Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion
The material presented here was initially developed by Christopher P. Stowell, MD, PhD, and
was reviewed and updated by the Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies
(AABB) Patient Blood Management Education Committee:
Alesia Kaplan, MD
Suzanne A. Arinsburg, DO
Kathleen E. Puca, MD, MT(ASCP)SBB
Emily Coberly, MD
Introduction and History
Although informed consent for medical procedures began evolving in the early decades of the
century, the idea of applying it to blood transfusion did not really begin developing until the
1980s when the transmission of infectious agents such as the human immunodeficiency virus and
hepatitis C virus alarmed patients and health-care providers alike. In 1986 and 1994, AABB
made recommendations to its members for obtaining informed consent from patients for blood
transfusion, which eventually became a standard in 2000.
Other accrediting agencies such as The Joint Commission, DNV (Det Norske Veritas), and the
College of American Pathologists have also established requirements related to informed
consent, and it is required by law in some jurisdictions in the United States (eg, California, New
Jersey, and Pennsylvania). During this period of time, obtaining informed consent for transfusion
went from being an uncommon practice to one that was followed by a majority of hospitals in
the United States. Although informed consent for transfusion is required or recommended in
other developed countries, its implementation is heterogeneous in practice.
The Basis of Informed Consent: Ethics
The concept and practice of informed consent lies in five fundamental principles of medical
ethics: autonomy, veracity, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.
Autonomy is the principle that individuals have the right to determine the actions they
take and the choices they make. In the context of informed consent, it is their right to
determine what will be done to their bodies and is rooted in the concept of individual
freedom as well as the right to privacy.
Veracity is the principle that interactions between care providers and patients must be
founded on truth telling. The care provider is obligated to convey information as
accurately as possible, and also must fulfill any promises to the patient in terms of care,
follow-through, and not withdrawing care without making alternate provisions.
Beneficence is the principle that the health-care provider will strive to improve the well-
being of the patient, and will act in the best interest of the patient.
Non-maleficence is the principle that the caregiver strives to avoid doing harm to patients
and seeks to protect them from pain and suffering.
Justice is the principle that is based on the recognition of the equality of all persons who
should receive care in proportion to their need. In a financially constrained environment,
it means that limited resources should be allocated fairly.
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
Informed consent is driven largely by the first ethical principle of autonomy, the right of a person
to determine what course of medical action to pursue. However, veracity is also at the heart of
the information exchange, which makes it possible for a patient to make a truly informed
The Basis of Informed Consent: Informed Consent and the Law
The legal definition of informed consent is usually considered to have originated from a decision
by Judge Benjamin Cardozo in 1914 who wrote that “every human being of adult years and
sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done to his own body.”
The modern concept of informed consent was defined in a ruling in Cobbs vs. Grant by the
California Supreme Court in 1972. In this case the patient, who developed a number of
complications of gastric surgery, alleged that the physician had not disclosed to him in advance
the possibility of any of those adverse outcomes.
The ruling stated that “as an integral part of a physician’s overall obligation to the patient there is
a duty of reasonable disclosure of the available choices with respect to proposed therapy and of
the dangers inherently and potentially involved in each.”
The legal understanding of informed consent includes the following key points:
Consent is a process of communication between a patient and a caregiver, which is
proportional to the magnitude of the health-care intervention and its inherent risks.
The patient must be competent to make an informed decision. This implies that the
patient must be able to understand the information being provided and the consequences
of action (or inaction).
Consent must be obtained prior to the intervention, except in certain extenuating
Consent must be made voluntarily, free from pressure or coercion on the part of the
health-care provider or any third party.
Consent is revocable. A patient may withdraw consent at any point.
Generally, informed consent is a matter of state law, so it is important to determine whether the
state in which you are practicing has informed statutes or whether specific state law has evolved.
Over time, medical practice and the body of case law has further refined the basic elements of
informed consent. These elements include:
Information provided to the patient.
o Explanation of intervention.
o Benefits.
o Risks.
o Alternatives.
o Opportunity for questions/clarification.
Availability of choices including refusal.
Autonomous patient decision.
Documentation of process.
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
The first of these elements consists of the information, which is provided to the patient by the
healthcare provider. This information should include an explanation of the intervention, the
anticipated benefits, the material risks, and the alternatives. Part of providing information is
ensuring that the patient understands it. To this end, the patient must be given the opportunity to
ask questions and seek clarification from a health-care professional capable of providing
The second element of the informed consent process is that the patient must have choices,
including that of declining the suggested therapy or choosing an alternative therapy, if available.
The third element is that the patient must be able to make an autonomous decision, which is
neither coerced nor unduly influenced by the health-care provider or a third party, to accept or
refuse the intervention, and is predicated on the competence of the patient.
Finally, the process must be documented.
The Process of Informed Consent: Informing the Patient The Process of Disclosure
At the core of the consent process is the duty of the health-care provider making the decision to
transfuse to inform the patient. The process of providing the patient with information about the
intended intervention is called disclosure. Although the health-care provider making the decision
to transfuse is usually responsible for carrying out the process of informing the patient and
obtaining consent, this task may be delegated to a member of the health-care team who is
working on behalf of that health-care provider, such as a nurse practitioner or a medical resident.
The principle underlying disclosure is that patients must be provided with adequate information
about the transfusion so that they are able to make informed, independent decisions about what
they will permit to be done to their own bodies. The principles of veracity and autonomy
underlie the words “informed” and “independent decision.”
In the decades since the Cobbs vs. Grant decision, courts have moved in the direction of
applying a patient-oriented standard for what information should be disclosed which is based on
supplying information that could reasonably be expected to affect the decision made by a
competent patient to accept or reject a proposed medical intervention.
The Process of Informed Consent: Explanation of the Intervention
The first step in the process of disclosure is for the health-care provider to describe the
therapeutic or diagnostic intervention. In the case of transfusion, this description is relatively
straightforward, but may require some explanation of what the blood components are.
The health-care provider must explain to the patient the rationale behind the transfusion of blood
components, and what it may reasonably be expected to achieve. The nature of the anticipated
benefit, its magnitude, and the probability that it will be achieved may all affect the willingness
of the patient to assume risk.
This discussion is complicated by the fact that the indications for transfusion and its clinical
impact are not as well founded in evidence-based medicine as some other medical interventions.
Poor clinical outcomes have been shown to correlate with low hemoglobin levels, although
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
several randomized clinical trials of RBC transfusion have not shown any benefit of transfusing
patients to the higher of two target hemoglobin levels.
The data from randomized clinical trials demonstrating the benefits of transfusing other blood
components are also limited. With this caveat in mind, the health-care provider must convey to
the patient what the benefits may be for that particular patient. Transfusions are often
administered to alleviate symptoms, such as transfusing RBCs to an anemic patient with
dyspnea, or platelets to a thrombocytopenic patient with gastrointestinal tract bleeding.
Transfusions are also frequently used to prevent complications, such as RBCs to a patient with
coronary artery disease to prevent cardiac ischemia or platelets to a patient recovering from
chemotherapy to prevent spontaneous bleeding. The health-care provider must also communicate
to the patient how likely it is that the transfusion will accomplish the therapeutic goal.
The Process of Informed Consent: Material Risks
An important aspect of the informed consent process, and the one that has attracted the most
attention, is the disclosure of the risks of transfusion. The legal standard does not require the
description of every possible risk; however, the patient should be informed about those risks that
would be likely to affect the decision of a prudent person to accept the transfusion. These
“material” risks are ones that are likely to influence the decision of the patient to accept or reject
the intervention.
The risks of any medical intervention, including transfusion, may be organized in four
categories. These categories include:
High-frequency complications (fever, urticaria).
Low-frequency complications (HIV infection, mistransfusion).
Patient-specific complications (volume overload, hypersensitivity).
Hypothetical/controversial complications (immunomodulation, Creutzfeldt-Jakob
prion transmission).
The disclosure of common and patient-specific complications is relatively clear, but the
discussion of rare or hypothetical risks is considerably more difficult.
Despite the fact that the frequent complications of transfusion, such as febrile, non-hemolytic
transfusion reactions, do not cause significant morbidity, they should be disclosed simply
because of the high likelihood that they will occur. Although the possibility of experiencing
minor complications such as these are unlikely to dissuade a patient from transfusion, this
foreknowledge does help prepare a patient to deal with such a reaction with the understanding
that it is not dangerous, albeit uncomfortable.
The health-care provider should also discuss complications of transfusion to which the individual
patient may be particularly susceptible, for example, volume overload with associated dyspnea in
a patient with impaired cardiac or renal function.
The question of which of the uncommon or rare complications of transfusion should be disclosed
to patients is more difficult. In general, risks of a medical intervention that carry the possibility
of death, loss of a sensory function, paralysis, or mental impairment would be seen as significant
adverse outcomes that most patients would want to know about. The complications of
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
transfusion most frequently responsible for deaths are transfusion-associated circulatory overload
(TACO), transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI), acute hemolytic transfusion reactions,
and bacterial contamination, so these should be discussed as part of the disclosure process.
It is probably not necessary to list every rare, serious complication of transfusion, if only because
an overwhelming amount of frightening information can subvert the disclosure process by
impairing the ability of a person to register and understand any of the information being provided
to him or her, frightening or otherwise. The disclosure of these very uncommon adverse
outcomes is also complicated by the general difficulty of conveying information about the
frequency of rare events. Patients may find it difficult to interpret degree of risk when it is
expressed numerically, and especially when those numbers are very small.
One approach is to compare the frequency of the transfusion complication to the frequency of a
more familiar event such as coin tossing or a motor vehicle accident, or to another medical
intervention such as death due to reaction to anesthesia.
Another troublesome area concerns those risks that are hypothetical, or where the association
with transfusion is controversial. Recent examples in the transfusion medicine arena include
possible transmission of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob prion or infectious agents that are not endemic to
the US but may be carried by travelers, and a transient immunosuppression observed in
recipients after transfusion of allogeneic blood.
Although it could be argued from an ethical standpoint that such risks should be disclosed, the
intent of the informed consent process is to make it possible for the patient to make a rational
decision about a medical intervention, and this decision does not require perfect or exhaustive
knowledge. In addition, the legal requirement is to provide the patient with information about the
“material” risks of the procedure, not “all” or “all possible” risks.
The Process of Informed Consent: Risks -The Patient’s Perspective
The patient’s understanding of the risks of transfusion may not be entirely congruent with the
health-care provider’s perception and may also be grounded in a different perspective. Two
different cognitive systems may be used in assessing risk: assimilative perspective and
precautionary perspective.
The first cognitive system, the assimilative perspective, is based on the principle that a risk does
not exist if there is no proof of harm. This perspective bases decision-making on the assessment
of scientific and clinical data and relies on the rigor of the scientific method. However, even the
scientific approach may have blind spots if the relevant data are not collected or if the research
questions are not framed correctly. It also requires conscious, cognitive effort, and is a slow
process. The assimilative perspective generally informs the decision-making of health-care
However, risk assessment by patients as well as policy makers has generally relied heavily on the
precautionary perspective. This perspective is based on the principle that a risk exists unless
there is proof otherwise. It has the benefit of also avoiding risks that are unexpected because
scientific and clinical knowledge are inevitably incomplete. However, it often fails to weigh the
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
risks of not acting, discourages innovation, and has led to increased expenditure of resources for
minimal gains in pursuit of a “zero risk” blood supply. The precautionary approach is generally
based on an experiential cognitive model where the response to perceived risks is instinctive and
In addition to the cognitive perspective, a number of other factors may affect a patient’s
perception of risk. There are four characteristics of a risk that may affect the way a patient
perceives and reacts to it: (1) frequency of the adverse outcome, (2) consequences of that
outcome, (3) the “dread” quality of those consequences, and (4) their imminence.
A patient’s perception of the frequency of an adverse outcome may also be influenced by his or
her awareness of its existence. A patient who has a relative or friend with HCV infection is likely
to overestimate the likelihood of obtaining such an infection via transfusion. High visibility of a
risk in the media can lead to the phenomenon of “social amplification” whereby the perceived
frequency of the risk is magnified in the mind of the patient. For example, the public is much
more concerned about being attacked by a shark, a very low probability event that is almost
always reported in the media, than a dog attack, which is far more common but rarely reported.
The consequences of the complication also affect a patient’s reaction to it, with serious outcomes
such as death, loss of a sensory function, paralysis, or mental impairment quite naturally
influencing the patient’s response. In addition, some adverse events are more feared or “dreaded”
than others. People may dread being attacked by killer bees or being infected with HIV through
transfusion but are not as fearful of motor vehicle accidents or transfusion-associated circulatory
Patients also tend to be more fearful of complications that occur shortly after the medical
intervention (ie, are more “imminent”) than they are of those that are significantly delayed. The
lack of “imminence” may account for the relatively measured reaction to transfusion-transmitted
HCV, for example.
The willingness of a patient to take on the risk of a medical intervention may also be affected by
other factors, among them the nature and magnitude of the anticipated benefit. Not surprisingly,
patients are willing to take on a greater degree of risk for what they consider to be a significant
benefit. Risks that are taken on voluntarily are also perceived to be lower, perhaps because the
patient feels a sense of control.
Patients are more likely to accept an adverse transfusion outcome that is familiar to them (eg,
fever, HCV infection) than one that is not (eg, hypersensitivity rash, Babesiosis). Finally, the
assessment of risk may be associated with certain demographic factors. For example, it has been
suggested that transfusions may be perceived as riskier by females, minorities, and persons with
lower income and education level. Factors affecting the understanding of risk are summarized in
Table 1.
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
Table 1. Factors Affecting the Understanding of Risk
Socioeconomic status
Minority status
Educational level
Value of benefit to patient
Magnitude of benefit
Perceived frequency
“Dread” quality
The Process of Informed Consent: Alternatives
Following a review of the proposed hemotherapy and its risks, the health-care provider should
discuss possible alternatives. One of the alternatives, of course, is for the patient to decline the
transfusion. This situation will be discussed in more detail in the last section.
There are numerous alternatives to transfusion that have been designed to stimulate endogenous
production of RBCs, neutrophils, and platelets (eg, cytokines) and to minimize the loss of blood
intraoperatively (eg, acute normovolemic hemodilution, blood recovery, and reinfusion) and
outside of the operating room (eg, minimizing blood draws for diagnostic and monitoring
In discussing the various alternatives to component transfusion with the patient, the health-care
provider must bear in mind their suitability and availability. Preoperative strategies to avoid
transfusions include, but are not limited to, iron supplementation to correct iron deficiency
anemia; administration of erythropoietin; and review and modification of anti-platelet,
anticoagulation, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy. Perioperative
strategies to reduced blood loss include use of cell savers (capture of autologous blood during
surgery and reinfusion), laboratory-guided transfusion therapy, use of tranexamic acid, and
application of fibrin sealants (plasma-derived surgical hemostatic agents). Pre- and perioperative
management of a patient to avoid allogeneic transfusions should occur on an individual basis. It
is based on suitability and resource availability at an individual health-care facility.
The Process of Informed Consent: Communication and the Process of Informed Consent
At its core, informed consent is a process of communication between the health-care provider
and the patient. Although the preceding sections have dwelt on the obligation of the health-care
provider to disclose information, the process must also provide the opportunity for the patient to
ask questions and communicate to the health-care provider his or her desires, goals, fears, and
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
preferences. Communication between patient and health-care provider is vital to this process;
however, it is sobering to realize how little patients recall of these interchanges or of the
information that was conveyed during the process of obtaining informed consent for transfusion.
Results from two surveys found that while 71-80% of consented transfusion recipients
remembered the conversation with a health-care provider for a blood transfusion, only 23-56%
indicated recollection of specific transfusion risks, and far less, only 12% of patients, had recall
of alternatives to blood.
A lot of factors can affect a patient’s cognitive ability to understand
informed consent. For example, pain can impact a patient’s cognition and it precludes a provider
from obtaining a valid informed consent. The elderly patient population is also vulnerable due to
age-related decreased physical abilities (hearing and vision loss) and a higher prevalence of
impaired cognitive abilities that occur with age. More research should be done in this area to
enhance comprehension of informed consent by these vulnerable patient populations.
A number of factors may affect our ability to communicate successfully with patients in this
setting (Table 2).
Table 2. Communication Obstacles between Patient and a Health-Care Provider during
Informed Consent
Communication Obstacles
Linguistic Factors
Medical/technical language
Education/social group
Vulnerable patient population (uncontrolled pain, elderly)
Cultural barriers
Translation of Medical and Technical Information: The first communication barrier to overcome
is the translation of medical and technical information into language that can be understood by
people who do not have much background in medicine or biology. This is further complicated by
the low level of health-care provider knowledge of basic aspects of transfusion medicine, or even
a clear understanding of the elements of informed consent.
Education and Socioeconomic Status: Differences in education and socioeconomic status
between the health-care provider and patient may also be an obstacle to communication. A
survey of transfusion informed consent forms found that on average they were written at the
junior college level, which is attained by only 26% of people in the US.
Speaking Different Languages: The third communication barrier is imposed when the health-care
provider and patient speak different languages. Even though family members and friends can
accompany the patient during a healthcare visit and act as interpreters, most health-care facilities
provide language services that include qualified sign and spoken language interpreters, over-the-
phone interpretation services, and written information in the patient’s preferred language. This
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
allows for better understanding of disease information, prognosis, risk, and treatment, and leads
to improved decision-making ability of patients regarding their health. Overall, a qualified
interpreter allows for more accurate and unbiased communication between the healthcare
provider and the patient without sacrificing patient confidentiality. Bilingual health-care workers
who are proficient in non-English languages also can communicate with the patient without an
Cultural factors may also compromise communication between health-care provider and patient,
especially if certain topics, such as pregnancy, a diagnosis of cancer, or death, are regarded as
awkward, if not taboo.
The Process of Informed Consent: Consent Must Be Voluntary
The principle of autonomy demands that the patient must not be coerced into accepting (or
rejecting) therapy by the clinical situation, the health-care provider, or a third party, such as a
family member. An effort should be made to give patients the time and unpressured environment
to make measured assessments of the benefits, risks, and alternatives of the proposed transfusion,
and to make independent decisions.
Although health-care providers should be clear about why they are recommending transfusions,
they should avoid over-optimistic assessment of its benefits, or overly dramatic portrayal of the
risks of the alternatives, including no transfusion. In fact, overly enthusiastic advocacy has been
shown, at least in the research setting, to increase the likelihood of refusal of consent. A patient
may also be influenced by the way in which the information presented to him or her is framed.
Information framed as a gain (out of every 100 patients, 99 will do well) as opposed to a loss
(out of every 100 patients, 1 will do poorly) is more likely to be perceived positively, even
though the described risks are identical.
Finally, the health-care provider should be aware of the possibility that the patient’s decision
may be influenced by the presence of third parties, such as family members, friends, or spiritual
advisors. If third parties have been involved in the discussion, then the health-care provider
should attempt to have a private conversation with the patient to confirm that the decision truly
represents the wishes of the patient.
Administrative Aspects of Informed Consent: Who May Give Consent
Informed consent is predicated on the competence of the patient. Competence in this context
means that the patient can understand what a transfusion is; the information disclosed about
benefits, risks, and alternatives; and is capable of making a decision about how to proceed. If an
adult patient is incompetent, even temporarily (eg, unconscious, heavily sedated), then consent
may be obtained from a guardian, health-care proxy, or next of kin. The surrogate decision
maker must conform to the ethical standard of substituted judgment, which requires that
decisions must be made with the best interests of the patient in mind, and that would best reflect
the patient’s own wishes.
It is important to understand that if the healthcare professional identifies that the patient has an
impaired capacity in decision making, the patient’s decision making could be impaired regarding
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
a specific type of decision and not to all types of decisions (eg, understanding the disease and the
need for surgery but not understanding the need for blood products). It is crucial for a health-care
provider to know when to involve a surrogate decision maker in those cases. This process has
been described as a sliding-scale share decision making for patient with reduced capacity.
Although consent must be obtained from a parent or legal guardian to perform any medical
procedure on a minor child, there is increasing recognition of the ability of children to participate
in a meaningful way in medical decision making, which has led to increasing recognition of the
role of obtaining a child’s assent to treatment. The assent of a minor who is old enough to
understand the procedure is often obtained. The situation for adolescents has become somewhat
more complex. Although adolescents are generally considered to be minors for legal purposes,
some jurisdictions recognize the concept of the mature minor (Table 3).
The courts have also recognized the status of the “emancipated” minor who may consent to
medical procedures on the same basis as competent adults (Table 3).
Table 3. Obtaining a Child’s Assent and Consent to Treatment
Explanation of term
The assent of the minor who is old enough to
understand the procedure is often obtained.
The minor can participate in assent to
treatment, although consent must be obtained
from a parent or legal guardian.
Adolescents are generally considered to be
minors for legal purposes; however, some
jurisdictions recognize the concept of the
mature minor.
A mature minor is an adolescent (usually)
who is capable of understanding the medical
information disclosed, able to make
reasonable judgments, and independent
enough to make decisions that represent his or
her own wishes.
The courts have also recognized the status of
the “emancipated” minor who may consent
to medical procedures on the same basis as
competent adults.
Minors are considered to be “emancipated” if
they are married, in the armed forces, or live
independently, managing their own finances.
Administrative Aspects of Informed Consent: Timing
Consent must be obtained prospectively, except in the setting of a true medical emergency.
Ideally, the process of disclosure and obtaining consent should be done sufficiently in advance of
the transfusion to allow patients the time to reflect on their decisions and request additional
information, if needed. Note that some of the alternatives to transfusion may require substantial
lead-time to be effective (eg, iron replacement therapy, erythropoietin).
In the setting of a medical emergency, it may be impossible to obtain consent prospectively, or
doing so would interfere with good patient care. As is the case with any other emergency
medical treatment, transfusion may be carried out without first obtaining consent for patients
who may be put at risk of death or serious morbidity by the failure to act. Once the clinical
situation has stabilized, it is good practice to explain what emergency steps, including
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
transfusion, were taken and why, and obtain the patient’s agreement that the interventions were
Administrative Aspects of Informed Consent: Frequency
As a general rule, the informed consent process must be carried out for each medical
intervention. In the context of transfusion, the definition of medical intervention is not so clear.
For example, medical intervention could be considered to be a plan to which a patient with a
myelodysplastic syndrome has consented for a series of RBC transfusions aimed at maintaining
the hemoglobin level at a specific target.
A medical intervention may be considered to be all of the transfusions given to a patient during
an admission for a surgical procedure. It could also be argued that each transfusion represents an
independent medical decision in which the patient should be a partner, and therefore the
informed consent process should be repeated.
Since there are no universally accepted standards, each institution must develop a policy for
handling consent for repeated procedures in conjunction with counsel and considering local
precedent. If consents covering multiple transfusions are permitted, then some limits should be
imposed as to the number of events, or the period of time over which the consent is operative.
Note that the consent process must be repeated if there are any material changes to the
information that was initially disclosed to the patient, including changes to any patient-specific
risks, even if institutional policy allows for a documented informed consent process on one
occasion to cover multiple events.
It is also good medical practice to obtain the patient’s approval prior to administering each
transfusion, even if the patient has consented to undergoing multiple procedures. Patients have
the right to revoke their consent at any time, in which case any transfusions in progress must be
terminated immediately.
Administrative Aspects of Informed Consent: Products and Requiring Consent
When patients are admitted to a hospital, they usually sign a general consent to treat,” which
covers many diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Interventions with the potential for
significant morbidity or mortality require the specific informed consent of the patient, however.
Most hospitals develop policies, specifying which interventions require documented informed
consent (eg, central line placement, most surgical procedures, most endoscopy procedures). This
list includes transfusion of blood components and transplantation of tissues and organs. Blood
components, tissue and organs are biologically complex and vulnerable to contamination with
infectious agents, and thus may carry significant risk.
The risk of infectious disease transmission is much lower for recombinant clotting factors
concentrates as well as highly processed plasma derivatives and tissues, so practices regarding
consent for their use are not uniform (Table 4).
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
Table 4. Hemotherapies and Tissues Requiring Informed Consent
Consent Variable
Plasma-derived proteins: albumin, IVIG,
RhIG, hyperimmune globulins, PCC, FVII,
Recombinant proteins: FVIII, FIX, FVII,
erythropoietin, GCSF, GMCSF
Highly processed tissue-bone plugs
Acute normovolemic hemodilution
Intraoperative blood recovery and
Postoperative blood recovery and reinfusion
RBC, red blood cells; PABD, preoperative autologous blood donation; IVIG, intravenous
immunoglobulin; RhIG, Rh immunoglobulin; PCC, prothrombin complex concentrate; FVII,
factor VII; FVIII, factor VIII; FVIX, factor IX; ATIII, antithrombin III; GCSF, granulocyte cell
stimulation factor; GMCSF, granulocyte/macrophage cell stimulating factor.
Administrative Aspects of Informed Consent: Documentation
The process of obtaining informed consent for transfusion must be documented in the patient’s
medical record. Informed consent is not this document, however; rather, it is the entire process of
engaging in a meaningful dialogue with the patient. The document merely attests to the fact that
the process was carried out.
At a minimum, this document should note that:
The procedure was explained.
The benefits, risks, and alternatives, including refusing therapy, were discussed.
An opportunity for questions was provided, and the patient’s questions, if any, were
The patient consented (or not) to the procedure.
The patient and the healthcare provider making the disclosure signed the document.
Some institutions also require notation of the specific risks, benefits, and/or alternatives
discussed, in addition to the minimum information listed above.
There are different ways in which this documentation can be accomplished. A hand-written note
in the patient’s chart is adequate, assuming it covers the elements listed above, although many
institutions use some sort of form, which can be designed to prompt the health-care provider who
is obtaining consent for the essential elements. Forms specifically designed for transfusion may
be used. Alternatively, the consent for transfusion may be incorporated into the consent form
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
used for surgery or other invasive procedures. Some institutions use forms with detailed
information about the risks, benefits, alternatives, etc., but others use forms that are quite
The decision as to what type of form to use generally reflects the preference of counsel at each
institution. Risks of transfusion that are specific to the patient (eg, risk of transfusion-associated
circulatory overload in a patient with existing congestive heart failure) should be captured in the
notes in the chart or on the form.
Increasingly, documentation of informed consent for transfusion will exist in the patient’s
electronic medical record, which has the advantage of making it readily available to anyone
involved in the care of the patient.
Informed Consent for Patients: The Duty of the Institution
Each institution has a duty to its patients to have systems in place for obtaining and documenting
informed consent for transfusion. The medical director of the hospital transfusion service is
required by both AABB and the College of American Pathologists to play a role in developing
and implementing these procedures.
At a minimum, elements of consent shall include all of the following:
A description of the risks, benefits, and treatment alternatives (including non-
The opportunity to ask questions.
The right to accept or refuse transfusion
The policies and procedures developed to ensure that a process of informed consent is carried out
prior to transfusion should specify at a minimum:
Which products or procedures require informed consent.
Who may carry out and document the informed consent process (eg, physicians,
nurse practitioners).
Who may give informed consent (eg, the issue of minors, incompetent adults).
When informed consent must be obtained (ie, frequency, duration, procedure-
What information should be conveyed to the patient.
How informed consent will be documented.
How staff will be trained and continued competence assured.
How compliance with the policy will be assessed.
How emergency situations will be handled (waiver of consent).
How refusal of care will be handled and documented.
Refusal of Consent: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Other Patients
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
As described earlier, informed consent is based on the ethical and legal principles of autonomy
and the right of a competent patient to determine what medical interventions he or she will
These rights include that of refusing a recommended medical intervention, even one that is
potentially life-saving. The right to refuse treatment has been consistently upheld by a body of
case law and judicial decisions in the United States as well as abroad.
It is the obligation of the health-care provider to respect the patient’s autonomy and honor the
decision however difficult it may be for a health-care provider who does not share the patient’s
belief system, and particularly when the consequences of refusal could be death or permanent
The Approach to the Patient Who Refuses Therapy: Disclosure and Choice
As a very first step, it should be determined whether or not the individual health-care provider or
the institution is equipped to care for patients who refuse transfusion and other hemotherapies.
If not, and if the situation does not call for emergent care, then arrangements should be made to
transfer care to health-care providers who are prepared to handle these patients. Meanwhile, the
health-care provider is obligated to care for the patient according to his or her wishes and may
not “abandon” the patient, which would be unethical and illegal.
In an elective situation, the approach to the patient who may refuse transfusion is similar to the
approach for any patient and includes a description of the planned transfusion and its rationale,
and the disclosure of the risks, benefits, and alternatives.
The blood components proscribed for Jehovah’s Witnesses include: red cells, leukocytes,
platelets, and plasma. Note that a few other religious groups proscribe blood transfusion, and
patients refuse transfusions for other reasons as well. Assumptions should not be made about
which hemotherapies a patient will or will not accept, but rather the options should be reviewed
for each patient. The consequences of refusing transfusion should also be explained carefully,
especially if there is a chance of a very serious adverse outcome, such as death, loss of a limb or
sensory function, or mental impairment. The patient should also understand the possible benefits
of the hemotherapy that would be given up. It is important that the patient states explicitly a
willingness to incur these serious consequences, including death, loss of limb, etc., rather than to
receive a transfusion. For patients refusing transfusion, the discussion of possible alternatives
assumes special importance. It should be explicitly explained to the patient which of the
alternatives are both available and suitable for the circumstances that the patient would accept.
Documentation of Refusal
Once a plan specifying which therapies the patient will accept and which will be refused has
been agreed to by the patient and care providers, it should be made a part of the medical record
and available to those health-care providers who will be participating in the care of the patient.
Paradoxically, it is useful to inform the blood bank about patients who are refusing transfusion
since it is well positioned to prevent inadvertent transfusion.
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
At a minimum, a “refusal of care” document must state that the consequences of declining care
were explained to the patient, alternatives were discussed, and that the patient is willing to accept
these consequences, including death, rather than accept transfusion. Both the responsible health-
care provider and the patient should sign the document. The refusal of care may be documented
by a note written into the medical record or a form.
Many Jehovah’s Witnesses have either executed advance medical directives specifying their
wish to refuse transfusions or carry with them a form provided by the Jehovah’s Witness church.
It is also a good practice to make a copy of this document as a part of the patient’s medical
Table 5 lists some accepted and not accepted hemotherapies for Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Table 5. Hemotherapies Acceptable and Not Acceptable to Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Personal Decision
Acceptable Treatments
Whole blood
Red blood cells
White blood cells
autologous blood
Intraoperative or postoperative
blood recovery and reinfusion
Acute normovolemic hemodilution
Intraoperative autologous blood
component preparation
Fibrin gel
Platelet gel
Cardiopulmonary bypass
Plasma derivatives
Clotting factor
Immune globulins
Fibrin glue
Epidural blood patch
Cellular therapy products
Solid organ transplantation
Intraoperative conservation
Controlled hypotension
Anatomic dissection
Hemostatic surgical tools
Meticulous surgical
Regional anesthesia
Minimally invasive surgery
Topical hemostatic agents
Pharmacologic hemostatic agents
Tranexamic acid
c-Aminocaproic acid
Recombinant clotting
factor concentrates (VII,
Recombinant hematopoietic
growth factors (albumin free)
Perfluorocarbon based oxygen
Non-blood volume expanders
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
Crystalloid solutions
Hydroxyethyl starch
GCSF, granulocyte cell stimulation factor; GMCSF, granulocyte/macrophage cell-stimulating
Refusal of Care in Emergencies
Emergency situations, especially those involving significant blood loss, raise special concerns in
Refusal of Care situations where the opportunity to explore the patient’s wishes is minimal.
There are several situations in which the patient’s wish to refuse transfusion must be honored,
The patient is competent, conscious, and refuses transfusion (with or without a signed
refusal document).
The patient is incompetent temporarily (eg, unconscious, sedated, in extreme pain) or
is incompetent chronically but:
o There is some sort of documentation of refusal in the medical record (eg,
refusal of care document, advance directive).
o The patient is carrying an advance directive or a form provided by the
Jehovah’s Witnesses (with valid signatures), or such a form is provided by a
third party (eg, family member, church member).
o There is documentation (eg, notation in the medical record) that the patient is
a Jehovah’s Witness, or member of another religions group that forbids
o The patient previously expressed orally the wish to refuse transfusion to
someone involved in the emergency care of the patient.
o The patient’s refusal is communicated by next-of-kin, health-care proxy, or
guardian (if chronically incompetent).
If the medical team providing emergency care is unaware that the patient is a Jehovah’s Witness
or if none of the above conditions are met, then transfusions given for standard indications do not
constitute battery.
Who May Refuse Care
Patients who are considered to be competent to consent for medical care including transfusion
may also refuse therapy, even if death or injury are likely to ensue. However, in situations where
the patient is not competent to consent to or refuse care, and third parties make these
determinations, conflicts may arise.
The Incompetent Adult
A guardian or health-care proxy for a permanently or temporarily incompetent adult may refuse
transfusions, including those that might be life-saving, if there is reasonable evidence that, when
competent, the patient expressed a desire to refuse transfusions, even at the cost of life. These
circumstances are clear if the patient executed an advance medical directive or was an active
member of the Jehovah’s Witness church, as described above. The situation is more difficult if
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
the beliefs of the patient while competent are not clear or were not expressed directly to the
substitute decision maker. Under these circumstances, the courts have usually ruled that the
interest of the State in sustaining life and protecting the well-being of the patient outweighs the
authority of the substitute decision maker to refuse care, which might result in permanent harm
to the incompetent patient.
Competent Adults with Dependents
Conflicts have also arisen in situations where the death of a competent adult due to refusal of
transfusion would leave minor children without parents and means of support. In some cases,
competent adults with minor dependents have been required by the courts to undergo life-
sustaining treatments including transfusion. These cases pit the adult’s rights of free speech and
practice of religion against the interests of the State in providing for the well-being of the
children by preventing the loss of a parent as well as preventing them from becoming wards of
the state. In other cases, parents have been permitted to refuse therapy if they could demonstrate
that their dependent children would be adequately provided for in the event of their demise.
More recently, however, courts have been ruling that the right of the parent to make an
autonomous determination about refusing therapy overrides the interest of the State in preserving
the well-being of the dependents.
Pregnant Women
Conflicts may also arise where refusal of care by a pregnant woman may endanger the life of her
fetus, especially if the pregnancy has progressed to the point when the fetus would likely be
viable if born at that point, usually by the third trimester. Courts have frequently ordered
transfusion and other therapies to preserve the life of the mother and thus that of the fetus, based
on the interest of the State in protecting the lives of the unborn until such time as they can make
medical decisions for themselves.
The situation in which parents have wished to refuse life-saving therapy for children on religious
grounds has also created difficulties for health-care providers. In general, however, case law has
established that parents do not have life or death authority over their children and do not have
absolute rights to refuse treatment for religious (or other) reasons for their minor children. The
parental right to accept or refuse medical care on behalf of the child is outweighed by the
interests of the State in preserving life, and in particular ensuring the survival of the child to the
point when he or she is competent to make health-care decisions independently.
Minors in general may neither consent to, nor refuse, medical therapy, especially if it is intended
to prevent serious injury or death. The situation with respect to mature minors is particularly
fraught with difficulty, and legal decisions involving adolescents refusing transfusion for
religious reasons have been inconsistent. Hence, it is important to consult hospital counsel.
Emancipated minors are considered to be equivalent to competent adults for the purposes of
consenting to or refusing therapy.
Hospitals that do not have the expertise or infrastructure to care for patients who refuse
transfusion should at least develop a process for referring the patients to appropriately equipped
facilities. Institutions that do plan to manage patients who refuse transfusion should develop and
Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion February 23, 2023
implement suitable policies and procedures that assure high quality care that is consistent with
the beliefs and wishes of these patients.
The processes of medical decision-making and informed consent have become irrevocably
intertwined as patients increasingly expect that they will be well informed and participate
actively in the decision to undergo any medical intervention. These expectations also exist for
blood transfusions and other hemotherapies that carry risks of adverse outcomes and are still
shadowed by memories of the discovery of HIV and HCV transmission by transfusion. The
existence of both these tangible risks and a patient’s perception of risk make it even more
appropriate to carry out the process of informing the patient and obtaining consent. This process
may be therapeutic as well by contributing to the patient’s understanding of these risks as well as
through the sense of control that making an informed and deliberate choice can foster.
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