68-West–Statehouse | 300 SW 10th Ave. | Topeka, Kansas 66612-1504
(785) 296-3181
[email protected] kslegislature.org/klrd
August 11, 2022
This memorandum summarizes State of Kansas traffic laws applicable to the operation
of bicycles, electric-assisted bicycles (e-bikes)
, and electric-assisted scooters (e-scooters)
roadways. Local laws also may apply and may address additional topics.
The “Rules of the Road” Apply to All
Cyclists and e-scooter operators must follow the statutory rules of the road (in the
Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, KSA 8-1401 et seq.), such as obeying traffic
devices unless otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer, signaling turns, obeying speed
limits, and yielding the right of way as indicated to other vehicles and to pedestrians.
A vehicle driver going the same direction may pass a bicycle or scooter at a distance of
not less than three feet to the left and may pass in a no-passing zone only if it is safe to do so.
Traffic Laws Specific to Bicycles, E-bikes, or E-scooters
Keep right. If going less than the normal speed of traffic, bicycles and e-scooters must
be operated as near to the right side of the roadway as is practicable with these exceptions:
When overtaking and passing another vehicle going the same direction;
When preparing for a left turn; or
When reasonably necessary to avoid obstacles and surface hazards.
A cyclist on a one-way highway with two or more marked lanes may also ride as close to
the left side of the roadway as practicable.
1 An e-bike is defined as a bicycle with two or three wheels, a saddle, fully operative pedals for human
propulsion, and an electric motor of less than 750 watts. The e-bike must meet requirements of one of
the three classes of e-bikes, described on p. 2. An e-bike is excluded from the definition of a motor
vehicle (2022 House Sub. for SB 101, KSA 8-1489, KSA 8-126).
2 An e-scooter is defined as a self-propelled vehicle that has at least two wheels in contact with the
ground, an electric motor, handlebars, a brake, and a deck designed to be stood upon when riding
(KSA 8-1498).
3 Statutes regarding bicycles and e-bikes are in KSA 8-1587 through 8-1592b and in KSA 8-15,113 for
e-scooters. The traffic signal exception is in KSA 8-1508. Statutory language is available through the
Office of Revisor of Statutes website and current-year session laws. Statute numbers in this
memorandum assume the supplement as appropriate.
Riding together. Cyclists must not ride more than two abreast except on exclusive bike
paths or within exclusive lanes. No bicycle may carry more people than the number for which it
is designed and equipped.
Use the path. Whenever a usable path is adjacent to a roadway, the path and not the
roadway must be used.
Keep hands on handlebars. Clinging to any vehicle is prohibited. At least one hand
must be kept on the handlebars.
Required lights and reflectors. Every bicycle ridden between sunset and sunrise must
be equipped with a white-light lamp on the front visible from at least 500 feet. A red reflector or a
red light on the bicycle, or a red or amber light on the cyclist, must be visible from the rear.
Pedals must have reflectors visible from the front and rear from 200 feet.
Exception for “dead red” traffic light. A bicycle (or a motorcycle) may proceed through
a steady red signal that fails to turn green in a reasonable period of time but must yield to any
vehicle in or near the intersection.
Additional Local or Agency Restrictions May Apply
The governing body of a city or county may adopt an ordinance or resolution that further
restricts or prohibits the operation of bicycles, e-scooters, or e-bikes or specific classes of e-
bikes on any public highway, street, or sidewalk within such city or county (KSA 2022 Supp. 8-
1592b, KSA 8-15,113). Here are some examples:
Kansas state laws regarding operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or
drugs do not apply to operation of a bicycle, but such operation is illegal within
the City of Wichita.
Johnson County Parks and Recreation District allows classes 1 and 3, but not
class 2, e-bikes on its shared-use paved trails. (The classes, as defined in state
law, are distinguished by when the motor may assist and the maximum motor-
assisted speed: the motor assists only when the cyclist is pedaling for classes 1
and 3, the motor assists to a maximum speed of 20 mph for classes 1 and 2, and
the motor assists to a maximum speed of 28 mph for class 3.)
Topeka City Code requires an e-scooter operator to be at least 16 years old and,
until age 18, to wear a helmet. It also sets a 15 mph speed limit for an e-scooter
and restricts operation to bike lanes on any street with a speed limit of 35 mph or
Within state parks, e-bikes that cease to provide assistance at 20 mph may be
used on trails approved for bicycle use.
4 Accessed August 2022: City of Wichita Code of Ordinances Section 14.48.190, Johnson County Parks
and Recreation District website, Topeka City Code Section 10.35.040, Kansas Department of Wildlife
and Parks website .
Kansas Legislative Research Department 2 Laws on Bicycle, E-bike, and E-scooter
Operation – August 11, 2022