Andean Past Andean Past
Volume 13
Andean Past 13
Article 18
Research Reports, Andean Past 13 Research Reports, Andean Past 13
David Chicoine
Louisiana State University
Beverly Clement
Louisiana State University
Linda S. Cummings
PalaeoResearch Institute
Victor F. Vasquez S.
Teresa Rosales Tham
AQUEOBIOS, Trujillo, Peru
See next page for additional authors
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Chicoine, David; Clement, Beverly; Cummings, Linda S.; Vasquez S., Victor F.; Rosales Tham, Teresa;
Quave, Kylie E.; Heaney, Christopher; Hoffman, Alicia; Peck-Kris, Reed; and Ponte, Victor (2022) "Research
Reports, Andean Past 13,"
Andean Past
: Vol. 13, Article 18.
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Research Reports, Andean Past 13 Research Reports, Andean Past 13
Authors Authors
David Chicoine, Beverly Clement, Linda S. Cummings, Victor F. Vasquez S., Teresa Rosales Tham, Kylie E.
Quave, Christopher Heaney, Alicia Hoffman, Reed Peck-Kris, and Victor Ponte
This research reports is available in Andean Past:
Plants and Diets in Early Horizon Peru:
Macrofloral Remains from Rehydrated Fecal
Samples at Caylán
David Chicoine (Louisiana State University,
[email protected]), Beverly Clement (Louisiana
State University,,
and Linda S. Cummings (PaleoResearch Insti-
) report on the
macrofloral remains identified in nineteen
samples of dried feces recovered at the Early
Horizon center of Caylán (800–10 cal BC [2F]),
Nepeña Valley, coastal Peru. Results indicate
that maize, one of the most abundant plant
remains in Early Horizon deposits, is virtually
invisible at the macroscopic level in fecal sam-
ples, bringing insights into the ways maize was
processed and consumed (i.e., likely in the form
of beer and/or flour). Meanwhile, the ubiquity of
chili peppers, nightshades, and guava fruits
throughout the fecal corpus adds significant
information about the diversity of vegetal intake
by Early Horizon coastal populations. Indeed,
such plants are typically under-represented in
macrobotanic remains from archaeological
Beginning during the local Nepeña Phase
(800–450 cal BC) and reaching its apex during
the subsequent Samanco Phase (450–150 cal
BC), groups nucleated at the urban settlement
of Caylán while maintaining significant ties to
secondary rural and maritime communities who
supplied urban dwellers with cereals, fruits,
legumes, and seafood (Chicoine and Rojas 2013;
Helmer 2015). Carbohydrates appear to have
come mainly from the irrigation farming of
cultigens, smaller scale gardening of fruits, and
collecting wild plants (Chicoine et al. 2016).
The ubiquity of oversized vessels points to the
importance of feasting, especially fermenting
alcoholic beverages, in the maintenance of
authority (Chicoine 2011). Indeed, it appears
that, during the Nepeña Phase, malting tech-
niques related to the treatment of grains (i.e.,
maize) superseded fermenting starchy tubers
(i.e., manioc) (Ikehara et al. 2013). At Huam-
bacho, a small Early Horizon elite center located
eight kilometers southwest of Caylán, maize
remains count for more than sixty percent
(NISP [number of identified specimens]=265)
of the total plant remains (NISP=465). It is
significant that maize is both more labor inten-
sive and riskier than manioc. Indeed, the logis-
tics of maize beer production imply some level of
group coordination in order to manufacture
sufficient quantities for feasting (Jennings 2005).
This suggests that the intensification of maize
agriculture involved significant investments of
resources. Other edible plants documented in
Early Horizon deposits at Huambacho include
peanut, lima bean, avocado, pacay, squash, and
manioc (Chicoine 2011:449, Table 5).
Over the last three decades, research in the
Casma Valley, twenty kilometers south of
Nepeña, has yielded significant information to
reconstruct patterns of subsistence and human-
plant interactions during the Early Horizon.
Survey and excavation at the lower valley
settlements of San Diego and Pampa Rosario
have revealed the presence of several tubers
including potato, manioc, achira, and arrowroot
(Maranta arundinacea) (Pozorski and Pozorski
1987:51–70; Ugent et al. 1983). Other food
plants include chili pepper, lúcuma, and ciruela
de fraile (Bunchosia sp.). Both the Nepeña and
Casma botanical reconstructions are based on
NDEAN PAST 13 (2022): 445–455.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 446
macroremains from archaeological deposits,
typically middens, hearths, construction fills,
and floor scatters. The recent discovery of
expedient latrine contexts and dried feces at
Caylán allows for a more detailed consideration
of the plants processed and consumed during
the Early Horizon in coastal Ancash.
In 2009, Chicoine and Ikehara (2008[2010],
2014) initiated the first scientific excavations at
Caylán, confirming its central place in the
development of Early Horizon societies in
coastal Nepeña. The sampling of refuse deposits
and analyses of macrobotanic remains (e.g.,
seeds, stems, exocarps) have so far allowed the
identification of 35 plant taxa, 18 of which are
interpreted as edible. Taxonomic analysis of the
plant remains from Early Horizon deposits
allowed the identification of 4801 specimens,
2639 of which correspond to edible taxa (Table
1). Most food plants are cultigens including
maize (NISP=1310, 49.64 percent), peanut
(NISP=643, 24.37 percent), squash
(NISP=125, 4.74 percent), manioc (NISP=89,
3.37 percent), common bean (NISP=72, 2.73
percent), jack bean (NISP=27, 1.02 percent),
lima bean (NISP=26, 0.99 percent), achira
(NISP=15, 0.57 percent), chili pepper
(NISP=3, 0.11 percent), and sweet potato
(NISP=1, 0.04 percent). Wild or semi-wild
edibles are represented by a series of fruit trees
including avocado (NISP=199, 7.54 percent),
pacay (NISP=53, 2.01 percent), cansaboca
(NISP=26, 0.99 percent), lúcuma (NISP=22,
0.83 percent,) cherimoya (NISP=15, 0.53
percent), and guava (NISP=3, 0.11 percent), as
well as marine algae (Gymnogongrus furcellatus,
Ahnfeltia sp.) (NISP=2, 0.08 percent), and a
possible medicinal plant (palillo [Campomanesia
lineatifolia]) (NISP=9, 0.34 percent). While
several of these taxa are identifiable through the
macrofloral remains found in the rehydrated
fecal samples, the analysis points to significant
methodological implications, especially with
regards to the processing of certain crops.
Maize (Zea mays) 1310 49.64
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) 643 24.37
Avocado (Persea americana) 199 7.54
Squash (Cucurbita moschata) 125 4.74
Manioc (Manihot esculenta)893.37
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)722.73
Pacay (Inga feuillei)532.01
Jack bean (Canavalia sp.) 27 1.02
Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus)260.99
Cansaboca (Bunchosia armeniaca)260.99
Lúcuma (Pouteria lucuma)220.83
Achira (Canna sp.)150.57
Cherimoya (Annona cherimola)140.53
Palillo (Campomanesia lineatifolia) 9 0.34
Chili pepper (Capsicum sp.) 3 0.11
Guava (Psidium guajava) 3 0.11
Marine algae (Gymnogongrus furcellatus, Ahnfeltia sp.) 2 0.08
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) 1 0.04
Table 1. Edible plant taxa identified in the macro-
botanic remains excavated at Caylán (2009–
447 - Research Reports
Materials and Methods
Excavations at Caylán documented a total
of 58 features with fecal remains. Those are
associated with different contexts including a
monumental benched plaza (Plaza-A) (n=15),
a 10 meter high mound structure (Main
Mound) (n=13), a multi-functional residence
(Compound-E) (n=18), as well as streets
(n=4), an open public plaza (Plaza-C or Mayor)
(n=2), peripheral middens (n=2), and various
construction fills (n=4). After their in situ
identification and recording, the fecal remains
were collected, airbrushed, labeled, and bagged
in our field laboratory in Nepeña. Of those, 19
Fecal Samples (FSx) were selected for rehydra-
tion and transferred to the PaleoResearch
Institute in Golden, Colorado for a series of
detailed analyses including macrofloral, macro-
faunal, protein, starch, phytolith, and pollen.
The fecal samples analyzed shed light on deposi-
tion events associated with the Main Mound
(n=2 [FS105, 106]), the Plaza-A (n=6 [FS71,
77, 89, 101, 124, 125]), Compound-E (n=7
[FS94, 98, 108, 150, 151, 155, 173]), as well as
a street (n=1 [FS100]), construction fill (n=1
[FS148]) and peripheral midden areas (n=2
[S154, 159]) (Table 2). This report presents the
results of the macrofloral elements.
Mound A (UE4)
105 UE4-Ext2 Mound Summit 4 0.009
106 UE4-Ext2 Mound Summit 2 0.009
Plaza A (UE5)
71 UE5-Ext3 Corridor 3B 1 0.039
77 UE5-Ext4 Ramp 1 2 0.021
89 UE5-Ext3 Corridor 1B 1 0.017
101 UE5-Ext1 Platform 2A 3 0.021
124 UE5-Ext3 Corridor 1B 1 0.017
125 UE5-Ext3 Corridor 2-B2 3 0.008
Compound E (UE6)
94 UE6 Room 1 3 0.028
98 UE6 Room 1 2 0.020
108 UE6-Ext5 Room 4 1 0.019
150 UE6-Ext6 Room 4 3 0.020
151 UE6-Ext6 Room 4 3 0.005
155 UE6-Ext3 Room 5 2 0.010
173 UE6-Ext3 Room 5
Test Units (HP9, HP13, HP16)
100 HP9 3 0.019
148 HP13 1 0.007
154 HP16 1 0.025
159 HP16 1 0.021
Table 2. List of the fecal samples including their
provenance and weight.
The samples were rehydrated and processed
through standardized methods using a 0.5
percent aqueous solution of tri-sodium phos-
phate (Na
) and reverse osmosis de-ionized
water. Approximately 75 percent of each fecal
sample was utilized. The remaining portion was
re-packaged and sealed for future analysis. The
hydrating samples were covered with plastic
wrap to prevent evaporation and contamina-
tion, and left to soak. The sample were soaked
between 24 and 42 hours, depending on differ-
ential rates of saturation. As the samples absorb
the tri-sodium phosphate solution, a color
pigment is revealed as a result of a chemical
process during solution absorption. Considered
an important feature when rehydrating human
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 448
feces, the colors of the Na
solution have
been used to differentiate between possible types
of depositors (e.g., humans, canines, felines). In
this report, suffice it to mention that both
chromatic and contextual evidence points to
the human origins of the coprolites. The stools
were typically lined up against wall lines, in a
manner consistent with human squatting. In
addition, contexts of deposit are closely related
to human activities, including renovation epi-
sodes, the abandonment of structures, and the
discarding of trash. Finally, their size and overall
content are highly consistent with human diets
and contrast with typical canine and feline
carnivorous diets.
Upon rehydration, each fecal sample was
removed from the solution and placed on a
piece of clean aluminum foil where it was cut
longitudinally. The two halves were laid open,
and measured quantities of fecal material were
removed from the inside of each stool in order
to recover pollen, phytolith, starch, and parasite
eggs. Four stools contained fragments of para-
sitic worms. The remainder of each sample was
then water-screened through 0.5 millimeter
mesh to recover macrofloral remains.
Preliminary results of the multiple proxy
lines confirm the importance of fish in Early
Horizon diets (Kováik et al. 2012). Traces of
fish remains are ubiquitous and found in 17 of
the 19 samples. Vertebrae, otoliths, and scales
of small fish were recovered, suggesting that
some fish were eaten whole. The presence of
marine diatoms, which are typically found on
the skin, gills, and in the stomachs of fish,
strengthen the hypothesis that small fish were
consumed whole. The ubiquity of sardines
(Sardinops sagax) across Caylán deposits further
supports this observation. The remainder of this
report focuses on macrofloral remains recovered
from the fecal samples.
Taxonomic identifications of the macrofloral
remains recovered from the rehydrated fecal
samples are based on the recognition of epi-
dermises, seeds, foliage, stems, endosperms, exo-
carps, and perisperms. The elements identified
range in size from less than 0.5 to 1 millimeter.
The taxa identified and their ubiquity across the
19 samples provide significant insights into the
plants consumed at Caylán. The most ubiqui-
tous remains pertain to chili peppers (Capsicum
sp.), which are present in 13 of the 19 samples.
Other plants recognized in the samples include
squash (Cucurbita sp.) (n=1), beans (Phaseolus
sp.) (n=1), maize (Zea mays) (n=1), Malvaceae
fruit (n=2), Portulaca (n=1), guava (n=4),
datura (n=1), ground cherry/ tomatillo (Physalis
sp.) (n=4), amaranth (n=1), and unidentified
tuber epidermises (n=4). Flat sedge or nut seed
was found in one sample, but it is uncertain
whether this taxon constituted a significant food
The samples originate from different con-
texts including (1) the Main Mound, currently
interpreted as a civic-administrative building;
(2) Plaza-A, a semi-public benched plaza nested
within a monumental residential compound
(Compound-A); (3) Compound-E, interpreted
as a neighborhood-based, supra-household living
and production area as well as; (4) street con-
texts, construction fills, and open air middens.
A comparison of the contents of the fecal sam-
ples with the associated macrobotanics brings
perspectives on the methodological implications
of both datasets. A total of 1404 NISP of edible
macrobotanics were recovered from the excava-
tion and test units where the feces were found
(Table 3). Those can be compared with the
presence/absence of the plant taxa identified
through the macrofloral remains found in the
coprolites (Table 4).
449 - Research Reports
Main Mound. FS105 and FS106 were depos-
ited during a renovation episode, and might
pertain to the residents of the area and/or the
builders. The stools were preserved by the rapid
covering of the fill layers by a plastered floor.
The two samples recovered in UE4 are striking
by their low plant richness, as only fragments of
unknown grassy plants were identified. The
absence of fruits, legumes, and other edible
vegetal foods common in fecal samples at Cay-
lán is puzzling. Only one other sample, from a
street context at HP9, displays similar results.
Plaza-A. Six samples were collected and chili
peppers are present in four of them. This is par-
ticularly significant because Capiscum remains
are rare (NISP=3) in the archaeological depos-
its at Caylán. Other taxa represented include
guava–also rare in the excavated refuse (NISP=
3)–as well as the common bean and Solanum,
likely tomato. It is significant that Solanum
remains are not visible in Early Horizon depos-
its. The relative richness of macrofloral remains
from UE5 may parallel a privileged access by
Compound-A residents and/or the special
function of the plaza (i.e., feasting). The macro-
botanics from UE5 confirm the richness of the
plant assemblages associated with the use of
Plaza-A. All plant taxa represented at Caylán
were documented in UE5, with the exception of
chili pepper, guava, and sweet potato.
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) 370 52.41 96 30.87 19 13.10 13 61.90 11 5.50 509 36.25
Maize (Zea mays) 119 16.86 106 34.08 61 42.07 4 19.05 158 79.00 15 71.43 463 32.98
Avocado (Persea americana) 90 12.75 30 9.65 8 5.52 13 6.50 1 4.76 142 10.11
Squash (Cucurbita moschata) 18 2.55 28 9.00 37 25.52 4 19.05 12 6.00 99 7.05
Manioc (Manihot esculenta) 86 12.18 3 0.96 89 6.34
Common bean (Phaseolus
28 9.00 2 1.38 6 3.00 4 19.05 40 2.85
Lúcuma (Pouteria lucuma) 4 0.57 3 0.96 10 6.90 17 1.21
Cansaboca (Bunchosia
11 1.56 3 0.96 1 0.69 1 4.76 16 1.14
Pacay (Inga feuillei) 2 0.28 4 1.29 5 3.45 11 0.78
Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) 1 0.14 4 1.29 2 1.38 7 0.50
Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) 5 1.61 50.36
Chili pepper (Capsicum sp.) 1 0.14 10.07
Guava (Psidium guajava) 3 0.42 30.21
Marine algae (Gymnogongrus
furcellatus, Ahnfeltia sp.)
10.32 10.07
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) 1 0.14 10.07
OTAL FOOD PLANTS 706 100 311 100 145 100 21 100 200 100 21 100 1404 100
Table 3. Relative frequencies of the plant taxa identified in the different excavated contexts corresponding
to the contexts in which fecal samples were collected.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 450
Zea mays
Psidium guajava
Physalis seed
Cyperus sp.
Unknown plant
Unknown tuber
A FS105 K FS108
B FS106 L FS150
C FS71 M FS151
D FS77 N FS155
E FS89 O FS173
F FS101 P FS100
G FS124 Q FS148
H FS425 R FS154
I FS94 S FS159
J FS98
Table 4. Presence/absence of macrofloral remains from the rehydrated fecal samples from Caylán.
451 - Research Reports
Compound-E. UE6 excavations revealed
several rooms as part of a multi-functional
residential compound and fecal deposits are
associated with renovation episodes and the
abandonment of the place. The seven fecal
samples rehydrated from UE6 all contain chili
pepper. Unknown grassy plants are also ubiqui-
tous and found in four samples. One sample
(FS173) displays more richness and contained
maize, Solanaceae, ground cherry, and tuber
epidermis. FS173 is the only fecal sample at
Caylán to contain recognizable macrofloral
remains of maize. Macrobotanics from UE6
deposits, including the construction fill in Room
5, and floor scatters and hearths, are relatively
less rich than the assemblage from the Main
Mound and Plaza-A. The assemblage is limited
to maize, peanut, avocado, squash, common
bean, lúcuma, cansaboca, pacay, and lima bean.
Street. HP9 is associated with the end of a
street located in the northern portion of the
urban sector. A single fecal sample (FS100) was
found on the street surface. The stool was
collected from a layer associated with a floor
underneath a layer of windblown sand and dirt,
itself covered by the rubble of the collapsed
stone-and-mud wall of the street. The presence
of feces in HP9 suggests that streets at Caylán
were convenient places for defecating and
perhaps used as expedient latrines. It is also
possible that the street and surrounding neigh-
borhood was abandoned at the time of deposit.
Construction Fill. HP13 was placed at the base of
Cerro Cabeza de León in a small room pertain-
ing to Compound-N. The test unit sampled the
construction fill of a small bench. A single
sample (FS148) was collected from the bench
fill, itself composed of refuse and strata of reeds.
Our interpretation of the HP13 context exem-
plifies an expedient latrine, with fill materials
quickly covering the fecal deposits and helping
in their preservation. FS148 contains chili
pepper and a tuber epidermis showing similar
cell pattern to that of Calathea-type epidermis.
Macrobotanics recovered include peanut, maize,
avocado, squash, and common bean.
Midden Area. Two samples were collected
from HP16 (FS154 and 159) located at the base
of Cerro Caylán on the northwestern periphery
of the site. There are no obvious structures in
this area, which may represent an association of
an open-air, expedient latrine and a possible
midden refuse area. Our working hypothesis is
that most residents of the urban sector probably
used areas outside the dense, monumental core
to relieve themselves. Yet, those open air la-
trines would typically have a very low rate of
preservation due to natural weathering, and
scavenging animals. The stools recovered in
HP16 might have been buried by their deposi-
tors in association with the discard of trash.
The samples contain large quantities of
plant remains including traces of cucurbits.
Remains of chili pepper are represented in both
samples, as well as the only other trace of guava
fruit, unidentified nightshades (possibly toma-
tillo or ground cherry), unknown tuber epider-
mis (possibly achira or sweet potato), and rem-
nants of an unknown fruit from the Malvaceae
family. The variety in these two samples aligns
well with the samples found in UE5 and UE6.
The macrobotanics, in contrast, are less rich and
include maize, avocado, common bean, and
In sum, this brief overview of the distribu-
tion of the fecal samples at Caylán contributes
to our understanding what the contents of
ancient human feces mean in relation to social
and economic factors. Yet, it is difficult to
correlate the location of defecation with actual
occupational phases. It is also difficult to link
the use of domestic space with specific defeca-
tion moments. UE5 corresponds to a restricted
space, where select individuals participated in
activities occurring at Plaza-A. Although the
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 452
feces from UE5 show a variety of consumed
plants, they are unique in that they contain the
only identifiable remains of Solanum and almost
all evidence of guava (i.e., other evidence of
guava is in HP16).
Compound-E, is associated with residential
activities such as cooking, and other food prepa-
ration. Aside from FS173, all feces samples from
UE6 show a consistent diet primarily of fish and
chili pepper. Fecal material can represent food
consumed up to forty-eight hours (and longer)
prior to defecation, but the uniformity of the
samples from UE6 is significant. Considering the
amount of information provided by these nine-
teen fecal samples rehydrated from Caylán,
there is a considerable amount of evidence to
encourage further investigations into the rela-
tionship between Plaza-A and the residential
Compound-E. It can be hypothesized that the
apparent socioeconomic differences between the
people utilizing the space in Plaza-A, largely as
consumers, and those utilizing the space in
Compound-E, largely as food preparers, are
function based.
All nineteen samples include at least one
part (seed, endosperm, glume, stem) of floral
remains in either a fragmentary or complete
identifiable state. Within the Solanaceae night-
shade family, chili pepper remains are present in
68 percent (n=13) of the samples and are in all
contexts of the site except for HP9 and UE4.
Nightshades including tomato (Solanum sect.
Lycopersicon) and tomatillo or ground cherry
(Physalis sp.) are present in 26 percent (n=5) of
the samples. Maize, tuberous cells, and fruits are
also present, albeit in lesser proportions overall.
In the fecal samples where chili pepper is
present, the remains are typically fragmented
and non-charred, except for the presence of a
single charred fragment in FS77 (UE5). The
tough seed coats of chili peppers can be broken
while chewing, preventing the seed from re-
maining intact through the human digestive
system. FS98 contained the highest count of
chili pepper seeds with 131 non-charred frag-
ments ($ 0.5 milimeters) and 30 chili seed
endosperms. Chili peppers are the only plant
remains recovered from all samples from UE6,
apart from FS173, while the non-floral frag-
ments are all marine or freshwater-based
foods–possibly indicative of preferred food
combinations within the residential areas of
Compound-E. Both food processing and chew-
ing might explain why most of the chili pepper
seeds are fragmented and not whole. The multi-
tude of ways that chili peppers can be processed
might account for the small amount of actual
intact seeds in the feces. Evidence for consum-
ing chili peppers is significant since traditional
macrobotanic retrieval techniques, including
screen size, used in conjunction with archaeo-
logical deposits, tend to underrepresent this
important plant.
Several nightshade family varieties are
represented including the tomato. Samples from
UE5 (FS101, 71), UE6 (173) and HP16 (FS154,
159) all contained evidence for plant taxa in the
Solanaceae family as either whole or fragmen-
tary non-charred pieces. FS71 from UE5 con-
tained the highest counts of non-charred to-
mato Solanum sect. Lycopersicon remains with
234 whole non-charred seeds, 70 non-charred
fragments ($1 millimeter), and 109 non-charred
seed fragments ($0.5 millimeter). Seeds less
than 0.5 millimeters were also present, but not
counted. In contrast to residing in the inner
cavity of the chili pepper, tomato seeds are
contained within a gelatinous membrane. This
structural element might account for the high
prevalence of whole tomato seeds compared to
any other plant seeds found in the feces samples.
Other notable plants common at Early
Horizon sites include tubers, fruits, and maize.
453 - Research Reports
The Caylán results indicate the presence of
these, albeit in smaller quantities and with more
limited spatial distribution. FS148 from HP13
yielded non-charred remains of Calathea-type
tuber/rhizome epidermis. The same tuberous
epidermis was found in FS101 and FS124 from
UE5, in FS150 from UE6, and in FS159 from
HP16. As suspected, fruits such as guava were
consumed at Caylán, but minimal amounts of
seeds and traces of endosperm were found in
FS77 from UE5 and FS159 from HP16, respec-
Among all of the edible plant remains found
in the feces at Caylán, maize was surprisingly
under-represented. This observation is signifi-
cant, considering the vast quantities of maize
cobs found in the macroscopic assemblage.
Maize appears only in FS173 from UE6 in the
form of glumes and kernel skins. The under-
representation of maize in the feces material
generates questions about the role of maize at
Caylán and the ways by which it was processed
and consumed. Maize is well represented in
refuse deposits, perhaps because cobs preserve
well in the arid environment. Simultaneously,
the evidence at Caylán suggests that maize is
being processed and consumed in a way that
would lessen its visibility in feces–such as being
consumed in beverage or flour form. Ongoing
analyses of starch grains from the Caylán copro-
lites should help clarify this issue, since the
processing of maize for chicha production can
alter their integrity (Vinton et al. 2009).
Data from HP16 generate questions about
the use of areas outside the urban sector for
defecation. FS154 and FS159 from HP16 con-
tained surprising plant richness. Most notable is
the large amount of non-charred cucurbit
(squash) exocarp and seed fragments in FS154.
This is the only sample to contain evidence for
consumed cucurbits. Cucurbits are more preva-
lent in the macrobotanical assemblage, but only
in the form of a few intact and fragmented
Another significant line of evidence in the
feces samples is the presence of parasites. Para-
sitic evidence is found in more than 20 percent
of the fecal samples (FS71, 94, 155, and 150).
The samples come from Compound-E and
appear to be associated with diets consisting
mostly of fish and chili peppers. FS71 (Plaza-A,
UE5) shows the presence of a parasitic worm, as
well as jimsonweed (Solanaceae, Datura type),
which is a known psychotropic and medicinal
plant. At this point, the presence of parasites at
Caylán is preliminary and conclusions about
general health or access to medicinal aid due to
parasitic discomfort are unclear.
Concluding Remarks
The comparative study of macrobotanical
remains from feces and refuse deposits is valu-
able to understand human subsistence strate-
gies, food processing, and the taphonomy of
paleoethnobotanical remains. Indeed, the
analysis of gut contents from cess, stools, and/or
mummified intestines can shed light on varia-
tions in food preferences and combinations, as
well as cooking and other food processing meth-
ods. Fecal specialists have looked at pollen,
starch grains, protein residues, and phytoliths to
complement traditional emphases on macro-
botanical remains and other by-products typi-
cally found in refuse deposits (e.g., hearths,
discard piles, middens). Microscopic analyses
help discern whether plants, seeds, fruits, and
tubers were eaten young or mature, if grains
were pounded, broken apart, or eaten whole, or
even if roots and seeds were roasted before
consumption or preferred raw (Vinton et al.
2009). Furthermore, feces can present an encap-
sulated picture of relative health including
dietary deficiencies and exposure to parasites.
The results from our study suggest that maize is
well represented in archaeological deposits,
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 454
while less visible in the macrofloral composition
of coprolites.
The results from our study suggest that
maize abundance in archaeological deposits
represents intense processing of an important
food item, whether ground or used in making
chicha. Insights from starch grains could further
support the importance of grinding of maize for
maize beer fermenting (Vinton et al. 2009).
Maize stands in stark contrast to chili peppers,
tubers, and some fruits which can be difficult to
identify in Early Horizon trash piles. Chili pep-
pers in particular are ubiquitous across the fecal
samples at Caylán.
The incorporation of feces is a critical addi-
tion to the analysis and interpretation of
paleodiets and available foods in Andean prehis-
tory. The ability to look beyond botanical re-
mains and incorporate feces data is valuable to
the fields of archaeology, paleoethnobotany, and
bioarchaeology. Expanding beyond traditional
approaches to understand prehistoric popula-
tions through architectural features, material
artifacts, and burial practices, feces reveal infor-
mation about food consumption habits. Few
archaeological remains other than feces reveal
individualist levels of history or specific human
events in time.
Excavations at Caylán were made possible thanks to
the generous support of Louisiana State University’s
Office of Research and Economic Development and the
Department of Geography and Anthropology. Laboratory
analyses were funded by a grant from the Louisiana Board
of Regents (contract number LEQSF[2011– 2014]-RD-A-
05). Thanks go to the Ministerio de Cultura (formerly the
Instituto Nacional de Cultura) del Perú for considering
favorably the field project and permitting the exportation
of samples (804/INC-050609, 1230/INC-280510, 285-
2011-MC), as well as to Hugo Ikehara who co-directed
the excavations. Thanks also go to Ámparo Gomez, Kyle
Stich, Víctor Vásquez, and Teresa Rosales for their help
with the taxonomic identification of the botanical re-
Chicoine, David
2011 Feasting Landscapes and Political Economy at
the Early Horizon Center of Huambacho,
Nepeña Valley, Peru. Journal of Anthropological
Archaeology 30(3):432–453.
Chicoine, David, Beverly Clement, and Kyle Stich
2016 Macrobotanical Remains from the 2009 Season
at Caylán: Preliminary Insights into Early Hori-
zon Plant Use in the Nepeña Valley, North-
Central Coast of Peru. Andean Past 12:155–61.
Chicoine, David and Hugo Ikehara
2008 [2010] Nuevas evidencias sobre el Periodo
Formativo del valle de Nepeña: Resultados
preliminares de la primera temporada de
investigaciones en Caylán. Boletín de Arqueología
PUCP 12: 349–370.
2014 Ancient Urban Life at the Early Horizon Center
of Caylán, Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology
Chicoine, David and Carol Rojas
2013 Shellfish Resources and Maritime Economy at
Caylán, Coastal Ancash, Peru. Journal of Island
and Coastal Archaeology 8(3):336–360.
Helmer, Matthew
2015 The Archaeology of an Ancient Seaside Town:
Performance and Community at Samanco, Nepeña
Valley, Peru (ca. 500–1 BC) BAR International
Series 2751. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Ikehara, Hugo, Fiorella Paipay, and Koichiro Shibata
2013 Feasting with Zea mays in the Middle and Late
Formative North Coast of Peru. Latin American
Antiquity 24(2):217–231.
Jennings, Justin
2005 La Chichera y el Patrón: Chicha and the
Energetics of Feasting in the Prehistoric Andes.
In: Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes,
edited by Kevin J. Vaughn, Denis Ogburn, and
Christina A. Conlee, pp. 241–259. Archaeological
Papers of the American Anthropological Association
14. Berkeley, California: University of California
Kováik, Peter, Kathryn Puseman, Chad Yost, Melissa K.
Logan, Linda S. Cummings, Beverly Clement, and David
2012 Multiproxy Analysis of Coprolites from the Early
Horizon Center of Caylán (800–1 BCE), Coast of
Northern Peru. Paper presented at the 35th
Annual Meeting of the Society of Ethnobiology,
Denver, Colorado, April 11–14.
Pozorski, Shelia and Thomas Pozorski
1987 Early Settlement and Subsistence in the Casma
Valley, Peru. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa
455 - Research Reports
Ugent, Donald, Shelia Pozorski, and Thomas Pozorski
1983 Restos arqueológicos de tubérculos de papas y
camotes del Valle de Casma en el Perú. Boletín de
Lima 25:1–17.
Vinton, Sheila Dorsey, Linda Perry, Karl J. Reinhard,
Calogero M. Santoro, and Isabel Teixeira-Santos
2009 Impact of Empire Expansion on Household Diet:
The Inka in Northern Chile’s Atacama Desert.
PLOS ONE 4(11):e8069.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 456
Taxonomic Analyses of the Vertebrate Fau-
nal Remains from Caylán, Peru
David Chicoine (Louisisiana State Univer-
sity, [email protected]), Víctor Vásquez
Teresa Rosales (ARQUEOBIOS,
[email protected]) report on the analy-
sis of the vertebrate faunal remains from the
Early Horizon center of Caylán, Nepeña Valley,
coastal Ancash, Peru. Excavations in 2009 and
2010 have yielded some 10 kilograms of verte-
brate remains. A total of 3289 Number of Iden-
tified Specimens (NISP) were identified, classi-
fied, and quantified. Results indicate that Cay-
lán dwellers relied on a variety of fish, birds, and
mammals. Mammal domesticates are repre-
sented by camelids, dogs, and guinea pigs. Wild
mammals such as deer and sea lions appear in
lesser proportions. Marine resources occupied a
predominant place as suggested by the richness
and diversity of the fish assemblage. Most fish
were caught from the shore, likely from the
nearby sandy beaches located some fifteen
kilometers from Caylán. Yet, the existence of
fishing satellites nearer to the shore, combined
with the nature of the Caylán archaeological
assemblage, suggest the existence of exchange
networks in which marine products, mostly fish
and shellfish, traveled. Wild birds were caught
in surrounding marshlands through opportunis-
tic hunting, and appear to have been less impor-
tant in urban diets.
The Caylán research indicates that the
origins of urban life ways in coastal Ancash
increased the reliance on animal domesticates
for food, transportation, bones, and fibers. Yet,
wild animals continued to play a major and
dynamic role in subsistence activities, especially
fish and shellfishing. Intrasite analyses of species
and anatomical distributions confirm widespread
exploitation of identified taxa, yet little evi-
dence exists for significant differences in access
to potentially more prized animal products.
Caylán is a large multi-component archaeo-
logical complex with rich Early Horizon deposits
dated between 800 and 10 cal BC (2F). Results
of the excavations, as well as various specialized
analyses, have been presented elsewhere
(Chicoine and Ikehara 2014; Chicoine et al.
2016; Chicoine and Rojas 2013). In this report,
we focus on the zooarchaeological analysis of
the macrofaunal remains of vertebrates. All
excavated materials were screened using a three
millimeter mesh. Recovery efforts targeted one
hundred percent of the screened remains which
were transferred to the Centro de Investiga-
ciones Arqueobiológicas y Paleoecológicas
Osteoarchaeological analyses focused on
unworked bone remains and are believed to
represent patterns of subsistence, in particular
the acquisition, processing, and discard of meat.
Taxonomic identifications were realized using
reference collections and published literature for
comparisons of each taxon. ARQUEOBIOS
houses the most comprehensive reference
collection for the zooarchaeology of the north
coast of Peru. Numbers of Identified Specimen
(NISP) were preferred over weight and Minimal
Number of Individuals (MNI). NISP values
were calculated based on the number of ana-
tomical parts specific to each species analyzed.
Osteometric values were also calculated for
camelid remains based on published literature to
distinguish between the different taxa. Camelid
osteometry focused on the first phalanges of the
anterior and posterior limbs. Meanwhile, tapho-
nomic observations emphasized cut, breakage,
and other marks indicating butchering and
other processing practices.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022):456–462.
457 - Research Reports
Taxa Mound-A
(UE1, 4)
(UE2, 5)
(UE3, HPs)
Bufo sp. 7 0.8 1 0.1 8 0.24
Unknown amphibian 6 0.8 59 6.3 65 1.98
Unknown reptile 9 1.1 20 2.1 29 0.88
Mustelus sp. 1 0.1 1 0.1 2 0.06
Carcharhinus sp. 1 0.1 2 0.3 3 0.09
Sphyrna sp. 2 0.2 2 0.3 1 0.1 1 0.1 6 0.18
Rhinobatos planiceps 1 0.1 10 1.3 11 0.33
Rajidae 1 0.1 1 0.03
Myliobatis sp. 6 0.7 7 0.9 2 0.2 3 0.4 18 0.55
Galeichthys peruvianus 6 0.6 4 0.5 10 0.30
Muraenidae 1 0.1 1 0.03
Engraulis ringens 32 4.2 32 0.97
Ethmidium maculatum 20.3 10.13 0.09
Sardinops sagax 50 6.0 92 12.0 137 14.5 99 13.3 378 11.49
Mugil cephalus 5 0.6 4 0.4 18 2.4 27 0.82
Labrisomus philippii 30.43 0.09
Trachurus symmetricus 3 0.4 13 1.7 6 0.8 22 0.67
Trachinotus sp. 3 0.4 3 0.09
Paralonchurus peruanus 3 0.4 1 0.1 6 0.6 4 0.5 14 0.43
Paralonchurus sp. 2 0.2 1 0.1 1 0.1 1 0.1 5 0.15
Stellifer minor 18 2.1 6 0.8 2 0.3 26 0.79
Cynoscion sp. 37 4.4 10 1.3 16 1.7 34 4.6 97 2.95
Sciaena deliciosa 1 0.1 1 0.1 54 7.3 56 1.70
Sciaena starksi 3 0.4 1 0.1 4 0.12
Sciaena gilberti 20.2 2 0.06
Sciaena sp. 5 0.6 16 2.1 21 2.2 15 2.0 57 1.73
Larimus sp. 8 1.0 6 0.8 43 4.6 12 1.6 69 2.10
Micropogonias altipinnis 16 1.9 1 0.1 7 0.7 7 0.9 31 0.94
Pareques sp. 23 3.1 23 0.70
Menticirrhus sp. 1 0.1 1 0.03
Calamus sp. 1 0.1 1 0.1 2 0.06
Caulolatilus sp. 2 0.3 2 0.06
Serranidae 1 0.1 1 0.03
Paralabrax sp. 17 2.0 14 1.8 5 0.5 8 1.1 44 1.34
Acanthistius sp. 1 0.1 1 0.03
Anisotremus scapularis 57 6.8 9 1.2 24 2.5 13 1.8 103 3.13
Merluccius gayi 20.2 2 0.06
Scomber sp. 4 0.5 4 0.4 1 0.1 9 0.27
Sarda chilensis 2 0.2 1 0.1 1 0.1 16 2.2 20 0.61
Unknown fish 37 4.4 16 2.1 50 5.3 26 3.5 129 3.92
Diomedea sp. 1 0.1 1 0.03
Phalacrocorax bougain-
8 1.0 5 0.7 1 0.1 13 1.8 27 0.82
Larus sp. 15 1.8 1 0.1 9 1.0 1 0.1 26 0.79
Laridae 2 0.2 2 0.3 4 0.12
Puffinus sp. 20.32 0.06
Scolopacidae 10.1 1 0.03
Charadridae 2 0.3 2 0.06
Egretta sp. 10.1 1 0.03
Gallinula chloropus 10.1 1 0.03
Anas sp. 1 0.1 11 1.4 12 0.36
Zenaida asiatica 12 1.4 35 4.6 14 1.5 13 1.8 74 2.25
Zenaidura sp. 10.1 20.220.35 0.15
Columbina sp. 1 0.1 4 0.5 5 0.15
Strigidae cf Asio sp. 10.11 0.03
Vultur gryphus 10.1 1 0.03
Coragyps atratus 11 1.2 11 0.33
Hirundo sp. 1 0.1 44 5.9 45 1.37
Bartramia sp. 1 0.1 1 0.03
Sturnella sp. 8 1.0 2 0.2 1 0.1 11 0.33
Icteridae 1 0.1 1 0.03
Unknown bird 12 1.4 18 2.4 26 2.8 20 2.7 76 2.31
/...Continued on following page
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 458
/Continued from preceding page
Taxa Mound-A
(UE1, 4)
(UE2, 5)
(UE3, HPs)
Muridae 111 13.2 216 28.3 77 8.2 89 12.0 493 14.99
Cavia porcellus 73 8.7 63 8.2 42 4.5 57 7.7 235 7.15
Lagidium peruanum 10 1.2 6 0.8 3 0.3 1 0.1 20 0.61
Canis familiaris 46 5.5 46 6.0 144 15.3 27 3.6 263 8.00
Felis sp. 4 0.5 2 0.2 6 0.18
Unknown carnivore 6 0.7 2 0.3 8 0.24
Otaria sp. 1 0.1 7 0.7 7 0.9 15 0.46
Odocoileus virginianus 10.1 30.44 0.12
Lama sp. 164 19.5 72 9.4 151 16.0 50 6.7 437 13.29
Unknown mammal 63 7.5 37 4.8 39 4.1 41 5.5 180 5.47
TOTAL 840 100.0 764 100.0 943 100.0 742 100 3289 100.00
Table 1. Total vertebrate remains analyzed from Caylán.
Vertebrate Taxa at Caylán
Taxonomic analyses allowed the identifica-
tion of 3289 NISP (Table 1). The composition
indicate that the dwellers of the Early Horizon
settlement interacted with, used, ate, and pro-
cessed a vast array of wild and domesticated
terrestrial, marine, riverine, and lacustrine
vertebrates including amphibians, reptiles, fish,
birds, and mammals. Mammals (NISP=1661,
50.50 percent) account for about half of the
NISP values followed by fish (NISP=1218,
37.03 percent), and birds (NISP=308, 9.36
percent). Amphibians (NISP=73, 2.22 percent)
and reptiles (NISP=29, 0.88 percent) are mar-
ginal. With 36 and 20 species, respectively, fish
and bird taxa display overall more richness than
mammals (n=8) and amphibians (n=1). The
only amphibian identified belongs to the toad
Bufo sp. Soil sample analyses are currently
underway and have revealed the presence of
insects, but entomological data are too prelimi-
nary at this point to evaluate the potential
significance of terrestrial arthropods in human
Fish. Fish are the richest category with some
fresh, but mostly salt water species. In our
Nepeña (9ºS) assemblage, most marine fish are
typical of the Peruvian Province (5ºS–40ºS),
although two species (Larimus sp., Pareques sp.)
are also common in the warmer province of
Panama (5ºS-5ºN). Marine fish can potentially
travel through and inhabit diverse oceanic
biotopes including deeper offshore waters, as
well as shallower near shore coastlines. Based on
documented fishing techniques for the Early
Horizon, typical location of fish habitats (mostly
demersal and benthonic), and oceanic substrates
(mostly sandy), most fish could have been
caught in shallow waters (mostly up to forty
meters) of the shore of the Bahía de Samanco
using a combination of fishing lines, weights,
floaters, hooks, and nets.
Overall, the fish assemblage is rich, but
exhibits relatively little diversity, with the five
most common taxa accounting for more than 60
percent of the fish remains. More than 30
percent of the fish remains belong to sardines
(Sardinops sagax sagax) (NISP=378, 31.03
percent of total fish), followed by drums and sea
basses of different sizes (Sciaena sp.)
(NISP=119, 9.77 percent). Cabrillas (Parala-
brax sp.) (NISP=44, 3.61 percent), anchovies
(Engraulis ringens) (NISP=32, 2.63 percent),
giltheads (Micropogonias altipinnis) (NISP=31,
2.55 percent), mullets (Mugil cephalus)
(NISP=27, 2.22 percent), mojarillas (Stellifer
minor) (NISP=26, 2.13 percent), Pareques sp.
(NISP=23, 1.89 percent), saurels (Trachurus
symmetricus) (NISP =22, 1.81 percent), bonitos
(Sarda chilensis) (NISP=20, 1.64 percent), sting
rays (Myliobatis sp.) (NISP =18, 1.48 percent),
459 - Research Reports
and banded croackers (Paralonchurus peruanus)
(NISP=14, 1.15 percent) are found in lesser
quantities. The low frequency of anchovies and
their limited distribution (found only at Plaza-
A), are surprising, considering the common
presence of these taxon at coastal archaeological
deposits. Finally, numerous fish taxa are found
in less than one percent of the fish remains
including several species of teleost and cartilagi-
nous fish. The latter are rare in the Early Hori-
zon contexts sampled so far at Caylán
(NISP=42, 3.45 percent). They include sand
sharks (Mustelus sp.), hammer sharks (Sphyrna
sp.), tiburon sharks (Carcharhinus sp.), and sting
rays (Myoliobatis sp.).
Birds. Birds display a less rich, but more
diverse assemblage, especially considering edible
taxa. Of the total of twenty identified avian
taxa, the medium size dove Zenaida asiatica
(NISP=74, 28.14 percent of total bird remains)
is by far the most common and ubiquitous bird
at Caylán. More remains of the Columbidae
family were encountered (NISP=10). Today,
these birds dwell in bushes, trees, and fields in
the vicinity of Caylán. In the Early Horizon, wild
birds could have been hunted with a variety of
projectile weapons including slings and spears,
as well as nets. Columbidae are followed by
cormorants (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii) (NISP=
27, 10.27 percent), and seagulls (Larus sp.)
(NISP=26, 9.89 percent). Wild ducks (Anas
sp.) (NISP=12, 4.56 percent), medium size
icterids (Sturnella sp.) (NISP=11, 4.18 percent),
and black vultures (Coragyps atratus) (NISP=
11, 4.18 percent) are also present in lesser
frequencies. The remains of vultures are re-
stricted to UE6 in a single context within
Compound-E. They are unlikely to have played
a major role in local subsistence. A similar
observation can be made about the remains of
owls (Stigidae cf. Asio sp.) and swallows (Hirun-
do sp.). Other marginal species–that could,
nevertheless, have played an economic role in
Early Horizon Nepeña–include the marshland
taxa Egretta sp. (NISP=1, 0.38 percent) and
Gallinula chloropus (NISP=1, 0.38 percent), and
marine penguins (Puffinus sp.) (NISP=2, 0.76
Finally, a proximal section of a condor
(Vultur gryphus) ulna was recovered from
Mound-A construction fill. It displays cut marks
suggesting the production of musical instru-
ments. Overall, the taxonomic analysis of bird
remains indicates the exploitation of the lagoon
and marshlands adjacent to the urban settle-
ment of Caylán. Meanwhile, marine taxa appear
limited to cormorants and seagulls.
The Caylán zooarchaeological sample is still
limited and more research is needed, but the
scarcity of penguin remains could be significant,
especially since sea lions–who inhabit similar
environments–are documented more systemati-
cally. It could, for instance, indicate that
Nepeña people obtained sea lion products
through extra-local exchange networks, includ-
ing salted meat, teeth for adornments, and
bones for tools. Although it implies the more
limited movements of penguin products within
exchange networks, this working hypothesis is
consistent with the near shore fishing strategies
postulated for Early Horizon times in Nepeña.
Perhaps more importantly, some bird taxa are at
the moment completely absent from the Caylán
osteological sample. The more salient absence is
related to the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata),
although the absence of pelican (Pelecanus sp.),
booby (Sula sp.), and heron (Casmerodius albus)
is also notable.
In sum, bird resources at Caylán appear less
systematic and more opportunistic compared to
fish and mammalian taxa. Bird domesticates
have so far to be documented, and most of the
wild taxa include small to medium size animals.
Hunting was clearly a significant option to
acquire animal protein, but the relatively small
size and low demographic densities of these
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 460
birds do not lend weight to these animal re-
sources being sustainable for a dense urban
population. Rather, it appears that Caylán
residents more systematically consumed marine
fish and shellfish, as well as mammals.
Mammals. At Caylán, the role of camelids
appears undeniable as a pack animal, a source of
meat and bone, and perhaps of fibers. Camelids
dominate the osteological assemblage with 437
NISP for 37.41 percent of all mammalian re-
mains. Our osteometric analysis of camelids
focused on first phalanges of three individuals.
Results indicate that the three Caylán speci-
mens pertain to a single taxon highly consistent
with llamas (Lama glama). They are followed by
dogs (Canis familiaris) (NISP=263, 22.52 per-
cent), guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) (NISP=235,
20.12 percent), chinchillas (Lagidium peruanum)
(NISP=20, 1.71 percent), sea lions (Otaria sp.)
(NISP=15, 1.28 percent), felines (Felis sp.)
(NISP=6, 0.51 percent), and white tail deer
(Odocoileus virginianus) (NISP=4, 0.34 percent).
Llamas, dogs, guinea pigs, and chinchillas are
ubiquitous throughout the excavation units,
while the distribution of felines, sea lions, and
deer appears more limited. It is unlikely that the
Caylán felines were consumed as foods. In
contrast, llama and dog remains display traces of
butchering, and burning.
Mound-A Plaza-A Compound-E
N% N% N%
Cranium 12 14.8 3 6.1 10 13.7
Thorax 36 44.4 24 49.0 25 34.2
Anterior limbs 11 13.6 8 16.3 22 30.1
Posterior limbs 13 16.0 8 16.3 9 12.3
Feet 9 11.1 6 12.2 7 9.6
Total 81 100.0 49 100.0 73 100.0
Table 2. Anatomical distribution of camelid re-
For the llamas, the distributional analysis of
anatomical parts across the three main contexts
of area excavations at Caylán– Mound-A, Plaza-
A, and Compound-E–indicates consistency
(Table 2). Throughout the excavation contexts,
sections of thorax dominate the llama remains,
ranging from 34.2 percent of the total llama
remains at Compound-E to 49 percent at Plaza-
A. Anterior and posterior limbs follow in impor-
tance. Meanwhile, remains of crania and feet
appear relatively on a par with limbs, depending
on the context. Out of the 203 bones recovered
at Mound-A, Plaza-A, and Compound-E, cut
marks are present on 23 bones (11.33 percent),
while 19 (9.36 percent) are burnt. The majority
of the cut marks were observed on ribs
(NISP=14, 60.87 percent of total cut marks)
suggesting that the body parts were especially
Dog remains are surprisingly abundant and
ubiquitous at Caylán. All excavation units have
yielded dog remains, several of them showing
cut marks, in particular on limb bones. Cut
marks on limbs indicate that dog meat was
consumed. It is significant that Shibata (2013)
reports on the high frequency of dog bones in
the feasting refuse at Cerro Blanco. While
Shibata suggests that dogs might have related to
feasting activities and the supplying of high
status guests and visitors, the ubiquity of dog
remains at Caylán suggests a more widespread
consumption, perhaps beyond elite and feasting
Guinea pigs are also well represented at
Caylán. The animals were likely consumed and
used in ritual divination and other special
activities. Finally, deer, sea lion, and chinchilla
are represented in lesser frequencies. Deer were
likely hunted from the lomas and adjacent
forested areas around Caylán. However, their
limited occurrence indicates that this wild game
was likely of minor importance in the overall
diet, in contrast to domesticated camelids, dogs,
and guinea pigs.
461 - Research Reports
Summary and Conclusions
The taxonomic analysis of the vertebrate
remains at Caylán indicates that Early Horizon
populations in the lower Nepeña Valley ex-
ploited different littoral and inland wild re-
sources from diverse biotopes including sandy
beaches, fresh water lagoons, marshlands, lomas,
and woodlands. The relative importance of each
of these in local subsistence and meat input is
still unclear, but in light of the richness, diver-
sity and ubiquity of fish remains, it appears the
sea provided the most systematic source of
animal protein. Most fish remains pertain to
small to medium size fish such as sardines,
drums, and sea basses likely caught from the
Samanco shoreline. Larger fish such as sharks
and bonitos are less common. The richness and
diversity of fish suggests a combination of vari-
ous fishing strategies including lines and nets.
Fish data suggest that these animals–mainly
teleost fish–were at the core of daily subsistence
for most people at the urban site. Sea birds and
mammals are also present, albeit in lesser fre-
The high richness and diversity, yet low
frequency of bird remains suggest an opportunis-
tic exploitation of waterfowls and other small
birds living around Caylán, perhaps by a limited
number of hunters. It is unclear at this point
whether these small birds were prized as foods.
In contrast, the high frequency and low richness
of domesticated mammals point towards a more
systematic and intense exploitation.
Animal domesticates were critical to Caylán
dwellers, especially llamas for transportation,
meat, and fibers. Although it is unclear whether
camelids were consistently raised and main-
tained within the urban settlement, anatomical
and taphonomic data indicate that llamas were
butchered locally. Whole carcasses were avail-
able and diverse body parts were processed,
consumed, and discarded on site. Other primary
meat sources include dogs and guinea pigs,
although they might have been limited to spe-
cial occasions including feasts.
To conclude, this report has presented and
discussed the results of the preliminary analysis
of vertebrate osteoarchaeological remains from
the Early Horizon urban center of Caylán,
Nepeña Valley (Ancash) Peru. Insights into
human-animal interactions at Caylán are partic-
ularly important to shed light on the process of
urbanization that occurred in coastal Ancash
during the first millennium B.C. Research
indicates the emergence of a dense urban ag-
glomeration where most dwellers could have
been detached from primary subsistence activi-
ties and supplied by neighboring farmers, hunt-
ers, herders, and fishers. Such socioeconomic
transformations had a profound effect on animal
Results indicate that the Caylán deposits
contain a rich assemblage dominated by mam-
mals, fish, and birds. In terms of richness, most
are wild taxa, but the higher frequency of
camelids, dogs, and guinea pigs indicate the
importance of animal domesticates in economic
practices. Osteometric analyses indicate that the
Caylán camelids were llamas. Although it still
unclear whether large scale herding facilities
were present at Caylán, llamas clearly occupied
a privileged place within Early Horizon diets and
socioeconomics. Based on their ubiquity and
frequency, dogs and guinea pigs were other
significant mammals consumed onsite. Marine
fish and shellfish represented another viable,
predictable, and heavily exploited source of
animal protein. In contrast, birds were preyed
upon opportunistically in and around the
Caylán lagoon marshlands.
The Caylán osteoarchaeological analysis
indicates the trend of increased reliance on
animal domesticates, mostly camelids and
guinea pigs–which in Nepeña appears to have
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 462
begun during the transition from the Cerro
Blanco to Nepeña Phase around 800 B.C.–
gained momentum when people settled into
more urban lifeways. The sea continued to
provide rich, diverse, and heavy supplies of
animal products including fish and shellfish, but
llamas probably represented one of the most
valued animal resources for transportation,
meat, bones, and hair.
Comparisons of zooarchaeological assem-
blages from neighboring Early Horizon sites
suggest the existence of interdependent commu-
nities. From that standpoint, urban dwellers
were supplied by indirect systems of resource
management and distribution. However, little
evidence exists at the moment to lend weight to
the existence of top-down control from Caylán,
the largest settlement and hypothesized primary
center of the integrated lower Nepeña system.
Rather, animal products appear to have been
channeled through a multitude of more or less
independent networks. More data are needed
on the cultivation practices and the manage-
ment of surplus crops, but the Caylán animal
research calls for a reassessment of hegemonic
economic models in the context of incipient
urbanism, and a consideration of the complexity
and heterogeneity of human-animal interactions
in the development of Andean civilizations.
Fieldwork at Caylán was sponsored by Louisiana State
University’s Office of Research and Economic Develop-
ment and the Department of Geography and Anthropol-
ogy. Laboratory analyses were funded by a grant from the
Louisiana Board of Regents (contract number
LEQSF[2011-2014]-RD-A-05). Thanks go to the
Ministerio de Cultura del Perú for considering favorably
and supervising the field project (excavation permits
804/INC-050609, 1230/INC-280510), as well as to Hugo
Ikehara who co-directed the excavations.
Chicoine, David, Beverly Clement, and Kyle Stich
2016 Macrobotanical Remains from the 2009 Season
at Caylán: Preliminary Insights into Early Hori-
zon Plant Use in the Nepeña Valley, North-
Central Coast of Peru. Andean Past 12:155–161.
Chicoine, David and Hugo Ikehara
2014 Ancient Urban Life at the Early Horizon Center
of Caylán, Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology
Chicoine, David and Carol Rojas
2013 Shellfish Resources and Maritime Economy at
Caylán, Coastal Ancash, Peru. Journal of Island
and Coastal Archaeology 8(3):336–360.
Shibata, Koichiro
2013 Food for Visitors? An Unusual Consumption of
the Canis in the Feasting Activities at the For-
mative Ceremonial Center of Cerro Blanco,
Peruvian North Central Coast. Poster presented
at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology, Honolulu, Hawaii, April
463 - Research Reports
A Peruvian Central Coast Mortuary
Assemblage in the Logan Museum of
Anthropology, Beloit College
Kylie E Quave(George Washington Univer-
sity; [email protected]) and Christopher
Heaney (Pennsylvania State University, cuh282 report on a Peruvian Central Coast
mortuary assemblage in the Logan Museum of
Anthropology. This report is the first of a set of
three outlining recent analyses–both visual and
archaeometric–of an assemblage purportedly
originating from a single mortuary context in
the Rimac Valley, and with objects dating to the
Late Intermediate Period and the Late Horizon.
The objects within this assemblage compare
with Ychsma and Inca goods from the Central
Coast in the centuries leading up to Spanish
contact (c. A.D. 1050–1532). In this first report
we outline the historical and archaeological
contexts of the assemblage (its provenance or
collection history and its provenience or archae-
ological find location) and the contents of the
assemblage. A brief biographical insight into the
assemblage’s collector Alpheus Hyatt Verrill
(1871–1954) contextualizes relationships be-
tween North Americans and Peruvians in the
1920s, a time of practical transition in the wake
of hardening legal norms governing excavation
and the exportation of artifacts (Heaney 2012).
Collection history
The collection analyzed here was purchased
by the Logan Museum of Anthropology at Beloit
College in Beloit, Wisconsin (LMA) from
renowned explorer, naturalist, and science
fiction writer A. Hyatt Verrill in 1929. On 7
August of that year, Verrill offered the assem-
blage to the LMA as a “mummy bundle from
Rimac Valley” that included seventy-six objects:
ceramic vessels and a figurine, woven clothing
and bags, coca paraphernalia, a quipu “work
kit,” metal adornments, and various wooden
and bone artifacts.
The course by which a North American
explorer came into possession of a “mummy
bundle” illustrates the difficulties and opportu-
nities of its analysis, and offers insights for the
triangulation of other decontextualized artifacts
from this era. Verrill is an appropriately chal-
lenging vehicle for such an approach. The
author of more than one hundred and five
books, many of them popular non-fiction, Verrill
conducted ethnological and archaeological
fieldwork in the Americas, but his interest in
antiquities was tinged with controversy from its
beginning. Around age 25, he was accused of
selling stolen artifacts from Yale University’s
Peabody Museum (Anonymous 1896). Though
newspaper coverage of the scandal referred to
him as “Albert Hyatt Verrill,” the subject was
evidently Alpheus Hyatt Verrill: he was de-
scribed as the “eldest son of Addison E. Verrill,
M.A., professor of zoology and curator of the
zoological collection at the museum” and the
spouse of “Miss [Kathryn L.] McCarthy.” Both
of these relationships exclusively describe Hyatt
Verrill (ibid.). Hyatt Verrill was believed to have
absconded with at least $10,000 worth of “cu-
rios” (worth perhaps $300,000 today), and the
police recovered materials from dealers to whom
he had sold the artifacts. Additionally, authori-
ties charged that he had replaced many of the
items stolen from the museum with fakes he had
crafted to avoid discovery. The newspaper’s
report emphasized that Verrill had a sound
reputation, and that his father took responsibil-
ity for minimizing the damages to the Peabody;
his father and the Peabody’s Curator of Geol-
ogy–Othniel Charles Marsh, who had been
instrumental in the museum’s founding and
directed it until his death in 1899–asserted the
damages were not more than $100 to $1,000.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022):463–477.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 464
When Verrill wrote to the Logan Museum
in 1929, however, it was as someone who col-
lected antiquities for museums, not from them.
In the three decades since the Peabody thefts,
he had established himself as a writer, collector
of ethnographic pieces, and excavator of pre-
Columbian artifacts. His turn to Peru was coeval
with the second presidency (1919–1930) of
Augusto B. Leguía, whose awards of artifacts
and export concessions via executive decree
during his first term (1908–1912) had helped
harden Peruvian legal norms against the excava-
tion and exportation of artifacts by foreigners
(Heaney 2012: 154–156, 185–222). During
Verrill’s initial visit to Peru, between 1924 and
1926, he met Leguía, and enjoyed a grave-
opening expedition outside Lima led by Mar-
shall Saville, of George Heye’s Museum of the
American Indian (Verrill n.d.). In 1929, he
returned with a commission to excavate and
collect for Heye. Leguía accepted Verrill’s
proposal “to collect Peruvian antiquities”, and
directed him to Julio César Tello, the Harvard-
trained director of the first national Museo de
Arqueología (MAP), who had previously collab-
orated with North American anthropologists
like Alfred Kroeber (Peters and Ayarza 2013),
and now met with Verrill as well.
This association later was used to force Tello
from the directorship of his beloved museum. In
1930, after his patron Leguía was overthrown, a
series of articles in the revolutionary newspaper
Libertad leveled several charges against Tello,
one of which was that he had colluded with
Verrill to smuggle seventeen crates of artifacts
out of the port of Callao. Richard Daggett has
characterized this smear campaign as less than
credible. The accuser signed his salacious arti-
cles with pseudonyms and “mixed truth with
half-truths and out-and-out lies, wrapped them
in patriotic rhetoric, and served them up with-
out a hint of supporting documentation”, Dag-
gett concludes. “It was mudslinging pure and
simple” (Daggett 2009:32).
The archives of the LMA, the Penn Mu-
seum, and the Museo Nacional de Arqueología,
Antropología y Historía del Perú (MNAAHP)
provide additional perspectives on the politics of
Verrill’s collecting and selling. During his first
meeting with Tello, on 20 March 1929, Verrill
revealed that one of Tello’s former lieutenants,
Antonio Hurtado, had tried to sell him an
impressive Paracas textile apparently stolen
from the MAP for £2,500, which Tello “imme-
diately proceeded to investigate” (Anonymous
1929–1930); see also Daggett 2009; Peters and
Ayarza 2013). Tello’s gratitude–and Leguía’s
prior recommendation– presumably then led the
Peruvian to permit the American to excavate
and export a collection of artifacts “duplicate”
to those in the MAP.
A week and a half after their first meeting,
Verrill again visited Tello to request permission,
in the name of Heye’s museum, to export “24
huacos and other objects well represented in the
collections of the [MAP].” On 25 April, Tello
requested Verrill’s credentials, and asked that
he submit “to the same rigorous conditions
stipulated to Dr. Kroeber in the identical case”
(ibid.). Verrill seems to have been certain of
approval because on 15 April he had written to
Penn to offer dozens of objects from mostly
coastal prehispanic cultures: Chimú, Nazca, and
Inca. He was in Peru, he explained, and “am in
an unusual position to secure almost anything
that you may require to fill gaps in your collec-
tions, and shall be very glad to try to get what-
ever you want”–apparently on top of what he
was collecting for Heye (15 April 1929).
The Penn Museum was slow to respond.
Verrill was a “very well known amateur anthro-
pologist”, Penn curator J. Alden Mason ob-
served, but “must be dealt with cautiously . . .
from a business point of view” (Mason n.d.) and,
in the interim, Verrill stayed busy. On 28 April,
he and Tello made an excursion to Pachacamac,
and in the weeks following he helped document
465 - Research Reports
a number of Tello’s now-famous unwrappings of
Paracas mummy bundles. On 25 May, the
museum approved his request to export “21
huacos” also “duplicated” in its collection
(Anonymous 1929–1930), and on 21 June,
Verrill wrote to Penn regarding an additional list
of 55 objects, which included the “Contents of
mummy bundle from Rimac valley”, described
below, and a lot of “contents of mummy bundle
from Pachakamak consisting of rope netting,
basket for carrying loads, basket work receptacle
containing mummy of a dog, mummy wrappings,
textiles, cotton pouches, small mummy mask of
wood, stone beads, etc.” (Verrill 1929d). Mason
finally expressed interest in the collection, but
noted that “the only thing in which we would
certainly not be interested is the Pachacamac
mummy bindle [sic]” (Mason 1929, emphasis
added), an unsurprising demurral given that
Penn’s Peruvian collection centered on Max
Uhle’s 1890s Pachamacac excavations.
The “mummy bundle from Rimac valley”,
however, went to the LMA. In July, Verrill
wrote to LMA curator George Collie to offer
artifacts from his collection, composed during
eight years of “archaeological explorations”
(Verrill 1929b:1). Collie responded with inter-
est, and on August 7th Verrill sent an inventory
of 63 lots resembling the second Penn list, with
a few objects of the former now excluded–like
the “mummy bundle from Pachakamak”–and a
few new ones appended. Verrill seemed eager to
dispose of his archaeological finds, as he told
Collie that he would “be very glad to make a
very low and attractive offer if you could take
the lot” (Verrill 1929c:1). The only lot pur-
chased was the assemblage discussed here,
which Verrill described to both museums as:
Contents of mummy bundle from Rimac
valley consisting of: Textiles, pouches,
“medicines”, hard wood weapon, silver
collar, necklace of seeds and nuts, neck-
lace of copper objects, bronze pin, wooden
labret, gourd flasks, bronze crescent-shap-
ed knife, carved wooden spoon, carved
wooden llama charm, wooden spatulas,
necklace of human prepuces, bronze pin-
cers, wooden receptacle with fringed cot-
ton stoppers, wood and feather head orna-
ment, pottery vessel, mummy wrappings
etc. (ibid.:3).
Nearly all these objects are now found in a
single accession record for the Verrill purchase,
which Collie wrote to finalize on 28 August of
that year. There was never mention of human
remains in the accession records, and no human
remains have been found in relation to the
objects now in the collection.
Archaeological context
As noted above, Verrill claimed that the
LMA objects had come from a single mummy
bundle in the Rimac Valley, but while analysis
of the remains supports this claim to some
extent, there are reasons to be suspicious of
Verrill’s assertion. For the most part, the objects
that possess culture-specific characteristics point
to an archaeological provenience in the Late
Intermediate or Señorío Period and the Inca
Horizon, placing the objects around A.D. 1050–
1530, and within the Ychsma/Ychsma-Inca
culture area.
The Ychsma were native to the Pachacamac
province and became an administrative unit of
the Incas after a relatively peaceful annexation
around 1470 (Rostworowski 2002:83). Settle-
ments were located within the Lurín, Chillón,
and Rimac Valleys (Díaz and Vallejo 2002:357–
358). As a macroethnic group, the Ychsma were
composed of smaller polities integrated within
the larger region (Rostworowski 2002:82).
Ychsma-Inca funerary contexts on the
Central Coast include both simple subterranean
graves and elaborate above-ground structures.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 466
Individuals were interred in seated, flexed
position and wrapped in layers of textiles and
bundles of raw cotton, with a net or reed mat
around the exterior. Bundles included food-
stuffs, textiles, raw cotton, gourds, metal goods,
and other, smaller bundles (Díaz 2004, 2015;
Eeckhout 2002; Frame et al. 2004, 2012; Owens
and Eeckhout 2015; Takigami et al. 2014; Uhle
and Shimada 1991 [1903]). Some funerary
bundles contained more than one individual, as
may be the case for the LMA assemblage. Be-
cause the bundle was brought to the museum
already opened and without human remains, it
is impossible to know what else, if anything, was
interred with it. Some of the intially catalogued
artifacts have not been found in recent years,
namely the “bronze crescent-shaped knife”, the
“necklace of human prepuces” (which would be
unusual), a bronze pin, and a silver collar.
Contents of the assemblage
Ceramic objects. Three ceramic objects
arrived with the Verrill assemblage: a hollow
human figure (Figure 1), a provincial Inca
narrow-mouth jar (aryballoid vessel) (Figure 2),
and an Ychsma bottle (Figure 3). The figurine
resembles Late Ychsma examples (Vallejo 2004:
figure 19); it depicts a person standing with
arms at the belly. Its face was sculpted in a form
similar to the style of Central Coast wooden
mummy mask,s and the head was painted in
black and white to emulate a head ornament.
Pronounced breasts are reminiscent of female
The narrow-mouth jar is the most common
Inca vessel form found throughout the provinces
and imperial core, and is used for storing and
serving chicha. The Ychsma bottle is decorated
Figure 1. Hollow ceramic human figurine (Logan
Museum of Anthropology, Beloit College (LMA)
with an avian figure on each side (the same
avian figure depicted in carved wood described
below). The globular body, beveled and incised
mouth, paired round handles, and surface
decoration are all consistent with the Late
Ychsma style, which continued to be produced
into the Late Horizon (Feltham and Eeckhout
2004; Vallejo 2004).
467 - Research Reports
Figure 2. Provincial Inca narrow mouth jar (LMA
Woven objects. The woven objects in this
assemblage include coarse exterior wrappings, as
well as fine tapestry weaves and cloth bags.
Remains of the outermost layers of a mummy
bundle–three pillowy beige-and-brown weaves
of unspun or loosely spun fiber–point to an
adult-sized bundle seated in a flexed position
(Figure 4). Many Late Horizon bundles in the
Rimac Valley had a “thick layer of unprocessed
cotton fiber just below the outer wrapping
cloth” (Frame et al. 2004:817, 2012:51), around
the face, or lining the bundle in all areas (Díaz
2004:587, 2015:193); the LMA assemblage
includes tufts of beige and brown raw cotton, as
well as bundles of raw cotton wrapped in cloth.
Figure 3. Ychsma bottle (LMA 1177.1).
Figure 4. Fragments of outer wrappings of mummy
bundle(s) (LMA 1176.1, 1176.3, 1176.2).
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 468
Figure 5. Packages of fiber and seeds (LMA 1195.
31, 1195.34).
Figure 6. Cotton pouches (LMA1195.16, 1995.
There are often miniature bundles of raw
fibers found; a bundle at Rinconada Alta (Puru-
chuco, Rimac Valley) contained leaves, threads,
vegetal fibers, camelid fiber, burnt seashell,
decorated tunics, and a loincloth (Frame et al.
2004:829). In the LMA assemblage, there are
two prepared packages: one contains raw vege-
tal fiber and spun and plied red and beige
camelid fiber (Figure 5a), and the other contains
raw cotton and seeds (Figure 5b,c). There are
additionally five natural cotton pouches with
long, twisted fringes–four are tied to each
other–and all contain raw cotton (Figure 6).
Figure 7. Adult size cotton tunic. LMA 1195.26.
An adult-sized brown cotton tunic (Z-2S)
(Figure 7) was made from four fragments joined
by overcast stitches. The waist has a lozenge-
shaped open-weave (d’Harcourt 1962:55–56)
and Z-twist fringe and it resembles a Central
Coast tunic in the Ethnological Museum in
Berlin (Bjerregaard and Huss 2017:145). Three
cotton crepe-like loincloths have a flaring shape
created by manipulating the tension of the
wefts. Flared loincloths like these are distributed
from the Rimac Valley to the Chincha Valley
and are associated only with Ychsma burials;
often there are several in a burial (Frame et al.
2012:65–67). Two in the LMA assemblage are
a faint blue (Figure 8), while the third is a
natural beige color (Figure 9). A vegetal fiber
hairnet (see Bjerregaard and Huss 2017:158)
was constructed with regular and irregular mesh
network by means of square knots and simple
knots (Figure 10).
There are also dozens of fragments from
unidentifiable objects, including plaid and
striped plain weaves, in combinations of beige,
brown, orange, and blue, as well as cotton gauze
weaves—one with resist-dyed brown back-
ground with beige circles (perhaps Chancay), a
469 - Research Reports
pinkish gauze, and an indigo gauze (Figure
11)–and tapestry weaves and brocaded pieces.
Brocading, which uses wefts that float over the
ground cloth to create surface patterns, is a
common technique among elite Ychsma textiles
(Frame et al. 2012:46), which often feature fish
designs in brown, tan, beige, and blue.
Figure 8. Loincloths (LMA 1195.10, 1195.18).
In the LMA assemblage there are tapestry
fragments featuring brocaded scales (Figure 12)
and rows of catfish (Figure 13). A slit-tapestry
and interlocking tapestry patch–a type predomi-
nant in Ychsma assemblages (Frame et al.
2012:45)–features an anthropomorphic figure
adorned with a “feathered” headdress and
earspools wearing a blue, green, red, and yellow
tunic- or dress-like garment (Figure 14). The
weaving is finished on the remaining ends like
tapestry patches found at Ychsma sites, which
often feature blue, green, and pink dyes and
were likely originally connected to a larger
mantle or burial shroud (Feltham 2017).
Four bags–three with straps–may be chuspas
for carrying coca (Figure 15). At least three
were stuffed with organic materials. A brown-
and beige-striped plain weave pouch contains a
bundle of vegetal fiber (Figure 15 lower left).
Another was stuffed with cotton seeds and
brown and beige raw cotton and has red-and-
purple-dyed camelid fiber stepped designs on the
exterior (Figure 15 upper left). Its ground cloth
was constructed of a beige cotton plain weave
with single-faced supplementary weft floats
forming the stepped pattern. Blue and beige
cotton double-faced warp-faced weave makes up
the strap and there are brown cotton tassels
wrapped in red camelid threads. The largest
chuspa was woven of beige, brown, and dark
brown camelid fiber (Figure 15 lower right). Its
body was made of warp-faced plain weave and
plaiting that formed vertical stripes. There are
plaited side seams with zig-zags and diamond
shapes, and the strap is a tubular double cloth
that resembles a chuspa found on the side of a
mummy at Rinconada Alta (Frame et al. 2004:
Figure 9. Loincloth (LMA 1195.23).
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 470
Figure 10. Hairnet (LMA 1195.12).
Figure 11. Gauze (LMA 1195.11, 1195.13).
Figure 12. Tapestry band (LMA 1195.19).
471 - Research Reports
Figure 13. Tapestry bands (LMA 1195.20, 1195.
The most common weaving techniques in
the Ychsma culture were: (1) “Z-spun singles,
often paired or trebled, in the cotton ground
wefts of tapestry and in the supplementary wefts
of brocade” (with a preference for cotton)
(Frame et al. 2012:69), (2) S-spun singles in the
warp and weft of loincloths and in tie-dyed
mantles, and (3) Z-2S warps (Frame et al. 2012:
69). Of some forty-five textiles or textile frag-
ments in the LMA assemblage, the plain weave
textiles and gauze loincloths match this pattern.
The objects that veer from expectations for
Ychsma construction techniques include: (1)
several fragments of tapestry bands decorated
with fish motifs (Figures 12, 13); (2) one of five
fringed, natural cotton bags (Figure 6 left); (3)
a red and purple pouch filled with cotton seeds
(Figure 15 upper left); (4) an indigo-dyed gauze
(Figure 11, right); and (5) a plaid fabric wrapped
around cotton and seeds (Figure 5b, c). The
bundles and bags containing fibers are consis-
tent with Ychsma mummy bundle contents, as
is the presence of a variety of chuspa types.
However, there are no distinctly Inca woven
Figure 14. Tapestry bands (LMA 1195.4).
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 472
Figure 15. Bags (LMA 1194.1, 1194.5, 1194.3,
Figure 16. Gourds (LMA 1186.1, 1186.2, 1186.3,
1186.4, 1186.5).
Coca paraphernalia. In the Ychsma region,
coca leaf is not prevalent within burial popula-
tions. In a study of burials at the Puruchuco sites
of Huaquerones and 57AS03, just nine of 209
individuals were interred with coca or coca
paraphernalia (bags and lime gourds) (Murphy
and Boza 2012). Those burials with parapherna-
lia were elite or intermediate status persons,
featuring more elaborate burial treatment and a
greater number of burial goods. There are multi-
ple types of coca paraphernalia in the LMA
assemblage, including chuspas and lime contain-
ers. In addition to the chuspas described above,
there are five small gourds (Figure 16). All or
some may be lime containers (póporos or caleros;
see Uhle and Shimada 1991[1903]:70, figure
99). Three are gourd bottoms stoppered with
carved wood (two) and hollow cane (one); the
latter resembles other objects accompanied by a
dipping spoon for extracting lime from the
gourd. There is also a miniature round gourd
bowl and an elongated pyroengraved gourd.
Wooden-stoppered and round gourd lime ash
containers have been identified at Rinconada
Alta (Frame et al. 2004:841, 849) and Puru-
chuco (Murphy and Boza 2012:193), but do not
often occur in such high quantities in a single
burial context.
Figure 17. Quipu “work kit” (LMA 1194.4).
473 - Research Reports
Figure 18. Carved wooden face (LMA1182.2).
Quipu “work kit”. In the LMA assemblage,
an additional chuspa–a light brown and dark
brown twill ground cloth bound with overcast
stitches–contained materials identified as a
quipu “work kit” (Figure 17). The bag was first
opened by the LMA in 2013, as evidenced by
the friable nature of the intact threads within
the pouch and the fixed shaped of the contents
relative to the pouch. Within the bag, we re-
moved a damaged, incomplete cotton poly-
chrome quipu, prepared cotton quipu cords,
vegetal fiber netting, and a braided strand of
vegetal fiber. The incomplete quipu consists of
six pendant cords on a broken main cord (five of
them knotted with values from 102 to 111);
additionally, there are three fragmentary pen-
dants with partial loops prepared for an attach-
ment to a main cord, eight whole prepared
pendants, five knotted ends of pendants, and
eleven pendant fragments. Loose quipu cords
have been identified previously (Ascher and
Ascher 1981:22), including with a package of
quipu (Urton 2014:15–16, 49–51). The Pacha-
camac package, like the Logan quipu bag, con-
tained vegetal fiber netting. At Armatambo
several individuals were interred with quipu
(Díaz and Vallejo 2002:370).
Figure 19. Wooden tools or weapons (LMA
1182.1, 1192).
Other organic and metal objects. Verrill la-
beled several objects as “medicines.” A carved
wooden red face (also called a “mummy mask”)
is like many other archaeologically-recovered
examples from the Central Coast that are asso-
ciated with false head mummy bundles from the
Early and Middle Ychsma Periods, which is
earlier than they hypothesized date for this
Ychsma-Inca assemblage (Owens and Eeckhout
2015; Takigami et al. 2014:326, 328) (Figure
18). Two long, carved wooden implements of
unknown use appear similar to finds described at
Rinconada Alta (Frame et al. 2012): a thinner,
polished wood stick may be a weaving tool,
while a larger elongated object made of heavy
wood (weighing 526 grams) may be a weapon
(Cobo 1990[1653]:218) (Figure 19). A carved
wooden spoon with a step pattern motif at the
end of the handle (Figure 20) resembles spoons
recovered in Inca strata at Pachacamac (Uhle
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 474
and Shimada 1991[1903]:94–95, plate 18, figure
Figure 20. Spoon (LMA 1184).
Figure 21. Ornament LMA 1178, 1193.8).
Among organic objects not characteristic of
particular periods is a small head ornament
adorned with orange feathers that was accompa-
nied with a note from Verrill that “the feathers
on this piece were beyond saving so have [sic]
replaced with some from another grave” (Figure
21 left). It resembles objects in the American
Museum of Natural History that were reportedly
found in an elite tomb near Trujillo (King
2012:176). Another feathered object appears to
be in its original condition: a plume or tassel
with white feathers attached by vegetal fiber
cords (Figure 21 right). This may have been a
stand-alone object or part of a headdress (King
2012:155, 176, 182–183). The assemblage also
contains two wooden stoppers, a tubular bone
bead, a wooden pin through a white stone
ornamented with nine round impressions, and a
wooden tube with cloth-wrapped stoppers
(possibly for holding needles) (Figure 22), as
well as three polished bone needles tied to beige
camelid fiber cordage, a wooden avian head in
the same form as the bird on the Ychsma vessel
described above, a wooden llama figure, a three-
lobed ceramic bead or spindle whorl resembling
a squash with comma-shaped bas relief, and a
perforated black Nectandra sp. (ishpingo) seed
(see Eeckhout 2002) (Figure 23). Necklaces of
seeds are commonly found in Ychsma bundles
(Díaz 2015, Frame et al. 2004:844): the example
in the LMA assemblage is made of cotton and
vegetal cords with four seeds hanging on pen-
dant strings from two to three drilled holes
(Figure 24).
Figure 22. Miscellaneous objects (LMA 1187,
1193.7, 1193.9, 1193.4, 1179).
475 - Research Reports
Figure 23. Miscellaneous objects (LMA 1193.10,
1193.5, 1183, 1193.2).
Figure 24. Seed and cord necklace (LMA 1190).
Nine metal objects in the assemblage in-
clude a bronze hummingbird head figure, a silver
band, a single bronze tweezer, and a string of six
bronze tweezers connected by cotton cordage.
All were analyzed microscopically and chemi-
cally and are described in further detail in the
third report by Hoffman, Peck-Kriss, and
Relevance of the collection
The LMA assemblage may be either an
incomplete set of surviving materials from a
mortuary context or a melange from more than
one discrete mortuary context. The social, legal,
political, and scientific context for Verrill’s
export and delivery of this “mummy bundle
from Rimac Valley” offers evidence for both
possibilities. It must be underlined that Verrill
had engaged with some of the more prominent
archaeological figures of Peru and North Amer-
ica at the time; had participated in expeditions
and excavations outside of Lima, in the Rimac
Valley and at Pachacamac, that could have
easily produced a “mummy bundle;” and–via
Tello’s unwrappings–had witnessed firsthand
the relatively new practice of maintaining the
integrity of grave lots for collection, display, and
study (Heaney 2017). Yet it could be objected
that all of the above would have also exposed
him to the utility–and potential profit–of assem-
bling and presenting unique artifacts as a unified
grave lot in order to find a buyer.
Comparison with assemblages from scientific
excavations of contemporaneous burials in the
Rimac and Lurín Valleys indicates that some of
the material fits the expectations for an
Ychsma-Inca mortuary context. Other remains,
however, complicate this identification: the
wooden mummy mask may date to the early
Ychsma Phase, there are more póporos than
usual, and the resist-dyed gauze may be Chan-
cay. Yet, the exceptional aspects of this assem-
blage do not unequivocally indicate that it is not
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 476
a single bundle. Future archival research into
Verrill’s affairs may shed light on these semi-
provenienced objects. Investigating the back-
ground and motivations of Verrill, as the collec-
tor, is useful for reconstructing the potential
archaeological find locations of such collections,
and for understanding the social contexts of
collecting in the past century. If future research
into Verrill’s activities in Peru indicates that the
assemblage is what he sold it as, then we may
analyze the social and political identities of a
deceased individual vis-à-vis an Inca provincial
We appreciate the guidance and assistance provided
by Bill Green and Nicolette Meister of the LMA. Funding
for Quave’s postdoctoral fellowship was provided by the
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations. Funding for Heaney’s
research was provided by a Fulbright-Hays Graduate
Fellowship, administered by the Fulbright Commission of
Peru, the Institute of International Education, and the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; he thanks Alessandro
Pezzatti, the archivist at the Penn Museum, and Alexan-
der Ortegal, the archivist at the Museo Nacional de
Arqueología, Antropología y Historía del Perú, for their
assistance. Maeve Skidmore, Bill Green, Dan Bartlett, and
Nicolette Meister generously provided feedback on drafts
of the original manuscript. We thank four anonymous
readers and Monica Barnes for observations significantly
improving this work.
Unpublished sources
1929-30 Historia del Museo de Arqueologia Peruana.
Daybook. Archivo Julio C. Tello, Museo Na-
cional de Arqueología, Antropología y Historía
del Perú. AT-77-2001-MNAAHP.
Mason, J. Alden
1929 J. Alden Mason to A. Hyatt Verrill, June 22,
1929. Letter. Penn Museum. Curatorial Files:
Container 33: Folder 15.
n.d. J. Alden Mason, Note on correspondence. Penn
Museum. Curatorial Files: Container 33: Folder
Verrill, A. Hyatt
1929a A. Hyatt Verrill to Curator of University Mu-
seum, April 15, 1929. Letter. Penn Musuem.
Curatorial Files: Container 33: Folder 15.
1929b A. Hyatt Verrill to George Collie, July 30. Letter.
Logan Museum of Anthropology. Accession Files:
Accession 100.
1929c A. Hyatt Verrill to George Collie, August 7.
Letter. Logan Museum of Anthropology. Acces-
sion Files: Accession 100.
1929d A. Hyatt Verrill to J. Alden Mason, June 21.
Letter. Penn Museum. Curatorial Files: Con-
tainer 33: Folder 15.
n.d. Never a Dull Moment. Memoir. Library of the
University of British Columbia, Rare Books and
Special Collections, RBSC-ARC-1591.
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1896 Albert Hyatt Verrill Looted the Famous Peabody
Museum. He Sold His Spoils to Museums and
Relic Hunters All Over the World. In: Sunday
Herald, Volume 6, number 304, February 2
(Bridgeport, Connecticut).
(accessed 17 April 2022).
Ascher, Marcia and Robert Ascher
1981 Code of the Quipu: A Study in Media, Mathemat-
ics, and Culture. Ann Arbor: University of Michi-
gan Press.
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2017 PreColumbian Textiles in the Ethnological Museum
in Berlin. Zea E-Books at DigitalCommons@
University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
(accessed 17 April 2022)
Cobo, Bernabé
1990 [1653] Inca Religion and Customs. Translated by
Roland Hamilton. Austin: University of Texas
Daggett, Richard E.
2009 Julio C. Tello: An Account of His Rise to Promi-
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Writings of Julio C. Tello: America's First Indige-
nous Archaeologist, edited by Richard L. Burger.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
d’Harcourt, Raoul
1962 Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques.
Mineola, New York: Dover Publications.
Díaz Arriola, Luisa E.
2004 Armatambo y la sociedad Ychsma. Bulletin de
l’Institut Français d’Études Andines
477 - Research Reports
2015 The Preparation of Corpses and Mummy Bun-
dles in Ychsma Funerary Practices at Arma-
tambo. In: Funerary Practices and Models in the
Ancient Andes: The Return of the Living Dead,
edited by Peter Eeckhout and Lawrence S.
Owens, pp. 186–209. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Díaz Arriola, Luisa E. and Francisco Vallejo
2002 Armatambo y el dominio incaico en el valle de
Lima. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP 6:355–374.
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2002 Hallazgo y desenfardelamiento de un bulto
funerario de Pachacamac, costa central del Perú.
In Actas de las II Jornadas Internacionales sobre
Textiles Precolombinos, edited by Victoria Sola-
nilla, pp. 135–152. Barcelona: Universitat Autò-
noma de Barcelona.
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2017 Ychsma Textiles in the Gretzer Collection at the
Ethnological Museum in Berlin. In: Pre-
Columbian Textiles in the Ethnological Museum in
Berlin, edited by Lena Bjerregaard and Torben
Huss, pp. 39–45. University of Nebraska-Lin-
coln: Zea E-Books 52.
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2004 Hacia una definición del estilo ychsma: Aportes
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la pirámide iii de Pachacamac. Bulletin de l’In-
stitut Français d’Études Andines 33(3):643–679.
Frame, Mary, Daniel Guerrero Zevallos, María del Car-
men Vega Dulanto, and Patricia Landa Cragg
2004 Un fardo funerario del horizonte tardío del sitio
Rinconada Alta, valle del Rimac. Bulletin de
l’Institut Français d’Études Andines 33(3):815–
Frame, Mary, Francisco Vallejo, Mario Ruales, and Walter
2012 Ychsma Textiles from a Late Horizon Burial at
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secuencia y distribución geográfica. Bulletin de
l’Institut Français d’Études Andines 33(3):595–
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 478
Identification of Pigments from a Late Central
Coast Textile Assemblage
Alicia Hoffman (University of Wisconsin
Madison; [email protected]) and Kylie E.
Quave (George Washington University; kquave report on the identification of
pigments from a late Central Coast textile
assemblage in the Logan Museum of Anthropol-
ogy at Beloit College.
The previous report on the Logan Museum
of Anthropology’s (LMA) “Rimac Valley
mummy bundle” assemblage addressed visual
analyses of the materials in the collection pur-
chased from A. Hyatt Verrill in 1929 (Quave
and Heaney 2022). However, our research
also conducted preliminary analysis of
pigments on the dyed textiles in this collection.
Of twelve textiles analyzed, we tentatively
identified the source of the colorant for three
specimens using multiband imaging, a low-cost
and accessible technique described here.
Use of instrumentation in archaeological
analysis allows the researcher to ask deeper
questions than those suggested by visual analysis
alone, and is especially valuable and powerful
for learning from decontextualized museum
collections. One can determine age, trace the
production of an artifact, identify the source
location(s) of manufacturing materials, catego-
rize wear and use patterns, or observe move-
ment of the object over time. Because there is
often more than one technique available for a
particular research question, it is important to
consider the merits of each relative to the level
of analysis required (Shugar 2013). For prelimi-
nary analysis, non-destructive techniques are
often best. Destructive sampling requires either
removing or irreversibly changing a part of the
object being studied, and is, thus, not preferable
in museum contexts. Non-destructive sampling
limits the instruments available to a researcher,
but there are still techniques for testing at every
level of analysis.
Three levels of analysis–macroscale, micro-
scale, and elemental–return different types of
data (Price and Burton 2012). While elemental
analyses are attractive, they are not always the
most useful (Bradley et al. 2012; Howard et al.
2012; Shugar 2013). To identify pigments on a
surface, elemental analyses can be too detailed,
because many colorants have similar elemental
compositions (de la Fuente 2005; Howard et al.
2012; Riccardi et al. 2013). Colorants can also
be organic or inorganic, so an elemental tech-
nique must be able to identify both types of
compounds. At a macroscale level, colorants
have characteristic absorbance spectra. Tech-
niques that work with visible and ultraviolet
light absorbance spectra are most useful for
preliminary colorant analysis.
Multiband imaging fulfills these needs at
the macroscale as an uncomplicated way to
isolate materials that absorb light in particular
sections of the visible spectrum (Cosentino
2014; Dyer et al. 2013). For this technique, a
full-color camera lens is blocked with a colored
filter band. Only wavelengths of the filter can
pass through and be detected (photographed) by
the camera. Using several different bandpass
filters, simplified absorbances of the colorants
can be photographed. By layering these band-
pass images together in a program such as
Photoshop, one can see the patterns of absorb-
ance. The analysis should be followed with
elemental testing to confirm tentative identifica-
The team, headed by Kylie E. Quave, includes
Christopher Heaney, Alicia Hoffman, and Reed Peck-
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022):478–481.
479 - Research Reports
tions (Fischer and Kakoulli 2006; Riccardi et al.
2013). However, it is an excellent method for
low-cost, rapid, and non-destructive preliminary
identification with minimal equipment.
Multiband imaging is not an absolute
technique, and requires standards for reference.
In our analysis, a standards sheet was made of
several common ancient and historical color-
ants. All standards were painted on 460 milli-
meter x 570 millimeter sheets of Whatman
Number 1 filter paper (CAS number 1001-917),
in one centimeter by one centimeter boxes. A
ten percent gram per milliliter gelatin solution
was made with Fisher Scientific granular gelatin
(CAS number 9000-70-8) and heated on a stir
plate with low heat until all gelatin was dis-
solved. Dry pigments were mixed with between
two to four drops of heated gelatin to the consis-
tency of a watery paste.
Most pigments were
diluted twice in the course of painting to pro-
vide a scale of color variation.
Three total one
centimeter by one centimeter squares were
painted in a row for each pigment, with highest
concentration on the left and lowest concentra-
tion on the right.
To assess whether indigo was used to dye
the loincloths, we conducted a multiband imag-
ing study to tentatively identify pigments
(Delaney et al. 2005; Fischer and Kakoulli
2006). The objects and standards sheet with
ancient and modern dye samples were photo-
graphed under lamps without a filter and with
seven different visible light filters ranging from
470 nanometers to 880 nanometers (blue to
red) using a Nikon D50 DSLR camera. Images
were layered in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and
compared using difference mode to highlight
areas of difference between layers. We toggled
through all possible layer pairs until we found
high contrast (very dark or very light) dyed
areas. We then compared the same set of filters
on the standards sheet to see if there was a clear
contrast of similar darkness or lightness for a dye
type in the same hue. If there were many possi-
ble matches, we did not suggest a dye match. If
there was a single possible match, we identified
that as a possible match.
Although all apparently dyed textiles in the
assemblage were included in the pigment analy-
sis, only three yielded possible matches to the
standard sheet. Two were the blue loincloths
(Figure 1), which matched well with indigo on
the standards sheet. A chuspa that was stuffed
with cotton seeds and brown and beige raw
cotton and which has distinctive red- and
purple-dyed camelid fiber stepped designs on the
exterior was also found to match the standards
sheet (Figure 2). Its red pigment was likely
cochineal. Both indigo and cochineal are known
colorants for prehispanic Andean textile objects,
but their identification on specific objects can
potentially contribute to reconstructing broader
patterns of craft economies in particular times
and places and can perhaps help to identify
these objects in terms of specific archaeological
Pigments on the standards sheet include whites (zinc
oxide, zinc sulfide, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate,
and lead carbonate), blues (phthalocyanine blue, azurite,
ultramarine, cerulean, manganese blue, cobalt blue, smalt,
indigo, and Prussian blue), greens (Egyptian green, fine
malachite, coarse malachite, Winsor green, viridian,
Veronese green, emerald green, oxide of chromium, terre
verte, and Scheele’s green), iron oxides (magnetite/black
iron oxide, hematite/red iron oxide, and goethite/yellow
iron oxide), reds (alizarin crimson, carminic acid, red lead,
vermillion, cochineal, and lac dye), and black (ivory black
and lamp black).
Two pigments, copper arsenite (Scheele’s green) and
copper acetoarsenite (emerald or Paris green), were only
painted in the most concentrated form in a single square
due to toxicity concerns.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 480
Figure 1. Loincloths, Logan Museum of Anthropol-
ogy, Beloit College (LMA 1195.18, 1195.10).
We suggest that multiband imaging–due to
its low cost and easy access for diverse labora-
tory settings–should be a standard method
employed in analysis of Andean textiles. Estab-
lishing colorant type as a recorded attribute to
help authenticate and/or compare textile objects
across collections, cultures, and time periods
should lead to broader reconstructions of the
significance of archaeological and museological
Figure 2. Bag (LMA 1194.1).
We appreciate the research guidance and assistance
provided by Bill Green and Nicolette Meister of the Logan
Museum of Anthropology. Funding for Quave’s postdoc-
toral fellowship, under which the research was conducted,
was provided by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation.
Portions of this project were funded by National Science
Foundation grant number SMA-1156360. We thank four
anonymous readers and Monica Barnes for observations
significantly improving this work.
481 - Research Reports
Bradley, Lauren Paul, Sabrina Meloni, Erich Stuart
Uffelman, and Jennifer L. Mass
2012 Scientific Examination and Treatment of a Painting
by Gijsbert Gillisz d’Hondecoeter in the Mauritshuis.
In: Collaborative Endeavors in the Chemical Analysis of
Art and Cultural Heritage Materials, edited by Patricia
L. Lang and Ruth Ann Armitage, pp. 23–49. Online
publication: American Chemical Society.
DOI: 10.1021/bk-2012-1103.pr001
Publication Date (Web): July 10, 2012
Cosentino, Antonino
2014 Identification of Pigments by Multispectral Imaging;
a Flowchart Method. Heritage Science 2(8):1–12.
Delaney, John K., Elizabeth Walmsley, Barbara H. Berrie,
and Colin F. Fletcher
2005 Multispectral Imaging of Paintings in the Infrared to
Detect and Map Blue Pigments. In: Scientific Exami-
nation of Art: Modern Techniques in Conservation and
Analysis,. pp. 120–136. Washington, D.C.: The
National Academies Press.
(accessed 17 April 2022)
de la Fuente, Guillermo A.
2005 Technical Study of Pigments and Paintings in
Archaeological Ceramics from Northwestern Argen-
tine Region: An Archaeometric Approach and
Implications for Their Conservation Through SEM-
EDS. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceed-
ings 852:007.5.1– 007.5.8.
Dyer, Joanne, Giovanni Verri, and John Cupitt
2013 Multispectral Imaging in Reflectance and Photo-induced
Luminescence Modes: A User Manual. Online publi-
cation. London: The British Museum.
induced_Luminescence_modes_A_User_ Manual
(accessed 17 April 2022)
Fischer, Christian and Ioanna Kakoulli
2006 Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging Technolo-
gies in Conservation: Current Research and Poten-
tial Applications. Reviews in Conservation 7:3–17.
Howard, Daryl L., Martin D. de Jonge, Deborah Lau,
David Hay, Michael Varcoe-Cocks, Chris G. Ryan, Robin
Kirkham, Gareth Moorhead, David Paterson, and David
2012 High-Definition X-ray Fluorescence Elemental
Mapping of Paintings. Analytical Chemistry
84(7):3278– 3286.
Price, Douglas T. and James H. Burton
2012 An Introduction to Archaeological Chemistry. New
York: Springer.
Quave, Kylie E. And Christopher Heaney
2022 A Peruvian Central Coast Mortuary Assemblage in
the Logan Museum of Anthropology, Beloit College.
Andean Past 13:463-477.
Riccardi, Paola, John K. Delaney, Michelle Facini, and
Lisha Glinsman
2013 Use of imaging Spectroscopy and in situ Analytical
Methods for the Characterization of the Materials
and Techniques of 15th Century Illuminated Manu-
scripts. Journal of the American Institute for Conserva-
tion 52(1):13–29.
Shugar, Aaron N.
2013 Portable X-Ray Fluorescence and Archaeology:
Limitations of the Instrument and Suggested
Methods to Achieve Desired Results. In: Archaeo-
logical Chemistry VIII, edited by Ruth Ann Armitage
and James H. Burton, pp. 173–193. Washington,
D.C.: American Chemical Society.
DOI: 10.1021/bk-2013-1147.ch010 ch010
(accessed 17 April 2022)
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 482
Technological and Chemical Analysis of a
Late Central Coast Metalwork Assemblage
Alicia Hoffman (University of Wisconsin,
Madison) [email protected], Reed Peck-
Kriss (Beloit College) redwoodforgeakland, and Kylie E. Quave (George
Washington University) [email protected])
report on their technolgical and chemical analy-
sis of a late Central Coast metalwork assemblage
in the Logan Museum, Beloit College, Beloit,
Nine metal objects were included in the
“Rimac Valley mummy bundle” assemblage that
A. Hyatt Verrill sold to the Logan Museum of
Anthropology (LMA) in 1929 (see Hoffman and
Quave 2022 and Quave and Heaney 2022).
They are a thin, circular band, a hummingbird
head figure, a single tweezer, and a group of six
tweezers connected by cotton cordage. All were
analyzed microscopically and chemically to
determine similarities and differences from each
other and from similar scientifically excavated
metal objects of personal adornment.
Because this assemblage appears to fit the
expectations of a late prehispanic Central Coast
mortuary assemblage, we compared these ob-
jects to those from other Ychsma and Inca
contexts and related cases. Metal objects were
transformed in style and technology under Inca
rule, including a shift in bronze alloys from
arsenical bronzes to tin bronzes (Lechtman
2007). Recent Inca provincial research in the
Copiapó Valley of Chile has demonstrated that
the change was not encompassing, and that
some goods were still produced as arsenical
bronzes (Garrido and Li n.d.). Bronzes high in
tin content tend to yield the best castings (Gor-
don 2012:3; Mathewson 1915:538), though tin
bronze can also be shaped by cold work followed
by annealing (Gordon 2012:12, figure 1.5).
Based on Mathewson’s original technological
hypotheses (1915), studies of Inca tin bronze
objects have found that “iron and sulphur were
the only impurities present in quantities suffi-
cient to influence their properties” (Gordon
2012:3). Study of Inca tin bronze objects from
Machu Picchu has shown that most cast items
were cast close to their final form, then worked
and annealed to finish them (ibid.). In objects
that required a hole, the hole was part of the
original casting, rather than added later through
punching or drilling (ibid.). With these diagnos-
tic characteristics in mind, we expected to find
objects ranging in levels of affinity with Inca and
non-Inca technology and chemistry.
We conducted chemical analysis of the
metals using a portable x-ray fluorescence
spectrometer and a scanning electron micro-
scope. The pXRF unit was a handheld Thermo
Scientific Niton™ XL3t Ultra Analyzer. It was
calibrated prior to use, and was kept immobile in
a mount while each object was placed over the
detector. Depending on object size, one or two
points were analyzed on each object. All sam-
ples were analyzed in “General Metals” mode,
and we positioned the instrument to analyze
areas that exhibited the least amount of surface
corrosion to avoid contaminating the semi-
quantitative results (Liritzis and Zacharias
2011:123). Nevertheless, our analytical results
are most useful when treated as qualitative,
presence/absence data. The range of elements
tested with pXRF did not include arsenic; thus,
our results focus on detecting the presence of tin
bronze or some other metal or alloy. We also
conducted energy-dispersive spectroscopy
(EDS) using a JEOL Scanning Electron Micro-
scope with EDS component and INCA software.
Multiple point locations were analyzed for each
object, varying spot size, working distance,
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022):482–487.
483 - Research Reports
voltage, and magnification as necessary. Semi-
quantitative EDS results were used merely to
assess the presence and absence of As, as the
General Metals mode used on the pXRF did
not include As detection.
Metal artifacts were also examined under a
stereoscopic microscope at a magnification of
40X to determine technological processes in-
volved in their manufacture. Objects were not
cleaned or polished, as corrosion patterns can
contain relevant information. Attributes exam-
ined included surface morphology, evidence of
polishing and wear, evidence of layering, and
other indicators of manipulation and construc-
tion processes such as hammering, pressing,
cutting, punching, heating, and bending.
A silver alloy band (Figure 1) is similar to
objects referred to as “diadems” and “circlets”
elsewhere. They have reportedly been found on
false heads in mortuary bundles (Baessler 1902:
plate 150) and bundled up in a group with a
wooden idol from Rinconada de la Molina at
Puruchuco (Vetter 2004:127–129.
Figure 1. Silver alloy band, Logan Museum of
Anthropology, Beloit College 1193.3
Like the circlet found here, the published
examples are made of hammered silver that is
doubled over on each end to encircle a cotton
cord that encloses the band to fit a head or
other object (Baessler 1906: plates 26, 27;
Vetter 2004:127). The fragments of this object
were too fragile to assess manufacture by exam-
ining the broad sides. Elemental analysis with
pXRF (Table 1) revealed the object was made
primarily of an alloy of silver (79.5 percent by
weight) and copper (18.9 percent by
weight). There was enough lead (0.4 percent by
weight) present to indicate that a lead cupella-
tion process was likely used to refine the silver,
a purification method introduced by the Inca in
provincial contexts (Gordon and Knopf 2007;
Zori and Tropper 2013:3285). The object was
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 484
too large to fit into the SEM chamber and was
thus not analyzed using EDS.
Figure 2. Hummingbird head figure, Logan Mu-
seum of Anthropology, Beloit College 1193.3.
The small hummingbird head figure (Figure
2) features a perforation at the base that may
indicate it was attached to another piece of a
composite object. The presence of minor
amounts of flash that form at the intersections
of abutting parts of a casting mold indicate that
such a mold was used. The beak appears to have
been worked after casting to draw and curve it
more finely, and shows a ridge on one of its faces
indicative of a drawing process. Elemental
analysis using pXRF revealed that the object
contains 92 percent by weight copper with
major amounts of tin (2.5 percent by weight),
silver (1.4 percent by weight), sulphur (1.5
percent by weight), and silicon (1.3 percent by
weight). This is consistent with an Inca tin
bronze alloy.
Semi-quantitative results from EDS were
important for determining whether some of
these artifacts indeed contained As in the
bronze alloys, especially since pXRF was not
used to measure As. We were able to eliminate
the possibility that there were arsenical bronzes
in the assemblage with the EDS results. One
EDS reading (Table 2) for the hummingbird
head indicated the presence of As (0.75 percent
by weight), but EDS also indicated high levels of
Sn consistent with tin bronze alloys neverthe-
485 - Research Reports
Object Point Al Si P S Ti Cr Fe Cu Ag Sn Au Pb Total
Circlet (1195.27) -- 0.267 0.082 -- -- 0.332 -- 18.92 79.475 -- 0.193 0.435 99.71
Single tweezer
Body -- 0.522 0.029 2.426 0.141 -- 0.027 96.44 -- -- -- -- 99.59
Handle 0.522 0.829 0.094 2.078 0.051 -- 0.042 96.33 -- -- -- -- 99.95
head (1193.3)
Head 0.502 1.384 0.117 2.561 0.06 -- 0.075 91.08 1.374 2.7 -- 0.101 99.95
Beak -- 1.717 0.055 1.697 0.067 -- 0.095 92.62 1.347 2.236 -- 0.116 99.95
String of tweezers
#1 body -- 1.252 1.264 4.759 0.104 -- 0.154 75.43 3.181 13.024 -- 0.266 99.44
#1 handle 0.785 2.285 3.372 3.406 0.098 -- 0.197 73.54 2.988 12.783 -- 0.285 99.74
#2 body -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.036 93.47 0.47 5.992 -- 0.025 100
#2 handle -- 1.358 0.264 4.719 0.083 -- 0.086 85.4 0.504 7.065 -- 0.067 99.55
#3 body 0.398 0.985 0.06 1.832 0.047 0.054 0.036 96.48 -- 0.032 -- 0.039 99.97
#3 handle 0.468 1.523 0.157 3.153 0.052 -- 0.055 94.46 -- 0.03 -- 0.045 99.94
#4 body 0.457 0.828 0.157 1.814 0.042 -- 0.028 94.47 1.03 0.908 -- 0.217 99.95
#4 handle 0.381 1.096 0.322 3.14 0.056 -- 0.041 92.46 1.061 1.072 -- 0.301 99.93
#5 body -- 0.909 0.584 3.439 0.101 -- 0.405 81.69 -- 12.251 -- 0.123 99.5
#5 handle 0.557 1.885 0.34 6.822 0.08 -- 0.323 83.62 -- 6.188 -- 0.054 93.68
#6 body -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.126 94.44 0.573 4.831 -- 0.024 100
#6 handle -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.357 94.26 0.566 4.778 -- 0.039 100
*Elements with very low detection or that do not provide aesthetic or structural characteristics were excluded from this table (V, Zn, Se, Nb, Sb, Bi).
Table 1. Element weight percentages identified with pXRF.*
Object Sample Si S Cl Cu Zn As Ag Sn Hg Total
Hummingbird head
1 5.14 9.58 77.4 1.93 5.95 100
2 8.21 9.7 76.72 0.75 2.2 1.79 0.63 100
Tweezer #2 from
string of tweezers
Handle 1 1.16 28.18 2.52 61.59 0.05 2.2 3.86 0.44 100
Handle 2 3.99 1.5 94.51 100
Body 10.24 4.54 70.98 0.99 2.54 10.72 100
Table 2. Element weight percentages from EDS for objects with As present.
Tweezers in general are typically found on
the Central and South Coasts (Owen 2012:
100). The unstrung tweezer with an ovoid
pincer (Figure 3) is perforated at the top, indi-
cating it was likely worn. It exhibits a pattern of
scoring on the sides of the body and evidence it
was hammered into shape before it was folded
and heated to a spring temper. The six tweezers
hanging on pendants of cotton cordage and
including two small tubular, red-and-white shell
beads (Figure 4) exhibit triangular bodies with
variations in proportions and degrees of curva-
ture at their bases. A similar pendant ornament
of shell beads was recovered in an Inca grave at
Pachacamac (Uhle and Shimada 1991[1903]:
95, figure 112).
Like the single tweezer, all the triangular
tweezers were worked to shape, then folded,
although the holes on which they were strung
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 486
were punched after the objects were folded. All
seven tweezers are bronze alloys; all have differ-
ential concentrations of copper with respect to
other elements. The tweezers are referred to
here by consecutive numbering from left to
right, as seen in Figure 4. According to the
pXRF results, tweezers 1, 2, 5, and 6 all con-
tained high levels of tin. Silver content was very
high in tweezers 1 and 5. All contained less than
1 percent by weight lead. There was minimal
gold in all the tweezers and trace amounts of
iron, titanium, phosphorus, and silicon. Sulphur
content ranged from absent (tweezers 2 and 6)
to somewhere in the range of 1.5 wt% to 4.6
wt% for the other tweezers. With EDS, As was
identified at .99 wt% on tweezer 2, but as with
the hummingbird head, the Sn content was high
enough to warrant identification as a tin bronze
alloy. Thus, tweezers 1, 2, 5, and 6 are classified
as tin bronze alloys. The mechanical puncture of
the tweezer holes is inconsistent with Inka
heartland metalworking (Gordon 2012:3) but
may not conflict with typical coastal workshop
practices if these were tin bronzes introduced by
the Inka administration locally. There is no
definitive technological or compositional evi-
dence for these objects as non-Inka in origin;
some were most consistent with the Inka impe-
rial corpus.
Elemental and technological analyses
indicate that these metal objects of personal
adornment resemble artifacts scientifically
excavated in late prehispanic contexts on the
Central Coast, with some sharing more in com-
mon with Inca contexts and others closer to
local culture. Objects like these have specifically
been recovered in mortuary contexts including
false head mummy bundles. If this assemblage of
metals were recovered in a single funerary
bundle, we would find that the individual in-
terred with them enjoyed an elevated social
status with access to goods produced in discrete
specialist contexts.
Figure 3. Tweezers, Logan Museum of Anthro-
pology, 1180.
Figure 4. Tweezers, Logan Museum of Anthro-
pology, 1189.
487 - Research Reports
We appreciate the research guidance and assistance
provided by Bill Green and Nicolette Meister of the Logan
Museum of Anthropology. Funding for Quave’s postdoc-
toral fellowship, under which the research was conducted,
was provided by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation. We
thank four anonymous readers and Monica Barnes for
observations significantly improving this work.
Baessler, Arthur
1902 Altperuanische Kunst; Beitraege zür Archaeologie des
Inca-Reichs. Leipzig: K.W. Hiersemann.
1906 Altperuanische Metallgeräte; nach seinen Sammlungen.
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n.d. A Handheld XRF Study of Late Horizon Metal
Artifacts: Implications for Technological Choices
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Chile. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences:
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Gordon, Robert B.
2012 Metal Artifacts from the 1911–1912 Yale Expedi-
tions to Peru. In: The 1912 Yale Peruvian Scientific
Expedition Collections from Machu Picchu: Metal
Artifacts, edited by Richard L. Burger and Lucy C.
Salazar, pp. 1–71. New Haven: Yale University
Gordon, Robert B. and Robert Knopf
2007 Late Horizon Silver, Copper, and Tin from Machu
Picchu, Peru. Journal of Archaeological Science
Hoffman, Alicia and Kylie E. Quave
2022 Identification of Pigments from a Late Central Coast
Textile Assemblage. Andean Past 13:478–481.
Lechtman, Heather
2007 The Inka, an Andean Metallurgical Tradition. In:
Variations in the Expression of Inka Power: A Sympo-
sium at Dumbarton Oaks 18 and 19 October 1997,
edited by Richard L. Burger, Craig Morris, and
Ramiro Matos Mendieta, pp. 313–356. Washington,
D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Col-
Liritzis, Ioannis and Nikolaos Zacharias
2011 Portable XRF of Archaeological Artifacts: Current
Research, Potentials and Limitations. In: X-Ray
Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) in Geoarchaeology,
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York: Springer.
Mathewson, Champion H.
1915 A Metallographic Description of Some Ancient
Peruvian Bronzes from Machu Picchu. American
Journal of Science, Fourth Series XL (240):525–616.
Owen, Bruce D.
2012 The Meanings of Metals: The Inca and Regional
Contexts of Quotidian Metals from Machu Picchu.
In: The 1912 Yale Peruvian Scientific Expedition
Collections from Machu Picchu: Metal Artifacts, edited
by Richard L. Burger and Lucy C. Salazar, pp.
73–189. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Quave, Lylie E. and Christopher Heany
2022 A Peruvian Central Coast Mortuary Assemblage in
the Logan Museum of Anthropology, Beloit College.
Andean Past 13:463–477.
Uhle, Max and Izumi Shimada
1991 [1903] Pachacamac: A Reprint of the 1903 Edition by
Max Uhle. University Museum of Archaeology and
Anthropology, Philadelphia: University of Pennsyl-
Vetter Parodi, Luisa
2004 Las piezas de metal del Museo de Sitio Arturo
Jiménez Borja–Puruchuco. In: Puruchuco y la Socie-
dad de Lima: Un homenaje a Arturo Jiménez Borja,
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140. Lima: CONCYTEC.
Zori, Colleen and Peter Tropper
2013 Silver Lining: Evidence for Inka Silver Refining in
Northern Chile. Journal of Archaeological Science
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 488
Three Illas Figurines from Mareniyoc,
Callejón de Huaylas, Peru
Victor Ponte (University of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee; [email protected])
reports on three finds from the Mareniyoc site
(PAn 5-37; 9.424595ES, 77.5852EW). This is
an artificial mound with multiple occupations
from the Early Horizon to the Late Horizon
(1500 B.C.E.–1532 C.E.). It is on the eastern
foothills of the Cordillera Negra, in the Jangas
District of Huaraz Province, Ancash Region,
below the Pierina Gold Mine (Figures 1, 2).
A test excavation unit on the west side of the
mound revealed a llama figurine associated with
Inca domestic levels. Two other figurines found
at Mareniyoc, and presented in this report, lack
exact archaeological contexts; they were found
by local villagers when building houses adjacent
to the mound. These objects most likely
represent illas, small objects with special
properties, used as offerings in religious rituals
seeking the increase or success of camelid herds.
Figure 1: Map of the Callejón de Huaylas showing
the location of the study area.
Figure 2: Study area, Mareniyoc, Huaraz Province,
Ancash Region. Archaeological sites: 37=
Mareniyoc; 58=Llaca Ama Caca; 5=Ancosh
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022):484–489.
489 - Research Reports
The Setting and Archaeology
Mareniyoc is in the Quechua ecozone (with
elevations averaging about 3,500 meters above
sea level), where small agricultural plots of
maize, tubers (oca, olluco [Ullucus tuberosus],
potatoes) and some eucalyptus trees are grown.
Terraces control the slope and increase areas for
crops, but these seem to represent familial
efforts, not large scale collective land
management. In general, hill ridges do not offer
much space for intensive cultivation. In addition
to farming, herding was another important
activity because the prehispanic occupants of
Mareniyoc had access to the puna ecozone
(above 4,000 masl), with its rich pastures and
undulating topography. Remains of multiple
abandoned corrals, seasonal huts, and rock
shelters are found in this area. The Quechua
and puna ecological zones are integrated by an
ancient trail that connects archaeological sites
belonging to several periods (Ponte 2009a).
The Mareniyoc archaeological mound
measures approximately 82 by 47 meters. It has
been gravely damaged by locals for the
construction of modern houses. Due to this
destruction, many diagnostic artifacts from
different periods were observed lying dispersed
on the ground surface, among them Inca style
sherds. To examine further the cultural
deposition, one test excavation unit was placed
on the west side of the mound. This uncovered
evidence of superimpositions of at least three
levels utilizing stone walls and artificial fills
(Figure 3).
Figure 3: Mareniyoc (PAn 5-37) west profile.
Stratum One, 0.30 meters thick, consisted of
a modern layer resulting from a pig pen.
Towards the bottom of this layer, an intentional
fill of mid-sized stones was identified. Stratum
Two, 15 centimeters thick, is a clayish brown
sediment mixed with ash and charcoal. Within
this midden soil, Inca ceramic jar fragments (60
percent of the sample of Inca ceramics), large
cántaros (8 percent), and wide open bowls (32
percent) appeared consistently. Bones from a
minimum of 6 artiodactyls (3 adults, 3 young)
were found dispersed in a mix of charcoal
fragments and Strata Two soil. One of the
adults was an alpaca and the rest were llamas.
The radius and ulna of an adult camelid
presented cuts in the anterior and superior
surfaces, corresponding to disarticulation and
consumption (Rofes 1999:162). At the north
side of this test unit, a wall formed by
rectangular stones and mortar appeared. This
separated the Stratum Two from a platform at a
lower level. A ceramic llama figurine and stone
beads were found 0.50 meters below the surface,
associated with the midden, and at the top of a
stone retention wall. Stone wall 3 had better
masonry built with cut stones and is associated
with Early Intermediate Period ceramics.
However, our excavations were suspended at
the request of the local farmer.
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 490
The best artistic representation of a probable
llama is the ceramic figurine with the animal in
a sitting or resting position (Figure 4). It is
nearly complete. It is 3.8 centimeters long, 5.3
centimeters high, and weighs 30 grams. The rear
legs are absent or not depicted. The object is
made of plain red-orange paste with no slip, and
is modeled. The depiction of anatomical parts is
crude, with applique ears and eyes. Incision lines
define the ears and mouth, which is semi-open
and has the prognathous lower jaw typical of
prehispanic camelid depictions. The buttocks of
the animal are represented by a slight swelling.
Figure 4: Specimen 94, ceramic figurine found at
Mareniyoc, probably meant to represent a llama.
The other two figurines are different from
one another, but both are made of stones
present in the local environment. The stone
figurines range from 7.8 to 8.95 centimeters in
length and 3.8 to 3.95 centimeters in height and
weigh 105 and 195 grams respectively.
Specimen 95 (Figure 5) is made of grey shale,
with the animal shape created by grinding with
another hard object. It is a complete stone,
possibly in the form of an alpaca. In any case, it
is a quadruped with short legs, a small head, and
a short snout. The body is overemphasized,
which may reflect the long, thick fur of alpacas.
An incision delineates the mouth and
punctations mark the eyes.
Specimen 96 was formed of a bluish gray
basalt cobblestone formed by grinding. (Figure
6). It has an exaggerated oblong body, a
rounded head, and diminutive feet. The shape
is very simple. It may be from the modern era,
and probably represents a sheep or a camelid
(alpaca) with heavy fur.
Figure 5: Specimen 95, found at Mareniyoc, a gray
shale figurine probably intended to represent an
Figure 6: Specimen 96, found at Mareniyoc, a
bluish gray basalt figurine probably intended to
represent a sheep or alpaca.
491 - Research Reports
body width
Weight (g) Material
94 5.3 3.8 2.2 30 Ceramic
95 7.8 5.1 2.4 105 Stone
96 8.95 3.95 3.2 195 Stone
Table 1. Size and weight of figurines from
Mareniyoc, Ancash.
The finest camelid figurines found in Andean
archaeological sites are from the summits of
high mountains, and are associated with
Capacocha rituals. Reinhard and Ceruti
(2010:137) state that Inca figurines from such
contexts were made only of gold, silver, and
spondylus shell. However, finds of ceramic illas
have been recovered sporadically among the
remains of Inca domestic feasting and
celebration events (e.g., for Cusco see Delgado
2013). In the northern Peruvian highlands, Lau
(2010) has found fragments of camelid figurines
in refuse contexts. They are made either of
pottery or of stone, and can be related to Middle
Horizon levels.
Llama Corrals
In the puna zone of Mareniyoc (4,000 masl),
a series of corrals were built on gentle slopes and
on the flat pampa. The zone next to the Llaca
Amá Caca site (PAn 5-58; 9.44538ES,
77.594476EW; Figure 2) had permanent water
and grasslands because of a subterranean spring.
This was very beneficial for the herds, especially
during the dry season, when the extensive
marshes could have fed a large number of
llamas. Although this area sustained seasonal
hunting groups for millennia, the habitation
sites found in association with the corrals
indicate an emphasis on managing herds
(Aldenderfer 2001:20). This has been well
documented at the site of Ancosh Punta (PAn
5-5; 9.444341ES, 77.588239EW), about a
kilometer from Llaca Amá Caca. This is a
Middle Horizon pastoral site where a
semi-permanent colony was established for
about three hundred years (Ponte 2009b).
During the Inca Horizon and the Late
Intermediate Period, the agro-pastoral
community of Mareniyoc may have had access
to the puna ecosystem and exploited it with the
same intensity as during the Middle Horizon.
Ethnohistorical Data
I have not found colonial accounts that
specifically refer to the region of Mareniyoc,
Jangas District, in the Callejón de Huaylas.
However, there is a reference to Huaraz, fifteen
kilometers south of the study area and the
capital of the Ancash Region. Mitología Andina,
based on inspection tours made by its author,
Rodrigo Hernández Príncipe (1923 [c.
1621–1622]), includes one of the most
important colonial descriptions of ayllus in the
southern part of the Callejón de Huaylas.
Hernández discovered that local populations
participated in ancestral non-Christian religious
ceremonies, and he attempted to eliminate any
sign of these practices. Hernández amassed a
great number of objects associated with
indigenous religion, and burnt them in
numerous villages in the region of Recuay.
Hernández’s account relates the social behavior
of the indigenous communities, named
Llacuaces, and their specific religious practices.
The original place where llamas were born and
roamed for the first time is consistently pointed
out as the glacial lakes and springs of the
Cordillera Blanca. Recuay’s ayllus claimed to be
descendants of the Thunder God, Libiac, a
major deity associated with mountains and high
altitudes. Elsewhere in the Andes, this god is
called Illapa.The account includes information
about the possible function of the conopas and
illas (small talismanic objects). It describes the
tradition of adoring bezoar stones or “piedras
besares” (Hernández 1923:27) in hope of llama
multiplication. Bezoars are solid masses of
ANDEAN PAST 13 (2022) - 492
indigestible material accumulated in the
stomach or intestines and found more
commonly in ungulates than in people. Bezoar
stones were a very popular natural medicine in
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Asia
and Europe. Bezoars, coca leaves, and stones in
the shape of llamas constituted an illa, which
was carefully packaged with textiles to form a
bundle called enqa. This was thought to give
health and protection to animals (Flores Ochoa
Ethnographic Evidence
Although I lack details, I can affirm that very
simple rites thought to promote herd increases
still exist in my study area. An informant from
Cuncashca, Marcelino Vergara, told me a story
about magically increasing herd size using
conopas and illas. This account relates to
livestock of Old World origins (cattle, donkeys,
sheep, and goats). Figurines need to be placed in
the herdsman’s temporary hut during the wet
season. They must be put in a safe place within
the hut, wrapped in textiles and accompanied by
food and drink. The next day, the pastors count
their new livestock. The concepts underlying
conopas and illas includes protection, wealth,
success, and human and llama reproduction.
Continuity is thought to be assured by reciprocal
actions of veneration. That is, Andean herders
continue to make offerings to the apus, and as a
result, apus give them protection and successful
reproduction of the herds. (Salomon 2004). Bill
Sillar (2009) proposes that these miniatures
functioned as “intermediaries” between men and
the mountain gods or apus.
There has been at least a millennium of
coexistence between men and camelids in the
Andes. Therefore, it is not surprising that the
evidence from Mareniyoc suggests a local rite
related to the reproduction of alpacas and
llamas are found in the form of simple
ceremonies that take place at the household
level. Although the llama illa figurine presented
in this report was found associated with Inca
materials, it seems that the tradition of stone
miniatures was present in the northern highland
region of Peru prior to Inca times. Many kinds of
miniature stone idols were venerated in the
northern highlands. From Hernández’s account,
their relationship to fecundity rites of llamas can
be deduced. The stone figurine tradition
continues to the present day. Camelid figurines
were replaced by ones representing cattle, but
their meaning is rooted in older Andean beliefs
concerning magical herd reproduction. The
celebration of rites for camelid multiplication
was performed in the villages, in ceremonial
centers, and at work sites, that for pastoral
communities, can be corrals. The miniature
ceramic illa found in the Mareniyoc excavations
most likely was related to llama reproduction
during ritualized events.
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