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Is TouchMath an Effective Intervention for Students with Autism? Is TouchMath an Effective Intervention for Students with Autism?
April M. Huckaby
Stephen F Austin State University
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Huckaby, April M., "Is TouchMath an Effective Intervention for Students with Autism?" (2019).
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Is TouchMath an Effective Intervention for Students with Autism? Is TouchMath an Effective Intervention for Students with Autism?
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APRIL M. HUCKABY, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of
Stephen F. Austin State University
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements
For the Degree of
Master of Arts
August 2019
Is Touchmath an Effective Intervention for Students with Autism?
APRIL M. HUCKABY, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Dr. Daniel McCleary, Thesis Director
Dr. Jillian Dawes, Thesis Co-Director
Dr. Frankie Clark, Committee Member
Dr. Summer Koltonski, Committee Member
Pauline M. Sampson, Ph.D.
Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
The TouchMath program was created in 1976 to help students struggling with basic
mathematical computations (Bullock, 2005). Although the research has found
TouchMath to be an effective intervention for students in the general and special
education populations, only four studies have found the program to be effective for
students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Berry, 2009; Cihak & Foust, 2008; Fletcher,
Boon, & Cihak, 2010; Yıkmış, 2016). The purpose of the study was to determine how the
intervention can affect accuracy and fluency for students with ASD. The study focused
on single-digit plus single-digit addition problems with three participants diagnosed with
ASD in grades 5-6, all of whom attended rural school districts in East Texas. A multiple-
probe design was used for progress monitoring, using cold and hot probes, with three
phases to the intervention: baseline, intervention, and generalization. An additional
modification was made to the TouchMath curriculum involving faded TouchPoints that
were used to aid in generalization. An analysis of results showed the TouchMath program
to likely be ineffective for students with ASD, however more research is warranted.
Limitations to the study are discussed.
1. Introduction …………………………………………….
2. Review of Literature …………………………………....
3. Method …………………………………………………
4. Results ………………………………………………….
5. Discussion ………………..…………………………….
A. Assessment Data …..…………………………………..
B. Teaching the TouchPoints 1-5...………………………..
C. Practice with TouchPoints 1-5………………………….
D. Criterion Data Collection TouchPoints 1-5 ………
E. Teaching the TouchPoints 6-9….………………………
F. Practice with TouchPoints 6-9………………….…….
G. Criterion Data Collection TouchPoints 6-9 ………….
H. Counting ALL Practice………..………………………..
I. Criterion Data Collection Counting ALL……………..
J. Counting ON Practice……………………………………
K. Criterion Data Collection Counting ON………………
L. Counting ON with Faded TouchPoints Practice…………
M. Criterion Data Collection Counting ON Faded……….
N. Counting ON without TouchPoints Practice……………
O. Criterion Data Collection Counting ON without
P. Generalization Assessment………………………………
Q. Inter-rater Reliability Checklist………………………….
R. Social Validity…………………………………………..
As the number of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) increases,
general and special education teachers will need to continue their search for new and
innovative methods of educating this group of students in a way that is effective and
beneficial for student success. Many students with ASD have exceptional mathematics
skills, while others continue to struggle with basic mathematical computations (Adkins &
Larkey, 2013). Often, students struggling with basic math skills fail to naturally acquire
math strategies. They are also unable to apply strategies effectively and do not
consistently use the same strategy for problem solving (Wendling & Mather, 2009). Due
to changes in state assessment, special education students are now, more than ever,
expected to acquire math computation abilities and perform on the same level as
nondisabled peers (Texas Education Agency, n.d.).
The state of Texas administered the State of Texas Assessments of Academic
Readiness (STAAR) Modified Exam for the final time during the 2013-2014 academic
year (Texas Education Agency, n.d.). Previous STAAR Modified exam accommodations
included larger print, fewer items per page, as well as three answer choices to multiple
choice questions (Texas Education Agency, 2011). Students who receive special
education services and accommodations are now required to complete the same state
exam as those enrolled in general education. According to the Spring 2017 Texas
Education Agency report for the STAAR 7
grade mathematics scores (Texas
Education Agency, 2017), 72% of all special education students in the State of Texas did
not meet the Approaching Grade Level performance standard. When comparing the
percentages of correctly answered questions from the reporting category Computation
and Algebraic Relationships, the total average for all students was 57% state wide. While
economically disadvantage students averaged 51%, English as a second language (ESL)
achieved 44%, At-Risk scored 45%, and all special education students only attained 37%.
Students receiving special education services continue to fall below the projection
curve of general education students in academic performance, with students with ASD
being among the lowest in 11 out of 13 federal disability categories (Wei, Lenz, &
Blackorby, 2013). With the standards of academic performance being raised for those
with special needs, general and special education teachers need strategies and curriculum
that can reach every student. Students with ASD exhibit more difficulties in calculation
and basic mathematical skills than students with other disabilities due to deficits in
executive functioning abilities, especially when paired with weaknesses in working
memory (Doobay, Foley-Nicpon, Ali, & Assouline, 2014). Interventions in mathematical
instruction are limited (King, Lemons, & Davidson, 2016). Research has found that the
most effective learning strategies for students in elementary grades with special needs
includes direct teaching of basic skills with the ability to practice through self-instruction
(Kroesbergen & Van Luit, 2003). The purpose of this study is to determine the
effectiveness of a modified TouchMath program for teaching basic mathematics
computation skills in addition for those students diagnosed with ASD in 5
and 6
The number of children being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
is increasing every year. In fact, the percentage increased from 1.47% in 2010 to 2.76%
in 2016 (Xu, Strathearn, Liu, & Bao, 2018). According to The American Psychiatric
Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM – 5; American
Psychiatric Association, 2013), ASD is described as a developmental disorder
demonstrating continual deficits with social interactions and communication skills across
different environments (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Although the etiology
of ASD is still unknown, researchers have studied the anatomy and physiology of the
brains from people with autism over the past 20 years (Akshoomoff, 2005).
Neuroimaging has detected several regions of the brain from people with autism to be
enlarged in volume for certain areas and in other areas the volume is decreased when
compared to neurotypical brains (Akshoomoff, Pierce, & Courchesne, 2002; Getz, 2014).
Areas with consistent abnormalities across wide populations of adults and children with
ASD include the cerebellum, corpus collosum, amygdala, and hippocampus.
Abnormalities in the function of these specific brain regions tend to coincide with the
typical characteristic behaviors associated with ASD (Akshoomoff et al., 2002;
Akshoomoff, 2005).
The increased brain volume is due to an overgrowth of neurons, resulting in an
abundant amount of inefficient connections that reduces the efficiency of neural
pathways (Getz, 2014). Brain regions exhibiting a decrease in volume is due in part to a
diminution in neuron connections (Campbell, Chang, & Chawarska, 2014). An inverse
relationship has been found with the length and strength of neuron connections: the lower
the connection efficiency, the higher the severity of ASD symptoms (Lewis et al., 2014).
Zilbovicius et al. (1995) reported evidence of a delay in the development of the pre-
frontal cortex due to a reduction in functional connections between brain regions in
children with ASD, which can lead to potential problems with executive functioning.
Results from the comparison of cognitive, adaptive, and psychosocial differences
between neurotypical youth and students with high functioning ASD have found students
with ASD have a relative weakness in processing speed when compared to neurotypical
students (Doobay et al., 2014). This weakness could relate to deficits in executive
functioning, which is the necessary cognitive process needed for cognitive flexibility,
planning, self-regulation, response inhibition, task initiation, and working memory (Blijd-
Hoogewys, Bezemer, & van Geert, 2014). As children grow, the connections between
synapses can then increase in strength, as they are used more often, allowing for faster
processing speeds (Getz, 2014). This is an important factor in early intervention in both
behavioral and academic areas for students with ASD (Dawson et al., 2010).
Students with ASD demonstrate a wide range of strengths and weaknesses in
mathematic skills. All students receiving special education services tend to fall below the
performance levels of their peers in general education in both applied problems and
calculations. When comparing students within the 11 federal disability categories,
students with ASD scored in the lowest three disability groups, along with intellectual
disabilities and multiple disabilities (Wei et al., 2013). Researchers have studied the
growth trajectories for each disability category and students with ASD were found to
have significantly slower growth rates in calculation when compared to their peers in
special education (Wei et al., 2013). These results suggest that students with ASD
demonstrating weaknesses in mathematical computations will require more
individualized instruction with effective computation strategies in place to increase their
rate of performance.
Students with ASD who demonstrate mathematical strengths can also have
difficulties utilizing consistent methods of calculation. One method often utilized by
students with ASD is the recall strategy, also known as rote memory. Although students
with ASD can perform well with rote memory, researchers have found they generally are
unable to fully explain how they solved a problem 66% of the time, as this requires
executive functioning skills (Haas, 2010). As the curriculum increases throughout the
student’s educational career and becomes more complex, eventually rote memory can
become less effective as the amount of information required to remember significantly
increases. By applying mathematical strategies provided by the TouchMath curriculum,
students with ASD can begin to develop executive functioning skills (Kroesbergen et al.,
2003). TouchMath also provides students with other means of problem solving that do
not rely solely on rote memory alone.
As the number of students with ASD increases, teachers and school staff will
continue to look for effective ways to support these students within the classroom. The
research in mathematic interventions for students with ASD has been limited. Barnett
and Cleary (2015) conducted a literature review for effective evidence-based
interventions focusing on mathematics interventions for students with ASD. The review
only involved 11 articles, three of which included the TouchMath program. A similar
review was conducted by King, Lemons, and Davidson (2016) who found many of the
articles were related to behavioral interventions, with few effective interventions for
mathematic instruction for students with ASD and only one article pertaining to
TouchMath. Of those interventions, many of them pursued general mathematic function
or computation skills and one-to-one student/teacher ratio of direct teaching strategies.
Researchers have found that when working with elementary age students with special
needs, interventions involving the learning of basic skills of mathematics are more
effective than problem-solving based skills (Kroesbergen et al., 2003). Students also
benefit more from direct instruction from a teacher than a computer-based program or
mediated/assisted instruction (Kroesbergen et al., 2003). With limited research involving
mathematical instruction for students with ASD, there is a significant need for
researchers to provide effective interventions and curriculum that can accommodate this
Basic math computation is the foundation for all math problem solving abilities
given that mathematics is a cumulative and hierarchical process (Wendling et al., 2009).
The foundation for all higher-level mathematics is number sense (Feikes &
Schwingendorf, 2008). Number sense refers to the overall knowledge of numbers and
operations and the ability to apply this knowledge to make mathematical decisions and
develop efficient and useful strategies for problem analysis (Reys et al., 1999). Students
who have a firm understanding of number sense are successful in understanding the
meaning of numbers and the relationship numbers can have through different operations
such as the difference in 3 + 2 versus 3 x 2 (Schneider & Thompson, 2000). Once this
understanding is acquired, fluency can begin to develop. Fluency is based on the ease
and accuracy in which basic math calculations are carried out (Locuniak & Jordan, 2008).
Calculation deficits and mathematical difficulties in fluency have been linked to
poorly established number sense abilities (Gersten, Jordan, & Flojo, 2005; Mazzocco &
Thompson, 2005). Locuniak and Jordan (2008) conducted a study to determine if the
level of number sense acquisition found in kindergarten students can predict calculation
fluency in second grade better than cognitive abilities. The study found that the most
successful students in second grade were those who had developed a firm understanding
of number sense at the acquisition stage in kindergarten. One of the defining
characteristics of students with math difficulties is a deficiency in calculation fluency,
which stems from the ability to comprehend number sense (Locuniak et al., 2008). In
order to develop fluency, students must acquire number sense and then be provided
opportunities to work with numbers in many different ways (Boaler, 2015).
The complexity of math continues to increase as students move up in grades, so
the demand for students to obtain knowledge and reasoning abilities substantially
increases (Wendling et al., 2009). Eventually, math evolves from the concept of
numerals and their relationships, to more complex word problems that require problem
solving abilities. According to Ferrini-Mundy and Martin (2000), "Problem solving
means engaging in a task for which the solution method is not known in advance (p. 52).”
Students use prior knowledge to solve problems and in doing so, they can develop new
understandings, making successful problem solving the ultimate goal for students in
mathematics (Ferrini-Mundy et al., 2000).
In a survey completed by Bryant, Bryant, and Hammill (2000), teachers reported
that students with learning disabilities rated word problems in mathematics as the most
difficult type of problem for those students. Wendling and Mather (2009) stated an
effective problem solver requires the abilities to: “(a) represent the problem accurately,
(b) visualize the elements of the problem, (c) understand the relationships among
numbers, (d) use self-regulation, and (e) understand the meaning of the language and
vocabulary” (p. 198). The researchers also specified that the most difficult issues
students with math difficulties demonstrate with problem-solving is understanding what
the question is asking and then following the multiple steps required to answer the
question. Regardless of the difficulties found with problem-solving, efficiency in basic
number sense and fluency are necessary for success in higher-level mathematics.
The instructional hierarchy, described by Haring and Eaton (1978), is based on
four stages of learning. The hierarchy is utilized to assist teachers in determining the
stage of learning their students are in, their proficiency in obtaining new skills, and
guidance in choosing academic interventions that are the most appropriate and relative to
their proficiency level (Burns, VanDerHeyden, & Boice, 2008; Daly & Martens, 1994).
During the first stage, known as acquisition, students learn new skills with performance
focusing on getting the correct answer (Cates & Rhymer, 2003). Students’ performance
is often inaccurate and slow during this phase, and they can benefit from interventions
involving explicit teaching, modeling, and an increase in immediate feedback (Ardoin &
Daly, 2007). Once accuracy is acquired, the focus shifts to fluency during the second
stage of learning. Students benefit most from interventions providing opportunities for
repeated practice and immediate feedback during the fluency stage. This allows students
to focus on accuracy while increasing their response time (Daly, Hintze, & Hamler,
The third stage of learning is generalization, in which performance conditions
offer different stimuli that were presented during the fluency stage. For example, instead
of answering 3 x 5 on a flash card, the student is now expected to apply their knowledge
of 3 x 5 in real world situations. To attain skill generalization, students should be given
ample opportunities to practice their acquired, fluent skills across diverse situations
(Cates & Rhymer, 2003). Adaptation is the fourth and final stage of the instructional
hierarchy and is the most complex stage (Hall, 2016). Adaptation is achieved by
applying a learned skill to a new concept, such as applying the knowledge of
multiplication to the process of long division (Cates & Rhymer, 2003). Students will
need support in breaking down problems that require multiple operations to solve into
smaller steps and will benefit from immediate feedback and opportunities for repeated
practice (Cates & Rhymer, 2003).
According to Kroesbergen and Van Luit (2003) direct instruction focusing on
basic skills of mathematics is the most effective means of working with children with
special needs. The TouchMath curriculum provides effective strategies for students with
ASD by strengthening their foundational skills and building their executive functioning.
This can give students with ASD a strong platform to support them as the hierarchical
and cumulative mathematics curriculum increases in complexity. In 1976, the
TouchMath program was created to aid struggling students with mathematical
computation. According to the TouchMath manual (Bullock, 2005), the program
provides tactile reference points, known as TouchPoints, to form connections between the
concrete and abstract concepts of the numeral. TouchMath can be used as a supplemental
program for those struggling with basic mathematical computation in addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division (Bullock, 2005).
The TouchMath Program
Students with ASD who have demonstrated proficiency in computation abilities
have only been successful through the use of rote memory (Haas, 2010). Kramer and
Krug (1973) discussed the difference between the advantages and disadvantages of rote
addition versus the use of manipulatives. Rote addition is based on the ability to
memorize basic math facts. This allows for fast paced work, and does not require the
need for manipulatives, which overall allows for less conspicuous problem solving as
opposed to counting on fingers. A disadvantage that Kramer and Krug found with rote
addition, was that it does not teach the process of addition, nor does it aid in
generalization. Rote addition was simply based on memorization, and if students could
not understand the meaning of 2 + 5, they could not comprehend using this form of
problem solving.
For those students who could not memorize the math facts, Kramer and Krug
(1973) allowed for the use of manipulatives during problem solving. The researchers
mentioned that some students were incapable of memorizing fundamental combinations
and “these students may never be able to depend on rote: therefore, they must rely upon
an alternative system if they are to use addition” (p. 141). The researchers sought to find
a curriculum that allowed for a progressive transition to rote memory, but no such
curriculum was found. One of the researchers devised a reference point pattern placed on
the numbers, which allowed students to count all or count on to solve the math problems.
In 1976, Janet Bullock developed the program called TouchMath that modified Kramer
and Krug’s reference points and called them “TouchPoints” (Bullock, 2005).
Bullock’s (2005) TouchMath program focuses on students learning the value of a
number by placing points, known as TouchPoints, onto the numeral. TouchPoints are the
reference points that correspond to the value of the number. The TouchPoints are
systematically placed on the numerals with numerals 1 through 5 having single
TouchPoints. Students are to touch and count each single TouchPoint one time, while
numerals 6 through 9 contain double TouchPoints requiring the student to touch and
count twice (How it works, n.d.).
By combining tactile, visual, and auditory sensations, the TouchMath approach is
multisensory in nature and allows for the numerals to be presented simultaneously in a
concrete, semi-concrete, and abstract manner. Students first learn the position of the
TouchPoints on each numeral, then touch and count the TouchPoints to form a concrete
understanding of the value of the number (Yıkmış, 2016). For addition, students can
either count all TouchPoints to find the sum or apply the counting on strategy: saying the
highest value number and continuing to count the TouchPoints (Bullock, 2005). This is
similar to students using their fingers as references; however, the TouchPoints allow for
the student’s counting to be less conspicuous. For subtraction, students are to count
backwards from the highest numeral in the problem, and for multiplication and division
the students utilize skip counting, visual cues from the TouchPoints, and multisensory
step by step strategies to acquire accuracy with these higher-level math skills (How it
works, n.d.).
The program is derived from Piaget’s preoperational stage and Bruner’s enactive
theory of development in which students are actively engaged through touching the
points while counting aloud, allowing them to understand the concept being taught
(Green, 2009). As the TouchPoints are faded out with practice, students eventually
understand the abstract meaning of the number and how it can be used to solve problems,
coinciding with Bruner’s symbolic stage and Piaget’s formal operational stage (Green,
2009). It also breaks down the process of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division into smaller, logical steps that prohibits the need for storage of mathematical
facts (Scott, 1993).
The TouchMath program also aligns with Haring and Eaton’s (1978) instructional
hierarchy. Students begin with acquiring knowledge of the meaning of numerals, and the
foundational computation skills of addition and subtraction utilizing TouchPoints. With
direct teaching, modeling, opportunities to practice, and immediate feedback, students
become more accurate and eventually the TouchPoints are removed to build and increase
fluency (Yıkmış, 2016). With repeated practice, and immediate feedback, fluency is
accomplished and then students can generalize the TouchMath strategies to more
complex math problems with different stimuli. When students are introduced to the
concept of multiplication and division, students can adapt their knowledge of the
TouchPoints from sequential counting to skip counting.
Coleman and Lamb’s (1985) review and evaluation of TouchMath noted several
strengths and weaknesses of the program. Strengths of the program included offering
hands-on, visual aids to promote the ease of learning the value of numbers and
fundamental computation skills, which in turn reduces the dependency of rote memory.
This aspect is particularly beneficial for students with special education needs, who have
issues with memorization. TouchMath visuals allow these students to proceed to new
skills, instead of being held back due to the inability to memorize math facts. There were
also some weaknesses mentioned by the authors, concerning gaps in the program that
were not sufficiently explained in the teacher’s manual; including, the concept of more
than, and the use and comprehension of a number line. The worksheets provided in the
program can also be overstimulating for some students with special needs, due to the
amount of artwork used for visual appeal, and the amount of problems per page. Place
value is also not incorporated as part of the curriculum, which is another concern, given
that this is a skill needed to understand computation.
Despite the weaknesses found in the curriculum, there have been several studies
that have found TouchMath to be effective across many grade levels and academic
abilities. Aydemir (2015) conducted a review of 27 articles relating to the TouchMath
program published between the years of 1990 and 2014. Many of those articles
determined the TouchMath curriculum was effective over a wide spectrum of educational
populations, such as students in general education, gifted and talented (GT), and special
education programs. It has also been found that TouchMath can be effective for specific
special education populations including students with learning and intellectual
disabilities, physical disabilities, Down Syndrome, and Autism. Only four TouchMath
studies were found that included students with ASD. All four studies were effective and
all of them focused on addition, with one study targeting subtraction. Participants ranged
in age from 710 years, with one participant being 14 years of age and in the eighth grade
(Berry, 2009; Cihak & Foust, 2008; Fletcher, Boon, & Cihak, 2010; Yıkmış, 2016).
TouchMath in General Education
The results from studies involving TouchMath and the general education
population have demonstrated overall increases in computation accuracy for elementary
students and generalization into secondary level mathematics. All studies focused on
addition, with two studies also involving subtraction (Calik & Kargin, 2010; Mays, 2008;
Mostafa, 2013; Rudolph, 2008; Strand, 2001; Ulrich, 2004; Uzomah, 2012; Velasco,
2009). Improving computational accuracy and increasing overall mathematic
performance is a vital asset to those involved in the education system.
For general education students in grades Kindergarten through 2
grade, research
has found the TouchMath program assists young elementary students in acquiring the
concept of addition and increases accuracy, which is required to develop fluency
(Mostafa, 2013; Strand, 2001; Uzomah, 2012; Velasco, 2009). Uzomah (2012)
recommended kindergarten instructors seek out programs and methods that have
manipulatives associated with the curriculum but are also within the student’s
developmental level. The TouchMath program meets Uzomah’s criteria as an effective
curriculum based on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
The TouchMath program is also an effective supplemental resource to the general
education curriculum, especially for students requiring more individualized instruction in
a general education setting (Calik et al., 2010; Rudolph, 2008; Ulrich, 2004). Students
have displayed marked improvement in basic computation skills within a one-week time
frame, and those students found to exhibit low levels of improvement during instruction,
including those considered GT, were able to increase their computation speed (Rudolph,
2008). Results from teacher surveys have reported that students learn more, understand
mathematics better, and are more accurate when using TouchPoints (Jarrett & Vinson,
Students in the general education population display diverse abilities in
mathematical learning requiring teachers to differentiate their instruction to meet the
needs of all their students, especially in an inclusion classroom setting. While working
with two 2
grade inclusive classrooms during a six-week period, Mays (2008) found
that the TouchMath curriculum can benefit all students, including low performing
students, those with learning disabilities, and gifted students. This provides evidence that
the TouchMath curriculum is effective for student success, regardless of their level of
learning abilities, and can also be effective within a short period of time.
Although the TouchMath curriculum has been successful for some elementary age
students, some students continue to use TouchPoints at the secondary education level.
Despite the TouchMath research demonstrating positive outcomes for middle school
students in grades 6-8 (Fletcher et al., 2010), a common concern for teachers is their
student’s ability to generalize the acquired skill to problems without TouchPoints.
Vinson (2005) investigated these concerns by surveying 772 college students, in which
68% of the participants were found to have used TouchMath or similar strategies during
high school or in current math courses. Vinson found that having achieved higher
educational mathematic instruction, using TouchMath techniques prevented students
from depending on memorization of math facts, which at times can lead to errors.
Vinson also stated that secondary students, still using touchpoints would not have any
other support methods to succeed without this technique and concluded the results
provide credibility to the TouchMath curriculum.
Research has found the TouchMath program to increase academic performance
for students in the general education population, including GT students, at both the
elementary and secondary levels (Calik et al., 2010; Mostafa, 2013; Strand, 2001; Ulrich,
2004; Uzomah, 2012; Velasco, 2009). It has also been shown to decrease the number of
errors made during calculation, increase mathematical accuracy and speed, can be
implemented within a short period of time, and benefits students with diverse learning
abilities (Jarrett et al., 2005; Mays, 2008; Rudolph, 2008). The evidence supports the
premise that the TouchMath program can help students identified with disabilities
improve their basic mathematic foundational skills.
TouchMath in Special Education
Several studies have found the TouchMath program to benefit students in special
education settings as a supplement to the core curriculum and as an intervention focusing
on individual performance. Most of these studies (8) focused on the effects of the
TouchMath program in teaching addition, four studies examined subtraction, and two
studies demonstrated positive student outcomes for all four mathematical operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) for students receiving special
education services (Dombrowski, 2010; Dulgarian, 2000; Green, 2009; Scott, 1993;
Ronquillo, 2017; Waters & Boon, 2011). All studies provided evidence of an increase in
student performance in mathematical computation using the TouchMath program as
either a core curriculum, supplemental resource, or intervention (Aydemir, 2015).
When used as the core curriculum, the TouchMath program increased 75% of
participants receiving special education services performance levels from below grade
level to above grade level after one year of implementation, resulting in no longer
qualifying for special education services (Dev et al., 2002). Researchers followed up
with the student’s progress three years later and all students were able to maintain general
education status and continued with success in mathematic computation (Dev et al.,
2002). Many students receiving special education services lack skills to help them be as
successful as students in general education. By providing them with effective strategies,
such as the TouchMath program, special education students can decrease problematic
behaviors due to elevated frustration levels from the lack of ability to perform basic
arithmetic (Green, 2009).
Students receiving special education services for mild intellectual or learning
disabilities have become more successful in mathematic abilities after receiving
TouchMath instruction. TouchMath has increased fluency and accuracy; is
generalizable; and is considered socially valid by both students and teachers (Calik et al.,
2010; Dulgarian, 2000; Scott, 1993; Simon & Hanrhan, 2004; Wisniewski & Smith,
2002). Researchers have also found the TouchMath curriculum to be successful for
students with physical disabilities and Down Syndrome and were able to successfully
generalize the TouchMath technique to subtraction (Avant & Heller, 2011; Newman,
1994). The aforementioned qualities of the TouchMath program provide an effective
method for teachers and staff to intervene on behalf of students receiving special
education services that require more individualized instruction and assistance.
TouchMath and Autism. The research on the effectiveness of the TouchMath
program benefiting students with ASD is extremely limited. Two studies have compared
the TouchPoints strategy to the use of a number line. In both studies, elementary and
middle school students with ASD demonstrated significant increases in addition
computation and preferred the TouchPoint strategy over use of the number line (Cihak et
al., 2008; Fletcher et al., 2010). The research also has demonstrated effective
generalization for students with ASD in which participants were able to solve mathematic
equations without the need for TouchPoints over an extended period of time (Berry 2009;
Yıkmış, 2016). This is important because as the mathematical curriculum becomes more
complex and abstract, the need for a solid foundation of basic computation skills,
provided by the TouchMath program, becomes all the more important.
Although the research is limited, not all students with ASD have benefited from
the TouchMath program. In a study completed by Berry (2009), eight out of 10
participants with ASD benefited from using TouchPoints while performing addition and
subtraction problems and made significant math fluency gains. Two of the participants
were unsuccessful with the TouchMath program because they were unable to
comprehend the double circle TouchPoints and because of self-stimulatory behaviors
exhibited from another participant. Results from this study suggest teachers should
consider specific instructional needs and behavioral limitations of their students when
planning the implementation of the TouchMath program.
Aydemir’s review of the TouchMath program in 2015 found only 7% of the
participants in the studies analyzed were diagnosed with ASD, while 30% had learning
disabilities. The literature review conducted for this study found 36 articles within the
literature involving the TouchMath program and only four studies, including one study
conducted in Turkey, involved participants with ASD for a total of 18 students ranging in
age from 7-10 years, 13-14 years, and 10 participants identified only as elementary age
(Berry, 2009; Cihak et al., 2008; Fletcher et al., 2010; Yıkmış, 2016). Eight of the 36
articles, including one article pertaining to students with ASD (Berry, 2009), only
appeared on the TouchMath website and no other publication forms of the article could
be found elsewhere (e.g., thesis, dissertation, peer-review publication; Bedard, 2002;
Berry, 2009; Dulgarian, 2000; Mays, 2008; Rudolph, 2008; Strand, 2001; Vinson, 2004;
Vinson, 2005). Therefore, more research is warranted given the scarcity of TouchMath
research including participants with ASD. In fact, more research overall is needed as
TouchMath does not appear on the What Works Clearinghouse website (“WWC
Summary,” n.d.).
Other Findings. Of all the published research, there was only one article that
found the effectiveness of the TouchMath curriculum to be inconclusive. The results
from the study conducted by Velasco (2009) were considered inconclusive due to
limitations involving the post-test treatment integrity when comparing the TouchMath
program to the California Math and Phonemic Awareness programs. Nonetheless, the
researchers concluded that students in the TouchMath group improved their math fluency
skills by performing problems with more accuracy and speed on the post-test compared
to their pre-test.
Summary and Critique of the Literature
A review of the literature suggests the TouchMath curriculum successfully
increased student accuracy and fluency of basic mathematics skills in addition and
subtraction for students in general education, GT programs, and special education
(learning disabilities, mild intellectual abilities, physical disabilities, Down Syndrome,
and ASD; Avant et al., 2011; Aydemir, 2015; Bedard, 2002; Berry, 2009; Jarrett et al.,
2005; Mays, 2008; Newman, 1994; Rudolph, 2008; Scott 1993; Simon et al., 2004;
Uzomah, 2012; Vinson, 2005; Wisniewski et al., 2002; Yikmis, 2016). The program
allows multiple opportunities to build executive functioning skills and strengthen
student’s mathematic skills foundation for future abstract and complex mathematics
curriculum found at the secondary level and is developed at the appropriate cognitive
development level for elementary students (Uzomah, 2012). Vinson (2004) demonstrated
that the TouchMath program related to the cognitive theories of Piaget and Bruner, and
offers a visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic approach for learners. Students with a
wide spectrum of cognitive abilities have improved mathematic performance with the use
of the program, regardless of their fine motor abilities (Avant et al., 2011; Newman,
1994). By fading the TouchPoints out during the learning process, participants in two
studies were able to generalize these learned skills to solve mathematical problems
without the need for visual TouchPoints. Researchers accomplished this by removing the
TouchPoints and had the participants continue touching the numerals with their pencil in
the same places where the TouchPoints had been. Over a significant amount of time,
students began solving problems automatically (Berry, 2009; Yıkmış, 2016). By
providing students in special education with the needed skills to be successful at math,
the TouchMath program aided in increasing proficiency levels and improving
problematic behaviors within the classroom (Green, 2009).
The research has shown the TouchMath curriculum can be an effective program,
even as a supplement to the existing curriculum, for elementary students, and it also
allows students to generalize the skill in higher education with less errors compared to
those using rote memory (Aydemir, 2015; Vinson, 2005). Nevertheless, the TouchMath
curriculum can only be effective if teachers and educational staff have access to the
curriculum. Rains, Durham, and Kelly (2009) conducted a study involving kindergarten
through 3rd grade teachers from the United States focusing on teacher awareness of the
TouchMath program. The authors found that teachers who taught in the lower grades
were familiar with the program, but as the grade level increased the teachers became
increasingly unaware of the TouchMath instructional strategies. The study suggests
teachers are more willing to utilize supplementary math materials; however, knowledge
of availability of these resources can be limited.
There is a dearth of effective mathematic interventions for students with ASD
(King et al., 2016). Due to deficits in executive functioning, many students with ASD
will continue to struggle with basic computation and will require more individualized
direct teaching instruction at the elementary level (Doobay et al., 2014). The four studies
using the TouchMath program with students with ASD have shown significant increases
in mathematical performance (Berry, 2009; Cihak et al., 2008; Fletcher et al., 2010;
Yıkmış, 2016). As high stakes testing continues to increase, and the performance
trajectory of students with ASD continues to fall below proficiency levels, there is a need
for more research to find effective mathematic interventions for this population.
Furthermore, it is important for the instructional strategies being taught to students with
ASD allow for generalization to novel problems and skills.
Purpose and Research Question
The purpose of this thesis was to add to the limited research-base of the
TouchMath program. The study investigated if the TouchMath strategies could increase
the accuracy and fluency of single-digit plus single-digit problems for students with ASD
in grades 5-6. The study also explored the generalizability of performing calculations
without the use of TouchPoints by slowly fading the TouchPoints out during the
intervention process. Unique to this study, smaller versions of TouchPoints were used
and termed “faded” TouchPoints to remind the participants where to touch the numerals
as they count. In the closing stages of the intervention sessions, all visible TouchPoints
were removed from the integers and participants were asked to use their “imaginary
TouchPoints to solve the problem. Successful generalization occurred when participants
could effectively perform an addition problem without using visual TouchPoints by
transferring stimulus control from overt to covert. The following research questions were
R1: Can TouchMath increase the accuracy and fluency of single-digit plus single-
digit, problems of students with ASD in grades 5-6?
R2: Can the TouchPoints be successfully faded while maintaining stable
School principals from eight different rural school districts around East Texas
were contacted about the study with a request to send prepared recruitment letters to all
parents/guardians of potential participants. A total of five students with documentation
of a diagnosis of ASD were recruited for the study in grades 5-6, but only three students
met the criteria to participate. To be included in the study, students had to be able to
recognize and write numbers 0-18, to count forwards to 18, as well as focus and remain
on task for 10-minute increments. Students with prior exposure to the TouchMath
curricula were excluded from the study. Other exclusionary factors included: students
displaying limited verbal abilities and severe problematic behaviors, and high rates of
absenteeism in a school setting which could lead to potential limitations for the study
(Martínez-Mesa, González-Chica, Duquia, Bonamigo, & Bastos, 2016).
Data gathered prior to the beginning of the study indicated two participants did
not meet criteria for the study. One student did not have a firm understanding of
numerals and could not write the correct number when prompted. Another student was
nonverbal and exhibited severe sensory and problematic behaviors that prevented
participation in the study. Participant one, Anna, a fifth-grade Caucasian female, spent
her entire day in the general education setting with accommodations and modifications
set in place through special education services. Participant two, Sam, a fifth-grade
Caucasian male, was also mainstreamed in the general education setting with similar
special education services provided. Participant three, John, a sixth-grade Caucasian
male spent his entire day in a self-contained life skills classroom.
None of the students had prior exposure to TouchMath or its procedures. Anna
and Sam used rote memory (i.e., memorized addition math facts) during baseline to
answer the addition problems, while John used a “100’s chart.” While in intervention,
the researcher strongly encouraged Anna to utilize the TouchMath strategies for all
assessment probes. In spite of this, she continued to primarily use rote memory and only
used TouchMath as a supplement. Sam continued to use rote memory for all cold probes
but then used the TouchMath strategies during the hot probes. Throughout the
intervention, John was unable to complete the assessment probes utilizing the learned
TouchMath strategies and reverted back to the 100’s chart he used during baseline.
Materials used in the study included assessment data using “addition: sums to 18”
probes from the Measures and Interventions of Numeracy website ("MIND: Facts on
Fire", n.d) to collect data during baseline, intervention, and generalization phases to
determine the effectiveness of the program (See Appendix A). Intervention worksheets
used in the study included: TouchMath worksheets for each step in the procedure
provided by the TouchMath company and worksheets created by the researcher (See
Appendices B-H). The researcher-created worksheets were formatted in a word
processer using a similar font as the TouchMath curriculum and contained numerals with
TouchPoints that were needed for criterion data collection and for introducing and
implementing the faded TouchPoints. Visuals and manipulatives for the intervention
sessions included: Magnetic 3D Numerals and Student Number Cards provided by the
TouchMath company. Additional materials included: pencils, counters, verbal praise and
tangible rewards for positive behavioral supports, and a computer for tracking data.
Participants that met the inclusion criteria each worked in a one-on-one session
with the researcher three times per week for five consecutive weeks. To obtain a stable
trend of data points during baseline, MIND probes were administered prior to the
intervention phases. Participants were asked to complete each probe within a two-minute
time frame and were scored for digits correct per minute and percent of digits correct per
digits attempted.
Practice worksheets and manipulatives were used during each intervention session
to introduce the TouchPoints and new concepts (See Appendix B). At the beginning of
each session, each participant independently completed a “cold probe” to monitor
between-session growth., and a “hot probe” was also given post-session to measure
within-session growth. Each probe was obtained from the MIND website and was
identical in procedures to the baseline assessment. For sessions two through seven, data
were collected to determine if the participant met the criterion of 80% concept mastery to
move on to the next session. Once the TouchPoints were introduced at the conclusion of
session two, students reviewed the TouchPoints before learning the next concept in each
session with visuals and manipulatives, such as the Student Number Cards.
All intervention session procedures were derived from the TouchMath program.
Session five involved the generalizability component, which was added to the curriculum
for this study, termed faded TouchPoints, to aid in gradually fading out the need for
TouchPoints represented on the numbers in the problem. The term imaginary
TouchPoints was also developed for this study and is not a term associated with the
TouchMath curriculum. Finally, in sessions four and five, the directions to “circle the
largest number” was added to the curriculum to emphasize the importance of identifying
the largest integer to apply the counting on strategy.
Throughout the sessions, participants were given positive reinforcement for
exhibiting on-task behaviors (e.g., actively engaging in task, following directions).
Immediate feedback and verbal praise (i.e., nice job, good working”) were offered
during the learning and practice intervals based on on-task behaviors. Tangible rewards
including edibles and/or toys from a treasure box were given to participants at the end of
each session. Feedback was not provided during or after the two-minute progress
monitoring probes. The least-to-most hierarchy prompting system was utilized during the
learning and practice sessions. Each prompting level ranged from the unassisted
independent level to sequenced levels ranging from minimum to maximum amounts of
prompting (Neitzel & Wolery, 2009). Participants were first asked to complete the task
with a verbal prompt. Then visuals from the TouchMath Student Number Cards were
offered for more assistance. If further prompting was required, the researcher would then
model the task to be completed. Finally, if the participant continued to require
prompting, physical hand-over-hand prompting was utilized (Neitzel & Wolery, 2009).
Intervention sessions proceeded as follows:
Session 1 - Teaching the TouchPoints 1-5
A cold probe was administered at the beginning of the session. Participants first
became acquainted with the single TouchPoints for each numeral 1-5 by touching and
counting the TouchPoints by first placing counters on the manipulative placement
worksheets from the TouchMath program. Then, Magnetic 3D Numerals manipulatives,
provided by the TouchMath program, were used during this session. Participants then
practiced touching and counting each TouchPoint on the practice worksheet (See
Appendices B-D). At the end of the session, a hot probe was administered.
Session 2 - Teaching the TouchPoints 6-9
A cold probe and criterion assessment were administered at the beginning of
session two. Participants meeting the 80% criterion proceeded to the second session and
became acquainted with the double TouchPoints for each numeral 6-9 by touching and
counting the TouchPoints. Similar worksheets and manipulatives from session one were
used to practice the double touch concept. Participants then practiced touching and
counting each TouchPoint on the practice worksheet (See Appendices E-G). Last,
participants completed a hot probe for progress monitoring.
Session 3 Counting ALL Single-digit plus Single-digit Addition Problems
A cold probe and criterion assessment were administered at the beginning of
session three. Participants meeting the 80% criterion were introduced to the counting all
strategy by counting all TouchPoints for single-digit plus single-digit addition problems
to form single-digit and double-digit sums. Participants first practiced with the Magnetic
3D Numerals and then completed a practice worksheet (See Appendices H-I). The
session concluded with a hot probe for progress monitoring.
Session 4 Counting ON with TouchPoints
A cold probe and criterion assessment were administered at the beginning of
session four. Participants meeting the 80% criterion were introduced to the counting on
strategy with the use of TouchPoints. Then, participants were asked to identify and circle
the largest numeral in the problem. To solve the addition problem, participants said the
name of the numeral they circled and then continued to count on with TouchPoints on the
lowest numeral. (See Appendices J-K). Participants were then administered a hot probe.
Session 5 Counting ON with Faded TouchPoints
A cold probe and criterion assessment were administered at the beginning of
session five. Participants meeting 80% from the previous intervention session were
asked to identify and circle the largest numeral in the problem and then continue to count
on with the faded TouchPoints for the first part of the practice worksheet. During the
second part of the session, students simply identified and said the largest numeral and
continued counting the faded TouchPoints on the lowest numeral to aide in the
generalization in identifying the largest numeral (See Appendices L-M). Participants
were then administered a hot probe.
Session 6 Counting ON Strategy without TouchPoints
A cold probe and criterion assessment were administered at the beginning of
session six. Participants meeting the 80% criterion were asked to identify the largest
number in a problem and use their “imaginary” TouchPoints to continue counting and
solve the problem without using TouchPoints (See Appendices N-O). The session
concluded with a hot probe.
Session 7 Generalization Assessment
Criterion assessment probes were administered at the beginning of session seven.
Participants meeting the 80% criterion were given a generalization assessment without
TouchPoints, similar to the baseline assessment (See Appendix P).
Research Design
A multiple-probe design was used to determine the effectiveness of the
TouchMath program for students with ASD for addition problems with single-digit plus
single-digit problems to form single-digit and double-digit sums. A multiple-probe
design is a combination of the techniques of probe procedures and multiple-baseline
(Horner & Baer, 1978). Versions of multiple-baseline and multiple-probe designs allow
for replication of a condition across multiple participants with staggered implementation
across subjects and account for practice effects (Riley-Tillman & Burns, 2009). Instead
of collecting data simultaneously for all participants throughout baseline, as in a multiple-
baseline design, the multiple-probe design intermittently collects baseline data with
probes to determine the performance level of each participant (Cooper, Heron, &
Heward, 2014).
The multiple-probe design consists of phase A (baseline) and phase B
(intervention). During phase A, data are collected for all participants under the same
conditions until stability within the data is reached. Once baseline data are stable, the
intervention phase B is introduced to the first participant and continues until stability is
reached again for the phase B data (Riley-Tillman et al., 2009). In addition to the
primary phases, the current study also included a third phase, C (generalization).
Due to time constraints related to the end of the school year, stabilized data during
phase B was unattainable and only two consecutive sessions were concluded for each
participant before the next participant entered phase B. Participants began the
intervention phase B once a stable baseline was established and an A-B pattern continued
for all participants until they completed intervention sessions 1-6. The generalization
session, phase C, consisted of the assessment in session seven to determine if the
participants were able to maintain accurate and stable responses of single-digit plus
single-digit problems forming single-digit and double-digit sums without visual
When utilizing forms of multiple-probe designs, it is critical for all participants to
display similar characteristics of academic and behavioral functioning (Riley-Tillman et
al., 2009). This was considered when selecting participants for the study. Experimental
control occurs when three demonstrations of effect are observed. For multiple-probe
designs and variants, this can occur when effects are replicated across at least three
participants. Stronger experimental control can be achieved by involving more
participants, allowing for greater opportunities for replication. A minimum of three
participants are required for multiple-probe design studies (Riley-Tillman et al., 2009).
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using visual analysis of changes in level, trend, variability,
and percentage of nonoverlapping data (PND) of digits correct per minute (DC/PM)
between phases. PND is found by calculating the percentage of data points in Phase B
(intervention) that exceed the highest data point in Phase A (baseline; Parker, Vannest, &
Davis, 2011). This percentage was used to estimate the effect size of the intervention.
An effect size of 80% and greater is considered large (Scruggs & Mastropieri, 1998).
DC/PM served as a dependent variable and was calculated by dividing the number
of correct digits divided by the total amount of time (2 min; Shinn, 1989). For example:
in the problem 2 + 9, a participant who answers 11 would have two digits correct. If they
had responded 12, the digits in the ones column would be incorrect, whereas the digit in
the tens column would be considered correct (Deno & Mirkin, 1977). An increase in the
total number of correct digits per minute indicate improved skill fluency. For students in
grades 4-6 solving addition problems, 24 49 DC/PM is considered to be within the
instructional level, and less than 24 DC/PM would indicate a need for academic
intervention (Burns, VanDerHeyden, & Jiban, 2006). Hence, this study will refer to 23
or fewer DC/PM as being in the frustrational range, 24 - 49 DC/PM as being in the
instructional range, and 50 or more DC/PM as being in the mastery range. Due to student
response patterns, the percentage of digits correct for assessment probes was also
calculated as a dependent variable to observe possible changes in accurate responding.
Inter-rater reliability was conducted for 25% of the intervention sessions. Staff
from the local school districts completed an observation checklist for treatment integrity
(See Appendix Q). A total of five sessions were conducted (one with Anna, one with
Sam, and three with John) for observation inter-reliability. All observation checklists
resulted in 100% agreement. The probe assessments from all sessions were also scored
by a second rater to calculate inter-rater reliability. Twenty-five percent of the
assessment probes, three from each participant, were chosen randomly for inter-rater
reliability in which scores for DC/PM were compared for accuracy. All assessment
probes resulted in 100% agreement between the researcher and the second rater.
During baseline, Anna demonstrated stable responding for three consecutive
sessions and her performance was within the frustrational level for fluency (M = 18.1;
range = 18 to 18.5 DC/PM; see Figure 1). While in the intervention phase, Anna’s
responding on both cold and hot probes remained stable across all sessions with no
change in variability (M = 17.0; range = 11 to 22.5). Her intervention data showed a
slight increase in level and trend from the baseline phase (PND = 33% for cold probe;
50% for hot probe). Similar patterns of responding were observed during the
generalization phase (M = 18.6; range = 14 to 26; PND = 40%). Throughout the study,
Anna maintained accuracy of 100% for all sessions (see Figure 2).
Sam’s baseline data showed some instability in responding, requiring the need for an
additional session. Baseline data indicated Sam performed at the instructional level for
fluency (M = 37.3; range = 30.5 to 42.0). During the intervention phase, Sam’s
performance on the cold probes remained stable throughout all sessions (M = 36.7; range
= 28.0 to 43.0). He also demonstrated minimal changes in level, trend, or variability
from the baseline phase (PND = 17% for cold probe). However, his hot probes indicated
a negative effect on his level of responding (M = 12.8; range= 9.5 to 17; PND = 0%).
Sam demonstrated a similar pattern throughout the generalization phase (M = 25.4; range
= 19 to 37; PND = 0%). For accuracy, Sam maintained sufficient accuracy, greater than
95%, throughout all phases.
John performed at the frustrational level during all phases. While in baseline,
John maintained stable responding (M = .67 DC/PM; range = 0.50 to 1.00). During the
intervention phase, John’s responding on the cold and hot probes varied over the six
sessions with no change in level (M = 2.29 DC/PM; range = 1 to 3.5). His intervention
data showed an increase in trend with variable levels of responding from the baseline
phase (PND = 100%). The time allotted with John for data collection only consisted of
five weeks and due to end of year time constraints, only one session was available to
collect data for generalization. John showed a decrease in data during the generalization
phase with results similar to baseline patterns (M = 0.50; range = 0.50; PND = 0%).
Throughout the entire study, John showed extremely variable rates of accuracy. During
baseline, accuracy ranged from 14 to 33% and during the intervention phase he scored
between 36 - 70%.
Figure 1
Fluency Digits Correct per Minute
Figure 2
Accuracy Percent Digits Correct
When assessing the effectiveness of the TouchMath intervention by comparing
baseline and intervention phase data, PND effect sizes are classified as follows: very
effective (scores above 90), effective (70-90), questionable (50-70), ineffective (below
50; Scruggs & Mastropieri, 1998). Johns’ PND for fluency between the baseline and
intervention phases fell in the very effective range with a score of 100% for cold probes,
while Anna’s and Sam’s were in the ineffective range with a score of 33% and 13%,
respectively. For accuracy, John exhibited a PND of 100% for cold probes, which is in
the very effective range. The PND scores for both Anna and Sam were in the ineffective
range with 0%. Both participants maintained stable accuracy of 95% or greater for all
Participants provided a generally positive review of the intervention on a social
validity questionnaire (See Appendix R). The questionnaire consisted of six questions
and were measured using a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6
(strongly agree). Participants scored 83% of the items as a 4 or a 5. They expressed they
liked the study, thought the study was helpful, and that they would continue to use
TouchMath over other strategies they had learned in the past. In contrast, participants did
not agree that the TouchMath strategies were easy to use or that they improved their math
calculation skill when using TouchMath strategies.
Researchers have found the TouchMath curriculum to be an effective intervention
at increasing the math accuracy and fluency of students in general and special education.
Four studies found in the literature pertained to students with ASD, all of which found
TouchMath to be an effective intervention for students with ASD (Berry, 2009; Cihak &
Foust, 2008; Fletcher, Boon, & Cihak, 2010; Yıkmış, 2016). The purpose of this study
was to add to the limited TouchMath literature by focusing on single-digit plus single-
digit addition problems and how the intervention can affect math accuracy and fluency
for students with ASD. The study also sought to add to the research base by modifying
the TouchMath curriculum, wherein faded TouchPoints were used to aid in
The current study obtained mixed results when comparing participants’ baseline
and intervention phase data. PND ranged from ineffective to very effective, with the
intervention being effective for only one participant. In the beginning of each
intervention session, a cold probe was administered to monitor between-session growth,
while within-session growth was measured with a hot probe at the conclusion of the
session. Anna’s PND score for the cold probes, when comparing intervention to baseline,
was 33% and Sam’s PND was 17%, placing both Ann and Sam’s PND in the ineffective
range. In contrast, John’s PND was 100%, which is in the very effective range.
Prior to intervention, Sam performed in the instructional range, while Anna and
John were in the frustrational range. Sam’s fluency remained level with baseline in the
instructional range. Throughout intervention, Anna was able to perform at higher rates of
fluency during intervention for two cold probes; however, she stayed within the
frustrational level throughout intervention. John demonstrated the greatest increase in
fluency and his PND score was in the very effective range, although his overall fluency
remained in the frustrational range. When comparing cold probes to hot probes, Anna’s
PND score increased while Sam and John’s decreased, demonstrating less learning for
within-session growth than between-session growth. The difference in scores may have
resulted from the use of prior strategies to complete the addition problems during cold
probes, despite being reminded by the researcher to use TouchMath. Once the
interventions session was complete, the researcher reminded the participants for a second
time to use TouchMath, in which Anna and Sam were more compliant to do so.
Due to time constraints, only five days were permitted for Anna to be in the
generalization phase, three days for Sam, and only one day for John. Anna primarily
used rote memory, with TouchMath as a supplement, during the first generalization
session, but then used the TouchMath strategies for the remainder of the generalization
sessions. Her fluency rate decreased to below baseline levels, but then gradually began to
trend upward towards the end of the study. During the three days of generalization with
Sam, his fluency decreased significantly when compared to baseline. John performed
below baseline for both accuracy and fluency during the only generalization session that
was conducted. Although the data indicate the TouchMath program to be very effective
for John during the intervention sessions, all PND scores for all participants fell within
the ineffective range for the generalization sessions indicating they were unable to
transfer the skill to novel problems.
Treatment integrity was compromised throughout the study as participants
continued to use previously learned strategies during assessment probes, despite being
repeatedly encouraged by the researcher to use the TouchMath strategies. Although
treatment procedures were implemented by the researcher with 100% fidelity, the
observation checklist did not consider the use of other types of strategies used by the
participants. Anna continued to use rote memory for problems she was confident about
but used the TouchMath counting on strategy for items that she could not recall the
answer. Sam used rote memory for the cold probes but used the TouchMath strategies
during the intervention hot probes. During hot probes, Sam’s fluency dropped into the
frustrational level, indicating the TouchMath strategies had a negative effect on his
fluency rate. Although John was able to use the TouchMath strategies correctly during
intervention practice, he still reverted back to using a 100’s chart for cold and hot probes
during intervention. When the researcher encouraged John to utilize the TouchMath
strategies, he quickly voiced that he could not do it and began showing physical signs of
frustration. Due to adherence to IRB procedures and the ethical duty of the researcher to
prevent any participant from having adverse consequences as a result of being in the
study, John was allowed to use his previously learned method during assessment probes.
It was not until after practicing the TouchMath strategies without visible TouchPoints in
session six, that he agreed to try the hot probe with the TouchMath strategy of counting
all. All participants were able to perform the generalization assessments probes using
only the TouchMath strategies.
King et al. 2016 addressed the dearth of research for effective math interventions
that exists with the population used in the current study. Many of the reasons for why
there is a limited research base for students with autism were also encountered in this
study. Issues involved during the study included: inclusion/exclusion criteria that affects
the limited available research samples and the willingness of the participants to
participate and adhere to procedures that are needed for adequate research to be
TouchMath is an acquisition intervention, which requires time and multiple
opportunities to practice the new skills. Another limitation to this study was the limited
amount of time that was available for the researcher to work with the participants. In
previous studies performed with students with ASD involving TouchMath, one study was
conducted over a two-year period (Berry, 2009) and the other study had participants
remain in intervention between 7 - 21 days (Yıkmış, 2016). Only five weeks were
available for data collection because it was the end of the school year. Three weeks were
needed to successfully complete the baseline and intervention sessions. The study
required at least three days to collect baseline data and six consecutive days to complete
six sessions of intervention for each participant. Unfortunately, the time constraints did
not allow for each participant to demonstrate growth during the intervention phase.
While all participants met each intervention session criteria and successfully
demonstrated understanding and application of the TouchMath strategies during each
intervention session, they showed little-to-no growth during the intervention and
generalization phases for accuracy and fluency. Avant et al. (2011) and Newman (1994)
conducted a study using a multiple-probe design to see how TouchMath can affect
student’s accuracy with addition problems. Both studies utilized 2-3 days of pre-training
sessions between baseline and intervention in which participants were taught the
TouchMath strategies prior to collecting intervention data. The current study required six
days of instruction, due to an additional session added to include “faded” TouchPoints,
all of which occurred during intervention. By performing pre-training sessions, the
amount of time needed to complete the intervention session can be reduced by half,
allowing more time for each participant to demonstrate growth. However, these pre-
training sessions should still be considered when determining one’s rate of improvement.
Another limitation of the study was the limited population sample available.
Eight rural East Texas school districts were approached for potential participants, and
only five students with ASD were available for recruitment. All five participants varied
in abilities from severe to mild levels of ASD and only three students qualified for the
study. A key element when using a multiple-probe design is for participants to
demonstrate similar behavioral and academic functioning (Riley-Tillman et al., 2009).
While Anna and Sam displayed similar abilities, John demonstrated much lower
academic and behavioral functioning. Throughout the study, Anna and Sam were able to
follow directions from the researcher very well, transitioned from one session to the next
with ease, and worked diligently with little prompting to complete the math problems.
John, however, struggled to remain on-task without frequent reminders and required
more prompts from the researcher. At times, the length of the practice worksheets
seemed too long, requiring frequent breaks and encouragement from the researcher in
order to finish the session. Once John demonstrated understanding the concept being
taught, he was unable to generalize that concept to the assessment probe. The
intervention procedures were also presented to John at a much faster pace than he was
comfortable with. Although he met the 80% criterion on each criterion assessment probe,
he still required more supports than the other participants, (i.e., prompts from the
researcher for each step in solving the problem with the TouchMath strategies) as the
TouchPoints were faded.
Even though the participants academic and behavioral abilities were not as
similar as the design required, the study may provide some insight into the type of student
that may benefit the most from TouchMath. While John struggled with performing the
TouchMath strategies without the visible TouchPoints, he demonstrated the greatest
increase in fluency. Relatedly, Fletcher, Boon, and Cihak (2010) found participants with
ASD and moderate intellectual disability who were functioning within the frustrational
range benefited more from the TouchMatch curriculum than from use of a number line.
Given the pre-existing data coupled with John and Anna’s performance, future research
should examine whether TouchMath is only beneficial for those students performing in
the frustrational range.
An additional limitation that should be considered is Anna and Sam’s successful
use of rote memory for addition problems. Both Anna and Sam maintained sufficient
accuracy, greater than 95%, throughout baseline and the intervention phases with rote
memory and TouchMath. During baseline, Sam was performing at an average rate of 37
DC/PM and was considered to be well within the appropriate instructional level for a 5
grade student. During the generalization phase, it took longer for Sam to count the
“imaginary” TouchPoints causing a decrease in DC/PM when compared to baseline.
This suggests that the TouchMath program is not an effective intervention for those
students performing at or above the instructional level. In fact, the use of TouchMath, as
an acquisition intervention, may be contraindicated and create learning delays for
students already functioning at these levels.
Overall, the current study may have found different results over a greater length
of time. Future studies should examine the comparative benefit of TouchMath when
accounting for students’ instructional levels during baseline. The current study suggests
that TouchMath may be beneficial for students in the frustrational range as an acquisition
intervention but contraindicated for students within the instructional range. Furthermore,
a comparison study between TouchMath and other acquisition interventions (e.g., taped
problems, flash cards) is warranted given the available data. In particular, researchers
should focus on the rate of learning over time when comparing studies.
In conclusion, the results of this study indicate TouchMath is likely an ineffective
strategy for students with ASD. However, given the use of alternate strategies for all
participants during intervention, more research is warranted, particularly for students
within the frustrational range. Researchers may consider the instructional level of each
student prior to implementing the intervention, as students within the frustrational level
may show greater improvements than students within the instructional or mastery levels.
Students exhibiting lower academic abilities than typically developing peers will likely
require more intensive supports over a prolonged period of time. In the current study,
only one of three participants demonstrated an increased rate of accuracy and fluency.
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was a limitation throughout the intervention as John also used other problem solving
strategies. Therefore, it cannot be determined what the effects of each strategy produced.
Future researchers should consider other strategies students have previously learned
before implementing the TouchMath strategy and how those learned strategies may affect
the intervention.
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Appendix A
Assessment Data
Appendix B
Teaching the TouchPoints 1-5
Appendix C
Practice with TouchPoints 1-5
Appendix D
Criterion Data Collection TouchPoints 1-5
Appendix E
Teaching the TouchPoints 6-9
Appendix F
Practice with TouchPoints 6-9
Touch and count the Touchpoints out loud for each number.
Appendix G
Criterion Data Collection TouchPoints 6-9
Touch and count the Touchpoints out loud for each number.
Touch & Count Correct: ______/16 x 100 = _______% correct
Appendix H
Counting ALL Practice
Appendix I
Criterion Data Collection Counting ALL
Touch and count ALL TouchPoints to find the sum.
______/8 x 100 = _______% correct
Appendix J
Counting ON Practice
Appendix K
Criterion Data Collection Counting ON
Circle the largest number and continue counting the TouchPoints to solve
______/8 x 100 = _______% correct
Appendix L
Counting ON with Faded TouchPoints Practice
Appendix M
Criterion Data Collection Counting ON Faded
SAY the largest number then continue counting the TouchPoints to solve the problem.
______/8 x 100 = _______% correct
Appendix N
Counting ON without TouchPoints Practice
SAY the largest number and continue counting with your “imaginary” TouchPoints.
Appendix O
Criterion Data Collection Counting ON without TouchPoints
SAY the largest number and continue counting with your “imaginary” TouchPoints.
______/8 x 100 = _______% correct
Appendix P
Generalization Assessment
Appendix Q
Inter-rater Reliability Checklist
Procedural Checklist for session 1 - Teaching the TouchPoints 1-5
2-minute Progress Monitoring Probe
Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute time
Introduce TouchPoints with Counters on manipulative worksheets.
- Participants place counters on circles of the worksheet
- Participants touch and count the counters out loud
- Participants touch and count the TouchPoints at the bottom of the
Practice Counting TouchPoints on Magnetic 3D Numerals
- Participants touch and count the TouchPoints out loud
Practice worksheet
- Participants practice touching and counting the TouchPoints out loud
on the practice worksheet
2-minute progress monitoring probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute time
Procedural Checklist for session 2 - Teaching the TouchPoints 6-9
Assessment Probes
- 2-minute Progress Monitoring Probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute
time limit
- Criterion assessment probe
- Score of < 80% Repeat Session 1
- Score of >80% Continue Session 2
Introduce TouchPoints with Counters on manipulative worksheets.
- Participants place counters on circles of the worksheet
- Participants touch and count the counters out loud
- Participants touch and count the TouchPoints at the bottom of the
Practice Counting TouchPoints on Magnetic 3D Numerals
- Participants touch and count the TouchPoints out loud
Practice worksheet
- Participants practice touching and counting the TouchPoints out loud
on the practice worksheet
2-minute progress monitoring probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute time
Procedural Checklist for session 3 - Counting ALL Single-digit plus Single-digit
Addition Problems
Assessment Probes
- 2-minute Progress Monitoring Probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute
time limit
- Criterion assessment probe
- Score of < 80% Repeat Session 2
- Score of >80% Continue Session 3
Review TouchPoints
- Participants review TouchPoints on Student Number Cards
Introduce Counting All Strategy on Magnetic 3D Numerals
- Participants touch and count all TouchPoints out loud on Magnetic 3D
Numerals for single-digit plus single digit sums (1+3=4; 6+2=8;
3+4=7; 7+2=9; 8+0=8)
Practice worksheet
- Participants practice touching and counting the TouchPoints out loud
on the practice worksheet
2-minute progress monitoring probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute time
Procedural Checklist for session 4 - Counting ON with TouchPoints
Assessment Probes
- 2-minute Progress Monitoring Probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute
time limit
- Criterion assessment probe
- Score of < 80% Repeat Session 3
- Score of >80% Continue Session 4
Review TouchPoints
- Participants review TouchPoints on Student Number Cards
Introduce the Counting ON Strategy
- Participants identify and circle largest numeral in the problem
- Participants say the name of the number they circled
- Participants continue counting the TouchPoints to solve problem
2-minute progress monitoring probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute time
Procedural Checklist for session 5 - Counting ON with Faded TouchPoints
Assessment Probes
- 2-minute Progress Monitoring Probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute
time limit
- Criterion assessment probe
- Score of < 80% Repeat Session 4
- Score of >80% Continue Session 5
Review TouchPoints
- Participants review TouchPoints on Student Number Cards
Practice the Counting ON Strategy with Faded TouchPoints Part 1
- Participants identify and circle largest numeral in the problem
- Participants say the name of the number they circled
- Participants continue counting the TouchPoints to solve problem
Practice the Counting ON Strategy with Faded TouchPoints Part 2
- Participants identify and say the largest numeral in the problem
- Participants continue counting the Faded TouchPoints to solve problem
2-minute progress monitoring probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute time
Procedural Checklist for session 6 - Counting ON Strategy without TouchPoints
Assessment Probes
- 2-minute Progress Monitoring Probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute
time limit
- Criterion assessment probe
- Score of < 80% Repeat Session 5
- Score of >80% Continue Session 6
Review TouchPoints
- Participants review TouchPoints on Student Number Cards
Practice the Counting ON Strategy without TouchPoints
- Participants identify and say the largest numeral in the problem
- Participants continue counting the “imaginary” TouchPoints to solve
2-minute progress monitoring probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute time
Procedural Checklist for session 7 Generalization Assessment
Assessment Probes
- 2-minute Progress Monitoring Probe
- Participants complete progress monitoring probe with a 2-minute
time limit
- Criterion assessment probe
- Score of < 80% Repeat Session 6
- Score of >80% Continue Session 7
Review TouchPoints
- Participants review TouchPoints on Student Number Cards
Generalization Assessment
- Participants complete assessment probe with a 2-minute time limit
Appendix R
Social Validity
April M.Huckaby completed her Bachelor of Science degree at Stephen F. Austin
State University in the Spring of 2007. She obtained a teaching certificate and taught
high school biology and chemistry for ten years at a rural school district in East Texas.
When her oldest son was diagnosed with Autism, she became aware of the struggles that
can occur between a special education student and a general education teacher. Mrs.
Huckaby realized the importance of supporting not only the students in special education,
but also the need to support teachers working with those students. In the fall of 2016, she
entered the School Psychology program at Stephen F. Austin State University in hopes of
making a greater impact for her students and their families.
Permanent Address: 124 West Henderson Street
Reklaw, Texas 75784
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition)
This thesis was typed by April M. Huckaby