduled.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
We may have guests visiting in October. Will the pool
be heated and available at that time?
The pool is available year round. Our practice is to heat the pool in the springtime, typically
at the end of March until the pool temperature reaches 80 degrees on its own. Springtime
heating of the pool is normally contingent on the weather, that is, the pool is only heated if
the air temperature is such that a significant number of people will want to use the pool.
Although the pool will not be heated in October, the weather may provide a water
temperature that may well be comfortable for swimming.
First, please change my address to 65 Palmetto Cove
Ct. (from 12 Flowermound Dr., West Lafayette, IN).
We sold that house and permanently are here.
Second, it would be helpful to have signs viewable
from the various branches of the lakes so boaters
know where they are as we cruise the waters.
You can find maps in the Tackle Box and on the HLCA web site (please see the Hampton
Lake Trail Map link under the HLCA Docs tab) that will help you navigate the lake. As
boaters quickly learn the landmarks without the use of signs, there are no plans to add
signs on the lake.
I would like to know what if anything is being done to
remove the recent paint spill on our roadway. Light
drippings of the paint begins in the vicinity of 24
Anchor Cove Court. The spill then continues onto
Hampton Lake Dr., where the majority of the spill is
evident and ends at 15 Anchor Bay Court.
Has the contractor responsible, for this spill, been
The incident was reported and investigated within an hour of the spill. The party
responsible for the spill was not identified. We had a mobile pressure washer out to see if
the spill could be removed. After an attempt was made to remove the paint, the pressure
was damaging the asphalt and the efforts were halted.
With the Zika virus now confirmed in Florida, do we
have plans in place for mosquito control around the
common grounds of the amenity center? Do are
grounds crew identify areas of standing water and
eliminate them?
Mosquito control is handled by Beaufort County. If we see there is an increase in activity, a
request for service is made. You can learn more about the County’s policies and
procedures by visiting the following website: http://www.bcgov.net/departments/Public-
Safety/mosquito-control/index.php. HLCA also has a contract with Hilton Head
Exterminator, who uses backpack blowers to treat around the amenity village to deter no
see ums and mosquitos once per week during the months of March through October.
I heard Backwater Bill's is open to the public; is this
true? If so, why?
As it says on the Hampton Lake websites, “Everyone is welcome at Backwater Bill’s.”
Opening Backwater Bill’s to the public is a great way to showcase our beautiful community
and bring in additional revenue. An 18% service fee is added to the bills of non-members.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have two related questions on lake health:
1. The aerators near the docks have been inoperative
for perhaps a year, with only a small window operating
this spring. Knowing they are there to help with lake
health, this situation can not be good. What is
happening and why can't they be fixed in a year's
2. Our lake manager samples the lake regularly and
shocks fish. For those interested in looking at that
data, where can we see it? And, I am speaking of all
the reports back to the beginning, so as to discern any
There are three aerators located near the dock at the amenity center. We have
experienced two electrical problems this spring and summer affecting the operation of
these units. They are all currently fully functional. Aerators were installed to prevent
stratification in our lake. The area near the amenities was not adversely affected by the
temporary loss of these three devices due to the amount of wind and wave action in this
area. To view the fish reports, please contact the GM, Bryan Rhame, directly. Since 2012,
our lake management contractor has provided annual briefings to the Grounds and
Facilities Committee and/or to the community. He will be scheduled to give this annual
presentation before the end of this year.
There are three aerators located near the dock at the amenity center. We have
experienced two electrical problems this spring and summer affecting the operation of
these units. They are all currently fully functional. Aerators were installed to prevent
stratification in our lake. The area near the amenities was not adversely affected by the
temporary loss of these three devices due to the amount of wind and wave action in this
area. To view the fish reports, please contact the GM, Bryan Rhame, directly. Since 2012,
our lake management contractor has provided annual briefings to the Grounds and
Facilities Committee and/or to the community. He will be scheduled to give this annual
presentation before the end of this year.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
My question is in regard to TURNOVER and
TAKEOVER. There appears to be a lot of confusion in
regard to these two occurrences. Could you please
state what is involved for each of these terms so that
we have a clear and concise understanding and know
when each becomes effective? I would also like to see
a simple chart that will show the differences for before
and after for each. For EXAMPLE:
BEFORE takeover: Reed pays the taxes
AFTER takeover: Hampton HOA pays the taxes
"Turnover" is when the declarant relinquishes control of the community by no longer having
a majority position on the board of directors. At present there are two owners on a five
member board. At turnover, members will elect six owners to the board and the declarant
will have one board member. Per the covenants, turnover may occur on (1) December 31,
2021, or (2) when 75% of units planned have been sold, or (3) 95% of total units have
certificates of occupancy. According to the covenants, the declarant has sole discretion for
deciding which of these three milestones trigger turnover. "Title transfer" refers to the
change of property ownership; title transfer occurs when the recorded deed to property is
transferred from the declarant to Hampton Lake Community Association (HLCA.) On
January 14, 2016, the declarant started the property title transfer process with the
appointment of the "Property Transfer Committee". As HLCA already has responsibility for
all maintenance and repair of common property, the main impact for HLCA holding title is
the property tax treatment and the possibility of a property tax savings for HLCA. Although
in many cases turnover and title transfer occur around the same time, there is no
requirement to do so. In the case of HLCA, they will not occur at the same time. At
Hampton Lake, the property transfer process has already started. The declarant has
deeded title of Hampton Lake phases 1 & 2 common property to Hampton Lake Community
Association, on March 22, 2016 for the Amenity Center and on June 13 for the balance of
phase 1 & 2 Common Property. While the title of the common property has been passed to
HLCA, the transfer process isn't complete until the joint inspection and report is done. In
June, the Property Transfer Committee selected an attorney to represent HLCA in the title
transfer and a civil engineer to conduct the joint inspection. The inspection began in mid-
July, the final report expected by the end of August. Here is a chart that highlights some of
the common questions about changes resulting from property title transfer.
Before Property Title Transfer - After Property Title Transfer
Recorded deeds to common property in phases 1 and 2 (amenity center, roads and
common property along sides of roads, dog park) name the declarant as owner - Recorded
deeds to common property in phases 1 and 2 name HLCA as owner
HLCA pays property taxes - HLCA is eligible to apply to Beaufort County for HOA “Special
Valuation” property tax relief effective in 2017.
Responsibility for all maintenance and repair of common property belongs to HLCA - No
change - Responsibility for all maintenance and repair of common property belongs to
Declarant could use common property held as loan collateral - Declarant can no longer
use HLCA common property as loan collateral.
Here is where to find the details in the Governing Documents:
Community Charter Sections: 2.1 The Declarant; 3.1 Designations of Properties
Comprising the Community; 17.2 Conveyance of Comment Area; 17.3 Acceptance of
Common Area; 17.4 Property Transfer Accounting Procedures; and Exhibit "D". By-Laws of
HLCA; Article 3.3 Selection of Directors; Terms of Office (before & after Declarant Control,
i.e. "turn-over); & Article 4 Transition from Declarant to Owner Control
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Similar to kayaks, Stand Up Paddle (SUPs) boards
are very popular, safe, stable, fun, and best of all
GREAT forms of exercising outdoors. This lake would
be ideal for them. Can we not find some common
sense "rules" to govern how they can be used here?
Thank you.
Swimming and related activities that involve getting in the water are not allowed on the lake
for safety reasons. Since paddle boarding would involve getting into the lake to mount and
dismount the board, and falling from the board into the water is a reasonably predicted
likelihood* paddle boarding on the lake is not allowed. You can view the rules on the HLCA
website, but here is the relevant rule: 6.1.3. No swimming: No swimming is allowed anywhere
in the lake, including activities such as snorkeling or scuba diving. Violations of the “no
swimming in the lake” rule are considered serious safety violations and sanctions will be in
line with reckless driving violations (i.e. $150 fine for first offense). *References:
standupjournal.com says “Be prepared to fall off your board” and “Falling off your board is
part of standup paddling.”, REIcoop.com calls falling “inevitable”.
Why don't we enter into the bylaws the restriction of
the flying of remote control drones in all of our private
residential community. I think it's a liability and
invasion of our privacy in this community. We have
the restriction of all battery, remote control boats on
the lake it only make sense we add no flying of remote
control drones to the bylaws? Thank you
While drones are not specifically mentioned, HLCA’s Rules and Regulations include the
following rules that could apply to use of drones: 9.4.1. Any noxious or offensive activity
which, in the reasonable determination of the Board, tends to cause embarrassment,
discomfort, annoyance or nuisance to persons using the Common Areas or to the
occupants of other Units , is prohibited. 13.4.1. Remote controlled toys are not permitted to
be operated on Hampton Lake roads and streets. 13.4.2. Gas powered remote controlled
toys are not permitted to be operated on any waterways or lake. Additionally, FAA laws
prohibiting trespass on private property, including the airspace above home sites, flying
after dark, and violating an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy, applies to drone
use, particularly drones with cameras. Management realizes that the wording of the rules
may need to be changed in the future to reflect the still evolving law on both personal and
commercial use of drones. Until then, common sense, courtesy, and respect for our
neighbors should be our guide. There have been a few circumstances where drones were
pre-approved, such as filming for marketing purposes. As with any rule violation observed,
owners should report specifics to management. Additionally, violation of FAA laws, such
as drones flying over your property or at night, should be reported to the FAA.
I would like to submit for request, the placement of a
trash can at the public boat launch location across
from the amenities. For those of us that may fish
close to this area, or laugh/clean boats, I feel it would
be convenient and could be placed next to the water
spigot used to rinse off trailers and boats.
Thank you for your suggestion, but at this time the boat launch area doesn’t have sufficient
traffic to warrant a trash receptacle and associated maintenance service. This suggestion
may be considered in the future if usage in that area increases significantly.
Can you please tell me if I can use my Battery remote
control boat in the lake, rule 13.4.2. Only states gas
powered remote control toys are not permitted to be
operated on any waterways or the lake?
Per the rules, gas powered remote control toys are prohibited to be operated on the lake;
remote controlled electric powered boats are allowed.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I think it would be better to change the speed limit to
25 every where in stead of 30 t0 20 in several places
Speed limits are based on safety concerns and traffic patterns. There are several areas,
such as near the Lakeside Amenity Center, where the number of vehicles on the road, as
well as those turning onto or off the road, require a speed limit of 20 mph for traffic and
safety reasons. Areas where there is limited visibility due to curves also require the lower
speed limit. A significant portion of Hampton Lake Drive can support a speed limit of 30
mph. therefore the higher speed limit is permitted there.
I walk on the sidewalk along Hampton Lake Drive and
I find it especially dangerous to cross the street at Fish
Dancer Court and at Hampton Lake Crossing. The
curves and speeding vehicles contribute to my
concern. Is it possible to put in crosswalks (paint and
signage) that would alert drivers of pedestrians and to
give pedestrians the right of way as on other public
Although crosswalks can be beneficial in directing pedestrians where to cross, marked
pedestrian crosswalks, in and of themselves, do not slow traffic or reduce accidents
involving pedestrians. A five-year study by the Federal Highway Administration of 1000
marked crosswalks and 1000 unmarked comparison sites found that on most roads, the
difference in safety performance of marked and unmarked crossings is not statistically
significant, unless additional safety features, such as traffic lights or crossing guards, are
used. In certain situations, a marked crosswalk is likely to have worse safety performance
than an otherwise similar unmarked location. It is thought that crosswalks give pedestrians
a false sense of safety that leads them to cross without using adequate caution, and that
many drivers are not aware that pedestrians have the right of way in a marked crosswalk,
and they don’t expect pedestrians to suddenly step into the road. However, management
has taken several steps to slow down traffic, such as lowering the speed limit to 20 mph in
several areas, including the intersection of Fish Dancer Ct & Hampton Lake Dr. and using
an electronic traffic monitor to alert drivers to their speed.
Use of the lake.....now that they are clearing the area
for the resort tract it has occurred to me that this is
indeed a reality about to happen. The lake rules are
no swimming, sail boats or paddle boards and people
doing so are at a risk for fines. Who makes these lake
rules? When the people from the new resort start
using the lake are they subject to these same rules or
do they make there own rules? If they are subject to
our lake rules and get fined how are the fines
collected? Where does this money go?.....
All property owners are subject to the “Covenant for Joint Use and Maintenance at
Hampton Lake”, which includes rules for lake use. This Covenant is available on the HLCA
web site and includes the by-Laws of the Lake Maintenance Corporation (LMC.) LMC is
the governing organization for lake use and maintenance. The three organizations that are
part of the LMC are HLCA, Brightwater at Hampton Lake Property Owners (the Resort
Tract) and the Developer (John Reed). LMC has the authority to make and enforce rules of
lake use, including the authority to levy fines. Each of the HOAs that are part of the LMC
can establish their own rules that can be more restrictive, but not less restrictive than LMC.
Bryan Rhame is the General Manager for both HLCA and LMC and thus the person
responsible for rule enforcement on a day to day basis on the lake. Currently, fines related
to the lake are revenue for HLCA. There is potential in the future that the fines become
revenue for the LMC.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
My question concerns the totally inappropriate plan by
Logan Homes to wedge another two story, 2700 sq'
stand alone townhome next to the bridge on Hampton
Lake Crossing between their current project and the
bridge itself. It appears that the plan seriously
encroaches on Hampton Lake common property and
presents a dangerous angle for the driveway vis a vis
traffic coming left to right over the bridge. In addition,
the rear of the projected construction places the back
of the home within a few feet of the water line. Did the
ARB actually view the setting of this home on the
property and approve its construction as Logan
Homes is planning?
The lot you refer to (Lot 1429) does not encroach on Hampton Lake common property. Lot
1429 is bound by the lake, as are many lots in Hampton Lake. The owner of Lot 1429,
Logan Homes, hasn’t submitted a site plan for that parcel yet. As such, the location of the
driveway and/or location for the foundation of the home hasn’t been proposed to the ARB.
Upon a submittal from Logan Homes, the ARB will then be able to review the entrance
location of the driveway and/or location for the foundation of the home. There are lots that
are nearly identical to Lot 1429 and as such, we have prior experience to rely on to ensure
safety and appropriate setbacks, consistent with the HL Design Guidelines.
Is there a possibility that important presentations such
as Board of Directors meetings and the presentation
on the developments in and around the community be
video recorded so that those of us who live part time
can stay directly informed? Generally the meetings
occur without access or input from the entire
community. Any exploration of a webinar format?
Options such as setting up an audio dial in, video-taping, etc., have been considered for
board meetings and were not adopted due to both technical and practical reasons.
However, minutes of board meetings and copies of HLCA and board presentations are
posted on the HLCA website fairly quickly following the meetings under the “BOD” tab and
are also distributed via a link in the Sunday Community Update email (e-blast.)
This is not a question or a suggestion. It is a comment
on one of this week's entries. I live on Fish Dancer
and regularly walk, drive and bike ride. The blind spots
from both directions at the Fish Dancer Court and
Hampton Lake Drive intersection are an accident
waiting to happen. You cannot see a speeding car
while making a right from Fish Dancer and HLD and
approaching Fish Dancer from HLD to make a left you
are blind until you reach the top of the hill. While
residents most often are considerate some of the
contractors and subs do not seem to exercise the
same care and they are the majority of traffic on HLD.
I agree that a crosswalk is not the answer. You
couldn't see it. Maybe some sort of warning sign, slow,
etc., might be considered. It is simply very poor
planning to begin with.
The intersection at Fish Dancer and Hampton Lake Drive does require that drivers and
pedestrians wait until they get to the top of the hill to look for oncoming traffic before
turning. We have posted a 20 mph speed limit there and have frequently used our radar
monitor to measure and slow down the speed of the traffic in that area. We will continue to
monitor traffic in that area with the radar system and via our security personnel to
determine what type of signage or warning is warranted.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I am a dog lover and a dog owner. I am not a lover of
some dog owners.
Today I picked up the leavings of someone's pet just
at the drive in to the boat launch. It is beyond me how
someone could be so inconsiderate as to not clean up
after their beloved pet. I have filled in for them many
I propose that we immediately impose a $150 fine for
anyone not cleaning up after their pet. Perhaps $50 of
that could go to the reporting party. I hope that we
can all work together to rid ourselves of this disgusting
HLCA Rules and Regulations already call for a $100 fine for a single violation of the rule
requiring owners to clean up after their pets, and $100 for each additional violation.
However, it is difficult to enforce this rule because the violation is either not witnessed, and
therefore it’s impossible to know who to fine, or neighbors are hesitant to report what
they’ve witnessed. Members are encouraged to report violations that they’ve witnessed
first-hand to HLCA management. In order for management to follow up, the report must be
timely, and include specifics, including the date and time, the person who violated the rule,
and the location.
Regarding vehicle / pedestrian safety at the
intersection of Hampton Lake Drive and Fishdancer...
Traffic mirrors posted in both directions of HLD and at
the end of Fishdancer would provide drivers,
pedestrians and cyclists the ability to "see" oncoming
vehicles before they are actually in their line of sight.
This is a commonly used, common sense, and
relatively inexpensive improvement. Additionally, we
could install rumble strips in both directions on HLD to
slow the traffic. We either get aggressive with this
now or, we deal with a lawsuit when a serious
accident occurs and someone gets injured.
We have a similar problem at the intersection of
Hampton Lake Drive and the Villas although there, the
problem is speed along HLD coming into that curve.
Thank you for your suggestions. The use of traffic mirrors, other than for private driveways,
is subject to a variety of regulations and installation requirements (height, angle, size,
placement) that must be investigated before we can determine whether mirrors would be
useful at this intersection. Rumble strips would not be suitable for this area. According to
the Federal Highway Administration, rumble strips should not be used in areas where
prevailing speeds are less than 50 mph or on roadways where bicycles are frequently used.
Areas with rumble strips require increased maintenance because debris tends to collect in
and around rumble strips. Moreover, they create a great deal of noise that would be
disturbing to homes within 1/3 of a mile. As noted in response to previous questions and
comments about traffic safety, we will continue to monitor traffic in the areas mentioned
with the radar system and via our security personnel to determine what type of signage or
warning is warranted.
I finallly had a chance to check out the pickleball
group and actually play this am. There were 21 of us.
8 playing, 13 waiting!! Regardless, and for the time
being, the accommodations afforded this growing
group are working out OK. With such demand and
knowing that there is already interest in reserving
courts for groups (smaller than 21) to avoid any
conflict and to better deal with the demand, it would be
helpful to have a responsive, accessible reservation
system - like the one used for tennis. In fact, is there
any reason the same system couldnt be used??
Maybe just add 2 more courts to the system (courts 1-
3 for tennis, court 4-5 for pickleball). Seems simple (to
me??), and then anyone who wanted to know if a
court was available for the next week, could check the
system. And while we're on this topic....it seems
timely to consider dedicating additional time,
days/hours to pickleball?? Its a great game...Id say
come join us, but then Id have to wait even longer to
Thank you for sharing your experience with our newest recreational activity. We are very
pleased with the enthusiasm and positive feedback regarding Pickleball. HLCA
management is working with the Fitness and Recreation Committee to improve the overall
experience, while trying to maintain balance with our mixed use court. As the weather
cools the times will be adjusted and we are exploring the possibility of including some type
of reservation system.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
From the resort track map it shows 2 roundabouts
going out to Bluffton Parkway. The second one is
West of the current one and looks like it is accessible
both to the resort track and through Phase 3 of
Hampton Lake. Is this going to be implemented. Will
there be a traffic light at either? Will there be a second
gate house or will it be by transponder only? How do
we maintain security there? When would it be put in
Since 2006, there has always been two planned entrances to Hampton Lake from Bluffton
Parkway and both are planned to have traffic lights. The new western entry is planned to
have a security gate, as an additional entry point into the community. The decision as to
whether this gate is to be manned or use electronic entry will not be made until the final
land plan is decided upon. Timing of the western entry and second traffic light is
dependent upon both market conditions (e.g. sales in phase 3) and ultimately, the future
development plans of the northern Sandhill Tract.
We have lived in 4 plantations on HHI and now here in
HL in the past 23 years. Every plantation we have
lived in does not allow soliciting door to door. I am not
happy to find DIRECTV has placed a hang tag on our
glass front door today, Friday September 16. Can this
be stopped ?
Thank you
Door to door solicitation is not permitted in Hampton Lake. DirecTV may have done work
for one of your neighbors and took the opportunity to place a tag on your doorknob. We
have not heard any report of door to door solicitation by DirecTV.
It appears by the plans submitted for the phase 3
extension that 35 or so lots will be on the lake or on
the narrow canal leading to the back lake section. I
understand the grounds and lake committe are very
concerned about erosion into the lake. With that in
mind are there plans and or rules in place in which the
developer is going to construct bulkheads and docks
along these areas. It would certainly seem like a great
idea to do now and not worry about erosion.....than
allow the developer to sell the lots and than depend
upon the purchaser to construct a bulkhead or
not......thinking and acting would certainly be a huge
benefit to the health of our lake......and our future
The rules in place for the development of phase 3 are essentially the same as phases 1 &
2. The new owners of the lots in Phase 3 have the right to decide if they want a boat slip,
kayak ramp, bulk head, or natural aquatic plants to be placed on the shoreline. They have
the same rights as all of our current owners. Prior to starting any work, all owners
(including builders) in all phases must submit their plans for any boat slip, kayak ramp, bulk
head, or natural aquatic plants that are to be placed on the shoreline to the ARB for
approval. The HLCA’s “Design Guidelines” are available on the HLCA web site and explain
the rules and the process.
I had read that the new luxury apartments are going to
have 10 miles of nature trails. Are any of these on
Hampton Lakes property? How will access be
The Covenant for Joint Use and Maintenance at Hampton Lake provides the rights and
responsibillities for property owners in HLCA and for those ofte resort tract (Grand Oaks at
Hampton Lake i.e. new apartments & Benton House.) This document includes the rules for
use of the lake and nature trails. However, in a new agreement, Grand Oaks has agreed to
forfeit the right to access and use of the nature trails located in Hampton Lake Community.
This agreement will be reflected in the next amendment to the Covenant for Joint Use and
Maintenance at Hampton Lake.
As the planning for Phase 3 kicks into full gear I would
like to suggest that we consider an area set aside for
the inclusion of bocce courts in the amenity center,
assuming there is an adequate level of interest in the
community. My wife and I played in a bocce league in
our old home town with other couples. It was a great
way to meet people and have a fun night out. It's an
easy game to pick up and doesn't require a lot of skill.
If I've offended any champion bocce players out there,
my apologies. Please let me know if there is a formal
process to consider suggestions such as these. Thank
Thank you for your suggestion to include bocce courts in phase 3 amenities. The
Developer has held several focus group sessions with members and as a result, bocce ball
courts are included in the list of options the Developer is considering for phase 3. The
Advisory Board Fitness and Recreation Committee is an appropriate place to make
suggestions for improvements to our recreation amenities. Contact information is available
on the HLCA web site under the “Advisory” tab.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Is Phase three considered part of the HOA?
If not, who is paying for and coordinating the common
element maintenance? When will it be considered
part of the HOA?
If so, are there monies being provided for the services
from the HOA?
Who funded and supervised the clean-up of the
common elements of phase three after hurricane
Thank you-Other members of the HOA have ask me
to forward these questions. I am asking these
questions in this format rather than at a public
The 9th Supplement to the Community Charter, recorded with Beaufort County on August
24, 2015, added phase 3 to HLCA. This action was noted during the HLCA Board meeting
on November 6, 2015. These documents are available on the HLCA web site. Per the
Charter, the responsibility for maintenance and clean-up is the same throughout Hampton
Lake. Maintenance and clean-up of the common elements in phases 1, 2, and 3 is
managed and funded by the HLCA. Property owners in all phases pay the same dues to
maintain common elements. Maintenance and clean-up of private property in phases 1, 2,
and 3 is the responsibility of the property owner.
Debbie and I would like thank our wonderful security
staff, volunteers, management and of course our
neighbours for working so hard and for being so
selfless in safeguarding and protecting all of our
homes in our wonderful community. Thank you very
much for your efforts and sacrifice all of which is truly
appreciated. We look look forward to seeing all of you
soon. David and Debbie
I had read in Bluffton Today that the town was
expecting to receive federal disaster money due to
hurricane Matthew that will be distributed to residents
who sustained property damage not covered by
insurance. The article further explained that private
communities are not eligible to receive funds directed
to the town, but could submit to FEMA by coordinating
with the town. Can the HOA management team let us
know the thinking around how the costs for clean-up
will be distributed (i.e. insurance, capital reserves,
FEMA application)?
HLCA is still evaluating and investigating the extent and cost of the damages incurred
during Hurricane Matthew. The tree removal is well underway, we will have a substantial
amount of our perimeter fence to repair once the large amount of trees are removed. The
extent of underlying structural damage to a section of drainage and asphalt will take some
time to determine. We are a member of the Community Association Institute (CAI), which
has started a campaign and is lobbying for equality when it comes to the distribution of
federal emergency funds. Residents of community associations pay taxes like everyone
else and should be eligible for these funds as are other Americans. This fight will no doubt
continue. Until this is resolved the HOA will use all resources available to ensure that
proper repairs are performed including working capital, capital reserves where appropriate,
and filing an insurance claim.
After the recent CPR classes the question was raised
about the location of all the AED's in the community.
Can you provide a list of locations?
Also- does Security have one on their truck?
Thanks, Debbie
There are 6 AEDs in Hampton Lake. Two are located in the fitness center, one in
Fishtales, one at the pool bath house, one in the Lakeview Room, and one in the security
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I would like to suggest that the Hampton Lake
community adopt one speed limit throughout, such as
25 mph. The changes in speed limit are confusing to
guests and visitors. My experience is that most gated
communities a.have one speed limit that is consistent.
Some of the Hampton Lake 20 mph signs are quite
small and are hidden in the shadows.
Thank you for your question to LakeViews. We have posted a response in the Sunday
Update to a few owners, but I wanted to respond to you personally. With only two speed
limits and our clear signage, there should be no confusion with our two posted speed limits
within Hampton Lake. Safety warrants the necessity of a 20 mph limit on some sections of
Hampton Lake Drive (e.g. curves & hills), Hampton Lake Crossing (e.g. congestion) and
our side streets. It would be a detriment to safety to have a higher speed limit. We believe
changing to a single posted speed limit of 20 mph throughout all of Hampton Lake would be
too restrictive, because most sections of our main roads are safe at 30 mph. We will
continue to review the information obtained by our speed monitoring device and make
changes based on the data collected to ensure all residents safety. I am attaching a link to
some information that supports our decision.
http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/speedmgt/ref_mats/fhwasa12004/fhwasa12004.pdf. Please let
me know if I can be of further assistance.
Current speed limit reduction to 20 mph is in some
areas too slow and causing people to either tailgate or
pass which results in an unsafe situation. Going
30mph is too fast on some turns. Having too different
speed limits with transition between each bring too
close is not a safe situation as drivers do. It have time
to slow down Suggestion: Can we have a more
simpler speed limit of 25 mph for all of Hampton Lake
primary roads. This will allow a more similar le
understanding of the speed limit and not cause the
concussion that is currently frustrating so many
With only two speed limits and clear signage, there should be no confusion with our two
posted speed limits within Hampton Lake. Safety warrants the necessity of a 20 mph limit
on some sections of Hampton Lake Drive (e.g. curves and hills), Hampton Lake Crossing
(e.g. congestion) and our side streets. It would be a detriment to safety to have a higher
speed limit. We believe changing to a single posted speed limit of 20 mph throughout all
of Hampton Lake would be too restrictive, because most sections of our main roads are
safe at 30 mph. We will continue to review the information obtained by our speed
monitoring device and make changes based on the data collected to ensure all residents
Yes we can all agree Matthew left quite a mess at
Hampton lake....and I assume that palmetto coastal is
cleaning up the debris which I also conclude that they
are not doing out of kindness nor for free and rightfully
so that they should be compensated. I have noticed a
lot of extra men and trucks and equipment since the
storm. I also realize it will take time to remove all the
trees and debris from the common areas.
Question......I am assuming that there is no line item in
the budget for debris removal due to hurricane.
Therefore I am curious EXACTLY how is palmetto
coastall being paid and is there a final figure for
cleanup?....does the money come from reserve
account or will there be another payment option?I am
assuming the amount must be in the tens of thounds
Thanks in advance ....skip magee
Clean up and repair work from hurricane Matthew damage is ongoing. We are awaiting
cost estimates for some repairs. We have filed insurance claims and await action by the
insurance adjustors to determine what will be covered by insurance and what won’t. We
expect it will be several weeks before we have final costs, as well as what amounts will be
covered by insurance. Our expectation is that HLCA will use a combination of insurance
proceeds, working capital and capital reserves where appropriate. All income and
expenditures will be reflected in HLCA detailed 4th quarter financial reports when published
in early 2017.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I noticed at the bottom of the most recent Newsletter,
an old release from "Our Developer" showing the
rendering of new amenities in phase 3 and
announcing that these amenities should be available
for use by residents in Spring of 2017. I take periodic
walks in phase 3 to check the progress on residential
and amenity development. While I see a great deal of
residential development, to my untrained eye, there is
NO movement toward developing the new amenities.
Given the $7000 commitment by our developer to
create amenities, this delay seems not to be related to
$$$, so what is it?? A few questions come to mind?
Why has there been no development on new
amenities? When will it begin? Is there a new target
for completion? Has the plan changed at all (BWB
modification, parking lot expansion, pickleball, tennis
courts specifically)? To be honest, Im more interested
in amenity development progress than residential.
Can we get a weekly/monthly update on that (in e
blasts)?? Thanks
The development construction started at the Parkside Amenity site in Phase 3 this past
summer. The phased construction is always related to dollars generated from phase 3 lot
sales. Bad weather has created some delays. This first phase of construction will include
re-grading the park and building the Crystal Lake. Infrastructure development (roads,
drainage, utilities) must be complete before amenity structure work starts. The current
projected plan is to have this area ready for member use in the Summer 2017. Based on
sales next spring the developer will determine the start date of the new pool. The
Developer’s current estimate of a start date for the new pool is towards the end of 2017
with an opening date of Summer 2018. Additional land planning work for the northern
section of Sandhill is necessary before further decisions are made regarding additional
amenity plans, such as parking, tennis, pickleball, bocce ball, etc. Member feedback
indicated that the BWB expansion be moved further down the priority list. Updating the
current pool, finishing the crystal lake and then adding the new pool and park were moved
to the top of the list, as they were felt more impactful for the members. The nature of land
planning and development, with so many moving parts, weather disruptions, required
permits and approvals, etc., doesn’t lend itself to regularly scheduled updates. But, as
construction plans and renderings are finalized, the developer will share them with
everyone at Hampton Lake.
Is it possible for a homeowner to add solar panels to a
Placement would be to the rear and not in view from
the street or the front of the house.
HLCA’s Rules and Regulations 8.14.1. states: Solar panels are permitted, subject to ARB
approval , and should present an unobtrusive appearance when viewed from the street or
lake. You can contact Gail Garbett, Hampton Lake’s ARB Director, for specific guidelines
before beginning your solar project.
When leaving the amenity center and making a left
turn into Hampton Lake Crossing , there is not a single
speed limit sign until you get to the dog park and
beyond. Consequently, a lot of speeding is going on in
that stretch of the road.
Thank you for your LakeView submission. We are aware there are no posted speed limit
signs from the amenity exit to the bridge. There are no appropriate places to install such a
sign. We will have security monitor the area and also look into adding a speed limit posting
to our current stop sign exiting the parking lot.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I realize that questions about the current speed limits
have been brought up several times. I feel however
that your answer this far is not in the best interest of
the safety of the community. I have a 28 year law
enforcement background. I can assure you that
repeadedly changing the speed limit as you drive thru
the community is a mistake. Not only does this
confuse the motorist, it also encourages just chosing
an average speed by the driver as they do not choose
to vary their speeds. A 25 mph speed limit through out
the community makes far more sense. The bigger
issue in Hampton Lake is the number of drivers who
choose to ignore safety and run stop signs or tailgate
and pass. From the entrance of the community from
Bluffton Parkway to the entrance of Phase 3 you
currently encounter 7 speed changes. This is
throughout a 3.25 mile section of roadway. If you dont
want a 25 mile limit then pick one we can all live with
and make it consistant.
HLCA speed limits are based on the conditions of the road, including type of road, amount
of traffic/congestion, turns/curves, hills. Reports from the Federal Highway Administration
and other entities that study and monitor traffic safety contradict the notion that a single
speed limit improves safety. On the contrary, variations in speed limits are recommended
because the change serves as a signal to drivers that the road condition (e.g. congestion,
hills, curves) requires a change in speed. You can view one such report at the following
Our rules require drivers to always operate their vehicles at a “safe speed” and obey traffic
signs. While our posted speed limits are an indication of the maximum safe speed, road
conditions, such as congestion, rain, darkness, deer nearby, etc., may dictate a speed
slower than the posted speed limit. Thus drivers are expected to slow down when they
encounter such conditions. HLCA encourages everyone to drive safely and stay alert.
HLCA speed limits are based on the conditions of the road, including type of road, amount
of traffic/congestion, turns/curves, hills. Reports from the Federal Highway Administration
and other entities that study and monitor traffic safety contradict the notion that a single
speed limit improves safety. On the contrary, variations in speed limits are recommended
because the change serves as a signal to drivers that the road condition (e.g. congestion,
hills, curves) requires a change in speed. You can view one such report at the following
Our rules require drivers to always operate their vehicles at a “safe speed” and obey traffic
signs. While our posted speed limits are an indication of the maximum safe speed, road
conditions, such as congestion, rain, darkness, deer nearby, etc., may dictate a speed
slower than the posted speed limit. Thus drivers are expected to slow down when they
encounter such conditions. HLCA encourages everyone to drive safely and stay alert.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Can HL request that it be sanctioned as a polling
place for HL residents? In fact it would be great if
other Bluffton developments requested the same for
their residents. My former development in Northern
Virginia was so sanctioned. I ask because the existing
polling place for HL also services a ton more
developments making for a quite lengthy wait. If there
is resistance to sanctioning a private development as
a polling place or it requires a certain number of
residents, can HL at least request of Bluffton more
public polling places to split the many Bluffton
developments into? The only saving grace in this past
week's lengthy wait to vote was that the wait took
place in nice weather which cannot always be counted
According to our understanding of the state code (see
http://www.scstatehouse.gov/code/t07c007.php) it is the Beaufort County Board of
Elections that makes polling place decisions. The Lutheran church where we voted is
listed as a “temporary” polling location for 7 different Bluffton precincts. Several precincts
were added to this polling place for this election due the effects of hurricane Mathew on the
Buckwalter Recreation Center. Most Beaufort County polling locations only have 1 or 2
precincts, with a couple that have 3 precincts. No precinct has more than 1 polling
location. HLCA Phases 1 & 2 is in precinct 4C, along with May River Preserve, Old Miller
Rd and Grande Oaks. HLCA Phase 3 is in precinct 2D, along with Lawton Station and at
least 4 other communities and their polling location is the Pritchardville Elementary School.
If there is a polling place within HLCA, other communities will need to have access to HLCA
to vote unless precinct boundaries are changed. Given that there are several
developments in Beaufort County that have polling locations within the development, it
seems this is something the County will do if the population numbers support it.
Typically, a polling place must meet certain requirements (e.g. population, ease of access,
etc.) and follow procedures that comply with all associated state and federal laws in order
to be so designated. If one or more members were to conduct the necessary research and
submit a proposal that shows that Hampton Lake meets the requirements, management
would be in a position to consider the request.
Curious about the back gate's "keypad". Can
someone please explain how it works, and it's
intention? Thanks!
The back gate key pad is mainly used to allow emergency, town, and other specific
essential agencies access. In these instances instillation of bar codes are not feasible due
to different vehicles being utilized. We currently have about seven codes issued. The use
of these codes are recorded and periodically checked for abuse. If any irregularities are
noticed the codes are changed.
With the epidemic of childhood obesity and lack of
exercise among our youth, is it possible to allow 12
and up to use the machines in the fitness center only
when accompanied by a parent? The YMCA allows
teens to use the machines with their parents. I agree
they shouldn't be in there on their own. I also agree
that if the rule is broken they are not allowed back in.
Definitive rules should apply. I believe there are a lot
of teens in our neighborhood that could actually
benefit from some bonding time with their parents in a
healthy environment. As a community, we should be
willing to encourage the health of our kids.
There are many opportunities for children in Hampton Lake to participate in exercise and
healthy activities, including the pool, basketball, tennis, bicycling, kayaking on the lake, and
walking or running on our nature trails. Our staff hosts several children’s programs
throughout the year, such as the Kid’s Camp and Teen Kayaking. However, due to
insurance and liability issues, HLCA Rules and Regulations (4.2.10) prohibit use of the
Fitness Center for children under sixteen, except in the case of a specific age-specific
program hosted by the fitness center staff. Children between the ages of 16 to 18 may use
the Fitness Center with written parental consent provided to the fitness staff and the
Hampton Lake General Manager.
In the large dog park, I suggest the replaced fence
that is lying on back of the tree ball resulting from the
hurricane be removed. It is rusted out with sharp
edges exposed and an accident waiting to happen
what with dogs running around. Also, is there any idea
when the tree ball, itself somewhat dangerous, will be
removed? Thank you.
By the time members read this, the fence will have been removed. The root ball, however,
is a bit more problematic to remove. Due to its size and weight, removing it will require
specialized machinery that is not readily available at this time. Instead, we are looking at
other options, including burying it in its original spot and grinding down the stump. We
don’t have a firm date on this as we are still looking at options.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Is the traffic circle at the entrance (near Benton
House) specifically part of Hampton Lake, or is this a
general usage section of roadway? If the former, how
is access to/from the forthcoming apartments/condos,
as well as Benton House, justified? If the latter, will
there be another entrance off Bluffton Pkwy to
accommodate the increased traffic from the
The road from the Bluffton Parkway entrance to the sales office is a shared entry road
owned by the Hampton Lake Road Association. Hampton Lake Community Association
(HLCA) has a 50% interest in the HL Road Association, and the other 50% is shared by the
Benton House and SEDA, the developer of the apartments on the Resort Tract. At some
point in the future, HL Community Association is planned to have another primary entrance
off of Bluffton Parkway in the area of the River Ridge Academy entrance. Timing of the
future entry is dependent upon both market conditions (e.g. sales in phase 3) and
ultimately, the future development plans of the northern Sandhill Tract.
Bruce W.
I like to suggest that the faculties consider a large
jacuzzi. This would be well receive by active pool
members as well as occasional pool members. I
realize we have a therapeutic pool, however its inside
and a 1/4 mile from the Phase 3 location.
Thank you for your suggestion. However, member feedback collected in focus groups
sponsored by the developer revealed that a large hot tub/Jacuzzi was not a high priority.
Member feedback indicated that an additional pool in phase 3 was more desirable.
I believe at a Meeting signs regarding the presence of
Alligators in our Lakes was discussed. I understood
we would be getting a few signs posted in particular
near the beach area and at the front gate. As folks
visit or move in, it is clear they don't necessarily know
not to feed the gators. The incident at Disney World is
unfortunately an example of this lack of
communication. Where are we with the signs ?
We have ordered three signs to warn against swimming and feeding the alligators. They
are scheduled to be installed this winter at the Outpost, Boat launch, and our kayak ramp.
These are the three places where guests would have community access to the water.
For non-budgetary issues, all HL owners should be
polled. This shouldn't be that burdensome as non-
budgetary issues are minimal compared to budgetary
issues which wouldn't fall under this recommendation.
Presently, non-budgetary issues are decided by a
handful of people and appear set in stone to where
reasonable suggestions for changes are rejected. We
owners pay dues and our preferences should be
reflected in such decisions. Examples of non-
budgetary issues include one versus two speed limits
in HL, the holiday gifts being disbursed in equal 25%
allocations to HL's four recipients (Office, BWB,
Fitness, and Security) versus the gift givers allowed to
allocate the percentages of their gift, and incorporating
more transparency in the filling of committee slots.
Granted, periodic surveys have been and should
continue being taken to gauge owner views on issues,
but when surveys close new issues emerge and new
owners come on board. More democracy in decisions
fosters greater acceptance.
Member feedback is an important part of the decision making process here at Hampton
Lake. As you point out, members are formally surveyed periodically. Considerable effort is
made to focus on the items raised in the formal surveys; the advisory committees and
management use this data to make recommendations and guide many decisions.
Additionally, the owner members of the board of directors and the advisory board routinely
gather member feedback in an informal fashion, a process that includes soliciting feedback
as well as cataloging feedback initiated by members. However, certain decisions and
policies cannot be guided by opinion or majority vote. The speed limits are one example
where safety, not preference, must prevail.
The Hampton Lake Giving Fund (HLGF) is actually a perfect example of owners views and
preferences being implemented. HLGF is fully managed by a committee of volunteers who
devised a method to allow members to pool holiday gifts to staff without being subject to
payroll taxes. HLGF is a 501(c)(4), a specific type of organization recognized by the
Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit and nontaxable employee welfare organization. As
an organization separate from the HLCA, it has its own board of directors consisting of
Hampton Lake members and is totally independent from HLCA. The funds are not
disbursed in 25% allocations to each department, as noted in your comment. In actuality,
the total amount collected will be divided equitably; pro-rated based on whether a staff
member is full-time or part-time, and how many months he or she has worked at Hampton
Lake in 2016. Members can opt to participate in the HLGF; those who wish to express their
appreciation in a different way may do so. The filling of HLGF committee slots could not
have been more transparent; the call for volunteers was made at two board of director
meetings and was posted on the weekly Community Update newsletter for many weeks.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With the increased population of not only
residents...but also dogs...are there any plans to build
a 2nd dog park in phase 3? We already have
outgrown this one.
Thank you!
Phase 3 will have additional park areas where dog owners will be able to bring their dogs
on leashes, as these areas will not be fenced in. There are no plans for an additional
fenced-in dog park. The current dog park, which includes a large dog section and a small
dog section, was designed to serve all of Hampton Lake and does not appear to be used to
full capacity. Except for a short period in the mornings and again in late afternoon, the dog
park is empty, or nearly empty, for most of the day.
Who is responsible and what is the process for having
courtyard circles and eyebrows landscaped and
HLCA official policy has been not to landscape the cul-de-sac circles until home
construction is complete (or close to complete) because of contractors routinely driving
across the islands. However, initial landscaping is mixed because some residents chose to
pay to have their cul-de-sac islands landscaped because they didn’t want to wait (e.g.
Lakewood and Anchor Bay); and in some cases builders paid (e.g. Weldenfeld paid for
Heartwood Court, Dream Finders paid for the end of Hampton Lake Drive.).) If residents
want to pay to landscape the island on their street, they need to submit a plan to the ARB
for approval prior to doing any work.
The Property Transfer Committee is considering listing the island landscaping as
“unfinished developer responsibility” as these islands are part of the common property
being transferred.
Please provide what the total Dollar amount of
deliquent HOA fees and a break down of the number
of owners delinquent, and the number of builder
delinquent, and other (if such).
If any HOA fees are over 90 day delinquent please
advise what the association BOD is doing to collect
the fees.
Thank you
Information detailing the number of owners delinquent on their dues, as well as the
collection process, is posted on the HLCA website and readily available to all members.
The most current information, as of the end of the third quarter 2016, can be found on the
last page of the HLCA 3rd Quarter Detailed 2016 Financial Reports. (Click on HLCA, BOD
Minutes & Financials, scroll to View the HLCA 3rd Quarter Detailed 2016 Financial Reports
Accounts Analysis
# of Owners $ Amount % of Owners
Owners with no dues balance 491 - 53.7%
Current 335 $188,329 36.7%
Insignificant Amounts 5 $2,007 0.5%
Payments in transit 1 $1,619 0.1%
Reminders 40 $22,228 4.4%
60 Days 6 $4,444 0.7%
90 Days 25 $42,974 2.7%
Payment Arrangements 2 $4,133 0.2%
Dispute - - 0.0%
Demand Letters 4 $6,876 0.4%
Liened 3 $15,683 0.3%
Lien Requested 1 $1,719 0.1%
Default Judgment 1 $16,855 0.1%
Foreclosures - - 0.0%
Pending Sales - $0 0.0%
Chap 7, 11 & 13 Bankruptcy - $0 0.0%
Of the 25 owners 90 days past due, 19 are builder-owned. Synergy is 90 days past due on
8 lots, and Brenda Matthews in Accounting is working to get full payment to bring them
current. Pulte’s past due payment on 11 lots was processed last week and they are now
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The process for collection of past due account accounts is detailed in the HLCA Rules &
Regulations, also on the web site. (Click on HLCA Docs, scroll to Hampton Lake
Community Association Rules & Regulations.) Here is the process, as per Chapter 2.2:
2.2.3. The Member’s account may be charged an Administrative Fee of 1 ½% per month on
all unpaid balances carried forward from the previous month-end. This charge is computed
and assessed automatically by the accounting system.
2.2.4. The first statement which indicates an account is not current will trigger a reminder
notice that the account is past due on the statement.
2.2.5. On the next statement date, the Member’s statement is accompanied by a letter (60-
day letter) advising the following actions may be taken:
• The account remains past due and the Administrative Fee has been charged.
• All Hampton Lake Member privileges (including amenity use) could be suspended.
2.2.6. On the next statement date, the Member’s statement is accompanied by another
letter (90-day letter) advising the following actions will be taken:
• The account remains past due and the Administrative Fee has been charged.
• All Hampton Lake Member privileges (including use of the amenities) are suspended.
2.2.7. On the next statement date, the Member’s account is now 120 days past due. The
statement will be mailed to the owner and the following actions will take place.
• The Member’s account will be forwarded to Hampton Lake’s Attorney to send a formal
demand for collection. The firm will also initiate a “Title Search”, and subsequently placing
of a “Lien” on the subject Property. Additionally a personal judgment may be sought and if
obtained filed with the Court for the full amount due.
• The Member’s account will be charged for all related attorney’s fees relating to the
collection of this matter.
Bruce W.
I like to follow up to your answer to my question
regarding a Jacuzzi for Phase 3. Most large pools
have a Jacuzzi associated with the facilities. To have
a focus group that had to choose between a large pool
or a Jacuzzi appears to have the developer's wallet as
the main focus. This should be polled again using a
question that would be fair and balance.
The focus groups did not ask members to choose between a large pool or a Jacuzzi;
members were asked for feedback on each. The hot tub/Jacuzzi was greeted with very
little support, and several members were very strongly against it. The new pool, however,
was enthusiastically received, with no opposition at all. Perhaps some background on the
phase 3 planning and the focus groups will help to clarify.
During March and April of 2015, the developer sponsored a series of focus groups to get
member feedback on the conceptual plans for the phase 3 amenities and enhancements to
the current amenity center. The purpose of the focus groups was to conduct market
research about what features and amenities would be desirable to potential new members;
the idea being that current members were representative of the prospective market.
Following a series of small group meetings, all members were invited to preview and
comment on the conceptual plans. None of the meetings involved a poll, a vote. However,
given the lack of enthusiasm for a Jacuzzi/hot tub, there are no plans to include one at this
The developer has been clear about funding for the phase 3 amenities: $7000 from each lot
sale is set aside for amenity development; timing is contingent on lot sales.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I understand that our " therapy" pool has been out of
service for a few months. Any reason why it has not
been repaired. Thank You
The status of the hydrotherapy pool was discussed during the community update at the
November 18 Board of Directors Meeting. The meeting minutes, posted on the HLCA
website, state the following: “The hydrotherapy pool has been temporarily closed. Our
dehumidification system has reached its useful life span. The proposed estimate to replace
this specific unit is $56,000. Our property transfer committee is currently finishing a report
which may have design information as well as responsibility implications. This report should
be completed in the next few weeks. We will advise the status of the hydrotherapy pool
once we have some more information and decisions.”
It was disappointing to learn that despite how
uncomfortable it is to sit in the dog park kiosks
between late Spring and early Fall given the heat and
bugs, fans are unable to be installed due to lack of an
electrical source (the nearby street light pole is not
HL''s to tap into). That said, would it be possible for
solar panels to be installed on the roofs of the kiosks
together with fans powered by solar energy? It was a
initial design flaw not installing fans in the dog park
kiosks as they are installed in the Outpost kiosks and
adult pool cabanas. Fans in the dog park kiosks
would eliminate uncomfortable conditions for dog park
users and would be a selling point for potential HL
Thank you for your suggestion. While noting that only 2.2% of members were “dissatisfied”
with the dog park in the last member survey, this suggestion will be considered for the 2018
budget, along with other priorities and recommendations.
Thank you very much for the through answer
regarding delinquency processing. It is very clear as
to the process and the ramifications when a member
is delinquent with their fees. It is not clear as to the
ramifications when a builder or the developer is
Is there a separate policy regarding delinquent fees
for the builders or the developer?
The policy and procedures for collecting fees from owners who are delinquent on the dues
is the same for builders and individual owners. The developer does not pay dues on
unsold lots, therefore there are no developer delinquencies.
What is the schedule for replacing the heater (or
changing to a heater/cooler) in the large pool? Last
spring it was stated that waiting until the off-season
would be cost-effective. Could you direct me to where
this expense is shown in the budget? Thank you.
Based upon a $30,000 quote from our pool contractor, we were planning to install 3 electric
heat pumps in January to regulate the temperature of the pool. The idea was a heat pump
will not only allow the pool to be heated during the early spring, it will allow for cooling of
the water in the hot summer months. The $30,000 cost of the heat pump is part of the
$64,328 budgeted for capital improvements/replacements on the Actual to Budget
Summary 2015 2017. To view the budget summary, click HERE. However, the pool
contractor has recently informed us that the equipment vendor misunderstood the
requirement and undersized his quote. Our pool will require 15 heat pumps. The current
plan is to repair the propane boiler before the spring to heat the pool.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Over almost 7 years I have been living at Hampton
Lake I have seen the hydrotheraphy pool broken down
in some way quite often. Now I am told that it is an
expense that HL may not be willing to undertake and
repair and may just fill in the hole and us the area for
something else. The hydrotheraphy pool was a factor
in my decision to move to HL so this is quite disturbing
to me. I have lived in other places where the
breakdown rate is nowhere even close to here at HL.
Is it possible the builder/developer did not accurately
configure the hydrotheraphy pool correctly and if so,
shouldn't he bear the responsibilty to bring it up to par
so as not to have the frequent breakdowns and costs
to the community and more importantly to keep our
hydrotherapy pool in good working order and not just
fill in the hole..
As indicated at the November 18 Board of Directors Meeting (please see the meeting
minutes here) as well as in previous LakeView responses, no decisions have been made
regarding the future of the hydrotherapy pool, including the timing of repairs. There are
multiple issues at play that will determine the final outcome, including the ongoing Property
Transfer process.
I wanted to comment on a question from last week
concerning the pool heater. My opinion is we should
be taking a long term view of what the best option is
for the community. It sounds like the propane unit is at
the end of its useful life, so we could find ourselves in
the same situation this time next year. Use of the pool
during the summer months would be much more
enjoyable if we had a heat pump system, especially
considering the algae build-up that occurs during
weeks of extreme heat. My understanding is that heat
pumps cost less than half as much to operate versus a
propane heater. They're also "green", which means
we might be eligible for some form of incentives.
Based on the original quote it sounds like the units are
$10,000 each, or a total of $150,000? I agree that
number causes sticker shock, but I'm guessing we
could get a better quote. Quick, back of the envelope
math, says this might be around $120 per owner, or
$10 per month if we approved a special assessment.
Thank you for your suggestion. We are continuing to pursue other quotes so that heat
pumps can be considered along with other budget priorities when formulating the 2018
budget. However, we don’t have plans for any special assessments. Historically, the
Board has been opposed to special assessments and based on results in a member survey
that was conducted in 2014, members appear to be strongly opposed to special
I don't know the root cause for the pool heater failures,
but my perception has been that it has experienced
many operational challenges over the last four years.
Will the future pool be heated, also? Given the future
pool's more simplified rectangular design it should be
more cost effective and perhaps more reliable to
operate. Maybe one shoulder-season pool sized
properly for swimming laps, water aerobics, .. etc. is
sufficient? Thank you, Scott
Thank you for your suggestion. Details about the new pool in Phase 3 have not been
finalized as yet. Your suggestion of heating the new pool to extend “lap swimming” season
has been passed on to the Declarant.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Just wanted to say kudos to the people who organized
the Christmas Boat parade, and to the participants. It
was our 1st and we found it to be a very enjoyable
community event and a great way to meet more of our
fellow neighbors. I would also like to say the staff at
Backwater Bills did a great job. We had a large group
and we all enjoyed the cocktail hour and our meal,
and the staff seemed to have everything well
1. What are the near-term, mid-term, and long-term
forecasted schedules and costs for Lake dredging?
2. What are the Lake shoreline, depth, and depth
contours in the approved design and construction
plans and specifications for Hampton Lake?
3. What are the Lake shoreline, depth, and depth
contours in the as-built approved design and
construction plans and specifications for Hampton
4. What are the current Lake shoreline, depth, and
depth contours? How do they compare to (1) the
approved design and construction plans and
specifications and (2) the as-built approved design
and construction plans and specifications?
Lake dredging is based upon evaluated and measured need, so there isn’t a specific
schedule to dredge in the near, mid or long term. However, funds are accrued and placed
in reserve so that HLCA will be able to support long term dredging requirements. The
Capital Reserve Study conducted in 2014 recommended $1.73 million for lake dredging at
various times over the thirty years covered by the study. The Capital Reserve Study is
available on the HLCA web site under the HLCA Docs tab. HLCA’s lake management
contractor, Quality Lakes, performed lake mapping services in the fourth quarter of 2014 to
establish a baseline at that point in time. This lake contour map is available on the HLCA
web site under the “HLCA Docs” tab. The next lake mapping service is tentatively
scheduled for 2018. Comparing the two lake contour maps will assist in projecting when
and where dredging projects will be needed. The original design of the lake was for varying
depths and contours, but with a general nominal depth of 8 feet, with some locations
deeper and some shallower. The 2014 lake mapping shows this to be the case. To better
understand the geography and the history, members can find the Hampton Lake Site Plans
on the HLCA Docs tab of the LCA website. This document shows the lake shoreline history
from the 2007 Master Plan to the changes planned by SEDA on the Resort tract in 2017.
The design and construction plans, both the original plans, as well as any changes, are
submitted to the Town of Bluffton for approval.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
According to the Chapter 11 Confirmed Plan, the
Developer was to transfer the Lake to the Lake
Maintenance Corporation by the end of 2015.
“Additionally, the Debtor will transfer the 165-acre
freshwater lake to the Lake Maintenance Corporation
free and clear of any liens, claims or encumbrances in
accordance with applicable covenants at the end of
the Plan term.” The provisions of a confirmed Chapter
11 Plan legally bind a debtor.
1. Was the Lake transferred to the Lake Maintenance
Corporation (LMC) by the end of 2015? If not, why?
What is the status of the transfer? What is the Plan of
Action and Milestones for the transfer?
2. Who are the Directors of the LMC Board? Who are
the Officers of the LMC? Who is the Manager of the
LMC? What are their formal and informal contact
Title to the lake was formally conveyed to the LMC in August 2016. The timing was a
function of a number of factors, primarily finalizing the plats, as well as amendments to be
made to the LMC covenants, and working through this with Southeastern Development
Associates (SEDA), which was a relatively new entity involved in the LMC. LMC Directors
are John Reed, Stacey Garbett, Erik Olson, Fred Chitty and Bobby Thomas. LMC Officers
are President, Fred Chitty; Vice President, Pratt Reed; Secretary, Stacey Garbett;
Treasurer, Brenda Matthews. LMC Manager is Bryan Rhame. You can reach the LMC
Secretary by writing to LMC c/o Reed Group, Attn: Stacey Garbett; PO Box 23767; Hilton
Head, SC 29925 or by email at sgarbett@reedgroupsc.com
1. What does the Organizational Chart showing
structure, relationships (internal and external entities,
including the HLCA and HL property owners), and
relative ranks look like for the Lake Maintenance
Corporation (LMC)?
2. Is there a multi year pro forma budget for the LMC
forecasting revenue and expenditures? If not, why? If
so, will that budget and associated financial
statements be posted to the HLCA member Website
just as the financial statements for HLCA are posted?
If not, why?
3. What is the schedule and place for future Board
meetings for the LMC?
The Lake Maintenance Corporation (LMC) was created to perform the joint maintenance
responsibilities of the lake. As there is no hierarchy or layers of management, no
organization chart has been necessary. The LMC Treasurer does not keep a multi-year
pro-forma budget because the budget is relatively simple and driven by maintenance
contracts. The covenants for the LMC is posted on the HLCA website; the covenants
contain detailed information about the roles and responsibilities of the LMC. Web site
improvements in 2017 may include a section for LMC documents such as the LMC financial
statements and board meeting minutes. No LMC Board meetings have been scheduled as
yet for 2017. The LMC Board meetings are typically held in the Reed Group conference
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The $12,000 Replacement Reserve Report FY 2014
prepared by independent, nationally recognized
experts Peter Miller and James Dodson of Miller-
Dodson Capital Reserve Consultants forecasts
dredging every 10 years, starting this year, 2017, and
in 2027 and 2037 at a cost of $576,680 for each of
those three years. (Replacement Reserve Inventory
Page B7, Projected Annual Replacements Pages
C5, C15 and C25)
The following is a Lake maintenance and dredging
related key point made in the Report (Condition
Assessment Page D4): Because of the significant
cost of dredging and establishing the correct reserve
contribution, it is recommended that the Association
undertake studies to refine the assumptions we have
had to make with more information and estimates
developed by a professional in this field.
Has the Association performed the Report Lake
maintenance and dredging recommended studies? If
not, why? If so, will the studies be posted to the HLCA
member Website? If not, why?
The HLCA Capital Reserve Study (available on the HLCA web site) serves two important
purposes, (1) to identify the life expectancies and projected replacements of Hampton Lake
common property, and (2) make recommendations regarding expected replacement costs
so that the board and management can adequately plan and accrue reserves to pay for the
replacements. The replacement reserve inventory (which is on pages B1 B34, page B7
focuses specifically on the lake) provides a detailed list of the items that will need to be
replaced and a forecast as to when the replacement may be expected. This inventory is
grouped by amenity (e.g. the lake, the fitness center, etc.) The Projected Annual
Replacements section (pages C1 C34) lists the items according to the year they are
projected to be replaced. However, these are projections; they are not meant to be the
actual dates that an item is replaced. As Miller-Dodson noted on page C1, “Actual
experience in replacing the items may differ significantly from the cost estimates and time
frames shown because of conditions beyond our control. These differences may be caused
by maintenance practices, inflation, variations in pricing and market conditions, future
technological developments, regulatory actions, acts of God, and luck.”
Miller-Dodson further recommended, on page D4, that HLCA “Survey the ponds to
establish the current profile of the bottom. After five years of operation, have the pond re-
surveyed to establish new depths to determine the local siltation rate. This will establish the
frequency required for periodic dredging.” Our lake management contractor, Quality Lakes,
was engaged to perform lake mapping services in the fourth quarter of 2014 to establish a
baseline at that point in time. This lake contour map is available on the HLCA web site
under the “HLCA Docs” tab. The next lake mapping service is tentatively scheduled for
2018. When the next lake map is completed, the LMC will then be able to compare the two
and determine if, when, and where dredging may be needed. Also in accordance with the
Miller-Dodson recommendations, reserves are being accrued each year to pay for future
lake dredging, as well as other capital replacements.
The following are a couple Lake maintenance and
dredging related key points made in the $12,000
Replacement Reserve Report FY 2014 prepared by
independent, nationally recognized experts Peter
Miller and James Dodson of Miller-Dodson Capital
Reserve Consultants (Condition Assessment Page
D4): (1) Water quality is usually negatively affected by
increased siltation and debris accumulation and (2) As
a rule of thumb, dredging should be performed when
approximately one-third of the volume of the lake has
been filled with silt.
What volume of the Lake has been filled with silt?
What was the original depth of the Lake? What is the
siltation rate? What is the current depth of the Lake?
HLCA’s lake management contractor, Quality Lakes, performed lake mapping services in
the fourth quarter of 2014 to establish a baseline at that point in time. This lake contour
map is available on the HLCA web site under the “HLCA Docs” tab. The next lake mapping
service is tentatively scheduled for 2018. This is in accordance with the recommendations
made by Miller-Dodson, also on page D4, which states “Survey the ponds to establish the
current profile of the bottom. After five years of operation, have the pond re-surveyed to
establish new depths to determine the local siltation rate. This will establish the frequency
required for periodic dredging.” Comparing the two lake contour maps will assist in
determining the volume of the silt and in projecting when and where dredging will be
needed. The original design of the lake was for varying depths and contours, but with a
general nominal depth of 8 feet, with some locations deeper and some shallower. The
2014 lake mapping shows this to be the case.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What are the specific requirements and process
according to (1) applicable Governing Documents, (2)
the Chapter 11 Confirmed Plan and (3) current South
Carolina case law for transferring the Lake to the Lake
Maintenance Corporation (LMC)?
(The timing/status of the Lake transfer to the LMC was
addressed in a previous LakeViews submission.)
The applicable Governing Document regarding the lake is the “Covenant for Joint Use and
Maintenance at Hampton Lake”. This document is available on the HLCA web site, under
the HLCA Docs tab. On page 6 of this document, paragraph 3.2 “Conveyance of Property
by Declarant” provides the rights of the Declarant to convey lake property to the Lake
Maintenance Corporation (LMC) and to withdraw property from the LMC. Quoted here for
convenience is paragraph 3.2: “At any time Declarant owns any property described in
Exhibit “A”, Declarant may convey to the Lake Maintenance Corporation, or assign the
Lake Maintenance Corporation responsibility for, improved or unimproved real property
located within the Buckwalter Planned Unit Development in Bluffton, South Carolina, now
or to be located in the Community Association; The Lake Maintenance Corporation shall
accept and maintain, operate and manage such property as part of the Area of Lake
Maintenance Corporation Responsibility. The Lake Maintenance Corporation also shall
perform, as a Lake Maintenance Corporation Expense, such obligations and
responsibilities with respect as Declarant may assign in writing. In recognition of the fact
that Declarant conveys real property to the Lake Maintenance Corporation at no cost to the
Lake Maintenance Corporation, if conveyed in error or needed to make minor adjustments
in property lines, Declarant, for so long as it owns any property described in Exhibit “A”,
may unilaterally amend this Covenant to add or withdraw property from its coverage and
may require the Lake Maintenance Corporation to reconvey unimproved real property to
Declarant or other persons.”
The Debtor’s (i.e. Hampton Lake LLC) amended Chapter 11 plan filed on December 2,
2013 includes the following statement, “Additionally, the Debtor will transfer the 165-acre
freshwater lake to the Lake Maintenance Corporation free and clear of any liens, claims or
encumbrances in accordance with applicable covenants at the end of the Plan term.”
Bankruptcy Court documents are available to the public by using “Pacer”
https://www.pacer.gov/. Title to the lake was formally conveyed to the LMC in August
2016. The timing was a function of a number of factors, primarily finalizing the plats, as
well as amendments to be made to the LMC covenants, and working through this with
Southeastern Development Associates (SEDA), which was a relatively new entity involved
in the LMC. Case law, also known as common law, allows judges to render decisions
based on the rulings of earlier cases. This is different from statutory law, which refers to the
written law established by the legislative branch of the state or federal government. A
review and written opinion of case and/or statutory law is best performed by an attorney.
Your lawyer can provide legal guidance.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Were soil or soil mixtures with a high clay content or
other desirable properties used during development to
provide structural integrity and to minimize erosion
along the Lake shoreline of property owners? If not,
Were there any Federal, including the US Army Corps
of Engineers, State; County and/or Town requirements
for the Developer to provide structural integrity and to
minimize erosion along the Lake shoreline of property
What Lake related soils tests were performed during
The lake plan permitting process involved various agencies, including at the town, state
and federal level. Since wetlands were involved, the Army Corp of Engineers had
jurisdiction at the federal level. Soil with a high clay content was used wherever possible,
in particular to provide structural integrity of the berms. All testing required by the
approving agencies were performed. Members who are interested in the history of the
construction of the lake can find many more details in “Hampton Lake: It’s all about the
Water”, a written documentary of Hampton Lake history written by Hampton Lake members
for Hampton Lake members, available at the Tackle Box.
You have stated that the Lake is being transferred to
the Lake Maintenance Corporation. Who are the
owners of the Lake Maintenance Corporation? In
other words who owns the Lake?
The Lake Maintenance Corporation (LMC) is the legal entity that holds the property title to
153 acres of the lake (the part contained in phases 1 & 2). The developer (i.e. Reed
controlled entities) holds title to the portions of the lake in phase 3 (approximately 60
acres). There are 3 entities involved with the governance of LMC, the Declarant (i.e. Reed
under various entities), Brightwater at Hampton Lake Owners Association, Inc., and
Hampton Lake Community Association, Inc. Brightwater is currently comprised of two
entities, Bluffton SLP LLC (aka Benton House) and Grand Oak Hampton Lakes LLC (aka
SEDA, aka apartments). Funding LMC for the operation and maintenance of the lake is the
responsibility of the Hampton Lake Community Association (83%) and Brightwater at
Hampton Lake Owners Association (17%). Bryan Rhame is the General Manager of LMC.
LMC remains under Declarant control (i.e. “Founder”). The Covenant for Joint Use and
Maintenance at Hampton Lake, with its supplements / amendments are the applicable
governing documents and are available on the HLCA web site.
It has become increasingly dangerous to turn onto
Bluffton Parkway from our entrance. Are there plans
to have a traffic light installed? If so, how soon?
Thank you.
Southeastern Development Associates (SEDA), the developer of the apartments currently
being built on what was previously known as the Resort Tract, has committed to funding
the installation of a traffic light. The exact timing has not been announced but it is expected
to be done by third quarter 2017.
Many of us will have friends and relatives visiting
during the Spring Break period this year. Can we get
an update on the plans to replace the pool heater in
time for the Spring opening?
With no unforeseen delays or issues, our goal is to have the pool heater repaired the week
of February 6th. This will allow us the opportunity to test it several times before we start the
pool-heating process. Weather permitting, we will start heating the pool on Friday, March
With no unforeseen delays or issues, our goal is to have the pool heater repaired the week
of February 6th. This will allow us the opportunity to test it several times before we start the
pool-heating process. Weather permitting, we will start heating the pool on Friday, March
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
A member for purposes of the South Carolina
Nonprofit Act is a person granted a right by the articles
of incorporation or bylaws to vote on a director or
directors of the corporation or on issues which require
the approval of the members of the corporation. The
Lake Maintenance Corporation (LMC) is a nonprofit.
Does LMC have members? If not, why? If so, who
are the members?
Per the Lake Maintenance Corporation Articles of Incorporation as amended, the LMC is a
SC nonprofit corporation with members. The members are as stated in the Covenant for
Joint Use and Maintenance at Hampton Lake and its supplements and/or amendments
(available on the HLCA web site for all members.) Chapter 2, paragraph 2.1, quoted here
for convenience, states “Membership in the Lake Maintenance Corporation shall consist of
the Community Association and the regime(s) or association(s) that constitute or represent
the Other Lakefront Property Owners, if the Other Lakefront Property or any portion thereof
is made subject to this covenant in the future by an amendment as provided in section 5.2,
as evidenced by a recorded instrument executed by the applicable Other Lakefront Owner
to that effect.” On page 3 of the second amendment to this covenant it states “Whereas,
HL Development LLC, Hampton Lake Community Association Inc., and Brightwater at
Hampton Lake Owners Association Inc. are the members of LMC…”
Since the hydrating pool has been closed off and on
for the past 3 years with no real resolution to the
problem, would it not be the total responsibility for
Reed Development to fix this problem at their cost? Is
this not an amenity that helped sell many of his lots in
Hampton Lake? What are you telling the new buyers
about who will absorb this cost?
As indicated at the November 18 Board of Directors Meeting as well as in previous
LakeViews responses during the month of December, no decisions have been made
regarding the future of the hydrotherapy pool, including the timing of repairs. There are
multiple issues at play that will determine the final outcome, including the Property Transfer
process, which is still ongoing. We will advise the status of the hydrotherapy pool once we
have firm information and decisions.
Who is the person responsible for stormwater
management practices at Hampton Lake? Who is the
person responsible for preventive maintenance of all
stormwater management structures at Hampton Lake?
Who is the person responsible for maintenance of
stormwater management structure deficiencies and
repairs at Hampton Lake?
Storm water management practices are carried out according to the permits from the Town
of Bluffton; the town also performs monthly inspections. Bryan Rhame, the general
manager for Hampton Lake Community Association and the Lake Maintenance
Corporation, is the person responsible for implementing storm water management practices
and overseeing the maintenance of the storm water management structures. Several
different contractors are engaged to perform the maintenance and repair work. Gail
Garbett oversees the weekly inspections of contractor silt fences and determines
enforcement actions. Hampton Lake’s storm water system performed in an outstanding
fashion and as designed when heavily tested during Hurricane Matthew with over 18 inches
of rain falling in less than 24 hours. Many owners, who witnessed our storm water system’s
performance first hand during Matthew, praised how well Hampton Lake fared after
Hurricane Matthew, especially compared to locations around us. Owners publicly and
privately praised and expressed gratitude to Bryan Rhame and to John Reed and his team,
who designed and built Hampton Lake and its storm water management system.
Given that BWBs hosts an annual Marci Gras event,
I'd like to suggest that BWBs likewise host an annual
party for an equally if not more celebrated event, the
Super Bowl, assuming that it's occurring on a Sunday
evening/night is not a problem. A rented large screen
TV in the Lakeview Room, with Meet Your Neighbors
type food served and a cash bar would, I'm betting,
draw a healthy crowd. But apart from taking my word,
if there's any question whether it would be a
sustainable event, perhaps a survey can be taken of
interest by the residents. The event would not be until
2018. Consideration of this suggestion would be
Thank you for your suggestion. The staff at Backwater Bill’s, along with the Food &
Beverage Committee and the Events Committee, have frequently discussed the idea of a
Super Bowl party. There are several reasons why we have not hosted a Super bowl event
in the past, including the understanding that so many of our members attend or host house
parties that we felt that the event would not draw enough of a crowd to make the party
sustainable. However, given the growth of the community, it is worth considering for 2018.
Your suggestion, including the possibility of surveying members for interest, will be
discussed by the Food & Beverage Committee, the Events Committee, and the staff of
Backwater Bill’s.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
As you know, until 2016 the lots along the south side
of Hampton Lake Crossing between the amenity
center and the bridge crossing the lake were platted,
approved and lot numbered (ample written and
photographic proof available) for Coach Home
completion. With the sale of the property to Logan
Homes, the parcel that was scheduled for 10 Coach
Homes (lots 1423 to 1433) was redesigned ( lots 1423
to 1428 - with the loss of 4 future dues paying
dwellings) to accommodate 6 single family houses. In
addition, the fully landscaped Hampton Lake common
property buffer next to the bridge, complete with a
large magnolia tree and street light, was redesignated
lot 1429 and also sold to Logan was as a building lot
although it was never previously designated as such.
My question is: Who sold and profited by selling
designated Hampton Lake common property (shown
as such on every official sale map of Hampton Lake
until late 2016) and why was it permitted to happen?
The lots you refer to are all developer lots with Logan being the first to purchase from the
developer. There were some negotiations between Reed and Sabal on these lots, as part
of the Chapter 11 close out, before Reed sold them to Logan. On the south side of
Hampton Lake Crossing, between the slab and the bridge, the original plan was 14 coach
homes (units 1420 to 1433.) Reed replatted these to 10 single family homes (lots 1420 to
1429) via the Town of Bluffton, which is the approving authority. At the same time, on
Morning Line Court, Reed replatted 10 coach home units to 7 single family homes. The
replatting was done on property owned by the developer and before the title of common
property was transferred to HLCA. The replatting resulted in a total reduced density of 7
units. Because the coach home pads were not deemed marketable during the bankruptcy
period, (these unsold properties had not produced any dues paying members since it was
originally platted in 2006 and 2007) the property was replatted for single family homes in
order to sell them prior to the court-approved bankruptcy deadline. This proved to be more
conducive to actually getting something built on the property, and created the opportunity to
bring in dues paying members. This change was discussed at various Board of Director
meetings. The minutes of the January 14, 2016 Board of Directors meeting quotes Pratt
Reed: “In the Coach Home area, we went from 24 Coach Home units to 17 single family
lots, which are under contract with Logan Homes and scheduled to close by the end of the
month. We have shared the preliminary plans that Logan has provided with the Coach
Home HOA, but nothing has been submitted to the ARB yet.” Revenue from sales of
Developer lots flows to the Developer or during a Chapter 11, to the secured Creditor, in
accordance with the Chapter 11 plan.
I had sent separate emails to Gail Garbet & Fred
Chitty regarding the small size of the 20mph road
signs on either side of the approach to Fish Dancer
along Hampton Lake Driver. I frequently walk from
Waterview & cross the road to Fish Dancer with my
dog to get to the nature trail. It is extremely hard, and
can be dangerous crossing the road since you can not
see the cars approaching Fish Dancer traveling
towards Waterview due to the bend in the road at the
intersection. You have to rely on hearing which can be
difficult at best, especially when the traffic is
speeding(quite often) Those signs are very small and
do not give a noticeable notice of the speed change to
20mph. I recognize you do set up the flashing speed
sign from the other direction which helps with that
traffic speed temporarily. That can't be said from the
opposite direction. Larger speed number(the numbers
only portion) may be helpful in the rest of the
community especially since there are multiple speed
Larger numbers on the signs are unlikely to slow drivers down, however, we will ask the
Grounds & Facilities committee to research some type of warning sign to let drivers know
that they are approaching an intersection where pedestrians are likely to be crossing.
Members are encouraged to be cautious when crossing, particularly at the Fish Dancer
intersection, where it hard to see oncoming traffic. Pedestrians at this intersection must be
mindful of exactly where they cross to have a safe view of both directions when crossing
from the sidewalk on Hampton Lake Drive to Fish Dancer.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Comment regarding James Jensen's question
regarding 20 MPH signs at Fishdancer and Hampton
Lake Dr. I also find it difficult to cross there due to
poor visibility. I suggest that the landscaping be
pruned back...and bottom branches of tree removed to
improve visibility. That would be more beneficial to
pedestrians than extra signs. Thank you!
The landscaper has been instructed to ensure the foliage is kept cut back on the curves on
Hampton Lake Drive, including the intersection at Fish Dancer Court. Pedestrians need to
ensure they have a clear line of sight of approaching traffic in both directions before
crossing Hampton Lake Drive
Hurricane Matthew did a number on the nature trail
area directly across from our home. Several trees fell
into / across the lake and the debris was simply tossed
into a pile adjacent to the nature trail as you round the
lake bend from Harborage Court to the connector for
Anchor Cove. Many of us have asked management
about cleaning up this area and we've all received
different answers. We'd like to know if there are plans
to clean up this area and when we can expect to see
progress. One of us was told that a dumpster would
have to be brought in. From the way it looks to us,
some elbow grease, chainsaws, and the utility carts
that are currently used could be employed over
several days to remove the debris. Thank you.
We have set priorities for the clean-up which includes tree removal, perimeter fence repair,
any type of drainage repair and obstruction removal. Finally, anything that could cause
future drainage problems will be removed and/or monitored. We have completed most of
the fence repair and the huge drainage problem near Heartwood. We still have some
sidewalk repair and sod work to complete in this area. Our next focus is the trees that
could pose a problem with our weir system (the section you mentioned is a good example).
We are in the process of having a dumpster situated to expedite this task and reduce labor
costs associated with its removal. This plan of action is consistent with what we have
communicated when asked about the clean-up. We thank you for your patience as we work
to complete the task while being as cost efficient as possible.
Regarding this amended rule:
All exterior lighting must be off by midnight. Exterior
security or safety lighting activated by motion
detectors 24/7 are allowed (on after midnight only if
activated by motion).
What if you are not returning home until after midnight
and have lights on for safety/visibility purposes but do
not have motion detectors? Should you notify security
in advance?
The reason for the rule is two-fold. One is so that neighbors are not disturbed by the lights,
and the second is to minimize light pollution. Members who want to have their lights on for
when they return home after midnight may want to consider installing motion detectors so
that the lights will go on when you return. Notifying security in advance does not exempt
members from the rule.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With respect to the lake debris broached at the 2/21
board meeting and partially blamed on homeowner
recyclables, I suggest that the HL BOD and/or HL
management on behalf of HL lobby the Town of
Bluffton and/or Waste Management for larger lidded
and wheeled recyclable containers. Perhaps other
Bluffton sub-divisions presumably having similar
recyclable litter problems can be enlisted to join in the
lobbying. Lobbying requires horsepower and takes
more than a single complaining homeowner. The
present small, unlidded and unwheeled recyclable
containers are inadequate given that the volume of
many peoples' recyclables exceed the volume of their
regular trash. Even when bagged, the recyclables
often overflow the recyclable container. At my
previous residence in Northern Virginia, Waste
Management was also our trash collector, but they
issued us lidded and wheeled recyclable containers
identical to but somewhat smaller than the regular
trash containers. This is not a foreign concept.
This issue was researched previously by management. The Town of Bluffton contracts with
Waste Management for trash and recycling pick up. Apparently the fees paid by the Town
of Bluffton only include the receptacles currently in use. If enough members feel this is
something that they want to lobby the town for, there is no reason why a member or group
of members could not take the lead to pursue the issue with the town.
Catherine's weekly newsletter is very informative;
however, it does not explain the nature of the "special
events" announced by the small blue signs that are
posted along the path to that event. It would be
interesting to know "what's happening at the lake".
The purpose of the blue “Event” signs is to help direct non-members to private events, such
as weddings or other private parties for which our facilities have been rented. Since these
events are not member events, they are not posted in the member newsletter.
Now that the new bridge and Flatwater Dr has been
paved to the edge of the apartments site, there is only
a 200 yard gravel segment that any car can drive into
our community without any security fence/barrier to
stop them (I just did it). I ask that an immediate
temporary gate/fence be installed along with a remote
camera feeding back to our security shack. This is a
gaping hole in our community security.
The gravel segment you refer to is a utility maintenance easement across SEDA’s private
property. The developer has always planned to install a locked barrier gate at the end of
Flatwater Drive. Although timing is partially dependent on approval from Bluffton Fire and
EMS (they have to approve a locked gate to ensure emergency access) we expect this will
be complete in about 30 days.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have two questions about the back gate, which I
think are especially relevant with the new outside
construction scheduled to begin nearby soon. Some
time ago at a meeting we were told that management
was looking into activating the security camera there.
Has this happened, or is there a timetable for it to be
implemented? Also, when someone does not renew a
front gate pass, is the accompanying back gate
transponder sticker deactivated? I ask because I still
see the occasional car with a green owner's pass and
I wonder how that car is getting into Hampton Lake. I
understand that members who live here part time may
not renew until their next visit, but that is not the issue
I'm addressing.
Currently we have not activated the camera system. We used the budgeted dollars to
upgrade the system which was failing. We do plan to add the cameras this year. We will
have security posted at the back gate during this month to ensure owners update their
Just as we conduct member surveys every 2 years
due to our ever-growing and ever-changing
membership, I recommend that new focus groups be
conducted before finalizing the various Phase 3
amenities options now being discussed and
While the initial focus groups conducted several years
ago have been invaluable in forming preliminary
concepts, the membership explosion and resulting
change in our demographics the past 2 years should
be reflected in the decisions that will be taken on our
new amenities - be it parking, pools, restaurants,
tennis and pickle ball courts, trails, parks, meeting
space or whatever.
Accordingly, I hope that new focus groups, with a wide
range of member profiles, will be held.
Thank you!
Thank you for the suggestion. The developer is preparing to present the amenity plans to
the membership at the Board of Directors meeting on April 6. According to the developer,
“We have been actively working on finalizing plans and timing for the past year or so. I
believe this new information will help answer a lot of questions as well as raise new ones.
Member input is extremely valuable and by combining the information from the focus
groups 18 months ago, the weekly emails we receive with personal input, the 40 years of
development expertise and amenity planning that John Reed has, along with our continued
market research, we are confident that the new plans will make the ‘majority’ of the
members happy.”
in follow-up to my last week's Lakeviews submission
about the need for improved recyclable containers, I
corresponded with the Town of Bluffton's "trash czar"
and he advised that it has been an issue of general
concern and will be broached with Waste
Management upon renewal of the present contract
that expires 6/30/18.
Comment published as is on 3/19
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I don't know if this has been asked already, and I
missed this. But when will the sidewalk be repaired
near the villa's where the drainage construction was
completed a number of weeks ago?
It looks like only 3-4 concrete blocks need to be
replaced, it is unsightly, and that is a turn where we
don't want walkers, bikers in the road since it is a
sharp turn during heavy traffic periods.
The damage to the sidewalk occurred as a result of the heavy equipment used to repair the
culverts that were displaced during Hurricane Matthew. We are waiting for information
regarding the downed tree that is laying across the drainage system. Once we know if the
tree can be cut up or must be fully removed, will we complete the repairs to the sidewalk to
avoid any addition damage from heavy construction vehicles. Please use caution in this
area until the necessary repairs can be completed.
At today's meeting, it was mentioned that the Crystal
Clear Lake could be as deep as 16 ft. in some places
and that people could paddle board on it. My question
is in regard to liability, do we need to have a life guard
for safety reasons and if so, at whose expense? Also,
what measures will be taken to prevent after hours
use by children or others?
As with all of our amenities, use of the Crystal Lake will be at members’ own risk. It is
expected that people who use the Crystal Lake will do so responsibly and not venture into
situations that they cannot safely handle, such as paddle boarding or wading into deep
water if they cannot swim. Similar to using the pool, parents must supervise their children
to ensure their safety. Although no lifeguard is anticipated, the cost would be at the
expense of HLCA, similar to all other staff and labor costs.
Has any thought been given to a "3-way" STOP sign
for the Fish Dancer intersection at Hampton Lake
A 3-way stop sign has not previously been discussed. Thank you for the suggestion. This
suggestion will certainly be considered, along with other suggestions, such as a flashing
light and/or other signage.
Will the new hydrotherapy tubs be the walk-in type? I
think many of the members who want to use this
amenity may have trouble getting in and out of the
tubs otherwise.
Work still needs to be done to identify the specific hydrotherapy tubs that will be installed,
but at least one, if not both, will be the walk-in type.
Currently there is an Order Here" sign leaning against
one of the columns at the Tower Bar. Many members
are unaware that it exists.Could a sign be hung and
dropped down from the ceiling that would be more
visible? Also, could prepared snack items be made
available to be sold during the afternoon hours while
the pool is open, such as pretzels, ice cream bars,
protein bars, etc.?
Thank you for your suggestion. We are going to try placing an additional sign in a more
visible location which will direct members to the ordering station. Hopefully, this will help
solve the problem. We are in the process of identifying a vendor for ice cream products
that can be sold quickly and easily, so as not to create additional labor expense or slow
down food and drink service. We are also working to identify snack items that can made
available at the pool. We hope to have these items available soon.
Is it possible to have a pedestrian crossing at the
intersection of Hampton Lake Drive and Hampton
Lake Crossing by the dog park?
Although crosswalks can be beneficial in directing pedestrians where to cross, marked
pedestrian crosswalks, in and of themselves, do not slow traffic or reduce accidents
involving pedestrians. A five-year study by the Federal Highway Administration of 1000
marked crosswalks and 1000 unmarked comparison sites found that on most roads, the
difference in safety performance of marked and unmarked crossings is not statistically
significant, unless additional safety features, such as traffic lights or crossing guards, are
used. In certain situations, a marked crosswalk is likely to have worse safety performance
than an otherwise similar unmarked location. It is thought that crosswalks give pedestrians
a false sense of safety that leads them to cross without using adequate caution, and that
many drivers are not aware that pedestrians have the right of way in a marked crosswalk,
and they don’t expect pedestrians to suddenly step into the road. Given that pedestrians
crossing at intersection of Hampton Lake Crossing and Hampton Lake Drive near the dog
park can easily see traffic coming from all directions, a crosswalk may do more harm than
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
First, Developer Reed's reply to the Transfer
Committee Repirt was merely read at the 4/5/17 BOD
meeting. Shouldn't it also be posted on the HL website
as is the Transfer Committee Report? Second,
restoration of the hydrotherapy pool to operating
status at Developer Reed's expense, called for in the
Transfer Committee Report, was omitted as a
commitment in Developer Reed's reply and we now
have a Hydrotherapy Pool Survey that only speaks to
the options of HL property owner funding to restore
the Hydrotherapy Pool to operating status or
installation of two hydrotherapy tubs and a yoga room
paid for from the Phase 3 amenity fund. Also omitted
from Developer Reed's reply was completing the
landscaping of fifteen partially landscaped cul-de-sacs
called for in the Transfer Committee Report. His reply
only provides for completing the landscaping of two
cul-de-sacs. What justifies the omissions in Developer
Reed's reply - his past bankruptcy? Finally, what are
the HLCA's next steps?
As with all other letters related to the common property title conveyance process, the
Declarant’s letter to the PTC was read into the public record at the April 5th Board meeting.
The minutes will be posted on the HLCA web site for all members to access. For the
Hydrotherapy Spa, the Property Transfer Committee recommended an assessment, repair
and redesign and installation of properly sized air conditioning, dehumidification system.
The Declarant’s letter to the Property Transfer Committee listed several reasons why he
has instead chosen to convert one of the spa treatment rooms into a hydrotherapy room
with two therapy units. The letter further states: “With regards to the current hydrotherapy
room, HL Development would like to work with committee members and advisory board on
a cost effective repurposing of this space.” The declarant has stated that these changes
(estimated to be around $21,000) will come from his amenity fund, which is based on sales
($7,000 for each phase 3 lot sold.) Although the developer funds the building of amenities
through his amenity fund, HLCA funds the operation and maintenance of all amenities,
including the hydrotherapy pool. The Declarant’s responsibilities for maintenance of
common property comes from his majority position on the Board, which means he has
control over how HLCA funds are spent. The declarant was contacted to respond to your
question. Here is the response received: “The current Declarant, HL Development LLC, is
a different entity than the original Declarant, Hampton Lake LLC. Hampton Lake LLC is
bankrupt. Hampton Lake LLC was responsible to the development of phase 1 and 2 until
they were assigned as managers for the new owners, Sabal, through the bankruptcy court
order. The court order also defined what was to be completed and paid for through the
bankruptcy. The cul-de-sacs are completed to the approved court order and nothing further
will be done by Hampton Lake LLC.” The next step in the process is for the Property
Transfer Committee to provide a response to the Declarant and the committee has stated
that it plans to do so.
Why do we let contractors line up at the front gate
blocking the entrance in the morning prior to the
allowed contractor working hours? Some of us do
work nights, and should not have our access to the
community blocked for 15 to minutes because these
vehicles are on hold until 7am. I should not have to
drive 6 miles out of my way to use the back gate
because contractors violate the rules and line up early.
Security should not allow this to happen as they have
lately on a regular basis. Why don't we post the hours
and turn away violators?
Bryan Rhame met with our Security Supervisor on April 27 to emphasize the importance of
preventing contractors from lining up at the gate before 7:00 am. We will find a solution or
start fining them for blocking the entrance.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
1. Specifically, how is the Declarant’s written response
to the Property Transfer Committee’s report in the best
interest of the Association?
2. What is the specific position and reasons and bases
for the position of each individual Association Director
and Officer for the Declarant’s written response to the
Property Transfer Committee’s report?
3. What is the specific position and reasons and bases
for the position of the Property Transfer Committee for
the Declarant’s written response to their Report?
The property transfer process is still underway. The next step is for the Property Transfer
Committee to respond to the recent Declarant’s written response. As each step in the
process takes place, the written record will be shared with members as part of BOD
meetings. The position of the Board is that the process needs to proceed and the written
record be recorded at Board meetings.
1. What is the opinion about the Declarant’s written
response to the Property Transfer Committee’s report
of an attorney or law firm representing the interest of
the Association and having widely recognized specific
expertise and accomplishments in State community
association law; no reservations or conflict of interest
for litigation against (a) Reed Group, Hampton Lake,
LLC, Hampton Lake Development, LLC, Reed
Development Inc., Hampton Lake Realty or any
related subsidiaries, affiliates, or entities, (b) Beaufort
County, and (c) Town of Bluffton? Does the
Association have an attorney or law firm with the
aforementioned characteristics representing its
interest? If not, why?
Neither the Committee, nor their attorney, has yet formed an opinion regarding the
Declarant’s written response. HLCA contracted with the law firm of Finger, Melnick &
Brooks P.A. to assist the Property Transfer Committee to perform their responsibilities. This
is a well-qualified firm with 17 employees, including five attorneys who practice Homeowner
Association law. During attorney interviews, the attorneys were specifically questioned
about any possible conflict of interest and the committee was assured that there was none.
Regarding any implication that the law firm of Finger, Melnick & Brooks HLCA are in
violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct by accepting legal representation where a
conflict on interest exists, it is not within the scope, or ability, of the Committee to determine
whether an attorney has a conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest are defined by the South
Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct and enforced by the South Carolina Disciplinary
Counsel and the Supreme Court. If you feel the law firm of Finger, Melnick & Brooks P.A.
is in violation of rules you are free to file a complaint against them with the appropriate
enforcement agencies.
What is the estimated cost to remedy or repair for all
the issues identified in the Property Transfer
Committee Inspection Report, including the Gary
Freeman Architect, Inc. Study? What is the estimated
cost to remedy or repair for each issue identified in the
Property Transfer Committee Inspection Report,
including the Gary Freeman Architect, Inc. Study? Do
the aforementioned estimates exist? If not, why?
HLCA paid Gary Freeman Architect, Inc. $19,955.28 for his inspection and report. The
Property Transfer Committee has not completed their process and doesn’t have cost
estimates to correct the items listed in their report.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What is the opinion about the assignment of
responsibility for each issue identified in the Property
Transfer Committee Inspection Report, including the
Gary Freeman Architect, Inc. Study, of an attorney or
law firm representing the interest of the Association
and having widely recognized specific expertise and
accomplishments in State community association law;
no reservations or conflict of interest for litigation
against (a) Reed Group, Hampton Lake, LLC,
Hampton Lake Development, LLC, Reed Development
Inc., Hampton Lake Realty or any related subsidiaries,
affiliates, or entities, (b) Beaufort County, and (c)
Town of Bluffton? Does the Association have an
attorney or law firm with the aforementioned
characteristics representing its interest? If not, why?
The wording of this question makes it difficult to determine what is being asked, but we will
repeat that HLCA contracted with the law firm of Finger, Melnick & Brooks P.A. to assist the
Property Transfer Committee to perform their responsibilities. This is a well-qualified firm
with 17 employees, including five attorneys who practice Homeowner Association law.
Regarding any implication that the law firm of Finger, Melnick & Brooks HLCA are in
violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct by accepting legal representation where a
conflict of interest exists, it is not within the scope, or ability, of the Committee to determine
whether an attorney has a conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest are defined by the South
Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct and enforced by the South Carolina Disciplinary
Counsel and the Supreme Court. If you feel the law firm of Finger, Melnick & Brooks P.A.
is in violation of rules you are free to file a complaint against them with the appropriate
enforcement agencies.
An important and costly Declarant issue identified in
Gary Freeman Architect, Inc. Study that the Property
Transfer Committee did not assign to the Declarant
was paving failure on the secondary roads. Mr.
Freeman’s Recommendation - Declarant is a full width
and depth removal be done on areas of the secondary
roads with paving failures followed by patching that
closely matches the texture and appearance of the
existing road surface. Why wasn’t the Declarant
assigned responsibility for paving failure on the
secondary roads?
In their report, the Property Transfer Committee assigned items to the Declarant that they
believed to potentially be the result of poor design, defective construction or where the
deterioration of the item was significantly worse than would normally be expected, i.e.
equipment that failed prematurely.
Was any inspection for or identification of Lake design,
construction and maintenance defects made in
conjunction with the transfer of the Lake to the Lake
Maintenance Corporation (LMC)? If not, why? If not,
how is that in the best interest of the Association and
consistent with prudent business judgement and due
diligence of the Directors and Officers of the LMC?
The Lake was not part of the phase 1 & 2 common property title conveyance to HLCA, and
thus was not part of the scope of the Property Transfer Committee’s inspection.
Has all the Phase 1 and 2 common property, including
property with design and construction defects and/or
in need of repair, such as the Hydrotherapy Room,
been transferred to the Association? When?
Title to all Lakeside amenity center common property was conveyed to HLCA in March
2016. This was reported for the record during the April 7, 2016 Board meeting. Title to the
balance of phase 1 & 2 common property was conveyed in June 2016. This was reported
for the record during the July 6, 2016 Board meeting. Minutes of both of these Board
meetings are available on the HLCA web site.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
From 2006 to the time of conveyance of title to
amenities and common areas in phases 1 and 2 from
the Developer in 2016, inclusive, what is the amount,
total and for each year, the Association paid for
property tax on the common phase 1 and 2 real
property owned by the Developer? Is there anything
in Community governing documents that specifically
requires the Association to pay the Developer’s
property taxes? (e.g., The Association “shall” pay the
Developer’s property taxes.) Why did the Association
pay real property taxes on common areas prior to the
Developer transferring the property to the Association
when the Developer, the owner of record, was
responsible for common area taxes?
Per the Governing Documents, HLCA pays the expenses to operate and maintain the
“Areas of Common Responsibility” which includes any property and facilities that the
Declarant owns and makes available, on a temporary or permanent basis, for the primary
use and enjoyment of the Community Association and its members. HLCA annual financial
reports from 2010 to 2016 can be found on the HLCA web site. Amounts paid for taxes are
included in these reports. Please also note that the Declarant paid substantial annual
subsidies from 2006 to 2014 to fund HLCA operations, including any taxes paid. Subsidy
amounts are in the financial reports on the web site.
This is a revision of a previously submitted question:
But for the Developer holding title to the Community
common phase 1 and 2 property beyond the end of
2015 in violation of the Chapter 11 Confirmed Plan,
the Association would have qualified for a special
property valuation incentive as a non-profit
organization in 2016 and beyond that would result in a
significant property tax savings. What is the total
amount of the tax savings the Association was denied
as a result of the Developer violating the Chapter 11
Confirmed Plan?
When the County grants a tax special evaluation to HLCA, the amount will be available to
1. What was the total cost for outside experts that
contributed to the Property Transfer Inspection
Report? The services of Gary Freeman Architect, Inc.
to produce a 229 page Study? The deed-related
services of Finger, Melnick, and Brooks, PA to
produce a twenty-one page limited title search report?
2. Why and how was the law firm of Finger, Melnick,
and Brooks, PA selected? Who was the final decision
maker for the selection of the law firm? Who
controlled the scope of work? It appears from the
Website of the law firm that the main practice area is
personal injury. (Terry Finger of the law firm is also
the Town of Bluffton attorney.)
1. $19,955.28 was paid to Gary Freeman Architect, Inc and $10,556.50 was paid to Finger,
Melnick, and Brooks, PA. 2. The Property Transfer Committee conducted research using
several sources, including CAI (Community Associations Institute), to identify firms that
practice Homeowner Association Law in South Carolina, then interviewed multiple firms
and selected the firm of Finger, Melnick & Brooks PA using a consensus process. This is a
well-qualified firm with 17 employees, including five attorneys who practice Homeowner
Association law. In addition to reviewing the firms experience and reputation with HOA
Law, the Property Transfer Committee also ensured that the firms had not represented the
Declarant in any HOA litigation. The firm provided services as requested by the Property
Transfer Committee.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
1. Who paid for the landscaping on each of the 11
common area islands with finished landscaping?
Declarant? Association? Individual neighboring
2. The Developer conveyed Waterview Court
Common Area 3 and Common Area 4 to neighboring
lot owners. What is the estimated value for each of
those Comon Areas? What is the Plan of Action and
Milestones (POA&M) for the Board to address the
issue of not having clear title to Common Area 3 and
Common Area 4?
3. What portions of the Community Governing
Documents are inconsistent with existing State case
law and impact property transfer and the
requirements, responsibilities and duties of the
Property Transfer Committee members?
The outdated Governing Documents need to be
revised in plain English to strictly and fully comply with
current South Carolina case law. (The Community
Charter was filed with Beaufort County in March
1. Weldenfeld paid for Heartwood Court, Dream Finders paid for the end of Hampton Lake
Drive, Lakewood Court and Anchor Bay were paid for by residents. Hampton Lake Drive at
the entry were paid by the Developer, there is no record of who paid for Mooring Line
Place, Harborage Court or Fording Court. 2. All the “common property” conveyed to HLCA
was the property that remained from the original property conveyance to the developer
after the developer had sold property (e.g. individual lots) to others. The property identified
as “common area 3 & 4” in the PTC report were two narrow strips of land between the
street (Waterview) and the lake for a fence and private gated entry to lots at the end of
Waterview Court. Details can be found on page 64 of the book “Hampton Lake: It’s All
About the Water”, available for purchase in the Tackle Box. Common areas 3 & 4 were
conveyed to two different lot owners years ago and are not HLCA common property. For
example, a simple search of Beaufort County records reveals “common area 3” was
combined with lot 658 in August 2010 and conveyed to its current owner. As this property
does not belong to HLCA, there is no action for the Board to take. 3. The Governing
Documents provide that where there are conflicts between the governing documents and
the law, the law prevails. Thus there is no need to change the governing documents. The
Property Transfer Committee was provided information on changes to the common law
related to property transfer by legal counsel.
1. Did any Property Transfer Committee members or
any outside, independent experts examine
maintenance records to determine if defects are a
result of design, construction or the lack of proper
maintenance? If not, why?
2. Does the Association have a comprehensive formal
maintenance program? A Maintenance Plan and
associated maintenance records that include a list of
all known re-occurring problem areas, action taken to
correct them, and the history of the problems? If not,
1. Gary Freeman Architect, Inc. examined all documents he felt necessary to perform his
responsibilities to conduct the common property inspection and write his report. 2. HLCA’s
General Manager is responsible for ensuring required maintenance of HLCA common
property is performed.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
1. Did any Property Transfer Committee members or
any outside, independent experts examine
documents, design plans and specifications, product
manufacturer’s instructions, drawings, warranties, and
contracts for roads, bridges and drainage to determine
if the roads, bridges, and drainage were constructed
according to the design plans and specifications and
product manufacturer’s instructions and whether the
design itself is adequate and to determine which party
has responsibility for any problems? If not, why?
2. Did any Property Transfer Committee members or
any outside, independent experts examine the
contract for the recent asphalt overlay paving of the
main roads in 2015 examined (Request for Proposal
[RFP] components: Statement of Work [SOW]; design
and construction specifications; drawings;
performance specifications; acceptance criteria;
bidding instructions; warranties; evaluation factors for
contract award.)? If not, why?
1. Gary Freeman Architect, Inc. examined all documents he felt necessary to perform his
responsibilities to conduct the common property inspection and write his report. 2. Gary
Freeman Architect, Inc. examined all documents he felt necessary to perform his
responsibilities to conduct the common property inspection and write his report.
1. Have Community roads and bridges been designed
and constructed to meet actual operational
requirements (not Developer and County/Town
negotiated standards) of the high volume traffic
loading and repetitions of heavy wheel loads -
excavating equipment-hauling, log-hauling, building
materials-hauling, forklift, dump-body and cement-
hauling trucks weighing 60,000 pounds plus?
2. Does a valid engineering study, analysis, or report
with engineering calculations exist that shows as well
as trips from resident private vehicles, the thickness
and materials design and construction of the
Community main roads and overlay fully account for
the actual high volume traffic loading and repetitions
of heavy wheel loads from commercial vehicles?
3. What is the Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M)
for studying and solving the problems with approach
ramps to the three vehicular bridges?
1. HLCA roads were built to meet all South Carolina and Beaufort County requirements. 2.
HLCA management is not aware of such a report. 3. The problem has been identified as
normal expansion and contraction at the joints at the road/bridge interface. They have
been repaired and will continue to be maintained, just as we maintain all of our common
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I am very disappointed in the way the hydro pool
survey is worded. I stoped using the pool eons ago
because it was never available so any issues
regarding how often I used it is insulting. I need the
pool and will evidently have to go elsewhere to use
one. Also why is the question asked regarding my
willingness to pay large sums of money to fix/maintain
the pool asked and the issue of why Reed is not going
to pay for bringing it up to par in a manner that won't
require big bucks to maintain avoided?
The developer put forth a proposal for repurposing the hydrotherapy space and an
alternative to the large hydrotherapy pool. He went on record as saying he was going to
ask the Advisory Board for input. The members of the Advisory Board felt that a survey
was the best way to give the developer input and ideas from as many people who wanted
to provide it, rather than just give him feedback from the five members of the Advisory
Board. The purpose of asking how often members use the hydrotherapy pool was to
determine how much use it was getting. The introduction to the survey says “the declarant
has made clear that any of his amenity development money spent on repairing, replacing,
or re-purposing the hydrotherapy amenity will come from his phase 3 amenity fund,
meaning that money spent on hydrotherapy results in a reduction of funds that will be spent
on other amenities. It is also important to note that all ongoing maintenance of all amenities
is paid for by HLCA, through our dues.” Maintenance of all of our amenities has always
been a responsibility of HLCA, not the developer. The question you are referring to
essentially asks members if the large hydrotherapy pool is important enough to outweigh
the costs required to maintain it. The current hydrotherapy configuration cost
approximately $13,000 a year just to maintain, the cost to replace it is estimated to be
about $150,000. The survey gives members an opportunity to weigh in as to whether this
amenity is important enough to defer the developer’s amenity funds from something else
and for HLCA to spend the necessary sums to maintain it.
As for the shorter hours for the Fish Tales, do we have
a curfew for our community kids, do we need one? I
am not aware of any problems, are there? This
should be discussed, perhaps a town hall gathering.
Obviously the make-up of our community is changing,
a good thing. But, we must consider how to fairly treat
our younger members. Perhaps remote cameras and
a recorder, around the Amenities, and inside Fish
Tales, would allow for longer hours?
Paul Golden
Various amenities have operating hours for everyone and restrictions for use by children.
Restrictions are detailed in HLCA Rules & Regulations, which all members are obligated to
read and comply with. Members are responsible for the proper behavior of their guests and
children. HLCA does not have a general curfew for children and at this time is not
considering adopting one. Members can reserve Fish Tales after regular hours if they
desire their children to use it. While HLCA has adults and children who do not always
follow the rules or behave in an appropriate manner, we don’t have significant problems.
Management takes action to correct behavior when notified.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With the re-titling and financial responsibility of the
Phases 1 and 2 common areas from the developer to
us property owners, is it planned out of
appropriateness that governance of those areas be
taken out from the existing BOD which is developer
controlled? Perhaps a separate property owners only
BOD could be created or if workable and not a conflict
of interest, the existing BOD could be used if on
Phases 1 and 2 common areas issues the developer
and his two employee directors recuse themselves.
That would in essence be a separate second BOD
staffed by our two existing owner directors. We
property owners should be able to broach Phases 1
and 2 common areas issues to an entity devoid of the
developer/developer employees who might otherwise
kill the issues.
The conveyance of title for common property in phase 1 and 2 has no effect on financial
responsibility or declarant control; HLCA has always had financial responsibility for
operations and maintenance related to common property in phase 1 and 2, and will have
the same financial responsibility for common property in phase 3. The Declarant’s financial
responsibility is for the development of phase 3; maintenance and operations is the
responsibility of HLCA. The conveyance of title refers only to whose name is on the deeds,
the declarant still has control (he has 3 seats on the board, HLCA has 2.) The governing
documents dictate the conditions under which the declarant control of the board is
terminated: (a) when 95% of the total number of Units permitted by applicable zoning for
the property described in the Master Plan, as amended from time to time, have certificates
of occupancy issued thereon and have been conveyed to persons other than Builders
holding title for purposes of construction and resale; (b) December 31, 2021; or
Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement, (c) after 75% of the units planned for the
community have been conveyed to third parties, in its discretion, the Declarant so
determines and declares in a recorded instrument. The Declarant has certain approval
rights for a limited period as provided in the By-Laws after the termination of the Declarant
Control Period.
Questions about crystal lake.....1. There is a
approximately 24 storm drain pipe exposed in the
lake. Where does it go? What is its purpose? Will
there be a grate to prevent alligators to get out of this
pipe?.....2. How will the lake maintain its water level?
Is there a means to lower or add water?...3. Will there
be some type of filtration system to maintain fresh and
clean water ? ...if yes where will this equipment be
located?....4. Will someone be monitoring the quality
of the water on a regular basis?....5. When the lake
was being built was it completely drained? Is there a
sandy bottom in the whole lake or are there areas that
remain natural( logs, debris, etc) on the bottom...thank
you...skip magee
Crystal Lake is a fresh water lake that is spring fed from ground water. During the
development of the lake the water level was dropped to allow the lake to be excavated, and
shaped as well as to assist with the removal of debris. In the event the lake water rises too
high a control structure has been installed that will allow water to drain into the compass
lake storm water management system. That is the purpose of the pipe that you see; it will
not be visible when the water is allowed to rise to its intended depth. The quality of the
water will be monitored by a 3rd party contractor. We're investigating the need for a grate
at the underground control unit.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What is the written response, with facts, law, analysis
and references, of Finger, Melnick, and Brooks, PA,
the law firm assisting with the property transfer
process, to the following critical question?
Does the Confirmed Chapter 11 Plan absolve John
Reed successor entities, such as HL Development
LLC, to the bankrupt Hampton Lake LLC of the
responsibility to transfer phase 1 and 2 common
property, including amenities, to the Association
without design and construction defects and in good
repair or pay the Association an amount equal to the
costs of repairs?
Has the said or directly related questions been asked?
If, not why? If so, what were the specific questions
and answers?
As the property transfer process is still underway, it is premature to respond to these
questions. The Property Transfer Committee to consult with whatever experts they feel
appropriate to answer whatever questions they have before responding to the recent
Declarant’s written response. The written record will be shared with members as part of
BOD meetings.
When I purchased my home approximately one year
ago I was told by the listing agent that a second
fitness center was being planned for the phase III
amenities. I realize there was recently a meeting to
discuss the plans for the phase III, but I had a conflict
and was unable to attend. My understanding now is
that plans for a second fitness center have been
scrapped. Is that, in fact, the case? If so, I believe this
will cause a major capacity issue at the existing center
as phase III becomes sold out. As it is, there are only
2 showers in the men's locker room. I'm not sure how
anyone could imagine that the existing facility could
accommodate 1,800 families when we reach total
capacity. I know other members who use the fitness
center regularly have expressed similar concerns.
What can be done to address this looming issue?
A second fitness center has never been in the phase 3 plans. The current fitness center
was planned to accommodate a fully built out Hampton Lake. Research and experience
tells us that there is no reason to expect every member to use the fitness center. In the
case of public fitness centers where members pay a members ship fee to join, 67-70% of
those members never use the fitness center. In communities such as ours, the percentage
is expected to be even lower. The fitness center is only busy for 2-3 hours in the morning,
and even then does not reach capacity. Members who go to the fitness center in the
afternoon typically see only a few other members at the same time.
Where can past questions and answers be reviewed?
All past LakeViews questions will be made available on the HLCA website in the near
future. Here is a link to the questions and answers to date. Click here for past LakeViews
questions and answers.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The Chapter 11 Plan approved by the Court appointed
Reed's Corporation as the Association's property
manager. I would assume (adhering to best practices)
that there is a formal contract in place between the
property manager and the Association that outlines
the responsibilities and accountabilities of the
Declarant and costs. Please post this on our web site.
Also, I would assume that the Lake Management
Association has a similar arrangement. Please post it
as well.
The Debtor’s Amended Plan of Liquidation, filed on December 2, 2013, did not appoint
Reed Development as HLCA’s property manager. The approved plan appointed Reed
Development as the manager of the project to sell real property located at Hampton Lake.
At that time, the bankruptcy court had transferred the assets of the developer, Hampton
Lake LLC (e.g. home sites at Hampton Lake that were still owned by the developer,) to
SABAL. As a result, SABAL became the new owner. The approved plan named Reed
Development as the manager authorized to sell home sites on behalf of SABAL. Bryan
Rhame was, and remains the HLCA General Manager.
There was a major Lake breach in November 2014. A
shoreline erosion project is in progress along Hampton
Lake Drive between Fish Dancer and Waterview.
Have design and construction defects and operating,
maintenance and reserve estimates for the Lake been
independently determined by a geotechnical
engineering study and/or a report from a widely
recognized consultant specializing in lake
environments? If not, why? If so, when will the study
or report be available on the Member Website for
The aforementioned breach was not considered major, based upon the very low flow of
water thru the berm. It was discovered by our lake maintenance contractor (Quality Lakes)
and was caused by root intrusion by some shoreline woody plants. The breach was
repaired and the lake berms cleaned of the plant material to prevent reoccurrence. The
lake was included in our 2014 capital reserve study, conducted by the engineering firm
Miller Dodson Associates, available on the HLCA web site. Thus, funds are being reserved
every year for capital repair and replacement, including lake dredging. An updated capital
reserve study is planned for 2018. The lake will have its own separate capital reserve
study and will include the expansion of the lake as part of phase 3 development. The lake
was engineered and built to function as a large storm water retention pond and with 340
acres of nature preserve and wetlands as a key element in a larger water management
system. There were many government regulatory agencies at the federal, state and local
level, involved in the permitting process to have the lake approved for construction,
including the US Army Corps of Engineers. The lake design was to protect the water quality
of the May River by slowing down the flow of water into the May River and allowing most
sediment to drop out of the water flow before reaching the May River. According to the
experts, shoreline erosion is a natural and expected phenomenon. There are several
strategies employed in Hampton Lake to mitigate erosion. As a follow up to our experience
with Hurricane Matthew, the Lake Maintenance Corporation is having the engineering firm
of Thomas and Hutton provide a recommended comprehensive lake preventative
maintenance program for drainage inspections and clean out for funding in 2018.
Many of our owners enjoy an outside jacuzzi which is
ordinarily part of the pool complex. With the problems
associated with the Therapy Pool, why isn't an outside
jacuzzi being considered at one of the pools?
An outdoor hot tub was one of the amenities proposed in the initial conceptual phase 3
amenity plans that were presented to members during the early focus groups conducted in
2015. The focus groups revealed that a hot tub was not considered a priority by members
and it was taken off the plans.
Jogging on the street? While driving, especially in the
morning, the sun glares making it very hard to see
these people. I have witnessed on several occasions
the runners screaming at cars. You can not see them!
The drivers are not being reckless. Can the
notifications about no golf carts & bikes on sidewalks
also add not to run, especially side by side in pairs on
the street? An accident would be devastating for all.
Members are encouraged to make safety a priority, whether driving, walking, running or
biking through the community. There is no rule prohibiting runners or bikers from using the
sidewalks or the paved roads, so drivers needs need to be aware of this and drive
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
As a follow-up to my question from last week: "Reed
Development is the Debtor’s Manager, which
oversees the Debtor’s day-to-day operations, including
infrastructure, human resources, payroll, bookkeeping,
accounting and check writing duties for the Debtor.
Reed Development was designated as the Debtor’s
Manager in the Operating Agreement of Hampton
Lake, LLC and has been maintained as the Manager
since the inception of the project. Reed Development
receives a monthly management fee for its
management services, and the Debtor was current on
its monthly management fees to Reed Development at
the Petition Date." It further states that these
management fees are about $250,000 per year. Can
you explain these fees, who pays what to whom, and
what services are rendered for these services?
The document you are quoting is the Debtor’s Plan for Liquidation, which outlines how the
debtor, Hampton Lake, LLC, would resolve the Chapter 11 filing to repay creditors, pay
budget subsidies to HLCA and finish paving the roads in phases 1&2. The entity known as
Hampton Lake, LLC, was the developer/declarant, and although the entity names are
similar, Hampton Lake, LLC should not be confused with Hampton Lake Community
Association (HLCA.) At the time of the Chapter 11 filing (April 2013), revenues to Hampton
Lake, LLC came from sales of developer-owned lots in Hampton Lake. These revenues
were used to pay the costs of developing Hampton Lake (e.g. construction of roads,
buildings, etc). These costs included management fees to cover Reed Development costs,
repayment of Hampton Lake, LLC development loans, payments to investors and budget
subsidies to HLCA. The services and cited in the document refer to development, not the
operation of Hampton Lake or HLCA.
HLCA paid and continues to pay the costs of operation and maintenance of HLCA common
property. HLCA revenues come from member dues, gate fees, ARB fees, etc., and from
2006 to 2014, budget subsidies from Hampton Lake, LLC. Detailed HLCA financial reports
from 2010 to 2016 are available on the HLCA web site. There you will find where HLCA
revenues come from and how the money is spent. HLCA does not pay management fees
to Reed entities.
I understand that the dues of HL property owners fund
operations and maintenance. Maintenance consists of
preventative and corrective. Where assets are titled to
the developer/developer-controlled entity, should not
the maintenance responsibility of HL property owners
be limited to preventative maintenance, with the
corrective maintenance being the responsibility of the
developer/developer-controlled entity?
There is little doubt that most members would prefer for corrective maintenance to be
funded by the developer, or some other party, rather than HLCA. However, the governing
documents defines maintenance as “maintenance, repair, and replacement” (page 6.)
Page 26, chapter 9.2, describes the community association’s responsibility for
“Maintenance of Area of Common Responsibility.” Please see the community charter that
is posted on the HLCA website.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Per the Community Charter, the Declarant has the
right to designate up to 20 people as “Founder
Members.” Founder members have full member
privileges to use all facilities, invite guests, etc.,
without the requirement to pay dues or special
assessments. The Developer John Reed and his son
Pratt Reed are both Founding members. How many
people have been designated as Founding Members?
What are their full names? What is their relationship
to the Declarant?
Section 17.15 on page 56 of the HLCA Charter covers “Founder members”. The Charter is
available on the HLCA web site. These memberships are non-revocable during the lifetime
of the Founder Member and the lifetime of his/her surviving spouse. The immediate family
of the Founder Members shall have the same benefits of the Founder Members. HLCA
does not have records of the relationship between the Declarant and the Founder
Members. The Founder Members are as follows:
Mr. & Mrs. John Reed
Mr. & Mrs. William Stewart
Ms. Sarah Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Brock Rowley
Mr. & Mrs. Pratt Reed
Mr & Mrs Michael Harrington
Ms. Tammy McHugh
Ms. Suzanne Arquez
Mr. Jacob Jackson
Ms. Megan Homishak
Mr & Mrs Erik Olson
Mr & Mrs Gary Wiggin
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Lewis
Mr & Mrs Gerrit Albert
Mr & Mrs Bert Shiflet
Mr & Mrs Glenn Barber
Mr & Mrs Johnny Ussery
Mr. Aaron Rowley
Mr & Mrs Doug Stewart
Mr & Mrs Greg Stewart
Have any Association funds been used to remedy
Developer design, construction and/or maintenance
Are there any plans to use Association funds to
remedy Developer design, construction and/or
maintenance defects?
One of the purposes of the property transfer process is to identify apparent design or
construction defects. As the property transfer process is still underway, it is premature to
respond to these questions. The written record will be shared with members as part of
BOD meetings.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Shoreline erosion control is an ongoing problem
throughout the Lake. There was a major Lake breach
in November 2014. The berm across from Balsam
Bay was severely eroded and required the addition of
rip-rap and extensive reconstruction and re-sodding.
Currently a shoreline erosion project is in progress
along Hampton Lake Drive between Fish Dancer and
Waterview. For that project contracts are in place with
Santee Shoreline to construct a small retaining wall at
the shoreline and with Charleston Aquatic Nursery to
begin growing the various plant varieties in aquatic
mats to be installed after the wall is constructed.
What was the total cost to remedy the berm erosion
problems across from Balsam Bay? Who paid?
Developer? Association? Why?
What is the estimated total cost for the shoreline
erosion project along Hampton Lake Drive between
Fish Dancer and Waterview? Who will be paying?
Developer? Association? Why?
Cost of the berm maintenance project across from Balsam Bay was $35,975.00. The
shoreline project along Hampton Lake Drive between Waterview and Fish Dancer Courts
has been budgeted at $9,800 but it could be slightly higher based on dirt and sod repair.
The Lake Maintenance Corporation pays for these projects in accordance with the
governing documents. The governing documents can be found on the HLCA web site
under the HLCA DOCS tab. This topic has been addressed in detail, including several
Board of Director meetings and Town Hall meetings, including July 2016, November 2016,
December 2016, and Feb 2017. Updates have been distributed to membership via the
Sunday updates and in answers to previous questions that you have submitted to
LakeViews and via email. Most recently, the May 28 Community Update informed
members of the current status and the plans that are underway.
According to the Community Charter, Association
accounting and controls should conform to Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB),
Accounting Standards Codification (ASC), Section 972
deals with Common Interest Realty Associations.
Why is it that Association financial statements,
particularly annual financial or audit reports, do not
fully comply with GAAP FASB Section 972? Important
information required to be disclosed by GAAP is
As confirmed by our independent third party auditors, HLCA accounting and controls are in
accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP.) Audit reports are
available on the HLCA web site under the BOD tab. The 2016 audit is expected to be
posted in the near future.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Hi, My name is Mark David, I own the property at 44
Anchor Cove Court, I live in Massapequa, NY, I hope
to retire soon and move down to Hampton Lake. I
really enjoy the Lakeviews Q & A, it lets me know
what's going on and what concerns residents have, it
links me to life down there even for a moment.
Unfortunately I am getting real annoyed by the amount
of technical questions being submitted by one
resident, Al Bennett ! It's apparent this gentleman is
very disgruntled about something and has a personal
agenda, i don't understand what he hopes to
My suggestion is can you please limit the amount of
questions one resident gets to ask per week! It sucks
when I read Lakeviews and all I see is questions from
him, that don't really seem to be anything but gotcha
questions. It's really turning me off, I used to look
forward to receiving the Lakeviews email every week,
now I open it up and all I do is delete when I see every
question was asked by him..
Please consider this?
Thank you for your suggestions. Many members have privately expressed concern that
one individual appears to be using LakeViews for his own personal agenda and worry that
the time spent answering the multiple and redundant questions may be preventing
management from attending to other important work.
LakeViews was established to give members a forum to ask questions and make
suggestions or comments, and receive a timely, accurate, written answer. It provides the
added benefit of letting management know what concerns members have, and in many
cases, provides management the opportunity to address false rumors. A limit to the
number of questions may cause some members to feel they have limited access to
information, and unfortunately, encourage a small number of others to use other forums to
spread misinformation and/or opinions disguised as fact.
Under our current approach, all members have an equal opportunity to submit questions.
Although there is a very small number of members who submit multiple and redundant
questions, most members are considerate of the time invested by member volunteers and
management. Management and the volunteers who have made an effort to ensure that
members have an opportunity to ask questions, and get accurate answers from an official
source, rather than relying on the rumor mill, believe that it’s better to deal individually with
a potential abuser than to place a limit on the entire community.
However, to help keep LakeViews readable for the members who don’t wish to read
multiple submissions from one individual, we will group those questions together at the
bottom. This will enable members who wish to stop reading the multiple submissions to
easily do so.
With the explosive growth of Pickleball nationwide and
here at Hampton Lake, has any consideration been
given to expanding the planned four courts to possibly
six to handle this future growth? Thank you.
Pickleball enthusiasts at Hampton Lake have seen our community go from zero pickleball
courts a year ago, to two shared courts today, and can look forward to four courts later this
year. The new courts to be built in Phase 3 will be dedicated pickleball courts, without the
time restrictions associated with the current multi-use courts. The Fitness & Recreation
committee has already begun to discuss guidelines for group play, reserved play, and other
recommendations for making the best use of the new pickleball courts. With twice the
number of courts, and more hours of play available, we believe the increased interest in
pickleball can be accommodated.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With the results of the questionnaire on the
hydrotherapy facility, maybe it might be time to revisit
the thinking about an outdoor hot tub at the phase 3
facility. Could Hampton Lake take a look at the cost of
a hot tub there vs the cost of the individual therapy
pools and redoing the space where the current
therapy pool exists. ? A previous poll was sited which
indicated not much support for a hot tub at the phase
3 facility but that poll was taken before it became
apparent that we might no longer have the therapy
pool anymore in the fitness center. If we are going to
take money from phase 3 amenities why not consider
putting a hot tub there.
Has any more consideration been given to objections
raised by a number of people as to potential noise
level and decreased ambiance in the spa are from
people trekking through that are to do classes or
weight training?
The Developer (HL Development LLC) makes all decisions regarding new amenities in
phase 3. The cost of a hot tub in phase 3 was looked by the Developer at in the early
conceptual planning of phase 3 and as it was not considered a priority by members at the
time, it was dropped from the initial drawings. Land development and amenity planning is a
lengthy process that involves architects, engineers, landscape designers, creating
infrastructure, arranging for financing and many levels of approval. As such, it is not easy
to simply add an amenity such as a hot tub. Moreover, adding a hot tub in phase 3 means
something else will have to be given up. The survey results have been provided to the
Developer for his consideration. The individual tubs are proposed as a way to provide
hydrotherapy for those members who wish to use them.
I agree with John Landsbery regarding the Pickleball
courts in Phase 3.
We are new to HL and pickle ball. Yes they have
shared courts, but games must end at 12:00. Also the
games are cut short from scoring 11 to scoring 7 so
everyone gets a chance to play. The sport keeps
growing. Phase 3 is growing. Four courts will not be
sufficient. Please reconsider, as the sport will just
keep growing and we are only asking for 2 extra
Pickleball enthusiasts at Hampton Lake have seen our community go from zero pickleball
courts a year ago, to two shared courts today, and can look forward to four courts later this
year. The new courts to be built in Phase 3 will be dedicated pickleball courts, without the
current time restrictions associated with the current multi-use courts. With twice the
number of courts, and more hours of play available, we believe the increased interest in
pickleball can be accommodated. As noted previously, the Developer, HL Development
LLC, makes all decisions regarding new amenities in phase 3. Land development is a
lengthy that involves architects, engineers, landscape designers, creating infrastructure,
arranging for financing and many levels of approval. As such, it is not easy to simply add
or increase the size of an amenity.
My question relates to the 70 fraudulent Hydrotherapy
Surveys submitted. What happened to the member
that was responsible for this appalling, corrupt attempt
to influence the results? I am still shocked that one
our own neighbors would stoop to this level.
Members are assured that Hampton Lake management takes this behavior very seriously
and has sanctioned the individual appropriately as called for in the HLCA rules and
I am concerned that anyone can now drive thru our
gate on the pretense they are going for a pass which
is down the street and around a curve not within
eyesight of our gate captain due to construction of the
sales trailer. This does not seem secure to me isn't
there a more secure way to hand out visitor passes.
We considered other alternatives and while the decision we settled on is less than ideal, it
is temporary and the project should be complete in 7 to 10 days.
Is it possible to put some walking pavers in by Tennis
Court 1 from the sidewalk down to the court? When it
rains or even gets a little wet the water will
accumulate. You walk through and your shoes and or
feet are wet. Wet shoes are dangerous anywhere.
Thank you.
Because the Developer has plans to make changes in this area, we don’t plan to make
significant changes; but we will look into adding “stepping stones” between the sidewalk
and tennis court #1.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Greetings. Have you ever considered creating a
special parking section for golf carts, especially during
events? If you designated and mapped out smaller
spots in a row (with cones or perhaps temporary
spray) you could park more carts in less space and
also be able to accommodate more cars since the
carts wouldn't be taking up a whole spot.
When the idea of creating a special section for golf carts was looked into, we found that it
does not add enough additional spots to make up for the loss of car parking. However,
some communities have overlaid a cart parking scheme on top of their current car parking,
using a different color so that two car spots can become three golf cart spots if carts are
parking there. As this may work at Hampton Lake as well, the overlay will be looked into.
When will a fence go in separating Phase 3 from
Lawton Station? I remember this issue was raised at
one of the board or member meetings and I thought it
would be built already.
The construction of the fence started this past week. It will take a few weeks to complete.
I am told that our housecleaners will not be permitted
to enter Hampton Lake on July 4th. They have an
annual commercial sticker. These young women are
self employed and serve at least three households in
the community, so this rule will cost them several
hundred dollars. Does this rule also apply to caterers,
party equipment suppliers, musicians, beverage
suppliers, and others who are here to earn income? If
so, does this seem fair?
The rule barring contractors on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and other holidays is
intended to deter construction on those holidays. Domestic help and other persons who
provide services inside the home are permitted.
I would like to suggest that we maybe look at the time
of year the Compliance Committee inspections are
conducted. Inspecting after all landscape and lawns
have come into full bloom and residents have had an
opportunity to do whatever spring planting and yard
work they had planned may give a more clear picture
of what yards look like at their best. While I appreciate
the fact that these folks are Community Volunteers
who give up their free time, it seems only fair to
residents that conclusions are based on what is
actually in a yard and not dormant plantings, trees and
The schedule for inspections can be adjusted and may well occur at different times from
one year to the next. However, members must keep in mind that the guidelines are in
effect year round. The types of items the Compliance Committee looks for, such as roof
stains, foundation plantings, etc., are not seasonal and would not be affected by spring
planting or bloom times. The purpose of the Compliance Committee’s inspection is to
ensure compliance with the guidelines, and to inform members that certain items need to
be addressed, but members are obligated to be in compliance at all times. A dormant lawn
or lack of blooming flowers would not be a violation.
Can you place time of event next to the events on "
Save a Date".
I am a new resident and do not know where to find the
time(s) of the events.
Also, time schedule of the pool, tower service and the
hours of Back Water Bill's restaurant/ bar.
Can the different time schedules be included in the
News letter each month?
Thank you.........
The Save the Date section is designed to give members a quick highlight of events that are
coming up. Members can click on the monthly calendar, whose link appears in the Quick
Links section, immediately above the Save the Date section, for the specific times of
events. Hours for Backwater Bill’s and the Tower Bar can also be found in the Quick Links
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Why are the receivables (as shown in the 2016 audit)
$1,233,847 so high and $89,885 described as
doubtful? Please be specific as to who owes the
money to the association and what is being done to
collect the funds?
Thank you.
$1,233,847 is the owner billing dated 12/31/16. This includes all billings for dues, fees, and
incidental charges to member accounts. This billing, along with June 30th, are the largest
billings cycles because a majority of the owners have chosen a semi-annual billing cycle for
billing of their HLCA dues and fees.
$89,885 is recorded in Allowance for Doubtful accounts. Allowance for Doubtful accounts
is adjusted each month based on the balance that is 120 days past due. When an account
reaches 120 days old, that balance is expensed as bad debt. At this point in the collection
procedures, the account is sent to our collections attorney to begin steps toward placing a
lien on the property. This balance represents 17 members (1.8%) who are more than 120
days past due and 7% of the total billing which is well within accounting standards. The
detailed 4th quarter 2016 (end of year) financial reports can be found on the HLCA member
web site under the BOD tab and have more detailed information.
Thank you for providing the link to the auditor's report
for 2016. If members have additional questions
concerning the detail behind various line items in the
report, can we contact the auditor or is their a better
avenue to obtain this information?
The first place to find more detailed information is the HLCA member web site under the
BOD tab where you will find the detailed 4th quarter 2016 (end of year) financial reports. If
you still have questions, you should address them with HLCA management.
With no BOD or Town Hall meetings presently
scheduled for this or next month, is there any update
on the Phases 1 and 2 common areas title transfer
from the developer to the HLCA?
The Property Transfer process is still ongoing. The Property Transfer Committee sent a
letter to the declarant on May 31 asking for full remediation of the items listed in their
report, or, as an alternative, a cash settlement equal to the estimated amount to make full
remediation. There has been no reply as yet. A Town Hall meeting is scheduled for June
21, at 6 pm in the Lakeview Room. Any new information will be discussed at the meeting.
Can Management review the speed limit signs leaving
the Lake Side Amenities?
Hampton Lake Crossing has 3 posted signs
approaching the amenities from the dog park. When
leaving the amenities returning back towards the dog
park they have no posts of speed. People love to floor
it when they get to the bridge on both sides and it is
dangerous. The largest speed limit sign in all of HL is
posted at my house. I have seen Security sit in the
empty lots giving tickets in the past but I would much
rather see it speeding avoided. Signage could
possibly help those who just don't know.
As you have pointed out, Security has been monitoring the area. Increased attention has
been given to this stretch over the last several months after a previous LakeViews
submission. As a result, a 20 MHP speed limit sign has been ordered. The sign will be
attached to the stop sign as you exit the amenity parking lot.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
noticed new rules and regs were supplied with weekly
update. where can we ascertain what "changes or
additions there are as link provided complete rules
and regs from soup to nuts
The last rule change/update was discussed at the April 6, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting.
The meeting minutes, posted on the HLCA website, on the BOD tab, list which rules were
changed or updated. Prior rule changes/updates were discussed in meetings on February
17, 2017, August 31, 2016, and July 6, 2016. The rules that changed are listed in the
minutes for those meetings. Additionally, we have re-posted the newest edition of our rules
on the HLCA web site, and it now has the rule changes since 2014 in red to allow easy
Thank you for your response to my questions
regarding the audit last month. As a follow-up
question please provide the total of the over
$1,000,000 in receivables that was and is still owed by
the "declarant membership" versus the "owner
The by-laws allow for the BOD to make decisions
regarding billings and collections. In my experience
BOD's usually clarify such by adopting a billings and
collection resolution that clarifies the rules and
procedures. In my research I could not find such for
the Hampton Lake HOA. Is there one?
Last, I was under the impression that dues were paid
in advance or interest was assessed. Providing the
"Billings and Collection" resolution will clear up this
issue and others that come to mind-otherwise I have
additional questions that would take up more room
than allowed in this forum.
Thanks for helping me understand the finances of the
P.S. Please spell my name correctly-this is the
second time spelled incorrectly.
Per the HLCA Charter section 12.6 “…during the Declarant Control Period, the Declarant
may choose to pay the difference between the Association’s budgeted and actual
expenses, rather than paying assessments on the units it owns.” The Declarant has
chosen to pay the difference from day 1 and thus has not and does not pay dues on
developer owned lots. All of the $1,233,847 in receivables is due from owners. The
process for collection of past due account accounts is detailed in the HLCA Rules &
Regulations, which can also be found on the HLCA website:
2.2.1. Payments for Member assessments and charges appearing in a monthly statement
are due upon receipt and payment should be received no later than the end of the month
that the statement is received in order to avoid being past due.
2.2.2. Example February charges billed to Members on their statement received in early
March are due upon receipt but must be paid before the last day of March to avoid being
past due. April 1st, these charges become past due and will trigger the beginning of the
process outlined in this policy.
2.2.3. The Member’s account may be charged an Administrative Fee of 1 ½% per month on
all unpaid balances carried forward from the previous month-end. This charge is computed
and assessed automatically by the accounting system.
2.2.4. The first statement which indicates an account is not current will trigger a reminder
notice that the account is past due on the statement.
2.2.5. On the next statement date, the Member’s statement is accompanied by a letter
(60day letter) advising the following actions may be taken:
·The account remains past due and the Administrative Fee has been charged.
·All Hampton Lake Member privileges (including amenity use) could be suspended.
2.2.6. On the next statement date, the Member’s statement is accompanied by another
letter (90-day letter) advising the following actions will be taken:
·The account remains past due and the Administrative Fee has been charged.
·All Hampton Lake Member privileges (including use of the amenities) are suspended.
2.2.7. On the next statement date, the Member’s account is now 120 days past due. The
statement will be mailed to the owner and the following actions will take place:
·The Member’s account will be forwarded to Hampton Lake’s Attorney to send a formal
demand for collection. The firm will also initiate a “Title Search”, and subsequently placing
of a “Lien” on the subject Property. Additionally a personal judgment may be sought and if
obtained filed with the Court for the full amount due.
·The Member’s account will be charged for all related attorney’s fees relating to the
collection of this matter.
Please accept our apologies for misspelling your name.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
First I would like to say we love it here in Hampton
lake and love having Backwater Bills here.After seeing
the audit and seeing Backwater Bills losing over
470000 dollars with a payroll costing more than they
gross is a cause for some concern. As a person that's
been self employed for 44 years my concern is how
long can this go on before it either closes or dues
raised to cover the expenses.My question is Could
you tell if steps if any are being taken to reduce those
costs and losses ?After being in the restaurant
business myself I understand it's a very tough
business just not understanding how payroll could be
more than the restaurant gross.It's such a treat having
Backwater Bills here and would hate to see it go away
due to the costs overruns. Thank you for all of your
efforts in making hampton lake the premier place of
Backwater Bill’s is an amenity for Hampton Lake members. It is operated as a revenue
producing cost center with a budget. As with all of our other amenities, such as the lake,
the swimming pools, the fitness center, security, etc., there is no expectation that any of
these make a profit. For example the 2017 budget for BWB’s is a net cost of $409,943. As
a comparison, the 2016 actual cost to operate BWB’s was $461,839. Member dues are
calculated to cover the costs of all these amenities. Restaurants in private communities
typically operate as an expense rather than as a profit center for several reasons, including
limited public access and limited operating hours. However, controlling costs to stay within
or do better than the budget is at the forefront of management’s attention. There have
been several changes in the last two to three years that have been made to help control
costs, such as more clearly differentiating between expenses and revenue from dining at
Backwater Bill’s and the Tower Bar, member events, and private parties. Last year we
began a new relationship with a vendor that enables more cost-effective purchasing, and
installed a system that allows for better control of food costs and inventory. Earlier this
year, the Food & Beverage Committee established a budget sub-committee to take a closer
look at managing expenses. Other changes to the menu, such as the recent addition of the
Saturday night chalkboard special (appetizer, entrée, and a glass of wine for $20) has
increased our Saturday night business, and the increased internal marketing of lunch and
dinner specials by members of the Food & Beverage Committee has helped to increase
I wondered if it is possible to remove the parked
vehicles from the entrance circle. It is becoming a
habit for construction members to park there and they
are impeding traffic entering the circle. This should not
be a parking area or a waiting area for vehicles. I'm
not sure exactly who oversees this area. Just recently
I encountered a truck who opened their door right
before I passed by in my vehicle. It was a little too
close for comfort. Thank you.
The entrance circle is part of the shared road that belongs to the Hampton Lake Road
Association. The Hampton Lake Road Association board of directors has been notified and
will work with security to address the issue.
As a follow-up to Ted Shankle's question, it was
answered that the Declarant pays the difference
between the Association's budget and actual for its
lots. Should we assume that they only pay if there is
an unfavorable variance; meaning when the actual
exceeds the budget? Since the Declarant controls the
budget and there does not seem to be an account on
the detailed statements on what the Declarant has
paid, can you identify what the Declarant has paid for
the last number of years and what they would have
paid if they had paid based upon our assessments?
The Declarant’s financial obligation to the Community Association is covered in the
Governing Documents, specifically, the Charter sections 12.2(d); 12.6(b) and 12.8.
Section 12.2 (d) requires the Declarant subsidy to be disclosed to members as a line item
in the budget and it has always been done so. Between 2007 and 2014, the total Declarant
subsidy was $6,865,000. The subsidy was paid to cover the difference between actual
income and actual expenses. In 2015 and 2016, there wasn’t a subsidy because actual
income exceeded actual expenses. Financial statements for the past seven years (2010 to
2016) are available on the HLCA web site. The subsidy amount is typically shown on the
last page of these annual statements. The subsidy amounts each year were: 2007 -
985,000, 2008 - 1,915,000, 2009 - 1,300,000, 2010 - 662,000, 2011 - 927,000, 2012 -
722,000, 2013 - 304,000, 2014 - 50,000
Determining what the declarant would have paid had he chosen a different method would
involve a detailed search into the title transfers of every lot in Hampton Lake.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have noticed lately that the pool water clarity has
been in decline as of late. Yesterday in the large pool
the water was VERY cloudy and the black mold
seems to be returning. This seems to be becoming
the norm by the end of the week. Does the pool have
a chlorine filtering system and is the water "shocked"
on a regular schedule?
Mother Nature plays a big role in the water’s appearance. When we have major rain
events where we get several inches of rain in a short time, the pool can become cloudy
until the adjustment of chemicals brings the pool water back into chemical balance. It can
sometimes take several days to reduce the cloudiness. Our pool is checked daily for
proper maintenance of filtration equipment and water quality. Water quality tests include
ph, chlorine, and cyanuric Acid levels, all of which regulate bacteria. The pool is also
inspected by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC)
several times per year. Our most recent inspection was held on May 26th in which the
water quality was found to be in compliance with DHEC regulations. The mold issue is
addressed routinely with chemicals and manually brushing the walls.
My wife and I are brand new to Hampton Lake and
recently I saw a suggestion that a notice be sent out
asking golf carts and bicycles to stay off of the
sidewalks. The marketing materials for Hampton Lake
stated that there were 11 miles of bike paths. Are
what I see "bike paths" or "walking paths" or "both." In
Hilton Head Island it is very common to see walkers
and bicyclists on the same paths and it is usually not a
problem as long as courtesy and common-sense
Please clarify...Thank you.
Gary Rhodes
Hampton Lake members have many options for walking and biking. The Hampton Lake
Trail Map, which can be found on the HLCA website under HLCA docs, shows several
different routes along the nature trails. The nature trails, which total about 9 miles in length,
are for walking and running. Bikes are not permitted on the nature trails, but members may
bring leashed dogs onto the nature trails. Pedestrians and bicycles may share the 7 miles
of paved sidewalk pathways, which are shown on the map using green dots. The length of
the “inner loop” formed by Hampton Lake Drive and Hampton Lake Crossing is
approximately 3.1 miles. Members will soon have a new map that includes the additional
pathways in Phase 3.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
After the disappointing decision re: the NON-
restoration of the hydrotherapy pool...I would like to
know when we can anticipate the repair and/or
replacement of the following amentiess that we have
bought into. Thank you!
1) splash pool not operational
2) two (2) pet stations at dog park are deteriorating
(i.e. roof shingles missing and cement crumbling
around bowls)
3) magnetic locks at all five (5) gates in dog park work
4) speaker system that used to surround large pool
has not worked in years...instead we have to turn up
volume near Tower Bar area
5) gas firepit on beach near adult pool is not
operational and the surrounding brush has been
allowed to overgrow
6) two (2) replacement bar stools for Tower Bar and
inspect the remaining metal chairs
7) log benches around firepit at the Outpost
8) also suggest that Tower Bar be tidied up: patio
glass tabletops cleaned daily, turn on ALL fans, music,
and TVs during operating hours to entice patronage!
No decisions have been made on the future of the hydrotherapy pool. There are many
factors that will drive the outcome, including the Property Transfer process, which is still
ongoing. The Shrimps Puddle is now functional after repairing the actuation button. The
speakers are turned on only on the Tower Bar side of the pool to allow those not interested
in listening to music to congregate on the other side. We did have two Tower Bar stools
break, and we have inspected the remaining chairs and removed one that was suspect.
We will look into all new bar stools for next year’s budget. The benches at the Outpost
have been repaired along with other enhancements. We currently have no plans for the fire
pit at the Adult Pool, the one next to the Tower Bar has been refurbished. We will check
the lock mechanisms and the pet stations at the dog park.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I'm not sure if this question has been asked in the
past, but I am rather new here...
It's very frustrating when upon entering the community
there is a back up of construction vehicles at the gate
house. Can't get around some of the wider vehicles,
so we are stuck waiting. I don't feel that this is an
appropriate option.
Why is there no construction entrance like in many
other communities? I for one am very disappointed
that there isn't.
This question has indeed come up in the past. Here is some background: Since 2006,
there has always been two planned entrances intto Hampton Lake from Bluffton Parkway.
Decisions regarding the second gate, including whether it would be manned or use
electronic entry, will not be made until the final land plan is decided upon and approved.
Timing of the additional gate is dependent upon both market conditions (e.g. sales in phase
3) and ultimately, the future development plans of the northern Sandhill tract.
Over the last several years, four options have been considered regarding the entrance to
our community:
(1) Continue with our existing front entrance that is staffed 24/7 for construction traffic and
implement more efficient gate processing procedures, including added gate staff in the
(2) Construct a guard house at our existing back gate and staff it during construction work
hours and require construction traffic to enter Hampton Lake via Old Miller Road
(3) Add another traffic lane at our current front gate
(4) Have the developer create a new entrance and staffing a gate on the Sandhill property
(which is not part of HLCA yet and is located between phase 3 and Bluffton Parkway),
which would then have construction traffic enter HLCA via phase 3.
These options have advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost and reduced
congestion at the front gate. After review of these four options, the decision was made to
go with option 1 for the time being. The decision was based on several factors, including
results of the member survey. In the survey conducted in December 2015, over 50% of the
responding members did NOT want to spend money on a construction entrance. On
another survey question related to dues, 55% said they would not be willing to pay higher
dues for additional services. Adding another lane at the front gate was ruled out because it
would require filling in wetlands, a process that would incur high permitting and construction
costs and a lengthy approval process, without guarantee of successfully obtaining
approval. Having the Developer create a road and staffed gated entry on the Sandhill
property would result in the loss to HLCA of over $350,000 in commercial permit revenue
each year. When this option was examined last year, it was calculated to result in about a
$450 per year increase in dues for each member. After looking at the various options to
reduce front gate congestion, the Board doesn’t believe the alternative options are worth
the cost to members. Additionally, based upon the member survey, the Board believes the
majority of members agree. At some point in the future, after the Sandhill property
becomes part of HLCA, we will have another primary entrance off of Bluffton Parkway in
the area of the River Ridge Academy entrance.
The developer is currently in discussions with the Town of Bluffton regarding plans for the
northern Sandhill property and may have an additional update for the August 31 Board of
Directors Meeting.
With the construction the One Hampton Lake
apartments, will the apartment residents have access
to Hampton Lake or any of the amenities? It appears,
we will share the lake.
Although many people living in Hampton Lake consider it “our lake,” Southeastern
Associates (the owner of the apartments,) is a party to the Lake Maintenance Corporation
and pays 17% of the costs of maintaining the lake. Residents of the apartments will be
able to kayak on the lake, using their own kayaks. They will not have access to any other
HLCA amenities.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Can you advise of the progress/plans for the
refurbishment and expansion of Backwater Bills that
was announced a year or two ago? I thought that was
going to be one of the first amenity
if I remember correctly the first $1 million or so was
slated to expand out towards the lake, the only
question was whether it would be open air or air
Is it still planned or scrapped in favor of spending the
money in Phase 3/4?
thanks, pardon me if. I missed that announcement
During the early part of 2015, the developer presented conceptual plans for phase 3
amenities and enhancements to phase 1 and 2 amenities. The developer stressed during
these presentations that timing and sequencing was not yet defined, and that all of the
proposals were contingent on homesite sales and subject to change. Pratt Reed
addressed the change in priority for BWB expansion during the January 14, 2016 Board
meeting. This topic was raised during the question and answer period following the Board
of Directors Meeting on April 7, 2016 and April 5, 2017. Here is an excerpt from the
meeting minutes of April 5, 2017, which can be found on the HLCA website: "The developer
doesn’t have any plans to expand BWBs at this point in time. We’ll see what happens after
we know more about how the northern Sandhill tract is developed."
Regarding the back gate:
We need a security camera back there. We have seen
people who look like they're trying to get in but
shouldn't be.
Also since google maps brings people to the back
gate for some reason, we should have a sign that tells
them how to get to the front gate and/ or gps
Adding a camera to the back gate is planned for the fourth quarter of this year. There
currently is a sign at the back gate that informs drivers that the gate is for Hampton Lake
members with transponders and that all other must use the front gate. The sign indicates
the address, 20 Hampton Lake Drive, for drivers to enter into their GPS. If members are
driving through the back gate and they see that the vehicle behind them does not have the
current Hampton Lake sticker on their windshield, please stop and let the gate close before
driving on. This will prevent an unauthorized vehicle from following you through the gate.
I was told awhile back by a security official that within
Hampton Lake it is illegal to pass another vehicle no
matter what speed it is traveling. In addition, I was
told this also included golf carts no matter what speed
they were traveling.
What exactly is the rule? I have sent two notes to
security and received no response.
Passing slow moving golf carts or utility vehicles is permitted as long as it is safe to do so.
For example, do not pass on blind curves or when there is oncoming traffic. Our general
manger, Bryan Rhame, will ensure that security knows the correct answer.
1 of 2:
My husband and I have lived here since 4/2016 and
have been disappointed with maintenance. We notice
there are others who feel the same based on
submitted questions and conversations we have had.
In this time, we have noted the following:
1) The initial spring the pool was not heated
2) The hydrotherapy pool is no longer available and a
decision has not even been made on its replacement
3) My husband and his father were stuck on a boat for
It is disappointing to hear that you think maintenance is not a priority; HLCA spends a good
deal of time and money on maintaining our common areas and amenities. Members can
find detailed information about how HOA dues are spent via the BOD tab of the HLCA
website. The website has financial reports for each year and quarterly reports for the
current year. These reports, which detail both budgeted amount and actual dollars spent,
give a thorough breakdown of the amount spent on maintenance, landscaping, and repairs
in each area of Hampton Lake. Your individual points are addressed as follows:
(1) Our practice has always been to heat the pool in the springtime, typically at the end of
March, until the pool temperature reaches 80 degrees on its own. Springtime heating of
the pool is normally contingent on the weather, that is, the pool is only heated if the air
temperature is such that a significant number of people will want to use the pool. This
spring, the pool was heated starting March 24 . The previous spring, we were planning to
install 3 electric heat pumps in January to regulate the temperature of the pool. The idea
was a heat pump will not only allow the pool to be heated during the early spring, it will
allow for cooling of the water in the hot summer months. $30,000 was budgeted, based on
an estimate from our pool contractor. However, the pool contractor subsequently informed
us that the equipment vendor misunderstood the requirement and undersized his quote.
Instead of the two heat pumps we were told would be needed, our pool required 15 heat
pumps. The tremendous difference in cost was behind the decision to delay the repairs to
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
2 hours because it broke down and it took that long for
someone to come rescue them; we were still charged
4) The splash pad was broken for a period of time
5) We have been waiting for over a month for our
mailbox to be replaced
6) The back gate was broken
7) A sidewalk near Heartwood Ct has been under
construction for months, currently with cones on it,
requiring motorists to go into the middle of the street
and pedestrians to go into the street (obviously an
unsafe situation)
the existing propane boiler and not to heat the pool that spring.
(2) As has been stated several times previously, decisions as to the future of the
hydrotherapy pool are pending the conclusion of the Property Transfer process. The
Property Transfer process is a complex undertaking that we all hope will conclude soon.
Problems with the hydrotherapy pool are not the result of a lack of maintenance; in fact, the
amount of money spent on maintenance of the hydrotherapy pool is one of the reasons the
decision has been delayed pending the conclusion of the Property Transfer process.
(3) We have spent $17,560 in boat repairs and maintenance from 2016 through June of this
year. It is not our policy to charge for boat rental if we have mechanical issues, including
dead batteries. Research into this issue did not turn up a member charge to your account,
unless it was paid for by a credit card owned by a non-member.
(4) The Shrimp’s Puddle (splash pad) was closed while we relocated and replaced the
activation button. This closure was planned due to repeated breakage caused by children
and others using too much pressure on the step pad. The new button that it was replaced
with has been pulled off several times this year. This problem is not caused by a lack of
(5) Rather than have individual mailboxes repaired and/or replaced on an individual basis, it
is more cost-effective to schedule multiple mailboxes at the same time. Six mailboxes,
including yours, are scheduled for this week.
(6) We closed the back gate last year for a few days for an operational upgrade which cost
$10,584. It was not broken. We are scheduled to add cameras 4th quarter this year.
(7) The damage to the sidewalk near Heartwood Court occurred as a result of the heavy
equipment used to repair the culverts that were displaced during Hurricane Matthew.
Repairing the sidewalk was delayed while we waited for information regarding a downed
tree that was laying across the drainage system. As it was very likely that additional
damage would be caused by heavy equipment that might be needed to deal with the tree,
we felt that this was a prudent decision. The replacement of the sidewalk was then
scheduled to coincide with other concrete work going on in phase 3. The concrete work
had to be re-scheduled several times due to weather.
(8) Mowing and landscaping is performed according to a regular schedule. However, at
this time of year, especially with the amount of rain we’ve had recently, several plant
species, including many weeds, can grow very fast and the regular schedule may appear to
be insufficient for a short period of time.
2 of 2:
8) We have noted grass and weeds over a foot tall in
many areas; I could easily submit more than a dozen
pictures of public areas that are lacking in lawn care
9) The pool motor recently broke (though was fixed
quickly which I appreciate)
These are only the things that have directly impacted
us, and while I can appreciate things break, this
seems like a lot. We do not use the tennis courts, dog
park, dry dock, or some of the other things in the
community so cannot comment on their status. I was
wondering if there was available information regarding
where our HOA fees are being allocated in an
itemized format. It seems ludicrous to me that on our
street alone, the community makes more than
It is disappointing to hear that you think maintenance is not a priority; HLCA spends a good
deal of time and money on maintaining our common areas and amenities. Members can
find detailed information about how HOA dues are spent via the BOD tab of the HLCA
website. The website has financial reports for each year and quarterly reports for the
current year. These reports, which detail both budgeted amount and actual dollars spent,
give a thorough breakdown of the amount spent on maintenance, landscaping, and repairs
in each area of Hampton Lake. Your individual points are addressed as follows:
(1) Our practice has always been to heat the pool in the springtime, typically at the end of
March, until the pool temperature reaches 80 degrees on its own. Springtime heating of
the pool is normally contingent on the weather, that is, the pool is only heated if the air
temperature is such that a significant number of people will want to use the pool. This
spring, the pool was heated starting March 24 . The previous spring, we were planning to
install 3 electric heat pumps in January to regulate the temperature of the pool. The idea
was a heat pump will not only allow the pool to be heated during the early spring, it will
allow for cooling of the water in the hot summer months. $30,000 was budgeted, based on
an estimate from our pool contractor. However, the pool contractor subsequently informed
us that the equipment vendor misunderstood the requirement and undersized his quote.
Instead of the two heat pumps we were told would be needed, our pool required 15 heat
pumps. The tremendous difference in cost was behind the decision to delay the repairs to
the existing propane boiler and not to heat the pool that spring.
(2) As has been stated several times previously, decisions as to the future of the
hydrotherapy pool are pending the conclusion of the Property Transfer process. The
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
$168,000 in HOA fees, and that regular maintenance
doesn't seem to be a priority.
Property Transfer process is a complex undertaking that we all hope will conclude soon.
Problems with the hydrotherapy pool are not the result of a lack of maintenance; in fact, the
amount of money spent on maintenance of the hydrotherapy pool is one of the reasons the
decision has been delayed pending the conclusion of the Property Transfer process.
(3) We have spent $17,560 in boat repairs and maintenance from 2016 through June of this
year. It is not our policy to charge for boat rental if we have mechanical issues, including
dead batteries. Research into this issue did not turn up a member charge to your account,
unless it was paid for by a credit card owned by a non-member.
(4) The Shrimp’s Puddle (splash pad) was closed while we relocated and replaced the
activation button. This closure was planned due to repeated breakage caused by children
and others using too much pressure on the step pad. The new button that it was replaced
with has been pulled off several times this year. This problem is not caused by a lack of
(5) Rather than have individual mailboxes repaired and/or replaced on an individual basis, it
is more cost-effective to schedule multiple mailboxes at the same time. Six mailboxes,
including yours, are scheduled for this week.
(6) We closed the back gate last year for a few days for an operational upgrade which cost
$10,584. It was not broken. We are scheduled to add cameras 4th quarter this year.
(7) The damage to the sidewalk near Heartwood Court occurred as a result of the heavy
equipment used to repair the culverts that were displaced during Hurricane Matthew.
Repairing the sidewalk was delayed while we waited for information regarding a downed
tree that was laying across the drainage system. As it was very likely that additional
damage would be caused by heavy equipment that might be needed to deal with the tree,
we felt that this was a prudent decision. The replacement of the sidewalk was then
scheduled to coincide with other concrete work going on in phase 3. The concrete work
had to be re-scheduled several times due to weather.
(8) Mowing and landscaping is performed according to a regular schedule. However, at
this time of year, especially with the amount of rain we’ve had recently, several plant
species, including many weeds, can grow very fast and the regular schedule may appear to
be insufficient for a short period of time.
It was our understanding when moved into house in
January, that the dirt road across the lake would be
removed, opening up the view of lake within a couple
months.....is there an update on when this will occur?
Thank you very much!
Your question was answered by the developer: We have been utilizing that road for dump
trucks accessing development construction to the 49 lot expansion of phase 3. This week
the final erosion control measures were removed with the town of Bluffton's permission.
Over the next month we will finalize road side grassing. After this is complete and based
on weather, we hope to start to remove that road later this fall.
Since this is a communication tool, I was wondering if
it would be possible to include an update on the status
of the amenities? i.e.
What is up with Crystal Lake, when will it be finished?
What is the status of the construction of the pickleball
What is the status of the pool construction and will it
be a saline pool?
What is the status of the additional entrance off of
Bluffton Pwy?
Crystal Lake is expected to be finished in September. As reported in answers to similar
questions that were recently submitted, construction of the pickleball courts is planned to
be completed by the end of this year. The new pool will be ready for the 2018 summer
season. Timing of the additional gate is dependent upon both market conditions (e.g. sales
in phase 3) and ultimately, the future development plans of the northern Sandhill tract. The
developer will be giving an update on future development following the August 31 Board of
Directors meeting, 11 am in the Lakeview Room.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Thank you for answering my question recently about
the back gate suggesting better directions to the front
gate for those whose GPS's send them to the back
Unfortunately, if you're at the back gate, entering 20
Hampton Lake Dr. in GPS still routes you through the
back gate since it's the shortest route to that address.
I had to stay on the phone with a delivery truck for 15
minutes to direct them because google maps kept
routing him through the back gate.
In lieu of having a map or actual directions to the front
gate on the sign (although I think that would be ideal),
Google can be notified of corrections; that Hampton
Lane is private or gated. Here is a link to a post that
shows how to do this:
If this could be corrected in Google maps, then maybe
we can alleviate some of the confusion that occurs.
Not sure if GPS's would pick this up, but it's worth a
Thank you for the suggestion; the Google correction procedures have already been
implemented in the past. It appears that Google maps appropriately gives directions that
come through the front gate, even when the starting point is on Old Miller Road. However,
GPS systems typically use systems other than Google maps. Here is a suggestion that
some members have found to work successfully: When expecting deliveries or guests who
will be relying on GPS, instruct them to enter 20 Hampton Lake Drive into the GPS, instead
of your address. Inform them ahead of time that using your address will take them to a
back gate that they will not be able to enter, but that entering 20 Hampton Lake Drive will
take them to the correct entrance. Delivery drivers and guests can then enter your address
once they are through the gate.
Thank you for taking my question. Will there be a
sidewalk installed the length of Pine Shadow Court to
connect the existing sidewalks at either end to
facilitate the safe walking and biking provided by all
other sidewalks in Hampton Lake. This question was
posed to me by 3 visiting prospective buyer.
Your question was answered by the developer: At this time, we don't have a plan in place
to connect the sidewalks.
Thank you for taking this question and the answering
of my previous question. My previous question was
regarding a sidewalk for Pine Shadow Court which is a
connection street for two main Hampton Lake
streets/phases. My question now is, in lieu of the
possibility that a sidewalk not being installed, will there
be a speed limit sign(s) installed on Pine Shadow
Court to advise drivers accordingly. As it is, we do
have an issue with speeders hurrying from one main
road to another on Pine Shadow Court and with the
bends in the road and any vehicles parked it has the
potential for a problem. Thank you.
The speed limit on Pine Shadow court is 20 mph, the same speed limit as posted on signs
coming out of the Lakeside parking lot and on Hampton Lake Crossing. Since there is no
change in speed limit at the intersection with Hampton Lake Crossing, no speed limit sign is
planned there. The need to post a 20 mph sign at the intersection of Pine Shadow Court
and Lake Bluff Drive will depend upon the speed limit on Lake Bluff Drive. As approved at
the August 31 Board of Directors meeting, all of Hampton Lake streets have a 20 mph
speed limit, except where posted. Signs are in the process of being changed.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
This is a follow up question about Pine Shadow and
Hampton Lake Crossing with the speed limit.
Follow up question from Larry Ruocco
. It was mentioned that Pine Shadow is 20 mph as well
as The Arbors at Lake Side. With all the construction
trucks, concrete trucks, delivery trucks, and other
owners using Hampton Lake Crossing as a cut
through from Phase 3 and 4, to the Amenities Center
or directly to Hampton Lake Drive, the speed limit of
20 mph is never seen. We have yelled at trucks and
cars to slow down. Our house is on a blind curve so
backing out of our driveway can be dangerous
because people can not see. Can anything be done?
I sat in my wheelchair one day ,at that corner of that
intersection, and traffic immediately slowed.
The area of Hampton Lake Crossing near Pine Shadow will be included in the rotation of
locations where Security conducts radar monitoring.
I apologize if this has already been asked and
answered. What measures will be in place to keep
alligators out of Crystal Lake?
There are a number of factors that are believed to make Crystal Lake unattractive to
alligators. These include treatment of the water, the fence, the nearby homes, and the
subsequent addition of the pavilion, pool and other amenities that are expected to make
Crystal Lake too active an area for alligators, who generally prefer quiet locations without
people. However, despite the fence, the water treatment, and human activity, it is possible
that an alligator will get visit Crystal Lake. If that happens, it will be removed. Using
Crystal Lake, as with the pool and all other amenities, is at one’s own risk.
Are builders permitted to build every day including Sun
and legal holidays? If not who monitors them for
The Hampton Lake Community Association Rules and Regulations state the following:
3.8.1. Contractors are permitted entry to Hampton lake to work between the hours of 7AM
and 6PM (7PM during daylight savings time) Monday thru Saturday.
3.8.2. No work without prior approval from the ARB, except in emergencies, is permitted
inside or outside on any Sundays, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving
Day or Christmas Day. In the event of an emergency, the member shall notify Security to
authorize commercial access and work during no-work periods.
Security does not admit contractors on Sundays or the designated holidays. In the event
that contractors are observed performing unauthorized work, Security will escort out. If
members observe what they believe to be unauthorized work being performed on Sunday
or designated holiday, please contact Security.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Does a homeowner need ARB approval for rain
barrels? Our home is designed not to use gutters but
due to the heavy rainfalls we have here our mulch
washes out at our front walkway and makes a mess.
Well placed rain barrels at each side of our front porch
entrance I believe would elimate or at least greatly
reduce this messy situation however before buying
and installing I wanted to make sure of any approvals
Donna Gurganus
Hampton Lake does allow rain barrels. Please submit for ARB review a plan showing
where they will be placed. The color must blend with siding color and they must be
landscaped to shield them from being viewed from the street and the lake.
Will Hampton Lake supply paddle boards at Crystal
Lake or will owners have to buy their own??
HLCA has no plans at this time of providing paddle boards for use in Crystal Lake. It would
be up to owners to purchase them for their private use.
Those of us who do self maintenance of our properties
have previously been advised that the proper paint to
use on f our mailbox and post was "Burnt Hickory" . I
was specifically advised to get this from Ace
Hardware. Your contracted mailbox painters are now
using a glossy dark brown paint that is not even close
to this color. Why is this approved for the contracted
At the April 7th Board of Directors meeting it was approved that the community association
would have the responsibility of maintaining all mailboxes and individual owners would no
longer be required to maintain mailboxes. After researching all options it was
recommended for longevity and cost effectiveness to change our current mailboxes to a
powder-coated version. The powder-coating process did not allow us to keep the exact
same color. HLCA is in the process of establishing a plan to make the switch to the new
mailboxes more uniform. The new mailboxes will be installed with the address numbers
attached, if the owner would like their name installed a $20 fee would be incurred.
There was an announcement that the Developer was
taking over responsibility for mailboxes, but I don't
believe these questions were answered. We have all
noticed the change in color of certain mailboxes in the
community. The color has been referred to as high
gloss efffluvium (hint: the real term used starts with a
"p"). Who or what committee approved this color?
Since the new color is inconsistent with other colors
used in the community (sign posts, stop signs) is this
our "new" color and will other items be repainted as
At the April 7th Board of Directors meeting it was approved that the community association,
not the Developer, would have the responsibility of maintaining all mailboxes and individual
owners would no longer be required to maintain mailboxes. There has been no
announcement from HLCA using the word “effluvium.” After researching all options, the
ARB elected to change our current mailboxes to a powder-coated version to increase
longevity and cost effectiveness. The powder-coating process did not allow us to keep the
exact same color. HLCA is in the process of establishing a plan to make the switch to the
new mailboxes more uniform. The new mailboxes will be installed with the address
numbers attached, if the owner would like their name installed a $20 fee would be incurred.
There are no plans to change the color of signs.
Will Crystal Lake be clorinated?
Crystal Lake is a fresh water lake that is spring fed from ground water. Although the lake
will be treated to maintain certain pH levels, there are no plans to chlorinate it as if it was a
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Since HLCA has assumed responsibility for
replacement/painting of member mailboxes/posts, the
color of the paint are a glossy brown. This color is
obviously different then the previously approved color
of existing mailboxes/posts for the entire community.
As a result of this change, the mailboxes/posts will
have two different colors unless and until ALL
maiboxes/posts will either be replaced with the new
color or those recently painted can be repainted with
the previously approved color. I would suggest that it
would be easier to maintain the previously approved
color than to wait perhaps years until all mailboxes
and posts are replaced and painted with the new
Since I was unaware when and how this new color
was approved to replace the previously approved
color, please help me understand how to obtain
support & approval for my suggestion to revert to and
maintain the previously approved color to avoid two
conspicuously different colors for potentially years to
come. Thanks!
At the April 7th Board of Directors meeting it was approved that the community association
would have the responsibility of maintaining all mailboxes and individual owners would no
longer be required to maintain mailboxes. After researching all options, the ARB elected to
change our current mailboxes to a powder-coated version to increase longevity and cost
effectiveness. HLCA is in the process of establishing a plan to make the switch to the new
mailboxes more uniform by individual street. The new mailboxes will be installed with the
address numbers attached, if the owner would like their name installed a $20 fee would be
incurred. The decision makers were aware of the negative aspect of having two different
mailbox colors for some period of time, but felt the change was best for the community over
the long term. You can email HLCA General manager Bryan Rhame, or email the Board of
Directors to make your suggestion directly to them. There will also be a Board meeting on
October 17th at 2 pm, in the Lakeview Room.
The dog park kiosks, as are in the Outpost kiosks,
need overhead fans to ameliorate the warm whether
heat and bugs which can be overbearing. A previous
request was denied due to lack of electrical source
(the nearby light pole belongs to Palmetto Electric, not
HL). I subsequently requested solar power fans. As
the 2018 budget items are now being identified, I want
to ensure that this request not be forgotten and be
considered. Thank you.
Thank you for the reminder. There are a significant number of ideas and requests
submitted to management. This suggestion will be reviewed for the 2018 budget, along
with many other ideas that have been suggested by individual members.
One of the things I enjoy most about Hampton Lake is
walking the nature trails. One of the longest trails
starts behind the Coach Homes and follows along
opposite Balsam Bay and ends at Sweet Marsh. At
one time the trail was a “through trail” with access to
the Sweet Marsh cul de sac. Are there plans to extend
the trail through the woods and onto the cul de sac?
There was a new access point created on Fish Dancer
so it would seem as though the same could be done
here as well. I think the trail would be better utilized if
this happens and also if there is better maintenance of
the trail as well.
We agree that our nature trails are a wonderful amenity and are happy to hear that you
enjoy using them. While the trail you mention has been used by members in the past by
crossing private property, it has never been part of the Hampton Lake Nature Trail system.
Thus maintenance is only conducted to maintain the berm between the lake and the nature
preserve. There are no current plans to convert this area to a HLCA nature trail. A map
showing the Hampton Lake Nature Trails can be downloaded from the HLCA web by
clicking on the “HLCA Docs” tab.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
We recently moved into the Lake Bluff section of
Phase 3 and live on Foxpath Lane. The HCLA has
installed a privacy fence behind all the houses on our
side of the street which we thank you for. However,
there is a strip approximately 30 feet in width that runs
from our property lines to the fence that is in a total
state of disrepair.
Can you please tell me what plans the HCLA has for
these common grounds and the date they might be
implemented? Thank you!
There is a 50 ft wide strip of common property between the homes on Foxpath Lane and
Flatwater Drive. The plan is to leave a 20 ft wide section on the Flatwater Drive side of the
fence natural. The 30 ft section on the Foxpath Lane side of the fence includes a drainage
swale and is the strip you are referring to. While it has been hydro-seeded twice, the area
still considered “under development”. There is still some grading work necessary at one
end. Once all the homes on Foxpath Lane are completed and the developer finishes his
work on this strip of land, it will be designated an “area of common responsibility” and
HLCA would be responsible for maintaining it (e.g. mowing the grass.) HLCA is in
discussion with the developer to determine when HLCA will take responsibility for mowing
the area, and is asking that the developer work with the contractors to be more considerate
of the area (i.e. trash and debris.)
Having attended the last Board Meeting, it was great
to hear that the
pickleball courts are going to be constructed at
Amenities Village. Because they are in the planning
stages I was wondering if a water fountain could be
included as well as seating with overhead shade
maybe between courts 2 and 3?
Thank you for your suggestion. It has been passed along to the developer for
consideration, along with other suggestions that have been received from members
concerning the pickleball courts.
How many acres does Hampton Lake now cover?
The Facts and Statistics about Our Lake document on
the HL member site says it's 165 acres but this does
not include Phase 3. Thanks!
The lake now covers 175 acres, which includes phase 3.
Would the community consider a yearly or by-yearly
neighborhood yard/estate sale? I’m sure many find
themselves in the same boat; that after moving into a
new or different home end up with very nice items that
just do not work well in their new decor as well as
needing items for their new decor.
Rule 13.2.1. of the HLCA Rules & Regulations states: “Garage and yard sales are not
permitted at residences.” This rule applies regardless of whether the garage/yard sale is at
a single home or at multiple homes.
On Pine Shadow Ct, there is a fire hydrant where the
water truck frequently fills. The hose from the hydrant
has a constant stream of water running from it,
resulting in a pool of standing water just inside the tree
line. It's a waste of water as well as an environmental
issue left the way it is. Is there a way to completely
shut off the leak?
We have discussed the use of the fire hydrant with the contractor to ensure there is no
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Two suggestions. Often I and others are in the locker
room undressed and a female attendant pokes her
head in and asks if anyone is there. A sign on the door
indicating occupied or unoccupied would solve this
problem as no one could hear her if in the shower or
steam room.
Secondly, the back gate at the large dog park was
carelessly left open this week and my dog escaped.
Fortunately, I was able to retrieve her before disaster
struck. Please consider posting a sign on the back
gate of both dog parks to please remember to close
the gate upon leaving.
Thank you for your suggestions. We will ask the Fitness Center staff to post the suggested
sign. A notice will be placed in the Community Update reminding members to close the
gates upon leaving, as well as reminding members to check that the gates are closed
before letting their dogs loose.
Question from Donna Garganus: Would the
community consider a yearly or by-yearly
neighborhood yard/estate sale? I’m sure many find
themselves in the same boat; that after moving into a
new or different home end up with very nice items that
just do not work well in their new decor as well as
needing items for their new decor.
Answer: Rule 13.2.1. of the HLCA Rules &
Regulations states: “Garage and yard sales are not
permitted at residences.” This rule applies regardless
of whether the garage/yard sale is at a single home or
at multiple homes.
You are very good at quoting the "Rules & Regs", I
thought we got rid of Mr. Bennet!
How about looking beyond the rules to answer a
residents question, like outside the box!
Maybe you can't have a garage sale in your garage
but how about a community garage sale at the
community center, like you have a farmers market or
flea market?
Feel free to print my email & start thinking outside the
box and stop quoting rules to solve Comm. Membrs
The question asked if the community would consider a community-wide yard sale, the
question was answered: yard sales are prohibited. The answers to many of the questions
submitted to LakeViews are frequently dictated by the governing documents and/or the
Rules & Regulations, therefore we’ve made it a practice to reference and quote the rule or
governing document whenever possible. The goal of this practice is to help educate
members as to why certain policies and practices exist. Many members frequently bring
ideas to the attention of management or the Advisory Committees. It would be impossible
to act on every idea that is brought forth, especially since there are often suggestions that
contradict one another. Yard sales are just one of the many items that owners disagree on.
While a number of members may want to have them, others have very negative views of
garage sales because of the increased traffic and fear of the spike in crime that some
communities see after a community-wide garage sale. Hampton Lake already features a
Market Day several times a year at our amenity center. Members who want to set up a
table to sell items can obtain the form in the Tackle Box. The Nextdoor app, with its
classified section, serves as a virtual yard sale. Proposals with specifics as to how a
community-wide garage sale could work, including the benefits to the community and/or
what problem they would solve, are welcome.
Philip (Phil)
Are there any plans to clean up the narrow 80 yard
long strip of land that is on the southeast border of the
retention pond, bounded by Lake Bluff, Fox Point and
Castaway? I know the residents along Lake Bluff Drive
would appreciate some landscaping. Grass seed, a
few trees and bushes, and a small shelter/grill or a
couple of benches would make a big difference.
The developer and KHovnanian have not yet finalized landscaping plans for this strip of
common property. The area has been seeded and the grass is mowed by the HLCA
landscape contractor.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Could you please share with those of us who reside in
Phase III as to when the planned green spaces will be
completed (sod and other plantings). Specifically,
there is a large green space on Lake Bluff Drive east
of the retention pond that remains sand and weeds.
We're going on our one year anniversary in our home
and any good wind from the west or southwest blows
sand, dirt and other debris into our yards. Thanks for
responding. Rick Parrin
The developer and KHovnanian have not yet finalized landscaping plans for this strip of
common property. The area has been seeded and the grass is mowed by the HLCA
landscape contractor.
Will boat tie-off cleats be added to the bride side park
in phase 3, so a boat could tie off and enjoy lunch or
just a bottle of wine.
Yes, the developer will be adding boat cleats.
My question is related to the one asked by Donna
Garganus in regard to garage sales. I understand
there is a rule for no garage sales, may I ask what is
the reason? If it is restricted to just HL, and not other
communities it seems to me it would be harmless.
Also Who makes those rules???
The current HLCA Rules & Regulations are the product of an extensive review by a
committee of members who sought community-wide input and worked for approximately
nine months to develop the 2014 edition that was approved by the HLCA Board of
Directors. There have been several small updates and changes, based on the changing
needs of the community. All changes are thoroughly vetted to make sure that the change
serves the best needs of the community as a whole before they are approved by the Board
of Directors.
Many communities have rules prohibiting yard sales because of the increased traffic,
potential liability, and spike in crime that some communities see, particularly gated
communities, after yard sales. Limiting the yard sales to just Hampton Lake would
probably not yield enough traffic to make the yard sale worth it to the homeowner.
Michael &
Why do we spend the money to run the Lazy River
when the pool temperature is less than 70 degrees?
Would it make more sense to turn off the Lazy River
on weekdays and heat the pool on Friday from 10/1
through 11/30 so members can use the pool on the
The Lazy River is currently on a timer to operate from 11:00 am until 5:00 pm. This
operation and circulation improves the filtration of our pool. The approximate cost of this
operation is $100-$200 per month. To heat the pool this time of year would require about
24 hours to reach temperature and would cost from $4000-$6000 per month. With the
average temperature highs in the 60’s and the lows in the 40’s it is doubtful enough owners
would take advantage to make this cost effective.
Nathalie and
We would like to complement you on providing such
tactful and constructive answers to even the most
inappropriately hostile questions. We feel this Q&A
forum is very helpful, but we are shocked and
disappointed by residents who are disrespectful and
insulting in the way they word their questions. We
appreciate your explanations and reminders of the
Rules and Regulations. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for the feedback. LakeViews was created to provide answers to members
questions and a way for members to make suggestions. It’s good to know that there are
many members like yourself who appreciate the explanations. We work to provide
accurate answers to all members’ questions and comments, including those we wish were
worded differently.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Is it possible to include a calendar link (i.e. iCal) in the
weekly update to make it easier to add the many and
wonderful HL activities to our electronic devices?
It’s good to know that members appreciate the many events offered at Hampton Lake.
While we would love to make it easier for members to add events to their calendars,
creating calendar links would require that a separate link is created for every event. Most
of our weekly updates have more than 20 events. We estimated that it would have taken
more than two hours to create links for the 23 events in last week’s update. As there is a
relatively short window for creating the update each week, adding this amount of time every
week would make it very difficult for the staff to get the update out on time.
I am aware that this topic has come up in the past.
however am feeling increasingly frustrated about what
is feeling like lack of security- specifically the back
gate. This week I was behind an automobile (clearly
civilian, not emergency vehicle) who used a code to
enter through the back gate. I immediately snapped a
picture & phoned the gate house. I emailed them the
picture as well as gave exact description, direction car
headed etc. Why would this vehicle have a code to
access?? Additionally... I find it frustrating that no
followup was put through. I emailed later in the day to
inquire of the status of my report & was replied with
"this was taken care of". I am curious what measures
this includes (fine, written warning, etc?). Also... what
prevents this same person, and others in the same
situation, to simply do it again? Feeling frustrated-
gated should equal feeling safe & secure. Thanks.
We appreciate owners being diligent in situational awareness and reporting suspicious
behavior to our security team. We do have temporary South Gate codes that are issued for
authorized personnel and owners using rental cars (these codes are changed monthly.) In
this particular instance it was an employee of the sales team in a loaner vehicle while his
was being serviced. As an increased level of security, cameras have been ordered and
should be installed by the end of this year. It is also important for owners to be on the
lookout for vehicles gaining access by following owners in through the South Gate. For
safety purposes, block the gate until it closes or please call security with a vehicle
description and the direction vehicle turns onto Hampton Lake Drive rather than confronting
them in person.
Thanks so much for attempting to answer last weeks
question regarding the HCLA common area on Lake
Bluff Dr to the east of the pond. I noticed a number of
people (contractors?) looking at the area. It was
seeded a couple of years ago, has no irrigation, is
about 40% dirt, lots of erosion (mostly on the SW
side), pieces of cement from nearby construction and
frankly is an eye sore. When the landscape contractor
mows, it creates a cloud of dust and tosses stones
and sand into the street. The area deserves the same
esthetic care that all other HCLA common areas enjoy
and that have been completed much sooner than one
year after residents have moved in. We were all asked
to comply with the recent property inspections to
assure rule compliance and property esthetics. This
parcel deserves equal urgency. Thanks again. Rick
Your question was forwarded to the Developer. The Developer (i.e. Pratt Reed) has
advised that they “are formulating a long term plan to grow grass in that area. To set
expectations properly, we have missed the growing season this year and I speculate the
winter seed that was put down last week will start to grow soon. We will reseed prior to
spring as well.”'
It would be great if the Hampton Lake Weekly is
revised to be easier to read. The print contrast is not
good and the print could be larger. I often try to read it
on my phone and the print is very difficult to read. It is
also difficult to read on my large screen at home
because of the contrast.
Thank you for your suggestion. The system uses a template that governs colors and font
size, so it will require a bit more work than simply changing colors and font. However, we
have plans to take a closer look at the weekly update after the first of the year and making
it more readable will be part of that project.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Dry Dock - We have been on "the list" for about a year
to store our 5th wheel camper. We were told when we
moved in we were number 2 or 3 after being here for
awhile we "had moved up to number 7" . Now I think
we are number 5. We have our RV at a storage
facility and have no complaints. We would prefer to
have it here in Hampton Lake for security and ease of
access. We had an opportunity to visit dry dock the
other day and noticed there was a company taking
multiple sites, small items stored in large spaces,
several areas that could be utilized, heavy equipment
sitting in the woods taking multiple spaces and what
looked like equipment used to maintain Hampton
Lake. I have been told that there are phase III people
storing or being told they can store in Dry Dock
without having to wait on the "list." Would it be a
benefit to have a maintenance yard for Hampton Lake,
allowing Dry Dock to be used for what it was
advertised for. Can the "list" be made public?
There are several Hampton Lake members who have rented Dry Dock space to store
equipment, which is probably the equipment that you saw. Space number 14 is reserved
as a convenience for overnight parking for Hampton Lake property owners and is often
used by new members when they first move in. Space 14 is assigned on a first come, first
serve basis with a limit of two weeks per stay. Property owners are billed $8.00 per night
for their use of Space 14 at the Dry Dock. This is the only exception to being put on the
waiting list. Although there is a possibility that storage space will be increased in the future,
long term storage is not intended to be offered as an amenity that would be available for all
members who might have a need for storage. It is impossible to predict how long a
member will remain on the waiting list; however, no one moves down on the list only up,
or off in the event a member declines when a space opens up. Members can contact
Jordan in the Boathouse to see where they are on the waiting list.
My next door neighbor installed a blue bird house last
spring. For over 2 months in the spring the blue birds
attacked my master bedroom windows from dawn to
dusk (mating season). I could not find anything that
made them stop. I am getting ready to sell or rent my
home and soon it will be spring and the blue birds will
start attacking the windows again. I see that blue bird
houses are in preserve areas (perhaps for this
reason?). Is there anything that can be done to fix this
Many bird species have been known to peck at and/or fly into windows, including blue
birds, cardinals, wild turkeys, and woodpeckers, to name just a few in our area. This
behavior is thought to be the result of the bird mistaking their own reflection in the window
for a rival bird. Some experts say that the key is to break up the reflection the bird sees so
it does not feel threatened by a non-existent competitor. Window screens often serve as a
deterrent . Other recommendations can be found at https://www.thespruce.com/stop-birds-
What is happening concerning lack of hydro therapy at
the Fitness Center?
As discussed during the community update following the November 21 Board of Directors
meeting, Bryan Rhame has been asked to find an architect to identify options to convert our
hydrotherapy pool into an outdoor hot tub area. To date, Bryan met with two architectural
firms to discuss objectives and concerns. Both firms are working on a proposal.
I've had two flat tires in the last three weeks with long
screws extracted from the tires. I took a five mile walk
today around Hampton Lake Crossing to the
Sugarberry area to Flatwater. There are long nails all
over the roads. I would like to suggest that the
contractors police the roads when they are done for
the day. It might save others the misery and expense.
Thank you for the suggestion. The requirement for contractors to police the road near their
construction site each day is already in place. However, policing all of the contractors to
ensure that they do it is nearly impossible. Members can report nails and other
construction debris to the General Manager and/or to Gail Garbett. Please be specific
about the location. Please identify if the problem is clearly from a specific worksite or
contractor. A photo is helpful.
We have several additional practices in place to try to minimize the problem. We run a
utility vehicle with a magnet up and down all of the roads each day. The vehicle has a
magnet on the front and the back to increase what is picked up. We also use a sweeper
and blower. Gail Garbett is talking to our landscape contractor about bringing in a vacuum
truck to further minimize the amount of debris in the roads. We will continue to be as
diligent as possible.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Do we still have the ability to "rent" the "vacation rental
home" listed on the left side of the weekly update?
At this time, there is one unit in the vacation home rental program. The owner of the home
is currently renting that unit under a long term agreement to members whose home was
severely damaged by a lightning strike. Our understanding is that once the damage
caused by the lightning strike is repaired to the current tenant’s home, the rental home is
scheduled to return to the short term rental program. There is another owner who is
researching the possibility of placing their home in the Arbors in the short term rental
program, but they have not finalized any decisions at this time.
Can’t find anyone around today being Monday but
wanting to find out why I have hundreds of fish of
different sizes dieing around my dock today. Why
should this happen and is someone going to clean it
up, as it is beginning to smell. Thanks.
Unfortunately, the unusually cold weather we have had recently appears to have caused
many fish all over the southeastern part of the United States to die or become “cold-
stunned.” According to Wade Bales of Quality Lakes, our lake maintenance contractor, the
extended cold temperatures stresses the Threadfin Shad. This stress causes them to be
more susceptible to disease and it is not uncommon for schools to die. According to Wade,
more cold weather over the next few weeks may result in similar situations, but there is no
biological reason to perform a clean-up. As per the discussion between you and Bryan
Rhame, if it becomes a problem warranting further attention, please let Bryan know.
I have purchased a card to be able to use the facilities
on and off hours. Why is it that the bathrooms are
often not open? If it takes a log of who is going in and
out of the fitness center, then those people should be
allowed to use the restroom while there.
The locker rooms are not open after hours, but the restrooms on the opposite side of the
fitness center are always open. Members can walk past the fitness class room and turn
right down the short hallway to locate these rest rooms.
I noticed that the Sauna and Steam Room are now
going to be controlled by the front desk. Does this
mean that I have to indicate to the front office how
long I wish to be on a timer for using that amenity?
Why was this decision made?
Thank you for the suggestion. The requirement for contractors to police the road near their
construction site each day is already in place. However, policing all of the contractors to
ensure that they do it is nearly impossible. Members can report nails and other
construction debris to the General Manager and/or to Gail Garbett. Please be specific
about the location. Please identify if the problem is clearly from a specific worksite or
contractor. A photo is helpful.
We have several additional practices in place to try to minimize the problem. We run a
utility vehicle with a magnet up and down all of the roads each day. The vehicle has a
magnet on the front and the back to increase what is picked up. We also use a sweeper
and blower. Gail Garbett is talking to our landscape contractor about bringing in a vacuum
truck to further minimize the amount of debris in the roads. We will continue to be as
diligent as possible.
With 50% of the households now living in Hampton
Lake, and another 700 households yet to move here,
it is becoming increasingly obvious that the capacity of
some of our amenities may be an issue in the future.
Does Hampton Lake's master plan have any
undeveloped acreage, such as 5 - 7 acres, set aside
to address additional amenities our community may
need in the future? Should it?
Or, is all of the available land for future amenities
limited to what is located by Spring Lake? Is that
According to the developer, the property designated for future amenities has been defined.
The phase 3 amenity center, which currently includes Crystal Lake, will include an
additional pool, pickle ball courts, basketball courts, and a large pavilion, as well as other
features. This 15 acre amenity center is in the master plan approved by the Town of
Bluffton. There are no current plans to set aside any additional amenity space. Plans were
presented at the April 5, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting; members can view the
developer’s presentation on the HLCA website here.
I am curious as to the annual requirement to replace
vehicle decals? I realize this is a substantial revenue
stream for the community, but this could even be
further enhanced by not having the expense of
procuring new stickers every year. I would gladly pay
the fee and submit my insurance documents each
year. The vast majority of other communities do not
replace decals annually and I feel the continuity and
uniformity would make it easier for our Security Patrol
to accomplish their duties.
Replacing member vehicle decals annually is a security measure; it does not provide a
revenue stream as members are not charged to renew their vehicle decals. Annual
replacement of the decals serves two purposes in that a current decal verifies that a
members’ car has been registered with Hampton Lake, and also provides a visible symbol
that makes it easier for Security and other members to recognize. If vehicle decals were
not replaced each year, it would be impossible to tell former members’ vehicles from that of
current members. There is a small fee only for replacements and/or additional bar code
stickers for the South Gate (back gate.) Members receive the first bar code sticker at no
charge, but replacements or stickers for additional cars cost $12. These stickers are not
replaced each year; they are good for as long as the member has the car. The bar code is
deactivated when a member moves or is issued a replacement for a new car.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have additional questions regarding last weeks
posted question. The question posed was “what are
the plans to accommodate our obvious growth with
regards to future amenities “. Your response was to
list the planned amenities in phase 3.
We are already feeling growing pains when it comes
to partys and functions held in the Lakeview room.
Use of the screened porch is suboptimal as it is not
heated or air conditioned. A pavilion in phase 3 does
not appear to be a solution to a problem that will only
get worse with time. Are you open to modifying the
porch and/or the pavilion?
Thank you,
Anna Levonyak
The question last week asked if any acreage was being set aside for future amenities, and
the answer published from the developer stated that no additional land was being set aside
other than the planned 15 acre amenity center by Crystal Lake. The details of the large
pavilion in phase 3 won’t be known until the developer starts its design, but the reason it is
part of future amenities is to accommodate community growth. Modifying the screened
porch as either a developer improvement or as a community capital improvement project
has been considered in the past and will likely be discussed again in the future. However,
when the 2017 Member Survey asked “Are you will to pay more for enclosing the screened
porch?” 68% of members said No. This is consistent with the 2015 survey, in which 68% of
members said No.
What is the difference between HL fees and HL dues
and how are they calculated?
Each year as part of the budget process the Board of Directors approves the “Annual
Assessment” for all Units. The HLCA Controller (Brenda Matthews) then divides the
Annual Assessment into “dues” and “fees” using a fixed percentage. This fixed percentage
is based upon an audit by SC Department of Revenue that determines what percentage
(i.e. 32%) of our annual assessment is subject to the SC Admissions Tax (7.5%). The
Admissions Tax is imposed upon the paid right or privilege to enter into or use a place of
amusement. Using our 2018 Annual Assessment as an example, the Board set the
assessment at $3396 per year. Rounding to the nearest dollar and using the fixed
percentage of 32% for dues that are subject to the 7.5% Admissions tax, this breaks out as
$1089 in “dues” plus $82 in tax. The other 68% of the annual assessment, $2307 is
invoiced as “fees” and is not subject to tax. Although members typically to refer to our total
annual assessment as our dues, per our governing documents, assessment is the correct
term. For accounting purposes, Brenda uses “dues” and “fees” to distinguish between the
taxable and non-taxable portion of the annual assessment.
I understand from my builder that Crystal Lake homes
will not have a mail box in front of each house. The
houses directly across the street have them. Is this
correct and if so what’s the reason?
The United States Post Office has a regulation that requires new residential developments
to use cluster box mail centers instead of individual mail boxes in front of each house. Our
developer, HL Development LLC, has worked with the local postmaster and the Town of
Bluffton on an implementation plan, as a mail center was not part of the January 2015
approved phase 3 development plan. Currently, the plan is to construct a cluster box mail
center to service new homes on Castaway Drive, Lilly Dipper, Sugarberry Lane, and
Quarter Casting Circle, as well as future development in Southern Sandhill. At least for
now, the balance on Lake Bluff, Lake Point Circle, Reflection Point and parts of Flatwater
Drive will continue to have individual mailboxes. Homes on the far side of the wooden
bridge will be part of a mail center.
Has any thought be given to hiring an older person to
be our pool attendant? While the young people are
very nice, I’m sure they feel intimidated at times to
have to admonish someone who is old enough to be
their parent or grandparent. I’m sure that having to
give direction to people their own age is also difficult
for them.
I have worked security at a few pools on HHI and I
know it takes tact and assertiveness to be effective in
maintaining pool rules and regs. Younger people just
don’t always have this skill due to lack of experience.
That’s not to say they couldn’t, but an older person
commands more respect and authority in my
Attendance at the pool has increased dramatically in
the last few years to the point that we should evaluate
the methods used to keep it safe and enjoyable for all
Hampton Lake does not discriminate against job applicants because of age, we look to hire
individuals who are capable of performing the job, which involves spending many hours in
the heat and humidity of our summer weather, opening and closing the umbrellas, and
emptying the trash cans. The workforce is filled with younger workers who give direction to
people old enough to be their parents, as well as people their own age. It is hoped that our
members, and their guests, will not ignore requests or be disrespectful of the pool
attendants or any other employee simply because they are young.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
residents. We have made a good start with the
resident database. We need to continue our efforts to
keep Hampton Lake an award winning community.
Any updated timeframe when construction of the
Crystal Lake pool will begin?
Your question was forwarded to the Developer. The Developer (Pratt Reed) advised that
there is no firm date as yet; he hopes to have an update to report at the March 29 Annual
In the interest of safety, why not put a convex mirror
on the bridge at fish dancer so we can see cars
coming. It is dangerous crossing that road, you
cannot see cars until you start across the road.
Thank you for your suggestion. There have been many suggestions regarding the
intersection of Fish Dancer Court and Hampton Lake Drive. The Grounds & Facilities
Committee has been asked to investigate the issue, research the suggestions and other
possible solutions, and develop a recommendation. Hampton Lake is fortunate to have
several members on the G&F Committee that have strong background in public safety,
traffic, and engineering.
I have noticed that Hampton Lake has a mosquito
misting system around the pool area and
basketball/pickleball courts. I have never seen it
working and am wondering if the system is
Thank you.
The misting system is not operational. We have a contract with our exterminator to use
backpack blowers to spray for mosquitoes and gnats.
Will there be an opportunity to rent Paddle Boards for
use in Crystal Lake?
HLCA has no plans at this time to provide paddle boards for use in Crystal Lake. It would
be up to owners to purchase them for their private use.
The water bubblers on the east side of Anchor Bay are
not working. The electric motor next to my house is
not running. Someone needs to check it out.
The aerators were turned off for the winter and are scheduled to be turned back on in the
next few weeks. This is standard practice.
Family coming April 15tth from up north with children
looking forward to the pool. Can it be used if not
The pool is being re-surfaced, a project that is scheduled to start the week of February 26
and weather permitting, is expected to conclude by April 1 for the main pool and the
following week or so for the adult pool. The main pool will not be able to be heated until the
new surface has cured, usually in about 30 days. Although the pool will not be heated,
members and their guests should be able to use the pool upon completion of the re-
surfacing project.
At a past Town Hall or BOD meeting, mention was
made that additional dog waste stations would be
installed in 2018. Is it known, how many, where, and
when? Thanks.
The eight additional dog waste stations are scheduled to be installed in March and April.
The locations, which were recommended by the Grounds & Facilities Committee, can be
found on the Board of Advisors Documents page of the HLCA website. Click here for a
map of the locations.
I have noticed lately that Crystal Lake has gone from a
beautiful clear blue color to a dark green. There is
brown alge growth on the bottom now. Dosen't look as
inviting as it was a few weeks ago. Any plans to
address this as we move into warmer weather?
When we have days with clear blue skies, the beautiful clear blue color in the lake is the
water reflecting the color of the sky. On cloudy days, or when the sun is at certain angles,
the lake will not appear blue. Crystal Lake is a manmade lake; it is not a swimming pool
with constant filtration and chemical treatment. Mother Nature provides the water in the
lake and it supports normal and healthy aquatic growth. The warmer weather has caused it
to green up. Crystal Lake is monitored weekly and will be treated this week by our lake
management contractor. Phosphorous reduction chemicals will be applied in March to aid
in reducing green up potential throughout the summer. The brown film on the bottom is
not algae but iron that has precipitated naturally out of the soil.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I was wondering if the playground was going to be
resurfaced at any point? There are many areas that
are pretty run down. There is also a big issue with
bumble bees that have been crawling into holes on
the play set, can this be sprayed? Thanks!
We have put a work order in to have the bees treated. We will reevaluate our financial
position in the 4th quarter to see if it is feasible to have the playground resurfaced this year,
or it will be done in 2019. We are currently finding it hard to get competitive bids for the
work. Thus far we have found only one qualified company.
I noticed activity in the woods separating Fording Ct.
and Bluffton Pkwy. A large piece of equipment
clearing trees. Would this be to complete the HL
boarder fence that currently ends behind 59 Fording
Ct.? Thank you.
This parcel of approximately 20 acres between Bluffton Parkway and a section on Fording
Court, parallels Bluffton Parkway, is not currently part of Hampton Lake and is zoned for
mixed use, residential and commercial. The owner has not announced any plans for
development and HLCA currently has no plans to construct a fence bordering this property.
When will security begin to enforce the rules for un
registered vehicles. I see a lot of 2017 decals on
vehicles. If we let every vehicle thru the gate then is
security really do their job? I believe that decals have
now been available for three months. By allowing all
of these vehicles thru the gate we are most likely
allowing persons who are no longer dues paying
members unrestricted access into the community.
Members who attempt to come through the main gate without a new 2018 decal are
stopped by security to complete the registration form and obtain a new sticker. We believe
that many of the cars that you see without a 2018 sticker are coming in the back gate. This
past week, security was posted at the back gate at various times. Violators were stopped,
and their 2017 decals removed. They will have a 24 hour notice to replace their decal
before receiving a citation.
What is going on behind Fording Ct. in the woods. It
appears there is some kind of clearing going on in an
area that was/is considered the preserve?
This parcel of approximately 20 acres between Bluffton Parkway and a section on Fording
Court, parallel to Bluffton Parkway, has always appeared on the master plan as “future
development” and has never been a designated nature preserve. Members can view the
map from 2007 on the HLCA website, under Other Resources in the BOD section. It is not
currently part of Hampton Lake and the owner has not announced any plans for
Who is responsible for maintaining the retention ponds
in Phase 3, and the turf areas around them?
As this area is still considered under development, this question was forwarded to the
developer, Pratt Reed. He replied “The banks of these ponds are on the schedule to be
seeded. With the colder weather moving back in, we are waiting for the ground
temperature to warm up before we rake and seed the lake banks. It should be likely that
the planting will occur before the end of April, weather permitting. After that point, The
Land Works Group will be responsible for long term care and maintenance.” When asked
about the part of the bank that appears to be collapsed, he further replied “The side of the
lake along the road is being used by KHov subs for parking. They are aware of this and will
address it. The wash out was caused by improper silt fence by the builder. Again, they are
aware and agree to fix it. Not sure on the timing yet.”
Several members inquired about property behind
Fording Ct. My understanding is that is not part of HL.
The town shows an access road exiting on to Fording
Ct.Should I contact the Town to explain why it is
shown this way?
As presented by the Developer at the March 29 Annual Meeting, the 20 acre property
between Fording Court and Bluffton Parkway will be added to Hampton Lake Community
Association. The conceptual plan adds 54 residential lots, typically 47 ft wide x 120 ft long.
This includes 14 additional lots on Fording Court and a new road from Fording Court to the
other 40 lots.”
I know that security checks the dumpsters nightly and
if they aren’t covered the builder gets fined. Where
does that money go? What if anything is it allocated
There is so much trash everywhere in the community,
including all our waterways from the builders. Whether
it’s building materials coming from the building of the
homes or the contractors throwing trash down. We all
do our part to pick it up, though it doesn’t seem fair
that they continue to make the mess and we are the
All fine revenue collected goes into HLCA’s operating account. As with other revenue
collected, fine revenue goes to pay operating expenses, including trash clean-up by our
lake maintenance and landscaping contractors. We have sent an email to the President of
Construction and all of the management at Khov to let them know that this issue has
become a reflection on them. KHov has promised to address this with their trades and
continue to make every effort to police our sites and keep our dumpsters covered.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
only ones cleaning it up.
I propose using the funds collected from the fines, to
pay for a cleanup monthly. If the funds collected do
not cover the cost of the cleanup, then we need to
increase the fine or charge back the cost of the
cleanup to the builders.
Hampton Lake property [chain link fence] behind
Fording Ct has
been damaged by falling trees. In some places, the
fence is completely
opened and a major security issue.
We will have our fence contractor come out to give us an estimate and make the necessary
Who is responsible for maintenance of and around the
retention ponds in Phase 4? (Second submission)
As this area is still considered under development, this question was forwarded to the
developer, Pratt Reed. He replied “The banks of these ponds are on the schedule to be
seeded. With the colder weather moving back in, we are waiting for the ground
temperature to warm up before we rake and seed the lake banks. It should be likely that
the planting will occur before the end of April, weather permitting. After that point, The
Land Works Group will be responsible for long term care and maintenance.” When asked
about the part of the bank that appears to be collapsed, he further replied “The side of the
lake along the road is being used by KHov subs for parking. They are aware of this and will
address it. The wash out was caused by improper silt fence by the builder. Again, they are
aware and agree to fix it. Not sure on the timing yet.”
Now with the apartments open people are having to
where the entrance to our community is. Can a sign
be placed at the circle to direct people to our security
Thank you for your suggestion. There was such a sign prior to the construction of Benton
House. HLCA will endorse your suggestion and present it at the next Hampton Lake Road
Association Board meeting.
With all of the new construction in Phase III, can we
open a construction entrance ? This would alleviate
some of the construction traffic from the front entrance
and in front of the amenity center.
Members who attended the March 29 Annual Meeting were able to see renderings showing
the developer’s plans for the additional gate that is anticipated to be constructed in the first
quarter of 2019. The renderings show that there will be two entry lanes, one that uses a
bar code for members only, the other for all other traffic. The renderings will be posted on
the HLCA website, along with the minutes of the meeting.
On the myhamptonlake site, the HL Rules and
Regulations posted are dated Spring 2017. Since
then, however, there have been BOD-approved rule
changes which are not showing. When will the Spring
2017 posted rules on myhamptonlake be updated and
how often are the posted rules updated on
myhamptonlake? The concern is that property owners
are not seeing the most up to date rules when looking
on myhamptonlake. When the BOD approves rule
changes, cannot those changes be reflected in the HL
Rules and Regulations on myhamptonlake
The most current version of the HLCA Rules & Regulations is now posted on the HLCA
website. We will do our best to post the most current version promptly after any future
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I would like to know what is going to be done with the
open piece of property across the street from my
house on the lagoon side. I saw some sod put down
only close to the lake. The rest of the property also
needs it! Can u also tell me who is responsible for that
property? Right now there is much dirt blowing and
home owners using if for a dog relief destination
preventing anything from growing. Also is the fire
hydrant the only way to hook up to water? Your
response is appreciated. Thank you.
As the area is still considered under development, the question was forwarded to the
developer, who advised that sod will be put down between the pond and the road in the
next few weeks, weather permitting. The developer reports that irrigation is currently done
by using a BJW&S meter attached to the hydrants.
Several weeks ago, what I believe to be a pump
apparatus was placed adjacent to the Dockside Park.
It remains completely visible, with no effort to conceal
it. Furthermore, there is an open ditch extending from
the pump to the lake. This is dangerous and looks
terrible. Surely no homeowner would be allowed to
construct anything like this. Can you please tell me
how long before the developer or HCLA will do
something about the appearance?
The PVC pipe was a temporary solution for irrigating the amenity area lawns while a new
well was being constructed. The new well became functional this week and the temporary
line is scheduled to be removed by Tuesday of next week.
The area adjacent to my home is designated as
"freshwater wetlands" and I was told I was not able to
intrude on them in any fashion. However. several
weeks ago a large white PVC pipe was laid well into
the wetlands, but easily visible from my home. It runs
from a hydrant on Pine Shadow Court to a pump
adjacent to the tennis courts (also recently
constructed). My wife spoke with the general
manager about the pipe ruining our view into the
woods, and shortly thereafter a crew raked leaves
over it to cover it. That solution lasted about 24 hours.
If it is the neighborhood's intent to leave the pipe there
- a more effective means of concealing it needs to be
implemented. Either bury it, or paint it a color to
match the adjacent ground.
Your question was forwarded to the developer. His answer is as follows ”We are planning
on landscaping this in the next few weeks. The plan has already been approved. The
Landworks Group is taking care of this.”
In looking at the Reed slide show of the new
development, I don't see the pool that is in the picture
outside the sports complex where the Barn was
suppose to be built. It was my understanding it was to
be completed in the summer of 2018. Is it not in the
plans now?
The developer reports that they are in the process of working with architects to start the
design process for the pool and the barn (sometimes referred to as a pavilion) that will be
located in phase 3. We don’t have a timeline for completion as yet.
Does Hampton Lake have any plans to expand
permission other then the one carrier for
TV/Internet/Phone that is currently allowed in the
development? (for example FIOS)
The issue of which providers of Internet/phone/TV serve Hampton Lake is not a matter of
Hampton Lake giving permission. The current provider, Hargray, made the initial
investment to create the infrastructure for these services. Due to the high capital cost of
installing addition cable lines to compete with Hargray, it is unlikely there will ever be two
cable / hard wired internet providers in Hampton Lake. Alternatives are satellite or cellular
Can you please tell me if HL is going to take care of
the walls with tabby that have mildew on them. I
noticed alot of mildew around the Tower Bar, pool
area, and screen porch. It looks terrible. My husband
uses a product Wet & Forget moss, mold, mildew, and
algae stain remover that works pretty good on our
house. The sidewalks also look like they need to be
power washed in those same areas. If you would
like, I could send you some pictures of the areas I’m
We have begun our spring pressure washing schedule. We have completed the pool
chairs, restroom interiors, and adult pool cabanas. We will begin the main buildings next
week and all of the community sidewalks are scheduled to begin May 7. Our goal is to
have all of this work completed before Memorial Day Weekend.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
talking about. Please let me know if anything is
planned to be done anytime soon. Thanks Holly.
Are there any plans for H.L. to provide/offer paddle
boards for residents to use at/in Crystal Lake? Similar
to the kayaks offered at Lakeside.
Same question re: Bocce Ball equipment
HLCA has no plans at this time of providing paddle boards for use in Crystal Lake. It would
be up to owners to purchase them for their private use. We are looking into supplying
bocce ball equipment either from the Tackle Box or the Fitness Center.
I am wondering when the irrigation on the pond across
the street from my home will become more
permanent. I understand that sod will finally be put
down. I am sure that you will agree that the temporary
setup is an eyesore! I also want to know if only sod
will be put down or is it planned to have some trees?
Needless to say, I have just re-landscaped my
property and fresh pine straw as required to live here.
I would expect that this piece of property should be
landscaped properly in the very near future. Thank
you for your response.
As this area still under development, the question was forwarded to the developer. Here is
the response from the developer: I appreciate your concern regarding East Compass Lake.
We have been working to get this area cleaned up and looking nice. We sodded the lake
bank 3 weeks ago which is why we installed the temporary irrigation you are referencing.
As far as the top of the bank is concerned, right now our plans are to bring in some topsoil
and have this area heavily seeded, which will grow in nicely. The temporary irrigation is
similar to what we have used in the rest of the community. This irrigation will in fact be
removed once the sod is stabilized and the seed has germinated. There are no plans for
any trees or other plantings.
I asked a question a few ago regarding the possibility
of using recycled cardboard "to go" containers at BWB
instead of styrofoam which is pure poison. Patti was
kind enough to send me a personal e-mail to let me
know Robin would look into pricing to see if was
feasible. I was wondering what the decision was on
this environmentally friendly, body healthy choice?
Can we make the switch?
In addition, is it possible to not automatically put
straws in beverages and only give if requested? In the
long run it will save a few pennies (which do add up)
but not using straws is another way to help save the
environment and our waters -- Think of the images
showing the poor turtles with straws stuck up there
nostrils :(
Thank you
Thank you for your suggestion. Many of the recyclable containers available are prone to
leak or bleed through. However, after receiving your suggestion, we have researched
several different recyclable containers and later this month we will begin a testing a product
that we hope will work well.
After flooding that resulted from Hurricane Matthew,
portions of Hampton Lake Drive were repaived. It
appears that those areas are detiorating rapidly and
will require attention in the near future. Regarding
overall paving and road repairs, I have several
1. Why have the post-Matthew repairs held up so
Hampton Lake Drive and Hampton Lake Crossing had the final top coat of asphalt
completed in July 2015 by the Declarant / Developer at the time, Hampton Lake LLC.
Hurricane Matthew occurred in October 2016 and we did not incur any damage to the
roads from Matthew or from Irma the following year. The damage to the area of Hampton
Lake Drive near the Dry Dock is currently being investigated in order to determine the
responsibility. Investigation to date indicates the problem is created by water that is in the
ground under the asphalt. We are working with engineers and geotechnical firms to
determine the source of the water and to recommend a long-term solution. HLCA roadways
are private and thus the Community Association is responsible for maintaining them. HLCA
had a capital reserve study completed in 2014 and has scheduled an updated capital
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
2. How are road repairs funded, by the HLA or the
developer? Do adequate reserves exist that will fund
major paving work in the future?
3. After the developer builds out HL, will the roads be
private roads maintained by HLA, or will the roads be
maintained by the city or county?
4. Finally, the large pothole on the Hampton Lake
Crossing bridge just keeps expanding. Are plans in
place to address this?
Thank you!
reserve study for this August, which will include the future reserve funding needs for
maintaining the roads, curbs, sidewalks, amenities and all common areas that are still to be
transferred to the HLCA by the developer. The 2014 capital reserve study is available on
the HLCA website. These studies provide valuable information to ensure we have funds set
aside to maintain all of our grounds and facilities. The roads, curbs, and sidewalks make up
about 50% of our reserve funds. HLCA budgets $400,000 to $500,000 per year to fund our
reserve requirements. With over $1.5 million currently in our CR account, HLCA does have
the funds to make any necessary repairs. The repair work for the split in the asphalt on the
bridge’s is currently being scheduled and is covered by the warranty of the original top coat
paving work done in 2015.
The water access to phase 3 has overgrown
vegetation on both banks. This makes it difficult to see
on coming boat traffic especially around the curves in
the waterway. Can some of this vegetation be
removed or trimmed?
We would like to keep this area as natural as possible, however we will be removing some
of the overhanging wax myrtles to improve the visibility in the “s” curve section entering and
exiting the Phase 3 section of the lake. In several areas, it is only wide enough for one
vessel. We would remind everyone to use caution and continue at idle speed until safe
passage is verified. It may also be appropriate to toot the horn to alert other boaters of your
Sorry for the delay but I would like to thank the
grounds and facilities group for having the trees
trimmed at the Fish Dancer curve. The work done has
greatly improved the safety for people walking or
driving in this vicinity.
Thank you, we’re glad that members have noticed the improvement. There have been
many member suggestions regarding the intersection of Fish Dancer Court and Hampton
Lake Drive. In February, the Grounds & Facilities Committee was asked to investigate the
issue, research member suggestions and other possible solutions, and develop a
recommendation. During their investigation, they observed that the that overgrown
vegetation, the magnolias in particular, blocked the sight lines and were a significant cause
of the safety concerns for pedestrians and bikers at this location. Hampton Lake is
fortunate to have several members on the G&F Committee that have strong backgrounds in
public safety, traffic, landscaping, and engineering.
This is regarding the yellow silt barrier that is floating
in the lagoon backing up to the homes on Lake Bluff
Dr and Fox Path Lane . I believe that it no longer
serves a purpose since all construction and
landscaping is complete.
I would like to see it removed, along with the debris
that found its way
around the edges of the lagoon.
Further, the run off from construction over the last year
or so and has been allowed to accumulated. We were
told some time ago by a Developer's Representative
that upon completion of the construction, it will be
dredged. Now would be a good time.
The turbidity curtain in East Compass Lake is part of the erosion control measures required
and approved by DHEC and the Town of Bluffton. They come out every week to inspect
and then send us a report of their findings. We have to wait for their recommendation
before we can make any changes or remove this curtain. As far as any debris or sediment,
we will evaluate any necessary maintenance and/or clean up once the curtain has been
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Thank you for your anticipated prompt attention to this
Axel Graf
Once the new main entrance to HL is operational in
Q2 2019, will the current gatehouse continue to be
manned? Thank you.
An additional Hampton Lake entry is planned to open by mid-2019 located at the River
Ridge Academy intersection . The concept is to have a small guard house and two entry
lanes, with one lane having a mechanical arm for owner vehicles with a barcode decal.
While Hampton Lake will always have 24/7 manned entry control staffing, no decisions
have been made regarding how staffing will be distributed between the two entrances.
There will be a traffic study done with this new entrance to assist in determining how the
intersection will be designed in regard to turn lanes, traffic light and crosswalks.
I live on Lake Bluff Drive and my concern is with the
lagoon. There is a high amount of plant growth or
algae all over the lagoon. This is disturbing and a new
occurance this year. I’m also frustrated with the banks
along the lagoon, that while grass has been planted, it
is not taking well, there are no planting’s and it
appears now that all of the homesites are developed,
this is a forgotten area. As one of the first residents to
occupy this area, we have lived with construction and
this area in turmoil for a year and a half. Now that the
building is complete, it’s time to finish the common
area to look as nice as the other common areas
around the lake.
I would appreciate a reply as to the plans and timing to
bring this area up to the high standards of Hampton
Thank you for your prompt attention and reply.
Rich Rahmlow
363 Lake Bluff Drive
As this area is still considered under development, it’s important to note that the developer
controls development of the area, and HLCA has responsibility for maintenance.
Regarding the first part of your question about the algae, HLCA GM Bryan Rhame has
asked our lake maintenance contractor, Quality Lakes, to inspect the area and an
algaecide has been applied to help control the bloom. Additionally, there is aeration in all
three Compass Lakes, which helps to help reduce algae blooms. The question was
forwarded to the developer for an answer to the second part regarding plans for the for the
common areas surrounding the Compass Lakes. The developer reported that the common
area has been seeded and is being watered with temporary irrigation. The developer has
no plans for any trees or other plantings.
The lagoon in phase 3 has a lot of stuff floating in it.
What is it and is there a plan to clean it?
HLCA GM Bryan Rhame has asked our lake maintenance contractor, Quality Lakes, to
inspect the area and an algaecide has been applied to help control the bloom. Additionally,
there is aeration in all three Compass Lakes, which helps to help reduce algae blooms.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
As we know, the ARB requires the Dumpsters at
construction sites to be covered nightly or the builder
will be fined. I know that security has been doing a
good job at logging problems. It appears that some
builders respond quickly while others are treating this
as a cost of doing business since even when they are
fined, the dumpster is left uncovered. How quickly are
fines assessed? Do the fines escalate if this is a
recurring problem? Are any builders in arrears at
paying their fines? How much revenue is collected
from these fines?
Fines to builders are assessed as soon as a violation is discovered. Builders typically pay
their fines fairly promptly, because they know that it they let it go too long the job will be
shut down. In the event a job is shut down, all work must cease until the fine is paid in full.
In 2017, $65,800 was collected via builder citations.
I would like to extend my thanks to Robin O'Neil,
Bryan Rhame and all the members that helped make
the positive change of switching from styrofoam "to
go" containers to a biodegradable product at BWB's. I
appreciate that we have this open forum to ask
questions/make suggestions and management /
committee members take the time to address. One
more reason that Hampton Lake is our Happy Place.
We’re glad that you are happy with the LakeViews forum and thank you for using
LakeViews to make your suggestion. The new environmentally friendly containers will be
available soon, once we have used up the inventory of the current containers.
Thank you for your response regarding to my previous
Can you request that the Town look at this turbitity
curtain as the lake slope has been stabalized with
grass for several month. I don't think that it serves a
purpose anymore. May be it's been overlooked, since
they come every week. If you could do that, we would
appreciate it and it would enhance all the houses in
that area. Thank you, Axel Graf
Although the visible bank may appear to be stable, the primary function of a turbidity curtain
occurs beneath the surface of the water. The curtain extends down about one to two
meters from the water surface to help control sediment dispersion. A turbidity curtain, which
is also known as a silt curtain, provides the necessary environment and time for the
suspended sediment to settle to the bottom. You can be assured that this turbidity curtain
is not being overlooked.
As we approach the back gate from Hampton Lake Dr,
there’s a tree on the right-hand side, just before the
scan reader, that several branches hang super low.
Greatly appreciate a cutback to avoid car damage
(especially those of us SUV drivers). Thanks!
The trees at the Southgate were trimmed this week.
Are there any restrictions on the use of large
inflatables on Crystal Lake? By large I mean ones that
may hold 4-6 persons. I found no restrictions in the HL
guidelines for Crystal Lake. And I have already seen
other large inflatables on the lake. I want to make sure
there are no issues before I order such an inflatable.
Large inflatables are prohibited on Crystal Lake. HLCA rule 4.14.11 states: “Flotation
devices are permitted for non-swimming children. Any child who cannot swim must be
accompanied by a parent or adult.” Rule 4.14.21 states: “Paddle Boards are permitted in
Crystal Lake. Kayaks, boats and canoes are not allowed.”
***correction to original mention... tree is AFTER you
leave HL... between gate & Old Miller
The trees at the Southgate were trimmed this week.
We are celebrating our first Memorial Day here at
Hampton Lake, having just moved in earlier this month
to Lilydipper Court. We would like to say thank you to
our neighbors on Quarter Casting for their warm
welcome and all the friendly waves from residents as
we find our way around HL.
Even though there is still a great deal of construction
in our area, we are hoping for a flag on our light pole
The American flags are displayed as the result of a member-led volunteer effort. This
project to hang American flags began a few years ago with a limited number of flags hung
along the main through streets of Hampton Lake Drive and Hampton Lake Crossing. Due to
a limited amount of storage space and volunteers, there was no plan to expand to any of
the side cul-de-sacs. This year, the Tiger Bass Race committee generously donated an
additional 22 flags and holders to allow for the expansion into the newer area of Hampton
Lake along the race route, which includes the through streets of Flatwater, Lake Bluff, Pine
Shadow and Castaway. These new flags, along with the original 43 flags, now completely
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
at the Lilydipper circle for July 4th , as we were left out
on Memorial Day.
We are also requesting an update on the promised
mailbox kiosk for our area. It has been more than
frustrating to deal with a PO box that is a several mile
drive from our home, to say nothing of the redirected
shipments with no package delivery available to us
from the USPS. I suspect the rest of our new
neighbors impacted will feel the same way. Thank
fill the allocated storage space. At this time, there are no plans to expand any further to
non-through streets.
As for an update on the mailbox center, we do not have a firm date. The developer has
promised to try and have it ready by September. The people who live on that street have
been told they may install temporary mailboxes until it is completed and the post office will
deliver to them until the mailbox center is complete.
For those of us who walk and bike, the side walks
here are wonderful. With summer, they are
increasingly obstructed from growth extending out
over the sidewalks. When two people are walking with
a dog and a person or couple come in the opposite
direction, the entire area is needed, even when dog
walkers use the correct etiquette. Also, when a
bicycler approaches walkers, we still need the entire
area, even when bicyclers exit the walkway as
needed. How often are these overhanging
bushes/branches trimmed from walkways? High traffic
areas like the Fish Dancer exit are actually dangerous,
when multiple pedestrian/truck traffic happen at the
same time. Thanks, Charlotte White
We trim trees along the sidewalks twice per year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall.
They are currently trimming near the Dry Dock area. The area near the Fish Dancer
intersection was cut back significantly several weeks ago.
Over the year since we moved in we have noticed the
“Marshy” area across from our backyard growing out
significantly into the lake. This is at the end of Sweet
Marsh Ct on the water side. Is there a plan to reverse
Thank you,
This area is a littoral shelf; there are no current plans to make structural changes to the
shelf. Some unwanted plant material (torpedo grass) will be treated. We are also in the
process of having the lake bottom mapped for the second time; the first was completed in
December 2014. If information gained from the new data indicates action, such as
dredging, is required, a long term plan will be implemented with our new capital reserve
As a suggestion, since new residents are continually
moving into HL, perhaps the Sunday eblast on the
Sundays preceding the five holidays resulting in a one
day deferral of trash pick-up from Tuesday to
Wednesday, should post a reminder. Those holidays
are Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Thanks.
Thank you for the suggestion. We will include the trash pick-up schedule in the new
member packet, which is also available on the HLCA website. The Sunday Community
Update serves to focus on news and events specific to Hampton Lake; the trash pick-up
schedule is controlled by the Town of Bluffton and their contractor, Waste Management.
Members can check the schedule
https://www.townofbluffton.sc.gov/pdfs/trash.recycling.schedule.pdf. Additionally, members
can help other members by posting a reminder on Nextdoor.
What are the standards of cleanliness of the water in
Chrystal Lake? I was swimming last week there and
noticed clusters of something like moss that was
prevalent throughout the lake.
Thank you.
Crystal Lake is monitored weekly by our lake management contractor for clarity. Extended
rainfall periods have caused positive growing conditions for algae, primarily planktonic
algae. This growth occurs via nutrient input from the surrounding area. Multiple treatments
with chemicals designed to remove nutrients from Crystal Lake have occurred over the last
six weeks and will continue as needed. There may be times when organic material on the
lake bottom appears green or the water appears green. These are the conditions our
contractor and the developer are working to remedy and control. Since Crystal Lake is a
man-made lake and is not filtered continuously like our swimming pool, we are working to
best manage what mother nature sends us.
There are times when we are in the lazy river, it is so
full of rafts and large floats so that you cannot pass
by. I don’t remember it being so much of a problem
last summer. I didn’t think these were allowed??
HLCA Rules & Regulations include “Rule 4.1.19 - Flotation devices are permitted for non-
swimming children. Any child who cannot swim must be accompanied in the pool by a
parent or adult. Use of floats, beach balls, rings, etc. may be restricted at the discretion of
the pool staff.” The pool attendants will be advised to monitor the usage of floats and
enforce restrictions as necessary.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
In last week's update, it was stated that areas of the
lake will be treated for undesirable plant growth. Will
this include the Compass Lakes?
In addition, the residents on/around the Compass
lakes are being given conflicting answers as to who is
responsible for the common areas of land surrounding
these lakes. The treatment of this land just doesn't
seem to match "the Hampton Lake
experience" that is evident in other common
areas. Can you please clarify who is responsible?
HLCA GM Bryan Rhame has asked our lake maintenance contractor, Quality Lakes, to
inspect the area and an algaecide has been applied to help control the bloom. Grass Carp
has also been added to East Compass Lake to control a variety of aquatic growth.
Additionally, there is aeration in all three Compass Lakes, which helps to help reduce algae
blooms. The answers regarding responsibility may appear to be conflicting because the
responsibility shifts as the area moves through the development stage and into the
maintenance stage. The developer is responsible for development, which includes creating
the Crystal Lakes, and seeding and/or sodding to stabilize the banks. Maintenance, which
includes mowing and water treatments, if necessary, is the responsibility of HLCA.
This is a request for some help with the pond behind
Quarter Casting Cir and Castaway Dr (along the
boundary with Lawton Station). A few weeks ago the
area around that pond was regraded and grass seed
planted. That was only partially successful as there
are large areas where the seed did not take. This
includes one end of the pond that is prone to
significant erosion during rain storms and generally
has a scum layer. The area where the erosion occurs
includes our back yard among others. Help would be
greatly appreciated.
The developer is aware of the erosion issues affecting the lake in question. They continue
to implement measures to improve the situation, including seeding and other lake bank
stabilization methods. Please be patient as future development will continue to impact this
lake. Unfortunately, there is no timetable for completion of all of the necessary repairs as
this remains an active construction area with many factors involved.
I have been on the tennis court several times and
have noted for months the need for new net(s) and
cleaning of the wind tarps that hang from the fences.
This would be a good time to also look at basketball
area needs as well. I’ve seen a broken trash
receptacle in that area. What is the timing for this ?
The wind screens and nets have been cleaned. Our tennis contractor reports that new nets
are not needed. The amount of rain and irrigation has created some mildew, which was
removed. The basketball court will be moved to the new sports area and we will evaluate
the needs for the new amenities at that time.
I believe we should implement a rule regarding the
use of our streets here in HL. This would be especially
helpful as far as safety on Hampton Lake Dr.
Yesterday morning, Monday 6/11, there were no less
than 6 locations between the gatehouse and where
we turn in to go to the clubhouse on Hampton Lake
Crossing that had Landscaping trucks with big trailers,
construction vehicles or HVAC repair trucks. Allowing
these vehicles to park on Hampton Lake Dr should not
be allowed especially parking 2 trucks and trailers
back to back. It is not only dangerous but aggravating
to have to wait for all the oncoming cars going out of
HL to go by. Many times these trucks are parked 2 or
3 ft away from the curb and then they place orange
cones another 4-5' away from their driver side door.
There should be a rule that they pull their vehicles into
the driveway of the residence they are working for. In
Palmetto Dunes in HH for instance, NO vehicles are
allowed to park on the streets. HL should be same
In the case of new construction, it is usually impossible for all of the trucks involved at any
one time to park on the property. As a result, with all of the new construction still going on
in Hampton Lake, it is not feasible at this time to prohibit trucks from parking in the street.
Currently our policy is to not allow more than four vehicles in a row without leaving a place
for vehicles to move back into their lane when passing. That would mean four single
vehicles or two trucks with trailers. Trucks are not allowed to be parked on both sides of
the street. If members observe trucks parked in a manner that creates a safety hazard,
members should call security.
Our backyard is on East Compass Lake and we’ve
had a massive erosion problem since closing. At that
time, K Hov stated it would be taken care of right
away. Though over the last year…K Hov has said the
developer will take care of it / developer says K Hov
will take care of it. Nothing has been done!! There has
been NO ONE out to look at it or talk to us about fixed
it. It’s getting worse, the dips are 8”-12” deep and 6’-
Phase 3 is still an area under active development. The situation has certain responsibilities
split between the Developer, the product home builders and the Community Association.
The developer and in some circumstances the home builder is responsible for the lake
bank stabilization on the compass lakes. Currently there is no timeline on its completion.
Measures are ongoing. HLCA is responsible for the mowing common areas and lake water
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
12 wide. I’ve twisted my ankle twice mowing my lawn.
How do we get this problem fixed?
I am concerned that our landscaping in Hampton Lake
is not very attractive, especially at our front entrance.
When I look around at other communities, I wonder
why our landscaping does not compare. The
appearance of the community is a marketing tool as
well as a positive for our residents.
Currently, Hampton Lake’s main entrance is at the landscaped islands in front of our
security guardhouse where we have water features. The entrance at Bluffton Parkway is
owned by the Hampton Lake Road Association Inc. and is shared 50/50 between HLCA
and Brightwater at Hampton Lake Owners Association (i.e. Benton House and the
apartments.) The landscaping at the Bluffton Parkway shared entrance receives seasonal
planting changes and maintenance, although the installation of the traffic light has had a
negative impact on the landscaping. It is anticipated that the entrance at Bluffton Parkway
will undergo significant changes over the next year as the developer of the apartments
finalizes plans for signage. Moreover, the developer shared preliminary plans for an
additional entrance that is ultimately expected to be the main entrance to Hampton Lake in
2019. Renderings of the new gate were shared at the March 29 Board of Directors
meeting; members can view the renderings on the HLCA website, or by clicking here.
Will outside showers be installed at Crystal Lake
similar to the ones that are at the pool?
The developer has no plans to install showers at Crystal Lake.
Good Morning,
First I would like to Thank You for removing that
turbicity fence from
Ease Compass Lake. It looks so much better.
As a second item, your maintenance crew wacked off
the weeds or reed grass all around the lake. They then
blew the cuts into the lake.
I believe that it should have been picked up and not
add the the debris and silt that is already there.
We were told that after all the banks were
established, the shoreline would be dredged. When is
that scheduled?
Thank You, Axel Graf
The turbidity curtain was removed as per approval from the town. The shoreline vegetation
was cut in order to treat the cattails. Cattails are a very invasive species and will require a
herbicide to prevent them from becoming a problem. The treatment of the vegetation
unfortunately is not selective and will kill all of the plants it comes in contact with. To keep
things from becoming unsightly, our landscape contractor was asked to cut back all of the
material to make it easier for the lake maintenance crew to treat the cattails. Dredging is
the removal of material from the bottom of a body of water, typically done to deepen a lake
or channel. We are unaware of any plans to dredge the Compass Lakes and there is no
schedule for dredging at this time.
Good Afternoon - One Concern and One Suggestion:
I'm concerned about the 'pot hole' that is on the
bridge/road interface at the Eastern end of Hampton
Lake Crossing across from the Dog Park. The hole
appears to be growing and every time a construction
flatbed bounces through the pot hole - rock and gravel
is shook from the flatbed. Is the structural integrity of
the bridge being compromised? Will it be filled soon?
Suggestion: A dedicated Construction/Contractor
Entrance for Phase III and further development. The
construction traffic on Hampton Lake Crossing is WAY
MORE than the construction jobs currently in work on
Hampton Lake Crossing. Most developments have a
dedicated access point for Contractors and
Construction vehicles. Our house starts 'rattling' in the
AM and continues ALL DAY. Many Cement Trucks -
yet - not many foundations being pored between the
east and west HL Drive and HL Crossing
intersections. Just a suggestion. Allot of traffic on HL
We have 2 to 3 minor repairs agreed to be corrected under warranty by the contractor. This
includes the area on the bridge. We are still waiting for an exact schedule. The defects,
while visible, do not pose a threat to the subgrade or structure and due to mobilization
costs the contractor is trying to coordinate these repairs with his other projects
in the vicinity.
As you may or may not know the developer was responsible for completing the top coat of
main roads in 2014. Since that time, we have noticed one particular area near the Dry
Dock experiencing certain types of failures. This has been researched by several parties
and the report received by HLCA management states that the original drainage plan is not
sufficiently controlling the water and new drains could potentially be needed on the
side of HL Drive. After consulting with our attorney, we are now in the process of hiring an
independent engineer to give us an opinion as to whether any negligence occurred on
of the geotechnical firm or the engineering firm involved in developing the original plan.
Once we have this expert opinion we will decide if our best course of action is to pursue
legal avenues or move forward with completing the repairs ourselves.
There are no plans to have a construction only gate. Building continues to grow at a
healthy pace throughout Hampton Lake and construction traffic would still have to travel
throughout the community. Most heavy development construction traffic is directed
through gates in the new phases by the developer’s staff.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The first article in weekly news letter was about
the improper disposal of dog waste that was
noticed by the South Carolina DHEC. The
agency stated that the dog waste was being
disposed in our storm drains, preserves, and
retention ponds. The artical states that a fine will
be assessed if the problem is not corrected in the
amount of $10,000 per day. The article went on
to state that the full fine will be charged to the
responsible individual if they are identified
otherwise the fine will be charged to the HLCA. I
think fines for dog waste should only be
assessed to families with dogs since someone or
several folks in that group are solely responsible.
Boat, kayak, and golf carts have to be registered
with a fee every year let’s do the same for dog
The point of the article was to stress the importance that all pet owners need
to take responsibility for cleaning up after their pets in an appropriate way and
that there could be significant penalties to the community and/or to the
individuals if they are identified as behaving badly. The suggestion to charge
only a subset of owners is not the way our community association operates.
HLCA financial responsibilities are shared among all owners equally.
Examples include the cost to operate the spa and fitness facilities and the food
and beverage operation and the lake. Just because someone does not use an
amenity does not relieve them of their responsibility of sharing the cost to
operate and maintain it. Just as you have suggested non-dog owners should
not pay, I’m sure those
that own dogs and pick up after them will believe they should not pay as well.
Registration is required for all boats and golf carts primarily to show proof of
There is some concern among residents about
the 53 acres deeded for a conservation park.
Can you please answer some specific questions:
Is there a shared border between the Park and
Hampton Lake?
Does the park extend to the lake shoreline?
If so, does HLCA or the Lake Maintenance
Corporation have the right to prevent use of the
lake from the park grounds, either by watercraft
or from shore (fishing, for instance)?
If there is no legal access to the lake, will there
be a fence, or some other border feature to
discourage trespassing?
The Conservation Easement does have a shared border with Hampton Lake.
However, it does not extend to the shoreline. There will be measures put in
place to assure the same level of privacy and safety that Hampton Lake
members have always had.
Hello! We are new and loving Hampton Lake so
far! One concern is Crystal Lake, the algae is
awful and it is no where near clear. Has a
filtration system been discussed? It is very very
slimey and I wonder how we know if the
algae/bacteria levels are safe?
Crystal Lake undergoes weekly tests and maintenance by Quality Lakes to
ensure its safety as well as to try and manage the algae blooms.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With the arb being such sticklers on the subject
of owner’s landscaping I’m surprised the circle in
my cul de sac is such an eyesore.If I don’t call to
have at least the grass mowed it gets to 2 FEET
which it is right now. My street is complete so
construction is not an issue. At minimum mowing
once a week should be standard procedure. At
best some decent landscaping would only
enhance beauty and value.
The current contract with our landscaper has all irrigated roads being mowed
once per week and all non-irrigated roads being maintained every other week.
The afternoon storms and the mid-week holiday put our crews behind, they
have made progress this week and have agreed to experiment with once per
week road side mowing to determine the difference in scheduling involved.
The developer has stated that there are no plans to landscape the cul-de-sacs
in Phases 1 and 2. The community association has no current plans of adding
landscaping to cul-de-sacs. In other areas of the community, owners on
particular streets have submitted plans to ARB to improve the landscaping.
Once the landscape material is installed and established, the community
association will maintain the areas.
Elaine &
Hey wake up, the Amenities were provided by
the regime, the dogs are not. They are and
should be the sole responsibility of there owners,
We’re sure that everyone is in agreement that pets are the responsibility of
their owners. If the offending pet owners can be identified, they will bear the
brunt of any fines levied. Members can help by reporting anyone they observe
not cleaning up after their pet, or disposing their pet’s waste bags into the
storm drains.
I feel comparing a fine for improper disposal of
dog waste to the cost of operating an amenity
such as the spa/fitness center or the pool is a
terrible comparison. I am sure all owners would
agree that we share equally in paying for
amenities. I am also quite sure that 100% of non
dog owners would agree that we share no
responsibility for a very small number of
irresponsible dog owners. I would also believe
that the dog owners who dispose of waste
properly would agree with this opinion. I think we
need to correct the situation rather than making
threats to non responsible parties. This has been
a hot topic amongst residents and not how the
residents want the HOA to operate. Who made
this decision to operate this way?
The goal of the original article and the reply to Mr. McLaughlin’s question was
to stress the importance that all pet owners need to take responsibility for
cleaning up after their pets in an appropriate way because there could be
significant penalties to the individuals who do not clean up properly, and that if
the individuals cannot be identified, the community would be liable for the fines
because HLCA financial responsibilities are shared among all owners equally.
Shared financial that is something all owners agreed to when they purchased
property in Hampton Lake.
This a follow up to Tom Mclaughlin's comment
and answer by the powers that be. The answer
given to the Dog Waste issue is like comparing
Apples to Oranges. How is irresponsibility by a
dog owner compared to not taking care of a
kayak? Spreading a fine among all members of
our community because of the negligence by an
owner of an animal is absurd. If a person is
caught for speeding in our community and fined
does the whole community absorb the cost? I
love animals but my Hat goes off to Tom
Mclaughlin's Comment.
The goal of the original article and the reply to Mr. McLaughlin’s question was
to stress the importance that all pet owners need to take responsibility for
cleaning up after their pets in an appropriate way because there could be
significant penalties to the individuals who do not clean up properly, and that if
the individuals cannot be identified, the community would be liable for the fines
because HLCA financial responsibilities are shared among all owners equally.
If fines resulted from damage to the waterways that was caused by a boat
owner, we would not just charge boat owners (assuming the offending party
could not be identified.) To help identify the offending individuals, members
who observe others not cleaning up after their pet, or disposing their pet’s
waste bags into the storm drains should immediately report their observation
to management.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The sprinklers @ Lake point Circle have been on
all weekend throughout heavy rainstorms we had
during The weekend. One of the sprinkler heads
is broken & large amount of water has been
wasted all weekend. We have wasted alot of
Hampton Lake money! Does any one check the
sprinkler system & who do we contact ? I
contacted security & they seemed to be clueless.
Our irrigation system is checked by the landscape contractors, they are on site
Monday through Friday. On the weekends you can call the Tackle Box to
report any malfunctions. Our irrigation systems operate on a well system and
is not part of BJWSA. Therefore, no HLCA money is spent on irrigation.
There are several lots, probably 8 or 9 as you
turn into Fording Ct and before you get to The
Arbors which have gotten very unsightly because
of not being mowed. In fact 3 of them have grass
and weeds that are now over 5' high which will
need to be bush hogged first in order to cut the
grass to an acceptable level.ARB says no more
than 6" high on a lot with a home but doesn't
specify a height for a vacant lot. It only says it
must be cut at LEAST twice a year. If these lots
were along Hampton Lake Drive where most
residents drive daily, I guarantee this problem
would not be tolerated! There are only 39 of us in
the Arbors that have to look at this everyday!
Some of the lots belong to builders and I assume
the rest are either the developers or privately
owned. At any rate, this needs immediate
attention by ARB / Management.
The lots in question are privately owned. We currently have a lien on the
properties and are working through the legal system. Our landscape
contractor has agreed to mow them and they have begun to do so as of this
writing. Over the next few days, the mowing should be complete. We have
sent notices to maintain the properties with little response. We will continue to
monitor the areas and trust ownership will change in the near future.
Do we have any idea about the maximum load
that our bridges on Hampton Lake Crossing may
carry without damage to the structure and its
foundation? Large flat bed trailers, piled high
with lumber or with full loads of sod travel over
that roadway on their path to construction on "the
hill". Can those loads be required to take the
longer path along Hampton Lake Drive? Could
we post signs at the intersection of Hampton
Lake Drive and Crossing to direct those trucks
away from the bridges?
HLCA roads were built to meet all South Carolina and Beaufort County
requirements. Construction traffic is directed by security at the gate to take
Hampton Lake Drive, and only use Hampton Lake Crossing for construction
on that road or the side roads attached to Hampton Lake Crossing. Strictly
enforcing that requirement would necessitate posting a member of security at
the intersection six days a week. Members who observe trucks using
Hampton Lake Crossing as a through road can inform security with specific
details that will enable security to locate the offending truck. Members can
click here to see the diagram that specifies the maximum load for the bridges
in Hampton Lake.
Improper disposal of dog waste.
Some community have addressed this problem
with mandatory DNA testing of all the dogs in
their community. I have attached a link to a
company that does this type of testing.
As a responsible pet owner I have long been
concerned about the small percentage of
irresponsible pet owners who ruin thing for
everyone else. I for one would support DNA
testing for all dogs in our community.
Thank you for the suggestion. We have done some research into this
company, including contacting other communities that have used this or
similar services. What we have learned is that there is a significant start-up
cost and that it is very cumbersome to manage a process that involves
registering and collecting DNA from all dogs. Further complicating the efficacy
of the program is the number of dogs that are not registered and typed, such
as when members temporarily keep a family member’s dog (e.g “granddogs.”)
While such a process is not being ruled out, it doesn’t seem to be a viable
solution at this time.
Any updates from developer regarding start date
of Crystal Lake pool/barn construction?
This question was forwarded to the developer, who replied with the following:
“As of right now we don’t have a timeline established.”
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I would like to make a suggestion for the future
amenities at Crystal Lake, specifically the Barn.
As our community grows it is becoming more and
more difficult to accommodate all the various
clubs and groups requests for meeting
accommodations. To help with this problem I am
suggesting the “Barn” at Crystal Lake be
configured similarly to a convention center venue
with sliding walls so the room could be
configured as one large space or possibly 4 to 6
smaller ones.
I also recommend installing TV’s in each of the
configurable spaces to be used for presentations
or TV viewing. This would allow groups to more
easily make formal presentations, sports groups
to gather to watch games, teens could have a
gathering space for movies or dances, movie
nights for families, etc.
This question was forwarded to the developer, who replied with the following:
“Thank you for the suggestions. We will take this into consideration as we
continue in the planning and design stages of this future amenity.”
My concern is about the lagoon that borders
Lawton station across from Crystal Lake. I think it
is called West Compass Lagoon. Is it possible to
leave the area between the fence and lagoon
natural, not mowed and weed whacked. Today I
was able to ask the weed whacker not to remove
the tall grass around the lagoon because there is
a family of baby ducks there. The man was very
polite and called his supervisor and they left the
remaining grass alone. I am worried about the
future of that area and its inhabitants. I know
there are ongoing erosion concerns and seems
more plant growth would help?
The community association does not intend to remove all plant material
around the retention ponds, including West Compass Lake. We would prefer,
as you point out, to create some useful buffers to protect the environment.
However, we will on occasion have to control invasive species like cattails and
torpedo grass by cutting all vegetation back and applying a herbicide.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Hello! We are new. When we looked at HL and in
the marketing materials it talks about an indoor
hydrotherapy pool. We have now been told that
this doesn’t exist? This is a little alarming as it is
part of the sales literature. It seems to be.
Pattern as Crystal lake is also marketed as a
crystal clear swimming area when in reality it is
slimey and dark. Can anyone comment on these
two items that are clearly not what the marketing
materials indicate?
The hydrotherapy pool does exist, however it is currently closed. The
dehumidification system had reached its useful life span. In order to find a
solution that would prevent moisture damage to other parts of the Fitness
Center, General Manager Bryan Rhame has obtained a proposal to replace
the existing system with a new system that will alleviate this problem. The
next step is for the Board of Directors to review the recommendations and
make a decision at the August Board of Directors Meeting. Crystal Lake is a
man-made fresh water lake that is partially spring fed from ground water. The
white sand that formed the lake bottom and banks has changed color due to
extended rainfall periods that have caused positive growing conditions for
algae, primarily planktonic algae. This growth occurs via nutrient input from
the surrounding area. Multiple treatments with chemicals designed to remove
nutrients from Crystal Lake will continue, with the goal of enabling Crystal
Lake to meet expectations as much as possible. However, the natural
environment may result in times when organic material on the lake bottom
appears green or the water appears green. This does not mean that the water
is not clear. Since Crystal Lake is a man-made lake and is not filtered
continuously like our swimming pool, we are working to best manage what
mother nature sends us.
This is a follow-up to a previous LakeViews Q&A
on the hydrotherapy pool. Why has it taken all
this time to identify the cost of bringing the pool
out of disrepair into repair when that was the
very recommendation initially made years ago by
the Transfer Committee formed to look into the
developer to HCLA asset transfer? If the pool
repairs are to go forward, will the cost be borne
out of the developer’s pocket or by the HCLA?
We homeowners and the tone of the Transfer
Committee’s report had a mind-set that the
transfer of assets from the developer to the
HLCA were pre-conditioned on the developer at
his own expense repairing any assets in
disrepair (such as the hydrotherapy pool) and
completing any uncompleted assets (such as
uncompleted landscaping). Thank you.
It has taken much longer than anticipated to come up with a sustainable
solution to our hydrotherapy pool situation. The process involved determining
the best resolution for the entire community. Many alternatives were
researched. In order to provide the hydrotherapy amenity as the developer
originally intended, a contractor with experience in hydrotherapy design and
construction was sought out and a proposal generated. Ultimately, the
recommended solution was not to simply make repairs and return the
hydrotherapy room to its original condition. The recommended plan will add a
separate, isolated, HVAC system to service only the hydrotherapy room, thus
protecting the rest of the fitness center from the moisture generated by the
pool. Per the governing documents, it is the community association’s
responsibility to repair or replace capital equipment that has reached its useful
life. The developer has agreed to contribute a portion of the funds needed to
make the recommended changes to the hydrotherapy room. The community
association’s capital reserve funds will be used to pay the remaining amount.
I was wondering if the fire hydrant across the
street from my home could be painted green like
many others in Hampton Lake to blend in better
with the grass. Also is there any news about
putting permanent irrigation there so we can
have that public area looking as beautiful as
other common areas that have underground
irrigation? Thank you for your reply.
The developer has no plans to install a permanent irrigation system or to
install any additional
landscaping. We need to wait for development in the area to be completed
before we can paint the fire
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
WIth the back gate still not fully functional, and
no "official" update in a few weeks, can we have
an Official update on the status? People are
asking about the gate, and it would be better to
address it, rather than having the community
creating rumors.
We continue to work through the back gate repairs as the lightning damage
was more substantial than originally diagnosed. To date, three separate
electronic boards have been replaced, and the phone lines have been
repaired. We are now in the process of scheduling the wiring from the entry
reader to the kiosk to be replaced. Technicians have been out to assess the
project which will require cutting through the asphalt to gain access to the
conduit. The rain has slowed down the repair process as the electronics
cannot be exposed to the moisture. The repairs are scheduled for next week,
weather permitting.
Recently I took a walking tour of Crystal Lake.
While I was glad to see a rules board posted on
the parking lot entry, gate to the beach, I noted
with great interest rules 17. and 18.which
indicate that a "first-aid kit" and "lifesaving
equipment are located by the NorthEast Gate".
After 10 minutes of looking, I never did find
either the gate or the equipment. And when I
phoned security to ask where it was, no one
knew. For members or guests not familiar with
the access points and gate of Crystal Lake (as I
was not) looking for the first-aid kit and/or
lifesaving equipment due to an emergency, I
could only imagine the panic and confusion
trying to find a gate and equipment that
apparently don't exist.
Hopefully this can and will be addressed quickly.
Thank you!
The Northeast Gate refers to the entry gate from the parking lot into the
Crystal Lake enclosure. Currently, the life ring and first aid kit have been
installed at that location. In the event of an emergency, members should first
call 911 for assistance and then notify the Hampton Lake Security Staff, who
have first aid kits and AEDs in their trucks.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Good Afternoon - My neighbor and I were talking
and he thought the speed limit was 30 mph in
front of our homes on HL Crossing - I thought 20
mph. We found the 20 mph sign down at the
Amenity Center - but we also saw a 30 mph sign
heading east to the Amenity Center - then a 20
mph sign over the bridge - so I started noticing
how many different 20 mph and 30 mph zones
there are throughout the neighborhood - No
wonder he didn't know the proper speed limit.
Why so many different speed zones?
No one really does 20 mph and most folks stay
close to 30++ mph - Why not one speed limit for
all of Hampton Lake - 25 mph? All the Speed
Limit signs could be removed and replaced by a
single sign at all the entrances and a weekly
friendly reminder in the weekly update and on all
the gate passes that are issued.
The SPEED LIMIT IS 25 mph - period if you are
going over 25 you are speeding! That way you
don't have to figure out what speed zone you are
driving in - very confusing have two speed limits.
As the sign at the entrance says, the speed limit in Hampton Lake is 20 mph,
except where posted. Speed limits are based on safety concerns and traffic
patterns. There are several areas, such as near the Lakeside Amenity Center,
where the number of vehicles on the road, as well as those turning onto or off
the road, require a speed limit of 20 mph for traffic and safety reasons.
Likewise, most of the side streets are curved and somewhat narrow, and a
speed greater than 20 mph would be unsafe. Areas where there is limited
visibility due to curves also require the lower speed limit. As such, raising the
speed limit in these areas to 25 mph would create safety concerns. A
significant portion of Hampton Lake Drive can support a speed limit of 30 mph,
therefore the higher speed limit is permitted there. There is little evidence that
having one consistent speed limit offers any advantages. Reports from the
Federal Highway Administration and other entities that study and monitor
traffic safety recommend variations in speed limits because the change serves
as a signal to drivers that the road condition (e.g. congestion, hills, curves)
requires a change in speed. You can view one such report at the following
Our rules require drivers to always operate their vehicles at a safe speed and
obey traffic signs. While our posted speed limits are an indication of the
maximum safe speed, road conditions, such as congestion, rain, darkness,
deer nearby, etc., may dictate a speed slower than the posted speed limit.
Thus drivers are expected to slow down when they encounter such conditions.
HLCA encourages everyone to drive safely and stay alert.
A follow up question to Mitch Siegel‘s question
regarding the back gate repair. The answer to
his question regarding status included the
statement that ”Technicians have been out to
assess the project which will require cutting
through the asphalt to gain access to the
conduit.” Since the sole purpose of conduit is to
give access to cabling that passes through or
under structures that are difficult or expensive to
remove, it seems counterintuitive to say that
asphalt has to be cut through to allow access to
conduit. Can you please elaborate on the
necessity of this action?
The contractor, Customer Security, was finding it difficult to run the new
shielded wires through the conduit and the old wires had some nicks in them.
They felt it necessary to inspect and ultimately replace the conduit.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
There have been multiple issues with the pools
this summer. Could you explain the terms of the
pool management contract? I think it would be
helpful to understand how often the water quality
is tested, how chemicals are added, cleaning
schedule, etc. Some of us lived in areas where
the county required a certified pool manager to
be onsite whenever the pool was open and
random inspections by the County Health
Department of the water testing records were
made. We don’t have that requirement here but
are there any Beaufort County management
requirements or inspections? Are the water
testing records available for resident review?
Our pool contract calls for the pool to be skimmed and vacuumed daily, and
the water is checked daily for proper maintenance of water quality. Water
quality tests include ph, Chlorine, and Cyanuric Acid levels, all of which
regulate bacteria. The pool is also inspected by the South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) several times per
year. Our most recent inspection was held on July 16th in which the water
quality was found to be in compliance with DHEC regulations. Several factors
play an important role in the water appearance as well, one of which is unique
to our main pool. The two landscaped islands can be a source of organic
material entering our pool from run-off when we have major rain events where
we get several inches of rain in a short time. The number of people utilizing
the pool also affects the water clarity. This summer the main pool has become
cloudy at times. Testing has proved the water quality to be safe, but the
chemical adjustments may take several days to substantially impact the water
clarity. Water testing records are maintained in the pool house for easy
access by DHEC.
Crystal Lake is marketed/loved as a sand bottom
clear water lake that is safe and swimmable. My
concerns have to do with continued deterioration
of the clarity and conditions of the water. Status
quo is being lost steadily I have visited every 3
months and see change. What was once clear
blue water is now murky with muck on bottom
which smells. I understand that this is not a
chlorinated pool but something NEW has to be
done before problem is beyond controllable(Its
progressively worse) Thousands of tadpoles,
turtles and not being to be able to see to bottom
now leads to worries about other potential
animals. Swim in the lake and you smell after like
musty fish.(suggest out showers at pool to be
built) Should the people who treat the lake be
replaced or a new approach such as install of
additional aerators, a fountain in middle, muck
away good bacteria, stronger chemicals to kill
the algae/ muck before this gets away from
having to drain the entire lake?(even if closure
for a few days)
Crystal Lake is a man-made fresh water lake that is partially spring fed from
ground water. The white sand that formed the lake bottom and banks has
changed color due to extended rainfall periods that have caused positive
growing conditions for algae, primarily planktonic algae. This growth occurs
via nutrient input from the surrounding area. Multiple treatments with
chemicals designed to remove nutrients from Crystal Lake will continue, with
the goal of enabling Crystal Lake to meet expectations as much as possible.
However, the natural environment may result in times when organic material
on the lake bottom appears green or the water appears green. This does not
mean that the water is not clear. Since Crystal Lake is a man-made lake and
is not filtered continuously like our swimming pool, we are working to best
manage what mother nature sends us.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have seen lots of questions and comments
about the speed limit at Hampton Lake. I have
one suggestion that is very specific. The first 30
MPH speed sign on Hampton Lake Drive is at 60
Hampton Lake Drive. This location is at the end
of the first curve and the beginning of the second
curve. I believe that 30 MPH is too great a
speed for that second curve and it should be
removed. I believe that if you will drive that
section at 30 MPH, you will agree that it is too
fast for that section of the road that includes the
curve. I often encounter vehicles that go over
the center line of the road due to going to fast. If
you test it and don't agree, I will remain silent.
We have received some recommendations for sign changes from our Grounds
and Facilities Committee. These changes are in progress and we will make
sure to include consideration for your observation if not already included in
their report.
The South Gate continues to not function
properly. Our golf cart transponder goes not
open the gate and I have seen other golf carts
and cars also not allowed throughas well. I
reported this on August 16 and was told that the
security team was notified that the gate was not
functioning for all vehicles. It’s August 21, and
still no progress. Will this gate get fixed for all
vehicles or will we need a new sticker?
The entry and exit components of our back gate have all been repaired and
are functioning properly. With the replacement of some electronic boards, a
very small number of the bar code information was lost. If you are
experiencing a problem activating the gate please c
I would like to know why pet sitters are charged a
fee for entrance to Hampton Lake while baby
sitters are not. Consider the following ficticious
example: Woman A lives in Hampton Hall and
does dog/cat sitting. She may come for an
afternoon, an evening, one day or for several
days in a row to care for a dog or cat. Woman B
lives in Hampton Hall and does babysitting. She
may come for an afternoon, an evening, one day
or for several days in a row to care for children.
Both have a driver’s license, car registration and
insurance. Both are caring for a member/s of a
household. Neither works for an agency. The pet
sitter is charged a fee but the baby sitter is not. I
am seeking clarification of why.
The rule you are referring to reads as follows: 3.7.1. All persons entering
Hampton Lake who are not guests of a Member and are performing a service
for a fee are required to purchase either a day or annual pass. Gate passes
for domestic service workers (e.g., health care providers, house sitters, house
cleaners, and pet sitters) are available at half the regular price for commercial
passes. Baby sitters are exempt from this requirement and may be issued a
guest pass each time they baby sit.
The thought process behind this rule is that typically babysitters are only
called occasionally and for short periods, such as when parents want to go out
for a few hours. The exemption from the entrance fee was not intended for
child care providers who provide a regular or long term service. Pet sitters
typically are called in for longer durations, sometimes a week and more. The
rule allows the security team to validate important information, such as proof
of insurance and valid driver’s licenses for those traveling community roads.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Every week, the Backwater Bill's Weekend
Dining Announcement is accompanied by a note
at the end that explains that tipping is not
required because the servers are paid a higher
wage than is found in most area restaurants and
therefore are not as dependent upon tips. Yet,
when the bill is presented, there is a blank line
for "gratuity" that suggests that the server should
be tipped notwithstanding the better pay. Might I
suggest that the gratuity line be renamed
"Additional Gratuity" to reflect the fact that
compensation has been factored in the total (or
the server's pay) but that diners are free to add
to that compensation as they may deem
appropriate. I believe that such a change may
help to eliminate some of the confusion
surrounding the current tipping policy.
The note that accompanies the weekend dining announcement was
recommended by the Food & Beverage Committee as a way of explaining the
pay practices that Hampton Lake and many other private restaurants use, so
that members can make an informed decision about gratuities. Changing the
bill to read “Additional Gratuity” would imply that a gratuity is already included
in the bill and may serve to discourage members from adding a gratuity to
thank their server for good service.
I recently visited my home under construction on
“Crystal Lake” which is NOT Crytstal clear. The
main driver to purchase here was the lake and
the promise that the water will be clear and free
of living creatures which it is not. We went
swimming in the water and upon entering the
water noticed several sever issues 1- the water
smelled like rotten eggs and was filled with
tadpoles 2- the fencing and gate had gaps over
6” allowing any creature to enter the lake 3- the
bottom is covered in alge. This must corrected
ASAP as we noticed two eyes and a head of
what appeared to be a large turtle but could
easily have been an alligator so with no ability to
see the bottom of the lake the safety of the
families is at risk. I did notice that rocks are
starting to be piled up along the bottom of the
fence which is a good start but needs to be
finished and the gate needs to be lowered to
keep out unwanted creatures. Finally, has water
testing been completed to see if it’s healthy and
Crystal Lake is a man-made freshwater lake that is partially spring fed from
ground water. The white sand that formed the lake bottom and banks has
changed color due to extended rainfall periods that have caused positive
growing conditions for algae, primarily planktonic algae. This growth occurs
via nutrient input from the surrounding area. Multiple treatments with
chemicals designed to remove nutrients from Crystal Lake will continue, with
the goal of enabling Crystal Lake to meet expectations as much as possible.
However, the natural environment may result in times when organic material
on the lake bottom appears green or the water appears green. Since Crystal
Lake is a man-made lake and is not filtered continuously like our swimming
pool, we are working to best manage what Mother Nature sends us. Crystal
Lake undergoes weekly tests and maintenance by Quality Lakes, our lake
maintenance contractor, to ensure its safety as well as to try and manage the
algae blooms. The purpose of the rocks that are being placed around Crystal
Lake is to help reduce organic matter from going into the lake.
Since we are rightfully concerned about looking
our best for the end of October and the Tiger
Bass visitors (most recent Hampton lake Update
refers), perhaps you could please advise what
the plans are for a repair to the large pothole at
the junction of Hampton Lake Drive and
Hampton Lake Crossing, just on the bridge
approach opposite the dog park.
The warranty work on this area has been completed. We were waiting for the
contactor to finish a project at the apartments; now that that project has
ended, the contractor was able to mobilize the crew to perform this repair.
There are some other warranty repairs, such as the dip in the road near the
back gate, that still remain to be completed.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The 8/28/18 BOD meeting approved some rule
changes, one of which was changing the rules’
introductory language to match the HL Charter to
allow different treatment of identical requests
based on circumstances. An example given
during the meeting Q&A was that a roof on the
lanai of a lake lot home needs to be “hard
whereas the roof on the lanai of a wooded lot
home can be screen. Is
aesthetics, which can be subjective, the
circumstantial difference in that example and
could aesthetics be a circumstantial difference in
other requests?
Aesthetics is one of the factors that may have influence on a difference in
what is approved. It must be noted that it is highly unlikely that requests that
are truly identical will be treated differently; the language in the rules and the
governing documents serve to point out that different circumstances may
result in requests that appear similar being treated differently.
Would it be possible to have an end-of-season
dog day at Chrystal Lake? This would be a one
day event to be held in late fall once the
temperatures have cooled down to the point
where people are no longer swimming in the
lake. The purpose is to allow dog owners the
chance to bring their pets to the lake for a day of
play in the sand and water.
As stated in the HLCA Rules & Regulations, rule 4.14.7: All pets are prohibited
inside the fenced area of Crystal Lake and beach. There is no “end of
season” at Crystal Lake. It remains open year round.
In regard to the following response from my
original question about a fee for a pet sitter vs a
baby sitter "the thought process behind this rule
is that typically babysitters are only called
occasionally and for short periods, such as when
parents want to go out for a few hours. The
exemption from the entrance fee was not
intended for child care providers who provide a
regular or long-term service. Pet sitters typically
are called in for longer durations, sometimes a
week and more. The rule allows the security
team to validate important information, such as
proof of insurance and valid driver’s licenses for
those traveling community roads." Does this
response mean that if you have to go out for a
few hours and need a pet sitter for that period of
time to be sure your pet is able to go for a
needed walk, there is not a fee.
Hi Kathy, I hope you and Nick are doing well. I have provided an answer to
your follow up question below:
As the current rule does not specifically address the issue in your email,
please contact me if the situation arises and I will make certain the rule is
applied equitably. We have not received any requests for this type of service
to date. Please let me know if you have additional questions. Please let me
know if I can be of further assistance. Regards, Bryan Via private email
Can more hand towels be purchased for the
gym? Many times none are available because
they’re being either washed or dried.
Thank you.
We order hand towels several times per year, we received a shipment last
week and should have an ample supply. We would also like to remind
members to please return towels for everyone’s benefit.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
We closed on our home end of January 2018.
The grounds from our property line to the pond
look terrible. I was told by Reed that they did
their part and was told by Khov that they did
theirs. Weeds and rocks are not grass. I'm tired
of playing ping pong with this issue. We expect
that the pond and the surrounding land look like
other ponds. The land across from us is a dust
bowl. It seems like this pond is forgotten. The
ground behind our home (and others) needs to
be raked, fresh soil put down, and then grass
needs to be planted. Since all homeowners here
pay the same monthly fee, we expect the same
treatment. Come take a look at the pond - you'll
see what I'm talking about.
The pond being referenced is South Compass Lake. This Lake was stabilized
by the developer and all lots around the lake have been sold to KHovnanian
Homes. At this time the only area of South Compass Lake that the developer
and HLCA are responsible for is the common area located on the southern
side of this Lake. The developer is currently in the process of installing
temporary irrigation and seeding this area and HLCA will be responsible for
maintaining it. All lots are the responsibility of the homeowner or, in the case
of lots that have yet to be built on, KHovanian. If you believe that during
construction of your home or a neighboring home damage was done to
jeopardize the stabilization of your property, KHovanian would be responsible.
While this may have been discussed during the
recent Board meeting, can you please provide an
update on the status of the second pool (since
swimming in Crystal Lake doesn't appear to be a
safe swimming option), and also when the new
entrance will be open? We live in Phase 3 close
to where all the utilities are being installed and
dirt is constantly being moved, so I hope it's safe
to assume the pool and entrance are on
schedule. Thanks for the information.
Although it is not filtered continuously like a swimming pool, Crystal Lake
undergoes weekly tests and maintenance by Quality Lakes, our lake
maintenance contractor, to ensure its safety. The status of the new pool and
entrance were indeed discussed at the Board of Directors Meeting on August
28. Members can read the minutes, which are posted on the HLCA website,
for a review of what was discussed. Here is an excerpt from the minutes that
address your question:
“New pool and event barn – We are in the final weeks of construction design.
With the loss of planned revenue from the Fording Court addition, we are
putting that on pause as we rework our construction phasing plan. We believe
these are important amenity additions and want to build them as soon as
“New Northern Sandhill Entrance With the denial of our Master Plan revision
(i.e. Fording Ct addition), the Town requires us to resubmit our plan, which will
add at least four months to the process to construct our new entrance. We
are working with the Town, asking them to move quickly. Our new projected
date for the new entrance is late third quarter 2019. We’ll continue to update
owners as we get new information.”
Wondering how often the pet waste disposal
cans are emptied? The one near my home has
attracted an aggressive biting fly or other insect.
The lid does not close completely, we have tried
to place a large rock on top, but it still allows
these pests access to accumulate. I have been
bitten and they also go after the dogs. These
cans are a great benefit to pet owners and very
much appreciated. Can they please be emptied
more often, and the lids secured so they close
tightly? Thanks.
The pet stations are emptied every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We will
monitor the stations and adjust the schedule as needed. The container was
inspected, no flies were reported at the time and the lid was functioning
properly. The lid closes but must be pressed down to allow it to snap closed.
Is there an update as to the repair status of the
elliptical machine. It has been out of commission
since July. It had a sign taped to it stating it was
being repaired, and that disappeared in mid
August. It is two months since the machine had
its initial issues and I am wondering when we will
have a full complement of machines at members
disposal. Thank you.
The elliptical machine has been repaired.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
We are so excited to have the bocce courts and
we have been using them. Wondered if the
courts could be evaluated and reviewed as the
ground is bumpy, uneven and has divots.
Whatever the surface is, it is not correct. The
flakey material sticks to the balls.
It really does not make for any enjoyable game.
Thanks for your consideration.
Gayann Thomas
We will evaluate the courts and work with the developer to establish best
maintenance practices.
Phyllis L
I am responding to the comment on Next Door
regarding the one lane issue at the front gate. I
can't disagree more with my neighbors and their
displeasure of the stop sign blocking the right
lane due to "residents" not stopping. We want
our neighborhood to be secure but don't want the
incovenience that might sometimes be
experienced in order to do that. Paying dues, as
one person said, does not entitle us to do what
we want at the expense of security.
Is it possible for Hampton Lake to install a
security arm on th owners entrance side like the
one at the back gate which will allow us to get in
using the transponders in our back windows.
This will prevent owners having to wait in line for
visitor passes to be issued. Perhaps an arm can
also be installed on the visitor/contractor
entrance side at the front gate which will require
security to raise that security arm for entrance
once passes have been observed or issued.
Just my constructive comments on this issue.
Please understand that Nextdoor is strictly a member-to-member social media
forum that is not monitored by HLCA, and management does not read or
respond to anything posted there. As a result, the Nextdoor comment cannot
be addressed here. The installation of a security arm has been considered;
however, it will not alleviate the inconvenience of waiting in line. The back-up
at the gate is the result of the narrow one-vehicle lane that prevents member
vehicles from passing the non-member vehicles that have to stop at the gate.
Even if a security arm was installed, members would not be able to get to it if
more than 2-3 vehicles were in line. The developer has plans to build an
additional gate in 2019 which will have not only a security arm but will also
have a longer and wider lane that will enable member vehicles to bypass the
non-member vehicles that must stop at the gate.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Since our primary HLCA insurance carrier chose
not to renew our coverage, does the HLCA face
uninsured financial exposure to current claims?
Secondly, we are spending capital funds of +/-
$150,000 for a little used Hydrotherapy room
based on the inability to reach "owner
consensus" (75% of owners indicating they don't
use the amenity might be considered a
consensus), when can we expect an update to
the viability of our capital fund to meet current
and future needs? Does the Board expect a
"special assessment" in the next 36 - 48 months?
Thank you
Per the terms of our insurance policy, claims filed with our former insurance
carrier stay with that carrier until they are fully resolved, whether or not they
decide not to renew coverage. Our new insurance carrier covers future
claims. Therefore, the community association does not have uninsured
exposure to current claims.
We expect to have an updated Capital Reserve (CR) study in the next few
weeks. The plan is for the 2019 budget to fully fund capital reserves at the
recommended levels of the updated study. Once received, the updated CR
study will be posted on the HLCA web site. The CR study is essentially a
budget document to ensure enough money is put into reserve each year to
cover the cost of capital repair or replacement of common property, thus
preventing the need for a special assessment in the future. The BOD
currently does not expect a special assessment in the future.
Chapter 12.2(a) of the Charter requires the annual budget to include “a
reasonable contribution to a reserve fund for the repair and replacement of
any capital items…” “In determining the amount of such reserve contribution,
the Board shall take into account the number and nature of replaceable
assets, the expected useful life of each, the expected repair or replacement
cost, and the contribution required to fund the projected needs by annual
contributions over the useful life of the asset.”
As of July 1st, our capital reserves account balance was $1,586,019. As of
July 1st, YTD capital reserve contributions were $295,430. Based upon
information from our 2014 Capital Reserve study, we believe our capital
reserve account is healthy and viable to meet current and future needs.
Many members of the community enjoy walking
their dogs on the trails off of Fish Dancer. Can
you consider installing another dog waste
container near one of the lower access
entrances? While there is one at the Outpost it
is not convenient if you choose to walk the other
trails. I, for one, no longer feel safe walking
around the Outpost with my dogs as the path
brings one very close to the lake at water level
(my husband recently spotted a very large
alligator on the shore in the shallow water across
from the dog waste container). Appreciate your
HLCA added eight new pet waste stations in locations recommended by our
Grounds and Facilities Committee. We currently do not have plans to add
more. We will discuss the effectiveness of the newly added stations, as well
as the possibility of relocating existing stations.
Forgive me if this has been asked previously. I
saw on the newsletter an Adult Only Halloween
Party, but didn't see anything for the kids. Has
anything been planned for kids? Also, is trick-
or-treating allowed for kids on 10/31? Any rules
to be aware of in this regard?
Member feedback from prior years indicated that many families have
Halloween-related activities through school and civic organizations and prefer
trick or treating throughout the community on Halloween night. Members who
want the trick-or-treaters to come to their door can tie an orange pumpkin tag
to their mailbox or front door. An announcement will be placed the Weekly
Update the week of October 15 and the pumpkin tags will be available starting
October 16 at the Tackle Box and the Gatehouse. We also have the Fall Fest
event planned for October 14. The Fall Fest incorporates family games and
pumpkin painting, as well as a delicious buffet.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Received a notification from Hampton Lake on
October 3 stating that the new mail center kiosk
will be ready for use for residents of Castaway
Dr, Quarter Casting Court and Lillydipper Court
with mail delivery starting Monday October 8.
Key pick up for the mailboxes would take place
October 8 from 9am-2pm and October 9 from
7am-9am. Instructions to print a mailbox form
and see Kirby in the Lakehouse Lobby.
Also all "temporary" mailboxes must be removed
by October 19.
Several questions/concerns
#1 Seems like a very short timeframe for
notification of mail switchover to new mail center
and an even shorter timeframe to pick up keys
for the mailboxes.
#2 Will All streets/mailboxes in Phase 3 and
future phases transition into the mail center
#3 I paid $295 to Hampton Lake 7 months ago
and now it is to be removed? It is a "regular" HL
mailbox not "temporary"
#4 Safety concerns with removal of identifing
mailboxes... it makes it much easier for 911
Emergency Services to find your hous
We agree that the notification timeframe was very short. HLCA received a call
from the Bluffton post office on the morning of October 3 saying that they
would stop delivering mail to the temporary mailboxes on October 4. Gail
Garbett, ARB Director, informed the post office that we needed time to get
keys into members’ hands and to please give us more time. They agreed to
wait until October 8. We immediately went to work, rushing to pull information
and arrange keys. An email was sent out the afternoon of October 3 informing
the Members how and when to pick their keys. Temporary mailboxes were
installed by KHovnanian and Logan homeowners paid for theirs. When
members closed on their homes $295 was paid at closing for the CBU
mailboxes at the mail center. KHovnanian and Logan and their closing
attorneys were responsible for informing their clients of the mail center. All
homes in Hampton Lake must have the house number on the front of the
house, easily visible for emergency
Hi! A neighbor of ours had someone come to
their door and say they were
Looking for census information. When asked
how they got in, they stated they had come in
through the dirt road in the back where
construction is. Is that area gated off for security
and if not, could it be?
The gate at the dirt road is open during hours when the heavy trucks involved
in infrastructure development are entering and exiting the community; it is
locked during off hours. Due to the nature and location of the work performed
by the heavy equipment, it is preferable to have them use this entrance, rather
than come through the manned main gate. Although all other entrants to
Hampton Lake are supposed to come through the main gate, many GPS
systems direct drivers to turn in on that dirt road. If members believe that
someone has entered without proper authorization, call security immediately.
Security will determine if they have authorization to enter, and eject anyone
who is not authorized.
Regarding the Hampton Lake post sign on the
left after you turn from Bluffton Parkway; I would
like to suggest a left pointing arrow be added to
the bottom of the sign as well as approximate
distance to the main gate to help eliminate
confusion as to where exactly Hampton Lake is
We have received some recommendations for sign changes from our Grounds
and Facilities Committee. These changes are in progress and we will make
sure to include consideration for your observation if not already included in
their report.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
This past week Wade Bales of Quality Lakes
presented to the Fishing Group. He indicated
that at some point dredging will be required - and
that this could involve a significant expense. I
would assume that the Lake Association (Non-
Profit formed to management the lake) budgets
for this dredging and is accumulating a reserve
for future expenses. I would also assume that all
required dredging of the Phase 3 lake will be
done by the developer at his expense since
construction has resulted in several low spots.
Can you confirm these assumptions? And where
can owners obtain the financial reports for the
Lake Association?
The Lake Maintenance Corporation (LMC) accrues funds annually that are
placed in Capital Reserve by the LMC to support long term dredging
requirements of Hampton Lake. As of June 30 the LMC capital reserve
balance was $261,889.12 and is expected to be $351,889 by the end of the
year. The recently completed LMC Capital Reserve Study covers the next
40 years of capital reserve requirements and recommended the annual
funding be increased to $184,829. Dredging and berm repair or replacement
are the major components of LMC’s capital replacement. This new capital
reserve funding level takes into account the expected size expansion of the
lake in the Sandhill tract. LMC is the legal entity that holds the property title to
153 acres of the lake (the part contained in phases 1 & 2). The developer
(Reed-controlled entities) holds title to the portions of the lake in phase 3.
The Developer is still in active development mode in the Sandhill tract
including shaping the lake. There are three entities involved with the
governance of LMC, the Declarant (Reed as HL Development LLC),
Brightwater at Hampton Lake Property Owners Association, Inc., (aka Benton
House and the apartments) and Hampton Lake Community Association, Inc.
Funding LMC for the operation and maintenance of the lake, including CR, is
the responsibility of the Hampton Lake Community Association (83%) and
Brightwater at Hampton Lake Owners Association (17%). Owners may obtain
copies of the LMC financial reports from the General Manager.
With all the pontoon boats that are now owned in
Hampton lake I am curious if it has ever been mentioned
that we own a pontoon trailer for boat owners to
use.....most boats are pulled out of the water at least
twice a year and a trailer to use at the dock would be a
nice convenience. I have priced trailers that would fit our
needs and they can be purchased for around 2500.00$
new...I would purchase one myself but then there
becomes the problem of storage. I can assume that boat
owners could pay a reasonable fee to use the trailer and
it would be paid for quickly....at 20$ per usage the trailer
could be paid for in a year......thanks...skip magee
HLCA does own trailers for community boats. We have offered owners the
opportunity to rent community trailers by the day. However, the trailers do
not necessarily accommodate all boats in Hampton Lake. If you are
interested in renting a trailer for your boat maintenance, please contact
Jordan Williams at the Tackle Box, jwilliams@hamptonlakeclub.com, for fit
and availability.
Can you provide an update on the plan to
repaint/replace individual mailboxes throughout Phase I
and II? I believe I remember that this was to be taken
over by the homeowners association. Many in the
neighbor need attention.
HLCA is handling mailboxes that are damaged, rusted, and/or broken first.
After the first of the year we will be addressing them street by street. We
exceeded the budget for this year handling rusted and damaged ones.
Who is responsible for cutting and maintaining lots that
have been purchased but remain without houses? And
who is responsible for enforcement?
For lots without homes, HLCA’s landscape contractor, the Landworks Group,
mows the grass from the street to the lot sign. Other maintenance, such as
removing dead trees, is the responsibility of the lot owner. In the event of a
dangerous situation, such as a severely leaning tree, or trees that are
infested or diseased, members can notify Gail Garbett, ARB Director. Gail
will notify the owner and ensure that the situation is remedied promptly.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Reports of vandalism and thefts in the HL appear to be
growing. Unfortunately, the reports are often third hand
word-of-mouth with no way for the community members
to accurately assess the problem(s), what actions were
taken to deal with them, and if additional actions are
needed (e.g. more cameras, night lighting, more patrols
at night, etc.). Can the board consider establishing the
equivalent of a "police blotter" that would be updated
daily and posted on a members only community site?
Ignorance of the level of the problems may be good for
lot sales, but if a problem(s) does exist and is growing, it
will hurt our property values down the line.
Paul Golden
Management has no indication that vandalism or thefts are increasing in
Hampton Lake. In fact, for a community this size they are rare. When we
become aware of rumors, we typically find they are wrong or greatly
exaggerated. In the interest of community harmony and as a matter of
policy, HLCA does not share member violations or citations. Over the years,
the Board of Advisors Grounds & Facilities Committee has reviewed HL
security and provided recommendations for improvement to management.
In 2018, HLCA added 48 security personnel hours per week and an
additional patrol vehicle to our entry control contract due to the increased
size of the community, not because of vandalism or theft problems. If
members witness a problem, they should contact management or security
immediately so it can be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. For those
members interested, the Town of Bluffton Police Department will provide
copies of their Incident Reports, Call-for-Service and Offense Reports.
The beautiful grass leading into the traffic circle from
Bluffton Parkeay is VERY dangerous. We can’t see if
someone is already on the circle when we are trying to
Our landscaping contractor has been informed and will cut back the Muhly
Grass this coming week.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I’m currently staying in One Hampton Lake as we are
building our home in HL. We have seen a HUGE gator
here, often, in the past week that resides in the lake.
Probably 12 feet if I had to guess. I have a great picture
of him on the bank if you would like it. It really needs to
be relocated. I can indicate to you where it is always
seen here. When we bought our lot, it was
communicated to us that the larger gators are taken out
of HL and I sure hope that is still the case. Thank you
Alligators are part of life in our area. Members are made aware of their
existence and provided with guidance on dealing with alligators through
several avenues, including signs throughout the community. Alligators that
don’t behave normally, i.e. approach people instead of moving away from
people, can be terminated with a proper permit. There is no such thing as a
removal or relocation program. We’ve had several reports of the large
alligator and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been out to
observe and determined that the alligator is behaving normally. A naturalist
from the Honey Horn Museum presented a lecture here at Hampton Lake
about living with alligators and made the following key points:
• NEVER, EVER feed or approach an alligator. (Throwing dead fish or fish
parts in the water is the same as feeding an alligator.) When you do this,
you are training the alligator to associate people (or boats) with free food or
as some say, “people become easy pickins in the alligator’s mind.”
• Never swim in a lake that has alligators.
• Keep your pets out of the lake and keep them away from the water’s edge.
• Same goes for children.
• It is not recommended to feed animals that are part of an alligator’s food
source, such as turtles and fish.
• Normal behavior for alligators is to move away from people closer than 30
feet. If they don’t, you should move quickly in another direction and report it
to Bryan Rhame, the general manager. (But baby alligators may be more
• Adult alligators (over 6 feet long) do not feed often and can go months
without eating. They are opportunist feeders, not aggressive hunters.
Alligators don’t chase their prey. If they can get close, they grab their prey.
• Alligators typically begin courting during the late spring, and breeding is
under way by early summer. In June and July, the females begin building
nests on dry ground, using vegetation, sticks and reeds. The females deposit
eggs in the nest and cover it back up. Eggs hatch in late August and
September. In a nest that has 60 eggs hatch, only about six will survive one
year. Predators of baby alligators include egrets, great blue herons, and
other alligators.
• Alligators are an important part of the balance of nature in the Lowcountry.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I for one, and many others I suspect, had the
hydrotherapy pool high on the list of amenities important
to them when choosing a place to live.
I have heard some chatter that someone found a way to
repair it and have it become functional with longevity no
longer a problem
I always thought the best solution would be to locate all
mechanics outside in a small covered shed alongside
the building. Why is this solution not feasible?
Either way, when can we expect the hydrotherapy pool
to be up and running again?
I would really like to have this published. Thank you,
At the October 22 Board of Directors Meeting General Manager Bryan
Rhame provided a brief history and a detailed update regarding the
hydrotherapy pool. In summary, we received several architectural drawings
of ways to repair the existing room, while protecting the rest of the facility.
After looking at several different proposals, a contract was awarded for the
repair and replacement of the hydrotherapy pool and HVAC system, where
the space has its own HVAC and return air system. This solution would
isolate the humidity from the rest of the fitness center, and would not require
using additional space or building a shed. Demolition and removal of the
walls in the current space is underway. A more specific timeline for when the
pool will be operational is pending the outcome of the contractor’s
assessment of the amount of remediation is needed within the walls.
Members can read further details in the minutes of the October 22 Board of
Directors Meeting here. The minutes are also available on the HLCA
website, under BOD, Meeting Minutes.
Is there a rendering or sketch of what the new security
gate will look like and can it be shared with the
The developer presented to members renderings of the conceptual plan for
the proposed new gate at the Board of Directors March 29, 2018. Members
can view those drawings on the HLCA website by going to the BOD tab and
selecting March 29 Developer Update from the Meeting Minutes page.
I have a few questions about the mail kiosk at Crystal
1) When will it be paved?
2) When will it have proper drainage to alleviate the
flooding that occurs during storms?
3) Can a larger outgoing mail receptacle be installed?
The space to insert mail is very narrow and will not
accommodate anything thicker than a few envelopes.
The only other option I know of is to drive to the post
office to mail these 1st class pieces.
The area has been regraded with additional material added. It has
performed well during the last rainfall with no standing water. The developer
will continue to monitor the area and make any necessary modifications.
The area will be paved when the parking lot for the new pool and party barn
is constructed. The construction timeline will be determined after bids are
received and reviewed. The developer expects the bids before the end of
the month. The developer has no plan to add a larger out going parcel box
at this time.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With the new HL entrance/gate projected for completion
in June, 2019, Pine Shadow Court is going to become a
thoroughfare for a large percentage of traffic coming into
the neighborhood. Once a dead-end court for 3
townhomes, it is already much busier with Phase 3
development. Many residents use this street to bike, jog
and walk their dogs. Unfortunately without a sidewalk,
we are all walking in the street while no one abides by
the 20 mph speed limit. Is anyone taking a look at the
risks involved and considering installing a sidewalk as
other through streets have?
The Hampton Lake master plan does not include a sidewalk on Pine
Shadow Court and there are no plans to add a sidewalk at this time.
Any updates on 2019 estimated timeframe for
construction of Crystal Lake pool and barn?
Happy Holidays!
At the November 13 Board of Directors Meeting, the developer reported that
he expected to receive bids for the construction of the party barn, pool, and
pool house shortly. He will provide notification of updates as they become
Most utility and credit card companies allow you to set
up automatic payment of your monthly bill from a
checking account (even though the amount due
changes each month). I would like to have the same
capability for paying my Hampton Lake dues plus
additional amounts from Backwater Bill's, etc. However,
the current Hampton Lake auto-pay system does not
allow this. I don't want to have to go in and type in a
new amount every time. Please update the system to
allow "pay full balance due" as an additional option.
Although this function is available, we chose not to use the “pay full balance
due” option. After speaking with the banking professionals who process our
bills, we decided to reduce security risks involved with storing members’
payment information. Because of the increased risk involved in storing
payment information, using the “pay full balance” option would result in
greater insurance exposure, thus increasing insurance costs.
Some of the residents on Crystal Lake have been told
by the builder that palm trees are not allowed on these
Castaway Dr. properties. Can you please confirm if this
is true and, if so, what the logic is when there are palm
trees on the Crystal Lake beach and across the street
on Castaway Dr. properties.
Members who purchased the homes surrounding Crystal Lake were given a
list of plantings that were approved for that section; palm trees are not on
that list. However, homeowners who would like to plant palm trees can
submit a request to the ARB for consideration.
Hello! Is Hampton lake supposed to be entirely gated?
We have noticed the fence ends and it would be easy
for anyone to just walk in over in our area.
Hampton Lake is a gated community; members and other drivers must enter
through one of the gates. While the majority of Hampton Lake has a
perimeter fence, not all areas are included. Some wetlands and other
sections have been omitted. While Hampton Lake remains a very secure
community, having fences does not prevent people on foot from entering.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What plans are being made to repair the section of the
road along Hampton Lake Drive between #148-156?
Once again, the road appears to be sinking. If I am not
mistaken, before the road was paved a few years ago
an engineering study was done to prevent the water
damage from reoccurring. Who bears responsibility for
paying for this very necessary repair?
HLCA has hired an independent engineering firm to investigate and report
on the road failure in the area mentioned. We are now working with several
entities to determine responsibility and next steps. Because of the number
of parties involved and the nature of the results discovered, the process is
taking longer than anticipated. We hope to have a resolution in the near
future so that necessary repairs can be completed.
Can you tell me what the schedule is for construction of
the new front gate, I have heard it will open in June of
2019, but have not seen any construction activity.
Thank You
At the Board of Directors Meeting on November 13, 2018, the developer
reported that the new gate is expected to be completed around June 2019.
The developer is working with the Town of Bluffton for approval of the plans.
Once approval is received, it is anticipated that construction will begin.
Can you please clarify the reason/rationale for what
appear to be new speed limits on Hampton Lake Drive
and Hampton Lake Crossing. It looks like there are
different speed limits on both roads dependent on
direction of travel i.e. in certain stretches 30mph in one
direction and 20mph in the other.
Our service contractor incorrectly installed some of our new signs. While
some mistakes have been corrected, there are still some corrections
pending. We hope to have all of the speed zones accurate in the next few
We are getting close to 2 MONTHS that a vehicle ran
over the curb and into the grass as you drive out of HL.
The rut is right across from the gate house on the right
side. There have been 4 orange cones there for the
entire time which are unsightly driving into the Guard
house and more unsightly driving out of HL. Our
landscape company or staff needs to treat it like a divot
is repaired on a green - level up the rut and get rid of the
ugly orange cones. It would take 15 minutes to fix
properly - level out the dirt and place 1 or 2 rolls of sod
there and it's done! How can it sit there like this for
weeks & weeks?!!
This area was damaged multiple times during this period and it has been
repaired. At any given time our landscape crew has multiple projects and
service agreements, the list of action items are prioritized and assigned
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
When leaving the Amenity Center parking lot, there is a
speed limit sign that is very low and barely visible. It
states the speed limit on HL Crossing is 20 MPH with
arrows pointing East & West. There is no “Except as
otherwise posted”. When turning East towards the Dog
Park there are no other speed limit signs to remind
drivers of the 20 MPH limit. There is however between
houses # 22 & 24 a 30 MPH sign that lets drivers
heading West to accelerate for a 1/4 mile towards a
blind overpass and hidden driveway. I think most drivers
“assume” then the speed limit must also be 30 MPH
heading East. I know in the past you have given
rationale why the different speed limits. What is the
rationale for speeding up towards a blind overpass and
hidden drive way?
Recomendations: 1) Make the 20 MPH sign at the
Amenity Center more obvious. 2) Replace the only 30
MPH sign with a 20 MPH sign. 3) Install a couple 20
MPH signs for the East bound drivers heading towards
the Dog Park.
Thank you
The speed limit on Hampton Lake Crossing from the Dog Park to Harborview
Court is zoned at 30 mph. The 20 mph zone is from Harborview Court to
Hampton Lake Drive. The bridge and what you refer to as the hidden
driveway is within the 20 mph zone, as is the amenity center. The sign
leaving the amenities was placed to remind motorists leaving the amenity
center that they are in a 20 mph zone.
I understand trees at end of Fording Trace,adjacent to
208 Fording Trace are wetlands and not subject to being
removed. I also understand that they are planned for
removal for the new house being built on the lot. Is this
correct and legal?
For lots being cleared, a tree and topographical plan must be submitted to
the ARB for approval. The are no wetland buffers on this lot; tree removal in
designated wetlands would not be allowed.
If someone is already in our community, resident, guest,
contractor, etc. they have an unrestricted exit out our
front gate so why is a transponder required to exit the
south gate?
The South Gate was designed to be a member’s only gate. The rationale
behind keeping it as such is twofold. Having all construction traffic exit
through the front gate is viewed as a deterrent for anyone taking supplies
from construction sites and being able to exit without any personnel present.
This is accomplished by having someone drive all the way through the
community and exiting a gate that is maned 24 hours per day. With the
number of potential vehicles exiting through the South Gate, it would add
additional expense and undo wear and tear on equipment. The Hampton
Lake gate was not designed like the easy opening arm devices, which simply
lift up and down. These arm type barriers are not viewed as very secure.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
As plans are being finalized for the forth tennis court it
would be very helpful to those of us who play tennis if
some consideration can be given to the type of
shrubbery installed around the perimeter of the court.
Currently the shrubs planted along the court closest to
the pool make it very difficult to find tennis balls if they
go over the short fence. I have seen other tennis
facilities were they have planted shrubs that are very
dense and do not allow the tennis balls to get stuck in
the body of the shrub.Thanks .
The landscape plan provided by the developer includes plants already
established in other areas in order to provide continuity. We will discuss our
landscape practices to determine if the existing plant material can be
The updates on the back gate refer to structural
damage. Was this a result of wear and tear or physical
damage by a vehicle?
The rear gate was damaged by a vehicle. We would like to remind all
owners to be patient and use caution when entering and exiting the South
Gate. Gate repairs are costly and could potentially take 4-6 weeks to repair.
This would create significant inconveniences for the community as all traffic
would have to enter and exit through one gate. We do utilize cameras and
anyone found to cause damage to the gates will be responsible for the cost
of repairs.
Hello! There has been trash floating in the lagoon
behind our home for a few weeks (since before we
closed and moved in). It’s our understanding that this
area is maintained by Hampton Lake. What are the
procedures for things like this? Do you periodically clean
out the lagoons or do we need to report it? Do you wait
until all construction along the lagoon is finished before
clearing the lagoon of trash? Is it the builder’s
responsibility (all homes along lagoon are being built by
same builder)?
Thank you!
HLCA is responsible for maintaining the retention ponds. We would suggest
you contact management to report any debris. You can reach the Tackle
Box Tuesday through Saturday from 9 to 5 and on Sunday from 11 to 5 at
(843) 836-7458. We do have litter patrol by our landscape contractor
scheduled throughout the community, however, they have limited access to
the water. The builders are also held accountable for debris from job sites.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have two questions -
Hydro Therapy - When will the hydro therapy be open
for member use? The rumor is "there was not a permit
filed for the work completed"
Dry Dock - I had an opportunity to visit the Dry Dock and
was shocked to see the majority of spaces being used
for multiple private contractors. At one time it was
stated there was one company who's owner was a
member and had two sites. Now there is at least 5 or 6
sites being used. There is an additional landscaping
company taking up about the same amount of space. I
understand there is a problem with getting the additional
storage area for contractors - however why do the
contractors take multiple sites and priority over the
members that have been waiting on the list? Some of
those members have been on that list for 3 years +
We completed a walkthrough of the hydrotherapy room with the contractor
on Wednesday and provided a small punch list of items to resolve. The list
includes some touch up paint, caulking, and molding installation. We expect
this to be completed this week. We are planning to open the hydrotherapy
room this Monday, February 25th. Thank you for ignoring the rumors and
reaching out to get the correct information. We assure you that no owner
designated spaces are being used by contractors. The Dry Dock was
designed with 22 spaces to rent to our owners. 21 are currently rented by
owners and one is used for a daily space for owners with temporary needs.
The Dry Dock was never intended to supply enough space for the entire
community. In order to reduce costs and improve productivity, our current
contract with our landscapers dictates that we supply “on-site” storage for
staging equipment. This lowers the amount of the contract by thousands of
dollars and ensures the team doesn’t lose productive time transporting
equipment from an off-site location. This benefits all owners. We were
fortunate to be able to utilize some developer owned property at no cost for a
few years. This space is no longer available due to development of northern
Sandhill. We have had to rearrange some community trailers and create
some temporary space in the Dry Dock for our landscapers. We are
continuing to investigate the possibility of creating additional space in a
parcel of land across from One Hampton Lake Apartments. The initial
meeting with the town created delays and some question as to the cost
effectiveness of clearing this parcel. We will continue to update the
community as this project progresses.
Has the fee structure for classes been resolved as I
have noticed a decline in participation.
We have provided the new fee structure to the owners. A week prior to
announcing the final package we had 52 participants and 4 canceled
classes. Over the next 2 weeks we had 98 and 88 participants with 1 and 3
canceled classes. We will continue to monitor the participation levels and
interest in the classes and make adjustments as necessary.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
While not the fault of HL, the recycle containers HL’ers
are provided are a joke. They are too small to hold all
the recyclables one has; being unlidded they are
unsightly and items blow out of them in the wind and
birds and animals can pick at the items; and being
unwheeled make them burdensome to place curbside.
Over the years, I broached their inadequacy several
times with the Town only to be told they would look into
the matter, but as we see, nothing has ever come of
that. In Northern Virginia from where we came, we were
issued wheeled and lidded recycle containers, only
slightly smaller than the trash containers. Ironically, like
in Bluffton, Waste Management was our trash/recycle
collector. I guess the contracts governing containers
were different. Acknowledging strength in numbers, is it
within the balliwick of HL as a development, or better still
in network with other Bluffton developments, to contact
the Town to provide larger lidded and wheeled recycle
containers to homeow
We agree it would benefit the community to have better and larger recycling
receptacles with lids. We have addressed our concerns to the Town
regarding the size and lack of lids on our current receptacles. The response
we received was one of cost concerns. We also agree there is a potential for
strength in numbers and would encourage all concerned owners to reach out
to the Town Manager, the Bluffton Mayor and the Town Council by email or
letter to support improved recycle containers, such as larger, and with
wheels and lids.
I submitted a question previously without any notification
that it was address. There is a growing problem of
pedestrians and bicycle in the streets. This poses a
dangerous situation especially with all the construction
parking and traffic. Hampton lake has wonderful WIDE
sidewalks that can accommodate both bikers, runners,
and walkers. There is NO reason walkers should be in
the streets except where there is no sidewalk available.
Having to maneuver around the construction vehicles
and running into a walker or biker is an accident waiting
to happen. I'm so sure what the rule is regarding people
in the streets, but if a sidewalk is available ... it should
be used.
We agree with your suggestion that walkers should be using the sidewalks
when they walk around the community unless there is no sidewalk available.
While there are no rules prohibiting walking in the street, HLCA has always
highly recommended that walkers and joggers in particular utilize the
sidewalks, where available, for safety concerns and common-sense reasons.
Rule 4.13.10 does require bikers to yield to pedestrians when using the
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
My wife and I have owned our HL property for 1 1/2
years and living full-time (since retirement) for six
months. We have grown to enjoy Backwater Bills very
much. The food is GREAT! The service is TERRIFIC!
The only challenge in enjoying BBs is that it is so very
loud and noisy. It used to be that it was peaceful during
lunch hours and loud during dinner times. Now, it
seems to be so very loud when it is full or close to full
that when we go with another couple we find ourselves
almost shouting across the table to just have a
conversation. (And, by the way, I have excellent hearing
without a hearing aid!)
SUGGESTION: Bring in a sound expert (an expert in
sound baffles, etc.) and pay them to make some
recommendations for what might be done without
diminishing the fun feel and cozy atmosphere of BBs. I
suspect that there are techniques of sound-absorbing
materials that could be placed throughout the ceiling that
would absorb sound and make the restaurant so much
more enjoyable.
Several years ago, the Food & Beverage Committee looked into noise
reduction strategies for Backwater Bills. Although several changes were
made that improved the noise somewhat, the type of changes that would
have greater impact appeared to be quite costly. Because we are waiting for
more concrete plans about the new space that will be available as a result of
the “Party Barn” that the developer is planning, we are holding off on
significant investments until there is more clarity about space options. For
example, it is thought that once the Party Barn becomes available we will
have more consistent ability to use the Lakeview Room as a quieter dining
space so that the bar area can retain its lively atmosphere.
If my memory is correct the last couple of years there
has been a problem with the pool heater. May I suggest
that we get the pool heater tested in advance so that it is
operational when the time is needed...may I also ask
when the date will be when we can expect the pool to be
heated...it would be comforting to be able to have the
pool heated in early March when the chance of higher
pool weather is likely to happen....thanks...skip magee
The pool heater is tested several times in advance every year, unfortunately
testing it doesn’t preclude it from breaking down. There have been several
times in the past where the pool heater was tested, found to be operational,
and subsequently broke down after a period of working well. Our practice is
to heat the pool in the springtime, typically at the end of March until the pool
temperature reaches 80 degrees on its own. Springtime heating of the pool
is normally contingent on the weather, that is, the pool is only heated if the
air temperature is such that a significant number of people will want to use
the pool.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I would like to know why we rebuilt the hydrotherapy
pool exactly the way it was when we were having
problems before. There were suggestions for rebuild.
that would have allowed the temperature to stay at
approximately 95 degrees as it was in the past. We have
now wasted our HOA funds to not allow these
temperatures for true hydrotherapy effects. If you check
with Occupational and Rehab therapists, you will find
that your temperatures Are too low for any therapy of
joints. Was this meant to be an exercise pool and not a
therapy pool? I waited three yeRs for this pool to be
fixed and now I come out in five minutes because it has
no therapy relief at all when it’s too cold to be in there.
Please tell us what can be done to correct this problem.
We are continuing to make adjustments in order to optimize therapeutic
benefits and work through various factors such as maintaining a balance
between water and room temperature and avoiding the excessive moisture
and condensation that can be damaging to the facility. The recommended
temperature for therapeutic purposes is 85 to 95 degrees. The hydrotherapy
pool temperature was initially set to be maintained at 88 degrees and the
room temperature 84 - 86 degrees. We have noticed very little moisture or
condensation in the room, and last week it has was adjusted to 91 degrees.
This may well be the upper end of where the pool can be maintained without
creating moisture damage to the facility. We will continue to monitor the
climate, but it’s important to remember that our amenity is a hydrotherapy
pool, not a hot tub. The 85-95 degree recommended temperature allows for
a longer period of exercise and movement in the water; whereas a hotter,
more hot tub-like temperature would be uncomfortable for exercise and is
not recommended for more than a 10-minute period.
Building /adding a sidewalk along Pine Shadow Drive.
This road is narrow and windy. The amount of traffic on
this small road is ever increasing and includes large
construction vehicles. With the opening of the new
entrance this traffic will surely increase.
Adding a sidewalk will help to ensure pedestrian safety.
Thank you for your consideration.
The Hampton Lake master plan does not include a sidewalk on Pine
Shadow Court and there are no plans to add a sidewalk at this time.
In the last week I have picked up to screws on the street
near my driveway.
In the last year I have repaired 3 slow leaks in our 2
What is being done to address this problem? Our street
has 5 houses under construction as well as all the other
activity in the neighborhood.
Contractors are required to police the road near their construction site each
day. However, policing all of the contractors to ensure that they do it is
nearly impossible. Members can report nails and other construction debris
to the General Manager and/or to Gail Garbett. Please be specific about the
location. Please identify if the problem is clearly from a specific worksite or
contractor. A photo is helpful.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Last yr was our first in HL. The pool was under repair
but supposed to open April 1,2018. We scheduled a visit
for our daughter & grandson from Amsterdam 2nd week
of April- pool wasn't ready. When we moved here we
were told the pool is heated. Not until this fall when I
was still trying to swim laps was I told it's only heated in
the Spring. Now it sounds like Spring could be March,
April or whenever depending on the weather. There
should be a firm date like April 1 that we know the pool
will be 80 degrees... I was in the Country club business -
ran 4 large clubs - 2 in Chicago - talk about weather but
we had firm dates for opening the pools & heating them
until the warm weather could take over. Same with our
downtown Condo building - Mother's day weekend, rain,
snow, cold or nice weather. ( Ave May temp in Chicago
65/52 degrees) Has the heater been turned on yet to
test it? Why can't we have firm dates? When can I be
assured that if my 5 yr old grandson visits the pool will
be warm?
The pool is available year round. Our practice is to heat the pool in the
springtime, typically at the end of March, until the pool temperature reaches
80 degrees on its own. Springtime heating of the pool is normally contingent
on the weather, that is, the pool is only heated if the air temperature is such
that a significant number of people will want to use the pool. Heating the
pool costs $4000-$6000 per month; it is not cost effective to heat the pool
when it is doubtful that many members will be using it. Weather permitting,
we will start heating the pool on Saturday, March 23rd. The pool heater has
been tested twice and is functioning normally.
Having lived in Bluffton for 6 years we are once again
faced with the choice of either Hargray, Dish or Direct
TV. In our last Bluffton community we were able to take
a general vote which resulted in us being given the
choice of selecting Time Warner which offered
extremely competitive services and pricing. What is the
feasibility of doing the same thing here in Hampton
Lake? Not necessarily Time Warner/Spectrum/Xfinity
but just given another Hardwire choice.
The issue of which providers of Internet/phone/TV serve Hampton Lake is
not a matter of a vote by Hampton Lake members. The current provider,
Hargray, made the initial investment to create the infrastructure for these
services. Due to the high capital cost of installing additional cable lines to
compete with Hargray, it is unlikely that other cable / hard wired internet
providers would choose to develop the required infrastructure in Hampton
Lake. At the Annual Meeting on March 19, John Reed indicated that
Hargray may have been granted exclusive rights to Hampton Lake. If a
provider expressed interest in being providing services at Hampton Lake,
HLCA would explore the feasibility of the option, including determining the
conditions of any exclusivity granted at the time of initial development.
How does a resident get the restroom code for the
restroom trailers near the pickle ball courts at Crystal
Lake? Thank you.
The code is 5253. The restrooms require a code that is only provided to
members as a way of limiting the usage of these restrooms only to
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Matthew &
We would just like to thank the terrific staff at the
Gatehouse for such a wonderful job they do on a daily
basis. Response time is quick and they excel in their
We are also impressed with the exceptional staff at
Hampton Lake, and we appreciate the welcome and
friendliness we have received and the efficiency of each
and every staff member.
Thank you all.
Thank you for the kind words of support for the Gatehouse and staff. The
staff works hard to make members’ experience a good one, and your
comments are greatly appreciated.
I have a concern about the safety and issuance of
summons by our Security department. I was stopped by
a Security Officer for traveling 25 mph, in a 20 mph
zone. It should be noted, The Officer was very friendly,
cordial and professional. He advised me of the reason I
was being stopped and informed me I was traveling
5mph over the speed limit. He further advised me it was
only a warning and a summons was not being issued.
My concern is that of a legal matter. Do our Security
Officers receive training in the legal aspects of issuing
an accusatory instrument? and Who decides which
vehicle and traffic laws are to be enforced and at What
discretion, the individual Officer, Security Supervisor or
the board? and my other question is more important to
me, the safety of these Security Officers. What training
do these Officers receive in the effective safe procedure
in stopping a vehicle? The Security Officer approached
my vehicle using very few tactics? Many crimes are
committed using a car.
Our security team is SLED certified and they do receive SLED training. The
patrol officers are also certified on the radar equipment. The right to
administer citations of this nature is addressed in our Rules and Regulations.
14.7.2. Listed below are traffic safety guidelines that include violations and
fine schedules as enforced by
Hampton Lake Security team as part of the community traffic safety
Offense 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Speeding Warning $75 $500 No access/suspended
Reckless driving $150 $500 No access/
suspended privileges
Parking violations Warning $25 $75 $200
Failure to stop at main gate
$100 $500 No access/
suspended privileges
For more information on how violations are handled, please see the HLCA
Rules & Regulations.
I've noticed most of the "bubblers" in the lake and the
various ponds are on--would appreciate them being
turned on as well in what I think is the West Compass
lake (behind the houses on Quarter Casting and
Castaway). In addition to a potential for mosquitoes
there is quite a build up of vegetation.
The aerators in the lake are turned off during the winter months and based
on water
temperature and dissolved oxygen level they are turned back on during the
Spring. The aerator
mentioned is under repair, a line may have been damaged by construction. It
is now operational, but a
more permanent fix will be completed in the next few weeks. The
undesirable aquatic vegetation is
scheduled to be treated next week.
Why is the yellow boom still there on the way to phase 3
from the lake. It’s trash and it should be removed.
We are working to see what can be accomplished. This turbidity curtain is
extremely heavy
and we do not have the equipment to remove it from the water lake side and
no equipment can enter
the wetland to have it removed. We will work with the developer and do what
we can.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
While surely a larger population utilize the main pool
over the adult pool, many of us users have discussed
the desire to have it heated when the main pool starts
being heated. (it was still unusable to most this
weekend, 4/8) Also- presumably due to the surrounding
trees, the adult pool seems to have leaves in it nearly
constantly in the beginning of the season. Requesting
the pool to get the same attention to care as the main.
The adult pool was designed and marketed as a “cool” pool alternative to the
main pool. The design included deeper water, more shade and no heating
system. Due to the high cost to retrofit a heating system and the fact there is
a heated pool available for those who prefer warmer water, there are no
plans to heat the adult “cool” pool. The adult pool is subject to the same care
and maintenance as the main pool; it is kimmed daily and all the leaves are
removed. As you point out, at this time of year, the surrounding trees are
shedding leaves and the wind blows them into the pool throughout the day.
Last week on at least 2 occasions and several times
before, the flag was not raised - Most recently this past
Sunday. Every time we inquire the person in the guard
house says it wasn't my job! Typically we have noticed
this in the afternoon so it probably isn't "her Job" but it is
someone's! We don't care who's "job it is" but we want it
done! Also, Sunday the waterfall on the entrance was
not on and we got the same answer - not my job! Plus,
the same thing has happened with huge truck tire tracks
up into the grass area across from the guard house. We
wrote about this a couple months ago and it was filled in
immediately with new sod.
Why doesn't Mgt see these things when they drive in or
out of the complex? Tunnel vision in my opinion! by the
way - the new flowers and plantings in the front entrance
look great. Maybe that young lady who seems to be in
charge should inspect the rest of our entry road every
In a community as large as Hampton Lake, there will always be items to
maintain and/or repair. Management was most certainly aware that the
waterfall at the front entrance was not operational; that’s why it has been
scheduled for repair. Just as with members’ individual homes, repairs
sometimes take to time to get on a contractor’s schedule, and frequently,
parts need to be ordered. That was the case with the waterfall. The tire
tracks have been repaired a number of times; we are now looking at a new
approach so that vehicles stop driving over this area.
I have noticed that the flag at the front gate is often not
flying. When I asked the guards about it they just shrug
and say the don't know about it. I find this extremely
disappointing. Please see that this is corrected ASAP.
The flag is flown according to the United States Flag Code. Title 36, Chapter
10, of the code states: "The flag should not be displayed on days when the
weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is displayed."
Therefore, the flag may not be flying on a day when it is expected to rain.
Because the security staff is very busy monitoring entry at the gate and
patrolling the neighborhood, coupled with the unpredictability of the weather,
it is impossible for them to take it down just before the rain comes and put it
up as soon as rain is no longer predicted. Although we strive to demonstrate
our patriotism by flying the flag, members should not expect a rigidly
adhered to schedule.
Recent postings about alligators being seen behind
Castaway Drive and in the pond at the corner of Lake
Bluff and Fox Path concern me. These sitings are very
close to Crystal Lake. One area of the lake fence , near
the bocce courts , has the gate for maintenance to enter.
Over the past year there has been substantial erosion in
that area under the gate that has not yet been repaired.
Currently I am writing to advise management that there
is a significant hole under this gate. Are there any plans
to finally repair this area before an alligator finds this
easy entrance to the water?
As Crystal Lake is still under control of the developer, the developer has
been informed about the hole. We are working with the developer to
determine an appropriate repair.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
After reading in the Hot Topics from this weeks
Newsletter about dogs being on a leash at all times
other than designated dog parks, can you tell me if the
area around Crystal Lake and the new walking path are
dog designated area?
Dogs must be on a leash in all areas of Hampton Lake except in the Dog
Paddle Park at the intersection of Hampton Lake Drive and Hampton Lake
Crossing. Dogs must be on a leash around Crystal Lake and all walking
Can you please clarify and post the rules for the
walking/jogging track, both here and at the track. I have
been using this track for one week. So far I have
encountered a golf cart, bicycles, and dogs both on and
off their leash. I would hope none of this is allowed on a
rubberized track. If it is permitted, this amenity will not
last. There are plenty of places to ride bikes, walk dogs,
and ride golf carts other than this track.
The following notice was included in the Hot Topics section April 29
Community Update:
Sports Field & Padded Jogging Track at Parkside
Our newest amenity is now open. We would like everyone to be mindful that
the track was designed for joggers and walkers, no bicycles or golf carts are
allowed. The sports field is open for use, our current pet rules apply, all pets
must remain on leash and make sure to clean up after them.
This notice will be repeated periodically and the rules will be incorporated
into the next version of the HLCA Rules & Regulations.
My question concerns driveways. The curb at the front
of our driveway is high enough so when a car is pulling
into the drive or exiting out of the drive, it "bottoms out".
This has caused damage to our own car along with
visitors' cars. What can be done so the curbing is not
as steep at the driveway entrance?
Thank you
The curbing is designed to channel water during heavy rains to prevent the
streets from flooding, and presumably your builder structured your driveway
to complement the curbing and prevent flooding on your property.
Homeowners, particularly those with cars that have low clearance, have
found that entering and exiting their driveways slowly and at an angle avoids
bottoming out.
Will you share the date you plan to open the new tennis
court? It is much needed with the many individuals and
newly forming team wanting to play.
Thank you,
The timing is dependent on completion of the landscaping. The landscaping
work has already started this past week. The information we have been
given is that it will most likely be completed sometime next week.
Is there any information that can be provided on
landscaping the community areas? In the knockout
section there is an island outside of our home that is
really terrible. It is just dead patches of grass. How can
this be remedied? We keep our homes looking great in
this community and expect the same of the common
areas. I believe this has been an ongoing issue and I
am hoping you can help.
For Community common property and areas of common responsibility, the
Community Association is responsible for regular maintenance (e.g. mowing
& edging). The Developer is responsible for initial installation of common
property landscaping (e.g. grass, trees, shrubs, etc.) as part of his
development of Hampton Lake and in accordance with plans approved by
the Town of Bluffton. The Developer has communicated his plan to review
the landscaping needs of the Sandhill tract (“phase 3” & beyond) and
potentially make improvements in the late summer or fall, including the area
where you live.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Large trucks continue to run off the road by the gate
house as you leave the property. The same landscaping
which was recently added a few weeks ago needs to be
added to the rest of the East side of the road north of the
gatehouse to prevent large trucks from running off the
road. I'm referring to the large boulders placed along the
curb with Muhly grass planted in the Pine Strawed area.
It looks nice and serves the purpose. Seeing large ruts
in the lawn there does not look nice! Maybe you can
also catch whoever the drivers are that are doing this. If
they run over a boulder, the guards will probably see
and hear it!
Thank you for your suggestion. While we have no immediate plans for
additional landscaping in this area, we may make changes in the future.
Last Friday we went to Backwater Bills specifically to
have Bang Bang Shrimp, which is a lot of people's
favorite. It has been taken off the menu - why? We were
told by a staff member that it was so popular that they
"couldn't keep up with the volume"! Please tell me that is
not true. If it is a signature item and you sell out, you sell
out like Bluffton BBQ. You don't take it off the menu. It
was big enough for both of us to share one or take some
home for the next day so if it was a cost issue raise the
price or cut down the portion by a couple shrimp. $10
was a great price and it would be $15+ at any regular
Bluffton restaurant. Please bring it back!
Bang Bang Shrimp is a seasonal menu item and we do plan to bring it back
in the fall.
Last summer I asked about moving the charcoal grills
from the previous basketball courts to the grounds by
Crystal Lake. I understand they have since been
removed and I’m wondering if they are going to show up
anywhere. I’m sure they were a significant cost to the
community. Has anyone considered installing them at
Crystal lake amenities area? They are needed and
many of us would put them to good use. Thank you for
your consideration.
Several charcoal grills have been re-installed near the new tennis court, we
currently do not have plans to add grills to Parkside Amenities. We will have
a better understanding of needs once development is completed.
I've noticed lately that the sprinklers are on as I leave HL
in the mid afternoon. Surely the system can be set to
water after dark and before Sunrise. Any Sod company,
landscaper, irrigation expert will tell you not to water in
the middle of the day especially with the heat spell we
are having. You might as well just pour the water down
the drain as it evaporates immediately and does more
harm than good to the grass because the water is not
getting down into the roots so they grow out rather than
down trying to get moisture!
Although the vast majority of the sprinklers are set for before sunrise, there
are a great many irrigation zones throughout Hampton Lake and
occasionally some zones are set for other times. The reasons vary,
including the need to avoid having all zones go off at the same time, and
also for testing the sprinklers and coverage during the hours that the
landscape crew is on site.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The grounds are not being kept to code on the Lilly
Dipper island center nor the lagoons along Lake Bluff
Drive at this phase of the development. The grass along
the lagoons are not mowed, the island at Lilly Dipper is
barren as the grass has burnt completely out. Board
members will be coming to individual homes making
sure we are up to code, yet the grounds HL is
responsible are unsightly to say the least. Please
provide care to these areas as you do to the rest of HL.
For Community common property and areas of common responsibility, the
Community Association is responsible for regular maintenance (e.g. mowing
& edging). This area is scheduled to be mowed every other week, some
equipment failure delayed the regular routine which should be back on
schedule soon. The Developer is responsible for initial installation of
common property landscaping (e.g. grass, trees, shrubs, etc.) as part of his
development of Hampton Lake and in accordance with plans approved by
the Town of Bluffton. The Developer has communicated his plan to review
the landscaping needs of the Sandhill tract (“phase 3” & beyond) and
potentially make improvements in the late summer or fall, including the area
you are referring to. As a point of clarification, board members do not
perform the inspections; inspections are conducted by the Compliance
Committee. The Compliance Committee is made up of member volunteers.
When will the lazy river be working, it seems several
weeks since we received notice that repairs to the motor
were underway, this is a favorite feature of the pool and
we would like to be able to enjoy it especially with the
extreme hot weather.
Repairs have been made to the Lazy River motor, and other than 2 or 3
times having a breaker reset, it has been functioning properly. We are
waiting for the installation of an electrical part to ensure the breaker problem
is resolved. The Lazy River hours are currently from approximately 11:00
AM until 7:30 PM.
While at the pool on a very busy Memorial Day
weekend, we over hear a large group talking about the
one year membership they purchased to all of our
Hampton Lake amenities. This is disturbing when our
amenities are already challenged by a growing
population. In talking we hear that Hampton Lake has
sold many of these memberships? Is this correct and if
so WHY? The group we saw was about a dozen people
on this one membership. If I want to take a group like
this to the pool I have to request permission. Something
seems amiss here.
There have been a small number of owners who have assigned their rights
to use the amenities to others. Owners who do this give up their own rights
and are not permitted to use the amenities themselves. Anyone using the
amenities must follow the HLCA Rules & Regulations, whether they are
members, guests, or someone who has been assigned rights as a member
from an owner. This includes the rule about the number of guests one may
bring to the pool.
I'm concerned that with the weakening asphalt on
Hampton Lake Drive the ground beneath may be
generating a sinkhole that could be catastrophic. Has
that been investigated?
HLCA has hired an independent engineering firm to investigate and report
on the road failure in the area mentioned. A plan for drainage and repairs
has been formulated, and we are now in the process of signing contracts
and scheduling the necessary repairs.
I would like to know when the damaged umbrella at the
pickle ball courts will be repaired/replaced. As the
temperature continues to climb it is imperative to have
some shade at the courts.
We have placed a claim with the supplier to have the parts ordered and
repairs made under warranty.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
In February 2015, John Reed committed $7000 per lot
sold in Phase 2 and 3 for Amenities, which totals
$5,000,000. First, can you ask the developer to state
how many lots have been sold? Second, how much
money has been spent to date on the Amenities since
February 2015. And third, the Town of Bluffton has been
cited as causing delays in permits for the amenities (per
Pratt Reed in Feb 2019). Please have him specify where
the design and permitting stands for the barn and pool,
specifically. In short, how much money is collected, how
much is spent, and what is now delaying more
Some clarification is needed in order to answer this question. First, the
developer committed $7000 per lot for lots sold in phase 3, no funds were
committed from phase 2 sales. Second, Pratt Reed stated that the Town of
Bluffton has slowed down the development permitting process, not permits
for the amenities specifically. If the town doesn’t approve the development
plans, the lots cannot be built, thus they cannot be sold. Because the lots
are not able to be sold, the developer is not able to accrue the amenity funds
as quickly as he would like. This overall development slow-down (which
affects other developers as well) has put the current development plans
more than a year behind schedule. The third point to clarify is the total
amount available for the amenities. In 2015, it was estimated that $5 million
would be available for amenity construction; however, in 2017 it became
clear that the total number of lots would be reduced to 510 due to about 50
acres having been determined unsuitable for homesites. (This acreage was
subsequently sold to a third party.) This reduction brought the total amount
expected to be available for amenities down to $3.57 million. The developer
hopes to be able to start the pool and pool house portion this fall for opening
in the summer of 2020, but it is completely based on sales pace of developer
lots. The Reed Group is a privately held company and does not make its
financials public.
Is it true that memberships to the pool and/or fitness
center are being sold to non-residents?
The Community Charter states that there shall be only one membership per
unit, therefore it is necessary to have rules and a designated membership
process to cover the situations where owners lease their property. The
charter is also clear that we must have a designated membership process
for those cases where a unit is owned by a corporation or partnership. Since
all members must be treated the same, any member may designate or
assign their membership rights to another, so long as the membership rights
are limited to one per unit. The charter and the rules (see Chapter 4 of the
Community Charter and rule 3.2 in the HLCA Rules & Regulations) establish
the policy for our current process of creating membership accounts for new
owners and for designated memberships. The process is essentially the
same for everyone and it must be completed before members get a decal
and set up an account.
We have well over 1000 owners and almost 900 homes completed in
Hampton Lake. With this population there are only 38 designated
memberships, 10 of which are owned by corporations, including builders.
Our experience to date indicates that designated members don’t create
problems any different from owners. There is no data to suggest our current
designated membership policy and procedures will lead to problems in the
future. If we find it does, we can address at that time.
Management understands that a key issue for members revolves around
safety and entry control at the gate, at the pool, at the fitness center, as well
as other places. Beyond the policy of having designated memberships,
which the charter says we must have, it is more important to be sure that our
procedures provide the proper control to keep our community safe and to
maintain our community wide standards. There is a standard process to
establish membership when someone purchases property in Hampton Lake.
Both their membership and their account are established by coming in and
filling out a membership profile. This identifies who they are and who their
family members are. Decals must be picked up in person. They also sign an
acknowledgement that they received and have read a copy of our rules and
regulations. When an owner designates their membership to another, such
as a rental tenant, they forfeit their rights to use the amenities. The
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
designation must be in writing and they must provide a copy of their property
lease, which must be for a period of at least 6 months. Before a designated
member can get a decal or be granted access to amenities, they must come
in and identify themselves and their family members, fill out a membership
profile, establish an account, acknowledge receipt of the rules and
regulations, affirm they will comply with the rules, and acknowledge that
HLCA management has the right to revoke their membership.
Management’s right to revoke a “designated” membership is our safety net in
the event of rules violations or bad behavior. However, even though an
owner has designated their membership, the owner still remains ultimately
responsible to HLCA. Our experience to date indicates our procedures are
working well.
Renters in the apartments at One Hampton Lake cannot purchase or lease
access to the amenities; however, there are owners in Hampton Lake who
are renting apartments while their homes are being built. They, of course,
are Hampton Lake members by virtue of owning property in Hampton Lake.
As a follow up to the question concerning the assigning
of member’s rights to amenities, how is this controlled?
You mentioned that members who have assigned their
rights aren’t permitted to use the amenities themselves. I
don’t understand how this would be monitored.
Amenities such as the courts and other outdoor
amenities aren’t monitored at all. The fitness center and
pool only loosely require a sign in. Are we paying
someone to match those names against a list of
restricted members? What I really don’t understand is
why this is even permitted. As the member who
originally asked about this said.....It seems something is
amiss here.
Same answer as above (see John Ryan’s question from 6/9/19.)
Why would we want to have a rule that would allow
property owners the right to assign their rights to use all
of Hampton lake facilities for a mere 100 dollars a year
or any amount?
Same answer as above (see John Ryan’s question from 6/9/19.)
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Your response to the question concerning outsiders
using the pool lacked clarity.
Can you please explain exactly what's occurring?
We've heard that the renters in the apartment s can use
all facilities for a nominal fee and have seen people in
bathing suits walking in through the back gate.
We ay a lot of money to live here and would like a more
detailed response.
Thank you
Same answer as above (see John Ryan’s question from 6/9/19.)
The main pool has been cloudy going on 3 weeks now.
Several days the water was green that would stain
swimwear. On one of the green days, a potential buyer
who was visiting made several negative comments
about the condition. Can anything be done to improve
the condition of the pool? I believe with regular
monitoring and maintenance, the pool could be clear. A
cloudy day here and there is understandable, but this
ongoing condition is not acceptable. Could you review
what is being done now and make adjustments to
Thank You,
Larry Taylor
Our pool contractor is on property 2-3 times per day to monitor and adjust
water chemistry. We have recently made significant improvements to our
pool to improve the water clarity of our Lazy River pool. The steps taken to
date include resurfacing, drainage and landscape improvements. This week
we are adding a new refined glass base filtration system as well as the latest
computerized chemical injection system. Next year we plan to have all of
the stone work around the pool re-grouted, calked and sealed. All of these
efforts are to minimize the effects of organic material entering our pool and
changing the water clarity. Everyone can be very confident the pool is safe,
our last DHEC inspection was June 6th and all water quality was found to be
in compliance. We will continue to work towards finding solutions to the
unique challenges that are inherent to our Lazy River pool.
During the Compliance check for lawn problems, I would
hope that also the Common Area Lawns were flagged
as some need TLC.
The Compliance Committee’s inspections include common areas and they
do indeed flag areas needing attention.
My question is in regards to last week's question on
allowing owners to sell their memberships to Hampton
Lake amenities. I looked this up in the HLCA Rules and
Regulations, Section 3.2.3, and had thought this section
was referring to renters of homes in Hampton Lake and
not to people who reside outside of Hampton Lake.
Though, it seems to be mute on who memberships can
be sold to.
Can you please clarify if memberships are allowed to be
sold to non-residents of Hampton Lake?
It must be noted that nowhere in the rules does it say owners can “sell their
membership”. When owners sell their property, they sell their membership
with the property. Rule 3.2.3. of the HLCA Rules & Regulations states “In
the same manner as owners leasing property, Lot Owners may “Designate
Users” to allow use of the Common Area facilities by persons other than the
Owner at Hampton Lake and may establish the use terms and fees for such
use by nonowners.” This is identical to rental arrangements. When owners
“designate” their membership, they relinquish their right to use the Hampton
Lake amenities. Just the same as any other Owner, “designated members”
are not required to be residents of Hampton Lake.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Can someone please give us an update on mailbox
refurbishing / replacement? This was once a
homeowner responsibility, but I believe a year or two
ago taken over by HLCA. Since then, it appears no
progress has been made. Many boxes, including mine
look pretty bad, really hurting neighborhood curb appeal.
The current ARB plan is to continue replacing damaged and broken
mailboxes as a priority. Depending on the powder coating process and
weather, new mailboxes are scheduled to be installed on Sweet Marsh and
Sweet Pond, followed by the Arbor section of Hampton Lake Crossing and
Pine Shadow. We will release the remainder of the schedule once we have
the budget implications from these installations.
As a former nurse and former Fitness Committee
member it concerns me that there is not an AED at the
Pickleball courts, sports fields, playground, Crystal Lake
area. An AED and a storage unit to house it costs less
than $2000. I understand security has an AED in one of
their vehicles but that is not enough in a true
emergency. Also, a water fountain is absolutely
necessary. At the very least large igloo containers of
water should be provided. Several months back the
water supply at the dog park was out and the dogs were
supplied with water in igloo containers so surely we can
do the same for the human residents.
As previously published in LakeViews and discussed during the March 19,
2019 Annual Meeting, water fountains and AEDs for the sports courts will be
installed as part of the construction of the new pool and party barn. All
members are reminded to call 911 in case of an emergency followed by
contacting security as we do have an AED in the patrol vehicles. We also
encourage all owners utilizing the new amenities to bring appropriate fluids
(water and/or sports drinks) to stay hydrated. The igloo containers at the
dog park was a short term measure while the water source was temporarily
out of order. Because there is a water source at the dog park, it was
assumed that members would not otherwise carry water to the dog park.
There is the beginning of a construction project by the
circle just outside the main Hampton Lake entrance, can
you explain what this is?
We are not aware of any construction project by the traffic circle on Hampton
Lake Drive. There is still some construction taking place on the property
where the apartments are located.
Due to my schedule, my use of the Fitness Center is
usually during non-staffed hours. I wanted to ask if it’d
be possible that the staff leave a basket of towels out
when they leave at night to be used by residents during
these hours.
I asked the very nice woman at the front desk about this
and she said this couldn’t be done because the towels
would get used up and we’d still have unhappy
residents. Also, it would just create another pile of
laundry that would have to be dealt with, so no - it could
not be done.
Now - in my eyes, if you had say 60-100 customers
using the gym during these hours, I would think it would
be more favorable to make 20 of these customers happy
and reduce your unhappy population by 1/3 to 1/4 rather
than keeping the status quo of 60-100 unhappy
Also, someone is already being paid to launder the day-
use towels - is the burden of laundering one additional
basket of towels in the morning really that great?
Due to a problem with disappearing towels, we no longer leave a basket of
towels out after staffed hours. According to the 6 month study that Board of
Advisors Fitness & Recreation Committee conducted on usage during non-
staffed hours, there were 20 - 26 users each day during non-staffed hours.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I understand that the Fitness Director for Hampton Lake,
Kevin Felton, has submitted his resignation, to be
effective in the next several weeks. I find this situation
both disappointing and disturbing, as Kevin is both an
excellent trainer and instructor, and is well liked by most
members who frequent the fitness center. As I have
purchased a 3-month, 36-session package under the
assumption that Kevin would be leading the classes for
which I have an interest, I am inquiring as to whether my
3-month package can be placed on hold or extended
until a suitable replacement is found for Kevin?
Moreover, if my package were to continue, I would want
to ensure that Kevin's replacement would be of the
same technical caliber as Kevin, would offer the same
type of classes as did Kevin, and would offer classes at
the same level of intensity as did Kevin.
Kevin has tendered his resignation to be effective on July 10th. We wish
him well in his future endeavors and we thank him for his positive
contributions with all of our fitness programs. We have hired a replacement
whose bio is attached in today’s Update. Gemilee Marquez will be here full
time beginning July 8th. Gemilee does have impressive credentials and we
believe she will be a great addition. We will be happy to work with the
members regarding the 3 month packages to ensure everyone is satisfied.
Good Afternoon,
There is plenty of infrastructure construction going on
around the area where the new gate and the new main
entrance into Hampton Lake will be. Very good to see
Please provide an updated status and estimated
completion date.
Thank you,
Bob Herman
The developer has begun the construction of our new entrance. Road
construction as well as some of the infrastructure installation is underway
and the Developer believes the project should be completed in September or
I am extremely upset by the condition of the pool water
today, Sunday, June 30. The main pool is a disgusting
green, and this is not the first time this season. What on
earth is the problem and what is the plan forward. This
seems to be recurring too often with no resolution. My
question is why is this happening so frequently ? We
were told the filtration system was being replaced, and if
so it does not seem to be helping. We are having out of
state family visiting for the holiday and are counting on
visiting the pool. But I refuse to allow my little
grandchildren (or adults for that matter), swim in that
horrible pool.
We have had several days in which the water clarity has not met our
expectations. There are many variables creating various challenges
maintaining water clarity to the level preferred, particularly following recent
heavy rains. Pool water becomes cloudy when large numbers of tiny
particles of matter are introduced into the water. These particles reflect back
light thereby resulting in the appearance of a cloudy swimming pool. The
particles themselves can come from any number of sources:
These sources include, but are not limited to:
§ Human Sources sunscreen oils/lotions, skin proteins, body oils,
perspiration, deodorant, bodily fluids.
§ Environmental Sources algae, pollen, leaf mold, dust, fine sand.
§ Chemical Sources calcium carbonate, calcium hypochlorite.
Here are the various actions we have taken to maintain our Lazy River pool
to the best water clarity level possible and to address the various sources
mentioned above;
1. We have our pool contractor here every day, most days multiple times.
He keeps chlorine levels near the maximum allowed by SC DHEC.
2. We have resurfaced the entire pool to improve the surface (eliminate
porous imperfections that make cleaning mold and algae more difficult)
3. Improved the landscaping in the islands to reduce the plant material.
This also added more space for water to prevent overflow into the pool.
4. Purchased and installed an electric pump to accelerate the drainage
around the pool.
5. Very recently, we installed a new state of the art filtration system and
have a new computerized chlorine monitoring system which went into
operation on July 4th.
6. The final improvement project to be completed prior to next season
will be to have all of the stonework and coping around the pool refurbished
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
and sealed. This will more than likely be scheduled next year.
The mitigation steps taken above will help to address the contributing
particles originating from Environmental and Chemical Sources, such as
nutrients from the landscaped islands in the pool, the quality of the water
from BJWSA, the filtration system, the chlorine levels, the condition of the
pool surface areas, the condition of the pool surround, and the runoff from
the surrounding pool deck.
As for Human Sources, the ever-increasing number of people using the pool
throughout the day has significantly increased these contributing types of
particles into the water. A way to mitigate this source of particles is for
members and their guests to wait to apply sunscreen until after they have
exited the pool whenever possible and to utilize the outdoor showers to
remove sunscreens, oils and lotions before entering the pool. In addition, as
much as possible, avoid over-spray from aerosol and pump sunscreen
applicators so the lotions and oils do not coat the pool deck where it
eventually gets washed into the pool during rainstorms.
Also, please note, the pool filtration system has been and will continue to be
run 24/7, 365 days a year.
We believe these steps and the additional steps scheduled for next year will
improve our owners experience at the Lazy River Pool.
I walk the track located by Crystal Lake several times a
day and it's at the point that boots are required. Is
something going to be done with all the water that
settles in areas around the track and in the field. If you
want kids playing on the field they must find the highest
point that is not water-logged. Additionally, it won't be
long before someone falls on the track itself from the
built up slime that hasn't dried.
In order to establish the new turf inside the track, irrigation rates were
increased. This increase in irrigation frequency caused the wet conditions.
Now that the irrigation clocks have been returned to normal frequencies we
should see an improvement in the field and track conditions.
Hello. I have a question regarding the sewer drains and
the drain filter on my street. Most drains have a filter
made of black tarp, handles and filled with tire scraps.
The drain in front of our home has a mesh netting and is
filled with straw with no handles. In the past two storms
when we, the homeowner, have had to move the filter to
allow water overflow into the drain system we have had
to use our hands to pull the filter away from the drain.
The force of the rushing water has moved the filter and
lodged the filter into the drain hole. I find this very
concerning and dangerous to move when necessary. Is
there anyway we can get a filter that is safer to move in
the event of a flash flood? What is the protocol for
homeowners moving the filter when flash flood
Builders are required to place the filters at the drain sites to prevent dirt and
debris from washing into the lake per our storm water permit. The builders
are also responsible for removing them when a heavy rain is expected; and
our landscaping crew and other staff members frequently go out to move
these filters to prevent flooding. However, as we all know, the weather is
unpredictable and unexpected rain can occur when none of the crews are on
site. Homeowners may move the filter to prevent flooding, but as you point
out, it is extremely difficult once the water has started to accumulate. The
balance between protecting the lake and preventing flooding is often a
delicate one. However, the filters are extremely important while we are
experiencing large numbers of new home starts. The ARB and the Town of
Bluffton prefer the coconut husk (the netted ones) over the black ones, which
contain rubber from old tires. The covering on the black one is very fragile
and can be problematic if torn. Gail Garbett, the Director of the ARB,
contacted the builder to check on the filter being lodged into the drain, but it
has not shown up on the inspection reports.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Please state the rules for dogs untrained and unruly in
attending the dog park.
Hampton Lake’s Rules & Regulations can be found on the Welcome page of
the HLCA website. The relevant rules include:
4.10.2. No animals that pose a health hazard or would be considered
dangerous to other animals or Members and their Guests are allowed at the
4.10.4. Dogs may be off-leash in appropriate areas at Dog Paddle Park but
must be under reasonable control with voice commands.
4.10.5. Members & Guests are responsible and liable for the actions of their
pets while at Dog Paddle Park. Monitor your animal’s behavior at all times.
4.10.6. Dogs that are aggressive, sick, in heat, with parasites (worms, fleas
or ticks), and puppies under 4 months old, should not be brought to Dog
Paddle Park.
4.10.8. Please do not allow your animal to dig holes, and if they do please
replace the damaged ground.
4.10.9. Members and guests who have a problem with a particular animal or
situation at Dog Paddle Park are requested to inform the Gatehouse
services or the General Manager as soon as possible.
Would you consider keeping the Fitness center
accessible at least until midnight? I work long hours and
don’t get home many days until 9pm. As a result, I’m
never able to work out or use the facilities, which were
some of the biggest selling points on this community.
Hours of operation continue to be analyzed and adjusted to meet the needs
of our growing community. Our Fitness & Recreation Committee has
gathered data on after hours usage of the fitness center, and determined
that there is not enough demand at this time. We will continue to look at the
usage, and through surveys, make the decision on extended hours during
the latter part of this year.
Since the entry to the back gate needs repair, I have
been using the call box to contact the security
gatehouse. They have been very prompt at answering
and providing access. Unfortunately, I have had several
experiences with a pickup truck tailgating me into the
community. In one case I knew that it was a
commercial vehicle. It is difficult to see any details of a
vehicle behind you. Does it help if I warn the gatehouse
that someone may tailgate me? What is the best
protocol to handle this?
It is important for owners to be on the lookout for vehicles gaining access by
following cars in through the South Gate. If you are already on the phone
with Security, it is helpful to let them know that someone is behind you and
you can’t see if they have a sticker. In any case, when you cannot definitively
see that the vehicle behind you has the appropriate sticker, stop once you
are through the gate until it closes, or call security with a vehicle description
and the direction the vehicle turns onto Hampton Lake Drive. Do not
confront the driver. If the driver has the proper authorization, he or she
should understand the need to prevent unauthorized entry.
When si purchased my home, I was told the new gate
would open March 31, then June 30. I am now hearing
next year. What is the approximate date? Thanks.
The developer has begun the construction of our new entrance. Road
construction as well as some of the infrastructure installation is underway
and the Developer believes the project should be completed in September or
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Today I took a picture and posted about the 2nd Broken
umbrella at the pickelball court which was due to the
umbrellas being left open overnight. This was the 3rd
post on Nextdoor asking for compliance.
The early pickelball players have often closed the
umbrellas left open on the nearby playground and
basketball court.
One of the replies was that not only she closes the
umbrellas she also has to pick up the trash and how
Hampton Lake has deteriorated in the last year. I am
sure that we do not want that spread on Nextdoor. Since
it is obvious certain individuals will not close the
umbrellas or clean up I am affraid the only way to solve
this problem is to have an employee check the grounds
at sundown and close the umbrellas.
Pictures and issues posted on Nextdoor never reach management. It would
be helpful to send these types of reports to one of the following team
members; GM Bryan Rhame brhame@hamptonlakeclub.com , Maintenance
Tech Avern Monteque amonteque@hamptonlakeclub.com or ARB Director
Gail Garbett ggarbett@hamptonlakeclub.com. It would also be helpful for
owners using the various amenities to make sure to leave the area as you
found it or better. We currently do not have team members assigned for this
type of oversight; we expect to increased staff presence as the new
amenities are constructed.
Who is responsible for maintaining the signs - with the
owner’s name, city/state residence, lot number - posted
on sold, undeveloped lots? There are signs in various
states of disrepair, mainly along Hampton Lake Drive
located between the South Gate and Sweet Marsh
Court. These eyesores either need to be repaired or
The signs are the responsibility of the lot owners. The ARB will look into
having the signs in good repair or removed.
The pool has been really warm lately (today the water
temp was 95). I know it’s hot out but I was wondering if
there is something wrong with it? Last year we don’t
remember it being the water being this hot?
The prolonged period of extremely hot weather is the cause of the pool water
being so warm.
Two questions regarding bicycle riding (rules and
1) With the heat, many people are out on our side walks
early (walkers, dog walkers, bicyclers) and the workment
are arriving in large vehicles. COuld you summarize the
bicycle rules? We bicycle and try to get off for
walkers/dogs, but it is often impossible with the heavy
traffic. ANd when we ride in the street, we are supposed
to ride WITH traffic (not against) but have had home
owners slow down, roll down windows and advise us to
get off the street.
2) When will the branches and overgrowth be cut back
to accommadate all that traffic on sidewalks? ANd who
has the right to cut branches of trees hanging over the
sidewalk from private front yards?
Thanks so much. Really, our sidewalks are one of the
greatest assets of our community.
Rule 4.13.10 states “Paved roadways and sidewalks should be used for
biking. Bikers must yield to pedestrians when using sidewalks.” Within
Hampton Lake, the rules of the road are to comply with all traffic laws. Traffic
laws require bikers to follow the same rules as vehicular traffic. Therefore, if
bikers use the street, they should ride with the traffic, not against it. As
bikers are permitted to ride either in the street or on the sidewalk, no one
should be telling bikers to get off the street. Our landscape contractor is
responsible for trimming trees along the sidewalks and common grounds
twice per year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall. Owners are allowed
to cut back limbs and vegetation on their private property.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Crystal Lake was shocked right before July 4. The lake
was beautifully clear and clean after that until July 20,
where algae and a bad water smell has then existed. I
know its been hot and the lake temp is high which
causes these issues. Will lake be shocked/treated again
soon? Shouldn't a higher rate of treatment occur in the
hot summer months? There are many children using the
lake in the summer months so parents are worried about
water safety/quality.
Crystal Lake has never been “shocked”. Crystal Lake is a manmade lake; it
is not a swimming pool with constant filtration and chlorination. Mother
Nature provides the water in the lake and it supports normal and healthy
aquatic growth. Crystal Lake is monitored weekly and twice per month is
treated with enzymes that help to reduce algae blooms. Our lake
maintenance contractor also applies a chemical that reduces the availability
of phosphorous, thereby reducing the aquatic growth that increases as a
result of the hot weather. Weekly testing of Crystal Lake shows that the
water meets or exceeds all DHEC safety standards. You can find the results
of these test on the member website under the Outdoor tab.
There have been multiple posts latelly on Nextdoor
concerning residents experiencing nails or screws in
their tires. I know that Hampton Lake has a “sweeper”
to try to pick up nails and screws from the roads. How
often does it sweep the streets? If residents notice nails
and screws on their street in between sweeps, should
these incidents be reported and if so, to whom?
Our landscape contractor currently has a utility vehicle with a magnet on the
front and rear, as well as a blower. These are operated on Hampton Lake
Drive and Hampton Lake Crossing daily; the side streets are done several
times a week. They also have a sweeper operating as needed to help
minimize the amount of debris in the roads. Contractors are required to
police the road near their construction site each day and several builders
have purchased magnets to help clean up their job sites. Members can
report nails and other construction debris to the General Manager and/or to
Gail Garbett. Please be specific about the location. Please identify if the
problem is clearly from a specific worksite or contractor. A photo is helpful.
On the lake between Fish Dancer and Waterview Court,
the bubblers in the water have not been turned on for
some time, is there a reason for this? Also, what is the
function of these bubblers?
The “bubblers” aerate the lake, helping to infuse oxygen which aids in
destratification of the water column and circulate the water. The circulation
and oxygenation helps improve the quality of water and fish habitat. We
have had both electrical and mechanical issues with the unit near Fish
Dancer. To date the electrical repairs have been completed and a part for
the compressor is ordered to have the unit fully operational. We expect this
to completed in the next week.
After reading the July 23,19 BOD minutes I was happy
to hear that a contract has been awarded on the road
infrastructure on HL drive.
HL GM, Bryan Rhame awarded a contract for $38,800
for road repairs to the area of between 142 and 152
Hampton Lake Dr. This work includes installing below
grade drainage improvements, road bed repairs, and
milling/asphalt paving this section of road
While Hampton Lake Drive is being paved, there will be
times when sections of the road will only be 1 lane with
flagmen controlling traffic.
This project is stated to be 6 to 8 weeks and since this is
a HOA budgeted project, residents experience should
be priority, here are my $38000 questions.
Why are we repairing the damage on HL drive before
the new gate entrance is operational?
Can this work be preformed on off traffic hours to
minimize traffic and member disruptions?
What is the communication plan for this project?
What action is being taken for HL security, first
responders acccess?
This Community Association project has been years in the making. It
requires coordination between four separate contractors, some of which do
not have full flexibility of schedules. The new front entrance and associated
new roads is a Developer project and the Community Association has no
control over its schedule for completion. There is an optimal temperature
recommended for asphalt repair and replacement, waiting until the fall could
potentially bring unfavorable conditions. Owners and emergency responders
will have access to the South Gate and will continue to have access to the
community through the front. Flag personnel would always prioritize
emergency vehicles through a construction site. When all of Hampton Lake
Drive and Hampton Lake Crossing were last paved we had a similar number
of homes under construction, and found we were able to adequately control
traffic without issue. It will require some patience on the part of owners and
contractors. We do not believe the inconvenience of having only one lane
available will be a lengthy one. The majority of the time will be spent on
drainage, preparation, and final repairs to the roadsides. While the contract
for paving has been issued, we are still working on the exact start date of the
drainage work. The drainage repairs and modifications are needed in
advance of any road work to mitigate future failures that we are currently
experiencing. Once we have a more exact schedule it will be communicated
to the community.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
One of the activities we enjoy here is going to the Tower
Bar and listening to music. It's usually someone singing
and playing the guitar. I believe it has only happened
once, maybe twice this summer. Is this something we
can have happen more often or is there a reason why
not? Thank you.
In regards to the Tower Bar music, we experienced some difficulty with
attendance last year, so for 2019, we scaled it back a little. The good news is
we are working on entertainment for August through November. As the
musicians are secured, we will be certain to advertise and get the word out.
We hope to see you there!
Parkside Track and Field … It was mentioned in an
earlier edition of Lakeviews but the problems still exist.
The open field at parkside remains soggy most of the
time despite the prior answer that the landscapers would
cut back on irrigation now that the grass is established.
This leads into the next problem.
The track was a large investment for the community
however because of the irrigation/drainage issues there
are multiple areas of that track that are mushy with
water like a wet sponge. These areas are also stained
with mold/algae and very slippery. A potential liability for
the community when it's been brought to the attention to
management by homeowners.
Not to mention that the capital investment was made
only for it not to have been done correctly.
The developer continues to work on Parkside Track and Field; the area was
closed this past week in order to address the problem. As this is a newly
developed amenity, members are asked to be patient as the developer
works on it.
A question and recommendation. Question - Re our Old
Miller Rd automated gate, why does the outbound gate
need to be activated by a transponder sticker? Were a
transponder sticker not required for exiting, as is the
case with the outbound automated gates of other
developments, guests and vendors could have an
expedited way of exiting. Recommendation - When the
forthcoming new gate becomes 24/7 staffed and our
current main gate will have some unstaffed/automated
hours, the exit side should not require a transponder
sticker and at some point neither should the exit side of
our Older Miller Rd gate.
The South Gate on Old Miller Road was designed to be a member’s only
gate. The rationale behind keeping it as such is twofold. Having all
construction traffic exit through the front gate is viewed as a deterrent for
anyone taking supplies from construction sites and being able to exit without
any personnel present. This is accomplished by having someone drive all
the way through the community and exiting a gate that is manned 24 hours
per day. With the number of potential vehicles exiting through the South
Gate, it would add additional expense and undo wear and tear on
Another storm and the south gate is down again. I am
sure Custom Security will again blame a lightening
strike. The south gate must be the most likely spot in
the world for a lightening strike. There is obviously an
issue with wiring, breaks in insulation on cables, or it is
just plain junk. As hampton lake prepares to install more
bar gates, I certainly hope we are looking at another
source. Custom Security has failed drastically at
maintaining this gate. The current main gate cannot
deal with 100 percent of the traffic so something needs
to be done with this gate immediately. When residents
are unaware of the broken gate they are detoured 6
miles to get back to the main gate.
Several members submitted questions and comments about the South Gate;
here is a summary that addresses those questions:
The South Gate has experienced several outages due to lightning strikes.
Despite the old saying that lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice,
storm experts have documented many examples proving that this is a myth.
Due to the concentration of underground electronics in the vicinity of the
South Gate (in addition to our own gate, Hampton Hall and Rose Dhu also
have electronic gates nearby) the area is susceptible to power surges.
Although there are multiple surge protectors employed for our gate, they are
not foolproof.
A number of efforts are underway to mitigate the problem, including:
• Grounding mechanisms will be placed in the tall trees surrounding the gate
to help protect the electronics.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
• We will begin stocking parts so that repairs can be made more quickly,
rather than waiting for our vendor to place an order.
• We are researching other providers. Unfortunately, the lack of local
providers (most are in Charleston or Savannah) does not alleviate the
concern about response time and rapid repair.
• In the coming months, our new gate will become operational. This will
provide an additional ingress and egress site, manned 24 hours and also
with a member-only automated transponder lane.
Replacing the bar code with another system, such as a card reader, has
been suggested. However, it is too easy for cards to be lost or shared,
which creates an additional security problem. Having the bar code affixed to
members’ cars is the most secure option.
Also related to storms, members have asked why the pool gets cloudy after
a storm. Here is a summary that addresses that question:
We have had several days in which the water clarity has not met our
expectations. There are many variables creating various challenges
maintaining water clarity to the level preferred, particularly following recent
heavy rains. Pool water becomes cloudy when large numbers of tiny
particles of matter are introduced into the water. These particles reflect back
light thereby resulting in the appearance of a cloudy swimming pool. The
particles themselves can come from any number of sources:
These sources include, but are not limited to:
• Human Sources – sunscreen oils/lotions, skin proteins, body oils,
perspiration, deodorant, bodily fluids.
• Environmental Sources – algae, pollen, leaf mold, dust, fine sand.
• Chemical Sources – calcium carbonate, calcium hypochlorite.
Here are the various actions we have taken to maintain our Lazy River pool
to the best water clarity level possible and to address the various sources
mentioned above:
1. We have our pool contractor here every day, most days multiple times.
He keeps chlorine levels near the maximum allowed by SC DHEC.
2. We have resurfaced the entire pool to improve the surface (eliminate
porous imperfections that make cleaning mold and algae more difficult)
3. Improved the landscaping in the islands to reduce the plant material. This
also added more space for water to prevent overflow into the pool.
4. Purchased and installed an electric pump to accelerate the drainage
around the pool.
5. Very recently, we installed a new state of the art filtration system and have
a new computerized chlorine monitoring system which went into operation
on July 4th.
6. The final improvement project to be completed prior to next season will be
to have all of the stonework and coping around the pool refurbished and
sealed. This will more than likely be scheduled next year.
These mitigation steps will help to address the contributing particles
originating from Environmental and Chemical Sources, such as nutrients
from the landscaped islands in the pool, the quality of the water from
BJWSA, the filtration system, the chlorine levels, the condition of the pool
surface areas, the condition of the pool surround, and the runoff from the
surrounding pool deck.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I know the following 2 issues are questioned often but
they persist.
Every time we have a storm, and it doesn’t have to be
severe, we lose our back gate and our pools get cloudy.
How often do these unacceptable consequences have
to occur before we address the capabilities of the gate
and the pool maintenance person. Have we considered
replacing either?
Answer published 8/18/19, appears on page 166.
The unreliability of the back gates is a significant
nuisance for the HL residents who use the rear entrance
as a primary exit and entrance. Surely, every
automated gate with a bar code reader in Bluffton
doesn’t go down with nearly every significant storm.
Also, for months, the outbound gate has not opened 90
degrees and operates very slowly. At some point, we
have to acknowledge that the band aid approach isn’t
working and commit to a long term fix. Please share the
plan to remediate the problem for good.
Answer published 8/18/19, appears on page 166.
Once again the back gate is out of commission as a
result of a storm. This seems to be a regular
occurrence. Will the new entrance off Bluffton Parkway,
which is currently under construction, employ technology
that will better withstand the effects of a storm? It's one
thing for a secondary entrance to be disabled, but quite
another if it happens at what will become the main
entrance to the community for residents, which, I
understand, will utilize some type of gate.
Answer published 8/18/19, appears on page 166.
Hudson &
Back gate... seems every storm there’s an issue with a
‘lighting’ claim. If these gates gate hit this many time we
should all be playing the lottery. Should we expect the
same issues in the new gate being built? Family have
lived in another local gated community for 6 years &
have never had a gate issue... seems crazy to expect it
out with nearly every major storm. Please advise.
Answer published 8/18/19, appears on page 166.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
SOUTH (Back) Gate
Can you please address to the homeowners as to why
the back gate continuously seems to be "broken" every
time there is a significant storm. There has to be a better
solution other than investing time and money for
recurring problems. Perhaps it is time to look at some
more modern technology other our current bar scanners.
Other communities don't seem to be having this
This also places extra work on security answering the
intercom to let residents in as well as major
inconvenience to those of us who use this gate to/from
work etc. and have to use the front gate adding extra
commute time.
Please explain to us all.
Answer published 8/18/19, appears on page 166.
Additionally what type of automated gate system is
planned for the New entrance and what will be required
of residents
Answer published 8/18/19, appears on page 166.
My question is the same as the one I posed last week. I
did not receive a response and it was not posted in the
Is anyone able to give concrete reasons as to why we
don’t install a new back gate and hire a new pool
maintenance person ?
I am at the adult pool and it is once again green. There
has been no rain.
I am still driving 3 miles to the front gate when I want to
be on May River road.
I pay for these amenities. I don’t expect that they should
be regularly unavailable.
Thank you
Answer published 8/18/19, appears on page 166.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Would the Board please consider removing the bar code
scanner for the back gate exit so anyone within the
community can choose to drive out that way?
I've visited with Katherine about this concern. As far I as
I can see, there is little/no security benefit to forcing
guests and contractors out the front gate once they've
gone through the proper channels to enter the
community. Does the front gate staff ever stop
someone from exiting the community? Seems unlikely.
It's already inconvenient for many guests to have to
enter Hampton Lake's front entrance, but let's allow all
guests to exit the back gate if they choose. This would
be consistent with what I've observed in every other
gated community I've visited in Bluffton during my two
years here.
Answer published 8/18/19, appears on page 166.
Rumor has been confirmed that Pratt wants to donate
land behind Phase 3 to Bluffton to build ball fields. Must
be a land swap deal but whatever. Full disclosure to
Castaway tire kickers looking at new homes & current
HL residents is required. When is the HL meeting to
reveal this Pratt planning?
It appears you are referring to the 53 acre conservation easement that
borders Hampton Lake’s northern Sandhill development. This property is
owned by Sandlapper Hill LLC and the North American Land Trust holds the
conservation easement that is attached to the property. It is separate from
Hampton Lake. Sandlapper Hill LLC is in the process of conveying the
property to Beaufort County for the development of a public park, which the
County Council approved on March 25, 2019. There will be a fence or some
other type of barrier between the park and our Hampton Lake community.
The Hampton Lake Developer has no say in what will ultimately be on this
property; the County must have North American Land Trust approve any
plans for a park. This has been discussed during the Q&A after several
Board of Directors meetings, please see the minutes from March 2019,
February 2019, November 2018, and August 2018. There are restrictive
covenants for this property, which have been posted on the HLCA web site
for members to review, under the “BOD Other Resources” tab. Members
can read additional information here; this document will also be posted on
the HLCA website.
After reading all the reasons and excuses for our gate
and pools. The question remains why are other
communities not having the same problem with the gate
and pool. I would think we have the resources to make
them right is is scary that someone is suggesting that
kids do not put on sun screen before going in the pool,
should I hold them under water as well. Stop the excuse
and fix or replace seem to be the simple answer.
The answer to the previous listed several factors that contribute to outages
at the south gate and clouding in the pool and outlined the efforts that
management has taken to address these issues. There has been visible
improvement in the clarity of the Lazy River pool after the equipment
replacement and infrastructure modifications that were listed in the previous
answer. These fixes include new filters, new automatic chemical injection
system, landscape and drainage modifications . We would like to thank the
members who are showering before entering the pool as mandated by
DHEC and for all those that follow sun screen application directions on the
product by applying several minutes before entering the water, which make
the sun screen more effective and prevents the majority from ending up in
the pool. We also listed the measures we are investigating to make the
lightning events less likely to interrupt our bar code reader. These
measures, including better surge suppression and grounding, are being put
in place to fix the problem.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
My question concerns the pickle ball courts. I was
wondering if a permanent structure ( for shade ) could
be erected over the existing concrete slabs adjacent to
the courts. My reasoning is purely economical. Instead
of repairing or trying to replace the existing umbrellas
due to negligence or storm damage, it makes sense to
spend the money and forget about ! I would appreciate
your response. Thank you, Dennis DiCarmine.
There are no immediate plans to add any structures to the newly developed
area. We will evaluate and formulate plans once the developer has finished
the entire amenity. The current umbrellas have a lifetime warranty and have
not cost the community association funds. We will work with the vendor to
try and improve the response time on the damaged parts and repairs.
The City of Bluffton for Planned Communities requires
that there be 50 feet buffer of trees from the Road. It
seems that the new entrance is wide open to the
Bluffton Parkway. It is surprising how exposed the
community is and how many trees have been removed
and a sand hill buffer put in its place.
Will the trees be replaced. How has this passed the City
of Bluffton community standards?
Since your question is about new development, it was referred to the
developer. According to the developer, the buffer requirement only applies
to any community where it borders a property outside of the Buckwalter
Planned Unit Develoment (PUD). For example, the homes on Driftwood
Court that back up to the property line of May River Preserve have a 50'
buffer as May River Preserve is not in the Buckwalter PUD, but the homes in
the phase 3 Hampton Lake expansion that back up to Lawton Station do not
have a buffer, as Lawton Station is in the PUD. Additionally, the commercial
property you are referring to around the gate is within the approved Hampton
Lake master plan, again not requiring a buffer. The sand hill you are
referring to is not a buffer at all; it is a temporary sand storage pile located on
part of the commercial property, which will have buildings in the future.
First off I would like to thank you for your response to my
question about creating more shade for the pickleball
Are we ever going to prohibit throwing of footballs or any
objects across the length or width of the pool while
people of all ages including young mothers with their
babies are in the water. It’s an accident waiting to
happen. When it happens, who will the victim sue, the
homeowners or the culprit? The pool attendant said it
was allowed. Is this true?
Thank you.
The following rule would be applicable for throwing footballs in a possibly
dangerous manner, as well as other disruptive activities: 4.1.20. Horseplay,
profanity, disruptive conduct, diving, and smoking in the pool, pool deck area
or the beach are strictly prohibited. While throwing a football in itself is not
against the rules, the number of people in the pool and/or tossing it in a
manner that can potentially hit someone is certainly against the rules. The
pool monitor position continues to be a challenge; the hours in the heat
makes it hard to fill. Members are encouraged to make immediate
notification to management, or ask the attendant to notify management when
it appears that rules are not being enforced properly. Immediate notification
will enable the management team to address issues in a productive manner.
We recommend contacting different members of the staff depending on the
time of day. Please contact Robin O’Neil or another member of the
supervisory staff during BWB’s hours of operation. Contact security if BWB
is not open.
Several years ago I asked about Pavers as a walk way
to Tennis Court 1. We were reassured we would get
some very soon. That did not happen. So I’m back
again asking when will we get pavers by Court 1 so we
do not have to wade through mud and soaking wet
grass? The water situation for all Tennis Court entries is
very wet. What can be done to reduce these wet areas.
Due to some concerns of pavers making the drainage situation worse, the
project was delayed. Now that the construction of the 4th court is complete
our landscape contractor is working on a plan to change the landscape area
next to court #1 and incorporate the stepping stones into this new area while
also adding a catch basin for excess water. This should prevent the
walkway from adversely impacting what other drainage is in this area. They
are also working to balance the necessary court irrigation with the turf
irrigation to better control the wet areas around all four courts.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
For those of us who live on preserve lots, can you
advise as to who is responsible (if there is a program)
for removal of debris and dead trees from a fire
prevention perspective. Also, the number of dead and
dying native holly trees continues. Is there a plan in
place to take these trees down and remove them?
Thanks for responding.
The Community Association is responsible for all common areas including
the preserves (protected wetlands). Our policy is to be as minimally invasive
as possible in these areas, trees posing a threat to homes and dead or
diseased trees are dropped to prevent the spread. The process of removing
trees in the preserves is both expensive and damaging to the natural areas.
For these reasons they are typically left to nature. If there is concern
regarding a particular dead or diseased tree, please contact the ARB. The
tree contractor and/or an Arborist will check the tree or trees and
recommend the appropriate action.
This is a 2-part question. For the first part, I read in the
current Lake Views the reminder that homeowners are
required to have their hurricane shutters removed 3-
days following the storm. I'd like to know why the
Community Association doesn't hold itself to the same
standard with respect to clean up of storm debris? I'm
anticipating your response to be that landscaping crews
are backlogged but are in the process of cleaning up as
time permits. By the same token, many homeowners
require assistance to remove the storm shutters and
these companies are backlogged as well. Why aren't
homeowners given the same leeway as the Community
For the second part, why isn't all of the community
property around the retention pond between Quarter
Casting and Castaway Drive being mowed? The
Quarter Casting side has been mowed but the Castaway
Drive side has not. Since this is community property,
shouldn't it be maintained in the same manner as other
community property?
The ARB Guidelines do require storm shutters to be removed 3 days after
reentry is allowed; however, the ARB will work with residents with
extenuating circumstances. The ARB also takes into account the severity of
the storm. For example, after Matthew, 14 days were allowed. The
community association does have high standards for storm preparation and
putting things back together afterwards. In the case of Dorian, all amenities,
including Lakeside and Parkside buildings, pools, porches, beaches, tennis
courts, pickleball courts, playgrounds and Tower Bar were secured and
organized on Tuesday. The entire community was back to normal on Friday,
except for the court windscreens, which were in place on Saturday. The
ARB did not dictate how quickly the owners had to remove all storm debris.
However, Hampton Lake’s main loop road was cleared on Friday; all side
streets were cleared by Tuesday to coordinate with the street side mowing in
order to avoid an additional labor charge.
I don't know what the master plan for landscaping is in
the area of the new amenities center and past Crystal
Lake on Flatwater Drive, but it's very barren. There are
several large patches of dirt that spill onto the street
when it rains. The houses on the right side of Flatwater
leading up to the circle at Lake Point are all nearly
finished as are the ones down the right side on
Castaway towards Sandlapper. I'd like to see more
landscaping. If you want people to show interest in
phase 11, I think the area leading up to it needs
improvement. I'd like to see more trees on the inside of
the sidewalk (trackside) along Flatwater.
This area is still under development. The construction of the new pool, Barn,
and extension of the parking lot is scheduled to start in the fall. Landscaping
will be completed after the construction.
Originally we were told that the two sections of Flatwater
Drive would join. Is this still the case?
The developer responded to this question: Yes, The completion of Phase 9
will bring Flatwater into a full loop. We are scheduled for a March
completion of the road.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Recently, there has been discussion regarding a
potential development between Hampton Lake and
Lawton Station that would entail a major "active"
ballpark. Has there been any environmental
assessment of such a development especially
considering the potential for deposition of sediment to
the lakes?
The discussion you are referring to appears to have been generated by an
article recently published in one of the local magazines. Our understanding
is that the article about an active park contained many inaccuracies.
According to information published by one of the Beaufort County
councilmen, no plans have been submitted to the town or the county for this
type of development, nor is there any funding approved. According to the
Councilman, “It is , or was, merely a ‘conceptualized idea’.” Moreover,
HLCA is not involved in the development of this parcel. It would be up to
Beaufort County and the Town of Bluffton to ensure proper procedures are
followed including required environmental impact reviews and sediment
control during construction and design of storm water runoff. Members who
are concerned about this property outside our gates are encouraged to
contact the town and county to air your concerns.
At a earlier meeting, we were told the current mail kiosk
would be paved when the new access road was paved
approximately May 2019. This has passed by even
though the roadway is paved. At the last meeting, it was
very hard to hear exactly what was said but based on
the meeting minutes, it appears the "plan" is to again
delay the paving at the current kiosk until the pool at
Crystal Lake is completed and no date is set. Further,
the new mail kiosk which is not in use will be paved with
the completion of the new access and that is imminent.
Please respond as to the logic of not paving the area
that has been in use for over a year AFTER the new
one. Also provide an update on the new pool date.
Lastly, PLEASE ask the speakers to use the microphone
all the time during the meeting. It is a large room and
they may think they speak loudly but they are not trained
speakers and every time they turn the head even just a
bit, the speech is lost and it is difficult to understand
The mail kiosk was discussed at the Board of Directors meeting on March
19. The minutes of that meeting state “Paving of the mail center parking will
happen in conjunction with the expansion of the Parkside Amenity Center
parking lot which will extend to the mail center. This work will be part of the
construction of the new pool and Barn.” At the most recent Board of
Directors meeting on September 23, the developer stated that the
construction of the new pool and barn will begin this fall, with a completion
targeted for July 2020. The completion of the paving of the original mail kiosk
is tied to the completion of the pool and barn because the Parkside parking
lot will be extended at that time and connected to the kiosk parking area.
The current parking area is temporary. Thank you for the suggestion about
using the microphone.
At the entrance turn-about consider an arrow signage
HAMPTON LAKE. Now that the apartments are up and
inhabited our guests are not sure which way to go-
unfortunately the gate house is not visible from this area.
A sign has been recently added to the entry circle with an arrow directing
traffic to the Hampton Lake gate.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Many residents have golf carts that they take to the
amenity center. Wouldn't it be a better use of parking
space to designate some spaces for golf cart parking
only. You can fit two carts in one parking space. Now
when a golf cart owner parks, they take up one whole
automobile parking spot.
When we had the parking lot repaved we examined the potential of having
parking spots designated for golf carts. Unfortunately, it turned out that the
way the spacing is, there wasn’t any benefit to do this. However, once
complete the Parkside Amenity parking lot will have some spaces
designated for golf carts.
Will you please tell me how many parking spaces we will
have in the phase 3 barn/pool/sports area when the
amenities are complete? I was at the BOD meeting
where it was said the barn can accommodate 264
people at round tables. Please assure us there will be
sufficient parking also.
Thank you.
The developer reports that there will be approximately 125 parking spots
when the parking lot is completed, with an additional 30 spots on the street.
What measures are in place to prevent unauthorized
individuals from entering the community through the
construction area for the new entrance off of Bluffton
We have been informed by the Developer that during the construction of the
new gate there will be temporary fencing used. A new gate has been
installed to aid Security and patrols have been stepped up. However, for
next couple of weeks until the permanent fencing is installed, members are
encouraged to be vigilant and not hesitate to report anything of concern to
There is a rumor floating around that the Pickleball
courts will be closed during the construction of the Barn.
Is there any truth to that?
Thank you
Pickle ball players will be pleased to know that the courts will not be closed
during the construction of the Barn. Access to the area may be altered, but
the courts will remain open.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The VibroGym machine has been out-of-order for 4
months now. I’ve been told three months ago that They
are trying to locate a replacement part.
I think it may be time to move to Plan B... possibly
replace Greg entire machine.
This particular machine is very useful in helping with
osteoporosis and other neurological issues (nerve
damage). My physical therapist had me using the
VibroGym as treatment. I know others are regular users
as well.
Can you please fix/replace the VibroGym soon? Please
provide an update on getting this fixed/replaced.
If the company that makes the VibroGym is no longer in
business, then it’s unlikely a replacement part is
available. If you cannot locate a replacement in 4
months, it’s likely not going to become available.
Please provide an update.
Thank you.
The new VibroGym was delivered and installed this week.
A summary of the security plans for the Hampton Lake
section near the new gate would be appreciated. Last
Sunday's incident, where numerous police cars and K9
units chased a suspect between houses in this area
pointed out the ease of which anyone can enter our
community from Bluffton Parkway. Builders have also
reported theft of wood and lighting fixtures from several
homes. With little more than mounds of dirt separating
Hampton Lake from Bluffton Parkway, what is being
done to secure this section of Hampton Lake both today
and in the future?
The fence in this area is scheduled to be completed in the next two weeks.
Currently there is also an increased frequency of patrols at the new
entrance. Once the new gatehouse with all infrastructure is completed, the
facility will be manned 24 hours 7 days per week. This entry will be
equipped with license plate identification as well as cameras.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Why is the the gatehouse (new-not open yet) so much
smaller..it should at least be the same size or even
bigger than the existing one.
The current gatehouse includes a supervisor’s office, which is not necessary
at the new gatehouse.
Is there a plan to add trees into the new section near the
gate that is being built? When you drive down Bluffton
Parkway, there is no privacy, no trees - Just a complete
view into the plantation. Personally, I think it looks
terrible. The first phase of HL is so beautiful with all the
trees and the new section is completely different. Has
the vision of the plantation changed?
The developer does have a landscape plan in place to begin once
construction is complete. For an architectural rendering of the area please
refer to the Developer Update under the BOD tab on the member website
dated March 29, 2018. The landscaping in the earlier phase has had the
opportunity to mature over the last 10-12 years.
As construction begins around Crystal Lake with the
barn, we are observing Tons of birds dive feeding on the
lake which is unusual as there are no fish. We also see
the aerators are off? Is the lake to be treated as usual
throughout the construction as well as the aerators to
run in order to keep clarity of lake?
Crystal Lake will be closed during construction and the water levels may be
lowered. Aerators are turned off on all the lakes during winter months, they
are scheduled to resume sometime in March. The regular maintenance
program will continue throughout the closure.
The road to the HL front gate off of Bluffton Parkway has
a median on the left followed by the circle. The median
has tall pink grass that obscures the view a vehicle
going to the front gate and entering the road and circle
has of a vehicle on the other side of the circle. If the
vehicle on the other side of the circle completely goes
around the circle, it would conflict with the vehicle
entering the circle going to the front gate. That is
dangerous. I suggest either cutting and keeping short
the tall pink grass or replacing the tall pink grass with
shorter plants.
Thank you for the observation, the landscape crew will look into the situation
and make necessary changes to insure driving conditions remain safe.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
HL roadways are very dark at night coupled with limited
street lighting. It would be very helpful to have a white
stripe painted down the center of the roadways (even
better with stripes at the curbside).
This could not be all that expensive and would benefit all
of us, especially those of us coping with macular
degeneration or other visual issues.
There are no current plans to stripe the roads inside the community, this is
something one of our advisory committees may research in the future. We
have installed reflectors on many of the more several curves to improve
I realize that we have discussed an AED at the pickelball
course before yet I feel compelled to offer a different
Last Sunday our Hampton Lake team hosted a group
from Long Cove in League play and a player from their
team asked me why we did not have one. I gave him the
explanation that we have been given at the board
meetings and I have not given it much thought after that.
He informed me that they recently saved a life at their
pickelball court and to save one life should be enough to
remove the obstacles to have an AED near where
individuals are playing pickelball and basketball as well
as swimming in the Lake. He just could not understand
why there was not an AED device near.
There are a number of AEDs in designated locations in our current amenity
buildings for easy access for emergency situations. With the new amenity
breaking ground, we are looking forward to the structure and pool
completion. Once this facility is available to us, and the AED can be
protected and monitored, it is our intention to purchase and install devices in
accessible and appropriate areas. In case of an emergency, please call 911
and then our security team, they have an AED in the patrol vehicle to offer
There was a comment this week about the ornamental
red grass at the main entrance in the median. That
grass looks great and gives done color and interest
during fall/winter. Once you get close to the intersection
the grass is replaced with lower plantings and does not
block the visibility when entering the main road. Please
do not trim back which would ruin the beauty of the
fall/winter landscaping.
The community association will look for ways to balance the landscape
designs while ensuring all types of vehicles have good visibility. Safety will
always be the top priority.
The 2020 HOA Budget projects $273,000 for new pool
and barn furnishings. I spent 30 years in the community
association industry and worked with many developers.
Standard practice was that developers paid for and
provided initial furnishings for amenities. Why is the
HOA paying for this standard developer expense? Did
the HOA pay for the initial furnishings with the previous
amenities such as the pool and fitness center?
All of the original amenities in phase 1&2 were furnished by the developer.
At the September 24 Board meeting, Pratt Reed explained the decision this
way: “I believe it is important to note at this time, that the cost of this final
amenity (i.e. pool and barn) will push our total amenity spend to
approximately $5 million, which is about $1.5 million over what John Reed
originally committed for the Hampton Lake expansion. This amount is based
on putting $7,000 of each developer lot sale towards the amenities. With the
expansion now only adding approximately 500 lots, the total commitment
would be $3.5 million. The decision to move forward with such a large
overage amount, has been thoughtfully and prayerfully considered for the
past few months. In short, the conclusion to move forward with the build was
made for three important reasons: First, it is for the long-term health and
real estate valuation of the community. Second, we believe it will help
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
maintain the current sales pace and accelerate the community turnover.
And lastly, which ended up being the biggest reason for us to make this
decision, we feel it is the right thing to do, which is an important part of our
core values at Reed Group. Our hope is to be ready to put a shovel in the
ground in early November, with a mid-July completion”. In summary, $1.5
million above the Developer’s promised amenity budget was the limit of the
developer’s commitment and it fell to the community to provide the
furnishings for our planned usage.
A segment of Hampton Lake Drive (close to the Dry
Dock) was recently paved. Is the work on this section
complete? I ask this because there are at least two
major dips in that section of the road that was paved. Is
anything planned to eliminate these dips?
Joe Franklin
While there are other road and concrete repairs to be completed, this section
has been repaired to specification. The dips at the storm drains are part of
the design and are to prevent any standing water in an area where elevation
and water table created challenges.
Particularly in some of the newer areas of Hampton
Lake there is quite a bit of erosion where no bulkhead or
docks are present. We see areas where yards near the
water are sinking, lots of lake side erosion, areas where
there is silting in of the lake.
Is there a rule or requirement in any area of Hampton
Lake requiring bulkheads to be built when homes on the
water are built?
If so, why is this not being enforced?
If this is not a requirement, shouldn't it be? This issue is
a big concern for many Hampton Lake residents.
There is no rule requiring owners to build bulkheads. The lake covenants do
say “Each property owner whose property abuts, adjoins or touches the lake
shall maintain its property and the lake bank to water’s edge in a manner
consistent with and similar to the maintenance of common property of HL
Association. Said maintenance shall include, without limitation, landscaping
of the lake banks and addressing erosion control issues.” The ARB’s
current policy when owners apply to build a boat slip, is to require the
structure to extend from property line to property line.
While such structures may be necessary for lots with a lengthy steep slope
to the water, they are not necessarily the best option for all lots. Bulkheads
can have potentially adverse effects. While bulkheads serve their purpose to
slow erosion on the lots where they are built, they can cause a domino effect
increasing erosion in other areas. The hard surface of the bulkhead reflects
wave energy instead of dissipating or absorbing it, causing residual waves
that often increase erosion in neighboring areas. We have seen this occur in
some of the narrower channels and on lots or common areas adjacent or
across from bulkheads. It may appear that requiring bulkheads on every lot
and throughout all the common areas of the lake would be a solution to
erosion, however, the increased wave reflection caused by the presence of
the bulkhead can result in an increased re-suspension of silt in the water in
front of the bulkhead. Additionally, a bulkhead completely surrounding the
lake would not be aesthetically pleasing, especially to those who value the
natural look of the lake, and it would offer limited opportunity for vegetation
and wildlife, leaving an ultimately sterile habitat. That being said, erosion is
a concern and a vital issue requiring vigilance of all homeowners and
management. Owners of lots or homes on the lake are required to mitigate
erosion, and one beneficial option is the use of aquatic plants. In the coming
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
months, the Grounds & Facilities Committee will be producing a lake report,
similar to the roads report and the trails report, to help identify areas of
1. Consider putting an ATM in or around BWB or the
Tackle Box (with a reasonable) fee.
2. Please re-emphasize the HL directory in the weekly
newsletter. If it was fully populated it would be much
easier to locate members, their addresses and interests.
We’ve looked for people several times with mixed
Since cash is not accepted at Backwater Bill’s or the Tackle Box, an ATM is
not needed within Hampton Lake. Members can use their member account
or a credit card to make purchases. The directory on the Hampton Lake
website is fully populated; every member is listed with at least a name and
address. Any other information that appears on the directory is based on the
member’s preferences and many members choose not to include additional
An Apple update came out early last week which resolved the problem with
IPads, Macs and IPhones. Members who have installed the new update, IOS
13.3, have reported they can now open the links.
For those of us who are not yet full time residents, could
you please post some photos of the improvements being
made at Crystal Lake.
Thank you for the suggestion, the community has several photo enthusiasts
that may be willing to supply us with occasional photos that could then be
posted in the weekly Community Update. At this time, there is little more
than foundation footings in the ground, surrounded by a protective fence.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Traffic violations in Hampton Lake. In our growing
community I am experiencing a number of violations in
my day to day activity. We as a community want to
comment on infractions however our largest is the
disregard of traffic rules. Yesterday I witnessed a near
head on at the bridge on Hampton Lake Crossing near
the coach homes park. A large truck passing a golf cart
almost colliding into another car. We frequently see
Lake Point residents not following the roundabout and
many people blowing through stop signs especially at
the Hampton Lake Crossing and Hampton Lake Dr near
the dog park. I would recommend reminders to both
residents and Hampton Lake employees to regard our
very important rules of the road.
We will continue to post reminders about rules of the road. Our security
team continues to be on the lookout for speeders and traffic infractions and
issues citations. Members who witness a violation should contact security
immediately with a description. We have several instances of security
catching up with the violators when they receive a prompt report.
1--What are specific rules regarding the type of golf cart
that is allowed in Hampton Lake?
2-Any updates on progress of Barn/pool as pace has
Happy New Year!
Members can access the golf cart rules and specifications via the HLCA
website, on the Security page, or by clicking here. The developer reported
at the November Board of Directors meeting that completion is scheduled for
July 2020. No further updates have been reported.
Is there going to be a storage area in the barn area for
Picklball equipment storage?
There is no equipment associated with pickleball that would require storage.
Pickleball players use their own paddles and balls. Members who want to try
pickleball before investing in their own equipment can sign out a paddle from
the Fitness Center.
We live on Lake Bluff Drive, and across the lake was a
pond that was connected to the main lake by a small
inlet. We had hoped that the Developer would open the
pond to the lake, but instead, the Developer appears to
be filling in the pond to create additional lots. We find
this ethically and environmentally unacceptable, as the
aquatic life in the pond is being smothered by tons of
dirt, and lots will be sold, which until recently were under
water. Additionally, the silt barriers / dams that the
Developer is placing on the lake as bulldozers push dirt
onto the banks, do little to stop sludge and mud from
washing into the lake, creating new sandbars and
shallowing out the lake. Who is monitoring this situation
and who will be responsible for dredging the lake when
all of this lot production is completed?
This question was forwarded to the developer, who responded that the site
referenced in the question was simply a sediment pond that was dug for
dewatering, it is not a natural pond or inlet and was not intended to become
part of the lake. This portion of the lake is still under active development. As
lake banks are being formed and shaped, the water will look cloudier and
foamier than normal, but this is no indication of sandbars forming or shallow
lake bottoms, simply just a sign of active development. There is a turbidity
curtain as well as other required erosion control measures in place. HL
Development personally hires third party geotechnical engineers to perform
weekly checks and inspections of all contractor efforts and erosion control
measures to ensure that everything is being done according to code.
Additionally, the Town of Bluffton performs random inspections of our site to
guarantee this as well.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Can more trees and plants be planted along the fence
on Castaway drive between HL and Lawton Station?
There are quite a few unsightly yards/structures from the
other neighborhood and it would add to the
beautification of HL.
The developer has not indicated any plans to add trees to that area.
Is it possible to have a hot tub at the new pool that is
being built or one in the fitness center that members can
have access to? Is there a reason why with all the
amenities that HL has, we do not have a hot tub?
During March and April of 2015, the developer sponsored a series of focus
groups to get member feedback on the conceptual plans for the phase 3
amenities and enhancements to the current amenity center. An outdoor hot
tub was one of the amenities the developer proposed in the initial conceptual
phase 3 amenity plans that were presented to members. The focus groups
revealed that a hot tub was not considered a priority by members.
Subsequent to the focus group meetings, all members were invited to
preview and comment on the conceptual plans. Given the lack of
enthusiasm for a Jacuzzi/hot tub, there are no plans to include an outdoor
hot tub. However, there is a hydrotherapy pool at the fitness center. While
not a hot tub, the hydrotherapy pool allows members to achieve the
therapeutic benefits of warm water (90-93 degrees) and hydrojets. The
hydrotherapy pool is designed for exercise and movement in the water; as
opposed to passive soaking.
What is the ARB’s policy/practice on acknowledging
closure of a cited compliance inspection violation that
the property owner has resolved and has informed the
ARB of such? In two different compliance inspections I
resolved cited compliance inspection violations and
informed the ARB of such, but received no
acknowledgement of violation closure.
Due to the number of compliance issues, we rely on members to notify us
that the issues cited have been completed via email, and then a re-
inspection is done by the ARB. For those members who have not
satisfactorily resolved their infractions, a second notice is sent out giving
them 10 days to complete. At that time another re-inspection is performed
and if not resolved, fines are issued. We do not send out notices or
acknowledgements of violation closure.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
South (Back) Gate Update. It is still Not working and
there have been NO Updates which equals bad news
and many unhappy homeowners,
The following update was issued on January 23:
As discussed at the most recent BOD Meeting on Jan 14th, we have had
several meetings with our gate contractor to better understand the recent
failures of our 10 year old back gate laser access reader. Over the last
several months, we have also researched other contractors and sought out
information to learn what other local communities are doing in regard to their
gates. Based on the information gathered and recommendations from our
own expert, the Board Owner Directors have agreed to proceed with several
changes that will improve the operation of our back gate.
Starting in the next few weeks we will be installing a new Radio-Frequency
Identification System (RFID). RFID uses electromagnetic fields to
automatically identify and track tags attached to vehicles. RFID is widely
used with toll roads. Instead of the bar code tags currently in use, members
will use an RFID tag attached to the members’ cars, typically on the inside of
the windshield. The RFID tags will respond to the RFID readers, which will
be installed at all Hampton Lake gates. The back gate will be the first with
this new system.
We will also be improving the power supply and grounding of the various
electronic devices embedded in the gate during the next few weeks.
In the time before the RFID system is installed, we will be temporarily
relocating the current bar code reader from the exit to the entry to minimize
inconvenience to members entering through the back gate. Additionally, we
will convert the back exit gate to an automatic process that does not require
any specific device for exiting. This is consistent with the plans for the front
gate during the times it is unmanned.
Once we receive the new RFID devices, more information will be
communicated, including dates and times for bar code sticker replacement
with RFID tags. We anticipate providing the first tag at no charge and
$17.00 each for additional tags.
Is there an estimate when Flatwater Drive will be
completed around the lake (i.e. near and around the
new gatehouse and entrance)?
Will we see further landscaping around the new
gatehouse and on the dirt mounds separating Bluffton
Parkway from the new homes in this section?
The developer reports that Flatwater Drive is complete near/around the new
gatehouse and entrance. The final phase of Flatwater will be completed by
the end of April. All currently planned landscape for the entrance/gatehouse
will be complete by the end of this month.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Harborview Court is a cul-de-sac that has a grass
feature in the middle of the circle at the end. There is a
broken pipe sticking up about a foot above the ground
with loose wires. I have two questions:
1) what is the pipe for and what is the plan for
completing it?
2) I'm told that such features as our grass feature will be
"finished" once the last house on the street is
completed. That will occur in the coming month or two
so what is the plan for that grassy feature in the middle
of the circle? Do residents of the street have input as to
what's placed there?
I'm assuming there are other Hampton Lake streets with
similar circumstances so I ask that my question be
posted community wide. Thanks.
Beginning with the budget year 2020, funds are budgeted for the
landscaping of four cul-de-sacs. The plan and funding calls for four streets
per year to be landscaped, until they are complete. The plants installed will
be consistent with other plantings in Hampton Lake and selected for low
maintenance needs and drought resistance. The 2020 plan includes Sweet
Pond Court, Sweet Marsh Court, Harborview Court and Lilly Dipper Court,
with work starting in the first half of the year.
It is my understanding that we have or will be
purchasing the parcel of land between the new,
unfinished apartment buildings and our back fence. If
that is so, when will the trailers be removed? I would
assume we will not be accomodating SEDA by storing
their equipment since they have refused to live up to
their commitments on landscaping and light pollution.
SEDA has one trailer parked on the access easement within the parcel
HLCA is in the process of purchasing. We are unaware of what
arrangements the current owner of the property has with SEDA, but that
information will be discovered as part of the purchase process.
We moved into HL in October and purchased 3 RFID
tags for our vehicles at a cost of $12/ each, now we are
being told we will have to purchase new tags at a cost of
$17/ each. This seems like an unfair expense and an
excessive charge for the new barcode readers. Who
decides on the fees and why is it not covered under our
dues and fees that we pay yearly?
Under the current system, all members were issued one barcode sticker at
no cost and were able to purchase additional tags for additional vehicles.
The current bar code stickers do not use RFID technology. As we move to
the new RFID system, members will be issued one RFID tag at no cost and
will be able to purchase additional tags for $17 each. The price of the tag is
based on what it costs to purchase the tags from the supplier; the RFID
technology is more expensive than the current technology, which we have
had difficulties with. We have always budgeted so that dues cover one tag,
members with multiple cars have always purchased additional tags.
Regardless of when each member originally purchased additional stickers
for the existing barcode reader technology, each member will be required to
purchase the new RFID replacement sticker.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Would you clarify your intentions on commerical traffic
and the front gates? It was recently indicated (not
officially) that 40% of the construction occurs in Phases
1 & 2, which would mean that 60% occurs in Phases 3+.
Also, it would seem obvious that most of the new
construction over the next 2-3 years will occur in Phases
3+. Long-term residents have had to cope with the
current front gate commerical traffic - a gate poorly
designed to what was to be 1800 property sites. Now
that we have a new front gate, which has the capability
for both commercial and residential traffic, it would seem
appropriate to move the commercial traffic to the new
gate. Although what may not be a shared opinion by all,
I would gladly live with a 24/7 electronic gate. This
solution would keep most of the heavy construction
traffic off the older roads, allow construction vehicles to
follow the most direct route, and save substantial costs -
not having to man the current front gate.
Once the new gate is open our current gate will be staffed 7 am to 7 pm six
days a week to coincide with construction hours. The reason for this is that
approximately 40% of homes currently under construction are in phase 1&2;
therefore, having both gates open to contractors will minimize construction
traffic through the community as we expect contractors to take the shortest
route to their work site. Requiring all construction traffic to go through the
new gate would mean that a significant number of trucks would be travelling
a longer distance on our roads. Phase 1&2 still has 113 vacant lots,
including 8 lots on Fording Court which is just inside the current gate.
Allowing construction traffic to follow the shortest route within the community
lessens the overall impact. If conditions warrant a change in the future, it will
be considered at that time. .
I have a concern with using the cardio equipment.
Several of us have requested that a 30-minute time limit
be implemented on the cardio machines. There are only
two of most of the machines. Members are often on the
machines for 45 minutes to an hour or more. A sign was
posted asking people to limit their time on the machines.
Limit it TO WHAT? Most fitness centers that I have
used have 30-minute time limits. With more people living
here and using the fitness center, as well as machines
being out of commission at times leaving only one
machine available, I don't understanding the reasoning.
I have been told that it is only busy on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. Busy days are no different than
any other day of the week when several people need the
same machine. Coming at a different time is not
possible for some of us due to our schedules. Could
you explain why there is a reluctance at Hampton Lake
to implement time limits to make it easier for all of use to
use our facility.
There are various reasons why cardio machine usage is not restricted to 30
minutes. Enforcement of time limits is impossible for the staff and could lead
to member conflict. We are hesitant to establish rules for one type of
equipment over another. It is also difficult to set a limit that restricts all
owners, who may have differing cardio requirements. It’s preferable have all
owners be courteous of those waiting for a machine and limit their use to 30-
45 minutes without staff intervention. While we have had some comments
regarding limits, they have been small in number compared to those using
the machines. The good news is we have a new company that services the
machines and you should see a faster turnaround on repairs. We do provide
preventative maintenance, however it is difficult to predict when a part might
wear out. We have referred this issue to the Fitness & Recreation
Committee for their review and recommendation.
Are members of the Board of Advisors and various
committees covered under HLCA’s directors and officers
liability insurance policy?
Volunteers who are appointed to the Board of Advisors, the advisory
committees, and specific committees approved by management and the
Board of Directors are covered under HLCA’s director’s and officer liability
policy. Other committees who may form for ad hoc reasons are not covered.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Can you provide an update concerning HDTV service at
Backwater Bill’s? I’ve heard that there is a problem with
having enough space for receiver boxes but this doesn’t
seem to be unsolvable. A BWB staff member told me a
couple of months ago that something was in the works
with Hargray to upgrade us, but nothing has changed.
HD has been around since 1998. Can we finally make
this happen? Thanks for your response!
The Hargray agreement included upgrading the video component to HD.
This upgrade
occurred this past Monday. To date Hargray has accomplished installing
WIFI in our new Front
Gate, upgraded the WIFI in our current gate, improvements in the bandwidth
and speed at the
amenity center including fitness and the pool. Our IT team has some
modifications to the
existing equipment to complete the WIFI enhancements at the Lakeside
Amenity Center.
Will the fence around Hampton Lake be completed to tie
into the main gate? It currently ends in the woods behind
Fording Ct.
also, will pedestrians be able to walk in to Hampton
lake's main entrance? Or will the sidewalk itself be
gated/fenced off?
The fence is not planned to be tied into the current gate. The gate will be
staffed from 7 AM until 7 PM Monday through Saturday. The decision was
made to balance convenience with the security risks to allow owners on foot
or bike to enter and exit the community. This is very similar to the back gate
in which owners can access the community on foot and/or bike by
going through an access point around the gate. The infrastructure was put in
place to allow for a sidewalk gate if ever deemed necessary.
Kudos to those who cleaned, raked and took care of the
dog park! Was so great to see how immaculate it was!
Lots of new tennis balls, a couple of frisbees and a clean
place to take my dog! thank you!
No response was published, only the comment
Why are flagpoles (not attached to houses) not allowed
in Hampton Lake?
The decision to not allow individual flag poles was made in keeping with our
community wide standards. Having numerous flag poles throughout the
community was something the ARB was/is unwilling to approve.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Not sure if this question has been asked lately?
I am wondering if there are any plans to spruce/clean up
the Lakeview room in the near future?
This room gets a lot of use and the need for upkeep and
a refresh is evident.
For example:
- A very good cleaning-there is a strong grease smell
when you walk in. The ceiling tiles and vents need
cleaning. These types of issues cannot be addressed by
the weekly cleaning service
- New chairs and tables-many of the chairs are wobbly
or have broken. They could all be replaced with a more
stylish version.
Just wondering what if any the plans for this
improvement might be?
There are plans for improvements in the Lake View Room. We have
included in this year’s budget for new carpet and window treatment. A new
HVAC system is scheduled to be installed the first week of March, this will
help with the vents. The vents were cleaned last week. New chairs arrived
on Tuesday the 25th to replace the loose or broken chairs within the
warranty agreement.
I live on Fish Dancer Ct and the end of cul-de-sac has
never been landscaped. What, if any, is the plan for this
area? It also is the entrance to the Outpost so I think
landscaping would make it much more attractive. Thank
you. Carol
The plan is to complete landscaping as construction on the street is
completed. The plan and funding calls for four streets per year to be
landscaped, until they are all complete. The 2020 plan includes Sweet Pond
Court, Sweet Marsh Court, Harborview Court and Lilly Dipper Court, with
work starting in the first half of the year. Fish Dancer Court. still has an
empty lot at the entrance to the cul-de-sac; the landscaping would occur
after construction is complete.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
When are we going to stop the tossing/ throwing of
footballs, balls or any other object in the main pool . In
the past , I have come close twice by being hit .
Someone is going to get hurt and if that happens who
will they be able to sue? The community or the person
who threw the object ?
Throwing balls or other objects in a possibly dangerous manner, as well as
other disruptive activities, is prohibited by rule 4.1.20 in the HLCA Rules &
Regulations: “Horseplay, profanity, disruptive conduct, diving, and smoking
in the pool, pool deck area or the beach are strictly prohibited.” While
throwing a football in itself is not against the rules, the number of people in
the pool and/or tossing it in a manner that can potentially hit someone is
certainly against the rules. The pool monitor will be instructed to stop
behavior that is contrary to the rules. Members are encouraged to make
immediate notification to management, or ask the attendant to notify
management if it appears that rules are not being enforced properly.
Immediate notification will enable the management team to address issues
in a productive manner. For the coming season, we have increased the
supervision of the pool monitor to include Andrew Hodgins. Please contact
Andrew Hodgins, Robin O’Neil or another member of the supervisory staff
during BWB’s hours of operation. Contact security if BWB is not open.
Security concerns
I have noticed increased amount of non residents using
bicycles to access Hampton Lakes and are using
amenities by Crystal Lake
Didn’t see this until this new gate that is wide open for
everything and everyone to bike right it
I does not appear access to Hampton Lakes is as
secure with the addition of this unprotected gate
As I’ve seen bike riders accessing and then leaving
I know you’ll say call security
But the few times I called security in past
The response was delayed
I hardly see security visible on rounds
And it seems there rounds are too predictable.
What are we doing to properly identify bike riders are the
gates ????
Whenever you notice people who are not members or guests of members,
please call security and/or management immediately. As soon as the gate
under construction at our current entrance is completed and can be secured,
the new entrance will be manned 24 hours per day. Weather and metal
fabrication has delayed the project, however we hope to have it completed in
the next 6-7 weeks.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
If one enters Hampton Lake at Benton House and
follows the road around to the new entrance, I see a
fence preventing cars from entering from Bluffton
Parkway. However, it is 100% possible to drive one’s
car directly past the new gatehouse and into our newest
phase. How are we able to call Hampton Lake a gated
community when it is fully possible to enter without
passing EITHER security or the bar code reader at the
back gate? When will this be remedied?
The entrance is blocked by large pipes stretched across the road. Although
these pipes are sometimes moved to enable construction vehicles to enter,
the road should be blocked to prevent cars from entering and Security
routinely checks to make sure the pipes have been moved back into place. If
members see that the pipes are not in place at times when there is no active
construction, please call Security immediately. The use of these pipes as a
barrier is a temporary situation that will be remedied once the new gate is
After the special board meeting, there have been reports
that owners within Hampton Lake applied for and were
denied the ability to run for positions on the board. Can
someone validate whether any owners were, in fact,
denied the ability to run? Were any applications
submitted past the deadline and thereby rejected as is
being claimed by some? It would be appreciated if we
have an official response to put any rumors to bed.
The rumor is false. No applicant was denied the opportunity to run for a
position on the board of directors. The call for volunteers was published in
the Sunday Community update November 17, November 24-and December
1, with a deadline of December 6. There were four volunteers who
submitted their applications; each of the four were interviewed by the five
members of the nominating committee (Michael Crom, Chris England, Vallee
Bubak, Bill Camp, and Lisa Cotter.) All four volunteers were placed on the
ballot. One individual did express possible interest to a member of the
nominating committee after the nominations were submitted for the ballot,
but no additional applications were submitted, late or otherwise. No one was
denied the opportunity to run for a position on the Hampton Lake Board of
What is going to be the procedure to apply for the
developer to Hampton Lake transition committee?
Our governing documents state the following: “17.2 Conveyance of Common
(a) Before the conveyance of any improved Common Area to the Community
Association, the Declarant shall appoint a nominating committee, which shall
nominate members of the "Property Transfer Committee." Declarant has the
right to approve or disapprove any individual nominated.” Although the exact
application procedure has not yet been defined, at the appropriate time a
notice will go out to members identifying the application process required for
the members serving on the committee.
Apparently there are guidelines to control the risks of the
COVID-19 virus in swimming pools. It involves
adherence to minimum free chlorine residuals. Is the
staff aware of these guidelines, and do they intend to
adher to these standards when the pool opens?
Yes, staff and our pool contractor are well aware of the guidelines and
disinfection practice recommended to inactivate COVID-19 virus in
chlorinated drinking water and swimming pools. Regular testing and our
new electronic chemical application system ensures that the proper levels
are maintained.
In light of the current corona virus pandemic and the
CDC's request for social distancing, has any thought
been given to canceling or postponing the Annual
We are actively exploring options and considering all available alternatives.
In the meantime, it’s important that all members return the Directed Proxy as
soon as possible. This is necessary to ensure we have a quorum to conduct
business. Please return the Directed Proxy to reach the Hampton Lake
Community Association Secretary c/o Bryan Rhame, no later than March 25,
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Would you please update us on the status of the new
front entrance, the likely date of it opening as well as the
grading being done on the upper portion near Hampton
Lake Park? Thank you.
The construction of the new entrance is complete. It’s opening is contingent
on the completion of the upgrading being performed to the existing entrance.
As members using the existing manned entrance no doubt have noticed,
construction is underway to install a gate that can be opened and closed, as
opposed to the open lanes that are monitored 24/7 by Security. We are
awaiting the fabrication of the gate for the current entrance; and then we will
be in a position to operate both gates according to plan. Unfortunately, an
exact date can’t be predicted. Timelines for nearly everything have been
impacted by the effects of the Covid-19 outbreak. At the Annual Meeting on
March 26, Pratt Reed reported that development and construction is ongoing
with the final phase of homesites. According to Pratt: the initial lift of paving
has been done, we are finalizing the dry utilities and installing erosion
control. After this phase is complete, we will shift the development focus
towards the commercial site at the new entrance. Our current plan is to
finish the stormwater retention on this site and get the entire commercial site
graded out and pad ready for sale. At this time, we do not have any current
buyers or site plans in the works.
Due to the closure of the gym, courts, playgrounds, pool
deck, etc... Would this not be a good time for
management to inspect, clean and do some overdue
maintenance? As an example there has been dried
blood on court 2 of the pickleball courts for months, that
should have already been taken care of. It could
provide work to those that are not working - with some
gloves and disinfectant.
An inspection of the pickleball court didn’t reveal any obvious blood stain,
although there appeared to be a reddish brown spot that could easily be
perceived as dirt. If there was an incident that left blood on the pickleball
court, management should have been notified immediately. Our staff has
been assigned additional duties, including additional cleaning, and pressure
washing of the pool and Boathouse areas.
Can you please provide an update on what is being
planned for the area with the construction equipment by
the new entrance? There is a large graded area up on
top of the hill, backing up to the wooded area. Is this for
a new housing tract? Is it for the future ball park? It looks
as if there are plans for something to go in that location.
The governor's order is a very clear effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-
19. The order states, in part:
Section 1 A. The State of South Carolina must take additional proactive
action and implement further extraordinary measures to prepare for and
respond to the actual, ongoing, and evolving public health threat posed by
COVID-19, minimize the resulting strain on healthcare providers, and
otherwise respond to and mitigate the significant impacts associated with the
same. In furtherance of the foregoing, and to further promote and facilitate
the prompt implementation of effective “social distancing” practices,
additional action is necessary to ensure the health, safety, security, and
welfare of the people of the State of South Carolina.
Section 1 B. ... and activities shall be closed to non-employees and shall not
be open for access or use by the publicto include members, if access or
use is ordinarily restricted to or based on membership. Activities specifically
referenced include:
Recreational and athletic facilities and activities as follows:
(a) Fitness and exercise centers and commercial gyms
(b) Spas and public or commercial swimming pools
(c) Group exercise facilities, to include yoga, barre, and spin studios or
(d) Spectator sports
(e) Sports that involve interaction in close proximity to and within less than
six (6) feet of another person
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
(f) Activities that require the use of shared sporting apparatus and equipment
(g) Activities on commercial or public playground equipment
While we can't speak to the reasoning involved in the TLC decision, it would
be irresponsible for Hampton Lake to ask for an exception to an order
enacted to protect our health, safety, security, and welfare as well as the
lives of healthcare workers who are putting their own lives on the line each
time they are exposed to someone infected with the virus.
Hello! I would like to offer the suggestion of having one
night a week during the changed hours for Backwater
Bills be family style dinner night. As a working from
home parent while homeschooling children, grabbing a
meal from Backwater Bills for the entire family would be
a welcome relief (I am pretty sure I am not alone in
thinking this way). A simple entrée, vegetable/salad for a
family of 4, at a reasonable price, could be a huge hit
amongst working families. Is this something we could try
(even with Pizza and wings one night)? Thank you!
The developer reported the following at the Annual Meeting on March 26:
Development construction is ongoing with our final phase of home sites. The
initial lift of paving has been done, we are finalizing the dry utilities and
installing erosion control. After this phase is complete, we will shift the
development focus towards the commercial site at the new entrance. Our
current plan is to finish the storm water retention on this site and get the
entire commercial site graded out and pad ready for sale. At this time, we do
not have any current buyers or site plans in the works. It is our intention to
allow the berm at the front of the community to grow up naturally. With
respect to the berm at the end of Sand Lapper, that berm is on conservation
land which only allows natural buffers.
We are noticing that the aeration bubblers in our section
of the lake are not active. We saw several here in the
fall that were working so we know they exist here. Just
haven’t seen any sign of them working this spring so far.
We see other areas of the lake bubbling so felt we
needed to report this so it can be repaired.
After looking into the possibility of a family style service, it was determined
that we would not be able to offer this in addition to the individual take out
option which is currently serves so many. What we do try to offer are meals
on certain days that are both delicious and affordable. As always, the
children’s menu is very reasonably priced. Pizza would be extra stress on
the kitchen, as we are already working to capacity with very limited
resources. Wings is a possibility in the near future, provided we can get the
Rose Hill tennis club asked governor for exception to
keep tennis courts open and it was approved. Could we
ask to keep our courts open?
At this time, there are no plans for a sand volleyball court to be added to our
amenities. This may be something our Board of Advisors will take a look at
as a possibility for the future.
As the neighborhood expands, more families are moving
in and building homes. It is very apparent our
neighborhood has an increasing number of children and
teens. I am happy we have the space and amenities we
do to accommodate them. Many of the children in the
neighborhood are involved with indoor and sand court
volleyball. To my knowledge, the nearest sand courts
are on Hilton Head Island or in Beaufort. This may be
hard for some young kids and teens to access on their
own. Some other surrounding neighborhood
communities have a sand volleyball court in the
neighborhood. Does the community have any plans to
build a sand volleyball court in the near future?
At this time, there are no plans for a sand volleyball court to be added to our
amenities. This may be something our Board of Advisors will take a look at
as a possibility for the future.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What is the speed limit on Driftwood Ct? Is it possible to
have a speed limit sign posted on Driftwood Place like
our neighboring street, Sweet Marsh Ct?
As posted at the entrances to Hampton Lake, the speed limit on all streets
within Hampton Lake is 20 mph, unless posted otherwise. Therefore, the
speed limit for Driftwood Court is 20 mph. Since all side streets, with the
exception of Sweet Marsh and Fording Court, do not have a speed limit sign
indicating otherwise, they are by default already zoned at 20 mph. No speed
limit sign is planned for Driftwood Court or any other side streets.
Regarding HOA fees.....Since all the amenities are
closed, what portion of HOA fees will be refunded?
Our governing documents are very clear about how dues (assessments) are
calculated. The amount each unit pays is equally divided to cover all
operational costs of the community association. You can find this
information in the Community Charter Chapter 12.2(b) located on the my
Hampton Lake website under the BOD tab. The BOD and management are
taking action to control costs during this difficult time. Contractual reductions
have taken place where appropriate, services have been altered to reduce
the risk of spreading the virus and provide some safer alternatives including
the virtual group exercise classes and curbside food services. Therefore,
while we are reducing costs where we can and holding off on some
scheduled special projects, we are also incurring a reduction in revenues
that include ARB fees, Gatehouse fees, member events, private events and
liquor beer and wine sales. Until we fully understand impact of the COVID-
19 pandemic, there will be no adjustments in the dues structure.
Since all facilities have been closed except the
restaurant for pick up service I think all members should
have either greatly reduced HOA fees for the closed
period OR all wait staff and gym instructors; etc should
continue to be paid according to their normal week
schedule. I personally would prefer our regular staff and
trainers to continue receiving their standard pay as this
will help us keep our already trained personnel on
standby while they wait to start back on their full
Our governing documents are very clear about how dues (assessments) are
calculated. The amount each unit pays is equally divided to cover all
operational costs of the community association. You can find this
information in the Community Charter Chapter 12.2(b) located on the my
Hampton Lake website under the BOD tab. The BOD and management are
taking action to control costs during this difficult time. Contractual reductions
have taken place where appropriate, services have been altered to reduce
the risk of spreading the virus and provide some safer alternatives including
the virtual group exercise classes and curbside food services. Therefore,
while we are reducing costs where we can and holding off on some
scheduled special projects, we are also incurring a reduction in revenues
that include ARB fees, Gatehouse fees, member events, private events and
liquor beer and wine sales. Until we fully understand impact of the COVID-
19 pandemic, there will be no adjustments in the dues structure.
I live on Blue Trail Court. We have two circles on our
street that have no landscaping. A builder recently
cleared out spaces for 4 new homes so our street looks
naked. How can we find where we are on the
landscaping agenda?
The landscaping of cul-de-sacs will be scheduled once the majority of
houses on the street are completed. This is to prevent construction traffic
from causing any damage to the completed circles. Beginning with the
budget year 2020, funds are budgeted for the landscaping of four cul-de-
sacs. The plan and funding calls for four streets per year to be landscaped,
until they are complete. The plants installed will be consistent with other
plantings in Hampton Lake and selected for low maintenance needs and
drought resistance. The 2020 plan includes Sweet Pond Court, Sweet Marsh
Court, Harborview Court and Lilly Dipper Court, with work starting in the first
half of the year.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
On Earth Day my daughter did some cleaning up along
the entrance to Hampton Lake on Bluffton Parkway. I
noticed that the bankruptcy signage that we had ask
Reed to remove a while back still remains laying down in
the grass. He did have someone cut it down as we
asked at a meeting but left the sign. My daughter and I
were on our golf cart and not able to pick up debris that
large. Would someone be able to clear the sign?
The developer has located the signs and will work to get them cleaned up
next week.
HI! The street sign on Lilydipper/Quarter Casting was
broken, it was put back but is now several feet shorter -
is this temporary and will we have a new sign?
Also, Crystal lake has about 50 turtles living in it, is there
a plan to relocate them to the bigger lake? I feel badly
for these guys being stuck in Crystal lake.
Also, just a huge shout out to everyone that works at
Hampton Lake, thank you all so much for keeping us
safe during this time, it is greatly appreciated! Love
living here!
The street sign on Lilydipper and Quarter Casting has been repaired. The
integrity of the sign has been checked, so it will remain in place. A new sign
will be installed at some point in the future, but there are no immediate plans.
The turtles will be relocated prior to the reopening of Crystal Lake. They will
not be relocated to the main lake, but to another more suitable location.
I have noticed in the minutes that Fred Chitty is the
treasurer for the association. As you know Fred is not
an elected official and his name and title is reflected in
the minutes with the professional staff. When and by
whom was Fred appointed, is he being
compensated,and if compensated, by whom and how
I realize that Fred was the past President. With his
knowledge of the association we are fortunate to have
him serve and my question should not be perceived as
anything other than a request for transparency of the
As stated in Article 5.1 of the governing documents “The Community
Association’s officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and
Treasurer. The President and Secretary shall be elected from among the
Board members; other officers may, but need not, be Board members.”
Article 5.2 also states: “The Board shall elect the Community Association’s
officers at the first Board meeting following each annual meeting of the
Community Association, to serve until their successors are elected.”
Fred Chitty was elected Treasurer at the April 4, 2018 BOD meeting. He was
then re-elected at the most recent BOD meeting on April 7, 2020. This is
documented in the meeting minutes posted to the HLCA website. All Board
members and officers graciously volunteer their time and receive no
Once it’s decided to safely open the pool complex, will
there be any consideration of opening Crystal Lake prior
to completion of the pool and Barn? If not, is this project
on track to be completed in July?
At this time, it is not safe to have Crystal Lake open with the ongoing
Parkside Pool and Barn construction. Due to various factors surrounding the
Covid-19 Pandemic construction is progressing slower than anticipated. We
will continue to keep everyone updated on potential completion and or
openings as we have more information.
I wish to commend the Board for the new "In the Know"
column. Many members go about their business with
little time (or acute interest) in following the governance
of our community. In speaking to Board members and
attending meetings, I hear that they have worked on an
issue "for months". I would ask that this communication
vehicle be used to inform members regularly of the
projects underway, progress made, and obstacles
overcome. Again, thanks to the Board!
Thank you! The new ‘In the Know’ column will be included in the first Weekly
Update of each month and contain timely information on a wide range of
topics relevant to the community to help members stay informed.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Crystal Lake has been anything but Crystal. Animals,
muck, plants/grass in water, brown stained sand,
exposed piping/electrical lines going into lake. The
company in charge of treatment has never gotten ahead
of prevention of algae etc growth. They obviously must
increase treatment. Last week it was stated that the 50
turtles to be removed. My questions are: What is the
plan for Crystal Lake going forward? Draining lake to
clean bottom and new sand? More aggressive treatment
of growth? The same isn’t working.
Crystal Lake is currently closed for the construction of the Parkside Pool and
Barn. The aquatic growth that we are seeing has been identified as a type of
rush and it is scheduled to be treated next week. The answer to last week's
question stated that the turtles would be removed before the lake is re-
opened. Once we have more details about the completion of the pool and
barn construction, we will be able to develop an appropriate treatment plan
that will enable re-opening.
Since we are less than 2 months from 4 July and the
expected date announced for the new pool, will the new
pool be ready for use? Considering that this Spring has
been absolutely beautiful and construction has not been
stopped because of COVID-19, it appears there is little
to no progress on the pool or barn.
Unfortunately, the developer cannot provide an expected completion date for
the new pool and barn. Covid-19 and the associated travel restrictions, stay
at home orders, and social distancing have resulted in a slow-down of lot
sales and 30 - 90 day delays in closings on lots already sold. The developer
has always maintained that the completion of the amenities is tied to
revenue generated by lot sales; and the delays caused by Covid-19
pandemic are affecting those sales and closings.
You mentioned in your response to Chuck Emery last
week that Crystal Lake was closed for safety reasons
while the pool and barn were being constructed. Why is
unsafe to use the lake? The construction site is fenced.
What is the problem with picnicking by the tiki huts,
sunning yourself on your own chairs, floating in the
middle of the lake or paddle boarding around the lake?
The lake was closed way before the pandemic so that is
not the reason.
Gary Liskow raised the question about the overall
appearance of our Caribbean looking lake/mud hole.
Removing the turtles and treating for algae will not give
us the lake we were promised. It needs to be drained,
the bottom resurfaced and beach sand (not construction
fill) brought in. This should be done now while the lake is
closed not after the pool and barn are completed.
Since construction is going like gangbusters all around
Hampton Lake what are the excuses for the delays on
the pool and barn?
Covid hasn't stopped all other building.
It is our hope to open all the amenities, including Crystal Lake, as soon as
permitted and when they can be done in a safe and healthy manner.
Regarding Crystal Lake, there are two areas of concern; ongoing
construction and the Covid-19 pandemic. The developer reports that
construction equipment used around and within the Crystal Lake enclosure
makes it a construction area and therefore, in their opinion, unsafe to open.
This common area has not been turned over to HLCA, therefore, we have no
direct control over the access to the entire area. Additionally, although it has
been reported that Covid-19 is unlikely to be spread in chlorinated pool
water, Crystal Lake is not a pool and the water is not chlorinated.
Unfortunately, the developer cannot provide an expected completion date for
the new pool and barn. Covid-19 and the associated travel restrictions, stay
at home orders, and social distancing have resulted in a slow-down of lot
sales and 30 - 90 day delays in closings on lots already sold. The developer
has always maintained that the completion of the amenities is tied to
revenue generated by lot sales; and the delays caused by Covid-19
pandemic are affecting those sales and closings. As for the appearance of
Crystal Lake, the plan is to have all the necessary steps taken to improve the
ecological appearance and health of the lake completed in advance of the
reopening of the lake area so as not to delay the reopening.
Can we get an update on the back gate? It is now May
and it appears to be finished. It was supposed to be
finished in Sept/October timeframe, now we are 6-7
months past that date.
The opening of the new gate has taken longer than anyone would like.
Construction, including the road, guardhouse, and grading and landscaping
the areas alongside the road was performed by the developer. HLCA
needed the area to be nearly complete before the specs for the gate arm,
and hardware and software for security operations could be finalized.
Because the opening of the new entrance needs to be coordinated with the
completion of the existing entrance (adding an actual gate and security
hardware and software), many steps in the process were dependent on
other steps. Covid-19 travel restrictions and reduced workforces at some of
the vendors further confounded the delivery of the arm and other
components. We are getting close, but cannot yet provide a new date.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Will the upgrades to the existing front gate include
something to prevent people from walking/biking in to
HL when the gatehouse is not staffed?
There is no current plan to make any upgrades to the existing front gate to
prevent members from walking or biking into the community. This decision
was made to balance convenience with the security risks to allow owners on
foot or bike to enter and exit the community. This is very similar to the back
gate in which owners can access the community on foot and/or bike by going
through an access point around the gate. The infrastructure was put in place
to allow for a sidewalk gate if ever deemed necessary.
As the ARB goes thru Spring Compliance I ask that ARB
be sensitive to the fact that Home Owners may need to
go to a Home Depot or a Lowes to purchase items to
meet compliance. I was a Home Depot over the
weekend to buy supplies and was very surprised as to
how many customers were not wearing masks, gloves
and remotely concerned about social distancing. This
was mostly in the garden area and people were perhaps
at best 2 ft away from each when at the cash register. I
decided to go to the front entrance and found that
customers were more socially distanced from each
other. I fear that these areas will become COVID
Your concern is perfectly understandable. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic,
the Spring inspections will be delayed. However, delayed inspections doesn't
mean that ARB standards are suspended. Therefore, members are still
required to maintain the standards.
Regarding the new entrance sign.. it is concerning that
the sign has a small hampton lake logo and then blank
space with 6 rectangular raised areas.. what is going
The sign outside the new entrance on Bluffton Parkway was designed to
include six rectangular spaces for the names of the businesses that will
eventually occupy the commercial space to the right of the entrance road.
The road leading from Bluffton Parkway to the new entrance is not part of
HLCA property. It is owned by the developer, as is the commercial property.
It is anticipated that the Hampton Lake monument signs at the existing
entrance, also not on Hampton Lake Community Association property, will
be replaced with monuments that will include signage for Benton House and
One Hampton Lake who also share the cost of maintaining those signs and
Yes! You open the tennis courts! FINALLY!
But why are the sprinklers going off at 12pm? Can we
change the schedule? Can they be turned off? We had
reservations, we were finally at the court then the
sprinklers went off! Ugh!
Please change the schedule! This is the first time this
happens to us, and we have played at 12pm multiple
times before!
The tennis courts are watered during the warmer months. Water keeps the
court stable and firm and serves to help cool the courts during the hot
summer. Watering the courts at noon has been the practice since the courts
were first opened; noon is the best time to water courts. Most tennis players
have become accustomed to the noon time watering. The watering was
resumed this week when the courts opened, unfortunately the scheduling
system failed to block off the time so that tennis players know not to reserve
the courts during the wet time between noon and 2 pm.
If the governor stated that pools and recreational
facilities can open, why do we still don’t have a date for
the pool to open!?
-we can have dinner at BWB but we can use the pool!?
Come on!
We are educated adults that can and will take their
personal precautions when using the facilities that we
pay for!
So... when is the pool going to open?
On May 11 Governor McMaster announced that pools and other recreational
facilities may open no earlier than May 18; he did not say they could open
immediately. His announcement included a significant number of guidelines
and restrictions that must be put in place for re-opening. Restrictions include
the number of people who may be at the pool at any one time, guidelines for
spacing chairs and sanitation of pool area surfaces. At the time of writing this
response, management is working on plans for complying with the
restrictions, including staffing and procedures for ensuring that no more than
the maximum allowable number of people can enter the pool at a time, while
simultaneously ensuring equitable accessibility to those who want to use the
pool. In addition, management is working on plans for complying with similar
guidelines associated with opening the fitness center and other amenities.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
While we are striving to reopen those amenities that currently remain closed
on or shortly after the date specified by the Governor, it would be premature
to announce a specific date prior to being able to ensure all the required
guidelines can be met and the necessary staff can be in place for the
reopening. It is anticipated that an opening date will have been
communicated by the time this response is published.
The delays in completing everything related to
constructing any part of anything promised to Hampton
Lake residents, have been going on LONG before the
Covid-19 Pandemic was ever thought of or envisioned!!
Making the Pandemic an excuse for blaming delays
NOW, is nothing but an affront to our intelligence.
Builders have been building continuously all during this
Pandemic. Sales might have slowed some but record
sales had been going on long prior to the introduction of
anything from China!! The money set aside from sales
has been sitting and waiting to be spent. What ever
excuses existed before Covid-19 were not accepted
previously, so why would we now accept this tired one
now? I am certain that those who gladly swallow the
cool-aide and ask for more, will come up with reasons to
dispute everything being said here but know this: You
are not talking to a bunch of idiots and your broken
promises on final construction dates go way back prior
to any epidemic or Pandemic!!
It's important to note that the developer has always stated from the very
beginning of development of phase 3 and the Sand Hill Tract that the timing
of the new amenities was contingent on lot sales. This point was reiterated
at the BoD meeting in April 2019. As documented in the meeting minutes:
The developer stated, "We don't currently have a start date for the new pool,
but based on our development schedule and current sales pace, we hope
that we will be able to break ground this fall for a spring 2020 opening. The
timing of both the pool and the barn construction is tied directly to the
development timing and sales. Currently we have over 200 home sites (i.e.,
Lots) either under construction or to be developed. By doing the home site
development in smaller phases, from 20 to 50 home sites at a time, we are
able to self-fund the cost of development. We believe that upon completion
of Phase 8, scheduled for this September, we will have a better
understanding of timing for construction of these last two amenities as it
relates to the construction of Phase 9, the final phase in Hampton Lake. I
know that the members, as well as the development team would both like
the pool to start ASAP, but funding the construction of these amenities
through home site sale closings limits cash availability until we're closer to
completion of the project." Covid-19 and the associated travel restrictions,
stay at home orders, and social distancing imposed on potential homes
buyers have resulted in a measurable slow-down of new lot sales and a 30 -
90 day delay in closings on lots already under contract to builders. The
developer has always maintained that the completion of the new amenities,
including the new pool and barn, is tied to the $7000 per lot revenue
generated by lot sales. With absolute certainty, the delays caused by Covid-
19 pandemic are affecting those sales and closings.
Additional background information: Some related background information
will help correct some assumptions. First, the developer committed $7000
per lot for lots sold in phase 3, no funds were committed from phase 2 sales.
In 2015, it was estimated that $5 million would be available for amenity
construction. However, in 2017 it became clear that the total number of lots
would be reduced to 510 due to about 50 acres having been determined
unsuitable for home sites. (This acreage was subsequently sold to a third
party.) This reduction brought the total amount expected to be available for
amenities down to $3.57 million. Second, at the Board of Directors Meeting
in February 2019, Pratt Reed reported that the Town of Bluffton had slowed
down the development permitting process. When the town slowed the
approval of development plans, infrastructure development was delayed and
lots could not be platted; thus they could not be sold. As a result, the
developer was not able to accrue the amenity funds as quickly as he would
have liked. That overall development slow-down (which affected other
developers as well) put the development plans more than a year behind
schedule. Therefore, while there have been delays prior to the current slow-
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
down resulting from Covid-19, prior delays were also due to a slow-down of
lot sales.
There was a response in the lake View for prior week
May 18-24 from - Chris Spiro - it was stated "speaking of
the area around and within Crystal Lake enclosure area
has not been turned over to the HLCA therefore we
have no direct control over the access to the entire area"
The pickleball and basketball courts area have not been
turned over to the HLCA as of yet however the HLCA
has taken direct control to the access to those areas.
Why the discrepancy?
The previous answer you are referring to included this statement: "The
developer reports that construction equipment used around and within the
Crystal Lake enclosure makes it a construction area and therefore, in their
opinion, unsafe to open. This common area has not been turned over to
HLCA, therefore, we have no direct control over the access to the entire
area." The point is that Crystal Lake is considered a construction area and
HLCA has no control over construction by the developer, including timing,
and where and how the construction zone is defined. The pickleball and
basketball courts are considered complete and were released to the
community for or use. They are not directly adjacent to the construction
fencing. Unlike Crystal Lake, which is not only a adjacent to the construction,
but it's separated only by a temporary construction fence.
Recently, a number of trees were cut on the Lawton
Station side of the new gate, removing one of the few
the remaining noise and sight barriers from Bluffton
Parkway. Curious what upcoming action required this.
This question was forwarded to the developer. Here is the response
received: “This area is zoned neighborhood commercial and is part of the
Hampton Lake Master Plan. Currently It is in the process of being prepped
and graded for future development
I live in Phase III and recently, as I observe activities by
the Developer in and around the lake, I can't help but
notice that many of the recent activities could prove
detrimental to the future health of the lake. When the
Developer's landscaping workers cut the grass and
brush along the lake on empty lots, they make no effort
to retrieve grass and brush that falls into the lake. This
material ultimately washes down current into
homeowners' kayak slips or forms a detrital mats down
current that will ultimately deoxygenate the water as
they slowly break down, especially during summer
months. Additionally, I've noticed that the Developer is
now expanding lots across the lake by bringing in
truckloads of dirt and dumping them into the lake. I
don't think it's ethical to narrow or fill in the lake to
expand lake front lots to make them more attractive to
potential buyers . Moreover, will it be the Developer's
responsibility to dredge the lake when all the lake front
lots are sold?
While we prefer owners and their landscapers minimize grass clippings and
other debris going into the lake, we recognize there will always be some
organic material added to the lake from private property and the nature
preserve, including falling leaves and pine needles. Not to mention the plant
life growing underwater. This is why we have a lake maintenance contractor
who monitors oxygen levels and provides aeration and chemical treatment of
the lake. We will speak to the community’s landscape contractor and remind
them of best practices. The Developer is fully within his rights to enlarge lots
by adding fill into the lake. As the developer, he decides the final boundaries
of both the lake and lots. There is nothing “unethical” about him doing this.
Keep in mind, the lake didn’t exist until the developer constructed it. Once
the developer finishes his development work and conveys title of the lake to
the Lake Maintenance Corporation (LMC), future dredging responsibility falls
to the LMC, and 87% of this cost will be borne by the Hampton Lake
Community Association. Dredging is the major expense item for LMC’s
capital reserve fund.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Now that we are 2 weeks into the opening of the Fitness
center and the pool can we re-evaluate the process to
use these amenities that we the homeowners are paying
to have access to? HL Management has already issued
the blanket statement that anyone using any of the
amenities is at risk at contracting COVID-19 and by all
means everyone should only do things they want to at
their own comfort level. I understand that the "numbers"
permitted to use many of these areas may be dictated
by the state's recommendations.
I'm asking several things. Can there be an online
schedule to view for the Gym and Pool the same that's
currently used for Tennis and Pickleball reservations?
Can the fey card access be restored to the fitness
center? HL can only do so much to "protect" we have to
be able to reasonable and responsible to protect
ourselves. I have Not noticed any/extra hand sanitizer
units placed at any of the amenities
As of May 30th, the Fitness Center will open on Tuesday and Thursday at
5:30am in an effort to help those needing an earlier workout time. Arrival
time should be at 5:15am for a temperature check. The key card access
system cannot be restored until the strict sanitation protocols are lifted. We
want to provide all members with safe access to the fitness center. While
some may feel comfortable, others do not. Currently, in the fitness center
there are four stand-alone wipe dispensers and two wall sanitation gel
dispensers. In the pool, we have installed a medical grade sanitation wall
unit in the restroom area. At Crystal Lake we have installed two medical
grade sanitation wall units, one in each restroom. At this time, there is not a
pool reservation module available. With the guidelines and
recommendations continually changing, our hope is that this is a temporary
When will the back gate be opened? We have been
promised for over a year and have been patiently
waiting. Please make this priority #1.
The following Gate Operational Update was sent out on 5/30/20: “The
components and installation needed to fully utilize the “new” gate at Flat
Creek Drive and to modify the Hampton Lake Drive Gate are nearing
completion. Beginning Monday, June 1, we will open our new gate and have
a member of our security team stationed at the Flat Creek Drive Gate 24
hours per day. Only vehicles with current HL owner or commercial decals
will be allowed to enter until the new gate has full capabilities. Guests and
all other traffic will need to enter the current gate. All traffic will be able to
exit through any of the three gates. For the first few weeks, traffic entering
the new gate will be required to travel left on Anchor Bend or left on
Flatwater Drive until development construction is completed on Flatwater to
the west (i.e. right-hand turn).
The transition to our new security gate system involves multiple steps over
several weeks. An important step for owners will be the installation of our
new RFID tags on your vehicles and owner software training. New RFID
tags will be installed on your vehicles by appointment beginning Thursday,
June 4. We have included a link for the form here to be filled out completely
for each vehicle and returned to Skip Pratt in the Tackle Box or at
spratt@hamptonlakeclub.com. Upon completion of our transition, the new
RFID tags will be required to utilize the South Gate (Old Miller gate) entry,
the Flatwater Drive Gate member only lane and the current HL Drive entry
gate from 7 PM - 7 AM Monday Saturday and all day Sunday. The South
Gate will continue to operate normally until the RFID system is fully
functional. Barcodes will no longer be available and the barcode system will
be phased out after owners have had ample time to obtain RFID tags.
Training information will be sent out in a separate email once the software
contractor has set a schedule.
We are excited to have all three gate options available and look forward to
improved convenience and traffic patterns throughout the community
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The waitlist is over 2yrs long for the dry dock. Can we
convert one of the lots purchased by the HOA or another
area to provide storage for boats since there is an
obvious need? For a neighborhood this size with the
main focus on the water- obviously the current dry dock
space is insufficient. How do we get this on the agenda
for the Board to review?
The Dry Dock was designed with 22 spaces to rent to our owners. 21 are
currently rented by owners and one is used for a daily space for owners with
temporary needs. The Dry Dock was never intended to supply enough space
for the entire community. The BOD will be exploring many possibilities for
the use of parcel 7 on Parkland Dr. The decisions will determined by what
best benefits the entire community. There are many convenient local public
storage rental facilities providing alternatives for owners.
Does the new front gate have a specific street address
for map guide apps? If not can you create an address
for the new gate house and notify the primary apps of
the change?
The address for our new gate is 18 Flat Creek Drive. All emergency
responders are aware of the address and a GPS surveyor was recently out
recording the updated information.
I just stopped by the pool to see if I could get a pool time
for my husband and son since they were working
yesterday at our scheduled pool time. I took note that
there were approximately 40 people in the pool and was
told that the 4 pm pool time there are 50 people signed
up. I was also told that since I was there yesterday I
could not go today.
ALOWED IN THE POOL TO 100. How many times a
day are we at capacity? With all the horrible things going
on in the world how about we let our neighbors use the
pool to the capacity that we can safely. I am sickened I
have a 16 1/2 year old laying on the couch right now.
We moved to this community for the crystal lake and the
pool and tennis. (we already played for an hour)
I would also like to know why we don't sign up on line,
with a certain number of reservations? We need to fix
this system.
As we work through the phased re-opening of our amenities, we are
continuing to fine-tune procedures in order to optimize member use at the
pool and enable equitable access. We would like to thank everyone for their
patience. The following changes to our pool reservation procedures were
announced on June 6, to be implemented beginning Monday June 8. •
Owners will be able to reserve one 2-hour time period per day. There will no
longer be restrictions on reserving consecutive days or the number of times
per week. • For members who did not make a reservation or have
already used their reserved time that day, walk-ups will be allowed 30
minutes following the start time of a posted reserve time slot, based on
availability and on a first-come first-served basis. • Due to high demand,
walk ups cannot be accommodated Monday through Friday from 1:30 PM
3:30 PM and Saturday and Sunday 12:00 4:30 PM. • Guests who are
immediate family of members will be allowed. Members may make a
reservation for a maximum of 6 people per household (including the
member) Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11AM 1PM and 4PM - 6PM.
Family guest reservations can be made no more than 3 days in advance.
First of all thank you all again for everything you are
doing for our community. The pool reservation system
is not working, people are reserving and then not
showing up which takes away from those of us who
want to go but can’t because spots are full. Why can’t
we just do first come first serve ? Also for people that
are taking spots and not showing, how it’s really unfair to
the rest of us and there should be a policy surrounding
As we work through the phased re-opening of our amenities, we are
continuing to fine-tune procedures in order to optimize member use at the
pool and enable equitable access. We would like to thank everyone for their
patience. We believe that first-come first-served may compromise members’
ability to maintain social distancing as members potentially line up to get in,
particularly during certain times of the day. Moreover, we believe there is
likely to be more disappointment when members arrive at the pool and find
that they can’t get in. That has been the experience at other communities
who have chosen not to take reservations. However, we have made several
changes that will address the concerns you’ve raised. The following changes
to our pool reservation procedures were announced on June 6, to be
implemented beginning Monday June 8. • Owners will be able to
reserve one 2-hour time period per day. There will no longer be restrictions
on reserving consecutive days or the number of times per week. • For
members who did not make a reservation or have already used their
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
reserved time that day, walk-ups will be allowed 30 minutes following the
start time of a posted reserve time slot, based on availability and on a first-
come first-served basis. • Due to high demand, walk ups cannot be
accommodated Monday through Friday from 1:30 PM 3:30 PM and
Saturday and Sunday 12:00 4:30 PM. • Guests who are immediate
family of members will be allowed. Members may make a reservation for a
maximum of 6 people per household (including the member) Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 11AM 1PM and 4PM - 6PM. Family guest reservations
can be made no more than 3 days in advance. We will continue to monitor
the situation, observing, taking notes and listening to member feedback.
It's much easier for RRA's bus to enter at the current
location than the new gate because their buses exit onto
Hampton parkway not River Ridge Drive. When school
reopens, will the school buses be required to enter
through the new gate? Or will they be allowed to keep
their current routes?
School buses will not be asked to change their routes. However, the original
gate will soon only be manned from 7am to 7pm. If the buses enter before
7am they will have to use the new gate once all the gate updates are
I would appreciate it if the Board consider the possibility
of construction of a simple bridge over the water spillway
which separates the trail that is accessible after walking
over the large bridge across from the Amenity Center
and turning left after crossing the bridge. The trail is
there but, not accessible due to the water divide. It
would be wonderful to have greater ease of accessibility
for our community to this trail.
The area in question is not part of our nature trail system and owners should
not use it. It is used by our contractors to maintain the lake berms. The
Board of Advisors Grounds & Facilities Committee, in a nature trail report
last year, did recommend this berm be considered for an expansion of the
HLCA nature trails and provided options to convert it to a “loop” trail.
However, there are currently no plans to do this.
While I am thrilled that we can now bring family
members that do not live here, I am rather disappointed
in the Tuesday Thursday time frame. I have
grandchildren that are young and want to visit. I can't
even give them a time when that may be possible due to
limited pool admittance. We all know how little ones love
the water. While the beaches are nice, small children
really can't swim there. Oldfield community has opened
their pool with no restrictions. When will Hampton Lake
be doing the same.
Following the latest press conference from Governor McMaster (June 10,
2020) and the extension of the State of Emergency, there are no current
plans to lift current restrictions. The confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the
area continue to climb and we will adhere to the guidelines given to best
protect all of Hampton Lake owners. We will continue to fine-tune
procedures in order to optimize member use at the pool and enable
equitable access. Beginning May 30, 2020, the capacity at the pools
increased to 100 at the Lazy River Pool and 20 people at the Adult Pool, we
will monitor member usage data and make appropriate changes while
catering to our owners before allowing additional guests. We would like to
thank everyone for their patience and understanding.
My request is to revisit the need for a sidewalk along
Pine Shadow Road. In the past I was told this was not
in the plans. With the opening of the new gate there has
been an increase in traffic on this road. As many of us
aware, this road is curvy and has limited visibility in
places for drivers to see walkers and bikers. A second
concern is the speed at which these vehicles are
traveling, much greater than 20mph. A sidewalk would
provide a much safer passage along this greatly used
The Hampton Lake master plan does not include a sidewalk on Pine
Shadow Court and there are no plans to add a sidewalk at this time. The
area of Hampton Lake Crossing near Pine Shadow will be included in the
rotation of locations where Security conducts radar monitoring. Once the
developer has opened the western section of Flatwater Dr., directional signs
will route traffic away from Pine Shadow. Pedestrians are encouraged to use
the sidewalk on Lake Bluff Drive as an alternative to Pine Shadow Ct.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I am so happy to see all the progress with the new gates
and RFID installation. One hole in security, however, is
the bike/walking path entrance at the original gate.
When the original security gatehouse is unmanned, it
would allow unauthorized people to enter via walking or
biking through that bike entrance. Sea Pines has gates
for the bike path. What are our plans? It would be good
to at least have a way to close that entrance when the
gatehouse is unmannned.
There is no current plan to make any upgrades to the existing front gate to
prevent members from walking or biking into the community. This decision
was made to balance convenience with the security risks to allow owners on
foot or bike to enter and exit the community. This is very similar to the back
gate in which owners can access the community on foot and/or bike by going
through an access point around the gate. The infrastructure was put in place
to allow for a sidewalk gate if ever deemed necessary.
The current alligator/snake warning signs have been
excellent in warning visitors (in particular parents of
visiting children) to be careful and to respect our wildlife.
These signs help to prevent avoidable tragedies and to
protect the community from multi-million dollar law
suites. One of these signs is needed immediately at the
new main entrance. Perhaps one can be temporarily
relocated from one of the Fish Dancer nature trail
entrances until an additional one can be ordered.
The developer is working to complete new directional signage. The
community association has placed an order for speed limit signs, the sign
stating the speed limit in our community is 20 MPH unless otherwise posted
and the wildlife sign similar to the one at our current entrances.
I participated in the town hall meeting and heard there
are no plans to add another dry dock storage area. Due
to a 2+ year waiting list, would the Board consider re-
evaluating the current spaces and reduce some of the
current slip sizes which would allow to add additional
spaces for others?. Fees could vary based on the size
and could potentially add additional spaces and increase
revenue for the community. It may solve the 2 yr waiting
list but could add more spaces for others to rent.
The Dry Dock was designed with 22 spaces to rent to our owners. 21 are
currently rented by owners and one is used for a daily space for owners with
temporary needs. The Dry Dock was never intended to supply enough space
for the entire community. The BoD will be exploring many possibilities for the
use of parcel 7 on Parkland Dr. The decisions will be determined by what
best benefits the entire community. There are many convenient local public
storage rental facilities providing alternatives for owners.
Could a proposal be made to the Board for a future 15-
20 slip floating dock system to be added in the location
of the Out Post? There would be initial investment by
the Community but would generate revenue long term
from boat slip rentals. This area would also
accommodate parking and does not interfere with lake
views of residents. This would benefit those who do not
live on the water and allow them access to the lake
outside of the hours of the Tackle Box for boat rentals.
Families who work cannot always get off work early
enough to rent a boat to fish and return by the time it
closes. Another way to generate revenue for the
The community has yet to budget for capital improvements. We are sure
there will be many projects, expansions and additions that will be proposed
and considered once the developer has finished his development work. Time
will tell what the community is ultimately willing to fund and in what priority.
I have asked this question several times & keep
receiving conflicting answers. Who is responsible for
the land around the Compass Pond on Castaway Drive?
Khov didn't sod or plant grass nor did they grade the
area from the homeowners property lines to the water's
edge before closing stating that the developer is
responsible and would take care of it after all the houses
have closed (they are completed, sold, & closed). HL
HOA is saying it's the owners' responsibility, however, if
that's the case then our builder should have initially
graded and sodded or planted grass BEFORE we
closed on the home. The developer has washed his
hands of this concern and the area from our property to
The initial building, grading, and sodding/seeding of the lake banks is the
developer’s responsibility, not an HLCA responsibility. After the development
work is completed, and the lot or lot/house combination is sold, as per the
governing documents, the individual property owners are responsible for
landscaping and maintenance of landscaping from property lines to the
roadway and to the edge of the lake or waterway. The lake covenants state
“Each property owner whose property abuts, adjoins or touches the lake
shall maintain its property and the lake bank to water’s edge in a manner
consistent with and similar to the maintenance of common property of HL
Association. Said maintenance shall include, without limitation, landscaping
of the lake banks and addressing erosion control issues.”
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
the water's edge has not been properly graded and
consists of weeds and other unsightly items. We were
told at the town meeting that if our neighbors aren't
keeping the area up to fill out a form for the ARB and
report our neighbors for the weeds. Please resolve this
issue ASAP, it's getting ridiculous.
My wife and I have living in HL for nine years. This is the
first time I have expressed concerns in writing.
My concerns pertain to basic upkeep of grounds and
As you enter the community via our old main gate you
cross a bridge that is lined with stonework. For months /
years I have observed crumbling detached stones lining
our roadway. I think to myself.... “Am I the only one who
notices this shabby first impression of our community?”
I guess I am.
We have a dog. The dog park has deteriorated to the
point of embarrassment.
Concerns include but are not limited to: rotting posts,
plumbing issues, mildew, overgrown fence line, sand
surface not replenished, gate latches in disrepair. The
overall appearance of some of the structures is poor.
As you enter the new main gate you can’t help but
notice the poor landscaping. Again, not an inviting
entrance to our community.
We moved here nine years ago with the promise of
The stone area at the Hampton Lake Drive entrance has been noticed and
repairs are scheduled for 4Q 2020. The repairs will be funded from our
Capital Reserve.
As stated in various communications and most recently at the June 16th
Town Hall Meeting, some maintenance / repair projects were intentionally
delayed until the full budgetary impact of the coronavirus on Hampton Lake’s
finances could be better understood. Maintenance for the dog park was one
of the projects. There are plans to replenish the sand and to refurbish the
waste station, dog bowl area and to pressure wash the covered areas. If
any fence posts or gates require repairs, that will be done at the same time.
Recently some minor adjustments were made to the dog washing area (fire
hydrant) and the gate closure mechanisms.
The Flatwater Drive Gate area is still under development and we are now
working to make repairs to the damaged caused by a major lightning strike.
The Developer has indicated he has completed his planned landscaping at
this entrance.
In October, 2018, the developer indicated to me in an e
mail that the parking area for mail kiosk at Crystal Lake
would be paved when the development of rest of that
area was underway. Now that the land surrounding the
kiosk is under development can you provide us with the
plans for the paving and completion of mail kiosk area?
Construction of the parking lot is underway. The parking area for the mail
kiosk will be completed in conjunction with the pool and barn, but the
developer doesn't have an updated timeline for completion at this time.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Two comments......First- Thank you for having Crystal
Lake open. It was great to see all the people enjoying
Second- Both the boat parade and the 4th of July
parade were excellent. Kudos to the organizers.
Thank you for your comments. The members who organized the boat
parade and the golf cart parade did a wonderful job.
Bike riding thru the community is one of our great
amenities, ideally the adults ride on the right side of the
street with the traffic flow and the kids use the sidewalk.
The side walks are wide with room for walkers and the
bikes if basic courtesy is observed when bikes pass the
walkers. Many walkers wear music headsets and do not
hear approaching bikes from behind. It is a safety
problem that youngsters (and some adult riders) don’t
seem to appreciate. The simple inexpensive solution is
traditional and required by law in most communities
across the country - mount a bell or horn on the handle
bars, and use it when approaching a walker. I ask that
the Board make the mounting and use of a bell or horn
mandatory for all bikes in the community. Paul Golden
Bike riding members are encouraged to use bells or horns to announce their
approach, but making bells or horns mandatory would be a difficult rule to
enforce. A simple solution would be for bike riders to clearly announce their
intention to pass by saying "Coming up on your left". Management has
printed repeated reminders to walkers, bikers, and runners about safety and
being aware of others using the sidewalks and roads, as well as a safety
video. Click here to view the video.
Many community POAs, including Hampton Hall,
Wexford and others, recieved PPP money to help with
operations and employee pay during these tough times.
Did Hampton Lake apply for a PPP forgivable loan? If
so, was one approved? If not, why not?
Homeowners' associations (HOAs) are not eligible for the PPP loan at this
time. If you have heard that another community received PPP funds, it may
be a community that is managed by an outside property management firm
and the property management firm may have been the recipient of the loan.
Contractors who provide services for HOAs, such as our security firm and
the operators of the fitness center, are eligible for PPP loans and can use
those funds to help pay employees. HLCA has not had to furlough any
employees, as most were considered essential. We also enabled many to
work from home and/or perform tasks other than their regular work, such as
managing pool reservations. In the event that our legislators allow HOAs to
participate in the future, HLCA will be prepared to apply.
Are there any plans to repair or replace the fans in the
adult pool cabanas? Some fans don’t work at all, some
have broken switches at their electrical boxes.
The cabana fans are part of our regular maintenance program and are
repaired or replaced as needed. We encourage owners to alert members of
the management team of any items or fixtures in need of repairs or that are
Since new homeowners prior to construction must have
every I dotted and T crossed and every plan under the
sun scrutinized and approved I think the same amount
of rigorous oversight be applied to the builders that are
recommended by the Hampton Lake realtors
We have had two builders file bankruptcy within the last
12 months and left quite a few homeowners in a very
All realtors (including Hampton Lake Realty) and builders are independent
entities, completely separate from Hampton Lake Community Association.
The Community Association does not recommend any specific realtor or
builder to anyone, leaving full responsibility to conduct due diligence to the
individual owners, who make their own decision as to which one they will
have a contractual relationship with. Buying property and/or building a
home are significant financial decisions that experts strongly recommend
individuals conduct their own full due diligence prior to signing a contract.
The Community Association is not responsible for any representations a
realtor or builder may or may not make to their clients.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
bad way. Losses in money but also the strain of having
to find new builders to complete their half built homes.
I believe if allowing this type of builder to be
recommended by our realtors to continue it will hurt our
reputation as a neighborhood and make reselling in the
community much more difficult with losses of potential
Wondering if community trees will be planted along the
new West side of Flatwater Drive ? They are planted
from the circle to the newest part of the road.
There has been a great job of planting grass along the
shore line.
The developer currently has no plans to add trees in this area. The
community association may choose to enhance landscaping on common
property around the new entry following the property transfer process.
Could the fountains in the adult pool be temporarily shut
off during the Covid restrictions? Due to the splashing of
the fountains no one is at that end of the pool therefore
people are much closer together in the shallow areas.
Thank you!
The purpose of the fountains are to block noise and create a more serene
atmosphere. Since they are not part of the filtration system, we will turn them
off temporarily to allow further distancing.
We drive in and out of the Flat Creek Drive entrance and
we also bike daily past it. It is our new front entrance
but it seems under-developed relative to our prior front
entrance and also the front entrances of comparable
Bluffton residential communities. Could we not maintain
the former front entrance which is nice and developed
as the primary and make the Flat Creek Drive entrance
simply an RFID gate similar to the back entrance? We
understand that the developer may be financially
constrained in funding better development of this
entrance; gate house, landscaping, flag pole, etc. If we
did that, it would save money on security contract (this
gate house would not be manned). We want our "front
entrance" to befit the quality of Hampton Lake and we
do not think that it does, as currently developed. Thank
The gate at Flat Creek Dr. is designed to be a primary gate, it offers a very
nice view of the lake upon entry. This area is still under development and
was not as fortunate to have all of the mature hardwoods and established
landscape of the Hampton Lake Drive gate. This area is also going to have
a substantial amount of home building over the next few years. Having this
gate available to the contractors ensures they get to their job sites by the
most efficient routes and reduces traffic throughout the community. We plan
to use this gate as previously communicated to Hampton Lake owners.
Unfortunately, the large umbrellas (and even the smaller
ones) at the pickleball courts are frequently inoperable.
The large umbrellas are often replaced, but that
sometimes takes weeks until they break again.
With no shade whatsoever (or water) it has become a
dangerous situation, and many players have suffered
We have provided additional umbrellas to the area until the larger one can
be repaired or replaced. There are no immediate plans to add any structures
to the newly developed area. We will evaluate and formulate plans once the
developer has finished the entire amenity. The current umbrellas have a
lifetime warranty and have not cost the community association funds. We
will work with the vendor to try and improve the response time on the
damaged parts and repairs. During this hot weather, members must use
extra caution before deciding to engage in strenuous activity.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
from heat exhaustion.
Is there any way we could have permanent shade
structures installed at the courts before someone is
seriously injured? Thank you.
What happened to once a month having the sand at the
dog park dragged? Its been since October since it was
last done. Not sure we need more sand, just a little love
for the grounds.
Our Landscape crew uses a piece of equipment called a Sand Pro to rake
the sand areas at Lakeside Beach, Crystal Lake and the Dog Park. They
have raked the Dog Park the first of every month until July, when the Sand
Pro experienced a mechanical failure and needed repairs. A loaner has
been obtained and all three areas will be raked Monday morning. We do
feel fresh sand is needed based on the amount of rain earlier this year and
the increase in usage. This project is scheduled for some time in the fourth
It has become a habit of members wanting to access the
Pickleball courts to park on Castaway Dr in front of the
sidewalk to the courts. We live across from this
sidewalk. At first, it was not a problem, but now it’s 3-4
cars at a time. Last evening, it was both
sides of the street across from each other allowing
limited thru traffic. What has been troublesome is
entering and exiting our driveway with cars parked
directly in front
of it and as in the case last evening a pickup truck barely
giving us full access of/ partially blocking our driveway.
We have been patient, but this has become a total
disregard for others. Is this parking allowed? What other
alternatives can be made available as we Feel the
current Path through the construction site is not The
Although this problem is temporary during the parking lot construction, our
security team has been instructed to monitor this section for traffic safety
concerns. Here are the rules pertaining to this situation.
11.1.3. Overnight parking in the street is prohibited after 11 pm. Vehicles
should be parked in garages or driveways. Vehicles should only be parked in
the street when space in the driveway or garage is not available, and never
overnight without prior Management approval.
11.1.4. For homeowner parties/events, security is to be notified prior to event
if multiple cars are to be parked in the street beyond 11 PM.
11.1.5. Vehicles parked on the street should not block driveways.
11.1.6. Parking vehicles in driveways for owner maintenance purposes
requiring more than one day is prohibited.
We also enforce the policy that all vehicles must be parked on the same side
of the street, facing with the flow of traffic, and an open space is required if
there are more than four car length vehicles parked (e.g. an empty space is
required between every four cars or the equivalent length.) If you witness
any of these violations please contact security.
Last year, what seemed like every day, the sand was
groomed around Crystal Lake and the area was cleaned
up. This year, there are large holes dug in the sand,
trash around the lake, and various beach toys left in the
bushes. The entire area around the lake looks terrible.
What happened to the clean up of this area?
Our Landscape crew uses a piece of equipment called a Sand Pro to rake
the sand areas at Lakeside Beach, Crystal Lake and the Dog Park. Early in
the month the Sand Pro experienced a mechanical failure and needed
repairs. It has since been repaired and is back in service. Our team does
regularly clean the area of trash and debris, but doesn't provide multiple litter
patrols throughout the day. The Sunday update has included multiple
reminders for the home owners to please clean up after themselves. We are
disappointed when they leave a mess and wish they demonstrated more
pride in the appearance of the community.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Homeowners are discouraged from blowing grass
clippings in the street & into storm drains. However lawn
service companies including Hampton Lake employees
regularly cut the Compass Lakes vegetation directly in to
the lakes rather than let it grow to inhibit rain runoffs &
flash flooding.
All landscape debris is discouraged from being blown or cut into Hampton
Lake’s waterways. We also realize that is not realistic to prevent all of this
type of material from entering the water. We have notified our contractor to
do their best to mitigate the debris and ask homeowners and their
landscapers to do the same. Ideally, we would like to have a buffer of
beneficial plants on common ground around the lakes, we currently have
some very invasive species including cattails and dog fennel that we are
trying to control.
Many residents have noted their concern as to the
substandard appearance and landscaping at the new
Flatwater entrance. Start with the weeds on the side and
rear of the new entrance walls. Entering HL from
Bluffton Pkwy gives the appearance of a sloppy
commercial enterprise with unkempt sidewalks and tree
lawns. Turn into HL and the straw is gray and flowers
almost non-existent. It is not an answer to tell us we
have a nice lake view or that there is ongoing
construction and service vehicles; we know developers
and communities purposely dress their entrance to
attract buyers and builders. Owners expect the Board
and developer to adhere to the same standards the ARB
expects of us. It should be a simple task to address
reasonable plantings and weed control. Please do not
respond that there is no budget or it's the developer's
responsibility. Solutions not obstacles, please. It's past
time to prioritize an increased pride in our appearance
and clean up our community's front door.
Over 250 plants, trees, and ground cover were planted at the new entrance
in the first quarter of 2020. This means they haven't even had one growing
season. We expect that by the third growing season these plants will have
begun to fill out and take shape. Plantings will continue to be evaluated,
removed and replaced as needed over time. In contrast, the Hampton Lake
Drive gate is 14 years old and thus has been through 14 growing seasons
which is why you see much more mature trees and plants. This week
maintenance of the new front entrance was increased. This will include
cutting down the weeds behind the new signs, straightening trees, and
addressing some dead plants. Until all development around this area is
complete significant ongoing maintenance will be necessary and it will be
prioritized best as possible. New pine straw is installed twice a year
(Typically Spring and Fall). Fresh pine straw is scheduled to be applied at
the new entrance this fall. The new entrance has been very attractive to new
buyers as we have had our highest July sales in 5 years.
It is apparent that social distancing rules will be with us
for awhile. It’s been almost 5 months. We need a better
system for pool reservations. What we have now is
archaic and problematic for a variety of reasons
including creating more work for Hampton Lake
employees. We need an online reservation platform that
is continually updated so cancels show up ASAP and
same day reservations are easy. Our check in person
has an iPad there already? Also misuse of the
reservation system should be same as fitness center
reservations I suspect many are just making blanket
reservations and not showing up easy to confirm. So
even if they cancel morning of that spot is locked up till a
half hour after time slot. Online system solves this too.
We shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel here. Adapt
tennis pickleball system or they are systems out there.
Gyms use them regularly. It’s hot we all want to get to
pool, please be courteous when reserving and
Various reservation systems have been explored and unfortunately, we have
not been successful in finding something that will integrate with the Jonas
system. This system is used to verify memberships which aides us in the
validation process. Our current regulations only allow immediate family
member guests during allotted time slots. An online system would still
require our staff to check information in the system and correspond with
confirmations. While we recognize the system is not perfect, it is allowing us
to provide some safety, oversight and the potential for contact tracing
should it become necessary. Everyone’s cooperation and understanding are
appreciated until we can safely get back to more normal operations.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
HL Drive & HL Crossing in particular are getting more
hazardous than ever. With COVID more people are
walking & riding bikes & not on the cement paths. Some
people are walking & riding against traffic esp mornings
when I am returning home from lap swim. With the sun
glaring in your face & the tree shadows on the right side
of HL Crossing I have had to swerve a couple times to
miss bikers/walkers. Very Dangerous! Security has told
me that residents & guests, contractors etc are not
supposed to park on curves. I don't see a written rule
but perhaps there should be. HL Drive is getting more &
more dangerous with 3-4 trucks parked away from the
curb in a row & on curves so one has to completely stop
to see around. Rude drivers don't stop & look! Why can't
lawn service or repair people park in the driveway of the
home? Lastly, it is the law to have a valid driver's license
in SC to drive a golf cart - too many kids drive & with no
seat belts. Accident waiting to happen. Enforce security!!
We have posted numerous reminders in the Sunday update regarding
safety, including a link to a video that was created to educate owners on
proper “rules of the road”. Our security patrol will also be on the lookout to
help correct non-safe behavior. Members are reminded that when walking or
running throughout Hampton Lake, please use the sidewalks when available.
If you must walk or run in the street, walk/run against traffic in order to see
what is coming. When biking along the sidewalks, yield and be careful
around walkers and joggers. Bikers must yield to pedestrians. Runners and
walkers may be listening to a mobile device and not realize a bike is coming
up behind them or about to pass them from behind. Bikers should bike with
traffic, not against it. Since rules don’t prohibit walking, running and biking in
the streets, drivers must be alert and drive cautiously. The following has
also been posted several times in the Hot Topics section of the weekly
update: "Golf Cart Reminder: Golf carts may be operated within Hampton
Lake only by persons with valid driver’s licenses and in compliance with all
Hampton Lake traffic regulations. HLCA Rules & Regs. 11.4.5 p.48.”
Members who witness unsafe behavior, including golf carts driven by
underage drivers, should report it to Security immediately.
The architectural drawings of the party barn parking lot
shows a pathway from the parking lot to the walking
track, located by the mail kiosk. The parking lot is
currently under construction but it doesn’t appear that
the pathway is there. Will there be one as shown in the
architectural drawing?
Rich Schaltegger
The pathway layout has changed since our original drawings. However,
there will be connectivity from the mail kiosk to the track.
Hi we are new to the area and was asked one time to
join in on a pickleball game which I really enjoyed. The
ladies said that there is an email where you can sign up
the days and times you are available. Could you please
give me some information on availability and this list.
Thank you
Court reservations can be made on the HLCA website under the Amenities
section by clicking on Court Sports, followed by the Court Reservations link.
The members at the pickleball court may have been referring to the
Pickleball Group on NextDoor. NextDoor is a member to member site and
you will need to ask one of your neighbors to invite you to join. Management
has no access to NextDoor.
While kayaking I constantly see landscaper staff in the
backyards blowing grass clippings into the lake. It is
time for management to remind them that this is
prohibited. These clippings seriously add to the fertilizer
and pesticide loads in our lake, degrading the water
quality, and contaminating the fish and aquatic food
chain. Prevention will be a lot easier and cheaper now,
than trying to fix a sick lake later.
All landscape debris is discouraged from being blown or cut into Hampton
Lake’s waterways. We also realize that is not realistic to prevent all of this
type of material from entering the water. We have notified our contractor to
do their best to mitigate the debris and ask homeowners and their
landscapers to do the same. Ideally, we would like to have a buffer of
beneficial plants on common ground around the lakes, we currently have
some very invasive species including cattails and dog fennel that we are
trying to control.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The rules and regulations reference the use of the ABDI
app. How do we find out information for the use of this
app such as community code etc which is required
information to sign in. Thanks.
The ABDI app is a system that coordinates with the new RFID tags. Once
we have completed the installation of the hardware and software, as well as
training for Security, we will be able to activate the system for member use.
Unfortunately, the lightning strike at the new guardhouse damaged several
components and set this project plan back a bit. We anticipate completing
this project over the next few weeks and will provide detailed information
about how the app works. Once this system is activated, members will need
an RFID tag to use the member-only access lane at the Flat Creek Drive
gate, the entry gate at Old Miller Road, and the Hampton Lake Drive gate
once it is no longer manned 24/7. Members who have not yet come in for
their RFID tags should do so to avoid any inconvenience once the system is
activated. A form needs to be completed for each vehicle in order to obtain
an RFID tag. Please click here for a link to the form. Call Skip Pratt at the
Tackle Box, (843) 836-7458 to set up a time Wednesday through Saturday.
Pickleball Open Play
Finding it very competitive to book a court during the
prime, cooler morning time slots. I would like to suggest
allocating some time slots a couple days a week for
"open play". It is my observation that we are all being
very responsible with social distancing and hand
sanitizing. That would also allow some of the newer
members to participate and get to learn the game.
Please take this into consideration. Thank You. :)
In reviewing the Pickleball reservations for the month of August, there were 3
days that showed no availability before noon. Please reach out to us if you
are having difficulties. The good news is we should be moving away from
this heat and humidity in about a month, allowing for additional time. At this
time, we do not have plans to reserve slots for open play. As announced in
the September 1st Board Meeting, we will continue with the safety protocols
and will be reviewing them at the end of the month.
1. Why is the lighting at the front entrance, Flat Creek
Drive not brighter? We have come in several times at
night and have had difficulty seeing where to turn off
Bluffton Parkway. There is ground lighting in place near
the signage but it is not currently on.
2. Will there be a traffic light at the Flat Creek entrance
and Bluffton Parkway? The school is right across the
Parkway. Traffic on the Parkway moves at a good clip
and turning left out of the entrance or going straight
across will prove to be increasingly difficult and risky as
traffic grows.
The town of Bluffton has restrictions on lighting wattage in an attempt to
minimize light pollution. While the brightness of this light may be a personal
preference, the current lighting meets the towns restrictions. The ground
lighting near the signage had been cut by one of our contractors during
repairs, but are scheduled to be fixed this month. Additionally, the master
traffic plan for the Buckwalter PUD has a traffic light at the intersection of
Bluffton Parkway and the new HL entrance for some time in the future. The
timing of the installation of that light is dependent upon traffic studies (i.e.
vehicle counts) and a recent study indicated the light is not required to be
installed concurrent with the new HL entrance.
We need to revisit the restrictions and availability of the
fitness center. Ideally it would be nice to reinstitute the
use of the key card for unstaffed hours as it never
reaches "capacity" during those times when used. The
current "staffed times" and reservation system needs to
be changed to accommodate more people over a longer
time span thus creating fewer people during the peak
staffed times.
Currently only early sessions (before 9am) are
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Saturday not until 9am and
Sunday only from 11-2. This is not acceptable for people
who pay to have reasonable access to to these
amenities. People work, have school, etc.. Again it
makes sense to have people spread out over a longer
time frame than shorter and things will work themselves
out. We have been dealing with this pandemic for 7
The current gym schedule allows opportunity for those who go to work very
early. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings the gym opens at 5:30am and on
Monday, Wednesday, Friday the gym stays open until 7:00pm. We
understand the frustration of the COVID19 pandemic and can safely say that
we are all looking forward to some kind of normalcy. However, to date,
nothing has been changed. We will continue to follow the recommended
government protocols and precautionary measures, that are designed to
protect all members. As announced in the September 1st Board Meeting, the
safety guidelines will be in place for the month and we will be reviewing them
at the end of it. If restrictions are lifted, we can make adjustments at that
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
months now. We are adults and accept that there is a
risk with everything that we do. Take the precautions,
keep a safe distance and wipe down the equipment after
use. Pretty simple stuff
During this past weeks Zoom, a slide regarding a
possible swim platform was shown for Crystal Lake. I
might have missed it, but is that the plan, or what is the
outcome/status of that?
That would be a great addition to the middle of the
lake(add a slide too!)
There is currently no plan for a swim platform on Crystal Lake. It appeared
on a slide as one of the projects investigated by the Fitness & Recreation
Love the In the Know columns that the BOD has been
putting out. Unfortunately, I don't always look at it right
away and end up deleting the email for the newsletter
(which do not appear to be accessible on the website
once the following week's is posted). Can the In the
Know articles be added to the HL website?
We’re glad that members are enjoying the In the Know articles. We will post
them in the Resources section under the BoD tab.
I am concerned about the up keep of the Lazy River
Pool. It hasn't
been that long since the pool was resurfaced. It has
green growing on the sides in places , under the area
under stone topped the clarity has been not so good.. I
would think that this would be a prime concern to keep
pool in good condition as it is one of the best amenities.
Also in January of 2020 it was stated that Repairs would
begin on Pool Surround and Stone. Work was to begin
by beginning of February. There are pieces of grout that
have come out and could be of danger to someone if
they trip and fall. What is the plan for this to take place?
The Lazy River Pool is an important and popular amenity and HLCA
Management takes the upkeep and maintenance of all of our amenities
seriously. We maintain a fully funded Capital Reserve account to ensure
proper funds are available for repair and replacements of specific elements
are possible. The main pool has been resurfaced, filtration and chemical
injection system upgrades completed, landscape modifications to minimize
nutrients entering the pool and creating unwanted algae growth. The
scheduled stone work was completed the first week of March, this work
included sealing the joint around the pool and re-grouting and replacing
broken stones. The project did not include removing all stones and resetting
them. We may experience additional grout and stone damage, which will be
repaired this off season. Our pool contractor has been working overtime to
battle the frequent significant rainstorms creating water chemistry challenges
and algae growth along the pool walls. As of this report, improvements have
been made. Due to the reservation requirements, the decision was made to
allow him to battle the problem over time rather than closing the pool for 24
hours to have a greater impact. The pool is and has remained safe and
within DHEC guidelines.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Last week I got a nail in my tire after driving through the
new section of Flatwater Drive towards the new gate. I
mentioned this in a post on Nextdoor to warn others and
was shocked to find about 20 other people have had the
same experience recently. Others had also said that HL
management has been notified that this is an ongoing
issue. What can be done by HL management to monitor
and increase the use of the magnet cart ? What can be
done by HL management to insure our construction
crews clean up the streets on a daily basis?
Our ARB Director has sent a letter to all builders notifying them of the
problem and that more attention and responsibility is needed with the daily
site cleanup. Our landscape contractor will be deploying the magnet
Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the area with the heaviest concentration
of construction and will be on the side streets Tuesday and Thursday.
Experience has taught us the most effective course of action is to report
when debris is observed. When members make immediate reports with
details (where, when, and what) proactive action can be taken. Pictures are
always helpful. Please understand that “immediate reports” with details get
“immediate action”. Reporting to ARB and/or Management will get the
magnet to specific areas as soon as possible as well as appropriate support
with the responsible builder.
As we are after Labor Day please consider scrapping
the current reservation plan and just limit the number of
people that are allowed into the pool area. I went on a
nice Sunday afternoon today and there were 2 people in
the adult pool and maybe 10 in the main pool. I’m sure
the limits will not be an issue and more residents can
actually use our amenities also less hassle for our staff.
I’d really be interested in numbers over the summer for
reservations versus actual people.
As stated in the September 1, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting, our current
reservation system will remain in place unless government or heath
organization guidelines change. We will revisit the policies at the end of the
month and make any appropriate adjustments.
How is the water quality maintained and how often is it
tested to ensure proper sanitary conditions in Crystal
Crystal Lake is a man-made fresh water lake that is partially spring fed from
ground water. Since Crystal Lake is a man-made lake and is not filtered
continuously like our swimming pool, we do our best to manage conditions
mother nature offers. Mother Nature provides the water in the lake and it
supports normal and healthy aquatic growth. Crystal Lake is monitored and
tested twice per month (during swim season) by our lake maintenance
contractor, Quality Lakes, to ensure its safety. Testing of Crystal Lake shows
that the water meets or exceeds all DHEC safety standards. You can find the
results of these tests on the member website under the Outdoor tab.
Once the new RFID system is up and running, will HL
windshield stickers still be issued?
Yes, window stickers will still be issued annually, as they provide a useful
and immediate visual recognition regarding ownership. Per the Hampton
Lake Rules & Regulations rule 3.1.2: All Hampton Lake owners are required
to have a current HL annual decal for all gate access to the community.
Decals are required for all member vehicles including cars, trucks,
motorcycles, mopeds, and golf carts.
I was shocked to find out you allowed a wedding and
reception to happen in HL last weekend! You allowed
100 or so people into HL without most of us knowing?
With most of us still following the safety protocols and
regulations set forth by the State, how/why would you
allow this to happen? What if someone from that
wedding or a resident test positive and can be traced
back to that event? What happens to HL? I’m not just
talking about the safety/health of us but also the
financial impact something like that would have on us?
Did you make sure any of them were tested? How did
Our team did not make the decision to host this private event lightly. This
pre-booked event was postponed a couple of times before having several
meetings with the owners regarding the private wedding party. Limitations
and guidelines that would need to be adhered to were discussed. The facts
are, the number of invited guests were reduced to approximately 65, tables
were set in the Lakeview Room and outside, number and spacing were
within the government and health organization guidelines. The number of
attendees were also well below the government authorities recommended
amount for our space. Food and beverage service was held outside on the
screened porch. An outside caterer was hired to provide the food and
service, as we limited the number of HL staff members involved in the event.
As for our member F&B service for the evening, we mainly provided curbside
service and had only two reservations out at the Tower Bar area.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
you keep the resistants that were also up in that area,
with no knowledge of the wedding safe...to make sure
they didn’t come in contact with others?
I thought we were following State guidelines/regulations
for safety? We have limits on the pools, parks, sports
courts, etc ...though this somehow was approved?
It is VERY dark when exiting from the original entrance
at night. Will there be reflective tape added to the gates
so we will be able to see the edges more clearly? This
might not be as much of an issue at the back gate
because of residual light from street lamps.
Before the gate at Hampton Lake Dr. are closed from 7 PM until 7 AM
measures will be taken to ensure the gates are visible and traffic will be
made aware that proper credentials are required for entry.
Perhaps this question is premature, but when the new
BOD is formed that is no longer majority developer, will
changes in current BOD practices be considered,
specifically an end to the BOD votes being unanimous,
and not soliciting the property owners for input on
important issues prior to BOD voting. Unanimous BOD
voting and not soliciting property owner input on major
issues prior to BOD voting has been a pet peeve for
some of us.
The Board of Directors will continue to operate in accordance with the
governing documents. Directors have a legal fiduciary duty to vote in what
they believe to be in the Community Association’s best interest as a whole.
That may end up as a unanimous vote or not, depending upon the view of
each individual Owner Director. These documents are clear as to when
owner input is to be obtained. Beyond that, the Board receives owner input
via LakeViews, the member survey and the Board of Advisors.
Why are flagpoles not permitted?
In keeping with the Community Wide Standards, rule 8.4.5 allows members
to display a single portable, removable US Flag from a pole attached to their
home or garage. Flag poles are not permitted for several reasons, including
the need to avoid the placement of flags and flag poles of multiple sizes and
locations creating a haphazard look on our streets, as well as the challenges
of properly flying the flag. For example, all flags would need to be taken
down at night in order to comply with the nighttime lighting rules. The
repetitive clanging of flagpole hardware on even mildly windy days is
considered a nuisance by many. Many community associations prohibit
flagpoles for these reasons.
Ever considered speed bumps on the new/west section
of flatwater drive from my backyard I estimate some
vehicles at 40 mph plus. If not have security police and
give fines not warnings and the word will get out. This is
unsafe as is
Speed bumps have been considered in the past to mitigate speeding but
rejected for other methods. Members have been and will be fined for
speeding in accordance with rules & regs section 14.7.2.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The construction traffic on Flatwater Drive on the curve
to the Flat Creek Drive entrance is often very busy with
parked contractor trucks as well as trucks delivering
supplies, concrete, etc. Twice, we have had to turn
around and go the other way due to the congested
construction area being blocked. Will this continue in
this manner for the next year as homes are built in that
section? We drive very slowly and carefully to get safely
through avoiding cars and pedestrians.
Home construction activity brings road and traffic congestion. This situation
is compounded when several homes are under construction in close
proximity. Members need to be extra cautious when encountering this
situation and anytime there are vehicles parked on the street. HL will
experience various levels of home construction activity until the community is
built out.
Now that management has decided that a large wedding
party of 65, plus caterers, is an acceptable risk for the
rest of the community members (without our majority
consent), does that mean that the amenities bathrooms
are open to us as well? It seems what is good for
outside paying visitors should afforded to community
members as well. Please open up the amenities
bathrooms for our use, after all we are paying for them
Restrooms have been open for owner use. The Tackle Box restrooms are
available during operational hours, Lobby restrooms are available for owners
dinning indoors, Outpost restrooms are currently open from 8:00 AM till 7:00
PM, the pool restrooms are open during hours, and the temporary rest
rooms at Crystal Lake are available.
Is it possible to get some lights in the mail kiosk by the
new entrance and dirt pile? Now that the days are
shorter, typically dark when many of us get our mail.
Although the mail kiosks are still developer owned, we will install some solar
powered motion detection lights.
What is the status for the repair of the damaged
structures at the new front gate? The damage occurred
a while ago, but it doesn’t appear any work has started
on fixing the brick posts? Is this impacting when the new
rfd tags can be used for entrance and exit?
The decorative stone column damage occurred during the emergency
response to the lightning strike and is not connected to the gate operation.
Estimates have been received, second party insurance reimbursement for
damages obtained, and now we are in the process of scheduling the repairs.
Our main attention has been on repairing and full functionality of gate
As owners in Hampton Lake Estates, we are well aware
of HL ground's large areas and the effort to maintain its
neat appearance. However, the entrances to Hampton
Lake is less than appealing compared to nearby upscale
communities. At the HL Drive entrance shrubbery has
been removed and not replaced. There are little/no
seasonal flowers at any of the entrances unless they
were planted today. PLease reply to our concern.
The importance of community appearance is reflected in our budget with
landscaping as Hampton Lake’s single biggest budget item (over $850K in
2020). Over 250 plants, trees, and ground cover were planted at the new
entrance in the first quarter of 2020. This means they haven't even had one
growing season. We expect that by the third growing season these plants
will have begun to fill out and take shape. Plantings will continue to be
evaluated, removed and replaced as needed over time. In contrast, the
Hampton Lake Drive gate is 14 years old and thus has been through 14
growing seasons which is why you see much more mature trees and plants.
For the next four weeks, new plants and flowers will be added for the fall
season. Until all development around the new area is complete, significant
ongoing maintenance will be necessary and it will be prioritized best as
possible. New pine straw is installed twice a year (Typically Spring and Fall).
Fresh pine straw is scheduled to be applied the first week of November.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have recently noticed that some of our directional
signage is looking very "tired". The one right before HL
Crossing on HL Drive is very faded as is the first one on
HL Drive just after you go through the gatehouse at the
Fording Ct intersection. I also noticed that a sign on HL
Drive over where you would head up to Crystal Lake
looks like it was recently refurbished/painted. Is there a
plan to refurbish these signs while we still have relatively
warm weather?
Informational signs fall within regular maintenance programs, our focus has
been on installing new signage pertaining to the Flat Creek Dr. gate. The
original signs are scheduled for refurbishment later this year or the 1st
Quarter in 2021.
Just curious if there is an expected gate for the Owner
gate at the Flatwater entrance to be repaired and
The gates at Hampton Lake Drive and at Flat Creek Drive are operational in
that members can use them for entry and exit. However, we have not
achieved the full functionality of the software, member-only arm, and other
components as yet due to a number of unforseesable events, such as the
lightning strike at Flat Creek and the truck crashing into the newly installed
gate at Hampton Lake Drive. We have completed the repairs to the Flat
Creek Drive gatehouse, camera systems and automated member lane. The
Hampton Lake gate has been replaced. We are now in the process of setting
up our community software system (Jonas) to communicate with the new
gatehouse software (ABDi). Once this is completed, individual pin numbers
will be created and sent to each owner so that they can sign on and manage
their guest lists. The hope is to have this information and instructions on its
use sent out in the next few weeks. We appreciate everyone’s patience. This
is a new system with multiple components, including hardware, software,
electronics, cameras, and involves the coordination with multiple vendors.
We are very eager for the added convenience and the efficiencies this new
system will provide for owners and our gatehouse team.
Minimizing response time to emergency responders is
essential to the health and well-being of all Hampton
Lake residents and workers. Can you comment on how
city and county emergency responders are given and
will be given 24/7 entry to Hampton Lake, allowing them
to use the quickest route to each area of HL 24/7?
Delays caused by unmanned gates or requirements of
entry through a single manned gate regardless of the
distance from the site of the emergency must be
avoided. Do Emergency Responders have override
transmitters allowing entry to all gated communities? In
our case, with all due respect to HL Security, it is highly
doubtful that folks will remember to call the gatehouse
after dialing 911. Thanks, Charlie
All emergency vehicles are equipped with a click to enter device that allows
access to all electronic gates.
Hi! When will we be able to use the new gates at the
The gates at Hampton Lake Drive and at Flat Creek Drive are operational in
that members can use them for entry and exit. However, we have not
achieved the full functionality of the software, member-only arm, and other
components as yet due to a number of unforseesable events, such as the
lightning strike at Flat Creek and the truck crashing into the newly installed
gate at Hampton Lake Drive. We have completed the repairs to the Flat
Creek Drive gatehouse, camera systems and automated member lane. The
Hampton Lake gate has been replaced. We are now in the process of setting
up our community software system (Jonas) to communicate with the new
gatehouse software (ABDi). Once this is completed, individual pin numbers
will be created and sent to each owner so that they can sign on and manage
their guest lists. The hope is to have this information and instructions on its
use sent out in the next few weeks. We appreciate everyone’s patience. This
is a new system with multiple components, including hardware, software,
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
electronics, cameras, and involves the coordination with multiple vendors.
We are very eager for the added convenience and the efficiencies this new
system will provide for owners and our gatehouse team.
When is the new resident entry sytem going to start
working? Why is it taking soo long? We are tired of
waiting behind trucks and people getting their visitor
passes. And yes, sometimes…patiently waiting is hard
to do, as some of us have strict schedules and
The gates at Hampton Lake Drive and at Flat Creek Drive are operational in
that members can use them for entry and exit. However, we have not
achieved the full functionality of the software, member-only arm, and other
components as yet due to a number of unforseesable events, such as the
lightning strike at Flat Creek and the truck crashing into the newly installed
gate at Hampton Lake Drive. We have completed the repairs to the Flat
Creek Drive gatehouse, camera systems and automated member lane. The
Hampton Lake gate has been replaced. We are now in the process of setting
up our community software system (Jonas) to communicate with the new
gatehouse software (ABDi). Once this is completed, individual pin numbers
will be created and sent to each owner so that they can sign on and manage
their guest lists. The hope is to have this information and instructions on its
use sent out in the next few weeks. We appreciate everyone’s patience. This
is a new system with multiple components, including hardware, software,
electronics, cameras, and involves the coordination with multiple vendors.
We are very eager for the added convenience and the efficiencies this new
system will provide for owners and our gatehouse team.
It’s been time to get our new RFID tags for quite some
time now. What is the new Eta on getting this working?
At least at the back gate to start? Thank you
The gates at Hampton Lake Drive and at Flat Creek Drive are operational in
that members can use them for entry and exit. However, we have not
achieved the full functionality of the software, member-only arm, and other
components as yet due to a number of unforseesable events, such as the
lightning strike at Flat Creek and the truck crashing into the newly installed
gate at Hampton Lake Drive. We have completed the repairs to the Flat
Creek Drive gatehouse, camera systems and automated member lane. The
Hampton Lake gate has been replaced. We are now in the process of setting
up our community software system (Jonas) to communicate with the new
gatehouse software (ABDi). Once this is completed, individual pin numbers
will be created and sent to each owner so that they can sign on and manage
their guest lists. The hope is to have this information and instructions on its
use sent out in the next few weeks. We appreciate everyone’s patience. This
is a new system with multiple components, including hardware, software,
electronics, cameras, and involves the coordination with multiple vendors.
We are very eager for the added convenience and the efficiencies this new
system will provide for owners and our gatehouse team.
Having recently visited the Spa, I noticed how “tired” the
locker room looked. The carpet is stained, dirty and
worn. the fabric on the bench seats are faded. The
stools in the spa rooms are dirty and worn. What plans,
if any, are there to upgrade and clean up these areas?
The items listed are included in our Capital Reserve and Replacement
budget, all replacements are prioritized with input and research from our
Fitness and Recreation BOA Committee. Over the past year, we have
painted the fitness center, installed new carpets, replaced A/C units, bought
additional weights, replaced roughly seven consoles and treadmill belts,
professionally cleaned the locker room and spa area carpets, and made
other repairs. Aerobics Room flooring replacement has also been
scheduled. The locker room improvements are part of the budgeted repair
and replacement budget for 2021. This includes carpeting, painting, and
stool replacements.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Why is management keeping the courts next to the Barn
open when nobody masks there while waiting to play.
Clusters of 5 to 10 maskless players can be seen almost
anytime on the benches, a definite Covid spreader
threat to our community.
In an effort to accommodate those members who wished to use the sports
courts, we opted to open the courts located at the new Parkside Amenities in
May, after Governor McMaster announced the further lifting of restrictions on
sporting activities. It has been communicated to the community that all who
wish to participate in these activities assume the risks involved with using the
facilities. We currently ask that all members practice social distancing,
adhere to the guidelines below and follow the recommendations put forth by
local and state governments, in addition to world health organizations.
Ultimately, it is each member’s responsibility to follow to these guidelines.
Tennis and Pickleball:
• Reservations for up to two hours will be resumed.
• Arrive no more than 5 minutes before your reserved time.
• Bring your own water bottle.
• Bring disinfectant wipes and wipe down all surfaces/equipment you touch
with your hands after playing. If a ball comes on your court from an adjoining
court, roll it back with your racquet.
• Consider wearing wrist bands and a headband to help avoid touching your
eyes and face.
• Open play time for pickleball is still suspended until further notice.
• Leave the court as soon as possible when your reserved time is up.
• Wash or sanitize your hands thoroughly after leaving the court.
It is suggested that the tall pink-topped grass in the
median at the former main HL entrance off of Bluffton
Parkway be trimmed down. The grass at present height
blocks the view of an incoming vehicle from a vehicle
exiting HL en route to Benton House or Hampton Lake
One. There is a risk of the vehicles colliding in the
rotary. Thank you.
Thank you for the observation, the landscape crew will look into the situation
and make necessary changes to ensure driving conditions remain safe.
At the recent Board Meeting, the increase in budget for
landscaping was mentioned. Since many have
commented about the lack of landscaping around the
new gate and entry road, is any of this funding intended
to improve the look of this area?
We have about $10,000 in the budget for additional landscaping at the
Flatwater Creek gate. Improvements will be made over several years. When
making comparisons, please keep in mind our other gate’s landscaping has
14 years of growth and maturity, plus it benefitted from existing hardwoods.
Hi, I noticed that there is no longer a way to see the
previous questions asked on the Lakeviews. I always
appreciated being able to look back at past questions as
it seems like I could usually find the answers to things I
was wondering myself. I will also admit that I don't
always look at the lakeview area and so being able to
"look back" was beneficial. Why was this discontinued?
If it is still available, how do I access the previously
asked and answered questions. Thanks so much. Judy
A searchable archive of published LakeViews questions and answers
appears on the Welcome page of the HLCA website. This archive is
updated quarterly.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I haven't seen an answer in Lake Views to my previously
submitted question, so I was hoping it might get
consideration this week. During the last board meeting,
Bryan mentioned that indoor dining at Bill's averages 4-5
reservations per night. To improve the budget and
member services, could we now consider walk-in
service while still maintaining existing COVID safety
practices? We might capture diners who have not made
advance plans but would like to stop in for dining, much
like they would do when dining in town. Thanks for your
In order to schedule and maintain appropriate staffing levels for both lunch
and dinner, reservations are recommended. We have been accommodating
walk-in diners during both time frames when possible. However, seating and
availability cannot be guaranteed for walk-in diners.
Who is responsible for the day-to-day physical
monitoring of construction rule compliance by builders
on their job sites? We've seen several job sites with
trash left that gets blown into residents' yards and at
times into the lake. We've also seen construction
vehicles left overnight at job sites, and outside lighting
left on overnight at homes under construction. Thanks
for answering.
Our Architectural Review Board along with our Gatehouse personnel are
responsible for conducting compliance inspections. Members should contact
the gatehouse and/or management of any concerns immediately.
The wavy pink grass at the old front entrance is fine. It
looks the best in the winter when it is pink and waves in
the breeze. It does not block line of sight out onto the
roadway. Please do not cut back or only cut done back
towards the intersection.
The community association will look for ways to balance the landscape
designs while ensuring all types of vehicles have good visibility. Safety will
always be the top priority.
Mary Ann
With 2 entrances now if we call in a gate pass will that
pass be communicated to both entrances or do we need
to tell “guest” which entrance to use. Also are there 2
different phone numbers ? Thank you
The current gatehouse number, 843.836.7490, rings at both gates
simultaneously. Any guest pass called in will be available at either the Flat
Creek Drive or Hampton Lake Drive Gate.
I have noticed a strong sulfur smell in early morning. Is
coming from the Lake ? Any knowledge you can share
be appreciated.
We are unaware of any other reports of an odor. In the future, please notify
management of any such occurrence immediately and include details such
as time and location, etc. Providing this information to us will aid in our
investigation of the matter.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Why are there 13 full time and 8 part time restaurant
staff since the majority of the meals are curbside and it
has been stated that we are not reaching capacity with
reservations. Also the survey quoted for the restaurant
was Sept 2019. Can we put another one out and and get
current data? While I understand the not for profit idea, a
month of member dues used to subsidize a restaurant a
lot of residents don’t use should be addressed.
The staff includes back of house, which includes the kitchen staff, including
the chef, food preparation, dishwasher, etc., as well as front of house, which
includes servers, order taking, bar, and restaurant supervision. While we are
not seeing comparable business for inside dining as we have in the past, we
have extended days and hours for curbside pickup. The use of these staff
members with our current operations is warranted given the volume of
curbside pickup. As a result, the associated revenues are very close to the
2020 budget. The amenity package (including Backwater Bill’s, the fitness
center and the lake) is an integral part of the community. There are
associated costs with these amenities and not all owners choose to utilize
every aspect of the community. Most members do see the value in
Backwater Bills, the Fitness Center and other amenities and the added
property values they bring. Member surveys are conducted every two
Will the banks on the sides of the new pool by Crystal
Lake have any kind of retaining system to prevent them
from getting washed out every time it rains? The banks
are quite steep and it appears that the current situation
is inadequate. Eventually the sand will washout to the
extent that the concrete will crack and the structural
integrity of the pool will be compromised. It seems like a
retaining wall may have been the way to go, as opposed
to planting ground cover vegetation in sand and
covering it in pinestraw. Is the plan to just backfill the
washout with new sand every time it happens? as has
been happening recently, or will there be a more
permanent solution, prior to the transfer from Reed
Group to the HOA? It could become a costly ongoing
maintenance expense if it is not addressed now.
The developer has installed a drainage system around the Parkside Amenity
pool, which is in place to collect water and prevent a washout of the sand
around the pool area. If further bank stability is required, appropriate steps
will be taken.
Dear Board,
Seasons Greetings to you all. Although relatively new to
the development, I've noticed that our sidewalks
intermittingly cross from one side of the street to the
other. I've also noticed that occasionally walkers are
distracted by something and step into the roadway
assuming the approaching vehicle sees them,
particularly at dusk. Would it be possible to highlight
these crossings , i.e. a white stripe on the gutter or
street edge at the sidewalk/road connection, so that
drivers would be more alert to watch for a pedestrian
Although crosswalks can be beneficial in directing pedestrians where to
cross, marked pedestrian crosswalks, in and of themselves, do not slow
traffic or reduce accidents involving pedestrians. A five-year study by the
Federal Highway Administration of 1000 marked crosswalks and 1000
unmarked comparison sites found that on most roads, the difference in
safety performance of marked and unmarked crossings is not statistically
significant, unless additional safety features, such as traffic lights or crossing
guards, are used. In certain situations, a marked crosswalk is likely to have
worse safety performance than an otherwise similar unmarked location. It is
thought that crosswalks give pedestrians a false sense of safety that leads
them to cross without using adequate caution, and that many drivers are not
aware that pedestrians have the right of way in a marked crosswalk, and
they don’t expect pedestrians to suddenly step into the
road. However, management has taken several steps to slow down traffic,
such as lowering the speed limit to 20 mph in several areas. Members are
encouraged to be cautious when crossing where it is hard to see oncoming
traffic. Pedestrians must be mindful of exactly where they cross to ensure
that have a safe view of both directions when crossing.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
OK, not finished yet but I suggest a yellow safety strip
(safety tape) be installed on the concrete on the
southwest side of the mailboxes near the roundabout.
The new parking area adjoining the mailboxes with 2
handicapped parking space. Between these two spaces
, a cutout makes an easy access to a ramp up to the
mailboxes. It is at the top, the flat concrete where the
problem will be. It’s only a 4 inch step down, but difficult
to see. Happened to me yesterday and another man this
afternoon. I think a bright yellow (possibly reflective)
safety tape along the flat top edge would be a huge
benefit for handicapped people. The tape won’t prevent
an eventual accident, but I believe it can help. It’s about
20 feet that needs a strip of warning tape. Any question,
I’ll be happy to show you.
The safety concern has been sent to our maintenance technician and will be
remedied soon.
To my great disappointment and chagrin, I understand
that our current Fitness Center Director, Gemilee
Marquez will be resigning that position at the end of
December to pursue a more lucrative opportunity at a
local area fitness center. In the past 3 years, 3 Directors
have come and gone: Jason Alexiou, Kevin Felton, and
Gemilee Marquez. The loss of Kevin was especially
disappointing and frustrating, as Kevin is both an
extraordinary trainer and instructor, and was well liked
by most Hampton Lake members who frequent the
Fitness Center. Similarly, Gemilee is an excellent
trainer with a sparkling personality and a great attitude.
I realize that a replacement for Gemilee has already
been hired, but am wondering if this current cycle of
having to hire a new Fitness Center Director every 18
months, or so, will be allowed to continue, or, Hampton
Lake will make a better effort to retain those staff /
contractors who demonstrate outstanding performance
and ability?
According to multiple industry sources, including certification agencies and
fitness industry trade associations, turnover among personal trainers is
estimated at 80-90%. Although there are many contributors to the high
turnover in the industry overall, the personal trainers that have worked at
Hampton Lake have left to either start their own business or work in a facility
that can offer a greater number of clients.
HL management did not apply for funds available
through the Paycheck Protection Program last March. I
recall that management decided the HOA was not
eligible for these funds, however a dozen other private
communities did receive payroll relief up to a million
dollars as reported in the Packet. How were those
communities different from HL? This program is again
available to small businesses through Covid relief bill.
My questions are what legal or financial opinion was
relied on to conclude the HOA was not eligible for these
funds last time and does management plan on applying
for these forgivable loans this time? In light of the fact
that HL commendably did not lay off any employees
although our amenities and revenue were decreased,
the funds would have been a nice cushion to the
operating budget, perhaps avoiding the HOA dues
Homeowners' associations (HOAs) are not eligible for the PPP loan,
currently. This has been verified with CAI attorneys and our state legislators.
If you have heard that another community received PPP funds, it may be a
community that is managed by an outside property management firm and
the property management firm may have been the recipient of the loan.
Contractors who provide services for HOAs, such as our security firm and
the operators of the fitness center, are eligible for PPP loans and can use
those funds to help pay employees. HLCA has not had to furlough any
employees, as most were considered essential. We also enabled many to
work from home and/or perform tasks other than their regular work, such as
managing pool reservations. If our legislators allow HOAs to participate in
the future, HLCA will be prepared to apply.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Why are children under 16 not allowed in the fitness
center even when they are accompanied by an adult?
My children and many others are in athletics and would
benefit from using the gym. It is very unfair and puzzling
why this age restriction is accepted. I feel this issue
should be placed to a vote given the neighborhoods
growing population of young families.
There are many opportunities for children in Hampton Lake to participate in
exercise and healthy activities, including the pool, basketball, tennis,
bicycling, kayaking on the lake, and walking or running on our nature trails.
Our staff hosts several children’s programs throughout the year, such as the
Kid’s Camp and Teen Kayaking. However, due to insurance and liability
issues, HLCA Rules and Regulations (4.2.10) prohibit use of the Fitness
Center for children under sixteen, except in the case of a specific age-
specific program hosted by the fitness center staff. Children between the
ages of 16 to 18 may use the Fitness Center with written parental consent
provided to the fitness staff and the Hampton Lake General Manager.
My question regards mailbox replacement. On Anchor
Bay, some 6 or 8 boxes have been replaced, but some
newer and some older ones have not. Is this street
finished? What is the protocol for choosing which are
replaced? Who makes that call? Thanks.
The ARB is responsible for determining and scheduling which mailboxes are
replaced per street based on a set list of qualifications.
The next streets for mailbox replacements are listed below. The following
streets and time schedule are subject to change based on weather and other
• Palmetto Cove – Estimated Start Date mid-week 1/12/21 • Balsam Bay –
Estimated Start, week of 1/21/21
• Lakewood Court – Estimated Start, week of 2/10/21
• Grassy Cove – Estimated Start, week of 2/10/21
Hargray is (was) offering a special community pricing for
Hampton Lake. This is discussed in the latest Hampton
Lake Member Packet dated 9-19-2020 which suggests
that this pricing agreement was reached with the
Hampton Lake Board of Directors and Property
Manager. I had been receiving this discount to date, but
it recently ended and when I called Hargray Special
Projects office directly, the office indicated that the
pricing agreement is only good for 1-year. The terms of
this agreement are not mentioned in the Hampton Lake
Member Packet so wanted to ask if in fact this is
consistent with the expected terms of the pricing
The Hampton Lake agreement with Hargray was contracted for 5 years
beginning Sept. 2019. If you have difficulties with your Hargray rate,
including not being able to locate the designated promotion credit, please
Grace Kurtz Manager, Community & Developer Relations HARGRAY
Two questions/requests
1. Once again, I am asking for a sidewalk to be installed
on Pine Shadow. This continues to be a dangerous road
for pedestrians. The volume of traffic with the new
entrance, has increased dramatically. The curves in the
road and sun glare in the afternoon add to this danger.
2. Can a dog waste station be installed by the
mailboxes located on Flatwater Drive near Flat Creek
entrance? The closest stations are a great distance
1. The Hampton Lake master plan does not include a sidewalk on Pine
Shadow Court and there are no current plans to add a sidewalk at this time.
Now that the western section of Flatwater Drive is open, directional signs are
in place to route traffic away from Pine Shadow. Pedestrians are encouraged
to use the sidewalk on Lake Bluff Drive as an alternative to Pine Shadow Ct.
2. Additional dog waste station are in progress for the remainder of the
community. The only definite location of a new station is near Bridgeside
Park, other locations have not been determined. .
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
In this weeks update, I learned that guests will not be
able to enter the Hampton Lake Drive entrance on
Sundays. Do I understand this correctly? Sunday is a
busy day for guests, that seems somewhat punitive and
unreasonable for those who live close to this gate, who's
guests have been able to access this gate 24-7. I had
assumed it would move to 12 hrs for 7 days, but it
appears to be 12 hrs for 6 days instead. I find this to be
unsatisfactory. Also, this would force guests to use the
new gate on Sundays to access Backwater Bills, which
is much harder to navigate.
When determining the hours of operations, multiple factors were taken into
consideration, including budgetary, safety and convenience. It was
determined that the additional labor costs to provide Sunday staffing was not
warranted. The Hampton Lake Drive gate will be staffed Monday through
Saturday from 7am to 7pm. All other times, including all day Sunday, the
gate will only be operational for members who have the RFID barcode decal.
Guests who wish to enter the community on Sundays will be able to use the
Flat Creek Drive gate. There are directional signs guiding guests to
Backwater Bill’s after their entrance through the Flat Creek Drive gate, in
addition to directions to your guests’ destination on the back of their
dashboard pass. The Flat Creek Drive gate will be available to guests 24/7.
For convenience, all gates have been exit enabled, including vehicles
without RFID barcode decals.
Since the original gate will be closed at times to visitors,
will there be signage from the new gate directing people
to the amenity center? Getting from the new gate to the
original phases in Hampton Lake is very confusing for
Currently there are directional signs in place at the stop sign immediately
following the Flat Creek Drive gate, directing visitors and guests to
Backwater Bill’s. Directions to their destination will be provided on the back
of the dash pass, depending on the gate your guest enters.
Love the new amenities center. I am wondering if there
will be a paved pathway from the new parking lot to the
pickleball court/children's play area. Right now people
cut across the grass but I am in a wheelchair and have
to go down to the mailboxes, up the track to get over to
the pickleball courts safely. Will there be a path in front
to the barn when it is complete?
Second, will there be a drinking fountain that is not
behind a locked gate? I see two at the barn and
swimming pool but none for those walking the track,
playing at the swings or pickleball users. Hoping to stay
hydrated without having to jump a fence. (See
wheelchair user mention earlier)
Currently, there is a pathway to access to the sports courts by walking
between the pool house and the party barn. There are no plans to add
additional water fountains. Those that are installed are very accessible from
the sports courts and playground. We don’t anticipate locking the gates
during daylight hours once the complex is handed over to the community
association. The gates remain locked at this time as the buildings have not
been given the appropriate CO for members and guests to access the
Will a community events bulletin board, similar to the
one at the old entrance, be installed at the new main
entrance (or will the current sign be relocated)?
A new marquee, similar to that at the Hampton Lake Drive Gate, will be
installed at the Flat Creek Drive Gate in the future.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What is security protocol if someone enters the property
without a pass? Ie runs the gate house.
If an unauthorized vehicle were to get past the gate, a guard would follow
them, escort them off the property and issue the appropriate fines.
We appreciate owners being on the lookout for vehicles gaining access by
following cars through the Old Miller Gate. If this happens, please contact
security immediately. Inform the guard that someone is behind you and you
cannot see if they have a decal. In any case, when you cannot definitively
see that the vehicle behind you has the appropriate decal, stop once you are
through the gate until it closes, or call security with a vehicle description and
the direction the vehicle turns onto Hampton Lake Drive. Do not confront the
driver. If the driver has the proper authorization, he or she should understand
the need to prevent unauthorized entry.
Completely agree with Karen. I drove in from Ct after
dark & used the new gate. Drove around for almost an
hour, asked 3 people, just to find my house.
More signs to Backwater Bills or the Amenities Center,
would have made it much easier.
Currently there are directional signs in place at the stop sign immediately
following the Flat Creek Drive gate, directing visitors and guests to
Backwater Bill’s. Directions to their destination will be provided on the back
of the dash pass, depending on the gate your guest enters. Members with an
RFID tag may use the Hampton Lake Drive gate 24/7 seven days a week.
For the past few days, I've woken to the strong smell of
gas outside our condo mostly in the morning. I called
our supplier, Palmetto Gas, and the response was "I've
received hundreds of calls from Hampton Lake about
the same thing. I live near Hampton Lake and I've
smelled it in my yard. Marsh Gas". Internet inquiries
seem to suggest that marsh gas is not innocuous. Any
thoughts or suggestions?
It is good to hear that Palmetto Gas doesn't feel this odor is something to be
concerned about and that they attribute it to marsh gas. The term marsh gas
is sometimes used to refer to methane, which can be toxic when found in
manholes or confined spaces. But here in the Low Country our marshes are
part of the natural habitat. The odor from the local marshes is caused by the
breakdown of organic matter and is not harmful. To learn more, click this link
to visit a site hosted by the US Chamber of Commerce's National Oceanic &
Atmospheric Administration.
Now that construction on the barn and second pool is
essentially complete, can you talk about the plans for
the mobile bathroom located next to the mail kiosk?
The temporary restrooms located near the mail kiosk are owned by the
developer. They are scheduled to be removed once all facilities are fully
It is really confusing as to the speed limit on the new
roads into Hampton Lake. It is 20 near the gatehouse.
Why is it not posted along the roads between the
gatehouse and Crystal Lake. If Hampton Lake Drive in
most sections is 30mph why shouldn't the new roads be
30? It would be so much simpler if the whole
neighborhood was 25.
As the sign at the entrance says, the speed limit in Hampton Lake is 20 mph,
unless otherwise posted. Speed limits are based on safety concerns and
traffic patterns. There are several areas, such as near the Lakeside Amenity
Center, where the number of vehicles on the road, as well as those turning
onto or off the road, require a speed limit of 20 mph for traffic and safety
reasons. Likewise, most of the side streets are curved and somewhat
narrow, and a speed greater than 20 mph would be unsafe. Areas where
there is limited visibility due to curves also require the lower speed limit. As
such, raising the speed limit in these areas to 25 mph would create safety
concerns. A significant portion of Hampton Lake Drive can support a speed
limit of 30 mph, therefore the higher speed limit is permitted there. There is
little evidence that having one consistent speed limit offers any advantages.
Reports from the Federal Highway Administration and other entities that
study and monitor traffic safety recommend variations in speed limits
because the change serves as a signal to drivers that the road condition
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
(e.g. congestion, hills, curves) requires a change in speed. You can view one
such report at the following link:
f. Our rules require drivers to always operate their vehicles at a safe speed
and obey traffic signs. While our posted speed limits are an indication of the
maximum safe speed, road conditions, such as congestion, rain, darkness,
deer nearby, etc., may dictate a speed slower than the posted speed limit.
Thus drivers are expected to slow down when they encounter such
conditions. HLCA encourages everyone to drive safely and stay alert.
Consider adding a sign at the new gate near the arm to
indicate which lane yields to the other as communities
with similar set ups have done. A little inattention in
either lane is an "accident looking for a place to
We are in the process of evaluating the signage needed at the Flat Creek
Gate. This will include safety and directional signs as deemed necessary.
Now that the last section of the lake has been opened,
how many linear miles of waterfront, including all coves
and channels, do we have at Hampton Lake?
Paul Golden
There are +/- 250 acres of main lake, and +/- 13 miles of water’s edge at
Hampton Lake.
I've been told by residents & security that cars & trucks
not in driveways are not allowed to park on curves. I
can't find anything in member/ARB rules. I've reported
dangerous pkg to security several times. Sometimes
they follow up & other times they do nothing. I stopped
at the HL Dr gate & specifically asked the guard if there
was a rule. He said he wasn't aware that there was one
for construction or lawn care trucks other than they are
supposed to have cones in front and behind their
vehicles where they park on the street. Some do this,
others don't. Very few only park on straight stretches & it
is very dangerous. Practically everyone of us has had a
close call over the past 3 years at the first curve after the
guard gate on HL Dr in front of the house that's been
under construction. Now on Fording Ct there are 2
houses being built on the curve before the Arbors across
the st from each other. Trucks park on both sides of that
curve. We need a firm rule and Security policing it.
In the case of new construction, it is usually impossible for all the trucks
involved at any one time to park on the property. As a result, with all the
new construction still going on in Hampton Lake, it is not feasible at this time,
to prohibit trucks from parking in the street. Currently our policy is to not
allow more than four vehicles in a row without leaving a place for vehicles to
move back into their lane when passing. That would mean four single
vehicles or two trucks with trailers. Trucks are not allowed to be parked on
both sides of the street. If members observe trucks parked in a manner that
creates a safety hazard, members should call the gatehouse team.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Is anyone dissatisfied with the new entrance on Flat
Creek Drive? We use this exit daily. For a community
the size and quality of HL, the entrance does not
compare well with entrances of other communities (e.g.
Hampton Hall) or even our own other entrance.
My wife and I find it lacking architectural interest (from a
landscape perspective) and it has a design flaw. When
exiting just past the gate there is a severe jog to the left
the driver has to make in order to stay on the Flat Creek
Dr. This could be a hazard.
One suggestion would be to widen Flat Creek Drive on
the short section between Parklands and Bluffton
Parkway and a center island in the road be installed with
trees & shrubs. This would make both lanes on Flat
Creek Drive straight and an island with plants and trees
would look very nice.
While we realize that the plants there are young, and as
they mature they will improve the aesthetics of the area,
are there any plans to make improvements, particularly
to the road?
We have $10,000 in the 2021 budget for additional landscaping at the
Flatwater Creek gate. Improvements will be made in subsequent years.
When making comparisons, please keep in mind our other gate’s
landscaping has 14 years of growth and maturity, plus it benefitted from
existing hardwoods. Currently there are no plans for road improvements.
The road was built according to town plans.
As a resident of almost 5 years, living near the HLDrive
formally "Main Gate", I am distressed that the main gate
status has been moved to phase 3, with no
consideration or input. Why this was done is a mystery
to me but having been done there is now an issue with
the after hours and Sunday entry for visitors or delivery (
such as food services). To have them use the Flatwater
Gate is awkward. There should be a way for these
guests to communicate with the new gate (a call button
perhaps) to allow entry, with the residents approval,
through the HLDrive gate for those of us living in phase
1 or 2. Expecting visitors to drive all around the
community is inconvenient and absurd. I have been to
many other gated communities that have solved this
with a call button. Has this issue even ever been
discussed? I am sure, if asked, those living closer to
HLDrive Gate would concur, the new system is flawed
and needs to be a topic of discussion and hopefully
The decision to reduce staffing hours at the HL Drive gate goes back to
budget development in 3Q 2018 and has not changed since then. However,
the timing for this change has been delayed about 19 months for several
different reasons. While this decision responded to owner
complaints/concerns with gate backups and construction traffic, the
overriding factor was budgetary considerations. The decision makers
weighed the cost benefits of 24/7 staffing both gates vs. the inconvenience
of one-way entry for guests and it was determined the extra costs were not
warranted at this time. The reduced gate staffing plan was carefully thought
out for the benefit of the entire community. This includes the decision for all
of the exit gates to become available to all traffic 24/7 (i.e. for members,
guests & contractors). The decision to have both gates staffed only during
“construction hours” was to reduce gate traffic backups and reduce
construction traffic on our roads by providing a shorter route from the gate to
their construction site. The idea is to have all construction type traffic get to
their destination as expeditiously as possible for safety purposes and to
prevent premature road/bridge repairs. We assumed owners were fully
aware "construction hours" were 7 am to 7 pm, Monday to Saturday, as this
has always been the case and is covered in HLCA Rules & Regulations for
community access. Most gated communities in the area only have one
access point into the community for guests, some with much further
distances to travel.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What is the policy regarding overnight parking in
community parking lots (e.g. at the amenities centers)?
I have noticed that at least one car has been parking
overnight by Crystal Lake for weeks. Is it acceptable for
homeowners or their guests to use these parking areas
overnight or long term?
Overnight parking at either of the amenity centers is prohibited unless prior
approval from HL Management has been given. Permanent parking in any
common area parking lot is strictly prohibited. Please notify our gatehouse
team if you notice any suspicious activity on common grounds. Please see
rule number 11.1.1 below from the HLCA Rules and Regulations.
11.1.1 Please park cars and golf carts in designated parking places.
Members and guests are not permitted to park vehicles of any type,
including golf carts, on the circle at Lakeside at any time, except briefly for
loading and unloading materials and dropping off individuals with mobility
problems. The General Manager shall also enforce parking limitations in
other common areas, including but not limited to the general parking areas.
These parking policies will be enforced at all times.
I would like to understand the rationale to move the
“main” gate to the other entrance. Many seem to be
surprised by this change. How did this change occur and
how was it communicated?
Here are a few issues that I see as potential problems:
1) The “new” main gate entrance isn’t attractive. Do we
now need to spend money to get it “up to standards”?
How much will this cost and is this in the budget? 2)
There is plenty of room for a line of traffic at the “old” HL
gate. The “new” main gate could pose issues as traffic
could end up on the highway. If there are accidents due
to this back-up, is HL liable?
A related question regarding safety: Are cameras
installed at each entrance in case bikes, “hitchhiking
cars”, etc. come through the gates when they aren’t
monitored by people?
Thank you for your responses!
The decision to reduce staffing hours at the HL Drive gate goes back to
budget development in 3Q 2018 and has not changed since then. However,
the timing for this change has been delayed about 19 months for several
different reasons. While this decision responded to owner
complaints/concerns with gate backups and construction traffic, the
overriding factor was budgetary considerations. The decision makers
weighed the cost benefits of 24/7 staffing both gates vs. the inconvenience
of one-way entry for guests and it was determined the extra costs were not
warranted at this time. The reduced gate staffing plan was carefully thought
out for the benefit of the entire community. This includes the decision for all
of the exit gates to become available to all traffic 24/7 (i.e. for members,
guests & contractors). The decision to have both gates staffed only during
“construction hours” was to reduce gate traffic backups and reduce
construction traffic on our roads by providing a shorter route from the gate to
their construction site. The idea is to have all construction type traffic get to
their destination as expeditiously as possible for safety purposes and to
prevent premature road/bridge repairs. This was communicated to members
several times, including the Board of Directors meeting on November 13,
2018 and again at the meeting on December 17, 2019.
1. We have $10,000 in the 2021 budget for additional landscaping at the
Flatwater Creek gate. Improvements may be made in subsequent years.
When making comparisons, please keep in mind our other gate’s
landscaping has 14 years of growth and maturity, plus it benefitted from
existing hardwoods.
2. Hampton Lake’s ‘piggy backing’ policy is one in which we rely on owners
to aid in the prevention and notification of vehicles following through the
automated gates without proper credentials. We ask for owners to be on the
lookout for these types of infractions at the Old Miller Gate and now the HL
Drive Gate. If you notice anyone tailgating through without the current
colored decal, please notify Hampton Lake Security, 843-836-7490.
Information such as description of the car and direction of travel is helpful. In
any case, when you cannot definitively see that the vehicle behind you has
the appropriate sticker, stop once you are through the gate until it closes. Do
not confront the other driver. If the driver has the proper authorization, he or
she should understand the need to prevent unauthorized entry. Currently,
there are cameras at the gates which monitor car traffic, but do not show
bicycle or pedestrian traffic. It is important that you notify the gatehouse if
you notice any suspicious activity or violations to our policy above. We are
in the process of adding additional signage to inform drivers of the necessary
credentials needed and operational times to aid in preventing this type of
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
3. All persons are responsible for driving with caution, following the rules of
the road and their own actions while operating a motorized vehicle.
I have heard that once turnover is completed, that some
current employees have been given extensions on their
contracts to continue after we, the residents, have taken
a majority role on the BOD. I am asking if this is simply a
rumor floating around or if there are any facts to
substantiate this?
Hampton Lake has contracts with several contractors who provide services
and/or workers. Examples include the fitness center, security, lake
maintenance, servicing the pool, and the landscapers. These contracts have
various termination dates, typically at the end of a calendar year. Our
landscape contract, for example, is a five year contract that runs through the
end of 2021. All of our service contracts are between the community
association (not the developer) and the contractor. Each contract will be
evaluated before the end of its termination period to determine if a new
contract will be established with the same contractor, or if it will be awarded
to another contractor. When appropriate, contracts will be put out to bid.
Transitioning to owner control does not terminate our contracts, therefore no
extensions have been needed or granted.
The rest of the employees at Hampton Lake, including the management
team, Backwater Bill's, the Tackle Box, the accounting office, and the ARB,
are employees of Hampton Lake and do not have contracts.
As a relatively new resident of Hampton Lake, I would
like to have a better understanding of the overall
governance. I know we have a Board of Directors and
after listening to some of the ‘Ask the Candidates’
sessions, I’ve heard of other organizations/committees
and I’m unclear as to how they all fit together. What is
Hampton Lake Management Corporation and how does
it fit in with our BoD? What Advisory Committees exist
and what are their roles? What other committees are
there and how do they fit into the overall picture? I’ve
looked at myHamptonLake.com, but don’t see a
document that clearly shows the overall governance and
connection of the various committees.
It is true that there is no one single document that answers all of these
questions. The Lake Maintenance Corporation owns the portion of the lake
in phase 1 &2 and will soon own the lake expansion into the Sandhill tract,
which is currently owned by HL Development LLC. How it all works is
contained in the “Covenant for Joint Use and Maintenance at Hampton
Lake”. All of HL property owners are subject to this covenant. A copy of it
can be found on the HLCA web site under the BOD Governing Documents
tab. LMC is responsible for dredging and maintenance of the spillways,
weirs, and the fishery. The Owner Directors plan to cover this topic in the
March “In the Know” column that will be published in the March 7th
Community Update.
Governance of Hampton Lake Community Association (HLCA) is established
through the Community Charter & Bylaws. Article 3.16 of the Bylaws grants
the Board of Directors the power to administer the Community Associations
affairs, perform the Community Association’s responsibilities and exercise
the Community Association’s rights as set forth in the governing documents
and as provided by law. Article 6.1 of the Bylaws grants the Board of
Directors the authority to appoint committees as it deems appropriate.
Certain Committees, such as the Nominating Committee and the Property
Transfer Committee, are specifically proscribed in the governing documents.
Article 3.4(a) requires the Nominating Committee to make nominations for
placement on the ballot for Board member elections. Chapter 17.2 (a) of the
Charter requires the appointment of a Property Transfer Committee. The
Property Transfer Committee is responsible for conducting inspections and
producing a report prior to property being turnover from the developer to the
Community Association. The Board of Advisors oversees three committees,
Food & Beverage & Events, Grounds & Facilities, and Fitness & recreation.
To learn more about the committees currently serving at Hampton Lake,
complete descriptions of the committees’ roles and responsibilities can be
found on the Governing Documents tab of the HLCA.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
For the Compliance Committee, see BoD Resolution 5
For the Covenants Committee, see BoD Resolution 6
For the Nominating Committee, see BoD Resolution 8
For the Financial Review Committee, see BoD Resolution 15
For the Board of Advisors, see BoD Resolution 16
What changes, if any are planned for pool use this
upcoming season? The reservation system used last
year was really not very accomodating. members could
book multiple slots and just not show up thus blocking
others from use. even if they cancelled the morning of, a
one day in advance reservation policy did not open up
the slot.
With two pools this year, I'm hoping an online system is
in the works to better manage member use. If members
book but dont show that slot should open up very
quickly for use.
I'm sure you have the data on reservations versus actual
(check ins) to view that.
This should save man hours for HL employees who
were manually accepting emails and creating check in
lists every day.
thank you
Various reservation systems were explored last season and we were not
successful in finding something that will integrate with the Jonas system. We
will be exploring alternative ways to take pool reservations if this season
warrants that. The protocol used last year was necessary to enable the staff
to verify memberships, this would also be a required capability for any
system going forward.
I see from my current Hargray bill that our community
discount on Internet service will expire on 4/21/21. The
twenty dollar per month discount we currently enjoy will
Was there a timeframe for this agreement or does the
agreement end at Hargray’s discretion? Thanks.
The Hampton Lake agreement with Hargray was contracted for 5 years
beginning Sept. 2019. If you have difficulties with your Hargray rate,
including not being able to locate the designated promotion credit or the
expiration date, please contact:
Grace Kurtz Manager, Community & Developer Relations HARGRAY
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The decision to reduce staffing hours at the HL Drive
gate has quickly become a topic of interest for the
community. As previously stated, this decision was
made to alleviate gate backups and construction traffic
on days where construction is permitted. The
inconvenience to members and guests were outweighed
by the additional savings and the extra costs were not
warranted. While the carefully thought staffing plan
accommodates these construction concerns, it does not
meet the expectations of many members seeking the
additional security of a staffed entrance.
Since construction traffic isn’t permitted on Sunday’s,
what would be the additional monthly cost, per
household, to staff the HL Drive gate from 10am to
The staffing plan was developed to address member needs overall. Both the
Hampton Lake Drive gate and the Flat Creek Drive gate are manned during
construction hours to alleviate the back-up that members would otherwise
experience. Allowing construction traffic to enter either gate allows the
construction traffic to be split between the two gates and reduce the
construction traffic that members experience throughout the community. The
member-only arm at Flat Creek allows quick access for members 24/7 and it
is manned 24/7 for members' and guests' convenience. Members can enter
either gate with an RFID tag. The cost of having both gates manned 24/7
would be in the range of an additional $130,000 to $150,000 per year. The
number of guest entries on Sundays is small and the few extra minutes it
takes for guests to use the Flat Creek Drive gate does not warrant the
additional expense to the entire community.
I was wondering if the developer has plans to finish the
landscaping around the original mailbox kiosk on
Flatwater? Especially, do they intend to re-sod the old
gravel temporary parking lot they created?
We are waiting on several quotes from contractors to address the grading
and landscape around the mail kiosk. Based on the contractor’s current
backlog, we anticipate completion of this project to be mid to late April,
subject to weather.
We are pleased that the second amenity facilities are
nearing completion. However, the playground area is
receiving all the runoff from the new paved areas and is
flooded with standing water. This site drainage issue
must be addressed before transfer. Second, the mail
kiosk appears to have slipped off the radar. It has been
several months since the parking lot was completed, but
the former gravel surface was supposed to be
landscaped. Instead it was scraped and created an
open unprotected excavation with no storm water
protection which allows runoff, sediment, and trash to
our sensitive lake system. Further, the need for the out
house seems unrelated to picking up your mail. Perhaps
the pickle ball players may use it, but it has been terribly
unsightly for a long time. Who/when will these issues be
addressed. We have pictures that we are happy to
Hampton Lake and the entire Lowcountry has seen higher than normal
levels of rain fall over the past few months, including over 7” between the
two large rain events last week. Many areas that are dry during normal levels
of rain fall are damp currently. During the planning and construction of the
amenity barn, a drainage plan was engineered and installed to handle the
normal rain fall amounts. We are waiting on several quotes from contractors
to address the grading and landscape around the mail kiosk. Based on the
contractor’s current backlog, we anticipate completion of this project to be
mid to late April, subject to weather. Finally, the mobile restrooms were
owned by the developer and have since been sold and removed from the
On Sundays when the Hampton Lake Drive (HLD)
entrance/exit gates are unstaffed, I see only one RFID
Tag Only sign right at the entrance gate and none any
further back. On a recent Sunday I was driving into HL
to that entrance gate behind an Amazon Prime truck,
and not until the truck was at the entrance gate was the
RFID Tag Only sign visible to where the truck, and our
vehicle, had to back up so the truck could make a u-turn
out. I suggest there be an additional sign earlier in the
After the planned allotted time of evaluating the deficiencies with signage at
either gate, we have ordered signs deemed necessary. These will aid in
informing members and guests of the operations at either gate as well as
directing vehicles safely when entering and within the community.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
lead-in to HL together with verbiage on where non-RFID
tag vehicles are to enter.
Hi. I submitted this question a few weeks ago, but didn’t
feel that my question was answered (or I didn’t
understand the answer, so I apologize, if that’s the
case). I would like to understand the rationale for
moving the main gate. The answer that was given had
to do with budget concerns about staffing both gates.
However, what I didn’t understand is that these
concerns can be met by staffing one gate only, but why
move it to the other location? Also, who made this
decision and how was it communicated? I continue to
see and hear questions about this topic from other
residents, so I think it would be helpful for all of us to get
additional clarification. Thank you!
In his original vision of Hampton Lake, the Developer always intended for
Hampton Lake Drive to be a secondary entrance for members only. His
vision was always for the “primary” entrance to have a grand view of the lake
as people entered Hampton Lake, particularly for the first time. While it has
taken longer than originally planned, the Flat Creek Drive entrance gate is
the entrance that finally achieves that goal. Pratt Reed communicated that
vision to members when he first announced his plans for the Flat Creek
Drive entrance, several years ago. In addition to the Flat Creek entrance’s
“grand lake view”, it was built with a separate member only lane with an
automated RFID tag actuated security arm. This feature eliminates delays to
member entry due to waiting in line behind non-members and contractors
obtaining passes, as many owners have experienced at the Hampton Lake
Drive gate. The Hampton Lake Drive gate continues to be staffed during
construction hours which are Monday through Saturday 7am to 7pm, which
helps reduce construction traffic at both gates and aids in residents/guests
gaining entry during construction hours. The budget decision made in 2018
for the 2019 budget was whether or not to staff the Hampton Lake Drive gate
during construction hours until such time
as construction traffic so longer justified this added expense. Members with
RFID tags have 24/7 entry at all three of our gates and everyone can exit
24/7 via all three of the gates.
This decision was communicated several times, including the Board of
Directors meeting on November 13, 2018 and again at the meeting on
December 17, 2019.
We were informed through the weekly update that
BWB's is closed to dining on Friday March 19 for both
lunch and dinner, but we were given no explanation.
Can you please let us know what is going on to prevent
HL owners from using the facility on that day?
The Lakeview Room and Porch is scheduled to host a private function that
was contracted in 2019 and scheduled for 2020. Due to COVID-19, the
event was required to be rescheduled to 2021. Because the event was for a
member, we took extra steps to ensure this event was able to be
The event will adhere to all of our current safety protocols. Curbside Pick Up
service will be available on Friday, March 19th and we will resume indoor
dining on Saturday, March 20th.
My wife and I came came through the Hampton Lake Dr.
entrance this afternoon (Sunday) on the sidewalk on
bicycles and both gates opened (inbound and outbound)
with no vehicle in sight either way. I stopped to watch to
make certain I wasn't missing something. Looks to me
like there is a malfunction happening at that entrance.
We appreciate owners being on the lookout for suspicious activity within the
community. In the future, please report any incidents to our gatehouse team
immediately so they can address it in a more timely fashion. The gatehouse
team is available by calling 843.836.7490, 24/7.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What are the plans or ideas for the new Crystal Lake
Beer Garten/Barn? When is the garten opening?
Furniture delivered?
Will there be a questionaire for suggestions?
We are in the process of obtaining furniture (due in mid-April) and
determining an opening date. Currently, we have an ongoing punch list of
items that are being addressed. There are also a few remaining
projects/modifications that need to be completed before the buildings, pool
and beer garden can be operational. Once we have a more accurate timeline
and appropriate regulatory licenses and permits, we will publish dates in a
community-wide announcement.
As indicated at a prior zoom, the builder stated once the
contruction was finished with the new barn, new beach
sand and fixing of gaps in the fence would occur before
the hand off to prevent animals for getting in. There is
wiring and piping exposed in the lake which needs new
sand to cover for safety. The sand around the lake
needs to be refreshed with new beach sand(not
construction sand). What are the specific plans going
forward to finish these things before the handoff?
The developer is in the process of inspecting the fence line around the lake
and access to any possible gaps that may need to be addressed. They do
not have any plans to refresh sand around Crystal Lake currently.
Dear ARB,
In addition to the freshly paved Flatwater Drive, I have
noticed while riding through the development that
numerous street blue fire hydrant location reflection
markers are missing. Is this something the developer is
responsible for correcting prior to the turnover?
HLCA is responsible for rectifying issues of this nature, many replacements
were installed over the past couple of weeks.
I've failed miserably at planting flowers that deer don't
seem to eat the next day or shortly afterwards -- even
when I spray "Deer Off" and take other actions to deter
them. I do note, however, a very colorful flower display
at the old HL main entrance that deer seem to have no
interest in. Other Bluffton gated communities also have
wonderful flower filled entrances. Do the deer just know
that entrances displays are off limits and the only
"authorized" feed is in the residents yards that reside
within? What's the "secret sauce?"
There is no doubt that most members would love to know what the "secret
sauce" is to keep deer from eating our plants. According to Joy Burke, The
Landworks Group does use a liquid fence spray and an organic spread
called Deer Scram on most of the community property. However, these do
not always work, especially after heavy rain fall. These products tend to work
best in a rotation on weekly basis. Some gardeners suspect that the traffic at
the gates may be a factor that deters the deer from munching on the flowers,
but Joy reports that the deer do in fact eat the flower displays from time to
time and that perhaps the frequent replenishment and seasonal changes
give the appearance that deer avoid these flowers. Some of the Master
Gardeners in our community recommend using a systemic deer repellent in
addition to spray. Unlike the spray which washes off easily when it rains,
systemics are taken up through the roots of the plant and provide longer
We live across from the Outpost and see kids with
bicycles and occasionally kids on golf carts riding on the
Outpost trail. Obviously this is not allowed but there is
no signage to indicate it is not allowed. We were at the
entrance to the Outpost on Fish Dancer today and an
elderly gentleman was about to go on the trail with his
bicycle. We informed him that was not allowed. He said
he was new here and not aware of that restriction and
said he just saw bike riders on the trail. I would like to
suggest 2 things. First, signage that indicates the
Outpost trail is a walking trail only and no bicycles or golf
carts are allowed. Second, I would like to suggest you
We have a bike rack and appropriate signage on order which will be installed
to inform members of our rules. As stated in the HLCA Rules and
Regulations, 11th Edition, 4.16.10 No motorized vehicles or bicycles are
allowed on nature trails. Paved roadways and sidewalks should be used for
biking. Bikers must yield to pedestrians when using sidewalks. It is the
owner’s responsibility to be aware and follow the current rules and
regulations in Hampton Lake. If you observe a violation of these or any other
rule, you can report the violation by submitting a Violation Form, which can
be found on the HLCA website on the ARB page as well as the Security
page. Additionally, notifying our gatehouse team will aid in us enforcing the
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
add a bike rack at the entrance to the Outpost by the
proposed signage. You might also reinforce this in your
weekly update. Thank you.
I commend HL management for surveying us property
owners on the operation of the pool/fitness center/BWB
and making decisions based on the survey results. I’ve
suggested time and again that decisions on matters
affecting the entire HL be made only after surveying the
HL property owners for input, but was told, in essence,
that it was too burdensome. The survey in this case and
the assessment and issuance of the results and
decisions were done quickly and efficiently. I hope
surveys of HL property owners on further matters
affecting all of HL, before decisions are made, become
the norm
We value all owners’ comments and perspective.
There are times when Management, the elected Board, and member
volunteer Committees must make decisions on what is deemed to be in the
best interest of everyone. It is not feasible
to send a survey out each time a decision is needed. Because these are
unprecedented times, it was difficult to understand everyone’s comfort level
in regards to lifting restrictions on multiple Hampton Lake amenities. Since
our goal is to satisfy the needs from all points of view, this was a perfect
circumstance that warranted a survey. In addition to this survey, we also
sought the guidance from various health organizations and government
recommendations, which played a role in our decision making.
Thank you for using LakeViews to share your views.
Has the Hampton Lake community ever hosted a Blood
Drive? If so, is one planned for 2021? If not, who would
be the contact to discuss an event? Thank you!
We are in the process of vetting a potential blood drive. Once we have more
information we will send out a community wide announcement.
When will the Parkside Pool and bar be open? How
often will the bar be staffed? Will the pool be heated?
We are in the process of obtaining furniture (due in mid-April) and
determining an opening date for the Parkside Amenities. Currently, we have
an ongoing punch list of items that are being addressed. There are also a
few remaining projects/modifications that need to be completed before the
buildings, pool and beer garden can be operational. Once we have a more
accurate timeline and appropriate regulatory licenses and permits, we will
publish dates in a community-wide announcement which should include the
hours of operation.
There is not a heating element in the pool at the Parkside amenities,
therefore we are unable to heat that pool. We have begun heating the
Lakeside pool and will continue to heat it to 80 degrees, weather permitting.
Are there any plans to clean up Crystal Lake and add
more sand? Unfortunately the sandy beach around
Crystal Lake has become more of a mud pit with very
little sand left and Crystal Lake has become filled with
algae. I have also noticed the bubblers have not been
working. Please let us know if there are plans to get our
Crystal Lake back in good shape. It is not looking good.
The question was forwarded to the developer (Reed Group, LLC.) to be
answered and addressed. Areas of responsibility will be determined as this
continues through the property transfer process.
Aerators are turned off on all the lakes during the winter months and are
scheduled to be turned on Spring through Fall. Crystal Lake is a man-made
freshwater lake that is partially spring fed from ground water. Since Crystal
Lake is a man-made lake and is not filtered continuously like our swimming
pool, we do our best to manage conditions mother nature offers. Mother
Nature provides the water in the lake and it supports normal and healthy
aquatic growth. Crystal Lake is monitored and tested twice per month (during
swim season) by our lake maintenance contractor, Quality Lakes, to ensure
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
its safety. Testing of Crystal Lake shows that the water meets or exceeds all
DHEC safety standards.
In last week’s Lake View, a question was asked about
new sand on Crystal Lake. The answer was “They do
not have any plans to refresh sand around Crystal Lake
It was clearly stated at a Zoom meeting (I think it was
the Town Hall, but not sure) by the Developer’s rep that
white sand around the beach would be added after the
barn construction was completed. I’ve searched the
minutes of all last years meetings and can’t find anything
on it but it was definitely said and heard by many
Please explain why the current answer would be
different than what was stated at the meeting. The
beach needs new sand.
The question was forwarded to the developer (Reed Group, LLC.) to be
answered and addressed. Areas of responsibility will be determined as this
continues through the property transfer process.
Aerators are turned off on all the lakes during the winter months and are
scheduled to be turned on Spring through Fall. Crystal Lake is a man-made
freshwater lake that is partially spring fed from ground water. Since Crystal
Lake is a man-made lake and is not filtered continuously like our swimming
pool, we do our best to manage conditions mother nature offers. Mother
Nature provides the water in the lake and it supports normal and healthy
aquatic growth. Crystal Lake is monitored and tested twice per month (during
swim season) by our lake maintenance contractor, Quality Lakes, to ensure
its safety. Testing of Crystal Lake shows that the water meets or exceeds all
DHEC safety standards.
Do the gates surrounding the pool area by the Lakeside
amenity center stay locked when the pool is closed? If
so, can you specify the hours the pool area is open? I
was out for a run and stopped to use the restrooms by
the pool. I was able to get in likely because a gate was
left open but for some reason couldn't get out that same
gate. All the other gates were locked. There was no one
at BWB's and the fitness center doors which have
access to the pool area were all locked. It was at 9:30 in
the morning during the week.
The pool hours are 7am to dusk, 7 days a week. The gates are scheduled to
be open and restrooms available, during that time frame.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
As we know, last summer the main pool features we not
fully operational. The lazy river schedule and start up
operation was faulty for weeks and weeks. The splash
pad was at first almost entirley non-functional and
eventually totally non-functional. Mgt reported parts and
service were on order from, I think, the installer in
Florida...And it is the members responsiblity to pay for
repairs. I've questioned why this amenity was turned
over to the residents in this long term poor condition.
What is current status of all - as opening is imminent?
What was the splash pad turnover process and how was
conclusion reached?
Shrimps Puddle did experience some electrical and mechanical failures with
various components this past year. Our maintenance contractor is working
on items within his
capabilities. The headquarters for Water Odyssey is located in Texas with
offices in NC and FL. Procuring replacement parts have been delayed due to
COVID related manufacturing delays as well as the recent ice storms in
Texas. We have had the underground plumbing pressure tested, with two
lines leaking. Electronic tests are ongoing. Our goal now is to get as many of
the features in the blue pad area operational for this summer and repair the
island section once the parts become available.
The property transfer process for Phases 1 and 2 involved amenities that
were nine or more years old. The association assumes responsibility for the
maintenance and repairs of these items. The declarant would be responsible
for any items deemed to be of faulty workmanship or design, which is not the
case regarding the splash pad.
My wife and I continue to enjoy being part of the
Hampton Lake Community. We are avid lap swimmers.
We noticed the Parkside pool in Crystal Lake has 3
lanes. What an amazing opportunity to swim laps! We're
excited and appreciative.
However, we haven't seen or heard any comments or
announcement about lap swimming in that pool.
Wouldn't it be so simple just to add, "Lap swim will be
available in the Parkside pool from 7-10 AM with no
reservation required."
Those folks who swim laps will certainly appreciate it
and those folks who are thinking about swimming laps
might take this opportunity to add some new health
benefits for their activities.
Doug Snelson
We are in the process of obtaining furniture (due in mid-April) and
determining an opening date for the Parkside Amenities. Currently, we have
an ongoing punch list of items that are being addressed. There are also a
few remaining projects/modifications that need to be completed before the
buildings, pool and beer garden can be operational. Once we have a more
accurate timeline and appropriate regulatory licenses and permits, we will
publish dates in a community-wide announcement which should include the
hours of operation.
There is not a heating element in the pool at the Parkside amenities,
therefore we are unable to heat that pool. We have begun heating the
Lakeside pool and will continue to heat it to 80 degrees, weather permitting.
We appreciate being able to use our key card access for
non staffed hours again but it may need to be tweaked
moving forward, It is my understanding that key card
access is from 5am-8am seven days a week. I
understand that M-F reservations are in place after
8:30am. There are NO reservations on the weekends.
The problem is that Sunday is not staffed until 11am and
Saturday not until 9am. The key card system is not
letting anyone in after 8am thus there is unavailability on
Saturdays from 8-9 and Sundays from 8-11am.
The other issue is being able to gain key card access in
the evening non staffed hours like before until 10pm.
Many people work in this community some work
longer/staggered shifts. If we are implementing key card
The fitness center access plan presented is an attempt to address the
interests of people who do not want reservations, those who prefer a
reservation, and those who want to use their key cards during unstaffed
hours. The key card hours are based on the hours that are most popular and
the ability to clean and sanitize the Fitness Center. We don't have staff
available to clean late at night and the early morning hours have historically
had greater usage. Therefore, the staff cleans before they leave so that the
fitness center is ready for the 5 am key card access. We will continue to
evaluate the Fitness Center hours and will take your suggestions into
consideration when we revisit the operational hours at the fitness center.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
access again can the system be reprogramed to
accommodate the above discrepancies?
Thank You
The first entrance to the walking trails at the outpost
from Fish Dancer Court remains flooded for several
days after a heavy rain. Is it possible to have some soil
added to the trail so it won’t flood?
Our BoA will be conducting a Nature Trail assessment in the coming weeks,
drainage at the entrance will be a point of emphasis for inspection and
recommended improvements.
Tom and
Our concern is regarding the berm behind Flatwater
Drive. It is an eyesore to residents, potential owners
and anyone entering the Flat Creek gate and turning
right onto Flatwater. The erosion has formed gulleys
and cave-like holes into the hillside. We were told
natural grasses would be planted similar to the berm
further down Flatwater. Grasses won't stop the erosion
that has worsened since we purchased our home.
These large areas need to be filled in before the hill
collapses. We have video of the runoff from most recent
storm. What is the plan and timeline to repair this?
Thank you.
The berm mentioned is included in the property owned by the conservancy.
Representatives are aware of the issues and are interested in finding
resolutions and determining responsibility. This non-profit has also agreed to
work with HLCA on installing signage to improve the security of both
We recently moved in and I have noticed on multiple
occasions boys trespassing from Lawton Station
...walking or riding their bikes around or over the berm at
the end of the street. I have seem them playing
basketball, the biggest concern I have is these boys do
pull-ups on our basketball rims. My husband who is a
collegiate basketball player said this will degrade ours
rims even if they are break away rims. Also with the pool
opening I can only imagine we will have more
trespassing a generic “no trespassing sign” is not
enough. We need a fence as a deterrent. We also have
a young daughter and I do not feel safe being near the
end of a cul-de-sac with such easy access for outsiders
since this was sold to us & our neighbors as a “gated
As explained at the past Annual Meeting, Hampton Lake is a gated
community and as such has one 24/7 manned gate to aid in verifying
credentials and issue both guest and contractor passes. We have another
24/7 unmanned gate in which issued RFID tags grant access. We now also
have the Hampton Lake Drive gate with a combination of the two. Hampton
Lake does not have a perimeter fence surrounding the entire property and
never has. HLCA does not own the property associated with the berm at the
end of Sand Lapper Court cul-de-sac. With that in mind, we are working with
representatives from the conservancy to have posted signs installed and
some fences to prevent unauthorized access and wheeled vehicles out of
the park. These actions would be beneficial for both properties. Once
negotiations have been finalized, plans will be communicated. It is important
to notify our gatehouse team immediately when you notice suspicious
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Ever thought about making a further restriction/ban on
the noise polluting gas powered leaf blowers used by
landscaping contractors. At least one routinely uses
them on Flatwater before 0800 on Monday's. There are
other technological alternatives to this.
This is a project that would require a considerable amount of investigation
and a feasibility study to determine cost and performance data You can
make a suggestion to the Grounds & Facilities Committee. The committee
currently has several high priority projects on their agenda, and they would
have to determine whether they feel this is a project they want to undertake.
On their own initiative, owners can purchase electric equipment and/or find
their own contractors that use electric equipment. Contractors, including
landscapers, are permitted to start work at 7 am.
A number of residents would like to know when water
aerobics will resume. As I understand, the gym paid for
our instructor 1 day a week. This has been a very
popular activity as there are many who are unable to
use the gym facility. As this class attracts many of our
senior residents, an option to make people more
comfortable would be to show proof of vaccination
before attending the class. Thank you.
The Hampton Lake water aerobics scheduled class will resume around the
second week of May. Once the exact date is determined, details will be
included in the weekly announcements.
We attended the three meetings organized by the
nominating committee regarding the upcoming election
and candidates. It was disappointing that so few owners
attended the meetings, but we do appreciate that links to
recordings of the meeting were posted and distributed.
We cannot locate those links now either on the eblast or
on the website, and hopeful that these can be posted
again so that owners can make informed decisions
about the election. Thank you!
We have provided the links to the recordings below.
Recordings of Meet Your Candidates on February 2nd, 6th and 10th.
Topic: Meet Your Candidates - 1 (Part 1)
Date: Feb 2, 2021:
Passcode: **yx#i79
Topic: Meet Your Candidates - 1 (Part 2)
Passcode: 4=%D^E90
Topic: Meet Your Candidates - Session 2
Date: Feb 6, 2021
Passcode: %k59@%3N
Topic: Meet Your Candidates - Session 3
Date: Feb 10, 2021
Passcode: A+d$aCh8
Click here for bios of all the candidates.
These links will be shared again via the Community Update.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I would like to know when we will be getting back our
amenities at the gym: for example towels, coffee and
water cooler. Also inquiring about the use of the locker
room and sauna, etc. My feeling is that people who may
not be comfortable using these amenities will not use
them. Thank you.
Currently, we are still following the SCDHEC and CDC recommended
practices and are consistently reviewing the guidelines for any changes.
With the decline in Covid numbers and vaccinated people, we are steadily
moving towards lifting the need for reservations. Once it is deemed safe to
do so from these organizations, we will resume all of the above activities.
Hats off to those who designed the new Hampton Lake
The layout is grat & the photos are wonderful.
Thank you for the positive feedback.
Now that BWBs is open...could you please put the
leather chairs and wood table back into the lake view
room. The table is getting ruined sitting outdoors and
the clutter of furniture in and around the screen porch is
very unsightly. Thanks so much!
Due to the constant use and change of layout in the Lakeview Room, those
pieces of furniture were often moved to that space on a weekly basis. After
moving these pieces many times, it was determined that it would be better if
those pieces were left on the Porch for members to use at any given time.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Has there been a date scheduled to fix the new front
signage? I think it was a month or so ago that the stone
structure was hit.
The signage on Bluffton Parkway is not owned by HLCA and is not
anticipated to be transferred by the declarant. The declarant is responsible
for the repair and has not communicated plans to do so.
Would it be possible to put a bike rack near the
basketball court? Kids are leaving bikes on the path that
leads from Castaway Dr to the track. Also, a bike was
propped against the bench near the court so it couldn't
be used. Thanks.
This suggestion has been forwarded to the Fitness & Recreation Committee
to review.
In order to obtain approval and for this improvement to be considered for
entry into our budgetary process, the Fitness and Recreation Committee will
conduct a study to determine costs and necessity.
What is the status of the opening of the new pool and
barn at crystal lake? When is it going to be open? What
bar or food services will be available?
We are currently working on a punch list of items; some of them small
warranty issues, others are to meet DHEC’s requirements to operate the
facility in a way which we feel will be more beneficial for the membership.
We have also contracted other modifications to enhance the owner’s
experience, this includes installation of AV equipment and a structure for rain
protection over the Beer Garden. In addition, there are other items that will
likely be included in the Property Transfer Committee report. We will open
the facility as soon as possible and are currently planning for some time in
May. More information will be provided as it becomes available and once
appropriate licenses and permits have been obtained.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I recently moved to One Hampton Lake apartment
community and wanted to ask if One Hampton Lake
residents are able dine at Backwater Bill's.
Do not answer non-members
When will the Flatwater gate entrance sign be repaired?
The signage on Bluffton Parkway is not owned by HLCA and is not
anticipated to be transferred by the declarant. The declarant is responsible
for the repair and has not communicated plans to do so.
Thank you for putting up the speed limit signs up.
However, I noticed as you enter Flatwater Drive to the
left the speed limit is 20 mph, and to the right it's 25
mph. Why the difference?
Speed limits are based on safety concerns and traffic patterns. There are
several areas, such as near the Lakeside Amenity Center, where the number
of vehicles on the road, as well as those turning onto or off the road, require
a speed limit of 20 mph for traffic and safety reasons. Areas where there is
limited visibility due to curves also require the lower speed limit. Higher
speed limits are permitted where areas of the community can handle the
volume of traffic and speed.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Are sailboats allowed on Hampton Lake?
All boats (vessels) must meet the guidelines within Section 6 of HLCA Rules
and Regulations. While sailboats are not specifically restricted, the nature of
the height of masts and dept of the keep or rudder make them problematic
for the height restrictions of our bridges and the depth of the lake. All boats
must be approved and registered at the Tackle Box before use.
Can you please consider adjusting the timer on the
waterfall and lazy river so it stays on longer. Shutting it
off at 6pm, especially Friday- Sunday when so many
members are enjoying the pool, seems too early. Also,
when do you anticipate the lights in the pool to be
working again?
Beginning May 21 the Lazy River hours will be 11:00am to approximately
7:30pm. The majority of the pool light repairs have been completed, however
there is still some electrical work that needs to be addressed on the final
three fixtures.
Irrigation of the tennis courts and overall court
maintenance have been an ongoing issue for several
weeks. While I’m sure the process is more complicated
than it seems, it has gone on too long.
I would suggest that upper management get involved
and bring this distraction/inconvenience to an end.
Irrigation and court maintenance continues to be a high priority for HL
Management. We have made the necessary repairs and replacement of the
various components creating irrigation issues and anticipate no further
inconveniences. We are in the process of contracting some modifications to
address the clay runoff and unsafe conditions from this clay build up on the
sidewalks. In the meantime, our maintenance technician and other staff
members will be monitoring the problem areas.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Please send out an E-Blast with an update on the
Amenities restrictions. The last update was March 13.
Especially with the updated CDC recommendations and
as we move into the holiday weekend and summer.
Pools and guests permitted, fitness center updated key
card access and any elimination of the reservations...
etc BWB
Updated guidelines appear in the Community Update this week.
Do you really need to add a 6th day for water aerobics?
That 8:00 AM class on a Saturday really limits lap
swimming time for fitness swimmers. If the demand for
the class is that great then I will "stand down". Perhaps
you have a plan to accommodate fitness swimmers
when the new pool opens. When will that be? Thanks.
Hampton Lake only has one official water aerobics class per week; any other
water aerobics activity consists of members getting together on their own.
We plan to have dedicated lap swim time periods at the new pool. We are
using data from a recent survey as well as recommendations from the Board
of Advisors to determine the schedule which will soon be communicated to
the community.
When will the new lap pool be open to use?
Opening of the new Parkside pool has been contingent on a number of
factors, including work that was required to meet all necessary health and
safety requirements, which have now been completed, as well as delivery of
furniture for the pool deck. We have received round tables and small chairs;
however, we are still waiting for the chase lounge chairs to be delivered.
They are scheduled towards the end of May or beginning of June. However,
we will have the new pool open for the Memorial Day weekend regardless of
this delivery date. We plan to have dedicated lap swim time periods at the
new pool. We are using data from a recent survey as well as
recommendations from the Board of Advisors to determine the schedule
which will be communicated to the community.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I am confused about the new speed limits. Can you
explain where we have 20, 25 or 30 speed limits. Also
when will the signs be updated?
Our Safety and Security work group, primarily comprised of former police
professionals from the Grounds and Facilities Committee, were asked to
perform an assessment of our speed limits. The group did several drives
through the neighborhood under various conditions and provided
recommendations. Based on this input and the fact that more homes with
driveways being constructed virtually created many more intersections and
thus safety concerns, the maximum speed limit throughout Hampton Lake is
now 25 MPH. The group also looked at the various easements and common
property locations for the new installation of speed limit signs in the new
phases. The signs will be installed shortly and once they are installed, there
will be a period of adjustment to allow members to get acclimated to the new
speed limits.
The speed limits are as follows:
The maximum speed limit throughout Hampton Lake is now 25 MPH.
The speed limit from just prior to the Flatwater Drive traffic circle, past the
Parkside Amenity Center, and continuing until the intersection with Hampton
Lake Drive remains at 20 MPH.
The speed limit on all of Lake Bluff Drive (including sections equipped with
sidewalks) remain at 20 MPH due to several curves and driveway density.
All other speed limits remain 20 MPH, except for the unique 15 MPH zone
on the wooden bridges.
I noticed dry rot of some boards on the walking area of
the Lake Bluff Dr. bridge.
Are they scheduled for replacement?
The wooden bridge is one of the items that the Property Transfer Committee
will be including in their final report.
There are weeds growing in the gutter on the pool side
of the fitness center / spa. I am wondering if they are
scheduled to be removed? They are unsightly and also
interfer with the gutter working properly. If these weeds
were growing in a homeowner's gutters, they would be
asked to promptly remove them. Please address this
The vegetation in the gutter has been reported and is on the schedule of
items our maintenance technician has on his priority list to be rectified.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
A few months ago, LakeViews responded to a question
about the lack of a community events board at the new
main entrance, saying that a board would be installed
shortly. What's the status of that?
The new marquee has been installed at the Flat Creek Drive Gate and will
soon include relevant member event information, mirroring the Hampton
Lake Drive Gate.
The gate at the new entrance is suddenly taking a long
time to open when a driver pulls up to it. It’s been like
this for a few weeks, is there something wrong with it?
It’s actually faster to not use the gate and to use the
visitors lane right now. Thanks!
Our contractor is currently installing cameras at this location and will be
making any repairs and adjustments to the sensitivity of the RFID readers
activating the members’ lane entry arm.
I am increasingly disconcerted about the response time
of the RFID sensor at the new gate. It has gone
downhill since its inception. We had the same system at
Moss Creek for 20 years and it was almost
instantaneous. The light takes forever to turn green and
invariably you find yourself looking at the guard
wondering if she is going to let you in or wondering if the
machine will kick in to find the auto code on your
window. Can't we get this right?
Our contractor is currently installing cameras at this location and will be
making any repairs and adjustments to the sensitivity of the RFID readers
activating the members’ lane entry arm.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Now that the weather is warming up, is there an update
on when we can expect the shade structures for
Pickleball and tennis to be built?
Thank you.
Shade structures for the tennis and pickleball courts are slated for an end of
June delivery and a construction start date at the beginning of July. The
construction time is expected to be 2 weeks per site.
Gator question. Seeing as Crystal Lake is an amenity
center with kids playing, lots of folks walking dogs, and
lakeside residents not allowed to have yard fences for
dog protection, what is the protocol for when a gator
appears at the lake? It’s happened at least three times
that I know of, maybe more. Fortunately, one hasn’t
gotten into the lake but just leaving them there until they
walk themselves out seems to be a disaster in the
making. Thx, Chuck
If members see a gator in the area of Crystal Lake, they should immediately
call the Tackle Box during business hours and our gatehouse during all other
times. Our team will direct the notice to the appropriate contact for response.
FYI, our gatehouse team is not trained or experienced in dealing with
wildlife. All owners should be mindful and aware we do live in a wildlife
habitat that includes gators and snakes. Members should keep a safe
distance, avoid contact
and NEVER feed any wildlife. While the fence around Crystal Lake has
prevented entry by a gator so far, gators are routinely seen in Hampton Lake
and our nature preserves, so everyone needs to be careful and remain
Landscaping of the east bank of East Compass Lake
(bounded by Fox Path, Lake Bluff and Castaway Drives)
has been a concern and point for discussion over the
last four years. There have been sporadic steps taken to
address homeowner concerns by seeding, adding
irrigation, and developing plant beds. Unfortunately, this
area is now in a sad state of disrepair. Attempts at
growing grass have failed, plants have been cut back
and add no aesthetic value, and weeds have taken over
the plant beds. This area demands attention. Who is
responsible for maintenance; what is the existing
maintenance plan; and what steps will taken to not only
address these concerns but also enhance landscaping
The landscape contractor was servicing this area last week, some dead
Muhly Grass plants were removed, appropriate weed herbicides were
applied, irrigation clocks were adjusted to try and generate better turf
coverage. The plant material in the beds are scheduled to be replaced in the
fall. The common area between East Compass Lake and Lake Bluff Dr. is on
a list of common areas to get future landscaping upgrades.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Over the past month it has been advertised that the
speed limit in HL is 25 mph maximum throughout the
community, yet a number of the 30 mph signs remain.
This leads to confusion for the members, guests and
security, and creates the opportunity for confrontation.
Don't need new signs, simply remove the old ones.
The speed limits are still as posted, 20 mph everywhere (not 25) unless
overwise posted. The communication’s intent was to inform residents of the
impending changes where 25 mph will become the new maximum speed to
some locations, instead of the current 30 mph. The 25 MPH sign production
is being finalized and the new signs will be installed soon.
I am new here and was wondering why the Backwater
Bills/Tower bar are not open at least from Tuesday
through Sunday. It seems like the pool is busy enough
to support this. Thanks
The pool seasons starts to ramp up as the schools are closing for the
summer. In the next week or two, we will add additional days and hours for
the TB. The plan for F&B operations is to have complimentary hours at the
various outlets as not to compete with one another except on the busiest
days. When fully operational, the Tower Bar will be open Wednesday
through Sunday, the new Beer Garden at Parkside, will operate from Friday
through Tuesday.
Many who own lakeside properties have an invasive
grass in our back yard.
My lawncare company tells me it is 'bahia" grass and
that it has its origins from the lake. He says the remedy
is spraying more herbicide by the lake management
company that maintains the lake.
If he's right, can more be done to keep this invasive
grass more controlled?
The grass you are describing is Torpedo Grass, it is an invasive species and
originates on the lake banks. Our lake maintenance contractor aggressively
treats it from the lake. Unfortunately, there are no plant specific herbicide
available to distinguish it from other turf grasses therefore they do not spay it
on turf.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
If the security staff at Sun City is empowered to issue
speeding tickets at $100 per ticket, is there a reason that
we cannot empower our security staff to do the same?
The word of mouth effect of the first few tickets would be
quite effective in slowing drivers down. What needs to
be done to empower our security people?
Our Gatehouse Team does have the authority and is empowered to issue
speeding tickets as deemed necessary. All members are required to adhere
to the posted speed limits and citations will be issued based on the speed
limit posted. The remaining signage throughout Hampton Lake was changed
this past week and now reflect the new speed limit of 20 MPH unless
otherwise posted with a maximum posted speed limit of 25 MPH where
appropriate. A 15 MPH is posted for the wooden bridge.
As noted in the Hampton Lake Rules & Regulations 11th Edition in Section
14.7.2, the first offense is a warning. Any offense after this is subject to the
traffic and safety fine schedule shown below.
HL R&R 14.7.2
14.7.2 Listed below are traffic safety guidelines that include violations and
fine schedules as enforced by Hampton Lake Security team as part of the
community traffic safety program:
No access/suspended privileges
Reckless Driving
No access/suspended privileges
No access/suspended privileges
Parking Violations
Failure to Stop At Main Gate
No access/suspended privileges
I just moved in and love the community. I have been
visiting family for a few years and was drawn here.
Pools are an important amenity for me.
I am first concerned that the adult pool is being
neglected and has some health issues. It is not in the
same condition it was when I started visiting. The pool
itself needs work: there is mold, green algae, decaying
grout and chipping tile. The pool area is not being
cleaned or cared for and is due for some updating. It is
my favorite area, the deepest pool any only place to do
any fitness swimming right now. I’d love to see it
repaired and cleaned up.
Both pools are maintained by a contracted company on a daily basis; water
levels, chemical maintenance and cleaning is performed regularly. In 2019
the adult pool was resurfaced and grout replaced. We have plans to perform
routine maintenance in the next couple of weeks. This will include pressure
washing and cleaning the deck and cabanas.
The pool at Crystal Lake does not have a published open date. The opening
of the new pool has been contingent on a number of factors, including work
that was required to meet all necessary health and safety requirements,
which have now been completed. We are currently waiting on
an electrical relay switch, which failed prematurely, to be delivered and
installed for the new pool. Once this has been installed, we anticipate the
opening of this amenity.
We plan to have dedicated lap swim time periods at the new pool. We are
using data from a recent survey as well as recommendations from the Board
of Advisors to determine the schedule which will be communicated to the
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I’d really expected to be able to lap swim. There isn’t
much pool info in the website. When will the new pool
open? I’m also curious why the lap pool was made so
Can we get expanded lap-times at the main pool?
I live at 168 Flatwater Drive. There is a sign directly
across the street from my house that portrays the
Parkside Amenities. These amenities are now built. Is
there any plan to remove the sign now that everything is
completed? I’d would rather not look at the sign. I’d
appreciate it if someone could get back to me with an
This question was sent to the developer for a response. The sign has been
I went to the lazy river pool on Friday of this past week.
It was a reasonably hot day and by noon it started to
become quite packed. I left around 2:30pm and as I
was leaving I could see that the parking lot was filled, no
spaces left that I could see. What I did see was many
vehicles without a Hampton Lake sticker. Why should
visitors have preferential parking over homeowners?
Members and their guests have equal opportunity to park vehicles at any of
the amenities centers or community association parking areas during
operation hours.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
We have a lot of bike riders in the community but there
is only one bike rack at the pool with spaces for 3-4
bikes and those typically are occupied by kids bikes,
unsecured, often just tossed against the rail. I know
there is a similar rack near the boat house but there sure
seems like there is plenty of space to add capacity for
those of us who like to ride and use the amenities. Are
there any plans to add racks? Might help with parking
issues too.
This suggestion has been forwarded to the Fitness & Recreation Committee
to review. This suggestion may be considered for the 2022 budget, along
with other priorities and recommendations.
I know we have increasing golf cart use at the amenity
center. Why don't we paint golf cart lines in the parking
spaces that should only be used when there is a golf
cart so that one space is not taken up by a golf cart.
This idea has been looked into previously. Golf carts are generally 4’ to 4.5’
wide and range from 9’ to 13’ long for multiple passengers. HLCA lakeside
parking spaces are 9’ wide and 17’ long (length of the white stripe).
Theoretically, two of the normal 9’ carts could fit in our existing spaces if the
first one parked on the line and pulled up to the curb and the second one
parked on the opposite line and pulled up just slightly overlapping the first
cart. Given the precision with which both carts would have to park, there is a
strong likelihood of scrapes from parking so close. The other problem will be
when a car in an adjacent parking spot parks on the line.
With the holiday weekend approaching, and parking
being so scarce at the amenities during member events
would it help to “split mark”spaces to encourage golf cart
space sharing?
This idea has been looked into previously. Golf carts are generally 4’ to 4.5’
wide and range from 9’ to 13’ long for multiple passengers. HLCA lakeside
parking spaces are 9’ wide and 17’ long (length of the white stripe).
Theoretically, two of the normal 9’ carts could fit in our existing spaces if the
first one parked on the line and pulled up to the curb and the second one
parked on the opposite line and pulled up just slightly overlapping the first
cart. Given the precision with which both carts would have to park, there is a
strong likelihood of scrapes from parking so close. The other problem will be
when a car in an adjacent parking spot parks on the line.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Has the board ever considered taking advantage of the
beautiful lake view, by adding an outdoor dining area ,
like Frankie Bones has. Fans, heaters & fresh air, under
When I pickup takeout I rarely see anyone dining inside.
I think it would pay for itself & it would be a great
addition to Backwater Bill’s.
So in addition to the great food they serve we would
enjoy the beautiful outdoor dining.
The idea has been discussed and may be considered as a Capital
Improvement project in the future. Cost analysis, member input and kitchen
modifications would also be required.
Can you please provide an update on the clean up of
the easement that runs along Sand Lapper Cove? The
weeds and underbrush are unsightly and don't match
the rest of the community's well-manicured landscaping.
On Sandlapper Cove, our landscapers’ current contract includes edging the
roadside curbing and mowing the strip of grass between the back of curb to
the tree line and where the fire hydrants are located. The area behind the
fire hydrants to the fence line is intended to be natural as to provide a visual
screen between HL and Lawton Station. Debris clean-up is usually
necessary after storms such as the one last week. The area the builder was
using as a wash area will be cleaned up.
With the recent reductions in our speed limits a number
of our residents and some contractors are ignoring the
signs. I get very frustrated on my busy street with cars
racing by. We need a better campaign to encourage
following the limits and fine speeders. Also a more
aggressive security presence during this transition might
I witness daily near misses with bikers and
runners/walkers in the street dodging vehicles. Let’s
enforce these new limits.
A traffic specific notice is included in this Sunday Update, we will continue to
post reminders about rules of the road and the new speed limits. Our
gatehouse team continues to monitor speeding using radar and issue fines
based on traffic patterns and completing other necessary duties. Members
who witness violations are encouraged to contact our gatehouse personnel
with details of the infractions. We have several instances of the gatehouse
team effectively addressing violations when they receive a prompt report.
Our rules require drivers to always operate their vehicles at a safe speed
and obey traffic signs. HLCA encourages everyone to drive safely and stay
patient and alert.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I was wondering if a trash can/dog waste container
could be installed near the mail kiosk by the new
entrance. I am often picking up discarded junk mail,
beverage bottles etc. If there were a trash receptacle,
perhaps the kiosk wouldn’t be littered with trash. There
is one at the mail kiosk by Crystal Lake. Thank you.
A trash can was recently provided at the new mail kiosk.
I have a suggestion relating to the Barn pool bank on the
Crystal Lake side. It appears to me that erosion and
weeds are going to be an ongoing issue for the bank
surrounding the pool. The apartments seem to have
done a great job on the lake side of their pool. They
basically have a retaining wall with a piered boardwalk. I
suggest getting rid of the bank and put in a retaining wall
to alleviate the probable ongoing erosion issue. A piered
boardwalk would be a nice aesthetic addition. Costs
money but so does the probable ongoing erosion issue.
Currently, Crystal Lake and the surrounding areas are still under the
ownership of the developer and are presently going through the property
transfer process. A retaining wall was built on the Crystal Lake side of the
pool, soil and landscape material was added after its construction. Following
the PTC process areas will be evaluated and any funds for improvements
and any necessary maintenance would be included in the budgetary
Appreciative of the efforts to maintain the dog park.
It seems obvious that there is no day to day oversight of
this busy space. Pallets have been stacked toward the
back of the large dog park for months. Vines are now
overtaking them. Why?
The fence line that separates both dog parks from Miller
Road is overgrown with viburnum, vines and weeds.
This whole area needs to be cleaned up. It is unsightly
and a threat to dog and human safety. What’s most
troubling is that both of these eye sores are painfully
obvious but continue to be ignored. Why?
Please don’t share that we don’t have the resources to
Our Landscaping contractor is at the dog park on a daily basis. The items
mentioned in your submittal have been addressed.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I would love to see a Little Free Library (or two) on the
premises. If the HLWG book club is any indication, we
have many voracious readers among us :).
Is this a possibility, and what would be reasonable
locations? Here is a link with more information:
Thank you for your time!
The community currently does offer a sharing library. It is located in Fish
Tales and can be accessed daily from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
When will Backwater Bill’s start back with the full menu?
Really missing it.
The current Lunch and Dinner menus at Backwater Bill’s menus are the full
menus, the menu items change a couple of times each year and are
designed with the offering’s availability, price, production, and facility
limitations. The Carryout is a more limited menu, but very close to the
original options. We anticipate a Dinner menu change in the next couple of
months for the fall and winter season.
On last week Q&A of Lakeviews, a question from
George Spanish with the suggestion of retaining walls
around the new pool was asked, which was a very valid
suggestion. Part of the response was that " retaining
walls were built around the Crystal Lake side of the pool
and sand/material added after contruction."
For the record for all of us who witnessed construction,
there was NO retaining wall built, AS APPROVED IN
LAKESIDE portion in order to insure pool integrity . Only
the left corner of pool had a retaining wall installed,
hence the drainage and level issues now bring
encountered already. The HCA may want to examine
the plans vs what was done as it appears corners were
cut and aggressively hold the developer/pool company
to modify what should have been built as per plans
Our Property Transfer Committee has listed items of concern regarding the
pool and erosion with the interim report delivered to the developer as part of
the transfer process.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I would like to suggest that residents use their cruise
control when driving inside Hampton Lake. I use mine
everywhere - use to set it on 30 - now I set it on 25 &
step on the brake to disengage it when it changes to 20.
Then reengage it back to 25. Saves gas & lets someone
behind me know I'm going the speed limit. I pulled out of
the fitness center, Sunday a week ago, set the cruise
and a red Hyundai Tucson got on my tail. First chance
the oncoming traffic was clear, they passed me probably
at 40-50 mph. I got close enough to get their SC license
& when they realized what I was doing they ran the stop
sign at HL Crossing / HL Drive & took off toward the
back gate. I reported it to security - the car, color &
license # and the guard at the new gate (it was Sunday)
said she would be on the lookout for them. I mentioned
to the guard that the car was probably registered at the
tackle box FYI. I am curious if a ticket was issued as I
saw the same car yesterday morning after swimming
Notifying the Gatehouse team or management of the suspicious activity you
encountered is the appropriate first step in reducing rule infractions. Our
team does look into all reported infractions and will take the appropriate
actions when possible. Policy does not include sharing private information
regarding results of citation and violation notices/fines.
I was surprised and disappointed this week when I
attended the fitness center to work out. I noticed that the
bottled water dispenser was filled with unfiltered tap
water. I observed the empty bottle being filled from the
tap through a funnel connected to a short hose. Not
certain if the hose/funnel was sanitized afterward. There
were two blue capped bottles on the floor, I'm assuming
to make it appear that Hampton Lake supplies bottled
water for this dispenser. I would think our HOA would
cover and should cover bottled water considering the
excellent reputation Hampton Lake has. If the
administration is not providing bottled water, please post
a sign on the dispenser stating we provide unfiltered tap
water, which I will never use.
The water that is used to fill the large blue bottles is filtered. The hose is
being sanitized to ensure that there is no bacteria present. We use the
cooler to both dispense cold water and allow members to fill their personal
bottles without touching the spicket.
The same filtered water is used for water stations throughout the amenities.
Please explain why we do not have a full time restaurant
and bar for our members in HL. We can go to any other
restaurant Tuesday - Saturday and yet we cannot go to
our own establishment that we pay into. We have a very
part-time restaurant/bar. This amenity is a great way to
bring us all together and help us to meet our neighbors.
ALSO, many of us entertain on the weekends and just
want something easy during the week (no
shopping/cooking/cleaning). This amenity should make
our daily lives easier and more relaxed. Many of us find
ourselves going to other restaurants during the week
and entertaining on the weekends. Therefore, we don't
even get the opportunity to give BWB's our business or
to enjoy the fact that we have a restaurant. Remember
during COVID, everyone wanted to get dinner from
BWB's. The concept is the same regarding our wants
and needs. AT least, we should be able to go by boat
and get a to-go dinner!!!!
Backwater Bill’s is open from Wednesday through Sunday with various
operations including carryout, lunch, Tower Bar, dinner (Friday and
Saturday) and the breakfast buffet/lunch on Sundays. The new Beer Garden
at Crystal Lake will soon add additional F&B opportunities that will
complement the hours at Lakeside. Hours on Monday’s and Tuesdays
when other locations are closed will be scheduled.
There are also a variety of member events that coordinate with the
Backwater Bill’s food and beverage operation, which provide more food and
beverage and social gatherings for owners to enjoy. These types of events
also keep operational costs lower with the policy of ensuring they at least
break even. The plan is to continue to grow these types of special member
events on days that Backwater Bill’s is closed for dinner. Any future
expansion of operational hours will be determined by demand and various
costs associated with this type of change to ensure BWBs operates within its
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
As we approach the year for the community survey,
upon which a large percentage of community decisions
are based, I was hoping you could provide some insight
as to the survey company used. It is my understanding
the survey company that administers most of Hampton
lake surveys (including the recent COVID survey as well
as the upcoming community survey) and composes the
results for analysis is affiliated with a current or past
board member? Can you please provide some clarity
around whether any relationship exists between a
Hampton Lake Owner board member or any Hampton
Lake resident/member and the survey company? Would
it not be in the best interest of ALL the residents of
Hampton Lake to ensure an independent survey
company that has no relationship with any member be
used? Please note, you do not need to provide names,
just explain if a relationship exists, what that relationship
is or was, as well, IF a relationship exists, why this isn't
considered a conflict of interest?
The Hampton Lake member survey has been administered since 2014 by a
member who volunteers her services. In 2014, Pat Licata, was asked by the
board president to help develop a member survey. At the time, Pat was the
owner of a market research firm with over 30 years professional experience
designing and administering surveys and she volunteered to provide her
expertise for the Hampton Lake Member Survey. Pat, who has since retired
and was elected to the Board of Directors in March of 2020, continues to
provide her survey expertise at no cost to the community. Since these
services are provided on a totally volunteer basis, without any payment or
any other remuneration, there is no conflict of interest.
One of the main issues with the former main gate was
the width of the entrance road. This forced residents to,
at times, remain in long lines due to construction traffic
before being able to enter the community.
We now have the same issue with the new entrance.
Why wasn’t the road built as two lanes all the way to
Bluffton Parkway in order to avoid this issue?
The new Flat Creek entrance more than doubled the length of the member
only lane compared to the Hampton Lake Drive gate and should be sufficient
to prevent backups once the home construction work is done. The member
only lane starts at the intersection with Parklands Drive. It could not start at
the intersection with Bluffton Parkway because it would have blocked the
entrance to the future commercial development from Parkland Drive. So,
while we may have some temporary inconveniences due to the present
increased construction, the lanes should be adequate for normal community
It’s been quite some time since we’ve had an update on
the Pine Shadow bridge. I’ve heard many rumors but
nothing official. Can you provide answers to the
1. Is there a projected new start/finish date?
2. Will the repair include replacing the wood decking
with concrete (like every other bridge in Hampton Lake)?
3. What is causing the delay?
4. Is the bridge safe for heavy construction vehicles to
drive over? I’ve watched fully laden timber trucks,
cement mixers and a host of heavy machinery drive over
that bridge.
5. In the interim, is it being inspected to deal with
protruding screw heads and further erosion of the deck
The wooden bridge near Pine Shadow had work completed by the developer
at the request of the Property Transfer Committee in their interim report
submitted to the developer. These repairs included removing concrete
approaches leading to the bridge and compacting the soil and then re-
pouring the concrete, which was thicker than the original. There is no plan to
replace the wood decking with concrete. We are not aware of any delays.
The bridge is designed to safely accommodate heavy vehicles, including
those used for home construction. The bridge is monitored for damaged or
deteriorated decking. When found necessary, screw heads have been
adjusted to appropriate levels. While there are 9 boards showing various
levels of wear and deterioration, they do not pose a structural danger and
will be scheduled for repair or replacement. In order to extend the life of the
bridge decking, the community association has decided to limit heavy vehicle
traffic over this particular bridge. Signs have been ordered to prevent
specific large multi-axle vehicles from using this route. Once the signs are
posted, our patrol team will be able to enforce the new regulations.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
This is not a question but a comment. We had sent a
question concerning the upkeep of the dog park
(undergrowth around the perimeter and debris near the
back gate. It is now removed! We just want to say “thank
you” 󰨁󰨂󰨃󰨄󰨅 for the expedient and satisfactory response!
The work had been previously scheduled. We appreciate the recognition
and are glad to hear you are satisfied with the results.
I need to comment on the conditions and lack of upkeep
of the HL grounds as I feel it has become an eyesore in
many areas. Areas of note include: the lack of trimmed
bushes in many common areas; old pine straw- that
does not even cover the irrigation hoses; dirty cement
walkways that are in need of power-washing (example is
entrance to the Lakeside Pool and Adult pool area). In
addition the walkway between BWB and the fitness
center seems to be the new storage area for old and
broken lawn furniture (not a great view)! We also have
not kept up the two primary gates with new and colorful
flowers to add beauty to our entrances...we look pitiful
compared to our neighboring gated communities...I'm
writing this after living here 4 years as this is by far the
worst grounds care since moving in. We have more
houses paying HOA fees that go into the services areas,
but we have far less quality to show for it from
Landworks and the grounds committee! Please address
these issues.
HLCA landscape contract consists of two rotations of fresh pine straw each
year in most common areas and three at the Lakeside amenity center. We
have four flower rotations each year. Trimming common area shrubs is in
progress with the focus currently on areas of traffic signage, street signs and
light posts. Management and the contractor are working on design and
landscaping enhancements for the Flat Creek Drive entry gate. This work
should occur early in the fourth quarter. We are also in the process of
procuring permitting to construct a maintenance facility to store and work on
items such as the pool furniture as we await delivery of the necessary
replacement parts. Our landscaping contract does not include power
washing of sidewalks; however, a contractor has been hired to pressure
wash the roofs at Lakeside Amenity Center.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Home sales in Hampton Lake seem to be at an all time
high especially resales. As new people purchase
resales and move into the community, how are we
ensuring that they receive all the necessary Hampton
Lake governing documents so that they are better
informed as to how Hampton Lake operates?
Before a new owner closes on their home, they receive a packet that
contains governing documents and when they sign at closing, they affirm
that they have read and understand the rules and covenants that govern
Hampton Lake. After closing, members are instructed to see Catherine
Guscio, our Member Relations Director, to obtain additional information
regarding their membership at Hampton Lake. She issues new members a
“New Member Packet” which includes information on obtaining vehicle
stickers, gate access, boat and golf cart registration, payment information,
the most recent edition of the Rules & Regulations and more. It also provides
information on how to gain access to the member website where they have
full and ongoing access to our rules and regulations and governing
documents, which are posted there. Each member completes and signs a
profile form signifying that they have read and understand the HL Rules and
Regulations. We encourage all members to meet with Catherine to gain a full
understanding of what it means to be a member at Hampton Lake.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Recently, I got dinged on the home inspections for my
grass. Admittedly, I had dead patches, which bothered
us more than anyone else. Apparently, we got a fungus
and nothing we did corrected it. It appears that many of
my neighbors had the same thing happen to their lawns.
Anyway, we bit the bullet and paid several thousand
dollars to completely change out our lawn. As I’m
walking the neighborhood with my dogs, I can’t help but
notice the deplorable appearance of our common areas
in the neighborhood! The grass around Crystal Lake is
horrible! The grass that outlines the sidewalk around
Parkside is non-existent and literally dirt! Even the
grass in the park is in horrible shape! Some areas are
barren and other than mowing, nothing is done to
maintain the appearance of these grassy areas. And of
course, don’t get me started on the Flatwater entrance.
Bad! Could you please address the common areas and
be accountable for the same standards as the
homeowners are?
Major improvements to the Flat Creek Drive entrance are scheduled for later
this year.
Some common areas, currently do not have irrigation installed, which affects
the condition of the turf.
After the property transfer from developer, reviews of these locations will
take place and changes will be considered for future budget expenditures.
The current landscape contract does include best practices to maintain our
turf grass and landscape material including fertilization, pre-emergent,
fungicides horticultural oils. When areas with appropriate irrigation do not
respond to these treatments, new sod or plants are installed.
I am curious about what happens to RFID stickers and
car window decals which allow access to our community
when someone moves out of the community. Are they
turned in prior to the resident moving? My concern is
with the possible transfer of these to non-residents, etc.
We ask all members who are selling vehicles or homes to remove their
decals and return them to us to be deactivated. In addition, whenever a
home is sold, all RFID decals on that account are deactivated. New front
gate decals are issued at the start of each year as an additional security
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I have lived here for almost 3 years and use the fitness
center regularly. During that almost 3 years I have seen
regular water issues in the ceiling of the fitness center. I
continue to hear that it is the air conditioning. I find it
very coincidental that the water leakage almost always
coincides with heavy rain events. Which leads me to
believe it is more of a roof issue. Regardless of whether
it is an air conditioning or roof issue. Why hasn't it been
fixed? How many times will the ceiling need to be
repaired before the problem is solved permanently? I
saw the ceiling in the aerobics room collapse recently.
Are we going to wait until the ceiling by the locker rooms
collapses onto someone before the problem is solved.
How much mold is in the carpet or in the ceiling. Are the
ceiling joists and rafters compromised by the water
damage? Needs to be fixed.
The problems with the air conditioning in the fitness center have been
extremely frustrating. There have been multiple problems and multiple
repairs, including a total replacement a few years ago. The most recent
problem, a cracked pan, has been identified and the parts are on back-order.
As with many parts and materials, there has been a delay in delivery. While
we are forced to wait for the part, someone must manually drain the water
that collects. During the repairs all areas will be inspected for any water,
mold or mildew issues and addressed.
I have heard a lot of the surrounding communities have
food truck nights. Is there anything we can do to get one
scheduled here since BWB is not always open? The lot
by crystal lake would be a great location.
Currently, we do not allow food trucks within the community as it is a direct
competition with our own food and beverage operations.
Please stop the weekly reminders that children cannot
operate golf carts. This rule is not enforced so why the
weekly reminder. Seems I see children operating golf
carts too frequently sometimes with an adult sometimes
not. Security doesn’t care. The parents don’t care since
they deem themselves special & above the law until one
of these little darlings crash & then what. Somebody’s
gonna learn a very expensive life lesson.
We print the reminders with the hope that members will see them and abide
by the rules. Patrol does enforce the rules when they observe infractions.
Members are encouraged to report these types of infractions to our
Gatehouse staff and/ management immediately when witnessed.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I appreciate the unfinished effort made on the overgrown
scrub/tree line in the dog park…… along Miller Road.
I encourage those who started the clean up to continue
their work until finished.
The viburnum overgrown with vines , etc. needs to be
throughly pruned all the way down the fence line. It’s not
a small task.
It continues to be hazardous for dogs and humans.
Once properly completed it will need to be maintained
The idea is to have clear vision at the base of the scrubs
…. All along the fence line.
Additionally, the vines, etc. need to be removed from the
viburnum as a whole. The scrubs need to be topped.
A safe, clean and neat appearance is what is needed.
Our landscape team was directed to complete some community safety
related trimming to improve street sightlines, traffic signage, street signs and
street lights. Once completed, they will complete the fence line clean up as
well as all regularly scheduled work in the Dog Park area.
Regarding the response to last week’s question on
upkeep of the common areas. It seems very unfair that
we will be waiting to fix these items till the developer
transfers ownership. The quality of the landscaping is
unacceptable in the newer areas, individual residents
get letters and fines for much smaller infractions. Why
should we as owners have to assume the large costs
associated with proper irrigation and landscaping that
isn’t dead? This should be addressed before the transfer
by the developer. Please advise as to why it isn’t being
addressed before transfer.
The Property Transfer Committee is negotiating with the Developer on all
items under their purview and within our governing documents and the law.
The main guidance to the committee is to hire and use expert advice for the
inspection of the common property to determine if it was constructed in a
workmanship like manner and if it was in good working order when the
community started using it. There is no authority or mechanism for the
community to legally hold the developer responsible for adding infrastructure
to the common property that we would like to have. As for the landscaping of
the common areas, the community association will be responsible for
determining the relative importance of and
amount of money to spend on different areas of common property, for
example areas like the entrances, or the amenities and/or the common
grounds including roadsides and cul-de-sacs. This would include where and
when to add additional irrigation. This topic is part of the 2022 budget
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I’ve been following the Q&A regarding maintenance of
the amenities and common areas as this is a concern
we had when purchasing in Hampton Lake. If I’ve read
the answers correctly, it doesn’t appear that any funds
have been budgeted toward power washing of these
areas. Mold build-up is an issue in the Low Country, and
this needs to be addressed to keep our community clean
and looking great. Are there plans to include power
washing in the future? If not, this is something that the
board needs to address. Thank you.
Pressure washing consists of two different aspects. Items as part of our in-
house maintenance schedule and those items that are contracted out as a
part of our deferred maintenance budget. We are currently finishing up the
Lakeside amenity roof cleaning which is contracted and our team will be
pressure washing amenity sidewalks and pool area and furniture later this
fall. The pool area was also cleaned prior to opening.
This question is also concerned with the upcoming
developer property turnover.
In a previous Lake Views a submitted question
concerning the condition of common area landscaping,
specifically the poor condition of turf grasses, was
answered in part by pointing out the absence of needed
irrigation. The answer further indicated that these areas
would be evaluated after the turnover, and any needed
improvements/actions would be considered for
upcoming association budget cycles.
My question is, has the needed irrigation has been
added to the issues presented to the developer in
connection with the upcoming turnover for his attention
along with the several other issues also needing
correction prior to the turnover? If this issues is on the
actions list, when will it be accomplished? If, at this
point, this issue is not included on the pre-turnover
actions list, when will it be added? and if it will not be
added, why not? Thank you.
The Property Transfer Committee is negotiating with the Developer on all
items under their purview and within our governing documents and the law.
The main guidance to the committee is to hire and use expert advice for the
inspection of the common property to determine if it was constructed in a
workmanship like manner and if it was in good working order when the
community started using it. There is no authority or mechanism for the
community to legally hold the developer responsible for adding infrastructure
to the common property that we would like to have. As for the landscaping of
the common areas, the community association will be responsible for
determining the relative importance of and
amount of money to spend on different areas of common property, for
example areas like the entrances, or the amenities and/or the common
grounds including roadsides and cul-de-sacs. This would include where and
when to add additional irrigation. This topic is part of the 2022 budget
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
When might we see another disposal station for doggie
waste in the Flat Creek area, perhaps near the new
Two additional pet waste stations are scheduled to be installed by the end of
the year. One near the beginning of Sandlapper Cove and one at Flat Creek
Drive and Flatwater Drive.
A question was submitted on 6/2 regarding the tennis
and pickleball shade structures. The response was that
construction would begin the beginning of July and take
2 weeks to complete. Construction has not begun. Do
you have a new time line and reason for the delay?
Also, I submitted a question on 8/5 (no response)
referencing the response to Anna Servatis question
about BWB’s limited menu. The response to her
question was that the current menus are our full menus.
This is incorrect. Will you please address this?
Thank you for your time.
The ship date has been delayed to September 2nd. Provided there are no
more delays, we expect a 2 week turn around once the materials are
Upon entering the main entrance, there is a YIELD sign
to the right of the owners’ gate. I would think this sign
should be to the right of the visitors’ lane as is
customary in the “rules of the road”. Visibility is much
impaired from the right lane versus the left.
This is an accident waiting to happen.
The right lane (member only, RFID) at the Flat Creek Drive gate is designed
to merge into the left lane (visitor lane). Therefore, the yield sign is located to
the right of the member only lane to keep these users aware that the left lane
(visitor lane, closest to the gate) has the right of way.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Turnover from Developer to HLCA continues to be
delayed. We are now up against a statutory deadline of
Dec 31, 2021. What makes management and the BOD
believe that the process will accelerate and be complete
by that date in light of the 6 months of delays already
encountered? If not completed by Dec 31, what will be
the consequences? Is it possible the Deveoper is
delaying to avoid some of the more costly repairs?
The Governing Documents establish the date to end the Declarant Control
Period as December 31, 2021, unless the Declarant decides to end it earlier.
Based upon the information we know, we believe the Declarant Control
Period will end in Mid-December with the election of six owners to the HLCA
Board of Directors. This date does not allow the Declarant to “avoid some of
the more costly repairs.” The Declarant started the formal process with his
announcement to members in September 2020 and his appointment of the
Property Transfer Committee (PTC) the following month. The Declarant had
to complete construction activities and have the Town provide a CO before
the PTC could conduct its joint inspection. This happened in February 2021.
The inspection was conducted, with the help of experts, to establish the
common property was built in a workmanship manner and was in good
working order at the time it was turned over for community use. Upon
completion of this inspection, the PTC provided an interim report to the
Declarant. The Declarant met with the PTC and provided a response to
the interim report and has addressed many of the items listed. The most
expensive of these was re-pouring the concrete approach ramps for the
wooden bridge. The PTC responded to the Declarant for those items they felt
required further action. The PTC expects to meet again with the Declarant
early next month and learn his plans. We are aware the Declarant has
already corrected a major drainage deficiency identified by the PTC in their
last response. In addition to completing construction, the Declarant has to
convey title of all remaining common property to the Community Association
by recording them with Beaufort County. This is necessary so that the PTC
can review the deeds. Based upon where we are in that process, we expect
the deeds to be recorded by mid-October, and for the PTC to provide the
Declarant their final report about 30 days afterwards. While the title
conveyance and governance transition must occur on or before the end of
the year, it doesn’t impact the resolution of deficiencies. This part of the
process could continue beyond the December 31, 2021 deadline if
necessary. However, it is our current expectation the PTC will complete its
work before the end of the year.
The sessions held a few months ago with the selected
candidates were very informative and helpful. As some
time has passed and elections are now postponed
again, it would be helpful to 1) have the candidate bios
on the my Hampton lake website 2) post links to the
video sessions and 3) have additional sessions for both
prepared and informal questions/answers. This is
especially important for new owners so they are well
informed. We understand from the last meetings that it
is difficult to schedule especially in the summer months,
but fall is approaching and the past sessions and bios
can be easily posted and available to all in the interim.
Thank you!
Once we have an election date scheduled, all of the candidate information,
including the recordings of the Zoom sessions that were held previously, will
be posted and made available for all members to view. The Nominating
Committee is looking into the possibility of additional options for members to
get to know the candidates. The election cannot be held until the developer
has transferred the deed to HLCA. Once the deed is transferred, a date for
the election can be set.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
More Maintenance items - Last Winter/Spring I asked
about repainting / freshening up the directional signage
on the roads. We were told it was on the to do list 8
months ago. For example -the sign at HL Dr & HL
Crossing is so faded now you can hardly read it
Before COVID I reported that the fans in the men's
locker room do not work. I reported that twice in the past
month & they still don't work. We have not had music in
the Fitness Center for over 3 months & several of us
have asked about it several times. "We're looking into it"
has been the response. People are not supposed to talk
on their phones in the gym but some do & we all get to
hear the entire conversation. There are a couple
members who must be hard of hearing because they
talk very LOUD. Without music, everyone can hear that
as well, plus music is expected to be playing in every
fitness car I've ever been in. please answer all 3 issues.
HLCA has been replacing signage throughout the community, we began with
safety items first and as such, speed signs have been updated and replaced.
A new marquee has been added, many of the stop signs have been
replaced, new signs have been added at the gates to inform guests of the
changes to gate hours of operation and our contractor is currently working on
the other marquee and all directional and informational signs.
The fans in the men’s locker room are fully functional. Our audio contractor
has provided us with an estimate to upgrade the sound system in the fitness
center and at the lazy river pool near the Tower Bar area. We are now
working on a schedule to have the work performed.
Talking on a cell phone within the amenity buildings is against our rules and
1.4 Cell phones are allowed within the Lakeside or Parkside buildings but
must be in silent or vibrate mode. In order to be considerate of others,
members or guests who receive a call in any indoor amenity building must
step outside.
Our staff members have been reminded to enforce this rule.
Hi. I was wondering when will we be replacing the old
faded American flag at the old entrance? It really looks
Thank you!
A new flag is on order and the current flag will be replaced once received.
Thank you to the team for sending a notice to all about
one of our valued staff members testing positive for
COVID at Backwater Bill’s (BWB’s) - our prayers to them
for a full recovery. And kudos for extending the hours at
the beer garden to provide another option while we
await the reopening of BWB’s.
Can you confirm the staff at BWB’s are being paid
during this time?
Our employees are doing well and are expected to be fully recovered this
week. Fortunately, were received negative tests for the majority of the team
and they were able to return to work to facilitate the curb-side service. All full-
time employees have a competitive benefits program and will be
compensated through our flexible PTO policy.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What is the current tipping policy at the Tower Bar and
Beer Garden?
Members sometimes ask about tipping because in earlier years, servers
were compensated at a higher rate and they were less dependent on
gratuity. However, at this point in time, our servers are paid consistent with
the club market and gratuities are assumed in this scenario.
Servers in a club environment such as Backwater Bill's and other restaurants
within gated communities typically earn a higher hourly wage than the
average restaurant. Reasons for this
are servers in this environment form relationships with the members. The
familiarity becomes a value and the hope is that by paying the server a
slightly higher wage, it keeps them at the club. The staff serve a more limited
clientele and have a significantly lower opportunity for tips.
Tipping is always discretionary and is completely up to members to decide if
they want to recognize good service by adding a tip. If you are happy with
your food and beverage experience, and you want to show our serving staff
that you value them, it will be greatly appreciated.
I have a suggestion for the Parkside Pool. It would be
nice to have a large clock put on the wall facing the pool.
Also, it would be nice to have speakers placed around
the pool so that everyone can enjoy it, not just the beer
garden. Thanks
Thank you for the suggestion. As we get the Parkside pool and Beer Garden
up and running, your suggestion will be forwarded to the Fitness &
Recreation Committee for consideration, along with other suggestions to
enhance members' experience.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The rules for the Lakeside pool allow family members
guest use without the member in attendance. The
Crystal Lake rules don’t contain that provision. Why is
The Parkside Pool and pool deck area is significantly smaller than the
Lakeside pool complex. Unaccompanied guests are prohibited in order to
ensure that there is enough space for members.
The area on either side of the bridges at Fish Dancer
and Hampton Lake Crossing are overgrown with weeds
and untrimmed wax myrtles, etc. Looks awful.
Here again, I fail to understand how such grounds
issues are ignored. Who holds our contract grounds
maintenance vender accountable?
Our landscape contractor is responsible for maintaining all common ground,
including trimming the trees and shrubs. They are currently in the process of
completing safety related trimming of roadside signage. Management works
with the contracts to ensure they fulfill contractual obligations. For various
reasons, they are behind schedule, but are working to get caught up over the
next several weeks.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I'm curious about the lack of attention to maintenance or
cleanup at the USPS mail kiosk at 369 Flatwater
Speedway (Yes, that is a reference to the unfettered and
unenforced speeding on Flatwater). On July 7th when
tropical storm Elsa blew through, there was considerable
flooding and runoff of soil, sand and gravel in and
around the kiosk area. Mostly from the BJSWA pump
station. It was never cleaned up. Last week when T.S.
Mindy came through, there was additional flooding
causing runoff, and now a nice variety of mud, sand, and
gravel to walk through. Is this HL's landscape contractor
or a BJWSA's issue? No matter who....it needs attention.
I love the wide sidewalks in Hampton Lake but I'm
disappointed at the lack of enforcement of the builders
(Logan & Dream Finders) adherence to the silt fence
requirements and maintenance. There is considerable
sand and mud on the sidewalks in the 200-400 block of
the speedway. Not pleasant to walk through or attractive
to look at.
Named storms and some severe thunderstorms create the need for clean up
throughout the community. While our contractor does a good job of
recognizing and addressing the majority of the necessary clean up
requirements, occasionally some items may be overlooked. HLCA has
recently hired an assistant in the ARB to spend considerable time driving the
community to inspect compliance types of issues. As he gets more
knowledgeable in his role, we believe these types of oversights will be
addressed. Owners can help by contacting our ARB department to report
areas of concern and infractions when observed. Fines are being issued to
contractors not following silt fence regulations.
Now that it’s getting cooler there has been an increase
in the use of the pickle ball courts during the evening
hours. Unfortunately earlier sunsets limit the amount of
play time available. Would the management consider
the installation of court lighting to facilitate later play?
Your suggestion would be considered a capital improvement. The
community has yet to budget for capital improvements. We are sure there
will be many projects, expansions and additions that will be proposed and
considered once turnover from developer control to community control is
completed. After turnover, suggestions such as this, along with others
suggested through the Member Survey and other avenues, will be evaluated
using the capital improvement process documented in Resolution #18. The
Capital Improvement Process helps management determine what the
community is ultimately willing to fund and in what priority order.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What is the purpose of the black tube things at the storm
drains? Who requires them and is accountable for there
The tubes are called "gutter buddies" and the purpose is to prevent
construction debris from flowing through the storm drains and into the lake.
Builders must place gutter buddies at the storm drain during construction, as
required by the Town of Bluffton. The builders are supposed to move the
gutter buddies during heavy rain events to prevent the streets from flooding.
The security team follows up during patrol to ensure compliance.
We're back from our summer vacation and are excited
about swimming laps in the Parkside pool. I was asking
around about the length of the pool and no one seems
to know so my wife and used a measuring tape. It looks
like the pool is 75 feet long (25 yards). Can you verify?
The reason we would like to know is simply that it takes
70 lengths of a pool to swim a mile and that is the
distance my wife typically swim when we do laps. Many
swimmers will get their "mile swim" in when they do
laps. Most YMCAs or community pools are 25 yards in
length so this is great news for lap swimmers.
I have a friendly suggestion. How about posting a small
sign somewhere in the pool area that says something
like this:
Pool Length: 25 Yards
1 Mile: 70 Lengths
1/2 Mile: 35 Lengths
The pool looks terrific. Thanks for your help.
The pool is 75 feet long. Your suggestion for a sign will be shared with the
Fitness & Recreation Committee so that they can make a recommendation
about how best to convey the information to lap swimmers.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
There is an ongoing problem with water leakage in the
Fitness Center. Buckets are being placed to catch
leaking water in several places. A concern about mold
accompanying these ceiling/roof leaks is top of mind.
What is out plan for a quick resolution?
The situation with the fitness center is extremely frustrating. Although some
have stated that this has been going on for a long time and has not been
addressed, the fact is that there have been a series of problems and each
time has been addressed, including a complete replacement of the air
conditioning system that is above the ceiling. The current problem is due to a
cracked pan, which has been on order for several months. We have rigged a
temporary solution for the water to be caught and then wet-vacced;
unfortunately it's been hard to predict how frequently to empty the temproary
cache. One problem that makes inspection and repair difficult is the
unusually tight configuration of plumbing and air conditioning above the
ceiling. Once the part is received and during the replacement process, an
inspection of the areas not visible will occur. Any damage, mold or mildew
issues that may exist will be addressed at that time.
I'm genuinely concerned about the condition of the
Hampton Lake kayaks that owners can use. Last
Saturday at our weekly outing two double kayaks were
out of commission and two single kayaks had leaks.
Are there any plans to upgrade our kayaks with newer
ones or to repair the ones we have? Thank you.
We are scheduled to replace several of our kayaks once our suppliers have
them in stock. Repairs and part replacements are routinely scheduled as part
of our maintenance program.
Is the tower bar closed because of staffing also? If your
plan is to use the Beer Garden for Happy Hours can you
open up the barn to allow people to spread out a little
more, opening up the doors and allowing folks to sit
We are experiencing the challenges of hiring and retaining additional team
members. We have had to alter some hours of operation at various
locations, mainly due to not having enough experienced bartenders. We
have interviewed and hired several new employees recently and hope to be
able to fully staff all locations once the training process is complete. We do
not anticipate this being a long-term problem.
Currently, Happy Hour locations are determined on a weekly basis according
to the staffing levels available at that time. We hope to resume Tower Bar
happy hour soon. While we don’t currently have plans to open the Barn at
Crystal Lake for Happy Hour, if we continue to offer Happy Hour at the Beer
Garden, we will explore options for spreading people out.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With respect to the bids for the landscaping contract, it is
my understanding that our current landscapers get to
use the Dry Dock to store their equipment and for
employee parking, and we receive a discount for their
use of that space. Will the new contract incorporate use
of Dry Dock space again, and if so, what is the dollar
amount of the discount we receive? How many member
rental spaces does this utilize?
The current contract with Landworks expires at the end of December 2021.
We have invited five landscape companies, including our current contractor,
to make proposals for a three-year contract that would start on January 1,
2022. The Requests for Proposals (RFPs) that were sent to the five
landscaping companies do not offer the use of space in the Dry Dock.
Instead, the RFPs offer the opportunity to use one of two unimproved parcels
that are not currently being used. The company who wins the contract will be
responsible for the cost of making the unimproved parcels suitable for
storage and/or parking of their equipment. Our ARB Director will ensure that
any improvements are consistent with community standards. The
contractor’s use did not utilize any designated spaces allocated for owners.
Having equipment, debris and the need to go in and out frequently created
inconveniences with member access and maneuverability. The Community
currently uses one space for short term space for owners with temporary
needs, we will look at any freed-up space being available for this and
perhaps more member spaces.
The survey had many places to offer comments beyond
the multiple choice q/a. Can you please enumerate
those comments and provide a link. They are invaluable
to not just management but to owners to understand
what our neighbors think.
Following the November Board of Directors meeting, highlights of the results,
including a sampling of comments indicating strengths and weaknesses, will
be shared with members. However, best practices in survey research
indicate that sharing the qualitative data verbatim. e.g. a link to the survey
comments, is not recommended. There are many reasons why survey
comments are not shared publicly, here are the main reasons that apply in
the case of the Hampton Lake Member Survey:
-Members were promised that the survey results would be confidential.
Sharing the individual comments compromises the confidentiality of the
survey because some members added their name to certain comments, and
other comments may be perceived as easily recognizable as to who made
the comment. A small number of members used the survey to complain
about their neighbors, it would be unfair to publish these comments.
-The purpose of the survey, as stated in the survey invitation, is to "gather
feedback from Hampton Lake members about satisfaction with features,
amenities, and services in our community. Results from this survey will be
used by the Board of Directors, General Manager, and Board of Advisors to
establish priorities for the budget, programs, and services, and to develop
plans for the future." The purpose does not include letting members know
what their neighbors think. Since the general membership has no real way of
using the comments to make improvements, sharing the comments does not
conform with the stated purpose of the survey.
-It is human nature to hone in on the comments that affirm one's own way of
thinking and to focus on the comments that are strongly worded. We avoid
this bias with a structured analysis that groups comments into themes and
codes for positive, neutral, and negative comments, allowing for an indication
as to what the priorities are for the community.
Following the November Board of Directors meeting, highlights of the results,
including a sampling of comments indicating strengths and weaknesses, will
be shared with members.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Would like to understand who holds the builders and
their contractors responsible for keeping their job sites
free of trash and debris. There are waste dumpsters at
every site. However, cans, bottles , empty food
packaging and general construction debris can be found
at every site. This trash is easily blown into our lake or
picked at by wildlife. These contractors and builders
need to be held accountable.
Our ARB is responsible for holding the contractors accountable for the
jobsites. We have recently added an additional team member to allow more
oversite, our patrol team also makes daily visual inspections and reports any
infractions to management for appropriate action. Our management team
takes these types of infractions seriously and will contact builders even on
days off to have the matter handled expeditiously. The builders are being
fined if corrections are not made in a timely manner or for repeat offenders.
However, in addition to these measures, we encourage members to report
contractor infractions directly to Gail Garbett, ARB Director.
Can you please provide sinformation on the status of
mailbox replacements? Please be specific as to streets
completed, and those in process. Thanks.
Mailboxes have been completed on the following:
• Hampton Lake Drive
• Waterview
• Fording Court
• Fording Trace
• Fording Bend
• Anchor Cove
• Harborage Ct
• Hampton Lake Crossing
• Blue Trail
• Pine Shadow
• Sweet Marsh
• Sweet Pond
• Palmetto Cove Court
• Harborview
The following streets are the next:
• Balsam Bay
• Fish Dancer
• Anchor Bay
The service includes replacement of the mailbox as well as painting the post
and cap. We anticipate completing the remaining streets over the next three
months, however, variables such as weather, supply chain issues, and
competing priorities may impact the schedule. Mailboxes that are in excellent
condition will not be replaced until the next rotation.
The winning bidder of the landscaping contract will be
using "one of two available parcels". Where are these
parcels located and what are the lot sizes? At the end
of the current contract how long does the contractors
have to vacate the dry dock? Is there any kind of
provision to charge rent once the contract is expired, if
they have not vacated? Can those monies go back to
the Dry Dock for maintenance and refinement? In the
event the current contractors win the bid where will they
store their equipment and park while enhancing the
available parcel? Clean up of the Dry Dock is long
overdue and little to no upkeep or refinements have
been done. Can the revenues the dry dock produce be
applied back to the dry dock for upkeep and refinement?
The space known as parcel 7, plus a small piece conveyed by the developer
is located on Parklands Drive between the apartments and Flat Creek Drive.
It has approximately 1.23 acres of upland. This space is not a lot or home
site. The landscape equipment currently in the Dry Dock will be vacated by
the end of the year, when the current contract ends. Dry Dock rental fees are
deposited into HLCA’s operating account and are used for operating
expenses. The incumbent contractor did not win the bid. The Dry Dock has
recently been cleaned up and once the landscapers are no longer using the
lot, it is anticipated that it will be much easier to maintain. We are pleased
with the clean up results.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Why was the Dry Dock not included in the survey?
With only 22 spots available in the Dry Dock, less than one tenth of 1% of
the population would be able to report on their satisfaction and usage.
Having heard about the fire in the storage shed next
toBackwater Bills, i wondered if there is a fire alarm and
sprinkler system installed in or near the storage shed
that would alert the fire department and management as
well as minimize the damage to electrical units?
While all of our main amenity buildings are equipped with alarms and fire
suppression equipment required by local fire code ordinances, some
separate storage buildings are not required or designed to have sprinkler or
fire alarm systems.
I know that this “concern” will either be brushed off or
not answered at all. I contact Bryan Rhame’s on Sept
20 about issues around Crystal Lake. Included in those
issues are serious safety concerns to include the
following: gaps under the fence where alligators or
other wildlife could enter CL. Someone has taken it
upon themselves to put rocks in the washout, hoping to
prevent something slipping under. Also included is
washout with exposed pipes and a gully that is right in
front of gate access, lending a serious trip hazard.
Additionally, there are at least two meters that are
exposed and the lids for those meters are laying right
beside the meters. Lastly the new curbing that was put
in is unsightly and also a trip hazard. Water lays in the
are creating mud and slime. I was given an answer from
Bryan on 9/22 informing me that they can’t address
issues every time it rains. Well 5-6 weeks later and
NOTHING has been addressed. Unacceptable!
The new curbing at the lake maintenance gate was added at the request of
the owner Property Transfer Committee to mitigate severe erosion problems.
Crystal Lake and all common elements in the newer phases of Hampton
Lake have been going through the Property Transfer process. Hampton Lake
Community Association has the responsibility of the maintenance and
up keep of these elements while being used by the owners. HLCA has
addressed problems and has further enhancements being scheduled. These
improvements include:
1). Fortifying areas of erosion around the perimeter of Crystal Lake fencing
using fabric and additional rocks. We have placed additional rocks in the
2). Beach sand re-nourishment.
3). Installing Mobi Mats at gate locations. These are mats used at various
beach locations to serve as walkways and prevent sand erosion.
Most of these projects were outlined at the Board of Directors Meeting on
October 21. However, the efforts that will be taken are to make corrections
that have a longer-lasting impact than going out and moving sand around
every time it rains. While we fully intend to address safety issues such as trip
hazards, it must be understood that it is impossible to guarantee that an
outdoor space in the Lowcountry will be free of wildlife.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
When is the road upheaval around 154 Hampton Lake
Drive going to be repaired? Have observed roads being
resurfaced but nothing done about this road hazard
which has been there for months.
The asphalt work still has some items to be completed, the current contractor
does not repair concrete. Separate concrete contractors are being sought to
repair multiple issues as noted in our G&F street and sidewalk report.
We will notify the community once the schedule has been determined.
We noticed this past weekend that the Bocce Ball courts
have fallen into serious disrepair. Is there a plan to
repair the courts?
The Bocce Ball courts are part of our regular maintenance, the deficiencies
were addressed this past week.
Thank you for the response to my questions last week
regarding the dry dock. I do need a little clarification on
your responses. Is there any plans to allow additional
storage to anyone other than the HL residents, after
year end? What is the total revenue dry dock contributes
to the general fund? How can a request be official
submitted for a line item to be added to the budget for
Dry Dock maintenance and refinement? To reflect at
least a percentage of the dry dock revenues?
There are no plans for the Dry Dock to be used for anything other than spots
that are rented to Hampton Lake members. Dry Dock rental fees total slightly
below $15,000 per year. Your suggestion that a line item for maintenance of
the Dry Dock will be passed along to the Financial Review Committee, but it
is unlikely that such a change can be efficiently accounted for since most
maintenance expenses for the Dry Dock are not separately billed. They are
part of the larger line items for landscaping, security and maintenance
reflected in our budget under Department 05, Community Services. It is
estimated that the amount spent on maintenance of the Dry Dock exceeds
the amount of revenue brought in by the rental revenue, so a percentage of
Dry Dock revenue would not be relevant.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I entered HL Drive gate on a Sunday, where 2 cars were
off to the side waiting to piggyback off a resident in the
gate. Prior to entering, I confronted one a (Door Dash
driver), who had no idea there was another gate, and
refused to do anything but piggyback at our gate and he
wouldn't tell where he was delivering food. Not wanting
further confrontation I had no choice but to drive
through, enabling both vehicles to enter "illegally".
1) There is no way to stop this since the gate stays open
until all cars get through. What is my responsibility or
suggested action when I'm being piggybacked?
2) Drivers piggyback because they don't know RFID is
required until they are right next to the gatehouse AND
no other instructions are on that sign. The VERY small
and unnoticeable sign directing them to Flatwater is
positioned well before the gatehouse, rendering it
useless IMO. We need signage directing unauthorized
cars to Flatwater and position that sign directly in front of
the gate.
When observing a piggy-backing situation, one option for residents is to stop
their vehicle once inside the gate and wait until it closes behind them to
prevent an unauthorized entry. Whether they are comfortable doing this or
not, they should contact security to report the situation and provide a
description of the other vehicle. All HL gates have cameras that can be
monitored by security personnel.
Regarding the signs at that gate, we will ask our Grounds & Facilities
Advisory Committee to review the current number and placement options
and to forward any recommendations for changes to the signage.
Were would I find out the qualifications for the
candidates for the upcoming board of directors?
The information for the nominees for the upcoming Board of Directors term is
located on www.myhamptonlake.com, under the BOD tab. It also can be
found in the weekly update that goes out on Sundays at 5pm.
It has been several weeks since the fire occurred and I
think the owners are entitled to more information than
what normally appears on this subject such as
"Backwater Bill's closed until further notice"; namely (1)
what was the actual cause of the fire; it must be know by
now?(2) what is the schedule/plan to reopen BWB's? (3)
it seems surprising that a fire in a storage room could
effect multiple areas of the community facilities such as
the entire building that houses BWB's and the
Spa/Fitness Center building etc. Short of a major
catastrophe occurring, is something being done during
repairs to prevent another situation like this from
occurring which shut down multiple facilities?
It has been three weeks since the banquet storage shed fire damaged
several components in the service area on October 22. Because the fire
occurred on a Friday, the Town of Bluffton, which closes at 1 pm on Friday,
did not issue a permit until the following Monday. Without the permit, no one
was able to begin any work, not even to assess the damage.
Our insurance claims adjuster and investigator recently released the site for
cleanup and repair. We are still waiting for the insurance adjuster to provide
an official report outlining how our insurance will provide coverage. We have
not received an official report from the fire department as to the cause of
the fire. Contractors have removed much of the damaged shed and its
contents, the coolers and freezer will be demolished and removed in the next
few days.
Electricians have been out to access the damage and begin the necessary
repairs. All electrical wiring to the entire 200 Hampton Lake building was
damaged and must be replaced. This address consists of BWBs, Lakeview
Room, Tower Bar, and Screened Porch. Over 100 feet of copper wire will
need to be replaced. We expect electrical service to be restored in the next
couple of weeks.
Two, possibly three HVAC units were damaged beyond repair and are in
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
need of replacement. One unit has been received, one is being shipped from
Texas and the other is on order. All outdoor refrigerated units will need to be
replaced. These items are in an extremely back-ordered situation and under
a nation-wide shortage. We are told delivery could take 6-8 months, but we
are now looking for temporary cooler and freezer units to allow us to operate
at some capacity until the replacements can be delivered. As we wait for
required permits, the delivery of the HVAC, and temporary refrigerators and
freezer it is still too early to predict a date to be fully operational. However,
we are developing plans to at least restore partial service.
As most members know, the fire initially caused the Fitness Center to be
without power. The power to the fitness center was restored and the fitness
center opened by October 26. However, during the restoration of power to
the fitness center a surge damaged the main motor that powers the Lakeside
Pool's filtration system, therefore, the Lakeside Pool is currently closed.
As part of the effort to re-open the restaurant, we have brought in a structural
engineer to develop a design that will better position us for future expansion
of Backwater Bill's. Rather than simply replace the shed, refrigeration, and
HVAC units as they were previously installed, we are looking to create an
elevated structure for the HVAC units that will facilitate the future expansion
of the kitchen and minimize future downtime when Backwater Bill's is
eventually expanded.
We ask members to understand that although we were fortunate that more
damage did not occur, the extent of the damage was significant and a great
deal of work is being done to restore Backwater Bill's as quickly as possible,
while also looking ahead to re-build in a way that better positions us for
future expansion. More updates will be issued as details become available.
Heather Harkins
Rather just stating that Backwater Bills is closed until
further notice, it would be helpful to have current news
on status. 90% of the newsletter is the same information
every week. News on Backwater Bills (even if little)
would be interesting to all owners.
Larry Taylor
It has been three weeks since the banquet storage shed fire damaged
several components in the service area on October 22. Because the fire
occurred on a Friday, the Town of Bluffton, which closes at 1 pm on Friday,
did not issue a permit until the following Monday. Without the permit, no one
was able to begin any work, not even to assess the damage.
Our insurance claims adjuster and investigator recently released the site for
cleanup and repair. We are still waiting for the insurance adjuster to provide
an official report outlining how our insurance will provide coverage. We have
not received an official report from the fire department as to the cause of
the fire. Contractors have removed much of the damaged shed and its
contents, the coolers and freezer will be demolished and removed in the next
few days.
Electricians have been out to access the damage and begin the necessary
repairs. All electrical wiring to the entire 200 Hampton Lake building was
damaged and must be replaced. This address consists of BWBs, Lakeview
Room, Tower Bar, and Screened Porch. Over 100 feet of copper wire will
need to be replaced. We expect electrical service to be restored in the next
couple of weeks.
Two, possibly three HVAC units were damaged beyond repair and are in
need of replacement. One unit has been received, one is being shipped from
Texas and the other is on order. All outdoor refrigerated units will need to be
replaced. These items are in an extremely back-ordered situation and under
a nation-wide shortage. We are told delivery could take 6-8 months, but we
are now looking for temporary cooler and freezer units to allow us to operate
at some capacity until the replacements can be delivered. As we wait for
required permits, the delivery of the HVAC, and temporary refrigerators and
freezer it is still too early to predict a date to be fully operational. However,
we are developing plans to at least restore partial service.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
As most members know, the fire initially caused the Fitness Center to be
without power. The power to the fitness center was restored and the fitness
center opened by October 26. However, during the restoration of power to
the fitness center a surge damaged the main motor that powers the Lakeside
Pool's filtration system, therefore, the Lakeside Pool is currently closed.
As part of the effort to re-open the restaurant, we have brought in a structural
engineer to develop a design that will better position us for future expansion
of Backwater Bill's. Rather than simply replace the shed, refrigeration, and
HVAC units as they were previously installed, we are looking to create an
elevated structure for the HVAC units that will facilitate the future expansion
of the kitchen and minimize future downtime when Backwater Bill's is
eventually expanded.
We ask members to understand that although we were fortunate that more
damage did not occur, the extent of the damage was significant and a great
deal of work is being done to restore Backwater Bill's as quickly as possible,
while also looking ahead to re-build in a way that better positions us for
future expansion. More updates will be issued as details become available.
Heather Harkins
Why are there no crosswalks in Hampton Lake,
especially where there are pedestrian crossing signs?
For instance, from the dog park to Hampton Lake
Also, could the community be found at fault in any way if
a pedestrian was struck at one of these locations (where
there is a sign but no crosswalk)?
Although crosswalks can be beneficial in directing pedestrians where to
cross, marked pedestrian crosswalks, in and of themselves, do not slow
traffic or reduce accidents involving pedestrians. A five-year study by the
Federal Highway Administration of 1000 marked crosswalks and 1000
unmarked comparison sites found that on most roads, the difference in
safety performance of marked and
unmarked crossings is not statistically significant, unless additional safety
features, such as traffic lights or crossing guards, are used. In certain
situations, a marked crosswalk is likely to have worse safety performance
than an otherwise similar unmarked location. It is thought that crosswalks
give pedestrians a false sense of safety that leads them to cross without
using adequate caution, and that many drivers are not aware that
pedestrians have the right of way in a marked crosswalk, and they don’t
expect pedestrians to suddenly step into the road. However, management
has taken several steps to slow down traffic, such as lowering the speed limit
to 25 mph throughout the community, unless otherwise marked. Members
are encouraged to be cautious when crossing where it is hard to see
oncoming traffic. Pedestrians must be mindful of exactly where they cross to
ensure that have a safe view of both directions when crossing.
My comment is about the security gates. I have been
drafted and, as suggested, I stopped when I got inside
the gate. Unfortunately, that doesn't work because the
gates swing the wrong way. I had to stop far enough
inside the gate for the gate to close but by then the car
behind me was sitting between the gates and was
already inside the community. I had no choice but to
keep going. The gate was never going to close
otherwise. I was not about to go back and confront the
driver of the other car.
If the gates swung out instead of in, I could have
stopped as soon as I got through the gate. Without a
transponder, the gates would then close, moving toward
the other car and causing them to back up.
In any case, when piggy backing occurs and you are unable to avoid the
situation, continue through the gate and please notify Hampton Lake
Gatehouse, 843-836-7490. Information such as description of the car and
direction of travel is helpful. Do not confront the other driver. If the driver has
the proper authorization, he or she should understand the need to prevent
unauthorized entry.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Many of the answers to questions on Lakeviews
reference the various advisory committees that are the
gateway to management. It would be useful to develop
an advisory committee portal and add a "boilerplate
paragraph" to Lakeviews with a link. If a resident thinks
something is needed in fitness, or on the grounds, etc.
they could go directly to the portal and choose the
proper committee, then describe the situation and
request consideration of a particular action. I would send
this suggestion to a committee, but I'm not sure which
You are correct that many LakeViews submissions are related to one of the
advisory committees. The LakeViews submission screen already does have
a button for members to select a category related to one of the committees.
When a submission makes a recommendation related to a committee, those
submissions are forwarded to the appropriate committee so that they may
consider and/or do additional research on the recommendation. Moreover, it
is expected that committee members regularly read LakeViews to stay
connected with member input. It is usually left up to the committee to
determine which suggestions, along with suggestions submitted through the
member survey and other communication, are priorities to be considered.
The current committees' terms are drawing to a close, and a new set of
committees will start in January. This suggestion will be forwarded to the
Board of Advisors who begin their new terms in January.
Should HL be creating additional advisory committees at
this time? Examples would be Budget,ARB, Long Range
Planning etc…. Thank you Kim
Hampton Lake has had a budget committee for over ten years and it was
formalized into the Financial Review Committee (see Board Resolution #15.)
Long range planning has been a focus that involves the owner members of
the board of directors, along with members of the Board of Advisors, the
Financial Review Committee, our Treasurer, and our Controller. The ARB
remains under declarant control.
With the switchover of ownership/management of the
fitness center from the management company, what
effort is being taken to maintain valued and qualified
employees such as Brooke Sapp, our fitness trainer.
Brooke is an excellent employee who is well qualified
holding many certifications. She is excellent to work with
and far better in her abilities than many physical
therapists that I have encountered. I hope we will not be
throwing the baby away with the bath water and that
efforts are being made to hire those employees that
have served our members well and are qualified to
perform their jobs. Are they being offered positions? Are
they being invited to interview to keep their positions?
Our current contract with Active Private has a non-compete clause which
prohibits us from hiring any of their current employees for 1 year. We are told
that Active Private will not waive this clause and that they have offered other
opportunities to these employees.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
With the transition of the gym and spa from Live Active
to HL management, will class/spa packages transfer in
tact with this change? Thanks!
Packages that have been purchased will continue to be honored according
to the same terms as when they were purchased.
It appears that the recent decision to change
management contractors of the fitness center will result
in the likely replacement of most of the well liked staff
members as well. I suspect many frequent users of the
fitness/spa facility had specifically donated funds to the
annual Christmas bonus in order to thank these staff
members for their exceptional work efforts. Does the
HOA have plans to look back and include these workers
when the Christmas bonuses are awarded?
According to the guidelines established by the Giving Fund Committee,
employees, including contracted employees such as the fitness center staff,
are eligible to participate if they are on staff and in good standing through
December 1. The Giving Fund was created by a Hampton Lake member
committee, not HLCA. Members can learn more about the Giving Fund by
reading this document and Frequently Asked Questions. Both of these
documents have been published in the Sunday Community Update for the
last several weeks.
Who is responsible to maintain the hill behind crescent
lake? I have noticed that there is erosion of the hill,
particularly near the post office boxes.
The 58 acre parcel including the hill behind Crescent Lake is privately owned
(Sandlapper Hill LLC) since December of 2016 and is part of a conservancy.
The maintenance of this property would be the responsibility of the owner.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Is it possible to require that all construction and
tradesman vehicles in construction zones park on only
one side of the road?
The neighborhood we moved from (which wasn't nearly
as efficiently managed as Hampton Lake is) managed to
do this, and it made negotiating those zones a lot easier
for residents and workers alike.
That suggestion has been attempted in the past. Unfortunately, it made the
situation worse. Most workers who are working on a home on the right side,
want to park on the left and vice versa. We do require that there are only 2
vehicles parked in a row, to let room for cars passing by. The gatehouse
team is responsible for monitoring this on all streets.
I was just wondering if it would be possible in the future
to include in the weekly update the schedule of
upcoming Advisory Committee meetings and their
agendas? We have many residents here who have
tremendous expertise in various areas who might be
able to provide assistance to the Advisory Committees
but cannot devote the time to serving on a committee.
Also, this would facilitate disclosure of information.
Members who are interested in attending one of the committee meetings can
contact the committee chair to request an invitation to a meeting, along with
the reason they want to attend and if they want to speak at the meeting.
Because the committee meetings are essentially business meetings with
planned agendas and work group reports, the chair must ensure that any
additional business a visiting member has can be fit into the agenda.
Members can contact the committee chair via email. Committee member
contact information is posted on the HLCA website. The committees receive
information from members through the Member Survey and via LakeViews.
As far as sharing information with the community, each committee publishes
a quarterly report and posts many of their work products on the BoA page of
the HLCA website; and a committee update presentation is given at least
quarterly at Board of Directors Meetings. The current term of the Board of
Advisors and its associated committees is coming to an end and members
who are interested in serving on one of these committees can volunteer for
the 2022-2023 term. The deadline to volunteer for the next term is December
BOD Meeting Follow-up:
After a generally informative BOD session on 11/16,
there was one unanswered Question near toward the
end of the meeting; the outcome will affect how well we
as Owners can repair, improve and expand BWBs.
Please provide progress in this forum about HLCA's
engagement with an independent insurance adjuster to
collaborate on HL Owners' behalf with our insurance firm
for the fire settlement. Since time is of the essence,
does the Board need assistance vetting candidates?
Thanks very much -
There are several ways the fire may affect members at Hampton Lake.
Obviously, we don't have current use of Backwater Bill's, although we have
increased hours and menu offerings at the Beer Garden and the Barn Grill to
help offset this. We are working to get the electricity back on; this work
involves electricians, a general contractor, and the Town of Bluffton for
required permits. We are hoping to get the electricity back on before the end
of the year, but the holidays tend to cause everything to slow down, getting
permits from the town in particular. We have contacted our insurance
company, but have received no direct response as to payment. We have
begun the process of vetting public adjusters, and your offer of help is noted
and appreciated.
Our goal at this time is to make a few changes, such as the raised structure,
to make future expansion easier.
As mentioned in previous updates and at the recent BoD meeting, we are
looking to create a raised structure for the HVAC units so that we will be in a
better position for future expansion of Backwater Bill's. We have contacted a
structural engineer and architect to develop these plans. The challenge is to
balance re-opening quickly with the opportunity to facilitate future expansion.
To be clear, expansion of Backwater Bill's is a project that will require
significant discussion with members and is not planned as part of the repair.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
It is my understanding that ARB personnel will still be
under the control of the developer after turnover. What
are the positions included that fall under this category?
Will the Hampton Lake owners be responsible for their
salaries and expenses?
Thank you,
Larry Taylor
According to section 5.2 (a) of the Community Charter, the declarant
maintains authority to review and act upon all applications for review of
proposed improvements for the period known as the Development and Sale
Period, which terminates on March 31, 2036, unless the declarant chooses
to end it earlier. Currently, there are three employees in the ARB
department: Gail Garbett, ARB Director, Victoria Jackson, ARB Assistant,
and Jake Forshey, who works part time. While the declarant will maintain
some control over the ARB functions and approvals, these staff members
report to the HLCA General Manager. The community association has
always had responsibility for paying their salaries and benefits, this is not
something that changes with turnover.
I live in an area that has many "new builds". Is there any
way that they must be held accountable for NOT having
a dumpster onsite? And for those who do have a
dumpster, can they be held accountable for their trash
all around and NOT place in the dumpster? When the
wind blows, it all comes into my yard.
Members who observe builders not properly using dumpsters, leaving
dumpsters uncovered overnight, or leaving trash around a build-site should
report it to Gail Garbett, ARB Director, at ggarbett@hamptonlakeclub.com, or
ARB Assistant Victoria Jackson, at vjackson@hamptonlakeclub.com.
Reports should be as specific as possible and include the address or lot
number. Pictures are helpful.
The new front entrance has a Hampton Lake sign on
either side with 6 blank panels on each. Are these just
part of the design or was something intended to be
either inscribed or affixed to them?
The sign outside the new entrance on Bluffton Parkway and Flat Creek Drive
was designed to include six rectangular spaces for the names of the
businesses that will eventually occupy the commercial space to the right of
the entrance road. The piece of property on which the monuments stand is
not part of the property that has been conveyed to HLCA. It is owned by the
developer, as is the commercial property.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I was told by management that the marquee sign at the
Hampton Lake Dr. entrance was in a state of disrepair
and would be replaced. The old sign was removed
weeks, if not months ago, and no replacement installed.
Please keep in mind that everyone uses the Flatwater
entrance and a marquee sign can be very helpful.
When will we see the new sign installed?
The marquee along with many other signs throughout the community have
been ordered and are being produced. The marquee is scheduled to be
installed by the end of next week.
When will the Lazy River pool reopen?
The Lazy River Pool is currently open and remains open year round. The
pool is typically only heated in the spring around the end of March depending
on the weather.
I have a question about leaf management and the Lake.
Frequently I see landscapers and homeowners blowing
leaves/yard clippings into the lake and into the roadways
instead of bagging and removing. Do the storm sewers
in Hampton Lake drain into our Lake or into the May
River? Is it recommended for members to blow the
organic matter into the lake since we are already
discussing the dredging of the lake at a future point? I
would be happy to deliver flyers to households to help
communicate whatever the best practices are to
preserve our Lake and River
Question 2: I thought we were going to post signs at the
nature trail stating they were for foot traffic only. Where
are we in that process?
Question 3: Other neighboring developments have
signage indicating the development is for members,
invited guests and scheduled contractors only. What is
our legal exposure if someone is injured at our pool or
trails without having this policy
The lake was engineered and built to function as a large storm water
retention pond and with 340 acres of nature preserve and wetlands as a key
element in a larger water management system. The lake design was to
protect the water quality of the May River by slowing down the flow of water
into the May River and allowing most sediment to drop out of the water flow
before reaching the May River. All storm drains do lead to the lake or other
storm water retention ponds throughout the community. Landscape
contractors are contracted with each individual owner. It is the responsibility
of every owner to inform their landscape company of our guidelines and
ensure that the work is done properly. Lawn debris or any debris should not
be blown or put into the lake or storm drains. Owners witnessing this type of
activity should report it to the ARB or other members of the management
team. We plan to install a bike rack along with signage regarding foot traffic
only by end of 1st quarter 2022. There is little difference in legal exposure
with or without the additional signage you suggest.d
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
clearly displayed?
Thank you for your time.
I would like to fully understand the
gamerules/organizational charter at HL. For example,
when submitting a noticed violation form (in this case the
subject was pets) I note that it goes To Gail G. who I
believe is the Director of the Architectural Review Board
(ARB). Does Gail also have another "job"/title
connected with the enforcement of Hampton Lake Rules
that have nothing to do with architecture? thanks
Gail Garbett is the director of the Architectural Review Board and
administrator of the Compliance Committee. The ARB has responsibility for
administering the HL Design Guidelines, providing administrative approval of
minor home modifications or additions, boat slips, bulk heading and
landscaping in Hampton Lake, and monitoring homeowner and builder
compliance to ensure enforcement of the Community Wide Standard (CWS)
and rules. When a member submits a violation notice, it goes to Gail
because a significant percentage of reported violations are directly related to
design guidelines and/or related rules, such as outside lights left on all night,
or landscaping or trash infractions. Depending on the nature of the report,
Gail may forward the violation to the general manager or assistant general
manager, but she is almost always the person that issues the citations and
tracks their status. In addition to individual members who report violations,
the Compliance Committee and a part time ARB office staff member inspect
properties and report violations to Gail for review and to issue citations
where appropriate.
I frequently walk around the track. Unfortunately, I keep
coming across bicycles blocking the path between
Castaway Drive and the track, near the basketball court.
I should not have to walk in the grass around these
obstacles. The path should be kept clear. A while back
I had suggested placing a bike rack in this area. I was
informed that it was not planned so could not be done
which seems like a similar response given to many
member's suggestions for improvement to OUR
community. If a bike rack cannot be installed, perhaps a
sign can be put in place such as "no bicycle parking on
path" or "no obstructing path/sidewalk", to keep this from
A Very Aggravated Member
We have purchased a bike rack which was recently placed in the area
between the parking lot and the pickleball courts near the track. Our
expectation is for bikes to be parked in the rack and not be left blocking
sidewalks and paths. Please notify a member of the management team
when you notice safety issues.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
When can we expect the AC to be fixed in the Gym amd
Class room?
Thank you
The Aerobic Room HVAC has been serviced and is functioning properly.
Would you please add a date to the Backwater Bill’s
update so that we can see what is new and what is just
the same? We are all anxious for news on this.
We would be happy to add a date to the Backwater Bill’s update. Thank you
for the suggestion.
Why was the custom stone roadways removed both at
the Old Miller Road and Hampton Lake Dr. entrances?
We are upscale community with beautiful grounds and
esthetics: Why has the board chosen to degrade our
entrance appeal rather than improving it and doing so
without membership knowledge or consent?
The removal of the stonework from the Old Miller and Hampton Lake Drive
gates was due to cracking and safety. During an insurance safety inspection,
it was recommended that the stonework be removed for liability concerns
much like the circle at our Lakeside Amenities. Evaluations from various
insurance carriers also noted that the stone is a liability, which is why it has
been replaced.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Hi, I have a few questions relating to grounds and
facilities and also the Lakeside Pool.
1) I just noticed that the brick pavers at the Hampton
Lake entrance was covered with asphalt. I’m sure that
was less costly than replacing the brickwork, but it really
diminishes the entrance appeal. Were there other
considerations other than cost that went into this
2) I’m really glad that the sidewalks and curbs are being
power washed. I’m assuming that the sidewalks aren’t
finished as there are still places (at least a foot wide)
that still need to be cleaned. Please confirm.
3) Is the Lakeside pool open? I don’t recall this being
addressed in the Backwater Bill updates, other than it
was closed. If it is still closed, what is the timeframe for
Thank you!
1. The removal of the stonework from the Old Miller and Hampton Lake Drive
gates was due to cracking and safety. During an insurance safety inspection,
it was recommended that the stonework be removed for liability concerns
much like the circle at our Lakeside Amenities. Evaluations from various
insurance carriers also noted that the stone is a liability, which is why it has
been replaced.
2. The contractor will be completing the concrete curb and sidewalk cleaning
the week after Christmas. They will be working at the Hampton Lake
Gatehouse once decorations have been removed. One other small area to
complete will be the Lakeside amenity parking lot.
3. The Lakeside Pool is currently open.
What has happened to our new food and beverage
manager? I have been out of town, and when I got back
I was told he quit. When are you going to let our
community know what has happened?
When an employee leaves, we typically do not make an announcement.
There are many reasons why staff depart and in some cases, the matter
could be considered confidential.
Now that power is restored lot the building Will the
screened porch be available for use asap? This is the
perfect time for those fires…
Thank you
The fireplace is typically lit during Backwater Bill’s hours, allowing for the
staff to monitor the fire. Once the restaurant and Lakehouse reopens, we can
resume lighting it for the members.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
The rock/sand improvements around Crystal Lake look
One suggestion to consider would be to place 3 tiki huts
on other large beach area on lake to match the other
side existing ones. It would add shade for those wanting
and also utilize that area to everyones benefit more.
We are happy to hear that you are pleased with the improvements to Crystal
Lake. While there are no current plans or funds budgeted for additional
changes to the area, suggestions like the one you proposed may be
considered by our new board of advisors for future funding.
We have a daughter and son-in-law that live in Sea
Pines. As a direct family member, I’m able to obtain (for
$6 annually) a family decal for my car that allows us to
drive right through security. To avoid abuse, Sea Pines
requires the property owner to make a written request
specifying relationship prior to issuing the decal. When
they come to visit us, the most we can give them is a
month long gate pass and even with that, the process to
get through the gate can be lengthy.
Has any consideration ever been given to adopting an
approach like the one at Sea Pines? For those of us with
close family members nearby, it would be very helpful.
We have no plans to issue permanent immediate family member guest
passes to family members living outside of Hampton Lake. The free monthly
pass protocol was created to accommodate this situation so members would
not need to create a new pass for each visit. Our ABDI Gate Access system
should make it easy for owners to keep all approved guest lists up to date
utilizing your mobile device.
I would like to know what is going on with the mail? I
have not received mail in 4-5 days!!!
It is best to contact the post office to clarify any mail delays to your home.
Hampton Lake Management does not have authority over the mail service.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
On several occasions I have noted heavy trucks with
construction equipment using the wooden bridge on lake
bluff drive, recently a huge flatbed carrying an earth
mover took up the entire bridge. I’m sure this bridge was
not intended to carry such loads. Is there any discussion
of weight limits for this bridge as there is an alternative
route. Large trucks should be notified on entry that there
is a truck route and fines imposed for ignoring the rule.
The bridge is engineered to accommodate large vehicles. However, we are
working to get appropriate signage to limit some commercial vehicles to
extend the life of the bridge.
Why have not event been written on the Board at the
Hampton Lake Gate?
Events are normally posted on the marquees at both gates. This practice will
resume this week.
The small rental skiffs/fishing boats are in terrible shape,
filthy, seats stained and dirty. Rental of boats is a great
idea for residents that don't have an available dock. Is
there a plan to replace them or clean and maintain them
The community association has 2 rental skiffs one which is out of
commission and waiting for a part for repair and one that is currently
available for rent. The association also has a third skiff which is used for
community lake maintenance and other various lake related tasks. We have
a maintenance and cleaning schedule that we adhere to for all boats. We
plan to do a deep cleaning prior to the return of nice weather this spring.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
1. With residents' vehicles having the RFID tags now,
what purpose do the annual vehicle decals serve?
2. Why is a copy of vehicle registration collected from
owners each year? It would seem that ensuring that a
vehicle is properly registered is a function of the state,
not Hampton Lake. In a similar vein, if HLCA is ensuring
that motor vehicles are properly registered, why does
HLCA not ensure that boats are properly registered with
the state (most are not)?
The RFID tags serve as a mechanism that allows the member only gates to
open or enter when the gate is unmanned. The decals serve as an additional
security measure that allows immediate visual recognition when the member
is entering the gate without the use of the RFID tag, or during patrol.
Hampton Lake uses vehicle registration as a way of verifying member
ownership of a vehicle and being able to identify who owns a vehicle when
Contractor carelessness. On Sunday January 9 while
driving on Hampton Lake Drive between Sweet Marsh
Court and the back gate my car tire picked up a 1 inch
by 2 inch strip of metal (stainless steel) ruining the tire.
The metal strip was identified as a contour scraper blade
that most likely came from a construction site. Does
anyone communicate with the contractors to ensure the
greatest care is taken to avoid this type of debris ending
up in the street? Since this metal strip is stainless steel a
magnet would not detect it.
Contractors are required to police the road near their construction site each
day. However, policing all of the contractors to ensure that they do it, is
nearly impossible. Members can report nails and other construction debris to
the General Manager and/or to Gail Garbett. Please be specific about the
location. Please identify if the problem is clearly from a specific worksite or
contractor. A photo is helpful. Additionally, in an effort to improve and
eliminate debris throughout the community, our new landscape contractor
Palmetto Coastal, operates a street vacuum sweeper truck once per week
and also deploys the magnet 4 times per week.
Are there any plans to install dog waste stations along
Flatwater from the circle to the bridge, as well as by the
front gate ?? If so what plans do we have ? Thank you,
Mike Palomba
Two new pet waste stations are scheduled to be placed by the end of next
week. One is planned on Sand Lapper Cove Court and another at the mail
kiosk on Flatwater Drive, near that Flat Creek Drive gate. We have no further
plans to add additional dog waste stations.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
There have been no bags in the pet waste stations near
around the Parkside amenity area for the past month.
Any resolution planned or is this the new norm?
Our new landscaping contract, Palmetto Coastal, was waiting for the keys to
the dog waste stations to be issued to gain access. This has been rectified
and keys have been issued to them. There should not be any issues with the
dog waste stations moving forward.
My comments are re: the fitness center & security
companies which were recently replaced. All of us who
use the fitness center regularly will miss Tracy & Brooke,
They were great, Many of yo.u remember Kevin when
he was here as a fitness trainer a couple years ago (pre
covid) & hated to see him leave. Today & Monday I had
the pleasure of meeting Amelia and Monte at the front
desk & they are great - very personable, outgoing &
friendly. Good job, Kevin & you're great too! Not sure
exactly when the new security company took, But, the
new people were out their actually standing, smiling & fly
the flag & looking at our decals instead of sitting on their
chairs where there is no way they could see our stickers.
I drove in tonight at 6pm & the security guard supervisor
& a guard were in front of the guard house actually
folding the US Flag. I stopped & thanked them as I know
that was not done before. He told me ha had been a
color guard. If we could get a light & fly the flag 24/7,
We're glad to hear that you're pleased with the changes and thank you for
letting us know.
This is a follow-up request to placing a pet waste
container near the Flat Creek entrance. It was
mentioned that one was planned last year; when will it
be installed?
Thank you for helping keep HL clean!
Two new pet waste stations are scheduled to be placed by the end of next
week. One is planned on Sand Lapper Cove Court and another at the mail
kiosk on Flatwater Drive, near that Flat Creek Drive gate. We have no further
plans to add additional dog waste stations.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I was very pleased to hear at the Jan 13 2022 BOD
meeting that $100,000 has been earmarked for the
enhancement of the Flat Creek Gate entrance. Will a
flagpole be included in the plans?
Currently, a flagpole is not planned. This may be considered in the future.
When will the new radar system be activated? My
biggest complaint in our community is speeding mostly
by my fellow residents. I understand that a radar system
will be installed and tickets/fines will be issued.
Hopefully the major areas to be monitored are the open
longer roadways such as Hampton Lake Dr near the Old
Miller gate and Flatwater Dr in some spots as well as
Hampton Lake Crossing. The speeders appear to be
oblivious of the posted limits and get extremely
frustrated when following someone going the speed
limit. This is a neighborhood not a highway. I’m looking
forward a crackdown on speeders.
Securitas began gatehouse services on January 7, with an increase in patrol
reports. We have several new patrol officers that are ex law enforcement. In
the next few weeks, you will see an increase in speed control with radar. We
ask all owners to slow down and obey the speed limits. Because of the
programming necessary to interface with our ABDi System, our contractor
advises it will be several months before the new radar system is activated.
The budget documents for HLCA are interesting and
useful. However, they don't include the budget for the
Lake Maintenance Corp, to which HLCA contributes that
vast majority of funding. Can you please post those
budgets for the past couple years, and going forward
annually? Or, if they are on our website, point out
where? Thanks.
Hampton Lake’s financial contribution to the Lake Maintenance Corporation
is included in the HL budget and financial reports, which are on the HLCA
web site under the BOD Financials tab. You can find the numbers under the
“community services” budget line item 6085 “Contract Services – Lake” The
HLCA budget line is 83% of the LMC budget. We are considering adding
LMC Board meeting minutes and annual financial reports to the HLCA web
site, but to date that project hasn’t begun. However, we are happy to email
the reports to any member who asks for them. We will email them to you.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
How about a new update to BWB etal? IE;by now, one
would expect to know the Fire Dept stated cause of the
fire? The Insurance claim status? The current state of
repairs? and an update on the future restoration
process/plan? thanks
An update appears in this week's Weekly Update.
When will the sign coming into Hampton lake from
Hampton lake drive have actual information posted?
We are waiting on an order for additional letters that fit our new board, and
some modifications to the letter holders are scheduled. Once we receive the
new letters and the necessary modifications are completed, the gatehouse
will update the sign with our current events. In the meantime, all "save the
dates'' for events are located in the Weekly Update, which goes out each
Sunday at 5pm.
It used to be a requirement that builders put up
screening around the dumpsters and portapotties. Is that
still a requirement. If so, can it be enforced as none do it
Dumpsters and port-a-lets are not required to be screened. We have had
some builders, in the past, screen their port-a-lets and dumpsters and
majority of the trash accumulated during construction failed to get in the
dumpster. This made maintenance of the construction site very difficult.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
In the latest Sunday information flyer, an attachment
explaining in detail the background for the speed limit for
Hampton Lake was included, however, a simple map
outlining those areas designated 20 mph was not
provided. Please note I fully appreciate the need to
drive safely and in accordance with policy, but it is also
imporatant that the policy is clearly understood. Would
you please provide a clear map as I think it would be
very helpful?
We will ask the Grounds & Facilities Committee to consider making a map.
The speed limit in Hampton Lake is 20 mph everywhere unless posted
otherwise. The highest speed allowed is 25 mph on portions of Hampton
Lake Drive, portions of Flatwater Drive and portions of Lake Bluff Drive, all
are posted with signs. The speed limit on the wooden bridge and its
approaches is 15 mph. This is also posted with a sign.
Why are commercial vehicles still allowed to use both
entrance gates?
The goal is to reduce gate traffic backups and reduce construction traffic on
our roads by enabling trucks to travel the shortest route from the gate to their
construction site. Enabling all construction type traffic to get to their
destination as expeditiously as possible is for safety and to reduce traffic
Until the implementation of a motor vehicle ticketing
system is complete, please consider snapping a picture
of the speeder's vehicle - and license plate if possible -
with your mobile phone.
For those drivers that wish to speed thru our HL
neighborhood - vendors, residents, contractors, etc. - we
can all help slow them down with both home security
and cell phone camera pictures.
Thank you.
As we wait for the upgrade in technology and the purchase and installation of
the new speed camera, our patrol team will be utilizing radar to enforce the
speed limits within Hampton Lake. The devices are ordered and our new
team will be trained on the devices as soon as possible. We encourage
members to report speeders to Security as quickly as possible and with as
much detail as possible. If you have a picture, that would be helpful as well.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Is there a way to see archives of the member Q&A?
A searchable archive of all the Lakeviews questions and answers can also
be found on www.myhamptonlake.com on the Welcome page. You can find
copies of all BOD Meeting Minutes from the past couple of years, which
include summaries of the member Q&A portions of the meetings, on our
member website www.myhamptonlakeclub.com under the BOD Tab,
Meeting Minutes.
As a Hampton Lake resident, I was a bit embarrassed
today to enter neighborhood and see that someone has
deemed it appropriate to greet all of our residents &
guests immediately upon entry with the abrupt sign
I understand that by principle, one should expect our
neighborhood rules to be enforced. I would however
request that those in charge of putting out public
messages that represent our neighborhood (and those
of us who live within it) please do so in a more tactful
manner. I’d like to believe these public message boards
could be much better used to promote a more positive
welcome upon arrival with information that reinforces
why we love to live here rather than promote messages
of such negative or threatening reinforcement
The wording on the sign was indeed unfortunate and not the image we would
like to project. Our new gatehouse and patrol company posted the message
as a warning to contractors, as a partial response to the number of violations
occurring. Their intent was to put contractors on notice. We have removed
the message.
Questions on booking Pickleball courts:
1) I frequently see "not available" in some of the time
slots. I've been told that this might be a carry over from
tennis courts holding slots for maintenance? If this is in
fact what "not available" refers to, can we please
eliminate this since there is no maintenance done on
Pickleball courts and it unnecessarily blocks court time
that we could use. If that isn't what it means, can you
please explain?
2) It's frustrating when courts appear booked, but people
don't show up and don't bother to cancel. Is there a
method we could implement to avoid this? Perhaps we
could show the last name of the person who has booked
the court in the booking slot to ensure compliance?
3) The bleachers that have been placed next to the
There are three situations where "Not available" appears on the scheduler:
(1) When you have selected a "Booking Length" that is longer than the
available slot. For example, if you select Two Hours as the Booking Length,
and and the court is already booked from 9am to 10 am and then 11:30 to
12:30, the one and a half hours from 10 am to 11:30 am will show up as
Unavailable, because it is shorter than two hours. Selecting a shorter
Booking Length will change how it appears, and it will show up as available.
(2) When the time has passed. For example, if you check the scheduler at
noon, unbooked time before noon will show up as unavailable.
(3) When the time is too far in the future. Members may reserve a court up to
7 days in advance. If you look at a date that is more than 7 days in advance,
it will show up as Unavailable, except for things like clinics, private lessons,
or authorized USTA matches that may be scheduled more than 7 days in
It is frustrating to hear that courts are booked and then not used. If members
see that a court is booked but not being used, please report the court
number and time to the Fitness Center staff promptly. As per the Tennis
Policy posted on the HLCA website, members who fail to cancel their court
reservation will be fined $3.00 for the first occurrence and $6.00 for each
subsequent occurrence. Members who are fined three times in a 12 month
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
courts are a great idea, however, they are clearly sized
for kids not adults. Is there any plan to put in adult sized
period will lose court privileges for 3 months.
The Fitness & Recreation Committee is looking into the bleachers.
When will Lazy River pool be open and when will it be
The Lazy River Pool is currently open and remains open year-round. The
pool is typically heated in the spring around the end of March depending on
the weather. If the weather is predicted to be mild enough for members to
want to go in the pool, it will be heated.
What/when are the plans for the new entrance
landscaping improvements and what will they involve?
Larger Palm trees, shrubs like at others in Bluffton?
Landscape improvements at our Flat Creek entrance is a high priority.
Before we changed to our new landscaping company, our previous
contractor, Landworks, had submitted a proposal to upgrade our new
entrance. However, when the landscape contract was awarded to Palmetto
Coastal, it was decided to use our current contractor for maintenance
responsibilities and to honor any warranties. We have since received a very
robust proposal from Palmetto Coastal, which unfortunately, does not
currently meet our objectives. One important objective is to preserve the
view of the lake as you enter the community.
We have asked Palmetto Coastal to submit a revised proposal. Once we
have that, we will convene a work group consisting of members of the
Grounds & Facilities Committee who have strong background in
landscaping, including several Celmson-certified Low Country Master
Gardeners. This group will work with members of the board of directors and
our general manager to help guide the finalization of the plan.
The budget for this project is approximately $100K for 2022 with the
possibility of additional phases in subsequent years. We will share the plans
once they have been agreed upon.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I noticed the makeshift irrigation systems that connected
unburied PVC pipe to fire hydrants have been disabled
throughout HL, with the valves and PVC pipe being
removed from the hydrants. Did this happen because
the water connections have been buried and connected
to the main? If not, what’s the plan for irrigation at these
The temporary construction backflow devices mentioned, were installed with
required deposits by the developer. With the nearing completion of the
property transfer process, the developer had them removed. HLCA has now
directed BJWSA to install permanent normally metered backflow prevention
systems to the sites recommended by our landscape contractor.
Several weeks ago I asked why dumpsters and
portapotties were no longer screened. That hasn’t been
answered. Is that no longer required?
Dumpsters and port-a-lets are not required to be screened. We have had
some builders, in the past, screen their port-a-lets and dumpsters and
majority of the trash accumulated during construction failed to get in the
dumpster. This made maintenance of the construction site very difficult.
Why is there one Declarant BoD member, and if the
answer is that it is provided for in the HL Charter, what
was the reason for that? Does that Declarant BoD
member have any greater authority than the property
owner BoD members, such as veto’ing majority
decisions contrary to his/her own?
You are correct, the HLCA Charter gives the declarant the right to appoint a
director to the HLCA Board of Directors (By-Laws 3.3(c)(ii)) for the next two
years. The declarant member has one vote as does each of the six elected
members of the board of directors. However, the declarant retains additional
rights during the next two years, and during the Development and Sale
Period, which ends not later than March 2036. Included is the right to
disapprove any action, policy or program of HLCA, the Board, or committee
that in his sole judgement impairs declarant or builders’ rights. HLCA is
required to provide notice of any such changes (By-Laws 8.2). A recent
edition of In the Know outlined the rights that the declarant retains after
turnover. Members can read past editions of In the Know by clicking Other
Resources under the BOD tab of the HLCA website.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I called the gate the other day to get a pass for an
appliance guy who was coming to fix my dishwasher.
The person I spoke to said that if they were coming to
do an estimate that was fine, otherwise they would need
to purchase a "day pass" in order to do work at my
house. What's up with that? I understand for vendors
like painter and construction that will need to park
multiple cars on the street, but why the appliance guy?
What's the aim of having them purchase a day pass?
Rule 2.1.1 of the Hampton Lake Rules & Regulations states:
2.1.1 All persons entering Hampton Lake who are not guests of a Member
and are performing a
service for a fee are required to purchase either a day or annual pass. Gate
passes for domestic service
workers (e.g., health care providers, house sitters, house cleaners, and pet
sitters) are available at half
the regular price for commercial passes. Baby sitters are exempt from this
requirement and may be
issued a guest pass each time they baby sit.
The fee applies to all service providers and contractors who receive payment
for work done in
Hampton Lake, regardless of whether they park in the street or in your
driveway. The fees collected
from those who earn money working at Hampton Lake help to offset the
costs of operating the gate
and patrol services. The revenue from gate fees would otherwise have to
shift to all members in the
form of increased assessments.
I reported a broken lock on one of the package lockers
the Crystal Lake mail kiosk to management on February
11. To date I haven't received a response from and the
lock hasn't been repaired. Who is responsible for
maintenance of the mailboxes at the kiosk, HLCA or the
Postal Service?
The Postal Service is responsible for maintenance and repair of the
mailboxes. Following your report, the broken lock was reported to the Post
Office. The Post Office said that the maintenance person was coming out
the following week and we are just learning now, from your submission, that
it was not taken care of. It has been reported again. Thank you for reporting
this. LRT 3/107/22
Not on our property but just past fence line to
apartments there appears to be some work going on
adding a dock or spillway. I’m unsure but thinking we
are aware. Can you fill us in?
Eastman Marine is staging material and loading their barge for the spillway
work that is underway. As reported in the last three Sunday Community
Updates since March 20, Hampton Lake Maintenance Corp has contracted
Eastman Marine to bring our rock spillways to design elevations. The work
started March 17th on the spillway between Fish Dancer Court and Anchor
Bay Court. Six of these spillways are located under the Fish Dancer nature
trail wooden footbridges on the lake berms. This work was also discussed at
the Annual Meeting on March 29.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
What can be done to keep pickleball court #4 from
flooding after any rain? The back corner of the court is
flooded along with areas of the grass surrounding that
corner and along the path that leads to courts # 1 and 3.
Thank you.
In the short term, Palmetto Coastal will be submitting a drainage plan for
removing the water off of
Court 4. In the coming week, they will be inspecting the irrigation and making
any needed adjustments
to reduce the overspray onto the courts.
A longer term solution involves a more comprehensive plan to improve the
pickleball facilities and address traffic wear patterns and overall drainage
around the courts. This will be initiated once we have a clear understanding
of the resurfacing of the courts as part of the property transfer from the
declarant. We believe that the resurfacing may result in undoing whatever
changes we make now, so to avoid any newly created issues, we are holding
off on implementing any major changes to the surrounding area.
I have a question regarding the maintenance to bring the
lake's spillways to design elevations. Given the lake
level that the current spillway elevations provide, after
the work is complete will lake level be increased or
decreased and by how much.
Thank you.
The purpose of the work on the spillway is to maintain the lake at the level it
was designed. The designed high water level is approximately 16 feet above
sea level, or to be more precise, EL16 on NGVD29 datum. The datum
measurement is a standard used by the National Geodetic Survey, which
provides the framework for all positioning activities nationwide. The lake
water levels routinely fluctuate +/- 2 inches due to rainfall and evaporation
(i.e. a 4-inch range). Currently the lake is at or close to design level and
water is flowing over most spillways. After the work is complete, water will
flow over some spillways but not others. There is a designed 7-inch
difference between the top of the
lowest and highest spillways to manage stormwater flows. During long
periods of no rain, lake water level is expected to fall below its design level.
I observed Eastman installing the sheet piling this past
week near Anchor Bay. After they had completed driving
the sheets to elevation 16, the spillway slowly filled with
water that, presumably, had been infiltrating through
previously. After new rip rap is placed, this will look great
and work as it should. My question is - when all are
complete, how many inches can we expect the lake to
rise compared to the uncorrected spillway elevations?
The purpose of the work on the spillway is to maintain the lake at the level it
was designed. The designed high water level is approximately 16 feet above
sea level, or to be more precise, EL16 on NGVD29 datum. The datum
measurement is a standard used by the National Geodetic Survey, which
provides the framework for all positioning activities nationwide. The lake
water levels routinely fluctuate +/- 2 inches due to rainfall and evaporation
(i.e. a 4-inch range). Currently the lake is at or close to design level and
water is flowing over most spillways. After the work is complete, water will
flow over some spillways but not others. There is a designed 7-inch
difference between the top of the lowest and highest spillways to manage
stormwater flows. During long periods of no rain, lake water level is expected
to fall below its design level.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Marie C
Is there a reason why the Port-a-Potty was located in
front of the Hampton Lake sign at the Flatwater
It seems it would be a bit more fitting to have it at the
parking or working area for the contractors.
We all have guests that visit and I feel this is adding to
detraction of that entrance. "Welcome to Hampton
Lake" with a port-a-potty to greet you?
The piece of property on which the monuments stand is not part of the
property that has been conveyed to HLCA. It is owned by the developer, as
is the commercial property. The port a potty was presumably placed there by
BJSWA for the workers working on the BJWSA pipeline along Bluffton
Parkway. We have asked BJSWA move the porta a potty to another location,
however, they are not required to do so because utilities have an easement
to perform this type of work.
The acoustics in the Barn are very poor. It is difficult to
hear unless you are sitting up close to the speaker.The
electronic speakers emit only squeals. Are there any
plans to correct this problem?
We agree that the acoustics in the Barn need work. During the Annual
Meeting, there were two issues, one being the acoustics in the Barn, the
other being problems for members who signed in remotely using Zoom.
Inside the Barn, the sound quality is sub-optimal because of the high,
peaked ceiling and the lack of soft surfaces to absorb sound. We have
researched various products, such as acoustical tiles, baffles, and other
forms of sound absorption. A sub-committee consisting of members of the
Grounds & Facilities Committee and Food & Beverage have been asked to
make a recommendation. We determined that the problem that affected
many members who participated in the Annual Meeting remotely was due to
a mis-connection between the laptops and the sound source. We apologize
for the poor sound quality and have put several measures in place to avoid
the problem in the future. We are also looking into whether different
equipment would work better.
It has been reported that BWB may open in 4-6 weeks -
my impression is the 4-6 weeks being a conservative
guesstimate. Six weeks will take us into mid May. With
that in mind what will be the plans for the Tower Bar -
will it be open, will it be able to serve food and
beverages? If so what kind of food can be served?
The 4-6 week timeframe is the contractor's estimate for the remaining work.
The work to reopen Backwater Bill's has been ongoing since November,
starting with clean-up and removal of the shed and damaged electrical,
HVAC and refrigeration units. In the intervening months, structural and
architectural plans have been drawn, approved and submitted to the Town of
Bluffton. Replacement HVAC and refrigeration units ordered, and extensive
electrical work has been done. The storage shed has been replaced,
improvements to the drainage and sewer connections have been completed,
and extensive foundational concrete work has been done to prepare the
area for the construction of the new raised structure that will house the
HVAC units. Now that the Town of Bluffton has issued a permit, the
remaining work can be completed. The other major item yet to be completed
is installing HVAC systems for the entire building on top of the structure once
completed. Since there is no HVAC for the kitchen, food service will be very
limited. We intend to open the Tower Bar for limited weekend beverage
service with some snacks; our team is working on a menu. These openings
will be announced through our updates and will depend on several factors
including weather, events, and staffing levels. The first day of Tower Bar
operations is scheduled to be Saturday April 8 for Market Day.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Will any consideration be given to installing boat slips. I
realize we have the dry dock available but putting in
boat slips (perhaps in the area near the camp ground)
would allow a limited number of individuals who do not
live directly on the lake to have(rent) a slip to house their
boat. I would suspect that such an arrangement would
further increase the value of a home when not located
directly on the lake. I know places like Moss Creek have
such an arrangement as well as several developments
on the island. Would be a win-win situation. More
income for the HOA (rental income) and higher home
values for those not living directly on the lake.
The idea of creating a space so that owners of wooded lots would be able to
rent a dock on the lake was presented by the declarant several years ago.
There appeared to be very little interest. Coupled with the limitations on
where such a space could be situated and the significant expense of building
boat slips, it remains apparent that the overall community would be better
served if the funds were used for other purposes that could be enjoyed by a
larger number of members. If demand warranted, additional rental boats can
be made available. Renting a boat can be a far more cost-effective option
than renting a boat slip.
I am concerned about cyclists riding on Flatwater Dr.
where there are several homes under construction.
There are trucks and cars on both sides of the street,
and I have encountered several cyclists riding down the
middle of the street. Can it be suggested that cyclists try
to avoid streets with heavy construction vehicles
present? Thank you.
We have frequently posted reminders to members, including drivers and
cyclists, about bicycle safety. We will post a reminder again, but it must be
noted that there is no rule prohibiting cyclists from riding in the street.
You have noted that Hampton Lake Maintenance Corp
has contracted Eastman Marine to bring our rock
spillways to design elevations. Will this effort deal with
the swamp-like condition in the nature preserves that is
killing the trees? If yes, please explain how. If not, is
there a plan to deal with this issue that is destroying the
intended beauty of the preserves.
The property at 7 Hampton Lake Drive is not within the Hampton Lake
community, it is the address of the Sequel real estate company. As this
parcel is not part of Hampton Lake and is privately owned by another entity,
we have no information about the change, but have observed its use to date
has been neighborhood commercial with a real estate sales office.
The common grounds around the barn area (field and
grass area along sidewalks) are very bare. Are there
any plans to add sprinklers and grow grass in these
areas? They are quite unsightly.
While many of the common areas around our Parkside amenities are
irrigated, there are roadside areas in which irrigation was not installed. This
is true for many areas throughout the community. Budget priorities for this
year have been focused on improving the entry at Flat Creek Drive, which is
now in progress. We will evaluate other landscaping needs with the
recommendations from our new landscape contractor and Grounds and
Facilities Board of Advisor Committee. No current plans include additional
In the minutes of the BOD meeting on January 13,2022,
it was stated under Flat Creek Drive gate landscaping
“We will share the plans once they have been agreed
upon.” The schedule for installation was circulated but
no plan circulated. Are we going to be able to view the
plans before installation? How has the design been
decided without community input?
The plans were shared at the Annual Meeting on March 29. Community
input was obtained by convening a work group of members who have a
strong background in landscaping, including several Celmson-certified Low
Country Master Gardeners. This group worked with members of the board of
directors and our general manager to help guide the finalization of the plan.
The budget for this project is approximately $100K for 2022 with the
possibility of additional phases in subsequent years. Drawings were included
in the Annual Meeting presentation, which are available on the HLCA
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I saw a notice recently from the Town of Bluffton about
an April 13, 2022 Development Review Committee
Meetings saying the Hampton Lake Development
Master Plan is under review to change 7 Hampton Lake
Drive from residential to neighborhood commercial.
Could you explain where this parcel is located, what it
means, and why it was proposed to be changed. Were
any decisions made?
The property at 7 Hampton Lake Drive is not within the Hampton Lake
community, it is the address of
the Sequel real estate company. As this parcel is not part of Hampton Lake
and is privately owned by
another entity, we have no information about the change, but have observed
its use to date has been
neighborhood commercial with a real estate sales office.
Why is the water level so low at Crystal lake? It looks
about 24 inches lower then usual. Is the fill pipe
Secondly, will the ugly black drainage pipes coming from
pool area be covered with sand?
Crystal Lake’s primary source of water is rain that falls directly into Crystal
Lake as well as some runoff from areas directly adjacent to the lake.
Typically, 1 inch of rain raises the water level by 1 inch. Since the project
around Crystal Lake has been completed, sources of runoff from the
surrounding area has been eliminated to protect the water quality in the lake.
There is a well feed that has been turned on however its capacity is limited.
Normal evaporation will reduce the water level between 1 to 2 inches per
week depending upon the season. The black drain pipes into the lake are a
part of the stormwater drainage system design and are important in
preventing the erosion that was occurring on the slope near the pool when
they were previously covered and blocked.
What is the price of an annual commercial sticker and
which dates does it cover? If a commercial entity has
multiple vehicles coming into HL, do they have to
purchase multiple commercial stickers for each of their
vehicles at the per sticker price?
The prices for an annual commercial decal are as follows:
Class I - 4 wheeled vehicle = $170
Class II - 6 wheeled vehicle = $270
Class III - 8+ wheeled vehicle = $370
Domestic services (Babysitters, dog walkers, home health aides) - $65
The period covered is January 1 through December 31, and the cost is
halved after July 1. If a company has more than one vehicle entering
Hampton Lake, they must purchase a decal for each vehicle, or pay for a
daily pass. Daily passes are:
Class I - 4 wheeled vehicle = $10
Class II - 6 wheeled vehicle = $25
Class III - 8+ wheeled vehicle = $35
Across from our driveway is what appears to be an
underground water pump, above ground pressure tank,
controls and metering along with PVC piping that have
been in disrepair since we purchased our lot 6+ years
ago. Currently the pressure tank is lying on its side and
looks like trash in the swamp hidden somewhat by
trees/bushes/grasses. Given the standards we
homeowners must meet I’d like to see this unsightly junk
removed and disposed off. There’s a similar system
along the north side of Fording Court where the road
goes east/west which is in better shape but there is pvc
pipe run on top of the ground falling apart just a few feet
into the pine trees east of this pump.
I’ve seen this junk/retired system long enough to ask
that it be removed. If it’s functional are we using these
fresh water wells for irrigation or some other purpose?
These are irrigation wells and were installed by the developer primarily to
irrigate the roadside vegetation. Our BoA Grounds and Facilities committee
along with our landscape contractor is in the process of evaluating these
systems to determine if they are needed to irrigate our common areas. Once
their evaluation is complete, the systems no longer deemed useful will be
disposed of.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
My understanding is that a franchise agreement exists
between Hampton Lake, Palmetto Electric, and the city
of Bluffton that prohibits a connection to the nearby
natural gas main and restricts the use of propane to just
cooking and/or for a fireplace.
However I see many prohibited uses of gas (propane) in
our community and I continue to see new construction
with prohibited gas appliances being installed.
1) Is this a correct summary of the agreement?
2) Why are new homes still being built with prohibited
gas appliances?
3) Who is liable for non compliance to the agreement - is
it the individual builder, the owner, or HLCA?
4) Has HLCA paid a penalty for non compliance? If so
what was the source of funding?
5) How is compliance assured when an owner retrofits a
prohibited gas appliance for their property?
As I understand it gas water heaters (home and pool),
gas space heating, gas lighting, gas backup generators,
and gas dryers are prohibited by the agreement.
In 2001, BHR Acquisition Company, Winding River B.T.S. and RRZ L.L.C.
entered into an agreement with Palmetto Electric to install underground
electric utility service to properties they owned at the time and planned for
residential development. The HL developer became subject to this
agreement when they purchased property included in the agreement and
had Palmetto Electric install underground utility service. HLCA has not
entered into an agreement with Palmetto Electric. However, the Declarant /
developer still has control over the ARB. When new home construction
plans are submitted to the ARB by the builders, they are required to follow
the agreement which does specify electric space heating, electric hot water
heaters and dryers be installed. The community association has never
received any penalties and/or fines for builders or owners not complying with
the 2001 agreement. HLCA does not review or approve replacement of
There has been, by my observations, a significant
increase in the number of Hampton Lake residents
interested in participating in many of the fitness center’s
training classes, possibly due to the attenuation in the
prevalence of the COVID virus, an increase in the
number of family units at Hampton Lake, and especially
with the addition of Kevin Felton as the Spa and Fitness
Director. This increase in class interest has outpaced
the capacity of the main fitness training room which is 12
people per session, thereby placing Kevin and the other
trainers in the awkward position of having to turn people
away from classes. Has any consideration been given
to expanding (either internally or externally) the size of
the main training room to accommodate the increased
interest in fitness class participation? The inadequacy of
the size of the fitness center class area should be
addressed sooner rather than later.
There are no plans to increase the size of the fitness classroom as there is
no space to increase the size of the classroom without reducing space for
other activities in the fitness center. It is not so long ago that we had to
cancel classes due to lack of participation and as you point out, COVID
concerns. As we gear up our in-house fitness operation, Kevin and his staff,
along with the Fitness & Recreation Committee, are looking at ways to best
accommodate members' fitness interests. Class participation is being
monitored to help determine when and how we might increase our offerings.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
In early May 2021 significant harm was done to our
water plants for the remainder of the year by observed
indiscriminate spraying of shoreline weeds. The result
was ugly brown stalks & leaves of thalia dealabata and
pontederia cordata as viewed from the lake. These
water plants were selected and planted at our expense
in 2018 as part of a Hampton Lake pilot project.
When is the next lakeshore spraying of weeds?
Can a schedule for Lakeshore weed spraying be
announced in advance?
Could we and/or other owners with approved shoreline-
landscape water plants opt out in order to avoid damage
to them?
What herbicide or other chemicals are being used? Are
these products safe for humans, fish, and reptiles along
our shore?
Can lakeshore owners be granted permission to apply
approved weed-control products to weeds along their
property OR can our service provider be more careful to
only spray weeds and avoid approved plants?
Are there other ways for owners to remove shoreline
The shoreline was treated lakeside on 4/27/21 for Torpedo grass. The
private planting zones were treated to specifically control this very invasive
species as we received many complaints and requests to keep it from
infiltrating their turf grass. The product used is designed for treatment of
grasses, not broadleaf plants like Thalia or Pickerel Weed. The chemical
mixture includes a surfactant to allow the herbicide to stick to the target
plants. This surfactant can burn leaves on non-target plant species. Our
contractor tries to be as careful as possible, with weather conditions and
amount of area coverage, overspray does occur.
Torpedo grass is very difficult to control, owners can treat on their own. If
interested please contact the General Manager for product and instructions.
If owners do not want treatment in the landscaped areas, please place a
small landscape flag on each end that is visible from the lake. This
treatment will occur in May and August of this year.
Owners can NOT spray herbicide on aquatic plants as a special license is
required. Owners can physically remove weeds on their own shoreline (pull
them out).
When Hampton Lake was originally landscaped a
decision was made to plant street trees along the roads
in the development. The selected trees are Oak and
Bald Cypress that were planted 5-10 feet from the
roads. These trees are rapidly growing and have large
roots that will damage the curbing and road beds. This is
especially true for the Bald Cypress that have roots that
break the surface to spawn new growth. My question is
does the community have a plan to remove the tress
that already have a canopy that extends over the road
before damage occurs?
Common property tree removal decisions are made on a case by case basis
in consultation with our arborist. The BOA Grounds & Facilities Committee
also conducts an inspection of our roads and sidewalks every two years and
makes recommendations for maintenance.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
I would like to know the reason why we need to get a
new decal on our vehicles every year. If there is no
reason that is mandated by the state or government can
I please be put in contact with who is making this a rule?
The RFID tags serve as a mechanism that allows the member- only gates to
open or enter when the gate is unstaffed. The decals serve as an additional
security measure that allows immediate visual recognition when the member
is entering the gate without the use of the RFID tag, or during patrol. The
annual decal allows patrol to quickly recognize member vehicles and
enables easy identification of ownership. This rule for annual decals has
been in place since the inception of Hampton Lake and has been essentially
re-ratified by management and the Board of Directors with each update to
the Hampton Lake Rules & Regulations. As there is no cost for the decals
and it is very easy to obtain the new decal each year, there is no evidence
that changing the rule is warranted. However, members who wish to initiate
a rule change can reference sections 7.2 or 7.3 in the HLCA Charter for
details, or see the HLCA BOD Other Reference page on the HLCA website
for an In the Know article entitled "How to Make a Rule Change" that was
published in 2021
Are electric bikes allowed here AND on sidewalks? Man
told me “depends” on who you ask
Did you Brian put a quota on tickets for speeding ? I’ve
heard you said “don’t want tickets to be a revenue
generated. How about “protecting our children and loved
There is no prohibition against electric bikes, meaning a bicycle with pedals
that has an electric assist. Members have always been encouraged to ride
their bikes on the sidewalks, however, there is some concern about electric
bikes that may require investigation and a possible rule change if it becomes
a problem.
There is no quota on the number or dollar amount of speeding tickets issued.
There is absolutely no evidence that creating a quota for speeding tickets
has any impact on reducing speeding or improving safety. The statement
about not wanting tickets to be considered a revenue generator was related
to the fact that we don't rely on speeders as a source of revenue, we'd rather
see the speeding reduced.
I would like to know how many homes are in Hampton
Lake and how many residents. Thank you.
As of May 1, there are 1178 completed homes in Hampton Lake. No census
is taken to count the actual number of residents, but we estimate that there
are approximately 2400 residents.
Statement: Could bikers on the walking and biking paths
please let the walkers know which side they are passing.
Such as: on your right or on your left! Ahead of time
please. This is typical bike path etiquette. Thanks!
Bikers, walkers, and runners are encouraged to be courteous and mindful of
Who owns and pays for the website domain:
hamptonlake.com John Reed/Reed Development or
The marketing website was sold by Hampton Lake Realty to Sequel. HLCA
does not own or pay for hamptonlake.com. HLCA's member website is
myhamptonlake.com, which is operated and funded by HLCA.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Proxy Q&A Published in Lakeviews March 26, 2017
Members have seen many reminders to submit their proxy in advance of the Annual Meeting on March 29. There have been a number of questions about the
purpose of the proxy and the annual meeting, so we’d like to take the opportunity to summarize the questions and answers in this space.
Question: Why can’t I just bring my proxy to the meeting?
Answer: Once received, proxies are reviewed to verify it is filled out correctly, signed by a person eligible to vote and that only one has been submitted per
household. The verification process is time-consuming and attempting it during the meeting or just before the meeting will delay the meeting unnecessarily. We
ask for them to be submitted in advance to verify we will have a quorum and to avoid any delays to start the meeting for the convenience of our members.
Question: How many members does it take to have a quorum?
Answer: HLCA by-Laws require a quorum of 20% of the membership. Today, a quorum requires 195 proxies.
Question: What if we don’t have a quorum?
Answer: If we don’t have a quorum, we can’t have an annual meeting. We would have a town hall meeting instead, where we can talk and hear presentations,
but we cannot conduct any HLCA business. The annual meeting would need to be rescheduled to a later date.
Question: Why do we wait a whole year to approve the minutes? Why not approve them shortly after the meeting?
Answer: Because the annual meeting is a membership meeting, bylaws require another membership meeting to approve the minutes of the last membership
meeting. That would just create another set of meeting minutes that need to be approved by the membership at the next meeting. Membership meetings
require proper notice in advance of each meeting, including the agenda and minutes of the last meeting.
Question: Can spouses each submit a proxy?
Answer: No, the by-laws only allow one vote (or proxy) per unit. If multiple proxies from a single unit are submitted, only the last one submitted is counted.
Question: What is the difference between the annual meeting and the board meetings?
Answer: The annual meeting is for all members. It must be held between October 1
and March 31
each year. It is a membership meeting where members
vote on the business items on the agenda. Our governing documents require at least one membership meeting each year. A quorum of members (20%) is
required to hold any membership meeting. Board of director meetings are for the board to conduct business and vote on items before them. Governing
documents require at least one board meeting per quarter. A quorum of board members (3 of 5) is required to hold a board meeting. Board meetings are
always open for members to attend to witness the business being conducted.
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
Turnover/Takeover Q&A Published in LakeViews June 5, 2016
Members have raised a number of questions about “turnover” and “property transfer” in a variety of forums, including several questions previously published
LakeViews as well as community meetings and one-on-one conversations. As this is a complex topic involving a process that will continue over a period of time,
we wanted to take this opportunity to clarify terms and events.
Community "Turnover" (Declarant Control) vs. Community Property "Title Transfer"
"Turnover" is when the declarant relinquishes control of the community by no longer having a majority position on the board of directors. At present there are
two owners on a five member board. At turnover, members will elect six owners to the board and the declarant will have one board member. Per the
covenants, turnover may occur on (1) December 31, 2021, or (2) when 75% of units planned have been sold, or (3) 95% of total units have certificates of
occupancy. According to the covenants, the declarant has sole discretion for deciding which of these three milestones trigger turnover.
"Title transfer" refers to the change of property ownership; title transfer occurs when the recorded deed to property is transferred from the declarant to
Hampton Lake Community Association (HLCA.) On January 14, 2016, the declarant started the property title transfer process with the appointment of the
"Property Transfer Committee". As HLCA already has responsibility for all maintenance and repair of common property, the main impact for HLCA holding title is
the property tax treatment and the possibility of a property tax savings for HLCA.
Although in many cases turnover and title transfer occur around the same time, there is no requirement to do so. In the case of HLCA, they will not occur at the
same time. At Hampton Lake, the property transfer process has already started. A Property Transfer Committee has been appointed, and the title to the
amenity center has been transferred from the declarant to HLCA. While the title of the lakeside amenity center has been passed to HLCA, the transfer process
isn't complete until the joint inspection and report is done. The next step is for the declarant to activate the property transfer committee to complete the
inspection. This is expected to take place within the next month or so. We are likely to have multiple transfers of title of separate parcels before we have
This communication is to help clarify any confusion or misconception about the difference between Title Transfer and turnover of the HLCA. Although it has
been covered in two recent board meetings and the minutes posted on the community website, we realize that there are many new residents who possibly have
not had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the appropriate documents. We also realize that it might be a perfect time to clarify for all residents what
it means and where to find the information.
Here is where to find the details in the Governing Documents:
Community Charter Sections:
2.1 The Declarant; 3.1 Designations of Properties Comprising the Community; 17.2 Conveyance of Comment Area; 17.3 Acceptance of Common Area; 17.4
Property Transfer Accounting Procedures; and Exhibit "D"
LakeViews Questions/Comments Published through May 15, 2022
By-Laws of HLCA; Article 3.3 Selection of Directors; Terms of Office (before & after Declarant Control, i.e. "turn-over); & Article 4 Transition from Declarant to
Owner Control
Your resident board members hope this will help members to reach a better understanding of what it means, and where to go to find even more detailed