The property to be searched is the computer servers
assigned the Internet Protocol addresses
(the “Target Servers”), located at
, further described as a data
center that is controlled by .
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Type text here
1. The items to be seized are evidence, contraband,
fruits, or instrumentalities of violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1029
(access device fraud), 18 U.S.C. § 1030 (computer fraud), and 18
U.S.C. §§ 371, 1029, 1030 (conspiracy to commit the above
offenses), namely:
a. Data, records, and information associated with
the servers assigned the IP addresses
(the “Target Servers”), including all files,
databases, and database records stored by on or
in relation to those servers, including:
i. Programming code used to serve or process
requests made via web browsers;
ii. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, image files, or other
iii. HTTP request and error logs;
iv. SSH, FTP, or Telnet logs showing connections
related to the server, and any other transactional information,
including records of session times and durations, log files,
dates and times of connecting, methods of connecting, and ports;
v. MySQL, PostgreSQL, or other databases
related to the Target Server; and
vi. A single image and/or snapshots of the
server, whether created by or its subscriber,
while the server is running.
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Target Servers about issues relating to the account, such as
technical problems, billing inquiries, or complaints from other
users about the specified account. This is to include records
of contacts between the subscriber and support
services, as well as records of any actions taken by
or the subscriber as a result of the
2. As used herein, the terms “records,” “documents,”
“programs,” “applications,” and “materials” include records,
documents, programs, applications, and materials created,
modified, or stored in any form.
3. Any server which is itself or which contains evidence,
contraband, fruits, or instrumentalities of the Subject
Offenses, and forensic copies thereof.
4. In searching the server(s) or forensic copies thereof,
law enforcement personnel executing this search warrant will
employ the following procedure:
a. Law enforcement personnel or other individuals
assisting law enforcement personnel (the “search team”) will, in
their discretion, either search the server(s) on-site or seize
and transport the device(s) and/or forensic image(s) thereof to
an appropriate law enforcement laboratory or similar facility to
be searched at that location. The search team shall complete
the search as soon as is practicable but not to exceed 120 days
from the date of execution of the warrant. The government will
not search the server(s) and/or forensic image(s) thereof beyond
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this 120-day period without obtaining an extension of time order
from the Court.
b. The search team will conduct the search only by
using search protocols specifically chosen to identify only the
specific items to be seized under this warrant.
i. The search team may subject all of the data
contained in each server capable of containing any of the items
to be seized to the search protocols to determine whether the
device and any data thereon falls within the scope of items to
be seized. The search team may also search for and attempt to
recover deleted, “hidden,” or encrypted data to determine,
pursuant to the search protocols, whether the data falls within
the scope of items to be seized.
ii. The search team may use tools to exclude
normal operating system files and standard third-party software
that do not need to be searched.
iii. The search team may use forensic examination
and searching tools, such as “EnCase,” “Griffeye,” and “FTK”
(Forensic Tool Kit), which tools may use hashing and other
sophisticated techniques.
c. The search team will not seize contraband or
evidence relating to other crimes outside the scope of the items
to be seized without first obtaining a further warrant to search
for and seize such contraband or evidence.
d. If the search determines that a server does not
contain any data falling within the scope of items to be seized,
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the government will, as soon as is practicable, return the
server and delete or destroy all forensic copies thereof.
e. If the search determines that a server does
contain data falling within the scope of items to be seized, the
government may make and retain copies of such data, and may
access such data at any time.
f. If the search determines that a server is (1)
itself an item to be seized and/or (2) contains data falling
within the scope of other items to be seized, the government may
retain the server and any forensic copies of the server, but may
not access data falling outside the scope of the other items to
be seized (after the time for searching the server has expired)
absent further court order.
g. The government may also retain a server if the
government, prior to the end of the search period, obtains an
order from the Court authorizing retention of the server (or
while an application for such an order is pending), including in
circumstances where the government has not been able to fully
search a server because the device or files contained therein
is/are encrypted.
h. After the completion of the search of the
server(s), the government shall not access digital data falling
outside the scope of the items to be seized absent further order
of the Court.
5. The review of the electronic data obtained pursuant to
this warrant may be conducted by any government personnel
assisting in the investigation, who may include, in addition to
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law enforcement officers and agents, attorneys for the
government, attorney support staff, and technical experts.
Pursuant to this warrant, the investigating agency may deliver a
complete copy of the seized or copied electronic data to the
custody and control of attorneys for the government and their
support staff for their independent review.
6. The special procedures relating to server(s) found in
this warrant govern only the search of server(s) pursuant to the
authority conferred by this warrant and do not apply to any
search of server(s) pursuant to any other court order.
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and in part only. All dates set forth below are on or about the
dates indicated, and all amounts or sums are approximate.
4. I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). I have been employed with the FBI since
March 2018. I am presently assigned to the Orlando Resident
Agency of the FBI’s Tampa Field Office, where my duties include
investigating cybercrime, organized crime, and other major
federal violations. I have received training in cyber
investigations and criminal enterprise organizations, including
in-service training sponsored by the FBI, and on-the-job
training. I have participated in complex investigations in
which federal grand jury subpoenas and court orders were used,
as well as participated in the execution of numerous search
warrants. I am also in regular contact with law enforcement
personnel who specialize in cybercrime and criminal enterprises.
As a federal agent, I am authorized to investigate violations of
laws of the United States and am a law enforcement officer with
the authority to execute search warrants issued under the
authority of the United States.
5. Based upon my training, experience, and research, I
know that:
a. IP Address: The Internet Protocol address (or
simply “IP address”) is a unique numeric address used by
computers on the Internet. An IP address looks like a series of
four numbers, each in the range 0-255, separated by periods
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(e.g., Every computer attached to the Internet
must be assigned an IP address so that Internet traffic sent
from and directed to that computer may be directed properly from
its source to its destination. Most Internet service providers
control a range of IP addresses. Some computers have static—
that is, long-term—IP addresses, while other computers have
dynamic—that is, frequently changed—IP addresses.
b. Internet: The Internet is a global network of
computers and other electronic devices that communicate with
each other. Due to the structure of the Internet, connections
between devices on the Internet often cross state and
international borders, even when the devices communicating with
each other are in the same state.
c. Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malware that
is used to compromise and restrict access to a victim’s computer
network in order to extract a ransom from the victim by
encrypting data on the network without the victim’s consent.
d. Storage medium: A storage medium is any physical
object upon which computer data can be recorded. Examples
include hard disks, RAM, floppy disks, flash memory, CD-ROMs,
and other magnetic or optical media.
6. On or about January 11, 2023, investigators executed
search warrants pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2703(b)(1)(A),
and 2703(c)(1)(A) for information associated with servers at
leased by three email addresses associated with
operators of the Hive ransomware, including the Target Servers.
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As detailed below, the FBI’s analysis of these servers confirmed
that the servers are used solely to facilitate Hive’s criminal
7. Based on this and additional investigation, there is
probable cause to believe that the Target Servers are operated
and controlled by individuals responsible for deploying the Hive
ransomware to steal data and extort money from hundreds of
victims. Further, there is probable cause to believe that the
Target Servers are on devices stored at premises located at
California that is controlled by
A. The Hive Ransomware Group
8. Ransomware is a type of malware that is used to
compromise and restrict access to a victim’s computer network in
order to extract a ransom from the victim by encrypting data on
the network without the victim’s consent. Since in or about
June 2021, the “Hive” ransomware group has targeted more than
1,500 victims around the world, including within the Middle
District of Florida, and the Central District of California.
Hive ransomware affiliates have targeted vulnerable victims and
those holding sensitive personal data, including hospitals,
school districts, law firms, and financial firms.
9. Hive uses a ransomware-as-a-service (“RaaS”) model
featuring administrators, sometimes called developers, and
affiliates (collectively, the “Hive actors”). RaaS is a
subscription-based model where the developers or administrators
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develop a ransomware strain and create an easy-to-use interface
with which to operate it and then recruit affiliates to deploy
the ransomware against victims. Affiliates identify targets and
deploy this readymade malicious software to attack victims and
then earn a percentage of each successful ransom payment.
10. From victim reporting, the FBI has learned that Hive
actors employ a double-extortion model of attack. Before
encrypting the victim system, the affiliate will exfiltrate or
steal sensitive data. The affiliate then seeks a ransom for
both the decryption key necessary to decrypt the victim’s system
and a promise to not publish the stolen data. Hive actors
frequently target the most sensitive data in a victim’s system
to increase the pressure to pay. After a victim pays,
affiliates and administrators split the ransom 80/20. Hive
publishes the data of victims who do not pay on the Hive Leak
B. Examples of Hive Attacks and Their Effects
11. Hive’s ransomware attacks have caused major
disruptions in victim operations around the world and affected
responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, on or about
August 14, 2021, Hive actors used the ransomware to encrypt the
computers owned by a hospital located in the Midwestern United
States. The hospital had to resort to analog methods for
treating existing patients (e.g., maintaining paper copies of
patient charts) and was unable to accept new patients
immediately following the attack. The hospital was only able to
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recover its critical data after paying a ransom to decrypt the
12. In addition, on or about May 24, 2022, a technology
company in New Jersey was encrypted with Hive ransomware.
Because this company owned servers used by many of their
customers, the victim’s customers, whose data was stolen, were
also harmed by the ransomware event. The initial victim, along
with one of the other affected entities - a private U.S. company
located in the Central District of California - paid a
significant ransom. Hive’s most recent victim in the Central
District of California was encrypted on or about December 30,
13. In the Middle District of Florida, Hive actors
attacked and encrypted the computer networks of multiple
victims. On or about July 11, 2021, Hive encrypted a heavy
machinery company in central Florida, interrupting operations
and forcing the company to expend significant time and resources
to restore operations. Hive’s most recent victim in the Middle
District of Florida was encrypted on or about January 10, 2023.
14. Hive actors encrypt new victims around the world on a
daily basis. In its first year of operation, Hive received over
$100 million in ransom payments.
C. Background Concerning the Tor Network
15. The Hive network has been able to remain online and
beyond the reach of U.S. and foreign law enforcement because it
is set up as a “hidden service” on the “Tor network.” The Tor
network is designed specifically to facilitate anonymous
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communication over the Internet. In order to access the Tor
network, a user must install Tor software either by downloading
an add-on to the user’s web browser or by downloading the free
“Tor browser bundle” available at www.torproject.org.
Use of
the Tor software bounces a user’s communications around a
distributed network of relay computers run by volunteers all
around the world, thereby masking the user’s actual IP address
which could otherwise be used to identify a user. Because of
the way Tor routes communications through other computers,
traditional IP identification techniques are not viable. When a
user on the Tor network accesses a website, for example, the IP
address of a Tor “exit node,” rather than the user’s actual IP
address, shows up in the website’s IP log. An exit node is the
last Tor network computer through which a user’s communications
were routed. There is no practical way to trace the user’s
actual IP address back through that Tor exit node IP address.
16. Within the Tor network, entire websites can be set up
as “hidden services.” “Hidden services” operate the same as
regular public websites with one critical exception. The IP
address for the web server is hidden and instead is replaced
with a Tor-based web address, which is a series of algorithm-
generated characters, such as “asdlk8fs9dflku7f” followed by the
suffix “.onion.” A user can only reach these “hidden services”
if the user is using the Tor client and operating in the Tor
network. And unlike an open Internet website, it is not
Users may also access Tor through so-called “gateways” on
the open Internet. However, use of those gateways does not
provide users with the anonymizing benefits of the Tor network.
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possible to determine through public lookups the IP address of a
computer hosting a Tor “hidden service.” Neither law
enforcement nor users can therefore determine the location of
the computer that hosts the website through those public
lookups. A criminal suspect’s use of Tor accordingly makes it
extremely difficult for law enforcement agents who are
investigating a Tor hidden service to detect the host’s,
administrator’s, or users’ actual IP addresses or physical
17. A Tor hidden service generates its .onion address by
creating “public/private keypairs.” Public/private key pairs
are elements of “asymmetric cryptography,” the same sort of
cryptography used as the bases for PGP
keys and many
cryptocurrencies. In the case of Tor hidden services, the
public key, represented as the .onion address, may be widely
disseminated to users seeking to access the hidden service. The
private key controls access to the .onion.
D. Hive’s Tor Infrastructure
18. To facilitate the RaaS model, the Hive administrators
set up a network of servers to run their online criminal
business. The public-facing side or “frontend” of the network
consists of four Tor-accessible websites or “Panels”, each for a
different type of user/audience. A separate server used by the
Hive actors but inaccessible to the public (the “backend”
server) hosts a database that supports the front-facing Tor
PGP, or “Pretty Good Privacy” allows for encrypted, private
communications by using both asymmetric and symmetric-key
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panels and leak site. The specific function of each panel
represented in this screenshot will be discussed further below.
19. Logging into the user interface hosted on the Admin
Panel, the administrator is able to manage the Hive database,
track attacks, communicate with affiliates about their campaigns
against specific victims and negotiate ransom payments with
victims. A screenshot of the login page with the Hive honeycomb
motif is below:
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20. Through the Affiliate Panel, the affiliate creates a
record for each victim, enters information about the victim,
downloads the Hive ransomware for the infection, and then tracks
progress including the creation date, encryption date, and
payment date. The data entered via the Affiliate Panel are
stored in the backend database. Affiliates can also track
negotiations with victims and request their cut of the ransom
payment by clicking the “pay out” button as seen in the
screenshot below:
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21. From victim reporting, the FBI has learned that when a
victim is encrypted, the Hive actor leaves a ransom note in the
victim’s system with login credentials to the Hive Victim Panel,
which the Hive actors refer to as the “Sales Department.”
Through the Victim Panel, the victim can negotiate the ransom
payment, receive proof of exfiltrated data and payment
instructions, and receive the decryption key after making a
ransom payment.
22. As noted above, victims who do not pay the ransom will
have their data published on the Hive Leak Site which is also
hosted on Tor.
E. The January 11, 2023 Search of Images of the Target Servers
23. By analyzing evidence obtained through U.S. court
orders, the FBI confirmed that the Hive administrator(s) leased
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servers for the Hive network from a U.S. hosting provider. On
January 11, 2023, upon the execution of search warrants issued
by a Magistrate Judge in the Middle District of Florida pursuant
to 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2703(b)(1)(A), and 2703(c)(1)(A), U.S.
investigators obtained forensic images for two dedicated
located at the provider’s facility in Los Angeles, California
(the Target Servers), and one virtual private server (VPS). The
two dedicated servers were associated with the IP addresses
(Target Server 1) (Target Server
2), respectively. The search was executed in coordination with
foreign partners executing search warrants on two dedicated
servers located in the Netherlands (hereinafter the “Dutch
24. Analyzing the evidence obtained in the search from all
of the servers, investigators confirmed that they were all used
by the Hive ransomware group. In particular, investigators
confirmed that Target Server 1 located in Los Angeles and the
Dutch Servers were set up as redundant web servers. That is,
each server hosted copies of the three Tor panels and the leak
site discussed above. Target Server 1 also contained images
with the Hive honeycomb logo on it, further establishing that
the server was used by Hive actors.
25. Analyzing the data from Target Server 2, the FBI
determined that it functioned as the Hive network’s backend and
contained the Hive database.
A “dedicated” server is a type of server in which a
client has the exclusive use of a host’s entire server and does
not share it with any other client.
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26. The FBI confirmed the database on Target Server 2 was
the Hive database because since July 2022, the FBI has, pursuant
to federal search warrants, accessed the Hive database to
identify victims and obtain decryption keys. When a victim is
encrypted, the Hive ransomware creates a unique decryption key
for that victim. Over the course of the investigation, the FBI
obtained such decryption keys and distributed them to victims
around the world. Victims receiving the keys confirmed they had
been infected with Hive ransomware and that they were able to
unlock their files using the decryption keys. As part of the
decryption key operation, over the last six months, the FBI was
able to provide decryption keys to 336 victims, sometimes within
hours of encryption, saving victims approximately $130 million
in ransom payments.
27. In addition to decryption keys, when the FBI examined
the database found on Target Server 2, the FBI found records of
Hive communications, malware file hash values,
information on
Hive’s 250 affiliates, and victim information consistent with
the information it had previously obtained through the
A file hash value can be thought of as the
“fingerprint” of a file. The contents of the file are processed
by a cryptographic algorithm and the result is a unique numeric
value (often represented in hexadecimal format). Some of the
more common cryptographic algorithms used to obtain the hash
value are MD5, SHA1, and SHA256. The contents of the file
directly affect the file hash value so much so that even just
adding or taking away a random ‘space’ or comma would result in
a completely different file hash value. In some instances where
a victim was not yet encrypted, the FBI was able to retrieve and
use the malware hash to help a victim remove Hive ransomware
from the system before encryption could take place.
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decryption key operation. This confirmed that Target Server 2
was the Hive backend server.
28. The FBI’s review of the Target Servers revealed that
the Hive administrator set up the servers solely for the purpose
of facilitating criminal activities for the Hive Ransomware
29. Information obtained from during the
execution of the January 11, 2023 search confirmed that the
Target Servers are hosted by devices located in the
data center.
30. Thus, this application seeks a warrant to search the
computer servers assigned the IP
addresses (the Target Servers),
stored at data center located at
California .
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33. Based on the foregoing, I believe that there is
probable cause that the Target Servers contains fruits,
instrumentalities, and evidence of violations of the Target
Offenses. I therefore respectfully request that this Court
issue the proposed search warrant.
Attested to by the applicant in
accordance with the requirements
of Fed. R. Crim. P. 4.1 by
telephone on this ____ day of
____________ 2023.
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