TRD-41413 Instructions
Rev. 07/01/2024
Local Taxation and Revenue Oces
If you need to visit the Department in person you can visit
one of our tax district oces at one of the following locations:
10500 Copper Ave. NE, Suite C
Albuquerque, NM 87123
Manuel Lujan Senior Building
1200 S. St. Francis Dr.
Santa Fe, NM 87505
3501 E. Main St., Ste N
Farmington, NM 87402
2540 El Paseo Bldg. 2
Las Cruces, NM 88001
400 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Ste 200
Roswell, NM 88201
Phone Contact
You can contact the Department’s call center and they can
provide full service and general information about the De-
partment’s taxes, Taxpayer Access Point (TAP), programs,
classes, and forms. They can also provide assistance with
information specic to your account including your ling sit-
uation, payment plans, and delinquent account information.
Call Center: (866) 285-2996.
You may also locate your account information through the
Taxpayer Access Point (TAP),
What You Need
When you call or visit us on the web, make sure to have
your New Mexico Business Tax Identication Number
(NMBTIN)(previously known as your CRS number), a copy
of your tax return, or letter in question.
Note: If you are inquiring about a letter please locate the
Letter ID in the top right hand corner to provide to the De-
partment’s agent.
Mailing Address
If you want to write us about your return, please address
your letter to:
Gross Receipts Tax Correspondence
Taxation and Revenue Department
P.O. BOX 25128
Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
If you are writing in response to a letter, please include the
Letter ID in your response.
Email Contacts
The Taxation and Revenue Department provides several
email contacts for you.
If you have questions about your in-progress Gross Receipts
Tax (GRT) return, the instructions, a return you already sub-
mitted, or your refund, email: GRT[email protected].
If you have questions about New Mexico tax law and need
additional clarication on statutes and regulations, email:
Forms and Instructions
You can nd forms and instructions on
our website at
At the top of the page, click
Online Services
The TAP website at is a secure online
resource that lets you electronically le your return for free:
See information about your return, payment, and refund
Pay existing tax liabilities online
Check the status of a refund
• Change your contact information
Register a business
This document provides instructions for the New Mexico
Form TRD - 41413, Gross Receipts Tax Return. Each Form
TRD-41413 is due on or before the 25th of the month following
the end of the tax period being reported. Certain taxpayers
are required to le the Form TRD-41413 electronically. For
more information on whether electronic ling is required for
your business, please see FYI-108, Electronic Filing Mandate
which is available through your local district oce or online
Please Note: When completing your form, all pertinent col-
umns must be clearly lled out and completed or your Form
TRD-41413 may be rejected and returned for correction and
will need to be resubmitted.
Important: If you will be having another party outside of the
taxpayer wanting access to your account, you will need to
complete Form ACD-31102, Tax Information Authorization
Disclosure, which can be located on our website in the "Tax
Authorization folder here:
TRD-41413 Instructions
Who Must File A Gross Receipts Tax Return
The gross receipts tax is a tax imposed on persons engaged
in business in New Mexico for the privilege of doing busi-
ness in New Mexico.
“Engaging in business” means carrying on or causing to be
carried on any activity with the purpose of direct or indirect
benet. For those that lack physical presence in New
Mexico, including a marketplace provider, it means having
at least $100,000 of taxable gross receipts sourced to New
Mexico in the previous calendar year. See What is Gross
Receipts Tax below for more information. For more informa-
tion on physical presence or nexus, see our website here:
What is Gross Receipts Tax
“Gross receipts” means the total amount of money or the
value of other consideration received from selling property in
New Mexico, leasing or licensing property employed in New
Mexico, from granting a right to use a franchise employed in
New Mexico, performing services in New Mexico or selling
research and development services performed outside New
Mexico the product of which is initially used in New Mexico.
Gross receipts includes receipts from:
Sales of tangible personal property handled on consign-
• Commissions and fees received;
Amounts paid by members of any cooperative associa-
Fees received by persons for serving as disclosed agents
for another;
Amounts received by persons providing telephone or
telegraph services;
Amounts received by a New Mexico orist from the sale
of owers, plants, etc., that are lled and delivered out-
side New Mexico by an out-of-state orist;
Providing intrastate mobile telecommunications services
(i.e., the services originate and terminate in the same
state) to customers whose place of primary use is in New
Mexico; and
Amounts collected by a marketplace provider engaging
in business in the state from sales, leases and licens-
es of tangible personal property, sales of licenses and
sales of services or license for use of real property that
are sourced to New Mexico by a marketplace provider on
behalf of a marketplace seller(s) regardless if the market-
place seller(s) are engaging in business in New Mexico.
For more detail, see FYI-105,Gross Receipts & Compensating
Taxes: An Overview available through your local district oce
or at
Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Rate Table
Gross receipts tax is based on municipality/county locations
and reported/collected based on location code. The Depart-
ment releases the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax
Rate Schedule semiannually and has the listing of counties,
municipalities, location codes for each, and the tax rate.
The location codes are used to determine which tax rate
should be used when ling your return. The gross receipts
and compensating tax rates can change on January 1 and
July 1 of each year, so it is important to check the Gross
Receipts and Compensating Tax Rate Schedule for new
rates located online at
Location Code and Tax Rate
Gross receipts tax is required to be reported by municipality,
county, and location code as described in Section 7-1-14
NMSA 1978 as follows:
B. Reporting location for receipts from the sale, lease, or
granting of a license to use real property located in New
Mexico and any related deductions shall be the location
of the property.
C. Reporting location for receipts from the sale or license
of property, other than real property, and any related de-
ductions, shall be at the following locations:
(1) if the property is received by the purchaser at the
New Mexico location of the seller, the location of the
(2) if the property is not received by the purchaser at a
business location of the seller, the location indicated
by instructions for delivery to the purchaser, or the
purchaser's donee, when known to the seller;
(3) if Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection do not
apply, the location indicated by an address for the
purchaser available from the business records of the
seller that are maintained in the ordinary course of
business; provided that use of the address does not
constitute bad faith;
(4) if Paragraphs (1) through (3) of this subsection do not
apply, the location for the purchaser obtained during
consummation of the sale, including the address of a
purchaser's payment instrument, if no other address
is available; provided that use of this address does
not constitute bad faith; or
(5) if Paragraphs (1) through (4) of this subsection do
not apply, including a circumstance in which the
seller is without sucient information to apply those
standards, the location from which the property was
shipped or transmitted.
D. The reporting location for gross receipts from the lease
of tangible personal property, including vehicles, other
transportation equipment and other mobile tangible per-
sonal property, and any related deductions, shall be the
location of primary use of the property, as indicated by
the address for the property provided by the lessee that
is available to the lessor from the lessor's records main-
tained in the ordinary course of business; provided that
use of this address does not constitute bad faith. The
location of primary use shall not be altered by intermit-
tent use at dierent locations, such as use of business
property that accompanies employees on business trips
TRD-41413 Instructions
Dierent Filing Methods
You can le your Gross Receipts Tax Return (TRD-41413) on
paper or electronically. Both options are described here to
help you choose the most convenient method. The Depart-
ment asks that the Gross Receipts Tax return be led online
using the Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) whenever possible.
TAP is a free online ling option that can be located by going
to our website at
Important: After completing your paper or electronic return,
make a copy for your records and keep it in a safe place.
Electronic Filing and Payment Mandate
For taxpayers with an average monthly tax liability for gross
receipts tax during the preceding calendar of $1,000 or more,
shall be electronically led and remitted by electronic means.
The following electronic methods of remitting tax payments
will be accepted: credit card, ACH debit, and ACH credit. For
more information see FYI-401, Special Payment Methods
located on our website here:
forms-publications/ in the "Publications" folder.
For more information about ling electronically see the next
section Filing Methods.
Getting Ready to File
Follow these steps before you start lling out your TRD-41413,
Gross Receipts Tax Return:
1. Collect all forms and schedules you are required to le,
publications you need to reference, and all your tax
For a description of dierent forms and schedules, see
Required Forms and Attachments starting on page 4 of
these instructions. To nd out where to get the forms and
schedules you need, see Contacting the Department on
page 1.
2. Read the next section, Valid Identication Number Re-
quired, to learn about New Mexico Business Tax Identi-
cation Number (NMBTIN), Federal Employer Identica-
tion Number (FEIN), Social Security Numbers (SSN) and
Individual Taxpayer Identication Numbers (ITIN).
Benets of Filing Electronically
The Department encourages you to le electronically when-
ever possible. Electronic ling is fast, safe, secure, and it
provides these benets:
Filing is free on the Department website.
File return, pay, and request a refund.
View all letters sent by the Department.
View your account and see if there are any missing
returns or payments.
You can speak with an agent while viewing your account
and they can walk you through using TAP or any noti-
cations you may be seeing on your account.
You can also provide third-party access to your accoun-
tant to be able to complete returns, le, and pay your tax
The state saves tax dollars in processing costs and
results in faster processing times for returns and pay-
ments submitted to the Department.
Using The Department Website, Taxpayer Access Point
To le your return on the Department website, follow these
1. Logon or create a TAP account at
2. Select Gross Receipts Tax (GRT).
3. Within the Return Panel Select File Now.
4. After you complete all your entries, check the Signature
box, then click Submit to le.
5. Select OK in the Conrmation box to continue.
and service calls.
E. The reporting location for gross receipts from the sale,
lease or license of franchises, and any related deduc-
tions, shall be where the franchise is used.
F. The reporting location for gross receipts from the perfor-
mance or sale of the following services, and any related
deductions, shall be at the following locations:
(1) for professional services performed in New Mexico,
other than construction-related services, or per-
formed outside New Mexico when the product of the
service is initially used in New Mexico, the location of
the performer of the service or seller of the product of
the service, as appropriate;
(2) for construction services and construction-related
services performed for a construction project in New
Mexico, the location of the construction site;
(3) for services with respect to the selling of real estate
located in New Mexico, the location of the real estate;
(4) for transportation of persons or property in, into or
from New Mexico, the location where the person or
property enters the vehicle; and
(5) for services other than those described in Paragraphs
(1) through (4) of this subsection, the location where
the product of the service is delivered.
Using the Out-of-State Location Codes
88-888 4.875 % If you are reporting for an out-of-
state location for a professional ser-
vice or shipping goods out-of-state.
77-777 4.875 % If you are performing research and
development services outside NM
as a professional service.
If you transact business with tribal non-members on tribal
territory, use the tribal location of the sale or delivery. If
a tribe, pueblo, or nation has entered into a cooperative
agreement with New Mexico they will have a separate
location code listed.
For more detail, see FYI-200, Gross Receipts Reporting
Location and the Appropriate Tax Rate available online
at or
through your local district oce.
TRD-41413 Instructions
TRD-41413 Followed by Forms and Attachments
Submit in This Order:
TRD-41413, Gross Receipts Tax Return.
Schedule A, if required.
Schedule CR, if required.
Supplemental Schedule CR, if required.
GRT-PV, if required.
RPD-41071, Application for Refund, if required.
Other required schedules or attachments.
TRD-41413 Required
Every person required to le a New Mexico gross receipts
tax return must complete and le a TRD-41413, Gross Re-
ceipts Tax Return.
Schedule A
Use the Schedule A, New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax
Schedule A if additional space is needed to report gross
receipts from multiple locations. Include this page with the
TRD-41413 Form.
Schedule CR
Use the Schedule CR, New Mexico Business-Related Tax
Credit Schedule. Attachments for each credit are required.
The attachments are specied next to each credit on this
form. See table, Attachments Required to Claim Schedule
CR Business-Related Tax Credits on page 5.
If you will be claiming a refundable credit you will also need
to submit RPD-41071, Application for Refund.
Important: If you believe you may qualify for business tax
credits please see the FYI-106, Claiming Business-Related
Tax Credits for Individuals and Business
Supplemental Schedule CR
If you are claiming more than 10 credits, also le Supple-
mental Schedule CR, Gross Receipts Tax Business-Related
Tax Credit Supplemental Schedule CR. Attachments for each
credit are required. The attachments are specied next to each
credit type on this form. See table, Attachments Required to
Claim Schedule CR Business-Related Tax Credits on page 5
Payment Voucher
If making a payment, place the payment and voucher at the
front of the return, in this order.
• Payment (check or money order)
• GRT-PV Payment Voucher
When paying by check or money order, make sure to indicate
the correct ling period of the return to which you want the
payment to apply. The Department supports the fast and
6. Select Print Conrmation Page s h o w i n g y o u r c o n r m a -
tion number as proof and verication that you led online.
7. Select Print Return to print a copy of your return for
your records.
8. Click Print to print a copy of your return for your records.
Important: Do not mail the conrmation page or the return
you led online to the Department. Mailing in the return can
cause processing issues.
If you need assistance ling your return on TAP, you can
email, or you can call the Call
Center at: (866) 285-2996.
For help with TAP, email:
Where To Get Paper Tax Forms
Gross Receipts Tax forms and schedules can be lled out
by hand and mailed to the Department. You can get these
tax forms from any district oce, request they be mailed to
you or by downloading them from the Department website.
In Person
Ask for forms at the Department’s local district oces. Use
CONTACTING THE DEPARTMENT information listed on
page 1 of these instructions.
Downloading Forms and Instructions
To download tax forms
, follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. At the top of the web page, click FORMS & PUBLICA-
3. Locate the folders toward the bottom of the page, click
the Business Taxes folder.
4. Click on the Gross Receipts Tax folder.
Check the Print Quality
Make sure the printer can clearly print a logo. If it can, it will
print a quality tax form. It is important to use an original. Never
submit a return with a form that has been photocopied or
photo shopped as it will not be accepted by our process-
ing machines.
Valid Identication Number Required
Enter your business name and New Mexico Business Tax
Identication Number (NMBTIN) on all forms, schedules, and
correspondence you send to the Department. The Department
cannot accept a return without a valid identication number.
***Important Guidelines***
Review the following items before making your entries:
Complete all required information on your form. Failure
to do this delays processing your return and may cause
errors when the Taxation and Revenue Department per-
forms calculations during processing.
Leave blank all spaces and boxes that do not apply to
you. Do not draw lines through or across areas you leave
Write numbers clearly and legibly to reduce processing
errors and increase eciently. Use the boxes on the form
as a guide for your handwritten entries.
Do not use dollar signs ($) or any punctuation marks or
symbols other than a comma (,).
TRD-41413 Instructions
secure ling of electronic payments.
To print vouchers, go to At
the top of the page, click FORMS & PUBLICATIONS then
select the following items in this order:
Business Taxes
Gross Receipts Tax and then click Payment Voucher
GRT-PV, Gross Receipts Tax Payment Voucher
If your return shows a balance due and you choose to pay by
mail or delivery to one of our local oces, you must complete
the GRT-PV payment voucher and include it with your check
or money order. Also include GRT-PV when submitting your
payment with your paper return. Important: On all checks
and money orders, write your New Mexico Business Tax
Identication Number (NMBTIN) (previously known as your
CRS number), GRT- PV, and the ling period.
Amended Return
Any change to New Mexico gross receipts, exemptions,
deductions, or credits require an amended TRD-41413.
When ling an amended return mark the amended box on
your return clearly. You will le this return as if it is an original
return and must submit all required forms that apply to your
TRD- 41413. Note: Do not enter only supplemental amounts
on the return.
If you will be requesting a refund of taxes previously paid or
you have a refundable credit you will need to submit RPD-
41071, Application for Refund with supporting documentation.
RPD-41071, Application for Tax Refund
This form will need to be submitted with your return if you
determine that a refund is due on your account. You can also
submit an application for a Tax Refund for gross receipts tax
online through your taxpayer access point (TAP) account.
For the information required on an application for refund and
what needs to be submitted please see Refunds on page 13.
Other Forms That May Be Needed
This section describes forms that are related to TRD-41413
that you may need.
Notify the Department of a change to your business:
ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application
and Update Form
If you need anyone to have access to your account infor-
mation the following form will need to be submitted to the
ACD-31102, Tax Information Authorization Tax Disclo-
If you are required to le an electronic return but you are
unable to le electronically complete and submit the ap-
plicable form below:
RPD-41350, E-le and E-Pay Exception Request
RPD-41351, E-File and E-Pay Waiver Request
If you are eligible for the food deduction under Section 7-9-
92 NMSA 1978 and you are a new ler in New Mexico or
you are unable to see the deduction in TAP please submit
the following form:
RPD- 41295, Application for NM Retail Food Store
Attachments Required to Claim Schedule CR Business-Related Tax Credits
To Claim These Gross Receipts Tax
Schedule CR Credits
Attach Gross Receipts Tax Business Related Tax Credit Schedule CR and these
Aordable Housing Tax Credit RPD-41301, Aordable Housing Tax Credit Claim Form, and a copy of voucher(s) is-
sued by Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA).
Alternative Energy Tax Credit RPD-41331, Alternative Energy Product Manufacturers Tax Credit Claim Form
Biodiesel Blending Facility Tax Credit RPD-41321, Biodiesel Blending Facility Tax Credit Claim Form
High-wage Jobs Tax Credit RPD-41290, High-Wage Jobs Tax Credit Claim Form
Investment Tax Credit RPD-41212, Investment Credit Claim Form
Laboratory Partnership with Small
Business Tax Credit
RPD-41325, Application For Laboratory Partnership With Small Business Tax Credit
Legal Services for Wildre
Compensation Recovery Credit
TRD-41423, Legal Services for Wildre Compensation Recovery Credit
Application and Claim Form.
Rural Job Tax Credit RPD-41243, Rural Job Tax Credit Claim Form.
Sale of Dyed Special Fuel Used for Agri-
cultural Purposes Credit
TRD-41424, Sale of Dyed Special Fuel Used for Agricultural Purposes Credit Applica-
tion and Claim Form.
Technology Readiness Gross
Receipts Tax Credit
RPD-41407, Technology Readiness Gross Receipts Tax Credit Application
Technology Jobs And Research And
Development Tax Credit
RPD-41386, Technology Jobs And Research and Development Tax Credit Claim Form.
Unpaid Doctor Services Credit RPD-41323, Gross Receipts Tax Credit for Certain Unpaid Doctor Services
TRD-41413 Instructions
When and Where to File
File your return as soon as you have all the necessary
information. Each Form TRD-41413 is due on or before
the 25th of the month following the end of the tax period
being reported. If you le or pay late, you may need to pay
interest and penalties. See Interest and Penalties on page
13. If the date falls on a weekend, a legal, state or national
holiday, your Form TRD-41413 and payment due date will
be extended to the next business day.
Important: If you le your return electronically either through
TAP or a third-party do not submit a paper return. The du-
plicate return will slow down processing.
Filing Periods and Due Dates
These dates should be selected based on your ling status.
Your ling status can be located on your Registration Cer-
ticate received from the Department. The ling frequency
will be monthly, quarterly or semiannually.
January 1 January 31 February 25
February 1 February 28 or
March 25
March 1 March 31 April 25
April 1 April 30 May 25
May 1 May 31 June 25
June 1 June 30 July 25
July 1 July 31 August 25
August 1 August 31 September 25
September 1 September 30 October 25
October 1 October 31 November 25
November 1 November 30 December 25
December 1 December 31 January 25
January 1 March 31 April 25
April 1 June 30 July 25
July 1 September 30 October 25
October 1 December 31 January 25
January 1 June 30 July 25
July 1 December 31 January 25
**Monthly Filing Status If you are a seasonal, temporary,
or special event ler use the monthly ling status. These l-
ing frequencies allow for businesses that do not do regular
business in New Mexico to le a singular return for the time
period that business was conducted in New Mexico.
Electronic Returns and Payments
If you have an electronic ling requirement, you must le
electronically. See FYI-108, Electronic Filing Mandate for
more information. You can le the return and pay at dier-
ent times but dierent penalty and interest may apply if you
miss the due date of the return. No Penalty will be imposed
for reporting and paying early.
ØTAP TIP: TAP will allow you to le online as of the rst
day of the ling period. You must acknowledge that you
are aware you are ling a return for a period that has not
ended yet.
Paper Returns To Mail
File paper returns no later than the deadline of 25th of the
month following the end of the tax period being reported.
No Penalty will be imposed for reporting and paying early.
Determining a Timely Mailing Date for Paper Returns
If the U.S. Postal Service postmark on the envelope bears a
date on or before the due date, a
mailed New Mexico gross
receipts tax re
turn and tax payment are timely. If the due
date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a state or national legal
holiday, the tax return is timely when the postmark bears the
date of the next business day.
If the date recorded or marked by a private delivery service is
on or before the due date, delivery through a private delivery
service is timely.
Where To Mail Paper Returns and Payments
Mail refund requests and returns to:
Gross Receipts Tax Correspondence
Taxation and Revenue Department
P.O. BOX 25128
Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
How To Pay
Select the most convenient way to pay your taxes. You can
pay with an electronic check, a credit card, a paper check,
or a money order. See Paying Your Taxes on page 12.
Mailing a Payment and Voucher
Do the following when mailing any payment by check or
money order:
Make it payable to New Mexico Taxation and Revenue
Write your New Mexico Business Tax Identication Num-
ber (NMBTIN), GRT-PV, and the ling period on it.
Mail the voucher with your payment.
Payment Vouchers for TRD-41413
If you are a marketplace provider please see the form
TRD-31117, Marketplace Provider Data Sharing
TRD-41413 Instructions
What To Do Next
Fill in your return using the line instructions that start on this
page. When you nish lling in your TRD-41413, see Before
Filing Your Return on page 13.
Top of Page 1
The top section of TRD-41413, page 1 gathers all your busi-
ness information. Please be sure to ll out all applicable elds.
Incomplete elds may result in processing delays.
New Mexico Business Tax Identication Number
This number was issued to you by the New Mexico Taxation
and Revenue Department and can be located on your Regis-
tration Certicate. Note: This number was previously referred
to as the combined reporting system number or CRS ID.
No New Mexico Business Tax Identication Number?
If you do not have NMBTIN, apply for one using the ACD-
31015, Business Tax Registration Application and Update
Form. DO NOT le a return unless you have a NMBTIN is-
sued by the Department. Filing a return without this number
could result in a lost return or misapplied payment.
Federal Employer Identication Number (FEIN)
This number is issued by the Internal Revenue Service. If
you have a FEIN associated to your business please add
your FEIN here. If you do not have a FEIN leave this eld
blank. One reason you may not have a FEIN number is that
your business is a sole proprietorship.
Social Security Number (SSN)
Clearly enter your name and social security number (SSN)
if your NMBTIN is associated with your SSN.
Business Name
Clearly print the name of the business associated with the
New Mexico Business Tax Identication Number (NMBTIN).
New or Changed Address Check Box
If the mailing address has changed or is a new address
please mark X in this box. This will allow for your address
to be updated in the Department’s system. If you need
to change your address for all of your business accounts
please complete and submit the ACD-31015, Business Tax
Registration Application and Update Form.
Mailing address, City, State, Postal/ Zip Code
Enter your mailing address here. If you have a new or
changed mailing address please select the check box above.
See above for more information.
If you have a foreign address, enter the street address, city
name and postal code in the appropriate line. Also complete
the spaces for the foreign province and/or state and country.
Follow the country’s practice for entering the foreign postal
code, the province or state, and country. Do not abbreviate
the country name. If your address is located within the United
States of America leave these boxes blank.
E-mail address
Enter the e-mail address you would like the Department to
use to contact you if there are any questions about the return
you are submitting.
Phone Number
Enter the phone number you would like the Department to
use to contact you if there are any questions about the return
you are submitting.
Tax Period
These dates should be selected based on your ling status.
Your ling status can be located on your Registration Cer-
ticate received from the Department. The ling frequency
will be monthly, quarterly or semiannually. Use the format
MM/DD/CCYY. The dates should match your ling status.
See table on page 6.
Amended Return
Check the box above only if you are amending over your
original return. Be sure to ll out this return as it should
have been originally led for the specied Tax Period. The
amended return will override all information reported on your
original return. Do not enter only supplemental amounts on
the amended return.
If you fail to check the amended box this will cause process-
ing errors. If your Amended Return does not have the box
checked it will delay posting of the return or it may cause
the return to be rejected.
Important: If your amended return will result in an overpay-
ment on your account, you must submit a RPD-41071, Ap-
plication for Refund. In order for the Department to validate
the overpayment and issue a refund all required documents
must be provided.
Column A. Municipality/County Name
On separate lines, enter the name of each municipality
or county where you have a gross receipts tax to report.
Refer to the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Rate
Eective July 1, 2021, gross receipts are reported using
destination-based sourcing. This means that gross receipts,
with some exceptions, will generally be reported under the
location code where the customer is located. Prior to July
1, 2021, New Mexico gross receipts were reported using
origin-based sourcing rules. This meant that gross receipts
Whether you submit your payment with or without your tax
return, complete GRT-PV, Gross Receipts Tax Payment
Voucher and submit it with your payment.
TRD-41413 Instructions
were reported at the location of the business address, with
the exception of construction, real estate sales, utilities, or
tribal agreements. More information can be located under
Location Code and Tax Rate on page 2.
Certain situations or types of receipts require a special nota-
tion in Column A that has no relation to a county, municipality
or other physical location, refer to table T1.
T1. Special Notations
Out-of-State Use when an in state rate does not ap-
ply. See below and table T2 Out-Of-State
Codes for more information.
Column B. Location Code
Enter the Location Code from the current Gross Receipts
and Compensating Tax Rate Schedule,
tax-rate-map/. Make sure that the location code corresponds
with the municipality or county you listed in Column A.
When applicable, use one of the out-of-state special locations
and/or deduction codes listed in table T2.
T2. Out-of-State Codes
88-888 4.875 % If you are reporting for an out-of-
state location for a professional ser-
vice or shipping goods out-of-state.
77-777 4.875 % If you are performing research and
development services outside NM
as a professional service.
Column C. Special Rate Code
Enter the alpha Special Rate Code from table T3. These
codes are account specic. Do not use these codes unless
they apply to your tax situation. These codes alert the De-
partment’s computer system to a special rate, distribution,
or reporting requirement that may apply to your industry or
to the type of deduction being reported.
ØTAP TIP: These special rates codes are granted based
on the information provided to the Department on your
ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application and
Updates Form. If you can not see these in TAP and need
them, please submit an updated ACD-31015.
Note: Manufacturers who have entered into a Form RPD-
41377, Manufacturers Agreement to Pay Gross Receipts
Tax on Behalf of a Utility Company for Certain Utility Sales
with a utility company must use the special rate codes listed
in table T4.
Important: A separate row is needed for gross receipts as-
sociated with Special Rate Codes (not the rate listed for the
Municipality/County). Do not combine receipts calculated
under the regular rates from the Gross Receipts and Com-
pensating Tax Rate Schedule.
Example 1 (Column C): Taxpayer has gross receipts in
the Albuquerque to report under the Medical Special Rate
Code "M". The taxpayer will review the Gross Receipts and
Compensating Tax Rate Schedule to locate the Municipal-
ity/County (Albuquerque) and the Location Code (02-100),
these are entered in Column A and Column B of the return.
The taxpayer would enter the "M" code under Column C.
Special Rate. The taxpayer would continue to Column D,
then Column F. In Column F the taxpayer would put the
same amount listed in Column D. In Column G and Column
I that taxpayer would enter Zero as instructed in table T3.
T3. Special Rate Codes
A Local
Economic Develop-
ment Act (LEDA)
Only qualifying entities under Section 5-10-14 NMSA 1978 use this special rate code.
For more information on who qualies for the special rate code please refer to the Lo-
cal Economic Development Act Fund Section 5-10-14 NMSA 1978.
F Food Retailers Only food retailers reporting deductible receipts under Section 7-9-92 NMSA 1978 need
to use this special code. For more information on who qualies, please see FYI-201.
When using this special code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns G and I for the re-
spective line. Note: Do NOT claim this deduction for federal food stamp sales paid for
with food cards. Not all food retailers qualify for the special code “F” deduction.
M Certain
Health Care Practi-
Only licensed health care practitioners or an association of health care practitioners
reporting deductions under Section 7-9-93 NMSA 1978 use this special code. For more
information on who qualies for the special code “M” deduction, see FYI-202. When
using this special code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns G and I for the respective
line. Note: Do not use the special code in Column B for other receipts reported by li-
censed health care practitioners. Use a separate line for other types of medical-related
deductions. Co-payment or deductible (7-9-93(B)). Starting July 1, 2023, and prior to
July 1, 2028, receipts from a co-payment or deductible paid by an insured or enrollee
to a health care practitioner or an association of health care practitioners for commer-
cial contract services pursuant to the terms of the insured's health insurance plan or
enrollee's managed care health plan may be deducted from gross receipts.
NH Sales by a Nonprot
“Nonprot hospital” means a hospital that has been granted exemption from federal
income tax by the United States commissioner of internal revenue as an organization
described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Rate of 4.875%. (7-9-41.5)
TRD-41413 Instructions
Column D. Gross Receipts (excluding Tax)
The amounts in Column D should be the gross receipts
amount excluding the tax associated with those receipts.
This includes taxable gross receipts and deductible gross
receipts. Note: In order to report this correctly you may need
to back the tax out. See Example 2.
Gross Receipts Including Tax ÷
1.0(insert tax rate without the decimal)
Example 2 (Column D): Taxpayer’s gross receipts including
tax is $342.50 and the tax rate is 8.1875%. The taxpayer
would back out the tax by dividing 342.50 by 1.081875, the
answer is 316.580001... (round this number to the nearest
cent). The gross receipts excluding tax would be $316.58.
This is the amount the taxpayer would put in Column D.
Important: A separate row is needed for gross receipts as-
sociated with special rates or separately reported deductions
(required or optional).
Column E. Deduction Code
When using deduction codes, the gross receipts and deduc-
tion associated with amounts that have deduction codes that
are *required* to be reported will have to be reported on a
separate line. All other deductions can be claimed together
on one line by leaving column E blank and lling in Column
F with the deduction dollar amount, see the fourth line on
Example 3 below. See Example 3.
Required to be reported separately by statute: Deductions
that have a separate reporting requirement (D0) can be lo-
cated on page 10, see on table T5. Deductions Requiring
Separate Reporting.
All other deductions that are available for New Mexico
gross receipts tax that are not required to be separately
reported are reported only in column F as a dollar amount.
For a list of these deductions see T6. Other New Mexi-
co GRT Deductions starting on page 15 or the FYI-105,
Gross Receipts & Compensating Taxes - An Overview.
COLUMN F. Deduction Amount
All deductions are to be reported in this column. Deductions
must be supported by Nontaxable Transaction Certicate
(NTTC), alternative evidence, statute, or regulation.
If you complete this column, Column E must have a deduction
code for special rate codes and deductions required to be
separately reported, see instructions for Column E above.
If you are reporting a special rate code please refer to the
instructions for Column C.
T4. Manufactures Agreement Special Rate Codes
E Certain Sales of Electricity to a Manufacturer Please refer to FYI-275 for detailed special reporting requirements
for qualied transactions that require the use of this special code.
When using this special code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns
G and I for the respective line.
G Certain Sales of Natural Gas to a Manufac-
Please refer to FYI-275 for detailed special reporting requirements
for qualied transactions that require the use of this special code.
When using this special code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns
G and I for the respective line.
W Certain Sales of Water to a Manufacturer Please refer to FYI-275 for detailed special reporting requirements
for qualied transactions that require the use of this special code.
When using this special code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns
G and I for the respective line.
O Certain Sales of Other Utilities to a Manufac-
Please refer to FYI-275 for detailed special reporting requirements for
qualied transactions that require the use of this special code. When
using this special code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns G and
I for the respective line.
Example 3 (Column E): Taxpayer A has gross receipts tax (GRT) for Santa Fe City and Santa Fe County - Remainder of
County. They have 1 required D0- deduction code and 2 deductions that fall under deductions that are not required to be
separately reported and 1 special rate code applicable to their monthly gross receipts. Taxpayer A will report as follows:
Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D Col. E Col. F Col. G Col. H Col. I
Muni/County Location
Rate Code
GR (ex-
clude Tax)
Tax Rate GRT Due
Santa Fe 01-123 M 12,500 12,500 0 0
Santa Fe 01-123 16,000 D0-010 16,000 0 8.1875% 0
Santa Fe 01-123 10,500 10,500 0 8.1875% 0
SF R. of Co. 01-001 31,500 10,000 21,500 6.8750% 1,478.13
TRD-41413 Instructions
T5. Deductions Requiring Separate Reporting
D0-001 Uranium Hexauoride (7-9-90) If you sell uranium hexauoride and your receipts are deductible under Section
D0-002 Manufacturing - Ingredient
If you sell tangible personal property to a manufacturer who incorporates the
property as an ingredient or component part of a manufactured product and your
receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-46(A).
D0-003 Manufacturing - Consumed
If you sell tangible personal property that is a manufacturing consumable and
your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-46(B).
D0-004 Converting Electricity
If you transmit electricity and provide ancillary services and your receipts are
deductible under Section 7-9-103.1.
D0-005 Electricity Exchange
If you operate a market or exchange for the sale or trade of electricity and your
receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-103.2.
D0-006 Sale of Ag Implement or Aircraft
50% (7-9-62(A))
If you sell agricultural implements, vehicles or aircraft and your receipts 50% of
can be deducted under Section 7-9-62(A).
D0-007 Sale of Aircraft or Flight Sup-
port (7-9-62(B))
If you sell aircraft, provide ight support and training and your receipts are de-
ductible under Section 7-9-62(B).
D0-008 Aircraft Parts and Maintenance
(7-9-62 (C))
If you sell aircraft parts, provide maintenance services for aircraft and aircraft
parts and your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-62(C).
D0-009 Commercial/Military Aircraft
If you sell or provide services for commercial and military aircraft and your receipts
are deductible under Section 7-9-62.1.
D0-010 Medicare
If you provide medical and health care services to Medicare beneciaries and
your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-77.1(A).
D0-011 TRICARE Program
If you provide medical and health care services as a third-party administrator
for the TRICARE program and your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-
D0-012 Indian Health Service
(7-9-77.1 (D))
If you provide medical and health care services to Indian Health Service of the
United States Department of Health and Human Services to covered beneciaries
and your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-77.1(D).
D0-013 Medicare - Clinical Laboratory
If you are a clinical laboratory and provide medical and health care services
to Medicare beneciaries and your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-
D0-014 Medicare - Home Health
(7-9-77.1 (F))
If you are a home health agency and provide medical, other health and pallia-
tive services to Medicare beneciaries and your receipts are deductible under
Section 7-9-77.1(F)
D0-015 Medicare - Dialysis Facility
Prior to July 1, 2032, if you are a dialysis facility and you provide medical and
other health services to Medicare beneciaries and your receipts are deductible
under Section 7-9-77.1(G).
D0-016 Durable Medical Equipment
If you sell or rent durable medical equipment or medical supplies and your receipts
are deductible under Section 7-9-73.3.
D0-017 Military Transformational Ac-
quisition (7-9-94)
If you perform research and development, test and evaluation services at New
Mexico major range and test facility bases and your receipts are from military
transformational acquisition programs and deductible under Section 7-9-94.
D0-018 Directed Energy and Satellites
If you sell goods and services to the United States Department of Defense
related to directed energy or satellites and your receipts are deductible under
Section 7-9-115.
D0-019 Border Zone Trade-Support
Company (7-9-56.3)
If you are a trade-support company and have receipts from business activities
and operations at the business’ border location and your receipts are deductible
under Section 7-9-56.3.
TRD-41413 Instructions
D0-020 Small Business Saturday
If you are a qualied small business and have receipts from the sale at retail of
certain tangible personal property on the rst Saturday after Thanksgiving and
your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-116.
D0-022 Jet Fuel 40%
If you sell jet fuel for use in turboprop or jet engines 40% can be deducted under
Section 7-9-83.
D0-023 Back to School Tax Holiday
If you have receipts from retail sales of specied tangible personal property, if
the sale of the property occurs during the period between 12:01 a.m. on the rst
Friday in August and ending at midnight the following Sunday your receipts are
deductible under Section 7-9-95.
D0-024 Dispenser's License Holder
The receipts of a dispenser liquor license holder who held the license on June
30, 2021, may be deducted up to $50,000 from the sale of alcoholic beverages
for taxable years 2022 through 2025 as long as the sales of alcoholic beverages
for consumption o premises are less than 50% of total alcoholic beverage
D0-025 Manufacturing - Equipment
If you sell or lease qualied equipment to a person engaged in the business of
manufacturing or a manufacturing service provider under Section 7-9-46(C). The
investment credit shall not be claimed on the same equipment.
D0-026 Hospice or Nursing Home
If your receipts are for medical and other health and palliative services provided
by hospice or nursing home to Medicare beneciaries and your receipts are
deducted under Section 7-9-77.1(B).
D0-027 Sales of services to manufac-
turers (7-9-46.1)
If your receipts are from selling professional services to a person engaged in
the business of manufacturing and your receipts are deductible under Section
7-9-46.1. The professional service has to be related to the product that the buyer
is in the business of manufacturing.
D0-028 Feminine Hygiene Products
If your receipts are from the sale of feminine hygiene products and your receipts
are deductible under Section 7-9-120.
D0-029 Child Care Assistance Services
If your receipts are from the sale of child care assistance services provided based
on a contract or grant with the Early Childhood Education and Care Department
to provide those services through a licensed child care assistance program your
receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-77.2(A).
D0-030 Pre-Kindergarten Providers
If your receipts are by a for-prot pre-kindergarten providers for the sale of pre-
kindergarten services pursuant to the Pre-Kindergarten Act your receipts are
deductible under Section 7-9-77.2(B).
TRD-41413 Instructions
Note: If you are claiming multiple deductions that require
separate reporting (Column E) the associated location code,
gross receipts, and deduction for each will have to be reported
on a separate line. See example 3.
Important: Deductions are not the same as business ex-
penses. Do not include business expenses on your Gross
Receipts Tax Return as business expenses are not deductible
or exempt from gross receipts tax.
A taxpayer must maintain in their possession a nontaxable
transaction certicate (NTTC), other acceptable alternative
evidence or documentation for each deduction claimed in
this column. Deductions cannot exceed the gross receipts
reported in Column D for that same location.
For a listing of available deductions, please see FYI-105:
Gross Receipts & Compensating Taxes - An Overview, avail-
able at your local district oce or online at
COLUMN G. Taxable Gross Receipts
Column D minus Column F.
Note: This amount can never be less than zero.
COLUMN H. Tax Rate
Enter the rate from the Gross Receipts and Compensating
Tax Rate Schedule or a special tax rate if you entered the
special rate code “NH" for non-prot hospitals.
COLUMN I. Gross Receipts Tax Due
Enter the Gross Receipts Tax Due for each line by multiplying
Column G by Column H.
Row A allows for the subtotal amounts from page 1 of the
return for Column D and Column F.
ROW A. COLUMN I. Enter the total amount of gross re-
ceipts tax due here.
Use this row to provide the subtotal of gross receipts tax due
from the above rows.
Row B allows for the subtotal amounts from all return Schedule
A’s used in determining your ling tax liability. Please include
the subtotal amounts for Column D and Column F in the space
provided at the bottom of these columns on page 1.
ROW B. COLUMN I. Enter the total amount of gross re-
ceipts tax from all Schedule A pages.
Use this row to provide the subtotal of gross receipts tax due
from all Schedule A’s used to determine your tax liability for
the return you are ling.
LINE 1. Total Gross Receipts Tax.
Enter the sum of all Column I, Row A and Row B on Line 1
for the total amount of gross receipts tax due. Remember to
include all of the Column I in your calculation from any ad-
ditional Schedule A pages for the reporting period.
LINE 2. Business Related Tax Credits Applied
If you do not have any Business-Credits to apply, skip Line 2.
Business-Related business tax credits applied from Sched-
ule CR, line A. Attach Schedule CR. The amount on this line
should not be more than Line 1. For information about these
credits, see the instructions for Schedule CR.
If you are eligible,
do the following:
• C
omplete Schedule CR
From Schedule CR, line A, enter the total amount you
claimed and applied to your tax due one TRD-41413, line
From Schedule CR, line B, enter the total amount of tax
credit that may be refunded to you, on TRD-41413, line 7.
See instructions for line 7.
• A
ttach Schedule CR (and
any required forms or docu-
mentation to support your claim)
to your TRD-41413
LINE 3. Net Tax
Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. If no amount was claimed on
Line 2, carry amount in Line 1 down to Line 3. This amount
cannot be more than Line 1.
LINE 4. Penalty.
If you le late and owe tax, or if you do not pay the tax on or
before the date your return is due, enter penalty here.
Penalty is applied for failure to pay or le on time. Penalty is
calculated at a rate of 2% of Line 4 per month or partial month
(any fraction of a month is a full month) the TRD-41413 or
payment is late, up to 20% of the tax due or a minimum of
$5.00, whichever is greater.
Note: The minimum $5.00 Penalty is also imposed for failure
to le this form even if no tax is due.
LINE 5. Interest
See Example 4. Interest is calculated daily but the rate will be
set at the rate established for individual income tax purposes
by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The IRC rate, which
changes quarterly, is announced by the IRS in the last month
of the previous quarter. The annual and daily interest rates
for each quarter are posted on our website atle-your-taxes-overview/
Tax Due X Quarterly Interest X Number of Days Late
= Interest Due
Example 4 (Line 5): Taxpayer’s tax due on Line 3 is $1,000.
The payment due is fteen days late.
TRD-41413 Instructions Inst.pg13
To calculate the interest due: multiply $1,000 by the daily
rate of 0.01643856% (the daily interest rate for the 2nd
quarter of 2019). The result is $0.16438356, which is the
interest due for one day. Multiply $0.1643856 by fteen
(the number of days the payment is late). The interest is
$2.465753425. (Round this number to the nearest cent)
Enter the interest due of $2.47 on Line 5.
$1,000 X 0.00016438356 X 15 = $2.465753425
Note: You are not liable for interest if the total interest due
is less than $1.00.
Important: When you pay your principal tax liability, interest
stops accruing. Because it stops accruing, you do not need
to calculate the amount of interest due on your return past
the date you pay the principal tax.
LINE 6. Total Amount Due
Add Lines 3, 4 and 5. A TRD-41413 payment should not be
combined on the same check or money order with any other
tax or fee being paid to the Department. If possible include
your New Mexico Business Tax Identication Number (NMB-
Please send your completed Form TRD-41413, Gross Re-
ceipts Tax Return with payment to:
New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
P.O. Box 25128
Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
Important: Continue to Line 7 only if you are claiming refund-
able business-related credits.
Paying Your Taxes
Make your check or money order payable to New Mexico
Taxation and Revenue Department. Mail the GRT-PV with
your payment to:
New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
P.O. Box 25128
Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
Important: Put your NMBTIN and ling period on your check
or money order.
Taxpayer Access Point (TAP):
If you le using TAP and you owe tax, you will be given the
option to pay your tax once you are nished ling your return.
You may use a credit card for an online payment. You can
also pay by electronic check, or mail a check or money order
to the Department with a payment voucher. Note: A conve-
nience fee is applied for using a credit card. The State of New
Mexico uses this fee, calculated on the transaction amount,
to pay charges from the credit card companies. There is no
charge for an electronic check.
LINE 7. Refundable Business-Related Tax Credits.
Refundable Business-Related tax credits applied from Sched-
ule CR, line B. DO NOT include business-related tax credit
amounts applied to your tax liability on Line 2. Attach Sched-
ule CR and required supporting documentation specied on
Schedule CR to your TRD-41413, Gross Receipts Tax Return.
LINE 8. Overpayment
Subtract Line 7 from Line 6, enter total overpayment/refund-
able credit here.
Important: Any overpayment or refund requests must be ac-
companied by a completed RPD-41071, Application for Tax
Refund and any required additional documentation. Providing
this information will decrease the time it takes to review and
process your refund request.
FUEL ONLY- This box replaces the reporting requirement for
information return form RPD-41296, Report on Sales or Use
of Fuel Specially Prepared and Sold for Use in Turboprop or
Jet-Type Engines.
Enter the total amount of gross receipts tax attributable
to the sale of fuel specially prepared and sold for use in
turbo-prop or jet-type engine.
Before Filing Your Paper Return
Now that you have completed your TRD-41413:
1. Check the gures and your arithmetic on your TRD-41413
and on all your attachments. Make sure these are original,
ocial TRD-41413 form and Schedules.
2. If you created a working TRD-41413, use blue or black ink
to carefully transfer your gures onto the clean TRD-41413
you plan to submit.
3. Sign and date your TRD-41413.
4. If your return shows tax due on Line 6, complete the GRT-
PV payment voucher.
5. Assemble your return as shown for most ecient process-
ing. If there is a tax due, place your payment and voucher
at the front of the return.
6. Make a copy of your original return and attachments for
your records, and keep it in a safe place in case you need
to refer to it later. If someone prepares your return for you,
get a copy for your records.
Important: Do not staple or tape your payment to the pay-
ment voucher.
TRD-41413 Instructions Inst.pg14
Your Rights
To help avoid tax problems, keep accurate tax records and
stay current with tax law changes. Information in these instruc-
tions and other Department publications help you do both.
While you can resolve most tax problems informally, it is
important to understand you must exercise certain rights
provided to you under law within specic time frames. If
the Department makes an adjustment to your return, the
Departments sends you a notice explaining the adjustment
and the procedures to use if you disagree.
If the Department denies your claim for refund in whole or
in part, you may le a protest with the Department within 90
days of either mailing or service of the denial, or you may
le a lawsuit with the Santa Fe District Court.
If the Department requests additional relevant documentation
from you, the claim is not complete until the documentation
is received within the specied time period. The date the
complete claim is submitted will determine when the 180 days
begin. If you do not provide the additional requested relevant
documentation, the claim for refund remains incomplete and
will not be processed.
Useful Publications
Publication FYI-402, Taxpayer Remedies and FYI-406, Your
Rights Under the Tax Law are available at At the top, click FORMS &
PUBLICATIONS, then select FYIs from the Publications folder.
Interest accrues on tax that is not paid on or before the due
date of your return.
Important: Interest is a charge for the use of money and by
law it cannot be waived.
When you pay your principal tax liability, penalty and interest
stop accruing.
Negligence Penalty for Late Filing or Late Payment
If you le late and owe tax, or if you do not pay your tax when
due, you receive a penalty of 2% of the tax due for each
month or part of a month you do not le the return or you do
not pay the tax, up to a maximum of 20%.
This penalty applies when your failure to timely le or pay is
due to negligence or disregard of the rules and regulations,
but without intent to defraud.
Returned Check Penalty
A check that is not paid by a nancial institution does not
constitute payment. A penalty of $20 is assessed for a bad
check in addition to other penalties that may apply to a late
Tax Fraud
A person is guilty of tax fraud if the person:
Falsies any return, statement, or other document;
Willfully assists, procures, advises, or counsels the ling
of a false return, statement, or document;
Files any return electronically, knowing the information
on the return is not true and correct as to every material
matter; or
• Removes, conceals, or releases or aids in the removal,
concealment, or release of any property on which levy is
authorized by the Department.
Whoever commits tax fraud may be found guilty of a petty
misdemeanor, misdemeanor, fourth degree felony, third de-
gree felony, or second degree felony. Additional information
can be located under Section 7-1-73 NMSA 1978.
If your account has an overpayment and you are due a
refund or you are claiming a refundable business-related
tax credit you must submit Form RPD-41071, Application
for Tax Refund and all required supporting documentation.
Information Required to Claim a Refund
According to Section 7-1-26 NMSA 1978, the following in-
formation is required to claim a refund:
Taxpayer's name, address, and identication number
Type of tax for which the refund is claimed, the credit or
rebate denied, or the property levied upon
Sum of money or other property claimed
Period(s) for which the overpayment was made
Brief statement of the facts and law on which the claim
is based, referred to as the basis for refund, and docu-
mentation to support and substantiate the taxpayer's
basis for the refund.
If applicable, a copy of an amended return for each tax
period for which the refund is claimed.
See Form RPD-41071, Application for Tax Refund for
more information.
TRD-41413 Instructions Inst.pg15
T6. Other New Mexico GRT Deductions
Short Title Summary
7-9-47 Tangible Personal
Property or License for
Receipts from sales of tangible personal property or licenses may be deducted
if the sale is made to a person who delivers a nontaxable transaction certicate
(NTTC) or alternative evidence to the seller.
7-9-48 Service for Resale Receipts from selling a service for resale may be deducted from if the sale is
made to a person who delivers a NTTC or alternative evidence to the seller.
7-9-49 Tangible Personal Prop-
erty and Licenses for
Receipts from selling tangible personal property and licenses may be deducted if
the sale is made to a person who delivers a NTTC or alternative evidence to the
seller. Does not apply to furniture or appliances, the receipts from the rental or
lease; coin-operated machines; or manufactured homes.
7-9-50 Lease for Subsequent
Receipts from leasing tangible personal property or licenses may be deducted
from gross receipts if the lease is made to a lessee who delivers a NTTC or al-
ternative evidence to the lessor .Does not apply to furniture or appliances, the re-
ceipts from the rental or lease; coin-operated machines; or manufactured homes.
7-9-51 Construction Material Receipts from selling construction material may be deducted if the sale is made to
a person engaged in the construction business who delivers a NTTC or alterna-
tive evidence to the seller.
7-9-52 Construction and Re-
lated Services
Receipts from selling a construction service or a construction related service may
be deducted if the sale is made to a person engaged in the construction business
who delivers a NTTC or alternative evidence to the person performing the con-
struction service or a construction related service.
7-9-52.1 Lease of Construction
Receipts from leasing construction equipment may be deducted if the construc-
tion equipment is leased to a person engaged in the construction business who
delivers a NTTC or alternative evidence to the person leasing the construction
7-9-53 Sale or Lease of Real
Receipts from the sale or lease of real property and from the lease of a manufac-
tured home.
7-9-54 Sales to Governmental
Deductions from receipts from selling tangible personal property or from selling
licenses to use digital goods for the purpose of loaning those digital goods to the
public, to the United States or to New Mexico or a governmental unit, subdivision,
agency, department or instrumentality thereof, Indian tribe, nation or pueblo or a
governmental unit, subdivision, agency, department or instrumentality thereof for
use on Indian reservations or pueblo grants.
7-9-54.1 Sale of Aerospace Ser-
vices to Certain Organi-
Receipts from performing or selling an aerospace service for resale may be de-
ducted from gross receipts if the sale is made to a buyer who delivers a NTTC or
alternative evidence.
7-9-54.2 Spaceport Operations Receipts from launching, operating or recovering space vehicles or payloads in
New Mexico, preparing a payload in New Mexico, operating a spaceport in New
Mexico, receipts from the provision of research, development, testing and evalu-
ation services for the United States air force operationally responsive space pro-
gram may be deducted.
7-9-54.3 Wind and Solar Equip-
ment to Governments
Prior to July 1, 2034, receipts from selling wind generation equipment or solar
generation equipment to a government for the purpose of installing a wind or
solar electric generation facility may be deducted. Prior to July 1, 2034, receipts
from selling energy storage equipment or related equipment to a government for
the purpose of installing an energy storage facility may be deducted.
7-9-55 Transaction in Interstate
Receipts from transactions in interstate commerce may be deducted from gross
receipts to the extent that the imposition of the gross receipts tax would be un-
lawful under the United States constitution; Receipts from transmitting messages
or conversations by radio receipts, from the sale of radio or television broadcast
time under certain circumstances may be deducted.
TRD-41413 Instructions Inst.pg16
7-9-56 Intrastate Transportation
and Services Interstate
Receipts from transporting persons or property from one point to another in this
state; receipts from handling, storage, drayage or packing of property or any other
accessorial services on property, receipts from providing telephone or telegraph
services in this state that will be used by other persons in providing telephone or
telegraph services to the nal user may be deducted.
7-9-56.1 Certain Telecommunica-
tion and Internet Ser-
Receipts from providing leased telephone lines, telecommunications services,
internet services, internet access services or computer programming that will be
used by other persons in providing internet access and related services to the -
nal user may be deducted from gross receipts if the sale is made to a person who
is subject to the gross receipts tax or the interstate telecommunications gross
receipts tax.
7-9-56.2 Hosting World Wide Web
Receipts from hosting world wide web sites may be deducted from gross receipts.
For purposes of this section, "hosting" means storing information on computers
attached to the internet.
7-9-57 Services to an Out-of-
State Buyer
Receipts from performing a service may be deducted if the sale of the service is
made to an out-of-state buyer who delivers to the seller either a NTTC, alternative
evidence, or other evidence acceptable to the secretary unless the buyer of the
service or any of the buyer's employees or agents makes initial use of the product
of the service in New Mexico or takes delivery of the product of the service in New
7-9-57.2 Sale of Software Devel-
opment Services
The receipts of an eligible software development company from the sale of soft-
ware development services that are performed in a qualied area may be de-
7-9-58 Agriculture-Feed and
Certain Fertilizers
Receipts from selling feed for livestock (including the baling wire or twine used
to contain the feed), sh raised for human consumption, poultry or for animals
raised for their hides or pelts, seeds, roots, bulbs, plants, soil conditioners, fertiliz-
ers, insecticides, germicides, insects used to control populations of other insects,
fungicides or weedicides or water for irrigation to persons engaged in the busi-
ness of farming or ranching and receipts of auctioneers from selling livestock or
other agricultural products at auction (7-9-58). Requirement: farmer or rancher
7-9-59 Receipts for Certain Ag-
riculture Production
Receipts from warehousing grain or other agricultural products and receipts from
threshing, cleaning, growing, cultivating or harvesting agricultural products in-
cluding the ginning of cotton, testing or transporting milk for the producer or non-
prot marketing association from the farm to a milk processing or dairy product
manufacturing plant or processing for growers, producers or nonprot marketing
associations of agricultural products raised for food and ber, including livestock.
7-9-60 Sales to Certain 501(c)
(3) Organizations
Receipts from selling tangible personal property to 501(c)(3) organizations may
be deducted if the sale is made to an organization that delivers a NTTC or alter-
native evidence to the seller. Does not apply to receipts from selling construction
material, excluding tangible personal property.
7-9-61.1 Certain Loan Receipts Receipts from charges made in connection with the origination, making or as-
sumption of a loan or from charges made for handling loan payments may be
7-9-61.2 Sales to State-Chartered
Credit Unions
Receipts from selling tangible personal property to credit unions chartered under
the provisions of the Credit Union Act are deductible to the same extent that re-
ceipts from the sale of tangible personal property to federal credit unions may be
7-9-63 Publication Sales Receipts from publishing newspapers or magazines, except from selling advertis-
ing space, may be deducted; Receipts from selling magazines at retail may not
be deducted.
7-9-64 Newspaper Sales Receipts from selling newspapers, except from selling advertising space may be
TRD-41413 Instructions Inst.pg17
7-9-65 Chemicals and Reagents Receipts from selling chemicals or reagents to any mining, milling or oil company
for use in processing ores or oil in a mill, smelter or renery or in acidizing oil
wells, and receipts from selling chemicals or reagents in lots in excess of eigh-
teen tons to any hard-rock mining or milling company for use in any combination
of extracting, leaching, milling, smelting, rening or processing ore at a mine site,
may be deducted from gross receipts. Receipts from selling explosives, blasting
powder or dynamite may not be deducted from gross receipts.
7-9-66 Commissions for Sale
of Tangible Personal
Receipts derived from commissions on sales of tangible personal property which
are not subject to the gross receipts tax receipts of the owner of a dealer store
derived from commissions received for performing the service of selling from the
owner's dealer store a principal's tangible personal property may be deducted.
7-9-66.1 Certain Real Estate
Receipts from real estate commissions on that portion of the transaction subject
to gross receipts tax pursuant to Subsection A of Section 7-9-53 NMSA 1978 may
be deducted with supporting documents.
7-9-67 Refunds; Uncollectible
Refunds and allowances made to buyers or amounts written o the books as an
uncollectible debt under certain circumstances.
7-9-68 Warranty Obligations Receipts of a dealer from furnishing goods or services to the purchaser of tan-
gible personal property to fulll a warranty obligation of the manufacturer of the
property may be deducted.
7-9-69 Administrative and Ac-
counting Services
Receipts of a business entity for administrative, managerial, accounting and cus-
tomer services performed by it for an aliate upon a nonprot or cost basis and
receipts of a business entity from an aliate for the joint use or sharing of oce
machines and facilities upon a nonprot or cost basis may be deducted.
7-9-70 Rent or Lease of Ve-
hicles Used in Interstate
Receipts from the rental or leasing of vehicles used in the transportation of pas-
sengers or property for hire in interstate commerce under the regulations or au-
thorization of any agency of the United States may be deducted.
7-9-71 Trade-In Allowance That portion of the receipts of a seller that is represented by a trade-in of tangible
personal property of the same type being sold, except for the receipts represent-
ed by a trade-in of a manufactured home, may be deducted.
7-9-73 Sale of Prosthetic De-
Receipts from selling prosthetic devices may be deducted if the sale is made to
a person who is licensed to practice medicine, osteopathic medicine, dentistry,
podiatry, optometry, chiropractic or professional nursing and who delivers a NTTC
or alternative evidence to the seller.
7-9-73.1 Hospitals Licenced by
60% of the receipts of hospitals licensed by the department of health may be
deducted; provided that this deduction may be applied only to the taxable gross
receipts remaining after all other appropriate deductions have been taken, 60% of
the receipts of a hospital licensed by the department of health may be deducted.
7-9-73.2 Prescription Drugs;
Receipts from the sale of prescription drugs and oxygen and oxygen services
provided by a licensed medicare durable medical equipment provider and can-
nabis products that are sold in accordance with the Lynn and Erin Compassionate
Use Act may be deducted.
7-9-73.4 Environmental
Modications for
Medicaid Recipients
Prior to July 1, 2034, receipts of an eligible provider for environmental modica-
tions reimbursed by the Medical Assistance Division of the Health Care Authority
Department may be deducted.
7-9-74 Sale of Property Used
in the Manufacture of
Receipts from selling tangible personal property may be deducted if the sale is
made to a person who states in writing that he will use the property so purchased
in manufacturing jewelry.
7-9-75 Services Performed Di-
rectly on Product Manu-
Receipts from selling the service of combining or processing components or ma-
terials may be deducted if the sale is made to a person engaged in the business
of manufacturing who delivers a NTTC or alternative evidence to the seller.
7-9-76 Travel Agents' Commis-
sions Paid by Certain
Receipts of travel agents derived from commissions paid by maritime transporta-
tion companies and interstate airlines, railroads and passenger buses for book-
ing, referral, reservation or ticket services may be deducted.
TRD-41413 Instructions Inst.pg18
7-9-76.1 Resale of Certain
Manufactured Homes
Receipts from the resale of a manufactured home may be deducted from gross
if the sale is made of a manufactured home that was subject to the gross re-
ceipts, compensating or motor vehicle excise tax upon its initial sale or use in
New Mexico.
7-9-76.2 Lease or License of Cer-
tain Films and Tapes
Receipts from the leasing or licensing of theatrical and television lms and tapes
to a person engaged in the business of providing public or commercial entertain-
ment from which gross receipts are derived may be deducted.
7-9-85 Certain Section 501(c)
Receipts from not more than two fundraising events annually conducted by an
organization that is exempt from the federal income tax as an organization de-
scribed in Section 501(c), other than an organization described in Section 501(c)
(3), of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended may be
7-9-87 Lottery Retailer Receipts Receipts of a lottery game retailer from selling lottery tickets pursuant to the New
Mexico Lottery Act [Chapter 6, Article 24 NMSA 1978] may be deducted.
7-9-89 Sales to Certain Ac-
credited Diplomats and
Receipts from selling or leasing property to, or from performing services for, an
accredited foreign mission or an accredited member of a foreign mission may be
deducted when a treaty in force to which the United States is a party requires
forbearance of tax when the legal incidence is upon the buyer or when the tax is
customarily passed on to the buyer.
7-9-97 Certain Purchases by or
on Behalf of the State
Receipts from the sale of property or services purchased by or on behalf of the
state from funds obtained from the forfeiture of nancial assurance pursuant to
the New Mexico Mining Act [Chapter 69, Article 36 NMSA 1978] or the forfeiture
of nancial responsibility pursuant to the Water Quality Act [Chapter 74, Article 6
NMSA 1978] may be deducted.
7-9-99 Construction Services
for New Hospital
Receipts from selling an engineering, architectural or construction service used
in the new facility construction of a sole community provider hospital [qualifying
hospital] that is located in a federally designated health professional shortage
area may be deducted if the sale of the engineering, architectural or construction
service is made to a foundation or a nonprot organization under certain circum-
7-9-100 Construction Equipment
or Materials for New
Receipts from selling construction equipment or construction materials used in
the new facility construction of a sole community provider hospital [qualifying hos-
pital] that is located in a federally designated health professional shortage area
may be deducted if the sale of the construction equipment or construction materi-
als is made to a foundation or a nonprot organization.
7-9-101 Equipment for Electric
Transmission or Storage
Receipts from selling equipment to the New Mexico renewable energy transmis-
sion authority or an agent or lessee of the authority may be deducted if the equip-
ment is installed as part of an electric transmission facility or an interconnected
storage facility acquired by the authority pursuant to the New Mexico Renewable
Energy Transmission Authority Act.
7-9-103 Services for Electric
Transmission and
Storage Facilities
Receipts from providing services to the New Mexico renewable energy transmis-
sion authority or an agent or lessee of the authority for the planning, installation,
repair, maintenance or operation of an electric transmission facility or an inter-
connected storage facility acquired by the authority pursuant to the New Mexico
Renewable Energy Transmission Authority Act.
7-9-104 Nonathletic Special
Event at Qualifying
Prior to July 1, 2027, receipts received from admissions to a nonathletic special
event held at a venue that is located on the campus of a post-secondary educa-
tional institution within fty miles of the New Mexico border and that accommo-
dates at least ten thousand persons may be deducted.
7-9-107 Professional Boxing,
Wrestling, Martial Arts
Receipts from producing or staging a professional boxing, wrestling or martial
arts contest that occurs in New Mexico, including receipts from ticket sales and
broadcasting, may be deducted.
7-9-108 Mutual Funds, Hedge
Funds or REIT Services
Receipts from fees received for performing management or investment advisory
services for a mutual fund, hedge fund or real estate investment trust may be
TRD-41413 Instructions Inst.pg19
7-9-109 Cattle Veterinary Medical
Receipts from sales of veterinary medical services, medicine or medical supplies
used in the medical treatment of cattle may be deducted if the sale is made to a
person who states in writing that the person is regularly engaged in the business
of ranching or farming, including dairy farming, in New Mexico or if the sale is
made to a veterinarian who holds a valid license pursuant to the Veterinary Prac-
tice Act and who is providing veterinary medical services, medicine or medical
supplies in the treatment of cattle owned by that person.
7-9-110.1 Locomotive Engine Fuel Receipts from the sale of fuel to a common carrier to be loaded or used in a loco-
motive engine may be deducted.
7-9-111 Hearing, Vision Aids and
Related Services
Receipts that are not exempt from gross receipts taxation and are not deductible
pursuant to another provision of the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act
that are from the sale of vision aids or hearing aids or related services may be
7-9-112 Solar Energy System
Sale or Installation
Receipts from the sale and installation of solar energy systems may be deducted.
For further information see the FYI-105, Gross Receipts & Compensating Taxes
- An Overview.
7-9-117 Marketplace Seller A marketplace seller may deduct receipts for sales, leases and licenses of tan-
gible personal property, sales of licenses and sales of services or licenses for use
of real property that are collected and paid by a marketplace provider.
TRD-41413 Instructions
Most tax transactions happen without problems. Sometimes, thought,
troubles arise through misunderstanding, mathematical error, missed
deadlines, lost papers, high volume of transactions and many other
situations. Changes in the law may make earlier information outdated.
Over the years the Legislature and the Department have created ways
to handle diculties according to the provisions of the state tax code.
Following are some of your rights as outlined in Sections 7-1-4.1 through
7-1-4.3 NMSA 1978:
The right to available public information and prompt and courteous
tax assistance;
The right to representation and advice by counsel or other qualied
representatives at any time during your interactions with the Depart
ment according to provisions of Section 7-1-24 NMSA 1978, or with
the Administrative Hearings Oce in accordance with the provisions
of the Administrative Hearings Oce Act;
The right to have audits, inspections of records and meetings con-
ducted at a reasonable time and place according to Section 7-1-11
NMSA 1978;
The right to have the Department conduct its audits in a timely and
ecient manner and be entitled to the correct calculation of interest
as provided in the Tax Administration Act under Section 7-1-67 and
7-1-68 NMSA 1978;
The right to simple, non-technical information explaining procedures,
remedies and rights during audit, protest , appeals and collection pro-
ceedings under the Tax Administration Act;
The right to receive an explanation of audit results and the basis for
audits, assessments or denials of refunds that identify tax, interest or
penalty due;
The right to seek review through formal or informal proceedings of
ndings or unfavorable decisions arising from determinations during
audit or protest procedures according to Section 7-1-24 NMSA 1978
and the Administrative Hearings Oce Act;
The right to have your tax information kept condential unless other-
wise specied by law in Sections 7-1-8 through 7-1-8.11 NMSA 1978;
The right to an abatement of an assessment of taxes incorrectly, er-
roneously or illegally made (Section 7-1-28 NMSA 1978) and a right to
seek a compromise of an asserted tax liability. When the Secretary of
Taxation and Revenue in good faith doubts that you owe us what we
claim you owe, you also have the right to seek a compromise if one
exists in your particular case (Section 7-1-20 NMSA 1978);
The right to clear information of the consequences if a tax assessment
is not paid, secured, protested or otherwise provided for according to
Section 7-1-16 NMSA 1978. If you become a delinquent taxpayer,
upon notice of delinquency you have the right to timely notice of col-
lection actions that require sale or seizure of your property under the
Tax Administration Act, and
The right to apply to pay your tax obligations by installment payment
agreements according to the provisions of Section 7-1-21 NMSA
Condentiality Provisions:
Statutes protecting the privacy of your taxes are strict and are outlined
in Sections 7-1-8 through 7-1-8.11 NMSA 1978. Section 7-1-8.2 NMSA
1978 limits requiring the Department to answer questions about whether
a taxpayer is registered to do business in New Mexico or is registered for
other tax programs. It does not allow employees to say whether you have
led a return. Employees may discuss your account only with you or your
authorized representative. A hearing ocer’s written ruling on questions
of evidence or procedure pursuant to the Administrative Hearings Oce
Act are in the public domain. The name and identication number of the
taxpayer requesting the ruling are not public record. Public record includes
the monthly gasoline tax reports of numbers of gallons of gasoline and
ethanol-blended fuels received and deducted, and the tax paid by each
ler or taxpayer pays. Identities of rack operators, importers, blenders,
suppliers or distributors and the number of gallons of gasoline and other
fuels are public record. The Department may reveal to the Gaming Control
Board the tax returns of license applicants and their aliates.
Audit Provisions:
The Department must provide you with written, dated notice that an audit
is about to begin on a specic date, and the notice must tell you which tax
programs and reporting periods will be covered. We must issue a second
notice, which states any outstanding records or books of account requested
and not yet received, between 60 and 180 days after the audit begins.
If you do not produce the records within 90 days, the Department can
issue an assessment of tax on the basis of the information as it stands.
If you need additional time, you must submit a specic request in writing.
Interest on outstanding liabilities accrues if the Department does not is
sue an assessment within 180 days of the notice of outstanding records
or books, or within 90 days after time has expired under your request for
additional time; however, you are entitled to an abatement of interest for
the period of time after you have complied with Department requests and
the Department has not acted on the audit.
Administrative Hearing Procedures:
A hearing ocer may not engage or participate in any way in the enforce
ment or formulation of general tax policy other than to conduct hearings.
You may request the Chief Hearing Ocer of the Administrative Hear-
ings Oce determine if a hearing ocer has engaged or participated in
the enforcement or formulation of tax policy and if the hearing ocer’s
activities have aected his or her impartiality. The Chief Hearing Ocer
may designate another hearing ocer for the matter. Hearing ocers
may not communicate unilaterally about a matter you have protested
while that matter is still pending. The chief hearing ocer may appoint
another hearing ocer if that occurs. You may request a written ruling on
any contested question of evidence in matters in which you have led a
pending written protest. You also may request that two or more protests
on related issues be combined and heard jointly, and the hearing ocer
shall grant the request unless it creates an unreasonable burden on the
Credit Claims:
The Department has 120 days from the ling date to approve or deny
a statutory tax credit. If it does not act, the credit is approved. For more
information see Section 7-1-29.2 NMSA 1978.
Refund Osets:
The Secretary decides whether a refund of tax due you may be oset
against your other tax liabilities, and you will receive notice that the refund
will be made accordingly. You are entitled to interest until the tax liability
is credited with the refund amount. Please see the paragraph above on
“Audit Provisions” for interest due to you if the Department does not oset
a refund or credit against your other tax liabilities within the prescribed
time. The Department may make a direct refund of overpaid taxes to the
taxpayer without requiring the taxpayer to le a refund claim. The Depart
ment does not have to pay interest on credits or refunds if it applies the
amount to a tax interception program, to an estimated payment, or to
oset prior liabilities of the taxpayer.
Awarding of Costs and Fees:
If you prevail in an administrative or court proceeding brought by you or
against you after July 1, 2003, under the Tax Administration Act, you may
be entitled to a judgment or a settlement for reasonable administrative
costs connected to the action.
The Department may not assess penalty against you if you fail to pay
tax when due because of a mistake of law made in good faith and on
reasonable grounds. If the Secretary determines that it is unfair to hold a
spouse or former spouse liable for payment of unpaid taxes, the Secretary
may decline to take action against the spouse or former spouse of the
person who actually owes the tax. In extreme cases of delinquency under
Section 7-1-53 NMSA 1978 the Department may enjoin a taxpayer from
continuing in business after a hearing and until the delinquency is cleared.
New Mexico Taxpayer Bill of Rights