Golf Cart
Rules & Regulations
Town Code Section 30-422
Town Code 2-4
Safety Checklist 5
How to Register 6
Golf Cart Safety Tips 7
Town Map 8
History of Legislation: The Town’s adopted 2014 Transportation Master
Plan recommends that the Town examines Town Ordinance 10-08 (Adopted
2/17/10) in an effort to increase access to all roads within the Town for golf
cart users. This offers an environmentally friendly alternative to cars for short
distance trips. During the 2015 State Legislative session, the Mayor and
Town Council coordinated with State Representatives to advocate for changes
to Florida Statutes Chapter 316: State Uniform Traffic Control to allow the
operation of a golf cart on county owned roads that are within the jurisdiction
of a municipality.
The Town is proud to report that the Florida Statutes 316.212(1) was updated
to improve access for golf carts. On November 18, 2015, the Town Council
adopted Ordinance 15-08 to comply with Florida Statutes 316.212(1) allowing
golf carts on “a two-lane county road located within the jurisdiction of a
municipality designated by that municipality”.
This new Ordinance, supersedes the previously adopted Ordinance 10-03 as it
relates to Chapter 30 “Traffic and Motor Vehicles Regarding Golf Cart Use on
Streets within the Town” Section 30-422.1 Section 30-422.6.
Residents are still responsible for ensuring that their Golf Cart meets all safety
standards and regulations as identified in Town Code Section 30-422.
Did you know that the Town requires residents to register their
Golf Cart?
This document provides Town residents with an overview of Town Code
Section 30-422, a safety inspection checklist, a five (5) step process to get
your Golf Cart registered with the Town, and a Town map of prohibited
January 2016
The Town Council will
work to make Cutler Bay
an excellent place to live,
work and play. Cutler
Bay’s government will be
creative, responsive and
respectful in providing
innovative and cost
effective services to the
-Resolution #12-64
Florida Statutes
Chapter 316
To review the entire Florida
State Statutes Chapter 316:
State Uniform Traffic Control,
visit Online Sunshine”
Prohibited Streets
Golf Carts are allowed on all
streets within the Town’s mu-
nicipal boundaries except the
US-1/S. Dixie Highway
Florida Turnpike
Caribbean Blvd. (US-1 to SW
107 Ave)
Marlin Rd (US-1 to Sterling Dr)
SW 97 Ave (SW 212 St to SW
216 St)
SW 211 St. (SW 112 Ave to
SW 107 Ave)
SW 216 St. (Old Cutler Rd to
SW 87 Ave)
Sec. 30-422.1 Legislative Intent
It is the intent of this section to permit and regulate the use of Golf Carts within
the Designated Streets of the Town.
Sec. 30-422.2 Definitions
Designated Streets. All streets within the Town, except for Prohibited Streets.
Golf Cart. A motor vehicle designed and manufactured for operation on a golf
course for sporting or recreational purposes as defined in Florida Statutes
Chapter 316.003(68).
Permit. An official authorization designating that the Golf Cart to which the
authorization is affixed meets the requirements of state law and Town Code.
Prohibited Streets. US-1, Florida Turnpike, and portions of Caribbean Blvd,
Marlin Rd, SW 97 Ave, SW 211 St, and SW 216 St.
Slow Moving Vehicles. Any vehicle designed for use and speeds less than 25
miles per hour.
Sec. 30-422.3 Authorized Use
(a) Licensed drivers may operate Golf Carts which have been issued Permits by
the Town or a neighboring jurisdiction on all Designated Streets within the
(b) A Permit to use a Golf Cart on a Designated Street does not allow entry onto
private property or semi-private property, including retail parking lots,
private roads or common areas in condominiums. Access to these areas may
be regulated by the property owners and/or property managers.
(c) The storage of the Golf Carts shall not occur within ten feet of any property
line that faces a street.
Sec. 30-422.4 Prohibited Use
The operation in the Town of any Golf Cart in the following manner or under the
following conditions is prohibited:
(1) Without a valid, current driver's license or restricted driver’s license.
(2) During hours between sunset and sunrise without being equipped with
headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and a windshield.
Golf Cart Rules & Regulations
Town Code Section 30-422
Sec. 30-422.4 Prohibited Use (cont.)
(3) Without a valid, Permit issued by the Town or neighboring jurisdiction and
registration sticker affixed to the Golf Cart on the rear fender.
(4) In violation of State or County traffic regulations.
(5) Anywhere on the roadway surface of the Prohibited Streets, except to cross
those thoroughfares at marked intersections or intersections regulated by a
traffic signal upon the Prohibited Streets solely for the purpose of reaching
the immediate next intersection. The operation of Golf Carts upon Prohibited
Streets pursuant to this subsection (5) shall be subject to authorization from
Miami-Dade County pursuant to section 316.212(1) Florida Statutes.
(6) On the parks, bicycle paths, sidewalks, or swales of the Town.
(7) Parking in violation of posted regulations.
(8) Obstructing or interfering with normal traffic flow.
(9) Carrying more passengers than those for which the Golf Cart was designed.
Sec. 30-422.5 Registration
(a) All Golf Carts operated on Town Designated Streets must first be registered
through the Town or through a neighboring jurisdiction and a registration
sticker must be placed on the rear fender of the golf cart.
(b) Registration of Golf Carts must be made by the owner.
(c) The owner of the Golf Cart will be charged a one-time golf cart permit
application/registration fee of $60.00.
(d) Driving a Golf Cart without proper registration will result in a fine of
(e) A list of all Golf Cart registrations will be maintained by the Town.
Sec. 30-422.6 Affidavit
(a) Each Golf Cart owner shall provide an affidavit to the Town demonstrating
that the Golf Cart meets all Town and State law requirements prior to
operating on a Designated Street
(b) Upon submitting a completed Permit application, affidavit, proof of insurance
and the payment of a $60.00 (one-time) application fee, the Town shall issue
a Permit to operate a Golf Cart.
Florida Statutes
Chapter 316.212(1)
Operation of golf carts on
certain roadways. The operation
of a golf cart upon the public roads
or streets of this state is prohibit-
ed except as provided herein:
(1) A golf cart may be operated
only upon a county road that
has been designated by a
county, a municipal street
that has been designated by a
municipality, or a two-lane
county road located within
the jurisdiction of a munici-
pality designated by that mu-
nicipality, for use by golf
carts. Prior to making such a
designation, the responsible
local governmental entity
must first determine that golf
carts may safely travel on or
cross the public road or
street, considering factors in-
cluding the speed, volume,
and character of motor vehi-
cle traffic using the road or
street. Upon a determination
that golf carts may be safely
operated on a designated
road or street, the responsi-
ble governmental entity shall
post appropriate signs to in-
dicate that such operation is
Golf Cart Rules & Regulations
Town Code Section 30-422
Sec. 30-422.7 Required Equipment
A Golf Cart must be equipped with:
(1) Efficient brakes;
(2) Reliable steering apparatus;
(3) Safe tires;
(4) Rear view mirrors;
(5) Red reflectorized warning devices, both in the front and the rear;
(6) Rear stop lamps meeting the minimum standards of F.S. §316.234(1);
(7) Turn signals meeting the minimum standards of F.S. § 316.234(2);
(8) Safety belts.
Sec. 30-422.8 Slow Moving Vehicles
Golf Carts meeting the definition of Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) must
also have a triangular SMV emblem attached to the Golf Cart.
Sec. 30-422.9 Operators
Drivers must hold a current, valid driver's license in order to operate a
Golf Cart upon the streets of the Town.
Sec. 30-422.10 Traffic Laws
(a) Operators of Golf Carts using Designated Streets within the Town
are required to observe all traffic laws as if they were operating any
other motor vehicle.
(b) While traveling on Designated Streets, operators and passengers of
Golf Carts must comply with applicable State law as to the
requirements and usage of safety belts and child restraint equipment.
(c) Owners and operators of Golf Carts shall comply with applicable
State law pertaining to insurance requirements.
Sec. 30-422.11 Enforcement
The Town Police Department shall be responsible for enforcing this
Florida Statutes
Chapter 316.234
Signal lamps and signal devices.
(1) Any vehicle may be equipped and,
when required under this chapter, shall
be equipped with a stop lamp or lamps
on the rear of the vehicle which shall
display a red or amber light, visible
from a distance of not less than 300 feet
to the rear in normal sunlight, and
which shall be actuated upon applica-
tion of the service (foot) brake, and
which may but need not be incorpo-
rated with one or more other rear
lamps. An object, material, or covering
that alters the stop lamp’s visibility
from 300 feet to the rear in normal sun-
light may not be placed, displayed, in-
stalled, affixed, or applied over a stop
(2) Any vehicle may be equipped and,
when required under s. 316.222(2),
shall be equipped with electric turn
signals which shall indicate an intention
to turn by flashing lights showing to the
front and rear of a vehicle or on a com-
bination of vehicles on the side of the
vehicle or combination toward which
the turn is to be made. The lamps show-
ing to the front shall be mounted on the
same level and as widely spaced lateral-
ly as practicable and, when signaling,
shall emit white or amber light. The
lamps showing to the rear shall be
mounted on the same level and as wide-
ly spaced laterally as practicable, and,
when signaling, shall emit a red or am-
ber light. Turn signal lamps on vehicles
80 inches or more in overall width shall
be visible from a distance of not less
than 500 feet to the front and rear in
normal sunlight, and an object, material,
or covering that alters the lamp’s visibil-
ity from a distance of 500 feet to the
front or rear in normal sunlight may not
be placed, displayed, installed, affixed,
or applied over a turn signal lamp. Turn
signal lamps on vehicles less than 80
inches wide shall be visible at a distance
of not less than 300 feet to the front and
rear in normal sunlight, and an object,
material, or covering that alters the
lamp’s visibility from a distance of 300
feet to the front or rear in normal sun-
light may not be placed, displayed, in-
stalled, affixed, or applied over a turn
signal lamp. Turn signal lamps may, but
need not be, incorporated in other
lamps on the vehicle.
Golf Cart Rules & Regulations
Town Code Section 30-422
Golf Cart Safety Checklist
In order to be in compliance with the Town’s “Golf Cart Permit” Regulations, your golf
cart must be equipped with the following:
Safety Item
Parking Brake
Reliable Steering Apparatus
Safe Tires
Rear view mirror(s)
Red Reflectorized Warning Devices, both in the front
and the rear
Rear stop lamps
Turn Signals
Safety Belts
Current Proof of Insurance
Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) Triangular Emblem affixed to Cart (if
applicable) A SMV is designed to travel speeds less than 25 miles per hour.
Town Issued Permit affixed to the rear fender of the golf cart
5 Easy Steps for
Golf Cart Registration with the Town
Ensure that your golf cart meets all safety standards pursuant to Town Code 30-422.7 and 30-
422.8. Use the Safety Checklist on page #5 as a guideline.
Insure your golf cart. Insurance for your golf cart may be purchased by contacting your
homeowner’s insurance company or many automobile insurance companies (i.e. State Farm,
Progressive, Geico, etc.).
Complete the Golf Cart Permit Application and Affidavit. These documents may be found on
the Town’s website at or by visiting Town Hall at 10720 Caribbean
Blvd. Suite #105 Cutler Bay, FL 33189.
Bring your completed Golf Cart Permit Application, Notarized Affidavit, Proof of Insurance,
Valid Driver’s License, and $60.00 one-time application fee to Town Hall.
Affix your Town issued Golf Cart Registration Permit to the rear fender of your Golf Cart.
Congratulations you are done!
Enjoy your ride and remember to observe all State and Town traffic laws!
For more information or to register your golf cart, please contact the Town of Cutler Bay
Monday Friday from 8:00 am 5:00 pm at (305)234-4262 or
visit the Town’s website at
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
16 Golf Cart Safety Tips
1. Never drive recklessly or joy ride. Drive courteously. Obey all vehicle traffic laws and rules
of the road.
2. Never drive intoxicated or under the influence of any drug or narcotic.
3. Avoid distractions while operating the golf cart just as you would in an automobile. Be safe
and attentive -- avoid talking, texting, or reading while driving, reaching for objects,
applying makeup or eating.
4. Golf carts should be equipped with seat belts for driver and all passengers. The driver and all
occupants should utilize available seatbelts anytime the vehicle is in use.
5. Only carry the number of passengers for which there are seats.
6. Drivers and all passengers should keep all body parts (arms, legs, feet) inside cart while
vehicle is in motion, except when signaling a turn.
7. Do not allow anyone to ride standing in the vehicle or on the back platform of the vehicle.
Do not put vehicle in motion until all passengers are safely seated and wearing their seat
8. Operate the vehicle from the driver’s side only.
9. Always use hand signals to indicate your intent to turn due to the small size and limited
visibility of the turn signals on a golf cart.
10. Check blind spots before turning. When making a left hand turn, yield to the thru traffic lane
and merge into that lane before turning left.
11. Carefully turn and look behind golf cart before backing up.
12. Avoid sharp turns at maximum speed, and drive straight up and down slopes to reduce the
risk of passenger ejections and/or rollover. Avoid excessive speed, sudden starts, stops and
fast turns.
13. Reduce speed due to driving conditions, especially hills or other inclines or declines, blind
corners, intersections, pedestrians and inclement weather.
14. Do not leave keys in golf cart while unattended and make sure the parking brake is set.
15. Always yield to pedestrians and be cognizant of motor vehicles.
16. Use extreme caution in inclement weather. Although a golf cart may shield you from the
rain, it may not protect you from a lightning strike.
Town of Cutler Bay
Source: Miami-Dade County, The Corradino Group
Golf Carts
Prohibited Streets
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10.125
Date: 1/5/2016
Prohibited Streets
Cutler Bay Roads
Town of Cutler Bay
Town Park/Preserve
Public Schools