Liberal Arts
Discover and explore
your academic interests,
and obtain your degree
while preparing to
transfer to baccalaureate
programs on a budget!
Transfer Opportunities
Students in the Liberal Arts degree program will possess the
necessary course requirements to support timely transfer to other
MCC degrees or to four-year institutions. MCC graduates can
successfully transfer to colleges and universities around the country,
including the following:
Boston University
Emerson College
Granite State College
Keene State College
Plymouth State University
Rivier University
Southern NH University
University of New Hampshire
University of Massachusetts
...and many more!
Why Liberal Arts?
The Liberal Arts degree provides a solid foundation in the liberal arts and sciences
so that students may discover and explore academic interests while preparing for
future baccalaureate programs.
In completing the degree students will take a variety of courses including math,
science and English. The goal of the degree is to graduate well-rounded, lifelong
learners who demonstrate the intellectual qualities and global awareness required
of good stewards and citizens of our changing world. The Liberal Arts degree
gives students the opportunity to complete an associate degree as a stepping
stone to a four-year degree. Its core curriculum is typically covered in the rst two
years of a four-year bachelor’s degree.
Students who complete an associate degree in Liberal Arts will be grounded in key
academic / workplace competencies including:
Oral and written communication
Information literacy
Social and cultural understanding
Problem solving, inquiry and analysis
DID YOU KNOW? Liberal Arts is MCCs new pre-Nursing degree!
Within the Liberal Arts Program you have the exibility to take various
Science classes and other courses that may be transferred into MCC;s
Nursing Program. Speak with an advisor to learn more.
Degree Requirements
Last Updated August 2022
All courses and degree requirements are subject to change. For the most current information on MCC programs, visit
Manchester Community College | 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH 03102 | (603) 206-8000
Liberal Arts Degree Graduates
Students learn skills they can apply to a wide variety of careers or other
academic programs. These skills include critical and analytical thinking,
academic writing and a diverse knowledge of academic subjects. These
well-rounded graduates are prepared to pursue a four-year degree in
a multitude of elds. Graduates may take advantage of the transfer
opportunities that are available to MCC graduates.
New Hampshire Transfer Connections
The NH Transfer Connections program streamlines the transfer process
between schools in the Community College System of NH (CCSNH)
and schools in the University System of NH (USNH). Requirements for
participants are outlined at; additional
information can also be obtained from MCC’s Career Development &
Transfer Services.
Liberal Arts Degree
Degree Program - First Year
First Year Fall Semester TH LAB CR
FYE100M MCC Essentials 1 0 1
or ENGL110M
College Composition I with Corequisite or
College Composition I
4 0 4
Science Elective (BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, ESCI,
3 0 3
Social Science Elective (ANTH, ECON, GEOG,
3 0 3
Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective* or Open Elective 3 0 3
Total 14 0 14
First Year Spring Semester TH LAB CR
ENGL113M Introduction to Public Speaking 3 0 3
Mathematics Elective (can be 3 or 4 credits) 3 0 3
Social Science Elective (ANTH, ECON, GEOG,
3 0 3
Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective* or Open Elective 3 0 3
Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective* 3 0 3
Total 15 0 15
Degree Program - Second Year
Second Year Fall Semester TH LAB CR
ENGL220M College Composition II*** 4 0 4
Mathematics Elective (can be 3 or 4 credits) 3 0 3
Literature Elective (must be 200 level) 3 0 3
Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective* or Open Elective 3 0 3
Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective*
(must be 200 level)
3 0 3
Total 16 0 16
Second Year Spring Semester TH LAB CR
Lab Science Lab Elective (BIOL, CHEM, ENVS,
3 3 4
Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective*
(must be 200 level)
3 0 3
Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective*
(must be 200 level)
3 0 3
Foreign Language/Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 0 3
Social Science Elective (ANTH, ECON, GEOG,
3 0 3
Total 15 3 16
Total Credits - 61
*Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective: any course with ANTH, ARTS, ASL, BIOL,
PHYS, POLS, PSYC, SOCI, or SPAN in the course number.
**Open Elective: any course for which the student meets prerequisite requirements.
***Denotes milestone course which must be taken/passed in the semester indicated to
maintain good standing in the degree program.