Act of Apr. 10, 1862, P.L. 383, No. 393 Cl. 32
For the more effectual protection of the owners of Logs and
Lumber on the Susquehanna river.
Section 1. Marks and devices for identifying lumber
From and after the passage of this act it shall and may be
lawful for any person or persons, party or company, who are or
shall be engaged in lumbering, in any manner, upon the West
Branch of the river Susquehanna, or any of its tributaries, to
adopt one mark of designation, which mark may be either in
letters, figures, words, names, or other devices, at the
discretion of such person, party or company, wherewith to stamp
or mark all logs, masts, spars, shingles, shingle-bolts, square
timber, boomsticks, boards, or other lumber put or intended to
be put in said stream or its tributaries to be run, driven or
floated to any mills, booms or markets anywhere, at or above the
Susquehanna boom at Williamsport, and to furnish to the
prothonotary of the court of common pleas, at Williamsport, in
the County of Lycoming, or other county, where the said kinds of
lumber shall be put into said stream or tributary, a statement
in writing of the mark so adopted, as aforesaid, with a
certificate appended, that the same has been so adopted, as a
mark of designation, as aforesaid, signed by the person, party,
or some officer of the company adopting the same, as aforesaid;
and no person, party or company shall be entitled to adopt more
than one of any of the kinds of marks aforesaid, as a mark of
designation, but any such person, party or company shall not be
prohibited from using any other mark or marks, in addition to
the mark of designation, for distinguishing different kinds or
lots of lumber, or lumber obtained from different localities, so
always as that it interfere not with the mark of designation of
any other person, party or company; and it shall be the duty of
the prothonotary aforesaid, to receive and file of record, in
his office, any mark stated and certified as aforesaid, and to
give a certificate thereof to the person filing the same, and
certificates thereof from time to time to any person demanding
the same, under his hand and seal of the court; and the said
prothonotary shall be entitled to demand and receive for the
first certificate as aforesaid, the sum of one dollar, and for
every subsequent certificate, the sum of twenty-five cents; and
the certificates shall be prima facie evidence of the right of
the person, party or company filing the same, to the use of the
mark mentioned therein, and that all logs, shingles, shingle-
bolts, masts, spars, square timber, boom-sticks, boards or other
lumber in and along said streams, or in and along the main river
Susquehanna, are the property of the person, party or company,
whose mark of designation duly registered, as aforesaid, shall
be thereon; the right to the use of any mark of designation as
aforesaid, shall depend upon the priority of the registry on
record, as aforesaid, and no mark of designation, as aforesaid,
shall be received or filed or certificate given therefor, by the
prothonotaries aforesaid, if the same shall have been previously
registered it, it being the true intent and meaning of this act
to prevent the use of the same mark of designation by more than
one person, party or company. 1862, April 10, P.L. 383, Sec. 1.
Section 2. Taking up marked lumber
From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful
for any person or persons, without authority from the owner or
owners, to catch, stop, take up or detain any lumber of any of
the kinds mentioned in the first section of this act excepting
masts, spars, square timber and boards, which shall be floating
in any of the streams or main river above said Susquehanna Boom,
mentioned in said section, having thereon any duly registered
mark, under any pretense whatsoever, and the owner or owners of
any of the kinds of lumber aforesaid, marked with duly
registered marks, or his, her or their agent or agents, shall be
entitled to take possession of and remove, at his or their
pleasure, any lumber of any of the kinds before mentioned, so
taken up, stopped or detained, as aforesaid, contrary to the
provisions of this act without being in any manner liable for
damages or expenses incurred by any person or persons so taking
up, stopping or detaining the same, as aforesaid, without let or
hindrance, upon the production of the certificate of the
prothonotary made in conformity with the provisions of this act
either by the owner of the mark mentioned therein, or by any
other person or persons, agent or agents, with the authority
from the owner or owners, in writing, indorsed thereon or
annexed thereto for the purpose, and duly acknowledged before
any officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds or other
writings: Provided, That this section shall not apply to any
incorporated boom company, or to lumber of any of the kinds
aforesaid, taken up below said Susquehanna Boom; and that for
the purpose of encouraging persons to catch, take up and secure
logs and lumber floating down the Susquehanna river, below the
Susquehanna Booms, it shall and may be lawful for any person or
persons so taking up and securing any of this said kinds of
lumber, so found floating down the said river, below said booms,
to charge and receive from the owner or owners of said lumber
the sum of fifty cents per thousand feet, board measure, and to
have a lien upon the same until payment is made or tendered by
the owner or his agent; and for all such lumber, as aforesaid,
taken up below the Columbia bridge, seventy-five cents per
thousand feet, board measure. 1862, April 10, P.L. 383, Sec. 2.
Section 3. Owners of marked lumber may search for and remove
same., suits for damages
The owner or owners of any of the kinds of lumber aforesaid,
their agent or agents, shall have the right and by this act are
authorized to enter peaceably upon the lands, mills or other
premises of any person or persons, above said Susquehanna Booms,
doing no damage, to search for any such lumber, duly marked with
registered marks, as aforesaid, and shall have the right, and by
this act are authorized to remove any such lumber, marked as
aforesaid, without let or hindrance, first paying to the owner
or owners of such mill, premises or land the actual damage done
thereto, by occasion of such lumber having floated or remained
thereon, or damage done in the removal of such lumber therefrom;
and if the parties cannot agree as to the amount of damages
done, as aforesaid, the said lumber shall be delivered up to the
owner or owners thereof, his, her or their agents, upon the
production of a certificate, as provided in the second section
of this act; and the owner or owners thereof, his, her or their
agents, as aforesaid, shall be liable to arrest, at the suit of
the owner or owners of any such mill, premises or land, as
aforesaid, upon a capias ad respondendum, from which he or they
shall not be discharged until he or they shall give bail
absolute, before the justice or prothonotary who shall issue the
same, to pay to the owner or owners of any such mill, premises
or land, as aforesaid, the amount of the judgment that may be
finally recovered for the damages as aforesaid, with costs of
suit: Provided, That if the person or persons commencing any
such suit, as aforesaid, shall fail to recover, on final
hearing, a greater amount than was tendered by the owner or
owners, his, her or their agents, as aforesaid, at the time of
claiming such lumber, as aforesaid, then the party plaintiff
shall pay the party defendant, his, her or their necessary costs
of suit, and for his, her or their witnesses; which costs, as
aforesaid, shall be paid before the amount of the judgment
obtained shall be collected, or be made a set off against the
same; and it shall not be required, upon the trial of any such
case, to bring the money offered into court. 1862, April 10,
P.L. 383, Sec. 3.
Section 4. Forfeiture of lumber
If any of the kinds of lumber aforesaid, duly marked with
registered marks, as aforesaid, which may float or come upon any
land, as aforesaid, shall not be claimed, as aforesaid, within
three months thereafter, the same shall be forfeited to the use
of the owner or owners of any such land, as aforesaid: Provided,
That the said lumber shall have been first advertised for three
successive weeks, in the newspaper published nearest to said
land, the cost of which to be added to the other charges and
paid by the owner, before he shall be entitled to remove the
said lumber. 1862, April 10, P.L. 383, Sec. 4.
Section 5. Penalty for wrongful acts
If any person or persons shall fraudulently or wilfully use
the registered mark of another, or shall fraudulently make claim
to be the owner of any lumber of any kind, whether marked or
not, in and along said streams and main river, or shall
fraudulently refuse to deliver up any lumber of the kinds
aforesaid, duly stamped or marked as aforesaid, in accordance
with the second and third sections of this act; or shall,
without authority from the owner or owners thereof, wilfully
deface or obliterate any marks, names, figures, letters or other
devices of designation thereon, whether registered or not; or
shall fraudulently saw, split, consume, destroy, or injure or
knowingly permit to be sawed or consumed upon his, her or their
mill, or other factory, or shall fraudulently sell or purchase,
or convert to his, her or their use any lumber of the kinds
mentioned in the first section of this act, whether marked with
registered marks as aforesaid, or not, unless the same shall
have become duly forfeited, according to the provisions of this
act, or the provisions of existing laws, every such person so
offending shall, for every such offense, upon conviction
thereof, forfeit and pay a sum, not exceeding one thousand
dollars, and if the court deem proper, also undergo an
imprisonment by separate and solitary confinement at labor, or
simple imprisonment, not exceeding three years. 1862, April 10,
P.L. 383, Sec. 5.
Section 6. Boom companies not liable except for marked
No incorporated boom company upon said streams shall be held
legally responsible for any logs or lumber, such as they are
authorized by their respective charters to catch or stop, that
may escape from any booms, unless the same shall have been duly
marked as aforesaid, with registered marks, and the production
to the officers of said companies of a certificate, as provided
in the second section of this act, shall be sufficient evidence
to warrant the delivery of any lumber caught in said booms, to
the person, party or company certified to be the owner or owners
of the marks thereon, or his, her or their agent or agents, in
the absence of any express notice of any other claim to the
same: Provided, That this section shall not be so construed as
to prevent the said companies from collecting boomage upon such
nonmarked lumber, according to the provisions of their
respective charters: Provided, Further, That such boom companies
shall not be released from legal responsibility for any such
logs or lumber as may escape from the control of the owner or
owners, by reason of high water, or from other causes, which may
be stopped by, or come into any boom, as aforesaid. 1862, April
10, P.L. 383, Sec. 6.
Section 8. Bills of sale of marked lumber
Any bill of sale of any of the kinds of duly marked lumber
aforesaid, executed and acknowledged as provided in the second
section of this act, either by the owner of the mark stamped
thereon, or his, her or their administrators or executors, or by
any sheriff or other public officer, that he has made sale of
any such marked lumber as aforesaid, by virtue of lawful
authority, shall be prima facie evidence that the title of the
person, party or company owning the mark thereon in such lumber
has become vested in the grantee or grantees mentioned in such
bill of sale, as aforesaid, and the like effect shall be given
to every subsequent bill of sale of any such lumber, made and
acknowledged as hereinbefore provided. 1862, April 10, P.L.
383, Sec. 8.