What happens after menopause? (WHAM): A prospective controlled
study of vasomotor symptoms and menopause-related quality of life
12 months after premenopausal risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy
Martha Hickey
, Katrina M. Moss
, Efrosinia O. Krejany
, C. David Wrede
, Alison Brand
, Judy Kirk
Heather L. Symecko
, Susan M. Domchek
, Trevor Tejada-Berges
, Alison Trainer
, Gita D. Mishra
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Melbourne and the Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Centre for Longitudinal and Life Course Research, School of Public Health, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Gynaecology Research Centre, The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Gynae-oncology and Dysplasia Unit, The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Department of Gynaecological Oncology, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Basser Center for BRCA, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Gynaecological Oncology Service, Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Familial Cancer Centre, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Vasomotor symptoms increase by 3 months following premenopausal RRSO and persist but do not worsen by 12 months.
Almost all women report these vasomotor symptoms as mild.
Hormone therapy reduces but does not resolve vasomotor symptoms after RRSO.
Hormone therapy improves menopause related quality of life but not to pre-RRSO levels.
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 24 May 2021
Received in revised form 15 July 2021
Accepted 18 July 2021
Available online xxxx
Objective. To measure menopausal symptoms and quality of life up to 12 months after risk-reducing salpingo-
oophorectomy (RRSO) and to measure the effects of hormone therapy.
Methods. Prospective observational study of 95 premenopausal women planning RRSO and a comparison
group of 99 who retained their ovaries. Vasomotor symptoms and menopausal-related qual ity of life (QoL)
were measured by the Menopause-Specic QoL Intervention scale at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. Chi-square
tests measured differences in prevalence of vasomotor symptoms between RRSO vs the comparison group and
by hormone therapy use. Change in QoL were examined with multilevel modelling.
Results. Three months after RRSO hot ush prevalence increased from 5.3% to 56.2% and night sweats from
20.2% to 47.2%. Symptoms did not worsen between 3 and 12 months and remained unchanged in the comparison
group (p<0.001). After RRSO, 60% commenced hormone therapy. However, 40% of hormone therapy uses con-
tinued to experience vasomotor symptoms. After RRSO, 80% of non-hormone therapy users reported vasomotor
symptoms. Regardless of hormone therapy use, 86% categorized their vasomotor symptoms as mild after RRSO.
Following RRSO, Menopause-related QoL deteriorated but was stable in the comparison group (adjusted coef-
cient = 0.75, 95%CI = 0.55-0.95). After RRSO, QoL was better in hormone therapy users vs non-users (adjusted
coefcient = 0.49, 95%CI = 0.20-0.78).
Conclusions. Vasomotor symptoms inc rease by 3 months after RRSO but do not worsen over the next 12
months. Hormone Therapy reduces but does not resolve vasomotor symptoms and may improve QoL, but not
to pre-oophorectomy levels.
© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hormone therapy
Menopause-related quality of life
Vasomotor symptoms
Gynecologic Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Corresponding author at: University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Research Precinct, Level 7, The Royal Women's Hospital, Cnr or Grattan Street and
Flemington Road, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia.
E-mail address: hickeym@unimelb.edu.au (M. Hickey).
YGYNO-978538; No. of pages: 7; 4C:
0090-8258/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Gynecologic Oncology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ygyno
Please cite this article as: M. Hickey, K.M. Moss, E.O. Krejany, et al., What happens after menopause? (WHAM): A prospective controlled study of
vasomotor symptoms and menop..., Gynecologic Oncology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygyno.2021.07.029
1. Introduction
Ovarian cancer is the fthmostcommonfemalecancerwithsurvival
rates below 50% at 5 years [1]. Carriers of pathogenic variants in genes
that increase hereditary risk for ovarian cancer, such as brca1 and
brca2 have an elevated risk of ovarian cancer of up to 44% [2,3]. With in-
creasing access to rapid, low-cost gene sequencing, more women are
identied with these pathogenic va riants and onl y risk-reducing
salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) reduces ovarian cancer and all-cause
mortality in this population [4,5]. The National Comprehensive Cancer
Network recommends RRSO at age 3540 years in women with
BRCA1 and 4045 for those with BRCA2 mutations [6].
Few prospective studies have measured vasomotor symptoms
(VMS) or other aspects of menopause-related qu ality of life (QoL)
after premenopausal RRSO. Cross-sectional and retrospective studies
consistently report that premenopausal oophorectomy leads to more
sudden, severe and/or persistent VMS compared to natural menopause
[7,8]. However the prospective impact on menopause-related QoL is un-
certain [9,10].
Hormone therapy (HT) is the most effective treatment for VMS and
may improve menopause-related QoL in postmenopausal women [11].
Whilst HT is recommended after RRSO for those without contraindica-
tions, uptake is suboptimal [12]. The efcacy of HT for VMS and quality
of life after RRSO is uncertain [9]. For high-risk women, concerns about
managing menopausal symptoms after RRSO are a barrier to potentially
life-saving surgery [13].
The aim of this study was to measure the prevalence, trajectories
and severity (as measured by bother) of vasomotor and other meno-
pausal symptoms following RRSO to inform clinical decision making
and patient care. This study focused on the rst 12 months after RRSO
and recruited a comparison group of same-aged premenopausal
women who retained their ovaries and were predominantly at popula-
tion risk of ovarian cancer. There were three specic aims: (1) to mea-
sure the prevalence and degree of bother from VMS, (2) to investigate
changes in menopause-related QoL and (3) to compare the prevalence
and bother of VMS and menopause related QoL between HT users and
non-HT users.
2. Methods
2.1. Study design and population
This was a multicenter prospective observational study. The RRSO
group were premenopausal women at high risk of ovarian cancer plan-
ning RRSO, identied by treating clin icians in gynaecology-oncology
and familial cancer centers. The comparison group were a se lf-
referring, community-based sample of similar-aged premenopausal
women not planning oophorectomy or pregnancy in the next 2 years.
Premenopausal status was conrmed by regular menstrual cycles,
days 2 to 6 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 15 IU/L and estradiol
>100 pmol/L [14]. Exclusions for both groups included pregnancy or
lactation in the past 3 months, unscheduled vaginal bleeding or use of
anti-estrogens [ 15
]. Participants were recruited from 5 sites, 4 in
Australia and 1 in the USA. All participants provided written informed
consent as pr eviously described [15]. Baseline data were collected
within 8 weeks of eligibility scre ening, and RRSO was scheduled be-
tween the baseline and 3 month study time-points [15].
2.2. Study assessments
Demographic data, medical, surgical, and gynaecological history, HT
and hormonal contraceptive use were documented, and questionnaires
were completed at the baseline, 3, 6 and 12 month study time-points.
Dates of administration, type and dose of systemic HT were self-
reported at each study time-point. All participants completed the
Menopause-Specic Quality of Life Intervention Version (MENQOL-I)
questionnaire [16]. The MENQOL-I captures 32 symptoms in four do-
mains: vasomotor (3 items hot ashes/ushes, night sweats and
sweating), psychosocial (7 items), physical (19 items) and sexual (3
items) [16,17]. Participants indicated whether they experienced each
symptom in the past week (no or yes) and rated the degree of symp-
tom bother on a 7-point linear scale (from not at all to extremely
bothered). Domain scores are calculated as the average of the item re-
sponses within each domain, with higher scores equating to greater
both er. The total MENQ OL-I score is the average of the four domain
scores. The scale is validated and widely used [18,19]. Dichotomized re-
sponses (no/yes) to questions about hot ashes and night sweats were
used to determine the prevalence of VMS. The degree of bother from
VMS was determined fr om the MENQOL-I vasomotor domain score,
whereby participants with scores between 2 and 5 were classied as
having mild bother and those with scores between 6 and 8 as having
severe bother [20].
2.3. Potential confounders
Potential confounders in the associations between RRSO and meno-
pausal symptoms included age at baseline, previous clinician diagnosed
anxiety or depression, body mass index (BMI) and smoking status at
baseline and 12 months. BMI was classied using WHO criteria as un-
derweight /normal (<25 kg/m
), overweight (25 to <30 kg/m
obese (30 kg/m
). Smokers were categorized as non-smoker (never
smoked), ex-smoker (ceased before baseline) or current smoker
(smoker any time between baseline and 12 months).
2.4. Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics were generated to check cell sizes in categorical
variables and distribution shape and outliers in continuous variables. A
small number of outliers were detected and winsorized (value reduced
so they were no longer outliers but maintained their rank within the
distribution). The differences in prevalence of VMS between the RRSO
and comparison groups, and between HT users and non-users were ex-
amined using Chi-square tests. Multilevel models (proc mixed) were
used to compare change over time, and differences at 12 months in
RRSO and comparison groups and HT users and non-users. Time
(months) centered at 12 months and continuous total MENQOL-I and
individual domain scores were analyzed. The unadjusted multilevel
models included time and either study group or HT use as the explana-
tory variables. The adjusted model was run twice, once with the base-
line value of the outcome variable and all covariates, and again with
only the covariates signicant at p < 0.10 (less stringent statistical sig-
nicance criteria due to smaller sample size). Models were repeated
with the winsorized variables as a sensitivity analysis. Statistical signif-
icance was set at p < 0.05 and statistical analysis was conducted in SAS
(version 9.4, SAS Institute, North Carolina).
3. Results
3.1. Participant demographics
Of the 687 women screened between 2013 and 2019, n = 224 met
inclusion criteria a nd were willing to participate and 194 women
were included in this analysis (RRSO group: n = 94; comparison
group: n =99)(Fig. 1). Between the Baseline and 12 month study visits
30 of the 224 eligible participants were withdrawn from the study. This
included: (i) 18 who did not meet the inclusion criteria for Baseline es-
tradiol and/or FSH levels, (ii) 8 who revoked consent prior to the 3
month (n = 2), 6 month (n = 2) and 12 month (n = 4) study visits,
(iii) 3 who were lost to follow-up prior to the 6 month (n = 2) and
12 month (n = 1) study visits, and (iv) 1 who completed the two-
year study but did not attend the 3, 6 and 12 month study visits
(Fig. 1). Mean ages at baseline of the two groups were very similar
M. Hickey, K.M. Moss, E.O. Krejany et al. Gynecologic Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx
(RRSO 41.5 +/ SD 5.1 years vs comparisons 40.8 +/-SD 5.8, p =
0.074) (Table 1). BMI and smoking status did not differ between groups
but more RRSO participants were overweight/obese (61% versus 46.5%;
p = 0.078) (Table 1). More participants in the RRSO group had a history
of breast cancer (11.6% vs 2%, p = 0.008) and one developed breast can-
cer during the study. Thirty-one percent of the RRSO group had concur-
rent hysterectomy with RRSO (Table 1). No occult ovarian cancers were
detec ted but one case of serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma was
identied. None of the comparison group underwent oophorectom y
during the study period.
3.2. Use of systemic hormone therapy (HT)
No participants were using HT at baseline. After RRSO, 60% (57/95)
initiated HT, most (47/57, 82.5%) within 3 months of RRSO and all con-
tinued for 12 months. Only 10 (17.5%) delayed initiation of HT beyond 3
months after RRSO. Of those who did intiate HT within 3 months, 66%
(31/47) started HT with in the rst week after surgery. The es trogen
dose in HT was clinically determined. Of the 57 HT users, 23 (40.4%)
used oral estrogen formulations, 31 (54.4%) used transdermal estrogen
formulations and 3 (5.2%) used tibolone. Of those taking estrogen-
containing HT, most (45/57, 78.9%) took doses equivalent to 50 μg/day
or greater of transdermal estradiol or 1 mg/day or greater of oral estra-
diol. Only three participants (5.3%) took <50 μg/day. Over the study pe-
riod eight (14%) varied their HT dose - 7 increased the estrogen dose
and 1 decreased the dose. In one participant the HT dose was unknown.
Only 4 participants used vaginal estrogen after RRSO - two in addition to
systemic HT and two used vaginal estrogen alone.
3.3. Vasomotor symptoms (VMS)
The prevalence of VMS increased between baseline and 3 months
after RRSO (p < 0.001) and was signicantly higher than the compari-
son group at 3, 6 and 12 months (all p < 0.001) (Fig. 2). The overall
Women Screened for Eligibility (n = 687)
(a) Clinician-Referred (n = 313)
RRSO = 296; Comparison = 17
(b) Self-Referred (n = 374)
RRSO = 10; Comparison = 364
Excluded (n = 463)
(a) Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria Not Met (n = 168)
RRSO = 94; Comparison = 74
(b) Declined Participation (n = 117)
RRSO = 55; Comparison = 62
(c) No Response to Site Follow-up Contact After Referral or
Screening (n = 143)
RRSO = 34; Comparison = 109
(d) Other Reasons (n = 35)
RRSO = 7; Comparison = 28
Enrolled at Baseline (n = 224)
RRSO = 116; Comparison = 108
Excluded (n = 18)
Baseline Screen Failure: FSH > 15 IU/L or E2 < 100 pmol/L
RRSO = 12; Comparison = 6
Pre-Oophorectomy (n = 206)
RRSO = 104; Comparison = 102
Excluded (n = 12)
(a) Lost To Follow-Up (n = 3)
RRSO = 2; Comparison = 1
(b) Revocation of Consent (n = 8)
RRSO = 6; Comparison = 2
(c) No follow-up data collected at 3, 6 and 12 months (n = 1)
RRSO = 1; Comparison = 0
Post-Oophorectomy at 12 months (n = 194)
RRSO = 95; Comparison = 99
Fig. 1. Participant Flowchart. Number of participant screenings, enrolments, withdrawals and exclusions relevant to the rst 12 months of the WHAM study. Women were either clinician-
or self-referred to one of ve recruitment sites in Australia and the USA during 2013 to 2019. FSH = Follicle-Stimulating Hormone; E2 = Estradiol.
M. Hickey, K.M. Moss, E.O. Krejany et al. Gynecologic Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx
prevalence of VMS was 55% which remained stable between 3 and 12
months (Fig. 2). Multilevel regression models, readjusted for baseline
values , age and BMI at baseline, previous depression or anxiety, and
smoking status showed tha t VMS severity (as measured by bother)
had increased by 3 months after RRSO and remained elevated at 12
months (Fig. 3 and Tables S1 and S2). In par ticipants with VMS at 3
months (n = 58), VMS bother was ca tegorized as mi ld in 86% and
as moderate or severe in only 14% (Table S3). This pattern of VMS
bother did not signicantly change over the 12-month follow-up period
(Table S3).
3.4. Menopause-related quality of life (QoL)
Overall menopause-related QoL worsened between baseline and 3
months in the RRSO group but not in the comparison group (Tables S1
and S2). The MENQOL-I subscale scores indicated that worsening QoL
after RRSO was driven by an increase in vasomotor, sexual, and physical
symptom domains. There were no differences between groups in the
psychosocial domain of the MENQOL-I (Tables S1 and S2). Results did
not differ when analyses were conducted using the winsorized variables
as a sensitivity analysis (data not shown).
3.5. Effects of hormone therapy (HT)
After RRSO, VMS were less common in HT users (60%) compared to
non-HT users (40%). However, VMS persisted despite HT use. At 3 months,
39.6% of HT users reported hot ashesversus80.6%ofnon-HTusersand
this pattern persisted over 12 months (Fig. 4). At 3 months, there was little
difference between HT users and non-HT users in the prevalence of night
sweats (41.5% in HT users versus 55.6% in non-HT users), but by 6 months
the prevalence of night sweats was halved in HT users compared to non-
HT users (35.1% vs 68.6%) (Fig. 4). Multilevel models indicated that HT sig-
nicantly reduced VMS bother at all time-points (Fig. 5 and Table S4). In
non-HT users, VMS bother remained constant over the 12-month follow-
up period (Fig. 5). Adjusted multilevel regression models showed that HT
improved overall QoL and sexual function compared to non-HT users
(Table S4). However, use of HT did not restore overall menopause-
related QoL or sexual function to baseline levels (Table S5). Use of HT did
not affect the physical or psychosocial domains of the MENQOL-I.
4. Discussion
This is the largest prospective studies of VMS after premenopausal
RRSO to include a premenopausal control group. Following RRSO, we
observed a substantial increase in the prevalence of VMS, which were
reported by around 40% of HT users and 80% of non-HT users by 3
months. These persisted and did not return to baseline levels by 12
months. However, the ov erall prevalence of VMS (50%), in cluding
those who did and did not take HT, was somewhat less than that re-
ported in population-based studies of the natural menopause transition
(75 to 85%) [21]. We observed that VMS were not inevitable after pre-
menopausal RRSO. Of the non-HT users around 20% reported no hot
ashes and 45% no night sweats over 12-months.
Vasomotor symptoms are thought to be more severe following pre-
menopausal oophorectomy compared to natural menopause [22]. How-
ever, almost all WHAM RRSO participants described the severity of
VMS (as measured by bother) as mild (86%) and only 14% classied
their VMS as moderate or severe
, and this included HT users and
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of overall sample and by study group.
Characteristic (n, %) By Study Group
n = 194
n =99
n =95
Age (years) at baseline (mean, SD) 41.5 (5.1) 40.8 (5.8) 42.1 (4.2) 0.074
BMI (kg/m
) at baseline
< 25 (Under/Normal) 90 (46.4) 53 (53.5) 37 (39.0) 0.078
25 to <30 (Overweight) 60 (30.9) 29 (29.3) 31 (32.6)
30 (Obese) 44 (22.7) 17 (17.2) 27 (28.4)
No 159 (82.0) 95 (96.0) 64 (67.4) <0.001
Yes 35 (18.0) 4 (4.0) 31 (32.6)
Previous breast cancer at baseline
No 181 (93.3) 97 (98.0) 84 (88.4) 0.008
Yes 13 (6.7) 2 (2.0) 11 (11.6)
Pathogenic genetic variants
No/unknown 117 (60.3) 94 (95.0) 23 (24.2)
BRCA1 38 (19.6) 2 (2.0) 36 (37.9)
BRCA2 35 (18.0) 3 (3.0) 32 (33.7)
BRCA1 & 2 4 (2.1) 0 (0) 4 (4.2)
Lynch syndrome (MLH1, MSH6, PMS2)
No/unknown 189 (97.4) 98 (99.0) 91 (95.8)
Yes 5 (2.6) 1 (1.0) 4 (4.2)
Other pathogenic variants (STK11, BRIP1)
No/unknown 192 (99.0) 99 (100) 93 (97.9)
Yes 2 (1.0) 0 (0) 2 (2.1)
Hormonal contraception at baseline
No 115 (59.3) 53 (53.5) 62 (65.3) 0.097
Yes 79 (40.7) 46 (46.5) 33 (34.7)
Smoking status
Non-smoker 117 (60.3) 60 (60.6) 57 (60.0) 0.719
Ex-smoker 62 (32.0) 30 (30.3) 32 (33.7)
Smoked during WHAM 15 (7.7) 9 (9.1) 6 (6.3)
Chi-square test not performed where cell sizes were too small.
One RRSO and three comparison participants had hysterectomy prior to Baseline. One comparison participant underwent hysterectomy (ovaries retained)
during the follow-up period.
One RRSO participant developed breast cancer over the follow-up period.
Pathogenic genetic variants known to increase ovarian cancer risk.
M. Hickey, K.M. Moss, E.O. Krejany et al. Gynecologic Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx
non-HT users. Whilst we did not have a control group transitioning nat-
ural menopause to compare VMS severity, population-based studies of
natural menopause using the same severity measure report that around
one quarter experience moderate to severe VMS [23,24]. Women con-
sidering RRSO are very concerned abou t the prospect of severe VMS
[13]. Together, our ndings suggest that bothersome VMS are not inev-
itable after premenopausal RRSO and may not be worse than those ex-
perienced over the natural menopause transition. However, RRSO led to
a decline in overall, QoL in vasomotor, sexual and physical domains of
the MENQOL-I. Thus more information is needed about the se verity
and duration of VMS and effects on quality of life following RRSO com-
pared to those experienced transitioning natural menopause.
Following RRSO the uptake of HT was around 60% which is similar to
previous publications [25]. Use of HT was not randomized in this study
and it is likely that women with more troublesome VMS were more
likely to take HT. Consistent with previously published studies, we
foun d that HT reduced but did not fully resolve VMS after RRSO
[9,26,27]. At three months, around 40% of HT users continued to report
hot ashes and HT had little impact on the prevalence of night sweats.
Compared to baseline, this represented an 8-fold increase in the preva-
lence of hot ashes at three months despite HT use. Over the natural
menopause transition HT reduces VMS by around 85% [11]. Together,
these data suggest that HT may be less ef fective for VMS after RRSO
compared to natural menopause, at least during the initial months. By
612 months HT effectively reduced both the prevalence and severity
of VMS. In non-HT users (40%) the severity of VMS was consistent be-
tween 3 and 12 months. In WHAM the dose of estrogen in HT was not
standardized but most RRSO participants (66.7%) were taking estradiol
doses of 5075 μg/day (data not shown). The optimal dose and duration
of estrogen following early menopause is uncertain [28]. In women with
spontaneous premature ovarian insufciency the general population
higher doses of estrogen (up to 100 μg/day) are recommended [29]. In
this study it is possible that higher doses of estroge n may have been
more effective for VMS. However, we found no association between es-
trogen dose and prevalence or VMS bother (data not shown). In addi-
tion, the safety of high dose estrogen (and progestin) in women at
elevated risk of breast cancer is uncertain. Women considering HT
after RRSO should be aware that it may not fully resolve their VMS, par-
ticularly night sweats.
Menopause-related QoL was reduced after RRSO reecting changes
in vasomotor, physical and sexual domains. Our ndings differ from
previous studies demonstrating that RRSO does not lead to worse QoL
compared with ovarian cancer screening [25]. However, this study in-
cluded many women who were already peri- or post-menopausal at
baseline and may not reect the true impact of premenopausal oopho-
rectomy on QoL. Similar to the effects on VMS, use of HT did not restore
sexual or physical domains of the MENQOL-I to baseline levels. Women
considering RRSO should be aware of the potential for persistent ad-
verse effects on QoL, particularly sexual and physical symptoms, and
that HT may mitigate but not restore symptoms to pre-operative levels.
More information is needed about the optimal type, dose and duration
of HT in this population.
The MENQOL-I includes psychologic al symptoms which did not
change following RRSO or with HT use. Our
ndings suggest that psy-
chological symptoms such as dissatisfaction with my personal life
and feelings of wanting to be alone are not menopausal symptoms.
Comparison RRSO Comparison RRSO
Hot Flashes Night Sweats
Baseline 3m 6m 12m
Fig. 2. Prevalence (%) of hot ashes and night sweats from baseline to 12 months in the RRSO and comparison groups.
Note. Prevalence of vasomotor symptoms was determined by answers of no or yes on the hot ashes and night sweats questions of the intervention version of the Menopause-Specic
Quality of Life (MENQOL-I) questionnaire.
Baseline 3m 6m 12m
Mean score
Study time point
Comparison Comp ULCI Comp LLCI
Fig. 3. Degree of bother (mean, 95% condence interval) from vasomotor symptoms in
RRSO and comparison groups.
Note. Bother is measured by th e vasomotor domain of the intervention version of the
Menopause-Specic Quality of Life (MENQOL-I) questionnaire. ULCI: Upper limit for the
95% condence interval; LLCI: Lower limit for the 95% condence interval.
M. Hickey, K.M. Moss, E.O. Krejany et al. Gynecologic Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Including these symptoms in menopause scales may articially inate
the apparent symptom burden of menopause with potential negative
consequences for women [30].
Strengths of the WHAM study include the relatively large sample size,
inclusion of a premenopausal comparison group of a similar age who
retained their ovaries, use of validated measures and the prospective
study design. Limitations include use of hormonal contraception at base-
line, but this was not associated with vasomotor or QoL outcomes after
RRSO. Vasomotor symptoms were not measured until 3 months which
may have missed more severe symptoms immediately after RRSO. We
did not measure cancer worry and this may have affected quality of life.
The study was not randomized and women with more severe VMS may
have been more likely to use HT. Also, the estrogen dose in HT was not
standardized and may have been too low for the effective management
of VMS. Obesity has been associated with more frequent VMS [31]. More
women in the RRSO group were obese (28%) compared to the comparison
group(17%)whichmayhaveaffectedourndings. Most participants were
white and our ndings may not be generalizable to other races [32].
Women considering RRSO want to know what symptoms to expect
and how best to manage them [13]. Our ndings suggest that VMS in-
crease and QoL worsens for some women after RRSO, and that HT im-
proves these symptoms but not to pre-oophorectomy levels. However,
in most cases (86%) bother due to VMS was categorized as mild sug-
gesting that severe VMS are not inevitable in this population. There is
an unmet need for consensus guidance on managing women following
RRSO [3335]. These ndings will inform evidence-based clinical guid-
ance for this population.
Declaration of Competing Interest
MH is an editor for the Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group
Editorial Board and has received pharmaceutical funding from QUE On-
cology P/L, Madorra P/L and Ovoca Bio (Australia) P/L for clinical re-
search outside of the submitted work. CDW has received sponsorship
and honoraria from Biogen and Seqirus and is the Deputy Chair (Honorary)
of VCS Foundation P/L. SMD has received personal fees from AstraZeneca
outside of the submitted work. KMM, EOK, AB, JK, HLS, TT-B, AT and
GDM have no competing interests to declare.
This study was supported by Register4 through its members' partic-
ipation in research and/or provision of samples and information
In Australia this study was supported by public funding provided by
the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC;
Grant # APP1048023), and by philanthropic funding provided by The
Royal Women's Hospital (Melbourne, Australia), The Women's Founda-
tion (Melbourne, Australia), Australia New Zealand Gynaecological On-
cology Group (ANZGOG, Sydney, Australia) and the Westmead Hospital
Familial Cancer Service (Sydney, Australia). In the USA this study was
supported by philanthropic funding provided by the Basser Centre for
BRCA and the Susan G. Komen organization (Grant # SAC150003). None
of the funding agencies had a role in the design or conduct of the study,
nor the collection, management, analyses or interpretation of the data,
nor the preparation or approval of this manuscript.
MH is supported by a NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship (ID #
1058935). SMD is supported by the Komen Foundation for the Cure.
Comparison No HT Had HT Comparison No HT Had HT
Hot Flashes Night Sweats
Baseline 3m 6m 12m
Fig. 4. Prevalence (%) of hot ashes and night sweats from baseline to 12 months by HT use in RRSO participants.
Note. Prevalence of vasomotor symptoms was determined by answers of no or yes on the hot ashes and night sweats questions of the intervention version of the Menopause-Specic
Quality of Life (MENQOL-I) questionnaire.
Baseline 3m 6m 12m
Mean score
Study time point
Mean vasomotor bother by HT use (MENQOL)
Comparison Comp ULCI Comp LLCI
Fig. 5. Degree of bother (mean, 95% condence interval) from vasomotor symptoms by HT
use in RRSO participants.
Note. Bother is measured by th e vasomotor domain of the intervention version of the
Menopause-Specic Quality of Life (MENQOL-I) questionnaire. ULCI: Upper limit for the
95% condence interval; LLCI: Lower limit for the 95% condence interval.
M. Hickey, K.M. Moss, E.O. Krejany et al. Gynecologic Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx
GDM is support ed by a NHMRC Principal Research Fellowship (ID #
We are grateful to the women who generously gave of their time to
participate in this study and to the following people who assisted with
participant recruitment and study management: Lesley Andrews and
Leon Botes (Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia), Bettina Meiser
(University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Mariana De Sousa
(University of Technology Sydney, Australia), Orla McNally and Debo-
rah Neesham (The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Au stralia),
Sue Shan ley, Gill ian Mitchell and Mary Shanahan (Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia), Masako Dunn (Chris O'Brien
Lifehouse, Sydney, Australia), L. Jane McNeilage a nd Marion Harris
(Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Australia), Geoffrey L indeman
(The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia), Peter Grant (Mercy Hospital
for Women, Melbourne, Australia) and Nipuni Gamage (The University
of Melbourne, Australia). Thanks also to Mary-Ann Davey (Monash Uni-
versity, Melbourne, Australia) and Sabine Braat (The University of Mel-
bourne, Australia) for the provision of preliminary advice and support
with statistical methodology and analysis.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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