Blackbody Radiation Enhanced Superradiance in
Rydberg Gases
Zhengyang Bai, East China Normal University
1:30-2:30pm, Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Room A408, Optics Building, Minhang Campus, ECNU
In this talk, I shall report the theoretical and experimental research progresses of
the superradiance of high-lying Rydberg states of caesium atoms, enhanced by
room-temperature BBR photons in free space. We show that, due to high numbers
of MW photons per mode in the BBR field, decay of single Rydberg atoms is orders
of magnitude faster than in vacuum, which significantly increases strength of the
Rydberg superradiance. Our study provides insights into the many body dynamics
of interacting atoms coupled to thermal BBR, and might open a route to the
design of blackbody thermometry at microwave frequencies via photon-atom
Dr. Zhengyang Bai is currently an associate Researcher at East China Normal
University (ECNU). He obtained his PhD in 2017 from at State Key Laboratory of
Precision Spectroscopy, ECNU. In 2018, he moved to the University of Nottingham,
UK, as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. He has been appointed as an associate
Researcher at the Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, ECNU starting from
September 2020. His research direction is ultracold Rydberg atoms, non-
equilibrium many body physics, and quantum information and quantum