Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP)
The Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan, or AFHMP, outlines how the project will market
units to underserved tenants including tenants with special needs.
The Plan must be submitted prior to issuance of 8609s. At a minimum, Marketing Plans must
Current outreach efforts to each service provider, homeless shelter or local disability
advocacy organization in the county in which the project is located, especially showing
marketing efforts to persons with disabilities and the homeless.
Show established and maintained relationships between the management agent and
community service providers.
A referral and screening process that will be used to refer tenants to the projects, the
screening criteria that will be used, and make reasonable accommodations to facilitate
the admittance of persons with disabilities or the homeless into the project.
Your marketing materials showing the fair housing and disability Logos, slogans or
This is what we look for to be in compliance with your plan:
A thorough and complete AFHMP form, preferably the HUD form 935.2A
List your target demographic(s) and show why
List all recent fair housing training, its frequency and who is trained
State your referral and screening process that will be used to refer and
accept tenants to your property. Including additional page(s) for this is
Listing all the outreach agencies you contact including specific individuals you
maintain a relationship with
Listing all methods for outreach
Attach copies of researched demographic information supporting your reasoning
for marketing to the groups that you do
Attach copies of all marketing materials, including those in other languages and
showing the logo, slogan and/or statement:
a) Outreach Letters to the different agencies in the area
b) Flyers
c) Brochures
d) Newspaper ads
e) Pictures of property signage
Proof of training PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, certificates, sign-in
sheets, etc.
TTY Phone Number Confirmation via the i.e. Georgia Relay Center