Privacy Policy and Terms and
As of November 20, 2020
About MDHHS Outreach Campaign
MDHHS Outreach campaign is intended to expand MDHHS communication and assistance to
Michigan residents that are in need.
Thank you for agreeing to receive text messages for the MDHHS Outreach Campaign from the
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). This policy will explain how
we will use the information you provide to us as well as other terms and conditions.
These Texting Terms and Conditions apply when you provide prior express consent to receive
text messages from MDHHS. Text messaging from us may include one-time or recurring texts
related to your benefits, programs, products, services, and tools, and/or general health
information. At enrollment for recurring texting programs, we specify the frequency and number
of texts and information on how to unsubscribe and seek assistance. Text messages will be sent
to your mobile number using an automatic dialing system. Message and Data rates may apply.
Text messaging may not be available via all carriers.
Your privacy is important to us. Your private information is not shared with anyone or used
except as described in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise required by law. By agreeing to
participate in the MDHHS Outreach Campaign, you agree to the collection and use of
information in accordance with this policy.
Under no circumstances will MDHHS, or its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, contractors, or
vendors be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, or
punitive damages arising out of or in connection with use of text messaging whether or not we
have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Carriers are not liable for undelivered or delayed messages.
Messages sent by text may not be delivered if the mobile device is not in range of a transmission
site, or if sufficient network capacity is not available at a particular time. Even within a coverage
area, factors beyond the control of wireless carriers may interfere with message delivery,
including the terrain, proximity to buildings, foliage, weather, and the recipient's equipment. We
will not be liable for losses or damages arising from (a) non-delivery, delayed delivery, or
misdirected delivery of a text message; (b) inaccurate or incomplete content in a text message; or
(c) use or reliance on the content of any text message for any purpose.
Please contact 1-844-799-9876 with further questions about MDHHS Outreach Campaign or this
“We” or “Usor “Our” means collectively the MDHHS, or its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents,
contractors, or vendors working on MDHHS Outreach Campaign.
What information will be collected?
The MDHHS Outreach Campaign will ask you to share information related to a person interested
in MDHHS programs and benefits. Additional information may be asked for as well to further
the purposes noted above.
Outside of the information referenced above, the MDHHS Outreach Campaign does not access
additional information from your device or “track” you through your phone.
Unemancipated minors (under the age of 18) can sign up for the MDHHS Outreach Campaign
only with consent from a parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian must provide the
consent to receive texts and agree to this policy.
Who will this information be shared with?
The data you share through the MDHHS Outreach Campaign will not be shared outside MDHHS
and will only be used in support of the MDHHS initiatives.
How will this information be used?
To better understand how we might use your data, the following are some of the goals of this
- Provide an opportunity for qualified individuals to enroll in benefits programs.
- Retain individuals that are already participating in DHHS programs.
- Reminding individuals of appointments, deadlines, and services
We may also share your data if required by law to do so. For example, if a court orders us to turn
it over. However, we will make every effort to protect your privacy to the extent allowed by law.
Your Responsibilities
Review this policy periodically to see if it has been modified.
Contact MDHHS if your number has changed or you no longer wish to receive text messages.
Failure to do so may result in messages intended for you being routed to an incorrect recipient.
If you want to opt-out of further participation, please let us know. What happens when you opt-
out is explained below.
Additional Terms and Conditions
Alerts sent via text may not be delivered to you if your phone is not in range of a transmission
site, or if sufficient network capacity is not available at a particular time. Even within a coverage
area, factors beyond the control of your wireless carrier may interfere with message delivery,
including equipment, terrain, proximity to buildings, foliage, and weather. You acknowledge that
urgent alerts may not be received timely and that there is no guarantee that alerts will be
By signing up for the MDHHS Outreach Campaign and consenting to receive texts you represent
that you are the owner or authorized user of the wireless device you use to subscribe for the
service, and that you are authorized to approve the applicable charges.
Data sent by MDHHS is sent using standard text protocols and while MDHHS takes all
reasonable security precautions, you acknowledge there is some risk that texts and data
transmitted between you and MDHHS could be intercepted by third parties.
Data obtained from you in connection with this texting service may include your cell phone
number, your carrier’s name, and the date, time and content of your messages and other
information that you may provide. We may use this information to contact you and to provide
the services you request from us, and to otherwise operate, develop and improve the service.
Your wireless carrier and other service providers may also collect data about your usage, and
their practices are governed by their own policies.
Opting in
Residents will receive a one-time password when enrolling and verifying their mobile device.
Residents will then have the option to enroll in MDHHS MI Bridges recurring text alerts for
MDHHS programmatic outreach including reminders, service follow up, and support services.
Opting Out
We do not require anyone to receive texts for the MDHHS Outreach Campaign.
If you wish to opt out of this MDHHS Outreach Campaign, reply STOP to the message
campaign. You will still be subscribed to informational messages according to your MI Bridges
preferences. To stop all messages, you must log into MI Bridges and update your preferences.
By opting out we will:
Stop sending you texts for the MDHHS Outreach Campaign. Note, if you have signed up
for other texting programs with MDHHS, you may still receive texts from those
We will not delete data already collected.
Requesting Help
Please text HELP” in response to a text message you received for additional assistance.
Dispute Resolution
The laws of the State of Michigan, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, govern these
terms and conditions.
You further agree that any dispute shall be brought by the parties and held and determined only
in a Michigan state court or a federal court sitting in that state which shall be the exclusive venue
of any such action or proceeding.
Privacy Policy Changes
This privacy notice may be updated from time to time. We will post the date our policy was last
updated at the top of this page. You are agreeing to be bound by the terms as they are modified
from time to time.
Who to Contact with Questions or Concerns
If you have any concerns or questions about how your personal data is used, please contact: 1-