March 1, 2022
University of Pennsylvania 6253 Southern Maryland Boulevard
School of Nursing Lothian, MD 20711
418 Curie Boulevard 410-741-6607
Claire M. Fagin Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104
215-573-7387 (fax)
PhD 2001 University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Major: Nursing Ethics
MSN 1995 The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Major: Pediatric Community Health and Management/Nursing
BSN 1993 The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Major: Nursing
Diploma 1981 Williamsport Hospital School of Nursing
Major: Nursing
Fellow 2010 Salzburg Seminar Global Fellow
Fellow 2009 Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
Postdoctoral 2001-2003 National Institutes of Health, Department of Bioethics Training
[first nurse trained in bioethics]
2017-present Lillian S. Brunner Endowed Chair in Medical-Surgical Nursing
2016-present Professor of Nursing with Tenure
Biobehavioral and Health Science Division
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Effective: July 1)
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2016-present Professor of Bioethics (Effective July 1)
Secondary Appointment, Department of Medical Ethics and Health
Policy; University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
2009-2016 Associate Professor of Nursing with Tenure
Biobehavioral and Health Science Division
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Effective: July 1)
2009-2016 Associate Professor of Bioethics (Effective July 1)
Secondary Appointment, Department of Medical Ethics and Health
Policy; University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
2005-2009 Assistant Professor of Bioethics
Secondary Appointment, Department of Medical Ethics and Health
Policy; University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
2003-2009 Assistant Professor of Nursing
Biobehavioral and Health Science Division
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
Philadelphia, PA
2003-present Senior Fellow
Center for Bioethics, Department of Medical Ethics
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
2003-present Senior Fellow
Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Children’s Hospital National Medical Center, Washington DC
1998 Consultant for Quality Assurance, Perioperative Services
1995-1997 Clinical Manager, Operating Room
(Member Pediatric Heart Transplant Team)
1986-1994 Clinical Coordinator, Operating Room
1981-1986 Staff Nurse, Surgical Unit
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Federal and State Government
1998-1999 RN Intern
Governor’s Office for Children, Youth, and Families
Baltimore, MD
1994 U.S. House of Representatives (September-December);
Congressman William Thomas
1993 Intern, Committee on Aging, U.S. House of Representatives
(1-month internship)
University of Maryland School of Nursing
1997-1998 Research Assistant
Risk Reduction of Sedentary Behavior Post CABG Surgery
Dr. Nalini Jairath
RN-247599-L Pennsylvania (expires 10/31/23)
RN-44678 District of Columbia (expired 06/30/12)
2020 International Association of Bioethics, 15th World Congress of
Bioethics, Virtual. UPenn Planning Committee Member, Review
Committee Member and Presenter for the Early Career Research
Prize, International Association of Bioethics. June 19-21
2019 Extramural Research Nursing Advisory Committee, Heilbrunn
Nursing Research, Rockefeller University, NYU
2018 Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Researcher Award
2017 Lillian S. Brunner Endowed Chair in Medical-Surgical Nursing
2016 Biobehavioral and Health Sciences Department Faculty Award for
Senior Research Faculty’s Significant Contribution to Nursing
2015 Biobehavioral and Health Sciences Department Faculty Award for
Senior Research Faculty’s Significant Contribution to Nursing
2015 Nurse Ethicist Panelist: Testimony: Presidential Bioethics
Commission for the Study of Bioethics under President Obama on
the Role of Bioethics Education and Nursing
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2015 Biobehavioral and Health Sciences Department Faculty Award for
Senior Research Faculty’s Significant Contribution to Nursing
2014 Selected by the Graduating BSN class to Pin the Graduating
Undergraduate Class
2010 Salzburg Seminar Global Fellow, November 2010
2009 Appointed Bioethicist to the National Heart Lung & Blood
Protocol Review Committee for PROMISE Trial.
2009 Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
2009 2009 Salzburg Seminar Global Fellow (*deferred until 2010)
2009 Eastern Nursing Research Award for Significant Contributions to
Nursing Research
2009-2015 Appointed to the National Heart Lung& Blood Data and Safety
Monitoring Board as Bioethicist [NHLBI Grant # 5U01HL089786
(CFDA #93.837), funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute (DCRI EPM #4318)] [Bioethicist responsible for patient
safety, quality of clinical trial, and burden to participants [Catheter
Ablation versus Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy for Atrial
Fibrillation Trial; CABANA]
2008 Junior Faculty Research Award
Biobehavioral and Health Science Division
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
2008 Global Engagement Award for Outstanding Mentorship of
International Visiting Scholar
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
2006 Donation made in Honor of Dr. Connie Ulrich by Dr. Pamela
Hinds to the Oncology Nursing Society Foundation
2002 Phi Kappa Phi, Member
2000-2001 American Nurse Foundation Scholar
1999 Graduate Merit Award-Spring
University of Maryland at Baltimore
1998 Sigma Theta Tau Scholarship Award
Pi Chapter Graduate Merit Award
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1998 Graduate Merit Award-Fall
University of Maryland at Baltimore
1995 W. Irene Riley Memorial Award for Community Health Nursing
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
1993 Mary B. Walsh Achievement Award
Catholic University of America
Doctoral Dissertation
Ulrich, C. M. (2001). Practitioners’ Perceptions on Ethical Aspects of Managed Care (Doctoral
dissertation, University of Maryland, 2001). Dissertation Abstracts International, 62,
B1326. Advisor: Dr. Karen Soeken (Emeritus Professor of Statistics and Measurement,
University of Maryland).
Pending Bioethics Grant Support
2021-2026 Ulrich, C. (PI). Educating and Developing Bioethicists in Tanzania (ENGAGE).
NIH/FIC. (D43 TW011809-01)
2021-2026 Ulrich, C. (PI). Modeling How Moral Distress & Ethical Confidence Impact
Nurses’ Emotional & Physical Health and Safety Culture. AHRQ
2021-2026 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). Problem-Solving Therapy for Cancer Caregivers: An
Effectiveness-Implementation Trial in Outpatient Palliative Care R01CA251460
2021-2026 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). Adolescents' Involvement in Decision Making During Specialty
Care Visits for Pediatric Chronic Illness: Development and Evaluation of a New
Measure and Implications for Self-Management. R01 (Miller).
2019- Ulrich, C. (Co-I). “Bioethics Supplement for Drs. Demiris and Parker-Oliver
(Missouri). To be Submitted, May 2019.
Funded Empirical Bioethics Research
2020-2022 Ulrich, C. (Advisory Council). Reaching Communities Through the Design of
information Visualizations Toolbox for Returning COVID-19 Results
2020- 2021 Ulrich, C. (PI). COVID-19: Understanding the Supportive Role of Hospital
Clinical Bioethicists During a Pandemic, President’s Award, Josiah Macy
Foundation. $25,000
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2019-2021 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). (Bioethicist). “Utilizing Twitter to Identify and Recruit
Substance Users at High Risk of HIV Infection.”
2018-2019 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). (Senior Mentor for Postdoc Fellow): “Moral Distress,
Depression, and Suicide Risk Among Undergraduate Nursing Students.”
American Nurses Foundation. Award: $10,000
2017-2021 Ulrich, C. (Co-I).: National Institutes of Health, Fogarty (NIH-2R25TW007693-
0). PI: Waddell-Aboud, “Dartmouth/MUHAS Research Ethics Training and
Program Development for Tanzania.” Award: $1,418,131
2014-2020 Ulrich, C. (PI). National Cancer Institute (R01CA196131)
“Retention in Cancer Clinical Trials: Modeling Patient-Participant’s Risk-Benefit.”
Award: $2,038,959
2017-2018 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). Maura C. Ryan and Jim Dieterle and Edith Virginia Stone, PhD,
RN, FAAN Nursing Research Scholarship Foundation, American Nurses
Association. Principal Investigator: Reardon, “Examination of Burdensome
Transitions at End-Of-Life Among Older Adults with Cancer.”
Award: $30,000
2016-2017 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). Sigma Theta Tau International Hospice and Palliative Nurse
Foundation End of Life Nursing Research Grant. Principal Investigator: Reardon
“Burdensome Transitions at End-of-Life for Older Adults with Cancer.”
Award: $10,000
2014 -2016 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). National Institutes of Health, Fogarty (NIH-2R25TW007693-0).
“Supplemental Funding, Dartmouth/MUHAS Research Ethics Training and
Program Development for Tanzania.” Principal Investigator: Waddell-Aboud
Award: $50,000
2012 Ulrich, C. (PI). Inter-Professional Practice and Education: A Collaborative
Initiative with Two African Countries.” Vice Provost for Global Affairs Award.
Award: $25,000
2012- 2013 Ulrich, C. (PI). End of Life Healthcare Utilization Patterns and Costs of Care in
Chronically Ill Aging Adults.” NewCourtland Center for Health and Transitions,
Funded. Award $10,000
2011 - 2016 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). National Institutes of Health, Fogarty (1R25TW007693-01A2)
“Dartmouth/Penn Research Ethics Training and Program Development for
Tanzania.” Principal Investigator: Waddell/Merz. Award: $1,083,842.
2008 – 2010 Ulrich, C. (PI). NIH/ National Institute of Nursing Research (R21NR010259)
“Respondent Burden and Retention in Cancer Clinical Trials.Award: $433,125
2007-2010 Ulrich, C. (PI). American College of Radiology Health Research Formula
Funds under the Tobacco Settlement Act.Factors Associated with Attrition in
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Radiation Therapy Oncology Trials: A 20-Year Review.” Award: $41,134
2007-2009 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). National Institute of Nursing (1R01NR009962-01A2),
“Standards of Scientific Conduct.” Principal Investigator: Kalichman. Award:
2007-2008 Ulrich, C. (PI). Pennsylvania Health Research Formula Funds Research
Grant/Oncology Nursing Society, (RE23), “Providers’ Recommendations on
Clinical Trials.” Award: $25,000,
2002-2007 Ulrich, C. (Co-I). National Institutes of Health (R25-ES12089), “Genes &
Environment: New Education to Involve Communities.”
2006-2006 Ulrich, C. (PI). Personnel Agreement/Contract with the Department of Clinical
Bioethics, National Institutes of Health. “The Ethical Problems Experienced by
Nurses and Social Workers,” Intramural Funding Award: $9,830 (20% effort).
2001-2003 Ulrich, C. (PI). Department of Clinical Bioethics, National
Institutes of Health. “Ethical Issues Associated with Nurse Practitioner and
Physician Assistant Practice” Intramural Award
2000-2001 Ulrich, C. (PI). Department of Clinical Bioethics and Department of Social Work,
National Institutes of Health. “The Ethical Problems Experienced by Nurses and
Social Workers” Intramural Award
2000-2001 Ulrich, C. (PI). American Nurses Foundation. (ANF # 200021) “Practitioners’
Perceptions on Ethical Aspects of Managed Care” Award: $5,000
Consultant on NIH Funded Research
2016-2021 Consultant: “To Enhance Breast Cancer Survivorship of Asian Americans”
(R01CA203719-901). Principal Investigator: Im, Duke University
Funded Educational Grants
2017-2021 Ulrich, C. (PI). Submitted Grant for Renewal of Funding for 5-year period to The
Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation Hillman Scholars Program in Nursing
Innovation/Pre-Doctoral Fellowships Award: Funding to start July 1.
[Directorship to change July 1].
2015- 2017 Ulrich, C. (PI). The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation Hillman Scholars Program
in Nursing Innovation/Pre-Doctoral Fellowships. Award: $3,750,000
2015-2018 Ulrich, C. (PI). Robert Wood Johnson Future of Nurse Scholars Program: Cohort
2: Funding for two doctoral students. Award: $75,000 [Ulrich Submitted Grant as
Graduate Group Chair].
2014 -2017 Ulrich, C. (PI). Robert Wood Johnson Future of Nurse Scholars Program.
Funding for two doctoral students. Award. $75,000
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2016- 2017 Postdoctoral Sponsor/Mentor: Oncology Nursing Research Scholarship
Foundation. Principal Investigator: Mooney-Doyle. “Promoting Sibling Health in
Advanced Pediatric Cancer. Award: $19,639
2015- 2016 Ulrich, C. (PI). American Academy of Nursing, New Courtland Center for
Transitions and Health, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy.
“Nursing, Ethics, and Health Policy.” Hastings Supplement on Nursing Ethics.
Award: $30,000
2008 – 2009 Ulrich, C. (Co-PI). Educational Initiatives Award, PENN Nursing. Co-PIs:
Richmond/McCauley, “Scientific Integrity Training”. Award: $7,500
2007- 2008 Ulrich, C. (PI). National Postdoctoral Association. “Responsible Conduct of
Research: A Training Seminar for Faculty and Pre and Postdoctoral Fellows at the
University of Pennsylvania.” Award: $1,000
Journal Articles: Peer Reviewed-Data-based (*indicates data-based; Student co-author underlined)
Rosa, W.E., Buck, H.G., Squires, A.P., Kozachik, S.L., Abu-Saad Huijer, H., Bakitas, M., McGowan
Boit, J., Bradley, P.K., Cacchione, P.Z., Chan, G., Crisp, N., Dahlin, C., Daoust, P., Davidson,
P.M., Davis, S., Doumit, M.A.A., Fink, R.M., Herr, K.A., Hinds, P.S., Hughes, T.L., Karanja,
V., Kenny, D.J., King, C.R., Klopper, H.C., Knebel, A.R., Kurth, A.E., Madigan, E.A.,
Malloy, P., Matzo, M., Mazanec, P., Meghani, S.H., Monroe, T.B., Moreland, P.J., Paice,
J.A., Phillips, J.C., Rushton, C.H., Shamian, J., Shattell, M., Snethen, J., Ulrich, C.M.,
Wholihan, D., Wocial, L.D., & Ferrell, B.R. (In Press). American Academy of Nursing Expert
Panel Consensus Statement on Nursing’s Roles in Ensuring Universal Palliative Care Access.
Nursing Outlook.
Part II has been retitled as below:
Rosa, W.E., Buck, H.G., Squires, A.P., Kozachik, S.L., Abu-Saad Huijer, H., Bakitas, M., McGowan
Boit, J., Bradley, P.K., Cacchione, P.Z., Chan, G., Crisp, N., Dahlin, C., Daoust, P., Davidson,
P.M., Davis, S., Doumit, M.A.A., Fink, R.M., Herr, K.A., Hinds, P.S., Hughes, T.L., Karanja,
V., Kenny, D.J., King, C.R., Klopper, H.C., Knebel, A.R., Kurth, A.E., Madigan, E.A.,
Malloy, P., Matzo, M., Mazanec, P., Meghani, S.H., Monroe, T.B., Moreland, P.J., Paice,
J.A., Phillips, J.C., Rushton, C.H., Shamian, J., Shattell, M., Snethen, J., Ulrich, C.M.,
Wholihan, D., Wocial, L.D., & Ferrell, B.R. (In Press). International Consensus-Based Policy
Recommendations to Advance Universal Palliative Care Access From the American Academy
of Nursing Expert Panels. Nursing Outlook.
Starr, L. T., Ulrich, C. M., Perez, G. A., Aryal, S., Junker, P., O'Connor, N. R., & Meghani, S. H.
(2021). Hospice Enrollment, Future Hospitalization, and Future Costs Among Racially and
Ethnically Diverse Patients Who Received Palliative Care Consultation. The American
Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care, 1-14. 10499091211034383. Advance online
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Paidipati, C.P., Deatrick, J.A., Eiraldi, R.B., Ulrich, C.M., Lane, J.M., Brawner, B.M. (2021).
Caregivers' Perspectives on the Contextual Influences Within Family Management for
Ethnically Diverse Children with ADHD. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing.
2021Dec 27:e12365. doi: 10.1111/jspn.12365. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34962094
Carpenter, J.G., Ulrich, C., Hodgson, N., Hanson, L.C., Ersek, M. (2021). Alternative Consent
Models in Pragmatic Palliative Care Clinical Trials. Journal of Pain and Symptom
Management. Jul;62(1):183-191. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.09.044. doi:
10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.09.044. Epub 2020 Oct 29. PMID: 33129936
Oliver, D.P., Benson, J.J., Ulrich, C., Washington, K.T., Rolbiecki, A.J., White, P., Smith, J.B., Lero,
C., Landon, O.J., Demiris, G. (2021). Perceived Benefits and Burdens of Participation for
Caregivers of Cancer Patients in Hospice Clinical Trials: A Pilot Study. Journal of Pain and
Symptom Management. Jun;61(6):1147-1154. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.10.024. Epub
2020 Nov 6. PMID: 33166583
Wool, J., Irving, S., Meghani, S., Ulrich, C. (2021). Parental decision-making in the Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit: An integrative review. Journal of Family Nursing, 27(2), 154-167. doi:
10.1177/1074840720975869. Epub 2021 Feb 1. PMID: 33523765
Carpenter, J.G., Ulrich, C., Hodgson, N., Hanson, L.C., Ersek, M. (2021). Alternative Consent
Models in Pragmatic Palliative Care Clinical Trials. Journal of Pain and Symptom
Management. Jul;62(1):183-191. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.09.044. Epub 2020 Oct
Parker Oliver, D., Benson, J., Ulrich, C.M., Washington, K.T., Rolbiecki, A.J., White, P., Smith,
J.B., Lero, C., Landon, O.J., Demiris, G. (2021) Perceived Benefits and Burdens of
Participation for Caregivers of Cancer Patients in Hospice Clinical Trials: A Pilot Study.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Jun;61(6):1147-1154. doi:
10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.10.024. Epub 2020 Nov 6. PubMed PMID: 33166583
Rosa, W.E., Riegel, B., Ulrich, C.M., Chittams, J., Quinn, R. Meghani, S.H. (2021) The
Association Between Analgesic Treatment Beliefs and Electronically Monitored
Adherence for Cancer Pain. Oncology Nursing Forum, 48(1):45-58.
Paidipati, C.P., Deatrick, J.A., Eiraldi, R.B., Ulrich, C.M., Brawner, B.M. (2020).
Family Management in Childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Qualitative
Inquiry. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2020 May-Jun;52:82-90.
doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2019.09.027. Epub 2020 Jan 29. PMID: 32005539
Ulrich, C.M., Rushton, C. H., & Grady, C. (2020). Nurses Confronting the Coronavirus:
Challenges Met and Lessons Learned to Date. Nursing Outlook. Nov-Dec
2020;68(6):838-844. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2020.08.018. Epub 2020 Sep 1. PMID:
Ulrich, C.M., Anderson, E.E., & Walter, J.K. (2020). COVID-19: Advancing Empirical
Bioethics Research. AJOB: Empirical Bioethics, 11(3):145-147. (Rated # 4 on the Altmetric score list and 8
- 10 -
most downloaded article in three years with 676 downloads according to AJOB Empirical
Bioethics Annual Report.)
Ulrich, C. (2020). The Moral Distress of Patients and Families. Invited Response to Qualitative
Data-Based Paper on Ethical Issues Experienced by Patients and Families. American
Journal of Bioethics. 20(6):68-70. doi:10.1080/15265161.2020.1754522.
Ulrich, C. & Fairman, J. (2020). COVID-19: How RNs can help overcome public vaccine
hesitancy. The Hill, Blogpost (Published October 8, 2020)
Kim, S., Im, EO, Liu, J., Ulrich, C. (2020). Maternal Age Patterns of Preterm Birth: Exploring
the Moderating Roles of Chronic Stress and Race/Ethnicity. Annals of Behavioral
Medicine, 54:653–664 doi:10.1093/abm/kaaa008 [Ulrich dissertation chair].
Grady, C., and Ulrich, C. COVID-19: Healthcare Worker Sorrows and Strengths. (2020).
Blogpost in; June 15, 2020,
Broden, E.G., Deatrick, J., Ulrich, C., Curley, MAQ. (2020). Defining a “Good Death” in the
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. American Journal of Critical Care. 29(2), 111-121.
Starr, L.T., Ulrich, C.M, Junker, P., Appel, S.M., O’Connor, N.R., Meghani, S.H. (2020).
Patient Risk Factor Profiles Associated with the Timing of Goals-of-Care Consultation
Before Death: A Classification and Regression Tree Analysis. Journal of Palliative
Medicine. 37(10) 767-778.
*Sabone, M., Mazonde, P., Cainelli, F., Maitshoko, M., Joseph, R., Shayo, J., Morris, B.,
Muecke, M., Mann Wall, B., Hoke, L., Peng, L., Mooney-Doyle, K., Ulrich, C.M.
(2020). [Ulrich, Senior author and Principal Investigator of funding] Everyday Ethical
Challenges of the Physician-Nurse Work Environment and Collaboration in African
Hospitals. Nursing Ethics. Feb;27(1):206-220.
Rosa WE, Chittams J, Riegel B, Ulrich CM, Meghani SH. (2020) Patient Trade-Offs Related to
Analgesic Use for Cancer Pain: A MaxDiff Analysis Study. Pain Management Nursing.
21(3) 245-254. [Epub ahead of print]. 2019 Oct 21. pii: S1524-9042(19)30098-0. doi:
10.1016/j.pmn.2019.07.013. PMID: 31648906
Rosa, WE, Riegel, B, Ulrich CM, Meghani, SH. (2020). A Concept Analysis of Analgesic
Nonadherence for Cancer Pain in a Time of Opioid Crisis. Nursing Outlook. 68(1):83-93.
pii: S0029-6554(19)30196-4. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2019.06.017. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 31443946
Mooney-Doyle, K., & Ulrich, C. (2020). Parental Moral Distress. Nursing Ethics. 27(3):821-
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Hoskins, K., Ulrich, CM, Shinnick, J, Buttenheim, AM. (2019). Acceptability of Financial
Incentives for Health-Related Behavior Change: An Updated Systematic Review.
Preventative Medicine. 126:105762. Epub 2019 Jul 2.
Starr, L., Ulrich, CM, Corey, KL, Meghani, SH. (2019). Associations Among End-of-Life
Discussions, Health-Care Utilization, and Costs in Persons with Advanced Cancer: A
Systematic Review. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 36(10), 913-926.
Demiris G, Washington K, Ulrich CM, Popescu M, Parker Oliver D. (2019). Innovative Tools to
Support Family Caregivers of Persons with Cancer: The Role of Information Technology.
Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 35(4):384-388. doi: 10.1016/j.soncn.2019.06.013.
*Zhou, Q., Ratcliffe, S., Grady, C., Wang, T., Mao, J, Ulrich, CM. (2019). Cancer Clinical
Trial Patient Participants’ Perceptions About Provider Communication and Dropout
Intentions. [AJOB Empirical Bioethics] [Ulrich senior author and PI of funding] Jul-
*Kim, S., Im EO, Liu, J, & Ulrich, C. (2018). Factor Structure for Chronic Stress Before and
During Pregnancy by Racial/Ethnic Group. Western Journal of Nursing Research.
41(5):704-727. doi: 10.1177/0193945918788852. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 30019628
*Ulrich, C.M., Zhou, Q., Ratcliffe, S.J., Knafl, K., Wallen, G.R., Richmond T.S., Grady C.
(2018). Development and Preliminary Testing of the Perceived Benefit and Burden
Scales for Cancer Clinical Trial Participation. Journal of Empirical Research on Human
Research Ethics. 13(4):15562646187647
*Mooney-Doyle K, Deatrick JA, Ulrich CM, Meghani SH, Feudtner C. (2018). Parenting in
Childhood Life-Threatening Illness: A Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of Palliative
Medicine 2018 Feb;21(2):208-215. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2017.0054. Epub 2017 Oct 3.
*Axson, S., Giordano, N., Herman, R., Ulrich, C.M. (2017). Evaluating Nurse Understanding &
Participation in the Informed Consent Process. Nursing Ethics. Jan 1: 26(4):1050-1061.
doi: 10.1177/0969733017740175. Epub 2017 Nov 20.
*Sefcik, J., Petrovsky, D., Streur, M., Toles, M., O’Connor, M., Ulrich, CM, Marcantonio, S.,
Coburn, K., Naylor, M.D., & Moriarty, H. (2016). In Our Corner: A Qualitative
Descriptive Study of Patient Engagement in a Community-Based Care Coordination
Program. Clinical Nursing Research. Dec 1: 27(3):258-277. doi:
10.1177/1054773816685746. Epub 2016 Dec 30.
*Kim, H., Deatrick, J., & Ulrich, C. (2016). Ethical Frameworks for Surrogates' End-of-Life
Planning Experiences: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Nursing Ethics; 2016 Mar 22.
24(1):46-69. doi: 10.1177/0969733016638145. Epub 2016 Aug 3.
*Bekelman, J.E., Halpern, S.D., Blankart, C.R., Bynum, J.P., Cohen, J., Fowler, R., Kaasa, S.,
Kwietniewski, L., Melberg, H.O., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B., Oosterveld-Vlug, M., Pring,
A., Schreyögg, J., Ulrich, C.M., Verne, J., Wunsch, H., Emanuel, E.J.; International
Consortium for End-of-Life Research (ICELR). Comparison of Site of Death, Health
- 12 -
Care Utilization, and Hospital Expenditures for Patients Dying with Cancer in 7
Developed Countries. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2016 Jan
*Ulrich, C.M., Ratcliffe, S.J., Wallen, G.R., Zhou, Q.P., Knafl, K., Grady, C. (2016). Cancer
Clinical Trial Participants' Assessment of Risk and Benefit. AJOB Empirical Bioethics.
2016;7(1):8-16. Epub 2015 May 1. *This article is rated #3 (out of 12) by AJOB EB
Annual Report for the most number of citations downloaded for the past three years.
*Rearden, J., Hanlon, A.L, Ulrich, C., Brooks-Carthon, M., Sommers, M. (2016). Examining
Differences in Opportunity and Eligibility for Cancer Clinical Trial Participation Based
on Sociodemographic and Disease Characteristics. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016 Jan
1;43(1):57-66. doi: 10.1188/16.ONF.57-66. PMID: 26679445
*Bruce, M.M., Ulrich, C.M., Kassam-Adams, N., Richmond, T.S. Seriously Injured Urban
Black Men's Perceptions of Clinical Research Participation. Journal of Racial Ethnicity
Health Disparities. 2016 Dec;3(4):724-730. Epub 2015 Dec 22.
*Lucas MS, Barakat, L.P., Ulrich, C.M., Jones, N.L., Deatrick, J.A. (2016). Mother-Caregiver
Expectations for Function Among Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors. Supportive
Care Cancer. 2016 May;24(5):2147-54. doi: 10.1007/s00520-015-3013-1. Epub 2015
Nov 10.
*Toles M, Moriarty H, Coburn, K., Marcantonio, S., Hanlon, A., Mauer, E., Fisher, P., O'Connor
M, Ulrich, C., Naylor, M.D. Managing Chronic Illness: Nursing Contact and Participant
Enrollment in a Medicare Care Coordination Demonstration Program. Journal of
Applied Gerontology. 2015 Aug 31. pii: 0733464815602115. [Epub ahead of print].
*Liu, J. & Ulrich, C. Mediation Analysis in Nursing Research: A Methodological Review.
Contemporary Nurse. 2015 Jul 15:1-14. [Epub ahead of print].
*Ulrich CM, Wallen, G.R., Cui, N., Chittams, J., Sweet, M., Plemmons, D. (2015) Establishing
Good Collaborative Research Practices in the Responsible Conduct of Research in
Nursing Science. Nursing Outlook. 2015 Mar-Apr; 63(2):171-80. doi:
10.1016/j.outlook.2014.10.007. Epub 2014 Oct 22
*Slota, C., Ulrich, C.M., Miller-Davis, C., Baker, K., & Wallen, G.R. (2014). Qualitative
Inquiry: A Method for Validating Patient Perceptions of Palliative Care While Enrolled
on a Cancer Clinical Trial. BMC Palliative Care. 2014 Sep 5; 13:43. doi: 10.1186/1472-
684X-13-43. eCollection 2014.
*Lucas, M.S., Barakat, L.P., Jones, N.L., Ulrich, C.M., Deatrick, J.A. (2014). Expectations for
Function and Independence by Childhood Brain Tumors Survivors and Their Mothers.
Narrative Inquiry Bioethics. 4(3):233-51. doi: 10.1353/nib.2014.0068.
*Ulrich, C.M., Zhou, Q.P., Hanlon, A., Danis, M., Grady, C. (2014). The Impact of Ethics and
Work-Related Factors on Nurse Practitioners' and Physician Assistants' Views on Quality
- 13 -
of Primary Healthcare in the United States. Applied Nursing Research. 2014 Jan 21. pii:
S0897-1897(14)00029-9. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2014.01.001. [Epub ahead of print]
*Ulrich, C.M., Knafl, K.A., Ratcliffe, S., Richmond, T., Grady, C., Miller-Davis, C., & Wallen,
G. (2012). Developing a Model of the Benefits and Burdens of Research Participation in
Cancer Clinical Trials. American Journal of Bioethics: Primary Research. 3(2), 10-23.
*Ulrich, C.M., Zhou, Q., Ratcliffe, S.J., Ye, L., Grady, C., & Watkins-Bruner, D. (2011). Nurse
Practitioners’ Attitudes About Cancer Clinical Trials and Willingness to Recommend
Research Participation. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 33(1), 76-84.
*Ulrich, C.M., Taylor, C., Soeken, K., O’Donnell, P., Farrar, A., Danis, M., & Grady, C. (2010).
Everyday Ethics: Ethical Issues and Stress in Nursing Practice. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 66(11), 2510-2519.
*Ulrich, C.M., James, J.L., Walker, E.M., Hartson Stine, S., Gore, El, Prestige, B., Michalski, J.,
Gwede, C.K., Chamberlain, R., & Watkins-Bruner, D. (2010). RTOG Physician and
Research Associate Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices Regarding Clinical Trials: Implications
for improving patient recruitment. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 31(3):221-8
*Grady, C., Soeken, K., Danis, M., O’Donnell, P., Taylor, C., Farrar, A., & Ulrich, C.M.
(2008). Does Ethics Education Influence the Moral Action of Practicing Nurses and
Social Workers? American Journal of Bioethics, 8(4), 4-11. [Target article] [Ulrich is
Senior Author and PI of data]
*Danis, M., Farrar, A., Grady, C., Taylor, C., O’Donnell, P., Soeken, K. & Ulrich, C. (2008).
Does Fear of Retaliation Deter Requests for Ethics Consultation? Medicine, Healthcare,
and Philosophy: A European Journal, 11(1), 27-34. [Ulrich is Senior Author and PI of
*O’Donnell, P., Farrar, A., BrintzenhofSzoc, K., Conrad, A., Danis, M., Grady, C., Taylor, C., &
Ulrich, C. (2008). Predictors of Ethical Stress, Moral Action, and Job Satisfaction of
Health Care Social Workers. Social Work in Health Care, 46(3), 29-51. [Ulrich is Senior
Author and PI of data]
*Ulrich, C. M., O’Donnell, P., Taylor, C., Farrar, A., Danis, M., & Grady, C. (2007). Ethical
Climate, Ethics Stress, and the Job Satisfaction of Nurses and Social Workers in the
United States. Social Science and Medicine, 65(8), 1708-19.
*Ulrich, C., Danis, M., Ratcliffe, S. J., Garrett-Mayer, E., Koziol, D., Soeken, K. L., & Grady,
C. (2006). Ethical Conflict in Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants in Managed
Care. Nursing Research, 55, 391-401.
*Ulrich, C., Danis, M., Koziol, D., Garrett, E., Hubbard, R. & Grady, C. (2005). Does it Pay to
Pay? A randomized Trial of Prepaid Financial Incentives and Lottery Incentives in
Surveys of Non-Physician Health Care Professionals. Nursing Research, 54(3), 178-183.
*Ulrich, C., & Soeken, K. (2005). A Path Analytic Model of Ethical Conflict in Practice and
Autonomy in a Sample of Nurse Practitioners. Nursing Ethics, 12(3), 305-316.
- 14 -
*Ulrich, C., Soeken, K., & Miller, N. (2003). Ethical Conflict Associated with Managed Care:
Views of Nurse Practitioners. Nursing Research, 52(3), 168-75.
*Ulrich, C., Soeken, K., & Miller, N. (2003). Predictors of Autonomy in Nurse Practitioners:
Effects of Organizational, Ethical, and Market Characteristics. Journal of the American
Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 15 (7), 319-327.
Journal Articles: Peer Reviewed Philosophical Contribution to Ethical Thought
Morley, G., Grady, C., McCarthy, J., and Ulrich, C.M. (2020). Covid-19: Ethical Challenges for
Nurses, Hastings Center Report, 45:1-5. DOI: 10.1002
Ulrich, C., Demiris, G., Kennedy, R., & Rothwell, E. (2020). The Ethics of Sensor Technology
Use in Clinical Research. Nursing Outlook. Online July.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (September 23, 2019). Moral Distress and Moral Strength Among
Clinicians in Health Care Systems: A Call for Research. The National Academy of
*Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2019). Transitions in Cancer Clinical Trials: An Optimal Time for
Advance Care Planning Discussions. JAMA Oncology, on-line February 7th:
*Aboud, M., Bukini, D., Waddell, R., Joseph, R., Morris, B., Shayo, J., Williams, K., Peterson,
L., Merz, J., & Ulrich, C. (2018). Do Tanzanian Hospitals Need Healthcare Ethics
Committees? Report of the Dartmouth-Penn Research Ethics Training and Program
Development for Tanzania (DPRET) Workshop in March 2014 in Dar es Salaam on
Ethics in Research and Clinical Practice. South African Journal of Bioethics and Law.
11(2):75-79. DOI:10.7196/SAJBL.2018.v11i2.639
Ulrich, C.M., Mooney-Doyle, K., & Grady, C. (2018). Communicating with Pediatric Families
at End-of-Life is not a Fantasy. American Journal of Bioethics; 18(1): 14–16.
Ulrich, C.M. (2018). End-of-Life Futility Conversations: When Language Matters. Perspectives
in Biology and Medicine. 60(3):433-437. doi:10.1353/pbm.2018.0020. [invited
commentary on special issue on futility].
Hoskins, K., Grady, C., Ulrich, C. (2018). Ethics Education in Nursing: Instruction for Future
Generations of Nurses. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, January.
Ulrich, C.M. (2017). What Nurse Bioethicists Bring to Bioethics: The Journey of a Nurse
- 15 -
Bioethicist. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine; 2017;60(1):33-46. doi:
10.1353/pbm.2017.0017. [invited contribution].
Ulrich, C.M., Grady, C., Hamric, A.B., & Berlinger, N. (2016). Nurses at the Table: Nursing,
Ethics, and Health Policy. Hastings Center Report Special Report. [First special report
to focus on nursing].
Wolf, L., Ulrich, C.M., Grady, C. (2016). Emergency Nursing, Ebola, and Public Policy: The
Contributions of Nursing to the Public Policy Conversation. Hastings Center Report.
Sep;46 Suppl 1: S35-8. doi:10.1002/hast.630.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2016). Nurses and Industry: Conflict or Collaboration? Annals of
Internal Medicine. Jun 7;164(11):773-4.
Campbell, S., Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2016). A Broader Understanding of Moral Distress.
American Journal of Bioethics, 16(12), 2-9.
Campbell, S., Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2016). Response to Commentaries on A Broader
Understanding of Moral Distress. American Journal of Bioethics, Dec;16(12): W1-W3.
Ulrich, CM, & Grady, C. (2015). Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Ebola Patients: Ethical
Considerations. Nursing Outlook. 2015 Jan-Feb;63(1):16-8. doi:
Ulrich, C. (2014). Ebola is Causing Moral Distress Among African Healthcare Workers. British
Medical Journal. 349: g6672
Ulrich, C. (2014). Who am I? Reflections on Self-Imaging in Cancer Clinical Trials. Clinical
Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(6): E68-70. doi: 10.1188/13.CJON.E68-E70.
Ulrich, C., & Wallen, G. (2010). Scientific Integrity: A Matter of Leadership, Ethics, and
Research Translation. Clinical Scholars Review. 3(2), 53-55.
Ulrich, C. (2010). Nurse practitioners: What Does the Public Need to Know? American Journal
of Bioethics, 10 (8):14-15. [Written in response to empirical article entitled: Patient
Willingness to Be Seen by Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Residents in the
Emergency Department: Does the Presumption of Assent Have an Empirical Basis?]
Ulrich, C. (2010). Who Defines Advanced Practice in Nursing in an Era of Healthcare Reform?
Clinical Scholars Review, 3(1), 5-6.
Ulrich, C., Hamric, A., & Grady, C. (2010). Moral Distress: A Growing Problem in the Health
Professions? Hastings Center Report, 40: 20-22.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2009). Doing "Good" With Limited Resources: Is It Good Enough in
the Provision of Quality Clinical Care? Clinical Scholars Review, 2(1), pp. 5-7.
- 16 -
Ulrich, C., Wallen, G., & Grady, C. (2009). Ethics and Genetics: What Should Every Advanced
Practice Nurse Know? Clinical Scholars Review, 1(2), 69-71.
Ulrich, C.M., Zhou, Q., Grady, C. (2009) Recommending Research Participation to Patients: An
Ethical Imperative? Clinical Scholars Review, 2(2), DOI: 10.1891/1939-2095.2.2.41.
Zeitzer, M., & Ulrich, C. (2008). Using Physiologic Criteria to Determine Emergency Trauma
Care: Necessary, but Sufficient? Journal of Emergency Nursing. 34(3), 270-271.
Ulrich, C. M., & Hamric, A. B. (2008). What Is So Distressing About Moral Distress? Clinical
Scholars Review, 1(1), 5-6.
Richmond, T. & Ulrich, C. (2007). Ethical Issues in the Recruitment and Enrollment of
Critically Ill & Injured Patients for Research. AACN, Advanced Critical Care,
October/December, 18(4), 352 – 355.
Ulrich, C. M., Wallen, G., Fiester, A., & Grady, C. (2005). Respondent Burden in Clinical
Research: When Are We Asking Too Much of Subjects? IRB: Ethics and Human
Research, 27(4), 17-20.
Jairath, N., Ulrich, C. M., & Ley, C. (2005). Ethical Considerations in the Recruitment of
Research Subjects from Hospitalized, Cardiovascular Patient Populations. Journal of
Cardiovascular Nursing. 20(1), 56-61.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2004). Beneficent Deception: Whose Best Interests Are We Serving?
American Journal of Bioethics, 4(4), 76-77.
Ulrich, C., Grady, C., & Wendler, D. (2004). Palliative Care: A Supportive Adjunct to Pediatric
Phase I Clinical Trials for Anti-Cancer Agents? Pediatrics, 114, 852-855. [Article
received commendation from Dr. Naomi Winick (Lowe Foundation Professor in
Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, Southwestern Medical Center, Children’s Medical Center,
Ulrich, C. (1997). Where’s Whaldo? In Search of the Wisest Healthcare Alternative Long-Term
Delivery Organization. AORN, 65 (2), 417-418.
Empirical Bioethics Data-Based Abstracts/Presentations
Ulrich, C. & Richmond, T. (2020). “Research Misconduct: What is it, why does it occur, and
how do we address it?” IBPP Responsible Conduct of Research: Research misconduct
and policies for handling it, Perelman School of Medicine. Monday, June 15th and June
29th, 2020
*Paidipati, C. & Ulrich, C. (2020). “Examining Moral Distress, Depression, and Suicide Risk
Among Undergraduate Nursing Students and the Role of Ethics Preparedness.” Poster
Presentation. Palmer Symposium, Loyola University Chicago. Maywood, IL, March 13,
- 17 -
*Paidipati, C. & Ulrich, C. (2020). Successes, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations When
Recruiting Undergraduate Nursing Students for Ethics-Related Research.” Postcard
Presentation. Midwest Nursing Research Society. Schaumburg, IL, April 1 – 4, 2020.
*Paidipati, C., Huang, L., & Ulrich, C. (2020). Examining the Role of Moral Distress,
Depression, Suicide Risk, and Ethics Preparedness Among Undergraduate Nursing
Students in the United States.” Podium Presentation. 15th World Congress of Bioethics.
Philadelphia, PA, June 19 – 21, 2020. [Will be a virtual meeting].
*Paidipati, C., Lakhani, N., & Ulrich, C. (2020). ‘Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Ethical
Issues Within Undergraduate Education: A Qualitative Exploration. Podium Presentation.
Sigma’s 31st International Nursing Research Congress.” Abu Dhabi, UAE, July 23 – 27,
*Ulrich, C. & Deatrick, J. (2019). “Spirituality Across the Life Course: Examples from Cancer
Research. Invited: Pastoral Support Group.” The Hospital of the University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
*Ulrich, C. (2019, October 22). “Ethical Issues in the Recruitment and Retention of Patient-
Participants in Cancer Clinical Trials.Keynote address: International Association of
Clinical Research Nurses Annual Conference, Philadelphia Pa.
Ulrich, C., Campbell, S., Hurst, A., & Grady, C. (2019, October). “Should we Preserve, Revise,
Reframe, or Abandon the Concept of Moral Distress?” American Society of Bioethics
and Humanities. Oral Presentation, competitively selected. 2019, October 26.
Demiris, G., Rothwell, E. Ulrich, C. Kennedy, R. (2019, October). “Invited Panelist for Council
for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS) Session on Ethical Issues in Sensor
Research.” Washington, DC.
Ulrich, C., Wang, T., Ratcliffe, S., Zhou, Q., Grady, C. (2019, March 29-31). “Spirituality and
Symptom Burden in Cancer Clinical Trials.Oral Presentation at the Conference on
Medicine and Religion, Duke, North Carolina.
Ulrich, C., Zhou, Q, Ratcliffe, S. (2017, June). “MD-RN Research Communication and
Dropout Intention Among Cancer Clinical Trial Participation.” Academy Health Abstract
*Axson, S., Giordano, N., Herman, R., & Ulrich C. (2016, October).Evaluating Nurse
Participation and Understanding in the Informed Consent Process.American Society of
Bioethics and Humanities Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington DC. 2016.
*MacKenzie, M.A., Hirschman, K.B., Coburn, K., Marcantonio, S., Hanlon, A.L., Mauer, E.,
Ulrich, C. (2015, November).End-of-Life Healthcare Utilization Patterns in
Chronically Ill Older Adults.” Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific
Meeting, November 2015.
- 18 -
Sabone, M......Ulrich, C.M. (2015). “Nurse-Doctor Collaboration: Perceptions of Nurses and
Doctors in Botswana.” Sigma Theta Tau International: 15th Tau Lambda at-Large
Annual Conference at Sunnyside Park Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa on 12-14
August 2015
*Bernhardt, B.A., Tomlinson, A.N., Miller, V.A., Pyeritz, R.E., DeChene, E.T., Merz, J.F.,
Ulrich, C., Spinner, N.B., Krantz, I.D. (2014, March). “Experience with informed
consent for whole exome sequencing in children.” ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics
Meeting. Oral Platform Session, March 2014.
*Tomlinson, A.N., Miller, V.A., Pyeritz, R.E., DeChene, E.T., Merz, J.F., Ulrich, C., Spinner,
N.B., Krantz, I.D., Bernhardt, B.A. (2014, March) “Complex Decisions About Complex
Data: An Analysis of Informed Consent for Pediatric Whole Exome Sequencing.”
ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting. Poster Session, March 2014.
*Ulrich, C.M., Wallen, G.R., Ratcliffe, S.J., Knafl, K., & Grady, C. (2012, September, 15).
Communicating with Patient-Subjects: Do RNs Make a Difference in Cancer Clinical
Trial Retention?” 2012 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Washington
*Ulrich, C. (2012, March 24-27). “Research Participants’ Views on Participation in Clinical
Trials.”. Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, New Haven CT.
*Ulrich, C., & Wallen, G. (2012, March 15-16). “Does Research Integrity Start and End with the
Primary Investigator? Making the Case for Interdisciplinary Integrity.” Quest for
Research Excellence: Office of Research Integrity Conference on Research Integrity“,
Washington DC.
*Ulrich, C., Wallen, G., Sweet, M., Plemmons, D., & Kalichman, M. (2012, March 15-16).
What are Good Collaborate Research Practices: Views of Nurse Scientists.” Quest for
Research Excellence: Office of Research Integrity Conference on Research Integrity,
Washington DC.
*Vasgird, D., Ulrich, C., Sweet, M., & Kalichman, M. (2012, March 15-16). “What is the Role
of the Research Institution in Promoting Research Integrity?Quest for Research
Excellence: Office of Research Integrity Conference on Research Integrity, Washington
*Ulrich, C., Zhou, Q., Ratcliffe, S., Guerra, C., Danis, M., Watkins-Bruner, D., & Grady, C.
(2010, March 26). “Barriers to Nurse Practitioners Recommending Clinical Trials.
Eastern Nursing Research Society Annual Meeting, Providence, RI.
*Ulrich, C. (2009, November 5). Factors Associated with Attrition in RTOG Clinical Trials.
ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
*McCauley, L. A., Weinstein, M., & Ulrich, C. (2007, November 5). “Ethical, Legal, and Social
Issues of Toxicogenetic Research with Working Populations.” American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- 19 -
*Grady, C., Danis, M., Soeken, K., O’Donnell, P., Taylor, C., Farrar, A., Fang, Y., & Ulrich, C.
(2007, June 1-3).Does Ethics Education Influence the Use of Ethics Resources by
Practicing Nurses and Social Workers?3rd Annual International Conference on Clinical
Ethics and Consultation, Toronto, Canada. (Ulrich, Senior Author and PI of data).
*Jacoby, L., Siminoff, L., Ulrich, C. & Kim, S. (2005, October 20). “Bioethics and the Social
Sciences-A Coming Together.American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Annual
Conference, Washington, DC.
*Ulrich, C., Danis, M., Farrar, A., Taylor, C., O’Donnell, P., Soeken, K. & Grady C. (2005,
April). Fear of Retaliation in Health Care: Does it Influence the Use of Ethics
Consultation and ProvidersSatisfaction and Retention?” Global Women’s Health
Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
*Danis, M., Farrar, A., Grady, C., Taylor, C., O’Donnell, P., Soeken, K., & Ulrich, C. (2005,
March 17-20). “Fear of Retaliation as a Deterrent to Ethics Consultation.” 2
International Clinical Ethics Consultation Conference, Basel, Switzerland.
*Danis, M., DuVal, G., Hurst, S., & Ulrich, C. (2005, March 17-20). “The Contribution of
Empirical Research Toward Understanding of Ethical Dilemmas and Ethics
Consultation.” 2
Annual International Clinical Ethics Consultation Conference, Basel,
*Ulrich, C., Danis, M., Ratcliffe, S, Garrett-Mayer, E, Koziol, D, Emanuel, E, & Grady, C.
(2004, June 6). “Do Professional Obligations Affect Ethical Conflict? A Survey of Non-
Physician Healthcare Professionals in the United States.” (On-line). Academy Health
Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA.
*Ulrich, C., & O’Donnell, P. (2003, October 25). “The Experience of Ethical Stress: Impact on
Nurses and Social Workers.American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Annual
Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
*Ulrich, C. (2002, October 25). “Ethical Conflict Associated with Managed Care: Views of
Nurse Practitioners.” Nursing Affinity Group, American Society of Bioethics and
Humanities Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
*Ulrich, C. (2002, September 26-28). Practitioners’ Perceptions on Ethical Aspects of Managed
Care.” Advancing Nursing Practice Excellence: State of the Science. Washington, DC.
*Ulrich, C. (2002, June/July). “Practitioners’ Perceptions on Ethical Aspects of Managed Care.
Poster Session at the American Nurses Association Biennial Convention,
Philadelphia, PA. (Poster nominated for the Grand Rounds).
*Ulrich, C. (June 2002). Practitioners’ Perceptions on Ethical Aspects of Managed Care.”
National Conference of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Reno, NV.
Abstracts-Presentations with Philosophical Contribution to Ethical Thought
- 20 -
Ulrich. C., Taylor, C., Davis, A., & Grady, C. (Oct 2020). “The Year of the Nurse: How Nurse
Bioethicists Can Contribute to More Just and Sustainable Healthcare.American Society
of Bioethics and Humanities 22
Annual Meeting. Virtual.
Ulrich, C., Hamric, A.B., Grady, C., & Berlinger, N. (Oct 2016). “Nurses at the Table: Nursing
and Organizational Ethics: Panel Presentation.” American Society of Bioethics and
Humanities 18
Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Ulrich, C., Jairath, N., & Wallen, G. (2005, May 21-27). “Ethical Issues in the Recruitment of
Hospitalized Patients.23
Quadrennial Congress, International Council of Nurses,
Taiwan, Taipei.
Goold, S., Wynia, M., Ulrich, C. (2004, October 29). Negotiating a Bioethics Position.”
American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Ulrich, C. & Grady. C. (Eds.). “Nurses and COVID-19: Ethical Considerations in Pandemic
Care.” Under contract: Springer, Nature.
Ulrich, C. & Grady, C. (Eds.). “Moral Distress in the Health Professions.” Springer, Nature.
[2018; Springer, Nature].
Ulrich, C. (Ed.) (2012). Nursing Ethics in Everyday Practice.” Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta
Tau International.
Abstracts with Students from Dissertation or Postdoctoral Work or Other (Presented)
Paidipati, C. & Ulrich, C. (2019). “Benefits and Burdens of Caregiving in a Cancer Clinical
Trial.Accepted, International Family Nursing Conference, Washington, DC, August 13-
Kim, S., Im, E. O., Liu, J., & Ulrich, C.Maternal Age Patterns of Preterm Birth: Exploring the
Moderating Roles of Chronic Stress and Race/Ethnicity.Poster presented at: 32
Annual Conference of Southern Nursing Research Society; 2018 March 21-24; Atlanta,
Kim, S., Im, E. O., Liu, J., & Ulrich, C. “Age Pattern of Preterm Birth: The Roles of Stress and
Race.Will be presented at: 2018 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research:
Precision Health; 2018 September 13-15; Washington, DC.
Kim, S., Im, E. O., Liu, J., & Ulrich, C. “Racial Variations in Chronic Stress Dimensionality.
Will be presented at: 2018 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research: Precision
Health; 2018 September 13-15; Washington, DC.
Kim, S., Im, E. O., Liu, J., & Ulrich, C. “Maternal Age Patterns of Preterm Birth: Exploring the
Moderating Roles of Chronic Stress and Race/Ethnicity.” Will be presented at: the
APHA's 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo; 2018 Nov. 10-14; San Diego, CA.
- 21 -
Kim, S., Im, E. O., Liu, J., & Ulrich, C.Characteristics of Chronic Stress Measures as
Predictors for Adverse Birth Outcomes Among Racial/Ethnic Groups in the U.S.Will be
presented (poster) at: he APHA's 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo; 2018 Nov. 10-14; San
Diego, CA.
Paidipadi, C, & Ulrich, C.Moral Distress, Depression, and Suicide Risk among Nursing
Students: Expanding Bioethics into Mental Health and Nursing Education.” (2018,
December). Global Bioethics, India.
Monographs, Manuals or Committee Reports [print or other media]
Ulrich, C.M. (2020). Protecting Nurses from the Coronavirus. Penn News. University of
Ulrich, C., & Wallen, G. (2016). Ethics of Clinical Research. Oncology Nursing Society,
Clinical Trials Manual.
Ulrich, C. (2015). Testimony to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
Under President Obama. Ethical Issues and Ethics Education in Nursing.
Richmond, T., & Ulrich, C. (2013). Ethical Foundations for Critical Care Nursing Research.
Invited by the American Association of Critical Care Nursing.
research.pdf Editor (Ellen French).
Chapters in Books or Monographs
Ulrich, C.M., Lievrouw, A., Van den Bulcke, B., Benoit, D., Piers, R., Morley, G., Joseph, R.,
Morris, B., Rai, SD., Ling Soon, MM. International Perspectives on Moral Distress.
Chapter 8 in C. Ulrich and C. Grady (eds) Moral Distress in the Health Professions.
Springer Intl, 2018
Grady C, Berlinger N, Caplan A, Davis S, Hamric A, Ketefian S, Truog R, Ulrich C. Reflections
on Moral Distress and Moral Success. Chapter 9 in C. Ulrich and C. Grady (eds) Moral
Distress in the Health Professions. Springer Intl, 2018.
Campbell S, Ulrich C, Grady C. A Broader Understanding of Moral Distress, Chapter 4 in C.
Ulrich and C. Grady (eds) Moral Distress in the Health Professions. Springer Intl, 2018
Axson, S., & Ulrich, C. (in press). Ethics in Community Health Nursing Practice. In Jeannette
Lancaster (Ed.), Public Health Nursing.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (in press). Ethical Issues in Critical Care Nursing. In Dorrie Fontaine
and Patricia Morton (Eds.), Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach, 10
Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
- 22 -
Mooney-Doyle, K., Wallen, G.R., Ulrich, C. (2012). Research Advocacy. In C. Ulrich (Ed.),
Nursing Ethics in Everyday Practice. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2009). Ethical Issues in Critical Care Nursing. In Dorrie Fontaine and
Patricia Morton (Eds.), Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach, 9
Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Ulrich, C., & Zeitzer, M. (2009). Ethical Issues in Advanced Practice Nursing. In: E. Sullivan-
Marx, J. Fairman, & Diane McGivern (Eds.). Nurse Practitioners: The Evolution and
Future of Advanced Practice 5th Edition.
Ulrich, C., & Zeitzer, M. (2009). Ethical Issues in Nursing. In: V. Ravitsky, A. Fiester, & A.
Caplan (Eds.). The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics. Springer Publishing.
Ulrich, C., & Ratcliffe, S. (2008). Hypothetical Vignettes in Empirical Bioethics Research. In L.
Siminoff & L.Jacoby (Eds.). Advances in Bioethics: Vol. 11. Empirical Methods for
Bioethics: A Primer. (1
ed., pp. 161-181). San Diego, CA: JAI Press.
Ulrich, C. & Karlawish, J. (2006). Responsible Conduct of Research. In L.A. Lipsitz, et al.
(Eds.). Multidisciplinary Guidebook for Clinical Geriatric Research. (1
ed., pp. 52-62).
Washington, DC: Gerontological Society of America.
Guest Editorials, Book Reviews, Other Publications [e.g., letters to the editor, op-ed and
newsletter publications]
Ulrich, C.M. (April 6, 2020). Op-Ed. Post-Coronavirus, How Will We Address the Trauma
Health Care Workers Have Suffered? The Boston Globe.
Ulrich, C.M. (March 11, 2020). Op-Ed. How Do We Protect Healthcare Workers from the
Coronavirus as They Protect Us? The Boston Globe.
Ulrich, C.M. (2020). Letter to the Editor on Mistreatment and Burnout in Surgical Residency
Training. New England Journal of Medicine.
Ulrich, C.M. (2018). Letter to the Editor on Nurses’ Role in Assisted Suicide/Aid in Dying. AJN
The American Journal of Nursing: September 2018; 118(9):10
Ulrich, C.M. (July 26, 2017). Charlie Gard’s Situation Calls for More Discussions on End-of-
Life Care. Letter to editor. Washington Post.
Ulrich, C., Grady, C., Hamric, A.B., & Berlinger, N. (2017). Letter to the Editor in Response to:
Nurses at the Table: Nursing, Ethics, and Health Policy. Hastings Report Special
Supplement. Nursing Outlook. 2017 Mar - Apr;65(2):142
Ulrich, C. (January 18, 2017). Let the Ethics Officer Do His Job. Washington Post,
- 23 -
Ulrich, C. (2015). Nurse Staffing and Patient Safety. New York Times, June 22, 2015,
Ulrich, C. (2014). Recognizing the Threats Ebola Poses. Washington Post, October 15,
Ulrich, C. (2014). Listen to Nurses Who Blow the Whistle on Shoddy Ebola care. Los Angeles
Times, October 15,
Ulrich, C. (2014). Ebola Fears in U.S. Real but Overblown. USA Today, August 4.
Ulrich, C. (2014). Doctors, Hospitals and Dollars. New York Times. May 26.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2012). Perceptions of Appropriateness of Care in the ICU. Journal of
the American Medical Association, 307(13), 1370-1371.
Ulrich, C. (2011). Observing Bioethics (Editors Renee Fox & Judith Swazey). Nursing History
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2004). Editorial: Financial Incentives and Response Rates in Nursing
Research. Nursing Research, 53(2), 73-74.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2003). Editorial: Research Mentors: An Understated Value? Nursing
Research, 52(3), 139.
Ulrich, C., Wallen, G., & Grady, C. (2002). Editorial: Research Vulnerability and Patient
Advocacy: Balance Seeking Perspectives for the Clinical Nurse Scientist? Nursing
Research, 51 (2), 71.
Ulrich, C., Wallen, G., & Grady, C. (2002). Nurse-Staffing Levels and Quality of Care in
Hospitals. New England Journal of Medicine, 347 (14), 1118-1119.
Ulrich, C. (2001). Editorial Comment: Need for Knowledge of Ethics. Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 53(4), 306.
Alternative Media
Grady, C., and Ulrich, C. COVID-19: Healthcare worker sorrows and strengths. Blogpost in; June 15, 2020,
Kelly, A. Nursing Professor Calls for Research to Resolve Workplace Distress Among
Clinicians. The Daily Pennsylvanian, October 30, 2019.
- 24 -
Ulrich, C., (2019, January). Invited Book Talk on Moral Distress in the Health Professions.
University of Pennsylvania Medical Library. Philadelphia, Pa.
Ulrich, C. (2018, September 11). Invited Guest by Jeff Voigt. Business of Health Care on
SIRIUSXM 132. Other guests included Drs. Holly Prigerson and Phillip Pizzo.
Fairman, J. & Ulrich, C. (2014). Informed Quarantine: Is it all in the Timing? Philadelphia
Inquirer Blog. Philadelphia, Pa.
Ulrich, C., & Fairman, J. (2014, October 24). Ebola, Epidemics, and Nursing Care. Blog
posted to Bates Center for Nursing History, University of Pennsylvania School of
Nursing. [Blog received > 1000 hits]
Wallen, G., Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (2005). Learning about a “Good Death”: Ethical
Considerations in Palliative Care Nursing Research. Delaware Nurses Association
Reporter, 30(2), 8-9.
Interviews in Consumer Media
Ulrich, C. (October 11, 2021) Interview with Jennifer Bryne, Staff Writer at Heme-Onc Today
Ulrich, C. (April 2020). Interview with AACN: Marian Altman, PhD. Ethical Obligations
during COVID-19. American Association of Critical Care Nursing.
Ulrich, C. (April 2020). Ethical Issues on COVID-19. Nurse Zone with Debra Woods.
Ulrich, C. (January 2019). Interview Regarding Progress Made with Ebola and Ethical Issues
with Katherine Unger Baillie, Science News Officer, University of Pennsylvania.
Ulrich, C. (March 2017). Interview with Benjamin Elgin, Bloomberg News. Nurse
Practitioners and Pharmaceutical Companies.
Ulrich, C. (March 2015). Interview with Mary Davis, The American Nurse Today. Teaching
Ethics and the Revised Nursing Ethics Code. (Published in the American Nurse, April
Ulrich, C. (March 4, 2014). Interview with Debra Wood, NurseZone. 10 Best Practices for
Addressing Ethical Issues and Moral Distress.
Ulrich, C. (September 10, 2013). Interview with Debra Wood, NurseZone. Helping Nurses
Cope with Ethical Issues in Clinical Practice.
- 25 -
Ulrich, C. (July 5, 2012). Interview with Sharon Reynolds, ELS (Senior Science Writer,
National Cancer Institute, Office of Communications and Education). Ethics and Cancer
Clinical Trials and Nursing’s role. [Ulrich’s Comments Published in the NCI Cancer
Bulletin: “A Balancing Act: Nursing and Ethics in Clinical Trials”, July 24, 2012].
Ulrich, C. (March 13, 2012). Interview with Suzanne L. Rose, Science & Medical News Editor
Cancer Discovery; American Association for Cancer Research. Article on obtaining
tumor samples for research.
Ulrich, C. (2010). Interview with AARP. Patients’ Willingness to be Seen by Nonphysicians in
the Emergency Room.
Ulrich, C. August 26, (2010). Patients’ Willingness to be Seen by Nonphysicians in the
Emergency Room. [Interview with XM Radio, American Medical Association].
Ulrich, C. (August 19, 2010). Patients’ Willingness to be Seen by Nonphysicians in the
Emergency Room. [Interview with Kevin O’Reilly, American Medical Association
Ulrich, C. (2009). Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice. NurseZone.
Ulrich, C. (2009). Ethics and Long-Term Care. (Rheame, C. (2009). Understanding Stress and
its Management. The LTC Nurse’s Companion, 7(1), 1-6.
Ulrich, C. (April 25, 2008). Ethics and Retention. Advance Magazine. [Interview with Jim
Kerr]. Available at:
Ulrich, C. (April 4, 2008). Moral distress. NurseZone.
Ulrich, C. (January 28, 2008). Health Costs: Taking Part in Drug Trials. Wall Street Journal.
[Interview with Jilian Mincer]. Available at:
Ulrich, C. (December 2007). Moral Distress Hampers RN Retention: (December 2007).
Advance for Nurses. Available at:
Ulrich, C. (December 2007). Nurses Leave Hospitals Due to Moral Stress. Penn Nursing
Science, University of Pennsylvania.
Ulrich, C. (April 2007). Ethics Concerns Grow for NPs and PAs. Clinical Advisor. [Interview
with Myra Dembrow, Senior Editor]. Available at:
- 26 -
Ulrich, C. & Richmond, T. (June 15th, 2020). Research Misconduct: What is it, why does it
occur, and what do we do about it? RCR series for Biomedical Postdoctoral Program,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Philadelphia Pa.
Ulrich, C. & Richmond T. (June 28th, 2020). Research Misconduct: What is it, why does it
occur, and what do we do about it? RCR series for Biomedical Postdoctoral Program,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Philadelphia Pa.
2017-2019 Clinical Trial Participation Among Adults with Cancer and Decision Partners
American Cancer Society Doctoral Degree Scholarship in Cancer Nursing. (PI:
Tamryn Gray, John Hopkins University School of Nursing; Ulrich Consultant).
2011-2013 Management of Ethical Issues in Military Nurse Practice during War, Tri Service
Grant (HU0001-11-1-TS10), $263, 286; (PI: Janice Agazio; Ulrich Consultant
Bioethics Expert)
2007-2010 Caregivers for Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumors, National Institute of Nursing
Research, NIH (1R01NR009651-01-A1), $313,282, (PI: Janet Deatrick; Ulrich:
Consultant Bioethics Expert).
2007-2010 Injury from Sexual Assault: Addressing Health Disparity, National Institute of
Nursing Research, NIH, $406,994, (PI: Marilynn Sommers; Ulrich: Consultant
Bioethics Expert
Campbell, S. & Ulrich, C. (2020, November 6). Beyond the Traditional (Narrow) View of
Moral Distress. World Bioethics Day. Moral Distress Across the Professions. The
Milwaukee School of Engineering.
Ulrich, C. & Grady, C. (2020, April). COVID-19: What are our Professional and Ethical
Obligations to Patients and Ourselves? Sigma Theta Tau International Webinar.
Ulrich, C. (June 19-21, 2020). International Association of Bioethics, 15th World Congress of
Bioethics, Virtual. UPenn Planning Committee Member, Review Committee Member
and Presenter for the Early Career Research Prize, International Association of Bioethics.
Ulrich, C. (April 2019). Invited Bioethicist. Evolving Ethical Issues and Practice Implications.
University of Maryland, Baltimore, School of Nursing Alumni Lecture.
Ulrich, C. (March 2018). Invited Bioethics Panelist for Inaugural Carol Carfang Nursing &
Healthcare Ethics Conference, Clearwater, Florida. “Between a Rock and a Hard Place,
Care Rationing and Nurses’ Moral Distress.”
- 27 -
Ulrich, C. (October 2017). Invited Bioethics Panelist, American Academy of Nursing.
Discussion on the Importance of Ethics.
Ulrich, C. (March 2017). Keynote: Scientific Integrity: What is it and Why is it Important?
Muhimbili Health Sciences University, Tanzania.
Ulrich, C. (July 2016). The Ethics of Team Science in an Era of Big Data, Precision Medicine,
and Complex Problems. National Institutes of Nursing Research Summer Boot Camp,
July 2016. Washington, DC.
Ulrich, C. (February 2017). Ethical Issues and Moral Distress in Clinical Care: Do Clinicians
Engage or Disengage in Ethical Conundrums? Department of Medical Ethics and Health
Policy. 4
year Medical Student Lecture.
Ulrich, C. (June 2016). Ethical Issues and Moral Distress in Clinical Care: Do Clinicians
Engage or Disengage in Ethical Conundrums? Department of Medical Ethics and Health
Policy, Summer Boot Camp. Washington, DC.
Aiken, L., Jones, C., Abbott, P., & Ulrich, C. (January 2017). Hillman Scholars Program in
Nursing Innovation. American Colleges of Nursing Doctoral Conference, San Diego,
Ulrich, C., Richmond, T. & Fontaine, D. (January 2016). Models of Accelerated Doctoral
Programs. Nursing Science and the Research-Focused Doctorate Pre-Conference
Workshop. American Colleges of Nursing, San Diego, California. [Ulrich moderator].
Ulrich, C. (September 2015). Emerging, Reemerging, and Continuing Ethical Issues in
Nursing Research. Nursing Research: Shaping a New Era of Scientific Inquiry:
University of Pennsylvania Nursing Research Conference, Smilow Center for
Translational Research.
Ulrich, C. (October 2015). Ethical Issues and Stress in Clinical Care: Do Clinicians Engage or
Disengage in Ethical Conundrums? University of Chicago, Illinois, School of Medicine
Ethics and Legal Week.
Ulrich, C. (October 2015). Bioethics Considerations in Emerging Science. Invited Nurse
Bioethicist Panelist. 2015 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference. American
Academy of Nursing, Washington DC.
Ulrich, C. (April 2015). Nurse Bioethicist Panelist. The Role of Bioethics Education in
Nursing. Invited by: The Presidential Bioethics Commission for the study of Bioethical
Issues. Philadelphia, Pa.
Ulrich, C. (April 2015). The Integrity of Research: What Do Patient-Participants Think About
Enrolling and Remaining in Research? Invited to be part of a panel discussion related to
disparities in research participation for the Institute of Medicine. Institute of Medicine,
Washington, DC.
- 28 -
Ulrich, C., & Richmond, T. (April 2015). The Responsible Conduct of Research: Maintaining
Scientific Integrity. Webinar for the Robert Wood Johnson, Future of Nursing Scholars
Waddell, R., Merz, J., Ulrich, C., & Aboud, M. (March 2015). Ethical Issues in HIV-
AIDs Research and Clinical Care. Dartmouth-Penn Research Ethics Training and
Development workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Joseph, R., & Ulrich, C. (March 13, 2015). Informed Consent and Client Recruitment and
Retention in HIV Care and Research. Dartmouth-Penn Research Ethics Training and
Development workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Bakini, D., & Ulrich, C. (March 13, 2015). Vulnerable Populations. Dartmouth-Penn Research
Ethics Training and Development workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Ulrich, C. (January 2015). Models of PhD in Bioethics Inquiry. American Association of
Colleges of Nursing, Predoctoral Conference, San Diego, California.
Ulrich, C. (2014). Everyday Ethical Challenges in Clinical Practice: Why Are We So
Distressed? Hospital Ethics Committee, University of Pennsylvania Hospital,
Waddell, R., Merz, J., Ulrich, C., & Aboud, M. (March 2014). Ethics in Research and Clinical
Practices. Dartmouth-Penn Research Ethics Training and Development workshop in Dar
es Salaam, Tanzania.
Ulrich, C., Morris, B.M., & Shayo, J. (March 2014). Nursing’s role in clinical research: What
are the ethical issues? Ethics Summit in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Ulrich, C. (December 2014). Moderator: First Nursing Ethics Grand Rounds with Dr. Joseph
Fins. The University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ulrich, C. (September 2013). Moderator: Panel Discussion with Clinicians, Patients, and
Healthcare Leaders on Cancer Transitions. Sponsored by the NewCourtland Center for
Transitions and Health, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. The Inn at Penn.
Ulrich, C. & Richmond, T. (April 17-19, 2013). Maintaining Scientific Integrity. Invited
Workshop. Eastern Nursing Research Society. Boston.
Ulrich, C., & Richmond, T. (2013). Maintaining Scientific Integrity. University of
Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Office of Nursing Research Colloquium on the
Responsible Conduct of Research.
Ulrich, C., & Richmond, T. (2012). What Are Collaborative Practices? University of
Pennsylvania School of Nursing. Office of Nursing Research Colloquium on the
Responsible Conduct of Research.
- 29 -
Ulrich, C. (January 24, 2013). What are Claims of Moral Distress: Anger, Frustrations, Stress,
or Something Else? Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Ethics Committee Annual
Ulrich, C. (May 19-24, 2012). Crisis in Critical Care: Ethical Considerations. American
Association of Critical Care Nurses, Orlando, Florida.
Ulrich, C., Grady, C., & Wallen, G. (May 9, 2012). Reframing Informed Consent:
Understanding How Research Participants Make Decisions. NIH Directors Grand
Rounds, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health.
Ulrich, C. (April 2-3, 2012). Advancing Bioethics Inquiry in Nursing Science. Johns Hopkins
University School of Nursing and Center for Bioethics.
Ulrich, C. (March 25, 2012). Scientific Integrity Workshop. Eastern Nursing Research Society
Research Conference. New Haven, CT.
Ulrich, C. (March 17, 2012). Moderator for Panel Discussion on: Quality of Life in Congenital
Heart Disease. Ethics of the Heart II: Ethical and Policy Challenges in Pediatric and
Adult Congenital Heart Disease. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Ulrich, C. (September 26, 2011). Ethical Issues in Research-What is Informed Consent? Second
Annual Research Symposium, Pennsylvania Hospital.
Ulrich, C. (May 2011). Research Integrity. Biomedical Postdoctoral Fellows. University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Ulrich, C. (April 28, 2011). Celebration in Honor of Dean Rubenstein. Ulrich/Caplan discussant.
Ulrich, C. (April 27, 2011). Bates Center 25th Anniversary Symposium on Bioethics. Panel
Ulrich, C. (October 8, 2010). Moderator. Ethics of the Heart: Ethical and Policy Challenges in
the Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure. University of Pennsylvania.
Ulrich, C. (September 26, 2010). Panel presentation: “Death Panels or Dignified Choices”
Making Sense of Practical, Ethical, and Policy Dimensions of End of Life Decision
Making in the Era of HealthCare Reform. Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-
Neck Nurses.
Ulrich, C. (December 3, 2009). Traumatized by Trauma Care? Ethical Considerations in Caring
for Ourselves and Others. Body, Mind, and Soul: Questions on Healing the
Traumatically Injured.” Trauma Bioethics Symposium.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (November 18, 2009). The Ethics of Research Participation: How Do
We Recruit and Retain Human Subjects? Robert Wood Johnson Webinar.
Ulrich, C. (October 19, 2009). Ethical Leadership: Is it Possible in the Greek Collegiate Life?
- 30 -
Franklin Leadership Program: University of Pennsylvania.
Ulrich, C. (October 2009). Ethical Issues in Anesthesia. University of Pennsylvania Anesthesia
Ulrich, C. (August 2009). Ethics and Nursing. Summer Mentorship Program.
Ulrich, C. (April 14, 2009). Everyday Ethical Issues in Nursing and Social Work Practice: Why
Am I So Stressed? Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Ethics Committee Grand
Ulrich, C. (November 21, 2008). Moral Distress. Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,
Pastoral Group.
Ulrich, C., & Grady, C. (July 17-20, 2008). Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice: A Second Order
Problem of First Order Significance That is an “Error of the Third Kind.” Nursing Ethics
and Health Care Policy: Bridging Local, National, and International Perspectives. Yale
University, New Haven, CT.
Ulrich, C., & Keane, A. (May 21, 2008). Research Ethics and Institutional Review Board
Issues. Summer Nursing Research Institute. University of Pennsylvania School of
Nursing, Philadelphia, PA.
Ulrich, C. (March 4, 2008). Ethical Issues in Pediatric Research. Neonatal Nursing Research
Committee. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia PA.
Ulrich, C. (January 16, 2008). Why Are We Concerned About Human Subjects in Research?
Scientific Misconduct: What Seems to be the Problem in Academia? [Research Ethics
Workshop]. Thomas Jefferson College of Health Professions, Philadelphia PA.
Ulrich, C. (December 5, 2006). Empirical Bioethics Research: Advancing Nursing Science.
University of Nebraska School of Nursing.
Ulrich, C. (December 5, 2006). Ethics Stress: Implication for Nurses and Other Allied
Healthcare Providers. University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Ulrich, C. (May 24, 2006). Research Ethics: Why Are We Concerned with Human Subjects?
Summer Nursing Research Institute. University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing,
Philadelphia, PA.
Ulrich, C. (March 22, 2006). What is Scientific Misconduct? Research Seminar. University of
Pennsylvania School of Nursing. [With T. Richmond and L. McCauley].
Ulrich, C. (November 11, 2005). 21
Century Nurses: Healthcare’s Visionary Global Leaders?
Ordem Dos Enfermeriros, Lisbon, Portugal.
Ulrich, C. (September 29, 2005). Ethics Education in Nursing: A Moral Necessity? Teacher
Education Program. University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.
- 31 -
Ulrich, C. (July 6, 2005). Ethics Stress and the Use of Ethics Consultation. Joint Hospital of
Pennsylvania and Presbyterian Ethics Committee. Presbyterian Hospital,
Philadelphia, PA.
Ulrich, C. (January 20, 2005). Ethics Stress. Pastoral Rounds. University of Pennsylvania
Hospital. Philadelphia, PA.
Ulrich, C. (October 2004). The Ethics Stress of Patient Care and Organizational Systems: Do
They Matter in the Retention of Healthcare Providers? Sigma Theta Tau Lecture.
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. Philadelphia, PA.
Ulrich, C. (October 7, 2004). Ethics Education: A Moral Necessity. Teacher Education
Program. University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.
Ulrich, C. (September 24, 2004). Moral Distress. 21
Century Visions of Critical Care 2004
Regional Conference for Healthcare Professionals. Newark, DE.
Ulrich, C. (April 28, 2004). Managed Care and Ethics. Annual Illinois Case Management
Network - Illinois Chapter of the Case Management Society of America. [Invited
Ulrich, C. (April 21, 2004). Experience of Ethical Stress: Impact on Nurses. Nursing Ethics
Group, Children’s’ Hospital of Philadelphia. [Invited Speaker].
Ulrich, C. (April 9, 2004). Do Professional Obligations Affect Ethical Conflict in Practice?
Research Day, George Mason University. [Keynote Speaker].
Ulrich, C. (April 9, 2003). Ethical Issues Associated with Clinical Practice: A Program of
Bioethics Research. Nursing 509; Scholarly Inquiry in Health Care. Georgetown
University. [Invited Lecturer].
Ulrich, C. (July 18, 2002). Ethical Issues in Research. Research Training: Developing Nurse
Scientists. National Institute of Nursing Research, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD.
Ulrich, C. (June 5, 2002,). Ethical Conflict in Practice: Views of Nurse Practitioners.
Montgomery County Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD.
Ulrich, C. (April 10, 2002). Research and Ethics. Nursing 502: Scholarly Inquiry in Health Care.
Georgetown University.
Ulrich, C. (April 25, 2002). Practitioners’ Perceptions on Ethical Aspects of Managed Care.
National Institutes of Nursing Research, National Institutes of Health.
- 32 -
1. Title: Scientific Integrity: Conflicts in Research and Education: National Postdoctoral
Association Bring Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Home Seed Grant. October 7
University of Pennsylvania.
Sponsor: National Postdoctoral Association ($1000, seed grant).
Role: Principal investigator, Organizing Committee, Moderator
Date: October 7, 2007
Location: Philadelphia, PA
2. Title: Ethics of the Heart 2010: Ethical and Policy Challenges in the Treatment of Advanced
Heart Failure.
Sponsor: The Penn Cardiovascular Institute, the Center for Bioethics, School of Medicine at
the University of Pennsylvania
Role: Organizing Committee and Panel Moderator: Panel moderated: "Old" Controversies
in the Ethics of Allocation.
Date: October 8-9, 2010
Location: Philadelphia, PA
3. Title: Ethics of the Heart II: Ethics and Policy Challenges in Pediatric and Adult Congenital
Heart Disease
Sponsor: 1R13HL112570-01; Funded by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH
[PI: Kirkpatrick] $29,600.00
Role: Panel and Audience Discussion: Quality of Life in Congenital Heart Disease.
Date: March 15, 2012 – February 28, 2013 [funding period]
4. Title: Advancing the Science of Transitions in Health and Health Care
Sponsor: NewCourtland Center for Transitions and Health
Role: Organizing Committee Member; Moderator and Speaker: Conversation with Patients,
Family Caregivers and Clinicians
Date: September 23, 2014
Location: Philadelphia, PA:
5. Title: 1
Nursing Ethics Grand Rounds
Sponsor: Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy and the Biobehavioral
Department, University of Pennsylvania Schools of Nursing and Medicine
Role: Organizer and Moderator of Session: Suffering in Clinical Practice: Building Better
Interprofessional Teams, Dr. Joseph Fins, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Date: December 3, 2014
Location: Philadelphia PA
6. Title: Nursing Science and the Research-Focused Doctorate Pre-Conference Workshop
Sponsor: American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Role: Planning Committee Member; Moderator and Speaker: Models for PhD Programs with
Different Areas of Emphasis: Bioethics.
Location/Date: San Diego, California: January 28, 2015
Location/Date: Chicago, Illinois: January 2014
- 33 -
2015- 3-year Visiting Scholar Appointment, Muhimbili University of Health and
Allied Sciences, Tanzania Africa
2003-present International Council of Nurses
2005-present Member, Nursing Ethics Interest Group
1995-present Member, Sigma Theta Tau International
2013-2016 Co-Chair, Bioethics Expert Panel, American Academy of Nursing
2009-present Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
2003-present Member, American Nurses Association (#0036672)
2001-present American Society of Bioethics and Humanities
Member, Research and Nursing Interest Group
2007-2008 Elected Secretary of Nursing Affinity Group
American Society of Bioethics and Humanities
2008-present Member, Eastern Nursing Research Society
1998 Member, Southern Nursing Research Society
2003-present Member, Maryland Nurses Association
American Academy of Nursing
Elected, Fellow, American Academy of Nursing (November 2009)
Invited member, Scientific Integrity Taskforce to develop recommendations on
policy for all members
Elected, 3 member Ethics Committee (2014 to present)
Reestablished the Bioethics Expert Panel, named Co-Chair (2013 to present)
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
PhD Preconference Summit Planning Committee Member, AACN (Chicago, January 2014)
PhD Preconference Summit Planning Committee Member, AACN (San Diego, CA: January 2015)
Associate Editor, American Journal of Bioethics: Empirical Bioethics
October 1, 2017-
- 34 -
Column Editor
Clinical Scholars Review (2007-2010)
Co-editor with Dr. Arthur Caplan,
Director, Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania
(Ethical and legal issues in Advanced Practice Nursing)
Eastern Nursing Research Society
Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference Planning Member (July, 2009-2011)
Institutional Review Board Member
Institutional Review Board, #2, University of Pennsylvania (2008-2011)
Joint Commission on Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations
Nurse Bioethicist, 3-year term (2006-2009)
Discussing Issues Related to Organ Donation after Cardiac Death.
Patient Autonomy: The Dilemma Some Health Care Organizations May Face When
Treating Patients Who Come from Cultures Where the Decision-Maker is not the
Restrictions or Limitations on Care: The Responsibility of the Health Care
Organization to Notify Patients and Potential Patients of Procedures or Treatment it
does not Provide.
Informed Consent.
Journal Reviewer
Heart and Rhythm
American Journal of Bioethics: Primary Research
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethic
PLOS Medicine
Aging and Alzheimers
Journal of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Western Journal of Nursing Research
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Contemporary Clinical Trials
Controlled Clinical Trial
Health Services Research
Nursing Research
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
American Journal of Nursing
Hastings Center Review
National Institutes of Health and Other Scientific Review Committees (Bioethics Reviewer)
Invited to serve as grant peer-reviewer, Methodology panel, PCORI, 2020 (April 2, 2020).
Invited to serve as Bioethics reviewer for Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Programs (CDMRP) peer review for the Prostate Cancer Research Program Impact
Award August 2010
- 35 -
Invited to serve as Bioethicist on NHLBI Protocol Review Committee (PRC) for the
PROspective Multicenter Imaging Study for Evaluation of Chest Pain
February 2010
Invited Scientific Reviewer, NIH Challenge Grants
June 2009
Invited Bioethics Scientific Reviewer for: NHLBI: Review for Registry and Surveillance
System in Hemoglobinopathies (RuSH) Pilot Studies
May 2009
Scientific Grant Reviewer
National Institutes of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
NIH Loan Repayment Program for Clinical and Pediatric Research
Scientific Grant Reviewer, Bioethics Expert, Department of Defense (Reston, Virginia)
August 2010
Invited to serve as a Grants Reviewer for the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scientist Sauter
Committee: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation (declined due to teaching
Non-voting Member, Institutional Review Board
National Human Genome Institute
Bioethics Representative, Weekly Clinical Rounds
National Institutes of Health Pediatric Oncology
Empirical Research Reviewer
American Society of Bioethics and Humanities
Non-voting Member, Ethics Committee
National Institutes of Health
Bioethics Representative, Weekly Hospital Clinical Rounds
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Non-voting Member, Institutional Review Board
National Eye Institute
National Institutes of Health Appointed: Data and Safety Monitor Bioethicist Member
- 36 -
Appointed to Data and Safety Monitoring Board as Bioethicist for “Vestibulodynia:
Understanding Pathophysiology and Determining Appropriate Treatments.” PI: Duke
University [NICHD Funded Phase II trial]
Appointed to the National Heart Lung & Blood Data and Safety Monitoring Board as
Bioethicist for PROMISE Trial.
Appointed to the National Heart Lung& Blood Data and Safety Monitoring Board as
Bioethicist [Bioethicist responsible for patient safety, quality of clinical trial, and burden
to participants in NIH funded trial of 3000 participants at 140 institutions: [Catheter
Ablation versus Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation Trial; CABANA]
Other Data and Safety Monitor Bioethicist Member
Appointed to Data and Safety Monitoring Board as Bioethicist forSorafenib in Patients
with Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (SHPS): A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
[NHLBI Funded Study]
Radiation Therapy Oncology Cooperative Group
Bioethicist, Radiation Therapy Oncology Cooperative Group Member
Member, Clinical Trials Education and Recruitment Working Group; Radiation Therapy
Oncology Cooperative Group Outcomes
School Of Nursing
2019-2020 Co-Chair Personnel Committee
2019-2020 Chair, Responsibility Pedagogy Taskforce
2019-2020 Chair, Academic Freedom Committee
2018-2019 PhD Competencies Taskforce Co-Chair
2015-2017 Director, Hillman Program in Nursing Innovation (Integrated BSN-PhD)
2014-2015 Chair, Graduate Group in Nursing (PhD Studies)
2013 CCNE Committee Member
2013 Committee Member for Center for Health Equities 5-year scientific review
2012-2013 Faculty planning committee for Division retreat (February 8, 2013).
2012- Member, PhD Curriculum Committee
2012-2015 Member, PhD Admissions Committee
2012-2014 Chair, Doctoral Progressions Committee
2012-2014 Co-Chair: Graduate Group in Nursing
2012-2015 Member, Personnel Committee (Associate Professor)
2012-2013 Member, Hillman Scholars Admission Committee (BSN-PhD)
- 37 -
2010-2012 Vice-Chair, Department of Biobehavioral and Health Sciences
2009-2011 Co-Chair: Faculty Search Committee
2009-2011 Graduation and Student Awards Committee
2009-2010 Doctoral Curriculum Committee
2008-2010 Academic Progressions Committee
2007-2008 Chair, Nominations Committee
2007 Member, Scientific Integrity Seminar Planning Committee
2007-present Internal Advisory Member, The Penn Center for Integration of Genetics
and Healthcare Technology
2006-present Member, Recruitment and Retention Clinical Trials Taskforce Group
University of Pennsylvania
2006-2007 Member, Nominations Committee
2006 Global Health Care Seminar Planning Committee
2005–present New Courtland Center for Health Transitions
2005 Member, Ethics Committee, Living Independently for Elders (LIFE)
2005-2006 Co-Chair; Guidelines for Teaching Assistants Task Force
2005-2006 Member, Data Integrity Task Force
2005-2007 Member, Committee on Academic Freedom
2004 Member, Faculty Retreat Planning Task Force
School of Medicine
2005 Member, Bioethics Faculty Search Committee, Center for Bioethics,
Department of Medical Ethics
2003-present Member, Bioethics Graduate Admissions Committee, Center for Bioethics,
Department of Medical Ethics
2003-present Senior Fellow, Center for Bioethics, Department of Medical Ethics
2009-present Secondary Appointment, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy
2019-2020 Chair, University Grievance Committee
2018- Vice Provost Committee on Planning and Budget
2018- University Grievance Committee Member
2014-2015 University of Pennsylvania Graduate Group
2011- University Faculty Grievance Committee
2009-2010 Elected, Faculty Liaison, Board of Trustees
2008-2013 Member, University Institutional Review Board (IRB #2)
2007-2009 Elected, Penn Social Responsibility Advisory Committee
Doctoral Students
Student Activity/Role/Title
- 38 -
Sadie Hutson Reader Dissertation Committee: Completed, May 2004
“The Experiences of Siblings of Patients with Fanconi’s
Anemia: A Descriptive, Qualitative Study.”
Matthew Lucas Member Dissertation Committee: Completed, May 2014
Caregiver Functional Expectations for Survivors of
Childhood Brain Tumor Pre-Doctoral Traineeship, National
Institute for Nursing Research, NIH (F31NR013091-01)
Matthew Lucas Member Dissertation Committee: Completed, May 2014
Caregiver Functional Expectations for Survivors of
Childhood Brain Tumors.”
Pre-Doctoral Traineeship, National Institute for
Nursing Research, NIH (F31NR013091-01)
Kimberly Mooney-Doyle Committee Member: Completed July 2014
“Exploring Family-Decision Making in Pediatric Palliative
Co-Sponsor (1F31NR011533 - 01A1)
Danielle Altares Sarik Reader: Completed May 2015
Nursing Skill Mix and Surgical Patient Outcomes.”
Christina Slota Chair, Completed December 2014
The Effects of Chronic Stress on CD8T Cells in Human
Adults: An Examination from Bench to Bedside.”
Sponsor, NINR Graduate Partnership Program, NIH
Jessica Reardon Committee Member: Completed May 2014
“Examining Opportunity for Cancer Clinical Trial
Participation among Under-Represented Groups.”
Co-sponsor (F31NR014076-01A1)
Molly Viscardi Committee Member: Completed May 2014
Variation in Organizational Resources and Nurse and
Patient Outcomes at Hospitals Serving Economically
Disadvantaged Patients.”
Mindy Zeitzer Chair, Dissertation Committee, Completed, May 2009
Ethical Issues and Decision Making Related to
Resuscitation of Severely Injured Patients: Perceptions of
Emergency Department Nurses.”
Sponsor/Mentor (1F31NR010432)
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Terease Waite Chair, Dissertation Committee, Completed, December 2016
A Qualitative Descriptive Analysis of the Experiences of
Blacks in Cancer Clinical Trials.
Zainab Ambani Reader, Dissertation, Completed, May 2017
“The Nursing Practice Environment and Job Outcomes in
Saudi Hospitals.
Sangmi Kim Chair, Dissertation Committee, Completed, May 2017 “The
Role of Chronic Stress in Age Gradients of Racial/Ethnic
Disparities in Adverse Birth Outcomes.”
Cynthia Paidipati Dissertation Committee Member, July 2017
Understanding the Role of Family Management in Ethnically
Diverse Children with ADHD from Urban Philadelphia.”
Lauren Starr Dissertation Committee Member, Completed, May 2019
Associations Among End-of-Life Discussions, Healthcare
Utilization. Costs, and Race/Ethnicity Among People with
Serious Illness.”
Guy Weissinger Dissertation Committee Member, Completed, March 2019
“Non-Psychiatric Hospitalization for Patients with
Psychotic Disorders: A Mixed Methods Stud.”
Cynthia Paidipati Postdoctoral mentor, Completed, May 2019
Position accepted: Assistant Professor, Loyola University
Lauren Starr Dissertation Committee Member, Completed May 2019
Associations Among End-of-Life Discussions, Acute Care
Costs, and Race/Ethnicity in Persons with Serious
Billy Rosa Dissertation Committee Member, Completed March 2020
“The Association of PatientsAnalgesic Treatment Beliefs
and Trade-Offs with Analgesic Adherence Behaviors
Among Outpatients with Cancer Pain.”
Marta Bruce Dissertation Committee Member, Completed February 21, 2020
The Contribution of Neighborhood Characteristics to
Psychological Outcomes After Serious Injury in a Cohort of
Injured Black Men: A Multi-Methods Study.”
Katelyn Hoskins Dissertation Committee Member, June 9, 2020
Title: My Name’s on Their Chart, My Name is on That
Money: Nurse Practitioners’ Perceptions of the
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Acceptability of Financial Incentives for Health-Related
Behavior Change
Amelia Schlak Dissertation Committee Member for, June 18, 2020
Title: Association Between Nurse Burnout and Patient
Outcomes in the U.S.
Sydney Axson Dissertation Committee Member July 8, 2020
Title: Prescription Opioids and Adolescents: Factors
Associated with Non-Medical Use and Prescribing Practices
Dissertation Committee Member July 16, 2020
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Student Research Sponsorship and Mentorship
2019 Cynthia Paidipati, Postdoctoral Student, University of Pennsylvania. “Moral
Distress, Depression, and Suicide Risk among Undergraduate Nursing Students.”
Grant from: American Nurses Foundation: Total $10,000.
2018 Katie Hoskins, Doctoral Student, RWJ Scholar, University of Pennsylvania
Nurse Practitioners’ Views on the Acceptability of Financial Incentives for
Health-Related Behavior Change.ALACRITY Grant: National Institute of
Mental Health-funded ALACRITY (P50) Center, “Transforming Mental Health
Care Delivery Through Behavioral Economics and Implementation Science.”
(C. Ulrich, Doctoral Co-Mentor), Total Award: $2,675.00.
Funding is 11/1/18-10/31/19
2018 Katie Hoskins, Doctoral Student, RWJ Scholar, University of Pennsylvania.
Nurse Practitioners’ Views on the Acceptability of Financial Incentives for
Health-Related Behavior Change.” Office of Nursing Research
(C. Ulrich, Doctoral Co-Mentor), Total Award: $1,875.00
Funding is 11/1/18-10/31/19
2017 Joshua Jayasinghe, Hillman Scholar, School of Nursing, University of
Pennsylvania. “Predictors of Intention to Seek Reproductive Health Services
Amongst Young Adults in Kathmandu, Nepal.” Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation
. (C. Ulrich, Doctoral Co-Mentor), Total Award: $4,820.00.
2014 Marta Bruce, Hillman Scholar, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania.
“Mentoring team; NIH Minority Supplement”, National Institutes of Nursing
Research (see below).
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2013-2014 Jessica Rearden, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania.
Examining Opportunity for Cancer Clinical Trial Participation Among Under-
Represented Groups.” National Institutes of Nursing Research [(F31NR014076-
01A11F31 Funded): NINR] (C. Ulrich, Co-Sponsor). Total Award: $42,232.
2013-2014 Jessica Rearden, “Examining Opportunity for Cancer Clinical Trial Participation
Among Under-Represented Groups.” American Nurses Foundation/Council for
the Advancement of Nursing Science (C. Ulrich, Co-Mentor).
2013-present Terease Waite, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania.
Real-Time Data Capture of the Experiences of Blacks in Cancer Clinical Trials”,
National Institutes of Nursing Research [(1F31NR013847-01A1Funded): NINR]:
(C. Ulrich, Sponsor).
2011- 2013 Terease Waite, Doctoral Fellow. University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.
(T32NR007100). C. Ulrich, Co-Mentor.
2012-2014 Lauren Massimo, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of
Pennsylvania. “The Cognitive and Neural Basis of Apathy in Frontotemporal
Degeneration.” National Institutes of Nursing Research [NINR];
1F31NR013306-01- (C. Ulrich, Consultant).
2010- Sydney Brown: MD/PhD Program, University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine. Mentor on Nursing Bioethics issues with David Asch and Scott
Halpern (School of Medicine) as Primary Mentors. “ICU Discharge: A Critical
Juncture for Survivors of Acute Respiratory Failure.” Priority Score: 10. NIH.
2010-2014 Kimberly Doyle-Mooney, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of
Pennsylvania. “Exploring Family Decision-Making in Pediatric Palliative Care.
National Institutes of Nursing Research [NINR]; 1F31NR011533 - 01A1
(C. Ulrich, Co-Mentor/Sponsor)
2009-2014 Christina Slota, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Partnerships Program with the National Institutes of Nursing
Research.(C. Ulrich, Mentor/Sponsor).
2007-2009 Mindy Zeitzer, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
Ethical Issues and Decision Making Related to Resuscitation of Severely Injured
Patients: Perceptions of Emergency Department Nurses.”
(C. Ulrich, Mentor/Sponsor)
Emergency Nurses Association Foundation & Sigma Theta Tau International
2007-2009 Mindy Zeitzer, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
“Ethical Issues for Emergency Nurses during Resuscitation of Injured Patients.”
National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH (1F31NR010432).
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(C. Ulrich, Mentor/Sponsor)
2007-2009 Mindy Zeitzer, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
Sigma Theta Tau: Xi Chapter
(C. Ulrich, Mentor)
2006 Frances Ward, Doctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
Parental Beliefs about Neonatal Clinical Trials.”
National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH (F31NR008962-02).
(C. Ulrich, Bioethics Mentor and Consultant)
Student Activity/Role/Title
Joshua Jayasinghe Co-Advisor 2017- (Global Health)
Jesse Wool Co-Advisor 2017- (Pediatric Discourse in ICU)
Katie Hoskins Co-Advisor 2017- (RWJ Scholar) (APRN and behavioral
Clare Whitney Co-Advisor 2017 (Hillman Scholar) (Ethics)
Jane Evered Co-Advisor 2018 (Hillman Scholar) (Pediatric End-of-Life)
Marta Bruce Co-Advisor (Hillman Scholar)
Minority supplement [National Institutes of
Health/National Institute of Nursing Research (R01
NR013503)Psychological Effects of Injuries in Urban
Black Men: A Disparate Health Issue.”
Role: Mentoring Team
Award: $2,046,721; 2014 R01 NR013503-02S1;
Supplement to Support M. Bruce. Award $11,096
PI: Richmond
Patrina Sexton Co-Advisor, Hillman Scholar (BSN-PhD) [started July 1,
2015]; Bioethics interest
Sydney Axson Co-Advisor, Hillman Scholar (BSN-PhD) [started July 1,
2015]; Bioethics interest
Sooyoung Park Dissertation Chair: “An Integrative Review of the
Application of the Framingham Risk Score in Korea.”
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Student Activity/Role/Title
2015-2017 Co-Mentor, Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellow
Kimberly Mooney-Doyle (T32NR007100). Preparing K99/R00: “The experience,
health status, and quality of life of siblings of children with
life-limiting illness; and SPONSOR
Cynthia Paidipati
General Exam for BSN-PhD Students
2018 Joshua Jayasinghe (Hillman, BSN-PhD) (Ulrich, Member)
2017 Lauren Starr (Hillman, BSN-PhD) (Ulrich, Member)
2017 Elizabeth Broden (Hillman, BSN-PhD) (Ulrich, Reader)
2016 Jason Brown (Hillman, BSN-PhD) (Ulrich, Reader)
2016 Mady Greene (Hillman, BSN-PhD) (Ulrich, Reader)
2011 Terease Waite (BSN-PhD) (Ulrich, Chair)
Qualifying Examinations
2018 Billy Rosa (Ulrich, Member; September 6
): Analgesic Nonadherence for
Cancer Pain in the Context of Opioid Crisis: A Concept Analysis”
2018 Katie Hoskins (Ulrich, Member) “Acceptability of Financial Incentives for
Health-Related Behavior Change: An Updated Critical Review.
2018 Jesse Wool: (Ulrich, Chair; August 27
): Pediatric Parental Decision-Making in
the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: An Integrative Review.
2018 Clare Whitney: (Ulrich, Member; August 30) “Moral Failure in Maternal –Child
Health: A Dimensional Analysis.”
2016 Sooyoung Park (Ulrich, Chair) An Integrative Review of the Application of the
Framingham Risk Score in Korea.”
2013 Colin Plover (September, Ulrich, Chair) “State of the Science: Workload
Allocation in Nursing Environments.”
2012 Russell Lynn (December, Ulrich, Chair) “Moral Action of Nurse Anesthetists.”
2005 Mindy Zeitzer, (Ulrich, Chair) Resuscitability in an Adult Trauma Population: A
Dimensional Concept Analysis.”
Danica Sumpter, (Ulrich, Reader) High Risk Infant Research: An Integrative
Review of the Literature.”
Preliminary Exams
2007 Mindy Zeitzer, “Methodological issues related to and means of
- 44 -
improving response rates to mailed surveys to nurses and Strategies and
instruments examining moral distress among nurses.” (Chair)
2005 Fran Ward, “Pediatric Clinical Research and the Therapeutic Misconception and
Focus Groups with Vulnerable Populations,” (Member of Dissertation
Proposal Defenses
2019 Katie Hoskins (Ulrich, Member)
2019 Lauren Starr (Ulrich, Member)
2019 Joshua Jayasinghe (Ulrich, Member)
2019 Patrina Sexton (Ulrich, Reader)
2018 Guy Weisinger (Ulrich, Reader)
2018 Marta Bruce (Ulrich, Member)
2016 Stephen Perez (Ulrich, Reader)
2016 Cynthia Paidipati (Ulrich, Member)
2016 Sangmi Kim (Ulrich, Member and then became Chair)
2014 Colin Plover (Ulrich, Member)
2012 Amanda Mahoney (December, Ulrich, Reader)
2012 Christina Slota (May, Ulrich, Chair)
2012 Matthew Lucas (Ulrich, Reader)
2012 Jessica Rearden (Ulrich, Member)
2012 Kimberly Mooney-Doyle (Ulrich, Member)
2007 Mindy Zeitzer,Ethical Issues and Decision Making Related to Resuscitation of
Severely Injured Patients: Perceptions of Emergency Department Nurses” (Chair).
Jennifer Hobbs, Naming Power: A Historical Analysis of Clinical Information
Systems,1970-1990.” (Reader).
2005 Terry Maxwell, “Use of Palliative Chemotherapy in Hospice,” (Reader).
Angela Gerolamo, “Measuring Adverse Outcomes and Perceived Work
Environment in Inpatient Psychiatry Using Nurse Informants,” (Reader).
International Bioethics Mentor
2018- Renatha Joseph, MD, Department Chair, Muhimbili University, Department of
Bioethics, Tanzania (Ulrich, Dissertation Co-Sponsor)
2018- Halima Mwaisungu, BSN, MBe Student, Muhimbili University, Tanzania
(Ulrich, Bioethics Mentor)
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2007-2008 Yuko Kowokami, Assistant Lecturer of Fundamental Nursing and Ethics,
Kobe City College of Nursing, Japan (Bioethics Mentor).
2012-present Renatha Joseph, MD, Baraka Morris, RN, and Judith Shayo, RN; Faculty at
Muhimbili University School of Medicine and Nursing; Department of Bioethics
Tanzania, Africa
Undergraduate Research Senior Inquiry and Hillman Mentorship/Advisement/Funding Support
2016 Sydney Axson and Nicholas Giordano (Hillman Scholars: BSN-PhD):
Evaluating Nurse Participation and Understanding in the Informed Consent
Process.” Office of Nursing Research Pilot Grant for $5,000. Ulrich: Senior
2016 Joshua Jayasinghe (Hillman Scholar: BSN-PhD): “Increasing Quality Antenatal
Care & Maternal Care Access and Education in Ward Nine of Raechhap district,
Nepal.” Office of Nursing Research Pilot Grant for $5,000. Ulrich: Senior
2013 Katherine Littleton: Examination of Factors that Influence Periviable
Resuscitative Efforts in the NICU.”
Shelley Stratford: “Factors Influencing Adolescent Decision-Making in End-of-Life.”
Rebecca Edwards: What are Nurses' Perceptions of Moral Distress in Critical
Care Environments?”
Jenny Kim: “What Factors influence the withdrawal of care in the PICU?
Emma Dorsey: “The Myth of the “Crack Baby”: Implications for Nursing.”
2011 Christine Du: Disclosure of medical errors in adult in-patient critical care settings.
Graham Rengert: The Impact of Global Health Initiatives on Domestic Health
Francesa Kotey: “Issues Surrounding Access to the Morning After Pill in Teenage
Females: Do They Understand Repercussions?
Anna Belc: The Relationship Between Growing Up Transgender and Mental
2010 Heide Criukshank: “Ethical Conflict in the NICU: Perceptions of Parents and
Elisabeth Marie: “Psychostimulant treatment for ADHD: How do the young adult
outcomes for academics, substance use, and mental health of those treated with
psychostimulants compare to those who were not?”
- 46 -
Christina Jacobson: “Women in Prison: Factors that contribute to physical health
outcomes in incarcerated females.”
Aliza Narva: Informed Consent in Schizophrenia Research.”
Bridget Sullivan: “A Systematic Review of Research on Moral Distress among
Nurse Practitioners as a Function of Practice Environment and Healthcare
2009 Alison Trinker:Wrong-site Surgery and Medical Errors: Doing What Is Best for
the Patient?
Jeremy Jackson: “Nursing Addiction: Prevalence, Risk Factor, Signs, and Return
to Practice”
2008 Debbie Lee: Decision Making Related to Disclosure of Genetic Information to
2007 Samantha Ahn: What is the current evidence for the effectiveness of continuous
electronic fetal monitoring versus intermittent auscultation for women at low
obstetric risk and should women be given a choice?”
Stephanie Mazzaro: “Conflict Surrounding End of Life Decision
Making in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units.”
Heather Begun: Empirical Analysis of Sterilization of Mentally Handicapped
Individuals in the United States.”
Elizabeth Cummings: Health Care Providers’ Attitudes towards
Katherine A. Seibert: “Ethical Climate and Moral Distress: Do They Influence
Nursing in United States Intensive Care Units?
Emily Green: “Children Under the Age of 18: Do They Have the Capacity to
Provide Informed Consent?”
Elisabeth Griffinger: “From Education to Competency: How are US
Nursing Schools Preparing Students for End of-Life Care?
2006 Morghan Stenson: “Good Medicine: An Examination of the Legal,
Ethical, and Cultural Aspects of Maternal Child Healthcare Provision within the
Indian Health Service.
Katie Hoskins: “Is it Ethical to Mandate the HPV Vaccine for
School Entry?”
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Suzanne Conaboy: “A Comparison of Outcomes of Bone Marrow Transplants
Using Matched Sibling Donors and Bone Marrow Transplants Using Unrelated
Matched Donors.”
2006 Kimberly Schadt: “Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare: The Same or
Different for Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants and Nurse
2005 Paul Toogood: “Use of Unlicensed Personnel and Associated
Diana Kitaji: “Force Feeding Anorexic Patients.”
2004 Rachel Arnold: “Ethical Considerations Surrounding the Informed Consent
Process in Adult Oncology Phase 1 Clinical Trials.”
Haley Shimizu: Informed Consent in Phase I Trials of Pediatric Oncology
Stephanie Stancato:The Effects of Moral Distress on Nurses.
Terri Noone: “Valerian for the Treatment of Anxiety in Women.”
Jennifer Kurian: “The Effects of Spirituality on the Psychological and Physical
Health of Adult Oncology Patients.”
Kathleen Patrizzi: “Transplantation to HIV Positive Patients: The Need for Large-
Scale Research.