Sample representation in the social sciences
Kino Zhao
March 5, 2020
The social sciences face a problem of sample nonrepresentation, where the
majority of samples consist of undergraduate students from Euro-American in-
stitutions. The problem has been identified for decades with little trend of im-
provement. In this paper, I trace the history of sampling theory. The dominant
framework, called the design-based approach, takes random sampling as the gold
standard. The idea is that a sampling procedure that is maximally uninformative
prevents samplers from introducing arbitrary bias, thus preserving sample rep-
resentation. I show how this framework, while good in theory, faces many chal-
lenges in application. Instead, I advocate for an alternative framework, called
the model-based approach to sampling, where representative samples are those
balanced in composition, however they were drawn. I argue that the model-
based framework is more appropriate in the social sciences because it allows
for systematic assessment of imperfect samples and methodical improvement in
resource-limited scientific contexts. I end with practical proposals of improving
sample quality in the social sciences.
1 Introduction
In 1936, the magazine Literary Digest set out to predict the US presidential election
between Alfred Landon and Franklin D. Roosevelt. They surveyed more than 10 million
people, of which 2.4 million responded, and concluded that Landon was going to win
with 57% of the votes against Roosevelt’s 43%. Instead, Roosevelt won with 62%
against Landon’s 38%.
This infamous incident is repeatedly cited to highlight the importance of selecting
a sample that is representative. The Literary Digest employed a sampling procedure
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Synthese. The final
authenticated version is available online at:
that favoured wealthy citizens over poor ones and did not correct for the vast majority
of people who did not respond, resulting in a biased sample
The problem of sample nonrepresentation remains prevalent in the social sciences.
For example, Sears (1986) analyzed the sample composition of research papers pub-
lished during the year 1980 in three mainstream social psychology journals, Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP), Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
(PSPB), and the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (JESP), and found the
percentage of studies using American undergraduate students as samples to be 70% for
JPSP and 81% for both PSPB and JESP. Their subsequent analysis of these journals
for the year 1985 revealed no significant change. Arnett (2008) analyzed six prestigious
psychology journals in different areas for the years 2003-2007 and found that most of
the samples are taken from the United States (68%), with the remaining largely com-
posed of people from other English-speaking countries (14%) and Europe (13%). A
closer look at JPSP in 2007 reveals that 67% of American studies had samples consisted
of undergraduate psychology students. More recently, Pollet and Saxton (2018) report
that 79% of samples in the journals Evolution & Human Behavior and Evolutionary
Psychology in the years 2015-2016 are from North America or Europe; moreover, 70%
of the samples were either online samples or student samples. An analysis of three
2017 issues of Psychological Science by Rad et al. (2018) shows similar patterns.
The prototypical psychology sample, consisting of Euro-American undergraduate
students, has been coined as WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and
Democratic) by Henrich et al. (2010b). Echoing researchers before them (e.g. Peterson,
2001, Wintre et al., 2001), they argue that we have considerable evidence to believe
that the WEIRD subjects are very different from other people whom these subjects
are often taken to represent.
While most agree that a WEIRD sample is not representative, articulating the
exact desiderata of a representative sample proves difficult. In fact, some advocate
abandoning the concept “representation” altogether, preferring the more concrete con-
cept of random selection. In this paper, I argue that one major obstacle faced by
the improvement of sample quality in the social sciences is the unrealistic expectation
of a randomness-based conception of sample representation, called the design-based
approach. Instead, I argue that a model-based approach to sampling offers a more
realistic framework for effective assessment and improvement of imperfect samples.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a brief history of how, through
the seminal work of Jerzy Neyman (1934), random sampling superseded purposive
sampling and became the preferred method among survey samplers. Representative
samples, according to this framework, are ones generated through random selection.
Section 3 points to difficulties with random sampling in practice and how, at least in
the context of social science, falling short of the ideal standards result in systematic
The popular story told in statistics texbooks is that the Literary Digest used its own subscriber
list, automobile registration and telephone books to choose its sample, and hence was biased towards
wealthy Republicans (e.g., Likert, 1948; Scheaffer et al., 1971). This story is disputed by Bryson
(1976), favouring instead the explanation from nonresponse bias.
selection bias. Section 4 revisits the method of purposive sampling, re-emerging un-
der the names of “model-based” or “prediction-based” approach through the works
of Royall and Herson (1973). Based on this alternative approach, I argue for the old
purposive sampling idea where a representative sample is one balanced on all relevant
features. Section 5 discusses consequences of adopting a model-based perspective of
sample representation in the social sciences and make practical proposals for improve-
ment. Section 6 concludes.
2 Design-based Representation
The Norwegian statistician Anders N. Kiær is often credited as the first to bring sample-
based research – that is, investigative methods which utilize only part of the population
to the attention of the western statistics community (Rao and Fuller, 2017; Smith,
1976; Kruskal and Mosteller, 1980). Around the turn of the 20th century, Kiær deliv-
ered a series of speeches at the annual meetings of the International Statistical Institute,
advocating for the use of samples as effective proxies for studying populations.
The major source of skepticism Kiær faced was a lack of justification for sample-
based inference, called the “representative method” at the time, which is inferentially
ampliative. Kiær believed that we could identify a set of “rational selection proce-
dures”, produce “miniature populations”, and draw accurate conclusions without full
enumeration. He justified this approach empirically: he demonstrated that the sample-
based survey results could be accurate but did not provide a theory for why the process
worked (Seng, 1951). Other statisticians followed suit. Although few had comprehen-
sive theories regarding why the representative method worked, many were able to
demonstrate, empirically, that it did. Sampling was widely used in European govern-
ment survey efforts by the 1920s.
With the increased use of the representative method in survey work, a new point
of contention emerged between random and purposive selections. For our immediate
purpose, the difference between them concerns whether the selection of a sample needs
to be sensitive to the sample’s composition. In random selection, the inclusion of
each member into the sample is governed by probability alone, which is supposed to
be identical across all members of the population. In purposive selection, the sampler
aims to pick a fixed number of subjects with different characteristics so that the sample
has the same proportions of those characteristics as the population.
We can see that these two sampling approaches correspond to Kiær’s two concep-
tions of what a good sample should be. On the one hand, a representative sample
should be drawn through “rational procedures”, such as a random procedure that
leaves no space for personal bias. On the other hand, a representative sample should
be a “miniature population” in the sense of matching certain aspects of the population.
The most natural way to achieve this goal is to deliberately select samples to be like
the population in desired ways through purposive sampling. Although Kiær had both
senses of representation in mind, they do not always coincide. That is, a sample drawn
through a rational procedure may fail to be a miniature population. Consequently,
samplers prefer one sense often had to let go of the other.
Although random and purposive sampling methods differ practically, they were not
seen as direct competitors. Part of the reason may be that the dominant justification for
the use of samples was still empirical – sampling with either method had been tried and
true. In a 1926 Report for the International Statistical Institute, the English statistician
Sir Authur Bowley distinguished the two sampling approaches and recommended them
equally. All of these were changed by Jerzy Neyman’s 1934 landmark paper.
Neyman’s paper made two important contributions to the field of survey sampling.
First, he provided a theoretical foundation for random sampling using his recently
invented estimation method of confidence intervals. Second, he exposed an important
flaw in purposive sampling. Although not everyone was convinced by Neyman’s theory
of confidence intervals
, most were convinced enough to adopt random sampling as
the superior method. Neyman’s framework remained unchallenged within statistics
until at least the 1960s. It is still very much the dominant paradigm among the social
sciences today.
Neyman’s definition of random sampling is elegantly summarized, in his own words,
as follows (1934, p.585-586, emphasis original)
Thus, if we are interested in a collective character X of a population π
and use methods of sampling and of estimation, allowing us to ascribe to
every possible sample, Σ, a confidence interval X
(Σ), X
(Σ) such that the
frequency of errors in the statements
(Σ) X X
does not exceed the limit 1 ε prescribed in advance, whatever the un-
known properties of the population, I should call the method of sampling
representative and the method of estimation consistent.
There are two important claims of generality here. One of them is emphasized by Ney-
man, namely that the inference should hold regardless of the population distribution
on the characteristic in question. This means that the success of the inference does
not depend on assumptions made about the population. This generality resides in the
heart of the supposed superiority of random sampling over purposive sampling. As will
be discussed further in section 4, Neyman’s primary criticism of purposive sampling
is the fact that one would need to make a number of assumptions, many of which are
either rarely true or rarely known to be true.
The other claim of generality is not highlighted or discussed much, which is the claim
that the method of sampling should allow us to “ascribe to every possible sample” this
desired property. In other words, it is the sampling design, rather than the sample
itself, that justifies the inference. In fact, the justification of the inference should not
In particular, Bowley and Fisher remained skeptical, see Brewer et al. (2013).
refer to the specific characteristics of the sample at all. If an inference holds, it needs
to hold for “every possible sample” drawn with the same method.
By putting the burden of justifying sample-based inference on the sampling method
alone, to the explicit exclusion of referencing properties of the specific samples, Ney-
man’s approach to sampling clearly follows the “rational procedures” line of Kiær’s
advocacy. Here, randomization is considered as the core of “rational” design, and it is
in virtue of the power of design that the ampliative inference is justified.
Neyman’s “design-based” approach to sampling remained unchallenged for decades.
Later theorists developed more sophisticated schemes of sampling that allowed for
uneven probability of inclusion across the population, but the basic idea remained.
Randomization is the foundation of the representative method.
3 The Scientific Reality
According to the design-based framework, the inferential power of a sample comes from
the sampling design, where the gold standard is random or probabilistic selection
Theoretically, random sampling is often taken to contain two kinds of virtues. Smith
(1983, p.394) explains,
The arguments for randomization are twofold. The first, and most impor-
tant for science, is that randomization eliminates personal choice and hence
eliminates the possibility of subjective selection bias. The second is that
the randomization distribution provides a basis for statistical inference.
I have explained that the statistical foundation of sampling is commonly considered to
have begun with Neyman’s 1934 paper
, and yet sampling has been used widely before
then. This is because random sampling, as a form of rational procedure, has a lot of
intuitive appeal.
A central aspect of random sampling is the idea that the selection of elements
is governed by probability, rather than scientists’ intentions or other selection forces
capable of causally influence the conclusions drawn from the sample. For example,
suppose a group of surveyers is trying to estimate the average income of a country,
then allowing the size of a person’s house to influence the probability of that person
I shall use the terms “random” and “probabilistic” interchangeably. Practically speaking, random
selection implies that every element of the population has an equal chance of being included in the
sample, whereas probabilistic selection allows that chance to differ from element to element. However,
probabilistic sampling is almost always accompanied by a correction procedure where elements with
greater chance of selection are weighed less in analysis. Theoretically, the two methods are the same.
It seems that other statisticians, such as Bowley, have attempted to provide mathematical founda-
tions for sampling before Neyman. However, Neyman does not discuss these alternative approaches in
detail in his 1934 paper, and his paper is widely considered as the statistical landmark (see, e.g., Rao
and Fuller, 2017 and Srivastava, 2016). It seems reasonable to conclude that whatever mathematical
foundations of survey sampling existed before Neyman, whether or not they are adequate, have had
limited historical influence.
being included in the sample is going to result in biased estimations. To guard against
a tendency to preferentially sample people with big hourses or small ones, one needs
to make sure that the size of someone’s house cannot inform the probability of them
being selected into the sample. The best way to achieve this goal regarding not only
house size but all other forms of influence is to make the selection procedure maximally
uninformative. Random selection is, at its core, a maximally uninformative selection
This intuitive appeal of random selection relies on the premise that maximal non-
information is sufficient in removing undesired interference to study results. As the
phrase suggests itself, maximal noninformation precludes outside factors from system-
atically affecting (“informing”) a sample’s composition. However, this does not mean
that the undesired biases would not occur.
To better appreciate this worry, consider again the problem of sample nonrepresen-
tation discussed in section 1. In their influential attack on WEIRD samples, Henrich
et al. (2010b) specifically argued that the worry with WEIRD samples is not simply
that most of the world’s population is not WEIRD, but that the behaviours of WEIRD
samples may differ substantively from the rest of the population. They specifically sited
results from Segall et al. (1966)
on how people from some cultures are not subject to
the M¨uller-Lyer illusion and from Henrich et al. (2010a) on how people from different
cultures respond to the Dictatorship and Ultimatum Games differently as reasons to be
skeptical of the generalizability of results obtained from WEIRD samples. The point
of contention from their critics is also that many behaviours are not subject to cultural
influence. For example, achter (2010) argues that whether the use of student samples
is problematic depends on the research question. In particular, since economic be-
haviours are taken to be universal, “any subject pool is in principle informative about
whether theoretical predictions or assumptions contain behavioral validity” (p.2).
It is clear that the problem with biased samples is not so much that members of
the sample “look” very different from members of the population. Instead, the worry
is that these apparent differences translate to unappreciated behavioural differences
and so the results obtained from the sample are not generalizable to the population.
Similarly, the worry with “subjective selection bias” is not so much that a bias results
in members of a sample more likely to have certain characteristics, but rather that
these characteristics interfere with drawing accurate conclusions from the sample.
This form of systematic bias often occurs as a result of “personal choice” in the
sense of preferential sampling, which may happen consciously or unconsciously. A
researcher may consciously choose to sample wealthier citizens as a way to inflate the
national average income estimation. Alternatively, the researcher may unconsciously
A reviewer has pointed out that the validity and interpretation of Segall’s results have been
disputed. Indeed, it is a persistent difficulty to determine whether an observed difference is due to
a difference in sample composition, methodological variation, or a number of other factors deemed
irrelevant. One goal of the framework advocated in this paper is to help better systematize the
variations in sample composition so as to facilitate better hypothesis testing regarding the source of
a variation.
choose to sample only those who are dressed nicely, leading to the same effect. From the
perspective of drawing conclusions from a sample, both forms of personal choice result
in undesired systematic bias. Random selection eliminates both sources of influence.
However, the same bias may also occur as a matter of chance. Even if the sampling
procedure is truly random, it is still possible that a particular sample happens to consist
of members who are wealthier than the national average. To see why this is the case,
consider how, even though a fair coin has a 50% chance of landing head, it is not the
case that, for every 10 coins I flip, exactly 5 of them will land heads. If the coin is truly
fair, the Law of Large Numbers guarantees that, as the number of flips goes to infinity,
the proportion of heads converges to the true proportion 50%. However, the Law
of Large Numbers does not guarantee that the true proportion will be reached at any
finite stage. In fact, it does not even guarantee that my estimation always improves
with more flips
. Similarly, random selection only guarantees that, if the population
is repeatedly sampled for infinitely many times, then the average of the sample means
approximates the population mean. It does not guarantee that any single sample will
have the same mean as the population.
The procedure standardly used to address the problem of chance bias is post-
stratification. In stratified sampling, a population is divided into multiple mutually
exclusive, collectively exhaustive “strata”. Samples of different sizes are drawn, ran-
domly or otherwise, from these strata. The resulting samples are weighed by the size of
their strata relative to the population and combined to form the final sample. In post-
stratification, the process is reversed. After a sample is drawn, it is partitioned into
groups, often along some salient characteristics deemed important by the researchers.
The associated strata are reversely constructed, their relative ratio computed from
auxiliary full population data, and the groups weighed accordingly.
Consider the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) as an example, which was launched
in the US as “the first psychiatric epidemiologic survey to administer a broadbased re-
search diagnostic interview to a nationally representative sample of the United States”
(Kessler, 1994). The NCS uses a stratified, multistage area probability sample, which
is common for survey efforts of its scale. The core sample contained 47.5% males.
However, according to the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) of 1989, a full
enumeration of the population rather than a sampled survey, 49.1% of Americans were
male. The NCS therefore post-stratified their sample by giving more weight to results
obtained from the sampled males than that of the females.
It is worth noting that the NCS, despite adopting a method as close to random
sampling as is feasible, still feels the need to adjust data to compensate for sample
imbalance. This shows the limitations of random selection as a guard against chance
In certain special cases and with strong additional assumptions, a method may guarantee uniform
convergence, where the estimation is always improved with increased sample size. When that happens,
one can obtain an ε-δ bound on how far “off we can be for a given confidence threshold. However,
this option is only open for fields where it is easy to repeatedly, truly-randomly gather large samples,
which is unrealistic for the social sciences.
More significantly, the method of post-stratification does not really fit in the design-
based framework. Recall that the design-based conception of sample representation
relies exclusively on the power of the selection process to justify sample-to-population
inference. The idea is supposed to be that, as long as researchers adopt adequate
sampling procedures, they should not feel the need to also analyze sample composition.
Besides, the design-based framework does not provide guidance for how sample
composition should be analyzed. To see this, we can compare the NCS with similar
sampling efforts from other countries. The NCS of America post-stratified against sex,
age, marital status, race, education, region, and urbanicity (Mickelson et al., 1997,
p.1095); the German National Health (GNH) survey post-stratified against sex, age
(with a different range), marital status (in finer categories), and employment status
(Jacobi et al., 2002); the Australia National Mental Health Survey (ANMHS), however,
decided to not post-stratify at all (Henderson et al., 2000).
In addition to the inconsistencies across similar survey efforts, those that do post-
stratify provide very little reasoning as to why they decide on the characteristics that
they do. Post-stratification as a method depends on the existence of full enumeration
demographics data like the NHIS, which is often called “auxiliary data” or “organic
data” in this context. The existence of such data limits whether and how a sample
survey can afford to post-stratify. That said, post-stratification also reflects conscious
choices on the part of the research team. For example, the NCS chose to post-stratify
against the NHIS rather than the US Census because “[the NHIS] includes a much wider
array of sociodemographic variables for the purposes of poststratification” (Mickelson
et al., 1997, p.1095). This is certainly not because the US Census did not gather a lot
of data. In 1989, the Census Bureau gathered information as diverse as age differences
between bride and groom, prevalence of AIDS, immigrative status, and average weekly
expenditure (US Census Bureau, 1989). Instead, the US Census gathered the wrong
sorts of data, at least from the perspective of the NCS.
It is clear that researchers make judgments about which characteristic imbalance
is worth correcting in a randomly selected sample, and yet these judgments are rarely
explicitly stated or argued for. Indeed, there is no theoretical space within the design-
based framework for such corrections, so it only makes sense that corrections like these,
when they do occur, are guided more by intuition than by arguments.
The discussion concerning post-stratification has highlighted two important ob-
servations. First, even the best random selection efforts result in sample imbalances
deemed worthy of correction by researchers. The elimination of “subjective selec-
tion bias” guaranteed by random selection is clearly insufficient. Second, while post-
stratification is frequently used to correct for chance bias, the practice is not principled.
This is because post-sampling corrections of this form do not fit into the design-based
understanding of how sampling is supposed to work.
Worse still, large-scale survey efforst like the NCS are relatively uncommon; most
research teams within the social sciences do not have nearly as much resources to em-
ploy anything like an area probability sample over a nation. This is compounded by
the fact that many research projects within psychology, anthropology, and economics
target the entire humanity as the intended population. If random sampling over a
country is difficult, random sampling over the entire human race is practically impos-
sible. This is especially true when the study procedures are very involved, such as in
experiments, longitudinal studies, or when data are collected qualitatively.
Another major obstacle for samplers in the social sciences is the problem of nonre-
sponse. When the sampled units are humans, there is always a chance that someone
sampled will decline to participate. When that happens, the actual sample will differ
from the theoretical sample envisionsed by design. Since nonresponse makes a proba-
bilistically selected sample effectively nonprobabilistic, it is a serious problem. Indeed,
many believe that failure to address nonresponse is the true culprit behind the epic
failure of the Literary Digest poll.
The coping strategy developed in the 1950s, which continues to be the preferred
strategy today, is two-phase sampling. In the first phase, the preferred measurement
procedure is used for everyone theoretically selected in a sample. If some members of
the sample do not respond, then a second phase is carried out where a different mea-
surement procedure is used to reach nonrespondents. The idea is that the alternative
measurement, while less ideal in other ways, may change the minds of nonrespondents.
For example, the alternative method may be a more resource-intensive in-person inter-
view as opposed to a paper-based questionnaire, or it may be a shortened version of
the questionnaire which takes less time for subjects to complete. If the second phase
elicits near-full response and the alternative measurement methods are considered em-
pirically equivalent, then the problem of nonresponse is fully corrected. If significant
nonresponse remains at the second phase, researchers would often assume homogeneity
among nonrespondents and post-stratify as if second phase nonresponse is undersam-
pling. Unsurprisingly, nonresponse remains a serious challenge today.
When the sampling procedure cannot plausibly be construed as random, the design-
based framework ceases to provide guidance. Statistical foundations for the design-
based approach, such as Central Limit Theorems, rely on the conceptualizaion of sam-
pled elements as random variables. From this perspective, all non-random selection
procedures are equally bad.
What this also means is that, if a study cannot obtain random selection, researchers
lose any sense of how they might still improve their sample. The essence of probabilistic
sampling is that every member of the population has a non-zero probability of being
selected. Even if this probability varies from member to member, post-sampling cor-
rection methods such as post-stratification can adjust the weights such that the results
are “as if selection is truly random. However, if some members of the population
have probability 0 of being selected, then there is nothing one can do to make the data
look as if those members could have contributed. One cannot modify nonprobabilistic
samples post hoc to make them probabilistic. I believe this is the main reason that,
despite wide recognition of the problem of sample nonrepresentation, the proportion
of studies employing undergraduate-only samples has not changed over the decades.
In the absence of principled ways of improvements, convenience becomes a major
driving factor. Convenience sampling refers to the practice where members of the
sample are chosen because of ease of access and recruitment. The most common form
of convenience sampling is using undergraduate students at the same institution where
the researchers are based. Other forms include Amazon Mechanical Turk or community
members recruited using posters or email advertisements.
Unsurprisingly, convenience sampling is the most common form of sampling within
the social sciences. An analysis of sample composition in 5 journals in developmental
science shows that 78-88% of all studies published in years 2007-2011 that use American
samples use convenience sampling (Bornstein et al., 2013). Given the prevelance of
undergraduate and online samples within the social sciences, the same is likely true of
other fields as well.
In addition to being nonprobabilistic, convenience sampling often perpetuate a
specific kind of systematic bias. Consider, again, the use of WEIRD samples, where E
stands for educated and R for rich. It should not be surprising that people who are
rich and educated are more likely to have the leisure to participate in odd psychological
studies. This is especially true when the study offers very little compensation, as is
the case in most resource-limited academic contexts.
The prevalence of convenience sampling highlights an important feature of sample
design that is often overlooked in abstract discussions sampling involves not only a
decision about design, but also a series of actions associated with actually contacting
and recruiting subjects. Without an explicit intention to guard against this tendency,
subjects who are more “accessible” are likely going to dominate conveniently gathered
samples. This is especially problematic because subjects who are less accessible are
usually such because of other forms of marginalization. For example, one limitation
identified by the ANMHS is the noninclusion of indigenous people who live in remote
locations (Andrews et al., 2001). For another example, the persistent underrepresen-
tation of African Americans in samples used in clinical psychology studies (Graham,
1992) is likely to be a major contributor to the persistent clinical malpractice dispro-
portionatelly experienced by this population (Hall, 1997).
To summarize, the design-based framework of sample representation, where random
sampling is considered the gold standard, faces two major problems in practice. First,
while faithful execution of random sampling can eliminate intentional selection bias, it
cannot eliminate chance bias. The scientific importance of chance bias can be witnessed
by the wide use of post-stratification as a correction mechanism. However, the design-
based framework provides no guidance for such corrections, which is why they are
often carried out inconsistently and with little justification. Second, random selection
is extremely difficult to achieve in resource-limited contexts. When random selection
is out of the question, the design-based framework is again silent on how a sample
may still be improved. Consequently, researchers rely on convenience as the dictating
principle. Convenience sampling often introduces systematic bias of a particular kind
that are likely to compound existing social gaps.
4 Balanced sampling
To briefly return to the history of sampling, recall that sample representation was
used in two distinct senses by Kiær and his immediate followers: as samples obtained
through “rational selection procedures” and as samples that are “miniature popula-
tions”. Since these senses do not always coincide, differing priorities have led survey
samplers to two different paths: random sampling and purposive selection. Neyman’s
1934 seminal paper convinced the statistical community that random sampling rests
on a solid statistical foundation, while purposive selection relies on contentious and
unrealistic assumptions.
In purposive sampling, one has a variable of interest, X, and a number of control
variables. For ease of illustration, assume there is only one control variable, Y . In the
early form of purposive sampling targeted by Neyman, X and Y are assumed to be
linearly correlated. Assume the characteristic Y is well known and easily measured,
one can purposively select members such that the sample distribution on Y matches
that of the population
. This sample is considered representative with respect to X .
Neyman’s criticism of purposive sampling consists of two aspects. First, he pointed
out that the then-recent Italian sample survey, which used purposive selection, was
vastly inaccurate this form of empirical argument has always carried a lot of weight
with surveyers. Second, Neyman pointed out that the assumption of linear depen-
dence between X and Y is often unrealistic. Random sampling, Neyman explains, is
As statisticians delved deeper into the foundation of sample-based estimation, they
gradually reazlied that random sampling, or at least inferences based on it, are not as
straightforward as Neyman had believed. For example, Godambe (1955) developed a
unified account of a class of estimators commonly used around that time and showed
that there does not exist a best linear unbiased estimator in this general class, contrary
to what Neyman had claimed. Later, he showed how the likelihood function from the
full sample data, theoretically understood to include a set of labels together with
associated variables of interest, provides no information on the non-sampled values
and hence on the population total or mean (Godambe, 1966; see also Rao and Fuller,
Against the backdrop of theoretical and practical challenges to random sampling,
a new approach was developed by, primarily, the statistician Richard Royall (Royall
1968, 1970, 1992; Royall and Herson, 1973). Royall’s basic observation is that sample-
based inference can be conceptualized as a prediction problem, where results obtained
from sampled individuals are used to predict what results we would obtain from the
Neyman’s original analysis was based on stratified versions of random and purposive sampling.
In his rendition of purposive selection, each stratum was sampled such that the mean of Y in the
stratum sample equaled the mean of Y in the overall stratum. Allowing the means of Y to differ
among strata, Neyman’s description of stratified purposive sampling is equivalent to sampling from
the entire population in a way that the sample distribution of Y matches the population distribution
of Y .
unsampled part of the population.
According to the design-based framework, the inferential power of the sample comes
from the idea that, while these individuals were in fact sampled, the sample could very
easily have contained those other individuals instead those ones we are trying to
estimate. In other words, the members in the sample are interchangeable with members
outside of the sample in some sense
. From a prediction perspective, however, the
relationship between sampled and unsampled individuals need not be nearly as strong.
If I am using a person’s wealth to predict their life expectancy, I do not need to assume
that the tax return data, say, I have obtained from one person could have been from
another person instead. What I do need to assume is that the person whose data I
have is sufficiently similar in relevant ways to the person whom I’m trying to predict.
If the two tax returns are considered two instantiations of the same random variable,
as in the case of design-based random sampling, then the assumption that they should
be similar is in some sense warranted. However, if we know what it means for two
people to be similar in this context, then we can check whether they indeed are similar
in an ad hoc way. For example, if we think a person’s country of residence affects their
life expectancy, then we would want to make sure that the sampled person resides in
the same, or a relevantly similar, country as the unsampled one.
This way of understanding sample-based prediction leads to the form of purposive
sampling targetted by Neyman – if we believe that matching distribution of Y between
sample and nonsample ensures that the individuals from these two groups are similar,
then we should sample to match distribution of Y . If Y is indeed the only characteristic
correlated to X, then the resulting sample would be a “miniature population” in Kiær’s
sense it mirrors the population in a way relevant to the study target, X .
A major contribution by Royall is to develop a more general account of this style
of inference where a sample that does not already match the population on the entire
distribution of Y can be used in similar ways with extra assumptions. For example,
in ratio estimation, the ratio between X and Y is considered constant along different
values of Y . Suppose a person’s wealth and their life expectancy are positively linearly
correlated and that the sample we have consists mostly of people wealthier than the
national average. In this case, we can compute the slope of the trendline relating X
and Y from our sample of wealthy subjects and extrapolate this information for poorer
ones. If we know the national average wealth, we can estimate the national average life
expectancy accordingly. All of this is done without referencing the sample gathering
As is evident from the above example, this approach, called the model-based or
prediction-based approach, relies on a number of auxiliary information. We need to
first identify one or some control variable(s) Y , with the assumption that they relate
Exchangeability is a Bayesian perspective on how random sampling works. The design-based
framework is, by and large, developed and used under the frequentist paradigm, where random se-
lection is defined as i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed) sampling, which grounds the
application of the Law of Large Numbers. Exchangeability is presented here because it offers are
more intuitive description of the inferential process.
to X strongly enough to serve their intended function. We also need certain kinds of
population-level data concerning Y . If we cannot match Y across the entire distribution
which is almost always true in practice we will need to make assumptions concerning
the nature of the relationship between X and Y . In the case of ratio estimation, the
model requires a linear dependence between X and Y that passes through the origin.
With increased computational power, more complicated dependence relationships can
be accommodated.
With as many assumptions as needed in even the simpliest cases, the problem
identified by Neyman is a serious one. Just as we may be wrong about the relationship
between X and Y being linear, we may also be wrong about any other assumed nature
of this relationship, or that they are related at all. This problem is one of model
misspecification, which is always a challenge in model-based inference. Indeed, model
misspecification, especially the kind that is difficult to detect but can significantly bias
the resulting estimation, has been the major challenge to the model-based approach
(Hansen et al., 1983)
Royall and Herson (1973) showed that sample balance can protect against model
misspecification. Their definition of sample balance is as follows. Suppose Y
. . . Y
all the variables upon which X is dependent. Then a balanced sample is one where the
mean of each Y
(1 i n) of the sample equals that of the population. If a sample
is balanced in this way, then many model-based estimators retain their optimality and
unbiasedness under many instances of model misspecification
Model misspecification remains a threat as long as sample balancing is practically
difficult. In the social sciences, researchers often choose to study X precisely because
they do not know how it relates to other variables. Questions of model misspecification
and sample balance are intrinsically part of the unknown. In other words, if researchers
knew that the model was adequate or that the sample was balanced, they would not
have conducted the study in the first place.
The immediate consequence of this observation is that, like random sampling, the
model-based approach does not offer an easy route to sample representation in the
context of resource-limited social sciences. This should not come as surprise, however,
as a change in perspective is not supposed to magically solve an intrinsically difficult
problem. The benefit of the model-based approach is that it provides a framework
capable of guiding sample improvement in systematic ways.
Recall that one important shortcoming of the design-based framework discussed in
the previous section is that, once a research team cannot obtain probabilistic sampling,
A design-model hybrid approach, called model-assisted sampling was developed not long after the
development of the model-based approach. The hybrid approach aims to use properties of random
selection to help guard against model misspecification (Cassel et al., 1976; see also Brewer, 1999). I
will not discuss the hybrid approach for two reasons. First, the importance of purposive balancing,
which is my main thesis, is equally emphasized in both the model-based and hybrid approaches.
Second, the guarding power of the hybrid approach against model misspecification only appears in
large samples with relatively good randomization, which is not part of my target.
These estimators are approximately unbiased if the sample is approximately balanced.
it is difficult to see any other ways of improvement. In the absence of such principled
guidance, convenience becomes the dominant consideration, leading to systematic bias.
The benefit of the model-based framework is that one can explicitly state all the as-
sumptions necessary to support the inference in question and discuss the evidence we
have of them.
Return to the example of a person’s wealth and life expectancy. In order to propose
that our ratio estimator based on a biased sample of wealthy individuals is adequate in
estimating the national average life expectancy, we need to make the following assump-
tions. First, variation in wealth accounts for most of the variation in life expectancy.
Second, the relationship between wealth and life expectancy is positively linear, with
the regression line passing through the origin. Third, our sample of wealthy individu-
als, albeit biased, contains enough data points to accurately estimate the slope of the
regression line. Fourth, our information regarding the national average personal wealth
is accurate.
Once explicitly laid out, skeptical researchers can challenge these assumptions me-
thodically. For example, some may argue that wealth has only limited influence on
life expectancy, or that the influence is moderated by the nature of the person’s job.
Others may argue that the contribution of wealth to life expectancy has a diminish-
ing marginal return, where the increase in wealth produces less impact for wealthier
individuals than for poorer ones. On the one hand, each of these challenges cast doubt
on our claim that the ratio estimator is adequate. On the other hand, each of these
doubts can be addressed with auxiliary evidence.
The same thought process can be used for preemptive improvements of samples,
too. For example, I may believe that, in addition to wealth, the number of children
a person has also predicts their life expectancy. If such information is not difficult to
obtain, I may decide to have my sample of wealthy individuals balanced on the number
of children they have even if I do not have perfect evidence concerning the nature and
extent of the effect of children, with the knowledge that this additional act of balance
is always beneficial. Furthermore, I can even perform a kind of cost-benefit analysis
between convenience and theoretical improvements. Suppose, for example, that I have
reasons to believe that the relative importance between job type and number of children
to a person’s life expectancy is comparable, and yet information regarding job type is
much more difficult to obtain. I may choose to balance my sample against the number
of children but not job type. This will make my inference less than perfect, but still
better than using wealth alone.
This style of thinking is already present in the use of post-stratification, if only
implicitly. Recall that post-stratification is a method aimed at balancing an already-
drawn sample along some selected characteristics. The method is widely used in the
design-based setting, but receives no theoretical guidance from the framework. Con-
sequently, the choice of which characteristics to post-stratify against tends to be in-
consistent across similar survey efforts. From the model-based perspective, however,
post-stratification makes perfect sense. Indeed, ratio estimation from a biased sample
can be seen as a form of post-stratification (Smith, 1991).
From the model-based perspective, researchers should post-stratify against char-
acterstics they believe to be statistically relevant to the target variable. Limited by
the availability of auxiliary data, researchers may choose to post-stratify against only
variables they believe to contribute significantly or feel that they have strong enough
evidence for believing so. Differences in such subjective thresholds can lead to incon-
sistencies in post-stratification decisions across similar survey efforts, as observed.
To summarize, model-based inference in sampling relies on assumptions concerning
the relationship between control and target variables. To guard against possible inac-
curacies in these assumptions, a sample should be balanced, either through purposive
design or post-stratification. An ideally balanced sample – one that is representative in
the “miniature population” sense guards against many forms of model misspecifica-
tions, whereas an approximately balanced sample approximately guards against model
misspecifications. The adequacy of the model-based framework is attested by its ability
to account for both the intuitive justification and the practical inconsistencies observed
with post-stratification.
In extremely resource-limited cases, even an approximate balance may not be fea-
sible. Suppose I am using a sample to study how much people, in general, are willing
to share their newly acquired wealth with a stranger. I may have some suspicions,
evidentially justified or not, that certain characteristics could affect the extend of giv-
ing in a systematic way. For example, perhaps those who have gone through financial
hardships themselves are more likely to empathize and share with strangers. Note that
these suspicions appear a lot like independent variables in an experiment indeed, one
could systematically study altruistic behavioural differences between the rich and the
poor. However, even when between-group differences are not of theoretical interest,
cross-group balance is still important from the perspective of sample representation.
Nevertheless, I may not have a good understanding of how levels of wealth affect
altruistic behaviour or a feasible way of balancing my sample across levels of wealth
distribution. Moreover, it is highly likely that, even if wealth plays a role, its relation-
ship with altruism accounts for only a small proportion of the total variation, and I
may not have any idea at all what other variables are worth controlling for.
Situations like these are common in the social sciences. While balancing the sample
against one more variable takes us closer to the ideal of full representation, controlling
variables that only account for a minority of the total target variance is not sufficient
to eliminate systematic bias. However, the benefit of the model-based framework is
not about meeting the same standard with less content, but rather documenting and
systematizing available and unavailabe information in a way that makes assessment
Suppose I am able to secure participants at the top and bottom levels of the wealth
hierarchy. This act of balancing accounts for wealth if wealth is linearly related to
altruism, but not if they are quadratically related. If later research finds the relation-
ship to be quadratic, then others can reasonably question the accuracy of my results.
Similarly, if later research finds that age, a variable I have not controlled for, is also
statistically related to altruism, then that would similarly constitute a weakness of my
initial estimation.
More importantly, reasoning like above allows for better synthesis of similarly aimed
research. Suppose I conduct a study on altruism with a sample controlling for wealth
only, and another research team conducts a similar study controlling for age only, and
that our results are very similar. The model-based framework allows us to infer that, if
someone had drawn a sample balanced on both wealth and age, they would have also
gotten similar results. While multiple nonprobabilistic samples cannot be combined
to form a probabilistic sample, multiple samples balanced in different ways can be
combined to form a sample that is balanced on all of those ways. The model-based
framework, therefore, allows for a systematic integration of resource-limited studies.
5 Sample representation in the social sciences
In an attempt to address the problem of questionable research practices in psychology,
Simons et al. (2017) proposed that research papers should be required to include “Con-
straints on Generality” (COG) statements in their methods sections. They describe
their vision as follows (p. 1124),
A COG statement specifies your intended target population and the basis
for believing that your sample is representative of it; it justifies why the
subjects, materials, and procedures described in the method section are
representative of broader populations.
Focusing on the sampling aspect alone, the proposal provides little guidance asside
from justifying why the sample is representative. In this paper, I have discussed two
senses of sample representation: the design-based approach where a representative
sample is one drawn randomly and the model-based approach where a representative
sample is balanced on all features relevant to the research target. I have further argued
that the ideal versions of both senses of representation is infeasible for most research
groups. Demanding a research team to explain why their sample, gathered with severe
resource limitations, is representative is unlikely to lead to tangible improvements. We
need proposals that are more feasible for small-scale research efforts.
Despite the dominence of the design-based framework in the social sciences, the
idea that a representative sample is one that is balanced on relevant features is not
foreign. Studies that use samples often report participants’ demographics, which is
how the literature was able to detect the lack of sample representation in the first
place. However, few, if any, document reasons for why they choose to report the type
of demographics that they do. As in the case of post-stratification, it seems reasonable
to suppose that researchers are making these decisions based on the intuition that a
more balanced sample is a better sample. If we take a model-based perspective, we
can begin to unpack these implicit assumptions and question their adequacy.
Because of the dominance of the design-base framework, most metascientific studies
on sample representation focus on sampling method rather than sample composition
Nevertheless, a few studies have examined the practice of demographics reporting. In
an analysis of all studies published in four pediatric psychology journals in 1997, Sifers
et al. (2002) reported that “participants’ ages, genders, and ethnicity were reported at
moderate to high rates, whereas socioeconomic status was reported less often”. Of the
260 papers they analyzed, gender was reported in 86.2% of the papers, whereas SES
was reported in 46.5%. A similar review of studies published in Psychological Science
in 2014 found that, while gender is reported in 75% of the studies, education levels
is reported in only 52%, race/ethnicity is reported in 20%, and SES in only 8% (Rad
et al., 2018).
Reporting sample demographics, even without explicit efforts at balancing or post-
stratification, allows later researchers to better assess the overall coverage of the liter-
ature. That said, asking researchers to report “as many demographics as possible” is
also infeasible. A lengthy demographics questionnaire attached to all studies is likely to
cause cognitive fatigue in participants, harming study validity. There are also privacy
concerns over potential reidentification through aggregated demographics data.
In other words, the control over sample demographics, be it actual balancing or
mere reporting, requires deliberate planning. This is especially true in studies with
small samples that are all gathered from the same location and through the same
method, both of which instrinsically limit the diversity of the sample. Consequently,
researchers need to be deliberate in choosing which control variables to report.
According to the model-based framework, an estimation is unbiased just in case
all of the statistically relevant variables have been controlled for. This means what
variables are worth controlling will change depending on what the research target is
Instead of asking researchers to always report as many control variables as possible, it
is more effective to report only a few that are considered statistically relevant to the
target and explicitly justify them as such.
Furthermore, to assess the balance of a sample, researchers need auxiliary data
concerning population-level composition. Balance is important for any study aimed
at sample-to-population generalization, even when demographics is not part of the re-
search interest. Consequently, researchers of human subjects in any discipline should
pay attention to how individual characteristics systematically affect behaviour, as well
Although the acronym “WEIRD” refers to a set of demographic features, the metascientific data
Henrich et al. (2010b) relied on primarily concerned where samples were drawn, e.g., from under-
graduate psychology classes at the researchers’ universities, supplemented by secondary data on the
demographics of students of such universities.
Interpreted from this perspective, the preferential reporting of gender as a control variable brings
up a series of questions concerning the presumed roles (and the presumed univocality of such roles)
gender plays in shaping behaviour. Similar observations can also be made about the overreporting of
some demographic variables and the underreporting of others. Indeed, since design-based principles
cannot guide reporting or poststratification, culturally entrenched ideologies often substitute for this
role. The philosophical implications of this dynamic are beyond the scope of the current paper but
will be the subject of future work.
as how such characteristics are measured in full enumeration survey efforts. Sociologists
are beginning to notice the mismatch between the changing societal understanding of
sex and gender and the traditional ways of measuring them (Westbrook and Saper-
stein, 2015; Hart et al., 2019). Similar forms of close scrutiny of the methodology and
assumptions underlying demographic surveys should become a bigger part of all areas
of the social sciences, not just demography.
6 Conclusion
The social sciences face a persistent problem of sample nonrepresentation with no trend
for improvement. I believe this is due to a lack of feasible proposals for resource-limited
contexts. By tracing the history of sampling, I showed how the design-based frame-
work for sampling where random selection is the gold standard, although good on
paper, provides little practical guidance when the gold standard cannot be achieved.
In contrast, the model-based framework provides a systematization of all assumptions,
allowing them to be challenged and defended methodically. It also offers guidance on
how small-scale studies with imperfect samples can be integrated for greater under-
Accordingly, I have made two practical proposals for the improvement of sample
representation in the social sciences. First, instead of inconsistently reporting a more-
or-less identical set of sample demographics, researchers should deliberately select a
few that they believe to be statistically relevant to their research target and explicitly
justify them as such. Second, there should be greater communication between scientists
studying human behaviour and demographers designing full enumeration survey efforts.
I am grateful to Cailin O’Connor, Simon Huttegger, Michael Schneider, Greg Lauro,
William Stafford, Jan-Willem Romeijn, the members of the philosophy of statistics
reading group (in particular, Conor Mayo-Wilson, Samuel Fletcher, and Kathleen
Creel), the audience at the Greater Cascadia HPS Workshop, and the audience at
the University of Washington for invaluable discussion and encouragement, and two
anonymous reviewers for the helpful comments.
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