State Laws and Published Ordinances California
Attorney General's Office
California Department of Justice
Attention: Public Inquiry Unit
Post Office Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
Voice: (916) 210-6276
Los Angeles Field Division
550 North Brand Blvd Suite 800
Glendale, CA 91203
Voice: (818) 265-2500
San Francisco Field Division
5601 Arnold Road, Suite 400
Dublin, CA 94568
Voice: (925) 557-2800
Table of Contents
Marin County
Mendocino County
Menlo Park
Merced County
Mission Viejo
Monte Sereno
Monterey County
Monterey Park
Moreno Valley
Morgan Hill
National City
Nevada County
Newport Beach
Orange County
Orange Cove
Pacific Grove
Palm Springs
Palo Alto
Pismo Beach
Placer County
Pleasant Hill
Point Arena
Port Hueneme
Rancho Cordova
Rancho Cucamonga
Rancho Palos Verdes
Rancho Santa
Redondo Beach
Rohnert Park
Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills Estates
Sacramento County
San Anselmo
San Bernardino County
San Bruno
San Buenaventura
San Carlos
San Clemente
San Diego County
San Diego
San Dimas
San Fernando
San Francisco
San Jacinto County
San Joaquin County
San Jose
San Juan Bautista
San Leandro
San Luis Obispo County
San Marcos
San Mateo
San Mateo County
San Pablo
San Rafael
San Ramon
Sand City
Santa Ana
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara County
Santa Clara
Santa Clara County
Santa Clarita
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz County
Santa Fe Springs
Santa Paula
Santa Monica
Santa Rosa
Scotts Valley
Sierra County
Sierra Madre
Signal Hill
Simi Valley
Siskiyou County
Solana Beach
Sonoma County
South El Monte
South Gate
South Lake Tahoe
South Pasadena
South San Francisco
St. Helena
Sutter County
Thousand Oaks
Twentynine Palms
Union City
West Covina
West Hollywood
West Sacramento
Title 5 Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.48 Firearms Sales
ection 5.48.010. Licensing requirements.
All applications for licenses permitting the licensee to sell, at retail within the city, pistols, revolve
Manteca Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number O2022-10 and the June 2022 code supplement.
rs and other firearms
capable of being concealed upon the person shall be submitted to the city clerk who shall cause the application to be set
for hearing before the city council. The city council may approve, conditionally approve or deny the application. If a license
is granted, it shall be in the form prescribed by the attorney general, effective for not more than one year from the date of
issuance, and be subject to the following conditions, for breach of any of which the license shall be subject to revocation:
1. T
he business shall be carried on only in the building designated by the license.
2. The license, or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority shall be displayed on the premises where it can be
easily seen.
3. No pistol or revolver shall be delivered:
a. Within fifteen days of the application for the purchase, or, after notice by the Department of Justice pursuant to
Penal Code 12076(c), within fifteen days of the submission to the Department of Justice of corrected copies of the
register required by Penal Code 12073 or within fifteen days of the submission to the Department of Justice of
any fee required pursuant to Penal Code 12076, whichever is later;
b. Unless unloaded and securely wrapped;
c. Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the seller or shall present clear evidence of his or her
d. Whenever the dealer is notified by the Department of Justice that a purchaser is in a prohibited class described
in 12021 and 12021.1 or Welfare and Institutions Code 8100 and 8103.
4. No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed
in any part of the premises where it can be readily seen from the outside.
B. As used in this section, “clear evidence of his or her identity” includes, but is not limited to, a motor vehicle operator’s
license, a state identification card, an armed forces identification card, and employment identification card which contains
the bearer’s signature and photograph, or any similar documentation which provides the seller reasonable assurance of
the identity of the purchaser.
Marin County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 461 and June 2022 code supplement.
itle 6 Public Peace, Safety and Morals*
Chapter 6.58 – Regulation of Firearms Dealers
Section 6.58.010. Definition of firearm.
irearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which a
projectile is expelled through a barrel by force of explosion or other means of combustion.
Section 6.58.011. Definition of firearm dealer.
"Firearm dealer" and "licensee," as used in this section, means any person licensed to sell, lease or transfer firearms
pursuant to California Penal Code Section 12071(a)(1).
Section 6.58.020. Sheriff's permit required.
It is unlawful for any firearms dealer to sell, lease or transfer firearms without a permit issued by the sheriff or his/her
Section 6.58.025. Application.
a) An applicant for a permit or renewal of a permit under this chapter shall file with the sheriff an application in writing,
signed under penalty of perjury, on a form prescribed by the county. The applicant shall provide all relevant information
requested to demonstrate compliance with this chapter including:
(1) The name including any aliases or prior names, age and address of the applicant;
(2) The applicant's Federal Firearms License and California Firearms Dealer numbers;
(3) The address of the proposed location for which the permit is required, together with the business name, and the
name of any corporation, partnership, or association that has any ownership in, or control over, the business, if any;
(4) The names, ages and addresses of:
(A) All persons who will have access to or control of workplace firearms, including but not limited to, the
applicant's employees, agents and/or supervisors, if any;
(5) Proof of a possessory interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted in the form of
ownership, lease, license or other entitlement to operate at such location and the written consent of the owner of
record of the real property;
(6) A floor plan of the proposed business, which illustrates the applicant's compliance with security provisions, as
outlined in Section 6.58.040 of this chapter;
(7) Proof of compliance with county zoning requirements at the proposed location by presentation of a zoning
clearance letter from the director of the community development agency of the county of Marin or his designee. The
community development agency may adopt an appropriate fee to implement this requirement;
(8) Proof of compliance with all federal and state licensing laws;
(9) Information relating to every license or permit to sell, lease, transfer, purchase or possess firearms which were
sought by the applicant from any jurisdiction in the United States, including, but not limited to, the date of each
application and whether it resulted in the issuance of a license; and the date and circumstances of any revocation or
(10) Applicant's agreement to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the county, its officers, agents and employees
from and against all claims, losses, costs, damages and liabilities of any kind, including attorney fees arising in any
manner out of the applicant's negligence or intentional or willful misconduct;
(11) Certification of satisfaction of insurance requirements; and
(12) The date, location, and nature of all criminal convictions of the applicant, if any, in any jurisdiction in the United
(b) The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of twenty-five dollars for administering this chapter. The
fee may be increased by resolution of the board of supervisors upon evidence of the actual cost of administering the
application. This board specifically finds that the twenty-five dollar fee is reasonable and proper for administering this
chapter and, in fact, represents a fraction of the cost that will be incurred by the sheriff in processing the application.
Section 6.58.030. Investigation by sheriff.
he sheriff shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public safety
whether the permit may be issued. The sheriff shall require an applicant, or any officer, agent or employee thereof, to
provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of pertinent records, a complete personal
history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the sheriff, and any other additional information which the sheriff considers
necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 6.58.035. Conditions of approval.
n addition to other requirements and conditions of this chapter, a permit by the sheriff is subject to the following
conditions, the breach of, any of which is sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the sheriff:
(a) The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the permit. This
requirement, however, does not prohibit the permittee from participating in a gun show or event that is authorized by
federal, state and local law upon compliance with that law and upon compliance with any Marin County ordinance
regulating the permissible locations of gun shows;
(b) The sheriff's permit or a certified copy of it shall be displayed on the premises and at gun shows where it can be easily
(c) The applicant shall not permit any person under eighteen years of age to enter or remain within the premises without
being accompanied by the parent, grandparent or legal guardian where the firearm sales activity is the primary business
performed at the site.
Section 6.58.040. Requirement of a secured facility.
Firearms dealers must comply with California Penal Code Section 12071 (b)(14) which provides:
At any time the licensee is not open for business, the licensee shall store all firearms kept in his or her licensed place of
business using one of the following methods as to each particular firearm:
(a) Store the firearm in a secure facility (as defined by Penal Code Section 12071(c)(3)) that is part of or that constitutes,
the licensee's business premises;
(b) Secure the firearm with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-eighth inch in diameter through the trigger guard
of the firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock and shackle
shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a manner that
prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises;
(c) Store the firearm in a locked fireproof safe or vault on the licensee's premises.
ection 6.58.045. Liability insurance.
(a) No permit issued by the sheriff shall be issued or reissued unless there is in effect a policy of insurance in a form
approved by the county and executed by an insurance company approved by the county, whereby the applicant is insured
against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, lease or transfer or
offering for sale, lease or transfer of a firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars for
each incident of damage to property or incident of injury or death to a person;
(b) The policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy shall not be canceled until notice in
writing has been given to the county administrator at least thirty days prior to the time the cancellation becomes effective;
(c) Upon expiration of a policy of insurance and if no additional insurance is obtained immediately, the permit is
considered canceled without further notice.
ection 6.58.050. Issuance of sheriff's permit, Duration.
) The sheriff's department may grant a sheriff's permit to the applicant if it finds that the applicant complies with all
applicable federal, state and local laws including but not limited to, the State Penal Code, County Building Code, fire,
zoning and planning codes;
(b) A permit issued by the sheriff expires one year after the date of issuance. A permit may be renewed for additional one-
year periods upon the permittee's submission of an application for renewal, accompanied by a nonrefundable twenty-five
dollar renewal fee. The renewal application and the renewal fee must be received by the sheriff's department no later than
forty-five days before the expiration of the current permit;
(c) A decision regarding issuance or renewal of a permit may be appealed in the manner provided pursuant to Section
Section 6.58.060. Grounds for permit denial.
The sheriff shall deny the issuance or renewal of a sheriff's permit when one or more of the following conditions exist:
(a) The applicant has not complied with the requirements of this chapter or, has violated the provisions of Section
6.57.060 of the Marin County Code pertaining to prohibited activity in connection with the sale, display or transfer of
"Saturday Night Specials";
(b) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control of firearms is under
twenty-one years of age;
(c) The applicant is not licensed as required by federal and state law;
(d) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control of firearms has had a
license or permit to sell, lease, transfer, purchase or possess firearms from any jurisdiction in the United States revoked,
suspended or denied for good cause within the immediately preceding five years;
(e) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control over firearms has made a
false or misleading statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact in the application for a police permit. If a
permit is denied on this ground, the applicant is prohibited from reapplying for a permit for a period of five years;
(f) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control over firearms has been
convicted of:
(1) An offense which disqualifies that person from owning or possessing a firearm under federal, state and local law,
including, but not limited to, the offenses listed in Penal Code Section 12021,
(2) An offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of a firearm or dangerous or deadly
(3) An offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another with a deadly weapon,
(4) Any felony, misdemeanor burglary or misdemeanor fraud,
(5) An offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of a controlled substance as defined by the State
Health and Safety Code, as it now reads or may hereafter be amended to read;
(g) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who has control over firearms is within a class of persons
defined in Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103;
(h) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who has control over firearms is currently, or has been within
the past five years, an unlawful user of a controlled substance as defined by the Health and Safety Code;
(i) The operation of the business as proposed would not comply with federal, state and local law or county law regulating
the sale of Saturday Night Specials, or the locations of permitted sales, if any, at gun shows.
Section 6.58.065. Grounds for permit revocation.
n addition to the violation of any other provisions contained in this chapter, circumstances constituting grounds for denial
of a sheriff's permit also constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 6.58.067. Hearing for permit denial or revocation.
a) A person whose application for a permit is denied or revoked by the sheriff has the right to a hearing before the sheriff
before final denial or revocation.
(b) Within ten days of the mailing of written notice of intent to deny the application or revoke the permit, the applicant may
appeal by requesting a hearing before the sheriff. The request must be made in writing, setting forth the specific grounds
for appeal. If the applicant submits a timely request for an appeal, the sheriff should set a time and place for the hearing
within thirty days.
(c) The decision of the sheriff shall be in writing within ten days of the hearing. An applicant may appeal the decision of
the sheriff to the county administrator or his designee in the manner provided by board of supervisors' resolution
addressing this appeal process.
Section 6.58.068. Nonassignability.
sheriff's permit issued under this section is not assignable. An attempt to assign a sheriff's permit renders the permit
Section 6.58.069. Compliance by existing dealers.
person engaging in firearm sales activity on the effective date of this chapter or any amendment to it shall, within sixty
days after the effective date, comply with this chapter and any amendment to it.
Section 6.58.075. Record of ammunition sales.
very holder of a business license to sell ammunition shall maintain records pertaining to ammunition sales prescribed by
this chapter on the licensed premises and in the manner prescribed herein. The record shall show:
(a) The date of the transaction;
(b) The purchaser's name, address and date of birth;
(c) The purchaser's driver's license number or other identification and state where issued;
(d) The brand of ammunition purchased;
(e) The type and amount of ammunition purchased; and
(f) The purchaser's signature; and
(g) The purchaser's thumbprint;
(h) Log of Ammunition Sales. The information required by this Section 6.58.075 shall be completed in the logbook at the
time of the purchase. Such information shall be recorded in the following format:
mmunition Sales Registration Log Store:
Date of
License/ID &
Ammunition Type &
(1) The record shall be maintained in chronological order by date of sale of the ammunition, and shall be retained on
the licensed premises of the business licensee for a period of two years following the date of the purchase of the
(2) At the direction of the sheriff or his or her designee, deputy sheriffs may enter the premises of any licensed vendor
of ammunition during regular business hours for the purpose of examining or inspecting any record required by this
(i) Exception. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the sale of firearm ammunition by a firing range licensed to
do business in the county when the ammunition so purchased is expended on the premises of the range and not removed
for use outside the range premises.
Section 6.58.080. Penalties.
(a) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both
such fine and imprisonment. Each person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion
of which any violation of any provision of this section is committed, continued or permitted by such person.
The Marin County district attorney is designated as the prosecuting agency for violations of this section.
(b) Any person found to be in violation of this chapter shall be subject to the revocation of his or her law enforcement
permit to sell, lease or transfer firearms.
(c) In addition to any other penalty or remedy, the county counsel may commence a civil action to seek enforcement of
these provisions.
Section 6.58.090.
his chapter shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the county of Marin. If any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence or word of this chapter is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the county, either on its
face or as applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences
or words of this chapter, and the applications thereof; and to that end the section, subsections, paragraphs, sentences
and words of this chapter shall be deemed severable.
Mendocino County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 4510, adopted July 13, 2022. (Supplement Number 64)
itle 6 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 6.04 – Business Licenses
Section 6.04.080. Special requirements.
) Licensed Firearms Dealers. To lawfully engage in the business of selling, leasing, or transferring firearms, a firearms
dealer must possess the following: (1) Valid federal firearms license issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms (2) Valid seller's permit issued by the State Board of Equalization (3) Valid certificate of eligibility issued by the
Department of Justice. Per Penal Code Section 12071, the Tax Collector must verify the firearms dealer is in compliance
prior to the issuance of the business license.
Mendota Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 21-13, passed May 25, 2021. (Supp. No. 21)
Title 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.86Home Occupations
Section 17.86.040. Prohibited home occupations.
The following uses shall not be permitted as home occupations:
E. Firearms or ammunition dealers;
Menlo Park Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 1089, passed May 10, 2022.
itle 16 Zoning
Chapter 16.78Special Uses
Section 16.78.010. Generally.
ll of the uses listed in this chapter, and all matters directly related thereto are declared to be uses possessing
characteristics of such unique and special form as to make impractical their inclusion in any class or use set forth in the
various districts herein defined, and therefore the authority for and location of the operation of any of the uses designated
herein shall be subject to the issuance of a use permit in accordance with the provision of Chapter 16.82.
Section 16.78.030. Uses designated.
he uses referred to in this chapter are as follows:
(17) Retail sale or wholesale of firearms, cannons, guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, air guns, BB guns or pellet guns or any
instruments of any kind, character or description which throw or project bullets or missiles of any kind to any distance by
means of elastic force, air or any explosive substance; ammunition or any projectiles that can be projected or propelled;
and related merchandise, except within one hundred fifty feet (150’) of residential zoning districts.
Merced Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2538, passed April 4, 2022. (Supp. No. 74, 4-22)
itle 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.12 Sale of Weapons
Section 5.12.010. License, required.
n addition to any other business license or fees required by this title, every person proposing to engage in the business of
selling at retail within the city, pistols, revolvers or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, shall apply
for a license to conduct the business, and shall pay the application fee therefor as established by ordinance or resolution.
The chief of police shall investigate or cause to be investigated the suitability of the premises on which said business is to
be conducted, and the character and fitness of the person proposing to conduct the business and of each partner,
associate or employee of said person, if such partner, associate or employee is to be authorized to sell such firearms at
retail. The chief of police may issue such license if, in his judgment, considering the suitability of the premises and the
character and fitness of each person who is to be authorized to sell such firearms, the public safety and welfare will not be
adversely affected.
Section 5.12.020. License, application.
he chief of police may prepare, use and modify such application forms and other documents as are reasonably
necessary to provide information for such investigation. The application fee in such amount as is determined by the city
council shall be paid to the chief of police and transmitted by him to the finance officer. Such application fee shall not be
refundable in the event that the license is not granted.
Section 5.12.030. License, form prescribed by state.
ny license granted pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the Attorney General of the state, and shall
conform to the requirements of Section 12071 of the Penal Code of the state, as the same may be from time to time
Merced County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2018 and the June 2022 code supplement.
itle 5 Revenue and Finance
Chapter 5.44 Sheriff’s Fees
Section 5.44.020. General fees.
ursuant to the authority of Government Code Sections 26720 through 26751, Government Code Section 54985, and
other provisions of law specified below, the following fees will be charged at the time the service is provided:
25. License to sell firearms: pursuant to the provisions of Section 12071 of the California Penal Code, the sheriff may
grant a license permitting the sale of firearms. The fee for such license application, renewal or modification shall be
$50.00 plus any fees required by the Department of Justice and/or state of California.
Millbrae Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 796, passed June 14, 2022.
itle 5 Public Welfare, Morals and Conduct
Chapter 5.55 Sale of Firearms
Section 5.55.010. License required.
A. W
ithin the city, no person shall engage in the business of selling, transferring, advertising, offering or exposing for sale
any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, unless that person has been issued a
license as provided in this chapter.
B. The license requirement shall apply only to persons who are engaged in the business of selling, transferring,
advertising, offering or exposing for sale concealable weapons. The question as to whether the person is “engaged in
business” shall be resolved in light of the facts of each particular case. It is not intended that a license shall be required of
a person, such as a hunter licensed by the state or a gun collector licensed by the federal government, who infrequently
transfers a concealable weapon.
C. This chapter shall be interpreted in accordance with Part 4, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 4 (commencing with Section
12070) of the Penal Code of California.
Section 5.55.020. Application for license.
ritten applications for a license under this chapter shall be filed with the chief of police upon forms to be provided.
Section 5.55.030. Investigation.
A. Upon receipt of an application for a license under this chapter, the chief of police shall investigate the facts connected
with the application and shall not approve of the application if:
1. The applicant is not of good moral character; or
2. The sale of firearms by the applicant would constitute a violation of any state law or provision of this code.
B. The chief of police shall also submit the application to the office of the city manager, who shall not approve of the
application if the proposed location of the business is not in compliance with the Millbrae zoning ordinance.
Section 5.55.040. Issuance of license Fee.
f the application is approved by the chief of police and the office of the city manager, a license shall be issued in the form
required by the attorney general. A fee in an amount to be established by a resolution of the city council shall be paid at
the time of issuance of the license, for each place of business.
Section 5.55.050. Conditions.
he license shall be subject to the conditions contained in Section 12071 of the Penal Code of California, and the
conditions contained in this chapter.
Section 5.55.060. Licenses not transferable.
license conferred under this chapter shall not be transferable, either as to the licensee or the location of the business.
Section 5.55.070. Expiration of license Renewal.
A license issued under this chapter shall expire at the end of one year, but may be renewed by the holder for the period of
one year upon payment of the fee specified in MMC 5.55.040, and upon submission of a written renewal application on
forms to be provided.
Chapter 5.125 Fireworks, Model Rockets, Firecrackers, or Similar Explosives
Section 5.125.020. Possession Prohibition Responsibility for minors.
xcept as otherwise provided in this chapter, no parent, guardian or person having the care, custody and control of any
minor shall permit such minor to have in his possession within this city, or to fire or discharge, or cause to be fired or
discharged within the city, any firearms, fireworks or explosives as specified in this chapter.
Title 10 Planning and Zoning
Chapter 10.05 Zoning
Article II Definitions
Section 10.05.0200. Definitions.
Definitions of key terms are set forth in this section in alphabetical order and are applicable throughout this title. A word
that is underlined indicates that the word is defined elsewhere in this section.
“Gun shop” means an establishment that engages in advertising, selling, transferring, or exposing for sale any weapons
such as pistols, revolvers, rifles, or other firearms and is licensed in accordance with Chapter 5.55 MMC and state law as
a firearms dealer.
Article III Zoning Districts and Map
Section 10.05.0300. Establishment and designation of districts.
The city is divided into zoning districts which are designated as follows:
A. S
ingle-family large lot or “R-1LL” district; H. Open space or “OS” district;
B. Single-family residential or “R-1” district; I. Public facilities or “PF” district;
C. Duplex/triplex residential or “R-2” district; J. Planned development or “PD” district;
D. Multifamily residential or “R-3” district;
K. Millbrae Station Area Planned Development or
“MSAPD” district;
E. Commercial or “C” district;
L. Grand Boulevard Planned Development or “GBPD”
F. Downtown improvement area or “DIA” district;
G. Industrial or “I” district;
Article IV District Regulations
Section 10.05.0410. Land use table.
he following uses listed in the land use table detail the permitted, conditional, or accessory uses allowed within each
zoning district in the city.
Table 1 Land Uses by Zoning District
Zoning Districts
DIA Article XI.
Land Use
Key: P = Permitted by right; C = Conditional use permit required; PP = Permitted by other permit;
* = Allowed as specified in the development plan individually approved for each project
Other Land Use Categories
C *
Mission Viejo Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-344, enacted April 12, 2022. (Supp. No. 44)
itle 5 Business Regulations
Chapter 5.01 General
Section 5.01.020. Licenses required.
t shall be unlawful for any person to engage in, conduct, manage or carry on any of the following businesses, practices,
professions or occupations within the city without first having obtained a license therefor in accordance with chapter 5.02
of this title:
(6) Retail sale of concealable firearms.
Chapter 5.03 Specific Additional License Requirements and Business Regulations
Division 12 Retail Sale of Concealable Firearms
Section 5.03.1210. Licensing of retail sellers of concealable weapons.
he chief of police is hereby designated as the licensing authority for the city and is authorized to issue licenses therefor
pursuant to Penal Code 12070 et seq., as such article exists or may be amended from time to time for the sale at retail of
pistols, revolvers and other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person.
Title 9 Land Use/Zoning/Subdivision Regulations
Chapter 9.10 Residential Zones
ection 9.10.020. Zoning district development standards.
(5) Home occupations.
b. Prohibited home occupation uses. The following list presents example uses that are not incidental to or compatible
with residential activities, and are therefore prohibited:
(viii) Gun/rifle shop.
Chapter 9.11 Commercial/Office Zones
ection 9.11.005. Purpose.
(b) The purpose of the individual commercial zoning districts is as follows:
(1) CN (Commercial Neighborhood) Zone. This zone is intended to provide for small-scale business activities which
generally offer retailing or service-oriented uses serving the needs of neighborhood residents, while remaining
compatible with adjoining residential neighborhoods.
(2) CC (Commercial Community) Zone. This zone is intended to provide for retail, professional office, and service-
oriented business uses serving a community-wide need under design standards which ensure compatibility and
harmony with adjoining residential neighborhoods.
(3) CH (Commercial Highway) Zone. This zone is primarily intended to provide for highway-oriented businesses
offering goods and services to a mobile population using major transportation corridors. Additionally, a limited range of
uses customarily located in the CN, CC and CR Zone Districts may be permitted.
(5) CR (Commercial Regional) Zone. This zone is intended to provide for large-scale retail and consumer-service
business uses serving a large geographic area and population.
(6) OP (Office/Professional) Zone. This zone is intended to provide for office, professional and/or administrative
services. Limited small-scale retail/service commercial uses may be allowed when designed to meet the needs of the
immediate employment population.
Section 9.
11.015. Permitted, planned development permitted, and conditionally permitted uses.
The f
ollowing list represents those primary uses in the commercial zones which are permitted (P) or subject to a planned
development permit (D), conditional use permit (C) or prohibited (X):
General commercial uses:
Gun shops
Monrovia Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2021-02, passed January 19, 2021. (Supplement Number 34)
Title 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.04General Provisions
Section 17.04.030. Districts established.
In order to carry out the provisions of this title, the city is hereby divided into the following zones designated as follows:
O/RD/LM - Office/Research and Development/Light
CRS - Commercial-Regional/Subregional
RCC - Retail Corridor Commercial
M - Manufacturing
Chapter 17.08 P
ermitted Uses
ion 17.08.010. Uses permitted in each zone.
(E) All other zones. Use types permitted in each zone shall be as shown in the following tables. Designations shall have
the following meanings:
Blank Means the use is not permitted
“P” Means the use is permitted
“C” Means the use requires a major conditional use permit
“Cm” Means the use requires a minor conditional use permit
“LUE” See the Land Use Element of the General Plan
1. The minor conditional use permit process is not permitted when the subject property is directly adjacent to any
residentially zoned property. A major conditional use permit shall be required.
2. All new construction and additions (regardless of use) over 10,000 square feet in area and/or with an occupant load
of 30 persons or more shall require a conditional use permit.
3. Any business that operates between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. shall be subject to the provisions of §
Commercial Uses
Section 17.08.030. Use type explanations.
The following are the use type explanations for the uses set out in § 17.08.010. Also, see § 17.04.080 for additional
Ammunition. Projectiles with their fuses, propelling charges, and primers fired from guns. Typical uses include retail gun
shops, sporting goods stores with incidental guns sales, and wholesale gun dealers.
Firearm. Any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force
of any explosion or other form of combustion.
Montclair Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-1001, passed June 06, 2022. (Supp. No. 29 Update 1)
itle 11 Zoning and Development
Division IV Entitlements
Chapter 11.78Conditional Use Permits
Section 11.78.030. Permitted uses.
n addition to those uses specifically identified in Chapters 11.22 through 11.30 of this Title as requiring a conditional use
permit, the Planning Commission may grant a conditional use permit for any use listed in this Section as a permitted use
subject to a conditional use permit:
D. Commercial Uses (General Merchandise).
9. Firearms, ammunition and related products as a stand-alone use , retail (C-3, MIP, M-1);
Monte Sereno Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number NS-229, enacted January 4, 2022. (Supp. No. 31)
itle 4 Public Safety and Welfare
Chapter 4.14 Assault Weapons
Section 4.14.010. Definitions.
he following terms shall, for purposes of this Chapter, have the meaning ascribed to them in this section.
A. "Assault weapon" shall mean and include:
1. All semiautomatic action center fire rifles that accept detachable magazines with a capacity of more than five
rounds, including but not limited to the following examples: Uzi semiautomatic assault rifles or carbines, Ingram Mac-II
semiautomatic assault carbines, Heckler and Koch 93 semiautomatic assault rifles, Heckler and Koch 91
semiautomatic assault rifles, AK-47 semiautomatic assault rifles, AKM-47 semiautomatic assault rifles, all Automat
Kalashnikov weapons, Thompson semiautomatic carbines,
2. All semiautomatic shotguns with a magazine capacity of more than six (6) rounds;
3. Any firearm which may be readily converted to an operable assault weapon, as defined in 1. and 2. above; and
4. Any part, or combination of parts, designed or intended to convert a firearm into an assault weapon, or any
combination of parts from which an assault weapon may be readily assembled if those parts are in the possession or
under the control of the same person.
B. As used in this Chapter, "assault weapon" does not include any of the following:
1. Weapons that do not use fixed ammunition, weapons that were in production prior to 1898, manually operated bolt-
action weapons, lever-action weapons, slide-action weapons, single-shot weapons, multiple barrel weapons, revolving
cylinder weapons with a magazine of five rounds or less, semiautomatic weapons with a fixed magazine capacity of
five rounds or less, semiautomatic weapons manufactured prior to 1954, semiautomatic weapons which use
exclusively Mannlicher-style clips, and rimfire weapons that employ a tubular magazine;
2. Any short-barreled shotgun, as defined in Subdivision (c) of Section 12020 of the California Penal Code;
3. Any of the above generally and specifically described weapons which is a "machine gun" prohibited by California
law (as presently defined and prohibited by Section 12200 of the Penal Code of the State of California); any pistol,
revolver or other firearm which is capable of being concealed upon one's person, as defined and regulated by the
provisions of Sections 12021 and 12025 of the Penal Code of the State of California.
4. Any assault weapon which is an antique or relic firearm, or other weapon, specified and subject to all the limitations
and requirements in Paragraphs (5), (7), and (8) of Subdivision V of Section 12020 of the California Penal Code;
5. Any assault weapon which has been modified either to render it permanently inoperable or to make it permanently
a device no longer defined as an assault weapon.
C. "Person" means any individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, club or society.
D. "Semiautomatic" means any weapon which fires a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger and which
employs a magazine/clip.
E. "Rifle" means a weapon, whether or not it is intended to be fired from the shoulder, that is designed or redesigned,
made or remade to fire a fixed cartridge and is not a pistol", as defined in Section 12001 et seq. of the California Penal
F. "Shotgun" means a weapon, whether or not it is intended to be fired from the shoulder, that is designed or redesigned,
made or remade, to fire a fixed shotgun shell.
Section 4.14.020. Possession and sale of assault weapons prohibited.
A. Except as specified in subsections B, C and D herein no person, including but not limited to wholesale and retail gun
dealers, shall sell, offer or display for sale, give, lend or transfer ownership of, or possess any assault weapon.Any person
who sells or possesses any assault weapon in the City of Monte Sereno in violation of this Section is guilty of a
misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under the provisions of this Chapter shall be punishable by a fine
of not more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County jail for a period of not exceeding six months, or by
both such fine and imprisonment.
B. Nothing in this Chapter shall prohibit the acquisition, possession, or disposition by police departments, sheriff's
departments, marshal's offices, the California Highway Patrol, other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, or
the military forces of this state or the military and naval forces of the United States for use in the discharge of their official
duties, nor shall anything in this Chapter prohibit the possession of assault weapons or magazines therefor by any
regular, salaried, full-time officer, employees or agents thereof when on duty.and the use of assault weapons is within the
scope of their duties.
C. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the possession of any assault weapon when such possession is
prohibited by the provisions of Section 12031 of the Penal Code of the State of California or Section 2010 of the Fish and
Game Code of the State of California.
D. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A:
1. Any person who, prior to April 21, 1989, was legally in possession of a weapon prohibited by this Section or who
subsequently obtains title to an assault weapon by bequest or intestate succession shall within thirty (30) days
remove said assault weapon from within the incorporated area of the City of Monte Sereno, or transfer title and
possession of the weapon to a dealer licensed pursuant to Article 4 of the State of (California Penal Code
commencing at Section 12250, or to the City Police;
2. An assault weapon may be possessed by any federal, state, or local historical society, museum or institutional
collection which is open to the public, provided any such weapon is properly housed, secured from unauthorized
handling and is unloaded;
3. An assault weapon may be maintained in the possession of an entity or establishment engaged in the business of
motion picture, television or video production, but only for the purpose of being utilized as a prop during the course of
motion picture, television or video production by an authorized participant therein or by an authorized agent or
employee of the entity or establishment, and only if the entity or establishment properly secures such assault weapon
from unauthorized use.
Montebello Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2477, passed February 9, 2022. (Supp. No. 33)
itle 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.59 Home Occupation Permits
Section 17.59.050. Operation standards.
A. H
ome occupations, governed by subsection B below, are permitted, provided that:
11. Guns and ammunition shall not be sold as part of a home occupation except that a home occupation permit for a
gunsmith or firearms collector licensed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms as a gunsmith, or firearm
collector shall be allowed.
Monterey County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 5382, passed July 26, 2022. (Supp. No. 49)Title 7 Business Taxes, Licenses and
hapter 7.70 Licensing of the Sale of Concealed Weapons
Section 7.70.020. Intent and purpose.
he intent and purpose of this Chapter is to prohibit the sale of a concealed weapon capable of being concealed by any
person within the unincorporated areas of the County of Monterey without a license issued by the Sheriff of Monterey
County. The Board of Supervisors has found that the proper sale, registration and licensing of concealed weapons is a
law enforcement function which will aid the community. In this purpose, the Sheriff of Monterey County would maintain the
licensing authority for the sale and carrying of any concealed weapon.
Section 7.70.030. Definitions.
s used in this Chapter, the following words, phrases, or terms shall have the meanings set forth in this Section:
A. "Handgun Dealer." Any person engaged in the business of: (a) selling or renting handguns at wholesale or retail; (b)
manufacture of handguns; or (c) repairing handguns or making or fitting special barrels or trigger mechanisms to
handguns; (d) a holder of a Federal Firearms license.
B. "Handgun." Any weapon which constitutes a "pistol", "revolver" or "firearm capable of being concealed on the person."
Also applies to and includes any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled a projectile by the force
of any explosion or other form of combustion, and which has a barrel less than twelve (12) inches in length. The frame is
the basic unit of a handgun which serves as a mounting for the barrel and operating parts of the gun. The receiver is the
metal frame in which the action of a firearm is fitted and to which the breech end of the barrel is attached.
Section 7.70.040. License, required.
A. E
xcept as provided by this Chapter, it is unlawful in the unincorporated areas of Monterey County for any handgun
dealer to sell any weapon capable of being concealed without procuring from the Sheriff a license for such purpose. The
Sheriff is designated as agent of the Board of Supervisors for the purpose of issuing licenses for the sale of weapons
capable of being concealed.
B. This Section shall not apply to:
1. Firearms owned or under the direct control or custody of any Federal, State or local governmental authority
maintained in the course of its official duties, including United States Armed Forces personnel maintained in their
official capacity.
2. Duty-related firearms owned and possessed by peace officers who are not residents of the County or who are the
residents of incorporated cities.
3. Duty-related firearms owned or possessed by correction officers.
4. Firearms owned, manufactured or processed by licensed manufacturers of firearms, bulk transporters or licensed
sellers of firearms at wholesale or retail.
Section 7.70.050. License, application.
Any person or business holding a Federal firearms license who makes application for the sale of a weapon capable of
being concealed shall file with the Sheriff a sworn application on a form to be furnished by the Sheriff, which shall give the
following information:
A. Name, social security number, residential and business address and telephone number of the applicant;
B. The applicants age, sex, citizenship;
C. The applicants State firearm owners identification number;
D. A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been arrested and, if so, the complete record of such arrest or
arrests excepting minor traffic violations, the time when, the place when, the nature of the offense, and the punishment or
penalty, if any, assessed therefor;
E. Such other information as the Sheriff shall find reasonably necessary to effectuate the purpose of this ordinance and to
arrive at a fair determination whether the terms of this ordinance have been complied with.
F. The Sheriff shall be the custodian of all applications for licensing of concealed weapons and the sale of concealed
weapons under this ordinance.
G. When necessary to establish the identity of any applicant, such applicant shall be required to submit to fingerprinting in
accordance with the procedures and regulations of the Sheriff's Office.
Section 7.70.060. License, investigation.
A. Upon receipt of the application provided for in Section 7.70.050 in duplicate, the Sheriff of the County of Monterey shall
cause such investigation of the applicants business and moral character to be made as he or she deems necessary for
the protection of the public good.
B. If, as a result of the investigation, the applicants character and business responsibility is found to be unsatisfactory, the
Sheriff shall endorse on the application his or her disapproval and his or her reasons for the same, and shall notify the
applicant that his or her application was disapproved and that no license will be issued.
C. If, as a result of the investigation, the character and business responsibility of the applicant are found to be satisfactory,
the Sheriff shall endorse on the application his or her approval, and return the application to the applicant, who, upon
payment of license fees prescribed by this Chapter, shall issue and deliver to the applicant a serially numbered license.
The license shall contain the signature of the Sheriff or deputy thereof, the date of the issuance, and the length of time the
same shall be operative. If the licensee is other than self employed, the name and address, both permanent and
temporary, of the firm, person, corporation or association, by which he or she is employed, which he or she represents
shall also be listed on the application. The Sheriff shall keep a record of all licenses issued.
D. If the Sheriff does not either approve or disapprove the application as provided in this Section within forty-five (45) days
of his or her receipt of the application, he or she shall forthwith report in duplicate his or her reasons for delay to the
applicant. The applicant shall thereupon have the right to appeal to the Board of Supervisors as provided in Section
E. Any business engaged in the sale of concealed weapons and weapons capable of being concealed is not to be located
within any area of the County which is wholly residential; or if the business location is adjacent to a residential area and, in
the opinion of the Sheriff, the operation of this business in such location would tend to cause a public nuisance or law
enforcement problem.
F. Any business engaged in the sale of concealed weapons and weapons capable of being concealed is not to be located
within two thousand (2,000) feet of a public school, church, hospital, childrens' playground, or any other public facility
where the presence of the business might tend to cause a law enforcement problem, or create a public nuisance, or
where the granting of the license would be contrary to the public interest.
G. Any business engaged in the sale of concealed weapons and weapons capable of being concealed is not to be located
in an area not zoned for such activities as determined by the appropriate planning administrator or commission.
Section 7.70.070. License fee and license.
A. A license fee shall be paid as set forth by resolution of the Board of Supervisors for the sale of weapons capable of
being concealed.
B. The license fee shall be paid on a yearly fiscal basis.
C. The fee shall be paid to the County Treasurer in advance for each fiscal year commencing on July 1st.
D. The license fee shall be due and payable at least fifteen (15) days prior to the commencement of the fiscal year. A
penalty equal to ten (10) percent of the current license fee shall be imposed in those cases where the fee is not paid
within sixty (60) days of the due date, the license shall be revoked and the sale of the concealed weapon will be
prosecuted under the provisions of Penal Code Sections 12070 and 12071.
E. The license for the sale of any weapon capable of being concealed shall be valid for the fiscal year or portion thereof in
which issued, commencing July 1st of that year and ending June 30th.
F. Any application for a license or renewal shall be held in abeyance when there is a criminal proceeding for a crime of
violence or any offense involving a weapon, or a proceeding to revoke a firearm registration, pending against the applicant
until such proceeding has terminated. In the case of a renewal of registration of a license, the then current license shall be
deemed continuing until the termination of such proceeding.
G. Upon receipt of a license, each applicant shall examine the same to insure that the information thereon is correct. If the
license is incorrect in any respect, the applicant thereon shall return it to the Sheriff with a signed statement showing the
nature of the error. The Sheriff shall correct the error, if it occurred through administrative error. In the event that the error
resulted from incorrect information contained in the application, the applicant shall be required to file an amended
application setting forth the correct information and a statement explaining the error in the original application.
H. Each license authorized to be issued by the Sheriff shall be accompanied by a statement setting forth the applicants
duties under this Chapter.
Section 7.70.080. Renewal of license.
A. Every holder of a license for the sale of any weapon capable of being concealed shall apply for renewal of such license
within forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the current license date.
B. The application for renewal shall include the payment of a renewal fee as set forth by resolution of the Board of
C. For the purposes of clarification, the license fee set forth in this Section is for regulation purposes to reimburse the
County for its costs in regulating the sale of weapons capable of being concealed and not for revenue purposes.
Section 7.70.090. Appeal procedure.
A. Any applicant dissatisfied with the action of the Sheriff in either failing to approve or disapprove an application within
forty-five (45) days or in disapproving an application shall have the right of appeal to the Board of Supervisors.
B. An appeal from the action of the Sheriff in disapproving an application shall be taken by filing with the Clerk of the
Board of Supervisors, within ten (10) days after notice of the disapproval has been mailed to the applicant at the address
shown on the application, a written statement setting forth fully the grounds for appeal.
C. The appeal provided for in Subsection B of this Section shall be taken by filing with the Board of Supervisors within ten
(10) days after notice of the action complained of has been mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the
application, a written statement setting forth fully the grounds for the appeal. The Board of Supervisors shall set a time for
hearing such appeal and written notice of the hearing shall be given to the applicant at least five days prior to the hearing.
Upon failure to file the notice within a ten (10) day period, the action of the Sheriff in denying the license shall be final and
D. The Board of Supervisors shall either affirm or reverse the action of the Sheriff. Should the Board of Supervisors
reverse the action of the Sheriff, notice of the reversal shall be given to the Sheriff, who shall, upon payment of the
required fee, issue the license.
Section 7.70.100. Notices.
A. For the purposes of this Chapter, service of any notice, finding or decision, to the applicant or licensee shall be
completed by any of the following methods:
1. Personal delivery of a copy of such notice, finding or decision to the applicant or licensee; or
2. By leaving a copy of such notice, finding or decision at the address identified on the application for license renewal;
3. By mailing a copy of the notice, finding or decision by certified mail with return receipt of the address identified on
the application for license for renewal; which day service shall be complete as the date the return receipt was signed
by any person.
Section 7.70.110. License, duplicate.
n the event any license issued under this Chapter is lost, destroyed or mutilated, the person to whom the license was
issued may obtain a duplicate thereof upon the payment of a fee as established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors
and by furnishing two photographs of the licensee taken within sixty (60) days immediately prior to the date of application,
which photographs conform to the requirements of Section 7.70.050, and furnishing satisfactory proof of loss, destruction
or mutilation to the Sheriff.
Section 7.70.130.
The provisions of this Chapter are severable, and if any part of this Chapter shall be found to be invalid, such invalidity
shall not effect remaining provisions.
Monterey Park Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2222 and the May 2022 code supplement.
Title 9 Peace, Safety and Morals
Chapter 9.84 Weapons
Section 9.84.010. Possession By minor.
No person shall give, sell or loan to any person under the age of eighteen years, any firearm, spring gun, air rifle, sling
shot or ammunition.
Section 9.84.020. Possession Prohibited.
o person under the age of eighteen years, shall use or have in his possession any firearm, spring gun, air rifle, sling shot
or ammunition within the city.
Title 21 Zoning
Chapter 21.04 Definitions
Section 21.04.452. Gunsmith or armorer.
Gunsmith” means a person who repairs, modifies, designs, or builds firearms. A gunsmith does factory level repairs,
renovation (such as applying metal finishes), and makes modifications and alterations for special uses. Gunsmiths may
also apply carvings, engravings and other decorative features to an otherwise finished gun. This occupation is different
from an armorer. The armorer primarily maintains (disassembly, cleaning) weapons and limited repairs involving parts
replacement and possibly work involving modifications to make the weapon more accurate. For the purposes of this
Zoning Code, “gunsmith” will be considered to include “armorer.”
hapter 21.10 Commercial Zones
Section 21.10.020. Commercial Zones.
S Neighborhood Shopping Center Zone
R-S Regional Specialty Center Zone
S-C Shopping Center Zone
C-S Commercial Services Zone
C-B Central Business Zone
C-P Commercial-Professional Zone
Section 21.10.030. Land use regulations.
Table 21.10(A)
Permitted Uses in Commercial Zones
P Permitted
Expressly prohibited
Land Uses
Service Business
Moorpark Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-501 and the March 2022 code supplement.
itle 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.24 Weapons
Section 9.24.030. Discharge of firearms Minors.
B. N
o minor shall possess in any public place any gun, rifle or pistol as described in Sections 9.24.010 and 9.24.020 of
this chapter, except as follows:
1. When such minor is in the immediate charge and supervision of a parent, guardian, or adult person having the
responsibility for the conduct of such minor, regardless of whether the gun, rifle or pistol is capable of being
immediately discharged or whether it is unloaded or in a dismantled or take-down condition or completely wrapped or
in a carrying case made for the purposes of carrying such firearm;
Moraga Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 296, April 14, 2021. (Supp. No. 23)
itle 8 Planning and Zoning
Chapter 8.50 Planned Development-Commercial (PD-C)
Section 8.50.020. Definitions.
he following definitions shall apply to this chapter:
"Firearm store" means a retail store or wholesale business that derives its principal income from buying and selling
firearms, with or without sale of ammunition and/or firearms accessories.
Section 8.50.060. PD-C standards.
B. The PD-C plan shall include a list of prohibited uses. At a minimum, the list shall include the following uses as
prohibited within any PD-C district:
6. Firearms stores
Title 9 Public Peace and Welfare
Chapter 9.12 Storage of Firearms
Section 9.12.010. Definitions.
he following words and phrases when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings:
A. "Residence" refers to any structure intended or used for human habitation including, but not limited to a house,
condominium, room, accessory dwelling unit, trailer coach or house car that is parked and being used as a residence,
motel, hotel, time-share, and other locations where human habitation occurs.
B. "Locked container" refers to a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, biometric lock, key
lock, combination lock, or similar locking device, as defined in Penal Code Section 16850, as may be amended from time
to time.
C. "Firearm" refers to any rifle, shotgun, revolver, pistol, or any other device designed to be used as a weapon, from
which is expelled through a barrel, a projectile by the force of any explosion or other form of combustion, as defined in
Penal Code section 16520(a), as may be amended from time to time.
D. "Gun lock" refers to a cable or trigger lock that is listed in the California Department of Justice's roster of approved
firearms safety devices, as defined in California Penal Code section 16540, as may be amended from time to time, and
that is identified as appropriate for that firearm by reference to either the manufacturer and model of the firearm or to the
physical characteristics of the firearm that match those listed on the roster for use with the device.
E. "Immediate control" means within close enough proximity and control that the owner or other lawfully authorized user
of the firearm can readily retrieve and use the firearm as if carried on the person.
Section 9.12.020. Regulation of firearm storage.
No person shall keep any firearm within a residence owned or controlled by that person unless the firearm is stored in a
locked container or disabled with a gun lock that has been approved by the California Department of Justice.
Section 9.12.030. Exceptions to firearm storage regulation.
The firearm storage regulations set forth in this chapter shall not apply in the following circumstances:
A. The firearm is carried on the person of, or is in the immediate control of, an individual, in accordance with any and all
applicable local, state or federal laws.
B. The firearm is under the control of a person who is a peace officer, either active duty or honorably retired, pursuant to
California Penal Code 830 et seq.
Section 9.12.040. Penalty for failing to properly store firearms in residence.
A. Penalty. A first violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute an infraction. Any subsequent violation shall
constitute a misdemeanor.
B. Fines. A first violation of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). A second or
subsequent violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of one thousand dollars
C. Other Enforcement Remedies. No provision of this chapter is intended to supersede or supplant any state law and a
violation of this chapter may be subject to any other civil or criminal procedures and fines as provided by state or federal
Moreno Valley Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 981 and October 2021 code supplement.
itle 9 Planning and Zoning
Chapter 9.02 Permits and Approvals
Section 9.02.130. Home occupation permits.
E. P
rohibited Home Occupation Uses. The following uses, either by operation or nature, are not considered to be
incidental to or compatible with residential activities and therefore shall not be permitted as home occupations:
he sale, use or manufacture of ammunition, explosives or fireworks;
Chapter 9.07 Special Districts
Article I Special Districts in General
Section 9.07.040. Medical use overlay district (MUO).
. Development Standards.
2. For property with underlying zoning of neighborhood commercial and community commercial, the permitted uses of
the underlying zoning shall apply with the following exceptions:
n. Gun shops;
Morgan Hill Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2319 N.S.., passed January 20, 2021. (Supplement Number 62)
itle 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.04 Weapons
Section 9.04.020. Licensed Dealers-Posting of Regulations.
ny person or business establishment engaged in the business of offering for sale any instrument or device described in
Section 9.04.010 of this chapter shall have posted in a conspicuous place in the place of sale, a copy of this chapter and
shall deliver a copy of this chapter to any purchaser of such instrument or device.
Section 9.04.030. Duty to report theft or loss of firearms.
ny person who owns or possesses a firearm (as defined in Penal Code Section 16520or as amended) shall report the
theft or loss of the firearm to the Morgan Hill Police Department within forty-eight hours of the time he or she knew or
reasonably should have known that the firearm had been stolen or lost, whenever: (1) the person resides in the city of
Morgan Hill; or (2) the theft or loss of the firearm occurs in the city of Morgan Hill.
Section 9.04.040. Safe storage of firearms.
o person shall leave a firearm (as defined in Penal Code Section 16520 or as amended)unattended in any residence
owned or controlled by that person unless the firearm is stored in a locked container (as defined in Penal Code Section
16850 or as amended),or the firearm is disabled with a trigger lock that is listed on the California Department of Justice's
list of approved firearms safety devices.
Section 9.04.050. Possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines prohibited.
A. N
o person may possess a large-capacity magazine in the city of Morgan Hill whether assembled or
disassembled. For purposes of this section, "large-capacity magazine" means any detachable ammunition
feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds, but shall not be construed to include any of the
1. A feeding device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot accommodate more than ten rounds; or
2. A .22 caliber tubular ammunition feeding device; or
3. A tubular magazine that is contained in a lever-action firearm.
B. Any person who, prior to the effective date of this section, was legally in possession of a large-capacity magazine
shall have ninety days from such effective date to do either of the following without being subject to prosecution:
1. Remove the large-capacity magazine from the city of Morgan Hill; or
2. Surrender the large-capacity magazine to the Morgan Hill Police Department for destruction; or
3. Lawfully sell or transfer the large-capacity magazine in accordance with Penal Code Section 12020.
C. This section shall not apply to the following:
1. Any federal, state, county, or city agency that is charged with the enforcement of any law, for use by agency
employees in the discharge of their official duties;
2. Any government officer, agent, or employee, member of the armed forces of the United States, or peace
officer, to the extent that such person is otherwise authorized to possess a large-capacity magazine and does so
while acting within the course and scope of his or her duties;
3. A forensic laboratory or any authorized agent or employee thereof in the course and scope of his or her duties;
4. Any entity that operates an armored vehicle business pursuant to the laws of the state, and an authorized
employee of such entity, while in the course and scope of his or her employment for purposes that pertain to the
entity's armored vehicle business;
5. Any person who has been issued a license or permit by the California Department of Justice pursuant to Penal
Code Sections 18900, 26500-26915, 31000, 32315, 32650, 32700-32720,or 33300, when the possession of a
large-capacity magazine is in accordance with that license or permit;
6. A licensed gunsmith for purposes of maintenance, repair or modification of the large-capacity magazine;
7. Any person who finds a large-capacity magazine, if the person is not prohibited from possessing firearms or
ammunition pursuant to federal or state law, and the person possesses the large-capacity magazine no longer
than is reasonably necessary to deliver or transport the same to a law enforcement agency;
8. Any person lawfully in possession of a firearm that the person obtained prior to January1, 2000, if the person
can show that the large capacity magazine was included with the purchase of the firearm or no magazine that
holds fewer than ten rounds of ammunition is compatible with the firearm, and the person possesses the large-
capacity magazine solely for use with such firearm.
9. Any retired peace officer holding a valid, current Carry Concealed Weapons (CCW) permit issued pursuant to
California Penal Code.
Section 9.04.060. ConfiscationAuthorityConditions.
ny instrument, device or article used or possessed in violation of the provisions of this chapter is declared to be a public
nuisance and may be confiscated and possessed by a police officer of the city and turned over to the chief of police under
the conditions set forth in this section. If no complaint for violation of this chapter is filed within seventy-two hours of the
taking, the instrument or device shall be returned to the person from whom it was taken. If a complaint for violation of this
chapter is filed within seventy-two hours, the chief of police may return it to the person from whose possession it was
taken upon such conditions as he deems desirable for the public welfare. If the person from whom it was taken is not
convicted of a violation of this chapter, then the device or instrument shall be returned to him without any conditions. If
there is a conviction and sixty days have expired since the date of conviction, the same may be destroyed by the chief of
police or returned to the person from whom it was taken upon such conditions as the chief deems desirable for the public
Section 9.04.070. Violation.
t is unlawful for any person to violate or cause or permit the violation of the provisions of any section of this chapter.
Napa Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number O2022-005 and the March 2022 code supplement.
itle 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.10 Commercial Districts (CL, CT, CC, DCC, DMU, DN, OBC)
Section 17.10.010. Specific purposes.
he additional purposes of each commercial district follow:
E. Local Commercial (CL).
F. Tourist Commercial (CT).
G. Community Commercial (CC).
Section 17.10.020. Land use regulations.
Table A Commercial Districts
P=Permitted C = Conditional S = Specific Standards Apply Blank = Not Allowed
Zoning Districts
Added Use Regulations
A. Commercial Uses
Gun shops
Chapter 17.14 Industrial Districts (IP, IL)
Section 17.14.010. Specific purposes.
. Industrial Park (IP).
ight Industrial (IL).
Section 17.14.020. Land use regulations.
= Permitted C=Conditional Use Permit or Administrative Permit (see Chapter 17.58)
S = Specific Standards apply Blank = Not Allowed
Zoning Districts
Added Use Regulations
B. Commercial Uses
9. Retail uses
Gun shops, gunsmiths
Chapter 17.20 MU-G Gateway Mixed Use D istrict
Section 17.20.020. Land use regulations.
= Permitted C = Conditional S = Specific Standards Apply Blank = Not Allowed
oning Districts
North of 6th
South of 6th
Added Use Regulations
A. Commercial Uses
8. Retail uses*
Gun shops
Chapter 17.52.0 Site and Use Regulations
Section 17.52.240. Home occupations.
4. T
raffic. The use does not generate customer or client traffic, deliveries by commercial vehicles other than pickup trucks
or panel delivery trucks, or clients coming to the residence, except for the following:
c. Sale or transfer of firearms which involve no more than four customer trips per month. Each such sale or transfer
shall be limited to not more than two firearms, however, the Community Development Director may authorize the sale
or transfer of a larger number of firearms on up to two occasions in any 12-month period after receiving a written
request not less than two weeks prior to the special sale or transfer. All firearms shall be stored in compliance with
California Penal Code Section 12071(14);
National City Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-2502, passed May 3, 2022. (Supp. No. 60, Update 1)
Title 7 Property Conservation and Community Appearance Code
Chapter 7.21 Garage, Yard and Rummage Sales
Section 7.21.050. Prohibited items.
t is unlawful for any person to exchange, barter, trade or sell at a garage or rummage sale the following items: firearms,
ammunition, explosives, animals and livestock, any identifiable goods, and all other items the sale or possession of which
may be prohibited by ordinance or resolution duly adopted by the city council of the city or by the laws of the state or
Title 10 Public Peace, Morals and Safety
VII Consumer Protection
Chapter 10.57 Swap Meets
Section 10.57.020. Prohibited items.
t is unlawful for any vendor in a swap meet to exchange, barter, trade or sell, the following items of personal property:
firearms, ammunition, explosives, animals and livestock, any item of personal property from which the serial number or
identifying number has been removed, or any other item of personal property which is prohibited from being exchanged,
bartered, traded or sold by ordinance or resolution or any laws of the city, the county, or the state.
Nevada County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2508 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 2 General Code
Chapter III Business Regulations
Article 14 Firearms Dealers
Section G-III 14.1. Gun sales or leases must be through qualified dealer.
xcept as provided in Penal Code Section 12078, no person shall sell, offer for sale, lease or transfer any firearm to
another unless he or she is a dealer or the transaction is processed by a dealer pursuant to Penal Code Section 12082.
Section G-III 14.2. Permit required.
o person shall engage in the business of selling, leasing, transferring, advertising, offering, or exposing for sale, lease,
or transfer of firearms unless he or she has been issued a firearms dealer’s license by the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office.
Section G-III 14.3. License qualifications.
ny person over the age of 21 years who desires to become a firearms dealer shall apply to the Sheriff’s Office of the
County as follows:
A. Applicant shall submit a completed application for a firearms dealer’s license.
B. At the time an application for a firearms dealers license is submitted, the applicant must provide the following:
1. A valid federal firearms license.
2. A valid seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization.
3. A certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of Justice.
C. Applicant shall be fingerprinted.
D. Applicant must pay an application fee in an amount to be determined by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
E. Applicant must not be in a class of persons prohibited from possessing firearms by State law.
Section G-III 14.4. License is subject to approval.
ll firearms dealer’s licenses shall be subject to approval by the Sheriff or his designee. All applicants who are denied a
firearms dealers license shall be informed, in writing, of the reasons for such denial.
Section G-III 14.5. Renewal of license.
ny license granted herein shall be valid for one year from the date of issue. Applicant shall pay a license renewal fee to
the Sheriff’s Department in an amount set by resolution of the Board of Supervisors, if eligible.
Section G-III 14.6. License subject to forfeiture.
ny license granted herein shall be subject to forfeiture for failing to comply with the following conditions as contained in
Penal Code Section 12071:
A. Business shall be carried on in the building designated in the license, unless person is complying with Penal Code
Section 12082 as it pertains to a gun show or qualified event.
B. The license or copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily be
C. No firearm shall be delivered:
1. Prior to a record check and clearance by the Department of Justice pursuant to Penal Code Section 12076;
2. Prior to the expiration of a 10 day waiting period pursuant to Penal Code Section 12071(a)(3)(A);
3. Unless unloaded and securely wrapped or unloaded and in a locked container;
4. Unless the purchaser, transferee, or person being loaned the firearm presents clear evidence of his or her identity
and age to the dealer as prescribed by Penal Code Section 12071(c)(1).
5. Whenever the dealer is notified by the Department of Justice that the person is a prohibited class described in
Penal Code Sections 12021 or 12021.1 or Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103.
D. No pistol, revolver or other firearm, or imitation thereof, capable of being concealed upon the person, or placard
advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen
from the outside.
E. Licensee shall agree to and shall act properly in processing transfers of firearms pursuant to Section 12082 of the
Penal Code.
F. Licensee shall comply with Sections 12073, 12076, and 12077, and subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 12072, and
subdivision (a) of Section 12316 of the Penal Code.
G. Licensee shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises the warning fully set forth in Government Code Section
H. No pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person shall be delivered unless the
purchaser, transferee, or person being loaned the firearm presents to the dealer a basic firearms safety certificate as
described in Penal Code Section 12071(c)(2).
I. The licenses shall offer to provide the purchaser or transferee of a firearm, or person being loaned a firearm with a copy
of the pamphlet described in Penal Code Section 12080 and may add the cost of the pamphlet, if any, to the sales price of
the firearm.
J. The licensee shall not commit an act of collusion as defined in Penal Code Section 12072.
K. The licensee shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises a detailed list of the charges and fees set forth in
Penal Code Section 12071(b)(11). The licensee shall not misstate the amount of fees charged by a governmental agency.
L. The licensee shall report the loss or theft of any firearm that is merchandise of the licensee, any firearm that the
licensee takes possession of pursuant to Penal Code Section 12082, or any firearm kept at the licensee’s place of
business within 48 hours of discovery to the appropriate law enforcement agency in the city or county where the
licensee’s business premises are located.
M. The licensee shall, upon the issuance or renewal of a license, submit a copy of the same to the Department of Justice.
N. The licensee shall maintain and make available for inspection during business hours to any peace officer, authorized
local law enforcement employee, or Department of Justice employee designated by the Attorney General, upon the
presentation of proper identification, a firearms transaction record as prescribed by Penal Code Section 12071(c)(5).
O. On the date of receipt, the licensee shall report to the Department of Justice the acquisition by the licenses of the
ownership of a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, unless such transaction
qualifies under Penal Code Section 12071(b)(18)(B).
P. The licensee shall forward information as required by the Department of Justice, information on any firearm that is not
delivered within the time period set forth in Section 178.102(c) of Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Section G-III 14.7. Violation.
ny person engaging in the business of selling, leasing, transferring, advertising, offering or exposing for sale, lease or
transfer of firearms, who does not come within the exceptions contained in Section 12070(b) of the Penal Code and who
does not obtain a license pursuant to this Article is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Newark Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 535, passed March 24, 2022. (Supp. No. 21, Update 1 )
Title 17 Zoning
Division III Citywide Regulations
Chapter 17.26 Standards for Specific Uses
Section 17.26.140. Home occupations.
D. Prohibited Home Occupations. The following specific businesses are not permitted as home occupations:
irearm sales;
Division V Terms and Definitions
Chapter 17.46 Definitions
Section 17.46.060. F.
irearms. Any device designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which a projectile is
pelled through a barrel by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
Newport Beach Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-15, passed June 28, 2022.
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.80 Retail Sale of Firearms
Section 5.80.010. Duly constituted licensing authority.
he City Manager, or his or her designated representative, is hereby designated as the City’s licensing authority and is
authorized to issue licenses for the sale of firearms pursuant to the California Penal Code
Section 5.80.020. Definitions.
. The term City Manager” as used herein shall include any representative designated by the City Manager of the City
of Newport Beach pursuant to this chapter.
he term firearms” shall mean the same as that term is defined in the California Penal Code.
Section 5.80.030. License required.
No person shall conduct, engage in or carry on the business of selling, leasing, transferring, advertising, offering or
exposing for sale, lease or transfer of firearms unless he or she has obtained a license from the City Manager pursuant to
this Code and the California Penal Code and has paid the required licensing fee. The license shall not be transferrable
and shall be valid for one year from the date of issue.
Section 5.80.040. Fees.
he City Council shall establish by resolution, and from time to time amend, a schedule of fees sufficient to cover the
costs to the City of Newport Beach of administering this ordinance, to be paid upon issuance of a license.
Section 5.80.050. Revocation or denial of license.
The City Manager may refuse to issue or to renew a license or may revoke or suspend an existing license on any of the
following grounds:
A. The applicant or license holder has failed to comply with any of the provisions of the California Penal Code.
B. The applicant or license holder has failed to comply with applicable provisions of the Newport Beach Municipal Code.
C. The applicant or license holder has failed to comply with applicable Federal firearms laws and regulations.
D. The applicant or license holder has made a material false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of fact to the City in the
permit application process.
In any such case, the applicant or license holder shall have the right to appeal to the City Council or a member of the City
Council may call an item for review in the time and manner set forth in this section.
When the City Manager concludes that grounds for suspension or revocation or refusal to renew a license exists, the City
Manager shall serve the applicant or license holder, either personally or by certified mail addressed to the business
address of the applicant or license holder, with a notice of intent to suspend or revoke or refuse to renew the license. This
notice shall state the reasons for the proposed suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew, the effective date or if no
appeal is filed by applicant or license holder, and the right of the applicant or license holder to appeal to the City Council
and the decision of the City Manager to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the license. A member of the City Council, in
their official capacity, may call for review any action of the City Manager under this chapter for the purpose of bringing the
matter in front of the entire body for review. A call for review shall be filed with the City Clerk on a form provided by the
Clerk. The right to appeal to the City Council or call an item for review shall terminate upon the expiration of fifteen (15)
days following the personal service or deposit of the notice of intent to suspend or revoke or refuse to renew the license in
the United States mail, whichever shall occur first.
The City Council of the City of Newport Beach may preside over the hearing on appeal or, in the alternative, appoint a
hearing officer to conduct the hearing, receive relevant evidence and to submit to the City Council findings and
recommendations to be considered by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach. The City Council shall preside over
a hearing for a call for review. The City Council shall render its decision within forty-five (45) days from the date of the
hearing or, in the event that a hearing officer has been appointed, within forty-five (45) days from the date on which the
City Council receives the findings and recommendations of the hearing officer. The decision of the City Council shall be
Section 5.80.060. Severability.
f any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of the chapter. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in
this chapter and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional
without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Novato Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1685, passed May 24, 2022. (Supp. No. 20)
hapter XIV Police Regulations
Section 14-14. Concealable firearms; sales.
-14.1 Permit Required. No person shall within the city engage in the business of selling or otherwise transferring any
handgun, pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person without first having received a
revocable permit from the chief of police authorizing such person to make such sales.
ivision 19.12 Commercial/Industrial Zoning Districts
Section 19.12.030. Commercial/industrial district land uses and permit requirements.
Table 2-7 identifies the uses of land allowed by this Zoning Ordinance in the commercial and industrial zoning districts,
and the land use permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Section 19.06.030 (Allowable Land Uses and
Permit Requirements). In addition to the land use permit required by Table 2-7, special provisions related to certain land
uses may apply, and Design Review may also be required for certain uses in compliance with Section 19.42.030 (Design
Review). A Building Permit shall be required prior to any construction.
Table 2-7 Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements for Commercial/Industrial Zoning Districts
P Permitted Use (2)
UP Use Permit required (3)
Use not allowed
Chapter XIX Zoning
Article 2 Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses, and Zone-Specific Standards
Permit Required by District
Land Use (1)
Specific Use Regulations
Retail Uses
Gun sales
Key To Zoning District Symbols
BPO Business and Professional Office
CDB Downtown Core Business
Neighborhood Commercial
General Commercial
Downtown Core Retail
Light Industrial/Office
Article 3 Site Planning and General Development Standards
Division 19.60 Definitions/Glossary
Section 19.60.020. Definitions of specialized terms and phrases.
s used in this Zoning Ordinance, the following terms and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this
Section, unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise.
G. Definitions “G”.
Gun Sales. A retail business dealing in firearms and ammunition as a regular course of trade or business.
Oakland Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 13696, passed July 5, 2022. (Supp. No. 91, 9-22)
Title 5 Business, Taxes & Regulations
Chapter 5.26 Firearms Dealers
ection 5.26.030. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this Chapter, shall be construed as defined in this Section:
"Ammunition" means projectiles, cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm,
and any component thereof, but shall not include blank cartridges or ammunition that can be used solely in an "antique
firearm" as that term is defined in § 921(a)(16) of Title 18 of the United States Code.
"Engaged in the business" means the conduct of a business by the selling, transferring, or leasing of any firearm or
ammunition; or the preparation for such conduct of business as evidenced by the securing of applicable federal or State
licenses; or the holding of one's self out as engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing of any firearm or
ammunition, or the selling, transferring, or leasing of firearms or ammunition in quantity, in series, or in individual
transactions, or in any other manner indicative of trade.
"Firearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which is
expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
"Firearms dealer" means a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale,
transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm.
"Permit" means a license to sell or transfer firearms or ammunition under this Chapter.
"Permittee" means a person or entity licensed to sell or transfer firearms or ammunition under this Chapter.
"Person" means natural person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
Section 5.26.040. Permit required.
t is unlawful for any person, partnership, cooperative, corporation, firm, or association to engage in the business of
operating or managing any business which sells, transfers, leases, or offers or advertises for sale, transfer, or lease, any
firearm or ammunition without first obtaining a permit from the Chief of Police of the Oakland Police Department.
Section Display of permit.
he permit, or a certified copy of it, shall be displayed in a prominent place on the business premises where it can be
easily seen by those entering the premises.
Section 5.26.050. Application, forms, fees.
n applicant for a permit under this Chapter shall file with the Chief of Police a sworn application in writing, on a form to
be furnished by the City. The applicant shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance with all
applicable federal, State, and local laws when required by the Chief of Police, or the application will not be deemed
complete. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as set forth in the City municipal license/permit
fee schedule. To the extent practicable, the fee amount shall reflect the cost of enforcing the requirements of this Chapter.
Section 5.26.060. Application, investigation.
The Chief of Police shall conduct an appropriate investigation to determine for the protection of the public safety whether
the permit may be issued. The Chief of Police may require additional information of an applicant deemed necessary to
complete the investigation.
Section 5.26.070. Application denial.
he Chief of Police shall deny the issuance of a permit, and has the authority to revoke an existing permit, when any of
the following conditions exist:
A. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, is under the age of 21 years.
B. The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal, State and local laws.
C. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, has had a similar type permit previously revoked or denied for
good cause within the immediately preceding 2 years.
D. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact or
omission of a material fact in the application for a permit.
E. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, has been convicted of:
1. Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, from owning or possessing a
firearm or ammunition under applicable federal, State, and local laws;
2. Any offense relating to the manufacturing, sale, possession, use, or registration of any firearm, ammunition or
dangerous or deadly weapon;
3. Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another;
4. Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit;
5. Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession, or use of any controlled substance as defined by the
California Health & Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read.
F. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined by
the California Health & Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read, or is an excessive
user of alcohol to the extent that such use would impair his or her fitness for a permit under this Chapter.
G. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, has been adjudicated as a mental defective, or has been
committed to a mental institution, or suffers from any psychological disturbance which would impair his or her fitness for a
permit under this Chapter.
H. The operation of the business as proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, State, or local laws.
I. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, proposes to operate in the following locations:
1. Within a zoning district in which general retail sales commercial activities are not a permitted or conditional use;
2. Within a zoning district in which residential use is the principal permitted or maintained use, or within 1,000 feet of
the exterior limits of any such district;
3. Within 1,000 feet of a public or private day care center or day care home, or within 1,000 feet of any elementary,
junior high, or high school whether public or private;
4. On or within 1,500 feet of the exterior limits of any other premises occupied by a dealer in firearms or ammunition,
an adult entertainment establishment or a hot tub/sauna establishment.
J. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof does not have and or cannot provide evidence of a possessory
interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted.
K. Any ground for denial exists as specified in this Code.
Section 5.26.080. Security.
n order to discourage the theft of firearms or ammunition stored on the premises, any business licensed under this
Chapter must adhere to security regulations promulgated by the Chief of Police pursuant to the authority provided by this
Chapter. Security measures shall include but not be limited to:
A. The provision of secure locks, windows and doors, storage lockers, adequate lighting, video surveillance and alarm
systems installed and maintained by an alarm company operator licensed pursuant to the Alarm Company Act, Business
& Professions Code §§ 7590 et seq. with additional requirements as specified by the Chief of Police;
B. Storing of all firearms and ammunition not principally used in handguns on the premises out of the reach of customers
in secure, locked facilities, so that access to firearms and ammunition not principally used in handguns shall be controlled
by the dealer or employees of the dealer, to the exclusion of all others. Ammunition principally used in handguns shall be
stored pursuant to the requirements of Penal Code § 12061 (a)(2).
Section 5.26.090. Permit form.
ll permits issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the Attorney General of the State of
Section 5.26.100. Permit, duration, renewal.
ll permits issued pursuant to this Chapter shall expire 1 year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that such
permits may be renewed by the Chief of Police for additional periods of 1 year upon the approval of an application for
renewal by the Chief of Police and payment of the renewal fee. Such renewal application must be received by the Chief of
Police, in completed form, no later than 45 days prior to the expiration of the current permit.
Section 5.26.110. Permit, assignment.
he assignment or attempt to assign any permit issued pursuant to this Chapter is unlawful and any such assignment or
attempt to assign a permit shall render the permit null and void.
Section 5.26.120. Permit, conditions.
ny permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which
shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the Chief of Police. Any permit issued pursuant to this Chapter
shall be subject to such additional conditions as the Chief of Police finds are reasonably related to the purpose of this
A. The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the license.
B. The permittee shall comply with all federal, State, and local laws relating to the sale of firearms or ammunition.
C. The permittee shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises the following warning in block letters not less than
1 inch in height as per Penal Code § 12071(b)(11):
D. Persons Under the Age of 18 Excluded from Establishments Displaying Firearms. No person who maintains or
operates any place of business in which firearms are kept, displayed or offered in any manner, sold, furnished or
transferred shall permit the entry into the premises of persons under the age of 18 years, unless all firearms are
completely and wholly kept, displayed or offered within a separate room or enclosure to which persons under the age of
18 years are excluded. Each entrance to such a room or enclosure shall be signposted in block letters not less than 1 inch
in height to the effect that firearms are kept, displayed or offered in such room or enclosure and that persons under the
age of 18 are excluded.
A person who maintains or operates any place of business that openly displays firearms without providing for separate
enclosures therefor, must prevent entry into the premises of persons prohibited by age under State law from purchasing
firearms. The entrance to the establishment shall be signposted in block letters not less than 1 inch in height to the effect
that firearms are kept, displayed or offered on the premises and that persons under the age of 18 are excluded.
The person who maintains or operates any place of business in which firearms are kept, displayed or offered in any
manner, sold, furnished or transferred, and his employees, agents, and persons acting under his authority, are each and
together separately and jointly responsible for requiring bona fide evidence of identity of persons to prevent the entry of
persons not permitted to purchase a firearm under State law by reason of age. Bona fide evidence of identity of the
person is a document issued by a federal, State, county, or municipal government, or subdivision or agency therefor,
including, but not limited to, a motor vehicle operator's license or an identification card issued to a member of the Armed
Forces, which contains the name, date of birth, description, and picture of the person.
E. Persons Under the Age of 21 Excluded from Establishments Displaying Concealable Firearms. No person who
maintains or operates any place of business in which concealable firearms are kept, displayed or offered in any manner,
sold, furnished or transferred shall permit the entry into the premises of persons under the age of 21 years, unless all
concealable firearms and concealable firearms accessories are completely and wholly kept, displayed or offered within a
separate room or enclosure to which persons under the age of 21 years are excluded. Each entrance to such a room or
enclosure shall be signposted in block letters not less than 1 inch in height to the effect that firearms are kept, displayed or
offered in such room or enclosure and that persons under the age of 21 are excluded.
A person who maintains or operates any place of business that openly displays concealable firearms without providing for
separate enclosures therefor, must prevent entry into the premises of persons prohibited by age under State law from
purchasing concealable firearms. The entrance to the establishment shall be signposted in block letters not less than 1
inch in height to the effect that firearms are kept, displayed or offered on the premises and that persons under the age of
21 are excluded.
The person who maintains or operates any place of business in which concealable firearms are kept, displayed or offered
in any manner, sold, furnished or transferred, and his employees, agents, and persons acting under his authority, are
each and together separately and jointly responsible for requiring bona fide evidence of identity of persons to prevent the
entry of persons not permitted to purchase concealable firearms under State law by reason of age. Bona fide evidence of
identity of the person is a document issued by a federal, State, county, or municipal government, or subdivision or agency
therefor, including, but not limited to, a motor vehicle operator's license or an identification card issued to a member of the
Armed Forces, which contains the name, date of birth, description, and picture of the person.
F. Persons Prohibited from Possessing Firearms and/or Ammunition Excluded from Establishments Displaying Firearms
and/or Ammunition. Persons prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms pursuant to California Penal Code §
12021 and 12021.1 or possessing or purchasing ammunition pursuant to Penal Code § 12316(b), or otherwise prohibited
by federal, state or local law from possessing or purchasing firearms, shall not enter into or loiter about any firearms
dealership, defined as a place of business in which firearms are openly kept, displayed or offered in any manner, sold,
furnished or transferred pursuant to Penal Code § 12070. Each entrance to such an establishment shall be signposted in
block letters not less than 1 inch in height to the effect that persons prohibited from possessing firearms pursuant to Penal
Code § 12021 are excluded from the premises.
When a firearms dealer displays or offers for sale firearms within a separate room or enclosure that segregates the
firearms, and firearms related accessories (including but not limited to, ammunition, ammunition clips, and holsters) from
other general merchandise, each entrance to such a separate room or enclosure shall be signposted in block letters not
less than 1 inch in height to the effect that persons prohibited from possessing firearms pursuant to Penal Code § 12021
are excluded from entering the separate rooms or enclosures.
Any dealer engaging in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm and/or ammunition within the City who knowingly violates the
provisions of Subsection G., or fails to adhere to the notice provisions of Subsection G., shall be subject to the penalty
provisions of this Chapter, including but not limited to suspension and/or revocation of his or her permit to sell firearms.
Any person prohibited from possessing firearms pursuant to Penal Code § 12021 who enters into or loiters about firearms
dealership in Oakland that has been properly posted pursuant to this Section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
G. Inventory Reports. Within the first 5 business days of April and October of each year, the permittee shall cause a
physical inventory to be taken that includes a listing of each firearm held by the permittee by make, model, and serial
number, together with a listing of each firearm the permittee has sold since the last inventory period. In addition, the
inventory shall include a listing of each firearm lost or stolen that is required to be reported pursuant to Penal Code §
12071(b)(13). Immediately upon completion of the inventory, the permittee shall forward a copy of the inventory to the
address specified by the Chief of Police, by such means as specified by the Chief of Police. With each copy of the
inventory, the permittee shall include an affidavit signed by an authorized agent or employee on behalf of the permittee
under penalty of perjury stating that within the first 5 business days of that April or October, as the case may be, the
signer personally confirmed the presence of the firearms reported on the inventory. The permittee shall maintain a copy of
the inventory on the premises for which the law enforcement permit was issued for a period of not less than 5 years from
the date of the inventory and shall make the copy available for inspection by federal, State or local law enforcement upon
H. Background Investigation and Verification. Employees, agents or supervisors of the applicant or permittee may not
have access to or control over workplace firearms or ammunition until those persons have undergone a law enforcement
investigation and background verification process as required by the Chief of Police. A new law enforcement investigation
and background verification of such persons must be conducted each time the permittee renews his or her permit, or
applies for a new permit. The Chief of Police shall deny the issuance or renewal of a law enforcement permit, or shall
revoke an existing permit, if the applicant or permittee allows any employee, agent or supervisor to have access to or
control over workplace firearms or ammunition prior to the completion of the law enforcement investigation and
background verification of those persons, or if those persons have not undergone the law enforcement investigation and
background verification process within the last 365 days.
Section 5.26.130. Permit, grounds for revocation.
n addition to any provisions constituting grounds for denial shall also constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 5.26.140. Permit, hearing.
A. A
ny person whose application for a permit under this Chapter has been denied, or whose permit has been revoked
pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, shall have the right to a hearing before the Chief of Police or a designee prior to
final denial or prior to revocation.
B. The Chief of Police shall give the applicant or permittee written notice of the intent to deny the application or to revoke
the permit. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the Chief of Police's intent to deny the application or to
revoke the permit, and shall inform the applicant or permittee that he or she has ten days from the date of receipt of the
notice to file a written request for a hearing. The application may be denied or the permit revoked if a written hearing
request is not received within the 10-day period.
C. If the applicant or permittee files a timely hearing request, the Chief of Police shall set a time and place for the hearing.
All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues, to
be represented by counsel, and to confront and cross-examine any witnesses against them. The decision of the Chief of
Police whether to deny the application or revoke the permit is final and nonappealable.
Section 5.26.150. Permit, liability insurance and indemnification.
o permit shall be issued or continued pursuant to this Chapter unless there is in full force and effect a policy of insurance
in such form as the City Attorney deems proper, executed by an insurance company approved by the City Attorney
whereby the applicant or permittee is insured against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any
person as a result of the sale, transfer or lease, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale,
transfer, or lease, any firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than $1,000,000 for damage to or destruction
of property in any one incident, and $1,000,000 for the death or injury to any 1 person; provided, however, that additional
amounts may be required by the City Attorney if deemed necessary.
Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be canceled until notice in writing
has been given to the City, addressed in care of the Chief of Police, 455 - 7th Street, Oakland, California, 94607, at least
30 days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Further, such policy of insurance shall name
the City, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds. Additionally, applicants and permittees shall
indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, from claims arising from the
negligence of the applicant or permittee.
No permit shall be issued or continued pursuant to this Chapter unless the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from and against all claims, losses, costs, damages and liabilities of
any kind pursuant to the operation of the business, including attorneys fees, arising in any manner out of the negligence
or intentional or willful misconduct of the applicant, the applicant's officers, employees, agents and/or supervisors, or if the
business is a corporation, partnership or other entity, the officers, directors or partners.
Section 5.26.160. Permit, authority to inspect.
ny and all investigating officials of the City shall have the right to enter the building designated in the permit from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to observe and enforce compliance with building,
mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, and provisions of this Chapter. A police investigator may
conduct compliance inspections from time to time during regular business hours to insure conformance to all federal,
State, and local law, and all provisions of this Chapter.
Section 5.26.170. Compliance.
Any person engaging in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm or ammunition on the effective date of this Chapter shall have
a period of 60 days after such effective date to comply with the provisions of this Chapter.
Section 5.26.180. Suspension or revocation of permit.
. If the dealer violates any federal, State or local county or City law, the Chief of Police may immediately suspend the
right of the dealer to sell firearms or ammunition. If the violation results in a criminal charge filed in court by a federal,
State, or county District Attorney, such permit to sell firearms or ammunition may be suspended until the case is
adjudicated in a court of law. If the person is convicted, such permit must be immediately revoked.
B. Notice of suspension shall be mailed to the person(s) who made application for the permit and shall be delivered to the
address listed on the permit.
C. In addition to any other penalty or remedy, the City Attorney shall report any person or entity whose law enforcement
permit is suspended or revoked pursuant to this Article to the Bureau of Firearms of the California Department of Justice
and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives within the U.S. Department of Justice.
Section 5.26.190. Severability.
his Chapter shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the City. If any section, subsection, paragraph,
sentence or word of this Chapter is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the City, either on its face or as
applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, or words
of this Chapter, and the applications thereof; and to that end the sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences and words
of this Chapter shall be deemed severable.
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals & Welfare
Chapter 9.20 Ammunition Sales Registration
Section 9.20.030. Definitions.
s used in this Chapter, "ammunition" means projectiles, cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellant powder
designed for use in any firearm, and any component thereof, but shall not include blank cartridges or ammunition that can
be used solely in an "antique firearm" as that term is defined in § 921(a)(16) of Title 18 of the United States Code.
As used in this Chapter, "ammunition principally used in handguns" means ammunition designed or suited for use in
revolvers, pistols or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, as that term is defined in Penal Code §
"Vendor" means any individual, person, gun dealer, store, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling
ammunition within the City.
Section 9.20.040. Record of ammunition sales.
he requirements of this Section shall apply to all ammunition sales in Oakland up until February 1, 2011. Effective
February 1, 2011, the requirements of this Section shall not apply to the sale or transfer of ammunition that is principally
for use in pistols, revolvers, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, as that term is defined in Penal
Code § 12001(a).
Every vendor who sells ammunition in the City shall maintain a record of ammunition sales as prescribed by this Chapter.
The record shall be maintained on the vendor's premises, on forms supplied by, or approved by, the Oakland Police
Department (OPD). All ammunition sales must be conducted with the actual purchaser present in a face-to-face
transaction. An ammunition purchaser must provide to the vendor and the vendor shall record the following information:
A. The date of the transaction;
B. The purchaser's name, address and date of birth;
C. The purchaser's valid driver's license number or other government issued identification number from a valid
photographic I.D. such as a passport;
D. The brand of ammunition purchased;
E. The type and amount of ammunition purchased; and
F. The purchaser's signature and vendor's initials.
G. The thumbprint of the purchaser on the above record.
The information required to be recorded shall be maintained in chronological order by date of sale of the ammunition and
shall be retained on the business premises of the vendor for a period not less than 5 years following the date of the
recorded sale of the ammunition. In addition, the required information in Subsections AG above shall be transmitted
electronically within 5 business days of sale to OPD by means determined by the Chief of Police.
Federal, State or local law enforcement officers may enter a vendor's premises during regular business hours for the
purpose of examining, inspecting or copying records required by this Chapter.
This Section shall not apply if the purchaser is a "peace officer" as that term is defined in Penal Code § 830 et seq., or a
federal law enforcement officer or a person licensed as a dealer or collector in firearms pursuant to Chapter 44
(commencing with Sec. 921) of Title 18 of the United States Code and the regulations pursuant thereto.
Section 9.20.050. Violation, penalty.
It is unlawful for any vendor engaged in the retail sale of ammunition in Oakland to knowingly make a false entry in, or fail
to make appropriate entry, or fail to properly maintain any such record, or refuse to immediately provide the ammunition
sales log for inspection to a federal, State or local law enforcement officer upon request.
Violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be a misdemeanor, subject to fines and penalties as provided by law.
Additionally, failure to abide by the requirements of this Chapter shall be grounds for the revocation of a vendor's
permit, pursuant to Chapter 5.26.
9.20.60. Severability.
his Chapter shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the City. If any section, subsection, paragraphs
sentence dor word of this Chapter is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the City, either on its face or as
applied, the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, or words of this Chapter shall remain in full force
and effect, and to that end the provisions of this shall be deemed severable.
Chapter 9.36 Weapons
Article II Firearms and Weapons Violence Prevention
Section 9.36.131. Theft or loss of firearms, Reporting of stolen and/or lost firearms required.
A. A
ny person owning a firearm or in possession of a firearm is required to report the theft or loss of such firearm to the
Oakland Police Department when:
1. Owner resides in Oakland, AND/OR
2. The theft or loss of the firearm occurs in Oakland.
B. A person subject to the reporting requirements in Subsection A. is required to report the theft or loss of a firearm within
48 hours of when he or she knew or reasonably should have known that the firearm was stolen or lost.
C. A person who has experienced the theft or loss of a firearm between August 1, 1992 and July 30, 2002 and who
otherwise meets the reporting requirements in subsection A is required to report the loss or theft of such firearm to the
Oakland Police Department within 60 days of the effective date of the Amendment under which this new section was
Article III Prohibition on the Sale of Saturday Night Specials, Also Known as Junk Guns
Section 9.36.160. Purpose and intent.
he purpose of this article is to ensure the health, safety, and general welfare of city citizens by eliminating the sale of
cheaply made, inadequately designed and poorly manufactured handguns in the city.
Section 9.36.170. Saturday Night Special defined.
A. E
xcept as provided in subsection B of this section, term "Saturday Night Special" as used in this article means any of
the following:
1. A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in the
California Penal Code § 12001(a), which contains a frame, barrel, breechblock, cylinder or slide that is not completely
fabricated of heat treated carbon steel, forged alloy or other material of equal or higher tensile strength;
2. A semi-automatic pistol which:
a. It is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a locked-breech action, and
b. Is chambered for cartridges developing maximum permissible breech pressures above 24,100 Copper Units of
Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute,
c. For purpose of subsection (A)(2)(b) of this section, "semi-automatic pistol" means a firearm, as defined in
California Penal Code § 12001(b), which is designed to be held and fired with one hand, and which does the
following upon discharge: (i) fires the cartridge in the chamber, (ii) ejects the fired cartridge case, and (iii) loads a
cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. "Semi-automatic pistol" shall not include any assault weapons
designated in California Penal Code § 12276;
3. A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code § 12001(a), which:
a. Uses an action mechanism which is substantially identical in design to any action mechanism manufactured in
or before 1898 that was originally chambered for rimfire ammunition developing maximum safe permissible
breech pressures below 19,000 Copper Units of Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute, and
b. Is chambered to fire either centerfire ammunition or rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible
breech pressures above 19,000 Copper Units of Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute, and
c. Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a nondetachable trigger guard, or
d. If rimfire, is equipped with a barrel of less than 20 bore diameters in overall length protruding from the frame,
e. For purposes of this subsection (A)(3), "action mechanism" means the mechanism of a firearm by which it is
loaded, locked, fired and unloaded commonly known as the cycle of operation.
B. Exclusions. The term "Saturday Night Special" does not include any of the following:
1. Any pistol which is an antique or relic firearm or other weapon falling within the specifications of paragraphs (5), (7)
and (8) of subsection (b) of California Penal Code § 12020; or
2. Any pistol for which the propelling force is classified as pneumatic, that is, of, or related to, compressed air or any
other gases not directly produced by combustion; or
3. Children's pop guns or toys; or
4. An "unconventional pistol" as defined in California Penal Code § 12020(c)(12); or
5. Any pistol which has been modified to either: render it permanently inoperable, or permanently to make it a device
no longer classified as a Saturday Night Special.
Section 9.36.180. Roster of Saturday Night Specials.
On or before January 1, 1997, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall compile, publish, and thereafter maintain a
roster of Saturday night specials. The roster shall list those firearms, by manufacturer and model number, which the Chief
of Police or his or her designee determines fit the definition of Saturday night special set forth in § 9.36.170A.
Section 9.36.190. Notification.
A. Upon completion of a list of firearms to be placed on the roster for the first time, the Police Chief or his or her designee
shall endeavor to send written notification to:
1. The manufacturer of every firearm on said list; and
2. Every dealer within the city who is licensed to sell and transfer firearms pursuant to § 12071 of the Penal Code of
the state of California and Chapter 5.26 of this code.
B. Such notification shall do the following:
1. Identify the model number of the firearm which has been classified as a Saturday night special within the meaning
of § 9.36.170A; and
2. Advise the recipient that the recipient may apply for reconsideration of the classification of the firearm as a
Saturday night special; and
3. Advise the recipient that the burden of proving a firearm does not constitute a Saturday night special within the
meaning of § 9.36.170A shall be on the recipient.
Section 9.36.200. Reconsideration by the Chief of Police.
A. The Chief of Police, or his her designee, shall, prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this article
establish standards and procedures for the form and content of an application, conducting an administrative hearing and
evaluating evidentiary testimony relating to the decision of the Chief of Police or his or her designee to classify the firearm
in question as a Saturday night special as defined in Section 9.36.170A.
B. Upon timely filing of 1 or more complete applications for reconsideration, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall
evaluate the evidence submitted by the applicant(s). The applicant(s) shall have the burden of demonstrating that the
firearm does not constitute a Saturday night special within the meaning of § 9.36.170A
Section 9.36.210. Appeal of classification.
. If the Chief of Police or his or her designee determines that the firearm under reconsideration has been properly
classified as a Saturday night special, then the applicant(s) shall have the right to appeal such decisions to the City
Manager, and the applicant(s) shall have the right to a hearing before the City Manager or his or her designee prior to
inclusion of the firearm in question on the roster.
B. The City Manager, or his or her designee, is authorized to establish standards and procedures for the form and content
of an appeal, conducting an administrative hearing and evaluating evidentiary testimony relating to the decision of the
Chief of Police or his or her designee to classify the firearm in question as a Saturday Night Special as defined in §
C. The burden of proof shall be on the appellant(s) to demonstrate that the firearm does not constitute a Saturday night
special within the meaning of § 9.36.170A.
D. parties involved shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues and
to be represented by counsel.
E. The City Manager or his or her designee shall hear and consider all relevant evidence. Upon the conclusion of the
hearing, the City Manager or his or her designee shall, based on the evidence presented, determine whether the firearm
constitutes a Saturday night special within the meaning of § 9.36.170A.
F. In all instances, the decision of the City Manager or his or her designee whether to classify the firearm in question as a
Saturday night special as defined in the § 9.36.170A and to place said firearm on the roster is final.
Section 9.36.220. Publication of the roster.
he Chief of Police or his or her designee shall place on the roster those firearms which have been determined to
constitute a Saturday night special within the meaning of § 9.36.170A. The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall
cause the roster to be published in the following manner:
A. Notification of the roster's completion shall be published at least once in the official newspaper as designated by the
city and circulated in the city within 15 days after its completion; and
B. A copy of the roster, certified as a true and correct copy thereof, shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk of the city;
C. A copy of the roster, certified as a true and correct copy thereof, shall be distributed to every dealer within the city who
is licensed to sell and transfer firearms pursuant to § 12071 of the Penal Code of the state of California and Chapter 5.26
of the municipal code.
Section 9.36.230. Effective date of roster.
he roster shall become effective on the fifteenth day after its publication.
Section 9.36.240. Additions to the roster.
Additions to the roster shall be made in accordance with the following:
A. Semiannual Determination. On a semiannual basis, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall determine the need
to place firearms on the roster. Upon identifying 1 or more firearms as a Saturday night special, the City Manager or his or
her designee shall prepare a draft list of the additions to the roster.
B. Notification of Additions to Roster. In the event that a draft list of firearms to be added to the roster is prepared, the
Chief of Police or his or her designee shall endeavor to send written notification in accordance with the aforementioned
provisions of § 9.36.190.
C. Reconsideration by the Chief of Police. Any person who the Chief of Police or his or her designee notifies pursuant to
subsection B of this section may apply for reconsideration of the classification of that firearm as a Saturday night special
in accordance with the provisions of § 9.36.200.
D. Appeal of Classification. Whenever a firearm has been determined to be properly classified as a Saturday night
special after reconsideration, the applicant may file an appeal to the City Manager and the City Manager or his or her
designee shall hold a hearing in accordance with the provisions of § 9.36.210.
E. Additions of Firearms to Roster. After all appeals have been exhausted, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall
place on the roster those additional firearms which have been determined to constitute a Saturday night special within the
meaning of § 9.36.170A. The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall cause the roster, as amended to include these
additional firearms, to be published in accordance with § 9.36.220.
F. Effective Date of Additions to the Roster. The addition of new firearms to the roster shall not operate to preclude the
enforcement of the roster with respect to firearms previously listed thereon. The publication of the roster, as amended to
include new firearms, shall be effective as to those newly added firearms on the fifteenth day after its publication as set
forth in § 9.36.230.
Section 9.36.250. Sale prohibited.
]o wholesale or retail firearms dealer as licensed by the city in Chapter 5.26 of the municipal code shall sell, offer or
display for sale, give, lend or transfer ownership of, any firearm listed on the roster of Saturday night specials. This section
shall not preclude a wholesale or retail gun dealer from processing firearm transactions between unlicensed parties
pursuant to § 12072(d) of the Penal Code of the state of California.
Section 9.36.260. Exemptions.
othing in this article relative to the sale of Saturday night specials shall prohibit the disposition of any firearm by sheriffs,
constables, marshals, police officers, or other duly appointed peace officers in the performance of their official duties, nor
to persons who are authorized by the United States Federal Government for use in the performance of their official duties;
nor shall anything in this article prohibit the use of any firearm by the above-mentioned persons in the performance of their
official duties.
Section 9.36.270. Penalty.
ny person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a
misdemeanor under the provisions of this article shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment
for a period not exceeding 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person shall be guilty of a
separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this article is
committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be punishable accordingly. In addition, any person found to
be in violation of this Article shall be considered in noncompliance with the requirements of Chapter 5.26 of this code, and
subject to the suspension and or revocation of a firearms dealer permit.
Section 9.36.280. Severability and validity.
his article shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the city. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence
or word of this article is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the city, either on its face or as applied, the
invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences or words of this article,
and the applications thereof; and to that end the section, subsections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this article
shall be deemed severable.
Article V Prohibition on the Sale of Compact Handguns
Section 9.36.420. Definitions.
. "Dealer" means a retail firearms dealer licensed by the city.
B. "Compact handgun" means a pistol, revolver, and any handgun designed to be concealed upon the person that has a
length of 6-3/4 inches or less or a height of 4-1/2 inches or less, measured with the magazine detached.
Section 9.36.430. Prohibition on the sale of compact handguns.
As of the effective date of this article:
A. No firearms dealer in Oakland shall transfer the title of any compact handgun as defined herein to any person. This
section shall not preclude a wholesale or retail gun dealer from processing firearms transactions between unlicensed
parties pursuant to § 12072(d) of the Penal Code of the state of California.
B. For the purposes of this section, the redemption of a compact handgun covered by this article pledged to a pawnbroker
prior to the effective date of this ordinance shall not be deemed the sale or transfer of title of that handgun. However, a
dealer may not rely on this exemption unless the transaction involved the redemption of a handgun pawned to a
pawnbroker by the purchaser.
C. Each dealer shall post a sign in a conspicuous place with letters at least 1 inch high stating the obligations and
restrictions of dealers under this ordinance, pursuant to direction by the Oakland Police Department.
D. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following:
1. Any law enforcement agency;
2. Any agency duly authorized to perform law enforcement duties;
3. Any state or local correctional facility;
4. Any private security company licensed to do business in the state of California;
5. Any person who is properly identified as a full-time paid peace officer, as defined in § 830.1, 830.2, 830.4, or 830.5
of the Penal Code of the state of California, and who is authorized to carry a firearm during the course and scope of
his or her employment as a peace officer;
6. Any antique firearm, as defined in paragraph (16) of subsection (a) of § 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code;
7. Any motion picture, television, or video production company, or entertainment or theatrical company whose
production involves the use of an ultracompact firearm, and which secures such from unauthorized use;
8. Any person who is exempt from the provisions of subdivision (d) of § 12072 of the Penal Code of the state of
9. Any person or entity conducting a transaction described in subdivision (k) of § 12078 of the Penal Code of the state
of California;
10. Any person who is licensed as a collector pursuant to Chapter 44, (commencing with § 921) of Title 18 of the
United States Code and the regulations issued pursuant thereto, and who has a current certificate of eligibility issued
to him or her by the Department of Justice pursuant to § 12071 of the Penal Code of the state of California;
11. A
ny person or entity acquiring a compact handgun by bequest or intestate succession.
Section 9.36.440. Penalties.
Violation of this article by a firearms dealer shall subject the dealer to civil penalties as provided for in Chapter 1.8 and
12 of the OMC, and in addition shall subject the dealer to suspension or revocation of the dealer's firearms dealer
permit. Each instance wherein a compact handgun is sold, conveyed, transferred or distributed in violation of this article
shall be deemed a distinct and separate offense.
Chapter 9.37 Unsecured Firearms and Ammunition in Unattended Vehicles
Section 9.37.030. Definitions.
he following terms are defined for use in this chapter.
"Ammunition" has the same meaning as defined by state law. It does not include fixed ammunition of a caliber greater
than .60 caliber (California Penal Code 18735) nor "deactivated ammunition" (California Penal Code 30335).
"Firearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel, a projectile by
the force of any explosion or other form of combustion, as defined by state law.
"Handgun" means a pistol, a revolver, or a firearm capable of being concealed upon the person. A firearm capable of
being concealed includes a pistol or revolver, including any device designed to be used as a weapon, from which is
expelled a projectile by the force of any explosion, or other form of combustion, and that has a barrel less than sixteen
(16) inches in length. It includes any device that has a barrel sixteen (16) inches or more in length which is designed to be
interchanged with a barrel less than sixteen (16) inches.
"Licensee" is a person with a valid concealed carry weapons license issued by the appropriate law enforcement
authorities, as defined in the Penal Code 26150 et seq.
"Locked container" means a lock box that is listed on the California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms roster of
approved firearm safety devices and that is locked and secured from entry by an unauthorized user.
"Long gun" means any firearm except for a handgun, a machine gun, an assault rifle or a .50 BMG rifle as those terms
are defined in state law.
"Person" includes a natural person or a legal entity (association, corporation, etc.) with responsibility for the ownership,
use, control, or direction of the vehicle.
"Public place" means a place that is open and accessible to the public, including but not limited to gas stations, public
parking lots and garages, driveways, and carports.
"Public right-of-way" means a highway, street, or roadway as those terms are defined in California Vehicle Code 360,
590 and 530 et seq.
"Trunk" means a fully enclosed compartment that is separate from the main cabin of the motor vehicle.
"Unattended" means a vehicle that is parked or standing in the public right-of-way or public place within the City and
which is not occupied and/or is outside the immediate control of the person responsible for the vehicle.
"Unsecured" means a handgun, long gun, or ammunition that is not safely stored in a vehicle in accordance with this
"Vehicle" means a vehicle as defined in California Vehicle Code 670, and a motor vehicle as defined in California Vehicle
Code 415.
hicle owner" means the registered owner of the vehicle, Vehicle Code 460.
Section 9.37.040. Unsecured handguns, long guns, and ammunition in unattended vehicles unlawful and
A. H
1. It is unlawful for a person to leave a handgun in an unattended vehicle within the City of Oakland in a public right-
of-way or public place unless the handgun is stored in accordance with the safe storage provisions of this chapter.
2. It is unlawful for a licensee to leave a handgun in an unattended vehicle within the City of Oakland in a public right-
of-way or public place unless the handgun is stored in accordance with the safe storage provisions of this chapter.
B. Long Guns. It is unlawful for a person to leave a long gun in an unattended vehicle within the City of Oakland in a
public right-of-way or public place unless the long gun is stored in accordance with the safe storage provisions of this
C. Ammunition. It is unlawful for a person to leave ammunition in an unattended vehicle within the City of Oakland in a
public right-of-way or public place unless the ammunition is stored in accordance with the safe storage provisions of this
D. Safe Storage Requirements. Unless exempted by law, firearms and ammunition inside unattended vehicles must be
secured as follows:
1. In a lock box; and
2. The lock box must be stored:
(a) In the locked trunk of the vehicle; or
(b) The lock box must be stored inside the vehicle in a place where the lock box cannot be seen from the outside
or the lock box must be placed in a container that is permanently attached to the inside of the vehicle; and
3. T
he key or other disabling device to the lock box is not left in the unattended vehicle.
Section 9.37.050. Public nuisance.
Unsecured firearms and ammunition in unattended vehicles in violation of this chapter constitute a public nuisance subject
to abatement, penalties, and remedies provided under this chapter, other provisions of the Oakland Municipal Code, and
state or federal law.
Section 9.37.060. Exemptions.
his chapter does not apply to persons authorized by state or federal law to carry or transport firearms or ammunition in
vehicles. To the extent there is a conflict between this chapter and state or federal, the more stringent requirements shall
Section 9.37.070. Criminal penalties.
iolations of this chapter constitute misdemeanors punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six
months, a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or by both. Each violation shall be deemed a distinct and
separate offense in accordance with the law.
Section 9.37.080. Civil penalties.
he City may assess civil penalties in accordance with Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 1.08 (Civil Penalties).
Alternatively or in conjunction with Chapter 1.08, the City may assess the following penalties for violations of this chapter:
(a) one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for the first violation; (b) two thousand five hundred ($2,500.00) for the second
violation; and (c) five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for the third violation and for each subsequent violation committed
within a calendar year.
Section 9.37.090. Authority of City Attorney to bring a court action.
. The City Attorney may bring a civil action for damages, abatement, injunctive and/or declaratory relief, and to recover
City costs as s/he deems appropriate.
B. The City Attorney may bring a civil action to obtain a money judgment against the defendant for any amount of
damages that is not ordered or collected by a criminal court, including but not limited to costs, attorney's fees, court costs,
and/or other costs incurred in connection with the civil prosecution of any claim for relief, damages or reimbursement.
he City Attorney may bring a criminal action for violations of this chapter.
Section 9.37.100. Liability of owner or operator of vehicle.
o the extent permitted by law, the registered owner, the driver, and any other person with control of the vehicle may be
subject to civil liability, penalties, and other remedies provided by this chapter and other law, including but not limited to
costs, penalties and fines based on negligence.
Section 9.37.110. Remedies not exclusive.
emedies under this chapter are cumulative and not exclusive. They are in addition to any other administrative, civil,
and/or criminal remedies provided by state, federal or other laws contained in the Oakland Municipal Code. The City may
seek an order for award of attorney's fees.
Remedies may be recovered by all appropriate legal means including but not limited to criminal prosecution, civil action,
nuisance abatement, or lien proceedings.
Concealed carry licensees also may be subject to suspension or revocation of their licenses for violations of this chapter.
Section 9.37.120. Amendments to state laws adopted.
n the event that any California statute adopted or referred to in this chapter is amended or succeeded by another
enactment of the California Legislature, such amendments shall be automatically deemed adopted as part of this chapter
as if fully set forth herein unless the City Council amends this chapter to provide otherwise.
Section 9.37.130. City Administrator regulations.
he City Administrator directly or through the Oakland Police Department may establish regulations to aid in the
administration of this chapter, but the lack of such regulations shall not delay or otherwise impede enforcement of this law.
Chapter 9.39 Safe Storage of Firearms in a Residence
Section 9.39.030. Definitions.
irearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel, a projectile by
the force of any explosion or other form of combustion.
"Residence" means any structure intended or used for human habitation, including but not limited to, houses,
condominiums, rooms, motels, and time-shares. For purposes of this chapter, it also includes a garage which is enclosed
within or located adjacent to such a structure and which is not open to the public.
"Locked container" means a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock,
or similar locking device as defined by California Penal Code Section 16850. It includes a lock box that is listed on the
California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms roster of approved firearm safety devices. For purposes of this
chapter, it does not include a bag or other container made of fabric or other penetrable material, such as a regular purse,
backpack, or gym bag.
Section 9.39.040. Safe storage of firearms in a residence required.
xcept when carried on his or her person, no person shall keep a firearm (as defined in Penal Code Section 16520 or as
amended) in any residence unless the firearm is stored in a locked container, or the firearm is disabled with a trigger lock
that is listed on the California Department of Justice's list of approved firearms safety devices.
Section 9.39.050. Penalty.
violation of this section shall be subject to enforcement through criminal prosecution and/or civil penalties, as provided
1. Violation a Misdemeanor. A person who violates this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by
imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or by
both. Each violation shall be deemed a distinct and separate offense.
2. Civil Penalties. The City may assess civil penalties pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 1.08 (Civil Penalties)
in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per violation.
Section 9.39.060. Remedies not exclusive.
Remedies under this chapter are cumulative and not exclusive. They are in addition to and do not supersede or limit other
administrative, civil, and/or criminal remedies provided under state or federal law, or other provisions of the Oakland
Municipal Code. The City may seek an order for the award of attorney's fees.
Section 9.39.070. Amendments to state laws adopted herein.
In the event that any California statute adopted or referred to in this chapter is amended or succeeded by another
enactment of the California Legislature, such amendments shall be deemed automatically adopted as part of this chapter
as if fully set forth herein unless the City Council amends this chapter to provide otherwise.
Oakley Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 11-22, passed August 9, 2022.
Title 4 Public Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations
Chapter 1 Dangerous Materials
Article 2 Weapons
Section 4.1.202. Firearms possession by minors.
No minor under the age of 16 years shall possess or use firearms of .22 caliber or greater or air guns except under the
direct supervision and control of an adult.
Section 4.1.204. Firearms discharge restrictions; exceptions.
d. Firearms Ammunition Sale to Minors. No person shall sell or give to any minor under the age of 16 years any
ammunition capable of being used in any firearm, unless the minor is accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or adult
authorized by the parent.
Title 5 Business Regulations
Chapter 11 Firearms Sales
ection 5.11.004. Conditional use permit required.
a. A
ny person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, leasing or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offering
or exposing for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm must obtain a conditional use permit from the City to do so subject to
approval of the City Council.
b. A person shall not be deemed licensed to sell firearms until that person has obtained all Federal and State permits and
licenses and a conditional use permit.
Section 5.11.006. Conditional use permit and fee.
he applicant shall apply for a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 9.1.1602(b) of the Oakley Municipal Code. The
application shall be accompanied by the nonrefundable fee set forth in the City’s master fee schedule.
Section 5.11.008. Security and safety measures.
n addition to the requirements stipulated in this chapter, the applicant must also furnish an outline of the security and
safety measures that will be used in the operation of the business. Required measures shall include the following:
a. The facility shall be in compliance with all of the requirements of the City’s building code, fire code, and any other
technical code or regulation of the City which may govern the use, occupancy, maintenance, construction or design of
buildings or structures. The applicant must obtain a final inspection from the City Building Official demonstrating full code
compliance before the applicant may commence business at the premises at issue;
b. The doors, windows or other means of entry into the proposed business site shall be furnished with a system which will
cause an audible alarm to sound on the exterior of the building, or a silent alarm to a centralized monitored facility
signaling unauthorized entry;
c. The applicant must have a method of storage of inventory which is explosive or flammable at the proposed business
site shall be in compliance with Federal and State law and with the City’s fire code;
These measures shall be subject to review by the Chief of Police or his or her designee, the appropriate fire protection
agency, and must be approved by the City Council.
Section 5.11.010. Submittal requirements.
n addition to any submittal requirements set forth in Oakley Municipal Code Section 9.1.1602(d), the applicant shall
provide proof of any and all licenses and permits required by Federal or State law for firearms sales.
Section 5.11.012. Review by Chief of Police.
he Chief of Police shall review the application for the conditional use permit and shall provide his or her findings to the
City Council for consideration by the City Council as part of its public hearing for the conditional use permit.
Section 5.11.014. Requirements.
The following requirements shall apply to any person, firm or corporation that is granted a conditional use permit for
firearms sales:
a. No firearms shall be delivered:
1. Within any waiting period required by Federal or State law;
2. Unless unloaded and securely wrapped or in a locked container which is fully enclosed and securely locked by a
padlock or similar locking device as required by State law;
3. Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the applicant or presents clear evidence of his or her identity.
Such evidence of identity may include a driver’s license, State identification card, an armed forces I.D. card with the
purchaser’s signature and photograph, or similar documentation providing reasonable assurance of the purchaser’s
identity. No such documentation shall be accepted, however, unless it contains the purchaser’s signature and
4. If the dealer is notified by the State Department of Justice that a purchaser is in a prohibited class under State law;
b. No pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person or imitation thereof, or placard
advertising their sale or other transfer, shall be displayed in any part of the premises where it can easily be seen from the
c. The applicant shall agree to properly and promptly process transfers of firearms pursuant to State law;
d. The applicant shall keep a register of sales as required by State law;
e. The applicant shall not sell, deliver or transfer any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the
person to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age or any other firearm to any person under eighteen (18) years of
f. No pistols, revolvers or firearms capable of being concealed upon a person shall be delivered unless the purchaser or
transferee presents to the applicant a basic firearms safety certificate;
g. The applicant shall offer to provide the purchaser or transferee of a firearm with a copy of the pamphlet described in
California Penal Code Section 12080 (California Firearms Law) and may add the cost of the pamphlet to the sales price of
the firearm;
h. The applicant shall re-apply for a permit from the City if it changes business location and such relocation shall require a
new inspection to ensure compliance with Section 5.11.008;
i. The applicant shall maintain records of all employees, identifying them by name, address, date of birth and social
security number. The applicant shall notify the City within ten (10) days of any changes in employees and submit the
required identification information for each newly hired employee. Failure to comply with these requirements shall be
grounds for revocation of the applicant’s permit;
j. The applicant shall conduct business only in the building located at the street address shown on the business license.
This requirement, however, shall not prohibit the applicant from participating in gun shows or events which are specifically
authorized by Federal and State law upon compliance with Federal and State law;
k. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws related to firearms sales;
ll other requirements deemed by the City Council to be necessary and proper to protect the public interest and welfare.
Section 5.11.016. Home occupation permit.
home-based holder of a valid Federal firearms license, a valid seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization,
and a valid certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of Justice, all of which were issued prior to June 1, 2011, and
who has obtained a home occupation use permit from the City, may continue his/her operation. Home-based firearms
sales are prohibited if the above-mentioned licenses, certificates and permits were obtained after June 1, 2011.
Section 5.11.018. Denial of conditional use permit.
conditional use permit may be denied based on one or more of the following:
a. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, is under the age of twenty-one (21) years;
b. The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable Federal or State laws, or the applicant’s inventory does not
conform to the type of Federal or State firearms permit issued to the applicant;
c. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has had similar type of permit previously revoked or denied for
good cause within the immediately preceding year;
d. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has knowingly made any false or misleading statement of a
material fact in the application for a permit;
e. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, fails or refuses to provide clear evidence of his or her identity,
or any other information required by the Chief of Police to complete his or her investigation;
f. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has been convicted of:
1. Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, from owning or possessing a
firearm under applicable Federal, State, and local laws,
2. Any offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous or deadly
3. Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another,
4. Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit,
5. Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined by the State
Health and Safety Code;
g. The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, is currently an unlawful user of any controlled substance as
defined by the State Health and Safety Code, or has been in the past two years, or is an excessive user of alcohol, to the
extent that such use would impair his fitness to be a dealer in firearms;
h. The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, has been adjudicated as a mental defective, or has been
committed to a mental institution, or suffers from any psychological disturbance which would impair his/her fitness to be a
dealer in firearms;
i. The business facility is in violation of any Federal, State or local ordinances.
The statute of limitations provisions for filing a petition as set forth in Oakley Municipal Code Section 1.8.010 shall apply to
any permit that is denied.
Section 5.11.020. Possessory interest.
o application for a conditional use permit shall be processed until the applicant provides proof satisfactory to the
Community Development Director that the applicant, officer, employee or agent thereof has a possessory interest in the
property at which the proposed business will be conducted.
Section 5.11.022. Site restrictions.
o conditional use permit may be issued for any location which is:
a. Within any residential zoning district or within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the exterior limits of any such district
except pursuant to Section 5.11.016;
b. Within any zoning district in which retail services is not a permitted conditional use;
c. Within five hundred (500) feet of the exterior limits of a dealer in firearms, a massage parlor or an adult entertainment
d. Within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the exterior limits of any premises occupied by a public or private day care center
or day care home, elementary school, junior high or high school, whether public or private;
e. Within five hundred (500) feet of any other premises occupied by a firearms dealer as measured from the entry door in
a straight line.
Section 5.11.024. Authority to inspect.
ny investigation officials of the City shall have the right to enter the premises for which the use permit was obtained from
time to time to make reasonable inspections to observe compliance with Sections 5.11.008 and 5.11.014 of this chapter.
A warrant shall be obtained whenever required by law.
Section 5.11.026. Revocation of conditional use permit.
f the Building Official, Chief of Police, or any other person has reason to believe that the applicant is not in full compliance
with this chapter, a report shall be made to the City Council by such person. After an investigation of the facts contained in
the report, the Community Development Director may commence proceedings to revoke the conditional use permit.
Section 5.11.028. Expiration of conditional use permit.
a. C
onditional use permits issued for firearms sales shall expire one year after the date of issuance. Such permits may be
renewed by the Chief of Police for additional one-year periods upon the applicant’s submission of an application for
renewal, accompanied by a nonrefundable renewal fee as required by the City’s master fee schedule. The completed
renewal application and the renewal fee must be received by the Chief of Police no later than forty-five (45) days prior to
the expiration of the current conditional use permit.
b. The Community Development Director shall inform the Chief of Police when a conditional use permit expires. The Chief
of Police shall inform the Community Development Director when a renewal is denied by the Chief of Police. Proceedings
to revoke the conditional use permit can be initiated by the Community Development Director for either an expired
conditional use permit or when a renewal is denied.
c. A decision by the Chief of Police regarding denial of renewal of the conditional use permit may be appealed to the City
Section 5.11.030. Conditional use permits are nonassignable.
o conditional use permit issued under this chapter shall be sold, transferred or assigned by the person to whom the
conditional use permit is issued or by operation of law to any other person or entity. Any such sale, transfer or assignment
shall be deemed to constitute a voluntary surrender of such conditional use permit and such conditional use permit shall
thereafter be deemed terminated and void.
Section 5.11.032. Insurance requirement.
ach applicant shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter and shall maintain at all times while engaged in said
business a policy of public liability insurance. Said policy of insurance shall provide coverage in the amount and to the
limits prescribed by the Finance Director. Any such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement naming the City of
Oakley and its employees and agents as additional insureds and further providing that the policy will not be cancelled
without providing immediate notice to the City. Failure to obtain and maintain the insurance required herein shall
constitute grounds for revocation or suspension of the applicant’s conditional use permit.
Section 5.11.034. Violations.
t is unlawful for any person or entity to operate a retail firearms business within the City of Oakley without valid Federal,
State and local permits and licenses as set forth by this chapter.
Section 5.11.036. Penalties.
ny person or entity, whether as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, violating or causing or permitting the violation of
any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of an infraction or misdemeanor, as charged by the City Attorney.
Title 9 Land Use Regulations
Chapter 1 Zoning
Article 11 Additional Requirements for Development
Section 9.1.1120. Home business permits.
c. R
ii. The Home-Based Business shall not:
15. Result in the sales of firearms and ammunition.
Oceanside Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-OR0062-1, enacted January 26, 2022. (Supp. No. 38)
hapter 15 Licenses
Article III Concealable Firearms
Section 15.39. Application.
Any person desiring a state license to sell concealable firearms shall make a written application to the business license
division, who shall refer the application to the appropriate city departments for investigation as to:
(1) Security of the business premises;
(2) Criminal record or lack thereof of applicant;
(3) Applicant's reputation for honesty and integrity in the community.
The city departments concerned shall complete their investigation and make written recommendation to the business
license division within thirty (30) days of the date of the application.
Section 15.40. Issuance denial.
fter considering the recommendations of the city departments, and considering the number of local concealable firearm
dealers, the business license division shall issue the license or deny the application. The applicant or any other person
requesting the same shall be notified in writing of the decision rendered by the business license division with reference to
such application. Such notice shall be given by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, addressed to such person at his/her last
known address.
Section 15.41. Fee.
Each application shall be accompanied by an investigation fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), which shall not be prorated, or
refunded, and shall be in addition to the city business license fee.
Section 15.42. Revocation.
ny state license to sell concealable firearms shall be subject to revocation by the business license division for any
grounds that would warrant the denial of the issuance of such license in the first instance. Prior to the revocation of any
state license to sell concealable firearms, the licensee shall be entitled to a hearing held before the department director or
a hearing officer appointed by the city manager, at which time evidence will be received for the purpose of determining
whether such state license will be revoked. Notice of such hearing shall be given in writing and served at least fifteen (15)
days prior to the date of the hearing thereon. The notice shall state the grounds of the complaint against the holder of
such license and shall designate the time and place where such hearing shall be held. Said notice shall be served upon
the license holder by delivering the same personally, or by leaving such notice at the place of business or residence of the
license holder in the custody of a person of suitable age and discretion. In the event the license holder cannot be found
and the service of such notice cannot be otherwise made in a manner herein provided, a copy of the notice shall be sent
by first class mail addressed to the license holder at his/her place of business or residence at least fifteen (15) days prior
to the date of the hearing.
In the event the state license is revoked, the notification and reasons for such revocation shall be set forth in writing and
sent to the licensee by means of first class mail or hand delivery.
Section 15.43. Appeal.
Within twenty (20) days after any action of denial or revocation has been taken by the business license division and any
hearing was held as provided for in section 15.42, an aggrieved applicant or former licensee may appeal such action to
the City Council of the City of Oceanside. Upon the filing of such request the city clerk shall set a time and place for
hearing and shall notify the appellant thereof. The hearing shall be set on a date which is within forty five (45) days of the
filing of the request. At the hearing, any person may present evidence in opposition to or in support of the appellant's
case. At the conclusion of the hearing the city council shall either grant or deny the appeal, and the decision of the city
council shall be final.
Chapter 31B – Swap Meets
Section 31B.15. Prohibited articles.
t shall be unlawful for any person to exchange, barter, trade, sell, or give away firearms, explosives, goats, cows, horses,
mules, burros, cats, dogs, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, birds, or any other type of animal at a swap meet, or at any
adjacent parking lot under the control of the swap meet operator or any roadway under the control of the swap meet
operator leading directly into a swap meet.
Ojai Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 929 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 10 Planning and Zoning
Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses An Zone Specific Standards
Article 5 Commercial and Manufacturing Zoning Districts
Section 10.2.502. Purposes of commercial and manufacturing zoning districts.
The commercial and manufacturing zoning districts are intended to "Maintain an adequate inventory of commercial lands
for the provision of goods and services to the community that...contribute to a sound local economic base." (General Plan,
Land Use Element). The purposes of the individual commercial and manufacturing zoning districts and the manner in
which they are applied are as follows.
(a) C-1 (General Commercial) District.
(b) B-P (Business Professional Commercial) District.
(c) VMU (Village Mixed-Use) District.
(d) M-1 (Light Manufacturing Industrial) District.
(e) MPD (Manufacturing Planned Development)
Section 10.2.503. Commercial and manufacturing district land uses and permit requirements.
Table 2-4 identifies the uses of land allowed by these Zoning Regulations in the commercial and manufacturing zoning
districts, and the land use permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Section 10-2.303.
Table 2-4 Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements for Commercial and Manufacturing Zoning Districts
P = Permitted Use
MUP = Minor Conditional Use Permit Required
CUP = Conditional Use Permit Required
= Use Not Allowed
Permit Required by District
Land Use (1), (5) C-1 B-P VMU M-1 MPD
Specific Use
Retail Trade
Gun shops
Ontario Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 3197, passed December 7, 2021. (Supplement Number 26)
olume I
Title 5 Public Welfare, Morals and Conduct
Chapter 10 Weapons
Section 5-10.03. Possession of firearms by minors.
a) Rifles and shotguns. It shall be unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years
to have in his possession, custody, or control any rifle or shotgun within the City unless he has the written
permission of his parent or guardian to have such firearm or is accompanied by his parent or guardian while he
has such firearm in his possession, custody, or control.
Orange Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 19-21 and the May 2022 code supplement.
itle 5 Business Taxes and Regulations
II Business Permits and Regulations
Chapter 5.42 Concealable Firearms Sellers’ Permit
Section 5.42.010. Permit, required.
he business of selling concealable firearms shall be conducted only under a permit issued by the City and shall be
subject to all conditions contained in this chapter and Section 12070 et seq. of the California Penal Code.
Section 5.42.020. Permit, application.
pplication for a permit to carry on the business of selling concealable firearms shall be made to the Chief of Police upon
forms to be furnished by the Business Services Coordinator.
Section 5.42.030. Police investigation of applicant.
he Chief of Police shall cause each applicant to be fingerprinted and photographed, a record of which shall be kept in the
office of the Chief of Police. The applicant shall pay the amount set by the State for processing the fingerprints. The Chief
of Police shall cause an investigation of each applicant to be made to determine if such applicant has committed any act
that if done by a permittee would be grounds for revocation or suspension of a permit, or if such applicant has been
convicted of a felony or any crime that has a substantial relationship to the permitted business.
Section 5.42.040. Standards for granting permit.
he Chief of Police shall approve or deny the permit based upon the grounds in Section 5.32.080 and the following
A. Proper physical security of the business location to insure that the firearms will not be accessible to unauthorized
B. The number of existing approved licenses and their locations;
onforms to all zoning requirements; however, it shall not be permitted as a home occupation.
Section 5.42.050. Issuance of permit.
he Chief of Police shall approve or deny the permit within a reasonable time. Upon approval by the Chief of Police, the
Business Services Coordinator shall issue a concealable firearms seller's permit.
Section 5.42.060. Expiration of permit.
he permit shall expire twelve months after date of issue and a concealable firearms seller must file for a new permit for
each succeeding year, which filings will be made and acted upon in the same manner as the original application, except
that if the applicant's picture and fingerprints are already on file with the Chief of Police, picture and fingerprinting
requirements may be waived.
Section 5.42.070. Fee.
Each application shall be accompanied by a permit fee in such amount as is established from time to time by resolution of
the City Council.
Orange County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-001, enacted January 25, 2022. (Supp. No. 149)
itle 5 Business and Special Licenses, Regulations
Division 1 General
Article 2 Licenses or Permits Required
Section 5-1-29. Licenses or permits required.
t shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in, conduct, manage or carry on any of the following
businesses, practices, professions or occupations within the unincorporated area of the County of Orange without first
having obtained a permit or license therefor in accordance with Divisions 2 and 3 of this title.
(q) Retail sale of concealable firearms;
Division 3 Specific Additional License or Permit Requirements and Business Regulations
Article 16 Retail Sale of Concealable Firearms
Section 5-3-240. Licensing of retail sellers of concealable weapons.
he Sheriff of Orange County is hereby designated as the licensing authority for said County and is authorized to issue
licenses therefor pursuant to article 4 of title 2 of part 4 of the California Penal Code (commencing with section 12070) as
said article exists or may be amended from time to time for the sale at retail of pistols, revolvers and other firearms
capable of being concealed upon the person.
Orange Cove Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 390, enacted May 11, 2022. (Supp. No. 16)
Title 5 Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.12 Class V and VI Business Licenses
Section 5.12.220. Swap meets.
C. Exchanging, Selling, Etc. Firearms, Explosives at Swap Meets. No person shall exchange, barter, trade or sell firearms
or explosives at a swap meet.
Oxnard Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number, current through March 15, 2022. (Supplement Number 42)
Chapter 11 Permits
Article VIII Permits to Sell Concealable Firearms
Section 11-220. Concealable firearm permit required; business tax certificate required.
(A) No person shall offer for sale, sell, transfer, or advertise any firearm capable of being concealed upon the person
without first obtaining a concealable firearm permit ("permit") from the police chief.
(B) A business tax certificate shall be obtained pursuant to Article I of Chapter 11 of this code before a permit is issued
unless the person, organization, or entity applying for the permit is exempt from paying business tax fees pursuant to
section 11-9 of this code.
Section 11-221. Application.
(A) The application for a permit shall be on a form approved by the police chief. An applicant for a permit shall file the
application with the chief of police with payment of the appropriate fee as established by resolution of the city council.
(B) The fee shall not be returned whether the application is approved, conditioned or denied.
Section 11-222. Investigation of applicant.
(A) By filing an application, the applicant consents to the police chief undertaking an investigation of the applicant and a
review of the information contained in the application. Thereafter, the police chief shall approve, conditionally approve or
deny the permit.
(B) The application shall include sufficient information to facilitate the investigation by the police chief, including, but not
limited to, the applicant’s name and identifying information, personal references, prior business and residential address,
prior law enforcement contacts, arrests, or citations.
(C) An application which is incomplete or contains false or misleading statements will be grounds to deny the application.
(D) The police chief’s investigation shall include the review of the application, police sources, private sources, as well as
the applicant’s references to determine if the applicant has any history of poor or ineffective business practices, violence,
questionable temperament, or mental health issues which would support a denial of the permit.
(E) If the application is approved or conditionally approved, the police chief shall issue the permit.
(F) If the application is denied or conditionally approved, the police chief shall promptly notify the applicant, in writing, of
the denial or conditional approval by certified or registered mail. The applicant may request a hearing as provided for
herein, to review the conditions or denial of a permit.
(G) The police chief shall include conditions upon issuance of the permit. The permit conditions shall include, but not be
limited to, the times, locations, and conditions under which the permit may be used; specific operational requirements
related to safety or business practices that the permittee shall follow while exercising the right under the permit; and under
what circumstances the permit can be suspended or revoked.
Section 11-223. Suspension, Revocation or modification of permit.
(A) The police chief may revoke or modify a permit for failure of the permittee to comply with laws, regulations, or permit
(B) The police chief may suspend or revoke the permit if the applicant has been convicted of:
(1) An offense which disqualifies that person from owning or possessing a firearm under federal or State law,
including, but not limited to, the offenses listed in Cal. Penal Code, Sections 29800 through 29875 and 29900
through 29905;
(2) An offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, or use of a firearm or dangerous or deadly weapon or
ammunition therefore;
(3) An offense involving the use of force of violence upon the person of another;
(4) An offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit; or
(5) An offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession, or use of a controlled substance as defined by the Cal.
Health and Safety Code..
(C) The police chief may suspend or revoke the permit if the applicant is within a class of persons defined in Cal. Welfare
and Institutions Code, Sections 8100 or 8103, or the applicant is currently, or has been within the last five years, an
unlawful user of, or addicted to, a controlled substances as defined by Cal. Health and Safety Code.
(D) The police chief shall mail to the permittee a notice of intent that the permit is proposed for suspension, revocation or
modification. The notice of intent shall state the reasons for the proposed suspension, revocation, or modification.
(E) The permittee may request a hearing, as provided herein, to review the proposed suspension, revocation or
modification. If such a request for hearing is not received within ten days of mailing the notice of intent, the police chief
shall mail to the permittee a notice that the proposed suspension, revocation or modification is in effect. Such notice shall
constitute an exhaustion of the administrative remedies available to the permittee.
Section 11-224. Request for hearing.
A request for hearing shall be filed with the city clerk within 14 days of the date of the subject notice or receipt of a
conditioned permit. The request shall include payment of an appropriate hearing fee established by resolution of the city
council. The request shall include a copy of the notice or conditioned permit and shall state the relief sought by the
person requesting the hearing.
Section 11-225. Hearings; notice.
On receiving a request for hearing, the city clerk shall send the request to the hearing officer. The hearing officer shall
promptly set the matter for hearing. At least ten days before the hearing, the hearing officer shall mail written notice of the
date, time and place of hearing to the person requesting the hearing.
Section 11-226. Conduct of hearings.
(A) All hearings shall be open to the public.
(B) The person requesting the hearing shall first present evidence. Thereafter, a representative of the city may present
(C) The hearing officer shall conduct the hearing in an informal fashion and shall not be bound by the technical rules of
Section 11-227. Decision.
Within 14 days of the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall issue and mail to all parties a written decision
containing a statement of the reasons on which the decision is based.
Section 11-228. Judicial action.
Judicial review of a final decision of the hearing officer or police chief may be sought in accordance with Cal. Code of Civil
Procedure, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6.
Chapter 16 Zoning Code
Article V Specific Use Requirements
Division 6 Home Occupations
Section 16-404. Prohibited home occupations.
Sale of alcohol, explosives, hazardous wastes, or firearms which involve the storage of such items within a structure are
prohibited as home occupations.
Pacific Grove Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-010, passed June 15, 2022.
Title 11 Health, Safety and Environment
Chapter 11.60 Concealed Weapons
Section 11.60.010. Local licensing authority designated.
The chief of police is designated as the “local licensing authority” as required under the provisions of Penal Code
Section 12071 of the state of California, and such chief of police shall be the authority who shall exercise discretion in
issuing or refusing a license for the sale at retail of pistols, revolvers and other firearms capable of being concealed upon
the person under such section. Such discretion shall be exercised in accordance with application forms and procedures
prescribed by the Attorney General of the state of California under Section 12071 of the Penal Code of the state of
Section 11.60.020. Business license Does not authorize sale.
No business license issued under Chapter 7.04 PGMC by the city’s finance director shall be deemed the exercise of
discretion for any firm or person to sell at retail any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the
person, without such firm or person having secured a current and subsisting license from the chief of police under
Section 12071 of the California Penal Code.
Pacifica Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 883-C.S., effective July 27, 2022. (Supp. No. 52)
Title 5 Public Welfare, Morals, and Conduct
Chapter 14 Weapons, Hunting, and Trapping
Section 5-14.01. Firearms: defined.
For the purposes of this chapter, "firearms" shall mean and include cannons, guns, pistols, revolvers, automatic pistols,
rifles, shotguns, "BB" guns, air guns, pellet guns, or any other weapons of similar nature designed to discharge a
projectile propelled by the expansion of a gas.
Section 5-14.04. Firearms: possession by minors.
(a) Unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to have in his possession in a public
place any firearm except as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Exceptions. The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to such persons under the age of eighteen
(18) years:
(1) When the person under the age of eighteen (18) years is in the immediate charge of a parent, guardian, or adult
person having the responsibility for the conduct of such minor person; and
(2) When the firearm is unloaded and is either in a dismantled or "take-down" condition or completely wrapped or in a
carrying case made for the purpose of carrying such firearm. A gun shall be deemed to be unloaded only when no
ammunition or propellant is in any part of the gun or magazine or clip thereof.
Chapter 27 Security of Buildings
Article 5 Special Security Measures for Business Premises
Section 5-27.502. Alarm systems: silent robbery alarms.
Establishments listed in this section, and those businesses reasonably similar in nature, shall be protected by a silent
robbery alarm. The alarm may be connected to an alarm company's office or to the Police Services Division and shall be
installed pursuant to Chapter 16 of Title 5 of this Code.
(i) Gun and ammunition dealers;
Section 5-27.503. Alarm systems: silent intrusion alarms.
Establishments listed in this section, and those businesses reasonably similar in nature, shall be protected by a silent
intrusion alarm with a locally ringing alarm accessory optional. The alarm may be directed to a central station or to the
Police Services Division. The alarm may be connected to an alarm company's office or to the Police Services Division and
shall be installed pursuant to Chapter 16 of Title 5 of this Code.
(j) Gun and ammunition dealers;
Title 9 Planning and Zoning
Chapter 4 Zoning
Article 10 – C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District*
Section 9-4.1001. Permitted and conditional uses.
(a) Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the C-1 District:
(1) Retail uses, including, but not limited to, food markets, drug stores, liquor stores and retail restaurants, but
excluding firearms sales and any marijuana operation as defined in Article 48 of this chapter;
Article 11 – C-2 Community Commercial District*
Section 9-4.1001. Permitted and conditional uses.
(b) Conditional uses. Conditional uses allowed in the C-2 District, subject to obtaining a use permit, shall be as follows:
(9) Firearms sales, subject to the provisions of Section 9-4.2316.
Article 23 General Provision and Exceptions
Section 9-4.2316. Firearms sales.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide for the appropriate location of firearms sales activity and to regulate
such activity through the permitting process.
(b) Definitions.
(1) For the purposes of this article, "firearm" shall be defined as specified in Section 5-14.01 of the Pacifica Municipal
Code, and shall also include any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from
which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of explosion or other means of combustion.
(2) "Firearms sales" shall be defined to mean the sale, transfer or lease or advertising for sale, transfer or lease of
any firearm.
(c) Permit required. Except as provided in California Penal Code Section 12070(b), as may be amended from time to time,
it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in firearms sales activity unless a use permit has been obtained pursuant to
Article 33 of this chapter and as further specified below. Subject to the restrictions listed below, firearms sales activity may
be allowed in the C-2 or C-3 zoning districts with an approved use permit. Firearms sales activity shall be prohibited in all
other zoning districts.
(d) Location. A use permit for firearms sales activity shall not be approved if the proposed business premises are located
within 1,000 feet of any property upon which a legally operating public or private elementary, middle or high school is
located or upon which a legally operating pre-school is located, or within 500 feet of another person engaged in firearms
sales activity with a current and lawful use permit.
(e) Conditions. An approved use permit shall not be effective until the applicant satisfies, in addition to any conditions
imposed by the Planning Commission, the following terms and conditions:
(1) Possession of all licenses and permits required by federal, state, and local law;
(2) Compliance with the requirements of the City of Pacifica's Building Code, Fire Code, and other technical codes
and regulations that govern the use, occupancy, maintenance, construction or design of the subject building or
(3) Final inspection from the Chief Building Official demonstrating code compliance prior to the commencement of
business at the subject location; and
(4) Possession of a valid City of Pacifica business license.
Article 31 Home Occupation Permits*
Section 9-4.3101. Definitions.
(1) A home occupation shall not involve the storage or sale of firearms, other weapons, explosives, or ammunition.
Palm Springs Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2063 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 8 Buildings and Construction
Chapter 8.04 Uniform Codes
Article II Building Security Regulations
Section 8.04.180. Special commercial building provisions.
(j) Establishments having specific-type inventories shall be protected by the following type alarm service:
(1) Silent alarm system with a central station hookup and required twenty-four-hour supervised service:
(B) Any establishment manufacturing, storing or selling firearms and ammunition,
Title 11 Peace, Morals and Safety
Chapter 11.16 Firearms
Section 11.16.005. Definitions.
“Concealed carry licensee” means a person licensed or otherwise authorized to carry a concealable firearm pursuant to
California Penal Code Section 26150 et seq.
“Firearmmeans any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel, a projectile by
the force of any explosion or other form of combustion.
“Locked Container” means a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock,
or similar locking device as defined by California Penal Code Section 16850. For purposes of this Chapter, it also includes
a lock box that is listed on the California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms roster of approved firearm safety
devices. For purposes of this Chapter, it does not include a bag or other container made of fabric or other penetrable
material, such as a regular purse, backpack, or gym bag.
“Residence” means any structure intended or used for human habitation, including but not limited to, houses,
condominiums, rooms, motels, and time-shares. For purposes of this ordinance, it also includes a garage which is
enclosed within or located adjacent to such a structure and which is not open to the public.
Section 11.16.045. Safe Storage of Firearms.
Except when carried on his or her person, or in his or her immediate control and possession, no person shall keep a
firearm (as defined in Penal Code Section 16520 or as amended) in any residence owned or controlled by that person
unless the firearm is stored in a locked container or the firearm is disabled with a trigger lock that is listed on the California
Department of Justice’s list of approved firearms safety devices.
Palm Springs Zoning Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2063 and the June 2022 code supplement. For more recent amendments.
Chapter 92.00 Zoning Regulations
Section 92.14.01. Uses permitted.
C. Uses Permitted by Land Use Permit.
1. Indoor uses:
j. Gun shops;
Palmdale Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 1587, passed May 4, 2022.
Title 5 Business Licenses, Taxes and Regulations
Chapter 5.04 Business Regulation
Article II Businesses Requiring a Business Permit
Section 5.04.500. Gun dealers.
(A) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following term shall have the following meaning:
Gun dealer” means any person who sells or otherwise transfers to members of the public any pistol, revolver or other
firearm, new or used, capable of being concealed upon the person.
(B) Application Information.
(1) Permit Form. Any permit issued to operate a gun dealer shall be on a form provided by the State Attorney General.
(2) Application Form. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, every applicant for a gun dealer permit shall
fill out the application form provided by the State Attorney General.
(C) Permit Subject to Conditions. All permits issued under this section are subject to the following conditions, breach of
any of which subjects the business permit to forfeiture:
(1) The business activity shall be carried on only in the building designated in the permit.
(2) The permit or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be posted in a conspicuous manner on the
premises in which the business is being conducted.
(3) No pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person shall be delivered:
(a) Within 10 days of the application for the purchase, or, after notice by the Department of Justice (“Department”)
pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12076 of the State Penal Code, within 10 days of the submission to the
Department of corrected copies of the register, or within 10 days of the submission to the Department of any fee
required pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 12076 of the State Penal Code, whichever is later:
(i) Unless unloaded and securely wrapped or unloaded and in a locked container;
(ii) Unless the purchaser or transferee either is personally known to the dealer or presents clear evidence of
his or her identity to the dealer;
(iii) Whenever the dealer is notified by the Department of Justice that a purchaser is in a prohibited class
described in Section 12021 or 12021.1 of the Penal Code or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code.
(b) No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be
displayed in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
(c) The permittee shall agree to and shall act properly and promptly in processing transfers of pistols, revolvers,
and other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person.
(d) The permittee shall comply with Sections 12073 and 12077 and subdivision (b) of Section 12072 of the State
Penal Code.
Title 17 Zoning
Division 2 – Review Procedures
Chapter 26 Miscellaneous Administrative Approvals
Section 17.26.060. Home occupation permit.
D. Mandatory conditions for operation
Home occupations may be permitted on property used for residential purposes, provided that the use is operated
pursuant to the following conditions of operation:
24. No home occupation shall include the sale or storage of fire arms, ordnance, ammunition or other weapons which
are regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, at the site of the home occupation.
Division 5 Commercial Zones
Chapter 17.54Commercial Center (Zone C-4)
Section 17.54.080. Accessory uses and structures permitted.
The following accessory uses and structures are permitted in the C-4 zone, provided that such uses are established on
the same lot or parcel of land as the permitted principal use, and that such accessory uses are incidental to and do not
substantially alter the character of the principal use.
N. Firearms and related accessories, sales and service, as an accessory use to the retail sales of sporting equipment.
Division 9 Special Regulations
Chapter 17.92Commercial Uses
Section 17.92.080. Outdoor retail sales.
A. Purpose and intent
It is the purpose of these regulations to establish specific standards for outdoor retail sales uses established as primary
uses including swap meets, flea markets and other similar outdoor retail uses. The intent of these regulations is to prevent
potential negative impacts relating to noise, traffic, visual appearance, health and safety.
B. Development standards
Primary outdoor retail sales uses shall conform to the following standards in addition to all other applicable standards and
8. Retail sales shall not include the sale of adult-oriented merchandise, firearms, or off-sale alcohol.
Palo Alto Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 5559, passed June 21, 2022. (Supplement Number 53-12/2021)
Title 4 Business Licenses and Regulations*
Chapter 4.57 Firearms Dealers
Section 4.57.010. Definitions.
(a) In addition to those words and phrases defined in Section 4.04.010 of this code, the following words and phrases,
whenever used in this chapter, shall be construed as defined in this section:
(1) "Chief of police" means the chief of police or his or her designee.
(2) "City" means the city of Palo Alto.
(3) "Firearms dealer" means a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for,
sale, transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm.
(4) "Department" means the California Department of Justice.
(5) "Engaged in the business" means the conduct of a business by the selling, transferring, or leasing of any
firearm; or the preparation for such conduct of business as evidenced by the securing of applicable federal or state
licenses; or the holding of one's self out as engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing of any firearm;
or the selling, transferring, or leasing of any firearms in quantity, in series or in individual transactions, or in any other
manner indicative of trade.
(6) "Person" means natural person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
(7) "Firearm" means any revolver, rifle, shotgun or any other device designed to be used as a weapon, from which a
projectile is expelled through a barrel by the force of an explosion or any other form of combustion. A "firearm"
includes any device defined as a firearm by the California Penal Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter
be amended to read.
Section 4.57.020. Permit Required.
No person shall engage in the business of selling, transferring or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease within this city any firearm unless that person has been issued a permit
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Section 4.57.030. Application Form Fees.
(a) An applicant for a permit under this chapter shall file with the chief of police a sworn application in writing, on a form to
be furnished by the city, and the applicant and officers, employees, and agents thereof shall be photographed and
fingerprinted by the chief of police. The applicant shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance
with all applicable federal, state, and local laws when required by the chief of police, or the application will not be deemed
complete. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as set forth in the municipal fee schedule.
(b) Any person proposing to engage in business as a firearms dealer within this city shall secure the applicable federal
license and shall have thirty calendar days after approval of such federal license to apply for a city permit in compliance
with the provision of this chapter and shall not engage in the business as a firearms dealer within the city until the city
permit is issued.
Section 4.57.040. Application Investigation.
The chief of police shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public
safety whether the permit may be issued. The chief of police may require additional information of an applicant which he
or she deems necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 4.57.050. Application Denial.
(a) The chief of police shall issue a firearms dealer permit to an applicant unless he or she finds any of the following:
(1) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof is under the age of twenty-one years;
(2) The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal, state, and local laws;
(3) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has had a similar type of permit previously revoked or
denied for good cause within the immediately preceding year;
(4) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has knowingly made any false or misleading statement of
a material fact or omission of a material fact in the application for a permit;
(5) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has been convicted of:
(A) Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof from owning or
possessing a firearm under applicable federal, state, and local laws,
(B) Any offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use, or registration of any firearm or dangerous or
deadly weapon,
(C) Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another,
(D) Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit,
(E) Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession, or use of any controlled substance as defined by the
California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read;
(6) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined
by the California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read, or is an
excessive user of alcohol, to the extent that such use would impair his or her fitness to be a firearms dealer;
(7) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has been adjudicated as a mental defective, or has been
committed to a mental institution, or suffers from any psychological disturbance which would impair his or her fitness
to be a firearms dealer;
(8) The operation of the business as proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws;
(9) The business as proposed will be operated in the following locations:
(A) Within a zoning district in which retail service is not a permitted or conditional use,
(B) Within a zoning district in which residential use is the principal permitted or maintained use, or within two
hundred fifty feet of the exterior limits of any such district,
(C) On or within two hundred fifty feet of the exterior limits of any other premises occupied by a public or private
day care center or day care home, elementary school, junior high school, or high school,
(D) On or within one thousand two-hundred feet of the exterior limits of any other premises occupied by a dealer
in firearms, a cardroom, a massage establishment, and adult entertainment establishment, or a hot tub/sauna
establishment. Priority between such existing establishments shall be assigned in accordance with the dates upon
which such establishments commenced such lawful operation, priority being given to the establishment having the
earliest of such dates. In the event any dispute arises regarding said date, the applicant shall have the obligation
to establish the date on which he or she commenced lawful operation.
All distances referred to in this subsection shall be measured between the closest points on the exterior property lines
or area boundaries of the parcels or areas involved, except that when a dealer in firearms subject to the provisions of
this chapter occupies one unit of a multi-unit structure located on a single parcel, distances shall be measured from
the exterior boundaries of the unit occupied. This subsection shall supersede any and all conflicting provisions
regulating home occupations set out in Title 18 of this code;
(10) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof does not have and/or cannot provide evidence of, a
possessory interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted;
(11) The operation of the firearm dealer business as proposed in the application for the permit will violate any
applicable building, fire, health or zoning requirements set forth in this code;
(12) Any ground for denial specified in Section 4.04.140 of this code.
Section 4.57.060. Permit Form.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the Attorney General of the State of
Section 4.57.070. Permit Duration Renewal.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that such
permits may be renewed by the chief of police for additional periods of one year upon approval of an application for
renewal by the chief of police and payment of the renewal fee. Such renewal application must be received by the chief of
police, in completed form, no later than forty-five days prior to the expiration of the current permit.
Section 4.57.080. Permit Assignment.
The assignment or attempt to assign any permit issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such assignment or
attempt to assign a permit shall render the permit null and void.
Section 4.57.090. Permit Conditions.
(a) Any permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of
which shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the chief of police:
(1) The business shall be engaged-in only in the building located at the street address designated in the permit, and
only by such persons as specified in the permit; the business may also be engaged-in at such other locations or
events as are authorized by federal and state law provided that such location or event conforms to the requirements
of this code; any changes to the approved location or to the persons authorized to act as officers, employees, or
agents of the permittee in engaging in the business during the term of the permit must be approved by the chief of
(2) The permit or a copy thereof, certified by the chief of police, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily
be seen;
(3) The permittee shall comply with all federal and state firearms laws.
Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to such additional conditions as the chief of police finds are
reasonably related to the purposes of this chapter.
Section 4.57.095. Business and security regulations.
(a) All firearm dealers and officers, employees or agents of the firearm dealer, shall comply with all provisions of California
Penal Code Section 12071 regarding business regulations and building specifications for firearm security.
(b) All sellers of firearms shall protect such firearms from theft during business hours in the following manner:
(1) All firearms shall be displayed in locked cabinets, a secured rack, or a storage area so that access to firearms is
controlled by the dealer or an employee, to the exclusion of all others.
(2) The firearm dealer or the dealer's agent or employee shall be present when a prospective buyer or seller is
handling any firearm prior to sale and delivery of the firearm.
Section 4.57.100. Permit Grounds for revocation.
In addition to any provisions contained in this chapter, the provisions of Section 4.04.140 of this code shall apply to
revocation of permits required under this chapter. Any circumstances constituting grounds for denial shall also constitute
grounds for revocation.
Section 4.57.110. Permit Hearing.
(a) Any person whose application for a permit has been denied, or whose permit has been revoked pursuant to the
provision of this chapter, shall have the right to a hearing before the chief of police prior to final denial or prior to
(b) The chief of police shall give the applicant or permittee written notice of his or her intent to deny the application or to
revoke the permit. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the chief of police's intent to deny the application or
to revoke the permit, and shall inform the applicant or permittee that he or she has ten days from the date of receipt of the
notice to file a written request for a hearing. The application may be denied or the permit revoked if a written hearing
request is not received within the ten-day period.
(c) If the applicant or permittee files a timely hearing request, the chief of police shall set a time and place for the hearing.
All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimony, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues, to be
represented by counsel, and to confront and cross-examine any witnesses against them. The decision of the chief of
police whether to deny the application or revoke the permit is final and nonappealable.
Section 4.57.120. Permit Liability insurance.
No permit shall be issued or continued pursuant to this chapter unless there is in full force and effect a policy of insurance
in such form as the city attorney and risk manager deem proper, executed by an insurance company approved by the city
attorney and risk manager, whereby the applicant or permittee is insured against liability for damage to property and for
injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, transfer, or lease, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease any firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million
dollars for damage to or destruction of property in any one incident, and one million dollars for the death of or injury to any
one person; provided, however, that additional amounts may be required by the city attorney and risk manager if deemed
necessary. Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be cancelled until
notice in writing has been given to the city, addressed in care of the chief of police, 275 Forest Avenue, Palo Alto,
California, 94301, at least thirty days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Further, such
policy of insurance shall name the city, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds. Additionally, applicants
and permittee shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents and employees, from claims arising
from the negligence of the applicant or permittee.
Section 4.57.130. Permit Authority to inspect.
Any and all investigating officials of the city shall have the right to enter the building designated in the permit from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to observe and enforce compliance with building,
mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, or provisions of this chapter. A police investigator may conduct
compliance inspections to ensure conformance with all federal, state, and local laws, and the provisions of this chapter. A
warrant shall be obtained whenever required by law.
Section 4.57.140. Compliance.
Any person engaging in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter
shall have a period of sixty days after such effective date to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 4.57.150. Severability.
This chapter shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the city of Palo Alto. If any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence or word of this chapter is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the city of Palo Alto, either
on its face or as applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences, or words of this chapter, and the applications thereof; and to that end, the section, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences and words of this chapter shall be deemed severable.
Paradise Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 619, enacted July 12, 2022. (Supp. No. 10-22, Update 1)
Title 5 Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.05 Retail Firearms Sales Establishments
Section 5.05.010. License required.
No person shall engage in the business of selling, leasing, transferring, advertising, offering or exposing for sale, lease or
transfer, any rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person unless he or she
has been issued a license pursuant to this chapter.
As used in this chapter, engaging in the business of selling, leasing or transferring any rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or
other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person does not include any of the following:
A. The sale, lease or transfer of any rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon
the person by a person acting pursuant to a court order under the Enforcement of Judgments Law (Title 9
(commencing with Section 680.010) of Part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure) or by a person who liquidates a personal
firearm collection to satisfy a court judgment;
B. The sale, lease or transfer of any rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon
the person by a person acting pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12028 of the California Penal Code;
C. The sale, lease or transfer of any rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon
the person by a person who obtains title to the firearm by the intestate succession or by bequest, provided the person
disposed of the firearm within sixty days of receipt of the firearm;
D. The infrequent sale, lease or transfer, offering, exposing for sale, lease or transfer, or advertising for sale, lease or
transfer any rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.
As used in this chapter "infrequent" means occasional without regularity; and in no event shall "infrequent" mean
more than five transactions per calendar year. For these purposes, "transaction" means a single sale, lease or
transfer of any number of rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the
Section 5.05.020. Application for license.
Every person engaged in the retail sales of firearms shall obtain a license to operate in the town and pay a license fee in
advance as set by council resolution, payable to the administrative services department. Upon application being made,
the administrative services department shall immediately refer the applicant and the application to the police department,
and the police department shall either approve or disapprove of the granting of the license within thirty days. If the
application is approved by the police department, the applicant shall furnish to the police department the name, age, sex,
permanent address, prior felony convictions, if any, and other pertinent information required by the police department
concerning each and every person who shall be employed by applicant in such business or take part therein, in any
manner whatsoever, and the applicant shall keep any and all records of such business as required by the police
department and shall submit copies thereof to the police department as may be required.
Section 5.05.030. Violations a misdemeanor.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Pasadena Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 7398, adopted August 8, 2022. (Supp. No. 68, Update 1)
Title 5 Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations*
Article II Specific Businesses
Chapter 5.35 – Concealable Firearms, Retail Sales
Section 5.35.020. Definitions.
"Pistol," "revolver," and "firearm capable of being concealed upon the person," as used in this chapter, mean
"pistol," "revolver," and "firearm capable of being concealed upon the person," as defined by the California Penal Code as
said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read.
Section 5.35.030. Permit, required.
No person shall engage in the business of selling or otherwise transferring, or advertise for sale, or offer or expose for
sale, or transfer any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, unless he has been
issued a permit pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Section 5.35.040. Written applications, fees.
An application for a permit required by this chapter, or for the renewal thereof, shall be filed with the police department;
shall be in writing on forms provided by the city; shall be in duplicate; and shall be accompanied by a paid receipt issued
by city for payment of the application fee. The application fee for the initial permit is $50.00, and for a renewal permit is
$25.00. The application fee is established to cover part of the cost of investigation and processing an application and
permit and is not refundable. Every application shall be verified as provided by the California Code of Civil Procedure for
the verification of pleadings.
Section 5.35.050. Application, investigation.
The police department shall fingerprint any person applying for a permit required by this chapter. The police chief shall
conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine whether the permit shall be issued. The police chief
may require additional information of applicants which he deems necessary to conduct his investigation. The police chief
may dispense with the investigation upon being furnished with an authenticated copy of a current permit issued by
another governmental agency located in the county.
Section 5.35.060. Application, denial.
The permit shall be denied by the police chief if:
A. The character or reputation of the applicant is determined to be inimical to the safety or general welfare of the
community; or
B. The applicant has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor involving the violation of any law or ordinance relating
to the owning, carrying, sale, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous or deadly weapon; or
C. The applicant, his employee or agent has knowingly made any false or misleading statement of a material fact in the
application for a permit; or
D. The applicant has had a similar type permit previously revoked for good cause within the past year unless the applicant
can show a material change in circumstances since the date of revocation.
Section 5.35.070. Appeal procedure.
Any applicant or permittee aggrieved by a decision of the police chief with reference to his respective application or permit
may appeal said decision in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 5.36.
Section 5.35.080. Permit, form.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the Attorney General of the state.
Section 5.35.090. Permit, duration.
All permits so issued shall expire:
A. One year after the date of issuance; or
B. Upon the cessation or change of location of business for which such permit is issued; whichever occurs sooner;
provided, however, that such permits may be renewed for additional periods of one year upon the approval of the police
Section 5.35.100. Permit, conditions, revocation.
Any permit issued shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which shall be sufficient cause for
revocation of the permit by the police chief:
A. The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the permit.
B. The permit or a copy thereof, certified by the police chief, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily be
seen by anyone patronizing the premises.
C. No pistol or revolver shall be delivered:
1. To anyone other than the purchaser thereof;
2. To the purchaser within 15 days of the application for the purchase;
3. To the purchaser unless he is personally known to the seller or presents clear evidence of his identity to the seller;
4. Unless it is unloaded and securely wrapped.
D. No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed in
any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
E. The permittee shall at all times have in full force and effect a policy of general liability insurance issued by an insurer
authorized to write such policies in the state of California in the amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000).
F. The permittee shall not sell any firearm unless the permittee also sells or furnishes a trigger lock or other similar device
with each firearm sold which will prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm. The trigger lock or other similar device
shall be external to the firearm. A safety mechanism which is part of the firearm's integral components or mechanism shall
not satisfy the requirements of this subsection.
Section 5.35.110. Permit, assigning prohibited.
The assignment or attempt to assign any permit issued under this chapter is unlawful and any such assignment or attempt
to assign a permit shall render the permit null and void.
Section 5.35.120. Revocation for cause.
A permit shall be revocable by the police chief for cause, which cause shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to,
violation of Section 5.35.100 or falsification of information in the permit application.
Section 5.35.130. Surrender of permit.
When a permit is revoked pursuant to this chapter, the permittee shall surrender the permit to the police department.
Section 5.35.140. Confidentiality.
The information furnished and secured pursuant to this chapter shall be confidential in character, shall not be subject to
public inspection, and shall be kept so that the contents thereof shall not be known except to persons charged with the
administration of this chapter.
Section 5.35.150. Exemption of sales to government officers, Identification.
The provisions of this chapter do not apply to sales of concealable firearms made to persons properly identified as full-
time paid officers of a city police department, sheriff's department, district attorney's office, the California Highway Patrol,
or the State Department of Justice, nor to sales of concealable firearms made to authorized representatives of cities, cities
and counties, counties, or state or federal governments for use by such governmental agencies. Proper identification is
defined as verifiable written certification from the head of the agency by which the purchaser is employed, identifying the
purchaser and authorizing the purchase. The certification shall be delivered to the seller at the time of purchase and the
purchaser shall identify himself as the person authorized in such certification.
Section 5.35.160. Enforcement of provisions.
The conviction of any person for violation of the provisions of this chapter shall not relieve the person from paying the
permit fee due and unpaid at the time of the conviction, nor shall payment of any permit fee prevent criminal prosecution
for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. All remedies shall be cumulative and the use of one or more remedies
by the city shall not bar the use of any other remedy for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter. The
amount of any permit fee shall be deemed a debt to the city. An action may be commenced in the name of the city in any
court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of any delinquent permit fee.
Title 8 Health and Safety*
Chapter 8.85 Weapons, Sales Prohibited on City Property and in City Facilities
Section 8.85.010. Definitions.
A. "Assault weapon" means, except as provided in subsection C of this section, the following:
1. Any semiautomatic action, center fire rifle or carbine which was designed to accept a detachable magazine with a
capacity of twenty rounds or more, including, but not limited to, the following firearms or their copies: AR 15
semiautomatic assault rifles, Uzi semiautomatic assault rifles or carbines, Ingram Mac-10 semiautomatic assault
carbines, Ingram Mac-11 semiautomatic assault carbines, Heckler and Koch 93 semiautomatic assault rifles, Heckler
and Koch 91 semiautomatic assault rifles, AK-47 semiautomatic assault rifles, AKM-47 semiautomatic assault rifles,
all Avtomat Kalashnikov weapons, Thompson semiautomatic carbines and any other semiautomatic carbines
manufactured by Auto Ordnance;
2. Any weapon which may be readily restored to an operable assault weapon, as defined in subdivision 1 of this
subsection; and
3. Any part, or combination of parts, designed or intended to convert a weapon into an assault weapon, as defined in
subdivision 1 of this subsection, or any combination of parts from which an assault weapon may be readily
assembled, if those parts are in the possession or under the control of the same person.
B. "Semiautomatic" means a weapon which fires a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger and which employs
a magazine.
C. "Assault weapon" does not include any of the following:
1. Any of the above generally and specifically described weapons which is a "machine gun" as that term is defined by
Section 12200 of the Penal Code of the state; any pistol, revolver or other firearm which is capable of being concealed
upon one's person, as defined and regulated by the provisions of Sections 12021 and 12025 of the Penal Code of the
2. Any of the following: weapons which do not use fixed ammunition, weapons which were manufactured prior to
1898, manually operated bolt-action weapons, lever-action weapons, slide-action weapons, single-shot weapons,
multiple-barrel weapons, revolving-cylinder weapons, semiautomatic weapons which use exclusively Mannlicher-style
clips, semiautomatic weapons manufactured prior to 1954, rim-fire weapons that employ a tubular magazine;
3. Any assault weapon which is an antique or relic firearm or other weapon failing within the specifications of
paragraphs (5), (7) and (8) of subsection (b) of Section 12020 of the Penal Code of the state;
4. Any short-barreled rifle or shotgun as defined in subsection (c) of Penal Code Section 12020; or
5. Any assault weapon which has been modified either to render it permanently inoperable or to permanently make it
a device no longer defined as an assault weapon.
D. "Pistol, revolver and firearm capable of being concealed upon the person" means any device designed to be
used as a weapon from which is expelled a projectile by the force of any explosion or other form of combustion and which
has a barrel less than twelve inches in length.
Section 8.85.020. Sale on city property or in a city facility prohibited.
No person, except for a licensed federal firearms dealer, shall sell, offer or display for sale, lease, give, lend or transfer
ownership of any assault weapon or pistol, revolver and firearm capable of being concealed upon the person on any city
property or in any city facility.
Title 17 Zoning Code
Article 2 Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses, and Zone-Specific Standards
Chapter 17.24 – Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts
Section 17.24.020. Purposes of commercial zoning districts.
B. Purposes of individual zoning districts.
1. Commercial Office (CO) District.
2. Commercial Limited (CL) District.
3. Commercial General (CG) District.
4. Industrial General (IG) District.
Section 17.24.030. Commercial and industrial district land uses and permit requirements.
A. Permit requirements. Table 2-5 identifies the uses of land allowed by this Zoning Code in the commercial zoning
districts, and the land use permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Section 17.21.030 (Allowable Land
Uses and Permit Requirements). The following land use permit requirements are established by Table 2-5.
Permit Requirement
Procedure is in Section:
Permitted use, Code Compliance Certificate required.
Conditional use, Minor Conditional Use Permit required.
Conditional use, Conditional Use Permit required.
Conditional use, Expressive Use Permit required.
Temporary use, Temporary Use Permit required.
Use not allowed. (See Section 17.21.030.A regarding uses not listed.)
Section 17.24.040. Commercial and industrial district general development standards.
Table 2-5 - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements For Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts
Permit Requirement By Zone
Land Use (1)
CO CL, CL-2 CG IG Specific Use Standards
Retail Sales (7, 9)
Firearm sales
C (8)
(8) Conditional Use Permit approval required for new construction exceeding 25,000 sq. ft. See Section 17.61.050.J for
additional requirements.
Article 3 Specific Plan Standards
Chapter 17.32 East Pasadena Specific Plan
Section 17.32.050. EPSP District land uses and permit requirements.
A. Allowable land uses and permit requirements. Tables 3-5 and 3-6 identify the uses of land allowed by this Zoning Code
in each EPSP zoning district, and the land use permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Section
17.21.030 (Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements). The land use permit requirements established by Tables 3-5
and 3-6 are as follows.
Permit Requirement
Procedure is in Section:
Permitted use, Code Compliance Certificate required.
Conditional use, Minor Conditional Use Permit required.
Conditional use, Conditional Use Permit required.
Conditional use, Expressive Use Permit required.
Temporary use, Temporary Use Permit required.
Use not allowed. (See Section 17.21.030.A regarding uses not listed.)
B. Standards for specific land uses. Where the last column in the tables ("Specific Use Standards") includes a section
number, the regulations in the referenced section apply to the use, in addition to all other applicable provisions of this
Zoning Code.
Table 3-5 - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements East Pasadena Specific Plan (EPSP) Subarea D1 Districts
Permit Requirement by D1 Zone
Retail Sales (3, 10, 11) CO CL CG IG
Specific Use Standards
Firearm sales
C (4)
(4) Conditional Use Permit approval required for new construction exceeding 25,000 sq. ft. See Section 17.61.050.J for
additional requirements.
Article 5 Standards for Specific Land Uses
Chapter 17.50 Standards for Specific Land Uses
Section 17.50.110. Home occupations.
G. Limitation on activities.
2. Guns and ammunition shall not be sold as part of a Home Occupation Permit except that a home occupation for a
gunsmith or firearms collector licensed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms as a gunsmith or firearm
collector is allowed.
Article 8 Glossary of Specialized Terms and Land Use Types
Chapter 17.80 Glossary of Specialized Terms and Land Use Types
Section 17.80.020. Definitions.
As used in this Zoning Code, the following terms and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this Section,
unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise. Definitions of land uses are followed by the term
(land use).
F. Definitions, "F."
Firearm Sales (land use). The retail sale of firearms or ammunition by a firearms dealer, whether it is the principal sales
item or incidental to the overall sales. This use includes firearms dealers that transfer and lease any firearms.
Patterson Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 835, and legislation passed through December 4, 2018.
Title 18 Zoning
Division III Zoning Districts
Chapter 18.42 Commercial and Medical/Professional Office Districts
Section 18.42.030. Allowed land uses and permit requirements.
Table 18.42.030-1 below identifies allowed uses and corresponding permit requirements for the commercial and
medical/professional office districts subject to compliance with Chapter 18.34 (Land Use Classification) and all other
provisions of this title. Descriptions/definitions of the land uses can be found in Division V (Definitions). The special use
regulations column in the table identifies the specific chapter or section where additional regulations for that use type are
located within this title.
Use regulations in the table are shown with representative symbol by use classification listing: “AR” symbolizes uses
permitted through administrative review, “P” symbolizes uses allowed by right, “CUP” symbolizes uses that require
approval of a conditional use permit, and “N” symbolizes uses that are not permitted.
Table 18.42.030-1 Permitted Use Matrix for Commercial and Medical/Professional Office Districts
Commercial and Medical/Professional Office Zoning Districts (See Section 18.42.020 for descriptions)
Special Use Regulations
Retail, Service, and Office Uses
Gun shops
Chapter 18.64 Home Occupations
Section 8.64.040. Prohibited home occupations.
The following uses are expressly prohibited as home occupations:
I. Weapons and ammunition sales and service.
Chapter 18.96 Land Use Definitions
Section 18.96.060. Retail, service, and office uses.
“Gun shop” means any retail sales business engaged in the selling, leasing, purchasing, or lending of guns, firearms, or
Perris Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1396, Adopted February 23, 2021. (Supplement Number 7)
Title 5 Business Regulations and Licenses
Chapter 5.46 Swap Meets
Section 5.46.130. Prohibited articles.
It is unlawful for any person to exchange, barter, trade or sell in a swap meet, the following items of personal property:
firearms, ammunition, explosives, any item of personal property from which the serial number or identifying number has
been removed, any and all other items of personal property which may be prohibited from being exchanged, bartered,
traded or sold by ordinance or resolution by the city council, or the laws of the state, or by any laws regulating the health
and welfare of the city, the county or the state.
Pinole Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-03, passed 7-5-2022 (Supp. 25).
Title 17 Zoning Code
Article IV Standards for Specific Land Uses
Chapter 17.63 Firearm Sales
Section 17.63.020. Permit required.
A. It shall be unlawful under this chapter for any person to engage in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or
advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offer or expose for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm unless he or she has been
issued a license as required by this chapter. "Engage in the business" means the conduct of a business by the selling,
leasing, or transferring of any firearm; or the preparation for such conduct of business, as evidenced by the application for
or securing of applicable state or federal licenses; or the holding of oneself out as engaged in the business of selling,
transferring, or leasing of any firearms; or the selling, transferring or leasing of firearms in quantity, in series or in
individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of trade.
B. Such license shall consist of a permit issued by the Police Chief after a determination by the Police Chief that the
applicant meets the standards for obtaining a permit based on the criteria contained herein.
C. A person shall not be deemed licensed to sell firearms until that person has obtained the permit from the Police Chief,
a conditional use permit for the business site from the Planning Commission, and a city business license.
Section 17.63.030. Application and fees.
An applicant for a permit under this chapter shall file with the Police Chief an application in writing, under penalty of
perjury, on a form to be furnished by the city or as information requested to demonstrate compliance with this chapter,
including a floor plan of the proposed business which illustrates the applicant's compliance with the security provisions of
Section 17.63.080D of this chapter. The application shall also include a certification by the city's Community Development
Department that the business will not be located in a zoning district in which the operation of firearms business is
prohibited by law. The applicant shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance with all applicable
federal, state and local laws, or the application will not be deemed complete. The application shall be accompanied by a
nonrefundable fee for administering this chapter, to be established by resolution of the City Council.
Section 17.63.040. Investigation by the Police Chief.
The Police Chief shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public
safety whether the permit may be issued. The Police Chief may require an applicant, or any officer, agent, or employee
thereof, to provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of pertinent records, a
complete personal history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the Police Chief, and any other additional information
which the Police Chief deems necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 17.63.050. Grounds for denial of permit.
The Police Chief shall give the applicant written notice of the Chief's decision to deny or revoke the application. The notice
shall set forth the ground or grounds for the chief's decision, and shall inform the applicant that he or she has ten (10)
days from the date the notice was mailed within which to file a written request for a hearing with the Chief. The Police
Chief shall issue a permit unless he finds one or more of the following:
A. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, is under the age of twenty-one (21) years;
B. The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal or state laws, or the operation of the business as
proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including, but not limited to any of the following:
1. The applicant has failed to provide a copy of his or her valid federal firearm's license.
2. The applicant has failed to provide a valid seller's permit issued by the State Board of Equalization.
3. The applicant has failed to provide a copy of his or her valid certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of
C. The applicant's inventory does not conform to the type of federal or state firearms permit issued to the applicant;
D. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has had a similar type permit previously revoked or denied for
good cause within the immediately preceding two (2) years;
E. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has knowingly made any false or misleading statement of a
material fact in the application for a permit;
F. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, fails or refuses to provide clear evidence of his or her identity,
or any other information required by the Police Chief to complete his investigation;
G. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has been convicted of:
1. Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, from owning or possessing a
firearm under applicable federal, State and local laws.
2. Any offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use of registration of any firearm or dangerous or deadly
3. Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another.
4. Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit.
5. Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined by the State
Health and Safety Code, as it may be amended from time to time;
H. The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, is currently or has been within the last two years, an unlawful
user of any controlled substance as defined by the State Health and Safety Code, as it may be amended from time to
time, or is an excessive user of alcohol, to the extent that such use would impair his fitness to be a dealer in firearms;
I. The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, is within the classes of person defined in California Welfare
and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103 as they now read, or may hereafter be amended to read.
Section 17.63.060. Grounds for revocation.
In addition to any provisions contained in this chapter, any circumstances constituting grounds for denial shall also
constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 17.63.070. Police Chief permit hearing.
A. Any person whose application for a permit has been denied, or whose permit has been revoked by the Police Chief,
shall have the right to a hearing before the Police Chief prior to the final denial or revocation of the permit.
B. Within ten (10) days of mailing of the written notice of intent to deny the application, or revoke the permit, the applicant
may appeal by requesting a hearing before the Police Chief. Such a request must be made in writing and must set forth
the specific grounds for the appeal. If the applicant files a timely request for a hearing, the Police Chief shall set a time
and place for the hearing within thirty (30) days thereafter. The decision of the Police Chief to deny the application shall be
in writing and shall be rendered within ten (10) days of the hearing.
C. An applicant may appeal the Police Chief's denial or revocation of a permit to the City Manager by filing a written
appeal with the City Manager within ten (10) days of the action. Such an appeal hearing must set forth the specific
grounds for appeal. If the applicant files a timely request for a hearing, the City Manager shall set a time and place for the
hearing within thirty (30) days thereafter. The decision of the City Manager concerning the application shall be in writing
and shall be rendered within ten (10) days of the hearing.
Section 17.63.080. Police Chief permit conditions.
The permit issued by the Police Chief shall be deemed to contain the following terms and conditions, unless otherwise
indicated on the permit:
A. The permittee shall conduct business only in the premises designated in the permit. This requirement, however, shall
not prohibit the permittee from participating in gun shows of events which are specifically authorized by federal and state
law upon compliance with federal and state law.
B. The permit issued by the Police Chief, or a copy thereof, certified by the Police Chief, shall be displayed on the
premises and at gun shows where it can be easily seen.
C. No firearms shall be delivered:
1. Within ten (10) days of the application for the purchase, or within ten (10) days after submitting corrected copies of
the register or any fee required by State Penal Code Sections 28225, whichever is later, or within any timelines
otherwise set forth in Penal Code Sections 27540.
2. Unless unloaded and securely wrapped or in locked container which is fully enclosed and securely locked by a
padlock or similar locking device as required by state Penal Code Sections 16850 and 25610(a).
3. Unless the purchaser or transferee presents clear evidence of his or her identity and age, as required by Penal
Code Section 27540(c).
4. If the permittee is notified by the State Department of Justice that a purchaser is in a prohibited class described in
State Penal Code Sections 29800 through 29825 or State Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103.
D. All firearms kept in the licensed place of business shall be stored using one of the following methods as to each
particular firearm:
1. Store the firearm in a secure facility that is a part of, or that constitutes, the licensee's business premises.
2. Secure the firearm with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-eighth inch in diameter through the trigger
guard of the firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock
and shackle shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a
manner that prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises.
3. Store the firearm in a locked fireproof safe or vault in the licensee's business premises.
4. As used in this section, a "secure facility" means a building that meets all of the following specifications:
a. All perimeter doorways shall meet on the following:
(i) A windowless steel security door equipped with both a deadbolt and a doorknob lock.
(ii) A windowed metal door that is equipped with both a dead bolt and a doorknob lock. If the window has an
opening of five (5) inches or more measured in any direction, the window shall be covered with steel bars of
at least one-half inch diameter or metal grating of at least nine (9) gauge affixed to the exterior or interior of
the door.
(iii) A metal grate that is padlocked and affixed to the licensee's premises independent of the door and
b. All windows are covered with steel bars.
c. Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and service openings are secured with steel bars, metal grating, or an
alarm system.
d. Any metal grates have spaces no larger than six (6) inches wide measured in any direction.
e. Any metal screens have spaces no larger than three (3) inches wide measured in any direction.
f. All steel bars shall be no further than six (6) inches apart.
5. Upon written request from a permittee, the Police Chief may grant an exemption from compliance with this sub-
paragraph D if the permittee is unable to comply with these requirements because of local ordinances, covenants,
lease conditions, or similar circumstances not under the control of the permittee.
E. No pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person or imitation thereof, or placard
advertising their sale or other transfer, shall be displayed in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the
F. Permittee shall properly and promptly process firearms transactions pursuant to State Penal Code Sections 28050
through 28070.
G. Permittee shall keep a register of sales as required by State Penal Code Sections 28100 through 28180.
H. Permittee shall not sell, deliver or transfer any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the
person to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age or any other firearm to any person under eighteen (18) years of
I. Permittee shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises, all charges and fees required by Penal Code Section
26875, and the following warning in block letters not less than one (1) inch in height:
J. No pistols, revolvers or firearms capable of being concealed upon the person shall be delivered unless the purchaser or
transferee presents to the permittee a basic firearm safety certificate.
K. Permittee shall offer to provide the purchaser or transferee of a firearm a copy of the pamphlet described in State
Penal Code Section 34205 and may add the cost of the pamphlet, if any, to the sales price of the firearm.
L. Permittee shall report the loss or theft of any firearm that is merchandise of the permittee, any firearm that the permittee
takes possession of pursuant to Penal Code Section 26885, or any firearm kept at the permittee's place of business within
forty eight (48) hours of discovery to the Pinole Police Department.
M. Permittee shall install an alarm system monitored by a Police Chief-approved alarm company.
N. Permittee shall install a surveillance camera system approved by the Police Chief.
Section 17.63.090. Permit assignment.
The assignment or attempt to assign any Police Chief permit issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such
assignment or attempt to assign shall render the permit null and void.
Section 17.63.100. Liability insurance.
A. No permit shall be issued or continued pursuant to this chapter unless there is in full force and effect a policy of
insurance in such form as the city deems proper, executed by an insurance company approved by the city whereby the
applicant or permittee is insured against liability for all activities of the permittee, including damage to property and for
injury to or death of any person. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars ($1,000,000)
combined, single limit personal injury and property damage for each occurrence. The insurance shall be occurrence
based insurance. Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be canceled until
notice in writing has been given to the city, addressed in care of the Chief of Police, 880 Tennent Avenue, Pinole, CA
94564, at least thirty (30) days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Upon expiration of any
such policy and if no additional insurance has been secured prior to the expiration thereof in the manner provided for the
initial securing of a permit under this chapter, the permit shall be deemed cancelled without further notice or opportunity to
be heard.
B. Such policy of insurance shall name the city, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insured. Additionally,
applicant and permittee, as a condition of issuance of any permit under this chapter, agree to indemnify, defend and hold
harmless the city, its officers, agents, and employees, from any claims arising from the negligence of the applicant or
C. Prior to the issuance of any permit, applicant shall furnish the city with complete copies of the above required insurance
policies, including complete copies of all endorsements attached to those policies. All copies of policies and certified
endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf.
Section 17.63.110. Expiration of Police Chief permit.
A. Police Chief permits shall expire one year after the date of issuance. Such permits may be renewed by the Police Chief
for additional one year periods upon the permittee's submission of an application for renewal, accompanied by a non-
refundable renewal fee as established by City Council Resolution. The completed renewal application and the renewal fee
must be received by the Police Chief no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the current permit.
B. The Police Chief shall inform the Community Development Director or designee when a permit expires or is revoked, or
when renewal is denied by the Police Chief so that proceedings to revoke the use permit can be initiated.
C. A decision by the Police Chief regarding renewal of the permittee's Police Chief permit may be appealed in the manner
provided for in Section 17.63.070.
Section 17.63.120. Conditional use permit application.
When the applicant has obtained a Police Chief permit, the applicant may apply for a conditional use permit pursuant to
Chapter 17.12 of this Code. The applicant shall provide all information requested by the Community Development Director
or designee. No use permit application shall be deemed complete until the applicant has shown possession of a valid
Police Chief permit for such use.
Section 17.63.130. Possessory interest in the property.
No application for a use permit shall be processed until the applicant provides proof satisfactory to the Community
Development Director that the applicant, officer, employee or agent thereof is the owner of record of the real property at
which the proposed business will be conducted, or has a lease, license or other entitlement to operate such business at
such location and the written consent of the owner of record of such real property.
Section 17.63.140. Site restrictions.
No conditional use permit for firearm sales may be issued for any location which is:
A. Within a zoning district in which residential use is the principal permitted or maintained use. Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary in this code, home occupation permits for the conduct of any business under this chapter shall be
prohibited. The location of such businesses in and around homes is hereby declared a public nuisance. This section is
expressly made retroactive to all such businesses operating in such residential zones.
B. Within any zoning district other than Regional Commercial (RC), Commercial Mixed Use (CMU), or Office Industrial
Mixed Use (OIMU).
C. Within 500 feet of the exterior limits of any premises occupied by a public or private day care center or day care home,
elementary school, junior high school or high school, whether public or private.
D. Within 500 feet of the limits of a public park.
E. All distances referred to in this section shall be measured between the closest points on the exterior property lines or
area boundaries of the parcels or areas involved, except that when a permittee occupies one unit of a multi-unit structure
located on a single parcel, distances shall be measured from the exterior boundaries of the unit so occupied.
F. Businesses governed by the provisions of paragraphs C and D of this section, which are in full compliance with all
local, state and federal laws prior to the effective date of this chapter, including but not limited to zoning and business
license laws, shall not be required to obtain a use permit unless such businesses lose their non-conforming use status as
provided in Chapter 17.14. Such businesses shall, however, be required to comply with all other provisions of this
Section 17.63.150. Use permit conditions.
All use permits approved by the Planning Commission shall be deemed to contain all of the following terms and
conditions, unless otherwise conditioned:
A. The possession of a valid Police Chief permit.
B. The possession of all licenses and permits required by federal or state laws.
C. Compliance with all of the terms and conditions contained in Section 17.63.080.
D. Compliance with all of the requirements of the city's Building Code, the Fire Code, and any other technical code or
regulation of the city which may govern the use, occupancy, maintenance, construction or design of buildings or
structures. The use permit shall also contain a condition that the applicant must obtain a final inspection from the city
Building Official or designee demonstrating full code compliance before the applicant may commence business at the
premises at issue.
E. A method of storage of inventory which is explosive or flammable at the proposed business site shall be in compliance
with federal and state law and with the city's Fire Code.
F. All other conditions deemed by the Planning Commission to be necessary and proper to protect the public interest and
Section 17.63.160. Authority to inspect.
Any applicant for a Police Chief permit or a conditional use permit under this Chapter shall be deemed to expressly
consent and grant to any investigation officials of the city the right to enter the premises for which the Police Chief permit
and use permit was obtained, without a warrant, from time to time during regular business hours to make reasonable
inspections to observe and enforce compliance with building, mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, and health regulations,
as well as the provisions of this chapter and all applicable federal, state and local law. Such right to enter and inspect
without a warrant shall be deemed a condition of approval of any permit issued under this chapter.
Section 17.63.170. Revocation of use permit.
If the Police Chief, Building Official, or any other person has reason to believe that the permittee is not in full compliance
with any conditions imposed pursuant to this chapter, a report shall be made to the Community Development Director.
After an investigation of the facts contained in the report, the Community Development Director may commence
proceedings to revoke the use permit pursuant to Chapter 17.10 of this code.
Section 17.63.180. Firearm ammunition.
Firearm ammunition sales shall comply with those regulations and procedures required for a firearm sales Police Chief
Chapter 17.64 Home Occupations
Section 17.64.045. Uses that are not allowed.
The following uses shall not in any case qualify as a home occupation:
A. Firearm or firearm ammunition sales.
Pismo Beach Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number O-2022-007, passed August 2, 2022. (Supp. 42).
Title 17 Zoning Ordinance (1983 Code)*
Chapter 17.115 Home Occupations
Section 17.115.050. Types of prohibited uses.
The following uses by the nature of the operation are deemed to be incapable of meeting the above conditions and are
thereby excluded from the definition of "home occupation":
M. Mail order gun sales;
Pittsburg Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-1501, passed May 16, 2022.
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Division II Specific Regulations
Chapter 5.60 Retail Sale of Firearms
Section 5.60.010. Firearms sale licensing requirements.
A. No person shall sell at retail any firearm within the city limits without first obtaining a retail license to sell firearms from
the director of finance.
B. The director of finance shall administer the licensing process, including preparation of application forms and collection
of fees (as set by council resolution), consistent with the authority and responsibility given to the city under Penal Code
Section 12071. The director of finance may delegate authority to issue or deny a license to a designated representative.
C. No retail license to sell firearms shall be issued, reissued, or extended until the chief of police conducts an investigation
and recommends approval in writing. The chief of police may delegate this authority to investigate and make
recommendations to a designated representative.
D. No license shall be valid for more than one year from the date of issuance. [Ord. 1040 § 1, 1992.]
Section 5.60.020. Licensing criteria.
The investigation and recommendation by the chief of police on an application for a retail license to sell firearms shall be
based on the following criteria:
A. The security of the business premises from burglary and robbery considering the structure of the building, locks, alarms
and any private security surveillance;
B. The safety of the public and the business’ employees and customers considering the level of criminal activity in the
area where the business is located;
C. The applicant’s criminal history, if any;
D. The applicant’s history of compliance with (1) Title 2 of the Penal Code concerning the control of deadly weapons,
especially the prohibitions and requirements of Article 4 of the title on licenses to sell firearms, and (2) licenses issued
previously by the city or other agencies under Penal Code Section 12071;
E. The number of firearms dealers in the neighborhood and the city as a whole;
F. The proximity of the business to schools, churches and residential areas and compliance with the zoning code; and
G. The likelihood that the business will create or exacerbate nuisance, police or law enforcement problems in the
Title 18 Zoning
Division II Base District Regulations
Chapter 18.50 Residential Districts (R)
Article V Home Occupations
Section 18.50.415. Uses not permitted as home occupations.
The following occupations or activities and every similar use when conducted on a commercial basis and performed on
the site of the applicant’s dwelling may not be considered a home occupation and therefore not permitted in an R district.
E. Sale or servicing of firearms or ammunition;
Placentia Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number O-2022-02 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 10 Peace, Morals and Safety
Chapter 10.12 Dangerous Weapons
Section 10.12.030. Discharge of firearms within city Possession by minors in public.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to allow or permit a minor under eighteen years of age to have or to carry any gun or
device set forth in this section upon any public thoroughfare or upon any public property or in any vehicle within the city.
(c) It is unlawful to sell, give away, barter, or trade, any gun, pistol, or firearms or any air gun or pistol or any spring gun or
pistol or any device that shoots or propels pellets or missiles by any means, to any minor under the age of eighteen years.
(d) It is unlawful to sell, give away, barter, or trade any ammunition, pellets, missiles or any device used for shooting from
pistols, guns or firearms, or any spring-loaded gun or pistol or device that shoots or propels or missiles by any means to
any person under the age of eighteen (18) years without the written consent of the police department.
(e) It is unlawful for any parent, juvenile, or any person to transport or have shipped into the city any of the
abovementioned items for the use of any person under the age of eighteen (18) years.
(f) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit any person from carrying or transporting a rifle, shotgun, spring gun,
pellet gun, airgun, or other firearm to any bona fide target range or while going to or returning from a hunting trip or other
lawful sport.
Placer County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 6159-B and the July 2022 code supplement.
Chapter 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Article 5.16 Special Business License
Part 2 Types of Businesses
Section 5.16.240. Firearms.
A. The county, pursuant to California Penal Code Section 12071, is required to establish a procedure, as prescribed by
the California Attorney General, for the licensing of firearms dealers in the unincorporated area of the county. Further,
Chapter 30 of the Placer County Code provides for the operation of a firearms sales and repair business as a type of
home occupation, subject to a minor use permit issued by the county planning department, prior to obtaining a county
business license or other local approvals. Once all applicable fees have been paid and all associated conditions and
approvals have been secured, the applicant will be issued a special business license in the form prescribed by the
California Attorney General.
B. An applicant for such license or renewal shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance with all
applicable federal, state and local laws when required by the county, or the application will not be deemed complete.
Before a business license can be issued by the tax collector, the applicant must provide a copy of:
1. A valid federal firearms license (FFL) issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms;
2. A valid seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization;
3. A valid Certificate of Eligibility (COE) issued by the US Department of Justice.
C. A special business license for the licensing of firearms dealers requires the approval of the county sheriff.
Chapter 17 Zoning
Part 1 General Provisions
Article 17.04 Definitions
Section 17.04.030. Definitions of land uses, specialized terms and phrases.
Explosives manufacturing and storage” (land use) means the commercial manufacturing and storage of all types of
explosives, including, but not limited to, blasting powder and blasting caps, dynamite, fireworks, gunpowder, high
explosives, and the manufacture of conventional explosives for weapons use (including ammunition, bombs, missile
warheads, etc.). See Section 17.56.110 for specific use requirements applicable to explosives manufacturing and storage.
(SIC: Groups 2892, 3482, 3483)
Weapons manufacturing” (land use) means the manufacturing of nonexplosive weapons and weapons components,
including but not limited to small arms, artillery, and missiles. The manufacture of conventional explosives for weapons
use (including ammunition, bombs, missile warheads, etc.) is included under the definition of “Explosives manufacturing
and storage.” (SIC: Group 348)
Article 17.06 Zoning Districts Established
Section 17.06.050. Land use and permit tables.
A. Types of Land Uses Allowed. The uses of land allowed by this chapter in each zone and combining district established
by Section 17.06.010 are identified in the following tables (subsection (D) of this section), and in Sections 17.06.060 et
seq., (Zone district regulations). Land uses that are not listed on the tables in subsection (D) of this section, or are not
shown in a particular zone district are not allowed, except where otherwise provided by Sections 17.06.030(B)
(Exemptions from land use permit requirements), 17.56.030 (Temporary uses), or 17.02.050 (Allowable uses of land).
B. Type of Permit Required. When the tables in subsection (D) of this section and the zone and combining district
requirements of Sections 17.06.060 et seq., show a particular land use as being allowable in a zone, the use is identified
as being subject to one of the following land use permit requirements.
5. Conditional Use Permit (CUP). These uses are allowable subject to approval of a conditional use permit (“CUP”)
(Section 17.58.130). Conditional use permit approval is required for certain land uses that may be appropriate in a
zone, depending on the design of the individual project, and the characteristics of the proposed site and surroundings.
Such uses can either raise major land use policy issues or could create serious problems for adjoining properties, the
surrounding area, and their populations if such uses are not appropriately located and designed. The purpose of a
conditional use permit is to allow planning department staff and the Placer County planning commission to evaluate a
proposed use to determine if problems may occur, to provide the public with an opportunity to review the proposed
project and express their concerns in a public hearing, to work with the project applicant to adjust the project through
conditions of approval to solve any potential problems that are identified, or to disapprove a project if identified
problems cannot be acceptably corrected.
All allowable land uses shall obtain any building permit or other permit required by this code (see Section 17.06.030(D)),
in addition to the land use permit required by this section or Sections 17.06.060 et seq.
D. Tables. The following tables, and the lists of allowable uses in Sections 17.06.060 et seq., contain the same
requirements for allowable uses and land use permit requirements. The tables in this section are for convenience, to
simultaneously show all zone districts, the uses allowed within them, and the permit requirements applicable to each use.
Zone Districts
Land Use Types Residential Commercial Industrial
Agricultural, Resource
Open Space
Manufacturing and Processing
Uses - Continued
Explosives manufacturing and
storage (Section 17.56.110)
Weapons manufacturing
Key To Permit Requirements
Conditional Use Permit required (Section 17.06.050)
Use not allowed
Part 2 Zone Districts and Allowable Uses of Land
Division VIII Specific Use Regulations
Article 17.56 Specific Use Requirements
Section 17.56.120. Home occupations.
B. Limitation on Use. Home occupations shall be limited to activities carried on by the occupants of a dwelling as an
accessory use to the principal use of the site as a dwelling, as follows:
1. Allowed Uses. For guidance, permitted home occupations include but are not limited to: …; sales or repair of
firearms (provided that a minor use permit has first been obtained pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.58.120 of
this chapter) or any other business that meets the intent and specific requirements of this section.
Pleasant Hill Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 956, passed April 4, 2022.
Title 9 Health, Safety and Welfare
Chapter 9.35 Firearms
Section 9.35.020. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, any reference to a state or federal statute includes any amendments or renumbering that
may be enacted from time to time. For the purposes of this chapter, the words, terms and phrases as defined in this
section shall be construed as hereinafter set forth, unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is
A. Antique firearm shall have the same definition as provided in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(16).
B. Ammunition shall have the same definition as provided in California Penal Code section 16150 and includes handgun
ammunition as defined in Penal Code section 16650, but does not include blanks, blank cartridges or ammunition that can
be used solely in an antique firearm.
C. Chief of police shall mean the chief of police of the city of Pleasant Hill, California.
D. City shall mean the city of Pleasant Hill, California.
E. Engage in the business shall mean the conduct of a business by the selling, leasing, or transferring of any firearm or
ammunition in quantity, in series or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of trade.
F. Entity shall mean any individual, sole proprietorship, business enterprise, corporation, limited liability company or
publicly traded corporation operated for profit, or a nonprofit organization engaged in business activities, such as a
G. Firearm shall have the same definition as provided in California Penal Code sections 16520 and 11460.
H. Firearm sales shall mean the sale, transfer, lease, or offer for sale or lease, of a firearm. For purposes of this chapter,
firearm sales shall include sale of ammunition.
I. Permit shall mean a police issued permit to engage in the business of firearms sales in the city pursuant to the
provisions of this chapter.
J. Secure facility shall mean a building that meets all of the following specifications:
1. All perimeter doorways shall meet one of the following requirements:
a. A windowless steel security door equipped with both a deadbolt and a doorknob lock.
b. A windowed metal door that is equipped with both a dead bolt and a doorknob lock. If the window has an
opening of five inches or more measured in any direction, the window shall be covered with steel bars of at least
one-half inch diameter or metal grating of at least nine gauge affixed to the exterior or interior of the door.
c. A metal grate or similar device that is padlocked and affixed to the premises independent of the door and
2. All operable windows are covered with steel bars.
3. Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and service openings are secured with steel bars, metal grating, or an alarm
4. Any metal grates have spaces no larger than six inches wide measured in any direction.
5. Any metal screens have spaces no larger than three inches wide measured in any direction.
6. All steel bars shall be no further than six inches apart.
7. A deviation from the requirements of this section may be approved by the chief of police upon consultation with the
city’s chief building official if, in the opinion of the chief of police, the level of security provided by the alternative
feature(s) is sufficient to meet the public safety objectives of this section. The chief of police’s determination under this
section is not appealable but must be reviewed and re-evaluated by the chief of police upon the receipt of each
annual report made pursuant to PHMC § 9.35.090.
Section 9.35.030. Police permit required for firearms sales.
It shall be unlawful for any entity to engage in the business of firearm sales in the city unless said entity obtains and
maintains a permit issued by the chief of police as required by this chapter. This requirement is in addition to the
requirement for obtaining and maintaining a city-issued business license and any and all required federal and state
permits and licenses.
Section 9.35.040. Police permit Application.
A. An applicant for a permit under this chapter shall file with the chief of police an application in writing, signed under
penalty of perjury, on a form prescribed by the city. The applicant shall provide all relevant information requested to
demonstrate compliance with this chapter including the following:
1. The name, age, street address, telephone number and email address of the applicant.
2. The street address, business name, email address and telephone number of the proposed location for which the
permit is required.
3. Reserved.
4. Evidence of compliance with applicable zoning regulations.
5. A floor plan of the proposed business which illustrates the applicant’s intended security measures to comply with all
applicable state and federal laws and the regulations and conditions set forth in this chapter.
6. Proof of compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations relating thereto.
7. Reserved.
8. Information relating to every revocation or denial of a license or permit relating to firearms held by the applicant,
including, but not limited to, date and circumstances of any revocation.
9. Reserved.
10. Proof of satisfaction of insurance requirements as provided in PHMC § 9.35.110.D.
11. Whether the applicant, each officer of the entity and any person who will be engaged in the business of firearm
sales in the city, by or on behalf of the applicant, has been convicted of any of the following types of offenses:
a. An offense which disqualifies or disqualified for a period of time the individual from owning or possessing a
firearm under federal, state or local law;
b. An offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of a firearm, or dangerous or
deadly weapon as defined by the California Penal Code;
c. An offense involving the use of force or violence upon another person;
d. An offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit;
e. An offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of a controlled substance as defined by the
California Health and Safety Code and regulations promulgated thereunder.
12. Reserved.
13. Proof of a current and valid certificate of eligibility (“COE”) issued by the California Department of Justice (“DOJ”)
for the applicant and each person who will be engaged in the business of firearm sales in the city, by or on behalf of
the applicant.
14. Affirmation by the applicant as follows:
I declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. Further, I have read, understand, and will comply with applicable provisions of California Penal Code Part
6, Title 4 and regulations promulgated by the State of California relating to the sale, lease, or transfer of firearms;
relating to recordkeeping, background checks, and fees relating to sale, lease, or transfer of firearms; and related to
the sale, supply, delivery or transfer of ammunition. I understand that any false statement or omission of material
information in connection with this application may be punished as provided by law, including civil and criminal
sanctions, and may subject the applicant to a denial of permit, or the suspension, limitation, or revocation of any
permit granted hereunder.
B. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee, not to exceed $102.00, for administering this chapter.
Such fee shall be established by city council resolution.
Section 9.35.050. Investigation by police Determination time frame.
A. The chief of police or his or her designee shall conduct a review of the application and an appropriate investigation of
the applicant to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
B. Within 45 days following receipt of a fully completed application, the chief of police shall mail to the applicant, by
overnight mail, a written notice of intent to grant or deny the application, complete with recitation of the grounds for the
intent to grant or deny the application.
C. The chief of police shall conduct a background check of any person who will be engaged in firearm sales in the city.
Any person who will be engaged in firearm sales in the city, prior to engaging in such sales, shall first submit directly to
the Pleasant Hill police department a complete set of fingerprints. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
failure of a person to submit a complete set of fingerprints to the Pleasant Hill police department will not be cause for
denial or revocation of a permit issued under this chapter so long as that person will not be engaged in firearm sales in the
city. The chief of police may not charge a fee for any background check performed under this subsection.
Section 9.35.060. Grounds for permit issuance.
A. The chief of police shall grant a permit to the applicant if he or she finds:
1. The applicant is in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws relating to firearm sales and the provisions
of this chapter;
2. The applicant has all required federal, state and local permits and licenses; and
3. None of the conditions for denial or revocation as set forth in this chapter are present.
B. Such permit shall be conditioned on the applicant’s compliance with all city codes. If the permit is granted, no entity
shall engage in the business of firearm sales until all applicable appeal periods have expired, unless such entity was
lawfully engaged in the business of firearm sales on the effective date of this chapter.
Section 9.35.070. Denial of permit.
A. The chief of police shall deny the issuance of a permit if one or more of the following conditions exist:
1. The applicant or any officer of applicant’s entity, or any person who will be engaged in the business of firearm sales
by or on behalf of the applicant in the city, is under 21 years of age.
2. The applicant is not licensed as required by federal, state and local law or has failed to provide a copy of his or her
valid licenses.
3. The applicant, any officer of applicant’s entity, or any person who will be engaged in the business of firearm sales
by or on behalf of the applicant in the city has had a firearms permit or license previously revoked or denied for good
cause within the immediately preceding two years prior to the date of application.
4. The applicant has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact, or omission of a material fact, in the
application for a permit under this chapter. If a permit is denied on this ground, the applicant is prohibited from
reapplying for a permit for a period of two years from the date of denial.
5. The applicant has failed to fully comply with the application requirements or the applicant, any officer of applicant’s
entity, or any person who will be engaged in the business of firearm sales by or on behalf of the applicant in the city
fails or refuses to provide clear evidence of his or her identity, or any other information required pursuant to the
provisions of this chapter. If a permit is denied on this ground, the applicant is prohibited from reapplying for a permit
for a period of one year from the date of denial.
6. The applicant, any officer of applicant’s entity, or any person who will be engaged in the business of firearm sales
by or on behalf of the applicant in the city, has been convicted of:
a. An offense which disqualifies or disqualified for a period of time the individual from owning or possessing a
firearm under federal, state or local law;
b. An offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another;
c. An offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit;
d. An offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of a controlled substance as defined by the
California Health and Safety Code and regulations promulgated thereunder;
e. The chief of police has the authority to deem a conviction for an offense under subsections A.6.a through A.6.d.
of this section that is not permanently disqualifying under state or federal law as unlikely to adversely impact
applicant’s firearm sales business in the city due to factors including, but not limited to, remoteness in time. The
chief of police’s determination under this subsection A.6 is not appealable but must be reviewed and re-evaluated
by the chief of police upon the receipt of each annual report made pursuant to PHMC § 9.35.090.
f. The chief of police shall not deem an arrest or detention that did not result in conviction, or information
concerning a referral to, and participation in, any pretrial or posttrial diversion program, as disqualifying any
person from engaging in firearm sales in the city.
7. The applicant or any person who will be engaged in the business of firearm sales by or on behalf of the applicant in
the city has been convicted of an offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of a firearm
or dangerous or deadly weapon.
8. The applicant or any person who will be engaged in the business of firearm sales by or on behalf of the applicant in
the city is prohibited from possession or sale of firearms pursuant to Part 6, Title 4 of the California Penal Code.
9. The operation of the business as proposed would not comply with federal, state and local laws, including the
provisions of this chapter.
10. The operation of the firearm sales business as proposed would not be in compliance with applicable zoning
Section 9.35.080. Process for approval Appeals and calls for review.
A. Within 45 days of receipt of a completed application, the chief of police shall issue a written notice of intent to either
approve or deny the application. The notice of intent shall be delivered to the applicant, posted via link on the landing
page of the city’s website, communicated as an attachment to the city’s weekly update, and mailed to all residents and
businesses within 300 feet of the intended business location.
B. Within 10 business days of the mailing of the written notice of intent to either approve or deny the application, any
person may appeal the chief of police’s decision by requesting a hearing before the chief of police. The request must be
made in writing, setting forth the specific ground(s) under this chapter for the appeal, and must be delivered to the police
department by hand or by overnight mail (deposited, in the case of overnight mail, within the 10-day period). If the person
appealing the notice of intent submits a timely request for an appeal, the chief of police shall, within 10 business days, set
a time and place for hearing (with notice to the applicant and, if applicable, appellant parties by overnight mail), such
hearing to be initiated within 45 days of the date of the request for appeal and fully concluded within 60 days of the date of
the request for appeal.
C. Within 30 days of the conclusion of the hearing, the written decision of the chief of police shall be delivered via
overnight mail to the applicant and, if applicable, appellant, at the physical address specified by the appellant/applicant.
Notice shall be concurrently delivered to the city manager and the city attorney. The decision of the chief of police is final
10 days after the date of the written notice of the decision, unless an appeal is made of the decision.
D. An applicant may appeal the chief of police’s denial of a permit to the city manager by filing a written appeal with the
city manager within 10 days of the denial. The appeal filing shall be made in person at City Hall during regular business
hours or by overnight mail (deposited, in the case of overnight mail, within the 10-day period). Such an appeal filing must
set forth the specific grounds for appeal. If the applicant files a timely request for a hearing, the city manager shall, within
10 business days, set a time and place for hearing (with notice to the applicant by overnight mail), such hearing to be
initiated within 30 days of the date of the request for appeal and fully concluded within 45 days of the date of the request
for appeal. The decision of the city manager concerning the application shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the
applicant via overnight mail within 30 days of the conclusion of the hearing, to the physical address specified by the
applicant. Notice shall be concurrently delivered to the city attorney. The decision of the city manager is final 10 days after
the date of the written notice of the decision, unless an appeal is made of the decision.
E. The applicant may appeal the city manager’s decision to the city council by filing a written notice of appeal with the city
clerk within 10 business days from the date of the city manager’s written determination. The notice and hearing
procedures before the city council are the same as those in subsection D of this section. The council may continue the
hearing from time to time for good cause. The decision of the city council is final.
F. Call for review. Any decision of the chief of police pursuant to this section may be called up for review by the city
manager. Any decision of the chief of police or city manager may be called up for review by a member of the city council.
A call for review must be submitted in writing in the same time and manner as for an appeal.
Section 9.35.090. Annual report required.
On the annual anniversary of the effective date of their permit, each permittee shall submit to the chief of police a report
describing their conformance with the provisions of this chapter during the previous year. In addition to the annual report
each permittee and each person who is engaged in the business of firearm sales by or on behalf of the permittee in the
city shall submit a renewed or current certificate of eligibility from the California Department of Justice.
Section 9.35.100. Revocation of permit.
A. In addition to a violation of any provision contained in this chapter, the following circumstances constitute grounds for
revocation of the permit:
1. Circumstances constituting grounds for denial of a permit;
2. Failure to maintain a policy of insurance required by PHMC § 9.35.110.D;
3. Failure of a permittee to comply with the requirements of PHMC § 9.35.110.F.
B. The chief of police shall give the applicant written notice of his or her decision to revoke the permit. The notice shall be
delivered by overnight mail to the permittee’s address of record with the city and shall set forth the ground(s) for the
decision. The notice shall also inform the applicant that he or she has 10 days from the date the notice was mailed within
which to file a written request for a hearing with the chief of police. The hearing and appeal process relating to revocations
shall be as set forth in PHMC § 9.35.080.
Section 9.35.110. Conditions of approval for a permit.
In addition to the other requirements and conditions of this chapter, a permit is subject to the following conditions, the
breach of any of which is sufficient cause for denial or revocation of a permit:
A. The permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Penal Code including, but not limited to, sections
16400, 26805, 26810, 26815, 26820, 26825, 26830, 26835, 26840, 26865, 26875, 26885, 27505, 27510, 28050 through
B. The applicant shall not permit any person under 18 years of age to enter or remain within the area of the premises
where the firearms sales activity is the primary business performed without being accompanied by a parent or other adult
legally responsible for the minor;
C. Reserved.
D. The permittee shall maintain at all times while engaged in the business of firearms sales in the city a policy of
insurance in a form approved by the city, providing the following:
1. The applicant and permittee is insured for all activities of the permittee against liability for damage to property and
for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, lease or transfer or offering for sale, lease or transfer of a
firearm, such policy(ies) containing an endorsement naming the city and its officers, employees and agents as
additional insureds;
2. Minimum liability limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence (including each incident of damage to
property or incident of injury or death to a person);
3. An endorsement providing that the policy shall not be canceled until notice in writing has been given to the city
manager and chief of police at least 30 days before the time the cancellation becomes effective.
E. The permittee shall re-apply for a permit from the city if there is a change in business location. Expansion of an existing
business at an existing location, including within the same shopping center or site, is not deemed a change in business
F. The permittee shall maintain records of all employees selling firearms, identifying them by name, address, date of birth
and social security number. The applicant shall notify the city within 10 days of any changes in employees and submit the
required identification information for each newly hired or re-assigned employee.
G. The permittee shall at all times comply with all of the requirements of the city’s municipal code.
H. The permittee must obtain a final inspection from the city demonstrating compliance with the municipal code, including
the provisions of this chapter, before the applicant may commence firearm sales at the premises.
I. Storage of inventory which is explosive or flammable at the proposed business site shall be in compliance with federal,
state and local laws.
J. Permittee shall keep or store all firearms in the permitted premises in accordance with the provisions of Part 6, Title 4 of
the California Penal Code, and, using one of the following methods as to each particular firearm:
1. Store the firearm in a secure facility that is a part of, or that constitutes, the licensee’s business premises.
2. Secure the firearm with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-eighth inch in diameter through the trigger
guard of the firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock
and shackle shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a
manner that prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises.
3. Store the firearm in a locked fireproof safe or vault in the permittee’s business premises.
K. Permittee must comply with all applicable provisions of California Penal Code Part 6, Title 4 and regulations
promulgated by the state, as well as all applicable federal laws and regulations, relating to the following:
1. The sale, lease, or transfer of firearms;
2. Recordkeeping, background checks, and fees relating to sale, lease, or transfer of firearms; and
3. The sale, supply, delivery or giving of ammunition.
L. Permittee shall install and maintain in working order an alarm system monitored by a central station listed by
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and covered by an active Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., alarm system certificate
providing complete protection for all accessible openings and partial motion and sound detection at certain other areas of
the premises (also known as a system with a Number 3 extent of protection). The chief of police may waive this
requirement if, in the discretion of the chief of police, the premises is otherwise sufficiently secure to meet the public
safety objectives of this chapter. The chief of police’s determination under this subsection L is not appealable but must be
reviewed and re-evaluated by the chief of police upon the receipt of each annual report made pursuant to PHMC §
M. Permittee shall install a video surveillance system that meets the following requirements:
1. The system includes cameras, monitors, digital video recorders and cabling, if necessary;
2. The number and location of the cameras are subject to the approval of the chief of police. At a minimum, the
cameras shall be sufficient in number and location to monitor the critical areas of the business premises, including,
but not limited to, all places where firearms or ammunition are stored, handled, sold, transferred, or carried, including,
but not limited to, all counters, safes, vaults, cabinets, cases, entryways, and parking lots. The video surveillance
system shall operate continuously, without interruption, whenever the location is open for business. Whenever the
location is not open for business, the system shall be triggered by a motion detector. Whenever motion is detected,
the system shall begin recording immediately;
3. The sale or transfer of a firearm or ammunition shall be recorded by the video surveillance system in such a way
that the facial features of the purchaser or transferee are clearly visible;
4. The stored images shall be maintained on the business premises of the permittee for a period of not less than one
year from the date of recordation and shall be available for inspection by federal, state or local law enforcement upon
5. The video surveillance system shall be maintained in proper working order at all times. The permittee shall inspect
the system on a regular basis to ensure that it is operational as required by the provisions of this section;
6. The permittee shall post a sign in a conspicuous place at each entrance to the premises that states in block letters
not less than one inch in height:
7. The chief of police may waive the requirements of this subsection M if, in the discretion of the chief of police, the
premises is otherwise sufficiently secure to meet the public safety objectives of this chapter. The chief of police’s
determination under this subsection M is not appealable but must be reviewed and re-evaluated by the chief of police
upon the receipt of each annual report made pursuant to PHMC § 9.35.090.
N. Reserved.
O. Each permittee shall comply with all applicable laws regulating the sale of ammunition.
P. All entities engaged in the business of firearms sales in the city shall comply with the provisions of the California Penal
Code related to purchase, sale and possession of firearms by persons under the age of 21.
Section 9.35.130. Permits not assignable.
A permit issued under this chapter is not assignable. The assignment or attempt to assign any permit issued pursuant to
this chapter is unlawful; and any such assignment or attempt to assign shall render the permit null and void. Any new
owner of a permitted firearm sales business is required to apply for a new permit pursuant to the provisions of this
Section 9.35.140. Compliance by existing firearms sellers.
An entity engaged in the business of firearm sales on the effective date of this chapter shall, by June 30, 2016, comply
with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 9.35.150. Authority to inspect.
The Pleasant Hill police department shall have the right, without warrant, to inspect the premises for which the permit was
obtained on the following conditions:
A. The scope of the inspection is limited to determining compliance with the recordkeeping (PHMC § 9.35.110.F) and
security (PHMC §§ 9.35.110.J, L, M) requirements of this chapter;
B. The inspection shall be conducted not more often than once every six months;
C. The inspection shall be conducted during regular business hours; and
D. The inspection shall be conducted at a time and in a manner that will minimize business interruption. (Ord. 896 § 1,
2016; Ord. 876 § 1, 2013)
Section 9.35.160. Violations.
It is unlawful for any entity to engage in the business of firearm sales in the city without the local permit required by this
Section 9.35.210. Rules and regulations.
The chief of police is authorized to make all necessary and reasonable rules and regulations with respect to the
enforcement of this chapter. All such rules and regulations shall be consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 9.35.220. Severability clause.
If any section, subsection, sentence or clause of this chapter is for any reason declared unconstitutional or invalid or
unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the constitutionality, validity or
enforceability of the remaining portions of this chapter or any part thereof. The city council hereby declares that it would
have adopted this chapter notwithstanding the unconstitutionality, invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more of its
sections, subsections, sentences or clauses.
Title 14 Buildings and Construction
Chapter 14.55 Building Security
Section 14.55.060. Commercial security provisions.
E. Intrusion detection devices.
2. Each establishment listed below shall have as a minimum either a central station alarm (supervised service) or a
silent or local alarm (bell outside premises):
a. Guns and ammunition;
Title 18 Planning and Land Use
Part 1 General Provisions
Chapter 18.15 Use Classifications
Section 18.15.040. Commercial use classifications.
Firearm sales. The sale, transfer, lease, or offer for sale or lease of a firearm. For purposes of this chapter, firearm sales
shall include sale of ammunition, and the terms “firearm” and “ammunition” shall have the same meanings as set forth in
PHMC § 9.35.020. See also PHMC § 9.35.020 (Definitions).
Part 2 Base District Regulations
Chapter 18.20 R Residential Districts
Section 18.20.070. Home occupations
D. Prohibited activities. Home occupations may not include:
5. Activities that involve engaging in the business of firearm sales. Any entity or person engaged in the business of
firearm sales pursuant to a home occupation permit in effect as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this
section shall be exempt from this subsection and the locational restrictions for firearm sales in PHMC
Chapter 18.25 (except as to ammunition sales) if the home occupation use is limited solely to those activities that
were both permitted by terms of the permit issued before the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section
and legally engaged in by the entity or person at the home-based location before the effective date of the ordinance
codified in this section. Any such entity or person may continue firearm sales at its existing home-based location
pursuant to any valid permits and licenses so long as the operator remains fully licensed by all agencies (including,
without limitation, obtaining and maintaining the permit required by PHMC Chapter 9.35), and has not sold,
transferred or assigned operation of the business after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section to
any other entity.
Chapter 18.25 Commercial, Retail Business, Neighborhood Business, Office and Light Industrial Districts
Section 18.25.020. Land use regulations for all commercial, retail business, neighborhood business, office and
light industrial districts.
Schedule 18.25.020 establishes the uses allowed for each commercial, office and light industrial zoning district as
indicated by the letter designations as follows:
“P” designates use classifications permitted in commercial, retail business, neighborhood business, office and industrial
“U” designates use classifications permitted on approval of a use permit.
“T” designates use classifications allowed on approval of a temporary use permit.
“L” followed by a number designates use classifications subject to certain limitations listed by number following the
The uses listed are based on the use classifications set forth in PHMC Chapter 18.15. Use classifications not listed are
prohibited unless authorized by zoning administrator resolution under PHMC § 18.15.010. The “Additional Use
Regulations” column includes specific limitations applicable to the use classification or refers to regulations located
elsewhere in this chapter.
Schedule 18.25.020 NB, RB, PAO, C, and LI Districts: Land Use Regulations
P Permitted
U Use Permit Required
T Temporary Use Permit Required
L Limited (see specific limitations listed following schedule)
Not Permitted
Additional Use Regulations
Commercial Uses
Firearm sales L-16 L-16 L-16 L-16
This regulation also applies to firearms sales in any planned
unit district (PUD).
L-16 Permitted, subject to the requirements in PHMC § 18.25.160 for firearm sales uses.
Section 18.25.160. Firearm sales uses.
The following regulations apply to firearm sales businesses. The findings set forth in PHMC § 9.35.010.A are hereby
incorporated by reference. The purpose of this section is to advance the public health, safety, and welfare by imposing
reasonable locational restrictions on any entity that establishes a firearm sales business in the city. For purposes of this
section, “firearm sales” shall have the same meaning as set forth in PHMC § 18.15.040.
A. Locational restrictions.
1. Subject to the other limitations of this chapter and the Pleasant Hill Municipal Code, firearm sales may be located in
any general commercial district, retail business district, professional and administrative office district, light industrial
district, and planned unit district.
2. In those districts where a business engaged in firearm sales may otherwise be located, it shall be unlawful to
establish any such firearm sales business unless the applicant provides proof that the property where the proposed
firearm sales will be conducted is not:
a. Within 150 feet from any residence, when measured from the property line of any residence to the door of the
firearm sales business that is nearest to that same property line of the residence;
b. Within 1,000 feet of the exterior limits of any building premises occupied by a day care that is designated as a
large family day care, PHMC § 18.15.020, or general day care, PHMC § 18.15.030, when measured from the
closest points on the exterior property lines or area boundaries of the parcels or properties involved, except that
when an applicant occupies one unit of a multi-unit structure located on a single parcel, distances shall be
measured from the exterior boundaries of the unit so occupied;
c. Within 1,000 feet of the property line of any elementary school, junior high school, high school, college or
university, whether public or private, when measured from the closest points on the exterior property lines or area
boundaries of the parcels or properties involved, except that when an applicant occupies one unit of a multi-unit
structure located on a single parcel, distances shall be measured from the exterior boundaries of the unit so
d. Within 500 feet of the property line of a public park, when measured from the closest points on the exterior
property lines or area boundaries of the parcels or properties involved, except that when an applicant occupies
one unit of a multi-unit structure located on a single parcel, distances shall be measured from the exterior
boundaries of the unit so occupied.
3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a firearm sales business may be located on any part of a parcel
in a general commercial district, retail business district or planned unit district if an applicant provides proof that any
portion of said parcel is not within the locational restrictions in subsections A.2.a through d of this section.
4. Consistent with the use regulations in this chapter for any retail sales in a professional and administrative office
district (L-2 in PHMC § 18.25.020), a firearm sales business may only be located in a professional and administrative
office district as an accessory use if limited to the ground floor, as specified in PHMC § 18.25.060.
5. Consistent with the use regulations in this chapter for any retail sales in a light industrial district (L-4 in PHMC §
18.25.020), a firearm sales business may only be located in a light industrial district as accessory to the primary use,
occupying no more than 25% of the floor area of the primary use. Retail sales by separate tenants are not allowed.
B. Timing and nonconforming use.
1. The locational restrictions in subsections A.2.a through d of this section shall apply as of the date the applicant
submits an application for a zoning permit under PHMC Chapter 18.85 to establish a firearm sales business.
2. Subject to subsection C of this section, the establishment of any firearm sales business shall include the opening of
such a business as a new business, the relocation of the business, the conversion of an existing business to any
firearm sales use, or the transfer or sale of a firearm sales business to a new owner. Expansion or relocation of a
firearm sales business at an existing location, including within the same shopping center or site, is not deemed a
change in business location or relocation of such a business.
3. Any firearm sales business operating as a conforming use under this chapter with all applicable licenses and
permits, including the businesses that are grandfathered in pursuant to subsection C.1 of this section, shall not be
rendered a legal nonconforming use as specified in PHMC § 18.65.020 by the location of a residence, day care,
school, or public park.
C. Grandfathering for existing firearm sales businesses.
1. The locational restrictions in subsections A.2.a through d of this section shall be inapplicable to any entity engaged
in the business of firearm sales in the city and who or which has all valid permits and licenses required by the city, and
by state and federal law as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section. Any such entity may continue
firearm sales at its existing location pursuant to any valid permits and licenses so long as the operator remains fully
licensed by all agencies (including, without limitation, obtaining and maintaining the permit required by PHMC Chapter
9.35), and has not sold, transferred or assigned operation of the business after the effective date of this chapter to any
other entity. If any such licenses or permits are revoked, the provisions of this subsection C are inapplicable and the
locational restrictions in subsections A.2.a through d of this section shall apply.
2. The locational restrictions in subsections A.2.a through d of this section shall be inapplicable to the sale or transfer
to a new owner of any existing firearm sales business that meets the requirements of subsection C.1 of this section if
the operation of the firearm sales business by the new owner is at the same location or within the same shopping
center or site as the prior owner’s permitted business.
D. Zoning permit required. No firearm sales business may be established in the city by right. All persons wishing to
establish a firearm sales business within the city must apply for and receive a zoning permit under PHMC Chapter 18.85.
It is the burden of the applicant to supply evidence to justify the grant of a zoning permit.
E. Applicability of other regulations. The provisions in this chapter are not intended to provide exclusive regulation of
firearm sales businesses. Any entity engaged in the business of firearms sales must comply with any and all applicable
regulations imposed in other parts of the zoning ordinance, other city ordinances (including, without limitation, PHMC
Chapter 9.35), and state and federal law.
Pleasanton Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2239 and the July 2022 code supplement.
Title 6 Specific Business Regulations
Chapter 6.64 Firearm Sales
Article I General Provisions
Section 6.64.020. Definitions.
For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have meanings as provided in this section:
A. “Firearm” means a gun, pistol, revolver, rifle or any device, designed or modified to be used as a weapon, from which
is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
B. “Firearm sales” means the sale, transfer, lease, offer, registration, or advertising for sale, transfer, lease, offer, or
registration of a firearm.
C. “Person” means any individual, copartnership, firm, association, joint stock company, corporation, or combination of
individuals of whatever form or character.
Section 6.64.030. Permit requirement.
A. Except as provided in Penal Code Section 12070(b), it is unlawful for a person to engage in the activity of “firearm
sales” without a firearm sales permit as required by this chapter.
B. The requirement for a firearm sales permit is in addition to the requirement for a conditional use permit for firearm sales
as provided under Chapters 18.28, 18.44, 18.48, and 18.52 of this code. No person shall engage in firearm sales without
a conditional use permit and a firearm sales permit.
Section 6.64.040. Application.
A. An applicant for a firearm sales permit or renewal of same under this chapter shall file with the chief of police an
application in writing, signed under penalty of perjury, on a form prescribed by the city attorney. The application shall
include the following:
1. Name, age and address of the applicant;
2. The address of the proposed location for which the permit is required, together with the business name, if any;
3. Proof of a possessory interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted, in the form of
ownership, lease, license or other entitlement to operate at such location and the written consent of the owner of
record of the real property;
4. A floor plan of the proposed business which illustrates the applicant’s compliance with security provisions of Penal
Code Section 12071(b)(14) and Chapter 20.36 of this code;
5. Proof of the issuance of a conditional use permit at the proposed location;
6. Proof of compliance with all federal and state licensing laws;
7. Information relating to licenses or permits relating to other weapons sought by the applicant from other jurisdictions,
including, but not limited to, date of application and whether each application resulted in issuance of a license;
8. Information relating to every revocation of a license or permit relating to firearms, including, but not limited to, date
and circumstances of the revocation;
9. Applicant’s agreement to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents, and employees, from
and against all claims, losses, costs, damages, and liabilities of any kind, including attorney fees, arising in any
manner out of the applicant’s negligence or intentional or willful misconduct;
10. Applicant’s agreement that the city shall have the right to enter the building designated in the license from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections and to investigate and enforce compliance with
building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, provisions of this code and all other applicable
federal, state and local laws;
11. Certification of satisfaction of insurance requirements under Section 6.64.080 of this article; and
12. All convictions of the applicant for any offense listed in subsection 6.64.100(E) of this article.
B. As used in this section, the term “applicant” when the applicant is other than a natural person shall include any officer,
director, employee or agent of the applicant who may be involved in any firearm sale.
C. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee for administering this chapter established by city council
Section 6.64.050. Investigation by chief of police.
The chief of police shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public
safety whether the permit may be issued. The chief of police may require an applicant, or any officer, agent, or employee
thereof, to provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of pertinent records, a
complete personal history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the chief of police and any other additional information
which the chief of police deems necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 6.64.060. Conditions of approval.
In addition to other requirements and conditions of this chapter, a firearm sales permit is subject to the following
conditions, the breach of any of which is sufficient cause of revocation of the permit by the chief of police:
A. All prohibitions and requirements in Penal Code Section 12071(b);
B. The applicant shall not permit any person under 18 years of age to enter or remain within the premises without being
accompanied by the parent or other adult legally responsible for the minor child where the primary business performed at
the site is firearm sales;
C. The permittee shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer a firearm without also selling or otherwise providing with each
firearm a trigger lock or similar device that is designed to prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm;
D. The permittee shall not deliver a firearm to a purchaser earlier than is allowed by applicable federal and state law.
Section 6.64.070. Requirement of secured facility.
In addition to the conditions of approval provided in Section 6.64.060 of this article, the business location as shown on the
firearm sales permit shall be a secured facility meeting all of the specifications of Penal Code Section 12071(b)(14) and
Chapter 20.36 of this code.
Section 6.64.080. Liability insurance.
A. No firearm sales permit shall be issued or reissued unless there is in effect a policy of liability insurance in a form
approved by the city attorney and executed by an insurance company approved by the city, whereby the applicant is
insured against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the firearm sale. The
minimum liability limits shall not be less than $1,000,000.00 for each incident of damage to property or incident of injury or
death to a person.
B. The policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy shall not be canceled until notice in
writing has been given to the city manager at least 30 days prior to the time the cancellation becomes effective.
C. Upon expiration of a policy of insurance and if no additional insurance is obtained, the permit is considered canceled
without further notice.
Section 6.64.090. Issuance of firearm sales permit; duration.
A. The chief of police may grant a firearm sales permit to the applicant if the chief of police finds that the applicant
complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws including, but not limited to, the state Penal Code, city building
code, fire code, zoning and planning codes.
B. A firearm sales permit expires one year after the date of issuance. A permit may be renewed for additional one year
periods upon the permittee’s submission of an application for renewal, accompanied by a nonrefundable renewal fee
established by city council resolution. The renewal application and the renewal fee must be received by the chief of police
no later than 45 days before the expiration of the current permit.
C. A decision regarding issuance or renewal may be appealed in the manner provided in Section 6.64.120 of this article.
Section 6.64.100. Grounds for permit denial.
The chief of police shall deny the issuance or renewal of a firearm sales permit when one or more of the following
conditions exist:
A. The applicant is under 21 years of age;
B. The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal, state and local laws;
C. The applicant has had a firearm sales permit or license previously revoked or denied for good cause within the
immediately preceding two years;
D. The applicant has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact in the
application for a firearm sales permit. If a permit is denied on this ground, the applicant is prohibited from reapplying for a
permit for a period of two years;
E. The applicant has been convicted of:
1. An offense which disqualifies the applicant from owning or possessing a firearm under federal, state and local law,
including, but not limited to, the offenses listed in Penal Code Section 12021;
2. An offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of a firearm or dangerous or deadly
3. An offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another;
4. An offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit; or
5. An offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of a controlled substance as defined by the state
Health and Safety Code, as it now reads or may hereafter be amended to read;
F. The applicant is within a class of persons defined in the Welfare and Institutions Code Section 8100 or 8103;
G. The applicant is currently, or has been within the past two years, an unlawful user of a controlled substance as defined
by the Health and Safety Code as that definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read;
H. The operation of the business as proposed would not comply with federal, state and local law; or
I. The applicant has engaged in firearm sales involving any firearm listed on the roster of Saturday night specials in
violation of this chapter.
Section 6.64.110. Grounds for permit revocation.
In addition to the violation of any other provision contained in this chapter, circumstances constituting grounds for denial of
a firearm sales permit also constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 6.64.120. Hearing for permit denial or revocation.
A. A person whose application for a firearm sales permit is denied or revoked by the chief of police has the right to a
hearing before the chief of police before final denial or revocation.
B. Within 10 days of mailing written notice of intent to deny the application or revoke the permit, the applicant may appeal
by requesting a hearing before the chief of police. The request must be made in writing, setting forth the specific grounds
for appeal. If the applicant submits a timely request for an appeal, the chief of police shall set a time and place for the
hearing within 30 days.
C. The decision of the chief of police shall be in writing within 10 days of the hearing. An applicant may appeal the
decision of the chief of police to the city manager provided written notice of said appeal and reasons therefor are filed with
the city clerk 10 days after the mailing of the chief of police’s decision. The city clerk shall set the matter for city manager
consideration within 2 weeks of receipt of the appeal.
Section 6.64.130. Nonassignability.
A firearm sales permit issued under this chapter is not assignable. Any attempt to assign a firearm sales permit makes the
permit void.
Section 6.64.140. Nonconforming use.
Notwithstanding the effective date of this chapter, any person engaged in firearm sales who is the holder of a valid seller’s
permit issued by the state Board of Equalization and a valid certificate of eligibility issued by the California Department of
Justice, all of which were issued prior to January 1, 1998, may continue such firearm sales provided a firearm sales
permit, a conditional use permit and business registration are obtained from the city within one year of the effective date
hereof, and provided the operator remains fully licensed by all agencies listed above.
Article II Sale of Saturday Night Specials
Section 6.64.160. Definitions.
Except as provided in Section 6.64.165 of this article, the term Saturday Night Specialas used in this chapter shall
mean any of the following:
A. A pistol, revolver or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California Penal
Code Section 12001(a), which pistol, revolver or firearm contains a frame, barrel, breechblock, cylinder or slide that is not
completely fabricated of heat-treated carbon steel, forged alloy, or other material of equal or higher tensile strength.
B. A semiautomatic pistol that:
1. Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a locked-breech action; and
2. Is chambered for cartridges developing maximum permissible breech pressures above 24,100 copper units of
pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute.
3. For purposes of this subsection B, “semiautomatic pistol” shall mean a firearm, as defined in California Penal Code
Section 12001(b), that is designed to be held and fired with one hand, and that does the following upon discharge: (a)
fires the cartridge in the chamber; (b) ejects the fired cartridge case; and c) loads a cartridge from the magazine into
the chamber. “Semiautomatic pistol” shall not include any assault weapon designated in California Penal Code
Section 12276.
C. A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 12001(a), that:
1. Uses an action mechanism that is substantially identical in design to any action mechanism manufactured in or
before 1898 that was originally chambered for rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible breech pressure
below 19,000 copper units of pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute;
2. Is chambered to fire either centerfire ammunition or rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible breech
pressures above 19,000 copper units of pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute; and
3. Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a nondetachable safety guard surrounding the trigger; or
4. If rimfire, is equipped with a barrel of less than 20 bore diameters in overall length protruding from the frame.
5. For purposes of this subsection C, “action mechanism” shall mean the mechanism of a firearm by which it is
loaded, locked, fired and unloaded, commonly known as the cycle of operation.
Section 6.64.165. Exclusions.
The term “Saturday Night Specials” does not include any of the following:
A. Any pistol that is an antique or relic firearm or other weapon falling within the specifications of paragraphs (5), (7), and
(8) of subsection (b) of California Penal Code Section 12020;
B. Any pistol for which the propelling force is classified as pneumatic, that is, of, or related to, compressed air or any other
gases not directly produced by combustion;
C. Children’s popguns or toys;
D. An “unconventional pistol” as defined in California Penal Code Section 12020(c)(12); or
E. Any pistol which has been modified to render it either permanently inoperable or permanently altered such that it no
longer is classified as a Saturday Night Special.
Section 6.64.170. Roster of Saturday Night Specials adopted.
The following roster of Saturday Night Specials is hereby adopted. The roster lists those firearms, by manufacturer and
model number, that fit the definition of “Saturday Night Special” set forth in Section 6.64.160 of this article.
Roster of Firearms Prohibited From Sale Within the City of Pleasanton
1. ACC-TEK: Models; AT-9SS, AT-40SS and AT-45SS
2. Bryco/Jennings: Models; 28, 48, 59, J-22 and J-25
3. Davis Industries: Model; P380
4. Hi Point: Models; JS-9, JS-40, JS-45, JS-9mm Compact, Iberia
5. Intratec: Models; Category 9 (CAT-9), Protec-22, Protec-25
6. Lorcin Engineering: Models; L-9mm, L-22, L-25, LT-25, L-32 and L-380
7. Phoenix Arms: Models; Raven 22, Raven 25, HP-22 and HP-25
8. Sundance Industries: Models; BOA, A-25
9. E.A.A. Corporation: Models; All “standard grade revolvers” except the .357 caliber magnum revolver
10. F.I.E. (Firearms Import/Export): Models; Arminius and Titan
11. Heritage: Models; Sentry Revolver
12. North American Arms: Models; Mini-Revolvers and Mini-Master, Black Widow Revolver
13. American Derringer: Models 1 through 11 and Alaskan Survival, Lady Model, Texas Commemorative, DA 38 Model
14. Davis Industries: Models; Standard, Long-Bore and D-Series, Rimfire Derringers
15. Feather Industries: Models; Guardian Angel, Rimfire and centerfire derringers
16. HJS Arms: Models; Frontier Four and Antigua
17. New Advantage Arms: Model; 22 WMR, Double Action Derringer chambered for standard or magnum rimfire
18. Sundance Industries: Model; Point Blank Derringer
19. Texas Armory: Model; Defender Derringer
Section 6.64.180. Notification.
The city shall endeavor to send written notification to: (a) the manufacturer of every firearm on said roster; and (b) every
dealer within the city who is licensed to sell and transfer firearms pursuant to Section 12071 of the Penal Code of the state
of California and this chapter. Such notification shall do the following:
A. Identify the model number of the firearm that has been classified as a “Saturday night special” within the meaning of
Section 6.64.160 of this article;
B. Advise the recipient that the recipient may apply for reconsideration of the classification of the firearm as a Saturday
night special; and
C. Advise the recipient that the burden of proving a firearm does not constitute a “Saturday night special” within the
meaning of Section 6.64.160 of this article shall be on the recipient.
Section 6.64.190. Reconsideration.
A. The city shall, prior to the effective date hereof, establish standards and procedures for the form and content of an
application, conducting an administrative hearing and evaluating evidentiary testimony relating to the decision to classify
the firearm in question as a “Saturday night special” as defined in Section 6.64.160 of this article.
B. Upon timely filing of one or more complete applications for reconsideration, the city shall evaluate the evidence
submitted by the applicant(s). The city may rely on persons with expertise and knowledge in making this evaluation. The
applicant(s) shall have the burden of demonstrating that the firearm does not constitute a “Saturday night special” within
the meaning of Section 6.64.160 of this article.
Section 6.64.200. Appeal of classification.
A. If it is determined that the firearm under reconsideration has been properly classified as a Saturday night special, then
the applicant(s) shall have the right to appeal such decision to the city manager, and the applicant(s) shall have the right
to a hearing before the city manager or the city manager’s designee prior to inclusion of the firearm in question on the
roster. The city manager may rely on persons with expertise and knowledge in conducting this hearing.
B. The city manager, or the city manager’s designee, is authorized to establish standards and procedures for the form and
content of an appeal, conducting an administrative hearing and evaluating evidentiary testimony relating to the decision to
classify the firearm in question as a “Saturday night special” as defined in Section 6.64.160 of this article.
C. The burden of proof shall be on the appellant(s) to demonstrate that the firearm does not constitute a “Saturday night
special” within the meaning of Section 6.64.160 of this article.
D. All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues
and to be represented by counsel.
E. The city manager or the city manager’s designee shall hear and consider all relevant evidence. Upon the conclusion of
the hearing, the city manager or the city manager’s designee shall, based on the evidence presented, determine whether
the firearm constitutes a “Saturday night special” within the meaning of Section 6.64.160 of this article.
F. In all instances, the decision of the city manager or the city manager’s designee whether to classify the firearm in
question as a “Saturday night special” as defined in Section 6.64.160 of this article and to place said firearm on the roster
is final.
Section 6.64.210. Publication of roster.
The city shall place on the roster those firearms which have been determined to constitute a “Saturday night special”
within the meaning of Section 6.64.160 of this article. The city shall cause the roster to be published in the following
A. Notification of the roster’s completion shall be published at least once in the official newspaper as designated by the
city and circulated in the city within 15 days after its completion;
B. A copy of the roster, certified as a true and correct copy thereof, shall be filed in the office of the city clerk; and
C. A copy of the roster, certified as a true and correct copy thereof, shall be distributed to every dealer within the city who
is licensed to sell and transfer firearms pursuant to Section 12071 of the Penal Code of the state and this chapter.
Section 6.64.220. Effective date of roster.
The roster shall become effective on the 15th day after its publication.
Section 6.64.230. Additions to roster.
Additions to the roster shall be made in accordance with the following:
A. Semiannual Determination. On a semiannual basis, the city shall determine the need to place firearms on the roster.
Upon identifying one or more firearms as a Saturday night special, the city manager or the city manager’s designee shall
prepare a draft list of the additions to the roster.
B. Notification of Additions to Roster. In the event that a draft list of firearms to be added to the roster is prepared, the city
shall endeavor to send written notification in accordance with the aforementioned provisions of Section 6.64.180 of this
C. Reconsideration. Any person notified pursuant to subsection B of this section may apply for reconsideration of the
classification of that firearm as a Saturday night special in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.64.190 of this
D. Appeal of Classification. Whenever a firearm has been determined to be properly classified as a Saturday night special
after reconsideration, the applicant may file an appeal to the city manager and the city manager or the city manager’s
designee shall hold a hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.64.200 of this article.
E. Additions of Firearms to Roster. After all appeals have been exhausted, the city shall place on the roster those
additional firearms which have been determined to constitute a “Saturday night special” within the meaning of Section
6.64.160 of this article. The city shall cause the roster, as amended to include these additional firearms, to be published in
accordance with Section 6.64.210 of this article.
F. Effective Date of Additions to the Roster. The addition of new firearms to the roster shall not operate to preclude the
enforcement of the roster with respect to firearms previously listed thereon. The publication of the roster, as amended to
include new firearms, shall be effective as to those newly added firearms on the 15th day after its publication as set forth
in Section 6.64.220 of this article.
Section 6.64.240. Sale of Saturday night specials prohibited.
No wholesale or retail firearms dealer with a firearm sales permit issued by the city shall engage in firearm sales of any
firearm listed on the roster of Saturday night specials. This section shall not preclude a wholesale or retail gun dealer from
processing firearm transactions between unlicensed parties pursuant to Section 12072(d) of the California Penal Code.
Section 6.64.250. Exemptions.
Nothing in this chapter relative to the sale of Saturday night specials shall prohibit the disposition of any firearm by police
officers, sheriffs, constables, marshals, or other duly appointed peace officers in the performance of their official duties;
nor to persons who are authorized by the United States Federal Government for use in the performance of their official
duties; nor shall anything in this chapter prohibit the use of any firearm by the above mentioned persons in the
performance of their official duties.
Section 6.64.260. Penalty.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a
misdemeanor under the provisions of this article shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 or by
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person shall be
guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this article
is committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be punished accordingly. In addition, any person found to
be in violation of this article shall be considered in noncompliance with the requirements of this chapter, and subject to the
suspension and/or revocation of a firearm sales permit under Section 6.64.100(I) of this chapter.
Title 18 Zoning
Chapter 18.08 Definitions
Section 18.08.175. Firearm.
“Firearmmeans a gun, pistol, revolver, rifle or any device, designed or modified to be used as a weapon, from which is
expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of explosion or other form of combustion.
Section 18.08.180. Firearm sales.
“Firearm sales” or “sale of firearms” means the sale, transfer, lease, offer, registration, or advertising for sale, transfer,
lease, offer or registration of a firearm.
Section 18.08.185. Firearm sales, antique.
“Antique firearm sales” means the sale of any firearm not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional
center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898 (including any matchlock, flintlock,
percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system or replica thereof, whether actually manufactured before or after the year
1898), and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which the ammunition is no
longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
Chapter 18.28 A Agricultural district
Section 18.28.040. Conditional uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the A district upon the granting of a use permit in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter 18.124 of this title:
N. Firearm sales at a rifle or pistol range.
Chapter 18.32 – R-1 One-Family Residential Districts
Section 18.32.050. Prohibited uses.
The following uses shall not be permitted in the R-1 districts:
C. Gunsmiths.
D. Firearm sales.
Chapter 18.36 RM Multi-Family Residential Districts
Section 18.36.05. 0 Prohibited uses.
The following uses shall not be permitted in the RM districts:
C. Gunsmiths.
D. Firearm sales.
Chapter 18.40 O Office District
Section 18.40.040. Prohibited uses.
The following uses shall not be permitted in the office district:
B. Firearm sales.
Chapter 18.44 Commercial District
Section 18.44.080. Permitted and conditional uses.
Chapter 18.52 Q Rock, Sand and Gravel Extraction District
Section 18.52.040. Conditional uses.
The following conditional uses shall be permitted upon the granting of a use permit, in accord with the provisions of
Chapter 18.124 of this title:
K. Firearm sales at a rifle or pistol range.
Chapter 18.56 P Public and Institutional District
Section 18.56.060. Prohibited uses.
The following uses shall not be permitted in the public and institutional district:
B. Firearm sales.
Chapter 18.104 Home Occupations
Section 18.104.040. Prohibited home occupations.
A. Gunsmiths.
B. Firearm sales, provided, however, that federally licensed firearm dealers with home occupation permits approved prior
to the effective date hereof shall be given one year from the effective date hereof to comply with the ordinance codified in
this chapter.
Point Arena Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 240 and the July 2021 code supplement.
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.05 Business Excise Tax and Licenses
Section 5.05.160. Fixing rates.
There is hereby imposed upon each of the following businesses, shows, exhibitions, and games the specific license fee
hereinafter set forth, and every person who transacts or carries on within the corporate limits of the city any of the
businesses, shows, exhibitions, or games hereinafter referred to shall pay the following annual license fee, except as
otherwise specifically provided:
Firearms manufacture
Pomona Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 4300, adopted March 1, 2021. (Supp. No. 26)
Subpart A General Ordinances
Chapter 34 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions
Article III Offenses Involving Public Safety
Division 1 Generally
Section 34-82. Records of ammunition sales.
(a) The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this
subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Ammunition means projectiles expelled by force of an explosion, for use in pistols and revolvers, as defined in Penal
Code 12001, notwithstanding that the ammunition may also be used in rifles.
Vendor means any individual, gun store, retail or department store, gun show participant, firm or corporation engaged in
the sale of ammunition.
(b) Every vendor shall maintain records pertaining to ammunition sales prescribed by this section on the premises and in
the manner prescribed in this section. The record shall show the following:
(1) The date of the transaction;
(2) The purchaser's name, address and date of birth;
(3) The purchaser's driver's license number or other identification and the state where issued;
(4) The brand of ammunition purchased;
(5) The type and amount of ammunition purchased; and
(6) The purchaser's signature.
(c) The information required by subsection (b) of this section shall be completed in the log book at the time of the
(d) The record shall be maintained in chronological order by date of sale of the ammunition and shall be retained on the
licensed premises of the licensee for a period of two years following the date of the purchase of the ammunition.
(e) At the direction of the police chief, police officers may enter the premises of any licensed vendor of ammunition during
regular business hours for the purpose of examining or inspecting any record required by this section.
(f) It is unlawful for any licensed vendor or person engaged in the retail sale of ammunition knowingly to make a false
entry in or fail to make appropriate entry or fail to properly maintain any such record or refuse to exhibit the ammunition
sales log to a police officer immediately upon request for such inspection.
Port Hueneme Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 785, passed June 20, 2022. (Supp. No. 30)
Article III Public Health and Safety
Chapter 8 Miscellaneous
Part D Lost or Stolen Firearms
Section 3914.10. Reporting lost or stolen firearms.
Any person residing or doing business in Port Hueneme who owns, or possesses a firearm, as defined in the Penal Code,
shall report the theft or loss of the firearm, if it is lost or stolen on or after September 8, 2007 to the Port Hueneme Police
Department within forty-eight (48) hours after his or her discovery or knowledge of the theft or loss. Any person residing or
doing business in Port Hueneme who has experienced the loss or theft of a firearm, as defined in the Penal Code, in Port
Hueneme within the five (5) years prior to September 8, 2007 without the firearm having been recovered during such time,
shall report the theft or loss to the Port Hueneme Police Department within ninety (90) days of September 8, 2007.
Section 3914.20. Penalty, misdemeanor.
Any person who fails to report a lost or stolen firearm pursuant to Section 3914.10, when the person knew or should have
known of the theft or loss, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable as provided in Section 1100 of this Code.
Portola Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 360, enacted October 13, 2021. (Supp. No. 8)
Title 17 Zoning
Article IV Special Area and Specific Use Requirements
Chapter 17.55 Home Occupation
Section 17.55.030. Limitation on use.
Only one home occupation shall be permitted in a dwelling. The following uses or activities are prohibited as home
A. Fire arms and ammunition sales;
Poway Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 856, passed May 3, 2022.
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.04 Uniform Licensing Procedure
Section 5.04.010. License Required.
It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to engage in, conduct, manage, or carry on any of the following
businesses, practices, professions, or occupations within the City without first having obtained a license therefor in
accordance with the uniform licensing procedure:
G. Firearms, sale of;
Chapter 5.48 Firearm Sales
Section 5.48.010. License Generally.
The procedure to follow, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, in obtaining a license is that set forth in the uniform
licensing procedure, set out in Chapter 5.04 PMC. The applicant shall pay as a fee for said license an amount as shall be
established by City Council resolution from time to time, and this fee shall be paid at the time application for the license is
made. The fee for renewal shall be established by City Council resolution from time to time.
Section 5.48.020. Limitation on buildings.
The business licensed by this chapter shall be carried on only in the building designated in the license.
Section 5.48.030. Records Secondhand weapons.
A. If a dealer, licensed by this chapter to sell firearms, has offered to him for purchase or for acceptance in trade a used or
secondhand concealable weapon, he shall first obtain from the person offering such weapon the following information:
1. Name, address, and physical description of such person;
2. The description and license number of the vehicle, if any, being driven by such person;
3. The caliber, manufacturer’s name, description, serial number or numbers, initials or other identifying marks of the
4. Such other information which may be required by the Chief of Police.
B. This information shall be recorded on forms furnished by the Chief of Police. At the end of each week such dealer shall
file with the Chief of Police such completed form with respect to each secondhand concealable weapon purchased or
taken in trade during such week by such dealer.
Section 5.48.040. Delivery of firearms.
A. No concealable weapon shall be delivered:
1. Within 15 days of the application for the purchase thereof; nor
2. Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the seller or shall present clear evidence of his identity.
B. When delivered, such concealable weapon shall be unloaded and securely wrapped.
Section 5.48.050. Advertising or display.
No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer, shall be displayed in any part of
the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
Section 5.48.060. Breach of conditions.
Upon the breach of any of the above-stated conditions any license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to
Title 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.10 Commercial Zones
Section 17.10.190. Outdoor display.
C. Outdoor Display Prohibited. The outdoor display of the following goods and merchandise is prohibited:
5. Firearms;
Rancho Cordova Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 12-2022, passed August 1, 2022.
Title 4 Business Regulations
Chapter 4.10 Special Business Licenses and Employee Permits
Article I Applicability and Issuance
Section 4.10.005. License required.
No person shall, unless under and by authority of a valid unexpired and unrevoked special business license, conduct or
operate within the city, whether singularly or in connection with another type of enterprise, the following:
B. Antique dealers in firearms, jewelry, art objects, furniture or other valuables;
F. Sales of concealable firearms, including gun powder;
Title 23 Zoning Code
Article 9 Specific Use Provisions
Chapter 23.901 Residential Uses
Section 23.901.030. Home occupations.
F. Prohibited Home Occupations.
3. Ammunition reloading, including custom reloading;
7. Firearms sales;
Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 1006, adopted June 15, 2022.
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.04 Weapons
Section 9.04.030. Possession of weapons by minors.
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to have in his or her possession, custody, or control any of
the weapons described in sections 9.04.010 and 9.04.020 unless he or she either possesses a valid state hunting license
or is accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Title 17 Development Code
Article III Zoning Districts, Allowed Uses, and Development Standards
Chapter 17.30 Allowed land Use by Base Zoning District
Section 17.30.030. Allowed land uses and permit requirements.
B. Permit requirements. Generally, a use is either allowed by right, allowed through issuance of a conditional use permit,
or not permitted. In addition to the requirements for planning permits or entitlements listed herein, other permits and
entitlements may be required prior to establishment of the use (e.g., building permit or permits required by other
agencies). The requirements for planning permits or entitlements identified in Table 17.30.030-1 (Allowed Land Uses and
Permit Requirements by Base Zoning District) include:
1. Permitted (P). A land use shown with a "P" indicates that the land use is permitted by right in the designated zoning
district, subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of this title (e.g., development standards) as well state and
federal law.
2. Conditionally permitted (C). A land use shown with a "C" indicates that the land use is permitted in the designated
zoning district upon issuance of a conditional use permit from the designated approving authority, subject to
compliance with all applicable provisions of this zoning code (e.g., development standards) as well as state and
federal law.
3. Not permitted (N). A land use shown with an "N" is not allowed in the applicable zoning district. Additionally, uses
not shown in the table are not permitted, except as otherwise provided for in this title.
4. Adult entertainment permit (A). A land use shown with an "A" indicates that the land use is permitted in the
designated zoning district upon issuance of an adult entertainment permit from the designated approving authority,
subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of this zoning code (e.g., development operational standards) as
well as state and federal law.
C. Base zoning district names and symbols. Base zoning district names for the zoning district symbols used in the table
are listed below. Specific Plan (SP) District and Planned Community (PC) District are not listed in the table as the allowed
uses for those base zoning districts are determined in compliance with the adopted Specific Plan or Planned Community.
Very Low Residential (VL)
• Neighborhood Commercial (NC)
General Industrial (GI)
• Low Residential (L)
• General Commercial (GC)
• Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial
• Low Medium Residential (LM)
• Community Commercial (CC)
• Medium Residential (M)
• Specialty Commercial (SC)
• Heavy Industrial (HI)
• Medium High Residential (MH)
• Regional Related Commercial
• Open Space (OS)
• High Residential (H)
• Hillside Residential District (HR)
• Mixed Use (MU)
• Commercial Office (CO)
• Flood Control-Open Space (FC)
• Office Professional (OP)
• Industrial Park (IP)
• Utility Corridor-Open Space (UC)
able 17.30.030-1: Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements by Base Zoning District
Retail, Service, and Office Uses
Gun Sales
Chapter 17.38 Overlay Zoning Districts
Section 17.38.050. Industrial Commercial Overlay Zoning District.
A. Purpose. The purpose of the Industrial Commercial Overlay District is to establish unique allowed use provisions and
project compatibility requirements for areas of the city where both industrial park and retail development are compatible.
B. Applicability. The Industrial Commercial Overlay Zoning District applies to property designated on the zoning map by
reference letters "IC" after the reference letter(s) identifying the base zoning district.
C. Allowed use. Allowed uses for the Industrial Commercial Overlay Zoning District are listed below in Table 17.38.050-1
(Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements for Industrial Commercial Overlay Zoning District). Generally, a use is
either allowed by right, allowed through issuance of a conditional use permit, or not permitted. In the table below, a land
use shown with a "P" indicates that the land use is permitted by right in the designated zoning district, subject to
compliance with all applicable provisions of this title (e.g., development standards) as well state and federal law.
Additionally, a land use shown with a "C" indicates that the land use is permitted in the designated zoning district upon
issuance of a conditional use permit from the designated approving authority, subject to compliance with all applicable
provisions of this zoning code (e.g., development standards) as well as state and federal law. Uses not listed in the table
are not permitted. In the event of a conflict between the allowed uses for this district and the allowed uses of the
underlying base zoning district, the allowed uses for this district shall apply.
Table 17.38.050-1 Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements for Industrial Commercial Overlay Zoning District
Land Use/Zoning District
Retail, Service, and Office Uses
Gun Sales
Rancho Palos Verdes Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 691, passed September 7, 2022 (Supplement Number 69, Update 1)
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.08 Weapons
Section 9.08.030. Minor, possessing weapons.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it shall be unlawful within the boundaries of the city for any person under the
age of eighteen years to have in his or her possession, care, custody or control any gun, revolver, pistol, firearm, spring
gun, air gun, sling, slingshot or device designed or intended to discharge or capable of discharging any dangerous missile
or any cartridge, shell, ammunition or device containing any explosive substance designed or intended to be used in or
fired from any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm.
Section 9.08.040. Minor, parent permission.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed or construed to prohibit in the city any person under the age of eighteen years
from having in his or her possession, care, custody or control any article mentioned in Section 9.08.030, in the event that
such possession, care, custody or control of such article is had with the consent of the parent or guardian of such person
and is under the direct supervision and control of some adult person.
Rancho Santa Margarita Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 21-03, enacted October 27, 2021. (Supp. No. 32)
Title 9 Planning and Zoning
Chapter 9.05 Special Regulations
Section 9.05.110. Special events.
(j) Garage/yard/moving sales.
(2) Garage sales shall be permitted as temporary accessory uses in residential zoning districts subject to the following
d. It is unlawful for any person to exchange, barter, trade or sell any of the following at a garage sale: firearms,
ammunition, explosives, un-domesticated animals and livestock, any item of personal property from which the
serial number has been removed, or any other item prohibited by City, County, State, or Federal law.
(k) Estate sales.
(2) Estate sales shall be permitted as temporary accessory uses in residential zoning districts subject to the following
d. It is unlawful for any person to exchange, barter, trade or sell any of the following at an estate sale: firearms,
ammunition, explosives, un-domesticated animals and livestock, any item of personal property from which the
serial number has been removed, or any other item prohibited by City, County, State, or Federal law.
Redding Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2651, updated April 29, 2022. (Supplement Number 40)
Title 10 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Part VIII Weapons
Chapter 10.60 Sale to and Possession by Minors
Section 10.60.010. Sale.
It is unlawful to expose for sale, sell, or offer for sale, barter or exchange, to or with any minor under the age of eighteen
years, any pistol or other firearm, or any instrument capable of discharging any charge of powder, or other explosives, or
any cartridge loaded with ball.
Section 10.60.020. Possession.
It is unlawful for a person under eighteen years of age to have in his possession within the city limits beyond the confines
of his own home any pistol, firearm, air gun, CO 2 gun, shotgun, air rifle, pellet gun, slingshot or any other instrument
which throws a missile for any distance by means of the elastic force of air or any explosive substance, except while
escorted by an adult.
Redondo Beach Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 3228 C.S. and the February 2022 code supplement.
Title 10 Planning and Zoning
Chapter 2 Zoning and Land Use
Article 1 General Provisions
Section 10-2.402. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, certain words and terms used in this chapter are construed and defined as follows:
(a) Definitions.
(75) “Fire arm sales” or “firearms business” shall mean an establishment having at least twenty-five (25%) percent of
its gross floor area used for the sale of fire arms, ammunition and ammunition components, and hunting or shooting
Article 4 Special Use Regulations
Section 10-2.1600. Bars and cocktail lounges, arcades, billiard parlors, thrift shops, liquor stores, and check
cashing and firearms businesses.
(a) Purpose. In order to prevent a blighting impact on the character of commercial zones, help insure the compatibility of
these particularly sensitive land uses with surrounding land uses, and maintain a healthy and balanced mix of commercial
uses, the following criteria shall be met in addition to all other applicable land use and development standards in this
(b) Criteria.
(1) The proposed use is a sufficient distance from residential uses and has been designed with adequate physical
buffers to reduce potential noise impacts related to operation of the use, parking by employees and patrons, and
pedestrian activities.
(2) The proposed hours of operation for the use are complimentary to the business district in which the use is located,
and will not negatively impact residential uses.
(3) The addition of the proposed use to the mix of commercial uses in its vicinity will not create a blighting influence.
(5) Firearms businesses. In addition to the criteria listed above, no firearms business shall be located within 500 feet
of any lot upon which there is legally located a school, public park, or religious institution.
(c) Conditional Use Permit required. No bar or cocktail lounge, arcade, billiard parlor, thrift shop, liquor store, check
cashing business or business engaged in the sale of firearms shall be established unless a Conditional Use Permit is
obtained pursuant to Section 10-2.2506.
Chapter 5 Coastal Land Use Plan Implementing Ordinance
Article 1 General provisions
Section 10-5.402. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, certain words and terms used in this chapter are construed and defined in subsection (a)
of this section. For the purpose of procedures relating to Coastal Development Permits, words and terms are defined in
Section 10-5.2204 of this chapter.
(a) Definitions.
(81) “Firearm sales” or “firearms business” shall mean an establishment having at least twenty-five (25%) percent of
its gross floor area used for the sale of firearms, ammunition and ammunition components, and hunting or shooting
Article 4 Special Use Regulations
Section 10-5.1600. Bars and cocktail lounges, arcades, billiard parlors, thrift shops, liquor stores, and check
cashing and firearms businesses.
(a) Purpose. In order to prevent a blighting impact on the character of commercial zones, help insure the compatibility of
these particularly sensitive land uses with surrounding land uses, and maintain a healthy and balanced mix of commercial
uses, the following criteria shall be met in addition to all other applicable land use and development standards in this
(b) Criteria.
(1) The proposed use is a sufficient distance from residential uses and has been designed with adequate physical
buffers to reduce potential noise impacts related to operation of the use, parking by employees and patrons, and
pedestrian activities.
(2) The proposed hours of operation for the use are complimentary to the business district in which the use is located,
and will not negatively impact residential uses.
(3) The addition of the proposed use to the mix of commercial uses in its vicinity will not create a blighting influence.
(5) Firearms businesses. In addition to the criteria listed above, no firearms business shall be located within 500 feet
of any lot upon which there is legally located a school, public park, or religious institution.
(c) Conditional use permit required. No bar or cocktail lounge, arcade, billiard parlor, thrift shop, liquor store, check
cashing business or business engaged in the sale of firearms shall be established unless a conditional use permit is
obtained pursuant to Section 10-5.2506.
Redwood City Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2507, adopted May 23, 2022. (Supp. No. 53)
Chapter 37 Weapons
Section 37.9. Firearms and weapons, possession by person under sixteen unlawful.
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of sixteen (16) years to have in his possession in a public place, any of
the firearms or other instruments, devices or apparatuses mentioned in Section 37.7 hereof, except as provided in the
following section.
Section 37.10. Firearms and weapons, exceptions to section 37.9.
The provisions of the preceding section hereof shall not apply to persons under the age of sixteen (16) in the following
A. When the person under the age of sixteen (16) years is in the immediate charge of a parent, guardian or adult person
having the responsibility for the conduct of the person under the age of sixteen (16) years.
B. When the firearm or other instrument, device or apparatus is unloaded and either in a dismantled or takedown
conditions or in a carrying case made for the purpose of carrying such firearm or other instrument, device or apparatus. A
firearm, or instrument, device or apparatus shall be deemed to be unloaded when no ammunition, bullet, missile or
propellant is in any part thereof.
Section 37.11. Firearms and weapons, seizure.
Any police or peace officer shall seize any firearm or other instrument, device or apparatus, whether discharged or in the
possession of a person contrary to the provisions of this Article.
Rialto Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1665, passed February 8, 2022. (Supp. No. 32)
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.68 Home Occupations*
Section 5.68.070. Prohibited uses.
The following uses shall not be permitted as home occupations except to allow the business operator to provide a mailing
address and telephone answering service for a business located elsewhere:
H. Firearms dealerships;
Richmond Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 10-22 N.S., passed July 1, 2022. (Supp. No. 63)
Article VII Businesses
Chapter 7.100 Dealers in Firearms
Section 7.100.010. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall be construed as defined in this section:
"Chief of Police" means the Chief of Police of the City of Richmond or his or her designee.
"City" means the City of Richmond.
"City Manager" means the City Manager of the City of Richmond or his or her designee.
"Dealer in firearms" means a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale,
transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm or ammunition for any firearm.
"Department" means the California Department of Justice.
"Engage in the business" means the conduct of a business by the selling, leasing, or transferring of any firearm or
ammunition for any firearm; or the preparation for such conduct of business, which may be evidenced by the application
for or securing of applicable state or federal licenses; or the holding of one's self out as engaged in the business of selling,
transferring or leasing of firearms in quantity, in series or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of
"Firearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which is
expelled through a barrel, a projectile by the force of explosion or other means of combustion.
"Person" means natural person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
Section 7.100.020. Permit, Required.
No person shall engage in the business of a dealer in firearms or ammunition for any firearm and no person shall operate
or manage any such business unless the person or business has first been issued a permit pursuant to the provisions of
this chapter.
Section 7.100.030. Conditional use permit.
No permit shall be issued to any person pursuant to this chapter to engage in the business of a dealer in firearms or
ammunition for any firearm, unless the person has first obtained a conditional use permit under Section 15.04.190 of this
Code for use of the proposed business site as a dealer in firearms.
Section 7.100.040. Application, form, fees.
An applicant for a permit under this chapter or an applicant for renewal of a permit under this chapter shall file with the
Chief of Police a sworn application in writing, on a form to be furnished by the City. The applicant shall provide all
information requested, including proof of compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws when required by the
Chief of Police, or the application will not be deemed complete. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable
fee of $315.00 and the renewal application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $250.00.
Section 7.100.050. Application, investigation.
(a) The Chief of Police shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the
public safety whether the permit may be issued. The Chief of Police may require an applicant, or any officer, agent or
employee thereof, to provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of pertinent records,
a complete personal history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the Chief of Police, and any other additional
information which the Chief of Police deems necessary to complete the investigation.
(b) The Chief of Police shall refer the application to the City Public Works Department, Planning Department and Fire
Department for an investigation, including an inspection, if necessary, of whether the building and property to be used for
sale of firearms is in compliance with the Municipal Code of the City of Richmond and with the requirements of this
chapter. The departments shall report the results of the investigation to the Chief of Police.
Section 7.100.060. Application, denial.
The Chief of Police shall issue a permit unless he or she finds any one or more of the following:
(1) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof is under the age of twenty-one years.
(2) The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal, state and local laws, or the applicant's inventory
does not conform to the type of federal, state or local firearms permit issued to the applicant.
(3) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has had a similar type permit previously revoked or denied for
good cause within the immediately preceding five years.
(4) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has made any false or misleading statement of a material fact
or omission of a material fact in the application for a permit.
(5) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, fails or refuses to provide clear evidence of his or her identity,
or any other information required by the Chief of Police to complete his or her investigation.
(6) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, has been convicted of:
(a) Any criminal offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, from owning or
possessing a firearm under applicable federal, state and local laws.
(b) Any criminal offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous
or deadly weapon.
(c) Any criminal offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another.
(d) Any criminal offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit.
(e) Any criminal offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined by
the California Health and Safety Code as the definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read.
(7) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof is currently, or has been within the last two years, an unlawful
user of any controlled substance as defined by the California Health and Safety Code as the definition now reads or may
hereafter be amended to read, or is an excessive user of alcohol, to the extent that such use would impair his or her
fitness to be a dealer in firearms.
(8) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof is within the classes of persons defined in California Welfare
and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103, as they now read or may hereafter be amended to read.
(9) The operation of the business as proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws.
(10) The business is not located at a fixed and certain site, at which all business activity occurs.
(11) The applicant's proposed business site is a building which does not comply with the requirements of the City of
Richmond Building Code, Fire Prevention Code or any other technical code or regulation of the City of Richmond which
govern the use, occupancy, maintenance, construction or design of buildings or structures.
(12) The doors, windows or other means of entry into the proposed business site are not secured with adequate locks or
are not alarmed with a system of any manufacture which will cause an audible alarm to sound on the exterior of the
building or a silent alarm to a centralized monitored facility signaling unauthorized entry during nonbusiness hours, or the
proposed business site is not a secured facility or does not meet the requirements for such a facility as set forth in
California Penal Code Section 12071, as it now reads or as it is amended in the future.
(13) The method of storage of inventory which is of an explosive or flammable nature at the proposed business site is not
in compliance with federal and State of California laws and with the City of Richmond Fire Prevention Code.
(14) The firearms on the proposed business site are not stored out of reach of customers in secure, locked facilities, so
that access to all firearms shall be controlled by the dealer or employees of the dealer, to the exclusion of all others, and
are stored in compliance with the provisions of California Penal Code Section 12071, as it now reads or as it may be
amended in the future.
(15) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof does not have, and/or cannot provide evidence of, a
possessory interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted.
Section 7.100.070. Permit, form.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the Attorney General of the State of
Section 7.100.080. Permit, duration, renewal.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that such
permits may be renewed by the Chief of Police for additional periods of one year upon the permittee's submission of an
application for renewal, accompanied by a non-refundable renewal fee, to the Chief of Police. Such renewal application, in
completed form, and such fee must be received by the Chief of Police, in completed form, no later than forty-five days
prior to the expiration of the current permit.
Section 7.100.090. Permit, assignment.
The assignment or attempt to assign any permit issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such assignment or
attempt to assign a permit shall render the permit null and void.
Section 7.100.100. Permit, conditions.
Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which
shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the Chief of Police:
(1) The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the permit;
(2) The permit or a copy thereof, certified by the Chief of Police, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily be
(3) Full compliance with each and every condition and prohibition set forth in California Penal Code Section 12071, as it
now reads or as it may be amended in the future;
(4) Full compliance with each and every requirement imposed on dealers of firearms by State, Federal or local law;
(5) The permittee shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer a firearm without also selling or otherwise providing with each
such firearm a trigger lock or similar device that is designed to prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm.
Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to such additional conditions as the Chief of Police finds are
reasonably related to the purposes of this chapter.
Section 7.100.110. Permit, grounds for revocation.
A permit may be revoked for the violation of any of the requirements contained in this chapter. Any circumstances
constituting grounds for denial of an application, as set forth in Section 7.100.060, shall also constitute grounds for
Section 7.100.120. Permit, hearing.
(a) Any person whose application for a permit under this chapter has been denied, or whose permit has been revoked
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall have the right to a hearing before the City Manager or his or her designee
prior to final denial or prior to revocation.
(b) The Chief of Police shall give the applicant or permittee written notice of his or her decision to deny the application or
to revoke the permit. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the Chief of Police's decision to deny the
application or to revoke the permit, and shall inform the applicant or permittee that he or she has ten days from the date of
receipt of the notice to file a written request for a hearing, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(c) Within ten days of the written notice by the Chief of Police of his or her decision to deny the application or revoke the
permit, the applicant or permittee may appeal by submitting a request to the Police Chief for a hearing before the City
Manager. Such request must be made in writing and must set forth the specific grounds for the appeal. If the applicant or
permittee files a timely hearing request, the City Manager shall set a time and place for the hearing. All parties involved
shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues, to be represented by
counsel, and to confront and cross-examine any witnesses against them. The decision of the City Manager whether to
deny the application or revoke the permit shall be in writing and shall be the final administrative decision.
(d) If no timely appeal is taken, the application may be denied or the permit revoked by decision of the Chief of Police and
such decision shall be final. If a timely appeal request is made by a permittee, the permit shall remain in force and effect
until a decision on appeal has been made by the City Manager, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(e) In the event that a permittee or any business to which the permit applies is found to have violated any state, federal or
local law based on which the permit may be revoked and the violation of which results in the filing of criminal charges, the
Chief of Police may immediately suspend the permit for a period of up to 20 days and, if no appeal is requested, such
suspension shall remain in effect until final adjudication of the criminal charges. In the event an appeal hearing is timely
requested by the permittee, an appeal hearing shall be held within the 20-day suspension period, in the manner and
under the procedures otherwise established by this section for appeals hearings, except that the permit shall remain
suspended until a decision has been made at the time of the appeal hearing by the City Manager.
Section 7.100.130. Permit, liability insurance.
No permit shall be issued, continued or renewed pursuant to this chapter unless there is in full force and effect a policy of
insurance in such form as the City Attorney and Risk Manager deem proper, executed by an insurance company
approved by the City Attorney and Risk Manager, whereby the applicant or permittee is insured against liability for
damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, transfer, or lease, or offering or
exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars
($1,000,000) for damage to or destruction of property in any one incident and for the death of or injury to any one person.
Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be canceled until notice in writing
has been given to the City, addressed in care of the Chief of Police, Hall of Justice, 401 27th Street, Richmond, California,
94804, at least thirty days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Further, such policy of
insurance shall name the City, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds. Additionally, applicants and
permittees shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, from claims arising
from the negligence of the applicant or permittee.
Section 7.100.140. Permit, authority to inspect.
Any and all investigation officials of the City shall have the right to enter the building designated in the permit from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to observe and enforce compliance with building,
mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, or provisions of this chapter. Investigation officials of the City
shall also be authorized to undertake all appropriate investigation and to enter property for the purpose of inspection and
investigation whenever there is reason to believe that a violation of this chapter exists. Entry pursuant to this section shall
be in accordance with all applicable laws.
Section 7.100.150. Compliance.
Any person engaging in the business of a dealer in firearms on the effective date of this chapter or amendment thereto
shall have a period of 60 days after such effective date to comply with the provisions of this chapter or with any
amendments thereto.
Article XI Public Safety and Welfare
Chapter 11.97 The Reporting of Lost or Stolen Firearms
Section 11.97.020. Duty of firearm owner to report loss or theft.
(a) Any person who owns or possesses a firearm shall report the loss or theft of the firearm to the Richmond Police
Department within 48 hours of the time he or she knew or should have known that the firearm was lost or stolen,
whenever the loss or theft of the firearm occurs in the City of Richmond.
(b) A person reporting a lost or stolen firearm shall report the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, if such
information is known to the person.
Section 11.97.030. Duty of law enforcement to report to Department of Justice.
Pursuant to California Penal Code Section 11108, the Richmond Police Chief shall submit a description of each firearm
which has been reported lost, stolen or found directly into the California Department of Justice automated property system
for firearms.
Section 11.97.040. Exemptions.
(a) Persons licensed to manufacture firearms pursuant to California Penal Code Section 12086 are exempt from this
chapter if the lost or stolen firearm was business merchandise lost or stolen from their firearm-related business.
(b) Persons licensed to sell firearms pursuant to California Penal Code Section 12071 are exempt from this chapter if the
lost or stolen firearm was: (1) a firearm kept at their place of business; (2) business merchandise lost or stolen from their
firearm-related business; or (3) in their possession pursuant to Penal Code Section 12082.
Section 11.97.050. Penalty.
Any person violating this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section 11.97.060. Severability.
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or word of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid, such a
decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter. The City Council hereby declares that it
would have adopted this chapter irrespective of the invalidity of any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or word.
Rohnert Park Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 965, passed May 10, 2022. (Supp. No. 47, Update 3)
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Article VIII Weapons
Chapter 9.92 Retail Firearms Dealers
Section 9.92.010. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section:
"Application" means an application for a firearms dealer's license.
"City" means the city of Rohnert Park.
"Firearm" means any device designated to be used as a weapon from which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by
the force of any explosion or other form of combustion. Firearm also means any other such device as defined in the
California Penal Code.
"Firearms dealer" means any person engaged in the business of selling, leasing, transferring, advertising, offering,
exposing for sale, lease or transfer any firearm. In the event any association, organization, corporation or other entity is
eligible to receive a firearms dealer's license then that association, organization, corporation or entity is also a firearms
dealer for the purpose of this chapter.
"License" means written permission from the Rohnert Park department of public safety in conformity with its rules and
regulations and with the California Penal Code and specifically Sections 12070 et seq.
"Purchase" means the purchase or transfer of a firearm.
"Purchaser" means the purchaser or transferee of a firearm.
Section 9.92.020. License required for firearms dealer.
No person shall engage in the activity, business or occupation of firearms dealer without first securing a license from the
Rohnert Park department of public safety and paying the appropriate fee thereof.
Section 9.92.030. Requirements for issuance of a license to engage in the activity of firearms dealer.
Before any person shall be considered for a license as firearms dealer an application for license shall be made to the city
of Rohnert Park department of public safety on forms approved by the director of public safety which require the applicant
to submit any information required under the California Penal Code as a condition precedent to the issuance of the
license. In addition, the applicant shall include the following information which must be current and valid:
A. A copy of the applicant's city business license.
B. A copy of the applicant's use permit as issued by the city.
C. A copy of the applicant's federal firearms license.
D. A copy of the applicant's sellers' permit as issued the state board of equalization.
E. A copy of the applicant's fictitious business name statement (if applicable).
F. A copy of the applicant's proof of identity.
Section 9.92.040. License issued only to individual.
The license issued by the city of Rohnert Park department of public safety for a firearms dealer shall be issued only to an
individual. No license shall be issued to associations, corporations, partnerships or other entities. Any business,
corporation or entity which possesses a federal firearms license in the name of the business, corporation, partnership or
association shall not receive a license unless a principal or owner of the business, a corporate officer or a partner of the
entity who is responsible for the operation completes the application and is fingerprinted.
Section 9.92.050. Fees and charges.
The following fees and charges shall be paid by the applicant before any license is issued.
A. An application fee of seventy-five dollars.
B. An additional fee, in the amount of the current rate for processing fingerprints, shall be payable by money order only to
the department of justice.
None of the fees paid shall be refunded.
Section 9.92.060. Grounds for denial of license.
No license shall be issued if the city of Rohnert Park department of public safety finds or determines that:
A. The character of the applicant is such that licensing is not believed to be in the best interest of public safety and/or
community security; or,
B. The applicant has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact in the
application; or,
C. The operation of the business as proposed pursuant to the issue or renewal of a permit is not in compliance with
appropriate building, electrical, plumbing, fire, health or zoning codes; or,
D. The applicant is under twenty-one years of age; or,
E. The applicant has had a similar permit previously revoked or denied for good cause within one year immediately
preceding the date of filing of the application; or,
F. The applicant has not been licensed as required by federal law and the state of California; or,
G. The applicant is in a class of persons described in Penal Code Sections 8100 or 8103, e.g. the applicant:
1. Has been convicted of a felony under the laws of the United States, of the state of California, or any other state,
government, or country; or
2. Has been convicted of a violation of Sections 245(a)(2), 245(a)(3), 245(c), 246, 417(a)(2), and 417(b) of the Penal
Code; or
3. Is addicted to the use of any narcotic drug; or
4. Within ten years of application has been convicted of a misdemeanor violation of Sections 136.5,140,171(b),
171(c), 171(d), 241, 243, 244.5, 245.5, 246.3, 247, 417, 417.2, 62.9, 12034(b), 12034(d), 12100(a), 12320 or 12590
of the Penal Code; or
5. As an express condition of probation, is prohibited or restricted from owning, possessing, controlling, receiving, or
purchasing a firearm; or
6. Is subject to a restraining order issued pursuant to sections 545, 545.5, 546 and 547(a)(2) of the Code of Civil
Procedure; or
7. Has been convicted of a crime of violence; or
8. Has been adjudicated to be a danger to others as a result of a mental disorder or mental illness, to be a mentally
disordered sex offender; has been found not guilty by reason of insanity; has been found mentally incompetent to
stand trial; has been placed under conservatorship by a court.
Section 9.92.070. Term of firearms dealer's license.
The term of any firearms dealer's license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be one year.
Section 9.92.080. Renewal of firearms dealer's license fee thereof.
An application for renewal of a firearms dealer's license shall be made no less than thirty days of the date of expiration of
the current firearms dealer's license. The application for renewal shall be on forms provided by the city of Rohnert Park,
department of public safety and consistent with California Penal Code Section 12070, et seq. The renewal fee shall be
fifty dollars which shall be paid at the time the application for renewal is submitted.
Section 9.92.090. Revocation or suspension of firearms dealers license.
The director of public safety or his designated representative may revoke or suspend a firearms dealer's license for any of
the following reasons:
A. Discovery of the existence of any of the circumstances, or the licensee is convicted of any of the offenses, enumerated
in Section 9.92.060 of this chapter.
B. If the permittee is not operating in full compliance with the provisions of state and federal law; or, if the permittee is not
operating in full compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Land Use Category
Firearm Dealers and Firearm Ammunition Dealers (J)
Chapter 17.07 Land Use Footnotes/Special Provisions
C. If the business, corporation, partnership, or association ceases to have a principal of the business, or owner of the
business, or corporate officer or partner actively associated with the business who holds a valid current firearms dealer's
Section 9.92.100. Chapter statement of existing law and complementary thereto.
This chapter is enacted to supplement and complement the provision of the California Penal Code regarding the licensing
of firearms dealers and specifically California Penal Code 12070, 12083 as existing and enacted as of the date of
enactment of this chapter. Existing California law and any subsequent additions or amendments are made a part of this
chapter by reference.
Section 9.92.110. Severability Clause.
If any sentence, section or portion of this chapter is declared unconstitutional and if the remaining portions of the chapter
are enforceable the city council declares that they shall remain in full force and the city council would have enacted those
sections even though other sections were declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Title 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.06 Land Use Regulations
Article II Commercial Zoning Districts
Section 17.06.050. Districts.
A. C-O: Professional/Administrative Office District.
B. C-N: Neighborhood Commercial District.
C. C-R: Regional Commercial District.
Section 17.06.060. Permitted uses.
The following is a list of land uses and the commercial districts within which they are permitted as follows:
P =Permitted.
Z =Certificate of zoning compliance.
C =Conditionally-permitted by planning commission.
T =Temporary conditional permit.
A =Administrative permit.
I =Uses allowed as incidental to a primary use
Uses involving chemicals may also be subject to requirements regarding hazardous materials (footnote 11), in which case
more restrictive requirements shall apply. Land uses that are not specifically listed are not permitted unless determined,
by the planning and community development director, to be substantially similar to a listed use. If the listed land use is
followed by a number or a section reference in parenthesis, that number or reference directs the reader to the
corresponding land use footnote or special provision which follow this chapter.
ection 17.07.020. Footnotes.
The following standards apply to the land use indicated by corresponding number in the zoning district use charts:
J. Firearm Dealers and Firearm Ammunition Dealers.
1. Firearm dealers and firearm ammunition dealers may be permitted in indicated districts only with approval of a
conditional use permit and subject to the following provisions, except these provisions shall not apply to the following
a. Dealers that sell five or less firearms per year.
b. Retail establishments where the sale of firearms is incidental to the primary business (i.e., less than five
percent of the floor area is devoted to the sale, display and storage of firearms; e.g., sporting goods store or big
box retailer).
2. The words and phrases "firearms" and "firearm dealer" shall be defined as set forth in Chapter 9.92, Retail
Firearms Dealers, of this code. The words and phrases "firearm ammunition" and "firearm ammunition dealer" shall be
defined as set forth below:
a. "Firearm ammunition" means any cartridge or encasement containing a bullet or projectile, propellant or
explosive charge, and a primer which is used in the operation of firearms, and any component thereof.
b. "Firearm ammunition dealer" means any person engaged in the business of selling, leasing, or transferring of
any firearm ammunition, or the preparation for such conduct of business, as evidenced by the application for or
securing of applicable state or federal licenses; or the holding of oneself out as engaged in the business of selling,
transferring, or leasing of any firearm ammunition; or the selling, transferring or leasing of firearm ammunition in
quantity, in series or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of trade.
3. The planning commission may approve a conditional use permit for a firearm dealer or a firearm ammunition
dealer, provided that the use conforms to any and all applicable use permit or other criteria set forth in the particular
zoning district regulations, and to all of the following criteria:
a. The dealer in firearms or dealer in firearm ammunition shall not be located within two hundred fifty feet of the
exterior limits of:
(1) Any premises occupied by a public or private day care center, family day care home, or school;
(2) A public park, recreation center or other similar public property at which children regularly congregate; or
(3) Any premises occupied by a dealer in firearms, a business engaged in whole or in part in the retail sale of
any alcoholic beverage whether for on-site or off-site consumption, massage establishments as defined in
Chapter 8.36.010 of this code, or an adult business, as defined in Section 8.37.020 of this code.
All distances referred to in this subsection shall be measured between the closest points of the exterior
property lines or area boundaries of the parcels or areas involved, except that when a dealer in firearms
subject to the provisions of the chapter occupies one unit of a multi-unit structure located on a single parcel,
distances shall be measured from the exterior boundaries of the unit so occupied;
b. Prior to the commencement of operation of a firearm dealer and at all times thereafter, the firearm dealer shall
have a valid and current license from the department of public safety pursuant to Chapter 9.92 of this code and
shall be in full compliance therewith;
c. Prior to the commencement of operation of a firearm dealer or a firearm ammunition dealer and at all times
thereafter, compliance with all of the following requirements:
(1) Adequate security measures to secure the premises where the firearms or firearm ammunition is sold
and/or stored, subject to approval of the director of public safety or designee;
(2) Storage of firearms and firearm ammunition at all times in a secured locked location so that access is
controlled by the dealer or employee, representative or agent thereof to the exclusion of others, with the
adequacy of such storage methods subject to the approval of the director of public safety or designee;
(3) Storage of ammunition and other firearms-related merchandise classified as hazardous materials shall be
subject to the approval of the fire marshal or designee;
(4) The firearm dealer and the firearm ammunition dealer at all times shall maintain in full force and effect all
required federal, state and local licenses and/or permits.
Rolling Hills Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 375, adopted March 14, 2022. (Supp. No. 26)
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
VII Offenses by or Against Minors
Chapter 9.56 Possession of Firearms by Minors
Section 9.56.010. Furnishing weapons to minors prohibited.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 9.56.040, it is unlawful in the City for any person, firm or corporation to sell, give,
loan or in any way furnish or to cause or to permit to be sold, given, loaned or in any way furnished to any person under
the age of sixteen years any gun, revolver, pistol, firearm, spring gun, air gun, sling, slingshot or device designed or
intended to discharge or capable of discharging any dangerous missile.
Section 9.56.020. Furnishing ammunition to minors prohibited.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 9.56.040, it is unlawful in the City for any person, firm, or corporation to sell, give,
loan or in any way furnish or to cause or to permit to be sold, given, loaned or in any way furnished to any person under
the age of sixteen years any cartridge, shell, ammunition or device containing any explosive substance designed or
intended to be used in or fired from any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm.
Section 9.56.040. Exceptions, parental consent.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed or construed to prohibit in the City the selling, giving, loaning or furnishing to any
person under the age of sixteen years upon the written consent of the parent or guardian of such person, any article
mentioned in Sections 9.56.010 and 9.56.020, nor to prohibit any such person under the age of sixteen years from having
in his or her possession, care, custody or control any article mentioned in Section 9.56.030 in the event that such
possession, care, custody or control of such article is had with the consent of the parent or guardian of such person and is
under the direct supervision and control of some adult person.
Section 9.56.050. Violation, penalty.
Any person convicted of a violation of this chapter shall be punished by imprisonment in the City or County Jail for a
period not exceeding six months or by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Rolling Hills Estates Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 739, passed April 12, 2022. (Supp. No. 32)
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.12 Permits for Certain Businesses
Section 5.12.010. Required.
No person shall operate, and no license shall be issued for any of the following businesses until a permit has first been
obtained therefor upon application in writing for such permit pursuant to Chapters 5.12, 5.20 through 5.32, 5.40 through
5.48 of this code;
I. Dealers in concealable firearms;
Rosemead Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-35, adopted June 14, 2022. (Supp. No. 35, 6-22)
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.41 Home Occupations
Section 5.41.100. Prohibited uses.
The following list presents examples of commercial uses that are not incidental to or compatible with residential activities,
are suitable only in nonresidential zoning districts, and are therefore prohibited as home occupations:
Wholesale and retail sales, not including cottage food operations (e.g. automobiles, merchandise, herb and/or
pharmaceuticals, guns and/or ammunition, etc.);
Roseville Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 6446 and the February 2022 code supplement.
Title 19 Zoning
Article IV Special Area and Specific Use Requirements
Chapter 19.42 Home Occupation
Section 9.42.030. Limitation on use.
Home occupations shall be permitted in a dwelling, so long as the maximum cumulative impact of all such businesses
shall not exceed the limits set forth in this section for a single home occupation. The following uses or activities are
prohibited as home occupations:
A. Fire arms and ammunition sales;
Sacramento Code of Ordinances
Current through Ordinance 2022-0024, effective September 29, 2022.
Title 5 Business Licenses & Regulations
Chapter 5.64 Firearm and Ammunition Sales
Section 5.64.010. Definitions.
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:
“Applicant,means a person applying for a license to engage in firearm and ammunition sales. When the person is other
than a natural person, “applicant” includes any officer, director, employee or agent of the person applying for the license.
“Chief of police” means the chief of police or the chief of police’s designee.
“Firearmmeans any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon that expels a
projectile through a barrel by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
“Firearm ammunition” means any cartridge or encasement containing a bullet or projectile, propellent or explosive
charge, and a primer which is used in the operation of a firearm.
“Firearm and ammunition sales” means the selling, leasing or transferring of any firearm or firearm ammunition in
quantity, in series, in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of trade; or the preparation for such
conduct as evidenced by the securing of applicable federal or state licenses; or the holding of one’s self out as engaged in
such conduct. (Ord. 2013-0018 § 1; prior code § 28.05.500)
Section 5.64.020. License requirement and penalty for violation.
A. No person shall engage in firearm and ammunition sales, without a valid license from the chief of police. Gunsmiths,
crafts makers and firearms collectors are not required to possess a license unless they sell, lease or transfer firearms.
B. The chief of police shall make available application forms requiring applicants to provide the information set forth in §
5.64.030. Applicants shall submit a completed application and a nonrefundable application fee to the revenue division of
the department of finance. Upon receiving the application fee, the revenue division shall issue a receipt to the applicant
showing that such application fee has been paid. The issuance of the receipt does not authorize an applicant to engage in
firearm and ammunition sales until the necessary license has been lawfully issued.
C. The application fee amount shall be established by resolution of the city council and shall be the exclusive source of
city funds from which recovery of all costs associated with this chapter may be obtained, including but not limited to,
processing applications, monitoring licensees, and enforcing the provisions of this chapter.
D. Any person who violates subsection A of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in the
county jail not exceeding 6 months, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both. The chief of police shall prescribe a form
on which the chief of police shall inform the California Department of Justice that such violators do not meet the state
requirements for gun licensees or dealers pursuant to Penal Code § 26700.
Section 5.64.030. Application form.
A. The application for a license to engage in firearm and ammunition sales shall be signed under penalty of perjury and
shall set forth:
1. The name, age and address of the applicant;
2. The address of the location for which the license is required, together with the business name, if any, of such
3. All convictions of the applicant for any misdemeanor or felony;
4. All information relating to licenses or permits relating to firearms or other weapons sought by the applicant from
other jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, the date(s) of application(s) and whether each such application
resulted in issuance of a license or permit;
5. All information relating to suspension(s) or revocation(s) of licenses or permits relating to firearms, including, but
not limited to, the date and circumstances of the suspension(s) or revocation(s);
6. Applicant’s agreement to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents, and employees, from
and against any and all claims, losses, costs, damages and liabilities of any kind, arising in any manner out of the
applicant’s negligence or intentional or willful misconduct relative to the license for which the applicant is applying;
7. Applicant’s understanding that the city shall have the right to enter the buildings and premises designated in the
license from time to time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections and to investigate and
enforce compliance with building, mechanical, fire, electrical or plumbing regulations to the extent authorized by law;
8. Applicant’s understanding that police department employees, as designated by the chief of police, shall have the
right to enter the building and premises designated in the license during regular business hours to make reasonable
inspections and to investigate and enforce compliance with the provisions of this chapter;
9. Other conditions deemed appropriate by the chief of police.
B. The application for a license to engage in firearm and ammunition sales shall be submitted with a copy of a valid
special permit for the proposed location as required by Title 17.
C. The chief of police shall take the fingerprints of the applicant and shall confirm the information submitted. The chief of
police shall act upon and either approve or deny the application at the earlier of the following: (1) within 180 days of
receipt of the application; or (2) within 30 days after all required documentation and site investigations are conducted by
the police department, the building inspection division, and the fire department; or (3) within 15 days of receipt of
fingerprint verification by the State Department of Justice.
Section 5.64.040. Form of license.
All licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the chief of police of the city.
Section 5.64.050. Referral of application to other departments.
A. Upon receipt of an application, the chief of police shall refer the application to the building inspection division and the
fire department, which departments shall inspect the premises to be used for the sale of firearms and shall report to the
chief of police concerning compliance with the codes they administer, and compliance with this chapter. To the extent
possible, the police department, the building inspection division and the fire department shall conduct such site
investigations jointly.
B. Upon receipt of the reports and recommendations from the building inspection division and the fire department, and
within the time period specified in § 5.64.030 of this chapter, the chief of police shall render his or her decision. The chief
of police shall either deny the application for one or more grounds specified in § 5.64.060 of this chapter, and specify the
grounds upon which the denial is based, or approve the application, subject to such reasonable and appropriate
conditions as may be imposed, including the conditions specified in § 5.64.110 of this chapter. (Prior code § 28.05.504)
Section 5.64.060. Denial of license.
Except as specifically provided otherwise herein, the chief of police shall deny the issuance of a license when any of the
following conditions exist:
A. The applicant is under the age of 21 years;
B. The applicant has had a similar type of license previously revoked or denied within the immediately preceding 2 years
for substantive reasons;
C. The applicant has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact, or omission of a material fact, in the
application for a license. If a license is denied on this ground, any reapplication for a gun dealer license shall be
automatically denied for a period of 2 years;
D. The applicant has been convicted of:
1. Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant from owning or possessing a firearm under applicable federal, state,
and local laws,
2. Any offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous or deadly
3. Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another,
4. Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit,
5. Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession, or use of any controlled substance as defined by the
California Health and Safety Code;
E. The applicant is: (1) currently, or has been within the past 2 years, an unlawful user of any controlled substance as
defined by the California Health and Safety Code; or (2) an excessive user of alcohol, to the extent that such use would
impair his or her fitness to be a dealer in firearms;
F. Firearms having been confiscated from the applicant within the immediately past 2 years pursuant to California Penal
Code § 18250;
G. Applicant has been detained for psychiatric evaluation pursuant to California Welfare and Institutions Code § 5150;
H. The operation of the business as proposed would not comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws;
I. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof does not have, and/or cannot provide evidence of a possessory
interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted in the form of ownership, lease, license or other
entitlement to operate at such location and the written consent of the owner of record of the real property;
J. The applicant has failed to submit a complete application form and all information and documentation required by §
5.64.030; or
K. Any other ground for denial which exists under any applicable provision of federal, state, or local law.
Section 5.64.070. Duration and renewal of licenses.
Unless revoked on an earlier date, all licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire 1 year after the date of
issuance; provided, however, that such licenses may be renewed by the chief of police for additional periods of 1 year
upon the approval of an application for renewal by the chief of police and payment of the renewal fee as established by
resolution of the city council. Such renewal application shall set forth the information listed in § 5.64.030 of this chapter,
and must be received by the chief of police, in completed form, no later than 45 days prior to the expiration of the current
license. (Prior code § 28.05.506)
Section 5.64.080. Nonassignability of license.
The assignment of any license issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such assignment shall render the
license null and void. In addition, the attempt to transfer or assign any license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be
further grounds for revocation.
Section 5.64.090. Security.
Each business licensed under this chapter shall meet the requirements of a “secure facility” pursuant to § 17110 of the
California Penal Code.
Section 5.64.100. Application for employee work permit.
A. Each employee who engages in firearm and ammunition sales must obtain either of the following: (1) a valid employee
work permit from the chief of police; or (2) a valid certificate of eligibility issued by the California Department of Justice.
The work permit requirement does not apply to employees at gun shows that are properly licensed under state and
federal law.
B. The application for an employee work permit for an employee engaged in firearm and ammunition sales shall be
submitted to the chief of police on a form provided by the chief of police. Prior to submitting such application, a
nonrefundable fee as established by resolution of the city council shall be paid to the chief of police to defray, in part, the
cost of investigation and report required by this section. The chief of police shall issue a receipt to the employee showing
that such permit application fee has been paid. The issuance of such a receipt shall not authorize an employee to engage
in firearm and ammunition sales until the necessary work permit has been lawfully granted.
C. The application to the chief of police shall be signed under penalty of perjury and set forth the following information:
1. The name, age and address of the employee;
2. The business name and address of the employer;
3. All convictions of the applicant for any misdemeanor or felony;
4. All information relating to licenses or permits relating to firearms or other weapons sought by the applicant from
other jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, the date(s) of application(s) and whether each such application
resulted in issuance of a license or permit;
5. All information relating to suspension(s) or revocation(s) of licenses or permits relating to firearms, including, but
not limited to, the date and circumstances of the suspension(s) or revocation(s);
6. Other reasonable conditions deemed appropriate by the chief of police.
D. The chief of police shall take the fingerprints of the employee and shall confirm the information submitted.
E. The chief of police shall act upon and either approve or deny the application for an employee work permit at the earlier
of the following: (1) within 180 days of receipt of the application; or (2) within 15 days of receipt of fingerprint verification
by the State Department of Justice.
F. The chief of police shall deny the issuance of an employee work permit when any of the following conditions specified
in §§ 5.64.060(D) through (G) exist.
G. Duration and Renewal of Work Permit. Unless revoked on an earlier date, all employee work permits issued pursuant
to this chapter shall expire 1 year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that such work permits may be renewed
by the chief of police for additional 1-year periods upon the approval of an application for renewal by the chief of police
and payment of the renewal fee established by resolution of the city council. Such renewal application shall set forth the
information listed herein, and must be received by the chief of police, in completed form, no later than 45 days prior to the
expiration of the current employee work permit.
H. Nonassignability. The assignment of any employee work permit issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any
such assignment shall render the license null and void. In addition, the attempt to transfer or assign any employee work
permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be further grounds for revocation.
I. Grounds for Revocation of Work Permit. In addition to any other provisions of this section, any circumstances
constituting grounds for denial of an employee work permit shall also constitute grounds for revocation of an employee
work permit.
Section 5.64.110. License Conditions.
In addition to all other requirements and conditions stated in this chapter, each licensee shall be subject to all of the
following conditions, the breach of any of which shall be sufficient cause of revocation of the license by the chief of police:
A. The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the license, except for gun
shows as permitted under state and federal law.
B. The licensee shall comply with state law, including §§ 28050 through 28250 of the California Penal Code.
C. The licensee shall verify that each employee engaged in firearm and ammunition sales has obtained either of the
following: (1) a valid employee work permit from the chief of police; or (2) a valid certificate of eligibility issued by the
California Department of Justice. An employee shall not engage in firearm and ammunition sales if a work permit is
denied or revoked by the chief of police. A licensee who permits an employee to work without a valid work permit or valid
certificate of eligibility shall be in violation of this section.
D. The licensee shall not engage in firearm and ammunition sales, except for leases or transfers for theatrical purposes,
without also selling or otherwise providing with each firearm a nonreturnable trigger lock. If the use of a trigger lock on a
particular type of firearm is infeasible, then the licensee shall do the following: (1) demonstrate such infeasibility to the
satisfaction of the chief of police; and (2) make available for sale a similar device, which is approved by the chief of police,
that is designed to prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm.
E. The licensee shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer any firearm to any person whom the licensee reasonably
believes is within any of the classes prohibited by state law, including California Penal Code §§ 29800 through 29875,
29900 and 29905 and California Welfare and Institutions Code §§ 8100 through 8103.
F. The licensee shall comply with all conditions, if any, of the special permit issued pursuant to Title 17.
G. The licensee shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and all provisions of this chapter.
Any license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to such additional conditions as the chief of police finds are
reasonably related to the purpose of this chapter.
Section 5.64.120. Grounds for revocation.
In addition to any other provisions of this chapter, any circumstances constituting grounds for denial of a license shall also
constitute grounds for revocation of a license.
Section 5.64.130. Hearing on license and work permit denial or revocation.
A. Any person whose application for a license or work permit under this chapter has been denied, or whose license or
work permit has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall have the right to a hearing before the chief
of police or his or her designee prior to final denial or prior to revocation.
B. The chief of police shall give the applicant, licensee or employee written notice of the intent to deny the application or
to revoke the license or work permit. The notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the last known mailing address of the
licensee or employee and set forth the ground or grounds for the chief of police’s intent to deny the application or to
revoke the license or work permit and shall inform the applicant, licensee or employee that he or she has 10 days from the
date of mailing of the notice to file with the police department a written request for a hearing. The application may be
denied or the license or work permit revoked if a written request for hearing is not received within the 10 day period.
C. If the applicant, licensee, or any employee who is required to obtain a valid work permit files a timely request for
hearing, the chief of police shall set a time and place for the hearing. All parties involved shall have the right to: (1) offer
testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues; (2) be represented by counsel; and (3) confront
and cross-examine any witnesses against them. If the hearing is before a designee of the chief of police, the designee
shall make a written recommendation following the hearing regarding whether an application should be denied or a
license revoked. The decision of the chief of police whether to deny the application or revoke the license or work permit
shall be appealable by the applicant/licensee to the city council, pursuant to §§ 1.24.010 through 1.24.030 of this code, at
which proceeding the chief shall have the burden of proof to justify his decision by a preponderance of the evidence. Time
for hearing for denial of the license shall be held within 70 days of the application. A revocation hearing shall be held
within 30 days of a notice stating intent to revoke the license or work permit.
Section 5.64.140. Suspension of license.
A. If the chief of police reasonably believes that a licensee has: (1) violated any federal, state or local law relating to the
sale, lease, transfer, use or possession of firearms or firearm ammunition; or (2) has committed any of the offenses set
forth in § 5.64.060; or (3) is within the class of persons set forth in § 5.64.060(E), (F) or (G), the chief of police may
immediately suspend the license for a period not to exceed 90 days.
B. If the licensee is charged by a federal, state, or local prosecuting attorney with a violation of any such law, the chief of
police may suspend such license until the charges are dismissed or the licensee is found not guilty in a court of law. If the
chief of police suspends a license pursuant to this provision, the licensee shall be provided an opportunity to present
evidence to the chief or his or her designee that the pending charges are without legal merit. The chief’s decision
regarding whether to suspend a license pending the outcome of such charges shall be appealable by the licensee to the
city council, at which proceeding the chief shall have the burden of proof to justify his or her decision by a preponderance
of the evidence.
C. Notice of suspension shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the last known mailing address of the licensee.
Section 5.64.150. Authority to inspect.
Any and all investigating officials of the city shall have the right to enter the building and entire premises designated in the
license from time to time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections and to observe and enforce
compliance with building, mechanical, fire, electrical, or plumbing regulations to the extent provided by law. Police
department employees, as designated by the chief of police, may conduct compliance inspections to insure conformance
with all federal, state, and local laws, and all provisions of this chapter.
Section 5.64.160. Compliance by existing dealers.
Any person lawfully engaging in the business of selling, leasing, or otherwise transferring any firearm or firearm
ammunition on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall have a period of 90 days after such
effective date to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 5.64.180. Rules and regulations.
The chief of police is authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations after noticed hearing as will enable the police
department to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. Failure to comply with such rules and regulations, or with any other
requirements imposed by this chapter, shall constitute grounds for revocation of licenses issued hereunder.
Chapter 5.66 Firearm Ammunition Sales Logs
Section 5.66.010. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
“Ammunition sales log” means the written or electronic record of a firearms ammunition sale as required under Section
“Ammunition vendor” means any person, firm, corporation, dealer, or any other business enterprise that is engaged in
the retail sale of any firearm ammunition; or that prepares for such conduct of business as evidenced by the securing of
applicable federal, state or local licenses; or that holds itself out as engaged in the business of selling or otherwise
transferring any firearm ammunition.
“Firearmmeans any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, that expels a
projectile through a barrel by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
“Firearm ammunition” means any cartridge or encasement containing a bullet or projectile, propellant or explosive
charge, and a primer which is used in the operation of a firearm.
“Sale” means the sale, barter, transfer or any means of providing goods to a transferee, including the provision of
ammunition in conjunction with any firearm sale.
Section 5.66.020. Ammunition sales log required.
An ammunition vendor shall maintain an ammunition sales log which records all firearm ammunition sales as required by
this chapter. The transferee shall provide, and the ammunition vendor shall record on the ammunition sales log, at the
time of sale, the following information for each sale of firearms ammunition:
A. The name, address, and date of birth of the transferee;
B. The date of the sale;
C. The transferee’s driver’s license number, state identification card number, passport number, or other valid government-
issued photographic identification;
D. The brand, type, and quantity of firearms ammunition transferred;
E. The identity of the person transferring the firearms ammunition on behalf of the ammunition vendor;
F. The transferee’s signature and right thumbprint.
Section 5.66.030. Maintenance and inspection of ammunition sales log at location of sale.
The ammunition sales log required in Section 5.66.020 shall be recorded on a form approved by the chief of police. In
addition to the requirements of Section 5.66.040, all ammunition sales logs shall be kept at the location of the firearms
ammunition sale for a period of not less than two years from the date of the sale. Ammunition sales logs shall be open to
reasonable inspection by peace officers at all times the ammunition vendor is regularly open for business.
Section 5.66.040. Electronic transmission of sale record to police department.
Within five calendar days of a firearms ammunition transfer, the ammunition vendor shall electronically transmit to the
Sacramento police department all of the information set forth in subsections A to F of Section 5.66.020. The electronic
transmittal shall be by a method, and in a format, approved by the chief of police.
Section 5.66.050. False information False recordation.
No person shall knowingly provide false, inaccurate, or incomplete information to an ammunition vendor for the purpose of
purchasing firearms ammunition. No ammunition vendor shall knowingly make a false, inaccurate, or incomplete entry in
any ammunition sales log, nor shall any ammunition vendor refuse any reasonable inspection of an ammunition sales log
subject to inspection under Section 5.66.030.
Section 5.66.060. Grace period.
Any ammunition vendor lawfully engaging in the business of selling or otherwise transferring any firearm ammunition on
the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall have a period of ninety (90) days after such effective date
to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 5.66.070. Severability.
This chapter shall be enforced to the full extent authorized by law. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence,
clause, or word of this chapter is deemed invalid or beyond the authority of the city, either on its face or as applied, the
remainder of this chapter shall remain in full force and effect, and to that end the provisions of this chapter shall be
deemed severable.
Section 5.66.080. Exemptions.
A. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply if the firearms ammunition transferee is any person described in Section
12302 or 12322 of the Penal Code of the state of California; any off-duty peace officer who displays proper agency
identification which identifies him or her as an active peace officer; any person who has been issued a permit to carry a
concealed weapon under the authority of Section 12050 of the Penal Code of the state of California; or any security guard
licensed under the authority of Section 12033 of the Penal Code of the state of California.
B. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to shotgun ammunition containing projectiles (shot) of a diameter less
than twenty-four hundredths of an inch.
Section 5.66.090. Violation Penalty.
A. A violation of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor. The penalty for a first violation is a five-hundred-dollar
($500.00) fine or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both. The penalty for each additional violation within one year
is a one-thousand-dollar ($1,000.00) fine or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both.
B. Violation of this chapter also constitutes grounds for revocation of a license issued under Chapter 5.64.
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals & Welfare
Chapter 9.32 Weapons & Explosives
Article 1 In General
Section 9.32.010. Definitions.
The following definitions apply in this chapter:
“Dangerous or deadly weapon” means, but is not limited to, any dangerous or deadly weapon within the meaning of
any law of this state restricting the use thereof; and any firearm other than one carried pursuant to a valid permit,
issued by a duly authorized governmental authority, or any ordinary rifle or shotgun lawfully carried for purposes of
hunting or other lawful sport.
“Firearmmeans any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, which expels a
projectile through a barrel by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
“Law enforcement officer” means any federal law enforcement officer or peace officer as defined under § 830 and
following of the California Penal Code. (Ord. 2016-0005 § 1; prior code § 48.01.001)
Section 9.32.050. Dangerous or deadly weapons prohibited in cars.
It is unlawful for any person to have in his or her possession, in any automobile, any dangerous or deadly weapon, but
this restriction shall not be deemed to prohibit the carrying of ordinary tools or equipment carried in good faith for uses of
honest work, trade or business or for the purpose of legitimate sport or recreation. (Prior code § 48.01.005)
Section 9.32.180. Reporting of stolen or lost firearms required.
It is unlawful for any person who owns or possesses a firearm to knowingly or negligently fail to report the theft or loss of
such firearm to the Sacramento police department within 48 hours of the time he or she knew or should have known the
firearm has been stolen or lost, when either the owner or possessor resides in the city, or the theft or loss of the firearm
occurs in the city. Any person violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Sacramento County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number SCC 1687 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 4 Business Regulation
Chapter 4.10 Special Business Licenses and Employee Permits
Article 1 Applicability and Issuance
Section 4.10.005. License Required.
No person shall, unless under and by authority of a valid unexpired and unrevoked Special Business License, conduct or
operate within the unincorporated area of the County, whether singularly or in connection with another type of enterprise,
the following:
F. Sales of concealable firearms including gunpowder;
A person shall be deemed to operate or conduct an enterprise or activity and violate this section and corresponding
prohibitions in Chapters 4.14 through 4.50, inclusive, if the person, without an applicable Special Business License in
effect, supervises, inspects, directs, organizes, manages or controls or is in any way responsible for or in charge of the
enterprise or activity for which the License is required.
Salinas Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2656(NCS), passed May 10, 2022. (Supp. No. 92, 7-22)
Part II The Code
Chapter 12A Firearms
Section 12A-2. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall be construed as defined in this section:
A. "Firearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which is
expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
B. "Firearm dealer" means a person licensed pursuant to California Penal Code Section 12071 to engage in the business
of selling, transferring or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer or
lease, any firearm.
C. "To engage in the business" means the conduct of a business of selling, transferring or leasing of any firearm; or the
preparation for such conduct of business as evidenced by the securing of applicable federal or state licenses; or the
holding of one's self out as engaged in the business of selling, transferring or leasing of any firearm, or the selling,
transferring or leasing of firearms in quantity, in series, or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of
D. "Person" means natural person, association, cooperative partnership, firm, association or corporation.
E. "Safe firearm storage device" or "safe storage device" shall mean any of the following devices, appropriate to the
firearm, the proper use of which will prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm:
(1) Any type of reusable locking device that is of adequate quality and construction to prevent children and
unauthorized users from firing the firearm and that cannot be readily removed from the firearm or that the firearm
cannot be readily removed from the device except by an authorized user utilizing a key, combination, or other method
of access intended by the manufacturer of the device.
(2) The device shall be capable of rendering the sold, leased or transferred firearm inoperable when properly installed
by keeping the trigger from releasing the sear thereby dropping the firing pin, or locking the action of the firearm open
so that it will not go into battery or discharge. Any device integrated into the firearm by the manufacturer, which meets
the criteria of this paragraph, shall qualify as a safe firearm device.
(3) All locks or locking devices sold, furnished or made available in order to comply with the provisions of this article
shall have a unique key, or a combination with at least three tumblers.
(4) Any other firearm storage device approved by a California or federal law enforcement agency shall suffice under
this section.
A firearms "safety" shall not be considered a safe storage device for purposes of this article.
Section 12A-3. Permit required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of operating or managing any business which sells, transfers,
leases or offers or advertises for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm without first obtaining a firearms dealer permit from
the chief of police of the Salinas police department.
Section 12A-4. Application, forms, fees.
An applicant for a permit under this chapter shall file with the chief of police a sworn application in writing, on a form to be
furnished by the city. The applicant shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance with all
applicable federal, state and local laws when required by the chief of police, or the application will not be deemed
complete. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee, as established by resolution, which, to the extent
practicable, shall reflect the cost of enforcing the requirements of this chapter.
Section 12A-5. Application, investigation.
The chief of police shall conduct an appropriate investigation to determine for the protection of the public safety whether
the permit may be issued. The chief of police may require additional information of an applicant deemed necessary to
complete the investigation.
Section 12A-6. Application denial.
The chief of police shall deny the issuance of a permit when any of the following conditions exist:
(a) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, is under the age of twenty-one years.
(b) The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal, state and local laws.
(c) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has had a similar type of permit previously revoked or denied
for good cause within the immediately preceding two years.
(d) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact or
omission of a material fact in the application for a permit.
(e) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has been convicted of:
(1) Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, from owning or possessing
a firearm under applicable federal, state and local laws;
(2) Any offense relating to the manufacturing, sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous or
deadly weapon;
(3) Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another;
(4) Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit;
(5) Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined by the
California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read.
(f) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined by
the California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read, or is an
excessive user of alcohol to the extent that such use would impair his or her fitness to be a dealer in firearms.
(g) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has been adjudicated as a mental defective, or has been
committed to a mental defective, or has been committed to a mental institution, or suffers from any psychological
disturbance which would impair his or her fitness to be a dealer in concealable firearms.
(h) The operation of the business as proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws.
(i) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, proposes to operate in the following locations:
(1) Within a zoning district in which general retail sales commercial activities are not a permitted or conditional use;
(2) Within a zoning district in which residential use is the principal permitted or maintained use. This restriction shall
not apply to a federally registered firearms dealer who meets all of the following conditions:
(A) Sold, transferred or leased at least one firearm within the twelve months immediately preceding July 12, 1994;
(B) Has no officer, employee or agent assisting the dealer in the business;
(C) Does not conduct any advertising or publicity regarding the firearms business;
(D) Does not sell, transfer or lease more than fifty firearms in any calendar year;
(E) Has no felony or misdemeanor conviction;
(F) Maintains all state and federal firearms licensing requirements;
(G) Fully complies with the firearm storage requirements of Penal Code Section 12071(b)(14);
(H) Requires all purchasers to take handling instruction from the dealer or to provide certification of prior gun
handling experience. This requirement is not a substitution for required federal, state or local safety courses;
(I) Agrees to city inspection of the residential premises with reasonable cause and upon one hour notice, except
that neither notice nor cause is required for city inspection of firearms inventory and required records. Nothing
contained in this subsection shall prevent inspections or searches as otherwise allowed by law;
(J) Agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the city, its officers, agents and employees harmless from claims arising
from the negligence of the residential firearms dealer; provided, however, this exemption will terminate in the
event that the dealer fails to comply with all of the terms of this chapter or the dealer loses the federal firearms
permit or the dealer vacates the residence in which the dealer sold, transferred or leased firearms as of July 12,
1994, whichever occurs first;
(3) Within one thousand feet of a public or private day care center or day care home, or within one thousand feet of
any elementary, junior high or high school, whether public or private;
(4) Within one thousand five hundred feet of the exterior limits of any other premises occupied by a dealer in firearms.
The distance restriction in this subsection shall not apply to any firearm dealer that is operating as of June 7, 1994 in a
zoning district in which general retail sales commercial activities are either permitted or conditional uses.
(j) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof does not have, and/or cannot provide evidence of a possessory
interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted.
(k) Any ground for denial exists as specified in the Salinas City Code.
Section 12A-6.1. Criminal history information.
The police department is authorized access to the state summary criminal history information maintained by the
Department of Justice for applicants under this chapter for a firearms permit. The state summary criminal history
information is limited to the criminal conduct specified in Section 12A-6. An applicant, or an officer, employee or agent
thereof, shall be fingerprinted by the police department, and all costs for administering and processing the fingerprints
shall be borne solely by the applicant, officer, employee or agent.
Section 12A-7. Permit form.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the Attorney General of the state of
Section 12A-8. Permit, duration, renewal.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that such
permits may be renewed by the chief of police for additional periods of one year upon the approval of an application for
renewal by the chief of police and payment of the renewal fee. Such renewal application must be received by the chief of
police, in completed form no later than forty-five days prior to the expiration of the current permit.
Section 12A-9. Permit, assignment.
The assignment or attempt to assign any permit issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such assignment or
attempt to assign a permit shall render the permit null and void.
Section 12A-10. Permit, conditions.
Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to all of the following conditions, any breach of which shall be
sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the chief of police:
A. The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the license.
B. The permittee shall comply with Sections 12071, 12072, 12073, 12074, 12076, and 12077 and 12082 of the California
Penal Code, to the extent that the provisions remain in effect.
C. It shall be unlawful for any firearm dealer to sell, lease or otherwise transfer ownership of any firearm without also
providing with the firearm a safe firearm storage device designed to prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm
being sold, leased or transferred. Such device shall be of a type approved by the chief of police and/or his/her designee.
The permittee shall advise the chief of police of the type of device at the time of application for the permit, renewal of the
permit or at any time the permittee desires to change the type of device previously approved by the chief of police.
(1) The safe firearm storage device shall be locked in place, properly attached to, or properly covering, the firearm at
the time it leaves the firearm dealer's premises.
(2) Nothing in this article shall prevent the firearm dealer from recovering the cost of providing a safe firearm storage
device by charging a price for the safe storage device, either separately or as part of the price of the firearm.
D. In connection with any sale, lease or transfer of a firearm, the firearm dealer shall obtain from the person receiving the
firearm a signed acknowledgement that the dealer has provided the seller, lessor or transferee with a safe firearm storage
device as required by this section.
E. Subsections 12A-10(C) and (D) are effective until January 1, 2002. On that date, Assembly Bill 106, enacting Penal
Code Section 12087 et seq., shall become effective and the two subsections shall be superceded by state law and have
no further force and effect.
Any permit pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to such additional conditions as the chief of police finds are
reasonably related to the purpose of this chapter.
Section 12A-11. Permit, grounds for revocation.
In addition to any provisions contained in this chapter, any circumstances constituting grounds for denial shall also
constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 12A-12. Permit, hearing.
A. Any person whose application for a permit under this chapter has been denied, or whose permit has been revoked
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall have the right to a hearing before the chief of police or a designee prior to
final denial or prior to revocation.
B. The chief of police shall give the applicant or permittee written notice of the intent to deny the application or to revoke
the permit. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the chief of police's intent to deny the application or to
revoke the permit, and shall inform the applicant or permittee that he or she has ten days from the date of receipt of the
notice to file a written request for a hearing. The application may be denied or the permit revoked if a written hearing
request is not received within the ten-day period.
C. If the applicant or permittee files a timely hearing request, the chief of police shall set a time and place for the hearing.
All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues, to
be represented by counsel, and to confront and cross examine any witnesses against them. The decision of the chief of
police whether to deny the application or revoke the permit is final and nonappealable.
Section 12A-13. Permit, liability insurance.
No permit shall be issued or continued pursuant to this chapter unless there is in full force and effect a policy of insurance
in such form as the city attorney deems proper, executed by an insurance company approved by the city attorney
whereby the applicant or permittee is insured against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any
person as a result of the sale, transfer or lease, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offering or exposing for sale,
transfer or lease, any firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars for damage to or
destruction of property in any one incident, and one million dollars for the death or injury to any one person; provided,
however, that additional amounts may be required by the city attorney if deemed necessary.
Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be cancelled until notice in writing
has been given to the city, addressed in care of the chief of police, 220 Lincoln Avenue, Salinas, California, 93901, at
least thirty days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Further, such policy of insurance shall
indemnify, defend and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents and employees, from claims arising from the negligence
of the applicant or permittee.
The requirement for liability insurance shall not apply to residential gun dealers who operate pursuant to the requirements
of Section 12A-6(i)(2)).
Section 12A-14. Permit, Authority to inspect.
Any and all investigating officials of the city shall have the right to enter the building designated in the permit from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to observe and enforce compliance with building,
mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing or health regulations, and provisions of this chapter. A police investigator may
conduct compliance inspections to insure conformance to all federal, state and local law, and all provisions of this chapter.
Section 12A-15. Compliance.
Any person engaging in the business of selling, transferring or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease or offering
or exposing for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm on the effective date of this chapter shall have a period of sixty days
after such effective date to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 12A-16. Temporary suspension of permit to sell firearms.
A. If the dealer violates any federal, state and local county or city law, the chief of police may immediately suspend the
right of the dealer to sell firearms. This temporary suspension will not exceed three days. If the violation results in a
criminal charge filed in court by a federal, state or county district attorney, such permit to sell firearms may be suspended
until the case is adjudicated in a court of law.
B. Notice of suspension shall be mailed to the person(s) who made application for the permit and shall be delivered to the
address listed on the permit.
Section 12A-17. Penalties.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section 12A-18. Severability.
This chapter shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the city of Salinas. If any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence or word of this chapter is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the city of Salinas, either
on its face or as applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences or words of this chapter, and the applications thereof; and to that end the section, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences and words of this chapter shall be deemed severable.
Chapter 37 Zoning*
Article III Base District Regulations
Division 3 Commercial (C) Districts
Section 37-30.200. Use classifications.
Table 37-30.90 identifies the use classifications for properties located in the commercial (C) districts:
Table 37-30.90 Commercial (C) Districts Use Classifications
Land Use
Additional Use Regulations
Commercial Uses
Secondhand or Consignment Stores
NP = Not Permitted Use
SPR = Site Plan Review Required
(35) No firearm or weapon sales shall be permitted.
Division 4 Mixed Use (MU) Districts
Section 37-30.240. Use classifications.
Table 37-30.110 identifies the use classifications for properties located in the mixed use (MU) districts:
Table 37-30.110 Mixed Use (MU) Districts Use Classifications
Land Use
Additional Use Regulations
Commercial Uses
Secondhand or Consignment Stores
CUP = Conditional Use Permit Required
(38) No firearm or weapon sales shall be permitted.
San Anselmo Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1160, passed december 14, 2021. (Supp. No. 34. 3-22)
Title 4 – Public Welfare, Morals and Conduct
Chapter 18 Regulation of Firearms
Article 1 Regulation of Firearms Dealers
Section 4-18.01. Definition of firearm.
"Firearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which a
projectile is expelled through a barrel by force of explosion or other means of combustion.
Section 4-18.02. Definition of firearm dealer.
"Firearm dealer" and "licensee," as used in this article, mean any person licensed to sell, lease or transfer firearms
pursuant to California Penal Code Section 12071(a)(1).
Section 4-18.02.1. Definition of Police, Chief, Sheriff.
"Police" or "Police Department" as used in this chapter shall mean the Town of San Anselmo Police Department.
"Chief" as used in this chapter shall mean the Chief of Police or his designee. "Sheriff" as used in this chapter shall mean
the Marin County Sheriff or his designee.
Section 4-18.03. Permit required.
It is unlawful for any firearms dealer to sell, lease or transfer firearms without a permit issued in accord with this Article 1.
Section 4-18.04. Application.
(a) An applicant for a permit or renewal of a permit under this chapter shall file with the Chief an application in writing,
signed under penalty of perjury, on a form prescribed by the Town. The applicant shall provide all relevant information
requested to demonstrate compliance with this chapter including:
(1) The name, including any aliases or prior names, age and address of the applicant;
(2) The applicant's Federal Firearms License and California Firearms Dealer numbers;
(3) The address of the proposed location for which the permit is required, together with the business name, and the
name of any corporation, partnership or association that has ownership in, or control over, the business, if any;
(4) The names, ages and addresses of:
(i) All persons who will have access to or control of workplace firearms, including but not limited to, the applicant's
employees, agents and/or supervisors, if any;
(5) Proof of a possessory interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted in the form of
ownership, lease, license or other entitlement to operate at such location and the written consent of the owner of
record of the real property;
(6) A floor plan of the proposed business, which illustrates the applicant's compliance with security provisions as
outlined in Section 4-18.07 of this chapter;
(7) Proof of compliance with all federal and state licensing laws;
(8) Information relating to every license or permit to sell, lease, transfer, purchase, or possess firearms sought by the
applicant from any jurisdiction in the United States, including, but not limited to, the date of application; whether each
application resulted in the issuance of a license and the date and circumstances of any revocation or suspension;
(9) Information relating to every revocation of a license or permit relating to firearms, including, but not limited to, date
and circumstances of the revocation;
(10) Applicant's agreement to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town, its officers, agents and employees from
and against all claims, losses, costs, damages and liabilities of any kind, including attorney fees arising in any manner
out of the applicant's negligence or intentional or willful misconduct;
(11) Certification of satisfaction of insurance requirements;
(12) The date, location, and nature of all criminal convictions of the applicant, if any, in any jurisdiction in the United
(b) The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of Five Hundred and no/100ths ($500.00) Dollars for
administering this chapter. The fee may be increased by resolution of the Town Council upon evidence of the actual cost
of administering the application. The Council finds that the Five Hundred and no/100ths ($500.00) Dollar fee is reasonable
and proper for administering this chapter.
Section 4-18.05. Investigation by Chief.
The Chief shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public safety
whether the permit may be issued. The Chief shall require an applicant, or any officer, agent or employee thereof, that will
have access to or control of firearms to provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of
pertinent records, a complete personal history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the Chief, and any other additional
information which the Chief considers necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 4-18.06. Conditions of approval.
In addition to other requirements and conditions of this chapter, a permit by the Chief is subject to the following conditions,
the breach of any of which is sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the Chief:
(a) The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the permit. This
requirement, however, does not prohibit the permittee from participating in a gun show or event that is authorized by
federal, state and local law upon compliance with that law and upon compliance with any Town of San Anselmo ordinance
regulating the permissible locations of gun shows;
(b) The Chief's permit or a certified copy of it shall be displayed on the premises and at gun shows where it can be easily
(c) The applicant shall not permit any person under eighteen (18) years of age to enter or remain within the premises
without being accompanied by the parent, grandparent, or legal guardian for the minor child where the firearm sales
activity is the primary business performed at the site;
(d) This subsection (d) rescinded on January 1, 2002, the effective date of AB 106.
Section 4-18.07. Requirement of a secured facility.
Firearms dealers must comply with California Penal Code Section 12071(b)(14) which provides at any time the licensee is
not open for business, the licensee shall store all firearms kept in his or her licensed place of business using one of the
following methods as to each particular firearm:
(a) Store the firearm in a secure facility as defined by Penal Code Section 12071(c)(3) that is part of, or that constitutes,
the licensee's business premises;
(b) Secure the firearm with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-eighth inch in diameter through the trigger guard
of the firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock and shackle
shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a manner that
prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises;
(c) Store the firearm in a locked fireproof safe or vault on the licensee's premises.
Section 4-18.08. Liability insurance.
(a) No permit issued by the Chief shall be issued or reissued unless there is in effect a policy of insurance in a form
approved by the Town and executed by an insurance company approved by the Town, whereby the applicant is insured
against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, lease or transfer or
offering for sale, lease or transfer of a firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than One Million and
no/100ths ($1,000,000.00) Dollars for each incident of damage to property or incident of injury or death to a person;
provided, however, that increased limits of liability may be required by the Town Attorney if deemed appropriate in his or
her sole discretion.
(b) The policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy shall not be canceled until notice in
writing has been given to the Town Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the time the cancellation becomes
(c) Upon expiration of a policy of insurance and if no additional insurance is obtained immediately, the permit is
considered canceled without further notice.
Section 4-18.09. Issuance of permit issued by Chief, duration.
(a) The Police Department may grant a Chief's permit to the applicant if it finds that the applicant complies with all
applicable federal, state and local laws including but not limited to, the State Penal Code, Town Building Code, fire, zoning
and planning codes.
(b) A permit issued by the Chief expires one year after the date of issuance. A permit may be renewed for additional one-
year periods upon the permittee's submission of an application for renewal, accompanied by a nonrefundable Twenty-five
and no/100ths ($25.00) Dollars renewal fee. The renewal application and the renewal fee must be received by the Police
department no later than forty-five (45) days before the expiration of the current permit.
(c) A decision regarding issuance or renewal of a permit may be appealed in the manner provided pursuant to Section 4-
Section 4-18.10. Grounds for permit denial.
The Chief shall deny the issuance or renewal of a Chief's permit when one or more of the following conditions exist:
(a) The applicant has not complied with the requirements of this chapter;
(b) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control of firearms is under
twenty-one (21) years of age;
(c) The applicant is not licensed as required by federal and state law;
(d) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to or control of firearms has had a
license or firearms permit to sell, lease, transfer, purchase or possess from any jurisdiction in the United States revoked,
suspended or denied for good cause within the immediately preceding five (5) years;
(e) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to or control over firearms has made a
false or misleading statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact in the application for a police permit. If a
permit is denied on this ground, the applicant is prohibited from reapplying for a permit for a period of five (5) years;
(f) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to or control over firearms has been
convicted of:
(1) An offense which disqualifies that person from owning or possessing a firearm under federal, state and local law,
including, but not limited to, the offenses listed in Penal Code Section 12021,
(2) An offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of a firearm or dangerous or deadly
(3) An offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another with a deadly weapon,
(4) Any felony, misdemeanor burglary or misdemeanor fraud,
(5) An offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of a controlled substance as defined by the State
Health and Safety Code;
(g) The applicant or any officer, employee, or agent thereof who has control over firearms is within a class of persons
defined in Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103;
(h) The applicant or any officer, employee, or agent thereof who has control over firearms is currently, or has been within
the past five (5) years, an unlawful user of a controlled substance as defined by the Health and Safety Code;
(i) The operation of the business as proposed would not comply with federal, state or local law.
Section 4-18.11. Grounds for permit revocation.
In addition to the violation of any other provisions contained in this chapter, circumstances constituting grounds for denial
of a Chief's permit also constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 4-18.12. Hearing for permit denial or revocation.
(a) A person whose application for a permit is denied or revoked by the Chief has the right to a hearing before the Chief
before final denial or revocation.
(b) Within ten (10) days of the mailing of written notice of intent to deny the application or revoke the permit, the applicant
may appeal by requesting a hearing before the Chief. The request must be made in writing, setting forth the specific
grounds for appeal. If the applicant submits a timely request for an appeal, the Chief should set a time and place for the
hearing within thirty (30) days.
(c) The decision of the Chief shall be in writing within ten (10) days of the hearing. An applicant may appeal the decision
of the Chief to the Town Manager or his designee.
Section 4-18.13. Nonassignability.
A Chief's permit issued under this chapter is not assignable. An attempt to assign a Chief's permit renders the permit void.
Section 4-18.14. Compliance by existing dealers.
A person engaging in firearm sales activity on the effective date of this chapter or any amendment to it shall, within sixty
(60) days after the effective date, comply with this chapter and any amendment to it.
Section 4-18.15. Record of ammunition sales.
Every holder of a business license to sell ammunition shall maintain records pertaining to ammunition sales prescribed by
this chapter on the licensed premises and in the manner prescribed herein. The record shall show:
(a) The date of the transaction;
(b) The purchaser's name, address and date of birth;
(c) The purchaser's driver's license number or other identification and state where issued;
(d) The brand of ammunition purchased;
(e) The type and amount of ammunition purchased; and
(f) The purchaser's signature.
(g) Log of Ammunition Sales. The information required by this subsection 4-18.15(g) shall be completed in the logbook at
the time of the purchase. Such information shall be recorded in the following format:
Ammunition Sales Registration Log store:
Date of
License/ID &
Ammunition Type &
(1) The record shall be maintained in chronological order by date of sale of the ammunition, and shall be retained on
the licensed premises of the business licensee for a period of two (2) years following the date of the purchase of the
(2) At the direction of the Chief, Town of San Anselmo Police officers may enter the premises of any licensed vendor
of ammunition during regular business hours for the purpose of examining or inspecting any record required by this
(3) Exception. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the sale of firearm ammunition by a firing range
licensed to do business in the Town of San Anselmo when the ammunition so purchased is expended on the
premises of the range and not removed for use outside the range premises.
Section 4-18.16. Penalty.
(a) Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred and no/100ths ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not
exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each person shall be guilty of a separate offense for
each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed, continued or
permitted by such person.
(1) The Marin County District Attorney is hereby designated as the prosecuting agency for violations of this article
whenever such violations are to be charged as misdemeanors.
(b) Any person found to be in violation of this chapter shall be subject to the revocation of his or her law enforcement
permit to sell, lease or transfer firearms.
(c) In addition to any other penalty or remedy, the County Counsel or Town Attorney may commence a civil action to seek
enforcement of these provisions.
San Bernardino County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 4429, passed April 26, 2022.
Title 2 Public Morals, Safety and Welfare
Division 2 Firearms and Dangerous Weapons
Chapter 1 Firearms
Section 22.0110. Purchase of firearms.
No person except a parent or guardian shall purchase from, sell, exchange, give, lend or furnish to any person under the
age of 18 years, a revolver or pistol of any description, shotgun, or rifle, which may be used for the explosion of cartridges,
or any airgun, “B-B” gun, gas-operated gun or spring gun, or any knife or knives having the appearance of a pocketknife,
the blade or blades of which can be opened by a flick of a button, pressure of the handle or other mechanical devices; or
any instrument, toy or weapon commonly known as a “sling shot,” or any bow made for the purpose of throwing or
projecting missiles of any kind by any means whatsoever, whether such instrument is called by any name set forth above
or by any other name. Any such weapon possessed in violation of this Chapter may be confiscated by any peace officer.
Section 22.0111. Prohibiting firearms – Possession by minors.
No person under the age of 18 years shall have in his or her possession, care, custody or control, any of the articles
mentioned in § 22.0110 of this Chapter except within his or her own domicile or except when accompanied by and under
the immediate supervision of a parent, guardian, or responsible adult. This Section shall not apply to any person
possessing a valid California hunting license.
Section 22.0112. Disposition of confiscated firearms.
Every peace officer taking a weapon used in violation of this Chapter, shall deliver the same to the Sheriff to be held by
him or her until the final determination of the prosecution for said offense; and upon the finding of guilt it shall then be the
duty of the Sheriff on a first offense to return the weapon to the owner and on a second offense the Sheriff is authorized to
confiscate and destroy it.
Section 22.0114. Penalty.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.00 or by imprisonment in the County Jail, not exceeding six months, or by
both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 22.0116. Retail license.
The Sheriff of San Bernardino County shall be the licensing authority for the unincorporated area of San Bernardino
County responsible for accepting applications and granting licenses under the provisions of Penal Code § 12071. The
Sheriff shall collect an annual license fee of $50.00 for each license issued pursuant to Penal Code § 12071. License
fees collected under this Section shall be deposited in the County General Fund.
San Bruno Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 1910 and the April 2022 code supplement.
Title 6 – Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 6.04 Definitions
Section 6.04.10. Definitions.
“Firearmmeans any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled a projectile by the force of any
explosion, or other form of combustion. “Firearm” shall include, but not be limited to any cannon, gun, pistol, revolver,
automatic pistol, rifle, shotgun, “BB” gun, air gun, pellet gun, or any other weapon of similar nature designed to discharge
a projectile.
Chapter 6.08 Firearms
Article 2 Firearms Dealers
Section 6.08.040. Permit required.
No person shall engage in the business of selling, transferring or leasing, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease
within this city any firearm unless that person has been issued a permit pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
A. Except as provided in Penal Code Section 26700, as it may be amended from time to time, and in Section 6.08.180, it
is unlawful for a person to engage in the activity of “firearm sales” as that term is defined under Section 6.08.010(E)
without a police permit as required by this chapter.
B. The requirement for a police permit is in addition to any requirement imposed by the city’s zoning code.
Section 6.08.050. Application Form, fees.
A. An applicant for a permit under this chapter shall file with the chief of police a sworn application in writing, on a form to
be furnished by the city, and the applicant and officers, employees, and agents thereof shall be photographed and
fingerprinted by the chief of police. The applicant shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance
with all applicable federal, state, and local laws when required by the chief of police, or the application will not be deemed
complete. A nonrefundable fee as set forth in the municipal fee schedule shall accompany the application.
B. Any person proposing to engage in business as a firearms dealer within this city shall secure the applicable federal
license and shall have thirty calendar days after approval of such federal license to apply for a police permit in compliance
with the provision of this chapter and shall not engage in the business as a firearms dealer within the city until the police
permit is issued, as well as comply with all other applicable local, state, and federal requirements.
Section 6.08.060. Application Investigation.
The chief of police shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public
safety whether the permit may be issued. The chief of police may require an applicant, or any officer, agent, or employee
thereof, to provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of pertinent records, a
complete personal history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the chief of police, and any other additional information
which the chief of police considers necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 6.08.070. Application Denial.
The chief of police shall issue a police permit to an applicant unless he or she finds any of the following:
A. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof is under the age of twenty-one years;
B. The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal, state, and local laws;
C. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has had a similar type of permit previously revoked or denied
for good cause within the immediately preceding year;
D. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has knowingly made any false or misleading statement of a
material fact or omission of a material fact in the application for a permit;
E. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has been convicted of:
1. Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof from owning or possessing a
firearm under applicable federal, state, and local laws,
2. Any offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use, or registration of any firearm or dangerous or
deadly weapon,
3. Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another,
4. Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit,
5. Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession, or use of any controlled substance as defined by the
California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read;
F. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined by
the California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read;
G. The operation of the business as proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws;
H. The business as proposed will not be operated in the following locations:
1. Following adoption of applicable zoning code and general plan amendments, within a zoning district other than the
designated area of the M-1 Industrial District as shown on the city’s zoning map bounded by Tanforan Avenue to the
north, Montgomery Avenue to the west, Hermosa Street to the south, and San Mateo Avenue to the east,
2. Within a zoning district in which residential use is the principal permitted or maintained use, or within two hundred
fifty feet of the exterior limits of any such district, or within two hundred fifty feet of any existing residential use,
3. On or within two hundred fifty feet of the exterior limits of any other premises occupied by a public or private day
care center or day care home, elementary school, junior high school, or high school, or park,
4. On or within one thousand two hundred feet of the exterior limits of any other premises occupied by a firearms
dealer, a cardroom, a massage establishment, an adult entertainment establishment, or a hot tub/sauna
establishment. Priority between such existing establishments shall be assigned in accordance with the dates upon
which such establishments commenced such lawful operation, priority being given to the establishment having the
earliest of such dates. In the event any dispute arises regarding said date, the applicant shall have the obligation to
establish the date on which he or she commenced lawful operation.
All distances referred to in this subsection shall be measured between the closest points on the exterior property lines or
area boundaries of the parcels or areas involved, except that when a dealer in firearms subject to the provisions of this
chapter occupies one unit of a multi-unit structure located on a single parcel, distances shall be measured from the
exterior boundaries of the unit occupied. This subsection shall supersede any and all conflicting provisions regulating
home occupations set out elsewhere in this code;
I. The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof does not have, and/or cannot provide evidence of, a possessory
interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted;
J. The operation of the firearm dealer business as proposed in the application for the permit will violate any applicable
building, fire, health or zoning requirements set forth in this code;
K. The applicant is within the class of persons defined in Welfare and Institutions Code Section 8100 or 8103;
L. Hours of operation would be outside of those approved in advance by the chief of police.
Section 6.08.080. Permit Form.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by the Attorney General of the state of
Section 6.08.090. Permit Duration, renewal.
A. The police department may grant a police permit to the applicant if it finds that the applicant complies with all applicable
federal, state and local laws including, but not limited to, the State Penal Code, city building code, fire code, and zoning
B. A police permit expires one year after the date of issuance. A permit may be renewed for additional one-year periods
upon the permittee’s submission of an application for renewal on a form furnished by the city, accompanied by a
nonrefundable renewal fee established by city council resolution. The renewal application and the renewal fee must be
received by the police department no later than forty-five days before the expiration of the current permit.
C. A decision regarding issuance or renewal may be appealed in the manner provided for in Section 6.08.140.
Section 6.08.100. Permit Assignment.
The assignment or attempt to assign any permit issued pursuant to this chapter to another person or entity is unlawful and
any such assignment or attempt to assign a permit shall render the permit null and void.
Section 6.08.110. Permit Conditions.
Any permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which
shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the chief of police:
A. The business shall be engaged-in only in the building located at the street address designated in the permit, and only
by such persons as specified in the permit; the business may also be engaged-in at such other locations or events as are
authorized by federal and state law provided that such location or event conforms to the requirements of this code; any
changes to the approved location or to the persons authorized to act as officers, employees, or agents of the permittee in
engaging in the business during the term of the permit must be approved by the chief of police;
B. The permit or a copy thereof, certified by the chief of police, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily be
C. The permittee shall comply with all federal and state firearms laws. Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be
subject to such additional conditions as the chief of police finds are reasonably related to the purposes of this chapter,
which include, but are not limited to, the safety and security of the occupants of the establishment, its patrons, and the
Section 6.08.120. Permit Grounds for revocation.
In addition to the violation of any other provisions contained in this chapter, circumstances constituting grounds for denial
of a police permit also constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 6.08.130. Liability insurance.
A. No police permit shall be issued or reissued unless there is in effect a policy of insurance in a form approved by the city
and executed by an insurance company approved by the city, whereby the applicant is insured against liability for damage
to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, lease, or transfer or offering for sale, lease, or
transfer of a firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars for each incident of damage to
property or incident of injury or death to a person.
B. The policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy shall not be canceled until notice in
writing has been given to the chief of police at least thirty days prior to the time the cancellation becomes effective.
C. Such policy of insurance shall name the city, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds. Additionally,
applicants and permittee shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents, and employees from
claims arising from the negligence of the applicant or permittee.
D. Upon expiration of a policy of insurance and if no additional insurance is obtained, the permit is considered canceled
without further notice.
Section 6.08.140. Hearing for permit denial or revocation.
A. Any person whose application for a permit has been denied, or whose permit has been revoked pursuant to the
provision of this chapter, shall have the right to a hearing before the chief of police prior to final denial or prior to
B. The chief of police shall give the applicant or permittee written notice of his or her intent to deny the application or to
revoke the permit. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the chief of police’s intent to deny the application or
to revoke the permit, and shall inform the applicant or permittee that he or she has ten days from the date of receipt of the
notice to file a written request for a hearing. The application may be denied or the permit revoked if a written hearing
request is not received within the ten-day period.
C. Within ten days of mailing written notice of intent to deny the application or revoke the permit, the applicant may appeal
by requesting a hearing before the chief of police. The request must be made in writing, setting forth the specific grounds
for appeal. If the applicant submits a timely request for an appeal, the chief of police shall set a time and place for the
hearing within thirty days.
D. All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimony, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues, to
be represented by counsel, and to confront and cross-examine any witnesses against them. The decision of the chief of
police whether to deny the application or revoke the permit shall be in writing within ten days of the hearing. An applicant
may appeal the decision of the chief of police to the city council in the manner provided in Chapter 1.32.
Section 6.08.150. Authority to inspect.
Any and all investigating officials of the city shall have the right to enter the building designated in the permit from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to observe and enforce compliance with building,
mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, or provisions of this chapter. A police investigator may conduct
compliance inspections to ensure conformance with all federal, state, and local laws, and the provisions of this chapter.
Section 6.08.160. Compliance.
Any person engaging in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter
shall have a period of sixty days after such effective date to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 6.08.170. Business and security regulations.
A. All firearm dealers and officers, employees, or agents of the firearm dealer shall comply with all provisions of California
Penal Code Section 12071 regarding business regulations and building specifications for firearm security.
B. All sellers of firearms shall protect such firearms from theft during business hours in the following manner:
1. All firearms shall be displayed in locked cabinets, a secured rack, or a storage area so that access to firearms is
controlled by the dealer or an employee, to the exclusion of all others.
2. The firearm dealer or the dealer’s agent or employee shall be present when a prospective buyer or seller is
handling any firearm prior to sale and delivery of the firearm.
3. By security cameras, reinforced windows and doors, a safety and security plan, or other measures as reasonably
required by the chief of police and fire marshal, including, but not limited to, timed exterior lights, landscaping will not
block visibility into the business, alarm system, and remote intercom entry.
C. All firearms shall be stored in an approved gun safe (or a gun safe room if necessary) during hours of business non-
Section 6.08.180. Nonconforming use.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.08.040(A) and the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, any
person engaged in firearm sales who is the holder of a valid seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization and
a valid certificate of eligibility issued by the California Department of Justice, all of which were issued prior to January 1,
1998, need not obtain the police permit required by this chapter, provided the operator remains fully licensed by all
agencies listed above.
Section 6.08.190. Penalty.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a
misdemeanor under the provisions of this article shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person shall be
guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this article
is committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be punished accordingly. In addition, any person found to
be in violation of this article shall be considered in noncompliance with the requirements of this chapter, and subject to the
suspension and/or revocation of a firearm sales permit under Sections 6.08.070 and 6.08.120 of this chapter.
Section 6.08.200. Severability.
This chapter shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the city of San BruNumber If any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence or word of this chapter is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the city of San Bruno,
either on its face or as applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences, or words of this chapter, and the applications thereof; and to that end, the section, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences, and words of this chapter shall be deemed severable.
San Buenaventura Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-006, enacted May 23, 2022. (Supp. No. 54)
Division 6 Business Regulations
Chapter 6.211 Security Measures for Ammunition Retailers
Section 6.211.010. Definitions.
A. Ammunition means any cartridge or encasement containing a bullet or projectile, propellant, or explosive charge, and
a primer that is used in the operation of a firearm.
B. Ammunition vendor means any person, firm, corporation, dealer, or any other business enterprise that is engaged in
the retail sale or transfer of any ammunition; or that prepares for such conduct of business as evidenced by the securing
of applicable federal, state, or local licenses; or that holds itself out as engaged in the business of selling or otherwise
transferring any ammunition.
Section 6.211.020. Ammunition vendor safety standards.
A. Secured facility. Every business engaged in the sale or transfer of ammunition within the City shall meet the
requirements of a "secured facility" pursuant to Section 17110 of the California Penal Code.
B. Vehicle impact protection devices required. In addition to the requirements of Section 6.211.020, vehicle impact
protection devices, as defined and described herein shall be required adjacent to the ammunition vendor's warehouse
doors, glass windows, and/or other doors and entrances, where a motor vehicle can impact and gain unauthorized entry
to the ammunition vendor's business.
Section 6.211.030. Elements of vehicle impact protection devices.
A. Required vehicle impact protection devices shall take the form of bollards, as defined and provided below:
1. Bollards, posts, and guard posts shall comply with all of the following requirements:
(a) Constructed of steel or other material not less than four inches in diameter.
(b) Spaced so that a motor vehicle with a width of four feet may not make physical contact with the ammunition
vendor's warehouse doors, glass windows, and/or other doors and entrances without first striking a bollard, post,
or guard post. The City's Planning Division may approve minor deviations to these spacing requirements to
accommodate site conditions.
(c) Set with the top of the post not less than three feet and not greater than four feet above finished grade.
(d) Located between the vehicle parking spaces or drive aisle and the ammunition vendor's warehouse doors,
glass windows, and/or other doors and entrances.
(e) Such bollards or posts shall be black, grey, safety yellow, bronze, stainless steel, concrete finish or similar
color, as approved by the Planning Division, as applicable.
(f) The color and design of the bollards or posts shall be consistent throughout each shopping center, unless
otherwise approved by the Planning Division.
(g) Bollards or posts shall be properly maintained, including no visible rust or corrosion, and be kept in uniform
alignment. Use of protective or decorative sleeves is permitted.
Section 6.211.040. Conflicts with other laws.
A. In the event the terms of this Chapter or the application to any ammunition vendor would cause a parking lot to not
comply with a provision of federal or state law or another provision of this Code, City staff shall apply this Chapter in a
manner to carry out the provisions of both federal and state law and the other provisions of this Code.
B. When there is an irreconcilable conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and the provisions of federal or state law
or other provisions of this Code, the provisions of federal and state law and the other provisions of this Code shall prevail
over the provisions of this Chapter, but only to the extent necessary to avoid a violation of those other laws or Code
provisions. If the Planning Division determines that the provisions of federal or state law or the other provisions of this
Code prevail over the provisions of this Chapter with respect to the location of an ammunition vendor on a particular lot or
parcel, the Planning Division shall provide the owner of that lot or parcel with such determination in writing within ten
calendar days of the date of his or her determination.
Section 6.211.050. Minor adjustments.
The Planning Division may approve minor modifications to the vehicle impact protection standards contained in this
Chapter to accommodate for the location of above ground or underground utilities or other existing or planned features of
the development, provided the modifications achieve the same protections as intended by this Chapter.
Section 6.211.060. Amortization period.
A business licensed under this Chapter and already operating prior to the implementation of this Chapter shall have the
vehicle impact protection devices installed on or before the end of the 12th month following the effective date of the
ordinance adopting this Chapter.
Section 6.211.070. Permit and processing fees.
The City Council may by Resolution establish the amount of any fees necessary to carry out the purposes of this Chapter.
San Carlos Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 1587, passed August 22, 2022.
Title 18 – Zoning
Article III Regulations Applying to Some or All Districts
Chapter 18.23 Standards for Specific Uses and Activities
Section 18.23.120. Home occupations.
E. Prohibited Home Occupations. The following specific businesses are not permitted as home occupations:
8. Firearms manufacture, sales, or repair;
San Clemente Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1731, enacted July 28, 2022. (Supp. No. 57)
Title 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.36 Commercial Zones and Standards
Section 17.36.020. Commercial use regulations.
A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses. Tables 17.36.020, Commercial Zone Uses, list uses which shall be the
primary uses allowed to occur on a property. All uses except for those provided for in Sections 17.28.210, Outdoor
Display Areas, and 17.28.300, Temporary Uses and Structures, of this title shall be conducted within enclosed structures.
The primary uses identified in Table 17.36.020, Commercial Zone Uses, shall be permitted or conditionally permitted as
P Where the symbol "P" appears, the use shall be permitted.
MC Where the symbol "MC" appears, the use shall be permitted subject to the issuance of a Minor Conditional Use
Permit, in accordance with Section 17.16.070, Minor Conditional Use Permits, of this title.
Where the symbol "C" appears, the use shall be permitted subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit, in
accordance with Section 17.16.060, Conditional Use Permits, of this title.
O Where the symbol "O" appears, the use is subject to an alternative review process described in a subsequent
B. Prohibited Uses. The following uses are prohibited:
1. Uses that are listed in Table 17.36.020 but that are not identified as either permitted , "P" , or conditionally-
permitted , "MC" or "C"; and
2. Uses that are excluded from Table 17.36.020, unless they are found by the City to be similar to permitted or
conditionally-permitted uses.
3. Uses where a blank cell appears in Table 17.36.020.
Table 17.36.020 Commercial Zone Uses
1. Commercial
NC 1.1
NC 1.2
NC 1.3
NC 2
NC 3
CC 1
CC 2
CC 3
CC 4
Gunsmith/Gun Shops
Chapter 17.40 Mixed-Use Zones and Standards
Section 17.40.030. Mixed-use regulations.
A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses.
1. General Requirements. The uses identified in Table 17.40.030, Mixed-Use Zone Uses, shall be the primary uses
allowed to occur on a property. All uses except for those provided for in Sections 17.28.210, Outdoor Display Areas
and 17.28.300, Temporary Uses and Structures, of this title shall be conducted within enclosed structures. The
primary uses identified in Table 17.40.030 shall be permitted or conditionally permitted, as indicated.
P Where the symbol "P" appears, the use shall be permitted.
MC Where the symbol "MC" appears, the use shall be permitted subject to the issuance of a Minor Conditional Use
Permit, in accordance with Section 17.16.070, Minor Conditional Use Permits.
C Where the symbol "C" appears, the use shall be permitted subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit, in
accordance with Section 17.16.060, Conditional Use Permits, of this title. If the use is located in the -CB Overlay
District, it shall be reviewed for its appropriateness in pedestrian-oriented spaces in accordance with Section
17.56.030, Central Business District Overlay.
O Where the symbol "O" appears, the use is subject to an alternative review process described in a subsequent
B. Prohibited Uses. The following uses are prohibited:
1. Uses that are listed in Table 17.40,030 but that are not identified as either permitted , "P" , or conditionally-
permitted , "MC," "C," or "O"; and
2. Uses that are excluded from Table 17.40.030, unless they are found by the City to be similar to permitted or
conditionally-permitted uses.
3. Uses where a blank cell appears in Table 17.40.030.
Table 17.40.030 Mixed-Use Zone Uses
1. Commercial Uses
MU 1
MU 2
MU 3.0
MU 3.1
MU 3.2
MU 3.3
MU 5
Gunsmith/Gun Shops
San Diego County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 10804 (N.S.), effective September 16, 2022.
Title 2 Licenses, Business Regulations & Business Taxes*
Division 1 Business Regulations*
Chapter 12 Firearms Dealers*
Section 21.1202. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Firearm" means any device defined as a firearm in Penal Code § 16520.
(b) "Firearms dealer" means a person who meets the requirements of Penal Code § 26700 and to whom a license has
been issued pursuant to this chapter.
(c) "Firearms dealer employee" means a person who works for a firearms dealer as an agent, employee or
Section 21.1203 License required.
The licensing authority for firearm dealers in the unincorporated area of the County is the Sheriff. It shall be unlawful for
any person to sell, lease or transfer a firearm in the unincorporated area of the County without a license issued by the
Sheriff pursuant to Penal Code §§ 16130, 16400, 16550, 16810, 17110, 26700-26915 (inclusive). This section shall not
apply to a firearms transaction excluded under Penal Code §§ 16620, 16730 (a) & (c), 16960, 17310, 26500-26588
(inclusive). A person requesting a license under this chapter shall submit an application on a form provided by the
Sheriff. A firearms dealer's license is governed by §§ 21.101- 21.117 and any additional conditions in this chapter.
Section 21.1204. Minimum age for firearms dealer.
The minimum age to be a firearms dealer is 21.
Section 21.1205. Additional grounds for denial of license.
In addition to the grounds for denial of a license under § 21.108 the Sheriff may deny a firearms dealer's license if the
dealer fails to meet any requirement under Penal Code § 16130, 16400, 16550, 16810, 17110, 26700-26915 (inclusive) or
if the Sheriff determines the applicant:
(a) Is disqualified from owning or possessing a firearm under federal, State or County laws or regulations.
(b) Has within 5 years preceding the date of the application been convicted of any offense relating to the manufacture,
sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or any "dangerous weapon" or "deadly weapon," as those terms are
defined under federal law, or the law of any state.
Section 21.1206. Clearance for firearms dealer employee.
(a) No person shall be employed as an employee of a firearms dealer without a written clearance from the Sheriff. An
employee of a firearms dealer is required to renew the written clearance from the Sheriff annually.
(b) A person seeking to be employed by a firearms dealer shall submit fingerprints and complete a form provided by the
Sheriff. A person requesting clearance under this section shall be subject to investigation under § 21.107. The Sheriff
may deny the clearance based upon any of the grounds in §§ 21.108 and 21.1205. The Sheriff shall issue or deny the
clearance in writing within 30 days after a completed request for clearance has been submitted. The Sheriff may suspend
or revoke a person's clearance under this section on any of the grounds for which a license or permit may be suspended
or revoked under § 21.112 or otherwise prohibited by law.
(c) It shall be unlawful for a firearms dealer to employ any person who does not have a current clearance from the Sheriff
to be a firearms dealer employee.
Section 21.1207. No Transactions at unauthorized Locations.
Except as provided in Penal Code §§ 16620, 17310, 26505-26588 (inclusive), a firearms dealer shall only conduct
firearms transactions at the location specified in the license.
Section 21.1208. Transaction records and inspection.
A firearms dealer shall maintain all firearms transaction records required by federal and State law and have them
available for inspection. During business hours, a firearms dealer shall allow any Sheriff's Department employee and any
peace officer to inspect firearms transaction records, firearms, firearm accessories and all places where transaction
records, firearms and firearm accessories are stored.
Section 21.1209. Compliance with requirement for secondhand goods dealers.
A firearms dealer licensed under this chapter who acquires a secondhand or used firearm for resale shall comply with §§
21.701-21.706 and State law requirements for acquisition and sales of secondhand goods.
Chapter 13 Swap Meets*
Section 21.1308. Prohibited transactions and notice.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell firearms, ammunition or explosives at a swap meet. The operator of a swap
meet shall post a notice in letters at least 1/16th of an inch high, in a conspicuous place, near each entrance to the swap
meet stating the following in the English language: "NOTICE. It is illegal to exchange, barter, trade or sell firearms,
ammunition or any explosives at a swap meet."
San Diego Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 10567 N.S., effective November 9, 2018.
Chapter 3 Business Regulations, Business Taxes, Permits & Licenses
Article 3 Police Regulated Business Regulations
Division 42 Regulation of Firearm Dealers
Section 33.4201. Permit Required
(a) It is unlawful for any person to engage in business as a Firearm Dealer without a Firearm Dealer permit issued by the
Chief of Police.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to sell, deliver, or otherwise transfer any firearm in violation of state or federal law or
without the permit required by § 33.4201.
Section 33.4202. Definitions.
For the purpose of this Division, the following words mean:
“Chief of Police” means the Chief of Police or the Chief’s designated representative.
“Firearmmeans any device designed to be used as a weapon, from which a projectile is expelled through a barrel by
the force of any explosion or other form of combustion. A “Firearm” includes any device defined as a firearm in California
Penal Code § 12002.
“Firearm Dealer” means any person who obtains a Federal Firearms Dealers License for the business of:
(a) Selling, transferring, or leasing any new or used Firearms at wholesale or retail; or
(b) advertising for sale, transfer, or lease any new or used Firearms at wholesale or retail; or
(c) offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any new or used Firearms at wholesale or retail.
“Personhas the same meaning as that in San Diego Municipal Code section 11.0210.
Section 33.4203. Application for permit
(a) The Chief of Police shall prescribe the application form for a Firearm Dealer permit.
(b) Any person proposing to engage in business as a Firearm Dealer within the City of San Diego shall secure the
applicable federal license and shall have 30 calendar days after receipt of such federal license to apply for a City permit in
compliance with the provisions of this Division.
Section 33.4204. Issuance or denial of permit.
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, upon completion of the background investigation of the applicant, the Chief of
Police or designated representative shall issue the permit unless:
(a) The applicant has knowingly made false or misleading statements of a material fact or omitted a material fact in the
application; or
(b) The operation of the Firearm Dealer business as proposed in the application for the permit will violate any applicable
building, fire, health, or zoning requirement set forth in this Code; or
(c) The applicant is under 21 years of age; or
(d) The applicant has had a similar permit or license previously revoked or denied for good cause within year immediately
preceding the date of the filing of the application; or
(e) The applicant has not been licensed as a Firearm Dealer as required by federal law and the State of California; or
(f) The applicant, within 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing the application has been convicted in a court of
competent jurisdiction of any of the following offenses:
(1) Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another; or
(2) Any offense of theft, embezzlement, or receiving stolen property; or
(3) Any felony offense involving the sale, manufacture, possession, or use of any controlled substance as defined by
the California Health and Safety Code; or
(4) Any offense in another state which, if committed in this state, would have been punishable as one of the offenses
specified above and immediately preceding; or,
(g) The applicant is under indictment for, or has been convicted of, any violation of federal, state or local law relating to
the manufacture, sale, transfer, lease, registration, use, or possession of any firearm or ammunition, or
(h) The applicant fails to remove the authority of any officer, agent or employee to act on behalf of the applicant in the
Firearm Dealer business within 5 working days after applicant receives written notification by certified mail or personal
delivery from the Chief of Police, that:
(1) any officer, employee, or agent of the applicant, is under indictment for, or has been convicted of, any violation of
federal, state or local law relating to the manufacture, sale, transfer, lease, registration, use, or possession of any
firearm or ammunition; or
(2) any officer, employee, or agent of the applicant, is a person in a prohibited class described in § 12021 or §
12021.1 of the California Penal Code or § 8100 or § 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code; or
(i) The applicant is a person in a prohibited class described in § 12021 or § 12021.1 of the California Penal Code or §
8100 or § 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code; or
(j) The applicant has failed to provide evidence of a possessory interest, such as the interest of an owner, tenant, lessee
or sublessee, in the property where the proposed business will be conducted; or
(k) The applicant has failed to obtain a zoning use certificate required by this Code.
Section 33.4205. Permit renewal.
A valid Firearm Dealers permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this Code may be renewed annually only upon the
following terms and conditions:
(a) An application for renewal shall be completed and submitted to the Chief of Police of the City of San Diego 30 days
prior to the expiration of the existing permit, unless extended to a later date by the Chief of Police.; and
(b) If an application for renewal is not filed within the time specified by § 33.4205(a), the permit shall expire 1 year after
the date of its issuance or last renewal.
Section 33.4206. Right of inspection.
Firearm Dealers shall have their places of business open to Police Department inspection during all hours of operations.
Firearm Dealers shall maintain all Firearms records and documents, Firearms and storage places in a manner and place
accessible for inspection by Police Department personnel.
Section 33.4207. Permit not transferable.
A Firearm Dealer permit may be issued only to a specific person to conduct business as a dealer at a specific location and
at gun shows in accordance with California Penal Code § 12071. It is unlawful for any person to transfer a Firearm Dealer
permit to another person or from one location to another without prior written approval of the Chief of Police. Any
attempted transfer shall be ineffective.
Section 33.4208. Permit restricted to one location.
The Firearm Dealer business may be carried on only in the location designated in the permit. Only 1 Firearm Dealer
permit may be issued per location.
Section 33.4209. Display of permit required.
The Firearm Dealer permit or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it
can be easily read.
Section 33.4210. Business and security regulations
(a) All Firearm Dealers and officers, employees or agents of the Firearm Dealers, shall comply with all provisions of
California Penal Code § 12071, which include business regulations and the building specifications for Firearm security.
(b) All sellers of Firearms shall protect such Firearms from theft during business hours in the following manner:
(1) All Firearms shall be in locked cabinets, a secure rack, or a storage area so that access to Firearms is controlled
by the dealer or an employee, to the exclusion of all others.
(2) The Firearm Dealer, agent, or employee shall be present when a prospective buyer or seller is handling any
Section 33.4211. Revocation of permit.
In addition to the grounds enumerated in § 33.0401, the Chief of Police may revoke or suspend a Firearm Dealer’s permit
for cause if the Chief finds any of the following:
(a) The Firearm Dealer, or any officer, employee or agent of the Firearm Dealer, is not operating in full compliance with all
provisions of this Division; or
(b) The Firearm Dealer is convicted of any of the offenses enumerated in § 33.4204; or
(c) The Firearm Dealer fails to remove the authority of any officer, agent, or employee to act on behalf of the Firearm
Dealer within 5 working days after the Firearm Dealer receives written notification by certified mail or personal delivery
from the Chief of Police, that such officer, agent or employee has been convicted of any of the offenses enumerated in §
33.4204; or
(d) Any of the conditions listed on the permit are violated.
Section 33.4212. Provision of trigger locks
(a) It is unlawful for any firearm dealer to sell, give, lend or transfer ownership of any firearm without also providing with
the firearm a trigger locking or similar device approved by the Chief of Police. The trigger locking or similar device shall be
designed to prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm.The trigger locking or similar device shall be attached to the
firearm prior to the completion of the sale, gift, lending or transfer transaction, and the firearm must leave the premises of
the firearms dealer with the trigger locking or similar device attached. If a trigger locking or similar device cannot be
attached because the firearm lacks a trigger guard, a lockable bag or box shall be used in lieu of a trigger locking or
similar device. Nothing in this section shall prevent the firearms dealer from recovering the cost of the trigger locking or
similar device by charging a price for the lock, either separately or as part of the price of the firearm.
(b) It is unlawful for any firearm dealer sell, give, lend or transfer ownership of any firearm, without providing with the
firearm printed material, approved by the Chief of Police, that advises the user of safe firearm storage practices.
(c) In connection with any sale, gift, loan or transfer of a firearm, the firearm dealer shall obtain from the person receiving
the firearm a signed acknowledgment that a trigger locking or similar device required by § 33.4212(a) of this Municipal
Code, and the printed material required by § 33.4212(b), has been provided with the firearm. The acknowledgment shall
be in a form approved by the Chief of Police. The firearm dealer shall retain signed acknowledgments of receipt in the
same manner and to the same extent as required by State law for other firearm transaction records.
(d) A firearm dealer who has fully complied with the provisions of this section relating to trigger locking or similar devices
shall not be presumed to have made any representation to the transferee regarding the safety or appropriateness of the
use of the trigger locking or similar device, nor shall the firearm dealer be liable in any civil action brought against the
firearm dealer, to the extent such liability would be based solely upon the act of furnishing the trigger locking or similar
device to a person in compliance with this section.
(e) The requirements of § 33.4212 shall be in force and effect, and shall apply to all firearms dealers now or hereafter
licensed, 90 days after the date on which the Chief of Police sends written notice to currentlylicensed firearms dealers of
the approved trigger locking or similar devices, printed safety material and form of acknowledgment.
(f) The provisions of this section shall not apply to temporary lending transaction in which the firearm does not leave the
premises of the firearms dealer.
(g) The requirements in §§ 33.4212(a),(b), and (c) shall not apply to firearms that are curios or relics, as defined by
federal law, Title 27 Code of Federal Regulations § 178.
(h) The requirements in §§ 33.4212(a), (b) and (c) shall not apply to firearms dealers when they are involved in private
party transfers conducted pursuant to California Penal Code section 12082.
Chapter 5 Public Safety, Morals & Welfare
Article 3 Firearms, Dangerous Weapons & Explosives & Hazardous Trades
Section 53.31. Assault weapons, nuisance, temporary custody.
(a) The term “assault weapon,” as used in this Section, shall include:
(1) Any semiautomatic action, center fire rifle or carbine which accepts a detachable magazine with a capacity of 20
rounds or more, with a barrel of more than 16 inches, including but not limited to the following firearms or their copies:
AR 15 semiautomatic assault rifles, Uzi semiautomatic assault rifles or carbines, Ingram Mac10 semiautomatic
assault carbines, Ingram Mac11 semiautomatic assault carbines, Heckler and Koch 93 semiautomatic assault rifles,
Heckler and Koch 91 semiautomatic assault rifles, AK–47 semiautomatic assault rifles, AKM47 semiautomatic
assault rifles, all Avtomat Kalashnikov weapons, M1A semiautomatic assault rifles, M14 semiautomatic assault
rifles, Thompson semiautomatic carbines and any other semiautomatic carbines manufactured by Auto Ordnance;
(2) Any shotgun with a barrel of more than 18 inches and a folding stock or magazine capacity of more than 6 rounds;
(3) Any weapon which may be readily restored to an operable assault weapon, as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2
above; and
(4) Any part, or combination of parts, designed or intended to convert a weapon into an assault weapon, as defined
above in paragraphs 1 and 2, or any combination of parts from which an assault weapon may be readily assembled, if
those parts are in the possession or under the control of the same person.
(b) As used in this Section, the term “semiautomatic” means a weapon which fires a single projectile for each single pull of
the trigger and which employs a magazine.
(c) The term “assault weapon” does not include any of the following:
(1) Any of the above generally and specifically described weapons which is a “machine gun” as that term is defined by
§ 12200 of the Penal Code of the State of California; any pistol, revolver or other firearm which is capable of being
concealed upon one’s person, as defined and regulated by the provisions of §§ 12021 and 12025 of the Penal Code
of the State of California;
(2) Any of the following: weapons which do not use fixed ammunition, weapons which were manufactured prior to
1898, manually operated bolt action weapons, lever action weapons, slide action weapons, singleshot weapons.
multiplebarrel weapons, revolving cylinder weapons, semiautomatic weapons which use exclusively Mannlicher
style clips, semiautomatic weapons manufactured prior to 1954, rimfire weapons that employ a tubular magazine;
(3) Any assault weapon which is an antique or relic firearm or other weapon falling within the specifications of
paragraphs (5) (7) and (8) of Subsection (b) of § 12020 of the Penal Code of the State of California;
(4) Any shortbarreled rifle or shotgun as defined in Subsection (c) of Penal Code § 12020; or
(5) Any assault weapon which has been modified either to render it permanently inoperable or to permanently make it
a device no longer defined as an assault weapon.
(d) A sheriff, undersheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, deputy marshal, or police officer, as defined in subdivision (a) of §
830.1, a member of the University of California Police Department, as defined in subdivision (d) of § 830.2, and a member
of a California State University Police Department, as defined in subdivision (e) of § 830.2, during the performance of his
or her duties within the City of San Diego may take temporary custody of any assault weapon in plain sight or discovered
pursuant to a consensual search as necessary for the protection of the peace officer or other persons of the City of San
(e) The provisions of subsection (d) shall not apply to assault weapons in the possession of any person specifically
authorized to possess concealed or loaded firearms within the City limits of San Diego pursuant to the Dangerous
Weapons’ Control Law, California Penal Code § 1200 et seq.
(f) Upon taking custody of an assault weapon, the officer shall give the owner or person who possessed the assault
weapon a receipt. The receipt shall describe the assault weapon and list any identification or serial number on the assault
weapon. The receipt shall indicate where the firearm can be recovered and the date after which the owner or possessor
can recover the assault weapon. No assault weapon shall be held less than 48 hours. If an assault weapon is not retained
for use as evidence related to criminal charges or is not retained because it was illegally possessed, the assault weapon
shall be made available to the owner or person who was in lawful possession 48 hours after the seizure or as soon
thereafter as possible, but no later than 72 hours after the seizure.
(g) Any assault weapon which has been taken into custody which has been stolen shall be restored to the lawful owner,
as soon as its use for evidence has been served, upon his or her identification of the firearm and proof of ownership.
(h) Any assault weapon taken into custody and held by a police, university police, or sheriff’s department or by a
marshal’s office, for longer than 12 months and not recovered by the owner or person who has lawful possession at the
time it was taken into custody, shall be considered a nuisance and sold or destroyed as provided in subdivision (c) of §
San Dimas Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 1292 and the January 2022 code supplement.
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
VIII Weapons
Chapter 9.52 Minors and Weapons
Section 9.52.010. Weapons Sale, gift prohibited.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and Chapters 9.48 and 9.56, no person shall sell, give, lend or in any way
furnish, or cause or permit to be sold, given, lent or in any way furnished, to any person under the age of eighteen years,
any gun, revolver, pistol, firearm, spring gun, air gun, sling, slingshot or device designed or intended to discharge or
capable of discharging any dangerous missile.
Section 9.52.020. Ammunition Sale, gift prohibited.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and Chapter 9.48 and 9.56, no person shall sell, give, lend or in any way
furnish, or cause or permit to be sold, given, lent or in any way furnished, to any person under the age of eighteen years,
any cartridge, shell, ammunition or device containing any explosive substance, designed or intended to be used in or fired
from any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm.
Section 9.52.030. Weapons Use, custody prohibited.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and Chapters 9.48 and 9.56, no person under the age of eighteen years shall
fire, discharge, shoot or operate, or assist or participate in the firing, discharging, shooting or operating, or have in his
possession, care, custody or control, any gun, revolver, pistol, firearm, spring gun, air gun, sling, slingshot or device
designed or intended to discharge or capable of discharging any dangerous missile or any cartridge, shell, ammunition or
device containing any explosive substance, designed or intended to be used in or fired from any gun, revolver, pistol or
Section 9.52.040. Exemptions.
Nothing in this chapter or Chapters 9.48 or 9.56 shall be deemed or construed to prohibit the selling, giving, lending or
furnishing to any person under the age of eighteen years, upon the written consent of the parent or guardian of such
person, any article mentioned in Sections 9.52.010 and 9.52.020; nor to prohibit any such person under the age of
eighteen years from having in his possession, care, custody or control any article mentioned in Section 9.52.030, in the
event that such possession, care, custody or control of such article is had with the consent of the parent or guardian of
such person and is under the direct supervision and control of some adult person; nor to prohibit any such person under
the age of eighteen years from firing, discharging, shooting or operating any article mentioned in Section 9.52.030 when
such person is accompanied by, and under the direct care and control of some adult person and is engaged in hunting
any wild game or predatory bird or animal which may be lawfully hunted and killed in the city, or is lawfully engaged in
shooting at any inanimate target or trapshooting device while accompanied by, and under the direct care and control of
some such adult person.
San Fernando Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1705, adopted February 7, 2022. (Supplement Number 36)
Chapter 50 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions
Article VI Weapons
Section 50-257. Sale to minors.
(a) No person shall sell, exchange, give or loan to any person under 18 years of age any slingshot; any snap-blade or
spring-blade knife; any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm of any description; any spring gun or airgun or other device
designed or intended to discharge any pellets, BB shot or other deadly or dangerous missile; or any ammunition,
cartridge, shell or other device, whether containing any explosive substance or not, designed or intended for use in any
weapons enumerated in this subsection.
(b) This section shall not be construed to prohibit any person from selling, exchanging, giving or loaning to any such minor
any of the weapons described in subsection 50-256(a) or the ammunition or projectile therefor, where such person
receives and keeps on file written permission to do so from one of the parents or legal guardian of such minor on the form
and in the manner prescribed in this subsection for the purpose of enabling the minor to engage in shooting or discharging
weapons as provided in subsection 50-256(a) or for the purpose of engaging in legitimate sport or recreation outside the
city. The written permission referred to in this subsection shall be on a form prescribed by the chief of police, and the form
shall be filled in and executed by one of the parents or the legal guardian of such minor and such minor at the police
department in the presence of a police officer.
Section 50-258. Possession by minors.
(a) No person under 18 years of age shall have in his possession, care, custody or control any article or thing mentioned
in section 50-257.
(b) This section shall not be construed to apply to a minor under the age of 18 years where such minor has in his
possession the written permission therefor from one of such minor's parents or such minor's legal guardian on the form
prescribed in section 50-257 when engaged in shooting or discharging weapons as provided in subsection 50-256(a) or
when traveling to and from any of the places mentioned in subsections 50-256(c)(1), (2) and (3) or when engaged in
legitimate sport or recreation outside the city.
Section 50-259. Sale of firearm ammunition.
(a) For the purpose of this section, the term "firearm ammunition" shall include any ammunition for use in pistols,
revolvers, rifles, shotguns, automatic weapons, or any other device designed to be used as a weapon from which a
projectile is expelled by the force of an explosion or some other form of combustion.
(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d) of this section, no person, including retail gun dealers, shall sell, give,
lend or transfer ownership or offer for sale any firearm ammunition during the seven calendar days preceding and
including July 4 and January 1 of each calendar year.
(c) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the sale or transfer of ownership of firearm ammunition by a wholesale gun dealer
to another wholesale gun dealer or to a retail gun dealer or of ammunition requested which meets the parameters of
Penal Code § 12324 relating to disarmed ammunition.
(d) Nothing in this section shall prohibit sale to, purchase by or acquisition of firearm ammunition to any person exempted
from such restrictions by state law as such persons are described in Penal Code § 12302 or 12322.
(e) This section shall have no application to the prohibitions on the sale of firearm ammunition established by Penal Code
§ 12301 et seq. and 12320 et seq. or any other prohibitions established by the state statutes.
(f) Any person found in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor offense.
Section 50-260. Security requirements for firearms dealers.
(a) As used in this section, the term "licensee" has the same meaning as used in Penal Code § 12071(a)(1), as
(b) Any time the licensee is not open for business, the licensee shall store all firearms kept in the licensed place of
business using one of the following methods as to each particular firearm:
(1) Store the firearm in a secure facility that is a part of or that constitutes the licensee's business premises.
(2) Secure the firearm with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-eighth inch in diameter through the trigger
guard of the firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock
and shackle shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter, and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a
manner that prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises.
(3) Store the firearm in a locked fireproof safe or vault in the licensee's business premises.
(c) The chief of police or the chief's designee shall have the authority to enter, at any time of the day or night with 24-hour
notification, any licensed place of business, on an annual basis or as otherwise determined to be necessary by the chief
of police, to inspect the licensee's premises for compliance with the requirements set forth in this section and for
compliance with all other federal and state licensing requirements.
Chapter 66 Secondhand Goods
Article IV Swap Meets
Section 66-142. Prohibited sales, trades, exchanges or bartering.
No person at any swap meet, whether he is the operator or an exhibitor or any other person or entity, shall sell, exchange,
display, offer for sale or exchange or barter at any swap meet any of the following items of personal property:
(2) Any handgun, rifle, shotgun or other type of firearm by whatever name, or any deadly weapon.
San Francisco Police Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 178-22, File No. 220678, approved August 4, 2022, effective September 4, 2022.
Article 9 Miscellaneous Conduct Regulations
Section 613. Regulating sale of firearms.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or dealer engaging in the business of selling, leasing or otherwise
transferring any firearm, firearms ammunition, or firearms ammunition component to sell, lease or otherwise transfer any
firearm, firearms ammunition or firearms ammunition component without first having obtained a license from the San
Francisco Police Department. The Department shall make available application forms requiring applicants to provide the
information set forth in § 613.2, and shall collect a nonrefundable application fee from each applicant.
The Chief of Police shall recommend to the Board of Supervisors, on or before April 1, 1994, a fee which shall be
sufficient to recover all costs associated with regulating the sale of firearms under this Article, including but not limited to,
processing applications, monitoring licensees, and enforcing the provisions of this Article. The fee shall be set by the
Board of Supervisors.
Section 613.1. Definitions.
(a)"Firearm" shall mean any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon that expels a
projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
(b) "Firearm ammunition" shall mean any cartridge or encasement containing a bullet or projectile, propellent or
explosive charge, and a primer which is used in the operation of a firearm.
(c) "Firearm ammunition component" shall mean any cartridge or encasement, bullet or projectile, primer or propellent
or explosive material used in the manufacture of ammunition.
(d) "Firearm capable of being concealed upon the person" shall mean any such firearm as defined in California Penal
Code § 12001(a).
(e) "Transfer" shall include, but shall not be limited to, the redemption of a pawned or pledged firearm by any individual
including the individual who pawned or pledged the firearm.
(f) "Ultracompact firearm" shall mean any pistol, revolver, handgun or other firearm that is 6.75 inches or less in length
or 4.5 inches or less in height, measured with the magazine detached, but shall not include any such firearm that is an
unsafe handgun defined by § 12126 of the California Penal Code.
Section 613.2. Application form and background check requirements.
(a) The application for a license to engage in the business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring any firearm,
firearms ammunition, or firearms ammunition component shall be signed under penalty of perjury and shall set forth:
(1) The name, age and address of the applicant, as well as the name, age and address of all persons who will have
access to or control of workplace firearms, firearm ammunition, or firearm ammunition components, including but not
limited to, the applicant's employees, agents and or supervisors, if any;
(2) The address of the location for which the license is required, together with the business name of such location, if
(3) All convictions of the applicant for any of the offenses listed in § 613.3(e);
(4) All information relating to licenses or permits relating to firearms or other weapons sought by the applicant from
other jurisdictions, including, but not limited to date of application and whether each such application resulted in
issuance of a license;
(5) All information relating to revocations of licenses or permits relating to firearms, including but not limited to date
and circumstances of revocation;
(6) Applicant's agreement to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, from
and against any and all claims, losses, costs, damages and liabilities of any kind, arising in any manner out of the
applicant's negligence or intentional or wilful misconduct;
(7) Applicant's understanding that the City shall have the right to enter the building designated in the license from time
to time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections and to investigate and enforce compliance with
building, mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, provisions of this Article, and all other applicable
federal, state, and local laws.
(b) Each application must be accompanied by evidence that the applicant has satisfied the insurance requirements stated
in § 613.13 of this Article.
(c) All persons listed on the application form as having access to, or control of, workplace firearms, firearm ammunition, or
firearm ammunition components shall obtain a certificate of eligibility under Penal Code § 12071 from the state
Department of Justice. A copy of the certificate of eligibility for each such person shall be submitted with the application.
(d) The Chief of Police shall conduct a criminal history background check on the applicant and on all other persons listed
on the application form as having access to, or control of, workplace firearms, firearm ammunition, or firearm ammunition
components, including but not limited to, the applicant's employees, agents and/or supervisors, if any, and shall determine
whether such persons have been convicted of any offenses described in subsection (e) of § 613.3, or are among the
persons described in subsections (f) or (g) of § 613.3. Where the Chief of Police determines that 1 or more of the
applicants, employees, agents or supervisors have been convicted of an offense described in subsection (e) of § 613.3, or
are among the persons described in subsections (f) or (g) of § 613.3, the applicant shall have 21 days from the mailing of
written notification from the Chief of Police to provide evidence in a form acceptable to the Chief of Police that such
persons have been removed or reassigned so that they no longer have access to or control of workplace firearms, firearm
ammunition, or firearm ammunition components. In the event that an applicant fails to comply with this subsection, the
Chief of Police shall deny the license.
(e) As used in this Section, the term "applicant" when the applicant is other than a natural person shall include any
officer, director, employee or agent of the applicant who has access to, or control of, workplace firearms, firearm
ammunition, or firearm ammunition components.
Section 613.3. Denial of license.
The Chief of Police shall deny the issuance or renewal of a license when any of the following conditions exist:
(a) The applicant is under the age of 21 years.
(b) The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal, State and local laws.
(c) The applicant has had a firearms license previously revoked or denied for good cause within the immediately
preceding 2 years.
(d) The applicant has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact, or omission of a material fact, in the
application for a license. If a license is denied on this ground, the applicant shall be prohibited from reapplying for a
license for a period of 2 years.
(e) The applicant has been convicted of:
(1) Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant from owning or possessing a firearm under applicable federal, State,
and local laws, including but not limited to the offenses listed in California Penal Code § 12021;
(2) Any offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use, or registration of any firearm or dangerous or
deadly weapon;
(3) Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another;
(4) Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit, including but not limited to any of the offenses listed in
Title 7 (Crimes Against Public Justice) and title 13, Chapters 4 (Forgery and Counterfeiting), 5 (Larceny), 6
(Embezzlement), 7 (Extortion), 8 (False Personation), 13 and 14 (Fraud) of the California Penal Code;
(5) Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined by the
California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read.
(f) The applicant is within the classes of persons defined in California Welfare and Institutions Code §§ 8100 or 8103.
(g) The applicant is (1) currently, or has been within the past 2 years, an unlawful user of any controlled substance as
defined by the California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read; or
(2) an excessive user of alcohol, to the extent that such use would impair his or her fitness to be a dealer in firearms.
(h) The operation of the business as proposed would not comply with all applicable federal, State, and local laws.
(i) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof, proposes to operate in the following locations:
(1) Within any RH, RM, RC, NC or RED zoning district, or within 1,000 feet of the exterior limits of any such district;
(2) Within 1,000 feet of a public or private day care center or day care home, or within 1,000 feet of any elementary,
junior high or high school whether public or private;
(3) On or within 1,500 feet of the exterior limits of any other premises used as a place of business by a dealer in
(4) Within 1,000 feet of a community center, church, neighborhood center, recreational center, whether public or
private, where regularly scheduled activities are conducted for people under 18 years of age.
(j) The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof does not have, and/or cannot provide evidence of a possessory
interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted.
(k) Any other ground for denial exists under any applicable provision of federal, State or local law.
(l) The applicant fails to comply with the requirements of subsections (c) or (d) of § 613.2.
As used in this Section, the term "applicant" when the applicant is other than a natural person shall include any officer,
director, employee or agent of the applicant who has access to, or control of, workplace firearms, firearm ammunition, or
firearm ammunition components.
Section 613.4. Referral of application to other departments.
Upon receiving an application that is not rejected for one of the reasons stated in § 613.3, the Police Department shall
refer the application to the Bureau of Building Inspection, the Fire Department, and the City Planning Department, which
departments shall inspect the premises to be used for the sale of concealable firearms and shall report to the Police
Department concerning compliance with the codes they administer, and compliance with this Article.
Section 613.5. Public hearing before issuance of license.
When an application is filed for a license under this Article, and the application is not denied for one of the reasons stated
in § 613.3, the Police Department shall fix a time and place for a public hearing regarding the application. Not less than 10
days before the date of such hearing, the Police Department shall cause to be posted a notice of such hearing in a
conspicuous place on the property in which the proposed business is to be operated and the applicant shall maintain said
notice as posted until the day following the hearing.
Section 613.6. Form of license.
All licenses issued pursuant to this Article shall be in the form prescribed by the Attorney General of the State of
Section 613.7. Duration and renewal of licenses.
All licenses issued pursuant to this Article shall expire 1 year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that such
licenses may be renewed by the Chief of Police for additional periods of 1 year upon the approval of an application for
renewal by the Chief of Police and payment of the renewal fee. Such renewal application shall set forth the information
listed in § 613.2 and must be received by the Chief of Police, in completed form, no later than 45 days prior to the
expiration of the current license.
Section 613.8. Nonassignability of license.
The assignment or attempt to assign any license issued pursuant to this Article is unlawful and any such assignment or
attempt to assign a license shall render the license null and void.
Section 613.9. Security.
In order to discourage the theft of firearms stored on the premises of a firearms dealer, each business licensed under this
Article must adhere to security measures as required by the Chief of Police. Security measures shall include but not be
limited to:
(a) Provision of secure locks, windows and doors, adequate lighting, and alarms as specified by the Chief of Police;
(b) Storage of all firearms on the premises out of the reach of customers in secure, locked facilities, so that access to
firearms shall be controlled by the dealer or employees of the dealer, to the exclusion of all others.
Section 613.9.5. Findings.
1. "Enhanced-lethality ammunition" means the ammunition that licensees may not sell, lease or otherwise transfer
under Police Code Sec. 613.10(g).
Section 613.10. License, conditions.
In addition to all other requirements and conditions stated in Sections 613-619, each license shall be subject to all of the
following conditions, the breach of any of which shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the license by the Chief of
(a) The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the license, except as
otherwise authorized under § 12071(b)(1) of the California Penal Code.
(b) The licensee shall comply with §§ 12073, 12074, 12076, 12077 and 12082 of the California Penal Code, to the extent
that the provisions remain in effect.
(c) The licensee shall not deliver any pistol or revolver to a purchaser earlier than 10 days after the application for the
purchase, lease or transfer, unless otherwise provided by State or federal law.
(d) The licensee shall not deliver any firearm to a purchaser, lessee or other transferee unless the firearm is unloaded and
securely wrapped or unloaded in a locked container.
(e) The licensee shall not deliver any firearm, firearm ammunition, or firearm ammunition component to a purchaser,
lessee or other transferee unless the purchaser, lessee or other transferee presents clear evidence of his or her identity
and age to the seller. As used in this Section, "clear evidence of his or her identity and age" includes, but is not limited to,
a motor vehicle operator's license, a State identification card, an armed forces identification card, an employment
identification card which contains the bearer's signature and photograph, or any similar documentation which provides the
seller reasonable assurance of the identity and age of the purchaser.
(f) The licensee shall not display in any part of the premises where it can be readily seen from outside the premises, any
firearm, firearm ammunition or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, other than a sign
identifying the name of the business.
(g) The licensee shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer to any person any ammunition that:
(1) Serves no sporting purpose;
(2) Is designed to expand upon impact and utilize the jacket, shot or materials embedded within the jacket or shot to
project or disperse barbs or other objects that are intended to increase the damage to a human body or other target
(including, but not limited to, Winchester Black Talon, Speer Gold Dot, Federal Hydra-Shok, Hornady XTP, Eldorado
Starfire, Hollow Point Ammunition and Remington Golden Sabre ammunition; or
(3) Is designed to fragment upon impact (including, but not limited to, Black Rhino bullets and Glaser Safety Slugs).
This subsection does not apply to conventional hollow-point ammunition with a solid lead core when the purchase is made
for official law enforcement purposes and the purchaser is authorized to make such a purchase by the director of a public
law enforcement agency such as the Chief of the San Francisco Police Department or the Sheriff of the City and County
of San Francisco.
(h) The licensee shall post within the licensee's premises a notice stating the following:
The posted notice shall be in a conspicuous location, shall be in 36 point type block letters in black ink on a white
background, and shall be located so that the notice can easily and clearly be seen by all prospective purchasers of
firearms and firearm ammunition.
(i) The licensee shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer any ultracompact firearm except as authorized by § 613.10-2 or
any 50 caliber firearm or 50 caliber cartridge except as authorized by § 613.10-1.
(j) Any license issued pursuant to this Article shall be subject to such additional conditions as the Chief of Police finds are
reasonably related to the purpose of this Article.
(k) The licensee shall comply with the requirements of § 613.10-3 and shall, in addition, post the appropriate notice or
notices, as specified below, in a conspicuous location at the entrance of the licensee's premises (or at the entrance to the
separate room or, enclosure pursuant to § 613.10-3(c)). Such notice shall be in 36 point type block letters in black ink on a
white background.
(1) Licensees that sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms, other than firearms capable of being concealed on the
person, shall post a notice at the entrance to the premises (or at the entrance to the separate room or enclosure
pursuant to § 613.10-3(c)) stating the following:
(2) Licensees that sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms capable of being concealed on the person shall post a
notice at the entrance to the premises (or at the entrance to the separate room or enclosure containing such firearms
pursuant to § 613.10-3(c)) stating the following:
(3) Licensees that sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms capable of being concealed on the person, but who keep
such firearms in a separate room or enclosure in accordance with § 613.10-3(c) shall post the notice required by
paragraph (1) at the entrance to the premises or separate room or enclosure containing firearms that are not capable
of being concealed on the person, and shall post the notice required by paragraph (2) at the entrance to the separate
room or enclosure containing firearms capable of being concealed on the person.
(l) The licensee shall notify the Chief of Police of the name, age and address of, and submit a certificate of eligibility under
Penal Code § 12071 from the State Department of Justice for, any person not listed on the licensee's application under §
613.2(a)(1) who will be given access to, or control of, workplace firearms, firearm ammunition, or firearm ammunition
components. The licensee shall submit the required information and certificate within 10 days of such person being
employed or otherwise being given access to, or control over workplace firearms, firearm ammunition, or firearm
ammunition components.
(m) Within the first 5 business days of April and October of each year, licensees shall cause a physical inventory to be
taken that includes a listing of each firearm held by the licensee by make, model, and serial number, together with a listing
of each firearm the licensee has sold since the last inventory period. In addition, the inventory shall include a listing of
each firearm lost or stolen that is required to be reported pursuant to Penal Code § 12071(b)(13). Licensees shall
maintain a copy of the inventory on the premises for which the license was issued. Immediately upon completion of the
inventory, licensees shall forward a copy of the inventory to the address specified by the Chief of Police, by such means
as specified by the Chief of Police. With each copy of the inventory, licensees shall include an affidavit signed by the
licensee (or, if the licensee is not a natural person, by an officer, general manager, or other principal of the licensee)
stating under penalty of perjury that within the first 5 business days of that April or October, as the case may be, the
signer personally confirmed the presence of the firearms reported on the inventory.
(n) At or prior to the time of delivering a firearm, licensees shall provide the person buying, leasing, or receiving the loan
of the firearm with a copy of a notice, to be prepared by the Chief of Police, advising the reader of local firearms laws,
including safe gun storage requirements and the requirement to report a lost or stolen firearm. The notice may also
include summary information on relevant State firearms laws, including the requirement that the sale, loan or other
transfer of a firearm to a non-licensed person be completed through a licensed firearms dealer.
(o) Licensee shall ensure that its business location is monitored by a video surveillance system that meets the following
(1) The system shall include cameras, monitors, digital video recorders, and cabling, if necessary to meet any of the
other requirements listed below.
(2) The number and location of the cameras are subject to the approval of the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
The cameras shall be sufficient in number and location to monitor all places where firearms or ammunition are stored,
handled, sold, transferred, or carried, including, but not limited to, counters, safes, vaults, cabinets, shelves, cases,
and entryways. The video surveillance system shall operate continuously, without interruption, whenever the licensee
is open for business. Whenever the licensee is not open for business, the system shall be triggered by a motion
detector and begin recording immediately upon detection of any motion within the monitored area.
(3) The sale or transfer of a firearm or ammunition shall be recorded by the video surveillance system in such a way
that the facial features of the purchaser or transferee are clearly visible.
(4) When recording, the video surveillance system shall record continuously and store color images of the monitored
area at a frequency of not less than 15 frames per second. The system shall produce retrievable and identifiable
images and video recordings on media approved by the Chief of Police or his or her designee that can be enlarged
through projection or other means, and can be made a permanent record for use in a criminal investigation. The
system shall be capable of delineating on playback the activity and physical features of persons or areas where guns
and ammunition are stored and handled within the premises.
(5) The stored images shall be maintained on the business premises of the licensee tor a period not less than 1 year
from the date of recordation and shall be made available to federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies upon
service of a search warrant. Law enforcement agencies may only use images thus obtained tor legitimate law
enforcement purposes.
(6) The video surveillance system shall be maintained in proper working order at all times. If the system becomes
inoperable, it must be repaired or replaced within 15 calendar days. The licensee shall inspect the system at least
weekly to ensure that it is operational and images are being recorded and retained as required. The licensee shall
notify the Chief of Police or his or her designee that the system has become inoperable as soon as practicable after
discovering inoperability. The licensee shall allow the Chief of Police or his or her designee to inspect the system to
ensure operability.
(7) The licensee shall post a sign in a conspicuous place at each entrance to the premises that states in block letters
Section 613.10-1. Sale or transfer of 50 caliber firearms and cartridges restricted.
(c) Definitions.
(1) As used in this section, the term "50 caliber firearm" shall mean any firearm, as defined in § 613.1 of this Article,
capable of firing a center-fire 50 caliber cartridge.
(2) As used in this section, the term "50 caliber cartridge" shall mean a firearm ammunition cartridge in 50 caliber,
either by designation or actual measurement, or any metric equivalent, including but not limited to a .50 BMG
cartridge, that is capable of being fired from a centerfire rifle or a handgun. The term "50 caliber cartridge" does not
include any memorabilia or display item that is filled with a permanent inert substance or that is otherwise
permanently altered in a manner that prevents ready modification for use as live ammunition.
(3) As used in this section, the term "rifle" shall mean any firearm that is designed or redesigned, made or remade,
and intended to be fired from the shoulder, and which is designed or redesigned, made or remade to use the energy
in a fixed cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger. The term "rifle"
shall not include any shotgun.
(4) As used in this section, the term "handgun" shall mean any firearm with a barrel less than 16 inches in length. The
term "handgun" shall include any pistol, revolver, or concealable firearm as such terms are defined in the California
Penal Code.
(d) Sale or Transfer of 50 Caliber Firearms and Cartridges Restricted. No person shall sell, give, transfer, offer for sale or
display for sale any 50 caliber firearm or 50 caliber cartridge except as authorized by paragraph (e) of this Section.
(e) Exceptions.
(1) The provisions of Subsection (d) of this Section shall not apply to:
(A) the sale or other transfer of a 50 caliber firearm or 50 caliber cartridge which is prohibited under state law,
including, but not limited to, the sale or transfer of any assault weapon as defined in the California Penal Code;
(B) the sale or other transfer of a 50 caliber firearm which is an antique firearm, as defined in paragraph (16) of
subsection (a) of § 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code;
(C) the delivery of a 50 caliber firearm to a licensed gunsmith, as defined in California Penal Code § 12001(r), or
to a person licensed pursuant to California Penal Code § 12071, for purposes of service or repair, or to the return
of the firearm to its owner by the gunsmith or the licensee following the completion of service or repairs;
(D) the return of a 50 caliber firearm to its owner by a person licensed pursuant to this Article where the firearm
was initially delivered to the licensee for the purpose of a consignment sale or as collateral for a pawnbroker loan;
(E) the offer for sale or display in any periodical, solicitation by mail or use of the internet of a 50 caliber firearm or
50 caliber cartridge by any person or entity where the seller or offer or is located outside of the City and County of
San Francisco.
(F) the loan of an unloaded 50 caliber firearm to a person for use solely as a prop in a motion picture, television,
video, theatrical or other entertainment production or event, provided that such person is in compliance with §
12081 of the California Penal Code.
(2) The provisions of Subsection (d) of this Section shall not apply to the sale or other transfer of a 50 caliber firearm
or 50 caliber cartridge where the purchaser or transferee is any of the following:
(A) A law enforcement agency;
(B) An agency duly authorized to perform law enforcement duties;
(C) A state or local correctional facility;
(D) A federal law enforcement officer, provided such law enforcement officer is authorized to acquire a 50 caliber
firearm and/or 50 caliber cartridges and does so while acting within the course and scope of his or her
(E) A person described in §§ 12302 or 12322(a) of the California Penal Code; provided such person is authorized
to acquire a 50 caliber firearm and/or 50 caliber cartridges and does so while acting within the course and scope
of his or her employment;
(F) A person who is properly identified as a full-time paid peace officer as defined in §§ 830.1, 830.2, 830.4, or
830.5 of the California Penal Code, provided such peace officer is authorized to acquire a 50 caliber firearm
and/or 50 caliber cartridge and does so while acting within the course and scope of his or her employment;
(G) A firearms dealer who has been issued a Federal Firearms License, and who is in compliance with the
requirements of § 12071 of the California Penal Code,
(H) A person or entity conducting a transaction described in subdivision (k) of § 12078 of the California Penal
(I) A person acquiring a 50 caliber firearm or 50 caliber cartridge by bequest or intestate succession, or otherwise
by operation of law, provided that such firearms or cartridges are transferred to a law enforcement agency or to a
person licensed pursuant to California Penal Code § 12071 within 12 months from the date that the person
obtains title;
(J) A non-profit entity that is authorized to destroy firearms, and which has agreed to destroy the firearm being
(K) A federal, state, or local historical society, museum, or institutional collection that is open to the public;
provided that the 50 caliber firearm is used for display purposes, is unloaded, and is secured from unauthorized
(f) Penalties.
(1) Violation of this Section shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. In addition, in the case of a violation of this section
by a firearms dealer licensed under this Article, each violation of this Section shall constitute grounds for suspension
or revocation of the licensee's firearms dealer license.
(2) Each transaction in violation of this Section shall be deemed a distinct and separate violation.
(g) Sunset Provision. If the State of California enacts legislation prohibiting or restricting the sale or transfer of 50 caliber
rifles, 50 caliber handguns, or 50 caliber cartridges covered by this section, the requirements of this Section shall be
suspended as of the date such legislation goes into effect with respect to any requirements of this Section that apply to
the firearms or cartridges prohibited or restricted by state law. If the State of California subsequently repeals any such
legislation, the suspension shall expire by operation of law and the previously suspended provisions shall become
Section 613.10-2. Sale of ultracompact firearms restricted.
(c) Sale of Ultracompact Firearms Restricted. No person licensed pursuant to this Article shall sell, lease or otherwise
transfer any ultracompact firearm except as authorized by paragraph (d) of this Section. Nothing in this section shall
preclude any person licensed pursuant to this Article from processing firearms transactions between unlicensed parties
pursuant to subdivision (d) of § 12072 of the Penal Code of the State of California.
(d) Exceptions. The requirements of this Section shall not apply to the sale, lease or other transfer of an ultracompact
firearm in the following circumstances:
(1) To any law enforcement agency;
(2) To any agency duly authorized to perform law enforcement duties;
(3) To any state or local correctional facility;
(4) To a federal law enforcement officer, provided such law enforcement officer is authorized to acquire an
ultracompact firearm and does so while acting within the course and scope of his or her employment;
(5) To a private security company licensed to do business in the State of California;
(6) To a person described in §§ 12302 or 12322(a) of the California Penal Code, provided such person is authorized
to acquire an ultracompact firearm and does so while acting within the course and scope of his or her employment;
(7) To any person who is properly identified as a full-time paid peace officer, as defined in §§ 830.1, 830.2, 830.4, or
830.5 of the California Penal Code, provided such peace officer is authorized to acquire an ultracompact firearm and
does so while acting within the course and scope of his or her employment.
(8) To the sale, lease or other transfer of any antique firearm, as defined in paragraph (16) of subsection (a) of § 921
of Title 18 of the United States Code.
(9) To the loan of an ultracompact firearm to a person for use solely as a prop in a motion picture, television, or video,
theatrical or other entertainment production or event, provided that such person is in compliance with § 12081 of the
California Penal Code;
(10) To any person or entity conducting a transaction that is exempt from the provisions of subdivision (d) of § 12072
of the California Penal Code;
(11) To any person or entity conducting a transaction described in subdivision (k) of § 12078 of the California Penal
(12) To a firearms dealer who has been issued a Federal Firearms License, and who is in compliance with the
requirements of § 12071 of the California Penal Code;
(13) To any person or entity acquiring an ultracompact firearm by bequest, intestate succession or otherwise by
operation of law;
(14) To a non-profit entity that is authorized to destroy firearms, and which has agreed to destroy the firearm being
(15) To a federal, state, or local historical society, museum, or institutional collection that is open to the public,
provided that the ultracompact firearm is used for display purposes, is unloaded, and is secured from unauthorized
(16) To the delivery of an ultracompact firearm to a licensed gunsmith, as defined in California Penal Code § 12001(r),
or to a person licensed pursuant to California Penal Code § 12071, for purposes of service or repair, or to the return of
the firearm to its owner by the gunsmith or by licensee following the completion of service or repairs;
(17) To the return of an ultracompact firearm to its owner by a person licensed pursuant to this Article where the
firearm was initially delivered to the licensee for the purpose of a consignment sale or as collateral for a pawnbroker
(e) Penalties.
(1) Violation of this section shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. In addition, each violation of this Section shall
constitute grounds for suspension or revocation of the licensee's firearms dealer license under this Article.
(2) Each transaction in violation of this Section shall be deemed a distinct and separate violation.
Section 613.10-3. Persons prohibited from purchasing firearms not permitted on licensees’ premises.
(a) No person who is prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms pursuant to California Penal Code §§ 12021 or
12021.1 or Subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d) of California Welfare and Institutions Code § 8103 shall enter into any place of
business that is licensed pursuant to this Article to engage in the business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring
firearms and which displays the notices required by § 613.10(k), except in accordance with paragraph (c) of this Section.
(1) No person licensed pursuant to this Article to sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms shall permit the entry onto
the premises that are the subject of the license by any person who the licensee knows or has reason to know is
prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms pursuant to California Penal Code §§ 12021 or 12021.1, or
Subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d), of California Welfare and Institutions Code § 8103, except in accordance with
paragraph (c) of this Section.
(2) No person licensed pursuant to this Article to sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms shall permit the entry onto
the premises that are the subject of the license by any person under 18 years of age except in accordance with
paragraph (c) of this section. No person licensed pursuant to this Article to sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms
and who keeps or displays for sale, lease or other transfer firearms capable of being concealed on the person shall
permit the entry onto the premises that are the subject of the license by any person under 21 years of age, except in
accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
(3) The licensee and any of his or her agents, employees or other persons acting under the licensee's authority shall
be responsible for requiring clear evidence of age and identity of persons to prevent the entry of persons not permitted
to purchase a firearm under state law by reason of age. Clear evidence of age and identity includes, but is not limited
to, a motor vehicle operator's license, a State identification card, an armed forces identification card, or an
employment identification card which contains the bearer's signature, photograph, and age, or any similar
documentation which provides reasonable assurance of the identity and age of the individual.
(c) Exceptions.
(1) It shall not be a violation of this section for any person who is otherwise prohibited pursuant to subsection (a) from
entering or being present on the premises to enter or be present on the premises if the firearms and related
accessories (including, but not limited to, ammunition, ammunition clips and holsters) are kept or displayed within a
separate room or enclosure that separates such firearms and related accessories from other merchandise, and such
persons are excluded from the separate room or enclosure.
(2) It shall not be a violation of this section for any person who the licensee is otherwise required to keep from
entering or being present on the premises pursuant to subsection (b) to enter or be present on the premises if the
firearms and related accessories (including, but not limited to ammunition, ammunition clips and holsters) are kept or
displayed within a separate room or enclosure that separates such firearms and related accessories from other
merchandise, and such persons are excluded from the separate room or enclosure. Where a licensee keeps or
displays weapons capable of being concealed on the person in a separate roam or enclosure that separates such
firearms and related accessories, (including, but not limited to, ammunition, ammunition clips and holsters) from other
merchandise (including other firearms), it shall not be a violation of this section for persons at least 18 years old but
less than 21 years old to enter or be present on the premises if such persons are excluded from the separate room or
enclosure containing firearms capable of being concealed on the person.
(d) Penalty for violation.
(1) Any person who is prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms pursuant to California Penal Code §§ 12021
or 12021.1 or Subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d) of California Welfare and Institutions Code § 8103 and who knowingly
enters into any place of business that is licensed pursuant to this Article to engage in the business of selling, leasing
or otherwise transferring firearms in violation of subsection (a) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(2) Any licensee or other person acting under the authority of a licensee, including, but not limited to, employees or
agents of a licensee, who knowingly allows a person to enter the licensee's premises in violation of this section shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section 613.11. License – Grounds for revocation.
In addition to any other provisions of this Article, any circumstances constituting grounds for denial of a license shall also
constitute grounds for revocation of a license.
Section 613.12. Hearing on license denial or revocation.
(a) Any person whose application for a license under this Article has been denied, or whose license has been revoked
pursuant to the provisions of this Article, shall have the right to a hearing before the Chief of Police or his or her designee
prior to final denial or prior to revocation.
(b) The Chief of Police shall give the applicant or licensee written notice of the intent to deny the application or to revoke
the license. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the Chief of Police's intent to deny the application or to
revoke the license, and shall inform the applicant or licensee that he or she has 10 days from the date of mailing of the
notice to file a written request for a hearing. The application may be denied or the license revoked if a written hearing
request is not received within the 10-day period.
(c) If the applicant or licensee files a timely hearing request, the Chief of Police shall set a time and place for the hearing.
All parties involved shall have the right to (1) offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues;
(2) be represented by counsel; and (3) confront and cross examine any witnesses against them. If the hearing is before a
designee of the Chief of Police, the designee shall make a written recommendation following the hearing regarding
whether an application should be denied or a license revoked. The decision of the Chief of Police whether to deny the
application or revoke the license shall be appealable to the Board of Appeals, at which proceeding the Chief shall have
the burden of proof to justify his decision.
Section 613.13. License – Liability insurance.
No license shall be issued or reissued pursuant to this Article unless there is in full force and effect a policy of insurance in
such form as the City Attorney and the City's Risk Manager deem proper, executed by an insurance company approved
by the City's Risk Manager, whereby the applicant or licensee is insured against liability for damage to property and for
injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, transfer or lease, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease, of any firearm, firearm ammunition or firearm ammunition component. The
minimum liability limits shall not be less than $1,000,000 for damage to or destruction of property in any one incident, and
$1,000,000 for the death or injury to any 1 person; provided, however, that additional amounts may be required by the
City Attorney or City's Risk Manager if deemed necessary to protect the interests of the City and its residents.
Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be canceled until notice in writing
has been given to the City, address in care of the Chief of Police, 850 Bryant Street, San Francisco, California, 94103, at
30 days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Further, such policy of insurance shall name
the City, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds.
In addition, applicants and licensees shall agree in writing that they shall indemnity, defend, and hold harmless the City,
its officers, agents, and employees, from claims arising out of the negligence or the intentional or wilful misconduct of the
applicant or licensee.
Section 613.14. License – Authority to inspect.
Any and all investigating officials of the City shall have the right to enter the building designated in the license from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections and to observe and enforce compliance with building,
mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, and provisions of this Article. A police investigator may
conduct compliance inspections to insure conformance with all federal, state, and local laws, and all provisions of this
Section 613.15. Compliance by existing dealers.
Any person engaging in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm, firearm ammunition, or firearm ammunition component on the
effective date of this Article, or any amendments thereto, shall have a period of 60 days after such effective date to
comply with the provisions of this Article, or any amendments thereto.
In addition, any person who possesses as of February 1, 1994, a permit or license issued by the San Francisco Police
Department to engage in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm, firearm ammunition, or firearm ammunition component, shall
not be required to comply with the requirements of § 613.3(i)(1), (2) and (3) of this Article.
Section 613.16. Temporary suspension of license.
(a) If the Chief of Police has reason to believe that a licensee has (1) violated any federal, state or local law relating to the
sale, lease, transfer, use or possession of firearms, firearm ammunition or firearms ammunition components, or (2) has
committed any of the offenses set forth in § 613.3(e), the Chief of Police may immediately suspend for a period not to
exceed 3 days the right of the licensee to sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms, firearm ammunition or firearm
ammunition components.
However, if the licensee is charged by a federal, state, or local prosecuting attorney with a violation of any such law the
Chief of Police may suspend such license until the charges are dismissed or the licensee is found not guilty in a court of
law. If the Chief of Police suspends a license pursuant to this provision, the licensee shall be provided an opportunity to
present evidence to the Chief or his or her designee that the pending charges are without legal merit. The Chief's decision
regarding whether to suspend a license pending the outcome of such charges shall be appealable to the Board of
Appeals, at which proceeding the Chief shall have the burden of proof to justify his decision.
(b) Notice of suspension shall be mailed to the person(s) who applied for the license and shall be delivered to the address
listed on the license.
Section 613.17. Delivery to tax collector.
Upon granting said license, the Police Department shall forward said license to the Tax Collector who shall issue said
license to the applicant upon payment of the license fee, payable in advance.
Section 613.18. Rules and regulations.
The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations after noticed hearing as will enable the
Police Department to effectuate the purposes of this ordinance. Failure to comply with such rules and regulations, or with
any other requirements imposed by this ordinance, shall constitute grounds for revocation of licenses issued hereunder.
Section 613.19. Penalties.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor or an infraction unless a penalty is
otherwise specified. The complaint charging such violation shall specify whether the violation is a misdemeanor or
infraction, which decision shall be that of the District Attorney. If charged as an infraction, upon conviction, the violator
shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100 for each provision violated. If charged as a misdemeanor, upon
conviction, the violator shall be punished by a fine of not less than $500 or more than $1,000 for each provision violated or
by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. In any
accusatory pleading charging a violation of this Section, if the defendant has been previously convicted of a violation of
this Section, each such previous violation and conviction shall be charged in the accusatory pleading. Any person
violating any provision of this Section a second or subsequent time within a 10-year period shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000 for each provision violated,
or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 613.20. Severability.
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or word of this Article is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of
the City and County of San Francisco, either on its face or as applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the
other sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, or words of this Article, and the application thereof; and to that end
the section, subsections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this Article shall be deemed severable.
Section 614. Exceptions.
Sections 613 to 613.20 inclusive, of this Article, shall not apply to wholesale dealers in their business intercourse with
retail dealers, nor to wholesale or retail dealers in the regular or ordinary transport of unloaded firearms as merchandise to
other wholesale or retail dealers by mail, express or other mode of shipment to points outside the City and County of San
Section 615. Records of ammunition sales.
(a) Definitions. As used in this Section 615, these terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Firearm ammunition" shall include any ammunition for use in any pistol or revolver, or semiautomatic rifle or
assault weapon, but shall not include ammunition for shotguns that contains shot that is Number 4 or smaller.
(2) "Semiautomatic rifle" shall mean any repeating rifle which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to
extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round, and which requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire
each cartridge.
(3) "Assault weapon" shall mean any of the weapons designated in California Penal Code § 12276 or 12276.1.
(4) "Vendor" shall mean any person located in the City and County of San Francisco who is engaged in the sale of
firearm ammunition, including any retail firearms dealer.
(5) "Remote Vendor" shall mean any person engaged in the sale of firearm ammunition, including any retail firearms
dealer, who is located outside the City and County of San Francisco but delivers or causes to be delivered firearm
ammunition to an address within the City and County of San Francisco.
(b) No Vendor or Remote Vendor engaging in a transaction for delivery to an address in the City and County of San
Francisco shall sell or otherwise transfer ownership of any firearm ammunition without at the time of purchase recording
the following information on a form to be prescribed by the Chief of Police:
(1) the name of the Vendor or Remote Vendor (including the name of the specific individual) transferring ownership to
the transferee;
(2) the place where the transfer occurred; in the case of a Remote Vendor, the place of transfer shall be the origin of
the shipment;
(3) the date and time of the transfer; a Remote Vendor shall record the date and time of the shipment;
(4) the name, address and date of birth of the transferee;
(5) the transferee's driver's license number, or other identification number, and the state in which it was issued;
(6) the brand, type and amount of ammunition transferred; and
(7) the transferee's signature and thumbprint.
(c) Any Vendor or Remote Vendor who sells or otherwise transfers any firearm ammunition, where the transaction occurs
within the City and County of San Francisco or the firearm ammunition is ordered for delivery to an address within the City
and County of San Francisco, shall be subject to the reporting requirement of this subsection (c). On a weekly basis, the
Vendor or Remote Vendor shall report the transactions for the previous week to the Chief of Police or his or her designee
by electronic mail or by such other means specified by the Chief of Police or his or her designee. The report shall contain
the same information required under subsection (b) for each transaction.
(d) No Vendor or Remote Vendor shall knowingly make a false entry in, or fail to make a required entry in, records
prepared in accordance with subsection (b). No Vendor or Remote Vendor shall fail to submit the report required under
subsection (c) in a timely manner, or knowingly include false information in such report. A Vendor or Remote Vendor must
maintain the records required under subsection (b) on the premises for a period of not less than 2 years from the date of
the recorded transfer. Said records shall be subject to inspection by the Police Department at any time during normal
business hours.
(e) Penalties.
(1) First Conviction. Any person violating any provision of this Section shall be guilty of an infraction. Upon conviction
of the infraction, the violator shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100.
(2) Subsequent Convictions. In any accusatory pleading charging a violation of this Section, if the defendant has been
previously convicted of a violation of this Section, each such previous violation and conviction shall be charged in the
accusatory pleading. Any person violating any provision of this Section a second time within a 90-day period shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $400 for each
provision violated, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than 6 months, or by both such fine
and imprisonment. Any person violating any provision of this Section, a third time, and each subsequent time, within a
30-day period shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $400 and not more
than $500 for each provision violated, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than 6 months, or
by both such fine and imprisonment.
(f) Severability. If any subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Section be for any reason declared
unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or
the effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Section or any part thereof. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares
that it would have adopted this Section notwithstanding the unconstitutionality, invalidity, or ineffectiveness of any one or
more of its subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or words.
Section 616. Reporting the loss or theft of firearms.
(a) Any person that owns or is otherwise in possession of a firearm shall report the theft or loss of such firearm to the San
Francisco Police Department within 48 hours of becoming aware of the theft or loss whenever
(1) the owner resides in San Francisco, or
(2) the theft or loss of the firearm occurs in San Francisco.
(b) The failure of an owner or person in possession of a firearm to report the theft or loss of the firearms within 48 hours of
when the owner or person in possession becomes aware or should have become aware of the theft or loss shall be
punishable in accordance with § 613.19.
(c) The failure of an owner or person in possession of a firearm to report the theft or loss of the firearms in a timely
manner shall create a rebuttable presumption that the owner or person remains in possession of the firearm.
Section 617. Prohibition against possession or sale of firearms or ammunition on property controlled by the City
and County of San Francisco.
(1) City and County Property.
(a) As used in this section, the term "City property" means real property, including any buildings thereon, owned
or leased by the City and County of San Francisco (hereinafter "City"), and in the City's possession or in the
possession of a public or private entity under contract with the City to perform a public purpose including but not
limited to the following property: recreational and park property including but not limited to Golden Gate Park, the
San Francisco zoo, Hilltop Park and San Francisco's parks and playgrounds, plazas including but not limited to
United Nations Plaza and Hallidie Plaza, community centers such as Ella Hill Hutch Community Center, and
property of the Department of Recreations and Parks, the Port, and the Public Utilities Commission.
The term "City property" does not include any "local public building" as defined in Penal Code § 171b(c),
where the state regulates possession of firearms pursuant to Penal Code § 171b.
(c) The term "City property" also does not include the public right-of-way owned by the City and County of San
Francisco including any area across, along, on, over, upon, and within the dedicated public alleys, boulevards,
courts, lanes, roads, sidewalks, streets, and ways within the City or any property owned by the City that is outside
the territorial limits of the City and County of San Francisco.
(2) Firearms. As used in this section the term "firearm" is any gun, pistol, revolver, rifle or any device, designed or
modified to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or
other form of combustion. "Firearm" does not include imitation firearms or BB guns and air rifles as defined in
Government Code § 53071.5.
(3) Ammunition. "Ammunition" is any ammunition as defined in California Penal Code § 12316(b)(2).
Possession or Sale of Firearms or Ammunition on County Property Prohibited. No person shall:
(1) Bring onto or possess on county property a firearm, loaded or unloaded, or ammunition for a firearm.
(2) Sell on county property a firearm, loaded or unloaded, or ammunition for a firearm.
D. Exceptions, Ban on Possession. Section C.(1)1 above shall not apply to the following:
(1) peace officer, retired peace officer or person assisting a peace officer when authorized to carry a concealed
weapon under Penal Code § 12027(a) or a loaded firearm under Penal Code § 12031(b)(1) and under 18 U.S.C.
926B or 926C.
(2) Members of the armed forces when on duty or other organizations when authorized to carry a concealed weapon
under Penal Code § 12027(c) or a loaded firearm under Penal Code § 12031(b)(4).
(3) Military or civil organizations carrying unloaded weapons while parading or when going to and from their
organizational meetings when authorized to carry a concealed weapon under Penal Code § 12027(d).
(4) Guards or messengers of common carriers, banks and other financial institutions when authorized to carry a
concealed weapon under Penal Code § 12027(e) and armored vehicle guards when authorized to carry a loaded
weapon under Penal Code § 12031(b)(7).
(5) Persons who are at a target range.
(6) Honorably retired Federal officers or agents of Federal law enforcement agencies when authorized to carry a
concealed weapon under Penal Code § 12027(i) or a loaded weapon under Penal Code § 12031(b)(8).
(7) The public administrator in the distribution of a private estate or to the sale of firearms by its auctioneer to fulfill its
obligation under State Law.
(8) Patrol special police officers, animal control officers or zookeepers, and harbor police officers, when authorized to
carry a loaded firearm under Penal Code § 12031(c).
(9) A guard or messenger of a common carrier, bank or other financial institution; a guard of a contract carrier
operating an armored vehicle; a licensed private investigator, patrol operator or alarm company operator; a uniformed
security guard or night watch person employed by a public agency; a uniformed security guard or uniformed alarm
agent; a uniformed employee of private patrol operator or private investigator when any of the above are authorized to
carry a loaded firearm under Penal Code § 12031(d).
(10) Any authorized participant in a motion picture, television or video production or entertainment event when the
participant lawfully uses a firearm as part of that production or event.
E. Exception, Ban on Sale. Section C.(2)
above shall not apply to the following:
(1) Purchase or sale of a firearm or ammunition for a firearm by a federal, state or local law enforcement agency or by
any other Federal, State or local governmental entity.
(2) The public administrator in the distribution of a private estate or to the sale of firearms by its auctioneer to fulfill its
obligation under state law.
(3) Sale of ammunition at a target range for use at the target range.
F. Penalty for Violation. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this § 617(c)
shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail
not to exceed 6 months, or by both.
G. Severability. If any provision, clause or word of this Section or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provision, clause, word or application of this Section which can be
given effect without the invalid provision, clause or word, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared to be
Codification Notes
As enacted by Ord. 194-07, this section includes two divisions designated "C.," both of which have subdivisions
designated "(1)" and "(2)." The first division "C." includes definitions; the second includes prohibitions relating to sales and
As enacted by Ord. 194-07, the second and third paragraphs of this division are undesignated. The codifier added the
designations "(b)" and "(c)."
So in Ord. 194-07.
Section 618. Prohibited Ammunition
(a) Definition. For purposes of this Section, "Prohibited Ammunition" shall mean:
(1) Ammunition sold under the brand name "Winchester Black Talon," or that has physical properties resulting in
ballistics performance identical to ammunition presently or formerly sold under the brand name Winchester Black
Talon; or,
(2) Ammunition designated by its manufacturer for purchase by law enforcement or military agencies only, unless
other ammunition is available to the general public that has physical properties resulting in ballistics performance
identical to such ammunition.
(b) Possession Prohibited; Exceptions. No person, firm, corporation or other entity may possess Prohibited Ammunition
within the City and County of San Francisco, except that this subsection shall not apply to the otherwise-lawful possession
of Prohibited Ammunition by the following:
(1) Peace officers in possession of Prohibited Ammunition issued to them by their employing agency;
(2) Federal law enforcement officers or other federal employees in possession of Prohibited Ammunition issued to
them by their employing agency;
(3) Members of the armed forces of the United States in possession of Prohibited Ammunition issued to them by the
military agency to which they belong;
(4) Patrol special police officers, animal control officers or zookeepers, harbor police officers, sheriff's security officers,
or police security officers in possession of Prohibited Ammunition issued to them by their employing agencies; or,
(5) Businesses licensed as firearms dealers under this Article in possession of Prohibited Ammunition for sale to law
enforcement and military agencies. Agencies employing persons listed in subsection (b)(4) are considered law
enforcement agencies for purposes of this Section.
(c) Sale or Transfer. No business licensed as a firearm dealer under this Article may sell, lease or otherwise transfer
Prohibited Ammunition except to law enforcement and military agencies.
(d) Police Database. The San Francisco Police Department shall prepare or cause to be prepared a public database of
brands and product lines of ammunition meeting the definition of "Prohibited Ammunition" in subsection (a). Failure of the
Police Department to create or maintain such a database, or the omission from the database of a particular brand or
product line of ammunition otherwise qualifying as "Prohibited Ammunition," under subsection (a), shall not be a defense
to or otherwise excuse a violation of this Section.
(e) Penalty. Violation of any of the provisions of this Section is a misdemeanor and upon conviction the violator may be
punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed 6 months, or by both.
(f) Severability. If any provision, clause or word of this § 618 or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provision, clause, word or application of this Section which can be
given effect without the invalid provision, clause or word, and to this end the provisions of this Section are declared to be
Article 35 Firearm Strict Liability Act
Section 3501. Definitions.
(a) "Firearm" shall have the same meaning as in San Francisco Police Code § 613.1(a).
(b) "Dealer" means any person engaged in the business of selling firearms at wholesale or retail and specifically includes
pawnbrokers who take or receive firearms as security for the payment or repayment of money.
(c) "Importer" means any person engaged in the business of importing or bringing firearms into the United States for sale
or distribution.
(d) "Manufacturer" means any person in business to manufacture or assemble a firearm or ammunition for sale or
(e) "Law enforcement agency" means a federal, state or local law enforcement agency, state militia or an agency of the
United States government.
(f) "Law enforcement official" means any officer or agent of an agency defined in paragraph (e) of this section who is
authorized to use a firearm in the course of his or her work.
(g) "Internal personalized safety feature" means any internal locking device or other mechanical or electrical device
integral to the frame of the firearm that prevents any unauthorized use of the firearm. Such mechanical or electrical
devices can include but are not limited to devices that use computer microchips, radio signals or user fingerprints as a
means to "recognize" an authorized user. A trigger lock or other external device shall not be considered an internal
personalized safety feature.
Section 3502. Imposition of strict liability.
(a) Each manufacturer, importer and/or dealer of a firearm shall be held strictly liable in tort, without regard to fault or proof
of defect, for all direct and consequential damages arising from bodily injury or death where the bodily injury or death
results from the discharge within the jurisdiction of the City and County of San Francisco of any firearm manufactured,
imported, distributed, sold, leased or otherwise transferred by the manufacturer, importer and/or dealer, except that no
liability shall be imposed pursuant to this subsection for a discharge that occurs prior to the effective date of this section.
(b) Exemptions and Limitations.
(1) No action may be commenced pursuant to this section by any person who is injured or killed by the discharge of a
firearm while such person is committing or attempting to commit a crime (whether or not such crime is actually
charged), or while such person is attempting to evade arrest by a law enforcement official. This exemption shall be in
the nature of an affirmative defense, and shall be proven by a preponderance of the evidence.
(2) No action may be commenced pursuant to this section by any person injured or killed by the discharge of a firearm
by a law enforcement official.
(3) This section shall not limit in scope any cause of action, other than that provided by this section, available to a
person injured by or killed by a firearm.
(4) Nothing in this section shall prevent a manufacturer, importer or dealer from seeking whole or partial indemnity or
contribution for any liability incurred under this section from any third party wholly or partially responsible for the injury
or death.
(5) No action may be commenced pursuant to this section by any person for a self-inflicted injury.
(6) No action may be commenced pursuant to this section where the firearm was equipped with an internal
personalized safety feature at that time of its first retail sale.
(7) If any manufacturer, importer or dealer has purchased and has in effect at the time of the injury an insurance
policy that covers any and all damages, including but not limited to bodily injury or death, resulting from the discharge
of the specific firearm involved in the incident, the liability imposed under this section as to that manufacturer, importer
or dealer shall not exceed the total amount of coverage available under said policy provided that the total coverage
available under the policy shall not be less than $100,000 per incident.
(8) No action may be commenced pursuant to this section where the firearm involved is either (a) a shotgun without a
magazine or having a fixed magazine of 4 or less rounds or (b) a rifle without a magazine or having a fixed magazine
of 4 or less rounds.
Section 3503. Saving clause; Invalidity of part of article not to affect remainder.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Article is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, or
invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Article. The Board of Supervisors hereby
declares that it would have passed this Article and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof,
irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared
Article 36A Sale, Manufacture, and Distribution of Firearms and Ammunition; Possession of Handguns
Section 3600A. Statement of findings and text of ordinance prohibiting the sale, manufacture and distribution of
firearms and ammunition in the city and county of San Francisco and limiting the possession of handguns in the
city and county of San Francisco.
Section 2. Ban on Sale, Manufacture, Transfer or Distribution of Firearms in the City and County of San Francisco
Within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, the sale, distribution, transfer and manufacture of all firearms
and ammunition shall be prohibited.
Section 3. Limiting Handgun Possession in the City and County of San Francisco
Within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, no resident of the City and County of San Francisco shall
possess any handgun unless required for professional purposes, as enumerated herein. Specifically, any City, state or
federal employee carrying out the functions of his or her government employment, including but not limited to peace
officers as defined by California Penal Code Section 830 et. seq. and animal control officers may possess a handgun.
Active members of the United States armed forces or the National Guard and security guards, regularly employed and
compensated by a person engaged in any lawful business, while actually employed and engaged in protecting and
preserving property or life within the scope of his or her employment, may also possess handguns. Within 90 days from
the effective date of this Section, any resident of the City and County of San Francisco may surrender his or her handgun
at any district station of the San Francisco Police Department, or to the San Francisco Sheriff's Department without
penalty under this section.
Section 4. Effective Date
This ordinance shall become effective January 1, 2006.
Section 5. Penalties
Within 90 days of the effective date of this Section, the Board of Supervisors shall enact penalties for violations of this
ordinance. The Mayor, after consultation with the District Attorney, Sheriff and Chief of Police shall, within 30 days from
the effective date, provide recommendations about penalties to the Board.
Section 6. State Law
Nothing in this ordinance is designed to duplicate or conflict with California State Law. Accordingly, any person currently
denied the privilege of possessing a handgun under state law shall not be covered by this ordinance, but shall be covered
by the California state law which denies that privilege. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to create or require
any local license or registration for any firearm, or create an additional class of citizens who must seek licensing or
Section 7. Severability
If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid or
unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect other provisions or applications or this ordinance
which can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application. To this end, the provisions of this
ordinance shall be deemed severable.
Section 3601A. Penalty for sale, distribution, transfer, and manufacture of firearms and ammunition or
possession of handguns within city and county of San Francisco.
(b) Any person who shall violate the provisions of Police Code Section 3600A that prohibit the sale, distribution, transfer
and manufacture of all firearms and ammunition within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco or that prohibit
the possession of any handgun within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000 and by imprisonment in the County Jail not to
exceed six months, or by both.
(c) Any firearm or ammunition sold, distributed, transferred, or manufactured or any handgun possessed within the City
and County of San Francisco in violation of the provisions of Police Code Section 3600A is hereby declared to be a
nuisance, and shall be surrendered to the Police Department of the City and County of San Francisco. The Chief of Police
is authorized to seize such firearms, ammunition and handguns and shall destroy or cause to be destroyed such firearms,
ammunition and handguns, except upon the certificate of a judge of a court of record, or of the District Attorney that the
preservation thereof is necessary or proper to the ends of justice.
(d) This Section shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the City and County of San Francisco. If any
subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Section or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is
held invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect other provisions or applications of this
Section which can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application. To this end, the
provisions of this section shall be deemed severable.
Article 36B Storage of Firearms in Motor Vehicles
Section 3601B. Definitions.
"Firearm" means a Firearm as defined in California Penal Code section 12001, as amended from time to time.
"Lock box" means a container that is listed on the California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms roster of approved
firearm safety devices.
"Motor Vehicle" means a vehicle as defined in California Vehicle Code section 415, as amended from time to time.
"Trunk" means a fully enclosed compartment that is separate from the main cabin of the Motor Vehicle.
"Unattended" means that a person aged 18 or over is not present in the Motor Vehicle.
Section 3602B. Storage of firearms in motor vehicles.
(a) No person may place, store, or leave a Firearm in an unattended Motor Vehicle unless the Firearm is stored:
(1) in a locked Trunk of a Motor Vehicle, provided that the automatic Trunk release in the main cabin of the Motor
Vehicle is disabled; or
(2) in a Lock Box that is permanently affixed to the Trunk of a Motor Vehicle, provided that the Lock Box is locked; or
(3) for Motor Vehicles with four or more wheels and lacking a Trunk, in a Lock Box that is permanently affixed to the
Motor Vehicle and underneath a seat, or covered, or otherwise outside the view of the public, provided that the Lock
Box is locked; or
(4) for Motor Vehicles with fewer than four wheels, in a Lock Box that is permanently affixed to the Motor Vehicle,
provided that the Lock Box is locked.
(b) Notwithstanding subsections (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4) no person may place, store, or leave a Firearm overnight
in an unattended Motor Vehicle.
(c) This Article 36B is not intended to conflict with applicable State or federal law, if any.
(d) This Article 36B is intended to apply to all Motor Vehicles within the City and County of San Francisco.
Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, nothing in this Article 36B shall apply to on-duty peace officers employed by
jurisdictions other than the City and County of San Francisco or to federal officers or military personnel who are acting
within the scope of their authority and discharging their official duties. Any peace officer employed by City and County of
San Francisco is exempt from the requirements of this Article provided that the officer's employing department has a
policy regulating the storage of firearms for both on and off duty conduct by the officer.
Section 3603B. Penalty.
Every violation of Section 3602B shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000
or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or by both.
Section 3604B. Promotion of general welfare.
In enacting and implementing Article 36B, the City is assuming an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is
not assuming, nor is it imposing on its officers and employees, an obligation for breach of which it is liable in money
damages to any person who claims that such breach proximately caused injury.
Section 3605B. Severability.
It is the intention of the City and County of San Francisco that all persons within San Francisco be subject to Article 36B
while in San Francisco. This Article or portion thereof shall not apply to anyone subject to the criminal prosecution under
state law for the same conduct. If a court determines that this Article or any portion thereof may not be applied to a
particular class of persons, it is the intention of the City and County of San Francisco that applicability of the Article or
portion thereof to those persons shall be severed from the remainder of this Article or other portions thereof, which shall
continue to apply to other persons.
Article 45 Firearms and Weapons Violence Prevention Ordinance
Section 4501. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this Article, shall be construed as defined in this Section:
(a) "Firearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon that expels a
projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
(b) "Projectile weapon" means any device or instrument used as a weapon which launches or propels a projectile by
means other than the force of an explosion or other form of combustion with sufficient force to cause injury to persons or
property. A projectile weapon shall include, but not be limited to, air gun, air pistol, air rifle, gas operated gun, BB gun,
pellet gun, flare gun, dart gun, wrist rocket, blow gun, paint gun, or other similar device or instrument.
Section 4507 Firearms and projectile weapons; possession of by minors.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 to have in his or her possession within the City and County of
San Francisco any firearm or projectile weapon, as defined in § 4501. Violation of this provision shall be punishable in the
manner provided in § 4503.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any parent or legal guardian, or any person over the age of 18 years, to sell, give or otherwise
transfer to any minor in the City and County of San Francisco under the age of 18 years, or to allow such minor to
possess, any firearm or projectile weapon, as defined in § 4501. Violation of this provision shall be punishable in the
manner provided in § 4503.
(c) Any firearm or projectile weapon, which is in possession of a minor in violation of this Article, is hereby declared to be
a nuisance, and shall be surrendered to the Police Department of the City and County of San Francisco and disposed of
in accordance with the provisions of § 4505 above.
Section 4508. Severability.
This Article shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the City and County of San Francisco. If any subsection,
sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Article should be for any reason declared unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective
by any court of competent jurisdiction, that decision shall not affect the validity or the effectiveness of the remaining
portions of this Article or any part thereof. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have adopted this
Article notwithstanding the unconstitutionality, invalidity, or ineffectiveness of any one or more of its subsections,
sentences, clauses, phrases, or words.
Section 4511. Findings.
7.a.The locking requirements apply only to handguns that are not being carried. Gun owners and adults over 18 may carry
loaded and unlocked handguns in the home at any time. The safe storage requirements also permit owners who wish to
do so to store their handguns fully loaded.
Section 4512. Firearms located in any residence to be kept in a locked container or disabled with a trigger lock.
(a) Prohibition. No person shall keep a firearm within any residence unless the firearm is stored in a locked container or
disabled with a trigger lock.
(b) Definitions. As used in this § 4512, the following terms have the following meaning:
"Firearm" means a Firearm as defined in California Penal Code, § 16520, as amended from time to time.
"Locked container" means a locked container as defined in California Penal Code, § 16850, as amended from time to
time and is listed on the California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms roster of approved firearm safety devices.
"Residence" means any structure intended or used for human habitation, including but not limited to houses,
condominiums, rooms, in-law units, motels, hotels, SRO's, time shares, and recreational and other vehicles where human
habitation occurs.
"Trigger lock" means a trigger lock that is listed on the California Department of Justice's roster of approved firearms
safety devices and that is identified as appropriate for that firearm by reference to either the manufacturer and model of
the firearm or to the physical characteristics of the firearm that match those listed on the roster for use with the device
under Penal Code § 23635.
(c) Exceptions. This § 4512 shall not apply in the following circumstances:
(1) The firearm is carried on the person of an individual in accordance with all applicable laws.
(2) The firearm is under the control of a person who is a peace officer under Penal Code § 830 et seq.
(d) Lost or Stolen Firearms. In order to encourage reports to law enforcement agencies of lost or stolen firearms pursuant
to Police Code § 616, a person who files a report with a law enforcement agency notifying the agency that a firearm has
been lost or stolen shall not be subject to prosecution for violation of § 4512(a) above.
(e) Penalty. Every violation of this § 4512 shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine
not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed 6 months, or by both.
(f) Severability. If any provision, clause or word of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provision, clause, word or application of this § 4512 which can be
given effect without the invalid provision, clause or word, and to this end the provisions of this Section are declared to be
San Jacinto County Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 21-03, passed April 6, 2021.
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.24 Garage Sales
Section 5.24.060. Inspection.
All personal property offered for sale shall be arranged so that fire and life safety, police and other officials may have
access for inspection at all times during the sale.
It is unlawful to offer for sale, firearms, pornographic material or other like items.
San Joaquin County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 4594, passed February 15, 2022. (Supp. No. 73, Update 2)
Title 7 Business Regulations
Division 1 Business Licenses
Chapter 5 Retail Sales of Concealable Firearms
Section 7-1250. License required.
Before any person shall engage in the County in the business of retail selling of pistols, revolvers, and other firearms
capable of being concealed upon the person, they shall have an approved license issued under the provisions of Chapter
1 of this division and as modified by this chapter.
Section 7-1251. Conditions of approval.
In addition to the requirements in Chapter 1 of this division, any licenses approved under the provisions of this chapter
shall be subject to the following conditions:
(a) The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the license;
(b) The license or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily
be seen;
(c) No pistol or revolver shall be delivered:
(1) Within fifteen (15) days of the application for the purchase, and when delivered shall be unloaded and securely
wrapped; nor
(2) Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the seller or shall present clear evidence of his identity;
(d) No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be readily seen
from the outside.
Section 7-1252. Period of license.
Licenses shall remain in effect for a period not to exceed one (1) year from the date of filing the application therefor.
San Jose Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 30801, adopted August 9, 2022. (Supp. No. 40)
Title 10 Public Peace, Morals & Welfare
Chapter 10.32 Weapons
Part 2 – Weapons and Minors
Section 10.32.020. Restrictions on weapons for persons under the age of 18 years.
No person shall sell, dispose of or give to any minor under the age of 18 years, any pistol, airgun or other weapon
capable of receiving and discharging any charge, cartridge or explosive, without the written request of his parent or
guardian; and no minor under the age of 18 years shall have in his possession any such pistol or weapon unless by the
written consent of his parent or guardian.
Part 3 – Concealable Firearms Dealers
Section 10.32.030. License required.
No person shall engage in the business of selling or transferring, or shall advertise for sale, or offer or expose for sale,
any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon a person without first obtaining and keeping in
current effect the requisite license as provided under this part. A license shall be required for each location where selling
or transferring of such firearms takes place.
Section 10.32.040. Application for license.
Each person applying for a license under this part shall submit an application and a questionnaire response in support of
such application to the chief of police. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee (in the form of a check or cash) as
set forth in the schedule of fees established by resolution of council, said fee to defray the cost of processing such
application. This fee shall be in addition to fees for processing noncriminal fingerprint cards. Each application shall specify
only one location where the sale or transfer of concealable firearms should take place. If a licensee changes his or her
place or business, an application for the new location shall be submitted, accompanied by a fee (in the form of a check or
cash) as set forth in the schedule of fees established by resolution of council, said fee to defray the cost of processing
such application. Such application shall be considered an initial application and not an application for renewal.
Section 10.32.050. Approval by chief of police.
The chief of police shall have the authority to approve or not approve applications under this part. For the purposes of
considering applications for licenses under this part, the chief of police shall apply the minimum written standards herein
below set forth in § 10.32.060. If an applicant meets all such standards, the chief of police shall issue a license.
Section 10.32.060. Procedural requirements.
Applicant must comply with the following requirements:
A. Possess valid and current federal firearms permit;
B. Pay permit fee to police department;
C. Pay fingerprinting fee to police department;
D. Complete personal history questionnaire on form provided by the San José police department;
E. Be fingerprinted at police department;
F. Be photographed at police department;
G. Be interviewed at police department by officer assigned to concealable firearms unit;
H. Sign authorization for release of pertinent records.
Section 10.32.065. Business site standards.
A. Business location must be in compliance with City of San José zoning codes and regulations.
B. Business site must be a permanent building having four solid walls and a roof; constructed of wood, metal, cement or
like materials and resting on a foundation of cement, stone, brick or metal or similar materials commonly used in the
construction of foundations for permanent buildings.
C. Building doors and windows must be alarmed with a system of any manufacture which will cause an audible alarm to
sound on the exterior of the building or a silent alarm to a centralized monitored facility signaling unauthorized entry during
nonbusiness hours.
D. Business inventory of an explosive or flammable nature must be stored in compliance with federal, state of California
and City of San José fire codes.
E. Inventory of firearms must conform to the type of federal firearms permit issued to the permittee.
F. Business must conform to Penal Code § 12071, state of California, i.e.:
1. The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the license.
2. The license or a copy thereof (when issued), certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises
where it can easily be seen.
3. No pistol or revolver shall he delivered:
a. Within fifteen days of the application for the purchase, and when delivered shall be unloaded and securely
wrapped; nor
b. Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the seller or shall present clear evidence of his identity.
4. No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall he displayed
in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
Section 10.32.066. Approval of application Fitness standards.
Any application submitted under § 10.32.060 shall be approved if the applicant:
A. Fulfills all requirements of § 10.32.060 of this part; and
B. Is not under indictment for, nor has ever been convicted of a crime involving fraud, dishonesty, deceit or violence; and
C. Has not done any unlawful act involving firearms with the intent to injure seriously another person; and
D. Has not done any act involving dishonesty, fraud or deceit with the intent substantially to benefit him or herself or
another, or substantially to injure another; and
E. Is not a fugitive from justice; and
F. Is not an unlawful user of or addicted to marijuana or any depressant or stimulant drug, narcotic drug, or excessive use
of alcohol, to the extent that such use would impair his or her fitness to deal in concealable firearms; and
G. Has not been adjudicated as a mental defective, has not been committed to a mental institution, or does not suffer from
any severe psychological disturbance which would seriously impair his or her fitness to deal in concealable firearms; and
H. Has not wilfully violated any provisions of this chapter; and
I. Has not wilfully made false statements as to any material fact in application for this license; and
J. Has not done any act which if done by a licensee would be grounds for suspension or revocation of license; and
K. Meets all business site standards under § 10.32.065.
Section 10.32.067. Maintenance and submission of records.
Each licensed dealer shall maintain records of importation, shipment, receipt, sale or other disposition of firearms and
ammunition, and shall make such records available at all reasonable times, and shall submit to the licensing authority
such reports and information upon reasonable request. The licensing authority may enter during business hours the
premises (including places of storage) of any firearms or ammunitions dealer for the purpose of inspecting or examining
(1) any records or documents required to be kept; (2) any firearms or ammunition kept or stored at such premises.
Section 10.32.070. Denial of application.
If the applicant does not meet all of the written standards hereinabove set forth, the chief of police shall not issue a license
to such applicant. It shall be the duty of the chief of police to notify an applicant that his or her application has been denied
by serving such person, either personally or by first class United States mail, with a letter setting forth the reason or
reasons which provided cause for such denial. The notice, if served by mail, shall be deemed to have been served on the
date of its deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the applicant's address of record. The notice shall also
inform the applicant of his or her right to a hearing before the administrative appeals commission at which time the
applicant may appear with counsel if so desired and be heard on the matter. The applicant shall also be given notice that
any request for a hearing before the administrative appeals commission must be made in writing to such commission
within 10 days after the date on which such notice is served on the applicant.
Section 10.32.080. Appeal from denial.
An applicant whose application has been denied by the chief of police shall have the right to appeal such decision to the
code enforcement appeals commission in the manner set forth at § 6.02.190 of this Code. Said commission shall hold a
hearing thereon in the manner set forth at § 6.02.190 of this Code.
Section 10.32.090. License renewal.
Every license issued under this chapter shall expire 1 year from the date of its issuance. Licensees shall submit an
application for renewal in person at least 90 days before the expiration of the license. If renewal is not timely, the
application will be deemed an application for license pursuant to § 10.32.040. Licensees who apply for renewal shall be
required to meet the standards specified in this chapter. The application for renewal of a license issued hereunder shall be
accompanied by a fee (in the form of a check or cash) as set forth in the schedule of fees established by resolution of
council, said fee to defray the cost of processing such application.
Section 10.32.100. Licenses nonassignable.
Except as otherwise hereinafter provided, no license issued under this part may be sold, transferred or assigned by the
licensee or by operation of law, to any other person or persons; and any such sale, transfer or assignment, or attempted
sale, transfer or assignment, be deemed to constitute a voluntary surrender of such license and such license shall
thereafter be deemed terminated and void.
Section 10.32.110. Display of license.
Every license issued under this part shall be displayed on the premises where the concealable firearms are sold in such a
fashion that it can be easily read by patrons.
Section 10.32.120. Suspension and revocation.
Every license issued under this part shall be subject to summary suspension and revocation by the chief of police if that
official determines that:
A. The licensee has failed to meet any of the requirements specified under this chapter;
B. The licensee has violated any of the conditions or provisions which appear on the license;
C. The licensee has violated any federal or state firearms sales laws;
D. The licensee's federal firearms sales license has been revoked;
E. The licensee has committed any act which could have resulted in denial of issuance of the license.
Notification. It shall be the duty of the chief of police to notify any licensee charged with any violation or misconduct, as
described above, by serving such person, either personally or by first class United States mail, with a letter setting forth
the particular written standard or condition which has been violated, and informing such licensee of the right to a hearing
before the administrative appeals commission, at which time the licensee may appear with counsel if so desired and be
heard in defense of the charges. The suspension or revocation shall be effective on the date the notice is served on the
licensee. Such notice, if served by United States mail, shall be deemed to have been served on the date of its deposit in
the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the licensee's address of record. Failure on the part of the licensee to request
in writing a hearing before the administrative appeals commission within 10 days after the notice is served, personally or
by United States mail, shall result in a permanent revocation of the license.
Section 10.32.130. Hearing.
Upon timely receipt of a written request for a hearing, the administrative appeals commission shall hold a hearing at the
time and in the manner set forth in § 6.02.190 of this Code.
Part 5 Safe Storage of Firearms in a Residence
Section 10.32.160. Definitions.
As used in this Part, the following terms have the following meaning:
A. "Firearm" means a device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel, a projectile by
the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
B. "Locked Container" means a locked container as defined in California Penal Code Section 16850, as amended from
time to time.
C. "Residence" means any structure intended or used for human habitation, including but not limited to houses,
condominiums, rooms within a Residence, in-law units, motels, hotels, single room occupancy units, time shares, and
recreational and other vehicles where human habitation occurs.
D. "Trigger Lock" means a trigger lock that is listed on the California Department of Justice's roster of approved firearms
safety devices, and that is identified as appropriate for that firearm by reference to either the manufacturer and model of
the firearm or to the physical characteristics of the firearm that match those listed on the roster for use with the device
under California Penal Code Section 23635, as may be amended from time to time.
Section 10.32.170. Firearms in residence Prohibition, Exception for reporting theft or loss, and sunset for
reporting exception.
A. A person who owns or possesses a Firearm and keeps it in his or her Residence shall store the Firearm in a Locked
Container or disable the Firearm with a Trigger Lock upon leaving the Residence.
B. A person who owns or possesses a Firearm who reports to the San Jose Police Department that a Firearm was stolen
or lost within 24 hours of the time he or she knew or reasonably should have known that the firearm had been stolen or
lost shall not be prosecuted for violation of subsection A.
C. Subsection B shall remain in effect for one calendar year from the date the Ordinance adding this Part 5 of Chapter
10.32 of Title 10 of the San Jose Municipal Code takes effect.
Title 20 Zoning
Chapter 20.80 Specific Use Regulations
Part 9 Home Occupations
Section 20.80.720. Prohibited uses.
The following are not permitted as home occupations:
C. Firearm sales and service.
San Juan Bautista Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2021-06, passed April 20, 2021.
Title 11 Zoning
Chapter 11-07 Home Occupation Regulations
Section 11-07-050. Prohibited home occupation uses.
The following are examples of uses that are not incidental to or compatible with residential activities, and are therefore
prohibited as home occupations:
(C) Gun or ammunition sales, including off site and by mail order.
San Leandro Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-004 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 2 Revenue
Chapter 2-2 – Business License
Article 5 Fees
Section 2-2-500. Fees based on nature of business.
Every person commencing or carrying on a business within this City shall pay a license fee in an amount determined by
the Finance Director in accordance with the nature of the business as hereinafter set forth:
Business Classification
Annual Base Fee
Unit Fee
Unit Fee Basis
Firearms Dealer $148.91 $4.44
Per $100 of gross receipts attributable to the
sales of firearms capable of being concealed
upon the person and ammunition for such
firearms, excluding sales to public agencies
The business license fees established by this section shall continue to be adjusted annually by an amount equal to the
percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the San Francisco-Oakland-San
Jose metropolitan area, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics.
Title 4 Public Welfare
Chapter 4-14 Firearms
Article 1 Regulation of Firearms and Ammunition
Section 4-14-110. Ammunition.
No person shall, within the City of San Leandro, sell, loan or give any ammunition to any person under eighteen (18)
years of age.
Article 3 Requirement That Firearms Dealers Sell or Provide Trigger Locks or Similar Safety Devices For Each
Firearm Sold, Leased, or Transferred Posted Notice
Section 4-14-300. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this Article, shall be construed as defined in this section:
(a) Firearm. “Firearm” shall mean any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon,
from which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
(b) Firearms Dealer. “Firearms dealer” shall mean a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or
advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm.
(c) Person. “Person” shall mean natural person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
(d) Trigger Lock. “Trigger lock” shall mean a mechanical locking device which blocks or impairs the action of the trigger,
rendering the firearm inoperable until removed.
Section 4-14-310. Requirement to sell or provide trigger locks or similar devices.
Firearms dealers doing business within the City of San Leandro shall not sell, lease, or otherwise transfer any firearm
without also selling or providing a nonreturnable trigger lock, or similar safety device, to prevent the unintentional
discharge of the firearm.
Section 4-14-320. Exemption.
Persons providing firearms for temporary use only within a designated firing range, shall be exempt from the provisions of
this Article, so long as such firearms are not permitted to be removed from the firing range premises and the period of use
does not exceed eight (8) hours.
Section 4-14-330. Posted notice.
Firearms dealers operating within the City of San Leandro shall conspicuously post the following notice at their place of
business in the area in which the firearms are sold, leased or transferred. The letters on the notice must be legible, at
least one inch (1”) in height, and shall read:
Article 4 Certification Requirements for Employees of Firearms Dealers
Section 4-14-400. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this Article, shall be construed as defined in this section:
(a) Applicant. “Applicant” shall mean any person applying for a certification pursuant to this Article.
(b) Certification. “Certification” shall mean the receipt of a document issued to the employee by the Chief of Police,
signifying that the employee has met the requirements of this Article.
(c) Chief Of Police. “Chief of Police” shall mean the Chief of Police of the City of San Leandro, or authorized designee.
(d) Employee. “Employee” shall mean a person who is employed by a firearms dealer, and who assists in the business of
selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease,
any firearm.
(e) Engaged In The Business. “Engaged in the business” shall mean the conduct of a business by the selling,
transferring, or leasing of any firearm; or the preparation for such conduct of business; or the holding of one’s self out as
engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing of any firearm, or the selling, transferring, or leasing of firearms
in quantity, in series, or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of trade.
(f) Firearm. “Firearm” shall mean any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from
which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
(g) Firearms Dealer. Firearms dealer” shall mean a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or
advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm.
(h) Person. “Person” shall mean natural person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
Section 4-14-410. Required certification.
It shall be unlawful for any employee to sell, transfer, or lease, or advertise for sale, transfer or lease, or offer for sale,
transfer, or lease, any firearm without first obtaining a certification from the Chief of Police except for the interim period
provided in Section 4-14-470 for persons who are employees as of the effective date of this Article.
Section 4-14-420. Application forms and fees.
An applicant for a certification under this Article shall file with the Chief of Police a sworn application in writing, on a form
to be furnished by the City. The Chief or Police may require additional information of an applicant reasonably necessary to
complete the investigation. The applicant shall provide all information reasonably requested, or the application will not be
deemed complete. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as set forth in the City of San Leandro
license/permit fee schedule. To the extent practicable, the fee amount shall reflect the cost of enforcing the requirements
of this Article 4.
Section 4-14-430. Application Investigation.
The Chief of Police shall conduct an appropriate investigation to determine for protection of the public health, safety and
welfare whether the certification may be issued. Such determination shall be made within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of
a completed application.
Section 4-14-440. Application denial.
The Chief of Police shall deny the issuance of a certification when any of the following conditions exist:
(a) The applicant, or employee, is under the age of twenty-one (21) years.
(b) The applicant, or employee, has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact, or an omission or a material
fact in the application for a certification.
(c) The applicant, or employee, has been convicted of:
(1) Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or employee, from owning or possessing a firearm under applicable
Federal, State, and local laws.
(2) Any offense relating to the manufacturing, sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous or
deadly weapon.
(3) Any felony offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another.
(4) Any felony offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit.
(5) Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession, or use of any controlled substance as defined by the
California Health & Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read.
(d) The applicant, or employee, is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined by the California Health &
Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read, or is an excessive user of alcohol to the
extent that such use would impair his or her fitness to be a seller of firearms.
(e) The applicant, or employee, has been adjudicated as a mental defective, or has been committed to a mental
institution, or suffers from any psychological disturbance which, without a reasonable accommodation, would impair his or
her fitness to be a seller of firearms.
Section 4-14-450. Grounds for revocation of certification.
In addition to any provisions contained in this Article, any circumstances constituting grounds for denial shall also
constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 4-14-460. Certification/revocation Hearing.
(a) Any person whose application for a certification under this Article has been denied, or whose certification has been
revoked pursuant to the provisions of this Article, shall have the right to a hearing before the Chief of Police prior to final
denial or prior to revocation.
(b) The Chief of Police shall give the applicant or employee written notice of the intent to deny the application or to revoke
the certification. The notice shall set forth the ground(s) for the Chief of Police’s intent to deny the application or to revoke
the certification, and shall inform the applicant or employee that he or she has ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the
notice to file a written request for a hearing. The application may be denied or the certification revoked if a written hearing
request is not received within the ten (10) day period.
(c) If the applicant or employee files a timely hearing request, the Chief of Police shall set a time and place for the
hearing. All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the
issues, to be represented by counsel, and to confront and cross examine any witnesses against them. The decision of the
Chief of Police whether to deny the application or revoke the certification is final and non-appealable.
Section 4-14-470. Compliance.
Any employee as of the effective date of this Article shall have a period of ninety (90) days after such effective date to
submit an application for certification to comply with the provisions of this Article. All other persons shall obtain the
certification required by this Article prior to becoming an employee.
Section 4-14-480. Severability.
This Article shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the City of San Leandro. If any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence or word of this Article is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the City of San Leandro,
either on its face or as applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences, or words of this Article, and the applications thereof; and to that end the section, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences and words of this Article shall be deemed severable.
Article 5 – Prohibition on the Sale of Saturday Night Specials, also Known as Junk Guns
Section 4-14-505. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this Article, shall be construed as defined in this section:
(a) Saturday Night Special. “Saturday Night Special,” as used in this Article shall mean any of the following:
(1) A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 12001(a), which contains a frame, barrel, breechblock, cylinder or slide that is not completely
fabricated of heat treated carbon steel, forged alloy or other material of equal or higher tensile strength.
(2) A semi-automatic pistol which:
(i) Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a locked-breech action; and
(ii) Is chambered for cartridges developing maximum permissible breech pressures above 24,100 Copper Units of
Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute.
(iii) For purpose of this subsection (a)(2), “semi-automatic pistol” shall mean a firearm, as defined in California
Penal Code Section 12001(b), which is designed to be held and fired with one hand, and which does the following
upon discharge: (A) fires the cartridge in the chamber; (B) ejects the fired cartridge case; and (C) loads a
cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. “Semiautomatic pistol” shall not include any assault weapon
designated in California Penal Code Section 12276.
(3) A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 12001(a), which:
(i) Uses an action mechanism which is substantially identical in design to any action mechanism manufactured in
or before 1898 that was originally chambered for rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible breech
reassures below 19,000 Copper Units of Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute; and
(ii) Is chambered to fire either centerfire ammunition or rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible
breech pressures above 19,000 Copper Units of Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute; and
(iii) Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a nondetachable safety guard surrounding the trigger; or
(iv) If rimfire, is equipped with a barrel of less than 20 bore diameters in overall length protruding from the frame.
(v) For purpose of this subsection (a)(3), “action mechanism” shall mean the mechanism of a firearm by which it is
loaded, locked, fired and unloaded, commonly known as the cycle of operation.
Section 4-14-510. Exclusions.
The term “Saturday Night Special” does not include any of the following:
(a) Any pistol which is an antique or relic firearm or other weapon falling within the specifications of paragraphs (5), (7)
and (8) of subsection (b) of California Penal Code Section 12020; or
(b) Any pistol for which the propelling force is classified as pneumatic, that is, of, or related to, compressed air or any
other gases not directly produced by combustion.
(c) Children’s pop guns or toys; or
(d) An “unconventional pistol” as defined in California Penal Code Section 12020(c)(12); or
(e) Any pistol which has been modified to either render it permanently inoperable or permanently to make it a device no
longer classified as a “Saturday Night Special.”
Section 4-14-515. Roster of Saturday Night Specials.
On or before the effective date of this roster, the Chief of Police, or designee, (the “Chief of Police”) shall compile, publish,
and thereafter maintain a roster of Saturday Night Specials (the “roster”). The roster shall list those firearms, by
manufacturer and model number, which the Chief of Police determines fit the definition of Saturday Night Specials as set
forth in this Article. The Chief of Police may retain an independent firearms expert to assist in the determinations.
Section 4-14-520. Notification.
Upon completion of a list of firearms to be placed on the roster for the first time, the Chief of Police shall endeavor to send
written notification to: (1) the manufacturer of every firearm on said list; and (2) every dealer within the City who is
licensed to sell and transfer firearms pursuant to Section 12071 of the California Penal Code. Such notification shall do
the following:
(a) Identify the model number of the firearm which has been classified as a Saturday Night Special within the meaning of
this Article; and
(b) Advise the recipient of the notice that he or she may apply for reconsideration of the classification of the firearm as a
Saturday Night Special; and
(c) Advise the recipient of the notice that the burden of proving that a firearm does not constitute a Saturday Night Special
within the meaning of this Article shall be borne by the recipient.
Section 4-14-525. Reconsideration by the chief of police.
(a) The Chief of Police shall, prior to January 1, 1997, establish standards and procedures for the form and content of an
application for reconsideration, conducting an administrative hearing and evaluating evidentiary testimony relating to the
decision of the Chief of Police to classify the firearm subject to reconsideration as a Saturday Night Special as defined by
this Article. Such standards and procedures shall provide that the Chief of Police shall render a decision within thirty (30)
days of the submission of a completed application.
(b) Upon timely filing of one or more complete applications for reconsideration, the Chief of Police shall evaluate the
evidence submitted by the applicant(s). The Chief of Police may retain an independent firearms expert to assist in the
reconsideration. The applicant(s) shall have the burden of demonstrating that the firearm does not constitute a Saturday
Night Special as defined by this Article.
Section 4-14-530. Appeal of classification.
(a) If the Chief of Police determines that the firearm under reconsideration has been properly classified as a Saturday
Night special, then the applicant(s) shall have the right to appeal such decision within fifteen (15) days of notification of the
Chief of Police’s decision. The applicant(s) shall have the right to appeal such decisions to the City Manager, or designee,
and the applicant(s) shall have the right to a hearing before the City Manager prior to inclusion of the firearm in question
on the roster.
(b) The City Manager is authorized to establish standards and procedures for the form and content of an appeal,
conducting an administrative hearing and evaluating evidentiary testimony relating to the decision of the Chief of Police to
classify the firearm subject to appeal as a Saturday Night Special as defined by this Article.
(c) The appellant(s) shall have the burden of demonstrating that the firearm does not constitute a Saturday Night Special
as defined by the Article, and that the determination of the Chief of Police was erroneous.
(d) All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issue,
and to be represented by counsel.
(e) The City Manager shall hear and consider all relevant evidence. The City Manager may retain an independent firearms
expert to assist in the evaluation of the appeal. Any such expert would be subject to examination by the parties. Upon
conclusion of the hearing, the City Manager shall render a written decision within thirty (30) days, based upon the
evidence presented and expert information provided, if any.
(f) In all instances, the decision of the City Manager is final regarding whether a firearm is a Saturday Night Special and
should be listed on the roster.
Section 4-14-535. Publication of the roster.
The Chief of Police shall place on the roster those firearms which have been determined to constitute a Saturday Night
Special as defined by this Article, and shall publish such roster in the following manner:
(a) Notification of the roster’s completion shall be published at least once in the official newspaper as designated by the
City and circulated in the City within fifteen (15) days after completion of the roster; and
(b) A copy of the roster, certified as a true and correct copy thereof, shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk; and
(c) A copy of the roster shall be distributed to every firearms dealer in the City who is licensed to sell and transfer firearms
pursuant to Section 12071 of the California Penal Code and local regulations.
Section 4-14-540. Effective date of the roster.
The roster shall become effective on the fifteenth (15th) day following its publication.
Section 4-14-545. Additions to the roster.
The addition of firearms to the roster shall be made in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) Semi-Annual Determination. On a semi-annual basis, the Chief of Police shall determine the need to place firearms on
the roster upon identifying one or more firearms as a Saturday Night Special, the Chief of Police shall prepare a draft list
of additions to the roster.
(b) Notification of Additions. In the event that a draft list of additions to the roster is prepared, the Chief of Police shall
endeavor to send written notification in accordance with Section 4-14-520.
(c) Reconsideration by the Chief of Police and Appeal. Any person who the Chief of Police notifies pursuant to subsection
(b) above, may apply for reconsideration of the classification of the firearm as a Saturday Night Special in accordance with
the provisions of Section 4-14-525. An appeal of the reconsideration by the Chief of Police may be made to the City
Manager pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-14-530.
(d) Additions to Firearms Roster; Publication; and Effective Date. After all appeals have been exhausted, the Chief or
Police shall place on the roster those additional firearms which have been determined to constitute Saturday Night
Specials within the meaning of this Article. The Chief of Police shall cause the roster, as amended, to be published in
accordance with the provisions of Section 4-14-535. Such amended roster shall be effective fifteen (15) days following the
date of such publication. The addition of new firearms to the roster shall not operate to preclude the enforcement of the
roster with respect to firearms previously listed thereon.
Section 4-14-550. Sale prohibited.
After January 1, 1997, no wholesale or retail firearms dealer as licensed by the federal or state government and operating
within the territorial limits of the city, shall sell, offer or display for sale, give, lend, or transfer ownership, of any firearm
listed on the roster of Saturday Night Specials. This section shall not preclude a wholesale or retail gun dealer from
processing firearms transactions between unlicensed parties pursuant to Section 12702(d) of the California Penal Code.
Section 4-14-555. Exemptions.
Nothing in this Article relative to the sale of Saturday Night Specials shall prohibit the disposition of any firearms by
sheriffs, constables, marshals, police officers, or other duly appointed peace officers in the performance of their official
duties, nor to persons who are authorized by the United States Federal Government for use in the performance of their
official duties; nor shall anything in this Article prohibit the use of any firearm by the above-mentioned persons in the
performance or their official duties.
Section 4-14-560. Severability.
The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or work of this Article be rendered or
declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction or by reason by any preemptive legislation,
the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences or words of said ordinance hereby adopted shall remain in full
force and effect.
San Leandro Zoning Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-001 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 2 Base District Regulations
Chapter 2.08 Commercial and Professional Districts
Article 1 – Use Regulations
Section 2.08.200. CC District Use regulations.
B. CC District Conditionally Permitted Uses.
The following uses are allowed in the CC District, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. (Certain uses are
subject to special requirements and/or limitations, as prescribed following the individual use classification.)
28. Gun or Weapon Shop.
San Luis Obispo County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 3475, passed August 9, 2022. (Supp. No. 12, Update 1)
Title 6 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 6.08 Licensing Procedures
Section Prerequisite to issuance of business licenses.
Prior to issuance of a business license by the tax collector, license applications for the following business categories shall
be submitted to the specified regulatory departments for their review:
(2) The application for a business license must be presented to the sheriff for review and recommendations in relation to
the following businesses as a prerequisite to the issuance of a license:
g. Sale of firearms;
San Marcos Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2021-1512, enacted January 11, 2022. (Supp. No. 6)
Title 5 Business Regulations
Chapter 5.60 Firearms
Section 5.60.040. License required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell at retail, pistols, revolvers and other firearms capable of being concealed upon
the person, and hereinafter referred to as concealable weapons, unless such seller has been issued a license by the City
Clerk of the City of San Marcos and provided in this chapter.
(a) Application. Application for a license shall be made by the seller to the City Clerk on forms supplied by the City Clerk.
Every applicant shall submit to fingerprinting by the Sheriff, which fingerprints will be sent to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, Identification Division, and to the State of California Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation for
examination, comparison and recording. The City Clerk shall send a copy of the application to the City Building Official.
The Building Official shall determine whether the structure, in which the proposed business is to be conducted, meets
building code requirements and whether the proposed business conforms to the applicable zoning laws. Upon completion
of his investigation, the Building Official shall report to the City Clerk, who shall report to the Sheriff the findings of such
examination. Upon receipt of the Building Official's report of findings upon completion of his own investigation of the
applicant, the Sheriff shall recommend approval or denial of the license. Such recommendation to the City Clerk, who
shall issue or deny the license according to the Sheriff's recommendation. The business licensed by this chapter shall be
carried on only in the building designated in the license.
(b) License Fee. The applicant shall pay a nonrefundable fee for said license the sum of $25.00 to be paid at the time
application for the license is made and an annual business license fee as set forth in the business license ordinance to be
paid upon approval of the application by the City Clerk. The fee established by the City Clerk shall defray the cost of
investigation and issuance of said license.
(c) Form and Term of License. The license shall be in a form prescribed by the City Clerk and the Attorney General and
shall be effective for not more than one year from the date of issuance.
(d) Display of License. The license, or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises
where it can easily be seen.
(e) License Renewal. Said license may be renewed by the seller by making application to the City Clerk not less than 30
days prior to the expiration of the license. All provisions of this section relating to any original license shall apply equally to
the renewal of the license.
Section 5.60.050. Records; secondhand weapons.
If a dealer, licensed by this chapter to sell firearms, shall have offered to him for purchase or for acceptance in trade a
used or second hand concealable weapon, he shall first obtain from the person offering such weapon the following
(a) Name, address, and physical description of such person.
(b) The description and license number of the vehicle, if any, being driven by such person.
(c) The caliber, manufacturer's name, description, serial number or numbers, initials or other identifying marks of the
(d) Such other information which may be required by law enforcement.
The information shall be recorded on forms furnished and approved by the City Clerk and law enforcement. At the end of
each week such dealer shall file with law enforcement such completed form with respect to each second-hand
concealable weapon purchased or taken in trade during such week by such dealer.
Section 5.60.060. Delivery of firearms.
No concealable weapons shall be delivered:
(a) Within five days of the application for the purchase thereof; nor
(b) Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the seller or shall present clear evidence of his identity. When
delivered, such concealable weapon shall be loaded and securely wrapped.
Section 5.60.070. Advertising or display.
No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed in any
part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
San Mateo Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2021-18, current through July 21, 2021
Title 27 Zoning
Chapter 27.16 Residence Districts
Section 27.16.040. Home occupation.
Home occupations are permitted in dwellings upon approval of a Home Occupation Certificate by the City. All home
occupations shall meet the following standards:
(a) Allowable Uses. The home occupation shall be accessory to the primary use of the dwelling as a residence. Allowable
uses include offices, professional services, instruction, food preparation, handicrafts, and other similar uses as authorized
by the Zoning Administrator. Auto repair and retail sales from the dwelling are prohibited. Businesses selling or renting
firearms, as defined by Penal Code Section 12001(b), shall be prohibited unless a special use permit is approved, subject
to compliance with the limitations set forth in this section and such other conditions as are established by the special use
permit process.
Chapter 27.30 – C1 Districts Neighborhood Commercial
Section 27.30.020. Special uses.
The following uses may also be permitted subject to approval of a special use permit, provided that the use limitations
contained in Section 27.30.025, “Permitted and special usesTwenty-Fifth Avenue Improvement Area,” shall apply to
properties in the Twenty-Fifth Avenue improvement Area and the use limitations contained in Section 27.30.027,
“Permitted and special usesHillsdale Station Area Plan Active Zone,” shall apply to properties in the Hillsdale Station
Area Plan Active Zone:
(q) Businesses selling or renting firearms as defined by Penal Code Section 12001(b);
Chapter 27.38 CBD Districts Central Business District
Section 27.38.030. Special uses.
The following uses may also be permitted if their site locations and proposed development plans are first approved as
provided in Chapters 27.06 through 27.12, 27.62, 27.74, 27.78 and 27.80; however, the specific use limitations contained
in Section 27.38.110, Required Retail Frontage, shall apply to properties located within the required retail frontage area,
as shown in the Downtown Plan:
(22) Businesses selling or renting firearms as defined by Penal Code Section 12001(b);
San Mateo County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 04867, passed May 17, 2022. (Supp. No. 40, 6-22)
Title 3 Public Safety, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 3.52 Firearms
Section 3.52.010. Definition of "firearms".
Firearms is defined as a cannon, gun, pistol, revolver, automatic pistol, rifle, shotgun, "BB" gun, air gun, pellet gun or any
other weapon of similar nature designed to discharge a projectile propelled by the expansion of a gas.
Section 3.52.040. Possession by minor prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to have in his possession in a public place any
firearm, except as provided in section 3.52.050 hereof.
Section 3.52.050. Exceptions.
The provisions of section 3.52.040 hereof shall not apply to said persons under the age of eighteen (18) in the following
(a) When said person is in the immediate charge of a parent, guardian, or adult person having the responsibility for the
conduct of said person under the age of eighteen (18) years.
(b) When the firearm is unloaded and either: (1) in a dismantled or "take-down" condition or (2) completely wrapped or in
a carrying case made for the purpose of carrying such firearm. A gun shall be deemed to be unloaded only when no
ammunition or propellant is in any part of the gun or magazine or clip thereof.
(c) When said person is lawfully hunting pursuant to the provisions of the California Fish and Game Code and in
possession of a hunting license issued as prescribed by that code.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the
County Jail of San Mateo County, for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 3.52.060. Sale of certain firearms prohibited to minors.
No person shall sell, deliver or transfer ownership to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years any pistol, revolver
or other similar weapon capable of being concealed upon the person and designed to discharge a solid projectile
propelled by the expansion of a gas.
Section 3.52.070. Adoption of Penal Code Sections 12070 through 12077.
The provisions of sections 12070-12077, inclusive, of the Penal Code of the State of California, pertaining to the licensing
of retailers selling pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, are hereby adopted
in the County of San Mateo and from and after the effective date of this ordinance shall be in full force and effect in this
Section 3.52.080. Sheriff, duties.
The Sheriff of San Mateo County is hereby designated and appointed the duly constituted licensing authority of this
County for the purpose of this ordinance. All applications for licenses under the foregoing Penal Code sections shall be
made to the Sheriff and he is hereby authorized to grant licenses, effective for one year from the date of issue, to enforce
within the unincorporated area of this County the provisions of sections 12070-12077 of said Penal Code, and to obtain
and, where necessary, to prescribe forms effectuate the purposes of said sections and to otherwise do all acts and things
required to make effective and to enforce within this County the provisions of sections 12070-12077 of the California
Penal Code.
Section 3.52.090. Definitions.
The following definitions govern the construction of this chapter:
(a) "Firearm" shall mean any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, that expels
a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
(b) "Firearm ammunition" shall mean any cartridge or encasement containing a bullet or projectile, propellant or
explosive charge, and a primer which is used in the operation of a firearm.
(c) "Firearm ammunition component" shall mean any cartridge or encasement, bullet or projectile, primer or propellant
or explosive material used in the manufacture of ammunition.
Section 3.52.110. Licenses, conditions.
Licensees shall be subject to the following conditions, for breach of any of which the license shall be subject to forfeiture:
(1) The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the license.
(2) The license or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily
be read.
(3) No pistol or revolver shall be delivered:
(a) Within three days of the application for the purchase, and when delivered shall be unloaded and securely
wrapped; nor
(b) Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the seller or shall present clear evidence of his identity.
(4) No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed in
any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
(5) Deleted.
(6) The licensee shall not deliver a firearm to a purchaser, lessee or other transferee unless the firearm is unloaded and
securely wrapped or unloaded in a locked container.
(7) The licensee shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer a firearm without also selling or otherwise providing with each
firearm a trigger lock or similar device that is designed to prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm.
Section 3.52.120. Copies of register sheet, disposition of.
Licensees shall, immediately upon receiving an application for purchase, mail a copy of the register sheet required to be
maintained to the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation and to the Sheriff, as required by Penal Code section
12076. The Sheriff shall, upon receiving said copy, investigate and report to said retailer whether or not the purchaser is
known to be a minor under the age of eighteen (18) years or within one of the classes of persons prohibited by section
12021 of said Penal Code from owning or possessing such weapon. Such persons are narcotics addicts, persons
convicted of felonies and persons not citizens of the United States.
If any section, provision, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining
portions of this ordinance, and the Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance
irrespective of such validity or unconstitutionality.
Section 3.52.200. Possession and sale of firearms by county law enforcement officials.
(A) All firearms issued to county law enforcement officials shall be accompanied by a safety trigger lock.
(B) No county law enforcement official shall sell, trade, give or otherwise transfer any firearm owned or possessed by the
County of San Mateo.
(C) Notwithstanding subdivision (B) above, the County may sell any firearm owned or possessed by the County to another
law enforcement agency, provided that the Sheriff has determined the firearm to be surplus property and the sale is
otherwise permissible under applicable state and federal law.
(D) Notwithstanding subdivision (B) above, the County may sell to any active Deputy, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain,
Assistant Sheriff, Undersheriff, and Sheriff their County owned or possessed (department issued service firearm),
provided that the Sheriff has determined the firearm to be surplus property and the firearm purchaser signs an agreement
not to subsequently transfer the firearm except to the County.
San Pablo Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-001, passed January 18, 2022.
Title 5 Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.04 Business Licenses and Fees
Section 5.04.295. Sales of firearms.
Every person who engages in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing firearms shall pay a license fee as
determined by City Council Resolution. Such resolution shall be published in the same manner and within the same time
as ordinances are required to be published.
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.10 Sales of Firearms and Munitions
Section 9.10.020. Permit required.
A. It shall be unlawful under this Chapter for any person to engage in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or
advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offer or expose for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm unless he or she has been
issued a license as required by this chapter. “Engage in the business” means the conduct of a business by the selling,
leasing, or transferring of any firearm; or the preparation for such conduct of business, as evidenced by the application for
or securing of applicable state or federal licenses; or the holding of oneself out as engaged in the business of selling,
transferring, or leasing of any firearms; or the selling, transferring or leasing of firearms in quantity, in series or in
individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of trade.
B. Such license shall consist of a permit issued by the police chief after a determination by the police chief that the
applicant meets the standards for obtaining a permit based on the criteria contained herein.
C. A person shall not be deemed licensed to sell firearms until that person has obtained both the permit from the police
chief and a use permit for the business site from the city planning commission.
Section 9.10.030. Manner of application Fees.
An applicant for a permit under this chapter shall file with the police chief an application in writing, under penalty of
perjury, on a form to be furnished by the city or as information requested to demonstrate compliance with this chapter,
including a floor plan of the proposed business which illustrates the applicant’s compliance with the security provisions of
Section 9.10.080D of this chapter. The application shall also include a certification by the City’s Community Development
Department that the business will not be located in a zoning district in which the operation of firearms business is
prohibited by law. The applicant shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance with all applicable
federal, state and local laws, or the application will not be deemed complete. The application shall be accompanied by a
nonrefundable fee for administering this chapter, to be established by resolution of the City Council.
Section 9.10.040. Investigation by the chief of police.
The police chief shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public
safety whether the permit may be issued. The police chief may require an applicant, or any officer, agent, or employee
thereof, to provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of pertinent records, a
complete personal history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the police chief, and any other additional information
which the police chief deems necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 9.10.050. Grounds for denial of permit.
The police chief shall give the applicant written notice of the chief’s decision to deny or revoke the application. The notice
shall set forth the ground or grounds for the chief’s decision, and shall inform the applicant that he or she has ten (10)
days from the date the notice was mailed within which to file a written request for a hearing with the chief. The police chief
shall issue a permit unless he finds one or more of the following:
A. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, is under the age of twenty-one (21) years;
B. The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal or state laws, or the operation of the business as
proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including, but not limited to any of the following:
1. The applicant has failed to provide a copy of his or her valid federal firearm’s license.
2. The applicant has failed to provide a valid seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization.
3. The applicant has failed to provide a copy of his or her valid Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Department of
C. The applicant’s inventory does not conform to the type of federal or state firearms permit issued to the applicant;
D. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has had a similar type permit previously revoked or denied for
good cause within the immediately preceding two (2) years;
E. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has knowingly made any false or misleading statement of a
material fact in the application for a permit;
F. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, fails or refuses to provide clear evidence of his or her identity,
or any other information required by the police chief to complete his investigation;
G. The applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, has been convicted of:
1. Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, from owning or possessing a
firearm under applicable federal, state and local laws.
2. Any offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use of registration of any firearm or dangerous or deadly
3. Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another.
4. Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit.
5. Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined by the State
Health and Safety Code, as it may be amended from time to time;
H. The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, is currently or has been within the last two years, an unlawful
user of any controlled substance as defined by the State Health and Safety Code, as it may be amended from time to
time, or is an excessive user of alcohol, to the extent that such use would impair his fitness to be a dealer in firearms;
I. The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, is within the classes of person defined in California Welfare
and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103 as they now read, or may hereafter be amended to read.
Section 9.10.060. Grounds for revocation.
In addition to any provisions contained in this chapter, any circumstances constituting grounds for denial shall also
constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 9.10.070. Hearing.
A. Any person whose application for a permit has been denied, or whose permit has been revoked by the police chief,
shall have the right to a hearing before the police chief prior to the final denial or revocation of the permit.
B. Within ten days of mailing of the written notice of intent to deny the application, or revoke the permit, the applicant may
appeal by requesting a hearing before the police chief. Such a request must be made in writing and must set forth the
specific grounds for the appeal. If the applicant files a timely request for a hearing, the police chief shall set a time and
place for the hearing within thirty days thereafter. The decision of the police chief to deny the application shall be in writing
and shall be rendered within ten (10) days of the hearing.
C. An applicant may appeal the police chief’s denial or revocation of a permit to the city manager by filing a written appeal
with the city manager.
Section 9.10.080. Police chief permit conditions.
The permit issued by the police chief shall be deemed to contain the following terms and conditions, unless otherwise
indicated on the permit:
A. The permittee shall conduct business only in the premises designated in the permit. This requirement, however, shall
not prohibit the permittee from participating in gun shows of events which are specifically authorized by federal and state
law upon compliance with federal and state law.
B. The permit issued by the police chief, or a copy thereof, certified by the police chief, shall be displayed on the premises
and at gun shows where it can be easily seen.
C. No firearms shall be delivered:
1. Within fifteen days of the application for the purchase, or within fifteen days after submitting corrected copies of the
register or any fee required by state Penal Code Section 12076, which ever is later, or within any timelines otherwise
set forth in Penal Code §§ 12071(b)(3) or 12072(c)
2. Unless unloaded and securely wrapped or in locked container which is fully enclosed and securely locked by a
padlock or similar locking device as required by state Penal Code Section 12026.1.
3. Unless the purchaser or transferee presents clear evidence of his or her identity and age, as required by Penal
Code § 12071(c)(1)
4. If the permittee is notified by the State Department of Justice that a purchaser is in a prohibited class described in
State Penal Code Sections 12021 or 12021.1 or State Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103.
D. All firearms kept in the licensed place of business shall be stored using one of the following methods as to each
particular firearm:
1. Store the firearm in a secure facility that is a part of, or that constitutes, the licensee’s business premises.
2. Secure the firearm with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-eighty inch in diameter through the trigger
guard of the firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock
and shackle shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a
manner that prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises.
3. Store the firearm in a locked fireproof safe or vault in the licensee’s business premises.
4. As used in this section, a “secure facility means a building that meets all of the following specifications:
a. All perimeter doorways shall meet on the following:
(i) A windowless steel security door equipped with both a deadbolt and a doorknob lock.
(ii) A windowed metal door that is equipped with both a dead bolt and a doorknob lock. If the window has an
opening of five inches or more measured in any director, the window shall be covered with steel bars of at
least one-half inch diameter or metal grating of at least nine gauge affixed to the exterior or interior of the
(iii) A metal grate that is padlocked and affixed to the licensee’s premises independent of the door and
b. All windows are covered with steel bars.
c. Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and service openings are secured with steel bars, metal grating, or an
alarm system.
d. Any metal grates have spaces no larger than six inches wide measured in any direction.
e. Any metal screens have spaces no larger than three inches wide measured in any direction.
f. All steel bars shall be no further than six inches apart.
5. Upon written request from a permittee, the police chief may grant an exemption from compliance with this sub-
paragraph D if the permittee is unable to comply with these requirements because of local ordinances, covenants,
lease conditions, or similar circumstances not under the control of the permittee.
E. No pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person or imitation thereof, or placard
advertising their sale or other transfer, shall be displayed in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the
F. Permittee shall properly and promptly process firearms transactions pursuant to State Penal Code Section 12082.
G. Permittee shall keep a register of sales as required by State Penal Code Sections 12073 and 12077.
H. Permittee shall not sell, deliver or transfer any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the
person to any person under twenty-one years of age or any other firearm to any person under eighteen years of age.
I. Permittee shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises, all charges and fees required by Penal Code §
12071(b)(11), and the following warning in block letters not less than one inch in height:
J. No pistols, revolvers or firearms capable of being concealed upon the person shall be delivered unless the purchaser or
transferee presents to the permittee a basic firearm safety certificate.
K. Permittee shall offer to provide the purchaser or transferee of a firearm a copy of the pamphlet described in State
Penal Code Section 12080 and may add the cost of the pamphlet, if any, to the sales price of the firearm.
L. Permittee shall report the loss or theft of any firearm that is merchandise of the permittee, any firearm that the permittee
takes possession of pursuant to Penal Code § 12082, or any firearm kept at the permittee’s place of business within forty
eight (48) hours of discovery to the San Pablo Police Department.
Section 9.10.090. Permit assignment.
The assignment or attempt to assign any police chief permit issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such
assignment or attempt to assign shall render the permit null and void.
Section 9.10.100. Liability insurance.
A. No permit shall be issued or continued pursuant to this chapter unless there is in full force and effect a policy of
insurance in such form as the City deems proper, executed by an insurance company approved by the City whereby the
applicant or permittee is insured against liability for all activities of the permittee, including damage to property and for
injury to or death of any person. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars ($1,000,000)
combined, single limit personal injury and property damage for each occurrence. The insurance shall be occurrence
based insurance. Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be canceled until
notice in writing has been given to the City, addressed in care of the Chief of Police, Five Alvarado Square, San Pablo,
CA 94806, at least thirty (30) days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Upon expiration of
any such policy and if no additional insurance has been secured prior to the expiration thereof in the manner provided for
the initial securing of a permit under this chapter, the permit shall be deemed cancelled without further notice or
opportunity to he heard.
B. Such policy of insurance shall name the City, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insured. Additionally,
applicant and permittee, as a condition of issuance of any permit under this Chapter, agree to indemnify, defend and hold
harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, from any claims arising from the negligence of the applicant or
Section 9.10.110. Expiration of police chief permit.
A. Police chief permits shall expire one year after the date of issuance. Such permits may be renewed by the police chief
for additional one year periods upon the permittee’s submission of an application for renewal, accompanied by a non-
refundable renewal fee as established by City Council Resolution. The completed renewal application and the renewal fee
must be received by the police chief no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the current permit.
B. The police chief shall inform the city planning division manager when a permit expires or is revoked, or when renewal is
denied by the police chief so that proceedings to revoke the use permit can be initiated.
C. A decision by the police chief regarding renewal of the permittee’s police chief permit may be appealed in the manner
provided for in Section
Section 9.10.120. Use permit application.
When the applicant has obtained a police chief permit, the applicant may apply to the city planning department for a
planning commission use permit pursuant to Title
17 of this code. The applicant shall provide all information requested by
the planning department. No use permit application shall be deemed complete until the applicant has shown possession
of a valid police chief permit for such use.
Section 9.10.130. Possessory interest in the property.
No application for a use permit shall be processed until the applicant provides proof satisfactory to the city planning
department that the applicant, officer, employee or agent thereof is the owner of record of the real property at which the
proposed business will be conducted, or has a lease, license or other entitlement to operate such business at such
location and the written consent of the owner of record of such real property.
Section 9.10.140. Site restrictions.
No use permit may issue for any location which is:
A. Within a zoning district in which residential use is the principal permitted or maintained use. Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary in this Code, home occupation permits for the conduct of any business under this chapter shall be
prohibited. The location of such businesses in and around homes is hereby declared a public nuisance. This section is
expressly made retroactive to all such businesses operating in such residential zones.
B. Within any zoning district in which general retail sales commercial activities is not a permitted or conditional use.
C. Within 500 feet of the exterior limits of a dealer in firearms, a bar, or a liquor store. For the purposes of this chapter, a
bar is defined as an establishment who’s primary purpose is, or whose primary source or revenue is from, the sale of
alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. Liquor store is defined as an establishment whose primary purpose
is, or whose primary source of revenue is from, the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption elsewhere.
D. Within 500 feet of the exterior limits of any premises occupied by a public or private day care center or day care home,
elementary school, junior high school or high school, whether public or private.
E. All distances referred to in this section shall be measured between the closest points on the exterior property lines or
area boundaries of the parcels or areas involved, except that when a permittee occupies one unit of a multi-unit structure
located on a single parcel, distances shall be measured from the exterior boundaries of the unit so occupied.
F. Businesses governed by the provisions of paragraphs C and D of this section, which are in full compliance with all
local, state and federal laws prior to the effective date of this chapter, including but not limited to zoning and business
license laws, shall not be required to obtain a use permit unless such businesses lose their non-conforming use status as
provided in Chapter 17.08. Such businesses shall, however, be required to comply with all other provisions of this chapter.
Section 9.10.150. Use permit conditions.
All use permits approved by the city planning commission shall be deemed to contain all of the following terms and
conditions, unless otherwise indicated on the permit:
A. The possession of a valid police chief permit.
B. The possession of all licenses and permits required by federal or state laws.
C. Compliance with all of the terms and conditions contained in Section 9.10.080.
D. Compliance with all of the requirements of the City’s Building Code, the Fire Code, and any other technical code or
regulation of the city which may govern the use, occupancy, maintenance, construction or design of buildings or
structures. The use permit shall also contain a condition that the applicant must obtain a final inspection from the city
building official demonstrating full code compliance before the applicant may commence business at the premises at
E. A method of storage of inventory which is explosive or flammable at the proposed business site shall be in compliance
with federal and state law and with the city’s Fire Code.
F. All other conditions deemed by the planning commission to be necessary and proper to protect the public interest and
Section 9.10.160. Authority to inspect.
Any applicant for a use permit or police chief permit under this chapter shall be deemed to expressly consent and grant to
any investigation officials of the city the right to enter the premises for which the use permit and police chief permit was
obtained, without a warrant, from time to time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to observe
and enforce compliance with building, mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, and health regulations, as well as the
provisions of this chapter and all applicable federal, state and local law. Such right to enter and inspect without a warrant
shall be deemed a condition of approval of any permit issued under this chapter.
Section 9.10.170. Revocation of use permit.
If the police chief, building official, or any other person has reason to believe that the permittee is not in full compliance
with any conditions imposed pursuant to this chapter, a report shall be made to the city planning official. After an
investigation of the facts contained in the report, the city planning official may commence proceedings to revoke the use
permit pursuant to Title
17 of this code.
Section 9.10.180. Compliance.
Any person who sells, transfers, leases, or advertises for sale, transfer or lease, or offers or exposes for sale, transfer or
lease, any firearm on and after the effective date of this chapter shall have a period of 60 days after such effective date to
comply with the provisions of this chapter, except as provided in Section
San Rafael Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2010, adopted June 21, 2022. (Supplement Number 35, Update 2)
Title 8 Morals and Conduct
Chapter 8.38 Regulations of Firearms Dealers
Section 8.38.010. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the words set forth in this section shall have the meaning assigned to them unless from
the context it appears that a different meaning is intended:
(a) "Firearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which a
projectile is expelled through a barrel by force of explosion or other means of combustion.
(b) "Firearms dealer" and "licensee" means any person licensed to sell, lease or transfer firearms pursuant to California
Penal Code Section 12071(a)(1).
Section 8.38.020. Permit required.
It is unlawful for any firearms dealer to sell, lease or transfer firearms without a permit issued by the police chief or his or
her designee.
Section 8.38.025. Application.
(a) An applicant for a permit or renewal of a permit under this chapter shall file with the police chief an application in
writing, signed under penalty of perjury, on a form prescribed by the police chief. The applicant shall provide all relevant
information requested to demonstrate compliance with this chapter including:
(1) The name including any aliases or prior names, age and address of the applicant;
(2) The applicant's Federal Firearms License and California Firearms Dealer numbers;
(3) The address of the proposed location for which the permit is required, together with the business name, and the
name of any corporation, partnership, or association that has any ownership in, or control over, the business, if any;
(4) The names, ages and addresses of all persons who will have access to or control of workplace firearms, including,
but not limited to, the applicant's employees, agents and/or supervisors, if any;
(5) Proof of a possessory interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted in the form of
ownership, lease, license or other entitlement to operate at such location and the written consent of the owner of
record of the real property;
(6) A floor plan of the proposed business, which illustrates the applicant's compliance with security provisions, as
outlined in Section 8.38.040 of this chapter;
(7) Proof of compliance with any applicable city zoning requirements;
(8) Proof of compliance with all federal and state licensing laws;
(9) Information relating to every license or permit to sell, lease, transfer, purchase, or possess firearms which were
sought by the applicant from any jurisdiction in the United States, including, but not limited to, the date of each
application and whether it resulted in the issuance of a license; and the date and circumstances of any revocation or
(10) Applicant's agreement to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents and employees from
and against all claims, losses, costs, damages and liabilities of any kind, including attorney fees arising in any manner
out of the applicant's negligence or intentional or wilful misconduct;
(11) Certification of satisfaction of insurance requirements;
(12) The date, location, and nature of all criminal convictions of the applicant, if any, in any jurisdiction in the United
(b) The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable processing and administration fee, in an amount to be set
by the city council by resolution, as provided in Chapter 3.34 of this code.
Section 8.38.030. Investigation by police chief.
The police chief shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public
safety whether the permit may be issued. The police chief shall require an applicant, or any officer, agent or employee
thereof, to provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of pertinent records, a
complete personal history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the police chief, and any other additional information
which the police chief considers necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 8.38.035. Conditions of approval.
In addition to other requirements and conditions of this chapter, a permit by the police chief is subject to the following
conditions, the breach of any of which is sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the police chief:
(a) The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the permit. This
requirement, however, does not prohibit the permittee from participating in a gun show or event that is authorized by
federal, state and local law upon compliance with that law and upon compliance with any applicable city ordinance
regulating the permissible locations of gun shows.
(b) The police chief s permit or a certified copy of it shall be displayed on the premises and at gun shows where it can be
easily seen.
(c) The applicant shall not permit any person under eighteen (18) years of age to enter or remain within the premises
without being accompanied by the parent, grandparent or legal guardian where the firearm sales activity is the primary
business performed at the site.
Section 8.38.040. Requirement of a secured facility.
Firearms dealers must comply with California Penal Code 12071(b)(14), which provides that at any time the licensee is
not open for business, the licensee shall store all firearms kept in his or her licensed place of business using one of the
following methods as to each particular firearm:
(A) Store the firearm in a secure facility, as defined by Penal Code Section 12071(c)(3), that is part of, or that constitutes,
the licensee's business premises;
(B) Secure the firearm with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-eighth inch in diameter through the trigger guard
of the firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock and shackle
shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a manner that
prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises; or
(C) Store the firearm in a locked fireproof safe or vault on the licensee's premises.
Section 8.38.045. Liability insurance.
(a) No permit issued by the police chief shall be issued or reissued unless there is in effect a policy of insurance in a form
approved by the city's risk manager and executed by an insurance company approved by the city, whereby the applicant
is insured against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, lease or
transfer or offering for sale, lease or transfer of a firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million
dollars ($1,000,000.00) for each incident of damage to property or incident of injury or death to a person.
(b) The policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy shall not be canceled until notice in
writing has been given to the city's risk manager at least thirty (30) days prior to the time the cancellation becomes
(c) Upon expiration of a policy of insurance and if no additional insurance is obtained immediately, the permit is
considered canceled without further notice.
Section 8.38.050. Issuance of permit, Duration.
(a) The police chief may issue a permit to the applicant if he or she finds that the applicant complies with all applicable
federal, state and local laws including but not limited to, the state Penal Code, the city Building Code, the city Fire Code,
and the city zoning ordinance.
(b) A permit issued by the police chief expires one year after the date of issuance. A permit may be renewed for additional
one-year periods upon the permittee's submission of an application for renewal, accompanied by a nonrefundable
renewal fee in the amount set by resolution of the city council as provided in Chapter 3.34 of this code. The renewal
application and the renewal fee must be received by the police chief no later than forty-five (45) days before the expiration
of the current permit.
(c) A decision regarding issuance or renewal of a permit may be appealed in the manner provided pursuant to Section
Section 8.38.060. Grounds for permit denial.
The police chief shall deny the issuance or renewal of a permit when one or more of the following conditions exist:
(a) The applicant has not complied with the requirements of this chapter or, has violated the provisions of Section
8.37.060 of this code pertaining to prohibited activity in connection with the sale, display or transfer of "saturday night
(b) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control of firearms is under
twenty-one (21) years of age;
(c) The applicant is not licensed as required by federal and state law;
(d) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control of firearms has had a
license or permit to sell, lease, transfer, purchase or possess firearms from any jurisdiction in the United States revoked,
suspended or denied for good cause within the immediately preceding five (5) years.
(e) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control over firearms has made a
false or misleading statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact in the application for the permit. If a permit is
denied on this ground, the applicant is prohibited from reapplying for a permit for a period of five (5) years.
(f) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control over firearms has been
convicted of:
(1) An offense which disqualifies that person from owning or possessing a firearm under federal, state and local law,
including, but not limited to, the offenses listed in Penal Code section 12021;
(2) An offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of a firearm or dangerous or deadly
(3) An offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another with a deadly weapon;
(4) Any felony, misdemeanor burglary or misdemeanor fraud;
(5) An offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of a controlled substance as defined by the State
Health and Safety Code, as it now reads or may hereafter be amended to read.
(g) The applicant or any officer, employee, or agent thereof who has control over firearms is within a class of persons
defined in Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103.
(h) The applicant or any officer, employee, or agent thereof who has control over firearms is currently, or has been within
the past five (5) years, an unlawful user of a controlled substance as defined by the Health and Safety Code;
(i) The operation of the business as proposed would not comply with federal, state or local law regulating the sale of
saturday night specials, or the locations of permitted sales, if any, at gun shows.
Section 8.38.065. Grounds for permit revocation.
In addition to the violation of any other provisions contained in this chapter, circumstances constituting grounds for denial
of a police chief's permit also constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 8.38.067. Hearing for permit denial or revocation.
(a) A person whose application for a permit is denied or revoked by the police chief has the right to a hearing before the
police chief before final denial or revocation.
(b) Within ten days of the mailing of written notice of intent to deny the application or revoke the permit, the applicant may
appeal by requesting a hearing before the police chief. The request must be made in writing, setting forth the specific
grounds for appeal. If the applicant submits a timely request for an appeal, the police chief shall set a time and place for
the hearing within thirty (30) days.
(c) The decision of the police chief shall be in writing within ten days of the hearing. An applicant may appeal the decision
of the police chief to the city manager or his or her designee in the manner provided by the resolution adopted by the city
council which addresses this appeal process.
Sec. 8.38.068. Non-assignability.
A police chief's permit issued under this chapter is not assignable. An attempt to assign a police chief's permit renders the
permit void.
Section 8.38.069. Compliance by existing firearms dealers.
A person engaging in firearm sales activity on the effective date of this chapter or any amendment to it shall, within sixty
(60) days after the effective date, comply with this chapter and any amendment to it.
Section 8.38.080. Violations and penalties.
(a) Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or
by both such fine and imprisonment. Each person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any
portion of which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such person.
(b) Any person found to be in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the revocation of his or her
permit to sell, lease or transfer firearms.
(c) In addition to any other penalty or remedy, the city attorney may commence a civil action to seek enforcement of the
provisions of this chapter.
Title 14 Zoning*
Division I General Provisions
Chapter 14.03 Definitions
Section 14.03.030. Definitions.
"Firearms dealer" means any person licensed to sell, lease or transfer firearms pursuant to California Penal Code
Section 12071(a)(1).
"Gun shop" means an establishment or person engaged in the sale, lease or transfer of firearms pursuant to California
Penal Code Section 12071(a)(1).
Division II Base District Regulations
Chapter 14.05 Commercial and Office Districts
Section 14.05.020. Land use regulations (GC, NC, O, C/O, R/O, FBWC).
P: Permitted by right; C: Conditional use permit; CZ: Conditional use permit/zoning administrator; A: Administrative use
permit; Blank: Not allowed.
Table 14.05.020
Type of Land Use
Additional Use Regulations
Gun shops
See Chapter 14.17 standards.
Section 14.05.022. Land use regulations (4SRC, CSMU, HO, 2/3 MUE, 2/3 MUW, WEV, 5/M R/O).
P: Permitted by right; C: Conditional permit/planning commission; CZ: Conditional use permit/zoning administrator; A:
Administrative use permit; Blank: Not allowed.
Table 14.05.022
Type of Land Use
2/3 MUE
2/3 MUW
5/M R/O
Gun shops
Division IV Regulations Applying In All or Several Districts
Chapter 14.16 Site and Use Regulations
Section 14.16.220. Home occupations.
F. Uses that are Prohibited. The following uses by the nature of the business or operation have a pronounced tendency
once started to rapidly increase beyond the limits permitted for home occupations or cannot operate in compliance with
applicable licensing requirements or the home occupation performance standards and thereby substantially impair the use
and value of a residential area for residence purposes (e.g., the use would generate impacts on the surrounding
neighborhood that are more frequent than that usually experienced in an average residential occupancy in the district
under normal circumstances wherein no home occupation exists. This may include but not be limited to a home
occupation that would generate traffic associated with the business outside of normal daytime business hours or on
Sundays, or other impacts not typically associated with a home occupation use such as excess vehicle parking or storage
of materials or equipment). Therefore the uses specified below, and any use determined by the community development
director to be similar in its operations or potential impacts, shall not be permitted as home occupations:
m. Firearms dealer;
Chapter 14.17 Performance Standards
Section 14.17.075. Gun shops.
A. Purposes. Performance standards related to gun shops are intended to ensure the public safety by requiring such
shops to provide adequate security as well as appropriate hazardous materials storage.
B. Applicability. Performance standards for gun shops apply in all districts where gun shops are allowed. Compliance with
performance standards shall be reviewed through the administrative use permit process.
C. Standards.
1. Police Department Review. Security and public safety measures shall be provided to the satisfaction of the police
2. Fire Department Review. Appropriate hazardous materials storage measures shall be provided to the satisfaction of
the fire department.
3. Compliance with Other Laws. Approval of the requested permit is contingent upon demonstration of compliance
with applicable provisions of state and federal laws. All gun shops shall be operated according to state and federal
4. Location. No gun shop shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of a day care facility, church, or school. The
three hundred (300) feet measurement shall be from lot line to lot line.
San Ramon Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance No. 491, passed June 25, 2019 (Supp. No. 9).
Title B - Regulations
Division B7 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter XII Firearms
Section B7-248. Possession of firearms, pellet guns and similar weapons by minors.
No minor shall possess or use any of the following listed firearms, weapons and/or instruments except under the direct
supervision and control of the minor's parent or legal guardian, or an adult authorized by said parent or legal guardian.
A. Any firearm or weapon which propels a projectile of any size by explosive force;
Section B7-249. Sale of ammunition to minors prohibited.
No person shall sell or give to any minor any ammunition capable of being used in any firearm, BB gun, pellet gun,
airguns or gas-operated guns unless the minor is accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian, or an adult
authorized by said parent or legal guardian.
Sand City Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 21-05 and the February 2022 code supplement.
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.16 Commercial Sale of Firearms
Section 9.16.010. Definition.
The term firearms” as used in this chapter, shall include, not by way of limitation, handguns, rifles, shotguns, gas or air
guns, spring-loaded guns and other weapons coming under the definition of firearms as defined in the Penal Code of the
Section 9.16.020. Conditions for sales Permits.
No person shall sell, display for sale, or store preparatory for sale any firearm within the City limits unless said person has
fully complied with all of the following conditions:
A. The seller shall hold a federal firearms permit and shall meet all of the provisions of the Gun Control Act of 1968.
B. The seller shall have obtained a permit from the Chief of Police authorizing the storage of the firearms within the City.
The permit shall be renewable annually and shall be issued only upon the showing that the seller has a federal firearms
permit and has taken steps to insure the safety of his or her firearms from burglary or theft. The Chief of Police shall have
the right in conjunction with the building inspector to require as a condition for the issuance of a permit structural changes
to the building in which the firearms are sold or stored, including the installation of burglar alarms and other warning
C. The City permit and the federal firearms permit shall be displayed at the location for which it is issued in a prominent
Section 9.16.030. Fee.
The fee for the issuance of an annual permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The annual fee shall be paid at the time
application is obtained from the City Clerk and in the event a permit is not issued, the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
shall be refunded to the applicant.
Section 9.16.040. Exemption for private sales.
Private persons selling their own firearms and not engaged in the commercial sale of the same shall be exempted from
the purview of this chapter. For the purpose of this chapter, a person selling three (3) or more firearms in any calendar
year shall be conclusively deemed to be engaged in the commercial sale of firearms and shall be required to comply with
the terms of this chapter.
Sanger Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-01, adopted January 10, 2022. (Supp. No. 21, Update 2)
Chapter 18 Businesses
Article II Licenses
Division 3 Requirements for Firearms and Munitions Dealers
Section 18-111. Purpose.
It is the purpose of this division to establish, as authorized by Penal Code 12071, a local licensing process for persons
engaged in the business of selling, transferring or leasing firearms and munitions and related activities.
Section 18-112. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this division, shall be construed as defined in this section:
Engaged in the business means conducting a business for the sale, transfer or lease of firearms or munitions; or
preparing for the conduct of such business as evidenced by the securing of applicable federal or state licenses; or holding
out of one's self as engaged in the business of selling, transferring or leasing firearms or munitions; or selling, transferring
or leasing of firearms or munitions in quantity, in series or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of
trade, including as a pawnbroker.
Firearm means a device designed or modified to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel, a
projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
Firearms dealer means a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer
or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm or munitions and who holds a Federal Firearms
Munitions means a projectile or explosive substance for use with a firearm.
Pawnbroker means a person whose business or occupation includes the taking or receiving, by way of pledge or pawn,
any firearm or munitions as security for the payment or repayment of money.
Person means a natural person, association, partnership, firm, cooperative, corporation, or other business entity.
Section 18-113. License required.
It shall be unlawful for a person to engage in the business of operating or managing a business which sells, transfers,
leases, offers or advertises for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm or munitions without first obtaining a firearms dealer
license from the city. The license required by this division shall be in addition to any other permits or licenses required by
Section 18-114. Application, forms, fees.
An applicant for a license under this division shall file with the chief of police an application in writing and under penalty of
perjury, on a form to be furnished by the city. The applicant shall provide all information required, including proof of
compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and ordinances. The application shall be accompanied by a
nonrefundable fee as established by council resolution.
Section 18-115. Same, investigation.
The chief of police shall conduct a thorough investigation of the applicant. The chief of police may require such additional
information from the applicant as he may deem necessary in order to complete the investigation. The investigation shall
be completed within 30 days unless circumstances exist justifying an extension of time. A written determination of time
needed to complete the investigation shall be provided to the applicant prior to expiration of the 30-day period.
Section 18-116. Same, denial.
The chief of police shall deny the license application when any of the following conditions exist:
(1) The applicant is under the age of 21 years;
(2) The applicant does not possess a valid Federal Firearms License, a valid sellers' permit from the state board of
equalization, a valid certificate of eligibility from the state department of justice, and all other licenses required by
applicable federal, state and local laws and ordinances;
(3) The applicant has had a local firearms license previously revoked or denied for good cause within the immediately
preceding two years;
(4) The applicant has made a false or misleading statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact in the
application for the license;
(5) The applicant has been convicted of:
a. Any criminal offense(s) which disqualifies the applicant, or an officer, employee or agent thereof, from owning or
possessing a firearm under applicable federal, state and local laws and ordinances;
b. Any felony offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous or
deadly weapon;
c. Any felony offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another;
d. Any criminal offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit;
e. Any felony offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined by
the California Health and Safety Code, as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read;
(6) The applicant is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined by the California Health and Safety Code, as
such definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read, or is an excessive user of alcohol to the extent that such
use impairs his or her fitness to be a dealer in firearms;
(7) The applicant has been adjudicated as a mental defective, or has been committed to a mental institution, or suffers
from any psychological disturbance which impairs his or her fitness to be a dealer in concealable firearms;
(8) The operation of the business as proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, state or local laws and
ordinances, including the zoning and fire protection codes of the city; and
(9) The applicant does not have, and/or cannot provide evidence of a possessory interest in the property at which the
proposed business will be conducted. When the property is leased or rented, the applicant shall provide written consent
from the owner of record of the property to conduct such business at the property.
Section 18-117. Security.
In order to discourage the theft of firearms or munitions stored in the premises of a firearms or munitions dealer, any
person licensed under this division must adhere to security measures as required by the chief of police. Security
measures may include some or all of the requirements set forth in Penal Code 12071(b)(14), and shall include the
(1) The provision of secure locks, windows, doors and safes, and adequate lighting and alarms as specified by the chief of
police; and
(2) Storing of all firearms or munitions on the premises out of the reach of customers in a secure locked manner, so that
access to firearms and munitions shall be controlled by the dealer or employees of the dealer, to the exclusion of all
Section 18-118. License, form.
All licenses issued pursuant to this division shall be in a form prescribed by the attorney general of the state.
Section 18-119. Same, duration; renewal.
All licenses issued pursuant to this division shall expire one year after the date of issuance, or automatically upon the
revocation or expiration of the licensee's federal firearms license, whichever is earlier. Licenses may be renewed by the
chief of police for additional periods of one year upon approval of an application for renewal and payment of a
nonrefundable renewal fee. Such renewal application must be completed and received by the chief of police no later than
45 days prior to the expiration of the current license. Renewal applications may be denied consistent with section 18-116.
Section 18-120. Same, assignment.
The assignment or attempt to assign a license issued pursuant to this division is unlawful and any such assignment or
attempt to assign a license shall render the license null and void.
Section 18-121. Same, conditions.
Licenses issued pursuant to this division shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which shall
be sufficient cause for revocation of the license:
(1) The business shall be carried on in the building located at the street address shown on the license. The licensee shall
notify the chief of police in writing within ten days of any change in business location. Any such relocation shall require a
new inspection to ensure compliance with this division. A nonrefundable reinspection fee will be charged.
(2) The licensee shall comply with the California Penal Code, 12071, 12072, 12073, 12074, 12077, 12082, to the extent
that such provisions are in effect.
(3) The licensee shall maintain records of all employees engaged in the sale, lease, transfer or delivery of firearms or
munitions, identifying them by name, address, date of birth and social security number. The licensee shall notify the chief
of police in writing within ten days of any change in employees and submit the required identifying information for each
newly hired employee.
(4) The licensee shall maintain and keep records of all ammunition sales, including the name, address and age of the
purchaser, the date of sale, the amount of ammunition sold and the type of ammunition sold.
(5) The licensee shall comply with the requirements of this division.
Section 18-122. Same, revocation.
In addition to section 18-121, any provisions constituting grounds for denial of a license shall also constitute grounds for
revocation of a license.
Section 18-123. Same, hearing.
(a) Any person whose application for a license or license renewal under this division has been denied, or whose license
has been suspended or revoked pursuant to the provisions of this division, shall have the right to a hearing before the
chief of police or a designee prior to final denial, suspension or revocation.
(b) The chief of police shall give the applicant or licensee written notice of intent to deny the application or to suspend or
revoke the license. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the chief of police's intent to deny the application
or to suspend or revoke the license, and shall inform the applicant or licensee that he or she has ten days from the date of
receipt of the notice to file a written request with the chief of police for hearing on the proposed denial, suspension or
revocation. The application may be denied or the license suspended or revoked if a timely written request for hearing is
not received by the chief of police within the ten-day period.
(c) If the applicant or licensee files a timely hearing request, the chief of police shall set a time and place for the hearing.
The applicant or licensee shall have the right to offer relevant evidence on the issues, to be represented by counsel, and
to confront and cross examine witnesses against him/her. Any person beneficially interested in the application or license
may appeal the chief of police decision to the city council.
Section 18-124. Same, appeals.
(a) The appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the city clerk no later than 15 days after the date of written notice
to the applicant or licensee of the chief of police's decision. The appeal shall state in detail all factual and legal bases for
the appeal.
(b) An appeal fee shall be paid at the time of filing the appeal. The fee shall consist of a processing fee plus an estimate
of the actual cost to the city for conducting the appeal. The processing fee shall accompany the request for appeal. The
appeal fee shall be set by resolution of the city council.
Section 18-125. Indemnification.
The license shall provide that the licensee is obligated to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the city and its officers,
agents and employees, from and against all claims and liabilities arising from the negligence or wrongful conduct of the
licensee respecting the sale, use, rental, transfer, or dealing in firearms and/or munitions.
Section 18-126. License, authority to inspect.
The license shall provide that any and all investigating officials, including police and fire investigators of the city, shall
have the right to enter the building designated in the license from time to time during regular business hours to make
reasonable inspections and to observe and enforce compliance with building, mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, safety
or health regulations, provisions of this division, and all federal, state and local laws and ordinances.
Section 18-127. Compliance.
Persons engaged in the business of selling, transferring, leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offering or
exposing for sale, transfer or lease, firearms or munitions as of the effective date of this division, shall have a period of 60
days after such effective date to comply fully with the provisions of this division.
Section 18-128. Temporary suspension of firearms dealer license.
(a) The chief of police may immediately suspend a license in the event the licensee violates any federal, state, county or
city law or ordinance relating to firearms or involving firearms. This temporary suspension will not exceed three days. If
the violation results in a criminal charge filed by a federal, state or county district attorney, the license to sell firearms or
munitions may be suspended until the case is finally adjudicated.
(b) Notice of suspension shall be mailed to the person(s) who made application for the license and shall be delivered to
the address listed on the license.
(c) The licensee may appeal the suspension consistent with the procedures set forth in sections 18-123 and 18-124.
Santa Ana Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number NS-3024, adopted August 2, 2022. (Supplement Number 28, Update 1)
Chapter 8 Buildings and Structures
Article II Building Code
Division 3 Building Security Regulations
Section 8-211. Special commercial building provisions.
(s) Establishments having specific type inventories shall be protected by the following alarm service:
1. Silent alarm system with a central station hook-up and required twenty-four-hour supervised service:
b. Any establishment manufacturing, storing or selling firearms and ammunition.
Chapter 10 Crimes & Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Provisions
Article II Minors
Section 10-176. Possession of firearms or ammunition by a minor.
(a) No minor shall possess any firearm or ammunition in a public place.
(b) No person shall sell, exchange, give or loan, or cause or permit to be sold, exchanged, given or loaned, any firearm or
ammunition to any person under the age of 18 years.
(c) For the purpose of this section, the term "firearm" means any weapon which will or is designed to or may readily be
converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.
(d) For the purpose of this section, the term ammunition means any unexpended cartridge or shell, consisting of a case
which holds a charge of powder and a bullet or shot, or any device containing any explosive designed and intended for
use in any firearm, or any device containing any explosive.
(e) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the possession of any firearm by a minor at a bona fide firing range or in an
automobile vehicle while enroute to or from hunting any game animal that may be legally hunted under the provisions of
the Fish and Game Code, provided said minor has the written permission of his parent or guardian to have such firearm or
is accompanied by his parent or guardian while he has such firearm in his possession.
Article IX – Licensing of Firearms Sales
Section 10-501. Definitions.
As used in this article the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Chief of police means the chief of police of the City of Santa Ana and any employee within the Santa Ana Police
Department who is designated by the chief of police to act as his representative in the implementation of this article.
Penal Code means the Penal Code of the State of California, as it may from time to time be amended.
License and licensee mean the license required by § 12070 of the Penal Code of the State of California and the person
holding such a license, unless the context shows that a different type of license is meant.
Other terms used in this article shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Penal Code.
Section 10-502. Chief of police as licensing authority.
The chief of police is the duly authorized licensing authority for licenses granted pursuant to §§ 12070 and 12071 of the
Penal Code.
Section 10-503. Fixed place of business required.
Each licensee must have a fixed place of business and possess all permits, licenses, certificates, variances or other
instruments of approval or evidences that any conditions exist for the sale of firearms as required by any other section of
this Code or by any statute or code provisions of the state. Except as may otherwise be provided by the Penal Code, all
sales of firearms may only be made at said fixed location.
Section 10-504. Branch establishments; multiple places of business; separate licenses required.
A separate firearm seller's license fee must be paid and a separate firearm seller's license obtained for each branch
establishment of the business transacted and carried on within the city.
Section 10-505. Overlapping business.
If in addition to the business of selling firearms any person shall engage in, conduct, manage, or carry on at the same time
and on the same premises any other business requiring any permit, license, certificate, variance or other instrument of
approval or evidence that any conditions exist as required by any other section of this Code or by statute or code
provisions of the state, such person shall comply with all of the provisions affecting each business.
Section 10-506. Licensee responsible for the conduct of the business.
It shall be the duty of the licensee to see that no firearms are sold or offered for sale in violation of this article or the Penal
Section 10-507. Retention and maintenance of sales information and sales records; inspection.
(a) All firearm and ammunition sales information and sales records shall be retained for a period of 3 years and shall be
maintained and stored within the licensed location during normal business hours. All such records shall be maintained in
an orderly manner, consistent with federal, state and local laws and shall be located so that all records are immediately
and readily accessible for inspection in a specific space allocated for record retention.
(b) All sales information and records relating to sales of firearms and/or ammunition shall be made available to any police
officer or other duly authorized representative of the chief of police upon request. Stock in trade shall likewise be made
available for inspection as appropriate to allow for comparison of such stock with business records. No licensee shall
attempt to dissuade or impair said officers' or duly authorized representative's inspection.
Section 10-508. Evidence of doing business as a seller of firearms.
When any person shall by the use of signs, circulars, cards, telephone books, newspapers, or trade publications,
advertise, holdout, or represent that he or she is a seller of firearms, or when any person holds an active license,
certificate, or permit issued by a governmental agency indicating that he or she is a seller of firearms within the city and
such person fails to deny in a sworn statement given to the chief of police that he or she is not a seller of firearms within
the city, after being requested to do so by the chief of police, then these facts shall be considered prima facie evidence
that such person is a seller of firearms within the city.
Section 10-509. Rules and regulations.
The chief of police shall adopt and enforce, by rules and regulations, security requirements for the protection from theft of
firearms and ammunition sold and maintained by the licensee. Such rules may require that licensee provide burglar alarm
systems, separate storage areas for ammunition and other measures designed to prevent the theft of such merchandise
from the premises of licensee. The chief of police shall also have the power to adopt other rules and regulations not
inconsistent with the provisions of this article as may be necessary or desirable to aid in the enforcement of the provisions
of this article.
Section 10-510. Term and renewal of licenses.
Licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this article, unless sooner revoked, suspended or canceled, shall be
effective for a period of 1 year from the date of issuance; and may be thereafter renewed annually. Applications for
renewal shall be treated as applications for an initial license and shall be subject to all applicable provisions of this article.
Applications for renewal shall be filed with the chief of police not later than 30 days before the expiration of the current
Section 10-511. Application for license.
(a) An application for a license shall be filed with the chief of police on forms furnished by the chief of police. Such
application shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount established by resolution of the city council, and shall contain the
following information:
(1) The name, date of birth, driver's license number, social security number, fictitious business name or names under
which the applicant is registered to operate, business and residence address of the applicant, if a natural person, or if
a corporation, its name, date and place of incorporation, federal employer identification number, address of its
principal officers, together with their respective residence addresses; or if a partnership, association or unincorporated
company, the fictitious name or names under which the partnership is registered to operate, the names of the
partners, driver's license numbers, social security numbers, of the persons comprising such association or company,
and the business and residence of each partner or person;
(2) The business, occupation, or employment history of the applicant for 3 years immediately preceding the date of
the application; including, if applicable, the applicant's business license and police permit history;
(3) All criminal convictions or proceedings in which a plea of guilty or nolo contendere was entered;
(4) Such other identification and information as the chief of police deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this
(b) The application submitted shall be accompanied by copies of the following licenses, permits, and certificates:
(1) A valid federal firearms license issued in the name of applicant.
(2) A valid seller's permit issued by the State Board of Equalization in the name of applicant issued for the city.
(3) A valid certificate of eligibility issued by the California Department of Justice.
(4) A valid city business license issued for the retail sale of firearms.
(5) A statement of zoning code compliance in accordance with subsection (c) of this section.
(c) Any person who desires to obtain a license pursuant to this article may request a statement of zoning code compliance
from the planning manager. Any such request shall be in writing and shall specify the location as to which the license will
pertain and the nature of the activities to be conducted at that location by the licensee if the license is granted. The
planning manager or his or her designated representative may require such additional information as may be necessary to
determine whether the conduct of such activities at such location complies with the requirements of Chapter 41 of this
code. If the planning manager or his or her designated representative determined either (i) that such activities at such
location will comply with said Chapter 41 without the necessity of any permit, variance or other entitlement of use pursuant
to that chapter, or (ii) that any such necessary permit, variance or other entitlement of use has been granted, the planning
manager or his or her designated representative shall sign and deliver to the chief of police, with a copy to the person
requesting it, a statement of zoning code compliance.
Section 10-512. Denial of license application.
The chief of police, within 30 days from the date a completed application is filed or longer upon a showing of good cause,
shall cause an investigation of the applicant, and the application for a license may be denied within such period of time on
any of the following grounds:
(1) The applicant is a person under the age of 18 years;
(2) The applicant is unable to provide any of the items required by subsection (b) of § 10-511.
(3) The applicant, his agent or employee, or any person connected or associated with the applicant as partner, director,
officer, stockholder, associate or manager has committed or aided or abetted in the commission of any act or act of
omission which if committed by a permittee would be grounds for suspension or revocation of a license; or
(4) The applicant, his agent or employee, or any person connected or associated with the applicant as partner, director,
officer, stockholder, associate or manager has been refused a license or had a license revoked or has been an officer,
director, member, partner or manager of any corporation or partnership which has been refused a license or had a license
Section 10-513. Notice of denial of license.
The chief of police, within the period of time specified in § 10-512, shall notify the applicant of his intention to deny an
application for a license. Service of such notice shall be made personally or by United States mail. The notice shall
include the reasons for denial and be accompanied by a statement that the applicant may request a hearing in
accordance with § 10-516 within 10 days of the date of the notice. In the absence of any such request for hearing the
denial shall become final upon the expiration of the 10-day period.
Section 10-514. Suspension or revocation of license, Generally.
The chief of police may, in his discretion or upon the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the actions of
any licensee and may temporarily suspend for a period not to exceed 90 days or revoke the license of any licensee who
commits any 1 or more of the acts or omissions specified in § 10-515. The chief of police shall notify the applicant of his
intention to suspend or revoke the license. Service of such notice shall be made personally or by United States mail. The
notice shall include the reasons for suspension or revocation and be accompanied by a statement that the applicant may
request a hearing in accordance with § 10-516 within 10 days of the date of the notice. In the absence of any such
request for hearing the decision to suspend or revoke the license shall become final upon the expiration of the 10-day
Section 10-515. Same, grounds.
It shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of a license if any licensee, or his or her agent or employee, or any
person connected or associated with the licensee as partner, director, officer, stockholder, general manager, or person
who is exercising managerial authority of or on behalf of the licensee does any of the following:
(1) Knowingly makes any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of a material fact in an application for a firearm license,
or in any report or record required to be filed with the police department.
(2) Commits any act or omission which is grounds for forfeiture of a license under § 12071 of the Penal Code.
(3) Violates any statute pertaining to the sale, lease or transfer of firearms.
(4) Fails to maintain in effect the licenses, permits, certificates and zoning code compliance required by subsection (b) of
§ 10-511.
Section 10-516. Hearing by the chief of police; appeal.
(a) Upon receipt of a request for hearing as provided in this article, the chief of police shall notify licensee by United States
mail of the time and place of such hearing. Such hearing shall be held within 30 days after the chief of police's receipt of
request for hearing, unless the licensee waives this time period in which case the hearing may be held on a later date.
Any hearing, once commenced, may be continued by the chief of police or at the request of the licensee. At the
conclusion of such hearing, the chief of police may render a decision which shall become effective immediately; or in the
alternative, the chief of police may elect to render a written decision which shall be furnished the licensee by United States
mail not less than 10 days following the conclusion of the hearing. Such written decision shall become effective 5 days
after the date of mailing of the notice.
(b) The decision of the chief of police may be appealed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3 of this Code, and
the licensee shall have the burden of proving that the decision rendered by the chief of police was unreasonable,
erroneous or a clear abuse of discretion.
Section 10-517. New application after denial or revocation of firearm seller's license.
When the firearm seller's license of any person is revoked for cause, no new or other application for a firearm seller's
license from the same person shall be accepted within 1 year after such revocation. When an application for a firearm
seller's license is denied for cause, no new or other application for a firearm seller's license from the same person shall be
accepted within 1 year after denial unless the applicant can show a material change in his or her situation which would
justify the issuance of such firearm seller's license.
Section 10-518. Contents of license.
All licenses shall be prepared and issued by the chief of police upon the approval of the applicant's application and
payment to the city of the required fee. Each license so issued shall state upon the face thereof the following:
(1) The license number of the firearm seller's license.
(2) The date of expiration of such license.
(3) The persons to whom such license is issued, and where such persons are doing business under a fictitious name;
both the actual and fictitious names to whom such license is issued.
(4) The situs address at which licensee is approved to conduct business.
(5) The State Board of Equalization seller's permit number issued to licensee.
(6) The federal firearms license number issued to licensee.
(7) The Department of Justice certificate of eligibility number issued to licensee.
(8) Any additional statement the chief of police may deem necessary or which the state may require.
Section 10-519. Use of license by unlicensed person.
No person holding a license required by this article shall permit any other person to use the license, the licensed premises
or the licensee's name for the purpose of evading any provision of this article.
Section 10-520. Duplicates.
A duplicate license may be issued to replace any license previously issued hereunder which has been lost or destroyed
upon the licensee filing a statement of such fact, and, at the time of filing such statement, paying a duplicate license fee
equal to 10% percent of the original fee for the firearm seller's license.
Section 10-521. Posting.
Every licensee shall keep the license prominently posted in a conspicuous and public place upon the premises specified
in the license where such business is carried on. All other federal, state, and city licenses, certificates, and permits relative
to conducting the business of firearm sales shall likewise be posted together with the firearm seller's license.
Section 10-522. Prohibition of display of suspended or revoked license.
No person shall reproduce, duplicate, copy or alter an original firearm seller's license for the purpose of circumventing the
requirement of this section by giving a false or misleading impression that any duplication of an original license is valid
and that the appropriate fee therefor has been paid; neither shall any person exhibit a suspended or revoked license.
Section 10-523. Transferability.
(a) Licenses shall not be transferable except as provided in this section.
(b) When a business for which a license has been issued is sold or transferred to 1 of the transferees listed in this section,
the chief of police may endorse a change of ownership on such license upon written application by the transferee. Only
the following transferees or successors shall be entitled to such transfer of permit.
(1) Duly qualified representatives of licensees regularly appointed by courts of competent jurisdiction, assignees for
the benefit of creditors, and spouses or children of deceased licensees;
(2) The surviving partner or partners of a dissolved partnership;
(3) A new partnership consisting of the members of a predecessor partnership, plus their spouse or spouses of any
such members;
(4) A new corporation organized and controlled by an individual or unincorporated licensee for the purpose of
acquiring, and which has acquired the assets of the business previously owned and operated by such licensee;
(5) Upon dissolution of a closely held corporation, the stockholders to whom the assets are distributed.
(c) A transferee or successor entitled to a transfer of a license must file an application for such transfer with the chief of
police within 30 days after he assumes [ownership or control] of the business. The chief of police may require such
evidence of the transfer of ownership or control as he deems necessary. A fee equal to 20% of the original fee for the
license shall accompany the application.
(d) The chief of police shall transfer the license to an applicant entitled to such transfer unless he finds that the transfer
will adversely affect the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the public or that the transferee does not possess
the qualifications required of original applicants.
Section 10-524. Change of location.
Where no conflict exists with the city's zoning regulations, as evidenced by a new statement of zoning code compliance
pursuant to subsection 10-511(c), a change of location may be endorsed on a firearm seller's license by the chief of police
upon written application by a licensee, accompanied by a change of location fee equal to 20% of the original fee for the
firearm seller's license shall accompany the application.
Section 10-525. No refund upon termination of business.
The license fee paid under the terms of this article is not refundable upon termination of a business or for any unused
portion or term of a license period.
Section 10-526. Right of entry.
The chief of police or any police officer shall have the power and authority to enter the premises of any business engaging
in firearms sales, leases or transfers for which a license is required during business hours, free of any charge, and at such
other times as may be reasonable following due process of law, and request a display of the required license together
with any other federal, state, and city licenses, certificates, and permits relative to conducting the business of firearm
sales. No person having custody or control of such place of business shall fail to comply with any such request.
Section 10-527. Penalty for violation.
Every violation of the provisions of this article shall be deemed to be a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be
punishable as provided for in § 1-8 of this Code. Each day any violation of any said provision of this article shall constitute
a separate offense.
Santa Barbara Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 6053 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 9 Public Peace and Safety
Chapter 9.36 Sale of Firearms
Section 9.36.010. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings
respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Businessmeans retail and not wholesale business.
Convicted” means entry of plea of guilty, or found guilty by court or jury.
Firearms” means any gun, rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or any other device which projects a missile by an explosive
type of ammunition, including, but not limited to, firearms capable of being concealed upon the person.
Permit means any permit issued under and as provided in this chapter.
Permittee means any person issued a permit under the provisions of this chapter
Section 9.36.020. Purpose of chapter.
This chapter is an exercise of the Police power of the City for the protection of the safety, welfare, health, peace and
morals of the peoples of this City, and to eliminate the evils of unregulated and unlawful selling at retail of firearms as a
Section 9.36.030. Enforcement.
The Tax and Permit Inspector and the Police Department are hereby designated the enforcing agencies of this chapter.)
Section 9.36.040. Certain persons not permitted to sell, transfer, etc.
No permittee under this chapter shall permit anyone, to whom the transfer of any firearm is prohibited, to sell, deliver,
lease, rent or in any manner transfer any firearm.
Section 9.36.090. Delivery of firearms to minors prohibited.
No person engaged in the business of selling or otherwise transferring firearms shall sell, deliver, lease, rent or in any
manner transfer, furnish, give or cause to be sold, delivered, leased, rented, transferred, furnished or given any firearm to
any person under the age of 18 years. Members of businessman’s immediate family are excepted.
Section 9.36.100. Criminal prosecution for violation of section 9.36.090 - admissible evidence.
In any criminal prosecution or proceeding for violation of Section 9.36.090, proof that the defendant permittee, or his or
her agent, demanded and was shown immediately prior to the sale or transfer of any firearm bona fide documentary
evidence of sufficient age and identity shall be a defense to the prosecution. A bona fide identity card issued by a Federal,
State, County or municipal government or subdivision or agency thereof, including, but not limited to, a motor vehicle
operator’s license, a registration certificate issued under the Federal Selective Service Act or identification card issued to
a member of the armed forces, shall be deemed to be documentary evidence for the purpose of this chapter.
Section 9.36.110. Refusal to sell without bona fide evidence of age.
A permittee under this chapter may refuse to sell, or otherwise transfer, a firearm to any person who is unable to produce
bona fide documentary evidence that he or she has attained the age of 18 years.
Section 9.36.120. False evidence of age.
No person shall offer to any permittee under this chapter, his or her agent or employee, any documentary evidence of age
or identity which is false, fraudulent or not actually his or her own for the purpose of procuring any firearm or ammunition
therefor, the sale or other transfer of which would be prohibited under this chapter by the permittee.
Section 9.36.130. Sale of ammunition to certain persons prohibited - Exception.
No person, whether or not such person is engaged in the business of selling ammunition for firearms, shall sell
ammunition for any firearm to any person to whom the sale or transfer of any firearm using such ammunition is prohibited
under this chapter. Minors with written consent of their parent or legal guardian are excepted.
Section 9.36.160. Dealings without permit prohibited.
No person without holding a current permit as provided in this chapter shall engage in the business of selling or otherwise
transferring or advertising for the sale of any firearms.
Section 9.36.170. Permit application Form Approval.
An application for the permit required by the preceding section shall be made on a form obtainable from, and filed with,
the Tax and Permit Inspector, together with the application fee required by Section 9.36.180. Applications shall be in the
form prescribed by the Chief of Police and Tax and Permit Inspector. Each application shall be approved by the Chief of
Police prior to issuance of a permit.
Section 9.36.180. Permit application Fee.
An application fee of $25.00 is required to accompany each application required by Section 9.36.170 to cover the costs of
investigation and processing. Such fee is not refundable in the event the permit required by this chapter is denied. The
application fee is to be paid to the Tax and Permit Inspector of the City. Business establishments having more than one
location shall be required to pay one application fee only for all locations.
Section 9.36.190. Permit application Issuance or denial Appeal.
An application for a permit required by this chapter shall be deemed approved, unless written notice is deposited in the
regular course of mails within 60 days of the filing of the application in the Office of the Tax and Permit Inspector to the
applicant, that the application is denied. In the event that an application is denied, the applicant may appeal to the City
Council pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.30.050 of this code.
Section 9.36.200. Issuance Approval of police chief.
Upon approval of the application by the Chief of Police or upon approval as provided in Section 9.36.190, the Tax and
Permit Inspector shall issue a permit; provided, that all applicable license fees have been paid by the applicant.
Section 9.36.210. Duration Grounds for revocation.
Permits required by this chapter shall be effective for one year, and shall be subject to renewal annually upon application
30 days prior to date of expiration, and approval by the Chief of Police. A renewal fee of $10.00 shall be required with
each such application. Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be revoked by the Tax and Permit Inspector upon
recommendation of the Chief of Police for breach of any of the following conditions:
A. The business shall be carried on only on premises designated in the permit;
B. The permit or a copy of the permit, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it can
easily be read;
C. No pistol or revolver shall be delivered unless all of the following conditions are complied with:
1. Within five days of the application for the purchase,
2. Unless the same shall be unloaded and securely wrapped, and
3. Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the seller or shall present bona fide documentary evidence of
his or her identity;
D. No pistol or revolver or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed in
any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside;
E. The happening of any event or the performance of any subsequent act which would render the permittee a person to
whom a permit cannot be issued in the first instance;
F. The misrepresentation of a material fact by any applicant in obtaining any permit.
Section 9.36.220. Persons to whom permits may not be issued.
In no event shall a permit required by this chapter be issued to any of the following persons:
A. Persons who are prohibited from possessing firearms capable of being concealed upon the person under the
provisions of Section 12021 of the State Penal Code;
B. Anyone convicted of any violation of any provision of the law of the State dealing with the unlawful use of narcotic,
hypnotic or dangerous drugs or under similar laws of the United States;
C. Anyone not of good moral character;
D. Anyone under the age of 21 years.
Section 9.36.230. Prior revocations of permit Application.
Application for permits may not be made by any person who has had a permit revoked within three years of the date of
the application, nor shall any application be made by any person if any other person whose permit has been revoked
within three years has a financial interest in excess of 25% in the business for which the application is made.
Section 9.36.240. Permit nontransferable.
No permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable to any person. No person shall attempt or
purport to effect such a transfer.
Section 9.36.250. Permit suspension for violation.
Upon any violation of Section 9.36.040, 9.36.090, or 9.36.130, the Tax and Permit Inspector upon recommendation of the
Chief of Police may suspend any permit issued under this chapter, for a period of seven days upon the first violation and
for 21 days upon a second violation. Upon any third or subsequent violation, the permit may be revoked
Santa Barbara County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 5157, enacted May 17, 2022. (Supp. No. 39)
Chapter 14B Firearms, Handguns
Section 14B-1. Firearm defined.
As used in this chapter the term firearm means any of the following:
(a) A pistol, revolver, and firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as defined in subdivision (a) of section
12001 of the Penal Code;
(b) Any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of any
explosion or other form of combustion as defined in subdivision (b) of section 12001 of the Penal Code;
(c) The term firearm includes the frame or receiver of any such weapon;
(d) For purposes of this chapter the term firearm does not include an unloaded firearm which is defined as an antique
firearm in section 921(a)(l6) of title 18 of the United States Code or a curio or relic, as defined in section 178.11 of title 27
of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Section 14B-2. Purpose and intent of chapter.
The purpose and intent of this chapter is to designate the tax collector of the County of Santa Barbara as the duly
constituted licensing authority to grant licenses permitting an applicant to sell firearms in the unincorporated area of this
county, pursuant to title 2, chapter 1, article 4 of the California Penal Code.
Section 14B-3. Application procedure for license to sell.
Application for a license to sell firearms shall be made and conducted in the following manner:
Application for license effective for one year from the date of issue shall be on forms made available by the tax collector
and prescribed by the attorney general of the State of California.
Section 14B-4. Application for license to generally.
Notwithstanding any provision in this Code to the contrary, upon payment of the fee fixed therefor in section 22-74
(Handgun dealers), the tax collector shall issue and renew a license to sell firearms in the form prescribed by the attorney
general of the State of California pursuant to Penal Code, section 12071 if, and only if, all the following conditions are
(a) The applicant is eighteen years of age, or over;
(b) The applicant has not been convicted of any crime involving the illegal use or possession of any weapon described in
Penal Code section 12020 or Penal Code section 12022;
(c) The applicant has not been adjudicated a mentally incompetent person or has not been adjudicated to be a member of
a class of persons subject to proceedings pursuant to the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act contained in section 5001, et seq. of
the Welfare and Institutions Code;
(d) The applicant has not wilfully failed to disclose any material information required in the application;
(e) The applicant has not made any false statement as to any material fact in connection with the application;
(f) The applicant is not in violation, at the time of issuance or renewal of the license, of any of the provisions of this
chapter, or of any conditions contained in any license to sell handguns previously issued to the applicant pursuant to this
chapter, or contained in Penal Code section 12071; and
(g) The sale of firearms at the locations specified in the application is not prohibited by any provision of the zoning laws or
ordinances of the county.
Section 14B-5. Approval or denial of application for license to sell.
The tax collector shall approve or deny the application for the license to sell firearms within a thirty-day period
commencing on the date such application is received. The tax collector shall provide the applicant with written notice of
the grounds for his intended denial pursuant to section 22-53 of this Code. If the tax collector fails to act within the thirty-
day period specified in this section, the applicant may request a hearing pursuant to division 4 of chapter 22 of this Code.
Section 14B-6. Revocation procedure for license to sell.
(a) The tax collector shall revoke a license to sell firearms if the licensee violates any condition contained in this chapter,
in Penal Code, section 12071 or in the license sought to be revoked.
(b) The tax collector shall notify the licensee in writing of such revocation. The notice shall specify the grounds for
revocation and the right of the licensee to apply for a hearing before the board within five days after receipt of such notice.
(c) If the tax collector revokes a license, the effective date of such revocation shall be stayed until notice by the clerk of
the board of the determination following any hearing requested by the licensee pursuant to division 4 of chapter 22 of this
Santa Clara Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2046, passed April 5, 2022.
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.05 In General
Section 9.05.080. Minors Possession of certain weapons without parental consent prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of sixteen (16) years to have in his/her possession any pistol, or other
weapon capable of receiving any charge, cartridge or explosive unless by the written consent of his/her parent or
Section 9.05.090. Sale of weapons to minors without request of parents, etc., prohibited.
It shall be unlawful within the city for any person to sell, dispose of or give to any minor under the age of eighteen (18)
years any pistol, air gun or other weapon capable of receiving and discharging any charge, cartridge or explosive without
the written request of his/her parent or guardian.
Santa Clara County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number NS-1015.63, enacted June 28, 2022. (Supp. No. 53, Update 1)
Title B Regulations
Division B19 Firearms
Chapter I Firearms Licenses
Section B19-1. License required.
(a) This division shall be interpreted in accordance with Part 4, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 4 of the Penal Code of California
(Penal Code 12070 et seq.).
(b) Within the unincorporated area of the County, no person shall engage in the business of selling or transferring
firearms, or offering or exposing firearms for sale or transfer, unless that person has been issued a license as provided
(c) The license requirement shall not apply to the infrequent sale, lease or transfer, offering, exposing for sale, lease or
transfer, or advertising for sale, lease or transfer of firearms. As used in this section "infrequent" means:
(1) For pistols, revolvers and other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, less than six transactions
per calendar year. For this purpose, "transaction" means a single sale, lease or transfer of any number of pistols,
revolvers or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person.
(2) For firearms other than pistols, revolvers or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person,
occasional and without regularity.
Section B19-2. Application for license.
Written applications for a license under this division shall be filed with the Sheriff upon forms to be provided.
Section B19-3. Investigation by Sheriff and Planning Director.
(a) Upon receipt of an application for a license under this division, the Sheriff shall investigate the facts connected with the
application and shall not approve the application if:
(1) The applicant is not of good moral character, or
(2) The sale of firearms by the applicant would constitute a violation of any state law or provision of this Code.
(b) The Sheriff shall also submit the application to the Director of Planning, who shall not approve the application if the
proposed location of the business is not in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
Section B19-4. Issuance of license; fee required.
If the application is approved by the Sheriff and the Planning Director, a license shall be issued in the form required by the
Attorney General. A fee of $125.00 per year shall be paid at the time of issuance of said license for each place of
Section B19-5. Conditions.
The license shall be subject to the conditions contained in Penal Code 12071 and the conditions contained in this division.
Section B19-6. Licenses not transferable.
A license conferred under this division shall not be transferable, either as to the licensee or location of the business.
Section B19-7. Expiration of license; renewal.
A license conferred under this division shall expire at the end of one year, but may be renewed by the holder for the
periods of one year upon payment of the fee specified in Section B19-4 of this division and upon the submission of a
written renewal application on forms to be provided.
Chapter II Regulation of Firearms and Ammunition on County Property
Section B19-9. Definitions.
In addition to the definitions of Chapter I of Division A1 of this Ordinance Code, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) County Property means any real property, including any buildings thereon, owned or leased by the County, including
property owned by the County that is in the possession of a public or private entity under contract with the County to
perform a public purpose. County Property includes, but is not limited to, real property owned or leased by the County in
the unincorporated and incorporated portions of Santa Clara County, and the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds located
within an unincorporated pocket in the City of San Jose. County Property does not include any "local public building" as
defined in Penal Code 171b(c) or any successor legislation, where the possession of firearms is regulated pursuant to
Penal Code 171b or any successor legislation. County Property also does not include any public right-of-way owned by
the County, including any area across, along, on, over, upon, and within the dedicated public alleys, boulevards, courts,
lanes, roads, sidewalks, streets, expressways, and ways within Santa Clara County.
(b) Firearm means any gun, pistol, revolver, rifle, or any device that is designed or modified to be used as a weapon, from
which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion. "Firearm" does not
include imitation firearms, BB guns, or air rifles as defined in Government Code 53071.5 or any successor legislation.
(c) Ammunition means any ammunition as defined in Penal Code 16150 or any successor legislation.
(d) Sale or Sell means:
(1) Any transaction, with or without the exchange of consideration, which:
i. Transfers ownership, title, possession, or control of a Firearm, or Ammunition, or both; or
ii. Gives, loans, leases, or delivers a Firearm, or Ammunition, or both.
(2) Includes the act of placing an order for any of the aforementioned transactions, except through a federal firearms
(e) Locked Container means a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, keylock, combination
lock, or similar locking device as defined in Penal Code 16850 or any successor legislation. The term Locked Container
does not include the utility or glove compartment of a motor vehicle as defined in Penal Code 16850 or any successor
(f) Sport Shooting Range or Range means an area designated by the County and operated for the use of rifles,
shotguns, pistols, silhouettes, skeet, trap, black powder, or any other similar sport or law enforcement training purpose as
defined in Civil Code 3482.1(a)(2) or any successor legislation.
(g) Gun Buy Back Event means an event organized, sponsored, or hosted by the County, where persons voluntarily turn
in Firearms or Ammunition, or both.
Section B19-10. Prohibition on the possession, sale, or discharge of firearms or ammunition on county property.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to bring onto or possess a firearm, loaded or unloaded, or ammunition, or both, on
county property. This subsection shall not apply where the possession of firearms or ammunition is prohibited by State
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell a firearm, loaded or unloaded, or ammunition, or both, on county property.
This subsection shall not apply where the sale of firearms or ammunition is prohibited by State law.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm on county property. This subsection shall not apply where the
discharge of a firearm is prohibited by State law.
(d) Every person who violates subsection (a), (b), or (c) is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section B19-11. Exceptions, ban on possession.
Subsection B19-10(a) does not apply to the following:
(a) A federal, state, or local law enforcement officer, or person assisting a peace officer, when such person is authorized
to carry a concealed weapon or a loaded firearm under State law or under 18 U.S.C. section 926B or section 926C or any
successor legislation;
(b) A person holding a valid license to carry a Firearm issued pursuant to Penal Code 26150 or any successor legislation;
(c) A security guard or messenger of a financial institution, a guard of a contract carrier operating an armored vehicle, a
licensed private investigator, a patrol operator, an alarm company operator, or a uniformed security guard, when such
persons are authorized by applicable State or federal law to carry a Firearm and when such persons are engaged in the
exercise of their official duties on County Property;
(d) An authorized participant in a motion picture, television, video, dance, or theatrical production, when the participant
lawfully uses the Firearm as part of that production, provided that when such Firearm is not in the actual possession of the
authorized participant, it is secured to prevent unauthorized use;
(e) A person lawfully transporting Firearms or Ammunition, or both, in a motor vehicle on County roads;
(f) A person lawfully using Firearms or Ammunition, or both, at a Sport Shooting Range operated by the County in
accordance with its rules and applicable law; provided, however, that when transiting to or from the designated areas of a
Range on County Property, any Firearm must remain unloaded, and that any Firearm or Ammunition, or both, is safely
stored in a Locked Container or otherwise secured using a firearm safety device as defined by Penal Code 16540 or any
successor legislation;
(g) An honorably retired officer or agent of a law enforcement agency, when authorized to carry a concealed or loaded
weapon under State law;
(h) An animal control officer when authorized by applicable State or federal law to carry a loaded Firearm and when
engaged in the exercise of official duties on County Property;
(i) An active member of the military forces of the State or of the United States when on duty;
(j) A person bringing or transporting an unloaded Firearm or Ammunition onto County Property to exchange, transfer, or
relinquish it to law enforcement, in compliance with any County operated, approved, or sponsored program to purchase,
exchange, or otherwise obtain voluntary relinquishment of Firearms or Ammunition, or both, from the public, including a
Gun Buy Back Event;
(k) A person delivering unloaded Firearms or Ammunition, or both, as authorized by State or federal law, to or from law
enforcement or the public guardian/public administrator;
(l) The public guardian/public administrator when the possession is within the course of its duties;
(m) A person lawfully possessing a Firearm or Ammunition, or both, in a place of residence in accordance with all
applicable laws and regulations;
(n) A person lawfully possessing an unloaded Firearm or Ammunition, or both, in the locked trunk of, or inside a Locked
Container in, a motor vehicle; or
(o) A hunter with a valid California hunting license in the Alviso Marina County Park when going to or returning from a
legal hunting expedition outside the Alviso Marina County Park boundaries; provided, however, that when transiting
through County Property, any Firearm must remain unloaded, and that any Firearm or Ammunition, or both, is safely
stored in a Locked Container or otherwise secured using a firearm safety device as defined by Penal Code 16540 or any
successor legislation.
Section B19-12. Exceptions, ban on sale.
Subsection B19-10(b) does not apply to the following:
(a) The acquisition or sale of a firearm, or ammunition, or both, by a federal, state, or local governmental entity, including
at a gun buy back event; or
(b) The lawful sale of ammunition by the county or its authorized vendor(s) at a sport shooting range, but only so long as
the ammunition is at all times kept within the range's premises and used on the premises at the time of purchase. Any
unused or excess ammunition that has been sold at the range must remain at the range and cannot be taken off the
grounds of the range.
Section B19-14. Public nuisance.
Any violation of this Division is hereby declared a public nuisance and may be abated by the County pursuant to Chapter
III of Division A1 of this Code.
Section B19-15. Administrative remedies.
In addition to the civil remedies and criminal penalties set forth above, any violation of this Division may be subject to
administrative remedies, as set forth in Division A37.
Chapter III Safe Storage of Firearms
Section B19-16. Definitions.
(a) Firearm means any gun, pistol, revolver, rifle, or any device that is designed or modified to be used as a weapon,
from which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion. "Firearm"
does not include imitation firearms, BB guns, or air rifles as defined in Government Code section 53071.5 orany
successor legislation.
(b) Close proximity and control, as used here, means within arm's reach of a person who is actively paying attention to
the firearm such that they could gain control of the weapon before an unauthorized person could access the weapon.
(c) Locked container means a locked container as defined in Penal Code section 16850, as amended from time to time
and as listed on the California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms roster of approved firearm safety devices.
(d) Residence means any structure intended or used for human habitation, including but not limited to houses,
condominiums, rooms, in-law units, motels, hotels, single room occupancies, time shares, and recreational and other
vehicles where human habitation occurs, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, and whether owned, leased,
rented, or used with or without compensation, and regardless of the lawful status of the structure or its occupancy.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, "residence" shall not include a seasonal hunting lodge when used by an individual with a
valid hunting license from the state Department of Fish and Wildlife and when no child who does not also hold a valid
hunting license from the state Department of Fish and Wildlife is present. A "seasonal hunting lodge" for the purposes of
the previous sentence must be lawfully used for temporary human habitation, used by a given individual less than 90 days
in a calendar year, and not located in an Urban Residential, Commercial, or Industrial District as defined by the Zoning
(e) Trigger lock means a trigger lock that is listed on the California Department of Justice's roster of approved firearms
safety devices and that is identified as appropriate for that firearm by reference to either the manufacturer and model of
the firearm or to the physical characteristics of the firearm that match those listed on the roster for use with the device
under Penal Code section 23655(d).
Section B19-17. Prohibition on keeping firearms in a residence unless in locked container, disabled with a
trigger lock, carried by an authorized user, or in immediate control or possession of an authorized user.
(a) Except when carried on the person of an individual in accordance with all applicable laws or when in the close
proximity and control of a person who is authorized to carry a firearm in accordance with all applicable laws, in the
unincorporated area of the County no person shall keep a firearm in any residence unless the firearm is stored in a locked
container or the firearm is disabled with a trigger lock. This provision does not apply to the storage or use of a firearm
outside of a residence.
(b) Each day that a firearm is improperly stored shall constitute a separate violation of this Section.
(c) The first violation of this Section shall be an infraction punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00.
(d) All additional violations of this Section beyond the first violation shall constitute an infraction punishable by a fine not to
exceed $1,000.00.
Section B19-18. Reporting theft or loss to law enforcement.
Nothing in this Chapter affects a person's obligations under California Penal Code§ 25250 to report that a firearm has
been lost or stolen to local authorities within five days of the time he or she knew or reasonably should have known that
the firearm had been lost or stolen.
Santa Clarita Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-9, passed July 12, 2022.
Title 17 Zoning
Division 5 Use Classifications and Required Parking
Chapter 17.41 General
Section 17.41.010. General.
B. The following uses shall be designated as follows:
1. Prohibited where the symbol “X” appears;
3. Permitted subject to a conditional use permit (CUP) where the symbol “C” appears;
Chapter 17.43 Commercial Use Types
Section 17.43.010. Commercial use types.
21. Retail Sales, Specific
Includes establishments primarily engaged in the sale of goods and merchandise. The following are specific retail sales
use types:
k. Gun Storesincludes establishments primarily engaged in the sale of firearms.
1 space per 250 square feet
Chapter 17.65 Home Occupations
Section 17.65.030. Prohibited Uses.
The following businesses shall not be operated out of a home and shall not be permitted by home occupation permits:
alcohol sales, food preparation (not including home-based cottage food operations), firearm and ammunition sales and
services, on-site massage therapists, hairdressers, retail sales, vehicle storage, vehicle sales and vehicle repair, vehicle
dispatch (taxis, towing, etc.), furniture or cabinet making, commercial kennels, commercial stables, breeding facilities,
forensic testing, and the sale, cultivation, manufacturing, testing, and delivery of cannabis or products containing
cannabis, and adult businesses.
Santa Cruz Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-12, passed August 9, 2022.
Title 9 Peace, Safety and Morals
Chapter 9.26 Firearms Dealers
Section 9.26.020. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this
(a) “Firearmmeans any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which a projectile is expelled through a barrel
by the force of any explosion or other form of combustion. The term “firearm” includes, but is not limited to, (1) the frame
or receiver of any such weapon, and (2) any rocket, rocket-propelled projectile launcher or similar device containing any
explosive or incendiary material, whether or not such device is designed for emergency or distress signaling purposes.
The term “firearm” does not include an unloaded firearm which is defined as an “antique firearm” in Section 921(a)(16) of
Title 18 of the United States Code or a curio or relic as defined in Section 178.11 of Title 27 of the Code of Federal
(b) “Clear evidence of his or her identity and age” includes, but is not limited to, a motor vehicle operator’s license, a
state identification card, an armed forces identification card, an employment identification card which contains the bearer’s
signature and photograph, or any similar documentation which provides the seller reasonable assurance of the identity
and age of the purchaser.
Section 9.26.030. Letter of authorization.
No person shall engage in the sale, lease, transfer, delivery, advertisement or offer for sale, lease, or transfer any firearm
without first obtaining and keeping current a letter of authorization from the local licensing authority.
Section 9.26.040. Application for letter of authorization.
(a) Each person applying for a letter of authorization under this chapter shall submit an application to the Santa Cruz
police department which shall serve as the local licensing agency for purposes of this chapter.
(b) In order to obtain a letter of authorization from the police department, the dealer must first provide the following to the
police department:
(1) A valid federal firearms license (FFL);
(2) A seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization;
(3) A valid certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of Justice;
(4) A list identifying each employee of the applicant (name, address, date of birth and social security number) who will
be engaged in the sale, lease, transfer or delivery of firearms;
(5) Payment of a nonrefundable administrative fee, in an amount to be established by city council resolution.
(c) Where the applicant is a corporation, each of the requirements contained in this chapter must be completed and/or
adhered to by a legally recognized corporate officer of said corporation. Where the applicant is a partnership, each of the
requirements contained in this chapter must be completed and/or adhered to by a legally recognized general partner of
said partnership. Both the individual and the corporation or partnership shall be liable for any violation of the provisions of
this chapter.
(d) The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable administrative fee (in the form of a check or cash) as set
forth in the schedule of fees established by city council resolution. Each application shall specify only one location at
which the sale or transfer of firearms shall take place. If an authorized firearms dealer changes his or her place of
business, an application for the new location shall be submitted, accompanied by a nonrefundable fee (in the form of a
check or cash) as set forth in the schedule of fees established by city council resolution. That application shall be
considered an initial application and not an application for renewal.
Section 9.26.050. Approval by the chief of police.
The chief of police shall have the authority to approve or disapprove the issuance of the letter of authorization. For the
purpose of considering requests for letters of authorization, the chief of police shall apply the minimum standards set forth
in this chapter. Factors to be considered by the chief of police in approval or denial of the application for a letter of
authorization include, but are not limited to:
(a) Evidence of the dealer’s compliance with all applicable city, state and federal laws;
(b) Whether applicant has violated any provisions of this chapter;
(c) Whether the applicant has made any false statements as to any material fact in applying for the letter of authorization;
(d) Whether the applicant has done or caused or permitted to be done any act which if done by an authorized firearms
dealer would be grounds for suspension or revocation of the letter of authorization;
(e) Whether the proposed business location and site meet the standards and requirements set forth in Section 9.26.080;
(f) Whether the applicant or any of applicant’s employees identified pursuant to Section 9.26.040(b)(4) have ever been
convicted of a felony. To this end the chief of police or the chief’s designee shall conduct a criminal history investigation of
each said applicant and employee. The applicant shall pay all fees incurred by the police department in conducting any
such criminal history background investigation.
The letter of authorization shall expire on December thirty first of the year in which it is issued.
Section 9.26.060. Denial of application.
If the applicant does not meet all of the written standards, hereinabove set forth, the chief of police shall not issue a letter
of authorization to such applicant. It shall be the duty of the chief of police to notify an applicant that his or her application
has been denied by serving such person, either personally or by first class United States mail, with a letter setting forth
the reason(s) for such denial. The notice, if served by mail, shall be deemed to have been served on the date of its
deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the applicant’s address of record. The notice shall also inform the
applicant of his or her right to a hearing before the city council at which time the applicant may appear, with a
representative if so desired, and be heard on the matter. The applicant shall also be given notice that any request for a
hearing before the city council must be made in writing to the city clerk within ten days after the date on which such notice
is served on the applicant.
Section 9.26.070. Appeal from denial.
An applicant whose application has been denied by the chief of police shall have the right to appeal such decision to the
city council in the manner set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this code. The city council shall hold a hearing thereon in the
manner set forth at Section 1.16.030 of this code.
Section 9.26.080. Business location and site standards.
Any firearms business operating in the City of Santa Cruz shall meet each of the following business site standards:
(a) The business location must be in compliance with all City of Santa Cruz zoning, building and fire codes and
regulations. In addition, any such firearms business shall not be located within six hundred feet of any public or private
school in which students aged 18 years or younger are enrolled, within six hundred feet of a childrens’ daycare center
licensed by the state of California, within six hundred feet of any city park or playground, within six hundred feet of any
high risk alcohol outlet as defined at Section 24.22.437 of this code or at any location within the city’s R-1 zoning districts.
(b) The business site must be a permanent building having four solid walls and a roof; constructed of wood, metal, cement
or like materials and resting on a foundation of cement, stone, brick or metal or similar materials commonly used in the
construction of foundations for permanent buildings.
(c) Building doors and windows must be alarmed with a system of any manufacture which will cause an audible alarm to
sound on the exterior of the building or a silent alarm to be sent to a centralized monitoring facility signaling unauthorized
entry during nonbusiness hours.
(d) All inventory of an explosive or flammable nature must be stored in compliance with federal, state of California and
City of Santa Cruz fire codes.
(e) Inventory of firearms must conform to the type of federal firearms license issued to the permittee.
(f) During nonbusiness hours, all firearms shall be kept in a locked metal cabinet or box, or secured in any other manner
which is approved by the chief of police.
Section 9.26.090. Business compliance with state law.
(a) Any firearms business operating in the City of Santa Cruz shall obey all city, state and federal laws, and specifically
shall comply with the requirements of Section 12071 of the California Penal Code, as may be amended from time to time.
The requirements of Section 12071 include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the firearms license;
(2) The license or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it can
easily be seen;
(3) No firearm shall be delivered within 15 days of the application for purchase or within such other time period as set
forth in Penal Code Section 12071;
(4) No firearm shall be delivered unless it is unloaded and securely wrapped or unloaded and in a locked container;
(5) No firearm shall be delivered unless the purchaser presents clear evidence of his or her identity and age;
(6) No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be
displayed in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside;
(7) No firearm shall be delivered to any person that is prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm;
(8) The authorized firearms dealer shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises the following warning in
block letters not less than three inches in height:
(b) Through June 30, 2002, no firearms dealer in the City of Santa Cruz shall sell, lease or otherwise transfer a firearm
without also selling or otherwise providing with each firearm a trigger lock or similar device that is designed to prevent the
unintentional discharge of the firearm. Such device shall be of a type approved by the chief of police or the chief’s
designee. The permittee shall advise the police chief of the type of device he or she intends to sell or distribute at the time
of application for the permit, renewal of the permit or at any time the permittee desires to change the type of device
previously approved by the chief of police. Current permittees shall advise the police chief of the type of device they
intend to sell or distribute within thirty days of the effective date of this section.
(c) Effective July 1, 2002 any firearms business operating in the City of Santa Cruz shall comply with the requirements of
Sections 12087 through 12088.9 of the California Penal Code, as may be amended from time to time. The requirements
of these sections include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) All firearms sold or transferred by the business shall include or be accompanied by a firearms safety device that is
listed on the Department of Justice’s roster of approved firearms safety devices; and
(2) All firearms sold or transferred by the business shall be accompanied with warning language or labels: stating that
children are attracted to and can operate firearms which can cause severe injuries or death; urging those in
possession of firearms to prevent child access by always keeping guns locked away and unloaded when not in use;
and warning that if a child obtains and improperly uses the firearm the person responsible for the firearm may be fined
or sent to prison. The word “WARNING” on the label shall be preceded by a yellow triangle containing an exclamation
Section 9.26.100. Maintenance and submission of records.
(a) Each authorized dealer shall maintain records of importation, shipment, receipt, sale or other disposition of firearms
and ammunition, and shall make such records available at all reasonable times, and shall submit to the licensing authority
such reports and information upon reasonable request. The licensing authority may enter the premises (including places
of storage) of any authorized firearms dealer during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting or examining (1)
any records or documents required to be kept; and/or (2) any firearms or ammunition kept or stored at such premises.
(b) The authorized firearms dealer shall notify the Santa Cruz police department in writing within ten days of any change
in business location; such relocation shall require a new inspection to ensure compliance with the provisions of Section
(c) The authorized firearms dealer shall maintain records of all employees, identifying them by name, address, date of
birth and social security number. The dealer shall notify the Santa Cruz police department in writing within ten days of any
change in employees and submit the required identifying information for each newly hired employee. Failure to comply
with this section shall be grounds for revocation of the dealer’s letter of authorization.
Section 9.26.110. Letter of authorization renewal.
Every letter of authorization issued under this chapter shall expire on December 31st of the year in which it is issued.
Firearms dealers shall submit an application for renewal in person at least ninety days before the expiration of the license.
Firearms dealers who apply for renewal shall be required to meet all standards specified in this chapter. All of the
requirements and procedures applicable to new applications shall apply to renewal applications. Each renewal application
shall be accompanied by the applicable administrative fee.
Section 9.26.120. Letters of authorization nonassignable.
Except as otherwise hereinafter provided, no letter of authorization issued under this chapter may be sold, transferred or
assigned by the firearms dealer or by operation of law, to any other person or persons. Any such sale, transfer or
assignment, or attempted sale, transfer or assignment, shall be deemed to constitute a voluntary surrender of such letter
of authorization and such letter shall thereafter be deemed terminated and void.
Section 9.26.130. Suspension and revocation.
Every letter of authorization issued under this chapter shall be subject to summary suspension and revocation by the chief
of police if he or she determines that:
(a) The authorized firearms dealer has failed to meet any of the requirements specified under this chapter;
(b) The authorized firearms dealer and/or any employee(s) has violated any of the conditions or provisions of this chapter;
(c) The authorized firearms dealer and/or any employee(s) has violated any provision of federal or state firearms sales
(d) The authorized firearms dealer’s federal firearms sales license has been revoked; or
(e) The authorized firearms dealer has committed any act which could have resulted in the denial of issuance of a
firearms license.
Section 9.26.140. Notification of suspension or revocation.
It shall be the duty of the chief of police or his or her designee to notify any authorized firearms dealer charged with any
violation or misconduct, as described above, by serving such person, either personally or by first class United States mail,
with a letter setting forth the particular written standard or condition which has been violated. The letter shall inform such
authorized dealer of the right to a hearing before the city council, at which time the authorized dealer may appear with a
representative if so desired and be heard in defense of the charges. The authorized firearms dealer shall also be given
notice that any request for a hearing before the city council must be made in writing to the city clerk within ten days after
the date on which notice is served on the authorized firearms dealer. The suspension or revocation shall be effective on
the date the notice is served on the authorized firearms dealer. Such notice, if served by United States mail, shall be
deemed to have been served on the date of its deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the authorized
firearms dealer’s address of record.
Section 9.26.150. Hearing on revocation or suspension.
Upon timely receipt of a written request for a hearing, the city council shall hold a hearing at the time and in the manner
set forth in Section 1.16.030 of this code.
Section 9.26.155. Insurance requirement.
Each firearms dealer subject to the requirements of this chapter shall maintain at all times while engaged in said business
a policy of public liability insurance. Said policy of insurance shall provide coverage in the amount and to the limits
prescribed from time to time by the chief of police in consultation with the city’s risk manager. Any such policy of insurance
shall contain an endorsement naming the City of Santa Cruz and its employees as additional insureds and further
providing that the insurance policy will not be cancelled without first providing thirty days advance notice to the city.
Failure to obtain and maintain insurance as required herein shall constitute grounds for revocation or suspension of the
firearms dealer’s letter of authorization.
Section 9.26.160. Violations.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for any person, corporation, partnership or other entity to operate a retail
firearms dealership within the city of Santa Cruz without a valid letter of authorization.
Section 9.26.170. Penalties.
Any person or entity, whether as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, violating or causing or permitting the violation of
any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of an infraction for the first offense, or of a misdemeanor for any
subsequent offense(s) occurring within the one year after the first offense. Upon conviction, the person convicted shall be
punished in accordance with Chapter 1.08 of this code.
Chapter 9.29 Safe Firearm Storage
Section 9.29.010. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this
(a) “Firearm” shall have the same meaning as set forth in Section 9.26.020.
(b) “Locked container” means a secure container which is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination
lock or similar locking device.
(c) “Residence” means any structure intended or used for human habitation including but not limited to houses,
condominiums, rooms, in-law units, motels, hotels, SROs, time-shares, recreational and other vehicles where human
habitation occurs.
(d) “Trigger lock” means a trigger lock that is listed in the California Department of Justice’s list of approved firearms
safety devices and that is identified as appropriate for that firearm by reference to either the manufacturer and model of
the firearm or to the physical characteristics of the firearm that match those listed on the roster for use with the device
under Penal Code Section 12088(d).
Section 9.29.020. Firearms located in a residence to be kept in a locked container or disabled with a trigger lock.
(a) Prohibition. No person shall keep a firearm within a residence unless the firearm is stored in a locked container or
disabled with a trigger lock that has been approved by the California Department of Justice.
(b) Exceptions. This section shall not apply in the following circumstances:
(1) The firearm is lawfully carried on the person of an individual over the age of eighteen.
(2) The firearm is under the control of a person who is a peace officer under Penal Code Section 830.
Section 9.29.030. Penalties.
Any person or entity, whether as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, violating or causing or permitting the violation of
any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction for the first offense, or of a misdemeanor for any
subsequent offense(s) occurring within the one year after the first offense. Upon conviction, the person convicted shall be
punished in accordance with Section 4.04.010 of this code.
Chapter 9.30 Reporting Lost or Stolen Firearms
Section 9.30.010. Reporting lost or stolen firearms.
(1) Any person that owns or is otherwise in possession of a firearm shall report the theft or loss of such firearm to the
Santa Cruz police department within five calendar days of becoming aware of the theft or loss whenever: (a) the owner
resides in the city of Santa Cruz; or (b) the theft or loss of the firearm occurs in the city of Santa Cruz.
(2) The failure of an owner or person in possession of a firearm to report the theft or loss of the firearms within five
calendar days of when the owner or person in possession becomes aware or should have become aware of the theft or
loss shall be punishable in accordance with Section 9.30.020.
(3) The failure of an owner or person in possession of a firearm to report the theft or loss of the firearms in a timely
manner shall create a rebuttable presumption that the owner or person remains in possession of the firearm.
(4) In order to encourage reports to law enforcement agencies of lost or stolen handguns pursuant to this section, a
person who files a report with a law enforcement agency notifying the agency that a handgun has been lost or stolen shall
not be subject to prosecution for violation of Section 9.29.020.
Section 9.30.020. Penalties.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor unless it is charged by the city attorney
as an infraction and, upon conviction, shall be punishable in accordance with Section 4.04.010.
Santa Cruz County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 5400, passed May 10, 2022.
Title 5 – Business Regulations
Chapter 5.62 Firearms Dealers
Section 5.62.020. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this
(A) “Firearmmeans a device as defined by California Penal Code Section 16520.
(B) “Clear evidence of his or her identity and age” includes, but is not limited to, a motor vehicle operator’s license, a
State identification card, an armed forces identification card, an employment identification card which contains the
bearer’s signature and photograph, or any similar documentation which provides the seller reasonable assurance of the
identity and age of the purchaser.
(C) “County license” means a license issued by the local licensing authority pursuant to this chapter authorizing a
person to engage in the sale, lease, transfer, delivery, advertisement or offer for sale, lease, or transfer of firearms.
(D) “High risk alcohol outlet” means a retail outlet where alcoholic beverages are sold including: any bar, tavern, liquor
store, or convenience store. A bona fide restaurant, wine-tasting room, banquet facility, conference center, brewpub or
nightclub (which nightclub does not have an on-sale alcohol beverage control general license Type 48 or 51) shall not
constitute a high-risk alcohol outlet.
(E) “Local Licensing Authority” or “Licensing Officermeans the County Administrative Officer for the County of
Santa Cruz, or their designee.
Section 5.62.030. County license.
On and after April 8, 2013, no person required to obtain a Federal Firearms License and a State Department of Justice
License to sell firearms, shall establish a business that engages in the sale, lease, transfer, delivery, advertisement or
offer for sale, lease, or transfer any firearm without first also obtaining and keeping a current County license issued
pursuant to this chapter by the local licensing authority. No person operating under a current Federal and State firearms
license as of the effective date of this chapter shall be required to obtain a County license unless and until the State or
Federal license lapses, becomes void or is otherwise no longer in effect, or if the business moves to a new location.
Section 5.62.040. Application for County license.
(A) Each person applying for a County license under this chapter shall submit an application to the Local Licensing
(B) In order to obtain a County license, the applicant must first provide the following to the Licensing Officer:
(1) A valid Federal firearms license;
(2) A valid seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization;
(3) A valid certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of Justice;
(4) Documentation that the seller is recorded in the centralized list maintained by the Department of Justice pursuant
to California Penal Code Section 26715;
(5) A list identifying each employee of the applicant (name, address, date of birth and Social Security number) who
will be engaged in the sale, lease, transfer or delivery of firearms; and
(6) Payment of a nonrefundable administrative fee, in an amount to be established by resolution of the Board of
(C) Where the applicant is a corporation each of the requirements contained in this chapter must be completed and/or
adhered to by a legally recognized corporate officer of said corporation. Where the applicant is a partnership, each of the
requirements contained in this chapter must be completed and/or adhered to by a legally recognized general partner of
said partnership. Both the individual and the corporation or partnership shall be liable for any violation of the provisions of
this chapter.
(D) Each application shall specify only one location at which the sale or transfer of firearms shall take place. If any
firearms dealer licensed under either Federal, State or local law changes his or her place of business, an application for
the new location shall be submitted, accompanied by a nonrefundable fee (in the form of a check or cash) as set forth in
the schedule of fees. That application shall be considered an initial application and not an application for renewal.
(E) Each application shall submit a security plan detailing the specific measures that will be taken to secure and protect
the business, including but not limited to those items required by SCCC 5.62.090.
Section 5.62.050. Approval by Licensing Officer.
The Licensing Officer shall have the authority to approve or disapprove the issuance of the County license. For the
purpose of considering requests for a County license, the Licensing Officer shall apply the minimum standards set forth in
this chapter. Factors to be considered by the Licensing Officer in approval or denial of the application for a County license
include, but are not limited to:
(A) Evidence of the applicant’s compliance with all applicable County, State and Federal laws;
(B) Whether applicant has violated any provisions of this chapter;
(C) Whether the applicant has made any false statements as to any material fact in applying for the County license;
(D) Whether the applicant has done or caused or permitted to be done any act which if done by an authorized firearms
dealer would be grounds for suspension or revocation of the County license;
(E) Whether the proposed place of business meets the standards and requirements set forth in SCCC 5.62.080;
(F) Whether the applicant or any of applicant’s employees identified pursuant to SCCC 5.62.040(B)(5) have ever been
convicted of a felony. To this end the Sheriff-Coroner shall conduct a criminal history investigation of each said applicant
and employee and provide a report for the Licensing Officer. The applicant shall pay all fees incurred by the Sheriff-
Coroner in conducting any such criminal history investigation.
The County license shall expire on December 31st of the year in which it is issued.
Section 5.62.060. Denial of application.
If the applicant does not meet all of the written standards, hereinabove set forth, the Licensing Officer shall not issue a
County license to such applicant.
It shall be the duty of the Licensing Officer to notify an applicant that his or her application has been denied by serving
such person, either personally or by first class United States mail, with a letter setting forth the reason(s) for such denial.
The notice, if served by mail, shall be deemed to have been served on the date of its deposit in the United States mail,
postage prepaid, to the applicant’s address of record. The notice shall also inform the applicant of his or her right to a
hearing before the Board of Supervisors at which time the applicant may appear, with a representative if so desired, and
be heard on the matter. The applicant shall also be given notice that any request for a hearing before the Board of
Supervisors must be made in writing to the Clerk of the Board within 10 calendar days after the date on which such notice
is served on the applicant.
Section 5.62.070. Appeal from denial.
An applicant whose application has been denied by the Licensing Officer shall have the right to appeal such decision to
the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall hold a hearing thereon pursuant to the procedures set forth in
SCCC 5.62.160.
Section 5.62.080. Location and site standards.
Any business licensed under this chapter shall be subject to the following locational criteria:
(A) The business shall only be located within a zone district designated as C-2, C-4, M-1 or M-2 by the Santa Cruz County
Zoning Ordinance.
(B) The business shall not be located within 600 feet of:
(1) Any public or private school in which students aged 18 years or younger are enrolled;
(2) Any children’s daycare center licensed by the State of California;
(3) Any publicly owned or operated park, playground or recreational area;
(4) Any high risk alcohol outlet; or
(5) Any cannabis dispensary.
(C) The business shall not be located within 300 feet of a zone district designated as RA, RR, R-1, RB or RM by the Santa
Cruz County Zoning Ordinance.
(D) The business shall not be located within 1,000 feet of any parcel on which another business licensed under this
chapter is doing business.
(E) The distances specified in subsections (B), (C), and (D) of this section shall be measured in a straight line from any
parcel line of the real property on which the business is proposed, to the nearest parcel line of the real property on which
an existing business licensed under this chapter is located.
Section 5.62.090. On-site security.
(A) If the proposed or current business location is to be used at least in part for the sale of firearms, the business shall be
a secure facility within the meaning of Penal Code Section 17110.
(B) If the business location is to be used at least in part for the sale of firearms, all heating, ventilating, air-conditioning,
and service openings shall be secured with steel bars or metal grating.
(C) Any time a location is not open for business, every firearm shall be stored in one of the following ways:
(1) In a locked fireproof safe or vault within the business premises that meets the standards for a gun safe
implemented by the Attorney General pursuant to Penal Code Section 23650; or
(2) Secured with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-fourth inch in diameter through the trigger guard of the
firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock and shackle
shall be protected or shielded from the use of a boltcutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a manner that
prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises. No more than five firearms may be affixed to any one rod or
cable at any time.
(D) Any time a location is open for business, every firearm shall be unloaded, inaccessible to the public and secured using
one of the following three methods, except in the immediate presence of and under the direct supervision of an employee
of the business:
(1) Secured within a locked case so that a customer seeking access to the firearm must ask an employee for
(2) Secured behind a counter where only the licensee and the employees are allowed. During the absence of the
licensee or an employee from the counter, the counter shall be secured with a locked, impenetrable barrier that
extends from the floor or counter to the ceiling; or
(3) Secured with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-fourth inch in diameter through the trigger guard of the
firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock and shackle
shall be protected or shielded from the use of a boltcutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a manner that
prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises. No more than five firearms may be affixed to any one rod or
cable at any time.
(E) Any time a location is open for business, any ammunition that is not principally for use in pistols, revolvers, or other
firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, as that term is defined in Penal Code Section 16530(a), shall be
inaccessible to the public and secured using one of the methods mentioned in subsection (D)(1) or (2) of this section,
except in the immediate presence of and under the direct supervision of an employee.
(F) The permitted business location shall be secured by an alarm system that is installed and maintained by an alarm
company operator licensed pursuant to the Alarm Company Act, Business and Professions Code Sections 7590 et seq.
The alarm system must be monitored by a central station listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., and covered by an
active Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., alarm system certificate with a No. 3 extent of protection.
(G) The permitted business location shall be monitored by a video surveillance system that meets the following
(1) The system shall include cameras, monitors, digital video recorders, and cabling, if necessary.
(2) The number and location of the cameras are subject to the approval of Licensing Officer. At a minimum, the
cameras shall be sufficient in number and location to monitor the critical areas of the business premises, including,
but not limited to, all places where firearms or ammunition are stored, handled, sold, transferred, or carried, including,
but not limited to, all counters, safes, vaults, cabinets, cases, entryways, and parking lots. The video surveillance
system shall operate continuously, without interruption, whenever the location is open for business. Whenever the
location is not open for business, the system shall be triggered by a motion detector and begin recording immediately
upon detection of any motion within the monitored area.
(3) In addition, the sale or transfer of a firearm or ammunition shall be recorded by the video surveillance system in
such a way that the facial features of the purchaser or transferee are clearly visible.
(4) When recording, the video surveillance system shall record continuously and store color images of the monitored
area at a frequency of not less than 15 frames per second. The system must produce retrievable and identifiable
images and video recordings on media approved by the Licensing Officer that can be enlarged through projection or
other means, and can be made a permanent record for use in a criminal investigation. The system must be capable of
delineating on playback the activity and physical features of persons or areas within the premises.
(5) The stored images shall be maintained on the business premises for a period not less than one year from the date
of recordation and shall be made available for inspection by Federal, State or local law enforcement upon request.
(6) The video surveillance system must be maintained in proper working order at all times. If the system becomes
inoperable, it must be repaired or replaced within 10 calendar days. The license holder must inspect the system at
least weekly to ensure that it is operational and images are being recorded and retained as required.
(7) The license holder shall post a sign in a conspicuous place at each entrance to the premises that states in block
letters not less than one inch in height: THESE PREMISES ARE UNDER VIDEO SURVEILLANCE. YOUR IMAGE
(H) The Licensing Officer may impose security requirements in addition to those listed in this section prior to issuance of
the County license. Failure to fully comply with the requirements of this section shall be sufficient cause for denial or
revocation of the County license by the Licensing Officer.
Section 5.62.100. Compliance with State law.
Any person licensed under this chapter shall obey all applicable county, State and Federal laws; and in addition, comply
with the following requirements:
(A) The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the County license;
(B) The County license or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it
can easily be seen;
(C) No firearm shall be delivered unless it is unloaded and securely wrapped or unloaded and in a locked container;
(D) No firearm shall be delivered unless the purchaser presents clear evidence of his or her identity and age;
(E) No firearm, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed in any part
of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside;
(F) No firearm shall be delivered to any person that is prohibited by State or Federal law from possessing a firearm;
(G) The person licensed under this chapter shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises the following warning in
block letters not less than three inches in height:
Section 5.62.110. Maintenance and submission of records.
(A) Each person licensed under this chapter shall maintain records of importation, shipment, receipt, sale or other
disposition of firearms and ammunition, and shall make such records available at all reasonable times, and shall submit to
the Licensing Authority such reports and information upon reasonable request. The Licensing Officer, or his or her
designee, may enter the premises (including places of storage) of any County license holder during normal business
hours for the purpose of inspecting or examining (1) any records or documents required to be kept; and/or (2) any
firearms or ammunition kept or stored at such premises.
(B) The County license holder shall maintain records of all employees, identifying them by name, address, date of birth
and Social Security number. The County license holder shall notify the Licensing Officer in writing within 10 calendar days
of any change in employees and submit the required identifying information for each newly hired employee. Failure to
comply with this section shall be grounds for revocation of the County license holder’s license.
Section 5.62.120. License renewal.
Every County license issued under this chapter shall expire on December 31st of the year in which it is issued. A County
license holder shall submit an application for renewal in person at least 90 calendar days before the expiration of the
County license. License holders who apply for renewal shall be required to meet all standards specified in this chapter. All
of the requirements and procedures applicable to new applications shall apply to renewal applications. Each renewal
application shall be accompanied by the applicable administrative fee.
Section 5.62.130. License nonassignable.
Except as otherwise hereinafter provided, no County license issued under this chapter may be sold, transferred or
assigned by the firearms dealer or by operation of law, to any other person or persons. Any such sale, transfer or
assignment, or attempted sale, transfer or assignment, shall be deemed to constitute a voluntary surrender of such
County license and such County license shall thereafter be deemed terminated and void.
Section 5.62.140. Suspension and revocation.
Every County license issued under this chapter shall be subject to summary suspension and revocation by the Licensing
Officer if he or she determines that:
(A) The County license holder has failed to meet any of the requirements specified under this chapter;
(B) The County license holder and/or any employee(s) has violated any of the conditions or provisions of this chapter;
(C) The County license holder and/or any employee(s) has violated any provision of Federal or State firearms sales laws;
(D) The County license holder’s Federal firearms sales license has been revoked; or
(E) The County license holder has committed any act which could have resulted in the denial of issuance of a firearms
Section 5.62.150. Notification of suspension or revocation.
It shall be the duty of the Licensing Officer or his or her designee to notify any County license holder charged with any
violation or misconduct, as described above, by serving such person, either personally or by first class United States mail,
with a letter setting forth the particular written standard or condition which has been violated. The letter shall inform such
County license holder of the right to a hearing before the Board of Supervisors, at which time the County license holder
may appear with a representative if so desired and be heard in defense of the charges. The County license holder shall
also be given notice that any request for a hearing before the Board of Supervisors must be made in writing to the Clerk of
the Board within 10 calendar days after the date on which notice is served on the County license holder. The suspension
or revocation shall be effective on the date the notice is served on the County license holder. Such notice, if served by
United States mail, shall be deemed to have been served on the date of its deposit in the United States mail, postage
prepaid, to the County license holder’s address of record.
Section 5.62.160. Hearing on revocation or suspension.
(A) Any applicant or licensee who is aggrieved by any action taken in regard to a County license may request an appeal
hearing before the Board of Supervisors. Request for such hearing shall be in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Board
of Supervisors, and a copy filed with the Licensing Officer on or before 10 calendar days after the action appealed from
was taken, and shall state the grounds upon which the aggrieved party claims there was improper denial, suspension or
revocation of his or her license.
(B) Upon receipt of such request for hearing, the Board of Supervisors shall set the matter for hearing not later than 20
calendar days thereafter unless the Board is not in session in which case the Board shall set the matter for hearing at the
next available regular meeting date. The Board may also determine whether to stay the denial, suspension or revocation
pending decision on the appeal. Written notice of the time and place of hearing on the matter shall be given by the Clerk
of the Board of Supervisors to the aggrieved party and to the Licensing Officer, and upon receipt of the notice of hearing
the Licensing Officer shall forward to the Board of Supervisors and provide to the appellant a report on this action with
respect to the matter, attaching all relevant notices and any other materials relied upon by the Licensing Officer in making
the decision.
(C) Upon hearing of the matter, the Board of Supervisors may take such action or make such orders as the Board deems
just and proper in the disposition of the matter.
Section 5.62.165. Insurance requirements.
Each County license holder shall maintain at all times while engaged in said business a policy of public liability insurance.
Said policy of insurance shall provide coverage in the amount and to the limits prescribed from time to time by the
Licensing Officer in consultation with the County’s Risk Manager. Any such policy of insurance shall contain an
endorsement naming the County of Santa Cruz and its employees as additional insureds and further providing that the
insurance policy will not be cancelled without first providing 30 days’ advance notice to the Licensing Officer. Failure to
obtain and maintain insurance as required herein shall constitute grounds for revocation or suspension of the firearms
dealer’s County license.
Section 5.62.170. Violations.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for any person, corporation, partnership or other entity to operate a
firearms business within the unincorporated area of the County of Santa Cruz without a valid County license issued
pursuant to this chapter.
Section 5.62.180. Penalties.
Any person or entity, whether as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, violating or causing or permitting the violation of
any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of an infraction for the first offense, or of a misdemeanor for any
subsequent offense(s) occurring within the one year after the first offense. Upon conviction, the person convicted shall be
punished in accordance with Chapter 1.12 SCCC.
Title 7 Health and Safety
Chapter 7.90 Prohibition of Saturday Night Specials/Junk Guns
Section 7.90.030. Definitions.
(A) Except as provided in SCCC 7.90.040, the term Saturday Night Special,” as used in this chapter, shall mean any of
the following:
(1) “A pistol, revolver or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person,” as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 16530, which contains a frame, barrel, breechblock, cylinder or slide that is not completely
fabricated of heat treated carbon steel, forged alloy or other material of equal or higher tensile strength;
(2) A semi-automatic pistol which:
(a) Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a locked-breech action, and
(b) Is chambered for cartridges developing maximum permissible breech pressures above 24,100 copper units of
pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute,
For purpose of this subsection, “semi-automatic pistol” shall mean a firearm, as defined in California Penal Code Section
17140, which is designed to be held and fired with one hand, and which does the following upon discharge: (i) fires the
cartridge in the chamber, (ii) ejects the fired cartridge case, and (iii) loads a cartridge from the magazine into the
chamber. “Semi-automatic pistol” shall not include any assault weapons designated in California Penal Code Section
(3) A pistol, revolver or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 16530, which:
(a) Uses an action mechanism which is substantially identical in design to any action mechanism manufactured in
or before 1898 that was originally chambered for rimfire ammunition developing maximum safe permissible breech
pressures below 19,000 copper units of pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute;
(b) Is chambered to fire either centerfire ammunition or rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible
breech pressures above 19,000 copper units of pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute; and
(c) Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a nondetachable trigger guard, or if rimfire, is equipped with
a barrel of less than 20 bore diameters in overall length protruding from the frame.
For purposes of this subsection, “action mechanism” shall mean the mechanism of a firearm by which it is loaded,
locked, fired and unloaded, commonly known as the cycle of operation.
(B) Sheriff” means the Santa Cruz Sheriff-Coroner, or their designated representative.
Section 7.90.040. Exclusions.
The term “Saturday Night Special” does not include any of the following:
(A) Any pistol which is an antique or relic firearm or other weapon falling within definitions set forth in California Penal
Code Section 16170, 17700, 17705, or 17710;
(B) Any pistol of which the propelling force is classified as pneumatic, that is, of, or related to, compressed air or any other
gases not directly produced by combustion;
(C) Children’s pop guns or toys;
(D) An “unconventional pistol” as defined in California Penal Code Section17270; or
(E) Any pistol which has been modified to either render it permanently inoperable or permanently make it a device no
longer classified as a Saturday Night Special.
Section 7.90.050. Roster of Saturday Night Specials.
On or before January 1, 1997, the Sheriff shall compile, publish and thereafter maintain a roster of Saturday night
specials. The roster shall list those firearms, by manufacturer and model number, which the Sheriff determines fit the
definition of “Saturday night special” set forth in SCCC 7.90.030.
Section 7.90.060. Notification to manufacturers and dealers.
Upon completion of a list of firearms to be placed on the roster for the first time, the Sheriff shall endeavor to send written
notification to: (1) the manufacturer of every firearm on the list; and (2) every dealer within the County who is licensed to
sell and transfer firearms pursuant to Section 26750of the Penal Code of the State of California. Such notification shall do
the following:
(A) Identify the model number of the firearm which has been classified as a Saturday night special within the meaning of
SCCC 7.90.030;
(B) Advise the recipient that the recipient may apply for reconsideration of the classification of the firearm as a Saturday
night special; and
(C) Advise the recipient that the burden of proving that a firearm does not constitute a Saturday night special within the
meaning of SCCC 7.90.030 shall be on the recipient.
Section 7.90.070. Reconsideration by the Sheriff.
(A) The Sheriff shall, prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, establish standards and
procedures for the form and content of an application, conducting an administrative hearing and evaluating evidentiary
testimony relating to the decision of the Sheriff to reconsider a decision to classify a firearm as a “Saturday night special”
as defined in SCCC 7.90.030.
(B) Upon timely filing of one or more complete applications for reconsideration, the Sheriff shall evaluate the evidence
submitted by the applicant(s). The applicant(s) shall have the burden of demonstrating that the firearm does not constitute
a Saturday night special within the meaning of SCCC 7.90.030.
Section 7.90.080. Appeal of classification.
(A) If the Sheriff determines that the firearm under reconsideration has been properly classified as a Saturday night
special, then the applicant(s) shall have the right to appeal such decisions to the County Administrative Officer, and the
applicant(s) shall have the right to a hearing before the County Administrative Officer or their designee prior to inclusion of
the firearm in question on the roster.
(B) The County Administrative Officer or their designee is authorized to establish standards and procedures for the form
and content of an appeal, conducting an administrative hearing and evaluating evidentiary testimony relating to the
decision of the Sheriff to classify the firearm in question as a “Saturday night special” as defined in SCCC 7.90.030.
(C) The burden of proof shall be on the appellant(s) to demonstrate that the firearm does not constitute a Saturday night
special within the meaning of SCCC 7.90.030.
(D) All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues
and to be represented by counsel.
(E) The County Administrative Officer or their designee shall hear and consider all relevant evidence. Upon the conclusion
of the hearing, the County Administrative Officer or his/her designee shall, based on the evidence presented, determine
whether the firearm constitutes a Saturday night special within the meaning of SCCC 7.90.030.
(F) In all instances, the decision of the County Administrative Officer or theirdesignee whether to classify the firearm in
question as a “Saturday night special” as defined in SCCC 7.90.030 and to place the firearm on the roster is final and not
subject to further administrative appeal.
Section 7.90.090. Publication of the roster.
The Sheriff shall place on the roster those firearms which have been determined to constitute a Saturday night special
within the meaning of SCCC 7.90.030. The Sheriff shall cause the roster to be published in the following manner:
(A) Notification of the roster’s completion shall be published at least once in the official newspaper as designated by the
County and circulated in the County within 15 days after its completion; and
(B) A copy of the roster, certified as a true and correct copy thereof, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of
the County of Santa Cruz; and
(C) A copy of the roster, certified as a true and correct copy thereof, shall be distributed to every dealer within the County
who is licensed to sell and transfer firearms pursuant to California Penal Code Section 26700.
Section 7.90.100. Effective date of roster.
The roster shall become effective on the fifteenth day after its publication.
Section 7.90.110. Additions to the roster.
Additions to the roster shall be made in accordance with the following:
(A) Semi-Annual Determination. On a semi-annual basis, the Sheriff shall determine the need to place firearms on the
roster. Upon identifying one or more firearms as a Saturday night special, the Sheriff shall prepare a draft list of the
additions to the roster.
(B) Notification of Additions to Roster. In the event that a draft list of firearms to be added to the roster is prepared, the
Sheriff or his/her designee shall endeavor to send written notification in accordance with the aforementioned provisions of
SCCC 7.90.060.
(C) Reconsideration by the Sheriff. Any person who the Sheriff notifies pursuant to subsection (B) of this section may
apply for reconsideration of the classification of that firearm as a Saturday night special in accordance with the provisions
of SCCC 7.90.070.
(D) Appeal of Classification. Whenever a firearm has been determined to be properly classified as a Saturday night
special after reconsideration, the applicant may file an appeal to the County Administrative Officer and the County
Administrative Officer or their designee shall hold a hearing in accordance with the provisions of SCCC 7.90.080.
(E) Additions to Firearms to Roster. The addition of new firearms to the roster shall not operate to preclude the
enforcement of the roster with respect to firearms previously listed thereon. The publication of the roster, as amended to
include new firearms, shall be effective as to those newly added firearms on the fifteenth day after its publication as set
forth in SCCC 7.90.090.
Section 7.90.120. Sale prohibited.
After January 1, 1997, no wholesale or retail firearms dealer licensed pursuant to California Penal Code Section 26700
shall sell, offer or display for sale, give, lend or transfer ownership of any firearm listed on the roster of Saturday night
specials. This section shall not preclude a wholesale or retail gun dealer from processing firearm transactions between
unlicensed parties pursuant to Section 27545 of the Penal Code of the State of California.
Section 7.90.130. Exemptions.
Nothing in this chapter relative to the sale of Saturday night specials shall prohibit the disposition of any firearm by
sheriffs, constables, marshals, police officers, or other duly appointed peace officers in the performance of their official
duties, nor to persons who are authorized by the United States Federal Government for use in the performance of their
official duties; nor shall anything in this chapter prohibit the use of any firearm by the above-mentioned persons in the
performance of their official duties.
Section 7.90.140. Penalty.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a
misdemeanor under the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person shall be
guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this
chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be punishable accordingly.
Section 7.90.150. Severability and validity.
This chapter shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the County of Santa Cruz. If any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence or word of this chapter is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the County of Santa Cruz,
either on its face or as applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences or words of this chapter, and the applications thereof; and to that end the section, subsections, paragraphs,
sentences and words of this chapter shall be deemed severable.
Title 13 Planning and Zoning Regulations
Chapter 13.10 Zoning Regulations
Section 13.10.332. Commercial uses.
(A) Principal Permitted Uses.
(1) In the Coastal Zone, the principal permitted uses in the commercial districts shall be as follows:
PA professional and administrative offices;
VA visitor accommodations;
CT visitor serving uses and facilities;
C-1 neighborhood-serving, small-scale commercial services and retail uses;
C-2 community-serving, large-scale retail uses and small-scale commercial services;
C-4 commercial services of all types and uses needing large sites or outdoor use areas; including appurtenant uses
and structures.
(2) Principal permitted uses are all denoted as uses requiring a Level IV or lower approval unless otherwise denoted
with the letter P in the commercial uses chart in subsection (B) of this section. In the Coastal Zone, actions to approve
uses other than principal permitted uses are appealable to the Coastal Commission in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter 13.20 SCCC relating to Coastal Zone permits, and in some cases, as provided in Chapter 13.20 SCCC,
any development is appealable.
(B) Allowed Uses.
(1) The uses allowed in the commercial districts shall be as provided in the following commercial uses chart. A
discretionary approval for an allowed use is known as a “use approval” and is given as part of a “development permit”
for a particular use. The type of permit processing review, or “approval level,” required for each use in each of the
commercial zone districts is indicated in the chart. The processing procedures for development permits and for the
various approval levels are detailed in Chapter 18.10 SCCC, Permit and Approval Procedures. The approval levels
given in this chart for structures incorporate the approval levels necessary for processing a building permit for the
structure. Higher approval levels than those listed in this chart for a particular use may be required if a project requires
other concurrent approvals, according to SCCC 18.10.123.
Commercial Uses Chart
4 = Approval Level IV (administrative, public notice required)
5 = Approval Level V (public hearing by Zoning Administrator required)
6 = Approval Level VI (public hearing by Planning Commission required)
—= Use not allowed in this zone district
* = Level IV for projects of less than 5,000 square feet
Level V for projects of 5,000 to 20,000 square feet
Level VI for projects of 20,000 square feet and larger
Commercial services, community, such as:
Section 13.10.342. Uses in industrial districts.
(A) Principal Permitted Uses.
(1) In the Coastal Zone, the principal permitted uses in the industrial districts shall be as follows:
M-1 small light industrial facilities;
M-2 light industrial facilities in general;
M-3 mining, agriculture, and timber harvesting including appurtenant accessory uses and structures.
(2) Principal permitted uses are all denoted as uses requiring a Level IV or lower approval or a mining permit (M) in
the industrial uses chart in subsection (B) of this section. In the Coastal Zone, actions to approve uses other than
principal permitted uses are appealable to the Coastal Commission in accordance with the provisions of Chapter
13.20 SCCC relating to Coastal Zone permits, and in some cases pursuant to Chapter 13.20 SCCC, any development
is appealable.
(B) Allowed Uses.
(1) The uses allowed in the industrial districts shall be as provided in the following industrial uses chart. A
discretionary approval for an allowed use is known as a “use approval” and is given as part of a “development permit”
for a particular use. The type of permit processing review, or “approval level,” required for each use in each of the
industrial zone districts is indicated in the chart. The processing procedures for development permits and for the
various approval levels are detailed in Chapter 18.10 SCCC, Permit and Approval Procedures. The approval levels
given in this chart for structures incorporate the approval levels necessary for processing a building permit for the
structure. Higher approval levels than those listed in this chart for a particular use may be required if a project requires
other concurrent approvals, according to SCCC 18.10.123. For purposes of this chapter, a mining approval is a use
Industrial Uses Chart
Key: M-1, M-2 AND M-3 Zone Districts
4 = Approval Level IV (administrative, public notice required)
5 = Approval Level V (public hearing by Zoning Administrator required)
6 = Approval Level VI (public hearing by Planning Commission required)
7 = Approval Level VII (public hearing by Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors required)
— = Use not allowed in this zone district
* = Level IV for projects of less than 2,000 square feet;
Level V for projects of 2,000 to 20,000 square feet;
Level VI for projects of over 20,000 square feet
Industrial Uses Chart
Manufacturing, heavy, and processing, such as:
Manufacturing and processing of:
Santa Fe Springs Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1123, passed August 2, 2022. (Supplement Number 27)
Title XIII General Offenses
Chapter 135 Weapons Control
Section 135.15. Possession by minors of firearms.
No person under the age of 18 years shall use or have in his possession any gun, firearm, spring gun, air rifle, slingshot or
ammunition within the city.
Section 135.16. Sale of firearms to minors.
No person shall give, sell or loan to any person under the age of 18 years, any gun, firearm, spring gun, air rifle, slingshot
or ammunition.
Section 135.17. Possession, use and sale of firearms permitted with consent and supervision of parents.
Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed or construed to prohibit any of the following:
(A) The selling, giving, lending or furnishing to any person under the age of 18 years, upon the written consent of the
parent or guardian of such person, any article mentioned in § 135.16.
(B) Any person under the age of 18 years from having in his possession, care, custody or control, any article mentioned in
§ 135.15, in the event that such possession, care, custody or control of such article is had with the consent of the parent
or guardian of such person and is under the direct supervision and control of some adult person.
Title XV – Land Usage
Chapter 155 – Zoning
Zone Districts
Part 1A. Small Residential Rooftop Solar Systems
Part 6 – C-4 Community Commercial Zone District
Section 155.153. Conditional uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the C-4 Zone only after a valid conditional use permit has first been issued:
(DD) Retail sale, lease or transfer of any firearm(s).
Part 9 – M-2 Heavy Manufacturing Zone District
Section 155.243. Conditional uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the M-2 Zone only after a valid conditional use permit has first been issued:
(B) Storage of:
(6) Firearms of any type, including rifles, hand guns and similar weapons totalling five or more in any combination,
including wholesale transfer, retail as specified in § 155.243(N), storage, distribution or delivery of any firearm(s).
(7) Ammunition, munitions, bullets, including smokeless gunpowder in amounts totalling 20 pounds or more.
(J) Also the following:
(12) Manufacturing and/or reloading of ammunition.
(N) Retail sale, lease or transfer of any firearm(s) to the following upon presentation of proper government-issued
(1) Active and retired sworn law enforcement personnel.
(2) Law enforcement agencies.
(3) Fire fighters, volunteer fire fighters, and paramedics.
(4) Military personnel including Reservists and National Guard, including military personnel with “retired” credentials.
(5) Corrections officers, including parole and probation officers.
(6) Individuals with a valid security guard license issued by the California Bureau of Security and Investigative
(7) Security companies with a valid certification by the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.
(8) Court Judges, District Attorneys, Deputy District Attorneys, and District Attorney Investigators.
(9) Law Enforcement Academy Cadets with enrollment documentation from the Academy.
Miscellaneous Uses
Section 155.648. Storage of explosives, firearms and ammunition.
(A) A conditional use permit shall be required for the establishment of a storage or retail use involving explosives, firearms
or ammunition pursuant to § 155.243 of this chapter.
(B) In addition to any other conditions which may be imposed by the Planning Commission on the granting of said
conditional use permit, the following shall apply:
(1) A security and safety plan shall be submitted to the city for approval and shall be implemented prior to occupancy
of the building.
(2) The storage of explosives, firearms or ammunition shall not occur within 1,000 feet of any property zoned for or
occupied by residential, schools, parks and religious land uses.
(3) Retail sales in connection with storage of explosives, firearms or ammunition shall be prohibited with the exception
of retail sales as specified in § 155.243(N).
(4) The storage of explosives, firearms or ammunition shall comply with the following additional Building and Fire
Code requirements.
(a) Ammunition.
1. Storage of ammunition.
a. Amounts not exceeding 500 pounds may be stored in a safe and secured location.
b. Amounts in excess of 500 pounds shall be stored in a location and in a manner approved by the City's
Fire Chief.
c. Not more than 1,000 pounds may be stored in a basement equipped with automatic sprinklers.
d. Over 5,000 pounds shall be stored in a room of one hour fire resistive construction. Door openings
thereon shall be protected by one hour fire assemblies. Such rooms shall be equipped with an automatic
sprinkler system.
2. Separation. Ammunition shall be separated from flammable liquids, flammable solids, and oxidizing
materials by one hour fire resistive separation or by a distance of not less than 25 feet.
3. Approval. Ammunition shall not be stored with Class A or Class B explosives unless the storage facility is
approved by the City's Fire Chief.
(b) Fire protection. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as required by § 10.301 of the Uniform Fire Code
wherever fireworks, smokeless powder, small arms ammunition or small arms primers are stored, manufactured, or
Santa Paula Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1305, passed October 7, 2020. (Supplement Number 23)
Title XVI Development Code
Chapter 16.230 Home Occupation Permit
Section 16.230.040. Prohibited home occupations.
The following uses, either by operation or nature, are not incidental to or compatible with residential activities and shall not
be permitted as home occupations:
(F) Firearms/weapons dealerships.
Santa Monica Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2708CCS and the May 2022 code supplement.
Article 3 Public Safety
Chapter 3.24 Firearms
Section 3.24.020. Firearms dealer permit required for sale of guns or munitions.
(a) Any person who operates or manages, or who proposes to operate or manage, any business which sells, transfers,
leases, offers or advertises for sale, transfer or lease any firearm, shall obtain a firearms dealer permit from the Chief of
Police, in addition to any other permits or licenses required by law prior to operating or managing the business.
(b) The Director of Finance shall not issue a business license to any person who operates or manages, or who proposes
to operate or manage, any business which sells, transfers, leases, offers or advertises for sale, transfer or lease any
firearm, unless the person obtains all necessary permits or other licenses required by Federal, State and City law,
including a firearms dealer permit issued by the Chief of Police.
(c) For purposes of this Section, “firearm” shall have the same meaning as it does for purposes of Section 12071 of the
California Penal Code. This Section shall not apply to those activities specifically exempted by California Penal Code
Section 12070(b).
Section 3.24.030. Firearms dealer permit application process.
(a) Manner of Application and Fees. An application for a firearms dealer permit shall be filed with the Chief of Police
under penalty of perjury on a form to be specified by the City. The application shall be accompanied by the fees
established by resolution of the City Council. The application shall contain:
(1) All relevant information to demonstrate the applicant’s compliance with this Chapter, including a floor plan of the
proposed business which illustrates the applicant’s compliance with the security provisions of Section 3.24.031(e);
(2) A certification by the City Planning and Community Development Department that the applicant’s business will not
be located in a zoning district in which the operation of a firearms business is prohibited, and that the applicant has
secured a conditional use permit if required by Article 9 of the Municipal Code;
(3) Proof of compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local law;
(4) All other information requested, or the application will not be deemed complete.
(b) City’s Right to Investigate Any Relevant Facts. The Chief of Police may cause to be conducted an investigation to
determine whether the application for a firearms dealer permit meets all the requirements of Federal, State and local law,
and may require any and all additional information from an applicant that is deemed necessary to complete the
(c) Grounds for Denial of Application. The Chief of Police shall give the applicant a written notice of his or her decision to
grant or to deny the application for a firearms dealer permit. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the Chief
of Police’s decision. The Chief of Police shall deny the issuance of a permit when any of the following conditions are met:
(1) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access and control over firearms, is under
twenty-one years of age.
(2) The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable Federal, State and local laws.
(3) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access and control over firearms, has had a
permit previously revoked or denied for good cause within the immediately preceding two years for failure to operate
its business in compliance with the requirements of Federal, State or local law, including any conditions imposed by
such laws.
(4) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access and control over firearms, has made
a false or misleading statement of a material fact or an omission of a material fact in the application for a permit.
(5) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access and control over firearms, has been
convicted of the following:
(A) Any offense which disqualifies the person convicted from owning or possessing a firearm under applicable
Federal, State and local laws;
(B) Any offense related to the manufacture, sale, possession or registration of any firearm or dangerous or deadly
(C) Any offense involving the use of violence upon the person of another;
(D) Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit;
(E) Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined by
California Health and Safety Code Section 11007, as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to
(6) The applicant is within the classes of persons defined in California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 8100 or
(7) The operation of the business as proposed will not comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws.
(8) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, proposes to operate the business in a location where
such use is prohibited, or has not obtained other necessary City permits.
(9) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, is not the owner of record of the real property at which the
business is to be conducted, nor has a lease, license, or other entitlement or possessory interest to operate such
business at such location.
(10) Any other grounds for denial that exist as specified in the Santa Monica Municipal Code.
Section 3.24.031. Firearms dealer permit Conditions.
Any firearms dealer permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be subject to all of the following conditions:
(a) The permittee shall comply with all Federal and State laws concerning the operation of the permitted business
including, but not limited to, California Penal Code Sections 12071(b)(3)(14), 12072, 12073, 12074, 12076, 12077 and
12082. To the extent the provisions of this Chapter impose more stringent requirements than those contained in State or
Federal law, these local provisions shall prevail.
(b) The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the City of Santa Monica
(c) The permittee shall keep complete and current records of all firearms transactions. In addition to the requirements of
California Penal Code Sections 12073, 12076 and 12077, permittee must also keep a complete current inventory of all
firearms in stock. This inventory shall include an entry for each weapon, with the classification, serial numbers, and any
other information that is required by the Chief of Police for the tracking of the chain of ownership of the firearm.
(d) The permittee shall maintain records of ammunition sales in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 3.25 of this
(e) The premises at which the business is to be operated shall contain all security measures reasonably required by the
Chief of Police, which shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) The provision of secure locks, windows and doors, adequate lighting, and such fire and theft alarms as specified
by the Chief of Police.
(2) The storing of all firearms and munitions on the premises out of reach of customers in secure, locked facilities, so
that access to firearms and munitions shall be controlled by the dealer, or employees of the dealer entrusted to handle
firearms, to the exclusion of all others.
(f) Permittee shall cause to be obtained, and keep in full force and effect a policy of insurance in such form as the City
deems proper, executed by an insurance company approved by the City whereby the permittee is insured against liability
for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, transfer or lease, or offering or
exposing for sale, transfer or lease, of any firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars for
damage to or destruction of property in any one incident, and one million dollars for the death or injury to any one person.
Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy will not be canceled until notice in writing
has been given to the City, addressed in care of the Risk Manager, 1717 4th Street, Santa Monica, California 90401, at
least thirty days immediately prior to the time such cancellation becomes effective. Upon expiration of any such policy and
if no additional insurance has been secured prior to the expiration thereof in the manner provided for the initial securing of
a permit under this Chapter, the permit shall be deemed canceled without further notice or opportunity to be heard.
(g) The permittee shall consent to the City’s inspection of the business premises and records in order for the City to
establish continued compliance with the terms of the permit, and in accordance with Section 3.24.036 of this Chapter.
(h) The permit shall not become effective until the permittee has obtained all other permits required by Federal, State or
local law including, but not limited to, a business license and zoning and building permits.
Section 3.24.032. Firearms dealer permit Form and term.
A firearms dealer permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall state on its face “Valid for Retail Sales of Firearms,” and
shall expire one year after the date of issuance or automatically upon revocation or expiration of permittee’s Federal
firearms license. A permit may be renewed by the Chief of Police for additional periods of one year upon the approval of
an application for renewal by the Chief of Police and payment of the renewal fee established by City Council resolution. A
completed application for renewal shall be submitted to the Chief of Police at least forty-five days prior to the expiration of
the current permit or else the permit shall expire at the expiration of its term. If the application is submitted in a timely
manner, the permit to operate shall continue in effect until the expiration date of the current term, or two weeks after the
Chief of Police mails written notice to the applicant denying renewal, whichever occurs later.
Section 3.24.033. Firearms dealer permit Permit assignment.
No person shall assign or in any manner transfer or attempt to assign or transfer any firearms dealer permit issued
pursuant to this Chapter and any such assignment or transfer or attempt to assign or transfer a permit shall constitute
grounds to revoke the permit.
Section 3.24.034. Firearms dealer permit Grounds for revocation and denial of renewal.
The Chief of Police may revoke a firearms dealer permit, or deny an application to renew a permit, in any of the following
(a) Upon breach of any of the permit conditions set forth in of Section 3.24.031;
(b) Upon any circumstance constituting a ground for denial of a permit set forth in Section 3.24.030(c);
(c) Upon transfer or assignment, or attempted transfer or assignment of the permit as prohibited in Section 3.24.033;
(d) If the business is being conducted in a disorderly manner or in violation of any applicable State or Federal law or
ordinance of this City or any provision of this Code;
(e) When the purpose for which the permit has been issued is being abused to the detriment of the public, or when the
permit is being used for a purpose different from that for which the permit was issued.
Section 3.24.035. Firearms dealer permit Appeals.
Any person aggrieved by any decision to deny or revoke any firearms dealers permit pursuant to this Chapter may appeal
such decision to a Hearing Examiner in accordance with Chapter 6.16 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code.
Section 3.24.036. Firearms dealer permit Authority to inspect.
Any and all investigating officials of the City shall have the right to enter the building designated in the permit from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to observe and enforce compliance with building,
mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing and health regulations, as well as the provisions of this Chapter. A police investigator
may conduct compliance inspections to ensure conformance with all Federal, State and local laws, and the provisions of
this Chapter.
Section 3.24.037. Violation of Sections 3.24.030 through 3.24.036.
(a) Any person who conducts a business in violation of Sections 3.24.030 through 3.24.036 of this Chapter shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor for each day a violation occurs. Each violation shall be punishable by up to one year in jail or a five
hundred dollar fine, or both.
(b) In addition to any other penalty or remedy, the City Attorney may commence a civil action to seek enforcement of
these provisions.
Section 3.24.080. Gun shows.
Gun shows or events shall be prohibited in the City, except for gun shows or events in the M1 District. For purposes of
this Section, a gun show or event is any event at which firearms, as defined in Section 3.24.020, are sold, transferred,
leased or offered or advertised for sale, transfer or lease. Any such gun show or event in the M1 District must obtain all
other approvals or permits required by local, State or Federal law.
Section 3.24.085. Existing firearms dealerships.
Firearms dealers existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Section who obtained a firearms dealer
permit pursuant to Ordinance Number 1763CCS or Ordinance Number 1831CCS on or before January 1, 1995, shall not
be required to obtain a conditional use permit, but shall comply with all other provisions of this Code. If such existing
dealers are located other than in the M1 Industrial Conservation District, such uses shall be considered legal
nonconforming uses. If an existing firearms dealership increases its firearms or munitions display area over that which it
maintained on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Section, the firearms dealership shall no longer be
considered a legal nonconforming use. Such firearms dealerships shall forthwith comply with all requirements of this
Code. Any firearms dealership existing as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Section who did not obtain
a firearms dealer permit by January 1, 1995, is in violation of law.
Chapter 3.25 Registration of Ammunition Sales
Section 3.25.010. Definitions.
The following words or phrases as used in this Chapter shall have the following meanings:
Ammunition. Projectiles expelled by force of an explosion, for use in pistols and revolvers, as defined in California Penal
Code Section 12001, and in rifles.
Vendor. Any individual, gun store, firm, or corporation having a business license to sell ammunition.
Section 3.25.020. Record of ammunition sales.
(a) Every holder of a business license to sell ammunition shall maintain records pertaining to ammunition sales prescribed
by this Chapter on the licensed premises and in the manner prescribed herein.
(b) Every record shall contain the following information:
(1) The date of the transaction.
(2) The purchaser’s name, address, and date of birth.
(3) The purchaser’s driver’s license number or other identification and state where that identification was issued.
(4) The brand of ammunition purchased.
(5) The type and amount of ammunition purchased.
(6) The purchaser’s signature.
(c) The information required by this Section shall be completed in a log book at the time of the purchase.
(d) The record shall be maintained in chronological order by date of sale of the ammunition, and shall be retained on the
licensed premises of the vendor for a period of two years following the date of the purchase of the ammunition.
(e) At the direction of the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, police officers may enter the premises of any licensed
vendor during regular business hours for the purpose of examining or inspecting any record required by this Chapter.
Section 3.25.030. Violation Penalty.
(a) It is unlawful for any vendor knowingly to make a false entry or fail to make an appropriate entry in the ammunition
sales log. It is unlawful for any vendor to knowingly fail to properly maintain any such record or to refuse to exhibit the
record to a police officer immediately upon request for such inspection.
(b) Any vendor violating any provision of this Chapter is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof,
shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail for a period
not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Chapter 3.26 Saturday Night Specials
Section 3.26.010. Definitions.
As used in this Chapter, except as specifically excluded by Section 3.26.020, “Saturday Night Special” shall include the
(a) A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 12001(a), which contains a frame, barrel, breechblock, cylinder or slide that is not completely
fabricated of heat-treated carbon steel, forged alloy or other material of equal or higher tensile strength.
(b) A semiautomatic pistol which:
(1) Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a locked-breech action; and
(2) Is chambered for cartridges developing maximum permissible breech pressures above twenty-four thousand one
hundred copper units of pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute.
(3) For purpose of this subsection (b), “semiautomatic pistol” shall mean a firearm, as defined in California Penal
Code Section 12001(b), which is designed to be held and fired with one hand, and which does the following upon
discharge: (i) fires the cartridge in the chamber; (ii) ejects the fired cartridge case; and (iii) loads a cartridge from the
magazine into the chamber. “Semiautomatic pistol” shall not include any assault weapon designated in California
Penal Code Section 12276.
(c) A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 12001(a), which:
(1) Uses an action mechanism which is substantially identical in design to any action mechanism manufactured in or
before 1898 that was originally chambered for rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible breech pressures
below nineteen thousand copper units of pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute; and
(2) Is chambered to fire either centerfire ammunition or rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible breech
pressures above nineteen thousand copper units of pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute; and
(3) Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a nondetachable safety guard surrounding the trigger; or
(4) If rimfire, is equipped with a barrel of less than twenty bore diameters in overall length protruding from the frame.
(5) For purposes of this subsection (c), “action mechanism” shall mean the mechanism of a firearm by which it is
loaded, locked, fired, and unloaded.
Section 3.26.020. Exclusions.
“Saturday Night Special” does not include any of the following:
(a) Any pistol which is an antique or relic firearm or other weapon falling within the specifications of paragraphs (5), (7),
and (8) of subsection (b) of California Penal Code Section 12020; or
(b) Any pistol for which the propelling force is classified as pneumatic, that is, of, or related to, compressed air or any
other gases not directly produced by combustion; or
(c) Children’s pop guns or toys; or
(d) An “unconventional pistol” as defined in California Penal Code Section 12020(c)(12); or
(e) Any pistol which has been modified to either render it permanently inoperable or permanently to make it a device no
longer classified as a “Saturday Night Special.
Section 3.26.030. Roster of Saturday Night Specials.
The City Manager or designee shall compile, publish and thereafter maintain a roster of Saturday night specials,
according to administrative procedures to be adopted by the City Manager. The roster shall list those firearms, by
manufacturer and model number, which the City Manager or designee determines satisfy the definition of Saturday night
special as set forth in Section 3.26.010. After its initial publication, the roster of Saturday night specials shall be published
thereafter on a semiannual basis and a copy shall be sent to every dealer within the City who is licensed to sell and
transfer firearms pursuant to Penal Code Section 12071, and who has obtained a firearms dealer permit in accordance
with Chapter 3.24 of this Code. After its initial publication, the failure to publish a roster on a semiannual basis thereafter
shall not be a defense to any violation of this Chapter.
Section 3.26.040. Sales prohibited.
No person who is obligated to obtain a firearms dealer permit pursuant to Chapter 3.24 of this Code, or any officer, agent
or employee thereof, shall sell, offer or display for sale, give, lease, lend or transfer ownership or control of, any firearm
listed on the roster of Saturday night specials. This Section shall not preclude a person who has obtained a firearms
dealer permit pursuant to Chapter 3.24 and any other required local, State, or Federal licenses, or any officer, employee
or agent thereof, from processing firearm transactions between unlicensed parties pursuant to Section 12072(d) of the
Penal Code. This Section shall not be enforced until the roster of Saturday night specials has been completed and first
published in accordance with Section 3.26.030 of this Code.
Section 3.26.050. Exemptions.
Nothing in this Chapter shall prohibit the disposition of any Saturday night special by police departments, Sheriff’s offices,
marshal’s offices, the California Highway Patrol, other local, State and Federal law enforcement agencies, or the military
and naval forces of this State or the United States for use in discharge of their official duties.
Article 6 Business, Professions and Trades
Chapter 6.14 Regulatory Restrictions on Designated Business Activities
Section 6.14.050. Business activities requiring police permits.
The following business activities require a police permit:
(b) Firearm sales.
Article 9 Planning and Zoning
Division 2 – Base and Overlay Districts
Chapter 9.13 Employment Districts
Section 9.13.020. Land use regulations.
Table 9.13.020 prescribes the land use regulations for Employment Districts. The regulations for each district are
established by letter designations listed below. These designations apply strictly to the permissibility of land uses;
applications for buildings or structures may require discretionary review.
“–” designates uses that are not permitted.
Land uses are defined in Chapter 9.51, Use Classifications. Use classifications and sub-classifications not listed in the
table are prohibited. Accessory uses are permissible when they are determined by the Zoning Administrator to be
necessary and customarily associated with and appropriate, incidental, and subordinate to, the principal uses and which
are consistent and not more disturbing or disruptive than permitted uses. The table also notes additional use regulations
that apply to various uses. Section numbers in the right-hand column refer to other Sections of this Ordinance.
Table 9.13.020: Land Use RegulationsEmployment Districts
Use Classification
Additional Regulations
Commercial Uses
Retail Sales
See sub-classifications below.
Firearms and Ammunition Sales
Division 3 General Regulations
Chapter 9.31 Standards for Specific Uses and Activities
Section 9.31.160. Home occupation.
B. Prohibited Home Occupation Uses. The following uses shall not be permitted as home occupations:
8. Firearms manufacture, sales, or repair.
Santa Rosa Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-006 and the June 2022 code supplement.
Title 10 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 10-24 Weapons
Section 10-24.010. Licensing authority Issuance of firearms sales permits.
(A) The Chief of Police is designated as the duly constituted licensing authority of the City for accepting applications for,
and the granting of licenses as provided in Section 12071 of the California Penal Code.
(B) A City processing fee shall be paid at the time an application for a license under this section is submitted. The amount
of the fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council. The City processing fee shall be in
addition to any fee(s) that may be payable to the state or federal government in connection with an application submitted
under this section.
Title 20 Zoning
Division 4 Standards for Specific Land Use
Chapter 20-42 Standards for Specific Land Uses
Section 20-42.070. Home occupations.
B. Prohibited uses. The following uses and similar activities are prohibited as home occupations:
7. Weapons or ammunition sales;
Santee Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 601 and the April 2022 code supplement.
Title 4 Business Licenses, Taxes and Regulations
Chapter 4.20 Sale of Firearms
Section 4.20.010. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, have the meanings in this section unless, from the context, a
different meaning is intended or specifically defined:
“Firearmmeans any device designed to be used as a weapon, from which a projectile is expelled through a barrel by
the force of any explosion or other form of combustion. A “firearm” includes any device defined as a firearm in
California Penal Code Section 16520.
“Firearm dealer” means any person who fulfills or is required to fulfill the provisions of Penal Code Section 26700 and
1. Sells, transfers, or leases any new or used firearms at wholesale or retail; or
2. Advertises for sale, transfer, or lease any new or used firearms at wholesale or retail; or
3. Offers or exposes for sale, transfer, or lease, any new or used firearms at wholesale or retail..
Section 4.20.020. License Required.
It is unlawful for any person to transact, engage in, or carry on any business as a firearm dealer without a business
license required by Chapter 4.02 and a regulatory permit required by Chapter 4.03.
Section 4.20.030. Issuance or denial of permit.
In addition to the grounds for denial of a permit set forth in Chapter 4.02, the issuing officer may deny an application for a
business license, for any of the following reasons:
A. The operation of the firearm dealer business as proposed in the application for the permit will violate any applicable
building, fire, health, or zoning requirement set forth in this code;
B. The applicant is under 21 years of age;
C. The applicant has had a similar permit or license previously revoked or denied for good cause within one year
immediately preceding the date of the filing of the application;
D. The applicant has not received any license or approval required by State or Federal law or regulation;
E. The applicant, within five years immediately preceding the date of filing the application, has been convicted in a
court of competent jurisdiction of any of the following offenses:
1. Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another, or
2. Any offense of theft, embezzlement, or receiving stolen property, or
3. Any felony offense involving the sale, manufacture, possession, or use of any controlled substance as defined
by the California Health and Safety Code, or
4. Any offense in another state which, if committed in this State, would have been punishable as one of the
offenses specified above and immediately preceding; or
F. The applicant is under indictment for, or has been convicted of, any violation of Federal, State or local law relating to
the manufacture, sale, transfer, lease, registration, use, or possession of any firearm or ammunition; or
G. The applicant fails to remove the authority of any officer, agent or employee to act on behalf of the applicant in the
firearm dealer business within five working days after applicant receives written notification by certified mail or personal
delivery from the issuing officer, that:
1. Any officer, employee, or agent of the applicant, is under indictment for, or has been convicted of, any violation
of Federal, State or local law relating to the manufacture, sale, transfer, lease, registration, use, or possession of
any firearm or ammunition, or
2. Any officer, employee, or agent of the applicant, is a person in a prohibited class described in Sections 29800
through 29830 of the California Penal Code or Section 8100 or Section 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code;
H. The applicant is a person in a prohibited class described in Sections 29800 through 29830 of the California Penal
Code or Section 8100 or Section 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code; or
I. The applicant has failed to provide evidence of a possessory interest, such as the interest of an owner, tenant,
lessee or sublessee, in the property where the proposed business will be conducted; or
J. The applicant has failed to obtain a zoning use certificate required by this code.
Section 4.20.040. Permit not transferable.
A firearm dealer permit may be issued only to a specific person to conduct business as a dealer at a specific location and
at gun shows in accordance with California Penal Code Sections 27200 through 27415. It is unlawful for any person to
transfer a firearm dealer permit to another person or from one location to another without prior written approval of the
issuing officer. Any attempted transfer will be ineffective.
Section 4.20.050. Revocation of permit.
A business license and regulatory permit may be revoked or suspended in accordance with Section 4.02.060 for any of
the following:
A. The firearm dealer, or any officer, employee or agent of the firearm dealer, is not operating in full compliance with all
provisions of this chapter;
B. The firearm dealer is convicted of any of the offenses enumerated in Section 4.20.030;
C. The firearm dealer fails to remove the authority of any officer, agent, or employee to act on behalf of the firearm
dealer within five working days after the firearm dealer receives written notification by certified mail or personal
delivery, that such officer, agent or employee has been convicted of any of the offenses enumerated in Section
4.20.030; or
D. Any of the conditions listed on the permit or in this title are violated.
Section 4.20.060. Limitation on location.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the business licensed and permitted by this chapter may be carried on only in the
location designated in the license.
Section 4.20.070. Business and security regulations.
A. All firearm dealers and officers, employees or agents of the firearm dealers, must comply with all State and Federal
business regulations and building specifications for firearm security, including, but not limited to, the requirements set forth
in Penal Code.
B. All firearm dealers and officers, employees or agents of the firearm dealers must protect firearms from theft during
business hours, by taking the following actions at a minimum:
1. All firearms must be in locked cabinets, a secure rack, or a storage area so that access to firearms is controlled by
the dealer or an employee, to the exclusion of all others.
2. The firearm dealer, agent, or employee must be present when a prospective buyer or seller is handling any firearm..
Section 4.20.080. Records of secondhand weapons.
A. Prior to obtaining a used or secondhand concealable weapon, a firearm dealer must obtain the following information
from the person offering such weapon on a form obtained from the Department of Justice:
1. Name, address, and physical description of such person;
2. The caliber, manufacturer’s name, description, serial number or numbers, initials or other identifying marks of the
3. Such other information which may be required by the Sheriff.
B. At the end of each week, every firearm dealer must file completed forms regarding each secondhand concealable
weapon purchased or taken in trade during the week by the firearm dealer.
Section 4.20.090. Delivery of firearms.
It is unlawful for any person to deliver a firearm except in compliance with Title 4 of Part 6 of the Penal Code and any
other applicable law or regulation.
Section 4.20.100. Advertising or display.
No firearm dealer may display any pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer
thereof in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
Title 7 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 7.12 Firearms
Section 7.12.010. Definitions.
In this chapter,
“Firearm” has the same meaning as the term “firearm” under Part 6, Title 1, Division 2 of the Penal Code (commencing
with Section 16000, the Deadly Weapons Recodification Act of 2010).
Section 7.12.030. Firearms Prohibited on Trails.
It is unlawful for any person to carry, possess, or discharge any firearm or device fired or discharged with explosives on or
from any portion of any riders’ and hikers’ trail within the City which is bounded on both sides by privately owned real
Section 7.12.040. Exceptions.
The prohibitions in this chapter do not apply in the following circumstances:
A. On public lands owned by the United States or the State of California when permission to hunt on such lands has
been granted to or reserved to the public.
B. To any peace officer acting in the proper performance of his or her official duties.
C. In the event the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or the California Department of Fish and Wildlife have
issued depredation orders or depredation permits to protect property. Prior to any discharge of firearms in accordance
with a depredation order or permit, the permittee must notify the Sheriff’s office.
Section 7.12.050. Firearms and Explosives in City Premises.
A. It is unlawful to bring or possess a firearmloaded or unloaded, operable or inoperableor explosive or explosive
deviceoperable or inoperablein any premises owned or leased by the City in which public business is conducted,
without the written permission of the Mayor or the City Manager.
B. The provisions of subsection A of this section do not apply to the following:
1. City employees or court personnel who use, possess or have custody of firearms, explosives and explosive
devices in the course of their official duties; or
2. Any person exempted from compliance by State law. Saratoga Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 377, adopted December 16, 2020. (Supplement Number 471-21)
Chapter 4 – Business Regulations
Article 4-30 Sales of Firearms
Section 4-30.010. Authority for Article.
This Article is enacted pursuant to the authority granted to the City under Part 4, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article IV,
(commencing with Section 12070) of the Penal Code. All references made to "licenses" and "licensing" in the
aforementioned statutes shall be deemed to refer to "permits" and "permitting" under this Article.
Section 4-30.020. Permit required.
(a) No person shall engage in the business of selling, transferring, advertising or exposing for sale or transfer any firearms
without first obtaining a permit to do so pursuant to this Article. For the purposes of this Article, engaging in the business
of selling or transferring firearms does not include the infrequent sale or transfer, offering, exposing for sale, or advertising
for sale any firearms at a gun show, swap meet or similar event, such as internet sales. As used in this Section,
"infrequent" means occasional and without regularity.
(b) Any person desiring to engage in the business of selling firearms for which a permit is required under the provisions of
this Article shall also apply for and obtain a business license pursuant to Article 4-05 of this Chapter and pay the license
fee specified in Section 4-05.100. No such business license shall be issued unless and until the applicant has first
obtained a valid permit under this Article.
Section 4-30.030. Application for permit; fee; investigation by Community Development Director.
(a) Application for a permit hereunder shall be made to the Community Development Director on such form as he may
prescribe, which shall include the following:
(1) Name and address of the applicant.
(2) Where the applicant has resided and where he has engaged in business for five years next preceding the date of
application, the length of time at each address, the number of any telephone maintained by him and the character of
such business.
(3) The particulars in regard to any felony or misdemeanor offense for which the applicant or any principal of the
applicant has been convicted.
(4) A recent passport type photo of the applicant and his fingerprints.
(5) Address or other description of the property at which the business will be conducted, and the name and address of
the owner of such property.
(6) Such other information and documents as the Community Development Director may require.
(b) The application shall be accompanied by a processing fee in such amount as established from time to time by
resolution of the City Council.
(c) Upon receipt of the application and other documents and the fee as required in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section,
the Community Development Director shall conduct such investigation as he deems appropriate to determine whether a
permit should be issued. In connection therewith, the Community Development Director shall forward a copy of the
application to the County Sheriff, for determination as to background of the applicant and whether the applicant has ever
been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense involving theft, dishonesty, violence or moral turpitude, and
determination as to whether the sale of firearms by the applicant would constitute a violation of State law.
The County Sheriff shall indicate on the application that the proposed permit is either approved or disapproved or
approved subject to specified conditions, and shall return the application to the Community Development Director.
Section 4-30.040. Grounds for denial of application.
The Community Development Director shall deny issuance of a permit based upon any of the following grounds:
(a) Disapproval of the application by the County Sheriff.
(b) A determination that the conduct of the business at the proposed location would not be in compliance with all zoning
requirements and other rules, regulations and ordinances of the City.
Section 4-30.050. Issuance of permit; term; conditions.
If a permit is issued by the Community Development Director, it shall be in the form as prescribed by the State Attorney
General, to be effective for not more than one year from the date of issue. The permit shall be subject to all of the
conditions as set forth in Section 12071 of the Penal Code and such other conditions as may be imposed by the County
Section 4-30.060. Renewal of permit.
A permit issued under this Article may be renewed for a period not exceeding one year upon application to the Community
Development Director, accompanied by payment of a renewal fee in such amount as established from time to time by
resolution of the City Council. The Community Development Director shall renew the permit if he finds that all of the
requirements of this Article have been satisfied by the permittee and no conditions of the permit have been violated.
Section 4-30.070. Transferability of permit.
No permit issued under this Article shall be transferable and any attempted transfer shall invalidate the permit.
Section 4-30.080. Suspension or revocation of permit.
(a) Any permit issued under this Article may be suspended or revoked by the Community Development Director for any
reason that would justify a refusal to issue the permit originally, or by reason of any failure by the permittee to comply with
all of the provisions of this Article, or any other provision of this Code, or any condition of such permit.
(b) The holder of the permit shall be given prompt notice of the intention to suspend or revoke his permit. Such notice
shall fix a time and place, not less than five nor more than thirty days after service thereof, at which the holder of the
permit may appear before the Community Development Director and be granted a hearing upon the merits of the
suspension or revocation. If, after such hearing the permit is ordered suspended or revoked, the holder shall have the
right to appeal such action to the City Council.
Section 4-30.090. Appeals to City Council.
Any decisions rendered pursuant to this Article with respect to the issuance, denial, suspension or revocation of a permit,
or the conditions thereof, may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or permittee or other interested person in
accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 2-05.030 of this Code.
Section 4-30.100. Compliance with State law.
The holder of any permit issued pursuant to this Article shall be subject to and shall comply with the regulations and
conditions as set forth in Part 4, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article IV (commencing with Section 12070) of the Penal Code.
Section 4-30.110. Violations of Article.
The violation of any provision contained in this Article, or the violation of any condition of a permit issued hereunder, is
hereby declared to be unlawful and shall constitute a misdemeanor, subject to the penalties as prescribed in Chapter 3 of
this Code and the penalties as prescribed in the Penal Code. The enforcement of this Article pursuant to Chapter 3 shall
be in addition to any proceedings conducted under Section 4-30.070 for revocation or suspension of the permit or any
proceedings conducted under Article 4-05 of this Chapter to revoke a business license by reason of the same violation.
Chapter 6 Public Safety
Article 6-15 Miscellaneous Offenses
Section 6-15.090. Weapons; sale to persons under eighteen years of age.
(a) No person shall sell or give to any minor in the City who is at least sixteen years of age but not over the age of
eighteen years, without the written consent of the parent or legal guardian of such minor, or to any minor under the age of
sixteen years, any rifle, gun, pistol, revolver, air rifle, BB or pellet gun, crossbow, slingshot, or other instrument of any kind
from which or by means of which any bullet or other missile of any kind may be projected capable of causing bodily harm.
(b) Any violation of this Section shall constitute a misdemeanor.
Scotts Valley Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 197, enacted February 17, 2021. (Supplement Number 31)
Title 5 Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.38 Firearms Dealers
Section 5.38.010. Purpose.
This chapter is enacted pursuant to state law, as set forth in Article 1, Chapter 2, Division 6, Title 4, Part 6 of the California
Penal Code beginning with Section 26700 et seq.
Section 5.38.020. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this
A. "Firearm" means a device as defined by California Penal Code Section 16520.
B. "City license" means a license issued by the local licensing authority pursuant to this chapter authorizing a person to
engage in the sale, lease, transfer, delivery, advertisement or offer for sale, lease, or transfer of firearms.
C. "Local licensing authority" or "licensing officer" means the City Manager of the City of Scotts Valley, or his or her
Section 5.38.030. City license.
On and after the effective date of this ordinance, no person required to obtain a Federal Firearms License and a State
Department of Justice License to sell firearms shall establish a business that engages in the sale, lease, transfer, delivery,
advertisement or offer for sale, lease, or transfer any firearm without first also obtaining and keeping a one-time city
license issued pursuant to this chapter by the local licensing authority. Existing firearms dealers at the effective date of
this ordinance have twelve months to comply with the conditions and obtain a city license.
Section 5.38.040. Application for city license.
A. Each person applying for a city license under this chapter shall submit an application to the local licensing authority.
B. In order to obtain a city license, the applicant must first provide the following to the licensing officer:
1. A valid federal firearms license;
2. A valid seller's permit issued by the State Board of Equalization;
3. A valid certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of Justice;
4. Payment of a nonrefundable administrative fee, in an amount to be established by resolution of the city council.
C. Where the applicant is a corporation, each of the requirements contained in this chapter must be completed and/or
adhered to by a legally recognized corporate officer of said corporation. Where the applicant is a partnership, each of the
requirements contained in this chapter must be completed and/or adhered to by a legally recognized general partner of
said partnership. Both the individual and the corporation or partnership shall be liable for any violation of the provisions of
this chapter.
D. Each application shall specify only one location at which the sale or transfer of firearms shall take place. If any firearms
dealer licensed under either federal, state or local law changes his or her place of business, an application for the new
location shall be submitted, accompanied by a nonrefundable fee (in the form of a check or cash) as set forth in the
schedule of fees. That application shall be considered an initial application and not an application for renewal.
Section 5.38.050. Approval by licensing officer.
The licensing officer shall have the authority to approve or disapprove the issuance of the city license. For the purpose of
considering requests for a city license, the licensing officer shall apply the minimum standards set forth in this chapter.
Factors to be considered by the licensing officer in approval or denial of the application for a city license include, but are
not limited to:
A. Evidence of the applicant's compliance with all applicable city, state and federal laws;
B. Whether applicant has violated any provisions of this chapter;
C. Whether the applicant has made any false statements as to any material fact in applying for the city license;
D. Whether the applicant has done or caused or permitted to be done any act which if done by an authorized firearms
dealer would be grounds for suspension or revocation of the city license;
Section 5.38.060. Denial of application.
If the applicant does not meet all of the written standards, hereinabove set forth, the licensing officer shall not issue a city
license to such applicant.
It shall be the duty of the licensing officer to notify an applicant that his or her application has been denied by serving such
person, either personally or by first class United States mail, with a letter setting forth the reason(s) for such denial. The
notice, if served by mail, shall be deemed to have been served on the date of its deposit in the United States mail,
postage prepaid, to the applicant's address of record. The notice shall also inform the applicant of his or her right to a
hearing before the city council at which time the applicant may appear, with a representative if so desired, and be heard
on the matter. The applicant shall also be given notice that any request for a hearing before the city council must be made
in writing to the city clerk within ten calendar days after the date on which such notice is served on the applicant.
Section 5.38.070. Appeal from denial.
An applicant whose application has been denied by the licensing officer shall have the right to appeal such decision to the
city council. The city council shall hold a hearing thereon pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 5.38.110.
Section 5.38.080. Requirements.
A. The permitted business location shall be secured by a third party monitored alarm system. The alarm system shall be
of sufficient quality to thwart the bypassing of the alarm (e.g., wireless, hardened security of the wire system, etc.).
B. The permitted business location shall be monitored by a video surveillance system.
C. Any person licensed under this chapter shall obey all applicable city, state and federal laws; and in addition, comply
with the following requirements:
1. The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the city license;
2. The city license or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it can
easily be seen.
D. Any time a permitted business is not open for business, every firearm shall be stored in one of the following ways:
1. In a locked safe or vault in the licensee's business premises that meets the standards of 11 California Code of
Regulations Section 4100; or
2. Secured with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-fourth inch in diameter through the trigger guard of the
firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock and shackle
shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a manner that
prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises. No more than five firearms may be affixed to any one rod or
cable at any time.
E. Prior to issuance of a firearms dealer license, the chief of police shall inspect the proposed business location and
determine if additional safety measures are necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare, including, but not
limited to, any structural changes to the building in which the firearms are sold or stored that are necessary to secure such
firearms from burglary or theft.
Section 5.38.090. Suspension and revocation.
Every city license issued under this chapter shall be subject to summary suspension and revocation by the licensing
officer if he or she determines that:
A. The city license holder has failed to meet any of the requirements specified under this chapter;
B. The city license holder and/or any employee(s) has violated any of the conditions or provisions of this chapter;
C. The city license holder and/or any employee(s) has violated any provision of federal or state firearms sales laws;
D. The city license holder's federal firearms sales license has been revoked; or
E. The city license holder has committed any act which could have resulted in the denial of issuance of a firearms license.
Section 5.38.100. Notification of suspension or revocation.
It shall be the duty of the licensing officer or his or her designee to notify any city license holder charged with any violation
or misconduct, as described above, by serving such person, either personally or by first class United States mail, with a
letter setting forth the particular written standard or condition which has been violated. The letter shall inform such city
license holder of the right to a hearing before the city council, at which time the city license holder may appear with a
representative if so desired and be heard in defense of the charges. The city license holder shall also be given notice that
any request for a hearing before the city council must be made in writing to the city clerk within ten calendar days after the
date on which notice is served on the city license holder. The suspension or revocation shall be effective on the date the
notice is served on the city license holder. Such notice, if served by United States mail, shall be deemed to have been
served on the date of its deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the city license holder's address of record.
Section 5.38.110. Hearing on revocation or suspension.
A. Any applicant or licensee who is aggrieved by any action taken in regard to a city license may request an appeal
hearing before the city council. Request for such hearing shall be in writing and filed with the city clerk, and a copy filed
with the licensing officer on or before ten calendar days after the action appealed from was taken, and shall state the
grounds upon which the aggrieved party claims there was improper denial, suspension or revocation of his or her license.
B. Upon receipt of such request for hearing, the city council shall set the matter for hearing not later than twenty calendar
days thereafter unless the council is not in session in which case the council shall set the matter for hearing at the next
available regular meeting date. The council may also determine whether to stay the denial, suspension or revocation
pending decision on the appeal. Written notice of the time and place of hearing on the matter shall be given by the city
clerk to the aggrieved party and to the licensing officer, and upon receipt of the notice of hearing the licensing officer shall
forward to the city council and provide to the appellant a report on this action with respect to the matter, attaching all
relevant notices and any other materials relied upon by the licensing officer in making the decision.
C. Upon hearing of the matter, the city council may take such action or make such orders as the council deems just and
proper in the disposition of the matter.
Section 5.38.120. Violations.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for any person, corporation, partnership or other entity to operate a
firearms business within the City of Scotts Valley without a valid city license issued pursuant to this chapter.
Section 5.38.130. Penalties.
Any person or entity, whether as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, violating or causing or permitting the violation of
any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of an infraction for the first offense, or of a misdemeanor for any
subsequent offense(s) occurring within the one year after the first offense. Upon conviction, the person convicted shall be
punished in accordance with Chapter 4.04 of the Scotts Valley Municipal Code.
Title 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.04 Definitions
Section 17.04.090. Definition of "F" terms.
"Firearms" means a device as defined by California Penal Code Section 16520.
"Firearms retail" means a use providing retail sale of firearms.
Chapter 17.20 – C-S Service Commercial Zoning District Regulations
Section 17.20.030. Conditional uses.
The following conditional uses may be permitted upon the granting of a use permit in accordance with the provisions of
Section 17.50.020 of this title:
U. Firearms retail.
Chapter 17.22 – C-S Shopping Center Commercial Zoning District Regulations
Section 17.22.030. Conditional uses.
The following conditional uses may be permitted upon the granting of a use permit in accordance with the provisions of
Section 17.50.020 of this title:
L. Firearms retail.
Seaside Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2010, passed October 7, 2021.
Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.36 Firearms Sales
Section 5.36.010. Firearms defined.
The term "firearms," as used in this chapter, includes, but is not limited to, handguns, rifles, shotguns, gas or air guns,
springloaded guns and other weapons coming under the definition of firearms as defined in the California Penal Code.
Section 5.36.020. Applicability.
Private persons selling their own firearms shall be exempted from the purview of this chapter. For the purposes of this
chapter, a person selling three or more firearms in any calendar year shall be presumptively deemed to be engaged in the
commercial sale of firearms and shall be required to comply with the terms of this chapter.
Section 5.36.030. Requirements generally.
No person shall engage in the business of selling, offering for sale, or displaying for sale, or storing preparatory for sale,
any firearm within the city limits of Seaside unless the person has fully complied with all of the following conditions:
A. The seller shall hold a Federal Firearms Permit and shall meet all the provisions of the Gun Control Act of 1968.
B. The seller shall comply with all applicable sections of the California Penal Code relating to registration of sales of
C. The seller shall have obtained a permit from the chief of police authorizing the storage of firearms within the city of
Seaside. The permit shall be renewable annually and shall be issued only upon a showing that the seller has a Federal
Firearms Permit and has taken steps to insure the safety of his firearms from burglary, theft and fire. The chief of police
shall have the right, in conjunction with the building inspector, to require as a condition for the issuance of a permit,
structural changes to the building in which the firearms are sold or stored, with the structural changes, specifically
including, but not limited to, the installation of burglar alarms and other warning devices, to be such as are reasonably
related to the purpose of insuring the safety of such firearms from burglary or theft.
Section 5.36.040. Permit, fee.
The fee for issuance of an annual permit shall be twenty-five dollars. The annual fee shall be paid at the time the
application is obtained from the chief of police and is nonrefundable.
Section 5.36.050. Permit, duration, nontransferable.
Permits issued by the chief of police shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance and shall not be
transferable from one person to another or from one location to another.
Section 5.36.060. Permit, revocation.
A permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be revoked by the chief of police upon proof to his satisfaction of
a violation by the holder of such permit of this chapter, or any ordinance of the city or law of the state regulating or
establishing standards for the commercial sale of firearms.
Section 5.36.070. Permit, appeal of suspension or revocation.
A. Any such person, whose permit issued under the provisions of this chapter having been so suspended or revoked,
shall have the right to appeal to the city council in writing within three days after notification of such suspension or
revocation, or within thirty days after denial thereof, and to be heard by the city council with relation thereto at its next
regular or regular-adjourned meeting, or at a special meeting of the city council called for such purpose, and the action of
the city council upon such appeal shall be final and conclusive with respect to the suspension or revocation of such
B. In the event that such appeal is taken as provided in subsection A of this section, such business or occupation, where
such permit has already been granted, shall not be suspended or revoked until the final disposition of the appeal by the
city council.
Section 5.36.080. Violation, penalty.
Any person violating any part of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
punishable as provided in SMC 1.16.030.
Title 15 Buildings and Construction
Chapter 15.24 Minimum Building Security Standards
Section 15.24.070. Minimum security standards for nonresidential buildings.
I. Alarm Systems-Tenant Requirements.
1. Establishments listed in this subdivision and those businesses reasonably similar in nature should be protected by
a silent robbery and intrusion alarm, direct-connect, unless otherwise specified by the police department prior to
j. Gun and ammunition stores;
Shafter Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 725, passed February 16, 2021. (Supplement Number 20, Update 2)
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.24 Offenses By or Against Minors
Section 9.24.017. Firearms, tobacco and narcotics prohibited in a school safety zone.
It is unlawful for any person to offer for sale, or provide any person with any firearms, any form of tobacco or any drug
from any schedule of the Health and Safety Code while in a school safety zone, while instruction is in progress. This
prohibition does not apply to peace officers or licensed medical personnel performing their official duties.
Sierra County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1113, passed August 2, 2022.
Title 6 Business Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 6.15 Firearms Dealer Licenses
Section 6.15.010. Purpose.
The Board of Supervisors finds that in order to comply with this chapter and the requirements of Part 4, Title 2, Chapter 1
of the California Penal Code (Cal. Penal Code §§ 12071 et seq.), it is necessary to require any person wishing to sell
firearms within the county to obtain a special firearms dealer’s license from the Sierra County Sheriff’s office.
Section 6.15.020. Restrictions.
No person shall engage in the business of selling, transferring, advertising, offering, or exposing for sale or transfer any
pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person unless he has been issued a license
pursuant to the Cal. Penal Code § 12071, and this chapter of the Sierra County Code. As used in this chapter, engaging
in the business of selling or transferring concealable firearms does not include the infrequent sale or transfer, offering,
exposing for sale, or advertising for sale any handgun at a gun show, swap meet or similar event.
Section 6.15.030. Compliance with statute.
Any license hereunder shall at all times comply with Cal. Penal Code § 12071.
Section 6.15.040. Term of license.
This license shall be valid for a period not to exceed one year from the date of issue, and shall be subject to those
conditions required by Cal. Penal Code § 12071.
Section 6.15.050. Record check.
The Sierra County Sheriff will require each applicant for a firearms dealer’s license to submit an application, obtained from
their office, and fingerprint cards to be submitted to the Department of Justice for review prior to the issuance of the
Section 6.15.060. Conditions for license issuance.
If the Sheriff finds that the applicant has a criminal record involving one or more felonies, or one or more misdemeanors
which involve the use or misuse of firearms or a crime involving moral turpitude, or the applicant’s conduct history falls
below the standard set forth in Cal. Penal Code § 12050, the Sheriff shall not issue a license. Residency shall not be a
requirement for issuance of firearms dealer’s license.
Section 6.15.070. Revocation.
Violation of this chapter, or the conviction of any licensee of a felony, or any crime involving moral turpitude shall be
grounds for revocation or nonrenewal of any license issued hereunder.
Section 6.15.080. Fees.
Each applicant for a special business license to sell firearms will pay a fee, determined by the Sheriff’s office, that
adequately reimburses the Sheriff’s office for the application processing costs.
Section 6.15.090. Appeal.
Any applicant or licensee who disputes a decision of the Sheriff in connection with this chapter may file an appeal to the
Sierra County Uniform Appeal Committee, which appeal shall be governed by the terms of the Sierra County Uniform
Appeal Procedure.
Sierra Madre Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1442, passed May 25, 2021. (Supp. No. 34)
Title 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.36C Commercial Zone
Section 17.36.020. Permitted uses and uses permitted by conditional use permit.
The following uses shall be permitted in the Commercial Zone where the symbol "P" appears, and shall be permitted upon
approval of a conditional use permit where the "CUP" symbol appears, pursuant to Section 17.60. All such uses shall be
within an enclosed building unless specifically stated otherwise. All other uses are prohibited, provided, however, that the
director of development services may determine that any use not listed is similar to a listed use and to be treated in a
similar manner. In the event that there is ambiguity as to the appropriate classification of a particular use, the planning
commission shall consider the matter and shall recommend to the city council the appropriate clarification of such
ambiguity, pursuant to Section 17.12.030. A list of all approved similar use determinations shall be kept on file in the
development services department.
Retail Sales
Gun shops
Signal Hill Code of Ordinances
Current through Ordinance 2022-03-1533, passed April 12, 2022, and effective May 12, 2022. (Supplement Number 48)
Title 20 Zoning
Chapter 20.20 Commercial Districts
Section 20.20.010. Purpose of districts.
The commercial and industrial districts listed below shall have the following purposes:
A. The CO commercial office district is intended to provide areas for the development of professional offices and limited
commercial uses. Other permitted uses will include commercial offices, medical offices and hospitals.
B. The CTC commercial town center district is intended to serve as a concentrated commercial core for the city. Retail
outlets typical of community shopping centers or districts along with general retail uses and professional offices will be
among the uses permitted in this district.
C. The CG commercial general district is intended to provide for a wide variety of service and retail uses, many of which
are highway-oriented. The portion of this district along Pacific Coast Highway should be treated with special zoning and
development standards due to unique characteristics including, but not limited to small lot sizes, substantial existing
nonconforming development, nonconforming and illegal sign proliferation, and lack of off-street parking.
D. The CR commercial residential district is intended to provide for limited small scale commercial and office uses along,
or in conjunction with, medium density residential uses. Such mixed uses on a single parcel shall be compatible and
where possible, mutually supportive.
E. The CI commercial industrial district is intended to provide for a wide variety of commercial uses and limited compatible
light industrial uses. Commercial or industrial uses which might create offensive levels of noise, air pollution, glare,
radioactivity or other nuisances shall be prohibited from this district.
F. The LI light industrial district is designed to accommodate a variety of light industrial uses which are nonpolluting and
which can coexist with surrounding land uses. In addition, limited complimentary commercial uses shall be permitted.
G. The GI general industrial district is intended to provide for the development of a variety of general industrial and service
uses which do not generate obnoxious or offensive impacts which might affect persons residing or conducting business in
the city.
Section 20.20.020. Use classifications.
The uses stated below shall be classified and authorized in each district as shown on the table. Unlisted uses shall be
Firearms (SBP)
X - Prohibited
Chapter 20.30 SP-10 Pacific Coast Highway Specific Plan
Section 20.30.030. Use classification.
The uses stated below shall be classified and authorized in each area within the SP-10, PCH specific plan as shown on
the table. Unlisted uses shall be prohibited.
X = prohibited
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Firearms (SBP)
Simi Valley Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1336, passed November 6, 2018, and Ordinance No. 1335, passed January 24,
2022. (Supp. No. 44)
Title 5 Public Welfare
Chapter 22 Weapons
Section 5-22.01. Firearm defined.
For the purposes of this chapter, "firearm" shall mean and include rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver, bow and arrow, or any
air, gas, or spring weapon, or any other device from which any shot, bullet, or projectile is discharged by force of
gunpowder, pressure, or other explosive, including any projectile which carries or contains its own fuel and is propelled by
Section 5-22.10. Use by minors.
It shall be unlawful for any person under eighteen (18) years of age to possess in a public place in the City any firearm,
bow and arrow, or air, gas, or spring weapon, except as follows:
(a) Under supervision. When such person is in the immediate charge of a parent, guardian, or adult person having the
responsibility for the conduct of such person under eighteen (18) years of age;
(b) Hunting. When such person is lawfully hunting pursuant to the provisions of the Fish and Game Code of the State;
(c) Training. When such person is engaged in marksmanship training or firearm safety training under the supervision of a
competent adult instructor at an established range or shooting area; and
(d) Dismantled. When such person is carrying a firearm unloaded and either in a dismantled or "take-down" condition, or
completely wrapped, or in a carrying case made for the purpose of carrying such firearm.
Section 5-22.12. Reporting lost or stolen firearms.
(a) Any person residing or doing business in the City, who owns or possesses a firearm, as defined in the Penal Code,
shall report the theft or loss of the firearm to the Simi Valley Police Department within seventy-two (72) hours after his or
her discovery or knowledge of the theft or loss.
(b) Any person residing or doing business in the City, who has experienced the loss or theft of a firearm, as defined in the
Penal Code, in the City within the five (5) years prior to September 13, 2007, without the firearm having been recovered
during such time, shall report the theft or loss to the Simi Valley Police Department within ninety (90) days of September
13, 2007.
(c) Any person who fails to report a lost or stolen firearm pursuant to this section, when the person knew or should have
known of the theft or loss, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable as provided in Chapter 2 of Title 1 of this Code.
Siskiyou County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 22-12, adopted June 14, 2022. (Supp. No. 59)
Title 6 Businesses, Professions, and Trades
Chapter 1 Business Licensing
Section 6-1.21. License fees.
Every person conducting or maintaining any business, occupation, or service set forth in this section shall pay an annual
license fee in the amount of Seventy-six ($76.00) Dollars:
(ar) Firearms and Ammunition Dealers;
Solana Beach Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 523, passed May 11, 2022.
Title 4 Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 4.24 Firearms Dealers
Section 4.24.010. Firearms dealers.
Subject to the provisions of Chapters 4.02 and 4.04 SBMC, the provisions of Title 2, Division 1 of the County Code of
Regulatory Ordinances, commencing with Section 21.1201, relating to firearms dealers, as amended to October 26, 2007,
are adopted by reference.
Title 7 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 7.20 Firearms
Section 7.20.020. Ammunition sales.
A. “Firearm ammunition,” as used in this section, shall include any ammunition for use in pistols, revolvers, rifles,
shotguns, or any other device designed to be used as a weapon from which is expelled a projectile by the force of
explosion or other form of combustion.
B. Except as specified in subsection C or D of this section, no person, including retail gun dealers, shall sell, give, lend or
transfer ownership of any firearm ammunition during the period of seven days prior to the first day of January of each year
or on the first day of January of each year, or during the seven days prior to the Fourth of July of each year or on the
Fourth of July of each year.
C. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the sale or transfer of ownership of firearm ammunition by a wholesale gun dealer
to another wholesale gun dealer or by a wholesale gun dealer to a retail gun dealer, or of ammunition from which the
propellant has been removed and the primer has been permanently deactivated.
D. Nothing in this section shall prohibit sales to or acquisitions by any person described in Section 12302 or 12322 of the
Penal Code of the state of California.
E. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the sale of firearm ammunition when such sale is prohibited by Title 2,
Part 4, of the Penal Code of the state of California.
Soledad Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 738, passed April 7, 2021. (Supp. No. 6)
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.18 Firearms/weapons discharge or operation*
Section 9.18.030. Firearms possession by minors.
No minor under the age of sixteen years shall possess or use firearms of .22 caliber or greater, or air guns, BB guns, blow
guns, slingshots, or bow or crossbow, except under the direct supervision and control of an adult.
Section 9.18.040. Penalty for violation.
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than one thousand dollars, or by
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, any violation of this chapter constituting a misdemeanor may, in the discretion of city, be charged and
prosecuted as an infraction.
Sonoma County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 6388, adopted August 9, 2022. (Supp. No. 61, Update 1)
Chapter 19A Small Arm Device Ordinance
Article I Small Arm Device Ordinance
Section 19A-1. Definitions.
(a) For purposes of this ordinance, the term "small arm device" shall mean any pistol, revolver, gun, rifle of any caliber,
shotgun of any gauge, air gun, BB gun, blow gun, slingshot, longbow, crossbow, or any weapon or instrument which
throws or propels bullets, pellets or missiles of any kind by means of explosive powder, compressed or forced air or gas,
springs, elastic rubber or like substance or force.
Section 19A-3. Possession and use of small arm device by minor.
(a) No minor under the age of twelve (12) years may be in possession of a small arm device in the county of Sonoma
unless such minor is accompanied by his parent, guardian or a responsible adult.
(b) No minor over the age of twelve (12) years and under the age of fourteen (14) years may be in possession of a small
arm device in the county of Sonoma unless such minor (1) is accompanied by his parent, guardian or a responsible adult
or (2) is on the private property of his parent or guardian and has on his person both the dated written permission of his
parent or guardian to be in possession of said small arm device and one of the following: (i) a valid California Hunting
License, or (ii) a California Hunter's Safety Certificate, or (iii) if in possession of a speargun, a valid California Fishing
(c) No minor over the age of fourteen (14) years and under the age of eighteen (18) years may be in possession of a
small arm device in the county of Sonoma unless such minor (1) is accompanied by his parent, guardian or responsible
adult, or (2) has on his person the dated written permission of his parent or guardian to be in possession of said small arm
device and one of the following: (i)a valid California Hunting License, or (ii) a California Hunter's Safety Certificate, or (iii)if
in possession of a speargun, a valid California Fishing License.
(d) No minor in possession of a small arm device may be on private property in the county of Sonoma unless such minor
is accompanied by the owner or controller of such property or is in possession of the dated written consent of the owner or
controller of such property.
(e) For purposes of this section, the term "responsible adult" shall mean a person over eighteen (18) years of age in
immediate possession of (1) a valid California Hunting License, or (2) a California Hunter Safety Certificate or (3) a
California Fishing License if the small arm device which is possessed by the minor is a speargun.
(f) Violation of this section is a misdemeanor and shall be punishable on first offense by fine of twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
and on each subsequent offense by fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars
Section 19A-4. Responsibility of parent or guardian.
(a) Any parent or guardian who permits or suffers a minor in his care and custody to violate any provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable on first offense by fine of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and on any
subsequent offense by fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00).
Any such parent or guardian shall be liable for any damages suffered by third persons or agencies by reason of violation
of this ordinance by the said minor to the full extent provided by state law.
Article II License to Sell Firearms
Section 19A-10. Sheriff designated as licensing authority.
The Sheriff is designated as the licensing authority for the regulation of the business of selling, leasing or transferring
firearms pursuant to the provisions of the Penal Code Section 12071.
Section 19A-11. Licensing fees.
The Sheriff is authorized and directed to collect a fee for the administration of the licensing required by Penal Code
Section 12071. The fee will be established by ordinance of the board of supervisors of the county.
Chapter 26 Sonoma County Zoning Regulations
Article 88 General Exceptions and Special Use Standards
Section 26-88-121. Home occupations.
(b) Limitations on Use. The following business activities are prohibited as home occupations:
(8) Gun and weapon sales or repairs, gunsmithing;
Section 26-88-122. Live/work uses.
(b) Limitations on Uses. The following business activities are prohibited as live/work uses:
(8) Gun and weapons sales;
South El Monte Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 1259, passed September 2022.
Title 5 Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.04 County Business Licensing Ordinance Adopted
Section 5.04.045. Section 7.04.010 amended.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.04.010 of this Code, the county license ordinance is amended by amending
Section 7.04.010 to read:
7.04.010 License, Required. A license shall be procured immediately before the continuance under the provisions of this
title, or the commencement of any business, occupation or other activity hereafter specified, from the Finance Director of
the city, which license shall authorize the party obtaining the same to transact the business or engage in the activity
described in such license for the period named therein in the city. Businesses, occupations or other activities requiring
licenses in the city are as follows:
21. Gun Dealers
Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Chapter 9.36 Weapons
Article III Possession and Use of Weapons by Minors
Section 9.36.060. Sale or gift of weapon to minor.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 9.36.090, it shall be unlawful in the city for any person to sell, give, loan or in any
way furnish, or cause or permit to be sold, given, loaned, or in any way furnished to any person under the age of eighteen
years any gun, revolver, pistol, firearm, spring gun, air gun, sling, sling shot, or device designed or intended to discharge,
or capable of discharging, any dangerous missile.
Section 9.36.070. Furnishing ammunition to minor.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 9.36.090, it shall be unlawful in the city for any person to sell, give, loan or in any
way furnish, or to cause or permit to be sold, given, loaned, or in any way furnished to any person under the age of
eighteen years any cartridge, shell, ammunition or device containing any explosive substance, designed or intended to be
used in, or fired from, any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm.
Section 9.36.090. Exception, approval of parent or guardian.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed or construed to prohibit the selling, giving, loaning or furnishing to any person
under the age of eighteen years, upon the written consent of the parent or guardian of such person, any article mentioned
in Sections 9.36.060 and 9.36.070; nor to prohibit any such person under the age of eighteen years from having in his
possession, care, custody and control any article mentioned in Section 9.36.080 in the event that such possession, care,
custody or control of such article is had with the consent of the parent or guardian of such person and is under the direct
supervision and control of some adult person; nor to prohibit any such person under the age of eighteen years from firing,
discharging, shooting or operating any article mentioned in Section 9.36.080 when such person is accompanied by, and
under the direct care and control of, some adult person and is engaged in hunting any wild game or predatory bird or
animal which may be lawfully hunted and killed or is lawfully engaged in shooting at any inanimate target, or trap shooting
device, while accompanied by, and under the direct care and control of, some such adult person.
Article V Saturday Night Specials
Section 9.36.130. Saturday Night Specials, sale prohibited.
A. Definition. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, the term "Saturday Night Special," as used in this section
shall mean any of the following:
1. A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 12001 (a), which contains a frame, barrel, breechblock, cylinder or slide that is not completely
fabricated of heat treated carbon steel, forged alloy or other material of equal or higher tensile strength.
2. A semi-automatic pistol which:
a. Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a locked-breech action; and
b. Is chambered for cartridges developing maximum permissible breech pressures above 24,100 Copper Units of
Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute.
c. For purpose of this subsection (2), "semi-automatic pistol" shall mean a firearm, as defined in California Penal
Code Section 12001 (b), which is designed to be held and fired with one hand, and which does the following upon
discharge: (i) fires the cartridge in the chamber: (ii) ejects the fired cartridge case; and (iii) loads a cartridge from
the magazine into the chamber. "Semi-automatic pistol" shall not include any assault weapon designated in
California Penal Code Section 12276.
3. A pistol, revolver, or firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, as those terms are defined in California
Penal Code Section 12001 (a), which:
a. Uses an action mechanism which is substantially identical in design to any action mechanism manufactured in
or before 1898 that was originally chambered for rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible breech
pressures below 19,000 Copper Units of Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute; and
b. Is chambered to fire either centerfire ammunition or rimfire ammunition developing maximum permissible
breech pressures above 19,000 Copper Units of Pressure as standardized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
Manufacturers Institute; and
c. Is not originally equipped by the manufacturer with a nondetachable safety guard surrounding the trigger; or
d. If rimfire, is equipped with a barrel of less than 20 bore diameters in overall length protruding from the frame.
e. For purpose of this subsection (3), "action mechanism" shall mean the mechanism of a firearm by which it is
loaded, locked, fired and unloaded.
B. Exclusions. The term "Saturday Night Special" does not include any of the following:
1. Any pistol which is an antique or relic firearm or other weapon falling within the specifications of paragraphs (5), (7)
and (8) of subsection (b) of California Penal Code Section 12020; or
2. Any pistol for which the propelling force is classified as pneumatic, that is, of, or related to, compressed air or any
other gases not directly produced by combustion.
3. Children's pop guns or toys; or
4. An "unconventional pistol" as defined in California Penal Code Section 12020(c)(12): or
5. Any pistol which has been modified to either render it permanently inoperable or permanently to make it a device
no longer classified as a "Saturday night special."
C. Roster of Saturday Night Specials. The city manager or his/her designee shall compile, publish and thereafter maintain
a roster of Saturday night specials. The roster shall list those firearms, by manufacturer and model number, which the city
manager or his/her designee determines satisfy the definition of Saturday night special set forth in Section 9.36.060(A).
D. Publication. The city manager or his/her designee shall publish the roster of Saturday night specials on a semi-annual
basis and shall send a copy of the roster to every dealer within the city who is licensed to sell and transfer firearms
pursuant to Section 12071 of the Penal Code of the state of California.
E. Sale Prohibited. No wholesale or retail gun dealer shall sell, offer or display for sale, give, lend or transfer ownership of,
any firearm listed on the roster of Saturday night specials. This section shall not preclude a wholesale or retail gun dealer
from processing firearm transactions between unlicensed parties pursuant to Section 12072(d) of the Penal Code of the
state of California. This section shall not be enforced until the roster of Saturday night specials has been completed and
published in accordance with subsections (C) and (D) of this section.
F. Exemptions. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the disposition of any Saturday night special by police departments,
sheriff's offices, marshals offices, the California Highway Patrol, other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies,
or the military and naval forces of this state or the United States for use in the discharge of their official duties; nor shall
anything in this section prohibit the use of any Saturday night special by regular, salaried, full-time officers, employees or
agents thereof when on duty and the use of such firearms is within the scope of their duties.
Chapter 9.60 Lodging Establishment Excessive Service Calls
Section 9.60.030. Certain activities at lodging establishments prohibited.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or allow any of the following activity at or in any lodging establishment
owned or occupied by him or her:
10. The manufacture, sale, possession, or use of a firearm in violation of the Dangerous Weapons Control Law (Penal
Code 12000 et seq.).
South Gate Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 2022-03-CC, passed May 10, 2022.
Title 2 Licenses Business Regulations
Chapter 2.10 Business Regulation
Section 2.10.630. Gun dealer.
A. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following term shall have the following meaning:
Gun dealer” means any person who sells or otherwise transfers to members of the public any pistol, revolver or other
firearm, new or used, capable of being concealed upon the person.
B. Application Information.
1. Permit Form. Any permit issued to operate a business as a gun dealer shall be on a form provided by the State
Attorney General.
2. Application Form. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, every applicant for a business permit as a
gun dealer shall complete the application form provided by the State Attorney General.
C. Operating Requirements. All permits issued under this section are subject to the following conditions, breach of any of
which shall subject the business permit to revocation:
1. The business activity shall be carried on only in the building designated in the permit.
2. The permit, or a copy thereof, shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises in which the business is
being conducted.
3. No pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person shall be delivered within fifteen
days of the application for the purchase, or, after notice by the Department of Justice (“Department”) pursuant to
subdivision (c) of Section 12076 of the State Penal Code, within fifteen days after submission to the Department of
corrected copies of the register, or within fifteen days after submission to the Department of any fee required pursuant
to subdivision (d) of Section 12076 of the State Penal Code, whichever is later:
i. Unless unloaded and securely wrapped, or unloaded and in a locked container;
ii. Unless the purchaser or transferee is either personally known to the dealer or presents clear evidence of his or
her identity to the dealer.
4. No pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person shall be delivered whenever the
dealer is notified by the Department that a purchaser is in a prohibited class described in Section 12021 or 12021.1 of
the Penal Code, or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
5. No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed
in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
6. The permittee shall agree to and shall act properly and promptly in processing transfers of pistols, revolvers, and
other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person.
7. The permittee shall comply with Sections 12073 and 12077 and subdivision (b) of Section 12072 of the State Penal
South Lake Tahoe Code of Ordinances
Current through Ordinance Number 1163, passed May 3, 2022.
Title 4 Police/Code Enforcement
Chapter 4.75 Dangerous Weapons Control
Section 4.75.010. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the term “dangerous weapon” shall mean and include:
F. Any rifle, gun, pistol, revolver, air rifle, BB gun, air gun, slingshot or other similar instrument or device designed or
intended to discharge or cap able of discharging a bullet, shot, or other missile of any kind.
Section 4.75.040. Use, possession, discharge, sale of dangerous weapons by minors Generally.
Except as otherwise provided in SLTCC 4.75.050, it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, give, loan, or in any way
furnish, or to cause or permit to be sold, given, loaned, or in any way furnished to a minor, or to allow any minor to use or
possess or discharge, or for any minor to use or possess or discharge a dangerous weapon. For the purposes of this
chapter only, a minor is a person who is under the age of 18 years.
Section 4.75.050. Use, possession, discharge, sale of dangerous weapons by minors Exceptions.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed or construed to prohibit the selling, giving, loaning, or furnishing to any minor,
upon written consent of the parent or guardian of such minor, any dangerous weapon as defined in SLTCC 4.75.010(F);
nor to prohibit such minor from using or having in his possession, care, custody or control any such dangerous weapon as
so defined in the event that such possession, care, custody, control or use is had with the consent of the parent or
guardian of such minor and is under the direct supervision and control of some person over the age of 21 years.
Section 4.75.070. Public offense by state law.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the commission of any act which is made a public offense by any law of
this state.
South Pasadena Code of Ordinances
Current through Ordinance Number 2366, passed June 15, 2022.
Chapter Business, Professions and Trades
Article I License Requirements
Section 18.2. Definitions.
For the purpose of Articles I through IV of this chapter, certain words and phrases are defined and certain provisions shall
be construed as herein set forth, unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended.
16. “Firearms sale” means the business of selling at retail, pistols, revolvers, or other firearms capable of being
concealed upon the person. The license issued hereunder shall be issued in a form prescribed by the Attorney General of
the state, and shall be issued in the manner and upon the conditions required by the statutes of California.
Section 18.60. Specialty business classification.
The license tax for specialty businesses shall be as set and adjusted by resolution of the city council.
(10) Firearms;
Section 18.80. Permit required for certain businesses.
No person shall operate, and no license shall be issued for, any of the following businesses until a permit has first been
obtained upon application in writing for such permit pursuant to this article:
(j) Firearms;
South San Francisco Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 1634-2022 and the July 2022 code supplement.
Title 8 Health and Welfare
Chapter 8.66 Video Surveillance at Businesses
Section 8.66.020. Definitions.
“Firearms sales” means an establishment that is required to obtain a federal firearms permit to sell firearms, or an
establishment engaged in the selling, dealing in, trading, or transferring of firearms.
Section 8.66.030. Video surveillance system required.
Every business establishment, as defined by this chapter, is hereby required to install and maintain a video surveillance
system in accordance with this chapter. All businesses with a video surveillance system installed prior to the effective date
of the ordinance codified in this chapter are required to ensure the video surveillance system is in full compliance with this
chapter. Video surveillance systems shall be maintained in proper working order at all times and shall be in operation
twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and shall meet the minimum technological standards established in this
Title 15 Buildings and Construction
Chapter 15.48 Minimum Security Standards
Section 15.48.070. Minimum security standards for nonresidential buildings.
(i) Alarm Systems.
(1) Establishments listed in this subdivision and those businesses reasonably similar in nature shall be protected by a
central station silent robbery alarm, unless otherwise specified by the police department.
(K) Gun and ammunition stores;
(2) Establishments listed in this subdivision and those businesses reasonably similar in nature shall be protected by a
central station silent intrusion alarm, unless otherwise specified by the police department.
(J) Gun and ammunition stores;
Title 20 Zoning
Division II Base and Overlay District Regulations
Part I Base Districts
Chapter 20.110 Employment Districts
Section 20.110.002. Land use regulations.
Table 20.110.002 below prescribes the land use regulations for “Employment” Districts. The regulations for each district
are established by letter designations as follows:
“C” designates use classifications that are permitted after review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the
Planning Commission.
“-” designates uses that are not permitted.
Use classifications are defined in Chapter 20.620 (“Use Classifications”). In cases where a specific land use or activity is
not defined, the Chief Planner shall assign the land use or activity to a classification that is substantially similar in
character. Use classifications and subclassifications not listed in the table or not found to be substantially similar to the
uses below are prohibited. The table also notes additional use regulations that apply to various uses. Section numbers in
the right hand column refer to other sections of this Ordinance.
Table 20.110.002 Land Use RegulationsEmployment Districts
Use Classification
Additional Regulations
Commercial Use
Retail Sales
See sub-classifications below
Firearm Sales
Division IV Regulations Applying to Some or All Districts
Part II Standards and Requirements for Specific Uses
Chapter 20.350 Standards and Requirements for Specific Uses and Activities
Section 20.350.023. Home occupations.
S. The following uses are not permitted as a home occupation:
6. Firearms manufacture, sales, or repair;
Section 20.350.039. Pawnbrokers.
E. Customer Circulation and Display. The business shall dedicate at least 25% of the gross floor area to customer
circulation and the display of goods for sale to the public. The display of firearms is prohibited and any firearm sales shall
be an accessory use to the operation of the Pawnbroker business.
Division IV General Terms
Chapter 20.620 Use Classifications
Section 20.620.004. Commercial use classifications.
Retail Sales.
Firearm Sales. An establishment engaged in the selling, dealing in, trading, or transferring firearms.
Chapter 20.630 Terms and Definitions
Section 20.630.002. Definitions.
Firearm. A gun, pistol, revolver, rifle or any devise, designed or modified to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled
through a barrel a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
St. Helena Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 22-5, passed April 12, 2022.
Title 17 Zoning
Chapt er 17.52 Service Commercial (SC) District
Section 17.52.030. Conditional uses.
The following list of uses requires approval of a use permit as regulated by Chapter 17.168. A use permit is also required
for a business which consists of two or more of the permitted uses listed in Section 17.52.020. Approval of a use permit is
subject to finding the use consistent with the policies of the general plan and the purpose of the SC zoning district. When
a use permit is considered for a use in the SC district the standard use permit findings included in Section 17.168.050
shall be made to determine consistency of the use with the policies of the general plan and the purpose of the SC zoning
Stockton Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 2022-07-12-1601-04 C.S. and the July 2022 code supplement.
Title 9 Public Peace and Welfare
Chapter 9.52 Dangerous or Deadly Weapons
Section 9.52.010. “Dangerous or deadly weapon,” defined.
“Dangerous or deadly weapon” includes, but is not limited to: any firearm other than:
A. Carried pursuant to a valid permit issued by a duly authorized government authority, or
B. any ordinary rifle or shotgun lawfully carried for purposes of hunting or other lawful sport.
Chapter 9.60 Licensee to Sell Firearms
Section 9.60.010. Sale of concealed firearms.
It is unlawful to sell pistols, revolvers, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, at retail, within the
City, without a license issued in the manner herein provided for.
Section 9.60.020. License to sell.
The City Manager is hereby authorized to issue licenses to sell, at retail, within the City, pistols, revolvers, and other
firearms capable of being concealed upon the person. Such licenses shall be issued in the form prescribed by the
Attorney General and shall be effective for not more than 1 year from date of issue.
Section 9.60.030. License, Chief of Police to approve.
The said licenses shall be issued only after a report in writing concerning said prospective licensee has been made by the
Chief of Police to the City Manager. Said licenses shall not be issued to any person who:
A. Has been convicted of a felony and has served a term of imprisonment therefor in a State or Federal prison;
B. Has been convicted of any violation of the Dangerous Weapons Control Law of the State; or
C. Is not of good moral character.
Section 9.60.040. License, Revocation.
Any of the reasons which would prevent the original issuance of said license shall also make the revocation of said
license mandatory by the City Manager.
Sunnyvale Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance No 3197-22 and the August 2022 code supplement.
Title 9 – Public Peace, Safety or Welfare
Chapter 9.43 Firearms Sales
Section 9.43.010. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this section, shall be construed as follows:
(a) “Engaged in the businessmeans the conduct of a business by the selling, transferring, or leasing of any firearm; or
the preparation for such conduct of business as evidenced by the securing of applicable federal or state licenses; or the
holding of one’s self out as engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing of any firearm; or the selling,
transferring, or leasing of any firearms in quantity, in series or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative
of trade.
(b) “Firearmmeans any revolver, rifle, shotgun or any other device designed to be used as a weapon, from which a
projectile is expelled through a barrel by the force of an explosion or any other form of combustion. A “firearm” includes
any device defined as a firearm by the California Penal Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended
to read.
(c) “Firearms dealer” means a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for, sale,
transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm.
(d) “Personmeans natural person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
(e) “Semiautomatic centerfire riflemeans any repeating rifle that is fired by a strike from a firing pin in the center of a
flat cartridge head, which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and
chamber the next round, and which requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge. (Ord. 3135-18 § 1).
Section 9.43.020. License required.
No person shall engage in the business of selling, transferring or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease within this city any firearm unless that person has been issued a license
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Section 9.43.030. Application Form Fees.
(a) An applicant for a license under this chapter shall file with the chief of public safety a sworn application in writing, on a
form to be furnished by the city. The applicant shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance with
all applicable federal, state, and local laws when required by the chief of public safety, or the application will not be
deemed complete. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as set forth in the city’s fee schedule.
(b) Any person proposing to engage in business as a firearms dealer within this city shall secure the applicable federal
license and shall have thirty calendar days after approval of such federal license to apply for a city license in compliance
with the provision of this chapter and shall not engage in the business as a firearms dealer within the city until the city
license is issued.
Section 9.43.040. Application Investigation.
The chief of public safety shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the
public safety whether the license may be issued. The chief of public safety may require additional information of an
applicant which he or she deems necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 9.43.050. Application Denial.
(a) The chief of public safety shall issue a license to an applicant unless he or she finds any of the following:
(1) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof is under the age of twenty-one years;
(2) The applicant is not licensed as required by all applicable federal, state, and local laws;
(3) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has had a similar type of license previously revoked or
denied for good cause within the immediately preceding year;
(4) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has knowingly made any false or misleading statement of
a material fact or omission of a material fact in the application for a license;
(5) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has been convicted of:
(A) Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof from owning or
possessing a firearm under applicable federal, state, and local laws,
(B) Any offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use, or registration of any firearm or dangerous or
deadly weapon,
(C) Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another,
(D) Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty, or deceit,
(E) Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession, or use of any controlled substance as defined by the
California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read;
(6) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined
by the California Health and Safety Code as said definition now reads or may hereafter be amended to read, or is an
excessive user of alcohol, to the extent that such use would impair his or her fitness to be a firearms dealer;
(7) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof has been adjudicated as a mental defective, or has been
committed to a mental institution, or suffers from any psychological disturbance which would impair his or her fitness
to be a firearms dealer;
(8) The operation of the business as proposed will not comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws;
(9) The applicant, or an officer, employee, or agent thereof does not have and/or cannot provide evidence of, a
possessory interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted;
(10) The operation of the firearm dealer business as proposed in the application for the license will violate any
applicable building, fire, health or zoning requirements set forth in this code.
Section 9.43.060. License Duration Renewal.
All licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that such
licenses may be renewed by the chief of public safety for additional periods of one year upon approval of an application
for renewal by the chief of public safety payment of the renewal fee. Such renewal application must be received by the
chief of public safety, in completed form, no later than forty-five days prior to the expiration of the current license.
Section 9.43.070. License Assignment.
The assignment or attempt to assign any license issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such assignment or
attempt to assign a license shall render the license null and void.
Section 9.43.080. License Conditions.
Any licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which
shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the license by the chief of public safety:
(a) The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the license, except for gun
shows as permitted under state and federal law;
(b) The license or a copy thereof, certified by the chief of public safety, shall be displayed on the premises where it can
easily be seen;
(c) The licensee shall comply with all federal and state firearms laws;
(d) The licensee shall comply with all provisions of California Penal Code Section 26700 et. seq. regarding business
regulations and building specifications for firearm security, as well as any other security plan or requirements imposed by
the chief of public safety;
(e) The licensee shall not operate in a manner that is detrimental to the public health or safety or otherwise constitutes a
(f) The licensee shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances;
(g) The licensee shall not sell, supply, deliver, or give possession or control of any semiautomatic centerfire rifle to any
person under twenty-one years of age. This prohibition does not apply to the sale, supplying, delivery, or giving
possession or control of a semiautomatic centerfire rifle to any of the following persons who are at least eighteen years of
(1) An active peace officer, as described in Penal Code Section 830 et seq., who is authorized to carry a firearm in the
course and scope of his or her employment.
(2) An active federal officer or law enforcement agent who is authorized to carry a firearm in the course and scope of
his or her employment.
(3) A reserve peace officer, as defined in Penal Code Section 832.6, who is authorized to carry a firearm in the course
and scope of his or her employment as a reserve peace officer.
(4) A person who provides proper identification of his or her active membership in the United States Armed Forces,
the National Guard, the Air National Guard, or active reserve components of the United States. For purposes of this
subparagraph, proper identification includes an Armed Forces Identification Card or other written documentation
certifying that the individual is an active member.
Any license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to such additional conditions as the chief of public safety finds
are reasonably related to the purposes of this chapter. (Ord. 3135-18 § 1).
Section 9.43.090. License Grounds for modification, suspension or revocation.
A license may be modified, suspended or revoked by the chief of public safety for any of the following grounds:
(a) The licensee has violated a condition of the license or any provision of this code.
(b) The licensee has knowingly made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of material facts in the application for
a license, or in any report or record required to be filed with the city.
(c) The licensee has continued to operate after the license has been suspended.
(d) The existence of the condition of the premises that constitutes a nuisance or is hazardous or unsafe for human
Section 9.43.100. License Hearing.
(a) Any person whose application for a license has been denied, or whose license has been revoked pursuant to the
provisions of this chapter, shall have the right to a hearing before the chief of public safety prior to final denial or prior to
(b) The chief of public safety shall give the applicant or licensee written notice of his or her intent to deny the application
or to modify, suspend or revoke the license. The notice shall set forth the ground or grounds for the chief of police’s intent
to deny the application or to modify, suspend or revoke the license, and shall inform the applicant or licensee that he or
she has ten days from the date of receipt of the notice to file a written request for a hearing. The application may be
denied or the license modified, suspended or revoked if a written hearing request is not received within the ten-day period.
(c) If the applicant or licensee files a timely hearing request, the chief of public safety shall set a time and place for the
hearing. All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimony, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the
issues, to be represented by counsel, and to confront and cross-examine any witnesses against them. The decision of the
chief of public safety whether to deny the application or to modify, suspend or revoke the license is final.
Section 9.43.110. License Liability insurance.
No license shall be issued or continued pursuant to this chapter unless there is in full force and effect a policy of insurance
in such form as the city deems proper, executed by an insurance company approved by the city.
Section 9.43.120. License Authority to inspect.
Any and all investigating officials of the city shall have the right to enter the building designated in the license from time to
time during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to observe and enforce compliance with building,
mechanical, fire, electrical, plumbing, or health regulations, or provisions of this chapter. A public safety investigator may
conduct compliance inspections to ensure conformance with all federal, state, and local laws, and the provisions of this
chapter. A warrant shall be obtained whenever required by law.
Section 9.43.130. Compliance.
Any person engaging in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or
offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter
shall have a period of sixty days after such effective date to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Chapter 9.44 Firearms
Section 9.44.030. Duty to report theft or loss of firearms.
Any person who owns or possesses a firearm (as defined in Penal Code Section 16520 or as amended) shall report the
theft or loss of the firearm to the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety within forty-eight hours of the time he or she
knew or reasonably should have known that the firearm had been stolen or lost, whenever: (1) the person resides in the
city of Sunnyvale; or (2) the theft or loss of the firearm occurs in the city of Sunnyvale.
Section 9.44.040. Safe storage of firearms.
Except when carried on his or her person, or in his or her immediate control and possession, no person shall keep a
firearm (as defined in Penal Code Section 16520 or as amended) in any residence owned or controlled by that person
unless the firearm is stored in a locked container, or the firearm is disabled with a trigger lock that is listed on the
California Department of Justice’s list of approved firearms safety devices.
Section 9.44.060. Ammunition sales.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business of selling, leasing, or otherwise transferring firearm ammunition
within the city of Sunnyvale except in compliance with this code.
(b) Definitions.
(1) “Ammunition” means any cartridge or encasement containing a bullet or projectile, propellant, or explosive
charge, and a primer which is used in the operation of a firearm.
(2) “Ammunition vendor” means any person engaged in the business of selling, leasing, or otherwise transferring
firearm ammunition.
(3) “Person” means a natural person, association, partnership, firm, corporation, or other entity.
(c) Every ammunition vendor shall maintain an ammunition sales log which records all ammunition sales made by the
vendor. The transferee shall provide, and the ammunition vendor shall record on the ammunition sales log, at the time of
sale, all of the following information for each sale of firearms ammunition:
(1) The name, address, and date of birth of the transferee;
(2) The date of the sale;
(3) The transferee’s driver’s license number, state identification card number, passport number, or other valid
government-issued photographic identification;
(4) The brand, type, and quantity of firearms ammunition transferred;
(5) The identity of the person transferring the firearms ammunition on behalf of the ammunition vendor;
(6) The transferee’s signature and right thumbprint.
(d) The ammunition sales log shall be recorded on a form approved by the chief of public safety. All ammunition sales
logs shall be kept at the location of the firearms ammunition sale for a period of not less than two years from the date of
the sale. Ammunition sales logs shall be open to reasonable inspection by peace officers at all times the ammunition
vendor is regularly open for business.
(e) No person shall knowingly provide false, inaccurate, or incomplete information to an ammunition vendor for the
purpose of purchasing firearms ammunition. No ammunition vendor shall knowingly make a false, inaccurate, or
incomplete entry in any ammunition sales log, nor shall any ammunition vendor refuse any reasonable inspection of an
ammunition sales log subject to inspection.
Sutter County Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance No 1682, enacted April 13, 2021. (Supp. No. 5) Title 400 Public Peace Morals
Chapter 425 Dangerous or Deadly Weapons
Section 425-010. Dangerous or deadly weapons defined.
Dangerous or Deadly Weapons as defined in this Chapter include:
"Dangerous or deadly weapons" includes, but is not limited to: Any dirk or dagger; …; and any firearm other than (1)
carried pursuant to a valid permit; issued by a duly authorized governmental authority, or (2) any ordinary rifle or shotgun
lawfully carried for purposes of hunting or other lawful sport.
Section 425-050. Certain conduct prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person who has concealed upon his person or who has in his immediate physical possession
any dangerous or deadly weapon to be upon or about any school, school yard, playground or public place at or near
which school children attend.
Temecula Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance 2022-09 and the May 2022 code supplement.
Title 17 Zoning
Chapter 17.08 Commercial/Office/Industrial Districts
Section 17.08.020. Description of commercial/office/ industrial districts.
The purpose and intent of the zoning districts are described as follows:
A. Neighborhood Commercial (NC). C. Highway/Tourist Commercial (HT).
F. Business Park District (BP).
B. Community Commercial (CC). D. Service Commercial (SC).
G. Light Industrial District (LI).
E. Professional Office (PO).
Section 17.08.030. Use regulations.
The land uses list in the following Table 17.08.030 shall be permitted in one or more of the commercial zoning districts as
indicated in the columns corresponding to each residential district. Where indicated with a letter “P,” the use shall be a
permitted use. Where indicated with a “-,” the use is prohibited within the zone. A letter “C” indicates the use shall be
conditionally permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit.
Table 17.08.030 Schedule of Permitted Uses
Commercial/Office/Industrial Districts
Description of Use NC CC HT SC PO BP LI
Guns and firearm sales - P - P - - -
Rancho Pueblo Matrix of Permitted Uses
Guns and firearm sales
Chapter 17.22 Planned Development Overlay Zoning District (PDO-)
Article II Pala Road Planned Development Overlay District-1
Section 17.22.106. Use regulations.
The list of permitted land uses for the Pala Road planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.106.
Where indicated with a letter “P” the use shall be a permitted use. A letter “C” indicates the use shall be conditionally
permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with a “- the use is prohibited within the
Table 17.22.106 Schedule of Permitted Uses
Pala Road Planned Development Overlay District-1
Description of Use
Guns and firearm sales
Article IV Nicholas/Winchester Planned Development Overlay District-3
Section 7.22.126. Use regulations.
The list of permitted land uses for the Nicolas/Winchester planned development overlay district is contained in Table
17.22.126. Where indicated with a letter “P” the use shall be a permitted use. A letter “C” indicates the use shall be
conditionally permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with a -”, the use is prohibited
within the zone.
Table 17.22.126 Schedule of Permitted Uses
Northwest Corner of Nicolas and Winchester Roads Planned Development Overlay District -3
Description of Use
Guns and firearm sales
Article V – Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District-4
Section 17.22.136. Use regulations.
The list of permitted land uses for the Temecula Creek Village planned development overlay district is contained in Table
17.22.136B. Planned development overlay-4 contains three different planning areas. Two of the areas are commercial,
the third is residentially based. A copy of the planning area map for this PDO is contained in Exhibit 17.22.136A. The
three areas are identified as follows:
Retail/support commercial (identified as planning area PDO-4R in Table 17.22.136B);
Village commercial area (identified as planning area PDO-4V In Table 17.22.136B); and
Multifamily residential planning areas. Unless specific standards are provided for this planning development overlay, the
residential development standards for the high density zoning district contained in Chapter 17.06 shall apply to this
planning area.
Table 17.22.136B Schedule of Permitted Uses
Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District-4
Description of Use PDO-4R PDO-4V
Guns and firearm sales
Article VII Rancho Pueblo Planned Development Overlay District-6
Section 17.22.166. Land uses.
A. Use Matrix. The land uses listed in the following table will be permitted in the Rancho Pueblo planned development
overlay (RPPDO), only as indicated. Where indicated with a letter “P” the use will be a permitted use. A letter “C” indicates
the use will be conditionally permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with the symbol
“-“ the use is prohibited within the Rancho Pueblo PDO area.
Table 17.22.166A
Article IX De Portola Road Planned Development Overlay District-8
Section 7.22.196. Use regulations.
The list of permitted land uses for the De Portola Road planned development overlay district is contained in Table
17.22.196. Where indicated with a letter “P”, the use shall be a permitted use. A letter “C” indicates the use shall be a
conditionally permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with a “-”, the use is prohibited
within the zone.
Table 17.22.196 Schedule of Permitted Uses
De Portola Road Planned Development Overlay District-8
Description of Use
Guns and firearm sales
Thousand Oaks Municipal Code
Current city legislation passed through July 5, 2022. (Supplement Number 65).
Title 3 Finance
Chapter 17 Swap Meets
Section 3-17.06. Prohibited sales, trades, exchanges, or bartering.
No person, firm, or corporation at any swap meet, whether the operator, or an exhibitor, or any other person or entity,
shall sell, exchange, or display, or offer for sale or exchange or barter, at any swap meet any of the following items of
personal property:
(b) Any handgun, rifle, shotgun, or other type of firearm by whatever name, or any deadly weapon; and
Title 5 Public Welfare, Morals and Conduct
Chapter 11 Weapons*
Section 5-11-02. Discharge or possession by minors.
(b) No minor shall possess in any public place any gun, rifle, or pistol as described in Section 5-11.01 of this chapter,
except as follows:
(1) When such minor is in the immediate charge and supervision of a parent, guardian, or adult person having the
responsibility for the conduct of such minor, regardless of whether the gun, rifle, or pistol is capable of being
immediately discharged or whether it is unloaded or in a dismantled or “take-down” condition or completely wrapped
or in a carrying case made for the purposes of carrying such firearm; and
(2) When such minor is engaged in marksmanship training or firearm safety training at an established range or
shooting area, as provided and regulated in Section 5-11.01 of this chapter, under the supervision of a competent
adult instructor.
Section 5-11-03. Reporting lost or stolen firearms.
(a) Any person residing or doing business in the City, who owns or possesses a firearm, as defined in the Penal Code,
shall report the theft or loss of the firearm to the Thousand Oaks Police Department within seventy-two (72) hours after his
or her discovery or knowledge of the theft or loss.
(b) Any person residing or doing business in the City, who has experienced the loss or theft of a firearm, as defined in the
Penal Code, in the City within the five years prior to 4/19/2007, without the firearm having been recovered during such
time, shall report the theft or loss to the Thousand Oaks Police Department within ninety (90) days of 4/19/2007.
(c) Any person who fails to report a lost or stolen firearm pursuant to this Section 5-11.03, when the person knew or
should have known of the theft or loss, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable as provided in Section 1-2.01 of this
Tiburon Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 597 N.S., passed May 18, 2022. (Supp. No. 33, 9-22)
Title IV Land Improvement and Use
Chapter 16 Zoning
16-22 Commercial Zones
Section 16-22.030. Commercial zones allowable land uses and permit requirements.
2. Conditional uses permitted in the NC zone. The following uses shall be permitted only when a conditional use permit is
granted, as provided in section 16-52.040 (conditional use permit). Additional uses, similar or accessory to those listed
below, may be conditionally permitted by resolution of the commission.
Firearms sales
16-52 Permit Review and Decisions
Section 16-52.110. Home occupations.
B. General criteria. Home occupations shall be limited to the following uses:
4. Firearms sales, as defined in article X (Definitions) of this chapter, are not permitted as a home occupation.
16-100 – Definitions
Section 16-100.020. Definitions of specialized terms and phrases.
As used in the zoning ordinance, the following terms and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section
unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise.
F. Definitions, “F”.
"Firearms sales". A business licensed to sell, lease or transfer firearms or ammunition pursuant to California Penal Code
Sections 26700 to 26915 and 30300 to 30365, or successor sections thereto.
Title VI Public Health, Safety and Welfare
Chapter 32 Regulation of Firearms
Article I Regulation of Firearms Dealers
Section 32-1. Definition of firearm.
"Firearm" means any device, designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which a
projectile is expelled through a barrel by force of explosion or other means of combustion.
Section 32-2. Definition of firearm dealer.
"Firearm dealer" and "licensee", as used in this article, means any person licensed to sell, lease or transfer firearms
pursuant to California Penal Code Section 12071(a)(1).
Section 32-2A. Definition of Police, Chief, Sheriff.
"Police" or "police department" as used in this chapter shall mean the Town of Tiburon Police Department. "Chief" as
used in this chapter shall mean the chief of police or his designee. "Sheriff' as used in this chapter shall mean the Marin
County sheriff or his designee.
Section 32-3. Chief's permit required.
It is unlawful for any firearms dealer to sell, lease or transfer firearms without a permit issued by the chief.
Section 32-4. Application.
(a) An applicant for a permit or renewal of a permit under this chapter shall file with the chief an application in writing,
signed under penalty of perjury, on a form prescribed by the town. The applicant shall provide all relevant information
requested to demonstrate compliance with this chapter including:
(1) The name, including any aliases or prior names, age and address of the applicant;
(2) The applicant's Federal Firearms License and California Firearms Dealer numbers;
(3) The address of the proposed location for which the permit is required, together with the business name, and the
name of any corporation, partnership or association that has ownership in, or control over, the business, if any;
(4) The names, ages and addresses of:
(A) All persons who will have access to or control of workplace firearms, including but not limited to, the applicant's
employees, agents and/or supervisors, if any;
(5) Proof of a possessory interest in the property at which the proposed business will be conducted in the form of
ownership, lease, license or other entitlement to operate at such location and the written consent of the owner of
record of the real property;
(6) A floor plan of the proposed business, which illustrates the applicant's compliance with security provisions as
outlined in Section 32-7 of this chapter;
(7) Proof of compliance with town zoning requirements at the proposed location by presentation of a zoning clearance
letter from the planning director of the Town of Tiburon or his designee. The planning department may adopt an
appropriate fee to implement this requirement;
(8) Proof of compliance with all federal and state licensing laws;
(9) Information relating to every license or permit to sell, lease, transfer, purchase, or possess firearms sought by the
applicant from any jurisdiction in the United States, including, but not limited to, the date of application; whether each
application resulted in the issuance of a license and the date and circumstances of any revocation or suspension;
(10) Information relating to every revocation of a license or permit relating to firearms, including, but not limited to,
date and circumstances of the revocation;
(11) Applicant's agreement to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the town, its officers, agents and employees from
and against all claims, losses, costs, damages and liabilities of any kind, including attorney fees arising in any manner
out of the applicant's negligence or intentional or willful misconduct;
(12) Certification of satisfaction of insurance requirements;
(13) The date, location, and nature of all criminal convictions of the applicant, if any, in any jurisdiction in the United
(b) The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of twenty-five dollars for administering this chapter. The
fee may be increased by resolution of the town council upon evidence of the actual cost of administering the application.
The council finds that the twenty-five dollar fee is reasonable and proper for administering this chapter and, in fact,
represents a fraction of the cost that will be incurred by the police in processing the application.
Section 32-5. Investigation by chief.
The chief shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the applicant to determine for the protection of the public safety
whether the permit may be issued. The chief shall require an applicant, or any officer, agent or employee thereof, that will
have access to or control of firearms to provide fingerprints, a recent photograph, a signed authorization for the release of
pertinent records, a complete personal history set forth on a questionnaire provided by the chief, and any other additional
information which the chief considers necessary to complete the investigation.
Section 32-6. Conditions of approval.
In addition to other requirements and conditions of this chapter, a permit by the chief is subject to the following conditions,
the breach of any of which is sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the chief:
(a) The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the permit. This
requirement, however, does not prohibit the permittee from participating in a gun show or event that is authorized by
federal, state and local law upon compliance with that law and upon compliance with any Town of Tiburon ordinance
regulating the permissible locations of gun shows;
(b) The chief's permit or a certified copy of it shall be displayed on the premises and at gun shows where it can be easily
(c) The applicant shall not permit any person under eighteen years of age to enter or remain within the premises without
being accompanied by the parent, grandparent, or legal guardian for the minor child where the firearm sales activity is the
primary business performed at the site.
Section 32-7. Requirement of a secured facility.
Firearms dealers must comply with California Penal Code Section 12071(b)(14) which provides:
At any time the licensee is not open for business, the licensee shall store all firearms kept in his or her licensed place of
business using one of the following methods as to each particular firearm:
(a) Store the firearm in a secure facility as defined by Penal Code Section 12071(c)(3) that is part of, or that constitutes,
the licensee's business premises;
(b) Secure the firearm with a hardened steel rod or cable of at least one-eighth inch in diameter through the trigger guard
of the firearm. The steel rod or cable shall be secured with a hardened steel lock that has a shackle. The lock and shackle
shall be protected or shielded from the use of a bolt cutter and the rod or cable shall be anchored in a manner that
prevents the removal of the firearm from the premises.
(c) Store the firearm in a locked fireproof safe or vault on the licensee's premises.
Section 32-8. Liability insurance.
(a) No permit issued by the chief shall be issued or reissued unless there is in effect a policy of insurance in a form
approved by the town and executed by an insurance company approved by the town, whereby the applicant is insured
against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the sale, lease or transfer or
offering for sale, lease or transfer of a firearm. The minimum liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars for
each incident of damage to property or incident of injury or death to a person; provided, however, that increased limits of
liability may be required by the town attorney if deemed appropriate in his or her sole discretion.
(b) The policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the policy shall not be canceled until notice in
writing has been given to the town manager at least thirty days prior to the time the cancellation becomes effective;
(c) Upon expiration of a policy of insurance and if no additional insurance is obtained immediately, the permit is
considered canceled without further notice.
Section 32-9. Issuance of permit issued by chief, duration.
(a) The police department may grant a chief's permit to the applicant if it finds that the applicant complies with all
applicable federal, state and local laws including but not limited to, the State Penal Code, Town Building Code, fire, zoning
and planning codes;
(b) A permit issued by the chief expires one year after the date of issuance. A permit may be renewed for additional one-
year periods upon the permittee's submission of an application for renewal, accompanied by a nonrefundable twenty-five
dollar renewal fee. The renewal application and the renewal fee must be received by the police department no later than
forty-five days before the expiration of the current permit;
(c) A decision regarding issuance or renewal of a permit may be appealed in the manner provided pursuant to Section 32-
Section 32-10. Grounds for permit denial.
The chief shall deny the issuance or renewal of a chief's permit when one or more of the following conditions exist:
(a) The applicant has not complied with the requirements of this chapter or, has violated the provisions of Section 32-20 of
the municipal code pertaining to prohibited activity in connection with the sale, display or transfer of "Saturday night
(b) The applicant, or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to and control of firearms is under
twenty-one years of age;
(c) The applicant is not licensed as required by federal and state law;
(d) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to or control of firearms has had a
license or firearms permit to sell, lease, transfer, purchase or possess from any jurisdiction in the United States revoked,
suspended or denied for good cause within the immediately preceding five years;
(e) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to or control over firearms has made a
false or misleading statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact in the application for a police permit. If a
permit is denied on this ground, the applicant is prohibited from reapplying for a permit for a period of five years;
(f) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who will have access to or control over firearms has been
convicted of:
(1) An offense which disqualifies that person from owning or possessing a firearm under federal, state and local law,
including, but not limited to, the offenses listed in Penal Code section 12021;
(2) An offense relating to the manufacture, sale, possession, use or registration of a firearm or dangerous or deadly
(3) An offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another with a deadly weapon;
(4) Any felony, misdemeanor burglary or misdemeanor fraud;
(5) An offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of a controlled substance as defined by the State
Health and Safety Code.
(g) The applicant or any officer, employee or agent thereof who has control over firearms is within a class of persons
defined in Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 8100 or 8103;
(h) The applicant or any officer, employee, or agent thereof who has control over firearms is currently, or has been within
the past five years, an unlawful user of a controlled substance as defined by the Health and Safety Code;
(i) The operation of the business as proposed would not comply with federal, state or local law.
Section 32-11. Grounds for permit revocation.
In addition to the violation of any other provisions contained in this chapter, circumstances constituting grounds for denial
of a chief's permit also constitute grounds for revocation.
Section 32-12. Hearing for permit denial or revocation.
(a) A person whose application for a permit is denied or revoked by the chief has the right to a hearing before the chief
before final denial or revocation.
(b) Within ten days of the mailing of written notice of intent to deny the application or revoke the permit, the applicant may
appeal by requesting a hearing before the chief. The request must be made in writing, setting forth the specific grounds
for appeal. If the applicant submits a timely request for an appeal, the chief should set a time and place for the hearing
within thirty days.
(c) The decision of the chief shall be in writing within ten days of the hearing. An applicant may appeal the decision of the
chief to the town manager or his designee.
Section 32-13. Nonassignability.
A chief's permit issued under this section is not assignable. An attempt to assign a chief's permit renders the permit void.
Section 32-14. Compliance by existing dealers.
A person engaging in firearm sales activity on the effective date of this chapter or any amendment to it shall, within sixty
days after the effective date, comply with this chapter and any amendment to it.
Section 32-15. Record of ammunition sales.
Every holder of a business license to sell ammunition shall maintain records pertaining to ammunition sales prescribed by
this chapter on the licensed premises and in the manner prescribed herein. The record shall show:
(a) The date of the transaction;
(b) The purchaser's name, address and date of birth;
(c) The purchaser's driver's license number or other identification and state where issued;
(d) The brand of ammunition purchased;
(e) The type and amount of ammunition purchased;
(f) The purchaser's signature; and
(g) Log of ammunition sales.
The information required by this subsection 32-15(g) shall be completed in the logbook at the time of the purchase.
Such information shall be recorded in the following format:
Ammunition Sales Registration Log Store:
Date of
License/ID &
Ammunition Type &
Purchaser Signature
(1) The record shall be maintained in chronological order by date of sale of the ammunition, and shall be retained on
the licensed premises of the business licensee for a period of two years following the date of the purchase of the
(2) At the direction of the chief, Town of Tiburon police officers may enter the premises of any licensed vendor of
ammunition during regular business hours for the purpose of examining or inspecting any record required by this
Exception. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the sale of firearm ammunition by a firing range licensed to do
business in the Town of Tiburon when the ammunition so purchased is expended on the premises of the range and not
removed for use outside the range premises.
Section 32-16. Penalty.
(a) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both
such fine and imprisonment. Each person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion
of which any violation of any provision of this section is committed, continued or permitted by such person.
The Marin County district attorney is hereby designated as the prosecuting agency for violations of this article whenever
such violations are to be charged as misdemeanors.
(b) Any person found to be in violation of this chapter shall be subject to the revocation of his or her law enforcement
permit to sell, lease or transfer firearms.
(c) In addition to any other penalty or remedy, the county counsel or town attorney may commence a civil action to seek
enforcement of these provisions. The town attorney may also elect to enforce this chapter by administrative citation
pursuant to Chapter 31 of the municipal code.
Article IV Reporting Loss or Theft of Firearms
Section 32-27. Reporting of loss or theft of firearm.
It is unlawful for any person to fail to report to the police department the theft or loss of a firearm he or she owns or
possesses within forty-eight hours of the time he or she knew or reasonably should have known that the firearm has been
stolen or lost, if the person resides in the town or the loss or theft occurs in the town.
After July 5, 2016, it is unlawful for any person to fail to report to the police department the theft or loss of a firearm he or
she owned or possessed within the five years prior to May 6, 2016 if the person resided in the town at the time of the loss
or theft, or the loss or theft occurred in the town, unless the firearm has been recovered.
Pursuant to California Penal Code Section 11108, the chief of police shall submit a description of each firearm that has
been reported lost or stolen directly to the California Department of Justice automated property system for firearms.
Section 32-28. Exceptions to reporting of loss or theft of firearm.
Section 32-27 shall not apply to the following persons:
(a) Law enforcement officials while engaged in their official duties;
(b) Members of the armed forces of the United States or the National Guard while engaged in their official duties;
(c) Firearms dealers and manufacturers licensed under federal and state law while engaged in the course and scope of
their activities as licensees.
Section 32-29. Penalty for failing to report loss or theft of firearm.
(a) Any person violating section 32-27 is guilty of a misdemeanor;
(b) Any person who reports to any law enforcement officer, pursuant to section 32-27 of this chapter that a firearm has
been lost or stolen, knowing the report to be false, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Article V Regulating Handgun Storage
Section 32-30. Required storage of handgun in residence.
No person shall keep a handgun within a residence owned or controlled by that person unless the handgun is stored in a
locked container or disabled with a trigger lock that has been approved by the California Department of Justice.
Section 32-31. Definitions related to handgun storage requirements.
(a) "Residence." As used in this section, "residence" is any structure intended or used for human habitation including but
not limited to houses, condominiums, rooms, in-law units, motels, hotels, time-shares, recreational and other vehicles
where human habitation occurs.
(b) "Locked container." As used in this section, "locked container" means a secure container that is fully enclosed and
locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock or similar locking device.
(c) "Handgun." As used in this section, "handgun" means any pistol, revolver, or other firearm that is capable of being
concealed upon the person, designed to be used as a weapon, capable of expelling a projectile by the force of any
explosion or other form of combustion, and has a barrel less than sixteen inches in length.
(d) "Trigger lock." As used in this section, a "trigger lock" means a trigger lock that is listed in the California Department
of Justice's list of approved firearms safety devices and that is identified as appropriate for that handgun by reference to
either the manufacturer and model of the handgun or to the physical characteristics of the hand gun that match those
listed on the roster for use with the device under California Penal Code Section 12088(d).
Section 32-32. Exceptions to handgun storage requirements set forth in section 32-30.
Section 32-31 shall not apply in the following circumstances:
(a) The handgun is carried on the person of an individual over the age of 18.
(b) The handgun is under the control of a person who is a peace officer under California Penal Code Section 830.
Section 32-33. Penalty for failing to properly store handgun in residence.
Every violation of section 32-30 shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to
exceed one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or by both.
Torrance Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 3905, passed July 12, 2022.
Division 4 Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 5 – Offenses Miscellaneous
Article 3 – Firearms; Weapons
Section 45.3.6. Firearms, air guns, etc. In possession of minors.
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years of age to have in his possession, custody or
control, within the corporate limits of the City, any gun, revolver, pistol, spring or air gun, or firearm of any description or
any cartridge, shell or other device containing any explosive, or any cartridge, shell or other device designed and intended
for use in connection with any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm of any description or any ammunition of any description
containing any explosive.
Tustin Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1527, adopted September 26, 2022. (Rev. No. 23-2022)
Article 3 Business Regulations
Chapter 1 General Business Regulations
Part 4 Definitions
Section 3141. Definitions
As used in this Article, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Part, unless the
context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise. Terms and phrases that are not defined shall have the common
meanings ascribed to them in Webster's or other dictionaries recognized as "standard."
Firearm. Any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel a projectile by the force
of any explosion or other form of combustion.
Weapon. Any firearm or explosive device, or any device designed to be used in offensive or defensive combat or for
sport, whether or not the weapon will be so used, and which is otherwise allowed by law to be possessed or sold.
Chapter 5 Sale and Exchange of Property
Part 3 Weapons Business
Section 3531. Weapons business permit required
No person shall engage in the business of repairing, modifying, customizing, restoring, cleaning, purchasing, selling,
leasing or transferring weapons, whether new or used, without first having obtained a weapons business permit therefor
from the Director.
Section 3532. Prerequisites for weapons business permit
A person shall be disqualified from receiving a permit pursuant to this Part if he or she has been convicted of a felony.
The applicant shall file the following with the Director:
(1) A valid Federal Firearms License (FFL) issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
(2) A valid sellers permit issued by the State Board of Equalization.
(3) A valid Certificate of Eligibility (COE) issued by the Department of Justice.
(4) A statement indicating all criminal convictions, including pleas of nolo contendere, within the last five (5) years,
including those dismissed or expunged pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.4 but excluding minor traffic violations, and
the date and place of each such conviction and reason therefor.
Section 3533. Investigation
Upon receiving an application for a weapons business permit, the Director may cause an investigation of the applicant to
be conducted by the Chief of Police.
Section 3534. Weapons business operations
a. Location
The business shall be carried on only at the location designated on the weapons business permit. Property of the
business may be stored at other locations only with written consent of the Director and Chief of Police.
b. Weapons Storage and Safes
Weapons shall be stored in accordance with all Federal and State requirements.
c. Home Occupations
Weapons businesses shall not be conducted as, or as part of, a home occupation.
d. Display of Permit
The City's weapons business permit or a copy thereof, approved by the City, shall be displayed on the premises in plain
view at all times.
Twentynine Palms Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 299, passed May 24, 2022. (Supp. No. 17, Update 2)
Title 19 Development Code
Article 2 Land Use/Zoning Districts
Chapter 19.16 Commercial Districts (CO, CG, CN and CT)
Section 19.16.020. Description and intent of land uses.
A. Office Commercial (CO). C. Neighborhood Commercial (CN).
B. General Commercial (CG). D. Tourist Commercial (CT).
Section 19.16.030. Allowed uses and permit requirements.
Retail/Wholesale Sales
Guns and ammunition stores
- = Prohibited
P = Permitted
AUP = Administrative Use Permit
CUP = Conditional Use Permit
Chapter 19.18 Service Commercial (CS) and Community Industrial (IC) Districts
Section 19.18.030. Allowed uses and permit requirements.
Allowed Use
Retail/Wholesale Sales
Guns and ammunition stores
- = Prohibited
P = Permitted
AUP = Administrative Use Permit
CUP = Conditional Use Permit
Ukiah Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1224, passed April 6, 2022.
Division 1 Government
Division 9 Planning and Development
Chapter 2 Zoning
Article 18 Downtown Zoning Code
Section 9224.4. Home occupations.
K. Prohibited Uses: The following uses and similar activities as determined by the Planning Director are prohibited as
home occupations:
gun repair, sale of guns or ammunition;
Union City Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 899-22, effective July 14, 2022.
Title 9 – Peace, Safety and Morals
VIII Offenses by or Against Minors
Chapter 9.72 Dangerous Weapons
Section 9.72.010. Dangerous weapon defined.
“Dangerous weapon” means and includes any firearm, air rifle, BB gun, or other similar instrument designed or intended
to discharge a projectile which could injure a person or an animal.
Section 9.72.020. Use, possession, discharge or sale.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter it is unlawful for any person in the City to sell, give, loan or in any way furnish
or cause or permit to be sold, given, loaned or in any way furnished to a minor, or to allow any minor to use or possess or
discharge, or for any minor to use or possess or discharge a dangerous weapon.
Section 9.72.030. Exceptions.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed or construed to prohibit the selling, giving loaning or furnishing to any minor, upon
written consent of the parent or guardian of such minor, any dangerous weapon as defined in Section 9.72.010; nor
prohibit such minor from using or having in his or her possession, care, custody or control any such dangerous weapon as
so defined in the event that such possession, care, custody, control or use is had with the consent of the parent or
guardian of such minor and is under the direct supervision and control of some adult person; nor to prohibit any minor
from using or having in his or her possession or control any dangerous weapon which is in good faith in his or her
possession or control or use for his or her lawful occupation or employment or for the purpose of lawful recreation.
Section 9.72.050. Public offense by State law.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the commission of any action which is made a public offense by any law
of this State.
IX Weapons
Chapter 9.81 Regulating the Use of firearms and Ammunition
Section 9.81.030. Ammunition.
No person shall, within the City of Union City, sell, loan or give any ammunition to any person under eighteen years of
Section 9.81.040. Confiscation.
Any firearm or ammunition being used in violation of this chapter may be confiscated by any law enforcement officer and
retained at the Police Department until claimed by the owner thereof in person and in the event the equipment so
confiscated is a firearm and the owner is a minor, until he/she is accompanied by one of his or her parents.
Chapter 9.82 Permit Requirements for Firearms Dealers and Gunsmiths
Section 9.82.030. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, are defined as follows:
A. “Applicant” means the firearms dealer as defined in this chapter who is making application to the City for a firearms
dealer permit or gunsmith permit as required by 12071(a)(1) of the California Penal Code.
B. “Chief of Police” means the Chief of Police of the City or his or her designee charged with the administration of this
chapter, subject to the administrative direction of the City Manager.
C. “Collector of curios and relics” means a person who is a collector of any antique firearm or any firearm which is a
curio or relic as defined in Section 178.11 et seq. of Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations and who only possesses
a valid Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Federal Firearms License of Type 03 (Collectors of curios and relics).
D. “Engaged in business” means the conduct of a business by the selling, transferring or leasing of any firearm; or the
preparation for such conduct of the business as evidenced by the securing of applicable Federal and State licenses; or
the holding of one’s self out as engaged in the business of selling, transferring or leasing of any firearm, or the selling,
transferring or leasing of firearms in quantity in series or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of
E. “Firearms” means any device designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which a
projectile is expelled through a barrel by a force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
F. “Firearms dealer” means a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, leasing or advertising for sale,
transfer or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease any firearm with the exception of a Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms Federal Firearms License of Type 03 (collectors of curios and relics) and Type 01 (limited to those
who engage only in gunsmith activities and do not conduct any sales transactions). Included in the definition are persons
involved solely in the warehousing and storage of firearms.
G. “Gunsmith” means a person whose occupation is to design, modify, make or repair firearms. For the sales of
firearms, refer to “firearms dealer” under Section 9.82.040A of this chapter.
H. “Person” means any natural person, firm, corporation, organization, company, association, business trust, joint-stock
company, partnership, joint venture, club, or the agent, servant, manager, officer employee or lessee of any of them; and
any municipal, political, or governmental corporation, district, body or agency other than the City.
Section 9.82.040. Permit required.
A. Firearms Dealers. No person, partnership, cooperative, corporation, firm or association may engage in the business of
operating or managing any business in the City, which sells, transfers, leases, or offers or advertises for sale, transfer or
lease, any firearm, without first obtaining a firearms dealers permit from the Chief of Police of the Union City Police
Department. Application for any such permit shall be made in writing to the Chief of Police of the City in such form as shall
be prescribed by him/her. The applicant shall provide all information requested, including proof of compliance with all
applicable Federal, State and local laws, or the application will not be deemed complete. Persons who are collectors of
antique firearms as described in Section 9.82.030 of this chapter shall not be required to obtain and maintain a firearms
dealer permit.
B. Gunsmiths. No person, partnership, cooperative, corporation, firm or association will engage in the business of
operating or managing a business which designs, modifies, makes or repairs firearms in the City without first obtaining a
gunsmith permit from the Chief of Police of the Union City Police Department. Application for any such permit shall be
made in writing to the Chief of Police of the City in such form as prescribed by him/her. The applicant shall provide all
information requested, including proof of compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, or the application
will not be deemed complete.
Section 9.82.050. Application fee.
Applications for gun dealers or gunsmith permits shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable permit fee as set forth in the
City master fee resolution.
Section 9.82.060. Administration of chapter; application and investigation for permits.
A. The Chief of Police shall administer this chapter.
B. The Chief of Police shall conduct an appropriate investigation to determine the eligibility of each owner, partner,
employee, manager, officer, agent, lessee, or other responsible person engaged in the business for which the applicant is
seeking a firearms dealer or gunsmith permit. This investigation shall be conducted for the protection of the public safety
and to determine if a permit may be issued. The applicant, owner, partner, employee, manager, officer, agent, lessee, or
other responsible person engaged in the business shall fully cooperate by providing necessary authorization for access to
private records and information.
C. The background check and investigation shall be completed within sixty days of the receipt of a gun dealer or gunsmith
Section 9.82.070. Permit approval, renewal, suspension, conditions and revocation criteria.
The Chief of Police may issue or renew a permit only if the following criteria are met. The Chief of Police may deny a new
permit or suspend, revoke or impose reasonable conditions for issuance or renewal of an existing permit for failure to
meet the following criteria:
A. Applicants must be at least twenty-one years old.
B. The applicant must hold all applicable Federal, State, and local licenses and authorizations.
C. The applicant has no prior revocation or denial of a similar permit, for good cause within the last two years.
D. The applicant has provided accurate statements of fact on his or her application.
E. The applicant must have paid all applicable fees as provided in the Union City master fee resolution.
F. The applicant is free of a conviction for any of the following offenses:
1. Any offense that would disqualify the applicant from owning or possessing a firearm under Federal, State and local
2. Any offense related to the manufacturing, sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous or
deadly weapon;
3. Any offense involving the use of force or violence against the person of another;
4. Any offense involving the manufacturing, sale, possession or use of any controlled substance as defined in the
California State Health and Safety Code.
G. The applicant is not an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined by the California State Health and Safety
Code, or an excessive user of alcohol to the extent that it would impair his or her ability to be a dealer in firearms or be a
H. The applicant is not a mental patient in a hospital or institution, or on leave of absence from any hospital or institution,
or adjudicated by a court to be a danger to others as a result of a mental disorder or illness, or a mentally disordered sex
offender, or suffers from any psychological disturbance which would impair his or her ability to be a firearms dealer or
I. The applicant proposes to operate the business in a manner which complies with all Federal, State and local laws.
J. The applicant operates his or her business:
1. Within a zoning district where the proposed use is permitted by zoning regulations; or
2. Within a zoning district where the proposed use is conditionally permitted and the applicant has obtained all
required permits or approvals as prescribed by the Union City Municipal Code and general law, under a conditional
use permit.
K. The applicant can provide evidence of possessory interest in the property at which he/she proposes to conduct
Section 9.82.080. Security requirements; Chief of Police authority to adopt administrative regulations.
Firearms security regulations shall be adopted as provided in this section.
A. A primary objective of this chapter is to discourage theft from the premises of the firearm dealers, and to provide a safe
and secure facility for storage and sale of firearms. To this end the permittee shall comply with all firearms dealer
regulations prescribed by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police is authorized to adopt all necessary administrative
regulations to carry out the intent of this chapter.
B. The Chief of Police shall adopt firearms security regulations requiring, but not limited to, the following:
1. The provision of secure locks, windows and doors, adequate lighting and an alarm security system in accordance
with permitted City security regulations and/or specified by the Chief of Police;
2. The storage of all firearms on the premises out of reach of customers in secure, locked locations, so that the
access to the firearms is controlled by the dealer and/or owner, partner, employee, manager, officer, agent, lessee or
other responsible person engaged in the business and to the exclusion of others. Storage of ammunition, gunpowder
or other flammable or explosive material shall be in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and the Union City
Municipal Code hazardous material storage ordinance.
Section 9.82.090. Permit forms.
A. All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year after the date of issuance, unless suspended or
revoked prior to the expiration date.
B. All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to renewal after one year. The permittee shall file a renewal
application and pay all applicable fees as specified in the Union City master fee resolution. Such application will then be
reviewed by the Chief of Police for compliance with the provisions of this chapter. A permit will be issued by the Chief of
Police for a renewal application which meets the provisions specified in this chapter.
The permit will be valid for one year.
C. Applications for renewal of an existing valid permit must be completed and received by the Chief of Police, in
completed form, no later that thirty days prior to the expiration of the current permit.
Section 9.82.100. Permit conditions.
A. All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to the following conditions. The violation of any of the listed
conditions will be grounds for suspension or revocation of the permit by the Chief of Police.
1. No firearms dealer permit will be issued to a person engaged in the business of selling, transferring, leasing or
advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer or lease any firearm from a residence.
2. The business shall be conducted only in the building located at the street address indicated on the permit.
3. The sales of firearms shall be conducted only by the person(s) listed on the firearms dealer permit issued by the
City, known as the permittee. If the permittee is to be assisted by another person such as an owner, partner,
employee, manager, officer, agent, lessee, or other responsible person engaged in the business of the sale of
firearms, these individuals must be reviewed under the requirements of Section 9.82.070(A), (E), (F), (G), and (H) of
this chapter.
4. The permittee shall comply with Sections 12073, 12074, 12076, 12077 and 12082 and subdivision (b) of Section
12072 of the California Penal Code, to the extent that the provisions remain in effect.
5. The permittee shall comply with all sections of this chapter.
B. Any permit pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to additional conditions as the Chief of Police deems reasonably
related to the purpose of this chapter.
Section 9.82.110. Permit denial, suspension, conditioning, revocation, denial of renewal.
A. The Chief of Police may deny a new permit application or suspend, modify, revoke or deny renewal of an existing
permit for failure of the applicant or permittee to satisfy any of the criteria provided in Section 9.82.070, Permit approval,
renewal, suspension, conditions and revocation criteria, Section 9.82.080, Security requirements, Chief of Police authority
to adopt administrative regulations, Section 9.82.100, Permit conditions, Section 9.82.140, Permit liability insurance, and
Section 9.82.150, Inspection authority, of this chapter.
B. Any decision to deny a new permit application, suspend, revoke, modify or deny renewal of an existing permit shall be
given to the applicant or permittee in writing; addressed to the permittee or applicant at the address on the application,
and shall set forth the factual and legal grounds for the decision.
Section 9.82.120. Appeal of adverse action.
A. Within thirty days after the date of deposit of the decision of the Chief of Police in the mail in accordance with Section
9.82.110, Permit denial, suspension, conditioning, revocation, denial of renewal, the applicant or permittee may appeal
the decision in writing to the City Manager (or designee), setting forth the factual and legal grounds for appeal.
B. The City Manager (or designee) shall:
1. Set a time and place for the hearing on the appeal;
2. Notify the applicant or permittee in writing of such date and time not later than thirty working days from the date the
appeal was received by the City Manager.
C. The hearing shall be conducted within forty-five days from the date the appeal was received by the City Manager. In
any hearing under this section, the applicant shall bear the burden of proof to establish entitlement to the requested permit
by a preponderance of the evidence.
D. After hearing the appeal, the City Manager (or designee) may:
1. Refer the matter back to the Chief of Police for a new investigation and decision consistent with direction provided
by the City Manager (or designee);
2. Affirm the decision of the Chief of Police;
3. Approve the application for a permit subject to any conditions the City Manager (or designee) may prescribe; or
4. May approve the application for a permit without conditions.
E. The decision of the City Manager (or designee) shall be the final administrative determination and is subject to judicial
Section 9.82.130. Cost of appeal and attorney fees.
In any appeal hearing conducted under this chapter, the City Manager (or designee) shall assess all costs of the hearing,
including direct and indirect staff costs and overhead and attorney fees, to the appellant whenever the City prevails.
Section 9.82.140. Permit liability insurance.
A. No firearms dealer permit shall be issued or renewed pursuant to this chapter unless there is in full force and effect,
prior to issuance of a permit or renewal, a policy of insurance in such form that the City Attorney and City Risk Manager
deem proper. This policy must be executed by an insurance company approved by the City Attorney, whereby the
applicant or permittee is insured against liability for damage to property and for injury to, or death of any person as result
of the sale, transfer or lease, or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or advertising for lease of any firearm. The minimum
liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars for damages to, or destruction of property in any one incident; and
one million dollars for the death or injury to any one person; provided, however, that additional amounts may be required
by the City Attorney if deemed necessary.
B. The policy of insurance shall name the City, its officers, agents and employees as additional insureds. Applicants and
permittees shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers agents and employees, from claims arising from
the negligence of the applicant or permittee. Such policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement providing that the
policy will not be cancelled until notice in writing has been given to the Chief of Police sixty days prior to cancellation.
Section 9.82.150. Inspection authority.
A. The Chief of Police or his designee shall have the right to enter any firearms dealer establishment from time to time
during regular business hours to make reasonable inspections to ascertain whether the provisions of this chapter are
being complied with. A warrant shall be obtained whenever required by law.
B. The Police Department shall conduct an on-site inspection, and review the gun dealer or gunsmith, every six months.
C. The cost of the inspection and review shall be charged at an hourly rate with a minimum of one hour. The hourly rate
shall be specified in the City master fee resolution.
Section 9.82.160. Compliance.
Any person engaging in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing or advertising for sale, transfer or lease, or offering
for sale, transfer or lease, any firearm on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall have sixty days
from the effective date to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Section 9.82.170. Temporary suspension.
A. If a firearm dealer violates any Federal, State or local County or City laws, the Chief of Police may immediately
suspend the right of the dealer to sell firearms.
B. The temporary suspension will not exceed three days. If the violation results in a criminal charge filed by a Federal,
State or County District Attorney, such permit to sell firearms may be suspended until the case is adjudicated in a court of
C. Notice of suspension and rights to appeal and costs shall be the same as provided in Section 9.82.110, Permit denial,
suspension, conditioning, revocation, denial of renewal, Section 9.82.120, Appeal of adverse action, and Section
9.82.130, Costs of appeal and attorney fees, of this chapter.
Section 9.82.180. Severability.
A. This chapter shall be enforced to the full extent of the authority of the Chief of Police. If any section, subsection,
sentence, clause, phrase or portion of the chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by decision of
any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter.
B. The City Council of the City declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence,
clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsection, clauses, phrases or
portions should be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Title 18 Zoning
Chapter 18.32 Residential Districts
Section 18.32.020. Permitted uses.
G. Home occupations, subject to the following conditions:
13. That the following uses shall not be permitted:
d. The sale and trade of goods or products such as firearms, ammunition, fireworks, hazardous chemicals, or any
product that has the potential to cause injury if improperly handled and is therefore unsuitable for home
occupation as determined by the Zoning Administrator;
Chapter 18.36 Commercial Districts
Section 8.36.015. Purpose.
A. CPA District Professional and Administrative D. CVR District Visitor and Recreation Commercial.
F. CS District Specialty Commercial District.
B. CN District Neighborhood Commercial.
C. CC District Community Commercial.
Section 18.36.030. Conditional uses.
The following conditional uses shall be permitted in a C district, upon the granting of a use permit, when the symbol “X” is
marked in the column beneath the C district:
B. Approval by Planning Commission (refer to Chapter 18.56 for a detailed description of the use permit process).
Conditional Uses
Guns and/or ammunition sales
Upland Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance 1955 and the October 2021 code supplement.
Title 9 Public Peace and Welfare
Chapter 9.24 Firearms
Section 9.24.010. Definitions.
“Deadly or dangerous weapon” as used in this chapter, means and includes, but is not limited to: any dirk or dagger;
, and any firearm.
“Firearmas used in this chapter means a “firearm” as defined at subdivision (a) of Section 16520 of the California Penal
Section 9.24.030. Minors Possession of firearms, BB device, deadly or dangerous weapon.
No person under 18 years of age shall have in his or her possession, care, custody or control any firearm or BB device as
defined in Section 9.24.010 of this chapter or any deadly or dangerous weapon as defined in Section 9.24.010 of this
Section 9.24.040. Minors Giving firearms, etc., prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to sell, exchange, give or loan to any person under 18 years of age, any firearm or firearms as
defined in Section 9.24.010 of this chapter.
Section 9.24.090. Exceptions.
The aforegoing shall not apply or be deemed to apply in the following cases:
A. When the firearm or weapon is in the possession of any peace officer for use in the enforcement of law;
B. When the firearm or weapon is in the possession of a person who has a valid permit to possess and carry the same
issued by a duly authorized governmental authority;
C. When any such firearm is being used at or in connection with the operation of any lawful pistol or rifle range in
accordance with rules and regulations approved by the chief of police of the city, or the city council of the city; and
D. In the case of ordinary rifles, shotguns, tools or sports equipment possessed or carried in good faith for uses of honest
work, trade or business or for the purpose of legitimate game hunting, sport or recreation.
Section 9.24.100. Firearms possession declared a nuisance.
Any firearm or firearms or deadly or dangerous weapon which is being used by any person, or which is in the possession
or under the custody or control of any person contrary to any of the provisions of this chapter, is declared to be a
nuisance, and may be forthwith confiscated by any police officer of the city, who shall surrender the same to the chief of
police of the city who shall hold and/or dispose of the same in the same manner as is contemplated for the holding and/or
destruction of the nuisances referred to in Section 12028 of the Penal Code of the state of California.
Section 9.24.110. Penalties.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof, may be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00 or by imprisonment in the city jail of the city, as the
committing magistrate may direct, for a period of not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the
discretion of the court. Each and every day during any part of which any violation of this chapter continues shall be
deemed a separate offense hereunder.
Vacaville Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 1977, passed July 26, 2022.
Title 14 Land Use and Development Code
Chapter 14.09 Zoning
Chapter 14.09.120 Land Use Permits and Approvals, Home Occupation Permits
Section Excluded occupations.
Certain occupations which have a tendency to change the residential character of the neighborhood and the City have
been identified. These occupations shall not be considered as incidental and secondary to the use of a residence for
dwelling purposes.
A. The occupations listed below, and occupations which, in the opinion of the Director are of similar character, shall not be
allowed as home occupations:
9. Sale, manufacture, or distribution of firearms, explosives, or other weapons which would require a state or federal
license to provide such services; and
Vallejo Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 1865 N.C. (2d), passed June 14, 2022. (Supp. No. 6-22)
Title 16 Zoning
Part IV General Regulations
Chapter 16.60 Home Occupations
Section 16.60.050. Exclusions.
The following activities shall not in any case qualify as a home occupation:
E. Any on-premises retail sales including, but not limited to, firearms, weaponry, ammunition, liquor, tobacco, or medicinal
marijuana, and any off-premises sales of tobacco or tobacco related products.
Victorville Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2429, passed May 17, 2022. (Supp. No. 50, Update 2)
Title 13 Public Peace, Safety and Morals
Chapter 13.2 Weapons
Section 13.24.030. Furnishing to minors.
No person except a parent or guardian shall purchase from, sell, exchange, give, lend, or furnish to any person under the
age of eighteen years a revolver or pistol of any description, shotgun, or rifle, which may be used for the explosion of
cartridges, or any airgun, "B-B" gun, gas-operated gun or spring gun, or any knife or knives having the appearance of a
pocket knife, the blade or blades of which can be opened by a flick of a button, pressure on the handle or other
mechanical devices; or any instrument, toy or weapon commonly known as a "slingshot," or any bow made for the
purpose of throwing or projecting missiles of any kind or by any means whatsoever, whether such instrument is called by
any name set forth above or by any other name. Any such weapon possessed in violation of this chapter may be
confiscated by any peace officer.
Section 13.24.040. Possession by minors.
No person under the age of eighteen years shall have in his possession, care, custody or control any of the articles
mentioned in Section 13.24.030 except within his own domicile or except when accompanied by and under the immediate
supervision of a parent, guardian, or responsible adult. This section shall not apply to any person possessing a valid
California hunting license.
Section 13.24.050. Confiscation.
Every peace officer taking a weapon used in violation of Sections 13.24.030 or 13.24.040 shall deliver the same to the
chief of police to be held by him until the final determination of the prosecution for said offense; and upon the finding of
guilt it shall then be the duty of the chief of police on a first offense to return the weapon to the owner and on a second
offense the chief of police is authorized to confiscate and destroy it.
Title 16 Development Code
Chapter 3 Zoning and Land Use Requirements
Article 7 Land Use and Special Requirements
Section 16-3.07.010. Permitted and conditional land uses all zoning districts
Land and facilities shall only be developed, divided and/or used for those activities listed in Table 7-1 (Permitted,
Conditional, Accessory and Temporary Land Uses - All Districts). Table 7-1 establishes uses that are permitted,
conditionally permitted or not permitted within each Zoning District established by Article 6 (Zoning Districts and
Boundaries) of this Chapter. Article 2 of this Chapter describes the procedures required to obtain a Conditional Use
Table 7-1 Permitted, Conditional, Accessory and Temporary Land Uses - All Zoning Districts
Zoning Categories:
Residential Zoning Districts Commercial Zoning Districts
Industrial Zoning
Other Zoning Districts
AE: Exclusive Agricultural C1: Neighborhood Service
IPD: Industrial
PC: Public and Civic
A: Agriculture Residential C2/C4: General Commercial
M1: Light
SP: Specific Plan*
SR: Suburban Residential
CA: Administrative
Professional Offices
M2: Heavy
PUD: Planned Unit
R1: Single-Family Residential
CM: Commercial
MU: Mixed-Use>*
R2: Medium-Density Residential
FP: Conservancy and
Flood Plain*
R3: High-Density Residential
R4: Very-High-Density Multiple
MDR: Mixed-Density Residential
RMPD: Residential-Mobile Home
Planned Development
Omitted Zone Districts: Zone Districts delineated above by an asterisk (*) were not included in this Land Use Table due to
their unique development process and/or land uses as discussed below.
SP: Land uses and development standards are outlined by the Specific Plan itself, which vary with each existing and
future SP.
PUD: Land uses and development standards are outlined by the Planned Unit Development itself, which vary with each
existing and future PUD.
MU: Allows for a variety of uses to be determined through the Planned Unit Development of Specific Plan process.
FP: All areas of the City zoned FP are within the Mojave River, which does not allow for any permanent development
with the exception of flood control structures. Grazing, crops, wildlife & forest preserves and similar agricultural or
open space uses are permitted at the discretion of the Development Director and the San Bernardino County
Flood Control District.
Use Legend:
P: Permitted Use
C: Conditional Use Permit required
-: Not Permitted
23) Retail
Guns &
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - C C -
31) Accessory
Uses (Subject to
Sections 16
3.07.030 & 16-
3.07.040 of the
Guns &
- - - - - - - - - - P - - - - - -
Section 16-3.07.030. Accessory uses for residential
(d) Home occupations
(3) Prohibited Home Occupations
(ii) Sales or production of weapons (i.e. guns, knives, swords, etc.);
Walnut Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 22-03 and the April 2022 code supplement.
Title 3 Public Health, Safety and Welfare
Chapter 3.48 Offenses Miscellaneous
Section 3.48.110. Firearms, etc.
A. Persons Under 18 Years of Age Furnishing To.
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection C of this section, it is unlawful in the City for any person to sell, give,
loan or in any way furnish, or to cause or permit to be sold, given, lent or in any way furnished, to any person under
the age of 18 years, any gun, revolver, pistol, firearm, spring gun, air gun, sling, slingshot or device designed or
intended, to discharge, or capable of discharging, any dangerous missile.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection C of this section, it is unlawful in the City for any person to sell, give,
loan or in any way furnish, or to cause or permit to be sold, given, lent or in any way furnished, to any person under
the age of 18 years, any cartridge, shell, ammunition or device containing any explosive substance, designed or
intended to be used in, or fired from any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm.
C. Exceptions. Nothing in this code shall be deemed or construed to prohibit in the City the selling, giving, lending or
furnishing to any person under the age of 18 years, upon the written consent of the parent or guardian of such person,
any article mentioned in subsection A of this section; nor to prohibit any such person under the age of 18 years from
having in his or her possession, care, custody or control any article mentioned in subsection B of this section in the event
that such possession, care, custody or control of such article is had with the consent of the parent or guardian of such
person and is under the direct supervision and control of some adult person.
D. License to Sell. No person shall engage in the business of selling or otherwise transferring, or advertising for sale, or
offering or exposing for sale or transfer, any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person
without first having received a license from the County Sheriff.
Wasco Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 717, passed December 7, 2021.
Title 5 – Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Chapter 5.18 Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers
Section 5.18.070. Minors Sale of firearms to prohibited Exception.
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, hire or deliver to any minor under the age of eighteen years, any
gun, rifle, pistol, shotgun or other firearm, without the written permission of such minor’s parents or guardian.
Watsonville Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 1436-22 (CM), passed June 28, 2022.
Title 4 Public Safety
Chapter 7 Weapons
Section 4-7.05. Firearm locking device requirements.
All Dealers as defined in Penal Code Section 12071 and employees of Dealers are prohibited from the following:
(a) Selling, giving, lending, or transferring ownership of any firearm without equipping that firearm with an effective trigger
lock.Effective” means a device, which has been approved by the Watsonville Chief of Police as being adequate to
prevent the unintentional discharge of the firearm.
(b) Selling, giving, lending, or transferring ownership of any firearm without providing to the person to whom the firearm is
transferred printed material that advises the user on safe storage practices.
(c) The expense of the trigger lock shall be borne by the person selling, giving, lending, or transferring the firearm.
West Covina Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2499, adopted June 7, 2022. (Supp. No. 91) Chapter 26 Zoning
Article XII Special Regulations for Unique Uses
Division 21 Theme Shopping Uses
Section 26-685.6200. Development standards.
(k) Prohibited merchandise. Sales, exchange, barter or trade of the following items is prohibited:
b. Firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks or other weaponry.
West Hollywood Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 22-1176 and the February 2022 code supplement.
Title 5 Business Licenses, Regulations and Permits
Article 2 Specific Businesses Regulated
Chapter 5.60 Gun Dealers
Editor’s Note: Gun dealers holding a valid business license on May 4, 1994 shall not be required to comply with Section
5.08.070 (the public hearing requirement for gun dealers desiring to obtain a new license) and subsection (6) of Section
5.60.030 (demonstration of a need and distancing requirements from a public or private school or day care, a public park,
or other gun dealer licensee), and subsection (2) of Section 5.60.040 (the requirement that the applicant obtain landlord
approval prior to the granting of a business license for a gun dealer business). Existing gun dealer licensees, however,
must comply with all other provisions of this chapter.
Section 5.60.010. Definitions.
For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
1. “Engages in the businessshall mean the conducting of a business by selling, leasing, or otherwise transferring, for a
consideration, any firearm, firearm munition or firearm ammunition component; or the holding of one’s self out as engaged
in the business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring for a consideration any firearm, firearm munition, or firearm
ammunition component in quantity, in series, or in individual transactions, or in any other manner indicative of trade.
2. “Firearm” shall include, without limitation, any revolver, pistol or any other device designed to be used as a weapon or
modified to be used as a weapon, that expels a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
3. “Firearm ammunition” shall mean any cartridge or encasement containing a bullet or projectile, propellant or
explosive charge, and a primer which is used in the operation of a firearm.
4. “Firearm ammunition component” shall mean any cartridge or encasement, bullet or projectile, primer or propellant
or explosive material used to manufacture ammunition.
5. “Gun dealer” shall mean any person who engages in the business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring for a
consideration to members of the public any new or used firearm, as well as any firearm ammunition or any firearm
munition component.
6. “Person” shall mean a natural person, association, partnership, firm or corporation or combination thereof.
Section 5.60.020. Application Information.
1. License Form. Any license issued to operate as a gun dealer shall be on a form approved by the city.
2. Application Form. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, every applicant for a gun dealer license shall fill
out the application form prescribed by the California State Attorney General in addition to the city’s application for a
business license pursuant to 5.08.040.
Section 5.60.030. Minimum criteria for issuance of a license.
In addition to the applicant’s compliance with all other requirements of this title, a background check and recommendation
pertaining to the applicant will be referred to and conducted by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department on behalf of
the city. The applicant must obtain a favorable background recommendation from the Los Angeles County Sherriff’s
Department. In addition to compliance with all the requirements of this title, the applicant, manager(s), and employee(s)
must meet the following criteria as applicable:
1. The applicant, and any existing or prospective manager(s) and employee(s), must be at least twenty-one years of age.
2. The applicant, and any existing or prospective manager(s) and employee(s), must be properly licensed as required by
all applicable federal and California laws.
3. The applicant, and any existing or prospective manager(s) and employee(s), must not have had a similar type of
license previously revoked or denied for good cause within the immediately preceding two years prior to the license
4. The applicant, and any existing or prospective manager(s) and employee(s), must not have been convicted of:
(a) Any offense so as to disqualify the applicant, manager or employee from owning or possessing a firearm under
applicable federal and California laws;
(b) Any offense relating to the manufacturing, sale, possession, use or registration of any firearm or other dangerous
or deadly weapon;
(c) Any offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another;
(d) Any offense involving theft, fraud, dishonesty or deceit;
(e) Any offense involving the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any drug or controlled substance itemized on
any schedule pertaining to drugs and other controlled substances of the California Health and Safety Code.
5. The applicant, and any existing or prospective manager(s) and employee(s), must not have been adjudicated to be
mentally incompetent, or have been committed to a mental institution.
6. The applicant must demonstrate that, on or after May 4, 1994, there is a need for an additional firearm dealer to be
located within the city, and that:
(a) The location for which the license is sought is not located within one thousand feet of a public or private day care
center or school, or a public park.
(b) The location for which the license is sought is not located within one thousand feet from any other premises operated
by a gun dealer licensee.
7. The applicant must provide a copy of each of the following:
(a) Valid federal firearms license;
(b) Valid seller’s permit issued by the state Board of Equalization; and
(c) Valid certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of Justice.
8. Existing or prospective manager(s) and employee(s) shall hold and maintain a valid certificate of eligibility from the
Department of Justice as a condition of their employment and submit an “Employee Certificate of Eligibility Report of
Employment” form (BOF 117) to the Department of Justice upon employment.
9. Upon renewal of the business license, the applicant shall provide to the city copies of valid certificates of eligibility for all
manager(s) and employee(s).
Section 5.60.040. Issuance of license subject to conditions.
Any and all licenses granted pursuant to this chapter are subject to the following conditions, in addition to any conditions
imposed by the Commission, breach of any of which subjects the license to revocation:
1. The business activity shall be carried on only in the building designated in the license, which shall be located in a
properly zoned commercial district, unless the gun dealer qualifies as a home occupation under federal and state law and
is in full compliance with the home occupation provisions contained in the Zoning Ordinance. In no event shall a licensee,
operating as a home occupation, store or maintain firearms, ammunition, or any firearms ammunition component within
the residential dwelling in which the business is being conducted. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a
license under this chapter shall be required for gun dealers operating as a home occupation.
2. If the applicant is not the owner of record of the building within which, and the real property upon which, the gun dealer
business is to be located and conducted, then he or she shall obtain prior written consent from the owner of record of
such building and real property to operate a gun dealer business, and such written consent from the owner of record shall
be attached to the city’s business license application.
3. All federal, California and city-issued licenses, permits or copies thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be
posted in a conspicuous manner on the premises in which the business is being conducted.
4. No firearm, firearm ammunition or reproduction of either advertising the sale, lease or transfer, for a consideration of
either, shall be displayed in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
5. The licensee shall maintain on the licensed premises accurate records of all firearm and ammunition sales, as well as a
complete inventory of all firearms in stock, by classification and serial number, for a period of not less than three years.
(a) The records required by this subsection (5) pertaining to the recordation of firearm and ammunition sales shall
(1) The date that the purchaser purchased the firearm(s) and/or ammunition;
(2) The purchaser’s name, address and date of birth;
(3) The purchaser’s driver’s license number or other identification number and state where issued;
(4) The make, brand, model and/or type of firearm(s) purchased;
(5) The brand of ammunition purchased;
(6) The type and amount of ammunition purchased;
(7) The purchaser’s thumbprint, from both the right hand and left hand; and
(8) The purchaser’s signature.
(b) This information required by this subsection (5) shall be recorded at the time of purchase and shall be maintained
in a log book in a form substantially as follows:
Ammunition/Firearm Sales Records Log
Store: __________________
Date Name Address
Date of
ID Number
and State
Brand and
(c) The licensee’s firearm and ammunition sales records and firearm and ammunition inventory records shall be open
to inspection at the request of the city or the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
(d) The licensee shall also provide the city with an annual report of the gross revenue received during the previous
year itemized by the quantity and classification of firearms and ammunition sold on a form provided by the city signed
under penalty of perjury.
6. The licensee shall comply with any city continuing education requirement relating to firearms as the city may from time
to time impose.
7. The licensee shall provide all firearm purchasers comprehensive instructions, prepared by the licensee and approved
by the city, pertaining to the use, maintenance, storage and safety precautions relating to the firearm purchased.
8. The licensee shall comply with all security measures imposed by the license issued pursuant to this chapter upon
recommendation of the Los Angeles County Sheriff, including, but not limited to, locks, lighting, alarms, storage and
access to firearms.
9. The licensee shall comply with Section 9.04.210 of the West Hollywood Municipal Code as well as all applicable
sections of the California Penal Code, including, but not limited to, Sections 16130, 16150, 16300, 16400, 16550, 16810,
17110, 26700-26915, 27500-27590, 28100, 28150-28180, 28200-28250, 30300, 30305, and 30310.
10. The licensee shall conduct a criminal background check on any existing or prospective manager(s) or employee(s).
11. The licensee shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises in an area where guns and ammunition are sold
the following warning in block letters not less than one inch in height:
12. The licensee shall also provide all firearm purchasers with a bill of sale for the purchase of a firearm which includes
the warning language required in subsection (11) of this section. The warning shall be conspicuously placed on the bill of
sale in block letters.
Section 5.60.050. Duration of gun dealer license Renewal.
All licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that a
license may be renewed pursuant to Section 5.08.130 for additional one-year periods upon approval of an application for
renewal that complies with all provisions of the Business License Ordinance.
Section 5.60.060. Assignment of license prohibited.
The assignment of or attempt to assign any license issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such assignment
or attempt to assign a license shall render the license null and void.
Title 9 Public Peace and Safety
Article 1 Prohibited Conduct and Offenses
Chapter 9.04 General Offenses
Section 9.04.210. Sale of certain ammunition prohibited.
a. The wholesale or retail gun dealer shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer, for a consideration, to any person, other
than any authorized law enforcement personnel, any firearm ammunition that has no hunting or marksmanship purpose
and which is designed to expand upon impact. Such firearm ammunition includes, but is not limited to, Black Talon bullets,
9 millimeter bullets, .50 caliber bullets, teflon-coated bullets and hollow-point bullets.
b. The wholesale or retail gun dealer shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer, for any consideration, any firearm
ammunition to any person who is forbidden by city, state or federal law from buying or possessing a firearm.
Article 2 Miscellaneous
Chapter 9.27 Lost or Stolen Firearms
Section 9.27.010. Reporting lost or stolen firearms.
Any person residing or doing business in West Hollywood who owns, or possesses a firearm, as defined in the Penal
Code, shall report the theft or loss of the firearm to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department within 48 hours after his
or her discovery or knowledge of the theft or loss.*
Section 9.27.020. Penalty Misdemeanor.
Any person who fails to report a lost or stolen firearm pursuant to Section 9.27.010, when the person knew or should have
known of the theft or loss, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable as provided in Section 1.08.010 of this code.
* Editors Note: Section 2 of Ordinance 07-44 provides further reporting requirements, as follows:
“Any person residing or doing business in West Hollywood who has experienced the loss or theft of a firearm, as defined
in the Penal Code, in West Hollywood within the five years prior to March 7, 2007, without the firearm having been
recovered during such time, shall report the theft or loss to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department within ninety (90)
days of March 7, 2007.”
Title 19 Zoning Ordinance
Article 19-2 – Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses
Chapter 19.10 Commercial and Public Zoning Districts
Section 19.10.030. Commercial and public district land uses and permit requirements.
Table 2-5 identifies the uses of land allowed by this Zoning Ordinance in the commercial and public zoning districts, and
the land use permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Section 19.04.040 (Zoning District Regulations).
Permit requirements for additions to existing structures are determined by floor area; see Chapters 19.42 (Zone
Clearances), 19.44 (Administrative Permits), and 19.48 (Development Permits).
Note: where the last column in the table (“Specific Use Regulations”) includes a section number, the regulations in the
referenced section apply to the use; however, provisions in other sections of this Zoning Ordinance may also apply.
Table 2-5
Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements for Commercial and Public Zoning Districts
Use Permitted
Conditional Use Permit Required
Minor Conditional Use Permit Required
Project Conformity Review
Rehabilitation Incentives
Use Not Allowed
Permit Required by Zone
Land Use
Specific Use Regulations
Firearm sales
Article 19-3 – Site Planning and General Development Standards
Chapter 19.36 Standards for Specific land Uses
Section 19.36.134. Firearm sales.
No establishment that offers firearms for sale shall be located within 1,000 feet of any other establishment that offers
firearms for sale, either within or outside the city.
Article 19-6 – Definitions
Chapter 19.90 Definitions/Glossary
Section 19.90.020. Definitions of specialized terms and phrases.
As used in this Zoning Ordinance, the following terms and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this
section, unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise.
F. Definitions, “F”.
Firearm Sales. Firearm sales include the retail sales of guns, ammunition, and related products and accessories.
West Sacramento Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 21-21 and the December 2021 code supplement.
Title 17 Zoning
Division III – Citywide Regulation
Chapter 17.30 Standards for Specific Uses and Activities
Section 17.30.120. Home occupations
Home occupations shall be located, developed, and operated in compliance with the following standards:
C. Prohibited Home Occupations. The following specific businesses are not permitted as home occupations:
7. Firearm sales, including firearms brokers;
Division V Terms and Definitions
Chapter 17.51 List of Terms and Definitions
Section 17.51.020. Definitions
F. “F” Terms.
Firearms. Any device designed to be used as a weapon or modified to be used as a weapon, from which a projectile is
expelled through a barrel by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
Westlake Village Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 293-22, passed June 8, 2022. (Supp. No. 31)
Article 9 Zoning Regulations
Chapter 9.28 Home Occupations
Section 9.28.030. Prohibited home occupation uses.
The following uses, either by operation or nature, are not incidental to or compatible with residential activities and shall
therefore not be permitted as home occupations:
8. Sale of firearms, including engaging in activities as a "gun dealer," as defined in Section 6.3.005 of this Code.
Westminster Municipal Code
Current through Ordinance Number 2588 and the July 2022 code supplement.
Title 17 Land Use
Article 4 Standards for Specific Land Uses and Accessory Uses
Chapter 17.400 Standards for Specific Land Uses and Accessory Uses
Section 17.400.075. Home-based businesses.
C. Prohibited Home-Based Businesses. Certain uses by the nature of their operation are not compatible with residential
uses, are not incidental or compatible with residential activities and shall therefore not be permitted as a home-based
Prohibited home-based businesses include, but are not limited to, the following uses:
13. Firearms and ammunition sale, lease, trade or service;
Windsor Code of Ordinances
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-363, adopted June 15, 2022. (Supp. No. 45)
Title III Public Welfare*
Chapter 10 Miscellaneous Prohibitions
Article 17 Small Arms Device
Section 3-10-1700. Definitions.
As used in this section:
Small arm device shall mean any pistol, revolver, gun, rifle or any caliber, shotgun of any gauge, air gun, BB gun, blow
gun, slingshot, longbow, crossbow, or any weapon or instrument which throws or propels bullets, pellets or missiles of any
kind by means of explosive powder, compressed or forced air or gas, springs, elastic rubber or like substance or force.
Section 3-10-1710. Possession and use of small arms device by minor.
a. No minor under the age of twelve (12) years may be in possession of a small arms device in the Town of Windsor
unless such minor is accompanied by his parent, guardian or a responsible adult.
b. No minor over the age of twelve (12) years and under the age of fourteen (14) may be in possession of a small arms
device in the Town of Windsor unless such minor (1) is accompanied by his/her parent, guardian or a responsible adult or
(2) is on the private property of his/her parent or guardian and has on his/her person both the dated written permission of
his/her parent or guardian to be in possession of the small arm device and one (1) of the following (i) a valid California
Hunting License, or (ii) a California Hunter's Safety Certificate, or (iii) if in possession of a spear gun, a valid California
Fishing License.
c. No minor over the age of fourteen (14) years and under the age of eighteen (18) years may be in possession of a small
arms device in the Town of Windsor unless such minor (1) is accompanied by his/her parent, guardian or a responsible
adult, or has on his/her person and dated written permission of his/her parent or guardian to be in possession of the small
arms device and one (1) of the following: (i) a valid California Hunting License, or (ii) a California Hunter's Safety
Certificate, or (iii) if in possession of a spear gun, a valid California Fishing License.
d. No minor in possession of a small arms device may be on private property in the Town of Windsor unless such minor is
accompanied by the owner or controller of such property or is in possession of the dated written consent of the owner or
controller of such property.
e. For purposes of this section, the term "responsible adult" shall mean a person over eighteen (18) years of age in
immediate possession of (1) a valid California Hunting License, or (2) a California Hunter Safety Certificate or (3) a
California Fishing License if the small arms device which is possessed by the minor is a speargun.
f. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor and shall be punishable on first offense by a fine of one hundred ($100.00)
dollars and on each subsequent offense by a fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than one
thousand ($1,000.00) dollars.
Section 3-10-1715. Responsibility of parent or guardian.
Any parent or guardian who permits or suffers a minor in his care and custody to violate any provisions of this article shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable on first offense by a fine of one hundred ($100.00) dollars and on any subsequent
offense by a fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. Any
such parent or guardian shall be liable for any damages suffered by third persons or agencies by reason of violation of
this section by the minor to the full extent provided by State law.
Article 18 Sales of Concealable Weapons
Section 3-10-1800. Licensing authority.
The Chief of Police is hereby designated as the licensing authority for the regulation of the business of selling,
transferring, advertising, offering, or exposing for sale or transfer, any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being
concealed upon a person pursuant to the provisions of the Penal Code Section 12071.
Section 3-10-1805. Licensing fee.
The Chief of Police is authorized and directed to collect a fee established by resolution of the Town Council for the
administration of the licensing required by Penal Code Section 12071.
Woodside Municipal Code
Codified through Ordinance Number 2022-626, adopted April 12, 2022. (Supp. No. 9)
Title XIII General Offenses
Chapter 130 Offenses Against Town Regulations
Article II Weapons Offenses
Section 130.15. Firearm defined.
For the purpose of this chapter firearm shall mean any cannon, gun, pistol, revolver, automatic pistol, rifle, shotgun, "BB"
gun, air gun, pellet gun, or other weapon of a similar nature designed to discharge a projectile propelled by the expansion
of a gas.
Section 130.17. Possession by minors; exceptions.
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to have in his/her possession in a public place any
firearm, except as otherwise provided in division (B) below of this section.
(B) The provisions of division (A) above of this section shall not apply to the following persons under the age of 18 years:
(1) When such persons are in the immediate charge of a parent, guardian, or adult person having the responsibility for
the conduct of such person under the age of 18 years;
(2) When the firearm is unloaded and either in a dismantled or "take-down" condition or completely wrapped or in a
carrying case made for the purpose of carrying such firearm. A gun shall be deemed to be unloaded only when no
ammunition or propellant is in any part of the gun or magazine or clip thereof; and
(3) When such persons are lawfully hunting pursuant to the provisions of the Cal. Fish & Game Code and in
possession of a hunting license issued as prescribed by said Cal. Fish & Game Code.
Yucaipa Code of Ordinances
Current through Ordinance Number 405-U and the May 2022 code supplement.
Title 8 – Health and Safety
Chapter 8.32 Firearms
Section 8.32.040. Purchase of firearms.
No person except a parent or guardian shall purchase from, sell, exchange, give, lend or furnish to any person under the
age of eighteen (18) years, a revolver or pistol of any description, shotgun or rifle, which may be used for the explosion of
cartridges, or any airgun; “B-B” gun, gas-operated gun or spring gun, or any knife or knives having the appearance of a
pocketknife, the blade or blades of which can be opened by a flick of a button, pressure of the handle or other mechanical
devices, or any instrument, toy or weapon commonly known as a “sling slot,” or any
bow made for the purpose of throwing or projecting missiles of any kind by any means whatsoever, whether such
instrument is called by any name set forth above or by any other name. Any such weapon possessed in violation of this
chapter may be confiscated by any peace officer.
Section 8.32.050. Prohibiting firearms Possession by minors.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall have in his possession, care, custody or control, any of the articles
mentioned in Section 8.32.040 of this chapter except within his own domicile or except when accompanied by and under
the immediate supervision of a parent, guardian, or responsible adult. This section shall not apply to any person
possessing a valid California hunting license.
Section 8.32.060. Disposition of confiscated firearms.
Every peace officer taking a weapon used in violation of this chapter, shall deliver the same to the sheriff to be held by
him until the final determination of the prosecution for the offense, and upon the finding of guilt it shall then be the duty of
the sheriff on a first offense to return the weapon to the owner and on a second offense the sheriff is authorized to
confiscate and destroy it.
Section 8.32.080. Retail licenses.
The community development director of the city shall be the licensing authority for the city responsible for accepting
applications and granting licenses under the provisions of California Penal Code, Section 12071. The director shall collect
an annual license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each license issued pursuant to Penal Code Section 12071. License fees
collected under this section shall be deposited in the city general fund.