Amanda Claire Jones
The Dissertation Committee for Amanda Claire Jones certifies that this is the
approved version of the following dissertation:
Samuel D. Gosling, Supervisor
Robert A. Josephs
James W. Pennebaker
Timothy J. Loving
J. Gregory Hixon
Amanda Claire Jones, B.A.
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of
the University of Texas at Austin
in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
The University of Texas at Austin
May, 2008
To Peanut, Jackie, Baya, Rufus, and all the dogs whose life paths have yet to join
with my own. You all do have your own unique personalities, but that fact is not all
you have to share and to teach.
I am not much for mixing sentiment and work, but for once it seems appropriate.
First and, in the context of academic pursuits, foremost, thanks to Sam Gosling.
Though I have not always liked it, I am thankful for your guiding, encouraging, and
pushing me through the past five years. The specific lessons I’ve learned from you are
too many to innumerate.
Second, my heart-felt thanks to Bob Josephs. You’ve been a lot of fun to have as
an advisor. I’ve gotten to toy with new ideas one week, and scrap them entirely the next.
And your support through life’s little and not-so-little crises has been invaluable.
Third, I am especially thankful to my son Abram. You’ve given me a new
perspective on life and motivation to finish my dissertation. I’ve learned more from the
past 23 months as a mother than I ever learned in school. I’m almost afraid of how much
remains to be learned. I have a new understanding of my own parents’ loving support.
And finally, I’d like to acknowledge the unfaltering support of my friends,
particularly Miki and Conor. As with any truly loving and supportive friendships, if I
were to try to describe all the ways I have benefited from our relationships, I would go on
forever. I’d probably start blabbering about buffering effects, social support, and the
physiology of stress. If I were to try to capture just the very important ways in which you
have helped me, I would go on for at least as many pages as follow in this very lengthy
dissertation. Instead, just know that you’re loved, valued, and appreciated.
Amanda Claire Jones, Ph.D.
The University of Texas at Austin, 2008
Supervisor: Samuel D. Gosling
Many groups, such as rescue and service-dog programs, are interested in
assessing dogs’ personalities. These groups often need to assess large numbers of dogs
with limited resources (e.g., in terms of facilities, trained assessors, time, money). To
meet these groups requirements, an assessment tool that measures canine personality
rapidly and is demonstrably reliable and valid is needed. The Dog Personality
Questionnaire (DPQ) was developed to fill this gap. This dissertation describes a series of
six studies designed to develop and evaluate the DPQ.
To ensure that the final instrument built on previous research and was based on a
comprehensive item pool, 1,200 descriptions were culled from the dog-personality
assessment literature, shelter assessments, and dog experts’ input (e.g., researchers,
trainers, veterinarians). Three expert judges narrowed this list to 360 items. In Study 1,
these items were administered to 152 participants who gave feedback on the items’
applicability and ease of use.
In Study 2, exploratory factor analysis was used to determine the number of
factors underlying the 360-item questionnaire, based on 3,737 participants’ ratings of
their dogs. Convergent criteria favored five factors, labeled as Fearfulness, Aggression
towards People, Aggression towards Animals, Activity/Excitability, and Responsiveness
to Training. Narrower facets within each factor were also identified. On the basis of item
analyses, the questionnaire was shortened to 102 items.
In Study 3, the 102-item questionnaire was administered to 2,556 new participants
and further exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to examine the
robustness of the five-factor solution. Items were then evaluated in terms of factor- and
facet-loadings, content validity, internal consistency, and other criteria in order to shorten
the questionnaire to a more manageable, 75-item form, and an even briefer 45-item form.
In Studies 4-6, the psychometric properties of the 75-item and 45-item DPQ were
further evaluated. The DPQ was shown to have acceptable levels of inter-rater reliability
(Study 4), test-retest reliability (Study 5), and predictive validity (Study 6). Discussion
focuses on evaluating how well the DPQ meets the criteria that guided its development.
Table of Contents
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... xv
List of Figures ................................................................................................................ xvii
Chapter 1 Introduction.........................................................................................................1
Study 1: Pilot Testing the Initial Item Pool ................................................................3
Study 2: Factor Structure Identification .....................................................................3
Study 3: Factor Structure Confirmation .....................................................................4
Study 4: Inter-Rater Reliability ..................................................................................5
Study 5: Test-Retest Reliability .................................................................................5
Study 6: Predictive Validity .......................................................................................6
Chapter 2 Literature Review................................................................................................7
Literature Review........................................................................................................8
Literature search procedures..............................................................................9
A General Survey of the Field ..................................................................................11
Assessment methods........................................................................................11
Test Batteries .......................................................................................11
Ratings of Individual Dogs..................................................................12
Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes.....................................................12
Observational Tests..............................................................................13
Breeds assessed................................................................................................14
Purpose of study...............................................................................................16
Age at testing ...................................................................................................17
Breeding and rearing environment...................................................................18
Sexual status of subjects ..................................................................................19
Summary of general survey .............................................................................19
Review and Evaluation of Empirical Findings.........................................................28
What Traits Have Been Studied in Dogs? .......................................................28
Step 1: Extracting behavioral descriptions ..........................................29
Step 2: Development of temperament categories ................................30
Step 3: Classification of behaviors by a panel of experts....................31
Potential limitations of sorting method............................................................33
Results from the sorting task............................................................................35
Are Assessments of Dog Personality Reliable?........................................................48
Summary of reliability findings.......................................................................56
Are Assessments of Dog Personality Valid? ............................................................56
Obtaining and categorizing validity coefficients.............................................56
Convergent validity..............................................................................58
Discriminant validity ...........................................................................71
Summary of validity findings ..........................................................................72
Summary and Conclusions .......................................................................................73
Chapter 3 Criteria for Selecting an Assessment Method...................................................80
Introduction ..............................................................................................................80
Criteria ......................................................................................................................80
Validity ............................................................................................................81
Sensitivity ........................................................................................................82
Minimal order effects.......................................................................................83
Availability of psychometric properties to the public......................................83
Comprehensiveness and detail.........................................................................83
Wide applicability............................................................................................84
Ease of use .......................................................................................................84
Manageability ..................................................................................................84
Summary of Criteria for Selecting an Assessment Method .....................................85
Assessment Methods ................................................................................................85
Test Batteries ...................................................................................................86
Observational Tests..........................................................................................88
Expert ratings of Breed Prototypes..................................................................91
Ratings of Individual Dogs..............................................................................92
Evaluation and Selection of an Assessment Method ...............................................96
Insight from Human Personality Research ...............................................................98
Chapter 4 Study 1: Pilot Testing the Initial Item Pool ....................................................100
Introduction ............................................................................................................100
Part 1: Generating an Item Pool .............................................................................100
Initial groups of items into categories............................................................101
Removal of redundant items..........................................................................102
Review of item pool.......................................................................................103
Part 2: Administration and Feedback-Driven Revision of the DPQ ......................104
Materials and Procedures...............................................................................106
Utilizing web-based methods.............................................................106
Administration of the DPQ................................................................107
Results ............................................................................................................109
Difficult to interpret...........................................................................109
Not applicable....................................................................................109
Free-response suggestions .................................................................109
Sample demographics........................................................................110
Item Re-examination and Revision................................................................115
Difficult to interpret...........................................................................115
Free-response suggestions .................................................................116
Intermediate Questionnaire #1................................................................................117
Summary of Findings..............................................................................................117
Chapter 5 Study 2: Factor Structure Identification..........................................................118
Introduction ............................................................................................................118
Design ............................................................................................................119
Materials and Procedures...............................................................................120
Results ....................................................................................................................120
Sample demographics....................................................................................121
Item refinement..............................................................................................125
Analyses .................................................................................................................126
Part 1: Exploratory Factor Analysis...............................................................126
Part 2: Split-sample EFA and CFA with 353 items.......................................139
Part 3: Determination of trait facets...............................................................147
Part 4: Item reduction.....................................................................................152
Content validity (facets).....................................................................153
Item factor loadings ...........................................................................153
Item cross-loadings............................................................................154
Internal consistency ...........................................................................154
Resultant item pool ............................................................................155
Part 5: Split-sample EFA and CFA with 102 items.......................................156
Intermediate Questionnaire #2 ...............................................................................164
Summary of Findings..............................................................................................164
Chapter 6 Study 3: Factor Structure Confirmation..........................................................165
Introduction ............................................................................................................165
Method ...................................................................................................................165
Design ............................................................................................................165
Materials and Procedures...............................................................................166
Sample demographics....................................................................................168
Part 1: Confirmatory Factor Analysis.....................................................................172
Part 2: Split-sample EFA and CFA.........................................................................176
Part 3: Confirmation of the Five-Factor, 15-Facet Model......................................184
Part 4: Building the DPQ Long and Short Forms...................................................185
Factor and facet loadings ...............................................................................185
Content validity..............................................................................................186
Item utility......................................................................................................186
Discriminant and convergent validity............................................................186
Internal consistency .......................................................................................188
The Dog Personality Questionnaire Final Forms....................................................189
Summary of Findings..............................................................................................191
Chapter 7 Study 4: Inter-Rater Reliability ......................................................................193
Introduction ............................................................................................................193
Methods ..................................................................................................................193
Materials and Procedures...............................................................................194
Sample demographics....................................................................................195
Inter-rater reliability...........................................................................200
Summary of Findings..............................................................................................210
Chapter 8 Study 5: Test-Retest Reliability .....................................................................212
Introduction ............................................................................................................212
Methods ..................................................................................................................212
Materials and Procedures...............................................................................213
Sample demographics....................................................................................213
Test-retest reliability..........................................................................218
Summary of Findings..............................................................................................226
Chapter 9 Study 6: Predictive Validity ...........................................................................227
Introduction ............................................................................................................227
Method ...................................................................................................................228
Design ...........................................................................................................228
Test Battery with subtests..................................................................228
Test Battery scoring...........................................................................229
Sample demographics........................................................................236
Materials and Procedures...............................................................................240
Test Batteries .....................................................................................241
Pilot testing ........................................................................................242
Analyses ............................................................................................................242
Inter-rater reliability of DPQ factor and facet ratings....................................243
Inter-rater reliability of Test Battery behavioral scoring...............................245
Predictive validity: Correlation between DPQ and Test Battery ratings.......250
Summary of Findings..............................................................................................274
Chapter 10 General Discussion .......................................................................................276
Study 1: Pilot Testing the Initial Item Pool ............................................................276
Study 2: Factor Structure Identification .................................................................277
Study 3: Factor Structure Confirmation .................................................................277
Study 4: Inter-Rater Reliability ..............................................................................278
Study 5: Test-Retest Reliability .............................................................................278
Study 6: Predictive Validity ...................................................................................279
Evaluation against Ten Criteria ..............................................................................279
Validity ..........................................................................................................280
Sensitivity ......................................................................................................281
Minimal order effects.....................................................................................282
Availability of psychometric properties to the public....................................282
Comprehensiveness and detail.......................................................................282
Wide applicability..........................................................................................283
Ease of use .....................................................................................................283
Manageability ................................................................................................284
General Evaluation of the DPQ ..............................................................................284
Strengths and major findings .........................................................................284
Limitations and weaknesses...........................................................................289
Future directions ............................................................................................294
Appendix A. 51 broad, content-based categories for sorting items.................................299
Appendix B. Study 2: Loading of 352 personality items on five varimax-
rotated factors ............................................................................................................300
Appendix C. Study 2: Item list resulting from item reduction phase ..............................313
Appendix D. Study 3: CFA model item loadings on five dog personality factors..........317
Appendix E. Study 3: Convergent validity – Correlations of items that load on
the same factors and facets ..............................................................................................321
Appendix F. Study 3: Discriminant validity – Correlations of items that load
on different factors and facets..........................................................................................326
Appendix G. Study 3: Items retained and removed in creating the final DPQ forms .....342
Appendix H. DPQ Long (75-item) form and scoring sheet.............................................347
Appendix I. DPQ Short (45-item) form and scoring sheet..............................................350
Appendix J. Study 6: Test Battery subtest descriptions form..........................................353
Appendix K. Study 6. Dog behavioral assessment scoring sheet....................................356
References ............................................................................................................364
Vita ............................................................................................................375
List of Tables
Table 2.1. Summary of empirical research on dog temperament: Study design,
breed, sex, age, and assessment purpose............................................................................21
Table 2.2. Which traits have been studied in dogs? A review of past research ................37
Table 2.3. How reliable are personality measures of dogs?: Inter-observer
agreement and test-retest reliability ..................................................................................52
Table 2.4. How reliable are personality measures of dogs?: Internal consistency ............55
Table 2.5. Convergent validity: How well do dog personality tests predict
future behavior or scores on other assessments? ..............................................................60
Table 3.1. Dog personality assessment methods' fulfillment of 10 criteria
in principle and in practice.................................................................................................94
Table 4.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 1 ...............................112
Table 4.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 1.................................114
Table 5.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 2 ...............................122
Table 5.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 2.................................124
Table 5.3. Items removed from the 360-item pool due to narrow applicability..............126
Table 5.4. Convergent and discriminant correlations for the 4- and the 5-
factor solutions.................................................................................................................132
Table 5.5. Confirmatory factor analysis of second half of Study 2 data (353 items)......147
Table 5.6. Confirmatory factor analysis of second half of Study 2 data (102 items)......163
Table 6.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 3 ...............................169
Table 6.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 3.................................171
Table 6.3. Confirmatory factor analyses: Comparative model fits for Study 3
full sample .....................................................................................................................175
Table 6.4. Confirmatory factor analysis of second half of Study 3 data .........................183
Table 6.5. Confirmatory factor analyses of full hierarchical model (factors
and facets) .....................................................................................................................184
Table 6.6. Scale reliabilities.............................................................................................189
Table 6.7. 75-item DPQ confirmatory factor analyses ....................................................190
Table 6.8. 45-item DPQ confirmatory factor analyses ....................................................191
Table 7.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 4 ...............................197
Table 7.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 4.................................199
Table 7.3. Item-level inter-rater reliability ......................................................................204
Table 7.4. Facet- and factor-level inter-rater reliability...................................................209
Table 8.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 5................................215
Table 8.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 5.................................217
Table 8.3. Item-level inter-rater and test-retest reliability...............................................219
Table 8.4. Facet- and factor-level inter-rater and test-retest reliability ...........................225
Table 9.1. Predicted relationships between behavioral descriptions and DPQ
factors and facets..............................................................................................................233
Table 9.2. Demographic information about participants in Study 6................................237
Table 9.3. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 6.................................239
Table 9.4. Facet- and factor-level inter-rater reliability...................................................245
Table 9.5. Test Battery inter-rater reliability...................................................................246
Table 9.6. Fearfulness convergent and discriminant validity correlations ......................251
Table 9.7. Aggression towards people convergent and discriminant validity
correlations ......................................................................................................................256
Table 9.8. Activity/Excitability convergent and discriminant validity
correlations .....................................................................................................................260
Table 9.9. Responsiveness to Training convergent and discriminant validity
Table 9.10. Aggression towards animals convergent and discriminant validity
Table 9.11. Mean factor- and facet-level predictive validity correlations.......................273
List of Figures
Figure 5.1. Scree plot of eigenvalues for 353 items (N = 3,737).....................................130
Figure 5.2 Hierarchical structure of factor score correlations in 353-item
Study 2 data set................................................................................................................135
Figure 5.3. Scree plot of eigenvalues for 353 items in half of Study 2 sample...............141
Figure 5.4. Hierarchical structure of factor score correlations in 353-item
Study 2 data set ...............................................................................................................142
Figure 5.5. Scree plot of eigenvalues for 102 items in Study 2.......................................159
Figure 5.6. Hierarchical structure of factor score correlations in 102- item
Study 2 data set ...............................................................................................................160
Figure 6.1. Scree plot of eigenvalues for 102 items in Study 3.......................................178
Figure 6.2. Hierarchical structure of factor score correlations in 102-item
Study 3 data set................................................................................................................179
It is now widely accepted that non-human animals can be characterized in terms
of personality (Gosling & Vazire, 2002). One species in which personality has been
examined extensively is the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). It is easy to understand why
dogs and their personalities have garnered extensive research attention. Not only are they
the most common pet in the United States (Humane Society of the United States, 2007),
ubiquitous wherever humans live, but they are also used to realize a number of essential
applied goals, such as guiding visually impaired people and searching for explosives. As
a result, many groups of people are interested in assessing the dogs’ personalities
efficiently, reliably, and accurately. These groups include: (a) potential pet owners
wanting to find a dog suitable for their particular circumstances (e.g., family dog vs.
guard dog), (b) shelters seeking to identify suitable homes for dogs, (c) service-dog
programs (e.g., guide dogs, hearing dogs), and (d) working-dog programs (e.g., patrol
dogs, detection dogs). Many of these groups must evaluate dogs using very limited
resources. They may have little time with each dog, few trained evaluators, minimal
facilities, and other limitations. However, a well-validated, reliable, effective instrument
for measuring dog personality that is easy and quick to use and widely applicable has yet
to be developed. The goal of the research described here is to develop such an instrument
and evaluate its psychometric properties, including aspects of reliability and validity.
Before a tool for assessing the broad construct of dog personality could be
developed, the construct to be studied had to be explicitly defined (e.g., DeVellis, 2003).
For the term “personality” to be used to characterize non-human animals, and dogs
specifically, “personality” must be defined and how (or whether) it differs from
“temperament” must be determined. “Personality” is often reserved for discussing adult
humans, and “temperament” for discussing human infants and non-human animals.
However, these uses are not consistently maintained, and the terms tend to be used
interchangeably (McCrae et al., 2000). I use the term “personality” because the
distinction between the two terms is not maintained sufficiently, nor is a distinction
between them generally useful for the current purposes.
Finding a definition of personality to suit all applications of the term is
challenging. The phenomena studied by personality psychologists include temperament
and character traits, dispositions, goals, personal projects, abilities, attitudes, physical and
bodily states, moods, and life stories (John & Gosling, 2000). Only a very broad (and
thus somewhat vague) definition could satisfy many personality psychologists
simultaneously. For example, personality can be defined as those characteristics of
individuals that describe and account for consistent patterns of feeling, thinking, and
behaving (Pervin & John, 1997), a definition broad enough to capture most phenomena
studied by personality psychologists. I adopt this broad definition, and my use of the term
personality includes personality in all non-human animals as well as humans. The dog
personality assessment tool developed in this dissertation will assess personality in terms
of traits (also called factors or dimensions). I adopt Gosling’s (1998) definition of traits
as “aggregate summary trends in behavior”. An individual’s traits are also consistent and
reflected in the individual’s feeling, thinking, and behaving across time and situations.
In order to ground the current studies in the existing literature, in Chapter 2 I
summarize the dog personality literature published prior to the onset of the current study
and providing the basis for the current study. Chapter 2 includes a summary of my
published review (Jones & Gosling, 2005) of the literature, supplemented with four
studies published between the review’s completion and the onset of this study (April,
2004-June, 2005). In Chapter 3, I define and discuss the criteria that guided my selection
of an assessment method, and which I attempt to satisfy with the design of a new tool for
assessing personality in dogs. In the next six chapters, I describe Studies 1 through 6,
detailing the development of a questionnaire for assessing personality in individual dogs,
from initial item generation to validation of the tool. Studies 1, 2, and 3 lay the
groundwork for the latter three. Each study is outlined in greater detail below.
In Chapter 4, I describe Study 1, in which my goal was the development of an
initial questionnaire for assessing dog personality; this study had two parts. First, I
generated a pool of potential items for use in the questionnaire. The pool of items
generated was intended to be as comprehensive as possible, representing as many aspects
of dog behavior and personality as possible. In order to compile a very comprehensive
list of descriptors, I drew together descriptors from multiple sources, including the dog
personality and temperament research literature and tools used in applied settings (e.g.,
shelters); these sources were supplemented with items generated by dog experts. This
process resulted in an initial list of 1,284 descriptors. These 1,284 descriptors served as
the starting point for the process of sorting potential items based on content, eliminating
items that did not fit my criteria (e.g., were applicable to very narrow contexts or only
certain types of dogs, like guide dogs), and creating a list of 360 questionnaire items.
In the second part of the study, I administered the items to a small sample of
participants in order to attain feedback that would then help me to identify and revise
questionnaire items that were difficult for participants to understand or that described
situations participants’ dogs did not encounter. In this part of Study 1, the 360 items were
piloted online with a sample of 152 dog owners who volunteered to fill out the
questionnaire, and the questionnaire items were modified based on their feedback.
Study 2 (described in Chapter 5) had two goals: to determine the number of
factors underlying the behaviors and descriptors in the 360-item questionnaire, and to
begin developing a more concise and coherent scale. I administered the questionnaire
online to dog owners who volunteered to participate, then I used exploratory factor
analysis (EFA; principle components analysis [PCA] with varimax rotation) of the
responses from 3,737 participants to the lengthy questionnaire. Convergent criteria
indicate that both the four- and five-factor solutions were robust. For reasons of
interpretability, the five-factor solution was selected.
Once the five factors (or traits) had been confirmed, items loading on each trait
were analyzed using EFA (PCA, oblique [promax] rotation) in order to determine the
number of facets within each trait. Fifteen facets were identified. In addition to other
criteria (e.g., item univocality), the results of the trait and facet analyses provide guidance
for creating a new, briefer and more manageable 102-item form of the questionnaire to be
administered in Study 3.
To assess the fit of the five-factor solution to the revised list of 102 items, I
divided the participant set into two randomly selected halves, then repeated the EFA
procedure on one half of the data (N = 1,868). Again, the five-factor solution was found
to be robust and interpretable. I then confirmed, using structural equation modeling
(SEM) to perform confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), that the five-factor model
adequately fit the second half of the data (N = 1,869).
In Chapter 6, I describe Study 3, in which my primary goal is to determine how
well the five-factor structure model found in Study 2 replicates in the new, shorter
questionnaire and a new sample of participants. Replication of the factor solution in a
new sample is key to establishing the solution’s generalizability; if the solution does not
generalize to the new sample and questionnaire, then it may be idiosyncratic to Study 2. I
administered the 102-item questionnaire online to a new online sample of volunteer
participants, who each rated a single dog (N = 2,556). I then used SEM to perform
confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) to test the fit of the hypothesized five-factor model
(derived in Study 2) to the newly collected data.
Next, I examined the replicability of the five-factor model in the data from Study
3. I used the same procedure as in Study 2. First, I divided the participant set into two
randomly selected halves. Then I repeated the EFA procedure on one half of the data (N
= 1,278). Again, the five-factor solution was found to be the most robust and
interpretable. Finally, I verified, using SEM to perform CFA, that the five-factor model
adequately fit the second half of the data (N = 1,278).
I also examined psychometric properties of the questionnaire. In addition to the
CFA results, examination of the psychometric properties (e.g., content validity, construct
validity, including discriminant and convergent validity; internal consistency) guided the
creation of two final forms of the Dog Personality Questionnaire (DPQ). The
questionnaire from Study 2 was shortened to a “long formof five items per facet (or 75
items) and a “short form” with three items per facet (or 45 items).
The goal of Study 4, described in Chapter 7, was to address another type of
reliability: inter-rater reliability. If a tool has high inter-rater reliability, then the ratings
different observers ascribe to a target when using the tool are highly correlated. To assess
how well the ratings of dogs’ personalities made using the DPQ generalize across
observers, 99 participant pairs in which both people were familiar with the same dog
completed the online questionnaire rating that dog. I then examined how highly the pairs
of participants’ ratings correlate on each item, facet, and factor of both the long form and
the short form of the questionnaire. The DPQ was found to have inter-rater reliability
rates generally comparable to those found in human personality rating studies.
The goal of Study 5, described in Chapter 8, was to address a third type of
reliability: test-retest reliability. For a questionnaire, test-retest reliability, or reliability
across time, addresses the consistency of a single observer’s reports taken at different
points in time. (This differs from a behavioral test, e.g., a Test Battery or Observational
Test, in which test-retest reliability refers to the consistency of the dog’s behavior at two
or more different assessment times.) If a tool has high test-retest reliability, then the
scores that are obtained when the test is administered at time 1 agree, or are highly
correlated, with the scores obtained when the test is administered again (i.e., at time 2,
time 3, and so on). To assess the DPQ’s test-retest reliability, I administered the online
questionnaire twice, with approximately four to six weeks between administrations, to
100 participants. I then examined how well the pairs of ratings correlate on each item,
facet, and factor of both forms of the questionnaire. The DPQ was found to have test-
retest reliability rates generally comparable to those found in human personality rating
The aspects of reliability assessed in Studies 3-5 are crucial prerequisites for
predictive validity. Predictive validity is the extent to which scores on a given measure
are related to some external, independent measure. In Chapter 9, I describe Study 6, the
goal of which was to address how well participants’ ratings of their dogs on the DPQ
predict the dogs’ behavior on independent measures. For purpose of this study, I devised
a new Test Battery to assess behavioral traits thought to be related to items on the long
form of the DPQ (the five dog personality factors and their facets). One hundred
participant-dog pairs were recruited to take part in the study. Owners and kennel staff
completed the long form of the DPQ on paper, and the dogs were assessed using the new
Test Battery. Specific behavioral descriptions assessed on the Test Battery were predicted
to be related to and unrelated to specific factors and facets measured on the DPQ; these
relationships were assessed using convergent and discriminant correlations, respectively.
The DPQ was found to have relatively high convergent validity, as compared with other
dog personality assessments; discriminant validity results were mixed.
Literature Review
Early in the twentieth century, Nobel laureate Ivan Pavlov began a research
program designed to identify the basic types of canine personality (e.g., Pavlov, 1906).
Despite this auspicious start, the study of temperament and personality in animals did not
evolve into a major area of research except, of course, in humans. Yet pet owners and
practitioners working with dogs have long recognized that canine personality is
important. It influences dogs’ behavior and responses to their environments. Studies of
dog personality have striven to fulfill many goals, from identifying a puppy test that will
predict adult guide-dog behavior (e.g., Goddard & Beilharz, 1984a, 1984b, 1986), to
examining the heritability of personality traits (e.g., Reuterwall & Ryman, 1973; Wilsson
& Sundgren, 1998).
These studies are unified by a common interest in dog personality, but the
researchers conducting these studies come from a wide variety of backgrounds, bringing
with them assorted perspectives and publishing in a broad range of journals. As a
consequence of their distinct disciplinary affiliations and research goals, these efforts at
understanding personality in dogs have followed largely independent paths. The result is
that it is hard to keep track of the various findings—the studies are scattered across
journals in anthrozoology, psychology, biology, animal behavior, and veterinary
medicine, among others.
Each of these discipline-bound studies is interesting and valuable in its own right,
but it provides only a relatively narrow glimpse of dog personality. Taken together, the
studies provide broader insight not only into dog personality, but also into the strengths
and weaknesses of the methods used to assess dog personality. The goal of the current
chapter is to describe and discuss the various methods used to assess dog personality, to
summarize the major findings from the dog personality literature, to pinpoint major gaps
in science’s understanding of dog personality, and to use those gaps to inform
suggestions about the research challenges that lay ahead.
Specifically, this chapter starts by examining general trends in research on dog
personality. What methods have been used, what breeds have been assessed, and what
other trends can be identified? The next issue addressed is the specific domains, or traits,
of personality that have been identified in dogs. Specifically, which traits have received
the most cross-study support? Next, meta-analyses of past work on the reliability and
validity of personality tests are used to evaluate the effectiveness of personality measures.
Finally, the findings are drawn together to offer 18 broad conclusions about the field and
identify the major questions that remain to be addressed.
The research reviewed in this chapter should be of interest both to practitioners
and to researchers. Relevant practitioners include those interested in the practical task of
identifying dogs whose personalities are well-suited to working as guide dogs, hearing
dogs, or police dogs, and for various other jobs in which dogs assist people in their daily
lives. The findings will also be relevant to dog shelters and rescue centers, which often
rely on personality tests as a guide for placing dogs in suitable homes, and for individual
pet owners interested in finding a pet suitable for their lifestyle (e.g., Coren, 1995, 1998;
Hart & Hart, 1985, 1995; Tortora, 1983). With the recent moves in the United States to
pass breed-specific legislation, intended to limit and control the ownership of specific
breeds, this work will also be of interest to workers in animal welfare and social policy.
Finally, the review will be useful to the growing body of research scientists interested in
using animal models to examine basic issues in human psychology (Gosling, 2001) and
animal behavior (Dugatkin, 2004).
To be certain that I included as many potentially relevant studies as possible, I
searched the PsycINFO, Biosis, and Web of Science databases for articles in which either
personality or temperament in dogs were examined. I included only those studies in the
published empirical research literature. As such, my review did not include the methods
that are frequently used and well-regarded in applied settings (e.g., Sue Sternberg’s
Assess-a-Pet and Emily Weiss’s the SAFER and SAFER-II tests) but for which data are
not yet published.
Included in this chapter are only those dog personality or temperament studies
published prior to the beginning of the development of the dog personality assessment
tool that is the focus of the current research. That is, all articles examined in this review
were published prior to June, 2005; articles published since are excluded.
Literature search procedures
The literature search used two basic procedures: Generating a large pool of
potentially relevant articles, and selecting a smaller subset of articles for inclusion in the
final review. These two procedures were used iteratively, such that one cycle generated a
pool of potential articles and selected a subset of them for review, and this subset of
articles provided the starting point for a subsequent cycle.
In the initial search cycle searched PsycINFO, Biosis, and Web of Science
databases for all articles containing the keywords “dog” and “temperament,” or “dog”
and “personality.” Searches for descriptors such as “aggressive” or “fearful” were not
included because almost all behavior can be described as related to some domain;
including these articles would have meant capturing a vast number of articles that did not
focused personality constructs but merely included behaviors related to a personality
domain. For example, the study of dogs’ preference for humans by Topál et al. (1998)
examined attachment behavior, including nervousness-related behaviors, but had no
interest in individual differences in temperament per se. If an article did not even mention
personality or temperament in the title, list of keywords, or abstract (i.e., the fields
scanned in a keyword search), it was concluded that it was highly unlikely the research
would be relevant to this review.
After eliminating duplicates, I examined the abstracts of the remaining reports to
eliminate irrelevant articles. Articles varied in their relevance to research on dog
temperament; some focused directly on temperament assessment but others clearly fell
beyond the domain of this review. For example, one article examined the personalities of
people who strongly dislike dogs (Stubbs & Cook, 1999), and could therefore easily be
classified as irrelevant. Although most articles could be unambiguously classified as
clearly relevant or clearly irrelevant, there were a number of borderline reports that were
distantly or obliquely related to temperament but did not fall neatly into the core set of
clearly relevant papers. I retained these borderline articles for closer inspection.
This review cannot include every vaguely relevant reference so only the most
important borderline studies were retained. Given the goals of my review, I selected those
articles that were empirical, that were consistent with the definitions of temperament and
personality described above, and that had a substantial focus on temperament or
personality in dogs. Studies with only a cursory link to temperament were excluded. For
example, I did not retain an article that described the working requirements for an
Animal-Assisted Therapy dog (Hart, 2000); it explained the functional significance and
role of the therapy dog, touching only briefly on the temperament requirements.
Inspection of the references cited in the selected articles revealed several studies
that had not been identified in the initial search. Therefore, each time a new article was
identified, I searched its references for other relevant articles. After repeating this process
several times, my leads began to run dry and I was satisfied that I had captured the vast
majority of relevant research. Nonetheless, given the great diversity of research, I wanted
to make sure my own disciplinary perspective did not bias the review. Therefore, I asked
colleagues in other fields and who study dog behavior to check the reference list and
bring to my attention any studies I had missed. By the end of these search procedures, I
had identified 55 articles, all but one of which are summarized in Table 2.1. This study
(Campbell, 1972) was retained, because it is frequently referenced by and discussed in
other studies, and because it seems to mark the beginning of a revival of interest in dog
Of course although I took care to identify all relevant articles, no selection
procedure is flawless and I acknowledge that a few relevant studies will inevitably have
slipped through my net. Nonetheless, I believe my review represents the most
comprehensive summary to date of research on temperament and personality in dogs.
When reviewing a new field, the first major task is to step back and survey the
general state of the field and identify the major trends. To this end, Table 2.1 summarizes
the basic features of the studies included in my review. The first thing to note is that, with
one exception, there is a great diversity of research. The one exception comes in terms of
the constructs studied; as in Gosling’s (2001) review of temperament in all non-human
species, almost all the canine research has been on temperament traits, with almost no
research on goals, motives, and other constructs.
In other respects, the studies are tremendously varied. They are drawn from a
wide variety of disciplines, including animal behavior, biology, psychology, animal
welfare, and veterinary medicine. The studies also have many different purposes, ranging
from assessing temperament in specific breeds (e.g., Reuterwall & Ryman, 1973), to
evaluating the domestic dog as a more general model of animal personality (e.g.,
Svartberg & Forkman, 2002). To help identify some specific patterns in this fragmented
field, I propose several ways of summarizing the literature. These summaries are based
on the methods of assessment, the breeds examined, the purpose of the studies, the age at
which the dogs were tested, the breeding and rearing environment, and the sexual status
of the animals.
Assessment methods
Table 2.1 is organized in terms of the four main methods by which dog
temperament has been assessed: Test Batteries, Ratings of Individual Dogs, Expert
Ratings of Breed Prototypes, and Observational Tests. A fifth category was composed of
studies that combined more than one assessment method.
Test Batteries
As shown in the table, the most common method of assessment was the Test
Battery, which appeared as the primary assessment method in 29% of the 55 studies
reviewed. The core goal of studies using this method was to document dogs' reactions to
specific stimuli. The tests were performed by presenting various, usually novel, stimuli
one at a time to a canine subject and recording its reaction(s). Thus, Test Batteries had
two components: the tests themselves and the system for coding the dogs’ reactions to the
In theory, Test Batteries were the closest of the four methods to achieving
objectivity, but in practice the levels of objectivity actually attained varied substantially.
One of the more objective Test-Battery studies examined the relationship between
Fearfulness and breed (Mahut, 1958). After presenting novel stimuli to target dogs, the
researchers described the dogs' subsequent behaviors purely in terms of what was
visually and auditorily observed over the next ten seconds.
Ratings of Individual Dogs
Ratings of Individual Dogs appeared in 18% of the studies reviewed. The goal of
these studies was to gather information about individual dogs' behaviors and histories
from an informant. One such data-gathering technique was to have a particular dog’s
owner state whether or not, or how often, his or her dog had engaged in a specified
behavior (e.g., snapping at children). The owners who participated in such studies were
usually preselected on the basis of group membership (e.g., owners of a specific dog
breed). For example, Podberscek and Serpell (1996) asked English Cocker Spaniel (ECS)
owners how likely, on a 5-point scale, their ECS was to act aggressively towards strange
dogs, when reached for by a person, and in other situations. Although these methods are
sometimes described as “subjective” approaches, Block (1961) long ago showed that the
combined ratings of observers are largely independent of the idiosyncrasies of any one
observer; therefore, when such ratings are aggregated, they are not appropriately
characterized as “subjective.”
Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes
Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes appeared in 16% of the studies reviewed. In
these assessments, informants deemed by the researchers to be experts on dogs (e.g.,
American Kennel Club judges, veterinarians, dog trainers), described, ranked, or rated
breeds of dogs as a whole rather than specific individual dogs. In these studies, the
experts could also make sex-specific judgments. Four of the nine reports included in this
review are reanalyses of a single data set (Draper, 1995; Hart & Miller, 1985; Hart &
Hart, 1985; Hart, 1995). These data were collected through 96 telephone interviews,
conducted by three veterinary students (Hart et al., 1983; Hart & Miller, 1985). The
students asked 48 obedience judges and 48 small-animal veterinarians to compare and
rank a selection of seven breeds on 13 questions. When the data were combined, this
resulted in the ranking of 56 total breeds on 13 behavioral traits, with 12 independent
ratings of each breed on each item.
Observational Tests
Observational Tests were used in 13% of the studies. The overall goal of
Observational Tests was to assess and describe relatively broad traits discernible in
naturalistic environments, thus drawing broader conclusions about the dogs'
temperaments and behavior patterns than is possible using Test Batteries. Like Test
Batteries, Observational Tests had two major components: the test itself, and the system
for scoring the dogs’ performance on the test. Unlike Test Batteries, Observational Tests
were usually conducted in carefully selected, but not controlled, environments and
involved the fortuitous presentation of naturally occurring stimuli. For example, in one
study, dogs were walked through a shopping center because it is an uncontrolled public
area (Goddard & Beilharz, 1984b). Some Observational Tests also included the
presentation of the kinds of experimental stimuli sometimes used in Test Batteries. The
target dogs were usually assigned scores on various predetermined temperament traits
based on overall observations; for example, in a series of studies, potential guide dogs
were judged on cooperativeness based on all behaviors displayed during videotaped
walks (Murphy, 1995, 1998).
Some of the studies reviewed (16%) did not fit neatly into any one of these
categories because they used combinations of the assessment methods. An example of a
study using combined methods was reported by Stephen and Ledger (2003). Dog owners
filled out a questionnaire about their dog’s behavior (i.e., Ratings of Individual Dogs) and
in a separate phase, unfamiliar testers put the dogs through a series of situations in a
controlled environment and rated their behaviors (i.e., a Test Battery). In a final step, the
researchers compared the scores derived from the two methods.
Breeds assessed
Another way to summarize the literature is in terms of the breeds assessed. Dogs
come in an enormous variety of breeds, with as many as 150 breeds officially recognized
by the American Kennel Club (AKC;, 2004)
and many others not recognized by the AKC but described elsewhere (Morris, 2002;
Wilcox & Walkowski, 1995). Given this variety, I examined whether the breeds assessed
in these dog-temperament studies are representative of the breeds that exist, or whether
there is a bias with some breeds particularly likely to garner research attention. To
address this question, the breed composition of the studies is recorded in Table 2.1.
The Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Beagle, and German Shepherd Dog
(GSD) are, respectively, the first, second, third, and fourth most commonly registered
breeds in the AKC (, 2004). As purebred pets
and show dogs, they are extremely common. Overall, 90% of dogs examined were
purebred. Two of these breeds—the Labrador Retriever and the GSD—were studied
particularly frequently. Labradors and GSDs combined dominated the research literature,
comprising 30% of the subjects in the studies reviewed. The GSD, which has been
surpassed in popularity by the Beagle over the last few years according to the AKC
registration records (, 2004), was the most
frequently tested breed, comprising 24% of the dogs tested (9,253 dogs). Some studies
examined huge numbers of these dogs. For example Reuterwall and Ryman’s (1973)
study involved 958 GSDs, tested at the Army Dog Training Center of Sollefteå, Sweden.
The Labrador Retriever, the most commonly registered breed in the AKC, is the second
most frequently tested breed, comprising 6% of the subjects. They too were occasionally
present in large numbers in single studies. For example, 731 Labradors were in Goddard
and Beilharz’s (1982/83) study of animals with the Royal Guide Dogs for the Blind
Association of Australia.
As shown in Table 2.1, dog temperament assessment studies did not always rely
on purebred dogs. Some of the dogs studied were the planned offspring of two purebreds
of different breeds. In the studies reviewed, intentional crosses included 16 dogs evenly
divided among all possible combinations of Labrador, GSD, Boxer, and Kelpie (Goddard
& Beilharz, 1984a, 1986), and 145 Labrador/Golden Retriever crosses (140 in Serpell &
Hsu, 2001; 5 in Murphy, 1995).
Also represented in the studies were less common purebred dogs (e.g., Bernese
Mountain Dogs; Roll & Unshelm, 1997), and unintentional or unknown mixes of breeds.
These studies are different from those not reporting breed in that they make clear that the
dogs’ involved are not just purebreds of unreported breed, but are actually mixed breeds.
Only six studies reporting breed examined unintentional or unknown mixes, totaling 856
dogs (Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998; Hsu & Serpell, 2003; Rooney & Bradshaw, 2004;
Seksel et al., 1999; Wahlgren & Lester, 2003; Weiss & Greenberg, 1997). Of these, 837
of them were in three studies using Ratings of Individual Dogs (Goodloe & Borchelt,
1998; Hsu & Serpell, 2003; Rooney & Bradshaw, 2004; Wahlgren & Lester, 2003). Of
the remaining, ten were in a Test Battery which also included 50 purebred dogs (Seksel et
al., 1999), and nine were in a study composed entirely of mixed breeds (Weiss &
Greenberg, 1997).
Are some method-breed combinations more common than others? The breakdown
of breeds by assessment method is clearly not random. The most salient patterns appear
where huge numbers of dogs are assessed. For example, approximately one third (8,794
total dogs) of the dogs in Test Battery studies are GSDs (the most commonly assessed
breed overall), tested for their potential as police and working dogs. More than 75% of all
dogs in Observational Testing studies are Labrador Retrievers (the second most
commonly assessed breed overall), tested for their potential as guide dogs (831 out of
1,089 dogs).
Purpose of study
Not surprisingly, given the diversity of fields doing research on dog temperament
and personality, the studies reviewed varied widely in their goals. These goals included
determining the suitability of a dog for guide-type work, selecting breeding stock for
police-dog training centers, and assessing pet dogs’ Fearfulness levels.
Ten of the studies reviewed focused on determining the suitability of a dog for
guide-dog service work. For example, Goddard and Beilharz (1984a) devised a study to
attempt to predict adult Fearfulness in potential guide dogs from tests conducted while
they were still puppies.
Five studies aimed to determine suitability for police work and three others
focused on suitability for related tasks, such as field work or tracking. For example, a
Test Battery was developed for predicting adult police-dog effectiveness from the
performance of approximately two-month-old puppies at the South African Police
Service Dog Breeding Centre (Slabbert & Odendaal, 1999). This Test Battery included
crossing obstacle courses, retrieving objects, novel and startling visual and auditory
stimuli, and situations attempting to provoke aggressive behavior. High scores on the
retrieval test at two months and the aggression test at nine months significantly predicted
success as an adult police dog.
Three of the studies focused on determining the factors involved in aggressive
behavior. For example, one study used Ratings of Individual Dogs to investigate whether
red and golden ECSs display more aggressive behaviors than do other black and multi-
colored ECSs (Podberscek & Serpell, 1996).
The goal of some puppy-temperament assessment methods was to help potential
puppy buyers or adopters in selecting a suitable breed and a suitable individual puppy for
themselves and their families. There are two types of assessment for this purpose: the
breed profile created from Expert Ratings of Breed (e.g., Coren, 1995; Hart & Miller,
1985; Hart & Hart, 1985), and the puppy-behavior test, a type of Test Battery, to be
performed by the puppy buyer (e.g., Campbell, 1972; examined in Beaudet et al., 1994).
A handful of other studies have scattered purposes, including developing
assessment tools for screening dogs for the presence or prevalence of behavior and
temperament problems (Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998; Hsu & Serpell, 2003; Serpell & Hsu,
2001), evaluating previous tests (Beaudet et al., 1994; Weiss & Greenberg, 1995),
evaluating the presence of personality traits in dogs (Draper, 1995; Gosling et al., 2003a;
Royce 1955; Svartberg & Forkman, 2002), predicting post-adoption behavior problems in
shelter dogs (Hennessy et al., 2001), and determining the relationship between physical
build and temperament traits (Keeler, 1947; Lester, 1983).
Age at testing
As noted above, the goal of many studies has been to predict adult behavior from
puppy temperament. This implies an age-related bias in the studies. To examine the
extent of this bias, it is instructive to organize the studies in terms of the age at which the
dogs were assessed. To facilitate this goal, in the text and tables I have converted the age
information to a common metric of months. Of the studies reporting age at testing, over
20% of the assessments in this review were performed for the first time when the dogs
were puppies between .23 months (i.e., 1 week) and six months of age. Ten were
performed when the dog was between 10 and 24 months. Six of those that first assessed
the puppies at six months old or younger also assessed the dogs on multiple subsequent
occasions, with a final test at 12-24 months old; in these studies researchers tried to use
scores from the puppy tests to predict behavior or aptitude when the dog was older (e.g.,
Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998).
The studies that tested dogs only once tended to test the dogs when they were
older. Ten of these studies reported the age at which their first assessment took place as
older than six months, and of these, eight were 12 months or older. Age is reported in
only four of the Ratings of Individual Dogs studies (Hsu & Serpell, 2003; Podberscek &
Serpell, 1996; Rooney & Bradshaw, 2004; Serpell & Hsu, 2001), and is not discussed in
any of the Expert Ratings of Breeds.
Overall, there is a strong tendency towards testing puppies and young dogs. Tests
of adult dogs were typically of dogs who were barely adults at just a few years old. A
single study did examine dogs with a mean age of 62.2 months (Hsu & Serpell, 2003),
and two other studies report ages ranging up to 120 and 204 months (Mahut, 1958;
Podberscek & Serpell, 1996, respectively). However, these studies have a minimal effect
on the overall mean age, which is still less than 24 months. Thus, one striking pattern to
emerge is the tendency of researchers to examine young dogs, usually no more than a
couple years old.
Breeding and rearing environment
Our review reveals an interesting pattern in terms of the composition of breeding
and rearing environments. More than one-third of the studies in my review focused on
dogs bred and reared for particular programs. Many of these programs, such as the
Swedish Dog Training Center (SDTC), Jackson Laboratories, the Australian Guide Dog
Association, and the American Guide Dog Association, attempted to select dogs for
breeding. The effects of this temperament-based selective breeding can be seen in various
programs. For example, selective breeding based on puppy-test performance scores at the
Guide Dogs for the Blind training center in San Rafael, California, (Scott & Bielfelt,
1976) lead to an improvement in puppy-test scores over successive generations;
interestingly, this increase in puppy-test scores was not matched in the rates at which
adult dogs became successful guide dogs, suggesting the puppy tests may not be an ideal
criterion for selecting guide dogs, at least in this high-functioning group of subjects.
Many of the dogs in these studies are purebred dogs living as privately owned
pets or show dogs. Others were bred to be guide dogs, police dogs, other working dogs,
or as research subjects. Only a minority of the dogs studied were from the large
populations of rescued and shelter dogs that hope to benefit from temperament research.
A disproportionately large number of the dogs examined were dogs specially bred and
specially trained for specific working programs. This is an important point to be borne in
mind by people seeking to use the research on temperament to understand and predict the
behavior of pet or shelter dogs.
Sexual status of subjects
As noted above, many of the dogs assessed were from programs seeking to breed
dogs suitable for specific tasks, such as guide work or police work, and most of the
privately-owned dogs were intact. Thus, most animals were not spayed or neutered and
the effects of castration were addressed in only a few studies. The rare studies that
assessed the effects of castration indicated that intact male dogs were the most likely to
show aggressive behavior, and intact female dogs were the least likely (Podberscek &
Serpell, 1996; Roll & Unshelm, 1997). Podberscek and Serpell's study also revealed that
neutering an adult dog in reaction to his aggressive behavior does not reduce future
aggression. Overall, however, researchers know little about the effects of spaying and
neutering on dog temperament in general, and even less about how the animal’s age at
castration affects its later temperament. With the increasing prevalence of laws requiring
spay and neuter surgeries before a pet dog can be adopted from a shelter or rescue and the
prevalence of spayed and neutered dogs in people’s daily lives, the effects of these
surgeries on temperament is another area needing more research.
Summary of general survey
To provide some coherence to the enormously varied work on dog temperament, I
organized the literature in terms of six frameworks. Organizing the studies in this way
allowed me to make several observations about the state of the field. First, there is great
diversity in most components of the research, including such features as the goals and the
disciplinary bases of the studies. Second, the studies can be usefully categorized in terms
of four assessment methods (Test Batteries, Ratings of Individual Dogs, Expert Ratings of
Breed Prototypes, and Observational Tests). Third, most of the dogs studied (90%) were
purebred, with Labrador Retrievers and GSDs composing 30% of the subjects. Only six
studies reported examining unintentional or unknown mixes, totaling only 856 dogs
(Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998; Hsu & Serpell, 2003; Rooney & Bradshaw, 2004; Seksel et
al., 1999; Weiss & Greenberg, 1997; Wahlgren & Lester, 2003). Fourth, there is a
systematic pattern in which certain breeds are associated with particular types of studies;
approximately a third (8,794 total dogs) of the dogs in Test Battery studies were GSDs,
and more than 75% of all dogs in Observational Testing studies were Labrador
Retrievers. Consequently, very few breeds other than Labrador Retrievers have been
examined by Observational Testing. Fifth, there is a tendency in the research towards
testing puppies and young dogs, with older adult dogs (over four years old) infrequently
studied and elderly dogs almost entirely neglected by the research literature. Sixth, most
of the studies in this review focused on dogs bred and reared for particular programs
while tests selecting dogs as pets (e.g., from shelters or rescues) were rare. And last, most
dogs involved in these studies were not spayed or neutered and the effects of castration
were addressed in only a couple of studies.
Table 2.1. Summary of empirical research on dog temperament: Study design, breed, sex, age, and assessment purpose
Breed Composition Sex Age at assessment (months) Purpose of assessment
_____ _____ _____ _________ ____
Study N GSD Lab Pure Mixed Unk. M(Neut) F(Spay) 1
Guide Police Work Pet Other of Dogs _
Cattell et al., 101 0 0 101 0 0 NR(NR) NR(NR) .23-3.72 12 0 0 0 0 101 research
1973, Cattell &
Korth, 1973
Lindberg et al., 1,159
0 0 1,159
0 0 NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 0 1,159 privately
2004 (192- owned
Mahut, 1958 230 11 0 230 0 0 96(NR) 134(NR) 7-120 0 0 0 0 230 202
owned show
8 research
Netto & Planta 112 NR yes 112 0 0 59(NR) 53(NR) NR 0 0 0 112 0 privately
1997 owned
Reuterwall &, 958 958 0 958 0 0 NR
(NR) 18 yes yes yes 0 0 working
Ryman, 1973 dogs
Royce, 1955 53 0 0 53 0 0 20(NR) 33(NR) NR 0 0 0 0 53 research
Ruefenacht 3,497 3,497 0 3,497 0 0 1,679 1,818 21.5
0 0 0 0 3,497
et al., 2002 (NR) (NR) owned
Seksel et al., 60 NR NR 50 10 0 32(NR) 28(NR) 1.38- +.46
+4 to 6
0 0 0 60 0 privately
1999 3.91 owned
Slabbert & 167 167 0 167 0 0 NR(0) NR(0) 1.85 2.77 3.70 6 9 0 167 0 0 0 police work
Odendaal, 1999
Svartberg, 2002 2,655 2,219 0 2,655 0 0 1,381 1,274 12-18 0 0 2,655 0 0 privately
(NR) (NR) owned
Svartberg & 15,329
NR NR 15,329 0 0 7,878
f, k
0 0 0 0 15,329 privately
Forkman, 2002; (NR) (NR) owned
Svartberg et al. 40
2 3 40 0 0 20(NR) 20(NR) 12- +.99
0 0 0 0 40 privately
2005 23.42 owned
Table 2.1. (Continued)
Breed Composition Sex Age at assessment (months) Purpose of assessment
_____ _____ _____ _________ ____
Study N GSD Lab Pure Mixed Unk. M(Neut) F(Spay) 1
Guide Police Work Pet Other of Dogs _
van der Borg 81 NR NR NR NR 81 NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 81 0 shelter dogs,
et al., 1991 adopted
Wilsson & 630
630 0 630 0 0 320(0) 310(0) 1.84 14.8- 0 0 0 0 630 police work,
Sundgren, 1998 19.74 guide work,
Wilsson & 2,107 1,310 797 2,107 0 0 1,073(0) 1,034(0) 14.8- 797 1,310 0 0 0 work/
Sundgren, 1997 19.74 service,
breeding _
Total 27,179 8,794 800 27,008 10 81 12,558 12,155 16.21
797 1,477 2,655 253 19,840
(0) (0) 19.31
Goodloe & 2,018 NR NR 1,412 588 18 916
NR 0 0 0 2,018 0 privately
Borchelt, 1998 (613) (896) owned,
show dogs
Gosling & 1,022 NR NR NR NR NR NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 0 1,022 privately
Bonnenburg, owned
Hsu & Serpell, 2,054
48 94 1806 173 75 998 1,047 62.20
0 0 0 2,054 0 privately
2003 (NR
) (NR
) owned,
show dogs
Ledger, 2003 234 15 0 234 0 0 NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 234 0 privately
Podberscek & 1,109 0 0 1,109 0 0 545(94) 564(187) 3-204 0 0 0 1,109 0 privately
Serpell, 1996 mean=32.40 owned,
show dogs
Rooney & 275
2 79 245
28 NR 238(53)
13-138 0 275
0 0 search dogs
Bradshaw, mean=54
Serpell, 1983 25 NR NR NR NR NR NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 25 0 privately
Serpell & Hsu, 1,067
293 369 926 140 0 NR NR 6 12 14-24 1,067 0 0 0 0 guide work
2001 (NR
) (NR
Table 2.1. (Continued)
Breed Composition Sex Age at assessment (months) Purpose of assessment
_____ _____ _____ _________ ____
Study N GSD Lab Pure Mixed Unk. M(Neut) F(Spay) 1
Guide Police Work Pet Other of Dogs _
Stephen et al., 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 14 0 privately
2001 owned
Wahlgren & 264 <10
37 216 48 0 119(NR) 145(NR) NR 0 0 0 264 0 privately
Lester, 2003 owned _
Total 8,082 368 579 5,948 977 93 2,816 2,877 38.65
1,067 275 275 5,718 1,022
(760) (1,112) 41.05
Bradshaw & 49 1 1 49 0 0 0 0 0 49 0
Goodwin, 1998
Coren, 1995 79 1 1 79 0 0 0 0 0 79 0
Draper, 1995
56 1 1 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 56
Hart & Miller, 56 1 1 56 0 0 0 0 0 56 0
1985; Hart &
Hart, 1985; Hart,
1995; Hart et al.,
Keeler, 1947 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Lester, 1983 24 NR NR 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 __
Total 213 3 3 213 0 0 0 0 0 184 85
Goddard & 102
16 16 64 yes 0 51(51
) 51(0) 2.77 4 6 12 12-18 102 0 0 0 0 guide dogs
Beilharz, 1984a,
1984b, 1985
Goddard & 887
0 731 NR NR 76 436(227) 451(0) 12-18 887 0 0 0 0 guide dogs
Beilharz, 1982/83
Humphrey, 1934 NR NR 0 NR 0 0 NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 yes 0 0 working
James, 1951 11 0 0 11 0 0 5(0) 6(0) NR 0 0 0 0 11 research
Table 2.1. (Continued)
Breed Composition Sex Age at assessment (months) Purpose of assessment
_____ _____ _____ _________ ____
Study N GSD Lab Pure Mixed Unk. M(Neut) F(Spay) 1
Guide Police Work Pet Other of Dogs _
Murphy, 1998, 89 0 84 84 5 0 38(NR
) 51(NR
) 12
89 0 0 0 0 guide dogs
Total 1,089 16 831 159 5 76 530(278) 559(0) 9.92
1,078 0 yes 0 11
Beaudet 39 15 0 0 0 0 15(0) 24(0) 1.61 3.68 0 0 0 0 39 privately
et al., 1994 owned
Goddard & 102
16 16 64 yes 0 51(51
) 51(0) .92
1.15 1.38 1.62 1.85
102 0 0 0 0 guide dogs
Beilharz, 1986
Gosling et al., 78 NR NR NR NR NR 39(NR) 39(NR) NR 0 0 0 0 78 privately
2003a owned
Hennessy et al., 166 NR NR NR NR NR 70(NR) 96(NR) NR
0 0 0 166 0 shelter dogs
Ledger et al., 120 NR NR NR NR NR NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 120 0 shelter dogs
Ledger & Baxter, 56
NR NR NR NR NR NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 56 0 shelter dogs
1996, 1997
Stephen & 40 NR NR NR NR NR NR(NR) NR(NR) NR 0 0 0 40 0 shelter dogs
Ledger, 2003
Svartberg, 2005 697 41 0 697 0 0 352(NR) 345(NR) 12.10- NR
0 0 697
0 0 privately
Weiss & 9 0 0 0 9 0 6(NR) 3(NR) 10-24 9 0 0 0 0 shelter dogs
Greenberg, 1997
Total 1,307 72 16 761 9 0 533(51) 558(0) 9.00
111 0 697 382 117
Grand 37,870
9,253 2,229 34,089 1,001 250 16,437 16,149 18.82
3,053 1,752 3,627 6,537 21,075
Total (1,089) (1,112) 22.02
Note. N indicates the number of subjects in each study. GSD indicates German Shepherd Dog. Lab indicates Labrador
Retriever. Pure indicates dogs of specific, unmixed breeds including GSDs and Labs. Mixed indicates dogs known to be of
mixed breeding. Unk. indicates dogs’ breeds were unknown or not recorded, and guesses about mixed breeds were not made.
M indicates male dogs, and Neut indicates neutered. F indicates female dogs, and Spay indicates the number spayed. Age at
assessment has the sub-groupings of 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, and 5
because dogs may be tested more than once, at different ages.
Guide indicates that these dogs were assessed for possible use or utility as guide dogs. Police indicates that these dogs were
assessed for possible use or utility as police dogs. Work indicates that these dogs were assessed for possible use or utility in
other types of work (e.g., field work, search and rescue, tracking, protection work). Pet indicates that these puppies or dogs
were assessed for selection as a pet, or that they already were pets at the time of assessment. The dogs in the category Other do
not fit into any of the previous categories; they may be in studies seeking to learn more about personality itself. NR indicates
that the authors did not report that particular piece of information, whereas “yes” indicates that the authors reported that there
were in fact dogs of that type involved but did not report a number or percentage. When there is no entry, that calculation or
report of the particular statistic is not appropriate or not applicable for the given study. One Test Battery in this review
(Campbell, 1972) is excluded from this table because it includes descriptions of how to test dog temperament, not actual
evaluations; other articles in this review (e.g., Keeler, 1947; Roll & Unshelm, 1997) are not included because, though they
discuss dog temperament, they do not present assessments of temperament.
The number of dogs assessed varied (from 192-972) by subtest in the Test Battery.
A total of 1,159 dogs were tested, but some were removed from the sample due to issues of identity and pedigree.
Some of these dogs were missing information on their pedigrees, but all were members of the Swedish Flatcoated Retrievers
The number of male and female dogs in this study varies between analyses.
The goal of Reuterwall and Ryman’s (1973) article was to study the genetic components of behavior in German Shepherd
Dogs; the test used was the Army Dog Training Center test which was designed to identify dogs suitable as working dogs and
potentially to breed future generations of working dogs.
These studies reported the average age of dogs assessed.
Ruefenacht et al. (2002) gathered data through the Swedish German Shepherd Dog breeding club, which strives to evaluate
whether dogs are physically and temperamentally sound enough for future breeding for many purposes (police work, guide
work, protection work, etc.).
The ages at each subsequent testing are reported in terms of number of days or months since the first testing.
5 Dachshunds and 5 Sight hounds were excluded from the analyses because their breed groups were under-represented in the
The numbers of males and females in these studies are calculated using the percentages given by the authors, and are then
rounded to the nearest whole number.
All dogs were at least 12 months old when tested
81 dogs took part in the first test, 44 dogs took part in the first and second test, and 40 dogs took part in all three tests.
The averages are calculated by adding together all the ages in one particular category (e.g. Test Batteries) and then dividing
by the number of studies that reported age information; thus, studies that did not report an N do not skew (shrink) the average
age. When the age in a given study is reported as a range (e.g. Cattell et al., 1973), the midpoint is used in calculating the
overall average.
Weighted average, weighted by number of dogs in each study.
The authors note that the sex of 18 dogs is missing from the surveys they collected.
The authors report 2,054 dogs total, but also report 998 males and 1,047 females, for a total of 2,045 dogs.
Hsu & Serpell (2003) report that 59% of the dogs in their study are neutered (castrated) but do not report how many of these
dogs were male and female.
The authors surveyed 244 dog handlers and trainers, gaining information about 275 dogs; the breeds of 273 dogs were
86.4% of 275 dogs were reported as male. 22.4% of male dogs were reported to have been neutered.
13.6% of 275 dogs were reported as female. 78.4% of female dogs were reported to have been spayed.
Assessing differences in specialty search dogs working for the Ministry of Defense Police, HM Prison Service, HM Customs
and Excise, the UK Army, the Royal Air Force, and civilian police forces.
The authors report the total number of dogs in this study is reported inconsistently as both 1,067 and 1,097 without
explaining the discrepancy. I am reporting an N of 1,067 because this is closer to the sum of the authors’ report of dogs when
broken down by breed (1,066).
All but 10 dogs are intact.
The authors specify that there are >10 GSDs included in the study but do not give a precise number; they have not been
included in the totals.
The numbers in this section represent the breeds evaluated; no actual dogs were involved in the studies.
This study is a reanalysis of the data collected by Hart et al. (1983); the 56 dogs in that study are included only once in the
The authors report that not all original subjects were maintained throughout the study, but do not indicate how many subjects
were maintained. Where applicable, the number of dogs per breed is thus also uncertain, because I do not know the breed of
individuals who dropped out.
All male dogs were castrated at approximately six months of age.
All but 4 dogs were castrated; those 4 dogs were ex-show or ex-breeding dogs, were donated to the guide dog program, and
were several years older than the other dogs assessed.
Assessments were conducted weekly until the puppy reached 6 months of age, then another was performed at 12 months.
Hennessy et al. (2001) include dogs of varying ages, divided into two groups: “puppies,” who still have milk teeth, and
“juveniles/adults”, who have their adult teeth. Ages are not reported.
56 dogs were originally tested, but follow-up surveys assessed only 40 of the original 56.
Test Battery
The author reports that the time between the Test Battery (conducted when dogs were approximately 12-24 months of age)
and the Rating of Individual Dogs ranged from 352 to 716 days, or 11.6-23.6 months, later. However, the author does not
report the actual age of the dogs at this second assessment, the Rating of Individual Dogs.
The purpose of this study could be seen as validating the Dog Mentality Assessment (DMA), a test previously used and
designed for studying working dogs (e.g., Svartberg, 2002), or as validating the personality traits and structure uncovered
through previous use of the DMA.
The 102 dogs from the Goddard & Beilharz studies are counted towards the total number of dogs each time there is a
separate listing for them, because different tests at different ages are analyzed.
Our review has identified enormous variability in the field in terms of the types of
assessments, research purposes, and other attributes of the studies themselves. I next
extend my review to the substantive findings of the studies. Specifically I investigated
which traits have been studied and evaluate the evidence for the reliability and validity of
the assessment methods developed so far.
What Traits Have Been Studied in Dogs?
To determine which traits have been identified in studies of non-human animals,
Gosling and John (1999) reviewed the structural studies of temperament and personality
in non-human species, ranging from chimpanzees to octopuses. They found evidence for
several basic dimensions that recurred across species, with especially strong cross-species
evidence for Anxiety/Nervousness, Sociability, and Aggression. What can be learned
from the present, more focused review of the temperament traits that have been studied in
dogs? In this section, I describe the findings of a systematic analysis of the traits and
behaviors examined in past dog research.
Dog-temperament researchers have studied a broad array of traits ranging from
gun shyness to snapping at children. Summarizing these findings is not a straightforward
task because, as discussed above, the studies used different methods, different
populations, and are grounded in different disciplines, resulting in a non-standardized
vocabulary. On occasion, the same term was used to refer to different behaviors. For
example, in one study “temperament” was defined as “character, sensitivity,
discrimination, spirit and intellect” (Slabbert & Odendaal, 1999), in another study as “a
combination of underlying traits” (Humphrey, 1934), and in yet another study as
“physical flexibility and intensity of reaction to different environmental stimuli”
(Ruefenacht et al., 2002). In addition, different terms have been used to refer to very
similar behaviors. For example, in one study a dog that goes up to any stranger on sight
and makes friends” was scored as high on “confidence” (Humphrey, 1934, p. 133), but
the similar behavior of exhibiting “friendly greetings to strangers” (with friendly tail-
wagging, for example), was scored by other researchers as high on “friendliness
(Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998), or “sociability” (Hennessy et al., 2001). In short, no
standard lexicon of dog traits and behaviors exists, with the result that traits and
behaviors have not been defined consistently across studies. The idiosyncratic terms used
in the different studies impede attempts to make cross-study comparisons of what has
been learned.
There is clearly a need to develop a common language with which to describe
canine temperament. Despite an attempt by Goodloe and Borchelt (1998) to develop a
standard lexicon of dog traits and behaviors, none have yet been widely adopted.
Therefore, to allow me to summarize the findings across all articles, I used a systematic
procedure in which expert judges categorized the varied constructs with a standardized
set of terms. The procedure involved three major steps. The procedure was completed
once to examine the traits assessed in the 51 studies included in the original review
(Jones & Gosling, 2005); a second procedure, using the same basic methodology, was
completed to add the four studies that have been added to the current literature review.
Step 1: Extracting behavioral descriptions
The first step was to gather the descriptions of the behaviors that had been studied
but to avoid any biases introduced by the researchers’ idiosyncratic choice of labels. In
each study, I located the descriptions of the behaviors and wrote the descriptions on index
cards with one index card for each behavior. The descriptions of behaviors provided in
the articles varied in the detail of the descriptions and the degree to which the
descriptions included trait-related terms. Terms indicative of the dogs’ internal
motivations or emotional states and terms directly referring to traits, such as “fearful,”
“timid,” and curious,” were removed. This left behavioral descriptions that were less
biased by the researchers’ theories about which traits underlie the behaviors. For
example, instead of “Social Attraction,” a term used by Campbell (1972) and later by
Beaudet et al. (1994), the card would be based purely on the behavioral descriptions
provided by the researcher: “a puppy’s tendency to move towards a human tester who has
placed the puppy in a corner of an observation area, moved to the opposite corner,
crouched, and clapped his/her hands quietly.”
It was sometimes impossible to separate descriptions of behaviors from labels
describing a temperament trait. For example, although Mahut (1958) reports making
detailed, objective notes about dogs’ behaviors, all that is reported is the classification of
these notes into categories such as “curiosity,” and “wariness.I was unable to extract
more detailed descriptions, so I used these non-descriptive classifications in the index-
card task.
For the original review of 51 articles, this procedure resulted in a total of 623
different index cards. The index cards were assigned code numbers associated with the
article from which they were drawn, but the key to the code was not known by the
judges. This ensured that the judges in Steps 2 and 3 were blind to the identity of the
researchers and study from which the descriptions were taken.
In updating this literature review, the same procedure was used to create cards
describing new traits from the four additional articles. Traits that were exactly the same
as traits sorted in the original task were not recreated. For example, the majority of traits
studied in Svartberg (2005) had also been examined in Svartberg (2002) and Svartberg
and Forkman (2002). Instead of creating new cards and redoing the procedure for these
traits, the sorting results from the original task were used.
Step 2: Development of temperament categories
The first author and a research assistant/veterinary technician served as judges in
a sorting task designed to identify the major temperament dimensions. Both judges had a
moderate amount of professional work and research experience (at least five years each)
with dogs. The cards were shuffled and the judges were instructed to sort them into
groups based on the temperament traits likely to be underlying the behaviors described.
For example, the cards displaying “Is ‘spooked’ by odd or unexpected things or objects”
(from Serpell & Hsu, 2001) and “avoids or is fearful of unfamiliar children” (from
Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998) were placed, by both judges, together in a single pile. The
judges were under no time pressure. Judges were allowed to place one behavior in more
than one pile to indicate that the behavior is potentially related to more than one
underlying temperament dimension. To do this, the judges copied the code number from
the back of the relevant index card onto a new index card and placed cards in each pile;
the same process was repeated if a description was deemed to fit into more than two
Once all the cards had been grouped in this way, there were seven piles, with 92%
agreement across the two judges. The two judges worked together to provide consensual
labels for the seven piles. The final labels were Reactivity/Excitability-Stability,
Fearfulness-Courage/Confidence, Aggression-Agreeableness, Sociability/Friendliness-
Lack of Interest in Others, Openness-Non-openness (later renamed Responsiveness to
Training), Dominance-Submission, and Activity Level.
Step 3: Classification of behaviors by a panel of experts
To ensure these categorizations were not attributable to the Step 2 judges’
idiosyncratic experiences, I designed a second categorizing task undertaken by additional
expert judges. The panel of judges were selected on the basis of their experience with
dogs, the variation of situations in which they observed dogs, and the number of years
they had worked with dogs. The complete panel was composed of a veterinarian, a
public-shelter dog-temperament tester, three dog trainers with varying specialties, a
professor studying animal social behavior, and a graduate student studying dog behavior.
They had between seven and twenty years of experience working with dogs and at least
three years of formal education in canine or animal behavior. Only the temperament
tester specialized in researching or assessing temperament.
For the original sorting task, all of the expert judges were given identical sets of
623 index cards and sorting instructions. They were also given the list of the seven
temperament dimensions derived in the previous step. To allow the judges to disagree
with the classifications provided by the judges in Step 2, there were two additional
categories labeled Other, and Not Temperament-Related. The expert judges were told to
take their time in separating the cards into groups corresponding to the nine categories.
The judges were told that a behavioral description written on any one index card could be
indicative of more than one temperament dimension or ambiguous as to the underlying
dimension leading to the behavior. In such cases, the experts were instructed to copy the
number from the back of the relevant index card onto a new card and place the trait in
two temperament dimension piles; the same process could be used if a description fit into
more than two temperament dimension categories. If the judges thought the behavioral
descriptions did not fit into any of the seven temperament dimensions, the judges were
instructed to place the card in the category “Not Temperament-Related” or “Other” and
provide an explanation for why they had selected this category.
The results of this Expert Temperament Categorizing task were reassuringly
consistent across the expert judges. Average pair-wise agreement across judges was 89%,
with a maximum agreement between two judges of 95% and a minimum agreement of
80%. Points of disagreement among judges included what dimensions underlie the traits
Barking, Problem Solving, and Fearfulness. Typically, the more detail present on the
index cards, the more agreement among judges. For example, judges were in less
agreement about how to categorize “Barking” than on how to categorize “Barks and
sometimes growls when approached by a male stranger.”
As noted above, the seven judges in Step 3 were at liberty to disagree with the
categorizations developed by the two judges in Step 2. An inspection of the Step-3
judges’ categorizations showed that they did indeed disagree with a distinction made in
Step 2. In particular, the panel of seven dog experts saw less distinction between the
Reactivity/Excitability dimension and the Fearfulness dimension than between the other
dimensions, at least in the context of temperament-testing studies. Cards were quite
frequently categorized as falling into both the Reactivity and Fearfulness categories. This
overlap of dimensions is consistent with research in the human domain, where Reactivity
and Fearfulness are components of the same Emotional Stability dimension. Further
investigation of the dimensions of Reactivity and Fearfulness in dogs would need to be
conducted to make it clear whether the two are indeed independent, or whether they
might fall under an even broader super-ordinate category.
The steps of the sorting task were repeated when the additional four studies were
added to the review, and 34 trait cards were sorted using the Expert Temperament
Categorizing task. However, a subset of only three of the original judges completed this
task. Again, however, the sorting results were reassuringly consistent. Of the 34 traits that
these five judges sorted, they disagreed on the sorting a total of five times, and no new
issues were raised regarding the trait categories that were provided.
Potential limitations of sorting method
Although these multi-stage procedures were designed to reduce the impact of any
single judge and are consistent with standard meta-analytic procedures (Lipsey & Wilson,
1996; Rosenthal, 1991), and very similar procedures have been utilized in various other
meta-analyses related to personality in humans (e.g., Barrick & Mount, 1991; Bogg &
Roberts, 2004; Heller et al., 2004) it is important to recognize the limitations of this
method. One potential limitation is the possibility that the results are influenced by
idiosyncratic experiences of the judges, such that a different group of judges might
produce different results. Another potential limitation is that the labels generated in Step
2 could have biased the sorting task in Step 3; specifically the choice of labels in Step 2
could have influenced the views or limited the options of the judges in Step 3. To
minimize these potential limitations, multiple safeguards were implemented. First, it was
made very clear to the judges in Step 3 that the category labels with which they were
provided were merely suggestions, so the Step-3 judges could choose not to use these
labels if the labels were inadequate or inappropriate. Judges were also provided with
“None” (or “Not Temperament-Related”) and an “Other” category for cards that did not
fit into the categories suggested in Step 2. After the judges had completed the sorting
task, I asked them to describe each of the temperament dimension categories to make
certain that the judges were using the labels similarly. Reassuringly, 59 of the 63
descriptions given by these Step-3 judges were almost exact matches to those Step-2
judges had used when they selected labels for the categories.
Of course, there is a danger that the safeguards would not be effective if the Step-
3 judges felt they could neither use the “Not Temperament-Related” and “Other”
categories nor generate their own categories. However, the results of the sorting task
showed the judges were willing to use these two categories. An analysis of the
frequencies with which the Step-3 judges used the various categories in the sorting task
showed they used these two categories almost as frequently as they had used the other
seven categories.
This frequency of use suggested both that the judges in Step 3 were comfortable
using the categories, and that they agreed with the judges in Step 2 that some of the traits
studied were simply not temperament traits (e.g., body sensitivity). In addition, as noted
above, four of the judges questioned the Step-2 judges’ separation of Reactivity and
Fearfulness, suggesting the Step-3 judges were not constrained by the categories
generated by the Step-2 judges. These four judges recommended the two categories be
combined and relabeled as “Nervousness” or Nerve Stability.” This recommendation
demonstrates that the judges took the provided labels as suggestions and not as final
In addition, a number of safeguards were implemented against the danger of
generating idiosyncratic categories. First, when selecting judges for Step 2, I strove to
identify judges with different kinds of professional experience with dogs. Second, I had
these two judges complete their sorting task entirely independently and, if discrepancies
arose, discuss them until consensus was reached. This limited the impact of each judge on
the results and safeguarded against the categories the judges generated being unique to
this analysis. Third, when selecting the group of judges to participate in Step 3, I again
strove to build a group with diverse professional experience with dogs. Fourth, this group
of judges also completed the sorting task entirely independently from one another. In
addition, both sets of judges were under no time constraints. Despite these safeguards, I
acknowledge that it is still possible that these results might be unique to this group of
judges and I caution the reader to interpret the findings with these caveats in mind.
Results from the sorting task
Table 2.2 summarizes the results of my analyses. For this summary I have
combined the “Not Temperament Related” and “Other” categories. Thus, the eight
column headings show the eight categories identified in the analyses. I relabeled the
Openness category as Responsiveness to Training to avoid confusion with Openness as
defined in the human-personality literature. As shown in the table, Reactivity,
Fearfulness, Sociability, Responsiveness to Training, and Aggression have been
examined more frequently than the other dimensions.
Traits related to the Reactivity dimension were studied quite frequently, in 43 of
the studies in my review. High Reactivity was indexed by such behaviors as repeated
approach/avoidance of novel objects, raised hackles, and increased activity in novel
situations. Low Reactivity was characterized by such behaviors as a relative lack of
change of behavior in new situations, and approaching novel stimuli without backing
away. In the tests, Reactivity was assessed through such procedures as presenting a novel
object or series of novel objects to a puppy and recording its subsequent behavior
(Goddard & Beilharz, 1986). The labels and descriptors given to this dimension by
researchers included “excitability” (Goddard & Beilharz, 1982/83; Hart et al., 1983; Hart
& Miller, 1985; Hart, 1995; Hsu & Serpell, 2003; Ledger & Baxter, 1996, 1997; Murphy,
1995; Serpell, 1983; Stephen et al., 2001; Stephen & Ledger, 2003), “sound reaction”
(Coren, 1995), and “heart reactivity” (Royce, 1955).
Fearfulness was studied even more frequently, addressed in 47 studies, and
frequently overlapped with Reactivity. One possible reason for this is that dogs may
exhibit similar or indistinguishable behaviors as a result of differing emotional states. A
dog may exhibit signs of excitement, pacing or running around, approaching objects and
then avoiding them, barking, and so on making it difficult to decipher behavioral
reactions due to Fearfulness versus Reactivity (Hoffman, 1999). According to the sorting
task, shaking and a tendency to avoid novel stimuli without approaching them are
associated with high levels of Fearfulness. In the personality tests, Fearfulness was often
assessed by recording reactions to novel stimuli or situations (Murphy, 1995, 1998). Low
levels of Fearfulness were sometimes labeled as courage” (Wilsson & Sundgren, 1997,
1998; Reuterwall & Ryman, 1973), “confidence” (Goddard & Beilharz, 1985; Humphrey,
1934), and “self-confidence” (Ruefenacht et al., 2002). Some labels given to Fearfulness
include apprehension” (Cattell & Korth, 1973), “dog-directed fear or aggression” (Hsu
& Serpell, 2003; Serpell & Hsu, 2001), and “timidity” (Hennessy et al., 2001; Ledger &
Baxter, 1996, 1997; Royce, 1955; Stephen et al., 2001; Stephen & Ledger, 2003;
Wahlgren & Lester, 2003).
Table 2.2. Which traits have been studied in dogs? A review of past research
Study Reactivity Fearfulness Activity Sociability
to Training Submissiveness Aggression None/Other
Beaudet et
al. (1994)
Activity level Following
Social Attraction
Social Dominance
Social Dominance
Bradshaw &
Reactivity Immaturity Immaturity Housetrainability Aggressivity
Social Attraction
Social Dominance
Social Dominance
Cattell et al.
Exuberance Aggressiveness Competence
Cattell &
EII (Social
EIII (Affective
AII (Cooperation)
EIV (Independence)
AI (Un-named)
EVI (Calmness)
EV (Timidity)
EIV (Independence)
AVI (Breed
EVII (Un-named)
EI (Extraversion)
EIII (Affective
Coren (1995)
Sound Reaction
Reaction to Novel
Social Attraction
Willingness to
Work (Retrieval)
Social Dominance
Forgiveness, Loss
of control)
Touch Sensitivity
Response to Food
[Dominance over
[Dominance over
Table 2.2. (Continued)
Study Reactivity Fearfulness Activity Sociability
to Training Submissiveness Aggression None/Other
Goddard &
Fearfulness Fearfulness
Goddard &
(Hackles, Biting)
Goddard &
Fearfulness Fearfulness
Goddard &
PC3 (Fearful &
PC1 (General
PC7 (Repetitions of
Name During
PC4 (Recall)
PC7 (Repetitions of
Name During
PC2 (Activity on
PC5 (Activity in
Home, on Free
PC6 (Actiivty in
Goddard &
Fearfulness & High
Fearfulness & High
Nervous Aggression
Sensitivity (Body,
Goodloe &
Fear/Avoidance of
Fear/Avoidance of
Mounting Other
Barking 1
Barking 2
Play 1
Aggression to
Unfamiliar Dogs
Barking 1
Play 2
Play 3
Eating Sensitivity
Mounting Other
Mounting Objects
Table 2.2. (Continued)
Study Reactivity Fearfulness Activity Sociability
to Training Submissiveness Aggression None/Other
Gosling &
Quiet Withdrawn
Kind/Unkind Artistic
Gosling et al.
Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Agreeableness
Hart et al.
Hart &
Hart (1995)
Snapping at
General Activity
Obedience Training
Housebreaking Ease
[Dominance over
[Dominance over
Snapping at
Territorial Defense
Aggressive to Dogs
Excessive Barking
Snapping at
Affection Demand
Watchdog Barking
Hart & Hart
Reactivity Reactivity Reactivity
[Dominance over
[Dominance over
Hennessy et
al. (2001)
Locomotor Activity Sociability
Table 2.2. (Continued)
Study Reactivity Fearfulness Activity Sociability
to Training Submissiveness Aggression None/Other
Hsu &
Excitability Stranger-directed
Dog-directed Fear
or Aggression
Non-social Fear
Attachment or
Trainability Stranger-directed
Dog-directed Fear
or Aggression
Pain Sensitivity
Energy Confidence Energy Confidence
(Approaching to
make friends)
Nose Ability
Self-right Sharpness
Fighting (own kind)
Sensitivity (body,
James (1951)
Dominance over
Other Pups
Guarding Food
Which pups’
company each
Ledger &
(1996, 1997)
Excitability Timidity Obedience Aggression Separation-related
Lester (1983)
Timid Lethargic
Friendly Easy to Train
Aggressive Curious
Lindberg et
al. (2004)
Excitement Excitement [Independence] Willing to retrieve [Independence]
[Fearfulness] [Fearfulness] [Fearfulness]
(coming if called
by mask-wearer)
Interest in Stimuli
Table 2.2. (Continued)
Study Reactivity Fearfulness Activity Sociability
to Training Submissiveness Aggression None/Other
(1998, 1995)
Low Concentration
Dog Distraction
Low Concentration
Dog Distraction
Low Willingness
Pure Aggression
Nervous Aggression
Dog Aggression
Low Body
Netto &
Aggression Aggression
& Serpell
& Ryman
Adaptiveness to
Situations &
Ability to Meet with
Sudden, Strong
Ability to Meet with
Sudden, Strong
Disposition for
Fighting in a
Playful Manner
Disposition for Self-
Disposition for
Handler Defense
Disposition for
Fighting in a
Playful Manner
Disposition for
Roll &
Table 2.2. (Continued)
Study Reactivity Fearfulness Activity Sociability
to Training Submissiveness Aggression None/Other
Rooney &
[Motivation to
Chase an Object]
Reaction to Sudden
Loud Noises
Ease of Adaptation
to Kennel
[Interest in Toys or
Body Sensitivity
[Ease of Adaptation
to New Handler]
Consistency of
Behaviour from
Day to Day
Reaction to Sudden
Loud Noises
Ease of Adaptation
to Kennel
Fear of Specific
[Ease of Adaptation
to New Handler]
[Motivation to
Chase an Object]
Friendliness to
Willingness to
Bring and Object
back to a Person
[Ease of
to New Handler]
Obedience to
Human Command
Tendency to be
Distracted when
Ability to Learn
from Being
Willingness to
Bring and Object
back to a Person
Motivation to
Obtain Food
Incentive to Find an
Object which is
Out of Sight
Motivation to
Retain Possession
of an Object
Level of Aggression
towards Other
Level of Aggression
towards Humans
Tendency to Hunt
by Smell Alone
[Interest in Toys or
Acuity of Sense of
Travel Ability
et al. (2002)
[Reaction to
Nerve Stability
[Reaction to
Temperament Sharpness
Defense Drive
Fighting Drive
Fighting Drive
(tolerating stick
Reaction to Owner's
Nervousness Friendliness to
Friendliness to
Other Dogs
Sensitivity to
Owner's Moods
Attachment (1
Obedience on
Obedience at Home
Territorial Barking
Attitude on Walks
Attitude about Food
Reaction to
Sense of Humor
Attachment (1
Table 2.2. (Continued)
Study Reactivity Fearfulness Activity Sociability
to Training Submissiveness Aggression None/Other
Serpell &
Hsu (2001)
[Chasing] Dog-directed
Non-social Fear
Energy Level Stranger-directed
Attachment (1
Trainability Stranger-directed
Attachment (1
Slabbert &
Startle test
Gunshot test
Startle test
Gunshot test
[Retrieval test] [Retrieval test]
Obstacle test
Aggression test [Retrieval test]
Stephen &
Stephen et
al. (2001)
Excitability Timidity Playfulness Obedience Aggression
Boldness/Shyness Boldness/Shyness Boldness/Shyness Boldness/Shyness
Svartberg &
Saetre et al.
et al. (2005)
van der Borg
et al. (1991)
Disobedience Aggression Disobedience (due
to lack of training)
Separation Anxiety
Misc. Behavior
Table 2.2. (Continued)
Study Reactivity Fearfulness Activity Sociability
to Training Submissiveness Aggression None/Other
Wahlgren &
Factor IV (Timid,
Factor I (High
Sociability &
Friendliness; Low
Aggression &
Factor II (Curious,
Factor III
(Obedient, Clever,
Factor I (High
Sociability &
Friendliness; Low
Aggression &
Weiss &
Fear/Submission Attention/
Wilsson &
Nerve Stability
Prey Drive
Courage [Temperament] Affability Cooperativeness
Defense Drive
Prey Drive
Wilsson &
Nerve Stability
Prey Drive
Courage [Temperament]
Energy Level
Affability Cooperativeness
Defense Drive
Prey Drive
Note. All dimension labels are those used by the authors. The study authors' definitions of temperament have been used, so I
have not excluded items that would not normally be considered temperament constructs (i.e., specific behaviors). Those traits
that fell into more than one category are underlined. I list in square brackets those traits that did not elicit 100% agreement
among the expert judges in terms of category membership. I provide in standard brackets, where appropriate, more information
about traits.
The authors listed and described, but did not always label, the factors derived from their analyses.
PC indicates Principle Component.
These articles were not included in the original sorting task; the behavioral descriptors were sorted by a subset of the original
judges and is not included in calculation of inter-judge reliability.
This article contains a subset of traits that were included, with the same descriptions, in the author’s previous work, and so the
previous trait category assignments were used. The traits were not resorted.
Sociability was studied quite frequently, in 35 studies. The traits categorized
under this dimension were also sometimes categorized under Responsiveness to Training,
perhaps because interest in people is central to Sociability and to interest in training.
Sociability was indexed by such behaviors as initiating friendly interactions with people
and other dogs. In personality tests, Sociability was primarily assessed by setting up a
meeting between the dog and an unfamiliar person (Humphrey, 1934) or dog (Goddard &
Beilharz, 1986). Sociability was given a variety of different labels by researchers,
including “extraversion” (Gosling et al., 2003a), “affection demand” (Hart, 1985), and
“affability” (Reuterwall & Ryman, 1973).
Responsiveness to Training was studied in 36 of the articles reviewed, and was
indexed by such behaviors as working with people, learning quickly in new situations,
playfulness, and overall reaction to the environment. This dimension seems very closely
related to the dog’s tendency to stay focused and engaged in a given activity, and thus
may be more suitably termed “Distractibility” or “Focus.” The trait was assessed through
such procedures as giving puppies puzzles to solve (Cattell & Korth, 1973) and
“willingness” to work with a person (e.g., Goddard & Beilharz, 1982/83). Tests for this
trait vary from specific to broad. For example, a very specific test was the retrieval test,
said to be a test of how willing a puppy is to comply with a human in going to get an
object and then returning with it (Slabbert & Odendaal, 1999). In contrast, a broad
method of assessing Responsiveness to Training, labeled "temperament," examined the
dogs’ reactions over a variety of situations, looking for whether the dog exhibited varying
reactions and interest in its environment (Ruefenacht et al., 2002). Low Responsiveness
to Training was a lack of cooperation or responsiveness to training, or a lack of interest in
the situation, while high Responsiveness to Training was the reverse. Labels used to
define Responsiveness to Training included “problem solving” (Cattell & Korth, 1973),
“willingness to work” (Coren, 1995), and “cooperative” (Gosling & Bonnenburg, 1998).
Aggression was studied in 33 of the articles reviewed. It was indexed by
behaviors such as biting, growling, and snapping at people or other dogs. These behaviors
could also be caused by fear and may be performed in self-defense. In such cases, the
trait is also related to Fearfulness, but reflects a specific aggressive response to a fearful
stimulus. The more dramatic testing procedures used to assess Aggression included such
activities as having strangers approach and attack either the dog or the dog’s handler
(Reuterwall & Ryman, 1973; Ruefenacht et al., 2002). Aggressive behavior was also
sometimes divided into subcategories, or types of Aggression, usually on the basis of the
cause of the Aggression. For example, Aggression was divided into categories
representing Aggression in the service of dominance (Goddard & Beilharz, 1985) and
Aggression as a result of nervousness (Goddard & Beilharz, 1982/83). Other studies
divided types of Aggression by targets, such as stranger directed fear/aggression, owner-
directed aggression, dog-directed fear/aggression (Serpell & Hsu, 2001). Also, in studies
looking for dogs that can work as police dogs a very specific subset of Aggression is
tested; it was called "sharpness,” and defined as the willingness to bite a human being
(Humphrey, 1934; Ruefenacht et al., 2002; Wilsson & Sundgren, 1997, 1998).
There is some debate about whether the Dominance and its opposite, Submission,
should be considered a trait or a social outcome (Gosling & John, 1999). Nonetheless,
behaviors reflecting this dimension were present in 18 of the articles reviewed.
Dominance was reflected in such behaviors as refusing to move out of a person’s path, or
“self-right” (Humphrey, 1934). Dominance and Submission with other dogs was assessed
in James’ (1951) study of the development of hierarchy in puppies, in which Dominance
was judged by observing which dogs bullied others, and which guarded the food area and
ate first, and Submission was judged by puppies getting out of a bully’s way. Submission
was also reflected by such behaviors as urination upon greeting people (Wilsson &
Sundgren, 1998). However, clear behavioral definitions are not provided for all
conceptualizations of dominance; I was unable to find clear and specific descriptions of
the behaviors meant to characterize a type of Dominance called “dominance over owner”
(e.g., Draper, 1995).
Activity was discussed in 16 studies. Activity has often been assessed by placing
a puppy or dog in an empty arena with gridlines on the floor and seeing how many times
the puppy or dog crosses the lines (see Wilsson & Sundgren’s arena test, 1998). The
studies offered various labels including "activity" (Cattell & Korth, 1973; Goddard &
Beilharz, 1984b; Reuterwall & Ryman, 1973), "general activity" (Hart & Miller, 1985),
or "locomotor activity" (Hennessy et al., 2001). Activity level significantly drops
between six and twelve months of age (Serpell & Hsu, 2001). Goddard and Beilharz
(1984b) found that puppy general activity level is a weak predictor of adult activity level
due to a decrease in activity as age increases. They also found that activity level “is of
relatively little importance compared to traits which control activity in specific
situations” (Goddard & Beilharz, 1984b, p. 275). However, Activity has been identified
as a potentially useful, though weak, predictor of adult Dominance/Submission when
paired with another test of puppy behavior (Beaudet et al., 1994). This is because
Activity seems to moderate the predictive value of the other traits. Therefore, even if
activity level does not directly predict adult outcomes, it may still be useful to assess
activity as a potential moderator variable.
The categories of “Other” and “Not Temperament-Related” are represented in
Table 2.2 as the final column, “None/Other.” This category was used for variables
examined by 26 different articles, and I have listed each individual variable. The two
groups were condensed to one because experts did not identify an additional personality
dimension, but rather classified the behavior as being associated with factors that are not
based on personality. For example, “disobedience” (van der Borg et al., 1991) initially
appeared as if it fit under Responsiveness to Training, however, in this example, the
disobedience was due to a lack of training; the shelter dogs assessed in this study may not
have ever been trained to know the commands they were asked to perform during testing
so I cannot attribute their lack of obedience to their personalities. Sometimes the authors
of an article labeled a behavior variable in a way that made it appear to be personality- or
temperament-related, such as “dominance tests” (Beaudet et al., 1994), but the judges
(who were blind to the label provided) agreed that the tests were not actually assessing
Dominance/Submission. Other examples of variables in this category include “touch
sensitivity” (Coren, 1995) and “hearing sensitivity” (Goddard & Beilharz, 1982/83).
The fact that the enormous number of terms in Table 2.2 can be classified into
seven categories of personality underscores the need for a standard language for
describing personality traits and dimensions in dogs. When each author creates a new set
of words with which to discuss the same personality traits, it not only makes comparisons
across studies difficult, but is also a process of recreating the wheel. I propose that the
seven categories derived from my review of the literature represent a sensible starting
point for the development of such a lexicon of canine personality descriptors.
If personality tests are to be of any value, they must be shown to be both reliable
and valid. Reliability is a prerequisite for validity, and so the evidence for reliability is
presented first.
The first thing to conclude about reliability is that, with the few exceptions I will
discuss in more detail, researchers have rarely reported reliability of any kind. Those
studies that have examined reliability have done so from a variety of perspectives, using
different statistical indices, assessing different types of reliability, and computing these
reliabilities differently. I culled all measures of reliability from the studies in this review.
Unfortunately, most studies that addressed reliability did so without references to
numerical indices. For example, Lester (1983) described interjudge reliability as
“acceptable” on all but three traits assessed, but did not specify the standard by which
“acceptable” was evaluated. Slabbert and Odendaal (1999) discussed reliability in the
context of attempts to improve reliability by using trainers (vs. dog owners) as raters but
they did not provide any numerical indices of reliability. Weiss and Greenberg (1997)
had raters train together, prior to personality testing, in order to ensure what they termed
“high” inter-rater reliability but again, no numerical reliability standard was reported.
None of these studies could be included in the quantitative review because they did not
report reliability numerically.
In addition, I had to exclude from my analyses studies that reported incomplete,
incomparable or unique measures of reliability. For example, although Murphy’s (1995)
study aimed to explicitly address the consistency with which guide dogs’ personalities
could be rated by trained judges, the article did not provide a quantitative index of
reliability and I could not compute reliability because the data set provided was
incomplete. The data provided were a small subset of the whole sample. Although these
data were described as representative, they consisted of only a handful of ratings so I
considered them incomplete and did not compute a reliability coefficient.
I also had to exclude some studies that reported correlations between tests and
retests in a way that did not address the tests’ reliability. For example, Goddard and
Beilharz (1986) reported some, but not all, correlations between scores at the various
ages at which they assessed guide-dog puppies, making the point that the correlations
increased as the dogs aged. The purpose of Goddard and Beilharz’s studies (1986, 1984a,
1984b) was to evaluate this change and to determine how old a puppy must be for the
puppy’s Fearfulness level to predict its adult Fearfulness. Because these tests sought to
index change in the subjects, not repeatability of the test, the scores were not appropriate
for my analyses. In addition, reliability could not be computed in the studies that simply
obtained frequency estimates of certain behaviors (e.g., Podberscek & Serpell, 1996) or
obtained ratings from a single judge (e.g., Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998).
The remaining reliability coefficients that I was able to uncover or compute are
reported in Tables 2.3 and 2.4. The tables are divided by type of analysis; Table 2.3
shows the inter-observer (or inter-rater) agreement and test-retest reliability correlations,
and Table 2.4 shows internal consistency (associated with factor analyses) as indexed by
Cronbach’s alpha.
Table 2.3 is divided into two types of reliability: inter-observer agreement and
test-retest reliability. The studies using inter-observer agreement used the traditional
method of analysis in which each variable is analyzed across subjects (instead of
computing reliability within subjects). The correlations suggest that interjudge agreement
varies greatly across studies and traits. Although strong agreement is possible, it is by no
means guaranteed; the sample-weighted mean agreement correlation was .60, but the
agreement correlations ranged from .00 to .86. A study by Goodloe and Borchelt (1998)
was excluded from the table because the data are not complete or precise enough to allow
me to integrate them into the quantitative analyses. However, their data also support the
idea that dog personality can be assessed reliably. Ninety-six percent of their inter-
observer correlations were above .60, and of those 55% were above .80; their lowest
correlations were on four items, reported only as less than .50. Goodloe and Borchelt
(1998) emphasized the point that dogs may interact with raters differently, which would
diminish the apparent reliability, as the dogs may behave consistently with each person,
but differently across people. Clearly, given that reliability is a fundamental standard of
all measurement studies, future research is badly needed on this possibility and others. In
general, whenever appropriate data are available, reliability indices should be reported, as
is standard practice in research on human personality.
Three studies appear in the test-retest reliability category, listed in the lower
section of Table 2.3, examining the correlation between scores when dogs were tested
two or, in the case of Svartberg et al. (2005), three times. One of these studies, by
Goddard and Beilharz (1986), reveals Activity level is reliable from test to test, but that
this reliability decreases as puppies age. The other study, by Netto and Planta (1997),
shows a strong mean correlation, but also included many insignificant correlations.
Closer examination reveals that many of the Kappa coefficients reported are zero,
indicating no reliability. However, this is partially an artifact of the testing situation
because the subtests were not intended to elicit Aggression, so it makes little sense to
assess the reliability with which they elicited aggression. Of the subtests in this study
which were intended to elicit aggression, the lowest Kappa coefficient is -.03 for reaction
to an artificial hand taking away food, and reaction to a stranger being mildly threatening
when meeting the dog’s handler. However, Netto and Planta’s study should be
commended for fully reporting their reliability data; when interpreted against an
understanding of the testing situations, these are data are very valuable.
The third study (Svartberg et al., 2005), reports Cronbach’s alpha values greater
than .80 for four traits (Playfulness: .87, Chase-proneness: .84; Curiosity/Fearfulness: .80,
Sociability: .89); a lower, but still relatively high alpha when compared with other values
in Table 2.3, of .67 for Aggression; and an alpha of .71 associated with the broader trait
of Boldness. In addition to these analyses of consistency of ratings across three tests,
Svartberg et al. (2005) examined the consistency of the dogs’ scores relative to each
other, or rank-order consistency. The rank-order consistency data are not presented in
depth here because they are as readily comparable with other examinations of reliability,
however, the researchers found evidence for consistency of rank order, with Spearman
rank order correlation analyses of trait scores ranging from .57 (Sociability from test 1 to
test 3, test 2 to test 3) to .90 (the broad, composite trait of Boldness from test 2 to test 3).
Table 2.3. How reliable are personality measures of dogs?: Inter-observer agreement and test-retest reliability
Inter-observer agreement
Maximum Minimum
Assessment Sample No. of Retest
Study Method
Mean cor.
cor Item Label cor Item Label Size Indicators Interval
Inter-observer agreement computed for each variable across subjects
Gosling et al. (2003a) Combination .62 .12 .76 Extraversion .55 Agreeableness 78 4
.55 Openness
Goddard & Beilharz Observational .47 .41 .70 Nervousness .00 Willingness 9 14
Stephen et al. (2001) Combination .75 .30 .86 Aggressiveness .49 Excitability 13-14 75
(also Stephen & Ledger,
Unweighted Mean .56 .78 .37
Sample-weighted Mean .60 .77 .50
Test-Retest Reliability
Goddard & Beilharz Combination .39 .10 .52 Activity .21 Activity 102 1 variable
(1986) 7 and 9 weeks 5 and 9 weeks
Netto & Planta Test Battery .77 .17 .79 unfamiliar female many non-significant 37 43 6 months
(1997) dominant dog in (effect sizes not reported)
area b
Svartberg et al. (2005) Test Battery
(consistency across 3 test points) .83 .16 .87 Playfulness .67 Aggressivity 40 33 on test 1; test 1-test 2: 30 days
32 on test 2, 3 test 2-test 3: 35 days
(rank-order consistency; .72 .16 .57 Sociability .90 Boldness 40 33 on test 1 test 1-test 2: 30 days
3 test points) .75
test 2 to 3, 1 to 3
test 2 to 3 32 on test 2, 3 test 2-test 3: 35 days
Unweighted Mean .71 (.71
) .72 .68
Sample-weighted Mean .63 (.63
) .67 .55
The categories used here refer to the types of assessment method identified earlier and summarized in Table 2.1.
Mean correlations are computed using Fisher’s r-to-z transformation.
The standard errors reported are for the standardized scores and are computed by SE
= 1/sqrt[n-3].
Gosling et al. (2003a) used scales, not individual items, as indicators.
The weighted mean of the minimum correlation for inter-observer agreement are calculated using only one of the two scores
from Gosling et al. (2003a).
Stephen & Ledger (2001) used Spearman’s rank test, and thus reported correlations as rho.
This study included a 75-item questionnaire, which was analyzed to reveal five temperament dimensions.
These means include the broad trait of Boldness, which is a composite of the 5 traits examined in the study.
Table 2.4 summarizes all the internal-consistency estimates reported in the studies
reviewed. Internal-consistency measures estimate the degree to which items on a scale
assess the same construct. In human personality research, they are often used following
factor analyses to determine the internal coherence of the derived factors. Of the 18
studies in the current review to focus on factor analysis, only four reported internal
consistency. Three of these studies (Hsu & Serpell, 2003; Serpell & Hsu, 2001;
Svartberg, 2005) gathered data using various forms of the C-BARQ (see Hsu & Serpell,
2003), a questionnaire that uses a 5-point frequency or rating (Likert) scales. The fourth
study that reported internal consistency (Seksel et al., 1999) used a 100-point scale. One
additional study that did not focus on factor analysis also reported internal consistency
(Gosling et al., 2003a) and is included in Table 2.4.
Internal consistency varied greatly across studies and factors, ranging from .42 for
“Handling,” to .93 for “Stranger-directed Aggression.” Although high consistency is
possible, it is by no means guaranteed. Nonetheless, the internal consistency measures
had an unweighted mean of .76, and sample-weighted mean of .64, both well within the
limits acceptable in most human personality research (John & Benet-Martinez, 2000).
Table 2.4. How reliable are personality measures of dogs?: Internal consistency
Internal Consistency of Factors
MEAN Maximum Minimum
_____________________ _____________________
Sample Total Number of
Study α α Item Label α Item Label Size Items in Study
Gosling, Kwan, & John (2003)
owner judgment (own dog) .83 .89 Neuroticism .77 Extraversion 78 43
peer judgments of dog .82 .86 Neuroticism .75 Openness 78 43
Hsu & Serpell (2003) .81 .93 Stranger-directed .67 Pain Sensitivity 2,054 132
Serpell & Hsu (2001) .65 .84 Stranger-directed .53 Attachment 1,067 38
Seksel et al. (1999) .56 .73 Novel Stimuli .42 Handling 60 21
Svartberg (2005)
behavioral test .78 .87 Distance-playfulness .56 Aggressiveness 697 33
owner judgment (own dog) .76 .85 Stranger-directed interest .60 Pain Sensitivity 697 122
Unweighted Mean .76 .86 .62
Sample-Weighted Mean .64 .71 .55
Note. All Cronbach’s alphas are as reported by the authors, not standardized.
All of the studies except Gosling, Kwan, and John (2003) and Svartberg (2005) reported dropping items for various reasons.
Summary of reliability findings
As a whole, the review of reported reliability coefficients is both encouraging and
disappointing. The findings are encouraging because they show it is possible to measure
dog personality reliably using a variety of assessment methods. The findings are
disappointing because they show that very few articles report reliability scores.
Fortunately, there is an easy remedy—future researcher should compute and report the
reliability of their measures.
Once the reliability of a test has been established, the next step is to evaluate its
construct validity. Validity is an index of how well an instrument is measuring what it is
designed to measure. The construct-validation process involves determining how well a
measure assesses a construct (e.g., Fearfulness) as that construct has been conceptualized.
A full conceptualization of a construct involves specifying the things to which the
construct should be related and also the things to which the construct should be unrelated
(Cronbach & Meehl, 1955). These two components are known as convergent and
discriminant validity. Convergent validity is supported when a measure correlates with
other measures to which it should be related. Discriminant validity is supported when a
measure is empirically unrelated to other measures that are theoretically unrelated
(Campbell and Fiske, 1959). Thus, for example, the construct validity of a measure of
Fearfulness would be supported by strong correlations with other measures of Fearfulness
(i.e., convergent validity) and weak correlations with measures of theoretically unrelated
traits, such as Sociability (i.e., discriminant validity; Devellis, 2003). To evaluate the
validity of the tests in this review, I culled all potentially relevant validity data from the
Obtaining and categorizing the validity coefficients
My goal was to summarize the validity findings for each the seven broad
personality dimensions identified above (Reactivity, Fearfulness, Activity, Sociability,
Responsiveness to Training, Submissiveness, and Aggression). Given these meta-analytic
goals, I had to exclude from my analyses validity indices that were unique or could not be
compared with other indices. For example, although Serpell and Hsu (2001; Hsu &
Serpell, 2003) addressed validity directly they report only the significance levels of the
Mann-Whitney U-statistics, not effect sizes, so their results could not be combined with
the eleven other studies reporting validity, all of which report effect sizes.
Most studies did not explicitly conceptualize their findings in terms of convergent
and discriminant validity and even those that did assess convergent validity or
discriminant validity typically did not employ these terms. Therefore, after identifying all
the potentially relevant validity coefficients, I devised a procedure for dividing them into
three categories: convergent correlations, discriminant correlations, and indeterminate
correlations. In studies where clear predictions were made (e.g., Svartberg, 2005), I could
easily classify the correlations. Specifically, where a trait was predicted to correlate with
a behavior, the resulting correlation was considered as evidence for convergent validity,
and where a trait was predicted not to correlate with a behavior, the resulting correlation
was considered evidence for discriminant validity.
However, when studies examined relationships between assessment scores and
future behavior or future assessments but did not make predictions about these
relationships, I needed a systematic procedure for assigning the correlations to the
convergent, discriminant, or indeterminate categories. Thus, for each of these studies, I
extracted descriptions of (1) the predictor variables (the trait or behavior assessed and
how it was assessed), and (2) the validity criteria (the future behavior or later assessment
results). Two expert judges who were blind to the actual findings of these studies made
judgments about whether the predictor-criterion pairs should theoretically be related or
unrelated. The two judges first made their judgments independently, then compared their
judgments and discussed points of disagreement until consensus was reached. Those
correlations associated with predictor-criterion matches were assigned to the convergent-
validity category and those correlations associated with predictor-criterion mismatches
were assigned to the discriminant-validity category. For example, the predictor-criterion
pair in which adult dogs’ wariness was a predictor of later problem behavior (Hennessy et
al., 2001) was assigned to the convergent-validity category, and the predictor-criterion
pair in which the number of objects a puppy investigated in a given period of time was a
predictor of the adult dog’s ability to cooperate (Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998) was
assigned to the discriminant-validity category. Of course, it should be noted that despite
my best efforts to be comprehensive and systematic, the validity coefficients I report are
inevitably influenced by my procedures for selecting coefficients and these findings
should be evaluated in this light.
Convergent validity
Table 2.5 summarizes the available evidence for convergent validity. The
convergent validity coefficients are organized in terms of the seven personality
dimensions plus two additional broader dimensions (Problem Behavior and Broader
Evaluations of Temperament), which are listed in the first column of the table. The
second column lists the relevant citation. The third column lists the trait evaluated, as it
was labeled by the original authors. The fourth column lists the criterion against which
the trait was evaluated. The fifth column briefly summarizes the procedures by which the
criterion data were obtained. The sixth column provides the validity coefficient as
Pearson correlations or Spearman’s rho. The final column lists the sample size on which
the validity coefficient was based.
Thus, the table shows, for example, that Ledger and Baxter (1996) examined the
validity of Excitability ratings of 40 dogs made by their owners after adoption. The
criterion by which the Excitability ratings were evaluated was behavior in response to an
unfamiliar tester entering the dog’s kennel. The sixth column shows that the owners’
Excitability ratings correlated .64 with the dogs’ behaviors when a stranger entered the
The summary statistics presented in Table 2.5 include both unweighted and a
sample-weighted means. Both estimates are included because the sample sizes varied
substantially across studies. For example, studies reporting convergent-validity data on
Reactivity had sample sizes ranging from nine (Weiss & Greenberg, 1997) to 630
(Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998). The study of nine dogs reported a Reactivity convergent
validity estimate of .36, whereas the study of 630 dogs reported Reactivity convergent-
validity estimates of .01 and .05. The mean validity coefficient for Reactivity is .28 if
averaged across all studies, but .16 if weighted by the number of dogs in each study. Both
estimates are potentially interesting, with the first estimate giving equal weight to each
study and the second estimate giving equal weight to each individual dog tested.
Overall, the evidence for convergent validity is reasonably promising, with the
various estimates averaging about .51 across the nine dimensions examined here.
However, the findings do show some variability across the dimensions. The dimensions
with the fewest studies will tend to provide the least stable estimates so it is not surprising
that highest and lowest validity estimates are associated with the dimensions with very
studies. In particular, the strongest convergent-validity coefficients (unweighted mean =
.88, sample-weighted mean = .88) are associated with the Submissiveness dimension.
However, with rather divergent evidence from only two studies, the confidence intervals
around this mean are enormous, ranging from 0 to 1. Therefore, I do not feel confident
providing a validity estimate for this dimension. Clearly, more research is needed before
estimates can be made about the validity of Submissiveness assessments.
The lowest validity coefficients (unweighted mean = .15; sample-weighted mean
= .21) are associated with the Activity dimension. However, only a few studies report
convergent validity coefficients associated with this dimension, for a total of six
coefficients, again suggesting the need for further research.
Table 2.5. Convergent validity: How well do dog personality tests predict future behavior or scores on other assessments?
Criterion Measure
Dimension Validity Number of
Study Trait Criterion behavior Basis for Scoring Coefficient Subjects
Goddard & Excitability score Composite of scores on sit, activity Repetitions dog needs to “sit” on command; .22 102
Beilharz (1986)
(rated by trainers) tests number of movements
Ledger & Baxter Excitability Un-named Unspecified behavioral response to .64
(rated by owners after adoption) an unfamiliar tester in kennel;
Stephen & Behavior problems towards strangers Excitability towards tester Behavior when tester greets/meets the dog .32 40
Ledger (2003)
(rated by owners after adoption) Unspecified behavioral response to .66 40
Svartberg (2005) Chase-proneness “Chasing” score on questionnaire Chasing” factor on modified C-BARQ .05 697
(behavior test rated by observers)
Svartberg (2005) Curiosity/Fearlessness Nonsocial fear” score on questionnaire “Nonsocial fear” factor on modified C-BARQ .26
(behavior test rated by observers)
Svartberg (2005) Distance-playfulness “Human-directed play interest” score on “Human-directed play interest” factor on .29 697
(behavior test rated by observers) questionnaire modified C-BARQ
“Stranger-directed fear” score on “Stranger-directed fear” factor on modified .19 697
questionnaire C-BARQ
“Stranger-directed interest” score on “Stranger-directed interest” factor on .16 697
questionnaire modified C-BARQ
Weiss & Excitement Excitement-related behaviors Scoring method not specified, but behaviors .36 9
Greenberg (1997)
(rated by 3 observers) included steady high level of jumping,
pawing, barking, etc.
Wilsson & Prey Drive
Fetching Time until puppy picks up tossed ball .01
Sundgren (1998)
(rated by trainers) Retrieving Willingness scored with set criteria .05 630
Unweighted Mean .28
Sample-weighted Mean .16
Table 2.5. (Continued)
Criterion Measure
Dimension Validity Number of
Study Trait Criterion behavior Basis for Scoring Coefficient Subjects
Goddard & General Fearfulness Composite of fear on walk, Reactions Fear on walk – see Goddard & Beilharz .57 102
Beilharz (1986)
(rated by trainers) to specific stimuli at different ages (1984a) other tests include reaction to
surfboard at 10 weeks, activity level during
handling at 9 weeks, etc
Goddard & General Nervousness (rated by trainers) Fear on walk (3 months) Ratings by trainers based on a combination .24 102
Beilharz (1984a) General Nervousness (rated by trainers) Fear on walk (4 months) of reactions to various stimuli, including .35 102
General Nervousness (rated by trainers) Fear on walk (6 months) clap noise, toy horse, gun shot, party .42 102
General Nervousness (rated by trainers) Fear on walk (12 months) whistle, rapid head movement, ear position, .58 102
General Nervousness (rated by trainers) Fear on walk (day 3 of final evaluation) stranger entering house .59 102
General Nervousness (rated by trainers) Fear on walk (day 4 of final evaluation) .64 102
Gosling et al. Extraversion Extraversion-related behavior Observer rating based on a variety of field-test .32 78
(2003a) (rated by owner) behaviors, during greetings, etc.
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Flight Number of movements to escape; .02/.34
j, k
(2001; puppies)
g, h
(rated by owners after adoption) time in door well, jumps
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Flight Number of attempts to escape, .47/.74 10/7
(2001; adults)
g, i
(rated by owners after adoption) time spent in door well, jumps
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Timidity Time spent in door well .39
j, k
/.11 23/18
(2001; puppies)
g, h
(rated by owners after adoption)
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Timidity Time spent in door well .03/.37 10/7
(2001; adults)
g, i
(rated by owners after adoption)
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Wariness Latency to contact toy car, horn .43
(2001; puppies)
g, h
(rated by owners after adoption)
Ledger & Baxter Timidity Un-named Unspecified behavioral response to .68 40
(rated by owners after adoption) being walked on-leash;
Unspecified behavioral response to .79 40
being approached by a person with
a “titbit”
Table 2.5. (Continued)
Criterion Measure
Dimension Validity Number of
Study Trait Criterion behavior Basis for Scoring Coefficient Subjects
Fearfulness continued…
Stephen & Fearfulness Tester observations through-out test reported as “not correlated”
Ledger (2003)
(rated by owners after adoption)
Svartberg (2005) Curiosity/Fearlessness Nonsocial fear” score on questionnaire “Nonsocial fear” factor on modified C-BARQ .26
(behavior test rated by observers)
Unweighted Mean .44
Sample-Weighted Mean .42
Beaudet et al. Activity Level Locomotor activity Number of line crossings in test chamber .04
(1994) (retested using same assessment at
1.61 and 3.68 months)
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Locomotor activity Number of movements to withdraw, .05
(2001; adults)
g, i
(rated by owners after adoption) approach, line crossing
Svartberg (2005) Distance-playfulness “Human-directed play interest” score on “Human-directed play interest” factor on .29 697
(behavior test rated by observers) questionnaire modified C-BARQ
“Stranger-directed fear” score on “Stranger-directed fear” factor on modified .19 697
questionnaire C-BARQ
“Stranger-directed interest” score on “Stranger-directed interest” factor on .16 697
questionnaire modified C-BARQ
Unweighted Mean .15
Sample-Weighted Mean .21
Gosling et al. Neuroticism Neuroticism-related behavior Observer rating based on a variety of .21 78
(2003a) (rated by owners) field-test behaviors, during greetings, etc.
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Sociability Time spent in proximity to a person, .21/.63 10/7
(2001; adults)
g, i
(rated by owners after adoption) stationary, latency to contact person,
time in door well, person contact, etc.
Table 2.5. (Continued)
Criterion Measure
Dimension Validity Number of
Study Trait Criterion behavior Basis for Scoring Coefficient Subjects
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Timidity Time spent in door well .39
j, k
/.11 23/18
(2001; puppies)
g, h
(rated by owners after adoption) (includes avoiding people)
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Timidity Time spent in door well .03/.37 10/7
(2001; adults)
g, i
(rated by owners after adoption) (includes avoiding people)
Stephen & Playfulness Play behaviors with tester Play displays during
Ledger (2003)
(rated by owners after adoption) tug-o-war with tester .53 40
grooming by tester .44 40
having lead put on by tester .33 40
being walked on lead by tester .49 40
Svartberg (2005) Playfulness “Human-directed play interest” score “Human-directed play interest” factor on .36 697
(behavior test rated by observers) score on questionnaire modified C-BARQ
Svartberg (2005) Sociability “Stranger-directed fear” score on “Stranger-directed fear” factor on modified .27
(behavior test rated by observers) questionnaire C-BARQ
Svartberg (2005) Sociability “Stranger-directed interest” score on “Stranger-directed interest” factor on .36 697
(behavior test rated by observers) questionnaire modified C-BARQ
Wilsson & Affability Yelping Time until puppy (alone) whines/yelps .00
k, l, o
Sundgren (1998)
(rated by trainers)
Unweighted Mean .33
Sample-Weighted Mean .27
Table 2.5. (Continued)
Criterion Measure
Dimension Validity Number of
Study Trait Criterion behavior Basis for Scoring Coefficient Subjects
Responsiveness to Training
van der Borg, Disobedience Disobedience Questionnaire to care-taker .41
et al. (1991) (rated by owners after adoption) Testers’ evaluation of disobedience .27
van der Borg, Pulling on leash Pulling on leash Questionnaire to care-taker .51
et al. (1991) (rated by owners after adoption) Testers’ evaluation of pulling .16
Gosling et al. Openness Openness-related behavior Observer rating based on a variety of .23 78
(2003a) (rated by owner) field-test behaviors, during greetings, etc.
Ledger & Baxter Obedience Un-named Unspecified behavioral response to .72 40
(rated by owners after adoption) showing dog its leash, saying “walkies”
Stephen & Obedience Tester observations through-out test reported as “not correlated”
Ledger (2003)
(rated by owners after adoption)
Weiss & Attention/Distraction Attention/Distraction-related Scoring method not specified, but behavior .00 9
Greenberg (1997)
(rated by 3 observers) behaviors described: “dog’s attention should be on
the handler”
Wilsson & Ability to Cooperate Contact Reaction to, attempt to contact person .17
f, k
Sundgren (1998)
(rated by trainers)
Unweighted Mean .33
Sample-Weighted Mean .25
Table 2.5. (Continued)
Criterion Measure
Dimension Validity Number of
Study Trait Criterion behavior Basis for Scoring Coefficient Subjects
Weiss & Dominance Dominance-related behaviors Scoring method not specified, but behaviors .13 9
Greenberg (1997)
(rated by 3 observers) included front paws on handler, mounting,
placing body above handler, growling
while making eye contact
Weiss & Fear/Submission Fear/Submission-related Scoring method not specified, but behaviors 1.00
Greenberg (1997)
(rated by 3 observers) behaviors included crouching, submissive
urination, shoulder roll, prolonged startle/fear
to noise, etc.
Unweighted Mean .88
Sample-Weighted Mean .88
van der Borg, Aggression towards Aggression towards adults Questionnaire to care-taker .45
et al. (1991) (rated by owners after adoption) Testers’ evaluation of aggression .26
van der Borg, Aggression towards dogs Aggression towards dogs Questionnaire to care-taker .55
et al (1991) (rated by owners after adoption) Testers’ evaluation of dog-related aggression .23
Gosling et al. Agreeableness Agreeableness-related behavior Observer rating based on a variety of .33 78
(2003a) (rated by owner) field-test behaviors, during greetings, etc.
Ledger & Baxter Aggression Un-named Unspecified behavioral response to .82 40
(rated by owners after adoption) showing dog its leash, saying “walkies”;
Unspecified behavioral response to .82 40
playing tug-o-war
Netto & Planta Bite History Aggression, Tendency to bite Observed biting attempts and snapping .25
(1997) (reported by owner) during 43 subtests of test battery
Netto & Planta Bite History Aggression, Tendency to bite Observed biting attempts (without snapping) .31
(1997) (reported by owner) during 43 subtests of test battery
Svartberg (2005) Aggressiveness “Stranger-directed aggression” score on “Stranger-directed aggression” factor on .12 697
(behavior test rated by observers) questionnaire modified C-BARQ
Table 2.5. (Continued)
Criterion Measure
Dimension Validity Number of
Study Trait Criterion behavior Basis for Scoring Coefficient Subjects
Aggression continued…
Wilsson & Prey Drive
Fetching Time until puppy picks up tossed ball .01
f, k
Sundgren (1998)
(rated by trainers) Retrieving Willingness scored by set criteria .05 630
Unweighted Mean .42
Sample-Weighted Mean .18
Unweighted Mean Across All 7 Temperament Dimensions .53
Sample-Weighted Mean Across All 7 Temperament Dimensions .23
Problem behaviors
van der Borg, Car-related problems Car-related problems Questionnaire to care-taker .20
et al. (1991) (rated by owners after adoption) Testers’ evaluation of car-related problems .23
van der Borg, Separation anxiety Separation anxiety Questionnaire to care-taker .66
et al. (1991) (rated by owners after adoption) Testers’ evaluation of separation problems .22
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Solicitation Number of jumps against observation platform .09/.18 23/18
(2001; puppies)
g, h
(rated by owners after adoption)
Hennessy et al. Part of overall problem index Solicitation Number of jumps against observation platform .54/.72 10/7
(2001; adults)
g, i
(rated by owners after adoption)
Ledger & Baxter Separation-Related Problems Un-named Unspecified behavioral response to .82 40
(rated by owners after adoption) being approached by a person with
a “titbit”
Unweighted Mean .45
Sample-Weighted Mean .41
Table 2.5. (Continued)
Criterion Measure
Dimension Validity Number of
Study Trait Criterion behavior Basis for Scoring Coefficient Subjects
Broad Evaluation of Temperament
Beaudet et al. Cumulative Social Tendency Score Social Attraction Puppy’s reaction during 30s of tester .29 39
(1994) (Submissiveness/Dominance) crouching, coaxing puppy to the tester
(retested using same assessment at Following Puppy’s reaction when tester tries to coax
1.61 and 3.68 months) puppy to walk by the tester
Restraint Dominance Puppy’s reaction when tester holds puppy
on its back for 30s
Elevation Dominance Puppy’s reaction when tester holds puppy
15cm off the ground for 30s
Social Dominance Puppy’s reaction to being stroked from
head to tail for 30s
Beaudet et al. Cumulative Social Tendency Score Locomotor activity at 1.61 months Number of line crossings in test chamber .45 39
(1994) (Submissiveness/Dominance)
(tested at 1.61 months)
Beaudet et al. Cumulative Social Tendency Score Locomotor activity at 3.68 months Number of line crossings in test chamber .70 39
(1994) (Submissiveness/Dominance)
(tested at 3.68 months)
Weiss & Completion of a set of tasks in final test General Selection Test Scored by tester on various tasks and .18 9
Greenberg (1997)
subjective “feeling”
Weiss & Number of corrections needed to General Selection Test Scored by tester on various tasks and .21 9
Greenberg (1997)
complete tasks in final test subjective “feeling”
Unweighted Mean .39
Sample-Weighted Mean .46
Unweighted Mean Across All Dimensions, Including Problem Behaviors and Broad Evaluations of Temperament .51
Sample-Weighted Mean Across All Dimensions, Including Problem Behaviors and Broad Evaluations of Temperament .24
Note. Mean correlations are computed using Fisher’s r-to-z transformation.
These correlations are rho values from Spearman’s rank analysis.
Goddard and Beilharz (1986) report extensively on the correlations between components to these overall scores and the trait
they were used to predict. I have not reported all of these coefficients individually because they are components to the overall
scores and to do so would skew my overall correlations. Please see the original source for more details of these component
correlation coefficients.
Goddard & Beilharz (1984a, 1986) reported an original N of 102 before an unspecified number of subjects that dropped out.
Wilsson & Sundgren (1998) examined all possible correlations but reported effect sizes for significant correlations only.
In the sorting procedure, the behavior of prey drive was categorized into both aggression and reactivity and is thus listed
twice here.
The correlations between Yelping and Affability, Contact and Ability to Cooperate, and Fetching and Prey Drive were all
reported as negative such that a shorter latency (less time) to Yelping correlates with higher Affability, a shorter latency to
make contact correlates with a higher adult score on Ability to Cooperate, and a shorter latency to pick up a thrown ball
correlates with a higher adult Prey Drive. These correlations have been rekeyed so that a higher correlation reflects greater
Hennessy et al. (2001) received so few reports of problem behaviors that it was deemed necessary to create a combined
“behavior problems” score instead of attempting to examine prediction of individual types of behavior problems.
These assessments were performed with puppies or juvenile dogs who still have their milk teeth.
These assessments were performed with juvenile or adult dogs, or dogs who have their adult teeth.
These correlations were all reported as negative such that, for example, a higher level of Locomotor Activity as a puppy
correlated with fewer behavior problems as an adult. These correlations have been rekeyed so that a higher correlation reflects
greater validity.
These correlations are opposite what was predicted (e.g., a positive correlation was expected, but a negative was found).
Owners were asked to rate their new pets 2 weeks after adoption, and then at 6 months after adoption. The Ns 2 weeks after
adoption are larger than 6 months later for both puppies and juvenile/adult dogs.
The correlation between number of movements at 1.61 and 3.68 months was reported as negative (but not significant).
I have truncated these confidence intervals to reflect the range of possible convergent validity coefficients. Calculation of the
intervals from the correlations provided yields confidence intervals ranging from less than zero, which is clearly impossible
when addressing validity.
Due to rounding, this correlation is reported as 0, but it is actually .001 and significant.
I have calculated the validity coefficients for van der Borg et al. (1991) from the data the authors provided.
Calculations involving the reported r = 1 are calculated using r = .99; when r = 1, Fisher’s r-to-z yields a z of infinity,
because a true correlation of r = 1 occurs with the probability of 0.
I have calculated the validity coefficients for Netto & Planta (1997) from the data the authors provided. Netto & Planta (1997)
also report 15.4% false positives, or that 15.4% of the dogs they predicted from their test to have a bite history do not/have
never bitten before.
Strong, interpretable validity coefficients (unweighted mean = .44, sample-
weighted mean = .42) are associated with the Fearfulness dimension. Fearfulness was
examined in many studies and with many different predictors. This dimension has been
shown to be relatively highly predictable, even from early puppyhood to later adulthood
(e.g., Goddard & Beilharz, 1984b).
What criteria should be used to evaluate these validity coefficients? One potential
benchmark is provided by equivalent research in the human literature. In human studies,
trait-behavior correlations are typically in the order of .20-.30. For example, in one
human study, correlations between self-reported personality and ratings made by
observers after a 20-minute discussion task averaged .24 across the Big Five human
personality dimensions (Paulhus & Bruce, 1992). Measured against this human standard,
the dog validity coefficients seem satisfactory at the very least.
As shown in Table 2.5, the convergent validity coefficients varied substantially
across the studies, with some studies obtaining much stronger validity estimates than
others. What factors could be driving the cross-study differences in validity? One
possibility is the age of the dogs. Indeed, indirect support for the idea that puppies are
harder to test than older dogs is provided by the fact that the study with the lowest
average validity coefficient (less than .05) involved puppies (Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998).
More generally, there is a marked difference between the validity coefficients for tests of
puppies (unweighted mean = .30; sample-weighted mean r = .14; Beaudet et al., 1994;
Hennessy et al., 2001; Goddard & Beilharz, 1984a, 1986; Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998)
versus adult dogs (unweighted mean = .61; sample-weighted mean r = .28).
Two of the studies provide more direct support for this idea. Hennessy et al.
(2001) evaluated the validity of assessments administered in the same way both to
puppies and to older dogs; the mean validity coefficients for the puppies (unweighted
mean = .25; sample-weighted mean = .25) was much lower than that for the older dogs
(unweighted mean = .41; sample-weighted mean = .37). This is consistent with another
study, which identified a nearly linear relationship between age and test validity
(Goddard & Beilharz, 1984a). Together these studies strongly suggest that tests of young
puppies are relatively poor predictors of their future behavior compared to tests of older
dogs. These tests suggest that the inclusion of puppy studies in the meta-analysis biases
the estimate of validity in older dogs. Indeed, if the results of the large study of 630
puppies (Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998) are removed from the meta-analysis, the overall
sample-weighted validity estimate assessed across all seven personality dimensions
jumps from .23 to .42.
Discriminant validity
Although discriminant validity has largely been neglected, a few articles (Hsu &
Serpell, 2003; Serpell & Hsu, 2001; Svartberg, 2005) did examine and report this facet of
construct validity. It should be noted that all three of these studies utilize a variant of
Serpell and Hsu’s questionnaire for assessing personality, and specifically behavioral
problems: the C-BARQ. This leaves the question of discriminant validity in other
assessment methods and tools relatively unexamined. However, all three of these studies
found good evidence for the discriminant validity of the measures, with a few exceptions
(e.g., an unpredicted association between Attachment and Stranger Fear/Stranger
Aggression). However, even these exceptions are useful because they can serve as a
launching point for future studies that investigate these unexpected links.
In addition to Serpell and Hsu’s studies and Svartberg’s (2005) study there were
some other studies that mentioned discriminant validity but did not report the relevant
correlations (Goddard & Beilharz, 1986; van der Borg, 1991) and there were some
studies that reported the relevant correlations although they did not describe them in
terms of discriminant validity (Hennessy et al., 2001; Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998). These
latter studies were identified by the procedures described above (“Obtaining and
categorizing the validity coefficients”).
In Hennessy et al.’s (2001) study of personality in shelter animals, the validity-
categorization procedures identified six potential discriminant correlations. For example,
this study reported correlations between puppies’ locomotor activity and the conceptually
unrelated incidence of problem behavior measured two weeks (r = -.25) and six months
(r = -.30) after adoption. The absolute values of the discriminant correlations averaged
.37 across the six estimates. Although none of these values were significant, these values
were no lower than the convergent correlations from the same study (which averaged
.36). This pattern of findings did not match the pattern of findings required to support
discriminant validity, in which the convergent correlations should substantially exceed
the discriminant correlations. Thus, there was no support for the discriminant validity of
these assessments in this study.
Wilsson and Sundgren (1998) computed a very large number of validity
correlations but reported the effect sizes only for those correlations that were statistically
significant. However, because their sample size was very large, even very small
coefficients reached significance. Indeed, the one statistically significant discriminant-
validity estimate (between the number of objects puppies visited when placed in a room
containing novel objects and adult defense drive) had a very small effect size (.024). Of
course, the numerous discriminant-validity correlations that did not reach statistical
significance can also reasonably be taken as evidence for the discriminant validity of the
corresponding measures (because these measures also exhibited convergent validity).
Unfortunately, however, as in the Hennessy et al (2001) study, the convergent
correlations in the Wilsson and Sundgren study did not substantially exceed the
discriminant correlations.
Summary of validity findings
Taken as a whole, the evidence broadly supports the convergent validity of
personality assessments in dogs, especially adult dogs, but there was only mixed evidence
for discriminant validity. However, these conclusions are based on a rather small
proportion of the literature as most studies did not address validity issues. Given the
centrality of validity in any assessment context, further examination of validity should
remain a top priority for dog-personality researchers. In particular, research is needed to
establish the parameters (e.g., dog age, testing context) that could affect validity; such
findings will be essential for future work in both research and applied contexts.
In addition to furnishing numerical estimates of validity, a couple notable trends
became apparent in my review of the validity literature. First, an unusually large
proportion (around 90%) of the validity studies were based on Ratings of Individual
Dogs; this should be contrasted with the fact that Ratings of Individual Dogs are
relatively rare (18%) compared with the other methods of assessment. Second, although
studies of shelter dogs constitute a small proportion of the studies in my review (13%),
they were assessed in half the studies of validity. It would seem that researchers working
in shelter contexts are particularly concerned with measurement issues; indeed, five of
the seven shelter-dog studies reported the validity of their personality tests, and, of the
two that did not, one focused on the reliability of personality testing.
We conclude by noting a trend that pervades temperament and personality
research on other species (Gosling et al., 2003b). I highlight it here because although it is
typically missed or ignored, it has substantial implications for validity. Research on the
reliability of the measures of the criterion behaviors (against which the ratings are tested)
is almost nonexistent; the reliability of behavioral codings such as the number of
movements to escape (see Table 2.5) is often assumed but is rarely tested. I suspect that
researchers assume that the reliability of behavioral codings will be high because such
codings seem objective. That is, behavioral codings like the number of movements a
puppy makes in a given time period (Hennessy et al., 2001) appear more objective than
do ratings of personality, but research on humans has shown substantial variability in the
reliability of such behavioral codings (Gosling et al., 1998). Therefore, it is essential that
future validity research should assess and report the reliability of the criterion measures
against which the validity of other means of assessment are to be estimated. Without this
information, it is impossible to know whether low validity correlations are low due to
genuinely low validity or due to the low reliability of the criterion measures.
By bringing together the disparate research on personality in dogs, my review
allowed me to summarize what is known about canine personality and to identify some
trends and gaps in the field. Below I summarize my conclusions and, where appropriate,
highlight some directions for future research.
(1) An extensive literature search identified 55 empirical publications on dog
personality or temperament. The articles, published between 1934 and 2005, varied
greatly in their assessment methods, research goals, and the attributes of their subjects (in
terms of breed, age, breeding and rearing environment, and sexual status). In addition, the
studies also varied in their methodological rigor, with some studies being little more than
a few informal observations of a handful of dogs and others being large-scale systematic
multi-phase assessments.
(2) I found that dog-personality assessment methods can be usefully grouped into
four categories, which I have called Test Batteries, Ratings of Individual Dogs, Expert
Ratings of Breed Prototypes, and Observational Tests. A fifth category represents studies
that combined more than one assessment method. The most common assessment method
was the Test Battery, which was, in theory, the closest of the four methods to achieving
objectivity. In practice, however, the levels of objectivity attained differed considerably.
Future research should focus on direct comparisons of the methods in terms of reliability,
validity, and efficiency in different research contexts.
(3) The current review showed that dog-personality studies varied in their
research goals (e.g., examining behavioral tendencies specific to breeds, Hart & Miller,
1985; Mahut, 1958; Svartberg & Forkman, 2002; predicting adult police-dog
performance from puppy behavior, Slabbert & Odendaal, 1999). The vast majority of
dogs tested were in working contexts (e.g., as guide or police dogs), with a relatively
small number of pet or shelter dogs being studied. Given the high demand for personality
testing in shelters and to assess whether dogs are fit to be adopted, greater research
attention should be directed towards pet and shelter dogs. And until studies have been
done to establish the generalizability of findings from working dogs to pet dogs,
generalizations from one population to another should be made with caution.
(4) In the studies in my review reporting breed, at least 90% of the dogs were
purebred. The Labrador Retriever and the GSD were the most frequently represented
breeds, combining to compose 30% of the subjects. The GSD was by far the most
frequently tested breed, composing 24% of the dogs tested (9,253 dogs). A small
minority of dogs were the planned offspring of two purebreds of different breeds, and
there were also very few dogs of unintentional or unknown breed mixtures. Although this
makes sense insofar as the Labrador and the GSD are two of the most frequently
registered breeds in the AKC, little work has been done to examine the generalizability of
these findings to different breeds. One of the few studies to compare personality across
breed examined large populations of both of these commonly assessed breeds, the GSD
and the Labrador Retriever, and found substantial differences in personality (Wilsson &
Sundgren, 1997). Another study to examine differences among groups of breeds (e.g.,
Terriers, Scent hounds, Sheepdogs, etc.) again found significant differences among the
breeds, indicating that some breed groups display unique patterns of personality
(Svartberg & Forkman, 2002). Unfortunately, a substantial number of studies failed to
report breed information. By neglecting to examine breed as a potentially important
influence on personality, the value of such studies is diminished. Future research should
concern itself with gaining a fuller representation of dog breeds and with providing breed
information, further elucidating breed- and breed group-specific personality patterns.
(5) I also found that some method-breed combinations are more common than
others. About one third of the dogs in Test Battery studies are GSDs being tested for their
potential as police and working dogs. Eighty percent of all dogs in studies using
Observational Tests are Labrador Retrievers, tested for their potential as guide dogs.
Future research should examine the effectiveness of these two test methods, particularly
Observational Tests, for other breeds and other purposes, because their ability to
generalizability beyond such specific contexts cannot be assumed.
(6) There is also an age-related bias in the studies. Most studies examine dogs
who were young or still in puppyhood when tested, and only few studies looked at dogs
over the age of four years. In addition, age effects were rarely examined in studies using
Ratings of Individual Dogs and Expert Ratings of Breeds. Consequently, I know little
about how aging may shape personality in dogs. Future research should focus on this
question, and examine the developmental trajectory of personality in dogs. In particular,
future research should identify the point at which personality stabilizes, such that adult
traits can be predicted from puppy behavior.
(7) Eighteen of the studies in the review examined dogs bred for particular
programs. Some of these studies used scores on personality tests as the basis for selective
breeding. After several generations, such selective-breeding programs may shape
responses to personality tests. Indeed, in one study, selective breeding lead to an increase
in puppy-test scores over successive generations, but the rates at which adult dogs
became successful guide dogs did not match this increase (Scott & Bielfelt, 1976).
(8) Although most pet and shelter dogs are spayed or neutered, the vast majority
of dogs assessed were intact. The rare studies that did examine the effects of castration
indicated that intact male dogs were the most likely to show aggressive behavior, and
intact female dogs were the least likely (Podberscek & Serpell, 1996; Roll & Unshelm,
1997). However, Podberscek and Serpell's study also revealed that neutering a dog in
reaction to his aggressive behavior does not reduce future aggression. Obviously, given
that aggressive behavior is a concern in many programs and to many private dog owners,
additional systematic research is needed in this area.
(9) A systematic multi-step procedure for summarizing the traits that have been
examined in previous canine research identified seven broad personality dimensions:
Reactivity, Fearfulness, Activity, Sociability, Responsiveness to Training,
Submissiveness, and Aggression. The sorting procedures revealed very little
standardization in the terms used to describe dog personality. Different studies often used
the same terms to refer to different behaviors and different terms were often used to refer
to very similar behaviors. There is clearly a need to develop a common language with
which to describe personality traits in dogs (Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998). I propose that
the seven categories derived from my review of the literature represents a sensible
starting point for developing such a standard lexicon of canine-personality descriptors.
However, substantial work to determine what factors, or trains, construct canine
personality is needed.
(10) The most frequently examined personality dimension was Fearfulness, with
traits related to this dimension appearing in 47 studies. Traits in the Fearfulness
dimension were frequently also categorized in the Reactivity dimension, suggesting some
conceptual and empirical overlap between these two dimensions. Further research on the
traits of Reactivity and Fearfulness in dogs is needed to determine whether the two can be
usefully distinguished or are better considered as two facets of an even broader
superordinate category.
(11) Sociability was also studied frequently, in 35 studies. The traits categorized
under this dimensions were sometimes also categorized under the Responsiveness to
Training dimension. I suggest this overlap may be driven by the fact that an interest in
people is central to both Sociability and interest in training. Future research should
examine the extent to which Sociability determines Responsiveness to Training, and how
best to isolate Responsiveness to Training as a separate dimension.
(12) Numerous studies included traits related to Activity. My review showed that
level of Activity changes dramatically with age. However, there was also some evidence
that Activity can moderate the expression of other traits. Future research should directly
examine this important possibility.
(13) The studies that reported reliability were encouraging, showing that it is
possible to assess dog personality reliably. However, these findings must be tempered by
the fact that these conclusions are based on a lamentably small number of studies. I was
shocked to discover that very few studies even report the reliability of the measures they
used. Clearly, given the importance of reliability in all assessment contexts, future
research should examine and report reliability.
(14) Taken as a whole, the evidence broadly supports the convergent validity of
personality assessments in dogs. However, this conclusion is based on a rather small
proportion of the literature as most studies do not address validity issues. Given the
centrality of validity in any assessment context, further examination of validity should
remain a top priority for dog-personality researchers. In particular, research is needed to
establish the parameters that affect validity; such findings will be essential for future
work in research and applied contexts.
(15) Although the overall convergent validity findings were generally
encouraging, my review suggests that tests of young puppies are not valid predictors of
their future behavior. Given that puppy tests are widely used but their validity is rarely
examined, this finding has huge implications for work in applied and research contexts.
Future research is urgently needed to examine this possibility directly.
(16) My review showed that unusually large proportions of the validity studies
were based on Ratings of Individual Dogs and used shelter dogs. It seems that researchers
working in shelter contexts are particularly concerned with measurement issues.
However, such basic issues should be of concern to all dog-personality researchers.
(17) Although rating methods (e.g., of “Fearfulness”) were well represented in the
studies examining reliability and validity, studies examining the reliability and validity of
behavioral codings (e.g., number of time the dog scratches) are almost nonexistent. The
reliability and validity of codings is often assumed but rarely tested. However, research
on humans has shown substantial variability in the reliability and validity of such codings
(Gosling et al., 1998). Therefore, future research should also assess and report the
reliability and validity of behavioral codings. This is important in the context of validity
because behavioral codings are often used as the criterion against which ratings are
evaluated; but if the criterion behavioral codings are not measured reliably the ratings
would appear to have low validity irrespective of their true validity.
(18) Past validity research has focused on convergent validity and generally
neglected discriminant validity. Overall, the reported discriminant validity results were
mixed. If the construct validity of dog personality measures is to be established, it is
important that future research examine both types of validity.
Over the past 70 years great strides have been made in understanding of
personality and temperament in dogs. Review of the published empirical research over
this period generally supports the viability of assessing canine personality. The literature
reviewed in this chapter provides a roadmap specifying the major empirical questions that
need to be addressed in the next generation of studies and indicates areas of weakness
that need to be addressed, including those addressed above (e.g., lack of reporting
psychometric properties like reliability). However, other weaknesses arise from the
diverse nature of the studies that compose the field of dog personality research and
assessment. For example, one weakness arises from the fact that the field consists of a
variety of studies and tools that are each designed to address specific problems or issues.
The studies assess specific types of dogs (e.g., potential guide dogs, pet dogs, potentially
aggressive dogs) with specific types of behavior in mind (e.g., that suitable for a guide
dog, potential behavior problems in the home, aggressive behavior). As a result, the field
lacks a tool suited to assessing canine personality generally, regardless of the situation in
which that dog may live. Having such a tool could afford a number of advantages, from
the theoretical, broad understanding of dog personality and its structure, to the more
applied comparison of the personalities of dogs who serve different roles (e.g., guide
dogs, explosives detection dogs, pet dogs).
Criteria for Selecting an Assessment Method
To determine which of the assessment methods described in Chapter 2 to adopt, I
evaluated each against a set of ten criteria. These criteria were developed to help ensure
my research goals could be met by the selected assessment method. For some assessment
methods, meeting all of my criteria in principle is a challenge (e.g., making a Test Battery
comprehensive requires compromises likely to make the Test Battery lengthier and more
difficult to administer). Other test methods are able to meet criteria in principle that they
fail to meet—or only rarely meet—in practice. For example, Observational Tests could
be designed to be widely applicable, but, in practice, Observational Tests are typically
designed for use in constrained contexts with select populations (e.g., potential guide
dogs, Murphy, 1995, 1998). Furthermore, it is sometimes difficult to evaluate how well a
test method has, in practice, met my criteria due to how rarely crucial information (e.g.,
reliability statistics) is reported. Table 3.1 summarizes how the four methods stand up to
the ten criteria both in principle and in practice.
It should be noted that my goals and criteria differ from those driving the
development of many previous dog personality assessments. For example, some dog
personality assessments have been developed for the very specific purpose of predicting
adult guide-dog behavior (e.g., Goddard & Beilharz, 1984a, 1984b, 1986). Others have
focused specifically on a single personality dimension (e.g., aggression, Netto & Planta,
1997; fearfulness, Mahut, 1958). Although these tests would not meet all of my criteria,
they may have been suitable for the purposes for which they were developed.
What are the qualities that would maximize the usefulness of a dog personality
assessment tool? Ideally, a tool designed to assess personality and behavior in dogs meets
the following ten criteria.
The first criterion is that a dog personality assessment tool should be reliable.
Indeed, in order for a dog personality test to measure personality, which has patterned
and predictable effects on behavior (Pervin & John, 1997), the assessment must yield
consistent (or reliable) results (Hsu & Serpell, 2003). A tool that is reliable yields results
that generalize across items (or subtests) within the tool, observers, time, situations, and
so on. Reliability across items, also called internal consistency, is attained when items
within a measure that are purported to measure the same construct are shown to yield
consistent results (e.g., two items intended to measure aggression yield similar scores).
Reliability across observers, also called inter-observer or inter-rater reliability, is attained
when a tool yields consistent results from different observers who use the same tool to
assess the same target (e.g., a specific dog). Reliability across time, or test-retest
reliability, is attained when a tool yields results that area consistent in repeated testing in
which the same person uses the same tool to assess the same dog. Reliability across
situations is attained when an assessment tool yields consistent results when it is used to
assess the same target in different contexts (e.g., at home and a park).
Second, an assessment tool must be shown to be valid in order for its results to be
meaningful. Without the prerequisite of high reliability, a personality assessment tool
cannot be valid. There are various types of validity, including content, construct, and
predictive validity. Content validity is the extent to which the set of items or subtests
within an assessment tool represents all facets of the construct being measured. Content
validity is often examined by having expert judges review the items or subtests a
researcher plans to include in the assessment tool.
Construct validity is the extent to which the items or subtests within an
assessment tool measure the broad construct (e.g., personality trait) they were intended to
measure. This type of validity is often examined by using factor analysis to evaluate
whether unique, unrelated factors underlie groups of items or subtests. For a tool to have
construct validity, each item or subtest must be strongly related to its underlying factor,
but only weakly related to other factors in the assessment tool. For a tool to have
construct validity, items or subtests must be strongly correlated to theoretically related
items or subtests on another measure (convergent validity), but only weakly related to
theoretically unrelated items or subtests on the other measure (discriminant validity).
Predictive validity is extent to which the results of an assessment tool are
consistent with results from another, independent measure of the same constructs (e.g.,
Fearfulness-related items on a questionnaire might be compared with Fearfulness-related
subtests in a Test Battery). A complete evaluation of a tool’s predictive validity involves
relationships not only with things to which each construct is expected to relate
(convergent validity), but also those to which each construct is expected to be unrelated
(discriminant validity).
Third, a dog personality assessment must show a high level of measurement
sensitivity. That is, the tool should differentiate not only among dogs whose
personalities and behaviors are very different from one another, but also among dogs
whose personalities or behaviors are similar but not identical (i.e., differ relatively
minimally, but still meaningfully). For example, an assessment should be able to
distinguish between dogs who are pervasively aggressive and dogs who are aggressive in
only a few, specific situations.
In referring to dogs, I have chosen to use personal pronouns such as “he” and “she” instead of the neutral
pronoun “it,” the personal pronoun “who” in place of the more conventional demonstrative pronouns
“that,” and so forth. Writers (e.g., Dunayer, 2001) and researchers (e.g., Gilquin & Jacobs, 2006) have
argued that language is often used to as a subtle means of denying the individuality and unique selves of
nonhuman animals. In their reviews of linguistic corpora, Gilquin and Jacobs (2006) found “who” was used
to refer to nonhuman animals in particular when there was a sense of psychological closeness (e.g., with
pets) and when a feature shared with humans was being discussed. On these bases, the use of impersonal
language to refer to non-human animals is at odds with the widely accepted notion that nonhuman animals
can be characterized in terms of individual differences and personality.
Minimal order effects
Fourth, effect of each item or subtest on subsequent items or subtests should be
addressed. Ideally, the items on a test should be independent of one another so that a dog
would earn the same score on any given item regardless of whether it was presented early
or late and regardless of the items immediately before and after it. That is, development
of the tool would control for order effects, and the instrument would be shown to be free
of order effects of have only minimal order effects.
Availability of psychometric properties to the public
Fifth, information about the tool’s psychometric properties, including aspects of
reliability and validity described above, should be readily available to the public so that
potential users of the tool can evaluate its effectiveness and suitability for their purposes.
Comprehensiveness and detail
Sixth, a dog personality assessment tool should be comprehensive and detailed in
terms of the behaviors and characteristics it includes. The tool must assess all pertinent
personality traits and their facets, collecting enough information about each so as to be
generally useful and informative. For example, for the trait of Fearfulness, which is often
very situation-dependent, the results of the assessment tool should be able to specify in
some degree of detail the type(s) of situations in which a dog who was assessed with the
tool is likely to exhibit fearful behavior. In order to collect information about the
situations that provoke fear in different dogs, the test must assess the fearfulness in a
wide variety of situations. These situations must vary by factors that are likely to
influence whether or not a dog behaves fearfully, including individuals with whom the
dog interacts (e.g., veterinarians, unfamiliar adults of both sexes, unfamiliar children,
people in uniform, other animals), how others treat the dog (e.g., threaten, reach for,
ignore), and the physical environment (e.g., familiar, unfamiliar, home, business).
Comprehensiveness and detail are closely tied to content validity, but differ from content
validity in that a tool can collect additional detail above and beyond what is necessary for
content validity to be attained. Making a tool more comprehensive can be difficult to
balance with other criteria (e.g., manageability, ease of use, efficiency) because making
the tool more comprehensive and detailed necessarily includes and increase in the
number of situations, observations, or ratings.
Wide applicability
Seventh, the tool should be widely applicable, or useable across a range of dogs
and contexts. It should be able to assess the personalities of specific types of working
dogs, like military patrol dogs, and also general pet dogs. The tool should also be suitable
for assessing dog personality in a wide variety of contexts, including kennels, shelters,
and homes.
Ease of use
Eighth, a dog personality measurement tool should be easy for people to use -- in
terms of administration, scoring, and application of the results -- without extensive
expertise or training. For a tool to be generally useful, it should not depend on experts
(e.g., veterinarians, behaviorists) and should be relatively transparent. Preferably, use of
the tool would not require special training (e.g., training courses, extensive reading,
extensive practice administering the test). The language of the instrument should be
readily comprehended by the layperson and extremely complex tests or calculations
should be excluded.
Ninth, the tool must be efficient, or require a minimum of time to administer to
collect a maximum amount of information about the dogs. Many situations, such as those
in which a limited number of people have little time to devote to assessing a very large
number of dogs (e.g., shelters, working dog programs), require a quick and efficient tool.
Finally, the test must not require extensive resources to administer. Testers should
be able to assess a dog with a minimum of monetary resources, physical space, time, and
test administrators. That is, the assessment should not require exacting environments that
demand large amounts of time and effort to prepare.
In summary, an ideal instrument should yield the same results regardless of when
it is used, who uses it, and the situation in which it is used that is, it should be reliable.
Items (or subtests) in the instrument that purport to measure the same feature of a dog’s
personality should yield corresponding results, indicating a high level internal
consistency. These items (or subtests) should also yield the same results regardless of the
order in which they are presented. The tool should also have high validity, measuring all
aspects of pertinent constructs, showing that items purported to measure a given construct
are (statistically) related and those purported to measure different constructs are
(statistically) unrelated, and predicting outcome of theoretically related, but independent,
measures. Furthermore, the tool should also be highly sensitive, able to distinguish
between dogs who differ relatively minimally. Information about how well the instrument
meets these and other criteria should be available to the public and other potential users.
In order to be as universally useful as possible, the instrument should also be
comprehensive, detailed, and widely applicable to a variety of dogs and contexts. In order
to be as accessible as possible to a wide variety of people and situations, the tool should
be easily used without extensive training or specialized backgrounds, its length should be
suitable to a variety of situations, and its logistics should be manageable so that it does
not require resources beyond the scope of the average situation in which many dogs’
personalities need to be tested.
As reviewed in Chapter 2, previous assessments of dog personality fall into four
types: Test Batteries, Observational Tests, Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes, and
Ratings of Individual Dogs. Each of these assessment methods has the potential to, in
principle, fulfill a variety of the criteria outlined above. However, the criteria each
method could meet in principle and the criteria each method does meet in practice vary.
Test Batteries
As described in Chapter 2, Test Batteries aim to document dogs’ reactions to
specific stimuli or situations. Typically, stimuli are presented to a dog and the dog’s
reactions are recorded or scored. Thus, Test Batteries have two primary components: the
behavioral tests (or subtests) and the systems for assigning scores to dogs’ reactions to
In principle, Test Batteries can be designed to meet eight of the ten criteria:
reliability, validity, sensitivity, availability of psychometric properties,
comprehensiveness and detail, wide applicability, efficiency, and manageability (see the
second column of Table 3.1). However, meeting many of the criteria (e.g., reliability
across situations, content validity, comprehensiveness and detail, efficiency) may require
compromising other criteria. Meeting the criteria of ease of use and minimal order effects
may be impossible for Test Batteries. Some of these challenges may be most prevalent
for Test Batteries, but most are specific to both types of behavioral tests (Test Batteries
and Observational Tests), and others are general challenges associated with a criterion.
It may be possible, but seems challenging and unlikely, that Test Batteries could
meet the criterion of ease of use. They tend to require training to administer, although
that is not always the case and depends on the scoring system and other factors.
Minimizing order effects is a particularly challenging hurdle for both types of
behavioral tests (Test Batteries and Observational Tests) because a dog’s experience in
one situation may impact his or her reaction to the next situation. For example, if a Test
Battery exposes dogs to the abrupt opening of an umbrella, then to an unfamiliar person,
the response elicited by the umbrella may shape the dog’s reaction to the unfamiliar
person. If the dog is scared by the umbrella, he or she may be physiologically aroused
(e.g., have elevated cortisol, a racing heartbeat), and the unfamiliar person may elicit
more fear than if the order of the two subtests were reversed.
It is difficult for a behavioral assessment to balance the criterion of content
validity (and comprehensiveness and detail) with ease of use, efficiency, and
manageability. To meet the criterion of content validity, containing items or subtests
pertinent to all aspects of canine personality, a Test Battery is likely to require a large
number of subtests in which different, specific stimuli are presented and the dog is placed
in different situations. Administering each subtest, then scoring each subtest, would likely
result in a Test Battery that was comprehensive, but too lengthy and burdensome to meet
the criteria of ease of use, efficiency, and manageability.
In practice, it is unclear whether Test Batteries meet many of the criteria that they
could, in principle, meet. Indeed, Test Batteries might meet only one criterion:
sensitivity. It is impossible to determine how well Test Batteries generally meet the
criteria of reliability, validity, minimal order effects, and efficiency, because statistics and
other information pertinent to these criteria are rarely, if ever, reported. However, as
reviewed in Chapter 2 and summarized in Table 2.1, some Test Batteries are associated
with high reliability statistics.
Existing Test Batteries also fail to meet a number of the criteria expounded in the
previous section. The psychometric properties of Test Batteries are, to my knowledge,
very rarely reported and not made available to the public. Test Batteries simply do not, in
practice, meet the criteria of comprehensiveness and detail, wide applicability, ease of
use, and manageability. In practice, Test Batteries likely fail to meet the criterion of
comprehensiveness and detail and the criterion of wide applicability because they are
designed to suit narrow contexts and meet specific goals (e.g., accessing aggression level
in potentially aggressive breeds; Netto & Planta, 1997). The research goals for which
many Test Batteries have been developed do not require measurement of all aspects of
dog personality, but rather of a subset thought important to a specific task or situation
(e.g., guide dog work, being a domestic pet). Tests with more focused goals do not need
to assess every aspect of dogs’ personalities, but, as a result, do not meet the criterion of
comprehensiveness and detail and are unlikely to meet the criterion of content validity.
Furthermore, Test Batteries have limited applicability because they are designed to meet
very specific goals. For example, Slabbert and Odendaal’s (1999) study using a Test
Battery of puppies to predict adult police dog efficacy meets their study’s goals well, but
factors such as the behaviors examined (e.g., reaction to gunfire) limit how widely
applicable the tool is.
Test Batteries do not meet the criterion of ease of use, because most are designed
for administration and scoring by testers with a lot of training and expertise. Even those
Test Batteries more readily available for public use tend to require training. For example,
there are Test Batteries available for public use in dog shelters, such as Rebecca Ledger’s
DTA-IV and Emily Weiss’s SAFER-II, but the designers of each test recommend that
potential users do not use the test prior to undergoing training in the specific
administration and scoring. A potential user cannot simply pick up the test and apply it.
Observational Tests
Observational Tests aim to assess and describe traits discernible in more
naturalistic environments. They seek to draw broader pictures of dogs’ personalities and
behavioral patterns than is possible using Test Batteries. Like Test Batteries,
Observational Tests can also be considered as having two primary components: the tests
themselves and the systems for scoring the dogs’ behavior during the test. Unlike Test
Batteries, however, Observational Tests are usually conducted in carefully selected, but
not controlled, environments and involve the fortuitous presentation of naturally
occurring stimuli.
Observational Tests are similar to Test Batteries in that they both depend on the
measurement of behavior that dogs display during the test. Thus, although Observational
Tests and Test Batteries differ in how they elicit behavior, they both depend on
provoking dogs to respond to their environments behaviorally and scoring the resulting
behavior. As a consequence, Observational Tests fail to meet many of the same criteria
and face many of the same challenges as Test Batteries.
In principle, Observational Tests can be designed to meet the same eight criteria
that Test Batteries can meet: reliability, validity, sensitivity, availability of psychometric
properties, comprehensiveness and detail, wide applicability, efficiency, and
manageability (see the fourth column of Table 3.1). Again, meeting many of these criteria
(e.g., reliability across situations, efficiency) may require a decrease in how well the tool
meets other criteria. Meeting the remaining two criteria, ease of use and minimal order
effects, may be possible only in narrow circumstances.
In principle, an Observational Test is unlikely to be easy to use because
administration and scoring of the test generally depends on experts observing dogs as
they go through and respond to naturalistic environments. It may be possible to make
such a test easy to use, if the scoring system used is readily accessible to the general
public. For example, a scoring system on which observers assigned trait-based ratings to
each dog at the end of the Observational Test might be easy to use.
Order effects are difficult to minimize in Observational Tests for the same reason
they are difficult to minimize in Test Batteries: A dog’s experiences are likely to affect
his or her responses to subsequent situations. For example, if a dog is put through an
Observational Test in which the dog is walked through a crowded shopping mall, the dog
might encounter small child who is yelling and running around. The dog could be excited
by this movement, then a more excitable in response to later stimuli (e.g., drinking
fountains, statues, people) that would not have elicited excitable behavior if they had
been encountered before the child.
It is difficult for an Observational Test to simultaneously satisfy the criterion of
content validity (and comprehensiveness and detail) and other criteria, such as ease of
use, efficiency, and, in particular, manageability. For an Observational Test to have
increased content validity, the dog must be exposed to additional stimuli, and most likely
be taken to additional physical locations (e.g., home, busy shopping mall, park). This
increase in stimuli and situations necessarily decrease how manageable the test is,
because it will require more time, money, and other resources to administer than a single-
location test would require.
In practice, it is unclear whether Observational Tests meet many of the criteria
that they could, in principle, meet. Observational Tests might, like Test Batteries, meet
only one criterion: sensitivity. It is impossible to determine how well Observational Tests
meet the criteria of reliability, validity, minimal order effects, efficiency, and
manageability because the pertinent statistics and other information are rarely, if ever,
reported. In addition, Observational Tests typically fail to meet the criterion of making
their psychometric properties available to the public because they simply do not report
many of the necessary statistics, nor do they make the reported statistics accessible or
interpretable to the public.
For Observational Tests, manageability is a particular issue, because
Observational Tests generally depend on studying dogs’ responses to stimuli in relatively
naturalistic environments. For example, Goddard and Beilharz’s (1984b) Observational
Test in which dogs were observed during walks through shopping malls may be, for
many potential users, manageable. For other potential users (e.g., shelters that would
have to transport hundreds of dogs to the test site), however, such tests are not
manageable. Unfortunately, an increase in manageability means a decrease in the amount
of information that is gathered, because it necessitates a reduction in the variety of test
situations included in the assessment.
Published Observational Tests generally fail to meet the criteria of
comprehensiveness and detail, wide applicability, and ease of use. In practice,
Observational Tests may fail to meet these criteria because the tests have been, like Test
Batteries, designed to meet very specific goals or to be used on a specific type of dog. For
example, Murphy (1995, 1998) used Observational Tests to assess potential guide dogs
for their suitability as guide dogs. Observational Tests like those described by Murphy
(1995, 1998) are not required to measure all aspects of dog personality; they only need to
measure those pertinent to the task at hand (e.g., guide dog work). They do not need to be
widely applicable, because they are designed exclusively for assessing a specific type of
dog in a specific context. It might be argued, however, that the people administering such
assessments (who have limited time) would benefit were the tests easy to use, because the
test administrators would then require minimal training to use the test.
Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes
In Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes, researchers select people whom they
consider experts on dogs (e.g., American Kennel Club judges, veterinarians, dog trainers)
and ask those people to describe, rank, or rate dog breeds rather that specific individual
dogs. Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes face limitations in terms of the criteria they can
meet because they do not assess the personalities of individual dogs.
In principle, Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes can meet the criteria of
reliability, some aspects of validity (content and construct validity), minimal order
effects, availability of psychometric properties to the public, comprehensiveness and
detail, efficiency, and manageability. That is, Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes cannot
fully meet the criteria of predictive validity, sensitivity, ease of use, or wide applicability.
Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes, however, always require a certain level of expertise
(e.g., extensive familiarity with a breed, veterinary or behavioral training) and cannot, in
principle or in practice, be used without expertise, making them fail to meet the criterion
of ease of use.
There are also, in principle, problems associated with Expert Ratings of Breed
Prototypes. First, it should be noted that Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes could
achieve high reliability across observers if ratings are largely based on stereotypes, but
these stereotypes may or may not accurately predict real dogs’ behavior. The degree to
which Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes have predictive validity is limited by the
degree to which a dog’s breed determines his or her behavior. Expert Ratings of Breed
Prototypes do not assess the personalities of individual dogs and, therefore, cannot meet
the criterion of sensitivity defined as the ability to differentiate between dogs whose
personalities differ from each other relatively minimally; this type of assessment can,
instead, distinguish between dog breeds associated with personalities that differ
minimally from each other (which no other assessment method can address). The
applicability of Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes is limited by the applicability and the
predictive validity the prototype itself. Because of the potentially large limitation of
applicability, serious consideration must be given to the usefulness of Expert Ratings of
Breed Prototypes.
In practice, Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes meet only a subset of the criteria
they could meet. They meet some, but not all, reliability criteria (reliability across
observers and situations), are comprehensive and detailed, and are manageable. It is
impossible to determine how well this assessment method meets the criteria of reliability
across items, reliability across time, content validity, construct validity, predictive
validity, and minimal order effects because very few studies have used and examined
Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes (see Table 2.1), and the studies that have used Expert
Ratings of Breed Prototypes have rarely, if ever, reported the statistics and other
information necessary for evaluating how well the assessments meet these criteria. Like
Test Batteries and Observational Tests, the psychometric properties of Expert Ratings of
Breed Prototypes are not available to the public. Those studies that discuss efficiency of
data collection using Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes (e.g., Hart & Miller, 1985)
indicated that the assessment method is efficient. However, in practice, as well as in
principle, the usefulness of Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes is tempered by a lack of
information about the assessment method’s predictive validity.
Ratings of Individual Dogs
Ratings of Individual Dogs gather information about specific dogsbehaviors and
histories from an informant (e.g., the dog’s owner). The informant states whether or not,
or how often, his or her dog has engaged in specified behaviors (e.g., snapping at
children, barking when someone knocks on the door) or provides a rating of the dog on a
list of traits (e.g., Fearfulness, Aggression).
In principle, Ratings of Individual Dogs can meet all ten of the criteria
summarized above and listed in Table 3.1. However, it should be noted that, like all the
other methods of assessment, Ratings of Individual Dogs will become lengthier, thus
requiring greater amounts of time and attention to complete, as they become more
comprehensive and detailed. Thus, the criteria of efficiency and manageability must be
carefully balanced with a questionnaire’s content validity, comprehensiveness and the
level of detail is collects. One benefit associated with Ratings of Individual dogs is that
they are the only method of assessment which is, in principle, generally usable without
training or expertise, and which can be designed to be easily used by the layperson.
In practice, Ratings of Individual Dogs are known to meet the criteria of
sensitivity, ease of use, efficiency, and manageability. It is challenging to estimate the
degree to which Ratings of Individual Dogs generally meet the criteria of reliability,
validity, and minimal order effects because the pertinent statistics are rarely reported.
However, some dog personality assessment studies have examined various aspects of
reliability in Ratings of Individual Dogs (e.g., Serpell & Hsu, 2001; Gosling et al.,
2003a). For example, Gosling et al. (2003a) found rating of dogs were consistent across
items within a scale, across observers, and across tests and time (ratings to a behavioral
test several weeks later).
Ratings of Individual Dogs generally fail to meet the criteria of availability of
psychometric properties to the public, comprehensiveness and detail, and of wide
applicability. They fail to meet the first of these criteria because report of reliability and
validity statistic is rare. Most Ratings of Individual Dogs fail to meet the criterion of
comprehensiveness and detail because they are very brief questionnaires designed for
narrow, specific purposes. Notable exceptions include Goodloe and Borchelt’s (1998)
and Serpell’s C-BARQ, which are lengthy and thus relatively comprehensive, but both of
which focus explicitly on behavioral problem assessment. As a consequence of such
measures’ focus on specific goals, Ratings of Individual Dogs also have limited
applicability. Unlike all previously discussed assessment methods, Ratings of Individual
Dogs are generally reported to be very easily used by the layperson (e.g., Goodloe &
Borchelt, 1998; Hsu & Serpell, 2003; Podberscek & Serpell, 1996).
Table 3.1. Dog personality assessment methods’ fulfillment of 10 criteria in principle and in practice
Test Batteries Observational Tests
Expert Ratings
of Breed Prototypes Ratings of Individual Dogs
Criterion Principle Practice Principle Practice Principle Practice Principle Practice
internal consistency
(across items or
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
test-retest reliability
(across time)
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Rarely reported
(across observers)
Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Yes Yes Rarely reported
across situations
Yes Rarely reported
Yes, but less
Rarely reported
Yes Yes Yes Rarely reported
content validity
Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
construct validity
(convergent &
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
predictive validity
(convergent &
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
Limited amount
Not reported Yes Rarely reported
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Limited Limited Yes Yes
Minimal order effects
Maybe, but
Not reported Maybe, but
Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Not reported
Availability of
to the public
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
Yes Rarely reported
Table 3.1. (Continued)
Test Batteries Observational Tests
Expert Ratings
of Breed Prototypes Ratings of Individual Dogs
Criterion Principle Practice Principle Practice Principle Practice Principle Practice
and detail
Yes, but longer
and less
No Yes, but longer
and less
No Yes Yes Yes No (designed
for specific
Wide applicability
Yes No Yes No Limited Limited Yes No (designed
for specific
Ease of use
(e.g., without training,
Training usually
No Depends on
assessed, coding
system and
other factors
No No No Yes Yes
Yes, but less
Rarely reported
Yes, but less
Rarely reported
Yes Yes (few
studies; rarely
Yes Yes
Yes, but
other criteria
No Yes, but
other criteria
(e.g., efficiency)
Rarely reported
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Only Ratings of Individual Dogs stand out as having the potential to meet the ten
criteria described above with minimal sacrifice and compromise. Test Batteries and
Observational Tests both fall short because they require large amounts of time in order to
be comprehensive and collect detailed data, they typically require expertise and training
to administer, and it may be impossible to limit order effects that arise during testing.
Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes have two apparent, unavoidable limitations. First,
they require a dog expert to assign ratings. Second, they do not allow for measurement of
individual dogs’ behavior and personality, but rather aggregate across all dogs of a given
breed with whom the expert rater has experience.
However, it is apparent from the review of existing dog personality assessment
tools (see Chapter 2) that rating systems used less frequently than Test Batteries. Why
might researchers prefer other assessment methods? One reason is that, historically,
ratings have been criticized as too subjective and described as inappropriate tools for
scientific use. There is also a relatively long history of research contradicting this,
showing that ratings, rather than hindering measurement, actually allow researchers to
utilize human perceptions and experiences to record and interpret very large amounts of
information effectively (see Vazire, Gosling, Dickey, & Schapiro, 2007). Buirski et al.
(1978) argued trait terms (e.g., aggressive, timid) are no more subjective and no less
useful than most terms used in psychology or ethology (p. 127). Furthermore, aggregate
observations composed of ratings by several independent observers meet the standards
required of any measurement instrument; they are reliable and largely independent of
idiosyncrasies of individual observers (e.g., Block, 1961; Epstein, 1983).
Despite the historical objection, some researchers have sought to take advantage
of the benefits afforded by Ratings of Individual Dogs. In particular, Serpell, Hsu and
colleagues (e.g., Serpell & Hsu, 2001; Hsu & Serpell, 2003) and Goodloe and Borchelt
(Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998) have developed the broadest and most comprehensive of the
existing Ratings for Individual Dogs; both were developed for use in assessing behavioral
problems. Serpell, Hsu, and their colleagues have performed numerous studies to develop
a questionnaire for assessing consistent patterns in pet and assistance dogs’ behavior
(arguably personality), the Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire
(C-BARQ; e.g., Serpell & Hsu, 2001; Hsu & Serpell, 2003). The C-BARQ is available to
the public and the research community online at, where users
can also compare their dogs’ scores to those of other dogs. In the development of this
questionnaire, the authors paid explicit attention to and reported statistics relevant to the
questionnaires’ psychometric properties, including reliability and validity. However, the
C-BARQ is a very extensive and lengthy questionnaire, with items separated into 13
categories by the factor they measure, making the questionnaire too time-consuming for
many applications. Also, as mentioned above, the C-BARQ’s design is motivated by an
interest in evaluating and screening dogs for behavioral problems
( Similarly, Goodloe and Borchelt (1998) designed a very
extensive questionnaire to assess dog behavior, which also focused on behavioral
problems. While the assessment of dogs for behavioral problems is clearly a worthwhile
purpose and one that makes the questionnaire very useful, it limits the general
applicability of the tool.
The existing Ratings of Individual Dogs have only limited application and
breadth, and thus meet only some of my criteria. In addition, many studies using other
assessment methods have yielded findings about dog personality that have never explored
through trait ratings. So, although previous research does not satisfy the field’s need for a
widely applicable, comprehensive questionnaire about dog personality, it does suggest
that Ratings of Individual Dogs is the best method to meet the ten criteria I have
specified, and it does provide an adequate starting point in terms of personality
constructs and item content -- for the development of the tool. The goal of this study,
therefore, is to build a questionnaire that draws from past research and is thus grounded
in research and theory, that is comparable with other systems of assessment, that is useful
across a broad array of applications (from pets to working dogs), that can be completed in
a reasonable amount of time to aid in efficiently gathering data, that is amenable to a long
and short version, and that is understandable by laypersons so researchers may draw on
their everyday experiences and observations of their dogs.
Human personality psychologists face the same type of decisions regarding which
method of assessment to use, and, within each method, how to best develop an
assessment tool or system. Some methods for studying personality in human animals and
non-human animals overlap. The majority of methods that can be used to assess
personality in non-human animals can be used with humans. Of the four methods of
assessment discussed here, Test Batteries, Observational Tests, and Ratings of
Individuals are readily used for assessing most individuals, whether human or non-
human. However, because humans are not as readily or acceptably divided into groups as
dogs are divided into breeds, Expert Ratings of Breed Prototypes are unlikely to easily
translate to use in humans.
When developing tools for rating individuals, or a taxonomy of personality-
descriptive terms to be used as items in a questionnaire, human personality psychologists
face many of the same challenges and issues that are inherent to the process of
developing a dog personality questionnaire. The overlap of challenges, regardless of the
species assessed, suggests that that these issues are not tied to the assessment of one
species or the other, but rather to the assessment method itself.
Twenty years ago John, Angleitner and Ostendorf (1988) examined the process of
building complete and comprehensive collections of human personality attributes, as
needed for a personality questionnaire. They described a number of basic issues, or
challenges. At a very basic level, before beginning to develop an assessment, researchers
must specify what they will measure, or define personality. Inherent to this first step is
setting limits of what will be studied, and possibly creating limitations. A common
approach is to focus on a limited domain (e.g., stable traits), but this is often still too
broad and researchers further limit the scope of their tools to, for example, extraversion,
or interpersonal traits, or risk-taking behaviors.
Furthermore, researchers must determine from where they will compile a
comprehensive list of instantiations or descriptions relative to the domain they study.
Some researchers have collected personality descriptions from subjects’ responses to
questionnaires. Other researchers have relied on clinical expertise (e.g., Block, 1861).
Still others have used the lexical approach, assuming that natural language can serve as a
source for personality attributes because people will have encoded in language ways of
describing the most important or salient differences between people (e.g., Klages,
1926/1932; Allport, 1937; Cattell, 1943; Goldberg, 1982).
Researchers have recently suggested a construct-validity based approach to scale
construction (Simms & Watson, 2007). Because field of human personality assessment is
arguably more developed than that of animal personality assessment, but the two share
very similar challenges, human personality assessment can advise animal personality
assessment methodologies. To that end, much of the construct-validity based approach
over-viewed here has been adopted in developing the dog personality questionnaire.
The construct-validity based approach to scale construction divides scale
construction into three phases: the substantive validity phase, the structural validity
phase, and the external validity phase. The substantive validity phase is built upon
reviewing existing literature to determine if a new assessment tool is needed, then
defining exactly what is to be measured by the new tool, compiling and writing items,
then examining the items through pilot testing and/or expert review. The structural
validity phase targets the goal of determining the structure of the items (e.g., their
grouping into personality factors), which is often done through data collection and factor
analysis. This phase may suggest changes to the questionnaire item list. The final stage,
the external validity phase, is the phase in which the researcher determines whether the
assessment tool predicts results of an independent assessment (a criterion), and whether
items on the scale that should be related (i.e., items purported to measure extraversion)
are statistically related while those that should not be related (i.e., items purported to
measure openness and items purported to measure neuroticism) are statistically shown to
be unrelated. This phase, too, may suggest changes to the questionnaire item list.
Study 1: Pilot Testing the Initial Item Pool
The goal of Study 1 was to build the initial form of the DPQ. The initial list of
questionnaire items that served as the launching point for the DPQ’s development was
generated, then the item list was revised and administered to participants. Participants’
feedback was used to guide further modification of the DPQ items.
I employed a multi-phase procedure for generating a pool of descriptors and then
selecting items from the pool. Essentially, the phases involved generating an item pool;
categorizing the items; removing items that were clearly redundant, too broad, or too
narrow in focus; then creating a questionnaire to collect empirical data from volunteer
My first goal was to generate a comprehensive pool of descriptors from which
questionnaire items could be drawn. To ground the questionnaire in current research and
practice and to maximize comprehensiveness, descriptors were chosen from both
research and applied settings; in particular the item pool was based on descriptors used in
(a) the dog personality and temperament research literature, (b) human personality
questionnaires (e.g., the Big Five Inventory [BFI]; John, 1990), (c) instruments used in
applied settings (e.g., shelter intake forms, shelter dog personality tests), and (d)
supplemental items generated by dog experts.
In Chapter 2, I identified numerous studies in their review of the dog temperament
and personality literature. Their review identified articles that would serve as one source
of descriptors. Specifically, I collated the articles reviewed in Chapter 2 as well as the
questionnaires (e.g., the C-BARQ, the Dog-Big Five Inventory or D-BFI) used in the
research reported by these articles. In addition, I supplemented this pool with items that
were not included in the review because they are still under development by other
researchers. From each of these articles and questionnaires, I extracted behavior and trait
descriptions. To be as comprehensive as possible, I extracted all behavior and trait
descriptions, regardless of whether they were the focus of the article. For example, in one
factor analytic study (Serpell & Hsu, 2001), I extracted all the traits analyzed, and also
the researchers’ descriptions of common reasons for potential guide dogs’ failing to
become working guide dogs.
I also gathered a separate representative set of animal shelter intake forms and
frequently-used shelter dog personality tests. The selection of these tests was based on
how distinctive the instruments were from each other, how frequently they were used,
and how well they, collectively, represented the variety of instruments used in shelters.
From each intake form and personality test, I again extracted behavior and trait
After extracting behavior and trait descriptions from all my sources, I eliminated
exact repetitions (e.g., “dominance over owner” from Draper, 1995; Bradshaw &
Goodwin, 1998; Hart & Miller, 1985). Once repetitions were removed, the behavioral
and trait descriptions from the research and applied contexts yielded a pool of 1,284
Of course although I took care to gather all relevant behavioral and trait
descriptions, my questionnaire item list’s content is largely dependent on the behaviors
and traits examined in past research and/or identified as important in applied settings, and
therefore may suffer associated limitations.
Initial groupings of items into categories
Given such a large pool of potential items for the questionnaire, a challenge was
finding and identifying items with similar or matching content but slightly varied
wording (e.g., In house/apartment, follows owner/family member from room to room,”
Goodloe & Borchelt, 1998; “How often does the dog follow the owner around the
house?,” Ledger, personal communication). To facilitate the search for redundant items,
the items were grouped into broad, content-based categories based on types of behavior
(e.g., aggression, friendliness). Through this process, the 1,284 items were grouped into
51 categories, such as “Mounting behavior,” “Chasing,” “Aggression,” and “Fearfulness”
(for a complete list, see Appendix A). The categories ranged in size from one item (e.g.,
“Alertness”) to 240 items (”Aggression”). Seven of the categories (e.g., Aggression,
Fearfulness, Separation-Related Behaviors) were still too broad to determine the
redundancy so they were divided into narrower subcategories, usually based on
significant features of the items (e.g., involve children), stimuli described in the items
(e.g., cars, traffic), or environments (e.g., vet’s office). For example, the Separation-
Related Behaviors category was subdivided into seven categories: Vocalizations,
Destructiveness, Food-Related, Restlessness, Elimination Behavior, and General, with a
“Miscellaneous” subcategory for items that did not fit other subcategories. It should be
noted that the categories were provisional and designed to help in reducing redundancy;
they did not determine the later phases of the questionnaire development. Judges were
free to consider issues of cross-category redundancy, such as overlap in items in the
Hearing Sensitivity category and the Fearfulness category (e.g., “Dog acts anxious or
fearful in response to sudden or loud noises;” Is dog fearful or startled when a car horn
Removal of redundant items
One expert judge reviewed all 1,248 items category by category. The judge had
three goals: (1) to identify and remove redundant behavioral and trait descriptions by
consolidating descriptions that were clearly similar, (2) to remove descriptions that were
too specific to personality-testing contexts, and (3) to maintain the breadth of the original
1,284-item list. This expert made consolidation and removal decisions only when the
decision did not require much judgment and could therefore be performed by a single
judge. For example, “(Would like to) chase cats” (Serpell & Hsu, 2001), “Dog chases
cats if given the chance” (Hsu & Serpell, 2003), and “Chases cats (given the chance)” (C-
BARQ) were consolidated without consulting other judges. However, “Does your dog
chase strange cats” (Stephen, personal communication) was retained as a separate item
for further evaluation with other judges because of the introduction of the issue of
strange, familiar, and unspecified cats. The descriptions “fear of a toy car traveling in
circles with lights flashing” (Goddard & Beilharz, 1984a) and “reaction to a stranger that
hides and assaults the dog when passing the hiding place” (Svartberg, 2002) were
removed because they were seen as specific to personality-testing contexts. When there
was doubt whether to retain an item, the item was retained. This process reduced the pool
of items to 750 items, grouped into 51 categories and their subcategories.
Review of the item pool
Three expert judges reviewed the 750 items category-by-category, examining
each item individually and relative to the others in its category. The process of expert
review to assess item quality has been described as a critical step in the process of item
pool development. In particular, Worthington and Whittaker (2006) recommend experts
assess the content validity (e.g., the extent to which the set of items represents all facets
of the concept being measured) of the individual items and the item pool during this
phase of questionnaire development. Therefore, the aim of this phase was to reduce the
number of behavioral and trait descriptions to a more manageable set, while retaining all
meaningful, unique, and potentially important descriptions for the empirical phases.
Careful attention was paid to be sure that items with both positive valence (e.g., “Dog is
friendly”) and negative valence (e.g., “Dog ignores commands”) were included and were
roughly counterbalanced to overcome possible acquiescence response bias. Both traits
(e.g., “Dog is clever”) and behaviorally descriptive items (e.g., “Dog learns readily,”
“Dog is slow to learn new tricks or tasks”) were included for as many categories of items
as possible. This process resulted in a list of 358 potential items, covering all 51
categories and their subcategories.
The same three expert judges then reviewed the list to determine whether any
potentially important behaviors or traits had been excluded. A trait or behavior was
deemed potentially important if dogs could be differentiated on the trait or behavior
dimension, it had practical importance (e.g., related to learning or training), or it had
theoretical importance (e.g., captured something that might be an additional facet of a
trait). Two items were added: “Dog appears to remember an object when it is out of sight
(e.g., in your pocket, behind your back),” and “Dog will work to obtain an object or
reward (e.g., ball, treat) that is hidden.” A list of 360 questionnaire items resulted.
The questionnaire item list needed to be screened for items that were difficult to
understand/interpret, ambiguous, too technical, or otherwise problematic. I therefore
needed to administer the questions, with ample opportunity for feedback, to a population
representative of those who would be taking the questionnaire and possibly using it and
any future versions (i.e., a variety of lay dog owners with differing levels of experience
and areas of expertise).
My second goal in Study 1 was to attain and use feedback from a population of
dog owners. Because major goals in the general design of the DPQ include meeting
criteria such as ease of use and wide applicability, it was of vital importance to get
feedback from a variety of dog-owner participants approximating those who might
ultimately use the DPQ. To help facilitate reaching a wide variety of dog owners, and to
take advantage of other benefits afforded by web-based data collection (Gosling et al.,
2004), participants completed the DPQ and gave feedback online. Their feedback guided
revision of the DPQ.
The first version of the questionnaire was lengthy, with 360 items and background
information, so completing it was an arduous task. To respond to each of the items on the
questionnaire, participants were required (1) to be highly familiar with a particular dog’s
behavior, and dog behavior in general, and (2) to be highly engaged in completing the
task. Thus, common sources of participants (e.g., undergraduate students) would not be
appropriate because they would not have sufficient knowledge of canine behavior and
would not be sufficiently engaged to respond to all the items carefully. The expertise
criterion suggested I use experienced dog owners. The engagement criterion suggested I
use people who freely volunteered to participate in the research with a full understanding
that an arduous task lay ahead.
Volunteers signed up through a webpage. At the site potential volunteers were
informed about the reasons for the study and what participation would entail. If an
individual wanted to volunteer, he or she entered an email address that was sent to a
database. An email message was sent to all volunteers thanking them for their interest in
the study and providing additional information about the research. I used four means of
publicizing my call for research volunteers. First, I posted a link to information about the
study on the website of the Animal Personality Institute,, a
University of Texas-based research group founded for the study of non-human animal
personality. Second, I posted messages to online discussion and e-mail groups focused on
topics like dog training, dog health, and rare-breed rescue. Third, I posted flyers at
Austin-area dog training and boarding facilities. Last, I e-mailed rescue groups focused
on rare breeds. In all of these recruitment efforts, I gave permission for people to pass on
information about the study. As a result, messages about the study circulated through
various other online dog discussion groups and training groups, in addition to various
organizations’ flyers and newsletters. All potential volunteers contacted me directly to
sign up to participate in the study and were notified when questionnaires became
When initially volunteering, 70% of volunteers reported how they had learned
about the study. Of the 70% who reported this information, 14% learned about the study
from reading the Animal Personality Institute website. Sixty-seven percent learned about
the study from an online discussion group, including discussion groups focused on rare
dog breeds and dog rescue groups. Fifteen percent learned about it from a friend or
relative, breeder, or trainer with whom they work, and the remaining four percent learned
about the study from a flyer.
A random subsample of 225 participants was selected from a larger list of people
who had volunteered to fill out the DPQ. At the end of May, 2005, these participants
were contacted via e-mail, asked to fill out the DPQ, and directed to the online
questionnaire form. By the deadline two weeks later, 152 volunteers had responded. The
data from these 152 participants were consolidated and analyzed.
Materials and Procedures
Utilizing web-based methods
The format of the DPQ items followed by Likert-scale rating systems lends
itself to both a traditional paper-and-pencil form and an online form. Web-based studies
and online self-selected Internet samples are becoming more and more popular as the
Internet becomes more widespread and accessible. This method of data collection is
associated with various concerns, but also with numerous benefits. Most concerns
associated with web-based data collection have been refuted, including concerns about
impact of self-selection (Walsh et al., 1992); the correspondence between surveys
conducted online with those conducted through more traditional methods (e.g., McCabe
et al., 2006; Gosling et al., 2004); whether Internet samples are composed of maladjusted,
isolated, and/or depressed individuals (e.g., Gosling et al., 2004); and the integrity of the
data (McGraw et al., 2000).
Web-based data collection also affords many advantages over traditional methods
of data collection. For example, online data collection tends to be very efficient, because
many participants can be reached and can complete the study at once without requiring an
experimenter to administer the study. Online data collection also removes the necessity of
entering data and, with it, the risk of data entry mistakes. In addition, using the Internet
enables researchers to reach people outside of the typical subject pool (e.g., Gosling et
al., 2004), including people who are disabled, geographically distant, elderly, or in a
specific and rare population.
The DPQ was placed online to take advantage of these general advantages, but
also because online data collection afforded benefits specific to administration of the
DPQ and similar questionnaires. First, the goal of creating a questionnaire that is widely
applicable requires piloting and evaluating the questionnaire in a diverse population.
Respondents (dog owners) should vary in terms of age, sex, occupation, type and extent
of experience with dogs, geographic region, etc. The target dogs should also compose a
diverse sample; they should vary in breed, sex, age, size, castration status, health,
training, geographic location, etc. Second, development of this questionnaire requires a
very large sample, and a specialized group of people who are both knowledgeable about
dogs and their dog in particular, and interested enough in dog behavior to complete a
lengthy questionnaire. Third, an algorithm could be used to randomly select the target
dog for a questionnaire when a participant had more than one dog, thus avoiding bias
from the participants. Finally, the questionnaire items could be presented in a uniquely
random order for each participant.
To ensure data quality, individuals will be asked as a part of the DPQ whether
they have completed the form before, repeat responders will be removed from the
sample, and recruitment with conducted the goal of collecting data from a diverse
population of people and dogs.
Administration of the DPQ
The online questionnaire consisted of four parts. Part 1 asked participants to
provide the basic background information that allowed me to assess the diversity of my
sample. These questions included where the person lives, the capacity in which the
person interacts with dogs, how many dogs the person has had in his or her lifetime, and
how many dogs the person currently owns. After the person indicated how many dogs he
or she had, the questionnaire asked for the names of up to five of those dogs, then
randomly selected one dog as the target dog for the questionnaire.
Part 2 of the questionnaire asked background questions specific to the target dog,
allowing me to assess the diversity of the dogs in the study. For example, these questions
included the dog’s breed, sex, age, weight, whether the dog was castrated and, if so, at
what age. Further questions included whether the dog performed any specific jobs (e.g.,
guide dog), whether the dog had any illnesses or disabilities (e.g., blind, deaf, arthritic),
and whether the dog had ever bitten a person or a dog, or been bitten by another dog.
Part 3 of the questionnaire included the 360 questionnaire items, plus one
accidental repetition of the item “Dog is anxious,” for a total of 361 questionnaire items.
Fifty questions appeared on each page. The answer options for each question appeared
below that question. The options were a seven-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly
disagree” to “strongly agree,” plus “not applicable.” Participants were instructed to
indicate an item was “not applicable” if their dogs had never been in the situation
described (e.g., had never been around children). In addition, there was an option for
participants to tick a box indicating when an item was “difficult to interpret”. The 361
questionnaire items were in random order for each participant such that no two
participants’ questions appeared in the same order. I intentionally grouped some
questions, however, so that they would always appear together. Items were grouped to
enable participants to compare and contrast the questions. For example, “Dog exhibits
submissive behaviors (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye contact, yawns, licks lips) when
greeting familiar people” and “Dog exhibits submissive behaviors (e.g., rolls over,
avoids eye contact, yawns, licks lips) when greeting unfamiliar people” always appeared
consecutively, in this order.
After participants completed Part 3 of the questionnaire, I thanked them for their
participation, gave them the opportunity to sign up to receive updates about the study,
and gave them the opportunity either to be finished with the questionnaire or to fill out
further background information and/or give feedback on the questionnaire. If participants
volunteered to fill out more background information about their dogs, they were
forwarded to Part 4 of the questionnaire. Part 4 asked participants about their dogs’ diets,
amount of time their dogs spend alone or with people, the type of veterinary care they use
(e.g., traditional, holistic), and gave participants the opportunity to give any feedback
they felt was important.
The main goals in Study 1 were to assess whether participants had trouble
understanding any of the items and to incorporate other participant feedback to improve
the questionnaire. I therefore analyzed participants’ responses to the “difficult to
interpret,” “not applicable,” and free-response items. I did not analyze their responses to
the 360 Likert scales.
Difficult to interpret
Fifty-one participants never used the “difficult to interpret” option, indicating that
101 participants used the option at least once. Sixty-four participants used the “difficult to
interpret” response 1-5 times, 21 used it 6-10 times, 11 used it 11-15 times, 3 used it 16-
20 times, and 2 used it more than 20 times. One subject used the “difficult to interpret”
response more than 36 times; only this last participant was removed from the dataset. The
following analyses are based on 151 participants’ feedback.
Not applicable
If a participant’s dog had no experience like that described in an item, then
participant was able to indicate that the item was not applicable to the dog by clicking
“not applicable” in lieu of rating the dog on that item. For example, if the dog had never
come into contact with livestock, then the participant could indicate the item “Likes to
chase livestockdid not apply. Inclusion of this response option made certain that I was
not forcing participants to choose a response. I was also able to make certain participants
made use of this response. A total of only 16 of the 151 participants never used the “not
applicable” response; the remaining 135 participants used the response at least once.
Fifty-nine participants used the “not applicable” response 1-5 times, 25 used it 6-10
times, 24 used it 11-15 times, 12 used it 16-20 times, seven used it 21-25 times, and eight
used it more than 25 times.
Free-response suggestions
The free-response portion of the questionnaire gave participants the opportunity to
give feedback, share comments, provide further background information, and even tell
stories about their dogs. The vast majority (more than 90%) of participants completed
Part 4 of the DPQ and provided free responses, and more than 75% indicated that they
enjoyed filling out the questionnaire. Many participants also indicated they believed they
had gained a greater understanding of their dogs’ behavior from the extensive and
detailed consideration required in responding to the questionnaire items. Few participants
(four) complained about the length of the questionnaire, and of those two indicated that
they felt the length was necessary.
Participants also gave specific feedback pertaining to questionnaire items. A
number of participants said that, for specific types of behavior (assertiveness,
submission), they had more trouble understanding items that did not include examples.
Participants also indicated that they were unsure how to rate their dogs on items assessing
common types of behavior (e.g., friendliness, aggression) if they thought their dog fit a
description (e.g., friendly to unfamiliar people) but the dog did not display any or all of
the example behaviors (e.g., tail wagging). Many participants also indicated that
descriptors in items (e.g., fearful” behavior, “aggressive” behavior) should be
emphasized typographically to make then stand out. Some participants also suggested
additional items that could be added to the questionnaire, including, “Dog is attuned to
owner’s routine (e.g., predicts homecoming),” “Dog appears aware of owner’s emotions
(e.g., comes when owner is sad, crying),” and “Dog feeds off owner’s emotions (e.g.,
nervous if owner is nervous)”.
Sample demographics
Demographic information collected from the 151 participants retained for
analyses in Study 1 is presented in Table 4.1. Column 1 indicates the type of information
reported in the corresponding rows. Study 1 included both men and women, though the
majority of participants (89.4%) were women. The mean age of participants was 44
years, and the standard deviation of their ages was 12 years. The majority (84.8%) of
participants were from the United States (US). Although 43 participants indicated they
currently lived in Texas, a total of 31 of the 50 states were represented by at least one
participant. All participants indicated that they were native English speakers. Just over
14% (22) of the 151 participants reported having dog-related careers, which would likely
entail some degree of expertise and increased familiarity with dogs and dog behavior.
The mean number of dogs each participant had owned over his or her lifetime, previous
to his or her current dog and including childhood family pets, was 4.4, but was variable
(s.d. = 3.4). The mean number of dogs currently owned and living in-residence with the
participants was 2.2 (s.d. = 1.2). On the basis of demographic information, participants in
Study 1 were comparable to those in Study 2 (run later); Study 1 participants were seen
as a representative sub-sample.
Table 4.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 1
Study 1
Sex (dog owner)
Male 16 (10.6%)
Female 135 (89.4%)
Age (dog owner)
Mean 44
standard deviation 12
Age not reported 2 (1.3%)
Country of residence
U.S. 128 (84.8%)
Canada 16 (10.6%)
Australia 2 (1.3%)
U.K. 2 (1.3%)
Other (Native language is English) 2 (1.3%)
Country of residence not reported 1 (.7%)
Dog-related careers
Breeder and/or Exhibitor 9 (5.9%)
Trainer and/or Behaviorist 8 (5.2%)
Dog rescue worker/volunteer 3 (2%)
Veterinarian 1 (.7%)
Groomer 1 (.7%)
Kennel/Daycare owner or employee 0
Assistance dog partner 0
Mean (s.d.)
Number of dogs owned
Past (mean; s.d.) 4.4 (3.4)
Number not reported 0
Currently (mean; s.d.) 2.2 (1.2)
Number not reported 0
Total number of participants 151
It was also important to confirm that a diverse sample of dogs was assessed in
Study 1. I examined the composition of the sample in terms of various characteristics,
including age, sex, castration, and breed, among others. In Study 1, the dogs’ average age
was 5.1 (s.d. = 3.5) with two dogs’ ages unreported and one reported as unknown. Other
demographic information about the dogs is presented in Table 4.2. The characteristic
examined is listed in bold in the first column (e.g., castration status), subcategories of the
characteristic (e.g., male, female) are listed in the second and, as necessary, third columns
(e.g., spayed, intact, not reported). The number of dogs (out of 151) identified as fitting
each category is listed in the column titled “Number of dogs”. The sample of 151 dogs
was relatively diverse. Approximately half (51.7%) of the dogs were male. The majority
(119, or 78.8%) are castrated, but intact animals are also represented. Both purebred and
mixed-breed dogs are included in the sample, with 41 different breeds included in the
purebred portion of the sample. Labrador Retrievers are strongly represented; 20 are
including, making up approximately 13% of the sample. This large number of Labrador
Retrievers is representative of both the population in general and of dog personality
research (see Chapter 2). I also examined whether the dogs had any disabilities or health
issues, whether the dogs had bitten a person, what sort of role they played in their
owners’ lives (e.g., pet, guide dog), and what dog sports they were in. The collective
demographic information presented in Table 4.2 suggests the 151-dog sample included a
wide variety of dogs who differed along many dimensions. It is likely that these dogs also
differ in terms of their personalities. For example, some of the dogs serve as guide dogs
or certified Animal Assistance Therapy dogs and are thus likely to be friendly towards
people and other animals and show stable behavior patterns, but other dogs are guard
dogs or compete in dog sports that require a willingness to bite people (e.g., Schutzhund).
Table 4.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 1
Number of dogs
Male 78 (51.7%)
Female 73 (48.3%)
Unreported 0
Males Neutered 61 (40.4%)
Intact 17 (11.3%)
Unreported 0
Females Spayed 58 (38.4%)
Intact 15 (9.9%)
Unreported 0
Unknown 7 (4.6%)
No (mixed) 50 (33.1%)
Yes 94 (62.9%)
Unreported 0
Bitten a
Unknown 4 (2.6%)
No 130 (86.1%)
Yes 15 (9.9%)
Unreported 2 (1.3%)
Disability and
Unilaterally deaf 0
Health issues
Bilaterally deaf 1 (.7%)
Blind in one eye 1 (.7%)
Blind in both eyes 1 (.7%)
Arthritic 15 (9.9%)
Hip dysplasia 7 (4.6%)
Elbow dysplasia 2 (1.3%)
Other disabilities 34 (22.5%)
Job or Role Pet/Companion
144 (95.3%)
Assistance dog
3 (2.0%)
Guide dog
Hearing ear dog
1 (.7%)
Medical assistance dog
2 (1.3%)
Search and rescue
1 (.7%)
Guard dog
12 (7.9%)
Animal Assisted Therapy
21 (13.9%)
Dam or sire for breeding
8 (5.3%)
Table 4.2 (Continued)
Number of dogs
Obedience 21 (13.9%)
Sledding 0
Carting 6 (3.9%)
Frisbee 5 (3.3%)
Earth dog 4 (2.6%)
Show/Conformation 12 (7.9%)
Schutzhund 2 (1.3%)
Agility 29 (19.2%)
Herding (competitive) 4 (2.6%)
Flyball 2 (1.3%)
Hunting 8 (5.3%)
Total number of dogs
Note. The sum of the number of dogs who participate in sports will not equal the total
number of dogs in the study; some dogs are not in sports, and others are in multiple.
Similarly, participants may consider a dog to be both a pet/companion and to have
another job or role (e.g., assistance dog, search and rescue dog).
Item Re-examination and Revision
Difficult to interpret
Because one of my goals was to design a questionnaire that participants find easy
to understand, I examined the items participants indicated were difficult to interpret. To
be assured that I was not using feedback from participants who over-used the “difficult to
interpret” option, I looked to see if there were any participants who indicated a
particularly high number of items as difficult to interpret. I decided to remove any
participants who used this option on more than 10%, or 36, of the 360 items. I then
examined items that a large percentage of participants indicated were difficult to
interpret. I set a high threshold for items to be included in the questionnaire without
undergoing this scrutiny, requiring all items marked as difficult to interpret by 5% or
more of participants to be re-examined. Only if 95% (or more) of participants did not
indicate an item was difficult to interpret did I presume the item was readily understood.
At this threshold, 25 of the 360 items had to be re-examined. Six researchers
independently examined the difficult-to-interpret items, generated possible re-wordings
of each, and then consensually reworded the items. When rewording items, the objective
was to use more precise and simpler language, and also to provide example behaviors.
For example, 39 participants indicated that “Dog is reacting to coming into physical
contact with objects” was difficult to interpret. I therefore reworded the item to “Dog is
easily startled by unexpected contact with objects (e.g., tripping, brushing against a
Of the 25 items included for revision, seven (28%) were from a pool of items
modeled after the human Conscientiousness factor, drawn from the BFI (e.g., John,
1990). Of all of the items in the original 1,284-item DPQ item pool, these seven were the
only ones modeled after items used to assess Conscientiousness in human personality
research, or, indeed, posited to assess Conscientiousness. The items proved quite difficult
to reword, in part because providing example behaviors to illustrate them was
challenging. For example, “Dog does things efficiently” was reworded to “Dog achieves
tasks (e.g., fetches objects) quickly and easily.” However, the finding that it was difficult
for participants to interpret traditional Conscientiousness-related items with respect to
their dogs is consistent with Gosling and John’s (1999) suggestion that Conscientiousness
does not appear as a separate personality dimension in species other than humans,
chimpanzees, and possibly other closely related apes.
Free-response suggestions
A similar method was used to examine free-response feedback given by the
participants. First, I compiled all of the free-response feedback, separate from all other
data provided by each participant. Next, four researchers examined each free response
independently. These researchers aimed to extract information on how the participant felt
the questionnaire could be improved, how the participant felt about the questionnaire,
whether anything was missing from the questionnaire, and so on. After completing this
step independently, the four researchers collaborated to generate a list of the suggestions
and feedback generated from these free responses. Two dog personality researchers
reviewed the list and decided how to modify the questionnaire items. For example, many
participants suggested adding items pertaining to how aware dogs are of their owners and
how much their behavior is affected by their owners. To resolve the issue of whether this
topic was adequately covered in the questionnaire, I tried to make certain that questions
about how socially attentive dogs were to their owners (e.g., “When in the home, dog
follows owner/family member from room to room,” “Dog is easily influenced by owner
without being given direct commands or cues,” Dog is attentive to actions and words of
its owner”) were included and that each was clear (i.e., not marked as “difficult to
interpret,” or carefully revised if they had been).
At the end of Study 1, the questionnaire retained 360 items, 25 of which had been
revised for clarity. In addition, instructions that dogs need not display any or all example
behaviors to be rated high on an item were emphasized. Items that had been marked as
“not applicable” and the “not applicable” response option were retained for further
examination in the next study.
In Study 1, 151 participants rated their dogs on a 360-item questionnaire and gave
feedback on how easily interpreted and generally applicable the 360 items were. Because
the goal of this study was to make certain that items were readily understood by lay dog
owners, items that were marked as difficult to understand by 5% or more of the
participants were re-examined. At this threshold, 25 items were reworded to be more
precise and to have simpler phrasing.
Study 2: Factor Structure Identification
The goals of Study 2 were to determine the number of factors underlying the
behaviors and characteristics assessed in the DPQ, to identify the facets of each trait, to
begin to reduce the number of items in the questionnaire from 360 to a more practical
length and to assess the stability of the factor solution.
To determine the factors in the original questionnaire, I used EFA (PCA, varimax
rotation) on data collected from a new, larger sample. I then selected the number of
factors based on the convergence of four criteria. I then sought to assess the repeatability
of the factor solution and to evaluation the adequacy of the solution to the Study 2 data
by performing an EFA on one half of the data with 353 items, then fitting the derived
model to the second half of the data. The model was fit using SEM to perform CFA and
was evaluated with a number of fit indices.
Once the factor model was confirmed, I sought to determine the number of facets
that composed each factor. I used EFA (PCA, promax rotation) on the whole dataset,
separately analyzing groups of items that loaded on each factor. I then selected the
number of facets in each factor based on three criteria.
Finally, to achieve the goal to have a shorter and more manageable questionnaire,
I evaluated each item in terms of its contribution to the content validity of the scale and
the questionnaire, its loadings on factor and facet scales, and its contribution to the
internal consistency the scale onto which it loaded. A total of 102 items were retained for
further evaluation in Study 3.
To assess the replicability of the factor solution within Study 2 with the newly
trimmed item list, I divided the sample in half for a new EFA and then CFA. With the
first half of the data, I performed an EFA and selected the number of factors based on the
three criteria used in the previous EFA of the same data. I performed a CFA using SEM
to fit the five-factor model from the first half of the data to the second half of the data.
My intentions to use EFA in Study 2 dictated requirements of the sample
composition and size. Specifically, a large and diverse sample was needed. There are two
major risks to having a homogeneous sample or few participants: (1) the sample may not
be representative of the intended population, and (2) chance can substantially influence
correlations among items when the ratio of participants to items is low, creating unstable
patterns of covariation and leading to factor structures that do not generalize to new
samples (DeVellis, 2003; Worthington & Whittaker, 2006).
Gorsuch (1997) addressed sample composition, claiming that it is not necessary
for the sample to closely represent the intended population, if individuals who would
score high and low on the scale are well represented. If participants share certain
characteristics (e.g., sex, age, race), even very large samples may not control for the
systematic variance produced by these characteristics. Thus, in the current study it was
important to recruit a heterogeneous sample, and also to verify that the sample was
diverse before conducting EFA.
There are many recommendations for determining sample size requirements
based on study design, most of which err on the side of recommending larger sample
sizes. Large sample sizes are needed in questionnaire development research so that
variance that is introduced by specific participants might be cancelled out (i.e., by
random effects that tend to occur in large samples; e.g., Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
Recommendations have been based on sample size alone (e.g., an excellent sample
comprises 1,000 participants; Comrey, 1973), on the ratio of participant number to items
(e.g., ratios of 5-10 participants per item are adequate, Gorsuch, 1983; ratios of fewer
than 3 participants per item are inadequate, Reise et al., 2000), and item communalities
and ratios of items to factors (e.g., Guadagnoli & Velicer, 1988; MacCallum et al., 1999).
In Study 2, I elected to be conservative by using a large sample size, seeking a ratio of at
least 10 participants per item for the first EFA (performed on the whole sample), or a
total of at least 3,600 participants in the whole sample.
A new group of participants, drawn from the same population as those who took
part in Study 1 (but not including any participants who had taken part in Study 1), filled
out the questionnaire online for Study 2. These volunteer participants responded to the
online questionnaire between August, 2005, and January, 2006. A total of 4,105 cases
were compiled; initial analyses (described below) refined the dataset to 3,737
Materials and Procedures
The procedure for Study 2 was identical to that for Study 1, and using web-based
data collection afforded the same advantages. The questionnaire for Study 2 had the same
four parts as for Study 1, modified as per the feedback from participants from Study 1. As
in Study 1, the questionnaire in Study 2 included the accidental repetition of the item
“Dog is anxious” for a total of 361 items.
It was necessary to refine the data sample and examine it for errors prior to
analysis. First, I removed duplicated cases in which participants had filled out the
questionnaire more than once (either about the same dog or about different dogs). In the
case that a single participant filled out the questionnaire about two different dogs, I
retained the questionnaire information that participant had completed first. This process
reduced the dataset from 4,105 to 3,830 participants.
Second, I examined the frequency of responses for each questionnaire item to
check for possible errors in saving the data (i.e., items for which there was only one
response saved from all participants). No anomalies were found in the dataset, though
responses to each item were not regularly distributed (i.e., responses to some items were
positively or negatively skewed).
Third, I examined the number of participants who had left items blank. I removed
79 of the 3,830 participants because they had failed to respond to 10 or more
(approximately 3%) of the items; they had neither rated their dog on these items, nor
indicated the item was “not applicable”. The resulting dataset contained 3,751 unique
Fourth, I examined participants’ use of the “not applicable” response to items. I
examined use of this response by both items and by participants. I removed 14 of the
3,751 participants from the dataset because they indicated that more than 20% of the
items were not applicable. Because of the frequency of this response to items about
aggression and other socially undesirable behaviors, I think it is possible some of these
participants misunderstood my directions and used the “not applicable” response in place
of “strongly disagree” when they believed an item did not describe their dogs. Removal
of these datasets resulted in retaining the data from 3,737 participants.
Sample demographics
Demographic information for the 3,737 participants in Study 2 is presented in
Table 5.1. As in Study 1, both male and female dog owners were represented, but men
made up the minority (15.9%, or 595 men). The average reported age of participants was
43 years, with a standard deviation of 12 years; 29 participants did not report their ages.
The majority of participants were from the U.S., though Canada, Australia, and the
United Kingdom (U.K.) were also represented. Every U.S. state was represented in the
sample, though there were only two participants from North Dakota and three
participants from Delaware. Likely due to the increased attention the questionnaire
received after a related story in The Des Moines Register, a large number of participants
(663) were from Iowa. Large numbers of participants also came from New York (435)
and from Texas (371). In addition, 51 participants reported that they were native English
speakers but currently living outside those four countries. Slightly less than 10% (N =
370) of the 3,737 participants reported having dog-related careers (e.g., 138 were dog
trainers or behaviorists, 38 were veterinarians). The mean number of dogs each
participant had owned in his or her lifetime, previous to the current dog or dogs but
including childhood family dogs, was 5.3, though the number was highly variable (s.d. =
3.5). On average, the participants each currently owned 2.3 dogs (s.d. = 1.3).
Table 5.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 2
Study 2
Sex (dog owner)
Male 595 (15.9%)
Female 3,142 (84.1%)
Age (dog owner)
Mean 43
standard deviation 12
Age not reported 29 (.8%)
Country of residence
U.S. 3,447 (92.2%)
Canada 150 (4%)
Australia 39 (1%)
U.K. 46 (1.2%)
Other (Native language is English) 51 (1.4%)
Country of residence not reported 4 (.1%)
Dog-related careers
Breeder and/or Exhibitor 139 (3.7%)
Trainer and/or Behaviorist 138 (3.7%)
Dog rescue worker/volunteer 27 (.7%)
Veterinarian 38 (1%)
Groomer 10 (.3%)
Kennel/Daycare owner or employee 14 (.4%)
Assistance dog partner 4 (.1%)
Mean (s.d.)
Number of dogs owned
Past (mean; s.d.) 5.3 (3.5)
Number not reported 0
Currently 2.3 (1.3)
Number not reported 0
Total number of participants 3,737
As in Study 1, it was also important to confirm that a diverse sample of target
dogs was assessed in Study 2. I examined the composition of the sample in terms of the
same characteristics that I examined in Study 1. In Study 2, the dogs’ average age was
slightly older: 5.9 (s.d. = 3.6) with all but four dogs’ ages reported (those dogs’ ages were
reported as “unknown”). Other demographic information about the dogs is presented in
Table 5.2. The number of dogs (out of the 3,737 retained in Study 2) identified as fitting
each category is listed in the column titled “Number of dogs”. The sample of 3,737 dogs
appears to be relatively diverse. Approximately half (50.8%) of the dogs are male. The
majority (82.0%, or 3,049 of the 3,717 whose castration status was reported) were
castrated, but intact animals were also represented (N = 656). Purebred dogs (N = 2,703),
mixed-breed dogs (N = 883), and dogs whose breeding was unknown (N = 94) were
included in the sample, with 182 breeds represented in the purebred portion of the
sample. As in Study 1, Labrador Retrievers are the breed represented in the largest
number; 195 Labradors are included, composing approximately 5% of the sample.
I also looked at whether the dogs had any disabilities or health issues, whether the
dogs had bitten a person, what sort of role they played in their owners’ lives (e.g., pet,
guide dog), and what dog sports they were in. No cumulative total is presented for the
number of dogs who participate in sports, because many of these dogs participate in a
more than one sport. A large number of dogs serve as Animal Assisted Therapy dogs (N
= 506), or compete in agility (N = 624), formal obedience (N = 524), and/or in American
Kennel Club conformation (N = 520), reflecting these activities’ and competitions’
current popularity, especially among dog enthusiasts. The demographic information
about the dogs in Study 2 suggested that they compose a diverse sample, satisfactory for
Table 5.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 2
Number of dogs
Male 1,897 (50.8%)
Female 1,828 (48.9%)
Unreported 12 (.3%)
Males Neutered 1,469 (39.3%)
Intact 421 (11.3%)
Unreported 7 (.2%)
Females Spayed 1,580 (42.3%)
Intact 235 (6.3%)
Unreported 13 (.3%)
Unknown 94 (2.5%)
No (mixed) 883 (23.6%)
Yes 2,703 (72.3%)
Unreported 57 (1.5%)
Bitten a
Unknown 123 (3.3%)
No 3,152 (84.3%)
Yes 447 (12.0%)
Unreported 15 (.4%)
Disability and
Unilaterally deaf 6 (.2%)
Health issues
Bilaterally deaf 51 (1.4%)
Blind in one eye 21 (.6%)
Blind in both eyes 24 (.6%)
Arthritic 306 (8.2%)
Hip dysplasia 201 (5.4%)
Elbow dysplasia 56 (1.5%)
Other disabilities 728 (19.5%)
Job or Role Pet/Companion
3,648 (97.6%)
Assistance dog
66 (1.8%)
Guide dog 19 (.5%)
Hearing ear dog 19 (.5%)
Medical assistance dog 28 (.7%)
Search and rescue
31 (.8%)
Guard dog
413 (11.1%)
Animal Assisted Therapy
506 (13.5%)
Dam or sire for breeding
301 (8.1%)
Table 5.2 (Continued)
Number of dogs
Obedience 524 (14.0%)
Sledding 16 (.4%)
Carting 56 (1.5%)
Frisbee 127 (3.4%)
Earth dog 55 (1.5%)
Show/Conformation 520 (13.9%)
Schutzhund 36 (1.0%)
Agility 624 (16.7%)
Herding (competitive) 210 (5.6%)
Flyball 120 (3.2%)
Hunting 195 (5.2%)
Total number of dogs
Note. The sum of the number of dogs who participate in sports will not equal the total
number of dogs in the study; some dogs are not in sports, and others are in multiple.
Similarly, participants may consider a dog to be both a pet/companion and to have
another job or role (e.g., assistance dog, search and rescue dog).
Item refinement
I examined the items in terms of the percentage of the retained 3,737 participants
who indicated each item was “not applicable”. Because I have the goal of designing a
questionnaire that is broadly applicable with items that are descriptive for the majority of
dogs, I opted to remove items that were indicated as not applicable by 20% or more of the
3,737 participants. This resulted in the removal of eight items, leaving 352 items (or 353
items if the two appearances of “Dog is anxious” are counted as two items). Items that
were removed are listed in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3 Items removed from the 360-item pool due to narrow applicability
Item text
who marked
item as “not
Dog likes to chase livestock. 1,736 (46.5%)
Dog exhibits less aggression towards objects or situations after repeated exposure to them. 1,060 (28.4%)
Dog is quick to calm down after showing aggression. 1,029 (27.5%)
Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges) when an unfamiliar person
threatens a family member. 947 (25.3%)
Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges) towards large animals (e.g.,
horses, cattle). 916 (24.5%)
Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles) towards large animals (e.g.,
horses, cattle). 865 (23.2%)
Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges) when cornered by an
unfamiliar child.
798 (21.4%)
When off leash and away from home, dog barks at bicycles, children running, or joggers. 778 (20.8%)
Part 1: Exploratory Factor Analysis
In the first phase of Study 2, my goal was to assess and identify the major
dimensions underlying the personality ratings through EFA (PCA, varimax rotation) on
the participants’ ratings of their dogs. My analyses were exploratory so I made no
specific predictions concerning the number of factors that would emerge. However, I had
no reason to believe that one primary (or principal) factor would account for the majority
of the variance in the data, so varimax rotation was the most appropriate choice (Hetzel,
1996). The primary reason for using EFA is that it allows items to be related to any of the
factors underlying participants’ responses. It also helps in the process of item reduction
because it enables the researcher to identify items that do not measure an intended factor
or that measure more than one factor at once (i.e., items that are not univocal). These
traits may be poor indicators of the construct being measured and can be eliminated from
the questionnaire in the process of shortening it.
As noted above, as a part of my selection procedures I included participants who
had left questionnaire items blank. However, when items that were left blank and items
that were marked as “not applicable” were both treated as missing data, most participants
had at least one missing data point. Indeed, only 342 cases were entirely complete. The
mean number of missing data points per participant when items left blank and items
marked as “not applicable” were combined was 8.6 (2.3%), with 72.5% of participants
having 10 or fewer missing data points. In the cases where data were missing, I used
mean substitution.
Before proceeding with the EFA, I needed to assess the sampling adequacy to
make certain that the data were amenable to EFA. Having an adequate sample size
addresses one aspect of this issue, but another is the magnitude of correlations between
variables, as displayed in the correlation matrix. Bartlett’s (1950) test of sphericity is a
very common test used for this purpose; it estimates the probability that the correlations
in the matrix are 0. Unfortunately, Bartlett’s test of sphericity is largely dependent on
sample size such that it is likely to be significant for large samples even when
correlations in the matrix are small (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). To avoid this problem,
Tabachnick and Fidell (2001) recommend using Bartlett’s test of sphericity only if the
ratio of participants to items is less than 5:1. In Study 2, the ratio of participants to items
is greater than 10:1, so Bartlett’s test of sphericity is likely to be inflated and
inappropriate. Indeed Bartlett’s test was significant (approximate χ
= 522368, df =
62128, p < .001). Instead, I relied on the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of
sampling adequacy. The KMO indicates the extent to which a correlation matrix contains
factors vs. chance correlations by looking at the relationship between partial correlations
and the sum of squared correlations. If two variables share a common underlying factor
with other variables, the two variablespartial correlation with be small. In order for a
sample to be adequate for factor analysis, the KMO value (which ranges from 0 to 1)
must be high. If factor analysis is conducted on a correlation matrix with a high KMO,
the factors extracted will account for a large amount of the variance in among the
variables. But what does “high” mean in this context? Conservative cut-offs suggest at
least .6 (e.g., Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). The KMO associated with the correlation
matrix for the data in Study 2 was .95, indicating that the matrix was good for EFA.
There are many rules for determining the number of underlying factors in a
dataset. Many of these rules lead to severe over-extraction (i.e., extracting too many
factors), especially in datasets with large numbers of items. This tendency for over-
extraction is partially due to the fact that many of the extraction rules were developed for
analyses based on much smaller numbers of items, before computers facilitated analyses
with large samples and large numbers of items (Zwick & Velicer, 1982). To illustrate the
severity of the over-extraction problem, consider what happens when the popular Kaiser
eigenvalue rule is applied in the present data. The Kaiser rule, in which components with
eigenvalues greater than one are retained (Kaiser, 1960; Velicer & Jackson, 1990),
suggests retaining 72 factors. Extracting 72 factors results in 12 components consisting of
just one item each and numerous very small factors that are highly related to one another.
For example, one three-item factor includes “Dog’s behavior is predictable,” “Dog is
highly predictable,” and “Dog behaves consistently across different situations” but
excludes the closely related item “Dog’s behavior varies from situation to situation (e.g.,
dog is quiet when others are quiet but more excited when invited to play),” which forms
its own single-item factor.
Similarly, far too many factors would be retained using parallel analyses of Monte
Carlo simulations (Horn, 1965), another common method for determining the number of
factors to retain (e.g., Lance et al., 2006). Parallel analyses of Monte Carlo simulations
provide a comparison standard in terms of the eigenvalues that would be expected were
the data purely random with no underlying structure. In using this method, only those
factors that have eigenvalues greater than their randomly derived counterparts are
retained. In the present data, the parallel analyses of one-hundred independent Monte
Carlo simulations suggested retaining 42 factors. Clearly, such rules are not appropriate
for meeting my goal of identifying the major dimensions underlying dog personality.
I therefore sought convergence across a number of other methods better suited to
the large number of participants and items in my sample: A graphical scree test (Cattell,
1966), factor replicability across items and samples, a top-down method in which
correlations between orthogonal factor scores from different factor solutions are viewed
as path coefficients in a hierarchical structure (Goldberg, 2006), and interpretability of
the solutions (see Zwick & Velicer, 1986; Worthington & Whittaker, 2006). Each method
and associated conclusions are elaborated below.
The scree test is based on a graphic plot of the eigenvalues of the factors; only
those factors above a noticeable break or elbow” in the line joining the eigenvalues,
after which the values tend to level off horizontally, are retained. Interpretation of the
scree plot suggested retaining four or five factors (see Figure 5.1).
Figure 5.1. Scree plot of eigenvalues for 353 items (N = 3,737)
Scree plot for 353 items (N = 3,737)
1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 181 201 221 241 261 281 301 321 341
Number of factors
A valid factor solution should reflect an underlying factor structure that is not
contingent on the particular items tapping each factor. Thus, as long as the item pool is
sufficiently broad to capture the full range of relevant behaviors, the same factor structure
should be obtained regardless of the specific items used. Therefore, to test the
replicability of the four and five-factor solutions I divided the item pool into non-
overlapping item sets, repeated the factor analysis, and examined the convergence across
solutions. Specifically, I broke the pool of questionnaire items into three randomly
selected subsets of 117, 117, and 118 items, and into four randomly selected subsets of 88
items each. (One occurrence of the item “Dog is anxious” was randomly selected to be
included in the questionnaire item pool for these analyses, yielding a total of 352 items
divided into the three and four subsets.) I performed PCA on each subset and saved each
participant’s factor scores resulting in 63 factor scores per participant (i.e., 28 scores for
the four-factor solutions [seven four-factor solutions] and 35 scores for the five-factor
solution [seven five-factor solutions]). To determine the degree to which the major
factors replicated across the different item subsets, I examined the correlations among
individuals’ factor scores. If the factors replicated, then a pattern of strong convergent
correlations (between the factors that were replicated across solutions) and weak
discriminant correlations will emerge. As shown in Table 5.4, there was strong evidence
that both the four and the five-factor solutions are robust: Across seven replications of the
four-factor solution, the mean convergent correlation was .909 (based on 28 individual
correlations), much stronger than the mean discriminant correlation of .095 (based on 84
individual correlations).
Across seven replications of the five-factor solution, the mean convergent
correlation was .849 (based on 35 individual correlations), much stronger than the mean
discriminant correlation of .127 (based on 140 individual correlations). It should be
noted, however, that these convergent and discriminant correlations are inflated because
each item in the data subsets also appears in the whole dataset.
Table 5.4. Convergent and discriminant correlations for the 4- and the 5-factor solutions
Data divided in thirds Data divided in quarters
1 2 3 1 2 3 4
.951 .957 .948 .946 .921 .908 .958
.947 .960 .934 .953 .915 .924 .946
.923 .758 .884 .838 .672 .925 .877
.934 .675 .89 .856 .667 .913 .897
convergent corr. .940 .889 .918 .911 .832 .918 .927
discriminant corr.
.924 .930 .943 .953 .907 .901 .957
.839 .761 .811 .896 .75 .829 .885
.933 .738 .756 .792 .798 .827 .930
.893 .727 .741 .765 .867 .717 .919
.548 .824 .869 .847 .564 .692 .774
convergent corr. .865 .814 .843 .869 .803 .807 .908
Whole dataset (all items)
discriminant corr.
.121 .090
Note. All values are absolute values. Fisher’s r-to-z transformation was used to convert
all original correlations to z scores before averaging; means reported here have been
converted back to r.
Each of these mean discriminant correlations is the average of 12 correlations (not
Each of these mean discriminant correlations is the average of 20 correlations (not
By this point, the two methods pointed to between four and five major dimensions
underlying the personality ratings. But was it four or five? How could this ambiguity be
resolved? The third and fourth methods for examining the factor structure illuminated the
reason for the lack of clarity. Specifically, Goldberg’s hierarchical tree analysis,
supported by the interpretability of the solutions, showed that there were four basic
factors underlying the data, but one of those factors was a super-factor, itself comprising
two major, related but separable dimensions.
The principle behind Goldberg’s hierarchical tree analysis is based on what
happens when too few or too many factors are extracted. When too few factors have been
extracted, factors that are separate are forced together statistically; as a result, when
additional factors are extracted, major new factors appear that show substantial
differences from their parent factors. When too many factors have been extracted, factors
that are not separate are forced apart statistically; as a result, when additional factors are
extracted, minor new factors appear but the major factors remain essentially unchanged
from their parent factors. Thus, Goldberg’s technique utilizes a hierarchical tree structure
for examining the degree to which the factors in an N-solution (i.e., the parent solution,
or a row in the hierarchical tree) statistically resemble the factors in an (N+1)-solution
(i.e., the child solution, of the next row down in a hierarchical tree). The ideal solution is
found where the major factors stop breaking apart into major factors when a larger
number of factors are extracted.
The hierarchical tree is presented in Figure 5.2. The factors in each row are
presented in an order corresponding to the amount of variance for which each factor
accounts, with descending variance associated with factors as from left to right. For
example, in the three-factor solution, factor 3/1 accounts for the most variance, then 3/2,
then 3/3. Correlations between factor are presented along the arrows connecting those
factors. To ease interpretability, only correlations of .60 or greater were included. As a
result, some factors are not shown to be correlated with factors from the previous (higher)
level of the tree. To further facilitate interpretability, each factor was assigned a
descriptive label, which is presented in the box representing that factor. These labels were
generated by having two personality experts examine the factor structures for every
solution (i.e., the 2 factor solution, the 3 factor solution) and then examine the
relationships between the factor structures as presented in the hierarchical tree. At least
one of the dimensions (labeled as Fearfulness) seems similar to a human dimension
(Neuroticism); in this case, the label “Fearfulness” was selected to avoid issues of
anthropomorphism and because it seemed more clearly descriptive of the items that
compose the factor. However, as in most factor-analytic research, Fearfulness and the
other labels employed are only broadly descriptive and inevitability fail to capture some
of the facets that make up each factor (John, 1990).
The hierarchical tree suggested a five-factor solution (see Figure 5.2). The factors
present when fewer (e.g., 3, 4) factors were extracted were not consistent through the
various lower or child levels of the tree. For example, the four-factor solution was
problematic because the second factor ([4/2] Aggression) subdivided into “Aggression to
people” (correlated .79) and “Aggression to dogs” (correlated .61) when five factors were
extracted. In contrast, all the factors from the five-factor solution are retained, essentially
unchanged, even when six or more factors are extracted. The factors in the five-factor
model are correlated with the first five factors in the six-factor solution at .92 (absolute
value) or higher. The hierarchical tree thus suggests five factors: Fearfulness (5/1),
Aggression towards People (5/2), Activity/Excitability (5/3), Responsiveness to Training
(5/4), and Aggression towards Animals (5/5). These five factors are presented in order of
descending variance accounted for.
Figure 5.2. Hierarchical structure of factor score correlations in 353-item Study 2 data set
Note. For clarity, only correlations of .60 and greater are included in the hierarchical tree.
Correlations of .80 or greater are indicated by boldface arrows.
10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/10 10/9
9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9
8/1 8/2 8/3
8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8
7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7
5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5
3/1 3/2 3/3
6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6
4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4
All Items
2/1 2/2
Good/Bad Activity
to Training
to Training
to People
to Animals
to Animals
to Animals
to Animals
to Animals
to Animals
to People
to People
to People
to People
to People
to Training
to Training
to Training
to Training
to Training
to Training
in People
Prey Drive
Prey Drive
Prey Drive
Finally, I examined the interpretability of the solutions. Conceptual
interpretability is a definitive criterion for retaining factors, despite being subjective (e.g.,
Worthington & Whittaker, 2006). In the end, a factor can only be retained if it is
interpretable, regardless of what the other criteria indicate. I extracted two- through ten-
factor solutions from each of the seven data subsets and inspected the specific item
loadings to make sure the factors were consistent with factors identified in the literature
(see Chapter 2) and with three experts’ understanding of dog behavior; these inspections
were conducted independently of the labeling of factors in hierarchical tree. Assessment
of the factor solutions’ interpretability confirmed the findings of the other extraction
methods (i.e., those using the whole dataset), pointing to four or five factors. In the three-
factor solution, items that do not intuitively belong together loaded on the same factor
(e.g., “Dog learns readily” and “Dog is timid”). Also, in the three-factor solution there are
many items that are not univocal; these items (e.g., “Dog is anxious,” “Dog reacts
appropriately to various situations”) load strongly on more than one factor, suggesting
that more factors needed to be extracted. In solutions with six or more factors, some of
the factors were difficult to interpret and appeared composed of unrelated items (e.g.,
“Dog likes to chase squirrels, birds, and other small animals” and “Dog tends to be
independent” from the nine-factor solution).
The interpretability exercise was useful in illuminating the reason why both the
four- and five-factor solutions were supported across methods and was consistent with
the findings of the hierarchical tree shown in Figure 5.2. Specifically, these analyses
showed that the structure consists of four basic factors: Fearfulness, Aggression,
Responsiveness to training, and Activity/Energy. However, the Aggression factor was
composed of two major factors: Aggression towards Animals and Aggression towards
People. The four-factor solution makes sense because it combines these two components
of aggression, which are conceptually and empirically related to each other. However, the
five-factor solution also makes sense because the two components are also readily
separated. The five-factor solution also divides the items that load onto the factors
Responsiveness to Training and Activity/Excitability such that the two factors each
consist of items that are more clearly related. In the four-factor solution, the
corresponding factors are labeled “Responsiveness to Training” and “Activity/Energy.”
The difference between Activity/Energy and Activity/Excitability is that the latter, from
the five-factor solution, includes items describing a dog being very active in response to a
stimulus (e.g., a person’s arriving at the dog’s home, a doorbell’s ringing) instead of
simple high energy (e.g., the opposite of lethargy).
Given my goal to create a practical assessment instrument, I decided to proceed
with the five-factor solution because the added fidelity could be of substantial practical
and scientific significance for the many cases in which the two forms of aggression need
to be separated.
I extracted five factors using PCA with varimax rotation. The resulting rotated
solution is presented in Appendix A and serves as the basis for characterizing the five
The first of the five factors comprises a total of 99 items (100, if “Dog is anxious”
is counted twice) with absolute factor loadings ranging from .141 to .721. Items that
loaded strongly on this factor include “Dog is fearful” (.721), “Dog is timid” (.712), “Dog
is nervous” (.697), “Dog is shy” (.662), “Dog is confident” (-.653), “Dog remains calm in
stressful situations” (-.562), and “Dog adapts easily to new situations and environments”
(-.538). Six of the first nine items are short trait descriptions (e.g., “Dog is shy”).
Collectively, the items that load strongly on this factor appear to be driven by fear and/or
emotional instability, and thus I labeled the factor for one end of that dimension,
The second factor is composed of 66 items, with absolute factor loadings ranging
from .229 to .716. The twelve strongest items that load on this factor load in the same
direction (positively) and are all explicitly associated with Aggression towards People.
These items include “Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges)
towards unfamiliar women” (.716), “Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth,
growls, lunges) towards unfamiliar men” (.697), and “Dog exhibits aggressive behavior
(e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges) when directly approached by an unfamiliar person”
(.693). The strongest negatively loading items are “Dog is friendly” (-.588), “Dog is
friendly towards unfamiliar men” (-.540), and “Dog is not aggressive” (-.490). Taken
together these items appear to measure an underlying dimension of aggression, and the
first twelve indicate that it is aggression specifically targeting people. In addition, the
combination of aggression and friendliness towards people on a single factor suggests
that these are opposites (i.e., that aggression’s opposite may not be lack of aggression, but
actual overt friendliness). The inclusion of general items such as “Dog is not aggressive”
and “Dog is friendly” on this factor may indicate that when people provide a general
rating of whether a dog is aggressive, they are weighting the dog’s behavior with people
more than the dog’s behavior with other animals. The factor is labeled “Aggression
towards People”.
The third factor is composed of 86 items with absolute factor loadings ranging
from .121 to .678. Items associated with the strongest absolute loadings include “Dog is
energetic” (.678), “Dog is active during play with people” (.654), “Dog is active” (.650),
and “Dog is very excitable during play with toys” (.633). The first 28 items on this factor
loaded in one direction (positively), and only eleven load negatively. Some of the items
that load negatively are “Dog is lethargic” (-.446), “Dog gets bored in play quickly” (-
.379), and “Dog tends to be calm” (-.362). Other items that load on this factor describe
specific behaviors (e.g., “Dog chases after thrown objects [e.g., sticks, balls, or toys]”).
Together, the items on this factor seem to be driven by an underlying characteristic of
activity, energy, playfulness, and excitability. I labeled the factor “Activity/Excitability”.
The fourth factor is composed of 55 items with absolute factor loadings ranging
from .127 to .631. Items associated with the strongest absolute loadings on this factor
include “Dog is responsive to training, readily trained” (-.631), “Dog is easy to train” (-
.616), “Dog learns readily” (-.607), “Dog is willing and able to react to signals and cues
from the handler” (-.596), and “Dog is slow to respond to corrections” (.589). The
majority of items that load onto this factor are about learning, responding to cues from
the handler, and obedience, so I labeled the factor “Responsiveness to Training”.
The fifth and final factor comprises 46 items with absolute factor loadings ranging
from .088 to .651. The two strongest items to load on the factor have loadings of equal
magnitude but opposite valence: “Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar dogs” (-.651) and
“While on leash, dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges)
towards unfamiliar large dogs” (.651). A separate item that differed only in the size of the
unfamiliar dog (“small” vs. “large”) had a similar loading of .644. A majority of the items
that load strongly on this factor describe dogs’ being aggressive or pushy in their
interactions with other dogs, while some also describe dogs’ displaying aggressive
behavior towards other animals (e.g., “Dog kills other animals [e.g., squirrels, rabbits,
birds]”). Seven of the items loading on this factor describe dogs’ being friendly or playful
with other dogs. Taken together, these items indicate that the factor is driven by
underlying tendencies to be aggressive or friendly towards dogs and other animals.
Part 2: Split-sample EFA and CFA with 353 items
For a factor solution to be generalizable, it is vital that it is stable. In the current
section of Study 2, and again in Part 5 of study 2, my goal was to determine whether the
five-factor model selected in the first phase of Study 2 replicates. In Part 2, the question
is whether the five-factor model is found again when half the data are analyzed by EFA,
and then how well that five-factor model fits the second half of the data. That is, how
well does the five-factor model replicate with the full selection of items, within the Study
2 data?
I divided the participant sample in half (first half, N = 1,868; second half, N =
1,869), then performed an EFA on half of the participants’ ratings of their dogs on the
353 items. I used SEM to perform CFA on the second half of the participants’ ratings of
their dogs. That is, I used SEM to fit the factor solution derived from the EFA of the first
half of the data to fit that factor solution to the second half of the data.
The EFA was performed using the same procedures as in Part 1 of Study 2; I used
PCA with varimax rotation, and I dealt with missing data points through mean
As in Part 1 of Study 2, before proceeding with the EFA, I needed to assess the
sampling adequacy to make certain that the data were amenable to EFA. This procedure
needed to be repeated because the sample in Part 2 of Study 2 utilized half the participant
sample. The ratio of participants to items is slightly greater than 5 : 1, which is relatively
low for factor analysis. However, because the ratio of participants to items in Part 2 of
Study 2 is slightly greater than 5:1, I relied again on the KMO measure of sampling
adequacy. Conservative cut-offs suggest that a KMO of at least .6 is adequate (e.g.,
Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). The KMO associated with the correlation matrix resulting
from half the data set for Study 2 (N = 1,868) is .934, indicating that the matrix was good
for EFA.
I used the convergence of three criteria (described in Part 1 of Study 2) to
determine the number of factors in the solution: the graphical scree test (Cattell, 1966),
the top-down method in which correlations between orthogonal factors scores from
different factor solutions are viewed as path coefficients in a hierarchical structure
(Goldberg, 2006), and interpretability of the solutions (see Zwick & Velicer, 1986;
Worthington & Whittaker, 2006). Results from each method and associated conclusions
are elaborated below.
Interpretation of the scree plot suggested retaining four or five factors; there is a
break in the values after four, and an elbow or bend appears after five.
Figure 5.3. Scree plot of eigenvalues for 353 items in half of Study 2 sample
Scree plot of 353 items (N = 1,868)
1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226 251 276 301 326 351
Number of factors
The hierarchical tree is presented in Figure 5.4. To ease interpretability, only
correlations of .60 or greater were included. As a result, some factors are not shown to be
correlated with factors from the previous (higher) level of the tree. To further facilitate
interpretability, each factor was assigned a descriptive label, which is presented in the
box representing that factor. These labels were generated by having two personality
experts examine the factor structures for every solution (i.e., the 2 factor solution, the 3
factor solution, etc.) and then examine the relationships between the factor structures as
presented in the hierarchical tree.
Figure 5.4. Hierarchical structure of factor score correlations in 353-item Study 2 data set
Note. For clarity, only correlations of .60 and greater are included in the hierarchical tree.
Correlations of .80 or greater are indicated by boldface arrows.
to Training
10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/10 10/9
9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9
8/1 8/2 8/3
8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8
7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7
5/1 5/2 5/3
3/1 3/2 3/3
6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6
4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4
All Items
2/1 2/2
-.52 .82
Good/Bad Activity/Energy
Low Control
to Training
to People
to Dogs
to Dogs
to Dogs
to Dogs
to People
to People
to People
to People
to People
to Training
to Training
to Training
to Training
to Training
to Dogs
to Dogs
Prey Drive
Prey Drive
Disinterest in
Prey Drive
Fear of
Fear of
Although there are subtle differences, the hierarchical tree presented in Figure 5.4
is relatively close replication of the tree derived in Part 1 of Study 2. Ultimately, the
hierarchical tree thus suggests five factors: Fearfulness (5/1), Activity/Excitability (5/2),
Aggression towards People (5/3), Responsiveness to Training (5/4), and Aggression
towards Animals (5/5).
Finally, I examined the interpretability of the solutions. I followed the same
procedures as outlined in Part 1 of Study 2, examining factor interpretability independent
of the hierarchical tree structure. The interpretability exercise closely duplicated that of
examining interpretability in Part 1 of Study 2 and resulted in the same five-factors
derived. These factors were ultimately labeled as they appear in the hierarchical tree:
Fearfulness, Activity/Excitability, Aggression towards People, Responsiveness to
Training, and Aggression towards Animals.
Across the three criteria, the supported factor solution is the same structure as was
derived in analysis of the whole sample. Next, the solution derived in this analysis was
used in a CFA performed on the second half of the data set, briefly described in the next
The most current approach to conducting CFA is to use SEM. SEM is a powerful
confirmatory technique because it provides the researcher with a lot of control over the
constraints placed on the items and factors when analyzing the hypothesized model.
Another benefit to using SEM is that it allows researchers to examine competing models
and assess the extent to which one model fits the data better than an alternative model
(Worthington & Whittaker, 2006). I used AMOS to conduct SEM, which enabled me to
compare the fit of various models.
Using SEM to perform CFA requires a large ratio of participants to parameters (or
items). The statistical theory underlying SEM implies large samples are needed to
provide parameter estimates (Bentler, 1995). If the samples are too small, there are two
major risks: (1) the SEM may not be able to be computed because the parameters cannot
be estimated (Bentler, 1995), and (2) idiosyncrasies in the sample can substantially
influence correlations among items, creating unstable patterns of covariation and leading
to unique factor structures (DeVellis, 2003). Various guidelines have been provided for
determining the required ratio of participants to parameters, based on the number of
participants, on items per factor, or on ratio of participants per item (Worthington &
Whittaker, 2006). It is unclear which guideline is best, because which is best depends on
the characteristics of the model being fit (e.g., items per factor, normality of the data,
strength of the relationship between the items and latent factors). Bentler and Chou
(1987) stated that researchers can use as few as five participants per parameter if the data
are normally distributed, no data are missing, and there are no outliers. Stevens (1996)
indicated that 15 participants per item is a good guideline. The conventional rule of
thumb recommends a range from five to 10 participants per parameter (e.g., Worthington
& Whittaker, 2006). In the current CFA, there are only 5.3 participants per parameter (N
= 1,869, parameters = 353).
However, number of participants per parameter is only one factor is determining
whether a sample is adequate for factor analysis. As in the EFA described above, I used
KMO to assess the adequacy of the sample for use in factor analysis. The KMO
associated with the correlation matrix for the derived from the second half of the Study 2
data, those to be used in the current CFA, is .932, greater than the cut-off of .6 for a
matrix to be acceptable for factor analysis (e.g., Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
Prior to conducting the CFA using SEM, a researcher must indicate (1) how many
factors are present, (2) which items are related to each factor, and (3) whether the factors
are correlated or uncorrelated. These issues were largely revealed through the EFAs
performed in previous phases of Study 2 (Part 1 and the previous phase of Part 2 of Study
2). For the current analyses, the fit of the five-factor model structure derived in Part 2 of
Study 2 was assessed; that is, which items were expected to load onto which factor were
determined in the EFA on the first half of the data in Study 2. The items predicted to load
on each factor were specified prior to CFA. In the EFA, I forced varimax rotation, which
focuses on “cleaning upthe factors so that they have high correlations with one set of
items and little or no correlation with other items (Stevens, 1996). Thus I will include the
assumption that the factors are uncorrelated in one CFA model. However, the challenge
in deciding between the four- and five-factor models was due to items that load onto the
five-factor model’s Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals being
related to one another and grouping as a single factor in the four-factor model. Thus, a
model in which Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals were
related was also fit. Furthermore, evidence suggests that aggression, particularly towards
people, is often fear-related, hence the terms fear-aggression and defensive aggression.
This suggests a relationship between the Fearfulness and Aggression towards People
factors, which was also added to the model in an additional analysis of fit.
After performing the CFA, the non-trivial task of evaluating the model fits
remained. The task is complicated because there is no single fit statistic with consistently
low Type I and Type II error rates across all conditions of model complexity, sample
size, item distribution, and so on (Recklitis et al., 2006). Most investigators rely on
multiple indices to evaluate model fit. Commonly used goodness-of-fit indices include
chi-square, the root mean square residual (RMR), the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), the
Bentler-Bonett non-normed fit index (NNFI; also called the Tucker-Lewis index, or TLI),
the comparative fit index (CFI), and the root mean square error of approximation
(RMSEA) with a corresponding 90% confidence interval, among others (e.g., Recklitis et
al., 2006; Worthington & Whittaker, 2006; Kline, 2005). Each goodness-of-fit index has
common guidelines for values indicating an acceptable model fit.
Chi-square is probably the most commonly used test statistic for assessing the
overall fit of a model in SEM (e.g., Recklitis et al., 2006). The chi-square statistic tests
the null hypothesis of a perfect model fit in which the residual covariance is zero. For a
model to be accepted as a good fit, the chi-square test statistic should not be significant.
Unfortunately, the chi-square test statistic is very sensitive to sample size (Jöreskog &
Sörbom, 1989; Bentler & Bonett, 1980; Recklitis et al., 2006) and to even small amounts
of unexplained variance (Bentler, 1990; Bollen & Long, 1992); as sample size increases,
so does the likelihood of rejecting an adequately fitting model. Consequently, with a
sample size that is large enough for conducting SEM for CFA, most models will have a
significant chi-square value (e.g., Recklitis et al., 2006). In fact, Carmines and Melver
(1981) have suggested that, for this type of analysis, a chi-square two to three times the
value of the associated degrees of freedom is acceptable. Because the chi-square is so
sensitive to sample size, I did not use it to evaluate model fit, but I reported it because it
is still commonly used and reported.
I depended more heavily on the other test statistics the RMR, GFI, NNFI, CFI,
and especially RMSEA to determine whether the five-factor model is a good fit and
whether the factors are better fit if correlated or uncorrelated. The better a model fits the
data, the smaller the RMR value will be. The GFI, which indicates the amount of
variance jointly accounted for by the model, ranges from 0 to 1 with values greater than
.85 generally considered to indicate an acceptable fit (see Jolliffe & Farrington, 2006).
The NNFI and CFI also range from 0 to 1, with higher values being better fits and values
greater than .9 generally being accepted (e.g., Recklitis et al., 2006). However, these two
incremental fit indices are used in particular to determine how much better a model fits
compared to an alternate model (e.g., Bollen, 1989). The NNFI and CFI values represent
the amount of covariance explained by the model and are considered appropriate for
larger samples (Bentler, 1990; Floyd & Widaman, 1995; MacCallum, 1990). RMSEA,
often called a badness-of-fit statistic, represents the covariance that is not explained by
the model. Smaller RMSEA values indicate a better model fit; values below .08 are
considered adequate and values less than .05 are considered good (Browne & Cudeck,
1992; Recklitis et al., 2006). The RMSEA is considered an appropriate test for use with
large samples because it is less affected by sample size than the chi-square test statistic
(Browne & Cudeck, 1992; Floyd & Widaman, 1995).
The fit indices associated with the three different models evaluated through CFA,
along with standard cut-offs for each index, are presented in Table 5.5. Examination of
the fit indices indicated that all three represented a good fit and can be accepted
according to RMSEA. Other indices (RMR, GFI, CFI, NNFI) show that including a
correlation between the Aggression towards Animals and the Aggression towards People
factors in the model is associated with improved model fit. Including a correlation
between Aggression towards Animals and the Aggression towards People factors and
between the Fearfulness and Aggression towards People factors in the model may be
associated with a slightly more improved fit.
Table 5.5 Confirmatory factor analysis of second half of Study 2 data (353 items)
Five-factor models
Fit Index Model fit estimate Standard cut-off
F corr AP
AP corr AA
F corr AP;
AP corr AA
df = 61,424,
p < .001
df = 61,423,
p < .001
df = 61,423,
df = 61,422,
RMR .305 .305 .303 .303 smaller indicates better fit
GFI .654 .675 .695 .710 >.85
CFI .554 .587 .577 .631 >.9; larger indicates better fit
NNFI .453 .498 .510 .552 >.9; larger indicates better fit
RMSEA .046
(lo = .046,
hi = .046)
(lo = .046,
hi = .046)
(lo = .046,
hi = .046)
(lo = .045,
hi = .046)
<.08 = adequate fit
<.05 = good fit
n/a F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
Note. F = Fearfulness, AP = Aggression towards People; AA = Aggression towards
Animals. The abbreviation “n/a” indicates that statistics are not applicable to the model in
that column, and “n.s.” indicates “not significant”.
Part 3: Determination of trait facets
In the third part of Study 2, I aimed to determine the facets of each of the five
factors by applying EFA (PCA with oblique [promax] rotation so that the factors on each
factor would be allowed to correlate) to the items comprising each factor. Items that
loaded comparably on multiple factors were included in the analysis only for the factor
on which they most strongly loaded, but were noted to have multiple comparable
loadings. This criterion was used for selecting items to analyze on each factor because
items that were not univocal were poor candidates for the final questionnaire. Therefore,
for example, the item “Dog likes to chase bicycles, joggers, or skateboarders” was
included only in the analysis of Aggression towards People, but was noted to load
comparably on Factor 2 (.259; Aggression towards People), Factor 3 (.224;
Activity/Excitability) and Factor 5 (.241; Aggression towards Animals). Notes of
comparable cross-loadings were later used to in assessing whether the removal of items
with multiple loadings comparable in size resulted in a reduction of content validity.
Two expert judges used the following criteria to determine the number of facets to
retain in each factor’s EFA: A graphical scree test (Cattell, 1966), a hierarchical tree
structure (Goldberg, 2006), and interpretability of the solutions (see Zwick & Velicer,
1986; Worthington & Whittaker, 2006). These criteria are described in detail in Part 1 of
the current study. The fourth criterion used in the EFA presented in Part 1 of this study,
replicability of the solution, was not used here because there were not enough items in
each factor to allow for subdividing the item sets and then repeating the analysis.
A major goal in conducting these analyses was to determine the facets of each
factor so that the facets could guide the selection of items to retain in the next step.
Therefore, when the scree plot (Cattell, 1966) and the hierarchical tree (Goldberg, 2006)
criteria did not clearly converge on the number of facets in a factor, the experts very
carefully considered the interpretability of the facets and based their decisions heavily on
interpretability. In doing so, they considered whether the items in each facet composed a
cohesive group, and whether the items composed a meaningful and useful facet (i.e., one
that people assessing canine personality might want or need to measure). Below, I briefly
describe each facet solution, including pattern matrix factor coefficients where useful to
illustrate the relationship between the item and facet; the pattern matrix loadings are best
understood as regression coefficients of the items on the facets. It should be noted that
not all of the items included in each facet can be retained in the final questionnaire, and
therefore not all of the items listed below appear in the final questionnaire.
The trait Fearfulness was determined to have four facets. Evaluation of the scree
plot (Cattell, 1966) indicated three facets, but evaluation of the hierarchical tree
(Goldberg, 2006) indicated four factors. In the four-facet solution, four conceptually
unique facets (Fear of People, Non-social Fear, Fear/Submission towards Dogs, and Fear
of Handling) emerged, whereas in the three-facet solution Non-social Fear and Fear of
Handling were combined. Because all four facets appeared to be conceptually distinct
and of potential use to dog personality assessors, the four-facet solution was preferable.
The first facet, Fear of People, is characterized by items such as “Dog exhibits fearful
behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles) towards unfamiliar women” and “Dog exhibits
fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles) towards familiar men”. The second
facet, Non-social Fear, is characterized by a dogs’ being able or unable to adapt to new
situations and remain calm in new and/or stressful situations. Items in the second facet of
Fearfulness include Dog is able to adapt to various types of situations” and “Dog is
fearful when walking near loud, heavy traffic”. The six of the central (strongest loading)
items on the third facet, Fear/Submission towards Dogs, describe fearful behavior in
situations that vary by whether the target dog is on- or off-leash, whether the other dog is
small or large, and whether the other dog is familiar or unfamiliar. Other items in this
facet describe dogs who are submissive towards other dogs, and dogs who are fearful
when other dogs greet or threaten them. Fear of Handling, the fourth facet, is
characterized by items describing fearful behavior during grooming (e.g., when toe nails
are trimmed), sensitivity to mild and moderate pain, and examination by a veterinarian.
Based on consensus among evaluation of the scree plot, hierarchical tree, and
interpretability, the trait Aggression towards People (Factor 2) was determined to have
two facets. The two facets describe Aggression towards People in general (e.g., “Dog
exhibits aggressive behavior [e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges] towards unfamiliar men,”)
and in reaction to specific situations (e.g., when stolen items are taken from the dog, the
dog is scolded). The two facets of Aggression towards People have been labeled
descriptively as General and Reactive Aggression towards People, but might also be
considered offensive and defensive or situational aggression.
The evaluation of the hierarchical tree and of the interpretability of facets
indicated that Factor 3, Activity/Excitability, was most cleanly divided into four facets.
The scree plot, however, indicated only two or three facets. Again, interpretability and
content validity implications were considered the most important criteria, and so four
facets were identified. The primary difference between the three- and four-facet solutions
is the separation of items about playfulness. In the three facet solution, they are divided
between the first and second facet, but in the four-facet solution playfulness-related items
form a distinct facet. The first facet is Excitability and is characterized by items such as
“Dog is boisterous,” “Dog is very excitable in play with other dogs,” and “Dog becomes
wildly excited when owner returns home.” The second facet is Playfulness, which is
comprised of items such as “Dog chases after thrown objects (e.g., sticks, balls, or toys)”
and “Dog enjoys play fighting or playing roughly.” The third facet is Active Engagement
and is characterized by items describing dogs’ physical activity level and their interest in
their environments. For example, items comprising this facet include “Dog is lethargic”
and “Dog is very alert, watchful (e.g., monitors yard for squirrels, monitors noises around
the home.” The fourth and final facet of Activity/Excitability is Companionability. This
facet includes items pertinent dogs’ interest in spending time with people (e.g., “Dog
seeks companionship with people,” “Dog follows people around”) and how affectionate
the dogs are (e.g., “Dog seeks affection from family members,” “Dog often expresses
affection”). The inclusion of Companionability in the DPQ is important because it is a
quality that many people desire in a dog and thus one that people want to assess.
For the Responsiveness to Training factor, the scree plot indicated two or three
facets, the hierarchical tree suggested three or four, and the interpretability of the facets
indicated two. The second facet of the two-facet solution is readily understood as one
facet, but can also be divided into two facets. However, when it is divided into two facets
which could be described as Unruliness and Destructiveness the latter facet,
Destructiveness, is extremely narrow in focus. This argues against the three-facet
solution, because the third facet is focused one very specific type of unruly behavior. In
the four-facet solution, the one of the three facets is divided such that is it again difficult
to interpret. For sake of interpretability, but to have meaningful and useful facets, the
two-facet solution was selected. The first facet, Trainability, includes how easily the dog
is trained and how readily the dog learns. The second facet, Unruliness, includes items
describing a number of behaviors characteristic related to whether dogs are under their
owners’ control (e.g., stealing food, destroying household items, coming when called).
For the Aggression towards Animals factor, the scree plot showed multiple
elbows indicating there may be two, three, four, seven, or more facets. Evaluation of the
hierarchical tree suggested four facets, and the interpretability of facets indicated three or
four facets. In the four-facet solution, Dominance over Other Dogs and Food Guarding
(or Food Motivation) are two separate facets. However, Food Guarding was conceptually
strongly related to other guarding behaviors loading on the Dominance over Other Dogs
facet. Therefore, the three facets were selected: Aggression towards Dogs, Prey Drive,
and Dominance over Other Dogs. The first facet, Aggression towards Dogs, was
composed of items that describe both friendly and aggressive behavior towards other
dogs (e.g., “Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar dogs,”; “While on leash, dog exhibits
aggressive behavior [e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges] towards unfamiliar small dogs”).
The second facet, Prey Drive, includes items describing chasing, aggressive, and/or
predatory behavior towards smaller animals, such as “Dog likes to chase cats”, and “Dog
kills other animals (e.g., squirrels, rabbits, birds)”. The third facet, Dominance over Other
Dogs, is composed of items such as “Dog willingly shares toys with other dogs,” “Dog
exhibits assertive behaviors (e.g., stands erect, ears forward, direct stare, tail up) when
greeting dogs,” and “Dog guards good or treats from other dogs”. The items in this facet
reinforce that status-related behavior and aggression may be related to, but separable
from, other types of aggression in dogs.
Taken together, these analyses indicate that the DPQ’s five factors subdivide into
a total of 15 facets. Fearfulness comprises four facets; Aggression towards People two,
Activity/Excitability four, Responsiveness to Training two, and Aggression towards
Animals three.
Part 4: Item reduction
In the fourth part of Study 2, my goal was to refine the questionnaire by
identifying the most suitable items to retain for use in a more manageable and useful
form of the instrument. I selected items to make certain that all of the 15 facets were
relatively equally represented. I aimed for about eight items per facet, but often found
entire facets were fully represented by fewer.
I based the elimination and retention of items primarily on four criteria: (1)
content validity, (2) strength of item loadings, (3) cross-loading magnitude and difference
from highest loadings, and (4) internal consistency. Alternatively, the second and third
criteria can, together, be thought of as univocality of the items with respect to the five
factors (or traits) derived in Part 1 of Study 2. In addition, I attempted to retain items with
both positive and negative valence on each facet and factor if possible.
In selecting items, I first examined each facet to identify the best items to fully
represent the content of the facet. Item quality was evaluated in terms of content validity,
loading on the facet, and cross-loading across facets. I also examined each item’s
univocality with respect to the five broad personality traits. If multiple items appeared to
measure the same thing or to be very closely related to one another, as the aggression
towards other dogs items appeared to, I considered at those items as a group and carefully
examined their correlations with each other. The goal was to retain items that assessed as
disparate aspects of each facet as possible (though this is associated with a reduced level
of internal consistency). I then combined items (e.g., “While on leash, dog exhibits
aggressive behavior [e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges] towards unfamiliar small dogs”
with “While off leash, dog exhibits aggressive behavior [e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges]
towards unfamiliar small dogs”) when the items were very closely conceptually and
statistically related, because the items were empirically shown to tap the same behavior.
Additional consideration was given to each item’s length and syntactic
complexity, and to including both positively and negatively loading items. I prioritized
choosing items that were shorter and worded more simply when their content and
loadings were comparable with longer, more complex items. I aimed to select items that
loaded both positively (e.g., “Dog is curious” on Activity/Excitability) and negatively
(e.g., “Dog is lethargic” on Activity/Excitability). Furthermore, if it was evident (i.e.,
through correlations of > .4 between items) that people responded similarly to items that
lacked behavioral descriptions (e.g., “Dog is aggressive,” “Dog has a tendency to attack
[or attempt to attack] people”) and items that included lists of example behaviors (e.g.,
“Dog exhibits aggressive behavior [e.g., bares teeth, growls, lunges] towards unfamiliar
men”), retained items were simplified and example behaviors were removed. In cases in
which there was little or no evidence that participants understood the items without
examples (e.g., assertive), behavior examples were retained.
Content validity (facets)
As discussed in Chapter 6, content validity is the extent to which the set of items
represents all facets of the construct (e.g., the personality trait) being measured. In order
for the short forms of the questionnaire to have high content validity, the items that
compose the questionnaires had to represent all facets within each of the five factors.
Items were chosen to represent the four facets of Fearfulness: Fear of People, Non-social
Fear, Fear of Dogs, and Fear of Handling; the two facets of Aggression towards People:
General and Defensive Aggression towards People; the four facets of
Activity/Excitability: Excitability, Playfulness, Engagement and Companionability; the
two facets of Responsiveness to Training: Trainability, and Unruliness; and the three
facets of Aggression towards Animals: Aggression towards Dogs, Prey Drive and
Dominance over Other Dogs.
Item factor loadings
It is common to use a guideline for a lower limit on item factor loadings to
determine whether to retain or delete items (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). Common cut-
offs are absolute values of .3 and .4 (Floyd & Widaman, 1995), both of which are
represented in Appendix B as horizontal lines between items. Tabachnick and Fidell
(2001) describe the cut-off for factor loadings as a matter of preference, and Worthington
and Whittaker (2006) recommend setting the lower limit as high as possible without
compromising scale length or factor structure. Because my initial item pool is so large
and I seek to reduce it by at least two-thirds, I aimed to retain only those items with trait
loadings greater than or equal to .4 (i.e., loadings on Fearfulness, Aggression towards
People, and so on). However, value was considered adjustable as dictated by the other
criteria (i.e., items with much lower primary trait loadings were retained as needed to
preserve content validity).
Item cross-loadings
Other common guidelines address issues of cross-loading in an attempt to retain
the most univocal items, or those items that load strongly on only one factor. Cross-
loadings are also an issue because larger, more frequent cross-loadings contribute to
factor intercorrelations (Worthington & Whittaker, 2006). One guideline for reducing
cross-loadings is to set an upper limit for that absolute magnitude of cross-loadings. For
example, if this limit is set to .25, then all items that have a second-highest loading of .25
will be eliminated. A second guideline for reducing cross-loadings is to set a minimum
difference that must be present between the highest and second-highest factor loadings
for items to be retained. For example, if the minimum difference is set to .15, then all
items that have a difference of less than .15 between their highest and second-highest
loadings will be eliminated. Worthington and Whittaker (2006) recommended setting
these cut-offs to be as strict as possible without compromising scale length or factor
structure. I aimed to retain only items with a difference of .2 between their highest and
second-highest loadings on the broad personality traits (e.g., Fearfulness, Aggression
towards Animals), but this rule was also flexible so that content validity could be
Internal consistency
The final criterion I used to retain or delete items was internal consistency, as
measured by Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. Internal consistency is a measure of the extent
to which items composing a scale measure the underlying variable. Generally,
Cronbach’s alpha will increase as the correlations between items that measure a factor
increase, and it tends to increase as the scales increase in length. Therefore longer scales
that consist of highly correlated items are typically more reliable (and their scales or
factors are associated with higher values of Cronbach’s alpha), but the drawbacks
associated with having a long scale (e.g., time, participant fatigue; Worthington &
Whittaker, 2006) are such that attempting to balance length and internal consistency is
typically preferable to simply retaining a large number of items in order to have high
internal consistency. When choosing between items that were similar in content and
loadings, I examined how removing each item would affect the questionnaire’s internal
consistency, then removed the item that would have had the most deleterious effect on
internal consistency if retained.
Resultant item pool
Item reduction following the procedures described above resulted in a pool of 102
items. Of the 102 items retained for Study 3, 53 were entirely unchanged. Multiple items
were changed such that “men” and “women” were collapsed to “people” (e.g., “Dog
behaves fearfully towards unfamiliar people), or so that different types of dogs (e.g.,
large, small, familiar, unfamiliar) were collapsed to simply “dogs”. These items were
collapsed based on the items’ being strongly correlated such that, for example, dogs who
feared men tended to fear women. Collapsing these very similar items helps to avoid
inflating the reliability of the questionnaire; although some dogs may respond differently
to men than to women, the data collected in Study 2 indicated that difference was rare
and so the questions addressing men and women separately were so closely related as to
be, functionally, repetitions of the same question.
The items, organized by facet and factor, are presented in Appendix C. In the
second column, the loading of each item on its factor is indicated. The far right column in
Appendix C lists arbitrarily assigned numbers used to identify the item or items that
provided the basis for the item listed in that row. These numbers correspond to the items
from Intermediate Questionnaire #1 (from Study 1), also used in Study 2, and correspond
to the numbered items that appear in Appendix B.
In Appendix C, the items that are unchanged are indicated by a lack of
parentheses around the item number listed in the far right column. Item numbers in
parentheses indicate that the item text listed in that row (the item derived in Study 2 and
for use in Study 3) is intended to address the content of all of the listed items, is a
composite of those items, or is a modified version of the item. In cases in which one item
number is outside parentheses but it is presented next to a set of parentheses, the items in
parentheses are conceptually related and correlated to the item outside parentheses; the
item outside parentheses was selected to be retained and address those items content.
Part 5: Split-sample EFA and CFA with 102 items
My goal in Part 5 of Study 2 was to determine whether the five-factor model
selected in the first phase of Study 2 replicates using the Study 2 data pertinent to the 102
items (or their proxies) retained for Study 3. Modification of the questionnaire items was
necessary to improve overall questionnaire quality, item length, and item interpretability,
but reduction of the number of items and modification of the items’ wording made it
impossible to see analyses in Study 3 as a true replication of the factor solution in Study
The items selected for inclusion in Part 5 of Study 2 included the 53 items that are
exactly those retained for Study 3, and 49 items that served as proxies for the items that
were revised for Study 3. For 11 proxy items, it was straightforward to select the item
from the Study 2 item pool that would best represent the modified item of the Study 3
item pool. These Study 2 items differed from the modified Study 3 items only in that the
Study 2 item included a behavioral description that was removed for Study 3. For
example, Study 2 included the item, “Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail,
trembles) when near crowds of people,” which was used as a proxy for its modified form,
“Dog behaves fearfully when near crowds of people” for Study 3.
Some Study 2 items were found to be so closely related to each other that
including more than one of them would have been redundant. Instead, a modified or
combined form of the items was created for Study 3, or only one of the items was
retained. In these instances, selecting a proxy item was more challenging. Proxy items
were selected based on (1) which items wording and content was most similar to Study 3
item, and (2) which item was most strongly correlated with the related items and thus
seemed most central or representative. For example, Study 2 included the items, “Dog
exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles) when examined by the vet,” and
“Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles) during visits to the
veterinary office.” In Study 2, these two items were correlated at r = .788. Because the
items were similar in content and highly correlated, they were collapsed into one item,
and because the behavioral description was deemed unnecessary, the behavioral
description was also removed. So the item for Study 3 became “Dog behaves fearfully
during visits to the veterinarian,” and the less specific item from Study 2 (“Dog exhibits
fearful behavior [e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles] during visits to the veterinary office”),
with wording more similar to the new Study 3 item, was used as a proxy.
Once the proxy items were systematically selected, I randomly divided the
participant sample in half again (first half, N = 1,868; second half, N = 1,869), then
performed an EFA on half of the participants’ ratings of their dogs on those 102 proxy
items only. I used SEM to perform CFA on the second half of the participants’ ratings of
their dogs. That is, I used SEM to fit the factor solution derived from the EFA of the first
half of the data to fit that factor solution to the second half of the data. This method
allowed me to examine how well the five-factor model derived using the whole sample
and the 353 items fit the subset of the sample using the 102 proxy items.
The EFA was performed using the same procedures as in Parts 1 and 2 of Study 2;
I used PCA with varimax rotation, and I dealt with missing data points through mean
As in Parts 1 and 2 of Study 2, before proceeding with the EFA, I needed to
assess the sampling adequacy to make certain that the data were amenable to EFA. This
procedure needed to be repeated because the sample in Part 2 of Study 2 utilized half the
participant sample and a subset of the items from Part 1 of Study 2. The ratio of
participants to items is large great than 18 : 1. However, having an adequate sample
size is only one aspect of the issue of sampling adequacy issue; another is the magnitude
of correlations between variables, as displayed in the correlation matrix. Because the ratio
of participants to items in Part 5 of Study 2 is greater than 5:1, I relied again on the KMO
measure of sampling adequacy. Conservative cut-offs suggest that a KMO of at least .6 is
adequate (e.g., Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). The KMO associated with the correlation
matrix resulting from half the data set for Study 2 (N = 1,868) is .909, indicating that the
matrix was good for EFA.
As in Part 2 of Study 2, I used the convergence of three criteria (described in Part
1 of Study 2) to determine the number of factors in the solution: the graphical scree test
(Cattell, 1966), the top-down method in which correlations between orthogonal factors
scores from different factor solutions are viewed as path coefficients in a hierarchical
structure (Goldberg, 2006), and interpretability of the solutions (see Zwick & Velicer,
1986; Worthington & Whittaker, 2006). Results from each method and associated
conclusions are elaborated below.
Interpretation of the scree plot suggested retaining four or five factors; there is a
break in the values after four, and an elbow or bend appears after five.
Figure 5.5. Scree plot of eigenvalues for 102 items in Study 2
Scree plot of 102 items (N = 1,868)
1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97
Number of factors
The hierarchical tree is presented in Figure 5.6. To ease interpretability, only
correlations of .60 or greater were included. As a result, some factors are not shown to be
correlated with factors from the previous (higher) level of the tree. To further facilitate
interpretability, each factor was assigned a descriptive label, which is presented in the
box representing that factor. These labels were generated by having two personality
experts examine the factor structures for every solution (i.e., the 2 factor solution, the 3
factor solution, etc.) and then examine the relationships between the factor structures as
presented in the hierarchical tree.
Figure 5.6. Hierarchical structure of factor score correlations in 102-item Study 2 data set
Note. For clarity, only correlations of .60 and greater are included in the hierarchical tree.
Correlations of .80 or greater are indicated by boldface arrows.
Unlabeled boxes indicate difficult-to-name factors composed of 4 or fewer items.
10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/10 10/9
9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9
8/1 8/2 8/3
8/4 8/5
8/6 8/7 8/8
7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7
5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5
3/1 3/2 3/3
6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6
4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4
All Items
2/1 2/2
Good/Bad Activity
to Training
to People
to People
to People
to Dogs
to Dogs
to Training
to Training
to Animals
to Training
to Training
to Animals
to Training
to People
to People
to Dogs
to People
to Dogs
to Dogs
The hierarchical tree is somewhat ambiguous, but is suggestive of a four- or five-
factor solution (see Figure 5.6). Overall, the hierarchical tree is a replication of the tree
derived in Part 1 of Study 2, using the whole sample and all 353 items. Subtle differences
between the two exist. In the current hierarchical tree, Fearfulness appears as a strong and
consistent factor very early on, earlier than it appeared in the hierarchical tree presented
in Part 1. The order in which the factors are presented in each level of the hierarchy also
differs, which indicates that the factors account for a different proportion of the variance
in Part 1 and 2 analyses; in each level of the tree, the factors are presented in order of
diminishing variance accounted for such that 5/1 accounts for the most variance in the
five-factor solution, followed by 5/2, then 5/3 and so on.
The factors present when fewer (e.g., 3) factors were extracted were not
consistent through the various levels of the tree. Specifically, the second factor of the
three-factor solution ([3/2] Reactivity/Aggression) is broken up into two sizable,
interpretable, and logically separable factors in the four-factor solution, (4/2) Aggression
(correlated .84) and (4/4) Responsive to Training (correlated .71). The relationship
between the four-factor level of the hierarchical tree and the five-factor level of the
hierarchical tree is a close replication of the hierarchical tree in Part 1 of Study 2. The
four-factor solution was problematic because the second factor ([4/2] Aggression)
subdivided into (5/5) Aggression to people (correlated .69) and (5/3) Aggression to dogs
(correlated .93) when five factors were extracted. In contrast, all the factors from the five-
factor solution are retained, essentially unchanged, when six factors are extracted. When
more factors are extracted, the picture becomes less clear, but close examination indicates
that extracting more factors forces a solution in which very small groupings of items that
do not create cohesive factors are extracted (e.g., [8/8], [9/9]), and very specific groups of
items (e.g., those addressing submission towards dogs, [10/10]) are extracted and treated
as factors. The hierarchical tree thus suggests five factors: Fearfulness (5/1),
Activity/Excitability (5/2), Aggression towards People (5/3), Responsiveness to Training
(5/4), and Aggression towards Animals (5/5).
Finally, I examined the interpretability of the solutions. I followed the same
procedures as outlined in Part 1 of Study 2, examining factor interpretability independent
of the hierarchical tree structure. The interpretability exercise closely duplicated that of
examining interpretability in Part 1 of Study 2 and resulted in the same five-factors
derived. These factors were ultimately labeled as they appear in the hierarchical tree:
Fearfulness, Activity/Excitability, Aggression towards People, Responsiveness to
Training, and Aggression towards Animals.
Across the three criteria, the supported factor solution is thus the same general
structure as was derived in analysis of the whole sample. Next, the solution derived in
this analysis was used in a CFA performed on the second half of the data set, outlined
immediately below.
As in Part 2 of Study 2, I used AMOS to conduct SEM, because SEM is the most
current approach to performing CFA. However, as discussed in Part 2, using SEM to
perform CFA also requires a large ratio of participants to parameters (or items). In the
current CFA, there were about 5.3 participants per parameter (N = 1,869, parameters =
353), so it was particularly important to examine the sample to determine whether it was
adequate for the analyses. I used KMO to assess the adequacy of the sample for use in
factor analysis. The KMO associated with the correlation matrix for the derived from the
second half of the Study 2 data, those to be used in the current CFA, is .908, greater than
the cut-off of .6 for a matrix to be acceptable for factor analysis (e.g., Tabachnick &
Fidell, 2001).
The procedure for conducting the CFA in Part 5 of Study 2 was the same as that
in Part 2, though the models that were fit and the number of item included differed. Prior
to conducting the CFA using SEM, I specified each model, and I fit models with
Fearfulness and Aggression towards People and with Aggression towards People and
Aggression towards Animals included.
The model fits were also evaluated using the same fit indices as in Part 2 of Study
2, again depending most heavily on the RMSEA. See Part 2 for descriptions of each of
the fit indices.
The fit indices associated with the three different models evaluated through CFA,
along with standard cut-offs for each index, are presented in Table 5.6. Examination of
the fit indices indicated that all three represented a good fit and can be accepted
according to RMSEA. Other indices (RMR, GFI, CFI, NNFI) show that including a
correlation between the Aggression towards Animals and the Aggression towards People
factors in the model is associated with improved model fit. Including a correlation
between Aggression towards Animals and the Aggression towards People factors and
between the Fearfulness and Aggression towards People factors in the model is
associated with a still greater fit.
Table 5.6. Confirmatory factor analysis of second half of Study 2 data (102 items)
Five-factor models
Fit Index Model fit estimate Standard cut-off
F corr AP
AP corr AA
F corr AP;
AP corr AA
df = 5,049,
p < .001
df = 5,048,
p < .001
df = 5,048,
p < .001
df = 5,047,
p < .001
RMR .236 .224 .212 .201 smaller indicates better fit
GFI .784 .789 .791 .823 >.85
CFI .657 .676 .687 .840 >.9; larger indicates better fit
NNFI .564 .597 .603 .678 >.9; larger indicates better fit
RMSEA .043
(lo = .043,
hi = .044)
(lo = .042,
hi = .043)
(lo = .041,
hi = .042)
(lo = .038,
hi = .039)
<.08 = adequate fit
<.05 = good fit
n/a F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
Note. F = Fearfulness, AP = Aggression towards People; AA = Aggression towards
Animals. The abbreviation “n/a” indicates that statistics are not applicable to the model in
that column, and “n.s.” indicates “not significant”.
Intermediate Questionnaire #2 contained a total of 102 items, which were
unequally distributed. Each of the fifteen facets contained an average of between six and
seven items. The facets Fear/Submission towards dogs, Companionability, and
Aggression towards other dogs each consist of only five items. The facet Fear of people
contains the most items (10). Because the factors do not consist of equal numbers of
facets, ranging from two to four facets per factor, the factors are not uniform in the
number of items they contain. Responsiveness to Training consists of the fewest items; it
has only 14 items, divided equally between two facets. Fearfulness consists of the most
items; it has 29 items, which are unequally distributed across four the four facets of
In Study 2, results of EFA (PCA, varimax rotation) of the responses from 3,737
participants to the 360-item questionnaire were evaluated using four criteria that, taken
together, indicated a five-factor structure was underlying the questionnaire structure. The
factors were discussed in order of the amount of variance they account for in the data,
and were labeled as Fearfulness, Aggression towards People, Activity/Excitability,
Responsiveness to Training, and Aggression towards Animals. The stability of the five-
factor model was confirmed using two independent split-halves procedures in which I
divided the participant set into randomly selected halves, repeated the EFA procedure on
one half of the data (N = 1,868; with 353 items in Part 2, or 102 items in Part 5), then
performed CFA to fit the model to the second half of the data (N = 1,869).
Each factor was further examined through factor analysis to determine the factors’
facet structures. A total of fifteen facets were identified. Items loadings on factors and
facets, along with other criteria (e.g., content validity, item valence) guided the
shortening of the questionnaire to a more manageable instrument that strove to
simultaneously maximize manageability, ease of use, and the psychometric property
criteria (e.g., internal consistency, content validity).
Study 3: Factor Structure Confirmation
The primary goal of Study 3 is to confirm that the five-factor solution replicates in
a new dataset collected using the new 102-item questionnaire. Other goals are to confirm
that the five-factor solution replicated in this sample is stable, to evaluate the internal
consistency, and to examine the construct validity-related discriminant and convergent
validity of the questionnaire items. The ultimate goal is to derive two final, brief-but-
comprehensive forms of the questionnaire.
As discussed in Part 2 of Study 2, SEM is a powerful and current approach to
performing CFA, but using SEM to perform CFA requires a large number of participants
per parameter to provide parameter estimates (Bentler, 1995). Based on Stevens’ (1996)
conservative recommendation of 15 participants per item, I aimed to administer the new
questionnaire form (derived in Study 2 and comprised of 102 items) to at least 1,530
To attempt to recruit a diverse sample, I advertised the dog personality
questionnaire in a variety of venues, including the Animal Personality Institute website
(; online bulletin boards that target a variety of dog-related
topics (e.g., Schutzhund, Animal Assisted Therapy, deaf dogs, dog training, general dog
discussion); Austin-area parks, veterinary clinics, and training facilities; and similar
venues in other cities (e.g., San Francisco, California; Detroit, Michigan).
In compensation for their participation, participants received feedback about their
dogs’ personalities with respect to the five personality factors (and their facets) assessed
in the DPQ and were entered into a drawing for a gift certificate. Participants responded
to the online questionnaire between in April and May, 2007. A total of 3,282 cases were
compiled; initial analyses (described below) refined the dataset to 2,556 participants.
Materials and Procedures
The procedure for Study 3 was very similar to that for Studies 1 and 2 in that it
utilized web-based data collection and randomly ordered items for each participant.
However, in Study 3 participants were allowed to select the dog about whom they fill out
the questionnaire so that they could get feedback on the personality scores of the dog (or
dogs) of their choosing. Participants were prohibited from submitting the questionnaire if
any items are left blank, and the “not applicable” item response was eliminated. To avoid
having the sample affected by repeat responders, at the beginning of the questionnaire I
asked participants whether they have previously filled out the questionnaire.
The online questionnaire was composed of four parts. The first two parts were
like Parts 1 and 2 of the questionnaire used in Studies 1 and 2. In Part 1, participants were
asked to provide basic demographic information about themselves (e.g., age, sex,
geographic location). These data allowed me to assess the diversity of the sample, and
also to further screen for repeat responders. In Part 2, participants were asked the name of
the dog about whom they were filling out the DPQ and were then asked to provide basic
demographic information about that dog. These data allowed me to assess the
demographic diversity of the dogs who were rated.
Part 3 of the questionnaire included the revised set of 102 questionnaire items.
The item presentation and response options were the same as in Studies 1 and 2. The
questionnaire items were presented in random order for each participant such that no two
participants’ questions were likely to appear in the same order.
After participants submitted their ratings of their dogs, they were presented with a
brief summary of how their dogs were scored on the questionnaire. After recoding the
reverse keyed items, scale scores were computed from the average score on items that
comprise each factor (or facet). Participants were also informed that these results are
preliminary and that the questionnaire is under development. After they received these
results, participants were given the opportunity to write free responses about how well the
results suited their dog.
I examined and refined the participant sample collected in Study 3 in much the
same way as outlined in Study 2, though missing data and “not applicable” response use
analyses were made obsolete in Study 3. First, I removed repeat responders (i.e., the
cases in which a participant completed a questionnaire more than once, either about the
same dog or different dogs). This reduces the dataset from 3,282 cases to 2,630 unique
participants. Based on examination of the owners’ and dogs’ names, demographic data
and contact information, I retained only participants’ first ratings of a dog, and only one
participants’ rating of each dog. If a person rated a dog more than once, only the first case
was kept. If a person rated multiple dogs, only the first was kept. If two people rated the
same dog, only the first was kept. The goal was to create a one-to-one ratio of raters to
dogs in the sample.
Second, I examined the frequency of responses for each item to check for obvious
errors (i.e., items for which there was only one response saved from all participants). No
anomalies were found in the dataset. However, as in Studies 1 and 2, responses to each
item were not regularly distributed.
Third, I removed cases in which participants or their dogs were not suitable for
the study. These included participants who indicated that they were under 18 years of age
(N = 49) or that their native language was not English (N = 15). Whether wolves and
wolf hybrids can be suitably assessed using a personality assessment tool developed for
assessing dog personality is an empirical question outside the constraints of this study, so
participants who indicated their dogs were known wolf hybrids (2 participants) were
deleted. I also removed nine participants who withheld responses (e.g., responded to the
question of location by saying “none of your business” or “withheld”).
The resulting dataset contained 2,556 unique cases.
Sample demographics
Demographic information for the 2,556 participants retained for analysis in Study
3 is presented in Table 6.1. As in Studies 1 and 2, both sexes of dog owners were
represented, but there were far more women (N = 2,295, or 89.8%) than men (N = 261, or
10.2%). The average age of participants was 43 years, with a standard deviation of 12.6
years; this is very similar to the age of participants in Study 2 (mean = 43 years, s.d. = 12
years). Approximately 9% of participants were currently residing outside the U.S.,
including 156 participants in Canada, 32 in Australia, 27 in the United Kingdom, and 21
in other countries. All 50 states and Washington, D.C., were represented in the sample,
though there was only one participant from Washington, D.C., and the states were not
equally represented. There were large numbers of participants from Texas (N = 298) and
California (N = 238), and very few from Hawaii (N = 2), North Dakota (N = 6), and
Delaware (N = 6). The vast majority of participants (N = 2,404, or 94.1%) reported their
race as Caucasian/White, though the sample also included participants who identified
themselves as African American or Black (or African), Hispanic, East Asian, Native
American, Asian Indian, and Multi-racial (or Other).
Just under 9% (or N = 227) of the 2,556 participants reported having at least one
dog-related job or career. For example, 70 were trainers or behaviorists, 14 were
groomers, and three had jobs in which they handled working dogs (e.g., as police
officers). The mean number of dogs each participant had owned in his or her lifetime,
previous to the current dog or dogs but including childhood family dogs, was 5.6 (s.d. =
6.9), though the number was skewed towards having had more dogs. On average, the
participants each currently owned 2.4 dogs (s.d. = 1.3).
Table 6.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 3
Dog owners
Sex (dog owner)
Male 261 (10.2%)
Female 2,295 (89.8%)
Age (dog owner)
Mean 43
standard deviation 12.6
Range 18-84
Country of residence
U.S. 2,320 (90.8%)
Canada 156 (6.1%)
Australia 32 (1.3%)
U.K. 27 (1.1%)
Other (Native language is English) 21 (.8%)
Caucasian 2,404 (94.1%)
African American (or Black) 15 (.6%)
Hispanic 36 (1.4%)
East Asian 23 (.9%)
Native American 17 (.7%)
Asian Indian 2 (.1%)
Multi-racial or Other 59 (2.3%)
Dog-related careers
Breeder and/or Exhibitor 75 (2.9%)
Trainer and/or Behaviorist 70 (2.7%)
Dog rescue worker/volunteer 24 (0.9%)
Veterinarian 11 (0.4%)
Groomer 14 (0.5%)
Kennel/Daycare owner or employee 26 (1.0%)
Assistance dog partner 4 (0.2%)
Working dog handler 3 (0.1%)
Mean (s.d.)
Number of dogs owned
Past (mean; s.d.) 5.6 (6.9)
Currently 2.4 (1.3)
Total number of participants 2,556
As in Studies 1 and 2, it was also important to confirm that a diverse sample of
target dogs was assessed in Study 3. I examined the composition of the sample in terms
of the same characteristics I examined in Studies 1 and 2. In Study 3, the dogs’ average
age was 5.0 years (s.d. = 3.4) with all but one dogs’ age reported; that dog’s age was
reported as “unknown”. Unlike in the Study 2 sample, in this sample dogs aged less than
one year were retained; 152 dogs of less than one year of age were included. The two
oldest dogs included in the sample were 18 years old.
Other demographic information is presented in Table 6.2. The number of dogs
identified as fitting each category is listed in the column titled “Number of dogs”. The
sample of 2,556 dogs appears to be relatively diverse. As in Study 2, approximately half
(51.8%) of the dogs are male. Also, the majority of the dogs (79.8%, or 2,039 of the
2,556 dogs) were castrated, but intact dogs were also included (20.2%, or 517 of the
2,556 dogs).
Purebred dogs (N = 1,841), mixed-breed dogs (N = 632), and dogs whose
breeding was unknown (N = 20) were included in the sample, with 153 unique breeds
included in the purebred portion of the sample. GSDs are the breed represented in the
largest number in Study 3; 156 GSDs are included, composing approximately 6% of the
sample. There were also a large number of Siberian Huskies (N = 121), Boxers (N =
120), and Labrador Retrievers (N = 117). Together, these four breeds composed 20% of
the sample.
I also examined whether the dogs had any reported disabilities or health issues,
whether the dogs were reported to have bitten a person, what sort of role the dogs play in
their owners lives (e.g., pet, guide dog), and what dog sports they were involved in. As in
the previous studies, no total is presented for the number of dogs who participate in
sports, because many of these dogs participate in more than one sport. As in Study 2, a
large number of dogs serve as Animal Assisted Therapy dogs (N = 256), or compete in
agility (N = 508), formal obedience (N = 345), and/or in American Kennel Club
conformation (N = 249). The demographic information about the dogs in Study 3
indicated that they do compose a diverse sample, while also reflecting the current
popularity of some breeds of dogs (e.g., GSDs, Labradors Retrievers) and some dog
sports (e.g., agility).
Table 6.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 3.
Number of dogs
Male 1,324 (51.8%)
Female 1,232 (48.2%)
Males Neutered 985 (74.4%)
Intact 339 (25.6%)
Females Spayed 1,054 (85.6%)
Intact 178 (14.4%)
Unknown 83 (3.2%)
No (mixed) 632 (24.7%)
Yes 1,841 (72%)
Bitten a
Unknown 20 (.8%)
No 2,270 (88.8%)
Yes 262 (10.3%)
Disability and
Unilaterally deaf 0 (0.%)
Health issues
Bilaterally deaf 2 (<.1%)
Blind in one eye 1 (<.1%)
Blind in both eyes 3 (.1%)
Arthritic 175 (6.8%)
Hip dysplasia 105 (4.1%)
Elbow dysplasia 14 (5.4%)
Other disabilities or health
problems 463 (18.1)
Job or Role Pet/Companion
1,944 (76.1%)
Assistance dog
2 (<.1%)
Guide dog 1 (<.1%)
Hearing ear dog 0
Medical assistance dog 1 (<.1%)
Search and rescue
16 (.6%)
Guard dog
113 (4.4%)
Animal Assisted Therapy
256 (10%)
Dam or sire for breeding
126 (4.9%)
Table 6.2. (Continued)
Number of dogs
Obedience 345 (13.5%)
Sledding 0
Carting 52 (2%)
Frisbee 104 (4.1%)
Earth dog 53 (2.1%)
Show/Conformation 249 (9.7%)
Schutzhund 45 (1.8%)
Agility 508 (19.9%)
Herding (competitive) 126 (4.9%)
Flyball 89 (3.5%)
Hunting 124 (4.9%)
Total number of dogs
2, 556
Note. The sum of the number of dogs who participate in sports will not equal the total
number of dogs in the study; some dogs are not in sports, and others are in multiple.
Similarly, participants may consider a dog to be both a pet/companion and to have
another job or role (e.g., assistance dog, search and rescue dog).
Many of the details and much of theory behind performing CFA using SEM were
described in the previous chapter’s discussion of Part 2 of Study 2. Details are reviewed
here if particularly useful in considering the CFA performed in Study 3.
CFA is commonly used during scale development, following EFA, to help
support the generalizability of the scale and its structure to new samples (Worthington &
Whittaker, 2006). CFA is also informative in determining a questionnaire’s construct
validity, or the extent to which the items within the questionnaire measure the broad
construct (e.g., personality trait) that they were intended to measure (e.g., Worthington &
Whittaker, 2006). CFA requires a researcher to have and specify a theoretically
meaningful factor structure (typically derived through EFA, though sometimes
hypothesized). Items are generally constrained to load on only one factor in CFA, so the
method is appropriate for evaluating the extent to which a specified model is replicated in
the data, but not for exploring whether a particular item measures no factors, one factor,
or so on. The researcher assesses how well the specified model fits the new data by
assessing various goodness-of-fit indices (discussed below).
Prior to analyzing the data, a researcher must indicate (1) how many factors are
present in the instrument, (2) which items are related to each factor, and (3) whether the
factors are correlated or uncorrelated. These issues are typically revealed (or specified)
through EFA. In the current study, the primary goal of the analyses was to confirm the
five-factor structure underlying the questionnaire data by conducting a CFA using a new
sample of participants and the revised questionnaire. However, I also compared the fit of
the five-factor structure model to the fit of the four-factor structure model; in the four-
factor model, Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals are collapsed
into a single factor (Aggression).
Items related to each factor were determined in Study 2 and the items predicted to
load on each factor were specified prior to CFA. In the original EFA of the full dataset in
Study 2, I forced varimax rotation, which focuses on “cleaning up” the factors so that
they have high correlations with one set of items and minimal correlation with other
items (Stevens, 1996). Thus I included the assumption that the factors are uncorrelated in
one model. However, as discussed in Study 2, the challenge in deciding between the four-
and five-factor models was due to a relationship between the items that load on the five-
factor model’s Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals. Thus, an
alternative model in which Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals
were correlated was also fit. In addition, a model in which Fearfulness and Aggression
towards People were related was also fit, because these two factors have been suggested
to be related and to lead to fear-based aggression. And, finally, a model including both
correlations was also fit.
Before proceeding with the CFA planned in Study 3, I assessed the adequacy of
the sample for use in factor analysis. The KMO associated with the correlation matrix for
the data in Study 3 is .926, greater than the cut-off of .6 for the data to be acceptable for
factor analysis (e.g., Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
As in Study 2, I used AMOS to conduct SEM and took advantage of the
opportunity to compare the goodness-of-fit indices of various models. Again, I relied on
and compared multiple indices to evaluate model fit. Some fit indices are better suited to
the current situation than others. (For a more detailed discussion of the goodness-of-fit
indices, see Part 2 of Study 2.)
Chi-square is a very popular fit index, but it is very sensitive to sample size and
prone to rejecting adequately fitting models if the sample size is large. I did not use chi-
square to evaluate fit, but I reported it because it is still commonly used and reported.
I depended more heavily on the other test statistics the RMR, GFI, NNFI, CFI,
and RMSEA to determine which five-factor model is the best fit and whether the best
five-factor model is a better fit than the best four-factor model. The most weight was
given to the RMSEA, because it is generally favored for large samples. The RMSEA
represents the covariance that is not explained by a model (e.g., Recklitis et al., 2006).
The NNFI and CFI, incremental indices of fit suitable for comparing the fits of different
models, are also considered useful for larger samples. Each fit index examined and its
standard cut-off is listed in Table 6.3 below. (See the previous chapter for further
discussion of these indices and their cut-offs.)
Table 6.3 presents the standard cut-offs for model fit along side the fit indices
associated with six tested models: the four-factor model with no factors correlated, the
four-factor model with two factors correlated (Aggression with Fearfulness), the five-
factor model with no factors correlated, the five-factor model with two factors correlated
(Fearfulness and Aggression towards People), the five-factor model with a different two
factors correlated (Aggression towards People with Aggression towards Animals), and
the five-factor model with both pairs of factors correlated (Aggression towards People
with Aggression towards Animals, Aggression towards People with Fearfulness). These
six different models were fit because, along with previous hypotheses, the modification
indices associated with the simplest four- and five-factor models suggested the additional
factor correlations would substantially improve the fit of the models. It should be noted
that the modification indices concur with previous analyses and hypotheses to indicate
that correlations between the other factors in each model would not improve model fit;
that is, no other correlations between factors improve the models’ fits substantially.
According to the RMSEA indices, all five models are adequate fits; all five have
RMSEA values less than .08. The RMSEA values associated with the four-factor models
suggest the four-factor models may be slightly better fits than the five-factor models.
However, examination of the other fit indices (RMR, GFI, CFI, NNFI) indicates that the
five-factor models are better fits than the four-factor model.
As shown in Table 6.3, the best model fits do appear to be those in which the
Aggression towards People and Fearfulness factors and the Aggression towards People
and Aggression towards Animals factors are, respectively, correlated. This is true in
comparing four-factor models to each other and in comparing five-factor models to each
Based on the CFA and theoretical bases, the five-factor model with both sets of
correlations was preferred. Appendix D presents a table of the loadings associated with
this model, separated by factor, with items listed in numerical order down the left column
and regression weights, or loadings, in the right column.
Table 6.3. Confirmatory factor analyses: Comparative model fits for Study 3 full sample
Four-factor models
Fit Index Model fit estimate Standard cut-off
F corr A
AP corr AA
F corr A;
AP corr AA
df = 5,053,
p < .001
df = 5,052,
p < .001
n/a n/a n.s.
RMR .340 .315 smaller indicates better fit
.603 .604 >.85
CFI .483 .488 >.9; larger indicates better fit
NNFI .460 .465 >.9; larger indicates better fit
RMSEA .063
(lo = .063,
hi = .064)
(lo = .062,
hi = .063)
<.08 = adequate fit
<.05 = good fit
n/a F corr A = .476
Table 6.3. (Continued)
Five-factor models
Fit Index Model fit estimate Standard cut-off
F corr AP
AP corr AA
F corr AP;
AP corr AA
df = 5,054,
p < .001
df = 5,053
p < .001
df = 5,053,
p < .001
df = 5,052,
p < .001
RMR .354 .326 .337 .309 smaller indicates better fit
.623 .625 .628 .629 >.85
CFI .517 .525 .524 .532 >.9; larger indicates better fit
NNFI .492 .501 .499 .507 >.9; larger indicates better fit
RMSEA .061
(lo = .061,
hi = .062)
(lo = .060,
hi = ..061)
(lo = .060,
hi = .061)
(lo = .060,
hi = .061)
<.08 = adequate fit
<.05 = good fit
n/a F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
Note. F = Fearfulness, A = Aggression, AP = Aggression toward People, AA =
Aggression toward Animals. The abbreviation “n/a” indicates that statistics are not
applicable to the model in that column, and “n.s.” indicates “not significant”.
For a factor solution to be generalizable, it is vital that it is stable. In Part 2 of
Study 3, my goal was to gain information about whether the five-factor model of the
revised 102 items is stable. To do this, I divided the participant sample in half, then
performed an EFA on one half of the participants’ ratings of their dogs. I used SEM to
perform CFA on the second half of the participants’ ratings of their dogs. That is, I used
SEM to fit the factor solution derived from the EFA of the first half of the data to fit that
factor solution to the second half of the data.
The EFA was performed using the same basic procedures as in Parts 1 and 2 of
Study 2; I used PCA with varimax rotation. In Study 3, however, participants were
prohibited from leaving items blank, so there were no missing data points.
Once again, before proceeding with the EFA, I needed to assess the sampling
adequacy to make certain that the data were amenable to EFA. This procedure needed to
be repeated because the sample in Part 2 of Study 3 was only half of the sample for which
sampling adequacy was assessed in Part 1 of Study 3. In Part 2 of Study 3, the ratio of
participants to items is relatively high – it is slightly greater than 12.5:1. However, having
an adequate sample size does not ensure a sample is appropriate for factor analysis. A
second issue is the magnitude of correlations between variables, as displayed in the
correlation matrix, is also important. Because the Study 3 data were split in half for the
analyses in this phase, the correlation matrices for Part 2 of Study 3 include different
participants and are likely slightly different from the matrix associated with the whole
sample in Part 1 of Study 3. Because the ratio of participants to items in Part 2 of Study 3
remains greater than 5:1, I relied on the KMO measure of sampling adequacy.
Conservative cut-offs suggest that a KMO of at least .6 is adequate (e.g., Tabachnick &
Fidell, 2001). The KMO associated with the correlation matrix resulting from the first
half the data set for Study 3 (N = 1,278) is .910, indicating that the matrix was adequate
for the analyses.
As in Part 2 of Study 3, I used the convergence of three criteria to determine the
number of factors in the solution: graphical scree test (Cattell, 1966), the top-down
method in which correlations between orthogonal factors scores from different factor
solutions are viewed as path coefficients in a hierarchical structure (Goldberg, 2006), and
interpretability of the solutions (see Zwick & Velicer, 1986; Worthington & Whittaker,
2006). Results from each method and suggested factor models for Part 2 of Study 3 are
elaborated below.
Cattell’s (1966) now classic scree test utilizes a graphical interpretation of the
scree plot of the eigenvalues associated with the factors. The number of factors that this
method indicates should be retained is the number of eigenvalues appearing before a
visible break or elbow in the plot, after which the values tend to level off horizontally.
Interpretation of the scree plot suggested retaining four or five factors; there is a break in
the values after four, and an elbow or bend appears after five.
Figure 6.1. Scree plot of eigenvalues for 102 items in Study 3
Scree plot of 102 items (N = 1,278)
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101
Number of factors
Goldberg’s (2006) hierarchical tree analysis, the top-down method in which
correlations between orthogonal factors scores from different factor solutions are viewed
as path coefficients in a hierarchical structure, is the next criterion I examined. In the
hierarchical tree, correlations between orthogonal factors scores from different factor
solutions are viewed as path coefficients in a graphic hierarchical structure. Using this
criterion, the best factor solution is found where the major factors stop breaking apart
when additional factors are extracted. (More details of this methodology can be found
under Part 1 of Study 2.)
The hierarchical tree is presented in Figure 6.2. To ease interpretability, only
correlations of .60 or greater were included. As a result, some factors are not shown to be
correlated with factors from the previous (higher, or parent) level of the tree. To further
facilitate interpretability, each factor was assigned a descriptive label, which is presented
in the box representing that factor. These labels were generated by having two personality
experts examine the factor loadings for every solution (i.e., the two-factor solution, the
10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/10 10/9
9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9
8/1 8/2 8/3
8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8
7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7
5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5
3/1 3/2 3/3
6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6
4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4
All Items
2/1 2/2
Good/Bad Activity
to Training
Engaged in
to Animals
(Prey Drive)
to Animals
(Prey Drive)
to Animals
(Prey Drive)
to Dogs
to Training
to People
to Training
to Training
to Training
to Training
to Dogs
to Training
to Animals
(Prey Drive)
to Dogs
to Animals
(Prey Drive)
Interest in
over Dogs
to Animals
(Prey Drive)
Interest in
Interest in
over Dogs
Figure 6.2. Hierarchical structure of factor score correlations in 102-item Study 3 data set
Note. For clarity, only correlations of .60 and greater are included in the hierarchical tree.
Correlations of .80 or greater are indicated by boldface arrows.
Unlabeled boxes indicate difficult-to-name factors composed of 4 or fewer items.
three-factor solution, etc.) and then examine the relationships between the factor
structures as presented in the hierarchical tree.
Based purely on the correlations between factor scores at different levels of the
hierarchical tree, the four-factor model appears to be supported. The factors that arise in
the four-factor model correlate strongly ( .81) with the first four factors in the five-
factor solution (5/1, 5/2, 5/3, 5/4), which in turn correlate very strongly ( .97) with the
first four factors in the six-factor solution (6/1, 6/2, 6/3, 6/4). That is, according to the
correlations alone, these four factors appear to be consistent through the lower (or child)
levels of the tree. However, the factors that arise in the five-factor solution also correlate
strongly ( .94) with the first five factors of the six-factor solution (6/1, 6/2, 6/3, 6/4,
6/5), suggesting that the five-factor solution might also be viable. So, the hierarchical tree
structure can be interpreted as supporting the four-factor solution, or possibly the five-
factor solution, if only the correlation of the factor scores (and not the interpretability of
the factors) are considered.
When the cohesiveness and interpretability of the factor solutions presented in
each level of the hierarchical tree is also considered, as is required in order to assign
labels to each factor in the tree, the four-factor solution appears less viable. This is
because the distribution of items in the four-factor solution’s third and fourth factor (4/3,
4/4) makes those factors difficult to interpret. The third factor appears to relate to dogs’
reactivity, activity, and obedience, with items such as “Dog is very excitable around other
dogs” (.576), “Dog ignores commands” (.561), and “When off leash, dog comes
immediately when called” (-559), “Dog is excitable when visitors arrive” (.501), “Dog is
boisterous” (.464) loading strongly on the factor. Multiple of these items also load
strongly on the fourth factor in the solution (e.g., “Dog ignores commands” (-.409),
“When off leash, dog comes immediately when called” (.398), “Dog is boisterous”
(.357)). Items that load on the fourth factor seem to have to do with how engaged and
interested the dog is in the environment. For example, items loading strongly on the
factor (4/4) include “Dog enjoys playing with toys” (.563), “Dog is attentive to owner’s
actions and words” (.479), and “Dog is very alert” (.506). Again, there is cross-loading
such that some items on the fourth factor also load strongly onto the third factor (e.g.,
“Dog is attentive to owner’s actions and words” loads -.449 on factor (4/3)).
In the five-factor solution, the factors become more cohesive and interpretable:
the items group together in ways that are easy to interpret, and fewer items cross-load
strongly. Factor (5/1) is clearly related to Fearlessness. Factor (5/2) is related to
Aggression towards People and Dogs. Factor (5/3) consists of items related to activity
level, playfulness, and excitability, such as “Dog enjoys playing with toys” (.632), “Dog
seeks constant activity” (.530), and “Dog is lethargic” (-523). Factor (5/4) consists of
items related more exclusively to training, obedience, and how readily a dog is trained,
including “Dog ignores commands” (.678), “Dog is attentive to owner’s actions and
words” (-.648), and “Dog is able to focus on a task in a distracting situation (e.g., loud or
busy places, around other dogs)” (-.526). The final factor derived in the five-factor
solution relates to dogs’ tendency towards chasing and aggressing towards animals other
than dogs or people, and might be most easily interpreted as prey drive. Items loading on
this factor include “Dog is very excitable when around squirrels, birds, and other small
animals” (.728) and “Dog likes to chase cats” (.696). Conceptually, this final factor (5/5)
may be thought of as a facet of Aggression but might also relate to how reactive,
excitable, and generally active a dog is. Indeed, factor (5/5) Aggression towards Animals
is most correlated with factor (4/3) Reactivity (.470), and is secondarily correlated with
(4/2) Aggression (.265).
Across the three criteria, the supported factor solutions are the four- and the five-
factor solutions. Based on the ultimate criteria of interpretability, the five-factor solution
is favored. However, it is noteworthy that the five-factor solution here differs from the
five-factor solutions in Study 2. In Parts 1 and 4 of Study 2 Aggression is divided into
Aggression towards Dogs and Aggression towards People. In the EFA performed in Part
2 of Study 3, Aggression is divided into Aggression (towards People and Dogs) and Prey
Drive, which is also shown to be strongly related to dogs’ tendencies towards reactivity
or excitability and activity. This might suggest that the four-factor solution is more
favorable, however, the difficulty of interpreting the third and fourth factor in the four-
factor solution prohibit its selection. Thus, the factor solution selected for the CFA in
Study 3 is composed of five factors: Fearfulness, Aggression, Activity/Excitability,
Responsiveness to Training, and Prey Drive.
Many of the details and much of theory behind performing CFA using SEM were
described in the previous chapter’s discussion of Part 2 of Study 2. Details are reviewed
here as useful in considering the CFA performed in Part 3 of Study 3.
In the current study, the primary goal of the analyses is to confirm the five-factor
structure underlying the questionnaire data in Study 3 is stable by conducting a CFA
using the second half of the Study 3 participant sample and their responses to the 102
items included in Study 3.
As stated above, using SEM to perform CFA requires a large number of
participants per parameter. Exactly how many participants per parameter is a “large”
number is unclear, because it depends on the characteristics of the model being fit (e.g.,
items per factor, normality of the data, strength of the relationship between the items and
latent factors). However, a very conservative cut-off is indicated that 15 participants per
item is a good guideline (Stevens, 1996), and more conventional rules of thumb
recommend a range from five to 10 participants per parameter (e.g., Worthington &
Whittaker, 2006). In the current CFA, as in the EFA in this part of Study 3, there are 12.5
participants per parameter (N = 1,278, parameters = 102).
As in the EFA described above, I assessed the assessed the adequacy of the
sample (using KMO) for use in factor analysis. The KMO associated with the correlation
matrix for the data in Study 3 is .914, indicating that the matrix was adequate (e.g.,
Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
Prior to conducting the CFA using SEM, a researcher must indicate (1) how many
factors are present, (2) which items are related to each factor, and (3) whether the factors
are correlated or uncorrelated. In this analysis, the factors labeled as Fearfulness,
Aggression, Activity/Excitability, Responsiveness to Training, and Prey Drive, derived in
the immediately previous EFA on the first half of the Study 3 data, were examined
thorugh CFA. The items loading onto each of these factors were determined through the
EFA in Part 2 of Study 3. As discussed in previous sections, there are reasons to suspect
correlations between Aggression towards People and Fearfulness, and between
Aggression and Prey Drive, so models including these correlations were also fit.
According to RMSEA, all four version of the five-factor model are adequate fits
to the data. However, the comparative and other fit indices (RMR, GFI, CFI, NNFI) all
improve when correlations between the specified factors are added. It should be noted
that modification indices do not suggest significant gains in model fit would be incurred
if more factor correlations were added to the model.
Table 6.4. Confirmatory factor analysis of second half of Study 3 data
Five-factor models
Fit Index Model fit estimate Standard cut-off
F corr A
A corr Prey
F corr A;
A corr Prey
df = 5,049,
p < .001
df = 5,048,
p < .001
df = 5,048,
p < .001
df = 5,047,
p < .001
RMR .326 .298 .292 .285 smaller indicates better fit
GFI .618 .621 .622 .623 >.85
CFI .548 .554 .554 .556 >.9; larger indicates better fit
NNFI .499 .504 .506 .507 >.9; larger indicates better fit
RMSEA .059
(lo = .058,
hi = .060)
(lo = .058,
hi = .060)
(lo = .058,
hi = .059)
(lo = .058,
hi = .059)
<.08 = adequate fit
<.05 = good fit
n/a F corr A = .578
A corr Prey
Drive = .564
F corr A = .533,
A corr Prey
Drive = .528
Note. F = Fearfulness, A = Aggression. The abbreviation “n/a” indicates that statistics are
not applicable to the model in that column, and “n.s.” indicates “not significant”.
The ultimate goal of Study 3 was to devise shorter, more usable forms of the
DPQ. To do this, a final revision of the item pool was required. In this final revision, the
items were to be evaluated based on multiple criteria, including their loadings on both
facets and factors. In order to examine item loadings on each facet, a full hierarchical
model in which the 15 facets derived in Study 2, in addition to the five factors, were fit
was required.
Table 6.5. Confirmatory factor analyses of full hierarchical model (factors and facets)
Fit Index Model fit estimate Standard cut-off
Five-factor models
F corr AP
AP corr AA
F corr AP;
AP corr AA
df = 5,032,
p < .001
df = 5,031,
p < .001
df = 5,031,
p < .001
df = 5,030,
p < .001
RMR .323 .292 .306 .274 smaller indicates better fit
.715 .716 .721 .722 >.85
CFI .642 .615 .649 .657 >.9; larger indicates better fit
NNFI .612 .620 .619 .626 >.9; larger indicates better fit
RMSEA .053
(lo = .052,
hi = .053)
(lo = .052,
hi = .053)
(lo = .052,
hi = .053)
(lo = .051,
hi = .052)
<.08 = adequate fit
<.05 = good fit
n/a F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
Note. F = Fearfulness, AP = Aggression towards People, AA = Aggression towards
Animals. The abbreviation “n/a” indicates that statistics are not applicable to the model in
that column, and “n.s.” indicates “not significant”.
As indicated by the fit indices displayed in Table 6.5, these models incorporating
the 15 facets are improvements over the previous models according to RMR, GFI, CFI,
NNFI, and RMSEA. The five-factor, 15-facet model with correlations between
Fearfulness and Aggression towards People, and between Aggression towards People and
Aggression towards Animals, was deemed best and used for further analyses pertaining
to item selection.
Some of the items in the 102-item questionnaire performed better than others. In
building the long (75-item) and short (45-item) forms of the questionnaire, I aimed to
retain the best items, striking a balance among the sometimes conflicting criteria of
strength of loadings on factors and facets, content validity, utility, discriminant and
convergent validity, and internal consistency. I retained five items for each of the 15
facets for the long form. For the short form, I retained a subset of the items on the long
form such that the short form contains three items per facet.
Factor and facet loadings
The first criterion I examined was the magnitude of items’ loadings on their
predicted (and primary) factors and facets. Items that loaded weakly (absolute value
.500) on their intended factor and/or facet were seen as candidates for deletion from the
questionnaire, but were not deleted prior to consideration of the other criteria (see below).
The loadings resulting from the best-fitting models were used for this purpose. That is,
the regression loadings from CFA of the five-factor model with Fearfulness correlated
with Aggression towards People, and with Aggression towards People correlated with
Aggression towards Animals, were used for the factor loadings. The regression loadings
from CFA of the five-factor, 15-facet model with the same factor correlations were used
for the facet loadings. The items with absolute loadings less than or equal to .500 on their
primary facet or factor were identified. There were 16 items with absolute loadings less
than or equal to .500 on their respective factors, and 14 with absolute loadings less than
or equal to .500 on their respective facets. Eight of these items (number 2, 21, 29, 40, 43,
78, 95, and 101 from the Study 3 item pool) overlapped, showing absolute loadings of
less than or equal to .500 on both their factor and facet. Thus, a list of 22 items suggested
for deletion resulted from analysis of item loadings.
In removing items, attention was also paid to attempting to retain items with both
positive valence (positive loadings) and negative valence (negative loadings). That is, I
tried to retain items pertaining to aggression (+), lack of aggression (-), and friendliness (-
) on Factor 2: Aggression towards People.
Content validity
Another important issue to consider in removing items from the questionnaire to
create the long and short forms was that high content validity is maintained. That is, the
items that were retained needed to represent diverse aspects of each facet of dog
personality. By making certain that each facet was well represented, each trait was to be
well-represented. The short (45-item) form of the questionnaire is an abbreviated version
of the long questionnaire and thus less comprehensive, but the content represented by the
items included is still very important.
Item utility
Third, I tried to retain items with high utility, or those that address specific
behaviors that might be of great interest. For example, people who might use the DPQ
would likely be more interested in learning how aggressively a dog behaves towards
unfamiliar people in general than in the specific context of a person approaching the
dog’s house or yard. In the long form, items asking about both behaviors were retained as
part of the General Aggression facet of the Aggression towards People factor. Based on
item utility, the item pertinent to the specific situation of when people approach the house
marking was a good candidate for deletion in creating the short form.
Discriminant and convergent validity
Another important issue to consider when shortening the questionnaire was the
importance of the discriminant and convergent validity of the items. Discriminant validity
is indicated by low and nonsignificant correlations with measures that assess different,
unrelated constructs. It was expected, for example, that the correlation between an item
assessing Fearfulness and an item assessing Activity/Excitability would be low because
these two items assess different aspects of personality. However, given the relationship
between Fearfulness and Aggression towards People and the relationship between
Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals, items on each of those
factors were predicted to show higher correlations with each other than with items on the
other factors (e.g., Responsiveness to Training). Correlations at the item-to-item level
were predicted reflect the relationships that are evident at the factor-to-factor level.
However, these items were still predicted to correlate more strongly with other items
within the same factor than with other items on a related factor.
I correlated each of the items separately to examine whether items that load on
different factors (e.g., Aggression towards Animals, Activity/Excitability) show weaker
correlations with each other than items that load on the same factor (i.e., only Aggression
towards Animals) or the same facet of a factor. Convergent validity is indicated by large
and significant correlations between theoretically related constructs. For example, a
relatively large correlation was expected between two items purported to assess
aggression towards unfamiliar people, and between two items purported to assess activity
level during play. Convergent validity correlations, or correlations between items that
load on a single factor, are presented in Appendix E. Items showing poor convergent
validity correlations were also likely candidates for deletion when building the long and
short forms of the DPQ. For example, the item “When alone or about to be left alone, dog
shakes, shivers, or trembles” (Item 29 in Study 3) was considered a good candidate for
deletion, and ultimately was deleted, because of low convergent validity correlations (
.282). However, in some cases items with poor convergent validity correlations (e.g.,
Item 21 in Study 3, from the Aggression towards Animals factor, “Dog behaves
submissively (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye contact, licks lips) when greeting other dogs.”)
were retained to keep five items per factor or because they were important to maintaining
comprehensive content validity.
Correlations that were expected to be low, or discriminant correlations between
items, are presented in Appendix F. Items showing relatively poor discriminant validity
were candidates for deletion when building the long and short forms of the DPQ, but
these items were not always removed. For example, the Fearfulness item “Dog behaves
fearfully towards unfamiliar people” (Item 1 in Study 3) shows correlations ranging from
.029 to .640 with items that load on the Aggression towards People factor, which could
be seen as consistent with the correlation between the two factors. However, due to
content validity concerns, this item was ultimately retained.
Furthermore, items that showed both poor discriminant and poor convergent
validity (e.g., Item 45 in Study 3, “Dog becomes very excited when owner returns home,”
were considered particularly good candidates for deletion when the DPQ was shortened).
Internal consistency
It is also important that each scale (or the items measuring each factor) maintain
as much internal consistency, or reliability across items within a scale (measured with
Cronbach’s alpha), as possible while maximizing compliance with the other criteria. This
aspect of reliability is a measure of the extent to which items that load on a single factor
or scale measure the same underlying construct (Cronbach, 1951). If an item was
suggested for deletion based on its loadings, its relevance to content validity, its divergent
validity, or its convergent validity, before the item was removed I examined what impact
the item’s removal would have on internal consistency. Because Cronbach’s alpha tends
to increase as the number of items in a scale (or factor) increases, factors in the 102-item
questionnaire were expected to have higher internal consistency than the long (75-item)
form, and factors on the long form of the questionnaire are predicted to have higher
internal consistency than corresponding factors in the short (45-item). Ultimately, as
shown in Table 6.6, this was the case for most of the factors. However, the internal
consistency associated with Fearfulness increased with the removal of items from the
long form to create the short form. Presumably, the removal of eight items to create the
short form from the long form decreased the amount of conceptual variability, and
probably content validity, of the Fearfulness items when taken together.
Table 6.6. Scale reliabilities
Trait DPQ Form
Study 3 questionnaire
(102 items)
Long form
(75 items)
Short form
(45 items)
Fearfulness .911 (29 items) .882 (20 items) .838 (12 items)
Aggression towards People .852 (15 items) .814 (10 items) .742 (6 items)
Activity/Excitability .818 (27 items) .772 (20 items) .728 (12 items)
Responsiveness to Training .822 (14 items) .797 (10 items) .771 (12 items)
Aggression towards Animals .836 (17 items) .823 (15 items) .748 (9 items)
The internal consistency of the resulting long and short forms of the questionnaire
is comparable or slightly higher than those found in other studies of dog personality (see
Chapter 2). Given the amount of variability generally covered in each factor, each of
which have at least two facets, these alpha levels are even more impressive. As John and
Benet-Martínez (2000), explain, a factor showing “high” Cronbach’s alphas of .90 or
above are less impressive if the items on that factor address only a narrow range of
characteristics (e.g., aggression towards unfamiliar men) than if the items address a broad
array of related characteristics (e.g., aggression towards unfamiliar people, aggression
towards familiar people, aggression when threatened, aggression without apparent
A listing of the items that were retained or removed for each facet and factor is
presented in Appendix G. The final long form and short form of the questionnaire are
presented in Appendices H and I. Each questionnaire contains items representing the 15
facets and five factors. The long form of the questionnaire contains five items per facet,
for a total of 20 Fearfulness items, 10 Aggression towards People items, 20
Activity/Excitability items, 10 Responsiveness to Training items, and 15 Aggression
towards Animals items. The short form contains three items per facet, for a total of 12
Fearfulness items, six Aggression towards People items, 12 Activity/Excitability items,
12 Responsiveness to Training items, and nine Aggression towards Animals items.
Once all of the items were selected based on the criteria described above, I used
SEM to perform CFAs assessing the fit of the five-factor model to the new DPQ forms.
The Results are presented in Tables 6.7 and 6.8, below. In keeping with the previous
analyses, I fit models with all or only one pair of the predicted factor pairs correlated.
Again, the models in which correlations between Fearfulness and Aggression towards
People and between Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals are
specified showed the best fits according to all fit indices. The model with more indicators
– the 75-item Long Form – was associated with a better fit.
Table 6.7. 75-item DPQ confirmatory factor analyses
Five-factor model
Fit Index Model fit estimate Standard cut-off
F corr AP
AP corr AA
F corr AP;
AP corr AA
df = 2,705,
p < .001
df = 2,704,
p < .001
df = 2,704,
p < .001
df = 2,703,
p < .001
RMR .388 .356 .366 .334 smaller indicates better fit
.661 .663 .667 .669 >.85
CFI .544 .556 .554 .564 >.9; larger indicates better fit
NNFI .525 .536 .534 .544 >.9; larger indicates better fit
RMSEA .068
(lo = .068,
hi = .069)
(lo = .067,
hi = .068)
(lo = .067,
hi = .068)
(lo = .066,
hi = .068)
<.08 = adequate fit
<.05 = good fit
n/a F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
Note. F = Fearfulness, AP = Aggression towards People, and AA = Aggression towards
Animals. The abbreviation “n/a” indicates that statistics are not applicable to the model in
that column, and “n.s.” indicates “not significant”.
Table 6.8. 45-item DPQ confirmatory factor analyses
Five-factor model
Fit Index Model fit estimate Standard cut-off
F corr A
AP corr AA
F corr A;
AP corr AA
df = 948,
p < .001
df = 947,
p < .001
df = 947,
p < .001
df = 946,
p < .001
RMR .429 .385 .408 .366 smaller indicates better fit
.724 .731 .735 .738 >.85
CFI .561 .585 .576 .595 >.9; larger indicates better fit
NNFI .548 .571 .563 .581 >.9; larger indicates better fit
RMSEA .083
(lo = .082,
Hi = .084)
(lo = .080,
h = .082)
(lo = .080,
hi = .083)
(lo = .079,
hi = .081)
<.08 = adequate fit
<.05 = good fit
n/a F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
F corr AP =
AP corr AA =
Note. F = Fearfulness, AP = Aggression towards People, and AA = Aggression towards
Animals. The abbreviation “n/a” indicates that statistics are not applicable to the model in
that column, and “n.s.” indicates “not significant”.
As discussed in the above section on internal consistency, the long and short
forms of the questionnaire maintained relatively high internal consistency. Other
psychometric properties of the long and short forms of the DPQ, including inter-rater
reliability, test-retest reliability, and predictive validity, are presented in the following
In Study 3, I used SEM to perform CFA using data collected from 2,556 new
participants’ ratings of their dogs on the 102-item questionnaire to confirm that the best-
fitting model was the five-factor model including correlations between factors 1 and 2
(Fearfulness and Aggression towards People) and factors 2 and 5 (Aggression towards
People and Aggression towards Animals). As in Study 2, the stability of the five-factor
model was also confirmed using a split-halves procedure in which I divided the
participant set into two randomly selected halves, repeated the EFA procedure on one
half of the data (N = 1,278), then repeated the CFA procedure on the second half of the
data (N = 1,278).
So that researchers and practitioners wishing to assess dog personality using the
DPQ have a choice of tools to meet their needs, a more comprehensive long form and a
briefer short form of the DPQ were developed. The long form consists of 75 items, and
the short form has 45. Items for each form were selected to maximize the forms
psychometric properties (e.g., content validity, construct validity, including discriminant
and convergent validity; internal consistency), and so that each facet has an equal number
of items. The final forms are presented in Appendices H and I.
Study 4: Inter-Rater Reliability
As mentioned above, an assessment tool must demonstrate reliability across
raters. If an assessment tool does not have high inter-rater reliability, then the ratings
probably reflect idiosyncrasies of a particular observer, not attributes of the target whom
the questionnaire purports to assess. The goal of Study 4 was to evaluate the inter-rater
reliability of the long and short forms of the DPQ. To achieve this goal, I administered
the long form, and therein the short form, of the questionnaire online to a group of 99
pairs of participants, with both individuals of each pair rating the same target dog. I
assessed the short form of the questionnaire by extracting responses to items included on
the short form from the data collected with the long form.
Participants for Study 4 were all newly recruited participants. Pairs of participants
who were familiar with the same target dog were recruited for Study 4. Pairs of
participants signed up to participate by responding to online postings on the Animal
Personality Institute website ( and dog-related Internet
discussion boards or newsletters. E-mail groups were also given permission to recirculate
postings through-out their groups. These online ads described the study’s goal as
evaluating how much people tended to agree when independently rating dogs on the
DPQ, and emphasized that agreement is affected by various aspects of the questionnaire
itself in addition to other factors. It was emphasized that participants would need to
complete the questionnaire without talking to each other before or while they completed
the questionnaire to ensure independence of the ratings. Participants completed an online
version of the questionnaire between June and August of 2007. Participants received no
compensation for their participation, but were given feedback about their dogs
personalities with respect to the five personality factors (and their facets) assessed in the
DPQ. A total of 213 participants completed the questionnaire during this time period;
initial analyses (described below) refined the sample to 99 pairs of participants rated the
same dog.
Materials and Procedures
In Study 4, participants completed the long form of the questionnaire (derived in
Study 3) and were asked to provide the same demographic information about themselves
and their dogs that participants provided in the previous studies. The questionnaire was
presented online, following an introduction page that described the basic goals of the
study and again emphasized the importance of the participants completing the
questionnaire independently. Participants were also told that, at the end of the
questionnaire, they would each receive summaries of how they had rated the target dog,
so they could compare their ratings if they wished.
As in Study 3, participants were allowed to choose which of their dogs they rated,
if they had more than one dog. The second participant in each pair was instructed to rate
the same dog the first participant had rated. Participants were also asked whether the dog
they were rating had previously been or would be rated by another participant, and, if so,
were asked to provide that participant’s first name. Unlike in the previous studies, the
order in which questionnaire items were presented was not uniquely randomized for each
participant in Study 4; in order to evaluate the reliability of the instrument as it would be
administered in the paper-and-pencil format, items were presented in the same order as
on the paper form of the DPQ’s long form (see Appendix H). Participants were not
allowed to leave answers blank.
As in previous studies, I refined the sample and then examined the demographic
data in Study 4 to assure that the participants and the target dogs compose diverse
First, I removed cases in which only a single participant had filled out the
questionnaire about a given dog and cases in which single participants had filled out the
questionnaire multiple times about a given dog. I identified these cases by matching cases
in terms of the participants’ names, dogs’ names, and other demographic information
(e.g., location, dog breed). This process reduced the dataset from 213 participants to 198
participants, all of whom were paired. In each of the 99 pairs that were retained, the
participants had listed another participant in the dataset as the other individual who would
rate or had rated a given dog. That is, if Ellen rated a male Labrador Retriever named
Gunner and said that Rob would also rate Gunner, then there was another case in which
Gunner was rated by Rob, and Rob said that Ellen had rated Gunner.
Second, as in previous studies, I examined the frequency of responses for each
questionnaire item to check for obvious errors in saving the data. No anomalies were
found in the dataset, though, as in previous studies, responses to each item were not
regularly distributed (i.e., responses to some items were skewed).
Third, I examined each case for anomalies and problems of data omission (e.g.,
participants who had withheld their location). No problems were found, and so all cases
were retained.
Sample demographics
Demographic information for the 198 participants who compose the 99 pairs of
participants in Study 4 is presented in Table 7.1. Aside from the listings specific to the
pairing of sexes (e.g., “Pairing of sexes,” “Average difference in age between raters”), all
entries in Table 7.1 treat participants separately (i.e., not as pairs).
As in previous studies, both sexes of dog owners were represented in Study 4.
Again, men composed the minority (37.9%, or 75 men), though they composed a larger
percentage of the sample in this study than in previous studies. In this sample,
participants were paired, and so I also examined the composition of the pairs of
participants. Only six of the 99 pairs were composed of two men, 30 of the pairs
consisted of two women, and 63 pairs consisted of one man and one woman. (No
information regarding the relationships between raters was collected.) The average age of
participants was 47 years, with a standard deviation of 13 years. The average difference
in age between raters was 6.2 years.
The majority of participants were currently residing in the U.S., with only two
participants residing in Canada and two who indicated they were living in an unlisted
country (Finland). The sample included participants from 37 states; individuals of every
pair indicated that they currently resided in the same state, and most (N = 94 pairs) in the
same zip code. The majority of participants identified themselves as Caucasian/White (N
= 171). Other participants identified themselves as African American/Black (N = 15),
Hispanic (N = 6), East Asian (N = 3), and Multiracial or Other (N = 3).
Of the 198 participants, 27 (or 13.6%) indicated having a dog-related job or
career. The majority of these participants (N = 15) reported working as dog trainers or
Because many of the pairs of participants may share ownership of their current
dogs and past dogs, statistics about their dog ownership are likely to be highly correlated.
However, these numbers still reflect the individuals’ experience with different dogs and
dog ownership, and so they are reported in Table 7.1 in terms of individual dog owners
(not pairs of dog owners). The mean number of dogs each participant had owned in his or
her lifetime, not including current dogs but including childhood family dogs, was 5.9 (s.d.
= 3.8). The mean number of dogs currently owned by participants in Study 4 was 1.9 (s.d.
= .9).
Table 7.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 4
Dog owners
Sex (dog owner)
Male 75 (37.9%)
Female 123 (62.1%)
Pairing of sexes
Both raters are male 6 pairs (6.1%)
Both raters are female 30 pairs (30.3%)
One male, one female 63 pairs (63.6%)
Age (dog owner)
Mean 47
standard deviation 13
Age not reported 0
Average difference in age between raters 6.2
Caucasian/White 171 (86.4%)
African-American/Black 15 (7.6%)
Hispanic 6 (3.0%)
East Asian 3 (1.5%)
Native American 0
Asian Indian 0
Multiracial or Other 3 (1.5%)
Country of residence
U.S. 196 (98.0%)
Canada 2 (1.0%)
Australia 0
U.K. 0
Other (Native language is English) 2 (1.0%)
Country of residence not reported 0
Dog-related careers
Breeder and/or Exhibitor 3 (1.5%)
Trainer and/or Behaviorist 15 (7.6%)
Dog rescue worker/volunteer 3 (1.5%)
Veterinarian 0
Groomer 0
Kennel/Daycare owner or employee 6 (6.0%)
Assistance dog partner 0
Mean (s.d.)
Number of dogs owned
Past (mean; s.d.) 5.9 (3.8)
Number not reported 0
Currently 1.9 (.9)
Number not reported 0
Total number of participants 198 (99 pairs)
As in the previous studies, it was also important to confirm that a
demographically diverse sample of dogs was rated in Study 4. Because each participant
in the 99 pairs rated a single dog, there are 99 dogs in this. In Study 4, all dogs’ ages were
reported as known, and the dogs’ average age was 4.8 years (s.d. = 2.9). The dogs ranged
in age from one to 12 years.
Other demographic information about the dogs is presented in Table 7.2. The
number of dogs (out of the 99 in Study 4) in each category is listed in the far right
column, which is entitled “Number of dogs”. Although a smaller sample than the samples
in previous studies, the sample of 99 dogs appeared to be diverse. Slightly more than half
the dogs (N = 55, or 55.6%) were male. Ninety of the dogs (90.9%) were castrated.
Purebred dogs made up more than half of the sample (N = 59, or 59.6%), with 29
breeds represented. The breeds most represented included the Australian Shepherd (N =
5), Labrador Retriever (N = 5), German Shepherd Dog (N = 4), and Border Collie (N =
Information about whether the dogs were reported to have ever bitten a person,
had any reported health issues, what role they played in their ownerslives (e.g., pet,
guide dog), and whether they were involved in any sports is also included in Table 7.2.
Four dogs were reported to have bitten someone, one dog had an unknown bite
history, and 94 dogs were reported to have never bitten a person (intentionally, outside
play, and outside work or sport requiring biting; e.g., Schutzhund training or
competition). Twenty-three dogs were indicated to have health problems or disabilities,
including hip dysplasia (N = 7), arthritis (N = 4), elbow dysplasia (N = 1), and other
disabilities (N = 11). Other disabilities listed included, for example, a heart murmur,
incontinence as a result of a spay surgery, skin allergies, chronic ear infections, and
cherry eye.
The majority of the dogs in this sample (N = 95, or 95.9%) were considered pets
or companions by their owners. However, there were also three working assistance dogs.
One assistance dog was a guide dog, rated by his blind partner and his blind partner’s
seeing spouse, and the other two are medical assistance dogs (e.g., seizure alert dogs). As
in the previous studies, the popularity of agility (N = 17) and American Kennel Club
show/conformation (N = 6) was also represented in this sample.
Table 7.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 4
Number of dogs
Male 55 (55.6%)
Female 45 (45.4%)
Mean (s.d.) 4.8 (3.1)
Males Neutered 49 (49.5%)
Intact 6 (6.1%)
Females Spayed 44 (44.4%)
Intact 3 (3.0%)
Unknown 3 (3.0%)
No (mixed) 37 (37.4%)
Yes 59 (59.6%)
Bitten a
Unknown 1 (1.0%)
No 94 (95.0%)
Yes 4 (4.0%)
Disability and
Unilaterally deaf 0
Health issues
Bilaterally deaf 0
Blind in one eye 0
Blind in both eyes 0
Arthritic 4 (4.0%)
Hip dysplasia 7 (7.1%)
Elbow dysplasia 1 (1.0%)
Other disabilities 11 (11.1%)
Job or Role Pet/Companion
95 (95.9%)
Assistance dog
3 (3.0%)
Guide dog 1 (1.0%)
Hearing ear dog 0
Medical assistance dog 2 (2.0%)
Search and rescue
Guard dog
1 (1.0%)
Animal Assisted Therapy
6 (6.1%)
Dam or sire for breeding
Table 7.2. (Continued)
Number of dogs
Obedience 0
Sledding 0
Carting 0
Frisbee 0
Earth dog 3 (3.0%)
Show/Conformation 6 (6.1%)
Schutzhund 1 (1.0%)
Agility 17 (17.2%)
Herding (competitive) 1 (1.0%)
Flyball 0
Hunting 1 (1.0%)
Total number of dogs
Note. The sum of the number of dogs who participate in sports will not equal the total
number of dogs in the study; some dogs are not in sports, and others are in multiple.
Similarly, participants may consider a dog to be both a pet/companion and to have
another job or role (e.g., assistance dog, search and rescue dog).
Dogs with unknown histories (e.g., bite history) are typically dogs who were adopted
from shelters or rescues.
Inter-rater reliability
The goal of the analyses in Study 4 is to measure the strength of the relationship
between target dogs’ paired ratings on the DPQ’s individual items and on the facets and
factors of both the long and short form.
A very common method of assessing the strength of relationships between
variables is the Pearson correlation. The Pearson correlation can be thought of as
assessing the relationship between data organized in two columns in a meaningful way.
These columns might include a first and second test (as in test-retest reliability), or
factors such as height and income, husbands and wives, or any other meaningful pair of
variables. In the current study, the columns would be Rater 1 and Rater 2. However,
because the raters were not consistent types of pairs (e.g., husband/wife), because they
filled out the questionnaire independently, and so on, there is no meaningful way to
identify one rater as Rater 1 and the other as Rater 2.
Because there is no obvious way to determine which rater to place in which
column or group, the Pearson correlation is not an appropriate test for assessing inter-
rater reliability in Study 4. A meaningful Pearson correlation cannot be calculated
because the correlation would differ if, for example, the correlation were calculated, then
recalculated after half of the raters were swapped from one column to the other. A
correlation coefficient that is not affected by the ordering of raters is required, such as an
intraclass correlation coefficient, or ICC (Griffin & Gonzales, 1995; Shrout & Fleiss,
1979). Along with the ICC, Cronbach’s alpha provides additional information about the
reliability of the ratings’ means (e.g., John & Soto, 2007).
The ICC is an Analysis of Variance-based (ANOVA-based) correlation. It
measures the relative homogeneity within groups in ratio to total variance; the covariance
of the ratings is divided by a form of the total variance to obtain this sort of correlation
ICCs assess inter-rater reliability by comparing the variability of different ratings
of the same subject to the total variation across all ratings and all subjects. There are
multiple types of ICCs, representing different study models and data characteristics.
Similar to ANOVA, in the case of inter-rater reliability ICC varies depending on whether
the raters are thought to be a sample of a larger population or the entire population of
interest, whether the targets they rate are a sample of a larger population, or the entire
population, and whether reliability is measured based on individual ratings or mean
ratings of all judges (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979; McGraw & Wong, 1996).
In the current study, each dog is rated by two people, and each person, or rater,
rates only one dog. Because the raters are different for every dog, it is impossible to
distinguish variability due to rater, so a one-way random-effects model is most
appropriate; for this model, it is only possible to evaluate consistency (not absolute
agreement). It is, unfortunately, also impossible to extract information about the exact
source of the inter-rater reliability. Are the reliability levels that occur due to independent
experiences with the dog, discussions between the two raters, shared past experiences
(e.g., previous dogs owned), or other factors? How much is due to actual variation in the
dog? It is assumed that various factors will impact the ratings that each member of each
pair gives, and that a substantial portion of the variability is due to the individual
differences in the target dogs themselves.
Cronbach’s alpha can be seen, simply, as a coefficient of reliability or
generalizability. It is affected by number of items or ratings, and by the homogeneity or
average correlation among the ratings. In the context of ICC as a measure of inter-rater
reliability, Cronbach’s alpha is an estimate of how strongly the score obtained from the
actual raters would correlate with the score that would have been or could be obtained
from another sample of raters. That is, the ICC alpha is an estimate of the reproducibility
of the raters’ mean rating.
Because the ICC and the associated alpha are both estimates of the reliability of
the ratings, it is expected that they will yield parallel results. That is, items, facets, or
factors associated with high ICCs will also be associated with high alphas.
The item-level ICC rs indicate the strength of the relationship between paired
participants’ ratings of the target dogs on each item. The item-level alphas indicate the
reliability of the ratings, as described above, on each item. Item-level ICC rs and alphas
are presented in Table 7.3. All 75 items included in the long form of the DPQ are
presented in Table 7.3. The items are numbered as they appear on the long form. The
items retained for the 45-item short form are indicated by bolded item numbers. Items
that are reverse keyed are indicated with an asterisk. The items are separated into labeled
groups based on their loading onto each factor, and facets within each factor. For both the
short form and the long form of the questionnaire, the mean correlations (calculated using
Fisher’s r-to-z transformation) and mean alphas across the items in each facet, across all
items in each factor, and across all items in each DPQ form are presented.
Inter-rater reliability statistics were evaluated based on how they compared to
those found in previous research on dog personality assessment (see Chapter 2). In
previous research, the average reported inter-rater reliability statistics were .60 (weighted
by sample size) and .56 (unweighted). As shown at the bottom of Table 7.3, the average
inter-rater reliability for the long form was .555, and for the short form was .547. These
are slightly lower than the average reported in the previous dog personality literature.
The average minimums were .50 (weighted) and .37 (unweighted), and the
average maximum inter-observer reliability correlations in previous dog personality
studies was .77 (weighted by N per sample) or .78 (unweighted). The item-level inter-
rater reliabilities associated with DPQ items ranged from .240 (“Dog behaves
aggressively when restrained or handled (e.g., groomed), from the Situational
Aggression facet on the Aggression towards People factor) to .839, (“Dog enjoys playing
with toys,” from the Playfulness facet of Activity/Excitability).
In addition, I followed the suggestion of Gosling and Vazire (2002) by comparing
inter-rater reliability of humans’ ratings of dogs to those of humans’ ratings of other
humans. Gosling and Vazire (2002) cite a large amount of evidence supporting the inter-
rater reliability of human personality ratings, with inter-rater agreement correlations of
approximately .50 being typical. This value was used as a guideline for assessing the
inter-rater reliability of the DPQ, which, with a few noticeable exceptions (e.g., items 16,
17, 44), compared favorably to the typical .50 observed in human personality rating
studies. Indeed, fifty of the 75 correlations were greater than .500.
The average Cronbach’s alpha, across all items in the 75-item from, was .701.
Across all items in the 45-item form, the average Cronbach’s alpha was .695. The lowest
alpha was .393, associated with “(“Dog behaves aggressively when restrained or handled
(e.g., groomed),” from the Situational Aggression facet on the Aggression towards
People factor, which also had the lowest item-level ICC (.240). The highest alpha was
.916, associated with the item “Dog enjoys playing with toys,” from the Playfulness facet
of Activity/Excitability, which also had the highest ICC (.839).
Table 7.3. Item-level inter-rater reliability
Factor Reliability
ICC Alpha
Factor 1 – Fearfulness
Facet 1 – Fear of People
Dog is relaxed when greeting people. .684 .818
Dog is shy. .638 .781
30 Dog behaves fearfully when near crowds of people. .621 .767
Dog behaves fearfully towards unfamiliar people. .540 .705
54 Dog behaves fearfully towards children. .513 .723
Short Form Mean (Fear of People facet) .624 .768
Long Form Mean (Fear of People facet) .603 .759
Facet 2 – Nonsocial Fear
Dog is anxious. .360 .559
Dog is confident. .506 .672
24 Dog is easily startled by unexpected contact with objects (e.g., tripping,
brushing against a door frame).
.656 .805
Dog adapts easily to new situations and environments. .683 .820
58* Dog is quick to recover after being startled or frightened. .395 .570
Short Form Mean (Nonsocial Fear facet) .530 .684
Long Form Mean (Nonsocial Fear facet) .533 .685
Facet 3 – Fear of Dogs
9* Dog is bold. .579 .731
Dog avoids other dogs. .498 .669
Dog behaves submissively (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye contact, licks lips)
when greeting other dogs.
.597 .755
66 Dog behaves fearfully when threatened by other dogs (e.g., growled or
lunged at, cornered).
.459 .631
Dog behaves fearfully towards other dogs. .548 .705
Short Form Mean (Fear of Dogs facet) .549 .710
Long Form Mean (Fear of Dogs facet) .538 .698
Facet 4 – Fear of Handling
Dog behaves fearfully during visits to the veterinarian. .600 .748
Dog is easily upset when corrected, scolded, or punished. .587 .738
Dog is sensitive (and reactive) to pain. .465 .662
Dog exhibits fearful behaviors when restrained. .375 .542
Dog behaves fearfully when groomed (e.g., nails trimmed, brushed, bathed,
ears cleaned).
.566 .721
Short Form Mean (Fear of Handling facet) .520 .670
Long Form Mean (Fear of Handling facet) .524 .682
Short Form Mean (Fearfulness factor) .557 .706
Long Form Mean (Fearfulness factor) .550 .708
Table 7.3. (Continued)
Factor Reliability
ICC Alpha
Factor 2 – Aggression towards People
Facet 1 – General Aggression
Dog behaves aggressively towards unfamiliar people. .580 .733
Dog behaves aggressively when a person (e.g., visitor, delivery person)
approaches the house or yard.
.418 .596
Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar people. .637 .776
Dog shows aggression when nervous or fearful. .482 .647
Dog behaves aggressively towards children. .801 .899
Short Form Mean (General Aggression facet) .570 .719
Long Form Mean (General Aggression facet) .602 .730
Facet 2 – Situational Aggression
2 Dog behaves aggressively if disturbed or moved when resting. .517 .709
17 Dog behaves aggressively when restrained or handled (e.g., groomed). .240 .393
Dog behaves aggressively in response to perceived threats from people
(e.g., being cornered, having collar reached for).
.324 .565
Dog behaves aggressively during visits to the veterinarian. .658 .798
Dog aggressively guards coveted items (e.g., stolen item, treats, food bowl). .466 .648
Short Form Mean (Situational Aggression facet) .496 .670
Long Form Mean (Situational Aggression facet) .454 .623
Short Form Mean (Aggression towards People factor) .532 .695
Long Form Mean (Aggression towards People factor) .534 .676
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability
Facet 1 – Excitability
Dog is boisterous. .363 .528
Dog seeks constant activity. .691 .821
55 Dog is very excitable when visitors arrive. .630 .772
Dog tends to be calm. .401 .568
72 Dog is very excitable around other dogs. .583 .737
Short Form Mean (Excitability facet) .502 .639
Long Form Mean (Excitability facet) .546 .685
Facet 2 – Playfulness
3* Dog is aloof or indifferent towards other dogs. .359 .523
Dog gets bored in play quickly. .250 .397
Dog enjoys playing with toys. .839 .916
46 Dog is interested in playing tug-o-war with people or dogs. .737 .852
Dog retrieves objects (e.g., balls, toys, sticks). .812 .903
Short Form Mean (Playfulness facet) .701 .739
Long Form Mean (Playfulness facet) .656 .720
Table 7.3. (Continued)
Factor Reliability
ICC Alpha
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability (continued)
Facet 3 – Active Engagement
Dog is lethargic .420 .588
14 Dog will work to obtain an object or reward (e.g., ball, treat) that is hidden. .719 .843
Dog works at tasks (e.g., getting treats out of a Kong, shredding toys) until
entirely finished.
.522 .683
Dog is curious. .576 .729
48 Dog is very alert. .619 .763
Short Form Mean (Active Engagement facet) .509 .667
Long Form Mean (Active Engagement facet) .580 .721
Facet 4 – Companionability
7 Dog loves to be praised. .790 .884
Dog seeks companionship from people. .559 .715
Dog is aloof. .265 .437
Dog is affectionate. .521 .693
67 Dog follows people around. .498 .673
Short Form Mean (Companionability facet) .457 .615
Long Form Mean (Companionability facet) .551 .680
Short Form Mean (Activity factor) .550 .665
Long Form Mean (Activity factor) .585 .701
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1 – Trainability
37 Dog is attentive to owner's actions and words. .667 .802
45* Dog is slow to learn new tricks or tasks. .386 .567
Dog is slow to respond to corrections. .563 .718
Dog ignores commands. .452 .619
Dog is able to focus on a task in a distracting situation (e.g., loud or busy
places, around other dogs).
.464 .676
Short Form Mean (Trainability facet) .495 .671
Long Form Mean (Trainability facet) .514 .676
Table 7.3. (Continued)
Factor Reliability
ICC Alpha
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training (continued)
Facet 2 – Controllability
4* Dog is destructive. .704 .829
When off leash, dog comes immediately when called. .596 .746
Dog is quick to sneak out through open doors, gates. .514 .682
29* When walking on leash, dog tends to pull ahead. .317 .510
Dog leaves food or objects alone when told to do so. .479 .644
Short Form Mean (Controllability facet) .532 .691
Long Form Mean (Controllability facet) .534 .682
Short Form Mean (Responsiveness to Training factor) .513 .681
Long Form Mean (Responsiveness to Training factor) .524 .679
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1 – Aggression towards Dogs
Dog behaves aggressively toward dogs. .578 .767
8 Dog responds aggressively when threatened by another dog (e.g., growled
or lunged at, cornered).
.512 .709
Dog is playful with other dogs. .675 .804
57 Dog has a tendency to attack (or attempt to attack) other dogs. .490 .685
Dog is friendly towards other dogs. .597 .763
Short Form Mean (Aggression towards Dogs facet) .619 .778
Long Form Mean (Aggression towards Dogs facet) .574 .746
Facet 2 – Prey Drive
Dog likes to chase squirrels, birds, or other small animals. .329 .519
22 Dog catches and kills other animals (e.g., squirrels, rabbits). .616 .798
26 Dog is very excitable around cats. .607 .763
Dog likes to chase bicycles, joggers, and skateboarders. .535 .743
Dog behaves aggressively towards cats. .516 .737
Short Form Mean (Prey Drive facet) .467 .666
Long Form Mean (Prey Drive facet) .527 .712
Table 7.3. (Continued)
Factor Reliability
ICC Alpha
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals (continued)
Facet 3 – Dominance over other Dogs
Dog is dominant over other dogs. .505 .695
41 Dog guards food or treats from other dogs. .519 .693
Dog willingly shares toys with other dogs. .699 .826
52 Dog jumps up on (e.g., in play) and/or mounts other dogs (outside
appropriate mating).
.568 .722
Dog is assertive or pushy with other dogs (e.g., if in a home with other
dogs, when greeting).
.527 .701
Short Form Mean (Dominance over Other Dogs facet) .584 .741
Long Form Mean (Dominance over Other Dogs facet) .569 .727
Short Form Mean (Aggression towards Animals factor) .559 .728
Long Form Mean (Aggression towards Animals factor) .557 .728
Short Form MEAN (all items on short form) .547 .695
Long Form MEAN (all items) .555 .701
Note. Items marked with an asterisk are reverse coded items. Items listed in boldface are
on both the long and short form of the DPQ. Mean ICC rs were computed using Fisher’s
r-to-z transformation.
The facet scores are the means of the scores assigned to items that compose each
facet, after the reverse keyed items have been rekeyed. Facet scores were calculated
separately for the long form and the short form of the DPQ, because the facets on the
short form consist of subsets of the items that compose the facets on the long form. Facet-
level ICCs indicate the strength of the relationship between the pairs of facet scores
calculated for each dog, based on averaging the item-level scores that load on each facet.
Facet-level ICCs and alphas are presented in Table 7.4. The facet-level ICCs and alphas
are organized by the factors with which they are associated and are presented underneath
the bolded factor labels and factor-related statistics.
The factor scores are the mean score raters assigned to items composing each
factor, after the reverse keyed items have been rekeyed. Factor scores were calculated
separately for the long form and the short form of the DPQ, because, as with the facets,
the factors on the short form consist of subsets of items on the corresponding factors on
the long form. Factor-level ICCs indicate the strength of the relationship between the
paired factor-level ratings, which were calculated based on averaging the item-level
scores that load on each factor. Factor-level ICCs and alphas are presented in rows and
bolded in Table 7.4.
Table 7.4. Facet- and factor-level inter-rater reliability
Inter-Rater Reliability
Long form Short form
ICC Alpha ICC Alpha
Factor 1 – Fearfulness
.753 .861 .777 .875
Facet 1 – Fear of People
.738 .854 .767 .868
Facet 2 – Nonsocial Fear
.732 .845 .675 .812
Facet 3 – Fear of Dogs
.503 .667 .492 .656
Facet 4 – Fear of Handling
.603 .755 .640 .778
Factor 2 – Aggression towards People
.659 .806 .697 .832
Facet 1 – General Aggression
.683 .810 .642 .780
Facet 2 – Situational Aggression
.468 .707 .597 .797
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability
.786 .879 .745 .854
Facet 1 – Excitability
.725 .840 .669 .802
Facet 2 – Playfulness
.872 .933 .774 .880
Facet 3 – Active Engagement
.704 .825 .558 .714
Facet 4 – Companionability
.550 .707 .459 .632
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training
.701 .823 .666 .797
Facet 1 – Trainability
.689 .815 .627 .776
Facet 2 – Controllability
.679 .807 .587 .741
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals
.685 .826 .734 .852
Facet 1 – Aggression towards Dogs
.678 .834 .749 .869
Facet 2 – Prey Drive
.590 .747 .539 .698
Facet 3 – Dominance over Other Dogs
.669 .800 .628 .778
MEAN across Factors
.720 .839
.726 .842
I compared inter-rater reliability levels across the different facets and factors to
address the question of whether differences in reliability exist between the facets or
between the factors, which could be indicative of some facets or factors being more
sensitive to observer-related effects than others. As displayed in Tabel 7.4, facet ICCs
were generally high, but ranged from .468 (Situational Aggression) to .872 (Playfulness)
on the 75-item long form, and from .459 (Companionability) to .774 (Playfulness) on the
45-item short form. Factor ICCs ranged from .659 (Aggression towards People) to .786
(Activity/Excitability) on the 75-item long form, and from .666 (Responsivness to
Training) to .777 (Fearfulness) on the 45-item short form. All of these, however, are
relatively high. It should be noted that it is expected that ICCs across facets and factors
are higher than those at the item level because facets and factors benefit from aggregation
of ratings, creating a composite analogous to measuring behavior at multiple instances
instead of a single instant in time.
Though still high, the facets Fear of dogs, Situational Aggression, and
Companionability are associated with the lowest inter-rater reliability. ICCs associated
with factor-level scores show a narrower range, but are high relative to ICCs in previous
research (see Chapter 2).
Facet-level alphas ranged from .667 (Fear of Dogs) to .933 (Playfulness) on the
long form and from .632 (Companionability) to .880 (Playfulness) on the short form.
Factor-level alphas ranged from .806 (Aggression towards People) to .879
(Activity/Excitability) on the long from and from .797 (Responsiveness to Training) to
.875 (Fearfulness) on the short form. As with the facet and factor ICCs, the alphas at the
facet and factor level are higher than those at the item level because facets and factors
benefit from aggregation of ratings; aggregated scores will typically be associated with
higher inter-correlations than item-level scores, and higher inter-correlations lead to
higher alphas.
Inter-rater reliability levels associated with the items, facets, and factors on the
DPQ long and short forms were shown to be acceptable. Most DPQ inter-rater reliability
levels were comparable to or stronger than inter-rater reliability levels found in previous
dog personality research and typical human personality research. The DPQ long form’s
item-level inter-rater reliability ranged from .240 to .839 with a mean of .555, facet-level
inter-rater reliability ranged from .468 to .872 with a mean of .672, and factor-level inter-
rater reliability ranged from .659 to .786 with a mean of .720. The DPQ short form’s
item-level inter-rater reliability ranged from .265 to .839 with a mean of .547, facet-level
inter-rater reliability ranged from .459 to .767 with a mean of .638, and factor-level inter-
rater reliability ranged from .666 to .726 with a mean of .726.
Study 5: Test-Retest Reliability
Reliability across time is crucial to the value of an assessment, particularly one
intended to measure a relatively temporally stable construct (e.g., personality). Reliability
across time, also called test-retest reliability, is a necessary prerequisite to predictive
validity (addressed in Study 6). The goal of Study 5 was to evaluate the temporal stability
of the DPQ by estimating the degree to which responses vary within individuals across
time, thus reflecting error due to uncontrolled ancillary variables (e.g., test
administration). To achieve this goal, I administered the questionnaire twice to 100
participants who rated the same dog on the questionnaire both times.
The 110 participants who took part in this study were newly recruited and
reported having not participated in any previous studies using the DPQ. Participants
signed up to take part in Study 5 in response to online advertisements posted on the
Animal Personality Website ( or on dog-related Internet
discussion boards, news groups, or newsletters. E-mail groups were also given
permission to circulate postings through-out their groups.
Participants completed the questionnaire once in June or July of 2007, then were
e-mailed reminders to complete the questionnaire a second time in August of 2007. All
participants completed the questionnaire online twice between June and September of
2007. Again, participants were given no compensation for their participation, but were
given feedback about their ratings of their dogs’ personalities with respect to the five
personality factors assessed in the DPQ. (As in previous studies, participants were
informed that the feedback was preliminary and the reliability and validity of the DPQ
were under assessment.) A total of 100 participants completed the questionnaire twice
and were included in the test-retest reliability analyses.
Materials and Procedures
Participants in Study 5 completed the long form of the questionnaire. Participants
were also asked to provide the same demographic information about themselves and their
dogs as participants in previous studies. Participants were not allowed to leave items
blank and, during the first completion of the questionnaire, were required to provide an e-
mail address to which a reminder could be sent four to six weeks later.
As in previous studies, I examined the demographic data in Study 5 to assure that
the participants and the target dogs composed a diverse sample.
Study 5 participants were limited to those 100 who completed the questionnaire
twice in the time allowed (between June and September of 2007). Cases were matched by
owners’ first names, dogs’ names, locations, breeds, and owners’ indication of whether
they had completed the questionnaire previously.
As in previous studies, I looked at the frequency of responses for each
questionnaire item to check for errors (e.g, from saving the data). As with the previous
studies, no anomalies were found in the dataset, but responses to some of the items were
not regularly distributed (i.e., responses to some items were skewed).
I also examined the data to determine whether the 100 participants retained had
provided appropriate responses to background and free-response items. No anomalies or
problems (e.g., withheld information) were found, so all 100 participants were retained.
Sample demographics
Demographic information for the 100 participants who took part in Study 5 is
presented in Table 8.1.
Both sexes of dog owners were represented in Study 5. Again, men composed a
small minority (9.0%, or 9 men), comparable to the percentage of men in Study 1
(10.6%) and Study 3 (10.2%). The average age of participants was 41.6 years, with a
standard deviation of 10.3 years.
Ninety-one of participants were currently residing in the U.S., with only three
participants residing in Canada, one residing in Australia, and five who indicated they
living in an unlisted country (Italy (1), China (2), Germany (2)). The sample included
participants from 22 states, with the largest percentage of participants form California
(21%). The majority of participants identified themselves as Caucasian/White (N = 92).
Other participants identified themselves as African American/Black (N = 3), East Asian
(N = 2), and Multiracial or Other (N = 3).
Of the 100 participants, 25 (or 25%) indicated having a dog-related job or career,
and one worked with an assistance dog partner (guide dog). The majority of these
participants reported working as dog trainers and/or behaviorists (N = 9) or as
veterinarians (N = 8).
The mean number of dogs each participant had owned in his or her lifetime, not
including current dogs but including childhood family dogs, was 5.7 (s.d. = 4.5). The
mean number of dogs currently owned by participants in Study 5 was 2.2 (s.d. = 1.2).
Table 8.1. Demographic information about participants in Study 5
Study 5
Sex (dog owner)
Male 9 (9.0%)
Female 91 (91.0%)
Age (dog owner)
Mean 41.6
standard deviation 10.3
Age not reported 0
Country of residence
U.S. 91 (91.0%)
Canada 3 (3.0%)
Australia 1 (1.0%)
U.K. 0
Other (Native language is English) 5 (5.0%)
Country of residence not reported 0
Caucasian/White 92 (92.0%)
African-American/Black 3 (3.0%)
Hispanic 0
East Asian 2 (2.0%)
Native American 0
Asian Indian 0
Multiracial or Other 3 (3.0%)
Dog-related careers
Breeder and/or Exhibitor 2 (2.0%)
Trainer and/or Behaviorist 9 (9.0%)
Dog rescue worker/volunteer 1 (1.0%)
Veterinarian 8 (8.0%)
Groomer 1 (1.0%)
Kennel/Daycare owner or employee 4 (4.0%)
Assistance dog partner 1 (1.0%)
Mean (s.d.)
Number of dogs owned
Past (mean; s.d.) 5.7 (4.5)
Number not reported 0
Currently (mean; s.d.) 2.2 (1.2)
Number not reported 0
Total number of participants 100
The 100 dogs in this sample were also examined for demographic diversity. First
was age. In Study 5, all dogs’ ages were reported as known, and the dogs’ average age
was 5.9 years, but age was highly variable with a standard deviation of 4.1 years. The
dogs ranged in age from one to 14 years.
Other demographic information about the dogs is presented in Table 7.2. The
number of dogs (out of the 100 in Study 5) in each category is listed in the far right
column, which is entitled “Number of dogs”. Although a smaller sample than in most of
the previous studies, the sample of 100 dogs appeared to be diverse, including, for
example, dogs of both sexes and many breeds. Slightly more than half the dogs (N = 56,
or 56%) were male. Eighty-nine of the dogs (89%) were castrated. Purebred dogs
composed exactly half the sample (N = 50, or 50%), with 24 breeds represented. The
breeds most represented included the GSD (N = 6), Border Collie (N = 5), French
Bulldog (N = 4), American Pit Bull Terrier (N = 4), and Labrador Retriever (N = 2).
Information about whether the dogs were reported to have ever bitten a person,
had any reported health issues, what role they played in their ownerslives (e.g., pet,
guide dog), and whether they were involved in any sports is also included in Table 7.2.
Twelve dogs were reported to have bitten someone, two dogs had unknown bite
histories, and the remaining 86 were reported to have never bitten a person (intentionally,
outside play, and outside work or sport requiring biting; e.g., Schutzhund training or
competition). Twenty-nine dogs were indicated to have health problems or disabilities,
with nine dogs having more than one health problem or disability. Common health issues
included hip dysplasia (N = 10) and arthritis (N = 9). Owners who indicated their dogs
had other disabilities listed their dogs as having, for example, a Vitamin B-12 deficiency,
low thyroid activity, heart worms, a broken leg in the process of healing, a tumor,
incontinence, and allergies.
The majority of the dogs in this sample (N = 84, or 84%) were considered pets or
companions by their owners. However, there was also one working assistance dog (a
guide dog), and there were seven guard dogs, two animal assisted therapy dogs, and two
dogs used in breeding. As in the previous studies, the popularity of agility was also
represented in this sample (N = 12).
Table 8.2. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 5
Number of dogs
Male 56 (56.0%)
Female 44 (44.0%)
Males Neutered 48 (48.0%)
Intact 8 (8.0%)
Females Spayed 41 (41.0%)
Intact 3 (3.0%)
Unknown 7 (7.0%)
No (mixed) 43 (43.0%)
Yes 50 (50.0%)
Bitten a
Unknown 2 (2.0%)
No 86 (86.0%)
Yes 12 (12.0)
Disability and
Unilaterally deaf 0
Health issues
Bilaterally deaf 0
Blind in one eye 0
Blind in both eyes 0
Arthritic 9 (9.0%)
Hip dysplasia 10 (10.0%)
Elbow dysplasia 0
Other disabilities 16 (16.0%)
Job or Role Pet/Companion
84 (84.0%)
Assistance dog
1 (1.0%)
Guide dog 0
Hearing ear dog 0
Medical assistance dog 1 (1.0%)
Search and rescue
Guard dog
7 (7.0%)
Animal Assisted Therapy
2 (2.0%)
Dam or sire for breeding
2 (2.0%)
Table 8.2. (Continued)
Number of dogs
Obedience 5 (5.0%)
Sledding 3 (3.0%)
Carting 0
Frisbee 2 (2.0%)
Earth dog 1 (1.0%)
Show/Conformation 5 (5.0%)
Schutzhund 0
Agility 12 (12.0%)
Herding (competitive) 6 (6.0%)
Flyball 4 (4.0%)
Hunting 0
Total number of dogs
Note. The sum of the number of dogs who participate in sports will not equal the total
number of dogs in the study; some dogs are not in sports, and others are in multiple.
Similarly, participants may consider a dog to be both a pet/companion and to have
another job or role (e.g., assistance dog, search and rescue dog).
Dogs with unknown histories (e.g., bite history) are typically dogs who were adopted
from shelters or rescues.
Test-retest reliability
I used Pearson’s r correlation to measure the strength of the relationship between
participants’ ratings of their target dogs at Time 1 and Time 2. In Study 4, Pearson’s r
was inappropriate because there was no meaningful way to group the ratings into two
categories. In Study 5, the ratings are logically and meaningfully grouped into Time 1
(the first rating) and Time 2 (the second rating). Like inter-rater reliability, test-retest
reliability statistics were evaluated based on how they compare with those found in
previous research on dog personality assessment (see Chapter 2).
I examined test-retest reliability at the item, facet, and the factor level. Item-level
Pearson’s r correlations for test-retest reliability are presented in Table 8.3, alongside the
ICC associated with each item’s inter-rater reliability.
Test-retest reliability statistics were evaluated based on how they compared to
those found in previous research on dog personality assessment (see Chapter 2). In
previous research, the averages across reported test-retest reliability statistics were .63
(weighted by sample size) and .71 (unweighted). As shown at the bottom of Table 8.3,
the average item-level test-retest reliability for the short form of the DPQ was .753 and
for the long form was .750. These are slightly higher than the average reported in the
previous dog personality literature.
As shown in Chapter 2, the average minimum test-retest reliability correlations
reported in previous dog personality studies were .55 (weighted by N per sample) and .68
(unweighted), and the average maximum test-retest reliability correlations were .67
(weighted) and .72 (unweighted). The test-retest reliabilities associated with DPQ items
ranged from .325 (“Dog behaves aggressively during visits to the veterinarian” from the
Situational Aggression facet of the Aggression towards People factor) to .923 (“Dog is
affectionate,” from the Companionability facet of the Activity/Excitability factor).
Overall, it should be noted that, while the range of test-retest reliability correlations is
large, only three items have test-retest reliability correlations less than .500. Indeed, 48
are greater than .700, and 20 are greater than .800.
Table 8.3. Item-level inter-rater and test-retest reliability
Factor Reliability
Factor 1 – Fearfulness
Facet 1 – Fear of People
Dog is relaxed when greeting people. .692 .737
Dog is shy. .641 .822
30 Dog behaves fearfully when near crowds of people. .623 .811
Dog behaves fearfully towards unfamiliar people. .550 .734
54 Dog behaves fearfully towards children. .585 .842
Short Form Mean (Fear of People facet) .631 .768
Long Form Mean (Fear of People facet) .621 .793
Table 8.3. (Continued)
Factor Reliability
Factor 1 – Fearfulness (continued)
Facet 2 – Nonsocial Fear
Dog is anxious. .388 .863
Dog is confident. .508 .867
24 Dog is easily startled by unexpected contact with objects (e.g., tripping,
brushing against a door frame).
.673 .674
Dog adapts easily to new situations and environments. .703 .778
58* Dog is quick to recover after being startled or frightened. .404 .801
Short Form Mean (Nonsocial Fear facet) .547 .840
Long Form Mean (Nonsocial Fear facet) .550 .807
Facet 3 – Fear of Dogs
9* Dog is bold. .578 .820
Dog avoids other dogs. .505 .748
Dog behaves submissively (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye contact, licks lips)
when greeting other dogs.
.609 .702
66 Dog behaves fearfully when threatened by other dogs (e.g., growled or
lunged at, cornered).
.465 .592
Dog behaves fearfully towards other dogs. .546 .817
Short Form Mean (Fear of Dogs facet) .555 .760
Long Form Mean (Fear of Dogs facet) .543 .746
Facet 4 – Fear of Handling
Dog behaves fearfully during visits to the veterinarian. .606 .786
32 Dog is easily upset when corrected, scolded, or punished. .586 .602
42 Dog is sensitive (and reactive) to pain. .500 .666
Dog exhibits fearful behaviors when restrained. .372 .684
Dog behaves fearfully when groomed (e.g., nails trimmed, brushed, bathed,
ears cleaned).
.572 .691
Short Form Mean (Fear of Handling facet) .524 .724
Long Form Mean (Fear of Handling facet) .532 .691
Short Form Mean (Fearfulness factor) .566 .777
Long Form Mean (Fearfulness factor) .562 .763
Table 8.3. (Continued)
Factor Reliability
Factor 2 – Aggression towards People
Facet 1 – General Aggression
Dog behaves aggressively towards unfamiliar people. .578 .780
23 Dog behaves aggressively when a person (e.g., visitor, delivery person)
approaches the house or yard.
.424 .834
Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar people. .642 .887
Dog shows aggression when nervous or fearful. .483 .810
73 Dog behaves aggressively towards children. .860 .772
Short Form Mean (General Aggression facet) .571 .832
Long Form Mean (General Aggression facet) .628 .821
Facet 2 – Situational Aggression
2 Dog behaves aggressively if disturbed or moved when resting. .552 .642
17 Dog behaves aggressively when restrained or handled (e.g., groomed). .246 .645
Dog behaves aggressively in response to perceived threats from people
(e.g., being cornered, having collar reached for).
.417 .686
Dog behaves aggressively during visits to the veterinarian. .670 .325
Dog aggressively guards coveted items (e.g., stolen item, treats, food bowl). .482 .697
Short Form Mean (Situational Aggression facet) .532 .591
Long Form Mean (Situational Aggression facet) .486 .613
Short Form Mean (Aggression towards People factor) .552 .734
Long Form Mean (Aggression towards People factor) .561 .734
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability
Facet 1 – Excitability
Dog is boisterous. .360 .537
Dog seeks constant activity. .711 .796
55 Dog is very excitable when visitors arrive. .631 .758
Dog tends to be calm. .397 .858
72 Dog is very excitable around other dogs. .584 .652
Short Form Mean (Excitability facet) .510 .758
Long Form Mean (Excitability facet) .551 .739
Facet 2 – Playfulness
3* Dog is aloof or indifferent towards other dogs. .356 .673
Dog gets bored in play quickly. .252 .782
Dog enjoys playing with toys. .856 .686
46 Dog is interested in playing tug-o-war with people or dogs. .743 .882
Dog retrieves objects (e.g., balls, toys, sticks). .828 .771
Short Form Mean (Playfulness facet) .719 .750
Long Form Mean (Playfulness facet) .670 .771
Table 8.3. (Continued)
Factor Reliability
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability (continued)
Facet 3 – Active Engagement
Dog is lethargic .420 .706
14 Dog will work to obtain an object or reward (e.g., ball, treat) that is hidden. .728 .401
Dog works at tasks (e.g., getting treats out of a Kong, shredding toys) until
entirely finished.
.525 .690
Dog is curious. .579 .605
48 Dog is very alert. .618 .720
Short Form Mean (Active Engagement facet) .511 .669
Long Form Mean (Active Engagement facet) .583 .636
Facet 4 – Companionability
7 Dog loves to be praised. .796 .353
Dog seeks companionship from people. .559 .664
Dog is aloof. .280 .578
Dog is affectionate. .534 .923
67 Dog follows people around. .529 .770
Short Form Mean (Companionability facet) .466 .771
Long Form Mean (Companionability facet) .564 .712
Short Form Mean (Activity factor) .561 .739
Long Form Mean (Activity factor) .594 .718
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1 – Trainability
37 Dog is attentive to owner's actions and words. .669 .793
45* Dog is slow to learn new tricks or tasks. .400 .774
Dog is slow to respond to corrections. .560 .609
Dog ignores commands. .458 .738
Dog is able to focus on a task in a distracting situation (e.g., loud or busy
places, around other dogs).
.569 .799
Short Form Mean (Trainability facet) .531 .724
Long Form Mean (Trainability facet) .538 .749
Facet 2 – Controllability
4* Dog is destructive. .725 .832
When off leash, dog comes immediately when called. .595 .793
Dog is quick to sneak out through open doors, gates. .518 .643
29* When walking on leash, dog tends to pull ahead. .344 .885
Dog leaves food or objects alone when told to do so. .475 .781
Short Form Mean (Controllability facet) .531 .746
Long Form Mean (Controllability facet) .544 .799
Short Form Mean (Responsiveness to Training factor) .531 .735
Long Form Mean (Responsiveness to Training factor) .541 .776
Table 8.3. (Continued)
Factor Reliability
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1 – Aggression towards Dogs
Dog behaves aggressively toward dogs. .620 .764
8 Dog responds aggressively when threatened by another dog (e.g., growled
or lunged at, cornered).
.551 .746
Dog is playful with other dogs. .686 .872
57 Dog has a tendency to attack (or attempt to attack) other dogs. .527 .734
Dog is friendly towards other dogs. .626 .850
Short Form Mean (Aggression towards Dogs facet) .645 .834
Long Form Mean (Aggression towards Dogs facet) .605 .801
Facet 2 – Prey Drive
Dog likes to chase squirrels, birds, or other small animals. .400 .733
22 Dog catches and kills other animals (e.g., squirrels, rabbits). .663 .838
26 Dog is very excitable around cats. .617 .810
Dog likes to chase bicycles, joggers, and skateboarders. .591 .709
Dog behaves aggressively towards cats. .584 .736
Short Form Mean (Prey Drive facet) .525 .726
Long Form Mean (Prey Drive facet) .577 .770
Facet 3 – Dominance over Other Dogs
Dog is dominant over other dogs. .534 .781
41 Dog guards food or treats from other dogs. .531 .663
Dog willingly shares toys with other dogs. .707 .682
52 Dog jumps up on (e.g., in play) and/or mounts other dogs (outside
appropriate mating).
.565 .680
Dog is assertive or pushy with other dogs (e.g., if in a home with other
dogs, when greeting).
.540 .640
Short Form Mean (Dominance over Other Dogs facet) .600 .706
Long Form Mean (Dominance over Other Dogs facet) .580 .693
Short Form Mean (Aggression towards Animals factor) .592 .762
Long Form Mean (Aggression towards Animals factor) .588 .758
Short Form MEAN (all items on short form) .564 .753
Long Form MEAN (all items) .570 .750
Note. Items marked with an asterisk are reverse coded items. Items listed in boldface are
on both the long and short form of the DPQ. Mean correlations were computed using
Fisher’s r-to-z transformation.
As in the inter-rater reliability calculations, the facet scores are the means of the
scores assigned to items that compose each facet, after the reverse keyed items have been
rekeyed. Facet scores were calculated separately for the long form and the short form of
the DPQ, because the facets on the short form consist of subsets of the items that
compose the facets on the long form. Facet-level test-retest reliability correlations
indicate the strength of the relationship between first and second assessment for each dog,
based on averaging the item-level scores that load on each facet. Facet-level test-retest
reliability correlations are presented alongside inter-rater reliability ICCs in Table 8.4.
The first two columns of correlations contain inter-rater reliability ICCs for the long and
then the short form; the second two columns to the right of the table contain test-retest
reliability correlations for the long form and then the short form. The facet-level
correlations are organized by the factors with which they are associated and are presented
underneath the bolded factor labels and factor-related statistics.
The factor scores are the mean of the score raters assigned to items composing
each factor, after the reverse keyed items have been rekeyed. Factor scores were
calculated separately for the long form and the short form of the DPQ, because, as with
the facets, the factors on the short form consist of subsets of items on the corresponding
factors on the long form. Factor-level test-retest reliability correlations indicate the
strength of the relationship between the paired factor-level ratings, which were calculated
based on averaging the item-level scores that load on each factor. Factor-level test-retest
correlations are presented alongside inter-rater reliability ICCs in bolded rows in Table
I compared inter-rater reliability levels across the different facets and factors to
address the question of whether differences in reliability exist between the facets or
between the factors, and I did the same with test-retest reliability correlations. As
displayed in Table 8.4, facet test-retest reliability correlations were generally high,
ranging from .735 (Dominance over Other Dogs) to .923 (Non-social Fear) on the 75-
item long form, and from .750 (Situational Aggression) to .936 (Nonsocial Fear) on the
45-item short form. Factor test-retest correlations ranged from .878 (Aggression towards
People) to .939 (Fearfulness) on the 75-item long form, and from .872 (Aggression
towards People) to .929 (Fearfulness) on the 45-item short form. It should be noted that it
is expected that test-retest reliability correlations, like the ICCs, across facets and factors
are higher than those at the item level because facets and factors allow for aggregation of
ratings, creating a composite analogous to measuring behavior at multiple instances
instead of a single instant in time.
Table 8.4. Facet- and factor-level inter-rater and test-retest reliability
Long form Short form Long form Short form
Factor 1 – Fearfulness
.753 .777 .939 .929
Facet 1 – Fear of People
.738 .767 .899 .880
Facet 2 – Nonsocial Fear
.732 .675 .923 .936
Facet 3 – Fear of Dogs
.503 .492 .859 .835
Facet 4 – Fear of Handling
.603 .640 .799 .804
Factor 2 – Aggression towards People
.659 .697 .878 .872
Facet 1 – General Aggression
.683 .642 .893 .870
Facet 2 – Situational Aggression
.468 .597 .804 .750
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability
.786 .745 .890 .884
Facet 1 – Excitability
.725 .669 .819 .831
Facet 2 – Playfulness
.872 .774 .900 .832
Facet 3 – Active Engagement
.704 .558 .745 .786
Facet 4 – Companionability
.550 .459 .746 .786
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training
.701 .666 .906 .907
Facet 1 – Trainability
.689 .627 .859 .848
Facet 2 – Controllability
.679 .587 .893 .867
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals
.685 .734 .903 .878
Facet 1 – Aggression towards Dogs
.678 .749 .906 .882
Facet 2 – Prey Drive
.590 .539 .874 .796
Facet 3 – Dominance over Other Dogs
.669 .628 .735 .758
MEAN across Factors
.720 .726 .906 .896
Note. Mean correlations were computed using Fisher’s r-to-z transformation.
Test-retest reliability levels associated with the items, facets, and factors on the
DPQ long and short forms were shown to be acceptable. Most DPQ test-retest reliability
levels were comparable to or stronger than test-retest reliability levels found in previous
dog personality research. The DPQ long form’s item-level test-retest reliability ranged
from .325 to .923 with a mean of .750, facet-level test-retest reliability ranged from .735
to .923 with a mean of .854, and factor-level test-retest reliability ranged from .878 to
.939 with a mean of .906. The DPQ short form’s item-level test-retest reliability ranged
from .325 to .923 with a mean of .753, facet-level test-retest reliability ranged from .758
to .936 with a mean of .838, and factor-level test-retest reliability ranged from .872 to
.929 with a mean of .896.
Study 6: Predictive Validity
Validity is an index of the degree to which a tool measures what it is intended to
measure (e.g., Cronbach & Meehl, 1955). Predictive validity is a type of validity in which
a measure is evaluated in terms of how well it predicts an independent measure of the
same construct (e.g., Fearfulness). As discussed, a complete evaluation of a tool’s
validity involves specifying not only the things to which each construct is expected to
relate (convergent validity), but also the things to which each construct should be
unrelated (discriminant validity) (e.g., Campbell & Fiske, 1959). In Study 6, I
investigated the relationship between each factor and facet measured on the DPQ and
behaviors predicted to be related and unrelated to each factor and facet.
Under consideration as criteria were (1) a second, independently designed Rating
of Individual Dogs, (2) a Test Battery, and (3) an Observational Test. The prediction of
behaviors has been described as the definitive test of personality judgments (e.g., Gosling
et al., 2003a), which suggested a Test Battery or Observational Test was the preferred
criterion. I chose to use a Test Battery because Test Batteries allow for greater control of
the test situation through control of the environment and the stimuli to which the dog is
exposed (see Chapter 2).
For Study 6, a new Test Battery was designed to have subtests corresponding to
each DPQ factor, and to as many DPQ facets as were amenable to assessment through
behavioral testing. However, given that the facets of each factor are also related to each
other, clear convergent and discriminant correlations at the facet level were not expected.
Dogs’ scores on each factor of the DPQ were predicted to correlate with (and predict) the
dogs’ behavioral responses to theoretically related—but not theoretically unrelated—
components (or subtests) of the Test Battery. The same types of predictions were made
for each facet. I predicted, for example, that dogs’ Fearfulness as measured on the DPQ
would predict the dogs’ fearful behavior or lack thereof during the Test Battery, but
would not predict the dogs’ excitable behavior during the Test Battery.
However, it must be noted that it is notoriously difficult to predict single, specific
instances of behavior (e.g., Epstein, 1983). Personality can be thought of as useful in
predicting an individual’s average behavior across time and situations. The likelihood of
a single snapshot or sample of an individual’s behavior corresponding perfectly to the
individual’s average behavior is low. If the DPQ is an accurate measure of dogs’
personality, it may still have low correlations with theoretically related behavioral tests
performed in Study 6.
Test Battery with subtests
A Test Battery afforded the advantage that it could be built with subtests that
correspond to the factors and facets of the DPQ. In order to elicit a broad array of
behaviors corresponding to those related to the five factors of the DPQ, the Test Battery
designed for use in the current study required that each dog be put through multiple
subtests. These subtests were drawn from the existing dog personality research. Taylor
and Mills (2006) discussed and summarized the behavioral temperament tests used for
companion dogs, highlighting the 20 most commonly used tests. Thirteen of the 18
subtests in Study 6 (Subtests 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, and 17, described in
Appendix J and listed in Table 9.1) are drawn from this list. Subtests 12 and 13 are drawn
from a single test (“Object Play”) in Taylor and Mills’ (2006) review. Subtests were
selected to assess behavior thought related to the five DPQ factors (Fearfulness,
Aggression towards People, Responsiveness to Training, Activity/Excitability, and
Aggression towards Animals) and as many facets as possible while maintaining a Test
Battery of reasonable length with subtests that are similar to dogs’ experiences in
everyday life. The situations created in the Test Battery were relatively normal, everyday
occurrences in the kennel and daycare environment in which the Test Battery was
conducted, with exception of the Threatening Approach (Subtest 3), which was deemed
an important subtest for assessing fear- and aggression-related behaviors.
Each subtest is predicted to elicit behaviors related to one or more facets and/or
factors. Table 9.1 lists each subtest as a column heading, in the order in which the tests
were conducted. The rows indicate the factors and their respective facets with text in
factor rows bolded. Behavioral descriptions, discussed in more detail in the scoring
section below, appear in the table when a specific subtest is expected to elicit behavior
motivated by and thus related to the factor or facet listed in that row. A “+” indicates a
positive correlation is predicted; a “-” indicates a negative correlation is predicted. It
should be noted that some subtests were predicted to elicit behavior associated with a
subset of a factor’s facets (e.g., 1 of 4); these subtests are predicted to be associated with
factor level scores in addition to the specified facet.
Test Battery scoring
Another consideration in designing the Test Battery was the scoring system, or
how dogs’ behavioral responses were assigned numerical values. Existing Test Batteries
have employed various scoring systems. Some of these systems are driven by the goal of
attaining objectivity by focusing on specific elements of behavior. For example, Ledger
and Baxter (1997) used behavioral coding, attempting to categorize then count as many
behavioral responses (e.g., whines) as possible, and Mahut (1958) attempted to describe
dogs’ behavior only in terms of what was observable (e.g., tail wags, steps). Some
researchers have attempted to create a very simple coding system by placing dogs’
behavior in one of two categories (e.g., pass or fail; Weiss, 2002). Other researchers have
asked raters to subjectively interpret dogs’ behavior by using Likert scales to rate the
degree to which each dog showed certain types of behavior (e.g., nervous and shy
behavior, Gosling et al., 2003a).
Taylor and Mills (2006) provided evaluative critiques of these scoring methods
and others, advising against the most subjective scoring systems. They suggested a Likert
scale labeled in terms of behavioral reactions (e.g., 1 = no aggression, 5 = biting) as used
by Netto and Planta (1997) may be a satisfactory combination of the behavioral detail
attained in behavioral coding and the speed and ease of subjective ratings. Unfortunately,
the dog personality literature presents too little reliability or validity data (see Chapter 2;
Taylor & Mills, 2006) to argue strongly for or against any one method of scoring Test
Batteries. So, in attempting to decide which method of scoring to use, I turned to the
human personality literature. Measures of behavior in psychological research have been
described as having two major limitations: (1) studies tend to focus narrowly on
ecologically uninteresting but relatively easily specified and defined behaviors (e.g.,
response latencies), and (2) measures tend to focus on only a few, specific behaviors,
while individuals emit many relevant and complex behaviors (Funder et al., 2000).
Funder et al. (2000) recommended avoiding these limitations by assessing behaviors that
are meaningful and relevant to the situation and that require only minimal interpretation.
Rating dogs broadly on traits (e.g., aggression, excitability) pertinent to the study instead
of using detailed behavioral coding to count the number of times a dog, for example,
growls or jumps up to greet a person, might avoid these pitfalls. However, it still leaves
open the question of whether to use a system such as Netto and Planta’s (1997) with a
Likert scale in which specific behaviors are associated with each rating, or a system such
as Gosling et al.’s (2003a) with a Likert scale in which items ask, for example, “How
excitable is this dog?” and responses vary from 1 = “not at all excitable” to 5 =
“extremely excitable”.
Taylor and Mills(2006) review presented the issue that dogs of different breeds
display dissimilar behaviors associated with some traits. It is likely inappropriate to
assess every dog’s level of a given trait by measuring the frequency with which or degree
to which the dog displays one specific behavior, because the behavior may not be in the
behavioral repertoire for a given breed. For example, if aggression is assessed based only
on barking and growling, aggression level may be inaccurately assessed for dogs
belonging to less vocal breeds (e.g., Basenjis). Thus, it may be problematic to restrict
scoring of a Test Battery to a scale that enumerates specific behaviors.
In the free-response portion of Study 1 of this dissertation, participants indicated
that they found it easier to rate their dogs on items assessing some personality traits (e.g.,
aggression, friendliness) if associated behaviors were not specified. Indeed, if behaviors
were specified, participants indicated uncertainty about how to rate dogs who did not
display all of the behaviors listed. If an owner thought her dog was extremely friendly
and the dog tended to wag her tail a lot when greeting people, but the dog did not show a
large amount of lip licking when greeting people, was that dog not actually an extremely
friendly dog? It follows from participants’ feedback that the specific behaviors dogs
display in association with a given trait, while driven by the same underlying trait, differ
from dog to dog. That is, not all extremely excitable dogs behave in the exact same way.
A Likert scale dependent on a list of behaviors could lead to inaccurate ratings
because of behavioral differences associated both with breeds (Taylor & Mills, 2006) and
because of raters’ difficulty applying the scale. To avoid these issues, I used a scoring
system in which ratings are made using 5-point Likert scale specifying a broader
description of behavior (e.g., “not at all” to “extremely” for each behavioral description)
rather than specific behaviors (e.g., “remains still” to “jumps, barks multiple times”).
Funder et al. (2000) pointed out that individuals are likely to emit many behaviors
in any given situation. For example, a dog may display behavior associated with Factor 1
(Fearfulness), Factor 2 (Aggression towards People), and/or Factor 3
(Activity/Excitability) when approached by an unfamiliar person during a subtest
(subtests 3 and 4). So, although subtests were selected based on whether they were
predicted to elicit behavior motivated by specific facets and factors on the DPQ, dogs’
behavior was scored on multiple descriptions for each subtest (as shown on the scoring
sheet presented in Appendix K). However, dogs’ were rated on behavioral descriptions
though to capture key elements of behavior related to each subtest situation, not non-
central behavior. For example, dogs were rated on how fearful, confident, aggressive, and
friendly they seemed when they were on-leash and near an unfamiliar male dog (Subtest
7), but not during a subtest in which the researcher instructed the dog in basic commands
(Subtest 15). In total, the behavioral descriptions included fearful; confident; aggressive;
friendly; excitable; calm; engaged, alert (to the environment); easy to control;
submissive; pushy, assertive; playful; interested in people; aloof or uninterested;
affectionate; easy to train; and obedient.
Measuring many aspects of behavior predicted to be related to the five personality
traits yielded multiple scores for each dog on each description, thus increasing the
amount of information gathered about each dog. Behavioral scores can thus be examined
separately or averaged across all assessments of each type of behavior (e.g., fearful,
confident, aggressive on all subtest for which each was scored). Both of these yield useful
information. Does a factor or facet of the DPQ predict a specific behavior in response to a
specific subtest? Does a factor or facet of the DPQ correlate with an average of
behavioral scores across subtests? For example, does the DPQ factor Fearfulness predict
the average fearful score on the Test Battery? Table 9.1 indicates the specific behavioral
descriptions that were predicted to correlate with each facet and/or factor and thus used to
test each of these predictions.
Table 9.1. Predicted relationships between behavioral descriptions and DPQ factors and facets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Walk on
leash with
Other dog
(on leash)
Doll test Prey drive
ment in
play with
Train new
Basic com-
Other dog
(off leash)
Activity in
free play
Factor 1 –
Facet 1 –
Fear of
Facet 2 –
Facet 3 --
towards Dogs
Facet 4 –
Fear during
Factor 2 –
Facet 1 –
Facet 2 –
Table 9.1. (Continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Collar grab
Walk on
leash with
Affection or
stranger Restraint
Other dog
(on leash)
(room) Novel object
Doll test Prey drive
ment in
play with
Train new
Basic com-
Other dog
(off leash)
Activity in
free play
with owner
Factor 3 –
in people
in people
in people
in people
in people
Facet 1 –
Facet 2 –
+playful +playful +playful
+playful +playful
Facet 3 –
+engaged +engaged,
Facet 4 –
in people
in people
in people
+affection -aloof +affection
+interest in
+playful -aloof
in people
Factor 4 –
ness to
+easy to
+easy to
+easy to
+obedient +easy to
Facet 1 –
+easy to
+easy to
+easy to
Facet 2 –
+easy to
+easy to
+obedient +easy to
Table 9.1. (Continued)
Note. The predicted direction, or valence, of the loadings is indicated by the “+” or “-” preceding each descriptor.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Collar grab
Walk on
leash with
Affection or
stranger Restraint
Other dog
(on leash)
(room) Novel object
Doll test Prey drive
ment in
play with
Train new
Basic com-
Other dog
(off leash)
Activity in
free play
with owner
Factor 5 –
Facet 1 –
towards Dogs
Facet 2 –
Prey Drive
Facet 3 –
over Other
The Test Batteries were conducted at an Austin-area dog daycare and kennel, and
the 125 (25 in pilot testing, 100 in Study 6) dogs and owners who participated were
regular patrons of the facility. All participants were required to show evidence of current
vaccinations (rabies, Bordatella) or to have records on file at the kennel before they were
assessed using the behavioral Test Battery.
The diversity and how familiar kennel staff were with the 25 dogs who took part
in pilot testing was only a minor concern, because the purpose of the pilot testing was to
allow testers to streamline the test process, practice scoring, and to examine initial
behavioral assessment score correlations among judges.
To ensure that the kennel was not a novel environment to any of the dogs and that
the kennel staff who rated the dogs personalities using the DPQ had ample opportunity to
become familiar with each dog in the 100-dog sample in Study 6, only dogs who had
been to the kennel at least 10 times in the six month prior to testing were included. To
attempt to ensure a relatively diverse group of 100 dogs, owners of dogs of a variety of
breeds, sizes, and ages were invited to participate. The demographic data for Study 6
owners (Table 9.2) and their dogs (Table 9.3) are presented below.
Sample demographics
Both sexes of dog owners were represented in Study 6. Again, there were fewer
men than women; however, men composed over a third of the sample (37%, or 37 men),
a greater percentage than in previous studies. The average age of participants was 39.8
years, with a standard deviation of 12.7 years – similar to previous studies.
All of the owners and their dogs were Austin-area residents. The majority of
participants identified themselves as Caucasian/White (N = 94). Other participants
identified themselves as African American/Black (N = 1), Hispanic (N = 3), East Asian
(N = 1), and Multiracial or Other (N = 1).
Of the 100 participants, only four (4%) indicated having a dog-related job or
career; three reported working as trainers or behaviorists, and one as a volunteer with a
local organization that rescues and re-homes dogs.
The mean number of dogs each participant had owned in his or her lifetime, not
including current dogs but including childhood family dogs, was 5.0 (s.d. = 3.7). The
mean number of dogs currently owned by participants in Study 6 was 1.5 (s.d. = .8).
Table 9.2. Demographic information for dog owner participants in Study 6
Dog owners
Sex (dog owner)
Male 37 (37.0%)
Female 63 (63.0%)
Age (dog owner)
Mean 39.8
standard deviation 12.7
Age not reported 0
Caucasian/White 94 (94.0%)
African-American/Black 1 (1.0%)
Hispanic 3 (3.0%)
East Asian 1 (1.0%)
Native American 0
Asian Indian 0
Multiracial or Other 1 (1.0%)
Dog-related careers
Breeder and/or Exhibitor 0
Trainer and/or Behaviorist 3 (3.0%)
Dog rescue worker/volunteer 1 (1.0%)
Veterinarian 0
Groomer 0
Kennel/Daycare owner or employee 0
Assistance dog partner 0
Number of dogs owned
Past (mean; s.d.) 5.0 (3.7)
Number not reported 0
Currently (mean; s.d.) 1.5 (.8)
Number not reported 0
Total number of participants 100
The demographic information for the 100 dogs in Study 6 was examined to
confirm that the sample was diverse. The first dimension I examined was age. Study 6,
the dogs’ ages ranged from one to 12 years, and averaged 5.0 years (s.d. = 2.7).
Other demographic information about the dogs is presented in Table 9.3. As in the
previous chapters, the number of dogs in each category is listed in the far right column,
which is entitled “Number of dogs”. The sample of 100 dogs included dogs of both sexes
and a variety of breeds or lineages, though most of the dogs are reported to primarily play
the role of being pets. Sixty percent (N = 60) of the dogs were male. All of the dogs were
castrated, because all dogs over the age of one year are required to be castrated to attend
the kennel’s daycare program unless medical issues do not permit it.
Purebred dogs composed slightly more than half the sample (N =54, or 54%),
with 43 breeds represented. The breeds most represented included the Labrador Retriever
(N = 5) and Golden Retriever (N = 4). The sample also included seven mixed-breed dogs
thought or known to be partially pit bull. Dogs of relatively rare breeds (e.g., Japanese
Chin, Schipperke) were also included in the sample.
Information about whether the dogs were reported to have ever bitten a person,
had any reported health issues, what role they played in their owners’ lives (e.g., pet), and
whether they were involved in any sports is also included in Table 9.3.
Only one dog was reported to have bitten someone (dogs believed to be
aggressive are not permitted at the daycare facility for safety reasons), two dogs had
unknown bite histories, and the remaining 97 were reported to have never bitten a person
(intentionally, outside play, and outside work or sport requiring biting, e.g., Schutzhund
training or competition). Twelve dogs were indicated to have health problems or
disabilities, with two dogs having more than one health problem or disability. Owners
who indicated their dogs had other disabilities listed their dogs as having, allergies,
frequency ear infections, and a congenital deformation that resulted in a missing leg.
All of the dogs in this sample were considered pets or companions by their
owners. None were working dogs, though one did Animal Assisted Therapy visits to a
local retirement community. As in the previous studies, the popularity of agility was also
represented in this sample (N = 11).
Table 9.3. Demographic information about target dogs in Study 6
Number of dogs
Male 60 (60.0%)
Female 40 (40.0%)
Mean (s.d.) 5 (2.7)
Males Neutered 60 (100.0%)
Intact 0
Females Spayed 40 (100.0%)
Intact 0
Unknown 0
No (mixed) 46 (47.0%)
Yes 54 (53.0%)
Bitten a
Unknown 2 (2.0%)
No 97 (97.0%)
Yes 1 (1.0%)
Disability and
Unilaterally deaf 1 (1.0%)
Health issues
Bilaterally deaf 1 (1.0%)
Blind in one eye 1 (1.0%)
Blind in both eyes 0
Arthritic 2 (2.0%)
Hip dysplasia 2 (2.0%)
Elbow dysplasia 3 (3.0%)
Other disabilities 4 (4.0%)
Job or Role Pet/Companion
100 (100.0%)
Assistance dog
Guide dog 0
Hearing ear dog 0
Medical assistance dog 0
Search and rescue
Guard dog
Animal Assisted Therapy
1 (1.0%)
Dam or sire for breeding
Table 9.3. (Continued)
Number of dogs
Obedience 1 (1.0%)
Sledding 0
Carting 0
Frisbee 2 (2.0%)
Earth dog 2 (2.0%)
Show/Conformation 0
Schutzhund 0
Agility 11 (11.0%)
Herding (competitive) 1 (1.0%)
Flyball 0
Hunting 2 (1.0%)
Total number of dogs
Note. The sum of the number of dogs who participate in sports will not equal the total
number of dogs in the study; some dogs are not in sports, and others are in multiple.
Similarly, participants may consider a dog to be both a pet/companion and to have
another job or role (e.g., assistance dog, search and rescue dog).
Dogs with unknown histories (e.g., bite history) are typically dogs who were adopted
from shelters or rescues.
Materials and Procedures
After owners volunteered their dogs for the study and the dogs vaccination
records were verified, the owners and two kennel staff rated the dog using the paper
version of the long form of the DPQ; this form is presented in Appendix H and is the
same form presented online in Studies 4 and 5. The kennel staff, one man and one
woman, had both worked at the kennel (taking care of and thus directly interacting with
the dogs by moving them from kennel to kennel, grooming them, feeding them, and so
on) for at least six months. The same two staff members rated all 100 dogs in Study 6.
They completed their ratings independently and before the Test Batteries were conducted.
The dogs’ owners also filled out the long form of the DPQ; they completed the
questionnaire while in the kennel waiting area, waiting to pick up their dogs on the day
that the dog was tested but prior to being reunited with their dogs (Subtest 18). The
owners were not witness to any part of the Test Battery except Subtest 18.
Test Batteries
Two additional kennel staff, a female familiar to the dogs and a newly hired male
novel to the dogs, conducted all of the Test Batteries. Tester 1, the familiar female,
conducted Subtest 1 and 2, and held the dogs on leash for Subtests 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 18.
Tester 2, the novel male, conducted Subtests 3-17. This division of testing allowed
observation of the dogs with both familiar and unfamiliar people (e.g., Subtest 3, the
threatening approach by a novel person).
Two subtests in the Test Battery required a second dog. For these tests, the same
dog was always used. This dog was a six-year-old male of unknown lineage (possibly
part Australian Cattle Dog). He was neutered, had never threatened or bitten a person or
another dog, and had grown up spending three days per week in the reception area of a
busy veterinary office and was thus accustomed to being around a large variety of dogs
and people. He weighed about 55 pounds, was light to medium brown, and had dark
brown eyes, erect ears, and a long tail.
The same two testers and test dog conducted every test and played the same roles
in every test to reduce variability in how the tests were conducted across dogs. To
minimize biases in testing and scoring, the testers worked independently from the kennel
staff who provided DPQ ratings of each dog and were not privy to how each dog had
been scored on the DPQ until all Test Batteries were completed.
All Test Batteries were conducted between 9a.m. and 3p.m. during July, 2007,
with exception of Subtest 18 (the reunion with owner). Subtests 1 through 17 took
approximately 20-25 minutes per dog. The final subtest, Subtest 18, was completed any
time between 4p.m. and 7p.m., when dogs were picked up from the kennel by their
Immediately after each Test Battery subtest, the two individuals who tested the
dogs scored them using the score sheet presented in Appendix K. I, as a third independent
judge, also scored the dogs after each subtest. As a result, each dog had a total of three
scores for every subtest.
Pilot testing
Minimizing variance from sources extraneous to the personality of the target dog
(e.g., variance due to environmental differences, different testers) during the Test Battery
served to strengthen the statistical relationship between behavioral tests and theoretically
related ratings of dogs’ personalities on the DPQ. In conducting the Test Battery, as many
variables as possible were held constant. For example, when each dog was tested, only
that dog and any other people or stimuli necessary to the subtest were in the test area,
which should have served to minimize the degree to which target dogs are distracted or
otherwise affected by uncontrolled stimuli (e.g., other dogs). The sequence of subtests,
the testers, and as many other aspects of the test procedure as possible were held as
constant as possible in an effort to have any variance in behavior the dogs display during
the test be attributable to the dogs themselves (Taylor & Mills, 2006).
Consistency of testing was increased through pilot testing, or practicing, before
conducting the test with any of the 100 dogs included in Study 6. The Test Battery was
piloted with 25 dogs. The ICCs among behavioral scores of the initial 25 dogs were
examined and found to range from .471 to .934 with a mean of .782. Pilot test dogs
participated only in the Test Battery and were not rated on the DPQ.
The original research plan included videotaping all Test Batteries. However, pilot
testing revealed that the majority of dogs (N = 18) were notably distracted and/or
disturbed by the presence of a video camera, even if the camera stationary, as indicated
by their barking, growling, or staring at the camera. As a consequence, Test Batteries
were not videotaped.
The degree to which facet and factor scores on the DPQ (derived from owners’
and kennel staff’s ratings of the dogs’ personalities) predict the independent observers’
ratings of behavior scored during the Test Battery served as a measure of the predictive
validity of the DPQ. To evaluate the convergent and discriminant validity of the dog
personality questionnaire against the criteria of behavior elicited and rated during the Test
Battery, I correlated the DPQ factor ratings (averaged across all three raters) with
theoretically related and unrelated mean scores on the Test Battery (averaged across all
three raters). Because the short form of the questionnaire (developed in Study 3) bases
scores associated with each facet and factor on a subset of the items in the long form of
the questionnaire, the convergent and discriminant validity of the two forms was
evaluated separately. The long form collects more data, and so it was expected to have
more accurate predictive validity (i.e., to have larger convergent correlations and smaller
discriminant correlations).
Inter-rater reliability of DPQ factor and facet ratings
The DPQ factor and facet scores used in Study 6 predictive validity analyses are
composite, or mean, scores across three raters who rated each dog independently; the
same two kennel staff, and each dog’s owner, rated all 100 dogs. In Study 4, the inter-
rater reliability of the DPQ was examined at the item-, factor-, and facet-level and
determined to be relatively high, comparable to previous dog personality studies and to
human personality ratings. Prior to averaging scores across the three raters in the current
study, I examined the inter-rater reliability at the factor- and facet-level to confirm that
inter-rater reliability is high. The factor- and facet-level scores are the focus of these
analyses because those were the scores used in the predictive validity analyses.
As previously discussed, reliability of a test is a necessary prerequisite to validity.
In the current study, inter-rater reliability correlations were computed for the DPQ using
ICC (a one-way random-effects model). This method was selected because there were a
total of three raters, ruling out use of Pearson’s r, and because, although two raters were
constant for all 100 dogs, the third rater was different for every dog. As displayed in
Table 9.4, inter-rater reliability correlations (ICCs) were relatively high higher than
those from Study 4. As an estimate of the scores reliability, Cronbach’s alpha is also
included in Table 9.4. For the long form, which was expected to be associated with
higher levels of reliability because it included more items per facet and factor, the factor-
level ICCs ranged from .833 (Activity/Excitability) to .906 (Fearfulness), with a mean of
.856 across all five factors. The facet-level ICCs associated with the long form ranged
from .672 (Playfulness on the Activity/Excitability factor) to .874 (Nonsocial Fear on the
Fearfulness factor). For the short form, the factor-level ICCs ranged from .769
(Aggression towards Animals) to .881 (Fearfulness), with a mean of .819 across all five
factors. The facet-level ICCs associated with the short form ranged from .586
(Playfulness on the Activity/Excitability factor) to .834 (Fear of Handling on the
Fearfulness factor). It was concluded that inter-rater reliability among these raters was
high enough to support using the average of their scores of each dog in the following
predictive validity analyses.
Table 9.4. Facet- and factor-level inter-rater reliability
Long form
Short form
ICC Alpha ICC Alpha
Factor 1 – Fearfulness
.908 .971 .881 .960
Facet 1 – Fear of People
.774 .918 .663 .858
Facet 2 – Nonsocial Fear
.874 .956 .821 .934
Facet 3 – Fear of Dogs
.845 .948 .770 .916
Facet 4 – Fear of Handling
.852 .946 .834 .938
Factor 2 – Aggression towards People
.836 .950 .786 .924
Facet 1 – General Aggression
.784 .926 .685 .881
Facet 2 – Situational Aggression
.775 .920 .713 .882
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability
.833 .946 .788 .927
Facet 1 – Excitability
.844 .942 .766 .907
Facet 2 – Playfulness
.672 .869 .586 .824
Facet 3 – Active Engagement
.711 .894 .679 .875
Facet 4 – Companionability
.812 .935 .783 .917
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training
.851 .946 .846 .944
Facet 1 – Trainability
.817 .932 .823 .933
Facet 2 – Controllability
.839 .940 .791 .921
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals
.837 .939 .769 .908
Facet 1 – Aggression towards Dogs
.844 .944 .760 .906
Facet 2 – Prey Drive
.826 .935 .803 .926
Facet 3 – Dominance over other Dogs
.825 .934 .710 .880
MEAN across Factors
.856 .950 .819 .933
Note. Mean correlations are computed using Fisher’s r-to-z transformation. Single-
measure ICCs are reported
Inter-rater reliability of Test Battery behavioral scoring
The criteria against which the DPQ was evaluated were ratings on the Test
Battery. High inter-rater reliability levels on the Test Battery support the claim that the
dogs’ scores are functions of the dogs themselves, not of the people rating the dogs
(though not all other sources of variance can be eliminated). For that reason, and because
I intended to use the mean of the three raters scores on each behavioral description for
each Test Battery subtest, I examined inter-rater reliability among the three raters. The
results are presented in Table 9.5.
The mean ICC, across all 118 scores on all 18 Subtests of the Test Battery, was
.764 (computed using Fisher’s r-to-z transformation). ICCs ranged from .566 (“Engaged,
Alert” on Subtest 8: Novel situation (room)) to .920 (“Affectionate” on Subtest 6:
Restraint). Inter-rater reliability among these raters was high enough to support using the
average of their scores of each dog in the following predictive validity analyses.
Table 9.5. Test Battery inter-rater reliability
ICC Alpha
Subtest 1: Collar Grab
Fearful .690 .870
Confident .580 .805
Aggressive .668 .858
Friendly .660 .853
Subtest 2: Walk on leash with stranger/tester
Fearful .812 .928
Confident .704 .878
Excitable .726 .887
Calm .755 .902
Engaged, Alert .576 .802
Easy to control .689 .872
Submissive .732 .891
Pushy, Assertive .743 .896
Subtest 3: Threatening approach
Fearful .754 .901
Confident .683 .865
Aggressive .676 .861
Friendly .794 .920
Excitable .794 .918
Calm .666 .857
Playful .729 .889
Engaged, Alert .573 .800
Interested in people .717 .883
Table 9.5. (Continued)
ICC Alpha
Subtest 4: Friendly approach
Fearful .718 .883
Confident .683 .865
Aggressive .733 .891
Friendly .800 .918
Excitable .725 .887
Calm .763 .907
Playful .752 .900
Engaged, Alert .698 .875
Interested in people .674 .861
Subtest 5: Affection/Petting from stranger
Fearful .706 .878
Confident .669 .858
Aggressive .687 .868
Friendly .826 .934
Excitable .755 .902
Calm .739 .895
Aloof or Uninterested .686 .867
Playful .777 .912
Engaged, Alert .716 .883
Interested in people .784 .916
Affectionate .811 .929
Subtest 6: Restraint
Fearful .758 .903
Confident .786 .916
Aggressive .752 .900
Friendly .804 .924
Affectionate .920 .932
Calm .793 .920
Excitable .764 .906
Table 9.5. (Continued)
ICC Alpha
Subtest 7: Other dog (on leash)
Fearful .804 .924
Confident .753 .901
Aggressive .844 .942
Friendly .846 .943
Excitable .773 .911
Calm .842 .941
Aloof or Uninterested .733 .891
Playful .783 .916
Submissive .746 .898
Pushy, Assertive .815 .930
Subtest 8: Novel situation (room)
Fearful .838 .939
Confident .756 .902
Excitable .778 .913
Calm .760 .904
Engaged, Alert .566 .796
Subtest 9: Novel objects
Fearful .800 .922
Confident .736 .892
Excitable .779 .913
Calm .793 .919
Engaged, Alert .612 .824
Subtest 10: Doll test
Fearful .753 .901
Confident .714 .882
Aggressive .803 .924
Friendly .818 .931
Excitable .800 .923
Calm .801 .924
Subtest 11: Prey drive
Aggressive .777 .912
Excitable .753 .901
Calm .739 .895
Playful .882 .957
Engaged .631 .836
Table 9.5. (Continued)
ICC Alpha
Subtest 12: Engagement in play with tester
Affectionate .861 .948
Excitable .861 .949
Calm .782 .915
Aloof or Uninterested .729 .890
Playful .838 .939
Engaged, Alert .670 .860
Interested in people .756 .902
Subtest 13: Tug-o-war, Toy release
Easy to train .848 .943
Easy to control .812 .928
Submissive .852 .945
Pushy, Assertive .821 .933
Subtest 14: Train new task
Engaged .649 .847
Interested in people .813 .929
Easy to train .785 .916
Obedient .828 .934
Subtest 15: Basic commands
Obedient .787 .917
Subtest 16: Other dog (off leash)
Fearful .849 .944
Confident .811 .927
Aggressive .848 .944
Friendly .739 .894
Excitable .684 .866
Calm .789 .917
Aloof or Uninterested .765 .907
Playful .748 .899
Submissive .741 .895
Pushy, Assertive .786 .916
Subtest 17: Activity in free play
Active .777 .912
Excitable .803 .924
Calm .806 .926
Aloof .720 .885
Playful .775 .911
Engaged, Alert .706 .877
Table 9.5. (Continued)
ICC Alpha
Subtest 18: Reunion with owner
Excitable .839 .939
Calm .751 .901
Aloof or Uninterested .757 .903
Interested in people .680 .864
Easy to control .807 .925
Submissive .768 .908
Pushy, Assertive .709 .879
Note. Single-measure ICCs are reported.
Predictive validity: Correlation between DPQ and Test Battery ratings
The relationships between facet and factor scores on the DPQ (derived from
owners’ and kennel staff’s ratings of the dogs’ personalities) and the independent
observers’ ratings of facet- and factor-relevant (and unrelated) behavior displayed during
the Test Battery served as a measure of the predictive validity of the DPQ. The mean
(across all three raters) score for each factor and facet was correlated with every mean
(across three independent raters) behavioral assessment score on the Test Battery
Results of these predictive validity analyses are presented in Tables 9.6 to 9.10.
Each table presents the discriminant and convergent validity correlations for a single
factor and its facets. The columns present the long form’s and then the short form’s
factors and facets. The rows list each subtest, in the order in which they were completed,
and every behavioral description on which dogs were rated for each subtest.
Convergent correlations are those that were predicted to be high and are presented
in bold in all five tables. Discriminant correlations are those that were predicted to be low
and are presented in normal font (i.e., not bolded) in the tables. Correlations that are as
predicted are underlined in the table. Correlations that were significant at the p .001, or
that are greater than ± .320, are considered “high”. Correlations that were less than ±
.190, and which were thus not significant (p .05), were considered “low”. Thus, the
correlations that are not underlined are those which were predicted to be high but were
actually < ± .320, and those that were predicted to be low but were actually > ± .190.
Because specific predictions regarding correlations were made, Bonferroni
adjustments are not necessarily mandated. However, a conservative cut-off of a
Bonferroni-corrected p = .05 .400) for convergent correlations is also included.
Correlations that were predicted to be convergent and were greater than or equal to ± .400
are marked with an asterisk in Tables 9.6 through 9.10.
Table 9.6. Fearfulness convergent and discriminant validity correlations
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Long form Short form
Factor Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3 Facet 4
Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3
Facet 4
Subtest 1: Collar Grab
.622* .507*
.555 .518
.586 .405
-.599* -.481*
-.541 -.502
-.593* -
-.565 -.398
Aggressive .493 .491
.438 .348 .392
.436 .241
Friendly -.113 -.151
-.061 -.070 -.116
-.127 -
-.092 .035 -
Subtest 2: Walk on leash with stranger/tester
.537* .468*
.492 .401
-.530* -.426*
-.467 -.389
-.543* -
-.412 -
Excitable .233 .151
.342 .118 .132
.293 .095
Calm -.240 -.136
-.328 -.132 -.175
-.231 -
-.267 -.091 -
Engaged, Alert .055 -.009
.141 .014 .005
.043 -
.091 .004
Easy to control -.033 .013
-.022 -.068 -.035
-.025 .003
Submissive .308 .168
.313 .388 .168
.288 .473
Pushy, Assertive -.228 -.113
-.233 -.263 -.154
-.235 -
-.234 -.371 -
Subtest 3: Threatening approach
.620* .507*
.575 .447 .552
.603 .344
-.639* -.547*
-.558 -.495 -.557
-.636* -
-.598 -.378 -
Aggressive .371 .387
.319 .157 .384
.329 .089
Friendly -.221 -.305
-.128 -.009 -.314
-.253 -
-.181 .025 -
Excitable .158 .059
.259 .083 .090
.218 .060
Calm -.150 -.078
-.243 -.051 -.097
-.182 -
-.211 -.068 -
Playful -.112 -.102
-.033 -.048 -.205
-.120 -
-.068 -.010 -
Engaged, Alert .055 -.009
.141 .014 .005
.043 -
.091 .004
Interested in people -.026 -.157
.081 -.047 -.010
-.043 -
.058 -.050 -
Table 9.6. (Continued)
Factor 1: Fearfulness (Continued)
Long form Short form
Factor Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3 Facet 4
Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3
Facet 4
Subtest 4: Friendly approach
.458* .477*
.342 .367 .386
.404 .346
-.517* -.532*
-.408 -.399 -.430
-.505* -
-.458 -.396 -
Aggressive .254 .314
.180 .175 .209
.197 .162
Friendly -.098 -.182
-.071 -.005 -.082
-.070 -
-.063 .006 -
Excitable .120 .100
.225 .018 .028
.157 .011
Calm -.096 -.085
-.210 .053 -.040
-.101 -
-.159 .013 -
Playful -.184 -.246
-.087 -.104 -.208
-.197 -
-.136 -.039 -
Engaged, Alert .035 -.010
.140 -.082 .028
.095 -.077
Interested in people .000 -.050
.117 -.128 .012
.075 -.129
Subtest 5: Affection/Petting from stranger
.384 .465*
.264 .287
.329 .324
-.420* -.482*
-.315 -.297
-.418* -
-.375 -.317
Aggressive .242 .377
.107 .155 .219
.157 .160
Friendly -.093 -.228
-.002 .026 -.135
-.079 -
-.024 .022 -
Excitable .187 .062
.285 .130 .116
.222 .136
Calm -.175 -.068
-.260 -.112 -.114
-.160 -
-.185 -.152 -
Aloof or Uninterested .001 .077
-.067 -.008 .026
-.050 -.006
Playful -.032 -.113
.029 .044 -.083
-.042 -
-.006 .096 -
Engaged, Alert .081 -.038
.144 .079 .059
.120 .112
Interested in people .068 -.052
.181 .060 .001
.169 .035
Affectionate -.059 -.186
.027 .083 -.141
-.079 -
.021 .051 -
Subtest 6: Restraint
.601* .516*
.516 .413
.546 .334
-.550* -.466*
-.479 -.385
-.534* -
-.500 -.313
Aggressive .401 .445
.303 .263 .361
.344 .183
Friendly -.176 -.309
-.053 -.009 -.250
-.195 -
-.091 -.002 -
Affectionate -.143 -.252
-.061 .015 -.199
-.162 -
-.084 .058 -
Calm -.391 -.213
-.481 -.288 -.290
-.350 -
-.421 -.188 -
Excitable .331 .228
.389 .226 .242
.316 .148
Table 9.6. (Continued)
Factor 1: Fearfulness (Continued)
Long form Short form
Factor Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3 Facet 4
Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3
Facet 4
Subtest 7: Other dog (on leash)
Aggressive .250 .355
.158 .138 .221
.191 .028
Friendly -.045 -.107
.041 .089 -.186
.035 .070 -
Excitable .235 .181
.322 .158 .103
.288 .145
Calm -.212 -.152
-.270 -.166 -.106
-.190 -
-.238 -.126 -
Aloof or Uninterested -.060 -.060
-.106 -.082 .051
-.031 -
-.085 -.048
Playful -.032 -.139
.059 .058 -.108
-.047 -
.032 .051 -
Submissive .394 .208
.443 .450 .211
.381 .
.406 .459
Pushy, Assertive -.268 -.075
-.326 -.372 -.112
-.261 -
-.285 -.383 -
Subtest 8: Novel situation (room)
.340 .343
-.328 -.343
-.355 -
Excitable .271 .244
.356 .098 .177
.344 .028
Calm -.125 -.068
-.210 -.016 -.089
-.116 -
-.168 .025 -
Engaged, Alert .071 .041
.146 -.009 .034
.110 -.097
Subtest 9: Novel objects
.359 .501
-.353 -.492
-.336 -
Excitable .160 .092
.231 .063 .118
.205 .050
Calm -.184 -.084
-.258 -.076 -.163
-.193 -
-.218 -.075 -
Engaged, Alert .080 .044
.116 -.009 .097
.064 .045
Subtest 10: Doll test
.571* .491*
.523 .444 .466
.545 .369
-.560* -.481*
-.505 -.427 -.473
-.524* -
-.519 -.360 -
Aggressive .426 .432
.390 .235 .377
.390 .173
Friendly -.292 -.308
-.230 -.096 -.348
-.289 -
-.281 -.055 -
Excitable .265 .142
.392 .165 .145
.351 .143
Calm -.192 -.118
-.290 -.116 -.089
-.170 -
-.240 -.087 -
Subtest 11: Prey drive
Aggressive .372 .281
.423 .143 .364
.370 .028
Excitable .126 .084
.158 .016 .141
.110 -.058
Calm -.249 -.130
-.269 -.147 -.266
-.238 -
-.254 -.094 -
Playful -.062 -.140
-.029 .021 -.070
-.078 -
-.059 .075 -
Engaged .019 .101
.058 -.126 .014
.020 -.180
Table 9.6. (Continued)
Factor 1: Fearfulness (Continued)
Long form Short form
Factor Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3 Facet 4
Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3 Facet
Subtest 12: Engagement in play with tester
Affectionate -.066 -.112
-.005 .022 -.140
-.087 -
-.038 .082 -
Excitable .214 .052
.267 .228 .148
.256 .135
Calm -.218 -.113
-.277 -.159 -.158
-.205 -
-.233 -.094 -
Aloof or Uninterested -.006 .091
-.077 -.001 -.003
-.042 -.020
Playful -.125 -.192
-.055 -.008 -.182
-.116 -
-.073 .001 -
Engaged, Alert -.148 -.118
-.070 -.178 -.157
-.149 -
-.114 -.189 -
Interested in people .049 -.069
.164 .014 .014
.105 -.026 -
Subtest 13: Tug-o-war, Toy release
Easy to train -.017 -.130
.012 .131 -.074
-.030 -
.016 .217 -
Easy to control -.022 -.141
-.018 .175 -.083
-.035 -
-.029 .217 -
Submissive .228 .109
.208 .332 .126
.205 .320
Pushy, Assertive -.148 -.008
-.119 -.324 -.063
-.153 -
-.114 -.348
Subtest 14: Train new task
Engaged -.071 -.053
-.064 -.088 -.036
-.074 -.079 -
Interested in people .044 -.065
.070 .079 .052
.068 -
.065 .141
Easy to train -.016 -.192
.031 .136 -.044
-.046 -
.004 .155 -
Obedient -.085 -.230
-.046 .094 -.112
-.078 -
-.031 .162 -
Subtest 15: Basic commands
Obedient -.121 -.237
-.100 .065 -.135
-.110 -
-.091 .143 -
Subtest 16: Other dog (off leash)
Aggressive .314 .312
.218 .217 .329
.221 .197
Friendly -.276 -.326
-.106 -.176 -.364
-.291 -
-.141 -.210 -
Excitable .174 .111
.247 .077 .117
.223 .027
Calm -.255 -.190
-.304 -.148 -.193
-.243 -
-.278 -.111 -
Aloof or Uninterested -.014 .024
-.041 -.049 .026
.001 -
-.032 -.084
Playful -.069 -.131
-.029 .045 -.121
-.055 .089 -
Submissive .367 .185
.374 .427 .244
.351 .450
Pushy, Assertive -.350 -.145
-.369 -.369 -.276
-.370 -
-.359 -.436 -
Table 9.6. (Continued)
Factor 1: Fearfulness (Continued)
Long form Short form
Factor Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3 Facet 4
Facet 1
Facet 2 Facet 3
Facet 4
Subtest 17: Activity in free play
Active .234 .126
.275 .159 .202
.268 .138
Excitable .206 .087
.298 .142 .130
.263 .109
Calm -.278 -.192
-.358 -.155 -.196
-.277 -
-.330 -.122 -
Aloof -.164 -.061
-.270 -.092 -.088
-.144 -
-.220 -.077
Playful .031 -.062
.124 .049 -.037
.090 .085 -
Engaged, Alert .109 .046
.199 -.064 .139
.149 -.092
Subtest 18: Reunion with owner
Excitable .051 -.051
.133 -.009 .061
.116 -.031
Calm -.137 -.026
-.223 -.040 -.132
-.141 -
-.214 -.059 -
Aloof or Uninterested -.092 -.016
-.213 .004 -.039
-.070 -
-.172 .084 -
Interested in people .120 -.005
.219 .139 .017
.204 .058 -
Easy to control .181 -.044
.204 .295 .140
.145 .293
Submissive .248 .093
.246 .311 .181
.227 .330
Pushy, Assertive -.239 -.115
-.209 -.302 -.185
-.252 -
-.193 -.360 -
Note. Bolded correlations are those that are predicted to be convergent. Other correlations
are predicted to be discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .190; numbers
below this are considered discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .01 is ± .250.
The cut-off for significance at p = .001 is ± .320; numbers at or above .320 are considered
convergent. The Bonferroni-corrected cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .400.
Correlations that are in line with predictions are underlined. Correlations predicted to be
convergent that are equal to or greater than .320 are both bolded and underlined.
Correlations predicted to be discriminant that are equal to or less than .190 are
underlined. Correlations predicted to be convergent that are equal to or greater than ±
.400 are marked with asterisks.
Table 9.7. Aggression towards people convergent and discriminant validity correlations
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
Long form Short form
Facet 1 Facet 2 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Subtest 1: Collar Grab
Fearful .422
.443 .335 .470 .445 .402
Confident -.435
-.442 -.361 -.482 -.468 -.403
.654* .645*
-.491* -.502*
Subtest 2: Walk on leash with stranger/tester
Fearful .337
.345 .277 .395 .393 .321
Confident -.331
-.348 -.262 -.373 -.374 -.302
Excitable -.051
.028 -.120 -.007 .016 -.026
Calm .028
-.061 .110 -.022 -.063 .019
Engaged, Alert -.029
-.001 -.052 -.024 .028 -.065
Easy to control -.012
.037 -.062 -.039 -.037 -.033
Submissive -.183
-.110 -.224 -.150 -.123 -.146
Pushy, Assertive .185
.085 .254 .156 .090 .186
Subtest 3: Threatening approach
Fearful .378
.464 .234 .425 .476 .297
Confident -.419
-.509 -.263 -.477 -.531 -.337
.557* .581* .593* .487* .574*
-.478* -.399 -.450* -.386 -.421*
Excitable -.090
-.011 -.151 -.069 -.028 -.092
Calm .073
.004 .129 .035 -.011 .069
Playful -.245
-.243 -.205 -.249 -.207 -.239
Engaged, Alert -.465
-.364 -.486 -.451 -.377 -.431
Interested in people -.012
.037 -.062 -.039 -.037 -.033
Subtest 4: Friendly approach
Fearful .480
.465 .421 .499 .492 .409
Confident -.462
-.454 -.399 -.478 -.467 -.396
.429* .505* .467* .403* .436*
-.474* -.600* -.535* -.417* -.539*
Excitable -.205
-.125 -.251 -.161 -.120 -.166
Calm .147
.051 .220 .115 .056 .146
Playful -.500
-.456 -.459 -.476 -.412 -.441
Engaged, Alert -.020
.014 -.053 .001 -.021 .021
Interested in people -.337
-.301 -.319 -.316 -.334 -.239
Table 9.7. (Continued)
Factor 2: Aggression towards People (Continued)
Long form Short form
Facet 1 Facet 2 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Subtest 5: Affection/Petting from stranger
Fearful .396
.369 .363 .416 .411 .341
Confident -.460
-.472 -.377 -.490 -.506 -.382
.430* .430*
-.570* -.526*
Excitable -.124
-.048 -.177 -.062 -.022 -.086
Calm .079
.010 .133 .026 -.017 .060
Aloof or Uninterested
.392 .362
Playful -.373
-.378 -.304 -.336 -.330 -.277
Engaged, Alert -.162
-.110 -.191 -.149 -.154 -.115
Interested in people -.440
-.353 -.452 -.410 -.356 -.380
Affectionate -.530
-.498 -.473 -.489 -.465 -.416
Subtest 6: Restraint
Fearful .389
.422 .295 .404 .414 .318
Confident -.394
-.438 -.288 -.411 -.446 -.302
.465* .512*
-.530* -.481*
-.485* -.476*
Calm -.028
-.085 .030 -.056 -.056 -.046
Excitable -.049
.017 -.106 .009 .005 .011
Subtest 7: Other dog (on leash)
Fearful .386
.432 .279 .418 .441 .318
Confident -.375
-.436 -.256 -.419 -.465 -.297
Aggressive .495
.444 .468 .464 .465 .375
Friendly -.448
-.393 -.426 -.423 -.376 -.384
Excitable -.146
-.069 -.197 -.096 -.053 -.116
Calm .188
.113 .229 .128 .068 .158
Aloof or Uninterested .335
.241 .370 .292 .165 .349
Playful -.340
-.305 -.316 -.276 -.229 -.265
Submissive -.050
.038 -.128 .024 .093 -.043
Pushy, Assertive .086
-.028 .186 .021 -.097 .124
Subtest 8: Novel situation (room)
Fearful .327
.343 .260 .368 .393 .275
Confident -.323
-.340 -.257 -.367 -.397 -.270
Excitable -.031
.036 -.092 .000 .026 -.024
Calm .114
.003 .202 .087 -.027 .174
Engaged, Alert .045
.089 -.007 .049 .041 .047
Table 9.7. (Continued)
Factor 2: Aggression towards People (Continued)
Long form Short form
Facet 1 Facet 2 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Subtest 9: Novel objects
Fearful .344
.395 .240 .410 .426 .316
Confident -.282
-.362 -.160 -.350 -.412 -.228
Excitable -.140
-.090 -.167 -.121 -.135 -.085
Calm .134
.072 .173 .110 .100 .098
Engaged, Alert -.085
-.117 -.039 -.093 -.205 .026
Subtest 10: Doll test
Fearful .506
.571 .360 .529 .563 .396
Confident -.482
-.551 -.337 -.505 -.551 -.366
.637* .642*
-.466* -.451*
Excitable -.018
.047 -.077 .000 .001 .000
Calm -.062
-.143 .029 -.066 -.094 -.028
Subtest 11: Prey drive
Aggressive .312
.315 .256 .331 .266 .326
Excitable -.057
-.010 -.093 -.045 -.093 .008
Calm .044
-.026 .107 .013 .001 .021
Playful -.261
-.284 -.191 -.236 -.235 -.191
Engaged -.200
-.104 -.262 -.177 -.104 -.209
Subtest 12: Engagement in play with tester
Affectionate -.455
-.443 -.389 -.413 -.351 -.390
Excitable -.248
-.149 -.305 -.197 -.170 -.184
Calm .105
.050 .140 .094 .101 .069
Aloof or Uninterested .414
.345 .411 .381 .333 .351
Playful -.521
-.478 -.476 -.482 -.448 -.420
Engaged, Alert -.353
-.233 -.416 -.316 -.209 -.353
Interested in people -.446
-.342 -.475 -.411 -.357 -.381
Subtest 13: Tug-o-war, Toy release
Easy to train -.367
-.318 -.354 -.314 -.246 -.314
Easy to control -.333
-.282 -.327 -.298 -.243 -.290
Submissive -.297
-.204 -.339 -.257 -.190 -.269
Pushy, Assertive .324
.237 .356 .274 .208 .282
Subtest 14: Train new task
Engaged -.116
-.060 -.159 -.120 -.097 -.119
Interested in people -.357
-.245 -.408 -.343 -.274 -.339
Easy to train -.451
-.373 -.452 -.406 -.359 -.370
Obedient -.456
-.374 -.462 -.418 -.335 -.413
Subtest 15: Basic commands
Obedient -.449
-.377 -.447 -.424 -.348 -.411
Table 9.7. (Continued)
Factor 2: Aggression towards People (Continued)
Long form Short form
Facet 1 Facet 2 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Subtest 16: Other dog (off leash)
Fearful .350
.422 .223 .355 .421 .227
Confident -.350
-.390 -.256 -.360 -.386 -.268
Aggressive .499
.424 .495 .470 .430 .417
Friendly -.314
-.356 -.224 -.298 -.340 -.202
Excitable -.258
-.209 -.262 -.201 -.186 -.175
Calm .137
.056 .191 .081 .014 .126
Aloof or Uninterested .283
.248 .268 .242 .207 .227
Playful -.393
-.371 -.348 -.351 -.346 -.288
Submissive -.145
-.043 -.223 -.085 -.028 -.121
Pushy, Assertive .130
.010 .227 .070 -.015 .133
Subtest 17: Activity in free play
Active -.121
-.006 -.216 -.081 -.047 -.096
Excitable -.240
-.128 -.310 -.198 -.152 -.201
Calm .128
.007 .225 .093 .029 .133
Aloof .307
.228 .332 .251 .202 .246
Playful -.278
-.242 -.267 -.245 -.198 -.240
Engaged, Alert -.223
-.135 -.276 -.184 -.186 -.147
Subtest 18: Reunion with owner
Excitable -.395
-.273 -.449 -.353 -.285 -.346
Calm .309
.188 .376 .260 .200 .265
Aloof or Uninterested .331
.225 .380 .293 .253 .271
Interested in people -.376
-.304 -.385 -.338 -.288 -.318
Easy to control -.113
-.095 -.111 -.102 -.150 -.039
Submissive -.210
-.160 -.223 -.205 -.217 -.155
Pushy, Assertive .131
.098 .140 .132 .139 .102
Note. Bolded correlations are those that are predicted to be convergent. Other correlations
are predicted to be discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .190; numbers
below this are considered discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .01 is ± .250.
The cut-off for significance at p = .001 is ± .320; numbers at or above .320 are considered
convergent. The Bonferroni-corrected cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .400.
Correlations that are in line with predictions are underlined. Correlations predicted to be
convergent that are equal to or greater than .320 are both bolded and underlined.
Correlations predicted to be discriminant that are equal to or less than .190 are
underlined. Correlations predicted to be convergent that are equal to or greater than ±
.400 are marked with asterisks.
Table 9.8. Activity/Excitability convergent and discriminant validity correlations
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Long form Short form
Subtest 1: Collar Grab
Fearful -.029 .100 .007 -.146 -.075 -.024 .102 -.085 -.142 .016
Confident .096 -.048 .028 .200 .139 .096 -.058 .139 .179 .062
Aggressive -.201 .030 -.101 -.204 -.364 -.188 .078 -.197 -.209 -.281
Friendly .463 .318 .302 .243 .545 .425 .246 .331 .205 .476
Subtest 2: Walk on leash with stranger/tester
Fearful -.092 -.008 .008 -.175 -.117 -.095 .016 -.094 -.179 -.048
Confident .085 -.004 .019 .184 .078 .096 -.039 .138 .194 .026
.653* .751*
.336 .419 .440
.612* .641*
.295 .376 .429
-.657* -.738*
-.369 -.439 -.421
-.625* -.653*
-.336 -.365 -.426
Engaged, Alert
.333 .177
.258 .100
Easy to control .150 .194 .114 .053 .078 .149 .186 .119 .069 .037
Submissive .283 .159 .225 .172 .320 .288 .170 .190 .146 .344
Pushy, Assertive -.197 -.078 -.137 -.069 -.319 -.218 -.102 -.131 -.053 -.357
Subtest 3: Threatening approach
Fearful -.024 .094 -.033 -.151 -.017 -.020 .094 -.059 -.155 .026
Confident -.003 -.141 -.020 .111 .069 -.002 -.136 .026 .125 .018
Aggressive -.190 .056 -.192 -.181 -.303 -.197 .102 -.262 -.217 -.268
Friendly .381 .218 .347 .262 .359 .374 .130 .366 .296 .346
.568* .574*
.341 .409 .392
.492* .460*
.258 .313 .383
-.473* -.506*
-.257 -.337 -.319
-.445* -.461*
-.231 -.232 -.341
.285 .226
.235 .217
Engaged, Alert
.333 .177
.258 .100
Interested in people
.296 .225 .390
.576* .422*
.188 .193 .361
Subtest 4: Friendly approach
Fearful -.181 -.075 -.027 -.257 -.205 -.206 -.086 -.094 -.260 -.183
Confident .160 .083 -.008 .236 .181 .184 .088 .068 .254 .145
Aggressive -.220 -.060 -.045 -.189 -.381 -.194 -.029 -.074 -.131 -.356
Friendly .437 .222 .322 .256 .550 .412 .148 .336 .222 .536
.630* .533*
.369 .439 .573
.582* .423*
.309 .439 .532
-.574* -.505*
-.292 -.450 -.493
-.516* -.416*
-.249 -.405 -.429
.427 .447
.416 .444
Engaged, Alert
.326 .080
.266 .065
Interested in people
.283 .214 .345
.504* .401*
.188 .187 .327
Table 9.8. (Continued)
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability (Continued)
Long form Short form
Subtest 5: Affection/Petting from stranger
Fearful -.107 .039 -.016 -.223 -.152 -.139 .023 -.091 -.227 -.146
Confident .110 -.026 .044 .175 .165 .124 -.001 .086 .154 .147
Aggressive -.232 -.066 -.049 -.241 -.359 -.238 -.074 -.109 -.198 -.338
Friendly .507 .320 .344 .323 .567 .495 .279 .373 .267 .549
.580* .585*
.335 .324 .495
.565* .500*
.348 .270 .512
-.591* -.597*
-.388 -.327 -.466
-.580* -.517*
-.402 -.262 -.493
Aloof or Uninterested
-.556* -.530*
.482* .508*
Engaged, Alert
.336 .168
.266 .134
Interested in people
.377 .354 .428
.596* .525*
.288 .353 .369
.261 .442 .375
.508* .517*
.211 .461 .378
Subtest 6: Restraint
Fearful .001 .122 -.027 -.121 -.004 -.004 .108 -.074 -.112 .028
Confident -.017 -.153 .023 .088 .026 -.024 -.143 .052 .066 -.006
Aggressive -.182 .044 -.105 -.197 -.325 -.169 .085 -.160 -.181 -.292
Friendly .446 .297 .309 .252 .505 .455 .255 .378 .231 .493
.259 .372 .340
.494* .474*
.186 .435 .320
-.506* -.542*
-.296 -.287 -.388
-.501* -.494*
-.264 -.255 -.418
.541* .531*
.299 .302 .487
.504* .432*
.248 .269 .505
Subtest 7: Other dog (on leash)
Fearful .022 .157 -.014 -.152 .032 .005 .118 -.044 -.136 .039
Confident -.009 -.164 .060 .178 -.050 -.014 -.144 .053 .167 -.071
Aggressive -.207 -.005 -.083 -.183 -.377 -.191 .006 -.107 -.116 -.372
Friendly .484 .317 .446 .244 .487 .469 .305 .352 .219 .506
.531* .475*
.383 .325 .432
.475* .410*
.276 .285 .404
-.457 -.310 -.449
-.539* -.473*
-.392 -.244 -.454
Aloof or Uninterested
-.484* -.512*
.411 .411
.364 .412
Submissive .330 .290 .227 .071 .397 .359 .285 .283 .057 .414
Pushy, Assertive -.198 -.143 -.145 .059 -.355 -.226 -.140 -.210 .075 -.386
Subtest 8: Novel situation (room)
Fearful -.003 .049 .117 -.085 -.088 -.013 .024 .070 -.089 -.052
Confident -.043 -.090 -.185 .056 .081 -.040 -.068 -.156 .083 .030
.555* .599*
.312 .372 .381
.493* .522*
.205 .341 .333
-.340 -.346 -.352
-.489* -.500*
-.265 -.297 -.335
Engaged, Alert
.240 .154
.196 .095
Table 9.8. (Continued)
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability (Continued)
Long form Short form
Subtest 9: Novel objects
Fearful .030 .100 .018 -.065 .017 .021 .088 -.009 -.046 .006
Confident -.122 -.148 -.099 -.009 -.104 -.121 -.124 -.093 -.032 -.096
.520* .520*
.386 .353 .322
.486* .452*
.314 .281 .353
-.512* -.489*
-.385 -.351 -.333
-.476* -.439*
-.311 -.257 -.362
Engaged, Alert
.151 .170
.150 .137
Subtest 10: Doll test
Fearful .050 .248 -.059 -.055 -.032 .059 .230 -.098 .006 -.020
Confident -.049 -.229 .029 .044 .051 -.057 -.220 .084 .007 .012
Aggressive -.115 .138 -.209 -.163 -.177 -.113 .118 -.245 -.087 -.175
Friendly .195 -.008 .286 .102 .255 .181 -.069 .256 .120 .276
.532* .564*
.272 .313 .437
.471* .474*
.175 .288 .401
-.431* -.496*
-.211 -.255 -.317
-.380 -.442*
-.115 -.213 -.297
Subtest 11: Prey drive
Aggressive .300 .461 .100 .284 .040 .298 .428 .086 .222 .080
.488* .464*
.320 .412 .295
.425* .406*
.213 .340 .263
-.556* -.535*
-.355 -.452 -.350
-.500* -.464*
-.268 -.366 -.344
.313 .300
.353 .290
.297 .345
.210 .250
Subtest 12: Engagement in play with tester
Affectionate .331 .142 .330 .168 .395 .317 .072 .367 .147 .385
.682* .591*
.496 .481 .516
.596* .460*
.392 .409 .481
-.598* -.556*
-.405 -.432 -.424
-.559* -.494*
-.331 -.376 -.415
Aloof or Uninterested
-.476* -.532*
.487* .540*
Engaged, Alert
.352 .300
.286 .276
Interested in people .516 .324 .353 .343
.474 .233 .317 .288
Subtest 13: Tug-o-war, Toy release
Easy to train .244 .054 .177 .146 .382 .257 .007 .263 .138 .387
Easy to control .207 .028 .142 .141 .338 .223 -.007 .195 .166 .341
Submissive .231 .064 .259 .061 .339 .220 .023 .255 .051 .349
Pushy, Assertive -.189 -.005 -.221 -.064 -.312 -.184 .000 -.238 .000 -.334
Subtest 14: Train new task
.127 .099
.113 .104
Interested in people
.290 .291 .359
.510* .425*
.217 .313 .276
Easy to train .398 .192 .244 .285 .508 .385 .109 .285 .287 .487
Obedient .274 .083 .161 .187 .416 .281 .036 .254 .166 .409
Table 9.8. (Continued)
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability (Continued)
Long form Short form
Subtest 15: Basic commands
Obedient .183 .001 .072 .090 .401 .199 -.040 .170 .078 .414
Subtest 16: Other dog (off leash)
Fearful .056 .180 -.031 -.172 .140 .043 .156 -.076 -.173 .170
Confident -.101 -.202 -.010 .099 -.149 -.085 -.181 .036 .126 -.184
Aggressive -.223 -.018 -.189 -.205 -.302 -.222 -.016 -.231 -.166 -.276
Friendly .287 .172 .210 .200 .304 .254 .067 .155 .251 .303
.665* .556*
.497 .465 .516
.610* .438*
.411 .442 .502
-.628* -.554*
-.496 -.399 -.469
-.578* -.456*
-.390 -.366 -.474
Aloof or Uninterested
-.303 -.342
-.232 -.336
.403 .534
.353 .528
Submissive .346 .232 .155 .132 .515 .324 .169 .157 .122 .505
Pushy, Assertive -.264 -.174 -.065 -.049 -.486 -.248 -.120 -.086 -.023 -.496
Subtest 17: Activity in free play
.656* .626*
.604* .526*
.714* .618*
.421 .527 .604
.655* .488*
.386 .462 .581
-.724* -.674*
-.452 -.545 -.529
-.676* -.582*
-.401 -.456 -.520
-.342 -.596
-.329 -.582
.479 .370 .402 .553
.330 .376 .417 .525
Engaged, Alert
.322 .196
.309 .425* .337
.250 .104
.214 .410*
Subtest 18: Reunion with owner
.609* .460*
.359 .472 .569
.547* .364
.297 .419 .530
-.566* -.459*
-.315 -.428 -.517
-.513* -.378
-.267 -.361 -.492
Aloof or Uninterested
-.338 -.301
-.401* -.601* -.481*
-.260 -.240
-.352 -.574*
Interested in people
.290 .307 .362
.568* .426*
.190 .219 .311
Easy to control -.063 -.146 -.125 -.104 .174 -.075 -.159 -.153 -.080 .188
Submissive .197 .074 .159 .073 .303 .177 .070 .109 .045 .305
Pushy, Assertive -.093 .028 -.069 .014 -.261 -.085 .015 -.054 .046 -.266
Note. Bolded correlations are those that are predicted to be convergent. Other correlations
are predicted to be discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .190; numbers
below this are considered discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .01 is ± .250.
The cut-off for significance at p = .001 is ± .320; numbers at or above .320 are considered
convergent. The Bonferroni-corrected cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .400.
Correlations that are in line with predictions are underlined. Correlations predicted to be
convergent that are equal to or greater than .320 are both bolded and underlined.
Correlations predicted to be discriminant that are equal to or less than .190 are
underlined. Correlations predicted to be convergent that are equal to or greater than ±
.400 are marked with asterisks.
Table 9.9. Responsiveness to Training convergent and discriminant validity correlations
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training
Long form Short form
Facet 1
Facet 2 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Subtest 1: Collar Grab
Fearful -.065 -
.061 -.045 -.167 .104
Confident .096
-.076 .082 .240 -.121
Aggressive -.307 -
-.207 -.309 -.274 -.235
Friendly .136
-.099 .161 .225 .033
Subtest 2: Walk on leash with stranger/tester
Fearful -.054 -
.082 -.061 -.165 .075
Confident .062
-.061 .062 .168 -.076
Excitable -.090
-.289 -.087 -.009 -.142
Calm .092 -
.268 .117 .016 .184
Engaged, Alert .039
-.121 .021 .129 -.105
Easy to control
-.110 -.006
.099 .232
Pushy, Assertive
-.146 -.207
Subtest 3: Threatening approach
Fearful -.121 -
-.024 -.086 -.152 .016
Confident .205
.111 .179 .222 .067
Aggressive -.256 -
-.191 -.262 -.186 -.250
Friendly .186
-.057 .233 .292 .084
Excitable -.094
-.257 -.067 -.007 -.108
Calm .120 -
.246 .117 .010 .192
Playful -.042
-.223 .014 .087 -.070
Engaged, Alert .039
-.121 .021 .129 -.105
Interested in people .185
-.083 .244 .289 .106
Subtest 4: Friendly approach
Fearful -.025 -
.054 .007 -.084 .103
Confident .098
-.007 .056 .156 -.074
Aggressive -.206 -
-.158 -.155 -.143 -.113
Friendly .265
.059 .288 .305 .165
Excitable .025
-.269 .030 .210 -.178
Calm .047 -
.305 .038 -.147 .227
Playful .174
-.070 .209 .252 .086
Engaged, Alert .065
-.070 .000 .102 -.112
Interested in people .155
-.091 .173 .302 -.029
Table 9.9. (Continued)
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training (Continued)
Long form Short form
Facet 1
Facet 2 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Subtest 5: Affection/Petting from stranger
Fearful -.013 -
.016 -.003 -.048 .047
Confident .074
.007 .050 .102 -.024
Aggressive -.210 -
-.092 -.178 -.233 -.054
Friendly .213
-.030 .223 .299 .059
Excitable -.010
-.261 -.004 .144 -.164
Calm .033 -
.310 .017 -.149 .193
Aloof or Uninterested -.129 -
.131 -.120 -.242 .058
Playful .203
-.092 .252 .313 .093
Engaged, Alert .144
.017 .112 .140 .039
Interested in people .141
-.120 .145 .261 -.035
Affectionate .137
-.105 .135 .246 -.036
Subtest 6: Restraint
Fearful -.116 -
-.133 -.070 -.077 -.038
Confident .208
.197 .168 .163 .114
Aggressive -.205 -
-.089 -.183 -.239 -.056
Friendly .220
-.007 .221 .299 .057
Affectionate .222
-.044 .212 .328 .008
Calm .030 -
.230 -.002 -.088 .093
Excitable -.063
-.257 -.032 .027 -.085
Subtest 7: Other dog (on leash)
Fearful -.183 -
-.126 -.114 -.157 -.027
Confident .159
.093 .106 .155 .014
Aggressive -.333 -
-.239 -.244 -.269 -.129
Friendly .172
-.020 .121 .214 -.025
Excitable -.004
-.177 -.015 .069 -.101
Calm -.010 -
.213 .001 -.131 .144
Aloof or Uninterested -.023 -
.192 .002 -.137 .153
Playful .165
-.082 .154 .224 .023
Submissive .106
-.080 .161 .254 .001
Pushy, Assertive -.143 -
-.059 -.187 -.217 -.086
Subtest 8: Novel situation (room)
Fearful -.042 -
-.058 -.013 -.016 -.006
Confident .080
.056 .076 .101 .022
Excitable -.227
-.391 -.213 -.081 -.280
Calm .174 -
.318 .189 .043 .279
Engaged, Alert -.099 -
-.128 -.135 -.033 -.198
Table 9.9. (Continued)
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training (Continued)
Long form Short form
Facet 1
Facet 2 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Subtest 9: Novel objects
Fearful -.032
-.078 -.010 .011 -.030
Confident .027 -
.088 .006 -.006 .017
Excitable -.151
-.281 -.151 -.048 -.208
Calm .039 -
.175 .050 -.047 .138
Engaged, Alert -.037
-.147 -.054 .092 -.194
Subtest 10: Doll test
Fearful -.175 -
-.186 -.124 -.129 -.074
Confident .139
.139 .100 .114 .050
Aggressive -.318 -
-.294 -.258 -.209 -.219
Friendly .199
.092 .194 .186 .132
Excitable -.096
-.322 -.071 .053 -.181
Calm .157 -
.272 .152 .067 .190
Subtest 11: Prey drive
Aggressive -.253 -
-.393 -.239 -.127 -.275
Excitable -.219 -
-.324 -.238 -.127 -.273
Calm .057 -
.202 .087 .000 .149
Playful .131
-.099 .174 .200 .082
Engaged .002
-.222 -.038 .127 -.204
Subtest 12: Engagement in play with tester
Affectionate .178
-.088 .221 .347 .004
Excitable -.006
-.180 .005 .044 -.039
Calm .066 -
.246 .079 -.039 .178
Aloof or Uninterested -.128 -
.114 -.103 -.241 .084
Playful .061
-.160 .084 .101 .034
Engaged, Alert .083
-.060 .013 .090 -.074
Interested in people .177
-.078 .173 .245 .032
Subtest 13: Tug-o-war, Toy release
Easy to train
.410* .402
.266 .405* .346 .322
Easy to control
.269 .407* .319 .355
.226 .349
Pushy, Assertive
-.361 -.401*
Subtest 14: Train new task
Engaged -.005
-.038 -.054 .003 -.096
Interested in people .208
.032 .191 .206 .106
Easy to train
.341 .303
.491* .450
.521* .429*
Subtest 15: Basic commands
.421* .506* .383 .456*
Table 9.9. (Continued)
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training (Continued)
Long form Short form
Facet 1
Facet 2 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Subtest 16: Other dog (off leash)
Fearful -.146 -
-.108 -.082 -.134 .004
Confident .165
.118 .130 .192 .016
Aggressive -.322 -
-.274 -.210 -.182 -.166
Friendly .162
-.008 .145 .195 .036
Excitable .006
-.249 .040 .127 -.069
Calm .084 -
.289 .053 -.022 .116
Aloof or Uninterested -.134 -
.060 -.116 -.194 .012
Playful .154
-.066 .149 .180 .061
Submissive .182
.069 .213 .189 .161
Pushy, Assertive -.203 -
-.129 -.242 -.185 -.215
Subtest 17: Activity in free play
Active .029
-.125 .004 .036 -.032
Excitable -.004
-.202 .009 .065 -.055
Calm .031 -
.215 .043 -.028 .106
Aloof -.061 -
.158 -.040 -.153 .097
Playful .127
-.185 .174 .280 -.005
Engaged, Alert .130
-.049 .035 .132 -.084
Subtest 18: Reunion with owner
Excitable .033
-.190 .028 .104 -.064
Calm .005 -
.197 .006 -.070 .088
Aloof or Uninterested -.002 -
.221 .055 -.103 .207
Interested in people .089
-.102 .098 .159 -.005
Easy to control
.297 .280
.088 .212
Pushy, Assertive
-.113 -.159
Note. Bolded correlations are those that are predicted to be convergent. Other correlations
are predicted to be discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .190; numbers
below this are considered discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .01 is ± .250.
The cut-off for significance at p = .001 is ± .320; numbers at or above .320 are considered
convergent. The Bonferroni-corrected cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .400.
Correlations that are in line with predictions are underlined. Correlations predicted to be
convergent that are equal to or greater than .320 are both bolded and underlined.
Correlations predicted to be discriminant that are equal to or less than .190 are
underlined. Correlations predicted to be convergent that are equal to or greater than ±
.400 are marked with asterisks.
Table 9.10. Aggression towards animals convergent and discriminant validity
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals
Long Form Short Form
Facet 1
Facet 2
Facet 3 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Facet 3
Subtest 1: Collar Grab
-.223 .075 .203 .128 -
Confident -
.169 -.083 -.247 -.068
.041 .327 .381 .185
Friendly -.
-.142 -.357 -.540 .012 -
Subtest 2: Walk on leash with stranger/tester
Fearful -
-.181 .013 .202 -.002 -
.243 .084 -.142 .034
-.052 -.023 -.467 .459 -
Calm -
.044 -.033 .395 -.443
Engaged, Alert
-.072 -.044 -.233 .217 -
Easy to control
.105 .025 -.182 .139
Submissive -
-.435 -.377 -.359 .097 -
Pushy, Assertive
.527 .421 .330 -.031
Subtest 3: Threatening approach
Fearful -
-.235 .091 .215 .090 -
Confident -
.180 -.160 -.213 -.170
.091 .352 .312 .210
Friendly -
-.016 -.267 -.437 .022 -
.005 .000 -.379 .360 -
Calm -
.085 .028 .379 -.366
Playful -
.024 -.130 -.391 .164 -
Engaged, Alert
-.072 -.044 -.233 .217 -
Interested in people -
-.114 -.251 -.497 .097 -
Subtest 4: Friendly approach
.036 .122 .229 -.021
Confident -
.083 -.070 -.217 .007
.177 .322 .295 .130
Friendly -
-.173 -.328 -.456 -.005 -
Excitable -
.026 -.075 -.433 .246 -
-.023 .050 .364 -.208
Playful -
-.022 -.201 -.426 .087 -
Engaged, Alert
-.038 .038 -.238 .290 -
Interested in people -
-.118 -.157 -.420 .161 -
Table 9.10. (Continued)
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals (Continued)
Long Form Short Form
Facet 1
Facet 2
Facet 3 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Facet 3
Subtest 5: Affection/Petting from stranger
.124 .123 .175 -.031
Confident -
-.029 -.121 -.245 .052 -
.240 .292 .325 .024
Friendly -
-.331 -.408 -.593 .111 -
Excitable -
-.168 -.150 -.463 .281 -
.115 .104 .457 -.319
Aloof or Uninterested
.180 .279 .394 -.008
Playful -
.007 -.178 -.456 .134 -
Engaged, Alert -
-.149 -.173 -.331 .144 -
Interested in people -
-.256 -.332 -.548 .156 -
Affectionate -
-.278 -.383 -.527 .074 -
Subtest 6: Restraint
-.100 .157 .181 .147 -
Confident -
.064 -.199 -.192 -.201
.162 .377 .360 .179
Friendly -
-.224 -.443 -.578 -.019 -
Affectionate -
-.200 -.414 -.552 .000 -
.166 .044 .342 -.337
Excitable -
-.153 -.080 -.354 .278 -
Subtest 7: Other dog (on leash)
-.180 .090 .168 .181 -
Confident -
.183 -.056 -.163 -.107
.283 .492* .426*
-.209 -.374 -.508*
Excitable -
-.090 -.120 -.381 .202 -
.099 .128 .455 -.281
Aloof or Uninterested
.279 .514*
-.217 -.544*
.151 -
-.433* -.354
-.336 .079
Pushy, Assertive
.503* .442*
.309 .039
Subtest 8: Novel situation (room)
-.060 .041 .133 -.005 -
Confident -
.092 -.032 -.100 -.026
-.025 .085 -.285 .394 -
Calm -
-.012 -.073 .263 -.332
Engaged, Alert
-.043 .045 -.081 .129
Table 9.10. (Continued)
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals (Continued)
Long Form Short Form
Facet 1
Facet 2
Facet 3 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Facet 3
Subtest 9: Novel objects
-.110 .009 .117 -.014 -
Confident -
.136 -.010 -.062 -.039
-.103 .017 -.326 .400 -
Calm -
.072 -.061 .272 -.386
Engaged, Alert
-.086 .021 -.118 .183 -
Subtest 10: Doll test
-.126 .091 .125 .153 -
Confident -
.100 -.138 -.146 -.185
.088 .315 .338 .173
Friendly -
-.057 -.307 -.296 -.139 -
Excitable -
-.106 -.080 -.361 .294 -
Calm -
.060 .027 .242 -.234
Subtest 11: Prey drive
-.034 .065 -.235 .352 -
Calm -
.055 -.052 .239 -.324
Playful -
.015 -.216 -.422 .061 -
-.036 -.004 -.289 .266 -
Subtest 12: Engagement in play with tester
Affectionate -
-.170 -.405 -.474 -.104 -
Excitable -
-.182 -.144 -.446 .325 -
.139 .076 .357 -.271
Aloof or Uninterested
.161 .224 .400 -.083
Playful -
-.015 -.149 -.437 .179 -
Engaged, Alert -
-.045 -.117 -.374 .143 -
Interested in people -
-.216 -.244 -.472 .166 -
Subtest 13: Tug-o-war, Toy release
Easy to train -
-.206 -.370 -.280 -.157 -
Easy to control -
-.177 -.315 -.238 -.116 -
Submissive -
-.407 -.379 -.335 -.026 -
Pushy, Assertive
.470 .479 .378 .075
Subtest 14: Train new task
Engaged -
-.168 -.140 -.167 -.012 -
Interested in people -
-.249 -.293 -.369 .020 -
Easy to train -
-.279 -.356 -.342 -.045 -
Obedient -
-.195 -.361 -.352 -.131 -
Subtest 15: Basic commands
Obedient -
-.242 -.406 -.294 -.205 -
Table 9.10. (Continued)
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals (Continued)
Long Form Short Form
Facet 1
Facet 2
Facet 3 Factor Facet 1 Facet 2
Facet 3
Subtest 16: Other dog (off leash)
-.179 .025 .094 .118 -
.221 .019 -.042 -.139
.422* .383
-.292 -.374
-.152 -
.007 -.022 -.465 .388 -
Calm -
.013 .035 .432 -.342
Aloof or Uninterested
.032 .221 .388 -.029
Playful -
-.030 -.222 -.483 .116 -
-.534* -.454*
-.323 .012
Pushy, Assertive
.629* .536*
.364 .025
Subtest 17: Activity in free play
Active -
-.173 -.095 -.414 .336 -
Excitable -
-.177 -.106 -.448 .355 -
.161 .037 .430 -.436
.198 .353 .508 -.044
Playful -
-.016 -.190 -.492 .160 -
Engaged, Alert -
-.167 -.173 -.345 .107 -
Subtest 18: Reunion with owner
Excitable -
-.134 -.201 -.493 .225 -
.170 .182 .428 -.231
Aloof or Uninterested
.341 .355 .501 -.090
Interested in people -
-.309 -.290 -.399 .115 -
Easy to control -
-.400 -.387 -.089 -.221 -
Submissive -
-.419 -.338 -.317 .030 -
Pushy, Assertive
.456 .310 .169 .030
Note. Bolded correlations are those that are predicted to be convergent. Other correlations
are predicted to be discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .190; numbers
below this are considered discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .01 is ± .250.
The cut-off for significance at p = .001 is ± .320; numbers at or above .320 are considered
convergent. The Bonferroni-corrected cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .400.
Correlations that are in line with predictions are underlined. Correlations predicted to be
convergent that are equal to or greater than .320 are both bolded and underlined.
Correlations predicted to be discriminant that are equal to or less than .190 are
underlined. Correlations predicted to be convergent that are equal to or greater than ±
.400 are marked with asterisks.
The mean magnitude of the convergent and discriminant validity correlations
associated with each factor and each facet, for both the long and the short forms of the
DPQ, are presented in Table 9.11. The columns indicate the long form’s and short form’s
convergent and discriminant validity. The rows are labeled by factors, with each factor
being followed by its facets. For consistency with the immediately previous tables, the
convergent validity correlations (under the column heading “Convergent”) are presented
in bold, and the discriminant validity correlations (under the column heading
“Discriminant”) are not bolded. The correlations that were predicted to be convergent and
that were indeed high ( .320, or significant at p .001) are underlined. The correlations
that were predicted to be discriminant and were indeed low ( .320, or significant at p
.001) are also underlined.
It should be noted that these means indicate the strength of the average strength of
the convergent and discriminant relationships, not their directionality; they were
calculated using the absolute value of the correlations presented in Tables 9.6 through
9.10 so that positive and negative correlations would not cancel out.
It is apparent from examination of Table 9.11 that the convergent validity
correlations were, for the most part, as predicted. That is, most of the correlations that fall
under the “Convergentheadings and are bolded are also underlined. For the long form
and the short form, this is true of all but the Active Engagement (Facet 3 of
Activity/Excitability) and Controllability (Facet 2 of Responsiveness to Training)
Table 9.11. Mean factor- and facet-level predictive validity correlations
Long form
Short form
Convergent Discriminant Convergent Discriminant
Factor 1 – Fearfulness
Facet 1 – Fear of People
Facet 2 – Nonsocial Fear
Facet 3 – Fear of Dogs
Facet 4 – Fear of Handling
Factor 2 – Aggression towards People
Facet 1 – General Aggression
Facet 2 – Situational Aggression
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability
Facet 1 – Excitability
Facet 2 – Playfulness
Facet 3 – Active Engagement
Facet 4 – Companionability
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1 – Trainability
Facet 2 – Controllability
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1 – Aggression towards Dogs
Facet 2 – Prey Drive
Facet 3 – Dominance over Other Dogs
MEAN across Factors
Note. Mean correlations are computed using Fisher’s r-to-z transformation and the
absolute values of the correlations. Bolded correlations are those that are predicted to be
convergent. Other correlations are predicted to be discriminant. The item-level cut-offs
for significance are used. Significance at p = .05 is ± .190; numbers below this are
considered discriminant. The cut-off for significance at p = .01 is ± .250. The cut-off for
significance at p = .001 is ± .320; numbers at or above .320 are considered convergent.
The Bonferroni-corrected cut-off for significance at p = .05 is ± .400. Correlations that
are in line with predictions are underlined. Correlations predicted to be convergent that
are equal to or greater than .320 are both bolded and underlined. Correlations predicted to
be discriminant that are equal to or less than .190 are underlined. Correlations predicted
to be convergent that are equal to or greater than ± .400 are marked with asterisks.
The discriminant validity correlations are not as consistent with predictions. Of
the factor-level correlations, only the mean discriminant validity correlations associated
with Fearfulness and Responsiveness to Training were less than .190 (for both the long
and the short forms). Facet-level correlations are mixed. For both the long and the short
form, Companionability (Facet 4 of Activity/Excitability) and Aggression towards Dogs
(Facet 1 of Aggression towards Animals) are associated with correlations greater than the
±.320 cut-off, such that these correlations are considered “high”.
Evaluation of the predictive validity of the DPQ relative to other instruments and
dog personality assessments is limited by the fact that predictive validity, particularly
discriminant validity, has not been extensively reported in the dog personality assessment
literature (see Chapter 2). In the human literature, for example, trait-behavior correlations
are commonly cited as rarely exceeding .30 (e.g., Gosling and Vazire, 2002; Mischel,
1968), which has been defended as a stronger effect size than it may appear (e.g., Funder
& Ozer, 1983). However, as illustrated in the few convergent validity correlations
presented in the existing dog literature (see Table 2.5 in Chapter 2) and in the current
study of the DPQ’s convergent validity correlations, trait-behavior correlations of > .30
are not entirely uncommon in dog personality research. Trait-behavior correlations
presented in Table 2.5 indicate that previous studies have found convergent correlations
ranging from r < .001 (associated with “attention/distraction” in Weiss & Greenberg,
1997; “affability” in Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998) to r > .99 (associated with
“fear/submission” in Weiss & Greenberg, 1997). Mean convergent validity (non-
weighted) across all traits examined and reported in Table 2.5 was .54, slightly higher
than the mean convergent validity correlations associated with the DPQ, presented in
Table 9.11.
Results from Study 6 showed support for convergent validity. Many correlations
between DPQ factors or facets and behaviors scored during the Test Battery that were
predicted to be high were high, whether evaluated against the p = .001 cut-off of ±.320 or
the more conservative, Bonferroni-corrected cut-off of ±.400. The mean convergent
validity correlation for the DPQ long-form, at the factor level, was .462, and for the short
form was .452.
Results from Study 6 showed less support for discriminant validity. Correlations
predicted to be discriminant, or low, ranged from .001 to levels above the cut-off for
convergence (e.g., .523). On average, however, the mean discriminant validity correlation
across all five factors of the long form and of the short form were .191, just missing the
.190 cut-off for being categorized as discriminant. The mean discriminant validity
correlations are also noticeably lower than the mean convergent validity correlations.
General Discussion
The overarching goal of the research recorded in this dissertation was to develop a
dog personality assessment tool that could meet a diverse set of ten evaluative criteria
(described in Chapter 3) pertaining to reliability, validity, sensitivity, order effects, the
availability of psychometric properties to potential users, comprehensiveness and detail,
wide applicability, ease of use, efficiency, and manageability or logistics. Evaluation of
dog personality assessment methods against the ten evaluative criteria guided the
selection of a “Rating of Individual Dogs” approach, or a questionnaire designed for
rating the personality of dogs individually.
Review of the existing dog personality literature (see Chapter 2) drew attention to
number of specific issues, including an overly narrow focus on specific breeds and lack
of attention to discriminant validity in the existing literature. These trends helped guide
the development of the DPQ.
The six studies that compose the development and evaluation of the DPQ were
designed to meet specific sub-goals necessary to achieving the overarching research goal.
The studies, their individual goals, and their results are summarized below.
In Chapter 4, I described Study 1, the goal of which was to begin the development
of the DPQ in a way that would make it highly comprehensive and easily understood.
The items in the initial item pool were drawn from a variety of sources. Item sources
included the dog personality and temperament research literature, assessment tools used
in applied settings (e.g., shelters), and nominations by dog experts. An initial pool of
1,284 descriptors was generated. Items were eliminated if redundant or if they did not fit
the ten criteria (e.g., were applicable to very narrow contexts or only certain types of
dogs, like guide dogs). By the end of this process, a 360-item online questionnaire was
developed. That questionnaire was administered to a pilot sample of participants (N =
152) who gave feedback about how easily understood and how generally applicable the
items were. The items were modified based on the participants’ feedback.
In Chapter 5, I described Study 2, which used EFA (PCA, varimax rotation) to
determine the number of factors underlying the behaviors and descriptors in the 360-item
questionnaire. Scrutiny of the results of EFA of the responses from 3,737 participants to
the 360-item online questionnaire indicated the five-factor solution was the best fit. The
fit was then confirmed using a split-sample method in which one half of the data was
reanalyzed using EFA and the derived model was fit to the second half of the data.
I used the EFA and other criteria to guide further item elimination in creating a
shorter, more manageable questionnaire that strove to simultaneously maximize
manageability, ease of use, and the instrument’s psychometric properties (e.g., internal
consistency, validity). This new questionnaire contained 102 items, representing 15 facets
within the five personality factors.
The repeatability of the five-factor model was again further supported using a
split-sample procedure in which I divided the participant set into two randomly selected
halves, repeated the EFA procedure on one half of the data (N = 1,868), then performed
CFA to fit the model to the second half of the data (N = 1,869).
In Study 3 (described in Chapter 6), the goal was to confirm the five-factor
structure model (found in Study 2) using the new 102-item questionnaire and a new
online sample of participants. I used SEM to perform CFA on data collected from 2,556
new participants’ ratings of their dogs on the 102-item questionnaire. Analyses confirmed
that the best fit was associated with a five-factor model that included correlations
between factors 1 and 2 (Fearfulness and Aggression towards People) and between
factors 2 and 5 (Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals).
As in Study 2, the repeatability of the five-factor model was confirmed using a
split-sample procedure in which I divided the participant set into two randomly selected
halves, repeated the EFA procedure on one half of the data (N = 1,278), then repeated the
CFA procedure on the second half of the data (N = 1,278).
In addition to the CFA results, examination of the psychometric properties (e.g.,
content validity, construct validity, including discriminant and convergent validity;
internal consistency) guided the creation of the two final forms of the DPQ: the long form
with five items per facet (or 75 items in total) and the short form with three items per
facet (or 45 items in total).
The specific goal of Study 4, described in Chapter 7, was to assess the DPQ’s
inter-rater reliability—the degree to which the ratings (by item, facet, or factor) that
different observers ascribed to a target were correlated. Ninety-nine pairs of participants
in which both people were familiar with the same dog rated the dog using the DPQ
online. Inter-rater reliability at the item, facet, and factor levels of both the long form and
the short form indicated that inter-rater reliability on the DPQ was comparable to
previous inter-observer reliability levels found in the dog personality literature (reviewed
in Chapter 2). The item-level mean for the long form was .555, and for the short form
was .547. However, the item-level inter-rater reliability of the DPQ was highly variable,
ranging from .240 to .839. The facet-level inter-rater reliability ICCs ranged from .459
(Companionability on the short form) to .872 (Playfulness on the long form), and the
factor-level ICCs inter-rater reliability ICCs ranged from .659 (Aggression towards
People on the long form) to .786 (Activity/Excitability on the long form).
In Study 5, described in Chapter 8, I addressed test-retest reliability by
administering the online questionnaire twice, with approximately four to six weeks
between administrations, to 100 participants who rated the same dog both times. I then
examined how well the paired ratings correlated for each item, facet, and factor of both
the long and short DPQ forms. The DPQ was found to have test-retest reliability rates
generally comparable to those found in human personality rating studies. Mean item-level
test-retest reliability levels were .750 for the long form and .753 for the short form, or
slightly higher than the averages reported in previous dog personality studies (see
Chapter 2). Again, the reliability levels were variable, with item-level test-retest
reliability ranging from .325 to .923. Facet-level test-retest reliability levels ranged from
.735 to .923 on the long form, and from .750 to .936 on the short form. Factor-level test-
retest reliability levels ranged from .878 to .939 on the long form, and from .872 to .929
on the short form.
The goal of Study 6, described in Chapter 9, was to address how well participants’
ratings of their dogs on the DPQ predicted the dogs’ behavior on a Test Battery designed
to elicit behaviors relevant to the factors and facets of the DPQ. Behaviors assessed on
the Test Battery were predicted to be related to or unrelated to specific factors and facets
measured on the DPQ; these predictions served as the basis for evaluating the convergent
and discriminant validity of the DPQ. The mean convergent validity correlations on the
DPQ were, at the item, facet, and factor level, markedly higher than the discriminant
validity correlations. Across all of the factors, the mean convergent validity correlation
for the long form was .462, and for the short form was .452. The mean discriminant
validity correlation across all factors was .191 for both forms.
The development of the DPQ, from the choice of methodology (Rating of
Individual Dogs) to the final development of a short and long form, to their validation,
was guided by ten criteria. These criteria were developed to help ensure my research
goals could be met by the selected assessment method, and that the final DPQ would be
able to meet the needs of a wide variety of groups seeking to assess personality in dogs.
Whether and how well the final DPQ met these ten criteria is reviewed below.
The first criterion against which the long and short forms of the DPQ were
evaluated was reliability. Three aspects of reliability were addressed: internal consistency
(Study 3), inter-rater reliability (Study 4), and test-retest reliability (Study 5).
Internal consistency is reliability across items within a scale, or whether items that
are purported to measure a single construct yield consistent scores. Study 3 results
indicated that the internal consistency levels associated with the scales on both forms
were comparable or slightly higher than those found in other studies of dog personality
(reviewed in Chapter 2).
Both forms of the DPQ were also shown to have acceptable inter-rater and test-
retest reliability at the item, facet, and factor levels. Each of these types of reliability is
discussed in more detail above, in the summary of Study 4 (inter-rater reliability) and
Study 5 (test-retest reliability).
Based on these studies, the DPQ was found to consist of internally consistent
scales and to be a reliable test of dog personality across raters and across time.
The second criterion against which the DPQ was evaluated was validity. Three
aspects of validity were addressed: content validity (during item development, Study 1,
Study 2, Study 3); construct validity (Study 2, Study 3), and predictive validity (Study 6).
Content validity is the extent to which the set of items or subtests within an
assessment tool represents all facets of the construct being measured. The DPQ’s content
validity was addressed at multiple stages of its development. First, a large number of
diverse behavioral descriptions were culled from the literature. Second, expert judges and
dog owner participants reviewed the items piloted in the initial assessment tool. Third, all
stages of DPQ item pool revision were completed with content validity as a criterion. The
final long and short forms consist of items representing five factors, and 15 facets, of dog
Construct validity is the extent to which the items or subtests within an
assessment tool measure the broad construct (e.g., personality trait) they were intended to
measure. The DPQ’s construct validity was examined using factor analyses in Study 2
and Study 3 to evaluate the factors underlying the instrument’s items, and by examining
convergent and discriminant correlations associated with the questionnaire’s items,
facets, and factors. Items were also eliminated from preliminary versions of the DPQ if
they did not appear to be univocal, or to clearly load on a single factor (i.e., in Study 3,
Appendices E and F). Ultimately, the convergent and discriminant validity associated
with the DPQ indicated that the DPQ factors were relative unique and their items loaded
univocally, with only a few exceptions. As predicted and as confirmed by the CFA model
fit described in Study 3, the factors Aggression towards People and Aggression towards
Animals were correlated, as were Fearfulness and Aggression towards People.
Predictive validity is extent to which the results of an assessment tool are
consistent with results from another. The DPQ’s predictive validity was evaluated in
Study 6, in terms of both convergent and discriminant validity. As discussed in the
summary of Study 6, evidence indicated that the DPQ had predictive validity, though a
clearer case can be made for convergent than discriminant validity based on the predicted
correlations tested in this study.
Based on these studies, the DPQ was been found to be a valid measure of dog
personality. It addresses as many facets of dog personality as are applicable to a general
population, has an underlying structure in which items load univocally on factors unless
theoretically supported relationships indicate otherwise, and it has been shown to predict
real-life dog behavior.
The third criterion, sensitivity, guided the development of the DPQ. A tool is
sensitive if it is able to differentiate not only among dogs whose personalities and
behaviors are very different from one another, but also among dogs whose personalities
or behaviors differ relatively minimally, but still meaningfully. That is, the tool should be
able to distinguish between dogs who are pervasively or generally aggressive and dogs
who are aggressive in only a few specific situations, and between dogs who are a little bit
fearful and dogs who are extremely fearful. Two specific aspects of the DPQ that permit
it to be a sensitive tool are its assessment of different facets of personality (e.g., General
Aggression and Situational Aggression on the Aggression towards People factor) and its
use of a Likert scale for rating so that the degree to which a descriptor is fitting can be
incorporated into the scoring process.
Minimal order effects
The fourth criterion, minimal order effects, also guided the DPQ’s development.
This criterion emphasizes the importance of addressing the effect of each item on
subsequent items. The impact of order effects on the factor structure derived in Study 2
and confirmed in Study 3, and on the selection of items retain in the final DPQ, was
minimized by presenting items in Studies 1-3 in randomized order such that items were
unlikely to appear in the same order for any two participants. I also sought to minimize
order effects in the final long and short form of the DPQ by presenting the items so that
items on the same facets and factors are not grouped together. However, order effects
present in the final 75-item and 45-item instruments have not been evaluated.
Availability of psychometric properties to the public
The fifth criterion, availability of psychometric properties (e.g., reliability,
validity) to the public, is readily fulfilled by the DPQ. The goal of this criterion is to
allow potential users of the tool to evaluate its effectiveness and suitability for their
purposes. To meet this criterion and educate potential users of the DPQ, the pertinent
results of this dissertation will be made readily available.
Comprehensiveness and detail
The sixth criterion, comprehensiveness and detail, must be balanced with other
criteria (e.g., wide applicability, ease of use). The DPQ is comprehensive in that its final
forms includes items assessing all 15 facets of personality that were uncovered in Study 2
and is detailed in that these items address specific aspects of behavior (e.g., aggression
when fearful, fear during grooming). However, even the longer 75-item form is far from
including every aspect of dog behavior. The DPQ sacrifices some comprehensiveness and
detail for wide applicability. The items included in the DPQ are intended to apply to any
population of domestic dogs, so behaviors specific to specialized groups (e.g., guide
dogs) are excluded. The DPQ is likely still useful in predicting success in guide dog or
other work, but as a general personality assessment, not an assessment of specific
behavior. Furthermore, the 45-item form is necessarily less comprehensive and detailed
than the 75-item form. The shorter questionnaire sacrifices comprehensiveness and detail
in favor of brevity, manageability, and ease of use.
Wide applicability
The seventh criterion against which the DPQ was evaluated was wide
applicability, or whether it is useable across a range of dogs and contexts. The general
applicability of items included in the DPQ was addressed in Study 1 and Study 2. Items
that more than 20% of the participants in Study 2 indicated were not applicable to their
dogs (i.e., described situations that were too rare or their dog had never experienced)
were removed.
Ease of use
The eighth criterion against which the DPQ was evaluated was ease of use. So
that the DPQ can be generally useful, it should be easy to administer, to score, and to
apply the results without much expertise or training. One aspect of making the
questionnaire easy to administer is having items that are easy to interpret. In Study 1, 25
items were reworded based on participantsindications that those items were difficult to
interpret. In later studies, lay dog owners completed the DPQ form with no further
instructions than are included on the form. Scoring the DPQ requires reverse coding some
items, then finding the mean of the items that load onto each facet or factor. The resulting
scores are readily interpretable with respect to the factor labels (e.g., final Fearfulness
scores will range from 1-5, with 5 being the most fearful).
The ninth criterion that guided the DPQ’s development was efficiency. To be
efficient, the tool should require a minimum of time to administer to collect a maximum
amount of information about the dog. The long form of the DPQ requires less than ten
minutes for a dog owner to complete, and, as discussed above, has relatively high content
validity, comprehensiveness, and detail in balance with the criterion of wide applicability
and manageability.
The final criterion that guided the development of the DPQ was manageability.
The goal was to design a test that could be administered with minimal monetary
resources, physical space, and time, and with few test administrators. Generally, the DPQ
meets this criterion. It can be presented online or as a paper-and-pencil form, raters can
complete it with minimal guidance or with only the instructions provided on the form,
and it takes approximately ten minutes to complete the long form. However, use of the
DPQ is likely to be manageable for any group that is able to access people familiar with
the dogs they aim to assess.
Strengths and major findings
The structured and systematic development of the DPQ fostered a number of
technical and psychometric strengths in the instrument itself, and also some advances in
basic and theoretical understanding of animal personality.
One strength of the process used to develop the DPQ is that it utilized a very large
sample that was, in many ways, diverse. Dogs included in the studies varied in age,
breed, and other demographic characteristics described for each study. Excluding dogs
whose data were not ultimately used in creating the DPQ (e.g., dogs in the piloting of
Study 6, dogs whose ratings were eliminated during data refinement), a total of 6,743
dogs were evaluated during the development of the DPQ (151 in Study 1; 3,737 in Study
2; 2,556 in Study 3; 99 in Study 4; 100 in Study 5; and 100 in Study 6). This is a strength
of the DPQ not only for reasons of statistical power, but also because the canine
populations that drove the selection of items and derivation of factors and facets were
likely to have been diverse in terms of personality.
A second strength of the DPQ is that many of its psychometric properties have
been evaluated. This is an important strength, because the psychometric properties of dog
personality assessments are frequently not assessed, and data about the tools’
psychometrics are not available to people who might want to use the tools. The DPQ’s
reliability and validity have both been assessed. Its reliability, including internal
consistency, inter-rater reliability, and test-retest reliability have all been evaluated in
independent tests. The DPQ’s predictive validity. both convergent and discriminant (the
latter of which has typically been neglected), has also been evaluated.
Results of the evaluation of the DPQ’s psychometric properties have a number of
substantive implications that go beyond the basic utility of the DPQ as a personality
assessment tool. First, the DPQ’s high reliability and convergent validity, and even the
less consistent discriminant validity findings, support the notion that non-human animals
can be conceptualized in terms of personality, and that people can assign meaningful
ratings to non-human animals’ personalities. Dogs have individual personalities that
come through in the rating process, despite other variables that may impact how the dog
is rated. For example, it can be argued that each person who rates a dog affects his or her
own ratings of the dog, such that each person brings his or her own personality and biases
into play when rating a dog (Kwan, Gosling, & John, 2008). However, despite the effect
of the individual rater, inter-rater reliability for the DPQ is high. Different people agree
when they rate a dog’s personality.
Furthermore, people’s ratings of dogs’ personalities and personality-driven
behaviors, or specific DPQ items, group to form interpretable personality factors when
analyzed through factor analysis. The question may remain whether the better DPQ factor
solution is the four- or the five-factor solution, as discussed below. But the issue of
whether there are four or five factors, whether Aggression should be one coherent factor
or two factors separated by the target of the aggressive behavior, is a relatively trivial one
when compared to the question of whether dog personality can be understood in terms of
factors at all. Each scale in the final form of the DPQ was found to be relatively cohesive.
Each of the five factors has high internal consistency even though each includes a variety
of items that represent different facets and different types of behavior. As discussed in
Gosling et al. (2003a), internal consistency of scales is necessary to supporting the notion
that personality traits exist in non-human animals.
The ultimate criterion in determining whether a personality assessment tool is
useful is whether it predicts behavior. The DPQ showed relatively high convergent
validity, particularly at the factor level, indicating that factor scores did correlate to the
behaviors they were expected to predict. Discriminant validity correlations were more
mixed, with some being unexpectedly high. Although evidence for discriminant validity
was mixed, the overall predictive validity evidence has an important implication: rating
of a non-human animal on a personality scale can, indeed, predict that animal’s real
world behavior. Dog personality ratings on the DPQ do correspond to behavior, further
supporting the claim that non-human animals can be usefully and meaningfully
characterized in terms of personality and, more specifically, personality traits.
A second substantial finding that arose from the development of the DPQ pertains
to the number of factors or traits that best characterize dog personality. As mentioned
above, the best model to fit the personality ratings that formed the basis for the DPQ is
somewhat ambiguous. There may be four factors, or there may be five factors.
Conceptually, however, the structure is the same for either factor solution. Dog
personality can be characterized in terms of the factors of Fearfulness, Aggression
(towards People and Animals), Activity/Excitability, and Responsiveness to Training.
These labels are all descriptive, and, in particular, the Responsiveness to Training label is
one that reflects that way that humans and dogs interact. Responsiveness to Training
could also be described in terms of impulse control, attentiveness, and learning from the
environment; reconceptualizing it in such terms might make the Responsiveness to
Training factor easier to relate to factors derived in the study of other animals (e.g.,
humans’) personality structures.
The four- or five-factor solution derived in the DPQ’s development has noticeably
fewer factors than the number suggested by the review of dog personality literature
presented in Chapter 2. In the review of dog personality literature, dog behavior experts
categorized the personality and behavioral descriptions from previous studies under
various headings, resulting in seven dog personality trait categories: Reactivity,
Fearfulness, Activity, Sociability, Responsiveness to Training, Submissiveness, and
Aggression. It was suggested that Reactivity and Fearfulness might represent different
facets of a larger Fearfulness or Neuroticism factor. In the DPQ analyses, behaviors
related to Reactivity and Fearfulness in the literature review did indeed combine to form
one broader factor, which I labeled Fearfulness. An Activity factor was also found in the
DPQ analyses, labeled here as Activity/Excitability. The DPQ Activity/Excitability factor
includes Companionability, some items of which (e.g., “Dog seeks companionship from
people”) relate to the literature review’s Sociability factor. Items related to the Sociability
factor (e.g., friendliness towards people, friendliness towards other animals) also load on
the DPQ’s Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals items; in the
DPQ’s factor solution, aggression and friendliness form opposite ends of a spectrum. The
Responsiveness to Training factor from the literature review was also derived in the DPQ
analyses. Submissiveness, seen as a separate factor by the experts who performed the
sorting task in Chapter 2, was not found to be a separable factor in the DPQ analyses.
Items related to submissive behavior when greeting people (e.g., “Dog exhibits
submissive behavior [e.g., rolls over, avoids eye contact, yawns, licks lips] when greeting
unfamiliar people”) were found to load onto the Fearfulness facet, items related to
dominance over the owner (e.g., “Dog is dominant over owner”) were found to load onto
the Responsiveness to Training factor. Items related to submissive or dominant behavior
with other dogs (e.g., “Dog is assertive or pushy with other dogs [e.g., if in a home with
other dogs, when greeting]”) were found to load onto a separable facet of the Aggression
towards Animals factor in the DPQ’s five-factor model. The Aggression trait category
from the literature review can be seen either as a single factor, as in the four-factor model
of the DPQ, or divided by the target of the aggressive behavior to create Aggression
towards People and Aggression towards Animals, which were shown to be moderately
correlated DPQ factors.
How do the DPQ’s four conceptual factors (Fearfulness, Aggression,
Activity/Excitability, and Responsiveness to Training) relate to the personality factors
found in human and other non-human personality research? The four factors appear,
broadly, to confirm Gosling and John’s (1999) finding that dogs’ personalities can be
conceptualized in terms of traits paralleling some aspect of the human five-factor model
traits. Neuroticism can be seen as parallel to the DPQ’s Fearfulness factor. Agreeableness
can be seen as parallel to the DPQ’s Aggression factor (or factors, in the five-factor
model). Extraversion, a large component of which is activity level in many non-human
animal studies, is parallel to the DPQ’s Activity/Excitability factor. In further support of
this parallel, the Activity/Excitability factor also contains a facet labeled as
Companionability, which includes behaviors such as seeking company and interaction
with others. And, finally, Gosling and John (1999) suggested that dogs’ personalities may
include a factor that can be conceptualized as a combination of Openness and
Conscientiousness. They indicated that this factor included learning and obedience ability
(e.g., Coren, 1998) and also trainability (e.g., Hart & Hart, 1985). The Responsiveness to
Training factor of the DPQ is very similar, and might also be adequately characterized as
a blend of Openness and Conscientiousness. Gosling and John (1999) found Dominance
and Territoriality to be a separate factor, however, whereas the analyses for the DPQ
found dominance and related behaviors to be subsumed into the Fearfulness,
Responsiveness to Training, and Aggression towards Animals factors, as discussed
Another interesting insight into the structure of canine personality, particularly
with respect to how dogs can be meaningfully characterized, came from owners’
feedback when they were rating their dogs. In Study 1, owners were asked to indicate
when items were difficult to interpret or it was difficult to apply an item to their dog. If
5% or more of the participants flagged an item as difficult to interpret or use, then the
item was presumed to be difficult to understand. At this threshold, 25 of the 360 items in
Study 1 were thought to be difficult for dog owners to understand or use. Seven of these
25 items, or 28% of the items, were from a pool of items modeled after the human
Conscientiousness factor, drawn from the BFI (e.g., John, 1990). Of all of the items in the
original pool of 1,284 items, these seven were the only ones modeled after human
Conscientiousness items, or, indeed, posited to assess Conscientiousness. Because the
items were thought to be difficult for dog owners to understand or use, an attempt was
made to revise them. However, the items proved quite difficult to reword, in part because
providing example behaviors to illustrate them was challenging. For example, “Dog does
things efficiently” was reworded to “Dog achieves tasks (e.g., fetches objects) quickly
and easily.” However, the finding that it was difficult for participants to interpret
traditional Conscientiousness-related items with respect to their dogs is consistent with
Gosling and John’s (1999) suggestion that Conscientiousness does not appear as a
separate personality dimension in species other than humans, chimpanzees, and possibly
other closely related apes. If it does appear in species such as dogs, it may appear only in
conjunction with what might be described as the human Openness factor, as suggested by
Gosling and John (1999), and by the DPQ’s Responsiveness to Training factor.
Limitations and weaknesses
Although it can be argued that the DPQ meets the majority of the 10 criteria that
guided its development and contributes to understanding canine personality in general, it
is not a perfect instrument. One issue is that some DPQ items are weak in terms of inter-
rater and/or test-retest reliability. Further study of the aspects of dog personality assessed
by DPQ items with weak reliability might help researchers understand these aspects of
dog personality. Perhaps the items have low reliability correlations because they are not
clear to dog owners, or the items might use behavior descriptions that dog owners would
not typically use. A better understanding of these aspects of personality and how people
describe their dogs’ personalities might facilitate the development of items with higher
A second potential weakness of the DPQ relates to its five-factor structure.
Researchers might argue that a stronger case can be made for a four-factor structure in
which Aggression is collapsed (instead of divided, as it is in all of the five-factor
solutions). In terms of content, however, it is arguable whether this difference in structure
would significantly impact the DPQ. Furthermore, division of aggression into Aggression
towards People and Aggression towards Animals, as it appears in the five-factor model,
is of practical use to people assessing dog personality. The simple division of Aggression
into items pertaining to people and items to animals is a meaningful and useful one
because of how potential users of the DPQ (e.g., lay people, shelter workers, dog trainers)
are likely to want to discuss canine aggression. So, although dogs rated on the DPQ as
Aggressive towards People also tended to have been rated as Aggressive towards
Animals (according to the discriminant validity correlations presented in Study 6),
maintaining two separate factors is of practical utility.
On a larger scale, the DPQ is limited in what it assesses. That is, the DPQ does
not purport to assess everything that might be argued to be related to individual
differences and personality. Personality and personality traits were defined much as
Allport (1937) defined them when beginning to assess human personality using the
lexical approach—as predispositions to respond in a particular way to a broad range of
situations. So, the DPQ was designed with the goal of measuring personality-driven
behavioral differences, and over-arching personality characteristics (e.g., anxiousness), in
dogs. This definition of personality excludes the domains of physical appearance or
attractiveness, and also interaction effects, such as how two individuals get along
together. Although physical appearance and attractiveness are relatively stable across
time and situation, and they may indirectly impact behavior, they themselves are not
psychological predispositions. The DPQ does not ask how cute a dog is, or whether his or
her ears are erect or pendulous, although these characteristics might affect whether or not,
for example, a person seeking to adopt a dog from a shelter wishes to adopt the dog. A
dog’s appearance can probably be better communicated through a photograph than
through a series of ratings or measurements, which would serve as a poor substitute.
Similarly, the DPQ does not directly address issues of how different individuals’
personalities and related behavioral patterns interact. That is, a dog might respond
differently (e.g., more playfully) to people who are themselves energetic and playful, and
a dog may be better behaved and more under control with people who communicate
clearly with the dog. The DPQ attempts to assess a more general trait of the dog, not his
or her response to particular traits in others. Thus, the DPQ can provide general
personality information about an individual dog, but does not purport to capture all of the
nuances of the dog as an individual and a social animal.
Another weakness related to the development of the DPQ is the dog owner
demographic used in its development. That is, the majority of the dog owners who took
part in the DPQ’s developmental phase, or Studies 1, 2, and 3, were Caucasian women. A
total of 5,572 women were included in Studies 1, 2, and 3, composing 86.5% of the
participants across those three studies. The average age in the studies was just over 43
years of age (Study 1 mean age = 44 with a standard deviation of 12; Study 2 mean age =
43 with a standard deviation of 12; Study 3 mean age = 43 with a standard deviation of
12.6). Although the average age for all three samples was approximately the same, it
should be noted that the standard deviation is about 12 years for each study, and that the
range across all three studies was 18 to 84 years of age. Because the demographic of the
dog owners who took part in the developmental stages of the DPQ is so uniform in terms
of sex, age, and race, the question of how or whether the DPQ would differ if developed
using a different demographic (e.g., younger dog owners, men with working dogs)
remains to be addressed.
The demographic of the DPQ’s samples also evokes the issue of the self-selection
bias, and particularly the question of online sampling, in psychological research. Studies
1 through 5 utilize web-based data collection and self-selected participants. As discussed,
web-based studies and online self-selected Internet samples are becoming more and more
popular as the Internet becomes more widespread and accessible, but these methods have
also been a target of concern. It is important to address and understand the concerns
pertinent to the methods utilized in the studies. Specific issues that have been addressed
include the impact of the integrity of the data (McGraw et al., 2000), the correspondence
between surveys conducted online with those conducted through traditional postal mail
(McCabe et al., 2006), the effects of recruitment strategies (Buchanan et al., 2005), and
self-selection (Walsh et al., 1992). In each case, the data have argued against these
concerns. McGraw et al. (2000) and McCabe et al. (2006) found that data collected
through the Internet were the same as data collected through traditional means. Buchanan
et al. (2005) found no effects of how Internet samples were recruited. Walsh et al. (1992)
found that a self-selected sample and a randomly selected sample did not differ
significantly in demographic information; the participants in the self-selected sample,
however, tended to provide longer free-responses and left fewer items blank, suggesting
that they might be more interested in or care more about their participation. Walsh and
colleagues’ finding was probably not replicated in the DPQ’s online studies, in which the
samples were composed of primarily Caucasian women. They did not represent a random
sample of dog owners. However, the participants who took part in the DPQ did tend to
provide lengthy free-responses, follow-up questions, and indicate they cared about the
subject matter. The sample demographics may have been very similar to the
demographics that would have been found in a randomly selected sample, if that sample
were randomly selected from dog owners invested enough to fill out such a lengthy
questionnaire. The skewed demographics of the sample that provided the basis for the
DPQ’s development may be a weakness, but only if it lead to an idiosyncratic factor
solution or the development of items that are readily interpretable by only a specific
group of dog owners. These are issues that could be addressed through the validation of
the DPQ in a more demographically diverse sample.
In addition to the potential issues of data integrity, self-selection, and so on,
Gosling and his colleagues (2004) culled from the literature what they term
“preconceptions” that researchers may have about web-based research, and particularly
about people who participate in web-based research. Their analyses found that three of
these six preconceptions, that Internet samples are socially maladjusted, isolated, or
depressed; that Internet data do not generalize across the various formats in which data
can be presented on the internet; and that internet participants are unmotivated, are
unsupported by data. Gosling et al. also found evidence suggesting that another
preconception, that internet data are unique and different from traditionally collected
data, is likely untrue but they believe more data are needed. Mixed evidence was found
for whether internet samples are demographically diverse. Evidence supported the
preconception that internet data can be compromised by the anonymity of the
participants, but Gosling and his colleagues describe multiple means by which
researchers can reduce this risk through various means (e.g., removing data from people
who respond to the questionnaire multiple times).
Web-based data collection also affords many advantages over traditional methods
of data collection. For example, online data collection tends to be very efficient, because
many participants can be reached and can complete the study at once without requiring an
experimenter to administer the study. Online data collection also removes the necessity of
entering data and, with it, the risk of data entry mistakes. In addition, using the internet
enables researchers to reach people outside of the typical subject pool (e.g., Gosling et
al., 2004), including people who are disabled, geographically distant, elderly, or in a
specific and rare population.
For purposes of the current set of studies, I deemed the advantages of online data
collection to greatly outweigh the potential risks. The goal of creating a questionnaire that
is widely applicable requires piloting and evaluating the questionnaire in a diverse
population. Internet respondents (dog owners) had the potential to vary in terms of age,
sex, occupation, type and extent of experience with dogs, their geographic region, etc.
However, the demographics of the current sample were not particularly diverse, which
likely reflects a self-selection bias due to participants’ interest in the study and
investment in their dogs, not due to the web-based nature of the study. The use of the
internet to develop the DPQ likely facilitated its development, allowing me to reach a
large, specialized group of people who are both knowledgeable about dogs and their dog
in particular, and interested enough in dog behavior to complete a lengthy questionnaire.
Future directions
Future studies and analyses are indicated by some of the limitations and
weaknesses in the current series of studies, and also by questions that have been
elucidated through the process of developing the DPQ. One question is related to the
fundamental issue of where personality comes from. How much does biology (e.g.,
genetics) determine adult behavior and personality? How much of what is seen as
personality is behavior that is learned through interaction with the environment? Because
of the nature of people’s relationships with dogs, which often include socializing puppies
in order to increase their friendliness towards people and training them to behave in
certain ways, this question is of particular relevance when assessing dogs’ personalities.
If personality is conceptualized as behavioral patterns and tendencies that remain
consistent across time and situation, it is possible that training and early experiences can
shape dogs’ personalities. In fact, the importance of early experiences and training may
be part of why personality assessments performed with puppies have not been very
accurate in predicting adult dogs’ behavior (see the literature review in Chapter 2; e.g.,
Goddard & Beilharz, 1986; Hennessy et al., 2001; Wilsson & Sundgren, 1998). The issue
of the power of experience and training in shaping dogs’ personalities suggests multiple
research questions. For example, if puppies are raised in specific and controlled
environments and trained in way to increase friendliness, playfulness, and so on, will all
of the puppies end up the same? Evidence from genetic studies (e.g., Saetre et al., 2004)
indicates that the answer is no, because personality traits, particularly those related to
Fearfulness, or possibly to Svartberg and colleagues’ (e.g., Svartberg, 2002; Svartberg et
al., 2005) broad Boldness/Shyness dimension, have genetic components. So, how much
can a carefully controlled rearing environment impact behavior? And how long-lasting
are the effects of training? If a puppy or an adult dog is, for example, reinforced for being
friendly towards strangers or playing vigorously with toys, will that reinforced behavior
become a long-term and enduring behavior? How much can training shape personality?
A second future direction for the DPQ is evaluation of the DPQ using a more
diverse sample of dog owners. As discussed in terms of limitations and weaknesses, the
DPQ’s online studies have relatively limited demographic diversity in terms of owner
age, sex, and race, although the samples are diverse in terms of a number of other
variables (e.g., experience with dogs, geographic location). In order to determine the
effect that the dog owners’ demographics of the original DPQ study samples on the
development of the DPQ, similar studies would need to be repeated using different
demographics. However, these issues could also be addressed by examining the DPQ’s
predictive validity when the DPQ is used by different dog owners. Are the scores of men
who rate their dogs on the DPQ as predictive as women’s? Are there differences
depending related to the race of the dog owner? Such differences might indicate that the
DPQ’s structure and development was affected by idiosyncrasies of the initial, or Study
1, 2, and 3, samples.
A number of future directions for DPQ research involve examining the validity of
the DPQ. The third possible future direction is validation of the DPQ in additional
contexts. For example, it is mentioned above that predicting adult personality and
behavior from assessments of puppies is notoriously difficult. How well do DPQ scores
assigned to puppies predict adult dogs’ DPQ scores and other personality assessments
(e.g., behavioral test results)? Another issue is predicting dogs’ behavior further in the
future than was assessed in the current validation study (Study 6). That is, how do DPQ
scores predict dogs’ behavior two, three, or five years from now? Also, the test battery
used in Study 6 was designed to include relatively normal situations. Do scores on the
DPQ predict how the dogs will respond to unusual circumstances or contexts that may
not be clearly related to items on the DPQ?
The discriminant correlations found in the validation of the DPQ bring up a fourth
potential future direction. A number of correlations predicted to be discriminant were
actually quite large. At least three explanations could make sense of these unexpectedly
large correlations. First, the predictions may have been poorly made; perhaps these
correlations are reasonable and replicable. Second, the DPQ may simply have items or
factors with low discriminant validity. Or third, discriminant and convergent validity
might be better conceptualized as graded, as described next.
A fifth question related to the validation of the DPQ is related to how discriminant
and convergent validity correlations should be conceptualized. In Study 6, correlations
were predicted to be either discriminant or convergent. The categorizing of correlations
as either discriminant or convergent indicates that they should be either rather low
(discriminant) or rather high (convergent), and implies that no correlations are expected
to be in the middle range. However, as Cronbach and Meehl (1955) argue, this black and
white image of construct validity is neither the most intuitive nor the most accurate. A
more graded conceptualization of validity may be more appropriate. Indeed, in the case
of the DPQ, it is logical to expect moderate correlations between the Fearfulness on the
DPQ and tests expected to be related to Aggression towards People and vice versa, and
also to expect moderate correlations between the Aggression towards People on the DPQ
and tests expected to be related to Aggression towards Animals. These correlations are
logically expected because the DPQ’s Fearfulness and Aggression towards People
factors, and the DPQ’s Aggression towards People and Aggression towards animal
factors are correlated. Re-examination of the Study 6 discriminant and convergent
validity data, conceptualized in terms of low, moderate, and high correlations, may give a
more accurate idea of the DPQ’s predictive validity.
A sixth potential future direction, which also related to the DPQ’s validation, is
whether different raters are associated with different levels of predictive accuracy. In
Study 6, for example, the dogs’ owners and kennel staff who were also familiar with the
dogs rated them on the DPQ. The dogs’ owners likely spend more time with the dogs and
see them in a wider variety of contexts, so they might be argued to know the dogs’
personalities better. However, the kennel staff are familiar with the dogs in the kennel
environment, where the behavioral assessments were conducted. Do the kennel staff
members’ ratings better predict the dogs’ behavior in the kennel environment, because
the kennel staff are more familiar with the dogs in that environment? Or are the dog
owners’ ratings better predictors, because the dog owners are familiar with the dogs more
generally and in more contexts? The Study 6 data could be reanalyzed to gain insight into
these questions, or additional studies could be conducted.
A seventh potential future direction is how much people’s ratings of their and
other dogs are shaped by their own personalities. Given that the DPQ had relatively high
inter-rater reliability and that scores on the DPQ predicted behavioral test results, the
ratings were assessments of the target dogs themselves. However, the ratings are also
impacted by a number of others factors, one of which is likely the raterspersonalities.
Do raters project their own personalities or those of specific others onto the dogs they
rate such that more neurotic people will rate dogs as more fearful, or less fearful if they
contrast themselves with the dogs? Or is there another systematic way in which raters’
personalities shape the ratings they assign to dogs? Using the DPQ, these questions can
be addressed. Findings might be expected to replicate those reported in Kwan, Gosling,
and John (2008): raters do project their own personalities onto the dogs whom they rate,
but less than they project their own personalities onto other people whom they rate.
Eighth, just as people’s own personalities and experiences shape the ratings they
assign to a dog’s personality, people’s experiences and cultures might shape how they
conceptualize specific species or all animals and their general behavior. If the DPQ had
been developed in a different culture, one that did see dogs as companion animals and use
them in practical and functional working capacities, then the DPQ might have developed
differently. How likely would people be to rate a dog as highly affectionate or intelligent
if those people live in a culture in which dogs are used as a food source or are looked
down upon as dirty? If developed in a different culture, the DPQ might have had a
different factor structure, leading to the selection of different items for inclusion in the
final form of the DPQ. Examination of factor structures derived from using the DPQ in a
variety of cultures might have interesting implications for dog personality’s structure or
for people’s perception of animals as related to the role they play in a culture.
Finally, the DPQ is a broad and general tool for assessing personality in dogs.
This is one of its strengths and, indeed, allows it to meet the criteria of wide applicability.
However, it might also be a weakness. Future studies or applications of the DPQ might
benefit from supplementing the DPQ in ways that are useful to the specific context in
which it is being used. For example, a dog shelter that uses the DPQ during surrender of
dogs to be re-homed might want to include supplemental questions asking whether the
dog has any specific and idiosyncratic behaviors (e.g., specific phobias, aggression
towards very specific targets). A group assessing dogs for service as search and rescue
animals might be interested in dogs’ abilities and tendencies to search by smell and their
physical and mental endurance. Such detailed information is not included in the DPQ, but
could lead to the development of supplemental DPQ forms to meet the needs of groups
with specific needs and goals.
As a general personality assessment tool, the DPQ will, hopefully, fit the needs of
a wide variety of groups (e.g., shelters, guide dog programs, researchers) seeking to
evaluate dog personality and use personality to predict other factors (e.g., dogs’
suitability for specific homes, as guide dogs, propensity for health problems). Accurate
evaluation and good research depend on accurate, reliable, valid measurement. The DPQ
should provide a solid foundation for a broad array of research, have uses in applied
settings, and open up avenues for increased understanding of how people rate and
evaluate personality in non-human animals.
Appendix A. Study 1: 51 broad, content-based categories for sorting items
Activity Playfulness
Adaptability Recovery
Affection Self-sufficiency
Affiliation Separation-related behavior
Aggression Sociability
Alertness Submission
Anxiety Suspicion
Attachment Temperament
Attention Trainability
Barking Tug-o-War behavior
Body sensitivity Willingness
Food-related behavior
Forgiving/Forgetting unpleasant experiences
Hearing sensitivity
Marking behavior
Mounting behavior
Nervous aggression
Nose ability
Pain sensitivity
Appendix B. Study 2: Loading of 352 personality items on five varimax-rotated factors
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 1: Fearfulness
[192] Dog is fearful.
.178 -.062 .028 .117
[194] Dog is timid.
.077 -.125 -.011 -.011
[269] Dog is nervous.
.157 .030 .085 .168
[135] Dog is shy.
.163 -.177 -.104 -.013
* [193] Dog is confident.
-.061 .228 -.058 -.088
[211] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when near crowds of people.
.254 -.034 -.008 .060
[9] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards unfamiliar men.
.310 -.044 -.088 -.077
*[122] Dog is anxious.
.139 .076 .164 .190
[197] Dog attempts to flee from novel objects or situations.
.113 -.036 .098 .047
*[270] Dog is anxious.
.164 .085 .151 .183
[10] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards unfamiliar women.
.328 -.075 -.098 -.079
[5] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when an unfamiliar person visits the home.
.328 -.044 -.077 -.125
[226] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., attempts to flee, tucks tail,
trembles) when cornered by a person.
.249 .008 .034 .050
[209] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards unfamiliar objects (e.g., canes, wheelchairs, umbrellas).
.148 .046 .092 .046
[3] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when head or collar is reached for by an unfamiliar person.
.325 -.013 -.044 .010
[13] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards unfamiliar children.
.248 -.058 -.092 .044
[345] Dog behaves fearfully (e.g., raises hackles, flees) towards
unfamiliar people.
.421 -.005 -.068 .003
[207] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards highly active, excited children (e.g., running, yelling).
.168 -.046 -.053 .061
[219] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards loud or heavy traffic.
.077 .033 .078 .037
* [240] Dog remains calm in stressful situations.
-.163 -.073 -.220 -.274
[245] Dog is fearful when walking near loud, heavy traffic.
.060 .015 .103 .052
[214] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when an unfamiliar person approaches the home or yard.
.276 -.004 .003 -.111
* [64] Dog adapts easily to new situations and environments.
-.203 .136 -.168 -.225
* [195] Dog is quick to recover after a frightening experience.
-.080 .132 -.195 -.133
[224] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards moving trucks, cars, or motorcycles.
.082 .048 .066 -.004
[241] Dog is startled by sudden loud noises (e.g., a slamming door, car
.061 .117 .165 .157
[17] While on leash, dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks
tail, trembles) towards unfamiliar large dogs.
.063 .051 .025 .070
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 1: Fearfulness (Continued)
* [271] Dog is able to adapt to various types of situations.
-.212 .152 -.245 -.184
* [65] Dog adapts easily to stressful environments (e.g., kennels, new
-.149 .061 -.165 -.249
[123] Dog often appears anxious (e.g., has tight facial muscles, holds
ears back tightly, darts and pulls leash).
.229 .085 .175 .179
[343] Dog shows uncertainty or caution towards specific object,
animal, or person.
.190 .056 -.030 .155
[7] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when an unfamiliar person approaches a family member.
.333 .022 .015 -.107
[227] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., attempts to flee, tucks tail,
trembles) when cornered by another dog.
-.051 .073 .058 -.049
[221] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when examined by the vet.
.167 .029 .100 .110
[133] Dog is easily startled by unexpected contact with objects (e.g.,
tripping, brushing against a doorframe).
.093 -.014 .098 .099
[220] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
during visits to the veterinary office.
.153 -.005 .084 .146
[225] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards moving bicycles, joggers, or skateboarders.
.141 .023 .052 -.045
[198] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when threatened by a dog (e.g., barked, growled, or lunged at).
-.057 .099 .040 -.148
* [273] Dog is able to relax and overcome frightening experiences.
-.091 .093 -.231 -.150
[11] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards familiar men.
.333 -.085 -.022 -.149
* [134] Dog is bold.
.144 .313 .083 .150
* [298] After being startled, dog is quick to recover.
-.123 .094 -.221 -.120
[222] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when walking on a leash.
.143 -.059 .057 -.006
[215] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when scolded or punished.
.013 .093 .147 .100
[174] Dog can seem tense.
.195 .036 .112 .299
[348] Dog tends to over-react to events or stimuli in the environment.
.148 .169 .284 .238
[205] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when it is restrained.
.235 -.007 .139 .034
[18] While off leash, dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks
tail, trembles) towards unfamiliar large dogs.
.044 .083 .032 .063
[344] Dog is suspicious of people, things, or situations.
.446 .043 -.043 .198
[19] While on leash, dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks
tail, trembles) towards unfamiliar small dogs.
.067 .015 .041 .043
[14] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards familiar children.
.252 -.085 -.035 .026
[208] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards toddlers.
.226 -.019 -.078 .080
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 1: Fearfulness (Continued)
[20] While off leash, dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks
tail, trembles) towards unfamiliar small dogs.
.056 .019 .050 .056
* [268] Dog reacts appropriately to various situations.
-.333 .050 -.277 -.226
[12] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards familiar women.
.327 -.096 -.002 -.137
[340] Dog is submissive.
-.167 -.006 .000 -.185
* [158] Dog enjoys going new places.
-.109 .252 -.098 -.054
[6] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when a familiar person visits the home.
.319 -.103 .003 -.133
[202] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when it is bathed.
.025 .017 .231 .107
* [213] Dog is relaxed when greeting an unfamiliar woman.
-.403 -.053 -.018 -.132
[4] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when head or collar is reached for by a familiar person.
.258 -.069 .118 -.051
[341] Dog is cautious, careful.
.098 -.107 -.195 .049
[210] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards specific objects (e.g., the toaster, garden hose, shoes).
.062 .074 .134 .037
[352] Dog is sensitive, easily upset by corrections.
-.082 -.001 -.034 .103
[204] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when it is groomed (e.g., brush coat, brush teeth).
.101 .002 .216 .019
[201] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when its ears are examined.
.139 .008 .180 .028
[21] While on leash, dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks
tail, trembles) towards familiar large dogs.
.112 -.022 .106 .078
* [172] Dog is happy-go-lucky, carefree.
-.264 .255 .032 -.313
[8] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when a familiar person approaches a family member.
.345 -.053 .077 -.136
[218] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards some toys.
.114 -.006 .091 .048
[223] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards family members.
.232 -.080 .095 -.032
[203] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when its toe nails are trimmed.
.051 .101 .176 .068
[332] Dog exhibits submissive behavior (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye
contact, yawns, licks lips) when greeting dogs.
-.079 .122 .072 -.240
[22] While off leash, dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks
tail, trembles) towards familiar small dogs.
.106 -.047 .085 .045
[244] Dog is fearful of fireworks.
-.011 .009 .069 .144
[2] Dog exhibits submissive behavior (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye
contact, yawns, licks lips) when greeting unfamiliar people.
-.093 .017 .096 -.104
[1] Dog exhibits submissive behavior (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye
contact, yawns, licks lips) when greeting familiar people.
.035 .052 .069 .006
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 1: Fearfulness (Continued)
[331] Dog avoids pushy dogs.
.094 .031 .143 .050
[310] Dog exhibits separation-related problems.
-.158 -.085 -.122 -.073
[304] When left or about to be left alone, dog becomes restless or
agitated (e.g., paces).
.012 .205 .247 .085
[296] Dog behaves consistently across different situations.
.045 .189 .276 .092
* [307] When alone or about to be left alone, dog shakes, shivers, or
-.209 -.008 -.233 -.128
[283] Dog is sensitive to mild pain.
.092 .104 .201 .011
[239] Dog easily gets over unpleasant experiences (e.g., painful toe
nail clippings).
.003 .054 .060 .039
* [325] Dog is aloof towards unfamiliar men.
-.165 .060 -.149 -.133
[216] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
during or just before car rides.
.247 -.175 -.204 .048
[336] Dog urinates when stressed or threatened.
.025 -.009 .125 .021
[243] Dog is fearful of thunderstorms.
.118 .086 .176 .013
[284] Dog is sensitive to moderate pain.
-.062 -.031 .083 .161
[306] When alone or about to be left alone, dog salivates excessively.
-.014 .037 .057 .083
[15] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards unfamiliar cats.
.109 .049 .223 .016
[327] Dog is aloof towards familiar men.
.051 .004 .100 -.079
[282] Dog reacts (e.g., yelps, cries) when a person steps on its paw or
.224 -.183 -.025 -.002
[312] Dog tends to be independent.
.008 .108 .093 .107
* [200] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards small wild animals (e.g., squirrels and birds).
.167 -.081 .025 .074
[16] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
towards familiar cats.
.102 .000 .076 -.095
[217] Dog exhibits fearful behavior (e.g., flees, tucks tail, trembles)
when going up or down stairs.
.064 .006 .081 -.017
[303] Dog will not eat when left alone.
-.016 -.022 .119 .016
[234] Dog is a fussy or picky eater.
.020 .077 .084 .028
[331] Dog avoids pushy dogs.
.055 -.035 .066 -.053
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
[48] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards unfamiliar women.
.040 -.039 .209
[47] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards unfamiliar men.
.060 -.069 .227
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 2: Aggression towards People (Continued)
[111] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when directly approached by an unfamiliar person. .169
.080 -.061 .244
[45] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when an unfamiliar person visits the home. .179
.057 -.069 .224
[27] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when head or collar is reached for by an unfamiliar person.
.034 -.033 .183
[112] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when stared at by an unfamiliar person. .143
.055 -.041 .174
[38] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when cornered by an unfamiliar woman.
.066 -.046 .215
[37] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when cornered by an unfamiliar man. .143
.068 -.074 .219
[49] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards familiar men.
-.021 .061 .019
[43] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when an unfamiliar person approaches a family member. .125
.097 -.048 .218
[46] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when a familiar person visits the home.
.004 .043 .065
[50] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards familiar women. .130
-.035 .096 -.010
* [320] Dog is friendly. -.269
.192 .040 -.178
[113] Dog has a tendency to attack (or attempt to attack) people. .101
-.009 .020 .193
[97] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards unfamiliar children. .178
.007 -.044 .229
[75] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when threatened by a person.
.100 -.019 .263
[44] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when a familiar person approaches a family member. .108
.030 .096 .057
[118] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) during visits to the veterinary office.
.019 .113 .116
* [321] Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar men. -.353
.073 .194 -.163
[77] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when an unfamiliar person approaches the home or yard. .145
.130 -.074 .296
[267] Dog shows aggression when nervous or fearful. .234
.105 .095 .329
[119] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when examined by the vet. .067
.015 .112 .085
[84] Dog is aggressive. .052
.042 .105 .457
[99] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards highly active, excited children (e.g., running, yelling). .174
.041 .012 .271
[105] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards crowds of people. .160
.044 .063 .154
[107] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards family members. .041
-.016 .188 .037
* [85] Dog is not aggressive. -.065
-.031 -.088 -.431
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 2: Aggression towards People (Continued)
* [322] Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar women. -.322
.095 .152 -.125
[127] Dog is bad-tempered. .094
-.048 .181 .128
* [212] Dog is relaxed when greeting an unfamiliar man. -.422
-.032 .053 -.126
[40] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when cornered by a familiar child. .137
.005 .043 .196
[26] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when head or collar is reached for by a familiar person. .083
-.016 .184 -.032
[36] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when cornered by a family member. .068
.048 .203 .038
* [354] Dog is generally trusting. -.395
.122 -.077 -.142
[98] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards familiar children. .102
.011 .027 .144
[108] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards moving bicycles, joggers, or skateboarders.
.106 .073 .300
[95] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
snaps) when it is restrained. .135
.001 .222 .138
[101] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards unfamiliar objects (e.g., canes, wheelchairs,
.103 .102 .167
[100] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards toddlers. .164
.017 -.012 .207
* [86] Dog is amiable. -.212
.089 -.111 -.071
* [289] Dog is playful with unfamiliar people. -.338
.318 .190 -.207
[83] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when stared at by a family member.
.044 .195 -.002
[90] Dog displays aggression that is sudden and without apparent
reason .131
.011 .137 .170
[117] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when someone takes away or attempts to take away stolen
items (e.g., socks, tissues, people food). .056
.041 .291 .099
[94] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
snaps) when it is groomed (e.g., brush coat, brush teeth). .108
.053 .221 .044
[78] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
snaps) when removed from furniture.
.017 .244 .082
[96] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
snaps) when its paws are handled. .057
.044 .219 .088
[82] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when directly approached by a family member.
-.025 .143 -.016
[91] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
snaps) when its ears are examined. .096
.019 .202 .035
[106] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when scolded or punished.
.014 .261 .059
[92] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
snaps) when it is bathed. .072
.030 .232 -.048
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 2: Aggression towards People (Continued)
[116] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when someone takes away or attempts to take away delicious
items (e.g., pig ears, bones). .147
.110 .121 .133
* [323] Dog is friendly towards familiar men. -.138
-.067 -.120 -.206
[93] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
snaps) when its toe nails are trimmed. .061
.052 .286 .147
* [324] Dog is friendly towards familiar women. -.229
.145 .015 .012
[299] Dog behaves erratically. .051
.106 .237 .083
* [79] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
snaps) when disturbed while sleeping (e.g., told to move, petted,
tripped over). -.162
.147 .017 .021
[25] When on leash, dog barks at bicycles, children running, or
[326] Dog is aloof towards unfamiliar women. .068
.017 .236 .135
[115] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when approached while eating. .181
.195 .155 .236
[328] Dog is aloof towards familiar women. .267
-.157 -.126 .048
[139] Dog likes to chase bicycles, joggers, and skateboarders. .094
.009 .246 .119
[132] Dog is responsive to petting, handling. .186
-.179 -.006 -.027
[102] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards specific objects (e.g., the toaster, garden hose, shoes).
.224 .181 .241
* [116] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when someone takes away or attempts to take away delicious
items (e.g., pig ears, bones). -.108
.218 -.142 -.024
[323] Dog is friendly towards familiar men. .115
.147 .145 .096
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
[62] Dog is energetic. -.048 .084
-.097 -.042
[54] Dog is active during play with people. -.094 .016
-.072 -.075
[63] Dog is active. -.064 .079
-.150 -.085
[188] Dog is very excitable during play with toys. .112 .055
.133 -.020
[291] Dog enjoys playing with toys. -.035 .057
-.109 -.141
[292] Dog initiates play (e.g., by bringing toys). -.047 .079
-.126 -.129
[52] Dog is active in the home. .005 .096
-.031 -.015
[228] Dog chases after thrown objects (e.g., sticks, balls, or toys). -.035 .030
-.132 -.077
[56] Dog is highly active in the yard. .019 .118
-.009 .004
[294] Dog plays boisterously. -.050 .069
.144 .032
[356] Dog is interested in playing tug of war with people. -.035 .071
.052 -.035
[53] Dog is active when off leash. -.080 .062
-.096 -.024
[288] Dog is playful with familiar people. -.134 -.105
-.020 -.097
[58] Dog seeks constant activity. .047 .067
.152 .022
[178] Dog is very excitable during play with other dogs. .046 .020
.229 -.029
[229] Dog carries objects such as toys, balls, sticks, or leash in mouth. .015 .038
-.063 -.085
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability (Continued)
[60] Dog is boisterous. -.046 .100
.225 .094
[184] Dog is very excitable when with people. .122 -.023
.319 .051
[358] Dog likes to grasp and shake toys. .003 .110
.044 .002
[157] Dog is curious. -.202 .043
-.167 -.001
[346] Dog is interested in what is going on around it. -.081 -.013
-.273 .031
[55] Dog is active during play with other dogs. -.148 .016
-.022 -.224
[230] Dog retrieves objects (e.g., balls, sticks, toys). -.024 .040
-.205 -.083
[121] Dog is very alert. -.018 .076
-.262 .094
[357] Dog is interested in playing tug of war with other dogs. -.086 .054
.036 -.172
[183] Dog is very excitable when visitors arrive. .082 -.024
.264 .184
[293] Dog enjoys play fighting or playing roughly. -.037 .081
.176 .044
[361] Dog will work to obtain an object or reward (e.g., ball, treat)
that is hidden. -.053 -.005
-.292 .051
[61] Dog is lethargic. .036 -.041
.219 .030
[51] Dog is active (e.g., jumps, sniffs a lot) when walking on a leash. .062 .038
.232 .135
[179] Dog is very excitable when doorbell rings or there is a knock at
the door. .151 .061
.083 .247
[190] Dog is very excitable when on a walk. .157 .048
.345 .197
[180] Dog is very excitable when owner returns home. .189 -.025
.135 .112
[308] Dog becomes wildly excited when owner returns home. .168 .009
.196 .088
[177] Dog is very excitable when meeting other dogs. .034 .019
.285 .090
[126] Dog is extremely demanding of attention. .142 -.005
.264 .191
[67] Dog frequently demands affection. .118 -.054
.172 .132
[246] Dog is clever. -.126 .043
-.353 .066
[342] Dog is alert, watchful (e.g., monitors yard for squirrels, monitors
noises around the home). .026 .139
-.123 .226
[249] Dog is able to act on own initiative (e.g., brings owner leash or
toy without being told to do so).
-.107 .040
-.302 -.004
[233] Dog follows people around. .108 -.113
.037 .051
[242] Dog is interested in sounds (e.g., pays attention to sounds, looks
for source). -.105 .030
-.187 .066
[311] Dog seeks companionship from people. -.069 -.261
-.049 .016
* [295] Dog gets bored in play quickly. .045 -.014
.175 .156
[69] When in the home, dog follows owner/family member from room
to room. .154 -.057
.030 .102
[66] Dog often expresses affection. -.057 -.173
-.148 .000
[181] Dog is very excitable when handled, petted, or groomed. .135 .014
.318 .015
[360] Dog appears to remember an object when it is out of sight (e.g.,
in your pocket, behind your back). -.090 -.026
-.325 .061
* [191] Dog is very vocal. .042 .140
.130 .217
[57] Dog tends to be calm. -.226 -.184
-.301 -.191
[252] Dog actively explores new environments. -.354 -.073
-.113 .035
[68] Dog seeks affection from family members. .013 -.121
-.054 .041
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability (Continued)
[171] Dog works at task (e.g., getting treats out of Kongs, shredding
toys) until entirely finished. -.082 -.037
-.133 .046
* [73] Dog is undemanding. -.072 -.057
-.204 -.216
[285] Dog is playful with children. -.259 -.247
.065 -.228
[141] Dog likes to chase children who are running. .067 .178
.214 .070
[182] Dog is very excitable just before being taken for a walk. .102 -.035
.168 .189
[187] Dog is very excitable when around squirrels, birds, or other
small animals. .126 .046
.176 .302
[254] Dog becomes agitated (e.g., whines, jumps up, tries to
intervene) when owner shows affection for another dog or animal.
.179 .054
.223 .266
* [319] Dog is aloof. .112 .208
.011 .046
[161] Dog chews up and destroys most toys. -.043 .036
.256 .084
* [173] Dog seems subdued, depressed. .290 .037
.166 .051
[72] Dog generally prefers to be with owner/family member (rather
than alone).
.052 -.159
-.052 .060
[258] Dog appears jealous when owner pays attention to another pet. .196 .016
.189 .288
[274] Dog is interested in scents. -.052 -.045
-.074 .106
* [315] Dog is aloof or indifferent towards familiar dogs. .107 .066
-.067 .169
[130] Dog barks at outside noises when in the home. .087 .137
.020 .256
* [300] Dog is not demanding or needy (e.g., is content to play alone). -.192 .027
-.216 -.207
[350] Dog loves to be praised. -.061 -.139
-.244 .039
[186] Dog is very excitable when around bicyclists, joggers, or
motorcycles. .165 .233
.188 .234
[176] Dog is very excitable during car rides. .159 .090
.273 .153
[309] Dog hates to be left alone. .251 -.069
.236 .127
[59] Dog is restless. .256 .110
.274 .116
[253] Dog becomes agitated (e.g., whines, jumps up, tries to
intervene) when owners show affection for another person.
.222 .144
.234 .143
[275] Dog has a good sense of smell. -.090 -.009
-.207 .072
[347] Dog's behavior varies from situation to situation (e.g., dog is
quiet when others are quiet but more excited when invited to play). .068 -.020
-.119 .060
[257] Dog appears jealous when owner pays attention to another
person. .190 .120
.247 .177
* [316] Dog is aloof or indifferent towards unfamiliar dogs. .108 .006
-.169 -.009
[144] Dog chases tail. .060 .084
.140 -.097
[260] Dog sniffs frequently on walks. -.006 .004
.157 .117
* [231] When walking on leash, dog tends to walk behind you. .131 .025
.019 -.074
* [71] When resting, dog prefers to be alone, rather than in the
company of family members. .034 .136
.099 .040
[165] Dog buries or tries to bury favorite toys and other objects inside
the home (e.g., under rugs, cushions, clothing). .079 .094
.119 .060
[70] Dog prefers to sleep near owner/family member. .036 -.083
-.079 .076
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability (Continued)
[148] Dog is systematic in its behaviors (e.g., routinely sniffing
perimeter of yard). .016 .054
.000 .145
[264] Dog mounts (or attempts to mount) non-family dogs. -.020 .097
.119 .095
Factor 4: Responsive to Training
*[280] Dog is responsive to training, readily trained. -.138 -.107 .270
*[353] Dog is easy to train. -.108 -.077 .236
*[247] Dog learns readily. -.149 -.057 .318
*[278] Dog is willing and able to react to signals and cues from the
handler. -.077 -.119 .215
[351] Dog is slow to respond to corrections. .011 .115 -.093
*[145] Dog is good at tasks it has been trained to do. -.134 -.089 .250
[154] Dog ignores commands. .051 .098 -.011
*[169] Dog is attentive to actions and words of its owner. -.041 -.107 .216
[250] Dog is slow to learn new tricks or tasks. .119 .027 -.302
*[277] Dog leaves food or objects alone when told to do so. -.048 -.112 -.005
*[168] Dog is able to focus on a task in a distracting situation (e.g.,
loud or busy places, around other dogs). -.249 -.071 .011
*[276] When off leash, dog comes immediately when called. -.049 -.093 -.011
*[159] Dog enjoys learning new things. -.180 -.021 .436
*[155] Dog is eager to please handler. -.003 -.135 .272
*[359] Dog is willing to complete work or task without a reward. -.120 -.088 .107
*[251] Dog uses what it has learned. -.171 -.092 .256
*[170] Dog is able to focus on a task in the absence of distractions. -.136 -.082 .115
*[146] Dog is able to control impulses (e.g., resists chasing a squirrel
when told to sit or come).
-.095 -.090 -.096
[279] Dog is disobedient. .046 .104 .094
*[153] Dog is in tune wishes or moods of owner even without being
given direct commands. -.086 -.061 .174
*[152] Dog achieves tasks (e.g., fetches objects) quickly and easily. -.098 -.014 .456
*[248] Dog is intelligent. -.121 -.033 .327
[162] Dog is destructive. .086 .041 .230
[281] Dog is quick to sneak out through open doors, gates. .034 .031 .166
[335] Dog resists getting off the couch or moving out of the way of
others. .020 .132 .014
*[272] Dog is able to concentrate when emotionally aroused (e.g.,
nervous, fearful). -.313 -.062 .085
[163] Dog chews inappropriate objects. .056 -.008 .196
*[131] Dog is responsive to physical corrections. -.095 -.181 .055
[167] Dog is easily distracted by interesting sights, sounds, and smells. .162 -.001 .305
*[156] Dog is eager to earn rewards (e.g., in training). -.067 -.080 .349
*[297] After being excited, dog is quick to recover. -.313 -.122 -.067
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 4: Responsive to Training (Continued)
*[355] Dog is willing to let go of toy when playing (e.g., during tug of
war). -.036 -.118 -.103
[232] When walking on leash, dog tends to pull ahead. .079 .005 .336
[337] Dog is dominant over owner. .052 .240 .122
[160] Dog destroys household objects by chewing, digging, or
scratching when owner is at home.
.070 .065 .169
[302] When alone or about to be left alone, dog is destructive (e.g.,
chews/scratches doors, floors, windows, curtains). .126 .030 .186
[256] Dog becomes agitated when another dog receives food or a
.132 .041 .160
[235] Dog tries to steal food. .036 -.019 .085
[236] Dog persistently begs for food. .068 -.027 .146
*[149] Dog's behavior is predictable. -.194 -.256 -.022
*[349] Dog was easily housetrained. -.121 -.083 -.007
*[175] Dog is highly predictable. -.211 -.256 -.049
*[147] Dog keeps living area clean (e.g., tends to eliminate in one
area). -.044 -.023 .026
*[150] Dog keeps itself clean. -.061 .025 .069
*[301] When alone or about to be left alone, dog whines, barks, or
howls. .198 .038 .212
[334] Dog is physically pushy with people. -.018 .122 .245
[128] Dog barks excessively. .146 .167 .227
*[151] Dog is orderly (e.g., tends to keep and play with toys in a
specific area). -.002 .038 -.122
[305] When left or about to be left alone, dog urinates or defecates. .142 .054 .034
*[196] Dog exhibits less fear of objects (e.g., vacuums, brushes) or
situations (e.g., pet stores, kennels) after repeated exposure to them.
-.044 .028 .047
[261] Dog mounts (or attempts to mount) adults. .022 .088 .066
[263] Dog mounts (or attempts to mount) objects (e.g., toys, blankets,
furniture). .077 .112 .107
[166] Dog digs holes in dirt or sand. -.011 -.006 .139
[266] Dog relentlessly mounts other dogs. -.022 .117 .102
[262] Dog mounts (or attempts to mount) children. .053 .116 .059
*[355] Dog is willing to let go of toy when playing (e.g., during tug of
war). -.036 -.118 -.103
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals
* [313] Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar dogs. -.201 -.199 .137 .091
[30] While on leash, dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares
teeth, growls, lunges) towards unfamiliar large dogs. .090 .255 .025 .039
[32] While on leash, dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares
teeth, growls, lunges) towards unfamiliar small dogs.
.096 .264 .026 .042
* [318] Dog exhibits friendly behavior towards unfamiliar dogs (e.g.,
sniffing, tail wagging, licking). -.170 -.182 .164 .091
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals (Continued)
[31] While off leash, dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares
teeth, growls, lunges) towards unfamiliar large dogs. .098 .255 -.013 .031
[41] Dog has a tendency to attack (or attempt to attack) male dogs. .014 .229 -.037 .016
[42] Dog has a tendency to attack (or attempt to attack) female dogs. .051 .200 -.027 .050
[33] While off leash, dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares
teeth, growls, lunges) towards unfamiliar small dogs.
.079 .260 -.012 .035
[80] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when threatened by a dog (e.g., barked, growled, or lunged at). -.017 .223 .006 -.015
* [286] Dog is playful with unfamiliar dogs. -.209 -.111 .290 .114
[34] While on leash, dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares
teeth, growls, lunges) towards familiar large dogs. .092 .265 -.004 .089
[35] While off leash, dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares
teeth, growls, lunges) towards familiar small dogs. .052 .280 -.042 .066
[339] Dog is often dominant over other dogs. -.192 .211 .054 .034
[329] Dog is assertive or pushy with other dogs. -.099 .195 .160 .125
* [314] Dog is friendly towards familiar dogs. -.118 -.168 .186 -.038
[28] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards unfamiliar cats.
.056 .186 .059 .084
* [317] Dog exhibits friendly behavior towards familiar dogs (e.g.,
sniffing, tail wagging, licking). -.126 -.102 .213 -.011
[81] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards other dogs in household.
.096 .172 -.027 .090
[110] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards small wild animals (e.g., squirrels, birds). .077 .157 .134 .099
* [287] Dog is playful with familiar dogs. -.141 -.031 .388 -.020
[104] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) when walking on a leash. .115 .371 .028 .077
[114] Dog guards food or treats from other dogs .081 .107 .052 .106
* [74] Dog willingly shares toys with other dogs. -.065 -.131 .004 -.186
[330] Dog guards food and feeding area from other dogs. .096 .113 .037 .077
[338] Dog is dominant. -.226 .226 .097 .058
[29] Dog exhibits aggressive behavior (e.g., bares teeth, growls,
lunges) towards familiar cats. .059 .133 .033 .106
[333] Dog exhibits assertive behaviors (e.g., stands erect, ears
forward, direct stare, tail up) when greeting dogs. -.124 .120 .089 .000
[136] Dog likes to chase cats. .049 .055 .195 .140
[255] Dog tends to be jealous. .195 .093 .305 .179
[137] Dog likes to chase squirrels, birds, and other small animals. .083 .036 .268 .112
[143] Dog kills other animals (e.g., squirrels, rabbits, birds). -.034 .057 .042 .041
[129] Dog barks loudly and persistently when doorbell rings or mail is
delivered. .156 .185 .266 .028
[142] Dog catches other animals (e.g., squirrels, rabbits, birds). -.042 .054 .082 .050
[120] Dog barks when an unfamiliar person (e.g., delivery person)
approaches the home. .118 .205 .238 -.106
Appendix B. (Continued)
Item text Loading of each item on each factor
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals (Continued)
[185] Dog is very excitable when it encounters cats. .084 .043 .239 .219
[24] When at home, dog barks at bicycles, children running, or
joggers. .166 .267 .199 .127
[259] Dog frequently urine marks when outside. -.043 .072 .096 .055
[138] Dog likes to chase cars and motorcycles. .058 .210 .160 .142
[237] Dog is very food-motivated. .004 -.068 .157 .041
[238] Dog gulps food. .037 -.033 .099 .194
[189] Dog is very excitable at feeding times. .084 -.051 .151 .163
[125] Dog often requests to be fed. .048 -.055 .107 .182
* [265] Dog is mounted by other dogs (apart from appropriate
mating). .121 -.100 .089 .120
* [290] Dog enjoys playing alone. -.066 .075 .106 -.100
[124] Dog displays a strong attachment to a particular member of the
.123 .035 .118 -.104
[164] Dog buries or tries to bury objects (e.g., toys, bones) outside. .050 .038 .086 .087
Note. The highest factor loading of each trait is in boldface type. Items with an asterisk
next to them load negatively on the factor under which they are listed. The numbers
presented before each item are assigned solely for the purpose of identifying and
specifying each item (e.g., in “Source item number(s)” column of Appendix C) and had
no influence on the order in which the items were administered. The bolded horizontal
lines that form the borders between some items demarcate the .3 and .4 cut-offs indicated
as the cut-off for significant loadings by Floyd and Widaman (1995).
The item “Dog is
anxious” was accidentally included twice in the questionnaire. Loadings for both
instances appear here and are italicized, though the item is counted once towards the total
of 352 items in the table.
Appendix C. Study 2: Item list resulting from item reduction phase
FACTOR 1: Fearfulness
Source item
Facet 1: Fear of people (10 items)
Dog behaves fearfully towards unfamiliar people. + (5, 7, 9, 10, 214,
Dog behaves fearfully towards familiar people. + (6, 11, 12, 223)
Dog behaves fearfully towards children. + (13, 14, 207, 208)
Dog behaves fearfully in response to perceived threats from people (e.g.,
being cornered, having collar reached for).
+ (3, 4, 226)
Dog behaves fearfully when near crowds of people. + (211)
Dog is shy. + 135
Dog is cautious, careful. + 341
Dog behaves fearfully towards moving bicycles, joggers, skateboarders. + (225)
Dog is relaxed when greeting people. - 213
Dog behaves submissively (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye contact, licks lips)
when greeting people.
+ (1, 2)
Facet 2: Non-social fear (8 items)
Dog adapts easily to new situations and environments. - 64, (65, 240, 271)
Dog is confident. - 193
Dog is anxious + 122, 270, (123,
174, 192, 194,
Dog is quick to recover after being startled or frightened. - (195, 273, 298)
Dog is fearful of loud noises (e.g., heavy traffic, car horns, slamming doors,
+ (219, 241, 244,
Dog attempts to flee from novel objects or situations. + 197, (209, 343)
Dog is easily startled by unexpected contact with objects (e.g., tripping,
brushing against a door frame).
+ 133
Dog easily gets over unpleasant experiences (e.g., painful toe nail clippings). - 239
Facet 3: Fear/submission towards dogs (5 items)
Dog behaves fearfully towards other dogs. + (17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22)
Dog behaves fearfully when threatened by other dogs (e.g., growled or
lunged at, cornered).
+ (198, 227)
Dog behaves submissively (e.g., rolls over, avoids eye contact, licks lips)
when greeting other dogs.
+ (332, 340)
Dog avoids other dogs. + 331
Dog is bold. - 134
Facet 4: Fear of Handling (6 items)
Dog behaves fearfully when groomed (e.g., nails trimmed, brushed, bathed,
ears cleaned).
+ (201, 202, 203,
204, 206)
Dog behaves fearfully during visits to the veterinarian. + (220, 221)
Dog exhibits fearful behaviors when restrained. + (205)
Dog is sensitive (and reactive) to pain. + (282, 283, 284)
Dog is easily upset when corrected, scolded, or punished. + (215, 352)
When alone or about to be left alone, dog shakes, shivers, or trembles. + 307
Appendix C. (Continued)
FACTOR 2: Aggression towards People
Source item
Facet 1: General Aggression (8 items)
Dog behaves aggressively towards unfamiliar people. + (27, 37, 38, 43,
45, 47, 48, 105,
111, 112, 113)
Dog behaves aggressively towards familiar people. + (44, 46, 49, 50,
Dog behaves aggressively when a person (e.g., visitor, delivery person)
approaches the house or yard.
+ (77)
Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar people. - (212, 289, 320,
321, 322, 323,
324, 326, 328)
Dog behaves aggressively towards children. + (40, 97, 98, 99,
Dog shows aggression when nervous or fearful. + 267
Dog behaves aggressively towards moving bicycles, joggers, skateboarders. + (108)
Dog behaves aggressively towards people with unfamiliar objects (e.g.,
canes, wheelchairs, umbrellas).
+ (101)
Facet 2: Situational Aggression (7 items)
Dog behaves aggressively in response to perceived threats from people (e.g.,
being cornered, having collar reached for).
+ (26, 36, 83)
Dog behaves aggressively during visits to the veterinarian. + (118, 119)
Dog displays aggression that is sudden and without apparent reason. + 90, (127)
Dog behaves aggressively when restrained or handled (e.g., groomed). + (91, 92, 93, 94,
95, 96)
Dog aggressively guards coveted items (e.g., stolen item, treats, food bowl). + (115, 116, 117)
Dog behaves aggressively when scolded or punished. + (106)
Dog behaves aggressively if disturbed or moved when resting. + (78, 79)
FACTOR 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 1: Excitability (9 items)
Dog becomes very excited when owner returns home. + (180, 308)
Dog is active (e.g., jumps, sniffs a lot) when walking on a leash. + 51
Dog is very excitable when visitors arrive. + 183, (179)
Dog is boisterous. + 60
Dog is very excitable around other dogs. + (177, 178)
Dog seeks constant activity. + 58
Dog is very excitable when around squirrels, birds, or other small animals. + 187
Dog tends to be calm. - 57
Dog is very excitable just before being taken for a walk. + 182
Facet 2: Playfulness (7 items)
Dog retrieves objects (e.g., balls, toys, sticks). + (228, 230)
Dog gets bored in play quickly. - 295
Dog enjoys playing with toys. + 291, (188, 229,
292, 358)
Dog is interested in playing tug-o-war with people or dogs. + (356, 357)
Dog is active during play with other dogs. + 55
Dog is playful with familiar people. + 288
Dog is aloof or indifferent towards other dogs. - (315, 316)
Appendix C. (Continued)
FACTOR 3: Activity/Excitability (Continued)
Source item
Facet 3: Active engagement (6 items)
Dog is very alert. + 121
Dog is curious. + 157, (242, 252,
Dog is lethargic - 61, (52, 53, 56,
Dog works at tasks (e.g., getting treats out of a Kong, shredding toys) until
entirely finished.
+ 171
Dog is very watchful (e.g., monitors for squirrels, attends to noises). + 342
Dog will work to obtain an object or reward (e.g., ball, treat) that is hidden. + 361
Facet 4: Companionability (5 items)
Dog is affectionate. + (66, 67, 68)
Dog follows people around. + 233, (69)
Dog seeks companionship from people. + 311, (70, 71, 72)
Dog loves to be praised. + 350
Dog is aloof. - 319
FACTOR 4: Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1: Trainability (7 items)
Dog is slow to respond to corrections. - 351, (131)
Dog is attentive to owner’s actions and words. + (153, 155, 169,
Dog is willing to complete work, task, or training without a reward. + (359)
Dog is able to focus on a task in a distracting situation (e.g., loud or busy
places, around other dogs).
+ 168, (170)
Dog ignores commands. - 154
Dog is slow to learn new tricks or tasks. - 250, (145, 247,
251, 280, 353)
Dog is intelligent. + 248
Facet 2: Controllability (7 items)
Dog is destructive. - 162, (160, 163)
When off leash, dog comes immediately when called. + 276, (146, 279)
Dog leaves food or objects alone when told to do so. + 277, (235)
Dog is quick to sneak out through open doors, gates. - 281, (335)
Dog is willing to let go of toys when playing (e.g., during tug-o-war). + 355
When walking on leash, dog tends to pull ahead. - 232
Dog is dominant over owner. - 337
FACTOR 5: Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs (5 items)
Dog behaves aggressively toward dogs. + (30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35)
Dog responds aggressively when threatened by another dog (e.g., growled or
lunged at, cornered).
+ (80)
Dog has a tendency to attack (or attempt to attack) other dogs. + (41, 42)
Dog is friendly towards other dogs. - (313, 314, 317,
Dog is playful with other dogs. - (286, 287)
Appendix C. (Continued)
FACTOR 5: Aggression towards Animals (Continued)
Source item
Facet 2: Prey drive (6 items)
Dog behaves aggressively towards cats. + (28, 29)
Dog likes to chase cats. + 136
Dog likes to chase squirrels, birds, or other small animals. + 137
Dog catches and kills other animals (e.g., squirrels, rabbits). + 110, (142, 143)
Dog likes to chase bicycles, joggers, and skateboarders. + 139
Dog is very excitable around cats. + (185)
Facet 3: Dominance over dogs (6 items)
Dog guards food or treats from other dogs. + (114, 330)
Dog willingly shares toys with other dogs. - 74
Dog is dominant over other dogs. + 339
Dog is assertive or pushy with other dogs (e.g., if in a home with other dogs,
when greeting).
+ (81, 329)
Dog frequently urine marks. + (259)
Dog jumps up on (e.g., in play) and/or mounts other dogs (outside
appropriate mating).
+ (264, 266)
Item numbers correspond to numbers assigned to each item in Studies 1 and 2 for
purpose of identifying each item; see Appendix B to locate the item associated with each
number. Item numbers not in parentheses indicate that the new item (in the questionnaire
derived in Study 2) is an exact quotation of that item. Item numbers in parentheses
indicate that the new item is used to address the content of all of the listed items, is a
composite of those items, or is a modified version of the item.
Appendix D. Study 3: CFA model item loadings on five dog personality factors
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Item Loading
1 1.382
2 .467
3 .906
4 1.286
5 1.428
6 1.461
7 .968
8 .961
9* .907
10 .594
11* 1.099
12* 1.180
13 1.302
14* .830
15 1.136
16 1.164
17 .937
18* .525
19 .819
20 .974
21 .426
22 .577
23* .857
24 1.000
25 1.145
26 .836
27 .495
28 .727
29 .325
Appendix D. (Continued)
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
Item Loading
30 1.108
31 .338
32 1.230
33* 1.034
34 .733
35 1.264
36 .884
37 .819
38 1.000
39 .591
40 .448
41 .532
42 .622
43 .345
44 .444
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Item Loading
45 .443
46 .761
47 .769
48 1.308
49 .931
50 1.360
51 .615
52* .836
53 .487
54 1.444
55* 1.045
56 1.261
57 1.434
58 .820
59 .627
60* .686
61 .499
62 .506
63* .794
64 .879
65 .606
66 .803
Appendix D. (Continued)
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability (continued)
Item Loading
67 1.000
68 .627
69 .472
70 .323
71* .754
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training
Item Loading
72 1.119
73* .655
74* .902
75* 1.063
76 1.359
77 .693
78* .313
79 1.000
80* 1.423
81* .861
82 1.060
83* .549
84 .834
85 .627
Appendix D. (Continued)
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals
Item Loading
86 1.689
87 1.538
88 1.412
89* 1.331
90* .827
91 .792
92 .639
93 .543
94 .672
95 .475
96 .552
97 1.000
98* .839
99 1.108
100 1.089
101 .457
102 .330
Note. Factors 1 and 2, 2 and 5 are correlated in this model. Items with loadings .500 are
bolded; these items were considered for elimination form the questionnaire based on their
loadings. Item numbers are from items as they were numbered in Study 3. Reverse-coded
items were rekeyed before the model was fit so that all items should load positively in the
model; those items that are reverse coded and were rekeyed are indicated by an asterisk
after the item number.
Appendix E. Study 3: Convergent validity – Correlations of items that load on the same factors and facets
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 1: Fear of people Facet 2: Non-social fear Facet 4: Fear of handling
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *9 10 *11 *12 13 *14 15 16 17 *18 19 20 21 22 *23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Facet 1: Fear of people
1 1
2 .425 1
3 .496 .287 1
4 .529 .346 .401 1
5 .667 .356 .457 .515 1
6 .642 .365 .398 .481 .626 1
7 .374 .208 .216 .345 .373 .461 1
8 .467 .269 .390 .395 .497 .408 .264 1
*9 .387 .228 .259 .290 .368 .270 .102 .283 1
10 .236 .170 .134 .206 .219 .292 .173 .179 .087 1
Facet 2: Non-social fear
.471 .302 .312 .369 .523 .472 .272 .371 .355 .160
*12 .514 .342 .350 .434 .543 .592 .335 .391 .323 .251 .555 1
13 .412 .289 .303 .398 .468 .458 .308 .316 .348 .201 .509 .529 1
*14 .363 .240 .271 .347 .436 .380 .261 .305 .244 .141 .468 .492 .425 1
15 .320 .194 .214 .314 .403 .375 .294 .347 .144 .183 .338 .347 .347 .384 1
16 .482 .303 .321 .435 .537 .516 .340 .423 .292 .250 .469 .507 .418 .403 .404 1
17 .338 .242 .237 .358 .373 .355 .310 .314 .198 .174 .336 .361 .356 .346 .398 .437 1
*18 .196 .144 .144 .205 .208 .173 .116 .180 .104 .060 .235 .231 .178 .328 .143 .181 .198 1
Facet 3: Fear/submission to dogs
19 .387 .252 .315 .334 .389 .390 .225 .339 .218 .192 .321 .446 .347 .281 .233 .341 .244 .186 1
20 .314 .209 .261 .303 .314 .345 .213 .289 .156 .220 .252 .399 .301 .300 .279 .334 .226 .172 .517 1
21 .150 .109 .094 .128 .145 .230 .135 .142 .089 .403 .099 .234 .112 .116 .116 .184 .122 .027 .221 .269 1
22 .241 .172 .237 .192 .254 .284 .182 .176 .090 .112 .244 .279 .244 .213 .152 .195 .152 .128 .465 .278 .076 1
*23 .296 .179 .189 .239 .323 .457 .300 .225 .072 .216 .285 .539 .259 .289 .263 .356 .208 .126 .225 .281 .213 .151 1
Facet 4: Fear of handling
24 .239 .171 .185 .313 .261 .217 .187 .247 .164 .135 .264 .255 .281 .268 .238 .259 .240 .184 .223 .223 .089 .147 .129 1
25 .397 .225 .328 .372 .395 .376 .273 .283 .216 .161 .350 .339 .330 .317 .300 .312 .254 .178 .283 .252 .083 .218 .209 .429 1
26 .351 .272 .312 .449 .378 .323 .240 .324 .261 .180 .363 .354 .380 .324 .272 .365 .308 .185 .297 .247 .106 .182 .130 .323 .358 1
27 .116 .081 .108 .190 .130 .140 .221 .137 .027 .100 .098 .133 .150 .144 .203 .150 .195 .120 .148 .193 .071 .108 .126 .241 .211 .169 1
28 .180 .121 .136 .279 .220 .220 .218 .164 .087 .153 .216 .261 .254 .251 .232 .245 .221 .133 .176 .202 .117 .141 .160 .215 .197 .255 .217 1
29 .137 .127 .141 .185 .206 .151 .117 .173 .144 .123 .208 .202 .282 .184 .157 .208 .187 .114 .158 .126 .084 .111 .069 .145 .177 .220 .068 .142 1
Facet 3: Fear/ submission to
Appendix E. (Continued)
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
Facet 1: General aggression towards people Facet 2: Situational aggression towards people
30 31 32 *33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Facet 1: General aggression towards people
30 1
31 .299 1
32 .548 .194 1
*33 .593 .211 .456 1
34 .446 .262 .321 .379 1
35 .487 .309 .384 .360 .414 1
36 .414 .251 .373 .275 .334 .383 1
37 .472 .228 .366 .338 .330 .443 .439 1
Facet 2: Situational aggression towards people
38 .479 .286 .361 .382 .388 .545 .328 .383 1
39 .373 .266 .238 .290 .307 .421 .272 .284 .426 1
40 .291 .258 .206 .180 .260 .382 .249 .235 .279 .211 1
41 .236 .231 .182 .164 .246 .373 .258 .213 .393 .419 .234 1
42 .172 .152 .176 .087 .185 .270 .212 .161 .241 .162 .206 .204 1
43 .195 .319 .131 .093 .188 .295 .197 .157 .341 .198 .245 .311 .249 1
44 .171 .220 .136 .099 .166 .310 .176 .152 .285 .232 .250 .364 .313 .310 1
45 .056 .012 .049 .020 -.006 -.003 .016 .017 .030 -.003 -.018 .005 .040 .006 .024 1
46 .051 .045 .065 .029 .055 .066 .107 .111 .065 .027 .029 .084 .105 .052 .054 .154 1
Appendix E. (Continued)
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 1: Excitability Facet 2: Playfulness Facet 3: Active engagement Facet 4: Companionability
47 48 49 50 51 *52 53 54 *55 56 57 58 59 *60 61 62 *63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Facet 1: Excitability
47 1
48 .316 1
49 .394 .328 1
50 .189 .381 .265 1
51 .238 .203 .301 .175 1
*52 .292 .421 .302 .471 .180 1
53 .336 .198 .223 .128 .213 .173 1
Facet 2: Playfulness
.110 .171 .050 .279 .045 .116 .016
.041 .110 .023 .145 -.043 .061 -.020
.378 1
.138 .232 .129 .281 .068 .141 .025
.565 .372 1
.160 .240 .177 .258 .090 .146 .072
.417 .254 .544 1
.065 .204 .220 .224 .065 .081 .020
.180 .207 .271 .240 1
.176 .219 .141 .182 .060 .063 .032
.249 .208 .361 .273 .264 1
.157 .161 .399 .063 .076 .110 .061
.033 .121 .126 .115 .317 .134 1
Facet 3: Active engagement
.111 .179 .064 .252 .117 .117 .081 .163 .143 .159 .147 .199 .162 .066
.131 .219 .117 .214 .137 .082 .042 .156 .093 .219 .185 .219 .240 .101
.303 1
.067 .195 .074 .305 .057 .221 .000 .264 .294 .280 .176 .257 .208 .141
.326 .227 1
.095 .151 .068 .190 .078 .093 .072 .288 .213 .288 .228 .141 .167 .052
.155 .199 .165 1
.144 .158 .142 .192 .366 .120 .121 .090 .044 .105 .093 .088 .092 .021
.410 .227 .146 .119 1
.084 .140 .043 .158 .074 .037 .062 .399 .265 .339 .241 .143 .194 .052
.200 .248 .226 .439 .149 1
Facet 4: Companionability
.077 .078 .041 .034 -.034 -.066 .069 .089 .128 .137 .098 .143 .277 .097 .106 .155 .087 .050 .050 .103
.136 .112 .081 .142 .016 .054 .068 .119 .071 .131 .120 .072 .174 .039 .092 .129 .068 .106 .082 .092
.278 1
.136 .111 .074 .084 -.009 -.004 .067 .126 .119 .196 .132 .126 .264 .076 .088 .171 .076 .118 .043 .128
.440 .410 1
.039 .051 .019 .036 -.032 -.071 .093 .108 .156 .132 .083 .117 .216 .064 .132 .155 .099 .131 .066 .139
.426 .244 .289 1
-.069 -.112 -.070 -.066 .025 -.053 .009 -.119 -.202 -.158 -.084 -.144 -.210 -.294 -.018 -.099 -.202 -.078 .070 -.106
-.313 -.174 -.311 -.184 1
Appendix E. (Continued)
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1: Trainability Facet 2: Unruliness
*72 73 74 75 *76 *77 78 *79 80 81 *82 83 *84 *85
Facet 1: Trainability
*72 1
73 .433 1
74 .364 .388 1
75 .322 .349 .321 1
*76 .525 .464 .402 .387 1
*77 .374 .297 .295 .277 .339 1
78 .249 .278 .242 .246 .221 .524 1
Facet 2: Unruliness
*79 .217 .232 .165 .171 .261 .061 .066 1
80 .402 .441 .340 .420 .563 .251 .178 .216 1
81 .359 .339 .326 .286 .344 .236 .198 .215 .325 1
*82 .264 .245 .214 .218 .367 .127 .057 .307 .424 .272 1
83 .202 .193 .188 .199 .187 .093 .069 .134 .170 .289 .158 1
*84 .233 .198 .157 .247 .290 .052 .065 .176 .283 .193 .278 .145 1
*85 .338 .273 .224 .201 .343 .157 .109 .192 .270 .271 .213 .200 .217 1
Appendix E. (Continued)
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs Facet 2: Prey drive Facet 3: Dominance over dogs
86 87 88 *89 *90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 *98 99 100 101 102
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs
86 1
87 .617 1
88 .773 .553 1
*89 .706 .508 .664 1
*90 .443 .299 .411 .662 1
Facet 2: Prey drive
91 .271 .234 .258 .200 .104 1
92 .194 .189 .183 .113 -.003 .646 1
93 .176 .180 .160 .102 .001 .372 .525 1
94 .215 .217 .211 .167 .101 .389 .374 .438 1
95 .182 .151 .184 .119 .003 .190 .274 .263 .152 1
96 .161 .144 .163 .089 -.009 .647 .726 .454 .297 .239 1
Facet 3: Dominance over dogs
97 .272 .324 .254 .263 .189 .175 .136 .140 .169 .138 .110 1
*98 .318 .305 .282 .358 .315 .169 .117 .125 .189 .118 .088 .509 1
99 .439 .460 .362 .324 .172 .184 .158 .138 .230 .078 .107 .320 .308 1
100 .424 .402 .369 .306 .122 .200 .202 .164 .184 .160 .176 .306 .287 .561 1
101 .148 .176 .097 .114 .125 .115 .104 .087 .134 .077 .071 .127 .124 .190 .122 1
.107 .097 .096 -.007 -.143 .111 .170 .155 .126 .157 .156
.123 .060 .252 .269 .165 1
Appendix F. Study 3: Discriminant validity – Correlations of items that load on different factors and facets
Fearfulness and Aggression towards People
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 1: Fear of people Facet 2: Non-social fear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *9 10 *11 *12 13 *14 15 16 17 *18
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
Facet 1: General aggression towards people
30 .428 .230 .320 .322 .341 .223 .198 .263 .355 .010 .280 .208 .262 .212 .124 .218 .185 .114
31 .199 .248 .159 .208 .180 .104 .084 .152 .172 .029 .127 .135 .165 .115 .067 .127 .120 .108
32 .323 .179 .226 .240 .258 .177 .178 .206 .302 .014 .236 .164 .223 .155 .142 .179 .163 .108
*33 .640 .336 .426 .401 .530 .461 .311 .349 .409 .073 .419 .382 .332 .299 .189 .339 .221 .154
34 .326 .197 .596 .287 .313 .210 .134 .259 .263 .046 .251 .224 .234 .200 .126 .212 .188 .111
35 .354 .199 .318 .370 .316 .205 .171 .290 .292 .053 .312 .273 .331 .256 .157 .226 .215 .198
36 .219 .127 .218 .219 .225 .094 .093 .337 .252 -.001 .200 .120 .200 .150 .110 .179 .142 .091
37 .339 .186 .262 .277 .281 .175 .161 .293 .279 .039 .249 .193 .243 .206 .161 .234 .242 .155
Facet 2: Situational aggression towards people
38 .323 .234 .270 .432 .274 .182 .167 .247 .250 .036 .245 .197 .242 .184 .137 .177 .206 .153
39 .245 .201 .214 .251 .232 .113 .110 .194 .208 .031 .208 .139 .185 .163 .072 .139 .170 .170
40 .163 .169 .187 .172 .171 .079 .073 .149 .149 .019 .184 .133 .181 .145 .115 .114 .103 .141
41 .168 .162 .154 .217 .170 .076 .093 .201 .167 .053 .203 .116 .186 .168 .120 .135 .165 .146
42 .115 .112 .112 .153 .121 .045 .049 .124 .108 .029 .134 .027 .150 .098 .097 .102 .112 .122
43 .110 .131 .089 .173 .125 .037 .041 .128 .126 .033 .137 .084 .149 .123 .075 .098 .108 .124
44 .091 .115 .104 .158 .106 .063 .077 .144 .115 .019 .131 .068 .139 .126 .121 .109 .132 .121
45 .029 .027 .002 .059 .039 .037 .067 .044 .082 .038 .023 -.008 .070 .003 .089 .063 .074 -.021
46 .046 .000 .032 .103 .088 .006 -.050 .053 .191 .019 .035 .010 .119 .028 .052 .085 .090 -.017
Appendix F. (Continued)
Fearfulness and Aggression towards People
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 4: Fear during handling
19 20 21 22 *23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
Facet 1: General aggression towards people
30 .196 .096 -.034 .162 -.006 .154 .256 .260 .050 .102 .071
31 .125 .101 .029 .086 -.001 .108 .149 .154 .098 .073 .090
32 .186 .101 -.031 .143 -.035 .142 .252 .215 .058 .088 .053
*33 .254 .157 .023 .217 .161 .147 .346 .287 .062 .107 .102
34 .203 .147 .012 .171 .032 .146 .229 .282 .086 .082 .095
35 .351 .217 -.025 .193 .008 .237 .268 .364 .134 .124 .104
36 .167 .082 -.033 .074 -.069 .164 .190 .221 .091 .074 .082
37 .216 .143 .015 .100 -.017 .189 .222 .252 .092 .096 .114
Facet 2: Situational aggression towards people
38 .217 .100 -.001 .171 -.018 .218 .236 .326 .138 .110 .091
39 .155 .104 -.024 .127 -.015 .237 .332 .290 .116 .067 .089
40 .164 .077 -.016 .122 -.045 .125 .104 .185 .068 .038 .086
41 .165 .113 .028 .102 -.023 .366 .219 .329 .159 .095 .108
42 .120 .066 .003 .086 -.086 .149 .089 .167 .113 .074 .074
43 .106 .060 -.003 .085 -.059 .140 .106 .189 .077 .090 .111
44 .116 .086 -.011 .111 -.048 .184 .136 .188 .109 .082 .057
45 .019 .052 .048 .007 -.034 .037 .056 .034 .081 .102 .087
46 .043 .075 .050 -.047 -.124 .109 .090 .083 .086 .051 .047
Facet 3: Fear/submission towards
Appendix F. (Continued)
Fearfulness and Activity/Excitability
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 1: Fear of people Facet 2: Non-social fear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *9 10 *11 *12 13 *14 15 16 17 *18
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 1: Excitability
-.020 -.034 -.016 .037 -.013 -.073 -.083 .040 .268 -.017 .022 -.014 .080 .003 .051 .022 .060 .007
-.020 -.034 -.011 -.040 -.054 -.140 -.193 -.022 .208 -.049 -.009 -.079 .054 -.042 -.057 -.026 -.022 -.050
.035 .007 .015 .070 .046 -.040 -.076 .078 .264 .053 .039 .019 .133 .026 .050 .078 .087 .010
.022 .000 .033 .016 .007 -.052 -.088 .021 .136 .032 -.017 -.042 .122 .010 -.010 .020 .035 -.021
.020 .013 .033 .081 .036 -.001 -.019 .039 .122 .027 .023 .019 .110 .011 .051 .039 .078 -.007
.146 .093 .131 .141 .143 .044 -.125 .140 .402 .026 .216 .182 .296 .144 .061 .127 .113 .047
.025 .031 .005 .039 .008 .012 -.018 .034 .127 .023 .049 .013 .120 .024 .080 .063 .067 -.011
Facet 2: Playfulness
.010 -.016 -.020 -.066 -.064 -.061 -.040 -.026 .039 -.012 -.072 -.085 -.025 -.080 -.073 -.046 -.021 -.047
-.029 -.052 -.054 -.084 -.079 -.079 -.082 -.055 .028 -.049 -.067 -.101 -.103 -.101 -.091 -.097 -.089 -.065
-.015 -.032 -.030 -.069 -.067 -.099 -.068 -.028 .061 -.029 -.072 -.119 -.061 -.122 -.082 -.034 -.038 -.065
-.054 -.061 -.075 -.055 -.086 -.116 -.101 -.045 .084 -.035 -.068 -.133 -.050 -.115 -.058 -.028 -.015 -.069
-.076 -.076 -.106 -.089 -.114 -.162 -.118 -.091 -.024 -.013 -.164 -.192 -.146 -.154 -.130 -.078 -.105 -.095
-.144 -.184 -.144 -.126 -.146 -.161 -.088 -.074 -.067 -.040 -.175 -.191 -.114 -.171 -.073 -.083 -.052 -.092
-.036 -.048 -.060 -.054 -.037 -.114 -.134 -.026 .076 -.025 -.059 -.061 -.089 -.063 -.054 -.027 -.036 -.064
Facet 3: Active engagement
.007 -.029 .009 .029 -.026 -.028 .019 -.036 .039 -.054 -.084 -.160 .004 -.114 -.029 -.057 -.042 -.049
-.148 -.131 -.100 -.112 -.168 -.200 -.127 -.142 -.048 -.127 -.232 -.301 -.113 -.255 -.146 -.184 -.144 -.151
-.019 -.032 -.008 -.056 -.053 -.122 -.082 -.028 .038 -.093 -.078 -.125 -.087 -.133 -.103 -.088 -.101 -.073
-.078 -.042 -.072 -.054 -.105 -.115 -.086 -.073 -.005 -.040 -.096 -.135 -.028 -.093 -.074 -.075 -.051 -.045
.089 .034 .072 .074 .064 .034 .130 .034 .102 .018 .016 -.053 .091 -.017 .063 .018 .053 -.017
-.046 -.044 -.036 -.059 -.122 -.108 -.065 -.095 -.026 -.057 -.131 -.138 -.063 -.146 -.101 -.100 -.084 -.073
Facet 4: Companionability
-.105 -.093 -.115 -.112 -.131 -.125 -.047 -.047 -.109 .010 -.145 -.121 -.115 -.127 -.013 -.043 -.044 -.109
-.050 -.050 -.090 -.063 -.045 -.035 -.015 -.027 -.026 .050 -.055 -.028 .014 -.055 .008 -.008 .000 -.069
-.173 -.164 -.173 -.124 -.161 -.186 -.072 -.078 -.101 -.016 -.166 -.140 -.104 -.146 -.027 -.096 -.043 -.072
-.083 -.065 -.105 -.047 -.089 -.065 .003 -.073 -.114 .030 -.100 -.104 -.047 -.120 -.013 -.057 -.024 -.093
.134 .116 .118 .126 .142 .197 .179 .054 .062 .044 .110 .103 .147 .130 .080 .088 .096 .082
Appendix F. (Continued)
Fearfulness and Activity/Excitability
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 4: Fear during handling
19 20 21 22 *23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 1: Excitability
47 .056 .085 .051 -.015 -.121 .081 .038 .068 .035 .075 .033
48 .009 .005 .031 -.075 -.306 .012 -.054 .032 -.025 -.034 .029
49 .072 .063 .078 -.188 -.150 .092 -.001 .126 .015 .061 .042
50 .025 .049 .072 -.017 -.223 .013 -.032 .105 -.021 -.002 .057
51 .057 .073 .021 .010 -.121 .086 .060 .091 .081 .082 .041
*52 .159 .123 .068 .039 -.119 .125 .102 .225 -.010 .034 .094
53 .025 .038 .004 .006 -.087 .094 .072 .083 .068 .079 .019
Facet 2: Playfulness
54 .006 .008 .067 .001 -.060 -.063 -.014 -.049 -.035 -.030 -.019
*55 -.050 -.034 .011 -.082 -.054 -.123 -.093 -.085 -.070 -.059 -.072
56 -.023 -.025 .090 -.102 -.124 -.079 -.071 -.031 -.031 -.019 -.022
57 -.028 -.003 .049 -.065 -.192 -.036 -.035 -.046 -.017 -.033 .031
58 -.243 -.133 .045 -.389 -.141 -.115 -.119 -.084 -.087 -.069 -.045
59 -.058 -.043 .039 -.112 -.139 -.099 -.129 -.063 -.047 -.036 -.050
*60 -.099 -.048 -.021 -.413 -.059 -.034 -.090 -.045 -.036 -.070 -.072
Facet 3: Active engagement
61 -.028 -.020 -.026 -.070 -.199 -.026 .002 -.015 .058 -.013 -.040
62 -.113 -.089 -.039 -.134 -.316 -.112 -.138 -.105 -.034 -.066 -.040
*63 -.055 -.042 -.022 -.095 -.137 -.106 -.095 -.040 -.066 -.090 -.049
64 -.062 -.052 .016 -.053 -.138 -.079 -.075 -.075 -.064 -.023 -.062
65 .053 .017 -.020 .014 -.176 .047 .077 .064 .055 .067 .012
66 -.034 -.039 -.004 -.014 -.125 -.108 -.071 -.075 -.047 -.029 -.093
Facet 4: Companionability
67 -.090 -.055 .026 -.088 -.039 -.098 -.103 -.096 -.004 .025 -.014
68 .011 .056 .065 -.031 -.041 -.019 -.063 -.016 .044 .090 .075
69 -.062 -.031 .006 -.106 -.077 -.033 -.134 -.095 .007 .052 -.001
70 -.050 -.022 .006 -.060 -.013 -.056 -.066 -.073 .038 .112 -.056
71 .087 .029 .003 .159 .025 .072 .111 .104 .035 .032 .065
Facet 3: Fear/submission towards
Appendix F. (Continued)
Fearfulness and Responsiveness to Training
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 1: Fear of people Facet 2: Non-social fear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *9 10 *11 *12 13 *14 15 16 17 *18 19 20 21 22 *23
Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1: Trainability
*72 -.042 -.046 -.055 -.069 -.101 -.034 .041 -.105 -.153 -.006 -.106 -.086 -.110 -.122 -.068 -.113 -.089 -.076 -.074 -.055 .008 -.026 .040
73 -.027 -.036 -.023 -.041 -.062 -.004 .083 -.063 -.144 -.034 -.101 -.095 -.062 -.139 -.051 -.082 -.053 -.095 -.039 -.034 -.027 .031 .010
74 -.061 -.019 -.039 -.115 -.096 -.060 -.005 -.106 -.103 -.046 -.130 -.102 -.084 -.132 -.101 -.136 -.103 -.103 -.070 -.098 -.051 -.023 -.027
75 -.155 -.078 -.086 -.163 -.241 -.155 -.053 -.198 -.303 -.110 -.295 -.270 -.244 -.258 -.204 -.242 -.190 -.112 -.153 -.146 -.090 -.002 -.124
*76 -.030 -.055 -.030 -.086 -.102 -.039 .062 -.091 -.169 -.018 -.090 -.075 -.120 -.107 -.072 -.109 -.080 -.070 -.090 -.065 -.015 .014 .039
*77 -.063 -.048 -.035 -.077 -.131 -.126 -.050 -.075 -.067 -.125 -.149 -.172 -.121 -.148 -.121 -.171 -.126 -.057 -.061 -.077 -.065 -.062 -.133
78 -.071 -.102 -.053 -.093 -.098 -.103 -.001 -.097 -.131 -.118 -.176 -.247 -.125 -.150 -.103 -.145 -.118 -.075 -.061 -.089 -.087 -.033 -.185
Facet 2: Controllability
*79 -.008 -.038 -.001 -.042 -.035 .022 .108 -.050 -.148 -.043 -.045 -.020 -.093 -.037 .025 -.051 -.036 -.020 -.017 -.037 -.093 .059 .091
80 -.001 -.012 -.005 -.053 -.063 -.006 .058 -.073 -.165 -.013 -.100 -.069 -.076 -.093 -.060 -.099 -.068 -.059 -.055 -.069 -.014 .057 .014
81 -.047 -.035 -.037 -.065 -.068 -.003 .075 -.107 -.137 -.018 -.116 -.060 -.088 -.111 -.058 -.083 -.071 -.072 -.046 -.061 -.024 .002 .047
*82 .029 -.008 .009 -.060 -.021 .033 .086 -.046 -.111 -.032 -.017 .021 -.074 -.040 -.047 -.048 -.057 .017 -.016 -.046 -.054 .044 .129
83 -.029 -.009 -.012 -.031 -.039 .012 .035 -.093 -.147 -.013 -.076 .004 -.046 -.076 -.050 -.050 -.070 -.023 -.041 -.048 -.019 -.021 .085
*84 -.033 .001 -.018 -.058 -.061 .026 .078 -.049 -.205 -.033 -.071 -.035 -.117 -.054 -.050 -.076 -.070 -.037 -.031 -.083 -.008 .057 .111
*85 -.074 -.059 -.063 -.123 -.102 -.028 -.002 -.142 -.175 -.007 -.097 -.030 -.181 -.093 -.067 -.102 -.101 -.079 -.116 -.089 -.005 -.065 .116
Facet 3: Fear/submission towards
Appendix F. (Continued)
Fearfulness and Responsiveness to Training
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 4: Fear during handling
19 20 21 22 *23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1: Trainability
*72 -.074 -.055 .008 -.026 .040 -.133 -.068 -.118 -.013 .029 -.110
73 -.039 -.034 -.027 .031 .010 -.089 -.027 -.085 .025 .052 -.093
74 -.070 -.098 -.051 -.023 -.027 -.149 -.065 -.120 -.093 -.054 -.094
75 -.153 -.146 -.090 -.002 -.124 -.185 -.139 -.207 -.051 -.058 -.130
*76 -.090 -.065 -.015 .014 .039 -.121 -.069 -.116 -.056 -.014 -.120
*77 -.061 -.077 -.065 -.062 -.133 -.145 -.070 -.080 -.048 -.096 -.119
78 -.061 -.089 -.087 -.033 -.185 -.120 -.067 -.124 .008 -.041 -.078
Facet 2: Controllability
*79 -.017 -.037 -.093 .059 .091 -.052 .035 -.087 .035 .026 -.109
80 -.055 -.069 -.014 .057 .014 -.108 -.055 -.086 -.048 .030 -.116
81 -.046 -.061 -.024 .002 .047 -.147 -.052 -.124 -.057 .023 -.104
*82 -.016 -.046 -.054 .044 .129 -.063 -.010 -.095 -.063 .004 -.088
83 -.041 -.048 -.019 -.021 .085 -.066 -.045 -.075 -.016 -.012 -.078
*84 -.031 -.083 -.008 .057 .111 -.139 -.093 -.103 -.036 -.057 -.072
*85 -.116 -.089 -.005 -.065 .116 -.142 -.120 -.137 -.068 -.012 -.131
Facet 3: Fear/submission towards
Appendix F. (Continued)
Fearfulness and Aggression towards Animals
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 1: Fear of people Facet 2: Non-social fear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *9 10 *11 *12 13 *14 15 16 17 *18 19 20 21 22 *23
Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs
86 .146 .106 .150 .150 .152 .045 .047 .105 .182 .010 .181 .102 .211 .123 .080 .085 .113 .073 .292 .030 -.167 .243 -.141
87 .102 .047 .084 .152 .080 -.015 .044 .088 .121 -.013 .120 .010 .136 .077 .065 .051 .081 .066 .153 -.034 -.204 .164 -.188
88 .141 .108 .146 .125 .137 .049 .031 .124 .169 .012 .177 .117 .186 .113 .066 .094 .102 .066 .263 .035 -.141 .210 -.115
*89 .191 .116 .202 .151 .197 .132 .092 .125 .185 .020 .254 .212 .219 .180 .099 .104 .116 .117 .395 .113 -.141 .439 -.019
*90 .126 .096 .167 .120 .153 .157 .105 .098 .102 .007 .223 .222 .202 .180 .116 .089 .092 .119 .343 .127 -.089 .512 .080
Facet 2: Prey drive
91 .040 .057 .071 .079 .068 .008 .009 .061 .096 -.009 .061 .003 .093 .030 .057 .034 .069 .013 .065 .024 -.043 .028 -.103
92 .027 .024 .034 .059 .028 -.014 -.033 .030 .102 .007 .006 .004 .060 .010 .023 .011 .060 .013 .027 .017 -.019 -.028 -.106
93 .036 .012 .044 .065 .029 .009 -.011 .014 .099 .021 .012 .004 .085 -.006 .023 .025 .048 .003 .033 .046 .001 -.002 -.113
94 .003 .047 .051 .054 .021 -.006 -.012 -.006 .023 .000 .004 -.006 .061 -.013 -.023 .007 .015 .020 .024 -.037 -.076 .034 -.143
95 .135 .085 .117 .152 .133 .060 .024 .190 .235 .014 .131 .089 .157 .097 .069 .133 .116 .030 .118 .086 .023 -.001 -.089
96 .032 .029 .032 .063 .045 .003 -.020 .056 .119 .026 .041 .028 .089 .026 .058 .046 .084 -.011 .061 .051 .027 -.005 -.106
Facet 3: Dominance over dogs
97 .098 .086 .124 .149 .103 .032 .027 .074 .107 .028 .126 .047 .124 .086 .072 .090 .097 .087 .134 .043 -.047 .138 -.096
*98 .086 .054 .122 .103 .101 .038 .015 .061 .105 .002 .164 .063 .124 .089 .064 .064 .064 .072 .126 .026 -.099 .173 -.064
99 -.032 -.024 .010 -.012 -.028 -.148 -.070 -.040 .053 -.131 .007 -.198 .013 -.049 -.051 -.075 -.034 -.005 -.061 -.207 -.339 .018 -.378
100 .044 .021 .066 .041 .040 -.073 -.091 .014 .164 -.056 .080 -.082 .085 -.006 -.022 .003 .032 .039 .021 -.086 -.187 .012 -.306
101 .015 .031 .020 .080 .023 -.019 .033 -.002 .012 .018 .018 -.016 .080 .028 .043 .032 .057 .045 .018 -.019 -.080 .060 -.099
102 .000 -.020 .041 -.010 -.015 -.090 -.113 .015 .112 .002 -.019 -.056 .014 -.053 -.013 .010 .011 -.008 -.051 -.012 -.072 -.102 -.191
Facet 3: Fear/submission towards
Appendix F. (Continued)
Fearfulness and Aggression towards Animals
Factor 1: Fearfulness
Facet 4: Fear during handling
24 25 26 27 28 29
Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs
86 .143 .127 .206 .039 .078 .054
87 .103 .089 .134 .034 .066 .029
88 .136 .122 .198 .010 .047 .048
*89 .162 .187 .190 .053 .083 .076
*90 .136 .170 .125 .051 .081 .070
Facet 2: Prey drive
91 .061 .082 .113 .013 .013 .024
92 .048 .064 .073 .007 .019 -.009
93 .087 .068 .062 .077 .073 .023
94 .023 .011 .055 .015 .018 .003
95 .129 .105 .151 .060 .068 .068
96 .053 .044 .091 .011 .025 .026
Facet 3: Dominance over dogs
97 .129 .105 .138 .074 .070 .048
*98 .096 .110 .127 .021 .031 .035
99 .010 .011 .038 -.058 -.021 -.005
100 .052 .023 .103 -.060 .016 .035
101 .054 .053 .070 .074 .100 .043
102 .012 -.020 .054 -.041 -.025 .044
Appendix F. (Continued)
Aggression towards People and Activity/Excitability
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
Facet 1: General aggression towards people Facet 2: Situational aggression towards people
30 31 32 *33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 1: Excitability
47 .080 .044 .129 -.067 .044 .100 .124 .082 .038 .045 .067 .088 .109 .066 .061 .281 .281
48 .058 .044 .088 -.024 .061 .079 .119 .084 .048 .032 .063 .080 .097 .077 .044 .143 .265
49 .088 .050 .063 -.021 .075 .127 .147 .133 .068 .079 .079 .101 .089 .074 .023 .125 .295
50 .070 .052 .043 .012 .084 .073 .090 .081 .055 .038 .033 .074 .078 .091 .066 .122 .246
51 .093 .069 .131 .011 .094 .121 .178 .125 .086 .048 .064 .090 .114 .058 .067 .095 .251
*52 .145 .104 .146 .134 .176 .218 .187 .161 .150 .130 .130 .177 .140 .138 .123 .095 .240
53 .083 .039 .117 .025 .050 .058 .063 .057 .047 .035 .052 .043 .126 .030 .067 .338 .283
Facet 2: Playfulness
54 .004 .018 .042 -.009 -.014 -.043 .010 .000 -.009 -.003 -.046 -.004 -.056 -.012 -.057 .053 .036
*55 -.015 -.008 .013 -.003 -.040 -.040 -.043 -.026 -.031 -.038 -.045 -.055 -.080 -.044 -.065 .021 -.003
56 -.013 .003 .016 -.030 -.005 -.035 -.011 -.008 .000 -.013 -.009 .006 -.040 -.025 -.019 .107 .095
57 .011 .024 -.001 -.059 -.026 -.031 .007 .027 .005 .030 -.038 .024 -.028 .031 -.011 .102 .137
58 -.086 -.040 -.078 -.091 -.074 -.121 -.023 -.024 -.088 -.067 -.093 -.082 -.052 -.092 -.089 .031 .090
59 -.109 -.137 -.093 -.178 -.125 -.093 -.035 -.045 -.063 -.062 -.087 -.059 -.042 -.060 -.058 .125 .102
*60 -.029 -.007 -.021 -.078 -.035 -.003 .059 .007 -.039 -.022 -.027 .006 -.013 -.026 -.035 .020 .127
Facet 3: Active engagement
61 .068 .006 .096 .049 .015 .025 .092 .040 .018 -.007 -.007 -.001 .050 -.024 -.015 .120 .116
62 -.075 -.026 -.030 -.131 -.059 -.085 -.007 -.053 -.041 -.034 -.060 -.019 -.008 -.054 -.050 .040 .175
*63 -.017 -.011 -.013 .007 -.025 -.033 .024 .002 -.021 -.051 -.031 -.025 -.036 -.017 -.057 .063 .100
64 -.031 -.032 .013 -.054 -.044 -.050 -.001 -.026 -.030 -.032 -.063 -.020 .037 -.010 -.030 .039 .087
65 .174 .040 .243 .145 .092 .102 .177 .124 .118 .057 .036 .061 .097 .031 .033 .133 .191
66 -.040 -.042 .032 -.045 -.032 -.029 -.002 -.044 -.017 -.017 -.070 -.036 .020 -.018 -.044 .027 .066
Facet 4: Companionability
67 -.076 -.061 -.050 -.160 -.114 -.125 -.038 -.049 -.091 -.070 -.108 -.122 -.032 -.132 -.130 .224 .018
68 -.055 -.035 -.035 -.109 -.095 -.066 -.042 -.025 -.086 -.062 -.082 -.062 -.003 -.016 -.031 .202 .081
69 -.136 -.063 -.088 -.241 -.141 -.116 -.079 -.094 -.126 -.105 -.095 -.055 -.020 -.080 -.064 .161 .058
70 -.086 -.078 -.056 -.118 -.116 -.098 -.072 -.079 -.075 -.058 -.121 -.121 -.024 -.117 -.110 .203 .005
71 .132 .069 .099 .195 .125 .095 .043 .053 .134 .073 .110 .067 .077 .089 .094 -.078 -.011
Appendix F. (Continued)
Aggression towards People and Responsiveness to Training
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
Facet 1: General aggression towards people Facet 2: Situational aggression towards people
30 31 32 *33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1: Trainability
*72 -.080 -.123 -.047 -.012 -.093 -.160 -.120 -.110 -.112 -.079 -.152 -.157 -.154 -.237 -.145 -.002 -.125
73 -.014 -.070 .023 -.001 -.067 -.084 -.052 -.053 -.068 -.068 -.100 -.145 -.107 -.200 -.113 .057 -.091
74 -.013 -.072 -.014 .005 -.027 -.089 -.065 -.076 -.073 -.041 -.080 -.106 -.167 -.151 -.119 .024 -.096
75 -.090 -.085 -.049 -.107 -.103 -.132 -.133 -.153 -.119 -.094 -.103 -.137 -.084 -.112 -.079 -.035 -.193
*76 -.075 -.132 -.006 .003 -.087 -.122 -.137 -.104 -.089 -.076 -.135 -.154 -.162 -.178 -.126 -.038 -.186
*77 -.024 -.063 -.005 -.035 -.029 -.069 -.007 -.052 -.046 -.011 -.074 -.060 -.080 -.094 -.080 -.044 -.026
78 -.009 -.072 -.011 -.044 -.035 -.056 -.014 -.029 -.030 -.033 -.060 -.052 -.012 -.052 -.046 .029 -.008
Facet 2: Controllability
Facet 2: Unruliness
-.062 -.104 -.034 .004 -.071 -.071 -.094 -.086 -.062 -.092 -.103 -.122 -.126 -.122 -.066 -.037 -.145
Facet 2: Unruliness
-.013 -.079 .037 .029 -.048 -.079 -.094 -.080 -.038 -.030 -.103 -.113 -.081 -.120 -.085 -.008 -.191
Facet 2: Unruliness
-.031 -.139 -.026 .003 -.051 -.142 -.104 -.076 -.111 -.099 -.136 -.150 -.272 -.196 -.149 -.003 -.147
Facet 2: Unruliness
-.010 -.095 -.011 .049 -.036 -.052 -.127 -.072 -.063 -.043 -.086 -.078 -.168 -.116 -.095 -.071 -.245
Facet 2: Unruliness
-.119 -.137 -.101 -.036 -.061 -.124 -.110 -.099 -.124 -.124 -.100 -.137 -.207 -.169 -.121 -.035 -.120
Facet 2: Unruliness
-.087 -.068 -.084 -.011 -.082 -.103 -.131 -.108 -.045 -.068 -.073 -.108 -.120 -.115 -.085 -.097 -.490
Facet 2: Unruliness
-.157 -.251 -.127 -.056 -.121 -.216 -.192 -.156 -.180 -.166 -.239 -.252 -.208 -.284 -.216 -.053 -.132
Appendix F. (Continued)
Aggression towards People and Aggression towards Animals
Factor 2: Aggression towards People
Facet 1: General aggression towards people Facet 2: Situational aggression towards people
30 31 32 *33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs
86 .323 .172 .313 .201 .279 .436 .310 .251 .291 .222 .319 .207 .246 .151 .181 -.007 .065
87 .264 .146 .304 .183 .171 .370 .254 .214 .283 .177 .206 .168 .249 .133 .167 .020 .062
88 .273 .175 .256 .161 .259 .406 .280 .231 .260 .224 .355 .203 .212 .155 .155 -.007 .060
*89 .278 .111 .274 .272 .257 .369 .218 .212 .259 .206 .251 .195 .165 .101 .157 -.038 .011
*90 .170 .065 .164 .191 .154 .230 .099 .093 .162 .124 .172 .113 .094 .077 .118 -.041 -.059
Facet 2: Prey drive
91 .177 .089 .203 .087 .163 .195 .227 .140 .141 .114 .094 .108 .185 .108 .094 -.004 .151
92 .084 .039 .114 .031 .103 .113 .179 .111 .068 .058 .042 .060 .114 .062 .026 .031 .177
93 .083 .044 .136 .037 .096 .094 .166 .106 .090 .038 .034 .049 .097 .019 .045 .051 .216
94 .059 .032 .091 .031 .085 .104 .140 .083 .078 .053 .050 .030 .153 .017 .057 -.053 .105
95 .231 .140 .214 .134 .196 .218 .617 .283 .189 .167 .130 .192 .140 .138 .122 .036 .203
96 .067 .058 .098 .016 .096 .105 .156 .090 .064 .052 .070 .072 .112 .079 .048 .057 .200
Facet 3: Dominance over dogs
97 .162 .105 .180 .106 .163 .234 .170 .144 .194 .122 .134 .131 .593 .124 .187 .023 .096
*98 .155 .074 .163 .122 .163 .194 .138 .143 .161 .117 .125 .116 .412 .113 .165 .004 .093
99 .178 .075 .192 .088 .114 .166 .157 .107 .144 .116 .153 .093 .249 .112 .119 .008 .070
100 .167 .084 .195 .082 .140 .206 .167 .153 .174 .102 .167 .118 .260 .146 .125 .030 .100
101 .071 .063 .075 .050 .048 .102 .097 .081 .100 .061 .063 .074 .088 .087 .071 .003 .121
102 .026 .033 .058 -.025 .056 .064 .116 .072 .038 .069 .075 .044 .101 .074 .041 .028 .155
Appendix F. (Continued)
Activity/Excitability and Responsiveness to Training
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 1: Excitability Facet 2: Playfulness Facet 3: Active engagement
47 48 49 50 51 *52 53 54 *55 56 57 58 59 *60 61 62 *63 64 65 66
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1: Trainability
*72 -.126 -.107 -.172 -.038 -.099 -.154 -.099 .160 .173 .098 .009 .115 .114 -.030 .143 .066 .157 .080 .034 .166
73 -.088 -.090 -.169 -.011 -.103 -.150 -.047 .147 .115 .123 .034 .051 .107 -.055 .217 .139 .128 .096 .081 .179
74 -.104 -.023 -.087 .060 -.073 -.087 -.045 .203 .198 .153 .062 .098 .106 -.009 .180 .090 .179 .137 .080 .197
75 -.147 -.075 -.245 -.004 -.110 -.195 -.101 .162 .143 .088 .014 .104 .077 -.125 .136 .094 .134 .157 .018 .203
*76 -.163 -.142 -.206 -.040 -.145 -.173 -.104 .193 .212 .120 .029 .047 .055 -.021 .097 .008 .149 .123 .022 .170
*77 -.019 .063 -.042 .130 -.004 .023 -.064 .276 .201 .188 .126 .162 .158 .041 .266 .218 .287 .214 .098 .313
78 -.026 .044 -.043 .106 .049 -.070 -.037 .174 .095 .140 .089 .117 .170 -.002 .344 .270 .203 .145 .191 .215
Facet 2: Controllability
*79 -.137 -.268 -.233 -.217 -.129 -.247 -.086 -.027 .046 -.093 -.094 -.111 -.036 -.105 .028 -.071 -.042 -.131 -.014 .003
80 -.156 -.094 -.225 .014 -.172 -.134 -.100 .206 .171 .107 .035 .028 .092 -.120 .104 .024 .113 .115 .028 .173
81 -.118 -.099 -.128 -.038 -.094 -.182 -.078 .110 .110 .080 .055 .099 .068 -.032 .143 .044 .094 .051 .090 .135
*82 -.183 -.200 -.220 -.169 -.226 -.203 -.181 .096 .124 .052 -.025 -.052 .015 -.107 -.025 -.077 .002 -.016 -.073 .059
83 -.119 -.101 -.121 -.131 -.075 -.149 -.063 -.028 -.040 -.049 -.138 .067 .023 -.004 .028 .010 .008 -.028 -.047 .041
*84 -.272 -.232 -.291 -.174 -.273 -.222 -.279 .001 .037 -.045 -.117 -.054 -.021 -.111 -.047 -.061 -.032 -.033 -.112 -.039
*85 -.160 -.146 -.130 -.117 -.087 -.197 -.127 .004 .107 .024 -.043 .090 .052 .029 -.011 -.020 .056 .032 -.049 .083
Appendix F. (Continued)
Activity/Excitability and Responsiveness to Training
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 4: Companionability
67 68 69 70 71
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1: Trainability
*72 .147 .053 .065 .216 -.135
73 .208 .153 .166 .312 -.117
74 .138 .068 .100 .217 -.108
75 .074 .022 .071 .162 -.059
*76 .091 .032 .061 .187 -.130
*77 .034 .013 .019 .135 -.095
78 .094 .036 .068 .169 -.045
Facet 2: Controllability
*79 .008 -.028 .005 .071 .003
80 .124 .080 .077 .209 -.081
81 .084 .020 .039 .145 -.030
*82 .027 -.008 .004 .064 -.057
83 .044 -.013 .010 .069 -.026
*84 .048 -.049 -.008 .066 -.010
*85 .104 -.008 .059 .138 -.123
Appendix F. (Continued)
Activity/Excitability and Aggression towards Animals
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 1: Excitability Facet 2: Playfulness Facet 3: Active engagement
47 48 49 50 51 *52 53 54 *55 56 57 58 59 *60 61 62 *63 64 65 66
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs
86 .093 .093 .207 .051 .183 .176 .105 -.066 -.058 -.064 -.034 -.201 -.075 .029 .022 -.038 -.035 -.017 .127 -.058
87 .074 .081 .136 .067 .166 .134 .097 -.038 -.052 -.022 .014 -.102 -.027 .007 .074 .000 -.002 .019 .146 .020
88 .090 .079 .205 .060 .170 .192 .101 -.042 -.033 -.053 -.022 -.186 -.066 .068 .031 -.063 -.031 -.004 .083 -.031
*89 .040 .015 .034 -.024 .108 .152 .059 -.073 -.056 -.109 -.074 -.371 -.125 -.129 -.037 -.144 -.057 -.035 .075 -.035
*90 -.035 -.128 -.177 -.127 .007 .030 .027 -.124 -.167 -.227 -.187 -.664 -.254 -.339 -.122 -.186 -.178 -.100 -.032 -.107
Facet 2: Prey drive
91 .108 .093 .169 .083 .399 .118 .113 -.060 -.072 -.028 -.011 -.007 -.038 .065 .040 .052 -.014 .004 .193 -.015
92 .131 .164 .233 .164 .501 .169 .136 -.001 -.064 .033 .065 .098 .026 .097 .072 .095 .060 .052 .239 .033
93 .160 .175 .216 .142 .756 .144 .166 .055 -.040 .061 .077 .084 .036 .079 .105 .152 .057 .087 .368 .090
94 .021 .083 .078 .030 .417 .052 .075 -.088 -.131 -.074 -.055 -.027 -.048 -.019 .046 .082 -.007 .035 .185 .026
95 .174 .212 .239 .199 .267 .266 .116 .031 -.033 .036 .081 .056 .038 .131 .096 .054 .076 .038 .196 .046
96 .178 .170 .280 .188 .499 .203 .150 .011 -.059 .055 .100 .070 .039 .089 .051 .104 .036 .045 .223 -.004
Facet 3: Dominance over other dogs
97 .089 .093 .072 .050 .129 .147 .097 -.062 -.100 -.051 -.031 -.077 -.047 -.040 .034 .006 -.026 .027 .093 .039
*98 .045 .043 .037 .051 .112 .143 .114 -.048 -.068 -.027 -.027 -.191 -.081 -.059 -.008 -.027 -.006 .043 .065 .026
99 .057 .147 .094 .072 .136 .105 .109 -.042 -.063 -.005 .033 -.007 -.032 .007 .086 .079 .018 .052 .164 .057
100 .137 .252 .236 .167 .168 .235 .139 -.012 -.046 .035 .062 .038 .009 .088 .074 .064 .038 .035 .121 .011
101 .042 .021 .061 .002 .096 .005 .075 -.068 -.121 -.103 -.056 -.097 -.075 -.074 .016 .013 -.039 -.017 .056 -.001
102 .137 .228 .244 .165 .148 .167 .084 -.015 -.045 .033 .091 .179 .041 .149 .036 .091 .082 .053 .068 .061
Appendix F. (Continued)
Activity/Excitability and Aggression towards Animals
Factor 3: Activity/Excitability
Facet 4: Companionability
67 68 69 70 71
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs
86 -.086 -.025 -.052 -.059 .094
87 -.040 -.025 -.025 -.031 .089
88 -.044 -.039 -.060 -.053 .059
*89 -.138 -.053 -.115 -.116 .123
*90 -.175 -.093 -.142 -.132 .143
Facet 2: Prey drive
91 -.066 -.051 -.075 -.073 .059
92 -.053 -.007 -.054 -.054 .035
93 -.041 .001 -.023 -.034 .025
94 -.048 -.098 -.072 -.064 .049
95 -.043 .011 -.048 -.065 .014
96 -.047 .007 -.030 -.074 .050
Facet 3: Dominance over other dogs
97 -.042 -.017 -.015 -.038 .057
*98 -.071 -.065 -.061 -.061 .071
99 -.039 -.022 -.023 -.010 .089
100 -.042 .002 -.037 -.043 .047
101 -.036 -.022 -.029 -.035 .113
102 -.011 .064 -.006 -.072 -.017
Appendix F. (Continued)
Responsiveness to Training and Aggression towards Animals
Factor 4: Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1: Trainability Facet 2: Unruliness
*72 73 74 75 *76 *77 78 *79 80 81 *82 83 *84 *85
Factor 5: Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1: Aggression towards dogs
86 -.126 -.046 -.046 -.130 -.103 -.070 -.025 -.039 -.085 -.111 -.091 -.122 -.098 -.164
87 -.097 -.024 -.044 -.062 -.055 -.002 .033 -.043 -.056 -.052 -.076 -.103 -.085 -.121
88 -.127 -.076 -.072 -.147 -.108 -.059 -.048 -.067 -.100 -.105 -.102 -.109 -.122 -.164
*89 -.095 -.044 -.058 -.134 -.051 -.047 -.064 .007 -.060 -.071 -.005 -.097 -.057 -.126
*90 -.086 -.039 -.081 -.105 -.036 -.115 -.098 .080 -.027 -.057 .036 -.062 .017 -.088
Facet 2: Prey drive
91 -.136 -.096 -.096 -.096 -.158 -.033 -.004 -.116 -.168 -.140 -.169 -.139 -.177 -.126
92 -.093 -.105 -.066 -.096 -.131 .043 .022 -.136 -.140 -.084 -.181 -.068 -.199 -.064
93 -.039 -.061 -.054 -.074 -.088 .044 .069 -.098 -.127 -.038 -.174 -.039 -.242 -.034
94 -.065 -.052 -.037 -.004 -.107 .009 .033 -.126 -.120 -.088 -.177 -.040 -.128 -.027
95 -.150 -.108 -.104 -.172 -.148 -.009 -.023 -.162 -.141 -.117 -.206 -.114 -.199 -.150
96 -.110 -.125 -.101 -.127 -.146 .001 -.003 -.156 -.151 -.117 -.196 -.119 -.202 -.113
Facet 3: Dominance over other dogs
97 -.115 -.067 -.154 -.056 -.107 -.052 -.043 -.106 -.049 -.181 -.148 -.147 -.135 -.126
*98 -.120 -.054 -.120 -.091 -.076 -.030 -.042 -.111 -.039 -.191 -.094 -.245 -.116 -.102
99 -.050 -.035 .012 .041 -.065 .027 .058 -.038 -.031 -.039 -.080 -.091 -.103 -.177
100 -.122 -.094 -.044 -.053 -.107 -.003 .013 -.118 -.074 -.086 -.155 -.113 -.163 -.158
101 -.086 -.009 -.048 .009 -.074 -.058 -.027 .005 -.048 -.029 -.051 -.050 -.087 -.085
102 -.120 -.109 -.082 -.056 -.151 .007 -.030 -.164 -.130 -.107 -.174 -.092 -.184 -.108
Appendix G. Study 3: Items retained and removed in creating the final DPQ forms
Facet 1
Dog behaves fearfully towards unfamiliar
Dog behaves fearfully towards familiar people.
Dog behaves fearfully towards children.
Dog behaves fearfully in response to perceived
threats from people (e.g., being cornered, having
collar reached for).
Dog behaves fearfully when near crowds of
Dog is cautious, careful.
Dog is shy.
Dog behaves fearfully towards moving bicycles,
joggers, skateboarders.
Dog is relaxed when greeting people.
Dog behaves submissively (e.g., rolls over, avoids
eye contact, licks lips) when greeting people.
Facet 2
Dog adapts easily to new situations and
Dog is fearful of loud noises (e.g., heavy traffic, car
horns, slamming doors, fireworks).
Dog is confident.
Dog attempts to flee from novel objects or
Dog is anxious
Dog easily gets over unpleasant experiences (e.g.,
painful toe nail clippings).
Dog is quick to recover after being startled or
Dog is easily startled by unexpected contact with
objects (e.g., tripping, brushing against a door
Facet 3
Dog behaves fearfully towards other dogs.
Dog behaves fearfully when threatened by other
dogs (e.g., growled or lunged at, cornered).
Dog behaves submissively (e.g., rolls over,
avoids eye contact, licks lips) when greeting
other dogs.
Dog avoids other dogs.
Dog is bold.
Appendix G. (Continued)
Facet 4
Dog behaves fearfully when groomed (e.g., nails
trimmed, brushed, bathed, ears cleaned).
When alone or about to be left alone, dog shakes,
shivers, or trembles.
Dog behaves fearfully during visits to the
Dog exhibits fearful behaviors when restrained.
Dog is sensitive (and reactive) to pain.
Dog is easily upset when corrected, scolded, or
Facet 1
Dog behaves aggressively towards unfamiliar
Dog behaves aggressively towards familiar people.
Dog behaves aggressively when a person (e.g.,
visitor, delivery person) approaches the house or
Dog behaves aggressively towards moving bicycles,
joggers, skateboarders.
Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar people.
Dog behaves aggressively towards people with
unfamiliar objects (e.g., canes, wheelchairs,
Dog behaves aggressively towards children.
Dog shows aggression when nervous or fearful.
Facet 2
Dog behaves aggressively in response to
perceived threats from people (e.g., being
cornered, having collar reached for).
Dog displays aggression that is sudden and without
apparent reason.
Dog behaves aggressively during visits to the
Dog behaves aggressively when scolded or
Dog behaves aggressively when restrained or
handled (e.g., groomed).
Dog aggressively guards coveted items (e.g.,
stolen item, treats, food bowl).
Dog behaves aggressively if disturbed or moved
when resting.
Appendix G. (Continued)
Facet 1
Dog is very excitable when visitors arrive.
Dog becomes very excited when owner returns
Dog is boisterous.
Dog is active (e.g., jumps, sniffs a lot) when
walking on a leash.
Dog is very excitable around other dogs.
Dog seeks constant activity.
Dog seeks constant activity.
Dog is very excitable just before being taken for a
Dog tends to be calm.
Dog is very excitable when around squirrels, birds,
or other small animals.
Facet 2
Dog retrieves objects (e.g., balls, toys, sticks).
Dog is active during play with other dogs.
Dog gets bored in play quickly.
Dog is playful with familiar people.
Dog enjoys playing with toys.
Dog is interested in playing tug-o-war with
people or dogs.
Dog is aloof or indifferent towards other dogs.
Facet 3
Dog is very alert.
Dog is very watchful (e.g., monitors for squirrels,
attends to noises).
Dog is curious.
Dog is lethargic
Dog works at tasks (e.g., getting treats out of a
Kong, shredding toys) until entirely finished.
Dog will work to obtain an object or reward
(e.g., ball, treat) that is hidden.
Facet 4
Dog is affectionate.
Dog follows people around.
Dog seeks companionship from people.
Dog loves to be praised.
Dog is aloof.
Appendix G. (Continued)
Facet 1
Dog is slow to respond to corrections.
Dog is willing to complete work, task, or training
without a reward.
Dog is attentive to owner’s actions and words.
Dog is intelligent.
Dog is able to focus on a task in a distracting
situation (e.g., loud or busy places, around other
Dog ignores commands.
Dog is slow to learn new tricks or tasks.
Facet 2
Dog is destructive.
Dog is willing to let go of toys when playing (e.g.,
during tug-o-war).
When off leash, dog comes immediately when
Dog is dominant over owner.
Dog leaves food or objects alone when told to do
Dog is quick to sneak out through open doors,
When walking on leash, dog tends to pull ahead.
Facet 1
Dog behaves aggressively toward dogs.
Dog responds aggressively when threatened by
another dog (e.g., growled or lunged at,
Dog has a tendency to attack (or attempt to
attack) other dogs.
Dog is friendly towards other dogs.
Dog is playful with other dogs.
Appendix G. (Continued)
Facet 2
Dog behaves aggressively towards cats. 92 Dog likes to chase cats.
Dog likes to chase squirrels, birds, or other small
Dog catches and kills other animals (e.g.,
squirrels, rabbits).
Dog likes to chase bicycles, joggers, and
Dog is very excitable around cats.
Facet 3
Dog guards food or treats from other dogs.
Dog frequently urine marks.
Dog willingly shares toys with other dogs.
Dog is dominant over other dogs.
Dog is assertive or pushy with other dogs (e.g.,
if in a home with other dogs, when greeting).
Dog jumps up on (e.g., in play) and/or mounts
other dogs (outside appropriate mating).
Note. Items marked with an asterisk were retained for the short-, or 45-item, form.
Appendix H. DPQ Long (75-item) form and scoring sheet
Dog Personality Questionnaire (DPQ)
Here are a number of personality traits and behavioral descriptions that may or may not apply to your dog.
Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that
statement. You should rate your dog based on his or her general, overall behavior.
Neither agree
nor disagree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1._____ Dog is relaxed when greeting people. 19._____ Dog is confident.
2._____ Dog behaves aggressively if disturbed or moved
when resting.
20._____ Dog is dominant over other dogs.
_____ Dog is aloof or indifferent towards other dogs. 21._____ Dog avoids other dogs.
_____ Dog is destructive. 22._____ Dog catches and kills other animals (e.g., squirrels,
5._____ Dog behaves aggressively toward dogs. 23._____ Dog behaves aggressively when a person (e.g.,
visitor, delivery person) approaches the house or
6._____ Dog is anxious 24._____ Dog is easily startled by unexpected contact with
objects (e.g., tripping, brushing against a door
7._____ Dog loves to be praised. 25._____ Dog works at tasks (e.g., getting treats out of a
Kong, shredding toys) until entirely finished.
8._____ Dog responds aggressively when threatened by
another dog (e.g., growled or lunged at, cornered).
26._____ Dog is very excitable around cats.
9._____ Dog is bold. 27._____ Dog is boisterous.
10._____ Dog is lethargic 28._____ Dog behaves fearfully during visits to the
11._____ When off leash, dog comes immediately when
29._____ When walking on leash, dog tends to pull ahead.
12._____ Dog is shy. 30._____ Dog behaves fearfully when near crowds of people.
13._____ Dog behaves aggressively towards unfamiliar
31._____ Dog enjoys playing with toys.
14._____ Dog will work to obtain an object or reward (e.g.,
ball, treat) that is hidden.
32._____ Dog is easily upset when corrected, scolded, or
15._____ Dog likes to chase squirrels, birds, or other small
33._____ Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar people.
16._____ Dog gets bored in play quickly. 34._____ Dog is playful with other dogs.
17._____ Dog behaves aggressively when restrained or
handled (e.g., groomed).
35._____ Dog seeks companionship from people.
18._____ Dog is quick to sneak out through open doors,
36._____ Dog behaves submissively (e.g., rolls over, avoids
eye contact, licks lips) when greeting other dogs.
Appendix H. (Continued)
Neither agree
nor disagree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
37. _____ Dog is attentive to owner's actions and words. 57. _____ Dog has a tendency to attack (or attempt to attack)
other dogs.
38. _____ Dog adapts easily to new situations and
58. _____ Dog is quick to recover after being startled or
39. _____ Dog likes to chase bicycles, joggers, and
59. _____ Dog retrieves objects (e.g., balls, toys, sticks).
40. _____ Dog is curious. 60. _____ Dog is friendly towards other dogs.
41. _____ Dog guards food or treats from other dogs. 61. _____ Dog exhibits fearful behaviors when restrained.
42. _____ Dog is sensitive (and reactive) to pain. 62. _____ Dog aggressively guards coveted items (e.g., stolen
item, treats, food bowl).
43. _____ Dog behaves aggressively in response to
perceived threats from people (e.g., being
cornered, having collar reached for).
63. _____ Dog is affectionate.
44. _____ Dog is aloof. 64. _____ Dog ignores commands.
45. _____ Dog is slow to learn new tricks or tasks. 65. _____ Dog behaves aggressively towards cats.
46. _____ Dog is interested in playing tug-o-war
with people
or dogs.
66. _____ Dog behaves fearfully when threatened by other
dogs (e.g., growled or lunged at, cornered).
47. _____ Dog behaves fearfully towards unfamiliar people.
67. _____ Dog follows people around.
48. _____ Dog is very alert. 68. _____ Dog shows aggression when nervous or fearful.
49. _____ Dog willingly shares toys with other dogs. 69. _____ Dog tends to be calm.
50. _____ Dog is slow to respond to corrections. 70. _____ Dog behaves fearfully towards other dogs.
51. _____ Dog behaves aggressively during visits to the
71. _____ Dog is able to focus on a task in a distracting
situation (e.g., loud or busy places, around other
52. _____ Dog jumps up on (e.g., in play) and/or mounts
other dogs (outside appropriate mating).
72. _____ Dog is very excitable around other dogs.
53. _____ Dog seeks constant activity. 73. _____ Dog behaves aggressively towards children.
54. _____ Dog behaves fearfully towards children. 74. _____ Dog behaves fearfully when groomed (e.g., nails
trimmed, brushed, bathed, ears cleaned).
55. _____ Dog is very excitable when visitors arrive. 75. _____ Dog is assertive or pushy with other dogs (e.g., if in
a home with other dogs, when greeting).
56. _____ Dog leaves food or objects alone when told to do
Appendix H. (Continued)
Item number on long form
Factor 1 – Fearfulness
Facet 1 – Fear of People R1, 12, 30, 47, 54
Facet 2 – Nonsocial Fear 6, R19, 24, R38, R58
Facet 3 – Fear of Dogs R9, 21, 36, 66, 70
Facet 4 – Fear of Handling 28, 32, 42, 61, 74
Factor 2 – Aggression towards People
Facet 1 – General Aggression 13, 23, R33, 68, 73
Facet 2 – Situational Aggression 2, 17, 43, 51, 62
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability
Facet 1 – Excitability 27, 53, 55, R69, 72
Facet 2 – Playfulness R3, R16, 31, 46, 59
Facet 3 – Active Engagement R10, 14, 25, 40, 48
Facet 4 – Companionability 7, 35, R44, 63, 67
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1 – Trainability 37, R45, R50, R64, 71
Facet 2 – Controllability R4, 11, R18, R29, 56
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1 – Aggression towards Dogs 5, 8, R34, 57, R60
Facet 2 – Prey Drive 15, 22, 26, 39, 65
Facet 3 – Dominance over Other Dogs 20, 41, R49, 52, 75
Note. An R in front a item indicates that the item is reverse coded. Bolded item numbers
indicate items that also appear on the short form of the DPQ, though numbered
Appendix I. DPQ Short (45-item) form and scoring sheet
Dog Personality Questionnaire (DPQ)
Here are a number of personality traits and behavioral descriptions that may or may not apply to your dog.
Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that
statement. You should rate your dog based on his or her general, overall behavior.
Neither agree
nor disagree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. _____ Dog is relaxed when greeting people. 19. _____ Dog is playful with other dogs.
2. _____ Dog behaves aggressively toward dogs. 20. _____ Dog seeks companionship from people.
3. _____ Dog is anxious 21. _____ Dog behaves submissively (e.g., rolls over, avoids
eye contact, licks lips) when greeting other dogs.
4. _____ Dog is lethargic 22. _____ Dog adapts easily to new situations and
5. _____ When off leash, dog comes immediately when
23. _____ Dog likes to chase bicycles, joggers, and
6. _____ Dog is shy. 24. _____ Dog is curious.
7. _____ Dog behaves aggressively towards unfamiliar
25. _____ Dog behaves aggressively in response to perceived
threats from people (e.g., being cornered, having
collar reached for).
8. _____ Dog likes to chase squirrels, birds, or other small
26. _____ Dog is aloof.
9. _____ Dog gets bored in play quickly. 27. _____ Dog behaves fearfully towards unfamiliar people.
10. _____ Dog is quick to sneak out through open doors,
28. _____ Dog willingly shares toys with other dogs.
11. _____ Dog is confident. 29. _____ Dog is slow to respond to corrections.
12. _____ Dog is dominant over other dogs. 30. _____ Dog behaves aggressively during visits to the
13. _____ Dog avoids other dogs. 31. _____ Dog seeks constant activity.
14. _____ Dog works at tasks (e.g., getting treats out of a
Kong, shredding toys) until entirely finished.
32. _____ Dog leaves food or objects alone when told to do so.
15. _____ Dog is boisterous. 33. _____ Dog retrieves objects (e.g., balls, toys, sticks).
16. _____ Dog behaves fearfully during visits to the
34. _____ Dog is friendly towards other dogs.
17. _____ Dog enjoys playing with toys. 35. _____ Dog exhibits fearful behaviors when restrained.
18. _____ Dog is friendly towards unfamiliar people. 36. _____ Dog aggressively guards coveted items (e.g., stolen
item, treats, food bowl).
Appendix I. (Continued)
Neither agree
nor disagree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
37. _____ Dog is affectionate. 42. _____ Dog behaves fearfully towards other dogs.
38. _____ Dog ignores commands. 43. _____ Dog is able to focus on a task in a distracting
situation (e.g., loud or busy places, around other
39. _____ Dog behaves aggressively towards cats. 44. _____ Dog behaves fearfully when groomed (e.g., nails
trimmed, brushed, bathed, ears cleaned).
40. _____ Dog shows aggression when nervous or fearful. 45. _____ Dog is assertive or pushy with other dogs (e.g., if in
a home with other dogs, when greeting).
41. _____ Dog tends to be calm.
Appendix I. (Continued)
Scoring Key for DPQ Short Form
Item number on short form
Factor 1 – Fearfulness
Facet 1 – Fear of People
R1, 6, 27
Facet 2 – Nonsocial Fear
3, R11, R22
Facet 3 – Fear of Dogs
13, 21, 42
Facet 4 – Fear of Handling
16, 35, 44
Factor 2 – Aggression towards People
Facet 1 – General Aggression
7, R18, 40
Facet 2 – Situational Aggression
25, 30, 36
Factor 3 – Activity/Excitability
Facet 1 – Excitability
15, 31, R41
Facet 2 – Playfulness
R9, 17, 33
Facet 3 – Active Engagement
R4, 14, 24
Facet 4 – Companionability
20, R26, 37
Factor 4 – Responsiveness to Training
Facet 1 – Trainability
R29, R38, 43
Facet 2 – Controllability
5, R10, 32
Factor 5 – Aggression towards Animals
Facet 1 – Aggression towards Dogs
2, R19, R34
Facet 2 – Prey Drive
8, 23, 39
Facet 3 – Dominance over Other Dogs
12, R28, 45
Note. An R in front a item indicates that the item is reverse coded. Bolded item numbers
indicate items that also appear on the short form of the DPQ, though numbered
Appendix J. Study 6: Test Battery subtest descriptions form
When each dog arrives at the kennel, he or she will be placed in a familiar, indoor kennel in a room
familiar to the dog. The dog will remain there until his or her test period begins. Then, the dog will
be released from the kennel into the room.
Subtest 1: Collar grab
A researcher will reach for the dog’s neck/collar and put a second collar on the dog; this collar will be
attached to a leash for use in Subtest 2. The dogs’ behavior will be rated on 5-point scales assessing how
fearful, confident, aggressive, and friendly the dog appeared. Notes of other significant behaviors (e.g., not
seeming to react to notice the researcher) will be made.
Subtest 2: Walk on leash with stranger
The same researcher will walk the dog approximately 25 feet down a hallway familiar to the dog to a
10*15-foot room that is familiar to the dog. The dog’s on-leash behavior during will be assessed and rated
on 5-point scales assessing how fearful, confident, excitable, calm, engaged/alert to the environment, easy-
to-control, submissive, and pushy/assertive the dog appeared.
Subtest 3: Threatening approach
The researcher will stand still but ignore the dog. A second researcher (unfamiliar to the dog) will approach
the dog. The researcher will exhibit mildly threatening behavior, targeted towards the dog, including staring
directly at the dog and looming (leaning slightly) over the dog. The dog’s behavior will be carefully
observed for signs of arousal, fear, and aggression, including raised hackles, panting, pulling back of lips
and ears, backing away, and barking (among others). The test will be ceased if the dog exhibits aggressive
behavior readily. The researcher will not come within range (such that the dog could touch or bite the
researcher) unless the dog exhibits signs of friendly behavior (e.g., lip licking, tail wagging, whining, body
wiggling/wagging). The dogs’ behavior will be rated on 5-point scales assessing how fearful, confident,
aggressive, friendly, excitable, calm, playful, engaged/alert to the environment, and interested in people the
dog appears. Notes of other significant behaviors (e.g., being distracted by a bird) will be made.
Subtest 4: Friendly approach
If Subtest 3 indicates that the dog is friendly to the approach of an unfamiliar person who is mildly
threatening, a second approach test will be conducted. The same stranger will leave, then re-approach the
dog, talking in a friendly voice (“Hi! It’s so nice to see you! Who’s a good doggie?”). If the dog shows
mild to moderate discomfort (e.g., fear, stress, aggression) during the approach in subtest 3 or 4, the test
will be conducted using an artificial hand and so that the researcher will be kept at a distance from the dog.
If the dog shows more than moderate discomfort (e.g., by attempting to bite), the test will be ended.
The dog’s behavior during the friendly approach will be rated using a 5-point scale to indicate the degree to
which the dog appears how fearful, confident, aggressive, friendly, excitable, calm, playful, engaged/alert
to the environment, and interested in people.
Subtest 5: Affection/Petting from stranger
The researcher will kneel next to the dog, then reach towards the dog’s body to pet the dog in a minimally
threatening fashion. The dogs’ behavior will be rated on 5-point scales assessing how fearful, confident,
aggressive, friendly, excitable, calm, aloof/uninterested, playful, engaged/alert to the environment,
interested in people, and affectionate the dog appears. Notes of other significant behaviors (e.g., ignoring
the petting) will be made.
Appendix J. (Continued)
Subtest 6: Restraint
The researcher will hold the dog down on its side or back, as if the dog were undergoing an inspection at
the veterinarian’s office. Pressure will begin as light but elevate to moderate over a 45 second period
regardless of whether or not the dog struggles. The dogs’ behavior will be rated on 5-point scales assessing
how fearful, confident, aggressive, friendly, calm, and excitable the dog appears; notes of other significant
behaviors (e.g., whining) will be made.
Subtest 7: Other dog (on leash)
The target dog will be exposed to another dog, the test dog (a non-aggressive, male, neutered dog who is
highly socialized). Each dog will be held on leash by a different person. The dog being assessed will be
held by the same researcher who served as the stranger in subtest 3 and conducted all tests following
subtest 3. The test dog will be walked by the researcher who conducted subtests 1 and 2.
The test dog will be walked slowly around the room, and the target dog’s behavior will be observed. The
dog will be rated (using a 5-point scale) on the degree to which he or she appears fearful, confident,
aggressive, friendly, excitable, calm, aloof/uninterested, playful, submissive, and pushy/assertive.
Subtest 8: Novel situation test (room)
The researcher will walk the dog out of the familiar room in which subtests 3-7 were conducted and into a
room that is novel to the dog. The researcher will then drop the dog’s leash and let the dog explore the
room. The researcher will not respond if the dog solicits attention. The dog’s behavior will be observed and
rated on 5-point scales assessing how fearful, confident, excitable, calm, and engaged/alert to the
environment the dog appears.
Subtest 9: Novel object (Remote controlled car, Jack-in-the-box)
The researcher will allow the dog to continue dragging his or her leash. The researcher will retrieve a
remote controlled car and set it on the floor. After 20 seconds, regardless of the dog’s response, the
researcher will begin to drive the car around the room. After 1 minute of exposure to the car, the car will
be removed and a Jack-in-the-box will be placed on the floor. The dog will be allowed to inspect closed,
and which will then suddenly open. The dog’s behavior will be observed and rated on 5-point scales
assessing the degree to which the dog appears fearful, confident, excitable, calm, and engaged/alert to the
Subtest 10: Doll test (Doll as child)
The dog will be held relatively stationary by the researcher while a second researcher approaches, holding a
large (toddler-sized) doll by the hand, as if the doll were walking. The dog’s behavior during the walk and
when he/she reaches the dog will be observed and rated on 5-point scales assessing how fearful, confident,
aggressive, friendly, excitable, and calm the dog appears.
Subtest 11: Prey drive
The dog will be exposed to a furry ball pulled on a string, then tossed. The dog’s behavior will be observed
and rated on 5-point scales assessing how aggressive, excitable, calm, playful, and engaged in the
environment the dog appears.
Subtest 12: Engagement in play with tester
The researcher will excitedly ask the dog to play with a new squeaky toy. The researcher can nudge the dog
with the toy, talk to the dog, clap his hands, kneel down, and run around to get the dog’s interest. The dog’s
behavior will be rated on 5-point scales assessing how affectionate, excitable, calm, aloof or uninterested,
playful, engaged/alert to the environment, and interested in people the dog appears.
Appendix J. (Continued)
Subtest 13: Tug-o-war or toy release
The researcher will attempt to engage the dog in a game of tug-o-war with a rope toy. At the end of the
tug-o-war game (up to 20 seconds of pulling), the researcher will tell the dog to release the toy and/or try to
retrieve the object from the dog. Researchers will observe the dog for unwillingness to release the toy. The
dog’s behavior will be rated on 5-point scales assessing how easy to train, easy to control, submissive, and
pushy/assertive the dog appears.
Subtest 14: Train new task
The researcher will attempt to teach the dog to hit a square block (paired with other shapes of blocks) in
order to receive a reward. The reward will be a food reward, toy, or praise, depending on what appears to
motivate the dog and on what the owner reports the dog enjoys. The researcher will point to the block, lure
the dog to touch the block, then give the dog a reward. The researcher will spend up to 4 minutes using
luring, shaping, and positive reinforcement (plus verbal corrections) to teach the dog. The dog’s behavior
will be observed and rated on 5-point scales assessing how engaged in the environment and task, interested
in people, easy to train, and obedient the dog appears.
Subtest 15: Basic commands
The researcher will give the dog basic commands (e.g., “sit,” “come,” “down”) to get the dog to come, sit
at a door, and then be released to go outside. The researcher will to give the dog that command without a
food reward or other reward present, then with a reward if the dog does not perform without the reward.
The dogs’ behavior will be rated on 5-point scales assessing how obedient the dog appears.
Subtest 16: Other dog (off leash)
The target dog will be released into a play yard, which is typically used at the kennel where the test is
conducted and which is familiar to the dog. In the play yard will be another dog, the test dog used in subtest
(a non-aggressive, male, neutered dog who is highly socialized). Both dogs will simply be loose in the play
yard, as during any other play period, for 4 minutes. Their interactions and the target dog’s behavior will be
observed. The target dog will be rated, using a series of 5-point scales, on of fearful, confident, aggressive,
friendly, excitable, calm, aloof/uninterested, playful, submissive, and pushy/assertive the dog appears.
Subtest 17: Activity in free-play
The test dog will be removed from the play yard, and the target dog’s activity level when alone will be
observed. The dog will be rated on a 5-point scale on how active, excitable, calm, aloof, playful, and
engaged/alert to the environment the dog appears.
Subtest 18: Reunion with owner
The researcher will walk the dog back to the owner. The dog’s behavior during the walk and when he/she
reaches the owner will be observed and rated on 5-point scales assessing how excitable, calm, aloof,
interested in people, easy to control, submissive, and pushy/assertive the dog appears.
Appendix K. Study 6. Dog behavioral assessment scoring sheet
SEX: Male Female
Please rate the dog’s behavior on each subtest using the traits or behaviors listed below that subtest.
(Circle one.)
Subtest 1: COLLAR GRAB
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
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Appendix K. (Continued)
1 2 3 4 5
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Appendix K. (Continued)
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Subtest 6: RESTRAINT
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Appendix K. (Continued)
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Appendix K. (Continued)
Subtest 9: NOVEL OBJECT (Remote controlled car, Jack-in-the-box)
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Subtest 10: DOLL TEST (doll as child)
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Subtest 11: PREY DRIVE
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Appendix K. (Continued)
1 2 3 4 5
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
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not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Subtest 14: TRAIN NEW TASK
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Appendix K. (Continued)
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
Appendix K. (Continued)
1 2 3 4 5
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1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
1 2 3 4 5
not at all extremely
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Amanda Claire Jones, born on March 8, 1980, in Garden City, Michigan. Amanda
graduated from Chelsea High School in Chelsea, Michigan, in June, 1998. She completed
her undergraduate education at the Residential College at the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor. Amanda also attended The Language Schools at Middlebury College in
Middlebury, Vermont, and studied at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau,
Germany. In December, 2001, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and
in German. In Fall of 2003, Amanda began her graduate work at the University of Texas
at Austin, working towards a doctorate in Social and Personality Psychology. While in
graduate school, Amanda authored the article “Sensory development in puppies (Canis
lupus familiaris): Implications for improving canine welfare,” in Animal Welfare. She
also co-authored “Temperament and personality in dogs (Canis familiaris): A review and
evaluation of past research,” in Applied Animal Behaviour Science;
“Are we dog’s best
friend? Predicting canine cortisol response from human affiliative and punitive
behaviors,” in Proceedings of the International Veterinary Behavior Meeting, American
College of Veterinary Behaviorists; and “Interspecies hormonal interactions between man
and the domestic dog (Canis familiaris),” in Hormones and Behavior. Amanda was also a
recipient of numerous awards, including Best Graduate Research poster at the annual
meeting of the Association for Research in Personality (2006) and fellowships, including
the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2002).
Permanent address: 1902 Blue Crest Drive, Unit A; Austin, Texas 78704
This dissertation was typed by the author.