If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop
Name: Weekly Language Review - Q1:5 Date:
Label the parts of speech of
the underlined words.
N=Noun, V=Verb, Adv=Adverb
Adj = Adjective, PN= Pronoun
P = Preposition
The Amazon rainforest is a
tropical place with tall trees
where it rains frequently.
Write the verbs in past
Make the nouns plural to
complete the sentence.
The ____________(branch)
and ______________(leaf)
of tall trees block sunlight
from reaching the ground.
Which word best completes
this sentence.
when, where, why
June through December are
months ___________ the
average temperature in the
Amazon rainforest is 98°.
Which is correct?
worlds, world’s
The Amazon is the _______
largest tropical rainforest.
Which is correct?
Its, It’s
One of the tallest trees is
the kapok tree. ______
height can reach 200 feet.
Which is correct?
Its, It’s
_____ usually dark in the
rainforest because the trees
block out so much sunlight.
Which is correct?
you’re, your
If ________ interested in
learning more about the
Amazon, you can find a
book about it in the library.
The word assent means
approve or agree. What
does dissent mean?
Is this a simple, compound,
or complex sentence?
Although there is a lot of
rain, rainforests also have a
lot of sunlight.
Dissolve means break
apart in liquid. Use the word
dissolve in a sentence.
What word best completes
the sentence?
can, could, will, would
I __________ like to ask
you a question about the
Amazon rainforest.
Refer to this box for this week.
Ab-/abs- : away from, from
Absorbent: able to soak up
nj from
Absent: to be away from
Abnormal: not normal
(“away” from what is normal)
Which word completes this
absorbent, absent, abnormal
Kip used an __________
cloth to wipe up the spill.
Which word means not like
something else?
absorbent, absent, abnormal
It is ________________for
the weather to be so cold in
the middle of July.
Which word means not like
something else?
absorbent, absent, abnormal
Annabelle was __________
from school because she
has the flu.
Add a comma to fix the
By the way you left your
coat at my house.
Add a comma to fix the
After looking everywhere I
found my pencil in my desk.
Add a comma to fix the
To arrive on time we need
to leave now.
Add a comma to fix the
Nervously Carl stepped on
stage to give his speech.
Write a sentence using the
interjection wow.
Underline the preposition. It
indicates _________ Jonah
walked in relation to me.
when, where, how
Jonah walked behind me.
Write a sentence using the
preposition on.
Underline the conjunction. It
indicates ____________.
a choice, a time, an addition
Would you like an apple or
an orange?
Which word/phrase best
completes the sentence?
However, Nevertheless,
Even though
___________ most people
care about their health, they
still eat fast food.
Which phrase best
completes the sentence?
Madi loves roller coasters.
Lily, on the other hand,____
likes roller coasters, too.
is afraid to ride them.
stood next to Madi in line.
Which word/phrase best
completes the sentence?
For example, However
Sometimes students forget
their homework.
__________, they will have
to complete it another time.
Which phrase best
completes the sentence?
I’m a big Red Sox fan. In
fact, _________________
I have season tickets.
I’ve never seen them play.
my dad likes the Yankees.
If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop
My Work
My Progress
# of questions _____
# correct _____
I need more help
with… ______________
# of questions _____
# correct _____
I need more help
with… ______________
# of questions _____
# correct _____
I need more help
with… ______________
If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? © One Stop Teacher Shop
Answer Key - Weekly Language Review - Q1:5
Label the parts of speech of
the underlined words.
N=Noun, V=Verb, Adv=Adverb
Adj = Adjective, PN= Pronoun
P = Preposition
The Amazon rainforest is a
tropical place with tall trees
where it rains frequently.
Write the verbs in past
Make the nouns plural to
complete the sentence.
The branches and leaves of
tall trees block sunlight from
reaching the ground.
Which word best completes
this sentence?
when, where, why
June through December are
months ______ the average
temperature in the Amazon
rainforest is 98°.
Which is correct?
worlds, world’s
The Amazon is the _______
largest tropical rainforest.
Which is correct?
Its, It’s
One of the tallest trees is
the kapok tree. ____ height
can reach 200 feet.
Which is correct?
Its, It’s
____ usually dark in the
rainforest because the trees
block out so much sunlight.
Which is correct?
you’re, your
If ________ interested in
learning more about the
Amazon, you can find a
book about it in the library.
The word assent means
approve or agree. What
does dissent mean?
disagree or disapprove
not agree/not approve
Is this a simple, compound,
or complex sentence?
Although there is a lot of
rain, rainforests also have a
lot of sunlight.
Dissolve means break
apart in liquid. Use the word
dissolve in a sentence.
Accept all reasonable answers.
A sugar cube will dissolve in
a cup of hot tea.
What word best completes
the sentence?
can, could, will, would
I ________ like to ask you a
question about the Amazon
Refer to this box for this week.
Ab-/abs- : away from, from
Absorbent: able to soak up
nj from
Absent: to be away from
Abnormal: not normal
(“away” from what is normal)
Which word completes this
absorbent, absent, abnormal
Kip used an __________
cloth to wipe up the spill.
Which word means not like
something else?
absorbent, absent, abnormal
It is ___________for the
weather to be so cold in the
middle of July.
Which word means not like
something else?
absorbent, absent, abnormal
Annabelle was _________
from school because she
has the flu.
Add a comma to fix the
By the way, you left your
coat at my house.
Add a comma to fix the
After looking everywhere, I
found my pencil in my desk.
Add a comma to fix the
To arrive on time, we need
to leave now.
Add a comma to fix the
Nervously, Carl stepped on
stage to give his speech.
Write a sentence using the
interjection wow.
Accept all reasonable answers.
Wow, I can’t believe it’s
already my birthday!
Underline the preposition. It
indicates ____ Jonah
walked in relation to me.
when, where, how
Jonah walked behind me.
Write a sentence using the
preposition on.
Accept all reasonable answers.
My pencil is on the table.
Underline the conjunction. It
indicates __________.
a choice, a time, an addition
Would you like an apple or
an orange?
Which word/phrase best
completes the sentence?
However, Nevertheless,
Even though
___________ most people
care about their health, they
still eat fast food.
Which phrase best
completes the sentence?
Madi loves roller coasters.
Lily, on the other hand,____
likes roller coasters, too.
is afraid to ride them.
stood next to Madi in line.
Which word/phrase best
completes the sentence?
For example, However
Two students forgot to do
their homework.
__________, they will
receive a zero.
Which phrase best
completes the sentence?
I’m a big Red Sox fan. In
fact, _________________
I have season tickets.
I’ve never seen them play.
my dad likes the Yankees.
Adj N P Adj N
PN V Adv