Permanent Memorandum 13
University Travel
Monitoring Unit: Office of Finance & Administration
Last Revised: August 28, 2019
The University’s travel procedures and regulations exist to ensure compliance with State
requirements, provide a procedural framework for employees and students who travel on university
business, and outline fiscally responsible spending practices. Detailed procedural information is
appended to this Permanent Memorandum.
All University employees are required to exert responsibility when travelling on university business
and to adhere to requirements established by the University. The Executive Vice President for
Finance and Administration & Chief Administrative Officer is authorized by the President to update
any provisions contained in the following appendix, as required. As feasible and appropriate, the
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration & Chief Administrative Officer will facilitate
the review by administrative staff of proposed alterations to the appendix.
The provisions included herein apply to all LSU campuses:
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2024
A. Application of Regulations
The Commissioner of Administration issued revised General Travel Regulations in Policy and
Procedure Memorandum No. 49 effective July 1, 2024. The General Travel Regulations do not
apply to colleges and universities under the Management Authority of the Board of Supervisors
for State Colleges and Universities. PPM-49, General Travel Regulations, may be used to
provide guidance to this permanent memorandum, but is not meant to be all inclusive. This
permanent memorandum allows for discretion or exceptions approved by the President of the
University or his/her designee. All travel at the University expense is subject to the provisions
of PM-13. University expenses are interpreted to include all funds, including gifts and grants,
which are administered by the University. Reimbursement for the cost of any travel can be
obtained only as provided herein.
For the purposes of these regulations, the following words have the meaning indicated:
A. Allowance - Maximum amount allowed for travel expenses while traveling on official University
B. Authorized Persons
1. Advisors, consultants, contractors, vendors, suppliers, or other individuals who are called
upon to contribute time and services to the University who are not otherwise required to be
reimbursed through a contract for a professional, specialty, or consulting services.
2. Members of boards, commissions, and advisory councils required by Federal or State
legislation or regulation. Travel allowance levels for all such members and any staff shall be
those levels authorized for employees unless specific allowances are provided.
3. The traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility
unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval is allowed to
deem persons as an authorized traveler for official University Business only. Students must
be deemed authorized travelers to be reimbursed for university business purposes.
Note: Contractors are not exempt from paying state sales taxes; therefore, the University
may reimburse contractors for state sales taxes.
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C. Centrally Billed Account (CBA) - Credit account issued in a department’s name (no plastic card
issued). These accounts are direct liabilities of the University and are paid by each
Department. CBA accounts are controlled through an authorized approver(s) to provide a
means to purchase airfare and conference registration only. Each Department Head
determines the extent of the account’s use. CBA accounts can be used for non-workers
and students.
D. Conference/Convention - Defined herein as an event for a specific purpose and/or objective.
Non-routine events can be defined as a seminar, conference, convention, or training.
Documentation required is a formal agenda, program, letter of invitation, or registration fee.
Participation as an exhibiting vendor in an exhibit/trade show also qualifies as a conference.
The requirement for a hotel to qualify for conference rate lodging is that the hotel is hosting or
is in “conjunction with hosting” the meeting. Conference documentation providing the hotel
name and nightly rate is required.
E. Department Head - Person who is responsible for the administrative, financial, and
management activities within the department.
F. Emergency Travel - Under extraordinary circumstances where the best interests of the
University require that travel be undertaken not in compliance with these regulations, approval
after the fact by the Campus Head or his/her designee.
G. Expense Report - Task in Workday to record travel expenses.
H. Extended Stay - Any assignment made for a period of 31 or more consecutive days at a place
other than the traveler’s official domicile.
I. Fiscal Authority - Person within or outside a unit that has authority to approve the use of funds
for travel.
J. GSA per diem rates - U.S. General Services Administration Per Diem Rates The GSA rates apply to the 48
continental United States, including District of Columbia.
K. High Risk Travel - Countries that have travel advisories by the U.S. Department of State,
including foreign adversaries, identified as areas that require special efforts to mitigate risk,
and when necessary, call for the avoidance of travel altogether. See FASOP: AS-18, “High
Risk Travel to Restricted Regions and Foreign Adversaries”. LSU campuses not subject to
FASOP: AS-18, “High Risk Travel to Restricted Regions and Foreign Adversaries” must have
procedures in place for travel to a high-risk area.
L. In-state Travel - All travel within the borders of Louisiana or travel through adjacent states
between points within Louisiana when such is the most efficient route.
M. International Travel - All travel to destinations outside the 50 United States, District of
Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and Saipan.
N. LaCarte card - The procurement card provided to employees based on their need to purchase
business related goods & services and which, if allowed by the Department Head, may be
used for certain travel expenses.
O. LSU Office of Risk Management - LSU Office of Risk Management, which administers the risk
management and insurance programs for the LSU A&M Baton Rouge campus. The LSU Office
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of Risk Management website provides relevant forms, vehicle and driver information. The
website also includes a link to the State Office of Risk Management.
P. Lowest Logical Airfare - The lowest logical airfare is the cheapest available at the time of
booking without causing undo inconvenience. These types of airfares are non-refundable,
penalty tickets. Penalties could include restrictions such as advanced purchase requirements,
weekend stays, etc. Prices will increase as seats are sold. When schedule changes are
required for lowest logical tickets, penalty fees are added.
Q. Official Domicile
1. Every University officer, employee, and authorized person, except those on temporary
assignment, shall be assigned an official domicile.
2. Except where fixed by law, the official domicile of an officer or employee assigned to an
office shall be, the parish/county in which the office is located. The Department Head or
his/her designee should determine the extent of any surrounding area to be included, such
as a region. As a guideline, a radius of at least 30 miles is recommended. The official
domicile of an authorized person shall be the parish/county in which the person resides,
except when the Campus Head has designated another location (such as the person’s
3. A traveler whose residence is other than the official domicile of his/her office shall not
receive travel and subsistence while at his/her official domicile nor shall he/she receive
reimbursement for travel to and from his/her residence.
4. The official domicile of a person located in the field shall be the parish/county where the
majority of work is performed, or such area or region as may be designated by the Campus
Head, provided that in all cases such designation must be in the best interest of the
University and not for the convenience of the person.
5. The traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility
unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval may authorize
approval for an employee to be reimbursed for lodging expenses within an employee’s
domicile with proper justification as to necessity and why it is in the best interest of the
University and not for the convenience of the person.
R. Out-of-state Travel - Travel to any of the other 49 states plus District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and Saipan.
S. Passport - A document identifying an individual as a citizen of a specific country and attesting
to his or her identity and ability to travel freely.
T. Per Diem (Meals/Incidentals (M&IE): International) - U.S. Department of State federal per diem
rate, for lodging, and meals/incidentals (M&IE), is for international travel only. U.S. Department
of State federal per diem rates for Lodging and M&IE vary based on location and dates of
travel. The rates are available on the U.S. Department of State website, Reimbursement for
lodging expenses requires submission of itemized receipts. Reimbursement for Meals &
Incidental expenses does not require receipts. M&IE are inclusive of fees and tips given to
porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff, and laundry/cleaning services. Reimbursement may not
exceed the federal per diem rate.
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U. Per Diem (Meals/Incidentals (M&IE): Domestic) - A flat rate paid to employees for meals while
in official University business travel status. Domestic incidental expenses include valet,
porters, baggage carriers, and hotel staff.
V. Preferred Seating - Seats for purchase on an aircraft at an additional cost. Some of the
benefits preferred seating may provide are more legroom, priority boarding and/or early access
to overhead bins.
W. Receipts/Document Requirements - Supporting documentation, including original itemized
receipts that must be submitted for reimbursement of travel expenses.
X. Routine Travel - In-state travel required in the course of performing an employee’s job duties.
This does not include conferences or out-of-state travel.
Y. Spend Authorization - Task in Workday to provide the authorization to travel.
Z. State Office of Risk Management - Division of Administration Office of Risk Management,
which administers the risk management and insurance programs for all LSU entities other than
LSU A&M Baton Rouge.
AA. Subrecipient - A non-federal entity that receives a sub award from a pass-through entity to
carry out part of a federal program. When LSU is the subrecipient of a grant, PM-13 travel
rules and regulations must be followed. When LSU subcontracts with another state agency,
the state agency must follow PPM-49 travel rules and regulations. When LSU subcontracts
with a non-state agency, the non-state agency must follow their own travel rules and
Supervisor - Person with authority to approve travel for an employee.
CC. Temporary Assignment - Any assignment made for a period of less than 31 consecutive days
at a place other than the official domicile.
DD. Traveler - A University officer, University employee, student employee, or authorized person
when performing authorized travel.
EE. Travel Period - A period of time between the time of departure from your domicile and the time
of return to your domicile.
FF. Travel Route - The most direct and usually traveled route must be used by official University
GG. Travel Scholarships - Travel expenses covered by a third-party or a sponsor are subject to the
ethics laws and reporting requirements. (See R.S. 42:1115).
HH. University Official - Person deemed eligible to receive actual expense reimbursements based
on position level (i.e., President, Vice President, Chancellor, and Vice Chancellor).
II. Visa - A document or, more frequently, a stamp in a passport authorizing the bearer to visit a
country for specific purposes and for a specific length of time.
A. Contract Travel Services
The contracted travel agency is mandatory for booking airfare unless exemptions have been
granted prior to travel. Requests for an exemption must document that the traveler saved
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10% and experienced cost savings amounting to at least $100, not including the travel agency
service fee. To request an exemption for domestic airfare, an e-mail must be sent to the
person who has been delegated this authority on your campus along with the contracted travel
agency and outside source proposed itineraries and complete costs. For international airfare
requirements, see Section VIII, Subsection E.2. Reservations for hotel/motel accommodations
and rental vehicles are not required to be made through the contracted travel agency. The
contracted travel agency has an on-line booking system which is strongly recommended for
booking domestic airfare. Use of the on-line booking system can drastically reduce the cost
paid per transaction.
B. Recognized Purposes
In general, the University may provide travel funds for the following purposes:
1. Authorized travel of members of the Board of Supervisors, faculty, staff (including graduate
assistants and student workers) on behalf of the University.
2. Authorized travel of participating students to represent the University in various types of
intercollegiate events.
3. Authorized travel of faculty members to attend meetings of learned or professional societies
to present papers, to represent the University, or to serve as a major officer or member of a
4. Authorized travel of staff members who are designated by the appropriate administrative
officer as delegates to conventions or association meetings.
5. Authorized travel of guest lecturers, seminar directors, and others who are called upon to
contribute time and services to the University.
6. Authorized travel of individuals invited to the campus for consideration for appointment to
faculty or staff positions.
7. Authorized travel of superior undergraduate, graduate and medical students being recruited
by the University.
8. Authorized advisors, consultants, contractors, vendors, and suppliers.
C. Authorization
1. Travel on official University business, regardless if at university expense by any member of
the faculty or staff will be authorized only when the purpose of the travel will benefit the
University and the particular Department concerned.
2. All travel on official University business, regardless if at university expense, will be under
the direct control of and must have prior approval in writing by the traveler’s supervisor (or
his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless the Campus and/or
Department requires a higher level of approval. Documentation of all approvals must be
maintained with the agency. If any travel expenses are paid prior to travel authorization
approvals, the employee may be at risk of not being reimbursed.
3. Travel on official University business should not include personal destinations. Travelers
are required to self-disclose personal travel dates and travel destinations coupled with
university business travel. See Section V, Subsection A.4.
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4. An authorization for routine in-state travel for an employee who must travel in the course of
performing his/her duties may be given prior approval once each fiscal year and must be
renewed each fiscal year. This may include domicile travel if such is a regular and
necessary part of the employee’s duties, but not for attendance at infrequent or irregular
meetings. The required routine travel must be documented in the job description. An annual
authorization for routine in-state travel shall not cover travel between an employee’s home
and workplace, out-of-state travel, or travel to conferences and conventions. When routine
travel is within the city of domicile, the routine travel must be a part of the employee’s job
duties and only mileage may be reimbursed at the rate referenced in the Appendix per mile.
5. Payment of travel expenses will be subject to availability of funds in the departmental
budget concerned.
D. Funds for Travel Expenses
Individuals traveling on official business will provide themselves with sufficient funds for all
routine travel expenses not covered by the LaCarte procurement card or CBA. Advance of
funds for travel shall be made only for extraordinary travel and should be punctually repaid
when submitting the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report covering the
related travel, no later than the fifteenth day of the month following the completion of travel.
If the University provides a means of payment via LaCarte or a CBA, those accounts should be
used for airfare and conference registration. In addition, if the employees are eligible for a
LaCarte card, the card should be used for reimbursable travel expenses (i.e., airfare, lodging,
vehicle rentals, baggage fees, parking, etc.) and no cash advances will be granted.
In the event, a cash advance is warranted, cash advances should be used on a limited basis
typically for the following:
1. Graduate student employees on business travel for the University.
2. Employees who accompany and/or are responsible for students on group or client travel.
3. Employees traveling to remote destinations within foreign countries.
E. Use of Centrally Billed Account (CBA)*
1. The CBA is another source of payment for airfare and conference registration fees only.
2. The CBA is listed in the name of the department and no actual card is issued. Departments
are notified by letter of their respective CBA account and expiration date.
3. The CBA expires every five years. No new account number is provided. Departments
should rollover the expiration date by five years when the account expires.
4. Group travel may be paid with a CBA or a LaCarte card.
*CBA accounts can be used for non-workers and students.
F. Use of LaCarte Card
1. The LaCarte card is another source of payment for travel expenses, except for meals and
personal expenses.
2. The LaCarte card is a university corporate credit card and will not affect the cardholder’s
personal credit. All travelers should apply through their departments and must obtain
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Department Head approval. The LaCarte card will be issued in the name of the employee
and the card can be used as a means of payment for reimbursable travel expenses (i.e.,
airfare, lodging, vehicle rentals, baggage fees, parking, etc.).
3. Meals or personal expenses while in travel status are not allowed on the LaCarte card.
Meal allowance will be paid to the traveler upon submission of the Travel Expense
Reimbursement Request/Expense Report.
4. Group Travel may be paid for with a CBA or a LaCarte card.
G. Expenses Incurred on University Business
Travel expenses shall be limited to those expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of
a public purpose authorized by law to be performed by the University and must be within the
limitations prescribed herein.
H. No Reimbursement When No Cost Incurred by Traveler
No claim for reimbursement shall be made for any lodging and/or meals furnished by any party
at no cost to the traveler. In no case will a traveler be allowed mileage or transportation when
he/she is gratuitously transported by another person.
A. Official Domicile/Temporary Assignment
Travelers are eligible to receive reimbursement for travel only when away from “official
domicile” or on temporary assignment unless an exception is granted in accordance with these
regulations. Temporary assignments will be deemed to have ceased after a period of 30
calendar days and after such period the place of assignment shall be deemed to be his/her
official domicile. He/she shall not be allowed travel and subsistence unless permission to
extend the 30-day period has been obtained by the individual who has been delegated this
authority on your campus.
B. All travel expenses must be submitted on an approved Travel Expense Reimbursement
Request/Expense Report to the appropriate business office. A Travel Expense Reimbursement
Request/Expense Report must indicate the purpose of the trip, the date and hour of departure
and return to domicile, along with each final destination throughout the trip clearly defined and
include a statement showing the particular relationship of the trip to the budget account to
which it is charged. On the University’s Travel Authorization Form/Spend Authorization, the
estimated travel expenses section must be completed. When speaking at a conference for
which there is no registration fee, documentation must be provided to prove attendance. The
Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report must be signed/approved by the
person requesting reimbursement and approved by the traveler’s supervisor (or his/her
designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless the Campus and/or Department
requires a higher level of approval for the trip.
C. All expenses incurred on an official trip should be paid by the traveler, except in instances in
which the department’s CBA is used as the means of payment for the cost of air transportation
and/or conference registration or the LaCarte card is used as the payment method for
reimbursable travel expenses (i.e., air transportation, lodging, vehicle rentals, etc.). The
traveler’s Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report should document all travel
expenses in detail such that the total cost of the trip on the Travel Expense Reimbursement
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Request/Expense Report which includes the travel expenses paid directly or charged directly
by the department’s CBA and/or LaCarte card. A notation of the payment method should be
indicated on the traveler’s Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report. If
LaCarte or a CBA is used as the payment method, the itemized receipts should be attached to
the appropriate Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report reflecting the
D. In all cases, under any travel status, cost of meals shall be paid by the traveler and allowance
claimed on the appropriate Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report and
should not be charged to the LaCarte card.
E. Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report should be submitted by the fifteenth
day of the month following the completion of travel.
F. Where groups of university representatives are traveling and one reimbursement request is
submitted covering the party, the name of each member must be listed along with his/her
position at the University and, when not self-evident, the purpose of the trip. In cases in which
members of the group are given an allowance for meals, signed documentation evidencing
receipt of such benefit by each of the group members should accompany the reimbursement
request. Receipts must be provided in cases where one member seeks reimbursement for
meals paid for the entire group. One member of the group may not request reimbursement of
meal allowances for the entire group unless the meal allowances were paid over to each
member of the group and the reimbursement request is supported by documentation from
other members certifying the amount of meal money received.
G. Any individual who submits a Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report
pursuant to these regulations and who willfully makes and subscribes to any reimbursement
request which he/she does not believe to be true and correct as to every material matter, or
who willfully aids or assists in, or procures, counsels or advises the preparation or presentation
of a claim which is fraudulent or is false as to any material matter shall be guilty of official
misconduct. Whoever shall receive an allowance or reimbursement by means of a false
request shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as well as be
criminally and civilly liable within the provision of law.
The most cost-effective method of transportation that will accomplish the purpose of the travel
shall be selected. Among the factors to be considered are length of travel time, cost of operation
of a vehicle, cost and availability of common carrier services, etc.
A. Air
1. Common carrier shall be used for out-of-state travel unless it is documented that utilization
of another method of travel is more cost efficient or practical in accordance with these
2. Before travel by a chartered aircraft is authorized, the traveler shall certify that: 1) at least
two hours of working time will be saved by such travel; 2) no other form of transportation,
such as commercial air travel will serve this same purpose; and 3) meet the insurance
requirements provided by the University Office of Risk Management.
a. Chartering an aircraft must be in accordance with the Higher Education Procurement
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b. Reimbursement for use of a chartered aircraft under the above guidelines will be made
on the following basis:
i. At the published GSA rate or
ii. At the lowest logical coach economy airfare, whichever is the lessor.
GSA Airplane mileage rate can be found at:
Note: If there are extenuating circumstances requiring reimbursement for expenses
other than those listed above, approval must be granted by the President of the
University or his/her designee.
c. LSU travelers may not operate any aircraft on university business.
3. All travelers including students are to purchase commercial airline tickets through the
contracted travel agency. This requirement is mandatory unless prior approval is granted
from the individual who has been delegated this authority on your campus (See Section III,
Subsection A). While University guests and state contractors are not required to use the
state’s contracted travel agency when purchasing airfare, it is the department’s
responsibility to monitor cost ensuring that the University guests and contractor(s) are
purchasing the lowest, most logical airfare.
Commercial air travel will not be reimbursed in excess of lowest logical coach/economy
class rates when it has been determined to be the best value. The difference between
coach/economy class rates and first class or business class rates will be paid by the
traveler. Upgrades at the expense of the University are not permitted unless there is a
medical accommodation on file with the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX for employees,
Office of the Dean of Students Disability Services for students, or documentation from the
contracted travel agency indicating the higher class ticket is the lowest priced airfare
available. If space is not available in less than first or business class air accommodations in
time to carry out the purpose of the travel, the traveler will secure a certification from the
booking agency indicating this fact. The certification is required for travel reimbursement.
a. The University encourages the use of lowest logical “best value” airfares. Lowest logical
fares are penalty tickets that can have restrictions and charge penalty fees for
changing/canceling ticket purchases. Lowest logical tickets must be purchased from the
contracted travel agency unless prior approval is granted by the individual who has
been delegated this authority on your campus to purchase from an alternate agency.
b. If a lowest logical priced ticket is purchased and the traveler’s schedule changes
resulting in a penalty and additional cost to change the ticket, the University will
reimburse the penalty incurred when the change or cancellation is required by the
University or other unavoidable situations as approved by the individual who has been
delegated this authority on your campus. Certification of the requirement for the change
or cancellation by the traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with
fiscal responsibility unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of
approval is required on the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report.
c. For international travel only, when an international flight segment is more than 10 hours
in duration, the University will allow the business class rate, not to exceed 110% of the
coach rate. The traveler’s itinerary provided by the travel agency must document the
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flight segment as more than 10 hours and must be attached to the Travel Expense
Reimbursement Request/Expense Report.
d. Travelers are encouraged to check the appropriate airline website for recommended
information regarding check in times and obtaining seat information. When in the best
interest of the University, the supervisor (or his/her designee) or the person with fiscal
responsibility unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval
may approve reimbursement of the purchase of a preferred seat. The fee for the
preferred seat will be reimbursed at the lesser of 10% of the airfare or up to $100.
e. A lost airline ticket confirmation is the responsibility of the person to whom the ticket
was issued. The airline charge for searching and refunding lost tickets will be charged to
the traveler. The difference between the prepaid amount and the amount refunded by
the airline must be paid by the employee.
f. Employees may retain hotel reward/points and frequent flyer miles earned on official
University travel unless the department deems the point property of the University.
However, if an employee makes travel arrangements which favor a preferred
airline/supplier to receive reward/points and this circumvents purchasing the most
economical means of travel, the employee is in violation of this travel policy. Costs for
travel arrangements subject to this violation are non-reimbursable.
g. When making airline reservations for a conference, the traveler should provide the
travel agency with the name of the conference and the airline that is offering a discount
rate, if available. In many instances, the conference registration form specifies that
certain airlines have been designated official carriers offering discount rates. If so,
providing this information to the contracted travel agency could result in securing the
discount rate for the traveler.
h. Employees must use caution when purchasing tickets from sources other than the
contracted travel agency, particularly restricted fares, many of which cannot be
changed. The contracted travel agency will not be available to help with changes,
cancellations, or other needs when a ticket has not been purchased through their office.
It will be the responsibility of the employee to ensure the ticket meets their needs and to
make changes, cancellations, etc. after the ticket is purchased. Any fees associated
with changes or cancellations are also the responsibility of the employee.
4. Personal destinations should not be included in business travel airfare. The
University cannot pay for airfare to a personal destination when included in business travel
airfare. Whenever airfare for university business travel includes a personal destination, the
traveler must obtain the lowest logical airfare quote (at the time of purchase) for the
business destination only. Reimbursement for the airfare with the personal destination may
be limited to the lesser of:
a. Lowest logical quote; or
b. Prorated amount for the business portion of the airfare only. The “prorate amount” is
calculated by dividing the airfare by the total number of days (business and personal)
and multiplied by the total number of business days.
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Whenever airfare does not include a personal destination, the traveler adds personal days
at the business destination, the total amount of airfare is reimbursable. The expenses
incurred for the personal days are not reimbursable.
5. Tickets which are unused by a traveler should always be monitored, every 30 days, by the
traveler and the department. Travelers should ensure that any unused ticket is considered
when planning future travel arrangements. Some airlines have a policy which would allow
for a name change to another employee within the University. The latest airline policies
regarding unused tickets are available at Since unused tickets are a
traveler/department responsibility, the University has the following resources in place to
assist travelers/departments with the monitoring of unused tickets:
a. Travelers receive 120, 90, 60, 30, and 14 day email notifications.
b. The Unused Ticket report (by campus) can be found on Accounts Payable and Travel
website at and is updated by the
15th of the month.
c. Campus Heads receive their campus Unused Ticket report monthly.
B. Train
Travel by train can be reimbursed when it is deemed to be the most cost-efficient method of
travel. The travel reimbursement will be subject to the following requirements:
1. Economy class ticket with no sleeping cabin;
2. Only one day travel before and after a conference or meeting is allowed; and
3. Lowest logical airfare quote must be provided as evidence that traveling by train was the
most cost-effective means of travel.
C. Motor Vehicle
No vehicle may be operated in violation of State or local laws. No traveler may operate a
vehicle without a valid U.S. driver’s license in his/her possession (the physical license or a
state-approved electronic version).
Safety restraints shall be used by the driver and passengers of vehicles. All accidents, major or
minor, shall be reported first to the local police department or appropriate law enforcement
agency. An accident report form should also be completed as soon as possible and must be
returned to the appropriate University department responsible for vehicle claims. The form can
be found for each campus on the University Office of Risk Management website at
Persons operating a university-owned, rented or personal vehicle while on official University
business will be responsible for all traffic, driving, and parking violations received. This does
not include vehicle violations for university-owned or rented vehicles (e.g., expired registration
or inspection sticker) as the University or the rental company would be responsible for any cost
associated with these types of violations.
Operating any vehicle for university business while intoxicated as set forth in R.S. 14:98 and
14:97.1 is strictly prohibited, unauthorized, and expressly violates the terms and conditions of
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use of said vehicle. In the event such operation results in the employee being convicted of,
pleading nolo contendere to, or pleading guilty to, driving while intoxicated under R.S. 14:98 or
14:98.1, such would constitute evidence of the employee: (1) violating the terms and
conditions of use of said vehicle, (2) violating the direction of his/her employer, and (3) acting
beyond the course and scope of his/her employment with the University.
Personal use of a university-owned or a rented vehicle is not permitted.
Individuals not associated with the University or with university activities, including, but not
limited to spouses, children or other family members, should not be transported in university-
owned or rented vehicles. Approval of exceptions to this policy may be made by the
Department Head if he/she determines that the best interest of the University will be served; in
such cases, the passenger (or passenger’s guardian) may also be required to sign a Non-
Employee Passengers/Driver form, which can be found on the University Office of Risk
Management website at
Non-employed University students, guests and contractors are not permitted to drive
University-owned, leased or rented vehicles, unless an exception is made in writing by the
Department Head if he/she determines that the best interest of the University will be served.
However, non-employed University students, guests, and contractors are permitted to and
encouraged to utilize the in-state and out-of-state rental contracts which may include Collision
Damage Waiver and one million dollar ($1 million) liability insurance (insurance coverage
should be verified with the rental car company). If the in-state and out-of-state contracts are
not used, then insurance is not provided unless purchased. For details on reimbursable
insurances, see Section V, Subsection C.3 (n-p).
Motorcycles/bicycles/mopeds/motorized scooters (including e-scooters) shall not be used for
university travel. Approval of exceptions to this policy may be made by the Department Head if
he/she determines that the best interest of the University will be served; in such instances, the
driver may also be required to sign a release. No passengers may be transported at any time
on motorcycles/bicycles/mopeds/motorized scooters (including e-scooters).
1. University-owned Vehicles
a. No person may be authorized to operate a university-owned vehicle unless that person
is an employee of the University; or has received specific written approval from the
Department Head or his/her designee to operate a university-owned vehicle on official
University business. Prior to driving a university-owned vehicle, a person must become
a University Authorized Driver. The Driver Authorization process and required form can
be found on the University Office of Risk Management website: Record of driver authorizations
must be retained in a central location during the period of active authorization.
b. All receipts for purchases made on university gasoline credit cards must be signed by
the approved traveler making the purchase. The license number and the unit price and
quantity of the commodity purchased must be noted on the delivery ticket by the vendor.
Items incidental to the operation of the vehicle may be purchased via university gasoline
credit cards only when away from official domicile in travel status. In all instances where
a university gasoline credit card is used to purchase items or services which are
incidental to the operation of a vehicle, a tissue copy of the credit ticket along with a
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written explanation of the reason for the purchase should be attached to the monthly
report required to be filed for all University-owned vehicles.
c. Travelers in University-owned vehicles who purchase needed fuel, repairs and
equipment while in travel status shall use fleet discount allowances and university bulk
purchasing contracts where applicable. Reimbursements require a receipt and only
regular unleaded gasoline, or diesel when applicable should be used. Mid-grade, super,
plus or premium gasoline are not necessary. Departments should be familiar with the
existence of such allowances and/or contracts by contacting the Procurement Office or
visiting the Procurement website. University credit cards will not be issued to travelers
for use in the operation of privately-owned vehicles.
d. University-owned vehicles may be used for out-of-state travel only if permission of the
Department Head has been granted prior to departure. If a university-owned vehicle is
to be used to travel to a destination more than 500 miles from its usual location,
documentation that this is the most cost-effective means of travel should be readily
available in the Department’s travel reimbursement files. When the use of a university-
owned vehicle has been approved by the Department Head for out-of-state travel for the
traveler’s convenience, the traveler is personally responsible for expenses in-route to
and from their destination, inclusive of enroute expenses.
e. Individuals not associated with the University or with university activities should not be
transported in university-owned vehicles. Approval of exceptions to this policy may be
made by the Department Head if he/she determines that the unauthorized person is part
of the official University business, and that the best interest of the University will be
served; in such cases, the passenger (or passenger’s guardian) may also be required to
sign an Acknowledgment form, which is located on the University Office of Risk
Management website at
f. If a university-owned vehicle is to be brought to the home of a university employee
overnight, the traveler and department should ensure it is in accordance with
requirements outlined in R.S. 39:361-364.
2. Privately-owned Vehicles
a. An employee may elect to use his or her personal vehicle to travel on university
business, such as to attend meetings or conferences; however, use of a privately-
owned vehicle is solely at the discretion of the vehicle owner and vehicle driver.
Privately-owned vehicles used for university business should be properly registered,
inspected, insured and appropriate for such use. While travelling on university business,
the vehicle driver is responsible for the use of the vehicle and for safe transport of any
passengers who travel in the vehicle.
b. Employees whose written job description requires them to use their personal vehicle for
official University business must be a University Authorized Driver. The Driver
Authorization process and required form can be found on the University Office of Risk
Management website: Record
of driver authorizations must be retained in a central location during the period of active
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c. When two or more individuals travel in the same privately-owned vehicle, only one
charge will be allowed for the expense of the vehicle. The person claiming
reimbursement shall report the names of the other passengers.
d. A mileage allowance for in-state travel shall be authorized for travelers approved to use
privately-owned vehicles while conducting official University business. Mileage for in-
state shall be reimbursable at the published GSA rate for mileage based on the actual
physical address. The current GSA mileage rate can be found at:
e. Mileage for moving expenses shall be reimbursed at the federal rate in effect at the time
of the move.
f. Mileage shall be computed by using one of the following options:
i. On the basis of odometer from point of origin to point of return; or
ii. A website mileage calculator or published software package indicating physical
address and mileage (to be attached to the Travel Expense Reimbursement
Request/Expense Report).
g. An employee shall never receive any benefit from not living in his/her official domicile. In
computing reimbursable mileage, while the employee is on official University travel
status, to an authorized travel destination from an employee’s residence outside the
official domicile, the employee should always claim the lesser of the miles from their
official domicile or from their residence. If an employee is leaving on a non-work day or
leaving significantly before or after work hours, the traveler’s supervisor (or his/her
designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless the Campus and/or
Department requires a higher level of approval may determine to pay the actual mileage
from the employee’s residence.
h. When use of a privately-owned vehicle has been approved for out-of-state travel for the
traveler’s convenience, the traveler will not be reimbursed for in-route expenses. The
total cost of the mileage on the basis of the rate referenced in the Appendix per mile
may not exceed the cost of the lowest logical airfare obtained at least 14 days prior to
the trip departure date. The reimbursement would be limited to the one lowest logical
airfare quote, not the number of individuals traveling in the vehicle. The traveler is
personally responsible for any other expenses in-route to and from the destination
inclusive of enroute expenses.
i. When use of a privately-owned vehicle has been approved for out-of-state travel at the
request of the department for a purpose that benefits the University, the traveler will be
reimbursed for mileage expenses on the basis of the rate referenced in the Appendix
per mile only. The total cost of the mileage may not exceed the lowest logical fare
obtained at least 14 days prior to the trip departure date and a vehicle rental quote at
the point of destination. The reimbursement would be limited to the one lowest logical
airfare quote, not the number of individuals traveling in the vehicle. The traveler’s direct
supervisor and Dean will determine on a case-by-case basis whether the traveler is to
be reimbursed for all or part of the in-route travel expenses. Justification for the
approval should be attached to the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense
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j. When a traveler is required to regularly use his/her privately-owned vehicle for
university business (as written in the traveler’s job description), the individual who has
been delegated this authority on your campus may authorize a lump sum allowance for
transportation or reimbursement for transportation (mileage). Requests for lump sum
allowance must be accompanied by a detailed account of routine travel listing exact
mileage for each such route. Miscellaneous travel must be justified by at least a three-
month travel history to include a complete mileage log for all travel incurred, showing all
points traveled to or from and the exact mileage. Requests for lump sum allowance
shall be granted for periods not to exceed one fiscal year. A justification as to why a
vehicle rental is not feasible is required. When a traveler is granted a monthly vehicle
allowance or a lump sum allowance, the traveler should never request or be reimbursed
for mileage, fuel or rental vehicles.
k. The traveler shall be required to pay all operating expenses of his/her personal vehicle,
including fuel, repairs, and insurance. Repairs and routine maintenance required in the
use of personal vehicles are the responsibility of the traveler and do not qualify for
additional reimbursement. Employees using their personal vehicle for university
business should ensure they are adequately covered under their personal auto
insurance policy. The University requires that the employee’s auto liability insurance be
the primary insurance for any accidents that occur while driving on university business.
The University may provide excess liability coverage, at the discretion of the University,
based on the circumstance of the accident. The University does not provide physical
damage insurance to a personal vehicle; however, based on the circumstances of the
accident, there may be a reimbursement up to $1,000 provided toward the employee’s
vehicle property damage deductible, in instances, when property damage results while
using the employee’s personal vehicle for university business.
3. Rented Motor Vehicles (receipts required)
a. No person may be authorized to operate a rented vehicle to conduct University
business unless that person is an employee of the University or has received specific
written approval from the Department Head or his/her designee to operate a rental
vehicle on official University business.
b. Individuals not associated with the University or with University activities should not be
transported in vehicles rented by the University. Approval of exceptions to this policy
may be made by the Department Head if he/she determines that the best interest of the
University will be served; in such instances, the passenger (or passenger’s guardian)
may also be required to sign an Acknowledgment form, which is located on the
University Office of Risk Management website at
c. In-state Vehicle Rental - The State has contracted for in-state vehicle rentals through
Enterprise, National or Hertz. These contracts, which use is mandatory for business
travel, applies to all University employees and/or authorized travelers traveling on
official University business. Usage of the contracts is mandatory for university
employees unless it is determined that the vendor does not have the appropriate size
fleet in stock for the date of use. Documentation of such from the rental car company
must be provided. It is the traveler’s discretion which rental company is utilized.
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d. Employees are discouraged from making rental reservations at airport locations to
prevent the additional unnecessary costs. The rental reservation links for Enterprise,
National, and Hertz are available on the Accounts Payable & Travel website. For
Enterprise or National vehicle rentals, employees can reserve a vehicle by selecting the
campus specific link as each campus is assigned a unique accounting number.
e. Payments for vehicle rentals can be made using the LaCarte card or other personal
credit card.
f. Out-of-state Vehicle Rental - The State has contracted rental vehicles for domestic,
out-of-state travel, excluding international travel, utilizing the State of Louisiana’s out-of-
state contracts, which is mandatory for university employees. All University employees
are mandated to use these contracts due to exceptional pricing which may include
Collision Damage Waiver and one million dollar ($1 million) liability insurance (insurance
coverage should be verified with the rental car company). The State of Louisiana’s out-
of-state participating vendors include Enterprise, National and Hertz Corporation. It is
the traveler’s discretion which rental company is utilized.
g. Members of boards and commissions are not required to utilize the in-state and out-of-
state rental contracts. They are entitled to actual mileage reimbursement up to the GSA
rate referenced in Appendix A. However, they are strongly encouraged to use the in-
state and out-of-state rental contract when a cost benefit analysis indicates potential
h. University contractors are required to follow PM-13 by terms of their contracts, but they
are not required to use the in-state and out-of-state rental contracts. However, they are
strongly urged to use the in-state and out-of-state contracts when a benefit analysis
indicates potential savings. For out-of-state travel, mileage at the GSA rate referenced
in Appendix A will be limited to a lowest logical airfare quote.
i. Approvals - Prior to departure written approval must be granted by the traveler’s
supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility, unless the
Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval is required for the rental
of vehicles to conduct University business. However, if the department chooses,
approval may be granted on an annual basis if duties require frequent rentals. The
traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility,
unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval, has the
authority to approve rentals of any vehicle above the “intermediate size” category. If a
compact or mid-size vehicle is not rented, written justification as to the need for the
larger vehicle must be included in the supporting documentation attached to the Travel
Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report.
j. Vehicle Rental Size - Only the cost of rental of economy, compact, intermediate or
standard model is reimbursable, unless 1) non-availability is documented, or 2) the
vehicle will be used to transport more than two individuals. When a larger vehicle is
necessary as stated above, the upgraded vehicle shall be the next smallest size and
lowest price necessary to accommodate the number of individuals traveling or
equipment/materials being transported. The traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee)
and/or the person with fiscal responsibility, unless the Campus and/or Department
requires a higher level of approval, may on a case-by-case basis, authorize a larger
sized vehicle provided detailed justification is made in the employee’s file. Such
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justification should include, but is not limited to, specific medical requirements when
supported by a doctor’s recommendation.
k. Personal Rental - The State rental vehicle contracts are not allowed for personal use.
l. Gasoline (receipts required) - Reasonable gasoline cost is reimbursable, and receipts
are required; mileage is not reimbursable on vehicle rentals. If the traveler is not
able to obtain a receipt from a pump or cashier, a time stamped photo of the pump
showing the number of gallons purchased and total price will be acceptable. Pre-paid
fuel options for rental vehicles are only to be allowed with prior approval from the
traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility
unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval, when the
traveler can document that the pre-purchased amount was necessary and that the
amount charged by the rental company is reasonable in relation to local gasoline cost.
m. Insurance for Vehicle Rentals within the 50 United States - Insurance billed by
vehicle rental companies (i.e., CDW or LDW) is not reimbursable for domestic travel.
Damage Waiver Insurance and $1 Million Liability Protection Coverage may be included
in the State’s in-state and out-of-state rental contract pricing (insurance coverage
should be verified with the rental car company). Insurance coverage for vehicle rentals,
other than the State’s in-state and out-of-state mandatory contracts, is provided through
the University or State liability insurance. If a collision occurs while on official University
business, the accident should be reported immediately to the rental car company and
through the University Office of Risk Management at The Department will be
responsible for the cost of the repairs up to a deductible of $1,000. Note: Lost keys and
car door unlocking services for rental vehicles are not covered under the damage
waiver policy and are very costly. The Campus should establish internal procedures
regarding liability for these costs. No other insurance will be reimbursed when
renting, except when renting outside the 50 United States. There should be no
other charges added to the base price, unless the rental reservation is made at the
airport (which is not recommended for daily routine travel).
n. Insurance for Vehicle Rentals outside the 50 United States (receipts required) -
The appropriate insurance for each travel location (i.e., minimum legally required liability
and physical damage) provided through the vehicle rental company should be
purchased when the traveler is renting a vehicle outside the 50 United States. The
insurance costs for the minimum legally required insurance may be reimbursed for
travel outside the 50 United States only upon the approval of the traveler’s supervisor
(or designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless the Campus and/or
Department requires a higher level of approval.
o. Non-employed University students, guests, and contractors who have been
approved to drive to conduct University business are encouraged to utilize the in-state
and out-of-state rental contracts which may include Collision Damage Waiver and one
million dollar ($1 million) liability insurance (insurance coverage should be verified with
the rental car company). If the in-state and out-of-state contracts are not used the
following insurances are recommended and reimbursable:
i. Collision Deductible Wavier (CDW) - If a collision occurs while on official University
business, the cost of the deductible should be paid by the traveler and
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reimbursement claimed on a Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense
Report. The accident must also be reported to the appropriate University department
responsible for vehicle claims.
ii. Loss Damage Waiver (LDW).
iii. Auto Tow Protection (ATP) - Requires approval of the traveler’s supervisor (or
his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless the Campus
and/or Department requires a higher level of approval.
iv. Supplement Liability Insurance (SLI) - *If required by the vehicle rental company.
v. Theft and/or Super Theft Protection (coverage of contents lost during a theft or fire) -
*If required by the vehicle rental company.
vi. Vehicle coverage for attempted theft or partial damage due to fire - *If required by
the vehicle rental company.
The following are some of the insurance packages available by vehicle rental
companies that are not reimbursable:
i. Personal Accident Coverage Insurance (PAC) - Employees are covered under
workmen’s compensation while on official University business.
ii. Emergency Sickness Protection (ESP).
q. Navigation equipment (GPS Systems), rented, not purchased, from a rental car
company may only be reimbursed if an employee justifies the need for such equipment
and with prior approval from the traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the
person with fiscal responsibility unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher
level of approval.
D. Public Ground Transportation
The cost of public ground transportation such as buses, subways, airport limousines, and taxi
cabs is reimbursable when the expenses are incurred as part of approved University business
Public transportation to and from the airport, while on official University business travel, may
be reimbursed with a receipt.
Airport shuttle/limousines, taxi reimbursements, including tips, require a receipt to account for
total daily amount claimed. A driver’s tip for shuttle/limousines and taxis may be given and
must not exceed 20% of the total charge. The tip amount must be included on the receipt
received from the driver/company. All other forms of public ground transportation are limited to
$10 per day without a receipt, claims in excess of $10 per day require a receipt. At a
department level, the Dean or Department Head may implement a department-wide policy
requiring receipts for an amount less than $10 per day. To assist with verifications of taxi fares,
a traveler should contact the taxi company for an estimate or visit sites such as An employee should always get approval, prior to the trip, if multiple taxis
are used as it may be in the University’s best interest to rent a vehicle versus reimbursements
of multiple taxi expenses.
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Uber or Lyft type services are reimbursable, standard size vehicle must be selected and an
itemized receipt is required. Wait time charges are not a reimbursable expense.
1. Uber Black, Uber Black XL, and Uber Premier are not reimbursable.
2. Lyft Lux, Lyft Lux Black, and Lyft Lux Black XL are not reimbursable.
3. Uber XL and Lyft XL are reimbursable with two or more passengers.
Travelers should try to utilize the most economic ground transportation without incurring
additional fees or surge pricing.
E. To and From Common Carrier Terminals and Home or Office
1. Reimbursement will be allowed for taxicab fares between a common carrier or other
terminal and either the employee’s home or office. Receipts are required.
2. Instead of using a taxicab, payment on a mileage basis will be allowed for the round-trip
mileage of a privately-owned vehicle at the rate referenced in the Appendix per mile. The
reimbursement will be limited to one round trip.
F. Watercraft
1. No person may be authorized to operate an owned or rented motorized watercraft to
conduct University business unless that person is an employee of the University. All
employees operating motorized watercraft, must be in compliance with State law and
University safety requirements which may require the completion of a boating education
course (
2. Individuals not associated with the University or University activities should not be
transported in watercraft owned or rented by the University. Approval of exceptions to this
policy may be made by the Department Head if he/she determines that the best interest of
the University will be served; in such instances, the passenger (or passenger’s guardian)
may also be required to sign a release.
3. The use of private watercraft may not be used to conduct University business. Approval of
exceptions to this policy may be made by the Department Head if he/she determines that
the best interest of the University will be served.
4. To ensure proper insurance coverage for diving activities, all dives (descent underwater
utilizing compressed gas and subsequent ascent/return to the surface) must be reported to
the Office of Risk Management at (a mobile form is
available at the preceding link for easy reporting) this report must be completed prior to all
A. Meals (Including Tax and Tips) & Incidental Expenses
Travelers may be reimbursed for meals based on the GSA meal rates for the 48 continental
United States, including District of Columbia. The GSA meal rates can be found at Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories
(Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and Saipan) shall follow the meal
rate listed in Appendix A. Receipts are not required for routine meals. Number of meals
claimed must be shown on the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report.
Note: If meals are included in a conference schedule, including continental breakfast, and are
part of the registration fee; therefore, an employee cannot request/receive additional
reimbursement for the meals. If an individual seeks reimbursement of meal money for an entire
group traveling together, each member of the group must certify the amount of meal money
received from the individual claiming reimbursement. If an individual seeks reimbursement of
meals paid for the entire group, receipts must be provided and the cost per person may not
exceed the allowances.
1. Single Day Travel
Allowance of Single Day Meals is at the discretion of each Campus Head. Meals are not
eligible for reimbursement on single day travel. This means that when an authorized
traveler of the University is in travel status where no overnight stay is required, no meals
are eligible for reimbursement. Each Department Head or their designee has to determine
the reasonableness of when an overnight stay is justified. However, the Department Head
will be allowed to authorize single day meal reimbursements on a case-by-case basis or by
type(s) of single day travel when it is determined to be in the best interest of the
Department. In those cases where the single day meals are reimbursed, the amount of the
reimbursement must be considered taxable income to the employee. To receive any meal
reimbursement on single day travel, an employee must be in travel status for a minimum of
12 hours. If the Department Head or his/her designee determines that single day meals will
be provided, reimbursements for single day travel must not exceed 75% of the M&IE rate
for the applicable travel location meal rates.
2. Travel with Overnight Stay
Minimum of 12 hours of travel in travel status.
Reimbursements for travel with overnight stay must not exceed 75% of the M&IE rate for
the applicable travel location meal rates on the first and last day of travel.
Student group trips, including athletics, and employees required to travel with the student
groups are eligible for the full M&IE rate when travel begins at/or before 8 a.m. on the first
day of travel or extends to/or beyond 8 p.m. on the last day of travel.
Reimbursement for alcohol is prohibited.
B. Lodging
1. Routine Lodging Allowance
Employees will be reimbursed lodging based on the GSA lodging rates for the 48
continental United States, including District of Columbia. The GSA lodging rates can be
found at Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S.
Territories (Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and Saipan) shall
follow the lodging rate listed in Appendix A.
Receipts from a bona fide hotel, motel, or AirBnB for lodging shall be submitted and
attached to the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report.
Added value charges, which include but are not limited to, additional person fees, mini
bar/snack fees, gym fees, and spa fees are not reimbursable.
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For all hotel lodging, including AirBnB, only the first night lodging should be paid to secure
the reservation. Lodging should not be prepaid in total and should be paid upon checkout. If
the travel is canceled for any reason and the total lodging amount, in particular for an
AirBnB was prepaid, only the first night of lodging may be allowed as a university expense.
The other prepaid lodging days will be the responsibility of the traveler. Lodging should not
be prepaid.
Employees should use the R-1376 “Governmental Employees Hotel Lodging Sales/Use
Tax” exemption form located on the AP & Travel website at when traveling in-state on official
university business.
When two or more individuals on university business share a lodging room, the University
will reimburse the actual cost of the room; subject to a maximum amount allowed for an
individual traveler times the number of employees.
2. Conference Lodging Allowance
Employees may be reimbursed lodging rate, plus tax and any mandatory surcharge.
Receipts are required along with documentation showing the actual conference rate. The
traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless
the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval has the authority to
approve actual cost of conference lodging, for single occupancy, when the traveler is
staying at the designated conference hotel. If there are multiple designated conference
hotels, the lowest designated conference hotel should be utilized, if applicable. In the event
the designated conference hotel(s) have no room availability, the traveler’s supervisor (or
his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility, unless the Campus and/or
Department requires a higher level of approval, may approve to pay actual hotel cost not to
exceed the conference lodging rates for the other hotels in the immediate vicinity of the
conference hotel. This allowance does not include Agency Hosted Conference Lodging
Allowances. See Section X, Subsection B for these allowances. In the event a traveler
chooses to stay at a hotel which is not associated with the conference, then the traveler is
subject to making reservations and getting reimbursed within the hotel rates allowed in
routine lodging only, as listed above. Documentation required is a registration receipt,
formal agenda or program, and/or documentation designating the official conference hotel
and nightly rate. Note: Training courses which are several days and have a designated
hotel and rate, can be considered a “conference hotel” and therefore, the designated rate
can be allowed.
A traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility,
unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval, has the authority
to approve meals that are designated an integral part of the conference at actual costs.
However, a written justification with the reason for the higher lodging cost must be included
in the supporting documentation attached to the Travel Expense Reimbursement
Request/Expense Report.
No reimbursements are allowed for functions not relating to a conference (i.e., tours,
dances, golf tournaments, etc.) and/or to the mission of the University.
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C. Extended Stay
For travel assignments involving duty for extended periods at a fixed location, the
reimbursement rates indicated should be adjusted downward wherever possible.
Reimbursement requests for meals and lodging may be reported on an allowance basis
supported by lodging receipts. Care should be exercised to prevent allowing rates in excess of
those required to meet the necessary authorized subsistence expenses. It is the responsibility
of the individual who has been delegated this authority on your campus to authorize only such
travel allowances as are justified by the circumstances affecting the travel.
D. Parking and Parking-related Expenses
1. Parking at the Baton Rouge Airport - The State has contract rates for parking in the
indoor parking garage, as well as the outside, fenced parking lot at the airport. A receipt is
required. Documentation required to receive the contract price is the airport certificate and
a University ID. The airport certificate may be found on AP and Travel’s website at See Appendix A for rates.
2. Parking when flying out of the New Orleans Airport - Travelers have the option to park at
New Orleans Airport in the Surface Lot, the Airline Economy Garage, or USPark. A receipt
is required. See Appendix A for rates.
3. Travelers using motor vehicles on official University business may be reimbursed for all
other parking, including airport parking except as listed in 1 & 2 above, ferry fares, and road
and bridge tolls. For each transaction over $5, a receipt is required.
E. Exceptions
1. Routine Lodging Overage Allowance
A traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility,
unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval, has the authority
to approve actual routine lodging costs. (Note: This authority for increase is for lodging only
and not for any other area of PM-13). Each case must be fully documented as to necessity
(i.e., proximity to meeting place) and cost effectiveness of alternative options.
Documentation and receipts must be attached to the Travel Expense Reimbursement
Request/Expense Report. This authority shall not be delegated to any other person.
In areas where the Governor has declared an emergency, a Department Head or his/her
designee will have the authority to approve actual routine lodging provisions on a case-by-
case basis not to exceed 75% over the GSA rate. Each case must be fully documented as
to necessity (e.g., proximity to the meeting place) and cost effectiveness of the alternative
options. Documentation must be readily available in the department’s travel reimbursement
2. Actual Expenses for University Officials
University officials and others so authorized by statute or individual exception will be
reimbursed on an actual expense basis for meals and lodging while in travel status, except
in cases where other provisions for reimbursement have been made by statute. The
request for reimbursement must be accompanied by an itemized receipt or other supporting
document for each item claimed and shall not be extravagant and will be reasonable in
relationship to the purpose of the travel. Positions eligible for actual expenses
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reimbursement are President, Vice President, Chancellor, and Vice Chancellor. They are
subject to the time frames and all other requirements listed in the Travel Regulations.
The following expenses incidental to travel may be reimbursed:
A. Communications Expense Relative to Official University Business
1. Official University Business - All business communication costs may be reimbursed.
Receipts are required. Note: If a traveler has an official University phone and/or is receiving
a monthly stipend, reimbursements are not allowed.
2. International Travel - Up to $10 upon arrival at each destination and prior to departure from
each destination within the first or last 24 hours of the trip, respectively. For stays in excess
of seven days, one $10 call will be allowed for every second night after the first night. This
will not be allowed for those persons who have a university issued cell or cell phone
stipend. Note: If a traveler has an official University phone and/or is receiving a monthly
stipend, reimbursements are not allowed.
3. Internet - Internet access charges for official University business from hotels or other travel
locations are treated the same as business telephone charges. A Department Head may
implement a stricter policy for reimbursement of internet access charges. Receipts are
4. Personal cell phone charges will not be reimbursed.
B. Storage and Handling Equipment Charges (receipts required)
C. Baggage handling incidental tips are included in meals and incidental (M&IE)
D. Luggage Charges from Airlines
A traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless
the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval may approve
reimbursement for a traveler, with a receipt, any airline charges for the first checked bag for a
business trip of 5 days or less and for the second checked bag for a 6-10 day business trip
and/or additional baggage which is business related and required by the Department. The
traveler must present a receipt to substantiate the luggage charges. Travelers will be
reimbursed for excess baggage charges (overweight baggage) only in the following
1. When traveling with heavy or bulky materials or equipment necessary for business.
2. The excess baggage holds University records or property.
E. Registration Fees at Conferences/Conventions
When a registration fee is requested to be reimbursed, the traveler must itemize what it covers
(i.e., conference attendance, meals, lodging, transportation, etc.). Items included in the
registration fee cannot be claimed again. Note: if a meal is included in a conference schedule,
it is part of the registration fee; therefore, an employee cannot request/receive additional
reimbursement for that meal. Meals that are a designated integral part of the conference may
be reimbursed on an actual expense basis with prior approval of the direct supervisor. Use of
LaCarte to pay for registration fees is recommended. Receipts are required.
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F. Laundry Services for Domestic Travel
Employees in travel status for more than 7 days may be reimbursed for laundry services, with
department head or his/her designee’s approval. The reimbursement will be actual, reasonable
costs incurred for travel to the 50 United States and U.S. territories only. Receipts are required.
A. High Risk Travel, including travel to foreign adversary countries must be approved by the
individual who has been delegated this authority on your campus and is subject to the High
Risk Travel policy for the appropriate campus. Requests for High Risk Travel should be
submitted through the appropriate administrative channels (i.e. Department Head, Dean, Vice
Chancellor, High Risk Travel Committee, etc.).
All other international travel must be approved in writing by the traveler’s supervisor (or his/her
designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless the Campus and/or Department
requires a higher level of approval prior to departure. Requests should reflect:
1. Place to be visited and route if other than direct
2. Purpose of travel
3. Dates of travel
4. Source of funds for travel and estimated cost
5. Any special allowances for meals and lodging reimbursement - U.S. Department of State
rates may be authorized upon request.
B. International travel assistance services and insurance will be provided by the University to
employees and students traveling internationally. To be eligible for coverage, employees must
have a completed and approved “Spend Authorization” or “Authorization to Travel” prior to their
travel start date. Students must be enrolled in a qualified University-sponsored travel program
(i.e., academic programs abroad, department field trips, etc.). Both employees and students
also must register their travel using the instructions as they are listed on the University Office
of Risk Management’s International Travel Insurance page at When trips are booked
through the State Contracted Travel Agency, the travel will be automatically registered with the
LSU Travel Assistance Provider. To request a travel insurance brochure, or to access
additional information regarding the travel assistance services and insurance, (including limits
and coverage exclusions), please visit
Travelers planning international travel may access medical, security, and cultural information
for the destination by calling the LSU Travel Assistance Provider using the contact information
listed on the LSU Office of Risk Management website at
Special insurance (Defense Base Act) may be required for any University employee traveling
international that meets one of the following conditions:
1. Any LSU employee working on a military base, naval or air, base or reservation.
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2. Any LSU employee engaged in U.S. government-funded public works business outside the
U.S. continental shelf.
3. Any LSU employee engaged in a public works or military contract with a foreign
government which has been deemed necessary to U.S. national security.
4. LSU employees that provide services funded by the U.S. government outside the realm of
regular military issue or channels.
5. LSU employees of any sub-contractors of the prime or letting contractor involved in a
contract such as numbers 1-4 above.
To review additional information and request coverage please visit:
C. International travelers will be reimbursed meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) rates based
on the U.S. Department of State meal rates. Incidental expenses include tips for valets,
porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff, complimentary shuttle services, and laundry/cleaning
services. Lodging rates will be based on the U.S. Department of State lodging rates and are
inclusive of taxes and fees. The U.S. Department of State lodging and M&IE rates can be
found at The U.S. Department of State
breakdown of daily meal rates can be found at Student group trips,
including athletics, are eligible for the full M&IE rate when travel begins at/or before 8 a.m. on
the first day of travel or extends to/or beyond 8 p.m. on the last day of travel. To accommodate
the currency conversion, we recommend that expenses are paid using a credit card, and a
copy of the credit card bill reflecting the charge in U.S. dollars be attached to the Travel
Expense Reimbursement Request/Expense Report in lieu of a daily conversion calculation.
For charges paid in cash, a conversion calculator must be attached.
D. Upon receipt of written justification, the University may approve for employees to be
reimbursed for a VISA and/or immunizations when the traveler is traveling on behalf of the
University on official business. It is not practice for the University to reimburse for a passport.
However, a passport may be reimbursed upon a detailed justification request and Department
Head approval.
E. International airfares available from other sources may be less expensive than fares available
from the contracted travel agency. Once an employee has been granted approval to travel
internationally, the employee is free to either:
1. Book their airfare through the contracted travel agency; or
2. If an employee seeks and finds a lower fare available from a source other than the
contracted travel agency, the employee must obtain from the outside source a copy of the
proposed itinerary and the complete cost. This information must be provided to the
contracted travel agency for review and all requests should be copied to the person on your
campus authorized to approve travel exceptions. The agency will determine if the airfare
can be matched or beat and, within 24 hours, a response will be provided via email to the
traveler and travel arranger. If the fare can be matched or beat, the ticket must be
purchased from the contracted travel agency and an exception request will not be
approved. If the travel agency cannot match the price, the travel agency will indicate that
the itinerary cannot be matched. This approval must be attached to the Travel Expense
July 1, 2024 PM-13 Page 25 of 41
Reimbursement Request/Expense Report to obtain reimbursement of the cost of the ticket.
If no response is received within the 24-hour period, the airfare can be purchased by the
traveler (e-mail requesting the review must be attached to the reimbursement/payment
Employees must use caution when purchasing tickets from sources other than the
contracted travel agency, particularly restricted fares, many of which cannot be changed.
The contracted travel agency will not be available to help with changes, cancellations, or
other needs when a ticket has not been purchased through their office. It will be the
responsibility of the employee to ensure the ticket meets their needs and to make changes,
cancellations, etc. after the ticket is purchased. Any fees associated with changes or
cancellations are also the responsibility of the employee.
When visitors are brought to the Campus with the understanding that travel expenses will be
reimbursed, the following procedure should be used:
A. A letter should be addressed to the visitor prior to his/her departure informing him/her of the
necessity of obtaining receipts, keeping a record of expenses of his/her trip, and that
reimbursement will be made in accordance with PM-13, University Travel Regulations.
Contracted travel services may be used to arrange travel for visitors to the Campus but are not
required if the visitors make their own arrangements from their departure city.
B. The University official at whose request the visitor is on the Campus shall be responsible for
preparing the reimbursement request and obtaining the visitor’s signature.
C. Written authorization for reimbursement of travel expenses must be obtained from the
traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal responsibility unless
the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval prior to being invited to
Campus for an employment interview. Travel for the spouse of a candidate may also be
authorized for the employment interview. Travel expenses may not be paid or reimbursed to
candidates for employment except for expenses incurred for interviews and/or official business
trips. Local living expenses upon relocation to the new domicile are not eligible for
D. Written approval of the traveler’s supervisor (or his/her designee) and/or the person with fiscal
responsibility unless the Campus and/or Department requires a higher level of approval is
required for reimbursement of expenses for superior graduate and medical students being
recruited by the University.
A. Reimbursement designed for those occasions when, as a matter of extraordinary courtesy or
necessity, it is appropriate and in the best interest of the University to use public funds for
provision of a meal to a person who is not otherwise eligible for such reimbursement and
where reimbursement is not available from another source. All special meals must have prior
written approval by the Department Head (or his/her designee). See the Appendix for special
meal rates.
Note: Expenses for spouses and children of employees may not be paid from public funds.
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1. Candidates for employment at the University who are being hosted at a meal by university
personnel. The number of university personnel participating should be kept to a minimum.
2. Guest lecturers, visiting scholars and other visiting dignitaries or executive-level individuals
from other governmental units, business, or industry and individuals providing identified
gratuity services to the University. This explicitly does not include normal visits, meetings,
reviews, etc., by Federal or State representatives. Extraordinary situations when University
employees are required by their supervisor to work more than a 12-hour workday or a 6-
hour weekend when such are not normal working hours, to meet crucial deadlines or to
handle emergencies.
3. Special meals should not be served at brief, routine meetings, particularly meetings that
could be scheduled at times other than mealtimes. Special meals are allowed for all-day
events (i.e., workshops, faculty or staff retreats, trainings, etc.) and a detailed meeting
agenda is required. Special meals for routine work meetings should be paid with private
funds, and LaCarte cannot be used. Reasonable delivery fee and tip may be allowed if
ordered from an outside vendor. A reasonable tip is allowed but should not exceed 20%.
B. Reimbursement Limits
See the Appendix for “Special Meal” reimbursement limits.
Note: Allowances for refreshments and receptions apply only to expenditures made for the
benefit of a group of people at a meeting, conference or convention; allowances are not
additional “meal provisions” provided to individuals in travel status. University employees
should be included only to the extent that their official capacity would indicate their presence
as desirable (i.e., meetings are interdepartmental in nature). A reasonable tip is allowed but
should not exceed 20%.
A list of attendees or a sign-in sheet is required for all special meal events, except for
refreshments or receptions.
1. Agency-hosted Conferences (Both In-State and Out-of-State)
a. University sponsored conferences - Three (3) bona fide competitive quotes to include
sleeping rooms, meeting rooms, meals and breaks, etc. must be solicited for
conferences hosted by the University.
b. Attendee Verification: All university sponsored conferences must have a sign-in sheet or
some type of attendee acknowledgement to justify the number of meals charged.
c. Conference Meal Rates: Cost of conference meals served in conjunction with university-
sponsored conferences billed to the University shall not exceed the special meal rates.
Any gratuity not required by the caterer must not exceed 20% of the total meal cost.
d. Conference Lodging Allowances - Conference lodging rates should be within the
published lodging rates for the conference location.
2. Group refreshment expenditures for a meeting, conference or convention are limited to
those incurred on behalf of the conference or convention and are not eligible
reimbursement claims for individual travelers. Refreshments shall not exceed $5.50 per
person, per morning and/or afternoon sessions. Gratuity may be added if refreshments are
being catered.
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All special meals must have prior written approval by the Department Head (or his/her
LaCarte can be used to pay for dine-in restaurant special meals. The cost of the meal is
subject to the special meal rates and no alcohol should be included or paid with LaCarte.
An itemized receipt for the total meal amount must be attached to the Expense Report
reflecting the transaction.
C. Requests to the individual who has been delegated this authority on your campus for special
meal authorization must be under signature of the employee assuming responsibility. The
request must include:
1. Name and title of the employee requesting authority to incur expenses and assuming
responsibility for such.
2. The nature of the activity and clear justification of the necessity and appropriateness of the
3. Names, official titles and affiliations of all individuals for whom reimbursement of meal
expenses is being requested.
D. To request reimbursement, all of the following must be submitted by the authorized employee:
1. Detailed breakdown of all expenses incurred, with appropriate receipt(s).
2. Subtraction of cost of any alcoholic beverages.
3. Prior written approval from the individual who has been delegated this authority on your
4. Original itemized receipts.
E. Higher education institutions must send the special meals report to the entity’s management
board on quarterly basis with the report due 45 days following the end of the quarter.
The Special Meals Report template can be found here:
The special meals report must include:
1. Year and quarter being reported
2. Campus & Department Name
3. Name of report preparer
4. Phone number and email address of report preparer
5. Date of Event
6. Event Title
7. Name and title of person(s) receiving reimbursement, if applicable.
8. If a state credit card was used, the name and title of the cardholder must be reported.
9. Name and title of each recipient
10.Total number of attendees
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11.Total cost of meal
12.Cost per person
13.Justification for special meal
Travel expenses, including travel scholarships, covered by a third party or a sponsor are subject
to the reporting requirements in R.S. 42:1111 Code of Governmental Ethics.
Pursuant to La. R.S. 42:1115, any public servant who accepts complimentary admission, lodging,
or transportation to and from an educational or professional development, seminar or conference
shall file an affidavit with the Board of Ethics within 60 days after such acceptance.
It is the agency and employee’s responsibility to properly complete and submit to the Board of
Ethics in the time required.
The Disclosure Statement can be found at
Travelers are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated prior to any travel.
It is the responsibility of faculty/staff/students to consider the travel risk, especially at the
destination before traveling.
Any travel-related expenses (i.e., hotels, meals and internet expenses) for quarantine and/or test
while on university business travel will be considered a university business expense. Receipts will
be required.
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I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
II. Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 1
III. General Specifications .............................................................................................................. 4
IV. Requests for Reimbursement ....................................................................................................7
V. Methods of Transportation ........................................................................................................ 8
A. Air ........................................................................................................................................ 8
B. Train................................................................................................................................... 11
C. Motor Vehicle ..................................................................................................................... 11
1. University-owned Vehicles.............................................................................................. 12
2. Privately-owned Vehicles................................................................................................ 13
3. Rented Motor Vehicles ................................................................................................... 15
D. Public Ground Transportation ............................................................................................ 18
E. To and From Common Carrier Terminals and Home or Office .......................................... 19
F. Watercraft .......................................................................................................................... 19
VI. Reimbursement for Lodging and Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) .................................. 19
A. Meals & Incidental Expenses ............................................................................................. 19
B. Lodging .............................................................................................................................. 20
C. Extended Stay ................................................................................................................... 22
D. Parking and Parking-related Expenses .............................................................................. 22
E. Exceptions ......................................................................................................................... 22
VII. Reimbursement for Other Expenses ....................................................................................... 23
A. Communications Expense Relative to Official University Business ................................... 23
B. Storage and Handling Equipment Charges ........................................................................ 23
C. Baggage Handling ............................................................................................................. 23
D. Luggage Charges from Airlines ......................................................................................... 23
E. Registration Fees at Conferences/Conventions ................................................................. 23
F. Laundry Services ............................................................................................................... 24
VIII. International Travel.................................................................................................................. 24
IX. Visitors to the Campus ............................................................................................................ 26
X. Special Meals .......................................................................................................................... 26
XI. Ethics Reporting ...................................................................................................................... 29
XII. Communicable Disease .......................................................................................................... 29
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Mileage Rate
Mileage Rate
Reimbursements for single day travel must not exceed 75% of the M&IE rate for the travel destination. The GSA meal rates can be found at
PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section V. A. 2. - Travel by Privately-Owned Aircraft
Section V. C. 2. - Travel by Privately-Owned Vehicle
Section VI. A. 1. - Single Day Meal Allowances
Section VI. A. 2. - Meals & Incidental Expenses Allowances
Areas Breakfast Lunch Dinner Incidentals Total First/Last Day
48 continental United States, including District of Columbia
Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories (Puerto Rico, U.S.
Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and Saipan)
$20 $34 $51 $5 $110 $82.50
Reimbursements for first and last day of travel must not exceed 75% of the M&IE rate for the travel destination.
Section VI. B. 1. - Routine Lodging Allowances
Areas Routine
48 continental United States, including District of Columbia
Baton Rouge – Lod Cook only $119
Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories (Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa,
Guam and Saipan)
Section V. D. - Public Ground Transportation
Airport Shuttle/Limousines and Taxis Require a receipt & tips may not exceed 20% of the total charge.
Other forms of Public Ground Transportation
Limited to $10 per day without a receipt, claims in excess of $10 per day require a receipt (i.e.,
Buses, Subways, etc.).
Section VI. F. - Parking and Related Expenses
Baton Rouge Airport
Contract Rate is $4.50 per day (receipts required) for parking in the indoor parking garage, as
well as the outside, fenced parking lot at the airport.
New Orleans Airport
Surface Lot rate is $20 per day, Airline Economy Garage rate is $12 per day, or USPark at $14
per day. Receipts are required.
Other Parking
For each transaction over $5, a receipt is required. Other parking includes airport parking,
except for the two airports listed above, ferry fares, and road and bridge tolls.
Section VII. - Reimbursement for Other Expenses
Communication Expenses for International Travel
Allowed up to $10 upon arrival at each destination and prior to departure from each destination
within the first or last 24 hours of the trip.
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PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section X. B. 1. - Reimbursement Limits for Special Meals
Meal Maximum Allowed
Breakfast $18 per person
Lunch $25 per person
Dinner $45 per person
Refreshments $5.50 per person
Receptions $8 per person
Note: Tips must be reasonable and not to exceed 20%
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PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract Travel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Associate Vice President
of Accounting Services
Director/Associate Director
AP & Travel
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Associate Vice President
of Accounting Services
Director/Associate Director
AP & Travel
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Associate Vice President
of Accounting Services
Director/Associate Director
AP & Travel
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Associate Vice President
of Human Resource
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Associate Vice President
of Accounting Services
Director/Associate Director
AP & Travel
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Associate Vice President
of Accounting Services
Director/Associate Director
AP & Travel
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel to High
Risk Regions and to Foreign Adversary
Provost Vice Provost
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PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract Travel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice Chancellor Finance &
Administrative Services
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice Chancellor Finance &
Administrative Services
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Vice Chancellor Finance &
Administrative Services
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Vice Chancellor Finance &
Administrative Services
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Vice Chancellor Finance &
Administrative Services
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Vice Chancellor Finance &
Administrative Services
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel to High
Risk Regions and to Foreign Adversary
Vice Chancellor Finance &
Admin Services or Provost
July 1, 2024 PM-13 Page 34 of 41
PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract Travel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Chancellor N/A
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice Chancellor for
Business Affairs
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Vice Chancellor for
Business Affairs
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Vice Chancellor for
Business Affairs
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Vice Chancellor for
Business Affairs
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Vice Chancellor for
Business Affairs
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel to High
Risk Regions and to Foreign Adversary
Vice Chancellor for
Business Affairs
July 1, 2024 PM-13 Page 35 of 41
PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract Travel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice Chancellor for
Finance and
Director of Accounting
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice Chancellor for
Finance and
Director of Accounting
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Vice Chancellor for
Finance and
Director of Accounting
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Vice Chancellor for
Finance and
Director of Accounting
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Chancellor Provost
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Vice Chancellor for
Finance and
Director of Accounting
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel to High
Risk Regions and to Foreign Adversary
Chancellor Provost
July 1, 2024 PM-13 Page 36 of 41
PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract Travel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice President
Director of Accounting
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice President
Director of Accounting
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Vice President Unit Head
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Vice President N/A
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Vice President
Executive Associate Vice
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Vice President
Executive Associate Vice
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve all international
travel, including travel to High Risk Regions
and Foreign Adversary Countries
Vice President
Director of Accounting
Services & Executive
Associate Vice President
Section X - Special Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve Special Meal
Vice President
Director of Accounting
July 1, 2024 PM-13 Page 37 of 41
PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract T
ravel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Associate Executive
Director for Operations
and CFO
Director of Fiscal
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Associate Executive
Director for Operations
and CFO
Director of Fiscal
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Associate Executive
Director for Operations
and CFO
Director of Fiscal
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Associate Executive
Director for Operations
and CFO
Director of Fiscal
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Associate Executive
Director for Operations
and CFO
Director of Fiscal
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Associate Executive
Director for Operations
and CFO
Director of Fiscal
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel to High
Risk Regions and to Foreign Adversary
Executive Director
Associate Executive
Director for Operations
and CFO
July 1, 2024 PM-13 Page 38 of 41
PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract Travel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Executive Director
Accounting Services
Director of Payable
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Executive Director
Accounting Services
Director of Payable
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Executive Director
Accounting Services
Director of Payable
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Vice Chancellor of
Administration and
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Executive Director
Accounting Services
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Executive Director
Accounting Services
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel to High
Risk Regions and to Foreign Adversary
Vice Chancellor of
Administration and
July 1, 2024 PM-13 Page 39 of 41
PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract Travel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice Chancellor of
Chief Financial Officer
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Vice Chancellor of
Chief Financial Officer
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Vice Chancellor of
Chief Financial Officer
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Vice Chancellor of
Chief Financial Officer
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Vice Chancellor of
Chief Financial Officer
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Vice Chancellor of
Chief Financial Officer
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel to High
Risk Regions and to Foreign Adversary
Vice Chancellor of
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PM-13 Reference
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Section III - Contract Travel Services
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
Section V - Method of Transportation
Reference Description
Person authorized to grant exception approval
for non-use of the contracted travel agency
A.3 b.
Person authorized to grant exception approval
to allow the cost for changes or cancellations
of traveler's airfare
Person authorized to approve a lump sum
allowance for transportation or reimbursement
of transportation (mileage) when a traveler is
required to regularly use his/her privately-
owned vehicle for University business
Section VI - Reimbursement of Lodging and Meals
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel greater
than 30 days
Person authorized to approve extended stay
travel allowances justified by the
circumstances affecting the travel
Section VIII - International Travel
Reference Description
Person authorized to approve travel to High
Risk Regions and to Foreign Adversary
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