What to Expect When You Hire a Mold
Assessor and Mold Remediation Contractor
When does a property owner have to hire a Mold
Assessor or Mold Remediation Contractor?
The New York State Department of Labor
does not require you to clean up mold on
your property. However, if you decide to have
someone assess and remediate an area of mold
that is larger than 10 square feet of mold, you
must use a licensed mold professional to do the
work. You must first have a Mold Assessor do
an inspection and complete a Mold Remediation
Plan. You will then hire a Mold Remediation
Contractor to do the work outlined in the plan.
When you hire a mold professional for a mold
project, the mold professional must perform their
duties in accordance with the New York State Mold
Law, Article 32, “Licensing of Mold Inspection,
Assessment and Remediation Specialists and
Minimum Work Standards.” This fact sheet
provides guidance so you know what to expect.
What are the main responsibilities of a
Mold Assessor?
Have a valid Mold Assessor License from
the New York State Department of Labor
for the company and employees.
Perform the initial visual inspection
and assessment of the property for
mold growth. This may include the use
of a moisture meter and, in rare cases,
mold sampling.
Identify the underlying source of
moisture causing the mold growth
(when possible).
Educate the property owner on the Mold
Law and mold in general.
Develop a Mold Remediation Plan. This
plan will identify:
The source of the moisture causing
mold growth,
How to remedy the moisture issue,
The mold remediation methods to be
used for cleanup, and
The criteria that must be met to
consider the cleanup complete.
Perform a post-remediation assessment to
confirm the remediation was successful.
Develop a written passed clearance
report or final status report.
Why is mold sampling rarely recommended?
Mold is a natural part of the environment.
There is always some mold in the air and
on surfaces.
Sampling will almost always reveal the
presence of mold or mold spores.
There are no national or state standards
for comparing or analyzing mold samples.
There are no national or state standards
to compare the sample results against.
Unless people are allergic to mold or
mold spores, the presence of mold does
not usually produce any symptoms.
Unless you know the specific type
(genus and species) of mold to which
someone is allergic, this information is
not typically useful.
What should the Mold Assessor put in the Mold
Remediation Plan?
The Mold Remediation Plan is specific to each
project. The purpose of this plan is to provide
methods to eliminate the moisture source(s) and
visible mold growth. The plan should include:
A description of the rooms or areas where
the remediation will be performed,
An estimate of the quantity of material to
be cleaned or removed,
A description of the abatement methods
to be used for each type of remediation in
each area,
A proposal for containment, when
needed, to prevent the spread of mold,
A list of recommended personal
protective equipment for abatement
workers (to be provided by the
Remediation Contractor),
A list of clearance procedures and criteria
for each type of remediation in each area,
For an occupied property,
recommendations for notice to occupants
and posting requirements that are
appropriate for the project,
An estimate of cost and time for
completion of the project,
Information on the use of any United
States Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) registered disinfectant,
biocide, or antimicrobial coating being
considered, taking into account the
potential for occupant sensitivities to
such products, and
Identification of the underlying
source(s) of moisture, when possible,
that may be causing mold growth and
recommendations for the type of contractor
who would be able to fix the issue.
Note: It is always recommended to correct the
underlying source of water/moisture before
cleaning up mold growth or the mold will likely
grow back.
How is the Mold Remediation Plan used?
The Mold Assessor must give you, the client,
the Mold Remediation Plan before the cleanup
project begins. You should understand and
agree with the plan.
You will then give the Mold Remediation Plan
to Mold Remediation Contractors you may
want to hire to do the work. This will give them
the information they need to give you a cost
estimate for the work.
What are the main responsibilities of a Mold
Remediation Contractor?
Have a valid Mold Remediation
Contractor License from the Department
of Labor for the company.
Ensure workers on projects have Mold
Abatement Worker licenses from the
Department of Labor.
Prepare a Mold Remediation Work
Plan. This plan gives instructions and
standard operating procedures for how
they will do the cleanup work described
in the Mold Remediation Plan. This
plan may also include containment
construction and other equipment
necessary to prevent the spread of
mold spores during the abatement.
The Mold Remediation Work Plan must be
given to you before cleanup work starts.
Perform the physical removal, cleaning,
sanitizing, surface disinfection or
other work that is needed to clean up
the mold, in accordance with general
industry-accepted standards.
Note: Mold remediation contractors are not
required to remedy the source of the moisture
that caused the mold if they do not have the
required expertise to do so.
What precautions must be taken when
disinfectants, biocides and antimicrobial
coatings are used during mold remediation?
Disinfectants, biocides and antimicrobial
coatings registered with the USEPA may
only be used if they are specified in the Mold
Remediation Plan. These chemicals must be
used only for their intended purpose. They
should also only be applied according to the
manufacturer’s labeling instructions. The Mold
Assessor and the Mold Remediation Contractor
must consider the potential for people who
occupy the property to be sensitive or have a
negative reaction to the chemicals.
When is a mold remediation project complete?
Once your Mold Remediation Contractor has
done the work, the Mold Assessor must do a
post-remediation assessment. The project is
complete when the Mold Assessor issues a
written passed clearance report that states:
the work area is free from all visible mold,
all work has been done according to
the Mold Remediation Plan and Mold
Remediation Work Plan, and
the clearance criteria listed in the Mold
Remediation Plan was met.
If the cleanup work was not successful, the
Mold Assessor will write a final status report
listing what needs to be done to receive a
passed clearance report. The final status
report will be given to you and the Mold
Remediation Contractor.
You should use the same Mold Assessor who
wrote the Mold Remediation Plan to do the post-
remediation assessment, but this is not required.
The Mold Remediation Contractor may not remove
materials or dismantle containment structures until
you get a passed clearance report.
Note: If you decide not to have a post-
remediation assessment, the Mold Assessor
and Mold Remediation Contractor should get
documentation that you accept the work as is
before they leave the property.
Where can I find more information on general
industry accepted practices for mold remediation?
New York City Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene: http://www1.nyc.gov/
New York State Department of
Health: https://www.health.ny.gov/
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and
Restoration Certification: http://www.iicrc.
How can I verify that a Mold Assessor or Mold
Remediation Contractor is licensed by the
Department of Labor?
Visit the Department of Labor’s website and use
the “Licensed Mold Contractors Search Tool” at:
How can I file a complaint if I do not believe the
mold professionals followed this guidance?
Submit the “Mold Contractor Complaint Form”
at: https://www.labor.ny.gov/workerprotection/
The New York State Department of Labor is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
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