Ensuring Long-Term U.S.
Leadership in Semiconductors
Executive Office of the President
President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology
January 2017
Ensuring Long-Term U.S.
Leadership in Semiconductors
Executive Office of the President
President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology
January 2017
About the President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology
The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) is an advisory group of the
Nation’s leading scientists and engineers, appointed by the President to augment the science and
technology advice available to him from inside the White House and from cabinet departments
and other Federal agencies. PCAST is consulted about, and often makes policy recommendations
concerning, the full range of issues where understandings from the domains of science, technology,
and innovation bear potentially on the policy choices before the President.
For more information about PCAST, see
The President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology
John P. Holdren
Assistant to the President for
Science and Technology
Director, Office of Science and Technology
Eric S. Lander
Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
Vice Chairs
William Press
Raymer Professor in Computer Science and
Integrative Biology
University of Texas at Austin
Maxine Savitz
Honeywell (Ret.)
Wanda M. Austin
President and CEO (Ret.)
The Aerospace Corporation
Christopher Chyba
Professor, Astrophysical Sciences and
International Affairs
Princeton University
Rosina Bierbaum
Rosina Bierbaum,
Professor, School of Natural Resources and
Environment, University of Michigan, and
Roy F. Westin Chair in Natural Economics,
School of Public Policy, University of
S. James Gates, Jr.
John S. Toll Professor of Physics
Director, Center for String and
Particle Theory
University of Maryland, College Park
Christine Cassel
Planning Dean
Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine
Mark Gorenberg
Managing Member
Zetta Venture Partners
Susan L. Graham
Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor
Emerita in Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley
Ed Penhoet
Alta Partners
Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry and
Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
Michael McQuade
Senior Vice President for Science and
United Technologies Corporation
Barbara Schaal
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Mary-Dell Chilton Distinguished Professor
of Biology
Washington University of St. Louis
Chad Mirkin
George B. Rathmann Professor of
Director, International Institute for
Northwestern University
Eric Schmidt
Executive Chairman
Mario Molina
Distinguished Professor, Chemistry and
University of California, San Diego
Professor, Center for Atmospheric Sciences
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Daniel Schrag
Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology
Professor, Environmental Science and
Director, Harvard University Center for
Harvard University
Craig Mundie
Mundie & Associates
Ashley Predith
Executive Director
Jennifer L. Michael
Program Support Specialist
PCAST Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in
Semiconductors Working Group
John Holdren*
Assistant to the President for Science and
Director, Office of Science and Technology
Paul Otellini
Former President and CEO
Working Group Members
Richard Beyer
Former Chairman and CEO
Freescale Semiconductor
Ajit Manocha
Former CEO
Wes Bush
Chairman, CEO, and President
Northrop Grumman
Jami Miscik
Co-CEO and Vice Chairman
Kissinger Associates
Diana Farrell
President and CEO
JP Morgan Chase Institute
Craig Mundie*
Mundie & Associates
John Hennessy
President Emeritus
Stanford University
Mike Splinter
Former CEO and Chairman
Applied Materials
Paul Jacobs
Executive Chairman
Laura Tyson
Distinguished Professor of the Graduate
School UC Berkeley
Ashley Predith
Executive Director
President’s Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology
Jennifer Michael
Program Support Specialist
President’s Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology
*denotes PCAST member
National Economic Council Staff
Michael Levi
Special Assistant to the President for Energy
and Economic Policy
National Economic Council
Kavya Shankar
Policy Advisor
National Economic Council
Office of Science and Technology Policy Staff
Megan Brewster
Senior Policy Advisor
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Tim Polk
Assistant Director, Cybersecurity
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Lloyd Whitman
Assistant Director, Nanotechnology and
Advanced Materials
Office of Science and Technology Policy
President Barack Obama
The White House
Washington, DC 20502
Dear Mr. President:
This letter transmits a report entitled Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors,
prepared by a working group of technology industry leaders, eminent researchers, and former
policymakers. The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has
reviewed and adopted the report. The report assesses the challenges and opportunities facing
semiconductor innovation, competitiveness, and security, and outlines recommendations for action
to address them.
Semiconductors are essential to modern life. Progress in semiconductors has opened up new
frontiers for devices and services that use them, creating new businesses and industries, and
bringing massive benefits to American workers and consumers as well as to the global economy.
Cutting-edge semiconductor technology is also critical to defense systems and U.S. military
strength, and the pervasiveness of semiconductors makes their integrity important to mitigating
cybersecurity risk.
Today, U.S. semiconductor innovation, competitiveness, and integrity face major challenges.
Semiconductor innovation is already slowing as industry faces fundamental technological limits
and rapidly evolving markets. Now a concerted push by China to reshape the market in its favor,
using industrial policies backed by over one hundred billion dollars in government-directed funds,
threatens the competitiveness of U.S. industry and the national and global benefits it brings. The
report looks at these challenges in greater detail.
The core finding of the report is this: only by continuing to innovate at the cutting edge will the
United States be able to mitigate the threat posed by Chinese industrial policy and strengthen the
U.S. economy. Thus, the report recommends and elaborates on a three pillar strategy to (i) push
back against innovation-inhibiting Chinese industrial policy, (ii) improve the business environment
for U.S.-based semiconductor producers, and (iii) help catalyze transformative semiconductor
innovation over the next decade. Delivering on this strategy will require cooperation among
government, industry, and academia to be maximally effective.
John P. Holdren Eric S. Lander
Co-Chair Co-Chair
Table of Contents
The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology ....................................... v
PCAST Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors Working Group..... vii
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. 1
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 2
1. Challenges and Opportunities .................................................................................................. 4
Evolving Challenges .................................................................................................................. 6
Technology and Markets .................................................................................................... 6
Chinese Industrial Policies ................................................................................................ 7
Responding Strategically ................................................................................................ 10
2. Influencing Chinese Actions ................................................................................................... 13
3. Creating a More Supportive Business Climate in the United States .................. 15
4. Developing a “Leapfrog” Strategy for Continuing U.S. Leadership ..................... 18
Focus Areas ................................................................................................................................. 19
5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Appendix A. Moonshots Methodology and Exemplars ............................................... 26
A.1 Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 26
A.1.1 Overall Approach .................................................................................................... 26
A.1.2 Computer System Architectures ........................................................................ 27
A.1.3 Computing Modalities ........................................................................................... 27
A.2 Sample Moonshots .......................................................................................................... 29
A.2.1 Bioelectronics for sensory replacement and implantable
neuro-stimulation for control of chronic conditions. ..................................... 29
A.2.2 Threat Detection Network ................................................................................... 30
A.2.3 Distributed Electric Grid ...................................................................................... 31
A.2.4 Global Weather Forecasting ............................................................................... 31
Executive Summary
Semiconductors are essential to modern life. Progress in semiconductors has opened up new frontiers
for devices and services that use them, creating new businesses and industries, and bringing massive
benefits to American workers and consumers as well as to the global economy. Cutting-edge
semiconductor technology is also critical to defense systems and U.S. military strength, and the
pervasiveness of semiconductors makes their integrity important to mitigating cybersecurity risk.
U.S. semiconductor innovation, competitiveness, and integrity face major challenges. Semiconductor
innovation is already slowing as industry faces fundamental technological limits and rapidly evolving
markets. Now a concerted push by China to reshape the market in its favor, using industrial policies
backed by over one hundred billion dollars in government-directed funds, threatens the
competitiveness of U.S. industry and the national and global benefits it brings.
The global semiconductor market has never been a completely free market: it is founded on science that
historically has been driven, in substantial part, by government and academia; segments of it are
restricted in various ways as a result of national-security and defense imperatives; and it is frequently
the focus of national industrial policies. Market forces play a central and critical role. But any
presumption by U.S. policymakers that existing market forces alone will yield optimal outcomes
particularly when faced with substantial industrial policies from other countries is unwarranted. In
order to realize the opportunities that semiconductors present and to effectively mitigate major risks,
U.S. policy must respond to the challenges now at hand.
Our core finding is this: the United States will only succeed in mitigating the dangers posed by Chinese
industrial policy if it innovates faster. Policy can, in principle, slow the diffusion of technology, but it
cannot stop the spread. And, as U.S. innovators face technological headwinds, other countries’ quest to
catch up will only become easier. The only way to retain leadership is to outpace the competition.
That does not mean that the U.S. government should be silent or passive in the face of Chinese
industrial policies. We found that Chinese policies are distorting markets in ways that undermine
innovation, subtract from U.S. market share, and put U.S. national security at risk. While stepping up
the pace of innovation, the United States should also act in the short term to try to reduce this market-
distorting behavior and its impacts. Our recommendations therefore focus on three approaches. First,
the United States should attempt to influence Chinese behavior by working to improve transparency
around Chinese policy through discussions in bilateral and multilateral forums, joining with allies to
coordinate and strengthen inward investment security and export controls, and responding firmly and
consistently to Chinese violations of international agreements. The United States also should calibrate
its application of national-security controls in response to Chinese industrial policy aimed at
undermining U.S. security.
Second, we find that a competitive domestic industry is critical to innovation and security. We therefore
recommend policies aimed at developing and attracting talent, funding basic research and development
that is critical to innovation, reforming corporate tax laws, and reforming permitting practices.
As noted above, however, a level playing field and a strong business environment are necessary but not
sufficient. Our final set of recommendations focuses on driving transformative innovation. We propose
a series of “moonshots”such as developing game-changing biodefense systems and cutting-edge
medical technologiesthat have independent merit and would, if achieved, also deliver radical
semiconductor advances of much broader applicability.
Delivering on such transformative innovation, as on our other recommendations, will require strong
cooperation among government, industry, and academia to be maximally effective.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
1. Challenges and Opportunities
Semiconductors are essential to many products used in modern life, from computers, cellular
telephones, and solar panels, to medical diagnostics and self-driving cars. Progress in semiconductors
has opened up new frontiers for devices and services that use them, creating new businesses and
industries and bringing massive benefits to American workers and consumers and to the global
economy. Cutting-edge semiconductor technology is also critical to defense systems and U.S. military
strength, while the pervasiveness of semiconductors makes their integrity an important factor in
shaping cybersecurity risk.
Today, the semiconductor industry faces challenges from technological barriers and rapidly shifting
marketstrends that are now compounded by increasingly active Chinese industrial policy (see Box 1.
The State of U.S. Industry). U.S. policy should aim to sustain and grow the contributions semiconductor
technology makes to the economy and national security by promoting an environment that drives
semiconductor innovation while protecting against specific national-security risks. Delivering on these
goals requires sustaining a vibrant and competitive domestic semiconductor industry, but it will demand
much more than just that.
Industry is a critical part of the semiconductor innovation system. In order to maintain and accelerate
innovation in the semiconductor space, it is essential that companies have an open, market-based
environment in which they have intellectual-property protection, access to affordable capital, access to
leading-edge academic research and pools of well-trained engineers and scientists, and access to large
markets. Industry requires an environment in which market power is not misused. This environment
can be delivered through strong competition or by government-imposed restraints on abuse.
Innovation will benefit the U.S. economy regardless of where it occurs. Sustaining innovation, however,
is far more likely if the United States itself has a robust semiconductor industry (along with a strong
research community). The United States, in contrast with some major competitors, provides companies
the ingredients necessary to innovate rather than simply cutting costs for existing technologies.
Historically, U.S. government-sponsored research and development (R&D) has been essential to driving
semiconductor innovationbut that support will be unsustainable if industry is hollowed out.
The innovation spurred by a robust U.S. semiconductor industry also creates a virtuous cycle: by helping
U.S. producers stay ahead of competitors, it further strengthens U.S.-based industry, which in turn
drives semiconductor innovation. This cycle will be most powerful when U.S.-based industry stays
ahead through genuine comparative advantage, building on strong U.S. capital markets, talent, and
research institutions. If the United States instead tries to keep its industry ahead by shielding it from
legitimate foreign competition, innovation will suffer, ultimately leaving the U.S. industry less
competitive and the U.S. economy worse off.
Economic strength is also fundamental to U.S. national securityincreasing the urgency of getting the
economic part of the semiconductor equation right. The United States faces a distinct set of specific,
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
semiconductor-related national-security challenges. To maintain its advantage, the U.S. military needs
access to leading-edge semiconductors that not all potential adversaries have. U.S. government
purchasers of semiconductors, including the U.S. military, also need to be able to mitigate risks to their
supply chains, with regard both to integrity and availability; moreover, mobile computing, automated
vehicles, and the Internet of Things increasingly place similar demands on commercially used
semiconductors, as a much broader civilian cybersecurity imperative.
A strong U.S.-based industry can mitigate some of these security concerns but is not a panacea for them.
Risks to the integrity of the semiconductor supply chain, while lower when critical items are designed
and produced domestically or on the territories of U.S. allies, cannot be assured through domestic
manufacturing and design alone and therefore ultimately need to be mitigated through other means
(such as integrity standards and testing and greater system resilience), regardless of where production is
located. Moreover, if the United States attempted to ensure security by simply restricting the set of
producers that was allowed to sell semiconductors to U.S. firms, it would slow innovation by
fragmenting markets and reducing competition. The U.S. government and U.S. consumers would be
increasingly unable to procure the cutting-edge chips on which the U.S. economy and national security
Box 1. The State of U.S. Industry
U.S.-headquartered firms have the largest share of the global semiconductor market, as measured by
revenue, but the semiconductor industry has steadily been globalizing over the last 40 years.
For approximately the past two decades, U.S.-headquartered firms have accounted for half of global
semiconductor sales. Other leading firms are based in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Europe. No
Chinese-headquartered company is in the top twenty.
How U.S.-based companies do business, however, has been changing. U.S.-headquartered
semiconductor companies have increasingly moved fabrication facilities abroad or focused on design
while contracting out fabrication (the so-called fabless business model). The share of worldwide
fabrication capacity located in the United States fell to about 13 percent in 2015, compared to 30
percent in 1990 and 42 percent in 1980, though nearly half of planned global additions are U.S.-
During the last four decades, the memory business has also largely shifted from
the United States to Asia, with notable exceptions for cutting-edge technologies.
U.S. companies still earn the largest share of revenues in a host of critical areas. The United States
has a majority of the global market for integrated circuits design and fabrication, which makes up
over 80 percent of the global semiconductor market.
Within integrated circuits, the United States
leads in logic and analog.
In particular, the United States has the clear lead in sales of high-end
Integrated circuits (ICs) are semiconductor devices (chips) composed of multiple electronic circuits. They are
used for most electronic applications in which semiconductors are needed. They include memory, logic, and
analog chips. The processor chip in a computer, for example, is an IC.
Logic chips are central processing units (CPUs)―sometimes called microprocessors―that control and carry out
computation; analog chips convert continuous signals such as sound or video that are found in the real world into
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
microprocessors, communication chips for smartphones and devices, and networking components for
routers, the Internet, and landline exchanges. The top integrated device manufacturer (combining
design and fabrication), the top three fabless companies, the top three Electronic Design Automation
(EDA) companies, and two of the top three equipment manufacturers (all by revenue) are U.S.-
Evolving Challenges
The global semiconductor market has never been fully free: it is founded on science that historically has
been driven, in substantial part, by government and academia; segments of it are restricted in various
ways as a result of national security and defense imperatives; and it is frequently the target of national
industrial policies. Market forces play a central and critical role. But any presumption by U.S.
policymakers that existing market forces alone will yield optimal outcomes particularly when faced
with substantial industrial policies from other countries is unwarranted. In order to realize the
opportunities that semiconductors present and to mitigate major risks effectively, U.S. policy needs to
confront challenges from changing technology at the same time as it faces a new and aggressive set of
Chinese industrial policies designed to shift the competitive dynamics in the global industry in favor of
Chinese production and companies. We now turn to those challenges and threats.
Technology and Markets
The model for semiconductor innovation has long been simple, at least in principle. The semiconductor
industry doubled the number of transistors on a chip, and hence performance, roughly every 1824
monthsthe so-called “Moore’s Law”while maintaining or reducing cost. This trend has been
supported by industry and customers aligned on a simple innovation goal―essentially faster
computing―across the value chain and by a consistent, dominant focus on improving speed and density
in CMOS technology.
Maintaining this pace now faces two fundamental challenges. Because of physical limits, it is now
harder―and will eventually be impossible―to shrink silicon-based transistors further. Progress has
already begun to slow: the doubling time for the number of transistors on a chip has increased to
roughly 30 months and continues to rise. In addition, as the range of major semiconductor applications
has grown from traditional computing to include areas such as mobile devices, automotive advances,
and data centers for the cloud, the appropriate emphasis of innovation is shifting and expanding,
moving beyond mere processing speed to include progress on energy consumption, “system on a chip”
functionality, and other dimensions. In the past, given that companies were largely working towards the
same goaldoubling the processing power of chips while reducing or maintaining costsprivate and
public resources were concentrated on a shared goal. Now, companies are working on a more diverse
range of technologies with different goals, making it harder to align strategies and investments across
digital data used by logic chips. They are used, for example, to convert the sound from a mobile phone into digital
CMOS stands for Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor and has long been the dominant technology for
constructing integrated circuits used in microprocessors, microcontrollers, memory chips, and other digital logic
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
The semiconductor industry is facing these challenges at a time of rising industry concentration. The top
five global semiconductor suppliers now make up nearly 40 percent of the market, up from 32 percent
in 2006.
Costs are driving this concentration. For example, to meet the technical challenges of speed
and miniaturization, new advanced-logic, semiconductor fabrication facilities are expected to cost well
over $12 billion in the United States.
Similar leading-edge fabrication facilities cost under $5 billion just
5 years ago. This escalation is driven in part by higher equipment costs, weaker economies of scale, and
R&D costs associated with fundamental physics challenges. Venture-capital investment in the
semiconductor industry has declined sharply, making it difficult for new companies to enter and
High industry concentration has some benefits: firms with little competition can, in some cases, afford
to invest more in long-term innovation. But concentration also comes with major risks. High market
concentration means less competitionwhich reduces incentives for companies to lower costs, raise
quality, and invest in new products and technology, while making collusion more likely. Higher
concentration also raises the stakes for firm location: in the extreme case, if most or all production in an
industry becomes controlled by a single non-U.S.-based company, that situation raises the odds that
production or sales will be influenced by foreign-industrial or national-security policy to the detriment of
U.S. interests. In contrast, in a highly competitive industry with a diverse production and ownership
base, efforts by one country to distort marketswhether for economic or geopolitical purposesare far
less likely to have wide-ranging consequences.
Chinese Industrial Policies
Slowing innovation, changing markets, and rising concentration would be significant challenges by
themselves. But Chinese industrial policies aimed at achieving a global leadership position in
semiconductor design and manufacturing through non-market means, together with the steady growth
in Chinese domestic semiconductor consumption, are now compounding those challenges. Chinese
competition could, in principle, benefit semiconductor producers and consumers alike. But Chinese
industrial policies in this sector, as they are unfolding in practice, pose real threats to semiconductor
innovation and U.S. national security.
China’s starting position in its quest for semiconductor prowess is well behind that of the United States.
Chinese manufacturing of advanced-logic chips is significantly behind the state of the art in the United
States, Taiwan, and elsewhere. China has many semiconductor foundry companies, but all are at least
one-and-a-half generations behind the state of the art in volume production. In addition, there are
currently no domestically-owned memory companies producing at commercial volume in China; all
advanced-memory manufacturers in China are foreign-owned. Since the foreign companies have
chosen to have no Chinese companies involved as joint venture partners, China is spending significant
amounts of capital to develop its own indigenous memory industry. Similarly, China lacks a tier-one
semiconductor equipment firm.
There is one tier-two semiconductor equipment company in China
See: and
Tier one companies are direct suppliers to equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Tier two companies are the key
suppliers to tier one suppliers, without supplying a product directly to OEM companies.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
AMECthat makes manufacturing tools involved in the fabrication of semiconductors. The most likely
avenue for Chinese growth will be acquisition of global players (or divisions of them) in the United
States, Europe, or Japan; Chinese firms have been increasingly active in the acquisition space. China’s
brightest spot is its fabless semiconductor industry, which is booming. There are close to 400
companies, many of which are growing. But there is a technological gap between China’s fabless
semiconductor industry and those of other countries; at this time, most of China’s fabless companies are
focused on the low-end and mid-range parts of the market. Assuming that these companies continue to
grow quicklyas they are making tailored products for the China marketthat will provide motivation
for foreign-owned fabrication companies to have a presence in China, which in turn may draw foreign-
owned equipment makers.
The Chinese government, motivated by economic and national-security goals, has publicly asserted its
desire to build a semiconductor industry that is far more advanced than today and less reliant on the
rest of the world. After more than a decade of failed attempts to promote its semiconductor industry,
in 2014 China promulgated “IC Promotion Guidelines” putting forth a new plan, including revenue
targets and technology goals. This plan has been backed by the senior Chinese leaders (including
President Xi Jinping according to public reports). One stated aim of Chinese policy is for China to be at an
“advanced world-level [semiconductor capability] in all-major segments of the industry by 2030.”
China’s strategy relies in particular on large-scale spending, including $150 billion in public and state-
influenced private funds over a 10-year period, aimed at subsidizing investment and acquisitions as well
as purchasing technology. This figure is slightly smaller than the average of $23 billion spent annually on
semiconductor mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by all U.S. companies over the past 5 years. Already
multiple Chinese-government investments executed by investment firms are enabling this government-
directed strategy. Consistent with its industrial-policy tactics in other industries, China also places
conditions on access to its market to drive localization and technology transfer, according to public
Chinese policy exploits headwinds currently facing semiconductor innovation: if the leading
edge is advancing slowly, that makes it easier for China to use industrial policies to get technologically
close enough to supplant the innovation leaders economically.
Chinese industrial policy can usefully be divided into two categories: subsidies and zero-sum tactics.
The Chinese government provides a range of subsidies to strengthen domestic production. These
subsidies are driven in part by a desire to decrease reliance on foreign suppliers for technologies
deemed critical to Chinese national security, and in part by a desire to capture market share for
economic reasons. China’s subsidies to the semiconductor industry include capital subsidies that
encourage foreign companies to locate facilities in China as well as subsidized capital to domestic
companies and investment firms to use in the acquisition of foreign companies and technologies. While
China’s subsidies are largely zero-sum in their impact on foreign semiconductor producers (companies,
workers, or both) in the same market segment, they may not be zero-sum to other market participants
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
(whether to participants in other parts of the semiconductor supply chain or to users of
In the short run, Chinese subsidies can benefit U.S. consumers and firms that use semiconductors by
reducing costs and lowering product prices. In the long run, however, subsidies to incumbent
technologies tend to reduce innovation.
Depending on the initial state of the market, subsidies can
also increase market concentration in China. This can increase national-security risks for the United
States and other countries and, to the extent that Chinese policy allows firms to sell below cost of
production, raises risks of overcapacity, which threatens direct competitors. Subsidies also, more
directly, can erode U.S. market share, damaging industry employment as well as innovation.
Zero-Sum Tactics
China also employs a variety of tactics that are more broadly and unequivocally zero-sum. These are
policies that shift business to China while raising, not lowering, costs. These policies are harmful
because they hurt otherwise sound businesses without bringing countervailing economy-wide benefits,
raise prices for consumers and other businesses that use semiconductors, and can deter innovation.
Such policies also can create defense-related national-security risks by accelerating the spread of
sensitive technologies. Chinese zero-sum activities include:
Forcing or encouraging domestic customers to buy only from Chinese semiconductor suppliers.
China is doing this both explicitly (e.g., in government contracts) and indirectly (e.g., through its
proposals to implement “secure and controllable” requirements relating to cybersecurity
concerns). Such practices reduce incentives for innovation across the board: non-Chinese
companies see smaller markets, while Chinese companies face less competition. Given the size
of the domestic Chinese market, these practices could also result in a high concentration of the
global market in China over the longer run.
Forcing transfer of technology in exchange for access to the Chinese market. This practice
affects innovation by reducing incentives for R&D, including in the United States (since U.S
companies sell into and compete with China), and by quickly turning leading-edge technologies
into commodities that anyone can produce. It can also increase market concentration in China;
conversely, as Chinese market concentration increases, so does China’s ability to force
technology transfer, creating a vicious cycle.
Theft of intellectual property. This activity affects innovation in a similar manner to forced
technology transfers. According to media reports, China steals intellectual property both
covertly and overtly. Overt means using inspections for “secure and controllable” technology to
gain access to detailed knowledge of semiconductor technologies.
Zero-sum tactics are those where one entity’s gain is equivalent to another’s loss, where instead of growing
overall value, entities are taking from each other.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
Collusion. According to media reports, Chinese companies have colluded to lower the value of
takeover targets before purchasing them in distressed situations.
These behaviors sometimes violate international agreements but in other cases do not. Actions taken
by other countries in response to Chinese industrial policy are described in Box 2.
Responding Strategically
In responding to these challenges, U.S. policymakers should be guided by six principles.
1. Win the race by running faster. There is often a strong temptation to respond to the challenges
outlined above by focusing centrally on attempting to slow China down. But, even if that were
possible, it would not be desirable. If the United States stays ahead in manufacturing but does not
innovate, progress in semiconductors will cease to drive increased living standards or military
strength; moreover, China will inevitably advance in semiconductors, even if the United States slows
its progress. The most effective path to continued semiconductor leadership would focus centrally
on sustaining U.S. innovation.
2. Focus principally on leading-edge semiconductor technology. Leading-edge semiconductor
technology is central to economically transformative innovation. It is also critical to sustaining a
national-security edge. Away from the leading edge, policymakers should focus sharply on major
security risks, including continuity of supply and large violations of international trade and
investment rules, rather than on broad leadership across the board in semiconductors.
3. Focus on making the most of U.S. strengths rather than trying to mirror China. The United States
and China have very different views about the appropriate relationship between government and
the private sector. In the United States, the role of the Federal government in the economy is
largely to create the right environment for the private sector to succeed, including by funding pre-
competitive innovation and acting as a trusted convener; the U.S. government role is not to allocate
capital to particular firms or sectors. China has been far more willing to provide subsidies to mature
firms and industries and to sustain that support even if it results in overcapacity and economic
losses. The United States has also advocated for open global trade and investment, with some
exceptions for national security. This stance has benefited consumers and the global economy.
China has gained from global openness but has been less committed to sustaining itand, in some
cases, has worked against it, for example, by limiting or conditioning access to China’s market. Now,
globally, more countries are questioning the benefits of economic opennessa trend that will
shape, and be shaped by, how the United States responds to challenges in the semiconductor arena.
4. Anticipate Chinese responses to U.S. actions. China will not stand stilland, in particular, will likely
adjust what it does in response to U.S. policy. This is a particularly acute challenge for those areas in
which the U.S. government had its greatest leverage over industry, e.g., U.S. investment review of
Chinese companies seeking to buy U.S. companies and U.S. export controls, which are also those
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
areas in which U.S. policy changes would be most likely to influence Chinese policy (and Chinese
corporate behavior) in turn.
5. Do not reflexively oppose Chinese advances. The U.S interest in promoting an open, competitive
global economy, with its attendant economic and security benefits, will often outweigh the benefits
of attempting to stop a specific undesirable market-based development, so long as that
development is not driven by Chinese policies that breach international rules or accepted standards
of fair behavior. At the same time, the U.S. government will need to identify areas in which the
diffusion of particular semiconductor technologies, or control of particular companies, poses
intolerable national-security risks that cannot be mitigated through steps short of stopping their
acquisition and, therefore, should be stopped to the extent possible.
6. Enforce trade and investment rules. The U.S. government should oppose Chinese actions that
violate rules of open trade and investment, even if those actions might appear to narrowly benefit
the U.S. economy. This opposition should be active, drawing on the full range of tools available to
the United States under international agreements, rather than merely rhetorical. It should also be
done, in so far as possible, in coordination with other countries to increase effectiveness and reduce
the risk of retaliation (see “Responses by Other Countries”).
The semiconductor space is complex. As U.S. policymakers craft solutions, they should draw on industry
expertise, in order to increase the odds that their policies have the desired impact.
Recommendation 1.1: Create new mechanisms to bring industry expertise to bear on semiconductor
policy challenges. As the U.S. government further develops and executes a strategy to sustain
semiconductor leadership and drive innovation, it will be important to be able to draw on cutting edge
technological and markets expertise from within semiconductor producing and consuming industries.
PCAST recommends that the Administration explore several (potentially complementary) options.
The U.S. government could benefit from a standing committee of industry experts who are
engaged on a continuing basis. This could be structured as a Department of Commerce
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), an arrangement that already exists for eight industry
areas. It could also be structured as a PCAST subcommittee. It would be critical for committee
membership to be broad, including industries that use semiconductors, in order to provide
broad insight into how changes in the semiconductor space might affect the broader economy
and national security. Regardless of where an advisory committee is housed, its expertise would
need to be made available to the broader U.S. government.
The U.S. government could also take steps to make it easier to access industry expertise on an
ad hoc basis. This could include creating alternative processes to provide temporary security
clearances to industry experts, as has been done for some aspects of cybersecurity. It could also
include creating legal arrangements that make it possible for the U.S. government to consult
responsibly with industry experts on commercially sensitive matters.
Promoting U.S. interests will ultimately require a strong focus on advancing semiconductor innovation.
This demands a three-part strategy that pushes back against innovation-inhibiting Chinese industrial
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
policy, improves the business environment for U.S.-based semiconductor producers, and helps catalyze
transformative semiconductor innovation over the next decade.
Box 2. Responses by Other Countries
Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Europe all have prominent roles in the global supply chain for
semiconductors. Industries and governments across the world have reacted to Chinese industrial
policy (in the semiconductor domain and others). Concern around the semiconductor industry is
most pronounced in South Korea and Taiwan, but is also rising in Europe. In response, governments
have used their trade rules, tightened their investment rules, and increased funding for
semiconductor research and design. Specific responses include:
Taiwan has taken steps to prohibit or heavily restrict Chinese acquisition of Taiwanese
semiconductor technology by not approving any mainland Chinese acquisitions of, or
investments into, any domestic semiconductor firms. The Taiwanese government has also
launched a public-private partnership with industry to co-invest in R&D.
South Korea has tightened its rules that restrict flow of critical semiconductor intellectual
property to China. In addition, the South Korean Government and industry have partnered to
launch a $175 million semiconductor start-up fund. The government has also created
incentive programs to encourage its semiconductor engineering talent not to work for
Chinese semiconductor firms.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
2. Influencing Chinese Actions
The United States has a range of tools available to respond directly to Chinese activities. These include
formal trade agreements, informal trade and investment norms agreed to with foreign countries, and
unilateral tools such as scrutiny of acquisitions of potential national security concern by the interagency
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). The current set of strategies pursued by
the Chinese government through its policies brings the effectiveness of these tools, as currently applied,
into question, however. The U.S. government should revisit its tools to ensure that they are sufficiently
able to protect against actions that may unacceptably harm the country’s economic and security
interests. This section focuses on three foreign policy efforts that U.S. policymakers should pursue.
Recommendation 2.1: Boost the transparency of global advanced technology policy. Ideally, all
countries should pursue fair, market-oriented policies toward the semiconductor industry, with
reasonable exceptions for national security. Finding agreement with China around that goal, though, is
likely to be difficult if not impossible. The United States therefore should aim to boost transparency
around Chinese policy in advanced technology, including semiconductors.
China is obligated under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Subsidies Agreement to notify
other countries of all of its subsidy programs. While China has notified other countries of some
semiconductor programs, the U.S. government believes that its subsidy notification is not
complete. China also has obligations under the WTO to publish all trade-related legal measures
in a single place and make translations available; it does not appear as if China has fully adhered
to this obligation; moreover, in November 2016, in the context of the U.S.-China Joint
Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT), the two countries asserted a joint commitment to
a semiconductor industry that “operates in fair, open, and transparent legal and regulatory
environments.” China stated that its government has never asked for its investment funds to
“require compulsory technology or IPR transfer,” and the two countries agreed to continue to
exchange information related to the sector.
Building on these foundations, the U.S. government, in consultation with industry, should
identify specific areas where greater transparency could be mutually beneficial, and press for
progress there. In doing so, it should be open to increasing transparency around its own
activities. The United States should also seek to broaden support for increased transparency,
whether by reinforcing it in other U.S.-China dialogues such as the Strategic and Economic
Dialogue, multilateral forums such as the G-20 and Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC),
or new trade agreements that seek to set new, higher standards.
Recommendation 2.2: Reshape the application of national security tools, as appropriate, to deter and
respond forcefully to Chinese industrial policies. The U.S. government has focused its semiconductor-
related inward investment restrictions, export controls, and government procurement that requires
domestic content on national security, rather than narrow economic objectives. It should continue to
maintain that focus rather than expand these tools to pursue explicitly economic goals, a step that could
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
easily backfire. That does not mean, though, that the United States should not respond forcefully to
Chinese policies that distort the global market by limiting access of U.S. companies and U.S. exports to
China’s large and growing semiconductor market.
The U.S. government should start by clarifying the types of measures that it believes are
acceptable for protecting national security. (For example, restricting certain defense
procurement to firms based in particular countries may be appropriate.) To the extent possible,
it should do that in dialogue with China, with both governments agreeing in principle on what is
and is not reasonable, much as the two countries have done in the area of cyberattacks. So long
as China adheres to these norms, the United States should continue to implement its policies
much as it has in the past. If, however, China acts (or continues to act) in ways well outside
these boundsfor example through its “secure and controllable” rules for information
technologythose actions should affect U.S. policy. One way to respond would be to tie U.S.
assessments of the national-security threats posed by particular technology exports,
investments, and contracts to Chinese policy. (For example, if China pursues a policy of
undermining cutting-edge, defense-critical U.S.-based companies by flooding markets using
government support, that should alter U.S. assessments of whether Chinese acquisitions of the
capabilities required to do so are acceptable.) The main goal here should be to deter dangerous
Chinese actions; this means that the United States will need to be more open and clear about
how its investment and export restrictions actually work. If, however, this effort to deter fails,
changes in U.S. national security threat assessments will presumably lead to changes in the
specific exports and acquisitions allowed by the U.S. government.
Recommendation 2.3: Work with allies to strengthen global export controls and inward investment
security. The United States dedicates substantial resources to export controls and inward investment
security. The United States should work with like-minded partners to develop common principles
(insofar as possible) for acceptable and unacceptable market behavior, and to help build their
administrative capacity to effectively implement appropriate controls and pursue needed investigations,
since many countries are currently far less capable than the United States in this regard. Led by the
Departments of Treasury and Commerce, and by the Intelligence Community, this effort should provide
global partners with technical assistance, training, and diplomatic support to identify risks and
vulnerabilities and to remediate them.
On export controls, the Departments of Commerce, Defense, Homeland Security, State, and
Treasury work together to target export controls on national security priorities while facilitating
legitimate commerce. To oversee investment security, CFIUS, chaired by the Treasury
Department, plays a vital role in reviewing certain transactions with important national security
implications involving potential foreign control of U.S. businesses.
The United States should not, however, carry this burden alone. Unilateral action is increasingly
ineffective in a world where the semiconductor industry is globalized (though keeping the
United States at the forefront of innovation allows it to retain some ability to be effective
unilaterally). At the same time, when it acts unilaterally, the United States often raises
suspicions (however ill-founded) among allies that it is motivated by economic-competitiveness
concerns, rather than by national security.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
3. Creating a More Supportive Business Climate in
the United States
A U.S. semiconductor strategy needs to foster a supportive business environment in the United States.
We focus here on sustaining a world-class workforce, boosting general-purpose scientific research,
enacting prudent business tax reform, and responsibly speeding facility permitting. These are all areas
in which U.S. companies, and many policymakers, have long called for action, and the ideas we outline
below are largely not new. These policy areas are, however, particularly important to sustaining
semiconductor innovation.
Recommendation 3.1: Secure the talent pipeline. Global businesses invest where the talent exists.
With technological advances transforming existing facilities and with the growth of the so-called fabless
model, the talent needs that are required to continue to drive semiconductor innovation and production
are changing. The United States needs to strengthen its home-grown talent and attract talent from
around the world.
Thanks to the efforts of the government, the private sector, and academia, the share of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) bachelor’s degrees of total bachelor’s
degrees awarded has grown 12.3 percent since the 2008-2009 academic year. The U.S.
government needs to double down on these collaborative efforts, continuing and expanding its
investments in STEM education in partnership with the private sector and academia. As PCAST
has noted in its 2012 report Engage to Excel, the first 2 years of college are the most critical to
the recruitment and retention of STEM majors.
Ways to lift the Nation’s game in this critical
phase of STEM education are detailed in that PCAST report.
The United States also needs to attract talented scientists and engineers from abroad to live and
work in the United States: immigrants play a critical role in U.S. high-tech businesses, 25
percent of which were founded by immigrants and provide jobs to immigrants and U.S.-born
residents alike. The U.S. government should pursue steps that attract talented immigrants while
expanding opportunity for all Americans. Some examples include giving STEM graduates from
accredited U.S. universities fast-tracked, long-term visas; increasing the number of H-1B visas;
and/or allowing existing visas to cover an employee’s spouse and children.
Recommendation 3.2: Invest in pre-competitive research. Pre-competitive research is essential to
continuing to drive innovation in the semiconductor industry and broader economy. For example,
recent advances in wide bandgap semiconductorssemiconductors that can withstand certain extreme
environmentswere originally driven by government-funded basic research, but have recently found
widespread, important use in applications including electric vehicle charging and solar power. The U.S.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
government should increase its R&D spending, focusing in particular on collaborative pre-competitive
R&D in science and technology areas outside the health sciences (which have received large increases in
recent years). We recommend targeting a doubling of Federal non-health R&D spending.
The semiconductor industry spends roughly 20 percent of sales on R&D; however, this
investment is focused on competitive research and product development. A critical role of the
U.S. government is to support pre-competitive research, where accelerated innovation would
benefit the government, industry, and academia, but no one firm has sufficient incentive to
invest alone.
Pre-competitive basic research will often not be specific to semiconductors, but rather build a
broader foundation for innovation. For example, support for basic science related to carbon
nanotubes was never aimed at any one particular application but has now led to advances that
applied researchers are translating into cutting edge commercial applications to semiconductors
and other technologies. Unfortunately, the U.S. government now spends less on R&D than in
the past: as of 2012, it spent approximately 0.7 percent of GDP on R&D, down from 0.8 percent
in 2008 and 1.8 percent in the 1960s. In particular, this pre-competitive basic research would
fall into non-defense discretionary spending that is at a historic low as a share of Federal budget
and continues on a downward trend.
Recommendation 3.3: Enact corporate tax reform. The U.S. tax system penalizes asset-heavy
industries by discouraging capital investment. The semiconductor industryparticularly fabricationis
highly capital intensive. To encourage market-driven investment in the United States in the
semiconductor industry, the corporate tax system should be reformed to create a more attractive
environment for businesses to compete globally, while ensuring that the U.S. tax system as a whole is
fair and responsible to all Americans.
The United States has the highest statutory corporate tax rate, including Federal and State
taxes, among the 34 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD), yet loopholes, tax expenditures, and tax planning strategies narrow this tax base. As a
result, many U.S.-headquartered businesses are disadvantaged relative to foreign and domestic
competitors. Comprehensive U.S. tax reform is particularly important for an industry like
semiconductor manufacturing, given its capital intensity. The U.S. government should
implement the actions that PCAST has previously recommended: (i) recognizing the importance
of manufacturing through the tax code; (ii) strengthening R&D tax credits; and (iii) creating an
internationally competitive corporate tax system. These recommendations are presented in and
elaborated further in the 2012 report on the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP).
Recommendation 3.4: Responsibly speed facility permitting. Continuing to lead in semiconductors
and other research-intensive, high-capital industries requires being constantly able to move beyond the
current generation of technology. That, in turn, often requires building next-generation facilities in
short time frames. Improving permitting could yield a step change in the pace of U.S. semiconductor
foundry innovation.
The permitting process provides important public benefits, examining projects to determine
whether they meet public objectives, including minimizing environmental and community
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
impact, which companies are not always economically incentivized to do. The combination of
the current Federal and state permitting and review processes, however, can be slow,
unpredictable, and lacking in transparency.
Within the semiconductor industry, some executives identify current implementation of the
Federal Clean Air Act (CAA) as the primary barrier to responsible and timely facility permitting.
Under the CAA, two main permitting programs are likely to be relevant to the semiconductor
industry: a preconstruction permit and an operating permit.
Each of these programs has
specific applicability thresholds; however, generally, these permits are issued by State and local
air agencies. In most circumstances, for both types of permits, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has the opportunity to review a draft permit and provide any
comments to the State or local permitting authority. For some large projects, the permitting
process can take 1218 months. This can create significant barrier to planning and building new
manufacturing capacity in an industry where speed to market can be very important, given the
pace of competition and innovation.
To responsibly accelerate facility permitting, we recommend simplifying the existing permitting
process for high-technology facilities and carefully providing opportunities for speedier review:
1. The Federal government should review Federal permitting for high-technology facilities to
identify important areas where regulations or procedures are redundant with state rules
and might therefore be modified or removed. A first step would be for Congress to request
that the Government Accountability Office provide an assessment of areas with significant
overlap and identify any that have large impacts on semiconductor foundry investment.
2. EPA should create additional “fast track” permitting options and review existing ones to
ensure that they are operating as intended. While the Federal government may need to
conduct a more thorough review for brand new facilities, “fast track” options could focus on
companies building new fabrication facilities at existing sites. States are leading the way
herefor example, the State of Oregon has developed a Plant Site Emissions Limit (PSEL)
program, which assigns to all facilities in the state an emissions cap that they must operate
under for all CAA-covered pollutants. As long as a facility remains under its cap, it can make
many types of operational changes, including expansions, without significant oversight by
the State or EPA. Indeed the EPA has already adopted provisions similar to the Oregon PSEL
program in the Federal New Source Review (NSR) rules as part of a 2002 reform. EPA should
consult with industry to verify that these reforms are functioning as intended, make
modifications as appropriate, and identify additional fast track approaches that might be
3. Congress should provide funds to increase staff capacity at EPA and other relevant agencies
to handle the permitting process. While some applications need significant review, a major
bottleneck in the permitting review process can be insufficient capacity.
2009-10-06/pdf/E9-23794.pdf, and
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
4. Developing a “LeapfrogStrategy for Continuing
U.S. Leadership
The United States will not remain a semiconductor leader if it confines its efforts to making it cheaper
and easier to build today’s semiconductors and opposing damaging Chinese industrial policy.
Ultimately, to maintain a strong and globally competitive semiconductor industry, the United States
needs an economic and policy environment that fosters innovation and keeps the U.S. industry at the
technological frontier.
The United States last faced a major challenge to semiconductor competitiveness and innovation in the
1980s. The U.S. government responded through technology policies that focused on continuous
improvement in computing speed based on existing technology fundamentals (which required
significant technological innovation). A successful strategy today must be different for the two reasons
described in Chapter 1looming limits to CMOS technology and fundamental shifts in the
semiconductor marketthat now emphasize other performance dimensions beyond processing speed.
Additionally, the diversity of computing systems has blossomed dramatically in the last 30 years,
revealing a greater variety of solutions beyond today’s CMOS technologies that are capable of whole
new paradigms of computing.
These circumstances mean that the role of government will need to be supporting rather than central.
Government procurement is only a small part of the semiconductor marketnot enough for
government to cause a wholesale change to how semiconductor technology is pursued. While total U.S.
government spending on all non-defense R&D was $65.9 billion in 2015, the semiconductor industry
alone nearly matched this level of R&D spending at $55.4 billion. But U.S. policymakers can help a
diffuse set of players in academia, industry, and government laboratories organize around important
common goals and support catalytic activities that remove obstacles to fundamental technological and
industry progress. This approach lies somewhere between “top-down” and “bottom-up:” government
should set ambitious and clear goals, rather than assuming that all progress is equally useful and support
only key activities, rather than trying to comprehensively dictate all activities. In short, semiconductor
innovation should not be viewed as an independent goalrather, it must be part of broader innovation
in the ways semiconductors are used.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
Focus Areas
We recommend that U.S. policymakers carefully select ambitious challenges, which we call
“moonshots,” as focal points for industry, government, and academic efforts to drive computing and
semiconductor innovation forward together. These moonshots are aspirational goals with society-wide
benefitslike developing affordable desktop semiconductor fabrication capabilities that could take the
place of a billion dollar fabrication facility and allow the production of small batches of structures; using
3D printing at the nanoscale to connect “hard” electronic materials with “soft” biological materials,
which could be the foundation of a zero-day bio-threat detection network; or a commercial, gate-based
quantum computer to work on large-scale problems.
The purpose of selecting a goal is that it will
catalyze activity that will accelerate innovation and create new technologies and systems that can then
be used more widely. The Apollo program itselfthe original moonshotdid just this: it captured the
imagination by setting a big, important goal that ultimately drove fundamental technological advances
of much broader value.
Our recommended approach to designing the moonshots is driven by the fact that the future of
semiconductors and computing lies in innovating along multiple dimensions: new ways of performing
calculations (such as non-von Neumann and approximate computing), utilization of materials other than
silicon (such as carbon nanotubes and DNA for computation and storage), and novel approaches to
integrating semiconductors into the devices we use (such as embedding into fabrics and the Internet of
Things). (For further discussion of opportunities for innovation, see Appendix A, particularly Table A1.)
This contrasts with the traditional approach associated with Moore’s Law of focusing most innovation
into regularly doubling the number of transistors on a chip. A focus on innovating along multiple
dimensions, many of which are novel, also plays to capabilities where the U.S.-based innovators are
particularly strong. The specific moonshots are therefore crafted with an eye toward capturing the
imagination and driving innovation along multiple dimensions, which should attract a wide range of
Government should loosely coordinate industry, government, and academic efforts around solving these
moonshots, with an aim to drive innovation with broader payoffs. Government will also almost certainly
need to back these efforts with significant, catalytic funding to overcome the risks associated with
radical innovation. Four principles should guide the design and selection of moonshots to strengthen
semiconductor competitiveness and innovation:
1. Applications-driven approach. Policymakers should take an application-driven approach to
innovation. This means that each moonshot that policymakers select should be chosen with the
goal of motivating progress in one or more semiconductor-enabled applications of significant
economic or strategic importance that currently lack adequate technological solutions. Put another
A zero-day bio-threat detection network is infrastructure to catch undisclosed software vulnerabilities that may
enable biological or chemical weapons. A zero-day bio-threat detection network is infrastructure to detect
previously unseen biological threats that may result from chemical or biological weapons. A quantum computer is
one that runs on qubits, and is the quantum analog of classical computer that runs on classical bits. Similarly,
quantum gates are analogous to classical logic gates, which implement Boolean functions, but in the case of
quantum computers these quantum gates form quantum circuits which perform the manipulations of the
quantum information state.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
way, these moonshots should be selected so that the process of attempting to solve them can be
expected to yield major general-purpose advances in semiconductor technology and related
computing innovation. The R&D should integrate efforts from top-level applications through
component technologies. This approach can provide coherence to a sprawling space, is more likely
to attract sustained funding and buy-in from the agencies that will ultimately be responsible for
carrying the work out, and can motivate individual scientists and engineers to develop new
advances. It also reflects the fact that developing such applications can be broadly beneficial to
society in ways that are not reflected in profits they generate for those who develop them.
2. Ten-year time horizon. Policymakers should focus on projects where the right technological
approach could, in principle, yield a breakthrough solution in less than ten years. This means that
this effort will need to focus on strategies to move existing research to market.
3. Compensate for weak industry investment. Key application domains (clusters of applications) can be
broken down into those with stronger and weaker interest from industry. Certain areaslike big
data analytics, artificial intelligence, and autonomous systemshave strong industry interest, as
they are more easily monetized in conjunction with their existing business interests. These are likely
to receive adequate funding and industry-led support by companies to develop leapfrog
technologies for their own business reasons within ten years. For these domains, the government
should simply help accelerate where appropriate, on an ad hoc basis, primarily as a funder of
foundational research and as an early adopter of these new systems. Other domainssuch as
advanced materials science, advanced manufacturing, and modeling and simulationare critical to
the U.S. economy and would be widely utilized by industry, but the consuming industries lack the
capabilities to build these leading-edge systems as part of their own business strategies. In these
cases, in addition to funding research, the government should play a more active role coordinating
early purchases and facilitating industry collaborations on moonshots that accelerate progress in
these domains to ensure that promising technologies are ultimately commercialized. A table with
more detailed examples is included below.
4. Reduce design costs. The cost to design complex integrated circuits is increasing rapidly, stifling the
ability to design systems that focus on tailored applications. The Federal government should invest
in R&D that makes it as easy to design hardware as software. For example, the government could
support the development of tools akin to the modern computer-aided design tools that emerged in
the 1980s, with the goal of reducing design costs by one to two orders of magnitude. These tools
will also enable the same design to be used for a range of technologies.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
Table 1. Examples of key application domains that will benefit from advances in semiconductors.
Strong Industry Interest
(Government Support)
Weak Industry Interest
(Government Leadership)
Big Data Analytics
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Biotechnologies, Human Health Technologies
Robotics, Autonomous Systems
Telepresence, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality
Machine Vision
Speech Recognition and Synthesis
Nanoscale Systems and Manufacturing
Ultra-High Performance Wireless
Holistic Secure Systems
Computational Chemistry
Advanced Materials Science and
Modeling and Simulation
Space Technologies
Recommendation 4.1: Execute moonshot challenges. The National Science and Technology Council
(NSTC) should form a Subcommittee on Semiconductor Moonshots under its Committee on Technology
to coordinate the selection, development, and execution of moonshot challenges. The membership
should include officials from the Executive Office of the President (National Economic Council, Office of
Big Data Analytics: Local real-time data analysis and visualization enabled by advances in security, low-power
computation, and processor specialization.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Supervised and unsupervised machine learning enabled by new
processors, including low-power processers, graphics processing units, and quantum computers.
Biotechnologies, Human Health Technologies: Medical implants that are capable of ultra-low power processing,
communications, and wireless charging.
Robotics, Autonomous Systems: Speech and image recognition for mobile computing.
Telepresence, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality: Local real-time sensory input, such as video and graphics.
Machine Vision: Imaging-based automatic inspection and analysis for applications such as process control and
robot guidance.
Speech Recognition and Synthesis: Portable systems enabling recognition and artificial production of human
Nanoscale Systems and Manufacturing: Democratized, small-batch fabrication structures at the nanoscale using
a variety of material classes. For example, point-of-use nanoscale 3D Printers may provide desktop-sized
fabrication capabilities for rapid prototyping novel interfaces between traditional “hard” electronic materials and
“soft” biological materials.
Ultra-High Performance Wireless: Wireless systems with very low latency and extremely reliable
communications, for example, between autonomous vehicles.
Holistic Secure Systems: hardware-based defense in-depth, such as tamper resistant hardware that
electronically authenticates software integrity.
Computational Chemistry: Design of novel solutions for catalysis, low-temperature nitrogen fixation, etc.
Advanced Materials Science and Manufacturing: Simulation of solid state materials, etc.
Modeling and Simulation: Efficient exascale computing to enable advanced earthquake prediction (CMOS-based
high-performance computing capable of 1-10 exaflops), high-fidelity weather modeling (superconducting-based
hyperscale computing capable of 10-100 exaflops), and optimization problems (quantum computing).
Space Technologies: radiation hardness through circuit design and technologies (e.g., wide-bandgap electronics)
rather than special manufacturing processes (e.g., insulating substrates or shielding).
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
Science and Technology Policy, National Security Council) and relevant Agencies (Department of
Defense, Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services,
Department of Transportation, Department of Homeland Security, National Science Foundation).
This interagency group would coordinate the selection and prioritization of the moonshots
across the U.S. government. For each moonshot, the group would identify: (i) a lead agency to
host the moonshot, (ii) the resources required for achieving the moonshot, and (iii) the timeline
for execution. The group should focus on moonshots that have common commercial and U.S.
government interests. In each case, the moonshot should be chosen remembering that the goal
is to drive advances in systems and component technologies that not only solve the particular
problem, but also provide a general capability that can be subsequently used to address other
problems without completely new breakthroughs.
In addition, for each moonshot, an advisory group across industry, government, and academia
should be established. The purpose of this group would be to help identify the right people and
resources to address the moonshot. The group would help identify companies and people to
engage, determine sources of funding and other resources, and provide additional feedback and
support to the lead agency throughout the process. A similar approach was used by the
National Nanotechnology Initiative to launch a Grand Challenge for Future Computing.
The Subcommittee, along with the lead agency, would determine the appropriate government
tools for achieving the moonshot. A standard approach is government acquisition, where
agencies contract mission-relevant products or services, and the contractor performs applied
research and development to bridge the gap between off-the-shelf products and the mission
requirements. In many cases, the technologies developed to meet the mission requirements
are also valued by other agencies and the commercial marketplace. While the development of
new technologies is often incidental to product acquisition, new methods are emerging that
explicitly recognize technology development. For example, the “progress payment” model
specifies incremental payments when technical milestones are reached, which may be beneficial
for semiconductor-related technology development. For several additional ideas, see Box 3.
Tools to Reach Moonshots.
The following three examples of moonshots show further how such an effort could catalyze
semiconductor innovation. These examples illustrate the integration and application of the guiding
principles, and have been developed with the goals of capturing the imagination, motivating ambition,
and catalyzing innovation along multiple dimensions. They are offered as examples and starting points
for discussion and debateincluding over the feasibility of executing the moonshots within the next
decadeand for creative thinking about additional moonshots.
1. Development of a zero day bio-threat detection network, which would identify previously unknown
threats (for example, some unexpected types of biological or chemical agents). This would require
innovation in the following areas: (i) design of advanced and low-cost bio-sensors, (ii) real-time data
The goal of the Grand Challenge is to “create a new type of computer that can proactively interpret and learn
from data, solve unfamiliar problems using what it has learned, and operate with the energy efficiency of the
human brain.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
analytics based on classic and machine learning algorithms to detect threats and anomalies, (iii)
ultra-secure and encrypted communications including methods such as post-quantum cryptography,
and (iv) real-time communications through this sensor network for rapid dissemination of threat
This effort could be sponsored by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (lead
agency), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA). The challenge could involve engaging with established and startup companies through
prizes and procurements of products for both domestic and battlefield monitoring of bio-threats.
While the ability to identify all zero-day bio-threats is unlikely to be achievable in the next ten years,
that should not deter innovators from driving toward transformative progress on that problem. The
technologies developed here could ultimately be applied more broadly in healthcare, battlefield
sensing and communications, and population health surveillance activities.
2. Development of a high efficiency, domain-focused architecture to produce a system for 1-kilometer-
resolution Global Weather Forecasting that consumes less than 5 megawatts (i.e., has unusually low
power needs); is not CMOS-based; includes non-Von Neumann computing elements that allow for
parallel processing (non-von Neumann architectures) and/or approximate computing methods; and
can be designed and programmed using high-level programming models.
(Prescribing a set of
technological solutions here would help ensure that this effort yields more broadly valuable
advances. Recall that the goal is to yield innovative, generally reusable component technologies and
systems, and not a hard-coded machine to do weather forecasting.) This could be sponsored by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (lead agency), Department of Energy
(DOE), and Department of Defense (DOD). The challenge could involve engaging with Federally
Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) and National Labs along with university and
corporate teams to design competitions with prizes and subsequent procurement with progress
payments to actually deploy the winning concept. This project would have many potential benefits,
both as a result of fine-grained weather event forecasting globally, but also the ability to deploy this
regionally and perhaps even aboard ships in a reduced capability way. New programming
architectures developed here could also be applied to other important problems, potentially
reducing cost, power and time-to-market for those solutions.
3. Development of commercial quantum computers capable of handling computational chemistry and
materials science problems needed to develop and deploy a pilot version of a high-scale, zero-
carbon, cost-competitive energy system to power a large government base or National Lab.
work could be sponsored by DOE (lead agency) and DOD and build on existing interagency efforts,
Post-quantum cryptography covers methods that are secure against attack by a quantum computer.
Non-Von Neumann computing elements are computing elements that allow for data-driven parallel processing;
Existing efforts should build on prior work, including:
,;; and
Such a quantum computer should be gate-based (i.e., have a quantum analog for the classical logic gate in a
conventional digital circuit), providing for the general purpose programming of quantum circuits to implement
arbitrary algorithms. The physical qubits (the quantum analog of the classical bit, which tend to have impractically
short lifetimes) could have various constructions, but after error correction should provide a minimum of 100
logical qubits and grow exponentially larger as the technologies mature.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
including the National Strategic Computation Initiative. The challenge could involve engaging with
FFRDC and National Labs along with university and corporate teams to design competitions with
prizes and subsequent procurement with progress payments to actually deploy the winning concept.
Relatively small, commercial quantum computers would be able to solve modeling problems in
physical systems that cannot be solved by even the largest traditional computers. The underlying
technologies would lead to advances in chemistry and materials that could have broad application
across the economy, including in energy storage, generation, transmission, and pollution-related
issues This exemplifies the concept of a moonshot in that it is driven by a big problem that matters,
and fundamental semiconductor innovations, given that, to the best of our knowledge, these
problems cannot readily be solved by current technologies or envisioned extensions of current
technologies, . This would also allow the beginning of the process of developing a cadre of
technologists and scientists who will lead the world in the challenges associated with using these
radically different forms of computation. Quantum computers are also likely to have application in
machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.
Box 3. Tools to Reach Moonshots
There are a number of best-practice models that have already been tested within the government
and can be used to reach moonshots. While a typical tool used is government procurement, here are
four additional tools that could be drawn on:
1. Incentive Prize. An agency could host an incentive prize to encourage teams across industry
and academia to solve a moonshot that agency is hosting within a timeframe. The winning
team of the incentive prize should be rewarded in a way that allows them to actually deploy
the winning concept such as through funding or a government procurement agreement.
This model has been used by many U.S. government agencies to address a wide variety of
technology challenges, including to accelerate the development of technologies for self-
driving cars, automated cybersecurity, and overcoming spectrum scarcity.
2. U.S. Government Fellowship. Once moonshots are selected, the Subcommittee on
Semiconductor Moonshots could bring on two fellows per projectone from industry and
one from academiafor 1-2 years to work together on assembling and running a team to
tackle the moonshot and on coordinating external resources (such as funding and research).
3. Collaborative Institute. The government could create a collaborative institute that brings
together resources from industry, academia, and government. These shared facilities could
support a range of activities, including early-stage research, small-batch production and
implementation, technology transfer, and loosely coordinated R&D. An example model is the
Manufacturing USA Institutes, which the U.S. government developed based on a PCAST
4. Industry-Led Venture Capital Consortium. The number of Series A deals for chip-only ventures
has been declining over the last 15 years due to the long time to revenue, the relatively large
investment required, few IPO successes, and less investment from traditional sources.
Industry could increase venture funding by creating a venture consortium that invests
collectively in next-generation technologies. If necessary, the U.S. government could make
anti-trust exceptions as it did in the 1980s for SEMATECH. The U.S. government could also
consider co-investing through organizations such as DARPA and the Advanced Research
Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
5. Conclusion
Semiconductor innovation long has been an engine of U.S. economic prosperity and national security.
Today it faces major technological, market, and geopolitical challenges. A concerted effort in
partnership among the Federal government, State and local governments, industry, and academia is
critical to fully meeting those challenges.
This report has focused mainly on recommendations for the U.S. Federal government; however,
important parts of what it proposesparticularly around long-term innovationcan be pursued by
industry, non-Federal government, and academia without Federal government involvement, albeit with
less success. Our proposal for loose coordination around moonshots, for example, could be led by non-
profit consortia that include industry and academic participants if the Federal government chooses not
to lead. Federal money, organization, and diplomatic influence can often fill gaps that private efforts
will never meetbut, in other cases, leadership from outside government can be just as effective.
That said, we strongly recommend a coordinated Federal effort to influence and respond to Chinese
industrial policy, strengthen the U.S. business environment for semiconductor investment, and lead
partnerships with industry and academia to advance the boundaries of semiconductor innovation.
Doing is essential to sustaining U.S. leadership, advancing the U.S. and global economies, and keeping
the Nation secure.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
Appendix A. Moonshots – Methodology and Exemplars
This appendix expands the moonshot concept introduced in Recommendation 4.1 in the body of this report.
The methodology section provides context for how the moonshots were developed and a roadmap for creating
additional moonshots, either industry-led or government-led. The remainder of the appendix provides
additional example moonshots.
A.1 Methodology
Each moonshot vertically integrates technologies across the entire compute stack, from the top-level application
down to the component technologies, in order to sufficiently nurture transformative ideas and create a more
sustainable competitive advantage for the United States. The technology stack has the following traditional
layers (from top to bottom):
1. Ultimate Software Application
2. Application Programming Model
3. Platform Software Services
4. Platform Programming Model
5. Operating Systems Services
6. Computer System Architectures (processing, storage, and interconnect at every scale)
7. Component Technologies
Traditional CMOS semiconductor technologies and von Neumann system architectures have dominated system
development. This has been driven by the economic and performance implications of Moore’s Law, and a
robust ecosystem of consistent tools and a large workforce which has developed in support. As performance
gains in CMOS semiconductor technologies become more elusive, newer technology options are more
compelling than in the past, but the supporting ecosystem is often lacking. Moonshots based on combinations
of new technologies can jump start the development of the corresponding ecosystem.
A.1.1 Overall Approach
PCAST’s methodology assumes an application-driven approach to fostering innovation. Desired progress in a
particular application domain provides concrete goals for a particular moonshot, but the resulting advances in
the underlying technologies are almost universally more broadly applicable. Application domains considered by
PCAST are summarized in Table 1 in the body of the document. Moonshots are chosen so that at least some
experts in the field believe that achieving them within ten years is feasible.
After identifying a promising application domain, PCAST considered potential options for realizing the
technology stack described above. They considered options on three distinct dimensions: computing systems
architectures, computing modalities, and component technologies (Table A1). Ideally, a moonshot envisions
solution which requires a technology stack requiring interdependent innovations along one or more of these
axes, and which helps spur innovation beyond the current technology base. The goal is for these moonshots to
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
result in innovations that can be used for other general scientific, engineering, or economically valuable
A.1.2 Computer System Architectures
Von Neumann: Changes in technology to accommodate post-Moore’s Law realities, such as multi-core CPUs
with different, complex memory hierarchies, will demand new engineering paradigms across the existing
range of traditional Von Neumann architectures for digital computation.
Quantum: Quantum Computing has the potential to substantially advance our compute capabilities and
solve currently intractable problems. There are several quantum architectural approaches which may
support different strategic domains, and along different timelines. These approaches, in rough order of
likely deployment, are: analog quantum simulation; adiabatic quantum annealing; and circuit-based
quantum computing.
Bio/neuro-inspired (neuromorphic computing): Biologically-inspired power consumption and “topology” of
the circuitry (using three dimensions, more like the brain), analogous to how radio networks are now
designed in the post-Shannon Limit era.
Analog computing: Analog computing approaches predate digital computing and in theory can solve some
problems that are intractable on digital computers. In practice, digital computing techniques have
overtaken analog computing, but advances in noise minimization could allow solutions in some areas.
Special purpose architectures: Field-programmable gate arrays, graphics processing units, and deep
learning/machine learning accelerators, including for edge computing.
Approximate Computing: Performing bounded approximation instead of exact calculations for error-
tolerant tasks (such as multimedia processing, machine learning, and signal processing), significantly
increasing efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
A.1.3 Computing Modalities
Embedded systems: Specialized semiconductors, ranging from high-volume/low-cost for applications like
Internet of Things (IoT) devices to low-volume/high-cost semiconductors for robotics or defense systems.
Power efficiency requirements will vary by application (harvesting energy from the ambient environment
versus dedicated power sources, respectively). Flexibility and agility in fabrication and design will be needed
to maintain profitability.
Personal/Portable systems: Desktop, mobile, and wearable computing devices. These are frequently
battery-powered computational devices, which will be optimized for performance, price, and power
efficiency. General purpose computing will be augmented by accelerators, sensor add-ons, and other
function augmenting ICTs.
Hyperscale systems: Supercomputing devices for “remote” computation that will be aggregated to form the
most powerful systems that can be produced in each architectural class. These systems are expected to
solve otherwise intractable problems; or, for classical architectures, to maximize performance within
practical power constraints. Emerging architectures providing new capabilities and domain-specific
optimizations will become increasingly important as performance increases lag and practical power limits
are reached in traditional computing architectures.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
Table A1. Selected component technology vectors that have a high probability of deployment in ten years
(* denotes more speculative deployment within this timeframe)
Time-frame to
first commercial
Approach to achieving and retaining competitive
Available now
Continued R&D into new architectures coupled with 3D
technologies and new materials, Deep Learning accelerators (for
mobile and data center applications), and applications for true
brain-inspired computing
Available now
Foundries for tools and materials R&D; integrate photonics with
CMOS and other materials
Available now
Foundries for tools and materials R&D; integrate new
types/classes of sensors with CMOS and other materials
CMOS (sub 7nm
node size or new
3D structures)*
Advances in thermal
management available
with new process nodes
Deep understanding of transistor physics and chipset architecture
and related design know-how; foundries and labs for transistor
and materials R&D
1-2 years (MRAM as
eFlash), 3 years (as DRAM),
5-7 years (as SRAM)
Foundries for tools and materials R&D; integrate magnetics with
CMOS and other materials
2-3 years (wafer-to-wafer
stacking), 4-5 years (die-to-
wafer stacking), 5-7
(Monolithic 3D)
Deep understanding of applications space and benefits associated
use of 3D technologies and design know-how; foundries for tools
and materials R&D; design automation tool R&D
Data-flow based
3-4 years
Continued architecture R&D, coupled with materials, integration,
and manufacturing; build an ecosystem for solutions using data-
flow based architectures
wireless systems
3 years (5G), 10-12 years
Continued R&D in new materials and processes, antenna design
advances, chipset manufacturing, and integration
Advanced non-
volatile memory as
5+ years
Deep understanding of applications space and chipset
Carbon nanotubes
and phase change
5-7 years
Foundries/labs for materials R&D for hardware architectures;
chipset designs to leverage these technologies
5-10 years
R&D towards low power, highly integrated, high performance
processing, high-data rate communications, wireless charging;
couple R&D with clinical research to create, build, and evaluate
on new materials and interfaces
< 10 years
Pre-competitive R&D labs for new materials; foundries for new
materials and hardware architectures; tools for quantum
algorithms and software programming with various architectural
Nanoscale 3D
Available now
Desktop fab capabilities for rapid prototyping, additive
manufacturing, moving beyond silicon and interfacing with soft
matter, and small batch production
DNA for compute
and storage*
10+ years
Multi-disciplinary basic research in efficiently and reliably reading
and writing and retrieving DNA strands
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
A.2 Sample Moonshots
A.2.1 Bioelectronics for sensory replacement and implantable neuro-stimulation for control
of chronic conditions.
Context: Implantable medical devices are currently used for treatment of a limited set of conditions, such as
Parkinson’s disease, but their application is limited by size, power consumption, and inefficient electronic-
biological interfaces.
Goal: With a concerted effort by the electronics and semiconductor industry, clinicians, surgeons, and
neuroscientists, we can develop implantable medical devices for important new classes of conditions, including:
Restoring sight or hearing to someone with sight or hearing loss by connecting implantable devices for
vision and sound to the visual or auditory cortex
Alleviating chronic conditions, including pain and all auto-immune conditions, with tiny implants and
non-invasive surgery
Challenges/Innovation: Achieving these goals would demand simultaneous advances in semiconductor
Ultra-miniaturization to enable non-invasive surgery and enable implanting in the brain or on the
peripheral nerves
Enhanced processor performance to enable executing complex algorithms such as those based on
machine learning or sophisticated signal processing in the implant
Ultra-efficient electronics to enable implants powered by energy harvesting or fast and extremely
convenient wireless charging (such as through ultrasound)
These advances would need to be paired with application-specific innovations, including:
Materials for improved neuron/nerve interfaces and power transfer between the electronics and the
brain/nervous system
Advanced robotic surgery and surgical tools, to handle the small implant reliably
Key Government Stakeholders: The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Health and Human Services (HHS).
Potential supporting roles for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Intelligence Advanced
Research Projects Activity (IARPA), and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Other Potential Applications: Advances in sensors may support “smart dust” technologies, where microscopic
sensors that float in the air record and transmit basic measurements for environmental control or enhanced
weather prediction. Enhanced processor performance and efficiency would likely benefit hyperscale systems,
which maximize performance within practical power constraints. Advanced materials may also apply to neuro-
inspired computing platforms. Advances in robotics will support a broad range of national needs, including
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
advanced manufacturing, logistics, services, transportation, homeland security, defense, medicine, healthcare,
space exploration, environmental monitoring, and agriculture.
A.2.2 Threat Detection Network
Context: The technology to develop and deploy biological, chemical, and nuclear threats has become
increasingly accessible, but our ability to detect these threats has not kept pace. Smart phones and IoT devices,
in combination with cellular service and the Internet, form a vast sensing and communication network that
could offer early detection and efficient warning for these threats.
Goal: Develop a high-speed biological, chemical, and/or nuclear threat detection network through deployment
of electronic devices that incorporate chemical, bio-chemical, spectral imaging, and radiation sensors in addition
to sensors for primary functions, that would cut detection times by an order of magnitude. Benefits would
Early detection of toxic biological, chemical, and/or nuclear materials could facilitate intervention by
first responders before deployment and ensure medical personnel are appropriately equipped for an
evolving event
Ubiquitous sensing and robust communications after a nuclear event would facilitate appropriate
guidance to the public based on location (e.g., whether to shelter in place, or safest escape routes)
reducing casualties from fallout
Challenges/Innovation: Achieving these goals would demand simultaneous advances in semiconductor
Advances in special purpose processor design to support real-time data analytics based on classic and
machine learning algorithms in edge devices to detect biological threats
Ultra-Secure cryptographic algorithms to simultaneously authenticate sensor data and protect privacy of
device owners
These advances would need to be paired with application-specific innovations, including:
Design of advanced and low-cost sensors (chemical, biochemical, multi-spectral imaging, and others)
that are also easily integrated into devices such as smartphones, automobiles, buildings, security
cameras, and other IoT devices
Real-time communication protocols for rapid dissemination of threat information
Key Government Stakeholders: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and NSF. Potential supporting
roles for DARPA, IARPA, and NIST.
Other Potential Applications: The sensor advances developed in this moonshot would also contribute to the
realization of “smart dust” technologies (see moonshot A.2.1 for details). Advances in special purpose processor
design to support real-time data analytics and machine learning in edge devices would offer significant benefits
in autonomous systems such as self-driving vehicles.
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
A.2.3 Distributed Electric Grid
Context: Renewable energy offers significant benefits to society, but these sources amplify long standing
electrical grid challenges such as balancing demand and supply. Traditional power plants generate power
efficiently in a steady state, but are costly to bring on- and off-line. A decentralized power system, where
distributed generation meets local demand, or distributed electric grid has the potential to better leverage the
complete portfolio of power technologies.
Goal: Through a suite of advances in novel power generation methods and energy storage (e.g., batteries),
application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to energy management, standalone energy systems,
local energy distribution, and real-time communications protocols, technology advances would accelerate the
realization of distributed electrical grid that would:
Efficiently leverage renewable energy resources, including cost-effective storage when supply exceeds
Rapidly and efficiently add power from storage traditional technologies when renewable energy sources
are not available
Challenges/Innovation: Achieving these goals would demand simultaneous advances in semiconductor
Advances in special purpose processor design to support real-time data analytics based on classic and
machine learning algorithms in edge devices to optimize electrical usage and minimize cost
Design of advanced power electronics, utilizing wide bandgap semiconductors, for inverters, frequency
control and voltage stability
These advances would need to be paired with application-specific innovations, including:
Energy storage technologies with greater energy density and cost efficiency
Standalone energy systems with a mix of sources to counter unpredictability of energy generation (and
integration of energy generation and consumption with as co-generation and electric vehicle-to-local
Local energy distribution grid and related communication network
Key Government Stakeholders: The Department of Energy (DOE) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
Potential supporting roles in energy management for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and in
semiconductor technology research for NSF, DARPA, IARPA, and NIST.
Other Potential Applications: Advances in special purpose processor design to support real-time data analytics
and machine learning in edge devices would offer significant benefits in autonomous systems such as self-
driving vehicles. Advanced electronics for inverters, frequency control and voltage stability would likely benefit
advanced manufacturing facilities. Advances in energy storage capacity would benefit electric vehicles and a
myriad of consumer products.
A.2.4 Global Weather Forecasting
Context: Due to the longstanding success of Moore’s Law, the computing and semiconductor industry are
optimized for a world where general purpose microprocessors provide dependable performance increases and
Ensuring Long-Term U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors
cost reductions to von Neumann based applications. As maintaining Moore’s Law becomes more difficult,
industry must look to new sources for performance increases and cost reduction.
Goal: Develop a global weather forecasting system with a fidelity of 1 km and power consumption less than 5
MW using an innovative, high-efficiency, domain-focused architecture. This level of fidelity would support
explicit inclusion of cumulus clouds in weather simulation and modeling. Advances in systems architecture,
along with new design methods and tools for hardware and software development, required to field such a
system would also offer:
Alternative component technologies to achieve the performance increases but with much lower power
than historically provided by Moore’s Law-advances.
Support innovation through integration of radical computer architecture, and attendant software
technologies while retaining the potential for re-use in other applications.
Challenges/Innovation: Achieving these goals would demand simultaneous advances in the following
semiconductor technologies:
Advances in theory and tools for system architects to create domain-focused architectures
Advances in design tools that reduce the cost and time for hardware design (e.g., special purpose
processor design) to parity with software development
Advances in hardware design tools that enhance portability so that existing weather mode designs and
related software algorithms can move to radically new underlying technologies, greatly accelerating our
ability to bring new integrated circuit technologies to the market
These advances would need new programming approaches that are less dependent on architecture or hardware
but fully leverage the performance of the underlying system
Key Government Stakeholders: The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and
Department of Defense (DOD).
Other Potential Applications: Tools for rapid and portable hardware design will support innovative hardware
design for all strategic domains and will accelerate the adoption of emerging integrated circuit technologies.
New programming approaches that ease programming of special purpose devices will accelerate their adoption
in low cost (e.g., IoT) devices, accelerating a shift to processing in edge devices. New programming approaches
that are less dependent upon system architectures would also benefit traditional supercomputing, alleviating
workforce shortages and reducing the cost of porting software to successive generations of systems.
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology (PCAST)