IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank
Transformation Toolkit
Version 6.1
Quick Start Guide
This guide is intended to get you started with installing and setting up IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank
Transformation Toolkit.
National Language Version: To obtain the Quick Start Guide in other languages, print the PDF from the CD.
Product Overview
Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit is a component-based toolkit for developing enterprise e-business
applications. Bank Transformation Toolkit enables the development of interfaces to the services that are provided by the
information system of a financial institution. The services of the information system thus become ubiquitous through all delivery
channels (such as the traditional branch, call center, banking kiosk, Internet banking, and mobile access). This minimizes the
need for developing new code and reduces the time required to make new financial services available to all deliver y channels.
1 Step 1: Access your software
If you download your product from Passport Advantage
, follow the directions in the download document:
This product offering includes:
v IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit Quick Start Guide
v IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit Installation Guide
v IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit V6.1 Windows
v IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit V6.1 Linux
2 Step 2: Evaluate your hardware and system configuration
The development environments for IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit are:
v IBM Rational
Application Developer V7.0.0.5
v IBM WebSphere Integration Developer V6.1.0.0
runtime environment for IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit is:
v IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1.0.13
other hardware and software requirements, see IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit: Installation
3 Step 3: Access your documentation
For complete documentation of IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit, you can choose one of the
following ways:
v Download the complete documentation library for IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit Version
6.1, including release notes, installation, configuration, architecture, development, customization, and reference
information at http://www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/wmbtt/library/.
v Install IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit Version 6.1 on Rational Application Developer
or WebSphere Integration Developer From the Rational Application Developer or WebSphere Integration
Developer menu, click Help-> Help Contents to find the complete documentation of IBM WebSphere
Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit Version 6.1.
4 Step 4: Install IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit
To install Bank Transformation Toolkit, insert the Bank Transformation Toolkit CD into CD-ROM and browse the CD:
v If you want to install Bank Transformation Toolkit for Windows, run setupwin32.exe in the Windows platform.
v If you want to install Bank Transformation Toolkit for Linux, run setupLinux.bin in the Linux platform.
If you have IBM WebSphere Integration Developer installed on your system, the toolkit installation wizard will take
IBM WebSphere Integration Developer as your development environment, regardless of whether you have IBM Rational
Application Developer installed. The installation wizard automatically copies the plug-ins for IBM WebSphere Integration
Developer to the plugins directory of your IBM WebSphere Integration Developer during the installation.
If you have IBM Rational Application Developer installed on your system, the toolkit installation wizard will take
IBM Rational Application Developer as your development environment. The installation wizard automatically copies the
plug-ins for IBM Rational Application Developer to the plugins directory of your IBM Rational Application
Developer during the installation.
If neither IBM Rational Application Developer nor IBM WebSphere Integration Developer is installed on
your system, you will need to copy the plug-ins to the $D(RAD)/plugins or $D(WID)/plugins directory manually after you
have IBM Rational Application Developer or IBM WebSphere Integration Developer installed.
For more information, see IBM WebSphere Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit: Installation Guide.
More Information
For additional technical resources, visit:
v Rational Application Developer product Web site at:
v WebSphere Integration Developer product Web site at:
v WebSphere Application Server product Web site at:
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Passport Advantage, System x, System z, Tivoli, Tivoli Enterprise, and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines in the US and/or other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of
Microsoft Corporation in the US and other countries. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or
Part Number: CF1FRML
Printed in Ireland