Karen Drucker!!!!I Stand For Love
It is January 2022, and I am thrilled to be writing a description of my 21st CD…
or album… or download… or streaming… or whatever it is that we are calling putting
music out into the world these days! And this is the reason I am thrilled:
two years ago I thought this part of my life was over. In March of 2020 when Covid hit,
I had a whole year of gigs booked - women’s retreats, concerts, conferences - all the way
through December. One by one these events were cancelled, and coupled with the fact
that people were not really buying CD’s anymore, I was left with the feeling that my
music career was over and was to depressed and unmotivated to even think of writing a
Then one day I got a call from my friend singer/songwriter Gary Lynn Floyd,
who was in the same emotional state as me. We decided to just start writing once a week
on Zoom just for fun - no deadlines, no end result of what would happen with these songs
- just show up and write. And we did - we wrote a chant or song every week, and it
brought me back to the joy of music and the connection to what I do and who I am.
I decided I needed to record some of these songs as a snapshot of this crazy time, and that
is what this collection of songs is all about. Since we couldn’t record live in a studio with
a band and backup singers, my talented husband, John Hoy, played all the instruments in
his home studio and even found a digital back-up singers program to add some harmonies
(hence the funny names of my robo-singers on some of the tunes!). Luckily when things
eased up a bit at the end of 2021 we were able to bring in my favorite keyboard player
(John R. Burr) and backup singers (Sandi Griffith and Omega Rae Brooks) to create a
more live sound on three of the tunes.
So here are eight new songs, with another group of chants that I am recording right now
to be released in a few months. I have no idea where this pandemic will lead and how
soon I will be able to perform again, but just putting music out there in whatever form
people hear it in is enough for me. I am a songwriter and it’s what I love to do. I hope you
enjoy these songs as much as I enjoyed writing and recording them for you!
Karen Drucker!!!!
I Stand For Love
1.!!!!! Amazingly Awesome
!!!!!!!! Words: Karen Drucker & Pam Grout! Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
2.!!!!! You Are Welcome Here
!!!!!!!! Words & music: Karen Drucker & Harold Payne
3.!!!!! Let It Be Whatever It Is
!!!!!!!! Words: Karen Drucker & Sloan Wainwright
! Music: Karen Drucker, Sloan Wainwright, John Hoy
4.!!!!! Alaya
!!!!!!!! Words: Karen Drucker & StoweGood! Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
5.!!!!! Beautiful True & Divine
!!!!!!!! Words & music: Karen Drucker & Gary Lynn Floyd
6.!!!!! I Could See Peace Instead Of This
!!!!!!!! Words: Karen Drucker! Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
7.!!!!! Brave
!!!!!!!! Words & music: Karen Drucker & Claudia Carawan
8.!!!!! I Stand For Love
!!!!!!!! Words & music: Karen Drucker & Gary Lynn Floyd
All songs ©TayToones Music BMI 2022 along with:!
# 2 Harold Payne Music BMI!
# 3 Derby Disc Music SESAC!
# 4 Song Guru Music SESAC StoweZone Music ASCAP!
# 5 & 8! Funny Things Happen Music ASCAP! !
# 7 Heart Over The Bar Music ASCAP
Amazingly Awesome
Words: Karen Drucker & Pam Grout
Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
Keyboards: John R Burr
All other instruments: John Hoy
Vocals: Karen Drucker
Background vocals: Shelida Buffet, Hedda Lettuce
The story behind this song is truly amazingly awesome. I have been a fan of writer
Pam Grout for years. She has written best-selling books like E-squared,
E-cubed, Living Big and others. In her book; “Thank & Grow Rich”, she
suggested a daily exercise of waking up in the morning and affirming
“ Something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me today!” I wrote this
affirmation on little yellow stickies all around my house but then to really get it in
my head, I made up a little melody and started singing it all day long. I had the
idea that this could be a fun song to write with her - and decided to throw it out
there and see if she would be interested. I wrote an email and didn’t expect to hear
anything. A few days later she contacted me and actually knew who I was since her
Unity church sings many of my songs! Awesome! She said she would love to write
with me and through the magic of Zoom we became friends and had a great time
writing this song. Every time I sing this song I truly feel amazingly awesome!
For more information about Pam: https://pamgrout.com
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
Amazingly Awesome
Words: Karen Drucker & Pam Grout
Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
Chorus: Something amazingly awesome is gonna happen to me today. (4x)
1. I’ll sing my little mantra and get it in my head.
Today is a party, I’m gonna leap on out of bed.
I start my day in this way, knowing everything is okay,
I look for the good in everything, it makes me want to sing…
2. It’s not out in the future, it’s right before my eyes.
The beauty, joy and wonder, it’s time I realize,
that every moment is a gift, all it takes is the slightest shift,
to see the good in everything, it’ll make you want to sing…
Bridge: How can I be open to it? Gratitude, gratitude.
What if I’m not really feeling it? Gratitude, gratitude.
I believe in the power of what I say will be,
I’ve finally learned the lesson that gratitude is the key.
Amazing, amazing it’s all amazing… (repeat)
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
You Are Welcome Here
Words & music: Karen Drucker & Harold Payne
Keyboards: John R Burr
All other instruments: John Hoy
Vocals: Karen Drucker
Backup vocals: Sandi Griffith & Omega Rae Brooks
I love writing songs and performing with Harold Payne. Truly one of the best
songwriters around and a master of making up songs on the spot! We were asked
to perform and open up for a musician/songwriting conference and make everyone
- especially the newcomers - feel included and welcomed. We wrote the chorus in a
flash, but felt like there was more we could say about this subject. Yes, it’s about
coming to a conference, or a church service and feeling welcomed, but the deeper
message for me is about anyone who feels like they want to be accepted for who
they are, what they believe, what country they are from, or what their sexual
orientation is. We are all welcomed and loved and that is the real message of this
For more information about Harold Payne: https://haroldpaynemusic.com
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Harold Payne Music BMI!!!!!!!
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
You Are Welcome Here
Words & music: Karen Drucker & Harold Payne
Chorus: You are welcome here. You are welcome here. You are welcome here.
1. Our arms are wide open. There’s room for everyone.
Wherever you’re going, wherever you’re from, you are home.
!2. Whatever you’ve been through, you’ve found us somehow.
Wherever you are on your journey now you are home.
I am welcome here. (2x) We are welcome here. (2x) You are welcome here. (2x)
Welcome welcome here (2x) We/You/I are welcome here.
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Harold Payne Music BMI!!!!!!!
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
Let It Be Whatever It Is
Words: Karen Drucker & Sloan Wainwright
Music: Karen Drucker, Sloan Wainwright, John Hoy
All instruments: John Hoy
Vocals: Karen Drucker
Ah yes the pandemic. I was at a Zoom songwriting retreat…believe it or not,
we could still write songs together during this wacky time when we couldn’t
physically be together. A group of us got together and would go into Zoom rooms
for a few hours and write songs - then come together later for show and tell.
My partner for one session was Sloan Wainwright - one of my favorite singer
songwriters who I have had the privilege to write other songs together. When we
talked about how we were felling about the pandemic we both agreed that the only
thing we could do was surrender, let go, accept and realize that we just had to let it
be. A song was born from this idea and the message helps me in so many other
areas of my life when I am resisting - I have to remember to just let it be!
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Derby Disc Music SESAC
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
Let It Be Whatever It Is
Words: Karen Drucker & Sloan Wainwright
Music: Karen Drucker, Sloan Wainwright, John Hoy
Chorus: Let it be whatever it is.!Let me cry if tears gotta fall.
Let me stop if I need to rest. Let it be whatever it is. !
1. I keep thinking everyday that I need to do more, !
write that novel, clear the clutter, mop and wax all the floors.
Can I set aside all my should’s, could’s and would’s
Can I be okay when it's not all good?!
2. Holding on to what was with all my might, !
it’s over, it’s done and out of sight.
All the struggle, all the pain, gotta let it all go.
When I trust my heart, then I know.
Bridge: Whatever it is - the good and the bad.
Whatever it is - the happy, the sad.
Whatever it is - let it all be okay.
Whatever it is - just is!
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Derby Disc Music SESAC
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
Words: Karen Drucker & StoweGood
Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
All instruments: John Hoy
Vocals: Karen Drucker
Backup vocals: Hedda Lettuce, Bonquita Jackson
There are people that you can meet that leave a lasting impression on your heart and soul.
Such is my relationship with Alaya. She was born with Down syndrome, (also referred to
as an intellectual disability) but where other’s may see someone with a disease or
disability, she finds a way to connect with everyone she meets with her loving, open and
sensitive nature. Every time we are together, we can just look deeply into each others
eyes and the connection is so strong and loving.
I asked her amazing parents Wanda and Larry to write about our relationship:
“Alaya and Karen’s relationship began long before they met in person, as Alaya’s mom
Wanda surrounded Alaya with Karen’s love and acceptance through positive and
affirming songs from the moment she was born. Alaya just loved the music. One of the
first sentences Alaya sang was “You are the face of God”. As Alaya grew she became a
Karen groupie. Alaya dreamt of the day she could meet Karen. We made a trip to CA and
Alaya sat in the front row of her concert and actually got up on stage and sang with
Karen on “There is only love.” To celebrate Alaya’s high school graduation, Karen
surprised Alaya with her very own song! If Alaya sees the outward differences in others
it’s never stopped her or made her fearful. She embraces the connections she makes and
sees the beauty in all.”
This song was co-written with my two favorite songwriters, Karen Taylor Good and
Stowe Daily - aka Stowegood. Their contribution helped me to capture the essence of
Alaya in the lyrics!
For information about Stowegood: https://www.stowegood.com
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Song Guru Music SESAC StoweZone Music ASCAP
From Karen’s CD !I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
Words: Karen Drucker & StoweGood
Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
Chorus: Alaya, Alaya in everything you do,
Alaya, Alaya your light comes shining through.
Alaya when you smile the angels all applaud.
Alaya your name means “lovely gift from God.”
1. Every time that I see you and I look into your eyes,
there’s something in your Spirit that makes me realize,
that you are here to teach me how to live from love.
Anyone who knows you knows that you were sent from above.
2. From the day that I met you you turned my life around,
I’ve never known a heart like yours, you lift me when I’m down.
Everything about you is joy and love and grace.
I’m full of awe and wonder every time I see your sweet face.
Bridge: Alaya - A-la la la la Alaya - Alaya A-la la la la Alaya
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Song Guru Music SESAC StoweZone Music ASCAP
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
Beautiful True & Divine
Words & music: Karen Drucker & Gary Lynn Floyd
Guitar, bass, keyboards: John Hoy
Vocals: Karen Drucker
Backup vocals: Sandi Griffith
One of my musical passions is writing a song or chant that will help someone
going through a challenge - with their health, or relationships, or feeling lost and
alone. My friend Sue asked me to write a chant for her friend and this is how she
explains it:
“When my friend Rebecca went into hospice, I asked Karen to write her a chant
using Rebecca’s mantra, “You are beautiful, true, and divine.” Karen was doing
some writing with Gary Lynn Floyd at the time, and they came up with a beautiful
chant. However, as Karen says, that phrase wasn’t done with them yet so they
continued on and wrote this song. Though it’s not about Rebecca specifically, it
definitely embodies her essence. She truly was Beautiful, True and Divine.”
When you listen to this song I hope you will feel like I am singing to you -
because YOU are truly beautiful true and divine!
©2022 TayToones Music BMI Funny Things Happen Music ASCAP
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
Beautiful True & Divine
Words & music: Karen Drucker & Gary Lynn Floyd
Chorus: You are beautiful true and divine.
You are beautiful true and divine.
When I look in your eyes, I see you shine.
You are beautiful true and divine.
1. Can you see the beauty you are?
Blazing like a shining star.
If only you could see what I see, the perfection of your divinity.
2. I know that there are times when you doubt,
the effect of all you give out.
Everyone who knows you agrees, the love you give is your legacy.
Bridge: I see it in everything you do. I see it in you. I see it in you.
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Funny Things Happen Music ASCAP
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
I Could See Peace Instead Of This
Words: Karen Drucker
Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
All instruments: John Hoy
Vocals: Karen Drucker
Backup vocals: Helen Heels, Hedda Lettuce
In the daily lessons of the book “ A Course In Miracles “- lesson number 34 states;
I could see peace instead of this.What a concept - I actually have a choice in
how I view the world. The book says; “Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter.
It must begin with your own thoughts, and then extend outward. It is from your
peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world arises.” When I read this I
knew I needed to write a song that I could sing to myself whenever I got triggered
and could bring me back to a place of peace. The lesson ends with an exercise of
saying to yourself; “ I can replace my feelings of depression, anxiety or worry
(or my thoughts about this situation, personality or event) with peace.”
So sing along with me and come back to that place of peace.
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
I Could See Peace Instead Of This
Words: Karen Drucker
Music: Karen Drucker & John Hoy
Chorus: I could see peace instead of this. I could see peace instead of this.
I could see peace instead of this. I could see peace instead of this.
1. When I feel lost, and I don’t know where to go.
It’s always up to me, what I focus on will grow.
I could choose love or I could choose fear,
but if I want to be happy the answers so clear.
2. When I’m troubled, feeling so alone.
Love is always with me and grace will bring me home.
Love is the healer, love is all I see.
Each and every day, love is who I want to be.
Chorus: I could see love instead of this. (4x)
Chorus : I could see peace instead of this (4x)
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
Words & music Karen Drucker & Claudia Carawan
1. If I just show up, be open to surprise,
there could be miracles right before my eyes.
If I just let go something better might appear,
who knows what will happen when joy replaces fear?
Chorus: When I dare to be all that I’m meant to be,
like a shooting star across the sky, unstoppable and free.
I shine my light, I turn darkness into light,
when I dare to be …brave.
2. I’ll trust in who I am, be bold and take a shot.
Who knows what will happen when I give it all I’ve got?
Even when I’m scared, I’ll step into the ring.
I’ve got so much to offer with the gifts that I can bring.
Bridge: I’ve worried for so long, I’ve wasted too much time.
But now I’m ready to take the chance and claim what is mine.
3. The path is free and clear, there’s nothing in my way.
I listen to my heart and not what other people say.
I’m gonna take that leap, I’ve never felt so strong.
I might not do it perfectly but I’m right where I belong.
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Heart Over The Bar Music ASCAP!
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
I Stand For Love
Words & music: Karen Drucker & Gary Lynn Floyd
All instruments: John Hoy
Vocals: Karen Drucker
Backup vocals: Sandi Griffith & Omega Rae Brooks
If I have one song that sums up how I am feeling these days and is a snapshot of
the times we are living in right now it isI Stand For Love”.
I normally don’t write political songs, but this one came from a writing session
with my good friend Gary Lynn Floyd, where we were lamenting about the
political divide in this country. We decided we wanted to write a positive song
about the qualities that we believed in; hope, faith, freedom, equality and love.
I hope when people hear this song and sing along with it, they will feel lifted up
and we can all feel connected as one human family.
For more information about Gary Lynn Floyd and his music:
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Funny Things Happen Music ASCAP
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com
I Stand For Love
Words & music: Karen Drucker & Gary Lynn Floyd
1. These times are troublin’ me, so much I can hardly see
through the walls keepin’ us apart.
You got your views and I got mine, but we’re together in this moment in time.
I hope that you can hear me with your heart.
I’m not trying to push you away, but I’ve got something that I’ve got to say….
Chorus: I stand for love. I stand for peace. I stand for humanity and the good of all.
I stand for hope. I stand for faith. I stand for freedom and the good of all.
I stand. I stand. I stand. Would you stand with me?
I stand. I stand. I stand. Could you stand with me?
2. When we don’t understand we turn away,
instead of learning that there could be another way.
Can we agree to disagree?
We may never see things eye to eye
but we can hold onto the love between you and I.
It’s the only way we can survive.
I’m not trying to push you away but I’ve got something that I’ve got to say …
I stand for love. I stand for peace. I stand for equality Would you stand with me?
I stand for truth. I stand for kindness. I stand for freedom. Could you stand with me?
I stand for hope. I stand for justice. I stand for faith. Would you stand with me?
I stand for light. I stand for love. I stand for compassion. Could you stand with me?
Could you stand with me? Could you stand with me?
© 2022 TayToones Music BMI Funny Things Happen Music ASCAP
From Karen’s CD “I Stand For Love” www.karendrucker.com