UC Davis Sample Template
Exclusive Patent License Agreement
Note: Attached is a University of California, Davis sample template for a License
Agreement providing an exclusive license under University of California patent rights.
The template is presented here on a non-binding basis, and without obligation of any
kind, in order to show typical general terms and a typical starting point for preparation of
a License Agreement. The actual terms for any given License Agreement will be
modified, and additional clauses and text will be inserted, as appropriate to fit the
specifics of the situation, including with respect to the invention, the patent rights, the
licensee, the market, and other relevant facts. All License Agreements are subject to
approval by University of California Office of the President.
UC Case No.:
UC Davis Sample Template for Exclusive Patent License Agreement
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1. DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 1
2. GRANT ................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. SUBLICENSES ...................................................................................................................................... 3
4. LICENSE ISSUE FEE/MAINTENANCE FEES ...................................................................................... 4
5. ROYALTIES ........................................................................................................................................... 4
6. DILIGENCE ............................................................................................................................................ 5
7. PROGRESS AND ROYALTY REPORTS .............................................................................................. 5
8. BOOKS AND RECORDS ....................................................................................................................... 6
9. LIFE OF THE AGREEMENT .................................................................................................................. 6
10. TERMINATION BY THE REGENTS ...................................................................................................... 7
11. TERMINATION BY LICENSEE .............................................................................................................. 7
12. DISPOSITION OF LICENSED PRODUCTS UPON TERMINATION .................................................... 7
13. PATENT PROSECUTION AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................................. 8
14. MARKING ............................................................................................................................................... 8
15. USE OF NAMES AND TRADEMARKS ................................................................................................. 8
16. LIMITED WARRANTIES ........................................................................................................................ 9
17. PATENT INFRINGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 9
18. INDEMNIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 10
19. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS/EXPORT CONTROLS ........................................................................... 11
20. GOVERNMENT APPROVAL OR REGISTRATION............................................................................. 11
21. ASSIGNMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 11
22. NOTICES .............................................................................................................................................. 12
23. PAYMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 12
24. WAIVER ............................................................................................................................................... 12
25. CONFIDENTIALITY ............................................................................................................................. 13
26. SEVERABILITY .................................................................................................................................... 13
27. APPLICABLE LAW; VENUE; ATTORNEYS’ FEES ............................................................................. 14
28. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................... 14
UC Davis Sample Template for Exclusive Patent License Agreement
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UC Case No.:
This exclusive license agreement (Agreement”) is effective _____________________ (“Effective
Date”), by and between (a) The Regents of the University of California (The Regents), a California
corporation, having its statewide administrative offices at 1111 Franklin Street, 12th Floor, Oakland,
California 94607-5200, acting through UC Davis InnovationAccess, with an address at 1850 Research
Park Drive, Suite 100, Davis, California 95618-6153 and (b) _____________________________
(“Licensee), a __________________________ corporation having a principal place of business at
_________________________________. The Regents and Licensee will be referred to herein, on
occasion, individually as Partyor collectively as Parties”.
Whereas, The Regents has an assignment of title to the invention entitled _________________”
(the Invention), as described in The Regents' Case No. __________, invented by _________________,
Ph.D., employed by the University of California, Davis and to the patents and patent applications under
Patent Rights as defined below, which are directed to the Invention;
Whereas, The Regents and Licensee entered into a Confidentiality Agreement (UC Agreement
Control No. ______________) effective ____________________ (“Confidentiality Agreement”), for the
purpose of allowing Licensee to evaluate its interest in a license agreement covering the Invention;
Whereas, Licensee has provided The Regents with a commercialization plan for the Invention in
order to allow The Regents to evaluate Licensee’s capabilities;
Whereas, The Regents and Licensee desire to have the Invention developed and commercialized
so that products resulting therefrom may be available for public use and benefit; and
Whereas, Licensee desires to acquire, and The Regents desires to grant, a license under Patent
Rights to make, use, sell, offer for sale, and import products, methods, and services in accordance with
the terms herein.
Now, therefore, the Parties agree as follows:
1.1 Affiliateof Licensee (or of a Sublicensee, respectively) means any entity that, as of the
applicable point in time during the term of this Agreement, directly or indirectly Controls Licensee
(or a Sublicensee, respectively), is Controlled by Licensee (or a Sublicensee, respectively), or is
under common Control with Licensee (or a Sublicensee, respectively). Controlmeans (a)
having the actual, present capacity to elect a majority of the directors of such entity, (b) having
the power to direct at least fifty percent (50%) of the voting rights entitled to elect directors of such
entity, or (c) in any country where the local law will not permit foreign equity participation of a
majority of the outstanding stock or voting rights of such entity, the ownership or control, directly
or indirectly, of the maximum percentage of such outstanding stock or voting rights permitted by
local law.
1.2 Licensed Field of Usemeans _____________________________________.
1.3 Licensed Methodmeans any process or method the use or practice of which, (a) but for the
license granted pursuant to this Agreement, would infringe, or contribute to or induce the
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infringement of, a Valid Claim of any issued, unexpired patent under Patent Rights, or (b) is
covered by a claim in a pending patent application under Patent Rights. As used in
Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph 1.3, covered by a claim in a pending patent application”
means that such use or practice would, but for the license granted pursuant to this Agreement,
constitute infringement, contributory infringement, or inducement of infringement, of such claim if
such claim were issued.
1.4 Licensed Product means any product, material, kit, or other article of manufacture or
composition of matter, the making, use, Sale, offer for Sale, or import of which (a) but for the
license granted pursuant to this Agreement, would infringe, or contribute to or induce the
infringement of, a Valid Claim of any issued, unexpired patent under Patent Rights, or (b) is
covered by a claim in a pending patent application under Patent Rights. As used in
Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph 1.4, covered by a claim in a pending patent application”
means that such making, use, Sale, offer for Sale, or import would, but for the license granted
pursuant to this Agreement, constitute infringement, contributory infringement, or inducement of
infringement, of such claim if such claim were issued.
1.5 Licensed Service” means a service provided using Licensed Products or Licensed Methods,
including, without limitation, any such service provided in the form of contract research or other
research performed by Licensee on behalf of a third party.
1.6 Licensed Territorymeans the United States and its territories and possessions, and any foreign
countries where Patent Rights exist.
1.7 Net Sales means the gross invoice price charged by, and the value of non-cash consideration
owed to, Licensee or a Sublicensee for Sales of Licensed Products and Licensed Services, less
the sum of the following actual and customary deductions to the extent applicable: (a) cash,
trade or quantity discounts; (b) sales, use, tariff, import or export duties, or other excise taxes,
when included in Sales, but not value-added taxes assessed on (or income taxes derived from)
such Sales; and (c) allowances or credits to customers because of rejections or returns. For
purposes of calculating Net Sales, a Sale by Licensee to a Sublicensee for end use by the
Sublicensee will be treated as a Sale at Licensee’s list price.
1.8 Patent Rightsmeans The Regents' rights in the claims of the following: __________________,
entitled _____________________________,” and __________________________________,”
filed on _________________________________ and _______________________________,
respectively, by Drs. ____________________________ and assigned to The Regents;
continuing applications thereof, including divisions, substitutions, extensions and continuation-in-
part applications (only to the extent, however, that claims in the continuation-in-part applications
are entitled to the priority filing date of the applicable above-listed parent patent application);
patents issuing on said applications or continuing applications; reissues of such patents; and
corresponding foreign patents or applications of any of the foregoing.
1.9 Salemeans the act of selling, leasing, or otherwise transferring or providing Licensed Products
and Licensed Services for any consideration. Correspondingly, Sellmeans to make or cause to
be made a Sale, and Soldmeans to have made or caused to be made a Sale.
1.10 Sublicense means a sublicense under this Agreement.
1.11 Sublicenseemeans a sublicensee under this Agreement.
1.12 Sublicense Agreementmeans a sublicense agreement under this Agreement.
1.13 Valid Claim” means a claim of a patent in any country, which claim (a) has not expired and (b)
has not been held to be invalid by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction from which
no appeal can be or is taken.
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2.1 Subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement, including, without limitation, the rights
reserved in Paragraph 2.2, The Regents hereby grants to Licensee an exclusive license under
Patent Rights, in the Licensed Field of Use in the Licensed Territory, (a) to make, use, offer for
Sale, import, and Sell Licensed Products and Licensed Services, and (b) to practice Licensed
2.2 The Regents reserves the right to do any one or more of the following:
(a) publish any technical data resulting from research performed by The Regents relating to
the Invention;
(b) make, use, and import the Invention and associated technology for educational and
research purposes;
(c) practice Patent Rights for educational and research purposes, including in order to make,
use, and import products, and in order to use and practice methods; and
(d) allow other educational and non-profit institutions to do any one or more of the activities
of Subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this Paragraph 2.2, for educational and research
3.1 The Regents hereby further grants to Licensee the right to grant to Affiliates of Licensee, to
Affiliates of Sublicensees, and to third parties a Sublicense under the rights granted to Licensee
hereunder, provided that Licensee has exclusive rights under this Agreement at the time of the
grant of the Sublicense. Every Sublicense will include:
(a) a statement setting forth the date upon which Licensee's exclusive license rights
hereunder will expire;
(b) a provision requiring the performance by the Sublicensee of all the obligations owed by
Licensee to The Regents under this Agreement other than those rights and obligations
specified in Article 4 (License Issue Fee/Maintenance Fees) and Paragraph 5.3
(Minimum Annual Royalty);
(c) a provision requiring payment of royalties to Licensee in an amount sufficient to permit
Licensee to meet Licensee’s royalty obligations to The Regents at the rates and bases
set forth in this Agreement;
(d) a prohibition on the grant of further Sublicenses; and
(e) a provision imposing on the Sublicensee the same obligation of indemnification which
Licensee has under Article 18 (Indemnification).
3.2 Licensee will pay to The Regents twenty-five percent (25%) of any cash consideration, and of the
cash equivalent of all other consideration, which is due to Licensee for the grant of rights under a
Sublicense, excluding payments due to Licensee as a royalty based on Sales by the Sublicensee.
Payment owed to The Regents under this Paragraph 3.2 is in addition to payments owed by
Licensee to The Regents as Earned Royalties under Paragraph 5.1 below based on Sales by the
3.3 Within thirty (30) days of execution of each Sublicense Agreement, or amendment thereof,
Licensee will inform The Regents of such executed Sublicense Agreement or amendment, and
Licensee will furnish to The Regents a copy of such Sublicense Agreement or amendment.
3.4 Affiliates of Licensee and Affiliates of Sublicensees will have no licenses under Patent Rights
except as granted by Licensee in a Sublicense pursuant to this Agreement.
3.5 For the purposes of this Agreement, the operations of Sublicensees under their respective
Sublicense Agreements will be deemed to be the operations of Licensee, for which Licensee will
be responsible.
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3.6 Licensee will collect and guarantee payment of all monies and other consideration due The
Regents under this Agreement from Sublicensees.
3.7 Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, at The Regents' discretion, all Sublicenses
that are granted by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement, where the Sublicensee is in compliance
with its Sublicense Agreement as of the date of such termination, will remain in effect and will be
assigned to The Regents, except that The Regents will not be bound to perform any obligations
set forth in any Sublicenses that extend beyond the obligations of The Regents set forth in this
4.1 Licensee will pay to The Regents a non-creditable, non-refundable license issue fee (License
Issue Fee) of ________________________ dollars ($_________) due upon execution of this
Agreement. The License Issue Fee is non-refundable and not an advance against royalties or
other payments due under this Agreement.
4.2 Licensee will pay to The Regents a license maintenance fee of _____________________ dollars
($_________) by the one-year anniversary of the Effective Date and by each anniversary of the
Effective Date thereafter until the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which
the first Sale of Licensed Products or Licensed Services takes place.
5.1 Licensee will pay to The Regents earned royalties (Earned Royalties) at the rate of
_______________ percent (___%) of the Net Sales of all Licensed Products and Licensed
5.2 Earned Royalties accruing to The Regents will be paid to The Regents, to be accompanied by the
corresponding royalty report as required in Paragraph 7.4, quarterly within sixty (60) days after
the end of each calendar quarter as follows: May 31 (for first quarter), August 31 (for second
quarter), November 30 (for third quarter), and February 28 (for fourth quarter).
5.3 Beginning in the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the first Sale of
Licensed Products or Licensed Services takes place, and in each calendar year thereafter,
Licensee will pay to The Regents a minimum annual royalty (Minimum Annual Royalty) of
__________________ dollars ($_________) for the life of this Agreement. The Minimum Annual
Royalty will be paid to The Regents by February 28 of each year and will be credited against the
Earned Royalties due and owing for the calendar year for which the Minimum Annual Royalty is
5.4 All payments due The Regents will be payable in United States dollars. When Licensed Products
and Licensed Services are Sold for monies other than United States dollars, Earned Royalties will
first be determined in the foreign currency of the country in which the Sale was made and then
converted into equivalent United States dollars. The exchange rate will be that rate quoted in the
Wall Street Journal on the last business day of the reporting period.
5.5 Earned Royalty payments due to The Regents for Sales occurring in any country outside the
United States will not be reduced by any taxes, fees, or other charges imposed by the
government of such country on the remittance of royalty income. Licensee will also be
responsible for all bank transfer charges for payments to The Regents.
5.6 Licensee will make all payments under this Agreement either by check or electronic transfer,
payable to The Regents of the University of Californiaand Licensee will forward such payments
to The Regents at the address shown in Paragraph 23.1.
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5.7 If any patent or patent application, or any claim thereof, included within Patent Rights expires, or
is held invalid or unpatentable in a final decision by a court of competent jurisdiction and last
resort and from which no appeal has been or can be taken, all obligations to pay Earned
Royalties based on such patent, patent application, or claim will cease as of the date of such
expiration or final decision. Licensee will not, however, be relieved from paying any Earned
Royalties that accrued before such expiration or final decision or that are based on another
patent, patent application, or claim within Patent Rights which is not expired, or which is not held
invalid or unpatentable in such final decision.
6.1 Licensee will diligently proceed with the development, manufacture, marketing, and Sale of
Licensed Products and Licensed Services in quantities sufficient to meet the market demand.
6.2 In addition to Licensee’s obligations under Paragraph 6.1, Licensee will accomplish the following
milestones in Licensee’s activities under this Agreement:
6.3 If Licensee is unable to meet any of its diligence obligations set forth in Paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2,
then The Regents will so notify Licensee of failure to perform. Licensee will have the right and
option to extend the target date of any such diligence obligation for a period of six (6) months
upon the payment of Five Thousand dollars ($5,000) within the thirty (30)-day period prior to the
date to be extended, for each such extension option exercised by Licensee. Licensee may
further extend the target date of any diligence obligation for an additional six (6) months upon
payment of an additional Five Thousand dollars ($5,000). Additional extensions may be granted
only by written agreement of the Parties. These payments are in addition to any other payments
owed under this Agreement. Should Licensee opt not to extend the obligation or fail to meet the
obligation by the extended target date, then The Regents will have the right and option either to
terminate this Agreement or to reduce Licensee's exclusive license to a non-exclusive license.
This right, if exercised by The Regents, supersedes the rights granted in Article 2 (Grant).
6.4 To exercise either the right to terminate this Agreement or to reduce the license to a non-
exclusive license for lack of diligence under Paragraph 6.1 or 6.2, The Regents will give Licensee
written notice of the deficiency. Licensee thereafter will have sixty (60) days to cure the
deficiency. If The Regents has not received satisfactory written evidence that the deficiency has
been cured by the end of the sixty (60)-day period, then The Regents may, at its option, either
terminate the Agreement or reduce Licensee's exclusive license to a non-exclusive license by
giving written notice to Licensee. These notices will be subject to Article 22 (Notices).
7.1 For the six (6)-month period beginning ____________________, within sixty (60) days of each
June 30 and December 31 following the end of such six (6)-month period, Licensee will submit to
The Regents a semi-annual progress report covering Licensee's activities related to the
development and testing of Licensed Products, Licensed Services, and Licensed Methods,
including the obtaining of necessary governmental approvals, if any, for marketing in the United
States. These progress reports will be made until the first Sale occurs in the United States.
7.2 Each progress report will be a sufficiently detailed summary of activities of Licensee and any
Sublicensees so that The Regents may evaluate and determine Licensee’s progress in the
development of Licensed Products, Licensed Services, and Licensed Methods, and in meeting
Licensee’s diligence obligations under Article 6, and will include (but not be limited to) the
following: (a) summary of work completed and in progress; (b) current schedule of anticipated
events and milestones, including diligence milestones under Paragraph 6.2; (c) anticipated
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market introduction dates for the Licensed Territory; and (d) Sublicensees’ activities during the
reporting period.
7.3 In Licensee’s progress report immediately subsequent to the first Sale of a Licensed Product or a
Licensed Service by Licensee or by a Sublicensee, Licensee will report the date of such first
7.4 After the first Sale of a Licensed Product or a Licensed Service, Licensee will make quarterly
royalty reports to The Regents, to be accompanied by the corresponding Earned Royalty
payment as required in Paragraph 5.2, within sixty (60) days after the quarters ending March 31,
June 30, September 30, and December 31, of each year. Each such royalty report will include at
least the following:
(a) the volume of Licensed Products and Licensed Services Sold;
(b) gross revenue from Sale of Licensed Products and Licensed Services;
(c) Net Sales pursuant to Paragraph 1.7, and the calculation of Net Sales, including all
deductions taken, so that The Regents can confirm the calculation;
(d) total Earned Royalties due The Regents; and
(e) names and addresses of Sublicensees for any new Sublicenses entered into during the
reporting quarter.
7.5 If no Sales of Licensed Products or Licensed Services have occurred during the report period, the
royalty report will contain a statement to this effect.
8.1 Licensee will keep full, true, and accurate books of accounts containing all particulars that may be
necessary for the purpose of showing (a) the amount of Earned Royalties payable to The
Regents, and (b) Licensee’s compliance with obligations under this Agreement. For five (5) years
following the end of the calendar year to which they pertain, said books and the supporting data
will be open, during normal business hours upon reasonable notice, to the inspection and audit by
representatives of The Regents for the purpose of verifying Licensee's royalty reports or
compliance in other respects with this Agreement. Such representatives will be required to hold
all information in confidence except as necessary to communicate Licensee's non-compliance
with this Agreement to The Regents.
8.2 The fees and expenses of The Regents' representatives performing such an examination will be
borne by The Regents, provided that if an error in underpaid royalties to The Regents of more
than five percent (5%) of the total Earned Royalties due for any year is discovered, then the fees
and expenses of these representatives in conducting such examination will be borne by Licensee.
9.1 Unless otherwise terminated by operation of law or by acts of the Parties in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement, this Agreement will be in effect from the Effective Date and will remain in
effect for the life of the last-to-expire patent or last-to-be-abandoned patent application licensed
under this Agreement, whichever is later.
9.2 Any termination of this Agreement will not affect the rights and obligations set forth in the
Article 1 Definitions
Article 3 Sublicenses
Paragraph 4.1 License Issue Fee
Article 8 Books and Records
Article 9 Life of the Agreement
Article 12 Disposition of Licensed Products Upon Termination
Article 15 Use of Names and Trademarks
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Article 16 Limited Warranties
Article 18 Indemnification
Article 22 Notices
Article 23 Payments
Article 25 Confidentiality
Article 28 Applicable Law; Venue; Attorneys’ Fees
Article 29 Scope of Agreement
9.3 Any termination of this Agreement will not relieve Licensee of Licensee’s obligation to pay any
payment due or owing at the time of such termination and will not relieve any obligations, owed
by either Party to the other Party, established prior to termination.
10.1 If Licensee should violate or fail to perform any term of this Agreement, then The Regents may
give written notice of such default (Notice of Default) to Licensee. If Licensee should fail to
repair such default within sixty (60) days of the effective date of such notice, The Regents will
have the right to terminate this Agreement and the licenses herein by a second written notice
(“Notice of Termination) to Licensee. If a Notice of Termination is sent to Licensee, this
Agreement will automatically terminate on the effective date of such notice. Such termination will
not relieve Licensee of Licensee’s obligation to pay any royalty or license fees owing at the time
of such termination and will not impair any accrued rights of The Regents. These notices will be
subject to Article 22 (Notices).
10.2 Notwithstanding Paragraph 10.1, this Agreement will terminate immediately, if Licensee files a
claim including in any way the assertion that any portion of Patent Rights is invalid or
unenforceable, where the filing of such claim is by Licensee, by a third party on behalf of
Licensee, or by a third party at the urging of Licensee.
10.3 Notwithstanding Paragraph 10.1, this Agreement will terminate immediately in the event of the
filing of a petition for relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code by or against Licensee as a
debtor or alleged debtor.
11.1 Licensee will have the right at any time to terminate this Agreement in whole or as to any portion
of Patent Rights by giving notice in writing to The Regents. Such notice of termination will be
subject to Article 22 (Notices) and such termination of this Agreement in whole or in part will be
effective ninety (90) days after the effective date of such notice of termination.
11.2 Any termination pursuant to Paragraph 11.1 will not relieve Licensee of any obligation or liability
accrued hereunder prior to such termination or rescind anything done by Licensee or any
payments made to The Regents hereunder prior to the time such termination becomes effective,
and such termination will not affect in any manner any rights of The Regents arising under this
Agreement prior to such termination.
12.1 Upon termination of this Agreement, for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days after the
date of termination, Licensee may complete the making of, and may Sell, any partially made
Licensed Products, and Licensee may continue the practice of Licensed Methods only to the
extent necessary to do the foregoing; provided that all such Sales will be subject to the terms of
this Agreement including, but not limited to, the payment of royalties at the rate and at the time
provided herein and the rendering of reports thereon.
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13.1 The Regents will prosecute and maintain the patent applications and patents under Patent
Rights, subject to Licensee’s reimbursement of The Regents’ out-of-pocket costs under
Paragraph 13.3. All patent applications and patents under Patent Rights will be held in the name
of The Regents. The Regents will have sole responsibility for retaining and instructing patent
counsel. The Regents will promptly provide Licensee with copies of all official patent office
correspondence, and Licensee agrees to keep this documentation confidential in accordance with
Article 25 (Confidentiality). Licensee may comment upon such documentation, and The Regents
will take such comments into account, provided that if Licensee has not commented upon such
documentation in reasonable time for The Regents to sufficiently consider Licensee’s comments
prior to the deadline for filing a response with the relevant government patent office, The Regents
will be free to respond appropriately without consideration of Licensee's comments.
13.2 The Regents will use reasonable efforts to prepare or amend any patent application within Patent
Rights to include claims reasonably requested by Licensee to protect the Licensed Products or
Licensed Services contemplated to be Sold or Licensed Methods to be practiced under this
13.3 Subject to Paragraph 13.4, all past, present, and future costs for preparing, filing, prosecuting,
and maintaining all patent applications and patents under Patent Rights (including, without
limitation, the cost of interferences, reexaminations, oppositions, post-grant review, inter partes
review, supplemental examinations, and other patent office administrative proceedings, and their
appeals), which have not been previously reimbursed to The Regents, will be paid by Licensee,
so long as the licenses granted to Licensee herein are exclusive. Such payments by Licensee for
such costs are due within thirty (30) days after receipt by Licensee of invoice from The Regents.
If, however, The Regents reduces the exclusive licenses granted herein to non-exclusive licenses
pursuant to Paragraph 6.3 or Paragraph 6.4, and The Regents grants one or more additional
licenses, the subsequent costs of preparing, filing, prosecuting, and maintaining such patent
applications and patents will be divided equally among the licensed parties from the effective date
of each subsequently granted license agreement.
13.4 Licensee's obligation to pay all patent preparation, filing, prosecution, and maintenance costs for
Patent Rights will continue for so long as this Agreement remains in effect, provided that
Licensee may terminate Licensee’s obligations with respect to any given patent application or
patent under Patent Rights in any designated country upon three (3) months’ written notice to The
Regents. In the event of such notice to The Regents, The Regents will undertake to curtail
applicable patent costs billable to Licensee. The Regents may continue prosecution and
maintenance of such patent applications or patents at The Regents sole discretion and expense,
provided that Licensee will have no further right or licenses thereunder.
14.1 Licensee will mark all Licensed Products made, used, offered for Sale, imported, or Sold under
this Agreement, or their containers, in accordance with applicable patent marking laws.
15.1 Nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed as conferring upon either Party any right to
use in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trademark, trade name, or
other designation of the other Party (including any contraction, abbreviation, or simulation of any
of the foregoing). Unless required by law or consented to in writing by The Regents, Licensee will
not use the name The Regents of the University of Californiaor the name of any University of
California campus in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities.
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16.1 The Regents warrants to Licensee that The Regents has the lawful right to grant this license.
16.2 This license and the associated rights to the Invention are provided to Licensee WITHOUT
16.4 Nothing in this Agreement is or will be construed as:
(a) a warranty or representation by The Regents as to the patentability, validity,
enforceability, or scope of Patent Rights;
(b) a warranty or representation that anything made, used, Sold, offered for Sale, or imported
under any license granted in this Agreement is or will be free from infringement of patents
of third parties;
(c) an obligation to bring or prosecute actions or suits against third parties for patent
(d) conferring by implication, estoppel, or otherwise any license or rights under any patent
applications or patents of The Regents other than Patent Rights, regardless of whether
such patent applications or patents are dominant or subordinate to Patent Rights; or
(e) an obligation to furnish any know-how not provided in the patents and patent applications
under Patent Rights.
17.1 In the event that Licensee learns of the substantial infringement of any Patent Rights, Licensee
will promptly provide The Regents with notice and reasonable evidence of such infringement
(“Infringement Notice”). During the time period and in a jurisdiction where Licensee has exclusive
rights under this Agreement, neither Party will notify a third party, including the infringer, of the
infringement without first obtaining consent of the other Party, which consent will not be
unreasonably withheld. The Parties will use diligent efforts, in cooperation with each other, to
terminate such infringement without litigation.
17.2 (a) If such infringing activity has not been abated within ninety (90) days following the effective
date of the Infringement Notice, Licensee may initiate suit for patent infringement against the
infringer. The Regents may voluntarily join as a party in such suit at The Regents’ expense, but
The Regents may not thereafter separately initiate suit against the infringer for the acts of
infringement that are the subject of Licensee’s suit or any judgment rendered in that suit.
Licensee may not cause The Regents to be joined as a party in a suit initiated by Licensee
without The Regents’ prior written consent. If, in a suit initiated by Licensee, The Regents is
involuntarily caused to be joined as a party, Licensee will pay any costs incurred by The Regents
arising out of such suit, including, but not limited to, any legal fees of counsel that The Regents
selects and retains to represent it in the suit.
(b) If, within a hundred and twenty (120) days following the effective date of the Infringement
Notice, the infringing activity has not been abated and if Licensee has not initiated suit against the
infringer, The Regents may in its sole discretion initiate suit for patent infringement against the
infringer. If The Regents initiates such suit, Licensee may not join such suit without The Regents’
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consent, and Licensee may not thereafter separately initiate suit against the infringer for the acts
of infringement that are the subject of The Regents’ suit or any judgment rendered in that suit.
17.3 Such suit initiated under Paragraph 17.2 will be at the expense of the initiating Party and all
recoveries recovered thereby will belong to such Party, provided that suits initiated jointly by The
Regents and Licensee will be at the joint expense of the Parties and all recoveries will be
allocated in the following order: (a) to each Party reimbursement for its attorneys' costs, fees,
and other related out-of-pocket expenses, to the extent such Party paid for such costs, fees, and
expenses until all such costs, fees, and expenses are consumed for such Party; and (b) any
remaining amount shared jointly by the Parties in proportion to the share of expenses paid by
each Party, but in no event will The Regents’ share be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of
such remaining amount. The foregoing notwithstanding, if such suit is initiated by Licensee and
The Regents is not a party, The Regents’ share of any recoveries will be twenty-five percent
(25%) of the amount of such recoveries remaining after reimbursement to Licensee of Licensee’s
attorneys’ costs, fees and other related out-of-pocket expenses. In any suit initiated by The
Regents, any recovery will belong to The Regents.
17.4 Each Party will cooperate with the other Party in litigation initiated hereunder but at the expense
of the initiating Party. Such litigation will be controlled by the initiating Party bringing the action,
except that The Regents may be represented by counsel of its choice in any suit initiated by
17.5 Any agreement made by Licensee for the purposes of settling litigation initiated hereunder or
other related dispute will comply with the requirements of Article 3 (Sublicenses). In no event
may Licensee admit liability or wrongdoing on behalf of The Regents without The Regents’ prior
written consent.
18.1 Licensee will, and will require Sublicensees to, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend The
Regents and its officers, employees, and agents; sponsors of the research that led to the
Invention; and the inventors of any patents and patent applications under Patent Rights and their
employers; against any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, costs, fees, and expenses
resulting from or arising out of exercise of this license or any Sublicense. This indemnification will
include, but not be limited to, any product liability.
18.2 Licensee, at its sole cost and expense, will insure its activities in connection with any work
performed hereunder and will obtain, keep in force, and maintain the following insurance:
(a) Commercial Form General Liability Insurance (contractual liability included) with limits as
Each Occurrence .................................................................................... $___________
Products/Completed Operations Aggregate ........................................... $___________
Personal and Advertising Injury .............................................................. $___________
General Aggregate .................................................................................. $___________
If the above insurance is written on a claims-made form, it will continue for three (3) years
following termination or expiration of this Agreement. The insurance will have a
retroactive date of placement prior to or coinciding with the Effective Date of this
Agreement; and
(b) Worker's Compensation as legally required in the jurisdiction in which Licensee is doing
18.3 The coverage and limits referred to in Subparagraphs 18.2(a) and 18.2(b) will not in any way limit
the liability of Licensee under this Article 18 (Indemnification). Upon the execution of this
Agreement, Licensee will furnish The Regents with certificates of insurance evidencing
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compliance with all requirements, and Licensee will promptly notify The Regents of any material
modification of the insurance coverages. Such certificates will:
(a) provide for thirty (30) days' (ten (10) days for non-payment of premium) advance written
notice to The Regents of any cancellation of insurance coverages;
(b) indicate that The Regents has been endorsed as an additional insured under the
coverage described in Subparagraph 18.2(a); and
(c) include a provision that the coverage will be primary and will not participate with, nor will
be excess over, any valid and collectable insurance or program of self-insurance
maintained by The Regents.
18.4 The Regents will promptly notify Licensee in writing of any claim or suit brought against The
Regents for which The Regents intends to invoke the provisions of this Article 18
(Indemnification). In no event may Licensee admit liability or wrongdoing on behalf of The
Regents or any other indemnitee without The Regents' prior written consent. Licensee will keep
The Regents informed of Licensee’s defense of any claims pursuant to this Article 18
19.1 Licensee will comply with all applicable international, national, state, regional, and local laws and
regulations in performing its obligations hereunder and in Licensee’s use, manufacture, Sale,
offer for Sale, or import of the Licensed Products or Licensed Services, or in Licensee’s practice
of Licensed Methods. Without limitation, Licensee will observe all applicable United States and
foreign laws and regulations governing the transfer to other countries of technical data related to
Licensed Products, Licensed Services, or Licensed Methods, including, without limitation, with
respect to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export Administration
19.2 Licensee understands that The Regents is subject to United States laws and regulations
(including the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, and the Export Administration Act of 1979)
controlling the export of technical data, computer software, laboratory prototypes, and other
commodities, and The Regents' obligations to Licensee under this Agreement are contingent on
and subject to compliance with such laws and regulations. The transfer of certain technical data
or commodities may require a license from an agency of the United States Government or written
assurances by Licensee or a Sublicensee that Licensee or a Sublicensee will not export such
technical data or commodities to certain foreign countries without prior approval of such agency.
The Regents neither represents that such a license will not be required nor that, if required, it will
be issued.
20.1 If this Agreement or any associated transaction is required by the law of any nation to be either
approved or registered with any governmental agency, Licensee will assume all legal obligations
to do so. Licensee will notify The Regents if Licensee becomes aware that this Agreement is
subject to a United States or foreign government reporting or approval requirement. Licensee will
make all necessary filings and pay all costs, including fees, penalties, and all other out-of-pocket
costs, associated with such reporting or approval process.
21.1 This Agreement is binding upon and will inure to the benefit of The Regents and to The Regents’
successors and assigns. This Agreement is personal to Licensee and assignable by Licensee
only with the written consent of The Regents, provided that Licensee may, on written notice to
The Regents, assign this Agreement, including, without limitation, all obligations owed to The
Regents hereunder, to an acquiror of all or substantially all of Licensee's stock or assets.
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22.1 All notices under this Agreement will be deemed to have been fully given and effective when
done in writing and (a) delivered in person, (b) mailed by registered or certified United States
mail, or (c) deposited with a carrier service requiring signature by recipient, and addressed as
To The Regents: UC Davis InnovationAccess
1850 Research Park Drive, Suite 100
Davis, CA 95618-6153
Attn.: Executive Director
Ref: UC Case No. ___________
To Licensee: _______________________________
Attn.: __________________________
Either Party may change its address upon written notice to the other Party.
23.1 Payments to The Regents will be made by check or bank wire transfer, to the following address:
Checks: The Regents of the University of California
Innovation Alliances and Services
1111 Franklin Street, 5th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5200
Attention: Chief Financial Officer
Referencing: UC Case No. __________
Bank wire (Licensee is responsible for all wire transfer fees):
Bank of America
1655 Grant Street
Concord, CA 94520
Beneficiary Name: Regents of the University of California
Domestic Wire ABA: 026009593
Foreign Wire SWIFT: BOFAUS3N
Referencing: UC Case No. __________
23.2 If monies owed to The Regents under this Agreement are not received by The Regents when
due, Licensee will pay to The Regents interest charges at a rate of ten percent (10%) per annum.
Such interest will be calculated from the date payment was due until actually received by The
Regents. Such accrual of interest will be in addition to, and not in lieu of, enforcement of any
other rights of The Regents related to such late payment. Acceptance of any late payment will
not constitute a waiver under Article 24 (Waiver).
24.1 The failure of either Party to assert a right hereunder or to insist upon compliance with any term
or condition of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of that right or excuse a similar
subsequent failure to perform any such term or condition by the other Party. None of the terms
and conditions of this Agreement can be waived except by the written consent of the Party
waiving compliance.
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25.1 With respect to disclosures by one Party (Disclosing Party) to the other Party (Receiving Party”)
under this Agreement, the Receiving Party will, subject to Paragraphs 25.2 and 25.3, hold the
Disclosing Party's proprietary business and technical information, patent prosecution material,
and other proprietary information, including the negotiated terms of this Agreement (all such
proprietary information referred to collectively herein as Proprietary Information”), in confidence
and against disclosure to third parties, with at least the same degree of care as the Disclosing
Party exercises to protect the Disclosing Party’s own data and information of a similar nature.
This obligation will expire five (5) years after the termination or expiration of this Agreement.
25.2 With respect to Proprietary Information disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party,
nothing contained herein will in any way restrict or impair the right of the Receiving Party to use,
disclose, or otherwise deal with any information or data which:
(a) at the time of disclosure to the Receiving Party by the Disclosing Party is available to the
public by publication or otherwise, or thereafter becomes available to the public by
publication or otherwise through no act of the Receiving Party;
(b) the Receiving Party can show by written record was in the Receiving Party’s possession
prior to the time of disclosure to the Receiving Party hereunder and was not acquired by
the Receiving Party from the Disclosing Party;
(c) is independently made available to the Receiving Party without restrictions as a matter of
right by a third party, as demonstrated by written record;
(d) is independently developed by employees or agents of the Receiving Party who did not
have access to the information disclosed by the Disclosing Party, as demonstrated by
written record; or
(e) is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act or other requirements of
25.3 The Regents will be free to release to the inventors, The Regents’ senior administrators, and
individual Regents the terms and conditions of this Agreement upon their request. If such release
is made, The Regents will inform such individuals of the confidentiality obligations set forth above
and will request that such individuals not disclose such terms and conditions to others. Should a
third party inquire whether a license to Patent Rights is available, The Regents may disclose the
existence of this Agreement and the extent of the grant in Articles 2 (Grant) and 3 (Sublicenses)
to such third party but, unless Licensee so consents, The Regents will not otherwise disclose the
name of Licensee (or other negotiated terms of this Agreement) unless (a) Licensee or a third
party has already made such disclosure publicly, or (b) such disclosure is required under the
California Public Records Act or other requirements of law.
25.4 Within fifteen (15) days following the effective date of termination or expiration of this Agreement,
each Receiving Party agrees to destroy or return to the Disclosing Party Proprietary Information
received from the Disclosing Party which is in the possession of the Receiving Party. However,
each Receiving Party may retain one copy of Proprietary Information received from the Disclosing
Party for archival purposes in non-working files for the sole purpose of verifying the ownership of
the Proprietary Information, provided such Proprietary Information will be subject to the
confidentiality provisions set forth in this Article 25 (Confidentiality). Subject to such right to retain
for archival purposes, each Receiving Party agrees to provide to the Disclosing Party, within thirty
(30) days following termination of this Agreement, a written notice that Proprietary Information
received from the Disclosing Party has been returned or destroyed.
26.1 The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and in the event that any provision of this
Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under any controlling law, such invalidity
or enforceability will not in any way affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions
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27.1 This Agreement will be construed, interpreted, and applied in accordance with the laws of the
State of California, excluding any choice-of-law rules that would direct the application of the laws
of another jurisdiction, except that the scope and validity of any patent or patent application under
Patent Rights will be determined by the applicable law of the country of such patent or patent
application. Any legal action brought by one Party against the other Party relating to this
Agreement will be conducted in San Francisco, California. The prevailing Party in any such legal
action under this Agreement will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees in addition to
its costs and necessary disbursements.
28.1 Neither Party will use this Agreement as a basis to invoke the CREATE Act, 35 U.S.C. 102(c),
without the written consent of the other Party.
28.2 This Agreement incorporates the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous communications, representations, or
understandings, whether oral or written, between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof.
The Confidentiality Agreement specified in the Recitals above, effective ____________________,
is hereby superseded.
28.3 This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment duly executed by the Parties.
In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement in duplicate originals by their respective
authorized officers or representatives on the respective dates below.
By: By:
Signature Signature
Name: Name: David R. McGee
Executive Director
Title: UC Davis InnovationAccess
Date: Date: