A new authorised fund regime for investing in
long term assets
Policy Statement
October 2021
Financial Conduct Authority
A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
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This relates to
Consultation Paper 21/12
which is available on our website at
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1 Summary 4
2 The long-term asset fund 9
3 Permitted links rules 26
4 Distribution 32
Annex 1
List of non-confidential respondents 37
Annex 2
Abbreviations used in this paper 39
Appendix 1
Made rules (legal instrument)
Financial Conduct Authority
A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
Contents by sector
This table sets out which chapters are particularly relevant for each sector. This is
where you will find the most relevant chapter(s) for your firm.
Sector Chapter
Fund managers
1, 2, 4
1, 2, 3
Chapter 1
Financial Conduct Authority
A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
1 Summary
1.1 This Policy Statement (PS) sets out our response to the feedback we received to
Consultation Paper CP21/12 proposing a new category of authorised open-ended
fund called the long-term asset fund (LTAF). It also details the final rules and guidance
that we are introducing following the consultation.
1.2 The LTAF regime creates a category of authorised open-ended fund designed
specifically to facilitate investment in long-term, illiquid assets. Illiquid assets include
venture capital, private equity, private debt, real estate and infrastructure. They can
provide a useful alternative investment opportunity for investors able to bear the
risks of such investments. The ability to invest in illiquid assets, through appropriately
designed and managed investment vehicles, is also important in supporting economic
growth and the transition to a low carbon economy. Such investments can be higher
risk than diversified portfolios of listed equities or bonds but have the potential for
higher long-term returns in return for less or no immediate liquidity.
1.3 Evidence suggests that even some investors with long-term investment horizons are
not investing in long-term assets due to barriers, or perceived barriers, to doing so.
For instance, default arrangements of defined contribution (DC) pension schemes
commonly choose not to invest significantly in these assets, despite the long-term
nature of their investment horizons. If DC schemes were to invest in long-term illiquid
assets their expected returns would likely increase on average over time, although
potentially at higher risk.
1.4 The rules and guidance in this PS aim to address 2 barriers that stakeholders say
hamper investment in long-term illiquid assets, that:
there is no UK authorised open-ended fund structure that enables investment in
long-term illiquid assets while offering appropriate structural safeguards
the permitted links rules for unit-linked insurance hinder investment in illiquid
1.5 Open-ended funds that invest in illiquid underlying assets yet allow investors to
redeem their investment on any given day, without notice, create a liquidity mismatch.
This can be hard for the fund manager to deal with. The Bank of England’s Financial
Policy Committees (FPC) ‘Financial Stability Report’ (2019) judged that the mismatch
between redemption terms and the liquidity of some funds’ assets creates a potential
systemic risk. In creating an open-ended fund regime to invest in illiquid assets, we
have considered the observations of the FPC, and international bodies such as the
Financial Stability Board and the International Organisation of Securities Commissions
(IOSCO), on the financial stability risks of liquidity mismatch in open-ended funds.
1.6 As part of the Bank of England's and FCA’s review of open-ended funds, we established
there should be greater consistency between the liquidity of a fund’s assets and its
redemption terms. To address this, there must be consistency between the amount
of notice investors have to give to redeem their investment and how long it will
realistically take the LTAF to sell these assets. To set a minimum standard, we have
decided to require LTAFs to permit redemptions no more frequently than monthly, and
to have at least a 90-day notice period on redemptions.
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
1.7 We have tried to design an LTAF that has robust governance. It must also satisfy
appropriate regulatory standards to enable investors who understand the risks of
investing in long-term illiquid assets to invest with confidence. Given the regulatory
standards that LTAFs must meet, and following consultation feedback, we have
amended the distribution rules we proposed to enable LTAFs to be promoted to high
net worth individuals in addition to sophisticated and professional investors.
1.8 In line with our proposed consumer investments strategy, we do not want to impose
unnecessary restrictions on where consumers can invest. We want them to be able
to access suitable investments that are consistent with their attitude to risk. We
therefore plan to consult in 2022 on proposals to amend the rules further to enable a
broader range of consumers to invest in LTAFs in a controlled way.
Who this affects
1.9 This policy statement will primarily be of interest to:
asset managers with experience of managing illiquid, long-term assets
potential investors in long-term asset funds, like pension providers and trustees of
DC or hybrid pension schemes, and sophisticated or wealthy investors
investment advisers and private wealth managers
insurers who write unit-linked insurance business
fund distributors
The wider context of this policy statement
Our consultation
1.10 Establishing a new fund regime is only one step in creating an environment where
investment in longer-term, less liquid assets, by investors who understand the risks,
do not need immediate liquidity and have long-term investment horizons, can flourish.
To address wider matters, together with the Treasury and the Bank of England, we
convened an industry working group (the Productive Finance Working Group (PFWG)).
The PFWG has been considering how the wider ecosystem can operationally support
the LTAF as a non-daily dealing fund. It has published a report setting out a number
of recommendations to overcome the barriers to investing in long-term illiquid
investments via authorised open-ended funds. We have been engaging with the PFWG
throughout the development of the LTAF. We are also undertaking work to establish
how value for money in pensions can be measured more holistically considering both
performance and cost.
1.11 Our August 2020 consultation on certain types of property funds (CP20/15) proposed
a move to notice periods of between 90-180 days. Respondents to the consultation
noted that much of the wider operational infrastructure around the distribution of
open-ended funds currently only supports daily dealing funds. This infrastructure
will need to change to support funds with notice periods. We are considering the
recommendations from the PFWG together with the responses to CP21/12 to
determine the most appropriate next steps around property funds.
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Financial Conduct Authority
A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
How it links to our objectives
1.12 The final rules set out in this policy statement advance our operational objective of
promoting effective competition in the interest of consumers. They are also relevant
to our consumer protection and market integrity objectives.
1.13 We consider that the LTAF advances our strategic objective of ensuring that the
relevant markets function well because the LTAF structure addresses the market
failure that DC default pension schemes do not invest in long-term, illiquid assets,
despite having the investment horizon to do so. The LTAF has been designed to
secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers, by considering the degree
of risk from investing in a fund that is predominantly exposed to illiquid assets and
building protections into the structure that we believe are commensurate with the
risk. While these protections cannot remove all investment risk, we think that this
secures an appropriate level of consumer protection for investors to whom an LTAF
can be marketed or offered as part of a DC pension scheme default strategy. The LTAF
means that scheme members now have better opportunities to benefit from potential
illiquidity premiums of long-term illiquid assets. By requiring the LTAF’s redemption
terms to match the liquidity of the underlying investments, we consider this will help
advance our market integrity objective.
What we are changing
1.14 We are creating a new category of authorised fund called the LTAF, with its own distinct
chapter in the Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook (COLL), which forms part
of our Handbook. The framework provides flexibility to facilitate investment in long-
term illiquid assets combined with rules to address the specific risks these assets pose.
Outcome we are seeking
1.15 We want investment in long-term illiquid assets, including productive finance, to be a
viable option for investors with long-term investment horizons who understand and
are able to bear the risks of such investments, and who are seeking the potential for
higher long-term returns in return for less or no immediate liquidity.
1.16 We want funds investing in illiquid assets to have appropriate redemption terms
in place, including a mandatory notice period of at least 90 days. This will enable
the liquidity within the portfolio to be managed in a way that is fair to all investors.
Investment in productive finance assets is important for economic growth and
job creation. Without it, some long-term projects with good potential returns may
not happen. While the new LTAF fund structure will not address all the barriers to
investment in productive finance, we hope it will contribute to improving long-term
illiquid investment opportunities and will help promote effective competition.
Measuring success
1.17 If the new rules are successful, LTAFs will be launched and DC pension schemes will
choose to invest in them, increasing their exposure to long-term illiquid assets, and
improving the returns for their members in the longer term.
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Financial Conduct Authority
A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
Summary of feedback and our response
1.18 We received 46 written responses to CP21/12 and have engaged extensively with
stakeholders, including through the PFWG.
1.19 Respondents generally supported creating a new category of authorised fund to invest
in long-term, illiquid assets.
1.20 Some respondents argued that the proposed rules would not work as intended in
some areas, for example the rules around investing in loans and second schemes. We
have modified the rules to address the feedback.
1.21 We have addressed feedback on the role of the depositary in overseeing the
authorised fund manager’s (AFM) competence in valuing the fund. We have also
addressed other technical feedback on the drafting of the rules, including the
permitted links rules.
1.22 Given the nature of the investments permitted within an LTAF our CP said that we
did not expect any LTAFs to offer daily dealing but would not be prescriptive about
how liquidity issues could be addressed. We received feedback on this suggesting
that some firms could still try to seek authorisation for daily dealing LTAFs. We need
to reinforce our expectations and our position on the types of redemption terms
for LTAFs that are more likely to be appropriate, and to avoid LTAFs being developed
which we would not authorise. So we have set a minimum notice period of 90 days and
a requirement that LTAFs cannot offer redemptions more frequently than monthly.
These are minimum requirements and longer notice periods or less frequent dealing
are likely to be appropriate for some LTAFs. Managers must set appropriate terms and
redemption policies for an LTAF, ensuring they are consistent with the fund’s liquidity
profile and the investment strategy they are operating.
1.23 We have modified the Handbook provisions on the promotion of non-mainstream
pooled investments so that LTAFs can be promoted to high net worth investors
under these rules. However, firms should still have regard to their wider duties under
our principles and rules. In response to feedback, we plan to consult next year on
potentially changing the distribution restrictions on promoting LTAFs to a broader
range of retail investors.
1.24 We also plan to consult on amending the requirement for the depositary to be the legal
owner of an LTAF’s non-custodial assets. Where a firm wishes to launch an LTAF under
the rules we are now making, we will consider applications to waive this requirement
in accordance with the relevant statutory tests. Amongst other things, waiver
applications will need to satisfy us that proposed alternative custody arrangements
provide appropriate investor protection. We recommend firms approach us before
submitting a waiver application.
Equality and diversity considerations
1.25 In putting together the final rules and guidance in this PS, we have had due regard to
the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other
conduct prohibited under the Equality Act 2010, the need to advance equality of
opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do
Chapter 1
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
not, and the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant
protected characteristic and those who do not. Overall, we do not consider that
the rules and guidance in this PS adversely impact any of the groups with protected
characteristics ie age, disability, sex, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and
maternity, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.
However, we recognise that investing in LTAFs will require certain types of investor, for
example those close to retirement, to carefully consider when they might need to take
out the proceeds of their investment.
1.26 CP21/12 asked:
Q1: Do you consider that these proposals raise any equality and
diversity issues? If so, please provide further details and
suggest action we might take to address these.
1.27 None of the respondents to the consultation raised any concerns about equality and
diversity considerations.
Next steps
1.28 We set out the final Handbook text in Appendix 1. The new Handbook rules and
guidance will come into force on 15 November 2021. We encourage firms who are
considering making an authorisation application for an LTAF to engage with us prior to
submitting an application.
1.29 In Chapter 5 of CP21/12, we discussed broadening the LTAF distribution rules to a
wider retail audience in the future. We remain open to further broadening the base of
retail investors who can access the LTAF, and plan to consult on any proposals for rule
changes in the first half of 2022.
1.30 We also received feedback that the requirement for the depositary to register the
title to assets in its own name, rather than the name of the fund or the manager, is not
practical for all eligible assets that an LTAF might invest in. As this feedback applies
to other categories of fund and not just the LTAF, we aim to consult on alternative
registration options more broadly in the first half of 2022.
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
2 The long-term asset fund
2.1 This chapter provides a summary of feedback we received and sets out our response
to the issues raised, including areas where we are changing the rules in response to
Basis of regime: governance and disclosure
2.2 The basis of the LTAF regime that we proposed was strong governance and clear
disclosure. We set out in our consultation why we considered it appropriate for the
LTAF to operate to these standards. We asked:
Q2: Do you agree that clear disclosures and additional
governance (as set out in 3.9-3.13 and 3.39-3.43), in
addition to the existing rules, provide appropriate levels of
protection for potential investors in an LTAF? If not, what
alternative approach would you suggest?
2.3 Most stakeholders who responded to this question agreed with our proposal.
They noted that strong governance was important when dealing with illiquid long-
term assets. They also noted that clear disclosure would help investors and other
stakeholders, including advisers and depositaries.
2.4 Almost all respondents agreed that there should be independent directors on the
board of the AFM of an LTAF. They also agreed it was appropriate for a senior manager
within the AFM to have a prescribed responsibility to oversee that the LTAF was being
managed in the best interests of investors.
2.5 Some noted practical matters, such as situations where firms had different entities
managing authorised funds investing in liquid assets and unauthorised funds
investing in illiquid assets. They noted that there might be challenges in identifying
the right individual to take on the prescribed responsibility, and that our rules might
require a change of Chair. They also noted that, if the entity that currently operates
unauthorised funds was used to manage an LTAF, it would need to appoint non-
executive directors. Some noted that these firms may also need to add the regulatory
permission to manage authorised funds.
2.6 Some stakeholders argued that additional governance, beyond what we proposed,
would be desirable, such as an independent advisory committee. Some thought
that this should be required, while others argued that firms should be able to choose
whether to have additional governance.
2.7 We proposed that AFMs carry out an assessment, similar to the assessment of value
required for all authorised funds, of how an LTAF is being managed in the best interests
of the fund, its investors and the integrity of the market. Many stakeholders supported
this additional assessment but some raised concerns. Some argued that it would be
Chapter 2
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
too onerous, while others felt that it would lead to boiler-plate reporting. Some felt that
managers should be considering these factors anyway as part of the ‘quality of service
consideration of the assessment of value. Depositaries were concerned that there
might be an implication that the depositary would oversee the additional assessment.
2.8 Many respondents pointed out that the governance requirements for an LTAF were
higher than those required for a fund designed for professional investors. They argued
that managers would not choose to operate a fund with these additional requirements
unless it was possible to distribute it to some categories of retail investor.
Our response
We have considered the feedback and we will proceed with the rules and
guidance we consulted on in this area.
We have designed the LTAF regime to allow firms to manage authorised
funds with high levels of investment flexibility. We have established a
regulated investment framework that has additional controls over and
above those of unauthorised funds. The LTAF has been designed to
permit firms to set up authorised funds to give confidence and clarity to
potential investors about the standards to which they must operate.
LTAFs will be able to invest in a wide range of illiquid assets. Good
governance will be important in managing the risks of such investments.
We consider that the proposed governance requirements will secure
an appropriate degree of protection for investors in LTAFs and will help
provide investors with the confidence to invest in them.
We do not consider it appropriate to prescribe additional governance
requirements beyond what we consulted on. While some managers may
wish to add other governance features such as independent advisory
boards, we think it is appropriate to allow investors to decide whether
such additional features, and the costs associated with them, are
worthwhile. We would note that any additional governance features do
not remove the responsibility from the AFM for managing the fund in
accordance with our rules.
We consider that it is appropriate that firms who do not currently
manage authorised funds would need to get additional permissions
to manage an LTAF. We would encourage firms who want to manage
LTAFs to engage with our Firm Authorisations team where they do not
currently have the permission to manage an authorised AIF.
Our rules will require governing bodies of the AFM of an LTAF to have the
collective knowledge, skills and experience to be able to understand the
AFMs activities, in particular the main risks involved in those activities
and the assets in which the LTAF is invested. This is in line with existing
requirements in article 21 of of the UK version of the Alternative
Investment Fund Managers DIrective (AIFMD) level 2 Regulation, and
our expectations of any governing body of a full-scope UK alternative
investment fund manager (AIFM). It is particularly important for
managers of LTAFs, which may invest in complex or esoteric assets.
Chapter 2
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
The additional assessment is the responsibility of the AFM, and the
depositary does not have a role in overseeing it.
2.9 Respondents were generally supportive of clear disclosure underpinning the LTAF.
Most respondents agreed with the requirement for disclosures to be clear and in plain
language. Some stated that this should be the standard for all materials on the LTAF,
not just the prospectus, as the draft rules proposed. However, some respondents were
concerned this standard was hard in practice.
2.10 Some respondents commented on the disclosure of charges. Some argued that it
was important that LTAFs disclosed charges fully. Others felt that a disclosure of all
charges in underlying vehicles might make LTAFs appear expensive. They also felt that
investors may not consistently apply a look-through to underlying investments for
other similar products, making it hard to compare the costs of different products.
2.11 There was support for alignment with the Cost Transparency Initiative (CTI) templates.
Respondents also supported funds having to explain the operation of performance
fees, so that pension fund trustees could assess whether the scheme would comply
with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)'s rules. One respondent said it
could be extremely complicated for the AFM of an LTAF to describe how indirect
performance fees could affect the fund’s performance. Some respondents were
concerned about how to account for performance fees in underlying vehicles, citing
risks to fairness between different investors. One respondent asked us to clarify
whether the requirement to disclose the maximum that a performance fee can
amount to was indirectly imposing a cap on performance fees. Other respondents
suggested that such a cap should be imposed, to manage the risk of performance fees
breaching the charge cap for some default arrangements of DC workplace pensions.
Others suggested that performance fees should not be permitted for LTAFs.
2.12 A few respondents noted the potential for LTAFs to make additional disclosures if they
have sustainability objectives. Most of these respondents said that any obligations
should be consistent with requirements for other types of fund. One suggested
that the LTAF rules should prescribe specific disclosures for funds with sustainability
Our response
We have considered the feedback and are proceeding with the rules as
consulted on.
We consider that disclosure is important to enable potential investors in
LTAFs to understand the fund that they are investing in. Materials should
be written in a way that is appropriate to the audience. When prospectus
disclosures are clear and in plain language it should be easier for other
disclosure materials to explain important features of the fund while being
consistent with the prospectus.
We support the CTI’s work and would welcome LTAFs disclosing
consistently with the CTI templates. We do not plan to require this, as
not all LTAFs may have investors who use these templates. We would
Chapter 2
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
encourage the CTI to ensure that its templates can be used for LTAFs.
We would encourage managers of LTAFs, where they have investors who
use the CTI, to provide the relevant information.
We proposed requiring disclosure of performance fees as they
can be complicated. We expect managers of LTAFs to explain
how their performance fees work, so that investors can make a
judgement about the merits of investing in a fund. The PFWG has
also made recommendations about how DC pension schemes might
accommodate funds with performance fees within the charge cap.
We did not intend to suggest a cap on performance fees. Where there
is no maximum fee, the disclosure should explain this. We also do not
plan to impose such a cap or to prohibit performance fees. The rules for
authorised funds do not contain any caps on fees, but managers must
undertake an annual assessment of value. We will allow the market to
decide the appropriate structure and amount of any performance fees
based on full disclosure.
We are not planning to add specific sustainability disclosures to the
LTAF rules. We note that the Government announced in October 2021
that it plans to introduce a sustainability disclosure regime which we
anticipate would apply to LTAFs. We would also draw the attention of
potential managers of LTAFs to the letter we sent to Chairs of AFMs on
funds with environmental, social and governance (ESG) / sustainable
investment objectives.
Detailed provisions
2.13 Our CP described the detailed provisions of the LTAF rules. We explained the rules we
had set out and asked:
Q3: Do you agree with the detailed requirements (on purpose,
investment powers, borrowing, valuation, redemptions
and subscriptions, due diligence, knowledge, skills and
experience, and reporting) which we propose for the LTAF?
If not, which requirements do you not agree with, and why?
What alternative requirements would you suggest?
2.14 We proposed that an LTAF must have an investment strategy mainly to invest in
assets which are long-term and illiquid in nature. Respondents supported our overall
policy objective in limiting the purpose of an LTAF to invest in long-term illiquid assets.
Many respondents noted the guidance in COLL 15.6.7G. They noted our expectation
that an LTAF would invest at least 50% of its value in long-term, illiquid assets. Some
respondents argued that they would expect LTAFs to invest a significantly higher
proportion into illiquid assets. They argued that we should set a higher expectation of
the proportion of illiquid assets.
Chapter 2
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
2.15 Other respondents asked whether the 50% expectation should be seen as a hard limit
that should be encoded into compliance systems and monitored by the depositary.
Some of these respondents were concerned that a prescriptive limit could be difficult
to comply with at all times, and there might be legitimate situations where an LTAF held
less than 50% of its value in illiquid assets.
2.16 Some respondents suggested that the 50% expectation should be set at the point of
investment rather than on an ongoing basis. Others asked for greater clarity around
our expectations, for example around when an investment had become listed and
was no longer illiquid. One respondent noted the references to productive finance in
the CP and asked us to provide a definition of productive finance. One asked whether
LTAFs are required only to invest in productive finance assets, or in UK assets. Another
respondent asked us to provide a definition of illiquid assets.
Our response
We are finalising the rule as consulted on. We will modify the guidance to
clarify our expectations.
We set out a high-level permissive rule that requires that the investment
strategy of an LTAF must be to invest mainly in long-term illiquid assets.
Our guidance on this rule, set out that we would expect LTAFs to invest
at least 50% of their assets into unlisted securities, or other long-term
assets, or funds investing in such assets.
An LTAF must be managed in line with its investment objectives, policy
and strategy. We did not intend the 50% guidance to constitute a limit
to be monitored on a day-to-day basis either by the manager or by the
depositary. The guidance applies to the investment strategy and not to
the holdings in the fund at any time and we have altered it to make this
clear. We intended that this would explain what we meant by ‘mainly.’ We
did not seek to imply that LTAFs should not have an objective of investing
in a much higher proportion of illiquid assets, if this is what the manager
considers appropriate.
We do not propose to define productive finance. We are not limiting
LTAFs to investing only in assets considered to be productive finance.
There is also no requirement for LTAFs to invest only in UK assets.
LTAFs are intended to enable investment in productive finance,
and the PFWG has considered how the LTAF might be used for this
purpose, but we want to allow investors to choose how and where they
want to invest. We consider it is not necessary to define 'illiquid assets'
beyond the guidance in COLL 15.6.7G.
Investment powers
2.17 Respondents supported the principles-based approach and broad flexibility provided
by the investment powers. Most respondents supported basing the investment
powers on those for the qualified investor scheme (QIS). Respondents raised 3
particular questions around investment powers, including the rules on the prudent
spread of risk, the rules around loans, and also second schemes.
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
Prudent spread of risk
2.18 Respondents generally supported the standard of a prudent spread of risk for an LTAF.
Some respondents noted that the requirement was a principles-based one, rather than
prescriptive and detailed rules similar to those for UCITS schemes and non-UCITS
retail schemes (NURS). While respondents supported a principles-based approach,
some asked for further guidance on our expectations of managers. Depositaries asked
how they would be able to monitor compliance with the prudent spread of risk, without
detailed rules. Some respondents questioned whether the requirement for a prudent
spread of risk was appropriate, if the LTAF could only be distributed to professional and
sophisticated retail investors.
2.19 Many respondents queried the rule giving managers a 24-month start-up period
during which an LTAF would not be subject to the rules covering limits on investments.
Some fund managers questioned whether this would be enough time to achieve a
prudent spread of risk, while some pension stakeholders asked whether trustees would
be unable to invest in an LTAF until it was subject to this requirement because of their
own obligation to spread risk. Those who supported a longer start-up period proposed
between 3 and 5 years as alternatives, potentially involving the fund manager applying
for an extension to the start-up period. Some stakeholders also asked whether the
wording of the rule achieved the policy intent, and whether the period should start at
the commencement of the initial offer, or when capital had been raised.
Our response
We continue to consider that a prudent spread of risk is appropriate for
the LTAF. The FCA Handbook does not define the term ‘prudent, but in
our view the word should be given its ordinary natural meaning, even if it
is not supported by prescriptive requirements.
We have removed the rule giving a 24-month period during which
limits on investments do not apply. We have concluded that it does not
deliver the policy intention in this area. We consider that the overarching
requirement to have a prudent spread of risk gives LTAF managers a
sufficiently broad framework in which to operate. Because the LTAF
is not subject to many limits, providing relief from these does not in
practice provide the manager with scope to manage the fund differently.
We consider that an LTAF should be allowed time to build up its
portfolio, but that it should not engage in excessive concentration
of risk during this time. For example, we would not expect an LTAF to
invest all (or a high proportion of) its assets into a single investment
during the start-up phase. This would be an excessive concentration
of risk for investors during the time where the investment constituted
a high proportion of the assets.
Loan rules
2.20 Respondents welcomed the ability of LTAFs to invest in and to originate loans.
However, several respondents noted that the detailed provisions of COLL 15.6.8R(2)
would make it difficult or impossible to invest in loans in practice. Several respondents
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questioned whether the rules achieve the policy intent of permitting legitimate
investment in loans. Some respondents considered that some types of loan would
not be appropriate, for example loans to the AFM or its affiliates or connected parties.
However, many respondents highlighted that the rules were significantly more
restrictive, prohibiting loans to any authorised firm or affiliate of an authorised firm.
Respondents agreed that loans should not be made to natural persons.
2.21 Respondents also noted that the prohibition on loans to funds might be problematic,
and that the inability to lend to someone whose intention was to invest in a security
would limit common practices in the private equity industry.
2.22 Respondents argued that the requirement for an investment in a loan not to give rise
to a conflict of interest was too constraining. There are many common situations
where a conflict of interest would exist, for example if the LTAF invested in the loan
alongside other clients of the manager. Respondents suggested that the existing
provisions in FCA rules around conflicts of interest management would be sufficient to
manage risks in this area.
2.23 Respondents also noted that the requirement for various parties not to have a
commercial interest in a loan would prevent co-investment strategies. They pointed
out these strategies are common in private lending markets.
2.24 Some respondents noted that the rules on loans only apply to the extent that they
are not permitted investments under COLL 15.6.8R(1). They asked for clarity as they
were concerned that managers may not be comfortable investing in loans under the
proposed regime.
Our response
We have amended the rules on investment in loans.
We have decided that existing rules around conflicts of interest
management and requirements to act in the clients best interests will
manage the risks in this area that we wanted to address. Managers of
LTAFs, who must be full-scope UK AIFMs, will be subject to relevant rules
on conflicts of interest in SYSC 10 and Articles 30-36 of the AIFMD level
2 regulation. They will also be required to assess, at least annually as part
of the assessment report for the LTAF, how they have managed and
mitigated conflicts of interest. This includes outlining how their actions
have been in the best interests of the LTAF, its investors and the integrity
of the market. They must disclose this report publicly.
We have therefore made the rules on types of permitted loan less
prescriptive. We are keeping some limitations on lending, where
the loan is to a natural person, or to a party where it may be difficult
or impossible to manage a conflict, for example a loan to the fund
manager or to the depositary or an affiliate of those firms.
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Second scheme rules
2.25 Respondents welcomed the ability to invest in a wider range of second schemes than
a QIS can invest in. They noted that many private market structures use legal vehicles
that meet the definition of a collective investment scheme. Most respondents felt
that the rules would not lead to circular investment within LTAFs, although one raised
concerns that this rule created a risk of this happening.
2.26 Many respondents argued that there should not be a requirement for any prudent
spread of risk within a second scheme. They argued that it was appropriate for the
LTAF itself to be held to this standard, rather than any underlying investment. They
argued that this would severely limit the investment opportunities for an LTAF, and in
particular could prevent an LTAF investing in a vehicle that wraps a single asset. Some
respondents noted that this is common practice in private markets.
2.27 A small number of stakeholders raised concerns that the due diligence requirements
for second schemes would be impractical. They said that in private markets it is
common for investors to buy interests in schemes in the secondary markets, and
that this might be an attractive market for LTAFs. They said that the guidance in
COLL 5.7.11G could be impractical in these circumstances. The LTAF manager may
not be able to carry out due diligence on the manager of the underlying scheme as
envisaged by the guidance. This is because some of the information would not be
publicly available and the LTAF manager may not be able to get information directly
from the manager. They also noted that standards were not universal in all markets and
would not necessarily be met for all entities that met the legal definition of a collective
investment scheme.
2.28 Some stakeholders questioned the proposed rule on feeder funds, noting that a rule
(COLL 15.6.2R(1)) appeared to refer to the wrong entity.
Our response
We have amended the rules to remove the requirement for a second
scheme to have a prudent spread of risk. We have considered the
feedback and concluded that application of a prudent spread of risk
at the level of the LTAF itself delivers an appropriate level of investor
We consider that the due diligence requirements are appropriate for
second schemes. We would expect managers to make reasonable
efforts to consider basic protections when investing in second schemes.
We have amended the guidance to clarify that the guidance in COLL
5.7.11G can be applied in a proportionate way by managers of LTAFs.
Managers should make reasonable efforts to assess the matters
covered by COLL 5.7.11G. We recognise that it may not be possible to
assess some of the elements of COLL 5.7.11G for some schemes.
We agree that COLL 15.6.2R(1) is not accurately worded and have
amended it.
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2.29 There were mixed views on our proposed 30% limit for borrowing. Some stakeholders
suggested that LTAFs should not be permitted to borrow if they are open to retail
investors. Others suggested that the borrowing limit should be set at 100%, in line with
the QIS rules. The majority of respondents thought that the proposed 30% limit was
sensible and did not foresee major issues with it, though some of those who supported
it felt it would be better to have more flexibility.
2.30 Respondents noted that the practical impact of a 30% limit would be that managers
would stay significantly below that limit to avoid the risk of a breach. They noted that
this would be likely to discourage any systematic borrowing by LTAFs.
2.31 Many of those stakeholders who supported higher levels of borrowing suggested that
this was particularly important during the LTAF’s initial investment phase and proposed
that the limits on borrowing should be relaxed during this period.
2.32 Some respondents asked us to clarify the rules on borrowing. They noted that the CP
said that borrowing was only to be considered at the scheme level, not in underlying
investments, and felt this could be clarified by adding Handbook guidance. Others
sought clarification on the definition of borrowing, or confirmation that certain
practices did not constitute borrowing. One sought clarification that LTAFs could
borrow in different currencies.
Our response
We will proceed to make the rules as consulted on. As set out in the
CP, the manager will have to consider an appropriate level of borrowing
for the investment strategy. Because LTAFs will invest mainly in illiquid
assets, and because they are open-ended, we consider that it is
appropriate to limit the level of borrowing that an LTAF can undertake.
The rules only limit borrowing by the LTAF, and not in any underlying
We have reviewed questions around the definition of borrowing. We do
not think it is necessary to provide further detail as to how borrowing
should be defined under our rules.
2.33 Respondents supported a principles-based approach to valuation requirements.
There was also widespread support in principle for the manager of an LTAF to use
either an internal or an external valuer. One respondent argued that LTAFs should be
independently valued.
2.34 Several respondents raised practical concerns about the proposed rules for
valuations. Respondents noted that the depositary would not be able to make an
assessment ‘without qualification’ as to whether the manager has the competence to
act as internal valuer without having valuation expertise which they do not currently
have. Some raised concerns about whether a depositary has the skills to make any
assessment of the fund manager’s competence. Others said that the depositary’s
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oversight of the manager’s competence to value the assets would increase confidence
in the LTAF.
2.35 Several respondents noted that, although AIFMD provides for external valuers, in
practice few firms are prepared to act as an external valuer because they are subject
to unlimited liability if they are found to be negligent in their valuation. Respondents
reported that this is widely interpreted as ‘simple’ negligence, which could be the result
of an error made in good faith. Several respondents suggested that we should change
the AIFMD wording to state that liability would only be in cases of gross negligence,
covering serious errors or an intentional failure to perform the valuation appropriately.
Respondents noted that valuers need professional indemnity insurance, but it would
not be possible to get this to cover simple negligence.
2.36 Some respondents argued that fund managers should be able to use valuation
advisers to support an internal valuation. They noted that the draft rules require the
manager itself to have the competence to value the assets, but that it is common
practice for managers to get independent valuation support. They noted that this is
similar to the role of the standing independent valuer for property funds, and that it
would be considered good practice to take this approach.
2.37 Respondents also said that, for a fund of funds investing in other funds where there
is independent valuation scrutiny, to require the fund of funds itself to have an
external valuer would be unnecessary and duplicate work already done. Respondents
suggested that such funds should not be subject to the requirement to appoint an
external valuer.
2.38 We proposed requiring LTAFs to be valued monthly, in line with the requirement for
NURS operating limited redemption arrangements. Several respondents noted that
normal valuation frequency in the illiquid asset market is quarterly. Some respondents
argued that while monthly might be appropriate for many LTAFs it would not
necessarily be right for all. They argued that the requirement for monthly valuation
would add cost to managing an LTAF. In contrast, some respondents representing DC
pension schemes said that monthly valuations might be too infrequent for the needs
of DC pension scheme defaults.
2.39 Respondents made other points about valuation. Some sought clarity around whether
the rules on suspension where there is material valuation uncertainty should apply.
Others noted that it was important to disclose the basis of the valuation of each asset
to give investors confidence and transparency.
Our response
We have amended the rules to address this feedback.
We have altered the requirement for the depositary to make a
determination without qualification that the AFM has the knowledge,
skills and experience required to value the assets independently. Instead
we will require the depositary to determine that the AFM has the
resources and procedures for carrying out a valuation of the assets. This
reflects the requirements in FUND 3.11.25R(2) and FUND 3.9.
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We note the points raised around the potential liability for external
valuers. We consider independent valuation of illiquid and hard-to-value
assets to be an important control to protect consumers. We would
like the market for external valuers to work better, so that all managers
of LTAFs can access their services on reasonable terms. The liability
standard comes from the AIFMD and was transposed through the
Treasury’s secondary legislation as part of implementing the Directive.
We are unable to change the requirement at this stage, but are
considering the function of external valuer together with the Treasury.
We are comfortable with AFMs using the support of valuation advisers
to value individual assets, but the AFM remains responsible for carrying
out the valuation and for ensuring that it is done impartially. We have
amended the rule to clarify this.
Where an LTAF invests in other collective investment schemes that are
themselves subject to an independent valuation by an external valuer, we
agree that the LTAF manager should be able to rely on that valuation.
We continue to consider that at least monthly valuation is important
and appropriate for LTAFs. Where our rules require a valuation that will
not be used for dealing in units in the fund, we do not consider that it
would be too onerous for the manager to produce an updated indicative
valuation based on known developments in the portfolio. This should
give investors in LTAFs confidence that the valuation of the LTAF is not
stale. Equally, we do not consider that it would be appropriate to require
more frequent valuation.
We considered whether the requirements for suspension of dealing
when there is material valuation uncertainty should apply. These rules
were introduced for NURS that invest in real estate. They require
suspension when the standing independent valuer deems that there
is material valuation uncertainty over more than 20% of the assets.
The rules were introduced to protect retail investors in daily-dealing
property funds. During the initial period of market turbulence during
the Covid pandemic, all daily-dealing property NURS were suspended
because of this rule. Many property QIS also suspended, although
there was no specific rule requiring them to do so. We do not plan
to require suspension for LTAFs where there is material valuation
uncertainty, but in such cases managers of LTAFs should consider
whether it is in the interests of unitholders to suspend dealings as per
COLL 15.10.3R.
Redemptions and subscriptions
2.40 Respondents generally supported our proposed non-prescriptive approach
to redemption and subscription terms. There was also widespread support for
suspensions only being used to protect the interests of investors in exceptional
2.41 Some respondents suggested that there should be elements of prescription within
the rules. They suggested that we could require minimum notice periods or maximum
dealing frequencies. They noted the policy intention that LTAFs should not be daily
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dealing, but said that there may be some market pressure to have more frequent
dealing than was appropriate for the assets. One respondent argued that we should
set a standard notice period, similar to the notice period proposed for property funds
in CP 20/15.
2.42 Some respondents argued that we should permit closed-ended LTAFs, or LTAFs with
a single dealing point, ie a fund with a fixed life where money is returned to investors
at the end of the fund’s life. They argued that such structures are commonly used to
invest in long-term assets in the professional investor market, and that some private
assets are not suited to open-ended structures.
2.43 Some respondents said that LTAF managers should be permitted to use a wide
range of liquidity tools including lock-ins, caps on redemptions and deferrals. One
respondent argued that we should consider redemption restrictions that could only be
imposed under certain circumstances, such as deferrals when redemptions exceed a
set amount, in the same category as suspensions, and only permit them in exceptional
2.44 Some respondents raised the prospects of an LTAF operating with a commitment
approach, where funds are drawn down only when the manager makes an investment.
They noted that this is a common model for existing funds that invest in illiquid private
2.45 One respondent highlighted that managers might have to control subscriptions as well
as redemptions to reduce the risk of an LTAF being diluted by large inflows.
2.46 Some respondents said that further guidance might be needed on liquidity
management tools. Some said that this should be industry guidance rather than
regulatory guidance. Some respondents pointed to the IOSCO principles for liquidity
Our response
To reinforce our expectations and our position on what redemption
terms for LTAFs may be appropriate, we have made some adjustments
to address feedback to the consultation. These also reflect more clearly
in the rules the policy intention which we set out in the consultation
paper. This will reduce the risk that managers apply for a scheme to
be authorised as an LTAF where that scheme does not meet our
We will add a rule that requires an LTAF to redeem units no more often
than monthly. Given the nature of investments LTAFs are likely to
hold, we consider that this sets an appropriate maximum redemption
frequency for an LTAF. It ensures that the policy intent for LTAFs not to be
daily dealing is clear within the rules.
We will also add a rule requiring an LTAF to have a notice period for
redemptions of at least 90 days. In practice, we would expect that many
LTAFs would have notice periods significantly longer than 90 days. For a
fund to be fair to all investors, we would expect redemptions to be met
from the sale of a representative sample of the investment portfolio.
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If an LTAF plans to invest in highly illiquid assets where a notice period
of 90 days would be insufficient to sell such a representative sample,
we would not expect to authorise it with a 90-day notice period. This
rule makes our expectations clear as to the minimum possible length
of notice period for redemptions. We do not consider it appropriate
to set a standard notice period. Managers of LTAFs must make their
own decisions on the appropriate terms for their fund, based on the
investment objectives, investment policy and investment strategy of the
LTAF, and the reasonable expectations of the target investor group.
It is important for funds authorised by the FCA to give unitholders or
shareholders the right to redeem their units or shares. If a fund intends
to make investments that are only suited to a closed-ended vehicle, we
would not expect the manager to seek authorisation as an open-ended
Our rules intend to allow managers to use a range of liquidity
management tools appropriate to investments in illiquid assets, provided
that they are disclosed clearly to investors.
Suspension of dealing is not a liquidity management tool. It exists to
protect investors in exceptional circumstances. We do not consider that
tools such as deferrals and limits to redemptions or subscriptions should
be put in the same category as suspensions.
We consider that our rules create a framework that reflects the IOSCO
principles for liquidity management.
We would welcome the development of guidance by industry on
appropriate lengths of notice periods for different types of asset as
recommended by the PFWG.
We have considered whether an LTAF may operate a commitment
approach to subscriptions. We do not rule this out, but any LTAF that
wanted to operate in this way would need to comply with the existing
legislative framework for authorised funds, as well as with the fund
rules. If a firm is considering applying for authorisation on this basis, we
would welcome early engagement with us on their proposed model.
Investment due diligence
2.47 Most respondents strongly supported our proposed approach to investment due
diligence. A small number felt the requirements potentially meant that firms would
have to duplicate the investment due diligence that they were required to do under
AIFMD. Some respondents suggested that we could provide more guidance around
our expectations, or that industry guidance could be developed to describe what good
practice would be for different private asset classes.
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Our response
We will proceed with the rules as consulted on in this area.
We consider that the rules are compatible with the AIFMD
requirements and do not require unnecessary duplication of effort. We
do not consider it is necessary for us to provide guidance, but would
welcome any work by the industry to set out what is good practice for
investment due diligence for different asset classes.
Knowledge, skills and experience
2.48 Those who responded on this topic agreed that only full-scope UK AIFMs should be
permitted to manage LTAFs. There was also widespread agreement that managers
of LTAFs should have the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience of managing
assets in the proposed asset class and be able to demonstrate this as part of the
authorisation process.
2.49 Some respondents were concerned that there was a gap between firms with
experience of managing authorised funds, and firms with experience of investing in
illiquid assets. They noted that firms might have to restructure their businesses or hire
relevant people to ensure they had the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience.
Our response
We will make the rules as consulted on.
Managers that want to offer LTAFs will have to have or acquire the
knowledge, skills and experience of managing the appropriate asset
2.50 Feedback on the quarterly report was mixed. Several respondents noted that a
quarterly reporting cycle was normal for private market funds. Some respondents felt
that quarterly reports would help in providing investors with a regular update on their
investments. Other respondents argued that quarterly reports wrongly signal that
investors should consider their investment in the short term. Some argued that there
was a risk such reports would prompt investors in an open-ended fund to reconsider
their investment, potentially creating redemption pressure.
2.51 Several respondents noted that the requirement to produce the report within 20 days
of the quarter end would be challenging for many private market strategies. They
argued that a period of 60 days was more realistic for these asset classes, given the
time lags in collating information, particularly for funds of funds. Some respondents
also felt that the additional cost of producing the quarterly report was not justified, and
that 6-monthly reporting provided investors with adequate transparency. They argued
that firms should simply be under the more general obligation under Principle 7 of the
FCA Principles for business to pay due regard to the information needs of investors
and could choose whether this involved quarterly reporting.
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2.52 A small number of respondents commented on the annual reporting requirements.
They argued that the time to produce the annual report should be extended to 6
months, rather than 4 months, particularly for funds of private funds.
Our response
We will make the rules as consulted on.
Unlike funds investing in liquid assets, where public information
is always readily available about the markets in which the fund is
investing, investors in LTAFs will often need the fund manager to
give them information. The quarterly report will provide some basic
information about portfolio developments and should not be excessively
burdensome to produce, particularly as LTAFs are unlikely to be
undertaking many transactions in each period. We consider that the
information required for a quarterly report, which is either a matter
of record or information that the manager will produce at the time
of the transaction, should not take long to collate and produce, and
the requirement to report within 20 days of the quarter end provides
investors with timely information.
For annual reporting, we think the requirement to report within 4
months is appropriate.
Other matters raised
2.53 We asked:
Q4: Do you have any other observations on the proposed
regime for LTAFs?
2.54 We received a range of responses, including:
Depositary ownership of assets
2.55 Depositaries and fund managers noted that the draft LTAF rules proposed requiring
depositaries to take legal ownership of all assets of the LTAF. They explained this
created significant issues for depositaries in some cases. They presented a proposed
alternative model where the assets would be legally owned by the fund itself (if it has
legal personality), or by the fund manager on behalf of the fund. This model is aligned
with the requirements under AIFMD for non-custodial assets.
Our response:
We have considered the proposal for an alternative model of legal
ownership of assets compared to the requirements for authorised funds.
We accept that the proposed model, based on the rules for NURS and
QIS, may not work for some asset classes available through an LTAF
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and could be burdensome for other types of asset, such as real estate.
We agree that alternatives should be available, but note that these
could result in a transfer of risk from the depositary to the fund and its
We consider that the AIFMD ownership model may be appropriate
for funds aimed at professional investors who can assess the risks
and decide whether to accept them. However, we consider that retail
investors may expect some additional requirements to be put in place to
mitigate these risks. We plan to bring forward proposals to amend these
rules in a consultation in the first half of next year.
In the meantime, where a firm wishes to establish an LTAF, we will
consider applications to modify or waive this requirement. Among
other things, waiver applications will need to satisfy us that proposed
alternative custody arrangements provide appropriate investor
protection. Before modifying or waiving any such requirement, we
will need to be satisfied that the relevant conditions are satisfied. We
would recommend that firms approach us before submitting a waiver
End of life
2.56 One respondent questioned whether there should be provisions for LTAFs to be
wound down efficiently. They noted that, while an LTAF could operate on a continuing
basis as an ‘evergreen’ structure, it was common for private market funds to be wound
down, and the LTAF rules should consider the risks associated with this.
Our response
We do not consider that this is an area where we need to make rules.
An AFM of an LTAF could consider if they want to address this issue,
and if so could include a provision within the instrument constituting
the fund and the prospectus.
Tax considerations
2.57 Respondents made a number of points regarding the tax treatment of LTAFs, including
in relation to ISA eligibility and the application of VAT to management fees.
Our response
We have been working closely with the Treasury and HMRC throughout
the development of the LTAF. Tax issues for the LTAF have primarily been
considered through the Treasury-led call for input on the Governments
review of the UK fund regime.
The LTAF rules permit an LTAF to be authorised as a property
authorised investment fund (PAIF) and as an authorised contractual
scheme (ACS). We understand that the Government will ensure that
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pre-existing tax legislation continues to operate effectively in these
Listing of LTAFs
2.58 One respondent argued that LTAFs should be allowed to be listed and traded on a
secondary market.
Our response
An LTAF that has the legal form of an open-ended investment
company (OEIC) could seek a listing in the UK under the FCAs listing
rules (currently LR 16.1.1R, from 4 January 2022 LR 16A.2.1R). It would
not be possible for an LTAF that is an authorised unit trust or an ACS to
seek a listing in the UK.
Handbook treatment of LTAFs
2.59 Some stakeholders argued that we should not classify the LTAF as a QIS for parts of
the Handbook other than COLL, but that we should treat it as a separate category of
authorised fund. They thought this was clearer and more transparent.
Our response
We have amended the Handbook so that the LTAF is a separate
category of fund from the QIS.
Cost benefit analysis (CBA)
2.60 Most respondents who commented on our CBA broadly agreed with it. A small number
raised concerns that service providers such as investment platforms and depositaries
might incur costs to develop systems to enable LTAFs to be launched.
Our response
We thank respondents for their comments on our CBA. The LTAF
regime permits firms to launch new funds but does not require them
to do so. Because of this we considered that we could not reasonably
estimate the costs of creating the LTAF regime but that LTAFs would
be launched only if the benefits of doing so exceed the costs. We do
not consider that the feedback means that we should amend our CBA.
We also do not consider that any of the amendments we have made to
the draft rules alter the CBA.
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3 Permitted links rules
3.1 This chapter provides a summary of feedback to the proposed amendments to our
permitted link rules and sets out our response. It also outlines our intended next steps
on discussion questions on the distribution of the LTAF.
Integration of the LTAF into the permitted links regime
3.2 We proposed integrating the LTAF into the regulatory framework for the investment by
DC pension schemes in unit-linked long-term insurance products, via amendments to
the ‘permitted links’ rules.
Additional flexibility for investments by DC pension schemes
3.3 We proposed amending the permitted links rules where the unit-linked contract forms
part of the default arrangement of an occupational or workplace DC pension scheme.
Industry feedback is that in practice the existing 20 / 35% cap on illiquid investments
within any unit-linked fund means that firms find it difficult to market these funds to DC
schemes. DC schemes typically construct their default arrangements from a number
of funds and use funds which are 100% illiquid as part of a wider diversified portfolio,
including more liquid funds.
3.4 So we proposed removing the 35% limit for LTAF-linked funds that form part of the
default arrangement of a pension scheme, while keeping requirements on insurers to
provide risk warnings and ensure that the fund is suitable for the ultimate investors. To
ensure these proposals only apply to default arrangements, we proposed introducing
conditional permitted LTAFs and making them available only in relation to default
arrangements. This would carve out the LTAF from the definition of QIS for COBS 21.3
purposes, so that the LTAF would not be available for retail investors investing outside
of the pension environment.
3.5 Responsibility for deciding the proportion of the default arrangement which is invested
in illiquid assets (such as LTAF), whether or not a regulatory limit applies, falls primarily
on the trustees (of an occupational scheme) or on the operator of a workplace
scheme (an insurer or SIPP operator). However, we proposed guidance clarifying that
the insurer is expected to consider the concentration risks of including the LTAF in a
default arrangement when complying with the conditions for the use of conditional
permitted LTAFs. Investment in LTAFs via unit-linked funds would only apply for default
arrangements in occupational or workplace pensions, not self-select options available
to pension scheme members, and not for non-workplace personal pensions. The 35%
limit would also continue to apply for the other investments that a default arrangement
may make in other conditional permitted links.
3.6 We asked:
Q5: Do you agree with our proposals to allow investments
in LTAF for default arrangements of DC schemes if the
conditions as outlined above are satisfied? If not, how
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would you change them to make them more workable for
DC default arrangements?
Q6: Are there any assets which can be included in an LTAF which
may be of concern regarding wider use for DC schemes? If
so, which assets are you concerned about and why, and how
would you mitigate the risk involved?
3.7 Most respondents broadly welcomed our proposal to make the LTAF a conditional
permitted link. They also welcomed its exclusion from the 35% cap on illiquid assets
for unit-linked funds where the investment comes from the default arrangement of a
DC pension scheme. Many saw this as providing maximum flexibility for DC schemes
in choosing how to structure their portfolios by enabling the LTAF to be effectively
identified as a ‘permitted link in its own right’ for DC default schemes.
3.8 Most respondents also supported the inclusion of guidance that the insurer must
consider the concentration risks at the default level associated with an LTAF allocation
as part of the ongoing suitability and appropriateness assessment of the default
investment strategy required under COBS 21.3.16R (2). Several respondents viewed
this as an important protection for DC default investors.
3.9 However, several respondents said that while the proposed rules would work well for
LTAF in a DC default context, the 35% limit may continue to create challenges for unit-
linked investment in illiquid assets through other structures and in products outside of
DC defaults. We cover this issue further under Q17 below.
3.10 One respondent noted a potential issue with the proposal in paragraphs 4.10 and
4.11 of the Consultation Paper to disapply the 35% limit on illiquid investments
made through an LTAF and to exclude investments in LTAFs from counting towards
the calculation of the 35% limit as reflected in the draft proposed new rule (COBS
21.3.19AR). They read this to say that, in calculating gross assets for the purpose
of applying the 35% test, the gross assets invested in conditional permitted long-
term asset funds are left out of account. However, they indicated that to achieve the
FCAs aims in this context, COBS 21.3.19R(2) requires a corresponding amendment
to exclude conditional permitted long-term asset funds from the limit. That is, COBS
21.3.19R(2) should refer to conditional permitted links other than conditional permitted
long-term asset funds.
3.11 Other responses identified a further barrier in the permitted links rules from our
proposals that would prevent efficient structuring of illiquid assets under current
industry life company models. In these models, life funds invest in other life funds –
broadly analogous to the fund-of-funds structures seen in authorised investment
funds. Strategies constructed this way work on the basis of being allowed to hold
‘permitted units. However, the definition of permitted units does not cover conditional
permitted links – including LTAFs. This means that a unit-linked fund could not invest
in another unit-linked fund containing LTAF (or any other unit-linked illiquid fund). This
would also be a barrier to allowing exposure to externally managed/ reinsured funds
invested in conditional permitted links. To address this barrier to distribution of illiquids
in the unit-linked insurance environment, the responses recommended that we expand
the definition of a permitted unit to cover conditional permitted links.
3.12 Most respondents to Q6 agreed that LTAFs should be able to invest in a broad range of
assets and did not have any specific concerns for DC schemes in relation to in-scope
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LTAF assets. Some commented that the flexibility incorporated into the proposals
would allow fund managers to take an in-house view on the most appropriate asset mix
and risk/return profiles to deliver to DC investors with exposure to long-term, illiquid
assets. In their view this should also ensure that upper or lower limits for specific asset
classes did not become a barrier to LTAF supply or demand.
Our response
We will implement our proposed amendments as planned to provide
increased flexibility for use of illiquid assets via the LTAF. This will enable
more flexibility in the construction of DC scheme portfolios while
maintaining an adequate level of protection for DC default scheme
We have reviewed the existing and draft rules against the potential issue
identified on calculation of gross assets for the purposes of applying the
35% limit. We have addressed the issue by amending COBS 23.1.19AR,
to ensure that our policy intention is met. First, firms should leave the
gross assets invested in conditional permitted LTAFs out of account
when calculating the total amount of gross assets of a linked fund to
which the limit applies. Next, when firms calculate whether the limit has
been exceeded, they should not aggregate the gross assets invested
in conditional permitted LTAFs to the other gross assets invested in
conditional permitted links.
On the potential barrier identified above for ‘permitted units’ and
conditional permitted links, we have reviewed and adjusted the
definition of ‘permitted units.’ It now explicitly includes conditional
permitted links. We have also made it clear that, when complying with
the conditions and requirements in relation to conditional permitted
links, firms need to also take into account any conditional permitted
links invested in via permitted units.
Wider application of LTAF to linked contracts of insurance
3.13 In CP 21/12 we indicated that, depending on feedback, we may consider changes to
the rules to allow insurance contracts to be linked to investments in LTAF more widely
than just when used in DC default arrangements. Under current rules where the
investment risk under the contract is with a ‘natural person bearing the investment
risk’ the degree to which they could be exposed to LTAF investments would be 20%
of the overall fund under the ordinary permitted links rules. It would be 35% where
the conditional permitted links are being used, requiring additional risk warnings and
suitability assessments on the part of the insurer. We welcomed detailed feedback on
potential issues that specifically affect permitted link investments.
3.14 We asked:
Q16: Do you think we should enable wider use of the LTAF as a
permitted link or conditional permitted link to long-term
Chapter 3
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
contracts of insurance? What do you see as the main
obstacles to this and how would you resolve them?
Q17: Do you have any views on how permitted links might be
expanded to other fund structures or direct investments in
illiquid assets?
3.15 Most respondents advocated wider use of the LTAF as a permitted link or conditional
permitted link to long-term contracts of insurance. Several respondents said that the
current proposal to restrict LTAF distribution to DC defaults is overly restrictive. They
pointed out that outside the DC default landscape, there are other balanced managed
investment arrangements where the provider designs and governs the portfolio on
the investor’s behalf. These look much like default arrangements but lack the formal
designation of a default because they are not part of workplace pension products.
These respondents felt that investors in these strategies (which could be found in
non-workplace pension products, for example) could also benefit from exposure to
LTAFs. More generally, where investors in a long-term unit-linked product have either
professional support on fund selection or are guided through an appropriate choice
architecture, they should be able to invest in an LTAF and the distribution rules should
reflect this.
3.16 Respondents therefore recommended that in the unit-linked market, the rules should
allow insurers to include the LTAF alongside other permitted links and conditional
permitted links in constructing managed multi-asset portfolios where the investor
is not required to make any investment decision. They suggested that, as with the
default in the proposed rules, such portfolios should not be constrained by the 35%
illiquid asset cap. Instead, they should be subject to the same rules on the insurer to
consider ongoing suitability and concentration risk. The rules should cater for the use
of LTAFs in such managed portfolios both within pension products (workplace and
non-workplace) and other long-term contracts of insurance.
3.17 These respondents made clear that they were not proposing LTAFs being made
available for standalone investment in a unit-linked wrapper without access to any
supporting guidance and choice architecture. For example, as a self-select fund option
in a pension product (workplace or non-workplace). However, looking at the potential
for wider retail distribution, they felt that investors in a long-term unit-linked product
who had either professional support on fund selection or are guided through an
appropriate choice architecture, should be able to invest in an LTAF. In their view, given
the degree of substitutability between authorised funds and unit-linked funds, if future
distribution rules allowed LTAFs to be sold to retail investors, they should also allow for
the distribution of unit-linked LTAFs to such investors. However, some acknowledged
that the practical implications could be challenging and that this could lead to complex
administration requirements.
3.18 Many respondents said that while our proposals for the LTAF would work well for unit-
linked DC default arrangements, the 35% cap remains a significant constraint within
the permitted links rules for structures other than LTAFs that seek to offer unit-linked
investors exposure to illiquid assets. It also meant the LTAF would have an advantage
over other fund structures, in particular the QIS and directly invested unit-linked funds,
because the cap would apply to these structures but not to a conditional permitted
LTAF. A more coherent regulatory approach would treat all fund structures the same
in this respect, and the proposals for the LTAF within the permitted links rules offered
a way forward for other structures as well. Some clarified that this might be achieved
Chapter 3
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by extending the proposed guidance for LTAFs in COBS 21.3.18G(2). This states that
insurers must assess the ‘total exposure of the default arrangement to conditional
permitted LTAFs and other investments of similar risk profile to that of conditional
permitted LTAFs’ as part of the ongoing suitability checks required for insurers offering
conditional permitted links. These respondents felt that applying this requirement
outside the DC default would level the playing field for all investment structures
seeking to offer illiquid exposure in a unit-linked environment.
3.19 Some respondents went further to suggest that we should consider broader reform
of the permitted links rules. In their view the permitted links rules were largely written
with direct retail investors in mind. So where the underlying investor is investing via a
non-self-select portfolio, usually a DC scheme, they believed the illiquids cap should
also be removed for the other permitted and conditional links. In the absence of a full
removal of the illiquids cap for these investor types, they proposed that the cap should
be moved from the fund level to the portfolio level. They argued this would reflect
our intention to ensure liquidity and concentration risks are managed at the portfolio
level, while also keeping the policy intent behind the existing 35% cap to ensure that
underlying investors are not over-exposed to the risks of illiquid assets.
3.20 Similarly another respondent said that as part of a wider overhaul of the permitted
links rules, it would be useful to establish within the rules that the concentration limits
should be applied at the customer portfolio level (potentially on a look-through basis
where available). In this way, firms could consider wrapping illiquid investments 100%
within a unit linked fund and using those wraps as sub-funds of DC portfolios or retail
managed funds, without potentially breaching permitted links rules. In their view this
will ensure consistency of treatment for the same illiquid asset, regardless of how it is
held within the firm’s fund structures (direct, sub-unit linked fund or collective).
Our response
We are grateful to respondents for the detailed feedback. We believe our
proposals for use of the LTAF for DC default funds provide a sound and
workable starting point for initial use of the LTAF in unit-linked structures
while enabling an appropriate level of protection for DC default investors.
Insurers are responsible for ensuring suitability and appropriateness for
the relevant target market in line with PROD and (in conjunction with
trustees for trust-based schemes) for DC default scheme investors in
line with COBS. This will help ensure the LTAF is distributed appropriately.
We remain open to potentially extending the distribution of the
LTAF where investors in a long-term unit-linked product have either
professional support on fund selection or are guided through an
appropriate choice architecture. As this relates to the question of the
direct distribution of the LTAF to a wider group of consumers, we will
consider whether to consult on such changes in the future.
Similarly, we recognise the points about the constraints of the current
35% limit on conditional permitted links and the perceived potential
advantage afforded to the development of the LTAF over other fund
structures. We are sympathetic to arguments for extending the same
treatment to other fund structures and direct investment in illiquid
assets. Again, we will consider whether to consult on such changes in
Chapter 3
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
future. Any wider overhaul of the permitted links rules remains to be
determined. It may need to be carried out in conjunction with the PRA
given the interaction of the conduct rules for unit-linked long-term
insurance business under COBS with the prudential regulation of unit-
linked long-term insurance business under the PRA Rulebook.
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4 Distribution
4.1 This chapter provides an overview of the feedback we received to the questions about
the distribution of the LTAF. It sets out our response to the issues raised in questions 7
and 8, including the changes we intend to make to our rules following the feedback we
received. It also outlines our intended next steps on the discussion questions on the
distribution of the LTAF.
Treatment of the LTAF as an NMPI
4.2 We proposed that the LTAF would initially be subject to the same promotion
restrictions as QIS. This broadly means that, under the non-mainstream pooled
investment (NMPI) rules, an LTAF could only be promoted to professional clients
and certain types of retail client, as set out in COBS 4.12. This meant that it could be
marketed to most investors it was originally envisaged for if the LTAF was subject to
these rules.
4.3 We asked:
Q7: Do you agree that LTAFs should initially be treated as QIS
for distribution purposes? Do you agree that LTAFs should
be subject to the same guidance as QIS on sophisticated
and high net worth retail investors? If not, what alternative
approach would you propose?
Q8: Do you see any barriers within the existing NMPI rules that
will prevent the LTAF from being distributed to the target
market set out in 5.4? If so, please provide details and
evidence of the barriers.
4.4 Many respondents who represented fund managers, distributors and investors
disagreed with our proposal to treat the LTAF initially as an NMPI. They thought that
the additional protections for LTAFs compared to QIS meant that they should not be
restricted to professional investors and certified sophisticated retail investors and
should be made available to a wider range of retail investors.
4.5 Several respondents noted that by not allowing the LTAF to be promoted to high net
worth investors it would be more restricted than unauthorised funds, despite offering
greater levels of protection. They argued that classifying the LTAF as an NMPI would
therefore undermine the success of the LTAF as there would be little incentive to
launch such a fund. They thought that, at a minimum, promotion of the LTAF to high
net worth retail investors should be permitted and suggested that we modify the
guidance in COBS 4.12 to enable this if the LTAF were to be classed as an NMPI.
4.6 Some respondents suggested that the existing requirements in our Product
Intervention and Product Governance sourcebook (PROD), in conjunction with the
protections offered by the proposed fund rules, would ensure that the LTAF could be
appropriately distributed to a broader range of retail clients. Others suggested that
Chapter 4
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
the existing appropriateness test – that distributors would be required to conduct if
the LTAF were not to be classed as a non-complex product under MiFID – would also
provide sufficient levels of protection to ensure that the LTAF could be appropriately
distributed to a broader range of retail investors.
4.7 Some respondents thought that retail investors that are not high net worth investors
or sophisticated investors should be permitted to invest in the LTAF subject to getting
investment advice. They also suggested that a maximum proportion, for example
10%, of an investor’s portfolio should be allowed to be held in LTAFs, with the onus for
verifying this placed on the distributor rather than investor self-certification. Others
proposed that labels warning of the risks of investing into an LTAF would be sufficient
to permit opening up more broadly. A few respondents indicated that we might wish to
consider introducing a ‘well-informed’ investor category for distribution purposes or
require a test of investor understanding.
4.8 Some respondents thought that a minimum investment size, for example £10,000,
should be set for retail investors wanting to access the LTAF. Others thought this
would exclude some for whom an investment might be suitable, including young
people who are just starting to save into a personal pension. Some thought that
personal wealth should not be used as an indicator of investor understanding.
4.9 One respondent suggested categorising the LTAF as a non-readily realisable security
(NRRS). Several respondents thought that the promotion of the LTAF should be based
on the rules governing the NURS rather than the QIS, and as such should be permitted
to be promoted to all retail investors.
4.10 A minority of respondents (including representatives of closed-ended funds, and
authorised fund managers) agreed that the LTAF should initially be treated as a QIS for
distribution purposes. These respondents did not think that the LTAF was appropriate
to be distributed directly to retail investors. They thought that the assets in which
an LTAF, as an open-ended fund, is permitted to invest meant it was unlikely to be an
appropriate investment for anyone other than a professional investor or sophisticated
retail investor who would better understand the liquidity and valuation risks.
4.11 A small number of respondents said that the LTAF would require significantly greater
protections before being safely distributed to retail investors. They argued that other
investment vehicles, such as investment companies, provide retail investors with
appropriate products in this area. They felt that allowing retail investors to access
illiquid assets through an open-ended fund poses risks due to the potential liquidity
mismatch between the fund’s redemption terms and the assets it invests in. One
respondent suggested broader protections before marketing to retail investors, such
as listing or a secondary market for LTAFs, or requiring majority independent boards.
4.12 While respondents didn’t think that, in theory, the NMPI rules prevented the
distribution of the LTAF to the target market, many raised issues with how the NMPI
regime works in practice. They thought that the requirement to complete a preliminary
assessment of appropriateness or suitability before promotion would limit the LTAF’s
promotion opportunities. More generally, they thought that the requirement to
determine appropriateness creates an administrative and compliance burden on firms
that means most choose not to distribute these types of instruments.
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Our response
We think that proceeding with the introduction of the LTAF as an NMPI
remains an appropriate first step. This will mean that LTAFs may initially
be marketed to professional investors, such as DC pension schemes,
and certified sophisticated retail investors.
We agree that given the level of protection within the LTAF regime, and
the governance surrounding it, certified high net worth individuals should
be able to access the LTAF as part of a diversified portfolio, given that
they can access unauthorised funds. So we have amended COBS 4.12 to
achieve this.
As set out below, we remain open to potentially further broadening the
base of investors who can access the LTAF in a controlled way.
Discussion questions on the distribution of the LTAF
4.13 Questions 10 to 15 in the consultation were about the distribution of the LTAF. These
questions covered a range of topics, including:
broadening the promotion of the LTAF to retail investors not permitted to invest in
the level of protection afforded by the appropriateness assessment
the use of the non-readily realisable security (NRRS) regime as a means of
restricting investment in LTAFs
minimum levels of investment from professional clients in order to protect retail
the changes that might be needed to enable a fund of alternative investment funds
(FAIF) to operate a portfolio of LTAFs
the other options we could consider to make the promotion of the LTAF to retail
clients more appropriate
4.14 We received many responses to these questions, encompassing a wide range of views.
We set out a brief summary of the feedback we received on each topic below.
Distribution to a broader range of retail investors
4.15 Most respondents addressed the topic of whether and how the LTAF might be
promoted to a wider range of retail investors. Much of that feedback has been set
out earlier in this chapter. This includes treating the LTAF as a NURS for distribution
purposes, placing greater focus on the PROD measures, requiring retail investors to
take advice before investing, setting maximum levels of an investor’s portfolio that can
be exposed to LTAFs, or requiring the establishment of a secondary market for LTAFs.
Some thought that the LTAF should not be available for broader retail investment.
Appropriateness tests
4.16 We asked whether the appropriateness test that distributors would need to carry
out when selling LTAFs that are not classed as non-complex would provide sufficient
Chapter 4
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protection for retail investors. Some respondents felt that the appropriateness test,
coupled with the measures set out in PROD, provide sufficient protection to permit
distribution to retail investors. Others thought that appropriateness tests are not
sufficient to exclude investors for whom the LTAF would be unsuitable.
FAIFs investing in LTAFs
4.17 We suggested that the FAIF regime could provide a way for retail investors to gain
exposure to a diversified portfolio of LTAFs. We were keen to understand if there are
any practical restrictions which might make it difficult or impossible to manage such a
4.18 Respondents were evenly split between being broadly supportive and unsupportive
of this alternative option. Most of the supportive respondents identified areas
where the rules could be amended to more easily facilitate investment by FAIFs
in LTAFs. For example, they suggested ways in which we could relax the second
scheme requirements for FAIFs to make it easier for them to hold LTAFs. Most of the
unsupportive respondents stated that more investigation of this option is required,
with some also raising concerns about liquidity or portfolio risk.
NRRS rules
4.19 We asked whether classifying LTAFs as NRRS would be a workable means of restricting
investment in LTAFs. Some respondents thought that this would work, while others
agreed with the principle of limiting retail investors’ exposure to the LTAF. Several
respondents commented that the requirement for investors to self-certify that
they have not invested more than 10% of their net assets in NRRS in the previous 12
months and will not do so in the coming 12 months is a good control. Respondents
argued that the NRRS requirements puts responsibility on investors to ensure they
would only invest in the LTAF as part of a wider investment portfolio. However, they
acknowledged that the NRRS rules are currently not designed for authorised funds.
A small number of respondents thought that the LTAF should not be available for
retail distribution and as such did not think that classifying it as an NRRS would be
Professional and retail investment
4.20 We asked whether a minimum level of investment from professional clients would
provide sufficient protection for retail investors. The majority of respondents did not
consider this would offer appropriate protections for retail investors. They stated that
professional investors are likely to have different investment objectives, risk appetite,
liquidity requirements and timescales, and these may not align with those of retail
investors. Professional co-investment will not provide retail investors with the ability
to understand the risks and complexity of investing in a LTAF. Instead, a number of
respondents suggested protection for retail investors should be addressed by strong
governance standards and disclosure requirements.
4.21 A small number of respondents noted that co-mingling of investment between retail
and institutional investors can help the LTAF build sufficient scale, especially if DC
schemes gradually increase their capital allocations to the LTAF over time. However,
LTAFs are likely to be designed for a distinct investor base, for instance, a particular
DC scheme, and may not be suitable for direct retail investors without an intermediary
acting on their behalf.
Chapter 4
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4.22 Alternatively, LTAFs could be made available to retail investors on an advised-only
Next steps
4.23 In line with our Consumer Investments strategy, we plan to consult in the first half of
2022 on potentially changing the restrictions on promoting LTAFs to retail investors.
We will continue considering the feedback that we received on the discussion chapter
on facilitating wider retail distribution against this strategy, before we determine our
policy position.
Annex 1
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
Annex 1
List of non-confidential respondents
Aberdeen Standard Investments
AJ Bell
Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) and Alternative Credit
Apex Group
Association of British Insurers
Association of Investment Companies
Association of Pension Lawyers
Association of Real Estate Funds
Aviva Investors
BNY Mellon
British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA)
British Property Federation
Commercial Real Estate Finance Council
Depositary and Trustee Association
Eversheds Sutherland
Financial Services Consumer Panel
Hargreaves Lansdown
IN Partnership
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
Investment Association
Annex 1
Financial Conduct Authority
A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
John Forbes Consulting
Lane, Clark & Peacock
Law Society
Legal and General Investment Management
London Stock Exchange Group
London Stock Exchange Investment Fund Group
NatWest Trustees and Depositaries
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Royal London Asset Management
ShareSoc / UKSA
Simmons & Simmons
State Street
The Thomson's Partnership LLP
Transparency Task Force
XPS Pensions
Annex 2
Financial Conduct Authority
A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
Annex 2
Abbreviations used in this paper
Abbreviation Description
ACS authorised contractual scheme
AFM authorised fund manager
AIFM alternative investment fund manager
AIFMD Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
CBA cost benefit analysis
COBS Conduct of Business sourcebook
COLL Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook
CP consultation paper
CTI Cost Transparency Initiative
DC defined contribution
DWP Department for Work and Pensions
ESG Environmental, Social and Governance
FAIF fund of alternative investment funds
FCA Financial Conduct Authority
FPC Financial Policy Committee
FUND Investment Funds sourcebook
IOSCO International Organization of Securities Commissions
LR Listing Rules sourcebook
LTAF long-term asset fund
NMPI non-mainstream pooled investment
NRRS non-readily realisable security
NURS non-UCITS retail scheme
OEIC open-ended investment company
Annex 2
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A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
Abbreviation Description
PAIF property authorised investment fund
PFWG Productive Finance Working Group
PRA Prudential Regulation Authority
PROD Product Intervention and Product Governance sourcebook
PS policy statement
QIS qualified investor scheme
UCITS undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities
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Appendix 1
Financial Conduct Authority
A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets
Appendix 1
Made rules (legal instrument)
FCA 2021/41
Powers exercised
A. The Financial Conduct Authority (“the FCA”) makes this instrument in the exercise
of the following powers and related provisions in or under:
(1) the following sections of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“the
(a) section 59 (Approval for particular arrangements);
(b) section 60 (Applications for approval);
(c) section 60A (Vetting of candidate by an authorised person);
(d) section 61 (Determination of applications);
(e) section 62A (Changes in responsibilities of senior managers);
(f) section 137A (The FCAs general rules);
(g) section 137D (FCA general rules: product intervention);
(h) section 137R (Financial promotion rules);
(i) section 137T (General supplementary powers);
(j) section 138D (Action for damages);
(k) section 139A (Power of the FCA to give guidance);
(l) section 242 (Application for authorisation of unit trust schemes);
(m) section 247 (Trust scheme rules);
(n) section 248 (Scheme particulars rules);
(o) section 261C (Applications for authorisation of contractual schemes);
(p) section 261I (Contractual scheme rules);
(q) section 261J (Contractual scheme particulars rules);
(r) section 340 (Appointment);
(s) paragraph 23 of Schedule 1ZA (Fees);
(2) regulations 6 (FCA rules) and 12 (Applications for authorisation) of the Open-
Ended Investment Companies Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/1228); and
(3) the other rule and guidance making powers listed in Schedule 4 (Powers
exercised) to the General Provisions of the FCAs Handbook.
B. The rule-making provisions listed above are specified for the purposes of section
138G(2) (Rule-making instruments) of the Act.
C. This instrument comes into force on 15 November 2021.
Amendments to the Handbook
D. The modules of the FCA’s Handbook of rules and guidance listed in column (1)
below are amended in accordance with the Annexes to this instrument listed in
column (2) below.
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Glossary of definitions
Annex A
Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and Controls
sourcebook (SYSC)
Annex B
Fees manual (FEES)
Annex C
Conduct of Business sourcebook (COBS)
Annex D
Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook (COLL)
Annex E
E. This instrument may be cited as the Long-Term Asset Fund Instrument 2021.
By order of the Board
21 October 2021
FCA 2021/41
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Annex A
Amendments to the Glossary of definitions
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text,
unless indicated otherwise.
Insert the following new definitions in the appropriate alphabetical position. The text is not
conditional permitted
long-term asset fund
in relation to conditional permitted links, and in respect of a firms
business with linked policyholders, a long-term asset fund.
feeder LTAF an LTAF which is dedicated to units in either:
(a) a single qualifying master LTAF; or
a single sub-fund of a qualifying master LTAF that is an
intermediate unitholder
in a long-term asset
a firm whose name is entered in the register of a long-term asset
fund, or which holds units in a long-term asset fund indirectly
through a third party acting as a nominee, and is not the beneficial
owner of the relevant unit, and:
(a) does not manage investments on behalf of the relevant
beneficial owner of the unit; or
does not act as a depositary of a collective investment
scheme or on behalf of such a depositary in connection with
its role in holding property subject to the scheme.
For the purposes of this definition, “register” has the meaning set
out in paragraph (3) of the Glossary definition ofregister.
long-term asset fund an authorised fund whose authorised fund manager operates, or
proposes to operate, it in accordance with the rules in COLL 15
(Long-term asset funds).
LTAF a long-term asset fund.
notice period (in relation to a long-term asset fund) has the meaning given in
COLL 15.8.12R(2)(f) (Dealing: redemption of units).
qualifying master
where a feeder LTAF is dedicated to units in a single collective
investment scheme which is a second scheme that operates in
accordance with the principle of prudent risk spreading (see COLL
15.6.3R (Prudent spread of risk)) and that meets the requirements
in COLL 15.6.9R (Investment in collective investment schemes),
that collective investment scheme.
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quarterly reporting
(in COLL) a period determined in accordance with COLL
15.5.9R(2) (Quarterly reports).
(in relation to a long-term asset fund) has the meaning given in
COLL 15.8.12R(1) (Dealing: redemption of units).
Amend the following definitions as shown.
appropriate valuer
(in COLL) a person who complies with the requirements
requirements of COLL 5.6.18R(7) (Investment in property), or
COLL 8.4.11R(4) (Investment in property) or COLL 15.6.18R(4)
(Investment in property).
CoCo fund
an unregulated collective investment scheme, qualified investor
scheme, long-term asset fund or a special purpose vehicle under
which the investment returns received by the investor, or the
scheme or vehicle’s ability to fulfil any payment obligations to the
investor, are wholly or predominantly linked to, contingent on,
highly sensitive to or dependent on, the performance of or changes
in the value of contingent convertible instruments.
conditional permitted
where the conditions in COBS 21.3.16R are met, the property in
COBS 21.3.15R that an insurer may use, whether by linking to it
directly or via permitted units, for the purposes of determining
property-linked benefits or index-linked benefits under linked long-
term contracts of insurance.
distribution account
(in COLL) the account to which the amount of income of an
authorised fund allocated to classes of units that distribute income
must be transferred as at the end of each annual accounting period
under COLL 6.8.3R (Income allocation and distribution), or COLL
8.5.15R (Income) or COLL 15.8.18R (Income).
excluded security any of the following investments:
(h) a security issued by a regulated collective investment
scheme other than:
(A) a qualified investor scheme; or
(B) a long-term asset fund.
inherently illiquid asset an asset which is:
FCA 2021/41
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(6) a unit in a qualified investor scheme where that qualified
investor scheme:
permits redemptions of units on timescales which do
not reflect the time typically needed to sell, liquidate
or close out the assets in which the qualified investor
scheme invests, those assets being ones which fall
within paragraphs (1) to (5) above or (6A) and (7)
below; and
a unit in a long-term asset fund where that long-term asset
(a) would itself meet condition (1) of the definition of a
FIIA if it were a non-UCITS retail scheme; and
(b) is not in the process of winding up or termination;
a unit in an open-ended unregulated collective investment
scheme where that unregulated collective investment
(a) aims to invest at least 50% of the value of the
property of the unregulated collective investment
scheme in assets falling within paragraphs (1) to (6)
(6A) above;
intermediate holding
a company, trust or partnership but not a collective investment
scheme, whose purpose is to enable the holding of overseas
immovables on behalf of a non-UCITS retail scheme, or a qualified
investor scheme or a long-term asset fund.
non-mainstream pooled
any of the following investments:
(b) a unit in a qualified investor scheme;
a unit in a long-term asset fund;
FCA 2021/41
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non-UCITS retail
an authorised fund which is neither not a UCITS scheme, or a
qualified investor scheme or a long-term asset fund.
permitted scheme
(a) [deleted]
(b) in respect of a firm’s firms business with linked
policyholders any of the following:
(i) an authorised fund, except a long-term asset fund;
permitted links the property in COBS 21.3.1R(1) and (2)(a) to (l) that an insurer
insurer may use, whether by linking to it directly or via permitted
units, for the purposes of determining property-linked benefits or
index-linked benefits under linked long-term contracts of insurance
contracts of insurance.
permitted units in relation to permitted links, units or beneficial interests in any real
or notional fund that invests in permitted links or conditional
permitted links, or both, and is managed either:
(2) (except in LR and PRR) (in relation to a collective
investment scheme) a document containing information
about the scheme and complying with the requirements
requirements in COLL 4.2.5R (Table: contents of the
prospectus), COLL 8.3.4R (Table: contents of qualified
investor scheme prospectus), or COLL 9.3.2R (Additional
information required in the prospectus for an application
under section 272), or COLL 15.4.5R (Table: contents of a
long-term asset fund prospectus), applicable to a prospectus
of a scheme of the type concerned.
qualifying scheme
(c) (in COBS 9.4.11R, COBS 19.1, and COBS 19.2 and COBS
21) in addition to the schemes in (a) as qualified by (b), a
defined contribution occupational pension scheme that is a
qualifying scheme for the purposes of the Pensions Act
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(3) (in COLL) the register of unitholders kept under Schedule 3
to the OEIC Regulations, or COLL 6.4.4R (Register:
general requirements and contents), or COLL 8.5.8R (The
register of unitholders: AUTs or ACSs), or COLL 15.7.12R
(The register of unitholders: AUTs or ACSs) as appropriate
or, in relation to a collective investment scheme that is not
an authorised fund, a record of the holders (other than of
bearer certificates) of units in it.
standing independent
the person appointed as such under COLL 5.6.20R (Standing
independent valuer and valuation), and COLL 8.4.13R(1) (Standing
independent valuer and valuation), or COLL 15.6.22R(1) (Standing
independent valuer and valuation).
valuation point (in COLL) a valuation point fixed by the authorised fund manager
for the purpose of COLL 6.3.4R (Valuation points), or COLL
8.5.9R (Valuation, pricing and dealing) or COLL 15.8.2R
(Valuation, pricing and dealing) or, in the case of a regulated
money market fund, the applicable requirements of article 29 to
article 32 of the Money Market Funds Regulation.
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Annex B
Amendments to the Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and
Controls sourcebook (SYSC)
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text.
24 Senior managers and certification regime: Allocation of prescribed
Allocation of FCA-prescribed senior management responsibilities: Main
allocation rules
What the FCA-prescribed senior management responsibilities are
24.2.6 R Table: FCA-prescribed senior management responsibilities
FCA-prescribed senior
management responsibility
Explanation Reference
(20) The responsibilities
allocated under COLL 6.6.27R,
or COLL 8.5.22R or COLL
15.7.24R (Allocation of
responsibility for compliance
to an approved person).
Only applies to a firm to
which the rules in column
(1) apply.
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Annex C
Amendments to the Fees manual (FEES)
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text.
3 Application, Notification and Vetting Fees
3 Annex
Application and notification fees payable in relation to collective investment
schemes, LTIFs, money market funds and AIFs marketed in the UK
Nature and
purpose of fee
Amount of
factor (note
Part 2 Application fees payable for firms to be subject to COLL
Regulation 12
of the OEIC
This section
applies to
funds where
an application
is also made
to be
under the
Money Market
On application for
an order declaring a
scheme to be an
ICVC, where the
scheme is a:
Qualified investor
Long-term asset
Section 242 of
the Act
This section
applies to
funds where
an application
is also made
to be
On application for
an order declaring a
scheme to be an
AUT, where the
scheme is a:
Qualified investor
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under the
Money Market
Long-term asset
Section 261C
of the Act
This section
applies to
funds where
an application
is also made
to be
under the
Money Market
On application for
an order declaring a
scheme to be an
ACS, where the
scheme is a:
Qualified investor
Long-term asset
Section 272 of
the Act
On application for
an order declaring a
scheme to be
recognised where
the scheme is:
a non-UK AIF or
AIF equivalent to a
UK UCITS, non-
UCITS retail
scheme, or a
qualified investor
scheme or a long-
term asset fund
8,000 2
Part 2B Application fees payable for UK or non-EEA firms applying for
authorisation under article 5 of the Money Market Funds Regulation
Article 5 of
the Money
UK AIF (apart from
those authorised as a
UK UCITS, a non-
UCITS retail
FCA 2021/41
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Market Funds
scheme, or a
qualified investor
scheme or a long-
term asset fund)
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Annex D
Amendments to the Conduct of Business sourcebook (COBS)
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text,
unless indicated otherwise.
4 Communicating with clients, including financial promotions
4.12 Restrictions on the promotion of non-mainstream pooled investments
Sophisticated and high net worth investors: guidance on certification by
authorised person and reliance on self-certification
Exemptions from the restrictions on the promotion of non-mainstream pooled
4.12.4 R
(5) Title of Exemption Promotion to: Promotion of a
pooled investment
which is:
11. Excluded
Any person. Any non-
mainstream pooled
investment, provided
the financial
promotion is an
4.12.12G, and
COBS 4.12.13G and
COBS 4.12.13AG.]
4.12.10 G (1)
(2) (a)
For example, a retail client whose investment experience is
limited to mainstream investments such as securities issued
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by listed companies, life policies or units in regulated
collective investment schemes (other than qualified investor
schemes or long-term asset funds) is generally unlikely to
possess the requisite knowledge to adequately understand the
risks associated with investing in non-mainstream pooled
Qualified investor schemes
4.12.13 G
Long-term asset funds
G A firm which wishes to rely on the excluded communications exemption in
COBS 4.12.4R(5) to promote units in a long-term asset fund to a retail
client should have regard to its duties under the Principles and the client’s
best interests rule. As explained in COLL 15.1.4G (Long-term asset funds
explanation), long-term asset funds are authorised funds which are intended
only for professional clients and for retail clients who are sophisticated
investors or certified high net worth investors.
21 Permitted Links and conditional permitted links
21.1 Application
Where this chapter sets out conditions or requirements in relation to
conditional permitted links, those conditions or requirements also apply in
relation to any conditional permitted links that a linked fund invests in via
permitted units.
21.3 Further rules for firms engaged in linked-long-term insurance business
Conditional permitted links
21.3.15 R
A conditional permitted link is any of the following property where the
conditions in COBS 21.3.16R are met:
(1) conditional permitted unlisted securities;
(2) conditional permitted immovables;
(3) conditional permitted loans; and
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(4) conditional permitted scheme interests.; and
(5) (only in respect of a linked fund included in the default arrangement
of a qualifying scheme) conditional permitted long-term asset funds.
21.3.16 R
(only in respect of conditional permitted long-term asset funds) the
linked fund investing in conditional permitted long-term asset funds
may only be included in the default arrangement of a qualifying
21.3.18 G The assessment in COBS 21.3.16R(2), in relation to a linked fund which is
included in a default or similar arrangement for a pension scheme, would
include ongoing consideration of:
(1) whether the investment risks of any conditional permitted links
remain suitable and appropriate for a particular cohort of linked
policyholders, including as that cohort moves toward retirement.;
(2) where the linked fund contains conditional permitted long-term asset
funds, the total exposure of the default arrangement to conditional
permitted long-term asset funds and other investments of similar risk
profile to that of conditional permitted long-term asset funds.
Conditional permitted links: requirements
R The gross assets that a linked fund invests in conditional permitted long-
term asset funds must not be included in any part of the calculation when
working out whether the limit set out in COBS 21.3.19R has been exceeded.
21.3.20 R Where a linked fund is invested in any conditional permitted link, the
information that a firm must give a linked policyholder under COBS
21.2.4R must also prominently include, clearly and in language capable of
being understood by a linked policyholder:
(1) an explanation of the risks associated with any conditional permitted
links and/or gross assets in permitted scheme interests in (b)(v) of
the Glossary definition of that term exceeding 20%, how these might
crystallise and how they might impact on a linked policyholder;
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Annex E
Amendments to the Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook (COLL)
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text,
unless indicated otherwise.
1 Introduction
1.2 Types of authorised fund
Types of authorised fund
1.2.1 R An application for an authorisation order must propose that the scheme be
one of the following types:
(2) a non-UCITS retail scheme, including:
(b) a non-UCITS retail scheme which is an umbrella with sub-
funds operating as:
(iii) a mixture of (i) and (ii); or
(3) a qualified investor scheme.; or
(4) a long-term asset fund.
Types of authorised fund explanation
1.2.2 G
(a) A long-term asset fund may be promoted only to:
(i) professional clients; and
(ii) retail clients who are sophisticated investors or certified
high net worth investors,
on the same terms as non-mainstream pooled investments.
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(b) A long-term asset fund is an AIF and must be managed by a
full-scope UK AIFM (see COLL 15.2.2R (Authorised fund
manager to be a full-scope UK AIFM)).
Under the Act and the UK AIFM regime, the FCA is able to
impose stricter requirements on an AIFM or an AIF marketed
to retail clients than the requirements that apply to an AIF
marketed only to professional clients. This sourcebook
contains stricter requirements for an AIF which is a long-term
asset fund.
(d) A full-scope UK AIFM must also comply with the
requirements in FUND and any other applicable provisions of
the UK AIFM regime.
(e) A long-term asset fund could change to become a qualified
investor scheme, a non-UCITS retail scheme or a UCITS
scheme, provided it complies with the necessary conditions.
The authorised fund manager of an LTAF may need to make
significant changes to the LTAF’s constitution, objectives and
investment powers for it to become a UCITS scheme or a non-
UCITS retail scheme.
A qualified investor scheme could become authorised as a
long-term asset fund if the authorised fund manager operates,
or proposes to operate, the scheme in accordance with the
rules in COLL 15 (Long-term asset funds).
The nature of the assets that are held (or expected to be held)
by a long-term asset fund means that it will not be able to seek
authorisation as a regulated money market fund, or to have the
characteristics of such a fund without significant changes to its
constitution, objectives and investment powers. See also
article 6 of the Money Market Funds Regulation.
(4) The changes referred to in (2), and (3) and (3A) require approval by
the FCA and further information on that process is provided in
COLLG 3A.1.6G (Notification of changes to unit trusts (sections 251
and 252A)) and COLLG 4A.1.3G (Notification of changes to ICVCs
(Regulations 21 and 22A)).
4 Investor Relations
4.5 Reports and accounts
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Comparative information
4.5.10 R The comparative information required by COLL 4.5.7R (Contents of the
annual long report), and COLL 8.3.5AR (Contents of the annual report), and
COLL 15.5.3R (Contents of the annual report) must be shown for the last
three annual accounting periods (or all of the authorised fund’s annual
accounting periods, if fewer than three) and must set out:
5 Investment and borrowing powers
5.1 Introduction
Indicative overview of investment and borrowing powers
5.1.4 G This table belongs to COLL 5.1.2G(2).
Scheme investments and
investment techniques
Limits for UCITS
Limits for non-
UCITS retail
Regulated schemes other than
qualified investor schemes and
long-term asset funds
Yes None Yes None
Unregulated schemes, and
qualified investor schemes, and
long-term asset funds
No N/A Yes 20%(C)
Note: Meaning of terms used:
(D)” The second scheme would also need to
meet the applicable requirements specified
in the rules.
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6 Operating duties and responsibilities
6.9 Independence, names and UCITS business restrictions
Use of the term ‘UCITS ETF’
6.9.8B G
Use of the term long-term asset fund’ or ‘LTAF’
6.9.8C R (1)
Paragraph (2) applies to the authorised fund manager of a UCITS
scheme or a non-UCITS retail scheme, an ICVC which is such a
scheme, and any other directors of such an ICVC.
(2) The scheme or sub-fund:
must not useLong-Term Asset Fund or ‘LTAF’ in its name;
(b) must not otherwise suggest through its name that it is a fund
which invests in long-term assets or describe itself as such.
6.9.8D G (1)
The term ‘Long-Term Asset Fund’ or ‘LTAFis reserved for long-
term asset funds (see COLL 15).
(2) Only AIFs that are authorised in accordance with the LTIF Regulation
may use the designation ‘LTIF’ or ‘long-term investment fund’.
8 Qualified investor schemes
8.2 Constitution
Names of schemes, sub-funds, and classes of units
8.2.3 R (1)
(2) [deleted] Paragraph (3) applies to an authorised fund manager of a
qualified investor scheme, an ICVC which is such a scheme, and any
other directors of such an ICVC.
(3) The scheme or sub-fund:
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(a) must not use ‘Long-Term Asset Fund’ or LTAF’ in its name;
(b) must not otherwise suggest through its name that it is a fund
which invests in long-term assets or describe itself as such.
Undesirable and misleading names
8.2.4 G (1)
COLL 6.9.6G (Undesirable and misleading names) contains guidance
as to names which may be undesirable or misleading.
The term ‘Long-Term Asset Fund’ or ‘LTAFis reserved for long-
term asset funds (see COLL 15).
(3) Only AIFs that are authorised in accordance with the LTIF Regulation
may use the designation ‘LTIF’ or ‘long-term investment fund’.
8.3 Investor relations
Drawing up and availability of a prospectus
8.3.2A G (1)
(2) The requirements of the PRIIPs Regulation are directly applicable
form part of UK law.
14 Charity authorised investment funds
14.1 Introduction
Types of charity authorised investment fund
14.1.3 R (1) A charity authorised investment fund may be:
(b) a non-UCITS retail scheme; or
(c) a qualified investor scheme.; or
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(d) a long-term asset fund.
Insert the following chapter after COLL 14. All of the text is new and is not underlined.
15 Long-term asset funds
15.1 Introduction
15.1.1 R (1) This chapter applies to:
(a) an authorised fund manager of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC;
(b) any other director of an ICVC;
(c) the depositary of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC; and
(d) an ICVC,
which is a long-term asset fund.
Where this chapter refers to rules in any other chapter of this
sourcebook, those rules and any relevant guidance should be applied
as if they referred to long-term asset funds.
15.1.2 G (1)
This chapter assists in achieving the statutory objective of securing an
appropriate degree of protection for consumers in respect of
authorised funds that are only intended for investors that are, in
general, prepared to accept a higher degree of risk in their investments
or have a higher degree of experience and expertise than investors in a
UCITS scheme or a non-UCITS retail scheme.
(2) A long-term asset fund is essentially a type of scheme where different
types of permitted asset may be included as part of the scheme
property, depending on the investment objectives and policy of that
scheme and within any restrictions in the rules. The FCA expects the
investment strategy of an LTAF to be to invest at least 50% of the
scheme property of an LTAF in assets that are illiquid and need to be
held over the longer term.
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(3) In comparison to qualified investor schemes, long-term asset funds
have greater flexibility in their investment powers. Therefore, to assist
the FCA in achieving the statutory objective of securing an appropriate
degree of protection for consumers, this chapter balances this
additional flexibility by placing other requirements on the authorised
fund managers and depositaries of LTAFs.
(4) This chapter ceases to apply where a long-term asset fund has
converted to be authorised as a UCITS scheme, a non-UCITS retail
scheme or a qualified investor scheme.
Long-term asset funds: eligible investors
15.1.3 R (1) Subject to (3), the authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund
must take reasonable care to ensure that ownership of units in that
scheme is recorded in the register only for a person to whom such
units may be promoted under COBS 4.12.4R (Exemptions from the
restrictions on the promotion of non-mainstream pooled investments).
In addition to (1), the authorised contractual scheme manager of a
long-term asset fund which is an ACS must take reasonable care to
ensure that ownership of units in that scheme is only recorded in the
register for a person that meets the criteria set out in COLL 15 Annex
1R (ACS Long-term asset funds: eligible investors).
(3) The authorised fund manager will be regarded as complying with (1)
and (2) to the extent that it can show that it was reasonable for it to
rely on relevant information provided by another person.
Long-term asset funds - explanation
15.1.4 G (1) Long-term asset funds are authorised funds which are intended only
for professional clients and for retail clients who are sophisticated
investors or certified high net worth investors. For this reason, long-
term asset funds are subject to a restriction on promotion under COBS
4.12.3R (Restrictions on the promotion of non-mainstream pooled
(2) The authorised contractual scheme manager of a long-term asset fund
which is an ACS must take reasonable care to ensure that it accepts
subscription to units in the LTAF only from a person to whom such
units may be promoted under COBS 4.12.4R (Exemptions from the
restrictions on the promotion of non-mainstream pooled investments)
and who also meets the criteria in COLL 15 Annex 1R.
Application and notification procedures
15.1.5 G
Details of the application procedures in respect of long-term asset funds are
contained in COLL 2.1 (Authorised fund applications). Further information
is available on the FCA website at www.fca.org.uk/firms/authorised-
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15.2 Eligibility to act as the authorised fund manager
15.2.1 R This section applies to:
(1) the authorised fund manager of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC;
(2) any other director of an ICVC;
(3) the depositary of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC; and
(4) an ICVC,
which is a long-term asset fund.
Authorised fund manager to be a full-scope UK AIFM
15.2.2 R The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund must be a full-scope
15.2.3 G (1)
To ensure an appropriate degree of consumer protection, only a full-
scope UK AIFM is able to act as the authorised fund manager for an
(2) Full-scope UK AIFMs that manage authorised AIFs are subject to the
requirements of both COLL and FUND, and must also comply with
any other applicable provisions of the UK AIFM regime, including the
AIFMD level 2 regulation and the AIFMD UK regulation. Small
authorised UK AIFMs are subject to a more limited set of rules and
Competence and resources of the authorised fund manager
15.2.4 R (1) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund must, having
regard to the investment objectives, policy and strategy of the LTAF:
possess the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to
understand the activities of the LTAF and, in particular, the
risks involved in those activities and the assets which the LTAF
holds (or is to hold) in the scheme property; and
employ sufficient personnel with the skills, knowledge and
expertise necessary for discharging the responsibilities
allocated to them.
(2) The authorised fund manager may not rely on a delegation or
outsourcing arrangement to satisfy (1).
15.2.5 R The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund must at all times be
able to demonstrate to the FCA that it complies with COLL 15.2.4R.
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[Note: Article 22 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
Appointment of external valuer or authorised fund manager with knowledge, skills
and experience of valuing long-term assets
15.2.6 R (1)
The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund must appoint
an external valuer to perform the valuation function for the LTAF, but
this is subject to (2) and (5).
(2) The authorised fund manager need not appoint an external valuer
under (1) if:
(a) the authorised fund manager possesses the knowledge, skills
and experience necessary to be able to carry out a proper and
independent valuation of the assets and types of assets which
the long-term asset fund holds or is to hold (see FUND 3.9.4R);
(b) the depositary of the long-term asset fund, having made an
assessment of the matters in (a), has determined that the
authorised fund manager has the resources and procedures for
carrying out a valuation of those assets in accordance with the
applicable law, the instrument constituting the fund and FUND
3.9 (Valuation).
(3) The depositary must:
(a) review its determination under (2)(b):
(i) regularly, and in any event at least annually; and
(ii) whenever the depositary becomes aware of any
circumstances which could affect the determination;
(b) for a period of six years, keep a written record of its
determination under (2)(b) and any review under (3)(a), and the
reasons for the assessment; and
(c) provide the FCA with a copy of the written record on request.
(4) Where the authorised fund manager performs the valuation function
itself in accordance with (2), the authorised fund manager may
appoint, as applicable:
for the purpose of valuing immovables in accordance with
COLL 15.6.18R (Investment in property), an appropriate
(b) for the purpose of valuing immovables in accordance with
COLL 15.6.22R (Standing independent valuer and valuation), a
standing independent valuer;
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(c) for the purpose of valuing an asset other than an immovable or
property, a delegate appointed in accordance with FUND 3.10
(Delegation) and the relevant provisions of section 8
(Delegation of AIFM functions) of Chapter III of the AIFMD
level 2 regulation.
(5) The authorised fund manager need not appoint an external valuer
under (1) if:
the scheme property of the long-term asset fund is constituted
solely of units or shares in other collective investment schemes
or AIFs; and
(b) an external valuer performs the valuation function of each such
collective investment scheme or AIF.
[Note: FUND 3.9 (Valuation), FUND 3.10 (Delegation), FUND 3.11.25R
(Depositary functions: oversight), article 19(5) of AIFMD, and articles 67 to
74 (Valuation) and article 94(4) (Duties regarding the valuation of
shares/units) of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
15.2.7 G Where an authorised fund manager appoints an external valuer under COLL
15.2.6R(1) certain additional requirements apply. For example, FUND
3.9.7R(3) (Performance of the valuation function) sets certain conditions
relating to the independence of the external valuer, and the authorised fund
manager will also need to be able to demonstrate the matters set out in
FUND 3.9.9R (Appointment of external valuer). The AIFMD level 2
regulation contains further requirements that apply to the authorised fund
manager where an external valuer is used. Certain requirements also apply
to the external valuer and the depositary of an LTAF with an external valuer.
[Note: Articles 67 to 74 and article 94(4) of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
15.2.8 R The governing body of the authorised fund manager of a long-term asset
fund must:
(1) possess the collective knowledge, skills and experience to be able to
understand the authorised fund manager’s activities, in particular, the
main risks involved in those activities and the assets in which the
long-term asset fund is invested;
(2) have members that commit sufficient time to properly perform their
functions in the authorised fund manager; and
(3) have members that act with honesty, integrity and independence of
[Note: Article 21 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
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15.2.9 G (1) In order to establish whether an authorised fund manager of a long-
term asset fund conducts its activities honestly, fairly and with due
skills, the FCA is required to assess various matters, including those
set out in articles 21 and 22 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation. In
addition, under COLL 15.2.4R, the authorised fund manager must
possess the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to understand
the activities of the LTAF and, in particular, the risks involved in those
activities and the assets which the LTAF holds (or is to hold) in the
scheme property without relying on delegation arrangements to satisfy
the requirement.
(2) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund is subject to
various other requirements relating to its governance arrangements; its
organisational structure; the skills, knowledge, expertise and
competence of those it employs; and its obligation to act honestly,
fairly and with due skill, care and diligence. See for example the rules
in SYSC 4 (General organisational requirements), SYSC 5 (Employees,
agents and other relevant persons) and COBS 2.1 (Acting honestly,
fairly and professionally).
(3) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund should also
note the organisational requirements set out in the AIFMD level 2
regulation; for example, article 57 (General requirements).
15.3 Constitution
15.3.1 R
This section applies to an authorised fund manager of a long-term asset
Classes of unit
15.3.2 R A long-term asset fund may issue such classes of unit as are set out in the
instrument constituting the fund, provided the rights of any class are not
unfairly prejudicial as against the interests of the unitholders of any other
class of units in that scheme.
Names of schemes, sub-funds, and classes of units
15.3.3 R (1)
The authorised fund manager must ensure that the name of the
scheme, a sub-fund or a class of unit is not undesirable or misleading.
(2) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund must include
the term ‘long-term asset fund’ orLTAF in the name of the scheme
and in relation to any sub-fund which is also a long-term asset fund.
Undesirable and misleading names
15.3.4 G (1) COLL 6.9.6G (Undesirable and misleading names) contains guidance
as to names which may be undesirable or misleading.
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(2) The term ‘Long-Term Asset Fund’ or ‘LTAFis reserved for a long-
term asset fund whose authorised fund manager operates, or proposes
to operate, it in accordance with the rules in this chapter.
Only AIFs that are authorised in accordance with the LTIF Regulation
may use the designation ‘LTIF’ or ‘long-term investment fund’.
Instrument constituting the fund
15.3.5 R (1) The statements and provisions required by COLL 15.3.6R must be
included in the instrument constituting the fund of a long-term asset
(2) The instrument constituting the fund must not contain any provision
that conflicts with any applicable rule.
Table: contents of the instrument constituting the fund
15.3.6 R This table belongs to COLL 15.3.5R.
1 Description of the authorised fund
Information detailing:
(1) the name of the authorised fund;
(2) that the authorised fund is a long-term asset fund;
(3) in the case of an ICVC, whether the head office of the company is
situated in England and Wales, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
2 Property Authorised Investment Funds
For a property authorised investment fund, a statement that:
(1) it is a property authorised investment fund;
(2) no body corporate may seek to obtain or intentionally maintain a
holding of more than 10% of the net asset value of the scheme; and
(3) in the event that the authorised fund manager reasonably considers
that a body corporate holds more than 10% of the net asset value of
the scheme, the authorised fund manager is entitled to delay any
redemption or cancellation of units in accordance with 8 if the
authorised fund manager reasonably considers such action to be:
(a) necessary in order to enable an orderly reduction of the holding
to below 10%; and
(b) in the interests of the unitholders as a whole.
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3 Constitution
The following statements:
(1) the scheme property of the scheme is entrusted to a depositary f or
safekeeping (subject to any exception permitted by the rules);
(2) if relevant, the duration of the scheme is limited and, if so, for how
charges and expenses of the scheme may be taken out of scheme
(4) for an ICVC:
what the maximum and minimum sizes of the scheme’s capital
are; and
(b) the unitholders are not liable for the debts of the company;
for an ICVC which is an umbrella, a statement that the assets of a sub-
fund belong exclusively to that sub-fund and shall not be used to
discharge directly or indirectly the liabilities of, or claims against, any
other person or body, including the umbrella, or any other sub-fund,
and shall not be available for any such purpose;
(6) for a co-ownership scheme which is an umbrella, the property subject
to a sub-fund is beneficially owned by the participants in that sub-fund
as tenants in common (or, in Scotland, is the common property of the
participants in that sub-fund) and must not be used to discharge any
liabilities of, or meet any claims against, any person other than the
participants in that sub-fund;
for a limited partnership scheme, that the scheme prohibits pooling as
is mentioned in section 235(3)(a) of the Act in relation to separate
parts of the scheme property, with the effect that the scheme cannot be
an umbrella;
(8) for an AUT:
(a) the trust deed:
(i) is made under and governed by the law of England and
Wales, or the law of Scotland or the law of Northern
(ii) is binding on each unitholder as if that person had been
a party to it, and that the unitholder is bound by its
provisions; and
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authorises and requires the trustee and the manager to
do the things required or permitted of them by its terms;
subject to the provisions of the trust deed and all the rules made
under section 247 of the Act (Trust scheme rules):
(i) the scheme property (other than sums held to the credit
of the distribution account) is held by the trustee on
trust for the unitholders according to the number of
units held by each unitholder or, where relevant,
according to the number of individual shares in the
scheme property represented by the units held by each
unitholder; and
(ii) the sums standing to the credit of any distribution
account are held by the trustee on trust to distribute or
apply them in accordance with COLL 15.8.18R
(c) a unitholder is not liable to make any further payment after
having paid the price of the units held, and that no further
liability can be imposed on the unitholder in respect of those
units; and
(d) payments to the trustee by way of remuneration are authorised
to be paid (in whole or in part) out of the scheme property; and
(9) for an ACS:
(a) the contractual scheme deed:
(i) is made under and governed by the law of England and
Wales, or the law of Scotland or the law of Northern
is binding on each unitholder as if that person had been
a party to it, and that the unitholder is bound by its
(iii) authorises and requires the depositary and the
authorised contractual scheme manager to do the things
required or permitted of them by its terms; and
(iv) states that units may not be issued to a person other than
a person:
(A) who is a:
(i) professional ACS investor; or
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(ii) large ACS investor; or
(iii) person who already holds units in the
scheme; and
to whom units in a long-term asset fund may be
promoted under COBS 4.12.4R;
states that the authorised contractual scheme manager
of an ACS must redeem units as soon as practicable after
becoming aware that those units are vested in anyone
(whether as a result of subscription or transfer of units)
other than a person meeting the criteria in (iv)(A) and
(vi) states that for a co-ownership scheme:
the scheme property is beneficially owned by the
participants as tenants in common (or, in
Scotland, is the common property of the
(B) the arrangements constituting the scheme are
intended to constitute a co-ownership scheme as
defined in section 235A(2) of the Act; and
the operator and depositary are required to wind
up the scheme if directed to do so by the FCA in
exercise of its power under section 261X
(Directions) of the Act;
(vii) states:
(A) whether the transfer of units in the ACS scheme
or, for a co-ownership scheme which is an
umbrella (sub-funds of which pursue differing
policies in relation to transfer of units), in each
particular sub-fund, is either:
(i) prohibited; or
(ii) allowed;
(B) where a transfer of units is allowed by the
scheme or, where appropriate the sub-fund, in
accordance with (A)(ii), units may only be
transferred in accordance with the conditions
specified by FCA rules, including that units may
not be transferred to a person other than a
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(i) who is a:
(1) professional ACS investor; or
(2) large ACS investor; or
(3) person who already holds units in
the scheme; and
(ii) to whom units in a long-term asset fund
may be promoted under COBS 4.12.4R;
states that for a limited partnership scheme, the scheme
is not dissolved on any person ceasing to be a limited
partner or nominated partner provided that there
remains at least one limited partner;
(b) subject to the provisions of the contractual scheme deed and all
the rules made under section 261I of the Act (Contractual
scheme rules) and for the time being in force:
the scheme property (other than sums standing to the
credit of the distribution account) is held by, or to the
order of, the depositary for and on behalf of the
unitholders according to the number of units held by
each unitholder or, where relevant, according to the
number of individual shares in the scheme property
represented by the units held by each unitholder; and
(ii) the sums standing to the credit of any distribution
account are held by the depositary to distribute or apply
them in accordance with COLL 15.8.18R (Income); and
(c) a unitholder in a co-ownership scheme is not liable to make any
further payment after having paid the price of the units held,
and that no further liability can be imposed on the unitholder in
respect of those units;
(d) a unitholder in a limited partnership scheme is not liable for the
debts or obligations of the limited partnership scheme beyond
the amount of the scheme property which is available to the
authorised contractual scheme manager to meet such debts or
obligations, provided that the unitholder does not take part in
the management of the partnership business;
(e) the exercise of rights conferred on limited partners by FCA
rules does not constitute taking part in the management of the
partnership business;
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the limited partners, other than the nominated partner, are to be
the participants in the scheme; and
(g) the operator of a co-ownership scheme is authorised to:
acquire, manage and dispose of the scheme property;
enter into contracts which are binding on unitholders for
the purposes of, or in connection with, the acquisition,
management or disposal of scheme property.
4 Investment objectives
A statement of the object of the scheme, in particular the types of investments
and assets in which it and each sub-fund (where applicable) may invest and
that the object of the scheme is to invest in property of that kind with the aim
of spreading investment risk.
5 Units in the scheme
A statement of:
(1) the classes of units which the scheme may issue, indicating, for a
scheme which is an umbrella, which class or classes may be issued in
respect of each sub-fund; and
the rights attaching to units of each class (including any provisions for
the expression in two denominations of such rights).
6 Limitation on issue of and redemption of units
(1) Details as to:
the provisions relating to any restrictions on the right to redeem
units in any class; and
the circumstances in which the issue of the units of any
particular class may be limited.
(2) A statement setting out the dealing frequency f or sales and
redemptions of units in the scheme, and the applicable notice period
for redemptions.
7 Income and distribution
Details of the person responsible for the calculation, transfer, allocation and
distribution of income for any class of unit in issue during the accounting
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8 Redemption or cancellation of units on breach of law or rules
A statement that where any holding of units by a unitholder is (or is
reasonably considered by the authorised fund manager to be) an
infringement of any law, governmental regulation or rule, those units must
be redeemed or cancelled.
9 Base currency
A statement of the base currency of the scheme.
10 Meetings
Details of the procedures for the convening of meetings and the procedures
relating to resolutions, voting and the voting rights for unitholders.
11 Powers and duties of the authorised fund manager and depositary
Where relevant, details of any function to be undertaken by the authorised
fund manager and depositary which the rules in COLL require to be stated in
the instrument constituting the fund.
12 Termination and suspension
Details of:
(1) the grounds under which the authorised fund manager may initiate a
suspension of the scheme and any associated procedures; and
(2) the methodology for determining the rights of unitholders to
participate in the scheme property on winding up.
13 Investment in overseas property through an intermediate holding
If investment in an overseas immovable is to be made through an
intermediate holding vehicle or a series of intermediate holding vehicles, a
statement that the purpose of that intermediate holding vehicle or series of
intermediate holding vehicles will be to enable the holding of overseas
immovables by the scheme.
14 Other relevant matters
Details of those matters which enable the scheme, authorised fund manager
or depositary to obtain any privilege or power conferred by the rules in
COLL which is not otherwise provided for in the instrument constituting the
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Limited issue
15.3.7 R Units whose issue may be limited can only be issued if permitted by the
instrument constituting the fund, under the conditions set out in the
prospectus and provided that this will not materially prejudice any existing
unitholders in the scheme.
15.4 Prospectus and other pre-sale notifications
15.4.1 R This section applies to:
(1) the authorised fund manager of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC; and
(2) an ICVC,
which is a long-term asset fund.
Drawing up and availability of a prospectus
15.4.2 R (1) An authorised fund manager must ensure that a prospectus of a long-
term asset fund is drawn up which contains:
(a) the information specified in COLL 15.4.5R (Table: contents of
long-term asset fund prospectus);
(b) the information for investors required by FUND 3.2.2R and
FUND 3.2.3R (Prior disclosure of information to investors);
the information for investors required by FUND 3.2.5R and
FUND 3.2.6R (Periodic disclosure), unless the up-to-date
information has been published in the scheme’s most recent
annual report or half-yearly report.
(2) An authorised fund manager must:
(a) revise the prospectus immediately upon the occurrence of any
materially significant change in the information required to be
stated within it;
include the date of any revision in a prominent manner in the
revised prospectus;
(c) send a copy of the original and any revised prospectus to the
FCA; and
review the prospectus periodically and revise it to take account
of any significant change or new matter.
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(3) The prospectus must not contain any provision which is unfairly
prejudicial to the interests of unitholders generally or to the
unitholders of any class of units.
The authorised fund manager must ensure that the prospectus does not
contain any provision that conflicts with any applicable rule.
(5) An ICVC or the authorised fund manager of an AUT or ACS must
offer a copy of the scheme’s most recent prospectus free of charge to
any person eligible to invest in a long-term asset fund, prior to the
purchase of any units.
15.4.3 G (1) The information specified in COLL 15.4.5R (Table: contents of long-
term asset fund prospectus) includes the provisions specified in FUND
3.2.2R(1) to (12) and (16), as well as certain additional pieces of
information. ANote’ indicates whether the information is derived
from FUND 3.2.2R.
(2) The authorised fund manager of an LTAF will also need to comply
with FUND 3.2.2R by providing investors with the information
specified in FUND 3.2.2R(13) to (15) and (17).
False or misleading prospectus
15.4.4 R The authorised fund manager must ensure that the prospectus does not
contain any untrue or misleading statement or omit any matter required by
the rules in this sourcebook to be included in it.
Table: contents of a long-term asset fund prospectus
15.4.5 R This table belongs to COLL 15.4.2R.
1 Document status
A statement that this document is the prospectus of the authorised fund valid
as at a particular date which shall be the date of the document.
2 Description of the authorised fund
Information detailing:
(1) the name of the authorised fund;
(2) its FCA product reference number (PRN);
(3) that the authorised fund is either an ICVC, ACS or an AUT;
(4) that the scheme is a long-term asset fund;
where relevant, that the shareholders in an ICVC are not liable for the
debts of the authorised fund;
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where relevant, the address of the ICVC’s head office and the address
in the United Kingdom for service on the ICVC of documents required
or authorised to be served on it;
(7) the effective date of the authorisation order made by the FCA and, if
the duration of the authorised fund is not unlimited, when it will or
may terminate;
(8) the base currency for the authorised fund;
(9) where relevant, the maximum and minimum sizes of the ICVC’s
(10) for an ACS that is a limited partnership scheme, the address of the
proposed principal place of business of the limited partnership
scheme; and
a description of the other main legal implications of the contractual
relationship entered into for the purpose of investment, including
information on jurisdiction, the applicable law and the existence or
absence of any legal instruments providing for the recognition and
enforcement of judgments.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(3).]
3 Investment objectives, policy and strategy
The following particulars, which must be set out fairly, clearly and in plain
(1) Information to enable a unitholder to ascertain:
(a) the investment objectives of the authorised fund;
(b) the authorised fund’s investment policy for achieving those
investment objectives, including:
(i) the general nature of the portfolio and any intended
(ii) the policy for providing a prudent spread of risk in the
scheme property; and
the policy in relation to the exercise of powers to borrow
cash and use leverage, including:
the purposes for which cash borrowing and
leverage may be used;
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the nature of the cash borrowing, including
whether it is short- or long-term, temporary or
(C) the types and sources of leverage permitted and
the associated risks;
(D) any restrictions on the use of leverage and any
collateral and asset reuse arrangements;
(E) the maximum level of leverage which the
authorised fund manager is entitled to employ
on behalf of the LTAF;
an explanation of how and why that is
compatible with the objectives of the LTAF;
whether there are any restrictions in the assets which may be
held in the scheme property; and
(d) the extent (if any) to which that investment policy does not
envisage remaining fully invested at all times.
(2) A description of the investment strategy of the long-term asset fund
which must comply with COLL 15.6.6R (Long-term asset funds:
investment strategy).
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(1)(a), FUND 3.2.2R(1)(f) and FUND 3.2.2R(1)(g) to
4 Feeder LTAFs
If the LTAF is a feeder LTAF:
(1) the name and (where applicable) the FCA product reference number
(PRN) of the qualifying master LTAF;
(2) the country or territory where the qualifying master LTAF is
established; and
(3) the following details of the qualifying master LTAF:
(a) its investment objective, policy and strategy, including its risk
(b) the minimum and (if relevant) maximum investment that the
feeder LTAF may make in it;
(c) how copies of its prospectus may be obtained;
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how the unitholders of the feeder LTAF may obtain further
information about it; and
a description of all remuneration or reimbursement of costs
payable by the feeder LTAF by virtue of its investment in units
of the qualifying master LTAF, as well as the aggregate charges
of the two schemes.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(1)(b).]
5 Fund of funds
If the LTAF is a fund of funds, information on where the underlying funds are
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(1)(c).]
6 Assets in which the LTAF may invest
A description of the types of assets in which the LTAF may invest, including,
where relevant:
(1) for investment in immovables:
(a) the countries or territories in which the authorised fund may
invest in immovables;
(b) the authorised fund managers policy in relation to insuring any
immovables which form part of the scheme property; and
(c) the policy of the authorised fund manager in relation to the
granting of options over immovables in the scheme property
and the purchase of options on immovables.
if intended, whether the scheme property may consist of units in
collective investment schemes (“second schemes) which are managed
by or operated by the authorised fund manager or by one of its
associates and a statement as to:
(a) the basis of the maximum amount of the charges in respect of
transactions in a second scheme; and
(b) the extent to which any such charges will be reimbursed to the
(3) if intended, whether the scheme may enter into stock lending
arrangements and repo contracts and, if so, what procedures will
operate and what collateral will be required.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(1)(d).]
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7 Investment techniques and associated risks
At least the following information, which must be set out fairly, clearly and
in plain language, about the investment techniques that the authorised fund
manager may employ and all associated risks, including:
(1) having regard to the investment strategy of the long-term asset fund
and the type of assets in which the scheme may invest, an explanation
of the risks associated with the scheme investing in those assets and
how those risks might crystallise;
(2) any other risks for unitholders investing in the long-term asset fund;
(3) a description of the tools and arrangements the authorised fund
manager would propose using, including those required by rules, to
mitigate the risks referred to in (1) and (2); and
an explanation of the circumstances in which those tools and
arrangements would typically be deployed and the likely
consequences for investors.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(1)(e).]
8 Procedures to change of strategy or policy
A description of the procedures by which the authorised fund manager o f the
LTAF may change its investment objective and policy or its investment
strategy, or both.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(2).]
9 Classes of units
Information as to:
(1) the names of the classes of units in issue or available for issue and the
rights attached to them in so far as they vary from the rights attached
to other classes;
(2) how unitholders may exercise their voting rights and what these are;
(3) the circumstances where a mandatory redemption, cancellation or
conversion of units from one class to another may be required.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(3), (8), (9), (11) and (12).]
10 Identity and duties of the authorised fund manager, depositary, auditor
and other service providers, and investors’ rights
(1) The following particulars of the authorised fund manager:
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(a) its name and the nature of its corporate form;
(b) the country or territory of its incorporation;
(c) the date of its incorporation and if the duration of its corporate
status is limited, when that status will or may cease;
(d) if it is a subsidiary, the name of its ultimate holding company
and the country or territory in which that holding company is
(e) the address of its registered office, its head office, and, if
different, the address of its principal place of business in the
United Kingdom;
(f) the amount of its issued share capital and how much of it is
paid up;
(g) for an ICVC, a summary of the material provisions of the
contract between the ICVC and the authorised fund manager
which may be relevant to unitholders including provisions (if
any) relating to termination, compensation on termination and
(h) the names of the directors of the authorised fund manager; and
(i) a description of the duties of the authorised fund manager.
(2) Where the LTAF is an ICVC, other than for the ACD:
(a) the names and positions in the ICVC of the directors; and
the manner, amount and calculation of the remuneration of the
(3) The following particulars of the depositary
(a) its name and the nature of its corporate form;
(b) the country or territory of its incorporation;
(c) the address of its registered office and the address of its head
office if that is different from the address of its registered
(d) if neither its registered office nor its head office is in the United
Kingdom, the address of its principal place of business in the
United Kingdom; and
(e) a description of the duties of the depositary.
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If an investment adviser or any other person is retained to provide
services in connection with the business of the authorised fund:
(a) the name of the person;
(b) whether or not the person is authorised by the FCA; and
(c) a description of the duties of the person.
(5) The name of the auditor of the authorised fund and a description of the
duties of the auditor.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(4).]
11 Professional liability
A description of how the authorised fund manager complies with the
requirements referred to in IPRU-INV 11.3.11G (Professional negligence)
relating to professional liability risk.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(5).]
12 Delegation arrangements
To the extent not covered by (10), a description of:
(1) any AIFM management function delegated by the authorised fund
(2) any safe-keeping function delegated by the depositary;
(3) the identity of each delegate appointed under FUND 3.10
(Delegation); and
(4) any conflicts of interest that may arise from such delegation.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(6).]
13 Valuation of scheme property and due diligence
(1) A statement setting out whether the valuation function is performed by
an external valuer or the authorised fund manager and:
(a) where an external valuer is used to perform the valuation
function, an explanation of how that person meets the
requirements set out in FUND 3.9.7R(3) (Performance of the
valuation function) and the relevant requirements in articles 67
to 74 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation, and how the authorised
fund manager is able to demonstrate the matters specified in
FUND 3.9.9R (Appointment of an external valuer) and FUND
3.10.2R(2)(f) (General delegation requirements); or
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where the authorised fund manager performs the valuation
function itself, details of the depositary’s determination of the
matters referred to in COLL 15.2.6R(2) (Appointment of
external valuer or authorised fund manager with knowledge,
skills and experience of valuing long-term assets).
(2) A description of the valuation procedure and of the pricing
methodology for valuing assets, including the methods used in valuing
hard-to-value assets, in line with FUND 3.9 (Valuation), and details as
(a) how frequently and at what times of the day the scheme
property will be regularly valued to determine the price at
which units in the scheme may be purchased from or redeemed
by the authorised fund manager and a description of any
circumstance where the scheme property may be specially
(b) in relation to each purpose for which the scheme property must
be valued and each category of asset held in the scheme
property, the basis on which it will be valued, identifying any
codes of good practice used by the external valuer (where
relevant) or the authorised fund manager; and
(c) how the price of units of each class will be determined,
including a statement that a forward price basis is to be applied.
(3) Details as to:
(a) the authorised fund managers policies and procedures in
relation to the selection and ongoing monitoring of investments
(see article 18(2) of the AIFMD level 2 regulation);
(b) the arrangements for ensuring that investment decisions on
behalf of the long-term asset fund are carried out in compliance
with the objectives and the investment strategy of the scheme
(see article 18(3) of the AIFMD level 2 regulation);
(c) how the authorised fund manager will carry out due diligence
in line with good market practice.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(7).]
[Note 2: Articles 67 to 71 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation contain detailed
requirements relating to the valuation of assets by full-scope UK AIFMs.
Articles 18 and 19 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation also contain detailed
requirements relating to the due diligence obligations of full-scope UK
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14 Fees, charges and expenses
A description of all fees, charges and expenses, including:
(1) the maximum amounts directly or indirectly borne by investors;
(2) the payments that may be made out of the scheme property to any
person whether by way of remuneration for services, reimbursement
of expense, or charge or other payment and for each category of
remuneration, expense, charge or payment the following should be
(a) (i) the person to whom the remuneration, charge, expense
or payment is payable or made;
(ii) what that payment is for;
(iii) the current rates or amounts of such remuneration,
charge, expense or payment;
(iv) how the remuneration, charge, expense or payment will
be calculated;
(v) when it will be paid; and
(vi) where a performance fee is taken, whether by the
authorised fund manager or any other person providing
services to the authorised fund manager or the long-
term asset fund in relation to the operation of the
scheme, examples of how the performance fee works in
plain English and the maximum it can amount to;
(b) if notice has been given to unitholders of the authorised fund
managers intention to:
(i) introduce a new category of remuneration for its
(ii) increase the basis of any current charge; or
(iii) change the basis of the treatment of a payment from the
capital property set out in COLL 15.8.16R(2)
particulars of that introduction or increase and when it will take
place; and
(c) if, in accordance with COLL 15.8.16R(2) (Payments), all or
part of the remuneration or expense are to be treated as a
capital charge:
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(i) that fact; and
(ii) the basis of the charge which may be so treated; and
(3) if the authorised fund manager makes any charges on sale or
redemption of units, details of the charging structure and how notice
will be provided to unitholders of any increase.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(9).]
[Note 2: Annex VI of the onshored Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2017/653 laying down regulatory technical standards with regard to the
presentation, content, review and revision of key information documents, sets
out detailed requirements in relation to the costs to be disclosed in a key
information document.]
15 Fair treatment of investors and investor rights
(1) A description of how the authorised fund manager ensures a fair
treatment of investors.
(2) Whenever an investor obtains preferential treatment or the right to
obtain preferential treatment, a description of:
(a) that preferential treatment;
(b) the type of investors who obtain such preferential treatment;
where relevant, their legal or economic links with the LTAF or
the authorised fund manager.
(3) A description of the rights of investors.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(4), (10) and (11).]
16 Dealing
The procedure and conditions for the issue, sale, redemption and cancellation
of units or shares including details of the following, in fair, clear and plain
language, using worked examples to explain how these procedures might
apply to unitholders in practice:
(1) the dealing days and times in the dealing day on which the authorised
fund manager will receive and determine requests for the sale and
redemption of units, including any cut-off point f or receiving
redemption requests before the authorised fund manager makes the
next redemption determination (see COLL 15.8.12R(2)(a) (Dealing:
redemption of units));
(2) the procedures for effecting the issue and cancellation of units;
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(3) the procedures for effecting the sale and redemption of units and the
settlement of transactions;
(4) the steps required to be taken by a unitholder in redeeming units in the
long-term asset fund (see COLL 15.8.12R (Dealing: redemption of
units)), using worked examples to explain how these arrangements may
affect unitholders in the scheme, including:
(a) the notice period, and the normal period that unitholders will
need to wait from the authorised fund manager accepting a
unitholders instruction to redeem units in the LTAF to payment
of the appropriate proceeds of redemption to the unitholder;
(b) (if applicable) the circumstances and periods where:
the execution of a
redemption request may be deferred;
payment may be deferred; or
a limit on the amount that can be
redeemed may be
applied, and
if so, the effect on the unitholder of such a deferral or limit (see
COLL 15.8.12R(6) (Dealing: redemption of units));
(c) that the notice period may be extended when the scheme is
suspended in accordance with COLL 15.10.3R (Suspension);
(d) that once the authorised fund manager has accepted a
unitholders request to redeem units in the LTAF it is
irrevocable and they will not be able to withdraw that request;
(5) a description of the LTAF’s liquidity risk management, including how
an investor’s ability to redeem units in the LTAF may be affected in
exceptional circumstances, and the circumstances in which the
redemption of units may be suspended;
(6) the days and times in the day on which recalculation of the price will
(7) details of the minimum number or value of each type of unit in the
authorised fund which:
(a) any one person may hold; and
(b) may be the subject of any one transaction of sale or redemption;
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(8) the circumstances in which the authorised fund manager may arrange
for, and the procedure for, a redemption of units in specie;
(9) the circumstances in which the further issue of units in any particular
class may be limited and the procedures relating to this;
(10) the circumstances in which direct issue or cancellation of units by the
ICVC or the depositary of an AUT or ACS (as appropriate) may occur
and the relevant procedures for such issues and cancellations;
(11) whether a unitholder may effect transfer of title to units on the
authority of an electronic communication and if so the conditions that
must be satisfied in order to effect a transfer;
(12) if the authorised fund manager deals as principal in units of the scheme
and holds them for that purpose, a statement of its policy for doing so
and, where applicable:
(a) a description of when the authorised fund manager may retain
any profits it earns and absorb any losses it incurs for these
activities; and
(b) a statement of non-accountability as referred to in COLL
15.8.17G; and
(13) any other features relating to dealing in units in the scheme which
unitholders would reasonably expect to be aware of, including (but not
limited to):
(a) any minimum periods for which unitholders must hold units in
any class of the scheme;
(b) any limits or caps on the number or value of units in any class
that a unitholder may redeem, whether on one occasion or over
a period of time;
(c) whether the scheme may use side-pockets, and if so the
procedures for their use,
using worked examples to explain the effects or consequences that
these features may have on unitholders in the scheme.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(8).]
17 Issue of units in ACSs: eligible investors
(1) A statement that units may not be issued to a person other than to a
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(a) who is a:
(i) professional ACS investor; or
(ii) large ACS investor; or
(iii) person who already holds units in the scheme; and
(b) to whom units in a long-term asset fund may be promoted
under COBS 4.12.4R.
(2) A statement that the authorised contractual scheme manager of an
ACS must redeem units as soon as practicable after becoming aware
that those units are vested in anyone (whether as a result of
subscription or transfer of units) other than a person meeting the
criteria in (1).
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(12).]
18 Transfer of units in ACSs
(1) A statement whether the transfer of units in the ACS scheme is either:
(a) prohibited; or
(b) allowed;
by the instrument constituting the fund and prospectus.
(2) A statement that where transfer of units is allowed by the instrument
constituting the fund and prospectus in accordance with (1)(b), units
may only be transferred in accordance with the conditions specified by
FCA rules, including that units may not be transferred to a person
other than a person:
(a) who is a:
(i) professional ACS investor; or
(ii) large ACS investor; or
(iii) person who already holds units in the scheme; and
(b) to whom units in a long-term asset fund may be promoted
under COBS 4.12.4R.
(3) For a co-ownership scheme which is an umbrella, a statement in
accordance with (1)(a) or (1)(b) and, where appropriate, a statement in
accordance with (2), must also be made for the sub-funds. Where
individual sub-funds have differing policies in relation to transfer of
units, separate statements are required.
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[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(12).]
19 Prime brokerage firms
(1) The identity of any prime brokerage firm.
A description of any material arrangements of the LTAF with its prime
brokerage firm and the way any conflicts of interest are managed.
(3) The provision in the contract with the depositary on the possibility of
transfer and reuse of the scheme property of the LTAF.
(4) Information about any transfer of liability to the prime brokerage firm
that may exist.
[Note: FUND 3.2.2R(16).]
20 Distributions and accounting dates
Relevant details of accounting and distribution dates and a description of the
(1) for determining and applying income (including how any distributable
income is paid); and
(2) relating to unclaimed distributions.
The register of unitholders
Details of the address in the United Kingdom where the register of
unitholders is kept and can be inspected by unitholders.
22 Property Authorised Investment Funds
For a property authorised investment fund, a statement that:
(1) it is a property authorised investment fund;
(2) no body corporate may seek to obtain or intentionally maintain a
holding of more than 10% of the net asset value of the scheme; and
(3) in the event that the authorised fund manager reasonably considers that
a body corporate holds more than 10% of the net asset value of the
scheme, the authorised fund manager is entitled to delay any
redemption or cancellation of units if the authorised fund manager
reasonably considers such action to be:
(a) necessary in order to enable an orderly reduction of the holding
to below 10%; and
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(b) in the interests of the unitholders as a whole.
23 General information
Details as to:
(1) when annual and half-yearly reports will be published; and
(2) the address at which copies of the instrument constituting the fund, any
amending instrument and the most recent annual reports may be
inspected and from which copies may be obtained.
24 Winding up of the LTAF
Information detailing the circumstances in which the authorised fund may be
wound up under the rules in COLL and a summary of the procedure for, and
the rights of unitholders under, such a winding up.
25 Information on the umbrella
In the case of a scheme which is an umbrella, the following information:
(1) that a unitholder may exchange units in one sub-fund for units in
another sub-fund and that such an exchange is treated as a redemption
and sale;
(2) what charges may be made on exchanging units in one sub-fund for
units in other sub-funds;
(3) the policy for allocating between sub-funds any assets of, or costs,
charges and expenses payable out of, the scheme property which are
not attributable to any particular sub-fund;
(4) in respect of each sub-fund, the currency in which the scheme property
allocated to it will be valued and the price of units calculated and
payments made, if this currency is not the base currency of the
(5) the circumstances in which a sub-fund may be terminated under the
rules in COLL and a summary of the procedures for, and the rights of
unitholders under, such a termination;
(6) for an ICVC or a co-ownership scheme, that:
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(a) for an ICVC, its sub-funds are segregated portfolios of assets
and, accordingly, the assets of a sub-fund belong exclusively to
that sub-fund and shall not be used to discharge directly or
indirectly the liabilities of, or claims against, any other person or
body, including the umbrella, or any other sub-fund, and shall
not be available for any such purpose;
(b) for a co-ownership scheme, the property subject to a sub-fund is
beneficially owned by the participants in that sub-fund as
tenants in common (or, in Scotland, is the common property of
the participants in that sub-fund) and must not be used to
discharge any liabilities of, or meet any claims against, any
person other than the participants in that sub-fund; and
(c) for an ICVC or a co-ownership scheme, while the provisions of
the OEIC Regulations, and section 261P (Segregated liability in
relation to umbrella co-ownership schemes) of the Act in the
case of co-ownership schemes, provide for segregated liability
between sub-funds, the concept of segregated liability is
relatively new. Accordingly, where claims are brought by local
creditors in foreign courts or under foreign law contracts, it is
not yet known how those foreign courts will react to regulations
11A and 11B of the OEIC Regulations or, as the case may be,
section 261P of the Act; and
(7) the FCA product reference number (PRN) of each sub-fund.
26 Application of the prospectus contents to an umbrella
For a scheme which is an umbrella, information required must be stated:
(1) in relation to each sub-fund where the information for any sub-fund
differs from that for any other; and
(2) for the umbrella as a whole, but only where the information is relevant
to the umbrella as a whole.
27 Investment in overseas property through an intermediate holding vehicle
If investment in an overseas immovable is to be made through an
intermediate holding vehicle or a series of intermediate holding vehicles, a
(1) disclosing the existence of that intermediate holding vehicle or series
of intermediate holding vehicles; and
(2) confirming that the purpose of that intermediate holding vehicle or
series of intermediate holding vehicles is to enable the holding of
overseas immovables by the scheme.
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28 Information on authorised contractual schemes
A statement that:
(1) a unitholder in a co-ownership scheme is not liable to make any further
payment after having paid the price of the units held and that no further
liability can be imposed on the unitholder in respect of those units;
(2) a unitholder in a limited partnership scheme is not liable for the debts
or obligations of the limited partnership scheme beyond the amount of
the scheme property which is available to the authorised contractual
scheme manager to meet such debts or obligations, provided that the
unitholder does not take part in the management of the partnership
(3) the exercise of rights conferred on limited partners by FCA rules does
not constitute taking part in the management of the partnership
business; and
(4) the scheme property of a co-ownership scheme is beneficially owned
by the participants as tenants in common (or, in Scotland, is the
common property of the participants).
29 Additional information
Any other material information which is within the knowledge of the
directors of an ICVC or the authorised fund manager of an AUT or ACS, or
which the directors or authorised fund manager would have obtained by the
making of reasonable enquiries which investors and their professional
advisers would reasonably require, and reasonably expect to find in the
prospectus, for the purpose of making an informed judgement about the
merits of investing in the authorised fund and the extent and characteristics of
the risks accepted by participating.
Additional information to be made available on securities financing transactions
and total return swaps
15.4.6 G (1)
The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation sets out the
additional information which an authorised fund manager of a long-
term asset fund must make available to investors before they invest.
(2) COLL 4.2.5BUK and COLL 4.2.5CUK copy out the relevant
provisions of that regulation.
(3) An authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund should publish
the information in the prospectus.
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(4) An authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund that does not
use securities financing transactions or total return swaps is not
required to include the information in COLL 4.2.5CUK in the
prospectus or other pre-sale documents.
Preparation of key information document in accordance with the PRIIPs regulation
15.4.7 G (1) The PRIIPs Regulation requires the manufacturer of a PRIIP to draw
up a key information document in accordance with the PRIIPs
Regulation before that PRIIP is made available to retail investors (as
defined in the PRIIPs Regulation).
(2) The requirements of the PRIIPs Regulation form part of UK law by
virtue of the EUWA.
As a result, when a long-term asset fund is made available to retail
clients, the authorised fund manager in the United Kingdom must
comply with the PRIIPs Regulation and will need to prepare a key
information document in accordance with the PRIIPs Regulation, in
addition to the prospectus.
15.5 Annual report and investor relations
15.5.1 R This section applies to:
(1) the authorised fund manager of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC; and
(2) an ICVC,
which is a long-term asset fund.
Report and accounts
15.5.2 R (1)
The authorised fund manager must prepare a report in respect of each
annual accounting period, half-yearly accounting period and
quarterly reporting period.
(2) Where the first annual accounting period of a scheme is less than 12
months, a half-yearly report need not be prepared.
(3) The authorised fund manager must:
(a) publish the annual report not more than four months after the
end of each relevant annual accounting period;
publish the half-yearly report not more than two months after
the end of each relevant half-yearly accounting period; and
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(c) publish the quarterly report not more than 20 business days
after the end of each relevant quarterly reporting period,
and in each case provide a copy free of charge on request to any
(4) The authorised fund manager must provide free of charge, on the
request of any person eligible to invest in the scheme, a copy of the
(a) annual report and (if more recent) half-yearly report; and
(b) quarterly report,
before the conclusion of any sale to such a person.
(5) The authorised fund manager must provide a copy of each annual,
half-yearly and quarterly report to the FCA.
(6) For a scheme which is an umbrella, any annual report provided under
(3) or (4) may be a report prepared under COLL 15.5.3R(3), but the
authorised fund manager must nevertheless provide free of charge the
report prepared under COLL 15.5.3R(2) if a unitholder or any other
person eligible to invest in the scheme requests it.
Contents of the annual report
15.5.3 R (1) An annual report, other than for a scheme which is an umbrella, must
(a) the accounts for the annual accounting period prepared in
accordance with the requirements of the IMA SORP;
(b) the report of the authorised fund manager in accordance with
COLL 15.5.6R (Authorised fund manager’s report);
(c) comparative information in accordance with COLL 4.5.10R
(1A) and (2A) (Comparative information);
(d) the report of the depositary in accordance with COLL 15.5.7R
(Report of the depositary); and
(e) the report of the auditor in accordance with COLL 4.5.12R
(Report of the auditor).
(2) An annual report on a scheme which is an umbrella must be prepared
for the umbrella as a whole and must contain:
(a) for each sub-fund:
(i) the accounts required by (1)(a);
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(ii) the report of the authorised fund manager in accordance
with COLL 15.5.6R; and
(iii) comparative information in accordance with COLL
4.5.10R(1A) and (2A);
(b) the report of the depositary in accordance with COLL 15.5.7R;
(c) the report of the auditor in accordance with COLL 4.5.12R.
The authorised fund manager of a scheme which is an umbrella may,
in addition to complying with (2), prepare a further annual report for
any one or more individual sub-funds of the umbrella, in which case it
must contain:
(a) for the sub-fund:
(i) the accounts required by (1)(a);
(ii) the report of the authorised fund manager in accordance
with COLL 15.5.6R; and
comparative information in accordance with COLL
4.5.10R(1A) and (2A);
(b) the report of the depositary in accordance with COLL 15.5.7R;
(c) the report of the auditor in accordance with COLL 4.5.12R.
(4) The directors of an ICVC or the authorised fund manager of an AUT
or ACS must ensure that the accounts referred to in (1)(a), (2)(a) and
(3)(a) give a true and fair view of the net revenue and the net capital
gains or losses on the scheme property of the authorised fund or sub-
fund for the relevant annual accounting period, and of the financial
position of the authorised fund or sub-fund as at the end of that period.
(5) An annual report of a long-term asset fund must also contain a
statement setting out a description of the assessment of value required
by COLL 15.7.17R including:
(a) a separate discussion and conclusion for the matters covered in
each paragraph of COLL 6.6.21R, and for each other matter that
formed part of the assessment, covering the considerations
taken into account in the assessment, a summary of its findings
and the steps undertaken as part of or as a consequence of the
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(b) an explanation for any case in which benefits from economies
of scale that were identified in the assessment have not been
passed on to unitholders;
an explanation for any case in which unitholders hold units in a
class for which the payments out of scheme property in relation
to that class as set out in the prospectus (in this rule, “charges”)
are higher than those applying to other classes of the same
scheme with substantially similar rights;
(d) the conclusion of the authorised fund managers assessment of
whether the charges are justified in the context of the overall
value delivered to the unitholders in the scheme; and
if the assessment has identified that the charges are not justified
in the context of the overall value delivered to the unitholders, a
clear explanation of what action has been or will be taken to
address the situation.
An annual report of a long-term asset fund must also contain a
statement setting out a description of the assessment required by
COLL 15.7.20R (Assessment of investment valuations, due diligence,
conflicts of interest and liquidity management), including:
a separate discussion and conclusion for each of the matters
specified in COLL 15.7.21R (Table: minimum considerations
assessment of investment valuations, due diligence, conflicts of
interest and liquidity management) and for each other matter
that formed part of the assessment;
(b) a summary of the assessments findings and the steps
undertaken as part of or as a consequence of the assessment;
the conclusion of the authorised fund managers assessment of
how it managed the LTAF in the best interests of the scheme, its
investors and the integrity of the market.
Information to be included in annual reports on securities financing transactions
and total return swaps
15.5.4 G (1) The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation sets out the
additional information which an authorised fund manager who is a
full-scope UK AIFM of a long-term asset fund must include in the
scheme’s annual report.
(2) COLL 4.5.8ABUK and COLL 4.5.8ACUK copy out the relevant
provisions of that regulation.
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(3) An authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund that has not
used securities financing transactions or total return swaps during the
relevant annual accounting period is not required to include the
information in COLL 4.5.8ACUK in its reports.
Contents of the half-yearly report
15.5.5 R (1) A half-yearly report on an authorised fund or sub-fund must contain:
(a) the accounts for the half-yearly accounting period which must
be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the IMA
SORP; and
(b) the report of the authorised fund manager in accordance with
COLL 15.5.6R.
For a scheme which is an umbrella, the authorised fund manager may
choose whether the half-yearly report is prepared for the umbrella as a
whole, or for each individual sub-fund, or both.
Authorised fund managers report
15.5.6 R The report of the authorised fund manager must include:
(1) a review of the investment activities during the period to which the
report relates;
(2) a portfolio statement prepared in accordance with the requirements of
(3) in the case of an umbrella which has more than one sub-fund,
particulars in the form of a table showing, as at the end of the period to
which the report relates:
for each sub-fund, the number of units in that sub-fund that
were held by a second sub-fund of that umbrella; and
(b) the value of each such holding;
or, alternatively, a statement that there were no such holdings as at the
end of that period;
(4) particulars of any fundamental or significant change to the authorised
fund made since the date of the last report;
(5) in relation to each scheme or sub-fund which is a long-term asset fund:
the amount of any remuneration, charge, payment or expense
paid out of the scheme property during the period to which the
report relates;
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(b) the person to whom that amount was paid;
(c) what that remuneration, charge, payment or expense was for;
how the remuneration, charge, payment or expense was
calculated; and
(6) any other information which would enable unitholders to make an
informed judgement on the development of the activities of the
authorised fund during the period and the results of those activities as
at the end of the period.
Report of the depositary
15.5.7 R (1) The depositary must make an annual report to unitholders which must
be included in the annual report.
(2) The depositarys report must contain:
(a) a description, which may be in summary form, of the duties of
the depositary under COLL 15.7.6R and COLL 15.7.7R (Duties
of the depositary) and in respect of the safekeeping of the
scheme property;
(b) in relation to its oversight and monitoring obligations:
(i) a description of the reasonable steps the depositary has
taken to ensure that the LTAF has been managed in
accordance with each of the matters specified in COLL
15.7.6R(2)(e) (Duties of the depositary); and
(ii) where an external valuer has not been appointed, a
statement setting out the depositary’s determination of
the matters in COLL 15.2.6R(2)(a) (Appointment of
external valuer or authorised fund manager with
knowledge, skills and experience of valuing long-term
assets); and
(c) a statement as to whether in any material respect:
(i) the issue, sale, redemption and cancellation and
calculation of the price of the units and the application
of the authorised fund’s revenue, have not been carried
out in accordance with the rules in this sourcebook and,
where applicable, the OEIC Regulations and the
instrument constituting the fund; and
the investment and borrowing powers and restrictions
applicable to the authorised fund have been exceeded.
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Signing of the annual and half-yearly reports
15.5.8 R The annual reports in COLL 15.5.3R(1) and (2) and the half-yearly reports in
COLL 15.5.5R(1) must:
(1) in the case of an ICVC, if there is:
(a) more than one director, be approved by the board of directors
and signed on their behalf by the ACD and at least one other
director; or
(b) no director other than the ACD, be signed by the ACD;
(2) in the case of an AUT or ACS, if the authorised fund manager has:
(a) more than one director, be signed by at least two directors of
the authorised fund manager; or
only one director, be signed by the director of the authorised
fund manager.
Quarterly reports
15.5.9 R (1) A quarterly report must contain details of any transactions executed
by, or for or on behalf of, the long-term asset fund in the relevant
quarterly reporting period which have resulted in assets being held in
the LTAF’s scheme property, including:
(a) the date of each transaction;
details of the asset and type of asset which was the subject of
the transaction; and
(c) an explanation of how the transaction is consistent with the
LTAFs investment objectives, investment policy and
investment strategy.
(2) A quarterly reporting period for a long-term asset fund must be
determined in accordance with (a) to (c).
(a) Each quarterly reporting period must be three months long.
There must be four consecutive quarterly reporting periods in
each annual accounting period.
(c) The first quarterly reporting period in each annual accounting
period must begin when the annual accounting period begins.
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Alterations to the scheme and notices to unitholders
15.5.10 R (1) Any proposed change which would be reasonably considered to be a
fundamental change to the scheme requires the prior sanction of an
extraordinary resolution of the unitholders.
(2) Any proposed change to the scheme which is not within (1) but which
would be reasonably considered to be significant, requires the giving
of reasonable notice to unitholders to become effective.
Alterations affecting only a particular sub-fund or class of units may
be approved in accordance with (1) or (2) for the particular sub-fund
or class of units, with the consent of, or, as the case may be, notice to,
the relevant unitholders.
This rule and COLL 15.5.12R (Meetings) will apply (unless the
context requires otherwise) to alterations concerning unitholders of a
particular sub-fund or class of units rather than the scheme or sub-fund
as a whole.
Alterations to the scheme and notices to unitholders: guidance
15.5.11 G Although account should be taken of the guidance on fundamental changes
(COLL 4.3.5G (Guidance on fundamental changes)) and significant changes
(COLL 4.3.7G (Guidance on significant changes)) the impact of any change
to the scheme should be assessed individually based on the nature of the
scheme and its investor profile.
15.5.12 R (1) Details of the procedures for the convening and conducting of
meetings and resolutions must be set out in the instrument constituting
the fund and be reasonable and fair as between all relevant parties.
(2) The authorised fund manager must record and keep minutes for six
years of all proceedings to which COLL 15.5.10R (Alterations to the
scheme and notices to unitholders) and this rule are relevant.
(3) The provisions in COLL 4.4.12R (Notices to unitholders), COLL
4.4.13R (Other notices) and COLL 4.4.14G (References to writing and
electronic documents) apply in relation to long-term asset funds.
15.6 Investment and borrowing powers
15.6.1 R This section applies to:
(1) the authorised fund manager of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC;
(2) the depositary of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC; and
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(3) an ICVC,
which is a long-term asset fund.
15.6.2 R (1) Where this section refers to a second scheme, and the second scheme
is a feeder scheme, which (in respect of investment in units in
collective investment schemes) is dedicated to units in a single
collective investment scheme, the reference in this section to the
second scheme must be read as if it were a reference to the feeder
scheme’s master scheme.
(2) Where this section refers to a second scheme, and the second scheme
is a master scheme to which (in respect of investment in units in
collective investment schemes) the relevant long-term asset fund is
dedicated, the reference in this section to the second scheme must be
read as if it were a reference to any scheme into which that master
scheme invests.
Prudent spread of risk
15.6.3 R
An authorised fund manager must ensure that, taking account of the
investment objectives, policy and strategy of the long-term asset fund as
stated in its most recently published prospectus, the scheme property of the
long-term asset fund aims to provide a prudent spread of risk.
15.6.4 G
For the purpose of COLL 15.6.3R, an authorised fund manager should
consider the risks to which the LTAF is exposed, including:
(1) whether the assets or investments held in the scheme property provide
a sufficient diversification of exposure including, for example, in
respect of the underlying assets or investments held by any holding
company or other collective investment scheme;
(2) the spread of any other risks arising from the assets or investments
held in the scheme property of the LTAF such as market risks, credit
risks, liquidity risks and counterparty risks.
[Note: Article 44 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
Investment powers: general
15.6.5 R (1) The scheme property of a long-term asset fund may, subject to the
rules in this chapter, comprise any assets or investments to which it is
(2) The instrument constituting the fund and the prospectus may further
the kinds of assets in which the scheme property may be
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(b) the types of transactions permitted and any relevant limits; and
(c) the borrowing powers of the scheme.
Long-term asset funds: investment strategy
15.6.6 R
The investment strategy of a long-term asset fund must be to invest mainly in
long-term illiquid assets.
15.6.7 G The FCA expects the investment strategy of a long-term asset fund to be to
invest at least 50% of the value of the scheme property in unlisted securities
and other long-term assets such as interests in immovables or other collective
investment schemes investing in such securities or long-term assets.
However, a long-term asset fund could have a strategy of investing mainly in
a mix of unlisted assets and listed but illiquid assets.
Long-term asset funds: general
15.6.8 R The scheme property of a long-term asset fund must, except where otherwise
provided by the rules in this chapter, consist only of one or more of the
following to which it is dedicated:
(1) any specified investment:
(a) within articles 74 to 86 of the Regulated Activities Order;
(b) within article 89 (Rights to or interests in investments) of the
Regulated Activities Order where the right or interest relates to
a specified investment within (a);
(2) (to the extent not within (a)), an interest in a loan, provided that the
loan was not originated to:
(a) a natural person;
(b) the authorised fund manager of the long-term asset fund;
(c) the depositary of the long-term asset fund;
(d) an affiliated company of the person in (b) or (c); or
(e) a person who intends to use, or uses, the credit for the purpose
of investing in a derivative, cryptoasset derivative, an
unregulated transferable cryptoasset, precious metals or a
commodity contract within (5);
(3) an interest in an immovable under COLL 15.6.18R (Investment in
(4) precious metals; or
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(5) a commodity contract traded on an RIE or a recognised overseas
investment exchange.
[Note: Full-scope UK AIFMs are subject to specific requirements relating to
conflicts of interest (see articles 30 to 36 in the AIFMD level 2 regulation and
SYSC 10.1.23R to SYSC 10.1.26R (Additional requirements for an AIFM)).]
[Note 2: In relation to (2), a borrower who receives money by way of deposit from
a person who is not a bank may (if the borrower is acting by way of business) be
carrying on the regulated activity of accepting deposits, but an exclusion in the
Regulated Activities Order may be available. See also article 2 of the Business
Investment in collective investment schemes
15.6.9 R (1)
Subject to (2), a long-term asset fund may invest in units in a scheme
(a ‘second scheme’) only if the second scheme is:
(a) a regulated collective investment scheme; or
(b) a scheme not within (a) where the authorised fund manager has
taken reasonable care to determine that:
(i) it is the subject of an independent annual audit
conducted in accordance with international standards on
the calculation of the net asset value of each of the
second schemes and the maintenance of their accounting
records is segregated from the investment management
function; and
it (and any master scheme to whose units it is dedicated)
is prohibited from investing in the long-term asset fund,
or, if there is no such prohibition, the authorised fund
manager is satisfied, on reasonable grounds and after
making all reasonable enquiries, that no such investment
will be made by either the second scheme or any fund in
which the second scheme invests.
(2) A long-term asset fund must not invest more than 20% in value of the
scheme property in units in second schemes which are unregulated
schemes, qualified investor schemes or long-term asset funds unless
the authorised fund manager has carried out appropriate due diligence
on each of the second schemes and has taken reasonable care to
determine that, after making all reasonable enquiries and on
reasonable grounds, the second scheme complies with relevant legal
and regulatory requirements.
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(3) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund with more
than 20% in value of the scheme property invested in one or more
second schemes which are unregulated schemes, qualified investor
schemes or long-term asset funds must carry out appropriate due
diligence on those schemes on an ongoing basis.
15.6.10 G (1) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund carrying out
due diligence for the purpose of COLL 15.6.9R should use reasonable
efforts to make enquiries and obtain the information needed to be able
to consider the matters specified in COLL 5.7.11G(1) to (12), as if that
guidance related to COLL 15.6.9R.
(2) Where COLL 5.7.11G(10) refers to COLL 6.3 (Valuation and pricing),
that reference should be read as if it were a reference to COLL 15.8.2R
(Valuation, pricing and dealing).
(3) In addition to the guidance at COLL 5.7.11G the authorised fund
manager should, as part of its due diligence process, consider whether
the property of each of the second schemes is held in safekeeping by a
third party, which is subject to prudential regulation and independent
of the investment manager of the second scheme and, if not, what
controls over the property of the second scheme are in place to protect
(4) Further specific requirements relating to due diligence apply to the
authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund under the rules in
this chapter and in articles 18 to 20 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.
Investment in a collective investment scheme that is an umbrella
15.6.11 R Where the second scheme in COLL 15.6.9R is an umbrella, the provisions
apply to each sub-fund as if it were a separate scheme.
Delivery of property under a transaction in derivatives or a commodities contract
15.6.12 R (1)
An authorised fund manager must take reasonable care to determine
the following when entering into any transaction in derivatives or any
commodity contract which may result in any asset becoming part of
the scheme property:
if it is an asset in which the scheme property could be invested,
that the transaction:
(i) can be readily closed out; or
(ii) would at the expected time of delivery relate to an asset
which could be included in the scheme property under
the rules in this chapter; or
(b) in any other case, that the transaction can be readily closed out.
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(2) An authorised fund manager may acquire an asset within (1) if its
determination has proved incorrect and if it determines that acquisition
is in the interests of the unitholders, provided it has the consent of the
(3) Any asset within (1) acquired in accordance with (2) may form part of
the scheme property despite any other rule in this chapter until the
position can be rectified.
Cover for transactions in derivatives and forward transactions
15.6.13 R (1) A transaction in derivatives or a forward transaction may be entered
into only if the maximum exposure, in terms of the principal or
notional principal created by the transaction to which the scheme is or
may be committed by another person, is covered globally under (2).
(2) Exposure is globally covered if adequate cover from within the
scheme property is available to meet the scheme’s total exposure
taking into account any reasonably foreseeable market movement.
The total exposure relating to derivatives held in a long-term asset
fund may not exceed the net value of the scheme property.
(4) No element of cover may be used more than once.
Valuation of an OTC derivative
15.6.14 R
A transaction in an OTC derivative must be capable of valuation which it
will only be if the authorised fund manager having taken reasonable care
determines that, throughout the life of the derivative (if the transaction is
entered into), it will be able to value the investment concerned with
reasonable accuracy:
(1) on the basis of the pricing model; or
(2) on some other reliable basis reflecting an up-to-date market value,
which has been agreed between the authorised fund manager and the
Continuing nature of limits and requirements
15.6.15 R (1) An authorised fund manager must, as frequently as necessary to
ensure compliance with COLL 15.6.13R(2) and COLL 15.6.13R(4),
re-calculate the amount of cover required in respect of derivatives and
forward transactions in existence under this chapter.
(2) Derivatives and forward transactions may be retained in the scheme
property only so long as they remain covered globally under COLL
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(3) An authorised fund manager must use a risk management process
enabling it to monitor and measure as frequently as appropriate the
risk of a scheme’s derivatives positions and their contribution to the
overall risk profile of the scheme.
Permitted stock lending
15.6.16 R (1) The ICVC, or the depositary at the request of the ICVC, or the
depositary of an AUT or ACS at the request of the authorised fund
manager, may enter into a repo contract or a stock lending
arrangement within section 263B of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains
Act 1992 (without extension by section 263C).
(2) The depositary must ensure that the value of any collateral for the
stock lending arrangement is at all times at least equal to the value of
the securities transferred by the depositary.
(3) In the case of the expiry of validity of any collateral, the duty in (2) is
satisfied if the depositary or the authorised fund manager, as
appropriate, takes reasonable care to determine that sufficient
collateral will be transferred by close of business on the day of expiry.
General power to borrow
15.6.17 R (1) The ICVC or depositary of an AUT or ACS (on the instructions of the
authorised fund manager) may borrow money for the use of the
authorised fund on terms that the borrowing is to be repayable out of
the scheme property.
(2) The authorised fund manager must ensure that the authorised funds
borrowing does not, on any day, exceed 30% of the net value of the
scheme property and must take reasonable care to ensure that
arrangements are in place that will enable borrowings to be closed out
to ensure such compliance.
In this rule borrowing” also includes any arrangement (including a
combination of derivatives) designed to achieve a temporary injection
of money into the scheme property in the expectation that the sum will
be repaid.
Where the limit in (2) is breached, the authorised fund manager must
take action in accordance with the principles set out in COLL
15.7.3R(3) to COLL 15.7.3R(5) (Duties of the authorised fund
manager: investment and borrowing powers) to deal with that breach.
Investment in property
15.6.18 R (1) Any investment in land or a building held within the scheme property
of a long-term asset fund must be in an immovable within (2).
(2) For an immovable:
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(a) it must be situated in a country or territory identified in the
(b) the authorised fund manager must have taken reasonable care
to determine that the title to the interest in the immovable is a
good marketable title; and
(c) the authorised fund manager of an AUT or ACS or the ICVC
must have received a report from an appropriate valuer that:
contains a valuation of the interest in the immovable
(with and without any relevant existing mortgage); and
(ii) states that in the appropriate valuers opinion the
interest in the immovable would, if acquired by the
scheme, be capable of being disposed of at that
valuation in a timeframe which is consistent with the
LTAFs liquidity profile and redemption policy;
(d) unless (c) is satisfied, the authorised fund manager of an AUT
or ACS or the ICVC must have received a report from an
appropriate valuer valuing the interest in the immovable and
stating that:
(i) the immovable is adjacent to or in the vicinity of another
immovable included in the scheme property; and
(ii) in the opinion of the appropriate valuer, the total value
of the interests in both immovables would at least equal
the sum of the price payable for the interest in the
immovable and the existing value of the interest in the
other immovable; and
(e) it must not be bought:
(i) if it becomes apparent to the authorised fund manager
that the report in either (c) or (d) could no longer
reasonably be relied upon; or
(ii) at a price more than 105% of the valuation relevant to
the interest for that immovable in the report in either (c)
or (d).
(3) Any contents of any building may be regarded as part of the relevant
(4) An appropriate valuer must be a person who:
has knowledge of and experience in the valuation of
immovables of the relevant kind in the relevant area;
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(b) is qualified to be a standing independent valuer of an
authorised fund or is considered by the scheme’s standing
independent valuer to hold an equivalent qualification;
is independent of the ICVC, the depositary and each of the
directors of the ICVC or of the authorised fund manager and
depositary of the AUT or ACS; and
(d) has not been engaged, and whose associates have not been
engaged, in relation to the finding of the immovable for the
scheme or the finding of the scheme for the immovable.
Investment in overseas property through an intermediate holding vehicle
15.6.19 R (1) An overseas immovable may be held by a scheme through an
intermediate holding vehicle whose purpose is to enable the holding of
immovables by the scheme or a series of such intermediate holding
vehicles, provided that the interests of unitholders are adequately
protected. Any investment in an intermediate holding vehicle for the
purpose of holding an overseas immovable shall be treated for the
purposes of this section as if it were a direct investment in that
(2) An intermediate holding vehicle must be wholly owned by the scheme
or another intermediate holding vehicle or series of intermediate
holding vehicles wholly owned by the scheme, unless and to the extent
that local legislation or regulation relating to the intermediate holding
vehicle holding the immovable requires a proportion of local
15.6.20 G (1) The authorised fund manager may transfer capital and income
between an intermediate holding vehicle and the scheme by the use of
inter-company debt if the purpose of this is for investment in
immovables and repatriation of income generated by such investment.
In using inter-company debt, the authorised fund manager should
ensure the following:
(a) a record of inter-company debt is kept in order to provide an
accurate audit trail; and
(b) interest paid out on the debt instruments is equivalent to the net
rental income earned from the immovables after deduction of
the intermediate holding vehicle’s reasonable running costs
(including tax).
(2) An intermediate holding vehicle should undertake the purchase, sale
and management of immovables on behalf the scheme in accordance
with the scheme’s investment objectives and policy.
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(3) Wherever reasonably practicable, an intermediate holding vehicle
should have the same auditor and accounting reference date as the
The accounts of any intermediate holding vehicle should be
consolidated into the annual and interim reports of the scheme.
(5) The authorised fund manager should provide sufficient information to
enable the depositary to fulfil its duties under COLL in relation to the
immovables held through an intermediate holding vehicle.
Investment limits for immovables
15.6.21 R The following limits apply in respect of immovables held as part of the
scheme property:
the amount secured by mortgages over any immovable must not
exceed 100% of the latest valuation by an appropriate valuer under
COLL 15.6.18R(2)(c) or COLL 15.6.18R(2)(d) or COLL 15.6.22R, as
no option may be granted to a person to buy or obtain an interest in
any immovable comprised in the scheme property if this might unduly
prejudice the ability to provide redemption; and
(3) the total of all premiums paid for options to purchase immovables
must not exceed 10% of the scheme value in any 12-month period,
calculated at the date of the granting of the option.
Standing independent valuer and valuation
15.6.22 R (1) In relation to the appointment of a valuer the authorised fund manager
(a) at the outset appoint the standing independent valuer with the
approval of the depositary and likewise upon any vacancy; and
(b) ensure that any immovables in the scheme property are valued
by an appropriate valuer (standing independent valuer)
appointed by the authorised fund manager.
(2) The following apply in relation to the functions of the standing
independent valuer:
the authorised fund manager must ensure that the standing
independent valuer appointed under (1), procures the valuation
of all the immovables held within the scheme property, on the
basis of a full valuation with physical inspection (including,
where the immovable is or includes a building, internal
inspection) at least once a year;
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(b) for the purposes of (a), any inspection in relation to adjacent
properties of a similar nature and value may be limited to that
of only one such representative property;
the authorised fund manager must ensure that the standing
independent valuer values the immovables, on the basis of a
review of the last full valuation, at least once a month;
(d) if either the authorised fund manager or the depositary
becomes aware of any matter which appears likely to:
(i) affect the outcome of a valuation of an immovable; or
(ii) cause the valuer to decide to value under (a), instead of
under (c),
it must immediately inform the standing independent valuer of
that matter;
(e) the authorised fund manager must use its best endeavours to
ensure that any other affected person reports to the standing
independent valuer immediately upon that person becoming
aware of any matter within (d); and
(f) any valuation by the standing independent valuer must be
undertaken in accordance with UKVPS 3 and 2.3 of UKVPGA
2 of the RICS Valuation Global Standards 2017 UK national
supplement 2018 (the RICS Red Book) or, in the case of
overseas immovables, on an appropriate basis but subject to any
provisions of the instrument constituting the fund.
(3) In relation to immovables:
(a) any valuation under this rule has effect, until the next valuation
under this rule, for the purposes of the value of immovables;
an agreement to transfer an immovable or an interest in an
immovable is to be disregarded for the purpose of the valuation
of the scheme property unless it reasonably appears to the
authorised fund manager to be legally enforceable.
15.6.23 G
In considering whether a valuation of overseas immovables by the standing
independent valuer is made on an appropriate basis for the purpose of COLL
15.6.22R(2)(f), the authorised fund manager should consider whether that
valuation was made in accordance with internationally accepted valuation
principles, procedures and definitions as set out in the International
Valuation Standards published by the International Valuation Standards
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15.7 Powers and responsibilities of the authorised fund manager and the
15.7.1 R This section applies to:
(1) an authorised fund manager of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC;
(2) any other director of an ICVC;
(3) the depositary of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC; and
(4) an ICVC,
which is a long-term asset fund.
Functions of the authorised fund manager
15.7.2 R (1) The authorised fund manager must manage the scheme in accordance
(a) the instrument constituting the fund;
(b) the applicable rules;
(c) the most recently published prospectus; and
(d) for an ICVC, the OEIC Regulations.
(2) The authorised fund manager must carry out such functions as are
necessary to ensure compliance with the rules that impose obligations
on the authorised fund manager or ICVC, as appropriate.
(3) The authorised fund manager must:
(a) make decisions as to the constituents of the scheme property in
accordance with the investment objectives and policy of the
instruct the depositary how rights attaching to the ownership of
scheme property are to be exercised;
(c) take action immediately to rectify any breach of the pricing
methodology set out in the prospectus, which must (unless the
authorised fund manager determines on reasonable grounds
that the breach is of minimal significance) extend to payment of
(i) by the authorised fund manager to unitholders and
former unitholders;
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(ii) by the ACD to the ICVC;
(iii) by the ICVC to the ACD;
(iv) by the authorised fund manager of the AUT or ACS to
the depositary; or
(v) by the depositary (for the account of the AUT or ACS)
to the authorised fund manager;
(d) ensure where relevant that the ICVC complies with the relevant
obligations imposed by, and when appropriate exercises the
relevant powers provided under, the OEIC Regulations;
(e) maintain such records as are necessary to enable the authorised
fund manager or the ICVC, as appropriate, to comply with and
demonstrate compliance with the rules in this sourcebook and
also in the case of an ICVC, the OEIC Regulations; and
(f) maintain for a period of six years a daily record of the units
held, acquired or disposed of by the authorised fund manager
including the classes of such units, and of the balance of any
acquisitions and disposals.
Duties of the authorised fund manager: investment and borrowing powers
15.7.3 R (1) An authorised fund manager may give instructions to deal in the
scheme property.
(2) An authorised fund manager must avoid the scheme property being
used or invested contrary to any provision in COLL 15.6 (Investment
and borrowing powers).
An authorised fund manager must immediately on becoming aware of
any breach of COLL 15.6 take action, at its own expense, to rectify
that breach.
(4) An authorised fund manager must take the action in (3) immediately,
except in circumstances where doing so would not be in the best
interests of unitholders, in which case the action must be taken as soon
as such circumstances cease to apply.
(5) An authorised fund manager must not postpone taking action in
accordance with (3) unless the depositary has given its consent.
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Duties of the ACD or the authorised contractual scheme manager of a co-
ownership scheme: umbrella schemes
15.7.4 R Where reasonable grounds exist for an ACD of an ICVC, or an authorised
contractual scheme manager of a co-ownership scheme which is an
umbrella, to consider that a foreign law contract entered into by the ICVC or
authorised contractual scheme manager on behalf of the co-ownership
scheme may have become inconsistent with the principle of limited recourse
stated in the instrument constituting the fund of the ICVC or co-ownership
scheme (see COLL 15.3.6R(3)(5) and COLL 15.3.6R(3)(6)), the ACD or
authorised contractual scheme manager of the co-ownership scheme must:
(1) promptly investigate whether there is an inconsistency; and
if the inconsistency still appears to exist, take appropriate steps to
remedy that inconsistency.
15.7.5 G In deciding what steps are appropriate to remedy the inconsistency, the ACD
or authorised contractual scheme manager of the co-ownership scheme
should have regard to the best interests of the unitholders. Appropriate steps
to remedy the inconsistency may include:
(1) where possible, renegotiating the foreign law contract in a way that
remedies the inconsistency; or
causing the ICVC or the authorised contractual scheme manager on
behalf of the co-ownership scheme to exit the foreign law contract.
Duties of the depositary
15.7.6 R (1) The depositary is responsible for the safekeeping of all the scheme
(2) The depositary must:
(a) take all steps to ensure that transactions properly entered into
for the account of the scheme are completed;
take all steps to ensure that instructions properly given by the
authorised fund manager in respect of the exercise of rights
related to scheme property are carried out;
(c) ensure that any resulting benefit of a derivatives or forward
transaction is received by itself in respect of the scheme;
(d) hold and deal with any income received in respect of the
scheme property in accordance with COLL 15.8.18R (Income);
(e) take reasonable care to ensure that the scheme is managed by
the authorised fund manager in accordance with:
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(i) the investment objectives, policy and strategy set out in
the LTAF’s most recent prospectus;
(ii) COLL 15.6 (Investment and borrowing powers);
(iii) COLL 15.8.2R (Valuation, pricing and dealing);
(iv) COLL 15.8.18 (Income); and
(v) any provision of the instrument constituting the fund or
the prospectus that relates to the provisions in (ii) to
(f) where applicable, comply with its obligations under COLL
15.2.6R (Appointment of external valuer or authorised fund
manager with knowledge, skills and experience of valuing
long-term assets);
(g) keep records so as to comply with the rules in this sourcebook
and so as to demonstrate such compliance; and
(h) be responsible for any other duties as set out in the instrument
constituting the fund.
(3) If a relevant ICVC ceases to have any directors, the depositary may
act in accordance with COLL 6.5.6R (ICVC without a director).
(4) This rule applies to the depositary of a long-term asset fund to the
extent the provisions are consistent with the requirements of the
AIFMD level 2 regulation.
[Note: Articles 88 to 90 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation make provision
relating to custody and safekeeping of scheme property. The AIFMD level 2
regulation applies to the depositary of a long-term asset fund because an
LTAF must be managed by a full-scope UK AIFM.]
15.7.7 R The depositary must also:
(1) ensure that any scheme property in registered form is as soon as
reasonably practicable registered in its name or that of its nominee or
delegate, as appropriate; and
(2) take into its custody or control all documents of title of the scheme
property other than in respect of derivatives or forward transactions.
15.7.8 G (1) The delegation of AIFM management functions by a full-scope UK
AIFM is subject to the rules in FUND 3.10 (Delegation) and articles
75 to 82 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation. See also regulation 26 of
the AIFMD UK regulation.
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(2) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund is required to
possess the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to understand
the activities of the LTAF and, in particular, the risks involved in those
activities and the assets which the LTAF holds (or is to hold) in the
scheme property. The authorised fund manager cannot rely on a
delegation arrangement to satisfy this requirement (see COLL 15.2.4R
(Competence and resources of the authorised fund manager)).
15.7.9 G (1)
This paragraph applies where the authorised fund manager delegates
portfolio management of particular assets to a third party under FUND
3.10 (Delegation).
(2) Where (1) applies, the authorised fund manager will need to retain
adequate risk management systems to identify, measure and monitor
the risks relevant to the long-term asset fund’s investment strategy in
accordance with the requirements in FUND 3.7 (Risk management)
and the applicable requirements of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.
[Note: See FUND 3.7 (Risk management) and articles 38 to 47 of the
AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
Delegation and responsibility for regulatory obligations
15.7.10 G (1) The authorised fund manager of an LTAF should note (and will need
to comply with) article 75 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation. This
provides that when delegating the task of carrying out one or more
functions on its behalf, an AIFM must comply with various general
principles, including the principle that the delegation structure does
not allow for the circumvention of the AIFM’s responsibilities or
liability, and that the obligations of the AIFM towards the AIF and its
investors are not altered as a result of the delegation.
(2) Directors of an ICVC and depositaries should also have regard to
SYSC 8 (Outsourcing). SYSC 8.1.6R states that a firm remains fully
responsible for discharging all of its obligations under the regulatory
system if it outsources crucial or important operational functions or
any relevant services and activities.
Conflicts of interest
15.7.11 R (1) The authorised fund manager and the depositary must ensure that any
transaction in respect of the scheme property undertaken with an
affected person is on terms at least as favourable to the scheme as any
comparable arrangement on normal commercial terms negotiated at
arms length with an independent third party.
(2) Paragraph (1) is subject to any provision in the instrument constituting
the fund and the prospectus imposing a prohibition in relation to any
type of transaction.
[Note: See articles 30 to 36 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
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The register of unitholders: AUTs or ACSs
15.7.12 R (1) The authorised fund manager or the depositary of an AUT or ACS (in
accordance with their responsibilities as set out in the instrument
constituting the fund) must maintain a register of unitholders as a
document in accordance with this rule.
(2) The register must contain:
(a) the name and address of each unitholder (for joint unitholders
no more than four need to be registered);
(b) the number of units (including fractions of a unit) of each class
held by each unitholder; and
(c) the date on which the unitholder was registered in the register
for those units.
(3) The authorised fund manager or the depositary of an AUT or ACS (as
appropriate) must take all reasonable steps and exercise all due
diligence to ensure the register is kept complete and up to date.
Where relevant, the authorised fund manager must immediately notify
the depositary of an AUT or ACS of any information it receives which
may affect the accuracy of any entry in the register.
(5) In the case of a limited partnership scheme, unregistered units may be
held by the authorised contractual scheme manager as the agent for
the scheme provided the authorised contractual scheme manager is
not entered in the register as the new unitholder.
Valuation of investments good market practice
15.7.13 R
Subject to any legal requirements which apply to the valuation of
investments held or to be held in the scheme property of a long-term asset
fund, the authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund which carries on
the valuation function itself must follow good market practice to value the
investments held or to be held in the scheme property.
[Note: See FUND 3.9 (Valuation) and articles 67 to 71 of the AIFMD level 2
Due diligence good market practice
15.7.14 R
Subject to any applicable legal requirements, the authorised fund manager of
a long-term asset fund must use good market practice to:
(1) establish, implement and apply written policies and procedures on due
diligence; and
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(2) implement effective arrangements for ensuring that investment
decisions on behalf of the long-term asset fund are carried out in
compliance with the objectives, investment strategy and, where
applicable, the risk limits of the scheme.
[Note: See articles 18 to 20 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
15.7.15 G The authorised fund manager may use an appropriate code of good market
practice for the purposes of conducting due diligence on investments held or
to be held in the scheme property.
Application of assessment of value, assessment of investment valuations, due
diligence, conflicts of interest and liquidity management and independent director
15.7.16 R
COLL 15.7.17R to COLL 15.7.24R apply to an authorised fund manager of
an AUT, ACS or ICVC.
Assessment of value
15.7.17 R (1) An authorised fund manager must conduct an assessment at least
annually for each scheme it manages of whether the payments out of
scheme property set out in the prospectus are justified in the context of
the overall value delivered to unitholders.
(2) In carrying out the assessment required by (1), the AFM must,
separately for each class of units in a scheme, consider at least the
matters set out in COLL 6.6.21R (Table: minimum considerations
assessment of value).
15.7.18 G The guidance in COLL 6.6.22G applies to interpreting the requirements of
COLL 6.6.21R as applied by COLL 15.7.17R.
15.7.19 E Failure by an AFM to take sufficient steps to address any instance where a
scheme’s charges are not justified in the context of the overall value
delivered to unitholders may be relied on as tending to establish
contravention of COBS 2.1.1R or COBS 2.1.4R as applicable.
Assessment of investment valuations, due diligence, conflicts of interest and
liquidity management
15.7.20 R (1) An authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund must conduct
an assessment at least annually of how it has managed the LTAF in the
best interests of the LTAF, the LTAF’s investors and the integrity of
the market (see COBS 2.1.4R (AIFMs’ best interests rules)).
(2) In carrying out the assessment required by (1), the authorised fund
manager must consider at least the matters set out in COLL 15.7.21R
(Table: minimum considerations valuation of investments, due
diligence, conflicts of interest and liquidity management assessment).
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Table: minimum considerations assessment of investment valuations, due
diligence, conflicts of interest and liquidity management
15.7.21 R This table belongs to COLL 15.7.20R.
1 Valuation of investments
(1) Where the authorised fund manager performs the valuation function
(a) how the methodologies maintained by the authorised fund
manager to value the LTAF’s investments represent good
market practice;
where a methodology maintained by the authorised fund
manager was changed or modified in relation to the valuation
of a particular investment, the rationale for that change;
(c) the rationale for any material change to the valuation of an
investment held in the scheme property during the relevant
period; and
(d) the consistency of valuation of the LTAFs investments with
those of the other AIFs managed by the authorised fund
(2) Where an external valuer has been appointed, the authorised fund
managers assessment during the relevant period of how:
(a) the external valuer satisfied FUND 3.9.7R(3) (Performance of
the valuation function);
(b) the authorised fund manager was satisfied that it could
demonstrate the matters specified in FUND 3.9.9R
(Appointment of an external valuer); and
(c) the authorised fund manager was satisfied that it could
demonstrate the matters specified in FUND 3.10.2R(2)(f)
(General delegation requirements).
2 Due diligence
In relation to due diligence carried out on investments, how that due
diligence was carried out in accordance with good market practice (see
COLL 15.7.14R (Due diligence good market practice)).
3 Conflicts of interest
In relation to conflicts of interest:
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how any conflicts of interest identified by the authorised fund
manager under SYSC 10.1.23R (Additional requirements for an
AIFM) and article 30 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation have been
avoided, managed, monitored and (where applicable) disclosed under
SYSC 10.1.24R (Additional requirements for an AIFM) and articles 31
to 36 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation; and
how, in relation to each conflict of interest identified, those actions
were in the best interests of the LTAF, the LTAF’s investors and the
integrity of the market.
4 Liquidity management
In relation to the management of liquidity of the long-term asset fund:
(1) how the liquidity profile of the LTAF, taking into account borrowing
(if any), has been consistent with its redemption policy;
(2) where monitoring of the liquidity risk of the LTAF, including the
results of any stress tests, has identified any liquidity management
issues, how these were addressed in the best interests of the LTAF, the
LTAFs investors and the integrity of the market;
where the authorised fund manager has sold an investment held in the
scheme property of the LTAF at a price adjusted to reflect the
authorised fund managers need to meet redemption requests, how
that price was determined to be in the best interests of the LTAF, the
LTAFs investors and the integrity of the market; and
(4) how decisions to apply or refrain from applying any dilution levy or
adjustment to sales and redemptions of units ensured that all investors
in the LTAF were treated fairly, including those investors who were
dealing in units of the LTAF, and those investors who (as applicable)
were already invested or remained invested in the LTAF.
[Note: See FUND 3.6.3R (Liquidity systems and procedures) and articles 46
to 49 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.]
Independent directors
15.7.22 R (1)
An authorised fund manager must ensure that at least one quarter of
the members of its governing body are independent natural persons. If
the AFM’s governing body comprises fewer than eight members, the
AFM must instead ensure that at least two of its members are
independent natural persons.
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(2) The authorised fund manager, in appointing an independent member
of its governing body, must determine whether such a member is
independent in character and judgement and whether there are
relationships or circumstances which are likely to affect, or could
appear to affect, that member’s judgement.
(3) The authorised fund manager must take reasonable steps to ensure
that independent members appointed to its governing body have
sufficient expertise and experience to be able to make judgements on
whether the AFM is managing each scheme in the best interests of
(4) (a) Independent members of an AFM’s governing body must be
appointed for terms of no longer than five years, with a
cumulative maximum duration of ten years.
(b) If an independent member is appointed to more than one
governing body within an AFMs group, the cumulative
maximum duration of ten years referred to in (a) is calculated
by adding the durations of each separate appointment and
discounting periods during which appointments overlapped to
avoid double counting.
In relation to a person who served as an independent director of
an AFM’s governing body before 1 October 2019, the five-year
term(s) and cumulative maximum duration of ten years run
from that date.
Independent members are not eligible for reappointment to an AFM’s
governing body until five years have elapsed from the end of the ten-
year period referred to in (4).
(6) The terms of employment on which independent members are
appointed must be such as to secure their independence.
15.7.23 G The guidance in COLL 6.6.26G applies to interpreting the requirement for
independence in COLL 15.7.22R.
Allocation of responsibility for compliance to an approved person
15.7.24 R (1)
An AFM must allocate responsibility for ensuring its compliance with
COLL 15.7.17R, COLL 15.7.20R, COLL 15.7.22R and COBS 2.1.4R
(AIFMs’ best interests rules) to an approved person.
(2) Where the chair of the AFMs governing body is an approved person,
the AFM must allocate the responsibility set out in (1) to that person.
[Note: See SYSC 24 (Senior managers and certification regime: Allocation of
prescribed responsibilities).]
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15.8 Valuation, pricing, dealing and income
15.8.1 R This section applies to:
(1) an authorised fund manager of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC;
(2) any other director of an ICVC;
(3) the depositary of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC; and
(4) an ICVC,
which is a long-term asset fund.
Valuation, pricing and dealing
15.8.2 R (1) The value of the scheme property is the net value of the scheme
property after deducting any outstanding borrowings (including any
capital outstanding on a mortgage of an immovable).
(2) Any part of the scheme property which is not an investment (save an
immovable) must be valued at fair value.
(3) For the purposes of (2), any charges that were paid, or would be
payable, on acquiring or disposing of the asset must be excluded from
the value of that asset.
(4) The value of the scheme property of an authorised fund must, save as
otherwise provided in this section, be determined in accordance with
the provisions of the instrument constituting the fund and the
prospectus, as appropriate.
(5) The scheme must have a valuation point on each dealing day and there
must be at least one valuation point every month.
The authorised fund manager must prepare a valuation in accordance
with (4) for each relevant type of unit at each relevant valuation point.
(7) The price of a unit must be calculated on the basis of the valuation in
(6) in a manner that is fair and reasonable as between unitholders.
In respect of each valuation point under (5), the authorised fund
manager must publish in an appropriate manner the price of any type
of unit based on the valuation carried out in accordance with (6).
(9) The authorised fund manager must also provide on request to any
unitholder at any time an estimated price for any type of unit in the
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(10) The period of any initial offer and how it should end must be set out in
the prospectus and must not be of unreasonable length.
Profits from dealing as principal
15.8.3 R (1) Where an authorised fund manager:
(a) accepts instructions to sell and redeem units as principal; and
(b) is able to execute a sale instruction by selling units it has
redeemed at the same valuation point, without placing its own
capital at risk,
subject to (2), the AFM must not retain for its own account, or the
account of any of its associates, the difference between the price at
which a unit was redeemed (before deduction of any redemption
charge) and the price at which the same unit was sold (after deduction
of any preliminary charge). Any such difference must be allocated in
a way that is fair to unitholders.
(2) In calculating the profit arising under (1), the AFM may offset any loss
it incurs at the same valuation point, calculated in accordance with (3),
when dealing as principal in relation to:
(a) a unit issued at that valuation point to fulfil a sale instruction
that cannot be matched against any redeemed unit or any other
unit of that class held by the manager as principal; and
(b) a unit redeemed and cancelled at that valuation point.
(3) The amount of the loss referred to in (2) is:
(a) for units issued in accordance with (2)(a), the difference
between the issue price of a unit and the sale price of that unit,
less any preliminary charge;
(b) for units cancelled in accordance with (2)(b), the difference
between the cancellation price of a unit and the redemption
price of that unit, before any redemption charge is applied.
(4) Where any loss arising under (2) is greater than any profit arising
under (1), that loss cannot be offset against any profit arising at a
subsequent valuation point.
This rule applies to the redemption and sale of units of different
classes at the same valuation point, if those classes are treated as one
for the purpose of COLL 15.8.6R (Issue and cancellation of units in
multiple classes).
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15.8.4 G (1) The authorised fund manager may commit its own capital to hold
units for dealing as principal and may seek to profit from gains in the
value of the units it holds, when it issues or redeems units at one
valuation point then sells or cancels them at a later valuation point.
However, it should not profit from situations in which it is not
exposed to an equal risk of loss if the units fall in value, or from the
ability to match simultaneous sales and redemptions at different prices
at no risk to its own capital.
(2) The AFM may allocate any amount arising under COLL 15.8.3R(1)
(Profits from dealing as principal) in the interests of investors by
paying it into scheme property for the benefit of all unitholders.
Alternatively, the AFM may redistribute it individually among the
transacting investors.
(3) Where the AFM intends to allocate a payment to scheme property, it
should determine if the amount (when added to any other amounts of
the same kind relating to that class of units) would, if taken into
account in the scheme’s valuation, affect the accuracy of the unit
prices to four significant figures. If so, and subject to (4) below, the
amount should be accrued in each subsequent valuation of the scheme
until the payment is transferred. Such payments into scheme property
should be made regularly and no less frequently than payments for the
AFM’s management charge are transferred out of scheme property.
(4) The calculation to be performed under COLL 15.8.3R (Profits from
dealing as principal) should be carried out in relation to each valuation
point of the scheme on a timely basis. Where it is not practical to do
this before unit prices are calculated and published, the AFM should
ensure that the accrual represents a reasonable estimate of the total
payment it intends to make to scheme property.
Issue and cancellation of units
15.8.5 R (1) The authorised fund manager must:
(a) ensure that at each valuation point there are at least as many
units in issue of any class as there are units registered to
unitholders of that class; and
(b) not do or omit anything that would, or might, confer on itself a
benefit or advantage at the expense of a unitholder or potential
(2) For the purposes of (1) the authorised fund manager may take into
account sales and redemptions after the valuation point, provided it
has systems and controls to ensure compliance with (1).
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(3) The authorised fund manager must arrange for the issue and
cancellation of units and pay money or assets to or from the
depositary for the account of the scheme as required by the
(4) The authorised fund manager must keep a record of issues and
cancellations made under this rule.
(5) The authorised fund manager may arrange for the ICVC, or instruct
the depositary of the AUT or ACS, to issue or cancel units where the
authorised fund manager would otherwise be obliged to sell or redeem
the units in the manner set out in the prospectus.
(6) Where the authorised fund manager has not complied with (1), it must
correct the error as soon as possible and must reimburse the scheme
any costs it may have incurred in correcting the position, subject to
any reasonable minimum level for such reimbursement as set out in
the prospectus.
Issue and cancellation of units in multiple classes
15.8.6 R If a long-term asset fund has two or more classes of unit in issue, the
authorised fund manager may treat any or all of those classes as one for the
purpose of determining the number of units to be issued or cancelled by
reference to a particular valuation point, if:
(1) the depositary gives its prior agreement; and
(2) the relevant classes:
(a) have the same entitlement to participate in, and the same
liability for charges, expenses and other payments that may be
recovered from, the scheme property; or
(b) differ only as to whether income is distributed or accumulated
by periodic credit to capital, provided the price of the units in
each class is calculated by reference to undivided shares in the
scheme property.
Transfer of units in an ACS
15.8.7 R (1) Where transfer of units in an ACS is allowed by its contractual scheme
deed and prospectus in accordance with the conditions specified by
FCA rules, the authorised contractual scheme manager of the ACS
must take reasonable care to ensure that units are only transferred if
the conditions specified by the FCA under (2) are met.
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(2) The FCA specifies that for the purposes of (1), and for the purposes of
COLL 15.3.6R(3)(9)(a)(vii)(B) (Table: contents of the instrument
constituting the fund) and COLL 15.4.5R(18)(2) (Table: contents of
long-term asset fund prospectus), units in the ACS may only be
transferred to a person:
(a) who is a:
(i) professional ACS investor; or
(ii) large ACS investor; or
(iii) person who already holds units in the scheme; and
(b) to whom units in a long-term asset fund may be promoted
under COBS 4.12.4R.
15.8.8 G
The FCA recognises that some transfers of units arise by operation of law
(such as upon death or bankruptcy of the unitholder, or otherwise) and are
accordingly outside the control of the authorised contractual scheme
manager. The authorised contractual scheme manager is expected to comply
with its responsibilities under COLL 15.8.10R (Redemption of ACS units in
an LTAF by an authorised contractual scheme manager) in those cases by
redeeming those units.
Responsibilities of the authorised contractual scheme manager in relation to ACS
15.8.9 R (1) The authorised contractual scheme manager of an authorised
contractual scheme which is a long-term asset fund must take
reasonable care to ensure that rights or interests in units in the scheme
are not acquired by any person from or through an intermediate
unitholder in a long-term asset fund, unless:
(a) that person is a:
(i) professional ACS investor; or
(ii) large ACS investor; or
(iii) person who already holds units in the scheme; and
(b) units in a long-term asset fund may be promoted to that person
under COBS 4.12.4R.
The authorised contractual scheme manager will be regarded as
complying with (1) to the extent that it can show that it was reasonable
for it to rely on relevant information provided by another person.
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Redemption of ACS units in an LTAF by an authorised contractual scheme
15.8.10 R The authorised contractual scheme manager of a long-term asset fund which
is an ACS must redeem units in the scheme as soon as practicable after
becoming aware that those units are vested in anyone (whether as a result of
subscription or transfer of units) other than a person meeting the criteria in
COLL 15 Annex 1R(1) and (2) (ACS Long-Term Asset Funds: eligible
Dealing: sale of units
15.8.11 R The authorised fund manager must, at all times during the dealing day, be
willing to effect the sale of units to any eligible investor (subject to any
conditions in the instrument constituting the fund and the prospectus, which
must be fair and reasonable as between all unitholders and potential
unitholders) for whom the authorised fund manager does not have
reasonable grounds to refuse such sale.
Dealing: redemption of units
15.8.12 R (1) In this rule, a ‘redemption determination is a determination by the
authorised fund manager of the long-term asset fund to:
(a) accept a request by a unitholder to redeem units in the scheme;
(b) refuse a redemption request (see paragraph (2)(c)); or
(c) make such other determination in relation to the redemption
request as may be provided for in the instrument constituting
the fund and the prospectus (see paragraph (6) below, and
COLL 15.8.13G(6) and (7)).
(2) The redemption arrangements for a long-term asset fund must ensure
the following:
(a) A unitholder must be able to submit a request to redeem units
before the next date on which the authorised fund manager
makes a redemption determination, subject to any cut-off point
which may be specified in the prospectus for this purpose.
(b) The authorised fund manager must not make redemption
determinations more frequently than the dealing frequency of
the scheme and, in any event, not more than once a month.
(c) The authorised fund manager must accept a unitholder’s
request to redeem units in the scheme in accordance with any
conditions in the instrument constituting the fund and the
prospectus unless the authorised fund manager has reasonable
grounds to refuse the redemption request.
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(d) The authorised fund manager must inform the unitholder of the
outcome of the redemption determination.
(e) If the authorised fund manager accepts the unitholders request
to redeem units in the scheme:
(i) the redemption request is deemed to be irrevocable;
(ii) the authorised fund manager must undertake to effect
the redemption at the applicable time, in accordance
with any conditions in the instrument constituting the
fund and the prospectus; and
(iii) the authorised fund manager must confirm to the
that the redemption request has been accepted and
cannot be revoked; and
(B) having regard to the period specified for the
purposes of (f), the dates on which it is expected
that the redemption will be effected and the
appropriate proceeds paid.
(f) The authorised fund manager must determine the price for the
units being redeemed pursuant to the unitholders redemption
request at the first valuation point following the end of the
notice period specified in the instrument constituting the fund
and the prospectus (the ‘notice period’).
(g) The notice period must be at least 90 days after the day on
which the request to redeem units in the scheme was accepted.
(h) The authorised fund manager must redeem the units at the
price determined in accordance with (f) and pay the unitholder
the appropriate proceeds of redemption in accordance with
paragraphs (4) and (5).
(3) Subject to COBS 2.1.4R (AIFMs’ best interests rule) and COLL
15.3.2R (Classes of unit), where the long-term asset fund has more
than one class of unit, the arrangements for the redemption of units
may differ between classes provided the arrangements for all classes
of unit ensure the matters specified in (2).
(4) After having effected a redemption request, the authorised fund
manager must pay the full proceeds of the redemption to the
unitholder within any reasonable period specified in the prospectus,
unless it has reasonable grounds for withholding payment.
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(5) Payment of proceeds on redemption must be made by the authorised
fund manager in any manner provided for in the prospectus which
must be fair and reasonable as between redeeming unitholders and
continuing unitholders.
(6) If the instrument constituting the fund and the prospectus of a long-
term asset fund permit the authorised fund manager to defer or limit a
requested redemption, those arrangements must not result in:
the authorised fund manager making redemption
determinations more frequently than once a month (see
paragraph (2)(b)); or
(b) the notice period being shorter than 90 days (see paragraph
Sale and redemption of units: guidance
15.8.13 G (1) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund is required to
ensure that the investment strategy, liquidity profile and redemption
policy for the scheme are consistent (see FUND 3.6.2R (Alignment of
investment strategy, liquidity profile and redemption policy)).
(2) Given the type of investments that a long-term asset fund is likely to
hold in its scheme property, the FCA considers that a long-term asset
fund will need to operate particular arrangements for the redemption
of units.
(3) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund must not make
redemption determinations more frequently than once a month (see
COLL 15.8.12R(2)(b)), which is the maximum frequency for
determining such requests and effecting redemptions. The rules also
require a long-term asset fund to have a notice period of at least 90
days (see COLL 15.8.12R(2)(g)). This is the minimum notice period
for a long-term asset fund.
(4) However, the frequency of the days on which redemption
determinations are made and the particular notice period which is
appropriate for a long-term asset fund will depend on the reasonable
expectations of the target investor group and the particular investment
objectives, investment policy and investment strategy of the scheme.
(5) The authorised fund manager must also comply with the AIFMD level
2 regulation, which contains detailed requirements about liquidity
management taking into account the long-term asset funds investment
strategy, liquidity profile and redemption policy. See, for example,
articles 46 to 49 of the AIFMD level 2 regulation.
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(6) Other determinations which an authorised fund manager may make, if
provided for in the instrument constituting the fund and the prospectus
(see COLL 15.8.12R(1)(c)), could include a deferral of execution of a
redemption request or payment, or a limit on the value or number of
units which can be redeemed at any one valuation point.
(7) Redemption determinations should be carried out so that all
unitholders who have requested redemption at any one valuation point
are treated fairly.
Property Authorised Investment Funds
15.8.14 R (1) The authorised fund manager of a long-term asset fund that is also a
property authorised investment fund must take reasonable steps to
ensure that no body corporate holds more than 10% of the net asset
value of that scheme (the “maximum allowable”).
(2) For the purposes of (1), a body corporate shall not be treated as
holding more than the maximum allowable to the extent that:
the body corporate holds units in a unit trust scheme which
holds shares in the property authorised investment fund; and
(b) in their capacity as trustees of the unit trust scheme, the trustees
are chargeable in the United Kingdom either to income tax or to
corporation tax.
(3) Where the authorised fund manager of a property authorised
investment fund becomes aware that a body corporate holds more than
the maximum allowable, the authorised fund manager must:
(a) notify the body corporate of that event;
(b) not pay any income distribution to the body corporate; and
(c) redeem or cancel units forming the body corporate’s holding
down to the maximum allowable within a reasonable
(4) For the purpose of (3)(c), a reasonable timeframe means the timeframe
which the authorised fund manager reasonably considers to be
appropriate having regard to the interests of the unitholders as a
15.8.15 G Reasonable steps to monitor the maximum allowable include:
(1) regularly reviewing the register; and
(2) taking reasonable steps to ensure that unitholders are kept informed of
the requirement that no body corporate may hold more than 10% of
the net asset value of a property authorised investment fund.
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15.8.16 R (1) An ICVC must not incur any expense in respect of the use of any
movable or immovable property unless the scheme is dedicated to
such investment or such property is necessary for the direct pursuit of
its business.
(2) Payments out of the scheme property may be made from capital
property rather than from income, provided the basis for this is set out
in the prospectus.
Exemption from liability to account for profits
15.8.17 G Except as provided in COLL 15.8.3R (Profits from dealing as principal), an
affected person is not liable to account to another affected person or to the
unitholders of the scheme for any profits or benefits it makes or receives that
are made or derived from or in connection with:
(1) dealings in the units of a scheme; or
(2) any transaction in scheme property; or
(3) the supply of services to the scheme;
where disclosure of the non-accountability has been made in the prospectus
of the scheme.
15.8.18 R (1) A long-term asset fund must have:
(a) an annual accounting period;
(b) a half-yearly accounting period; and
(c) an accounting reference date;
the details of which must be set out in the prospectus.
(2) COLL 6.8.2R(2) to COLL 6.8.2R(7) (Accounting periods) also apply
to the half-yearly accounting period and annual accounting period of
a long-term asset fund.
A long-term asset fund must have an annual income allocation date,
which must be within four months of the accounting reference date.
(4) A long-term asset fund may have an interim income allocation date
and interim accounting periods and if it does, the interim income
allocation date must be within a reasonable period of the end of the
relevant interim accounting period as set out in the prospectus.
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(5) COLL 6.8.3R(3) (Income allocation and distribution) to COLL
6.8.3AG (Allocation of income to difference classes of unit) also
apply to a long-term asset fund.
15.9 Operational requirements for feeder LTAFs
15.9.1 R This section applies as follows:
(1) COLL 15.9.2R to COLL 15.9.6R apply to the authorised fund
manager of a feeder LTAF;
(2) COLL 15.9.6R also applies to:
(a) an ICVC that is a feeder LTAF; and
(b) any person acting on behalf of either the feeder LTAF or the
authorised fund manager of the feeder LTAF; and
(3) COLL 15.9.7R applies to the authorised fund manager of a long-term
asset fund which operates as a qualifying master LTAF to a feeder
Pre-investment requirements of the authorised fund manager of a feeder LTAF
15.9.2 R Before investing in the qualifying master LTAF, the authorised fund
manager of the feeder LTAF must:
(1) be satisfied on reasonable grounds that it can obtain from the
qualifying master LTAF all the information necessary to comply on an
ongoing basis with the rules in COLL;
(2) having consulted with the depositary of the feeder LTAF, be satisfied
on reasonable grounds that the depositary of the feeder LTAF can
obtain from the qualifying master LTAF, the operator of the qualifying
master LTAF or the depositary of the qualifying master LTAF all the
information necessary to comply with its duties under COLL 15.7.6R
and COLL 15.7.7R (Duties of the depositary); and
inform the authorised fund manager of the qualifying master LTAF of
the date on which the feeder LTAF will begin to invest into the
qualifying master LTAF as a feeder LTAF.
Ownership of units in a feeder LTAF
15.9.3 R
The authorised fund manager of a feeder LTAF must take reasonable care to
ensure that its units are not owned, including beneficially owned, by the
qualifying master LTAF or any other scheme in which the qualifying master
LTAF invests.
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Charges made by the qualifying master LTAF or its operator to a feeder LTAF on
investment or disposal
15.9.4 R (1) Where the operator or the authorised fund manager of a qualifying
master LTAF imposes any charge which is, or is equivalent in effect
to, a preliminary charge or redemption charge on the feeder LTAF for
the acquisition or disposal of units in the qualifying master LTAF, the
authorised fund manager of the feeder LTAF must pay to the feeder
LTAF an amount equal to such charge within four business days
following the relevant acquisition or disposal.
(2) In this rule, where the operator or authorised fund manager of a
qualifying master LTAF requires any addition to or deduction from the
consideration paid on the acquisition or disposal of units in the
qualifying master LTAF which is, or is equivalent in effect to, a
dilution levy made in accordance with the instrument constituting the
fund and the prospectus, it is to be treated as part of the price of the
units and not as part of any preliminary charge or redemption charge
referred to in (1).
Avoidance of opportunities for market timing
15.9.5 R The authorised fund manager of a feeder LTAF must take appropriate
measures to co-ordinate the timing of the feeder LTAF’s valuation points and
dealing days with those of its qualifying master LTAF, including the
publication of dealing prices, in order to avoid market timing of their units,
and prevent arbitrage opportunities.
15.9.6 R Where, in connection with an investment in the units of the qualifying master
LTAF, a distribution fee, commission or other monetary benefit is received
(1) a feeder LTAF;
(2) an authorised fund manager of a feeder LTAF; or
(3) any person acting on behalf of (1) or (2),
that fee, commission or other monetary benefit must be paid into the scheme
property of the feeder LTAF within four business days of receipt of that fee,
commission or other monetary benefit.
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Obligations to unitholders of a qualifying master LTAF
15.9.7 R Where the qualifying master LTAF is an authorised fund, the authorised fund
manager of the qualifying master LTAF must not, if it would unfairly
prejudice the interests of unitholders of the qualifying master LTAF other
than the feeder LTAF, provide or make available information to the
authorised fund manager of the feeder LTAF without at the same time also
providing or making available that information to the unitholders of the
qualifying master LTAF other than the feeder LTAF.
15.10 Termination, suspension, and schemes of arrangement
15.10.1 R This section applies to:
(1) an authorised fund manager of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC;
(2) any other director of an ICVC;
(3) the depositary of an AUT, ACS or an ICVC; and
(4) an ICVC,
which is a long-term asset fund.
15.10.2 R For a long-term asset fund the provisions in COLL 7.3 to COLL 7.5 will
apply as appropriate as if COLL 7 applied to long-term asset funds.
15.10.3 R (1) The authorised fund manager may, with the prior agreement of the
depositary, and must without delay, if the depositary so requires,
within any parameters which are fair and reasonable in respect of all
the unitholders in the scheme and which are set out in the prospectus,
temporarily suspend dealings in units of the scheme, a sub-fund or a
(2) Any suspension within (1) must only be where the authorised fund
manager has determined that due to exceptional circumstances the
suspension of dealings is in the interests of unitholders or potential
unitholders, and the authorised fund manager must have regard to the
interests of all the unitholders in the scheme in reaching such an
(3) At the commencement of suspension under (1), the authorised fund
manager must immediately inform the FCA of the suspension and the
reasons for it.
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(4) The authorised fund manager must ensure that a notification of the
suspension is made to unitholders of the authorised fund as soon as
practicable after suspension commences.
The authorised fund manager and the depositary must ensure that the
suspension only continues for as long as it is justified having regard to
the interests of the unitholders.
(6) The suspension of dealings in units must cease, as soon as (2) no
longer applies.
(7) The authorised fund manager and the depositary must formally
review the suspension at least every 28 days and inform the FCA of
the results of this review and any change to the information provided
in (3).
(8) The authorised fund manager must inform the FCA immediately of
the resumption of dealings.
Schemes of arrangement
15.10.4 R
In relation to an ICVC, ACS or an AUT which is a long-term asset fund, the
provisions in COLL 7.6 (Schemes of arrangement) will apply as appropriate
to the authorised fund manager, any other directors of the ICVC and the
depositary as if COLL 7.6 applied to a long-term asset fund and did not
exclude unitholders becoming unitholders in another long-term asset fund.
1R ACS Long-term asset funds: Eligible investors
This Annex belongs to COLL 15.1.3R and COLL 15.1.4G.
For the purposes of the rule on qualified investors in a long-term asset fund which
is an ACS (see COLL 15.1.3R(2)), the authorised contractual scheme manager
must take reasonable care to ensure that ownership of units in the scheme is only
recorded in the register for a person:
(1) who is a:
(a) professional ACS investor; or
(b) large ACS investor; or
(c) person who already holds units in the scheme; and
(2) to whom units in a long-term asset fund may be promoted to that person
under COBS 4.12.4R
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Amend the following text as shown.
Schedule 1 Record keeping requirements
Sch 1.1 G 1 Record keeping requirements
Subject of
Contents of
When record
must be made
COLL 14.3.6R
The depositarys
and the reasons
for making it
As implicit from
the rules in
6 years
Minutes of
meetings (AFM)
Full details As implicit from
the rules in
6 years
General record
Full details As implicit from
the rules in
As implicit from
the rules in
Units held,
acquired or
disposed of
Daily record of
units held,
acquired or
disposed of by
the AFM
As implicit from
the rules in
6 years
General record
Full details As implicit from
the rules in
As implicit from
the rules in
Issues and
cancellations of
units (AFM)
Full details As implicit from
the rules in
As implicit from
the rules in
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Schedule 2 Notification requirements
Sch 2.2 G 1 Notification requirements
Matter to be
Contents of
Trigger event Time allowed
COLL 14.2.2R
COLL 15.4.2R Prospectus and
Full documents Before
Annual, half
yearly and
quarterly reports
Copy of report End of annual or
period, or
reporting period
Immediately on
15.10.3R(3) and
Suspension and
resumption of
dealing (AFM)
including reason
for suspension
Occurrence Immediate
© Financial Conduct Authority 2021
12 Endeavour Square London E20 1JN
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7066 1000
Website: www.fca.org.uk
All rights reserved
Pub ref: 007757