Exploring Minecraft for Learning,
Teaching and Assessment
Exploring Minecraft for Learning,
Teaching and Assessment
November 2021
Paula Lehane, Deirdre Butler and Kevin Marshall
Please cite as: Lehane, P., Butler, D., & Marshall, K. (2021).
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning,
Teaching and Assessment [White paper]. Dublin City University.
ISBN: 978-1-911669-30-2
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5683037
Creative Commons Licence: CC – BY – NC
You are free to share and/or adapt this material in any medium or format, but you must
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Foreword .............................................................................2
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Introduction
3.0 ‘Serious’ Games and Game-Based Learning (GBL)
3.1 Understanding Digital Games ....................................................13
3.2 Games for Learning – Constructionism and Sandbox Games ......................... 15
4.0 Minecraft ........................................................................18
4.1 M:EE to Support Teaching ...................................................... 21
4.1.1 Curricular Curation ....................................................... 21
4.1.2 Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs .......................... 23
4.1.3 Challenges in using M:EE to Support Teaching ................................ 25
4.2 M:EE to Support Learning ...................................................... 26
4.2.1 Project-Based Learning ................................................... 26
4.2.2 Collaboration Skills ....................................................... 29
4.2.3 Challenges in using M:EE to Support Learning ................................ 32
4.3 M:EE to Support Assessment .................................................... 34
4.3.1 Classroom Assessment Practices with Digital Games .......................... 34
4.3.2 ‘Hard to Assess’ Skills ..................................................... 36
4.3.3 Challenges in using M:EE to Support Assessment ............................. 36
5.0 Research Agenda and Future Considerations ............................... 38
5.1 Design Considerations for Future Research Studies Involving M:EE ................... 40
5.2 Understanding the Potential Value of M:EE in Irish Classrooms ...................... 43
5.3 Supporting Teachers’ use of GBL ................................................ 44
6.0 Conclusion .....................................................................52
Reference List
Appendix 1 – Search Strategy
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Computer games have changed how we
learn. The truth is that computer games are
fullling genuine human needs in a way that
the current real world is unable. This was the
case before the pandemic and it has been
accelerated by the pandemic. Computer
games have change how we come together,
how we interact, how we learn and how we
are inspired. This is an uncomfortable fact for
many, who can either embrace it and shape
learning through games or ignore it and suffer
the consequences of the opportunity lost.
For some this will all sound hard to believe,
even over dramatic. But we are a society
where an increasing part of our time is
devoted to playing games. 69% of all heads
of households play computer games. 97% of
young people play computer games. At least
1 in 4 computer gamers is over the age of
fty. The average computer game players are
thirty-ve years old and have been playing
for at least twelve years. Over 60% of CEOs
say they take daily game breaks at work. Yet
this is a hidden culture, as these statistics
do not represent how we talk about gaming
or play. We often view computer gaming as
entertainment, rather than learning. Fun, rather
than work. Why should this be the case?
Imagine a world where work was fun and
deep learning was best achieved through play.
Imagine a world where students could not
wait to engage in learning and became deeply
engrossed in the content they were learning.
Imagine if this learning appealed to students of
all ability ranges, of all background and made
accessibility for those with disabilities easier.
As this report demonstrates, computer games
are changing this vision of learning into reality.
Game based learning is quantiably more
immersive, learners spend more time involved
in serious content, they retain more knowledge
about a subject afterwards, it is increasing
participation from under-represented groups
including those with disabilities, and it is
enjoyable. The single biggest issue we face
is how best to deploy such learning into
schools and overcoming this is the last hurdle
we face to bring benet to all students.
Justin Edwards,
Director, Minecraft:
Education Edition
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Attention on digital game-based learning
(GBL) has been heightened in recent times
as it became an opportune way to support
distance education and remote learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic. To assist
educators in their efforts to ensure continuity
of learning using digital games, Microsoft
released the ‘Minecraft Education Collection’ in
March 2020, resulting in more than 63 million
downloads within six months
. Following
a general overview of the eld of GBL (see
Sections 2 and 3), this report (as summarised
in Figure 1) synthesises and critically reviews
the current literature on GBL and, more
specically, Minecraft: Education Edition (M:EE)
in primary and post-primary settings.
While the theory underlying the use of sand-box
type games like M:EE in classrooms is promising
(see Section 3), robust empirical evidence
pertaining to their effectiveness in addressing
learning outcomes is still rather scarce.
However, some evidence in relation to their
value for teaching, learning and assessment
activities has been noted (see Section 4):
M:EE can enable more accessible learning
experiences for diverse groups of learners
e.g. second language learners, learners
with special educational needs.
M:EE can support project-based learning
and the development of key competences
such as problem-solving and collaboration.
M:EE and other digital games can support
formal and informal classroom assessment
practices. As technology progresses, they
may also be a way for teachers to measure
‘hard-to-assess skills’ like problem-solving.
One clear message from the literature is the
need to investigate what game characteristics
and contextual elements can inuence
learning using sound research methodology
(see Section 5). One way to support such
research may be contained within the Irish
context. In November 2021, on foot of a series
of TV programmes featuring M:EE, the Irish
national broadcaster (RTÉ) and Microsoft Ireland
launched a competition challenging primary
school students and their teachers to imagine
and represent Ireland’s future using M:EE
. This
competition may offer a unique platform to
‘mine’ a more comprehensive understanding
of how M:EE can support learners.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Game-Based Learning (GBL) refers to the use of games for some
educational purpose. What is the potential role and value of Minecraft:
Education Edition (M:EE) in supporting GBL in Irish schools?
Game-Based Learning (GBL)
Recent meta-analyses have
indicated that GBL can address
learning outcomes if serious
games’ are chosen. This
requires digital games that are
interactive, based on a set
of agreed rules, and provide
feedback to users as they move
towards their goal. The most
recent generation of these
games align with the learning
principles of constructionism.
Constructionism asserts that
learning occurs through
the making of an artefact.
Sandbox-type games like
M:EE align closely with this
learning theory. M:EE involves
open-ended worlds through
which there is no one single,
correct pathway to completion.
Users create their own artefact
in the form of their gaming
environment. This becomes their
object-to-think-with which
can be shared with others.
M:EE & Learning
M:EE can help develop
21st century skills like
collaboration through project
based learning. Digital games
like M:EE support learners’
perspective-taking skills, a
key element of collaboration
Project-based learning can be
a way for learners to synthesis
and apply their knowledge
to recreate historical events
(e.g. 1916 Rising) or create
appropriate habitats.
M:EE & Assessment
M:EE can support teachers’
formative and summative
assessment practices. Oral or
written feedback on learners’
work can be provided using
Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
or boards. Learners can chart
their progress with pictures
(self-assessment) M:EE also
has the potential to measure
hard-to-assess’ skills. The
data recorded in M:EE could
provide important insights
on learners’ problem-solving
strategies but more research
is needed to realise this.
M:EE & Teaching
Teachers can use M:EE to
promote the development of
knowledge or skills by designing
innovative and complex activities
that promote curricular based
gameplay, exploration or
learning representation.
M:EE may also support the
development of social ski ls
with groups of neurodiverse
learners as it adopts a multi-
modal approach to social
interaction and communication.
Future Directions
Future research using M:EE
should address the current
shortcomings in the eld in
terms of research design
and focus in order to better
understand how M:EE can be
most effectively deployed in
Irish primary and post-primary
classrooms. Professional
learning programmes
for teachers should also
be considered to ensure
that they feel condent in
engaging with M:EE for GBL.
Figure 1: Executive Summary Graphic
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
When it was released in 2015, the Rethinking
Education (United Nations Education, Scientic
and Cultural Organisation [UNESCO]; 2015)
publication strongly advocated that education
systems worldwide emphasise the teaching
of ‘21st century skills’. To address these
‘transversal’ skills and core competences
(Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and
Development [OECD], 2019), primary and post-
primary educators are now being encouraged
to engage in ‘new types’ of teaching;
specically, those involving technology-based
approaches (Redecker, 2017). In line with
this global movement, the Digital Strategy
for Schools (Department of Education and
Skills [DES], 2015) provided a rationale and
plan for the embedding of digital technology
into the teaching, learning and assessment
practices of all teachers in Irish schools from
2015 onwards. The aim of this policy was to
ensure that ‘Ireland’s young people become
engaged thinkers, active learners, knowledge
constructors and global citizens’ (DES, 2015,
p. 5) through the use of suitable digital tools
and technology-based methodologies.
While this move towards the use of digital
technology to support teaching and learning
in schools in line with government policy had
been gaining traction (e.g. Scully et al., 2021), it
became the only option for the Irish education
system in March 2020 as schools began to
close as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ireland, like many other countries, faced an
‘unanticipated and accelerated move’ (Starkey
et al., 2021, p. 1) to online learning. Digital
tools and technology-based methodologies
became a necessity overnight. While this rapid
transition to remote teaching and learning
revealed and amplied the ‘fault lines’ in
most education systems (Squire, 2021), it also
demonstrated the willingness of teachers
and students to engage with innovative
technologies and pedagogies. Game Based
Learning (GBL) was particularly attractive to
educators as this approach capitalised on
the resources available to students at home
during remote learning (Squire, 2021). Research
indicates that the majority of children and
teenagers living in Europe (Europe’s Videos
Games Industry/European Games Developer
Federation, 2021), Australia (Brand et al., 2017),
the United States (Internet Matters, 2019)
and the United Kingdom (Association for UK
Interactive Entertainment, 2018) play some
form of digital game on a daily basis. A recent
Growing Up in Ireland (2021; n=8032) report
revealed that 81% of Irish nine-year olds in 2018
played some form of a computer game in an
average week, with 50% reporting that these
games were played with others. While rates of
play can vary according to geography, gender
and age group, the ndings of these studies
show that digital games are a fundamental
part of young people’s online worlds.
Approximately 81%
of Irish nine-year-olds
play computer games
every week.
Growing up in Ireland (2021)
16% of Irish primary
school children said
Minecraft was their
favourite application.
Everri & Park (2018)
For many students, these digital games
became part of their schooling lives as a result
of remote teaching during the COVID-19
pandemic. With over 176 million copies sold
(Microsoft, 2019), Minecraft is one of the most
popular digital games ever among children and
teenagers, with 16% of Irish primary school
children naming Minecraft as their favourite
application (Everri & Park, 2018). During the
COVID-19 pandemic, access to the Minecraft:
Education Edition, (M:EE; a version of the game
optimised for classroom use), was extended to
all educators and learners with a valid Oce
365 Educational account (M:EE Blog, 2020a).
This allowed educators to explore how M:EE
could support learning. For example, students
in Wales explored architecture through
research-informed Minecraft projects and a
rural school in Malaysia used the game to
keep students connected to each other using
‘Monthly Build Challenges’ (M:EE Blog, 2020b).
The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the
prospective value of Game-Based Learning
(GBL) in education. The purpose of this report is
to provide an overview of the current literature
available on GBL in order to better understand
its potential impact for Irish learners and to
identify what actions are necessary in order
to further progress this eld of research.
To achieve this, the theoretical foundations
underlying GBL will rst be interrogated
(Section 3). How M:EE is situated within such
literature will also be highlighted and examples
of how this particular game can support
teaching, learning and assessment practices will
also be provided (Section 4). The current report
will conclude with a clear research agenda
that aims to advance the eld of GBL within
Ireland, Europe and the wider world using
M:EE as the primary research tool (Section 5).
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
This section will address
the following questions:
What is Game-Based Learning (GBL)?
What is a ‘serious’ game?
What is the value of GBL and
serious games for learning?
What is a digital game and
how can they be classied?
What learning theories underlie GBL?
A comprehensive search strategy was deployed
to understand GBL (see Appendix 1). Schrier’s
(2018, p. 3) denition of GBL was one of the
most straightforward available with the author
stating that GBL involves the use of ‘games for
some educational purpose’. Although games
have always been connected to learning, the
role of digital games in education has seen
signicant growth over the past 20 years. For
example, a study in the United States found
that up to 90% of primary-school aged children
play some form of digital game on a daily
basis (Internet Matters, 2019). This trend is
replicated amongst children and teenagers in
other English-speaking countries, including
Ireland (Growing Up in Ireland, 2016; 2021).
The near ubiquitous presence of digital games
in the lives of young learners has triggered
interest among educators about the possible
use of digital games as a medium for learning
(Takeuchi & Vaala, 2014). In fact, Clark et
al. (2018) acknowledged that while the use
of digital games for learning was once a
3 The word ‘digital’ is occasionally dropped from references to digital GBL and digital games. Where this occurs,
it can be assumed that the authors are referring to digital games and digital GBL unless otherwise stated.
‘niche’ area, it is now currently a major focus
of research and an increasingly important
facet of the educational technology industry.
This is now likely amplied as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic. While digital games
were once stigmatised as ‘edutainment’ and
considered to hold no real value beyond
being used as a motivational tool for learners
(as outlined by Charsky, 2010), recent meta-
analyses in the eld have demonstrated that
can successfully support learning if
appropriately ‘serious games’ are chosen.
The concept of ‘serious games’ was rst
put forward by Abt (1987, p. 9), who argued
that serious games ‘have an explicit and
carefully thought-out educational purpose
and are not intended to be played primarily
for amusement’. A meta-analysis by
Wouters et al. (2013), involving 39 studies
conducted between 1990 and 2012, certainly
provided support for the assertion that
serious digital games can support learning
in schools and occupational settings.
have an educational
purpose and are not
just for amusement.
Abt (1970)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Wouters et al.’ s (2013) meta-analysis
aggregated the ndings of 39 studies
involving pretest–post-test and post-test-
only comparisons of learning outcomes,
learner retention, and motivation.
These studies, involving a wide range of
age groups, compared the effect of serious
games and conventional teaching methods
(e.g. lectures, reading text-books, knowledge
drills) on these variables. In this meta-analysis,
the stated learning outcomes in the included
studies were classied in terms of ‘knowledge’
or ‘cognitive skills’
. Of the 39 studies used in
the meta-analysis, 77 pairwise comparisons
on learning outcomes were available for
examination. Wouters et al. (2013) noted
that GBL in classrooms and occupational
settings was indeed more effective in terms
of learning (d=0.29, p<.01) when compared
with conventional teaching methods. The
effect sizes of learning outcomes in relation
to ‘knowledge’ and ‘cognitive skills’ also
showed that serious games were superior to
conventional instructional methods (knowledge
[25 comparisons]: d=0.27, z=2.00, p< .05;
cognitive skills [52 comparisons]: d=0.29,
z=4.12, p<.001). Similarly, the use of serious
games and GBL in classroom and occupational
settings was considered more effective in
terms of learner retention
(16 comparisons;
d=0.36, z=2.41, p<.05) but not for learner
motivation (31 comparisons; z=1.77, p<0.5).
4 ‘Knowledge’ was used when the identied study used a test or measure involving ‘the knowledge
of concepts, principles, denitions, symbols or facts’ (Wouters et al., 2013, p. 4). The second type of
learning outcome explored was ‘cognitive skills’, which included studies in which learners had to
‘solve problems, make decisions, or apply rules to a situation’ (Wouters et al., 2013, p. 4).
5 Studies that compared the use of serious games and conventional instruction using delayed measures for
learning (e.g. when data from the test or measure involved was collected 1-5 weeks after the intervention)
were included in pairwise comparisons for the ‘learner retention’ variable (16 pairwise comparisons).
6 Clark et al. (2016) dened student outcomes in accordance with the denitions outlined in an American report by
the National Research Council entitled ‘Education for Life and Work’ (Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012). Cognitive outcomes
included cognitive processes and strategies (reasoning, problem-solving, memory), knowledge, and creativity.
7 The intra-personal domain for student outcomes, as used by Clark et al. (2016), includes intellectual
openness, work ethic and conscientiousness, and positive core self-evaluation.
8 The interpersonal domain included teamwork, collaboration, and leadership.
A more purposeful meta-analysis by Clark et al.
(2016) systematically reviewed research on the
value of digital games for primary and post-
primary learners only. The authors recorded
an adjusted mean post-test effect size of .33 in
favour of the use of digital games to enhance
learner outcomes (cognitive
, intrapersonal
and interpersonal
dimensions) relative to
non-game approaches. While Clark et al.
(2016, p. 115) highlighted concerns regarding
the potential validity of interpretations
associated with aggregated studies like those
where ‘variations exist across contexts [and]
interventions…’, they still claimed that sucient
evidence in favour of a positive impact of GBL
on learning was observed. Acquah and Katz
(2020) made a similar claim in their systematic
review investigating the relationship between
digital GBL and second language learning
outcomes for primary and post-primary
students. Their review of 26 studies found that
digital games appeared to support players’
language acquisition, affective/psychological
state, contemporary competences, and
participatory behaviour. However, digital games
and GBL cannot automatically enhance learning.
Instead, digital games should be ‘used because
they are the most appropriate design solution
and contribute to the best experience for
specic educational needs’ and learning overall
(Schrier, 2018, p.5). Understanding how digital
games can do this requires an examination
of the theoretical foundations of the same.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
3.1 Understanding Digital Games
(Squire, 2008)
Targeted Linear Sandbox Virtual World
Features Targets one skill
of a domain.
Involves a storyline
and/or puzzles
Uses tools/context
to construct items
Engages user in
Purpose Test specic skills
or knowledge
Support learning of
Skill development
eg. planning
Skill development
eg. collaboration
Completion Levels Machinema Solution Paths Modding*
Angry Birds Ninja Garden SimCity World of Warcraft
Supercharged! DragonBox MinecraftEDU Quest Atlantis
*There is no ‘game completion’ within this genre of gameplay.
Players complete their activities by ‘modding’ (modifying) the game to suit their needs
Figure 2: Taxonomy of Game Genres (based on Squire, 2008; Groff, 2018)
Dening digital games can be dicult given
their diversity. In an attempt to address this,
Wouters et al. (2013) crafted a denition
of digital games that focuses solely on the
essential characteristics of games. They
dened digital games as those that are:
i Interactive,
ii Based on an agreed set of
rules and constraint,
iii Directed by the game or the player
towards a clear goal or challenge and
iv Provide feedback in the form of a score
or changes to the game world.
Features like competition, plot and
entertainment are not a pre-requisite for
serious games. They are an ‘added value’ and
not a core characteristic (Wouters et al., 2013,
p. 2). Digital games that meet such criteria
come in a wide range of styles, formats and
topics. Squire’s (2008) taxonomy of game types
(Figure 2) distils such games into four genres.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
As suggested by Figure 2, each game type
is distinguished by certain features and
characteristics that teachers can use to design
certain learning activities. Traditionally,
targeted and linear games were more popular
amongst educators because they are quickly
completed by students and align easily with
curricular or lesson objectives (Groff, 2018).
However, virtual world and open-ended
sandbox games are becoming more popular
as they potentially offer some of the richest
learning environments, as demonstrated by
McCall’s (2011) use of Civilization V in post-
primary schools in the United States. Civilization
V is a commercial sandbox game that leads
players through the growth of a civilisation
and empire. McCall’s (2011) work identied
how teachers used this game to target
numerous learning goals including knowledge
of historical trade routes and ethical thinking.
This increasing interest in the use of sandbox
and/or virtual games in classrooms has likely
emerged because these genres of games have
a clear relationship with relevant learning
theories. Rather than classifying games by
genres, Egenfeldt-Nielsen (2007) has identied
different ‘generations’ of games based on their
connection with learning theory (Figure 3).
Egenfeldt-Nielsen (2007) has identied three different ‘generations’ of
digital games that reect the historical prominence in learning theories
alongside the progression of video game development.
‘Educational Games’
‘Games for Learning’
Associated with the
Behaviourist approach
to learning.
Games designed around the
idea that skill and knowledge
acquisition occurs through
practice, reinforcement
and conditioning.
Designed in line with
the cognitive approach
of Constructivism
Accepts that people have
underlying schemas that
represent current knowledge.
Provides a range of scaffolds
and supports in the form
of multimedia stimuli.
Based on the theory of
Learners make meaningful
artefacts in the digital
environment that provide
a platform for learning.
The learning process is often
mediated in a social context.
Figure 3: Evolution of Games and Learning Theory (based on Egenfeldt-Nielsen, 2007).
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
The rst generation of digital games originated
in the 1980s. These were designed based on the
behaviourist idea of ‘edutainment’, whereby
it was assumed that learning would occur
through repetitive and relatively simplistic
behaviours (e.g. The Oregon Trail
; Groff,
2018). Egenfeldt-Nielsen (2007, p. 274) then
noticed a shift in digital games at the turn
of the century, whereby the learner became
the ‘centre of attention’ and the cognitive
structures underlying their responses (schema)
were taken into consideration. Games in this
generation are characterised by a clear focus on
applying the constructivist approach to learning
as demonstrated in their use of scaffolding
techniques and interest in more complex
skills like problem-solving (e.g. BGuilE
Presently, more and more games are providing
a particular social context or virtual world that
requires learners to ‘employ academic content
knowledge skills such as computer science,
mathematics, or arts to create viable games that
are intended rst and foremost for their peers
rather than their teachers’ (Kafai & Burke, 2015).
This third generation of games (e.g. Minecraft,
Minecraft: Education Edition) are based on the
ideals of constructionism and are most closely
associated with the Sandbox type video games
contained within Squire’s (2008) taxonomy.
9 The Oregon Trail was designed to teach school children about the realities of 19th Century pioneer life in North America.
The game was released in the 1970s and became popular in most US elementary schools in the 1980s (Groff, 2018).
10 BGuILE (Biology Guided Inquiry Learning Environment) allows students to construct, evaluate, iteratively
rene, and then communicate explanations for a range of scientic processes and natural phenomena.
Students are supported in their work by a range of analytical tools and inquiry prompts.
11 Although it can be erroneously described as a teaching pedagogy, constructivism is a learning theory which asserts
that learning is a process where learners are active constructors of their own knowledge which is contextually bound
and based on individual experiences (Bada, 2015). Originally conceptualised by Piaget (Piaget & Inhelder, 1958),
constructivism asserts that when learners encounter something new or something that challenges their previous
understanding of a topic, the learner’s mental framework or ‘schema’ on that topic will then be updated.
3.2 Games for Learning
– Constructionism and
Sandbox Games
Papert’s (1991) expansion of Piaget’s (Piaget
& Indehelder, 1956) cognitive theory of
resulted in the principles
of constructionism. While constructivism
asserts that learning involves the ‘building
of knowledge structures irrespective of the
circumstances of learning’ (Papert, 1991,
p. 11), constructionism is a more situated
approach to learning, involving the personal,
social and cultural dimensions of an individual
as they engage in making an ‘object-to-think
with’ (Papert, 1980). Within constructionism,
learners ‘make knowledge their own and
begin to personally identify with it’ (Kafai &
Burke, 2015, p. 315). However, this does not
occur in a vacuum. Social interactions and
norms help the learners’ ‘appropriation’ of the
targeted knowledge. Cultural contexts also help
learners decide what ‘way of knowing is valued
over others’ (Kafai & Burke, 2015, p. 316).
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
CONSTRUCTIONISM asserts that learning occurs
through the making of an
ARTEFACT which is anything
another will
Given its emphasis on ‘learning through
making rather than overall cognitive potentials’
(Ackermann, 2001, p. 4), constructionism asserts
that learning occurs ‘most felicitously’ through
the learner’s construction of a particular
artefact. This can be ‘a sandcastle on the beach
or a theory of the universe’ or even their own
game or gaming environment (Papert, 1991, p.
1). Constructionism argues that learners will be
more deeply involved in their learning if they
are constructing something that others will
see, critique or use. Through the construction
of this meaningful artefact, learners will
subsequently become ‘active builders of their
own knowledge’ (Butler, 2007, p. 63) and
enjoy an enhanced learning experience.
12 Wing (2010, p. 1) dened computational thinking as ‘the thought processes involved in
formulating problems and their solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form
that can be effectively carried out by an information-processing agent’.
13 Under the personal dimension, Kafai and Burke (2015) noted that the key benets of GBL included
its ability to help students learn content, learn about learning and learn coding. Under the social
dimension, the main learning benets related to its ability to allow students to learn to work
collaboratively with peers and to learn how to become part of an online community.
Kafai and Burke (2015) acknowledged that
there was some evidence to support this
viewpoint in their qualitative review of 55
studies that explored the issue of children’s
learning while making their own digital games
or gaming environments. The majority of these
studies focused on teaching computational
. Kafai and Burke (2015) noted
that the benets of ‘constructionist gaming’
could be classied into personal and social
. The authors also claimed that
‘making games proved to be a compelling
context for learning computational concepts
and practices and broadening participants’
perspectives’ (Kafai & Burke, 2015, p. 325).
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
As highlighted by Egenfeldt-Nielsen (2007),
sandbox-type games align closely with the
principles of constructionism. Sandbox type
digital games like Minecraft and Minecraft:
Education Edition are open-ended worlds,
through which there is no one single, correct
pathway to completion. These sandbox games
enable increased creative expression by
allowing players freedom to move within the
game to design and build their own gaming
environment e.g. homes, communities,
settlements, landscapes. As they require
learners to create their own ‘objects to think
with’ (Papert, 1980, p. 12), these games are
an ideal tool for teachers to design learning
experiences that align with constructionist
principles. Furthermore, modern sandbox
games offer teachers and learners the exibility
to design tasks and learning activities that allow
learners to create artefacts independently or
collaboratively. Therefore, sandbox games can
allow others (e.g. peers, teachers) to become
involved in a learner’s thinking process through
their discussion or use of the artefact. In this
way, ‘the learner’s thinking benets from
multiple views and discussions’ (Butler, 2007,
p. 63), an important facet of constructionism
according to Papert (1980). While sandbox
games allow learners to create artefacts in a
way that is consistent with the key tenets of
constructionism, they also support effective
teaching, learning and assessment practices.
This assertion is best explored by analysing
research related to one of the most popular
sandbox games of all time – Minecraft.
Game-Based Learning (GBL)
involves the use of games for
an educational purpose.
‘Serious’ games are not played for
amusement – they have a clear
educational purpose that can support
learning if properly deployed.
Digital games are interactive, have
clear rules, are directed towards a
particular challenge or goal, and
provide feedback to the player.
Games can be classied by
genre (targeted, linear, sandbox,
virtual world) or generation
(1st, 2nd or 3rd generation)
Sandbox-type digital games
generally align with a
constructionist view of learning.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
This section will address
the following questions:
What is Minecraft?
How can Minecraft support teaching?
How can Minecraft support learning?
How can Minecraft support
assessment practices?
What are the inherent
challenges of each?
14 Available to view atniminer
In 2009, Zachary Barth created the game
Inniminer whereby users who entered this
randomly generated gameworld, ‘mine’ and
place blocks to construct whatever structures
they wish
. Inspired by the game’s simplicity,
Markus ‘Notch’ Persson created his own
java-based version, which was eventually
called Minecraft. Persson’s company Mojang
released this game to the public in 2009 and,
by 2015, more than 19 million copies had
been sold, placing the game on the all-time
best-seller’s list (Mojang, 2015). Microsoft
acquired the Swedish-based Mojang in 2014
for over $2.5 billion and the game is now
available on a variety of platforms with a
range of editions and versions including the
Minecraft: Education Edition (M:EE) which is
specically designed for classroom use.
Figure 4: M:EE (Microsoft, 2019)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
In M:EE, players control a virtual avatar (‘Steve’;
Figure 4, overleaf) who is able to move freely
around the virtual world of Minecraft. This
avatar is customisable (using ‘skins’). Unlike
many other commercially available games,
the graphics in Minecraft are purposefully
simplistic (8-bit graphics), making the world
appear as if it is made up of Lego™-like blocks
(where colours and patterns represent different
materials like wood, dirt, stone etc.,). These
blocks can be manipulated to create innite
items and structures e.g. houses, airplanes,
cities etc. The game can be played online,
oine or within a local network. Players, if
they choose, can communicate in real time
or leave messages using asynchronous
communication methods. Each player has their
own avatar in M:EE. However, there are also
other game entities within this environment
that can interact with the players called ‘mobs’
(Minecraft Wiki, 2021). These ‘mobs’ are living
creatures that move around the game like
animals or zombies. Depending on what mode
the game is in (e.g. ‘Creative’ or ‘Survival’),
these mobs may or may not attack a player’s
avatar. These different ‘game modes’ can
place or remove restrictions on resources and/
or player activities (Minecraft Wiki, 2021).
The open-ended nature of M:EE and the
different game modes available allow educators
the exibility to modify the game to suit their
own particular needs and objectives. M:EE
has been marketed as ‘a versatile platform
that educators can use across subjects to
encourage 21st century skills’ (Microsoft, 2016).
Research conducted in Canada involving 118
Canadian elementary school students (aged
9-12) aimed to explore this claim and identify
the main advantages associated with the
use of M:EE in schools (Karsenti & Bugmann,
2018). Using a range of data collection
tools (e.g. research surveys, weekly diaries,
observation and gameplay analysis), the study
observed a number of educational benets
including the development of collaboration
skills and increased digital literacy skills (e.g.
computational logic, information search).
This exploratory work by Karsenti and
Bugmann (2018) indicates that M:EE could
indeed assist and enhance the teaching,
learning and assessment practices in many
primary and post-primary classrooms across
a range of subjects. Other research also offers
tentative support for this assertion. This will
now be discussed under the core classroom
practices of teaching (Section 4.1), learning
(Section 4.2) and assessment (Section 4.3).
Teachers should use strategies that are
Irish Primary School Curriculum (DES, 1999, p. 14)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
4.1 M:EE to Support Teaching
Teaching involves the careful selection of
content, the appropriate design of activities
that maximise learning and the subsequent
facilitation of inclusive lessons (Kyriacou,
2007; Westwood, 2011). This requires a
‘rich, imaginative and innovative range of
strategies’ (DES, 1999, p. 21). According to
international (e.g. Redecker, 2017) and national
policies (e.g. DES, 2015), these strategies
should involve technology when appropriate.
Ensuring that children have ‘opportunities
to use modern technology to enhance their
learning in all subjects’ has been enshrined
within the Irish Primary School Curriculum
(DES, 1999, p. 29) since its inception. Research
has also demonstrated several ways in
which M:EE can promote and enable a wide
range of practices and activities that can
support teaching. This is evidenced by the
role of M:EE in studies of curricular curation
and its use by teachers to support children
with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
4.1.1 Curricular Curation
Dezuanni and Zagami (2017, p. 68) note that
the term ‘curatorship’ is a useful way to
conceptualise teachers’ ‘expert co-ordination
of various classroom resources to provide
curriculum-aligned learning experiences’.
In modern classrooms, the teacher designs
learning experiences based on a cohesive
dialogue between the available resources (e.g.
curricular content, classroom, time, digital tools)
and the learner’s needs. When the teacher
is a ‘curator’ looking for resources that align
with planned learning experiences, M:EE can
be a valuable repository. Teachers can have
quick access to digital resources on a range
of curricular topics such as spatial geometry
(Förster, 2017), biology, physics, chemistry
(Short, 2012) and literacy (Marcon, 2013). Bar-
El and Ringland (2020) examined 627 online
lesson plans devised for M:EE and found that
teachers used M:EE for a range of subjects with
Technology, Art & Design, Math & Economics and
Science being the most common subject tags.
Figure 5 illustrates how M:EE can be used to
make and present interactive biological models.
These worlds allow teachers to immerse their
students in the desired content and provide
an opportunity to make abstract concepts or
complex worlds more relevant and accessible.
Figure 5: Three-dimensional model of the human eye. Includes labels
for key parts of the eye (Minecraft: Education Edition, 2019).
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Bar-El and Ringland’s (2020) analysis of the
corpus of online M:EE lesson plans revealed that
there are three main ‘proles’ or descriptions
of how teachers create learning activities
using these resources from M:EE. Teachers
can use M:EE as a way to get their students
to play ‘A Game within a Game’. Here the
teachers create ‘complex worlds with multiple
NPCs, with either textual information, or large
structures representing natural phenomena or
cities’ (Bar-El & Ringland, 2020, p. 2). Students
must participate in a game or complete a
quest. The Ngā Motu world requires students
to explore a traditional pā (settlement) and
ride waka hourua (boats) in their efforts to
learn more about the indigenous culture of
the Māori people of New Zealand (M:EE Blog,
2021). Another way for teachers to use M:EE
involves the ‘Game as a Lab or Expedition’.
Students must perform tasks within the M:EE
world and take notes in an accompanying
worksheet e.g. exploring M:EE biomes and
then using a Venn diagram to compare and
contrast geography, wildlife and vegetation.
For example, Jensen and Hanhøj (2020) used
the co-ordinate system embedded in M:EE as
a means to explore mathematical problems
and to develop students’ understanding of
co-ordinate geometry. This way of using M:EE
allowed students to make strong connections
as to how mathematical knowledge can
be relevant in multiple domains. The nal
prole calls for M:EE to be used as a ‘Game
for Student Representations’. Here, the
teacher uses M:EE as an environment where
students can represent their learning e.g.
constructing ancient landmarks, using boards
and non-player characters to communicate
their learning. Andrade et al.’s (2020) work
in using M:EE to engage older and younger
children in urban planning is one example
of this approach. This taxonomy of teachers’
learning designs with sandbox games aligns
well with the anecdotal descriptions of the
ways in which teachers used M:EE during the
COVID-19 pandemic to engage their students
in remote learning (e.g. M:EE Blog, 2020b).
A multiple site case study by Pusey and Pusey
(2015) in Australia, involving science classes
from an all-girls school (n=47 participants) and
a co-educational public school (n=29), illustrates
the value of such digital resources and
engaging with M:EE in the three ways outlined
by Bar-El and Ringland (2020). In this study, M:EE
was used in conjunction with ‘oine’ teaching
methods (worksheets, teacher presentations,
videos and practical experiments) to teach
a 6-week Earth Science programme (Pusey
& Pusey, 2015). The researchers curated a
learning experience that allowed the students
to experience curricular content in three ways –
through traditional ‘book knowledge’, through
physical interaction (practical experiments)
and through interaction with digital materials
(M:EE). Research has shown that repeating
and revisiting key topics and concepts across
multiple sessions using different techniques
can aid long-term memory and recall (Dunlosky
et al., 2013). Therefore, the inclusion of M:EE
in the design and ‘curation’ of their students’
learning experiences ensured that the teachers
were providing multiple modes for ‘meaning
making’. This strategy is recommended widely
by teaching practitioners (e.g. Kryiacou, 2007;
Westwood, 2011) and is also advocated in the
Irish primary school curriculum (DES, 1999,
p. 15), where teachers are encouraged to
have learning experiences that ‘take place
on a number of planes simultaneously …
and return to them at regular intervals’.
While positive feedback from students (using
surveys) was recorded, other measures,
like test scores, were not used in Pusey and
Pusey’s (2015) exploratory study to determine
the impact of M:EE on learning. However, it is
important to note that the teachers in Pusey
and Pusey’s (2015) study deployed M:EE in a
highly structured manner, complementing
online activities with worksheets and other off-
line tasks. Wouters et al.’s (2016) meta-analysis
indicated that digital games are more effective
in enhancing learner knowledge and skills when
they are supplemented with other instructional
methods (e.g. lectures, readings, activities etc.,)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
than when they are used as the sole instruction
method (d=.41). As the learning experiences
designed by Pusey and Pusey (2014) aligned
well with Wouters et al.’s (2016) ndings, it is
possible that M:EE did have a positive impact
on learner’s knowledge and skill acquisition.
Further research that directly addresses this
research area needs to be conducted. This
research is needed to determine if, when and
how exactly M:EE should be used in classrooms
to facilitate effective learning experiences that
have a positive impact on student learning
outcomes (See Section 5 for more details).
4.1.2 Supporting Children with
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
According to the Irish primary school curriculum
(DES, 1999), all children have the right to a
high quality education, appropriate to their
needs, in an inclusive setting alongside their
peers. Ensuring that educational provision is
exible enough for individual children at various
stages of their development in a mainstream
setting can be dicult for teachers to achieve.
For example, the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual (5th Education; DSM-V) asserts that
autistic learners
often have diculties with
social communication and social interactions
(American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013).
However, despite public misconceptions, autistic
learners do indeed have a desire to forge social
connections and relationships with others
(Ochs & Solomon, 2010). Therefore, specic
supports for social interactions can sometimes
be needed in schools to support an ‘increased
generalisation of necessary social interaction
skills and positive social play with peers’
(Stone et al., 2018, p. 209). Other research has
shown that playing video games like M:EE may
help with this as it seems to be particularly
well-suited to supporting the development of
social and educational skills in other groups
of neurodiverse learners such as those with
dyslexia and Attention Decit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD; Granic et al., 2014).
15 In line with recommendations from autism advocacy groups, identity rst language will be used (e.g. AsIAm, 2019).
Minecraft can help
learners develop
Research recommends ‘multi-modal’
ways of providing neurodiverse learners
with opportunities to engage in social
interaction and communication (Stone et
al., 2018; Westwood, 2011). M:EE facilitates
this. For example, within M:EE players can
communicate with each other by sending
texts or by talking directly using external
programmes or applications. M:EE also
links in with a range of other social media
platforms like YouTube or Wiki software. As
a result, learners do not need to confront
every aspect of face-to-face communication
(e.g. eye contact, facial expressions,
gestures) when attempting to develop
social links and friendships with their peers.
Stimulation in the form of feedback, reward
and consequences can be achieved through
game play which is often highly benecial for
neurodiverse children (Granic et al., 2014).
In their exploratory study on the topic involving
a very small sample of three autistic learners,
Stone et al. (2018) found that M:EE was able to
support social interactions for autistic learners
in ways that face-to-face contexts could not
provide. They argued that M:EE allowed learners
to ‘engage in reciprocal conversations, to
share information, to make requests… send
messages, communicate rules and maintain
engagements with others’ (Stone et al., 2018,
p. 209). Work by Wen-wen and Kuen-fueng
(2018) in Hong Kong involving 15 autistic
learners playing M:EE also noted similarly
positive results in relation to students’ social
skills. Using a qualitative approach, Hobbs et
al. (2020) evaluated outcomes from a science-
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
themed M:EE Club for children with SEN over a
four-year period. Particular focus was placed on
the benets of playing a shared-interest game
in a social and educational context. The children
and guardians involved highlighted a number
of benets to their long-term involvement in the
club including ‘making friends, tting in, and
feeling valued without judgement regardless
of completing tasks or conforming to expected
social behaviours…improved condence
and well-being’ (Hobbs et al., 2020, p. 91).
O’Sullivan et al. (2017) investigated the use
of M:EE for the design of inclusive learning
experiences for twice exceptional learners in
Ireland. Twice exceptional (2e) learners ‘are
intellectually or creatively gifted’ in areas like
maths, science or the performing arts but ‘also
experience one or more learning diculties’
including specic learning disabilities, speech
and language differences (O’Sullivan et al.,
2017, p. 2). As discussed by Reis et al. (2014,
p. 222) ‘their gifts may mask their disabilities
and their disabilities may mask their gifts’. To
help 2e learners manage the unique challenges
they face in classrooms, O’Sullivan et al. (2017,
p. 41), on the basis of work by Nielson (2002),
recommended a number of strategies to assist
in the design of appropriate and inclusive
learning experiences such as providing freedom
and variety, using simulated and real-world
problems and using adaptable environment/
tools that are sensitive to any specic learning
needs. M:EE can help educators successfully
implement these strategies. The sandbox
nature of M:EE facilitates the freedom and
open-endedness that 2e students require
in their education. While this means that
students can create and discover projects
that interest them, O’Sullivan et al. (2017)
also acknowledged that teachers can also
create simulations of real-world problems and
artefacts that learners can engage with in a
way that can be adapted to their particular
needs. O’Sullivan et al.’s (2017) exploratory
study demonstrates the range of ways that
M:EE can be used to help 2e students explore
topics related to literature (e.g. Charlotte’s Web,
Fantastic Mr. Fox; Figure 6), history (Norman
Castles) and geography (stratigraphy). These
learning experiences take place in an inclusive
learning environment that can support
effective teaching for 2e students as outlined
by Nielson (2002) and O’Sullivan et al. (2017).
Again, much of the work relating to this aspect
of teachers’ use of M:EE is small scale and
exploratory in nature. Future research needs
to address such shortcomings (see Section 5).
Figure 6: A scene from Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox recreated in Minecraft (Minecraft Education Edition, 2019)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
4.1.3 Challenges in using M:EE
to Support Teaching
M:EE has signicant potential to support the
work of teachers in designing learning activities
that can maximise students’ success and
achievement. However, incorporating M:EE
into classrooms still requires some specialist
technical and pedagogical skills that may not
be addressed in initial or continuing teacher
education (Nebel et al., 2016). In their survey of
694 elementary teachers in the United States,
Takeuchi and Vaala (2014) noted that teachers
usually learn to teach with digital games using
informal means (e.g. colleagues, self-teaching).
This means that teachers may not be ‘getting
exposure to the broader range of pedagogical
strategies, resources, and types of games
that can enhance and facilitate digital game
integration’ (Takeuchi & Vaala, 2014, p. 5). To
ensure that the potential of M:EE as a learning
tool is fullled in Ireland, teachers will need
specic guidance on how to design effective
learning experiences using M:EE or other
sandbox-like games and how these games
align with relevant learning theories. Hanghøj
and Hautopp (2016) note that teachers need
this to inform their “game literacy”. Without
this literacy, teachers will be unable to ‘select
relevant curricular aims and assignments
that relate meaningfully to particular game
goals, game practices and assessment criteria’
(Hanghøj & Hautopp, 2016, p. 266). ‘Game
literacy’ will need to be addressed in Irish pre-
and in-service teacher programmes in a manner
that is informed by best practice research. The
recommended structure for such programmes
is outlined in Section 5 of this report.
M:EE can allow educators to create
resources across multiple subject
areas that can provide curriculum-
aligned learning experiences.
At present, there are three main
proles of how teachers can use
M:EE with their learners: as a (1)
‘game within a game’, (2) ‘game
as a lab/expedition’ and (3) ‘game
for student representation’.
M:EE can support learners with a
wide range of strengths and needs
due to its multi-modal approach to
social interaction and communication
and its use of feedback.
Teachers’ effective use of
M:EE and other digital games
is highly dependent on their
own ‘game literacy’.
Creativity, Metacognition,
ICT Literacy, Critical
Thinking, Problem Solving
and Collaboration.
(Binkley et al., 2012)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
4.2 M:EE to Support Learning
The Irish primary school curriculum (DES, 1999,
p. 14) denes learning as ‘an experience that
contributes to the child’s development’. With
this in mind, a number of principles guiding
the design of learning experiences exist
within the Irish primary school curriculum.
These include the child as an active agent, the
reinforcement of higher order thinking and
problem solving, the value of technology, and
the importance of collaboration (DES, 1999).
While the Irish primary school curriculum is
more than two decades in existence, many
of the principles and values underpinning it
align well with recent changes in international
educational policy, where the teaching of
21st Century Skills’ are now prioritised. The
phrase ‘21st Century Skills’ is commonly used
in education to refer to the recent shift in
curricula towards a ‘rigorous skill-based
instruction [approach], often embracing new
technologies and modes of communication’
(Bellanca, 2017, p. 793). While countries and
districts can vary in their conceptualisation of
these skills (e.g. Partnership for 21st Century
Learning [P21], 2019; Assessment and Teaching
of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S), Binkley et al.,
2012; Ananiadou & Claro, 2009), some common
elements emerge. These include, among
others, critical thinking, collaborative problem
solving, communication and digital literacy.
These skills are now being targeted in national
curricula worldwide, including Ireland (DES,
2015, see page 66; DES, 2016). Preliminary
research indicates that M:EE can offer an ideal
environment for students to develop key 21st
century skills by facilitating high-quality, project-
based learning experiences that supports the
learning principles of Irish curricula, such as
the use of collaborative learning techniques.
4.2.1 Project-Based Learning
A project can be dened as ‘an act of creation
over time’ (Lenz, Wells, & Kingston, 2015,
p. 67) and within the context of a primary
or post-primary classroom may include
posters, dioramas, musical compositions
etc. Project-based activities are consistent
with the learning principles outlined in Irish
curricula as they support an integrated,
thematic approach to learning (DES, 1999).
Closely aligned with constructionism
(Papert, 1981), learning experiences that
are centred around the use of projects
are considered an ‘active, student-centred
form of instruction which is characterised
by students’ autonomy, constructive
investigations, goal-setting, collaboration,
communication and reection within real-
world practices’ (Kokotsaki et al., 2016, p.
268). According to Blumenfeld et al. (1991),
there are two essential elements to projects:
i A question, problem or task that organises
and drives the learning activity and
ii The presentation of a nal artefact that
represents students’ new understandings,
knowledge, skills and attitudes.
It is important to recognise that the use
of projects in classrooms have historically
encountered resistance and criticism by those
who incorrectly conate it with ‘discovery
learning’ – where students uncover key
principles or information on their own
(Kirschner et al., 2006). However, project based
activities can have signicant educational value
when designed properly and facilitated by
teachers who are aware of the key principles
underlying them (Hmelo-Silver et al., 2007;
see Condliffe et al. (2016) for a summary of
the design principles necessary for project-
based learning). In their research on project-
based learning, Han et al. (2014) discovered
that low-performing high-school students
(n=505) participating in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) project-
based learning activities had signicantly
higher growth rates on math scores over a
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
three-year period and a reduced achievement
gap overall. Project-based learning can also
be a useful way for students to synthesise
and apply their newfound content-based
knowledge and skills (Hmelo-Silver et al.,
2007) while simultaneously developing other
skills like collaboration, time management
and critical thinking (Kokotsaki et al., 2016).
M:EE provides an ideal environment for project-
based learning activities. Callaghan’s (2016)
work investigated the use of M:EE with 168
Australian students in Years 7-10 (aged 12-
16) using a collective case study approach
involving qualitative data. One group of Year
7 students were enrolled in a Technology and
Applied Studies module which involved the
use of projects to learn the principles of house
design using a range of appropriate software
(e-Folio, Google Sketch-Up etc.,). The students
were then required to turn their designs into
an architectural structure in M:EE. Their M:EE
house became, as Papert (1980; 1991) would
say, their ‘object to think with’. This allowed
the students to determine if their structure was
feasible, realistic and designed in accordance
with previously learned design principles. In
analysing teacher observations and student
feedback sheets, Callaghan (2016, p. 253)
acknowledged that ‘once students began
building their ideal home in M:EE, they were
able to quickly visually identify any aws in their
design and make necessary modications’.
This demonstrates the power of project work
using M:EE. It allowed students to create an
artefact that demonstrated their learning
but also provided them, and their teacher,
an opportunity to identify any errors or
misconceptions and then enact the necessary
modications. The use of M:EE in this study
encouraged the students to think more deeply
about the concepts being taught in their Year 7
Design class. M:EE can therefore be a powerful
tool in facilitating project-based learning if the
game-play encourages students to engage with
key curricular concepts and skills as identied
by their teachers. This is further demonstrated
by the Irish MindRising initiative (see Figure 7
and Figure 8). MindRising was a competition
launched in 2016 to support the 100-year
commemoration of the 1916 Easter Rising –
the armed rebellion against British rule that
took place in April 1916 (beginning on Easter
Sunday) which eventually led to the foundation
of the Irish Republic. According to Butler et al.
(2016, p. 287), MindRising ‘was about telling
digital stories… reecting on the events of
1916 and reimagining what the next 100 years
could bring for Ireland’ using M:EE as their
storytelling medium. The submitted projects
(available online at:
showcase the value of using M:EE to support
project-based learning in non-science subjects.
Figure 7: Scenes from a submitted MindRising
Project entitled ‘The Burning of Cork City – 1920
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
The MindRising Games initiative was launched
in February 2016 as a competition for young
people aged 6 to 14 years. The initiative
was used to involve school children in the
State’s 100-year anniversary celebrations
of the Easter Rising, a key event in the
foundation of the Irish republic.
The MindRising Games project involved an
exploration of the past, present and possible
future of the island of Ireland using Minecraft.
Children were encouraged to develop their
own virtual worlds in Minecraft to remember
the past 100 years and reimagine what the
next 100 years could bring to Ireland. Sample
lesson plans were developed to support
teachers along with sample Minecraft worlds.
To create these virtual worlds in Minecraft, the
children rst had to research different aspects
of Irish history and Geography. For example,
some projects required students to have a deep
knowledge of the key events in 1916 to map
the movement of troops, design buildings etc.,
to ensure that their Minecraft world mirrored
historical fact. Some of the projects were based
in the children’s own locality (e.g. ‘The Burning
of Cork’), allowing the projects to take on a
more personal and authentic dimension.
All participants were invited to a one-day
MindRising Games celebration in May 2016 to
share their worlds and learn from each other.
In creating their Minecraft worlds, the children
involved in MindRising were able to create a
meaningful artefact, as advocated by Papert
(1991), that was informed by their own
research. This research was recorded in a
digital portfolio. The children worked with
their peers in creating the Minecraft worlds.
This ‘act of creation over time’ (Lenz et al.,
2016, p. 67), helped the children to develop
important 21st Century Skills like collaboration,
communication and digital literacy skills (DES,
2015; 2016). The children were also required
to create short videos explaining their worlds.
When narrating these videos, the children
had to employ a clear structure in their oral
reports and recall relevant historical facts. As a
result, it can be argued that ‘playing’ Minecraft
helped the children involved in this initiative
to engage with and build their understanding
of key curricular content and skills from the
History and English curriculum for primary
and post-primary schools (DES, 1999).
To view sample projects, visit
Minecraft rendering of the General Post
Oce 1916 and a Minecraft rendering of
Pádraig Pearse reading the Proclamation
of Independence in 1916.
Figure 8: MindRising Summary
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
The 2016 MindRising initiative involving the use
of M:EE for project work was, in many ways,
ahead of its time. When schools around the
world began to close in March 2020 due to
COVID-19, the physical classroom became a
virtual one (Scully et al., 2021). Educators’ use
of M:EE during this period increased (Squire,
2021) and consequently, there is now a wealth
of anecdotal evidence available to demonstrate
how M:EE can support project-based learning
(M:EE Blog, 2020b). For example, one teacher
from Canada used M:EE to teach biodiversity.
While working from their devices at home,
Grade 6 students had to design an ethical zoo in
M:EE that took into consideration the habitats,
needs and living conditions of the animals
under discussion. Students took responsibility
for one animal’s habitat and students were able
to visit each other’s habitats as the zoo was
hosted on a shared server. This project also
spawned a number of other projects, including
the design of relevant and appropriate YouTube
ads for the M:EE zoo. The project encouraged
students to develop research skills and maintain
relationships with their peers, despite being
physically separated from each other. While this
anecdotal evidence is valuable, a more rigorous
approach to research the value of M:EE related
projects is necessary to determine its true value.
4.2.2 Collaboration Skills
As society has recognised the necessity of
people thinking and working together to
solve critical global issues in the 21st century,
education systems have begun a shift in
emphasis from individual efforts to group
work (Binkley et al., 2012). To maximise
the success of current and future group
activities, schools are now trying to develop
the collaboration skills of their learners using
collaborative learning activities (e.g. DES,
1999; 2015; 2016). Collaborative learning
involves ‘groups of learners working together
to solve a problem, complete a task, or
create a product’ (Laal & Laal, 2012). Digital
games, and in particular multi-player online
games, are an ideal context for facilitating
and studying collaboration as they provide an
environment that encourages social interaction
in the pursuit of a shared goal (Squire, 2008).
The value of using collaborative learning
approaches in primary and post-primary
classrooms has been consistently stated in
literature and is foundational within the Irish
curriculum (DES, 1999). Within the context of
digital settings, this value appears amplied.
Dave et al. (2018, p. 58) note that players
in digital games must ‘…negotiate conict,
explain and persuade, and coordinate ideas
with other players...’ to achieve a particular
goal. In this way, digital games can allow
learners to acquire relational and interpersonal
skills, some of which may be transferable
beyond the immediate gaming environment.
As a sandbox-type, multi-player game with a
range of communication functions, M:EE can
support collaborative learning practices among
students. Within M:EE, communication can
occur using synchronous (direct messaging)
or asynchronous (leaving messages on
boards etc.,) methods. Other user-generated
content also exists to support and extend
game-play e.g. discussion boards (Minecraft
Wiki, 2021). Unfortunately, having multiple
modes of communication does not guarantee
collaborative learning or the development of
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
improved collaboration skills as demonstrated
by Davis et al.’s (2018) exploratory study which
focused on the collaborative practices of three
groups (4 participants per group) of middle-
school children. The authors asserted that in
digital environments, the task or ‘stimulus’
for collaboration has to be planned and
structured within the group; interaction does
not just happen naturally. Perhaps this is why
more advanced collaborative practices were
only observed under very specic conditions
in Callaghan’s (2016) work. As mentioned
previously, Callaghan (2016) observed the
practices of students in a Year 7 technology
and design class. Similar aged players in a
voluntary, after-school M:EE club were also
observed. Those in the M:EE club were ‘more
likely to inform one another of their specic
skills and not actually assist their peers in
developing those particular skills’ (Callaghan,
2016, p. 252). In contrast, students in the Year
7 were more generous in sharing expertise
and more likely to listen to and learn from
others in order to ensure that their building
met the stated assessment criteria. This echoes
the work of Karsenti and Bugmann (2018, p.
210) who asserted that M:EE can only support
collaboration and learning if it is used in an
‘intentional, planned and supported’ manner.
In their experiment with 164 sixth-grade
students in South Korea, Baek and Touti (2020)
very effectively illustrated how the design
of collaborative and cooperative gameplay
can support or hinder academic and gaming
achievements in M:EE pending a range of
factors (e.g. gender). It is clear that further
work is required to understand how teachers
can design activities and experiences which
can maximise the positive outcomes associated
with collaborative learning (see Section 5).
16 Collaboration in learning is broadly dened as ‘a process that involves sharing knowledge, ideas, and
feelings with group members’ (Baek & Touti, 2020, p. 2111). In contrast, cooperative learning is ‘a process
that leads to an assembled product by splitting the workload’ (Baek & Touti, 2020, p. 2111).
17 Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create
your own interactive stories, games, and animations (MIT, 2021).
Dishon and Kafai’s (2020) work offers some
guidance on how effective learning experiences
for the development of collaboration skills can
be designed using M:EE. Perspective-taking –
the consideration of others’ mental states and
subjective experiences – is a key component
of collaboration and an essential aspect of all
interpersonal interactions (Hesse et al., 2015).
Dishon and Kafai (2020) argue that video games
can effectively support students’ development
of perspective taking. Playing games allows
students to occupy another’s world and ‘walk
a mile in another’s shoes’ (Gehlbah et al.,
2015). Creating games however, encourages
a more in-depth development of perspective
taking skills as building games is ‘intrinsically
other-oriented – created with the intent of
being used by others’ (Dishon & Kafai, 2020).
Making games involves analysing one’s work
from the perspective of future players and
then ‘translating abstract insights… to concrete
design decisions’ (Dishon & Kafai, 2020).
The game is, in line with the constructionist
principles outline in Section 3, ‘an object to
think with’. To better explore how GBL can
support this aspect of collaboration, Dishon
and Kafai (2020) designed and conducted a
collaborative game design workshop with high
school students (16 participants; 10 boys, 6
girls, ages 14–15). Although the participants
involved in this study were asked to design
oine games or games with Scratch
, the
insights from the study could easily be applied
to other online settings and games like
M:EE. The authors offer guidelines on how
to design and support perspective taking
with game design (e.g. ‘productive framing
of failure’) that should inform the design of
collaborative learning experiences with M:EE.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
4.2.3 Challenges in using M:EE
to Support Learning
According to recent marketing literature,
game sales in 2020 and 2021 are up ‘35%
over a year prior’ (Squire, 2021). This is hardly
surprising given that games allowed people
to ‘go’ somewhere else to socialise and
have new experiences while still staying safe
during the COVID-19 pandemic. M:EE gave
students an opportunity to maintain or develop
relationships with each other and celebrate
important milestones. For example, a virtual
UC Berkeley campus was created by Berkeley
students in Minecraft (called ‘Blockeley’). This
was used to hold ocial graduation ceremonies
that featured the Chancellor (Kell, 2020). The
M:EE Blog, (2021; 2020b) managed by Mohan,
has several examples of how educators
used M:EE to support remote learning and
teaching in the K-12 age group. However,
Squire (2021) anecdotally noted that a co-
ordinated effort at the institutional level to
adopt technologies like M:EE did not appear
to occur ‘en masse’ during the pandemic. Its
use as a learning tool was down to the work
of individual educators in K-12 or by groups
of students in third level institutions. While it
is dicult to support or deny Squire’s (2021)
assertions, it is likely that the use of M:EE for
learning during the pandemic was hampered
by a lack of appropriate infrastructure and
educator condence and competence in
using M:EE for education purposes.
Indeed, one of the greatest challenges that
restricts the use of M:EE in Irish classrooms
relates to infrastructure. Lack of adequate
access to technology, be it in terms of hardware
or internet connectivity, has been a major and
consistent barrier in many Irish schools towards
the use of online tools like M:EE (e.g. Coyne et
al., 2016). In her report outlining trends in
18 PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) assesses the reading achievement of fourth-class
students. First conducted in 2001, PIRLS takes place every ve years. The study collects detailed information
about curriculum and curriculum implementation, instructional practices, and school resources.
19 TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) assesses the maths and science achievement
of students in Fourth and Eighth grades (equivalent to Fourth Class and Second Year in Ireland).
technology usage in primary schools, Eivers
(2019) indicated that between 2010 and 2017,
there was no signicant funding for technology
resources available to schools. As indicated by
surveys conducted by PIRLS
2016 and TIMMS
2015, this resulted in schools with inadequate or
obsolete equipment at a time when signicant
efforts were being made to incorporate more
technology into everyday classroom life (e.g.
administration of large scale tests using
computers). However, the infrastructure grant
sanctioned by the 2015 Digital Strategy (DES,
2015) which allocated a total of €210m to Irish
primary and post-primary schools over a ve-
year period (2016-2021) should help to address
some of these concerns. Yet, Eivers (2019, p.
12) does note that ‘the costs and diculties
associated with managing and maintaining ICT
resources in a school has been largely ignored’
under this funding. Follow-up research (as
outlined in Section 5) is required to conrm if
Irish schools’ access to basic equipment (e.g.
computers, tablets) has increased and if this
increase in devices and resources in classrooms
is being managed and maintained in a way that
supports teaching and learning using tools like
M:EE. Inequities regarding the socio-technical
infrastructure of students at home would also
need addressing if tools like M:EE are to be used
at home for schooling purposes (Squire, 2021).
Furthermore, while poor infrastructure can
restrict the range of digitally-based learning
experiences available to students, other
unintended consequences also occur. A small-
scale study by the Educational Research Centre
(ERC) found that schools ‘are investing [in]
infrastructure and maintenance (hardware,
technical support) to a much greater extent
than [in] software and professional learning
for teachers’ (Cosgrove, et al., 2018, p. 10).
If government funding is only being used
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
to address infrastructural issues in Irish
schools, the professional learning experiences
necessary to progress the condence and
competence of teachers in using digital tools
to support learning outcomes may not be
available. Coyne et al. (2016) acknowledge that
insucient professional learning opportunities
and experiences result in practicing
teachers being less likely to use digital tools
when designing learning experiences for
their students. Therefore, easy-to-access
professional learning opportunities need to
be available for in-service teachers. While the
Professional Development Service for Teachers
– Technology in Education (PDST-TiE) does
provide high-quality professional learning
experiences to assist schools in embedding
digital technologies into learning and teaching,
other learning experiences and opportunities
should also be available to teachers.
Recommendations on the content and structure
of such professional learning experiences
are outlined in Section 5 of this report.
M:EE provides an ideal environment
for project-based learning activities
as it allows students to create digital
artefacts that apply and demonstrate
their knowledge, skills and abilities.
M:EE is a multi-player game with
a range of synchronous and
asynchronous communication
functions that can support
Digital games like M:EE can
support perspective-taking – a key
component of collaboration and
all interpersonal interactions.
The use of M:EE to support learning
can be hampered by infrastructure and
educator condence and competence.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
without ‘domesticating games to the demands
of schools and losing, in the process, the very
features of gaming that can offer so much’?
Rowan & Beavis (2017, p. 173)
4.3 M:EE to Support Assessment
In the last number of years, the interest and
efforts in using serious games as assessment
tools in occupational settings (e.g. the US
military etc.,) has increased signicantly (Groff,
2018). This is hardly surprising as well designed
games are often considered the next generation
of assessments (de Klerk & Kato, 2017). This is
because digital games can ‘engage students in
a seamless learning experience, assessing their
learning… while (sic) providing critical feedback’
and information about their knowledge, skills
and abilities (Groff, 2018, p. 194). Unfortunately,
it can be dicult for teachers to use serious
games as assessment tools in educational
settings without ‘domesticating games to
the demands of schooling and losing, in the
process, the very features of games that appear
to offer so much’ (Rowan & Beavis, 2017, p.
173). Ensuring that teachers have sucient
agency to utilise digital games for classroom-
based assessment practices could overcome
the concerns of Rowan and Beavis (2017). This
would also allow teachers an opportunity to
collect data on their students’ competencies in
relation to those ‘hard to assess’ 21st century
skills like creativity and problem-solving.
4.3.1 Classroom Assessment
Practices with Digital Games
Assessment is often ‘categorised’ as ‘formative’
or ‘summative’ in nature (Lysaght, et al.,
2019). Formative assessment refers to any
activity that collects information about
students to inform future learning experiences
and summative assessment is the use of
information to determine what learning has
occurred (Lysaght et al., 2019). However,
Lysaght et al. (2019, p. 3) assert that ‘rather
than immediately framing assessment through
formative vs. summative lenses’, it is more
appropriate in modern education systems
to conceptualise it ‘as a central element of
effective teaching’. In this way, teachers can
view assessment as a natural part of what
happens in the classroom and that their use
of any assessment information occurs on a
continuum depending on their own professional
judgement. Therefore, any information
related to a student’s learning can be used for
formative or summative purposes, or, under
this new conceptualisation, a combination of
both. This assessment information can manifest
itself in various forms or types that can also
be arranged on a continuum. Assessment
information can arise from ‘organic’ types
of assessment that emerge when ‘a set
of habits’ is adopted (e.g. using success
criteria to support self-assessment practices)
or can come from more ‘planned’ (e.g.
conferencing, rubrics) or ‘visible’ (e.g. teacher
Organic Planned Visible
Figure 9: Types and purposes of assessment (adapted from Lysaght et al., 2019, p. 5)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
designed tests, standardised assessments)
types. This ‘dual-continuum’ approach
towards the gathering and use of assessment
information is summarised in Figure 9.
Lysaght et al.’s (2019) conceptualisation of
the assessment process aligns well with the
assessment practices that teachers in the
Serious Play
project engaged in (Beavis et al.,
2017). The Serious Play project aimed to explore
the possibilities and challenges of teaching and
learning with digital games in primary and post-
primary schools (N=10 schools). M:EE was one of
the main digital games used to investigate the
project’s research aims. When asked to discuss
their approach to assessing student work in
digital games, all of the teachers involved
emphasised a ‘exible’ approach where a
range of assessment types were used for both
formative and summative purposes (Rowan &
Beavis, 2017, p. 183). The teachers in this study
used their own professional judgement about
what type of assessment was most appropriate
at different times for their particular cohort of
students in their chosen digital game. Teacher
observations as an assessment tool were
common as this did not interrupt the process
of teaching and learning. This organic type of
assessment informed teachers’ future units
of work in literacy in line with a formative
approach to assessment. Some teachers also
used these observations to make judgements
20 Serious Play was a longitudinal, three-year research project involving collaboration between three Australian
universities and teachers in ten schools across two Australian states. Six primary and four secondary schools
participated in the project and represented a range of geographic and socio-economic contexts. Up to 400 students
per year were involved in the project, with a ‘core group’ of 22 teachers working in the project schools.
about their students’ skill development (e.g.
collaboration skills). In this instance, an
organic type of assessment occupied both a
summative and formative role for teachers.
Other types of assessments were also used to
inform summative and formative assessment
practices. For example, artefacts that the
students produced naturally in the process of
playing their games to meet lesson objectives
were used for summative purposes (e.g.
persuasive texts or oral descriptions produced
within the game). These also helped to plan
future units of work (formative assessment).
GBL requires assessment practices that allow
teachers to function as informed professionals
who make judgements appropriate to their
own classroom context about how and when to
engage in assessment and what the information
arising from such assessments can be used
for. Tools embedded into the M:EE can provide
teachers with the freedom and exibility
necessary for such an approach to assessment.
Teachers can then use this information for
both formative or summative purposes. For
example, M:EE can often be about creating a
product, as was the case in Callaghan’s (2016)
work where learners had to design a house.
This artefact can be used by the teacher to
assign a summative grade, in line with the use
of ‘visible assessments’ as discussed by Lysaght
et al. (2019). In progressing towards this visible
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
assessment activity, students could also use
the camera and portfolio tools to provide
written and oral reections on their progress
towards any shared learning outcomes or
success criteria. This form of self-assessment
becomes an organic part of the learning
process and can help teachers structure future
learning experiences to address any issues
that the students self-identied. Teachers
can also use the same content to provide
continual feedback to students within the
M:EE environment using the range of chat and
communication features available in M:EE.
These planned interactions that are easily
realised in digital games like M:EE, along with
other more ‘organic’ and ‘visible’ assessments,
can support a multi-faceted approach to
assessment, such as that recommended by
Lysaght et al. (2019). Therefore, assessment is
possible in digital games. Further consideration
is needed to determine how such classroom
assessments relate to or support success in
external assessments (e.g. state exams).
4.3.2 ‘Hard to Assess’ Skills
Groff (2018) claimed that digital games have
the potential to assess a range of 21st century
skills. For example, collaboration skills are
more readily assessed in online environments.
This was clearly demonstrated by the 2015
Programme for International Student
Assessments (PISA; 2017) which included a
computer-based assessment of collaborative
problem-solving skills using virtual computer
agents and interactive simulations involving
online chat interfaces. Digital games can offer
an ideal context to assess the collaboration
skills of students. As noted by Voorhis and Paris
(2019, p. 40), ‘a game can require cooperation,
communication, and coordination of actions
by multiple people’. Successful collaborators
can be rewarded in games (e.g. ‘levelling
up’, accessing new resources or gaming
environments etc.) in ways that are not possible
in traditional assessments. Furthermore,
Voorhis and Paris (2019) specically highlight
the potential of M:EE to assess students’
creativity. Sandbox games like M:EE, allow
players the opportunity to experiment and
create in an open and unrestricted world. Here,
learners can design their own challenges and
‘use their analytical skills to test and create’
(Voorhis & Paris, p. 40). Work by Conforth and
Adan (2015) explored how data collected from
students playing M:EE can be used to provide
insights into students’ skills and problem-
solving strategies across a range of areas. In
digital environments, huge amounts of process
data about how different skills, like creativity
and collaboration, are generated (e.g. who
initiated different tasks, how many times
someone made a contribution). However, the
presentation and visualisation of this data
to teachers, as well as teachers’ abilities to
understand what the data is telling them, is a
major challenge in the use of serious games for
‘serious assessment’ in educational contexts.
4.3.3 Challenges in using M:EE to
Support Assessment Practices
Groff (2018) notes that digital games can
provide a ‘digital ocean’ of learning data. In an
attempt to make sense of this data, learning
analytics is becoming more and more important
to the eld of GBL. Learning analytics relates
to the use of ‘data, analysis and predictive
modelling to improve teaching and learning’
(Groff, 2018, p. 194). Models and algorithms
are used to process the huge amount of
data obtained from GBL environments
to provide more accurate descriptions of
students’ strengths and needs. It is hoped that
learning analytics will help teachers to better
understand student progress and ability in
developing ‘hard to assess’ skills (e.g. OCED,
2016). Unfortunately, this eld is still in its
infancy which means that teachers are still
not able to avail of the rich data that could be
‘mined’ from GBL environments. Furthermore,
Mislevy (Educational Testing Service [ETS],
2016) notes that applying learning analytics
to data collected in GBL environments can
be problematic as student performance in
a digital game may be inuenced by ‘other
things that shouldn’t play a big role for the
results, like their familiarity with the game
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
setting, the language and the representations
that are used, and the familiarity with the
cultural aspects’. This may call into question the
appropriateness of the inferences being made
by such algorithms. Extensive research needs
to be conducted in this eld before teachers
can avail of learning analytics to support their
assessment practices when using digital games.
The work of teachers in the Serious Play project
(Beavis et al., 2017) indicates that there is
still signicant value in using GBL to support,
enhance and diversify teachers’ assessment
practices (Beavis et al., 2017; Voorhis & Paris,
2019). Unfortunately, as with many educational
advancements involving technology, lack of
sucient professional learning opportunities
and support is a major barrier that limits the
use of digital games like M:EE in supporting
teachers’ assessment practices. Takeuchi and
Vaala’s (2014) survey of American primary
teachers found that while 74% of them used
digital games to structure learning activities,
only 12% stated that they used children’s game
play as a source of assessment information.
This indicates that understanding the capacity
of GBL environments to support assessment
practices requires considerable support.
These supports should address the needs of
both pre- and in-service teachers and would
likely required sustained investment.
Approximately 74%
of teachers in the US
used children’s game
play as a source of
assessment information.
Takeuchi & Vaala (2014)
Any information gathered in M:EE
can be used for formative or
summative assessment purposes
– or some combination of both.
Tools like portfolios that are embedded
within M:EE can support a exible
approach to classroom assessment.
Digital games provide an ideal
context to observe ‘hard-to-
measure’ skills like collaboration.
The ability to use data from games
to support assessment practices is
challenging as the eld of learning
analytics is still in its infancy in
relation to game-based assessment.
This section will address
the following questions:
What gaps in the eld of GBL should
future research try to address?
How should future research in
the eld of GBL be designed?
How can we support educators’
efforts in designing effective GBL
experiences for their learners?
It is hardly surprising that there is a growing
interest in the use of GBL in schools given the
immense popularity of recreational gaming
among children and young people. The
COVID-19 pandemic has also encouraged
educators to reassess the role and use of
digital technology in education (Squire, 2021).
Unfortunately, very few empirical studies
describing how digital games can be used in
relation to specic curricular aims and what
they can contribute to effective teaching,
learning and assessment practices actually
exist. Therefore, more research is needed to
justify and guide the use of GBL in primary
and post-primary classrooms. Given the ease
with which M:EE can be accessed by teachers
and learners (i.e. a device and M:EE license), its
familiarity amongst young people and the large
range of educational resources available, M:EE
is an ideal tool to investigate GBL approaches
in Irish education. Future research using M:EE
should address the current shortcomings in
the eld of GBL in terms of research design
(Section 5.1) and help to advance educators’
understanding of the value of M:EE in designing
appropriate teaching and learning experiences
(Section 5.2). If any GBL approaches are to be
implemented in Irish primary and post-primary
schools, teachers will need to be engaged in
specic professional learning programmes.
Such programmes would be subject to a
number of considerations (Section 5.3).
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
5.1 Design Considerations
for Future Research
Studies Involving M:EE
While preliminary evidence from literature
reviews and small-scale studies supports the
potential effectiveness of learning through
digital games, there is a lack of empirical
evidence outlining the learning outcomes,
if any, associated with using them to teach
specic knowledge or skills. The conditions
under which these possible benets arise is
also unclear. As noted by Davis et al. (2018, p.
57), ‘efforts to incorporate M:EE … into teaching
and learning will be based on hunches and
best guesses instead of empirically supported
best practices’ until more evidence has been
collected. Based on the current review of the
literature, four key recommendations have
been formulated to ensure that high-quality
research is conducted using M:EE as a tool to
explore the ecacy of GBL in classrooms.
1. Use More Diverse Research Methods
to Examine the Value of M:EE in Irish
Many of the research studies reviewed for
this report were not particularly diverse
in terms of methodological approaches.
Case studies (e.g. Callaghan, 2016; Pusey &
Pusey, 2015; Beavis et al., 2017) exploring
the use of M:EE in classrooms were the most
common research design used. These case
studies tended to use self-report methods
to describe the experiences and opinions
of students and teachers using M:EE (e.g.
Pusey & Pusey, 2015). While case studies
can provide valuable information on a topic
and can effectively highlight the interplay
between ‘classroom culture, context plus
the software’ in GBL experiences (Klopfer
& Squire, 2008, p. 224), there is a clear need
to diversify the type of research available
on GBL. High quality experimental or quasi-
experimental research that aims to explore
the value of M:EE in Irish classrooms in terms
of learner outcomes (and not just their
experiences) across a range of skills (e.g.
collaboration, problem-solving etc.,) using
a variety of measures (e.g. achievement of
curricular aims) is required. This will help
to better explain some of the ndings of
widely cited meta-analyses in the eld (e.g.
Clark et al., 2016; Wouters et al., 2013).
2. Investigate a Broad Range
of Research Questions
Mayer (2011) has divided GBL
research into three categories:
i Value-Added Research aims to identify
the game features that foster learning.
ii Cognitive Consequences Research
investigates what people learn
from playing games.
iii Media Comparison Research explores
the idea of whether people learn
better from games or other media.
While Wouters et al. (2013) addressed the
nal category in their meta-analysis (see
Section 3.0), less value-added and cognitive
consequences based research has been
conducted (So & Seo, 2018). Research
questions arising from each of these three
categories should be investigated using M:EE.
In particular, high-quality research studies
that explore what specic M:EE features
support learning and what knowledge,
skills or abilities are best learned through
the medium of M:EE should be prioritised.
3. Conduct Longitudinal Studies
This recommendation is heavily inuenced
by So and Seo (2018) who, in their review
of GBL in Asian countries, highlighted
that most research studies prior to 2017
examined the effects of games during a
short intervention period, ranging from two
days to two weeks. While there are some
notable exceptions to this (e.g. Serious Play
project; Beavis et al., 2017), the majority of
research in this eld relates to short-term,
small-scale interventions. More long-term
research studies are needed to understand
how students and teachers ‘accept, utilize,
or misuse games’ like M:EE (So & Seo, 2018,
p. 408). While longitudinal studies may
be expensive and dicult to co-ordinate
and fund, the value of this research for
the eld nationally and internationally
would be particularly signicant.
4. Establish a Theoretical Framework
As argued by Rooney (2012, p. 41), the
importance of underpinning games ‘with
a sound theoretical framework which
integrates and balances theories from two
elds of practice: pedagogy and game
design’ cannot be underestimated. The
application of digital games in classrooms
needs to be informed by reputable
instructional approaches and pedagogical
theories but also by well-informed game
design strategies associated with the
theories of engagement, motivation,
ow and immersion (Rooney, 2012).
Unfortunately, it has been dicult to balance
the key aims of pedagogy and play in
designing such a framework, which Rooney
(2012) highlights in their analysis of key
works in the eld. Despite these diculties,
any efforts to establish and research a
theoretical framework for GBL would be a
major contribution to the eld and would
likely help design more robust and replicable
research studies. The lack of a theoretical
framework for GBL may partially explain
why current research exploring the value of
M:EE tends to describe what happened rather
than explain why something happened.
Therefore, future research in the eld of
GBL should aim to establish a theoretical
framework that will assist in determining the
value of GBL and M:EE for certain types of
students or for different subjects; issues that
have been previously addressed without any
real level of satisfaction or generalisability
(Mavoa et al., 2018; Schrier. 2018). This
research could then help educators better
understand how to structure M:EE based
learning activities in order to maximise
learning opportunities. Nadolny et al. (2020)
have recently proposed two frameworks of
design characteristics for GBL that make a
greater effort to operationalise digital games
than the previously described frameworks
e.g. Squire (2008). They associated four
primary ‘categories’ of games (leveled
games, problem solving games, open-world
multi-player games, and immersive multi-
player games) with secondary characteristics
(paired positive and negative game mechanics,
immediate feedback with technology, reward
mechanisms that track progress, supportive
multi-sensory learning, team structures, and
teams with personalization) that should lead
to specic cognitive outcomes (e.g. classify,
execute as per Anderson & Krathwohl’s,
2001 taxonomy). While more time and
research is needed to determine if this
theoretical framework is appropriate,
it provides a much needed starting
point that could standardise research
on GBL so that a better understanding
of its value can be ascertained.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Future Research Studies Investigating Minecraft & GBL
Diverse Research Methods
Researchers need to explore diverse research methods in order to
better understand the impact of games (like Minecraft) on learners.
Both qualitative and quantitative research needs to be conducted
investigating the impact of GBL on learner outcomes and experiences.
Broad Range of Research Questions
Research should aim to answer the following questions:
1 What game features can support learning?
2 What do people learn when playing digital games?
3 Do people learn better from games or other teaching
approaches? Are there certain moderating or
mediating factors that need to be considered?
Conduct Longitudinal Studies
Research exploring GBL needs to better understand how
learners and teachers ‘accept, utilise or misuse games’ like
Minecraft (So & Seo, 2018, p. 408). Long-term, large-scale
research studies are needed to answer this question.
Establish a Theoretical Framework
Theoretically driven research could help identify the value of Minecraft
and GBL for certain types of students or for different subiects and/or
skills. This research could then help educators better understand how
to structure GBL activities in order to maximise learning opportunities.
Figure 10: Recommendations for future research studies.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
5.2 Understanding the Potential
Value of M:EE in Classrooms
Work that will inform and support teachers’
design of GBL experiences should also be
conducted to better understand the potential
value of M:EE in classrooms. A large scale study
conducted by SRI International (2010) assessing
21st century skills acquisition in four different
countries found that over 90% of the variances
in student work scores was due to differences in
the classroom learning activities that students
completed. Therefore, the quality of learning
experiences that a teacher designs strongly
predicts the quality of the work that a learner
completes. Most of the literature consulted for
this review indicates that M:EE can be utilised
to help design curricular based activities in a
number of areas like science, maths, literacy,
history, geography etc. However, to ensure the
quality of these learning experiences, more
rigorous research is needed to gain a more
informed understanding of what content and
skills M:EE is especially suited for, if any, and
why. Pre-service teachers in Gabriel et al.’s
(2019) work also disclosed reservations on
which age group this approach should be used
with. For example, building scale models of
buildings like the Egyptian pyramids or the Taj
Mahel in India is a common activity in M:EE with
those over the age of 10 years (Tromba, 2013).
When building these models in M:EE, students
need to use a range of mathematical skills (e.g.
division, calculating surface area and volume)
to ensure that their digital model is to scale. It
is possible that playing M:EE can help students
become more procient at this particular
aspect of the mathematics curriculum. This
assumption should be explored using high-
quality research studies that also examine
other factors that may mediate or moderate the
ecacy of M:EE such as student demographics
(e.g. age, gender, SEN), teacher demographics
(e.g. years’ experience) and school context.
Future research exploring the value of M:EE in
primary and post-primary schools (particularly
in relation to the teaching and learning of 21st
century skills) should be conducted across all
subjects (literacy, history etc.,) and involve a
range of topics. This will help guarantee the
design of effective learning experiences and
activities for their students in the ‘intentional,
planned and supported manner’ advocated
by Karsenti and Bugmann (2018, p. 210).
M:EE can also offer educational researchers
a context to explore other ‘big’ questions in
education. For example, the value of project-
based learning in classrooms is still under
discussion in research literature (e.g. Kirschner
et al., 2006; Hmelo et al., 2007), but it is often
used and recommended when deploying
M:EE in science or history classrooms (e.g.
Callaghan, 2016; Butler et al., 2016). In their
review of research examining the relationship
between project-based learning and student
achievement, Condliffe et al. (2017) outlined the
common methodological weaknesses of this
research eld. These included, but were not
limited to, a scarcity of experimental studies,
implementation inconsistencies, and a lack of
validity and reliability of measures. Until more
rigorous research is conducted, the effects
of project-based learning are ‘promising, but
not proven’ (Condliffe et al., 2017, p. iii). Given
the range of resources and features that can
support the design and implementation of
project-based learning in M:EE, this could
be a way to facilitate some much needed
research on this particular pedagogy.
In relation to the topic of assessment, M:EE
can also provide educational researchers
an opportunity to develop new assessment
frameworks that are appropriate for online
contexts. Jenson et al. (2016, p. 36) assert
that traditional, text-dominated assessment
frameworks can often struggle to capture
‘the forms of learning transpiring in multi-
modal and ludic contexts and sites’. This is
because they fail to take into consideration
the implications of learning content or skills in
a ‘dynamic, game-based, socially-networked
learning environment’ (Jenson et al., 2016,
p. 21). There is a need for new assessment
frameworks that teachers can use to record
‘non-traditional’ forms of student learning
arising from GBL. These ‘non-traditional’
forms of student learning include many of
the 21st century skills identied by the P21
(2019) consortium and Binkley et al. (2012).
21 The National Assessments are periodic evaluations of the English reading and mathematics skills of Irish primary
students. In 2014, over 8,000 2nd and 6th class students took part, as did their teachers and parents.
M:EE is an ideal context for educational
researchers to observe such skills in action to
then inform the development of frameworks
that guide the assessment of 21st century skills.
For example, Sun et al. (2020) used student
interactions in a M:EE themed coding activity
to validate their generalised competency
model for collaborative problem solving.
5.3 Supporting Teachers’
use of GBL
The demand for ‘digitally competent teachers’
has become more and more prevalent in
recent times, coinciding with an increased
demand for a ‘new’ kind of teaching that
exploits technology to develop critical thinking,
problem solving and communication skills
in learners (Intsefjord & Munthe, 2017). The
COVID-19 pandemic has also illustrated the
necessity for teachers to have competence
in digital pedagogies (Scully et al., 2021).
However, many in-service and pre-service
teachers feel that they do not have the ‘digital
competence’ or condence needed to use
technology effectively in their teaching and
are thus reluctant to integrate technology-
based approaches into their classrooms
(Gabriel et al., 2019; Murthy et al., 2015). This
is particularly relevant in the Irish context.
The 2014 National Assessments
asked Irish
teachers about their condence in using ICT
(Information-Communication Technology) for
English (2nd Class Teachers) and Mathematics
(6th Class Teachers). In a secondary analysis of
these questionnaire responses, Eivers (2019)
noted that approximately 27% of students in
2nd Class were taught by a teacher who was
‘very condent’ using ICT to teach English and
42% of students in 6th Class were taught by a
teacher who was ‘very condent’ using ICTs to
teach mathematics. While this did represent
a modest increase in teacher condence from
2009, Eivers (2019, p. 28) highlighted that the
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
use of ICT (i.e. digital technology) ‘remained
the teaching strategy… in which teachers
expressed the least condence’. This seems to
have had an impact on how digital technology
was used in the classroom. In the 2014 National
Assessments, teachers were asked to indicate
how often they used computers in their lessons.
They were asked to distinguish between use by
the teacher and use by the student. A majority
of students were taught by a teacher who used
computers in lessons at least weekly but, most
interestingly, student use of computers was far
less common. Eivers (2019) highlighted that only
24% of 2nd class students and 29% of 6th class
students used computers themselves in English
and mathematics lessons on a weekly basis and
at least 40% rarely or never did so (Table 1).
Use by Subject/Class At least once
a week
Once or twice
a month
or never
English (2nd Class)
77.2 13.5 9.3
Maths (6th Class)
69.9 17.9 12.2
English (2nd Class)
24.2 35.8 40.0
Maths (6th Class)
29.2 28.6 42.2
Table 1: Percentages of computer use in lessons by teacher and by student
(based on National Assessments 2014, as reported by Eivers, 2019, p. 23)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
According to literature, if in-service teachers are
to use technology-based teaching approaches
in their classrooms, like GBL, a two-pronged
approach is required. As teachers’ positive
beliefs and intentions towards technology are
a major predictor of technology integration
in the classroom (e.g. Ertmer, 1999), teachers
should be given an opportunity to rst ‘see’
the potential value of M:EE and GBL for their
students. Suggested strategies for overcoming
these barriers include ‘modelling of good
practice, reection and collaboration between
colleagues’ (Ertmer, 1999, p. 54). In particular,
Galvin (2015) suggests that teachers need to
witness the use of digital technologies in the
realities of a working classroom in order to
believe that such integrated use is possible in
their own context. Such a nding is of note as it
indicates that the increased availability of digital
technologies in a school may lead to a gradual
change in teacher beliefs over time. Given the
large investment in technology infrastructure
undertaken as a result of the Digital Strategy
for Schools (DES, 2015), it is possible that this
will also occur in Irish schools. Other resources
that may help teachers understand the possible
value of M:EE could include the ‘Case Study’
videos available from Microsoft. These videos
explain how teachers in New Zealand, the US
etc., use M:EE to support the design of learning
experiences that enhance learning outcomes.
Positive teacher dispositions towards
technology-based approaches and tools like
GBL and M:EE will not automatically result in
teachers embedding their use into classroom
practice. Teachers may be aware of the
educational potential of digital technologies
but require continued guidance and support
to increase their digital competence so as
to realise this potential in their classrooms
(Redecker, 2017). If GBL is to become
more common in classrooms, a systematic
programme involving high-quality professional
learning experiences supporting the digital
competence and condence of teachers is
required. The digital competence of teachers
refers to their ability to integrate and use
technology for educational purposes (Redecker,
2017). Redecker (2017, p. 15) argued that, in
addition to the general digital competences for
life and work, teachers ‘need educator-specic
digital competences to be able to effectively use
digital technologies for teaching’. Redecker’s
(2017, p. 16) framework (Figure 11) outlines the
digital competencies teachers need to foster
‘ecient, inclusive and innovative teaching and
learning strategies’ using digital tools like M:EE.
Professional Competences
Pedagogic Competences
Creating & Modifying
Protecting, Sharing
& Planning
and Learning
& Inclusion
& Personalisation
Actively Engaging
Reflective Practice
Digital CPD
Responsible use
Problem Solving
Learners’ Digital
Information &
Media Literacy
Content Creation
Figure 11: European Framework
for the Digital Competence of
Educators (Redecker, 2017, p. 16)
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
For example, Area 2 (Digital Resources)
describes how competent teachers can select,
create and adapt digital resources to suit the
needs of their students in accordance with the
content they are teaching. A teacher procient
in Area 5 (Empowering Learners) will design
digital learning experiences that are accessible
to all learners. Redecker’s (2017) work provides
a framework that can be used to structure
professional learning opportunities for teachers
that will develop their professional digital
competence. Such learning programmes that
target teachers’ digital competence could have
a major impact on teacher practice. Educational
leaders (Principals, ICT Co-Ordinators; n=392)
involved in Blau and Shamir-Inbal’s (2017)
work reported that as the competence level
of class teachers increased, teachers were
observed progressing from the consumption
of pre-made digital resources, to the creation
of digital content specically designed to
enhance the collaborative practices and
higher-order thinking skills of their students.
The provision of high-quality, professional
learning programmes in supporting the digital
competence and condence of teachers
should be prioritised if GBL is to be used in
classrooms. Redecker’s (2017) work could
provide a structural framework for such
professional learning opportunities. These
could be provided by external agencies (e.g.
the Professional Development Service for
Teachers (PDST) or in collaboration with other
teachers in geographically ‘clustered’ schools).
22 For example, GBL is now a key component of the Digital Learning
modules of the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) programme at the
Institute of Education in Dublin City University.
While certain teacher characteristics can predict
GBL use in classrooms (e.g. age, teachers who
play digital games for their own pleasure,
professional learning opportunities etc.), the
best way to ensure the embedding of GBL into
classrooms is to provide universal learning
opportunities for pre-service teachers (Takeuchi
& Vaala, 2014). This will ensure that they have
the basic ‘game literacy’ needed to use GBL in
classrooms (Hanghøj & Hautopp, 2016) as well
as the condence in using such a methodology.
Kay (2006) argues that Initial Teacher Education
(ITE) is the natural place to begin the process
of supporting teachers with the integration of
technology in education. As a result, ITE should
provide opportunities for pre-service teachers
to learn about and engage with GBL if it is to be
used successfully in future classrooms. This has
already begun in many programmes of ITE
Work by Butler et al. (2020) involving 344 Irish
preservice teachers identied what should be
considered when designing programmes to
develop preservice teachers’ condence and
competences in relation to GBL. The authors
recommended that these programmes should
last for at least one semester and should involve
frequent gameplay across two different genres
of games. Figure 12 offers a summary of the
outlined research agenda in relation to M:EE
and GBL along with some key issues that need
to be considered for future classroom use.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Where do we go from here?
Conduct More Rigorous Research
Diverse Research Methods
Use a range research designs (e.g. case
studies, quasi-experimental studies).
Broad Research Questions
1. What game features foster learning?
2. What do people learn from playing games?
3. Do people learn better from games?
Longitudinal Studies
Long-term research studies are needed
to better understand how teachers and
learners use or misuse) games.
Theoretical Framework
A theoretical framework is needed to explain
why certain things do or do not occur in
relation to learning in gaming environments.
Explore the Design of Learning Activities for the Classroom
What should be
taught with GBL?
There needs to be an effort to identify the
content and skills that can be learned using
GBL approaches.
How should content be taught
and assessed in digital games?
Teachers and researchers need to establish
basic guidelines to ensure the design of high-
quality GBL experiences. Procedures also need
to be in place to assess what learning occurred
in the game.
Support Teachers
See Potential Value of GBL
Teachers need to witness the potential
value of GBL for their own students and
professional practice (e.g. sample lessons,
collaboration with colleagues).
Develop Competence
and Condence
Pre and in-service teachers need to engage in
high quality professional learning experiences
informed by appropriate research (e.g.
Redecker, 2017) that will help them to develop
the digital competence and condence they
require to use GBL in their own classrooms.
Support Networks
Teachers’ use of GBL should be supported
by colleagues within and outside their
school (e.g. PDST, ‘cluster teachers’).
Figure 12: Summary of recommended research agenda and future considerations
in relation on the use of M:EE and GBL in Irish classrooms.
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
More diverse research methods (e.g.
quasi-experimental, experimental,
longitudinal studies) should be used
to investigate the potential value
of M:EE and GBL in classrooms.
Research on M:EE should encompass
value-added research (identifying
WHICH game features encourage
learning), cognitive consequences
research (identifying WHAT can
be learned by playing games)
and media comparison research
(identifying HOW GBL compares to
other approaches or strategies).
A theoretical framework on GBL
needs to be established to support
any research in the eld.
If digital games are to be used in
Irish classrooms, technological
infrastructure needs to be
addressed as a matter of priority
as does the development of
teachers’ digital literacy skills.
Considerable interest surrounding the
possibilities of digital games and GBL as
vehicles for learning in primary and post-
primary classrooms is now evident in
educational discourse (e.g. Groff, 2018)
and has since been accelerated as a result
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite some
preliminary evidence indicating the potential
of digital games for learning (e.g. Wouters
et al., 2013), it is still unclear how games
can be best deployed in schools to enhance
learning and what this ‘new’ way of learning
may even look like (Beavis, 2017). Research
involving M:EE, the best-selling digital game
of all time (Costa, 2019), could address such
questions around GBL. As outlined in this
report, the open-ended nature of M:EE allows
teachers to design classroom experiences
that align with appropriate educational theory
and recommended teaching, learning and
assessment practices. While M:EE may be
the tool to determine the ecacy of GBL in
classrooms, it should only be used to conduct
high-quality, rigorously designed research
studies. These studies should occur in
classrooms and will thus require the support
of teachers. Such support will only emerge if
teachers are given the professional learning
opportunities they need to develop their
own competence in the use of technology-
based teaching approaches like GBL. Until all
this occurs, the true potential value of GBL
in Irish classrooms will remain unknown.
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Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Building a New World in Education: Exploring Minecraft for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Search Strategy
A comprehensive search strategy was used to
obtain studies relevant to this topic in October
2019. This was reviewed again in August
2021. Initial scoping searches included the
exploration of a range of electronic indexed
databases, including PsychlNFO, PubMed,
ERIC, EBSCO, Social Sciences Citation Index
and Web of Science. Databases outside the
discipline of education (e.g. Association of
Computing Machinery [ACM]) were also
explored given the relevance of the topic to
other contexts and settings (e.g. game design,
computing). Non-indexed databases including
Dissertation Abstracts, Digital Dissertations
and ScienceDirect were also used along with
the electronic search engine Google Scholar.
Key terms, and their synonyms, employed
in the searches included ‘Minecraft’, ‘Game-
Based Learning’, ‘digital games’, ‘benets’,
‘limitations’, and ‘value’. The Boolean concepts
of ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ with the terms ‘school-
based/ classroom’ ‘ecacy’, ‘value’, ‘learning
outcomes’, ‘teacher/ student experiences’,
‘teaching’, ‘learning’, and ‘assessment’
identied research that explored the relative
value of Minecraft, Minecraft Education Edition
and GBL as an approach in classrooms settings.
No deliberate time frame was applied to the
studies returned from this search. However,
contemporary research that was written after
the year 2009 was given priority, as were
studies involving school-aged children or their
teachers. A citation search of the reference
lists of selected studies were also screened for
other potentially relevant papers. Finally, the
grey literature of unpublished manuscripts
and other relevant outputs from Minecraft
users (e.g. recordings of game play, blog
posts) were consulted on an intermittent
basis to develop a broader understanding of
the topic as well as current and future trends
within the eld. A number of social media
channels were also monitored for relevant
conference abstracts and pre-prints.