RD Instruction 1924-A
Table of Contents
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(Revision 1)
Subpart A - Planning and Performing Construction and Other Development
Table of Contents
1924.1 Purpose. 1
1924.2 [Reserved]
1924.3 Authorities and responsibilities. 1
1924.4 Definitions. 1
(a) Construction. 1
(b) Contract documents. 1
(c) Contractor. 1
(d) County Supervisor and District Director. 2
(e) Date of commencement of work. 2
(f) Date of substantial completion. 2
(g) Development. 2
(h) Development standards. 2
(i) Identity of interest. 2
(j) Land development. 3
(k) Manufactured housing. 4
(l) Mechanic's and materialmen's liens. 4
(m) Modular/panelized housing. 4
(n) Project representative. 4
(o) Technical services. 4
(p) Warranty. 4A
1924.5 Planning development work. 4A
(a) Extent of development. 4A
(b) Funds for development work. 5
(c) Scheduling of development work. 5
(d) Construction. 5
(e) Land development. 8
(f) Responsibilities for planning development. 9
(g) Surplus structures and use or sale of timber, 14
sand or stone.
(h) Review prior to performing development work. 15
(i) Time of starting development work. 16
1924.6 Performing development work. 16
(a) Contract method. 16
(b) Borrower method. 28
(c) Mutual self-help method. 30
(d) Owner-builder method. 31
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RD Instruction 1924-A
Table of Contents
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(Revision 1)
1924.7 [Reserved] 31
1924.8 Development work for modular/panelized housing units.
1924.9 Inspection of development work. 32
(a) Responsibility for inspection. 32
(b) Frequency of inspections. 33
(c) Recording inspections and correction of
deficiencies. 35
(d) Acceptance by responsible public authority. 35
(e) Acceptance by project architect. 35
1924.10 Making changes in the planned development. 35
(a) Authority of the County Supervisor. 35
(b) Authority of the District Director. 36
(c) Recording changes in the planned development. 37
1924.11 District Director's review of incomplete development. 38
1924.12 Warranty of development work. 39
1924.13 Supplemental requirements for more complex construction. 40
(a) Architectural services. 40
(b) Other professional services. 45
(c) Drawings. 46
(d) Specifications. 46
(e) Methods of administering construction. 46
1924.14 - 1924.48 [Reserved] 71
1924.49 State supplements. 71
1924.50 OMB control number. 71
Exhibit A Estimated breakdown of dwelling costs for estimating partial
Exhibit B Requirements for modular/panelized housing units.
Exhibit C Guide for drawings and specifications.
Exhibit D Thermal performance construction standards.
Exhibit E Voluntary national model building codes.
Exhibit F Payment bond.
Exhibit G Performance bond.
Exhibit H Prohibition of lead-based paints.
Exhibit I Guidelines for seasonal farm labor housing.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Table of Contents
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Exhibit J Manufactured home sites, rental projects and
subdivisions: Development, installation and
Exhibit K Classifications for multi-family residential
rehabilitation work.
Exhibit L Insured 10-year home warranty plan
Exhibit M Seven Steps to Cost Certification.
Guides (Available in any Rural Development office)
Guide 1 Contract Documents.
Guide 2 Rural Development Design Guide.
Guide 3 Quality and Performance Criteria for Moderate
Guide 4 Attachment to AIA Document - Standard Form of
Agreement Between Owner and Architect.
(03-16-94) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Subpart A - Planning and Performing Construction and Other Development
§1924.1 Purpose.
This subpart prescribes the basic Rural Development policies, methods,
and responsibilities in the planning and performing of construction and other
development work for insured Rural Housing (RH), and single unit Labor Housing
(LH). It also provides supplemental requirements for Rural Rental Housing
(RRH) loans, Rural Cooperative Housing (RCH) loans, multiunit (LH) loans and
grants, and Rural Housing Site (RHS) loans. This subpart is inapplicable to
Farm Service Agency, Farm Loan Programs. (Revised 01-09-08, PN 417.)
§1924.2 [Reserved]
§1924.3 Authorities and responsibilities.
The County Supervisor and District Director are authorized to redelegate,
in writing, any authority delegated to them in this subpart to the Assistant
County Supervisor and Assistant District Director, respectively, when
determined to be qualified. Rural Development Construction Inspectors,
District Loan Assistants, and County Office Assistants are authorized to
perform duties under this subpart as authorized in their job descriptions.
§1924.4 Definitions.
(a) Construction. Such work as erecting, repairing, remodeling,
relocating, adding to or salvaging any building or structure, and the
installation or repair of, or addition to, heating and electrical
systems, water systems, sewage disposal systems, walks, steps,
driveways, and landscaping.
(b) Contract documents. The borrower-contractor agreement, the
conditions of the contract (general, supplementary, and other), the
drawings, specifications, warranty information, all addenda issued
before executing the contract, all approved modifications thereto, and
any other items stipulated as being included in the contract documents.
(c) Contractor. The individual or organization with whom the borrower
enters into a contract for construction or land development, or both.
Construction and Repair
(Revision 2)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.4 (Con.)
(d) County Supervisor and District Director. In Alaska, for the
purpose of this subpart, "County Supervisor" and "District Director"
also mean "Assistant Area Loan Specialist" and "Area Loan Specialist,"
respectively. The terms also include other qualified staff who may be
delegated responsibilities under this subpart in accordance with the
provisions of Subpart F of Part 2006 (available in any Rural Development
(e) Date of commencement of work. The date established in a "Notice to
Proceed" or, in the absence of such notice, the date of the contract or
other date as may be established in it or by the parties to it.
(f) Date of substantial completion. The date certified by the Project
Architect/Engineer or County Supervisor when it is possible, in
accordance with any contract documents and applicable State or local
codes and ordinances, and the Rural Development approved drawings and
specifications, to permit safe and convenient occupancy and/or use of
the buildings or other development.
(g) Development. Construction and land development.
(h) Development standards. Any of the following codes and standards:
(1) A standard adopted by Rural Development for each state in
accordance with §1924.5 (d)(l)(i)(E) of this subpart.
(2) Voluntary national model building codes (model codes).
Comprehensive documents created, referenced or published by
nationally recognized associations of building officials that
regulate the construction, alteration and repair of building,
plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems. These codes are listed
in Exhibit E of this subpart.
(3) Minimum Property Standards (MPS). The Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) Minimum Property Standards for Housing,
Handbook 4910.1, 1984 Edition with Changes. (For One and Two Family
Dwellings and Multi-Family Housing.)
(i) Identity of interest. Identity of interest will be construed as
existing between the applicant (the party of the first part) and general
contractors, architects, engineers, attorneys, subcontractors, material
suppliers, or equipment lessors (parties of the second part) under any
of the following conditions:
(1) When there is any financial interest of the party of the first
part in the party of the second part. The providing of normal
professional services by architects, engineers, attorneys or
accountants with a client-professional relationship shall not
constitute an identity of interest.
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.4(i) (Con.)
(2) When one or more of the officers, directors, stockholders, or
partners of the party of the first part is also an officer,
director, stockholder, or partner of the party of the second part;
(3) When any officer, director, stockholder, or partner of the
party of the first part has any financial interest whatsoever in the
party of the second part;
(4) Between the spouse, significant other, relatives, and step-
relatives of the principal owners of the party of the first part and
its management, such as Grandmother, Aunt, Daughter, Granddaughter,
Grandfather, Uncle, Son, Grandson, Mother, Sister, Niece, Cousin,
Father, Brother, Nephew;
(Added 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(5) When the party of the second part advances any funds to the
party of the first part; (Renumbered 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(6) When the party of the second part provides and pays on behalf
of the party of the first part the cost of any legal services,
architectural services or engineering services other than those of a
surveyor, general superintendent, or engineer employee by a general
contractor in connection with obligations under the construction
contract; (Renumbered 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(7) When the party of the second part takes stock or any interest
in a party of the first part as part of the consideration to be
paid; (Renumbered 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(8) When there exists or comes into being any side deals,
agreements, contracts, or undertakings entered into thereby
altering, amending, or canceling any of the required closing
documents except as approved by Rural Development. (Renumbered 03-
16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(9) An identity of interest will also exist when another party can
significantly influence the management or operating policies of the
transacting parties or if it has an ownership interest in one of the
transacting parties and can significantly influence the other to an
extent that one or more of the transacting parties might be
prevented from fully pursuing its own separate interests. (Added
03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(j) Land development. Includes items such as terracing, clearing,
leveling, fencing, drainage and irrigation systems, ponds, forestation,
permanent pastures, perennial hay crops, basic soil amendments,
pollution abatement and control measures, and other items
(Revision 1)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.4(j) (Con.)
of land improvement which conserve or permanently enhance productivity.
Also, land development for structures includes the applicable items
above, and items such as rough and finish grading, retaining walls,
water supply and waste disposal facilities, streets, curbs and gutters,
sidewalks, entrancewalks, driveways, parking areas, landscaping and
other related structures.
(k) Manufactured housing. Housing, constructed of one or more factory-
built sections, which includes the plumbing, heating and electrical
systems contained therein, which is built to comply with the Federal
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (FMHCSS), and which
is designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation. Specific
requirements for manufactured homes sites, rental projects and
subdivisions are in Exhibit J of this subpart.
(l) Mechanic's and materialmen's liens. A lien on real property in
favor of persons supplying labor and/or materials for the construction
for the value of labor and/or materials supplied by them. In some
jurisdictions, a mechanic's lien also exists for the value of
professional services.
(m) Modular/panelized housing. Housing, constructed of one or more
factory-built sections, which, when completed, meets or exceeds the
requirements of one or more of the recognized development standards for
site-built housing, and which is designed to be permanently connected to
a site-built foundation.
(n) Project representative. The architect's or owner's representative
at the construction site who assists in the administration of the
construction contract. When required by Rural Development, a full-time
project representative shall be employed.
(o) Technical services. Applicants are responsible for obtaining the
services necessary to plan projects including analysis of project design
requirements, creation and development of the project design,
preparation of drawings, specifications and bidding requirements, and
general administration of the construction contract.
(1) Architectural services. The services of a professionally
qualified person or organization, duly licensed and qualified in
accordance with state law to perform architectural services.
(2) Engineering services. The services of a professionally
qualified person or organization, duly licensed and qualified in
accordance with State law to perform engineering services.
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.4 (Con.)
(p) Warranty. A legally enforceable assurance provided by the builder
(warrantor) to the owner and the Rural Development indicating that the
work done and materials supplied conform to those specified in the
contract documents and applicable regulations. For the period of the
warranty, the warrantor agrees to repair defective workmanship and
repair or replace any defective materials at the expense of the
§1924.5 Planning development work.
(a) Extent of development. For an FO loan, the plans for development
will include the items necessary to put the farm in a livable and
operable condition consistent with the planned farm and home operations.
For other types of loans, the plans will include those items essential
to achieve the objectives of the loan or grant as specified in the
applicable regulation.
(Added 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.5 (Con.)
(b) Funds for development work. The total cash cost of all planned
development will be shown on Form RD 1924-1, "Development Plan," except
Form RD 1924-1 may be omitted when (1) all development is to be done by
the contract method, (2) adequate cost estimates are included in the
docket, and (3) the work, including all landscaping, repairs, and site
development work, is completely described on the drawings, in the
specifications, or in the contract documents. Sufficient funds to pay
for the total cash cost of all planned development must be provided at
or before loan closing. Funds to be provided may include loan proceeds,
any cash to be furnished by the borrower, proceeds from cost sharing
programs such as Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
(ASCS) and Great Plains programs or proceeds from the sale of property
in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
(c) Scheduling of development work.
(1) All construction work included in the development plan for RH
loans will be scheduled for completion as quickly as practicable and
no later than 9 months from the date of loan closing, except for
mutual self-help housing where work may be scheduled for completion
within a period of 15 months.
(2) Development for farm program loans will be scheduled for
completion as quickly as practicable and no later than 15 months
from the date of loan closing unless more time is needed to
establish land development practices in the area.
(d) Construction.
(1) All new buildings to be constructed and all alterations and
repairs to buildings will be planned to conform with good
construction practices. The Rural Development Manual of Acceptable
Practices (MAP) Vol. 4930.1 (available in any Rural Development
office), provides suggestions and illustrative clarifications of
design and construction methods which are generally satisfactory in
most areas. All improvements to the property will confirm to
applicable laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations related to the
safety and sanitation of buildings; standards referenced in
Appendices C through F of HUD Handbook 4910.1, Minimum Property
Standards for Housing; Thermal Performance Construction Standards
contained in Exhibit D of this subpart and, when required, to
certain other development standards described below.
(Revised 1-27-88, PN 75.)
(i) The development standard applicable to a proposal will
selected by the loan applicant or recipient of an RH
Conditional Commitment in accordance with the following. The
standard selected must:
(Revision 1)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction §1924-A
§ 1924.5(d)(1)(i) (Con.)
(A) Relate to the type(s) of building proposed.
(B) Meet or exceed any applicable local or state laws,
ordinances, codes and regulations.
(C) Include all referenced codes and standards.
(D) Exclude inapplicable administrative requirements.
(E) Be the current edition(s) of either paragraph (1)
or (2) below:
(1) The development standard, consisting of
building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical codes,
adopted by Rural Development for use in the state
(identified in a State Supplement to this section) in
which the development is proposed, in accordance with
the following:
(i) The adopted development standard shall
include any building, plumbing, mechanical or
electrical code adopted by the state, if
determined by the State Director to be based on
one of the model codes listed in Exhibit E to
this subpart, or, if not available,
(ii) The adopted development standard shall
include any building, plumbing, mechanical or
electrical code adopted by the state, if
determined by the Administrator to be
acceptable, or, if not available,
(iii) The adopted development standard shall
include the model building, plumbing, mechanical
and electrical codes listed in Exhibit E to this
subpart that is determined by the State Director
to be most prevalent and appropriate for the
(2) Any of the model building, plumbing, mechanical
and electrical codes listed in Exhibit E to this
subpart or the standards defined in §1924.4 (h) (3)
of this subpart.
(ii) Guide 2, "Rural Development Design Guide," of this
subpart (available in any Rural Development office), includes
guidelines for the evaluation of the design features which are
not fully addressed in the development standards.
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.5(d)(1) (Con.)
(iii) In new housing, all design, materials and construction
will meet or exceed the applicable development standard as
provided in paragraph (d)(l)(i) of this section.
(iv) For multi-family residential rehabilitation, as defined
in Exhibit K of this subpart, all substantial rehabilitation
work of existing buildings will meet or exceed the applicable
development standard. All moderate rehabilitation work should
comply with Guide 3, "Quality and Performance Criteria for
Moderate Rehabilitation," of this subpart.
(v) The design and construction of housing repairs made with
the Agency’s loan or grant funds will, as near as possible,
comply with the applicable development standard.
(vi) Farm LH design and construction will comply with the
(A) Family projects, where the length of occupancy will
(1) Year-round, will meet or exceed the applicable
development standard.
(2) Less than 12 months, but more than 6 months,
will be in substantial conformance with the
applicable development standard and constructed to
facilitate conversion of year-round occupancy
(3) Six months or less, may be less than the
applicable development standard but should be
constructed in accordance with Exhibit I of this
(B) Dormitory and other non-family type projects, where
the length of occupancy will be:
(1) More than 6 months, will be in substantial
conformance with the applicable development standard
and will at least meet or exceed the requirements of
the Department of Labor, Bureau of Employment
Security (29 CFR 1910.140).
(2) Six months or less, will comply with
§ 1924.5(d)(1)(vi)(A)(3).
(Revision 3)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.5(d)(1) (Con.)
(vii) Farm service buildings should be designed and constructed
for adaptation to the local area. In designing and locating
farm service buildings, consideration will be given to
practices recommended by agriculture colleges, the Extension
Service (ES), Natural Conservation Resources Service (NCRS) and
other reliable sources.
(2) Drawings, specifications, and estimates will fully describe the
work. Technical data, tests, or engineering evaluations may be
required to support the design of the development. The "Guide for
Drawings and Specifications," Exhibit C of this subpart, describes
the drawings and specifications that are to be included in the
application for building construction, and Subpart C of Part 1924 of
this chapter describes the drawings that should be included for
development of building sites. The specific development standard
being used, if required under paragraph (d)(1) of this section will
be identified on all drawings and specifications. (Revised 6-22-87,
(3) Materials acceptance shall be the same as described in
paragraph X of Exhibit B to this subpart. (Revised 1-27-88, PN 75.)
(4) Except as provided in paragraphs (d)(4)(i) through (iii) of
this section, new building construction and additions shall be
designed and constructed in accordance with the earthquake (seismic)
requirements of the applicable Agency’s development standard
(building code). The analysis and design of structural systems and
components shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of an
acceptable model building code. (Added 01-10-97, SPECIAL PN.)
(i) Agricultural buildings that are not intended for human
habitation are exempt from these earthquake (seismic)
(ii) Single family conventional light wood frame dwellings of
two stories or 35 feet in height maximum shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with the 1992 Council of American
Building Officials (CABO) One and Two Family Dwelling Code or
the latest edition.
(iii) Single family housing of masonry design and townhouses
of wood frame construction and additions financed (either
directly or through a guarantee) under title V of the Housing
(Revision 3)
RD Instruction 1924-A
Act of 1949 are recommended to be designed and constructed in
accordance with the earthquake (seismic) requirements of one of
the building codes that provides an equivalent level of safety
to that contained in the latest edition of the National
Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program’s (NEHRP) Recommended
Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New
Building (NEHRP Provisions).
(iv) Acknowledgment of compliance with the applicable seismic
safety requirements for new construction will be contained in
the certification of final plans and specification on the
appropriate Agency form.
(e) Land development.
(1) In planning land development, consideration will be given to
practices, including energy conservation measures, recommended by
agricultural colleges, ES, NCRS or other reliable sources. All land
and water development will conform to applicable laws, ordinances,
zoning and other applicable regulations including those related to
soil and water conservation and pollution abatement. The County
Supervisor or District Director also will encourage the applicant to
use any cost-sharing and planning assistance that may be available
through agricultural conservation programs.
(2) Site and subdivision planning and development must meet the
requirements of Subpart C of Part 1924 of this chapter. (Revised 6-
22-87, SPECIAL PN.)
(3) Plans and descriptive material will fully describe the work.
(4) The site planning design, development, installation and set-up
of manufactured home sites, rental projects and subdivisions shall
meet the requirements of Exhibit J of this subpart and Subpart C of
Part 1924 of this chapter. (Revised 6-22-87, SPECIAL PN.)
(Added 01-10-97, SPECIAL PN)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.5 (e)(4) (Con.)
(i) Plans for land leveling, irrigation, or drainage should
include a map of the area to be improved showing the existing
conditions with respect to soil, topography, elevations, depth
of topsoil, kind of subsoil, and natural drainage, together
with the proposed land development.
(ii) When land development consists of, or includes, the
conservation and use of water for irrigation or domestic
purposes, the information submitted to the County Supervisor
will include a statement as to the source of the water supply,
right to the use of the water, and the adequacy and quality of
the supply.
(f) Responsibilities for planning development. Planning construction
and land development and obtaining technical services in connection with
drawings, specification, and cost estimates are the sole responsibility
of the applicant, with such assistance form the County Supervisor or
District Director (whichever is the appropriate loan processing and
servicing officer for the type of loan involved), as may be necessary to
be sure that the development is properly planned in order to protect
Rural Development's security.
(l) Responsibility of the applicant.
(i) The applicant will arrange for obtaining any required
technical services from qualified technicians, tradespeople,
and recognized plan services, and the applicant will furnish
the Rural Development sufficient information to describe fully
the planned development and the manner in which it will be
(ii) When items of construction or land development require
drawings and specification, they will be sufficiently complete
to avoid any misunderstanding as to extent, kind, and quality
of work to be performed. The applicant will provide Rural
Development with one copy of the drawings and specifications.
Approval will be indicated by the applicant and acceptance for
the purposes of the loan indicated by the County Supervisor or
District Director on all sheets of the drawings and at the end
of the specifications, and both instruments will be a part of
the loan docket. After the loan is closed, the borrower will
retain a conformed copy of the approved drawings and
specifications, and provide another conformed copy to the
contractor. Items not requiring drawings and specifications
may be described in narrative form.
(Revision 2)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.5 (f)(l) (Con.)
(iii) Rural Development will accept final drawings and
specifications and any modifications thereof only after the
documents have been certified in writing as being in
conformance with the applicable development standard if
required under paragraph (d)(l) of this section. Certification
is required for all Single Family Housing (SFH) thermal designs
(plans, specifications, and calculations). (Revised 08-26-94,
(A) Certifications may be accepted from individuals or
organizations who are trained and experienced in the
compliance, interpretation or enforcement of the
applicable development standards for drawings and
specifications. Plan certifiers may be any of the
(1) Licensed architects,
(2) Professional engineers,
(3) Plan reviewers certified by a national model
code organization listed in Exhibit E to this
(4) Local building officials authorized to review
and approve building plans and specifications, or
(5) National codes organizations listed in Exhibit E
to this subpart.
(B) The license or authorization of the individual must
be current at the time of the certification statement. A
building permit (except as noted in paragraph
(f)(l)(iii)(C)(2) of this section) or professional's stamp
is not an acceptable substitute for the certification
statement. However, a code compliance review conducted by
one of the National recognized code organizations
indicating no deficiencies or the noted deficiencies have
been corrected is an acceptable substitute for the
certification statement.
(C) For Single Family Housing (one to four family
dwelling units) Rural Development may also accept drawings
and specifications that have been certified by:
(1) Registered Professional Building Designers
certified by the American Institute of Building
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.5 (f)(l)(iii)(C) (Con.)
(2) A local community, if that community has
adopted, by reference, one of the model building
codes and has trained official(s) who reviews plans
as well as inspects construction for compliance as a
requisite for issuing a building permit. The
building permit, issued by the community, may serve
as evidence of acceptance. The State Director will
determine eligible communities and publish, as a
State supplement to this section, a list of those
communities that qualify.
(3) A plan service that provides drawings and
specifications that are certified by individuals or
organizations as listed in paragraphs (f)(l)(iii)(A)
or (f)(l)(iii)(C)(1) and (2) of this section as
meeting the appropriate State adopted development
(4) Builders/Contractors who provide 10-year
warranty plans for the specific Rural Development
financed dwelling unit that meet the requirements of
Exhibit L of this subpart.
(5) Builders/Contractors that are approved by the
United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) for self-certification.
(D) The modifications of certified drawings or
specifications must be certified by the same individual or
organization that certified the original drawings and
specifications. If such individual or organization is not
available, the entire set of modified drawings and
specifications must be recertified.
(E) The certification of modifications for single family
housing (SFH) construction may be waived if the builder
provides a written statement that the modifications are
not regulated by the applicable development standard. The
County Supervisor may consult with the State Office
Architect/Engineer as the acceptance of the statement and
granting a waiver.
(F) All certifications of final drawings, specifications,
and calculations shall be on Form RD 1924-25, "Plan
Certification." (Revised 08-26-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(Revision 2)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.5 (f) (Con.)
(2) Responsibility of the County Supervisor or District Director.
In accordance with program regulations for loans and grants they are
required to process, the County Supervisor or District Director, for
the sole benefit of Rural Development, will:
(i) Visit each farm or site on which the development is
proposed. For an FO loan, the County Supervisor and the
applicant will determine the items of development necessary to
put the farm in a livable and operable condition at the outset.
Prepare Form RD 1924-1, when applicable in accordance with the
Forms Manual Insert (FMI) for the form, after a complete
understanding has been reached between the applicant and the
County Supervisor regarding the development to be accomplished,
including the dates each item of development will be started
and completed.
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.5 (f) (2) (Con.)
(ii) Notify the loan or grant applicant in writing immediately
if, after reviewing the preliminary proposal and inspecting the
site, the proposal is nor acceptable. If the proposal is
acceptable, an understanding will be reached with the applicant
concerning the starting date for each item of development.
(iii) Discuss with the applicant the Rural Development
requirements with respect to good construction and land
development practices.
(iv) Advise the applicant regarding drawings, specifications,
cost estimates, and other related material which the applicant
must submit to the Rural Development for review before the loan
can be developed. Advise the applicant of the information
necessary in the drawings, how the cost estimates should be
prepared, the number of sets of drawings, specifications, and
cost estimates required, and the necessity for furnishing such
information promptly. Advise the applicant that Rural
Development will provide appropriate specification forms, Form
RD 1924-2, "Description of Materials," and Form RD 1924-3,
"Service Building Specifications." The applicant may, however,
use other properly prepared specifications.
(v) Advise the applicant regarding Publications, plans,
planning aids, engineering data, and other technical advice and
assistance available through local, state, and Federal
agencies, and private individuals and organizations.
(vi) Review the information furnished by the applicant to
determine the completeness of the plans, adequacy of the cost
estimates, suitability and soundness of the proposed
(vii) When appropriate, offer suggestions as to how drawings
and specifications might be altered to improve the facility and
better serve the needs of the applicant. The County supervisor
or District Director may assist the applicant in making
revisions to the drawings. When appropriate, the contract
documents will be forwarded to the State architect/engineer for
review. For revisions requiring technical determinations that
Rural Development is not able to make, the applicant will be
requested to obtain additional technical assistance.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.5 (f) (2) (Con.)
(viii) Provide the applicant with a written list of changes
required in the contract documents. The applicant will submit
two complete revised (as requested) sets of contract documents,
for approval. On one set, the County Supervisor or District
Director will indicate acceptance on each sheet of the
drawings, and on the cover of the specifications and all other
contract documents. At least the date and the initials of the
approval official must be shown. On projects where a
consulting architect or engineer has been retained, this
acceptance will be indicated only after the State Director has
given written authorization. The marked set of documents shall
be available at the job site at all times for review by Rural
Development. The second set will become part of the loan
(ix) Review the proposed method of doing the work and
determine whether the work can be performed satisfactorily
under the proposed method.
(x) Instruct the applicant not to incur any debts prior to
loan closing for materials or labor or make any expenditures
for such purposes with the expectation of being reimbursed from
loan funds.
(xi) Instruct the applicant not to commence any construction
nor cause any supplies or materials to be delivered to the
construction site prior to loan closing.
(xii) Under certain conditions prescribed in Exhibit H of this
subpart, provide the applicant with a copy of the leaflet,
"Warning - Lead-Based Paint Hazards," which is Attachment 1 of
Exhibit H (available in any Rural Development office), and the
warning sheet, "Caution Note on Lead-Based Paint Hazard," which
is Attachment 2 of Exhibit H (available in any Rural
Development office).
(g) Surplus structures and use or sale of timber, sand, or stone. In
planning the developments, the applicant and the County Supervisor or
District Director should, when practicable, plan to use salvage from old
buildings, timber, sand, gravel, or stone from the property. The
borrower may sell surplus buildings, timber, sand, gravel, or stone that
is not to be used in performing planned development and use net proceeds
to pay costs of performing planned development work. In such a case:
(1) An agreement will be recorded in the narrative of Form RD
1924-1 which as a minimum will:
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.5(g)(1) (Con.)
(i) Identify the property to be sold, the estimated net
proceeds to be received, and the approximate date by which the
property will be sold.
(ii) Provide that the borrower will deposit the net proceeds
in the supervised bank account and apply any funds remaining
after the development is complete as an extra payment on the
loan, or in accordance with § 1965.13(f) of subpart A of Part
1965 of this chapter for farm program loans.
(2) The agreement will be considered by the Government as modifying
the mortgage contract to the extent of authorizing and requiring the
Government to release the identified property subject to the
conditions stated in the agreement without payment or other
consideration at the time of release, regardless of whether or not
the mortgage specifically refers to Form RD 1924-1 or the agreement
to release.
(3) If the RD loan will be secured by a junior lien, all prior
lienholders must give written consent to the proposed sale and the
use of the net proceeds before the loan is approved.
(4) Releases requested by the borrower or the buyer will be
processed in accordance with applicable release procedures 7 CFR
part 3550, as appropriate. (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
(h) Review prior to performing development work. For the sole benefit
of the Agency, prior to beginning development work, the County
Supervisor or District Director will review planned development with the
borrower. Adequacy of the drawings and specifications as well as the
estimates will be checked to make sure the work can be completed within
the time limits previously agreed upon and with available bids. Items
and quantities of any materials the borrower has agreed to furnish will
be checked and dates by which each item of development should be started
will be checked in order that the work may be completed on schedule. If
any changes in the plans and specifications are proposed, they should be
within the general scope of the work as originally planned. Changes
must be approved and processed in accordance with §1924.10 of this
subpart. The appropriate procedure for performing development should be
explained to the borrower. Copies of FmHA forms that will be used
during the period of construction should be given to the borrower. The
borrower should be advised as to the purpose of each form and at that
period during construction each form will be used.
(Revision 1)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.5 (Con.)
(i) Time of starting development work. Development work will
be started as soon as feasible after the loan is closed.
Except in cases in which advance commitments are made in
accordance with 7 CFR part 3550 or according to Section §
1924.13(e)(1)(vi)(A) or § 1924.13(e)(2)(ix)(A) of this subpart,
no commitments with respect to performing planned development
will be made by the Agency or the applicant before the loan is
closed. The applicant will be instructed that before the loan
is closed, debts should not be incurred for labor or materials,
or expenditures made for such purposes, with the expectation of
being reimbursed from loan funds except as provided in subpart
A of part 1943 of this chapter, 7 CFR part 3550, and subpart E
of part 1944 of this chapter. However, with the prior approval
of the National Office, a State Supplement may be issued
authorizing County Supervisors to permit applicants to commence
welldrilling operations prior to loan closing, provided (1) it
is necessary in the area to provide the water supply prior to
loan closing, (2) the applicant agrees in writing to pay with
personal funds all costs incurred if a satisfactory water
supply is not obtained, (3) any contractors and suppliers
understand and agree that loan funds may not be available to
make the payment, (4) such action will not result under
applicable State law in the giving of priority to mechanics and
materialmen's liens over the later recorded RHS mortgage, and
(5) RHS does not guarantee that the cost will be paid.
(Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
§ 1924.6 Performing development work.
All construction work will be performed by one, or a combination, of the
following methods: Contract, borrower, mutual self-help, or owner-builder.
All development work must be performed by a person, firm or organization
qualified to provide the service. Conditional commitment construction is
covered under 7 CFR part 3550. (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
(a) Contract method. This method of development will be used for all
major construction except in cases where it is clearly not possible to
obtain a contract at a reasonable or competitive cost. Work under this
method is performed in accordance with a written contract.
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.6(a) (Con.)
(1) Forms used. Form RD 1924-6, "Construction Contract," will be
used for SFH construction. Other contract documents for more
complex construction, acceptable to the loan approval official and
containing the requirements of Subpart E of Part 1901 of this
chapter, may be used provided they are customarily used in the area
and protect the interest of the borrower and the Government with
respect to compliance with items such as the drawings,
specifications, payments for work, inspections, completion,
nondiscrimination in construction work and acceptance of the work.
If needed, the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) will be
consulted. The United States (including Rural Development) will not
become a party to a construction contract or incur any liability
under it.
(2) Contract provisions. Contracts will have a listing of
attachments and the provisions of the contract will include:
(i) The contract sum.
(ii) The dates for starting and completing the work.
(iii) The amount of liquidated damages to be charged.
(iv) The amount, method, and frequency of payment.
(v) Whether or not surety bonds will be provided.
(vi) The requirement that changes or additions must have prior
written approval of Rural Development.
(3) Surety requirements.
(i) Unless an exception is granted in accordance with
paragraph (a) (3) (iii) of this section or when interim
financing will be used, surety that guarantees both payment and
performance in the amount of the contract will be furnished
when one or more of the following conditions exist:
(A) The contract exceeds the applicable Rural
Development Single Family Housing area loan limit as per
7 CFR 3550.63. (Loan limits are available at the local
Rural Development field office.) (Revised 06-21-06, PN
(Revision 1)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.6(a)(3)(i) (Con.)
(B) The loan approval official determines that a surety
bond appears advisable to protect the borrower against
default of the contractor.
(C) The applicant requests a surety bond.
(D) The contract provides for partial payments in excess
of the mount of 60 percent of the value of the work in
(E) The contract provides for partial payments for
materials suitably stored on the site.
(ii) If surety bonds are required the construction contract
must indicate that the contractor will furnish properly
executed surety bonds prior to the start of any work. Exhibits
F and G of this subpart as revised by OGC if necessary to
comply with local or state statutory requirements will be used
as the forms of payment bond and performance bond to be
provided. Unless noncorporate surety is provided, the surety
bonds may only be obtained from a corporate bonding company
listed on the current Department of the Treasury Circular 570
(published annually in the Federal Register), as holding a
certificate of authority as an acceptable surety on Federal
bonds and as legally doing business in the State where the land
is located. Noncorporate sureties are not recommended and the
State Director will be responsible for determining the
acceptability of the individual or individuals proposed as
sureties on the bonds. The State Director must determine that
an individual or individuals proposed as sureties must have
cash or other liquid assets easily convertible to cash in an
amount at least equal to 25 percent more than the contract
amount in order to be acceptable. The individual(s) will
pledge such liquid assets in an mount equal to the contract
amount. Fees charged for noncorporate sureties may nor exceed
fees charged by corporate sureties on bonds of equal amount
and, in no case, may surety be provided by the applicant or any
person or organization with an identity of interest in the
applicant's operation. The United States (including Rural
Development) will incur no liability related in any way to a
performance or payment bond provided in connection with a
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.6(a)(3)(ii) (Con.)
construction contract. Rural Development will be named as co-
obligee in the performance and payment bonds unless prohibited
by state law.
(iii) When an experienced and reliable contractor cannot
obtain payment and performance bonds meeting the surety
requirements of paragraph (a) (3) (ii) of this section, the
State Director may entertain a request from the applicant for
an exception to the surety requirements. The applicant's
request must specifically state why the proposed contractor is
unable to obtain payment and performance bonds meeting the
surety requirements, and why it is financially advantageous for
the applicant to award the contract to the proposed contractor
without the required bonds.
(Added 06-21-06, PN 399)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD instruction 1924-A
§1924.6 (a) (3) (iii) (Con.)
If the applicant's request is reasonable and justified, and if
the proposed contractor is reliable and experienced in the
construction of projects of similar size, design, scope, and
complexity, the State Director may grant an exception to the
surety requirements for loans or grants within the State
Director's approval authority and accept one or a combination
of the following:
(A) An unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit
issued by a lending institution which has been reviewed
and approved by OGC. In such cases, the construction
contract must indicate that the contractor will furnish a
properly executed letter of credit from a lending
institution acceptable to Rural Development prior to the
start of any work. The letter of credit must retain in
effect until the date of final acceptance of work by the
owner and Rural Development. In addition, the letter of
credit must stipulate that the lending institution, upon
written notification by Rural Development of the
contractor's failure to perform under the terms of the
contract, will advance rounds up to the amount of the
contract (including all Rural Development approved
contract change orders) to satisfy all prior debts
incurred by the contractor in performing the contract and
all funds necessary to complete the work. Payments may be
made to the contractor in accordance with paragraph (a)
(12) (i) (C) of this section as if full surety bonds were
being provided.
(B) If a letter of credit satisfying the conditions of
paragraph (A) cannot be obtained, the State Director may
accept a deposit in the amount of the contract, into an
interest or non-interest bearing supervised bank account.
In such cases, the construction contract must indicate
that the contractor will furnish the required deposit
prior to the start of any work and that the funds shall
remain on deposit until final acceptance of work by the
owner and Rural Development. Payments may be made to the
contractor in accordance with paragraph (a) (12) (i) (C)
of this section as if full surety bonds were being
(C) When the provisions of paragraphs (a) (3) (iii) (A)
or (B) of this section can be met except that a surety
bond, a letter of credit, and/or deposits are not
obtainable in full amount of the contract, the State
Director may accept an amount less than the full amount of
the contract provided all of the following conditions are
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.6 (a) (3) (iii) (C) (Con.)
(1) The contractor provides a surety bond, a letter
of credit, or deposits in the greatest amount
possible, and provides documentation indicating the
reasons why amounts exceeding the proposed amount
cannot be provided.
(2) The applicant agrees to the amount of the surety
bond, letter of credit, or deposits proposed, and the
State Director determines that the applicant has the
financial capability to withstand any financial loss
due to default of the contractor.
(3) In the opinion of the State Director, the
proposed amount and the method of payment will
provide adequate protection for the borrower and the
Government against default of the contractor.
(4) The contract provides for partial payments not
to exceed 90 percent of the value of the work in
place for that portion of the total contract which is
guaranteed by an acceptable surety bond, letter of
credit, or deposits, and partial payments not to
exceed 60 percent of the value of the work in place
for that portion of the total contract which is not
guaranteed by surety, letter of credit, or deposits.
Contractor has a surety bond which guarantees payment
and performance in an amount of $150,000 which
represents 75 percent of the total contract amount of
$200,000. The contractor's first request for payment
appears thus:
- value of work in place is $10,000.
- payment for work guaranteed by surety=
75 percent x $10,000 x 90 percent = $6,750
- Payment for work not guaranteed by surety=
25 percent x $10,000 x 60 percent = $1,500
- Authorized payment = $8,250
§1924.6(a)(3)(iii)(C)(4) (Con.) RD Instruction 1924-A
(Each partial payment shall reflect values for work
guaranteed by surety, letter of credit, or deposits,
and work not so guaranteed).
(iv) In cases where the contractor does not obtain payment and
performance bonds in accordance with the surety requirements of
paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, or where an exception to
the surety requirements is granted by the State Director, the
following steps will be taken to protect the borrower and the
government against latent obligations or defects in connection
with the construction: (Revised
10-30-96, PN 267.)
(A) The contractor will furnish a properly executed
corporate latent defects bond or a maintenance bond in the
amount of 10 percent of the construction contract; or
(B) An unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit in
the amount of 10 percent of the construction contract
issued by a lending institution which has been reviewed
and approved by OGC; or
(C) A cash deposit into an interest or non-interest
bearing supervised bank account in the amount of 10
percent of the construction contract;
(D) The period of protection against latent obligations
and/or defects shall be one year from the date of final
acceptance of work by the owner and RHS;
(E) Final payment shall not be rendered to the contractor
until the provisions of paragraphs (a)(3)(iv)(A), (B) or
(C) of this section have been met;
(F) The contract will contain a clause indicating that
the contractor agrees to provide surety or guarantee
acceptable to the owner and RHS against latent obligations
and/or defects in connection with the construction.
(4) Equal Opportunity. Section 1901.205 of subpart E of part 1901
of this chapter applies to all loans or grants involving
construction contracts and subcontracts in excess of $10,000.
(5) Labor Standards Provisions. The provisions of the Davis-Bacon
and other related Acts, which are published in the Department of
Labor regulations (29 CFR, parts 1, 3 and 5), will apply when the
contract involves either LH grant assistance, or 9 or more units in
a project being assisted under the HUD Section 8 housing assistance
payment program for new construction. (Revised 10-30-96, PN 267.)
(Revision 1)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.6(a) (Con.)
(6) Historical and archaeological preservation. The provisions of
subpart F of part 1901 of this chapter concerning the protection of
historical and archaeological properties will apply to all
construction financed, in whole or in part, by RHS loans and grants.
These provisions have special applicability to development in areas
designated by NRCS as Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D)
areas. (See part 1942, subpart I of this chapter)
(Revised 10-30-96, PN 267.)
(7) Air and water acts. Under Executive Order 11738, all loans or
grants involving construction contracts for more than $100,000 must
meet all the requirements of Section 114 of the Clean Air Act (42
U.S.C. 7414) and section 308 of the Water Pollution Control Act (33
U.S.C., section 1813). The contract should contain provisions
obligating the contractor as a condition for the award of the
contract as follows:
(i) To notify the owner of the receipt of any communication
from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicating that a
facility to be utilized in the performance of the contract is
under consideration to be listed on the EPA list of Violating
Facilities. Prompt notification is required prior to contract
(ii) To certify that any facility to be utilized in the
performance of any nonexempt contractor subcontract is not
listed on the EPA list of Violating Facilities as of the date
of contract award.
(iii) To include or cause to be included the above criteria
and requirements of paragraphs (a)(7)(i) and (ii) of this
section in every nonexempt subcontract, and that the contractor
will take such action as the Government may direct as a means
of enforcing such provisions.
(8) Architectural barriers. In accordance with the Architectural
Barriers Act of 1968, (Pub. L. 90-480) as implemented by the General
Services Administration regulations (41 CFR 101-19.6) and section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Pub. L. 93-112) as
implemented by 7 CFR, parts 15 and 15b, all facilities financed with
RHS loans and grants and which are accessible to the public or in
which people with disabilities may be employed or reside must be
developed in compliance with this Act. Copies of the Act and
Federal accessibility design standards may be obtained from the
Executive Director, Architectural and Transportation Barriers
Compliance Board, Washington, D.C. 20201. (Revised 10-30-96, PN
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.6 (a) (9)
(9) National Environmental Policy Act. Loans and grants, including
those being assisted under the HUD section 8 housing assistance
payment program for new construction, must comply with the
environmental review requirements in accordance with 7 CFR part
1970. (Revised 04-01-2016, SPECIAL PN.)
(10) Obtaining bids and selecting a contractor.
(i) The applicant may select a contractor and negotiate a
contract or contact several contractors and request each to
submit a bid. For complex construction projects, refer also to
§1924.13 (e) of this subpart.
(ii) When a price has already been negotiated or an applicant
and a contractor, the County Supervisor, District Director or
other appropriate Rural Development official will review the
proposed contract. If the contractor is qualified to perform
the development and provide a warranty of the work and the
price compares favorably with the cost of similar construction
in the area, further negotiation is unnecessary. If the Rural
Development official determines the price is too high or
otherwise unreasonable, the applicant will be requested to
negotiate further with the contractor. If a reasonable price
cannot be negotiated or if the contractor is not qualified, the
applicant will be requested to obtain competitive bids.
(iii) When an applicant has a proposed development plan and no
contractor in mind, competitive bidding will be encouraged.
The applicant should obtain bids from as many qualified
contractors, dealers or tradespeople as feasible depending on
the method and type of construction.
(iv) If the award of the contract is by competitive bidding,
Form RD 1924-5, "Invitation for Bid (Construction Contract),"
or another similar invitation bid form containing the
requirements of Subpart E of Part 1901 of this chapter, may be
used. All contractors from whom bids are requested should be
informed of all conditions of the contract including the time
and place of opening bids. Conditions shall not be established
which would give preference to a specific bidder or type of
bidder. When applicable, copies of Forms RD 1924-6 and RD 400-
6, "Compliance Statement," also should be provided to the
prospective bidders.
(11) Awarding the contract. The borrower, with the assistance of
the County Supervisor or District Director, will consider the amount
of the bids or proposals, and all conditions which were listed in
the "Invitation for Bid." On the basis of these considerations, the
borrower will select and notify the lowest responsible bidder.
(Revision 1)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD instruction 1924-A
§1924.6 (a) (11) (Con.)
(i) Before work commences, the County Supervisor, District
Director or other Rural Development employee having knowledge
of contracts and construction practices will hold a
preconstruction conference with the borrower(s), contractor and
architect/engineer (if applicable). The purpose of the
conference is to reach a mutual understanding of each party's
responsibilities under the terms and conditions of the contract
documents and the loan agreement during the construction and
warranty periods. Form RD 1924-16, "Record of Preconstruction
Conference," may be used as a guide for an agenda.
(ii) A summary of the items covered will be entered in the
running case record.
(iii) The contract will then be prepared, signed and copies
distributed in accordance with the FMI for Form RD 1924-6.
(iv) After a borrower/contractor's contract or subcontract in
excess of $10.000 is received in the Rural Development County
or District Office, the responsible Rural Development official
will send within 10 calendar days of the date of the contract
or subcontract, a report similar in form and content to Exhibit
C of Subpart E of Part 1901 of this chapter to the Area
Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, U. S.
Department of labor, at the applicable address listed in
Exhibit E, Subpart E of Part 1901 of this chapter. The report
must contain, at least, the following information:
Contractor's name, address and telephone number; employer's
identification number; amount, starting date and planned
completion date of the contract; contract number; and city and
DOL region of the contract site. The information for this
report should be obtained from the contractor when the contract
is awarded.
(12) Payments for work done by the contract method.
(i) Payments will be made in accordance with one of the
following methods unless prohibited by state statute, in which
case the State Director shall issue a State Supplement to this
(A) The "One Lump-Sum" payment method will be used when
the payment will be made in one lump-sum for the whole
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.6 (a) (12) (i) (Con.)
(B) The "Partial payments not to exceed 60 percent of the
value of the work in place" payment method will be used
when the contractor does not provide surety bond, a letter
of credit, or deposits.
(C) The "Partial payments in the amount of 90 percent of
the value of the work in place and of the value of the
materials suitably stored at the site" payment method will
be used when the contractor provides a surety bond equal
to the total contract amount.
(D) The "Partial payments which reflect the portions of
the contract amount which is guaranteed" method will be
used when the contractor provides surety bonds, a letter
of credit, or deposits less than the total amount of the
contract in accordance with the provisions of paragraph
(a)(3)(iii)(C) of this section.
(ii) When Form RD 1924-6 is used, the appropriate payment
clause will be checked and the other payment clauses not used
will be effectively crossed out.
(iii) When a contract form other than Form RD 1924-6 is used,
the payment clause must conform with paragraph (a) (12)(i) of
this section and the appropriate clause as set forth in Form RD
(iv) The borrower and Rural Development must take
precautionary measures to see that all payments made to the
contractor are properly applied against bills for materials and
labor procured under the contract. Prior to making any partial
payment on any contract where a surety bond is not used, the
contractor will be required to furnish the borrower and the
Rural Development with a statement showing the total amount
owed to date for materials and labor procured under the
contract. The contractor also may be required to submit
evidence showing that previous partial payments were applied
properly. When the borrower and the County supervisor or
District Director have reason to believe that partial payments
may not be applied properly, checks may be made jointly to the
contractor and persons who furnished materials and labor in
connection with the contract.
(v) When partial payments are requested of the contractor and
approved by the owner, the amount of the partial payment will
be determined by one of the following methods:
(A) Based upon the percentage completed as shown on a
recently completed and properly executed Form RD 1924-12,
"Inspection Report."
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.6 (a) (12) (v) (Con.)
(B) When the structure will be covered by an insured 10-
year warranty, the insurer's construction inspector must
provide Rural Development with any available copies of
instruction reports showing percentage of completion
immediately after the inspections are completed. To make
partial payments when copies of inspection reports are not
available, the responsible Rural Development official will
make the inspections or will be guided by the provisions
of §1924.6 (a) (12) (v) (C) of this subpart. If further
assistance is deemed necessary to justify partial
payments, the Rural Development official may make onsite
inspections or require additional information.
(C) Based upon an application for payment containing an
estimate of the value of work in place which has been
prepared by the contractor and accepted by the borrower
and Rural Development. When the contract provides for
partial payments for materials satisfactorily stored at
the site, the application for payment may include these
item. Prior to receiving the first partial payment, the
contractor should be required to submit a list of major
subcontractors and suppliers and a schedule of prices or
values of the various phases of the work aggregating the
total sum of the contract such as excavation, foundations,
framing, roofing, siding, mill work, painting, plumbing,
heating, electric wiring, etc., made out in such form as
agreed upon by the borrower, Rural Development, and the
contractor. In applying for payments, the contractor
should submit a statement based upon this schedule. See
Exhibit A of this subpart for guidance in reviewing the
contractor's schedule of prices and estimating the value
of the work in place.
(vi) Final payment.
(A) When the structure will be covered by an insured 10-
year warranty, the insurer must provide an insured 10-year
warranty policy (or a binder if the policy is not
available) before final payment is made to the builder.
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.6 (a) (12) (vi) (Con.)
(B) Final payment of the amount due on the contract or
disbursal of the Rural Development loan funds where an
interim loan was used will be made only upon completion of
the entire contract, final inspection by Rural
Development, acceptance of the work by Rural Development
and the borrower, issuance of any and all final permits
and approvals for the use and occupancy of the structure
by any applicable state and local governmental
authorities, and compliance by the contractor with all
terms and conditions of the contract. In the event the
work of construction is delayed or interrupted by reason
of fire, flood, unusually stormy weather, war, riot,
strike, an order, requisition or regulation of any
governmental body (excluding delays related to possible
defects in the contractor's performance and excluding
delays caused by the necessity of securing building
permits or any required inspection procedures corrected
therewith) or other contingencies reasonably unforeseeable
and beyond the reasonable control of the contractor, then
with the written consent of Rural Development, the date of
completion of the work may be extended by the owner by the
period of such delay, provided that the contractor shall
give the owner and Rural Development written notice within
72 hours of the occurrence of the event causing the delay
or interruption.
(C) Prior to making final payment on the contract when a
surety bond is nor used or disbursing the Rural
Development loan funds when an interim loan was used,
Rural Development will be provided with a Form RD 1924-9,
"Certificate of Contractor's Release," and Form RD 1924-
10, "Release by Claimants," executed by all persons who
furnished materials or labor in connection with the
contract. The borrower should furnish the contractor with
a copy of the "Release by Claimants" form at the beginning
of the work in order that the contractor may obtain these
releases as the work progresses.
(1) If such releases cannot be obtained, the funds
may be disbursed provided all the following can be
(i) Release statements to the extent possible
are obtained;
(ii) The interests of Rural Development can be
adequately protected and its security position
is not impaired; and
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD instruction 1924-A
§1924.6 (a) (12) (vi) (C) ( 1 ) (Con.)
(iii) Adequate provisions are made for handling
the unpaid account by withholding or escrowing
sufficient funds to pay any such clams or
obtaining a release bond.
(2) The State Director may issue a State Supplement
which will:
(i) Not require the use of Form RD 1924-10.
If, under existing state statures, the
furnishing of labor and materials gives no right
to a lien against the property, or
(ii) Provide an alternative method to protect
against mechanic's and materialmen's liens. In
this case, the use of Form RD 1924-10 is
(b) Borrower method. The borrower method means performance of work by
or under the direction of the borrower, using one or more of the ways
specified in this paragraph. Development work may be performed by the
borrower method only when it is not practicable to do the work by the
contract method; the borrower possesses or arranges through an approved
self-help plan for the necessary skill and managerial ability to
complete the work satisfactorily; such work will not interfere seriously
with the borrower's farming operation or work schedule, and the County
Office caseload will permit a County Supervisor to properly advise the
borrower and inspect the work.
(1) Ways of performing the work. The borrower will:
(i) Purchase the material and equipment and do the work.
(ii) Utilize lump-sum, agreements for (A) minor items or minor
portions of items of development, the total cost of which does
not exceed $5,000 per agreement, such as labor, material, or
labor and material for small service buildings, repair jobs, or
land development; or (B) material and equipment which involve a
single trade and will be installed by the seller, such as the
purchase and installation of heating facilities, electric
wiring, wells, painting, liming, or sodding. All agreements
will be in writing, however, the County Supervisor may make an
exception to this requirement when the agreement involves a
relatively small amount.
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.6 (b) (Con.)
(2) Acceptance and storage of material on site. The County
Supervisor will advise the borrower that the acceptance of material
as delivered to the site and the proper storage of material will be
the borrower's responsibility.
(3) Payment for work done by the borrower method.
(i) Payments for labor. Before the County Supervisor
countersigns checks for labor, the borrower must submit a
completed Form RD 1924-11, "Statement of Labor Performed," for
each worker performing labor during the pay period.
Ordinarily, checks for labor will be made payable to the
workers involved. However, under justifiable circumstances,
when the borrower has paid for labor with personal funds and
has obtained signatures of workers on Form RD 1924-11 as having
received payment, the County Supervisor may countersign a check
made payable to the borrower for reimbursement of these
expenditures. Under no circumstances will the County
Supervisor permit loan funds or funds withdrawn from the
supervised bank account to be used to pay the borrower for the
borrower's own labor or labor performed by any member of the
borrower's household.
(ii) Payments for equipment, material or lump-sum agreements.
(A) Before countersigning checks for equipment or
materials, the County Supervisor must normally have an
invoice from the seller covering the equipment or
materials to be purchased. When an invoice is not
available at the time the check is issued, an itemized
statement of the equipment or materials to be purchased
may be substituted until a paid invoice from the seller
is submitted, at which time the prepurchase statement may
be destroyed.
(B) When an invoice is available at the time the check
is drawn, the check will include a reference to the
invoice number, the invoice date if unnumbered and, if
necessary, the purpose of the expenditure.
(C) The check number and date of payment will be
indicated on the appropriate Form RD 1924-11, invoice,
itemized statement of equipment or materials and/or lump-
sum agreement.
(Revision 3)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.6(b)(3)(ii) (Con.)
(D) Ordinarily, checks for equipment or materials will
be made payable to the seller. Under justifiable
circumstances, when the borrower has paid for equipment
or materials with personal funds and furnished a paid
invoice, the County Supervisor may countersign a check
made payable to the borrower for reimbursement of these
(E) When an invoice includes equipment or materials for
more than one item of development, the appropriate part
of the cost to be charged against each item of
development will be indicated on the invoice by the
borrower, with the assistance of the County Supervisor.
(F) Payment made under lump-sum agreements will be made
only when all items of equipment and materials have been
furnished, labor has been performed as agreed upon, and
the work has been accepted by the borrower and the
(G) Each paid Form RD 1924-11, invoice, itemized
statement for equipment or material and/or lump-sum
agreement will be given to the borrower in accordance
with the FMI.
(c) Mutual self-help method. The mutual self-help method is
performance of work by a group of families by mutual labor under the
direction of a construction supervisor, as described in 7 CFR part 3550.
The ways of doing the work, buying materials, and contracting for
special services are like those used for the borrower method. Materials
can be bought jointly by the group of families, but payments will be
made individually by each family. In the case of RH loans to families
being assisted by Self-Help Technical Assistance (TA) grants in
accordance with subpart I of part 1944 of this chapter, the County
Supervisor may countersign checks for materials and necessary contract
work made payable directly to the TA grantee, provided the District
Director determines that: (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
(1) The grantee acts in the same capacity as a construction manager
in the group Purchase of material and services.
(2) The grantee has an adequate bookkeeping system approved by the
District Director to assure that funds in each RH account are
properly distributed and maintained.
(Revision 3)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.6 (c) (Con.)
(3) The grantee receives no compensation in the way of profit or
overhead for this service and all discounts and rebates received in
connection with the purchase of materials or services are passed on
to the participating families.
(4) The grantee has a record-keeping system which shows that the
costs of the materials and services were prorated to each borrower's
account in relation to the actual material and service used by each
(d) Owner-builder method. This method of construction applies only to
RRH loans made under Subpart E of Part 1944 of this chapter.
Regulations governing this method are found at § 1924.13(e)(2) of this
§ 1924.7 [Reserved]
§ 1924.8 Development work for modular/panelized housing units.
(a) Exhibit B of this subpart applies to all loans involving
modular/panelized housing units.
(b) Complete drawings and specifications will be required as prescribed
in Exhibit C of this subpart. Each set of drawings will contain the
design of the foundation system required for the soil and slope
conditions of the particular site on which the modular/panelized house
is to be placed.
(c) The manufacturer will provide a certification (Exhibit B,
Attachment 5 of this subpart), stating that the building has been built
substantially in accordance with the drawings and specifications. The
builder will also provide a certification that the onsite work complies
with drawings, specifications, and the applicable development standard
(Exhibit B, Attachment 5 of this subpart).
(d) Responsibility for field inspections will be in accordance with
§1924.9 (a) of this subpart. Frequency and timing of inspections will
be in accordance with § 1924.9(a) of this subpart, except that the Stage
2 inspection should be made during the time and in no case later than
two working days after the crews commence work on the site and the house
is being erected or placed on the foundation, to determine compliance
with the accepted drawings and specifications.
(Revision 2)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.8 (Con.)
(e) Periodic plant inspections will be performed in accordance with
paragraphs II and III Exhibit B of this subpart. Agency employees
responsible for inspections in the area in which the manufacturing plant
or material supply yard is located will perform such inspections as
deemed necessary under paragraph III of Exhibit B of this subpart.
(1) Plant inspections will be made if the type construction method
used could restrict adequate inspections on the building site.
(2) Plant inspections will be made as often as necessary; however,
after initial inspection and acceptance of the unit, only when it
appears advisable to ascertain the performance and continuing
stability of accepted materials and construction.
(f) Only one contract will be accepted for the completed house on the
site owned or to be bought by the borrower. The manufacturer of the
house or the manufacturer's agent may be the prime contractor for
delivery and erection of the house on the site or a builder may contract
with the borrower for the complete house in place on the site. Such
contracts should provide that payments will be made only for work in
place on the borrower's site.
(g) Payments for modular/panelized units will be made in accordance
with the terms of the contract and in compliance with § 1924.6(a)(12) of
this subpart.
§ 1924.9 Inspection of development work.
The following policies will govern the inspection of all development work.
(a) Responsibility for inspection. The County Supervisor or the
District Director, accompanied by the borrower when practicable, will
make final inspection of all development work and periodic inspections
as appropriate to protect the security interest of the government. In
this respect, inspections other than final inspections, may be conducted
by other qualified persons as authorized in paragraph (d) of this
section, in 7 CFR part 3550, in RD Instruction 2024-A (available in any
Rural Development Office), and as authorized under other agreements
executed by, or authorized by, the National Office. The borrower will
be responsible for making inspections necessary to protect the
borrower's interest. Agency inspections are not to assure the borrower
that the house is built in accordance with the plans and specifications.
The inspections create or imply no duty or obligation
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.9(a) (Con.)
to the particular borrower. Agency inspections are for the dual purpose
of determining that the Agency has adequate security for its loan and is
achieving the statutory goal of providing adequate housing. If
difficult technical problems are encountered, the County Supervisor or
District Director should request the assistance of the State Office or a
qualified technician from SCS or the State University Cooperative
Extension Service. (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
(b) Frequency of inspections. The County Supervisor or District
Director will inspect development work as frequently as necessary to
assess that construction and land development conforms to the drawings
and specifications. The final inspection will be made at the earliest
possible date after completion of the planned development. When several
major items of development are involved, final inspection will be made
upon completion of each item.
(1) For new buildings and additions to existing buildings,
inspections will be made at the following stages of construction and
at such other stages of construction as determined by the County
Supervisor or District Director except as modified by paragraph
(b)(3) of this section.
(i) Stage 1. Customarily, the initial inspection in
construction cases is made just prior to or during the
placement of concrete footings or monolithic footings and floor
slabs. At this point, foundation excavations are complete,
forms or trenches and steel are ready for concrete placement
and the subsurface installation is roughed in. However, when
it is not practicable to make the initial inspection prior to
or during the placement of concrete, the County Supervisor or
District Director will make the initial inspection as soon as
possible after the placement of concrete and before any
backfill is in place.
(ii) Stage 2. The Stage 2 inspection will be made when the
building is enclosed, structural members are still exposed,
roughing in for heating, plumbing, and electrical work is in
place and visible, and wall insulation and vapor barriers are
installed. Customarily, this is prior to installation of brick
veneer or any interior finish which could include lath,
wallboard and finish flooring.
(Revision 2)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.9(b)(1) (Con.)
(iii) Stage 3. The final inspection will be made when all on-
site and off-site development has been completed and the
structure is ready for occupancy or its intended use.
(2) For rehabilitation of existing buildings, inspections will be
made in accordance with paragraphs (b)(l)(ii) and (iii) of this
section, and at such other stages of construction to assure that
construction is being performed in a professional manner and in
accordance with the CFSA and/or RHCDS approved drawings and
(3) For new construction when the structure will be covered by an
insured 10-year warranty plan as described in Exhibit L of this
subpart, only the final inspection is required, except in cases when
partial payments are required then the provisions of §
1924.6(a)(12)(v) of this subpart will be followed.
(4) Arrangements should be made to have the borrower join the
County Supervisor or the District Director in making periodic
inspections as often as necessary to provide a mutual understanding
with regard to the progress and performance of the work.
(5) The borrower should make enough periodic visits to the site to
be familiar with the progress and performance of the work, in order
to protect the borrower's interest. If the borrower observes or
otherwise becomes aware of any fault or defect in the work or
nonconformance with the contract documents, the borrower should give
prompt written notice thereof to the contractor with a copy to the
County Supervisor or District Director responsible for servicing the
type of loan or grant involved.
(6) The borrower should, when practicable, join the County
Supervisor or District Director in making all final inspections.
(7) When irrigation equipment and materials are to be purchased and
installed, a performance test under actual operating conditions by
the person or firm making the installation should be required before
final acceptance is made. The test should be conducted in the
presence of the borrower, a qualified technician, and, when
practicable, the County Supervisor or District Director. If the
CFSA official is not present at the performance test, he or she
should request the technician to furnish a report as to whether or
not the installation meets the requirements of the plans and
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.9 (b) (Con.)
(8) For irrigation and drainage construction or any dwelling
construction where part or all of the work will be buried or
backfilled, interim inspections should be made at such stages of
construction that compliance with plans and specifications can be
(c) Recording inspections and correction of deficiencies. All periodic
and final inspections made by the County Supervisor or District Director
will be recorded on Form RD 1924-12 in accordance with the FMI. The
County Supervisor or District Director will be responsible for following
up on the correction of deficiencies reported on Form RD 1924-12. When
an architect/ engineer is providing services on a project, the District
Director should notify the architect/engineer immediately of any fault
or defect observed in the work or of any nonconformment with the
contract document. If the borrower or the contractor refuses to correct
the deficiencies, the District Director will report the facts to the
State Director who will determine the action to be taken. No inspection
will be recorded as a final inspection until all deficiencies or
nonconforming conditions have been corrected.
(d) Acceptance by responsible public authority. When local (city)
county, state, or other public authority) codes and ordinances require
inspections, final acceptance by the local authority having jurisdiction
will be required prior to final inspection or acceptance by Rural
(e) Acceptance by project architect. If architectural services
pursuant to §1924.13 (a) of this subpart have been obtained, final
acceptance by the project architect pursuant to §1924.13 (a) (5) (v) of
this subpart will be required prior to acceptance by Rural Development.
§1924.10 Making changes in the planned development.
The borrower may request changes in the planned development in accordance with
this section.
(a) Authority of the County Supervisor. The County Supervisor is
authorized to approve changes in the planned development involving loans
and grants within the County Supervisor's approval authority provided:
(1) The change is for an authorized purpose and within the scope of
the original proposal.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD instruction 1924-A
§1924.10 (a) (Con.)
(2) Sufficient funds are deposited in the borrower's supervised
bank account or with the interim letter, as appropriate, to cover
the contemplated changes when the change involves additional funds
to be furnished by the borrower.
(3) The change will not adversely affect the soundness of the
operation or Rural Development's security. If uncertain as to the
probable effect the change would have on the soundness of the
operation or Rural Development security, the County Supervisor will
obtain advice from the District Director on whether to approve the
(4) If a surety bond has been provided on the full amount of the
construction contract, the aggregate amount of all contract change
orders on Form RD 1924-7, "Contract Change Order," or other
acceptable form will not exceed 20 percent of the original contract
mount. Change orders for contracts on which a surety bond has been
provided which increases the original contract amount by more than
20 percent may only be approved if additional surety is provided in
the full revised amount of the contract. For purposes of this
paragraph, letters of credit and deposits are not considered surety.
(5) Change orders for contracts on which letters of credit or
deposits have been provided on the full amount of the contract which
will increase the original contract amount are approved only if
additional letters of credit or deposits are provided in the full
revised amount of the contract.
(6) Modifications have been certified in accordance with §1924.5
(f) (1) (iii) or certification has been waived in accordance with
§1924.5 (f) (1) (iii) (C) of this subpart.
(b) Authority of the District Director. The District Director is
authorized to approve changes in the developing planned with RRH, RCH,
and RHS loans and LH loans and grants within the District Director's
approval authority, provided the conditions in §1924.10 (a) have been
met. For such loans in excess of the District Director's approval
authority, the borrower's request with the District Director's
recommendation will be forwarded to the State Director for
RD instruction 1924-A
§1924.10 (Con.)
(c) Recording changes in the planned development.
(1) Changes should be accomplished only after Rural Development
written approval. Changes will not be included in payment requests
until approved by the borrower; the contractor, if applicable; the
architect/engineer, if applicable; and the Rural Development loan
approval official. Examples of changes requiring documentation are:
(i) Any changes in labor and materials and their respective
(ii) Changes in facility design.
(iii) Any decrease or increase in unit-price on final
measurements that are different from those shown in the bidding
(iv) Any increase or decrease in the time to complete the
(2) All changes shall be recorded in chronological order as
(i) Contract method. Changes shall be numbered in sequence as
they occur using Form RD 1924-7 with necessary attachments.
(ii) Borrower method. An increase or decrease in the cash
cost, extension of time, transfer of funds between items, or an
addition or deletion of items of development, will be
summarized on the front of Form RD 1924-1 by striking through
the original figures on items and writing in the changes.
Changes made in the "Development Plan" in the working drawings,
or in the plans and specifications will be dated and initialed
by all parties.
(iii) Mutual self-help method. [See paragraph (c) (2) (ii) of
this section.]
(iv) Owner-builder method. [See paragraph (c) (2) (i) of this
(3) All changes in facility design and/or materials must be
certified in accordance with §1924.5 (f) (1) (iii) of this subpart.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.11 District Director's review of incomplete development.
During monthly District Office work organization meetings and during regular
visits to the County Office, the District Director will review the progress
that is being made in completing development financed with loans within the
district Director's and County Supervisor's responsibility.
(a) Once each year the District Director will make a comprehensive
review of all development work not completed within the time scheduled.
For incomplete development financed with loan or grant funds within the
responsibility of the District Director, the District Director will take
the necessary actions to assure that the borrower or grantee completes
the planned development. For incomplete development financed with loan
or grant funds within the responsibility of the County Supervisor, the
District Director will give the necessary direction to the County
Supervisor to assure completion of the work. In connection with these
responsibilities, the District Director will consider:
(1) The current farm and home operations with respect to the need
for the development as originally planned.
(2) Revisions to the development plan.
(3) Funds remaining in the supervised bank account.
(4) Need for additional funds.
(5) Personal funds that could be furnished by the borrower.
(6) Estimated completion dates.
(7) The borrower's attitude with respect to completing the
(b) After a complete review of the status of development in both the
district and County Offices has been made, the District Director will
make a written report to the State Director which will include
observations and recommendations regarding incomplete development. The
report may be included in the District Director's regular report, and
will include:
(1) The number of cases in which borrowers have not completed their
development within 9, 15 or 24 months when authorized, and also the
number of cases in which funds have been exhausted and the work is
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.11 (b) (Con.)
(2) The number of borrowers who have not completed their
development within 3 years from the loan closing, and indicate the
action that was taken in each such case.
(c) If the borrower has not completed development work within 3 years
after the date of loan closing and the District Director has determined
that the borrower cannot or will not complete the development, the
District Director will so indicate on Form RD 1924-1 and request the
State Director to withdraw, for application on the loan, any unused
development funds remaining in the borrower's supervised bank account,
if the borrower will not sign a check for a refund to the loan account.
§1924.12 Warranty of development work.
(a) Form RD 1924-19, "Builder's Warranty," or an insured 10-year home
warranty as described in Exhibit L of this subpart, and normal trade
warranties on items of equipment will be issued to the borrower at the
completion of new building construction, dwelling rehabilitation by the
contract method, all cases of newly completed and previously unoccupied
dwellings or construction under conditional commitments issued to
builders and sellers.
(b) If the warranty is not an insured 10-year warranty, a completed
Form RD 1924-19 with warranty protection for 1 year, must be provided by
the builder upon final acceptance of the work by the owner and Rural
Development. If an insured 10-year warranty is provided, the
requirements of Exhibit L of this subpart apply, and a copy of the
warranty insurance policy or a binder must have been received by Rural
Development prior to disbursement of the final payment to the builder.
(c) If, for some reason, the warranty insurance policy cannot be
issued, the contractor will be required to execute Form RD 1924-19 and
the case will be forwarded to the State Director for consideration of
debarment under the provisions of Subpart M of Part 1940 (available in
any Rural Development office). The County Supervisor will assist the
borrower to the extent necessary under the provisions of the warranty
and Subpart F of Part 1924 of this chapter. (Revised 4-11-89, SPECIAL
(d) The County Supervisor will take the following action prior to the
expiration of the first year of the warranty period:
(Revision 1)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.12 (d) (Con.)
(1) As soon as the warranty has been executed, the follow-up date
for sending Form RD 1924-21, "Notice of Expiration of First Year of
Warranty," which will be used for the 1 year warranty or the first
year of the insured 10-year warranty, will be posted to the
"Servicing and Supervision" section of the Management System card.
(2) Form RD 1924-21, is provided for use in notifying the borrower
of the expiration date of the first year of the warranty. This
letter will be mailed to the borrower early in the second month
preceding the expiration date of the first year of the warranty
(3) If the County Supervisor or District Director does not hear
from the borrower within 30 days, it can reasonably be assumed that
no complaint exists or that any complaint has been satisfied unless
information to the contrary has been received.
(4) If the borrower notifies Rural Development that any complaint
has not been satisfied, an onsite inspection shall be made as early
as possible, but not later than 1 month preceding the expiration
date of the first year of the warranty. The results of the
inspection will be recorded on Form RD 1924-12. If the borrower has
complaints, the case should be handled in accordance with the
provisions of Subpart F of Part 1924 of this chapter, or as
otherwise provided in this subpart.
§1924.13 Supplemental requirements for more complex construction.
This section includes additional provisions that apply to planning and conduct
of construction work on all multiple family housing projects and other
projects that are more extensive in scope and more complex in nature than
individual housing units or farm buildings. This section will apply in
addition to all other requirements contained elsewhere in this subpart.
(a) Architectural services. Complete architectural services, as
defined in §1924.4 (o)(l) of this subpart are recommended on all
projects. They are required for projects involving an LH grant and for
all loans for RRH, RCH, and LH projects consisting of more than 4 units
unless prior consent to making an exception to the requirements for
complete architectural services is obtained from the National Office.
If the applicant or contractor is an architect or organization with
architectural capability, the applicant must, nevertheless, hire an
independent qualified architect or architectural firm to inspect the
construction work and perform other needed services during the
construction and warranty phases. See Guide 4, Attachment 1,
"Attachment to AIA Document - Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner
and Architect," for further information (available in any Rural
Development office).
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (a) (Con.)
(1) Exception. Any request for National Office consent to an
exception being made for complete architectural services should
include the proposed drawings and specifications, method of
providing specific services, the comments and recommendations of the
Rural Development State Architect, and any other pertinent
information. The State Director must determine that any services
for which an exception is requested can be performed by qualified
State or District Office staff members.
(2) Selecting the architect. The applicant is responsible for
selecting the architect. The District Director with the advice of
the State architect/engineer should discuss with the applicant the
selection of the architect for the job as early as possible to
assist in the site selection and participate in early consultations
regarding project scope and design.
(3) Architectural fees. Fees for architectural services shall not
exceed the fee ordinarily charged by the profession for similar work
when Rural Development financing is not involved. The fee should
cover only the architectural services rendered by the architect.
The reduction or elimination of any services described in paragraph
(a)(5) of this section shall be directly reflected in the fee. Fees
for special services rendered by the architects, such as the
packaging of the loan application or additional nonarchitectural
services, will not be authorized to be paid with loan funds.
(Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(4) Agreement between borrower and architect. The borrower and
architect will execute a written agreement. The agreement must
(i) The services listed in paragraph (a)(5) of this section.
(ii) The amount of the fee and how it will be determined and
(iii) that the agreement and any amendments to the agreement
shall not be in full force and effect until concurred with in
writing by the State Director or the State Director's delegate,
and it will contain the following provision:
(Revision 1)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (a)(4)(iii) (Con.)
Rural Development, as potential lender or insurer of funds to
defray the cost of this agreement and without liability for any
payments thereunder, hereby concurs in the form, content and
the execution of this agreement.
Date ___________ __________________________
Rural Development Approval Official
(5) Specific services. Architectural services will include six
consecutive phases as follows:
(i) Schematic design phase. The architect will:
(A) Consult with the applicant to obtain available
information pertinent to the project requirements.
(B) Consult with Rural Development State
architect/engineer about Rural Development requirements
and procedures.
(C) Assist in preparing the project design after
analyzing engineering and survey data on the site selected
by applicant.
(D) Prepare schematic design studies consisting of
drawings and other documents illustrating the scale and
relationship of project components for the applicant's
(E) Submit estimates of current development costs based
on current area, volume, or other unit costs.
(F) When the applicant and Rural Development have
accepted the schematic design studies and estimated
development costs, the project architect may be authorized
to proceed with the next phase.
(Revision 1)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (a)(5) (Con.)
(ii) Design development phase. The architect will:
(A) Prepare the design development exhibits from the
accepted schematic design studies for approval by the
applicant. These exhibits should consist of drawings and
other documents to fix and describe the size and character
of the entire project as to structural, mechanical, and
electrical systems, materials, and other essentials as
(B) Submit a further statement of probable construction
(Added 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.13(a)(5)(ii) (Con.)
(C) Obtain applicant and Rural Development approval of
drawings, specifications, and authorization to proceed
with next phase.
(iii) Construction documents phase. The architect will:
(A) Prepare the working drawings and specifications from
the approved design development drawings and set forth in
detail the requirements for the construction of the entire
project in accordance with applicable regulations and
codes; for example, necessary bidding information,
assistance in preparing bidding forms, conditions of the
construction contract, and the form of agreement between
applicant/owner and contractor.
(B) Submit a final and more comprehensive statement of
probable development cost. It should show a breakdown of
the estimated total development cost of the project and
the various trades in enough detail for an adequate
(C) Obtain the acceptance of the applicant and Rural
Development for contract documents, including approval of
the final drawings and specifications and authorization to
(D) Discuss with the applicant various items as they
(iv) Bidding or negotiation phase. The architect will, as
appropriate, for a bidded or negotiated contract:
(A) Assist in review and selection of bidders and
submission of contract documents to selected bidders.
(B) Assist in the interpretation of drawings and
specifications, and other contract documents.
(C) Receive and tabulate all bids.
(D) Review the bids and the negotiated proposals and
assist in the award and preparation of construction
(v) Construction phase. This phase includes the
administration of the construction contract. It will commence
with the award of the construction contract and end when the
borrower makes final payment to the contractor. The architect
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.13(a)(5)(v) (Con.)
(A) Attend the preconstruction conference. Advise and
consult with the borrower (or the borrower's
representative) and issue the borrower's instructions to
the contractor.
(B) Prepare change orders.
(C) Keep construction accounts and work as the general
administrator of the Project during construction.
(D) Interpret the contract documents and have the
authority to reject all work and materials which do not
(E) Review and approve shop drawings, samples, and other
submissions of the contractor for conformance with the
design concept and for compliance with the contract
(F) Conduct periodic inspections of all phases of
construction to determine compliance with the contract
documents and certify as to the amount of work that is in
place and materials suitably stored on site for partial
payment estimates. These inspections will be augmented,
when necessary, by inspections performed by structural,
mechanical, and electrical representatives. Periodic
inspections should be made as frequently as is necessary
to verify that the work conforms with the intent of the
contract documents and that a high quality of workmanship
is maintained. The State Director may require a full-time
project representative on projects with a total
development cost of $750,000 or more, when in the opinion
of the State Director there is a need for such
representative, and the State Director states the reasons
for such need to the borrower.
(G) Determine, based on the inspections, the dates of
substantial completion and final completion; receive on
the borrower's behalf all written guarantees and related
documents assembled by the contractor; and issue a final
certificate for payment.
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.13(a)(5) (Con.)
(vi) Warranty phase. The architect will advise and consult
with the borrower, as the borrower's representative, about
items to be corrected within the warranty period. The
architect will accompany the Rural Development representative
during the inspection required one month prior to expiration of
the warranty period.
(b) Other professional services. The State Director, on the
recommendation of the State architect/engineer, may request that
additional professional services be provided.
(1) Professional services typically include soils engineering,
structural engineering, civil engineering, surveying, land planing,
or professional cost estimation or certification. Fees for these
services may be paid directly by the borrower or by the architect as
reimbursable expenses.
(2) When a project representative is utilized, unless otherwise
agreed, the representative will be provided by the consulting
architect/engineer. Prior to the preconstruction conference, the
architect/engineer will submit a resume of qualifications of the
project representative to the applicant and to Rural Development for
acceptance in writing. If the applicant provided the project
representative, the applicant must submit a resume of the
representative's qualifications to the project architect/engineer
and Rural Development for acceptance in writing, prior to the
preconstruction conference. The project representative will attend
the preconstruction conference where duties and responsibilities
will be fully discussed. The project representative will work under
the general supervision of the architect/engineer. The project
representative will maintain a daily diary in accordance with the
(i) The diary shall be maintained in a hard-bound book.
(ii) The diary shall have all pages numbered and all entries
in ink.
(iii) All entries shall be on daily basis, beginning with the
date and weather conditions.
(iv) Daily entries shall include daily work performed, number
of men and equipment used in the performance of the work, and
all significant happenings during the day.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.13(b)(2) (Con.)
(v) The diary shall be made available to Rural Development
personnel and will be reviewed during project inspections.
(vi) The project representative's diary will become the
property of the owner after the project is accepted and final
payments are made .
(c) Drawings. The type and kinds of drawings should be in accordance
with Exhibit C of this subpart and Subpart D of Part 1944 of this
(1) The drawings must be clear, accurate, with adequate dimensions
and of sufficient scale for estimating purposes.
(2) Construction sections and large-scale details sufficient for
accurate bidding and for the purpose of correlating all parts of the
work should be part of the general drawings. This is particularly
important where the size of a project makes necessary the
preparation of the general drawings at a scale of 1/8 inch equals 1
foot or less.
(3) Mechanical and electrical work should be shown on separate
(4) Schedules should be provided for doors, windows, finishes,
electrical fixtures, finish hardware, and any other specialty items
necessary to clarify drawings.
(d) Specifications. Trade-type specifications (specifications divided
into sections for various trades) should be used. The specifications
should be complete, clear, and concise, with adequate description of the
various classes of work shown under the proper sections and headings.
(e) Methods of administering construction. Projects involving a total
development cost of less than $100,000 which do not include an LH grant
may, with the approval of the State Director, follow the contract
procedure in § 1924.6(a) of this subpart without modification.
Construction of all other projects, however, will be administered by the
contract method or owner-builder method as set forth in this section.
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.13(e) (Con.)
(1) Contract method. This method of development will be used for
all complex construction except in cases where owner-builder method
is authorized. Development under this method is done in accordance
with §1924.6(a) of this subpart except as modified by this
paragraph. All construction work will be completed under one
written construction contract. Guide 1, "Contract Documents," of
this subpart (available in any RHS office) is provided to assist RHS
personnel and applicants in assembling and reviewing contract
documents for more complex construction such as that administered
under this section.
(i) Competitive bidding methods.
(A) All construction contracts must be awarded on the
basis of competitive bidding unless an exception is
granted in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(vii) of this
section thereby permitting contract negotiation. The
applicant's architect should prepare the bidding
documents. Public notice must be given inviting all
interested bidders to submit a bid. Prospective bidders
may be contacted asking for their bids; however, public
notice is necessary so that all local contractors have the
opportunity to submit bids.
(B) A bid bond is required from each bidder in the amount
of 5 percent of the bid price as assurance that the bidder
will, upon acceptance of the bid, execute the required
contract documents within the time specified.
(C) The construction contract will be awarded based on
the contract cost, and all conditions listed in the
"Invitation for Bid."
(D) If advertising does not provide a satisfactory bid in
the opinion of the applicant and RHS, the applicant shall
reject all bids and will then be free to negotiate with
bidders or anyone else to obtain a satisfactory contract.
The following conditions must be met:
(1) The State Director determines that the original
competitive bid process was handled in a satisfactory
manner and that there is no advantage to advertising
for competitive bid again.
(2) The requirements of paragraph (e)(1)(vii) of
this section are met.
(Revision 1)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13(e)(1)(i) (Con.)
(E) If there is no agreement by RHS and the applicant as
to the construction cost, the State Director will cease
any further action on the preapplication and inform the
applicant of the right to appeal in accordance with
subpart B of part 1900 of this chapter.
(Revised 10-30-96, PN 267.)
(ii) Contract documents. Contract documents will conform with
recognized professional practices as prescribed in this
paragraph. Such contract documents will contain substantially
the following:
Item I Invitation for Bid (Construction Contract)
(Form RD 1924-5)
Item II Information for Bidders
Item III Bid
Item IV Bid Bond
Item V Agreement (Construction Contract)
Item VI Compliance Statement (Form RD 400-6)
Item VII General Conditions
Item VIII Supplemental General Conditions
Item IX Payment Bond (Exhibit F of this subpart)
Item X Performance Bond (Exhibit G of this subpart)
Item XI Notice of Award
Item XII Notice to Proceed
Item XIII Drawings and Specifications
Item XIV Addenda
Item XV Contract Change Order (Form RD 1924-7)
Item XVI Labor Standards Provisions (where applicable)
(Revised 10-30-96, PN 267.)
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e) (1) (ii) (Con.)
Item XVII Monthly Employment Utilization Report
(Form CC-257)
Item XVIII Partial Payment Estimate (Form
RD 1924-18)
Item XIX Builder's Warranty (Form RD 1924-19)
(A) Substitution of term "architect" for "engineer" may
be necessary on some of the forms. Other modifications
may be necessary in some cases to conform to the nature
and extent of the project. All such contract documents
and related items will be concurred with by the State
Director, with the assistance of OGC prior to the release
of invitations to bid.
(B) Items listed as I through IV and item XI of paragraph
(e)(1)(ii) of this section may be omitted when an
exception to the competitive bidding requirement is
granted in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(vii) of this
section, thereby permitting a negotiated contract.
(C) All negotiated contracts shall include a provision to
the effect that the borrower, USDA, the Comptroller
General of the United States, or any of their duly
authorized representatives, shall have access to any
books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor
which are directly pertinent to a specific Federal loan
program for the purpose of making audit, examination,
excerpts, and transcriptions.
(D) A provision for liquidated damages will be included
in all contracts. The liquidated damage amount must be
reasonable and represent the best estimate possible of how
much interest or other costs will accrue on the loan, and
also represent any loss of rent or other income which
would result from a delay in the completion of the project
beyond the estimated completion date.
(E) All contracts shall include a provision for
compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" act (18
U.S.C. 874) as supplemented in Department of Labor
regulations (29 CFR Part 3). This Act prohibits anyone
from inducing any person in connection with the
construction to give up any part of the compensation to
which the person is otherwise entitled.
(Revision 1)
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e) (1) (ii) (Con.)
(F) All contracts will contain a certification by the
applicant indicating that there is not now nor will there
be an identity of interest between the applicant and any
of the following: Contractor, architect, engineer,
attorney, subcontractors, material suppliers, equipment
lessors, or any of their members, directors, officers,
stockholders, partners, or beneficiaries unless
specifically identified to Rural Development in writing
prior to the award of the contract. All contracts must
also indicate that when any identity of interest exists or
comes into being, the contractor agrees to have
construction costs as reported to Rural Development on
Form 1924-13, "Estimate and Certificate of Mutual Cost"-
audited by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Licensed
Public Accountant (LPA) licensed prior to December 31,
1970, who will provide an opinion as to whether the Form
RD 1924-13 presents fairly the costs of construction in
conformity with eligible construction costs as prescribed
in Rural Development regulations. (Revised 8-12-87,
PN 60.)
(G) All contracts on any form other than Form RD 1924-6,
must contain the language of clause (D) of Form RD 1924-6,
which is available in all Rural Development offices. The
language of clause (D) of Form RD 1924-6 sets forth the
Notice of Requirement for Affirmative Action to Ensure
Equal Employment Opportunity required by Executive Order
11246, the Equal Opportunity clause published at 41 CFR
60-1.4 (a) and (b), and the Standard Federal Equal
Employment Opportunity Construction Contract
Specifications required by Executive Order 11246. For
contract forms other than Form RD
1924-6, Form AD 767, "Equal Employment Opportunity
Contract Compliance Notices," which can be obtained from
the Finance Office, should be attached and made a part of
the contract.
(H) All contracts will contain a provision that they are
not in full force and effect until concurred with by the
State Director or the State Director's delegate, in
writing. Therefore, before loan closing or before the
start of construction, whichever occurs first, the State
Director or the State Director's delegate will concur in
the contract form, content, and execution if acceptable,
by including the following paragraph at the end of the
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.13(e)(1)(ii)(H) (Con.)
Rural Development, as potential lender or insurer of funds
to defray the costs of this contract, are without
liability for any payments thereunder, hereby concurs in
the form, content, and execution of this contract.
Date ___________ _________________________
Rural Development Official
(I) The requirements of §1924.6 (a)(11)(iv) of this
subpart apply to all contracts or subcontracts in excess
of $10,000.
(iii) Surety. When multiple advances of loan or grant funds
are utilized, surety that guarantees both payment and
performance in the full amount of the contract will be provided
in accordance with §1924.6 (a)(3)(ii) of this subpart.
Exceptions to the surety requirements shall be governed by the
(A) In accordance with the guidance and recommendations
of OMB Circulars A-102 and A-110, exceptions to the surety
requirements of §1924.6 (a)(3)(ii) of this subpart will
not be granted for nonprofit organization or public body
(B) For loans or grants to applicants other than non-
profit organizations or public bodies that are within the
State Director's approval authority, the State Director
may, upon request of the borrower or grantee, grant
exceptions to the surety requirements in accordance with
the provisions of §1924.6 (a)(3)(iii) of this subpart.
Before granting such an exception, however, the State
Director should be provided the following information from
the proposed contractor in order to fully evaluate the
experience and capabilities of the contractor:
(1) A resume indicating the contractor's history,
ability and experience.
(Revision 1)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§ 1924.13(e)(1)(iii)(B) (Con.)
(2) A current, dated, and signed financial statement
of the contractor's operations indicating the payment
status of accounts and any contingent liabilities
that may exist. Rural Development personnel will be
responsible for analyzing the financial statement as
to the sufficiency of the contractor's financial
capability to carry out construction. The financial
strength must demonstrate the ability of the
contractor to pay all bills prior to receiving
periodic draws of funds from the lender. (Revised
03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(3) A credit report (obtained at no expense to Rural
Development) attesting to the contractor's credit
(4) A listing of trade references that could be
contacted to substantiate the contractor's experience
and good standing.
(5) Statements from owners for whom the contractor
has done similar work, indicating the scope of the
work and the owner's evaluation of the contractor's
(C) For loans or grants to applicants other than non-
profit organization or public bodies that are in excess of
the State Director's approval authority, the State
Director may request National Office authorization to
grant one of the exceptions to the surety requirements as
indicated in §1924.6 (a)(3)(iii) of this subpart. The
following information must be submitted with the request
to the National Office:
(1) An explanation of why interim financing is not
(2) An explanation of why the proposed contractor
cannot obtain surety bonds meeting the requirements
of §1924.6 (a)(3)(ii) of this subpart.
(3) The information listed in paragraph
(e)(1)(iii)(B) of this section.
(4) The drawings and specifications for the proposed
project, together with the comments of the State
(Revision 1)
§1924.13 (e)(1)(iii)(C) (Con.) RD Instruction 1924-A
(5) The applicant's written request for an
(6) An explanation of why the requirements of
§1924.6 (a)(3)(iii)(A) or (B) of this subpart cannot
be met in those cases where the State Director
requests authorization to grant an exception as
indicated in §1924.6 (a)(3)(iii)(C) of this subpart.
When such a request is made, the documentation must
also be forwarded.
(7) The State Director's recommendation.
(D) Adequate steps will be taken to protect the interests
of the borrower and the government in accordance with the
payment provisions of § 1924.6(a)(12)(i) of this subpart
and any alternative as outlined in §1924.6 (a)(3)(iii)(C)
of this subpart.
(iv) Contract cost breakdown. In any case where the loan
approval official feels it appropriate, and prior to the award
or approval of any contract in which there is an identity of
interest as defined in §1924.4 (i) of this subpart, the
contractor and any subcontractor, material supplier or
equipment lessor sharing an identity of interest must provide
the applicant and Rural Development with a trade-item cost
breakdown of the proposed contract amount for evaluation. The
cost of any surety as required by §1944.222 (h) and (i) of
Subpart E of Part 1944 of this chapter and §1924.6 (a)(3) of
this subpart, or cost certification as required by §1924.13
(e)(1)(v) of this section, will be included in the proposed
contract amount and shown under General Requirements on Form RD
1924-13, which is available in all Rural Development offices.
Rural Development personnel will be responsible for reviewing
the estimates on Form RD 1924-13 to determine if the dollar
amounts total correctly, to assure that costs are categorized
under their appropriate columns, and to confirm that the
estimated costs for all line items are reasonable and customary
for the State. (Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(v) Cost certification. Whenever the State Director
determines it appropriate, and in all situations where there is
an identity of interest as defined in §1924.4 (i) of this
subpart, the borrower, contractor and any subcontractor,
material supplier, or equipment lessor having an identity of
interest must each provide certification using Form RD
1924-13 as to the actual cost of the work performed in
connection with the construction
(Revision 3)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(1)(v) (Con.)
contract. The construction costs, as reported on Form RD 1924-
13, must also be audited, in accordance with Government
Auditing Standards, by a CPA, or LPA licensed on or before
December 31, 1970. In addition, certain agreed upon procedures
(available in any Rural Development office) will be performed
in accordance with Attestation Standards. In some cases, Rural
Development will contract directly with a CPA or LPA for the
cost certification. In that event, documentation necessary to
have the costs of construction certified by an Rural
Development contractor that they were the actual costs of the
work performed, as reported on Form RD 1924-13, will be
provided. Funds which were included in the loan for cost
certification and which are ultimately not needed because Rural
Development contracts for the cost certification will be
returned on the loan. Rural Development personnel will utilize
Exhibit M of this subpart (available in any Rural Development
office) and Form RD 1924-26, "Cost Certification Worksheet," to
assist in the evaluation of the cost certification process.
(Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(A) Prior to the start of construction, the borrower,
contractor and any subcontractor, material supplier, or
equipment lessor sharing an identity of interest must
submit, to the CPA or LPA, the accounting system that the
borrower, contractor, subcontractor, material supplier, or
equipment lessor and/or the CPA or LPA proposes to set up
and use in maintaining a running record of the actual
cost. In order to be acceptable, the borrower must
provide a written assertion that it has an accounting
system that is suitably designed to provide for a trade-
item basis comparison of the actual cost as compared to
the estimated cost submitted on Form RD 1924-13. Costs
pertaining to a specific line item will be set up in the
accounting system for that particular account. For
instance, only costs of materials, supplies, equipment,
and labor associated with concrete will be shown in the
concrete account. The accounting system must also
restrict costs to those pertaining to a specific project
so that costs from multiple projects will not be co-
mingled. The independent CPA or LPA shall report on the
borrower's assertion in accordance with the Standards for
Attestation Engagements of the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The borrower's and
the CPA or LPA's reports on the accounting system shall be
provided to Rural Development by the borrower.
(Revision 3)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(1)(v) (Con.)
(B) Prior to final payment to anyone required to cost
certify, a trade-item breakdown showing the actual cost
compared to the estimated cost must be provided to the
owner and Rural Development. Form RD 1924-13 is the form
of comparative breakdown that must be used, and contains
the certifications required of the applicant and
contractor prior to final payment. The amounts for
builder's general overhead, builder's profit, and general
requirements, respectively, shall not exceed the amounts
represented on the estimate of cost breakdown provided in
accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(iv) of this section for
any contractor, subcontractor, material supplier, or
equipment lessor having or sharing an identity of interest
with the borrower. The amounts for general overhead,
builder's profit, and general requirements must be
estabished prior to Rural Development approving the
construction contract and will not be changed during the
course of construction. This applies to all contractors,
subcontractors, material suppliers, or equipment lessors
having or sharing an identity of interest with the
applicant. Contract change orders will be processed to
adjust the contract amount downward prior to the final
payment to the contractor, if necessary, to assure that
the amounts shown in the certificate of actual costs do
not exceed the amounts represented in the contract cost
breakdown. Reduction in the builder's profit, and general
overhead if needed, will counterbalance any increase
reflected in the contract costs. Any funds remaining as a
result of hard cost savings will be applied to the account
as an extra payment or used for eligible loan purposes
approved by Rural Development as long as the improvements
are genuinely needed and will enhance marketability of the
project. All increases or decreases of 15 percent or more
in line item costs will require documentation as to the
reason for the increases and/or decreases. The State
Director may require documentation for increases and/or
decreases of less than 15 percent, if he/she determines it
necessary. This information will be required with the
cost certification.
(C) The CPA or LPA audit, performed in accordance with
Government Auditing Standards, will include such tests of
the accounting records and such other auditing procedures
of the borrower and the contractor (and any subcontractor,
material supplier, or equipment lessor sharing an identity
of interest)
(Revision 3)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(1)(v)(C) (Con.)
concerning the work performed, services rendered, and
materials supplied in accordance with the construction
contract he/she considers necessary to express an opinion
on the construction costs as reported on Form RD 1924-13.
The CPA or LPA shall also perform the additional agreed
upon procedures specified by Rural Development (available
in any Rural Development office), performed in accordance
with Attestation Standards, for the applicant and the
contractor (and any subcontractor, material supplier, or
equipment lessor sharing an identity of interest)
concerning the work performed, services rendered, and
materials supplied in accordance with the construction
(D) Upon completion of construction and prior to final
payment, the CPA or LPA will provide an opinion concerning
whether the construction costs, as reported on Form RD
1924-13, present fairly the costs of construction in
conformity with eligible construction costs as prescribed
in Rural Development regulations.
(E) In some cases, cost certification will be obtained by
Rural Development through direct contract with the CPA or
LPA. The borrower and his/her CPA or LPA will cooperate
fully with the contract CPA or LPA by providing all
documentation necessary to conduct the certification.
Rural Development reserves the right to determine, upon
receipt of the certified Form RD 1924-13 and the auditor's
report, whether they are satisfactory to Rural
Development. If not satisfactory to Rural Development,
the borrower will be responsible for providing additional
(F) There will exist no business relationship between the
CPA or LPA and the borrower except for the performance of
the examination of the cost certification, accounting
systems work, and tax preparation. Any CPA or LPA who
acts as the borrower's accountant (performing manual or
automated bookkeeping services or maintains the official
accounting records) will not be the same CPA or LPA who
cost certifies the project.
(G) Forms RD 1944-30, "Identity of Interest (IOI)
Disclosure Certificate" and RD 1944-31, "Identity of
Interest (IOI) Qualification Form," provide written
notification to the borrower that willful and intentional
falsification of cost certification documents will result
in debarment of all violators
(Revision 3)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(1)(v)(G) (Con.)
in accordance with the provisions of RD Instruction 1940-M
(available in any Rural Development office). These forms
require the disclosure of all identities of interest
associated with project construction, certify the entity's
ability to provide the contracted service, and cite the
penalties for failure to disclose or falsify such
certification. Each applicant/borrower will be required
to complete and sign the forms (available in any Rural
Development office).
(H) Subcontracting development work.
(1) Contractors will not be allowed to obtain a
profit and overhead unless they are performing actual
construction. "Actual construction" means "work" as
defined in American Institute of Architects (AIA)
documents: "... labor, materials, equipment, and
services provided by the contractor to fulfill the
contractor's obligations." Under this definition,
contractors who choose to subcontract out
construction of the project to another contractor
will not obtain a builder's fee (general overhead and
profit) when:
(i) More than 50 percent of the contract sum in
the construction contract is subcontracted to
one subcontractor, material supplier, or
equipment lessor, and/or
(ii) Seventy-five percent or more with three or
fewer subcontractors, material suppliers, and/or
equipment lessors.
(2) Note: If two or more subcontractors have common
ownership, they are considered as one subcontractor.
(3) How to apply rule:
(i) The 50 percent rule will apply when
division of the amount of the largest
subcontract by the contract sum of the
construction contract results in more than 50
(Revision 1)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(1)(v)(H)(3) (Con.)
(ii) The 75 percent rule will apply when
division of the sum of the amounts of the three
largest subcontracts by the contract sum of the
construction contract results in 75 percent or
(I) Qualified contracting entities. Contractors,
subcontractors, material suppliers, and any other
individual or organization sharing an identity of interest
and providing materials or services for the project must
certify that it is a viable, ongoing trade or business
qualified and properly licensed to undertake the work for
which it intends to contract. Form RD 1944-31 will be
prepared and executed by the contracting entities. The
form provides notification to the entities of the penalty,
under law, for erroneously certifying to the statements
contained therein. Debarment actions will be instituted
against entities who fail to disclose an identity of
interest in accordance with the provisions of RD
Instruction 1940-M (available in any Rural Development
(vi) Method of payments. Partial payments may be requested in
accordance with the terms of the construction contract on Form
RD 1924-18, "Partial Payment Estimate," or other professionally
recognized form that contains the architect's certification,
approval of the owner, and conditional acceptable of Rural
Development as shown in Form RD 1924-18.
(A) If interim financing is available at reasonable rates
and terms for the construction period, such financing
shall be obtained. Exhibit B of Subpart E of Part 1944 of
this chapter shall be used to inform the interim lender
that Rural Development will not close its loan until the
project is substantially complete, ready for occupancy,
evidence is furnished indicating that all bills have been
paid or will be paid at loan closing for work completed on
the project, all inspections have been completed and all
required approvals have been obtained from municipal and
governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the
project. Upon presentation of proper partial payment
estimates approved by the applicant and accepted by Rural
Development, the interim lender may advance construction
funds in accordance with the payment terms of the
contract. It is suggested that partial payments not
exceed 90 percent of the value of work in place and
materials suitably stored on site. (Revised 2-25-88,
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(1)(vi) (Con.)
(B) When interim financing is not available, payments
will be made in accordance with §1924.6(a)(12) of this
(vii) Exception to competitive bidding.
(A) For all applicants. An applicant may negotiate a
construction contract provided the State Director grants
an exception and documentation shows that:
(1) The contract price is competitive with other
projects similar in construction and design being
built in the area.
(2) The proposed contractor is experienced in
construction of projects of similar size, scope, and
complexity, and is recognized as a reliable builder.
(3) The proposed development work meets all
requirements of this subpart.
(4) If appropriate for nonprofit organizations and
public bodies, the application provides a copy of a
duly authorized resolution by its governing body
requesting Rural Development to permit awarding the
construction contract without formal bidding.
(5) The applicant is permitted by state law, local
law and/or organizational by-laws to negotiate a
construction contract.
(6) The requirements of paragraphs (e)(1)(ii),
(iii), (iv) and (v) of this section are met.
(B) In considering an exception to competitive bidding,
the following additional steps will be taken in all cases.
(1) If, after a full review of the case documents by
the appropriate members of the State Office staff,
the State Director determines that the requirements
have been met and the costs are reasonable, an
exception to competitive bidding may be granted.
Written documentation of the State Office review
results will be placed in the application file.
(Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(Revision 1)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(1)(vii)(B) (Con.)
(2) If after the full review by the State Office
staff, the State Director determines that the
negotiated contract price is not competitive with
other similar projects in construction and design
being built in the area, the applicant will be
requested to competitively bid the construction of
the project in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(i) of
this section.
(3) If there is no agreement by Rural Development
and the applicant as to the construction cost, the
State Director will cease any further action on the
preapplication and inform the applicant of the right
to appeal in accordance with Subpart B of Part 1900
of this chapter.
(C) Any requests for exceptions to competitive bidding
that are not covered in this section may be submitted to
the National Office for consideration.
(viii) Exception to contract method - public body. With the
approval of the National Office, the State Director may grant
to a public body an exception to the requirement for using
contract method construction under the following circumstances:
(A) The loan or grant is for repair or rehabilitation of
existing facilities and it is not practicable to perform
all work by the contract method.
(B) The applicant has the managerial ability and
qualified employees necessary to complete the work
(C) The applicant submits a written request to the
District Director indicating:
(1) The scope of work and construction timetable;
(2) What phases of work can be contracted and what
(3) Why is it not practicable to contract all
(4) Management ability and employee qualifications
for performing the work;
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(1)(viii)(C) (Con.)
(5) Proposed method of fund control and frequency of
(6) How changes in scope of work and construction
timetable will be approved; and,
(7) Proposed method of certifying progress and
requesting payments.
(D) The request, recommendations of the District
Director, appropriate members of the State Office staff
and the State Director and the application file will be
sent to the National office.
(2) Owner-builder method. This method of development is used only
when requested by profit or limited profit RRH applicants when the
applicant or any of its controlling principals (such as
stockholders, members, partners other than limited partners,
directors, or officers), are general contractors by profession, and
will serve as the builder of the project without a written
construction contract. The State Director may make an exception to
the contract method of construction and authorize proceeding by the
owner-builder method of construction in accordance with the
provisions of this section if the amount of the loan(s) does not
exceed the State Director's approval authority. For projects over
the State Director's authority, prior written consent of the
National office is required. In such cases, the drawings,
specifications, cost estimates, copy of the State
Architect/Engineer's review and detailed information on the
applicant's qualifications will be submitted to the National Office
along with the State Director's recommendations.
(i) The applicant's request to construct a project by the
owner-builder method of construction shall be in the form of a
letter giving specific and detailed information concerning the
owner-builder's proposal, and the qualifications and past
experience of the owner-builder. The following information
must be included with the request:
(A) A resume indicating the owner-builder's history,
ability, and experience.
(B) Dated and signed financial statements on the owner-
builder's operation (including balance sheets and
statements of income and expense) from current and prior
years indicating the payment status of the owner-builder's
accounts and any contingent
(Revision 1)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(i)(B) (Con.)
liabilities that may exist. Rural Development personnel
will be responsible for analyzing the financial statement
as to the sufficiency of the owner-builder's financial
capability to carry out construction. The financial
strength must demonstrate the ability of the owner-builder
to pay all bills prior to receiving periodic draws of
funds from the lender. (Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(C) A written, dated, and signed statement agreeing to
provide any funds necessary in excess of the applicant's
contribution and the loan amount to complete the project.
(D) A credit report (obtained at no expense to Rural
Development) attesting to the owner-builder's credit
(E) A listing of trade references that could be contacted
to substantiate the owner-builder's experience and good
(F) Statements from other persons for whom the
owner-builder has done similar work, indicating the scope
of the work and that person's evaluation of the owner-
builder's performance.
(G) A current, dated, and signed trade-item cost
breakdown of the estimated total development cost of the
project which has been prepared by the applicant/owner-
builder. Form RD 1924-13 will be used for this purpose.
If cost certification services are required by Rural
Development, the cost of such services may be included in
the total development cost of the project. Any
subcontractor, material supplier, or equipment lessor
sharing an identity of interest with the applicant/owner-
builder as defined in §1924.4 (i) of this subpart must
also provide a trade-item cost breakdown of the proposed
amount. (Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(H) Prior to the start of construction, the owner-builder
and any subcontractor, material supplier, or equipment
lessor sharing an identity of interest must submit, to the
CPA or LPA, the accounting system that the owner-builder,
subcontractor, material supplier, or equipment lessor
and/or the CPA or LPA proposes to set up and use in
maintaining a running record of the actual cost. In order
to be acceptable, the owner-builder must provide a written
assertion that it has
(Revision 1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(i)(H) (Con.)
an accounting system that is suitably designed to provide
for a trade-item basis comparison of the actual cost as
compared to the estimated cost submitted on Form RD 1924-
13. Costs pertaining to a specific line item will be set
up in the accounting system for that particular account.
For instance, only costs of materials, supplies,
equipment, and labor associated with concrete will be
shown in the concrete account. The accounting system must
also restrict costs to those pertaining to a specific
project so that costs from multiple projects will not be
co-mingled. The independent CPA or LPA shall report on
the owner-builder's assertion in accordance with the
Standards for Attestation Engagements of the AICPA. The
owner-builder's and the CPA or LPA's reports on the
accounting system shall be provided to Rural Development
by the owner-builder. (Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(I) A written, dated, and signed statement agreeing to
permit U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Comptroller
General of the United States, or any of their duly
authorized representatives, to have access to any books,
documents, papers, and records which are directly
pertinent to the specific Federal program for the purpose
of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions.
(ii) In order to grant an exception to the contract method of
construction and proceed with the owner-builder method of
construction, the State Director must determine that the
following conditions exist:
(A) The applicant or at least one of its principals is a
fully qualified and licensed (if necessary under
applicable local law) builder by profession, has adequate
experience in constructing the type of units proposed as
well as projects of similar size, scope, and complexity
and will be able to complete the work in accordance with
the Rural Development approved drawings and
(B) Based upon the information presented in the
applicant's financial statements, the applicant is
presently able and is likely to continue to be able to
provide any funds necessary in excess of the applicant's
contribution and the loan amount to complete the project.
(Revision 2)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(ii) (Con.)
(C) The total development cost of the project does not
exceed that which is typical for similar type projects in
the area. The total development cost recognized by Rural
Development for each individual case will be determined by
the MFH Coordinator with the advice of the State
Architect. (Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(D) The owner-builder has provided sufficient information
on all contracts or subcontracts in excess of $10,000 to
permit compliance with §1924.6 (a)(11)(iv) of this
(iii) In addition to the requirements for the State Director
to authorize the owner-builder method of construction as
indicated in §1924.13 (e)(2)(i) and (ii) of this subpart, the
following additional steps will be taken by the State Director.
(A) If, after a full review of the case documents by the
appropriate members of the State Office staff, the State
Director determines that the requirements have been met
and the construction cost is reasonable, an exception to
competitive bidding may be granted. Written documentation
of the State Office review results will be placed in the
application file.
(Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(B) If, after the full review by the State Office staff,
the State Director determines that the construction cost
is not competitive with other similar projects in
construction and design being built in the area, the
applicant will be requested to competitively bid the
construction of the project in accordance with paragraph
(e)(1)(i) of this section.
(C) If there is no agreement by Rural Development and the
applicant as to construction cost and the applicant is not
agreeable to any of the aforementioned alternatives, the
State Director will cease any further action on the
preapplication and inform the applicant of the right to
appeal, in accordance with Subpart B of Part 1900 of this
(iv) The development cost of the project may include a typical
allowance for general overhead, general requirements and a
builder's profit. These amounts may be determined by local
investigation and also from HUD data
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(iv) (Con.)
for the area. The applicant/owner-builder and any
subcontractors, material suppliers, and equipment lessors
having or sharing an identity of interest with the
applicant/owner-builder may not be permitted a builder's
profit, general overhead, and general requirements which exceed
the amounts represented on their cost breakdown. (Revised 03-
16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(v) Under no circumstances will loan funds be used to pay the
owner-builder or its stockholders, members, directors or
officers, directly or indirectly, any profits from the
construction of the project except a typical builder's fee for
performing the services that would normally be performed by a
general contractor under the contract method of construction.
Discounts and rebates given the owner-builder in advance must
be deducted before the invoices are paid. If discounts or
rebates are given after the invoices are paid, the funds must
be returned to the supervised bank account or applied on the
interim construction loan, as appropriate. Under no
circumstances will the dollar amount be placed in the reserve
account. (Revised 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(vi) The plans and specifications must be specific and
complete so that there is a clear understanding as to how the
facility will be constructed and the materials that will be
(vii) When architectural services are required by §1924.13(a)
during the construction and warranty phases they must be
provided by an architect who has no identity of interest with
the applicant/owner-builder. The services to be rendered
during the construction and warranty phases include, but are
not limited to inspections, changes in the scope of project or
work to be done, administration of construction accounts,
rejection of work and materials not conforming to the Rural
Development approved drawings and specifications, and other
appropriate service listed in §1924.13 (a)(5)(v) and (vi) of
this subpart.
(viii) The applicant/owner-builder and any subcontractor,
material supplier, or equipment lessor sharing an identity of
interest as defined in §1924.4 (i) of this subpart must each
provide certification as to the actual cost of the work
performed in connection with the construction of the project on
Form RD 1924-13 prior to final payment. The construction
costs, as reported on Form RD 1924-13, must be audited by a
CPA, or LPA licensed on or before
(Revision 2)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(viii) (Con.)
December 31, 1970, in accordance with Government Auditing
Standards, and certain agreed upon procedures (available in any
Rural Development office) performed in accordance with
Attestation Standards. In some cases, Rural Development will
contract directly with a CPA or LPA for the cost certification.
In that event, documentation necessary to have the costs of
construction certified by an Rural Development contractor that
they were the actual costs of the work performed, as reported
on Form RD 1924-13, will be provided. Funds which were
included in the loan for cost certification and which are
ultimately not needed because Rural Development contracts for
the cost certification will be returned on the loan. (Revised
03-16-94, SPECIAL PN.)
(A) The CPA or LPA's audit, performed in accordance with
Government Auditing Standards, will include such tests of
the accounting records and such other auditing procedures
of the applicant/owner-builder (and any subcontractor,
material supplier, or equipment lessor sharing an identity
of interest) concerning the work performed, services
rendered, and materials supplied in connection with the
construction of the project he/she considers necessary to
express an opinion on the construction costs as reported
on Form RD 1924-13. Upon completion of construction and
prior to final payment, the CPA or LPA will provide an
opinion as to whether the construction costs as reported
on Form RD 1924-13 present fairly the costs of
construction in conformity with eligible construction
costs as prescribed in Rural Development regulations.
Rural Development reserves the right to determine, upon
receipt of the certified Form RD 1924-13 and the auditor's
report, whether they are satisfactory to Rural
Development. At a minimum, the CPA or LPA shall also
perform any additional agreed upon procedures (available
in any Rural Development office) specified by Rural
Development, performed in accordance with Attestation
Standards, of the owner-builder (and any subcontractor,
material supplier, or equipment lessor sharing an identity
of interest) concerning the work performed, services
rendered, and materials supplied in connection with the
construction. There will exist no business relationship
between the CPA or LPA and the borrower except for the
performance of the examination of the cost certification,
accounting systems work, and tax preparation. Any CPA or
LPA who acts as the borrower's accountant (performing
manual or automated bookkeeping services or maintains the
official accounting records) will not be the same CPA or
LPA who cost certifies the project.
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(viii) (Con.)
(B) Prior to final payment to anyone required to cost
certify, Rural Development must be provided with a
certification and a trade-item breakdown showing the
actual cost compared to the estimated cost furnished in
accordance with paragraph (e)(2)(i)(G) of this section.
Form RD 1924-13 is the form of comparative breakdown that
must be used, and contains the certification required of
the applicant/owner-builder prior to final payment. The
amounts for builder's general overhead, general
requirements, and builder's profit shall not exceed the
amounts represented on the estimate of cost breakdown
provided in accordance with paragraph (e)(2)(i)(G) of this
section for the owner-builder or any subcontractor,
material supplier, or equipment lessor having or sharing
an identity of interest with the applicant/owner-builder.
Final payment to the owner-builder will be adjusted, if
necessary, to assure that the amounts shown on the
certificate of actual cost do not exceed the amounts
represented on the cost breakdown. Any funds remaining as
a result of hard cost savings will be applied to the
account as an extra payment or used for eligible loan
purposes approved by Rural Development as long as the
improvements are genuinely needed and will enhance
marketability of the project. All increases or decreases
of 15 percent or more in line item costs will require
documentation as to the reason for the increases or
decreases. The State Director may require documentation
for increases or decreases of less than 15 percent, if
he/she determines it necessary. This information will be
required with the cost certification.
(C) Subcontracting development work.
(1) Owner-builders will not be allowed to obtain a
profit and overhead unless they are performing actual
construction. "Actual construction" means "work" as
defined in AIA documents: "... labor, materials,
equipment, and services provided by the contractor to
fulfill the contractor's obligations." Under this
definition, owner-builders who choose to subcontract
out construction of the project to another contractor
will not obtain a builder's fee (general overhead and
profit) when:
(Revision 2)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(viii)(C)(1) (Con.)
(i) More than 50 percent of the total cost of
the building construction is subcontracted to
one subcontractor, material supplier, or
equipment lessor, and/or
(ii) Seventy-five percent or more with three or
fewer subcontractors, material suppliers, and/or
equipment lessors.
(2) Note: If two or more subcontractors have common
ownership, they are considered as one subcontractor.
(3) How to apply rule:
(i) The 50 percent rule will apply when
division of the amount of the largest
subcontract by the total amount of the building
cost results in more than 50 percent.
(ii) The 75 percent rule will apply when
division of the sum of the amounts of the three
largest subcontracts by the total building cost
results in 75 percent or more.
(D) Qualified contracting entities. Contractors,
subcontractors, material suppliers, and any other
individual or organization sharing an identity of interest
and providing materials or services for the project must
certify that it is a viable, ongoing trade or business
qualified and properly licensed to undertake the work for
which it intends to contract. Form RD 1944-31 will be
prepared and executed by the contracting entities. The
form provides notification to the entities of the penalty,
under law, for erroneously certifying to the statements
contained therein. Debarment actions will be instituted
against entities who fail to disclose an identity of
interest in accordance with the provisions of RD
Instruction 1940-M (available in any Rural Development
(ix) Requests for payment for work performed by the owner-
builder method, shall be submitted to the Rural Development
District Director for review and approval prior to each advance
of funds in order to insure that funds are used for authorized
purposes. Requests for payment shall be made on Form RD 1924-
18 or other professionally recognized form containing the
following certifications to Rural Development:
(Revision 2)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(ix) (Con.)
The undersigned certifies that the work has been carefully
inspected and to the best of their knowledge and belief,
the quantities shown in this estimate are correct and the
work has been performed in accordance with the contract
(Name of Architect)
By: _____________________________
(Title) (Date)
Approved by Owner's Representative:
By: _____________________________
Accepted by Rural Development Representative:
By: _____________________________
The review and acceptance of partial payment estimates by
Rural Development does not attest to the correctness of
the quantities shown or that the work has been performed
in accordance with the plans and specifications.
(A) If interim financing is available at reasonable rates
and terms for the construction period, such financing
shall be obtained. Exhibit B of Subpart E of Part 1944 of
this chapter shall be used to inform the interim lender
that Rural Development will not close its loan
(Added 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(ix)(A) (Con.)
until the project is complete, ready for occupancy,
evidence is furnished indicating that all bills have been
paid for work completed on the project, all inspections
have been completed and all required approvals have been
obtained from any governmental authorities having
jurisdiction over the project. Upon presentation of
proper payment estimates containing an estimate of the
value of work in place which has been prepared and
executed by the owner-builder, certified by the
applicant's architect, and accepted by Rural Development,
the interim lender may advance construction funds in
accordance with the provisions of this section. It is
suggested that the partial payment not exceed 90 percent
of the value of work in place and material suitably stored
on site. (Revised 2-25-88, SPECIAL PN.)
(B) If interim financing is not available, partial
payments not to exceed 90 percent of the value of work in
place and materials suitably stored on site may be made to
the owner-builder for that portion of the estimated cost
of development guaranteed by a letter of credit or
deposits meeting the requirements of §1924.6
(a)(3)(iii)(A), (B), or (C) of this subpart. Partial
payments may not exceed 60 percent of the value of work in
place in all other cases. The determination of the value
of work in place will be based upon an application for
payment containing an estimate of the value of work in
place which has been prepared and executed by the owner-
builder, certified by the borrower's architect, and
accepted by Rural Development. Prior to receiving the
first partial payment, the owner-builder must submit a
schedule or prices or values of the various trades or
phases of the work aggregating the total development cost
of the project as required in §1924.13 (e)(2)(i)(G) and
(H) of this subpart. Each application for payment must be
based upon this schedule, and show the total amount owed
and paid to date for materials and labor procured in
connection with the project. With each application for
payment, the owner-builder must also submit evidence
showing how the requested partial payment is to be
applied, evidence showing that previous partial payments
were properly applied, and a signed statement from the
applicant's attorney, title insurance company, or local
official in charge of recording
(Added 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN)
RD Instruction 1924-A
§1924.13 (e)(2)(ix)(B) (Con.)
documents certifying that the public records have been
searched and that there are no liens of record. When the
District Director has reason to believe that partial
payments may not be applied properly, checks will be made
payable to persons who furnish materials and labor for
eligible purposes in connection with the project.
(x) Under no circumstances shall funds be released for final
payment or to pay any items of the builder's profit until the
project is 100 percent complete, ready for occupancy, and the
owner-builder has completed and properly executed Form RD 1924-
13 or complied with the cost certification procedures of
§1924.13 (e)(2)(viii) of this subpart.
§§1924.14 - 1924.48 [Reserved]
§1924.49 State supplements.
State supplements or policies will not be issued or adopted to either
supplement or set requirements different from those of this subpart, unless
specifically authorized in this subpart, without prior written approval of the
National Office.
§1924.50 OMB control number.
The reporting and recordkeeping requirements contained in this regulation
have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and have been
assigned OMB control number 0575-0042. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to vary from 5 minutes to 4 hours per
response, with an average of 37 minutes per response, including time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect
of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden, to U.S. Department of Agriculture, Clearance Officer, OIRM, AG Box
7630, Washington, DC 20250; and to the Office of Management and Budget,
Paperwork Reduction Project (OMB# 0575-0042), Washington, DC 20503.
Attachments: Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M
Automation Supplement (Attached to Exhibit D)
Guides 1, 2, 3 and 4
(Added 03-16-94, SPECIAL PN)
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD instruction 1924-A
Exhibit A
With With With
Slab on Grade Crawl Space Basement
% % %
1. Excavation 3 5 6
2. Footings, foundations, columns 8 8 11
3. Floor slab or framing 6 4 4
4. Subflooring 0 1 1
5. Wall framing, sheathing 7 7 6
6. Roof and ceiling framing, sheathing 6 6 5
7. Roofing 5 5 4
8. Siding, exterior trim, porches 7 7 6
9. Windows and exterior doors 9 9 8
10. Plumbing - roughed in 3 2 3
11. Sewage disposal 1 1 1
12. Heating - roughed in 1 1 1
13. Electrical - roughed in 2 2 2
14. Insulation 2 2 2
15. Dry wall or plaster 8 8 7
16. Basement or porch floor, steps 1 1 6
17. Heating - finished 3 3 3
18. Flooring 6 6 5
19. Interior carpentry, trim, doors 6 6 5
20. Cabinets and counter tops 1 1 1
21. Interior painting 4 4 3
22. Exterior painting 1 1 1
23. Plumbing - complete fixtures 4 4 3
24. Electrical - complete fixtures 1 1 1
25. Finish hardware 1 1 1
26. Gutters and downspouts 1 1 1
27. Grading, paving, landscaping 3 3 3
100 % 100 % 100 %
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Page 1
For the benefit of Rural Development this Exhibit prescribes evaluation,
acceptance, inspection and certification procedures for modular/panelized
housing units proposed for use in Rural Development Rural Housing programs.
It applies to proposed development packages provided either under a contract
between an Rural Development borrower and a single contractor or under a
conditional commitment. This Exhibit also describes the use of background
information available through the Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) for analysis of manufactured products. This Exhibit also applies to the
evaluation of manufactured farm service buildings in paragraph XI, below. For
the purpose of this Exhibit, County Supervisor and County Office also mean
District Director and District Office, respectively.
I. Applicable Standards and Manuals.
A. The HUD Handbook 4950.1, Technical Suitability of Products Program
Technical and Processing Procedures, must be followed by housing
manufacturers to obtain acceptance of their products. Acceptance
documents issued by HUD include: Structural Engineering Bulletins (SEB)
on a national basis, Area Letters of Acceptance (ALA) which when
accepted by all Area HUD Offices in a HUD region will, in essence,
become Regional Letters of Acceptance (RLA), Truss Connector Bulletins
(TCB): and, Mechanical engineering Bulletins MEB). These documents as
well as the Use of Material Bulletins (UM) and Materials Release
Bulletins (MR) are addendum to the HUD Minimum Property Standards (MPS).
Under handbook guidelines, HUD also examines state agency regulations
concerning design, construction and labeling of modular/panelized
housing units and designates those states having procedures acceptable
for use under HUD programs. Modular/panelized housing produced in these
states is called Category III and is considered technically suitable for
use without further structural analysis.
B. All State Rural Development Offices should maintain a close working
relationship with each HUD office in their jurisdiction to assure
coordination. Any deviations in structure, materials or design from HUD
acceptance documents must comply with one of the other applicable
development standards.
II. Modular Housing Units that Require Factory Inspections.
Only those types which cannot be completely inspected on site are required to
obtain acceptance from HUD. Those that receive acceptance will be
periodically factory inspected by HUD or HUD's designated agency, usually
about every 6 months.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Page 2
III. Panelized Housing Units that Do Not Require Factory Inspections.
A. Housing completely assembled on the building site does not require
HUD acceptance. This includes housing that is manufactured but is
assembled on the site such as: Precut pieces, log wall houses, trussed
roof rafters or floor trusses; open panel walls, and other types that
can be completely inspected on site.
B. Housing that is assembled in local materials dealers' yards for
moving to local sites and to be purchased by an Rural Development
applicant, will be inspected during construction in the yard by the
local Rural Development County representative. These units must be
constructed according to the applicable development standard and not
transported out of the local Rural Development County Office
jurisdiction. The inspection must be recorded on Form RD 1924-12
"Inspection Report."
IV. Manufacturer's Actions Required for Submissions to Rural Development are
listed in Attachment 1 to this Exhibit B.
V. State Rural Development office Actions when Manufacturing Facilities are
in its Jurisdiction. The State Office, upon receipt of manufacturer's
submission, must:
A. Determine that the unit structural system has been accepted by HUD
as appropriate under HUD Handbook 4950.1 requirements.
B. Review the thermal characteristics and approach of the calculations
to determine actions to be taken in compliance with paragraph IV C of
Exhibit D of this subpart.
C. Review the proposal for compliance with §1924.5 (d) (1) of this
D. Determine that the prerequisites for consideration of acceptance by
Rural Development are met. The prerequisites include all of the
1. A current acceptance document from HUD (SEB, RLA, ALA), Except
for Category III housing modular/panelized housing that does not
have to have a Structural Engineering Bulletin as designated by
HUD). In Category III states, the state government requirements for
manufactured housing must be followed.
2. A current HUD Factory Inspection Report, Form No. 2051m, or in
the case of Category iii housing, a copy of the inspection report
from the state government or accepted third party performing the
factory inspection. Each report must be made by HUD or a HUD
authorized agency, and must be no older than 6 months.
3. A letter from the manufacturer requesting a review for
acceptance. Enclosed with the letter shall be all the information
listed in Attachment 1 to this Exhibit B.
RD instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Page 3
(Revision 1)
E. Issue acceptance letters to the manufacturer stating the conditions
of acceptance in the format of Attachment 2 to this Exhibit B. The
letter shall have an attachment listing all models accepted in the
format of Attachment 3 to this Exhibit B. A copy of the acceptance
letter and list of models shall be sent to each County Office in the
state and, when requested by the manufacturer, to each other Rural
Development State Office in which the product is to be marketed.
F. After initial review of a submission, maintain a master file of
accepted manufacturers and models and review the file twice yearly to
determine the currency of the factory inspection reports and HUD or
state government acceptance documents.
G. Notify manufacturers of overdue factory inspection reports, for
acceptance of documents review and updating, using the format of
Attachment 4 to this Exhibit B. Accompanying the notification will be a
temporary acceptance sheet (Attachment 3 to this Exhibit B) indicating
to the manufacturer that the company models have temporary acceptance
for 60 days. If the manufacturer provides evidence that a review is
being processed by HUD, a maximum of an additional 90 days may be
granted. Otherwise, the acceptance shall terminate on the last
extension date and it will be necessary for the manufacturer to resubmit
as if for initial acceptance.
H. Distribute a list of added models, deleted models, or notice of
deletion of any manufacturer's product to the County Offices and other
State Rural Development Offices as necessary.
I. Issue an initial supply of Manufacturer's and Builder's
Certification forms (Attachment 5 to this Exhibit B) to each existing
and newly accepted manufacturer. Manufacturers are to duplicate this
form as necessary in their market areas.
J. Resolve any problems with the manufacturer, as reported by the
County Office. Action may include coordination, Rural Development plant
inspections or cancellation of acceptance letters when problems persist.
VI. County Office Actions:
A. When an application is received involving any of the manufacturer's
products on the accepted list, the County Office Rural Development
authorized personnel will:
1. Review the drawings and description of materials described in
paragraphs A and B of Attachment 1 to this Exhibit B. The floor
plans and elevations must be identifiable with the model listed in
the accepted list issued by the State Office.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Page 4
(Revision 1)
2. Require the builder/dealer or manufacturer to provide any
drawings necessary to adapt the house to the site conditions where
the house will be located. .
3. Require site plan drawing such as those illustrated in
Attachments 1 and 2 to Exhibit C of this subpart (available in any
Rural Development office).
4. Inspect and identify the model delivered against the
manufacturer s certification and the accepted drawings and
description of materials before the unit has been set on the
5. Require the builder/dealer to certify that the work for which
the builder/dealer is responsible has been erected in compliance
with the applicable development standard. This certification will
be completed on a copy of Attachment 5 to this Exhibit B, and filed
in County Office case file.
6. Observe any noncompliance with the applicable development
standard or with paragraphs IV and V of this Exhibit B. In this
a. Minor noncompliance will be resolved by the manufacturer
through the builder/dealer. In cases where there is no
builder/ dealer, the County Office may resolve such issues with
the manufacturer directly.
b. Noncompliance that cannot be resolved at the County Office
level will be reported to the State Office.
7. Inspect manufactured housing according to § 1924.8(d) of this
8. Be aware that the accepted list may include many models from
which loan applicants may choose. No changes from accepted model
designs are permitted. The model selected by an applicant should be
appropriate to the needs of that particular family in accordance
with 7 CFR part 3550. (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
VII. Noncompliance Issues.
A. When minor issues are noted, the County Office will attempt to
resolve them as described above. If they cannot be resolved locally,
they will be referred to the State Office. When any issues cannot be
resolved at State Office level, the National Office Program Support
Staff (PSS) will be contacted for guidance.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Page 5
B. The National Office PSS, coordinating with HUD, will take the
appropriate actions to resolve the issues reported.
C. Manufacturers and builder/dealers must be aware that if the Rural
Development inspector finds any of the following conditions, the
inspector may refuse to accept the construction until corrections have
been made:
1. Evidence of noncompliance with any option of the method
described in the HUD - SEB, RLA, or ALA.
2. Faulty shop fabrication, including surface defects.
3. Damage to shop fabricated items or materials due to
transportation, improper storage, handling or assembly operation.
4. Unsatisfactory field or site workmanship.
VIII. Actions by Other State Offices. When a State Office receives a copy of
the accepted list from the State Office in which a manufacturing plant is
located, it will:
A. Maintain a file, by manufacturer, of each accepted list of models.
B. Provide copies of the accepted list of models to each County Office
in the state.
C. Request a copy of the drawings, description of materials, and
thermal calculations to determine compliance with the thermal
requirements for the county in which the house is to be located
according to Exhibit D of this subpart.
D. Check to see that County Offices within the state will act as
prescribed in paragraph VI of this Exhibit B.
E. When two or more State Offices have different interpretations of the
acceptability of a particular model, there must be an agreement between
the states so that they will have the same requirements. If the states
cannot 1 agree, the National Office PSS will be consulted for guidance.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Page 6
IX. Subsequent Review.
Rural Development will make periodic reviews of houses, both site-built and
houses manufactured offsite, to determine acceptability of the finished
product. If, in the judgment of the Rural Development, the product has failed
to perform satisfactorily, acceptance may be withdrawn. The State Director
will notify the manufacturer and/or the builder/dealer of the reasons for the
withdrawal no later than the rime of withdrawal. Negotiations for corrections
will be carried our by the County Office with the assistance of the State
Office or National Office, as necessary.
X. Materials and Products Acceptance - Material Release Bulletins, Use of
Materials Bulletins, Manufacturer's Instructions.
A. The Materials Release (MR) and Use of Materials Bulletins (UM)
provide for the national acceptance of specific nonstandard materials
and products not covered in the current HUDMPS.
B. When contractors or builders intend to use products or materials not
listed as approved in the MPS, the Rural Development personnel reviewing
or concerned with the approval of construction in which the product is
to be used, will require the contractor or builder to furnish a
Materials Release Bulletin or Use of Materials Bulletin on the materials
or products. If the product has been accepted, the supplier should be
able to obtain the bulletin for the contractor or builder from the
manufacturer. These bulletins describe the products or materials
limitations to use, method of installing or applying, approved type of
fasteners, if used, etc. and will provide the contractor with
instructions as to proper installation or application.
C. When Rural Development personnel are unfamiliar with any materials
or products which have been accepted in the MPS, they will request the
contractor or builder to furnish the manufacturer's instructions to
assure that the materials or products are properly installed or applied.
Any questions on any product that cannot be resolved in the County
Office should be referred to the State Office. When the question cannot
be resolved at the State Office level, the National Office PSS should be
consulted for guidance.
XI. Manufactured Farm Service Buildings.
A. When a loan application is received that involves a manufactured
building or special equipment that cannot be completely inspected on the
site, the local State Land Grant University recommendations should be
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Page 7
B. When the County Office questions the advisability of making a loan
on a manufactured building, the State Office should also be consulted.
C. The State Office should review and make recommendations to the
County Office. If doubt still exists, the National Office PSS should be
consulted for guidance.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Attachment 1
Page 1
The manufacturer or sponsor of modular/panelized housing units wishing to
participate in the Rural Development Rural Housing programs shall submit to
the Rural Development State Director having jurisdiction over the state in
which the proposed housing is to be manufactured, two complete sets of the
information listed below for evaluation. Submissions not including all the
information requested will be returned.
A. Statements:
1. Name and location of organization, including titles and names of
its principal officers.
2. A brief description of plant facilities.
3. Extent of intended market distribution, including a list of any
other states in which units will be marketed.
4. The method of quality control during site installation.
5. A copy of the applicable current HUD Structural Engineering
Bulletin (SEB), Regional Letter of Acceptance (RLA), or Area Letter
of Acceptance (ALA).
6. A current factory inspection report made within 6 months by HUD
or HUD authorized agency.
7. Name and address of any third party inspection agency.
8. Location of nearest assembled product for inspection.
9. Field manuals for site installation and/or set-up procedures.
10. Specifications or descriptions of materials using either Form
RD-1924-2, (HUD-FHA Form 2005), "Description of Materials,"
including sizes, species and grade of all building and finishing
materials. All blanks should be filled and additional sheets may be
attached as well as equipment manufacturer's brochures. Use an
asterisk (*) to denote all item of onsite construction that will be
provided by the builder-dealer. The builder-dealer must complete a
form for the builder-dealer's portion of the work. Use N/A in any
blank which is not applicable.
11. Names and addresses of other public and private agencies which
have rendered or been asked to render a technical suitability or
acceptance determination with respect to the products or structural
methods employed.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Attachment 1
Page 2
12. Written certification that construction drawings and
specifications conform with the applicable development standard.
13. Any other pertinent information.
14. An index of all documents submitted.
B. Working Drawings. For emphasis as to the details required for
modular/panelized housing proposals, the following items are listed in
addition to and in more detail than the requirements in Exhibit C of
this subpart. In some cases, the drawing presentation sheers maybe
required to be reduced to 200 mm by 266 mm (8 x 10 1/2 inches) sheet
1. Foundation and/or Basement Plan. This plan shall include
anchorage details, exterior and interior dimensions, typical
footings, wall thickness, pilaster sizes and locations, column or
pier sizes and locations and girders required to support the
structures. Show location of all equipment (furnace, water heater,
laundry tubs, sump, etc.) floor drains, electrical outlets,
electrical entrance panels, and all doors and windows or crawl space
vents with all sizes indicated.
2. Floor Plans of all levels. Show square footage of each
habitable room with square footage of each area of natural limit and
ventilation. In addition, a design sketch scaled properly to
illustrate a typical furniture arrangement for all habitable levels
is required to indicate intended occupancy functions of the design.
A window and door schedule should also be provided indicating glazed
size, sash size, and thermal conductance of each type.
3. All exterior elevations including openings and sizes; wall
finish materials, flashing, finish grades intended, depth of
footings when known, finish floor, ceiling heights, roof slope,
location of downspouts, gutters, vents for both structural spaces
and for equipment. Indicate construction joint locations and
details of connections between sections, modules or components.
4. Building cross sections showing size and spaces of all framing
members from lowest member (bottom of footing) to highest point of
roof (ridge) plus:
(a) Type of material and method of application of all covering
materials, such as subflooring, combination subflooring and
underlayment, sheathing, and interior and exterior finishes;
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Attachment 1
Page 3
(b) Complete details including computations of trussed rafter
systems with the architect/engineer's stamp of those
responsible for the design.
(c) Details of installation and vapor barrier installation and
attic ventilation. If the thermal characteristics to be
provided are determined according to the optional method for
overall structure performance allowed in Exhibit D of this
subpart, the submission and complete engineering calculations
with all details of construction shall be sent to
Administrator, Attn. PSS, Rural Development Washington, D.C.
20250, for analysis as prescribed in paragraph IV C of Exhibit
D of this subpart.
(d) Special details as necessary to show any special features
of construction, including method of fabricating, erection,
joining, and finishing of all elements; and
(e) Details and sections of stairways including all critical
dimensions, such as, riser, run and headroom.
5. Interior elevations of kitchen cabinets and bathroom elevations
with schedule of all shelf, counter-top and drawer footage.
Indicate whether kitchen cabinets are to be custom made for each
model or made for are model by a cabinet manufacturing company.
6. Plumbing schematics, including pipe materials, sizes and
planning code compliance.
7. Heating plan, including heat loss of each room, is needed for
heating systems, sizings and capacities, forced air, electric
baseboard, or electric space heaters and, if applicable, heat gain.
For forced air systems, include supply and return duct layout and
location of appropriate diffusers.
8. Electrical plan, including circuit chart or diagram.
9. Any other pertinent facts or drawings that will better explain
why and how certain unusual materials or structural methods are
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Attachment 2
Page 1
John Douth Manufacturing Company
3444 Residence Avenue
Elkton, Indiana 00051
Dear Sirs:
Although the documents submitted to this office have only received a cursory
review, they appear to be in substantial compliance to qualify your firm for
the type of acceptance indicated on the attached list.
The acceptance being issued is subject to this letter of conditions,
compliance with HUD handbook 4950.1, Technical Suitability of Products Program
Technical and Processing Procedures, compliance with Rural Development Thermal
Performance Construction Standards, and compliance with the conditions set
forth in the HUD acceptance document, if applicable, those number appears on
the acceptance.
The manufacturer and the authorized builder-dealer bear the responsibility of
complying with the above, the exhibits submitted and the applicable
development standards.
The manufacturer and/or builder-dealer also shall:
1. Provide positive identification of the modular unit by model, date
of manufacture and factory in which the unit has manufactured.
2. Furnish with each home to be financed by Rural Development in___
State ____, a written certificate (Attachment 5 to this Exhibit B)
endorsed by the builder-dealer certifying that all requirements have
been satisfied.
3. Furnish the local Rural Development County Supervisor with a
complete set of drawings including site plans, description of materials,
structural engineering bulletins when applicable in the state, and
documentation relating to the manufacture, transportation, erection, and
installation for each model of modular/panelized housing to be financed
in the county. Electrical, plumbing and heating plans must be furnished
for each model in addition to the basic drawings. Floor plans and
elevation drawings may vary from those listed in Attachment 1 of Exhibit
B to RD Instruction 1924-A to reflect each of the manufacturer's models
provided they are in compliance with the applicable development standard
and the Rural Development Thermal Performance Construction Standards and
provided they have been accepted and listed in this state's approval of
manufactured structures. No field alterations to the accepted models
will be allowed.
4. Furnish, when required by the County Supervisor, foundation
drawings (including special foundation design considerations when the
unit is to be erected in seismic zones 1, 2 or 3) adapting the modular
home to any unusual site conditions needing information additional to
that furnished by the standard drawings.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Attachment 2
Page 2
5. Furnish the County Office with a copy of inspection reports of the
manufacturing facilities immediately after the inspection reports have
been completed.
6. Allow Rural Development personnel to inspect the manufacturing
facilities at any time and furnish all Rural Development State Offices,
where acceptance has been obtained, with a copy of any Rural Development
Inspection reports immediately after the inspection reports have been
7. In the event there are major changes to the submitted drawings,
obtain approval under the HUD Technical Suitability of Products Program
and submit verification of this approval to the County Office for
listing on the state's accepted list. Any modular home shipped with
major changes incorporated, without such changes on file at the County
Office may be rejected.
(Add state and local requirements appropriate to this letter of conditions.)
This acceptance may be subject to corrective action when deficiencies are
noted in the product, field inspections, manufacturing facilities, or when
there is noncompliance with the provisions of the HUD technical Suitability of
Products Program.
The inclusion of these models on the accepted list is based only on the
material and structural aspects of the manufactured units. Final
determination of acceptability rests with Rural Development personnel. Other
factors relating to the property in its entirety such as appraisal, location,
sustained market acceptance, architectural planning and appeal, thermal
qualities, mechanical and electrical equipment, etc., must be considered in
the final determination.
Your cooperation in this acceptance program is appreciated.
State Director
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Attachment 3
Date _______________ File No._____
_________________________________ Acceptance Document______________
_________________________________ Type of Acceptance:
_________________________________ ___ Regular
_________________________________ ___ Temporary, Expires _________
Plant locations:_____________________________________________
Date of Latest Plans Revised ________________________________
Date of Latest Factory Inspection ___________________________
Acceptance Document Review Date _____________________________
RD Instruction 1924-A, Exhibit D
State Office Review National Office Review
(Exh. D, IV, C, 1, a or b) (Exh. D, IV, C, 2)
Maximum Winter Degree Days for State ___ Walls R ____ Glazing/Gross Wall
Area Ratio _______%
Ceilings R ______ Glazing _____ Pane(s) Floor R ____ Glazing ___ Pane(s)
Insulated Door____ Wood & Storm____ Insulated Door____ Wood & Storm ____
Models Accepted:
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Attachment 4
John Douth Manufacturing Company
3444 Residence Avenue
Elktown, Indiana 00051
Dear Sirs:
As set forth in acceptance letters issued by this office, acceptance of
modular/panelized homes in this state is based on HUD's Technical Suitability
of Products Program and the conditions stated in the acceptance letter. Your
file has been reviewed and the following has been noted.
_____________ An inspection report of your manufacturing facilities is
overdue. Inspections are required twice yearly. The last
inspection report on file at this office is dated ________.
_____________ Your Structural Engineering Bulletin No. ____ dated _______
has not been reviewed by HUD. Reviews are generally
required every three years. Temporary acceptance will be
considered when you provide evidence that the review
documents have been submitted to HUD.
_____________ The drawings being used for the construction of your homes
are not listed in your Structural Engineering Bulletins.
Drawings used in the field should be those upon which the
Structural Engineering Bulletin was issued.
_____________ There have been _____ revisions to the development
standards since ______, the date of the last drawings we
have on file for your homes. It is recommended that you
review the revisions to ascertain whether your drawings
need to be updated.
Please submit a written response and appropriate documents for the above items
within _______ days, or your product will be removed from the accepted list
until your firm can again quality. If you have any problems furnishing the
above within the time stated, please contract this office.
We look forward to receiving the materials indicated so that your firm's
listing may be continued.
State Director
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
____________________ _______________________________
____________________ _______________________________
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit B
Attachment 5
Delivery location of structure or component ______________________________
This is to certify that Model:_____________________________________,
Serial #__________________________ manufactured _____(date)______, 19 _____ in
_____(location__________ and being sold to __(name of____________
builder-dealer or borrower) has been manufactured in accordance with drawings
and specifications on file in the Rural Development State Office and that the
construction complies with applicable development standards, except as
modified by HUD Acceptance document (SEB, RLA, ALA,) NO.____, dated
______________________, and in compliance with the Rural Development Thermal
Performance Construction Standards.
Date Signature or Authorized
__________(Name of builder-dealer)___________ certifies that the foundation
and other on-site work has been constructed in accordance with the drawings
and specifications and the above structure or component has been erected,
installed or applied in compliance with the applicable development standards.
It is understood that the manufacturer's certification does not relieve the
builder/dealer of responsibility under the terms of the builder's warranty
required by the National Housing Act.
Date Signature of Authorized
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit C
Page 1
This Exhibit applies to all new buildings to be constructed, including all
single family housing and related facilities and, as applicable, farm housing
and farm service buildings.
I. GENERAL: The documents recommended in this Exhibit correspond with
the list of Exhibits in Chapter 3 of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) "Architectural Handbook for Building Single-Family
Dwellings" No. 4145.2. This Exhibit may be used as a public handout and
shall be used as a guide for drawings and specifications to be submitted
in support of any type of application involving construction of major
new buildings or extensive rehabilitation, alterations or additions to
existing buildings. Descriptions of work forming or alterations or
repairs need pertain only to work to be done and maybe in narrative from
when acceptable to the County Supervisor. Complete and accurate
drawings and specifications are necessary:
A. To determine the acceptability of the proposed development,
B. To determine compliance with the applicable standards and
C. To prepare a cost estimate, and
D To provide a basis for inspections and the builder's warranty.
II. DRAWINGS FOR A SPECIFIC STRUCTURE: Drawings for individual single
dwellings shall provide at least the following:
A. Plot Plan. Refer to Example Plot Plan No. 1, Attachment 1 to
this Exhibit C (available in any Rural Development office). Ratio:
1:240 (1" = 20') (at scale, 1" = 20' or 1/16" = 1'0" minimum):
1. Lot and block number.
2. Dimensions of plot and north point.
3. Dimensions of front, rear and side yards.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit C
Page 2
4. Location and dimensions of garage, carport and other accessory
5. Location and sizes of walks, driveways and approaches.
6. Location and sizes of steps, terraces, porches, fences and
retaining walls.
7. Location and dimensions of easements and established setback
requirements, if any.
8. Elevations at the following points: (a) first floor of dwelling
and floor of garage, carport and other accessory building; (b)
finish curb or crown of street at points of extension of lot lines;
(c) finish grade elevation at each principal corner of structure;
(d) finish grade at bottom of drainage swales at extension of each
side of structure as feasible.
9. The following additional elevations, as applicable, if the
topography of the site or the design of the structure is such that
special grading, drainage or foundations may be necessary. Examples
are irregular or steeply sloping sites, filled areas on sites, or
multi-level structure designs; (a) finish and existing grade
elevations at each corner of the plot; (b) existing and finish grade
at each principal corner of dwelling; (c) finish grade at both sides
of abrupt changes of grade such as retaining walls, slopes, etc.;
(d) other elevations that maybe necessary to show grading and
10. Indication of type and approximate location of drainage swales.
11. When an individual water supply and/or sewage system is
proposed, drawings, specifications and other items prescribed in
Paragraph V of this Exhibit.
B. Floor Plans.
1. Scale, 1:50 (1/4" = 1'0").
2. Floor plan of each floor and basement, if any. Show typical
furniture locations to suggest intended use of each habitable space.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit C
Page 3
3. Plan of all attached terraces and porches, and of garage or
4. If dwelling is of crawl-space type, a separate foundation plan.
Slab-type foundation maybe shown on sections.
5. Direction, size and spacing of all floor and ceiling framing
members, girders, columns or piers.
6. Location of all partitions and indication of door sizes, and
direction of door swing.
7. Location and size of all permanently installed construction and
equipment such as kitchen cabinets, closets, storage shelving,
plumbing fixtures, water heaters, etc. Details of kitchen cabinets
may be on separate drawing.
8. Location and symbols of all electrical equipment, including
switches, outlets, fixtures, etc.
9. Heating system on separate drawing, or when it may be shown
clearly it may be part of the floor or basement plan showing: (a)
layout of system; (b) location and size of ducts, piping.
Registers, radiators, etc.; (c) location of heating unit and room
thermostat; (d) total calculated heat loss of dwelling including
heat loss through all vertical surfaces, ceiling and floor. When a
duct or piped distribution system is used, calculated heat loss of
each heated space is required.
10. Cooling system on separate drawings or, as part of heating
plan, floor or basement plan showing: (a) layout of system; (b)
location and size of ducts, registers, compressors, coils, etc.; (c)
heat gain calculations, including estimated heat gain for each space
conditioned; (d) model number and Btu capacity of equipment or units
in accordance with applicable Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Institute (ARI) or American Society of Refrigerating engineers
(ASRE) Standard; (e) Btu capacity and total Kilowatt (KW) input at
stated local design conditions; (f) if room or zone conditioners are
used, provide location, size and installation details.
C. Exterior Elevations.
1. Scale, 1:50 (1/4" = 1'0"). Elevations, other than main
elevation, which contain no special details may be drawn at 1:100
(1/8" = 1'0").
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit C
Page 4
2. Front, rear and both side elevations, and elevations of any
interior courts.
3. Windows and doors - indicate size unless separately scheduled
or shown on floor plan.
4. Wall finish materials where more than one type is used.
5. Depth of wall footings, foundations, or piers, if stepped or at
more than one level.
6. Finish floor lines.
7. Finish grade lines at buildings.
D. Details and Sections.
1. Section through exterior wall showing all details of
construction from footings to highest point of road. Where more
than one type of wall material is used, show each type. Scale, 1:25
(3/8" =1'0") minimum.
2. Section through any portion of dwelling where rooms are
situated various levels or where finished attic is proposed, Scale,
1:50 (1/4" = 1'0") minimum.
3. Section through stair wells, landings, and stairs, including
headrod, clearances and surrounding framing. Scale, 1:50 (1/4"
=1'0") minimum.
4. Derails of roof trusses, if proposed, including connections and
stress or test date with seal of architect or engineer responsible.
Scale of connections, 1:25 (3/8" - 1'0") minimum.
5. Elevation and section through fireplace. Scale, 1:25 (3/8" =
1'0") minimum.
6. Elevations and section through kitchen cabinets, indicating
shelving. Scale, 1:50 (1/4" = 1'0") minimum.
7. Sections and details of all critical construction points,
fastening systems, anchorage methods, special structural items or
special millwork. Scale as necessary to provide information, 1:25
(3/8" - 1'0") minimum.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit C
Page 5
III. MASTER DRAWINGS FOR GROUP STRUCTURES. Drawings for a group of structures
(such as for several conditional commitments) may be submitted in lieu of
drawings for each individual property when a number of applications are
simultaneously submitted involving repetition of the same type structure.
A Master plot plan shall include the following:
1. Scale which will provide the following Information in a clear
and legible manner.
2. North point.
3. Location and width of streets and rights-of-way.
4. Location and dimensions of all easements.
5. Dimensions of each lot.
6. Location of each dwelling on lot with basic dimensions.
7. Dimensions of front, rear and side yards.
8. Location and dimensions of garage, carports and other accessory
9. Identification of each lot by number and indication of basic
plan and elevation type.
10. Location of walks, driveways and other permanent improvements.
B. Typical plot-plan for each basic type dwelling may be submitted in
lieu of fully detailing each lot on master plot plan, when topography
and lot arrangements present no individual planning or construction
1. Information nor shown on the typical plot plan shall be
included on the master plot plan.
2. Typical plot plans shall not be used for corner lots, lots with
irregular boundaries, lots involving pronounced topographic
variations or other lots where individual detailing is necessary.
3. Location of dwelling on typical lot and full dimensions.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit C
Page 6
4. Location and dimensions of all typical improvements, such as
garage, carport, accessory buildings, walks, drives, steps, porches,
terraces, trees, shrubs, retaining walls, fences, etc.
C. Grading may be shown on separate grading plan or on the master plot
plan. Scale shall be sufficiently large to provide the following
information in clear and legible manner:
1. Contours of existing grade at intervals of not more than 1.524
m (5 feet). Intervals less than 1.524m (5 feet) may be required
when indicated by the character of the topography.
2. Location of house and accessory buildings on each lot.
3. Identification of each lot by number.
4. Elevations in accordance with individual plot plan including
bench mark and datum or, in lieu of finish grade elevations,
contours of proposed finish grading may be submitted. Contour
intervals selected shall be appropriate to the topography of the
5. Lot grading shall be shown by indicating protective slopes and
approximate location of drainage swales.
6. Location of drainage outfall, if any drainage is not to a
D. Floor plans, elevations, sections and details shall be submitted
for each basic plan. Alternate elevations to basic plan maybe shown at
scale, 1:100 (1/8" = 1'0").
IV. SPECIFICATIONS. Form RD 1924-2, "Description of Materials," or other
acceptable and comparable descriptions of all materials forms shall be
submitted with the drawings. The forms shall be completed in accordance with
the instructions on Form-RD 1924-2 to describe the materials to be used in the
A. Form RD 1924-2 may be reproduced if size, format and printed
text are identical to the current official form. When it is reproduced, the
following deletions must be made:
1. All lines indicating Rural Development form numbers or other
Government agency initials and/or numbers, and
2. The United States Government Printing Office (GPO) imprint and
reference number.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit C
Page 7
B. The material identification shall be in sufficient detail to fully
describe the material, size, grade and when applicable, manufacturer's
model or identification numbers. When necessary, additional sheets must
be attached as well as manufacturer's specification sheets for equipment
and/or special materials, such as aluminum siding or carpeting.
water and/or sewage disposal system is proposed, the following additional
information must be submitted:
A. Approval and recommendations of other authorities.
1. A written opinion by the health authority having jurisdiction
that the site is suitable and acceptable for the proposed system(s)
2. If available, a soils report from the local USDA-Soil
Conservation Service and any recommendations they may have.
3. Approval of appropriate environmental control authority.
4. A signature of the health authority on the plot plan indicating
approval of the design of the proposed system.
B. Plot Plan. Refer to Example Plot Plan No. 2, Attachment 2 to this
Exhibit C (available in any Rural Development office).
1. Location and size of septic tank, distribution box, absorption
field or bed, seepage pits and other essential parts of the sewage
disposal system and distance to all individual wells, open streams
or drainageways.
2. Location of well, service line and other essential parts of the
water supply system and distance to other wells and/or sewage
disposal systems.
3. Exact location of individual systems (water or sewage) on
adjacent properties and description of system, if available.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit C
Page 8
C. Construction details of all component parts of individual water
supply and sewage disposal systems shall clearly indicate material,
equipment and construction. Extra sheets and drawings should be added
as necessary to fully explain the proposed installation.
Attachment 1: Example Plot Plan No. 1
Attachment 2: Example Plot Plan No. 2
Exh. C, Attachments 1 & 2 in PDF ONLY.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 1
I. PURPOSE: This Exhibit prescribes thermal performance construction
standards to be used in all housing loan and grant programs. These
requirements shall supersede the thermal performance requirements in any of
the development standards in § 1924.4(h) of this subpart.
II. POLICY: All loan or grant applications involving new construction
(except for new Single Family Housing (SFH)) and all applications for
conditional commitments (except for new SFH) shall have drawings and
specifications prepared to comply with paragraphs IV A or C and IV D of this
Exhibit. All new SFH construction shall have drawing and specifications
prepared to comply with paragraph IV F of this Exhibit.
A. British thermal unit (Btu) means the quantity of heat required to
raise the temperature of one pound (.4535 KM.) of water by one degree
Fahrenheit (F). For example, one Btu is the amount of heat needed
to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 59 degrees F to 60
degrees F.
B. Glazing is the material set into a sash or door when used as a
natural light source and/or for occupant's views of the outdoors.
C. “R” value, thermal resistance, is a unit of measure of the ability to
resist heat flow. The higher the R value, the higher the insulating
D. “U” value is the overall coefficient of heat transmission and is the
combined thermal value of all the materials in a building section. U is
the reciprocal of R. Thus U = 1/R or R = 1/U or 1/C where C is the
thermal conductance and is the unit of measure of the rate of heat flow
for the actual thickness of a material one square foot in area at a
temperature of one degree Fahrenheit. The lower the U value, the higher
the insulating ability.
E. Winter degree-day is a unit based on temperature difference
and time. For any one day, when the mean temperature is less than
65 degrees F (18.3 degrees Celsius), there are as many degree-days as
the number of degrees difference between the mean temperature for the
day and 65 degrees F. The daily mean temperature is computed as half
the total of the daily maximum and daily minimum temperatures.
(12-19-07) PN 416
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 2
F. CABO MODEL ENERGY CODE, 1992 EDITION (MEC-92) - This code sets forth
the minimum energy/thermal requirements for the design of new buildings
and structures or portions thereof and additions to existing buildings.
The MEC is maintained by the Council of American Building Officials
A. All multifamily dwellings to be constructed with Rural Development
loan and/or grant funds and all repair, remodeling, or renovation work
performed on single family and multifamily dwellings with Rural
Development loan and/or grant funds shall be in conformance with the
following, except as provided in paragraphs IV C 3 and IV D of this
Days Ceilings Walls Floors Glazing Doors
(Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5)
less .05 .08 .08 1.13 ----
2500 .04 .07 .07 .69 ----
2501 Storm door if
to hollow core door
4500 .03 .05
.05 .69 if over 25% glass
6000 .03 .05 .05 .47 Storm Door
more .026 .05 .05 .47 Storm Door
(U values are not adjusted for framing. Values calculated for components may
be rounded. For example, a total R Value of 18.88 converts to a U value of
.0529 rounded to .05)
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 3
Note 1. Winter degree-days may be obtained from the ASHRAE Handbook; the
"NAHB insulation Manual for Homes/Apartments"; local utilities; and the
National Climatic Center, Federal Building, Asheville, NC. Manuals are
available from NAHB RF, Rockville, MD 20850, or NMWIA, 382 Springfield Avenue,
Summit, NJ 07901. Other sources of degree day data may be used if available
from a recognized authority.
Note 2. Insulation must be continuous (i.e. no gaps) above all ceiling
joists. In pitched roof construction, compression of insulation at the
outside building walls is permitted to allow a 1" ventilation space under the
roof sheathing. For any loose fill insulation, a baffle must be provided.
Raised trusses are not required.
Note 3. For floors of heated spaces over unheated basements, unheated garages
or unheated crawl spaces, the U value of floor section shall not exceed the
value shown. A basement, crawl space, or garage shall be considered unheated
unless it is provided with a positive heat supply to maintain a minimum
temperature of 50 degrees F. Positive heat supply is defined by ASHRAE as
heat supplied to a space by design or by heat losses occurring from energy-
consuming systems or components associated with that space."
Where the walls of an unheated basement or crawl space are insulated
in lieu of floor insulation, the total heat loss attributed to the floor from
the heated area shall not exceed the heat loss calculated for floors with
required insulation.
Insulation may be omitted from floors over heated basement areas or
heated crawl spaces if foundation walls are insulated. The U value of
foundation wall sections shall not exceed the value shown. This requirement
shall include all foundation wall area, including header joist (band joist),
to a point 50 percent of the distance from a finish grade to the basement
floor level. Equivalent Uo configurations are acceptable.
Winter Degree Days Maximum U Value Glazing*
(65 F Base)
2500 or less No requirement 1.13
2501 to 4500 0.17 1.13
4501 or more 0.10 0.69
(12-19-07) PN 416
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 4
*Glazing in heated basement shall be limited to 5 percent of floor area
unless alternative Uo combination is documented.
Note 4. Sliding glass doors are considered as glazing. The glazing value is
for glass only. Glazing shall be limited to 15 percent of the gross area of
all exterior walls enclosing heated space, except when demonstrated that the
winter daily solar heat gain exceeds the heat loss and the glass area is
properly screened from summer solar heat gain.
Note 5. 1-3/4 inch metal-faced door systems with rigid insulation core and
durable weatherstripping providing a "U" value equivalent to a wood door with
storm door and an infiltration rate no greater than .50 cfm per foot of crack
length tested according to ASTM E-283 at 1.567 psf of air pressure, may be
substituted for a conventional door and storm door. All doors shall be
weatherstripped. Any glazed areas must be double-glazed.
Winter Degree-Days Minimum R Values*
(65 F Base) Heated Slab Unheated Slab
500 or less 2.8 ----
1000 3.5 ----
2000 4.0 2.5
3000 4.8 2.8
4000 5.5 3.5
5000 6.3 4.2
6000 7.0 4.8
7000 7.8 5.5
8000 8.5 6.2
9000 9.2 6.8
10000 or greater 10.0 7.5
*For increments between degree days shown, R values may be interpolated.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 5
B. [Reserved]
C. Optional Standards. Housing design not in compliance with the
requirements of paragraph IV A of this Exhibit may be approved in
accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. Requests for
acceptance proposed under paragraph C 1 below, must be approved by the
State Director. Requests for acceptance of site-built housing proposed
under paragraph C 2 must be approved by the Administrator. Requests for
acceptance of manufactured housing proposed under paragraph C 2 may be
approved by the State Director. All submissions of proposed options to
the State Director or Administrator shall contain complete descriptions
of materials, engineering data, test data (when U values claimed are
lower than the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals), and calculations to
document the validity of the proposal. All data and calculations will
be based upon the current edition of the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals
or other universally accepted data sources.
1. Overall "U" values for envelope components. The following
requirements shall be used in determining acceptable options to the
requirements of paragraph IV A of this Exhibit.
a. Uo (gross wall) - Total exterior wall area (opaque wall and
window and door) shall have a combined thermal transmittance
value (Uo value) not to exceed the values shown in Attachment 1
to this Exhibit D (available in any Rural Development office).
Equation 1 in Attachment 1 in shall be used to determine
acceptable combinations to meet the requirements.
b. Uo (gross ceiling) - Total ceiling area (opaque ceiling and
skylights) shall have a combined thermal transmittance value
(Uo value) not to exceed the values shown in Attachment 2 to
this Exhibit D (available in any Rural Development office).
Equation 2 in Attachment 2 shall be used to determine
acceptable combinations to meet the requirements.
2. Overall structure performance. The following requirements shall
be used in determining acceptable options to the requirements of
paragraph IV A of this Exhibit.
a. The methodology must be cost effective to the energy user,
and must not adversely affect the structural capacity,
durability or safety aspects of the structure.
b. All data and calculations must show valid performance
comparisons between the proposed option and a structure
(12-19-07) PN 416
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 6
comparable in size, configuration, orientation and occupant
usage designed in accordance with paragraph IV A. Structures
may be considered for Rural Development loan consideration
which can be shown by accepted engineering practice to have
energy consumption equal to or less than those which would be
attained in a representative structure utilizing the
requirements of paragraph IV A.
3. Special consideration for seasonally occupied farm labor
housing. The following sets forth the minimum acceptable options to
the requirements of paragraph IV A of this Exhibit for seasonally
occupied housing serving as security for farm labor housing loans
and grants.
a. When the period of occupancy does not encounter 500 or more
heating degree-days (HDD) as determined by an average of the
previous 10 years based upon local climatological data
published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Environmental Data Service, the standards of
paragraph IV A will not apply.
b. When the period of use exceeds 500 HDD, the 10-year average
value for the period of occupancy shall be used to determine
the degree to which the thermal insulation requirements of
paragraph IV A shall apply.
c. If mechanical cooling is provided and the period of
occupancy encounters more than 700 cooling degree-days (CDD),
as determined by an average of the previous 8 years based upon
local climatological data published by the same source cited in
paragraph IV C 3 a above, the thermal insulation requirements
for 1,000 and less degree-days as stated in paragraph IV A
shall apply.
D. Energy efficient construction practices. This section prescribes
those items of design and quality control which are necessary to
guarantee the energy efficiency of homes built according to the
standards of this Exhibit. Also included are recommendations for extra
energy efficiency in dwellings. This section does not apply to new SFH
1. Infiltration.
a. Requirements: All construction shall be performed in such
a manner as to provide a building envelope free of excessive
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 7
(i) Caulking and sealants. Exterior joints around
windows and door frames, between wall cavities and window
or door frames, between wall and foundation, between wall
and roof, between wall panels, at penetrations of utility
services through walls, floors and roofs, and all other
openings in the exterior envelope shall be caulked,
gasketed, weatherstripped, or otherwise sealed. Caulking
shall be silicone rubber base or butyl rubber base,
conforming to Federal Specifications TT-S-1543 and TT-S-
1657 respectively, or materials demonstrating equivalent
performance in resilience and durability.
(ii) Windows shall comply with ANSI 134.1, NWMA 15-2; the
air infiltration rate shall not exceed 0.5 ft 3/min per
ft. of sash crack.
(iii) Sliding glass doors shall comply with ANSI 134.2,
NWMA 15-3; the air infiltration rate shall not exceed .5
ft 3/min per square ft. of door area.
(iv) All insulation placed in open cavity walls shall be
installed so that all space behind electrical switches and
receptacles, plumbing, ductwork and other obstructions in
the cavity are insulated as completely as possible.
Insulation shall be omitted on the side facing the
conditioned area; however, the vapor barrier in walls must
not be cut or destroyed.
(i) Wrap outside corners of wall sheathing with
15 lb. Asphalt impregnated building felt before siding
(ii) Utilize vestibules for entry doors, especially those
facing into the direction of winter wind.
(iii) Install plumbing, mechanical and electrical
components in interior partitions as much as possible.
All water piping should be insulated from freezing
(12-19-07) PN 416
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 8
2. Heating and/or Cooling Equipment.
a. Requirements: All mechanical equipment for heating and/or
cooling habitable space shall be designed to provide economy of
(i) All space heating equipment (including fireplaces)
requiring combustion air shall be sealed combustion types,
or be located in a nonconditioned area (such as heated
basements) or adequate combustion air must be provided
from outside the conditioned space.
(ii) All ductwork shall be designed and installed to
minimize leakage. All metal to metal connections shall be
mechanically joined and taped.
b. Recommendations:
(i) Whenever possible, locate ductwork inside of
conditioned areas in dropped ceilings, interior partitions
or other similar areas.
(ii) Locate outside cooling units in areas not subject to
direct sunlight or heat buildup.
3. Vapor Barrier.
a. Requirements: Adequate vapor barriers must be provided
adjacent to the interior finish material of the wall or other
closed envelope components which do not have ventilation space
on the nonconditioned side of the insulation.
(i) A vapor barrier at the inside of the wall or other
closed envelope component must have a permeability (perm)
rating less than that of any other material in that
component and in no case have a perm rating greater than
one. All vapor barriers must be sealed around all
openings in the interior surface. Vapor barriers are not
required in ceilings and floors. Continuous vapor
barriers on ceilings, walls, and floors require adequate
moisture vapor control in the conditioned space.
(ii) All vapor producing or exhaust equipment shall be
ducted to the outside and equipped with dampers. This
equipment includes rangehoods, bathroom exhaust fans, and
clothes dryers. If a dwelling design proposes the use of
windows to satisfy the kitchen and/or bathroom
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 9
requirements of the development standards, the
incorporation of dehumidification equipment should be
considered in accordance with paragraph IV D 3 b.
Exhaust of any equipment shall not terminate in an attic
or crawl space.
b. Recommendation: Forced air heating/cooling systems should
include humidification/dehumidification systems where conditions
E. [Reserved]
F. New SFH construction. New SFH construction shall meet the
requirements of CABO Model Energy Code, 1992 Edition (MEC-92).
G. New Manufactured Housing. The Uo Value Zone indicated on the
“Heating Certificate” for comfort heating shall be equal to or greater
than the HUD Zone listed in the following table:
RHS Climate Zones
(winter degree days)
Uo Value Zones
1001 - 2500
2501 - 4500
4501 - 6000
> 6000
EXAMPLE: If a manufactured home is to be located in a geographic area
having between 2501 and 4500 RHS winter degree days, the Agency will
accept a Uo value Zone 2 unit or Zone 3 unit constructed to the HUD
Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard (FMHCSS).
If a central air conditioning system is provided by the home
manufacturer a “Comfort Cooling Certificate” must be permanently affixed
to an interior surface of the unit that is readily visible. This
certificate may be combined with the heating certificate on the data
(12-19-07) PN 416
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit D
Page 10
A. Orient homes with greatest glass area facing south with adequate
overhangs to control solar gain during non-heating periods. Examples of
proper roof overhangs are given in Attachment 3 to this Exhibit D
(available in any Rural Development office).
B. Arrange plantings with evergreen wind buffers on north side and
deciduous trees on south.
C. Whenever possible, orient entry door away from winter winds.
D. Design house with simple shape to minimize exterior wall area.
E. Minimize glass areas within constraints of required light and
ventilation, applicable safety codes, and other appropriate
F. Minimize the amount of paved surface adjacent to the structure where
heat gain is not desirable.
VI. STATE SUPPLEMENTS: State supplements or policy will not be issued or
adopted to either supplement or set requirements different from those of
this Exhibit without the prior written approval of the National Office.
1924-A, Exhibit D, Attachments 1, 2, & 3 in PDF ONLY.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit E
The following documents address the health and safety aspects of buildings and
related structures and are voluntary national model building codes as defined
in §1924.4 (h) (2) of this subpart. Copies of these documents may be obtained
as indicated below:
BOCA BASIC/National BOCA Basic/National BOCA Basic/National National
Building Code (1) Plumbing Code (1) Mechanical Code (1) Electrical
Code (5)
Standard Building
Code (2)
Standard Plumbing
Code (2)
Standard Mechanical
Code (2)
Uniform Building
Code (3)
Uniform Plumbing
Code (3)
Uniform Mechanical
Code (3)
CABO One and Two
Family Dwelling
Code (4)
(1) Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.
4051 WEst Flossmoor Road
Country Club Hills, Illinois 60477
(2) Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc.
900 Montclair Road
Birmingham, Alabama 35213-1206
(3) International Conference of Building Officials
5360 South Workman Mill Road
Whittier, California 90601
(4) Council of American Building Officials
5203 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, Virginia 22041
(5) National Fire Protection Association
Batterymarch Park
Quincy, Massachusetts 02269
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit F
Page 1
(Name of Contractor)
(Address of Contractor)
a ______________________________________, hereinafter called PRINCIPAL and
(Corporation, Partnership or Individual)
(Name of Surety)
hereinafter called SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto ________________
(Name of Owner)
(Address of Owner)
hereinafter called OWNER and the United States of America acting through Rural
Development hereinafter referred to as GOVERNMENT, and unto all persons,
firms, and corporations who or which may furnish labor, or who furnish
materials to perform as described under the contract and to their successors
and assigns in the total aggregate penal sum of ________,
__________________________________________ Dollars ($____________________) in
lawful money of the United States, for the payment or which sum well and truly
to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators,
successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
THE CONDITION DF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the PRINCIPAL entered
into a certain contract with the OWNER, dated the ________________ day of
__________19__, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for
the construction of:
NOW, THEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shall properly make payment to all persons,
firms, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the
prosecution of the WORK provided for in such contract, and any authorized
extension or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials,
lubricants, oil, gasoline, coal and coke, repairs on machinery;, equipment and
tools, consumed or used in connection with the construction of such WORK, and
for all labor cost incurred in such WORK including that by a SUBCONTRACTOR,
and to any mechanic or materialman lienholder whether it acquires its lien by
operation of State or Federal law; then this obligation shall be void,
otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit F
Page 2
PROVIDED, that beneficiaries or claimants hereunder shall be limited to the
SUBCONTRACTORS, and persons, firms, and corporations having a direct contract
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said SURETY for value received hereby stipulates
and agrees that no change, extension of the, alteration or addition to the
terms of the contract or to the WORK to be performed thereunder or the
SPECIFICATIONS accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on
this BOND, and in does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of
time, alteration or addition to the terms of this contract or to the WORK or
PROVIDE, FURTHER, that no suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any
claimant: (a) Unless claimant, other than one having a direct contract with
the PRINCIPAL (or with the GOVERNMENT in the event the GOVERNMENT is
performing the obligations of the OWNER), shall have given written notice to
any two of the following: The PRINCIPAL, the OWNER, or the SURETY above named
within ninety (90) days after such claimant did or Performed the last of the
work or labor, or furnished the last of the materials for which said claim is
made, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the
party to whom the materials were furnished, or for whom the work or labor was
done or performed. Such notice shall be served by mailing the same by
register mail or certified mail, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to
the PRINCIPAL, OWNER, or SURETY, at any place where an office is regularly
maintained for the transaction of business, or served in any manner in which
legal process may be served in the state in which the aforesaid project is
located, save that such service need not be made by a public officer. (b)
After the expiration of one (1) year following the date of which PRINCIPAL
ceased work on said CONTRACT, it being understood, however, that if any
limitation embodied in the BOND is prohibited by any law controlling the
construction hereof, such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be
equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that it is expressly agreed that this BOND shall be deemed
amended automatically and immediately, without formal and separate amendments
hereto, upon amendment to the Contract not increasing the contract price more
than 20 percent, so as to bind the PRINCIPAL and the SURETY to the full and
faithful performance of the Contract as so amended. The term "Amendment",
wherever used in this BOND and whether referring to this BOND, the contract or
the loan Documents shall include any alteration, addition, extension or
modification of any character whatsoever.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER or GOVERNMENT
and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose
claim may be unsatisfied.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit F
Page 3
IN WITNESS THEREOF, this instrument is executed in ________ Counterparts,
each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the _____ day of
ATTEST: _________________________________
(Principal) Secretary
(SEAL) By _________________________(s)
______________________________________ ________________________________
Witness as to Principal
______________________________________ ________________________________
Witness as to Surety
By ____________________________
______________________________________ ________________________________
(Address) (Address)
______________________________________ ________________________________
NOTE: Date of BOND must not be prior to date of Contract.
If CONTRACTOR is partnership, all partners should execute BOND.
IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing BONDS must appear on the Treasury
Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to
transact business in the state where the project is located.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit G
Page 1
(Name or Contractor)
(Address or Contractor)
a _____________________________________, hereinafter called PRINCIPAL, and
(Corporation, Partnership, or Individual)
(Name of Surety)
(Address of Surety)
hereinafter called SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto ___________________
(Name of Owner)
(Address of Owner)
hereinafter called OWNER, and the United States of America acting through
Rural Development hereinafter referred to as the GOVERNMENT in the total
aggregate penal sum of
_____________________________ Dollars ($ ______________________) in lawful
money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be
made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and
assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the PRINCIPAL entered
into a certain contract with the OWNER, dated the _____________ day of _____
19 , a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the
construction of:
NOW, THEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shall well, truly and faithfully perform its
duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of
said contract during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof
which may be granted by the OWNER, or GOVERNMENT, with or without notice to
the SURETY and during the guaranty period and if the PRINCIPAL shall satisfy
(05-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit G
Page 2
all claims and demands incurred under such contract, and shall fully indemnify
and save harmless the OWNER and GOVERNMENT from all costs and damages which it
may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the
OWNER and GOVERNMENT all outlay and expense which the OWNER and GOVERNMENT may
incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void,
otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the liability of the PRINCIPAL AND SURETY hereunder to
the GOVERNMENT shall be subject to the same limitations and defenses as maybe,
Available to then against a claim hereunder by the OWNER, provided, however,
that the GOVERNMENT may, at its option, perform any obligations of the OWNER
required by the contract.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said SURETY, for value received hereby, stipulates
and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the
terms of the contract or to WORK to be performed thereunder or the
SPECIFICATIONS accompanying same shall in any way affect its obligation on
this BOND, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of
time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the WORK or to
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that it is expressly agreed that the BOND shall be deemed
amended automatically and immediately, without formal and separate amendments
hereto, upon amendment to the Contract not increasing the contract price more
than 20 percent, so as to bind the PRINCIPAL and the SURETY to the full and
faithful performance of the CONTRACT as so amended. The term "Amendment",
wherever used in this BOND, and whether referring to this BOND, the Contract
or the Loan Documents shall include any alteration, addition, extension, or
modification of any character whatsoever.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER or GOVERNMENT
and the PRINCIPAL shall abridge the right of the other beneficiary hereunder,
whose claim may be unsatisfied. The OWNER and GOVERNMENT are the only
beneficiaries hereunder.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit G
Page 3
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in ________ counterparts,
each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the ______ day of
ATTEST: _________________________________
(Principal) Secretary
(SEAL) By _________________________(s)
__________________________________ _______________________________
Witness as to Principal
___________________________________ _______________________________
Witness as to Surety
___________________________________ _______________________________
(Address) (Address)
___________________________________ _______________________________
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit H
Page 1
I. PURPOSE: This Exhibit prescribes the methods to be used to comply with
the requirements of the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, Public law
91-695, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 4801 et seq.) and the amendment to Section 501
(3) of Public law 91-695 (42 U.S.C. 4841 (3)) as amended by the National
Consumer Health Information and Health Promotion Act of 1976, Public Law
II. POLICY: Rural Development shall not permit the use of lead-based paint
on applicable surfaces of any housing or buildings purchased, repaired, or
rehabilitated for human habitation with financial assistance provided by this
agency. Paints used on applicable surfaces shall not contain more than 0.06
percent lead by weight calculated as lead metal in the total nonvolatile
content of liquid paints or in the dried film of paint already applied.
A. Housing and buildings mean any house, apartment, or structure
intended for human habitation. This includes any institutional
structure where persons reside, such as an orphanage, boarding school,
dormitory, day care center or extended care facility, college housing,
domestic or migratory labor housing, hospitals, group practice
facilities, community facilities, and business or industrial facilities.
B. Applicable surfaces means all interior surfaces, whether accessible
or not, and those exterior surfaces which are readily accessible to
children under 7 years of age, such as stairs, decks, porches, railings,
windows, and doors.
C. Lead-based paint means any paint containing more than .5 of 1
percentum lead by weight, or with respect to paint manufactured after
June 22. 1977, lead-based paint containing more than six one-hundredths
of 1 percentum lead by weight.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit H
Page 2
A. All new housing and buildings shall comply with paragraph II of this
Exhibit H.
B. For all existing housing and buildings built after 1950, on which a
loan is closed after July 19, 1978, Rural Development requires that the
applicant, borrower or tenant be notified of the potential hazard of
leadbased paints, of the symptoms and treatment of lead poisoning, and
of the importance and availability of maintenance and removal techniques
for eliminating such hazards. This will be accomplished by providing
each applicant, borrower and/or tenant with a copy of Attachment 1 to
this Exhibit H, "Lead-based Paint Hazards, Symptoms, Treatment and
Techniques for Eliminating Hazards," available in any Rural Development
County Office. Copies of Attachment 1 may be obtained by the County
Supervisor from the Finance Office, 1520 Market Street, St. Louis, MO.
C. For all existing housing or buildings built before 1950 on which a
loan is closed after July 19, 1978, Rural Development requires that the
applicant, borrower and/or tenant be notified as in paragraph IV B and a
copy of Attachment 2 to this Exhibit H, "Caution Note on lead-Based
Paint Hazard," available in any Rural Development County Office, shall
be delivered to the hands of the applicant, borrower and/or tenant.
D. For all property transfers and inventory property sales, Attachments
1 and 2 to this Exhibit H (available in any Rural Development office)
shall be handed to the purchaser by the Rural Development
E. All inventory housing or buildings built before 1950 to be repaired,
renovated, or rehabilitated shall have tests for lead content, and where
found to be hazardous, shall have any interior lead-based paint removed
entirely. Loose or cracked surfaces shall be cleaned down to the base
surface before repainting with a paint containing not more than six one-
hundredths of 1 percentum lead by weight in the total nonvolatile
content of the paint or the equivalent measure of lead in the dried film
of paint already applied or both. Contracting officers shall include
the following provision prohibiting the use of lead-based paint in all
contracts and subcontracts for construction or rehabilitation of housing
or buildings:
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit H
Page 3
No lead-based paint containing more than .5 of 1 percentum lead by weight
(calculated as lead metal) in the total nonvolatile content of the paint, or
the equivalent measure of lead in the dried film of paint already applied, or
both, or with respect to paint manufactured after June 22, 1977, no lead-based
paint containing more than .06 of 1 percentum lead by weight (calculated as
lead metal) in the total nonvolatile content of the paint, or the equivalent
measure of lead in the dried film of paint already applied, or both, shall be
used in the construction or rehabilitation of residential structures under
this contract or any subsequent subcontractors.
Authority: This amendment is made under provisions of 5 USC 301, 40 USC 486
Done at ____________, ______________________________ this _________
day of ________________________, 19____.
Rural Development Representative
V SUMMARY: Section 401 of the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act as
amended by the National Consumer Health Information and Health Promotion Act
of 1976, PL 94-317, provides a requirement that each federal agency issue
regulations and to take such other steps necessary to prohibit the use of
leadbased paint on all applicable surfaces in Federal and Federally-assisted
construction or rehabilitation of residential structures. The Lead-Based
Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, PL 91-695, January 13, 1971, provides for
grants to units of general local government in any state for the purpose of
detecting and treating incidents of lead-based paint poisoning. Title II of
this Act also provides for grants to the same units to identify those area of
risk including testing to detect the presence of lead-based paint on surfaces
of residential housing.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit H
Attachment 1
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Rural Development
Notice to Purchasers and Renters of Housing Constructed
Before 1978
Warning - Lead-Based Paint Hazards
If the home you intend to purchase or rent was built before 1978, it may
contain lead-based paint. About three out of every four pre-1978 buildings
have lead-based paint.
Lead poisoning means having high concentrations of lead in the body. LEAD
o Cause major health problems, especially in children
under 7 years old.
o Damage a child's brain, nervous system, kidneys,
hearing, or coordination.
o Affect learning.
o Cause behavior problems, blindness, and even death.
o Cause problems in pregnancy and affect a baby's normal
Anyone can get lead poisoning, but children under 7 years old are at the
greatest risk, because their bodies are not fully grown and are easily
damaged. The risk is worse if the child:
o Lives in the older home (built/constructed before 1978,
and even more so before 1960).
o Does not eat regular meals (an empty stomach accepts
lead more easily).
o Does not eat enough foods with iron or calcium.
o Has parents who work in lead-related jobs.
o Has played in the same places as brothers, sisters, and
friends who have been lead poisoned. (Lead poison
cannot be spread from person to person. It comes from
contact with lead.)
Women of childbearing age are also at risk, because lead poisoning can cause
miscarriages, premature births, and the poison can be passed onto their unborn
(05-04-94) PN 223
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit H
Attachment 1
Page 2
The lead hazards that children most often touch are lead dust, leaded soil,
loose chips and chewable surfaces painted with lead-based paint. A child may
be harmed when it puts into its mouth, toys, pacifiers, or hands that have
leaded soil or lead dust on them. Lead also comes from:
o Moving parts of windows and doors that can make lead
dust and chips.
o Lead-based paint on windows, doors, wood trim, walls and
cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms, on porches, stairs,
railings, fire escapes, and lamp posts.
o Soil next to exterior of buildings that have been
painted with lead-based paint and leaded gasoline dust
in soil near busy streets.
o Drinking water (pipes and solder).
o Parents who may bring lead dust home from work on skin,
clothes, and hair.
o Colored newsprint and car batteries.
o Highly glazed pottery and cookware from other countries.
o Removing old paint when refinishing furniture.
In recent years some uses of lead in products that could cause lead poisoning
have been reduced or banned. This is true for lead in gasoline, lead in
solder used in water pipes, and lead in paint. Still, a great deal of lead
remains in and around older homes, and lead-based paint and accompanying lead
dust are seen as the major source.
Is your child:
o Cranky? o Unable to concentrate?
o Vomiting? o Hyperactive?
o Tired? o Playing with children who
o Unwilling to eat or play? have these symptoms?
o Complaining of stomach
aches or headaches?
These can be signs of lead poisoning. However, your children might not show
these signs and yet be poisoned; only your clinic or doctor can test for sure.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit H
Attachment 1
Page 3
Your child should first be tested for lead in the blood between the age of 6
months and 1 year. Ask the clinic or your doctor to perform the test during a
regular checkup. Your doctor will tell you how often you should have your
child tested after that. A small amount of lead in the blood may not make
your child seem very sick, but it can affect how well he or she can learn. If
your child does have high amounts of lead in the blood, you should seek
treatment and have your home tested for lead-based paint and lead dust.
Rural Development inspection does not determine whether a home actually has
lead-based paint. It only identifies whether there is defective paint in a
home that might have lead-based paint. Therefore, the only way you can know
for sure is to have the home tested by a qualified firm or laboratory. Both
the interior and exterior should be tested. You should contact the local
health or environmental office for help.
Do not try to get rid of lead-based paint yourself. You could make things
worse for you and your family. If your home contains lead-based paint and you
are the owner, contact a company that specializes in lead-based paint
abatement. Have professionals do the job correctly and safely. This may cost
thousands of dollars, depending on the amount of lead-based paint found in
your home, but it will also protect you and your children from the effects of
lead poisoning. If you are a renter, notify the management or landlord
immediately and cooperate with the management's office or landlord's efforts
to repair any deficiencies and keep your home in good shape. To prevent
peeling paint, most housing should be repainted every 3 to 5 years. If your
home has not been repainted within this period of time, inform the management
office or landlord. In the meantime, there are things you can do immediately
to protect your child:
o Keep your child away from paint chips and dust.
o Wet-mop floors and wipe down surfaces often, especially
where the floors and walls meet. Be sure to clean the
space where the window sash rests on the sill. Keeping
the floor clear of paint chips, dust, and dirt is easy
and very important. Do not sweep or vacuum lead-based
paint chips or dust with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.
Lead dust is so fine it will pass through a vacuum
cleaner bag and spread into the air you breathe.
o Make sure your children wash their hands frequently and
always before eating.
o Wash toys, teething rings, and pacifiers frequently.
(05-04-94) PN 223
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit H
Attachment 2
For all existing housing or buildings constructed before 1978, Rural
Development requires that the applicant, borrower, or tenant be notified of a
potential lead-based paint hazard by delivering to them a copy of the caution
note provided below.
There is a possibility that it may contain some lead-based paint that was in
use before 1978.
Attachment 1 to Exhibit H of RD Instruction 1924-A,
for more information.
There is a possibility that it may contain some lead-based paint that was in
use before 1978.
Attachment 1 to Exhibit H of RD Instruction 1924-A,
for more information.
There is a possibility that it may contain some lead-based paint that was in
use before 1978.
Attachment 1 to Exhibit H of RD Instruction 1924-A,
for more information.
(Cut along lines)
(05-04-94) PN 223
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 1
(Revision 3)
GENERAL - This Exhibit sets forth the guidelines and minimum standards for
planning and construction of new Labor Housing (LH) that will be
occupied on a seasonal basis. Rehabilitation LH projects will be in
substantial conformance with these guidelines and standards. A
"seasonal basis" is defined as 6 months or less per year. Seasonal
housing for the farmworker need not be convertible to year-round
occupancy; however, the living units shall be designed for the
intended type of tenant, the time of occupancy, the location, the
specific site, and the planned method of operation. It is important
that the design of the LH site and buildings will help to create a
pleasing lifestyle which will promote human dignity and pride among
its tenants.
CODES AND REGULATIONS - Compliance is required with National, state and
local codes or regulators affecting design, construction,
mechanical, electrical, fire prevention, sanitation, and site
300-1 Complete architectural/engineering services in accordance with
this subpart will be required if an LH grant is involved or the LH
loan will involve more than four individual family units, or any
number of group living units, or dormitory units accommodating 20
or more persons.
300-2 Building and site design shall provide for a safe, secure,
economical, healthful, and attractive living facility and
environment suited to the needs of the domestic farm laborer and
his/her family.
300-3 At least 5 percent of the individual family units in a
project, or one unit, whichever is greater, and all common use
facilities will be accessible to or adaptable for physically
handicapped persons. This requirement may be modified if a
recipient/borrower shows, through a market survey acceptable to
Rural Development, that a different percentage of accessible or
adaptable units is more appropriate for a particular project and
its service area.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 2
(Revision 3)
301-1 General - The site design shall be arranged to utilize and
preserve the favorable features and characteristics of the
property and to avoid or minimize the potential harmful effect of
unfavorable features. Particular attention is directed to
§1944.164 (l), (m), and (n) of Subpart D of Part 1944 of this
chapter with reference to compliance with 7 CFR part 1970. Some
of the features which must be considered are the topography,
drainage, access, building orientation to sun and breezes; and
advantageous features, such as vegetation, trees, good views,
etc.; or disadvantageous features, such as offensive odors,
noxious plants, noise, dust, health hazards, etc. (Revised
04-01-2016, SPECIAL PN.)
301-2 Drainage - Surface and subsurface drainage systems will be
provided in accordance with the applicable development standard
and Subpart C of Part 1924 of this chapter.
(Revised 6-22-87, SPECIAL PN.)
301-3 Water and Sewage Disposal - Water supply and sewage disposal
installations shall comply with Subpart C of Part 1924 of this
chapter, the applicable development standard and all governing
state and local department of health requirements. Where
environmentally and economically feasible, the LH facility shall
correct to public water and waste disposal system. (Revised 6-22-
301-4 Electrical - Adequate electrical service shall be provided for
exterior and interior lighting and for the operation of equipment.
301-5 Vehicular Access and Parking
301-5.1 Safe and convenient all-weather roads shall be
provided to connect the site and its improvement to the
off-site public road.
301-5.2 All-weather drives and parking shall be provided for
tenants, and for trucks and buses as needed within the
site. Driveways, parking areas and walkway locations
shall be in substantial conformance with the applicable
development standard.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 2A
(Added 08-20-93, SPECIAL PN.)
301-6 Walks
301-6.1 Walks shall be provided for safe convenient access to
all dwellings and for safe pedestrian circulation
throughout the development between locations and
facilities where major need for pedestrian access can be
anticipated, such as laundry, parking to dwelling units,
common dining rooms, etc.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 3
301-6.2 Walkways shall be hard surface, such as concrete, asphalt or
stabilized travel, and shall be adequately drained.
301-7 Building location
301-7.1 Side and rear yards and distances between buildings shall
conform to the applicable development standard.
301-8 Garbage and Refuse
301-8.1 Garbage and refuse containers for individual units are required
and shall be stored on durable functional racks or shall be located in a
central screened area with easily cleaned surfaces. Single containers
for multiple units shall be screened and in locations designed to
accommodate collection vehicle functions.
301-9 Fencing
301-9.1 Fencing used in the site design for project privacy or building
security shall be harmonious in appearance with other fences and
surrounding facilities which fall within the same view.
301-10 Outdoor living
301-10.1 All public areas where pedestrian use can be anticipated after
sunset shall be adequately lighted for security purposes, such as
walkways to common use facilities - laundry, dining halls, building
entrances, parking areas, etc.
301-11 Planting and Landscaping
301-11.1 Planting and lawns or ground covers shall be provided as
required to protect the site from erosion, control dust, for active and
passive recreation areas, and provide a pleasant environment.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 4
302-1.1 Living Units Design
302-1.1 Individual Family Unit - One family or extended family to
a unit which shall contain adequate space for living, dining,
kitchen, bath and bedrooms. Multifamily type units are required
whenever possible for economy of site and building construction.
a. The minimum total net living unit size shall be 400 square
feet. This size assures occupancy of four persons. Units planned
for additional occupants shall include an additional 60 square feet
of living area per person.
b. A living/dining area shall be provided to accommodate a table
and chairs with adequate dining and circulation space for the
intended number of occupants. The living/dining area should be
combined with the kitchen area.
c. The kitchen shall contain a sink, cooking range and
refrigerator. A minimum free countertop area of six square feet is
required. A minimum of 40 square feet of shelf area is required.
d. Each bathroom shall contain adequate space and circulation for
a bathtub and/or shower, water closet and lavatory. Access to the
bathroom shall not be through another bedroom in dwelling units
containing more than one bedroom.
e. Bedroom areas separate from living areas are required. The
design of the unit shall provide a minimum of 50 square feet of
sleeping area per intended occupant including storage. Housing for
families with children shall have a separate bedroom or sleeping
area for the adult couples. A two foot by two foot shelf with a two
foot long clothes hanging rod is required for each occupant.
302-1.2 Group Living Unit - A living unit designed for the occupancy of
more than one family or for separate occupancy of male and/or female
groups. Common bath spaces shall be contained in the same building.
Group living units for families shall have separate bedrooms for each
adult couple.
a. The design of the unit shall provide for a minimum of 620
square feet of total net living area for eight persons and an
additional 60 square feet for each additional occupant.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 5
Additional area shall be planned for a second bathroom when
anticipated occupancy will exceed eight persons, or if it will be
occupied by persons of both sexes.
b. The kitchen shall contain an adequate sink, cooking range,
refrigerator, and space the size of which is commensurate with the
needs of the group living unit. A minimum of free countertop area
of eight square feet is required. A minimum of 50 square feet of
shelf area is required.
c. Refer to paragraph 302-1.1 b for living/dining requirements.
d. Each bathroom shall contain adequate space and circulation for
comfortable access to, and use of, fixtures which will include a
bathtub and/or shower, water closet and lavatory. In no case shall
minimum fixtures be less than that required per paragraph 302-1.3 c
e. Refer to paragraph 302-1.1 e for bedroom requirements.
302.1.3 Dormitory Living Unit - A building which provides common
sleeping quarters for persons of the same sex and may or may not contain
kitchen and/or dining facilities in the same building as the sleeping
a. The design of areas for sleeping purposes, using single beds,
shall provide for not less than 72 square feet per occupant
including storage.
b. The design of areas for sleeping purposes, using double bunk
beds, shall provide for not less than 40 square feet per occupant.
Triple bunk beds will not be allowed.
c. The design of each dormitory building must include a water
closet and a bathtub or shower for each 12 occupants, and a lavatory
for each 8 persons. Urinals may be substituted for men's water
closets on the basis of one urinal for one water closet, up to
maximum of one-third of the required water closets.
d. Adequate kitchen and dining facilities must be provided which
maybe in the dormitory building or detached at a distance of not
more than 200 feet from the sleeping quarters. In either case, the
space must contain adequate cooking ranges, refrigerators, sinks,
countertop, food storage shelves, tables and chairs, and circulation
space. These facilities will comply with the requirements of the
"Food Service Sanitation Ordinance and Code," Part V of the "Food
Service Sanitation Manual," U.S. Public Health Service Publication
934 (1965).
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 6
302-2 Other Facilities
302-2.1 General - Other facilities, authorized by Subpart D of Part
1944 of this chapter, needed by farm workers may be provided in
several ways: Part of a living unit, located in the project, or,
with the exception of laundry facilities, available nearby.
302-2.2 Laundry Facilities - Laundry facilities shall be required
on-site. Drying yards shall be provided if dryer units are not
provided. The design of washing facilities shall plan for a minimum
rate of one washer for each 20 occupants. One drying unit may be
provided for every two washers, if automatic dryers are customarily
provided for rental housing in the community. Laundry facilities
shall have adequate space for loading the units, circulation, and
clothes folding.
302-2.3 Office and Maintenance - An office and maintenance space
shall be provided or available, commensurate with the number of
living units served, and shall meet the criteria of the Rural
Development Manual of Acceptable Practices. If necessary, the
maintenance space shall have sufficient area to accommodate
furniture storage.
302-2.4 Child Care Center - Where feasible, a child care center may
be included to provide supervised activity and safety for children
while the parents work. Supervisors and workers for such centers
are sometimes enlisted on a volunteer basis and the cost borne by
nonprofit associations or community organizations. Grants are
sometimes available through Federal or state programs.
Consequently, the design of the child care center should meet the
requirements of those sources providing organizational personnel
and/or financing.
302-2.5 Manager's Dwelling - If a manager's dwelling unit is to be
provided as a part of the Rural Development loan or grant, it will
meet these guidelines. However, if it is necessary to provide a
year-round caretaker/manager dwelling unit with Rural Development
loan or grant funds, it will meet the applicable development
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 7
302-2.6 Recreation - Outdoor recreation space is required and shall
be commensurate with the needs of the occupants. Active and passive
recreation areas will be provided which may consist of outdoor
sitting areas, playfields, tor lots and play equipment.
303-1 Materials and Construction - All materials and their installation
in a LH facility shall meet the applicable development standard. Any
exceptions to these requirements for materials and their installation
must be obtained with the approval of the Rural Development National
Office. Material should be selected that is durable and easily cleaned
and maintained.
303-2 Fire Protection - Fire protection and egress shall be provided to
comply with the applicable development standard.
303-3 Light, Ventilation, Screening - Natural light and ventilation
requirements as specified in the applicable development standard shall
be followed. Screening of all exterior openings is required.
303-4 Ceiling Heights - Ceiling heights of habitable rooms shall be a
minimum of seven feet six inches clear, and seven feet in halls or baths
in dwelling units. Public rooms shall have a minimum of eight feet
clear ceiling height. Sloping ceilings shall have at least seven feet
six inches for 1/2 the room with no portion less than five feet in
303-5 Heating and Cooling - Heating and cooling and/or air circulation
equipment shall be installed as needed for the comfort of the tenants,
considering the climate and time of year the facility will be in
operation. Maximum feasible use of passive solar heating and cooling
techniques shall be required. All equipment installed will be in
accordance with the applicable development standard to protect the
health and safety of occupants.
303-6 Plumbing - Plumbing materials and their installation shall meet
the applicable development standard, but water will be required to all
living units, baths, kitchens and laundry facilities.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit I
Page 8
303-7 Insulation, Thermal Standards, Winterization - Insulation will be
required where either heating or cooling is provided as per paragraph
303-5 above or when climatic conditions dictate a need for insulation.
Insulation Standards will comply with Exhibit D, paragraph IV C 3, of
this subpart, or the state insulation standards, whichever are the more
303-8 Electrical - Electrical design, equipment and installation shall
comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the National
Electrical Code, and the applicable development standard for materials
and their installation. Individual family units may be separately
metered; other types of dwelling units may be separately metered as
303-9 Security and Winterization - Adequate management and physical
measures will be provided as necessary to protect the facility during
off-season periods, including adequate heating and insulation as
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Table of Contents
I. Purpose and Scope. 1
II. Background. 1
III. Definitions. 2
IV. Compliance with Local Regulations. 4
V. Applicable Standards, Regulations and Manuals. 4
I. General Acceptability Criteria. 5
II. Development on Scattered Sites and in Subdivisions. 7
A. General. 7
B. Site Planning and Development. 8
C. Foundation Systems, Anchoring and Set-up. 8
III. Rental Housing Project Development. 9
A. General. 9
B. Site Planning and Development. 9
C. Foundation Systems, Anchoring and Set-up. 9
IV. Accessory Structures and Related Facilities. 9
A. General. 9
B. Accessory Structures. 9
C. Related Facilities (Rental Housing Projects). 10
V. Fire Protection and Safety. 10
I. General. 11
II. Scattered Sites. 12
III. Subdivisions. 12
(12-18-86) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
IV. Rental Housing Projects. 12
V. Specifications. 12
I. General. 13
II. Inspections. 13
III. Warranty Plan Coverage. 13
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 1
(Revision 1)
I. Purpose and Scope. This Exhibit describes and identifies acceptable site
development, installation and set-up practices and concepts for manufactured
homes. It is intended for Rural Development field personnel, builders,
developers, sponsors, and others participating in Rural Development housing
This Exhibit applies to all manufactured homes (except those referenced in
Exhibit B of this subpart) on scattered sites or in rental projects and
subdivisions and covers the requirements for design and construction of
manufactured home communities. Rural Development may approve alternatives or
substitutes if it finds the proposed design satisfactory for the proposed use,
and if the materials, installation, device, arrangement, or method of work is
at least equivalent to that prescribed in this Exhibit considering quality,
strength, effectiveness, durability, safety and protection of life and health.
Rural Development will require satisfactory evidence to be submitted to
substantiate claims made regarding the use of any proposed alternative.
II. Background. Rural Development has authority to make (1) Section 502
Rural Housing (RH) loans with respect to manufactured homes and lots, and (2)
Section 515 Rural Rental Housing (RRH) loans with respect to manufactured home
rental projects.
The manufactured home must be constructed in conformance with the Federal
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard (FMHCSS) and be permanently
attached to a site-built permanent foundation which meets or exceeds the
Minimum Property Standards (MPS) for One- and Two-Family Dwellings or Model
Building Codes acceptable to Rural Development. The manufactured home must be
permanently attached to that foundation by anchoring devices adequate to
resist all loads identified in the MPS. This includes resistance to ground
movements, seismic shaking, potential shearing, overturning and uplift loads
caused by wind. Note that anchoring straps or cables affixed to ground
anchors other than footings will not meet these requirements.
7 CFR part 1970 applies on scattered sites, in subdivisions and rental
projects with regard to the development, installation and set-up of
manufactured homes. To determine the level of environmental analysis required
for a particular application, each manufactured home or lot involved will be
considered as equivalent to one housing unit or lot. Because the development,
installation and set-up of manufactured home communities, including scattered
sites, rental projects, and subdivisions, differ in some requirements from
conventional site and subdivision development, two of the purposes of this
exhibit are to: (Revised 04-01-2016, SPECIAL PN.)
(12-18-86) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 2
(Revision 1)
A. Encourage economical and orderly development of such communities and
nearby areas, and
B. Promote the safety and health of residents of such communities.
Therefore, this Exhibit identifies those required standards and regulations
and suggested guidelines for eliminating and preventing health and safety
hazards and promoting the economical and orderly development and utilization
of land for planning and development of manufactured home communities. The
Exhibit also provides the requirements for meeting the following:
A. Resistance to Wind. Foundations and anchorages shall be designed to
resist wind forces specified in American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) A-58.1-1982 for the geographic area in which the manufactured
home will be sited;
B. Proper Installation. The manufacturer's installation instructions
provided with each manufactured home shall contain instructions for at
least one site-built foundation with interior and/or perimeter supports.
Rural Development field office personnel shall review to determine its
adequacy as security for an Rural Development loan only, the foundation
design concept for compliance with this Exhibit, the Rural
Development/MPS and any Model Building Code acceptable to Rural
Development in that particular geographic area; and
C. Proper Foundation Design. Manufactured homes shall be installed on
a foundation system which is designed and constructed to sustain, within
allowable stress and settlement limitations, all applicable loads. Any
foundation and anchorage system or method of construction to be used
should be analyzed in accordance with well-established principles of
mechanics and structural engineering.
III. Definitions. For the purpose of this Exhibit the following definitions
Accessory Building or Structure. A subordinate building or structure which is
an addition to or supplements the facilities provided by a manufactured home.
Anchoring Systems. An approved system for securing the manufactured home to
the ground or foundation system that will, when properly designed and
installed, resist overturning and lateral movement of the home from wind
Contiguous. Sharing a boundary, adjoining or adjacent. A lot or subdivision
is considered to be contiguous to other lots or subdivisions if it is
adjoining, touching or adjacent.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 3
(Revision 2)
Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (FMHLSS). A 1976
federal standard, commonly known as the HUD Standard, for the construction,
design and performance of a manufactured home which meets the needs of the
public including the need for quality, durability and safety. Units
conforming to the FMHCSS are certified by an affixed label that reads as
Manufactured Home. A structure which is built to the Federal Manufactured
Home Construction and Safety Standards and Rural Development's thermal
requirements. It is transportable in one or more sections, which in the
traveling mode is ten body feet or more in width, and when erected on site is
four hundred or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent foundation
when connected to the required utilities. It is designed and constructed for
permanent occupancy by a single family and contains permanent eating, cooking,
sleeping and sanitary facilities. The plumbing, heating, and electrical
systems are contained in the structure.
Manufactured Home Community. A parcel or contiguous parcels of land which
contains two or more manufactured home sites available to the general public
for occupancy. Sites and units may be for rent, or sites may be sold for
residential occupancy (as in a subdivision).
Manufactured Home Rental Project. A parcel or multiple parcels of land which
have been so designated and improved to contain manufactured homes with sites
available for rent.
Manufactured Home Site. A designated parcel of land in a manufactured home
rental project, subdivision or scattered site designed for the accommodation
of a unit and its accessory structures for the exclusive use of the occupant.
Manufactured Home Subdivisions. Five or more contiguous (developed or
undeveloped) lots, or building sites that meet the requirements of Subpart C
of Part 1924 of this chapter. (Revised 6-22-87, SPECIAL PN.)
(12-18-86) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 4
(Revision 2)
Permanent Perimeter Enclosure. A permanent perimeter structural system
completely enclosing the space between the floor joist of the manufactured
home and the ground. If separate from the foundation system, the permanent
perimeter enclosure shall be secured to the perimeter of the manufactured
home, properly ventilated and accessible and constructed of materials that
conform to the Rural Development adopted MPS requirements for foundations.
Pier Support System. Consists of footings, piers, caps, leveling spacers, or
approved prefabricated load bearing devices.
Related Facilities. Any nonresidential structure or building used for rental
housing related purposes as defined in §1944.205 of Subpart t of Part 1944 of
this chapter. (Revised 2-25-88, SPECIAL PN)
Site-Built Permanent Foundation System. A foundation system (consisting of a
combination of footings, piers, caps and shims and anchoring devices or
required structural connections) which is designed and constructed to support
the unit and sustain, within allowable stress and settlement limitations, all
applicable loads specified in ANSI A58.1-1982. All loans shall be transferred
from the manufactured home to the earth at a depth below the established frost
line without exceeding the safe bearing capacity of the supporting soil.
Set-up. The work performed and operations involved in the placement of a
manufactured home on a foundation system, to include installation of
accessories or appurtenances and anchoring devices, and when local regulations
permit, connection of utilities, but excluding preparation of the site.
IV. Compliance with Local Regulations. These requirements do not replace
site development standards established by local law, ordinances, or
regulations. Whenever such local standards contain more stringent provisions
than any of the site development, installation and set-up minimums of Rural
Development, the more stringent standards shall govern.
V. Applicable Standards, Regulations and Manuals.
A. Manufactured housing to be financed by Rural Development must comply
with the following standards:
1. Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, 24
CFR Part 3280, mandated by Congress under Title VI of the Federal
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, except for §3280.506,
"Heat Loss," of Subpart F, "Thermal Protection," to Part 3280.
2. Foundation requirements of the Minimum Property Standards as
adopted by Rural Development or a Model Building Code acceptable to
Rural Development.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 5
(Revision 3)
3. [Reserved]
4. Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard (UFAS).
5. ANSI A58.1-1982, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
B. Manufactured housing to be financed by the Agency shall comply with
all applicable RD regulations, including but not limited to the following:
1. Subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter "Planning and Performing
Site Development Work." (Revised 6-22-87, SPECIAL PN.)
2. Subpart A of Part 1924, Exhibit D, Thermal Performance
Construction Standards.
3. 7 CFR part 1970. (Revised 04-01-2016, SPECIAL PN.)
4. 7 CFR part 3550, "Direct Single Family Housing Loans and
Grants." (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
5. Subpart E of Part 1944, "Rural Rental Housing Loan Policies,
Procedures, and Authorizations."
The requirements of the above references have not been repeated in this
Exhibit. Those requirements contained above are either mandatory or minimums
and every effort should be made by the applicant, builder-developer or dealer-
contractor to utilize higher standards, when appropriate.
I. General Acceptability Criteria. The following criteria apply to
development on scattered sites, in subdivisions and in rental project
A. A manufactured home development including a site, rental project or
subdivision shall be located on property designated for that use, where
designations exist, by the local jurisdiction.
B. Conditions of soil, ground water level, drainage, flooding and
topography shall not create hazards to the property and health or safety of
the residents.
(12-18-86) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 6
(Revision 3)
C. The finished grade elevation beneath the manufactured home or the
first floor elevation of the habitable space, whichever is lower, must be
above the 100-year flood elevation. This requirement applies wherever
manufactured homes may be installed, not just in locations designated by the
National Flood Insurance Program as areas of special flood hazards. The use
of fill to accomplish this is a last resort. As is stated in EO 11988 and 7
CFR part 1970, it is the Agency’s policy not to approve or fund any proposal
in a 100-year floodplain area unless there is no practicable alternative to
such a floodplain location. (Revised 04-01-2016, SPECIAL PN.)
D. Essential services such as employment centers, shopping, schools,
recreation areas, police and fire protection, and garbage and trash removal
shall be convenient to the development and any site, community, or subdivision
must comply with the environmental review requirements in accordance with 7
CFR part 1970. (Revised 04-01-2016, SPECIAL PN.)
E. Manufactured home sites, rental projects and subdivisions shall not
be subject to any adverse influences of adjacent land uses. An adverse
influence is considered as one that is out of the acceptable level or range of
a recognizable standard or where no standard exists is considered a nuisance
irrespective of a site being zoned for manufactured home use. Health, safety
and aesthetic consequences of location shall be carefully assessed by
inspection of the site prior to selection for development. Undesirable land
uses such as deteriorated residential or commercial areas and noxious
industrial properties shall be avoided to ensure compatibility. Other
undesirable elements such as heavily traveled highways, airport runways,
railroads, or fire hazards and other areas subject to recognizably intolerable
noise levels shall be avoided.
F. The requirements for streets shall be those found in subpart C of
Part 1924 of this chapter. (Revised 6-22-87, SPECIAL PN.)
G. The site design and development shall be in accordance with sound
engineering and architectural practices and shall provide for all utilities in
a manner which allows adequate, economic, safe, energy efficient and
dependable systems with sufficient easements for their required installation
and maintenance.
H. Utilities for each manufactured home site, rental housing project or
subdivision shall be designed and installed in accordance with subpart C of
Part 1924 of this chapter; and the State health authority having jurisdiction,
and all local laws and regulations requiring approval prior to construction.
(Revised 6-22-87, SPECIAL PN.)
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 6A
(Added 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN)
I. Exhibit C, Section V of this Subpart shall be complied with by the
applicant, dealer-contractor or builder-developer for manufactured home
projects with individual water supply and sewage disposal systems. This
Exhibit shall be used by the Rural Development, County Supervisors, District
Directors, and State Directors in reviewing submissions.
J. During the planning, design, and construction of the foundation
system and/or perimeter enclosure, provisions shall be made for the
installation and connection of on-site water, gas, electrical and sewer
systems, which are necessary for the normal operation of the manufactured
home. Water and sewer system hookups shall be adequately protected from
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 7
(Revision 3)
II. Development on Scattered Sites and in Subdivisions.
A. General. Scattered sites and subdivision developments will be
planned and constructed in accordance with specific requirements of this
subpart, subpart C of part 1924, and 7 CFR part 1970, and the applicable
Agency/MPS or Model Building Codes acceptable to the Agency. Manufactured
homes for development in a manufactured home community shall: (Revised
04-01-2016, SPECIAL PN.)
1. Be erected with or without a basement on a site-built permanent
foundation that meets or exceeds applicable requirements of the Rural
Development/MPS for One- and Two-Family Dwellings or Model Building
Codes acceptable to Rural Development;
2. Be permanently attached to that foundation by anchoring devices
adequate to resist all loads identified in the Rural Development adopted
MPS (this includes resistance to ground movements, seismic shaking,
potential shearing, overturning and uplift loads caused by wind, etc.);
3. Have had the towing hitch or running gear, which includes tongues,
axles, brakes, wheels, lights and other parts of the chassis that
operate only during transportation removed;
4. Have any crawl space beneath the manufactured home properly
ventilated and enclosed by a continuous permanent perimeter enclosure.
If it is not the supporting foundation, designed to resist all forces to
which it may be subject without transmitting to the building
superstructure movements or any effects caused by frost heave, soil
settlement (consolidation), or shrinking or swelling of expansive soils;
and be constructed of materials that conform to Rural Development
adopted MPS requirements for foundations;
5. Have the manufactured home insulated to meet the energy conserving
requirements contained in Exhibit D of this subpart;
6. Have a manufactured home site, site improvements, and all other
features of the mortgaged property not addressed by the Federal
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, meet or exceed
applicable requirements of this Subpart and Part 1924, Subpart C of this
chapter, the Rural Development adopted MPS except paragraph 311-2.2 or a
Model Building Code acceptable to Rural Development; (Revised 6-22-87,
7. Have had the manufactured unit itself braced and stiffened where
necessary before it leaves the factory to eliminate racking and
potential damage during transportation; and
8. Be eligible for financing in accordance with the requirements of
either Section 502, or Section 515 of Rural Development's Housing
Program, for which purpose the beginning of construction will be the
commencement of on-site work even though the manufactured home itself
may have been produced and temporarily stored prior to the date of
application for financing.
(12-18-86) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 8
(Revision 3)
B. Site Planning and Development. The site planning and development of
manufactured home scattered sites and subdivisions shall also comply with the
1. Arrangement of Structures and Facilities. The site, including the
manufactured home, accessory structures, and all site improvements shall
be harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, the
shape of the plot, and the shape, size and position of the unit.
Particular attention shall be paid to use, appearance and livability.
2. Adaptation to Site Assets. The manufactured home shall be fitted to
the terrain with a minimum disturbance of the land. Existing trees,
rock formations, and other natural site features shall be preserved to
the extent practical. Favorable views or outlooks shall be emphasized
by the plan.
3. Site Plan. The site plan shall provide for a desirable residential
environment which is an asset to the community in which it is located.
4. Lot Size. The size of manufactured home lots (scattered sites and
subdivisions) shall be determined by 7 CFR part 3550 and subpart C of
Part 1924 of this chapter. (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
C. Foundation Systems, Anchoring and Set-up.
1. The foundation system shall be constructed in accordance with this
subpart and one of the following: (a) the foundation system included in
the manufacturer's installation instructions meeting Rural
Development/MPS requirements, (b) the Rural Development/MPS 4900.1,
which specifies performance requirements for foundations in Section 600
"General" and paragraph 601-16 "Foundations," or (c) an Agency
recognized model building code.
2. The manufactured home permanent foundation system shall constitute a
permanent load bearing support system for the manufactured home. The
manufacturer or applicant shall be permitted to design or specify the
installation of a foundation system which meets Rural Development/MPS
design requirements for foundations and the general requirements above.
3. The applicant's responsibility for proper design and installation of
the permanent foundation system, anchoring and set-up shall he in
accordance with § 1924.5(f)(l) of this subpart.
4. The builder/developer of the manufactured home property, for
proposed construction, shall submit with the application
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 9
(Revision 3)
for financing by the applicant or for a conditional commitment design
calculations, details and drawings for the installation, anchorage and
construction of permanent foundation and perimeter enclosure to be used.
III. Rental Housing Project Development.
A. General. Manufactured housing rental developments shall be planned
and constructed in accordance with requirements of subpart C of part
1924; this subpart; 7 CFR part 1970; the Agency/MPS; and the
requirements of subpart E of part 1944 of this chapter. (Revised
04-01-2016, SPECIAL PN.)
B. Site Planning and Development. Site planning and development shall
adapt to individual site conditions and the type of market to be served,
reflect advances in site planning and development techniques, and be
adaptable to the trends in design of the manufactured home. Site
planning and development shall utilize existing terrain, trees, shrubs
and rock formations to the extent practicable. A regimental style site
plan design should be avoided.
C. Foundation Systems, Anchoring and Set-up. Foundation systems,
anchoring and set-ups for manufactured home rental projects (site and
home) developed under Rural Development Section 515 Rural Rental Housing
program shall comply with the requirements of paragraph II A and II C
IV. Accessory Structures and Related Facilities.
A. General. Accessory structures and related facilities are dependent
upon the manufactured home and its environment.
1. Accessory structures and related facilities shall be planned,
designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable
provisions of this subpart; the Rural Development/MPS; and local
criteria of the authority having jurisdiction.
2. Accessory structures and related facilities shall be designed in
a manner that will eliminate and prevent health and safety hazards
and enhance the appearance of the manufactured home and its
3. Accessory structures and related facilities shall not obstruct
required openings for light and ventilation of the manufactured home
and shall not hamper installation and utility connection of the
B. Accessory Structures.
1. Accessory structures shall not include spaces for pantries,
bath, toilets, laundries, closets or utility rooms.
(12-18-86) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 10
(Revision 3)
2. Accessory structures shall be carefully designed and constructed
for the convenience and comfort of the manufactured home occupant.
These features significantly affect the visual appearance of the
community and influence livability.
C. Related Facilities (Rental Housing Projects).
1. This includes those facilities as defined in Sections 1944.205
and 1944.212 (e) of Subpart E of Part 1944 of this chapter.
(Revised 2-25-88, SPECIAL PN)
2. Related facilities built on-site must meet the Rural
Development/MPS and Subpart A of Part 1924 of this chapter or other
building codes approved by Rural Development.
3. Workmanship shall be of a quality equal to good standard
practice. Material shall be of such kind and quality as to assure
reasonable durability and economy of maintenance, all commensurate
with the class of building under consideration.
4. All members and parts of the construction shall be properly
designed to carry all loads imposed without detrimental effect on
finish or covering materials.
5. The structure shall be adequately braced against lateral
stresses and each member shall be correctly fitted and connected.
6. Adequate precautions shall be taken to protect against fire and
7. All related facilities which require accessibility to the
handicapped must comply with the Uniform Federal Accessibility
Standard (UFAS).
V. Fire Protection and Safety.
A. The design of the site plan for each manufactured community - and
scattered site shall meet the fire protection and safety requirements of
the local authority responsible for providing the necessary fire
protection services.
B. All fire detection and alarm systems, and water supply requirements
for fire protection for manufactured communities shall be in accordance
with the local authority responsible for providing the necessary fire
protection services.
C. Any portion of a manufactured home shall not be closer than the
local separation requirements of the development standard for side to
side, end to end, and end to side siting. If the exposed composite wall
and roof of two or more manufactured homes are proposed to be joined
they shall be without openings and constructed of materials which will
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 11
(Revision 2)
provide a minimum one-hour fire rating each, or the manufactured homes
are separated by a one-hour fire rated barrier designed and approved for
such installation and permitted by the authority having jurisdiction.
D. Manufactured homes shall not be positioned vertically (stacked) with
one over the other in whole or in part without the specific approval of
the authority having jurisdiction.
I. General. Adequate site development and foundation installation drawings
and specifications shall be provided by the applicant or dealer-contractor to
the Agency to fully describe the construction and other development work.
These documents shall be provided according to the requirements of §
1924.5(f)(l) of this subpart. Contract documents will be prepared in
accordance with § 1924.6 and, in the case of multiple family housing
construction and development, § 1924.13 of this subpart.
A. The documents recommended shall be used as a guide for drawings and
specifications to be submitted in support of all types of loan and/or
grant applications involving manufactured homes. Adequate and accurate
drawings and specifications are necessary to:
1. Determine the acceptability of the physical environment and
2. Determine compliance with the applicable standards and codes,
3. Review cost estimates, and
4. Provide a basis for financing, inspections, and the warranty.
B. Detailed floor plans, drawings and are not required for any
manufactured home to be installed on a scattered site, in a subdivision
or rental housing project. However, a schematic floor plan should be
submitted by the applicant when applying for Agency financing. The unit
must have an affixed label as specified in paragraph XIV (c) (3) of
Exhibit F of subpart A of Part 1944 indicating that the unit is
constructed to the HUD Title II thermal standards for the appropriate
winter degree days. This will indicate that the manufacturer certifies
that the unit has been properly inspected and it meets the Agency
Thermal Performance Construction Standard. (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL
(12-18-86) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 12
(Revision 2)
C. For proposed construction, the builder or dealer-contractor shall submit
with the loan or grant application design calculations, details and drawings
for the installation, anchorage and construction of the permanent foundations
and perimeter enclosure to be used. Drawings and specifications for
foundation systems will be reviewed and examined by either the Agency County
Supervisor, District Director, or State Architect/Engineer for foundation
support locations, loads and connection requirements specified by the
manufacturer as a basis for evaluating foundation compliance with the Rural
Development/MPS or Model Building Code, and for determining design suitability
for soil conditions. Drawings and specifications will also be examined by
Rural Development to determine compliance with all other on-site features not
covered by the FMHCSS.
D. Foundation design sections and details of all critical construction
points systems, anchorage methods, and structural items shall be scaled
as necessary to provide all appropriate information 1:30 (3/8" = 1'-0")
II. Scattered Sites. Drawings for single family manufactured housing shall
be submitted by the applicant in addition to the requirements of paragraph I
above and the requirements of paragraphs II A and D-7 of Exhibit C of this
III. Subdivisions. Subpart C of Part 1924 of this chapter will be used in
preparing and providing supporting documents. (Revised 6-22-87, SPECIAL PN.)
IV. Rental Housing Projects. Subpart C of Part 1924 of this chapter will be
used in preparing and providing supporting documents. (Revised 6-22-87,
V. Specifications.
A. Form Rural Development/1924-2, "Description of Materials," or other
acceptable and comparable descriptions of all materials used for site
development, foundation installation and the permanent perimeter
enclosure shall be submitted with the drawings by the applicant.
B. The material identification information shall be in sufficient
detail to fully describe the material, size and grade. Where necessary,
additional sheets shall be attached as well as manufacturer's
specification sheets for equipment and/or special materials.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 13
(Revision 1)
I. General. The following policies will govern the inspection of all
manufactured housing development work. This includes scattered sites,
subdivisions, rental housing projects and all accessory structures and related
facilities unless otherwise indicated.
II. Inspections.
A. The responsibility for frequency and purpose of inspections shall be
in accordance with § 1924.9(b)(l), (2) and (3) of this subpart. The
inspection requirements of § 1924.13 apply to the planning and conduct
of construction work on all 515 housing developments that are more
extensive in scope and more complex in nature than those involving an
individual manufactured housing unit. The Stage 2 inspection customary
for site-built housing when the building is enclosed is not required for
manufactured homes.
The Stage 2 inspection for manufactured homes will be made within two
working days after erection or placement on the foundation to determine
compliance with accepted installation drawings and specifications for
installation and set-up and to verify that the correct unit is on the
Stage 2 and 3 inspections for manufactured homes may be combined when
authorized by the State Director.
B. The borrower will join the County Supervisor or the District
Director in making periodic inspections as often as possible and always
for the final inspection.
C. The borrower should be encouraged to make enough periodic visits to
the site to be familiar with the progress and performance of the work in
order to protect the borrower's interest. If the borrower observes or
otherwise becomes aware of any fault or defect in the work or
nonconformance with the contract documents, the borrower should give
prompt written notice thereof to the dealer-contractor and a copy of the
notice to the appropriate County Supervisor or District Director.
D. During inspection, it will generally be infeasible to determine
whether a manufactured unit erected on a site was properly braced and
stiffened during transportation. Inspectors should examine these units
(12-18-86) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit J
Page 14
(Added 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
to determine that there is no obvious damage or loosening of fastenings
that may have occurred during transportation. The dealer-contractor
must warrant these units against such damage, which should protect the
Agency’s interest.
III. Warranty Plan Coverage. The warranty requirements for all development
work shall be in accordance with § 1924.9(d) of this subpart and 7 CFR part
3550, subpart B. (Revised 01-23-03, SPECIAL PN.)
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit K
Page 1
This Exhibit distinguishes between what Rural Development considers
maintenance and repair work, moderate rehabilitation and substantial
rehabilitation. In all cases, the building or project to be
rehabilitated shall be structurally sound. The applicant shall have a
structural analysis of the existing building made to determine the
adequacy of all structural systems for the proposed rehabilitation.
Maintenance and Repair - Work involved in the selective replacement and
general maintenance and repair of certain materials, appliances or
components of an existing residential building.
Moderate Rehabilitation - All work directly involved in the
rearrangement of interior space, the replacement of finish materials or
components of the electrical, plumbing, heating or conveyance system of
an existing multi-family residential building. Work and improvements
are considered to be more than routine maintenance and repair.
Substantial Rehabilitation - All work directly involved in the
rearrangement of interior space that involves alteration of load bearing
partitions and columns; the replacement of the electrical, plumbing,
heating or conveyance systems; and the addition to and/or major
conversion of existing multi-family residential buildings or other
building structures.
Moderate rehabilitation and repair shall not be limited to building
changes for cosmetic or convenience purposes. In all cases moderate
rehabilitation shall involve a minimum of three (3) components of
building rehabilitation listed as moderate. Unless combined with other
improvements in a project that are considered to be moderate or
substantial rehabilitation the items identified as maintenance and
repair are considered to be cosmetic and convenience changes.
When a rehabilitation project consists of both moderate and substantial
rehabilitation components, those substantial rehabilitation components
shall be in accordance with Rural Development's development standards
and local codes and regulation requirements. Where the majority of
project components of building rehabilitation are considered substantial
the project shall be considered in the substantial rehabilitation
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-K
Exhibit K
Page 2
Those site components of rehabilitation such as landscaping, grading,
drainage, fencing, parking areas, recreation areas, water and waste
disposal systems, etc., whether considered either maintenance and
repair, moderate rehabilitation or substantial rehabilitation shall be
in accordance with Rural Development's development standards for site
development work; all local codes and regulation requirements; and sound
engineering and architectural practices.
Any alteration of a structure listed or eligible for listing on the
National Register of Historic Places may be considered either moderate
or substantial rehabilitation; however, it shall conform first to the
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines
for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings and then to Rural Development's
requirements. In cases where the Secretary of the Interior's standards
cannot be met, rehabilitation will conform to the agreed upon
approaches, treatments and techniques resulting from the consultation
process between Rural Development, the borrower, the State Historic
Preservation Officer and the Advisory Council of Historic Preservation.
The components of multi-family building rehabilitation necessary and
generally considered by Rural Development to be either maintenance and
repair, moderate rehabilitation or substantial rehabilitation include
but are not limited to those listed in the following chart.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit K
Page 3
Maintenance Moderate Substantial
COMPONENTS and Repair Rehab. Rehab.
Air conditioning o
Appliance replacement or repair o
Cabinet replacement or repair o
Carpeting o
Caulking o
Ceiling framing o
Clothes closets or shelving improvements o
Door repair o
Drywall repair o
Gutters and downspouts o
Hardware replacement or repair o
Kitchen cabinet improvement o
Lighting fixture replacement or repair o
Mail boxes o
Partition repair
Roof repair
Stair repair
Tile work
Window shades and curtains
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit K
Page 4
Exterior entrance redesign, relocation
Maintenance Moderate Substantial
COMPONENTS and Repair Rehab. Rehab.
Door replacement
Drywall replacement
Elevator components replacement
Finish flooring materials o
Flashing o
Furnace replacement o
Gas pipes o
Insulation o
Lath and plaster replacement o
New shingles or roof replacement o
Partition (on bearing) replacement,
or relocation o
Plumbing fixture replacement o
Pointing o
Porch and steps alteration or
Replacement o
Stair replacement, or relocation o
Storm windows and weatherstripping o
Subfloor material replacement o
Trim - exterior and interior o
Window replacement o
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit K
Page 5
Maintenance Moderate Substantial
COMPONENTS and Repair Rehab. Rehab.
- New or alteration to the:
Mehchanical system
Soil pipes
Vent pipes
Waste pipes
- Alteration or replacement of
structural components -
Beams o
Chimneys and vents
Columns and post
Electrical service - replacement or new o
Elevator replacement o
Exterior walls o
Floor construction o
Footing o
Foundation wall o
Foundation waterproofing o
Interior walls o
Moderate repair and rehabilitation shall not be limited to building changes
for cosmetic purposes. In all cases moderate rehabilitation shall involve a
minimum of three (3) components of building rehabilitation listed as moderate.
Unless combined with other improvements in a project that are considered to be
moderate or substantial rehabilitation the items identified as maintenance and
repair are considered to be cosmetic and convenient changes.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit L
I. Purpose: In recent years, numerous third-party home warranty plans have
been developed offering new homeowners varying degrees of protection against
builder default and/or major structural defects in their homes. This exhibit
establishes the criteria and procedures by which a warranty plan is found
acceptable for new construction of single family homes financed by Rural
Development. An acceptable warranty plan will:
A. Assure that Rural Development borrowers receive adequate warranty
B. In certain circumstances, eliminate the requirement for Rural
Development personnel to make the first two construction inspections,
C. Permit a loan up to the market value of the security (less the
unpaid principal balance and past due interest of any other liens
against the security), even though Rural Development personnel may not
have performed periodic inspections during construction.
II. Types of Warranty Companies.
A. An insured warranty company is underwritten by an insurance carrier,
licensed to operate as an insurer by the states where the warranty
company plans to operate, and has an acceptable rating from a nationally
recognized rating company such as A. M. Best Company.
B. A risk retention group is an insurer which is licensed in one state
and is authorized, under the Products Liability Risk Retention Act of
1981, to issue its policies in all states. This authority is not
challenged by Rural Development; however, there remains some question as
to the legal propriety of a 10-year insured warranty insurer to be a
risk-retention group. If at some future time any state insurance
commission or regulatory agency challenges the legal authority of such
group, Rural Development will reconsider its acceptance of the group.
C. Individual state warranty plans, such as that offered by the State
of New Jersey, are backed by the full faith and credit of the state
III. Plan Requirements
To be considered acceptable, a warranty plan must include the following
A. The entire cost (fee, premium, etc.) of the coverage is prepaid and
coverage automatically transfers to subsequent owners without additional
B. The coverage is not cancellable by the warrantor (builder), warranty
company or insurer.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit L
Page 2
C. The coverage includes at least the following:
(1) For one year from the effective date, any defects caused by
faulty workmanship or defective materials.
(2) During the second year after the effective date, the warranty
continues to cover the wiring, piping and duct work of the
electrical, plumbing, heating and cooling systems, plus the items in
(3) During the third through the tenth years, the warranty
continues to cover minor structural defects. A minor structural
defect is actual damage to the load-bearing portion of the home
including damage due to subsidence, expansion or lateral movement of
the soil (excluding movement caused by flood or earthquake) which
affects its load-bearing function and which vitally affects or is
imminently likely to affect use of the home for residential
D. A system is provided for complaint (claims) handling which includes
a conciliation and, if necessary to resolve matters in dispute,
arbitration arranges by the American Arbitration Association or similar
E. A construction inspection plan is required if Rural Development is
to eliminate the first two Rural Development inspections or permit a
full market value loan when Rural Development inspections are not
IV. Information for Review.
A. Companies submitting warranty plans for a determination of
acceptability must support requests with the following information.
(1) Evidence that the insured warranty company has met the
applicable state licensing and/or regulatory requirements in the
state in which the company plans to operate.
(2) Evidence that the insurance carrier underwriting the warranty
plan is licensed to operate as an insurer in the states in which the
company plans to operate and has an acceptable rating from a
nationally recognized rating company such as A. M. Best Company.
(3) State warranty plan agencies will provide evidence that the
plan is backed by the full faith and credit of the state.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit L
Page 3
(4) A full description of the warranty plan including information
on the fees, builder and home registration procedures, required
construction standards, construction inspection procedures, coverage
provided and claims procedures.
(5) A sample copy of the warranty information and/or policy which
is provided to the homeowner.
(6) Suggested means by which Rural Development field offices can
readily assure that the builder is a member in good standing prior
to loan approval and that a warranty will be issued upon the
completion of construction prior to the final release of funds.
B. Submission and Acceptance.
(1) Insured warranty companies, except those operating as risk
retention groups, and state warranty plan agencies will submit their
requests and supporting information to the Rural Development State
Director in the state in which they plan to operate. State
Directors will determine the acceptability of insured warranty plans
and state warranty plans in their jurisdictions, notify the company
or agency of the decision in writing and notify field offices by
issuance of a State Supplement including the names and addresses of
acceptable warranty companies and any other pertinent information.
(2) Warranty companies claiming authority as risk retention groups
will submit their requests and supporting information including
certification that it has complied with all requirements of the
Products Liability Risk Retention Act of 1981 (Public law 97-45) and
information indicating the state in which it is licensed,
information to the Rural Development National Office, Single Family
Housing Processing Division. The National Office will determine the
acceptability of the warranty of a risk retention group, notify the
company of the decision in writing and notify field offices by
issuance of an attachment to this Exhibit.
V. Warranty Performance.
A. County Supervisors will report inadequate warranty performance
through their District Director to the State Director. State Directors
will review the situation, assist in resolving any problems and, if
necessary, initiate action under Subpart F of Part 1924 of this chapter.
State Directors will inform, by memorandum, the Director, Single Family
Housing Processing Division, National Office, of any problems with
warranty performance and if any debarment action is initiated.
B. State Directors will annually monitor each warranty company and/or
its insurer to assure continued compliance with state licensing and/or
regulatory requirements.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit L
Attachment 1
Acceptable Warranty Companies
The warranty companies listed below claim authority to act as a risk retention
group under the Products Liability Risk Retention Act of 1981 and as such, to
operate in all states to provide 10-year home warranties. This authority
remains subject to future challenges by any state insurance commissioner or
regulatory agency; however, until such challenge is made, Rural Development
accepts their warranty.
Name and Address Area of Operation
Home Buyers Warranty
Corporation (HBW or 2-10)
2675 S Abilene Street
Aurora, CO 80014
All States
Residential Warranty
Corporation (RWC)
5300 Derry Street
Harrisburg, PA 17111
All States
Manufactured Housing Warranty
5300 Derry Street
Harrisburg, PA 17111
All States
StrucSure Home Warranty
6825 E. Tennessee Ave.
Suite #410
Denver, CO 80224
K, AL, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, HI, IA,
D, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS,
T, NC, NE, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA,
(01-12-11) PN 445
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit M
(To be used with cost certification worksheet)
1. Think cost certification! Place District Office
more emphasis on obtaining
acceptable certifications.
(D/O)/State Office
(S/O) Specialists,
2. Preliminary estimates (preapplication):
a. Compare unit cost with historic
unit cost.
D/O or S/O
b. Note concerns and forward to S/O. D/O or S/O
c. Compare with Marshall & Swift
cost data.
S/O Specialist,
d. Note concerns and return to D/O. S/O Specialist
e. Contact applicant re any discrepancies
noted by D/O and S/O.
D/O or S/O
3. Final Form RD 1924-13 estimates
a. Determine if all previous discrepancies
were corrected.
D/O or S/O
b. Check to see if all the types of
materials which will be used in the
D/O or S/O
project are reflected in corresponding
line item entries.
If no entry in an applicable line
item, make note for later action.
D/O or S/O
c. Recalculate totals to see if they
agree with applicant's figures.
D/O or S/O
(03-16-94) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit M
Page 2
d. Calculate percentages for profit,
overhead, and requirements to
determine if they are within
acceptable ranges.
e. Check to determine if contractor
is qualified to build project.
f. Note results of steps a. through e.
above and forward to S/O.
g. Compare line item costs with historic
line item costs.
h. Match construction contract price
with final cost estimates.
i. Reevaluate the cost estimates and D/O
comments to determine if proposal is
acceptable. If time span since
preapplication exceeds 1 year, run
another Marshall & Swift.
j. Determine if cost estimates were
received from all identities of
k. Check for applicant's attestation as
to adequacy of accounting system.
l. Determine whether proposal is
acceptable as presented; if not,
note and return to D/O for correction.
m. Contact applicant re any discrepancies
noted by D/O and S/O.
n. Determine if all discrepancies have
been corrected.
o. Determine if cost estimates can be
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
S/O, Architect
S/O, Architect
S/O Specialist,
S/O Specialist,
S/O Specialist,
S/O Specialist,
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
RD Instruction 1924-A
4. Partial payments to contractor:
a. Recalculate arithmetic.
b. Verify that project architect concurs
with pay estimates.
c. Verify that accumulated total for
general requirements does not exceed
final estimate.
d. Verify that accumulated total for
overhead does not exceed final estimate.
e. Verify that accumulated total for
profit does not exceed final estimate.
f. Verify that there are no expenses
which were not shown on the final
g. Determine if there are any changes in
the contract sum due to change orders.
h. Compare the accumulated total with
percentage of completion shown on last
Rural Development inspection report.
5. Change orders:
a. Recalculate arithmetic.
b. Determine if change is justified.
c. Determine if change involves an
identity of interest subcontractor
or supplier.
d. Verify that the cost of the change
is broken down between hard and soft
(03-16-94) SPECIAL PN
Exhibit M
Page 3
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit M
Page 4
e. Determine if borrower has provided
additional funds for increases in the
contract amount.
6. Cost certification document:
a. Recalculate contractor's arithmetic.
b. Compare each certified line item cost
with the final estimated line item
cost to determine whether total of
certified hard costs are more or less
than estimated.
c. Determine if net hard costs exceeded
the estimated amount and if the total
contract amount was increased.
(i) If contract amount was not
increased, determine if profit was
reduced to offset the increase in
(ii) If contract amount was increased,
determine the source of additional
d. If net hard costs were decreased,
determine if profit or overhead were
e. If overhead or general requirements
exceeds its estimate, determine if
profit was reduced to offset the
f. If profit was decreased because of
overruns in hard costs and soft
costs were lower than anticipated,
determine if profit was increased to
bring it back to the original estimates.
g. Calculate percentages for profit,
overhead, and requirements.
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O,
D/O or S/O
D/O, S/O
D/O, S/O
D/O, S/O
D/O, S/O
D/O, S/O
D/O, S/O
RD Instruction 1924-A
h. Determine if all line items relating
to general requirements and general
overhead were recorded under their
proper categories.
i. Match certified costs with partial
j. Verify that all discrepancies between
accumulated payments and certified
costs have been resolved.
k. Check to see if cost certification
was based on Generally Accepted
Government Audit Standards requirements.
l. Check qualifications of person
doing cost certification. Record
name of Certified Public Accountant.
m. Determine if costs from all identities
of interest were certified.
n. Check amount of work which was
subcontracted out to others.
o. Determine if this was a Government
contracted cost certification.
p. Check for disclosure of rebates and
q. Check opinion letter from CPA for
identity of problems with audit.
7. Final payment to contractor:
a. Recalculate arithmetic.
b. Verify that that project architect
concurred with final pay request.
(03-16-94) SPECIAL PN
D/O or S/O
Exhibit M
Page 5
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
D/O or S/O
RD Instruction 1924-A
Exhibit M
Page 6
c. Verify that all construction work D/O or S/O
is completed.
d. Determine if releases of claimants were D/O or S/O
e. Approve final payment to contractor. D/O or S/O
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Page 1
This guide is provided to assist USDA/Rural Development personnel and
applicants in assembling and reviewing Contract Documents for more complex
construction projects such as that administered under § 1924.13.
It is important when preparing or reviewing contract documents that all
clauses are in conformance with Rural Development /Rural Housing Service (RHS)
program requirements as well as those of State and local jurisdictions. These
requirements may vary significantly depending on the relationship between the
Owner and Contractor, the type of surety provided, if any, and the type of RHS
financial assistance. All appropriate document modifications must be made
before United States of America concurrence of the Contract.
Contract Documents may incorporate documents published by the American
Institute of Architects (AIA) if they are the current editions and are used in
accordance with copyright rules. A complete set of Contract Documents may
include the following:
Advertisement for Bids
ttachment 1
Instructions to Bidders
IA Document A701-1997
Attachment to Instructions to Bidders
ttachment 2
ttachment 3
Bid Bond
ttachment 4
Compliance Statement
orm RD 400
Notice of Award
ttachment 5
Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner
and Contractor
AIA Document A101-1997
Attachment to Standard Form of Agreement
Between Owner and Contractor
Attachment 6
Certificate of Owner's Attorney
ttachment 7
Contract Concurrence
ttachment 8
Payment Bond
D Inst. 1924
, Exh. F
Performance Bond
D Inst. 1924
, Exh. G
Notice to Proceed
ttachment 9
(continued next page)
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Page 2
General Conditions of the Contract for
AIA Document A201-1997
Attachment to General Conditions of the
Contract for Construction
Attachment 10
Identity of Interest (IOI) Disclosure
Form RD 1944-30
Identity of Interest (IOI) Qualification
orm RD 1944
Contract Change Order
orm RD 1924
Application and Certificate for Payment
IA Document G702-1992
Labor Standards Provisions
D Inst. 1940
, Exh. A
Wage Determinations
ment of Labor
Questions regarding the use of these documents should be referred to the State
Office Architect or Engineer, or the RHS National Office Program Support
3. BID
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 1
Separate sealed BIDS for the construction of (briefly describe
nature, scope, and major elements of the work) ___________________________
will be received by ______________________________________________________
at the office of _________________________________________________________
until _______, (Local Time)____________________, 19 ______, and then at
said office publicly opened and read aloud.
The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following locations:
Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained at the office of
_____________________ located at _________________________________________
upon payment of $ _______ for each set.
(2-16-83) PN 869
______________________________ _________________________________
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 1
Any BIDDER, upon returning the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS promptly and in
good condition, will be refunded the payment, and any non-bidder upon so
returning the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be refunded $_______________.
All contracts exceeding $10,000 shall contain a provision requiring
compliance with Executive Order 11246, entitled, "Equal Employment
Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order 11375 and as supplemented in
Department of Labor regulations (41 CFR Part 60).
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Attachment 2
Page 1
The provisions of this Attachment shall delete, modify and supplement the
provisions contained in the "Instructions to Bidders,” AIA Document A701-1997
Edition. The provisions contained in this Attachment will supersede any
conflicting provisions of the AIA Document. The term "Agency,” as used in
this Attachment, means the United States of America, acting through the United
States Department of Agriculture.
Add the following subparagraph:
2.1.5 This Bid has been arrived at independently, without
consultation, communication, or agreement as to any matter relating
to this Bid with any other Bidder or with any competitor.
Add the following to subparagraph 4.1.1:
Only one copy of the Bid is to be submitted.
Delete subparagraph 4.2.1 and substitute the following:
4.2.1 Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond payable to the
Owner for five percent of the total amount of the Bid.
Delete subparagraph 4.2.2 and substitute the following:
4.2.2 The Bid Bond shall be written on a form identical to that
included in the Bidding Documents, and the attorney-in-fact who
executes the bond on behalf of the surety shall affix to the bond a
certified and current copy of the power of attorney.
Add the words “payment and performance” before the word “bonds”; and add
the following to subparagraph 4.2.3:
As soon as the Bid prices have been compared, the Owner will return
the Bonds of all except the three lowest responsible Bidders. When
the Agreement is executed, the bonds of the two remaining
unsuccessful bidders will be returned. The Bid Bond of the
successful Bidder will be retained until the Payment Bond and
Performance Bond have been executed and approved, after which it
will be returned.
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Attachment 2
Page 2
Add the following to subparagraph to paragraph 4.2:
4.2.4 In the case of failure of the Bidder to execute the Agreement
and obtain the Performance Bond and Payment Bond within the agreed
time, the Owner may consider the Bidder in default, in which case
the Bid Bond accompanying the bid shall become the property of the
Add the following subparagraphs to paragraph 4.3:
4.3.5 All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and
regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction
of the Project shall apply to the Contract throughout.
4.3.6 The Bidder agrees to abide by the requirements under
Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, including specifically the
provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause and the Standard Federal
Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications
set forth in the Supplementary Conditions.
4.3.7 Further, the Bidder agrees to abide by the requirements of
section 319 of Public Law 101-121, which pertains to lobbying
activities and applies to the recipients of contracts or
subcontracts that exceed $100,000 at any tier under a Federal loan
that exceeds $150,000 or a Federal Grant that exceeds $100,000.
Each Bid shall be accompanied by a completed lobbying certification
form identical to that included in the Bidding Documents.
4.3.8 The Bidder agrees to abide by the requirements under 7 C.F.R.
part 3017, which pertains to the debarment or suspension of a person
from participating in a Federal program or activity. Each Bid
exceeding $25,000 shall be accompanied by a relevant completed
certifications form identical to that included in the Bidding
Delete subparagraph 4.4.1 and substitute the following:
4.4.1 No Bidder may withdraw, modify or cancel a Bid within 60
calendar days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should
there be reasons why the Contract cannot be awarded within the
specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement
between the Owner and the Bidder, and the concurrence of the Agency.
Delete the words ", if required," from subparagraph 4.4.4.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Attachment 2
Page 3
Delete subparagraph 5.3.2 and substitute the following:
5.3.2 The Owner shall have the right to accept Alternates in the
sequence listed and to determine the low Bidder on the basis of the
sum of the Base Bid and the Alternates accepted.
Delete subparagraph 7.1.1 and substitute the following:
7.1.1 Prior to execution of the Contract, the Bidder shall furnish
bonds covering the faithful performance of the Contract and the
payment of any obligations arising thereunder in such form and
amount as the Owner may prescribe. Both bonds shall be separately
written, each in the amount of the contract sum. The cost shall be
included in the Bid.
Delete subparagraph 7.1.2 and substitute the following:
7.1.2 Surety companies executing bonds must hold a certificate of
authority as an acceptable surety on Federal Bonds as listed in
Treasury Circular 570, as amended, and be authorized to transact
business in the State where the Project is located.
Delete subparagraph 7.1.3.
Delete subparagraph 7.2.1 and substitute the following:
7.2.1 The party to whom the Contract is awarded will be required to
execute the Agreement and obtain a Performance Bond and Payment Bond
within ten (10) calendar days from the date when the Notice of Award
is delivered to the Bidder. The Notice shall be accompanied by the
necessary Agreement and Bond forms.
Delete subparagraph 7.2.2 and substitute the following:
7.2.2 The bonds shall be written on forms identical to those
included in the Bidding Documents.
(NOTE: Any additional provisions that are necessary to remain effective
after execution of the Contract for Construction will be inserted here and
continue in the same format.)
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 3
Proposal of _________________________________________________ (hereinafter
called "BIDDER"), organized and existing under the laws of the State of
___________________ doing business as __________________________________*. To
the ___________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________ (hereinafter called "OWNER").
In compliance with your Advertisement for Bids, BIDDER hereby proposes to
perform all WORK for the construction of _____________________
in strict accordance with the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, within the time set forth
therein, and at the prices stated below.
By submission of this BID, each BIDDER certifies, and in the case of a
joint BID each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, that this
BID has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or
agreement as to any matter relating to this BID with any other BIDDER or with
any competitor.
BIDDER hereby agrees to commence WORK under this contract on or before a
date to be specified in the NOTICE TO PROCEED and to fully complete the
PROJECT within _______________________ consecutive calendar days thereafter.
BIDDER further agrees to pay as liquidated damages, the sum of $ ________
* Insert "a corporation", "a partnership", or "an individual" as applicable.
(2-16-83) PN 869
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 3
for each consecutive calendar day thereafter as provided in Article 3 of the
Owner-Contractor Agreement.
BIDDER acknowledges receipt of the following ADDENDA:
BIDDER agrees to perform all the work described in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS
for the following unit prices or lump sum:
NOTE: BIDS shall include sales tax and all other applicable taxes and fees.
NO._______ITEM________UNIT_______UNIT PRICE_______AMOUNT_______TOTAL PRICE
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 3
NO._______ITEM________UNIT_______UNIT PRICE_______AMOUNT_______TOTAL PRICE
TOTAL OF BID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________
LUMP SUM PRICE (if applicable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________
Respectfully submitted:
_____________________________ _____________________
Signature Address
_____________________________ _____________________
Title Date
______________________________ _____________________
License number (if applicable)
SEAL - (if BID is by a corporation)
(2-16-83) PN 869
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 4
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned, ________________
________________________________________________ as Principal, and
______________________________________________________ as Surety, are
hereby held and firmly bound unto _______________________________ as OWNER
in the penal sum of ______________________________________________________
for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and
severally bind ourselves, successors and assigns.
Signed, this _______________________ day of ___________________, 19____.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the Principal
has submitted to ______________________________________________ a certain
BID, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof enter into a contract
in writing, for the ______________________________________________________
(a) If said BID shall be rejected, or
(b) If said BID shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute
and deliver a contract in the Form of Contract attachment hereto
(properly completed in accordance with said BID) and shall furnish a
BOND for faithful performance of said contract, and for the payment
of all persons performing labor and/or furnishing materials in
connection therewith, and shall in all other respects perform the
agreement created by the acceptance of said BID, then this obligation
shall be void, otherwise the same shall
(2-16-83) PN 869
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 4
remain in force and effect; it being expressly understood and agreed
that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder
shall, in no event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation as
herein stated.
The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the
obligations of said Surety and its BOND shall be in no way impaired or
affected by any extension of the time within which the OWNER may accept such
BID; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands
and seals, and such of them as are corporations have caused their corporate
seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their proper
officers, the day and year first set forth above.
By: ____________________________
IMPORTANT - Surety companies executing BONDS must appear on the Treasury
Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to
transact business in the State where the project is located. Power of
Attorney must be attached.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 5
PROJECT Description: _____________________________________________________
The OWNER has considered the BID submitted by you for the above described
WORK in response to its Advertisement for Bids dated ________________, 19
____, and Information for Bidders.
You are hereby notified that your BID has been accepted for items in the
amount of $ _____________.
You are required by the Information for Bidders to execute the Agreement
and furnish the required Contractor’s Performance BOND, Payment BOND and
certificates of insurance within ten (10) calendar days from the date of this
Notice to you.
If you fail to execute said Agreement and to furnish said BONDS within
ten (10) days from the date of this Notice, said OWNER will be entitled to
consider all your rights arising out of the Owner’s acceptance of your BID as
abandoned and as a forfeiture of your BID BOND. The OWNER will be entitled to
such other rights as may be granted by law.
You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this NOTICE OF AWARD
to the OWNER.
Dated this ________________ day of _____________, 19____.
By ______________________
Title ___________________
Receipt of the above NOTICE OF AWARD is hereby acknowledged
by ______________________________________________________________________.
this the ____________________________ day of ____________________, 19____. By
Title ______________________
(2-16-83) PN 869
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Attachment 6
Page 1
ATTACHMENT TO AIA DOCUMENT A101-1997, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner
and Contractor
The provisions of this Attachment shall delete, modify and supplement the
provisions contained in the “Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and
Contractor,” AIA Document A101-1997 Edition. The provisions contained in this
attachment shall supersede any conflicting provisions of the AIA Document.
Delete paragraph 3.1 and substitute the following:
3.1 The date of commencement shall be contained in the Notice to
Add the following to paragraph 3.3:
If the work is not substantially complete on or before this date,
or within this period of time, or extension thereof granted by the
Owner, damage will be sustained by the Owner and that it is and
will be impracticable and extremely difficult to fix the actual
damage which the Owner will sustain in the event of and by reason
of such delays. The Contractor shall pay to the Owner liquidated
damages in the sum of $ _____________ for each calendar day of
delay. Any sums that may be due the Owner as liquidated damages
may be deducted from any monies due or to become due the
Contractor under the Contract or may be collected from the
Contractor's surety.
Insert "ten" and "10" in the appropriate spaces in clauses and
Delete the last sentence of clause
Delete the following from clause
(or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored off the
site at a location agreed upon in writing)
Delete subparagraph 5.1.8.
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 6
Page 2
The following Documents should be referenced, if applicable:
Subparagraph 8.1.3:
Attachment to the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and
Contractor (RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 1, Attachment 6)
General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA A201-1997
Attachment to the General Conditions of the Contract for
Construction (RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 1, Attachment 10)
Special Conditions
Subparagraph 8.1.7:
Advertisement for Bids (RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 1,
Attachment 1)
Instructions to Bidders, AIA A701.1997
Attachment to the Instructions to Bidders (RD Instruction 1924-A,
Guide 1, Attachment 2)
Bid (RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 1, Attachment 3)
Bid Bond (RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 1, Attachment 4)
Compliance Statement (Form RD 400-6)
Payment Bond (RD Instruction 1924-A, Exhibit F)
Performance Bond (RD Instruction 1924-A, Exhibit G)
Notice of Award (RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 1, Attachment 5)
Identity of Interest (IOI) Disclosure Certificate (Form
RD 1944-30)
Identity of Interest (IOI) Qualification (Form RD 1944-31)
Contract Concurrence (RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 1,
Attachment 8)
Labor Standards Provisions (RD Instruction 1940-C, Exhibit A)
Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and
Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions (Form
AD 1048)
Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities" (RD
Instruction 1940-Q, Exhibit A)
Certification for Contracts, Grants and Loans (RD Instruction
1940-Q, Exhibit A-1)
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 7
I, the undersigned, _____________________________________, the duly
authorized and acting legal representative of ____________________________
________________________, do hereby certify as follows:
I have examined the attached Contract(s) and Performance and Payment
Bond(s) and the manner of execution thereof, and I am of the opinion that each
of the aforesaid agreements has been duly executed by the proper parties
thereto acting through their duly authorized representatives; that said
representatives have full power and authority to execute said agreements on
behalf of the respective parties named thereon; and that the foregoing
agreements constitute valid and legally binding obligations upon the parties
executing the same in accordance with terms, conditions, and provisions
(NOTE: Delete phrase "Performance and Payment Bonds" when not applicable.)
(2-16-83) PN 869
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Attachment 8
The United States of America, as potential lender or insurer of funds to
defray the costs of this Contract, and without liability for any payments
thereunder, hereby concurs in the form, content, and execution of this
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Rural Development
Rural Housing Service
Date Rural Development Official
This Contract shall not be in full force and effect until concurred with by
the State Director or the State Director's delegate, Rural Development, U. S.
Department of Agriculture.
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1, Attachment 9
TO: _______________________________ DATE:___________________________
_______________________________ Project:________________________
_______________________________ ________________________________
_______________________________ ________________________________
You are hereby notified to commence WORK in accordance with the Agreement
dated _______________, 19___, on or before _________________, 19___, and you
are to complete the WORK within ____________ consecutive calendar days
thereafter. The date of completion of all WORK is therefore
___________________, 19___.
Receipt of the above NOTICE TO PRO-
CEED is hereby acknowledged by _______
This the _____________________, 19____
By ___________________________________
Title ________________________________
Employer Identification
Number _______________________________
(2-16-83) PN 869
By _____________________
Title __________________
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Attachment 10
Page 1
ATTACHMENT TO AIA DOCUMENT A201-1997, General Conditions of the Contract for
The provisions of this attachment shall delete, modify and supplement the
provisions contained in the "General Conditions of the Contract for
Construction,” AIA Document A201-1997 Edition. The provisions contained in
this attachment will supersede any conflicting provisions of the AIA Document.
The term "Agency,” as used in this Attachment, shall mean the United States of
America, acting through the United States Department of Agriculture.
Add the following subparagraph:
1.2.4 Concurrence of the Contract by the Agency is required
before it is effective and the "Concurrence" statement shall be
attached to and made a part of the Agreement.
Delete subparagraph 2.2.5 and substitute the following:
2.2.5 The Contractor will be furnished, free of charge, five (5)
copies of the Drawings and Projects Manuals necessary for
execution of the Work. Additional copies will be available from
the Architect at the cost of reproduction.
Delete subparagraph 3.7.1 and substitute the following:
The Owner shall secure and pay for the health and environmental
impact fees due to water and sewer connections, and the zoning
regulation fees and permits. The Contractor shall secure and pay
for the building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing permits and
other governmental fees, licenses, and inspections necessary for
proper execution of and completion of the Contract which are
legally required when bids are received or negotiations concluded.
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Attachment 10
Page 2
Delete the last sentence of subparagraph 4.1.1 and substitute the
The term "Architect" means the Architect or the Engineer, when the
nature of the work is within the authority granted engineers by
the State licensure law, or an authorized representative.
Add the words "may be" after "on the parties but" in the last sentence
of subparagraph 4.4.5.
Replace the word "shall" with the word "may" in the first and second
sentences of subparagraph 4.6.1.
Delete subparagraph 4.6.2 and substitute the following:
4.6.2 The arbitration provisions of this section may be initiated
by either party to this Contract by filing with the other party
and the Architect a written request for arbitration. The other
party may accept or reject the request by filing a written
answering statement with the requesting party and the Architect
within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of such request. If
the request is accepted the provisions of this section will apply.
If the request is rejected or an answering statement is not filed
within the fourteen (14) day period, the provisions of this
section will not apply. Within fourteen (14) calendar days or any mutually
agreeable time period thereafter, each party to this Contract will
appoint one arbitrator. Within fourteen (14) calendar days or any
mutually agreeable time period thereafter, the two arbitrators
will select a third arbitrator. Failure to appoint the
arbitrator(s) within the mutually agreeable time period will
terminate further actions under this section. The arbitrators will select a hearing location as close
to the Owner's locale as possible. The Procedure for conducting the hearings will follow the
Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American
Arbitration Association.
Delete subparagraphs 4.6.3, 4.6.4 and 4.6.5.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 1
Attachment 10
Page 3
Delete the first sentence of subparagraph 5.2.2 and substitute the
The Contractor shall not contract with any party who is suspended
or debarred by any Federal government agency from participating in
Federally assisted construction projects or to whom the Owner or
the Architect has made reasonable and timely objection.
Delete the words ", Construction Change Directive" from subparagraph
Insert the words ", Agency " after the word "Owner,” and delete the
words "; a Construction Change Directive requires agreement by the Owner
and Architect and may or may not be agreed to by the Contractor" in
subparagraph 7.1.2.
Delete the words "Construction Change Directive" from subparagraph
Delete subparagraph 7.2.1 and substitute the following:
7.2.1 A Change Order is a written order to the Contractor utilizing
Form RD 1924-7, "Contract Change Order," signed by the Owner,
Architect, Contractor, and the Agency representative. It is issued
after the execution of the Contract, authorizing a change in the
Work or an adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. The
Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change
Order. The Contractor's signing of a Change Order indicates
complete agreement therein. When the Contract Sum is based on unit
price, a unit bid quantity may be increased or decreased by a
maximum of twenty percent (20%) without invalidating the unit price.
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Page 4
Delete subparagraph 7.2.2 and substitute the following:
7.2.2 Methods used in determining adjustments to the Contract Sum
may include any of the following:
.1 Mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly
itemized and supported by sufficient
substantiating data to permit evaluating.
.2 Unit prices stated in the Contract Documents
or subsequently agreed upon.
Delete paragraph 7.3 in its entirety.
Add the following subparagraphs:
8.2.4 The Notice to Proceed shall be issued within twenty (20)
calendar days of the execution of the Agreement by the Owner.
Should there be reasons why the Notice to Proceed cannot be issued
within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement the
Owner and Contractor, with the concurrence of the Agency. If the
Notice to Proceed has not been issued within the twenty (20)
calendar day period or within the period mutually agreed, the
Contractor may terminate the Agreement without further liability on
the part of either party.
8.3.4 As outlined in Article 3 of the Agreement, the Contractor
agrees to pay liquidated damages to the Owner for each calendar day
the Contractor shall be in default.
Delete clause and substitute the following: Work performed and materials supplied under a Change Order
may be included for payment only after the Change Order has been
approved by all appropriate parties, including the Agency.
RD Instruction 1924-A
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Attachment 10
Page 5
Delete Subparagraph 9.3.2 and substitute the following:
9.3.2 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract documents, payments
shall be made on account of materials and equipment delivered and
suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the
Work. Payment shall be conditioned upon compliance by the
Contractor with procedures satisfactory to the Owner to establish
the Owner's title to such materials and equipment or otherwise
protect the Owner's interest.
Add the words ", using AIA Document 702, 'Application and Certificate
for Payment' or Form RD 1924-18, 'Partial Payment Estimate'," after
"Certificate for Payment" in subparagraph 9.4.1.
Add the following subparagraph:
9.6.8 No progress payments will be made that deplete the retainage, nor place
in escrow any funds that are required for retainage, nor invest the retainage
for the benefit of the Contractor. Retainage will not be adjusted until after
construction is substantially complete.
Replace the word "seven" with the words "thirty (30)" in the first
sentence , third line of subparagraph 9.7.1.
Add the words ", in collaboration with the Agency," after "prepare" in
the first sentence of subparagraph 9.8.4.
Delete subparagraph 9.8.5 and substitute the following:
9.8.5 When the Work has been substantially completed, except for
Work which cannot be completed because of weather conditions, lack
of materials or other reasons, which, in the judgement of the Owner,
are valid reasons for non-completion, the Owner may make additional
payments, retaining at all times an amount sufficient to cover the
estimated cost of the Work still to be completed.
Delete subparagraphs 9.9.1 through 9.9.3 and substitute the following:
9.9.1 The Contractor agrees to the use and occupancy of a portion
or unit of the Project before formal acceptance by the Owner under
the following conditions:
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Page 6
.1 A “Certificate of Substantial Completion” shall be
prepared and executed as provided in subparagraph 9.8.4,
except that when, in the opinion of the Architect, the
Contractor is chargeable with unwarranted delay in
completing the Work or other Contract requirements, the
signature of the Contractor will not be required. The
Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be
accompanied by a written endorsement of the Contractor's
insurance carrier and surety permitting occupancy by the
Owner during the remaining period of the Project Work.
Occupancy by the Owner shall also be authorized by public
authorities having jurisdiction over the Work.
.2 Occupancy by the Owner shall not be construed by the
Contractor as being an acceptance of that part of the
Project to be occupied.
.3 The Contractor shall not be held responsible for any
damage to the occupied part of the Project resulting from
the Owner's occupancy.
.4 Occupancy by the Owner shall not be deemed to constitute a
waiver of existing claims in behalf of the Owner or
Contractor against each other.
1.5 If the Project consists of more than one building, and one
of the buildings is to be occupied, the Owner, prior to
occupancy of that building, shall secure permanent
property insurance on the building to be occupied and
necessary permits which may be required for use and
9.9.2 With the exception of clause, use and occupancy by
the Owner prior to Project acceptance does not relieve the
Contractor of responsibility to maintain all insurance and bonds
required of the Contractor under the Contract until the Project is
completed and accepted by the Owner.
Delete the second and third sentences of subparagraph 9.10.2.
RD Instruction 1924-A
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Page 7
Replace the words "the Contract Documents" with the words "subparagraph
11.1.4" in the first sentence of subparagraph 11.1.2.
Add the following subparagraph:
.1 Insurance shall be:
.2 Written with a limit of liability of not less than
$500,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injury,
including death, at any time resulting therefrom,
sustained by any one person in any one accident; and a
limit of liability of not less than $500,000 aggregate
for any such damages sustained by two or more persons in
any one accident. Insurance shall be written with a
limit of liability of not less than $200,000 for all
property damage sustained by any one person in any one
accident; and a limit of liability of not less than
$200,000 aggregate for any such damage sustained by two
or more persons in any one accident, or,
.2 Written with a combined bodily injury and damage liability
of not less than $700,000 per occurrence; and with an
aggregate of not less than $700,000 per occurrence.
Add the following sentence to the end of subparagraph 11.4.1:
The policy shall name as the insured the Contractor and the Owner.
Insert the word "Owner" after the words "protect the interests of the"
in the second sentence of clause
Add the following sentence to the end of subparagraph 11.4.6:
The provisions of this subparagraph shall apply to the Contractor if
the Contractor purchases and maintains said insurance coverage.
Delete subparagraph 11.4.7 in its entirety.
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Page 8
Delete subparagraph 11.5.1 and substitute the following:
11.5.1 The Contractor shall furnish the Owner bonds covering
faithful performance of the Contract and payment of obligations
arising thereunder within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of
the Notice of Award. The surety company executing the bonds must
hold a certificate of authority as an acceptable surety on Federal
bonds as listed in Treasury Circular 570, and be authorized to
transact business in the State where the Project is located. The
bonds (using the forms included in the Bidding
Documents) shall each be equal to the amount of the Contract Sum.
The cost of these bonds shall be included in the Contract Sum.
Add the following clauses: The Contractor shall require the attorney-in-fact who
executes the required bonds on behalf of the surety to affix thereto
a certified and current power of attorney. If at any time a surety on any such bond is declared
bankrupt or loses its right to do business in the State in which the
work is to be performed or is removed from the list of surety
companies accepted on Federal Bonds, the Contractor shall within ten
(10) calendar days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute
an acceptable bond in such form and sum and signed by such other
surety or sureties as may be satisfactory to the Owner. The
premiums of such bond shall be paid by any Contractor. No further
payment shall be deemed due nor shall be made until the new surety
or sureties shall have furnished an acceptable bond to the Owner.
Add the following paragraph:
11.6.1 If the Contractor does not furnish payment and performance
bonds, he or she shall agree to provide surety or guarantee
acceptable to the Owner and the Agency against latent obligations
and defects in connection with the construction.
.1 The Contractor shall furnish a properly executed corporate
latent defects bond, a maintenance bond, an unconditional and
irrevocable letter of credit, or a cash deposit into a
supervised bank account. Whichever instrument is used shall be
in the amount of 10 percent of the Contract Sum.
RD Instruction 1924-A
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Attachment 10
Page 9
.2 The period of protection against latent obligations and
defects shall be one year from the final acceptance of Work by
the Owner and the Agency.
.3 Final payment to the Contractor shall not be issued until the
provisions of clause have been met.
Add the following paragraphs:
13.8.1 The authorized representatives and agents of the Federal
Government shall be permitted to inspect all work, materials,
payrolls, records of personnel, invoices of materials, and other
relevant data and records.
13.9.1 Prior to the start of construction, the Owner shall obtain
all lands and rights-of-way necessary for the execution and
completion of work to be performed under this contract.
Non-discrimination in Employment by Federally Assisted Construction
Contractors, by Executive Order 11246.
13.10.1 This section summarizes Executive Order 11246, which
prohibits employment discrimination and requires employers holding
non-exempt Federal contracts and subcontracts and federally-assisted
construction contracts and subcontracts in excess of $10,000 to take
affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunity without
regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The
Executive Order requires, as a condition for the approval of any
federally assisted construction contract, that the applicant
incorporate nondiscrimination and affirmative action clauses into
its non-exempt federally assisted construction contracts.
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Page 10
13.10.2 Executive Order 11246, is administered and enforced by the
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), an agency in
the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration.
OFCCP has issued regulations at 41 C.F.R. chapter 60 implementing
the Executive Order. The regulations at 41 C.F.R. part 60-4
establish the procedures which the Agency, as an administering
agency, must follow when making grants, contracts, loans, insurance
or guarantees involving federally assisted construction which is not
exempt from the requirements of Executive Order 11246. The
regulations which apply to Federal or federally assisted
construction contractors also are published at 41 C.F.R. part 60-4.
13.10.3 OFCCP has established numerical goals for minority and
female utilization in construction work. The goals are expressed in
percentage terms for the contractor's aggregate workforce in each
trade. OFCCP has set goals for minority utilization based on the
percentage of minorities in the civilian labor force in the relevant
area. There is a single nationwide goal of 6.9 percent for
utilization of women. The goals apply to all construction work in
the covered geographic area, whether or not it is federal, federally
assisted or non-federal. A notice advises bidders of the applicable
goals for the area where the project is to be located.
13.10.4 Application. This section applies to all of a construction
contractor's or subcontractor's employees who are engaged in on-site
construction including those construction employees who work on a
non-Federal or non-Federally assisted construction site. Agency officials will notify the appropriate Regional
Director of OFCCP that an Agency financed construction contract has
been awarded, and that the equal opportunity clauses are included in
the contract documents. The Regional Director, OFCCP-DOL, will enforce the non-
discrimination requirements of Executive Order 11246.
13.10.5 The prospective contractor or subcontractor must comply
with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, by completing
and retaining Form I-9, "Employment Eligibility Verification," for
employees hired. This form is available from the Immigration and
Naturalization Service, and Department of Justice.
13.10.6 The prospective contractor or subcontractor must submit
Form RD 400-6, "Compliance Statement," to the applicant and an
Agency official as part of the bid package, prior to any contract
bid negotiations and comply with the Executive Order 11246 as stated
in the contract documents.
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Page 11
13.11.1 The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall comply with the
following statutes (and with regulations issued pursuant thereto,
which are incorporated herein by reference): Copeland Anti-Kickback Act (18 U.S.C. 874) as
supplemented in Department of Labor regulations (29 C.F.R. part 3).
This Act provides that each Contractor shall be prohibited from
inducing, by any means, any person in connection with construction
to give up any part of the compensation to which the person is
otherwise entitled. Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7414), section 114, and Water
Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1813), section 308. Under
Executive Order 11738 and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
regulations 40 C.F.R. part 15, all Contracts in excess of $100,000
are required to comply with these Acts. The Acts require the
Contractor to:
.1 Notify the Owner of the receipt of any communication from
EPA indicating that a facility to be utilized in the
performance of the Contract is under consideration to be
listed on the EPA list of Violating Facilities.
.2 Certify that any facility to be utilized in the
performance of any nonexempt Contractor or Subcontractor
is not listed on the EPA list of Violating Facilities as
of the date of the Contract Award.
.3 Include or cause to be included the above criteria and
requirements of paragraphs .1 and .2 in every nonexempt
subcontract, and that the Contractor will take such
action as the Government may direct as a means of
enforcing such provisions. Davis-Bacon Act(40 U.S.C. 276a) as supplemented in
Department of Labor regulations (29 C.F.R. part 5). If
applicable, the Contractor must comply with the minimum rates for
wages for laborers and mechanics as determined by the Secretary of
Labor in accordance with the provision of this Act.
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Page 12 Restrictions on Lobbying (Public Law 101-121, section
319) as supplemented in Department of Agriculture regulations (7
C.F.R. part 3018). This statute applies to the recipients of
contracts or subcontracts that exceed $100,000 at any tier under a
Federal loan that exceeds $150,000 or a Federal grant that exceeds
$100,000. If applicable, the Contractor must complete a
certification form on lobbying activities related to the specific
Federal loan or grant that is a funding source for this contract.
The certification and disclosure forms shall be provided by the
13.12.1 If the Contract is based on a negotiated Bid, the Owner,
the Agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any
of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any
books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor which are
pertinent to a specific Federal loan program for the purpose of
making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. The
Contractor shall maintain records for at least three years after
the Owner makes final payment and all other pending matters are
13.13.1 The Owner will complete and sign Form RD 1944-30,
"Identity of Interest (IOI) Disclosure Certificate." If
applicable, the Contractor or any Subcontractor, Material
Supplier, or Equipment Lessor sharing an identity of interest
will, prior to receipt of any payment, complete and sign Form RD
1944-31, "Identity of Interest (IOI) Qualification."
13.13.2 If and when an identity of interest exists, the
Contractor, Subcontractor, Material Suppliers, or Equipment
Lessor: Will, prior to receipt of any payment, provide the
Owner and the Agency a written assertion that it has an accounting
system suitably designed to provide for a line-item basis
comparison of the actual cost with the estimated cost. Will, prior to receipt of any payment, provide the
Owner and the Agency with a detailed breakdown of the estimated
cost amount for evaluation, using Form RD 1924-13, "Estimate and
Certificate of Actual Cost."
RD Instruction 1924-A
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Attachment 10
Page 13 Will deduct any discounts or rebates from invoices
provided to the Owner for payment. Any discounts or rebates
received on invoices already paid by the Owner will be refunded to
the Owner or subtracted from any payment retainage. Will not be entitled to receive payment for general
overhead, profit, or general requirements, respectively, in excess
of the amounts represented on the estimate of cost breakdown in
accordance with clause Will, prior to receipt of final payment, provide the
Owner and the Agency with a detailed breakdown of the actual cost
compared to the estimated cost, using Form RD 1924-13. When
required, the actual cost will be audited by a Certified Public
Accountant, or Licensed Public Accountant licensed on or before
December 31, 1970, who will provide an opinion concerning whether
the actual construction costs present fairly the costs of
construction in conformity with eligible construction costs as
prescribed in Rural Development regulations. Will, prior to receipt of final payment, provide the
Owner and the Agency with documentation on all Form RD 1924-13
actual cost line items that are a minimum of fifteen percent (15%)
higher or lower than the estimated costs. The documentation will
provide justification for the deviations.
13.13.3 If and when an identity of interest exists between the
Owner and Contractor, the Contractor is entitled to receive a
builder's fee (general overhead and profit) only when the highest
subcontract Sum is no more than fifty percent (50%) of the
Contract Sum, and the total of the highest three Subcontract Sums
is no more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Contract Sum.
Any payments made to the Contractor for a builder's fee to which
contractor is not entitled will be refunded to the Owner or
subtracted from any payment retainage.
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Page 14
13.14.1 Mitigation Measures - The contractor shall comply with
applicable mitigation measures established in the environmental
assessment for the project. These may be obtained from the Agency
13.14.2 Endangered Species - The Contractor shall comply with the
Endangered Species Act. Should any evidence of the presence of
endangered or threatened species or their critical habitat be
brought to the attention of the Contractor, the Contractor will
immediately report this evidence to the Architect and the Agency
representative. Construction shall be halted pending the
notification process and further directions issued by the Agency
after consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
13.14.3 The Contractor, when constructing a Project involving
trenching, excavating, or other earth moving activity, shall
comply with the following environmental constraints: Historic Preservation - Any excavation or other earth
moving activity by the Contractor that uncovers a historical or
archaeological artifact shall be immediately reported to the
Architect and the Agency representative. Construction shall be
halted pending the notification process and further directions
issued by the Agency after consultation with the State Historic
Preservation Officer or other appropriate historic preservation
official. Human Remains and Cultural Items - Any excavation or
other earth moving activity by the Contractor that uncovers human
remains or cultural items shall be immediately reported to the
Architect and the Agency representative. Construction shall be
halted pending the notification process and further directions
issued by the Agency after consultation with the appropriate
authorities. Paleontology - Any excavation or other earth moving
activity by the Contractor that uncovers a fossil or other
paleontological materials that may have scientific significance
shall be immediately reported to the Architect and the Agency
representative. Construction shall be halted pending the
notification process and further directions issued by the Agency
after consultation with appropriate authorities.
RD Instruction 1924-A
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Attachment 10
Page 15 Wetlands - The Contractor, when disposing of excess,
spoil, or other construction materials on public or private
property, will not fill in wetlands. Floodplains - The Contractor, when disposing of excess,
spoil, or other construction materials on public or private
property, will not fill in 100-year floodplain areas delineated on
the latest Federal Emergency Management Administration floodplain
13.14.4 Lead-Based Paint - The Contractor and Owner shall comply
with applicable Agency requirements of the Lead-Based Paint
Poisoning Prevention Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4821), and the
Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (42
U.S.C. 4851) for rehabilitation work on residential property built
prior to 1978.
13.15.1 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of 7
C.F.R. part 3017, which pertains to the debarment or suspension of
a person from participating in a Federal program or activity.
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RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Rural Development DESIGN GUIDE
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
This Guide is designed to assist Rural Development personnel determine and
evaluate design features which are not fully described in local building codes
or the development standards for rural housing proposals requesting financing
from the Agency. Housing proposals should address the liveability and
marketability objectives in the Rural Development Manual of Acceptable
Practice (MAP) and this Guide. Substantial deviation from these objectives
should be evaluated in the appraisal process and reflected in the present
market value of the proposed housing.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Chapter 2 - RESERVED
Chapter 3 - SITE DESIGN
Guide 2
1 - 1
2 - 1
3 - 1
4 - 1
A - 1
B - 1
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
Guide 2, Chapter 1 in PDF ONLY.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Page 2 - 1
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
301-6 BLOCKS
303-4 SUB - TYPES
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
3 - 1
3 - 1
3 - 2
3 - 2
3 - 2
3 - 3
3 - 3
3 - 3
3 - 4
3 - 4
3 - 4
3 - 4
3 - 6
3 - 6
3 - 6
3 - 7
3 - 11
3 - 14
3 - 14
3 - 19
3 - 19
3 - 19
3 - 20
3 - 20
3 - 20
3 - 20
3 - 20
3 - 21
3 - 21
3 - 21
3 - 21
3 - 21
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
307-1 GENERAL 3 - 25
307-2 SIDE AND REAR YARDS 3 - 25
308 PARKING AREAS 3 - 27
308-1 GENERAL 3 - 27
308-2 NUMBER OF SPACES 3 - 27
308-3 PARKING BAYS 3 - 27
309 WALKS 3 - 28
309-1 GENERAL 3 - 28
309-3 ENTRANCE WALKS 3 - 28
309-4 CHEEK-WALLS 3 - 28
310 SERVICES 3 - 28
310-1 GENERAL 3 - 28
310-2 ACCESS 3 - 29
311-1 GENERAL 3 - 29
311-2 LAWNS 3 - 29
312 SITE DETAILS 3 - 29
312-1 GENERAL 3 - 29
312-3 WALLS AND FENCES 3 - 30
313-1 GENERAL 3 - 30
313-2 RECREATION 3 - 30
314-1 GENERAL 3 - 31
314-3 LOT AREAS 3 - 31
314-4 LOT WIDTH 3 - 32
314-5 WALKWAYS 3 - 32
314-7 DRIVEWAYS 3 - 32
314-8 LIGHTING 3 - 32
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Page 3 - 1
Site development includes the arrangement of all site facilities
necessary to create a safe, functional, convenient, healthful,
durable and attractive living environment for residents.
This chapter gives basic guidelines and considerations to be used by
an applicant or builder-developer in planning subdivisions,
individual sites, and Multi-Family Housing developments. Site
development requirements are prescribed in RD Instruction 1924-C,
Exhibit B.
There are a number of references that may be helpful in planning
site development. The following is a partial listing of such
(a) Manual of Acceptable Practice: RD 4930.1
(b) Architectural Graphic Standards; American Institute of
(c) Handbook of landscape Architectural Construction; American
Society of Landscape Architects
(d) Grade Easy - An Introductory Course in the Principles and
Practices of Grading and Drainage; American Society of Landscape
Architects Foundation
(e) Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds; SCS-TR-55
(f) A Method of Estimating Volumes and Site Runoff in Small
Watersheds; SCS-TP-149
(g) Handbook of Channel Design for Soil and Water Conservation;
(h) Simplified Method for Determining Floodwater Retarding Storage;
(i) Hydrology; SCS-NEH-Section 4
(j) Residential Streets; Urban Land Institute, American Society of
Civil Engineers, National Association of Home Builders;
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Page 3 - 2
(k) Residential Storm Water Management; Urban Land Institute,
American Society of Civil Engineers, National Association of Home
(l) Residential Erosion and Sediment Control; Urban Land Institute,
American Society of Civil Engineers, National Association of Home
(m) Residential Development Handbook; Urban Land Institute;
(n) Geometric Design Guide for Local Roads and Streets; American
Association of State Highway Officials;
(o) A Guide for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights-of-Way;
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Land use planning for all housing should relate appropriately to all
site conditions and to the existing or permissible development of
adjoining properties.
301-2.1 The use of a proposed site should be planned for buildings so
arranged on the site and having characteristics which assure
(a) The property has adequate visual appeal.
(b) The property can be operated and maintained at costs reasonably
related to income.
(c) The land use and other site planning standards are met, and
(d) Zoning and other local regulations are complied with.
301-2.2 The building arrangement and location should relate well:
(a) To the natural topography, avoiding deep cuts, fills, excessive
foundation wall depth, unnecessary steps and steep access gradients.
(b) To climatic conditions, assuring maximum benefit from and
protection against, as appropriate, sun, wind, temperature,
precipitation, etc., and
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Page 3 - 3
(c) To attractive on-site and off-site views.
301-2.3 The building location, arrangement, and orientation should
assure adequate open space for outdoor living areas, all facilities,
services, amenities, and for interior natural light, air and
privacy. Undesirable outlook from windows of rooms for daytime use
should be avoided.
The number, size and type of dwelling, along with parking spaces,
recreation and other open spaces should be determined by the
characteristics of the site, its location, land cost, and
acceptability by the community.
Through the use of site design techniques such as building location
and orientation, window placement and the use of barriers,
predictable undesirable site noise should be tolerated to as close
to clearly acceptable levels as practicable. See HUD-PDR-735 "Noise
Assessment Guidelines."
The site design should be arranged when practical and possible to
harmonize with the complement functions and appearance of site
surroundings which have a significant bearing on the site. Where
the surroundings of a site have incongruous functions or undesirable
visual conditions, buffers or screen devices sufficient to separate
or modify these unpleasant conditions should be provided.
301-5.1 No site should be developed where external influences on the
site create conditions undesirable for residential use such as:
(a) Hazardous landslides, falling rock, or other unstable slope
conditions due to site topographic or geologic conditions;
(b) Unusual terrain features such as steep slopes, abutting rock
formations, or other conditions affecting construction, drainage, or
(c) Unusual risks from natural hazards such as geologic faults,
flash floods, volcanic activity, mudslides or fires, or from the
presence of ponds, or hazardous terrain features;
(d) Unwarranted risks from man-made hazards such as the presence of
hazardous materials, or the presence of potentially hazardous
industrial activity or material in the surrounding area;
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Page 3 - 4
(e) Nuisances from odors, vibrations, unsightly areas, nearby
landfills, inconvenience or other nuisances.
301-6 BLOCKS
301-6.1 The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks should be determined
with due regard to:
(a) Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special
needs of the type of use contemplated.
(b) Zoning requirements as to lot sizes and dimensions.
(c) Needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of
street traffic.
(d) Limitations and opportunities of topography.
301-6.2 Block lengths generally should not exceed 1600 feet nor be
less than 400 feet.
301-6.3 Blocks should be wide enough to allow two tiers of lots of
minimum depth. However, where this would require lots to front on
an arterial street or highway or where topographical conditions of
the size of the property prevent two tiers of lots, single lots with
necessary alterations may be used.
301-6.4 When double tiered blocks are over 800 feet in length, a 10-foot
wide pedestrian access easement is recommended near the center of
the block for circulation or access to schools, playgrounds,
shopping centers, transportation and other community facilities.
301-6.5 Intersections with arterial streets should be held to a minimum
and preferably spaced at least 1000 feet apart.
The site design should provide for all utilities in a manner which
allows economy in construction and maintenance.
302-1.1 The site design should be arranged to recognize existing
easements, utility lines, etc., and permit connection to existing
facilities where necessary for the proper functioning of drainage
and utilities.
Guide 2 Chapter 3: Pgs 3-5 through 3-14 in PDF ONLY.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Page 3 - 15
303-6.1.1 All driving and parking areas should have sufficient gradient
to provide for adequate drainage. Storm sewers or drainage ditches
should be provided to accept surface run-off and prevent pooling on
roadway areas. In arid or semi-arid areas, the roadway may be
designed with an inverted crown to accommodate occasional run-off.
Subsurface drainage should be adequate to maintain a stable
303-6.1.2 The subgrade should provide a stable platform for the base and
wearing surface under all anticipated geologic, hydrologic and
climatic conditions. The subgrade should be judged acceptable
according to soil type and anticipated traffic loads.
(a) In-place soil should not contain amounts of muck, clay,
veritable matter or other elements which will detrimentally affect
the structure of the roadway. Where these elements do occur the
stabilization procedures outlined below should be followed. The
subgrade should be thoroughly compacted to a density necessary to
support the roadway.
(b) Fill material should be free from muck, clay, vegetable matter
or other elements which will detrimentally affect the structure of
the roadway. All fill should be compacted according to the
characteristics of the acceptable in-place soil, the fill soil and
anticipated traffic loads. Where extensive fill is required, the
design should be executed by a qualified professional engineer.
(c) Compaction should be adequate for the design load of the
roadway plus a 25 percent impact load. State or local regulations
should be followed in the determination of acceptable practice.
(d) In areas where soil in-place is not adequate for use as a
street subgrade, appropriate stabilization should be utilized. Soil
cement, lime and calcium chloride are the most commonly used
stabilization elements and their use for each particular case should
be determined by a competent engineering study or by local
303-6.1.3 The base should be constructed in a manner which will provide a
suitable course for the application of the final surfacing. The
composition and depth of the base should be appropriate for the type
and amount of traffic anticipated. The types listed below are
generally acceptable base materials and others may be used according
to local conditions.
(a) Gravel Base. This base should consist of gravel and filler
constructed on a prepared subgrade. The material should be free
from organic matter and lumps or balls of clay; and such
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Material should be removed and replaced with approved material. The
base thickness should be determined by the projected road usage and
should be placed in layers not to exceed three (3) inches in
thickness after compaction. The base course material should not be
deposited or shaped on a frozen or thawing subgrade or during
unfavorable weather conditions.
(b) Crushed Stone Base. This base should consist of crushed stone
constructed on a prepared subgrade. The material should consist of
hard, durable particles or fragments of stone, free from an excess
of flat, elongated, soft or disintegrated pieces, dirt or other
objectionable matter. The base thickness should be determined by
the projected road usage and should be placed in layers not to
exceed three (3) inches in thickness after compaction. After the
coarse aggregate has been thoroughly compacted, choker stone should
be gradually applied to fill all voids. No base course material
should be deposited or shaped when the subgrade is frozen or thawing
or during unfavorable weather conditions.
(c) Soil Cement Base. This base should consist of a combination of
soil and portland cement uniformly mixed, moistened and compacted.
Water should be from oil, acids, alkali and vegetable matter and
should be reasonably clean. Soil for this base course should
consist of the soil found in place, and any additional soil that may
be required should be treated as necessary for use as abase
material. Prior to mixing, the soil should be pulverized for the
full width and sufficient depth of the roadway. The specified
quantity of portland cement should be spread in one operation and
thoroughly mixed before the application of water and compaction.
After compaction, the roadway should be cured for an appropriate
period of time and traffic should be prohibited during this time.
(d) Asphaltic Concrete Base. This base should be composed of a
combination of course aggregate, fine aggregates and bituminous
cement mixed in a central plant. Asphaltic cement to be used in the
asphaltic concrete should be uniform in character, free from water
and should contain no mineral matter other than that naturally
present. Aggregate should consist of fine gravel and sand,
disintegrated granite, or other similar granular materials. Where
cement concrete or masonry edging is not used, suitable side forms
of wood or steel should be placed. Placing of the mixture should be
as continuous as possible with all joints well bonded and sealed.
After spreading, the mixture should be thoroughly compacted with a
power drive roller according to accepted practices. No asphalt
material should be laid when the temperature of the air is 50
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Fahrenheit and falling or during other unfavorable weather
303-6.1.4 Hard surfaced wearing surfaces, when required, should be of
adequate design for the projected traffic loads. Local regulations,
availability of materials, and maintenance facilities will dictate
the type of paving to be used. The following types of paving are
generally acceptable, although some types may not be locally
accepted, or additional materials may be used according to local
(a) Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. This surface should consist
of water, aggregate and cement in the required proportions. Forms
should be placed to acceptable tolerances, properly braced, and well
oiled before placement of the material. The concrete should be
deposited rapidly and leveled according to approved methods.
Finishing should be done to remove free water, to provide the
desired final appearance and to correct surface irregularities.
Expansion and contraction joints should be provided at the required
intervals. Properly protected curing for a minimum 72 hours should
be observed. No concrete should be placed on a frozen or thawing
subgrade or during unfavorable weather conditions, or when the
temperature is 38 degrees and falling.
(b) Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (Cutback Asphalt). This
surface should consist of three applications of bitumen and a
spreading of coarse aggregate and seal coat aggregate on a prepared
base. Bituminous materials should conform to applicable
specifications. Aggregate should be crushed stone and should
consist of particles of clean, hard, tough, durable, uncoated rock
fragments and should be reasonably free from an excess of flat,
elongated soft or disintegrated pieces, organic or other
objectionable matter and should be free from lumps of clay. The
bitumen should be applied with a pressure-type power distributor. A
prime coat should be uniformly spread and allowed to set up. A
second coat should be applied followed immediately by an application
of coarse aggregate which should be uniformly rolled. A seal coat
of bitumen and aggregate should be applied after all loose and
excess aggregate have been removed from the first coating. No
materials should be placed when either the temperature of the air or
base on which the material is to be placed is 50 degrees Fahrenheit
and falling or during unfavorable weather conditions.
(c) One Course Asphaltic Wearing Surface. This surface should
consist of a wearing course composed of aggregate and bituminous
material mixed in a central plant. Liquid asphalt should be of
acceptable quality. Asphalt cement to be used in
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The asphaltic concrete should be uniform in character, free from
water and should contain no mineral matter other than that naturally
present. Aggregate should consist of fine gravel and sand,
disintegrated granite and other similar granular materials. The
existing surface should be cleaned before application of the tack
coat by a pressure-type power distributor. The bituminous mixture
should be spread, raked and rolled in an acceptable manner.
Longitudinal and transverse joints should be well bonded and sealed.
No asphalt material should be laid when the temperature of the air
is 50 degrees Fahrenheit and falling or during unfavorable weather
(d) Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Surface. This surface should
consist of aggregate and bituminous material mixed in a central
plant. Asphalt cement to be used in the asphaltic concrete should
be uniform in character, free from water and should contain no
mineral matter other than that naturally present. Aggregate should
consist of fine gravel and sand, Aggregate disintegrated granite or
other similar granular materials. The bituminous mixture should be
spread, raked and rolled in an acceptable manner. Longitudinal and
transverse joints should be well bonded and sealed. No asphalt
material should be laid when the temperature of the air is 50
degrees Fahrenheit and falling or during unfavorable weather
303-6.1.5 All-weather surfaces, where acceptable, should be designed to
accommodate the projected traffic load. The subgrade and base
should be constructed in a manner similar to hard-surface roads so
that hard surfacing can be easily accomplished at a later date. The
following types are generally acceptable and other types may be used
dependent upon local conditions.
(a) Layered Oil Surface. This surface should consist of aggregate
and waste oil thoroughly mixed and compacted. The base should be
scarified and oil applied by a pressure-type power distributor.
This process should be repeated a number of times until the mixture
is consistent to an acceptable depth. Final compaction should
provide a regular surface with the required density.
(b) Gravel Surface. This surface should consist of course and fine
aggregates applied in a manner similar to gravel bases. If the
gravel wearing surface is for long-term usage, a permanent gravel or
crushed stone base should be covered with a layer of aggregate
selected or treated to minimize dust in use. Where hard surfacing
is anticipated within 24 months, a suitable gravel base may be used
as a driving surface provided adequate maintenance is performed and
the base is adequately required before application of the hard
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303-7.1 Planting Strips. When provided, should not be less than twelve
(12) inches in width. Plantings at intersections should not
interfere with lines of sight necessary for safe driving conditions.
303-7.2 Street Trees. Street trees, of a variety and size in accordance
with the standards adopted by the local governing body, may be
planted between street and curb and gutter and sidewalk.
303-7.3 Street Lighting. In addition to the required street
intersection lighting, it may be desirable for a subdivider to
install street lights throughout the subdivision. In these cases, a
subdivider should conform to the requirements generally in use in
the area and payment for electrical power use for the street
lighting should be that in common practice in the area. Generally,
the public body that accepts maintenance of the streets will provide
the power for street lighting.
304-1.1 Site grading should be designed to establish building floor
elevations and ground surface grades which:
(a) Minimize earth settlement problems.
(b) Avoid concentrating run off onto neighboring properties where
erosion or other damage will be caused.
(c) Provide useable outdoor space.
(d) Minimize erosion.
(e) Avoid deep cuts and fills.
(f) Minimize the need for banks, retaining walls or terracing, and
avoid long or repeated flights of steps.
304-1.2 Grades should not be designed which direct a concentrated flow
of surface drainage over existing or proposed slopes.
304-1.3 All earth slopes with grades of three on one or steeper should
be planted with appropriate vegetative cover to minimize erosion.
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304-1.4 Occupant and visitor exposure to potential hazards such as rock
slides or steep cliffs, created by existing slopes, should be
minimized by the installation of fences, walls or planting, as
304-1.5 Maximum gradient for useable open areas should be 5.0 percent.
Provisions should be made for the best available routing of runoff
water to assure that buildings or other important facilities will
not be endangered by the path of major emergency flood runoff which
would become active if the capacity of the site storm drainage
system is exceeded.
305-2.1 In areas provided with open drainage ditches, locations where
these facilities intersect streets should have culverts, riprap and
bulkheads adequately sized and constructed to prevent the flow of
water across the pavement surfaces and erosion of the roadway base.
305-2.2 Where a swale or drainage ditch intersects a sidewalk or
driveway, an adequately sized culvert or bridge should be provided.
Walks should not be designed as drainage ways.
305-3.1 A storm sewer or swale discharge into ponds, swales or ditches
should have either riprap, headwall, or other similar protection to
prevent undermining of the cutlet pipe and erosion of the side
305-3.2 Consideration should be given to emergency outlets when the
storm sewer system is inoperable due to blockage or when the design
capacity has been exceeded.
Headwalls and other appropriate construction should be placed at the
open ends of storm sewers to prevent excessive erosion and
undermining of conduit.
305-4.1 Developed portions of a site which can be adversely affected by
a potentially high ground water table should be drained where
possible by subsurface drainage facilities adequate for the disposal
of excess ground water.
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305-4.2 Drywells should be placed a minimum distance of 20 ft. from
buildings. This distance may be reduced to 10 ft. if the drywell
does not exceed 3 ft. in diameter.
The site design should be arranged to utilize and preserve the
favorable features and characteristics of the site and to avoid or
minimize the potential harmful effect of unfavorable features.
In the design of a site, the effect of topographic conditions on the
costs of development and operation should be considered when
locating various uses on the land. Land uses should be combined
with site conditions in a manner which assures a functional and
economically maintainable development and in a manner which permits
correction of potential hazards.
306-2.1 Ground Contours
All elements of the site plan should be designed to fit the natural
contour of the land as closely as possible and practicable.
306-2.2 Vegetation
Existing healthy trees, shrubs, and natural cover of good quality
which will contribute to the living environment and which can be
saved within the site design should be preserved.
Buildings, structures, streets, paved areas and utilities should be
located on the site in areas of the least potential ground water
306-4.1 Corner lots for residential use should have extra width to
permit appropriate building setback from and orientation to both
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306-4.2 The subdividing of the land should be such as to provide each
lot with satisfactory access to an existing public street or
insert diagram
306-4.3 In the absence of local regulations on lot dimensions, the area,
width, depth, shape and orientation and the minimum building setback
lines should be appropriate for the location of the site and for the
type of development and use contemplated.
Guide 2 Chapter 3: Pgs 3-23 and 3-24 in PDF ONLY.
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Side lot lines should be substantially at right angles or radial
to street right-of-way lines.
306-4.8 Desirable natural features such as streams or lakes should be
deeded to the local governing body or homeowners association. An
easement not less than 10 feet in width should be provided for
access to and circulation around any common natural feature.
307-1.1 The length and height of each building wall, the location of the
main entrance as it relates to the dwelling and to window walls of
nearby dwellings, and the location of windows in all habitable rooms
should be considered in establishing yard depth.
307-1.2 Building setback distance from the street should provide for
reasonable privacy and minimize the adverse effects of traffic and
other noises, fumes, and headlight glare.
307-2.1 Yard space between exterior building walls and the adjacent lot
line should be measured perpendicular to the lot line opposite the
building wall at all points. The minimum distance from the wall to
the lot line is determined by:
(a) The height of the wall in stories.
(b) The horizontal length of the wall from corner to corner.
(c) The type of wall
(1) Primary Wall is that wall which contains the principal
window(s) in a habitable room except bedrooms and kitchen,
and/or the main entrance to the dwelling when it directly faces
a primary wall of another dwelling.
(2) Secondary Wall is that wall which contains the windows)
of rooms for other than a primary wall as defined above.
(3) Windowless Wall is that wall which contains no windows.
307-2.2 Minimum distance from building wall to lot lines should be:
(a) Primary Wall
6 ft. plus 2 ft. for each story (S) in height plus 1 ft. for
each 10 ft. of length (L). D = 2S + L/10
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(b) Secondary Wall
2 ft. + 1 ft. for each story (S) in height plus 1 ft. for each
10 ft. of length (L), minimum distance 5 ft. D = 2 + S + L/10.
(c) Windowless Wall
Yard depth for walls containing no windows, or only windows
which do not involve loss of privacy for required interior
space should be no less that 8 feet.
(d) Retaining Wall
The distance between a building wall with habitable room
windows and a retaining wall with the top above the midpoint of
the vertical height of the lowest window should be a minimum of
the appropriate primary or secondary wall distance, see above,
treating the retaining wall as a lot line.
307-3.1 The distance between buildings should not be less than the sum
of the yards of the individual wall types recommended by section
307-3.2 Where a window wall is opposite a windowless wall, the distance
between buildings is determined by the required yard space for the
window wall.
307-3.3 Where opposing walls have no windows, there is no required
distance between buildings other than for fire protection.
307-4.1 The setback distance of buildings from the front property line
and the street side lot line of corner properties should:
(a) Be diversified to assure visible variety in building and space
relationship avoiding monotony.
(b) Be consistent with the best building placement considering the
topography and other site conditions.
(c) Provide space for facilities for necessary functions such as
walks, drives, parking space and plant materials.
(d) Be adequate to assure reasonable visual and auditory privacy
for indoor and outdoor living areas.
(e) Minimize adverse effects of fumes, headlight glare, and other
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307-4.2 Buildings should be set back from parking areas and screened to
minimize headlight glare into habitable rooms and should be arranged
to prevent direct or concentrated discharge of automobile exhausts
into any window.
Adequate parking space should be provided for residents, guests and,
where appropriate, service vehicles. Where practical, additional
parking space should be planned and reserved for future use.
308-2.1 The number of parking spaces to be provided should be based on
individual analysis of each housing proposal.
308-2.2 Detached single family housing should have one parking space per
unit on each lot. This space should have an all-weather surface and
minimum dimensions of 10 feet by 22 feet.
308-2.3 Off-site parking spaces for multi-family housing may be
substituted for onsite parking, if available, and acceptable to the
local authorities.
Parking bays for multi-family projects and townhouses should meet
the following:
308-3.1 Minimum single space dimension should be 8 ft. wide and 18 ft.
Deep. Maximum number of spaces in a single bay should be 20. Minimum
distance between bays should be 8 ft.
308-3.2 Maximum walking distance from a parking space to a public
entrance of apartment building served should be:
(a) Non-elderly resident parking space - 250 ft.
(b) Elderly resident parking space - 150 ft.
(c) Guest parking space - 300 ft.
308-3.3 Wheel stops or other appropriate barriers should be provided and
suitably placed to prevent unwanted vehicular encroachment beyond
parking area limits.
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Walks should be provided for safe convenient access to all
dwellings and for safe pedestrian circulation throughout a
development between facilities and locations where major need for
pedestrian access can be anticipated.
309-2. 1 Where the window sill of a bathroom or bedroom is less than 6
ft. Above a public walk, the walk should be at least 8 ft. from the
wall containing the window.
309-2.2 Minimum walk width should be 4 ft. except abutting a parking bay
or court where it should be 6 ft. to accommodate car overhangs and
provide walking space.
309-2.3 Sidewalks at least 5 feet in width should be provided on each
side of all arterial streets or designated state roads where
necessary for pedestrian and traffic safety. Sidewalks at least 4
feet in width should be placed along marginal access streets where
necessary for pedestrian and traffic safety.
309-3.1 Minimum walk widths should be:
(a) Principal walk (serving more than one unit) 4 ft.
(b) Minor walk (serving only one unit) 3 ft.
(c) One & two family dwelling entrance walk 3 ft.
(d) Elevator building entrance walk 5 ft.
Cheek-walls should be provided at least 4 in. thick for step flights
of three or more risers except where the rear intersection of treads
and risers are at least 2 in. above grade.
Necessary services supplied by the local community should be
provided the required space and accommodation in the site design to
permit economical operation and maintenance.
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310-2 ACCESS
Direct and convenient site access should be provided for all
deliveries and services including furniture moving vans, fuel
trucks, refuse collections, utility meter readings, mail deliveries,
fire fighting equipment and ambulances.
310-3.1 Single family housing should have space adjacent to each living
unit for refuse can storage.
310-3.2 Multiple family housing projects should have an outdoor facility
for garbage and refuse collection and disposal which can be
maintained in a sanitary, sightly condition where other provisions
have not been made. Collection stations should be designed with
easily cleaned, nondusting or paved surfaces.
Service areas and facilities should be screened.
Planting design should coordinate appropriate new plant
materials and their ecological requirements with the climate, soil,
orientation, water courses, existing vegetation, related natural
resources and manmade facilities. A variety of plant materials
should be provided to enhance the appearance of buildings and
grounds, provide necessary screening, help separate incompatible use
areas, arrest erosion and reduce noise.
311-2 LAWNS
Lawn preparation should include a surface layer having a minimum
depth of 4 in. comprised of surface soil with a known local
capability of satisfactorily supporting lawn growth.
Elements of the site such as shelters, service structures, walls,
fences, planting tubs and boxes, benches, patios recreational
equipment and paved areas should be furnished according to occupant
needs and local customs.
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Laundry drying space should be provided in suitable areas and
located away from public view where other laundry drying facilities
are not furnished.
312-3.1 Walls and fences should be included in the site design as
appropriate to provide safety, screening, noise reduction or grade
312-3.2 Guardrails or other suitable barriers should be provided on
accessible retaining walls or at other locations which, because of
the height (24 in. or over) or other factors, constitute a hazard to
life safety.
All public areas where pedestrian use can be anticipated after
sunset should be adequately lighted for security purposes where
arrangements for permanent maintenance and operation can be assured.
Improved open space for both active and passive recreation should be
provided. The improvement should be consistent with the size of the
development, age levels, and needs of intended occupants and should
consider operation and maintenance costs.
312.2.1 Adequate recreation space appropriately equipped should be
provided, consisting of open areas for active recreation such as
playground or major sports, and places for passive recreation such
as parks and sitting areas.
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312.2.2 Publicly owned and maintained parks, playgrounds and school
grounds which are convenient to a development and readily available
for use by the residents may be considered in the design of the
312.2.3 Recreation areas for the elderly should be separated from areas
designed for use by children or young adults in projects
accommodating both elderly and families.
It is the intent of this Section to provide guidelines for sites,
where the majority of the land area has slopes exceeding fifteen
percent (15%) and special measures must be taken to provide adequate
building sites with safe access and reliable utilities. These steep
sites will be acceptable for Rural Development financed housing only
if the State Director determines there are no other suitable sites
of lesser slopes available in the area where the housing need
314-2.1 All manufactured slopes adjacent to the roadway should normally
be a maximum of two horizontal to one vertical (2:1 unless limited
to existing topography or constructed in rock. Manufactured slopes
of less than two to one (2:1) may be permitted where adequate slope
control measures such as retaining walls or rip-rap embankment are
utilized. The slope should in no case exceed the natural angle of
repose of the material. Cut and fill slopes should be constructed
to eliminate sharp angles of intersection with the existing terrain
and should be rounded and contoured as necessary to blend with the
natural topography to the maximum possible intent.
314-2.2 All manufactured slopes, other than those constructed in rock,
should be planted or otherwise protected from the effects of storm
erosion as soon as possible after construction and should be
benched, terraced and excessive runoff diverted as required to
provide for adequate stability. If the severity of the slope or the
composition of the soil indicates unusual stability hazards,
according to soil reports, further remedies may be necessary as
determined with the assistance of a qualified soils engineer.
As the slope of terrain increases, lot areas normally increase to
provide adequate outdoor living area, driveways, allowance for slope
maintenance, snow removal or collection, etc. Lots should be of
adequate size to meet the needs of occupants of the structure to be
placed thereon.
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The lot width should be sufficient to provide an acceptable building
site and reasonable and safe access.
Walkways should be provided when dwelling units have frontage on
major streets and highways, or when considered necessary to provide
pedestrian safety along public streets. Slip resistant stepping
stones or other durable materials may be substituted for paved
walks. Walkways should preserve the character of the hilly area to
the maximum extent possible.
Streets constructed on a gradient in excess of 18% should consist of
a portland cement concrete surfacing with a minimum thickness of 6
inches placed on a suitable base course and should be provided with
a roughened surface to minimize skidding or slipping of vehicles.
Driveways should be designed to a grade and alignment that will
provide the maximum safety and transition to prevent "bottoming out"
in a manner which will not interfere with drainage or public use of
the street and/or street area.
Where considered necessary for safety purposes and where permanent
maintenance and operation can be assured, outdoor lighting and/or
street lighting should be provided.
Dwellings Only)
Dwellings Only)
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Building design should provide for an attractive living facility and
environment suited to the social, economic, and recreational needs
of resident families and individuals. It should provide for ease of
circulation and housekeeping, visual and auditory privacy,
appropriate light and ventilation, fire and accident protection,
economy in maintenance and use of space, accessory services, energy
efficiency, and sanitation facilities.
In multi-family housing projects designed for both elderly and for
families with children, living units for the elderly should be
located in separate structures, floors or wings of the building.
401-2.1 Community Social Rooms
Where community social and recreational rooms are provided, they
should be designed in accordance with the needs of the occupants and
have adjacent toilet facilities for men and women which are
accessible to the handicapped. An adjacent storage area should be
provided. Such spaces should be provided in housing for the
401-2.2 Management and Maintenance Space
Space should be provided to commensurate with the number of living
units served. Also, space should be provided for necessary staff
where social services are provided.
401-2.3 Central Laundries
Central laundry facilities containing space for automatic washers,
dryers and sorting tables should be located near the elevators or
other pedestrian traffic center for the convenience and safety of
the users. The space within the laundries should be visible from an
adjacent public area.
401-2.4 Project Storage
Space for storage of maintenance supplies and equipment such as
paint, hand tools, lawn mowers, snow blowers, etc., should be
provided in accordance with the needs of the project.
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401-2.5 Facilities for Trash and Garbage Disposal
(a) Provide for the temporary sanitary storage of trash and garbage
and for its subsequent disposal or removal.
(b) Design and construction of trash chutes should be of
appropriate size and type and in accordance with NFPA Standard No.
82, Incinerators and Rubbish Handling. Each trash chute hopper
should be located in a room of not less than 20 sq. ft.
401-3.1 Each dwelling unit should contain space for general family
living and group activities, dining, sleeping, dressing, and
personal care.
401-3.2 Minimum Room Sizes Based on Sq. Ft. Area
TABLE 4-1.1
A. Minimum Room Sizes for Separate Rooms
Minimum Area (Sq. Ft.) (7) Least
Name of Space (1) LU with LU with LU with LU with LU with Dimen-
0-BR 1-BR 2-BR 3-BR 4-BR sion
LR NA 160 160 170 180 11'-0"
DR NA 100 100 110 120 8'-4"
BR (primary) (2) NA 120 120 120 120 9'-4"
BR (secondary) NA NA 80 80 80 8'-0"
Total area, BR's NA 120 200 280 280 _____
B. Minimum Room Sizes for Combined Spaces
Minimum Area (Sq. Ft.) (7) Least
Combined Space LU with LU with LU with LU with LU with Dimen-
(1) (4) 0-BR 1-BR 2-BR 3-BR 4-BR Sion (3)
LR-DA NA 210 210 230 250
LR-DA-K (5) NA 270 270 300 330
K-DA (6) 100 120 120 140 160
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(1) Abbreviations:
LU = Living Unit K = Kitchen
LR = Living Room NA = Not Applicable
DR = Dining Room BR = Bedroom
DA = Dining Area SL = Sleeping Area
O-BR = LU with no separate bedroom
(2) Primary bedrooms should have at least one wall space of at least 10 ft.
Uninterrupted by openings less than 44 in. above the floor.
(3) The minimum dimensions of a combined room should be the sum of the
dimensions of the individual single rooms involved except for the overlap or
combined use of space.
(4) For two adjacent spaces to be considered a combined room, the horizontal
opening between spaces should be at least 8 ft. - 0 in. except that between
kitchen and dining functions the opening may be reduced to 6 ft. - 0 in.
Spaces not providing this degree of openness should meet minimum room sizes
required for separate rooms.
(5) A combined LR-DA-K should have a clear opening between the kitchen and
dining area of at least 4 ft. - 0 in.
(6) These minima apply when the only eating space is in the kitchen.
(7) The floor area of an alcove, or recess off a room, having a dimension
less than required for the room should be included only if it is not more than
10 percent of the minimum room size permitted and is useful for the placement
of furniture.
401-4.1 Kitchen
(a) Kitchen fixtures and countertops should be provided in
accordance with Table 4-1.2. Countertops should be approximately 24
in. deep and 36 in. high. Clearance between base cabinet fronts in
food preparation area should be 40 in. minimum.
(b) Countertops may be combined when they are located between two
fixtures stove, refrigerator, sink. Such a countertop should have a
minimum frontage equal to that of the larger of the countertops
being combined. This combined counter may also be the mixing
counter when its minimum length is equal to that required for the
mixing counter. Countertop frontages may continue around corners.
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TABLE 4-1.2
Number of Bedrooms
0 1 2 3 4
Work Center Minimum Frontages in Lineal In.
Sink 18 24 24 32 32
Countertop, each side 15 18 21 24 30
Range or Cooktop Spaces (1) (2) (5)
Countertop, one side (3)
Refrigerator Space (4)
Countertop, one side (3)
Mixing Countertop
(1) Where a built-in wall oven is installed, provide an 18 in. wide counter
adjacent to it.
(2) A range should not be located under a window nor within 12 in. of window.
Where a cabinet is provided above a range, 30 in. clearance should be provided
to the bottom of an unprotected cabinet, or 24 in. to the bottom of a
protected cabinet.
(3) Provide at least 9 in. from the edge of a range to an adjacent corner
cabinet or side wall, and 15 in. from the side of a refrigerator to an
adjacent corner cabinet.
(4) Refrigerator space may be 33 in. when refrigerator door opens within its
own width.
(5) When a range is not provided, a 30 in. wide space should be provided.
c. Kitchen storage shelf area should be provided in accordance with
Table 4-1.3. At least one third of the required area should be
located in base or wall cabinets.
(6) A cooking facility and refrigerator should be provided in each rental
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TABLE 4-1.3
SQ. FT. Number of Bedrooms
0 1 2 3 4
Minimum Shelf Area 24 30 38 44 50
Minimum Drawer Area 4 6 8 10 12
401-4.2 Baths
(a) Each dwelling unit should have at least one bathroom containing
a lavatory, water closet, and bathtub. Bathrooms should provide for
comfortable access to, and use of, each fixture. Bathrooms should
be convenient to the bedrooms.
(b) Bathrooms should be provided with the following accessories:
(1) Grab bar and soap dish at tub or shower
(2) Shower curtain rod or enclosure at shower
(3) Toilet paper holder at water closet
(4) Mirror and medicine cabinet or equivalent enclosed storage
(5) Two towel bars
(c) Water impervious wainscot should be provided at walls around
showers or tub-showers to a height of 6 ft. from the finish floor.
401-4.3 Laundry
(a) Where common laundry is not provided, space should be provided
in each unit for a clothes washing machine equipped with power
supply and water and waste piping or a laundry tray.
(b) Where other drying facility is not furnished, space should be
provided in each living unit for a dryer equipped with power supply
and vent to the outside.
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401-5.1 Bedroom Closets
Each bedroom should have accessible clear hanging space equipped
with rod and shelf which meets or exceeds the following:
Double Occupancy Bedrooms Single Occupancy Bedrooms
2' -0" x 5' -0" 2' -0" x 3' -0"
401-5.2 Coat Closet
A 2 ft. x 2 ft. (clear floor area) coat closet should be provided
convenient to the entrance.
401-5.3 Linen Storage should be provided as follows:
(a) Minimum shelf area: 10 sq. ft. for 2 bedrooms or less, 15 sq.
ft. for 3 or more bedrooms.
(b) Spacing of shelving: Not less than 12 in. o.c.
401-5.4 General Storage
(a) In addition to closets and kitchen storage, each dwelling unit should
have a minimum total volume of interior and exterior storage of 200 cu. ft.
plus 75 cu. ft. per bedroom.
(b) General storage may be reduced 75 cu. ft. when exterior
maintenance is to be performed by other than occupants.
(c) At least one third of the total volume of general storage space
provided should be located for the convenient storage of items used
outdoors, except for elderly housing.
(d) Each living unit having one or more bedrooms should have at
least one closet for general storage or utility purposes located in
a conveniently accessible place within the unit. This closet should
be at least 6 sq. ft. In area and full room height. The remainder
of the general storage may be located in bedroom and coat closets
provided this space is in addition to the required closet space.
(e) Common storage should be in a dry area with space divided into
lockable compartments or closets for each living unit.
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Where garages or carports are provided, they should be designed to
provide space for full size cars as well as for convenient opening
of doors and circulation around cars. Their location should provide
convenient vehicular access as well as convenient access to living
401-7.1 Ceiling heights clear under beams or other obstructions should
be in accordance with Table 4-1.4.
TABLE 4-1.4
Habitable Rooms 7'-6"
Halls within living unit, Baths 7'-0"
Luminous Ceilings
Within living unit
Public Corridor
Sloping Ceilings At least 7'-6" for 1/2 the
room with no portion less than
Public Corridors 7'-8"
Public Rooms 8'-0"
Basements without Habitable
Rooms 6'-8" (6'-4" under girders)
Space and facilities should be provided for convenient access to and
circulation within dwellings for occupants and for movement of
furniture and supplies. The relationship of rooms within the living
unit and the relationship of living units to each other should
provide a degree of privacy commensurate with desirable living
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Entrances should have appropriately sized exterior platforms when
access is not from a paved area such as a porch, terrace, garage or
402-3.1 Recommended minimum doorway widths should be:
Public Doors
Main entrance to building 3'-0", 6'-0
for double doors
Secondary public entrance to building 3'-0"
Service entrance to building 2'-8"
Public stairway 3'-0"
Private Doors
Main entrance to living unit 3'-0"
Secondary entrance to living unit 2'8" (5'-0" sliding
glass doors may be
Bathrooms, toilets in living unit 2'-0"
Habitable rooms 2'-6"
402-3.2 A door should be provided at each entrance to a building, living
unit, and required stairway enclosure; within the living unit, a
door should be provided at each opening to a bedroom, bathroom,
toilet room, and closets.
402-3.3 Locking devices at doors and windows should be as follows:
a. Each exterior doorway or doorway leading to garage areas, public
hallways, terraces, balconies, or other areas affording easy access
to the premises should be protected by a door which, if not a
sliding door, should be equipped with a deadlock using either an
interlocking vertical bolt and striker, or a minimum 1/2 in. Throw
dead bolt, or a minimum 1/2 in. throw self-looking dead latch.
Locks should not require the use of a key for operation from the
b. All sliding doors, first floor and basement windows, and windows
opening onto stairways, fire escapes, porches, terraces, balconies,
or other areas affording easy access to the premises, should be
equipped with a locking device.
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c. Swinging entrance doors to a living unit should be keyed alike.
d. Bathroom, toilet room, and primary bedroom doors should be
equipped with a privacy lock which can be opened from the outside in
an emergency.
402-3.4 All entrance doors, including storm and screen doors,
opening outward should be provided with a safety door check. Main
and secondary public doors should be equipped with a door closer.
402-3.5 When the attic or crawl space contains mechanical equipment, the
access opening and any accompanying areaway should be of sufficient
size and shape to permit replacement of the equipment.
402-3.6 Access openings to common attic or crawl spaces of multi-family
housing should not be located within the living units.
The width of corridors at elevators should be greater than the width
of the corridor at other locations except where the elevator is
serving six living units or less per floor. The increase in width
should be at least 20 percent for corridors or hallways less than 5
ft. wide, and at least 12 percent for corridors from 5 ft. to 7 ft.
Each bedroom should have access to a bathroom without an intervening
bedroom, kitchen, or principal living or dining area. Bedrooms
should not afford the only access to a required bathroom except in
one bedroom units. Neither a bedroom nor a bathroom should afford
the only access to a habitable room.
402-6.1 Stairways and landings should provide for safe ascent and
descent under normal and emergency conditions and for the transport
of furniture and equipment. They should be designed to minimize
noise transmission into adjacent living units.
402-6.2 Stairways having three or more risers should have a handrail 30
in. in height on at least one side of the stairways. Handrails
should have intermediate rails or ornamental closures which will not
allow passage of an object 5 in. or more in diameter.
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Light and ventilation should be provided to achieve a healthful
environment within the dwelling and so located as to provide an
acceptable degree of comfort. Structural spaces should have natural
ventilation to reduce conditions conducive to decay and to release
stored heat. Ventilation should be considered for the removal of
excessive moisture vapor in living units.
Living units should be designed to provide an acoustically-
controlled environment in relation to exterior noise and noise from
adjacent living units and public spaces.
405-1.1 Every living unit should be: (a) constructed so as to reduce
fire hazard separated from every other living unit by construction
or distance to restrict the spread of fire, and (c) be designed to
provide means of safe egress in the event of a fire.
405-1.2 The fire protection recommendations in this section may be more
stringent than the minimum requirements of local building codes and
applicable development standards.
405-2 FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS (One & two family dwellings only)
TABLE 4-5.1
Type of Housing
Construction Detached and Row Houses
Semi-Detached Attached
Party, common walls 1 1-1/2(1) (2)
Exterior lot-line walls 3/4 3/4
Partitions at common 3/4 3/4
entrance halls (1)
Bearing partitions 1/3 1/3
Floor-ceiling assemblies (4) (5)
Roof-ceiling assemblies (4)
Separation between garage and living unit (1) 3/4 3/4
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(1) Combustible walls which are penetrated with electrical outlets or other
mechanical devices should have interior (cavity) fire protection.
(2) Walls should extend at least 18 in. above top of roof. See 405-3.1 b for
alternate methods.
(3) Supporting walls, beams and columns - 1 hour.
(4) Floor assembles over nonhabitable basements, roof assemblies for detached
and semi-detached housing, supporting beams and columns - 1/6 hour.
(5) Floor assemblies not meeting the 1/6 hour fire resistance rating may be
acceptable where a single station smoke detector is provided for every level.
405-3 INTERIOR FIRE PROTECTION (One & two family dwellings only)
405-3.1 Party, Common and Lot-Line Walls
(a) Walls should extend the full height of the dwelling without
openings from foundation to the roof.
(b) Walls separating row houses may be carried up to the underside
of the roof sheathing and sealed tightly in the following
(1) Where the roof framing and deck are noncombustible and
roof covering material is at least Class C Classification (ASTM
(2) Where the roof construction provides one hour protection
against sheathing burn through with a Class A brand (tested in
accordance with Burning Brand Test of ASTM E08) for width of 6
ft. on each side of the wall.
(c) Plumbing and heating stacks may be placed in party, common and
lotline walls where wall construction provides a minimum of one-hour
protection on each side of stacks. Penetration of the wall by
electrical outlets or recessed cabinets should not be back to back,
and there should be a minimum of one-hour protection around
405-4.1 Flame Spread Limitations
(a) The surface flame spread rating of interior finish materials of
walls, ceilings and kitchen cabinets should not exceed 200
determined by an independent testing laboratory or recognized
association laboratory.
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(b) Flame spread of kitchen cabinets should apply to combustible
cabinet doors, exposed end panels and bottoms and counter tops.
Cabinet frame rails, stiles, mullions and toe strips are exempted.
405-4.2 Marking
Except for conventional homogeneous materials whose flame spread
characteristics have been determined by test and are in common
usage, all finishing materials should be marked to indicate the
maximum flame spread rating.
405-5.1 Fire Alarm Systems
(a) Every exit arrangement serving more than eight living units or
building, of three stories or more in height should be equipped with
a manual fire alarm system. Each floor should have at least one or
more manual fire alarm boxes and sounding devices at visible points
in the natural paths of escape from fire and near each exit.
(b) Exterior and interior corridor type buildings four or more
stories in height should have an alarm system which transmits an
alarm automatically to the fire department which is legally
committed to serve the area in which the building is located, or to
a 24-hour monitoring service inside or outside the building. An
annunciator which indicates the fire floor should be located at a
central point within the building.
(c) Buildings may have a zoned noncoded alarm system that sounds an
alarm on the fire floor, floor below the fire floor and the floor
above the fire floor and provision at central monitoring point to
activate a general fire alarm.
(d) All fire alarm systems should be electrically supervised.
(e) A smoke detector, which may be a single or multiple station
alarm device should be installed in each living unit near the
sleeping areas on each floor and on each additional floor of the
living unit.
(f) All smoke detectors that control fire doors or elevators should
automatically initiate a general fire alarm when activated.
405-5.2 Fire Extinguishing System
(a) For all buildings four stories or more in height, an automatic
sprinkler protection system should be provided in
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all corridors, common spaces used by occupants such as dining rooms
and lounges, service and utility areas such as maintenance shops,
laundries, central boiler rooms and trash collection rooms.
(b) Sprinkler systems should be equipped with an automatic alarm
initiation device that will activate the general alarm system for
the building.
405-5.3 Equipment and Installation
(a) Fire alarm, smoke detectors and extinguishing equipment should
be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that
maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment, and
whose listing states either that the equipment meets nationally
recognized standards or has been tested and found suitable for use
in a specified manner.
(b) Smoke detectors should comply with the following standards:
Underwriters Laboratories Standard No. 168 for photo-electric type
detectors and No. 167 for ionization type detectors.
(c) All smoke detectors should be permanently mounted to a standard
electrical outlet box on or adjacent to the ceiling except those
which activate fire doors may be incorporated in the door closer.
(d) Installation of fire alarm and extinguishing systems should be
in accordance with NEPA No. 72A for fire alarm systems and NEPA No.
13 for sprinkler systems. Spacing of sprinkler heads in corridors
should be positioned 15 ft. on maximum centers.
All buildings five stories or 55 ft. or greater in height should be
equipped with wet standpipes of number, size and construction in
accordance with NFPA No. 14 "Standpipe and Hose Systems" for Class
I services.
A master television antenna system should be provided for each
multi-family project which consists of twenty or more dwelling units
or with three or more floors, and for which cable service (CRTV) has
not been installed.
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Appendix A
Page A - 1
Anchor bolts: Bolts to secure a wooden sill to concrete or masonry floor or
Areaway: An open subsurface space adjacent to a building used to admit limit
or air or as a means of access to a basement or cellar.
Astragal: A molding, attached to one of a pair of swinging doors against
which the other door strikes.
Attic ventilators: In houses, screened openings provided to ventilate an
attic space. They are located in the soffit area as inlet ventilators and in
the gable end or along the ridge as cutlet ventilators. They can also consist
of power-driven fans used as an exhaust system. (See also Louver.)
Balusters: Small spindles or members forming the main part of a railing for
stairway or balcony, fastened between a bottom and top rail.
Balustrade: A railing made up of balusters, top rails, and sometimes bottom
rail used on the edge of stairs, balconies, and porches.
Base shoe: Molding used next to the floor on interior baseboard. Sometimes
called a carpet strip.
Battern: Narrow strips of wood or metal used to cover joints.
Bearing wall: A wall that supports any vertical load in addition to its own
Bridging: Small wood or metal members that are inserted in a diagonal
position between the floor joists to act both as tension and compression
members for the purpose of bracing the joists and spreading the action of
British Thermal Unit: (B.T.U.) A unit of measurement of the quantity of heat
required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1 degree F. The mean
B.T.U. is usually used, which is one-one hundred eightieth of the heat
required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water from 32 degrees F. to
212 degrees F. at a constant atmospheric pressure of 14.69 p.s.i.
Built-up roof: A roofing composed of three to five layers of rag felt or jute
saturated with coal tar, pitch, or asphalt. The top is finished with crushed
slag or gravel. Generally used on flat or low-pitched roofs.
Cant strip: A wedge or triangular-shaped piece of lumber used at gable ends
under shingles or at the junction of the house and a flat deck under the
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Chase: A groove or shaft in a masonry wall provided for accommodation of
pipes, ducts, or conduits.
Conduit, electrical: A pipe, usually metal, in which wire is installed.
Corbel: To build out one or more courses of brick or stone from the face of a
Corner bead: A strip of formed galvanized iron, sometimes combined with a
strip of metal lath, placed on corners before plastering to reinforce them.
Also, a strip of wood finish three-quarters-round or angular placed over a
plastered corner for protection.
Corner boards: Used as trim for the external corners of a house or other
frame structure against which the ends of the siding are finished.
Corner braces: Diagonal braces let into studs to reinforce corners of
Cornice: A decorative element made up of molded members usually placed at or
near the top of an exterior or interior wall.
Cornice return: That portion of the cornice that returns on the gable end of
a house.
Counterflashing: A flashing usually used on chimneys at the roofline to cover
shingle flashing and to prevent moisture entry.
Cricket or saddle: A small drainage diveting roof structure of single or
double slope placed at the junction of larger surfaces that meet at an angle.
Crown molding: A molding used on cornice or wherever a large angle is to be
Dampproofing: A treatment of a surface or structure which retards the passage
of water. See Waterproofing.
Doorjamb: The surrounding case into which and out of which a door closes and
opens. It consists of two upright pieces, called jambs, and a head, fitted
together and rabbeted.
Dormer: An internal recess, the framing of which projects from a sloping
Drip cap: A molding placed on the exterior top side of a door or window to
cause water to drip behind the outside of the frame.
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Drywall finish: Interior covering material, such as gypsum board which is
applied in large sheets or panels.
Ducts: In a house, usually round or rectangular metal pipes for distributing
warm air from the heating plant to rooms, or air from a conditioning device.
Ducts are also made of composition materials.
Eaves: The margin or lower part of a roof projecting over the wall.
Expansion joint: A bituminous fiber strip used to separate blocks or units of
concrete to prevent cracking due to expansion as a result of temperature
Facia or fasia: A flat board, band, or face, used sometimes by itself but
usually in combination with moldings, often located at the outer face of the
Fire stop: A solid, tight closure of a concealed space, placed to prevent the
spread of fire and smoke through such as space.
Flashing: Sheet metal or other impervious material used in roof and wall
construction to protect a building from seepage of water.
Flue lining: Fire clay or terra cotta pipe, round or square, usually made in
all of the ordinary flue sizes and in 2-foot lengths, used for the inner
lining of chimneys with the brick or masonry work around the outside.
Footing: The spreading course or courses at the base or bottom of a
foundation wall, pier, or column.
Foundation: The supporting portion of a structure below the first-floor
construction, or below grade, including the footings.
Framing, platform: A system of framing a building in which floor joists of
each story rest on the top plates of the story below or on the foundation sill
for the first story, and the bearing walls and partitions rest on the subfloor
of each story.
Furring: Strips of wood or metal applied to a wall or other side to even it,
to form an airspace, or to give the wall an appearance of greater thickness.
Gable: In house construction, the portion of the roof above the eave line of
a double-sloped roof.
Gable end: An end wall having a gable.
Girder: A large or principal beam used to support concentrated loads at
isolated points along its length.
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Finish: The top surface elevation of lawns, walks, drives, or other
improved surfaces after completion of construction or grading operations.
Natural: The elevation of the original or undisturbed natural surface
of the ground.
Subgrade: The elevation established to receive top surfacing or
finishing materials.
Grade beam: A reinforced concrete beam supporting the exterior wall
construction, in contact with the earth, but supported by piers.
Grout: Mortar made of such consistency by the addition of water that it will
just flow into the joints and cavities of the masonry work and fill them
Habitable room: A room designed and used for living, sleeping, eating or
cooking, or combination thereof. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets,
halls, storage rooms, laundry and utility spaces, basement recreation rooms
and similar areas are not considered habitable rooms.
Header: (a) A beam placed perpendicular to joists and to which joists are
nailed in framing for chimney, stairway, or other opening. (b) A wood lintel.
Hip: The external angle formed by the meeting of two sloping sides of a roof.
Hip roof: A roof that rises by inclined planes from all four sides of a
Humidifier: A device designed to increase the humidity within a room or a
house by means of the discharge of water vapor. They may consist of
individual room-size units or larger units attached to the heating plant to
condition the entire house.
Jack rafter: A rafter that spans the distance from the wall-plate to a hip,
or from a valley to a ridge.
Jamb: The sidepost or lining of a doorway, window, or other opening.
Joists: A series of floor, roof, or ceiling framing members spaced not more
than 30 inches o.c. Members supporting roofs having slopes over 3 in 12 are
not defined as roof joists. See Rafter.
Kiln dried lumber: Lumber that has been kiln dried often to a moisture
content of 6 to 12 percent. Common varieties of softwood lumber, such as
framing lumber are dried to a somewhat higher moisture content.
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Ledger strip or nailer: A strip of lumber nailed along the bottom of the side
of a girder on which joists rest.
Lintel: A horizontal structural member that supports the load over an opening
such as a door or window.
Living unit: A residential unit providing complete, independent living
facilities for one family including permanent provisions for living, sleeping,
eating, cooking and sanitation.
Concentrated: A load concentrated upon a specified small area of a
floor, roof, wall or other member.
Dead: The weight of all permanent construction in a building.
Design: Total load which a structure or member is designed to sustain
safely without exceeding specified deformation.
Live: The weight of all moving and variable loads that may be placed
on or in a building such as snow, wind, occupancy, etc.
Uniform: An average load applied uniformly over a floor, roof or wall
or along a beam or girder.
Mastic: A thick, pasty sealant or adhesive.
Metal lath: Sheets of metal that are slit and drawn out to form openings on
which plaster is spread.
Millwork: Generally all building materials made of finished wood and
manufactured in millwork plants and planing mills are included under the term
"millwork." It includes such items as inside and outside doors, window and
doorframes, blinds, porchwork, mantels, panelwork, stairways, moldings, and
interior trim. It does not include flooring, ceiling, or siding.
Miter: The joining of two pieces at an angle that bisects the angle of
Mortise: A slot cut into a board, plank, or timber, usually edgewise, to
receive tenon of another board, plank, or timber to form a joint.
Molding: Material, usually patterned strips, used to provide ornamental
variation of outline or contour, whether projections or cavities, such as
cornices, bases, window and door jambs, and heads.
Mullion: A slender bar of pier forming a division between panels or units of
windows, screens, or similar frames.
Muntin: The members dividing the glass or openings of sash, doors, and the
Newel: A post to which the end of a stair railing or balustrade is fastened.
Also, any post to which a railing or balustrade is fastened.
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Nosing: The projecting edge of a molding or drip. Usually applied to the
projecting molding on the edge of a stair tread.
On Center: The measurement of spacing for studs, rafters, joints, and the
like in a building from center of one member to the center of the next member.
Outrigger: An extension of a rafter beyond the wall line. Usually a smaller
member nailed to a larger rafter to form a cornice or roof overhang.
Building: A general term for papers, felts, and similar sheet
materials used in buildings without reference to their properties or
Sheathing: A building material, generally paper or felt used in wall
and roof construction as a protection against the passage of air and
sometimes moisture.
Penny: As applied to nails it originally indicated the price per hundred.
The term now serves as a measure of nail length and is abbreviated by the
letter "d".
Perm: The unit of measurement of the water vapor permeance of a material.
Value of one perm is equal to one grain of water vapor per square foot per
hour Per inch of mercury vapor pressure difference.
Pier: A masonry or concrete column supporting foundations or the floor
structure in basementless spaces. Pier may be freestanding or bonded at its
sides to other masonry or concrete.
Pilaster: A pier forming part of a masonry or concrete wall partially
projecting therefrom and bonded thereto.
Pitch: The incline or rise of a roof. Pitch is expressed in inches of rise
per foot of run, or by the ratio of the rise to the span.
Plates: Horizontal wood member which provide bearing and anchorage for wall,
ceiling, and roof framing.
Sillplate: Plate on top of foundation wall which supports floor
Wall plate: Plate at top or bottom of wall or partition framing.
Further defined as topplate, at top, and soleplate, at bottom.
Rafter or joistplate: Plate at top of masonry or concrete wall
supporting rafter or roof joist and ceiling framing.
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Plenum: An air compartment or chamber to which one or more ducts are
connected and which forms part of an air distribution system. Crawl space may
be used as a plenum without ductwork when properly constructed.
Plinth: The square block at the base of a column or pedestal.
Plumb: Perpendicular, i.e., standing according to a plumb line as the post of
a house or wall is plumb.
p.s.i.: Abbreviation for pounds per square inch. The term is used to
indicate the strength of a body. In a wood beam, joist, or rafter, it
represents the load it will sustain per square inch of cross-sectional area.
Primer: The first coat of paint in a paint job that consists of two or more
coats; also the paint used for such as first coat.
Purlin: An intermediate supporting member at right angles to rafter or truss
Quarter round: A molding that presents a profile of a quarter circle.
Rabbet: A rectangular longitudinal groove cut in the corner of a board or
other piece of material.
Radiant heating: A method of heating usually consisting of coils or pipes
placed in the floor, wall, or ceiling.
Rafters: A series of roof framing members spaced not more than 30 inches o.c.
in roofs having slopes over 3 in 12. Members supporting roofs having 3 in 12
or less are defined as roof joists.
Rafter, hip: A rafter that forms the intersection of an external roof angle.
Rafter, jack: A rafter that spans the distance from a wall-plate to a hip or
from a valley or ridge.
Rafter, valley: A rafter that forms the intersection of an internal roof
Rake: The trim members that run parallel to the roof slope and from the
finish between wall and roof.
Ribbon: A narrow board let into the studding to add support to joists.
Ridge: The horizontal line at the junction of the top edges of two sloping
roof surfaces. The rafters at both slopes are nailed at the ridge.
Ridge board: The board placed on the edge of the ridge of the roof to support
the upper ends of the rafters.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Appendix A
Page A - 8
Rise: The height of a roof rising in horizontal distance (run) from the
outside face of a wall supporting the rafters or trusses to the ridge of the
roof. In stairs, the perpendicular height of a step or flight of steps.
Riser: Each of the vertical boards closing the spaces between the treads of
Run: In reference to roofs, the horizontal distance from the face of a wall
to the ridge of the roof. Referring to stairways, the net width of a step;
also the horizontal distance covered by a flight of steps.
Saddle: Two sloping surfaces meeting in a horizontal ridge used between the
back side of a chimney, or other vertical surface, and a sloping roof.
Scratch coat: The first coat of plaster, which is scratched to form a bond
for the second coat.
Screeds: Strips of plaster of the desired coat thickness laid on a surface to
serve as guides for plastering the intervals between them. Also the
intermediate leveling strips in concrete slabs.
Scribing: Fitting woodwork to an irregular surface.
Sealer: A finishing material, either clear or pigmented, that is usually
applied directly over uncoated wood for the purpose of sealing the surface.
Siding: The finish covering of the outside wall of a frame building whether
made of weatherboards, vertical boards with battens, shingles, plywood, or
other material.
Siding, level (lapsiding): Used as the finish siding on the exterior of a
house or other structure. It is usually manufactured by resawing dry square
surfaced boards diagonally to produce two wedge-shaped pieces. These pieces
commonly run from three-sixteenths inch thick on the thin edge to one-half to
three quarters inch thick on the other edge depending on the width of the
Sill: The lowest member of the frame of a structure, resting on the
foundation and supporting the uprights of the frame. The member forming the
lower side of an opening, as a doorsill, windowsill, etc.
Soffit: The underside of the members of a building, such as staircases,
cornices, beams, and arches, relatively minor in area as compared with
Soil stack: A general term for the vertical main of a system of soil, waste,
or vent piping.
Sole or soleplate: A member on which wall and partition studs rest.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Appendix A
Page A - 9
Span: The distance between structural supports such as walls, columns, piers,
beams, girders, and trusses
Splashblock: A small masonry block laid with the top close to the ground
surface to receive roof drainage and to carry it away from the building.
Square: A unit of measure - 100 square feet - usually applied to roofing
material. Sidewall coverings are often packed to cover 100 square feet and
are sold on that basis.
Stool: The flat, narrow shelf forming the top member of the interior trim at
the bottom of a window.
String, stringer: A timber or other support for cross members. In stairs,
the support on which the stair treads rest; also stringboard.
Stucco: Most commonly refers to an outside plaster made with Portland cement
as its base.
Stud: One of a series of slender wood or metal vertical structural members
placed as supporting elements in walls and partitions. (Plural: Studs or
Subfloor: Boards or plywood placed on joists over which a finish floor is to
be laid.
Suspended ceiling: A ceiling system supported by hanging it from the overhead
structural framing.
Toenailing: To drive a nail at a slant with the initial surface in order to
permit it to penetrate into a second member.
Trimmer: A beam or joist to which a header is nailed in framing for a
chimney, stairway, or other opening.
Threshold: A strip of wood or metal beveled on each edge and used above the
finish floor under outside doors.
Tread: The horizontal board in a stairway on which the foot is placed.
Trim: The finish materials in a building, such as moldings, applied around
openings (window trim, door trim) or at the floor and ceiling of rooms
(baseboard, cornice, picture molding.)
Truss: A structural framework composed of a series of members so arranged and
fastened together that external loads applied at the joints will cause only
direct stress in the members.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Appendix A
Page A - 10
Trussed rafter: A truss where the chord members are also serving as rafters
and ceiling joists and are subject to bending stress in addition to direct
Under layment: A material placed under finish coverings, such as flooring, or
shingles, to provide a smooth, even surface for applying the finish.
Vapor barrier: Material used to retard the flow of vapor or moisture into
walls and thus to prevent condensation within them. There are two types of
vapor barriers, the membrane that comes in rolls and is applied as a unit in
the wall or ceiling construction, and the paint type, which is applied with a
brush. The vapor barrier must be a part of the warm side of the wall.
Bearing wall: A wall which supports any vertical load in addition to
its own weight.
Cavity wall: A masonry or concrete wall consisting of two wythes
arranged to provide an airspace within the wall in which the inner
and outer wythes of the wall are tied together with metal ties.
Faced wall: A wall in which the masonry facing and the backing are
so bonded as to exert a common reaction under load.
Fire wall: A wall with qualities of fire resistance and structural
stability which subdivides a building into fire areas and which
resists the spread of fire.
Foundation wall: A wall, below or partly below grade, providing
support for the exterior or other structural parts of a building.
Masonry wall: A bearing or nonbearing wall of hollow or solid
masonry units.
Nonbearing wall: A wall which supports no vertical load other than
its own weight.
Veneered wall: A wall with a masonry face which is attached to but
not bound to the body of the wall.
Weatherstrip: Narrow or jamb-width sections of thin metal or other material
to prevent infiltration of air and moisture around windows and doors.
Compression weather stripping prevents air infiltration, provides tension, and
acts as a counter balance.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Appendix B
Page B - 1
AA Aluminum Association
AAMA Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Associations
ACI American Concrete Institute
AHA American Hardboard Association
AIA American Institute of Architects
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARMA Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS American Welding Society
BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators
Btuh British thermal units per hour
CABO Council of American Building Officials
cfm Cubic feet per minute
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
CRI Carpet and Rug Institute
CS Commercial Standard
EO Executive Order
ext. Exterior
F Fahrenheit (degrees)
FGMA Flat Glass Marketing Association
FHDA Fir and Hemlock Door Association
FS Federal Specification
ft. Feet
gals. Gallons
Hr. Hour
in. Inches
int. Interior
lb. Pound
max. Maximum
MIMA Mineral Insulation Manufacturers Association
min. Minimum
MR Materials Release
MS Manual Series
NAHB-RF National Association of Home Builders--Research Foundation
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NCDC National Climatic Data Center
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NOFMA-OFGR National Oak Flooring Manufacturers Association - Official
Flooring Grading Rules
NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association
NSDJA National Sash and Door Jobbers Association
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 2
Appendix B
Page B - 2
NTMA National Terrazzo & Mosaic Association
NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturers Association
oz Ounces
PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute
PS Product Standard
PTI Post-Tensioning Institute
psf Pouds per square feet
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
RFCI Resilient Floor Covering Institute
SCACM Southern California Association of Cabinet Manufacturers
SGCC Safety Glazing Certification Council
sq Square
SI International Standard
t & g or Tongue and grove
T & G
TCA Tile Council of America
U Coefficient of thermal transmission
Btu/(hour) x (square foot) x (F inside - F outside)
UFAS Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
UM Use of Materials Bulletin
WM Wood Moulding and Millwork Producers
WQA Water Quality Association (Formerly Water Conditioning
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
This Guide is designed to assist Rural Development personnel and potential
applicants in determining the feasibility and acceptability of existing multi-
family residential properties for moderate rehabilitation. The moderate
rehabilitation quality and performance criteria contained in this Guide are
significantly different from those Rural Development’s development standards
that apply to substantial rehabilitation. This Guide should be used in
conjunction with Rural Development's Design Guide and Manual of Acceptable
Practice (MAP). Although this Guide, the Design Guide, and the MAP are not
mandatory documents, the construction and development plans for each
moderately rehabilitated multi-family development should address the
liveability and marketability objectives contained in these documents.
Substantial deviation from these objectives will be evaluated by our appraisal
process and reflected in the present market value.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
Chapter 1 - GENERAL USE
Chapter 2 - RESERVED
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Chapter 1 GENERAL USE 1-1
101 GENERAL 1-1
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 1-1
The criteria in this Guide apply to the moderate rehabilitation of
existing multi-family residential properties. The range of moderate
rehabilitation covered by this Guide is broad. In a general context this
Guide will aid in establishing the feasibility of a property considered for
moderate rehabilitation. It also provides information which is useful in
preliminary planning, evaluation and development work. Properties needing
substantial rehabilitation must meet the same Rural Development’s Development
Standards as new multi-family housing.
These guidelines provide minimum performance requirements and
acceptability criteria for the moderate rehabilitation of dwellings to be
financed by the Rural Development. The guidelines are intended to serve as an
aid to providing marketable, decent, functional, safe, sanitary and attractive
housing through the moderate rehabilitation of existing dwelling units. In
all cases the building or project to be rehabilitated shall be structurally
sound. The applicant shall have a structural analysis of the existing
building made to determine the adequacy of all structural systems for the
proposed rehabilitation. Rural Development differentiates between moderate
rehabilitation, maintenance and repair and substantial rehabilitation as
Maintenance and Repair - Work involved in the selective replacement and
general maintenance and repair of certain materials, appliances or
components of an existing residential building.
Moderate Rehabilitation - All work directly involved in the
rearrangement of interior space, the replacement of finish materials or
components of the electrical, plumbing, heating or conveyance systems of
an existing multi-family residential building. Work and improvements
are considered to be more than routine maintenance and repair.
Substantial Rehabilitation - All work directly involved in the
rearrangement of interior space that involves alteration of load bearing
partitions and columns; the replacement of the electrical, plumbing,
heating or coveyance systems: and the addition to and/or major
conversion of existing multi-family residential buildings or other
building structures.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
page 1-2
The components of multi-family building rehabilitation necessary and
generally considered by Rural Development to be either maintenance
and repair, moderate rehabilitation or substantial rehabilitation
include but are not limited to those in the following chart.
Maintenance Moderate Substantial
COMPONENTS____________________And Repair______Rehab._________Rehab.___
Appliance replacement or repair o
Air conditioning o
Cabinet replacement or repair o
Carpeting o
Caulking o
Clothes closets or shelving
improvements o
Door repair o
Drywall repair o
Gutters and downspouts o
Hardware replacement or repair o
Kitchen cabinet improvements o
Lath and plaster repair o
Lighting fixture replacement or
repair o
Mail boxes o
Painting o
Paneling o
Partition repair o
Roof repair o
Signage o
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 1-3
Maintenance Moderate Substantial
COMPONENTS____________________And Repair______Rehab._________Rehab.___
Stair repair
Window shades and curtains
Ceiling framing
Door replacement
Drywall replacement
Elevator components replacement
Exterior entrance redesign, relocation
Finish flooring materials
Furnace replacement
Lath and plaster replacement
New shingles or roof replacement
Partition (non bearing) replacement,
or relocation
Plumbing fixture replacement
Pointing (Masonry)
Porch and step alteration cr replacement
Stair replacement or relocation
Storm windows and weatherstripping
Trim - exterior and interior
Window replacement o
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
page 1-4
Maintenance Moderate Substantial
COMPONENTS____________________And Repair______Rehab._________Rehab.___
- New or alteration to the -
Electrical wiring system
Gas pipes
Mechanical system
Soil pipes
Vent pipes
Waste pipes
Water supply system
- Alteration or replacement of
structural components-
Beams o
Chimneys and vents
Columns and post
Electrical service - replacement or new
Elevator replacement
Exterior walls
Floor construction o
Foundation wall
Foundation waterproofing
Interior walls
Moderate rehabilitation and repair shall not be limited to building changes
for cosmetic or convenience purposes. In all cases moderate rehabilitation
shall involve a minimum of three (3) components of building rehabilitation
listed as moderate. Unless combined with other improvements in a project that
are considered to be moderate or substantial rehabilitation the items
identified as maintenance and repair are considered to be cosmetic and
convenience changes.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 1-5
When a project consists of both moderate and substantial rehabilitation
components, those substantial rehabilitation components shall be in accordance
with Rural Development's development standards and local codes and regulation
requirements. Where the majority of project components of building
rehabilitation are considered substantial the project shall be considered in
the substantial rehabilitation category.
Those site components of rehabilitation such as landscaping, grading,
drainage, fencing, parking areas, recreation areas, water and waste disposal
systems, etc., whether considered either maintenance and repair, moderate
rehabilitation or substantial rehabilitation shall be in accordance with Rural
Development's development standards for site development work; all local codes
and regulation requirements, and sound engineering and architectural
The site requirements contained in Section 4 of the Uniform Federal
Accessibility Standards (UFAS), the provisions of Sections 4.1.5, Accessible
Building; Additions and 4.1.6 Accessible Building; Alterations and all other
appropriate UFAS requirements shall apply to all moderate rehabilitation.
Where Rural Development Instructions are more stringent than UFAS they shall
Any alteration of a structure listed or eligible for listing on the
National Register of Historic Places may be considered either moderate or
substantial rehabilitation. However, it shall conform first to the Secretary
of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation are Guidelines for
Rehabilitating Historic Buildings and then to Rural Development's
requirements. In cases where the Secretary of the Interior's standards cannot
be met, rehabilitation will conform to the agreed upon approaches, treatments
and techniques resulting from the consultation process between Rural
Development, the borrower, the State Historic Preservation Officer are the
Advisory Council of Historic Preservation.
The format of this Guide is to first list a major component of moderate
rehabilitation (the chapter title); second, state the performance requirement
that should be met for that component: and third provide acceptable criteria
for meeting the performance requirement. Also, by identifying acceptable
criteria for various components of moderate rehabilitation, e.g., site and
community, building design, fire safety, construction, mechanical equipment
and exterior and interior finishes, the Guide achieves the major objectives of
Rural Development, or ensuring decent, safe, and sanitary housing and related
facilities with adequate liveability.
Appendix A, Definitions, provide a basis for understanding the meaning
of the phrases and terms used in this Guide.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 1-6
These guidelines, while setting forth basic objectives and provisions
specifically related to moderate rehabilitation, shall not be construed as
relieving the property owner, project sponsor or their builder of his or her
responsibility for compliance with State are local ordinances, codes, and
regulations including established requirements of a health officer or other
authority having jurisdiction.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Chapter 2 RESERVED
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
301-2 OPEN SPACE 3-1
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
The site location and facilities shall create a safe, functional,
accessible, healthful and attractive living environment for
301-1.1 The Property should not be subject to hazards such as
objectionable smoke, noxious odors, unusual noise, the probability
of flooding, mud slides, or subsidence.
Every residential building should have sufficient open space to
permit convenient access for maintenance, fire protection, adequate
light and ventilation of habitable rooms and reasonable indoor
Adequate landscaped open space should be available for active and
passive recreation. Adequate night lighting for safe use of
streets, parking areas, walks and steps should be available or
The improvement of each property should provide for (a) the
immediate diversion of water away from buildings and disposal from
the site, (b) the prevention of soil saturation detrimental to
structures and site use (c) appropriately paved walks, parking
areas, driveways, exterior steps and landscaping where needed, (d)
facilities for trash collection and removal and (e) reasonable
amount of recreation equipment (passive and/or active) to meet the
tenants needs.
Walks and steps should be provided for all weather access to the
building and constructed so as to provide safety, reasonable
durability and economy of maintenance.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 3-2
301-5.1 A primary entrance readily accessible to the physically
handicapped, should be provided to any residential structure
intended for occupancy or use by the elderly or physically
401-1 SPACE
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 4-1
Each living unit should provide for a healthful environment with
complete living facilities arranged and equipped for suitable and
comfortable living.
401-1 SPACE
401-1.1 General
(a) Provide each living unit with space necessary for suitable
living, sleeping, cooking and dining accommodations, and storage,
all sanitary facilities. This space should be of such size and
dimensions so as to permit placement of furniture and essential
(b) Habitable rooms in basements or below grade intended for year-
round occupancy should comply with building requirements in the same
manner as rooms above grade.
(c) Space for laundry equipment should be provided in each living
unit or, central laundry facilities must be readily accessible to
the tenants.
401-1.2 Privacy and Arrangement
(a) A degree of privacy should be provided commensurate with
suitable living conditions by means of the proper location of
exterior openings to exterior conditions, and by the interior
arrangement of rooms.
(b) Access to all parts of a living unit should be possible without
passing through a public hall.
(c) Every water closet, bathtub or shower of a living unit should
be installed in a bathroom which will afford privacy to the
(d) A bathroom should not be used as a passageway to a habitable
room, hall, basement or to the exterior.
(e) A bathroom should not be separated from all bedrooms of a
living unit by locating it a full story above or below the bedrooms.
(f) A bedroom should not be used as the only means of access to
another bedroom or habitable room.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 4-2
401-1.3 Kitchen Facilities
Each living unit should have a specific kitchen space, which
contains a sink with counter work space and has hot and cold running
water, adequate space for installing cooking and refrigeration
equipment, and for storage.
401-1.4 Bath Facilities
Complete bathing and sanitary facilities should be provided within
each living unit; they should consist of a watercloset, a tub or
shower, and a lavatory. Provide an adequate supply of hot water to
the tub or shower stall and lavatory, and cold water to all
fixtures. Arrangement of fixtures should provide for the
comfortable use of each fixture and permit at least a 90 degree door
swing. A mirror, medicine cabinet and towel bars should be provided
in a convenient location.
401.1.5 Closets and General Storage
Clothes closet space should be provided within bedrooms or
conveniently located nearby. In addition, each living unit should
have a suitable space within the unit or a locked space elsewhere
within the building or development for general storage.
401-1.6 Community Rooms
In housing for the elderly, community, social and recreational rooms
with adjacent toilet facilities should be provided.
401-2.1 Provide a healthful environment and an acceptable degree of
comfort within all rooms and hallways of the dwelling by having
sufficient light and ventilation.
401-2.2 Ventilation of Structural Spaces
Natural ventilation of spaces such as attics and enclosed
basementless spaces should be provided by openings of sufficient
sizes to overcome dampness and minimize the effect of conditions
conducive to decay and deterioration of the structure, and to
prevent excessive heat in attics. Exterior ventilation openings
should be effectively screened where needed.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 4-3
Provide openings adequate in size to admit furniture and equipment
to all spaces are to permit inspection for repair and maintenance.
401-3.1 Exterior doors should have secure locks.
401-3.2 A primary entrance door should be at least 3'-0" wide.
401-3.3 Provide a door for each opening to bedroom, closet, bathroom or
toilet compartment; with a locking device on bath and toilet
compartment doors.
401-4.1 All stairways shall provide safety of ascent and descent, and
stairs and landings shall be arranged to permit adequate headroom
and space for the passage of furniture and equipment.
401-4.2 Existing stairways in sound condition to remain or to be
repaired shall not be to any serious extent below minimum standards
of good practice as to rise and run of steps, headroom,
obstructions, stair width, landings, or railing protection.
401-5.1 Corridors and hallways shall provide adequate, safe and
unobstructed circulation from living units or other spaces to
various means of exit. Corridors are hallways above the main floor
should have more than one exit.
401-5.2 In housing for the elderly handrails shall be provided on at
least one side of all tenant corridors (except within living units).
Where provided, an elevator shall furnish convenient and safe ascent
and descent to all living units and service areas. The character
and type of elevator service and equipment should be appropriate to
the building being rehabilitated and to its occupants.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 4-4
Every dwelling and multi-family building shall be supplied with a
convenient means of disposal or removal of trash and garbage.
Acoustical control should be provided to attain an acceptable are
livable environment. Where possible sound reduction insulation
and/or other means of reducing noise should be installed between
living units and between living units and public spaces.
Provide a healthful environment that is free of indoor air
pollutants such as, formaldehyde, radon, asbestos fibers, combustion
gases and particles are any other pollutant known to affect one's
health. If a pollutant(s) exist measured concentrations should be
compared with existing standards, typical concentrations in homes,
and levels known to cause health problems to determine if the
structure being moderately rehabilitated will have an indoor air
quality problem.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 5-1
Provide a high degree of safety to life and property preservation,
by the separation of living units and the use of materials which
will retard the spread of fire and prevent the passage of flame,
smoke and hot gases through open or concealed spaces within the
building. An additional requirement is to provide means of egress
which will permit persons to leave the building with safety in an
emergency, and permit access for fire control personnel.
Life safety provisions including height and area limitations,
interior finishes, fire alarm and extinguishing systems and
standpipe should be in substantial conformance with the applicable
recognized code for the local community. When a building cannot be
rehabilitated in substantial conformance with an applicable code,
alternate methods of protection acceptable to local authorities
should be provided.
501.1 A smoke detector shall be installed in each living unit.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 6-1
The construction of the building should provide: (a) sufficient
structural strength and rigidity, (b) adequate protection from
corrosion, decay, insects and other destructive forces, (c)
necessary resistance to the elements, (d) reasonable durability and
economy of maintenance, and (e) acceptable quality of workmanship.
All structural components of the building should be in sound
condition and considered serviceable for the expected useful life of
the rehabilitated building. Sagging or out of plumb floors,
chimneys, partitions or stairs, and bulging of exterior walls should
be restored as near as practical to an acceptable level or plumb
position and supported or braced so as to prevent a reocurrence of
these conditions. Stair railings should be rigid. Individual
structural members in a deteriorated condition should be replaced.
In areas subject to earthquake damage (zones 3 & 4) are wind damage
(70 mph or higher) assurance of adequate protection should be
provided that is no less than current code requirements.
Comply with RD Instruction 1924-A, Exhibit D, "Thermal Performance
Construction Standards" for existing building.
601-2.1 All exterior walls should provide safe and adequate support for
all loads upon them, and prevent the entrance of water or excessive
moisture. Serious defects should be repaired and cracks effectively
601-2.2 Basement and foundation walls should prevent the entrance of
water or moisture into a basement or crawl space area. Cracks in
the walls should be effectively sealed, and loose or defective
mortar joints should be repaired. Where necessary, the interior or
exterior face of the walls should be dampproofed or water proofed as
Partitions and other vertical supports which are to be continued in
use should be free of splits, excessive bean, buckling or other
(5-12.87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 6-2
All floor construction should provide safe and adequate support for
all existing or probable loads and should be reasonably free of
objectionable vibration. A suitable surface for finish flooring
should exist or be provided.
Chimneys and vents should be structurally safe, durable, smoketight
and capable of withstanding the action of flue gases. Factory-built
chimneys shall be labeled by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. and
installed in accordance with the listing.
Each building and all exterior related facilities on the site should
be effectively protected against rodents, termites or other vermin
601-6.1 Inspection and Correction
A careful inspection by qualified persons or licensed firm should be
made of each building and accessory structure on each site for
evidence of actual or potential infestation. Existing buildings
having defects shall be corrected by appropriate preventive measures
within the definition of moderate rehabilitation.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 7-1
The buildings exterior are interior finishes should: A) prevent the
entrance or penetration of moisture, b) protect from damage by
decay, corrosion, insects and other destructive elements and c)
provide reasonable durability and economy of maintenance.
701-1.1 Wall Covering
Repairs or replacement should be made to defective exterior wall
finish materials. Exterior walls should be free of holes, cracks
and broken or rotted finish materials.
701-1.2 Roof Covering
All roofs should have a suitable, watertight and reasonably durable
covering free of curling, holes, cracks, excessively worn surfaces
or other defects.
Each dwelling should have a controlled method of disposal of water
from roofs where necessary to divert water away from building and
entry, to prevent damage to the property, and to avoid causing
unsightly staining of walls and windows where adequate roof
overhangs are not provided.
To prevent the entrance of water, all critical joints in exterior
roof and wall construction which are exposed or partly exposed
should be protected by sheet metal or other suitable flashing
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 7-2
701-4.1 Existing windows and doors, including their hardware should
operate satisfactorily and give evidence of continuing acceptable
service. Defective glass or locking mechanisms should be replaced
or corrected.
701-4.2 Screens should be provided for all windows, doors and other
openings except in regions where their use is not customary or
701-5.1 All interior walls and ceilings should provide (a) a finish
surface without noticeable irregularities or cracking, (b) a
waterproof and hard surface in spaces subject to moisture, (c) a
suitable base for painting or other decoration and (d) reasonable
durability and economy of maintenance.
701-5.2 In housing for elderly, abrasive wall finishes such as a sand
finish should not be used.
Floors should be appropriate to the use of the space, in good
condition, and should provide reasonable ease of maintenance.
Protective and decorative finish coating or surfacing should provide
(a) adequate resistance to weathering, (b) protection of finish
surfaces from moisture or corrosion, (c) an attractive appearance,
and (d) reasonable durability.
Comply with RD Instruction 1924-A, Exhibit H, "Prohibition of Lead-
Based Paints," for interior and exterior surfaces or existing
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
801-2 HEATING 8-1
801-3 PLUMBING 8-1
801-4 ELECTRICAL 8-2
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 8-1
Provide mechanical equipment for the building are its living units
that should meet the needs of the intended occupants and be of a
quality and condition which will assure: (a) safety of operation,
(b) adequate capacity for its internal use, (c) protection from
moisture, corrosion or other destructive elements, (d) reasonable
quietness or operation, and (e) reasonable durability and economy of
801-1.1 All mechanical equipment should be installed so that maintenance
and replacement can be performed without the removal of other
801-1.2 Existing mechanical equipment and system should be inspected for
faulty operation, and potential fire or other hazards. Needed
replacement, or repair should conform to code requirements.
Heating facilities should be provided for each living unit and other
spaces that will: (1) assure interior comfort, (2) be safe and
convenient to operate, (3) be economical in performance, and (4) be
quiet in operation and free from objectionable drafts.
801-3.1 The plumbing system for each building should provide
satisfactory water supply, drainage, venting and operation of
801-3.2 Condition of existing plumbing systems including building sewers
should operate free of fouling and clogging, and not have cross
connections which permit contamination of water supply, back
siphonage between fixtures or air hammer.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Page 8-2
801-4.1 All habitable rooms are other appropriate spaces requiring
electrical service should be provided with a system of wiring,
wiring devices and equipment to safely supply electrical energy for
power illumination, resident security, appliances, are other
electrical equipment.
801-4.2 Existing wiring and equipment should not be a potential source
for fire are electrical hazards as determined by the proper
authority. Existing facilities that are inadequate to meet
anticipated demands should be appropriately corrected.
801-4.3 The appropriate provisions of the local code or the National
Electrical Code should be used for design and layout of raw
electrical work. Completed work must be acceptable to local
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Appendix A
Page A-1
The definitions given in this section are included to provide a basis for
understanding the meaning of the terms and phrases used in this Guide. None
are intended to nullify the provisions of any local code but are furnished to
provide maximum understanding of these guidelines.
Addition: Any construction which increases the size of a building or adds to
the building.
Alteration: Construction which may change the floor plan, structural parts,
mechanical equipment or location of openings but which does not increase the
size of the building.
Attic: Accessible space between top of uppermost ceiling and underside of the
roof. Inaccessible spaces are considered structural cavities.
Dampproofing: A treatment of a surface or structure which retards the passage
of water.
Dwelling: A building designed or used as the living quarters for one or more
Detached: A dwelling which is completely surrounded by permanent open
Semi-detached: A dwelling, one side wall of which is a party or lot-
line wall.
Row: A dwelling, the walls on two sides of which are party or lot-line
Multi-family: A building containing three or more living units for
families living independently of each other.
Flashing: Sheet metal or other impervious materials used in roof and wall
construction to protect a building from the entry of water.
Foundation: Construction, below or partly below grade, which provides support
for exterior walls or other structural parts of the building.
Living Unit: A dwelling or portion thereof providing complete living
facilities for one family, including permanent provisions for living,
sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
(5-12-87) SPECIAL PN
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 3
Appendix A
Page A-2
New Construction: (a) Proposed construction or other new structures erected
on cleared or vacant land: or (b) New additions to an existing building which
enlarge the floor area or height of the building.
Rehabilitation: The restoration of one or more residential properties which
overcomes deterioration and obsolescences to provide structures or properties
suitable for continued residential use.
Rehabilitation Construction: Rehabilitation construction includes the
following categories:
a. The replacement of present elements of an existing building, such as
windows, stairs, walls, floors, foundation, roof, plumbing, wiring,
heating or other equipment.
b. Rearrangement of rooms by the relocation of partitions or by the
installation of new bathroom and kitchens.
c. The general replacement of the interior of a building. This
replacement may or may not include changes to structural elements such
as floor systems, columns or load bearing interior or exterior walls.
Repair: To restore to a sound and acceptable state of operation,
serviceability or appearance. Repairs shall be expected to last approximately
as long as would the replacement by new items.
Replace: To remove an existing item or portion of a system, and to construct
or install a new item of similar or improved quality as the existing item when
new. Replacement will ordinarily take place where the item is not repairable
or where repair would not be economically feasible.
Shall: Indicates a requirement.
Should: Indicates minimum good practice but is not mandatory.
Substandard Building: Any building or portion thereof in which there exist
conditions serious enough to endanger the life, limb, health, property, safety
or welfare of the occupants or of the public, and does not provide decent,
safe and sanitary living conditions.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
This Guide is provided for USDA Rural Development field personnel use to
assist the applicant in modifying the American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Document B141, 1997 Edition, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and
Architect with Standard Form of Architect’s Services, to achieve compliance
with Rural Development and Rural Housing Service (RHS) regulations and policy.
The agreement as modified by this Guide has application for RHS financially
assisted housing projects such as those administered under this subpart.
Guide 4 is referenced in § 1924.13(a).
The AIA Document B141, 1997 Edition has two parts: the Standard Form of
Agreement Between Owner and Architect with Standard Form of Architect’s
Services: Design and Contract Administration. A contract for architectural
services is not complete unless both parts of AIA Document B141 are included.
Both portions of the document have signature areas that must be signed by the
parties involved.
The need to witness the agreement as indicated on page 8 will depend upon
State and local requirements for validation of the document. Where
appropriate, a copy of the resolution authorizing the individual to act on
behalf of the firm or entity should be attached to the agreement.
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
Attachment 1
Page 1
ATTACHMENT TO AIA DOCUMENT B141-1997, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner
and Architect With Standard Form of Architect’s Services
The provisions of this Attachment shall delete, modify and supplement the
provisions contained in the "Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and
Architect With Standard Form of Architect’s Services,” AIA Document B141-1997
Edition. The provisions contained in this Attachment will supersede any
conflicting provisions of the AIA Document. The term "Agency,” as used in
this Attachment, shall mean the United States of America, acting through the
United States Department of Agriculture.
Add the following subparagraph to Paragraph 1.2.2: Owner shall provide Agency design and construction document
regulations and guides to the Architect, upon request. The Owner
shall provide information on requirements and procedures of the
Delete the words "unless the parties mutually agree otherwise" and
substitute the words "if the parties mutually agree" in the first
sentence of subparagraph
Delete subparagraph and substitute the following: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Project
Delete subparagraph
Add the following subparagraphs: This Agreement and any amendments to this Agreement shall
not be in full force and effect until concurred with in writing by
the Agency State Director or the State Director's delegate. Such
concurrence shall be evidenced by the signature of such a
representative of the Agency in the space provided at the end of
this Agreement.
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
Attachment 1
Page 2 If applicable, the Architect shall comply with section 319
of Public Law 101-121, as supplemented by the Department of
Agriculture regulations (7 C.F.R. part 3018). This statute pertains
to restrictions on lobbying and applies to the recipients of
contracts and subcontracts that exceed $100,000 at any tier under a
Federal loan that exceeds $150,000 or a Federal grant that exceeds
$100,000. If applicable, the Architect must complete a
certification form on lobbying activities related to a specific
Federal loan or grant that is a funding source for this Contract.
The certification and disclosure forms shall be provided by the
Owner. The Architect agrees to abide by the requirements under
Executive Order 12549, which pertains to the debarment or suspension
of a person from participating in a Federal program or activity. If
the total compensation described in Article 1.5 exceeds $25,000, the
Architect shall complete the relevant certification form provided by
the Owner.
Delete the second sentence in subparagraph and substitute the
When the Project is resumed, the Architect's compensation may be
equitably adjusted, as mutually agreed, to provide for expenses
incurred in the interruption and resumption of the Architect's
Insert the words "as mutually agreed" after "Termination Expenses" in
Add the words "or representatives of the United States of America" after
the words "Owner's authorized representative" in subparagraph
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
Attachment 1
Page 3
Add the following subparagraph to paragraph 1.3.9: The Architect shall provide a detailed cost estimate for
Reimbursable Expenses as defined in subparagraph, which
shall be attached and made a part of this Agreement. The cost
estimate must be approved in writing by the Owner and shall be
concurred with in writing by the Agency before the services are
rendered. The billings for reimbursable services shall not exceed
the budgeted amount without prior approval of the Owner with the
concurrence of the Agency. The Agency may not concur in requests
for payments which exceed the budgeted amount unless it is
established that funds are available for such expenditures.
Delete the word "both" from the end of the second sentence and conclude
the sentence with "Owner, Architect and Agency" in paragraph 1.4.1.
Add the following subparagraph to paragraph 1.4.2: This Agreement is modified and supplemented by
RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 4, Attachment 1.
Add the words "and concurrence by the Agency" after for “approval by the
Owner" in Paragraph 2.1.5.
Add the following paragraph to Article 2.1:
2.1.8 The Architect shall consult with the Agency Architect or
Engineer about the Agency’s requirements and procedures.
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
Attachment 1
Page 4
Add the following subparagraphs: The Architect shall provide the Owner with the appropriate
documentation showing the Schematic Design and the estimated Project
cost to the Owner to seek the concurrence of the Agency. When the
Owner has accepted and the Agency has concurred on the Schematic
Design studies and estimated Project cost, the project Architect may
be authorized to proceed with the Design Development Documents. The Architect shall attend conferences with the Owner,
representatives of the Agency and other interested parties as may be
reasonably necessary. The Architect shall certify in writing, to the best of the
Architect's knowledge, information and belief, that the Drawings and
Specifications are in conformance with the applicable development
standard, as defined in Agency regulations furnished by the Owner
under subparagraph Prior to advertisement for bids, the Architect shall
provide_____sets of Construction Documents for use by the Owner, the
Agency and the appropriate Federal, State and local agencies from
whom approval of the Project must be obtained. The reproduction
cost of such Construction Documents shall be included in the
compensation paid to the Architect, not withstanding subparagraph The Owner shall obtain Agency concurrence with the
Construction Documents, estimated Project costs, and authorization
to proceed in writing prior to advertisement for bids. The Architect shall furnish additional copies of the
Construction Documents as requested by the prospective bidders, and
other interested parties, and may charge them a reasonable cost for
such copies. Upon award of the construction contract, the Architect
shall furnish to the Owner _______ sets of Construction Contract
Documents for execution. The costs of these sets shall be included
in the compensation to the Architect notwithstanding subparagraph
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
Attachment 1
Page 5
Add the following to subparagraph after the words "of this
Agreement": "and the conditions of RD Instruction 1924-A, Guide 1,
Attachment 10,".
Delete the following words from subparagraph after the word,
"terminates": "at the issuance to the Owner of the final Certificate
for Payment" and substitute the words "at the expiration of
the period of correction of the Work described in the Contract for
Construction." Also, delete the last sentence of subparagraph
Delete the first sentence of subparagraph and substitute the
following: The Architect shall be a representative of and shall advise
and consult with the Owner during construction until final payment
to the Contractor is paid, and at the Owner's direction during the
period of correction of the Work described in the Contract for
Construction. The Architect shall furnish architectural services
and consultations necessary to correct minor construction defects
encountered during such correction period. The Architect shall
assist the Owner in performing a review of the Project during the
11th month after the date of substantial completion. Such services
shall be furnished without additional charge except for travel and
subsistence costs.
Add the following subparagraph to paragraph 2.6.1: The Architect shall participate in the Preconstruction
Conference and shall advise and consult with the Owner and the
Add the following sentences to the end of subparagraph Such
visits to the site shall be documented in writing on inspection report
forms acceptable to the Owner and the Agency. Copies shall be furnished
to the Owner, Contractor and the Agency.
Add the following subparagraph to paragraph 2.6.2: The Architect shall advise the Owner and the Agency of
required tests, inspections and test results; shall furnish
coordination of such tests and inspections; and shall advise the
Owner and the Agency of the results of same. Copies of tests
results shall be furnished upon request to the Owner, and the
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
Attachment 1
Page 6
Add the following subparagraph to paragraph 2.6.3: The Architect shall obtain Agency concurrence on all
Certificates of Payment before payment is made.
Modify subparagraph as follows: In the first sentence after
"Architect,” delete, "and Construction Change Directives,” and add the
following to the end of the subparagraph: Preparation of Change Orders
which do not substantially affect the Project shall be included in the
compensation computed in paragraph 1.5.1. The Owner, with the
assistance of the Architect, shall obtain Agency concurrence in writing
for all change orders prior to the performance of the Work.
Delete subparagraphs,, and and
substitute the following: The Architect shall conduct an inspection prior to the
issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion and shall
submit a written report of work to be completed to the Owner, the
Agency and the Contractor prior to final acceptance. The Architect
shall notify the Agency about inspection allowing reasonable time
for the Agency's representative to attend. Such services shall be
coordinated with the Agency. Prior to submitting the final
Certificate for Payment, the Architect shall; 1) conduct an
inspection to determine compliance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents, and 2) receive and forward to the Owner, for the
Owner's review and records, written warranties and related documents
required by the Contract Documents and assembled by the Contractor.
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
Attachment 1
Page 7
Delete items .3 and .8 from paragraph 2.8.2.
Insert the word “Architect” under the heading “Responsibility” for line
items,, and in the chart.
Add the following subparagraphs to paragraph 2.8.3 under the heading
“Description of Services.” below the chart:
2.8.3.a The Architect shall provide a detailed cost estimate based
on Construction Contract Documents. The estimate shall show a
breakdown of the project cost in accordance with Rural Development
requirements and procedures.
2.8.3.b The selection and compensation of the Project
Representative, if required, shall be concurred in by the Agency.
2.8.3.c _____ sets of Record Drawings shall be provided to the
Owner. The costs of these sets shall be included in the
compensation to the Architect not withstanding Subparagraph
Delete the signature blocks on pages 1-12 and 2-12 of this Agreement and
substitute the block on the following page in both locations:
(08-26-98) PN 296
RD Instruction 1924-A
Guide 4
Attachment 1
Page 8
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed, or caused to be executed
by their duly authorized officials, this Agreement in duplicate on the
respective dates indicated below.
ATTEST: __________________________ By ________________________________
Type Name ________________________ Type Name _________________________
Title ____________________________ Title _____________________________
Date _____________________________ Date ______________________________
ATTEST: __________________________ By ________________________________
Type Name ________________________ Type Name _________________________
Title ____________________________ Title _____________________________
Date _____________________________ Date ______________________________
The United States of America, as potential lender or insurer of funds to
defray the costs of this agreement and without liability for any payments
thereunder, hereby concurs in the form, content and the execution of this
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Rural Development
Rural Housing Service
By ________________________________
Type Name _________________________
Title _____________________________
Date ______________________________