Developed by
the University
School of Management and Labor Relations
The Professional Schools offering undergraduate degrees as of fall 2017 reserve the right for any reason to
modify the policies or cancel any course or program listed herein. In addition, individual programs may vary
from year to year as circumstances dictate.
by the
Table of Contents
School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) Academic Policies ....................................... 4
General Education Requirements ................................................................................................... 4
School of Management and Labor Relations .................................................................................. 5
BS in Labor and Employment Relations (37:579) ........................................................................ 5
Mission ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 6
Courses .................................................................................................................................... 7
Admission to the SMLR ................................................................................................................... 7
Requirements for Admission ....................................................................................................... 8
Dismissal for Program Noncompliance ....................................................................................... 8
General Transfer .......................................................................................................................... 8
Transfer for Holders of Associate Degrees ................................................................................. 9
International Students ................................................................................................................ 9
Advanced Standing Policy ........................................................................................................... 9
Academic Amnesty .................................................................................................................... 10
Matriculation Status .................................................................................................................. 10
Application for Transfer Admission ........................................................................................... 11
Application for Reenrollment .................................................................................................... 11
Application for School-to-School Transfer ................................................................................ 11
Financial Aid .............................................................................................................................. 11
Veterans’ Benefits ..................................................................................................................... 11
Educational Opportunity Fund Program ................................................................................... 11
University Policies and Procedures ............................................................................................... 12
Student Responsibility to Keep Informed ..................................................................................... 12
Attendance and Cancellation of Classes Policy ......................................................................... 12
Exceptions to Academic Regulations ........................................................................................ 12
Academic Credit ........................................................................................................................ 12
Advanced Placement ................................................................................................................. 13
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) .............................................................................. 13
Proficiency Examinations .......................................................................................................... 13
Courses Completed at Other Units of Rutgers University ........................................................ 14
Registration and Course Information ........................................................................................... 14
Academic Advising..................................................................................................................... 14
Registration ............................................................................................................................... 14
Withdrawal from Courses ......................................................................................................... 14
Registration at Institutions Other Than Rutgers University ...................................................... 14
Course Load ............................................................................................................................... 15
Course Information ....................................................................................................................... 15
Pass/No Credit Courses ............................................................................................................. 15
Courses Taken Not-for-Credit ................................................................................................... 15
Repeating Courses ..................................................................................................................... 15
Grades of F or D ..................................................................................................................... 16
Summer Courses ....................................................................................................................... 16
Graduate Courses ...................................................................................................................... 16
Scholastic Standing ....................................................................................................................... 17
Dean’s List ................................................................................................................................. 17
Poor Academic Performance .................................................................................................... 17
Academic Review ................................................................................................................... 17
Probation and Dismissal ........................................................................................................ 17
Transfer Students from Other Institutions ............................................................................ 17
Transfer Students from Other Colleges within Rutgers ........................................................ 18
Appeal .................................................................................................................................... 18
Disciplinary Hearing Procedures ................................................................................................... 18
Degree Requirements ................................................................................................................... 19
Second Baccalaureate Degree................................................................................................... 19
Programs of Study ......................................................................................................................... 19
Majors ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Minors ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Graduation .................................................................................................................................... 19
Graduation with Honors ............................................................................................................ 20
School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) Academic Policies
There are several SMLR at Rutgers University that serve the academic needs of students.
Students admitted into (School of Arts and Sciences (SAS, Unit 01) must follow their admitting
unit’s core curriculum requirements, major and or minor offerings, even if they are pursuing a
joint degree with SMLR. Students who have been directly admitted as transfer students to the
School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR and who are not pursuing a joint degree
with a liberal arts school must follow the general education requirements set forth by SMLR.
The academic policies apply to only directly admitted students to SMLR’s BS in Labor and
Employment Relations (37:579).
The faculty of SMLR offer academic programs that share the same general education, admission
and scholastic standing requirements for undergraduates pursuing their Bachelor degrees at
SMLR, as well as the Edard J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy (EJB).
General Education Requirements
The general education requirements for EJB consist of 27 credits as of fall 2017.
Writing and communication. Expository writing plus a second class that is writing intensive
for a total of 6 credits.
Quantitative reasoning. 3 credits in college-level mathematics or in a course utilizing
applied quantitative reasoning plus the 3 credit class in research methods/statistics (for a
total of 6 credits). Classes in accounting, finance, or other quantitative business areas are
considered to use applied quantitative reasoning.
Science and/or Technology. 6 credits. Courses from technology and natural science
departments as well as those from other departments, which are primarily science.
Social Science. 3 credits. Any course from Social Science departments as Economics,
Psychology, Sociology, Human Resources, etc; courses from area studies programs or
interdisciplinary departments may be counted on a case by case basis.
Humanities & Arts. 3 credits. Any course from an Art, Music, English, Foreign Language,
Classics, Religion, or other Humanities department; courses from area studies programs or
interdisciplinary departments may be counted on a case by case basis.
History. 3 credits. Any course from a History department or any course primarily historical
in nature from another department.
Diversity. 3
Students who have completed an A.A., A.S. and A.A.S. in Technical Studies degree as part of NJ
Place from a New Jersey county college in January 2005 or thereafter, and who have completed
the required general education curriculum as a part of their degree, will be considered to have
completed the General Education requirements of the School of Management and Labor
Relations (SMLR) for its Bachelors in Labor and Employment Relations and the Edward J.
Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.
School of Management and Labor Relations
SMLR offers joint degrees available only to SAS students (leading to a BA degree) and the direct
admit which is only available to SMLR students (leading to a BS degree). The direct admit major
and its admission pathway is described below:
Labor and Employment Relations (37:579). This program of study is designed for transfer
students and leads to a BS degree conferred solely by SMLR. To pursue the Labor &
Employment Relations major, students apply directly to SMLR through a transfer process
from another institution or school within Rutgers.
BS in Labor and Employment Relations (37:579)
The BS degree in Labor and Employment Relations (37:579) can open up a variety of career
paths. Examples include managing people well in a variety of organizational structures
(corporate, government, or community); applying knowledge of current issues to the workplace
(work-life balance or employee rights); specializing in diversity, dealing with unionized
employees, or other aspects of managing people; representing employees as a union leader or
professional staff person; or preparing to pursue an MBA, law degree, or a professional
Master’s degree in Human Resources or Labor Relations.
Students develop the ability to think critically, address problems with a variety of modes of
inquiry, and make ethical decisions in the area of Labor and Employment Relations.
Upon completing the degree, students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives, theories, and concepts in the field
of labor and employment relations
Apply those concepts, and knowledge of U S labor, laws, and work institutions to
understanding contemporary developments in the U S and other nations now operating
in a global framework
Assess and critique relevant evidence & research findings
Make an argument about a matter in this field using contemporary and/or historical
Access high-quality historical, qualitative and quantitative evidence or research
Analyze the degree to which forms of human difference shape a person’s experiences of
and perspectives on work
Analyze a contemporary global issue in labor and employment relations from a
multidisciplinary perspective
Analyze issues of social justice related to work across local and global contexts
Communicate complex ideas effectively, in standard written English, to a general
Communicate effectively in modes appropriate to labor & employment relations
Analyze and synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources to generate new
Formulate, evaluate, and communicate conclusions and inferences from quantitative
information about work
Work productively in teams, in social networks, and on an individual basis
BS Degree in Labor and Employment Relations (36-38 credits)
Only courses with a C or better may count towards the major. Up to 6 of these credits may
consist of pre-approved courses in related social science disciplines. The remaining 30 credits
must be from departmental offerings.
Note: The following classes within the major can be used to meet the General Education
second writing requirement 37:575:201, 37:575:202, 37:575:300, or 37:575:362. The following
classes within the major can be used to meet the history requirement: 37:575:201, 37:575:202,
37:575:203, 37:575:207, or 37:575:407. The following class within the major can be used to
meet the quantitative requirement: 37:575:250. The following classes within the major can be
used to meet the prerequisite Statistics/Research requirement: 37:575:401, 37:575:402,
37:575:403 or 37:575:404.
Core (12-13)
One of the following (3-4):
37:575:100 Introduction to Labor Studies and Employment Relations (3) or
37:575:110 Work, Society, and the Quality of Life (3) and
37:575:315 Employment Law (3) and
37:575:395 Perspectives on Labor Studies (3) after having completed 15.0 credits
of LER courses successful.
One of the following* (3):
37:575:490 Internship in Labor Ed (BA, min 3) or
37:575:496 Internship in Labor Studies (BA, min 3) or
37:575:497 Internship in Labor Studies (BA, min 3) or
*Students with work experience may replace the internship requirement with
any 3 credit 37:575 course of 200 level or higher after a résumé is uploaded to
the BS in Labor Studies tab found on Proceed to your
Drop Box and upload.
Research Methods/Statistics (3-4)
One of the following:
37:575:401 Research Methods in Labor Studies (3)
37:575:402 Researching Corporations and Industries (3)
37:575:403 Problem-Solving Tools at Work (3)
01:920:311 Introduction to Social Research (4)
01:920:312 Introduction to Statistics in Sociology (3)
01:830:200 Quantitative Methods in Psychology (4)
01:790:300 Introduction to Political Science Methods (3)
10:762:205 Basic Statistical Methods (4)
01:220:322 Econometrics (3)
01:450:319 Quantitative Methods (3)
01:960:211, 212 Statistics I, Statistics II (3,3)
01:960:285 Introduction to Statistics for Business (3)
01:014:233 Introduction to Methodology of Africana Studies (3)
01:377:275 Basic Statistics for Exercise (3)
Or, another research methods/statistics course added to degree navigator or approved
by the department.
Electives in Labor and Employment Relations (19-21)
The BS degree from SMLR is awarded upon successful completion of the general education and
major with cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or higher and 120 credits towards
Descriptions of courses provide a synopsis and brief syllabus of learning objectives and
assessments. Students are encouraged to review the SMLR course schedule and full syllabi of
courses being offered throughout the year to prepare for course expectations.
Admission to the SMLR
SMLR receive applications from a wide variety of students, especially those whose previous
schooling has been interrupted (possibly for a long period of time), whose credentials are
nontraditional, and who hold demanding full-time or part-time jobs or other duties. The schools
encourage applications from people of different ages, interests, and attitudes, as well as from
those of widely diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. This variety brings vibrancy to the
undergraduate professional educational experience.
Requirements for Admission
Successful applicants for baccalaureate study at SMLR are those who have graduated from an
approved high school or equivalent, and who have previously attended other colleges or
technical schools where they have demonstrated an academic record of success. Success is
defined as a minimum of 24 academic credits with a GPA of 2.75 (if pursing online studies), 2.5
or better for traditional studies. Special admission interviews may be required of only SMLR
applicants whose cumulative grade-point average is below 2.5 but above 1.9. Ordinarily,
applicants with cumulative grade-point averages of 1.9 or below are not admitted.
Applicants whose previous academic record does not make them suitable candidates for
admissions must submit all documents in advance in order to be considered for admission.
Students who have been dropped from another institution for scholastic reasons cannot be
considered for admission into SMLR until at least one year has elapsed since the date of
dismissal and they have completed at least 12 transferable credits with a cumulative grade-
point average of 2.5 or better. The same applies to students dropped from another school at
Rutgers for scholastic reasons, unless they have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above at the time of
dismissal. Those with a GPA of 2.5 or above may apply immediately to the SMLR.
An applicant whose academic potential is not readily ascertained from his or her academic
records, but who exhibits a high degree of talent and motivation, may be admitted
conditionally by an interview. Applicants admitted by interview are subject to a scholastic
probationary period during which they may enroll for no more than two courses per term.
Probationary status may be removed upon satisfactory completion of a minimum of 12 credits
in an undergraduate professional school program.
Dismissal for Program Noncompliance
Students accepting admission and not taking the planned course of study in their school of
direct admission may be dismissed from the professional school after one term without regard
to cumulative GPA.
General Transfer
Applicants must state on their application all previously attended institutions of higher learning.
The omission or falsification of information may be a cause for automatic dismissal or denial of
transfer credit.
Transfer courses of various modes of delivery from colleges, universities and schools, eligible to
receive federal funding as listed by the US Department of Education, will be evaluated for
Official transcripts from all prior accredited institutions must be submitted before any
admission decision is made. Students will receive the maximum allowable credits for transfer
(up to 60.0 credits from a two-year institution culminating in an associate degree and up to
90.0 credits from a four-year institution offering a bachelor’s degree). Students having credits
from both two-year and four-year institutions may receive up to 90 total transfer credits.
Transfer for Holders of Associate Degrees
Any applicant who has successfully completed an associate degree program at any New Jersey
County or Community College is eligible for transfer admission. Students who hold an associate
degree in an approved transfer program (Associate in Arts; Associate in Science, and an
Associate in Applied Science in Technical Studies as part of NJ PLACE) can transfer all of the
credits earned in that degree program to the school conferring the degree, up to a maximum of
60 credits (or up to 64 if that was already granted by another undergraduate program within
Rutgers). Limits on transfer credits to the SMLR, however, include no more than 2 credits of
physical education and no more than 25 technical credits. Only courses with C or better qualify
for transfer. Credits earned beyond an associate degree program will be evaluated for transfer
on a course-by-course basis.
An applicant who attended another college after receiving an associate degree is considered
under the policy outlined for general transfer.
International Students
Students whose academic credentials were earned in countries in which English is not the
primary language may be admitted to an undergraduate professional school program through
the following procedure: (1) present evidence of graduation from an educational institution on
at least a level comparable level to an American secondary school (the original record and an
authorized notarized translation of the original record must be submitted by May 1), and (2)
demonstrate competence in English by examination through the Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 550 on the written test or 213 on the computer
test. The English test offered by the Rutgers program in English as a Second Language may be
used in place of the TOEFL. A student who wishes to obtain transfer credit for courses taken at
a foreign institution may be required to provide a course-by-course evaluation from an
undergraduate professional evaluation service, such as WES.
Advanced Standing Policy
Advanced standing credit may be given for courses completed at colleges and universities that,
at the time of the student’s attendance, were either recognized candidates for accreditation or
fully accredited members of one of the eight regional accrediting associations of higher
education. Credit is not given for any course completed outside of Rutgers in which the grade is
lower than C or its equivalent (C grades may be reviewed for elective credit granting only).
Courses must be comparable to those offered for credit at RutgersNew Brunswick and
accepted by the faculty of the SMLR.
If the transferring institution was on a quarter rather than a term system, each quarter credit
normally is equivalent to two-thirds of a term credit. Despite the number of courses completed
elsewhere, students must earn a minimum of 30 credits (including 15 in the major subject) as
matriculated students in the SMLR to be eligible for a degree.
Except for English composition, credits may be awarded for the College Level Examination
Program (CLEP) general examinations if the score is 570 or better in each examination.
However, credits may be used only as electives, and not to satisfy major or general distribution
requirements. CLEP subject matter examinations are accepted by most departments. Usually,
the optional essay is required.
Transfer credit and grades from institutions other than Rutgers are not included in the
cumulative grade point average.
Academic Amnesty
Students previously enrolled at Rutgers University with a record of poor academic performance
and five or more consecutive years of hiatus at time of re-enrollment may apply for academic
amnesty as an enrolled student in an undergraduate professional school degree program. If
granted, all prior Rutgers course work with grades of C or better will be treated as transfer
credit, towards graduation and will not be calculated into the grade point average. The grade
point average will therefore reflect only grades earned after academic amnesty has been
After receiving academic amnesty, the student must complete a minimum of 30 graded credits
offered by their undergraduate professional school program with at least a C or better in order
to graduate. A student can apply for academic amnesty once. If granted, academic amnesty
cannot be rescinded or modified. This includes denial of requests that E-credited courses be
given credit, or that J-credited courses be computed into the grade-point average.
Matriculation Status
Students directly admitted to an undergraduate professional school degree programs are
classified as matriculated in the BS degree program conferred by that school. Any student not
pursuing a degree program is classified as non-matriculated (NM). NM students may be denied
enrollment to some undergraduate professional school courses which are restricted to majors
only. Ordinarily, an NM student may accumulate no more than 30 credits. Credit earned while a
student holds NM status may not be used to satisfy the 30 credit undergraduate professional
school requirement.
Application for Transfer Admission
Applications for new transfer admission to SMLR are processed by the Office of University
Undergraduate Admissions. Non-matriculated student applications are available through the
Division of Continuing Studies.
Application for Reenrollment
Students who interrupt their enrollment at Rutgers for one academic term or more must apply
for reenrollment to the SMLR by completing a reenrollment application form through the Office
of University Undergraduate Admissions. Reenrollment applicants must also submit official
transcripts from all educational institutions attended since last enrolled at Rutgers. Students
who are reenrolling are not required to pay an application fee.
Former students who were academically dismissed from one of the SMLR may not be
readmitted if it appears unlikely that the applicant will be able to raise his or her cumulative
grade-point average to the level required for graduation. Under no circumstances is a former
student readmitted if he or she has been dismissed more than once from an undergraduate
professional school for academic or disciplinary reasons.
Application for School-to-School Transfer
Students who are currently enrolled at Rutgers for two academic terms or more must apply for
school-to-school transfer to the SMLR by completing a school-to-school transfer application
form through the Office of University Undergraduate Admissions. Students completing a
school-to-school transfer are not required to pay an application fee.
Students who face academic dismissal from their current school of enrollment will be
considered for admission if an applicant will be able to raise his or her cumulative grade-point
average to the level required for graduation.
Financial Aid
While many undergraduate professional school students are self-supporting, others may
require some financial support in order to achieve their educational objectives. The availability
of federal and state funds for students is covered under the Office of Financial Aid. Additional
financial support and need-based funds may be available through SMLR.
Veterans Benefits
Veterans and other individuals receiving educational assistance benefits from the Veterans
Administration (VA) are advised to secure VA approval for training prior to enrollment. Inquiries
concerning eligibility should be directed to the Rutgers Office of Veteran and Military Programs
and Services. Veteran students may not drop a course without prior approval from the Office of
Student Services. The date of withdrawal is the determining date for benefits.
Educational Opportunity Fund Program
The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program is a state-sponsored program
designed to assist state residents who might have been denied a college education because of
financial and educational disadvantages.
University Policies and Procedures
See the University Policies and Procedures website for additional regulations that pertain to all
the students at RutgersNew Brunswick.
Student Responsibility to Keep Informed
The online catalog provides a summary of rules governing study at the university. The academic
and other regulations established by the faculty and administration of the SMLR and the Board
of Governors of the university are subject to amendment at any time. Questions related to
general student rules that fall under the jurisdiction of the SMLR may be directed to the
appropriate program. It is the responsibility of the student to remain in communication with
the director of the program in which he or she is matriculated.
Additional information can be found on the SMLR’ websites and
Attendance and Cancellation of Classes Policy
In accordance with university regulations, attendance is expected at all regularly scheduled
meetings of courses. It is the policy of the university not to cancel classes on religious holidays;
any absence due to religious observance is treated as an authenticated absence. Students
should inform their instructors of their absence and plan accordingly. For information on the
cancellation of classes due to inclement weather, see the University Policies and Procedures
Exceptions to Academic Regulations
Students matriculated in the SMLR may request exceptions and waivers to any academic
regulations pertaining to their school through a written petition to the dean of that school. The
petition should cite the regulation in question and state the basis for waiver or exception upon
which the request rests. Petitions of exceptions and/or waivers of regulations are reviewed by
the appropriate committee of the school. More information is available online on the
undergraduate professional school websites under Academic and Student Services.
Academic Credit
There are several ways that students may earn credit toward their degree requirements.
Students may be awarded credits through Advanced Placement examinations, the College Level
Examination Program, International Baccalaureate, American Council on Education (ACE) and
Rutgers proficiency examinations. Credit may also be earned through transfer courses. Transfer
courses of various modes of delivery from colleges, universities and schools, eligible to receive
federal funding as listed by the US Department of Education, will be evaluated for
transferability. Grades for the credits earned through these methods are not computed in the
cumulative grade-point average. The undergraduate professional school will determine if the
courses and/or credits are applicable to the major, minor, or general education requirements.
Advanced Placement
Degree credit is awarded for advanced placement examination scores of 4 and 5 on the College
Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations. Credit is not given for grades of 3, 2, or 1. Some
students may find that these high school-level courses do not provide the same foundational
knowledge that is available through an introductory-level university course. Students may, after
consultation with an advisor, decide to waive the credits from the AP course to enable them to
register for the introductory course in a particular academic discipline. This waiver must be
requested in writing prior to registering for the introductory course and may not be reversed. If
the student accepts the waiver and subsequently enrolls in the introductory course, the AP
credit equivalent is replaced with the degree credits earned. Students are not granted credits
for both the AP course and course equivalencies.
To receive AP credit, students must provide an original copy of the scores directly from the
Educational Testing Service (ETS). Rutgers' CEEB code is 002765. ETS can send the scores
electronically or students can mail the official report to the following address:
Office of University Undergraduate Admissions
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
65 Davidson Road - Room 202
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8097
A complete list of advanced placement exams and scores, and the Rutgers degree credit that is
awarded based on those scores, is available as approved by the faculty of the School of Arts &
Sciences via Academic Credit. The SMLR adhere to all approvals listed therein.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Students who have taken subject CLEP tests may have the scores and essay tests forwarded to
the SMLR for evaluation by the appropriate academic departments. No more than 15 CLEP
credits will be accepted, and credits accepted may be used only as free electives and not to
satisfy the major, minor, or general education requirements.
Proficiency Examinations
Students may satisfy prerequisites and sometimes earn credit through individual examinations
offered by academic departments of Rutgers. Prior approval by the SMLR and the appropriate
academic department is required before seeking credit through examination; approval by the
major department is also required for credit in the major field. Awarding credits through these
methods is uncommon and decisions are made on a course-by-course basis.
Courses Completed at Other Units of Rutgers University
Students enrolled in one of the undergraduate professional school programs are expected to
register for major classes offered on the Rutgers-New Brunswick Campus, on satellite campuses
established by Continuing Studies, or online. Permission to register for classes offered at other
Rutgers campuses is granted on a case by case basis and must be approved by the Office of
Academic Services prior to registration. Courses completed at other units of Rutgers University
appear directly on the student's transcript and grades are included in the cumulative grade-
point average.
Registration and Course Information
Academic Advising
All students admitted to SMLR as matriculated (i.e., degree-seeking students) are required to
track their progress toward degree completion using the online Degree Navigator
( Students receive a curriculum worksheet that shows the courses
that must be completed in order to graduate. Students should update the curriculum
worksheet each time a course is completed and review the worksheet with an academic advisor
when it comes time to register for new courses. Students should also review Degree Navigator
periodically to be sure their worksheet matches the online record of progress.
Students must be admitted to the SMLR before they can register for courses in that school.
Information about registration is published in the Schedule of Classes. The university reserves
the right to restrict registration in all courses offered and, when necessary, to cancel courses
previously announced.
Withdrawal from Courses
Students may request withdrawal from courses at any time up to, but not including, the last
two weeks of instruction in the term. Terminating class attendance does not constitute
withdrawal from courses. A student must refer to their schools student services online forms
to complete, in writing, their intention to withdraw. See the University Policies and Procedures
section for details of the drop/add policy. Withdrawal from a class may have implications for
housing, financial aid and other student services. Therefore, withdrawal should always be
discussed with an academic advisor before action is taken.
Registration at Institutions Other Than Rutgers University
An undergraduate professional school student who wishes to enroll in courses at another
institution must request and obtain permission from their schools student services office.
Requests must be made in writing well in advance of the deadline for registration at the other
institution. The total course load consists of courses carried in the undergraduate professional
school and those taken concurrently at another institution. Students having already transferred
the maximum allowable credits from an outside institution may be eligible for an exchange in
credits upon the approval of their request.
Course Load
Students may register for up to 18 credits per term and, in certain cases, may be permitted to
carry a larger number of credits. Nontraditional students in the SMLR who hold significant work
or other commitments are advised not to schedule more than two courses per term during
their first year. Students on probation or limited enrollment may schedule no more than the
number of courses specified in their probation letter.
Course Information
Pass/No Credit Courses
A matriculated student may register for Pass/No Credit grading for no more than two courses
(or maximum 8.0 credits). The two-course limit does not include courses in which grades are
already awarded solely on a Pass/No Credit basis. Pass/No Credit registration is limited to free
electives and it not offered for winter session course. To request Pass/No Credit grading in a
particular course, a student should declare his or her intention no later than 30 calendar days
after classes begin for the spring and fall terms (10 calendar days for summer), have completed
at least 90 degree credits, and have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 or better. A
student registering on a Pass/No Credit basis must complete all of the required work in the
course, including all examinations and assigned papers or projects. While a course that is
completed successfully on a Pass/No Credit basis carries graduation credit, it is not calculated in
the cumulative grade-point average. Grades of A, B, and C correspond to Pass (PA); grades D
and F to No Credit (NC).
Courses Taken Not-for-Credit
No student may register for any course on a noncredit basis, except with the approval of the
dean, unless a course is being repeated. Students permitted to enroll in a course on a noncredit
basis must meet all of the requirements of the course. It is the student’s responsibility to
indicate at the time of registration whether he or she is enrolling for credit or not-for-credit in
the course.
Repeating Courses
A Rutgers University transcript records all courses taken at Rutgers University and the outcome
(grade or withdrawal). Students may not repeat, for degree credit, courses bearing the same or
equivalent course numbers, with the exception of courses designated as repeatable for credit.
Grades of F or D
The repeated course policy was revised in Fall 2014. The below policy applies to Ds earned in
the Fall 2014 term or later, and to Fs earned in any semester.
In general, when a course is repeated in which the student previously earned a grade of F or D,
both the original grade and the new grade remain on the transcript and in the cumulative
grade-point average. However, for up to 16 credits in no more than four courses, the grade of F
or D will be removed from the cumulative grade-point average if the student repeats the
course. The original grade of F or D will remain on the transcript with an E prefix attached (no
degree credit earned and grade does not compute in the GPA); the repeated grade will have an
R prefix (degree credit is earned and grade computes in the GPA).
This policy may be applied anytime during the undergraduate years, but only once for a given
course. The course must be repeated at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. If the student earns
an F or D a second time, only the second grade will enter the cumulative grade-point average.
This policy may not be applied to punitive grades of F given for reasons such as academic
dishonesty. Use of this policy to remove a grade of F or D from the cumulative grade-point
average does not qualify a student for retroactive nomination to the Dean's List nor does it
rescind unsatisfactory scholastic standing status.
The addition of appropriate prefixing to repeated courses will occur by the end of the semester
during which the repeated course has been taken. If a student feels that they repeated a course
and the appropriate prefixing was not applied based on the policy above, the student may
email [email protected] with their name, RUID, and the course that they repeated.
See the University Policies and Procedures catalog for an explanation of the E prefix and K
prefix preceding course credits on the transcript.
Summer Courses
Students who wish to register for Summer Session courses at other institutions must obtain
prior permission from SMLR student services online forms. No credit is allowed for
unauthorized enrollment.
Graduate Courses
Seniors may register for graduate courses with the approval of the graduate director, the dean
of academic affairs of the graduate school in question, and the Office of Student Services of
their undergraduate professional school. Approval generally is not given unless the student has
a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or better and senior standing.
Scholastic Standing
The student’s numerical scholastic standing is determined by his or her cumulative grade-point
average, a weighted average of all Rutgers grades in those courses taken for credit. For
information on the computation of the cumulative grade-point average and other grading
regulations, see the University Policies and Procedures section. Grades of F received in courses
approved for credit are included in the computation of the cumulative grade-point average
unless the course is repeated.
Dean’s List
Each term, outstanding students are honored by inclusion on the Dean’s List. In order to qualify,
the student must meet the following requirements at the time the Dean’s List is prepared: a) be
matriculated, b) have passed 6 or more degree credits with letter grades (Pass/No Credit and E
credits are excluded), and c) have attained a term grade-point average of 3.5 or above.
Poor Academic Performance
Academic Review
The Committee on Scholastic Standing, in concert with administrators and appointed faculty
fellows of the SMLR, reviews the records of all students at the end of each academic term.
Probation and Dismissal
Students whose cumulative grade-point average is less than 2.0 at the end of an academic term
may be placed on probation and may continue under limitations specified by the Committee on
Scholastic Standing. The student will receive email and/or written notification of probationary
status within four weeks of the term grade report. Students on probation who have not raised
their cumulative grade-point average to 2.0 at the end of the academic term will ordinarily be
dismissed. Students whose cumulative grade-point average is less than 1.2 at the end of any
academic term will be dismissed without necessarily being placed on academic probation first.
Transfer Students from Other Institutions
Students who are admitted on academic probation as a result of unsatisfactory or marginal
academic records at other institutions normally are required to maintain a minimum grade-
point average of 2.0 at SMLR
The records of these students are reviewed at the end of the academic term, and probationary
status is removed if a student has completed at least 12 credits with a minimum grade-point
average of 2.0. If the student’s grade-point average is less than 2.0, the student ordinarily is
Transfer Students from Other Colleges within Rutgers
Students admitted to SMLR on academic probation because of a poor academic record at
another college of Rutgers normally are assigned a minimum grade-point average that must be
achieved as a condition of their probation. The records of these students are reviewed at the
end of the academic term, and probationary status is removed if a student has completed at
least 12 credits with the required average. If the required average has not been achieved, the
student normally is dismissed.
Probationary status may not be appealed, although students may request a review of the
limitations imposed by the committee if those limitations appear inappropriate for the
individual’s circumstances. A request for review may be made at any time during the
probationary period and should be made to the SMLROffice of Student Services. Students
dismissed from SMLR by the Committee on Scholastic Standing may appeal to the dean of the
college within twenty calendar days after the date of the dismissal notice. Grounds for appeal
include technical error, extenuating circumstances, additional information not previously
available to the committee, and/or other factors the student considers appropriate to support
his or her challenge of the dismissal decision. Students must present their appeal in writing.
Letters of appeal must state the reasons for appeal and, when possible, should be accompanied
by appropriate documentation. The letter must be written exclusively by the student, although
advice in formulating the appeal may be sought from a faculty adviser or college counselor.
Appeals are reviewed by the Committee on Scholastic Standing. Written notice of the appeal
decision is sent to the student at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the next term. The
decision of the committee is final.
A student dismissed from SMLR is not considered for readmission to the college unless that
former student has completed at least 12 credits at another accredited college or university
and/or the Rutgers University Summer Session with a cumulative grade-point average of 2.5 or
better and at least one term, not including summer session, has elapsed since the date of the
student’s dismissal.
Disciplinary Hearing Procedures
The Board of Governors of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, has established a list of
offenses that may result in separation from the university. These offenses are handled through
the University Code of Student Conduct. (See the University Policies and Procedures section.) In
addition, each college has a hearing procedure for use in instances where charges against a
student are not of sufficient gravity to lead to separation from the university. Lists of the
separation and non-separation offenses and details on the hearing procedures are also
available in the Office of the Dean.
Degree Requirements
Students should be aware that the pertinent curricular requirements are those in effect in the
academic year of their admission. Students who change their academic objectives are governed
by the curricular requirements and regulations in effect during the academic year in which the
change is made. A student who has interrupted a program in an undergraduate professional
school for no more than four terms (two academic years) and who has not attended any other
college during that period may request readmission as an undergraduate professional school
student under the curricular requirements in effect at the time of last attendance.
A candidate for a bachelor’s degree in one of the undergraduate professional school Degree
Programs must complete a minimum of 120 college credits, including the General Education
Requirements, a major program of study, and a minimum GPA of 2.0. A student may elect to
pursue a minor or second major from another school, but not the same undergraduate
professional school. Thirty Rutgers credits, including at least 12 credits within the
undergraduate professional school, must be completed at Rutgers.
Second Baccalaureate Degree
Students matriculating for a second baccalaureate degree must fulfill the general education
requirements. A minimum of 30 credits beyond those required for the initial degree must be
completed as a Rutgers student.
Programs of Study
Students who decide not to pursue one of the SMLR designated majors may apply to another
school of Rutgers University via the school-to-school transfer application. Students are not
guaranteed admission to any school of Rutgers, including by transfer. SMLR reserves the right
to dismiss a student from the BS programs if there is no intent to pursue and complete the BS in
Labor and Employment Relations.
Students interested in a second major or minor may review offerings from other schools at
Rutgers-NB. Consult the appropriate section for admission requirements to major programs.
All minor programs of study offered by various disciplines in New Brunswick are available to
students attending the SMLR unless the programs stipulate otherwise.
It is a student’s responsibility to declare candidacy for the baccalaureate degree by completing
an online Diploma Information form through the office of the Registrar at least one term before
the expected date of graduation. Degrees are conferred by the university three times a year
January, May and August. Diplomas are mailed to students. The annual university
commencement is in May on the recommendation of the faculty fellows of SMLR. A student
who completes the requirements for his or her degree in October, January or May can receive a
verification of enrollment or transcript in lieu of the diploma until they are mailed to the
student permanent address on record. Diplomas are withheld from all students whose
university accounts are not clear.
Graduation with Honors
The bachelor’s degree is conferred with “Summa Cum Laude to graduating seniors with a
cumulative grade-point average of 3.850 or better, with “Magna Cum Laude” to those with a
cumulative grade-point average of 3.700 or better, and with Cum Laude” to those with a
cumulative grade-point average of 3.500 or better.
The SMLR looks forward to honoring their students at graduation.
School of Management and Labor Relations
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Labor Education Center
50 Labor Center Way
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Fax: 732-932-8677
University College Community
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Federation Hall
4 Jones Avenue, First Floor
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Fax: 732-932-1382