Episode 92: How I Manifested My
Tue, 6/30 3:38PM 55:55
brennan, relationship, thinking, upw, day, manifestation, week, life, living, soulmate, remember,
podcast, workbook, single, manifest, people, story, tony robbins, event, home
Kathrin Zenkina
Kathrin Zenkina 00:14
Welcome to the Manifestation Babe podcast. My name is Kathrin Zenkina. And I'm a
manifestation expert, master mindset coach, and multiple seven-figure entrepreneurs. I'm
obsessed with helping you achieve everything that you once thought was impossible. If
you're looking to massively uplevel your life, your finances, your relationships, your
productivity, and success, then you have come to the right place. My goal in this podcast
is to help you see the infinite potential within yourself to be, do, and have anything that
your heart desires. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of mindset development, to
help you maximize who you are, and where you're going. Leave it to me to provide you
with the tools, the resources, the strategies, and teaching that you need to manifest a
reality wilder than your wildest dreams. I know we're about to have so much fun together.
So, thank you so much for pushing play today. And now, let's begin. Hello gorgeous souls. It
is Kathrin and I am back on the Manifestation Babe podcast. I hope you guys are having
an incredible weekend so far, it is actually Saturday morning when I record this but I know
that with my new podcast editing team that has been so amazing so far, and making this
sound super high quality. I've been very pleased with the process, it might take them a
couple of days to edit it, so it might be Monday, might be Tuesday, might be Wednesday
by the time you even listen to this unless you're watching me live right now on Instagram.
But I hope you're having a great day regardless. So I am fresh out of the shower and
decided to record a podcast before I do anything else in my day because I've been
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meaning to sit down and record this topic now for two entire days. I meant to record this
on Wednesday actually, it's been three days now. But now it's Saturday and I finally got a
chance to sit down, mainly because on Wednesday or Thursday, I swear every single
house out here right outside my apartment was doing some sort of gardening work or
some sort of landscaping work and there were lawn mowers on and leaf blowers on and I
was just like sitting here and waiting. I'm thinking, "Okay, it might be another 10 minutes, it
might be another 20 minutes," and then it's like the gardeners arrive at some other house.
So I couldn't do it that day. And then the next day, it was so windy and I live on the ninth
floor of a building and when it's windy. I don't know if you guys are familiar with what I'm
talking about. But you know that whistling sound that you sometimes hear in elevators of
really tall buildings. Or just the whistling that comes through the cracks of some windows?
Well, I swear I must have a crack somewhere because the whistling is so loud. And I didn't
want that to take away from your listening experience. So I decided to wait. And I'm not
usually the type to wait for the perfect moment. And I don't think right now is the perfect
moment. But who cares? So today's topic is all about how I manifested my husband. Okay,
this is a topic, this is a question that I get asked all the time, especially when Brennan and
I are in person with someone they always ask about the story of how we've met. And I've
told this story thousands of times, I've actually written a blog post on it back in 2016. But
of course, I want to update it and put it on my podcast. Not that the story has changed,
but perhaps maybe my perceptions and perspectives and all the lessons that I've learned
since then, and the way I can look at the story of how we met and the story of how I
actually manifested Brennan and into my reality may have changed in the last three
years, and I realize that I've told this story thousands of times, and I've never recorded it
on the podcast, and this is the number one question that I've been getting asked,
especially when I do my Insta q&a's, there's at least five to 10 of you asking, "How did you
manifest your husband? How did you manifest your boyfriend? How did you manifest your
fiance?" I mean, many of you are in different stages of getting to know manifestation
babe, but yes, Brennan is now my husband. So we are married. And our journey started
about three years ago now, actually, in just a little bit over three years in 2015. So I want to
share with you the story of how we met and then the lessons that I have learned about
what it takes to manifest your soulmate, and how you can tell if you have manifested your
soulmate and give you hope, and perhaps answer some of your questions such as, "Hey,
I'm with this guy, and he matches 90% of the list that I wrote out when I was manifesting
my soulmate, but there's that 10% that makes me wonder, is there someone else out there
that's going to match 100% of my list." And if you're unfamiliar with what I mean by list, a
list is just this general manifestation process of writing down what you desire in your
soulmate, or what you desire in your ideal mate, or what you desire in your future
husband, you just literally write down all the qualities, the physical characteristics, how
they're like, how they treat you, etc. And I recommend getting as specific as possible
because why not ask for what you want, or at least think what you want. And of course,
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the universe always knows better. And there might be that 10% of your list that you either
have to evolve into or you have to recognize that you actually ended up getting
something better than what you asked for. Okay, so I want to talk all about that. So going
back, let's rewind three and a half years almost, I was with my boyfriend of seven years in
October of 2015. If we rewind just six months before that, it was March of 2015. When my
best friend Stephanie Burgos, if you're listening "Hey, girl, hey," went to a Tony Robbins'
event and I had no idea who Tony Robbins was at this moment. Yes, there was a time in
my life when I had no idea who Tony was. And she told me, especially since she was my
mentor at the time, and she still is one of my mentors and best friends. And I would listen
to every little thing that she would say. I mean, she would tell me to read this book, I would
order it right away. She would tell me to go to this event, I would be there, she would tell
me that this will help me be successful. And I was just so hungry to learn. I was a sponge to
picking up every bit and piece of what it takes to be successful, and I was just obsessed
with it. And I still am. I'm still not a sponge, but at that time, it was that whatever
Stephanie said I would do it. She just came back from an event called unleash the power
within, which is a four-day event that Tony Robbins does. I know I've mentioned it
thousands of times. So you've probably heard this story at least a million times. But it's so
crucial. Because if it wasn't for Stephanie telling me to go to UPW I would not be with
Brennan right now. So this is really where that story starts. And to be completely honest
with you guys, and completely transparent, around this time in the relationship that I was
in, it was not 100% fulfilling to me, but I was not willing to admit that because I was with
this person in additional two years. So about a year and a half, up until this point,
completely out of guilt. And the guilt came from a moment in summer of 2013 when I was
not faithful to this person, and that taught me so many important life lessons let me tell
you that, I will never, number one, be in a relationship that's unfulfilling to me ever again,
and thank God I'm very fulfilled with my husband. Number two, I would never do anything
like that to hurt a person ever again. That pain in itself was such a good lesson to me
where I never want to experience that pain, that guilt, that shame ever again. And I will do
things differently in my next relationship. Although at that time, I wasn't thinking about
the next relationship, right? I was obsessed with how can I make this right? How can I make
this right? So I spent the next two years working on making it up to this person. So march
of 2015, Stephanie tells me Kathrin, there's this event that you need to go to, and it will
completely change your life. She's saying, "This is so your style. There's this Tony guy, she
curses. He's so super modern, speaks in a 21st-century language, but so into personal
development, he's going to change your life. And he's so amazing. He's so gifted, and oh
my God, this intervention in that," and she just went off and I was like, "Stephanie, I am
sold, I will be there next event. Do you know when the next event is? And she said, "No, I
don't." So I immediately went on Google, of course of Google my whole life up until today.
So I went on Google, and I googled UPW, whatever. I googled, I don't remember to this
point. And I saw that the next event was going to be in Los Angeles in October of that
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year. And I was living in Seattle at the time, and LA was so easy for me to venture off to,
especially since my grandma lived there. If you guys are familiar with my grandma's
couch story, yes, he lived in LA. That's how I ended up on her couch. My dad lived in LA,
my best friend lived in LA. I had so many connections to LA, I grew up there. So it was very
easy for me to travel there and find someone to stay with, the only problem. I didn't have
the money to go to this event. And number two, my parents were living at home at this
time, were traveling to France for two weeks. And I was the designated dog sitter every
time they traveled, of course, very convenient, right? If your child still lives at home, they'll
watch the dog. And we had chickens, and of course, the house and there's gardening and
my mom is obsessed with their garden. So I had to be there to water it. And I just
remember thinking, "oh my God, but I need to be at this event. So how am I going to make
this happen?" I remember convincing my boyfriend at the time to watch my house, watch
my dogs, water my mom's garden, and he lived with us too at this time. So we lived
together for about four years of our relationship with my parents in my own home.
Initially, we were in separate bedrooms, and then we went off to college because we went
through college together. We met in our last year of high school together, senior year of
high school, and so we went through college together and whatever. We're just this big
happy family, but my mom didn't trust him to take care of the dogs and the way that I
would take care of the dogs, so I had to convince my mom. And I remember convincing
and convincing. Finally, she said, "Fine, you can go to LA to speak, we will trust him to
watch the dog and whatever." And my second problem was, I didn't have the money
because I was very new to the Beachbody business at that time. And I was about to
graduate from college. So I had about a couple of more months left of my bachelor's in
science degree at the University of Washington. And my boyfriend was working
construction at that time and was making a significant amount of money to be able to
support all of the fun things that we wanted to do. So travel, movies, restaurants, eating
out just like all the little bits and pieces of the fun stuff that we did together. He was able
to support. And an interesting story just a side story, I'm very grateful to him. Also,
because as you guys are now familiar with my previous couple of episodes, I've been
dealing with some issues with my breast implants and I'm actually getting them taken out
in two days now. And he was actually super supportive in that journey and actually
convinced me and told me if I would have any trouble making my monthly payments
because I took out a loan, $10,000 loan to get these puppies in my body. And he was
saying, "I will help you pay for them. Just do what makes you happy, etc." And to this day, I
still have no regrets with my decision and I'm so grateful for all the support, how
supportive he has been for all of my crazy life decisions. So he of course offered to pay for
Tony Robbins and it was actually my birthday present because my birthday is on October
15. I am a Libra. And the event was I think on October 22. So it was about a week later and
it was my birthday present. And this is very significant to the story because it's very
interesting how this event is the reason I met Brennan. Okay, let me just continue on. So
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October rolls around, and I went to the Tony Robbins event. And I've told this story
thousands of times, it's how I start my story in about any podcast interview that I've ever
done. It's very significant to where I am today. It is the start of my new life. So I'm sure
you're familiar with the story. But just to recap, when I went to this event, my intuition
spoke to me for the very first time, and actually, that's a lie, because my intuition was
always speaking to me. But it was the first time I ever listened to it or at least heard it. I put
myself in this environment of being super obsessed with personal development, but then
also putting myself in an environment where I'm actually immersed, and I'm surrounded by
9000 other people who are here to grow and to change their life. And I was in this
environment, which is why I'm so passionate about bringing people to Bali to my retreats
because we create this environment at my retreat when you are surrounded by people on
the same journey as you. Things accelerate so much faster. I mean, you make decisions
faster. You listen to your intuition better. Things just start to process in your head and you
start to make connections and you're like, wow, because all of a sudden, there's no
distractions coming from home, or your phone isn't ringing, or you're not getting texts, or
your kids aren't walking in, you have more time to think, and fewer distractions. And I
remember on day one of my, oh my God, I've never shared this before. So this is actually a
crucial thing to the story. So night one, and I don't even think Brennan knows this part of
the story. So you guys are getting the real scoop. Night one of the event, the man that I
hooked up with while I was still in a relationship with my ex was a childhood friend. I've
known him since I was about eight years old and there was always this interesting
connection between us, and he would always have a girlfriend, and I always had a
boyfriend, and we always joked about that, one day we'd get married, etc. And so of
course, what I learned from Tony Robbins is that when my needs weren't met for
significance, for connection, for certainty, my relationship, of course, I was looking
outwards for some sort of emotional connection. And that doesn't mean that it's right. It's
just now I understand why these scenarios happened. I understand what was going
through my life at that time. I understand what was going through my mind, and what
influenced my decision. And the night one of the event I actually texted him apologizing
to him for putting him, myself, and my ex in any weird position and basically just sent an
apology in a text message and the amount of clearing that that brought to me. Night one
was shifting, to say the least. Day two of the event. I'm sitting there, I have my notebook in
front of me. And actually, I skipped the step. Oh my goodness, I skipped an important, I
should have been looking at my notes and I haven't looked at my notes yet. But there's
something important here because three, no, I would say around six weeks before I even
went to UPW I bought one of Tony's programs called the ultimate edge. And I found the
workbook in my bedroom in my office yesterday because we finally unpacked some stuff
in here. And in that workbook before I even went to the event, there is an exercise, there's
a relationship section of that workbook. And I remember there's a CD attached to it. And
there's a workbook and I remember Tony via the CD because I went through this whole
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program before I even went to UPW, he said or not him, but the Tony Robbins company
said that it's highly recommended to do this before you come to UPW so that UPW can
get into the nitty-gritty deep stuff, but at least you have done some of the work before
you've even gotten here. And in that workbook, there's a relationship section. And in the
relationship section, Tony says, "Hey, today we're going to identify our ideal mate." And I
was thinking to myself because I had no plans of ending the relationship, I had no plans, I
was comfortable. I thought that this would be forever. I thought that this was a
relationship for me. And I was thinking, "This is a very strange exercise, I don't need it. I'm
with the man that I'm supposed to be with. I'm with my ideal mate, and therefore, it
doesn't matter. And then Tony said, "Even if you're in a relationship it never hurts to know
what you desire, it never hurts to know what you want," because the more you get to know
what you want, the more that affects other areas of your life too, where if you know what
you want a relationship and you're unapologetic about it. All of a sudden, you're going to
know what you want in your business or your career and be unapologetic about it. And
same with your health and same with any other area of your life and so I thought to
myself, "Okay, this can't hurt." So there's a section of the workbook that says your ideal
mate, and the section of the workbook that says something like "your mate from hell." And
it was interesting because even then, a lot of the characteristics that I wrote in the "mate
from health" section matched up to my now ex, and my ideal mate was someone who I
haven't met personally. And I never thought anything of it. I just continued and forgot
about it. When I finished the workbook, I just shoved it under my bedside table because I
had like a drawer in there. And that was where all my books, tarot cards, sage sticks, and
all the stuff that I started to get into were located and I just stuffed it in there and thought
nothing of it. And when I went back through UPW so let's go back to forward now today
to UPW, I remember sitting in the audience and Tony Robbins says something like, "you're
either in a relationship right now, or you're planning your escape. And then bah bah bah."
It's not that he said it that isolated in the way that I'm saying it to you right now, but I
heard it's so isolated. And when I heard "planning your escape," I have never really
thought about that or resonated with that statement as much as I did at that moment,
and then I could not get it out of my mind. And as time went on, I would hear this voice
come through, not Tony's, it was kind of my own. It's my own but it was a different kind of
thought process that I've never experienced before, which I now know is my higher self. I
now know it's my intuitive voice kept asking "Kathrin, who are you living for? Kathrin, who
are you living for?" And I thought, "That's a weird voice. Who is that?" And I remember
opening my notebook and just writing at the very top, who am I living for? And just
whatever just kept going on at the event. The next day, day three, which was
transformation day, again, that voice got louder and louder, "Kathrin, who are you living
for? Kathrin, who are you living for?" And I just remember writing down "Everyone but
myself." And that was the first time the light bulb really went off. Where I realized I was in a
relationship that wasn't really fulfilling me. I was in it because of guilt. In the last two
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years, it should have ended when that incident happened, maybe even before that. I
realized that I was currently applying for medical school and I did not want to become a
doctor. And I was currently living in Seattle when I did not like the weather in Seattle, and
really missed LA and have the power now that I'm graduated from college to live
anywhere and yet I still live in Seattle. Why the relationship? Why am I applying to
medical school because I'm pleasing my parents? and boom, boom, boom, light bulb, light
bulb, the light bulb. By day four of the event, you guys know this story, I went and signed
up for master University, put 15 grand down on a credit card that I didn't even have. So, I
got super creative. I found $1,000 on my actual credit card to put down and then took out
a loan with Tony Robbins for the additional $14,000. And, of course, start making
decisions being just, "Oh my God, my life's about to change. I don't know why I'm doing it,"
I felt so uncomfortable. And yet it felt right at the same time. And that entire week since I
made that decision, the entire week I remember, every single day, going back and forth, I
felt I was at a fork in the road, where one road is going to me ending things in my
relationship. And the other fork in the road was me staying and making it better, somehow
applying all this new personal development work that I've done, and everything that I
learned, and staying together, making it work, and making it right. And I remember driving
with my best friend all around Los Angeles because I had another week until I went home.
I remember driving the whole week and just thinking, I couldn't get it on my mind. Like
Kathrin, who are you living for? And conversation after conversation, synchronicity after
synchronicity. This is also where I started seeing 1111 for the first time, whereas I started to
make decisions throughout the week, I started to get signs of what to do next. And as I
made decisions, just mentally, not doing anything yet, but knowing that I'm going to go
home and tell my parents, "I no longer want to go to medical school." I'm going to go
home and tell my parents, "I'm moving to LA and figure this out. And I'm going to go home
and I'm going to break up with my boyfriend." And all of these mental decisions. I would
get confirmation after confirmation. I would receive random newsletters from people that
I was subscribed to at the time. Stay with the subject, the headline being like "You just
made the right decision." and I'm thinking, "Okay, all right, this is interesting." And I've
never experienced these intuitive signs or synchronicities before in my entire life. This is so
brand new to me. So of course, I had chills the whole time, my jaw was just wide open, it
dropped. And I remember standing in line my best friend pulled up my horoscope for that
week because I and her were super into astrology. We didn't know how it worked. But we
were super obsessed with reading our horoscope. And for Libra that week it says, "You're
making major life decisions in your life this week, and just trust that you've made all the
right ones and you're on the right path." And I'm just thinking, "How do they know? Right?
How do they know?" And when I made these other decisions, the more clear I got. Finally, I
feel crazy. What am I doing right now? I feel so crazy. This was my life for the last six years,
what is going on? And I was standing in my grandma's living room, getting ready to pick
up on my best friend again. And she helped me have these conversations and get clearer.
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And she asked the right questions and we planned our life together for when I'm going to
move to LA. I just remember, at this time, I didn't have this connection with my higher self,
I didn't have this connection with the universe. I just remember looking at my grandma's
ceiling and thinking, "God, universe, whoever's out there. I don't even know if you exist, but
if you exist, I need some sort of a sign to know that I am not crazy. I need some sort of
confirmation to know that I am not crazy. And this is all happening and this is real, and I'm
going to go home and do this and my life will get better." And that's all I have. To not even
20 seconds later, I walked to grab some water in my grandma's kitchen. I walked by her
microwave to look at the time because my best friend agreed to pick me up at a certain
time. And the time was 1111 and I forgot a detail, I asked for 1111 I was thinking, "You know
what? My best friend always says, whenever it's 1111, make a wish. Show me 1111 if I'm on
the right path or if I'm making the right decisions," and I walked literally by her microwave,
and it said 1111 and I have been seeing 1111 since every single day, twice a day, not even on
the clock, on cars, in phone numbers, or in addresses. Just anywhere where there are
numbers, I will see 1111 and that's really where that started. Hey, it's me. I'm quickly
interrupting this podcast to remind you that I'm hosting a completely free five-day
manifestation challenge on my Instagram next week. I'm giving away a thousand bucks,
tonnes of my trade secrets on manifesting your dream life. And there are over 12,000
gorgeous souls, just like you already signed up. Will you join them? Will you surprise
yourself with what you can attract into your life in just five days. Go to
www.manifestationbabechallenge.com right now to get your booty signed up. That's
www.manifestationbabechallenge.com, and if that link isn't working, just head over to the
show notes and you can click the link there. Pause this episode right now and go get
signed up, I'm waiting. Yes, seriously, I'm waiting. Did you do it? Yes? Okay, now back to the
episode. So, when I went home, I broke up with my boyfriend. I made all these changes
and there was a lag time before I moved to LA by about four months, but until then, I
decided to go home. I decided to be single. I decided to make 2016 the year that I learned
who I am and I dive even deeper into this personal development world because I got
hooked on Tony Robbins. So I was saying, "Okay, I'm gonna go to this event and that
event, and I'm gonna read this book and I'm gonna do all these things." And I decided to
dedicate 2016 to the year that I become obsessed with myself. It was a year of self-love. It
was a year of self-growth, and I decided to get super excited about being single. And I
want to share just little tidbits of lessons along the way as I share the story, but this is
something that I recognize between women who attract their soulmates and women who
don't is that the women who easily attract their soulmates are the ones who get excited
about being single and loving themselves on a deeper level and being okay with being
alone and being uncomfortable. And the women who don't attract their soulmates or keep
attracting the wrong men are the ones that feel like they need that person in their life to
feel complete. They feel very uncomfortable being alone. So they'll latch on to just anyone
who shows up and they obsessively just start dating people and start forcing people to fit
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their mold of who they want to be with. So, I didn't know that at the time. I didn't know
that it was creating space for Brennan at the time. But that's a pattern that I now
recognize, having helped people attract their soulmate. I remember that moment of
making that decision and getting super excited about my life and going home and
making changes and how fast I manifested Brennan. So as I went home, I decided to do a
detox. I decided to not only detox my relationships, not only detox where I live, not only
detox my entire life, why not do a health detox on top of that, right? So I bought this detox
program by Beachbody because I was still a Beachbody coach at that time. It was called
"The Ultimate Reset." And I love it. I love that detox, and the first seven days, of course,
were so freaking hard. If anyone's ever done a detox, you just sit there and you're so
hungry. And all you can do is think about food, you feel you're going through a fricking
hangover every single day for seven days straight. Then once you get over the tipping
point, you feel amazing. But up until that point, it was about three days into my detox. It
was a Saturday afternoon. My parents were out somewhere. I think they went to San
Francisco for someone's birthday cuz they have family that lives there from my stepdad's
side, and I was, again, at home alone watching my dog. So here we are back in the house
sitting situation. My best friend texted me saying "Kathrin, I have the perfect activity to
distract yourself from this detox" because I was in Seattle at the time she was down in LA
and we were everyday texting each other about how excited we are about my move down
to LA and she knew that I was struggling with this detox, I was miserable, I had a
headache and I couldn't do anything but focus on watching Netflix shows and then my
eyes started hurting and it's just like a mess. And she said, "Kathrin, I have the perfect
distraction for you, download Tinder. And let's just have fun with it. Let's just see what
happens." And I said, "Girl, I'm not downloading Tinder, why would I go on Tinder? I'm
happy to be single. I'm out of a relationship. I am not interested in any man for the next
year at least in my life. Why would I download Tinder?" She said, "Kathrin let's just have
fun. I want to look for someone. Just show me who lives in your area. Let's send
screenshots back and forth to each other and just start conversations for fun. Let's just
have fun with it." I said, "Okay, fine." I tried to download it. It wouldn't download. I tried to
do it again. It wouldn't connect to my Facebook. It wouldn't let me log in. I remember
downloading for the third time, fourth time, the fifth time, it was not meant to be. I don't
want to download it anymore. I'm done. And she just kept persisting. She said, "Kathrin,
just do it. Just try one more time." and I just said, "Fine." Something within me told me to
try one more time. So I downloaded Tinder. And then that night, she and I just went back
and forth. Just having fun, doing whatever, just random guys, nothing interesting. I scrolled
past every single guy I went to high school with. And I felt, "Eww, I don't want to be
reminded of these people. This is so not interesting to me." And maybe 30 minutes go by, I
didn't know the significance of it at that point. But now looking back, I remember coming
across this guy named Brennan. And I remember looking at his photos, I couldn't
understand what he looked like because all his photos sucked. It was him in the distance.
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This weird profile, him playing sports, him cooking something and I could never figure out,
okay, what does he actually look like? And I remember reading his bio and it said
something like, "I lived in Australia for a year," and I was thinking, "Oh, I love world travel.
Okay, fine." And something in my gut told me to just match with him, just for shits and
giggles. And so I did. And the moment I remember swiping, I don't even know how tender
works anymore. Swiping to the right, yeah, swipe right. I remember swiping right on him.
And immediately my gut says, this is your husband, it's very quiet and just very intuitive.
This voice came through again, and I was thinking, "No, it's not. Don't tell me this. I am
single for a year. Bla Bla Bla." I just kept going, Brennan actually never reached out to me.
I matched up with maybe 10, 20 guys, and how all these conversations were happening,
and most of them asked me out on a date and I said no to every single one of them. I was
saying, "No, actually, I'm detoxing. I can't go out to eat for another 15 days. So sorry,
maybe after I'm done with my detox." There's just no chemistry, no interest whatsoever,
but I was still having fun. And I remember thinking, "There's this guy Brennan" and my
mind just stuck out on this guy, Brennan. I was wondering, "Why didn't he message me?
He's the only guy who didn't message me. Why didn't he messaged me?" And I think it was
three days later on a Tuesday. Whereat the time and I don't know how tender works right
now. So if you've been on Tinder, this feature might not exist, I don't know. But at this time,
you were able to upload additional photos called moments. And you were able to like
other people's moments. It was just a photo that appeared on some sort of news feed or
tender's version of a news feed. And I remember liking Brennan's photo because I wanted
to get his attention. And it worked, an hour later he reached out to me and the moment
we started talking together, the moment he reached out to me and then I said something
back. It was instant chemistry and instantly, he asked for my phone number and we went
straight into text messages. And we could not stop talking to each other until three in the
morning. And again, my intuition was saying, "This is a man you're going to marry." And
again, I was saying, "No, it's not, universe. I do not want to get married. I just ended a six-
year relationship. This is BS, stop saying this. I am going to be single for the next year of
my life, at least, talk to me in October of 2016, please." And again, that thought just kind of
floated away. And we just kept talking to each other. And we're absolutely inseparable.
And I'm just checking my notes on the timeline, just making sure I didn't miss any details.
Oh, yeah. Four days later, he asked me on a date. And he was the first guy I said yes to
because I just was feeling so pulled to him. And we just had such great chemistry, and I just
cannot stop thinking about him. And I was thinking, "This isn't happening to me. Why is
this happening? It's only been a week since I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. Why is this
happening to me right now?" And I just remember, I cannot stop thinking about him. I was
just super obsessed. And yeah, we went on our first date that Friday. And the date lasted
until 6 am. Because we cannot stop talking to each other. We just sat in the car and just
kept talking to each other and talking to each other until we realize the sun is literally
coming up. And as Brennan walks behind me, the sun is literally coming up. And I need to
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go home because my mom is going to freak out. And it was so interesting, because my
mom is also very supportive of this, even though my ex lived with us for four years and was
pretty much her second son. And now I know to this day that she intuitively knew that we
wouldn't last forever. She tells me that, now my mom is very intuitive. She's very into this
kind of stuff, very quietly, because the rest of our family isn't that into this kind of stuff. So
it wasn't until I became more intuitive and started to explore this blue side of me and
started getting really into manifestation that I learned that my mom's always been into
this kind of stuff has a tarot card deck in her bedside drawer that she's had for years that
no one knows about. So it is just very fascinating. But anyway, long story short, Brennan
and I went on maybe three or four dates, a couple of weeks go by, and I'm sitting in my
bathtub. I'm having a bath. I'm listening to a podcast, and just chilling and enjoying
myself. And I'm listening to this podcast. And inside this podcast, there's a woman and I
don't remember who it was. I don't remember what this podcast was because it was 2015,
I'm talking about three and a half years ago now. And this is when I was just into podcasts
it's very fresh to me. I was listening to this podcast and this woman was talking about how
she made a list of everything that she wanted in her ideal mate, everything she wanted in
her soulmate, and she met this man two weeks later on Tinder, and they've been
inseparable since and they're married now, she said, "This is how I manifested my
husband." And as I'm hearing the story, I thought, "Oh, that's so cool, haha" and then I'm
thinking to wait for a second, wait a fucking second. I remembered my list from three
months ago because again remember I wrote this list about six weeks before I even went
to UPW, maybe even longer, maybe two months. And I remember where I put this
workbook, it was in my bedside tables drawer, and I was in my bathtub, which is actually
my mom's bathtub, in her bedroom. So in order for me to get to this workbook, I had to
literally walk quite a distance back to my bedroom. But I remember pausing this podcast
and being like wait for a second, I have a list, hold on. Tinder, list. Hold on. This is sounding
so familiar. I got on my bathtub and I just started running butt naked, dripping wet, I didn't
even care. Thankfully, no one was home. And I ran and I grabbed with my wet hands this
workbook and I opened it. I was like, "Where is this list? Where is this list?" And I opened it.
Not even joking, every single physical characteristic that I wrote down was exactly
Brennan. And the non-physical qualities more like what he does for a living, who he is as a
person, and how much personal development he does, because these are the things that
were very important to me at that time. Maybe matched up about three-fourths of the
way there, maybe even 80%. And when I was looking at this list, I was just freaking
amazed, I was floored. And, you know, from that point on to where Brennan and I are in
our journey, we've had a lot of ups and downs. It hasn't been a perfect journey. And at the
time that I found this list, I realized that we were a perfect match in so many different
ways. But there were still qualities that weren't a hundred percent what I wanted. In fact,
some of the qualities pissed me off. I really didn't like them. And I remember thinking to
myself, especially when we go through the downs of our relationship, so we have fights, or
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disagreements, or you guys are familiar with our story, we've had some downs. And I
remember thinking, "Oh, does this mean he's not my soulmate? Because it's not a 100%
match. Right? Does this mean that maybe he is not the one and I should keep looking?"
And as our relationship kept progressing, and knowing how far we've come today, I've
realized that the other when I look at this list right now, actually, because I did the other
day, it is 100% match to Brennan. And I recognize that the other non-physical qualities of
what I wanted, was what we had to evolve into, it was what Brennan actually grew into. It
was what we evolved into together as a couple. It was stuff that was supposed to manifest
through the relationship. And this is so important because I see people who write a list of
who they want to attract into their life. And the person comes, their soulmate comes. And
yes, I do believe in soulmates so their soulmate comes. And they realize that there are five
things on their list completely off. And that's not what they actually want. And then they
either give up prematurely, or they are just unhappy with it. And I always remind these
people, "Hey, what if the other 25% or less is something that you guys are supposed to
evolve into together? What if this is something that this person is supposed to grow into?"
And when I look at my list around, especially Brennan's mindset. So I wanted someone
who believed in the law of attraction, believed in manifestation, and was a powerful
manifester with me. Well, if you guys know at the time that we met, Brennan had literally
no clue what the law of attraction was, and actually thought that it was complete BS. And
I wanted a man who was obsessed with Tony Robbins with me and went to Tony Robbins
events. And Brennan was not that guy in the beginning because he was actually telling me
that Tony Robbins is a scammer, and I should look him up on the Better Business Bureau.
And is he accredited by this person and accredited by that organization or whatever?
Whatever he was asking me and I was thinking, "Oh my god, who is this person? Maybe
we're not meant to be together." And now having had both been platinum partners and
having Brennan literally teach his bro friends about manifestation. I think, "Wow, imagine
if I gave up on him back then." And so if you're list doesn't exactly match up. My List didn't
exactly match up. How do you know whether this is your soulmate or not? And my answer
always is, it's intuitive. You feel it. You can just feel when it's the right person, and you can
feel when it's not the right person. There's this feeling of fulfillment. And even if it's not a
perfect relationship, because there's no such thing as a perfect relationship, you at least
feel fulfillment in the growth that you guys do together, or have together. And Brennan
and I are far from perfect. We are constantly working on stuff together. We're constantly
evolving and growing. And in fact, this week, we had a major thing that we never talked
about before, come up, and we realized that this is very important to our marriage, and
we should probably have a discussion on this. And I need to hear your point of view, you
need to hear my point of view, and I just realized we've never had this discussion before,
which is very important to our marriage. And, of course, it caused some tension between
us. But I am so fulfilled. And he's so fulfilled in the fact that we're not perfect and we have
things to work on. And we're excited about it. Rather than dreading it. Or rather than
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seeing it as, "Oh, he's faulty, or I'm faulty. And we're not meant to be together." And it
really is this intuitive feeling that you just feel they're the right person. I don't know how to
describe it. It's really as simple as that. And what I felt with my ex was that, first of all, I did
wander off, and my mind would constantly wander and think, "Is there someone better out
there for me?" Because intuitively, I always knew that there was someone out there who
was more right for me. It's not like Brennan is better than my X, or my x is worse off than
Brennan. Because we're all human beings. We're all equals to one another. It is better for
me, rather than better in the grand scheme of things. Because my ex is now married and
I'm sure his wife would say that he's the best in the world and me being Brennan's wife
would say, no Brennan's the best in the world, right? So it's just for me. And my mind would
always wander and think, is the grass really greener on the other side? And this is
something that never comes up with Brennan. I'm never thinking about, is the grass
greener on the other side? Or what would this look like in a relationship with someone
else? Or is there someone else out there for me, or better for me? Instead, I get so excited
about growing with Brennan and just knowing that we're in a partnership and getting
excited about what's on the other side of us being together. And I remember sharing,
because a lot of people ask me, "Kathrin, how do you know whether you're in the wrong
relationship or in the right relationship?" And I say that there are obvious things that are
very obvious if they're toxic if it's a toxic relationship, and they're abusing you, God forbid,
and all these things, then clearly it's the wrong relationship, get the F out. But then there's
also the non-obvious things, which get the mind wandering and then wondering, and the
thoughts and thinking about whether the grass is greener on the other side and intuitively
knowing that there's someone else out there better for you, again, better for you. And this
is really important because I will get some people when I answer this question, and
especially when I do it via Instagram story, I always have people saying, "Well, Kathrin,
that's so irresponsible, we are going to cause premature breakups, and relationships are,
of course, work and people are supposed to work on it together. And there's a reason that
they came together and Bla Bla Bla," and I would say, from my perspective, this is my
perspective if you're currently in an unfulfilling relationship, and you are forcing you guys
to be together, you're forcing happiness, you're forcing joy, you're forcing fulfillment, and
you're forcing it because it's comfortable, or it's right, or you're supposed to be together.
Or whatever the rule is that you have placed on this relationship. Remember that by you
being unfulfilled in that relationship, you're actually keeping that person from finding their
soulmate too, from finding their happiness, from finding their fulfillment. If you're unhappy
and unfulfilled, chances are they are too, because they feel that energy from you, if you
feel off, they feel off too. And if you're forcing a relationship to stay together just because
of fear, or just because of sidle rules, or just because you guys have kids together, and
there's a ring involved, and all of these things, just remember that by you holding yourself
back from finding the person that you're meant to be with. You're also holding back the
person that you're forcing things with, from finding their happiness as well. And that came
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true. The reason why I know this lesson so well is because, by me ending things with my ex,
I immediately cleared space to find Brennan. And by me ending things with my ex. I
immediately cleared space for him to find his wife. And guess what? He's married today.
He actually got married six months before Brennan and I did. And they're very happy
together. And this is even weirder, my parents hang out with them, once a week, once
every other week because they live within the same vicinity. I now live about a two-hour
flight from my parents, and they live maybe 20 minutes away from each other. And yeah,
again, kind of weird. I've never met her. I don't know her personally. But I hear from my
parents that they're very happy together. And I think about "Wow, I could have been
selfish, keeping him away from her. And also being selfish in the sense that I'm keeping
myself from my desires, keeping myself away from what makes me happy. And would
have never met Brennan, who has brought so much joy, so much happiness, so much
fulfillment into my life. And I have done the same for him and we have evolved together.
And we truly believe that we make the world a better place by being together. Because it's
a very healthy, very mature, very positive, very uplifting relationship. Overall, that's not to
say, we're perfect. That's not to say there are no ups and downs, that's not to say
sometimes I hate him, he hates me and we just want to freak scream at each other and
go, "Ahh, you're frustrating me." And we have tension between us and that's so healthy
because again if you have polarity in your relationship if you have passion in your
relationship, if there's a fire within your relationship, of course, you're going to fight. Of
course, you're not going to agree with each other. Right? If you're both speaking your truth
and speaking your mind and being unapologetic and bold about your opinion and your
point of view in the relationship and stuff like that, and, of course, there's going to be
disagreements and fire. It's just a part of relationships, right? So again, you're either
keeping yourself away from your divine soulmate, or you're either keeping them away.
And also at the same time, you're keeping them away from their divine soulmate. So it's
very, very, very important. I'm really passionate about this, the lesson that I'm really
sharing with you guys, and I'm just thinking about it, as I'm speaking about it, is number
one, if you feel that you're with the right person, do everything in your power to fulfill your
needs, and fulfill their needs. And do everything in your power to love them deeply. And do
everything in your power to work on yourself and work on your relationship. But if you
have this intuitive feeling that maybe they're not the right person for you, then just start
that conversation with yourself the way that I started that conversation with myself in
October of 2015, when I started to write my journal, around the fact that I'm living for
everyone else but myself, and figuring out why that was, and of course, so you may have
met your soulmate. But let's say that right now especially the majority of you women out
there, I know, that follow me. You might be with the right person. But then now you're
curious how to bring them on board with your self-development, with your manifestation
journey, with your law of attraction. You want them to get on board with manifestation
because you are a powerful woman, and you are a powerful manifester, and you're with
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the right person, and you want them to be a powerful manifester, too, right? So you guys
want to be this power couple. And that's something that I've really wanted and actually
wrote in my ideal mate list, but I wanted to be with someone who is very intentional with
their thoughts and knows the power of manifestation and knows the power of how their
thoughts create their reality, and their emotions create their reality, and their feelings
create their reality, and their beliefs create their reality. And I really wanted that. And
people ask me, "Kathrin, how did you get Brennan on board with manifestation?" And that
is a topic for a whole another day. In fact, I actually have a whole module on that in my
Manifestation Babe Academy. And I'm actually launching Manifestation Babe Academy in
about two weeks now, almost exactly two weeks where I have a whole bonus module for
anyone who decides to become a student of the manifestation babe academy I purposely
put in there. And this is not just your partner. This is not just your husband or your wife.
This is literally for your friends, your co-workers, family members, anyone in your life who
doesn't get it, I will show you how I was able to bring on the people in my life on board
without preaching to them, and without forcing it on them. And just making it about their
journey, my journey and their journey, and using all of my tools, and my energy to bring
those two journeys together so that they can coincide and become one journey. There's a
very particular way to do that. And I share that all inside of that bonus module. But before
I release Manifestation Babe Academy, I'm doing a free five-day challenge. If you haven't
yet signed up for the manifestation babe challenge, go ahead and do so at
www.manifestationbabechallenge.com. It is going to start not this upcoming Monday but
the next Monday which is April 22. And in there, we're going to start this conversation. First
of all, you got to change yourself. First of all, you got to do this inner work yourself.
Remember when I talked about how you will attract your soulmate? When you get
obsessed with working on yourself. And when you get obsessed with loving yourself, and
when you get obsessed with going on this journey of you and making yourself the most
important person in the world for yourself in your own world. And really getting to know
who you are and your desires and what you want and Blah Blah Blah, that starts in the
challenge, and as you go after the challenge through the manifestation babe academy, if
you feel that's your next step, in there, again, it's even more work on you. And only after
you've worked on yourself, can you really start working on getting your partner on board
with manifestation because they're not going to be watching. They're not going to be
listening to you until you've proven it to yourself. They're not going to be listening to you
until you start showing results in your own life. And that's, I think, the biggest, biggest key.
So if you haven't yet signed up for the challenge, why not bring your girlfriends, bring your
best friends, bring your guy friends, I don't care who enrols into it, I'm actually giving away
$1,000 just for participating. It's going to be done live here on Instagram. But you must
register through manifestationbabechallenge.com in order to even be considered for the
prize because you need to be registered and through the emails that I send you, you will
learn what the secret hashtag is, so that you can learn, so that you can win the thousand
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bucks, and it's going to be a lot of fun and I cannot wait. So there it is guys. That's the
story of how I met Brennan, manifested Brennan, how we've grown together and how to
know whether you are in the right relationship or not. I'm super curious to hear your
thoughts. What did you think of this episode? Go ahead and take a screenshot right now, I
know if you're on Instagram Live. Just write a comment. I always read the comments after
I'm done. Streaming something, I always read my DMs and comments and, of course, I
can't get through everything and I can't respond to every single one and I hope you
understand that. But, I'm super curious to know that this episode helped you, was it
interesting? Did you learn something new? Are you currently in the process of manifesting
your soulmate? Are you currently in the process of being with your soulmate and growing
in that relationship? And if you're listening to the podcast, go ahead and take a
screenshot right now and share with me what your thoughts are by tagging me on
Instagram @manifestationbabe in your story. And just writing your takeaway, what did
you learn? And if you have single friends, go ahead and share this episode with them as
well. All right, you guys, I love you so much. I will see you inside the free five-day
challenge. I'm super excited. I hope you have an incredible day, mwah. Bye. Thank you so
much for tuning into today's episode. If you absolutely loved what you heard today, be
sure to share it with me by leaving a review on iTunes so that I can keep the good stuff
coming your way. If you aren't already following me on social media, come soak up the
extra inspiration on Instagram by following @manifestationbabe, or visiting my website at
manifestationbabe.com. I love and adore you so much. I can't wait to connect with you in
the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and manifest some magic.
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