arine inc.
arine inc.
Suggestions for rewiring the
ATOMIC 4 DC system
© 2024 Moyer Marine
GENERAL: The general distribution of engine DC power within the boat (external to the engine) is shown in the schematic
included in this kit. The large battery connection on the starter solenoid functions as the "Battery Bus" from which all circuits
within the engine DC power distribution originate. To insure the most reliable engine performance, we strongly recommend that
no other circuits be integrated into the DC system servicing the engine. To do so, complicates troubleshooting and sets up the
risk of some electrical apparatus malfunctioning and causing a problem within the engine.
If it is absolutely necessary to extend one of the circuits within the schematic, it’s very important to continue the original wire color
until the end of a circuit is reached, even if the circuit branches out to several different items. In this way, the color of a wire will
always indicate from where the power within a particular circuit originated. Example: We continued the use of purple in our
schematic for the ignition circuit, to the positive terminals of the gauges, even though the gauges are not really a part of the igni-
tion system.
In designing the kit, and preparing these instructions, we relied heavily on ABYC standards, West Marine technical services, and
a text by Nigel Calder: "Boat Owners Mechanical and Electrical Manual".
TYPICAL LAYOUT: The physical layout of the DC power distribution most often used by commercial boat builders is to gather all
of the power and sensing leads originating at the engine into a harness. The harness then runs to the cockpit, where the wires
again branch out and connect to the instruments and the ignition switch on the control panel. It’s critically important that individ-
ual wires at each end of this harness be secured with wire ties, and otherwise protected until they are safely within the main har-
ness. We include 10 feet of black split loom conduit in the kit for this purpose.
NOTE: We encourage you to visit our Atomic 4 Community Forum and check out each of our monthly "Pin-up" contest winners
for great examples of tasteful and safe handling of electrical circuits.
We strongly recommend that household flexible water tight vinyl or PVC electrical conduit (available at most local home building
supply stores) be installed to protect wires between the engine and the instrument panel, particularly if the wires are run under
the cabin sole or through the bilge. If a tachometer is installed, there will be a total of 8 wires in the main bundle, which will
require a 1" conduit.
The easiest approach to installing the main harness is to cut the water tight conduit to whatever length you need, and then to pull
the wires through the conduit (leaving ample length of wire at each end of the conduit) before pulling the conduit through the boat
between the cockpit and engine compartment. Each of the wires can then be connect to the appropriate terminals as per the
enclosed diagram.
FUSING: Our kit includes one large and two smaller fuse holders. The large fuse holder (with a 40 amp fuse) is intended to pro-
tect the main power leg from the main battery terminal on the starter solenoid, to the cockpit; and one of the smaller fuse holders
(with a 20 amp fuse) is intended to protect the primary ignition circuit leading back to the engine. This 20 amp fuse should be
installed as close to the cockpit as possible, and the 40 amp fuse holder is partially pre-wired to be installed directly onto the
large battery terminal on the starter solenoid.
The second small fuse holder is provided in the event that there is an electric fuel pump installed, without fuse protection. In this
case, the second small fuse holder (with a 5 amp fuse) should be installed between the positive terminal of the coil and one side
of the oil pressure safety switch.
This fuse protection is to be considered as minimum essential protection. There are a few other fusing issues that you may wish
to consider, depending on your particular operating situation:
1) Main battery cables: ABYC standards do not require a large fuse to protect the main battery cables running to the starter
itself, as long as a cut off switch is installed to disconnect the batteries when not in use. However, Nigel Calder and the people at
West Marine do recommend fuse protection within the main positive battery cable, pointing to the devastating consequences
resulting from a direct short (e.g., if a wrench were to fall on the main battery terminal of the starter solenoid). If you wish to pur-
sue such protection, we believe that a 200 amp fuse would be a good choice to provide for starter operation, and to protect the
2) Charging circuit from alternator: ABYC recommends a fuse in the alternator circuit if it’s unprotected by a conduit, or if it’s
more than 40" in length. Today, it’s more and more common to use a voltmeter in the cockpit rather than an ammeter to monitor
alternator performance (shown as optional/preferred in our drawing). In these cases, the charging circuit is connected directly to
the big battery cable terminal on the starter solenoid which is only 8" or 9" inches from the alternator and a fuse is not required.
Therefore, to save costs, we have not included fuse protection for the alternator circuit in our kits.
3) Fusing for standard 35 amp alternators: If you wish to install fuse protection for a standard 35 amp Motorola alternator, and
the charging circuit exceeds 40 inches, we suggest at least a 40 amp fuse.
4) Fusing for high output alternators: If you plan to install a high out put alternator, it’s especially convenient to connect the out-
put directly to the large battery cable on the starter solenoid, which avoids the need for fusing, as well as long runs of very heavy
gauge wire. If you do chose to run the output of a high output alternator to and from your cockpit, you will have to select fusing
appropriate to the rating of the alternator, and you may also have to provide heavier gauge wire within the charging circuit.
Standard 8 gauge orange wire (as provided in our kit) is adequate for up to 80 amps.
Black 8 gauge wire is provided to run a ground connection from one of the starter mounting bolts directly to the chassis of the
instrument panel. It’s best to connect this wire to the same starter mounting bolt to which the black battery cable is connected.
1) Voltmeter: When a voltmeter is used to monitor alternator performance, the ammeter is usually eliminated so that it is not
necessary to run the heavy gauge charging circuit all the way to the cockpit.
2) Separate starter button: The enclosed schematic assumes that a key type ignition switch is installed with a spring loaded
starter switch (similar to those used in automobiles). If a push-button starter switch is used, a purple 12 gauge wire is run from
the "Ign" terminal of the ignition switch to one side of the starter switch. A yellow wire with red stripe extends from the other side
of the starter switch to the "S" terminal of the starter solenoid.
3) Soldering: While many people prefer soldered joints, soldering remains a rather controversial subject among our expert
sources. ABYC regulations require that all joints have a mechanical means of connection other than solder, and the Nigel Calder
text summarizes as follows: "The consensus among professionals is that a properly made crimp, done with the proper tools, is
frequently a more reliable termination than soldering".
4) Electrical fuel pump: While the electrical fuel pump is not technically a part of the external DC power distribution, we offer the
following suggestions in case it’s necessary to "clean up" a shoddy electrical fuel pump installation. Primary power for an electric
pump originates from the positive terminal of the coil, and is connected to one side of the oil pressure safety switch.
Use of a purple color will show that power to the pump has originated from the primary ignition circuit. This power lead should be
protected by a fuse with a maximum rating of 5 amps. The fuel pump connects to the other side of the oil safety switch. It does-
n’t matter which side of the oil safety switch the two leads are connected.
The purpose of an oil pressure safety switch is to deactivate the fuel pump any time that the engine is not actually running (and
producing oil pressure). These switches are a Coast Guard requirement to protect against the possibility of someone accidental-
ly letting the ignition switch in the "On" position, which (without an oil pressure safety switch) would allow the fuel pump to pres-
surize the fuel system while the boat is left unattended.
On late model engines with Delco starters, there is an "R" terminal on the rear face of the starter solenoid which functions as an
auxiliary contact; meaning that it is energized only during the time the starter is engaged to start the engine. By running a lead
from the "R" terminal to the same terminal on the oil safety switch to which the pump connects, it’s possible to supply power
directly to the fuel pump while the engine is being started; otherwise, power to the pump will be provided in a second (or two) as
oil pressure raises past 10 psi.
Wire included in this kit:
(NOTE: 4 gauge battery cable not included)
14 gauge 12 gauge 8 gauge
Black 10 ft.
Purple 10 ft.
Tan 20 ft.
Light Blue 20 ft.
Dark Gray 20 ft.
Purple 20 ft.
Yellow / Red Stripe 20 ft.
Black 20 ft.
Orange 20 ft.
Red 20 ft.
Circuit Description Wire Size Fuse Size Max Amps (Wire)
Main battery post on 8 gauge up 40 Amp 80
Starter solenoid to "Batt" to 1 8 feet
Terminal on Ign. Switch.
"Ign" terminal on Ign 12 gauge up 20 Amp 40
Switch to positive of coil. to 18 feet
Positive terminal of coil 14 gauge 5 Amp 30
to electric fuel pump.
Ignition switch to blower 14 gauge 10 Amp 30
Circuit (optional)
Ignition switch to gauges 14 gauge 10 Amp 30
Alternator to Ammeter 8 gauge up 40 Amp 80
to 18 feet