Signed Declaration in a
Postgraduate Research Thesis
Purpose of Guidance
This guidance supports the Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees and provides
examples of what should be included in the signed declaration which must be incorporated in all theses
submitted for assessment.
Scope: Guidance is not Mandatory
Relevant to postgraduate research students, supervisors of postgraduate research students and support
staff involved with postgraduate research thesis submission.
Contact Officer
Susan Hunter
Academic Policy Officer
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Academic Services
Consultation undertaken
Assessment regulations annual review panel, College postgraduate
offices, Senatus Researcher Experience Committee
Section responsible for guidance
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Academic Services
Related policies, procedures,
guidelines & regulations
Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees
UK Quality Code
UK Quality Code Research Degrees
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Thesis declaration, signed declaration
Signed Declaration in a
Postgraduate Research Thesis
At the front of the thesis submitted for assessment, students are required to incorporate a
signed declaration. The declaration must state:
(a) that the thesis has been composed by the candidate, and
(b) either that the work is the candidate's own, or, if the candidate has been a member
of a research group, that the candidate has made a substantial contribution to the
work, such contribution being clearly indicated, and
(c) that the work has not been submitted for any other degree or professional
qualification except as specified, and
(d) that any included publications are the student’s own work, except where indicated
throughout the thesis and summarised and clearly identified on the declarations
page of the thesis.
Students must ensure they have signed and dated the declaration page. If the thesis is
being submitted electronically, then log in through a University system or University email
address is sufficient as an electronic signature.
Examples of a standard declaration:
1. I declare that this thesis has been composed solely by myself and that it has not been
submitted, in whole or in part, in any previous application for a degree. Except where
states otherwise by reference or acknowledgment, the work presented is entirely my
2. I confirm that this thesis presented for the degree of [degree sought], has
i) been composed entirely by myself
ii) been solely the result of my own work
iii) not been submitted for any other degree or professional qualification
3. I declare that this thesis was composed by myself, that the work contained herein is
my own except where explicitly stated otherwise in the text, and that this work has
not been submitted for any other degree or processional qualification except as
Parts of this work have been published in [state previous publication].
Examples of a declaration including collaborative work:
1. The data presented in this thesis was obtained in an experiment carried out by the
[name of collaboration] in [location of experiment/where collaboration happened]. I
played a major role in the preparation and execution of the experiment, and the data
analysis and interpretation are entirely by own work. Any contributions from
Signed Declaration in a
Postgraduate Research Thesis
colleagues in the collaboration, such as diagrams or calibrations, are explicitly
referenced in the text.
I am aware of and understand the university’s policy on plagiarism and I certify that
this thesis is my own work, expect where indicated by referencing, and the work
presented in it has not been submitted in support of another degree or qualification
from this or any other university or institute of learning.
2. I declare that this thesis is an original report of my research, has been written by me
and has not been submitted for any previous degree. The experimental work is almost
entirely my own work; the collaborative contributions have been indicated clearly and
acknowledged. Due references have been provided on all supporting literatures and
I declare that this thesis was composed by myself, that the work contained herein is
my own except where explicitly stated otherwise in the text, and that this work has
not been submitted for any other degree or professional qualification.
Example of a declaration including jointly authored publications:
1. I declare that the thesis has been composed by myself and that the work has not be
submitted for any other degree or professional qualification. I confirm that the work
submitted is my own, except where work which has formed part of jointly-authored
publications has been included. My contribution and those of the other authors to this
work have been explicitly indicated below. I confirm that appropriate credit has been
given within this thesis where reference has been made to the work of others.
The work presented in Chapter [chapter number] was previously published in
[publication name] as [title of article] by [authors clearly indicate which is the student
and author of the declaration. If the supervisor is a co-author this should be clearly
indicated as well]. This study was conceived by all of the authors. I carried out
[description of student’s contribution]. [This paragraph should be repeated for each
journal article included in the thesis.]
14 August 2023