Date _________________
To: Mr. Jackson Lewis
Director of Human Resources
St. Mary’s Hospital
Boston, MA 02111
RE: Information Request
Dear Mr. Lewis:
For the purpose of investigating a grievance, the Union requests the following
1. A coy of the personnel file of Employee X.
2. A copy of all current hospital personnel policies, practices or procedures
regarding ____________.
3. The list of all other employees disciplined for similar incidents/violations in
the past 5 years.
4. Copies of the discipline issued and the personnel files of the employees listed
in Item #3.
4. Copies of notes of all interviews conducted in the investigation of Employee
X, and copies of any other evidence gathered in the investigation.
5. The names and contact information of all persons who supplied information to
the employer, which contributed to the employer’s decision to discipline
Employee X.
Contact me immediately if there are any questions on this request. Please provide this
information no later than (specific date). Thank you for your prompt attention to this
MNA Floor Representative
Cc: __________________