The University Of Texas at Tyler
Outdoor Space Acceptable Use
A. Purpose
This policy is designed to establish guidelines for safe use of outdoor spaces on The University
of Texas at Tyler’s premises and applies to all students, employees, contractors, and visitors.
The procedures herein are intended to protect the health of the trees and campus ecosystem,
as well as those participating in these activities, and the campus community.
B. Persons Affected
This Policy applies to all University administrators, faculty, staff, students, contractors, and
vendors working on any University of Texas at Tyler premises.
C. Definitions
1. For the purpose of this policy, “outdoor spaces” includes all grounds within the boundaries
of the University of Texas at Tyler campus including sidewalks, wooded areas, lakes,
parking lots, fountains etc.;
2. "University" means The University of Texas at Tyler, including the main campus and satellite
campuses in Longview and Palestine;
3. “lakes” means Harvey Lake and Little Pond located at the center of the University main
4. "student" means a person currently enrolled in residence at the University, or who is
accepted for admission or readmission to the University, or who has been enrolled in the
semester or summer session that immediately follows, or who is attending an educational
program sponsored by the University while the person is on campus;
5. "faculty or staff" means a current employee of The University of Texas at Tyler; and
6. “visitor” means any member of the public present on University premises that is not student,
faculty, or staff.
D. Policy
1. Outdoor spaces are to be used in a respectful manner keeping in mind the impacts to the
safety of the environment and individuals.
2. General:
a. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on University premises.
i. The President of the University may, at their discretion, permit limited
alcoholic beverage service for approved University or third-party events.
ii. Student Organizations are not considered third-party users.
b. Illegal drugs are not permitted on University premises.
c. Hunting is not permitted on University premises.
d. Firearms are not permitted on University premises excepting law enforcement or
other duly authorized government personnel, or individuals licensed to carry a
handgun in accordance with HOP Section 2.10.1.
e. Air guns, pellet guns, bb guns, and all types of archery are not permitted on
University premises unless specifically authorized in writing by the University
Police as part of an approved program or activity.
f. To promote the health, well-being, and safety of University students, faculty, staff
and visitors, the University is a tobacco-free campus.
i. All forms of tobacco are not permitted on the University’s main campus,
branch campuses, and any property owned by the University, including
outdoor spaces.
ii. This includes, but is not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes
(hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, vaping,
snuff, chewing tobacco and all other tobacco products.
iii. This policy applies to all members of the University community, including
students, faculty, staff, University affiliates, contractors, and visitors.
g. Emergency “Blue Light” Phones
i. Outdoor spaces at the University are equipped with emergency phones
throughout campus.
ii. These phones connect directly to University Police dispatch.
iii. Emergency phones should only be used in case of an actual emergency.
h. Trash
i. Trash on University premises is to be placed in proper receptacles that
can be found throughout outdoor and indoor spaces on campus.
ii. Littering on campus is prohibited.
i. Pets
i. Pets may be walked outdoors on campus but must be kept on a leash at
all times.
ii. Pets are not allowed in any indoor locations on campus with the exception
of certified service and therapy animals.
iii. Pets are not allowed on outdoor athletic venues while the venue is in use.
iv. Pets are not allowed within the confines of the intramural playing fields.
v. Pets must never be left unattended in automobiles or tied outside of
vi. Pet owners are required to clean up after their pets while on campus.
vii. Pets must be kept away from campus wildlife and are not allowed in the
viii. Pet owners shall be held responsible for any personal injury or property
damage inflicted by their pets.
ix. Any unattended animals will be reported to animal control.
j. Wild or Feral Animals
i. Wild or feral animals may be seen on campus at times, including but not
limited to: coyotes, squirrels, raccoons, opossums, ducks, geese, hawks,
snakes, etc.
ii. Wild or feral animals that do not pose a hazard to human safety, cause
property damage, create a public nuisance, and do not involve human
intervention, will be allowed to remain undisturbed on campus grounds.
iii. Human interaction with wild or feral animals is prohibited in all forms
including but not limited to, feeding, sheltering, administering medications,
harassing, removing, etc.
iv. If a wild or feral animal is noted to be in distress or causing a hazard to
human safety, University Police should be immediately notified.
k. Campfires, Bonfires, and Open Flames
i. Campfires, bonfires, and any other types of fires consisting of open
flames are not permitted on University premises.
l. Events, Gatherings, Performances, etc.
i. Student organizations wishing to make use of outdoor spaces must, in
addition to this policy, follow all procedures outlined in the MOPP
1. https://www.uttyler.edu/mopp/documents/6SpeechExpressionand
2. https://www.uttyler.edu/mopp/documents/7UseOfUniversityProper
ii. All reservations for the use of outdoor spaces must be made through the
University’s online scheduling software and are subject to University
1. https://www.aaiscloud.com/UTXTyler/default.aspx?home
3. Vehicles:
a. No motorized vehicles are allowed to be operated on any walkway, field, or
landscaped area unless it is an authorized campus or emergency vehicle.
i. Authorized campus vehicles (mules, golf carts, trolleys, maintenance
trucks) are not to be operated on fields, grass, or landscaped areas.
b. Go-carts and minibikes are prohibited on University premises.
c. Motorized bicycles and motorized scooters are not to be operated on sidewalks
i. Motorized scooters for persons with disabilities are exempt from this rule
d. Vehicle repairs and servicing are prohibited on University premises.
e. Vehicles operated on campus roads and parking lots are to be kept in good
working condition and free of leaks.
i. In the event of a fluid release from a vehicle, the University Police
Department should be immediately notified.
ii. The University reserves the right to fine the owner of the vehicle for the
cost of clean-up of the release.
iii. Community service hours may be substituted in lieu of a fine at the
discretion of the University.
4. Recreational Equipment: All recreational equipment is to be used only for its intended
purpose and kept to appropriate areas. Specific guidelines for equipment types are provided
in the following outline:
a. General:
i. The use of recreational equipment, including but not limited to, hammocks
and slacklines, skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, etc. is at the
participant’s own risk. The University assumes no responsibility or liability
for any injury or damage to personal property caused by the use of the
following equipment:
b. Hammocks and Slacklines:
i. The use of hammocks and slacklines on campus will be limited to
designated areas indicated by the presence of hammock stands.
ii. Users will select a hammock stand to properly secure their hammock or
slackline and are responsible for ensuring their equipment is in good
iii. Stands and installed hardware shall not be reconfigured or altered, to
include but not limited to, removing hardware, installing additional
bolts/hardware, and cutting or painting posts.
iv. Trees shall not be used at any time to anchor or secure hammocks and
v. The area beneath the hammock or slackline must be clear of any
vi. Hammock stands have a weight limit of 400 pounds, which is not to be
exceeded at any time.
vii. Hammocks stands shall only be used on flat, level surfaces to prevent
viii. Hammocks on stands should not be used as “swings” as this can cause
ix. Participants may not leave hammocks/slacklines unattended at any time
and must take them down and remove them before departing the area.
x. Participants are responsible for removing all trash and debris before
leaving the area.
1. The specific procedures for hammocks are as follows:
a. Hammocks must be attached to provided hammock stands
using the installed hardware.
b. Hammocks shall not to be multi-tiered at any point.
c. The area beneath the hammock must be clear of any
d. Participants will not exceed the manufacturer’s
recommended maximum weight limit at all times.
e. People are not authorized to sleep in hammocks overnight.
2. The specific procedures for slacklines are as follows:
a. Slacklines shall only be used in designated slackline areas.
b. Only one (1) slackline will be attached to a post at a time.
c. Slacklines will not be set up more than three (3) feet above
the ground.
d. The area beneath the slackline must be clear of any
e. Participants will not exceed the manufacturer’s
recommended maximum weight limit at all times.
f. It is highly recommend that participants use spotters.
xi. People observed violating the hammock and slackline policy should be
reported to Environmental Health and Safety. Call 903-566-7011, email
[email protected] or submit an Unsafe Campus Condition Report.
xii. Owners will be asked to remove any hammock or slackline that is not in
compliance with these procedures. Any hammock or slackline found
unattended will be removed by Environmental Health and Safety or
Facilities Management personnel.
c. Skateboards, Roller Blades, Bicycles, Scooters (both manual and electric) and
Similar Devices:
i. For the safety of pedestrians, operators, and maintenance reasons, roller
blades, skateboards, bicycles, scooters*, and similar devices are not
permitted to be operated inside University facilities or exterior facility
corridors, mezzanines, balconies, or courtyards.
ii. The use of roller blades, skateboards, bicycles, scooters, and similar
equipment for stunts or recreation on walls, seating areas, rails, or
benches on University premises is prohibited.
iii. Bicycles and scooters* may not be brought inside any facility.
iv. The University recommends the use of protective helmets, knee, and
elbow pads while operating any of the equipment addressed in this
v. Skateboards, scooters, and roller blades must never be used in roadways
or throughout parking lots; use of these devices is restricted to sidewalks.
vi. Bicycles and scooters* equipped with motors shall not be operated as
motorized vehicles on sidewalks.
vii. Safe speeds must always be observed while using all equipment in this
section with special care given to areas of steep inclines.
viii. Individuals using the equipment in this section should remain alert to the
presence of motorized utility carts that may operate in the same spaces.
*For the purposes of these policies, scooters and wheelchairs (both
electric and manual) used exclusively for medical purposes are exempt
from use restrictions.
5. Harvey Lake:
a. General:
i. There is no lifeguard on duty at the lakes.
ii. Use of the lakes is at the participant’s risk. The University assumes no
responsibility or liability for any injury or damage to personal property
caused by the use of the lakes in any capacity.
iii. Swimming is prohibited in the lakes.
b. Canoes and Kayaks:
i. Canoes and kayaks are permitted on Harvey Lake during daylight hours
ii. Life vests must be worn at all times while on the lake.
iii. Life vests must be appropriately fitted and kept fastened while in use.
c. Fishing:
i. Fishing is permitted in the lakes.
ii. Persons desiring to fish must observe all State of Texas fishing laws and
have a valid Texas fishing license.
iii. Fishing from the dam located between the upper and lower lakes is
6. Intramural fields:
a. Use of the intramural fields by students, faculty, and staff is scheduled through
the University’s online scheduling software and must receive approval prior to
occupying the fields.
b. Use of the fields is at the participants own risk, the University assumes no liability
for accidents or injuries resulting from participation in activities at the Intramural
7. Campus Trails:
a. Campus trails are open for use during daylight hours only.
b. Hiking is allowed on marked trails only.
c. Campus trails are “carry in-carry out” facilities - anything taken on the trails must
be carried out. All trash must be disposed of in proper receptacles.
d. Use of campus trails is at the users own risk. The University assumes no liability
for injuries or accidents that may occur during use.
e. Due to the natural environment surrounding the trails, users must remain alert
while on the trials. Hazards may include, but are not limited to:
i. Uneven terrain including rocks, tree roots, washouts, etc.
ii. Biological hazards including, wild animals, stinging insects, poisonous
plants, snakes, etc.
f. Mountain Bike Trails:
i. Trails should be used responsibly and at the users own risk and discretion
with courtesy toward all other users.
ii. Bikes are to be used on the trails ONLY; no trail cutting or off-trail riding.
iii. Helmets should be worn at all times while riding bikes on the trails.
iv. Littering on the trails is prohibited; anything brought with the user on the
trails must be carried out with the user.
8. Disk Golf Course:
a. The Disk Golf Course is open for use during daylight hours only.
b. The course should be used responsibly and at the users own risk and discretion
with courtesy toward all other users.
c. Littering on the course is prohibited; anything brought with the user on the course
must be carried out with the user.
E. Responsibilities
The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) and the University Police
Department are responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. Students, faculty, staff,
and visitors are responsible for complying with all rules within this policy.
F. Procedures
a. Anyone observed violating any portion of this policy should be reported to the
University Police Department or Environmental Health and Safety. Call 903-566-
7300, email safety@uttyler.edu or submit an Unsafe Campus Condition Report.
b. Student organizations wishing to make use of outdoor spaces must, in addition to
this policy, follow all procedures outlined in the MOPP
i. https://www.uttyler.edu/mopp/documents/6SpeechExpressionandAssembly.
ii. https://www.uttyler.edu/mopp/documents/7UseOfUniversityPropertyRoomsa
c. All reservations for the use of outdoor spaces must be made through the
University’s online scheduling software and are subject to University approval.
i. https://www.aaiscloud.com/UTXTyler/default.aspx?home