Request for Information/Particularized Needs Request
Pursuant to 5 U S C 7114 (b)
April 3, 2015
Subject Case: Council #222 Grievance of the Parties (GOP) on the Multifamily
Reorganization Job Swap/Exchange application, process and use with employees.
The Union requests the following information pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 7114(b) and the CBA
between the parties. Covered under 5 USC 7114 (b)(4) “in the case of the agency, to furnish to
the exclusive representative involved, or its authorized representative, upon request and, to the
extent not prohibited by law, data -…”
This data should be provided in unredacted form, if possible, and sanitized only if necessary.
The information will be accepted in sanitized form, but the Union reserves the right to challenge
any sanitizations. Please provide the requested information in electronic/digital format whenever
possible. The descriptions below are meant to be construed liberally but if there is any
ambiguity, please contact the Union Representative as soon as possible and prior to responding.
Perry Casper, Chief Steward for Council #222 and designated representative for this arbitration
for the union would be the first contact.
The union further requests that the specified information be furnished within a reasonable
time not to exceed twenty (20) calendar days. If the request is denied, in whole or in part, please
state in writing the name, position, title, and grade of the official making the decision, and the
statutory, regulatory or contractual citation it is based upon. A number of the Council locals
have been forced to file Unfair Labor Practice charges regarding the failure of the agency to
provide or timely provide information under such requests. You may recall a finding by the
Federal Labor Relations Authority on one such request as recently as November 18, 2014 in the
Headquarters local 476 and Council #222 Washington, DC where HUD signed a settlement
agreement and posted:
WE WILL respond timely to requests for information made by the American Federation of
Government Employees Local 476 and Council #222, AFL-CIO as required by section 7114
(b)(4) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (Statute). WE WILL NOT in
any like related manner, interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of their
rights assured by the Statute.
General Statement of Particularized need: The Union believes that the Agency has violated
the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), the MFRT Supplement, and other law, rule and
regulation in regard to its failure to properly apply the Job Swap/Exchange requirement
bargained by the parties.
The Union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance. The Union also needs the information to show that the Agency improperly violated
the law, CBA and MFRT Supplement.
The information will be used in preparation for settlement negotiations and in preparation for
Arbitration Hearings, as well as in evidence at Arbitration.
The requested information will further enable the Union to fulfill its representational duties to
represent employees under the statue. If the Agency is unable to fulfill any request in full, please
fulfill it in any non-objectionable part, and explain any denial in detail.
1.) Identify all employees that are eligible for the Job Swap/Exchange pursuant to
the Multifamily Reorganization Transformation (MFRT). Please include their
name, position, series, grade and geographic location (office location/city
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulation. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges. The Union wishes to
correctly identifying affected employees and determine that the Agency was aware of the
employees involved.
2.) Identify any employees that received a position by way of a job swap/exchange in
the MFRT Supplement provisions or without the MFRT provisions and note if
the swap/exchange was under the MFRT Supplement or outside of the
Supplement. Please include the name of the employee, the position received,
grade received, and series swapped/exchanged into, the location of the position,
and the position theat the employee swapped/exchanged from. List the name of
the employee that swapped/exchanged with the MFRT position. Please list the
time in grade for all employees involved in the job swaps/exchanges.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges. The Union wishes to
correctly identifying affected employees and determine that the Agency was aware of the
employees involved.
3.) Identify by name, all employees listed in response to request No. 1 who
requested, applied, or made known their desire to obtain a job swap/exchange
pursuant to the MFRT Supplement provisions on job swap/exchange. Please
include the position that the employee applied, requested, or made known for
which they wished to swap/exchange with. Please include the name of the
employee they wished to exchange/swap with. Please list all employees that were
deemed eligible that requested the swap/exchange either going from the
multifamily program area ar into the multifamily program area. If the position
to be swapped/exchanged had multiple employees attempting the swap/exchange
of the position, please list which employee received, if any, the swap/exchange.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges. The Union wishes to
correctly identifying affected employees and determine that the Agency was aware of the
employees involved.
4.) For each employee identified in Response No. 3, please indicate whether that
employee was given the job swap/exchange of the position, or any position
requested, and if not, state the reason for such a denial from any supervisor or
manager involved with the decision. Please identify the response as coming from
a multifamily supervisor or other program area supervisor/management official.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges. The Union wishes to
correctly identifying affected employees and determine that the Agency was aware of the
employees involved.
5.) For each employee identified in No. 3, list each supervisor from the actual or
possible giving position to be swapped/exchanged and each supervisor for the
actual or possible receiving office that took part in the decision to approve a job
swap/exchange or deny the job swap/exchange. Please list the level in the chain
of command (first level supervisor, second level supervisor, etc…) for each
employee listed in No. 3.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges. The Union wishes to
correctly identifying affected employees and determine that the Agency was aware of the
employees involved.
6.) Please identify or provide any and all jobs, positions, or job series that were
provided or identified for employees that the Agency considered eligible for
employees to job swap/exchange into.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along
with other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct
constituted bad faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority
and public trust. The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and
contentions in its grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges.
7.) Please provide all application, e-mail requests, notification of employee interest
or intent to job swap/exchange that were provided to the Agency or supervisors
by employees that wished to swap/exchange from multifamily or from any other
program area into multifamily.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges.
8.) Please provide a list of all multifamily employees that would be eligible for a job
swap/exchange during the MFRT and are currently or have been out stationed
to offices that are not listed in the Agency MFRT receiving locations. List the
date of those affected employees still out stationed or who have been out
stationed since the start of the MFRT and the reason for that action.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges.
9.) Please provide a list of all multifamily employees that would be eligible for a job
swap/exchange during the MFRT and who have received hardship or reasonable
accommodations to stay in their current office locations. Please list the jobs that
they are assigned to including the position title, grade and series.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges.
10.) Please identify the supervisors that were part of any decision in approving or
disapproving the following employees for a job swap/exchange that may have been
requested or made know to the Agency. Please provide all e-mail exchanges
between the employee (listed below) and any supervisor(s) regarding the discussion,
request or desire to job swap/exchange.
Lynette Shrum, Des Monies
Steve Sandegren, Kansas City
Rodney Baxter, Ft Worth
Dianne Smith, Ft Worth
Daniel Perhay, Cleveland
Robert Castillo, Indianapolis
Laura Owen, Birmingham
Suzanne Write, Knoxville
Howard Roberts, Knoxville
Dave King, Knoxville
Jason Hare, Louisville
David Melanson, Louisville
Theresa Andrews, Louisville
Andrea Schmidt, Greensboro
Andrea Hendricks, Birmingham
Joe Korley, Birmingham
Sharon Law, Birmingham
Paul Romano, Birmingham
Brian Van Dorstein, Birmingham
Angela Vassey, Jacksonville
Kenneth Rozler, Buffalo
Michael Pritchard, Jackson
Vincent Cadotte, Jackson
George Hartzog, Jackson
Williams Radau, Jackson
Frances Oglesby, Jackson
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges.
11.) Please provide any other documents or materials that are in the possession of
the Agency regarding the instruction to supervisors or management officials on the
use of the MFRT Supplement in regards to the job swap/exchange program and
process including but not limited to any Agency and work program instructions on
how to determine eligibility or acceptability to employees to the positions that
employees may request, apply or desire to swap/exchange. Please provide any
instruction that would include training to supervisors or managers or any
agreements between work program areas (CPD, FHEO, PIH, etc…) on how or who
can be swapped/exchanged.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges.
12.) Please provide a list of all buyouts that have been made under the MFRT
process and the availability of funds for each MFRT wave and the MFRT in
general. Please provide the instructions given to all parties completing the buyout
process, if there are any that indicate what limits, if any have been placed upon the
buyout authority and amount of funds available for buyouts. Please include in this
information any known reason or instructions to the Bureau of Fiscal Services
(BSF) Contracted for HUD through the U.S. Dept. of Treasury Administrative
Resource Center used by HUD employees to assist on the MFRT buyouts that limits
the amount and number of buyouts that would be available under the MFRT.
Particularized need:
The union believes the Agency violated the CBA and MFRT Contract Supplement along with
other law, rule and regulations. The Union also believes that the Agency conduct constituted bad
faith, mismanagement, negligence, malfeasance, and willful abuse of authority and public trust.
The union needs the requested information to prove the underlying facts and contentions in its
grievance and to use the material for possible evidence in these charges. The Union is trying to
determine if swaps/exchanges were denied due to lack of funding for those employees
swapping/exchanging into Multifamily jobs thus affecting multifamily employees.