Terms & Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") carefully before
using the website. By using this website or any sub-site accessible on this website, the user
("user" or "you") accepts, without limitation or qualification, the Terms and Conditions set
out below and any additional Terms and Conditions set out in any sub-site. If you do not
agree to these Terms and Conditions, you should exit the website. Your continued use of this
site implies that you accept to be bound by any updated version of the Terms and Conditions.
In addition to these Terms and Conditions, you are also agreeing to abide by and be bound by
the following:
i. Our Customer Charter, which can be found here: Luton Town FC | Luton Town
Football Club Customer Charter;
ii. Supporter Code of Conduct for Safe Standing (if applicable), which can be found
here: Luton Town FC | Supporter Code of Conduct for Safe Standing; and
iii. The Ground Regulations, which can be found here: Luton Town FC | Getting to
Kenilworth Road;
Luton Town Football Club Ticketing Site is an official website of Luton Town Football Club
2020 Ltd.
You will need to register with Luton Town Football Club's Ticket Office in order to place an
order for tickets or products via the online site.
If you are under 18, you should seek approval from your parent(s) or guardian before you:
Email us on: [email protected]
Send in any information to:
Luton Town Ticket Office
1 Maple Road East
Buy anything online: Please Note that all minors are recommended to discuss these terms
and conditions with their parent(s) or guardian before continuing to use this website and any
of the services offered, you are confirming that you have received the consent of your
parent(s) or guardian to complete the registration process.
You agree that you will only use our website in a way which is consistent with the Terms and
Conditions and which complies with the applicable laws and regulations. In particular you
agree that you will not use this website to upload or send any material which contains
software viruses or other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the
functionality of any computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment or in any
other manner which would interfere with or disrupt this website. You acknowledge that this
website and any goods that you obtain from our website are provided for your personal use
only and may not be used for any commercial purposes or distributed commercially without
our permission.
Any promotions offered on this website may be exclusive to this website; they are not
necessarily available via our stores and vice versa.
The following Terms and Conditions apply to all ticketing promotions:
If you receive a free item, you are not able to exchange it for the full value of the
product or an exchange unless the item is faulty.
Promotions are always subject to availability.
Any promotions or sales featured on this website are also subject to any specific terms
and conditions that we wish to apply.
Promotions cannot be used in conjunction with one another unless specifically stated.
1. All Home Match Tickets issued to Luton Town Football Club 2020 Ltd (“LTFC)
Executive guests and their visitors, Corporate / Hospitality Occupants and their
visitors, or to purchasers of individual matches and Season Ticket holders ("Match
Ticket Holder") are issued subject to the rules and regulations of FIFA, UEFA, The
Football Association (the “FA”), the Premier League, and the English Football
League (EFL”) (the “Regulations”) in respect of a Match and the Ground
2. The use of a Home Match Ticket in any way and/or the use of any part to enter
Kenilworth Road (the “Stadium”) constitutes acceptance by the Match Ticket Holder
of these Conditions of Issue, the Regulations and the Ground Regulations and LTFC
reserves the right for LTFC by any LTFC steward or official and/or for any police
officer to refuse admission or eject from the Stadium any person who fails to comply
with the same in respect of any Match.
3. The Home Match Ticket admits the Match Ticket Holder to the Stadium. The Match
Ticket Holder is the person who purchased the ticket or someone for whom the ticket
has been specifically purchased, with the purchaser having responsibility for the
behaviour of the user of the ticket. The re-sale of tickets at above the face value of the
ticket is strictly prohibited and any match tickets offered for sale may be confiscated
by any steward or officer of LTFC or any police officer.
4. Save only as set out at paragraph 5, no person (other than a person who holds an
appropriate licence and approved by LTFC) may bring into the Stadium or use within
the Stadium any equipment which is capable of recording or transmitting (by digital
or any other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or
data in relation to a Match or the Stadium. Copyright in any unauthorised recording or
transmission is assigned (by way of present assignment of future copyright pursuant
to section 91 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988) to LTFC. It is further
agreed that all Match Ticket Holders who enter the Stadium acknowledge that
photographic images and/or audio, visual and/or audio-visual recordings and/or feeds
(and/or stills taken therefrom) may be taken of them and may also be used, by way of
example and without limitation, in televised coverage of the game and/or for
promotional, training, editorial or marketing purposes by LTFC, the Premier League,
the EFL or others (including commercial partners and accredited media
organisations), and use of a Home Match Ticket to enter the Ground constitutes
consent to such use.
5. Mobile telephones are permitted within the Stadium provided that they are used for
personal and private use only and in any event only for the purpose of transmission
and/or reception of voice data only not being commentary upon the Match in
6. The Home Match Ticket permits the Match Ticket Holder to occupy the seat
designated upon the Home Match Ticket or such other alternative seat of equal value
to the said seat as LTFC may allocate to the Match Ticket Holder at its reasonable
discretion or any other seat to which the Match Ticket Holder is directed by any
LTFC steward or officer or any police officer at the Match only on production of the
Home Match Ticket at the appropriate entrance.
7. Home Match Tickets will remain the property of LTFC at all times and as such must
be produced if requested by any official, steward or employee of LTFC or any police
officer. LTFC reserves the right to retain Home Match Tickets at any time.
8. In the event of any or all Home Match Tickets being forgotten or lost in respect of any
individual match, LTFC shall not be obliged to issue any other form of replacement
ticket to the said Match.
9. Any deliberate misuse of a Home Match Ticket including any attempt of any nature
which in LTFC’s reasonable opinion constitutes an attempt to defraud LTFC will
result in the Match Ticket Holder being ejected from the Stadium in respect of the
Match with no refund being payable. LTFC further reserves its right to take any legal
action against any appropriate persons as it sees fit in connection with such matters.
10. Further and without prejudice to any other rights it may have LTFC shall have the
right in the case of any serious breach or persistent breach of these Conditions of
Issue and/or the Regulations and/or the Ground Regulations by the Match Ticket
Holder to cancel and withdraw any or all Home Match Tickets with no refund being
payable to the Match Ticket Holder. Without prejudice to the general nature of the
above the following but not limited to actions by the Match Ticket Holder shall
constitute serious breach of the said Conditions of Issue and/or the Regulations and/or
the Ground Regulations entitling LTFC to take such action including but not limited
to ejection from the Stadium in respect of the Match Ticket Holder:
10.1 smoking/vaping in any area of the Stadium.
10.2 persistent standing in seated areas whilst the Match is in progress
11. In the event that any Match Ticket Holder is ejected from the Stadium pursuant to
these Conditions of Issue the names and identifying details of any such Match Ticket
Holder may be passed to the police and/or such other appropriate authority as LTFC
sees fit. It is further acknowledged that photographic images and/or audio, visual
and/or audio-visual recordings and/or feeds (and/or stills taken therefrom) may be
used (by LTFC or by a third party, such as a law enforcement body) to identify the
Match Ticket Holder as an individual, where permitted by data protection laws, for
the purposes of preventing or detecting crime, or any breach of these Conditions of
12. All Home Match Tickets purchased are non-cancellable and non-refundable.
Discretion will be exercised for refunds requested for exceptional circumstances
however no refunds can be processed for any reason less than 24 hours prior to the
advertised kick-off time.
13. Subject to clause 15, below, the Home Match Ticket is issued for your sole use and
you shall not sell, dispose of, assign, transfer or otherwise deal with the Home Match
Ticket or the benefit of it to any other person without the prior written consent of
LTFC. Further you shall not use the Home Match Ticket for any commercial purpose.
The reference to selling the Home Match Ticket includes but is not limited to: (a)
offering to sell a Home Match Ticket (including, without limitation, via any website
or online auction site); (b) exposing a Home Match Ticket for sale; (c) making a
Home Match Ticket available for sale by another person; (d) advertising that a Home
Match Ticket is available for purchase, which for the avoidance of doubt (and by way
of example only) means that this Home Match Ticket may not be offered as a prize in
any promotion or competition; (e) transferring, lending or selling a Home Match
Ticket to any third party as part of a hospitality or travel package; and (f) giving (or
offering to give) a Home Match Ticket to a person who pays or agrees to pay for
some other goods or services (or offers to do so); all save as expressly authorised by
the Premier League, the EFL or LTFC.
14. The unauthorised sale or disposal of a Home Match Ticket may amount to a criminal
offence under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, as
amended by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006. LTFC will inform the police
when it becomes aware that a Home Match Ticket has been sold, or disposed of
illegally and will press for charges to be brought against those breaking this law. If
you are convicted of a ticket touting offence, or we reasonably suspect you have
committed such an offence, we will notify the Premier League, the EFL and any other
appropriate league and/or governing body who may in turn notify other football clubs,
event holders and/or the relevant law enforcement authorities. The information that
we share may include your personal data, including your name, contact details,
information about the offence and about ticket purchases (including payment details).
We will use this to identify and prevent ticket touting offences and disorder at
15. If more than one Home Match Ticket is issued to you, one Home Match Ticket must
be retained by you, for personal use (subject to the provisions below) and the
remainder may be transferred to your guest(s) for his/her/their personal use
only PROVIDED THAT such transfer takes place in consideration of no payment or
benefit in excess of the face value of the Home Match Ticket, and such transfer does
not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of facilitating any third
party’s business. Such transfer to any guest will bind each guest as if he/she was the
original purchaser of the Home Match Ticket (and you must inform the guest(s) of
this). You will provide the name and address of your guest(s) when asked to do so by
any official, steward or employee of LTFC and/or any police officer. In the event that
you and/or your guest(s) are unable to use any Home Match Ticket then you may
transfer that Home Match Ticket(s) to a natural person who is known to you
personally and who would be entitled to purchase such Home Match Ticket and
attend such Match PROVIDED THAT such transfer takes place in consideration of
no payment or benefit in excess of the face value of the Home Match Ticket, and such
transfer does not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of
facilitating any third party’s business. Such transfer will apply to and bind the
transferee as if he was the original purchaser of the Home Match Ticket (and you
must inform the transferee of this). You will provide the name and address of the
transferee when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of LTFC and/or
any police officer.
1. LTFC may offer Away Match Tickets for sale to LTFC supporters during the Season
(subject to availability). Away Match Tickets are sold subject to:
a) the sales criteria applicable to each Away Match which shall be published on the
LTFC website in advance of each Away Match.
b) the Host Club Ticket Terms and Conditions
c) the Host Stadium Regulations;
d) these Away Match Ticket Terms and Conditions; and
e) any other terms and conditions communicated to the purchaser prior to the sale of
Away Match Tickets.
2. LTFC sells Away Match Tickets to Luton Town supporters as a representative for the
Host Club. Payments for the Away Match Tickets are to be made directly to LTFC;
however, these payments shall be forwarded on by LTFC to the Host Club.
3. Purchasers may (at LTFC’s absolute discretion) be required to collect Away Match
Tickets at a nominated collection point at the away destination. The details and
conditions of Away Match Ticket collection shall be communicated in the
information published on LTFC’s official website and/or to the purchaser. Where the
purchaser is required to collect at the away destination, any points will not be
guaranteed until after collection of the Away Match Tickets at the away destination.
LTFC reserves its right to conduct checks on supporters attending an Away Match at
the Host Stadium for any breaches of these Away Match Ticket Terms and
4. Purchasers may purchase Away Match Tickets by using any of the following purchase
a) via the official LTFC website; or
b) via the Ticket Office in person or via phone.
5. The price payable for each Away Match Ticket shall be as set out on the LTFC
website or as otherwise notified by LTFC from time to time. Unless expressly stated
otherwise, all prices are inclusive of VAT. LTFC always tries to ensure that the
pricing and ticketing information provided by LTFC (including but not limited to, the
information available on the LTFC website, on any literature or as issued or
communicated by a LTFC sales representative) is correct, but errors may occur. Upon
LTFC becoming aware of any pricing or product description error in relation to any
Away Match Ticket which has been sold, LTFC will endeavour to inform the
purchaser as soon as reasonably practicable using the contact details provided to
LTFC. LTFC will then provide the purchaser with the option of reconfirming the
order at the correct price/product description or cancelling the order. If LTFC is
unable to contact the purchaser having made reasonable attempts to do so, LTFC will
treat the order as cancelled. If the order is cancelled or treated as cancelled, LTFC will
provide a full refund to the purchaser using the payment details provided. If valid
payment details have not been provided, no further action will be taken by LTFC.
6. The issue of an Away Match Ticket and subsequent access to the Host Stadium is
subject to the Terms and Conditions of Entry (as amended from time to time).
7. Away Match Tickets issued under these Away Match Ticket Terms and Conditions
are for the use of the person to whom they are assigned to and who must be LTFC
supporters and/or neutral supporters only. By applying for an Away Match Ticket
and/or using the same, you hereby warrant and represent that you are a LTFC
supporter and/or that you are not a Host Club supporter.
8. LTFC and the Host Club will not tolerate behaviour (whether verbal, physical, written
or otherwise) that is anti-social, discriminatory, offensive, racist, homophobic,
threatening, abusive or otherwise targets someone because of their protected
characteristic. If LTFC or the Host Club finds any supporter committing any of the
above offences or behaviours at, around or on the journey to/from the Host Stadium,
or via online media or any other media, LTFC shall be entitled to impose on the
supporter such sanction as it considers appropriate in the circumstances, which may
include, without limitation, a lifetime ban from all LTFC fixtures (home and away)
and/or withdrawal of the supporter’s Away Match Ticket(s), Season Ticket,
Membership or other LTFC benefits (including but not limited to priority points)
without reimbursement. In addition, such supporter could face arrest and prosecution
by the police.
9. LTFC reserves the right to remove any priority points awarded or booking history as a
result of a supporter purchasing an Away Match Ticket(s) should that supporter not
then attend the relevant Away Match(es).
10. The Away Match Ticket is issued for your sole use, and you shall not sell, dispose of,
assign, transfer or otherwise deal with the Away Match Ticket or the benefit of it to
any other person without the prior written consent of LTFC. Further you shall not use
the Away Match Ticket for any commercial purpose. LTFC and the Host Club reserve
the right to ask you for identification when using an Away Match Ticket.
11. The unauthorised sale or disposal of an Away Match Ticket may amount to a criminal
offence, including under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act
1994, as amended by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006. This includes but is not
limited to:
11.1 offering to sell an Away Match Ticket (including, without limitation, via any
website or online auction site).
11.2 exposing an Away Match Ticket for sale.
11.3 making an Away Match Ticket available for sale by another person.
11.4 advertising that an Away Match Ticket is available for purchase, which for the
avoidance of doubt (and by way of example only) means that an Away Match Ticket
may not be offered as a prize in any promotion or competition.
11.5 transferring, lending or selling an Away Match Ticket to any third party as part
of a hospitality or travel package; and
11.6 giving (or offering to give) an Away Match Ticket to a person who pays or
agrees to pay for some other goods or services (or offers to do so).
12. LTFC may inform the police as soon as it becomes aware that an Away Match Ticket
is being or has been sold or disposed of illegally. If you are convicted of a ticket
touting offence, or LTFC reasonably suspects you have committed such an offence
anywhere in the world, LTFC reserves the right to impose any of the sanctions
outlined in paragraph 8 above and to notify the relevant football authority who may in
turn notify other football clubs, event holders and/or the relevant law enforcement
authorities. The information that LTFC shares may include your personal data,
including name, contact details, information about the offence and information about
ticket purchases (including payment details). You acknowledge that LTFC will
process your personal data in accordance with the LTFC’s Privacy Policy, which can
be found at https://www.lutontown.co.uk/club/ltfc-privacy-policy/. LTFC will use this
data to identify and prevent ticket touting offences and disorder at matches.
13. The Away Match Ticket will remain the property of the Host Club at all times and
must be produced together with evidence of your identity if required to do so by any
official, steward or employee of the Host Club, LTFC or any police officer. The Host
Club and/or LTFC reserve the right to require the immediate return of the Away
Match Ticket at any time. The Host Club and/or LTFC reserve the right to carry out
spot checks in and around the vicinity of the Host Stadium to verify the use of any
Away Match Tickets is in compliance with these Away Match Ticket Terms and
Conditions and/or the Terms and Conditions of Entry.
14. Any Away Match Ticket obtained or used in breach of the Terms and Conditions of
Entry shall be automatically void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such Away
Match Ticket shall be nullified. Any person seeking to use an Away Match Ticket in
breach of the Terms and Conditions of Entry in order to gain entry to the Host
Stadium or remain at an Away Match will be considered to be a trespasser and may be
refused entry to, or ejected from, the Host Stadium in respect of a particular Away
Match and/or may have their Away Match Ticket cancelled or withdrawn. In the
event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance with this paragraph 14, no
refund shall be payable. LTFC further reserves its right to take any legal or
disciplinary action against any person(s) as it sees fit in connection with such matters,
including but not limited to imposing a ban on such supporter for future home and/or
away matches, the removal of any further right or ability to purchase home match
tickets and/or Away Match Tickets, and/or the removal of any LTFC benefits
(including but not limited to priority points).
15. If a purchaser or guest suspects that ticket touting is taking place in or around the Host
Stadium or online, LTFC requests that such suspicions are promptly reported to the
Host Club, LTFC and the police.
16. In order to gain admission to the Host Stadium, the Away Match Ticket must be
presented (in its entirety) at the Away Match.
17. The Host Club shall not be obliged to issue any replacement for a forgotten, lost,
stolen or damaged Away Match Ticket.
18. Where the Host Club agrees to issue a replacement Away Match Ticket (subject to
any conditions which the Host Club and/or LTFC may impose at their absolute
discretion), LTFC will request the presentation of photographic ID (and in the event
that the supporter is below the age of 18, written permission from a parent and/or
legal guardian of the supporter and who will either accompany the supporter to the
Away Match or confirm that a supporter who is over the age of 18 will accompany the
supporter to the Away Match) before the Away Match Ticket can be reprinted and/or
reissued. Please note, in the event that such proof of identification and/or written
permission is not presented to LTFC on request, LTFC cannot guarantee that a
replacement Away Match Ticket will be issued. In such cases, LTFC’s decision is
19. Without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, LTFC shall have the right, at its
absolute discretion, in the case of any serious or persistent breach of these Away
Match Ticket Terms and Conditions or the Terms and Conditions of Entry to cancel
and withdraw any Away Match Ticket(s) issued to a purchaser.
20. If an Away Match Ticket holder is not 18 years old or over, their parents and/or legal
guardian(s) and/or ticket purchaser (as applicable) shall, in addition to the Away
Match Ticket holder themself, be responsible for the Away Match Ticket holder’s
actions, conduct and compliance with these Away Match Ticket Terms and
Conditions and the Terms and Conditions of Entry. Should any Away Match Ticket
holder under the age of 18 breach these Away Match Ticket Terms and Conditions
and/or the Terms and Conditions of Entry, LTFC shall be entitled to impose on the
Away Match Ticket holder and/or their parents and/or legal guardian(s) and/or ticket
purchaser (as applicable) such sanction(s) as it considers appropriate in the
21. In the event that your Away Match Ticket is withdrawn or cancelled for any reason
whatsoever, LTFC reserves the right to exclude you from the Stadium and/or to
impose a banning order upon you and/or to withdraw your Season Ticket or
Membership and/or to disqualify you from applying for any Home Match Ticket,
Away Match Ticket or Season Ticket at its discretion, and to notify any football
authority and/or other football clubs of such exclusion and/or disqualification (and the
reason(s) for such exclusion and/or disqualification). Where your Away Match Ticket
is withdrawn or cancelled following a determination that you engaged in prohibited
activity under the PL Commitment, LTFC (and/or Host Club) will also notify the
Premier League which will in turn notify all football clubs in the Premier League
competition to ensure that the applicable sanction is enforced by all such clubs.
1. General Conditions
1.1 The Season Ticket Card identifies the season ticket holder and their seat details. This
information is linked through to LTFC’s ticketing database using the unique barcode printed
on each card.
1.2 This Season Ticket Card is issued subject to the Regulations LTFC’s Terms and
Conditions and the Ground Regulations. Use of the card is also subject to the LTFC
TeamCard Terms and Conditions.
1.3 All matches are played in accordance with the relevant rules of the appropriate football
governing body. Play cannot be guaranteed to take place at a particular time or day and LTFC
reserves the right to alter its advertised fixtures without notice or liability.
1.4 LTFC reserves the right to withdraw and cancel this Season Ticket Card, without
reimbursement, in the event that the holder’s behaviour is unlawful or is found to be in
breach of the Ground Regulations.
1.5 This Season Ticket Card admits the holder to matches at the Stadium covering all EFL or
Premier League matches. The holder must hand this card to the turnstile operator/scan the
card within the automated ticket barrier, for entry into the stadium. The Season Ticket Card
must also be shown to any LTFC steward or official and / or police officer on request whilst
in the stadium.
1.6 LTFC permits the holder of this Season Ticket Card to allow another supporter to use this
card and its associated seat if they are unable to attend a match upon receiving written
permission from LTFC. The other supporter using this card must be of the same price band
category as the holder of the card. Furthermore, the holder of this Season Ticket Card is
responsible for ensuring that any person using their Season Ticket Card observes these
conditions and the Ground Regulations. Failure to do so will entitle LTFC to withdraw and
cancel the Season Ticket Card without reimbursement.
1.7 All spectators wishing to access the stadium require a valid ticket.
1.8 All Season Ticket Card holders who are 13 years or younger must be accompanied by a
responsible parent or guardian.
1.9 LTFC reserves the right, at any time without notice, to move Season Ticket Card holders
to alternative seats for any reason, including but not limited to comply with any FA., Premier
League, EFL or UEFA regulations or on the recommendations of the police or licensing of
safety authority.
2. Concessions & Instalments
2.1 All concession priced season ticket applications must be supported by a valid proof of
age/proof of disability documents. The Season Ticket Card will be withheld and will not be
fulfilled until proof of age/disability documentation has been verified by LTFC.
2.2 Payments are taken by reoccurring card payments from bank details supplied. If paying
by instalment payments it is your responsibility to ensure you have funds in your account to
honour the commitment you have made and that any details of an update to your bank card is
given to LTFC in good time. Payments will be taken on the first working day of the month. In
the event of any instalment payment is not being honoured upon presentation by LTFC,
LTFC reserves the right to implement an administration fee of £2 every time the payment is
2.3 In the event a payment is not made subsequent payments will be requested from your
bank throughout the month. If the payment is still outstanding at the end of the month the
club reserve the right to block access for further games.
2.5 If payments fall two months behind LTFC reserves the right to cancel the Season Ticket
Card and request the return of said card. LTFC reserves the right to take whatever legal
action is required to obtain outstanding payments.
3. Upgrades, Charges, Refunds & Cancellations
3.1 Upgrades of Season Ticket Cards can be obtained at LTFC’s Ticket Office in person or
via phone on 01582 416976 up to 24 hours prior to a fixture provided the game has reached
General Sale. Upgrades to current season Members will be accepted for all games.
Downgrades are not permitted.
3.2 Price band upgrades of Season Ticket Cards are closely monitored. LTFC reserves the
right to withdraw and cancel a Season Ticket Card which is believed to have been obtained
with the intention to upgrade for the majority of games within a season.
3.3 Purchasing a Season Ticket Card, using the required identification, with a view to
‘reserving’ a seat or keeping a seat unused is a breach of the Conditions of Issue for Season
Ticket Cards. In this circumstance LTFC reserve the right to cancel the Season Ticket Card,
at any time, which is identified as consistently not attending matches at the stadium.
3.4 All Season Ticket Card purchases are non-cancellable and non-refundable.
3.5 Replacement Season Ticket Cards will be subject to an administration charge of £5.
3.6 Should a Season Ticket Card holder who is attending a match forget or mislay their
season ticket card, to gain entry to the stadium they must contact the Ticket Office at the
Stadium. A paper ticket will be issued for the match and the holder’s Season Ticket Card will
be switched off for that match. There may be a £2.50 administration charge for this service.
Refunds will not be permitted against tickets purchased in any other manner.
3.8 In the event that matches are determined by the authorities or governing bodies to be
permanently cancelled or played behind closed doors, you acknowledge and agree that the
terms of your Season Ticket Card may either a} grant you access to watch each relevant
home match in person in the Stadium or b} if Stadium access is prevented or restricted , issue
you with a pass to watch the affected matches in question via an available platform or c] issue
a pro-rata refund, for each fixture you are unable to attend due to these conditions, which will
be made after the conclusion of that season.
3.9 In the event that social distancing health measures require LTFC to limit attendance at a
match, LTFC reserves the right at its discretion to cancel a Season Ticket Card holder’s entry
to a match and in such circumstances the same remedies and no others will be provided to the
Season Ticket Card holder as if the match were played behind closed doors as detailed in this
4. Cup Competitions & Non-Standard League Match Conditions
4.1 Under EFL and F.A. regulations LTFC may have to provide up to 15% of the stadium to
away supporters for cup and play-off matches. This will affect Season Ticket Card holders in
the Oak Road Stand. LTFC reserves the right at any time to change the areas used for this
allocation. LTFC will use reasonable endeavours to inform Season Ticket Card holders as
soon as arrangements are agreed with the away club.
4.2 Under EFL regulations LTFC must provide a minimum of 10% of the Stadium capacity
to the opposition club.
4.3 LTFC reserves the right, at any time without notice, to move Season Ticket Card holders
to alternative seats in order to comply with any other F.A., Premier League, EFL or UEFA
regulations or on the recommendations of the police or licensing of safety authority regarding
allocations of tickets to away supporters.
5. Unforeseen Circumstances & LTFC Policies
5.1 In the event of construction, development or maintenance work being carried out in any
part of the Stadium, LTFC reserves the right to move Season Ticket Card holders in the
affected area to another area. Wherever possible LTFC will use their reasonable endeavours
to relocate to an equivalent area.
5.2 In the event of unforeseen circumstances affecting any part of the stadium, LTFC reserves
the right, at any time and without notice, to move Season Ticket Card holders in the affected
area to another area.
5.3 Only in exceptional circumstances will re-admission to a match be permitted.
5.4 Any spectators who persistently stand in a seated area will be liable to ejection from the
Stadium and receive a stadium ban from future games. Stadium bans may also apply to away
5.5 All of the Stadium and Stadium buildings and grounds are strictly non-smoking areas and
any spectator that is found smoking or vaping, within the Stadium or Stadium buildings, will
be liable to be ejected from the Stadium.
5.6 Any spectator ejected from the Stadium or arrested for a football related offence will also
be liable to receive a Stadium ban from future games and no refunds will be given.
5.7 Fraudulent use of the Season Ticket Cards will result in offenders being subject to a
Stadium ban and no refunds will be given.
5.8 Mobile telephone usage for telephony is permitted within the Stadium provided that it is
used for personal and private use only.
5.9 These Terms and Conditions and the associated terms and conditions referenced within
them, together with the Ground Regulations set out on the LTFC website or available at
LTFC’s Ticket Office constitutes the sole and exclusive contract hereby agreed between the
parties, and supersedes all prior oral or written contracts, documents or other arrangements
among them pertaining to the transactions contemplated in this contract. The parties agree
that no express or implied representations, warranties or inducements have been made by any
other party except as set forth in this contract. No amendments to this contract are allowed
unless agreed in writing by LTFC’s Operations Department. These Terms and Conditions are
subject to change and any revisions will be published on the LTFC website and notified to
5.10 You acknowledge that LTFC will hold and process data relating to you, which may
include personal data, for administrative, security and legal purposes. The personal data that
you provide to LTFC shall be processed, stored and transferred in accordance with the terms
of LTFC’s then current privacy policy available at https://www.lutontown.co.uk/club/ltfc-
privacy-policy/. In particular, we may share your personal data, including your name, date of
birth, photograph, contact details and information about ticket purchases (including payment
details and the names of ticket holders) with other football clubs, any football authority and
with law enforcement authorities. This data will be used for the purpose of identifying and
preventing violent and antisocial behaviour at matches, including racial, homophobic or
discriminatory abuse, chanting or harassment and with enforcing sanctions. We may also
share your data in order to support with the handling of fan enquiries and to allow for rapid
identification of fans in the event of incidents including health emergencies and general
crowd control emergencies. For more information on how we process your data and who we
share it with, please consult the privacy policy on LTFC’s website.