Standard Specications For
Public Works Construction
525 B STREET STE. 750
Standard Specications
For Public Works Construction
2021 Edition
Use the “WHITEBOOK” (also known as the City Supplement) in conjunction with the Standard
Specifications for Public Works Construction (“The GREENBOOK”), 2021 Edition
To address the special conditions of alternative contracting methods, Part 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS
and Part 4 EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, have been divided as follows:
1. GENERAL PROVISIONS (A). These provisions apply to all contracts.
2. GENERAL PROVISIONS (B). When applicable, these additional provisions to GENERAL
PROVISIONS (A) apply to the alternative project contracting methods “Design-Build” (DB) and
“Multiple Award Construction Contract” (MACC).
3. GENERAL PROVISIONS (C). When applicable, these additional provisions to GENERAL
PROVISIONS (A) apply to the alternative project contracting method “Job Order Contracting”
4. EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS (A). These provisions apply to all contracts.
5. EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS (B). When applicable, these additional provisions to EXISTING
IMPROVEMENTS (A) apply to the alternative project contracting methods “Design-Build” (DB)
and “Multiple Award Construction Contract” (MACC) only.
The City has standardized the style and language of The “WHITEBOOK”. This style follows the Federal
guidelines for “Plain Language” (
) to the extent possible. Therefore,
when used in the Contract Documents, statement or command phrases (active voice and imperative
mood) refer to and are directed at the “Bidder” or “Contractor” as applicable. The specifications are
written to the “Bidder” before award and the “Contractor” after award.
Before award, interpret sentences written in the imperative mood as starting with “The Bidder shall”.
Interpret the term “you” as “the Bidder” and interpret the term “your” as “the Bidder’s”.
After award, interpret sentences written in the imperative mood starting with “The Contractor shall”.
Interpret the term “you” as “the Contractor” and interpret the term “your” as “the Contractor’s.
An electronic copy of The “WHITEBOOK” is available for download from the City’s web site:
The City of San Diego is committed to the quality of this publication and desires to correct any errors,
omissions, or ambiguities. If you have any suggestions, comments, corrections, or additions, you may
submit them to:
The continuous contribution and support in standardizing and updating these specifications of the
following members and subject matter experts of the 2021 “WHITEBOOK” Committee are
Christina Rae, Adam Wander
Claudia Castillo DelMuro, Carla Stephens
Tung Phung, John Miller, Andrea Demich, Anh Nguyen
Ahmed Aburahmah, Alaine James, Angelita Jaro, Catherine Dungca, Ramesis Bustamante, Maryam
Jirjis Nakasha, Christopher Naval, Dwayne Abbey, Fletcher Callanta ,John Butcher, Harry Nguyen,
Nibras Romaya, Nabil Batta, Nikki Lewis, Randy Encinas, Sarah Chavez, Dino Ciafre-Garay, James
Arnhart, Nicole Salem, Yoftahe Ghiliamichael, Yousef Benyamin, Jacob Randles, Jayna Straughn, Maad
Al Kushaba, Darren Genova, Shannon Scoggins
Claudia Abarca, Cindy Crocker, Stephen Samara
Duncan Hughes, Brian Genovese, Steve Celniker,
Joshua Lahmann, Edgar Puente, Gary Pence, Alexander Lukes, Mariana Sadek
Michael Phillips, Chris Gascon, Jake Valencia, Jillian Haynes
Charles Daniels
Alex Warner
SYMBOLS .............................................................................................................................. 11
SECTION 2 - SCOPE OF THE WORK .......................................................................................... 26
SECTION 3 - CONTROL OF THE WORK .................................................................................... 34
SECTION 4 - CONTROL OF MATERIALS ................................................................................... 76
SECTION 5 - LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................... 82
SECTION 6 - PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS OF THE WORK ................................................. 122
SECTION 7 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ......................................................................... 141
SECTION 8 - FACILITIES FOR AGENCY PERSONNEL ............................................................... 154
SYMBOLS ............................................................................................................ 158
SECTION 2 - SCOPE OF THE WORK ........................................................................................ 161
SECTION 3 - CONTROL OF THE WORK .................................................................................. 165
SECTION 4 - CONTROL OF MATERIALS ................................................................................. 170
SECTION 5 - LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................... 171
SECTION 6 - PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS OF THE WORK ............................................... 174
SECTION 7 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ....................................................................... 175
SYMBOLS ............................................................................................................ 178
SECTION 2 - SCOPE OF THE WORK ........................................................................................ 183
SECTION 3 - CONTROL OF THE WORK .................................................................................. 184
SECTION 6 - PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS OF THE WORK ............................................... 185
SECTION 7 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ....................................................................... 186
SECTION 200 - ROCK MATERIALS .......................................................................................... 188
SECTION 201 - CONCRETE, MORTAR, AND RELATED MATERIALS ...................................... 194
SECTION 203 - BITUMINOUS MATERIALS ............................................................................. 197
SECTION 206 - MISCELLANEOUS METAL ITEMS ................................................................... 207
SECTION 207 - GRAVITY PIPE ................................................................................................ 208
SECTION 209 - PRESSURE PIPE .............................................................................................. 219
SECTION 210 - PAINT AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS ............................................................ 231
SECTION 211 - MATERIAL TESTS ........................................................................................... 232
SECTION 213 - ENGINEERING GEOSYNTHETICS ................................................................... 239
SECTION 217 – BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS ......................................................... 241
SECTION 218 - DETECTABLE WARNING TILES (DWT) ........................................................... 242
SECTION 300 - EARTHWORK .................................................................................................. 244
BASE MATERIALS .......................................................................................... 247
SECTION 302 - ROADWAY SURFACING ................................................................................. 253
SECTION 303 - CONCRETE AND MASONRY CONSTRUCTION .............................................. 268
SECTION 304 - METAL FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION .............................................. 275
SECTION 306 - OPEN TRENCH CONDUIT CONSTRUCTION ................................................. 276
SECTION 307 - JACKING AND TUNNELING ........................................................................... 313
SECTION 308 - MICROTUNNELING ....................................................................................... 314
SECTION 309 - MONUMENTS ................................................................................................ 315
MARKERS ....................................................................................................... 316
SECTION 315 - HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING ....................................................... 317
SECTION 316 - PIPE BURSTING.............................................................................................. 324
SECTION 317 - PIPE FUSION .................................................................................................. 327
SECTION 400 - PROTECTION AND RESTORATION ............................................................... 336
SECTION 401 - REMOVAL ....................................................................................................... 343
SECTION 402 - UTILITIES........................................................................................................ 346
ADJUSTMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION ....................................................... 350
SECTION 404 - COLD MILLING .............................................................................................. 353
SECTION 402 - UTILITIES........................................................................................................ 359
SECTION 500 - PIPELINE REHABILITATION .......................................................................... 361
SECTION 501 - SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION SEALING .................................................. 374
SECTION 502 - MANHOLE AND STRUCTURE REHABILITATION .......................................... 378
SECTION 503 - SERVICE LATERAL REHABILITATION ............................................................ 381
SECTION 600 - ACCESS ........................................................................................................... 386
WORK ZONES ................................................................................................ 391
SECTION 700 - MATERIALS .................................................................................................... 408
SECTION 701 - CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................ 459
SECTION 800 - MATERIALS .................................................................................................... 464
SECTION 801 - INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 490
MONITORING ................................................................................................ 510
SECTION 900 - MATERIALS .................................................................................................... 524
SECTION 901 - INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION ............................................................. 531
SECTION 1000 - GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 547
SECTION 1002 - PERMANENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) ............................ 576
INDEX ............................................................................................................................... 599
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 11
1-1 GENERAL. ADD the following:
1. The word “provide” shall mean “furnish and install”, unless otherwise stated.
1-2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Acceptance When all of the Contract Work, including all Punchlist items, is
deemed officially complete by the City Asset Owning Department or Deputy
City Engineer.
2. Addendum - Written or graphic instrument issued prior to the opening of Bids
which clarifies, corrects, or changes the Contract Documents. The term
"Addendum" shall include bulletins and all other types of written notices
issued to potential bidders prior to opening of the Bids.
3. Agency - The City of San Diego.
4. Agreed Price - The cost for new or unforeseen Work, or for adjustments in the
Contract Unit Price for changes in the character of the Work as specified in 7-
3.7, “Agreed Prices”, established by mutual agreement between you and the
5. Agreement - See Contract.
6. Allowance (AL) - Payment under Allowance Bid items, denoted as “AL”, shall
be based on the actual expenditures and for pre-authorized items of the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents. The unused portions of the Allowances
shall revert to the City upon Acceptance of the Project.
7. Apparent Low Bidder - The Bidder whose Bid having been publicly opened,
initially meets the material requirements of the Bid Documents and whose Bid
price is the lowest received.
8. Applicable Laws - Laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, and regulations of
governmental authorities and courts having jurisdiction over the Project.
9. As-Builts - The CADD drawings prepared from the approved Red-lines for
record keeping purposes.
10. Award of Contract (Award) - The date on which the Mayor or designee
executes the Contract.
11. Assessment Act Contract - A Contract financed by special assessments
authorized under a State Act or procedural ordinance of a City or County.
12. Base - A layer of specified material of planned thickness placed immediately
below the pavement or surfacing.
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13. Bid - The offer or proposal of the Bidder submitted on the prescribed form
setting forth the prices for the Work.
14. Bidder - Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or combination
thereof, submitting a Bid for the Work, acting directly or through a duly
authorized representative.
15. Board - The officer or body constituting the awarding authority of the City.
16. Bond - Bid, performance, payment bond, or other instrument of security.
17. Business Day - See Working Day.
18. Calendar Day - See Days.
19. Caltrans - The State of California Department of Transportation.
20. Cash Contract - A Contract financed by means other than special assessments.
21. Certificate of Compliance - A written document signed and submitted by a
supplier or manufacturer that certifies that the material or assembled material
supplied to the Work site conforms to manufacturer’s installation
requirements and the requirements of the Contract Documents.
22. Change Order - An amendment to the agreement signed by the City
authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work or an adjustment in
the Contract Price or the Contract time issued after the effective date of the
Contract. A Change Order may or may not also be signed by you.
23. City - The City of San Diego. See also Agency.
24. City Forces - The City’s employees who perform construction work.
25. City Supplement - the City of San Diego Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction, the “WHITEBOOK”.
26. Code - Refer to the statutes of the State of California.
27. Contract - The written agreement between the City and you that covers the
28. Contract Documents - Contract Documents include the following: The signed
Agreement, Addenda, Notice Inviting Bids, funding agency provisions, Bid and
documentation accompanying the Bid and any post-bid documentation
submitted prior to the Notice of Award when attached as an exhibit to the
Contract, Bonds, Permits, CEQA documents, Supplementary Special Provisions
(SSP), City’s EOCP Requirements, Standard Specifications (the “GREENBOOK”), City
Supplement (the “WHITEBOOK”), Plans, Standard Drawings, Construction
Documents, Reference Specifications listed in the Notice Inviting Bids, and
Change Orders. Contract Documents, when applicable, shall also include: Site
and Coastal development permits, NEPA documents, re-vegetation plans,
biological letters or technical reports, habitat mitigation plans, storm water
documents, and local, state, and federal resource agency permits.
29. Contractor - The individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or other
legal entity having a Contract with the City to perform the Work. In the case of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 13
Work being done under a permit issued by the City, the Contractor shall also
be construed as the permittee. The Contractor is referred to as “you”.
30. Contract Price - The total amount of money for which the Contract is
31. Contract Unit Price - The amount stated in the Bid for a single unit of an item
of Work.
32. Construction Work - The portion of the Work to construct the Project as set
forth in the Contract Documents in conformance with 2-1, “WORK TO BE
33. Construction Documents - Your plans and details, including plans showing
installation of major systems, equipment, fixed furnishings and graphics, the
technical specifications and all other technical drawings, schedules, diagrams
and specifications, accepted Shop Drawings, Working Drawings, and
submittals that are necessary to set forth in detail the requirements for the
34. Contract Time - The number of Working Days to complete the Work as
specified in the Contract Documents. Contract Time begins at Notice to
Proceed (NTP) and ends at Acceptance.
35. County Sealer - The Sealer of Weights and Measures of the county in which
the Contract is awarded.
36. Days - Days shall mean consecutive Calendar Days unless otherwise
specified in the Special Provisions.
37. Defective Work - Work that does not conform to the Contract Documents.
38. Disputed Work - Work in which you and City are in disagreement.
39. Drawings - See Plans.
40. Electrolier - Street light assembly complete, including foundation, standard,
mast arm, luminaire, and etc.
41. Extra Work - New or unforeseen Work not covered by a Contract Unit Price or
Stipulated Unit Price.
42. Engineer - The City Engineer, Director, or other person designated, acting
either directly or through authorized agents such as the Resident Engineer.
43. Field Book - The City of San Diego Sewer Field Book or Water Gate Book
showing sewer and water facilities.
44. Field Order - A Field Order is a written agreement by the Engineer to
compensate you for Work items in accordance with 2-8, “EXTRA WORK” or 2-9,
“CHANGED CONDITIONS”. A Field Order does not change the Contract Price,
Contract Time, or the scope intent of the Contract. The unused portion of the
Field Order shall revert to the City upon Acceptance.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 14
45. Final Environmental Document - The CEQA document issued for the Project,
such as a certified environmental impact reports, mitigated negative
declarations (MNDs), negative declarations, or exemptions.
46. Final Payment - The last payment for the Contract made to you, excluding
47. Holiday - Holidays observed by the City are listed below:
Holiday Observed On
New Year’s Day January 1
Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday in January
Presidents’ Day 3rd Monday in February
Caesar Chavez Day March 31
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day 1st Monday in September
Veteran’s Day November 11
Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November
Christmas Day December 25
If any Holiday listed falls on a Saturday, the Saturday and the preceding Friday
are both legal Holidays. If the Holiday falls on a Sunday, both Sunday and the
following Monday shall be legal Holidays. Unless specified otherwise in the
Contract Documents or authorized by the Engineer, do not work on
48. House Connection Sewer - A sewer, within a public street or right-of-way,
proposed to connect any parcel, lot, or part of a lot with a mainline sewer.
49. Limited Notice To Proceed (LNTP) - A written notice given from the City that
authorizes you to start a limited amount of Work that, as described in the
notice, is not Construction Work.
50. Luminaire - The lamp housing including the optical and socket assemblies
(and ballast if so specified).
51. Mast Arm - The structural member, or bracket, which, when mounted on a
Standard, supports the luminaire.
52. Mayor or Designee - The City’s Mayor or a designated representative.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 15
53. Modification - Includes Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements. A
Modification may only be issued after the effective date of the Contract.
54. Night Work - See Working Night.
55. Normal Working Hours - Normal Working Hour core periods shall be 7:00 AM
to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, inclusive. Saturdays, Sundays, and City
Holidays are excluded. Unless otherwise specified, on the Traffic Control
Permits, Normal Working Hours in the are defined as 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
56. Notice of Award - The written notice by the City to the successful Bidder
stating that, upon its compliance with the required conditions, the City shall
execute the Contract.
57. Notice of Completion (NOC) - A document recorded with the County of San
Diego to signify that the Contract Work has been completed and accepted by
the City.
58. Notice to Proceed (NTP) - A written notice given by the City to you fixing the
date on which the Contract time shall start.
59. Occupancy When the Owner deems a building is ready for use, the Owner
will issue a certificate of Occupancy in writing.
60. Operation, Maintenance, and Warranty Instructions - Documents published
by manufactures of pre-manufactured products describing operation,
maintenance, and any other action that shall be performed by the City as a
condition for the manufacture to honor the specified warranty.
61. Owner - See City.
62. Party or Parties - The City, you, or both, their respective permitted successors
or assigns, and any other future signatories to the Contract.
63. Person - Any individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, trust, joint
venture, or other legal entity.
64. Plans - The Drawings, profiles, cross sections, Standard Plans, Working
Drawings, and Shop Drawings, or reproductions thereof, approved by the
Engineer, which show the location, character, dimensions, or details of the Work.
65. Prime Contractor - See Contractor.
66. Private Contract - Work subject to City inspection, control, and approval,
involving private funds, not administered by the City.
67. Private Development Projects - See Private Contract.
68. Project - The object of the Contract to be designed, constructed, or both by
you as specified, described, and shown in the Contract Documents.
69. Project Site (Site) - Areas where the Work is performed pursuant to the Contract.
70. Proposal - See Bid.
71. Punchlist - A list of items of Work or corrections generated after a Walk-through
that is conducted when you consider that the Work and Services are complete,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 16
71. Punchlist - A list of items of Work or corrections generated after a Walk-through
that is conducted when you consider that the Work and Services are complete,
and as verified by the Owner. The Punchlist may be completed in phases if defined
in the Contract.
72. Quality Control Standards and Procedures - The standards and procedures
that are stated in a written manual that can be furnished to the Engineer upon
request. The standards and procedures are followed by the Supplier in the
production of materials supplied to the Work site.
73. Red-lines - Plans with annotations of changes made during construction to
reflect the actual product built during construction whether concealed or
74. Reference Specifications - The latest edition, including amendments, in effect
as of the date of advertisement of the Contract or issuing the permit, unless
otherwise specified, of the following:
a) Bulletins
b) Standards
c) Rules
d) Methods of analysis or testing
e) Codes
f) Installation instructions
g) Specifications of other agencies, engineering societies, manufactures,
or industrial associations referred to in the Contract Documents.
75. Retention - The amount withheld from the money due to you in accordance
with 7-3.2, “Partial and Final Payment”.
76. Roadway - The portion of a street reserved for vehicular use.
77. Samples - Physical examples which illustrate materials, equipment, or
workmanship and which establish standards that the Work shall be evaluated.
78. Schedule - A Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule prepared by you in
THE WORK” and accepted by the Engineer.
79. Scope of Work (SOW) - Labor, materials, equipment, facilities, and services
required to be performed or provided by you to complete the entire Project or
the various separately identifiable parts of the Project pursuant to the
provisions of the Contract Documents.
80. Services - Professional services such as design, engineering, and construction
management of the Project that are required in accordance with the Contract
Documents. Services are included in the Work.
81. Service Connection - All or any portion of the conduit cable or duct, including
meter, between a utility distribution line and an individual consumer.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 17
82. Service Lateral Connection - The interface of the House Connection Sewer
with the host pipe.
83. Separate Contractors - Those individuals or entities that have entered into
arrangements with the City for the provision of labor, materials, or other services
in connection with the Project who are not under contract with you.
84. Sewer - Any conduit intended for the reception and transfer of sewage and
fluid industrial waste.
85. Shop Drawings - Drawings showing details of manufactured or assembled
products proposed to be incorporated into the Work.
86. Signal Pre-Check - The procedure that the City uses to evaluate traffic signal
systems prior to Signal Turn-On and generating a Punchlist.
87. Signal Turn-On - The day the City activates new traffic signals.
88. Special Provisions - Additions and revisions to the Standard Specifications
setting forth conditions and requirements peculiar to the Work. Examples
include the City’s EOCP Requirements, provisions for Design-Build and Job
Order Contracting Contracts, funding agency provisions, technical
specifications prepared in CSI format, the “WHITEBOOK” (City Supplement),
and Supplementary Special Provisions (SSP).
89. Specifications - Standard Specifications, Reference Specifications, Special
Provisions, and specifications in Change Orders or Supplemental Agreements
between you and the City.
90. Standard (Signal and Lighting) - The shaft or pole used to support street
lighting luminaires, traffic signal heads, mast arms, and etc.
91. Standard Plans - Details of standard structures, devices, or instructions
referred to on the Plans or in the Specifications by title or number.
92. Standard Specifications - The Standard Specifications for Public Works
Construction (SSPWC), the “GREENBOOK”.
93. State - State of California.
94. Stipulated Unit Price - Unit prices established by the City in the Contract
95. Storm Drain - Any conduit and appurtenances intended for the reception and
transfer of storm water.
96. Street - Any road, highway, parkway, freeway, alley, walk, or way.
97. Subbase - A layer of specified material of planned thickness between the base
and the subgrade.
98. Subcontractor - An individual, firm, or corporation having a direct contract
with you or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 18
99. Subgrade - For roadways, that portion on which pavement, surfacing, base,
subbase, or a layer of other material is placed. For structures, the soil prepared
to support a structure.
100. Substantial Completion When all Contract Work is deemed complete by the
Contractor in writing, and as verified by the Owner. Substantial Completion
may be completed in phases if defined in the Contract.
101. Supervision - Supervision, where used to indicate supervision by the
Engineer, shall mean the performance of obligations, and the exercise of
rights, specifically imposed upon and granted to the City in becoming a party to
the Contract. Except as specifically stated herein, supervision by the City shall not
mean active and direct superintendence of details of the Work.
102. Supplemental Agreement An additional agreement to the Contract
Documents signed by you and the City.
103. Surety - The company who issued the performance and payment bond.
104. Utility - Tracks, overhead or underground wires, pipelines, conduits, ducts,
structures, sewers, or storm drains owned, operated, or maintained in or
across a public right of way or private easement.
105. Walk-through - An inspection the City uses to verify the completion of the
Project or phase of the Project and to generate a Punchlist prior to Acceptance.
106. Work - That which is proposed to be constructed or done under the Contract
or permit, including the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and
107. Working Day - Any day other than Holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
108. Working Night (Night Work) - Night Work is allowed only on Sunday through
109. Working Drawings - Drawings showing details not shown on the Plans which
are required to be designed by you.
110. Work Site - See Project Site (Site).
1-3.2 Common Usage. ADD the following:
1. AML ........................ Approved Material List
2. CADD ..................... Computer Aided Design and Drafting
3. CA MUTCD ............ California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
4. CCT ........................ Correlated Color Temperature
5. CEQA ..................... California Environmental Quality Act
6. CFR ......................... Code of Federal Regulations
7. CIPM ...................... Cured-In-Place-Manhole
8. CMS ....................... Content Management System Database
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 19
9. CNC ........................ Computer Numerical Control
10. CRI .......................... Color Rendering Index
11. CSA ........................ Canadian Standards Association
12. DBE ........................ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
13. DCE ........................ Data Computer Equipment
14. DG .......................... Decomposed Granite
15. DVBE ...................... Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
16. DWT ....................... Detectable Warning Tiles
17. EBE ......................... Emerging Business Enterprise
18. ELBE ....................... Emerging Local Business Enterprise
19. EOCP ...................... Equal Opportunity Contracting Program
20. ESL ......................... Environmentally Sensitive Lands
21. ESO ........................ Electrical Service Orders
22. FRP ......................... Fiberglass Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic
23. GFE......................... Good Faith Effort
24. GMT ....................... Greenwich Mean Time
25. GPS ........................ Global Positioning System
26. IDA ......................... International Dark Sky Association
27. IP ............................ Ingress Protection
28. LCD ........................ Liquid Crystal Display
29. LD ........................... Laser Diode
30. LER ......................... Luminaire Efficiency Rating
31. MBE ....................... Minority Business Enterprise
32. MDFT ..................... Minimum Dry Film Thickness
33. MHPA .................... Multiple Habitat Planning Area
34. MHs ....................... Manholes
35. MIL ......................... Military
36. MJ .......................... Mechanical Joint
37. M&M ...................... Maintenance and Monitoring
38. MMC ...................... Mitigation and Monitoring Coordination
39. MOV ....................... Metal Oxide Varistor
40. NA .......................... Numerical Aperture
41. NC .......................... Not connected
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 20
42. NEPA ...................... National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
43. NEXT ...................... Near End Crosstalk
44. NCHRP ................... National Cooperative Highway Research Program
45. NOC ....................... Notice of Completion
46. NTP ........................ Notice to Proceed
47. OC .......................... On Center
48. ODP ....................... Open Drip Proof
49. ONFR ..................... Optical Fiber Nonconductive Riser
50. OTDR ..................... Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
51. PB ........................... Pull Box
52. PCMS ..................... Portable Changeable Message Signs
53. PCU ........................ Photoelectric Control Unit
54. PEP ......................... Plant Establishment Period
55. PIC .......................... Polyethylene Insulated Cable
56. RFP ......................... Request for Proposal
57. RPMS ..................... Rubber Polymer Modified Slurry
58. SIC .......................... Standard Industry Classification
59. SLBE ....................... Small Local Business Enterprise
60. SMS ........................ Short Message Service
61. SMTP ..................... Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
62. SOW ....................... Statement of Work
63. SOV ........................ Schedule of Values
64. SPDT ...................... Single Pole Double Throw
65. SSD ........................ Surge Suppression Devices
66. TDR ........................ Time Domain Reflectometer
67. TEES ....................... Transportation Electrical Equipment Specifications
68. TFFN ...................... Thermoplastic Flexible Fixture Wire Nylon Jacketed
69. TIG ......................... Tungsten Inert Gas
70. UF ........................... Underground Feeder
71. UPRR ...................... Union Pacific Railroad Company
72. VAC ........................ Volts AC
73. VPC ........................ Vitrified Polymer Composite
74. WBE ....................... Women Business Enterprise
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 21
1-3.3 Institutions. ADD the following:
1. AMTRACK .............. American Track National Railroad Passenger Corp.
2. BNSF ...................... Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
3. DSD ........................ Development Services Department
4. IPCEA ..................... Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association
5. IES .......................... Illuminating Engineering Society (Photometric Data)
6. ISO ......................... International Organization for Standardization
7. MTS ........................ San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
8. NACE ...................... National Association of Corrosion Engineers
9. NAFP ...................... National Association of Pipe Fabricators
10. NCTD ..................... North County Transit District
11. NFPA ...................... National Fire Protection Association
12. PCI .......................... Prestressed Concrete Institute
13. PUD ........................ Public Utilities Department
14. SANDAG ................ San Diego Association of Governments
15. SD&AE ................... San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railroad
16. SDTI ....................... San Diego Trolley, Inc.
17. SDUSD ................... San Diego Unified School District
18. UPRR ...................... Union Pacific Railroad Company
1-6.2 Subcontractor Listing. ADD the following:
1. The use of Subcontractors in no way relieves you of any obligations or
responsibilities under the Contract.
2. For Subcontractor Extra Work, you shall submit Form CC10, “CONTRACT
CHANGE ORDER (CCO)” with each CCO proposal. Form CC10 is available for
download from the City’s EOCP internet site:
1-7.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1-7.1 Standard Contract Provisions.
1-7.1.1 Successor's Obligations.
1. All grants, covenants, provisions and claims, rights, powers, privileges and
abilities contained in the Contract Documents shall be read and held as made
by and with, and granted to and imposed upon, you, the City, and your and the
City’s respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 22
1-7.1.2 Waiver of Legal Rights.
1. The City’s failure to insist, in any one or more instances, upon the performance
of any provision of the Contract, or to exercise any right therein, shall not be
construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such provisions or rights.
2. Any waiver of any breach of the Contract shall not be held to be a waiver of
any other or subsequent breach.
3. Any waiver the City issues to any provision of the Contract shall only be
effective if it is agreed upon in writing by the City and if it is specific to the
particular matter concerned.
1-7.1.3 Requests for Information (RFI).
1. Should you discover a conflict, omission, errors in the Contract Documents,
differences with existing field conditions, or have any questions concerning
interpretation or clarification of Contract Documents, or when you propose
deviations to the standards or design, you shall submit a Request for
Information (RFI) to the City regarding your question or clarification within 1
Working Day.
2. Your RFI shall meet the following requirements:
a) All RFIs, whether by you or your Subcontractor or supplier at any tier,
shall be submitted by you to the City.
b) RFIs shall be numbered sequentially.
c) You shall clearly and concisely set forth the single issue for which
interpretation or clarification is sought, indicate Specification Section
numbers, Contract Drawing numbers, and details, or other items
involved, and state why a response is required from the City.
d) RFIs shall be submitted within 1 Working Day in order that they may
be adequately researched and answered before the response affects
any critical activity of the Work.
e) Should you believe that a response to an RFI causes a change to the
requirements of the Contract, you shall, before proceeding, give
written notice to the City, indicating that you believe that City response
to the RFI to be a Change Order. Failure to give such written notice
within 5 Working Days of receipt of the City’s response to the RFI shall
waive your right to seek additional time or cost.
3. The City will respond to RFIs within 5 Working Days unless the City notifies
you in writing that a response will take longer. The 5 Working Days shall begin
when the RFI is received and dated by the City. Responses from the City will
not change any requirement of the Contract unless so noted by the City in the
response to the RFI. The City will not issue a Change Order for Extra Work or
additional time when the issue raised in the RFI was due to your fault, neglect,
or any unauthorized deviations from the project design or specifications.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 23
4. If you proceed in resolving a conflict, omission, or any error in the Contract
Documents without sending the City an RFI in accordance with the
requirements stated above, the City may require you to remove such work at
your cost or back charge You the cost to remove this work.
1-7.1.4 Assignment to Awarding Body.
1. In accordance with §7103.5(b) of the California Public Contract Code, you and
your Subcontractors shall conform to the following requirements:
a) In entering into a public works contract or a Subcontract to supply goods,
services, or materials pursuant to a public works contract, you or your
Subcontractor offer and agree to assign to the awarding body all rights,
title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under §4 of the
Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2
(commencing with §16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and
Professions Code) arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials
pursuant to the public works contract or the Subcontract.
b) This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the
awarding body tenders to you, without further acknowledgment by the
1-7.2 Contract Bonds. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Before execution of the Contract, file payment and performance bonds with
the City to be approved by the Board in the amounts and for the purposes
noted. Bonds shall be executed by a responsible surety as follows:
a) If the Work is being funded with state or local money, consistent with
California Code of Civil Procedure §995.670, the Surety shall be an
“admitted surety” authorized by the State of California Department of
Insurance to transact surety insurance in the State.
b) If the Work is being funded with federal money, the Surety shall be
listed in the U.S. Treasury Department Circular 570 and shall be in
conformance with the specified Underwriting Limitations.
2. Each bond shall incorporate, by reference, the Contract and shall be signed by
both the Bidder and the Surety. The signature of the authorized agent of the
Surety shall be notarized. You shall provide the following bonds:
a) For Contracts less than $10,000:
i. A “Payment Bond” (Materials and Labor Bond) is optional. If
no bond is submitted, no payment shall be made until 35
Calendar Days after Acceptance and any lien requirements
have been fulfilled. If a bond is submitted, progress payments
shall be made in accordance with these Specifications.
ii. A “Faithful Performance Bond” is not required.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 24
b) For Contracts over $10,000 and less than $25,000:
i. A “Payment Bond” (Materials and Labor Bond) is optional. If
no bond is submitted, progress payments may be made with a
minimum of 20% retention. If a bond is submitted, progress
payments shall be made in accordance with these
ii. A “Faithful Performance Bond” is not required.
c) For Contracts over $25,000 and less than $100,000:
i. A “Payment Bond” (Materials and Labor Bond) for not less than
100% of the Contract Price to satisfy claims of material
Suppliers and of mechanics and laborers employed on the
Work. You shall maintain the bond in full force and effect until
Acceptance and until all claims for materials and labor are paid
and shall otherwise comply with the Government Code.
ii. A “Faithful Performance Bond” is not required.
d) For Contracts over $100,000:
i. A “Payment Bond” (Materials and Labor Bond) for 100% of the
Contract Price to satisfy claims of material Suppliers and of
mechanics and laborers employed on the Work. You shall
maintain the bond in full force and effect until Acceptance and
until all claims for materials and labor are paid and shall
otherwise comply with the Government Code.
ii. A “Faithful Performance Bond” for 100% of the Contract Price to
guarantee faithful performance of Work, within the time
prescribed and in a manner satisfactory to the City, that materials
and workmanship shall be free from original or developed
e) For Contracts over $100,000 which include Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) - HUD Program Funds:
i. A “Payment Bond” (Material and Labor Bond) for 100% of the
Contract Price to satisfy claims of material Suppliers and of
mechanics and laborers employed on the Work. You shall
maintain the bond in full force and effect until the Acceptance and
until all claims for materials and labor are paid and shall
otherwise comply with the Government Code.
ii. A “Faithful Performance Bond” for 100% of the Contract Price
to guarantee faithful performance of Work, within the time
prescribed and in a manner satisfactory to the City, that materials
and workmanship shall be free from original or developed
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 25
3. Should any bond become insufficient, renew the bond within 10 Days after
receiving notice from the City. Should any surety at any time be unsatisfactory to
the Board, notice to that effect shall be given. No further payments shall be
deemed due or shall be made under the Contract until a new surety qualifies and
is accepted.
4. Changes in the Work or extensions of time, made pursuant to the Contract, shall
in no way release you or the Surety from its obligations. Notice of such changes
or extensions shall be waived by the Surety.
5. The bond shall remain in effect until the end of warranty period set forth in
the Contract Documents.
6. If the Surety on any bond furnished by you is declared bankrupt, becomes
insolvent, or its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part
of the Project is located, immediately notify the Engineer and immediately
substitute another bond and surety acceptable to the City.
7. You shall require the Surety to mail its standard “Bond Status” form to the
Engineer at the following address:
Deputy Director
Construction Management and Field Engineering Division
9573 Chesapeake Drive San Diego, CA 92123
1-7.2.1 Payment.
1. The Bid item for “Bonds (Payment and Performance)” includes full
compensation for actual costs of payment and performance bonds. You may
submit a request for payment of actual invoiced costs up to the bid amount,
but not to exceed 2.5% of the Contract Price, no less than 10 Working Days
after the award of the Contract.
2. If the Bid item for “Bonds (Payment and Performance)” exceeds actual invoiced
costs, any such differential amount up to the bid amount shall be paid as a
part of the Final Payment.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 26
2-1 WORK TO BE DONE. ADD the following:
1. Where approval or acceptance by the City is required, you shall understand it
to be a general approval only and that it does not relieve you from your
responsibility for complying with all applicable laws, codes, and best industry
2. In accordance with the provisions of California Law, you shall possess or
require your Subcontractor(s) to possess valid appropriate license(s) for the
Work being performed as conveyed in the bidding documents.
2-2 PERMITS. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. You shall obtain and pay for all business taxes, permits, and fees required for
constructing the Project and licenses and inspections necessary for the proper
execution and completion of the Work, unless specified otherwise in the
Contract Documents.
a) To the extent that there is a change in the type or cost of any of such
permits, fees, licenses, or inspection occurring after Award of Contract,
there shall be an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price on
account of such change under the Extra Work provisions.
b) You shall comply with and give notices required by applicable laws.
You are not entitled to damages or additional payment for delays
attributable to the acquisition of permits.
c) You shall pay the City for regulatory fees, fines, or penalties imposed
on the City arising from your failure to complete the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents.
2-2.1 Building Permits.
1. You shall obtain the required building permits from DSD. Any prior approval
obtained for the Plans shall not in any way waive this requirement.
2. Request inspections in accordance with the building codes in effect on the
permitted plans and by DSD. Any Work performed without the benefit of the
required permit and subsequent inspection shall be removed and replaced at
the discretion of the City Building Inspector at no additional cost.
2-2.2 Caltrans Encroachment Permit.
1. Unless specified otherwise, the City has applied for the Caltrans
Encroachment Permit.
a) You shall pay for and secure the permit prior to construction.
b) You shall arrange and pay for inspection as required by Caltrans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 27
2. You are solely responsible for permit processing delays to the Contract Time
that result from incomplete or inaccurate information provided by you to the
City or Caltrans.
2-2.3 Payment.
1. The payment for procuring Building Permits shall be included in the Allowance
Bid item for “Building Permits”.
2. When provided, the Allowance Bid item for “Caltrans Encroachment Permit
Submittalshall include the payment for applying and obtaining the Caltrans
Encroachment Permit and shall include costs for preparing plans and
addressing Caltrans comments.
2-3 RIGHT-OF-WAY. ADD the following:
1. You shall be responsible for coordinating with property owners on the timing
of accessing private property when the City has already obtained rights of
entry. You shall protect any private improvements.
2-5.2 Temporary Utility Services. ADD the following:
1. You shall provide and pay for all electrical, gas, and water required for
construction and maintenance activities until Acceptance.
2-5.2.1 Water for Construction Purposes.
1. You shall purchase all water for construction such as water used for initial
filling and final flushing of new pipeline, Site maintenance, and maintenance
of the vegetation and landscaping items of the Work.
2. You shall use the 2.5-inch (63.5 mm) fire hydrant port.
3. You shall obtain a meter and comply with the Fire Hydrant Meter Policy, Water
Department Instruction, Department Instruction #55.27, dated April 21, 2000,
that will be attached to the Contract. Violation of these requirements shall
be subject to fines or penalties pursuant to the City municipal code, §§67.15
and 67.37.
2-5.2.2 Payment.
1. Providing and paying for all electrical, gas, and water required for construction
and maintenance activities until Acceptance shall be included in the Contract
1. Any plan or method of Work suggested to you by the City, but not specified or
required by the Contract or Change Order, which is adopted or followed by
you in whole or in part shall be done at your sole risk and responsibility.
2. The Contract Price is not subject to adjustment for any type of tax increases
after the Award.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 28
2-6.1 Cost Reduction Proposal.
1. You may submit to the Engineer in writing, proposals for modifying the Plans,
Specifications, or other requirements of the Contract for the sole purpose of
reducing the total cost of construction.
2. The cost reduction proposal shall not impair, in any manner, the essential
functions or characteristics of the Project such as service life, economy of
operation, ease of maintenance, desired appearance, or design and safety
3. Include the following information in the cost reduction proposal:
a) A description of both the existing Contract requirements for
performing the Work and the proposed changes.
b) An itemization of the Contract requirements that shall be changed if
the proposal is adopted.
c) A detailed estimate of the cost of performing the Work under the
existing Contract and under the proposed change.
d) A statement of the time within which the Engineer shall make a
e) The Contract items of Work affected by the proposed changes,
including any quantity variation attributable thereto.
4. This subsection does not require the Engineer to consider any cost reduction
proposal. The City shall not be liable to you for not approving or acting upon
any cost reduction proposal you submitted nor for any delays to the Work
attributable to the proposal.
5. If a cost reduction proposal is similar to the information included in the
Contract Documents or adopted by the City after the advertisement for the
Contract, the Engineer will not accept such proposal and reserves the right to
make such changes without compensation to you under the provisions of this
6. You shall continue to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements
of the Contract until a Change Order incorporating the cost reduction proposal
has been issued.
7. The Engineer is the sole judge of the acceptability of a cost reduction proposal
and the estimated net savings. In determining the estimated net savings, the
City has the right to disregard the Contract Bid prices if, in the judgment of the
Engineer, such prices do not represent a fair measure of the value of the Work
to be performed or to be deleted.
8. The City reserves the right to require you to share in the City’s costs of
investigating your cost reduction proposal. When this is required, you shall
indicate your acceptance in writing allowing the City to deduct amounts
payable to you.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 29
9. If the Engineer accepts your cost reduction proposal in whole or in part, the
Engineer shall issue a Change Order to incorporate the changes in the Plans
and Specifications which are necessary to permit the cost reduction proposal
or such part of it as has been accepted to be put into effect. If the Engineer’s
approval is conditional, the Change Order shall include any conditions upon
which the Engineer's approval is based.
10. The Change Order also includes the estimated net savings in the cost of
performing the Work due to the accepted cost reduction proposal and
provides that the Contract cost be adjusted by crediting the City with 50% of
estimated net savings amount.
11. The Contract Time shall not be extended by the acceptance of the cost
reduction proposal and the performance of the Work unless specified
otherwise in the Change Order.
12. The amount specified as payable to you in the Change Order is full
compensation for the cost reduction proposal and the performance of the
13. The City expressly reserves the right to adopt a cost reduction proposal for
general use on contracts administered by the City when it determines that said
proposal is suitable for application to other contracts. When an accepted cost
reduction proposal is adopted for general use, only the Contractor who first
submitted such proposal shall be eligible for compensation subject to this
subsection, and in that case, only for contracts awarded prior to submission
of the accepted cost reduction proposal.
14. The cost reduction proposals identical or similar to previously submitted
proposals shall be eligible for consideration and compensation under the
provisions of this subsection if the identical or similar previously submitted
proposals were not adopted for general application to other contracts
administered by the City.
15. Subject to the provisions contained herein, the City or any other public agency
shall have the right to use all or any part of any submitted cost reduction
proposal without obligation or compensation of any kind to you.
16. You shall bear all costs to revise bonds for the Project to include the cost
reduction incentive proposal Work.
2-7.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The Engineer may substitute specific sites for asphalt overlay, slurry seal, or
concrete ramp and sidewalk replacement due to utility or construction
conflicts or urgent community needs. The Engineer will adjust the location list
provided in the Contract Documents as needed.
2-8 EXTRA WORK. ADD the following:
1. Any request by you for Extra Work shall be in writing to the Engineer and shall
include itemized estimates. You shall fully itemize your Extra Work cost
estimates such as labor and payroll costs, quantities, crew composition,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 30
production rates, material costs, Subcontractor and Supplier costs, equipment
costs, supplemental costs, and time impact.
2. Compensation for “Time-and-Material” emergency Contracts:
a) You will be compensated for charges directly associated with the
project. staff
b) Any invoiced off site work shall include a summary of work.
c) Markup for off site work shall be the same as on site work.
2-10.1 Claims.
1. A Claim is a written demand by you that seeks an adjustment in the Contract
Price, Contract Time, or other relief associated with a dispute arising under or
relating to the Contract, including a breach of any provision thereof. A voucher,
invoice, or other routine request for payment is not a Claim.
2. A Claim shall conform to these specifications and may be considered after the
City has previously denied a request by you for a Change Order seeking the
demanded relief.
3. You shall submit a Claim to the Engineer if a dispute occurs that arises from or
relates to the Contract. The Claim shall seek all relief to which you assert you
are entitled as a result of the event(s) giving rise to the dispute. Your failure to
process a Claim in accordance with these specifications shall constitute a
waiver of all relief associated with the dispute. Claims are subject to 6-10,
“Right to Audit”.
4. You shall continue to perform the Services and Work and shall maintain the
Schedule during any dispute proceedings. The Engineer will continue to make
payments for undisputed Services and Work.
5. The City’s Claims process specified herein shall not relieve you of your
statutory obligations to present claims prior to any action under the California
Government Code.
2-10.1.1 Initiation of Claim.
1. You shall promptly, but no later than 30 Days after the event(s) giving rise to
the Claim, deliver the Claim to the Engineer.
2. You shall not process a Claim unless the Engineer has previously denied a
request by you for a Change Order that sought the relief to be pursued in the
2- Claim Certification Submittal.
1. If your Claim seeks an increase in the Contract Price, the Contract Time, or
both, submit with the Claim an affidavit certifying the following:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 31
a) The Claim is made in good faith and covers all costs and delays to
which you are entitled as a result of the event(s) giving rise to the
b) The amount claimed accurately reflects the adjustments in the
Contract Price, the Contract Time, or both to which you believe you are
c) All supporting costs and pricing data are current, accurate, and
complete to the best of your knowledge. The cost breakdown per item
of Work shall be supplied.
d) You shall ensure that the affidavit is executed by an official who has
the authority to legally bind you.
2-10.1.2 Initial Determination.
1. The Engineer will respond in writing to your Claim within 30 Days of receipt of
the Claim.
2-10.1.3 Settlement Meeting.
1. If you disagree with the Initial Determination, you shall request a Settlement
Meeting within 30 Days. Upon receipt of this request, the Engineer will
schedule the Settlement Meeting within 15 Working Days.
2-10.1.4 City’s Final Determination.
1. If a settle agreement is not reached, the City shall make a written Final
Determination within 10 Working Days after the Settlement Meeting.
2. If you disagree with the City’s Final Determination, notify the Engineer in
writing of your objection within 15 Working Days after receipt of the written
determination and file a “Request for Mediation” in accordance with 2-10.2,
“Dispute Resolution Process”.
3. Failure to give notice of objection within the 15 Working Days period shall
waive your right to pursue the Claim.
2-10.1.5 Mandatory Assistance.
1. If a third party dispute, litigation, or both arises out of or relates in any way to
the Services provided under the Contract, upon the City’s request, you shall
agree to assist in resolving the dispute or litigation. Your assistance includes,
but is not limited to the following:
a) Providing professional consultations.
b) Attending mediations, arbitrations, depositions, trials, or any event
related to the dispute resolution and litigation.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 32
2- Compensation for Mandatory Assistance.
1. The City will reimburse you for reasonable fees and expenses incurred by you
for any required assistance rendered in accordance with 2-10.1.5, “Mandatory
Assistance” as Extra Work.
2. The Engineer will determine whether these fees and expenses were necessary
due to your conduct or failure to act.
3. If the Engineer determines that the basis of the dispute or litigation in which
these fees and expenses were incurred were the result of your conduct or your
failure to act in part or in whole, you shall reimburse the City for any payments
made for these fees and expenses.
4. Reimbursement may be through any legal means necessary, including the
City’s withholding of your payment.
2-10.2 Dispute Resolution Process.
2-10.2.1 Mandatory Non-binding Mediation.
1. If a dispute arises out of or relates to the Contract, or the breach thereof, and
if said dispute cannot be settled through contract provisions provided for
claim settlement or negotiations, the parties agree to first endeavor to settle
the dispute in an amicable manner, using mandatory mediation under the
Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association
before having recourse in a court of law.
2. To initiate mediation, the initiating party shall serve a Request for Mediation
at the American Arbitration Association (AAA).
2-10.2.2 Mandatory Mediation Costs.
1. The expenses of witnesses for either side shall be paid by the party producing
such witnesses. All other expenses of the mediation, including required
traveling and other expenses of the mediator and the cost of any proofs or
expert advice produced at the direct request of the mediator, shall be borne
equally by the parties, unless they agree otherwise.
2-10.2.3 Selection of Mediator.
1. A single mediator, knowledgeable in construction aspects and acceptable to
both parties, shall be used to mediate the dispute.
2. If AAA is used, the initiating party shall concurrently file with AAA a “Request
for Mediation” along with the appropriate fees, a copy of requested mediators
marked in preference order, and a preference for available dates.
3. If AAA is selected to coordinate the mediation (Administrator), within 10
Working Days from the receipt of the initiating party’s Request for Mediation,
the opposing party shall file the following:
a) A copy of the list of the preferred mediators listed in preference order
after striking any mediators to which they have any objection.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 33
b) A preference for available dates.
c) Appropriate fees.
4. If the parties cannot agree on a mediator, then each party shall select a
mediator and those mediators shall select the neutral third party to mediate
the matter.
2-10.2.4 Conduct of Mediation Sessions.
1. Mediation hearings shall be conducted in an informal manner and discovery
shall not be allowed.
2. Discussions, statements, and/or admissions shall be confidential to the
proceedings and shall not be used for any other purpose as it relates to the
party’s legal position. The parties may agree to exchange any information they
deem necessary.
3. Both parties shall have an authorized representative attend the mediation.
Each representative shall have the authority to recommend entering into a
settlement. Either party may have attorney(s), witnesses, or expert(s) present.
Either party may request a list of witnesses and notifications of whether
attorney(s) shall be present.
4. Any resulting agreements from mediation shall be documented in writing.
Mediation results and documentation, by themselves, shall be “non-binding”
and inadmissible for any purpose in any legal proceeding, unless such
admission is otherwise agreed upon in writing by both parties. Mediators shall
not be subject to any subpoena or liability and their actions shall not be subject
to discovery.
2-10.3 Forum for Litigation.
1. It is the express intention that all legal actions and proceedings related to the
Contract or Agreement with the City or to any rights or any relationship
between the parties arising therefrom shall be solely and exclusively initiated
and maintained in courts of the State of California for the County of San Diego.
2-10.4 Pre-judgment Interest.
1. The parties stipulate that if a judgment is entered against a party for breaching
this Contract, the pre-judgment interest shall be two percent (2%) per annum.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 34
3-3 SUBCONTRACTORS. ADD the following:
1. You shall incorporate these Specifications in your subcontracts for the Work
being performed by your Subcontractor.
2. You shall obtain or require that each Subcontractor obtains insurance policies
in accordance with 5-4, “INSURANCE” which shall be kept in full force and effect
for the duration of the Contract and in any attached supplemental
3. In any dispute between you and your Subcontractors, the City shall not be made
a party to any judicial or administrative proceeding to resolve the dispute.
4. You shall ensure that your Subcontractors are appropriately licensed for the
duration of the Work that is performed under the subcontracts in accordance
with 2-1, “WORK TO BE DONE”. In the event the Subcontractor is not properly
licensed, you shall cease payment to the Subcontractor for all Work performed
when the Subcontractor was not properly licensed. You shall return to the City
any payment you made to a Subcontractor for Work performed when the
Subcontractor was not licensed.
5. Where the Contract Documents require that a particular product be installed
or applied by an applicator approved by the manufacturer, ensure the
Subcontractor or Supplier employed for such Work is approved by the
6. When a Subcontractor fails to prosecute a portion of the Work in a manner
satisfactory to the City, you shall remove such Subcontractor immediately
upon written request of the City, and shall request approval of a replacement
Subcontractor to perform the Work in accordance with California Public
Contract Code (PCC), Subletting and Subcontracting, Section 4107, at no added
cost to the City.
SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The City has the final authority
in all matters affecting the Work. Within the
scope of the Contract, the Resident Engineer has the authority to
compliance with the Plans and Specifications. You shall promptly comply with
instructions from the Resident Engineer.
2. The decision of the Resident Engineer is final and binding on all questions
relating to: quantities; acceptability of material, equipment, or work;
execution, progress or sequence of work; requests for information (RFI), and
interpretation of the Plans, Specifications, or other Contract Documents. This
shall be precedent to any payment under the Contract.
3. The Resident Engineer shall be the single point of contact and shall be included
in all communications.
3-5 INSPECTION. ADD the following:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 35
1. The City may utilize consultants to assist the Engineer during construction in
observing your performance. The consultant is for the purpose of assisting the
Engineer and shall not be confused with a building inspector with the City or
with a Special Inspector.
2. Code compliance testing (including Special inspection and all Geotechnical
requirements) and inspections required by codes or ordinances is your
3. Your quality control testing and inspections is your responsibility. Coordinate
and schedule all inspections and tests. Give the Engineer notice of when and
where tests and inspections are to be made by others. Give at least 5 Working
Days of notice for offsite inspection. Notices are not deemed effective until the
Engineer has responded and agreed to your schedule.
4. The City shall make any inspections and tests as the City deems necessary to
ensure the Work is accomplished in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents (other than inspections for Work performed in
accordance with a permit). You are responsible for the inspection of all Work
performed in accordance with a permit.
5. Provide access in accordance with Cal-OSHA Standards where necessary.
6. Remove and replace any items of Work performed without the required
permit. For required subsequent inspection, remove and replace Work at the
discretion of Engineer at no additional cost to the City. Inspection of the Work
does not relieve you of full compliance with the Contract Documents.
7. Do not cover the Work prior to inspection, testing, or approval required by the
Contract Documents, the Engineer’s prior written request, or by other
agencies. If any item of Work is covered prior to obtaining the required
approvals, when requested by the Engineer, uncover the Work for inspection,
testing, and/or approval. Upon successful completion of the inspection,
testing, or approval, cover the Work afterwards again where required. You
bear all direct and indirect costs and damages of such uncovering and re-
covering and are not entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or the
Contract Time, unless you have given the Engineer and any other affected
agencies written notice of your intention to cover the Work and the Engineer
has not acted in response to such notice.
8. When specified, make arrangements for tests, inspections, and approvals
with an independent testing laboratory or entity acceptable to the Engineer,
or with the appropriate public authority. The payment for such tests,
inspections, and approvals are included in the Contract Price.
9. Unless specified otherwise, you shall pay the cost of inspections and tests.
In the event that inspections or tests reveal non-compliance with the
requirements of the Contract Documents, you shall bear the cost of corrective
measures deemed necessary by the Engineer and the cost of the City’s
subsequent re-inspection and re-testing.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 36
3-5.1 Remote Control Camera Inspection.
3-5.1.1 General.
1. A time lapse video robotic camera shall be installed on all stationary project
sites and Group Jobs where open trench pipe installation is to take place. A
camera is not required for Operations and Maintenance type projects such as
slurry, overlay, and sidewalk panel replacement. The camera shall be installed
at a location where most construction activity shall be captured and remain
operational throughout the project. The selected location shall be approved
by the Engineer prior to installation.
a) The camera(s) shall be operational during all hours and days when
excavation, pipe installation, and backfill is taking place. Time lapse
video robotic cameras shall provide a clear view of backfill and
compaction operations. For Group Jobs or other linear projects, the
camera shall be mounted on a portable tower or similar device and
repositioned as Work progresses.
b) The camera shall be Heavy Duty Outdoor Vehicle Mounted RobotCam
System manufactured by EarthCam, Inc. or approved equal.
c) The camera shall be removed when installed on permanent project
locations or fixtures. Electrical services shall be deactivated and
properly concealed and mounting hardware shall be removed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
3-5.1.2 System Requirements.
1. The camera system shall feature:
a) An outdoor robotic infrared camera system.
b) A compact and rugged PTZ camera designed to endure the harsh
elements from extreme temperatures and caustic environments such
as salt air.
2. The system shall include:
a) A vibration isolation feature, providing jitter-free video for applications
that call for mobility.
b) A heavy-duty camera, video web caster, and matched cellular modem
in a rugged all weather enclosure with 12 VDC Power cord with lugs for
vehicle battery power connection with Fuse/Diode-protected power
3. The indoor and outdoor robotic camera system shall consist of nitrogen
charged powder coated aluminum housing with an impact resistant viewing
window and fiberglass equipment enclosure.
4. The camera shall have the ability to take still images every 5 minutes and shall
have the ability to provide live video at 1 frame per second (FPS).
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 37
5. The camera shall upload the still images over a wireless cellular modem or
hardwire connection to a DSL or cable modem.
6. The content shall be sent to a secure and password protected website with
interface and online software features provided by the vendors as a managed
7. The system shall operate on 12 VDC and shall have a maximum power
consumption of 30 W.
8. The system shall be available with an optional wiper and sun shield.
3-5.1.3 Equipment.
1. The robotic camera shall be a pressurized marine grade robotic outdoor
infrared camera with a remotely controlled focal lens with the following
a) Pan angle range 440°
b) Tilt angle range 240°
c) Max pan speed 135°/s
d) Max tilt speed 50°/s
e) Pan/tilt encoder resolution 0.5
f) Housing material cast aluminum
g) Vibration 3 grms 3 axis, random, 5 to 1000 Hz
h) Temperature -4° F to 158° F (-20° C to 70° C)
i) Mounting quick connect
j) Zoom 26x optical, 12x digital
k) Imaging code color/near infrared
l) Resolution 470NTSC, 460PAL TV Lines
m) Pixel count 680,000 NTSC / 800,000 PAL
n) Dynamic range 50 dB
o) Light sensitivity 0.05 Lux NIR mode
p) Auto features Focus, ISO, iris, shutter, and white balance
q) Optional Infrared camera core 320 x 240
r) Heater built in thermostatically controlled
s) Window impact resistant viewing window
t) Window wiper remotely controlled
u) Sun shield optional
v) Dimensions 6.73 inch (171 mm) W x 7.8 inch (198 mm) H, and 7 inch
(180 mm) in diameter
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 38
w) Power 12 VDC, 2A peak
x) Weight of 9.04 lbs (4.1kg)
3-5.1.4 Electronics Enclosure.
1. The electronic enclosure shall conform to the following:
a) IP66 fiberglass enclosure.
b) EVDO-RevA cellular modem built in.
c) EarthCam video webcaster built-in.
d) Dimensions: 14.55 inch H x 12.55 inch W x 8.31 inch D (37 cm H x 31.9
cm W x 21.1 cm D).
e) Operational Voltage: 12 VDC.
3-5.1.5 Interface and Online Software.
1. Online interface shall feature the following:
a) Software delivered by vendor as a managed service.
b) Displays agency logo and project name.
c) Capable of viewing live video.
d) Robotic pan, tilt, zoom control of camera system.
e) Calendar based navigation system for selecting specific images.
f) Multifunction images browsing.
g) Record up to 120 hours of video.
h) Share image snapshots, video clips, and entire events seamlessly.
i) A multi-view screen to view all cameras for the Project at the same
j) Graphical mark-up tools for detailing and creating overlays on images.
k) Graphical weather applet displaying 10 points of location weather
l) Share image tools allowing for saving, printing, emailing, and posting
to message boards or mobile devices.
m) Aerial and satellite photography library.
n) Time lapse features that include instant time lapse play back by day,
week, month, or year.
o) Machine to machine self-healing technology automating maintenance
of camera up to 288 times daily.
p) Account security features that include 4 levels of password protection,
IP address blocking/permission, and SSL protection of User Login
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 39
3-5.1.6 Payment.
1. The payment for the remote control camera inspection shall be included in the
Bid item for “Remote Control Camera Inspection”.
1. Both the representative and alternative representative shall be your
employees and shall not be assigned to a Subcontractor unless otherwise
approved by the City in writing.
3-6.1 Project Meetings.
1. Your project team shall attend scheduled construction meetings as required
by the Engineer. If any of your staff cannot attend, you shall notify the Engineer
a minimum of 24 hours in advance, prior to the start of the scheduled meeting.
If you do not provide the required notification, you shall pay for the costs of
the City’s staff, Consultants, or both that attended. You shall be charged a
minimum of 2 hours of the attendee’s time.
3-6.1.1 Payment.
1. The payment for your attendance to Project meetings is included in the
Contract Price. The Engineer shall deduct costs assessed to you for not
attending the meetings from the monthly progress payment via Change
3-7.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Specifications and Plans are divided into groups by engineering discipline for
the City’s convenience. These divisions are not for the purpose of apportioning
the Work or responsibility for the Work among Subcontractors and Suppliers.
2. You shall supply any Work that may reasonably be inferred from the
Specifications or Plans as being required to produce the intended result
whether or not it is specifically called for, at no additional cost to the City.
3. If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing organization,
references to those documents means the replacement documents issued or
otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are no replacement.
3-7.2 Precedence of Contract Documents. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. If there is a conflict between any of the Contract Documents, the document
highest in the order of precedence shall control. If there is a conflict between
any of the Contract Documents and the Municipal Code, the most stringent
requirements shall control. The order of precedence, from highest to lowest,
shall be as follows:
a) Permits (issued by jurisdictional regulatory agencies including
environmental documents).
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 40
b) Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements; whichever occurs last.
c) The signed written Agreement.
d) Addenda.
e) Bid / Proposal.
f) Supplemental Special Provisions.
g) Project Plans.
h) Standard Drawings.
i) “WHITEBOOK” (City Supplement).
j) “GREENBOOK” (Standard Specifications for Public Works
k) Reference Specifications.
2. When additional EOCP requirements by funding sources are included in the
Contract Documents, the funding source’s requirements shall govern.
3. With reference to the Drawings, the order of precedence shall be as follows:
a) Figures govern over scaled dimensions.
b) Detail Drawings govern over general Drawings.
c) Addenda and Change Order Drawings govern over Plans.
d) Plans govern over Standard Drawings.
4. When a conflict exists between the ADA, Title 24, City Standards Drawings, and
the City Supplement, the most restrictive requirement shall be followed.
5. When there is a conflict between 700-1.2, “Standards, Poles, Steel Pedestals,
and Posts” and the current adopted edition of Caltrans Standard Specifications
and/or Standard Plans, the Caltrans standards shall control.
3-7.3 Red-lines and Record Documents.
3-7.3.1 General.
1. Keep to the satisfaction of the Engineer accurate, legible, and current records
on a set of full size Plans of additions and deletions to the Work and of changes
in location, elevation, and character of the Work not otherwise shown or noted
in the Contract Documents.
2. Coordinate Red-lines drawings with field measurements, approved Shop
Drawings, Working Drawings, samples, product data, and available records.
You shall immediately give written notice of any conflicts between these
documents to the Engineer.
3. Keep the Red-lines current with entries checked by the Engineer before the
Work is buried or covered. Your failure to update and deliver Red-lines
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 41
information monthly to the Engineer for review and approval may result in the
withholding of monthly progress payments.
4. Note the source identification, such as RFI numbers and Change Order
numbers, as required identifying the source of the change to the Contract
5. Deliver the Red-lines to the Engineer upon completion of the construction
3-7.3.2 Asset Specific Red-lines.
1. Irrigation System Red-lines: Red-lines shall clearly record by dimension from
2 known fixed points and by depth of underground facilities all deviations,
modifications, and changes in the Work. Records, deviations, modifications,
and changes on the day the Work is performed shall reflect the actual Work
location and shall be marked in red at the scale of the Plan sheet on which
they are recorded. Red-lines shall show the equipment locations and
associated information for the following:
a) Water Meter - Size, type of water (potable or reclaimed), and water
meter address.
b) Electrical Meter, including meter address.
c) Backflow Device - Size, available static pressure in psi, the psi and flow
in gallons per minutes for which the irrigation system is designed, and
device serial number.
d) Irrigation Controller - Location, number of stations, identifying call-out.
e) Master Control Valve.
f) Flow Sensor.
g) Pressure Regulator Valve.
h) Isolation Valves.
i) Remote Control Valves - Size, irrigation controller, valve station
number, and flow demand in gallons per minute.
j) Quick Coupling Valves and Size.
k) Irrigation Mainline and Size.
l) Potable Water Mainline and Size.
m) Irrigation Lateral Line and Size.
n) Irrigation Sleeves and Size.
o) Remote Control Valve Wiring.
p) Communication Cables.
q) Pull Boxes.
r) Rain Shut Off Switch.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 42
s) Electrical lines from electrical meter to irrigation controller, including
the power disconnect switch.
t) Irrigation sprinkler heads which have been added or deleted from the
approved plans. Changes in manufacturer nozzle size shall be noted
on the red-lined drawings including operating pressure, gallons per
minute, and radius of throw.
2. Re-vegetation Red-lines:
a) Within 4 weeks of the end of the Plant Establishment Period, as
determined and accepted by the Project Biologist, furnish and submit
to the Engineer 1 full scale Red-lines set showing field changes to
grade, erosion control, and seeding for the re-vegetated areas.
3. Utility Red-lines: Utility Red-lines shall show the location of the following:
a) Blow off valves by stationing and offsets.
b) Air vacuum valves by stationing and offsets.
c) Water meter boxes replaced.
d) Locations of all sewer laterals and cleanouts.
e) Items abandoned in place.
f) Items abandoned in place following dewatering operation.
4. Building Red-lines: Building Red-lines shall show the following:
a) Location by dimension and the depth by elevation of underground
lines, valves, plugged tees, and capped ends.
b) By dimension or scale plans, wiring, conduits, and pull boxes as
c) Information necessary to maintain and service concealed items of
d) Dimensional changes to the drawings.
e) Revisions to details shown on the drawings.
f) Depths of foundations below the first floor.
g) Locations and depths of underground utilities.
h) Revisions to the routing of piping and conduits.
i) Revisions to electrical circuitry.
j) Actual equipment locations.
k) Duct size and routing.
l) Locations of concealed internal utilities.
m) Changes made by Change Orders.
n) Details not shown on original Plans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 43
5. Traffic Signals and Street Lighting:
a) Provide the Engineer with a cable route diagram indicating the actual
cable route and meter marks for all intersections, directional change
points in the cable routing, and all termination points. Record these
points during cable installation. Provide cable system Red-lines
showing the accurate cable route to the Engineer. Record information
such as the location of slack cable and its quantity in the cable route
b) Provide 3 copies of D-Sheet sized Red-lines.
a) Upon completion of construction, submit the SWPPP and all of its
appendices, records, reports, and maps to the Engineer with the Red-
7. Slurry Seal and Asphalt Concrete Overlay:
a) Clearly record on the forms the City provides in MS Excel format the
actual dates and quantity of each Bid item applied to each street
segment and comments regarding each segment. Record reasons if no
Work is performed.
8. Fiber Optic and WIFI Device Red-lines: Fiber Optic and WIFI Device Red-lines
shall clearly record by dimension from 2 known fixed points and by depth of
underground facilities all deviations, modifications, and changes in the Work.
Records, deviations, modifications, and changes on the day the Work is
performed shall reflect the actual Work location and shall be marked in red at
the scale of the Plan sheet on which they are recorded. Red-lines shall show
the equipment locations and associated information for the following:
a) Locations and depths of underground utilities.
b) Revisions to the routing of piping and conduits.
c) Actual equipment locations.
d) Pull Boxes.
e) Electrical Meter, including meter address.
f) Items abandoned in place.
3-7.3.3 Payment.
1. The payment for Red-lines Drawings shall be included in the Contract Price.
3-7.4 Measurements and Dimensions.
1. Scaled dimensions are approximate. Before ordering materials or
commencing the Work, measure the Site for proper size and fit. Verify
dimensions and quantities by taking measurements in the field. You shall be
responsible for their accuracy.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 44
3-8.1 General. ADD the following:
1. For products for which a City Approved Materials List (AML) is available,
products listed in the AML shall be used. For more information, visit the City’s
website at:
2. A submittal review shall be conducted for products not identified on an AML
on a case-by-case basis when:
a) The product type or category is not in the AML.
b) The AML does not list at least two available manufacturers of the
c) The material or manufacturer listed in the AML is no longer available.
Documentation to substantiate the product is no longer available or in
production is required as part of the submittal.
i. In the case of conducting a submittal review when required by
the Plans or Special Provisions or when requested by the
Engineer, all submittals shall be accompanied by the City’s
submittal form. The Product Submittal Form is available for
download at:
3-8.2 Working Drawings. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Working Drawings shall be of a size and scale to clearly show all necessary
2. Six (6) copies and 1 reproducible shall be submitted. If no revisions are
required, 3 of the copies shall be returned. If revisions are required, the
Engineer shall return 1 copy along with the reproducible for resubmission.
Upon acceptance, the Engineer shall return 2 of the copies and retain the
remaining copies and the reproducible.
3. Working Drawings are required in the subsections shown in table below.
TABLE 3-8.2
Title Subject
1 3-12.5.2
Sewage Bypass and
Pumping Plan
Sanitary Sewers
2 3-12.8.2 Dewatering Plan Water Pollution Control
3 5-7.2.2 Shoring Plan Safety
4 300-3.2 Cofferdams Structure Excavation & Backfill
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 45
Title Subject
5 303-1.6.1 General Falsework
6 303-1.7.1 General Placing Reinforcement
7 303-3.1 General Prestressed Concrete Construction
8 304-1.1.2 Falsework Plans Structural Steel
9 306-
Asbestos Cement Pipe
Asbestos Cement Pipe
Work Plan
Valves, Hydrants, and
Water Valve Bypass Details For
Mainlines 16-Inch And Larger
11 306-8.8.3
Thrust Blocks and Anchor
Unless specified otherwise, design
of all size water main thrust blocks
and anchor blocks
12 307-1.1 General Jacking Operations
13 307-2.1 General Tunneling Operations
14 308-3 Submittals Microtunneling
15 601-2.1.2
Engineered Traffic
Control Plan (TCP)
Temporary Traffic Control For
Construction And Maintenance Work
16 1001-3
Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Water Pollution Control
17 1001-4
Water Pollution Control
Plan (WPCP)
Water Pollution Control
Note: The distance dimensions shown between the bypass pipes and the mainlines are subject
to change to field conditions.
4. Items listed in Table 3-8.2, except for items 1, 2 and, 5, shall be prepared by a
Civil or Structural Engineer registered by the State of California.
5. Item 16 shall be prepared by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) in
accordance with 1001-3, “Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)”.
6. Item 17 shall be prepared in accordance with 1001-4, Water Pollution Control
Plan (WPCP)”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 46
3-8.4 Supporting Information. ADD the following:
1. Submit samples of the materials with cut sheets of the products. Organize cut
sheets in a binder for review and approval by the Engineer prior to use on the
Project. Identify deviation from any of the specified material clearly, including
cut sheets and samples of both the specified material and basis for the
substitution. Include the City’s Project Name, Project Number, and the
Engineer’s name, Contractor Name, and Submittal Number and clearly
indicate the specific product to be used.
2. When photos of material are required, they shall be clear in resolution, identify
the specific item for review, and shall indicate the name of the item, source,
and date taken. The material shown in the photo shall be currently available
for use on the Project.
3. For landscaping and irrigation materials, submit samples and test results to
the Engineer within 15 Working Days of the NTP.
3-8.6 Manufacturer's Operation, Maintenance, and Warranty Instructions. To sentence (1),
DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
For each pre-manufactured product covered by a manufacturer's warranty, you shall
submit 1 electronic copy and 3 bound original or legal copies prior to acceptance of
the Contract.
3-8.7 Contractor’s Quality Control Plan (QCP).
1. You shall establish, implement, and maintain an effective Quality Control Plan
(QCP) to perform quality control inspection and testing for all items of paving
Work required by the Contract Documents, including those performed by
subcontractors and material suppliers.
2. The QCP shall ensure conformance to applicable specification and plan
requirements with respect to materials, workmanship, construction, finish,
and functional performance.
3. The QCP shall detail the methods and procedures that will be taken to ensure
that all materials and construction required for street pavement restoration
will conform to the Contract Documents, and to ensure that information
included will be recorded in Daily Quality Control (QC) Inspection Reports for
the Engineer’s verification and approval.
4. You shall establish a level of control that will:
a) Provide for the production and delivery of acceptable quality
b) Provide documentation that construction meets Contract
5. During the pre-construction meeting, you shall be prepared to discuss and
present details of your QCP. You shall not begin any production of materials
or construction of surface preparation, pavement restoration, and other
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 47
related work until your QCP has been reviewed and approved by the Engineer.
No partial payment will be made for materials subject to specific quality
control requirements until the QCP has been approved.
6. The quality control requirements contained in this section and elsewhere in
the Contract Documents are in addition to and separate from the acceptance
testing requirements discussed elsewhere.
3-8.7.1 QCP Submittal.
1. Submit the QCP in a written document to the Engineer at the pre-construction
meeting. The QCP shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to the
start of any material delivery or paving work.
2. The QCP shall be organized to address, at a minimum, the following items:
a) Quality Control Administrator
b) Surface preparation and paving schedule
c) Inspection and documentation requirements (Daily Quality Control
Inspection Report)
d) Material quality control testing plan
e) Documentation of quality control activities
f) Procedures for corrective action when quality control and/or
acceptance criteria are not met
g) If paving Work will be in areas prone to shade, provide curing time of
3. You are encouraged to add any additional elements to the QCP as deemed
necessary to adequately control all production and construction processes
required by Contract Documents.
3-8.7.2 QCP Administrator.
1. You shall designate a QCP Administrator to implement the QCP.
a) The QCP Administrator shall be your full-time employee or your
consultant. The QCP Administrator shall have full authority to institute
any and all actions necessary for the successful implementation of the
QCP to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents.
b) The QCP Administrator shall ensure that the following functions are
performed and documented:
i. Inspection of all materials, construction, plant, and equipment
for conformance to the specifications.
ii. Performance of all quality control tests as required by the
Contract Documents.
iii. Performance of density tests for the Engineer when required.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 48
3-8.7.3 Inspection Requirements.
1. Quality control inspection functions shall be organized to provide inspections
for all definable features of Work. You shall document all inspections.
2. Inspections shall be performed daily to ensure continuing compliance with
contract requirements until completion of the particular feature of Work.
These shall include the following minimum requirement:
a) During field operations, quality control test results and periodic
inspections shall be utilized to ensure the quality of all materials and
workmanship meets the requirements of the contract. All equipment
utilized in placing, finishing, and compacting shall be inspected to
ensure its proper operating condition and to ensure that all such
operations are in conformance to the specifications and are within the
plan dimensions, lines, grades, and tolerances specified. The QCP shall
document how these and other quality control functions will be
accomplished and utilized.
3-8.7.4 Documentation.
1. You shall maintain current quality control records of all inspections
performed. These records shall include factual evidence that the required
inspections or tests have been performed, including type and number of
inspections or tests involved; results of inspections or tests; nature of defects,
deviations, causes for rejection, etc.; proposed remedial action; and corrective
actions taken.
2. These records shall cover both conforming and defective or deficient features
and shall include a statement that all supplies and materials incorporated in
the Work are in full compliance with the terms of the Contract. Legible copies
of these records for the entire week of paving work shall be furnished to the
Engineer after 2 Working Days. The records shall cover all Work placed
subsequent to the previously furnished records and shall be verified and
signed by the QCP Administrator.
3. Specific QCP records required for the Contract shall include, but are not
necessarily limited to, the following records:
a) Daily Quality Control (QC) Inspection Reports. The QCP
Administrator shall maintain a daily log of all inspections performed
for both Contractor and subcontractor operations. These daily QC
inspection reports shall provide factual evidence that continuous
quality control inspections have been performed and shall, as a
minimum, include the following items:
i. Date and location/s of paving work performed.
ii. Asphalt mix specifications and supplier.
iii. Dig out locations.
iv. Tack coat application rate for each location.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 49
v. Asphalt temperature at placement for each location.
vi. Asphalt depth for each location.
vii. Compaction test results for each location.
viii. Documentation that the following have been verified to be in
Proper storage of materials and equipment.
Proper operation of all equipment.
Adherence to plans and technical specifications.
Review of quality control tests.
Safety inspection.
Mixing properties of products against the approved
submittal limits.
viii. Location and nature of defects with remedial and corrective
ix. Presence of City Laboratory representative.
x. Deviations from QCP.
xi. Signature of QCP Administrator.
The daily QC inspection reports shall identify inspections conducted,
results of inspections, location and nature of defects found, causes for
rejection, and remedial or corrective actions taken or proposed.
b) The daily QC inspection reports shall be signed by the QCP
Administrator. The Engineer shall be provided at least 1 copy of each
daily QC inspection report for the entire week 2 Working Days
following the end of the week.
c) When applicable, a sample of the daily QC inspection report will be
included in your Contract Documents. An updated version of this
sample report will be provided at the pre-construction meeting and
can be found at the link below:
3-8.7.5 Corrective Action Requirements.
1. The QCP shall indicate the appropriate action to be taken when a process is
deemed, or believed, to be out of control (out of tolerance) and detail what
action will be taken to bring the process into control.
2. The requirements for corrective action shall include both general
requirements for operation of the QCP as a whole and for individual items of
Work contained in the specifications.
3. The QCP shall detail how the results of quality control inspections will be used
for determining the need for corrective action and shall contain clear sets of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 50
rules to gauge when a process is out of control and the type of correction to
be taken to regain process control.
3-8.7.6 Noncompliance.
1. The Engineer will notify you of any noncompliance with any of the foregoing
requirements. You shall, after receipt of such notice, immediately take
corrective action. Any notice, when delivered by the Engineer to you, shall be
considered sufficient notice.
2. In cases where quality control activities do not comply with either the QCP or
the contract provisions, or where you fail to properly operate and maintain an
effective QCP, as determined by the Engineer, the Engineer may:
a) Require replacement of ineffective or unqualified QCP personnel or
b) Stop operations until appropriate corrective actions are taken.
3-8.7.7 Payment.
1. The payment for preparation, submittal, implementation, and maintenance of
the Quality Control Plan in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be
included in the Contract Price.
3-9 SUBSURFACE DATA. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. If reports of explorations and tests of Site conditions are referenced in the
Contract Documents, you are encouraged to inspect the Site, acquire and
review these reports, and take other necessary steps to thoroughly familiarize
yourself with the Site conditions. If a review of the documents and Site
inspection indicate an obstruction or utility conflict with the proposed Work,
immediately notify the Engineer.
2. Subsurface data shall include geotechnical reports, groundwater
soil analyses and characterization, and other information included or
referenced in the
Special Provisions and shall apply only at the location of the
test holes and to the depths indicated.
3. Additional exploration may be performed at your own expense.
4. The indicated groundwater elevation is that which existed on the date
specified in the data. It shall be your responsibility to determine and allow for
the groundwater elevation on the date the Work is performed. A difference in
groundwater elevation between what is shown in soil boring logs and what is
actually encountered during construction shall not be considered as a basis
for Extra Work in accordance with 2-8, “Extra Work”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 51
3-10 SURVEYING. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
3-10.1 General.
1. You shall provide all required site layout and general grade checking work not
specified in 3-10.2, “Survey Services Provided by City”.
2. Notify the City, in writing, at least 2 Working Days prior to requesting survey
services provided by the City.
3-10.2 Survey Services Provided by City.
1. Monument Perpetuation, including mark-outs. You are responsible for
requesting the coordination of these services.
a) If at any time a monument will be destroyed or covered, such
monument shall be perpetuated in accordance with state law. Inform
the City Engineering Support & Technical Services Division’s Land
Survey Section (LSS), via project Resident Engineer, if any monument
will be destroyed or covered during any construction activity.
2. The following surveying services (including construction staking), as defined in
California Business & Professions Code §8726, shall be provided by the City:
a) Locating or establishing alignment or elevations of all features or
structures shown on project Plans.
b) Locating or establishing geodetic control points for all site feature or
structure locations.
c) Produce topographic as-built data.
d) Locating, establishing, or re-establishing monuments, property lines,
right-of-way lines, or easement lines.
e) Verifying structure finish grade elevations.
3. All construction survey stakes, control points, and other survey related marks
provided by the City shall be preserved for the duration of the Project. If any
construction survey stakes, control points, or other survey related marks are
lost or disturbed and need to be replaced, such replacement shall be
performed at your expense.
3-10.3 Payment.
1. The payment for site layout and general grade checking Work, coordination,
and preservation of all survey related marks shall be included in the Contract
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 52
3-11.1 Street Name Signs.
1. Upon the completion of rough grading and prior to underground construction,
provide and maintain temporary street name signs at each intersection until
the permanent street name signs have been placed.
2. Construct and place temporary street name signs to the following
a) 5 inch (127 mm) high black lettering on 8 inch by 32 inch (203.2 mm by
812.8 mm) white blades.
b) The bottom of the blades shall be at least 7 feet (2.1 m) above ground
line and mounted on white 4 inch by 4 inch (101.6 mm by 101.6 mm)
c) Posts shall be placed radial to the mid-point of curb returns, 15 feet
(4.6 m) in from the future face of curb.
3-11.2 Project Identification Signs.
1. The City shall provide 1 to 4 signs. Project signs will include the funding source
if the project is funded in part by State Gas Tax Revenue (SB1). Contact the
Engineer to pick up the Project signs, install them at the Work location(s), and
maintain them in a manner approved by the Engineer.
2. Display project identification signs as follows:
a) Utility Group Projects. Display a project identification sign and a
project location sign at the beginning and ending of the street where
construction is actively occurring.
b) Open Sites. For Work locations that are open and accessible to the
public, mount the signs on a standard Type II barricade and display
them every day during Work hours, then remove and store during non-
Work hours.
c) Secure and Confined Sites. For Work locations that are closed and
secure from public access, mount the signs continuously, as directed
by the Engineer, and display them for the duration of the Contract.
3. Remove and return the signs to City locations designated by the Engineer upon
3-11.3 Contract Information Signs.
1. The names, addresses, and specialties of you, your Subcontractors, architects,
or engineers may be displayed on removable signs. The size, location, and
details shall conform to the details specified in the Contract Documents or
as shown on the Plans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 53
2. Commercial advertising matter shall not be attached to or painted on the
surfaces of buildings, fences, canopies, or barricades.
3. Any advertisement referring to the City as a user of a product, material, or
service by you or your Subcontractor and Supplier is expressly prohibited
without the City’s prior written approval.
3-11.4 Payment.
1. The payment for Street Name and Project Identification signs shall be included
in the Bid item for “Traffic Control” in accordance with 601-7, “Payment”. If no
“Traffic Control” Bid item exists, the payment shall be included in the Contract
3-12.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Maintain Site improvements including any temporary facilities, equipment, or
other materials. Remove graffiti encountered on the Site within 24 hours. See
2. When specified, you shall provide a PM-10 certified self-loading motorized
street sweeper equipped with a functional water spray system for this project.
3-12.1.1 Affidavit of Legal Disposal.
1. As a condition of Final Payment, you shall submit a signed and notarized
affidavit stating that all brush, trash, debris, and surplus materials resulting
from this Project have been disposed of in a legal manner. See the Affidavit of
Disposal in the Contract Documents. Disposal of refuse generated as a result
of the Contract at the City landfills shall be subject to a fee. Contact the Refuse
Disposal Division at (858) 573-1418 for fee information.
3-12.1.2 Sanitation.
1. If required in the Special Provisions, provide and maintain enclosed toilets
for the use of the City’s and your officers, employees, or agents. Keep these
accommodations in a neat and sanitary condition and ensure that they comply
with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to public
health and sanitation of dwellings and camps.
3-12.1.3 Payment.
1. The payment for Work Site maintenance, as described in 3-12.1, “General”
through 3-12.4, “Storage of Equipment and Materials” shall be included in the
Contract Price.
2. Disposal of refuse generated as a result of the Contract at the City landfills as
described in 3-12.1.1, “Affidavit of Legal Disposal” shall include all fees and
shall be included in the Contract Price.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 54
3-12.2.1 Dust Abatement.
1. You shall carry out effective measures whenever and as often as necessary to
prevent your operation from producing dust in amounts damaging to property,
cultivated vegetation, domestic animals, or causing a nuisance to persons living
or occupying buildings in the vicinity. You shall be responsible for any damage
resulting from any dust originating from your operations. The dust abatement
measures shall be continued until you are relieved of further responsibility by the
3-12.4.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Equipment and material storage shall be confined to areas approved by the
Engineer. Disposal of all rubbish and surplus materials shall be at your
expense. Disposal shall be made off the Site and shall be in accordance with:
a) Local codes and ordinances that govern locations and methods of
b) All applicable safety laws.
c) Requirements of Subpart H, §1926.252 of the OSHA Safety and Health
Standards for Construction.
3-12.4.3 Storage and Staging Areas.
1. If the Plans designate a staging location within the Project or in close proximity,
utilize such area for their use. Otherwise, storage and staging areas are your
responsibility. The storage and staging areas shall be as close as possible to
the Site. You are responsible for obtaining any permits, leases, or any other
items necessary to obtain staging areas.
2. Storage of hazardous wastes, construction equipment material, and parking
and fueling of equipment shall not be allowed in the Multiple Habitat Planning
Area (MHPA) or other biologically sensitive areas. Ensure the fueling of vehicles
occurs only within designated staging areas using appropriate catch basins
and devices.
3. Return the storage and staging area and the adjacent area to an equal or
better condition as deemed necessary by the Engineer, at no additional cost
to the City.
3-12.5.1 General. ADD the following:
1. You shall observe and comply with the City’s policy of zero spills. You shall be
liable for all damages sustained by the City that result from sewage spills
caused by your actions.
2. You shall designate a person responsible for the development and
enforcement of the Spill Prevention and Emergency Response Plan, and for
ensuring sewer spills are minimized to the maximum extent possible. You shall
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 55
provide a status of all bypass related Work at biweekly progress meetings as
requested by the City.
3-12.5.2 Sewage Bypass and Pumping Plan. ADD the following:
1. You shall submit to the Engineer for approval, a Sewage Bypass and Pumping
Plan at least 15 Working Days prior to the implementation of flow diversion in
compliance with the City’s policy of “Zero Spills”. The Sewage Bypass and
Pumping Plan shall indicate the sequence of diversion operations, all other
operations that you shall establish to maintain wastewater service during the
construction period, and a quality assurance and quality control plan for the
diversion Work. The Sewage Bypass and Pumping Plan shall include an
emergency response plan indicating the procedures, equipment, and activities
that shall be implemented in the event of an emergency shutdown or failure
of the flow diversion equipment used for construction. You shall be
responsible for the implementation of the emergency plan in accordance with
3-12.5.3, “Spill Prevention and Emergency Response Plan”.
2. Your Sewage Bypass and Pumping Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the
Wastewater Collection Division of the City before flow can be diverted. No
deviation from the approved Sewage Bypass and Pumping Plan shall be
allowed without prior approval from the Engineer.
3. You shall be fully responsible for preventing, containing, recovering, and
legally disposing sewage spills. This shall include any fines, penalties, claims,
and liabilities arising from negligently causing a sewage spill and any violation
of any law, ordinance, code, order, or regulation as a result of the spill.
4. You shall exercise care not to damage existing public and private improvements
and not to interrupt existing services or facility operations which may cause
sewage spills. Any reasonably anticipated utility or improvement which is
damaged by your actions shall be immediately repaired at your expense. In the
event that you damage an existing utility or interrupt an existing service which
causes a sewage spill, immediately call the emergency number at (619) 515-3525.
5. You shall provide all facilities, labor, power, and appurtenances necessary to
divert wastewater flows as necessary to allow proper installation of the
pipeline and/or manhole linings.
6. You shall submit as part of your Sewage Bypass and Pumping Plan the
monitoring procedure and frequency and shall continuously monitor the flow
levels downstream and upstream of the flow diversion to detect any possible
failure that may cause a sewage backup and spills. You shall maintain a log of
the monitoring and provide daily copies to the Engineer in a manner
acceptable to the Engineer.
7. You shall inspect and maintain the diversion system daily, including the back-
up system. You shall submit with your Sewage Bypass and Pumping Plan the
maintenance procedures and frequency. You shall maintain a log of all
inspection, maintenance, and repair records and shall provide copies to the
Engineer upon request in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 56
8. You shall size the flow diversion system to handle the peak flow and shall
include a 100% backup in the flow diversion system. You shall provide
temporary means to maintain and handle the sewage flow in the existing
system as required to complete the necessary construction. You shall utilize
the flow diversion system to mitigate any additional wet weather flows,
perform the necessary maintenance and repairs on the flow diversion system,
and exercise and ensure the operation of the backup system. Each pump,
including the backup pumps, shall be a complete unit with its own suction and
discharge piping.
9. You shall operate the backup flow diversion system for a minimum of 25% of the
total diversion time on a weekly basis. The backup flow diversion system shall be
fully installed, operational, and ready for immediate use. The diversion system
shall be hydraulically tested with clean water prior to wastewater flow diversion.
You shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that both the primary
and backup flow diversion systems are fully functional and adequate and shall
certify the same in writing to the Engineer in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.
10. If fuel or generator driven pumps are used, you shall provide one dedicated
fuel tank for every single pump or generator. You shall provide an emergency
standby power generator if electric power driven pumps are used. You shall
provide a fuel level indicator outside each fuel tank. While in use, continuously
monitor the fuel level in the tanks and ensure that the fuel level does not drop
below a level equivalent of 2 hours of continuous flow diversion system
operation. You shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the fuel
supply is protected against contamination. This includes but is not limited to
fuel line water traps, fuel line filters, and protecting fuel stores from
precipitation. You shall monitor all hoses and repair leaks immediately.
3-12.5.3 Spill Prevention and Emergency Response Plan. ADD the following:
1. Prior to the start of construction, you shall develop and submit to the Engineer
for review and approval, a written Spill Prevention and Emergency Response
Plan. The plan shall include a sewage spill response plan, spill containment
and cleanup plan, staging area, and sewage bypass and pumping plan.
2. The Spill Prevention and Emergency Response Plan shall be developed to
respond to any construction related sewage spills. The plan shall include:
a) Identifying all nearby environmentally-sensitive areas such as
waterways, channels, catch basins, and entrances to existing
underground storm drains.
b) Making arrangements for an emergency response unit stationed at or
near the Site that is comprised of emergency response equipment and
trained personnel to be immediately dispatched in the event of a
sewage spill. If in an environmentally-sensitive area such as a canyon,
this shall include field biologists, archaeologists, or both.
c) An emergency notification procedure that includes an emergency
response team with telephone numbers and arrangements for backup
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 57
personnel and equipment. The emergency response unit shall be able
to dispatch to the Site 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week including
weekends and Holidays. You shall designate primary and secondary
representatives by their respective phone numbers, pager numbers,
and mobile phone numbers. Your representatives shall be accessible
and available at all times to respond immediately to any sewer spill
d) Identifying any property owners who may be affected such as the City
Park and Recreation Department.
3. At the pre-construction meeting you shall be provided with a list of the City
representatives to contact in case of sewage spills. In case of a sewage spills,
you shall immediately call the Sewage Spill Hotline number at (619) 527-5481
and shall act immediately without instructions from the City, to control the spill
and take all appropriate steps to contain it in accordance with the 3-12.5.3
“Spill Prevention and Emergency Response Plan” and 3-12.5.2, “Sewage Bypass
and Pumping Plan”. You shall immediately notify the City representatives of
the spill and shall report the Project name, location, Contractor name, Project
Engineer name, and the Engineer name.
4. Within 3 Working Days from the occurrence of the spill, submit to the Engineer
a written report describing the following information related to the spill: the
location, the nature and estimated volume, the date and time, the duration,
the cause, the type of remedial and/or clean up measures taken (including
erosion control measures), the date and time of implementation, the
corrective and/or preventive actions taken to avoid further spills, the
equipment used in the spill response, and the environmentally-sensitive
habitat, such as a water body, if any, that has been impacted and the results
of any necessary monitoring. You shall provide a list of names from the City of
which whom were notified, the date and time of notification, the date and time
you were notified of the spill, and the date and time you arrived on Site.
5. The Engineer may institute further corrective actions, as deemed necessary,
to fully comply with existing laws, ordinances, codes, orders, or other pertinent
regulations. In addition to any penalties provided by federal, state, and local
laws, you shall be responsible for all costs incurred for the corrective actions
including mitigation measures (habitat restoration and etc.) and obtaining
after-the-fact permits, if necessary, in environmentally sensitive areas. These
permits include but are not limited to those from the City Planning
Department Development Services, California Coastal Commission, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, and the California Department of Fish and Game.
6. It shall be your responsibility to ensure that all field forces, including
Subcontractors, know and obey all safety and emergency procedures,
including the Spill Prevention and Emergency Response Plan applicable to the
Work to be maintained and followed at the Site. Impacts shall be minimized if
the Site is in an environmentally sensitive area, such as canyons, streams, or
lagoons. Crews shall be aware at the start of the job of any sensitive
environmental habitats, breeding season restrictions, and etc.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 58
7. You shall prevent spills when working on sewer lines, such as when making
temporary connections and when connecting new lines into the sewer system,
and shall ensure that no laterals are connected to mains being abandoned.
Ensure that diversions are appropriately installed and that diversions are
completely removed when finished so there are no blockages. You shall not
trap debris and discharge rock or debris downstream. Avoidance of streams
is paramount, unless authorized via permits.
8. You shall defend, indemnify, protect, and hold harmless the City, its agents,
officers, and employees, from and against all claims asserted or liability
established for damages or injuries to any person or property resulting from
any sewage spill caused or claimed to be caused by your action or failure to
take measures to prevent a spill. You shall be responsible for the payment of
any fines assessed against the City for such sewage spills. Your duty to
indemnify and hold harmless shall not include any claims or liability arising
from the established active or sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City,
its agents, officers or employees.
9. You shall obtain and maintain an additional insurance coverage for Pollution
Liability with its limits and requirements as set forth in 5-4, “INSURANCE” of
the Contract Documents. The limits and requirements for Pollution Liability
shall be in an amount sufficient to cover potential losses from sudden and
accidental pollution.
3-12.5.4 Payment.
1. The payment for the Sewage Bypass and Pumping Plan and its
implementation including labor, facilities, equipment, power, appurtenances,
and all incidental Work shall be included in the Bid item for “Sewage Bypass
and Pumping Plan”.
2. Full compensation for the Spill Prevention and Emergency Response Plan and
its implementation including labor, facilities, equipment, power,
appurtenances, and all incidental Work shall be included in the Contract Price.
3-12.6 Water Pollution Control. DELETE all sections and subsections in its entirety and
SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. See Part 10 - STORM WATER for permanent and construction storm water
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 59
3-12.7 Drinking Water Discharge Requirements.
3-12.7.1 Discharges to Storm Drains.
1. All discharge related to the project of water used for testing and acceptance of
new water mains to the storm drain shall comply with the State Water
Resources Control Board, ORDER WQ 2014-0194-DWQ, STATEWIDE GENERAL
the State Boards website at the following location:
2. All monitoring, sampling, and reporting for compliance with the Order shall be
completed by a QSP.
3. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be in place prior to the start of
discharge. At a minimum, you shall:
a) Sweep the gutter and street in the flow path.
b) Provide inlet protection at all inlets receiving discharge.
c) Provide dechlorination.
d) Implement sediment and erosion control measures such as diffusers,
check dams, flow controls, etc.
e) You shall not allow discharges to flow across unimproved areas prior
to it reaching the inlet.
4. Monitoring and Samples.
a) As required by the Order, you shall monitor, sample and report all
discharges to the storm drain. You shall record the results for each
discharge event on the City’s Drinking Water Discharge Monitoring
form included as an Appendix in the Contract Documents. Submit
completed forms to the Engineer within 5 Working Days of the
discharge event.
b) You shall notify the Regional Water Quality Control Board at (619) 521-
3966 and the Storm Water Department at (619) 235-1000 prior to the
start of any large volume discharge (greater than 1 acre-foot volume).
c) You shall notify The County of San Diego, Department of
Environmental Health (DEH) at (858)495-5579 prior to the start of
discharges 100,000 gallons or more within ¼ mile of the ocean or bay
d) Sampling and reporting requirements are outlined in the Order.
i. For superchlorinated discharges, at a minimum you shall
sample chlorine, turbidity, and pH the first 10 minutes of
discharge, between 50 to 60 minutes from the start of the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 60
discharge, and at the last 10 minutes of discharge and provide
an estimate of the total volume of water discharged.
ii. For large volume discharges (or discharges greater than 1 acre-
foot in total volume), at a minimum you shall sample chlorine
and turbidity the first 10 minutes of discharge, between 50 to
60 minutes from the start of the discharge, and at the last 10
minutes of discharge and provide an estimate of the total
volume of water discharged.
iii. For discharges that are not superchlorinated and are under 1
acre-foot in total volume, at a minimum you shall provide an
estimate of the total volume of water discharged.
e) Effluent limits for receiving waters are as follows:
i. Total chlorine field measurement of 0.1 mg/L.
ii. Visual turbidity measurement of 20 turbidity units (NTUs) for
surface waters and 225 NTU for ocean.
iii. Total pH field measurement of 6.5 to 8.5.
f) Receiving Water Monitoring: if effluent limits are exceeded, the
discharge shall be stopped immediately, BMPs shall be adjusted until
discharge is no longer exceeding limits. The QSP shall monitor
receiving waters for adverse effects to water quality. The QSP shall
document where the discharge enters the receiving water with
photographs. The QSP shall document if it is unsafe to access or if
unable to determine the location of where the discharge enters
receiving waters. If any adverse effect to water quality is observed, the
Resident Engineer and Regional Water Quality Control Board shall be
notified immediately.
5. Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS).
a) Non-storm water discharges including drinking water discharges to
Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) are prohibited. These
are ocean areas requiring protection of species or biological
communities to the extent that alteration of natural water quality is
undesirable and are classified as a subset of State Water Quality
Protection Areas. Non-storm water discharges shall be located outside
of the designated areas to ensure maintenance of natural water
quality conditions in these areas.
b) A map showing ASBS locations can be found in the Storm Water
Standards Manual Part 2 Appendix A. The areas in the San Diego
Region include: La Jolla (ASBS #29), Scripps (ASBS #31), and La Jolla
Shores watershed boundaries.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 61
3-12.7.2 Discharges to Sewer Systems.
1. If prior approval is obtained to discharge to the sewer system, you shall
discharge the water used for testing and acceptance of new water mains to
the sewer system in accordance with the Contract Documents as shown on
the batch discharge Plans. You shall submit to the Engineer a “Request for
Batch Discharge Authorization to Discharge Potable Pipe Flushing Water to
Sewer” form.
a) The request form is found on the City website at the following location:
b) When discharging to the sewer system has been approved, you shall
use a totalizer flow meter to record the total volume discharged to
sewer and shall submit to the Engineer a log of actual discharged water
quantities, dates, and locations. Failure to report this information to
the Engineer is a violation of the authorization for discharge to the
sanitary sewer. Within 5 Working Days of the discharge, the Resident
Engineer shall receive and report actual total flows to the sanitary
sewer to the Public Utilities Department (PUD), Industrial Wastewater
Control Program (IWCP).
c) If the discharge to the sewer system is not approved, you shall
discharge the water used for the testing of new mains to surface
waters, storm drain inlets, or to other approved sources and shall
comply with 3-12.7, “Drinking Water Discharge Requirements”.
3-12.7.3 Payment.
1. The payment for complying with the requirements of drinking water systems
discharge to storm drains shall be included in the Bid item for “Drinking Water
Discharge Monitoring by QSP”.
2. The payment for complying with the discharge requirements for discharges to
sewer systems shall be included in the Bid item for the new water main.
3-12.8 Dewatering.
1. The dewatering shall include Site dewatering and the treatment of
contaminated water to lower and control groundwater levels and hydrostatic
pressures to permit excavation and construction to be performed properly
under dry conditions.
2. Dewatering operations shall be adequate to stabilize vertical excavations
during trenching or cofferdam installation and shall provide for sound soil
conditions suitable for subgrade applications for the item being constructed.
3. Where the excavation is below the groundwater table, sheet piles shall be used
and driven to a depth of at least 5 feet (1.5 m) below the bottom of the
excavation. For the groundwater table and other information, refer to the
subsurface information when provided in the Contract Documents for this
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 62
project. Dewatering shall be performed by you when specifically required by
the Plans or Specifications and as necessary for the construction of the Work.
Dewatering shall be performed in conformance with all applicable local, state,
and Federal laws and permits issued by jurisdictional regulatory agencies.
Permits necessary for the treatment and disposal of accumulated water shall
be obtained by you. Accumulated ground water shall be treated prior to
disposal if so specified in the Special Provisions or required by a permit.
4. You shall be responsible for the integrity of the finished product and the
protection of adjacent structures and facilities impacted by dewatering
5. Prepare a Community Health and Safety Plan in accordance with 5-15.2,
Community Health and Safety Plan (CHSP)”.
3-12.8.1 Permits.
1. Unless the type of the permit is specified in the Special Provisions, necessary
permits from regulatory agencies or Public Utilities Department - Wastewater
Section, if applicable, shall be obtained for the disposal of water. If you decide
to discharge into the sewer system, you shall obtain a permit from Public
Utilities Department - Wastewater Section for discharging into the sewer
system as outlined in the Public Utilities Department - Wastewater Section
policy for Ground Water Discharges attached to the Contract. If you choose to
discharge into the storm drain system, you shall obtain and comply with
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) permit Order No. R9-2008-
0002 NPDES No. CAG919002 (San Diego Region for groundwater remediation
and dewatering waste discharges to surface waters within the San Diego
region except for San Diego Bay), or Order No. R9-2007-0034 NPDES No.
CAG919001 (discharges tributary to the San Diego Bay), as well as comply with
3-12.7, “Drinking Water Discharge Requirements” as applicable.
3-12.8.2 Dewatering Plan.
1. You shall submit a dewatering plan in accordance with 3-8, “SUBMITTALS”
detailing its proposed plan and methodology of dewatering and treatment and
disposal of accumulated water (when contaminated water is present) prior to
the commencement of excavation.
2. The Dewatering Plan shall include the following:
a) Pump test report.
b) Identification of location, type, and size of dewatering devices such as
head and capacity of dewatering pumps and related equipment, the size
and type of materials composing the collection system, the size and type
of equipment to be used to retain and, if required, treat accumulated
water, and the proposed disposal locations.
c) Number and location of dewatering wells.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 63
d) Depth and size of dewatering wells.
e) Descriptions of methods and placement of equipment, as well as
supporting calculations signed by a Professional Engineer registered
in the State of California for dewatering of excavations.
f) Field demonstration of proposed system and verification that
adequate personnel, materials, and equipment are readily available.
g) Written evidence of permission from California RWQCB or approved
Public Utilities Department - Wastewater Section discharge permit, if
not obtained by the City, original signed permits from jurisdictional
regulatory agencies, or written evidence that such permits are not
3. The pump test and report shall be conducted under the direct supervision of a
certified hydrogeologist. The pump test shall provide adequate data to support
the groundwater hydrology calculations. This submittal shall include all raw data
and calculations. It shall also be signed and stamped by the certified
4. You shall refer to the reports prepared by the City and included in the Contract
Documents in accordance with 3-9, “TECHNICAL STUDIES AND SUBSURFACE
DATA” for the preparation of the dewatering plan.
3-12.8.3 Equipment.
1. The dewatering system shall include:
a) Well points.
b) Sump pumps.
c) Temporary pipelines for water disposal.
d) Flow meter.
e) Rock or gravel placement.
f) Sedimentation tanks.
g) Equipment necessary for the treatment of contaminated groundwater.
h) Other means and services, including standby pumping equipment
maintained on the Site continuously.
i. The standby pumping equipment shall include at least two
standby pumping units secured on site that are completely
ready to be inserted into a dewatering well to prevent
groundwater from rising during the course of construction.
2. Sufficient dewatering equipment shall be installed to pre-drain the water-
bearing strata below the bottom of foundations, drains, sewers, and other
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 64
3. You shall remove equipment when no longer required for dewatering,
monitoring, or water controlling operations.
4. The approved dewatering system shall include a suitably sized pipeline to
transport extracted groundwater from the Work Site to the indicated point of
discharge as applicable under the dewatering permit in force during the
dewatering operations. The alignment of this pipeline shall be subject to the
approval by the Engineer. Where the pipeline is allowed to cross roadways or
parking areas, you shall be required to install a conduit below the traveled surface.
The installation shall provide protection for the temporary pipeline and a smooth
transition across the in accordance with Standard Drawing SDG-107, “Trench
Resurfacing For Asphalt Concrete Surfaced Streets” or a concrete trench cap in
accordance with Standard Drawing SDG-108, “Trench Resurfacing For PCC
Surfaced Streets”.
3-12.8.4 Dewatering Operation.
1. The hydrostatic head in water-bearing strata below foundations, drains,
sewers and other excavations shall be reduced to ensure that the water level
and piezometric water levels are below the excavation surface at all times.
Dewatering shall be continuously maintained a minimum of 3 feet (0.9 m)
below the excavation during the entire construction period until the backfill
and compaction is completed.
2. The dewatering system shall be placed into operation prior to excavation
below ground water level to lower the ground water level and shall be
operated continuously 24 hours a Day and 7 Days a week until drains, sewers,
and structures have been constructed, fill materials have been placed, and
dewatering is no longer required.
3. The Site shall be graded to facilitate drainage. Surface runoff shall be diverted
from excavations. Water entering the excavation from surface runoff shall be
collected in shallow ditches around the perimeter of the excavation, drained to
sumps, and pumped or drained by gravity away from the excavation.
4. Adequate control shall be maintained to ensure that the stability of excavated
and constructed slopes are not adversely affected by water, that erosion is
controlled, and that flooding of excavation or damage to structures does not
5. Where critical structures or facilities exist immediately adjacent to areas of
proposed dewatering, reference points shall be established and observed at
frequent intervals to detect any settlement which may develop.
6. Dewatering shall at all times be conducted in such a manner as to preserve
the undisturbed bearing capacity of the subgrade soils at the proposed
bottom of excavation.
7. Flotation of structures and facilities shall be prevented by maintaining a
positive and continuous removal of water.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 65
8. The release of groundwater to its original level shall be performed in such a
manner as not to disturb natural foundation soils, prevent disturbance of
compacted backfill, and prevent flotation or movement of structures,
pipelines, and sewers.
9. If foundation soils are disturbed or loosened by the upward seepage of water
or an uncontrolled flow of water, the affected areas shall be excavated and
replaced with drain rock at no additional cost to the City.
10. If well points or wells are used, they shall be adequately spaced to provide the
necessary dewatering and shall be sand-packed and shall prevent the
pumping of fine sands or silts from the subsurface. Other means may be used
to prevent the pumping of fine sands or silts from the subsurface. A continual
check shall be maintained to ensure that the subsurface soil is not being
removed by the dewatering operation.
11. Water and debris shall be disposed of in a suitable manner without damage
to adjacent property. No water shall be drained into Work built or areas under
construction. Water shall be filtered to remove sand and fine-sized soil
particles and further treated if required by regulatory agencies before disposal
into any drainage or sewer system.
12. You may discharge water into the sewer system as outlined in the Public Utilities
Department - Wastewater Section policy for Ground Water Discharges attached
to the Contract. When applicable, the discharge points and flow data for the
existing sewer system will be in the Contract Documents.
13. You shall maintain operation of monitoring and settlement measurement
systems until their removal is approved. To the extent approved, well points
and like items may be abandoned in place. Otherwise, all temporary
dewatering, recharging facilities, or both shall be removed in a manner
satisfactory to the Engineer. Any items abandoned in place shall be indicated
on the Red-lines Plans.
14. You shall include adequate time in the schedule to obtain permits prior to the
start of construction. If required by the permitting entity, the City may assist
you in obtaining permit approval.
3-12.8.5 Contaminated Water.
1. Contaminated water shall mean any type of contamination present in the
collected water that precludes direct discharge to the sewer or storm drain as
outlined in the discharge permit issued by the respective regulatory agency.
2. If indicated in the Contract Documents or following groundwater testing
during construction it is found to be contaminated with petroleum, you shall
provide, install, maintain and operate the equipment necessary to treat the
contaminated water to bring it to compliance with the dewatering and
discharging permits from RWQCB, Public Utilities-Wastewater Section, or both.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 66
3. For contaminated water treated as Hazardous Waste refer to 5-15,
specifications in this subsection.
3-12.8.6 Dewatering System.
1. You shall prepare a dewatering system with the contingency of encountering
hazardous materials such as gasoline and other fuel constituents in the
specified areas. The dewatering system plan shall be designed to process
contaminated groundwater with the contingency of processing flammable
2. If other types of hazardous constituents are encountered, additionally
encountered along with petroleum constituents, or are indicated in the Contract
Documents, the dewatering system shall be designed to process those
contaminants in order to comply with the regulatory discharge permit.
3-12.8.7 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Certificate.
1. If flammable liquids or other hazardous wastes are encountered during
dewatering activities, construction staff shall be required to have a HAZWOPER
certificate in accordance with 5-15.1, “General” and in compliance with CCR
Title 8, Section 5192 and 29 CFR, Part 1910.
3-12.8.8 Payment.
1. The payment for preparing a Community Health and Safety Plan shall be paid
in accordance with 5-15.17, “Payment”.
2. The Allowance Bid item for “Dewatering Permit and Discharge Fees” shall cover
all costs for fees and related expenses for obtaining permits.
3. The payment for dewatering hazardous contaminated water shall be included
in the lump sum Bid item for “Dewatering Hazardous Contaminated Water”
and shall include furnishing, setting up and removal, and operating all
equipment necessary to treat and discharge the hazardous contaminated
a) Submit supporting invoices and a Schedule of Values for the Lump
Sum Bid item for “Dewatering Hazardous Contaminated Water” in
accordance with 7-2.1, “Schedule of Values (SOV)”. The SOV shall
itemize the Work to show the following:
i. All costs associated with handling contaminated groundwater
specified in 3-12.8.6, “Dewatering System”, and 3-12.8.7,
“Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
(HAZWOPER) Certificate”.
ii. All costs associated with equipment used for dewatering
hazardous contaminated groundwater, including costs for
mobilization and demobilization.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 67
iii. All rental and operating costs for equipment used for
dewatering contaminated groundwater.
4. The payment for the handling and disposal of the hazardous contamination
shall be in accordance with 5-15.17, “Payment”.
5. The payment for dewatering non-hazardous contaminated water shall be
included in the lump sum Bid item for “Dewatering Non-Hazardous
Contaminated Water” and shall include furnishing, setting up and removal,
and operating all equipment necessary to complete the Work.
6. The payment for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
(HAZWOPER) certification and training for construction staff shall be paid in
accordance with 5-15.17, ”Payment”.
3-13.1 Completion. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
You shall submit a written assertion that the Work has been completed
and is ready for Owner Acceptance. If, in the Engineer's judgment, the
Work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents,
the Engineer will set forth in writing the date the Work was completed.
This will be the date that you are relieved from responsibility to protect
and maintain the Work and to
which liquidated damages will be computed.
3-13.1.1 Requirements Before Requesting Substantial Completion.
1. The following items are required prior to requesting a Substantial Completion:
a) Remove temporary facilities from the Site.
b) Thoroughly cleaning the Site and removing all mark outs and
construction staking.
c) Provide completed and signed Red-lines in accordance with 3-7.3
“Redlines and Record Documents”.
d) Provide all material and equipment maintenance and operation
instructions and/or manuals.
e) Provide all tools which are permanent parts of the equipment installed
in the Project.
f) Provide and properly identify all keys for construction and all keys for
permanent Work.
g) Provide all final Special Inspection reports required by the applicable
building Code.
h) Provide all items specified to be supplied as extra stock. Wrap, seal, or
place in a container all items as necessary to allow for storage by the
City for future use. Verify the specified quantities.
i) Ensure that all specified EOCP and certified wage rate documentations
covering the Contract Time have been submitted.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 68
j) If the Work includes installing an irrigation system, provide the spare
parts for the proposed irrigation system as specified in the Special
k) If the Work includes sewer and storm drain installations, the
inspection shall include televising in accordance with 306-18, “VIDEO
l) If the Work includes a Plant Establishment Period, Work in accordance
completed prior to requesting Substantial Completion, unless
approved otherwise by the Owner.
m) Notify the Engineer to arrange a final inspection of any permanent
BMPs installed.
3-13.1.2 Walk-through and Punchlist Procedure.
1. You shall notify the Engineer 15 Working Days in advance of date of anticipated
Substantial Completion to allow time for Engineer to schedule a Walk-through.
2. After you complete the requirements in 3-13.1.1, “Requirements Before
Requesting Substantial Completion” and when you consider that the Work is
Substantially Complete, you will notify the Engineer in writing that the Project
is Substantially Complete and request a Walk-through. The Engineer will
review your request and determine if the Project is ready for a Walk-through,
by verifying whether you have completed all items as required by 3-13.1.1,
“Requirements Before Requesting Substantial Completion”. Within 7 Working
Days, the City will either reject your request for a Walk-through in writing or
schedule and conduct a Walk-through inspection. The Engineer shall facilitate
the Walk-through.
3. The following documents shall be provided at the time of your Walk-through
request: As-Built markup, Plans, specifications, technical data such as
submittals and equipment manuals, draft final payment, warranties, material
certifications, bonds, guarantees, maintenance service agreements, and
maintenance and operating manuals.
4. Written warranties, except manufacturer's standard printed warranties, shall
be on a letterhead addressed to you. Warranties shall be submitted in the
format described in this section, modified as approved by the City, to suit the
conditions pertaining to the warranty. Lack of submitting these items will delay
start of Walk-through.
5. The Engineer will provide you with the Punchlist within 15 Working Days after
the date of the Walk-through. The City shall not provide a preliminary
6. If the Engineer finds that the Project is not Substantially Complete as defined
herein, the Engineer will terminate the Walk-through and notify you in writing.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 69
7. If, at any time during the Engineer’s evaluation of the corrective Work required
by the Punchlist, the Engineer discovers that additional corrective Work is
required, the Engineer may include that corrective Work in the Punchlist.
8. You shall remain solely responsible for the Project Site until the Project is
completely operational, all Punchlist items have been corrected, all operation
and maintenance manuals have been approved, all necessary warranty letters
have been received, and the work is formally accepted by the City.
The Engineer shall meet with you within 5 Working Days of notification that all
Punchlist items are corrected. You shall complete the Punchlist within 30
Working Days, and the Working Days will continue to be counted until
Acceptance of the Project.
3-13.2 Acceptance. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. You shall provide the completed, signed, and stamped DS-563 to the Engineer
prior to Acceptance.
2. You shall deliver the final As-builts and final billing upon project acceptance
and prior to filing the project Notice of Completion.
3. You shall assemble and deliver to the Engineer a Final Summary Report and
Affidavit of Disposal upon project acceptance and prior to filing the project
Notice of Completion.
4. Acceptance shall occur after all of the requirements contained in the Contract
Documents have been fulfilled. If, in the Engineer’s judgment, you have fully
performed the Contract, the Engineer will recommend to the City Engineer
that your performance of the Contract be accepted. You shall receive
notification of Acceptance in writing from the Owner and counting of working
days shall cease and Warranty begins.
5. Retention can be released 35 Calendar Days after NOC. Submit your request
for retention to the Resident Engineer and they will mail to you a "Release of
Claims" form which shall be completed and returned before the retention will
be released.
3-13.3 Warranty. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. You shall warranty and repair all defective materials and workmanship for a
period of 1 year. This call back warranty period shall start on the date the Work
was accepted by the City unless the City has Beneficial Use or takes Occupancy
of the project earlier (excluding water, sewer, and storm drain projects).
2. You shall warranty the Work free from all latent defects for 10 years and patent
defects for a period of 4 years.
3. The warranty period for specific items covered under manufacturers’ or
suppliers’ warranties shall commence on the date they are placed into service
at the direction of the Engineer in writing.
4. All express warranties from Subcontractors, manufacturers’, or Suppliers’, of
any tier, for the materials furnished and Work performed shall be assigned, in
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 70
writing, to the City, and shall be delivered to the Engineer prior to the
Acceptance of your performance of the Contract.
5. Replace or repair defective materials and workmanship in a manner
satisfactory to the Engineer after notice to do so from the Engineer and within
the time specified in the notice. If you fail to make such replacements or
repairs within the time specified in the notice, the City may perform the
replacement or repairs at your expense. If you fail to reimburse the City for
the actual costs, your Surety shall be liable for the cost
6. Items that shall be warrantied free from defective workmanship and materials
for a period longer than 1 year are as follows:
Specified Item
Minimum Warranty Period
Detectable Warning Tile Construction
3 Years of Manufacturer’s
3 Years
Fiber Optic Interconnect Cables
2 Years
10 Years of Manufacturer’s
LED Signal Modules
3 Years of Manufacturer’s
Field Devices Associated with 700-6.3,
“Adaptive Control Note”
See 700-6.3.9, “Warranty”
* Provide documentation verifying that the induction luminaire models being
offered for the Project are covered by the 10 year warranty.
7. If installed, you shall provide the City and property owner a copy of the
manufacturer’s warranty for private sewer pumps, including the alarm panel
and all other accessories.
a) You shall involve the manufacturer in the installation and startup as
needed to secure any extended warranty required.
b) Nothing in here is intended to limit any manufacturer’s warranty which
provides the City with greater warranty rights than set forth in this
section or the Contract Documents.
c) The warranty shall include all components. The form of the warranty
shall be approved by the Engineer in accordance with 3-13.3.2,
“Warranty Format Requirements”.
8. If, during the warranty period, any item of the Work is found to be Defective
Work, you shall correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from the City
to do so. The warranty period shall be extended with respect to portions of
the Work corrected as part of the warranty requirements.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 71
3-13.3.1 Defective Work.
1. If the Engineer finds any part of the Work, to be defective or not in compliance
with the Contract Documents, you shall correct the Defective Work in accordance
with the Engineer’s written instructions and within the specified time limits.
2. The Engineer may order you to stop all or part of the Project if, upon notice,
you fail to immediately correct the Defective Work in conformance with the
Contract Documents. You bear all direct and indirect costs and damages that
result from the City’s Stop Work notice.
3. The Engineer may determine in its sole discretion to accept Defective Work
instead of having you correct the Defective Work. However, you will still be
financially responsible for the Defective Work. The Engineer shall issue a
deductive Change Order and will incorporate the necessary revisions in the
Contract Documents for the Defective Work, the diminished value to the
Project, or for the cost to repair the Defective Work.
4. If you fail to correct Defective Work within the specified time limits, the
Engineer may correct your Defective Work. The City has the right to correct
any Defective Work without notice in the event of an emergency. You shall
bear all direct and indirect costs of the Defective Work that the City corrects.
5. When undertaking remedial action under this section, the City may exclude you
from all or part of the Site, take possession of all or part of the Work and suspend
your Work and or Services, and incorporate into the Project all materials and
equipment stored at the Site or for which the City has paid but you have stored
6. For Building Projects which require a certificate of occupancy, not including sewer
and water facilities, if you fail to correct the defective Work listed on the City’s
Punchlist within 30 Working Days after the Contract Time, you shall reimburse the
City for all costs to provide inspection services required to monitor Work beyond
the 30 Working Days. The City shall bill you for the additional inspection at the City’s
established rates.
7. If you complete the Project or portions of the Project prior to NOC, you shall
preserve equipment by developing and implementing a preventive maintenance
program in compliance with manufacturer's recommendations.
3-13.3.2 Warranty Format Requirements.
1. Written warranties, except manufacturer's standard printed warranties, shall
be on yours and your agents’, material suppliers’, installers’, or manufacturers’
own letterhead, addressed to and for the City’s benefit. Submit warranties in
the format described in this section, modified as approved by Engineer to suit
the conditions pertaining to the warranty.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 72
2. Obtain warranties, executed in triplicate by responsible Subcontractors and
Suppliers, within 10 Working Days after completion of the applicable item of
Work. Except for items put into use with the Engineer’s permission with date
mutually agreed upon in writing, ensure that the beginning time of the
warranty is the project completion date.
3. Verify that the documents are in proper form, contain full information, and are
4. Verify that warranties are signed by both you and the appropriate party.
5. Provide warranties to the Engineer with a neatly typed table of contents,
identifying each warranty with the number and title of the applicable
specification section requiring the warranty and the name of the product or
Work item.
6. Separate each warranty with index tab sheets keyed to the table of contents
listing. Provide complete information using separate typed sheets as
necessary. The information shall include a list of Subcontractors and Suppliers
with the name, address, and telephone number of the responsible principals.
3-13.3.3 Long-Term Warranty Contract (LTWC).
1. If specified in the Special Provisions and when a LTWC is included in the
Contract Documents, you shall execute and submit the supplemental
agreement for the extended Project warranty (the LTWC covering the
workmanship and materials).
2. The first 3 years of warranty protection after installation shall be secured by
the faithful performance and payment bonds in accordance with 1-7.2,
“Contract Bonds”.
3. At the conclusion of the initial 3 year bonded warranty period, an “n”-year
subsequent manufacturer’s warranty for labor and materials shall commence
and run concurrently with the LTWC, where “n” is the number of additional
years beyond the initial 3 years as specified in the Special
Provisions. Alternatively and with respect to the 3 year bonded warranty, you
may submit a 2-year bond followed by 1-year bond. If the alternate option is
selected, the 1-year bond shall be submitted to the City at least 90 Days before
the expiration of the original 2-year bond. You shall clearly inform the Contract
Specialist of the option selected. The protection provided shall not be for less
than 3 + “n” years continuously.
4. The manufacturer’s warranty for parts and labor shall secure performance of
the LTWC by you. Additional security in the form of bonds for both the LTWC
and the manufacturer’s extended “n”-year warranty (in years 4 and on
following Acceptance) for labor and materials may, but is not required to be,
provided per the compensation provisions of the LTWC.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 73
5. The manufacturer warranty shall extend to performance of the LTWC by you,
including without limitation the performance of periodic inspections,
preparation of periodic reports, and performance of repairs or replacements
including parts and labor. If the manufacturer warranty does not expressly
extend to the LTWC or is qualified in any way to exclude warranty of the
performance of the LTWC by you, the surety bond shall be provided for the
LTWC in accordance with 1-7.2, “Contract Bonds”.
6. If you are unable to obtain a bond which extends the “n”-year term of the
LTWC, to obtain a manufacturer warranty or both which clearly and
unambiguously extends to secure performance of the LTWC by you for the “n-
year term, the City shall accept either form of security provided that at least
one of these forms is provided before award.
7. Provision of the manufacturer’s warranty, bonds, or both as specified is a pre-
condition to award of the Contract.
8. Refer to the LTWC for additional information. The provisions of 3-3,
“SUBCONTRACTORS” shall not apply to LTWC.
1. You may request the formation of a formal partnering relationship
(Partnering) by submitting a request in writing to the Engineer after approval
of the Contract. If your request for Partnering is approved by the Engineer,
scheduling of a Partnering workshop, selecting the Partnering facilitator and
workshop, selecting the Partnering facilitator and workshop site, and other
administrative details shall be as agreed to by both Parties.
2. The establishment of a Partnering shall not change or modify the terms and
conditions of the Contract and shall not relieve either party of the legal
requirements of the contract.
3. The goals of partnering include the following:
a) The Engineer and your representatives, including your Subcontractors,
actively working together as partners.
b) Avoidance of destructive confrontation and litigation among the
c) Mutual understanding on how the Work is to be conducted.
d) Establishment of mutual key results to facilitate Project success.
e) Establishment of an atmosphere of team work, trust, and open
3-14.1 Payment.
1. The payment for providing a facilitator and a workshop site shall be borne
equally by the City and you. You shall pay in advance all compensation for the
costs of the facilitator and for the costs of obtaining the workshop site.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 74
Unless a Bid item has been provided for “Partnering”, the City’s share of such
costs shall be reimbursed to you as Extra Work. Markups shall not be added.
Other costs associated with the Partnering relationship shall be borne
separately by the party incurring the costs.
3-15.1 The City’s Right to Award Separate Contracts.
1. The City reserves the right to perform work or operations outside the Scope
of Work of the Contract related to the Project with City Forces, Separate
Contractors, or both. If work to be performed by another party was not noted
in the Contract, the City shall give written notice to you 10 Working Days prior
to the start of any work. If you determine that the work being performed by
the City or others may interfere with or cause damage to Work being
performed by you, notify the Engineer in writing within 3 Working Days of the
Engineer’s notice.
3-15.2 Integration of the Work with Separate Contractors.
1. When specified in the Contract Documents, prepare a plan in order to
integrate the work performed by Separate Contractors, City Forces, or both
with the performance of the Work and submit the plan to the Engineer for
approval. The plan shall be fair and reasonable for you and the Separate
Contractors. Work with Separate Contractors to reach an agreement for the
prepared plan. Arrange the performance of the Work so that the Work and the
work of the Separate Contractors are, to the extent applicable, properly
integrated and jointed in a manner that avoids any damage to the Work or to
the work of the Separate Contractors.
3-15.3 Coordination.
1. Coordinate your activities and the Schedule with the activities and schedules
of the Separate Contractors and make any revisions to the Schedule deemed
necessary to avoid any disruption to the Work or to the work of the Separate
3-15.4 Use of Site.
1. Provide the City and the Separate Contractors reasonable opportunities for
the storage of materials and equipment and performance of their work.
Connect and coordinate Work and operations with the work and operations
of the City and the Separate Contractors as required by the Contract
2. Coordinate traffic control with the Separate Contractors for other projects and
minimize the impact to the community. Prior to the start of construction,
submit your plan for coordination.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 75
3-15.5 Deficiency in Work of Separate Contractors.
1. If part of your Work depends on proper execution or results upon construction
or operations by the City or a Separate Contractor, prior to proceeding with
that portion of the Work, promptly report to the Separate Contractor and the
Engineer any apparent discrepancies or defects in construction that would
render it unsuitable for proper execution and results. Use good faith efforts to
resolve any such discrepancies or defects or any related disagreements. Your
failure to report constitutes your acceptance of the Work of Separate
Contractors as fit, proper, and coordinated with the Work.
3-15.6 Payment.
1. Payment for reporting deficiencies, coordinating, and resolving discrepancies
shall be included in the Contract Price.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 76
4-2 PROTECTION. ADD the following:
1. Repair or replace any equipment and materials in the event of vandalism,
damage, or theft at no additional cost to the City.
4-3.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Materials typically accepted by Certificate of Compliance shall not require
inspection at the source unless specified in the Special Provisions. For a list
of these items or materials, you may refer to the Contract Documents.
2. Location changes to the source of materials requiring inspection without the
required 24 hour notification may result in non-compliant material subject to
rejection. You shall be responsible for staff charges resulting from last minute
changes or cancellations once staff has been deployed. The Engineer shall
issue a deductive Field Order for a minimum of 2 hours of staff time to
reimburse the City for misdirected staff charges. For private contracts, the
permittee shall be notified in writing of the additional staff charges incurred.
3. Steel pipe in sizes larger than 18 inches shall require inspection at the source
of production.
4. City lab staff or a qualified inspection agency approved by the Engineer shall
witness all welding, lining, coating, and testing. You shall incur additional
inspection costs outlined in 4-3.3, “Inspection of Items Not Locally Produced”.
5. All parts of production (including but not limited to product fabrication,
welding, testing, lining, and coating of straight pieces and specials) shall be
performed or produced in the United States.
6. Welding and all testing shall be performed by certified welders and testing
staff with credentials traceable in the United States.
4-3.2 Inspection by the Agency. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The City will provide inspection and testing laboratory services within 200-
mile radius of the geographical limits of the City.
4-3.3 Inspection of Items Not Locally Produced. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE
with the following:
1. When you intend to purchase materials, fabricated products, or equipment
from sources located more than 200 miles (321.9 km) outside the geographical
limits of the City, City Lab staff or a qualified inspection agency approved by
the Engineer, shall be engaged at your expense to inspect the materials,
equipment, or process.
2. This approval shall be obtained before producing any material or equipment.
City Lab staff or inspector shall evaluate the materials for conformance with
the requirements of the Plans and Specifications. You shall forward reports
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 77
required by the Engineer. No materials or equipment shall be shipped nor
shall any processing, fabrication or treatment of such materials be done
without proper inspection by City Lab staff or the approved agent. Approval
by said agent shall not relieve you of responsibility for complying with the
requirements of the Contract Documents.
3. The Engineer may elect City Lab staff to perform inspection of an out-of-town
manufacturer. You shall incur additional inspection costs of the Engineer
including lodging, meals, and incidental expenses based on Federal Per Diem
Rates, along with travel and car rental expenses. If the manufacturing plant
operates a double shift, a double shift shall be figured in the inspection costs.
a) At the option of the Engineer, full time inspection shall continue for the
length of the manufacturing period. If the manufacturing period will
exceed 3 consecutive weeks, you shall incur additional inspection
expenses of the Engineer's supervisor for a trip of 2 Working Days to
the site per month.
b) When the Engineer elects City Lab staff to perform out-of-town
inspections, the wages of staff employed by the City shall not be part
of the additional inspection expenses paid by you.
c) Federal Per Diem Rates can be determined at the location below:
4. Specialty Testing of Foreign Materials.
a) Materials that are manufactured, produced, or fabricated outside of
the United States shall be delivered to a distribution point in California,
unless otherwise specified. Quality Control and related testing shall
be performed to all applicable specified US standards. Manufacturer’s
testing and staff certification shall be traceable to a United States
regulatory agency. Retain the materials for a sufficient period of time
to permit inspection, sampling, and testing. You shall not be entitled
to an extension of time for acts or events occurring outside of, at point
of entry, or during transport to the United States
4-3.4 Specialty Inspection Paid for by the Contractor.
1. You shall employ and pay for the services of a qualified inspection agency to
perform specialty inspection services as required by the Contract Documents.
4-3.4.1 Payment.
1. The payment for the specialty inspection service Work shall be included under
the Bid item for “Specialty Inspection Paid For By the Contractor”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 78
2. When an Allowance Bid item for “Specialty Testing Under the Direction of the
Engineer” is provided, you shall employ and pay for the services of a qualified
third party independent laboratory to perform the required testing. You shall
be reimbursed for the cost of testing under this Bid item.
4-3.5 Special Inspection.
1. Special Inspection and testing by the Special Inspectors shall meet the
minimum requirements of the prevailing Codes and by the Development
Services Department (DSD) and is referenced at:
2. Each Special Inspector shall be certified by DSD prior to performing any duties.
Special Inspectors shall carry approved identification, as stipulated by the DSD,
when performing the function of a Special Inspector.
3. Responsibilities:
a) You shall notify the Special Inspector prior to performing any item of
Work that requires Special Inspection and shall review the Contract
Documents and perform any necessary preparatory Work at the Site.
b) You are responsible for providing the Special Inspector access to Plans
and Specifications at the Project’s Site.
c) You are responsible for retaining at the Site all Special Inspection
records submitted by the Special Inspector and providing these
records for review by the DSD inspector upon request.
d) You shall not perform any items of Work that requires Special
Inspection without the presence of the Special Inspector(s) during the
performance of that Work. Work requiring continuous inspection
performed without Special Inspection is subject to removal.
e) You shall employ a sufficient number of Special Inspectors to assure
inspection of all Work requiring Special Inspection without hindering
the progress of the Work.
f) The Special Inspector shall comply with all requirements of DSD and
the building permit.
g) Upon completion of the task requiring Special Inspection, you shall
submit to the Engineer all Special Inspection reports that certify that
the Work requiring Special Inspection has been completed in
accordance with the Contract Documents and the applicable building
codes and approved by the Engineer and DSD.
4. You shall ensure the following requirements are met by the Special Inspectors
employed by you.
a) The Special Inspector is not authorized to do any of the following:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 79
i. Inspect or approve any items of Work for which the building
permit has not been issued.
ii. Inspect or approve any items of Work before DSD has made
the initial inspection. Deviations from this procedure shall be
requested in writing from DSD.
iii. Inspect or approve any items of Work other than that for which
they are specifically certified.
iv. Accept alternate materials, structural changes, or revisions to
the Plans.
b) The Special Inspector shall observe the Work for conformance with the
DSD approved Plans and Specifications. Shop Drawings, Working
Drawings, or both may be used only as an aid to inspection. Special
Inspections shall be performed on a continuous basis. The Special
Inspector shall be on site at all times observing the Work requiring
Special Inspection.
c) The Special Inspector shall bring nonconforming items to your immediate
attention and shall note all such items in the daily report. If any item is not
resolved in a timely manner or is about to be incorporated in the Work,
the Special Inspector shall immediately notify DSD (by telephone or in
person) and the Engineer and shall post a discrepancy notice.
d) Each Special Inspector shall complete and sign both the Special
Inspection record and the daily report form for each daily inspection
to remain at the Site with you for review.
e) The Special Inspector or inspection agency shall furnish weekly reports
of tests and inspections directly to the Engineer, DSD, and others as
designated on the Plans, permits, or in these specifications. These
reports shall include the following:
i. Descriptions of daily inspections and tests made with
applicable locations.
ii. Listings of all nonconforming items.
iii. Reports on how nonconforming items were resolved or
unresolved as applicable.
iv. Itemized changes authorized by the Engineer and DSD if not
included in the nonconformance items list.
f) The Special Inspector shall submit a final signed report to the Engineer
and DSD stating that Work requiring Special Inspection and testing were
inspected, tested, reported, and, to the best of Special Inspector’s
knowledge, is in conformance with the approved drawings and Contract
Documents, approved revisions, and the applicable workmanship
provisions of the building codes, whichever is in effect on the permitted
Plans. Items not in conformance, unresolved items, or any discrepancies
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 80
in inspection coverage (missed inspections, periodic inspections when
continuous was required, and etc.) shall be specifically itemized in this
g) Final inspection of the structure shall not be scheduled until the final
report for all Work items requiring Special Inspection have been
reviewed and approved by the Engineer and DSD.
4-3.5.1 Payment.
1. The payment for the special inspection and testing Work shall be included in
the Contract Price.
4-3.6 Preapproved Materials.
1. Materials such as concrete, asphalt concrete, slurry, backfill and bedding,
gravel, crushed rock, and other materials that are not produced or delivered
until the day they are used do not require a submittal if they are determined
by the Engineer to be standard materials provided in conformance with Part
specified otherwise. You shall be required to submit if you intend to provide
materials that deviate or does not comply with the standard specifications.
2. For materials listed on the City’s Approved Materials List (AML), in lieu of the
submittal, you shall certify in writing, that the proposed equipment and
material to be incorporated in the Work complies with the Contract
requirements and the AML.
3. You shall submit in writing a list of all products to be incorporated in the Work
that are on the AML.
4-6 TRADE NAMES. ADD the following:
1. Whenever materials or equipment are indicated in the Contract Documents
by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier,
the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function, and quality
2. Unless stated otherwise, materials or equipment of other Suppliers may be
accepted if sufficient information is submitted to the Engineer for review to
determine whether the material or equipment proposed is equivalent or equal
to that named.
3. For reviews prior to Bid:
a) The Engineer shall respond to your substitution proposal by at least 3
Working Days prior to the Bid due date. If the Engineer fails to respond
to your substitution proposal within the specified time period, the
substitution proposal shall be deemed denied.
b) You may bring forward a substitution proposal after Award that was denied
based on the Engineer’s failure to respond by submitting a Cost Reduction
Proposal in accordance with 2-6.1, “Cost Reduction Proposal”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 81
4. Include the following information in the request for substitution:
a) Whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work shall
require a change in any of the Contract Documents to adopt the design
to the proposed substitute.
b) Whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection
with the Work is subject to the payment of any license fee or royalty.
c) All variations of the proposed substitute from the items originally
specified shall be identified.
d) Available maintenance, repair, and replacement service requirements.
The manufacturer shall have a local service agency within 50 miles
(80.5 km) of the site which maintains properly trained personnel and
adequate spare parts and is able to respond and complete repairs
within 24 hours.
e) Certifications that the proposed substitute shall perform functions
adequately, achieve the results called for by the general design, be
similar and of equal substance to that indicated, and be suited to the
same use as that specified.
5. There is no guaranteed time frame for the Engineer’s review of the
substitution requests. Any lack of action on the Engineer’s side within your
requested time does not constitute acceptance of the substitution.
6. The burden of proof as to the type, function, and quality of any such substitute
product, material or equipment shall be upon you. The Engineer may require
at your expense additional data about the proposed substitute.
7. Acceptance by the Engineer of a substitute item does not relieve you of the
responsibility for full compliance with the Contract Documents. If the Engineer
takes no exceptions to the proposed substitution, it shall not relieve you from
your responsibility to the efficiency, sufficiency, quality, and performance of
the substitute material or equipment in the same manner and degree as the
material and equipment specified by name.
8. Refer to the AML standard review process for the substitution review process
or to have materials listed on the AML. See 3-8.1, “General”.
9. The Bid submittal shall be based on the material and equipment specified by
name in the Contract. If the proposal is rejected by the Engineer, you shall not
be entitled to either an extension in Contract Time, an increase in the Contract
Price, or both.
10. As applicable, no Shop Drawing or Working Drawing submittals shall be made
for a substitute item nor shall any substitute item be ordered, installed, or
utilized without the Engineer's prior written approval.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 82
5-1 LAWS AND REGULATIONS. ADD the following:
1. If you observe that the Contract Documents are at variance with any laws,
ordinances, rules, or regulations, you shall promptly notify the Engineer in
writing of such variance. The Engineer shall promptly review the matter and, if
necessary, shall issue a Change Order or take any other action necessary to
bring about compliance with the law, ordinance, rule, or regulation in
5-1.1 Environmental and Safety Laws.
1. The following is a partial list of specific laws that you shall be aware of and
shall comply with:
a) Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 CFR, Part 15).
b) Clean Air Act of 1970 [§306 (42 U.S.C. 7606), Executive Order 11738
prohibiting contracting with Clean Air Act violators and §§608 and 609
(42 U.S.C. 7671g, 7671h) as amended November 15, 1990 prohibiting
the intentional release of chlorofluorocarbons into the environment
when performing Work].
c) Clean Water Grant Program Bulletin 76A which augments the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470) as specified under
§01560, "Temporary Environmental Controls" of the General
d) CAL OSHA 5189 “Process Safety Management,” CAL OSHA 3220
“Emergency Action Plan,” Federal OSHA 29, CFR 1910, facilities Process
Safety Management (PSM) manual, and the City’s Risk Management
e) California Title 8, §5208 and §1529, and Title 40 CFR Part 61.
f) Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (42 USC 4001 et seq, as
g) Senate Bill 198 and specifically shall have a written Injury Prevention
Program on file with the City in accordance with all applicable
standards, orders, or requirements of California Labor Code, §6401.7.
This Program shall be submitted to the Engineer at the Pre-
Construction Meeting.
h) State Energy Conservation Plan issued in compliance with the Energy
Policy and Conservation Act (P.L. 94-163) as set forth in Division 15 of
the Public Resources Code of the State.
i) Clean Water Act (CWA) - The Federal Water Pollution Control Act
enacted in 1972 by Public Law 92-500 and amended by the Water
Quality Act of 1987. The Clean Water Act prohibits the discharge of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 83
pollutants to Waters of the United States unless said discharge is in
accordance with an NPDES permit. The 1987 amendments include
guidelines for regulating municipal, industrial, and construction storm
water discharges under the NPDES program.
j) Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA; 7 U.S.C. §136, 16 U.S.C. §1531 et
5-1.2 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24 and Americans
with Disabilities Act.
1. You shall warrant and certify that all Project Plans and Specifications prepared
by you in accordance with the Contract meet all current requirements of the
California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, and the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a condition precedent to Award of the
Contract, submit to City the Contractor/Design-Builder Certification for Title
24/ADA Compliance.
2. You shall comply with all portions of the ADA and Title 24. For specific services
and public accommodations, you may contact:
The Office of ADA Compliance
and Accessibility at or 619-236-5979.
3. You acknowledge and agree that you are aware of and shall comply with
Council Policy 100-04, incorporated herein by this reference, adopted by
Resolution No. R-282153, relating to the federally-mandated ADA.
4. You and your Subcontractors are responsible for administering your own ADA
and Title 24 program in your Work area. You shall ensure that these ADA
requirements are included in the subcontracts.
5. You shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages incurred by the City in
undertaking remedial action to correct your violations of ADA or Title 24. The
City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if
the Parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, the City may
unilaterally issue the Change Order.
6. Code Implementation:
a) The most current and adopted Americans with Disabilities Act
Accessibility Standards.
b) The most current Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines.
c) The most current and adopted California Building Code, California
Code of Regulations (Title 24) Accessibility Guidelines Chapter 11B
Accessibility to Public Accommodations, Commercial Buildings and
Publicly Funded Housing.
7. The City’s Resolution No. R-282153 and Council Policy 100-04 apply equally to
you and all Subcontractors. For the purpose of City’s Resolution No. R-282153
and Council Policy 100-04, the following definitions shall apply:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 84
a) “Qualified individual with a disability” means an individual with a
disability who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education, and
other job-related requirements of the employment position such
individual holds or desires, and who, with or without reasonable
accommodation, can perform the essential functions of the position.
b) “Employee” means your employee.
8. You shall certify to the City that you shall comply with the ADA by adhering to
all of the provisions of the ADA listed. See Contract Forms.
9. You shall not discriminate against qualified persons with disabilities in any
aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, conditions
and privileges of employment, training, compensation, benefits, discipline,
layoffs, and termination of employment.
10. No qualified individual with a disability may be excluded on the basis of
disability, from participation in, or be denied the benefits of services,
programs, or activities by you or your Subcontractors providing services for
the City.
11. You shall post a statement addressing the requirements of the ADA in a
prominent place at the Work Site.
12. You shall require in each subcontract that your Subcontractor shall abide by
these provisions.
13. Questions about the City’s ADA Policy should be referred to the City’s Contract
5-1.3 Drug-Free Workplace.
1. The Contract is subject to the City’s Resolution No. R-277952 adopted on May
20, 1991. You shall become aware of the provisions of Council Policy 100-17
which was established by Resolution No. R-277952. The policy applies equally
to you and your Subcontractors. The elements of the policy are outlined below.
2. Definitions:
a) Drug-free Workplace” means a site for the performance of Work done
in connection with a contract with the City for the construction,
maintenance, or repair of any facility or public work by an entity at
which employees of the entity are prohibited from engaging in the
unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use
of a controlled substance in accordance with the requirements of this
b) “Employee” means your employee.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 85
c) “Controlled substance” means a controlled substance in schedules I
through V of Section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C.
Sec. 812).
d) “Contractor” means You.
3. Prior to Award, you shall certify to the City that you shall provide a Drug-free
Workplace by doing all of the following:
a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful
manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a
controlled substance is prohibited in the person's organization's
workplace and specifying the actions that shall be taken against
employees for violations of the prohibition.
b) Establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform employees
about all of the following:
i. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace.
ii. The person's or organization's policy of maintaining a Drug-
free Workplace.
iii. Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee
assistance programs.
iv. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug
abuse violations.
c) Posting the statement required by subsection “a” in a prominent place
at your main office. For projects large enough to necessitate a
construction trailer at the Site, the required signage would also be
posted at the Site.
d) You shall require in each Subcontract that your Subcontractor shall
abide by these provisions. You and your Subcontractors are
individually responsible for your own Drug-free Workplace programs.
e) The requirements of a drug-free awareness program can be satisfied
by periodic tailgate sessions covering the various aspects of drug-
abuse education. Although an in-house employee assistance program
is not required, you should be able to provide a listing of drug
rehabilitation and counseling programs available in the community at
f) Refer questions about the City’s Drug-free Workplace Policy to the
Contract Administrator.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 86
5-1.4 Contractor Standards and Pledge of Compliance.
1. The Contract is subject to City’s Municipal Code §22.3004 as amended
10/29/13 by ordinance O-20316.
2. You shall complete a Pledge of Compliance attesting under penalty of perjury
that you complied with the requirements of this section.
3. You shall ensure that all Subcontractors complete a Pledge of Compliance
attesting under penalty of perjury that they complied with the requirements
of this section.
4. You shall require in each subcontract that the Subcontractor shall abide by the
provisions of the City’s Municipal Code §22.3004. A sample provision is as
“Compliance with San Diego Municipal Code §22.3004: The Subcontractor
acknowledges that it is familiar with the requirements of San Diego
Municipal Code §22.3004 (“Contractor Standards”), and agrees to comply
with requirements of that section. The Subcontractor further agrees to
complete the Pledge of Compliance, incorporated herein by reference.”
5-1.5 Equal Benefits.
1. The Contract is subject to the City’s Equal Benefits Ordinance (EBO), Chapter 2,
Article 2, Division 43 of the San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC).
2. In accordance with the EBO, you shall certify that you shall provide and
maintain equal benefits as defined in SDMC §22.4302 for the duration of the
Contract [SDMC §22.4304(f)]. Failure to maintain equal benefits is a material
breach of the Contract [SDMC §22.4304(e)].
3. You shall notify employees of their equal benefits policy at the time of hire and
during open enrollment periods and shall post a copy of the following
statement in an area frequented by employees:
“During the performance of a Contract with the City of San Diego, this
employer shall provide equal benefits to its employees with spouses and
its employees with domestic partners.”
4. You shall give the Engineer access to documents and records sufficient for the
Engineer to verify that you are providing equal benefits and otherwise
complying with EBO requirements.
5. Full text of the EBO and the Rules Implementing the Equal Benefits Ordinance
can be requested from the Equal Benefits Program at (619) 533-3948.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 87
5-1.6 Notice of Labor Compliance Program Approval.
1. The City received initial approval as a Labor Compliance Program on August
11, 2003. The Labor Compliance Program Manual is available at
2. The limited exemption from prevailing wages pursuant to Labor Code
§1771.5(a) does not apply to contracts under jurisdiction of the Labor
Compliance Program.
3. Inquiries, questions, or assistance about the Labor Compliance Program
should be directed to: Equal Opportunity Contracting Program, 1200 Third
Ave., Suite 200 MS56P, San Diego, CA 92101, Tel. 619-236-6000.
5-1.7 Equal Pay Ordinance.
1. You shall comply with the Equal Pay Ordinance (EPO) codified in the San Diego
Municipal Code (SDMC) in section 22.4801 through 22.4809, unless
compliance is not required based on an exception listed in SDMC section
2. You shall require all of your Subcontractors to certify compliance with the EPO
in their written subcontracts.
3. You shall post a notice informing your employees of their rights under the EPO
in the workplace or job site.
4. By signing this Contract with the City of San Diego, you acknowledge the EPO
requirements and pledge ongoing compliance with the requirements of SDMC
Division 48, section 22.4801 et seq., throughout the duration of this Contract.
5-3.3 Payroll Records. ADD the following:
1. Your attention is directed to the City of San Diego Labor Compliance Program,
Section IV, pages 4-7, and the State of California Labor Code §§1771.5(b) and
1776 (Stats. 1978, Ch. 1249). These require, in part, that you and your
Subcontractors maintain and furnish to the City, at a designated time, a
certified copy of each weekly payroll containing a statement of compliance
signed under penalty of perjury.
2. You and your Subcontractors shall submit weekly certified payrolls reflecting
the wages of all yours and Subcontractors’ employees engaged in the Work
online via Prism®, the City’s web-based labor compliance program.
5-6 PATENTS FEES AND ROYALTIES. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. You shall pay, at no additional cost to the City, all applicable royalties and
license fees arising from the Work. You shall indemnify and defend all claims
and lawsuits for infringement of patent, trademark, and copyrights against the
City and shall hold the City harmless from any loss.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 88
5-7.1.1 General. ADD the following:
1. When trenching, place your name and emergency telephone number adjacent
to the Work at intervals and locations approved by the Engineer. The method
of marking shall be approved by the Engineer.
2. Respond and initiate corrective action in accordance with OSHA and within 24
hours of the notice of the nonconforming Work that poses an imminent threat
to person or property.
5-7.1.4 Emergency Drills.
1. When specified, you shall participate in the City’s initiated emergency drills.
Make yourself familiar with the emergency evacuation routes and procedures
in the event of an emergency. Drills are conducted annually and are scheduled
a year in advance. Further information prior to bidding is available upon
request from our Safety and Security Officer or the Facility Managers for the
facility included in the Project. The information includes a listing of dates for
upcoming Emergency Evacuation Drills.
2. Reflect the drill activities in the Schedule. Approved delay times caused by
unscheduled drills may be added to the Schedule and shall be treated as Extra
3. The payment for complying with this provision shall be included in the Bid item
for “Emergency Drills”.
5-7.1.3 Health and Safety Plan (HSP).
1. You are ultimately responsible for the health and safety of your employees
and personnel entering your project site. These specifications shall not be
construed to limit your liability nor to assume that the City, its employees, or
designate shall assume any of your liability associated with Site safety
2. You shall have a HSP in effect at least 1 week prior to the commencement of
the Work. The HSP shall comply with all OSHA and other applicable
3. The HSP shall specifically address procedures and protocols that shall be
followed to monitor for the presence of hazardous atmosphere, possibility for
engulfment, gasses due to organic soils or proximity to landfills, exposure to
hazardous products such as may be released when grinding, cutting, or
torching galvanized or painted surfaces, contaminated soil, and groundwater.
Identify response actions that shall be taken when these conditions are
4. The City shall not assume any role in determining the adequacy of the HSP on
your behalf.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 89
5-7.5.1 Confined Space Entry Program (CSEP). To paragraph (2), subsection “a”, DELETE in
its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
a) Training of personnel including both yours and the Engineer.
5-7.7.3 Playground Safety.
1. Provide a secured fence around the playground to prevent use or access. Do
not remove the fence until the independent Playground Safety Audit has been
done by you and the Engineer, the Engineer has accepted the playground
design and installation, and the Punchlist items have been completed.
2. Provide certification by a National Playground Safety Institute (NPSI) certified
playground inspector that confirms that the installed equipment is compliant
with all applicable codes.
5-7.7.4 Payment.
1. The payment for security fencing Work for open excavations shall be included
in the Contract Price.
2. The payment for the fencing around the playground and the playground safety
audit is included in the Contract Price.
5-7.8.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Protect transverse or longitudinal cuts, voids, trenches, holes, and excavations
in the right-of-way that cannot be properly completed within 1 Working Day
by adequately designed barricades and structural steel plates (plates) that
shall support legal vehicle loads in such a way as to preserve unobstructed
traffic flow.
2. Secure approval in advance from authorities concerning the use of any
bridging proposed on the Work.
3. Shore the trench adequately to support the bridging and traffic loads.
4. Design plates for HS 20-44 truck loading in accordance with Caltrans Bridge
Design Specifications Manual. Evaluate soil conditions and ensure that the
plate extends enough beyond the trench walls to support traffic loads.
5. Make the surface of the plates skid-resistant with a nominal Coefficient of
Friction (COF) of 0.35 as determined by California Test Method 342.
6. Plates shall provide complete coverage to prevent any person, bicycle,
motorcycle, or motor vehicle from being endangered due to plate movement
causing separations or gaps.
7. Alternative installation methods may be submitted in accordance with
3-8, “SUBMITTALS” for the Engineer’s approval.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 90
8. You shall install signage and postings with a 2 inch (50.8 mm) minimum letter
height indicating the steel plate cover load limit, the Company’s name, and a
24 hour emergency contact phone number. See 601-1, “GENERAL”.
9. You are responsible for the maintenance of the plates, shoring, and asphalt
concrete ramps or any other approved device used to secure the plates. You
shall immediately mobilize necessary personnel and equipment after being
notified by the Engineer, the City’s “Station 38”, or a member of the public of a
repair needed for such items as plate movements, noise, anchors, and asphalt
ramps. Failure to respond to the emergency request within 2 hours shall be
grounds for the City to perform necessary repairs that shall be invoiced at the
actual cost including overhead or $500 per incident, whichever is greater.
10. When plates are removed, repair any damage to the pavement with fine
graded asphalt concrete mix or slurry seal satisfactory to the Engineer.
1. The Contract is subject to the City’s Information Security Policy as defined in
the City’s Administrative Regulation 90.63. By submitting a Bid, you agree to
fully comply with the ISP. Full text of the ISP and the Administrative Regulation
90.63 can be requested from the Contract Specialist.
2. Your failure to abide by the City’s Administrative Regulation 90.63 shall be a
breach of the Contract. You shall notify employees of their ISP responsibilities
and shall post a copy of the following statement in an area frequented by
employees who access the City’s computer systems:
a) Uses of City computer equipment, network services, electronic
systems, and electronic data, including Email and Internet services, are
for City business or Work-related purposes. The use of City computer
equipment or information technology services for personal use shall
be prohibited.
b) Computer files developed, created, or enhanced within the scope and
course of City contract employment, or a City third-party contractual
relationship, are the property of the City of San Diego regardless of
their physical location or the form in which they are maintained.
c) The City reserves the right to access and disclose all messages and
other electronic data sent over its Email systems or stored in computer
files on City Computer Equipment. The City-related computer files
created, developed, or enhanced on remote access personal
computers shall be provided upon the City’s request in City standard
d) Users shall be responsible in their use of City computer equipment and
network services. Any action that may cause interference with City
computer systems, exposes the City’s computer systems to risk, or
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 91
adversely impacts the work of others in using these computer systems
is prohibited.
e) Every end user shall have a single unique user ID and a personal
password which shall be kept confidential. This user ID and password
shall be required for access to all multi-user computer equipment and
network services. User passwords shall comply with the Information
Security Guidelines and Standards.
f) Users accessing City computer systems are prohibited from gaining
unauthorized access to any other computer systems or in any way
damaging, altering, or disrupting the operations of these systems.
Users are prohibited from capturing or otherwise obtaining
passwords, encryption keys, or any other access control mechanism
which could permit unauthorized access.
g) You shall give the Engineer access to documents and records sufficient
for the Engineer to verify that you are complying with ISP
1. You shall defend, indemnify, protect, and hold harmless the City, the City’s
agents, officers, and employees, from and against all claims asserted, or
liability established for damages or injuries to any person or property resulting
from your action or failure to take the necessary measures to prevent such
damages and injuries.
2. You are responsible for the payment of any fines resulting from citations
issued to the City by either the federal, state, or local environmental and safety
enforcement agencies due to your failure to abide by applicable safety, health,
and environmental standards.
3. You agree to defend, indemnify, protect and hold the City, the City’s agents,
officers, and employees, harmless from and against any dispute between you
and your Subcontractors if the City is made a party to any judicial or
administrative proceeding.
4. The obligation to indemnify shall be effective even if the City, the City’s agents,
officers, or employees established passive negligence contributes to the loss
or claim. You agree that the City may elect to conduct its own defense or
participate in its own defense of any claim related to this project. Your duty to
indemnify and hold harmless does not include any claims or liability arising
from the established active or sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City,
its officers, or employees.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 92
5-10.1 General.
1. To ensure consistency with the City’s community outreach plan for the project,
the City shall work with you to inform the public (which includes, but shall not
be limited to, property owners, renters, homeowners, business owners,
recreational users, and other community members and stakeholders) of
construction impacts. Your efforts to mitigate construction impacts by
communicating with the public require close coordination and cooperation
with the City.
2. You shall perform the community outreach activities required throughout the
Contract Time. You shall assign a staff member who shall perform the required
community outreach services.
3. You shall closely coordinate the Work with the businesses, institutions,
residents, and property owners impacted by the Project.
4. Your example duties include notifying businesses, institutions, and residents
of the commencement of construction activities not less than 5 Working Days
in advance, coordinating access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic to
businesses, institutions, and residences impacted by the Project, reporting
activities at all Project progress meetings scheduled by the Engineer, attending
the Project pre-construction meeting, attending 2 community meetings,
responding to community questions and complaints related to your activities,
and documenting, in writing, as well as logging in all inquiries and complaints
received into the City’s internal public contact tracking system.
5. You shall execute the Information Security Policy (ISP) Acknowledgement Form
- For Non-City Employees within 15 Working Days of the award of the Contract
if any of the following apply:
a) Your contact information is made available on any outreach materials.
b) You will be the primary point of contact to resolve project related
inquiries and complaints.
6. Electronic Communication.
a) All inquiries and complaints shall be logged in to the City’s internal public
contact tracking system within 24 hours of receipt of inquiries and
b) Any updates or a resolution of inquiries and complaints shall be
documented in the City’s internal public contact tracking system within
24 hours.
c) Copies of email communications shall be saved individually on to the
City’s internal public contact tracking system in an Outlook Message
Format (*.msg).
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 93
d) All graphics, photos, and other electronic files associated with inquiries
and/or complaints shall be saved into the individual records, located
within the City’s internal public contact tracking system.
5-10.1.1 Quality Assurance.
1. During the course of community outreach, you shall ensure that the character
of all persons that conduct community outreach (distributing door hangers,
attending community meetings, interacting with the public, and etc.) on your
behalf shall:
a) Have the ability to speak and comprehend English and/or Spanish, as
appropriate for the community or public they are informing.
b) Possess and display easily verifiable and readable personal
identification that identifies the person as your employee.
c) Have the interpersonal skills to effectively, professionally, and tactfully
represent you, the project, and the City to the public.
5-10.1.2 Submittals.
1. You shall submit to the Resident Engineer, for review and approval, all drafts
of letters, notices, postcards, door hangers, signs, mailing lists, proposed
addresses for hand-delivery, and any other notices and letters that are to be
mailed and or distributed to the public.
a) Prior to distributing or mailing, you shall submit final drafts of letters,
notices, postcards, door hangers, signs, and any other notices and letters
to the Resident Engineer for final review and approval. Submit a PDF copy
of the approved door hangers to the Engineer.
b) After distributing or mailing, you shall submit verification of delivery and
any copies of returned notices to the Resident Engineer. Submit a PDF
copy of the approved letters and notices to the Engineer.
2. You shall use the City’s internal public contact tracking system to identify and
summarize communications (via phone, in person, and email) with the public
within 24 hours of receipt, even if your response to the individual is still
incomplete. You shall upload to the City’s internal public contact tracking
system copies of all written, electronic, and verbal communications and
conversations with the public.
5-10.2 Community Outreach Services.
5-10.2.1 Public Notice by Contractor.
1. Post Project Identification Signs in accordance with 3-11.2, “Project
Identification Signs”.
2. No less than 5 Working Days in advance of Project construction activities and
utility service interruptions, you shall notify all critical facilities, businesses,
institutions, property owners, residents, or any other impacted stakeholders
within a minimum 300-foot (90 m) radius of the Project and also any other
affected areas as shown on the “Notification of Planned Water Shutdown”
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 94
when you perform the Work. Verbal and written notifications shall be sent to
critical facilities (including but not limited to police stations, fire stations,
hospitals, and schools). A copy of written notifications sent to any critical
facility shall also be sent to the Resident Engineer. You shall keep records of
the people contacted, along with the dates of notification, and shall provide
the record to the Engineer upon request. You shall identify all other critical
facilities that need to be notified.
3. Furnish and distribute public notices in the form of door hangers using the
City’s format to all occupants and/or property owners along streets:
a) Where Work is to be performed at least Working 5 Working Days
before starting construction, or survey activities, or impacting the
community as approved by the Resident Engineer.
b) Within 5 Working Days of the completion of your construction activities
where Work was performed, you shall distribute public notices in the
form of door hangers, which outlines the anticipated dates of Asphalt
Resurfacing, Slurry Seal, Sidewalk, or Curb Ramp Work.
c) 72 hours in advance of the scheduled resurfacing, Sidewalk, or Curb
Ramp Work.
4. Leave the door hanger notices on or at the front door of each dwelling and
apartment unit and at each tenant of commercial buildings abutting each of
the street block segments. Where the front doors of apartment units are
inaccessible, distribute the door hanger notices to the apartment manager or
security officer.
5. Door Hanger Material: You shall use Blanks/USA brand, Item Number
DHJ5B6WH, 1¼ inch (31.8 mm) Holes (removed), 2-up Jumbo Door Hanger in
Bristol White, or approved equal.
6. Mailed Notice Material: You shall use Cougar by Domtar, Item Number 2834,
or approved equal.
7. For all Work on private property, contact each owner and occupant individually
a minimum of 15 Working Days prior to the Work. If the Work has been
delayed, re-notify owners and occupants of the new Work schedule, as
directed by the Resident Engineer.
8. A sample of public notices will be included in the Contract.
5-10.2.2 Communications with the Public.
1. Coordinate access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic to businesses,
institutions, and residences impacted by the Project.
2. You shall provide updates on construction impacts to the Resident Engineer.
You shall notify the Resident Engineer in advance about time-sensitive
construction impacts and may be required to distribute construction impact
notices to the public on short notice.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 95
3. You shall incorporate community outreach activities related to construction
impacts in the baseline schedule and update the Resident Engineer with each
week's submittal of the Three-Week Look Ahead Schedule.
4. At the request of the Resident Engineer, you shall attend and participate in
project briefings at community meetings.
5. You shall coordinate with the Resident Engineer on all responses and actions
taken to address public inquiries and complaints within the 24 hours that they
are received.
5-10.2.3 Communications with Media.
1. The City may allow members of the media access to its construction site(s) on
a case-by-case basis only.
2. Occasionally, uninvited members of the media may show up at construction
Sites. Members of the media (including, but not limited to newspapers,
magazines, radios, television, bloggers, and videographers) do not have the
legal right to be in the construction Site without the City’s permission.
3. In the event that media representatives arrive near or on the construction
Site(s), you shall keep them off the Site(s) in a courteous and professional
manner until a Public Information Officer is available to meet them at an
approved location.
4. You shall report all visits from members of the media to the Resident Engineer as
quickly as possible so that the City’s Public Information Officer can meet with the
members of the media at the construction Site(s).
5. If the City allows members of the media to access a construction Site, you shall
allow the City to escort the media representatives while they are on the
construction Site and shall ensure their safety.
6. You shall require media representatives to sign in and out of the Site Visitor
Log and to use personal protective equipment.
7. You have a right to speak to members of the media about your company and its
role on the project. All other questions shall be referred to the City.
5-10.3 Exclusive Community Liaison Services.
1. When required in the Special Provisions, you shall retain an Exclusive
Community Liaison for the Project whose sole responsibilities shall be to
implement 5-10.2, “Community Outreach Services” and the following:
a) Develop a contact list of community, tenants, property owners, and
agencies with a stake in the project.
b) Prepare and present of materials in coordination with the Resident
c) Respond to community questions and complaints related to your
d) Write, edit, update, or produce brochures, pamphlets, and news releases.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 96
e) Provide standard telephone inquiries and e-mail responses.
i. Respond to telephone calls and e-mails from the public.
ii. Record calls and e-mails on to the City’s internal public contact
tracking system.
f) Provide a monthly summary report of all inquiries and complaints,
including the name of the person, source of inquiry (via information
line or email), phone number, address, date, and time of inquiry, who
responded, and a summary of resolutions or pending resolutions to
the Resident Engineer.
g) Report Exclusive Community Liaison activities at all progress meetings
scheduled by the Resident Engineer.
h) Attendance at Pre-Construction, community and stakeholders meetings.
5-10.3.1 Exclusive Community Liaison Work Plan.
1. The Work plan for the Exclusive Community Liaison shall address the items of
Work specified in these specifications. When required, present your Exclusive
Community Liaison and submit your exclusive community outreach plan in
writing within 15 Working Days of the award of the Contract.
5-10.4 Payment.
1. The payment for the community outreach services shall be included in the
Contract Price.
2. When required, the payment for the exclusive community liaison services shall
be included in the Bid item for “Exclusive Community Liaison Services”.
1. If required in the Special Provisions, you shall provide the required
information to create and distribute newsletters for a project including: a
written update on the progress of Work, a 1 month look-ahead schedule,
contact names and phone numbers, and any other information which may be
of interest to the public for this purpose.
5-11.1 Payment.
1. The payment for providing information for the newsletter and all associated
Work shall be included in the Contract Price.
1. Establish and make known to your employees appropriate safeguards to
prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives
the appearance of being motivated by desire for private gain for themselves
or others and particularly those with whom they have family, business, or
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 97
other relationships. Project personnel shall not accept gratuities or any other
favors from Subcontractors or potential Subcontractors.
2. You are subject to all federal, state, and local conflict of interest laws, regulations,
and policies applicable to public contracts and procurement practices (California
Government Code §§1090, et. seq., and 81000, et. seq., and the City Ethics
Ordinance, codified in the City Municipal Code at §§27.3501 to 27.3595). If, in
performing the Work, you make or participate in a “governmental decision” in
accordance with title 2, §18701(a)(2) of the California Code of Regulations, or
perform the same or substantially all the same duties for City that would
otherwise be performed by a City employee holding a position specified in the
applicable department’s conflict of interest code, you shall be subject to a conflict
of interest code requiring the completion of one or more statements of economic
interests disclosing your relevant financial interests.
3. Statements of economic interests shall be made on Fair Political Practices
Commission Form 700 and filed with the City Clerk. You shall file a Form 700
(Assuming Office Statement) within 30 Calendar Days of the City’s written
determination that you shall be subject to a conflict of interest code. File a
Form 700 (Annual Statement) on or before April 1
disclosing any financial
interests held during the previous calendar year for which you were subject to
a conflict of interest code.
4. If the City requires you to file a statement of economic interests as a result of
the Work performed, you shall be considered a “City Official” subject to the
provisions of the City Ethics Ordinance, including the prohibition against
lobbying the City for 1 year following the expiration or termination of the
5. Your personnel employed on the Project shall not accept gratuities or any
other favors from any Subcontractors or potential Subcontractors. You shall
not recommend or specify any product, supplier, or other Contractor with
whom you have a direct or indirect financial or organizational interest or
relationship that would violate conflict of interest laws, regulations, or policies.
6. If you violate any conflict of interest laws or any of these conflict of interest
provisions, the violation shall be grounds for immediate termination of this
Contact. Further, the violation subjects you to liability to the City for all
damages sustained as a result of the violation.
1. Unless specified otherwise, Virtual Project Manager shall be used on the
2. You shall post all communications addressed to the Engineer concerning
construction including RFIs, submittals, daily logs including the Weekly
Statement of Working Days (WSWD), Storm Water, and transmittals to the
Virtual Project Manager (VPM) website established for the Projects. This shall
not supersede any Federal requirements.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 98
3. Maintain a list of scheduled activities including planned and actual execution
dates for all major construction activities and milestones defined in the
approved Schedule.
4. Review and act on all communications addressed to you in the VPM project
5. A user’s guide to the VPM system is available on the City’s website and shall be
provided to you at the Pre-construction Meeting. Refer to the VPM training
videos and forms at the location below:
6. Submit the Sensitive Information Authorization Acknowledgement Form and
VPM User Agreement located in the VPM user’s guide at the Pre-construction
5-13.1 Payment.
1. The payment for electronic communications shall be included in the Contract
5-14.1 General.
1. This subsection specifies construction and demolition waste reduction in
compliance with Municipal Code §§66.060166.0610 (the City’s Construction
and Demolition Debris Diversion Deposit Program) and the City of San Diego’s
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Significance Determination
Thresholds. Pursuant to the City’s Thresholds, projects that result in the
generation of less than 60 tons during the construction phase and 60 tons in
the ongoing project use phase shall be considered to have no significant
impacts. Adherence to the following specifications is intended to ensure
compliance with both the City’s Municipal Code and CEQA.
2. Additional information about the C&D Debris Diversion Deposit Program can
be found online at:
3. During the construction phase of projects, the minimum waste management
reduction goal is 90% of the inert material (a material not subject to
decomposition such as concrete, asphalt, brick, rock, block, dirt, metal, glass,
and etc.) and 65% of the remaining project waste. You shall provide
appropriate documentation, including a Waste Management Form attached as
an appendix, and evidence of recycling and reuse of materials to meet the
waste reduction goals specified.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 99
4. You shall comply with the City’s Environmentally Preferred Purchasing
Program (EP3), which can be found online at:
5-14.2 Submittals.
1. You shall submit the following:
a) The Waste Management Form showing a weight based “good faith”
estimate of each type of construction waste that would be generated
and specifying how construction waste shall be recycled. If space is
limited or non-existing on Site for source separation, the Engineer shall
evaluate the diversion goals after a review of the Waste Management
Form. You shall be responsible for implementation of the measures
specified on the Waste Management Form Part 1 and meeting the
waste reduction goals.
b) Documentation from the recycling services that are not listed in the
City Construction, Demolition, and Yard Waste Recycling Guide
(available from City website) as follows:
i. Identifying where the construction and demolition material is
ii. The method or process used to recycle the waste material.
iii. Identification of applicable state and local permits held by the
recycling service provider and recycling facility.
iv. The Waste Management Form at the 50% progress payment
and at the completion of the Work.
c) The Waste Management Form Part 2 with each progress payment.
5-14.3 Waste Reduction Program.
5-14.3.1 Waste Diversion Strategy.
1. Use one or a combination of the following waste management methods.
Source separation of construction and demolition materials is required unless
you can demonstrate that separation is not practical due to site size
constraints, safety considerations, or both.
2. Source Separation.
a) For construction and demolition projects, segregated temporary bins
shall be provided for each type of material used on site, including
packaging such as paper, cardboard, and metal. The bins shall be
serviced on a weekly or as-needed basis and the contents shall be
taken to an appropriate local processor.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 100
3. Identify and contact processors in the area that accept each type of building
material before construction begins. If not re-used on Site, salvaged materials
shall be taken to the appropriate and proximal facility for recycling. Generating
income through the sale of salvaged materials is permitted. Hand demolition
shall be considered and chosen over mechanical demolition when it is
considered to be cost effective.
4. Commingled or offsite separation.
a) If source separation is not possible due to Site or safety constraints,
materials may be comingled for offsite separation.
5. Time based separation.
a) For phased construction projects, source separation of excess
construction materials shall be required.
6. Backhaul of inert materials and packaging to original source locations shall be
done when trips can be minimized and materials diverted from disposal in this
7. On Site sales auctions and removal.
a) Architectural items shall be removed and salvaged when practical.
Windows, doors, mirrors, structural metal, or other specialty items
shall be donated or auctioned on-site or at a local urban center.
8. If not reused on Site, excess cut and fill dirt shall be donated to another project
or advertised as available via print ad, online, or any other suitable means.
5-14.3.2 Waste Management Hierarchy.
1. The waste material management hierarchy shall be in the following order:
a) Reuse on Site
b) Recycle on Site
c) Reuse offsite
d) Recycle offsite
5-14.3.3 Alternative Approach.
1. You may use any other innovative approaches as approved by the Engineer to
meet and exceed the minimum diversion goals in accordance with the
Municipal Codes §§66.060166.0610 and the City’s thresholds of significance
for solid waste.
5-14.4 Disposal Site, Recyclers, and Waste Materials Processors.
1. Use only facilities properly permitted by the State, County of San Diego, or local
authorities where applicable. Notify the Miramar Landfill at least 24 hours in
advance of bringing in 10 tons or more of waste in any one day or 60 tons or
more in any one month.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 101
5-14.5 Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan.
1. As part of the Pre-Construction meeting, review and present the Waste
Management Form. Discuss and coordinate procedures, schedules, and
specific requirements for waste materials, recycling, and disposal.
2. Identify potential compliance problems and matters requiring further
resolution. Construction and demolition waste management shall be agenda
items at all future construction meetings. Make the agreed upon revisions to
the proposed Waste Management Form subsequent to the meeting and
submit the revised plan to Engineer for acceptance.
5-14.6 Special Project Conditions.
1. When removal of sediments and debris from channels and storm drains are
required, you shall make a preliminary estimate of the materials that can be
diverted to beneficial use. Receipts from disposal, re-use, and recycling
options shall indicate that 65% of materials are diverted.
2. These uses shall include:
a) Recycling
b) Composting
c) Use as a fill material
d) Alternative daily cover
e) Land application
f) Cement, brick, block, or asphalt constituent
g) Roadbed
h) Beach replenishment
i) Other non-disposal use
3. Projects involving old landfill and contamination site cleanups shall be exempt
from diversion requirements unless specified otherwise in the Special
5-14.7 Implementation.
1. Designate an on Site party responsible for instructing workers and
implementing the Waste Management Form.
2. Distribute copies of Waste Management Form to the Site supervisor and each
3. Include waste management and recycling in worker orientations.
4. Provide on Site instruction on appropriate separation, handling, recycling, and
recovery methods to be used by all parties at the appropriate stages of the
Work at the Site.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 102
5. Include the discussion of waste management and recycling in regular job
meetings and job safety meetings conducted during the course of Work at the
6. Remove and relocate reusable materials to be reinstalled or retained in a
manner to prevent damage or contamination.
7. Conduct construction and demolition in such a manner to minimize damage
to trees, plants, and natural landscape environment.
8. Arrange for adequate collection, transportation, and delivery of the recovered
materials to the approved recycling center or processing facility.
9. Maintain records accessible to the Engineer for verification of the diversion of
the recovered waste materials.
5-14.8 Storage and Handling.
1. If Site conditions warrant, provide separate containers for different types of
2. Label each container with signs, instructions, and a list of all acceptable
materials. The information shall be in English and in Spanish with recycling
signs, stickers, and graphic symbols commonly used by the construction
industry including the National Fire Protection Association labels, recycling
signs, and stickers.
3. Remove all materials for recycling and recovery from the Work locations to
approved containers. Failure to remove waste or recovered materials may be
considered cause for withholding payment.
4. Place containers for recyclable and recoverable materials at the designated
locations on the Site. If materials are sorted on Site, you shall provide a sorting
area and necessary storage containers.
5. Change loaded containers for empty containers as demand requires.
6. Provide adequate security from pilferage if recovered materials are stored on
Site for the Project duration.
7. Deposit indicated recyclable and recoverable materials in storage areas or
containers in a clean (no mud, adhesive, solvents, petroleum contamination) and
debris-free condition. You shall not deposit contaminated materials into the
containers unless the materials have been cleaned.
8. Ensure all recovered materials are safe for handling and storage.
9. Prevent any chemical contamination of recyclable material. If recyclable
material becomes contaminated, you shall report the incident to the Engineer.
You shall not deposit the material into the recycling containers. Contaminated
materials shall be handled in accordance with 5-15, “Encountering or Releasing
Hazardous Substances”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 103
5-14.9 Payment.
1. The payment for construction and demolition waste management shall be
included in the following Bid items:
Preparation of Waste Management Form LS
Site Storage And Handling Of Construction And Demolition Waste TN
Disposal of Construction And Demolition Waste TN
2. If no Bid items have been provided for construction and demolition waste
management, the payment shall be included in the Contract Price.
3. Final payment shall be withheld until you adequately demonstrate the final
disposition, either diverted or disposed, of materials generated by the Project.
A final status report is required before the final payment.
5-15.1 General.
1. If you encounter, cause the release of, or have knowledge of a release or an
imminent release of Hazardous Substances or petroleum products,
construction activities in the area shall immediately cease except in an
2. A waste determination shall be performed on all potential Hazardous Waste
or Regulated Waste generated at a Site within 10 Working Days of the
generation to determine if it meets Hazardous Waste or Regulated Waste
criteria in accordance with 22 CCR Division 4.5, 23 CCR Division 3, or any other
pertinent law or regulation which could restrict the disposal of the waste to a
municipal landfill, sewer discharge, or storm drain discharge. The results of all
waste determinations shall be submitted to the City for approval prior to any
disposal or discharge of the waste in question.
3. Incomplete or inconclusive waste determinations conducted by you, as
determined by the City, shall be returned for additional information or testing.
The City’s approval of the final determination of the waste and the disposal or
discharge location shall be required.
4. Substances requiring analytical testing shall be sampled and tested in
accordance with the sampling and analytical testing requirements in these
5. If a Community Health and Safety Plan is required for a specific site or Project,
you shall fully comply with all of the requirements. Submit the Community
Health and Safety Plan and the hazardous removal plan in accordance with 3-
8, “SUBMITTALS”. Work shall not start until the plans are approved.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 104
6. You shall follow and comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws
and regulations and notification requirements.
7. You shall not resume Work in any such affected area until after you have
determined that such condition and any affected area has been rendered safe
for the resumption of Work or until after specifying any special conditions
under which Work may be resumed safely.
8. The business entities related to hazardous substance or petroleum product
management you propose to use shall be in good regulatory standing and
shall have not received regulatory fines totaling more than $25,000 in the past
3 years. These entities shall include:
a) The licensed Hazardous Waste Transporter
b) The Petroleum Contaminated Soil Disposal and Recycling facility
c) The TSDF
d) The handling Facility
9. If you encounter unforeseen Hazardous Substances or petroleum products,
you shall immediately notify the Engineer and the County of San Diego,
Department of Environmental Health (DEH) at (858) 505-6880. If there is an
immediate fire, explosion, or health or safety threat, notify the Fire
Department via 911.
10. If your construction activities have encountered flammable liquids or other
hazardous substances, you shall ensure that construction staff have the
required Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
certification. Construction staff shall include: City Engineers, City Laboratory
Technicians, and City staff that perform onsite inspections.
a) If your Work encounters flammable liquids or other hazardous
substances, you shall be responsible for scheduling training for all
construction staff to attend and for submitting verification to the
Engineer that construction staff have the required HAZWOPER
certification prior to continuing that Work in that area. You shall
maintain the HAZWOPER certifications annually until the construction
activities triggering the requirement is complete, as approved by the
Resident Engineer.
b) You shall be responsible for implementing, training, and submitting
verification to the Engineer that construction staff have the required
HAZWOPER certification before the Notice to Proceed (NTP) has been
11. For asbestos containing materials (ACM), refer to 306-3.3.5, “Asbestos
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 105
5-15.2 Community Health and Safety Plan (CHSP).
5-15.2.1 General.
1. You shall prepare and submit a CHSP to address the potential of encountering
hazardous substances at the Work Site. These shall include the following:
a) Hazardous Substances and Regulated Waste contaminates, such as
lead or solvents, in soil and in the groundwater as identified in Special
Provisions, historic environmental documents, or on the Geotracker
b) Gasoline and other fuel constituent contaminates with the
contingency of encountering flammable or combustible liquids in the
groundwater during dewatering activities in the areas specified in the
Special Provisions, historic environmental documents, or on the
Geotracker website.
2. The Geotracker website can be found at:
5-15.2.2 Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).
1. A Certified Industrial Hygienist shall oversee the CHSP and shall certify and
monitor Site activities to confirm that no health and safety hazardous
conditions exist during the Work. The CIH shall outline, in the CHSP, the actions
to be taken by you and the CIH on how health and safety concerns or
measured contaminants shall be addressed when they are encountered.
5-15.2.3 Monitoring Devices.
1. You shall have the CIH or your other staff trained by the CIH or have received
formal training to utilize the following monitoring devices at the Work Site and
adhere to the action levels for each contaminate identified in the CHSP:
a) Photo Ionization Detector (PID)
b) Combustible gas indicator (CGI)
c) Benzene Monitor (required when gasoline or other petroleum fuels
may be encountered in a specific area)
d) X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer (required when lead bearing
contaminated soil may be encountered in a specific area)
5-15.2.4 CHSP Elements.
5- Site Identification and Location.
1. Provide a detailed plot plan that identifies all on Site and surrounding structures,
topography, prevailing wind directions, all surrounding land uses, nearby
populations and environments, and any known receptors of special concern.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 106
5- Evaluation of Potential Public Exposure to Hazards.
1. Provide a description of the potential public health hazards and exposure pathways
resulting from Work Site activities, including vapors, dust, fires, explosions, and
physical hazards. Consider both immediate and long-term hazards.
5- Monitoring Equipment.
1. Provide a description of the Site monitoring equipment specified in 5-15.2.3,
“Monitoring Devices” and any additional equipment identified in the CHSP to
monitor contaminates, the action levels for each contaminate identified in the
CHSP, and the protocol to be used to protect the public.
5- Control Methods.
1. Provide a discussion of the administrative and engineering controls that shall
be implemented to prevent or minimize public exposure to chemical and
physical hazards. Include control methods necessary to prohibit public access,
prevent fugitive dust, mist, odors, and vapors. As a part of the administrative
controls, the CIH shall conduct training with all your staff on the requirements
of the CHSP.
5- Site Security.
1. Describe the methods that shall be used to exclude the public from, or limit
public access to, the Work area and the Site in general.
5- Vapors, Mists, and Odors.
1. Describe the methods that shall be used to minimize public exposure to
potential vapor, mist emissions, and odors resulting from the proposed
activities. Engineering and construction practices can typically reduce such
emissions. Acceptable control methods include, but shall not be limited to,
pumping out non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL), covering off-gassing
excavations or stockpiles, backfilling off-gassing excavations, using off-gassing
stockpiles as backfill, misting excavations or stockpiles with water, covering
excavations or stockpiles with foam or other vapor suppressing agents,
locating stockpiles away from and downwind of public receptors, and stopping
5- Dust.
1. Describe the methods that shall be used to minimize potential public exposure
to dust generated as a result of the proposed activities. Acceptable control
methods include, but shall not be limited to, covering sources, misting sources
with water, reducing the pace of site activities, and stopping Work.
5- Open Excavations.
1. Discuss the management of any excavations that may result from the
proposed activities. Open excavations present a clear risk to the community
and adequate Site security is critical to protect the public.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 107
5- Stockpiled or Containerized Soil.
1. Discuss the soil management procedures and the proposed disposition of the
stockpiled and containerized soil including the time frame in which activities
shall occur.
2. Stockpiled soil shall be contained within berms and covered to prevent runoff,
vapor, and dust exposures as specified in 5-15.16.2, “Stockpiling Contaminated
Soil”. Stockpiled and containerized soil shall be stored in a secured area of the
Work Site to prevent public access.
5- Other Hazardous Wastes.
1. Discuss the secured storage area for any other hazardous waste generated at
the Site.
5- Contact Information.
1. Provide the name and telephone number of a Site safety manager who shall
be available 24 hours a day and who shall have the knowledge and authority
necessary to shut down all on Site activities in the event of an emergency.
2. Provide the name and qualifications of the CIH who shall demonstrate
adequate experience in monitoring and taking action to protect the
community for each type of contaminate identified in the CHSP.
3. Provide the names of the workers assigned to assist in the implementation of
the Plan and the scope of their roles. If a worker is identified to assist in using
a monitoring device or other task to implement the CHSP, provide information
such as resumes, experiences, and training certificates which demonstrate
that the employee has the knowledge, skills, and ability to adequately
complete the task.
5- Emergency Planning.
1. Provide a description of the methods and equipment that shall be used to
address possible community emergency situations. The surface collection of a
flammable or combustible substance and the build-up of explosive
concentrations of vapors are examples of community emergency situations
that shall be addressed if methane, gasoline, or other combustible or
flammable chemical constituent are encountered.
2. In the event of a sudden release of a Hazardous Substance or Regulated Waste
to the environment, identify the roles of the Site safety manager, CIH, and
worker(s) for the Site management and cleanup activities. Include in the
procedures how the chemical release or imminent chemical release shall be
evaluated for regulatory reporting and who shall be responsible to report the
incident to all appropriate regulatory agencies according to all applicable laws
as well as to the Engineer.
5- Public Notification.
1. Provide a description of the Public Notification Program (Program). The
Program shall include the preparation and distribution of notices to
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 108
residences and businesses adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, potential impacts
from the Site or area where Work is being performed. Notices shall also be
posted around the perimeter of the Site.
2. At a minimum, the notification shall contain the following information:
a) List the name and 24-hour telephone number of the Site safety
manager and the person(s) to contact regarding problems such as
odors, dust, and noise.
b) Provide a brief description of the proposed activities.
c) Provide the dates and times that the Work shall be conducted and
when the Work shall be completed.
d) Include any requisite Proposition 65 warnings. Proposition 65 (Health
and Safety Code, §25249.6,) requires that a warning be given to any
individual who is exposed to a chemical known to cause cancer. Check
the current Proposition 65 list for chemicals requiring such warnings.
5-15.3 City’s Responsibility.
1. The City shall be responsible for any Hazardous Substances and Hazardous
Waste as defined by §§25316 and 25117 of the California Health and Safety
Code, uncovered or revealed at the Site which existed prior to the date of the
NTP and was not identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope
of the Work. The City shall not be responsible for any such materials brought
to the Site after the NTP.
5-15.4 Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms.
1. Burn Ash - The residual ash that results from the low temperature combustion
of solid waste. Burn ash is generally found at a location where solid waste has
been burned and the resulting debris have been buried or stockpiled.
2. Chemical Release - Any Spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting,
emptying, discharging, dumping, injecting, escaping, leaching, or disposing
into the environment as defined by HSC 25501 (s), 19 CCR, 40 CFR 302, and any
other applicable regulatory definition.
3. Closed Container - A container is closed when the lid, ring, gaskets, and bung
are latched, screwed, and tightened in such as way that the contents, including
vapors, are confined within the space of the container.
4. Empty Hazardous Materials Containers - A container which previously held
a Hazardous Material shall be considered empty when:
a) The container has no remaining liquid draining when held in any
orientation (inverted, tilted, and etc.).
b) All of the solids have been removed by a physical method so that no
more than a thin uniform film remains in the container.
Empty Hazardous Material containers are Hazardous Waste unless managed
in accordance with 22 CCR 66261.7.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 109
5. Handling Facility - A facility that is not licensed as a TSDF and has been
permitted in California to legally accept a Hazardous Material or recyclable
waste for reuse, recycling, or other legal handling method. This excludes
facilities accepting petroleum contaminated soils. See the Petroleum
Contaminated Soil Disposal and Recycling Facility definition below.
6. Hazardous Material - A material which may cause harm to humans, animals,
or the environment as defined by HSC 25501 (o) and implemented in HSC
Chapter 6.5 and 22 CCR.
7. HMMP Hazardous Materials Management Program with Environmental
Services Department.
8. Hazardous Substance - A Hazardous Material, hazardous waste, petroleum
products, or any chemical product which a manufacturer or producer is
required to prepare a Safety Data Sheet or as defined by HSC 25501(p) and
25281 (h).
9. Hazardous Waste - A Hazardous Material that can no longer be used for its
intended purpose as defined in HSC 25115, HSC 25117, and HSC 25316 and
implemented in HSC Chapter 6.5 and 22 CCR and 40 CFR Part 260 299.
10. Hazardous Waste Determination - The process which shall be used to
determine if a waste is hazardous or non-hazardous as required in 22 CCR and
testing methods in SW-846.
11. Hazardous Waste Manifest - The state and federal approved shipping
document required by law to track the transportation and disposal of
hazardous waste. The document is originated and signed by the generator of
the waste in accordance with 22 CCR.
12. Licensed Hazardous Waste Transporter - A transportation company which
holds all of the following valid permits, identification numbers, licenses, and
a) California Department of Toxic Substances Control permit
b) California Department of Motor Vehicles Motor Carrier Permit
c) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Identification number
d) U. S. Department of Transportation Identification number
e) U. S. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Certificate
of Registration
f) California Highway Patrol License
13. SDS - Safety Data Sheet.
14. Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste - A waste that is defined and regulated as
Hazardous Waste only within the State of California and defined in California
regulation 22 CCR Division 4.5, Chapter 11, Article 3.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 110
15. RCRA Hazardous Waste - A waste which is managed as Hazardous Waste within
and outside the State of California and is defined in Federal regulation 40 CFR Part
261 and California regulation 22 CCR Division 4.5, Chapter 11, Article 4.
16. Regulated Waste - A waste that is not considered Hazardous Waste but due
to its chemical or physical properties, petroleum contamination, or other
properties, it shall be disposed of to a facility with Regional Water Quality
Control Board approved Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs), such as a
municipal Class III landfill or other facility with WDRs that allow disposal of the
Regulated Waste.
17. Spill - Refer to the definition of Chemical Release and Threatened Release.
18. Treated Wood - Wood that has been treated with a chemical preservative for
the purposes of protecting the wood against attacks from insects, microorganisms,
fungi, and other environmental conditions that can lead to decay of the wood and
the chemical preservative is registered pursuant to the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. §136 and following).
19. Threatened Releasea condition creating a substantial probability of harm
when the probability and potential extent of harm make it reasonably
necessary to take immediate action to prevent, reduce, or mitigate damage to
persons, property, or environment.
20. Universal Waste - An item, substance, or object which shall be stored,
handled, and disposed of as defined by CCR Title 22, Chapter 23, §§66273.1-
5-15.5 Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDF).
1. TSDF shall be a hazardous waste transfer, treatment, storage, or disposal
facility that has received, at a minimum, a California Department of Toxic
Substances Control permit, grant of interim status, or a variance or is
otherwise authorized by California law and regulations to receive specific
RCRA and/or non-RCRA Hazardous Wastes for Processing, Recycling,
alternative fuel, or Disposal. If the TSDF is located outside the jurisdiction of
California, the agencies with regulatory authority over the TSDF shall have the
same or higher standards for the processing, recycling, or disposal of
hazardous waste as the State of California.
5-15.6 Petroleum Contaminated Soils Disposal and Recycling Facility.
1. Petroleum Contaminated Soils Disposal and Recycling Facility shall be a
recycling or disposal facility which has, at a minimum, a valid California
Regional Water Quality Control Board permit including Waste Discharge
Requirements (DWRs) and air emission permit to receive specific Petroleum
Contaminated Soil for processing, bioremediation, recycling, alternative fuel,
or disposal. If a facility chosen is located outside the jurisdiction of California
or within Indian Tribal lands, the agencies with regulatory authority over the
Petroleum Contaminated Soil Disposal and Recycling Facility shall have the
same or higher standards for the recycling or disposal of petroleum
contaminated soil as the State of California.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 111
5-15.7 Hazardous Substances Management Plan.
1. For general management of Hazardous Materials, hazardous wastes,
petroleum contaminated soil, and Regulated Wastes at the Site, you shall
submit a “Hazardous Substances Management Plan” subject to the following
regulations prior to start of the Work:
a) 49 Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR)
b) 40 Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR)
c) California Code of Regulations, Title 22 (22 CCR)
d) California Code of Regulations, Title 19 (19 CCR)
e) California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.5 (HSC)
f) Uniform Fire Code (UFC)
2. Your submittal shall include the following:
a) A description on how you shall store, manage, and inspect all
Hazardous Materials brought to the Site including the management of
all containers, drums, and tanks.
b) A listing of all hazardous wastes, petroleum contaminated soils, and
Regulated Wastes anticipated to be generated, or encountered, during
the course of the Project and the name of the trained Hazardous
Waste Contractor(s) who shall perform the testing, removal, storage,
transportation, and disposal activities for each waste type listed.
3. When disposing of the RCRA Hazardous Waste, Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste,
petroleum contaminated soil, and Regulated Waste outside the State of
California or to Indian Country or Indian tribal lands, you shall utilize facilities
as defined in these specifications.
4. The following information for each RCRA Hazardous Waste, Non-RCRA
Hazardous Waste, petroleum contamination soil, and Regulated Waste that is
expected to be encountered during the construction shall be as follows:
a) Name of the RCRA Hazardous Waste, Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste,
petroleum contaminated soil, or Regulated Waste.
b) Disposal Method (recycling, alternative fuel, bioremediation, thermal
desorption incineration, treatment, or Class I, II or III Landfill).
c) Name of Licensed Hazardous Waste Transporter(s).
d) Name of TSDF, Petroleum Contaminated Soil Disposal/Recycling
Facility, or Handling Facility where the waste shall be treated, recycled,
and/or disposed. Include the name(s) of any interim facilities where
the hazardous waste, petroleum contaminated soil, and/or Regulated
Waste shall be stored, handled, or treated prior to shipping to the final
destination facility.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 112
e) Waste Matrix Example: Hazardous Waste, Petroleum Contaminated Soil,
and Regulated Waste Disposal Information Submittal.
Transporter 1 Transporter 2 Facility Facility
HazWaste #1 Treatment
ABC Haz Waste
Waste #1
HazMat Hauler Smith Recyclers None
HazWaste #2 Incinerate
ABC Haz Waste
ABC Transfer
None XYZ soil recyclers None
f) For each Hazardous Waste transporter and facility listed, include the
name, address, phone number, company contact and list all
registrations, permits, licenses, and identification numbers as
specified in these specifications.
g) For laboratory testing, if required, provide the following:
i. Name, address, phone number, company contact, and
certification number for each certified Hazardous Waste
testing laboratory used.
ii. A list of the tests each laboratory is certified to perform under
the laboratory’s State certification.
5. After the start of the Work, the following submittals shall be made:
a) Hazardous Waste Storage Logs submitted weekly.
b) Chemical Release Spill Report Forms periodically during Work, as
c) Hazardous Waste Disposal and Laboratory Testing, as needed.
d) Draft Hazardous Waste Manifests for approval submitted prior to
scheduling disposal.
e) Two legible copies of each Hazardous Waste Manifest used submitted
immediately after receipt from the transporter.
f) Copies of all other disposal receipts and documentation, such as Bills
of Lading, submitted immediately after receipt from the transporter.
g) Copies of analytical test data submitted within 1 Working Day of
receipt from the laboratory.
h) Approved waste profiles submitted prior to scheduling disposal.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 113
5-15.8 Employee Training.
1. Your employees and Subcontractors shall be trained to ensure compliance
with regulations that govern working with Hazardous Waste. By submitting a
Bid, you certify that you and your Subcontractors are fully informed of all the
applicable regulations which in any manner affect those employed in the Work
involving Hazardous Waste. You shall at all times observe and comply with
such regulations (22 CCR 66265.16).
2. Your employees and Subcontractors working at the Site shall be able to
respond effectively to emergency situations including Chemical Releases.
5-15.9 Sampling and Analytical Testing Requirements.
1. A suspect item or waste that may be hazardous or contain a hazardous or
regulated component or petroleum contamination shall be separated from
other waste for the City’s determination if a Waste Characterization is needed
or if the suspect item, waste, or petroleum contamination had been identified
in the Contract.
2. Each testing method shall be approved by the City as appropriate for the
sample being tested prior to having a certified laboratory conduct the test.
3. Representative samples shall be obtained by you for each waste to be tested
with the sampling procedure and sample naming sequence pre-approved by
the City. The City shall be contacted prior to sampling and may be present to
observe the sampling. Items sampled without the presence or approval of the
City may require the item or waste to be re-sampled.
4. Containers such as jars, bags, and etc. used for sampling shall be certified by
a State licensed Hazardous Waste Laboratory as “pre-cleaned.” Samples shall
be sent to a State licensed Hazardous Waste Laboratory for testing. The
Laboratory shall have a valid State license for each requested test to be
conducted on the sample. The sample testing time and preliminary results
shall be available on the 5
Working Day or other agreed upon date after the
sample was taken.
5. A final copy of all analytical test results and the sampling chain-of-custody
form shall be provided to the City within 1 Working Day of receipt from the
State Hazardous Waste certified testing laboratory.
5-15.10 Hazardous Materials and Wastes Storage and Management.
1. Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Wastes, or items, and equipment
containing Hazardous Substances or Hazardous Wastes shall be handled in
such a way as to minimize the possibility of a release.
2. Hazardous Substances shall always be kept in an approved, compatible, and
closed container with a legible label identifying the contents. Interim
containers such as bags, transfer containers, buckets, or pails shall not be
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 114
3. Containers used to package Hazardous Waste shall be compatible with the
waste (22 CCR 66265.172), maintained in good condition (22 CCR 66265.171),
and kept closed unless adding or removing waste (22 CCR 66265.173).
4. Different waste types shall be stored in separate containers. Incompatible
wastes shall never be combined or stored near each other.
5. Any packaging used to store and or transport Hazardous Waste offsite such as
a container, roll-off bin, tank or other device shall comply with 49 CFR Parts
173, 178, and 179 and shall be labeled and prepared for transportation in
accordance with 22 CCR Article 3.
6. A Hazardous Waste label shall be affixed to the container and filled out when
the first amount of Hazardous Waste or Hazardous Substance is placed in the
container. The label shall include the generator information, contents of the
container, physical state and hazardous properties of the waste, and the initial
accumulation date. When applicable, a sample Hazardous Waste label will be
included in the Contract Documents.
7. You shall use a numbering system to identify each Hazardous Waste
container. Each Hazardous Waste container shall be marked with an
identification number specific to that individual container.
8. Additional pre-transportation labeling and marking or using placards shall be
conducted prior to transporting Hazardous Waste offsite and in accordance
with 22 CCR Chapter 12, Article 3 and 49 CFR.
9. Containers, containment systems, and tanks of Hazardous Materials and
Hazardous Waste shall be managed in a way which minimizes the threat of
fire, explosion, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of Hazardous
Waste to the air, soil, or surface water which could threaten human health or
the environment (22 CCR 66265.31).
10. Secondary containment shall be provided at a minimum for storage areas
containing 55 gallons (208.2 L) or more of Hazardous Material or hazardous
waste. The secondary containment area shall be capable of holding the
contents of the largest container plus 10% of that volume or in accordance
with applicable regulations (22 CCR 66264.175).
11. Secondary containment areas shall be maintained so that any releases shall
be confined within the secondary containment area. Rips, tears, cracks,
breaks, and etc. that compromise the integrity of the secondary containment
shall be immediately repaired.
12. Secondary containment systems shall be maintained free of dirt, debris, or
liquids of any kind. If any chemical is released into the secondary containment
system, it shall be removed immediately.
13. Material used in or around the secondary containment area which has been
contaminated with a Hazardous Material or Hazardous Waste shall not be disposed
until a Hazardous Waste Determination has been performed in accordance with
these specifications. Contaminated materials include, but are not limited to, plastic
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 115
sheeting, absorbents, dirt, sand, and kitty litter. Contaminated materials found in
or around containment areas shall be immediately cleaned.
14. When conducting a waste determination on soil, procedures and protocol
specified in the Site Assessment and Mitigation Manual (SAM Manual) shall be
15. You shall perform weekly inspections of their Hazardous Material and
Hazardous Waste storage areas to comply with the regulations (22 CCR
66265.174). An inventory of Hazardous Waste containers shall be kept that
notes each waste container and its accumulation start date. Inspections shall
be documented and copies provided to the City upon request.
5-15.11 Treated Wood Waste (TWW) Management and Disposal.
1. TWW is regulated under California Code Regulations Title 22, division 4.5,
chapter 34 and Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).
2. TWW contains hazardous chemicals and shall be managed as hazardous waste
or as specified in CCR Title 22, Chapter 34 “Alternative Management Standards
for Treated Wood Waste”. A summary of the regulations can be found on
DTSC’s website:
3. The generation of TWW during construction projects shall be handled, labeled,
stored, tested, and disposed of as described in CCR Title 22, Chapter 34
“Alternative Management Standards for Treated Wood Waste”. A summary of the
regulations can be found in DTSC’s “Requirements for Generators of Treated
Wood Waste Fact Sheet” under the section noted “Businesses generating TWW
during the normal course of business”.
4. TWW shall be disposed of at an authorized composite lined solid waste facility
or through a licensed hazardous waste facility.
5. An employer resizing, sorting, or segregating TWW shall provide training for all
employees handling TWW and all employees that may reasonably be expected
to contact TWW (22 CCR 67386.10). A record of the training shall be maintained
for a period of 3 years and shall be made available for review. The training
shall include the following:
a) All applicable requirements of the California Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1973 [Ch. 1, Part 1, Div. 5 (commencing with §6300) of the
Labor Code], including all rules, regulations, and orders relating to
hazardous waste.
b) Procedures for identifying and segregating TWW.
c) Safe handling practices.
d) Requirements of the alternative management standards.
e) Proper disposal methods.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 116
5-15.12 Hazardous Waste, Regulated Waste, Petroleum Contaminated Soil
Accumulation Time.
1. Each container or pile of Hazardous Waste shall be shipped offsite for disposal
by a licensed Hazardous Waste transporter within 90 Days of the date of initial
generation or by the end of the Project, whichever comes first. Regulated
Wastes and petroleum contaminated soils shall be shipped offsite for proper
recycling or disposal within 90 Calendar Days of the initial generation or by the
end of the project, whichever comes first.
5-15.13 Hazardous Waste Transportation Requirements.
1. The City shall provide you with the EPA Generator Identification number for
the Site. This number is Site specific and shall only be used on Hazardous
Waste disposal documentation for the appropriate Site where the waste was
2. A Hazardous Waste Manifest or, when appropriate, a Bill of Lading, non-
Hazardous Waste Manifest or other appropriate disposal documentation shall
be completed in accordance with 22 CCR Chapter 12, Article 2 and 49 CFR for
any shipment of Hazardous Waste leaving the Site.
3. The Engineer or other designated City representative shall sign the Hazardous
Waste Manifest or disposal documentation as representing the Hazardous
Waste generator at the time the Hazardous Waste is being removed from the
Site. Pre-signed Hazardous Waste Manifests or bills of lading are not
4. You shall only ship Hazardous Waste using a City pre-approved Hazardous
Waste Licensed Hazardous Waste Transporter with valid insurance certificates
in accordance with 5-4, “INSURANCE”. The Hazardous Waste shall be sent only
to a TSDF that is approved by the City in the Hazardous Substances
Management Plan submittal in accordance with 22 CCR Chapter 13. Any
Contractor who allows the transportation or disposal of Hazardous Waste
from a City Site by an unlicensed Hazardous Waste Transporter, upon
conviction, shall be subject to 1 year in prison and fined up to $100,000 per
day (HSC 25163, 25189.5).
5-15.14 Management of Specified Wastes.
1. The Hazardous Material that is removed from Empty Hazardous Materials
Containers shall be used as Hazardous Material or disposed of as a Hazardous
Waste. You shall mark each container with the date it was emptied and
manage the container within one year by one of the following methods:
a) Reclaim the scrap value of the container
b) Send the container offsite for reconditioning or remanufacturing
c) Send the container back to the manufacturer
d) Dispose of as hazardous waste
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 117
2. For containers 5 gallons (18.9 L) capacity or less, once the container is empty,
it may be disposed of to the regular trash.
3. Aerosol spray containers may be disposed of in the regular trash if the
contents and propellant have been emptied to the maximum extent practical
under normal use (the spray mechanism was not defective and thus allowed
complete discharge of the contents and propellant). Aerosol spray containers
shall not be punctured, crushed, or altered in order to remove or release any
remaining contents or propellants for the purpose of emptying the container
for disposal to the trash.
4. A compressed gas cylinder is empty when the pressure in the container
approaches atmospheric pressure.
5-15.15 Regulatory Reporting for Chemical Releases or Threatened Releases.
1. Chemical Releases or Threatened Releases involving a gas, liquid, or solid
Hazardous Material or Hazardous Waste shall be immediately assessed
utilizing the County Department of Environmental Health’s Assessment form
as a guide to determine if the incident requires regulatory reporting to the Cal
OES, County Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials
Division, the National Response Center, and any other pertinent regulatory
agency. See the Contract appendices for a copy of County Department of
Environmental Health’s Assessment form.
2. Lacking in immediately reporting a Chemical Release or Threatened Release
shall be subject to fines and penalties by the County of San Diego and any
other pertinent regulatory agency.
3. Chemical Releases or Threatened Releases involving a gas, liquid, or solid
Hazardous Material or Hazardous Waste shall be immediately reported to the
City after completing all regulatory reporting.
4. Chemical Releases and any contaminated media (rags, absorbents, soil, and
etc.) shall be immediately contained, cleaned up, and handled as Hazardous
Waste at your expense. The waste shall be handled as Hazardous Waste unless
a complete Hazardous Waste Determination, as approved by the City, is
performed indicating that the waste is non-hazardous.
5. A Chemical Release Report Form or similar document shall be completed and
faxed to the City at the designated number within 4 hours of the occurrence
of the chemical release for all incidents of Hazardous Materials or Hazardous
Wastes in quantities equal to or exceeding 5 gallons (19 L) in quantity or for
any size release that required regulatory reporting as determined by the
County Department of Environmental Health’s Assessment form.
5-15.16 Encountering Contaminated Soil.
1. Contaminated soils have specific soil contaminants which cause the soil to be
defined as a RCRA Hazardous Waste, Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste, petroleum
contaminated soil, or Regulated Waste.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 118
2. When encountering petroleum contaminated soil, abandoned underground
storage tanks, petroleum transmission pipelines, Burn Ash, or unidentified
contamination, you shall follow the guidelines of the current edition of the
County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health (DEH) SAM Manual
which is available by contacting the DEH at (858) 505-6880.
3. If you encounter unforeseen contaminated soil, you shall immediately notify
the Engineer when apparent contaminated soils are encountered. Following
notice by you, the Engineer shall contact the City’s Environmental Services
Department, HMMP, at (858) 573-1204.
5-15.16.1 Monitoring of Potentially Petroleum Contaminated Soil.
1. Monitoring for the presence of petroleum contamination shall be your
responsibility and shall be performed in areas of known or suspected
contamination during construction activities. You shall notify the Engineer 5
Working Days prior to excavation in areas of known contamination and shall
immediately notify the Engineer if suspected or unforeseen contamination is
2. Use an operational Explosimeter (Combustible Gas Indicator - CGI) calibrated
for and capable of automatically detecting explosive gases at 20% of the Lower
Explosive Limit (LEL). The functional requirements of the CGI shall comply with
the SAM Manual. If 20% or greater of the LEL is detected in an excavation,
surface area, or confined space, the Fire Department and the DEH shall be
notified immediately.
3. In areas of known or suspected contamination, an operational Photo
Ionization Device (PID) shall also be used at all times by your staff formally
trained to operate a PID. Any soil that triggers PID detection shall be
segregated and stockpiled for further characterization.
4. You shall not be reimbursed for costs associated with monitoring activities as the
City considers these efforts to be integral and essential to best management
health and safety practices for trenching and excavation operations.
5-15.16.2 Stockpiling Contaminated Soil.
1. Unless directed otherwise by the Engineer, you shall stockpile all suspect
contaminated soil (as indicated by appearance, odor, or PID detection) at a
location approved by the Engineer and the HMMP and in accordance to the
following procedure. Stockpiled contaminated soil or Hazardous Waste shall be:
a) Placed on a relatively impervious surface such as asphalt, concrete, or
on minimum 8 mil (200 µm) thick polyethylene sheeting.
b) Moistened to minimize dust emissions during stockpiling. However, no
runoff shall be permitted at any time.
c) Securely covered by 8 mil (200 µm) polyethylene sheeting to minimize
vapor emissions and prevent runoff from rain (sheeting shall be
maintained and remain in satisfactory condition).
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 119
d) Configured in such a manner that surface water runoff from the
stockpile does not carry soil, leachate, or both beyond the stockpile
perimeter berm.
e) Separated from uncontaminated soil.
2. You shall manage the contaminated soil properly. The City shall not be liable
for contaminated soil improperly handled or disposed by you.
5-15.16.3 Disposal of Contaminated Soil.
1. Contaminated soil that is a RCRA Hazardous Waste or Non-RCRA Hazardous
Waste shall be transported to a licensed TSDF and as approved in the
Hazardous Substances Management Plan submittal.
2. Contaminated soil that is a Regulated Waste shall be transported to a licensed
treatment facility which meets the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board’s WDRs for that waste type and is approved in the Hazardous
Substances Management Plan submittal in accordance with 5-15.7,
“Hazardous Substances Management Plan”. If the treatment facility shall not
accept the contaminated soil, the Regulated Waste shall then be sent to a State
licensed Class III landfill or other facility with WDRs that accept the Regulated
3. You shall obtain pre-approval for your proposed treatment or disposal facility
in accordance with 5-15.7, “Hazardous Substances Management Plan”. You
shall obtain all necessary approvals and authorizations from the treatment or
disposal facility and shall provide them to the Engineer and City’s HMMP a
minimum of 5 Working Days prior to scheduling transport.
4. You shall use a Regulated Waste or Non-Hazardous Waste data form to
document the disposal from the Work Site of the contaminated soil that is
identified as Regulated Waste. You shall use a Hazardous Waste Manifest for
all soils identified as RCRA or Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste.
5. You shall provide the Engineer and City’s HMMP with manifests for each load
at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled pickup date. The City’s HMMP shall
review the manifests for accuracy. All manifests shall be signed off by the
Engineer or HMMP on the date of loading and transport. Copies of executed
manifests and treatment or disposal certificates shall be provided to the
Engineer and City’s HMMP as specified in 5-15.7, “Hazardous Substances
Management Plan”.
6. You shall manage the contaminated soil properly. The City shall not be liable
for contaminated soil improperly handled or disposed by you.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 120
5-15.17 Payment.
1. The payment for waste management shall be included in the applicable Bid
items as follows:
a) “Preparation of Hazardous Waste Management Plan and Reporting
b) “Monitoring of Contaminated Soil” (HR).
c) “Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, and Handling of Soils Containing RCRA
Hazardous Waste” (TON).
d) “Loading, Transportation, and Disposal of soils containing RCRA
Hazardous Waste” (TON).
e) “Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, and Handling of Petroleum
Contaminated Soil” (TON).
f) “Loading, Transportation, and Disposal of Petroleum Contaminated
Soil” (TON).
g) “Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, and Handling of Soils Containing Non-
RCRA Hazardous Waste” (TON).
h) “Loading, Transportation, and Disposal of Soils Containing Non-RCRA
Hazardous Waste” (TON).
i) Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, Handling, Transportation, and
Disposal of Containerized RCRA Hazardous Waste” (55 Gal DRUMS).
j) “Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, Handling, Transportation, and
Disposal of Containerized Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste” (55 Gal
k) “Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, Handling, Transportation, and
Recycling/Disposal of Universal Waste” (EACH).
l) “Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, Handling, Transportation, and
Recycling/Disposal of Regulated Waste” (TON).
m) “Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, Handling, Transportation, and
Disposal of RCRA Hazardous Waste Contamination from the
Treatment of Contaminated Ground Water” (GAL).
n) “Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, Handling, Transportation, and
Disposal of Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Contamination from the
Treatment of Contaminated Ground Water” (GAL).
2. Shorter testing time and availability of preliminary results may be required by
the Engineer and shall be paid as Extra Work.
3. The payment for the management and disposal of TWW shall be paid as Extra
Work unless a separate lump sum Bid item has been provided for
“Management and Disposal of Treated Wood Waste”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 121
4. The payment for the preparation and implementation of the Community
Health and Safety Plan shall be included in the Contract Price unless a Bid item
for “Community Health and Safety Plan” has been provided.
5. The payment for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
(HAZWOPER) certification and training for construction staff shall be included
in the allowance Bid item for “Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency
Response (HAZWOPER) ) Certification.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 122
6-1.1 Construction Schedule. To paragraph (1), sentence (1), DELETE in its entirety and
SUBSTITUTE with the following:
After notification of award of the Contract and prior to the start of any
Work, you
shall submit your proposed Cost Loaded Construction Schedule to the Engineer at the
pre-construction meeting.
ADD the following:
1. Cost Loaded Construction Schedule (Schedule).
a) You shall be responsible for developing, coordinating, revising,
updating, and maintaining the Cost Loaded Construction Schedule
(Schedule) utilizing the Critical Path Method (CPM).
b) Schedule versions shall be based solely on the Work as awarded and
shall exclude any substitute proposals even if you pursue a
substitution in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
c) Include the approved proposals and approved Change Orders in the
Schedule updates.
d) Total Float is the number of days by which a part of the Work in the
Schedule may be delayed from its early dates without necessarily
extending the Contract Time. The Contract Float is the number of days
between your anticipated date for early completion of the Work, or
specified part, and the corresponding Contract Time. Total Float and
Contract Float belong to the Project and belong to any Party. They are
available to either party to accommodate changes in the Work or to
mitigate the effect of events which may delay performance or
e) Monthly progress payments are contingent upon the submittal of an
updated Schedule to the Engineer. The Engineer may refuse to process
the whole or part of any monthly payment if you refuse or fail to
provide an acceptable schedule.
f) The Schedule shall show a breakdown of Work into activities and
relationships between the activities to the extent required to
effectively manage the Work. The Schedule shall show the division of
the Work into activities and shall specify the progression from the NTP
to the end of the Contract Time.
g) The Schedule shall include appropriate time allowances and
constraints for submittals, items of interface with Work performed by
others, and specified construction, start-up, and performance tests.
h) Your Schedule shall include 7 Working Days for the Engineer to
schedule and conduct a Walk-through inspection and 15 Working Days
for the generation of the Punchlist. You shall Work diligently to
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 123
complete all Punchlist items within 30 Working Days after the Engineer
provides the Punchlist.
i) If you modify or change the Schedule for Change Order Work or
otherwise, notify the Engineer in writing with an explanation.
j) Comments made by the Engineer on the Schedule during review shall
not relieve you from compliance with requirements of the Contract.
The Engineer may request that you and your major Subcontractors
(defined herein as being any Subcontractor or Supplier with 5% or
more of the value of the Contract) participate in the review of any
Schedule submission. Submit the Schedule revisions within 10
Working Days after the Engineer’s review.
k) The Schedule shall show work to be done by the City’s personnel, such
as but not limited to: submittal reviews (separate tasks for each), sewer
televising, water main connections, water testing, and operational
performance tests as separate tasks. The Schedule shall show
appropriate time allowances for work performed by the City and other
l) If completion of any part of the Work, delivery of equipment or
materials, or provision of your submittals is behind schedule and will
impact the completion date of the Work, you shall submit a written
recovery plan acceptable to the Engineer for completing the Work by
the current Contract completion date.
m) You shall not be entitled to any extension in Contract Time or recovery
for any delay incurred because of extensions in an early completion
date until all Contract Float is used, performance of the Work extends
beyond the corresponding Contract Time, and a recovery plan is
submitted demonstrating that the delay cannot be mitigated or offset
through actions such as rescheduling the Work.
n) Misrepresentation of actual Work durations in order to suppress
available Float Time shall be cause for rejection of the Schedule and
any revisions or updates.
o) The Schedule shall include procurement related activities which lead
to the delivery of permanent materials to the Site in a timely manner.
Procurement activities include activities such as preparation of Shop
Drawings and Working Drawings, review and acceptance of Shop
Drawings and Working Drawings, materials fabrication, materials
delivery, and etc. as appropriate.
p) The Schedule shall be reasonably balanced over the construction
duration. Upon receipt, the Engineer shall review the Schedule and
shall provide comments, as appropriate, for revision.
q) Assign a budget to each Schedule activity. Separate Bid items shall be
separate activities. The Schedule shall show costs for each phase of
the Contract. The cost value of all Schedule activities shall equal the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 124
Contract values shown in the Bid both individually and in total. Include
Change Orders.
r) The Engineer may at any time request a Schedule narrative that
describes the approach to the Work and the rationale used to develop
the Schedule relationships and logic.
s) Submit an updated cash flow forecast with every pay request (for each
Project ID or WBS number provided in the Contract) showing periodic
and cumulative construction billing amounts for the duration of the
Contract Time. If there has been any Extra Work since the last update,
include only the approved amounts.
i. Refer to the Sample City Invoice materials attached to the
Contract Documents and use the format shown.
ii. See also the “Cash Flow Forecast Example” at the location
2. For phased funded contracts, the Schedule shall include the Work to be
completed as part of the first phase of the Phased Funding Schedule and all
subsequent phases and shall be in accordance with 6-1.4, “Phased Funding”.
6-1.1.1 Contracts Less Than Or Equal To $500,000 In Value.
1. Use a scheduling program such as Microsoft Project or an approved equal
capable of producing the required information in accordance with 6-1,
specifications for the computerized CPM scheduling and monthly update
2. Provide the Schedule to the Engineer at the Pre-Construction meeting and as
required in accordance with 6-1.1, “Construction Schedule”.
3. Provide a fully developed horizontal bar-chart type schedule.
4. Provide a separate time bar for each significant construction activity.
5. Provide a continuous vertical line to identify the first Working Day of each
6. Within each time bar, indicate estimated completion percentages in 10%
increments. As Work progresses, place a contrasting mark in each bar to
indicate actual completion.
7. Graphically indicate sequences necessary for the completion of related
portions of the Work.
8. Be of sufficient size to show data for the entire Contract Time.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 125
6-1.1.2 Contracts More Than $500,000 In Value.
1. Provide the Schedule to the Engineer in accordance with 6-1.1, “Construction
Schedule” and 6-1.2, “Commencement of the Work”.
2. Use any scheduling product by ORACLE'S PRIMAVERA or approved equal
program capable of producing the required information in accordance with 6-
computerized CPM scheduling and monthly update reports. Electronic file
submittals shall be compatible with Primavera P6 format used by the City.
3. In addition to the electronic submittal of the Schedule, submit hard copy
tabular reports.
4. The Schedule shall begin with the date of issuance of the NTP and end at
Acceptance and shall contain as a minimum the following information:
a) Project name, the City’s Project identification numbers, your name,
address and phone number, dates of original schedule and latest
revision, revision number, and Contract Time.
b) Sufficient detail to assure adequate planning has been done for proper
execution of the Work such that, in the sole judgment of the Engineer,
it provides an appropriate basis for monitoring progress.
c) The sequence, duration, both early and actual starts and end dates of
each activity, interdependence, critical path, and percentage of
completion status of all activities required for the complete
performance of Work.
d) Construction activities including submittal review, operation checks,
final Walk-through, and Punchlist generation.
e) The cost associated with each activity and the total cost for each phase
of the Contract. The cost information shown in the Schedule shall be
used for schedule evaluation and budgetary forecasting purposes only
and shall not be construed as entitlement for payment.
f) Graphical reports, when specified or required by the Engineer, in
precedence diagram format and plotted on a time-scaled calendar.
Expressly identify the Contract Time, the critical path(s), and the activities.
g) Activities shall be shown on their early dates with their total float noted
beside them. Connections between activities whether on the same
sheet or on different sheets, shall identify both predecessor and
successor Work. Activity data shall include the description of Work,
activity costs (budget), activity duration, and special codes.
h) Activity data shall include the description of the Work, activity duration,
percent completed, and any special codes required with the following
i. Current status of the activity.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 126
ii. Remaining duration of the activity.
iii. Actual start and finish dates for the activity in progress or
i) The Schedule updates shall include both forecast and actual cost and
schedule data.
j) The Schedule of Values (SOV) for lump sum Bid items shown on the
Schedule shall be submitted in accordance with 7-2, “LUMP SUM
k) The Schedule shall indicate the estimated person days and material
quantities for each construction activity.
5. For those activities started but not yet completed at the time of submittal, the
updated Schedule shall reflect the percentage of costs remaining, as agreed
between you and the Engineer, for an estimate of the remaining budget.
6-1.1.3 Payment.
1. The payment for the Schedule shall be included in the Contract Price.
6-1.2 Commencement of the Work. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. Unless specified otherwise, you shall start construction within 5 Working Days
after NTP and shall diligently prosecute the Work to completion within the
Contract Time. Do not start any construction activities at the Site until the Pre-
Construction meeting is held and until the NTP has been issued by the
2. Upon your written request, the Engineer may delay the issuance of the NTP as
described in the following:
a) Up to 5 Working Days from the Pre-construction meeting.
b) Up to 40 Working Days from the LNTP for the preparation, submittal,
obtaining approval for and filing of the Permit Registration Documents
(PRDs) in accordance with 1001-1.8, “Permit Registration Documents
c) Up to 60 Working Days from the LNTP for the preparation, submittal,
and approval of the engineered Traffic Control Plan (TCP) when
specified in 601-2.1.2, “Engineered Traffic Control Plans (TCP)”.
3. For areas that do not require engineered TCP on D-sheets, you may at any
time after the Pre-construction meeting obtain a TCP Permit via Working
Drawings or the City’s over the counter process and start the Work. If you
decide to commence the construction Work before the completion of the D-
sheet TCPs, you shall forfeit the 60 Working Days specified here. The D-sheet
TCP shall be done concurrently and no additional time shall be granted.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 127
4. For paving Work, coordinate the Work to facilitate the installation and
protection of the new curb ramps and associated concrete Work prior to
commencing the asphalt overlay operations. Do not start the Work at a specific
location until all layouts and measurements are agreed upon by you and the
5. You shall submit a Cost Loaded Construction Schedule in accordance with
6-1.1, “Construction Schedule” at the scheduled pre-construction meeting.
6. If a Cost Loaded Construction Schedule is not provided, the pre-construction
meeting will still be held. The Contract Time shall commence at issuance of the
NTP, but you shall be limited to the following activities until the Cost Loaded
Construction Schedule has been submitted to the Resident Engineer with no
exceptions taken:
a) Mobilization of your trailers, associated utility setup, and grading for
trailer area
b) Permit Procurement
c) Fencing and temporary utilities for your storage areas
d) Submittal of anticipated critical path submittals
6-1.2.1 Construction Phasing.
1. When project phasing is provided in the Special Provisions do not proceed to
the next phase unless the Engineer has accepted the preceding phase.
2. For mainline projects, use of multiple mainline crews shall require prior
approval from the Engineer.
6-1.3 Work Outside Normal Working Hours.
1. Unless otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents or approved by the
Engineer, Work at the Site shall be performed during Normal Working Hours.
The Engineer may approve Work beyond Normal Working Hours in connection
with the safety or protection of persons, property, or the Work at the Site or
adjacent to the Site.
2. The Engineer shall coordinate inspection staff, to the extent possible, to
accommodate Project inspection requirements. If your request for working
during outside Normal Working Hours is approved, you shall be responsible
for reimbursing the City for all costs to provide inspection services outside
Normal Working Hours. The Engineer shall issue a deductive Change Order to
compensate the City.
3. You shall obtain a noise abatement permit and shall install any permit
requirements when such a permit is required to perform the Work outside
Normal Working Hours.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 128
6-1.3.1 Payment.
1. The payment for the noise abatement permits shall be included in the Contract
6-1.4 Phased Funding.
6-1.4.1 General.
1. Phase Funding means that construction will be broken down into various
phases that will take place over multiple City fiscal years. The decision to utilize
phased funding will be specified in the Contract Documents.
6-1.4.2 Pre-award Schedule.
1. The Pre-Award Schedule, in accordance with 6-1, “CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE
AND COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK”, shall be prepared for the first phase
of the Contract and shall be used as a basis for the first Phased Funding
Schedule Agreement which will be developed by the City.
2. You shall coordinate the estimated construction start date with the City’s
project manager. Upon receipt, the City’s project manager shall review the Pre-
Award Schedule and provide comments, as appropriate, for revision. The
project manager may require backup documentation and calculations to
justify schedules.
6-1.4.3 Phased Funding Schedule Agreement.
1. Once executed by both parties, the Phased Funding Schedule Agreement shall
become part of the Contract Documents. The Phased Funding Schedule
Agreement Form is included in the Bidding Documents.
2. The City reserves the right to award the first phase with duration of fewer than
90 Working Days.
6-1.4.4 Final Phased Funding Schedule Agreement.
1. After Award your approved schedule shall serve as the basis for the final
Phased Funding Schedule Agreement which includes the total contract
amount and all phases. You and the City may mutually agree to revise the first
phase. However, the total funds allocated as part of the previously approved
Pre-Award Schedule shall not be exceeded.
2. The final Phased Funding Schedule Agreement shall define payment
limitations and the respective obligations of the parties in accordance with 7-
3.10, “Phased Funding Compensation”.
6-1.5 Excusable Delays.
1. If a delay in the Work occurs and affects Work activities, delays may either be
Excusable Compensable Delays or Excusable Non-Compensable Delays.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 129
6-1.5.1 Excusable Compensable Delays.
1. If an Excusable Delay meets the requirements of 6-4.2, “Extensions of Time”,
the following circumstances shall be compensable:
a) The City’s failure or inability to make available any portion of the entire
Site in accordance with the requirements of the Schedule.
b) The City’s failure or inability to obtain necessary zoning changes,
variances, code changes, permits or approvals from any governmental
authority, or failure to obtain any street or alley vacations required for
the performance of the Work, except to the extent due to your fault or
neglect as determined by the Engineer.
c) Delays resulting from the acts or omissions of Separate Contractors,
except to the extent Separate Contractors perform their work properly
and in accordance with the Schedule.
d) Differing or concealed site conditions that could not have been
reasonably anticipated at the time of Bid.
e) Delays resulting from the existence or discovery of hazardous
materials or waste on the Site not brought in by you and not included
in the Contract.
f) Delays resulting from any changes made to any City of San Diego
Municipal Code after the date of execution of the Contract.
g) Delays due to the City’s acts or omissions and those within the City’s
h) Delays requested by the City.
6-1.5.2 Excusable Non-Compensable and Concurrent Delays.
1. The City shall only issue an extension of time for Excusable Delays that meet
the requirements of 6-4.2, “Extensions of Time” for the following
a) Delays resulting from Force Majeure.
b) Delays caused by weather.
c) Delays caused by changes to County, State, or Federal law.
2. When a non-excusable delay is concurrent with an Excusable Delay, you shall
not be entitled to an extension of Contract Time for the period the non-
excusable delay is concurrent with the Excusable Delay.
3. When an Excusable Non-Compensable Delay is concurrent with an Excusable
Compensable Delay, you shall be entitled to an extension of Contract Time,
but shall not be entitled to compensation for the period the Excusable Non-
Compensable Delay is concurrent with the Excusable Compensable Delay.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 130
6-1.6 Pre-construction Meeting.
1. Within 20 Working Days from the LNTP the Engineer shall schedule a
mandatory Pre-construction meeting with you. The agenda shall include items
such as NTP, design services and submittal and review process, critical
elements of the Work schedule, submittal schedule, cost breakdown of major
lump sum items, payment requests and processing, environmental and
community concerns, coordination with the involved utility firms, the level of
record project documents required, and emergency telephone numbers for
all representatives involved in the course of construction.
6-2.1 Moratoriums.
1. When moratorium periods are specified in the Special Provisions, you shall
stop work and completely demobilize all construction related activity,
equipment, and materials within the stated limits prior to the beginning of the
moratorium periods at no additional cost to the City. Complete any Work that has
been started prior to the start of the moratorium.
2. You shall restore and clean the site prior to each moratorium. Do not leave
equipment, materials, or traffic control on the Site during the moratorium
periods. Cover trenches during moratorium periods. Do not use temporary
3. Do not Work within 1 mile from the nearest polling location that would impact
access to the polling location. This construction moratorium applies to Work
that includes, but is not limited to: trench and utility work, saw cutting, and
paving. You shall remove all traffic control that reduces lanes or reduces lane
speeds and shall also remove sidewalk closures within 1 mile of polling
locations. Additionally, you shall not schedule power outages with private
utilities that would impact voters and polling locations. This construction
moratorium shall take effect during all general elections and shall be
considered included in your Schedule. Refer to the San Diego County website
for designated polling locations.
6-2.1.1 Payment.
1. The payment for complying with moratorium requirements shall be included in
the Contract Price.
2. You shall not be entitled to any additional costs for repeated mobilization and
demobilization to continue the Work after the moratorium periods.
6-3.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the time of completion of the
Contract shall be expressed in Working Days.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 131
2. The number of Working Days specified for the Walk-through, preparation, and
the completion of Punchlist items until acceptance shall be included in the
stipulated Contract Time.
3. For pipeline projects, the following shall be included in the stipulated Contract
a) 30 Working Days for the first phase and 10 Working Days for each
subsequent phase for City Force high-line work for water mains.
b) 30 Working Days for the City Forces TV inspection of sewer mains.
c) If weather condition is inclement, complete each street segment within
15 Working Days from the day the slurry seal or asphalt overlay is
placed. Each completed segment shall include other incidental Work
items (weed abatement, damaged asphalt pavement replacement,
asphalt patching, resurfacing, striping, markings, raised pavement
markers, and inlet markers).
d) 30 Calendar Days for full depth asphalt final mill and resurfacing work
required per SDG-107, “Trench Resurfacing for Asphalt Concrete
Surfaced Streets”.
e) Where shutdowns of 16 inch and larger pipes are required, there is a
shutdown moratorium from May until October. Plan and schedule
Work accordingly and submit a tentative schedule for the anticipated
shutdowns prior to NTP. No additional payment or Working Days will
be granted for delays due to the moratorium.
4. When specified in the Contract Documents, the Plant Establishment Period
(PEP) is included in the stipulated Contract Time and shall begin with the
acceptance of the installation of the vegetation plan in accordance with Part 8
6-4.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The City shall only grant an extension of time if the Extra Work or unforeseen
condition impacts the Project’s critical path. All requests for an extension in
Contract Time for any Extra Work or unforeseen event shall be demonstrated
by using the Critical Path Method (CPM). No other scheduling method shall be
used to calculate the Project’s schedule.
6-4.2 Extensions of Time. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The Contract Time shall not be modified except by Change Order.
2. You shall notify the City in writing within 1 Working Day after the occurrence
and discovery of an event that impacts the Project Schedule.
a) If you believe this event requires a Change Order, you shall submit a
written Change Order request with a report to the City that explains
the request for Change Order within 5 Working Days. The Change
Order request must include supporting data, a general description of
the discovery, the basis for extension, and the estimated length of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 132
extension. The City may grant an extension of time, in writing, for the
Change Order request if you require more time to gather and analyze
3. The Engineer shall not grant an extension of Contract Time in accordance with
6-1.5, “Excusable Delays” unless you demonstrate, through an analysis of the
critical path, the following:
a) The event causing the delay impacted the activities along the Project’s
critical path.
b) The increases in the time to perform all or part of the Project beyond
the Contract Time arose from unforeseeable causes beyond your
control and without your fault or negligence and that all project float
has been used.
4. Any modifications to the Contract Time will be incorporated into the weekly
document that the Engineer issues that stipulates the Contract Time. If you do
not agree with this document, submit to the Engineer for review a written
protest supporting your objections to the document within 30 Calendar Days
after receipt of the statement. Your failure to file a timely protest shall
constitute your acceptance of the Engineer’s weekly document.
a) Your protest will be considered a claim for time extension and shall
be subject to 2-10.1, “Claims”.
6-4.4 Written Notice and Report. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Your failure to notify the Resident Engineer within 1 Working Day OR provide
a Change Order request within 5 Working Days after the event, in accordance
with 6-4.2, “Extensions of Time”, will be considered grounds for refusal by the
City to consider such request if your failure to notify prejudices the City in
responding to the event.
6-6.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The City reserves the right to shut down any trenching operation if you are not
proceeding within a reasonable period of time to restore the pavement and
Site cleanup. A reasonable period of time is considered to be 5 to 10 Working
Days after backfilling any one block, approximately 600 feet (182.9 m), of
pipeline. The Engineer shall determine the period of time allowed which shall
not be subject to dispute.
2. During periods when the Work is suspended, you shall be prepared for any
emergency Work that shall be supervised by your representative, including
site safety and maintenance.
6-6.2 Archaeological and Paleontological Discoveries. DELETE in its entirety and
SUBSTITUTE with the following:
6-6.2 Archaeological, Native American, and Paleontological Discoveries.
1. If a Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (MMRP) for Historical,
Paleontological, or both resources have been prepared for the Project, then
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 133
the MMRP shall control in lieu of this subsection (except for reference to 6-4,
“DELAYS AND EXTENSION OF TIME”) unless the MMRP is silent to these issues.
For Paleontological discoveries, either the MMRP or Paleontological
Monitoring and Reporting Program (PMRP) shall control in lieu of this
subsection (whichever is applicable). Refer to the MMRP or the
“Paleontological Construction Monitoring Requirements” attached in the
Contract Documents.
2. If discovery is made of items of Native American, Archaeological, and/or
Paleontological interest, you shall immediately notify the Engineer and cease
any soil disturbing activity in the area of discovery and any nearby area. You
shall also notify the San Diego County Coroner (Medical Examiner) at (858)
694-2895 in accordance with the California Health and Safety Code §§7050.5
and 7051.
3. The City shall not authorize any further excavation or disturbance of the Site
or any nearby area until the medical examiner has concluded an investigation
of the circumstances, manner, and cause of any death and the
recommendations concerning the treatment and disposition of the remains
have been made to the City. Excavation in the areas of interest shall not
resume until authorized by the Engineer in writing as approved by the
4. You shall make allowances for temporary Work stoppages to evaluate and
salvage Native American, Archaeological, and Paleontological discoveries. If
suspension of construction activities for analysis, salvaging of resources, or
both exceed 5 Working Days along the entire alignment, you shall be entitled
to an extension of time in accordance with the provisions of 6-4, “DELAYS AND
5. Discoveries encountered may include fossil resources, historic or prehistoric
human bones or remains, animal bones or remains, stone implements or
other artifacts and remnants of dwelling sites, and any items created or
altered by humans more than 45 years ago, excluding pipes, laterals, and
6. There are severe civil and criminal consequences for failure to treat Native
American, Archaeological, Paleontological, or both discoveries in accordance
with local, State, and Federal laws. You shall notify Subcontractors and
Suppliers of the requirements of this subsection.
7. You shall indemnify and hold the City, its officers, and employees harmless
from any claims asserted or liability established, including penalties from local,
state, or federal agencies arising from your failure or your Subcontractors and
Suppliers failure to notify the Engineer of such discoveries in accordance with
this subsection.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 134
6-6.2.1 Archeological and Native American Monitoring Program.
1. Unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, you shall retain a
qualified archaeologist approved by the City’s Environmental Analysis Section
(EAS). In accordance with City Historical Resources Guidelines and prior to the
Pre-Construction meeting, you shall provide references for at least 1
successfully completed project of the approved archaeologist within the last 5
years of similar size and complexity in Southern California. The City shall verify
the information provided and only qualified monitors shall be accepted. The
Archeologist shall retain the appropriate Native American representative. The
Archeologist and the Native American representative shall attend the Pre-
construction meeting. The areas shown on the Plans subject to monitoring are
approximate. The Archaeologist shall confirm the sites and implement the
required monitoring per the Contract Appendices.
2. If a discovery is made, your archaeological monitor shall make a determination
as to whether excavation in the area shall cease or shall continue. The time
you wait for this determination from their monitor shall not be claimed as
delay time.
3. If any significant archaeological sites are known to exist in the project area,
they shall be shown in the Archaeological Data Recovery Program as part of
Appendix A.
6- Payment.
1. The full compensation for the Archaeological and Native American monitoring
program and report preparation, as prescribed in Contract Appendices, shall
be included in the lump sum or linear foot Bid item for “Archaeological and
Native American Monitoring Program” and shall include the payment for Work
performed on laterals and other services, such as potholing and other
trenching. No payment shall be made unless the qualified archaeologist is
present to verify during the performance of the Work.
2. In the event of a significant discovery, foreseen or unforeseen, and if no Allowance
Bid item for “Archaeological and Native American Mitigation and Curation” is
included in the Contract, you shall be entitled to additional compensation in
accordance with 2-8, “EXTRA WORK” for the implementation of a Mitigation
Program as set forth in Contract appendices.
3. The payment for Work delays in excess of the 5 Working Days as described in
item 4 of 6-6.2, “Archaeological, Native American, and Paleontological
Discoveries” shall be included in the Bid item for “Suspension of Work
6-6.2.2 Paleontological Monitoring Program.
1. Unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, you shall retain a
qualified paleontologist approved by EAS. In accordance with City Historical
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 135
Resources Guidelines and prior to the pre-construction meeting, you shall
provide references for at least 1 successfully completed project of the
approved paleontologist within the last 5 years of similar size and complexity
in Southern California. The City shall verify the information provided and only
qualified monitors shall be accepted. The paleontologist shall attend the pre-
construction meeting. The areas shown in the Contract Documents that are
subject to monitoring are approximate. The paleontologist shall confirm the
sites and implement the required monitoring in Contract Appendices.
2. If a discovery is made, your paleontological monitor shall make a
determination as to whether excavation in the area shall cease or shall
continue. The time you wait for this determination from their monitor shall not
be claimed as delay time.
6- Payment.
1. The full compensation for the paleontological monitoring program and report
preparation, as prescribed in Contract Appendices, shall be included in the
lump sum or linear feet Bid item for “Paleontological Monitoring Program” and
shall include the payment for Work performed on laterals and other services,
such as potholing and other trenching. No payment shall be made unless the
qualified paleontologist is present to verify during the performance of the
2. In the event of a significant discovery, and if no bid item for “Paleontological
Mitigation and Excavation” is included in the Contract, you shall be entitled to
additional compensation in accordance with 2-8, “EXTRA WORK” for the
implementation of a Mitigation Program as set forth in Contract Appendices.
3. The payment for Work delays in excess of the 5 Working Days as described in
item 4 of 6-3.2.1, “Archaeological, Native American, and Paleontological
Discoveries” shall be included in the Bid item for “Suspension of Work
6-6.2.3 Archaeological and Native American Mitigation and Curation.
1. In the event of a significant Native American or archaeological discovery,
foreseen or unforeseen, and after consultation with EAS staff, you shall
implement a mitigation program as set forth in Appendix A.
2. In accordance with the Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program, the
mitigation Work shall include, but shall not be limited to the preparation and
implementation of an Archaeological Data Recovery Program (ADRP), the
following for artifact remains:
a) Excavation for recovery
b) Sorting
c) Cleaning
d) Cataloging/identifying/analyzing
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 136
e) Curation (bagging, placement into archival boxes, delivery to an
appropriate institution, and any fees required by the institution)
f) Reporting
3. The Archaeological Principal Investigator (PI), as defined in the MMRP, shall
make a recommendation if all or a portion (a representative sample) of the
items discovered need to be curated.
4. The excavation Work shall include coordination of all parties involved and
traffic control for a period of up to 2 weeks.
6- Payment.
1. The Work for archaeological and Native American mitigation and curation shall
be paid under the Allowance Bid item for “Archaeological and Native American
Mitigation and Curation”. You shall provide the Engineer with invoices for the
Work performed, including the invoice from the archaeological monitor in the
format shown in the attached Appendix, and shall be reimbursed from the
amount allocated.
2. If there is an ADRP or known site that is indicated in the Contract Documents,
the payment shall be included in the Allowance Bid item for “Archeological and
Native American Mitigation and Curation”.
6-6.2.4 Paleontological Mitigation and Excavation.
1. In the event of a significant paleontological discovery and after consultation
with EAS staff, implement a mitigation program in accordance with the
Contract Documents. In accordance with the Mitigation and Monitoring
Reporting Program or Paleontological Monitoring and Reporting Program, the
mitigation Work shall include the following for fossil remains:
a) Excavation for recovery
b) Sorting
c) Cleaning
d) Cataloging/identifying/analyzing
e) Reporting
f) Delivery to and any fees required by the appropriate institution
2. The excavation Work shall include coordination of all parties involved and
traffic control for a period of up to 2 weeks.
6- Payment.
1. The Work for paleontological mitigation and related excavation shall be paid
under the cubic yard Bid item for “Paleontological Mitigation and Excavation”.
Excavation Work over 10 feet (3 m) deep or, as determined by the
paleontologist, of areas outside of the trench for further recovery of fossils
(test pits) shall be included in this Bid item.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 137
6-7.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Prior to the Acceptance of the Work, you shall be found in default of the
Contract if:
a) You become insolvent, assign your assets for the benefit of your
creditors, are unable to pay your debts as they become due, or are
otherwise financially unable to complete the Work.
b) You abandon the Work by failing to report to the site and by failing to
diligently execute the Work to completion.
c) You disregard written instruction from the Engineer or materially
violate provisions of the Contract Documents.
d) You fail to execute the Work according to the Schedule approved by
the Engineer.
e) You disregard laws or regulations of any public body having
f) You commit continuous or repeated violations of regulatory or
statutory safety requirements.
g) You fail to notify the Engineer upon discovery of items of Native
American, Archaeological, or Paleontological interests.
2. Notices, and other written communications regarding default between the
Contractor, the City, and the Surety shall be transmitted in accordance with
SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. At any time, the City may at its sole discretion terminate this Contract in whole
or in part. If the City decides to terminate this Contract for convenience, the
City shall issue a written notice of termination for convenience in accordance
with 5-2, “SPECIAL NOTICES”. Upon receipt of this notice, you shall immediately
proceed as follows:
a) Stop Work immediately or in accordance with the Notice of
b) Notify Subcontractors and Suppliers to immediately cease their Work
and place no further subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities
except as necessary to complete any authorized continued portion of
the Contract.
c) Terminate all subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the Work
d) With approval by the Engineer, settle all outstanding obligations
arising from the termination of subcontracts. This approval shall be
final for the purposes of this section.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 138
e) As directed by the Engineer, transfer and deliver completed or partially
completed drawings, plans, calculations, specifications, and any other
documents and records that, if the Contract had been completed,
would be required to be furnished to the City.
f) Complete the performance of the Work not terminated.
g) Take all necessary steps and actions to minimize all costs to the City as
a result of the termination.
h) Take any action that may be necessary or that the Engineer may direct
for the protection and preservation of the property related to the
Contract that is in your possession and in which the City has or may
acquire an interest.
6-8.1 Termination Cost.
1. The City shall determine and pay you the fair and reasonable amounts for your
termination cost as follows:
a) The Contract Price for completed services accepted by the Engineer
not previously paid or adjusted for any saving of freight and other
b) The fair and reasonable cost of settling and paying termination
settlements for terminated subcontracts that are chargeable to the
terminated portion of the Contract.
c) The City shall pay you a prorated amount of profit on your Contract for
the amount of Work that you performed. The City shall not pay for lost
profit on Work that was not performed by you.
6-8.2 Termination Settlement.
1. After termination, you shall submit a final termination settlement proposal to
the Engineer no later than 3 months from the effective date of termination,
unless extended in writing by the Engineer.
2. If you fail to submit the proposal within the time allowed, the City may determine
and pay the fair and reasonable amount that may be due you as a result of the
termination. If you do not agree that the amount determined by the Engineer is
fair and reasonable, notify the Engineer within 30 Calendar Days of receipt of
6-8.3 Determination of Amount Due the Contractor.
1. In determining the amount due you, the City shall deduct the following:
a) The fair value of property destroyed, lost, stolen, or damaged that has
become undeliverable to the City.
b) Any claim which the City has against you under the Contract.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 139
6-8.4 Records and Documents Relating to Termination.
1. Unless otherwise specified or by statute, you shall maintain all records and
documents relating to the terminated portion of the Contract for 3 years after
final settlement. This includes all books and other evidence bearing on your
costs, expenses, and settlement under the Contract. You shall make these
records and documents available to the City, at your office, at all reasonable
times, without any direct charge. If approved by the Engineer, you may
maintain photographs, microphotographs, and other authentic reproductions
instead of original records and documents.
6-8.5 The City’s Right to Terminate or Suspend for Loss of Project Funds.
1. The City may terminate or suspend the Contract at its sole discretion if the
State of California or its agents render the Redevelopment Agency funds being
used to fund this Project unavailable. If the City chooses to suspend the
Contract, that suspension shall last until funds are identified and approved by
the City Council or Mayor, whichever is appropriate, to be used to complete
this project. If the City elects under this provision to terminate the Contract,
then neither Party is entitled to compensation from the other Party for any
costs arising from such termination. The City may also elect to terminate after
invoking a suspension under this provision.
6-9 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Your failure to complete the Work within the time allowed shall result in
damages being sustained by the City. Such damages are, and shall continue to
be, impracticable and extremely difficult to determine. For each consecutive
Working Day in excess of the time specified for the completion of the Work, as
adjusted in accordance with 6-4, “DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME”, you
shall pay to the City, or have withheld from monies due it, the sum described
in the table below, unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions.
2. The execution of the Contract shall constitute agreement between you the City
that the liquidated damage amount described in the table below is the value
of the damage caused by your failure to complete the Work within the allotted
time. Such sum shall not be construed as a penalty and may be deducted from
your payments if such delay occurs.
Contract Value Liquidated Damage Daily Amount
Less than $100,000 $250
$100,000 and more $1000
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 140
6-10.1 General.
1. The City retains the right to review, audit, reasonably access your and all your
Subcontractor’s premises to review and audit your compliance with the
provisions of the Contract. This includes the right to inspect, photocopy, and
retain copies, outside of your premises, of any and all records with appropriate
safeguards if such retention is deemed necessary by the City in its sole
discretion. The City will keep this information in strictest confidence.
2. You shall include the right to audit in the subcontracts and ensure that these
specifications are binding upon all Subcontractors.
6-10.2 Audit.
1. The right to audit includes the right to examine any and all books, records,
documents, and any other evidence of procedures and practices that the City
determines is necessary to discover and verify that you are in compliance with
all requirements under the Contract.
2. If there is a claim for additional compensation or for changes in Work, the right
to audit also includes the right to verify all direct and indirect costs which are
claimed to have been incurred, anticipated to be incurred, or for which a claim
for additional compensation or for changes in the Work have been submitted.
3. You shall maintain complete and accurate records in accordance with
generally accepted accounting practices in the construction industry. Make
available to the Engineer for review and audit all Project related accounting
records and documents and any other financial data. Upon the Engineer’s
request, you shall submit exact duplicates of originals of all requested records
to the Engineer.
6-10.3 Compliance Required Before Mediation and Litigation.
1. As a condition precedent to proceeding with mandatory mediation and further
litigation under 2-10.2, “Dispute Resolution Process” you shall comply with the
audit specifications within 60 Days of the Engineer’s notice to review and audit
compliance. See 5-2, “SPECIAL NOTICES”.
6-10.4 Access to Records on Federally Funded Projects.
1. You shall retain all records, books, papers, and documents directly pertinent
to the Contract for a minimum of 5 years after the City makes final payments
and all other pending matters are closed and shall allow access to those
records to the City, the Federal grantor agency, the Comptroller General of the
United States, or any duly authorized representatives.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 141
7-2.1 Schedule of Values (SOV).
1. Submit an SOV for the lump sum Bid items of the Work to the Engineer for
review and approval at the Pre-construction meeting.
2. The Schedule of Values shall:
a) Subdivide the Work into its respective parts.
b) Include values for all items comprising the Work.
c) Serve as the basis for monthly progress payments.
3. The Engineer is the sole judge of acceptable numbers, details, and description
of values established. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, a greater number of
SOV items than proposed by you is necessary, add the additional items
identified by the Engineer. When requested by the Engineer, provide
substantiating data in support of the SOV.
4. Incorporate the SOV into the cost loading function of the Schedule in
THE WORK”. Monthly progress payment amounts for Lump Sum items shall be
determined from the monthly updates of the Schedule activities.
5. Develop the SOV independently but simultaneously with the development of
the Schedule activities and logic. Incorporate phase funding impacts, if
applicable, into the Schedule.
6. Break down the Work not specifically included in the Bid as necessary for
establishment of cost and Schedule activity.
7. Following acceptance of the SOV, incorporate the changes (if any) into the cost
loading portion of the Schedule. Where coordination of the Schedule and the
SOV requires changes made to one or both documents, propose changes to
the SOV and to the Schedule activities to satisfy the Schedule cost loading
8. Update and submit these listings in conjunction with the Schedule monthly
9. Incorporate issued Change Orders or Field Orders in the Schedule into the SOV
as single units identified by the Change Order or Field Order number.
10. Changes to the Schedule which add activities not included in the original
Schedule but included in the original Work (schedule omissions) shall have
values assigned as accepted by the Engineer. Other activity values shall be
reduced to provide equal value adjustment increases for added activities as
accepted by the Engineer.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 142
11. In the event that you and the Engineer agree to make adjustments to the
original SOV because of inequities discovered in the original accepted SOV,
increases and equal decreases to values for activities may be made.
7-2.2 Payment.
1. The payment for the preparation of the SOV shall be included in the Contract
7-3.1 General. To paragraph (8), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
If, within the time fixed by law, a properly executed notice to stop payment is filed with
the City, due to your failure to pay for labor or materials used in the Work, all money
due for such labor or materials will be withheld from payment in accordance with
applicable laws.
ADD the following:
1. Unless specified otherwise, the Contract Price includes use, consumer, and
other taxes mandated by applicable legal requirements.
2. As provided in §7105 of the California Public Contract Code, if the Contract is not
financed by revenue bonds, you are not responsible for the cost of repairing or
restoring damage to the Project when damage was proximately caused by an act
of God, in excess of 5% of the Contract Price, if the following occur:
a) The Project damaged was built in accordance with the Contract
b) There are no insurance requirements in the Contract for the damages.
You shall promptly notify the City in writing of any potential cost overruns. Cost
overruns shall include, but are not limited to the following:
a) Where the total cost for the performance of the scope of services
defined in the Scope of Work appears that it may be greater than the
maximum compensation for the Contract.
7-3.2 Partial and Final Payment. ADD the following:
1. The Final Payment, which is the release of Retention, shall be paid to you after
you have successfully submitted the following required documents:
a) An affidavit that payrolls and bills for materials, equipment, and other
indebtedness connected with the Work for which the City or the City’s
property might be responsible for or encumbered by.
b) A certificate evidencing that insurances required by the Contract
Documents shall remain in force after Final Payment is currently in
effect and shall not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least a 30
Calendar Days prior written notice has been given to the Engineer.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 143
c) Consent of Surety to Final Payment.
d) If required by the Engineer, other data establishing payment or
satisfaction of obligations such as receipts, releases and waivers of
liens, claims, and security interests or encumbrances arising out of the
Contract Documents. If a Subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or
waiver required by the City, you may furnish a bond satisfactory to the
Engineer to indemnify the City against such lien.
e) If required in the Contract Documents, the successful completion and
submittal of the required reports such as construction demolition,
waste recycling, and hydrostatic discharge reports.
f) Required EOCP Final Summary Report in accordance with Section 0-
12, “Contract Records and Reports”, record drawings, operations
manuals, test reports, warranty documentation, and UL labels shall be
submitted before requesting the release of retention.
g) Acceptance of the completed Project by the asset owning Department.
2. Submit an invoice for payment after you successfully complete the required
documents and the City will pay the invoice within 30 Calendar Days. The City
will pay 6% annually for late retention payments.
7-3.2.1 Application for Progress Payment.
1. By the 10
day of each month, sign, fill out, and submit to the Engineer a partial
payment estimate that identifies acceptable Work performed during the
previous month, or since the last partial payment estimate was submitted. If
requested by the Engineer, provide such additional data as may be required
to support the payment estimate. Such data may include submission of signed
field orders and satisfactory evidence of payment for equipment, materials,
and labor, including payments to Subcontractors and Suppliers.
2. For application for progress payments, you shall use the format required by
the City. An electronic copy of the invoice form is available from the Engineer
upon request. Progress payments shall be signed and the date of the invoice
shall be the date that the invoice is submitted.
3. The City shall not pay progress or partial payments until you submit to the
Engineer an acceptable updated Schedule. It is solely your responsibility to
prepare and submit the Schedule updates.
4. The City shall pay you within 30 Calendar Days after the presentation of
undisputed and properly submitted applications for payment.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 144
5. Disputed or incorrect applications shall be returned to you within 7 Calendar
Days with documentation describing the reason for the rejection of the
payment request.
7-3.2.2 Amount of Progress Payments.
1. The City will pay 6% annually for late progress payments.
2. Progress payments will be considered “late” if the following occur:
a) The City does not pay the contractor within 30 Calendar Days from
receipt of an undisputed and properly submitted invoice. A properly
submitted payment invoice means that the City has approved for
payment the entire invoice amount or if the Resident Engineer has not
disputed any portion of the application within 7 Calendar Days of the
date of submission.
b) The application for payment does not require signing of a Contract
Change Order.
3. The Engineer may withhold payment for any of the following reasons:
a) Defective or incomplete Work.
b) Not providing an updated and accurate Cost Loaded Construction
Schedule in accordance with 6-1.1, “Construction Schedule”.
c) Stop notices, wage orders, or other withholdings required by
Applicable Law. Your failure to comply with 5-3.3, “Payroll Records”
and the Contractor Registration and Electronic Reporting System
requirements of the Contract Documents.
4. The Engineer may back charge the contract for any of the following reasons:
a) Defective or incorrect Work not remedied.
b) Damage to City property or a third party’s property that was caused by
c) Liquidated Damages.
7- Progress Payment for Pipelines.
1. Progress payments for pipelines shall be determined by multiplying the total
number of linear feet of each of the following operations completed during
the payment period, by the corresponding percentage given below, and the
Contract Unit Price for the particular main(s) or drain(s).
2. The progress payment may include payment for items in the Bid proposal,
other than mains, which have been installed complete during the payment
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 145
3. Payment break-down shall be as follows:
Trench Excavation, Pipe in Place, Backfill and Cleanup. 80%
Hydrostatic and Bacterial Testing, Pavement Restoration and
Final Cleanup
Trench Excavation, Pipe in Place, Backfill and Cleanup. 80%
Testing (Wayneball and/or Mandrel), Pavement Restoration
and Final Cleanup.
Trench Excavation, Pipe in Place, Backfill and Cleanup. 80%
Pavement Restoration and Final Cleanup. 20%
Cleaning, Televising, liner installation, point repairs, and
lateral reinstatements.
Approval of pipeline rehabilitation verified by Final Video. 20%
4. In asphalt-surfaced streets, the City shall pay 15% for hydrostatic and bacterial
testing, Wayneball and Mandrelling (where necessary), for water and sewer
utility constructions respectively, and operational testing for storm drains,
including the trench cap and cleanup. The City shall pay the remaining 5% after
completing the asphalt wearing surface, Trench Capping per SDG-107 “Trench
Resurfacing for Asphalt Concrete Surfaced Streets”, and final cleanup.
5. Trench excavation, pipe in place, backfill, and cleanup of construction debris
are one operation that shall be complete before the City pays the first 80%.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 146
7-3.2.3 Waiver of Claims at Final Payment.
1. Your acceptance of Final Payment constitutes a waiver of affirmative Claims
by you, except those previously made in writing and identified as unsettled at
the time of Final Payment.
7-3.3.1 Payment for Stored Materials on Site.
7- General.
1. When authorized, you may request payment for materials and equipment
which has not been incorporated into the Work but will be at a later date and
will be delivered and stored at the Project Site.
2. The material shall meet the Contract requirements and the material’s required
test results and certifications shall be filed with the Engineer.
3. Only non-perishable materials for major items of Work or Materials Subject to
Price Adjustment shall be considered for payment for on-site storage.
However, each individual item has a value of more than 1% of the Contract
Price and shall become a permanent part of the Work.
4. Materials cost shall be evidenced by the manufacturer's paid invoice bearing
the statement that you have paid all invoices in full.
5. The payments for the stored materials shall not exceed the invoice price or
60% of the Bid prices for the pay items into which the materials are to be
incorporated, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
6. Apply for the payment for materials stored on a form provided by the Engineer
and attach documentation to show the following:
a) The amount paid on the invoice (or other record of production cost)
for the stored items.
b) The dollar amount of the material incorporated into each of the
various Work items for the month.
c) The amount that should be retained for stored materials.
d) That you have received the materials and equipment free and are clear
of all liens, charges, secured interests, and encumbrances.
e) That the materials and equipment are covered by the appropriate
property insurance in accordance with the insurance provisions and
other arrangements that protect the City’s interest.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 147
7. You shall provide the Engineer, upon request and prior to any partial payment,
documentation which transfers full legal title to such materials to the City
conditional only upon receipt of the Final Payment. Such transfer of title or any
partial payment shall not constitute acceptance by the City of the materials
nor shall it void the right to reject materials subsequently found to be
unsatisfactory in accordance with SECTION 4 CONTROL OF MATERIALS. This
shall also not relieve you of any obligation arising under the Contract
8. The payments for materials on-site are subject to retention as set forth in 7-
3.2, “Partial and Final Payment”.
9. You shall assume all risks associated with the loss or damage to the stored
products for which payment has or has not been received.
10. Equipment and materials shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations. The stored products shall be in a form ready for
installation. The City shall not pay for raw materials or parts and pieces of
11. Any and all surplus materials that are not incorporated in the Work shall
become your property at no additional cost to the City.
12. Unless specifically provided in the contract, payment for the materials on
hand shall not be included when determining the percentage of Work
7- Payment for Stored Materials Offsite.
1. The payment of materials and equipment delivered and stored offsite shall be
contingent upon your compliance with the storage and protective
maintenance requirements set forth in the Contract Documents and all other
requirements necessary to preserve equipment warranties for the benefit of
the City.
2. The City reserves the right to refuse approval for the payment of any
equipment or materials suitably stored offsite in its sole discretion, regardless
of whether all conditions herein have been met.
3. Partial payment may be made for products eligible for offsite delivery and
storage only upon your presentation of a bill of sale, a paid invoice, or an
affidavit certifying that the material is received by the contractor fee and clear
of all liens, encumbrances, and secured interested of any kind including offsite
4. Partial payment for products delivered and stored offsite shall be contingent
upon your compliance with the storage and protective maintenance
requirements set forth in the Contract Documents and all other requirements
necessary to preserve equipment warranties for the benefit of the City.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 148
5. Costs associated with the delivery to and storage at an offsite facility shall be
at your expense regardless of the Engineer’s approval to deliver and store the
6. You shall provide written evidence to the Engineer of having made
arrangements for unrestricted access by the City and the City’s authorized
representatives to the materials wherever stored, including provisions for the
City to take control and possession of such materials at any time and without
restriction. You shall furnish the Engineer a permit of entry, from the owner of
the property, for at least 6 months after the NOC has been filed. The permit of
entry shall contain information similar to the following:
PERMIT OF ENTRY: Permission is hereby granted to the City and its
designated employees or agents to enter upon the property described
herein for a period of not less than 6 months after the NOC has been
filed for (Project Name) for the purpose of removing materials for
which advance materials on hand payment has been made to
(Contractor’s Name). The property is owned by (Owner’s Name) and is
described as follows: (Address and Description of Property). (Include
signature(s) and date(s) for owner and lessee or purchaser, and, if
appropriate, attach a copy of a warehouse receipt or contract for
7. The material shall be clearly marked and identified as being specifically
fabricated, produced, and reserved for use on the Project. Provide payment
documentation for the materials.
7-3.4 Mobilization. ADD the following:
1. Mobilization consists of Work necessary for the movement of personnel,
equipment, supplies, and incidentals to and from the Site; for establishment
of all offices, buildings, storage yards, and other facilities necessary for the
Work; and for all other Work and operations which shall be performed prior
to beginning the Work and after completion of the Work on the various
Contract items on the Site.
2. You shall properly design the Project parameters to incorporate construction
mobility for moving on and off the Site in a manner that limits disturbance to
the surrounding residences, businesses, and any other citizens. This includes
the designated staging areas, loading areas, and assemblage areas. You shall
consider and address access rights of the public at all times. Prepare a
mobilization plan that shall describe and govern your mobilization activities.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 149
7-3.4.1 Payment.
1. When a Bid item has been provided for “Mobilization”, payment for
mobilization Work shall be distributed equally over the first 2 progress
payments up to the bid amount of the “Mobilization” Bid item but shall not
exceed 3% of the Contract Price. If your Bid item for “Mobilization” exceeds 3%
of the Contract Price, then anything above 3% of the Contract Price shall be
paid as a part of the Final Payment.
2. The complete dismantling and removal of all of your properties, temporary
facilities, equipment, materials, construction wastes, and personnel at the Site
referred to as demobilization is included in the payment for mobilization.
3. If a separate Bid item has not been provided for mobilization, the payment for
mobilization is included in the Contract Price.
4. When Phased Paving is required in the Contract Documents, the cost for
mobilization shall exclude the costs for all mobilization and demobilization
Work associated with each paving phase. The costs for all mobilization and
demobilization Work associated with each paving phase shall be paid in
accordance with 306-1.2.1, “Payment”.
7-3.5.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Unit Bid prices shall not be subject to adjustment regardless of quantity used,
or if none is used, for the following Bid items:
a) imported backfill
b) shoring
c) water services
d) house connection sewers
e) water pollution control items
2. Unit Bid prices for “Potholing Existing Utilities Not Shown on Plans (Depth up
to 7 feet)” shall not be subject to adjustment regardless of quantity used or if
none is used.
3. Upon discovery and prior to the Work, you shall notify the Resident Engineer
if there is a change in Bid item quantity that increases the total Contract Price
by 5% or $100,000 or more, whichever is less.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 150
7-3.9 Field Orders.
1. If the cumulative total of Field Order items of Work does not exceed the “Field
Orders” Bid Item, the City shall pay those Field Orders as shown below:
TABLE 7-3.9
Contract Price
Maximum Field Order Work
Less than $100,001 $2,500
$100,001 to $1,000,000 $5,000
$1,000,001 to $5,000,000 $10,000
Greater than $5,000,000 $20,000
7-3.10 Phased Funding Compensation.
1. For phased funded contracts in accordance with 6-1.4, “Phased Funding”:
a) Total compensation to be paid to you for the Work performed under
each phase of the Contract may not exceed the amount specified for
each phase in the final Phased Funding Schedule Agreement unless
specified otherwise by a Change Order.
b) Identify the Work to be performed as part of the first phase in the Pre-
Award Schedule. The Work elements to be completed as part of each
phase shall be functional and complete for the intended purpose in
the event the subsequent phases are not authorized by the City.
c) The subsequent phases to the first phase are subject to funding
availability by the City. Do not start subsequent phases without prior
written authorization from the Engineer.
d) Fund availability for the performance of Work is described in the first,
subsequent, and final Phased Funding Schedule Agreements. The
amount of funds available at award shall be sufficient for the
performance of the first phase only. When additional funds are
available for the full requirements of the next funding phase, the
Engineer shall notify you. The City may modify the amount of funds as
available for Contract performance in subsequent and final Phase
Funding Schedule Agreements via Change Order.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 151
e) The City is not obligated to provide you any amount over what has
been specified in the first, subsequent, or final Phased Funding
Schedule Agreements for Contract performance and as authorized by
the City Council.
f) You are not obligated to incur costs for the performance of the Work
for any funding phase after the first funding phase until written
notification is received from the Engineer of an increase in the
availability of funds. If notified, your obligation shall increase only to
the extent the Contract performance is required for the additional
funding phase for which funds are made available.
g) If the Contract is terminated in accordance with 6-8, “TERMINATION OF
THE CONTRACT FOR CONVENIENCE” the settlement proposal shall be
determined pursuant to the procedures established in that section for
Work under specific funding phases for which funds have been made
available. If the Contract is terminated for default, the City’s rights
under the Contract shall apply to the entire multi-phase requirements.
h) A notification to you of an increase or decrease in the funds available
for the performance of the Contract under another clause (an “option”
or “changes” clause) shall not constitute the notification contemplated
in subsection “a” above.
7-3.11 Compensation Adjustments for Price Index Fluctuations.
1. Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this section apply only to the
paving asphalt used in the following:
a) Asphalt Concrete Pavement
b) Asphalt Pavement Repair
c) Scheduled and Unscheduled Base Repair
d) Slurry Seal or any other asphalt emulsion
2. The compensation for paving asphalt shall be increased or decreased for paving
asphalt price fluctuations in accordance with 7-3.11 “Compensation Adjustments
for Price Index Fluctuations” in the Caltrans Standard Specifications.
3. The adjustment in compensation shall also be subject to the following:
a) Show the compensation adjustments provided herein separately on
payment estimates. You are liable to the City for decreased
compensation adjustments and the Engineer may deduct the amount
from moneys payable or that may become payable to you.
b) In the event of an overrun of contract time, adjustment in
compensation for asphalt binder included in estimates during the
overrun period shall be determined using the California Statewide
Crude Oil Price Index in effect on the first business day of the month
within the pay period in which the overrun began.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 152
c) In the event that the companies discontinue posting their prices for a
field, the Engineer shall determine an index from the remaining posted
prices. The City reserves the right to include in the index determination
the posted prices of additional fields.
4. You may opt out of the payment adjustments for price index fluctuations
when specified in the SSP by submitting a letter with the Bid.
7-4.1 General. ADD the following:
1. With every request for payment, submit to the Engineer a breakdown showing
monthly and cumulative amounts of the Work performed under the Change
Order by you and your Subcontractors. The reporting format shall be
approved by the Engineer.
7-4.2.1 Labor. ADD the following:
1. The City reserves the right to request the following:
a) Financial records of salaries for an employee.
b) Wage rates.
c) Bonuses and deductions.
2. Use the “PUBLIC WORKS PAYROLL REPORTING FORM” to list the labor rates of
its personnel and Subcontractors who Work on the Project:
3. Make the initial submittal prior to NTP. The payment for payroll records shall
be included in the Contract Price.
4. If your proposal for Extra Work is based upon services and Work to be
performed outside Normal Working Hours, the labor charges associated with
the Extra Work shall consist of straight time wages and burdens plus the
appropriate overtime or shift premium with no additional burdens, such as
fringe benefits, on the premium portion.
7-4.2.3 Tool and Equipment Rental. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. No payment shall be made for the use of tools which have a replacement value
of $200 or less.
2. Regardless of ownership, the rates to be used in determining equipment
rental costs shall not exceed those listed in the latest edition of the Caltrans
publication entitled "Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates" preceding
the date the Work is accomplished. The latest edition of the Caltrans
publication is available at
3. You shall be entitled to a rental rate adjustment when you can substantiate
that the rental rates prevailing locally exceed the published rates by more than
15%. For equipment not listed in the Caltrans publication, rental rates shall not
exceed listed rates prevailing locally at equipment rental agencies or
distributors at the time the Work is performed.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 153
4. Whenever possible, Extra Work shall be accomplished using equipment
available on Site or owned by you. If a specific piece of equipment shall be
rented to be used exclusively for the Extra Work, the rental rate shall be the
invoiced rate.
5. If rental equipment is not being used and could be returned to its rental source
rather than holding it at the Work site, return the equipment at no expense to
the City unless you elect to keep it at the Work Site at your expense.
6. The reported rental time for equipment already at the Work site shall be the
duration of its use on the Extra Work. This time shall begin when equipment is
first used on Extra Work, plus the time required to move it from its previous
site and back or from its previous site to a closer site.
7. All equipment shall be acceptable to the Engineer, in good working condition,
and suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used.
7-4.3 Markup. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Work paid under Allowance Bid items for permits, governmental fees, or direct
payments specified in the Contract Documents shall not be subject to any
2. The allowance for overhead and profit shall not exceed the values listed in the
table below:
Component Overhead Profit
Labor 10% 10%
Material 10% 5%
Equipment 10% 5%
3. Markups for materials shall be applied to the actual cost of the material before
applying the sales tax.
4. When a Subcontractor is performing Extra Work, the allowance for overhead
and profit shall be applied to the labor, materials, and equipment costs of the
Subcontractor as follows:
a) Regardless of the number of a Subcontractor’s tasks for Extra Work,
you may only apply 10% for the first $50,000 of the Subcontractor’s
portion of accumulated total cost then 5% for any remaining costs. You
shall not apply 10% to any costs after the first $50,000 of accumulated
total costs from performing Extra Work.
b) If the accumulated costs of single or subsequent tasks exceed the
$50,000 threshold, you shall instead only apply 5% to any amounts in
excess of the $50,000.
c) Regardless of the number of hierarchical tiers of Subcontractors, you
may only markup a Subcontractor’s Work once.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 154
8-1.1 Field Office Maintenance.
1. Service, maintain, and clean the field office on a weekly basis to the Engineer’s
2. Service, clean, and maintain the portable chemical toilet and replenish bottled
drinking water supplies.
3. Service and maintain field office equipment. For the air conditioning system,
perform the maintenance at intervals recommended by the supplier or
manufacturer or as directed by the Engineer.
4. You are responsible for the maintenance of all items supplied. Repair or
replace any equipment or furnishing in the event of damage or theft at no
additional cost to the City.
8-1.2 Field Office Security.
1. You are responsible for field office security. Provide field office security
measures necessary for personal protection and for the prevention of
vandalism and theft.
8-1.3 Submittals to Be Provided.
1. A proposed layout of the interior of the field office showing wall partitions,
doors, and telephone and electrical outlets.
2. A proposed Site plan showing the field office location at the Site.
3. Location and mailing address of the field office.
4. Computer workstation literature specifying peripherals and software included.
5. Manufacturer’s information for the FAX machine.
1. If specified in the Special Provisions, provide field offices for the City’s use.
The field office and contents specified in these specifications shall become
your property upon completion of the Project.
8-2.1 Class “A” Field Office. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. You shall provide the City with an operational field office for use by the City
field personnel for a time period consistent with construction operations and
commencing on the date of issuance of the NTP.
2. The field office shall be a standard office trailer, 10 feet wide by 60 feet long (3
m wide by 18.3 m long) minimum in dimension, with an interior layout
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 155
providing 2 fully partitioned offices and a fully partitioned conference room
and any other necessary halls or passageways. Locate the field office at the
Site and designate it as the Engineer’s Office.
3. The field office shall be completely outfitted and equipped as specified and
prepared for occupancy before the start of construction.
8-2.1.1 Field Office Features and Equipment.
1. Fit windows with screens and blinds or curtains.
2. Provide air conditioning and heating systems capable of automatically
maintaining an office temperature of 72° F (22.2° C) during all seasons.
3. Provide 8 110V duplex convenience outlets.
4. Provide 1 exterior door with an exterior light.
5. Provide a supply of bottled drinking water with a dispenser that provides both
hot and cold water. Maintain the supply of bottled drinking water at all times
during the construction period.
6. Provide 1 portable chemical toilet located nearby, but separately, from the
field office trailer.
8-2.1.2 Furnishings.
1. Two (2) matching desks.
2. Two (2) matching cushioned swivel chairs with arms.
3. Three (3) Plan tables with a minimum of 8 feet by 2½ feet (2.4 m by 0.76 m) in
4. Two (2) bookcases, 60 inches high by 48 inches wide by 12 inches deep (1.5 m
by 1.2 m by 0.3 m), with 5 adjustable shelves.
5. Eight (8) stacking chairs.
6. One (1) 4 foot by 6 foot (1.2 m by 1.8 m) whiteboard for use by felt tip-type
markers. Provide 3 markers each in red, green, blue, and black colors and 2
7. Two (2) 4-drawer, legal-sized, metal filing cabinets with integral drawer locks.
8. Two (2) matching wastebaskets.
9. One (1) high speed internet access line with paid Internet Service Provider
10. One (1) small refrigerator.
11. One (1) telephone line with voice messaging, caller ID, and conference call
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 156
12. One (1) non-coin-operated cordless telephone with a 50 foot (15.2 m) range
13. One (1) computer desk with 2 drawers. Desk shall be sized to fit the computer,
monitor, and printer.
14. Four (4) swivel chairs for computer workstation.
15. One (1) computer workstation complete with all standard peripherals and
printer and scanner per the City’s IT standards.
16. One (1) photocopier complete with an automatic feeder, sorter, and stand per
the City’s standard IT requirements. Contact the City’s project manager for
more information. Provide a monthly maintenance service. Include all labor
and parts, excluding paper, and including travel and consumable supplies
such as drums, developer toner, and fuser rollers. The maintenance is based
on 5,000 copies per month. Provide an appropriate storage cabinet or stand
with the photocopier.
8-2.4 Class “D” Field Office.
1. Provide a field office for the City’s exclusive use, detached from your field
office. The City’s field office shall consist of a minimum 175 ft
(16.3 m
) trailer
equipped with the following:
a) One (1) chemical toilet facility adjacent to the field office.
b) One (1) exterior door and window area of not less than 22 ft
(2 m
). Provide doors and windows with screens.
c) Electric power to include a minimum of 4 duplex convenience outlets.
The office shall be illuminated at the tables and desk. An outdoor
lighting fixture with 300 W bulb or equal installed to effectively light
the area around the field office facility when required by the Engineer.
d) Furniture and equipment:
i. Two (2) desks and 6 chairs.
ii. One (1) file cabinet (2-drawer, legal).
iii. One (1) bookcase.
iv. One (1) computer workstation complete with scanner,
monitor, and printer per the City’s standard systems. The
computer workstation shall become your property at the
completion of Work.
v. One (1) table reference, 30 inches by 60 inches, (0.76 m by 1.5 m).
vi. One (1) non-coin-operated cordless telephone with a 50 foot
(15.2 m) range capability.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 157
vii. One (1) high speed internet access line with paid Internet
Service Provider (ISP) services for a period consistent with the
construction operations.
viii. One (1) copy machine and supplies.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 158
To Part 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS (A), REVISE with the following:
1-2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. ADD the following:
111. Apparent Winner - The Design-Builder whose Proposal is selected to be the
most advantageous (best value) to the City.
112. Architect-Engineer - You or your designated Architect-Engineering firm.
113. Bridging Documents - The City’s preliminary and conceptual plans and
specifications that shall be used by you as a minimum basis to design and
construct the Project. See the RFP, Attachment A.
114. Construction Phase - The period set forth in the Schedule beginning with the
issuance of the Construction Notice to Proceed and ending on the date of
115. Designer - See Architect-Engineer.
116. Design-Builder - See Contractor.
117. Design Work - That portion of the Work consisting of the professional design
services required to be provided in connection with the design of the Project
or portions of the Project as set forth in the Contract Documents.
118. Design Materials - Documents, Shop Drawings, Working Drawings, electronic
information, data, plans, drawings, sketches, illustrations, specifications,
descriptions, models, and other information developed that are prepared,
furnished, delivered or required to be delivered by you to the Engineer under the
Contract Documents and/or or developed or prepared by you specifically to
discharge your responsibilities.
119. Design Phase - The period set forth in the Schedule commencing with your
receipt of a Limited NTP and ending upon the date the Engineer approves the
Construction Documents.
120. Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) - Also known as Multiple Award
Design-Build Contracts. Provisions for Design-Build contracts shall apply to MACC
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 159
121. Order of Magnitude Documents - The drawings, specifications and other
documents by you for the City’s review and approval prior to the preparation
of the Construction Documents.
122. Request for Proposal (RFP):
a) The City’s solicitation to prospective proposers upon which an
evaluated selection of a Design-Builder shall be made.
b) The standardized form used by the City to request a Proposal from you
for proposed changes in the Work.
123. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) - The City’s solicitation to prospective
Design-Builders for SOQ.
124. Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) - The document you submit for the City’s
consideration in response to the RFQ stating your expertise, experience, and
capabilities and for providing other required information to design and build
the Project.
125. Task - See Task Order.
126. Task Order - A project assigned to a specific As-Needed Contract which shall
be constructed by you in accordance with the terms of the As-Needed Contract
to which it is assigned.
127. Task Order Authorization - For As-needed Contracts, the documents the City
transmit to you which indicate the Work instructions, Scope of Work, and time
duration allotted for a particular Task or Project.
128. Task Order Proposal - For As-needed Contracts, your irrevocable offer to
perform Work associated with a Task Order that refers to your quote for a firm
fixed-price and schedule for the completion of the specified Scope of Work.
Your Proposal shall be on electronic forms provided by the City and shall be in
an electronic version compatible with the City’s systems. The Proposal
Submittal may also require a Work schedule, EOC forms, or other
documentation that the City may require for a specific Task Order.
with the following:
1. The award and execution of the Contract shall be as provided for in the Special
Provisions, Instruction to Bidders, Notice Inviting Bids, or the Request for
Proposals (RFP).
1-7.1.5 Document Ownership.
1. Once you have received any compensation for the Work performed, all
electronic or hard copy documents, including but not limited to original plans,
studies, sketches, drawings, computer printouts and files, and specifications
prepared in connection with or related to the Work shall become the City’s
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 160
2. The City’s ownership of these documents includes use, reproduction, or reuse
of all incidental rights whether or not the item of the Work for which they were
prepared has been performed.
3. The City’s ownership entitlement arises upon payment or any partial payment
for the Work performed and includes ownership of Work products completed
under the Contract.
4. This subsection shall apply whether your services are terminated by the
completion of the Project or in accordance with other provisions of the
Contract. You may make copies of all such plans, studies, sketches, drawings,
computer printouts and files, and specifications.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 161
2-1 WORK TO BE DONE. ADD the following:
3. The minimum design requirements for the Project are set forth in the Bridging
Documents, the information provided for sample or model facility, or both. Do
not proceed with nor pay for any Design Work until the City issues a Limited
4. Comply with the Final Environmental Document, including incorporating
environmental considerations into the Project design, modifying the Project
design, where applicable, and mitigating impacts.
5. Keep the Engineer informed of the progress and quality of the design and
construction of the Project.
6. Organization of the Design Materials into divisions, sections and articles and
arrangement of drawings is for convenience and does not control dividing the
Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of the Work
performed by any trade.
7. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, provide and pay for
design, labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and
machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and
services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work,
whether temporary or permanent and incorporated in the Work.
8. Respond to, and ensure Subcontractors respond to, RFI, substitution requests,
and Change Order requests. Provide the Engineer with copies of all
correspondence within 24 hours of receipt, and conduct weekly review
meetings with the Engineer to discuss these items.
2-1.1 Construction Obligations.
1. Do not perform any construction Work in connection with the Project prior to
receipt of NTP. The City shall make no payment for any construction Work
performed prior to issuance of the NTP and applications for payment for such
Work are not binding on the City.
2. If you desire to begin constructing a portion of the Project prior to achieving
final design of the Project, you shall in writing notify the Engineer at least 3
Working Days in advance of proposed construction activities to seek the
Engineer’s approval and include proof of receipt of all applicable permits. The
Engineer shall provide you with a standard form for this purpose. Do not move
forward with any construction activities without providing such notice and
receiving the Engineer’s approval.
3. If you desire to modify the design documents after they have been approved
by the Engineer, obtain the Engineer’s prior written approval before making
any such modifications and any construction changes based upon such
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 162
2-1.2 Standards of Performance.
1. Use the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable professionals
practicing in the same field of service in the State of California.
2. The Construction Documents shall be prepared, signed, and stamped by and
under the direct responsible charge of an architect or engineer duly licensed
in the State of California.
3. Perform the Work in accordance with the professional standards applicable to
projects, buildings, or Work of complexity, quality and scope comparable to the
4. You are the Engineer of Record (Engineer of Work).
2-1.3 Use of Design Materials.
1. The Engineer has unlimited rights to copy and use in connection with the
Project all Design Materials, including the right to use them on the Project at
no additional cost to the City regardless of degree of completion provided that
said services performed have been fully paid for, exclusive of the amounts
disputed by the City in good faith, as required by the terms of the Contract.
2. You agree to and grant to the City and any assignee or successor of the City as
owner of the Project a royalty-free license to any such Design Materials as to
which you may assert any rights under the patent or copyright laws. You agree
to assign outright and exclusively to the City all copyrights in the design
appearance of the Project. You, as part of your agreements with
Subcontractors, shall secure such license and use rights from each such entity,
and shall defend, indemnify and hold the City and any successors or assigns
harmless from any claims by such entities for copyright or patent
2-1.4 Local Conditions.
1. You represent that you have taken steps necessary to ascertain the nature and
location of the Work and that you have investigated and satisfied yourself as
to the general and local conditions which are applicable to the Work such as
the following:
a) Conditions bearing on transportation, disposal, handling, and storage
of materials.
b) The availability of labor, water, power, and roads.
c) Normal weather conditions.
d) Observable physical conditions at the Site.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 163
e) The surface conditions of the ground.
f) The character of equipment and facilities needed prior to and during
the performance of the Work.
2. To the extent you encounter subsurface or concealed conditions which differ
materially from those represented in the Contract Documents, you shall notify
the Engineer promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later
than 4 Working Days after the first observance of the conditions if a Change
Order is contemplated by you due to such condition.
3. If the subsurface or concealed conditions are determined to be of Hazardous
Materials or Waste, you shall immediately notify the City no later than 1
Working Day and shall proceed as set forth in these specifications and the
exhibits of the Contract.
4. You shall not be entitled to any adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time
or shall have been deemed to have waived your right to such a Claim if:
a) You knew of the existence of such conditions at the time you made a
final commitment to the City in respect to the Contract Price and
Contract Time by becoming bound under the Contract.
b) The existence of such condition could reasonably have been
discovered or revealed as a result of any examination or investigation
of the Site and contiguous areas suggested or required by the Contract
c) You failed to give the written notice within the time and as required by
this subsection.
2-1.5 Model or Example Facility Information.
1. If any element required by the Contract Documents is not clearly defined, rely
on the model or example facility information provided in the Contract
Documents for the standard requirements. Contact the City’s project manager
for a site visit of facility prior to finalization of Bid.
2-1.6 Procedures for Review of Design Materials.
1. The review process for submitted materials shall be as follows:
a) The Engineer shall respond to your Submittals or re-Submittals within
15 Working Days of their receipt unless the Engineer gives you prior
notice. Within 5 Working Days of receipt of the Engineer’s comments,
you shall resolve and discuss with the Engineer any outstanding issues
as a result of the Engineer’s comments.
b) Unless agreed with the Engineer in advance, submit any required
revised or final Submittals within 10 Working Days of the resolution of
the submittal issues.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 164
c) Ensure that the comments of the Engineer are addressed by the
designers. 1 copy of all Submittals reviewed by the designer shall be
provided to the Engineer.
2. Provide shop drawings and material specifications to the Engineer of all
materials to be specified within the final design prior to incorporating them
into the construction documents.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 165
3-3 SUBCONTRACTORS. ADD the following:
6. You shall not hire or allow any entity such as the City’s consultant and any sub-
consultant who participated in creating the Bridging Documents or Contract
Documents for this project to participate in design services, construction
management, and any other construction services related in any way to this
project without the City’s written consent.
7. You shall pay the Subcontractors for your approved invoice amounts out of
amounts paid by the City to you no later than 14 Calendar Days from your
receipt of payment from the City. Nothing in this paragraph is construed to
impair your right and any Subcontractor’s right to negotiate fair and
reasonable pricing and payment provisions among yourselves.
8. In the case of a deficiency in the performance of the Subcontractor’s services,
you shall notify the Engineer in writing of any withholding of payment to the
Subcontractor, specifying the following:
a) The amount withheld.
b) The specific cause under the terms of the subcontract for withholding
c) The connection between the cause for withholding payment and the
amount withheld.
d) The remedial action the Subcontractor shall take in order to receive
the amount withheld.
9. Once the Subcontractor corrects the deficiency, you shall pay the
Subcontractor the amount withheld within 14 Calendar Days of your receipt
of the City’s next payment.
3-7.2 Precedence of Contract Documents. DELETE in entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. If there is a conflict between any of the Contract Documents, the document
highest in the order of precedence shall control. If there is a conflict between
any of the Contract Documents and the Municipal Code, the most stringent
requirements shall control. The order of precedence, from highest to lowest,
shall be as follows:
a) Permits (issued by jurisdictional regulatory agencies including
environmental documents).
b) Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements; whichever occurs last.
c) The signed written Agreement.
d) Addenda.
e) Bid / Price Proposal.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 166
f) Request for Proposal (RFP).
g) Supplemental Special Provisions.
h) Project Plans.
i) Standard Drawings.
j) “WHITEBOOK” (City Supplement).
k) “GREENBOOK” (Standard Specifications for Public Works
l) Reference Specifications.
2. When additional EOCP requirements by the funding sources are included or
incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents, the funding source’s
requirements shall govern unless specified otherwise in the SSP.
3. With reference to the drawings the order of precedence shall be as follows:
a) Figures govern over scaled dimensions.
b) Detail drawings govern over general drawings.
c) Addenda and Change Order drawings govern over Plans.
d) Plans govern over Standard Drawings.
4. When a conflict exists between the ADA, Title 24, City Standards Drawings, and
the City Supplement, the most restrictive requirement shall be followed.
5. When there is a conflict between 700-1.2, “Standards, Poles, Steel Pedestals,
and Posts” and the current adopted edition of Caltrans Standard Specifications
and/or Standard Plans, the Caltrans standards shall control.
6. The Work instructions on the Task Order Scope of Work shall have the same
rank as “Special Provisions” and “Project Plans” when used in conjunction with
3-7.2, “Precedence of Contract Documents”.
7. Task Order modifications and revised Scope of Work shall have the same rank
as “Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements” when used in conjunction
with 3-7.2, “Precedence of Contract Documents”.
3-7.5 As-Builts.
1. You are responsible for the completion of As-Built drawings.
2. The As-Built drawings shall include the information required for various asset
types listed in 3-7.3.2, “Asset Specific Red-lines”.
3. Prior to Acceptance, prepare and submit 1 complete set of full sized, 24 inch by 36
inch, original Mylar final As-Built Drawings (CADD plots) prepared in
accordance with the City’s CADD standards. Each CADD Mylar drawing sheet
shall be wet stamped and signed by qualified responsible engineers registered
in the State of California and shall be stamped and wet signed by the architect
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 167
or engineer of record as required by law. Other applicable portions of the
drawing title blocks shall also be signed by you.
4. Drawing Mylars shall be 3 mils minimum thickness.
3-7.5.1 Payment.
1. The payment for As-Built drawings shall be included in the Contract Price.
3-7.6 Order of Magnitude Documents and Construction Documents.
1. After the Limited NTP, prepare the Order of Magnitude Documents for review
and approval by the City and then prepare the Construction Documents.
Develop and detail the Order of Magnitude Documents and Construction
Documents consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Include
documents customarily required for regulatory approval by governmental
2. The Order of Magnitude Documents shall show the scale and relationship of
Project components, outline the nature and structural exterior and 3
dimensional scale of the Project, and shall set and describe in detail the
configuration and character of the Project for the complete and final
preparation of the Construction Documents.
3. The Construction Documents shall provide information customarily necessary
for the use of such documents by those in the building trades and shall include
all documents required for the complete and final construction of the Project
other than such details customarily developed in the Working Drawings and
Shop Drawings or otherwise during construction.
4. You are responsible for obtaining all reviews and approvals for building
permit(s) independently of the Order of Magnitude Documents review.
3-7.6.1 Use of Computer Aided Drafting and Design.
1. Use CADD for the preparation of Plans and As-Built drawings in accordance
with the City’s CADD Standards. Conversions of CADD Work from any CADD
format to City standard MicroStation format shall not be acceptable unless
specified otherwise in the Contract Documents.
3-7.6.2 Reliance on Approvals.
1. You may rely on the Engineer’s approval for the general scope and purpose
included in the Bridging Documents. The Engineer’s approval is not a specific
approval with respect to the Design Materials. The Engineer has the right to
accept, reject, or suggest changes to the Order of Magnitude Documents to
achieve conformity with the general scope included in the Bridging Documents
with no increase in Contract Price or Contract Time.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 168
a) Any design element that is not in conformance with the performance
requirements included in the Bridging Documents shall be approved
by the Engineer prior to its incorporation into the final design.
b) If the Engineer revokes, modifies, or otherwise changes a material in
any way after such portion of the Work has been designed and
approved or modifies the original Bridging Documents in a material
manner requiring modification to one or more systems which have
been designed and approved, you may request a Change Order in
accordance with SECTION 3 CONTROL OF THE WORK provided that,
prior to such approval, you have made the City aware of future design
decisions which may be affected by such approval.
2. The Engineer shall not issue a Change Order for Extra Work when the Extra Work
is due to your fault or neglect or unauthorized deviations from the Bridging
3-7.6.3 Review of Construction Documents and Field Conditions.
1. You are responsible for errors, inconsistencies, or omissions in the
Construction Documents. You shall take field measurements, verify field
conditions, and compare such field conditions and other information known
to you with the Contract Documents before commencing activities.
3-7.6.4 Shop Drawings and Working Drawings, Product Data, and Samples.
1. Maintain at the Site 1 record copy of the Contract Documents, Drawings,
Specifications, Addenda, Construction Documents, and any Change Orders in
good order and marked to record changes and selections.
2. Maintain approved Shop Drawings and Working Drawings, product data,
samples and similar required submittals at the Site.
3. Review and take appropriate actions for Shop Drawings and Working
Drawings, product data, samples, and similar submittals. Upon request by the
Engineer, provide documents for the review of Shop Drawings and Working
Drawings, product data, samples, and similar submittals.
4. Provide a register of all Submittals that are scheduled for review by the City,
designers, or both.
5. You are not relieved of the responsibility for the deviations from requirements
of the Contract Documents by the Engineer's approval of Shop Drawings and
Working Drawings, product data, samples, or similar submittals unless you
have specifically informed the Engineer of such deviations at the time of the
submittal and the Engineer has given written approval to the specific
6. You are not relieved of responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop
Drawings and Working Drawings, product data, samples, or similar submittals
by the Engineer's approval.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 169
3-13.3.4 Latent and Patent Defect Warranty.
a) You shall warrant to the City that the construction, including all materials and
equipment furnished as part of the construction, shall be free of latent and patent
defects in materials and workmanship. The Engineer shall first provide you an
opportunity to correct or replace any latent and patent defect at your own
expense, if notified by the City within 4 years after the date of Acceptance for
patent deficiency and 10 years for a latent deficiency. If you fail to repair and
replace the reported deficiency, the City shall repair the deficiency and charge you
for the repair.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 170
4-6 Trade Names. ADD the following:
11. Provide 1 copy of all designer reviewed submittals to the Engineer.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 171
5-9.1 Indemnification and Defense.
1. Non-Design Services.
a) Other than in the performance of Services which shall be solely as
addressed in these specifications to the fullest extent permitted by
law, you shall defend with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to the
City, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents,
departments, officials, and employees (Indemnified Parties) from
and against all claims, losses, costs, damages, injuries (including
injury to or death of an employee of yours or your Subcontractor),
expense and liability of every kind, nature, and description (including
incidental and consequential damages, court costs, litigation
expenses and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses
incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation) that arise
out of, pertain to, or relate to, directly or indirectly, in whole or in
part, any services (including construction services) performed under
the Contract by you, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly
employed by them, or anyone that they control.
b) Your duty to defend, indemnify, protect, and hold harmless shall not
include any claims or liabilities arising from the active negligence,
sole negligence, or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Parties.
2. Design Services.
a) Indemnification.
i. To the fullest extent permitted by law (including, without
limitation, California Civil Code §2782.8), with respect to the
performance of Services, you shall indemnify and hold
harmless the City, the City’s officers, or employees, from all
claims, demands or liability that arise out of, pertain to or
relate to your negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct
or those of your officers or employees and others hired or
controlled by you.
b) Defense.
i. You shall Work in good faith to procure applicable insurance
coverage for the cost of any defense arising from all claims,
demands or liability that arise out of, pertain to or relate to
your negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct and
those of your officers or employees.
3. Enforcement Costs.
a) You agree to pay all costs the City incurs enforcing the indemnity and
defense provisions set forth in these specifications.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 172
4. Insurance.
AGREEMENT” shall not be limited by the requirements of 5-4,
“INSURANCE” related to insurance.
5. Survival of Obligation.
a) All representations, indemnifications, warranties, and guarantees
made in, required by, or given in accordance with the Contract
Documents as well as all continuing obligations indicated in it, shall
survive completion and acceptance of the Work and termination or
completion of the Contract.
1. Ensure that key personnel, as identified in your Proposal shall not be replaced or
substituted without the Engineer’s prior approval. You shall be liable for damages
incurred by the City as a result of unauthorized substitution of each key
2. The City reserves the right to have any of your employees or Subcontractor’s
employees removed from the Project upon written notice from the City to you
without cause.
3. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create a contractual
relationship between the City and any third party, or Subcontractors. However,
it shall be understood and agreed that the City, as the third party beneficiary,
is an intended third-party beneficiary of all Contracts for design or engineering
services and all Subcontracts, purchase orders, and other agreements
between you and third parties.
1. Keep the Engineer informed of the progress and quality of the design and
construction of the Project.
2. You shall assume responsibility for all negligent errors, omissions, or acts
arising from the design and architectural Services you provide under the
Contract, including any negligent errors, omissions, or acts of your agents,
officers, and employees.
3. You are responsible for coordinating all construction means, methods,
techniques, sequences, and procedures including the following:
a) Coordinate scheduling of Submittals and all design and construction
of the Project to ensure the efficient and orderly sequence of the
construction. Monitor and report periodically to the Engineer actual
performance compared to Project Schedule. Prepare and submit to
the Engineer, during both the Design Phase and the Construction
Phase, monthly progress reports, in a manner and format acceptable
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 173
to the Engineer, on the Work accomplished during the prior monthly
b) Monthly reports shall be furnished at the time of submission of each
monthly Application for Payment. As part of such report, provide an
updated Schedule, including CPM illustrating the progress which has
been made and specifically whether the Work is on schedule or behind
schedule and actions being taken to correct Schedule slippage. The
monthly report shall also set forth your projected progress for the
forthcoming month.
c) Coordinate design and construction requirements with governmental
agencies, utilities, and all other parties either involved in infrastructure
improvements or otherwise affected by the design and construction
d) Provide the City with 2 copies of all Submittals approved by you.
e) Assist the City’s staff and reasonably cooperate with the City’s legal,
financial, design and construction consultants and all other designated
representatives during the design and construction of the Project.
f) Implement suitable management systems and Work plans for the
Project relative to safety, quality assurance and managing and
controlling the Work.
g) Be solely responsible for selecting the means, methods, techniques,
sequences, or procedures of performing the Work. If you elect or
choose to adopt or follow, in whole or part, any means, means,
methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of performing the
Work developed or suggested by the City, you do so at your own risk
and bear sole responsibility for such election or choice. The City shall
assume no responsibility thereof and in no way shall be held liable for any
defects in the Work, or increased costs or delays in the Work, which may
result from or be caused by your use of such means, methods,
techniques, sequences, or procedures.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 174
6-1.2 Commencement of the Work. ADD the following:
7. Do not begin construction of the Project or any portions thereof until the
Engineer approves the design for the Project or portion thereof, and issues a
Notice to Proceed for Construction, to provide the City the defenses set forth
in California Government Code §830.6.
6-3 TIME OF COMPLETION. ADD the following:
1. You shall complete the Work within the time specified in the Notice Inviting
Bids or RFP for Design-Build or MACC Contracts.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 175
7-2.1 Schedule of Values (SOV). ADD the following:
12. Provide a cross reference listing in two parts. The first part lists each scheduled
activity with the breakdown of the respective valued items making up the total
cost of the activity. The second part lists the valued item with the respective
scheduled activity or activities that make up the total cost indicated. In the case
where a number of schedule activities make up the total cost for a valued item
(shown in the SOV) indicate the total cost for each scheduled activity. The total
amount of each part shall equate to the Contract Price.
7-3.5.4 Proposal.
1. Your post award proposal in response to the City’s RFP shall be on forms
acceptable to the Engineer. Your proposal shall certify in writing that the
amounts included cover all direct, supplemental, indirect, consequential, and
cumulative costs and delays as applicable and that those costs and delays
would be or were necessarily incurred, despite your reasonable and diligent
efforts to mitigate them. Mitigation efforts undertaken by you shall be
2. Where the change in Contract Price is to be determined on the basis of the
“cost of the Work involved”, your itemized estimates shall detail all applicable
elements of cost, including, but not limited to, labor hours and payroll costs,
quantities, crew mixes, production rates, material costs, Subcontractor and
Supplier costs, equipment costs, and supplemental costs. Where the change
in Contract Price arises from changes in the schedule of all or part of the Work
or where a change in Contract Time is sought, the submittal shall include
analysis required by 6-4.2 “Extensions of Time”.
7-3.12 Additional Costs.
1. Additional costs are those costs that can be reasonably determined to be
related to your errors or omissions, and may include your, ours, or your
Subcontractors’ overhead, construction, materials, demolition, and related
costs. You shall not be paid for Work or Services required due to your errors
or omissions and you shall be responsible for any additional costs associated
with such errors or omissions.
2. You shall reimburse the City for its additional costs due to your errors or
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 176
7-3.13 Additional Services.
1. The City has the right to direct you to perform additional services beyond
those Services detailed in the Scope of Work and Services (Additional Services).
2. You shall promptly perform any Additional Services as directed by the
Engineer in accordance with the Contract Documents. You shall request a
Change Order when seeking reimbursement for Additional Services requested
by the City.
3. If at any time you contend that the City is asking you to perform Additional
Services which are not specifically identified as such by the City, you shall
immediately give the Engineer written notice within 24 hours prior to
performing the Services in question. The notice shall state that you intend to
seek additional compensation beyond the amount specified in the Bid.
Furnishing timely, accurate, and advance written notices shall be a condition
precedent to your ability to seek additional compensation from the City.
4. You shall not perform and shall not be entitled to compensation for any
Additional Services unless the Engineer has, in advance, authorized in writing
performance of the Additional Service. Under no circumstances shall you be
paid for Additional Costs.
5. Your Compensation Rate Schedule for design professionals is attached to the
Contract. Payment for any Additional Services shall be in accordance with the
Compensation Rate Schedule and no increases to the Compensation Rate
Schedule may be made during the Contract Time.
6. You shall separately submit to the Engineer a certificate and application for
monthly payment of any authorized Additional Services. No markup shall be
allowed for Additional Services.
7-4.1 General. ADD the following:
2. If shown on the Bid Proposal, the contingency funds including City
Contingency and Allowances may be used by you with the Engineer’s prior
approval. The contingency funds shall be available to provide additional funds
for Extra Work. The contingency funds shall not be available for the following:
a) Work required due to you and your officers’, agents’, or employees' failure
to perform Work or Services according to the terms of the Contract.
b) Uninsured losses resulting from your and your officers’, agents’, or
employees’ negligence. The City reserves the right to seek
reimbursement for any costs expended due to the errors or omissions
of your officers, agents, or employees providing Services to the Project.
3. 100% of the unused portions of the City Contingency and Allowances shall
revert to the City upon Acceptance.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 177
1. If specified in the RFP, the Contract Price shall not exceed the City’s stipulated
estimate of the Project’s total cost.
1. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Contract, as full and complete
compensation for performance of all Services and obligations under the
Contract, you shall be compensated only for the following:
a) Architectural, engineering, and other professional Subcontractors
such as structural, civil, mechanical, electrical engineers,
communications, graphics and art Subcontractors, landscape
architects, and acoustical, audio visual, lighting, traffic and security
b) Estimating and construction management.
c) Construction supervision and project management personnel such as
superintendents, project managers, project secretaries, project
engineers, project accountants, and all your other personnel wherever
d) On-Site and offsite equipment, supplies and facilities such as
computers, estimating, dictating, communication and accounting
equipment, office space, trailers and storage facilities.
e) Home-office and field overhead costs of any type including document
control and retention.
f) Your profit.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 178
To Part 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS (A), REVISE with the following:
1-2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. ADD the following:
111. Adjustment Factor (AF) - Your competitive bid price adjustment to the unit
prices published in the Unit Price Book for Normal Working Hours (NWH) and
Other Than Normal Working Hours (ONWH).
112. Apparent Low Bidder - The Bidder whose Bid, having been publicly opened,
initially meets the material requirements of the Bid Documents, and whose
JOC (or GRC) Composite Adjustment Factor is the lowest received.
113. Contract Documents - The Contract Documents include the signed
Agreement, Addenda, Notice Inviting Bids, funding agency provisions, Bid and
documentation accompanying the Bid and any post-bid documentation
submitted prior to the Notice of Award when attached as an exhibit to the
Contract, Bonds, permits from jurisdictional regulatory agencies,
Supplementary Special Provisions (SSP), City’s EOCP Requirements, Standard
Specifications (The “GREENBOOK”), City Supplement (The WHITEBOOK”),
Plans, Standard Drawings, Construction Documents, Mitigation and
Monitoring Reporting Program, Reference Specifications listed in the Notice
Inviting Bids or the Request for Proposals (RFP), Task Orders, and Change
114. Composite AF - The adjustment factor that is calculated from the
competitively bid NWH AF and the ONWH AF. The Composite AF is used to
determine the Apparent Low Bidder. See the Notice Inviting Bids or the
Bidding Documents for the formula used to calculate the Composite AF.
115. Maximum Contract Amount - The maximum potential value of the JOC
Contract as defined in the Notice Inviting Bids.
116. Minimum Contract Amount - The minimum value of the JOC Contract as
defined in the Notice Inviting Bids.
117. Non-prepriced (NPP) Work Items - The units of Work that are not included
in the Unit Price Book (UPB) but are still within the general scope of Work
requested by the Engineer under the Contract.
118. Pre-priced (PP) Work Items - The units of Work that are included in the Unit
Price Book (UPB) requested by the Engineer under the Contract.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 179
119. Request for Proposal (RFP) - The City’s request for proposal for a Task Order.
120. Scope Meeting - A meeting at the Task Order location, attended by the
Engineer, you, and any other interested parties to outline and discuss the
Scope of Work for the Task. You are required to make all measurements,
assessments, and evaluations at the Scope Meeting such that a valid, detailed
Proposal will be submitted by the deadline established in the RFP.
121. Task - See Task Order.
122. Task Order - A project assigned to a specific JOC Contract which will be
constructed by you in accordance with the terms of the JOC Contract and the
Scope of Work.
123. Task Order Proposal - See Proposal. Include a listing of all of the Pre-priced and
Non-prepriced Work Items (including competitive quotes) required to
complete the Task Order.
124. Unit Price - The price published in the Unit Price Book (UPB) for a specific
construction or construction-related Work or line item. Each Unit Price
published in the UPB is deemed to be full compensation to accomplish that
specific Work or line item.
125. Unit Price Book (UPB) - A comprehensive listing of specific construction-
related Work or line items identified by the City together with specified units
of measurement and Unit Prices.
with the following:
1. After the award of the Contract, you shall wait for a Task Order assignment
from the City. The City will initiate a Task Order by scheduling and conducting
a Scope Meeting with you and other interested parties at the location of the
proposed Task Order. The Scope of Work will be transmitted to you prior to
the Scope Meeting so that you may review the Scope of Work prior to the
meeting and invite Subcontractors and Suppliers to the Scope Meeting. At the
Scope Meeting, the Scope of Work for the Task will be presented and discussed
with you and you may seek answers to your questions about the Scope of
Work. Upon completion of the Scope Meeting, the City will issue an RFP which
requires that you prepare and submit a Proposal for the Task Order under
consideration on or before a specified due date.
1-7.1.5 Task Orders.
1. The City will fund and execute a Task Order when needed. You may be
required to Work at any of the City’s facilities. The City makes no commitment
as to the award of individual Task Orders. All costs associated with preparing
Proposals shall be your responsibility.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 180
2. You may Work only as authorized by Task Orders. Furnish the supplies or services
specified in the Task Orders up to and including the Maximum Contract Amount
to the City. The City will order at least the Minimum Contract Amount of
construction services designated in the Contract Documents.
3. Individual Task Orders determine the Scope of Work. You shall complete the
Task Order in accordance with 2-1, “WORK TO BE DONE”.
4. Individual Task Orders are subject to the Contract in its entirety. This is an
indefinite-quantity Contract for the supplies or services specified and is
effective for the period of 24 months from the date of the Notice to Proceed
or the expenditure of the Maximum Contract Value Price as stated in the
Notice Inviting Bids, whichever occurs first.
5. Before the issuance of the first Task Order under the Contract, a conference
will be conducted by the City to acquaint you with the City’s policies and
procedures that are to be observed during the execution of the Work and to
develop a mutual understanding relative to the administration of the Contract.
6. Except in an "emergency response" you shall not proceed with any Task Order
without having required permits and an NTP signed by the City.
7. In the event that “immediate emergency response” is necessary, the City may
elect to use an alternative procedure for Task Orders as long as the alternative
procedure is not substantially more burdensome to you than the procedure
described in this subsection.
8. Your proposals are valid for the duration of the Contract.
9. Before ordering any material or doing any Work, you shall verify all
measurements at the Site of a specific Task Order and shall be responsible for
the accuracy of the measurements. Extra charge or compensation shall not be
allowed based on the difference between actual dimensions and the
quantities indicated in the Proposal. You shall verify such items prior to the
submission of the Proposal.
10. The City will not entertain claims for additional money when such claims are
based upon a contention that the Contract fails to mention a specific item or
component of the facility covered by the Task Order and the Work is required
in the normal course of operations. For example, surfaced area repair
statements may not mention culverts. However, culverts are a typical
component of roads, streets, or erosion controls and are shown on the plots
or maps provided. As culverts are a typical component of the system, you are
responsible for providing all necessary repair or replacement of Work or
1- Procedure for Ordering Work.
1. As the need for Work arises, the City will send you the Task Order Scope of
Work and schedule a Scope Meeting.
2. Upon receipt of the Scope Meeting Invitation, respond within 1 Working Day
by confirming attendance at the Scope Meeting in writing.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 181
3. The Scope Meeting will include discussion and establishment of the following:
a) Project number and title.
b) Existing site conditions.
c) Methods and alternatives for accomplishing Work.
d) Definition and refinement of requirements.
e) Detailed Scope of Work.
f) Requirements for design drawings, sketches, Shop Drawings, Working
Drawings, submittals, etc.
g) Tentative construction schedule.
h) Preliminary quantity estimates.
4. The City reserves the right to reject your proposal based on unjustifiable
quantities, inappropriate line items, inappropriate adjustments, performance
periods, inadequate documentation, or other inconsistencies on your part.
The City reserves the right to issue the NTP without having a mutual
agreement on a final Task Order price.
5. The City reserves the right to not award a Task Order if it is determined to be
in the City’s best interests or the proposed cost exceeds the City’s estimate. If
we do not award a Task, we will not be liable for Proposal expenses.
6. By submitting a signed Proposal to the City, you are agreeing to accomplish
the Work outlined in the Task Order Scope of Work. You shall include the
necessary scope items in the Proposal prior to delivering it to the Engineer.
7. Each Task Order Acceptance provided to you in writing will state the timeframe
for completion and fixed price of performance. The Task Order Acceptance
signed by the Engineer constitutes the City’s acceptance of your Proposal.
1- Processing Time Limits.
1. Upon receiving an RFP, submit a Proposal for each Task Order and Task Order
Modification to the Engineer on or before the due date stated in the RFP.
Proposals are due within 14 Days of the RFP except in the case of accelerated
or emergency projects.
2. Analyze each Task Order and submit all Requests for Information (RFI) and
Requests for Change (RFC) within 7 Days after issuance of any RFP. Submission
of RFI’s or RFC’s will in no way extend the proposal due date unless a proposal
extension is granted by the Engineer in writing.
3. Request all proposal extensions in writing (email or letter) and include backup
information to support the proposal extension. If a proposal extension is not
granted by the engineer in writing prior to the proposal due date, the proposal
will be considered late if a complete proposal is not submitted on or before
the proposal due date.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 182
4. Once you have submitted your proposal, be available for a Proposal
Negotiation Meeting within 24 hours of being notified by the Engineer via fax,
e-mail, or telephone.
5. In the Proposal Negotiation Meeting, the City will discuss with you the line items
and quantities in your proposal in order to determine the validity and
reasonableness of your proposal.
6. After the Proposal Negotiation meeting, the City will provide a proposal
acceptance and either a counter-proposal or a marked-up proposal based on
the proposal negotiation. Within 2 Days of receiving the proposal acceptance
and counter-proposal or marked-up proposal, sign and return to the Engineer
by email the scanned proposal acceptance OR email a list of the disagreed line
items and quantities and the specific reasons for not agreeing with the line item
and quantity. For any disagreed line items, include your proposed line item and
quantity revisions.
7. The City will review any disagreed line items and either accept, reject, or
partially accept your proposed revisions to the counter-proposal or marked-
up proposal. If the City accepts any revisions, the City will provide you a revised
proposal acceptance and counter-proposal or revised marked-up proposal.
You are required to review the revised counter-proposal or marked-up
proposal and shall sign and return the revised proposal acceptance within 1
Working Day.
1- Payment.
1. The payment for a Task Order and the Task Order price indicated on your
Proposal Acceptance is determined by summing the value of all of the Pre-
Priced Items (from the UPB) and the Non-Pre-Priced Items (from 2 competitive
quotes) required for completing the Task Order.
a) The price of a PP Item is determined by the following formula:
PP Item Price = Unit Price (from UPB) x quantity x AF (NWH or ONWH)
b) The price of a NPP Item is determined by the following formula:
NPP Item Price = Lowest of two competitive quotes x AF (NWH or ONWH)
c) See the Notice Inviting Bids for the applicable Unit Prices and UPB.
d) Include a list of all the PP Items and NPP Items along with the
required quantities and costs as indicated in the formulas above in
your Proposal for each Task Order. The Proposal format shall be as
indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 183
3. You may request a modification in the Task Order price or an extension of time
for completion of the Task Order due to changes in the Work that are not
within the scope of the Task Order.
4. You shall not be entitled to compensation for any Extra Work performed unless
the Engineer has issued a written Task Order Modification designating the
a) The Extra Work to be performed.
b) The price of the Extra Work.
c) The time for completion of the Extra Work.
5. If the Engineer agrees that Work is added or deleted, the Task Order price shall
be adjusted using the Procedure for Ordering Work in accordance with 1-, “Procedure for Ordering Work”, 1-, “Processing Time Limits”, and
1-, “Payment”.
2-7.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. If the Engineer deletes any item of the Work in part or in its entirety, the reduction
in Contract Price shall reflect a credit for the full value of the deleted portion of the
Work, including anticipated profit and overhead.
2. If the Engineer orders Work to be added or deleted, the Task Order price shall be
modified in accordance with 1-, “Procedure for Ordering Work”, 1-,
“Processing Time Limits”, and 1-, “Payment”.
3. The Engineer will adjust the location list provided in the Contract Documents
as needed.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 184
3-7.1 General. ADD the following:
4. There may be no Plans for the purposes of bidding or construction. Specific
Work instructions for each Task Order will be issued to you on the Task Order
Scope of Work.
3-7.2 Precedence of Contract Documents. ADD the following:
6. The Work instructions on the Task Order Scope of Work shall have the same
rank as “Supplemental Special Provisions” and “Plans” when used in
conjunction with 3-7.2, “Precedence of Contract Documents”.
7. Task Order Modifications and revised Scope of Work shall have the same rank
as “Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements” when used in conjunction
with 3-7.2, “Precedence of Contract Documents”.
3-12.6 Water Pollution Control. ADD the following:
2. Based on preliminary assessments by the City, Task Orders may be subject to
Storm Water Pollution Control requirements in accordance with Part 10 -
STORM WATER. Refer to the Task Order Scope of Work.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 185
6-1.2 Commencement of the Work. ADD the following:
7. The Work shall be completed within the time specified in the Task Order
ADD the following:
1. You shall complete the Work within the time specified in the Task Order Scope
of Work documents.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 186
7-3.5.1 General. ADD the following:
4. The Unit Price Book shall be consistent for the entire term of the JOC Contract
including the Task Order Modification Work executed during and after the
Contract expiration. The Adjustment Factors shall not change for a period of 2
years (730 Calendar Days) from the Contract Award Date and for any Task
Order Modifications executed after the expiration of the Contract that are
required to complete a Task Order. See the Contract Documents for the
identification of the Unit Price Book.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 187
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 188
200-1.2.1 General. To Table 200-1.2.1 (A), ADD the following:
Percent Passing Sieves
Sieve Size AASHTO No. 57
ASTM No. 2
ASTM No. 8
ASTM No. 89
ASTM No. 9
3 in
(75 mm)
- 100 - - -
2.5 in
(62.5 mm)
- 90 100 - - -
2 in
(50 mm)
- 35 70 - - -
1.5 in
(37.5 mm)
100 0 15 - - -
1 in
(25 mm)
95 100 - - - -
0.75 in
(19 mm)
- 0 – 5 - - -
0.5 in
(12.5 mm)
25 60 - 100 100 -
0.375 in
(9 mm)
- - 85 100 90 100 100
No. 4 10 max. - 10 30 20 55 85 100
No. 8 5 max. - 0 10 5 30 10 40
No. 16 - - 0 – 5 0 10 0 10
No. 50 - - - 0 – 5 0 – 5
(1) Material shall be washed cleaned and free of fines.
ADD the following:
1. For ASTM C131 Test Grading C, the Alternate California Test 211 may be used.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 189
200-1.5.5 Sand Gradations. To Table 200-1.5.5, DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
TABLE 200-1.5.5
Sieve Size
Percentage Passing Sieve
Portland Cement
Choker Sand
3/8 inch (9 mm)
100 100 - 100
No. 4 (5 mm)
- 95 - 100 100 95 - 100
No. 8 (2 mm)
75 - 100 75 - 90 95 - 100 80 - 100
No. 16 (1 mm)
- 55 - 75 70 - 95 50 - 85
No. 30 (600 μm)
- 30 - 50 35 - 70 25 - 60
No.50 (300 μm)
- 10 - 25 5 - 35 5 - 30
No. 100 (150 μm)
- 2 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 10
No. 200 (75 μm)
0 - 8
0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 3
1. May be exceeded to permit a maximum of 12%, provided the sand equivalent of the asphalt concrete sand is
35 or greater.
200-1.5.6 Sand for Play Areas.
1. Sand for play areas shall be imported, double washed, manufactured silica
sand #20, #30, or “Pro-Tour” as manufactured by Oglebay Norton Industrial
Sands, Inc. or approved equal, free of deleterious organic material, loam, clay
and debris, with a “mean effective size” between 0.012 inch (0.30 mm)
minimum and 0.025 inch (0.65 mm) maximum and a “mean uniformity
coefficient” between 1.00 and 2.5. You shall submit certification of these
requirements to the Engineer at the time of product submittals. Sand shall
only be installed with filter fabric and drain system. The depth of installed sand
shall be 12 inches (305 mm) minimum to attenuate falls per ASTM F1292.
200-1.5.7 Sand for Graded Aggregate Choker Stone.
1. Sand for graded aggregate choker stone shall be washed and shall conform to
the gradation for Choker Sand ASTM C33 in 200-1.5.5 “Sand Gradations”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 190
200-1.7.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The aggregate shall be from Chandler Aggregates, Inc. or equal. The aggregate
shall have a specific gravity of no less than 2.60.
2. Type I slurry aggregate shall be allowed. The aggregate shall be of such
character that it will not disintegrate from the action of air, water, or the
conditions to be met in handling and placing and shall have a specific gravity
of no less than 2.60. It shall have a minimum sand equivalent of 55.
200-1.9 Selection of Riprap and Filter Blanket Material. Riprap and filter blanket material
shall conform to the following requirements:
TABLE 200-1.9
Filter Blanket Upper Layer(s)
Option 1
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
6 10
No. 2
1.1 ft
(0.3 m)
(6 mm)
B3 D.G.
10 12
¼ Ton
2.7 ft
(0.8 m)
(19 mm)
¾" - 1½"
(19 mm
37.5 mm)
12 14
½ Ton
3.5 ft
(1 m)
(25 mm)
¾" - 1½"
(19 mm
37.5 mm)
14 16
1 Ton
4.4 ft
(1.3 m)
(37.5 mm)
16 18
2 Ton
5.4 ft
(1.6 m)
(50 mm)
Note: Practical use of this table is limited to situations where Rip-Rap Thickness "T" is less than the inside
diameter of the culvert outletting to the energy dissipater.
(1) Average velocity in pipe or bottom velocity in energy dissipater, whichever is greater.
(2) If desired rip rap and filter blanket class is not available, use next larger class.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 191
Light Rock Class 200 lb (90 kg)
Facing Rock Class 75 lb (34 kg)
No. 2 Backing Rock Class 5 lb (2 kg)
(3) Filter blanket thickness = 1 foot (305 mm) or "T", whichever is less.
(4A) Option 1 shall meet the requirements of Table 200-1.2.1 (A).
(4B) Option 1 shall meet the requirements of Table 200-1.4 (B).
(5) Option 2 shall meet the asphalt concrete requirements of Table 203-6.5.4 (A).
(6) D.G. = Disintegrated Granite per Table 200-2.7.2
(7) Sand = 25% passing No. 200 sieve (75% retained).
P.M.B.: Processed Miscellaneous Base in accordance with 200-2.5, “Processed Miscellaneous
TYPE B: Type B bedding material shall conform to the requirements for ½ inch (12.5 mm) crushed
rock or No. 4 concrete aggregate in 200-1, “ROCK PRODUCTS”, Table 200-1.2.1 (A) or Table
200-1.4 (B).
200-2.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Base or subbase materials shall be classified in the order of preference as
a) Crushed Aggregate Base
b) Crushed Miscellaneous Base
c) Processed Miscellaneous Base
d) Class 2 Aggregate Base
e) Disintegrated Granite Base
f) Select Subbase
2. When base material without further qualification is specified, supply crushed
aggregate base. When a particular classification of base material is specified,
you may substitute any higher classification, following the order of preference
listed above, of base material for that specified. All processing or blending of
materials to meet the grading requirement shall be performed at the plant or
source. The materials shall compact to a hard, firm, unyielding surface and
shall remain stable when saturated with water.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 192
200-2.9 Class 2 Aggregate Base.
200-2.9.1 General.
1. Class 2 Aggregate Base shall consist of broken or crushed asphalt, concrete,
Portland cement concrete, railroad ballast, crushed porcelain material,
crushed rock, rock dust, brick, or natural material. The material shall be free
from organic matter and other deleterious substances, and shall be of such
nature that it can be compacted readily under watering and rolling to form a
firm, stable base.
200-2.9.2 Grading.
1. The coarse aggregate material retained on the 0.19 inch (4.75 mm) (No. 4) sieve
shall consist of material of which a minimum of 25% by weight shall be crushed
particles as determined by California Test 205.
2. Aggregate shall conform to the grading requirements shown in Table 200-2.9.2.
The grading for either the 1.5 inch (37.5 mm) maximum or ¾ inch (19 mm)
maximum may be used, except that once a grading is selected it shall not be
changed without the Engineer's written approval.
TABLE 200-2.9.2 Percentage Passing
Sieve Size
1½ inch (37.5 mm)
Maximum Individual
Test Results
¾ inch (19 mm)
Maximum Individual
Test Results
2" (50 mm) 100 -
1½" (37.5 mm) 87 - 100 -
1" (25 mm) - 100
¾" (19 mm) 45 - 90 87 - 100
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 20 - 50 30 - 60
No. 30 (600 μm) 6 - 29 5 - 35
No. 200 (75 μm) 0 - 12 0 - 12
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 193
200-2.9.3 Quality Requirements.
1. Class 2 aggregate base shall conform to the following requirements:
TABLE 200-2.9.3
California Test Individual Test
Resistance (R-value)
Calif. 301 78 Min.
Sand Equivalent
Calif. 217 30 Min.
Durability Index
N/A 35 Min.
200-2.10 Infield Mix.
200-2.10.1 General.
1. Infield mix shall be designated for use in sports infield areas. Infield mix shall be free
from organic matter and other deleterious substances and shall be of such nature
that it can be compacted readily under water and rolling to form a firm, stable base.
200-2.10.2 Grading.
1. Infield mix shall meet the following requirements:
Sieve Size % Passing Sieve
4.75 mm (No. 4) 100
2.36 mm (No. 8) 90 100
1.18 mm (No. 16) 85 95
600 μm (No. 30) 65 85
300 μm (No. 50) 35 55
150 μm (No. 100) 20 35
75 μm (No. 200) 10 25
Sand Equivalent 15 25
pH (7.2 Neutral) 6 8.5
Percent Clay 10 15
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 194
201-1.1.2 Concrete Specified by Class and Alternate Class. ADD the following:
1. Monolithic curb and pavement shall not be allowed.
2. To Table 201-1.1.2, REVISE the following:
a) Concrete class for “Concrete Pavement (not integral with curb)”,
DELETE “520-A-2500” and SUBSTITUTE with “560-C-3250”.
b) Concrete class for “Sidehill Surface Drainage Facilities”, DELETE “500-C-
2500” and SUBSTITUTE with “520-C-2500”.
c) Concrete class for “Fence and Guardrail Post Foundations”, DELETE
“500-C-2500” and SUBSTITUTE with “520-C-2500”.
201- Mix Design. ADD the following:
1. The maximum water to cementitious ratio shall be 0.3 lb/lb (136 g/g), unless
otherwise specified in the Special Provisions.
201-1.2.1 Cement. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Cement to be used or furnished shall be low alkali and shall be either Type I
or Type II Portland Cement conforming to ASTM C 150, or Type IP (MS)
portland-pozzolan cement conforming to ASTM C595, unless otherwise
specified in the Special Provisions.
2. You shall furnish a Certificate of Compliance for the cement.
3. Cement shall be stored to protect against contamination and moisture. Should
any cement show evidence of contamination or be otherwise unsuitable, the
Engineer may reject it and require that it be removed from the site.
4. Cement used in concrete for any individual structure shall be of the same
brand and type, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
201-1.4.3 Transit Mixers. ADD the following:
1. Time and date of batching shall be machine stamped.
201-9.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. CTB shall consist of a mixture of untreated base material, a minimum of 2%
Portland Cement by weight of dry aggregate, and water mixed at a central
mixing plant. Aggregate shall not exceed 120°F (11°C) at time of mixing. Water
added shall be at or near optimum as determined by ASTM D 1557, Method C.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 195
201-9.2.1 Untreated Base Material. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. Untreated base material to be treated shall be conforming to 200-2.2,
“Crushed Aggregate Base”; 200-2.4, “Crushed Miscellaneous Base”; or
conforming to 200-2.8, “Pulverized Miscellaneous Base”, except as modified
2. Material shall be uniformly graded and shall conform to the following
Sieve Size % Passing Sieve
1" (25 mm) sieve 90 100
3/8" (9.5 mm) sieve 65 85
No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve 45 65
No. 30 (600 μm) sieve 15 35
No. 200 (75 μm) sieve 3 15
Sand Equivalent 30 minimum
201-9.3 Mix Designs. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The materials shall be tested and the mix designs developed in accordance
with ASTM D1557. Compressive strength shall be determined in accordance
with ASTM D1633, Method A or Caltrans Test Method 312, part V except test
specimens shall be compacted in accordance with ASTM D1557, Method A or
B or Caltrans Test Method 312, part III section D using split compaction mold,
no tamping and compression load shall be 2000 psi.
2. The mix design(s) shall show the following:
a) The amount and gradation of the base material to be treated.
b) The amount and type of Portland cement.
c) The amount of water.
d) The required 7 Calendar Day compressive strength shall not be less
than 400 psi.
201-10 MANHOLES (MHs).
201-10.1 Pre-fabricated Manhole Bases (PMB).
1. If Prefabricated Manhole Base is shown on the Plans and if the MH is modified
or placed at a new location because of a design change either in the vertical or
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 196
horizontal position and the PMB does not meet the design criteria, you shall
order a new PMB that complies with the modified alignment, location, or both.
The City will compensate you for the base, restocking costs, and other related
2. PMB may be allowed, when not shown on the Plans, if you assume all the risk
and additional costs of the MH relocation as a result of unforeseen conditions
or design changes. If the MH is modified or placed at a new location because
of a design change either in the vertical or horizontal position and the PMB
does not meet the design criteria, you shall order a new PMB that complies
with the modified alignment and location. Otherwise, you shall replace the
PMB with a cast in place base at no additional cost to the City.
3. If the PMB channels do not have the proper slopes or configurations as shown
on the Plans or if the installation is not in compliance with the Contract
requirements or the manufacturer’s recommendations, the PMB will be
rejected by the Engineer and you shall cast a new base in place at no additional
cost to the City.
201-10.2 Polymer Mortar.
1. The following products shall be acceptable for use in manhole riser joints:
Material Manufacturer
490 Epoxy Putty Engard Coatings, Huntington Beach, CA
Sikadur 31 Hi-Mod Gel Sika Corporation, Santa Fe Springs, CA
Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod Gel Sika Corporation, Santa Fe Springs, CA
CS-102 Butyl Gaskets (rope form) Concrete Sealants, New Carlisle, OH
201-10.3 Polyurethane Coating.
1. The epoxy primer and polyurethane liner shall be manufactured as listed on
the City’s AML or approved equal.
2. The color shall be white or beige. You shall submit complete manufacturer
specifications, application procedures, and references for review and
201-10.4 Exterior Waterproofing for Manholes.
1. The coal tar emulsion shall be Kopper-Bitumastic Super Service Black or
approved equal. Application of this material shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and these specifications.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 197
203-1.6 Measurement and Payment. ADD the following:
1. The payment for paving asphalt shall be included in the item of Work to which
its use is incidental unless a Bid item has been provided.
203-2.6 Measurement and Payment. ADD the following:
The payment for liquid asphalt shall be included in the item of Work to which
its use is incidental, unless a Bid item has been provided.
203- General. To paragraph (2), ADD the following:
e) Be a product of recycled material from the City if unavailable from the San
Diego County region.
203-3.5 Certificate of Compliance. ADD the following:
1. Test reports and certifications shall be made in accordance with 4-4,
“TESTING”; 4-5, “CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE”; and 203-1.3, “Test Reports and
203-3.6 Temperature. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE the following:
1. Emulsified asphalt may be reheated, but at no time after loading shall the
temperature be raised above 160°F (70°C). During reheating, emulsified
asphalt shall be agitated to prevent localized overheating. Emulsified asphalt
shall not be permitted to cool to a temperature less than 40°F (5°C).
2. Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, emulsified asphalt
shall be mixed and applied within the temperature range shown in Table 203-
3. You shall furnish and keep on the Work site a thermometer capable of
accurately determining the temperature.
TABLE 203-3.6
Grade of Emulsified
Pug Mill Mixing
Temperature °F (°C)
Temperature °F (°C)
Min. Max. Min. Max.
CQS-1h 50 (10) 130 (55) 77 (25) 130 (55)
RS-1, CRS-1 77 (25) 130 (55)
RS-2, CRS-2 110 (45) 160 (70)
SS-1, CSS-1 50 (10) 130 (55) 77 (25) 130 (55)
SS-1h, CSS-1h 50 (10) 130 (55) 77 (25) 130 (55)
CMS-2, CMS-2S, CMS-2h 50 (10) 140 (60) 100 (40) 160 (70)
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 198
Grade of Emulsified
Pug Mill Mixing
Temperature °F (°C)
Temperature °F (°C)
Min. Max. Min. Max.
RPME 60 (15) 140 (60) - -
203-3.8 Distribution Equipment.
Distribution equipment shall conform to 203-2.5, “Distributing Equipment”
except that hand spraying by means of a hose or bar through a gear pump or
air tank is acceptable for uniform application rates up to 0.10 gallon per square
yard (0.45 L/m
) for work on flat surfaces or tacking of vertical edges.
203-3.9 Payment.
1. The payment for emulsified asphalt shall be included in the item of Work to
which its use is incidental unless a Bid item has been provided.
203-5.6.1 General.
1. Rubber polymer modified slurry (RPMS) is a crumb rubber asphalt slurry-seal
surface treatment. RPMS shall be a stable mixture of asphaltic emulsion, mineral
aggregate, set-control additives, specially produced and graded crumb rubber,
polymer, mineral fillers, carbon black, and water. The materials for RPMS shall
conform to 203-5.4, “Emulsion-Aggregate Slurry (EAS)” and these specifications.
Mixing and spreading of RPMS shall be as described in 302-4.12, “Rubber Polymer
Modified Slurry (RPMS)”.
203-5.6.2 Materials.
1. The ingredients of RPMS immediately prior to the mixing shall conform to the
a) Asphaltic emulsion shall be a quick-set type and shall conform to the
requirements of CQS-1h and to the following requirements in
accordance with the specified test methods:
Quality Tests
for Emulsion
Test Requirements
Residue after
60% min.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 199
Quality Tests
for Residue
Test Requirements
Penetration at
77° F (25° C)
40% - 90%
ASTM D2397
b) Quick setting Type CQS-1h Asphaltic Emulsion shall test positive for
Particle Charge when tested in accordance with the applicable ASTM
test designation. If the Particle Charge Test result is inconclusive, the
asphaltic emulsion shall meet a pH requirement of 6.7 maximum.
c) Water shall be potable and of such quality that the asphalt will not
separate from the emulsion before the application of slurry seal.
d) If necessary for workability, a set-control agent that will not adversely
affect the RPMS material may be added.
e) Polymer additive shall be SBR Latex or approved equal, which is added
at a minimum of 2% by weight of the asphaltic emulsion.
f) Crumb Rubber.
i. Crumb rubber shall be ambient granulated or ground from
whole passenger tires, truck tires, or a combination only in
conformance with the requirements indicated in Tables 203-
5.6.2 (A), 203-5.6.2 (B), and 203-5.6.2 (C).
ii. Un-curing or de-vulcanized rubber shall not be acceptable.
Rubber tire buffing from either recapping or manufacturing
processes may not be used as a supplement to the crumb
rubber mixture.
iii. In order to remove steel and fabric, an initial separation stage
which subjects the rubber to freezing temperatures may be
iv. The crumb rubber shall not be elongated or hair-like in shape
and individual particles shall not be greater than 1/20 of an
inch in length.
v. The crumb rubber shall be free of contaminants including
fiber, metal, and mineral matter within the following
tolerances: the fiber content shall be less than 0.30% by weight
and the crumb rubber shall be free of metal particles. Metal
imbedded in rubber particles shall not be allowed. The amount
of mineral contaminants allowed shall not exceed 0.10% by
vi. The crumb rubber shall be dry with a moisture content of less
than 0.75%.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 200
Property Specification Limits
Specific Gravity 1.15 ± .05
Percent of Carbon Black 35.0 Maximum
Percent of Rubber Hydrocarbon 55.0 Maximum
Percent Ash 6.0 Maximum
Percent of Acetone Extract 10.0 Maximum
Percent of Chloroform Extract 3.0 Maximum
Percent Natural Rubber 40 Minimum
Sieve Size Percent Passing
No. 30 100
No. 40 90 - 100
No. 50 75 - 85
No. 100 25 - 35
No. 200 0 - 10
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 201
vii. Carbon black solution shall be non-ionic in charge and liquid in
form. The carbon black shall be compatible with the emulsion
system, polymers, and additives being used and shall conform
to the requirements indicated in Table 203-5.6.2 (D) and ASTM
TABLE 203-5.6.2 (D)
Specification Tolerances
Total Solids 40 - 44
% Black by Weight 35 - 37
Type Black Medium Furnace Color
Type Dispersing Non-ionic
viii. Additives may be used to accelerate or retard the break-set of
the RPMS. The use of additives shall be in quantities specified
in the mix design.
ix. Mineral filler such as Portland cement, hydrated lime,
limestone dust, fly ash, or other approved filler meeting the
requirements of ASTM D242 shall be used if required by the
mix design and may be used to facilitate set times as needed.
Any cement used shall be considered as part of the dry
aggregate weight for mix design purposes.
x. The mineral aggregate used shall be the type and grade
specified for the particular Type of RPMS. The aggregate shall
be manufactured crushed stone such as granite, slang,
limestone, chat, other high quality aggregate, or a combination
Property Test Method
Specific Gravity ASTM D1817
Carbon Black ASTM D297
Ash ASTM D297
Chloroform Extract ASTM D297
Natural/Synthetic Rubber ASTM D297
Sieve Analysis ASTM C136
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 202
thereof. Aggregate shall consist of rock dust except that 100%
of any aggregate of combination of aggregates larger than the
No. 50 sieve size used in the mix shall be obtained by crushing
rock. The material shall be free from vegetable matter and
other deleterious substances. The aggregate shall be free of
caked lumps and oversized particles. The aggregate shall also
conform to the following requirements in Table 203-5.6.2 (E).
TABLE 203-5.6.2 (E)
Test California Test Requirements
Sand Equivalent 217 45 min.
Durability Index 229 55 min.
203-5.6.3 Composition and Grading.
1. The percentage composition by weight of the aggregate shall conform to the
requirements indicated in the tables below when determined by California
Test 202 and modified by California Test 105 when there is a difference in
specific gravity of 0.20 or more between blends of different aggregates.
TABLE 203-5.6.3 (A)
Sieve Size Percentage Passing Stockpile Tolerance
No.4 100 ± 5%
No.8 90 - 100 ± 5%
No.16 65 - 90 ± 5%
No.30 40 - 60 ± 5%
No.50 25 - 42 ± 4%
No.200 10 - 20 ± 2%
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 203
TABLE 203-5.6.3 (B)
TABLE 203-5.6.3 (C)
Sieve Size Percentage Passing Stockpile Tolerance
No.3/8 100 ± 5%
No.4 70 - 90 ± 5%
No.8 45 - 70 ± 5%
No.16 28 - 50 ± 5%
No.30 19 - 34 ± 5%
No.50 12 - 25 ± 4%
No.100 7 - 18 ± 3%
No.200 5 - 15 ± 2%
2. The job mix (target) gradation shall be within the gradation band for the
desired type. After the target gradation has been submitted, the percent
passing each sieve shall not be more than the stockpile tolerance.
3. The aggregate shall be accepted at the Site or stockpile. The stockpile shall be
accepted based on 5 gradation tests according to California Test 202, modified
Sieve Size Percentage Passing Stockpile Tolerance
No.3/8 100 ± 5%
No.4 90 - 100 ± 5%
No.8 65 - 90 ± 5%
No.16 45 - 70 ± 5%
No.30 30 - 50 ± 5%
No.50 18 - 36 ± 4%
No.100 10 - 24 ± 3%
No.200 5 - 15 ± 2%
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 204
by California Test 105 when there is a difference in specific gravity of 0.2 or
more between blends of different aggregates. If the average of the 5 tests is
within the gradation tolerances, then the material will be accepted. If the test
shows the material to be out of compliance, you may choose to remove the
material or blend other aggregates with the stockpile material to bring it into
compliance with these specifications. Materials used in blending shall meet
the quality test before blending and shall be blended in a manner to produce
a consistent gradation.
4. When the results of either the Aggregate Grading or the Sand Equivalent test
do not conform to the requirements specified, the aggregate shall be
removed. However, if requested in writing and approved by the Engineer, the
aggregate may be used and you shall pay to the agency $1.75 per ton for such
aggregate left in place. No single aggregate grading or sand equivalent tests
shall represent more than 300 tons or one day’s production, whichever is
203-5.6.4 Mix Design.
1. Before Work begins, you shall submit laboratory reports of mix designs
performed in accordance with the tests identified in Table 203-5.6.4 at your
expense and shall utilize the specific materials to be used on the project. The
design shall be prepared by a laboratory experienced in designing rubber
asphalt slurry-seal surface treatments. After the mix design is approved, no
substitution shall be made unless approved by the Engineer. The proposed
rubber asphalt slurry-seal surface treatment mix design shall verify
compatibility of the aggregate, emulsion, mineral filler, set-control additive,
and rubber blend.
TABLE 203-5.6.4
Test Description Specification
ISSA T-106 Slurry Seal Consistency Pass
ISSA TB-109 Excess Asphalt 50 grams/ft
ISSA TB-100 (Type I) The Wet Track Abrasion 50 grams/ ft
ISSA TB-100 (Type II) The Wet Track Abrasion 60 grams/ ft
ISSA TB-100 (Type III) The Wet Track Abrasion 60 grams/ ft
ISSA TB-113 Mixing Time
Controllable to
150 seconds minimum
ISSA TB-114 The Wet Stripping Pass
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 205
2. The Mixing Time test shall be done at the highest temperatures expected
during construction. The original lab report shall be signed by the laboratory
that performed the mix design and shall show the results of the tests on
individual materials. The report shall clearly show the proportions of
aggregate, mineral filler (minimum and maximum), water (minimum and
maximum), additive (s) (usage), asphalt emulsion, and asphalt rubber blend
based on the dry weight of the aggregate.
3. Component materials used in the mix design shall be representative of your
proposed materials. The percentage of each individual material required shall
be shown in the laboratory report. Adjustments may be required during the
construction based on field conditions.
4. The component materials shall be within the following limits:
a) Residual Asphalt Type I, 10% - 16% based on dry weight of aggregate.
b) Residual Asphalt Type II, 7.5% - 13.5% based on dry weight of
c) Residual Asphalt Type III, 6.5% - 12% based on dry weight of aggregate.
d) The crumb rubber will be added to the rubberized slurry mix at a rate
of 5% by volume to the asphalt cement.
e) Polymer additive shall be added at 2% of finished emulsion.
f) Carbon Black shall be added at 1.3% to 2% of the finished emulsion.
g) Mineral filler shall be 0.5% - 2.0% (if required by mix design) based on
dry weight of aggregate.
h) Additives, as needed.
i) Water, as needed to achieve proper mix consistency (total mix liquids
shall not exceed the loose aggregate voids).
203-6.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The content of paving asphalt recovered from the RAP shall be determined in
conformance with California Test 382 each day RAP is used or as approved by
the Engineer.
203-6.3.1 General. ADD the following:
1. You shall submit for approval, mix designs for C2 PG 64-10 (½ inch) (12.5 mm)
and B3 PG 64-10 (¾ inch) (19 mm) asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete mix
designs shall be submitted to the City Materials Testing Laboratory for
2. Once the City has approved a mix design, the asphalt binder content shall be
within 0.5% of the identified target binder contents for each mix design
3. Asphalt concrete for Job Mix Formula (JMF) and Mix Designs shall be Type III
and shall not exceed 15% RAP.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 206
203-6.4.3 Combined Aggregates and Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). To subsection
“a”, DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
a) The combined aggregates shall have a minimum sand equivalent of 50 when
tested in accordance with California Test 217 or ASTM D2419.
203-6.5.4 Composition and Grading. To Table 203-6.5.4 (A), Class B2 and Class B3, DELETE in
its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
Sieve Size
Test Result
Test Result
1" (25.0 mm)
3/4" (19.0 mm)
- 100 90 - 100
- 100
- 100
1/2" (12.5 mm)
- 95 80 - 90
- 100
- 95
3/8" (9.5 mm)
- 80 60 - 75
- 84
- 80
No. 4 (4.75 mm)
- 60 40 - 55
- 60
- 60
No. 8 (2.36 mm)
- 44 27 - 40
- 50
- 45
No. 30 (600 µm)
- 26 12 - 22
- 29
- 25
No. 200 (75 µm)
- 8 3 - 6
- 9
- 7
Asphalt Binder %
- 6.0
- 6.0
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 207
206-3.3.5 Underdrain Cleanout Lid (For Other Areas).
1. Cleanout lids for cleanouts in the road, sidewalk, or any other area where
water is not expected to pool shall be Alhambra Foundry A-2302-B cast iron
water-tight cover and frame that is rated for traffic applications or approved
2. The cleanout lid shall have a clear opening of 8 inches (203 mm) and have an
overall diameter of 13 inches (330 mm). The frame shall be 1 inch (25 mm)
deep. The frame shall be set into the concrete collar and the lid shall seat firmly
into the frame without rocking and shall be flush with the surface. Lock screws
shall be provided to lock lid to frame. The cleanout lid shall be stamped “SD
1. Street name signs shall conform to the requirements of SDM-102, “Street
Name Sign”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 208
1. Pipe installed as sewer main shall be Vitrified Clay (Extra Strength) or Polyvinyl
Chloride (PVC). PVC pipe shall be SDR-35 unless otherwise designated on the
2. Pipe and fittings for house connection sewer (laterals) shall be Vitrified Clay
(Extra Strength), PVC, or Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) solid wall pipe.
3. Asbestos cement pipe shall not be acceptable.
207-2.9.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The basis for acceptance shall be by the D-load bearing strength test,
compliance with these Specifications, and inspection of the pipe manufacture
and inspection of the completed pipe.
207-17.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The ASTM Designation, SDR, pipe stiffness, and type of joint shall be specified
on the plans and/or specifications.
2. House Connection Sewer Laterals shall use glued, gasketed, or stainless steel
shielded couplings listed on the Wastewater Approved Materials List or
approved equal.
207-17.2.2 Cell Classification. ADD the following:
1. PVC pipes for storm drains and tertiary treated recycled water (“purple pipe”) that
cross existing potable water mains and have a vertical clearance of less than 12
inches (305 mm), or more if indicated on the plans, shall have a PVC cell
classification of 12454 meeting AWWA C900 and CL200 and meeting the
requirements of DR14. No joints are permitted within 4 feet (1.2 m) of the water
line crossing.
207-17.3.2 Elastomeric Gasket Joints. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Pipe with gasketed joints shall be manufactured with a socket configuration
which shall prevent improper installation of the gasket and shall ensure that
the gasket remains in place during the joint operation.
2. The gasket shall be polyurethane or synthetic rubber with equal or greater
resistance to solvency, chemical, or biological attack and shall conform to the
requirements of 208-1.2, “Installation Time Limit” and 208-4, “GASKETS FOR
207-17.4.2 Acceptance. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The basis for acceptance shall be the inspection of pipe, fittings, and couplings,
the tests specified in 207-17.4, “Test Requirements”, and compliance with the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 209
2. When the pipe is delivered to the Work site, the Engineer may require
additional testing to determine conformance with the requirements of pipe
flattening, impact resistance, pipe stiffness, and extrusion quality.
3. You shall provide information to the Engineer verifying that the quantity of
pipe, the manufacturing and delivery date, and the pipe stored is the same
material documented on the Certificate of Compliance.
4. You shall provide explanation of pipe markings and shall include
manufacturing date and location.
5. If the pipe will not be installed within 6 months of manufacture date, you shall
protect the pipe from environmental degradation (UV rays and sunlight) in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
6. You shall insure that the PVC pipe is stored locally within 25 mile (40 km) radius
and that the Engineer has reasonable access to the pipe at the storage
7. The stored pipe shall not be removed from storage for purposes other than
for the Project without the Engineer’s approval.
8. PVC pipe handled and stored in accordance with these specifications will be
acceptable for installation for up to 2 years from the date of manufacture
without repeat testing.
9. The Engineer may process payment for stored PVC pipes in accordance with
7-3.3.1, “Payment for Stored Materials on Site” and 9-, “Payment for
Stored Materials Offsite”.
10. For PVC pipe older than 6 months from date of manufacture as evidenced by
pipe markings:
a) Prior to installation of PVC pipe, you shall submit to the Engineer a
current (no older than 60 Calendar Days) complete set of third party
independent test results for each separate lot of pipe consisting of:
i. Flattening capability conforming to ASTM D2412.
ii. Extrusion quality by the acetone-immersion method as
specified in ASTM D2152.
b) Test results shall identify the pipe by its markings as provided by the
c) PVC pipe installation may not proceed prior to your submittal of test
results and prior to the written acceptance by the Engineer.
d) PVC pipe tested as outlined above shall be accepted for installation for
a maximum of 6 months from the date of testing unless it is stored
and handled in accordance with these specifications immediately after
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 210
e) PVC pipe that is not stored locally within a 25 mile (40 km) radius of the
Site or where the Engineer does not have reasonable access to verify
storage and handling shall be retested in accordance with these
specifications within 60 Calendar Days prior to installation in
accordance with 207-15.6, “Installation Time Limit”.
207-17.6 Fusible Non-pressure Polyvinylchloride (PVC) Pipe.
207-17.6.1 General.
1. This subsection specifies fusible polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe for sewer mains
and laterals when used for horizontal directional drilling and where shown on
the Plans.
207-17.6.2 Material.
1. Fusible PVC plastic material for pipe shall conform to ASTM D3034 or ASTM
F679, and ASTM D1784 cell classification 12454. Fusible PVC pipe shall be
tested at the extrusion facility for properties required to meet all applicable
2. Fusible PVC pipe shall be extruded with plain ends. The ends shall be square
to the pipe and free of any bevel or chamfer. There shall be no bell or gasket
of any kind incorporated into the pipe.
3. Pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and be free of visible cracks, holes,
foreign material, blisters, or other deleterious faults. Any length of pipe
showing a crack or which has received a blow that may have caused an
incident fracture, even though no such fracture can be seen, shall be marked
as rejected and removed from the Site immediately. Damaged areas or
possible areas of damage may be removed by cutting out and removing the
suspected incident fracture area. Limits of the acceptable length of pipe shall
be determined by the Engineer.
4. Any scratch or gouge greater than 10% of the wall thickness shall be
considered significant and will be rejected unless determined acceptable by
the Engineer.
5. Pipe segments shall be butt fused together in accordance with the
manufacturer’s requirements.
6. Fusible PVC pipe shall be manufactured with 100% virgin resin in a standard
20 feet (6.1 m), 30 feet (9.1 m), or 40 feet (12.2 m) nominal length with the
following general characteristics:
a) Color: Green (for wastewater applications).
b) SDR: 18 minimum, unless otherwise shown on the plans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 211
207- Submittals.
1. You shall submit the following product data from the pipe supplier or fusion
a) Name of the pipe manufacturer and a list of the materials to be provided
by manufacturer. This shall include:
i. Pipe Size.
ii. Dimensionality.
iii. Pressure Class per applicable standard.
iv. Color.
v. Recommended Minimum Bending Radius.
vi. Recommended Maximum Safe Pull Force.
b) Written procedural documentation for piping products including proper
handling and storage, installation, tapping, and testing.
c) Couplings to be utilized in the installation.
207-17.6.3 Connections for Gravity Sanitary Sewer Applications.
1. The following connections shall be used in conjunction with tie-ins to existing
gravity sewer piping as shown on the Plans.
207- PVC Gasketed Push-on Couplings.
1. Acceptable couplings for joining fusible PVC pipe to other sections of fusible
PVC pipe or other sections of PVC pipe shall include gasketed PVC with push-
on type couplings.
207- Sleeve-type Couplings.
1. Sleeve-type mechanical couplings shall be manufactured for use with PVC
pipe, and may be restrained or unrestrained as indicated on the drawings and
in these specifications.
2. Acceptable sleeve-type mechanical pipe couplings shall be from the
Wastewater Approved Materials List or an approved equal.
207- Expansion and Flexible Couplings.
1. Expansion-type mechanical couplings shall be manufactured for use with PVC
pipe and may be restrained or unrestrained as shown on the Plans or required
in these specifications.
2. Acceptable expansion-type mechanical pipe couplings shall be from the
Wastewater Approved Materials List or an approved equal.
3. Acceptable flexible couplings shall be from the Wastewater Approved
Materials List or an approved equal.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 212
207- Connection Hardware.
1. Bolts and nuts shall be made of non-corrosive, high-strength, low-alloy steel
having the characteristics specified in ANSI/AWWA C111/A21 regardless of any
other protective coating.
207-17.6.4 Pipe Markings.
1. Delivered pipe markings shall include, as a minimum, the following:
a) Nominal size.
b) PVC.
c) Dimension Ratio, Standard Dimension Ratio or Schedule.
d) Extrusion production-record code.
e) Trademark or trade name.
f) Cell Classification.
g) ASTM D3034 or ASTM F679.
207-17.6.5 Handling and Storage.
1. The pipe shall be handled per manufacturer recommendations and stored at
ambient temperature and protected from ultraviolet light degradation.
207-17.7 Perforated PVC Pipe.
207-17.7.1 Materials of Underdrain Pipe.
1. Perforated plastic pipe shall be smooth-wall PVC plastic pipe or corrugated
PVC plastic pipe with a smooth interior surface. All pipes shall comply with 207-
207-17.7.2 Perforation Requirements.
Hole Size 3/8 inch (9 mm) min.
Center to Center Spacing 5 inches (125 mm) max.
Row of Holes
4 holes per each row and all on the lower half of the pipe.
There shall be 2 holes on each side of the centerline of the
pipe. 1 hole shall be at 45
from the centerline of the pipe
and 1 hole shall be at 80
from the centerline of the pipe
as indicated on the Drawings.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 213
207-17.8 Underdrain Cleanout.
207-17.8.1 General.
1. All underdrain cleanout PVC Plastic Pipe shall conform to 207-17, “PVC
2. Underdrain cleanouts shall have watertight, vandal-proof caps.
1. PE pipe used in pipe bursting and horizontal directional drilling applications
shall conform to SDR 17, unless otherwise shown on the Plans.
2. Pipe segments shall be butt fused together.
207-19.2 Material Composition. ADD the following:
1. PE pipe used in pipe bursting and horizontal directional drilling applications
shall have a PPI rating of PE3408, when compounded. The pipe shall have a
minimum cell classification of 345464E. Inner wall shall be light in color.
207-26.1 General.
1. This specification applies to microtunneling and jacking pipe for the
construction of gravity sanitary sewers. See 307-1.8, “Jacking Polymer Concrete
Pipe” and 308-7.1, “Microtunneling Polymer Concrete Pipe”. Polymer concrete
pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with the latest edition of ASTM
2. Pipe shall be designed to meet D-load requirements of external soil
and hydrostatic loads. Design strength shall be tested in accordance
with the three-edge bearing test method of ASTM D6783.
3. Pipe shall have a minimum unconfined compressive strength of 13,000 psi
when measured in accordance with ASTM C579.
4. Packaging, handling, and shipping shall be performed in accordance with the
Manufacturer’s instructions.
207-26.2 Materials.
1. Resin. The manufacturer shall use only vinyl ester resin systems designed for
the service intended. Pipe shall not contain Portland cement or other
corrodible elements.
2. Filler. All aggregate, sand, and quartz powder shall meet the requirements of
ASTM C 33, where applicable.
3. Additives. Resin additives, such as curing agents, pigments, dyes, fillers and
thixotropic agents, when used, shall not be detrimental to the pipe.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 214
4. Elastomeric Gaskets. Gaskets shall be Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
(EPDM) or Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) rubber and suitable for the service
intended. All gaskets shall meet the requirement of ASTM F 477.
5. Stainless Steel Sleeve Coupling. Stainless steel joint sleeves/couplings shall
meet the requirements of ASTM A276.
207-26.3 Manufacturing.
1. Pipe shall be manufactured by the vibratory vertical casting process resulting
in a dense, non-porous, corrosion-resistant, homogeneous material.
207-26.4 Dimensions and Tolerances.
1. Lengths. Pipe shall be supplied in nominal lengths of 8 feet or 10 feet. Actual
lay length shall be nominal ±1 inch. Special short lengths may be used where
surface geography or installation conditions require shorter lengths.
2. Wall Thickness. The minimum wall thickness, measured at the narrowest
point along the pipe, shall provide axial compressive strength to withstand
anticipated loads with a minimum factor of safety against ultimate jacking load
of 3:1.
3. Straightness. The pipe shall not deviate from straight by more than the
values indicated in Table 207-26.4.3.
TABLE 207-26.4.3
Nominal Diameter, inches Deviation from Straight, in/ft
39 and below 0.04
42 to 78 0.06
84 to 144 0.08
4. Roundness. The outside diameter shall not vary from a true circle by
more than 1 percent.
5. End Squareness. Pipe ends shall be perpendicular to the pipe axis
with the tolerances listed in Table 207-26.4.5.
TABLE 207-26.4.5
Nominal Diameter, inches Perpendicular Tolerance, inches
39 and below 0.06
42 to 102 0.12
108 to 144 0.20
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 215
207-26.5 Joints.
1. The pipe shall be connected with a stainless steel sleeve/coupling
utilizing an elastomeric sealing gasket as the sole means to maintain
joint water-tightness.
2. The joint shall meet the performance requirements of ASTM D6783 at
35 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM D4161.
3. The joint shall have an outside diameter equal to or less than the
outside diameter of the pipe.
4. When the pipe is assembled, the joints shall be flush with the outside
diameter of the pipe. Joints at tie-ins may use couplings that extend
beyond the outside diameter of the pipe.
5. The ends of the pipe shall be formed that, when the pipes are joints,
they shall make a continuous and uniform line of pipe with a smooth
and regular surface.
207-26.6 Fittings.
1. Elbows, reducers, tees, wyes, laterals and other fittings shall be of the
same structural design as adjoining pipe.
2. Fittings shall be manufactured with mitered sections of pipe and joined
by epoxy bonding or fiberglass overlay.
207-26.7 Causes for Rejection.
1. The pipe fails to meet any of the requirements specified in ASTM D6783
2. Any shattering or flaking of polymer concrete.
3. Air bubble voids (bugholes) on the interior and exterior surfaces of the pipe
exceeding 1/4 inch (6 mm) in depth unless pointed with mortar or other
approved material.
4. Unauthorized application of any wash coat of resin.
5. A piece broken from the end projections of the pipe which has circumferential
length exceeding 60 degrees of the circle, or extends into the body of the pipe,
or extends into the gasket contact surfaces of gasketed joint pipe for a
circumferential length in excess of 6 inches (150 mm) measured at the
midpoint of the gasket contact surface on the bell end, and at the inner
shoulder of the gasket groove at the spigot end. If 2 or more pieces are broken
from an end projection, the total length of such broken pieces on any end shall
not exceed 90 degrees of the circle; and there shall be a distance of at least 9
inches (225 mm) of sound polymer concrete between breaks. The total length
of broken pieces that extends into the gasket contact surfaces of gasketed
joint pipe shall not exceed a circumferential length of 6 inches (150 mm).
6. If less than 9 inches (225 mm) of sound polymer concrete exists between two
individual breaks, the 2 breaks shall be considered as one continuous break.
Repair of such defects not exceeding above limits shall be made by Method III
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 216
as described in 207-26.8.3, “Method III - Bonding Mortar Repairs with Epoxy
Resin Adhesives”. Unsound portions of end projections shall be removed, and
if pieces removed do not exceed the above limits, the pipe may be similarly
7. Defects that indicate imperfect molding of polymer concrete; or any surface
defect indicating honeycomb or open-texture (rock pockets) greater in size
than an area equal to a square with a side dimension of 2-1/2 times the wall
thickness or deeper than 2 times the maximum graded aggregate size; or a
local deficiency of cement resulting in loosely bonded concrete, the area of
which exceeds in size the limits of area described in items 5 and 6 above when
the defective polymer concrete is removed. Repair of such defects not
exceeding these limits shall be made as provided in e) and f) above. Sand rings
occurring at the ends of the pipe shall be repaired for the full circumference.
8. Delamination of polymer concrete.
9. Separation or “blisters.”
10. Slumped or sagged polymer concrete.
11. Any of the following cracks:
a) A crack having a width of 0.01 inch (0.255 mm) or more throughout a
continuous length of 12 inches (300 mm) or more.
b) Any crack extending through the wall of the pipe and having a length
in excess of the wall thickness.
c) Any crack showing two visible lines of separation for a continuous
length of 2 feet (0.6 m) or more, or an interrupted length of 3 feet (0.9
m) or more anywhere in evidence, both inside and outside, except
where such cracks occur during the external loading test specified in
ASTM D6783. When required by the Engineer, any crack which is 0.01
inch (0.255 mm) wide or wider and is not a cause for rejection shall be
filled with vinyl ester resin.
207-26.8 Repair of Imperfections.
207-26.8.1 Method I - Repair by Hand-Placed Mortar.
1. Preparation of Surfaces to be Repaired. Unsound or imperfect polymer
concrete shall be removed by chipping. Edges where polymer concrete has
been chipped out shall be sharp and squared with the surface, leaving no
feathered edges. The chipped area shall be washed with water to remove all
loose material and concrete dust.
a) Surfaces within the trimmed areas shall be kept wet for several hours,
preferably overnight, before the repair replacement is made.
b) All surfaces in areas to be repaired shall be damp, but not wet, when
the material is applied.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 217
2. Placement of Mortar. The mortar used for the repair shall contain the same
proportions of resin and sand as the mix from which the pipe was made.
a) This mortar shall be pre-shrunk by mixing it to a plastic consistency as
far in advance of its use as possible. Trial mixes shall be made and
aged to determine the longest period the mortar's use can be delayed
while retaining sufficient plasticity to permit good workmanship.
b) Immediately prior to the application of the mortar, the damp surface
of the area to be repaired shall be scrubbed thoroughly with a small
quantity of neat vinyl ester resin grout, using a wire brush. Remaining
loose sand particles shall be swept away before application of the
c) In applying the mortar, it shall be compacted into the space to be filled,
care being taken to eliminate air pockets and to secure bond at the
edges. The surfaces shall be shaped and finished to correspond with
the adjacent surface of the pipe.
3. Curing. The newly repaired surfaces shall be kept damp for 24 hours after the
repair is completed. A membrane coating of an approved white-pigmented
sealing compound shall then be applied.
207-26.8.2 Method II - Repair by Pneumatically Applied Mortar (PAM).
1. Preparation of Surfaces to be Repaired. Surfaces to which PAM is to be
applied shall be prepared in the same manner as described in item 1, 207-
26.8.1, “Method I - Repair by Hand-Placed Mortar” except that the edges of
the area from which unsound or imperfect polymer concrete is removed shall
be beveled so as not to entrap rebound.
2. Placement of Mortar. No rebound shall be included in the repair. The pipe
shall be turned so that the area being repaired is at the side of the pipe in a
near vertical position to permit rebound to fall clear.
a) The mortar used for the repair shall contain the same properties of
resin and sand as the mix from which the pipe was made.
b) Before repairing grooved polymer concrete spigots, the snap ring shall be
replaced and retained in position until the repair has attained sufficient
strength to assure no damage to the gasket groove by its removal.
c) Areas repaired with PAM shall be filled in excess of the dimension
required and then carefully trimmed to correspond with adjacent
3. Curing. Surfaces to which PAM has been applied shall be cured in the same
manner as described in item 3, 207-26.8.1, “Method I - Repair by Hand-
Placed Mortar”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 218
207-26.8.3 Method III - Bonding Mortar Repairs with Epoxy Resin Adhesives.
1. Preparation of Surfaces to be Repaired. Unsound or imperfect polymer
concrete shall be removed by chipping.
a) If hand placed mortar is to be used, the edges shall be left sharp and
square with the surface.
b) If PAM is to be used, the edges shall be beveled.
2. Placement of Mortar. The area to be repaired shall be kept dry. Loose
material and concrete dust remaining after the chipping operation shall be
removed by means of an air jet.
a) Epoxy resins previously approved for such use by the Engineer shall
be used in the manner prescribed by the Engineer.
b) The prepared area shall be primed with the epoxy resin compound,
care being taken to ensure intimate contact with the base material.
c) Mortar shall be applied before the epoxy resin compound set in
accordance with 207-26.8.1, “Method II - Repair by Pneumatically
Applied Mortar (PAM)” and 207-26.8.2, “Method II - Repair by
Pneumatically Applied Mortar (PAM)”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 219
1. Asbestos cement pipe shall not be acceptable.
209-1.1.2 Materials. ADD the following:
1. Fittings shall be mechanical joints. Bolt holes in the flanges of the mechanical
joint fitting shall straddle the vertical centerline of the fitting.
2. Glands shall be made of ductile iron and shall be factory-stamped. The ductile
iron used for the production of glands shall have a minimum elongation of
5%. Bolts shall be tee heads made of high-strength low-alloy steel or ductile
iron in accordance with AWWA C111.
3. The pipe for threaded flange ductile-iron extension spools for above ground
and vault shall be Class 53 minimum and cut to allow for ½ inch (12.5 mm)
additional length for Flange x Flange and 0.25 inch (6 mm) additional length
for Flange x Pipe End.
4. Machine tapered pipe thread (NPT) shall comply with ANSI B1.20.1 adapted to
ductile-iron pipe outside diameters.
5. The threaded flange shall be dimensioned in accordance with USA Standard
Taper Pipe and shall be attached to the machined pipe threads. The threaded
flange shall be removed from the pipe and two-part epoxy thread sealant shall
be applied to the pipe threads and the flange threads. Coal tar coating shall
comply with AWWA C203 and epoxy coating shall comply with AWWA C213.
The threaded flange shall be re-attached to the pipe threads and shall be
machine tightened.
6. The threaded joint and spool assembly shall be hydrostatically tested 300 psi,
stamped with the manufacturer’s mark indicating length, weight, and
customer, and stenciled with “Tested at 300 PSI”.
7. Certification of Compliance with all specifications shall be furnished.
8. The outside surfaces of ductile iron pipe and fittings, including valves and
appurtenances for buried service, shall be coated with one of the following:
a) 24 mils minimum dry film thickness (MDFT) liquid epoxy coating in
accordance with AWWA C210. Coal tar epoxies shall not be used.
b) 24 mils MDFT Fusion Bonded Epoxy coating in accordance with AWWA
C213 and AWWA C116.
c) A cold applied three-part system, 80 mils petroleum Wax Tape coating
in accordance with AWWA C217
d) 24 mils MDFT 100% solids Polyurethane coating in accordance with
AWWA C222.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 220
9. Prior to coating, the iron surfaces shall be blast cleaned in accordance with the
applicable National Association of Pipe Fabricators (NAPF) standard 500-03,
“Surface Preparation Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings Receiving
Special External Coatings and/or Special Internal Linings”. The entire coated
surface shall be inspected with a holiday detector in accordance with National
Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE International) standard SP0188-
2006, “Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on
Conductive Substrates”.
10. For water facilities, fittings shall be lined with cement mortar and shall be seal-
coated in accordance with AWWA C104/A21.4. Seal coat shall be NSF/ANSI 61
approved. The interior of bells shall be lined as specified in the Special
Provisions. Cement lining shall be double thickness and shall use cement
conforming to ASTM C150 Type II. For sewer facilities, internal epoxy linings
may be required. The interior of bells shall be lined as specified.
11. Non-cement mortar linings and coatings shall be holiday free on all surfaces
of the fittings, including bells.
12. For buried use, all bare iron and steel components associated with ductile iron
fittings such as bolts, thrust rods, flanges, and restraining components shall
be coated with a three-part wax tape coating system in accordance with AWWA
C217 regardless of the coating system applied to the fitting.
13. When soils have been determined to be in excess of 10,000 ohms-cm through
resistivity testing as specified in the City of San Diego Sewer and Water Design
Guidelines and as approved by the Engineer, the external surfaces of ductile
iron pipe and fittings for general use may be coated with bituminous coating
1 mil (25 um) thick in accordance with AWWA C151 or AWWA C110.
Polyethylene encasement shall be provided in accordance with AWWA C105.
In the absence of such testing, special coatings in accordance with item 8 of
209-1.1.2, “Materials” shall apply.
209-2.2.1 Materials. To Table 209-2.2.1, “Lining and Exterior Coating (Required on exposed steel
surfaces and ring joints)”, “Cement-Mortar Interior Lining and Exterior Coating”,
DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 221
Interior Lining
(AWWA C205)
Pipe Size Lining Thickness
4 inch - 10 inch (100 mm - 250 mm) pipe ¼ inch (6 mm)
11 inch - 23 inch ( 275 mm - 575 mm) pipe 3/8 inch ( 9.5 mm)
24 inch 36 inch (600 mm - 900 mm) pipe ½ inch (12.5 mm)
36 inch (900 mm) and Larger pipe ¾ inch (19.1 mm)
Conform to AWWA C205 using Type II/V cement.
Trim lining as necessary to allow full operation of butterfly or check
valves at connections to steel pipe.
Line exposed portions of pipe interior with hand-applied epoxy
1 inch (25.4 mm) minimum coating thickness unless otherwise specified
or if soil is identified as corrosive.
Trim coating 6 inch to 12 inch (152.4 mm to 304.8 mm) above grade on
spools penetrating to daylight or vault interiors.
To Table 209-2.2.1, “Joints”, “Flanged Joint”,
DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
Conform to AWWA C207. Flange joints identified on the plans to receive
dielectric insulation kits shall have the flange bolt holes over-drilled per
section 4.2.3 of AWWA C207. Faced and dimensioned in accordance with
ASME/ANSI B16.5 for the pressure class shown on the Plans or specified
in the Special Provisions.
209-4.3 PVC Pressure Water Pipe 4 inch to 12 inch (100 mm to 305 mm).
1. Pipe shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C900. Milled over all (MOA)
PVC pipe having asbestos cement pipe size 8 inch (203.2 mm) through 12 inch
(304.8 mm) may be used only where a shorter than standard length is needed
to make a connection to the existing water main.
2. Design and installation shall comply with AWWA Manual M-23, “PVC Pipe
Design and Installation”, with the following exceptions:
a) Dimensions for PVC pipe shall comply with Table 2 of AWWA C900-07
for CI pipe equivalent OD.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 222
b) Pressure and SDR rating shall be class 235 and 18 respectively, unless
a higher pressure class is specified on the Plans.
c) Pipe ends shall be plain by elastomeric gasket bell or plain by plain.
Couplings for plain pipes shall be furnished with 2 elastomeric gaskets.
For pipe to pipe connections, solvent cement or mechanical joints shall
not be accepted.
d) Installation of mechanical joint shall conform to Appendix A of AWWA
C111. Over stressing of bolts to compensate for poor installation shall
be avoided. Bolts and nuts shall be coated with rust-preventive grease.
e) Solvent cement joints or push-on joints shall not be accepted.
209-4.4 PVC Pressure Water Pipe 16 inch to 36 inch (406 mm to 914 mm).
1. Pipe shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C905.
2. Design shall comply with accepted standards for PVC pipe and the following
enhancements and exceptions:
a) Pipes shall carry a safety factor of 2.5. Calculations and data from the
pipe manufacturer showing that the pipe conforms to the design
requirements of AWWA C900 shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval prior to ordering the pipes.
b) Dimensions for PVC water pipe shall comply with Table 2 of AWWA
C905 for CI pipe equivalent OD.
c) Minimum acceptable Pressure Rating(s) (PR) and/or Dimension
Ratio(s) (DR) for pressure water pipes shall be shown on the plans.
Pipes shall have a minimum DR of 18.
d) Fittings shall have mechanical joints in accordance with 209-4, “PVC
Pressure Pipe” as revised herein. Solvent cement joints or push-on
joints shall not be used.
209-4.5 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC).
1. CPVC pipes in ½ inch to 2 inch (12.5 mm to 102 mm) diameters manufactured
by Saudi Industries for Pipes Company Limited (SIP) between March 2007 and
October 2007 shall not be used for potable water unless the piping material
has been clearly certified by NSF International.
209-4.6 Pipe (Sewer).
1. Pipes installed as sewer mains shall be Vitrified Clay Extra Strength (VCES) in
accordance with 207-8, “VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE (VCP)” or PVC in accordance with
207-17, “PVC GRAVITY PIPE”. PVC pipe shall be SDR-35 unless otherwise
designated on the Plans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 223
2. Pipes and fittings for house connection sewer (laterals) shall be VCES, PVC, or
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) solid wall pipe in accordance with 207-
209-4.7 Pipe (Water).
1. PVC pressure pipe shall be acceptable in accordance with 209-4.3, “PVC
Pressure Water Pipe 4 inch to 12 inch (100 mm to 305 mm)” and 209-4.4, “PVC
Pressure Water Pipe 16 inch to 36 inch (406 mm to 914 mm)”.
209-8.1 General.
1. This subsection specifies fusible PVC pipe for water mains when used for
horizontal directional drilling and where shown on the Plans.
209-8.2 Material.
1. Fusible PVC plastic material for pipe shall conform to AWWA C900, AWWA
C905, ASTM D2241, or ASTM 1785 for standard dimensions, as applicable.
Fusible PVC pipe shall be tested at the extrusion facility for properties required
to meet all applicable parameters.
2. Fusible PVC pipe shall be extruded with plain ends. The ends shall be square
to the pipe and free of any bevel or chamfer. There shall be no bell or gasket
of any kind incorporated into the pipe.
3. Pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and shall be free of visible cracks,
holes, foreign material, blisters, or other deleterious faults.
4. Fusible PVC pipe shall be manufactured in a standard 40 foot (12.2 m) nominal
length or custom lengths as specified and DR 18 minimum unless otherwise
shown on the plans.
209-8.2.1 Fusible PVC Pressure Pipe for Potable Water.
1. Fusible PVC pipe shall be blue in color for potable water use and shall be
marked as follows:
a) Nominal pipe size.
b) PVC.
c) Dimension Ratio, Standard Dimension Ratio, or Schedule.
d) AWWA pressure class or standard pressure rating for non-AWWA pipe,
as applicable.
e) AWWA standard designation number or pipe type for non-AWWA pipe,
as applicable.
f) NSF-61 mark verifying suitability for potable water service.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 224
g) Extrusion production-record code.
h) Trademark or trade name.
i) Cell Classification 12454 and/or PVC material code 1120 may also be
209-8.2.2 Fusible Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Pipe for Non-Potable Water.
1. Fusible PVC pipe shall be purple in color for reclaim, reuse, or other non-
potable water distribution or conveyance and shall be marked as follows:
a) Nominal pipe size.
b) PVC.
c) Dimension Ratio, Standard Dimension Ratio, or Schedule.
d) AWWA pressure class or standard pressure rating for non-AWWA pipe,
as applicable.
e) AWWA standard designation number or pipe type for non-AWWA pipe,
as applicable.
f) Extrusion production-record code.
g) Trademark or trade name.
h) Cell Classification 12454 and/or PVC material code 1120 may also be
i) For reclaim water service, the wording: “Reclaimed Water, NOT for
Potable Use”.
209-8.3 Quality Assurance.
1. This section contains references to the following documents in Table 209-8.3
below. They shall be a part of this section as specified and modified herein.
2. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the
documents in effect at the time of design, bid, or construction, whichever is
earliest. If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing
organization, references to those documents shall mean the replacement
documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are
no replacement documents, the last version of the document before it was
3. Where document dates are given in the following listing, references to those
documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that
date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version
with a later date, discontinued or replaced.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 225
TABLE 209-8.3
American National Standard for Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings, 3-inch through 48-
inch, for Water and Other Liquids
AWWA Standard for Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water Service
American National Standard for Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and
Standard for Underground Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and
Fittings for Water
AWWA C651 Standard for Disinfecting Water Main
Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 4 in. through
12 in. (100mm Through 300mm), for Water Distribution
Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 14 in. through
48 in. (350mm Through 1200mm), for Water Distribution and Transmission
AWWA M23 AWWA Manual of Supply Practices PVC Pipe—Design and Installation, Second Edition
ASTM D1784
Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
ASTM D1785 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120
ASTM D2152
Test Method for Degree of Fusion of Extruded (Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Molded
Fittings by Acetone Immersion
ASTM D2241 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR)
ASTM D2665 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D3034 Standard Specification for Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F477 Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 226
ASTM F1057
Standard Practice for Estimating the Quality of Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe by
the Heat Reversion Technique
UNI-PUB-08 Tapping Guide for PVC Pressure Pipe
NSF-14 Plastics Piping System Components and Related Materials
NSF-61 Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects
PPI TR-2 PVC Range Composition Listing of Qualified Ingredients
209-8.4 Submittals.
209-8.4.1 Pre-construction Submittals.
1. Name of the pipe manufacturer and a list of the materials to be provided by
manufacturer. This shall include:
a) Pipe Size.
b) Dimensionality.
c) Pressure Class per applicable standard.
d) Color.
e) Recommended Minimum Bending Radius.
f) Recommended Maximum Safe Pull Force.
g) Fusion technician qualification indicating conformance with this
2. Written procedural documentation for piping products including proper
handling and storage, installation, tapping, and testing.
3. Couplings to be utilized in the installation.
209-8.4.2 Post-construction Submittals.
1. The following AS-RECORDED DATA shall be required from you and/or the
fusion provider to the Engineer or pipe supplier upon request:
a) Pipe Size and Thickness.
b) Machine Size.
c) Fusion Technician Identification.
d) Job Identification.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 227
e) Fusion Joint Number.
f) Fusion, Heating, and Drag Pressure Settings.
g) Heat Plate Temperature.
h) Time Stamp.
i) Heating and Cool Down Time of Fusion.
j) Ambient Temperature.
209-8.5 Warranty.
1. The pipe shall be warranted for 1 year per the pipe supplier’s standard terms.
2. In addition to the standard pipe warranty, the fusion services shall be
warranted for 1 year per the fusion service provider’s standard terms.
209-8.6 Connections and Fittings for Pressure Applications.
1. The connections in the following subsections shall be used in conjunction with
tie-ins to existing potable water piping as shown on the Plans.
209-8.6.1 Ductile Iron Mechanical and Flange Fittings.
1. Acceptable fittings for use with fusible PVC pipe shall include standard ductile
iron fittings conforming to AWWA/ANSI C110/A21.10, or AWWA/ANSI
C153/A21.53 and AWWA/ANSI C111/A21.11.
a) Connections to fusible PVC pipe may be made using a restrained or
non-restrained retainer gland product for PVC pipe as well as for
mechanical joints or flanged fittings.
b) Bends, tees, and other ductile iron fittings shall be restrained with the
use of thrust blocking or other means as indicated on the Plans.
c) Ductile iron fittings and glands shall be installed per the
manufacturer’s guidelines.
d) If required, linings for ductile iron fittings shall be the following:
i. Liquid Epoxy in accordance with AWWA C210.
ii. Polyurethane in accordance with AWWA C222.
iii. Fusion-Bonded Epoxy in accordance with AWWA C116.
e) If required, coatings for ductile iron fittings shall meet the following
requirements for buried and/or immersion service duty:
i. Liquid Epoxy in accordance with AWWA C210.
ii. Polyurethane in accordance with AWWA C222.
iii. Fusion-Bonded Epoxy in accordance with AWWA C116.
iv. Wax tape coating in accordance with AWWA C217.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 228
209-8.6.2 PVC Gasketed Push-On Couplings.
1. Acceptable fittings for use with fusible PVC pipe shall include standard PVC
pressure fittings conforming to AWWA C900 or AWWA C905.
a) Acceptable fittings for use joining fusible PVC pipe to bends, tees, other
PVC fittings or sections of fusible PVC pipe shall include gasketed PVC
push-on type couplings and fittings as shown in the Drawings.
b) Bends, tees, and other PVC fittings shall be restrained with the use
of thrust blocking or other restraint products as indicated on the
c) PVC gasketed push-on fittings and mechanical restraints, if used, shall
be installed per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
209-8.6.3 Fusible PVC Sweeps or Bends.
1. Fusible PVC sweeps or bends shall conform to the same sizing convention,
diameter, dimensional tolerances, and pressure class of the pipe being joined
using the sweep or bend.
2. Fusible PVC sweeps or bends shall be manufactured from the same fusible PVC
pipe being used for the installation and shall have at least 2 feet (0.6 m) of
straight section on either end of the sweep or bend to allow for fusion of the
sweep to the pipe installation. There shall be no gasketed connections utilized
with a fusible PVC sweep.
3. Standard fusible PVC sweep or bend angles shall not be greater than 22.
and shall be used in nominal diameters ranging from 4 inch (101.6 mm)
through 16 inch (406.4 mm).
209-8.6.4 Sleeve-Type Coupling.
1. Sleeve-type mechanical couplings shall be manufactured for use with PVC
pressure pipe and shall be restrained or unrestrained as indicated on the Plans
or as required in the Special Provisions.
2. Sleeve-type couplings shall be rated at the same or greater pressure carrying
capacity as the pipe itself.
3. Acceptable sleeve-type mechanical pipe couplings shall be any of those listed
on the Water Approved Materials List or approved equal.
209-8.6.5 Expansion and Flexible Coupling.
1. Expansion-type mechanical couplings shall be manufactured for use with PVC
pipe and shall be restrained or unrestrained as indicated on the Plans or as
required in the Special Provisions.
2. Expansion-type mechanical couplings shall be rated at the same or greater
pressure carrying capacity as the pipe itself.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 229
209-8.6.6 Connection Hardware.
1. Bolts and nuts for buried services shall be made of non-corrosive, high-
strength, and low-alloy steel having the characteristics specified in
ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 regardless of any other protective coating.
209-8.7 Handling and Storage.
1. The pipe shall be handled, stored, and stacked per the manufacturer’s and
supplier’s recommendations, stored at ambient temperatures, and shall be
protected from ultraviolet light degradation.
2. Any length of pipe showing a crack or which has received a blow that may have
caused an incident fracture, even though no such fracture can be seen, shall
be marked as rejected and removed at once from the Work. Damaged areas
or possible areas of damage may be removed by cutting out and removing the
suspected incident fracture area. Limits of the acceptable length of pipe shall
be determined by Engineer.
3. Any scratch or gouge greater than 10% of the wall thickness shall be
considered significant and shall be rejected unless determined otherwise by
4. Pipe shall be handled and supported with the use of woven fiber pipe slings or
approved equal. Care shall be exercised when handling the pipe to not cut,
gouge, scratch, or otherwise abrade the piping in any way.
5. If pipe is to be stored for periods of 1 year or longer, the pipe shall be shaded
or otherwise shielded from direct sunlight. Covering of the pipe that results in
temperature build up shall be strictly prohibited. Pipe shall be covered with an
opaque material while permitting adequate air circulation above and around
the pipe as required to prevent excess heat accumulation.
209-8.7.1 Delivery and Off-Loading.
1. All pipes shall be bundled or packaged in such a manner as to provide
adequate protection of the ends during transportation to the Site. Any pipe
damaged in shipment shall be replaced as directed by Engineer.
2. Inspect each pipe shipment prior to unloading to see if the load has shifted or
otherwise been damaged. Notify the Engineer immediately if more than
immaterial damage is found. Check for quantity and proper pipe size, color,
and type.
3. Pipe shall be loaded, off-loaded, and otherwise handled in accordance with
AWWA M23 and all of the pipe supplier’s guidelines.
4. Off-loading devices such as chains, wire ropes, chokers, or other pipe handling
implements that may scratch, nick, cut, or gouge the pipe are strictly
5. During removal and handling, be sure that the pipe does not strike anything.
Significant impact could cause damage, particularly during cold weather.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 230
6. If appropriate unloading of equipment is not available, pipe may be unloaded
by removing individual pieces. Care should be taken to ensure that the pipe is not
dropped or damaged. Pipe should be carefully lowered and not dropped from
209-9.1 GENERAL.
1. When noted on the plans you shall furnish and install complete private sewer
pumping systems including factory-built and tested grinder pump station(s).
Each system shall be packaged into a single complete unit consisting of dual
grinder pump(s) suitably mounted in a basin constructed of high density
polyethylene (HDPE) and with a quick disconnect assembly (NEMA 6P), anti-
siphon valve, check valve, ball valve, and wet well within the basin, an electrical
alarm and disconnect panel mounted on a wall or stainless steel pole and
supplied with 240V electricity, 1.25 inch (31.8 mm) force main and all necessary
internal wiring and controls at the locations shown on the approved Working
Drawings. Private pumping systems shall be installed in compliance with the
applicable state and local codes and manufacturer’s recommendations.
209-9.1.1 Manufacturer.
1. The private sewer pump shall be as manufactured by E/ONE Sewer Systems
or an approved equal product for use in low pressure sewage systems. You
shall submit evidence of an established service program, complete parts and
services manuals, and continuous inventory of grinder pump replacement
parts from the manufacturer. You shall provide a reference and contact list
from 3 of the manufacturer’s grinder pump installations completed within the
last 2 years. The private sewer pump manufacturer shall have local service
personnel to replace or repair the private sewer pump during the warranty
period as specified in the Special Provisions.
2. The warranty for the private sewer pump shall be extended to 3 years and
shall be paid for in accordance with 306-17.2, “Payment”.
209-9.1.2 Pump Model.
1. The private sewer pump model shall be a standard height model that is field
adjustable, such as DH152-93, manufactured by E/ONE Sewer Systems or an
approved equal unless specified otherwise in the Special Provisions or
shown on the Plans. The private sewer pump model shall be sized to the
expected discharge flow of the facility measured in gallons per minute and to
the system’s discharge invert elevation. The pump model shall also have a
generator adaptor and load transfer switch to use generator power during
power outages.
209-9.1.3 User Manual and Instructions.
1. Following installation, you shall review with the property owner the pump
system and provide a detailed user manual to the property owner.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 231
210-1.1.1 Anti-graffiti Coating.
1. Anti-graffiti coating shall be as manufactured by Monopole, Inc. or approved
2. Materials shall be applied as specified:
First Coat Aquaseal ME12 (Item 5200)
Second Coat Permashield Base (Item 6100)
Third Coat
Permashield Premium (Item 5600 for matte finish
or Item 5650 for gloss finish)
Fourth Coat
Permashield Premium (Item 5600 for matte finish
or Item 5650 for gloss finish)
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 232
211-1.1 Laboratory Maximum Density. REVISE “ASTM D1557” to “ASTM D1557 or California
Test Method No. 216”.
211-1.2 Field Density. ADD the following:
1. California Test Methods 216 (Sand Cone) or 231 (Nuclear Gauge) may also be
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 233
212-5 VALVES. ADD the following:
1. Valves shall have internal and external fusion bonded epoxy coating in
accordance with AWWA C116 and C213 and shall be certified “Holiday Free” by
the manufacturer.
2. Gate valves shall conform to the provisions of AWWA Specification C 500 as
modified herein, except that valves 3 inches (75 mm) and under shall be all
bronze and shall conforming to ASTM B62.
3. Valves shall have bottom or side wedging double discs, parallel seats, all
bronze internal working parts, either "O" rings or stuffing box stem seals, and
2 inch (50 mm) square operating nut, and shall open by turning the stem
counter-clockwise. Ends shall be as specified, designed for use with the
connecting pipe. Components made from brass or bronze shall be of a grade
containing not more than 16% zinc and not more than 2% aluminum in
accordance with 5.5 of the AWWA Standard C 500 for waters with specific
conductance exceeding 350 micro Mho per am.
4. Valves 16 inches (406.4 mm) and larger shall be designed for horizontal
mounting with 3 inches (76.2 mm) by-passes and totally enclosed gear case.
Integral or extended gear cases shall be acceptable.
5. External bolts and nuts for valve fittings shall be hexagonal head machine
bolts and hexagonal nuts conforming to ASTM 307 Grade B or SAE Grade 2.
Bolt threads shall be lubricated with graphite and oil prior to installation.
6. By-pass connections for all gate valves over 12 inches (304.8 mm) shall be cast
into the valve and shall not obstruct the water way to the by-pass. Bronze by-
pass valves shall be wheel operated.
7. Only gates, resilient-seated gates, and butterfly valves shall be allowed. Valves
used with PVC pipe shall have mechanical joint ends.
8. 16 inch (406.4 mm) gate valves shall have a 3 inch (76.2 mm) bypass when the
maximum operating pressure is 80 psi or greater. Larger gate valves shall have
bypasses in accordance with AWWA C-5000.
9. The identification and painting of valve well caps shall be in accordance with
SDW-152, “Gate Well Identification”.
10. Valve key extensions shall be installed for butterfly valves and gate valves
when top of gate valve nut is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more below ground or pavement
surface. Types of joints for fittings will be called out on the Plans in the
following order: back, ahead, left, right.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 234
212-5.2 Butterfly Valves. ADD the following:
1. Butterfly valves and operators shall conform to the provisions of AWWA C504,
“Standard for Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves”, as modified and supplemented
2. Butterfly valves and operators shall be Class 150B and shall be totally enclosed
for direct burial in the ground without a vault. Butterfly valves and operators
shall be designed for installation in a nearly horizontal pipeline with the disc
shaft horizontal and the operating shaft vertical.
3. Butterfly valves shall be either short body or long body with ends as specified.
4. The operator shall be manual with a 2 inch (50.8 mm) square operating nut
and shall open the valve when turned counter-clockwise.
5. The operator, and any other parts requiring lubrication, shall be fully
lubricated at the factory and shall require no additional lubrication for the life
of the valve.
6. The butterflty valve disc may be of cast iron, alloy cast iron, stainless steel,
monel, bronze, or ductile iron. The metal seating surfaces which meet the
rubber seat shall be of stainless steel or bronze.
7. Bolts and nuts for butterfly valve end flanges shall be hexagonal head bolts
and hexagonal nuts conforming to ASTM 307 Grade B or SAE Grade 2. Bolt
threads shall be lubricated with graphite or oil prior to installation.
8. Prior to the installation of working parts, all internal steel or cast iron surfaces
of butterfly valves, except finish or bearing surfaces, shall be coated with
approved epoxy in accordance with AWWA C550, “Protective Interim Coatings
for Valve and Hydrants”. The epoxy surface shall be tested with an approved
holiday detector.
212-5.2.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
212-5.2.1 Class 250B Butterfly Valves.
1. This subsection applies to 16 inch (406.4 mm) through 54 inch (1371.6 mm)
Class 250B butterfly valves.
2. Butterfly valves shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C504 for Class
250B service in terms of performance criteria. Class 250B butterfly valves shall
have flanged ends, be manually operated, tight closing, and shall have rubber
3. Butterfly valves shall be bubble-tight at the rated pressure with flow in either
direction and shall be satisfactory for applications involving throttling service
and/or frequent operation after long periods of inactivity. Butterfly valves and
valve operators shall be suitable for buried services.
4. Butterfly valves and operators shall comply with these specifications, other
accepted standards for butterfly valves, and the following enhancements and
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 235
a) Butterfly valve bodies shall be short and constructed of cast iron
conforming to ASTM A126 Class B. Flanges shall be flat-faced and
flange drilling shall be in accordance with ANSI B16.1 Class 125 or Class
250, as required for the design pressure. On butterfly valves 30 inches
(762 mm) and larger the valve port diameter shall not reduce more
than a 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) of nominal diameter. Flow direction shall
be indicated on the butterfly valve body. The use of stops or lugs cast
integrally with or mechanically secured to the body for limiting disc
travel shall not be acceptable.
b) Butterfly valve discs shall have no external ribs transverse to the flow
of water through the valve. The disc shall not have any hollow
chambers that can entrap water. The disc shall be made from cast iron
ASTM A126 Class B or ductile iron ASTM A536. The disc shall be
furnished with a nickel-chrome or stainless steel type 316 seating edge
to mate with the rubber seat.
c) The butterfly valve seat shall be attached to the valve body. Retaining
rings, clamps, screws, and bolts attaching the rubber seat to the valve
body shall be fabricated from stainless steel type 316. For butterfly
valves 24 inches (609.6 mm) and larger, valve seats shall be field
adjustable around the 360° circumference and replaceable without
dismantling the operator, disc, or shaft and without removing the valve
from the pipeline.
d) The butterfly valve manufacturer shall certify the rubber seat is field
replaceable as specified above. Spool-type rubber liners covering the
entire surface of the valve body and extending over any portion of the
flange faces shall not be acceptable. Butterfly valves using snap rings
to retain the rubber seat shall not be acceptable.
e) Rubber for butterfly valve seats shall conform to the applicable
provisions of AWWA C504.
f) Butterfly valve shafts shall be stainless steel ASTM A564 Type 630
Condition H-1100.
g) The butterfly valve/disc connection shall be made through the use of
on-center taper pins. The taper pins shall be of the same material as
the valve shaft.
h) Shaft Seals shall be standard split V packing and be provided where
the shaft projects through the butterfly valve body. Shaft seals shall be
of design allowing replacement without removing the valve shaft.
i) Butterfly valve bearings shall be sleeve type that is corrosion resistant
and self-lubricating. Thrust bearings shall be provided in accordance
with the governing standard. Thrust bearings which are exposed to
water and consist of a metal bearing surface in rubbing contact with
an opposing metal bearing surface shall not be acceptable.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 236
j) Butterfly valve operators shall be fully grease packed and have stops
in the open/closed position. The operator shall have a mechanical
stop, which will withstand an input torque of 450 foot lbs (610.1
Newton-meter), against the stop. The traveling nut shall engage
alignment grooves in the housing. The operator shall have a built in
packing leak bypass to eliminate possible leakage into the operator
housing. The operator shall be designed to hold the valve in any
intermediate position between fully open and fully closed without
creeping or fluttering. The operator shall be sized to provide adequate
torque to operate the butterfly valve on which it is mounted at the full
pressure rating of the valve. Operators shall meet minimum
requirements for AWWA C504.
k) Butterfly valve operators shall be mounted on the valve at the valve
manufacturer's facility. The valve manufacturer shall ensure proper
operator sizing and satisfactorily testing the operator and valve
assembly prior to shipment to the Site.
l) Butterfly valves shall be hydrostatic and leak tested. The leak test shall
be performed in both directions at a differential pressure of 250 psi
(1.7 Megapascal) with the disc in a closed position. In a slightly open
position, internal hydrostatic pressure equal to 500 psi (3.4
Megapascal) shall be applied to the inside of the valve body for 5
minutes. Proof of a design cycle test in accordance with AWWA C 504
Section shall be submitted before installation.
212-5.3.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Class 250 valves 16 inches (406.4 mm) or larger shall be plug valves. This
grouping includes cone valves, ball valves, and eccentric plug valves.
212-6.1.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Fire hydrants furnished in accordance with these specifications shall conform
to the provisions of AWWA C503 for "Wet Barrel Fire Hydrants", and to the
modifications and supplements herein.
2. Valve seats and stem guides may be threaded into or cast into the hydrant
body or may be secured to the body by means of a lock nut.
3. Unless otherwise specified, fire hydrants for residential areas shall have one 4
inch (101.6 mm) port and one 2.5 inch (63.5 mm) port and fire hydrants for
commercial and industrial areas shall have two 4 inch (101.6 mm) ports and
one 2.5 inch (63.5 mm) port.
4. Hydrant valves shall open counter-clockwise.
5. Threads for pumper and hose nozzles shall conform to the American National
Standard adopted by the American Insurance Association (formerly the
National Board of Fire Underwriters) and the National Fire Protection
Association published in pamphlet No. 194, Fire Hose Couplings, by N.F.P.A. in
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 237
6. Outer end of all hose coupling threads shall be terminated by the blunt start
of "Higbee Cut" on full thread (to avoid crossing thread).
7. Hydrant body base flange shall be drilled in a 9.5 inch (237.5 mm) bolt circle
with 6 bolt holes, 7/8 inch (22.2 mm) in diameter oriented to the center of the
pumper connection.
8. Hydrant bodies shall be solid bronze. The cap materials shall be cast iron or
9. Valve stems shall have a pentagon end and shall have a short radius of 33/64
inch (13mm) to center of flat sides.
10. Hydrant components made from brass or bronze shall be of a grade
containing not more than 16% zinc and not more than 2% aluminum in
accordance with Section 2.6.4 of the AWWA Standard C 503 for waters with
specific conductance exceeding 350 micro Mho per am.
11. Exterior surfaces shall be painted with a zinc chromate primer of the same
color as the finished coat. The finished coat shall be of chrome yellow enamel
meeting the requirement of Federal Specification TT-C-595, Color No. 13538.
212-10.1 Copper Tubing. ADD the following:
1. Copper tube shall be Seamless Copper Water Tube, Type K soft. It shall be of
the size specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions.
212-10.1.1 Insulation.
1. Copper services which are attached to metallic water mains shall be insulated
as follows: The corporation stop and the copper tube and fittings within a
minimum distance of 3 feet (0.9 m) of the main shall be wrapped tightly with
an approved PVC pipe coating tape combined with the application of a liquid
adhesive primer or finish coating recommended for the purpose by the
manufacturer of the tape.
2. The tape and adhesive or coating shall be applied in the manner and sequence
recommended by the manufacturer. Prior to the application of insulation, the
tubing, fittings, corporation stop and the surface of the main within 4 feet (1.2
m) of the stop shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and grease, and dried.
Copper tube shall be wrapped with tape 2 inches (50.8 mm) or less in width
lapped not less than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
3. The tape shall not be less than 0.25 mm (10 mils) in thickness and shall have
the following characteristics:
Tensile Strength
3,500 psi to 4,200 psi
(24.1 to 29 megapascal)
Tear Resistance High
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 238
Elongation at Break 300% to 350%
Moisture Absorption 0.03%
Dielectric Strength 750 volts/mil - 1,000 volts/mil
Insulation Resistance 200,000
212-10.3.1 Corporation Stops, Curb Stops, and Other Bronze Water Service Fittings.
1. Bronze water service fittings including stops shall be cast of high grade bronze
conforming to the requirements of ASTM B62. The Engineer shall have the
right to take 1 or more from each lot of stops and/or fittings and have it
analyzed. Fittings shall be of makes and models from the Water Approved
Materials List or approved equal.
212-10.6.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Concrete water meter boxes shall be in accordance with the Water Approved
Materials List or approved equal.
212-10.6.3 Polymer Concrete Water Meter Boxes.
1. Boxes and covers shall be in accordance with the Water Approved Materials
List or approved equal.
2. Boxes and covers to be installed in traffic areas shall have a reinforced
polymer concrete frame and cover designed for AASHTO H-20 traffic loading.
Boxes and covers to be installed in non-traffic areas shall have reinforced
polymer concrete reader lids designed for A-10 traffic loading in accordance
with ASTM-C857. Traffic areas are defined as any location in which vehicular
traffic is evident or highly likely under normal conditions. Non-traffic areas are
locations with no vehicular traffic.
3. Covers shall have a logo reading “CITY SD” as well as the manufacturer’s name
or logo cast in the polymer concrete surface. A cover and lid selected at
random shall be tested.
212-12.2 Color Scheme. To Sentence (1), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
The color of valves and appurtenances, excluding polyethylene encasements, shall be
in accordance with Table 212-12.2.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 239
213-1 GENERAL. ADD the following:
1. Paving fabric material shall have a proven record that it can be recycled and
milled. Submit written documentation from you and/or the recycling facilities
within the jurisdiction of Work.
213-4 PAVING FABRIC. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. This subsection applies to paving fabric material intended for curb-to-curb
repaving of bituminous or concrete pavements with hot mix asphaltic
2. The paving fabric material shall be a fiberglass or a fiberglass and polyester,
single layer, non-woven paving fabric material, shall meet the requirements of
ASTM D7239 Classification Type I, and shall conform to Table 213-4.1.
TABLE 213-4.1
Property Test Method Requirements Units
Breaking Strength ASTM D 5035 200 N/50 mm
Ultimate Elongation ASTM D 5035 5 %
Mass per Unit Area ASTM D 5261 125 g/m
Melting Point ASTM D 276 205 °C
213-5 GEOTEXTILES AND GEOGRIDS. REVISE “Table 213-5.2 (A)”, “Table 213-5.2 (B)”,
“Table 213-5.2 (C)”, “Table 213-5.2 (D)”, and “Table 213-5.2 (E)” as follows:
Table 213-5.2 (A) Table 213-5 (A)
Table 213-5.2 (B) Table 213-5 (B)
Table 213-5.2 (C) Table 213-5 (C)
Table 213-5.2 (D) Table 213-5 (D)
Table 213-5.2 (E) Table 213-5 (E)
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 240
To Table 213-5 (A): NONWOVEN, DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
Property Test Reference
90 N 180 N 250 N
90 NModified
“Media Barrier”
Grab Strength
lbs (N), Min. ASTM D4632 90 (400) 180 (800) 250 (1110) 90 (400)
Elongation, Minimum
(at peak load) %, Max.
ASTM D4632 50 50 50 50
Puncture Strength, lbs (N),
ASTM D3787 45 (200) 80 (355) 115 (510) 65 (290)
Permitivity, Sec.
, Min. ASTM D4491 0.7 0.7 0.7 2.5
Burst Strength psi (kPa), Min.
ASTM D3786 180 (1240) 320 (2205) 360 (2485) 225 (1550)
Toughness, lbs (N), Min.
% Elongation x
Grab Strength
5500 (24500)
Ultraviolet Resistance %
Strength Retained @ 500
Weatherometer Hours
ASTM D4355 70 70 70 70
Apparent Opening Size, US
Sieve # (mm)
ASTM D4751 - - - 70 (0.210)
Flow Rate, Gal/min/ft
ASTM D4491 - - - 175 (7130)
Trapezoid Tear, lbs (N) ASTM D4533 - - - 45 (200)
1. N - Nonwoven.
2. For application and placement, refer to 300-8 or 300-10.
3. Minimum roll average in the weakest principal direction.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 241
217-2.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The Resident Engineer will indicate anticipated areas where native material
may be unsuitable for use as trench backfill and may have you install
Imported Trench Backfill as directed.
217-2.2 Imported Trench Backfill. To paragraph (2), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE
with following:
You shall identify the source of the proposed material to the Resident Engineer no less
than 10 Working Days prior its intended use. The proposed Imported Trench Backfill
material shall be clearly described with descriptive soil properties, plant or location,
street address, and community of origin. The ticket shall include the date, time and
volume of backfill and a copy shall be provided to the Resident Engineer while onsite.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 242
218-1 GENERAL.
1. This section includes specifications for DWT embedded in an inline dome
pattern on all curb ramps and walking surfaces at locations and to the
dimensions shown on the Plans, in accordance with these special provisions,
and the following references:
a) Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 705, “Detectable Warnings”.
b) California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 24, Part 2, Section 11B-247.1
and 11B-705.1 “Detectable Warnings” and Sections 11B-247.1.2 and
11B-705.1.2.2 “Curb Ramps.”
1. Materials for DWT specified herein shall be per the City's Approved Materials
List (AML).
a) The tiles shall have the manufacturer’s logo stamped permanently on
the product with identifying information such as model number and
b) The Stainless Steel Cast in Place DWT shall be of 16 gauge Type 304L
with an integral micro-texture non-slip surface stamped into the
stainless steel plate on the top of the domes and in the field surface
between the domes. It shall have an ultraviolet stabilized coating.
c) Vitrified Polymer Composite (VPC) Cast in Place DWT shall be an epoxy
polymer composition with an ultraviolet stabilized coating employing
aluminum oxide particles in the truncated domes. VPC Product shall
be provided with a 5-year manufacturer written warranty for materials
and installation.
d) For other materials and a complete listing of material physical
property requirements refer to the City's AML.
1. Materials from the manufacturers listed in the City’s AML do not require a
submittal. In lieu of the submittal, you shall be required to certify in writing
that the material incorporated in the Work complies with the Contract
2. Refer to the City’s AML for DWT for any substitutions.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 243
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 244
300-1.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Clearing and grubbing activities shall comply with the CEQA document, and/or
resource agency permits, if applicable, in accordance with SECTION 802 -
2. Tree trimming permits shall be obtained from the City.
3. To avoid any direct impacts to raptors and/or any native or migratory birds,
clearing, grubbing, or removal of habitat that supports active nests in the
proposed area of disturbance should occur outside of the breeding season for
these species (February 1 to September 15).
4. If removal of habitat in the proposed area of disturbance must occur during
the breeding season, a Qualified Biologist or City representative shall conduct
a pre-construction survey to determine the presence or absence of nesting
birds on the proposed area of disturbance. The pre-construction (precon)
survey shall be conducted within 10 Working Days prior to the start of
construction activities (including removal of vegetation). The applicant shall
submit the results of the precon survey to City DSD for review and approval
prior to initiating any construction activities. If nesting birds are detected, a
letter report or mitigation plan in conformance with the City’s Biology
Guidelines and applicable State and Federal Law (appropriate follow up
surveys, monitoring schedules, construction and noise barriers/buffers, and
etc.) shall be prepared and include proposed measures to be implemented to
ensure that take of birds or eggs or disturbance of breeding activities is
5. The report or mitigation plan shall be submitted to the City DSD for review and
approval and implemented to the satisfaction of the City. The City’s MMC
Section or RE, and Biologist shall verify and approve that all measures
identified in the report or mitigation plan are in place prior to and/or during
construction. If nesting birds are not detected during the precon survey, no
further mitigation is required.
6. It is unlawful to injure or destroy any trees known as the “Pinus Torreyana”
growing upon Pueblo Lots Nos. 1332, 1337, and 1338 or any other public lots
or lands, belonging to and within the corporate limits of the City of San Diego.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 245
7. After the removal of parkway trees, remaining tree roots shall be removed to
a depth of 4 inches (101.6 mm) below the new 4 inch (101.6 mm) thick walk in
all areas between the curb and the property line. New, non-expansive soil shall
be used for backfill and compaction as needed to establish proper grade and
compaction. The new walk and parkway area shall meet existing grade and
provide a positive slope away from the property.
8. Where parkway trees have been left in place, the roots may be partially cut to
allow you to remove the damaged concrete and the underlying roots.
9. Concrete shall not be removed around parkway trees to be removed unless
approved by the Engineer.
300-1.4 Payment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The lump sum or unit acre Bid item for “Clearing and Grubbing” shall include
full compensation for the removal and disposal of all the resulting materials.
2. If a Bid item for “Clearing and Grubbing” is not provided in the Bid, the
payment shall be included in the associated items of Work which require
clearing and grubbing.
300-2.5 Slopes. To paragraph (2), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
The tops of excavation slopes and the ends of excavations shall be rounded where
shown on the Plans.
300-2.7 Selected Material. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Selected material encountered in excavation within the right-of-way shall be
used as shown on the Plans, in the Specifications, or as directed by the
Engineer. Topsoil excavated to a depth specified in the Special Provisions or
as directed by the Engineer within the limits of the project may be considered
as selected material only for the purpose of backfilling areas to be planted.
300-3.5.1 Requirements. ADD the following:
1. Waterproofing and drainage shall be inspected and approved prior to backfill.
2. Backfill for bridge abutments and box culverts shall have a relative compaction
of not less than 95%. The thickness of each layer of backfill shall not exceed
0.67 feet (204.2 mm) before compaction except when compaction is done by
pounding and jetting.
300-4.4 Benching. To sentence (3), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
A minimum 6 feet (1.8 m) horizontal bench shall be constructed to ensure that the
new Work is constructed on a firm foundation free of loose or disturbed material.
300-5.2 Imported Borrow. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Imported borrow shall consist of material required for construction of fills, and
unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions. You shall make
arrangements for obtaining imported borrow and shall pay all costs involved.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 246
2. Notify the Engineer sufficiently in advance of opening any borrow site so that
adequate time will be allowed for testing the material and establishing cross
section elevations and measurements of the ground surface.
300-6.3 Stripping. To sentence (3), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
Soil loosened below the stripping depth specified shall be compacted to not less than
90% relative compaction.
300-8.1 Trench Drains. ADD the following:
1. Geotextile fabric for use with rock slope protection shall be either woven or
non-woven and conform to 213-5, “Geotextiles and Geogrids”. In addition,
fabric weight shall be not less than 6 oz/yd
(0.2 kg/ m
) in accordance with
ASTM Designation D1910.
300-9.1 Bank and Shore Protection. ADD the following:
1. Geotextile fabric for use with rock slope protection shall be either woven or
non-woven and conform to 213-5, “Geotextiles and Geogrids”. In addition,
fabric weight shall be not less than 6 oz/yd
(0.2 kg/ m
) in accordance with
ASTM Designation D1910.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 247
301-1.2 Preparation of Subgrade. ADD the following:
1. Subgrade soil shall be tested for expansive potential in accordance with ASTM
Test Method D4829. If expansive soil is encountered within the roadway
improvements and extends beyond the limit of paved sidewalks, curb an
gutter, or edge of pavement, then expansive soil subgrade shall be removed
and replaced with a non-expansive material having an expansion index of less
than 20 (ASTM D4829). The “R” value shall be determined on the imported so
r pavement design and shall be approved by the Engineer. The depth of
subgrade removal shall be based on the Expansive Index of the native soil in
accordance with the following table:
Expansive Index of Native
Subgrade Soil
Minimum Depth of Subgrade to be
Removed and Replaced (in inches)
0 - 50 None
51 - 90 18 (450 mm)
91 - 130 24 (600 mm)
Above 130 36 (900 mm)
2. Removal shall extend beyond edge of sidewalk a horizontal distance
equivalent to the minimum depth of removal.
3. You may submit an optional plan for soil treatment to the Engineer for review
and approval.
4. Pavement design shall be based on the resulting combination of “R” values
within the top 36 inches (914.4 mm) of soil.
5. Disintegrated Granite (DG) shall be used as backfill material in the parkway at
commercial locations or high pedestrian traffic access, as directed by the Engineer
at 5% grade or lower.
6. The existing native subgrade material under all permeable pavement
installations shall be minimally compacted and not subject to excessive
construction equipment traffic prior to stone reservoir placement.
Compaction shall be acceptable if an impermeable liner is used over the
301-1.3 Relative Compaction. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. When pavement, base, subbase, or cross gutter is to be placed directly on subgrade
material, the top 12 inches (304.8 mm) of subgrade material in streets and the top
6 inches (152.4 mm) of subgrade material in alleys shall be compacted to a
minimum density of 95% relative compaction. When curb, gutter, driveways, or
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 248
sidewalks are to be placed on the subgrade material, the top 6 inches (152.4 mm)
of such subgrade material shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 90%.
2. When permeable pavements are to be placed on the subgrade material, the
top 12 inches (304.8 mm) of such subgrade material shall be compacted to a
relative compaction of 95% in road travel lanes and 90% in all other applications
(curb, gutter, alley, driveway, sidewalk, parking lane, and parking lot) unless
otherwise specified.
3. After compaction and trimming, the subgrade shall be firm, hard, and
4. The subgrade shall be tested with a load truck possessing a 10 ton capacity
load or greater. The tire contact area shall have a load capacity of 75 pounds
or more per square inch (≥ 75 psi) (≥ 517 kPa). The subgrade shall support this
load without perceptible indentation or movement. The base, surfacing, or
pavement shall not be scheduled for construction until the subgrade has been
tested as described above and approved by the Engineer.
301-1.6 Not Used. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
301-1.6 Preparatory Repair Work.
1. Prior to the placement of any asphalt concrete or application of slurry, you shall
complete all necessary preparation and repair Work and shall obtain approval by
the Resident Engineer.
2. Unless otherwise specified, preparatory Work shall include tree trimming, weed
spray, weed abatement, crack sealing, asphalt repair, mill and pave, hump and lump
removal, miscellaneous asphalt patching, removal of raised pavement markers,
and removal of pavement markings.
3. You shall repair areas of distressed asphalt concrete pavement by milling or
removing damaged areas of pavement to a minimum depth of 2 inches (50.8
mm) for residential streets and a minimum depth of 3 inches (76.2 mm) for all
others to expose firm and unyielding pavement.
4. You shall prepare subgrade as needed and install a minimum of 2 inches (50.8
mm) for residential streets and a minimum of 3 inches (76.2 mm) for all other
streets of compacted asphalt concrete pavement over compacted native
material as directed by the Engineer.
5. If the base material is exposed in order to achieve the minimum specified
depth, the material shall be compacted to 95% relative compaction (dig out).
Compaction tests shall be made to ensure compliance with the specifications.
6. The Engineer shall determine when and where the test shall occur. The City
will pay for the soils testing required by the Engineer which meets the required
compaction. You shall reimburse the City for the cost of retesting failing
compaction tests. If additional base material is required, you shall use Class 2
Aggregate Base in accordance with 200-2.2, “Crushed Aggregate Base”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 249
7. Recycled base material shall conform to crushed miscellaneous base material in
accordance with 200-2.4, “Crushed Miscellaneous Base”.
8. Prior to replacing asphalt, the area shall be cleaned by removing all loose and
damaged material, moisture, dirt, and other foreign matter and shall be tack
coated in accordance with 302-5.4, “Tack Coat” both preparation steps shall be
performed the same day as the paving occurs.
9. You shall install new asphalt within the repair area or for patches in accordance with
302-5, “ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT”. Asphalt concrete shall be C2-PG 64-10 in
compliance with 203-6, “ASPHALT CONCRETE”.
10. No preparatory asphalt Work shall be done when the atmospheric
temperature is below 50° F (10° C) or during unsuitable weather (rain or heavy
11. Following the asphalt placement, you shall roll the entire area of new asphalt
in both directions at least twice. The finished patch shall be level and smooth
in compliance with 302-5.6.2, “Density and Smoothness”. After placement and
compaction of the asphalt patch, you shall seal all finished edges with a 4 inch
(101.6 mm) wide continuous band of SS-1H.
12. The minimum dimensions for each individual repair shall be 4 feet by 4 feet
(1.2 m by 1.2 m) and shall be subject to the following conditions:
a) If the base material is exposed to achieve the required minimum
removal thickness, the base material shall be prepared conforming to
b) When additional base material is required, then you shall use Class 2
Aggregate Base in accordance with 200-2.2, “Crushed Aggregate Base”.
Recycled base material shall conform to crushed miscellaneous aggregate
base material in accordance with 200-2.4, “Crushed Miscellaneous Base”.
c) You may use grinding as a method for removal of deteriorated pavement
when the areas indicated for removal are large enough (a minimum of
the machine drum width) and when approved by the Engineer.
d) For both scheduled and unscheduled base repairs, failed areas may be
removed by milling or by excavation provided that the edges are cut
cleanly with a saw. The areas shall be cleaned and tack coated in
accordance with 302-5.4, “Tack Coat” before replacing the asphalt. The
areas for scheduled repairs have been marked on the street.
e) Base Repairs with RAC. Areas where failed paving is removed either by
cold milling or by excavation shall be restored to existing pavement
grade with ¾ inch (19.1 mm) RAC at 8-inch (203.2 mm) depth unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer. These areas have been marked on
the street as “DO”. The asphalt concrete shall be B3-PG 64-10 as
specified in 203-6, “ASPHALT CONCRETE”. Preliminary quantities are
identified in the Contract Appendix but may need to be increased and
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 250
approved by the Engineer at the time of construction. Base repairs
shall not exceed 15% RAP in content.
f) Unscheduled Base Repair with RAC. If paving operations cause
damage outside of your control and require additional base repair, the
areas shall be removed either by cold milling or by excavation and shall
be restored to existing pavement grade with ¾ inch (19.1 mm) RAC at
8 inch (203.2 mm) depth unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
The asphalt concrete shall be B3-PG 64-10 as specified in 203-6,
“Asphalt Concrete”. Unscheduled base repairs shall not exceed 15%
g) A base repair is considered unscheduled when it is not identified on
the pavement with a “DO” or when you are directed by the Engineer to
perform a base repair for the proper placement of an asphalt overlay.
13. Asphalt concrete shall be Type III and shall not exceed 15% RAP in accordance
with 203-6.3.1, “General”.
301-1.6.1 Asphalt Patching.
1. Asphalt patching shall consist of patching potholes, gutter-line erosions, and
other low spots in the pavement that are deeper than ½ inch (12.7 mm) in
accordance with 302-5.6.2, “Density and Smoothness”.
2. The areas requiring patching have been identified in the Contract Documents,
marked on the streets, or as directed by the Engineer. You shall identify any
new areas that may require patching prior to slurry Work to ensure the
smoothness and quality of the finished product.
3. You shall identify and repair any areas that may require patching prior to the
placement of slurry seal for a smooth and finished product.
4. Asphalt overlay shall not be applied over deteriorating pavement. Preparatory
asphalt Work shall be completed and approved by the Engineer before
proceeding with asphalt overlay.
5. You shall remove distressed asphalt pavement either by saw cutting or milling
to expose firm and unyielding pavement, prepare subgrade (as needed), and
install compacted asphalt concrete pavement over compacted native material
as directed by the Engineer.
6. Prior to replacing asphalt, the area shall be cleaned and tack coated in
accordance with 302-5.4, “Tack Coat” both steps shall be performed the same
day as the paving occurs
7. Following the asphalt placement, you shall roll the entire patch in both
directions and shall cover the patch at least twice.
8. After placement and compaction of the asphalt patch, you shall seal all
finished edges with a 4 inch (101.6 mm) wide continuous band of SS-1H.
9. Base repairs shall not exceed 15% RAP in content.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 251
301-1.7 Payment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. When used, Decomposed Granite (DG) shall be included in the Bid item for
Remove and Replace Miscellaneous Hardscape with Topsoil”, unless a
separate Bid item has been provided.
2. The payment for grading operations in areas designated as “grade only” shall
be paid for in accordance with 300-2, “UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION”.
3. The payment for adjusting existing manhole and gate valve frames and covers
to grade shall be in accordance with SECTION 403 MANHOLE, SURVEY
4. The payment for the replacement of existing pavement when required shall
be included in the Bid item for “Asphalt Pavement Repair” for the total area
replaced and no additional payment shall be made regardless of the number
and size of replacements completed.
a) No payment shall be made for areas of over-excavation or outside
trench areas in utility Works unless previously approved by the
b) No payment for pavement replacement will be made when the
damage is due to your failure to protect existing improvements. You
shall reimburse the City for the cost of retesting all failing compaction
c) The areas and quantities shown on the road segments and in the
appendices are given only for your aid in planning the Work and
preparing Bids. The Engineer will designate the limits to be removed
and these designated areas shall be considered to take precedence
over the area shown in an Appendix to the Contract Documents. The
quantities shown in the appendices are based on a street assessment
survey and may vary.
d) At the end of each day, you shall submit to the Engineer an itemized
list of the asphalt pavement repair Work completed. The list shall
include the location of the Work and the exact square footage of the
e) The payment for preparatory repair Work and tack coating shall be
included with this Bid item.
5. The payment for milling shall be included in the Bid item for “Asphalt
Pavement Repair” unless separate Bid items for asphalt milling Work have
been provided.
6. The payment for miscellaneous asphalt patching shall be included in the Bid
items for slurry Work and no additional payment shall be made, unless a
separate Bid item for “Miscellaneous Asphalt Patching” has been provided.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 252
7. When required, the payment for subgrade repair and imported material shall
be included in the Bid item for “Subgrade Imported Backfill”.
301- Central Plant Mixing. ADD the following:
1. The cement feeder shall be equipped with a device by which the rate of cement
feed can be determined while the plant is in full operation.
301- Off-Road Mixing DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. If specified in the Special Provisions or approved by the Engineer, mixing
may be performed off the roadway. Off-road mixing shall conform to 301-
3.2.6, “Placement and Spreading of Central Mixing Plant and Off-Road
Produced Mixtures”.
301-3.2.7 Compaction and Finishing. To paragraph (4), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE
with the following:
Vibratory rollers shall not be used for finish rolling of cement treated base.
301-3.3.6 Mixing. ADD the following:
1. The cement feeder shall be equipped with a device by which the rate of cement
feed can be determined while the plant is in full operation.
301- Finishing. ADD the following:
1. Asphalt concrete paving on Cement-Treated Base shall be permitted in
accordance with the table below:
Compaction Day of CTB Placement After 5 - 7 Days After 7 Days
90% - 95% Paving Not Permitted
Paving Not
95% or
Upon Approval of the
Paving Permitted
301-3.3.14 Payment. To paragraph (3), sentence (1), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with
the following:
Cement-treated base shall be paid for by the ton, complete in place as shown on the
Plans, or as directed by the Engineer and shall be paid for under the Bid item for
“Cement Treated Base”.
301-5.2.2 Water. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Water shall conform to 201-1.2.3, “Water” except water shall not contain more
than 2,000 ppm (mg/L) of chlorides calculated as Cl, nor more than 1,500 ppm
(mg/L) of sulfates calculated as SO4. All water used shall be fresh and potable.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 253
302-2.5 Temporary Traffic Control. To sentence (1), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE
with the following:
In addition to the requirements of SECTION 601 - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR
CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE WORK ZONES, temporary traffic control shall
also conform to the below requirements.
302-2.5 Temporary Traffic Control. To subsections “d”, “e”, and “f”, REVISE as follows:
C6 W8-7
W6 G20-5aP with R2-1
302-4.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Due to construction conflicts or community needs that may arise, the City
reserves the right to add, delete, or substitute similar road segments to those
listed in the Contract Documents. The City reserves the right to select exact
locations to be substituted. If substantial changes to the Contract Bid
quantities occur, this may allow individual Bid prices to be renegotiated in
accordance with 2-7, “CHANGES INITIATED BY THE AGENCY”.
302-4.2 Mix Design. ADD the following:
1. The completed slurry shall have a minimum skid resistance of 40 when tested
per the State of California Department of Transportation California Test 342.
2. If the source of any aggregate or emulsified asphalt is changed, or the mi
design or supporting laboratory reports are over one year old, a new mix
design shall be submitted to the Engineer in accordance with 3-8.4,
“Supporting Information”.
302- ADD the following:
302- Latex.
1. The addition and exact percentage of latex to be added shall be as specified
in the Special Provisions or shown on the Plans. Latex for cationic emulsified
asphalt shall conform to 203-10.2.2., “Latex” except contain 65±5 percent
rubber solids.
302-4.3.1 General. ADD the following:
1. All metering devices shall be calibrated and certified within the past 12 months.
Calibration certificates shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to
commencing work.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 254
302-4.6 Aggregate Stockpile. ADD the following
1. Aggregate may be stockpiled on public property sites if approved by the
2. You shall make all arrangements for and shall assume full responsibility of the
rental, preparation, and maintenance of private property at your discretion
and shall obtain the appropriate permits for its usage.
3. You shall clean public and/or private property in a manner satisfactory to the
City and the property owner. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that stockpiles
do not become contaminated with oversized rock, clay, silt, or excessive amounts
of moisture. Segregation of the aggregate shall not be permitted. Aggregate
samples shall be taken from field stockpile locations prior to any addition of
mineral fillers such as cement or lime to determine the sand equivalent value
in accordance with 203-5.4.2, “Materials”. The addition of mineral fillers such as
cement, lime, or sulphates may be added during the application of the slurry
mixture to the City streets.
4. You shall provide suitable storage facilities for the asphalt emulsion. Suitable
heat shall be provided as necessary.
5. Immediately prior to slurry sealing operations, all utilities covers and
monuments shall be covered by heavy plastic material or other means
approved by the Engineer. Covers and voids around frames shall be cleaned of
slurry material by the end of the same Workday. If the utility covers are not
cleaned by the following Day, no additional slurry seal shall be placed until the
covers are cleaned.
6. Prior to the application of slurry to any road segment, you shall complete all
necessary preparatory repair Work in accordance with 301-1.6, “PREPARATORY
7. No preparatory asphalt Work shall be done when the atmospheric
temperature is below 50° F (10° C) or during inclement weather (rain or heavy
8. Decorative and tile walkway crossings shall be protected from slurry seal
9. Care shall be exercised to ensure the maximum rate of application with no
excess emulsion and leaving no unsightly appearance. You shall be
responsible for the removal of all excess emulsion spread beyond street limits,
on driveways, on sidewalks, and etc.
10. No less than 5 Working Days or more than 30 Working Days following the
placement of slurry seal, the street shall be re-swept to remove the gravel
rebound from vehicular traffic.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 255
302-4.7 Scheduling, Public Convenience and Traffic Control. Paragraphs (1) and (2), DELETE
in their entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. In addition to the requirements of Part 6, you shall comply with the following:
a) At least 5 Working Days prior to commencing the Work, you shall
submit your proposed Schedule to the Engineer for approval.
b) Based upon the approved schedule, you shall notify residents and
businesses of the Work and post temporary “No Parking" signs 72
hours in advance.
c) Requests for changes in the approved Schedule shall be submitted to
the Engineer for approval at least 3 Working Days before the street is
scheduled to be sealed.
302-4.8.1 Slurry Consistency (Slurry Slump Test).
1. Consistency of the mixed slurry shall be measured using a machined-surface
brass cone (per ISSA test 106/ASTM C-128).
2. The cone shall be a hollow 0.03-inch (0.8 mm) minimum metal frustrum, 3
inches (76.2 mm) high, with 1.6 inches (40.6 mm) top inside diameter, and 3.6
inches (91.4 mm) inside base diameter. The flow scale shall consist of 7
concentric circles in 0.4 inch (10.2 mm) increasing radii from the circle formed
by the outside larger end of the slump cone. The material on which the 7
concentric rings appear shall be 8½ inch by 11-inch (215.9 mm x 279.4 mm)
Xerox paper, "Simpson # 7 ID 13351 10 M" or approved equal.
3. The test shall consist of sampling the mixed slurry then immediately pouring
the sample into the top of the cone. Strike the slurry off even with the top of
the cone and then raise the cone immediately. The flow shall be measured at 4
points 194° F (90° C) apart and then averaged. The average shall be between
0.8 inch and 1.2 inches (20.3 mm and 30.5 mm). If the slurry mix is not within
these specifications, the water content of the slurry shall immediately be corrected
to meet these specifications.
302- General. ADD the following:
1. If the results of the aggregate grading, the sand equivalent, or both do not
meet the requirements specified, the slurry represented by such tests shall be
removed and shall be reapplied with an acceptable batch.
302- Reduction in Payment Based on WTAT. To Table 302- (A), table note 1,
DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Slurry seal surfacing with WTAT loss greater than 99.1 gm/ft
(1070.1 gm/m
shall be removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
To Table 302- (B), table note 1, DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 256
1. Slurry seal surfacing with WTAT loss greater than 99.1 gm/ft
(1070.1 gm/m
shall be removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
302-4.12 Rubber Polymer Modified Slurry (RPMS).
302-4.12.1 Mixing.
1. Proportioning equipment of equal capacity to that described herein will be
considered by the City prior to time of Award.
2. The slurry surfacing shall be mixed in a continuous, twin shaft, multi-paddle
pugmill mixer. The pugmill shall be equipped with a hydraulically controlled steel
pugmill gate for positive discharge operations. No dripping of slurry shall be
3. Each slurry surfacing unit shall be equipped with independent storage
capabilities for the aggregate, emulsion, crumb rubber, polymer, set-control
additives, and the carbon black.
4. Each slurry surfacing unit shall be equipped with a unit designed to store and
deliver the various required materials to a twin-shafted, multi-paddle pugmill with
a computer-controlled automatic sequencing system that initiates each material
delivery at the precise moment necessary to ensure proper proportioning.
5. Aggregates, asphaltic emulsion, water, polymers, additives, including set-
control agent, if used, and crumb rubber shall be proportioned by volume
utilizing the mix design approved by the Engineer. If more than one kind of
aggregate is used, the correct amount of each kind of aggregate to produce
the required grading shall be proportioned separately, prior to the other
materials of the mixture, in a manner that will result in a uniform and
homogenous blend.
6. Asphaltic emulsion shall be added at a rate within the ranges identified in
Table 302- of percent by weight of the dry aggregate. The exact weight
shall be determined by the mix design and the asphalt solids content of the
asphaltic emulsion furnished.
TABLE 302-
Type of Aggregate Range
Type I 17% - 20%
Type II 14% - 17%
Type III 11% - 14%
7. The aggregate shall be proportioned by a belt feeder operated with an
adjustable cutoff gate. The height of the gate opening shall be readily
determinable. The emulsion shall be introduced into the mixer by a positive
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 257
displacement pump. Water shall be introduced into the mixer through an
adjustable multi-spray pugmill bar. Water volume shall be displayed by an
electric digital meter registering in gallons delivered.
8. The aggregate belt feeder shall deliver aggregate to the pugmill mixed with
such volumetric consistency that the deviation for any individual aggregate
delivery rate check-run shall be within 2% of the mathematical average of 3
runs of at least 300 gallons (1135.6 L) each in duration.
9. The bitumen ratio (pounds of asphalt per 100 pounds (45.4 kg) of dry aggregates)
shall not vary more than 1.5 pound (0.7 kg) of asphalt above or 0.6 pound (0.3 kg)
asphalt below the amount designated by the mix design and approved by the
10. The polymer additive and the carbon black shall be delivered to the mixer in
the relative proportions required by means of a common shaft dual pump
system. The polymer additive and the carbon black flow rates shall be
independently adjustable by means of diaphragm valves and shall be
sequenced through the computer controlled auto-sequencing system. The
polymer additive and the carbon black shall be blended and mixed prior to
their introduction into the pugmill. Introduction into the twin-shafted pugmill
shall be done through an injection system which delivers the blended material
to the apex of each mixing shaft immediately prior to the introduction of the
asphalt emulsion. The polymer additive and the carbon black delivery system
shall each be equipped with digital electronic flow metering devices that can
read in gallons per minute.
11. The crumb rubber delivery system shall be equipped with an air suspension unit
designed to prevent clumping or bridging of the rubber material. The air discharges
shall be sequenced to avoid over-suspension of the rubber. The rubber shall be
delivered to the pugmill by a hydraulically driven auger and shall be initiated
through the computer controlled auto-sequencing system.
12. The emulsion shall be introduced into the mixer by a positive displacement
pump. The emulsion storage shall be equipped with a device which will
automatically shut down the power to the emulsion pump and aggregate belt
feeder when the level of stored emulsion is lowered to within 2 inches (50.8
mm) of the suction line.
13. A temperature-indicating device shall be installed in the emulsion storage tank
at the pump suction level.
14. The aggregate shall be proportioned using a belt feeder operated with an
adjustable cutoff gate. The height of the gate opening shall be readily
15. The aggregate feeder shall be directly connected to the drive on the emulsion
pump. The drive shaft of the aggregate feeder shall be equipped with an
electronic digital belt. The belt delivering the aggregate to the pugmill shall be
equipped with a device to monitor the depth of the aggregate being delivered to
the pugmill. The device for monitoring the depth of aggregate shall automatically
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 258
shut down the power to the aggregate belt feeder whenever the depth of
aggregate is less than 70% of the target depth of flow. An additional device shall
monitor movement of the aggregate belt by detecting revolutions of the belt
feeder. The devices for monitoring no flow or belt movement shall automatically
shut down the power to the aggregate belt when the aggregate belt movement is
interrupted. To avoid shutdown caused by normal fluctuations in delivery rates, a
delay of 3 seconds between sensing less than desirable storage levels of
aggregate or emulsion shall be permitted.
16. Water delivery shall be adjusted through a diaphragm valve. Water flow rate
shall be electronically displayed through a digital meter.
17. Set control additive flow rate shall be electronically displayed through a digital
18. The mixer unit shall not be operated unless all electronic display and
revolution counters are in good working condition and functioning and all
metal guards are in place. All indicators required by these specifications shall
be operational at all times.
19. You shall have 2 fully operational mixers and 1 standby mixer for use at the
Project Site at all times for each working crew.
302-4.12.2 Application.
1. General.
a) The Work shall consist of mixing asphaltic emulsions, aggregates, set-
control additives, specially produced and graded crumb rubbers, and
watering and spreading the mixture on the pavement where shown
marked out in the field, as specified in these special provisions, and as
directed by the Engineer. Type II RPMS shall be applied to all streets unless
otherwise specified in the proposed Work Appendix of the Contract or as
directed by the Engineer.
b) RPMS application rates shall be as follows:
I 9 (10.76)
II 13.33 (15.92)
III 15 22 (17.97 - 26.25)
1. Based on dry aggregate weight.
c) RPMS shall only be placed when ambient temperature is 50° F or
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 259
2. Sequential Slurry Treatment.
a) When slurry treatment is required by the Contract Documents, notify
the Engineer at least 10 Working Days prior to the first application of
slurry. The Engineer, upon assessment of street condition and
classification, will verify the slurry type to be applied.
b) Application of sequential layers of slurry shall not commence until
approved by the Engineer and until the following have been
i. Mix design and wet track abrasion testing for the first-step
slurry application has been approved by the Engineer. Unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer, this testing may require 4
Working Days from field sampling to reporting of test results
to the Engineer.
ii. Corrective actions have been executed in accordance with 302-, “Reduction in Payment Based on WTAT” such as
reductions in payment, non-payment, or removal of material
not meeting specifications, as directed by the Engineer.
3. Spreading.
a) Pre-wetting of streets shall not be required unless streets are subject
to high temperatures and/or dust.
b) The complete mixture, after the addition of water and any set-control
agent used, shall be such that the mixture:
i. Has proper workability.
ii. Shall permit a traffic flow without the occurrence of bleeding
separation or other distress at 78° F (25.6° C) and without pilot-
car-assisted traffic on the slurry seal within one hour after
iii. Shall prevent the development of bleeding, excessive raveling,
separation, and/or other distress within 7 Calendar Days after
placing the rubberized asphalt surfacing.
c) The slurry mixture shall be spread by means of a controlled spreader box.
The spreader box shall be capable of spreading the slurry to the width of
the traffic lane and shall have strips of flexible rubber belting or similar
material on each side of the spreader that shall be in contact with the
pavement to positively prevent loss of slurry from the ends of the box.
Spreader boxes shall be equipped with reversible motor-driven augers
when placing slurry. Rear flexible strike-off blades (rubbers) shall make
close contact with the pavement and shall be adjustable to the various
crown shapes so as to apply a uniform surfacing coat. Flexible drags to be
attached to the rear of the spreader box shall be provided as directed by
the Engineer. Drags and rubbers shall be cleaned daily if problems with
cleanliness and longitudinal scouring occur. The spreader box shall be
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 260
clean and shall be free of all slurry and emulsion at the start of each Work
302-4.12.3 Rolling.
1. Pneumatic rolling shall be required on all streets.
2. Rolling shall commence as soon as the RPMS has set sufficiently to prevent
any material from adhering to the tires.
3. The RPMS surface shall be rolled 2 to 5 times or as directed by the Engineer.
4. Pneumatic rollers shall be operated at a minimum tire pressure of 60 psi
(413.7 kPa).
302-4.12.4 Measurement and Payment.
1. RPMS shall be paid based on the square footage of RPMS applied. The
measurement of RPMS applied shall be calculated by dividing the weight
obtained from Certified Weighmaster Certificates by the spread rate for the
type specified. You shall present Weighmaster Certificates for the amount of
unused material remaining at the completion of the Work at no cost to the
City. The payment shall be determined by deducting the amount of the unused
material from the total amount of material delivered.
2. The payment for RPMS shall be the total square footage used on the project
calculated using the method described and shall be paid under the following Bid
Rubber Polymer Modified Slurry (RPMS) Type I SF
Rubber Polymer Modified Slurry (RPMS) Type II SF
Rubber Polymer Modified Slurry (RPMS) Type III SF
Rubber Polymer Modified Slurry (RPMS) Type I (Bike Lane) SF
3. The Bid items for RPMS shall include full compensation for the specified surface
preparation not included in other Bid items and shall include the Work necessary to
construct the RPMS as specified on the Plans. Sweeping, removals, and furnishing
the aggregate required for the mix design shall also be included in this Bid item.
302-5.2 Not Used. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
302-5.2 Pavement Restoration Adjacent to Trench.
1. The Work for pavement restoration adjacent to trench shall include the following:
a) The replacement of existing pavement adjacent to the proposed trench.
b) The replacement of existing pavement outside the trench limits that
was previously broken or displaced.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 261
2. Prior to the commencement of the Work, you shall meet with the Engineer and
determine the limits of the pavement to be replaced. If you do not meet with the
Engineer before removing the pavement, all replacement outside the limits of the
proposed trench resurfacing shall be at your expense.
3. Existing pavement shall be removed in accordance with SECTION 401 - REMOVAL.
Prior to pavement restoration, existing subgrade shall be prepared in accordance
302-5.2.1 Measurement and Payment.
1. The payment for pavement restoration adjacent to trench shall be made on a
square foot basis as shown in the Bid in accordance with 302-6.8,
“Measurement and Payment”. Unless separate Bid items have been provided,
the following shall be included in the payment for “Pavement Restoration
Adjacent to Trench”:
a) Saw-cutting existing edges.
b) Removal and disposal of existing pavement.
c) Subgrade repair and preparation including imported backfill material.
Imported subgrade material shall be included in the Bid item for
“Subgrade Imported Backfill”.
d) Form Work.
e) Placement, curing, and protection of new pavement.
302-5.4 Tack Coat. ADD the following:
1. A ‘cold pavement joint’ shall be defined as asphalt concrete pavement which
has cooled below the lower limits of the spreading temperature prescribed in
302-5.5, “Distribution and Spreading”.
2. The tack coat shall be applied the same day of placement of asphalt concrete.
302-5.5 Distribution and Spreading. ADD the following:
1. Resurfacing shall be continuous throughout all intersections between the limits of
the Work segment, unless otherwise shown on the Plans or directed by the
2. If the street intersection has no parallel concrete cross gutters, resurfacing shall
extend to the prolongation of curb or property line as directed by the Engineer.
Where asphalt cross gutters are to be surfaced, furnish and have available a
straight-edge and level the asphalt cross gutters. The drainage flow of the cross
gutter shall be maintained under the direction of the Engineer.
3. Asphalt concrete shall be hand-raked to remove coarse aggregate and feathered
to allow the fine materials to cover the existing street surface adjacent to concrete
gutters and concrete cross gutters. Streets that have had previous overlays shall
be cold planed.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 262
4. If the street intersection has parallel cross gutters, resurfacing shall extend only
to the near edge of the concrete where it shall be feathered.
5. If the street has intersecting concrete cross gutters, the street shall not be
resurfaced. Asphalt shall be feathered at both edges of the concrete.
6. In all cases, extreme care shall be taken to prevent blocking drainage.
7. You shall unplug roof drains plugged by paving operations and shall rake asphalt
into or away from existing driveways to provide smooth access and proper
drainage to the gutter of the resurfaced street.
8. Asphalt alley aprons abutting streets to be resurfaced shall be resurfaced to the
property line.
9. Do not tack coat more surface than can be overlaid on the same day, for areas
that were not overlaid that day an additional tack coat must be applied the day of
the placement of asphalt
10. On streets with grades higher than 5%, the asphalt concrete laydown shall be
placed uphill or as determined by the Engineer.
11. City owned manholes, valve caps, vaults, or monuments within the resurfacing
area shall be exposed for identification.
12. You shall apply systemic herbicide to vegetation growing in pavement cracks in
advance of resurfacing operations. Existing vegetation and growth in pavement
cracks shall not be present at the time of resurfacing.
13. You shall treat any new weed growth with water-soluble contact herbicides and
remove all vegetation matter from the area to be resurfaced a minimum of 24
hours before applying the tack coat or as directed by the Engineer.
14. A paving ski shall be required on all streets except for residential streets.
15. Where the pavement slopes towards a concrete gutter, asphalt concrete shall be
placed such that the pavement surface is ¼ inch ± 1/8 inch (6.4 mm ± 3.2 mm)
above the lip of gutter elevation. Where the pavement slopes away from a
concrete gutter, asphaltic concrete shall be placed such that the pavement
surface is flush with the lip of gutter elevation unless otherwise directed by the
16. The resurfacing shall be done as specified in the resurfacing schedule included in
the Contract Documents, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
17. No Resurfacing work shall be performed during unsuitable weather. Unsuitable
whether includes rain and heavy fog.
302-5.6.2 Density and Smoothness. ADD the following:
1. When a 10 foot (3 m) straight edge is laid on the finished surface transverse to the
centerline of the roadway, the surface shall not vary from the edge of the
straightedge for more than ¼ inch (6.4 mm) except at intersections or at changes of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 263
302-5.7 Joints. ADD the following:
1. Joints between longitudinal (parallel) passes shall be tack coated if the
temperature of the preceding pass has cooled below 180° F (82.2° C).
2. The pinched joint method of rolling shall be used for rolling all asphalt
concrete joints. The roller shall be employed in a longitudinal direction on the
first pass of the breakdown roll with the roller entirely on fresh asphalt and 4
inches (101.6 mm) to 6 inches (152.4 mm) from the existing asphalt or
3. The second pass shall be made with the roller centered longitudinally on the
4 inches to 6 inches (101.6 mm to 152.4 mm) wide strip. With the approval of
the Engineer, the 4 inches to 6 inches (101.6 mm to 152.4 mm) wide strip may
be compacted on the return trip of the first pass of the roller.
302-5.8 Not Used. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
302-5.8 Manholes and Other Structures.
1. Manhole and other structures shall conform to SECTION 403 MANHOLE,
302-5.9 Measurement and Payment. ADD the following:
1. Small quantities of asphalt concrete placed on pavement reinforcing fabric to
prevent the fabric from being displaced by construction equipment or to allow
traffic to cross over the fabric shall be considered as part of the layer of asphalt
concrete to be placed over the fabric and shall be measured and paid for by
the ton under the Bid item for “Asphalt Concrete”.
302-5.10 Sand and Seal Coat.
1. Asphalt concrete surfaces shall not be sand, and seal coated unless
otherwise specified. The sand and seal coat shall consist of a coat of asphaltic
emulsion and a cover coat of sand. The asphaltic emulsion shall be mixing type
conforming to 203-3, “EMULSIFIED ASPHALT”. Sand shall be clean and dry.
2. Immediately before applying asphaltic emulsion, the surface to be sand and
seal coated shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and loose material. Asphaltic
emulsion shall not be applied when the street is overly wet or when the
atmospheric temperature is below 50° F (10° C).
3. The asphaltic emulsion shall be applied by use of a power-spraying device that
uniformly applies the emulsion to the surfacing at a rate of 0.1 gallon per
square yard to 0.15 gallon per square yard (0.5 L/m² to 0.7 L/m²). The
distributor spray bar shall be equipped with asphaltic emulsion type spray jets.
Curbs, gutters, and other adjoining improvements shall be carefully protected
from the emulsion. Any such improvements spattered or touched with
emulsion shall be carefully cleaned.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 264
4. Immediately after the application of asphaltic emulsion, a cover coat of sand
shall be spread at the rate of 6 lbs/yd2 to 12 lbs/yd2 (3.2 kg/m2 to 6.4 kg/m2).
After the sand has been spread, any piles, ridges, or uneven distributions shall
be broomed to maintain an even layer over the surface.
5. 24 hours after the seal coat has been applied, the surface shall again be
broomed and any excess sand shall be picked up and removed from the Site.
302-5.10.1 Measurement and Payment.
1. Payment for sand and seal coat for asphalt concrete shall be included in the
payment for the asphalt concrete Work unless a Bid item has been provided.
When a Bid item is provided for “Sand and Seal Coat”, the unit of measurement
shall be per square foot.
302-6.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Existing PCC pavement that is broken, displaced, and is outside the trench
limits as shown on the Plans shall be replaced by you in accordance with this
subsection or as designated by the Engineer. After the necessary traffic control
is in place and before any saw cutting or equipment mobilizations, you shall
meet with the Engineer and determine the limits of the existing pavement to
be replaced. If you do not meet with the Engineer before removing the
displaced concrete, all replacements shall be at your expense.
2. The edges of existing pavement for concrete replacement shall be saw cut to
neat trimmed lines.
3. The thickness of the new concrete pavement shall be in accordance with SDG-
108, “Trench Resurfacing for PCC Surfaced Streets”.
4. Prior to placing concrete, existing subgrade shall be prepared in accordance
5. If any existing unsuitable subgrade, as determined by the Engineer, is encountered,
it shall be replaced in accordance with 300-2.2, “Unsuitable Material”.
302-7.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Paving fabric material shall have a proven record that it can be recycled and
milled. Submit written documentation from you and/or the recycling facilities
within the jurisdiction of Work.
302-7.2.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Pavement fabric shall be installed per manufacturer’s recommendations while
the asphalt tack is still liquid. Surface cracks over ¼ inch (6.4 mm) shall be filled
and brought to the level of the existing pavement surface. At the direction of
the Engineer, irregular surface conditions shall be leveled by the use of a
bituminous wedge or scratch course installed by hand or with the use of a
mechanically powered asphalt-paving machine.
2. Pavement fabric shall be installed on the surface using mechanically powered
installation equipment or per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 265
Mechanical equipment shall be capable of installing full width rolls of up to
12.5 feet (3.8 m) in width. Installation by hand may also be used in situations
where areas require specially cut sections, where mechanically installed
methods cannot be accomplished, or both. Brooms or squeegees shall be
used to remove any air bubbles and to ensure that the paving fabric is
completely in contact with the tack-coated surface. If wrinkles occur, any
wrinkle greater than 1 inch (25.4 mm) shall be slit and lapped in the direction
of paving and seated into the tack coat to ensure adhesion.
3. Pavement fabric shall be overlapped to provide a minimum of 2 inches
(50.8 mm) overlap longitudinally and a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm)
transversely. Overlaps on the transverse roll ends shall be in the direction of the
paving operation to avoid paving fabric pick-up during asphalt installation. All
overlapping of the pavement fabric shall be tack-coated to ensure proper
4. The surface on which the pavement fabric is to be placed shall receive a
minimum ½ inch (12.7 mm) leveling course.
5. All areas which the pavement fabric has been placed shall be paved during the
same day, unless approved otherwise by the Engineer.
302- General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Tack coat material and application rate shall be per the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Tack coat shall be applied uniformly prior to placing
pavement fabric on the same day. The application rate may be adjusted as
directed by the Engineer. Hand spraying shall be kept to a minimum.
2. Blotting the sealant, spreading sand, or broadcasting bituminous asphalt mix
over the pavement fabric shall be utilized to minimize and prevent
construction and/or paving tires/tracks from adhering to the tack coat and
pulling up the pavement fabric. If the pavement fabric has been displaced
from the surface, additional rolling and/or hand-brushing shall be required to
restore the bond between the surface and pavement fabric. An additional
application of tack may be required to ensure adhesion. Additional tack coat
or labor shall not be paid for as Extra Work and shall be considered incidental
to the installation of the pavement fabric.
3. The width of the sprayer application shall be no more than 6 inches (152.4 mm)
and no less than 2 inches (50.8 mm) wider than the fabric width.
4. The temperature of the tack coat shall not exceed 325° F (162.8° C) when the
fabric is placed.
302-7.4 Payment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The payment for pavement fabric shall be made at the Contract Unit Price
per square yard for the actual area covered and no additional payment shall
be made for overlapped areas. The Bid item for “Pavement Fabric” shall
include the cleaning of the existing pavement, tack coat, calibration of the
truck mounted spray unit, and the furnishing and placing of the Non-woven
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 266
Fiberglass/Polyester Interlayer Paving Mat. Payment shall not be made for
additional fabric for overlapped areas.
2. The payment for the spreading of asphalt concrete over the pavement fabric
shall be included in the Bid item for the asphalt concrete Work.
3. The payment for the AC asphalt leveling course shall be included in the Bid
item for “Asphalt Concrete ½ Inch Leveling Course”. If no Bid item is provided,
the payment shall be included in the Contract Price.
302-10.2 Screenings. To the sentence (1), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
Following the application of asphalt rubber, screenings conforming to 203-12.3, “Pre-
Coated, Pre-Heated Screenings” shall be placed over all areas receiving asphalt rubber.
302-13.2 Distribution and Spreading. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Distribution and spreading shall conform to 302-5.5, “Distribution and
Spreading” with the following exceptions:
a) Distribution and spreading shall be placed in 2 courses (lifts) with
course depths not exceeding 2 inches (50.8 mm) to ensure proper
b) Each successive course shall be laid upon previously laid courses as
soon as the previous course has cooled sufficiently to show no
displacement under equipment or loaded material delivery trucks and
preclude the necessity of tack coat between courses.
302-14.8 Payment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Payment for PMAC will be made at the Contract Unit Price per ton (tonne)
or at the Contract Unit Price per square foot (m
). No separate payment will
be made for tack coat or sweeping.
2. Failure of the Contractor to provide a licensed weighmaster certificate to the
Engineer by the end of the day on which the PMAC represented by such
certificate was delivered to the Work site may, at the discretion of the
Engineer, result in forfeiture of payment.
302-15.1 General.
1. All cracks in asphalt 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) or wider shall be sealed prior to the
application of slurry. You shall seal only transverse, longitudinal, block, or
reflective cracks. You shall not seal alligator (fatigue) cracked areas or cracks in
302-15.2 Materials.
1. Crack sealant material used shall be Road Works 306, CRAFCO Polyflex Type 3,
or an approved equal. Sealant shall be prepared and applied to the pavement
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 267
cracks in conformance with all manufacturers’ instructions except where
noted otherwise in these specifications.
302-15.3 Equipment.
1. Cracks shall be cleaned using a hot compressed air lance (HCL) apparatus. Air
exiting the HCL shall be heated to a temperature sufficient to remove the
oxidized surface from the crack walls.
2. The HCL shall meet the following specifications:
Compressed Air
75 psi to 150 psi (40 cfm to 100 cfm)
Heated Air
600° F to 2,200° F (315.6° C to 1204.4° C)
Exit Heated Air 1,000 ft/second
Propane 5 psi to 20 psi
3. Prior to beginning Work, submit documentation to the Engineer certifying that
each HCL apparatus to be used on the project meets the above specifications.
If a delay in the start of Work exceeds 7 Working Days, re-certification is
required, and documentation shall be resubmitted.
302-15.4 Application.
1. Cracks to be sealed shall be completely clean, dry, and free of all loose
material, weeds, vegetation, and any other foreign substances which may
cause the sealant to not adhere to the crack wall. You shall clean and dry all
cracks with the HCL immediately before sealing.
2. Sealant shall be applied from the bottom of the crack up to the surface in
anner which does not result in sealant bridging or pockets of entrapped air
forming. The sealant shall be applied to a slightly overfilled condition and the
leveled with a squeegee. The width of sealant remaining on the surface shall
not exceed 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) on either side of the crack. Any debris blown
onto adjacent gutters, sidewalks, parkways, medians, intersections, or other
areas shall be removed prior to the end of the Working Day.
302-15.5 Payment.
1. The payment for crack sealing shall be included in the Contract Price unless a
Bid item in pounds has been provided for “Crack Seal”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 268
303-1.3 Forms. To paragraph (11), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
Exterior forms are required for structures unless otherwise specified on the Plans or
in the Specifications.
303-1.8.4 Consolidating. ADD the following:
1. As determined by the Engineer, when rock pockets are detrimental to the steel
reinforcement, the Engineer may allow you to repair in accordance with 303-
1.9.2, “Ordinary Surface Finish”.
303-5.1.1 General. To paragraph (2), sentence (1), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with
the following:
Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, and except as otherwise specified in 303-5.1.3,
“Driveway Entrances” the minimum thickness of walks shall be 4 inches (101.6 mm).
ADD the following:
1. In areas where field adjustments to the curb and gutters may be required due
to the existing conditions to maintain positive drainage, you shall contact the
Engineer prior to the construction.
2. You shall exercise due caution when working around trees not to damage
either the trunk or any of its limbs. If damage to a tree occurs, you shall notify
the Engineer. Once excavation has occurred, all efforts shall be made to
mitigate the exposure of the tree roots to the air.
3. You shall complete the Work within 5 Working Days after demolition.
4. You shall restore the asphalt along the gutter line only between 7 Days to 14
Days after the placement of the curb and gutter.
5. Unless specified otherwise, the depressed curb and gutter shall be replaced
monolithically with the driveway when the driveway is to be removed and
6. If curbs, gutters, or sidewalks are replaced, you shall duplicate the existing
surrounding score pattern and color. The score pattern and color shall be
approved in advance by the Engineer.
7. For the purposes of this section, the terms “walk” and “access ramp” shall be
synonymous with “sidewalk” and “curb ramp and pedestrian ramp”,
303-5.1.4 Historical and Contractor Stamps and Impressions.
1. You shall remove and relocate the existing historical and contractor date
stamps, impressions, and street name stamps outside the pedestrian travel
way to the parkway area or face of sidewalk. The stamp’s position shall be such
that it can be read from the street and as close as practical to the stamp’s
original location.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 269
2. If it is determined that the date stamps or impressions cannot be relocated or
hey are damaged and the Plans designate the stamps or impressions to b
emoved, you shall saw cut them to full depth at a minimum distance 2 inches
(50.8 mm) away from the edge of the stamp. Carefully remove, bag, label, and set
the date stamps or impressions aside on Site in a location designated by the
Engineer for pickup by others. You shall stamp the current Contractor’s name and
date in concrete.
303-5.3 Placing Concrete. ADD the following:
1. The top and face of the finished concrete surfaces shall be true and straight, of
uniform width, and free of humps, sags, or other irregularities. The finished
concrete surface shall not vary more than 0.02 feet (6.1 mm) from 10 feet (3 m)
straight edge, except at grade changes or curves. No freestanding water will be
permitted on slopes over 1%. No freestanding water deeper than 1/16 inch (1.
mm) shall be permitted on slopes of less than 1%.
2. Concrete placed immediately before rain shall be protected to prevent contact
with rainwater. Protective covering shall be kept on hand at all times for this
303-5.5.3 Walk. ADD the following:
1. If the continuous sidewalk length equals a block or more, your name and the
year in which the improvements is constructed shall be stamped therein to a
depth of ¼ inch (6.4 mm) in letters not less than ¾ inch (19.1 mm) high, at a
location determined by the Engineer.
2. You shall coordinate the root pruning activities in accordance with 801-6,
303-5.5.5 Alley Intersections, Access Ramps, and Driveways. REVISE “wood float” to “steel
trowel followed with a medium coarse broom”.
303-5.6 Curing. To paragraph (3), sentence (2), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
The placement of bituminous pavement or cement treated base adjacent to concrete
curb, gutter, or alley intersections shall not be permitted until the 7th Calendar Day
following the placement of concrete nor shall concrete paving operations be
permitted until 7th Calendar Day where placing or finishing equipment will ride on the
previously placed concrete.
303-5.9 Measurement and Payment. ADD the following:
1. The payment for the preservation of date stamps and impressions shall be
included in the Bid item for “Historical and Contractor Date Stamps and
2. The payment for removing tree roots, cutting, excavation, disposal, import and
backfilling to grade, and pavement construction shall be included in the items
of Work for which the subgrade is prepared.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 270
3. At locations where the width of the walk is being reduced, the payment for
removing the existing walk shall be included in the Bid item for “Remove and
Replace Existing Sidewalk”.
4. Additional curb and gutter removal, disposal, and replacement adjacent to the
Work on a proposed curb ramp shall be required as directed by the Engineer.
The payment for the additional removal, disposal, and replacement of the curb
and gutter shall be included in the Bid item for “Additional Curb and Gutter
Removal and Replacement”.
5. The payment for the additional removal, disposal, and replacement of
sidewalk shall be included in the Bid item for “Additional Sidewalk Removal
and Replacement”.
6. The measurement shall be made of actual areas and depths authorized by the
Engineer and shall be calculated as cubic yards in place. Excavation, grading,
and backfilling shall be included in the Bid items for the Work of sidewalks,
curb ramps, or curb and gutters.
303-5.10 Curb Ramp Construction.
303-5.10.1 Installation.
1. Prior to Bid, you shall evaluate the Site to determine existing conditions and
actual limits of Work to ensure if the installation of compliant curb ramps is
possible. You shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of the layout of the curb
ramp prior to demolition of the existing sidewalk/curb ramp.
2. To allow for proper drainage, the slope of the landing to the street shall not be
less than 1.0% and the drainage pattern of the gutter shall not be altered in a
manner that creates ponding at the approach. The slope of the ramp shall not
exceed 1 unit vertical to 12 units horizontal or 8.33%. The slope of the sides
and flares shall not exceed 1 unit vertical to 10 units horizontal or 10.0%.
3. The Detectable Warning Tile (DWT) shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications by installer certified in writing by the Supplier.
4. The DWT shall be oriented such that the rows of domes are parallel with the
direction of the ramp. When multiple tiles (regardless of size) are used, the domes
shall be aligned between the tiles and throughout the entire detectable surface
installation. The edge of the tile(s) nearest the street shall be between 6 inches
and 8 inches (152.4 mm and 203.2 mm) from the gutter flow line. You shall trim
and refinish the edges of the DWT in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Field trimming of stainless-steel DWT shall not be allowed.
5. The DWT shall be used as shown on the Plans. You shall not change the
material specified without the written approval of the Engineer.
6. You shall submit an approved TCP, including an accessible pedestrian access
plan, through the construction zone with approved signage. You shall not
replace more than 2 curb ramps in one intersection at the same time and shall
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 271
only demolish those curb ramps that can be replaced within 2 consecutive
Working Days in the same week. You shall provide approved temporary
accessible curb ramps if necessary to provide access to the designated
alternate route areas.
7. Modified curb ramps shall be constructed as shown on the Plans.
303-5.10.2 Payment.
1. The payment for each curb ramp shall include transition areas, landings,
DWTs, demolition and disposal, forming, relocating or raising items in conflict
to grade, protecting and preserving existing survey monuments and
improvements, and restoring pavement.
2. Additional concrete sidewalk and curb quantities beyond 15 feet (4.6 m) shall be
included in the Bid items for “Additional Sidewalk” and “Additional Curb”.
3. Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, the payment for each
modified curb ramp shall include transition areas, landings, DWTs, demolition
and disposal, forming, relocating or raising items in conflict to grade,
protecting and preserving existing survey monuments and improvements,
and restoring pavement.
4. The payment for completely removing and replacing the existing concrete
spandrel of a cross gutter associated with curb ramp installations, in
accordance with SDG-131 - General Curb Ramp Notes, and as identified on the
Plans, shall be included in the payment for the curb ramp. No additional cost
all be incurred when separate Bid items for cross gutters has been provided.
5. The payment for completely removing and replacing the existing concrete
alley apron associated with curb ramp installations, in accordance with SDG-
131 - General Curb Ramp Notes, and as identified on the Plans, shall be
included in the payment for the Curb Ramp installation. No additional costs
shall be incurred when separate Bid items for alley aprons has been provided.
303-6.1.1 Stamped Concrete Pavement.
1. Stamped concrete pavement shall be constructed in accordance with the
following conditions:
a) Prior to construction, a test section at least 5 feet by 5 feet (1.5 m by
1.5 m) shall have approval of the test section it will be designated as
the standard for that particular pattern on the subject Project.
b) When required by the Engineer, skid resistance shall have a minimum
acceptance value of 0.35 for either ASTM E-274 or California Test
Method No. 342.
c) Visual inspection of the Work shall be performed to determine that th
rface texture is as rough as the approved test section and the
surface flatness is as flat as the approved test section.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 272
d) Concrete color and method of application shall conform to 303-7,
e) Coloring and curing compounds used in the Work shall be from the
same manufacturer and batch lot.
f) The thickness of the concrete paving shall be increased by ½ inch
(12.7 mm) over what is required on the Plans.
g) The pavement section shall be PCC, Class 560-C-3250, placed in
h) There shall be no cold joint between the structural PCC pavement
section and the stamped surface layer. The stamped surface layer shall
not be less than 4 inches (101.6 mm) thick.
i) The final finishing for textured, stamped, or colored concrete paving
shall be in accordance with 302-6.4.4, “Final Finishing” subject to the
following conditions:
i. Stamping shall be performed before the initial set of the
concrete. No water shall be added to the surface.
ii. A flat surface shall be maintained. Rounding shall not be allowed.
iii. Limited to a running bond pattern.
iv. ¼ inch (6.4 mm) wide maximum groove with ¼ inch (6.4 mm)
deep maximum imprint.
v. Portland cement concrete shall not be placed in air
temperatures exceeding 85º F (29.4º C).
vi. A heavy broom finish, perpendicular to the traveled way, shall
be used.
vii. Wax curing or wax sealing shall not be permitted.
303-6.1.2 Measurement and Payment.
1. The Work for stamped concrete pavement shall be included in the square foot
Bid item for “Stamped Concrete Pavement”.
2. Stamped Concrete Pavement that is colored in accordance with 303-7,
“COLORED CONCRETE” shall be included under the square foot Bid item for
“Stamped Colored Concrete”.
303-8.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Work shall be performed by a qualified installer meeting the following
a) The installer shall have successfully completed pervious concrete
installation similar in design material and the extent indicated in the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 273
b) Utilize a supervisor holding a current certificate from the National
Ready Mixed Concrete Association Pervious Concrete Installer
Certification program.
c) At least 1 in 3 installers shall hold a current certificate from the National
Ready Mixed Concrete Association Pervious Concrete Technician
Certification program.
2. Proof of installation qualifications shall be submitted prior to pervious concrete
3. A mandatory pre-placement conference shall take place and shall include, at a
minimum, you, the engineer, the pervious concrete contractor, the concrete
Supplier, and the field-testing agency. All materials and personnel qualifications
ncrete production, preparation, placing, curing, and testing procedures will
be reviewed to ensure specification compliance.
303-8.3 Subgrade. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The subgrade preparation shall follow the requirements of 301-1, “SUBGRADE
PREPARATION”. The subgrade shall not be treated or stabilized with Portland
cement or lime. If the pervious concrete is being installed directly on the
subgrade, the subgrade shall be moistened to prevent it from absorbing
moisture from the concrete.
303-8.5 Placement. To paragraph (2), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
Pervious concrete shall be uniformly deposited over the entire formed area. Strike off
and spreading shall be performed using a self-propelled or manual vibratory roller
screed or a laser screed. Hand-rodding may be used in areas inaccessible to the roller-
screed if so approved by the Engineer. Strike off shall be no greater than ¾ inch (19.1
mm) above the forms to allow for compaction. Compaction shall be performed using
a self-propelled roller screed or a minimum 10 inches (254 mm) steel roller that exerts
at least 10 psi (68.9 kPa) on the concrete surface. Adjacent to the edge of each form,
hand tampers shall be used for compaction.
To paragraph (4), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
After compaction, the surface shall be protected from rapid evaporation by water
fogging, covering with 6 mil (150 µm) polyethylene sheeting, or the application of a
chemical evaporation retardant approved by the Engineer.
303-8.7 Curing. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Curing shall consist of covering the surface and, as necessary, the application
of water. Curing shall begin within 20 minutes of placement or within 1
inutes when the wind is in excess of 5 miles per hour (8 kilometers per hour).
The surface shall be securely covered with polyethylene sheeting having a
minimum thickness of 6 mils (150 µm).
2. Sheeting shall be secured using lumber, rebar, stakes, or by other approved
methods by the Engineer. Sand or dirt shall not be used to secure the sheeting.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 274
3. The cover shall be checked daily to verify that it has not been displaced or
damaged, and that condensation is evident underneath the sheeting.
Damaged sheeting shall be repaired. Displaced sheeting shall be replaced.
When there is no observable condensation, 1.5 gallons of water per square
yard (5.7 L/m
) shall be applied to the surface. The cover shall remain
securely in place for a minimum of 7 Calendar Days.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 275
304-6 PAYMENT.
1. The payment for signs shall include footing, post, sign, all required hardware,
and installation in accordance with the Contract Documents and shall be
included in the Contract Price unless a Bid item has been provided.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 276
306-1.1 High-line Phasing.
1. Build the Project in accordance with the water high-lining phasing shown on
the Plans and in phases.:
2. When installing pipelines within the City’s streets, for the following streets, the
total time allowed for the completion of Work shall not exceed 10 Working
Days per 500 feet of pipeline installation:
306-1.2 Phased Paving.
1. You shall implement phased paving, when directed and approved by the
2. The Engineer will notify you when you can proceed with phased paving Work.
Each phase shall be completed within 90 Calendar Days after the Engineer’s
notification. Plan and schedule your Work accordingly to ensure each phase is
3. When Phased Paving is initiated, the following Work shall be completed within
the determined areas:
a) Installation of mains and appurtenances.
b) Operational checks and testing.
c) Mains are in service.
d) Trench restoration.
e) Road surface preparatory Work.
f) Installation of concrete sidewalks and curb ramps.
g) Adjustments of gate valves and manholes, survey monuments and
utility boxes.
h) Community Outreach including door hangers and no parking signs
4. You may propose to change the limits of the determined phasing, in writing,
for the Engineer’s review and approval. If approved, there shall be no
additional costs to the City. No additional Working Days will be granted for
delays due to the City’s review and approval of your proposed change and due
to the implementation of that proposed change.
5. You may use multiple crews to complete each phase of paving.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 277
306-1.2.1 Payment.
1. The payment for all Work associated with Phased Paving shall be included in
the Bid item for each “Phased Paving” area. This payment shall include the
costs for all mobilization and demobilization for resurfacing and striping
associated with each paving phase regardless of the paving operation. No
additional payment shall be made regardless of the number of mobilizations
and demobilizations required to complete that phase.
306-3.3 Removal and Abandonment of Existing Conduits and Structures. ADD the
1. For 6 inch (152.4mm) and larger conduits, abandoned pipe shall be filled with
sand or CLSM in accordance with 201-6, “CONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH
306-3.3.1 Removal and Abandonment of Existing Water Facilities.
1. Existing facilities shall be abandoned unless indicated otherwise in the
Contract Documents. Any gate valve to be removed shall be removed entirely
with the valve casing and cover. Any gate valve to be abandoned shall be
abandoned in place by removing the cover and casing to subgrade, filling the
remaining valve casing with sand or Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM)
in accordance with 201-6, “CONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH MATERIAL (CLSM)”,
and restoring the pavement. Gate valves abandoned prior to construction,
with a lid and casing found within the Project limits, shall be properly
abandoned as stated above and paid for as Extra Work, as approved by the
2. Any existing fire hydrant which is served by a main to be abandoned shall be
abandoned with its services, unless otherwise shown on the Plans. Fire hydrant
services to be abandoned shall be blind flange or cut and plugged at least 12
inches (304.8 mm) below finish grade or below the top of curb, whichever is lower.
3. Where portions of the old main, services, or both are abandoned and left in place,
the exposed ends of the abandoned main shall be tightly plugged with concrete
and service ends shall be crimped, unless otherwise shown on the plans.
Abandoned water services shall be located and shut off at the main.
4. Existing meter boxes previously abandoned within the Project limits shall be
removed as specified.
5. Voids resulting from abandoned or removed water services and meter boxes
shall be filled with suitable material compacted to a relative compaction of
90% and concrete capped.
6. For all water mains, the abandoned pipe shall be filled with sand or CLSM in
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 278
7. Salvaged material from the abandoned water mains and its appurtenances,
except fire hydrant bodies, shall become your property at the time of removal
from the trench, unless otherwise specified or shown on the Plans. Such
material shall not be allowed to accumulate along the line of Work, but shall
be removed from the area at the earliest practical time.
8. You shall notify the Public Utilities Department 48 hours in advance of
abandonment to obtain the delivery location for salvaged fire hydrant bodies.
306-3.3.2 Abandonment of Sewer Facilities.
1. You shall plug existing sewer mains to be abandoned at downstream locations
identified on the Plans and as approved by the Engineer. You shall monitor the
abandonment for a 48-hour period to ensure that there is no flow in the
existing main or laterals. If there is flow in the existing main, you shall perform
a dye pack test to confirm that the abandonment has been successfully
2. Sewer mains to be abandoned in place shall be completely filled with CLSM in
Plug both ends of each pipe segment with concrete plugs. You shall
demonstrate to the Engineer that conduits being abandoned are completely
filled as evidenced by the filler material flowing through ventilation holes and
through the ends of pipe segments. You shall submit the method of
abandonment, the materials to be used, and the locations and sizes of the
ventilation holes to the Engineer.
3. You shall notify the Public Utilities Department 48 hours in advance of
abandonment to obtain the delivery location for salvaged manhole lids and
4. You shall ensure that the proposed sewer laterals have been successfully
connected to the proposed sewer mains and that watertight capping or
plugging has been completed before abandoning any existing sewer main and
laterals. Sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be plugged with concrete at the
property line or as located in the Site by the Engineer in the vicinity of the
property unless otherwise shown on the Plans.
5. Any existing sewer cleanout accessing a main to be abandoned shall be
abandoned. Cleanouts and risers to be abandoned shall be cut and plugged at
least 3 feet (0.9 m) below finish grade or below the top of curb, whichever is lower.
a) In non-paved areas, the remaining voids shall be filled with suitable
material compacted to a relative compaction of 90% and concrete
b) For paved areas, the remaining voids shall be filled with CLSM and shall be
concrete plugged. Pavement shall be restored.
c) You shall reconstruct concrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter to match existing.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 279
306-3.3.3 Abandonment of Storm Drain Facilities.
1. You shall plug existing storm drain mains to be abandoned at downstream
locations identified on the Plans and as approved by the Resident Engineer.
2. Storm drains to be abandoned in place shall be completely filled with CLSM in
Plug both ends of each pipe segment with concrete plugs. You shall
demonstrate to the Resident Engineer that conduits being abandoned are
completely filled as evidenced by the filler material flowing through
ventilation holes and through the ends of pipe segments. You shall submit the
method of abandonment, the materials to be used, and the locations and sizes
of the ventilation holes to the Engineer.
3. You shall notify the Storm Water Department 48 hours in advance of
abandonment to obtain the delivery location for salvaged manhole lids and
4. Any existing storm drain cleanouts and inlets accessing a main to be abandoned
shall also be abandoned. Cleanouts and risers to be abandoned shall be cut and
plugged at least 3 feet (0.9 m) below finish grade or below the top of curb,
whichever is lower.
a) In non-paved areas, the remaining voids shall be filled with suitable
material compacted to a relative compaction of 90% and then concrete
b) For paved areas, the remaining voids shall be filled with CLSM and shall be
concrete plugged. Pavement shall be restored.
c) You shall reconstruct concrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter to match existing.
306-3.3.4 Payment.
1. The payment for removing, plugging, and abandoning existing water facilities
and appurtenances within the proposed trench zone shall be included in the
Bid items for the new water facilities Work.
2. The payment for removing, plugging, and abandoning existing water facilities
and appurtenances outside the proposed trench limits as shown on the
Plans shall be included in the Bid item for “Removal or Abandonment of
Existing Water Facilities”.
3. The payment for water mains and appurtenances to be filled and abandoned
outside of the trench limits shall be included in the Bid item for “Abandon
and Fill Existing Water Main Outside of the Trench Limit”.
4. The payment for removing meter boxes previously abandoned within the
Project limits shall be included in the Bid item for “Removal of Abandoned
Water Meter Box”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 280
5. The payment for service laterals to be plugged and abandoned in place shall
be included in the Bid item for the sewer main Work.
6. The payment for sewer mains to be filled and abandoned outside of the
trench limits shall be included in the Bid item for “Abandon and Fill Existing
Sewer Main Outside of the Trench Limit”.
7. The payment for the abandonment of existing manholes outside the trench
limits, including the concrete plugs, shall be included in the Bid item for
“Abandon Existing Manhole Outside of the Trench Limit”.
8. The payment for the abandonment of sewer cleanouts outside of the trench
limits shall be included in the Bid item for “Abandon and Fill Sewer Cleanout
Outside of Trench Limit”.
9. The payment for removing, plugging, and abandoning existing storm drain
facilities and appurtenances within the proposed trench limits shall be
included in the Bid items for the new storm drain facility Work.
10. The payment for storm drain pipes to be filled and abandoned outside of the
trench limits shall be included in the Bid item for “Abandon and Fill Existing
Storm Drain Pipes Outside of the Trench Limit”.
11. The payment for the abandonment of existing storm drain cleanouts and
inlets outside the trench limits, including concrete plug Work, shall be
included in the Bid item for “Abandon Existing Storm Drain Cleanouts and
Inlets Outside of Trench Limit”.
306-3.3.5 Asbestos Materials.
1. If you identify asbestos containing materials (ACM) at the Work Site, you shall
immediately stop Work in the affected area and notify the Engineer unless the
Contract Documents show the presence of such materials.
306- Non-Friable Asbestos Cement Pipe (ACP).
1. You shall take adequate care to maintain the materials in a non-friable
state. You shall be responsible for the ACM removal and the associated
contamination clean-up resulting from improper handling.
2. Removal of ACP shall be in whole sections where possible. You shall comply with
the following requirements for ACP that is to be cut or broken:
a) Evacuate the area of unauthorized personnel, post warning signs, and
provide adequate barriers to keep unauthorized personnel out of the
b) Provide the workers performing the cutting or breaking of asbestos
material with personal protective equipment in compliance with
respiratory protection requirements of EPA or Title 8, §5144
(whichever is more stringent) as applicable to the Work.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 281
c) Cutting or breaking of asbestos material to facilitate removal shall be
in compliance with California Regulations, Title 8, §1529. You shall only
perform cutting of ACP using a hydraulic snap cutting method. All
powered and hand operated saws shall not be allowed.
d) If a collar needs to be broken to remove whole ACP sections, a wet
cloth shall be placed on the collar and water shall be used throughout the
process to wet the collar. Minimal force shall be used to break it into as
few large pieces as possible. Areas to be cut or broken shall be adequately
wetted with amended water to reduce fiber emission. Your cutting and
removal method shall minimize fiber release. Related debris from the
cutting or breaking of asbestos material shall be considered friable.
e) ACP shall be wrapped in 6 mil (150µm) polyethylene sheeting or bags,
sealed with appropriate tape, and properly labeled and removed away
from the construction area to prevent damage.
f) You shall transport the wrapped and sealed ACP to a designated secure
disposal bin on the Site no later than the end of each Working Day. The
bin shall be lockable or located within a secure construction area.
g) You shall comply with City of San Diego Miramar Landfill Acceptance
Criteria for the Disposal of Non-Friable Asbestos Waste requirements. A
copy of the requirements is available by calling (858) 573-1415 or online
h) You shall be responsible for providing your own certification of non-
i) A minimum of 5 Working Days prior to the transportation of the ACP
disposal bins or friable asbestos waste, you shall provide notice to and
assist the Resident Engineer in completing the Inspection Work
Request Form for the Asbestos, Lead, and Mold Program. The form is
located below:
j) Only the City’s Asbestos and Lead Program representative shall sign
the manifests as the generator.
k) Friable asbestos wastes are regulated as hazardous waste (California
Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4.5, Chapter 11, Article 3,
§66261.24) and shall be transported by a licensed hazardous waste
hauler and disposed of at an appropriate landfill.
306- Asbestos Cement Pipe Training.
1. You shall comply with the provisions of California Title 8, §5208 and §1529, and
Title 40 CFR Part 61.Your workers handling ACP shall be trained in accordance
with Title 8 CCR §1529 regarding the dangers inherent in handling asbestos
materials and breathing asbestos dust, proper Work procedures, and personal
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 282
and area protective measures. Topics covered in a state accredited course for
ACP shall include the following:
a) Methods of recognizing asbestos.
b) Health effects associated with asbestos.
c) Relationship between smoking and asbestos in producing lung cancer.
d) Nature of operations that could result in exposure to asbestos.
e) Importance of and instruction in the use of necessary protective controls,
practices, and procedures to minimize exposure including:
i. Purpose, proper use, fitting, instructions and limitations of
respirators as required by 29 CFR 1910.134.
ii. Appropriate Work practices for the ACP Work. Work practices
shall include hands-on training.
306- Asbestos Cement Pipe Submittals.
1. You shall submit the following information to the Engineer prior to the start of
the Work:
a) A Work plan showing the means and methods of performing the Work,
disposal bin locations and details on how they will be secured,
information about the disposal transporter and disposal locations,
and information on how you will handle friable asbestos waste if any
is generated.
b) Copies of notifications made to regulatory agencies, if required.
c) Evidence that workers handling ACP have been trained, certified, and
accredited as required by law.
d) If respirators are going to be used for the non-friable Work, submit a
doctor’s report from medical examinations conducted within the last
12 months as part of compliance with OSHA medical surveillance
requirements for each worker who is to enter the Site. You shall
submit, at a minimum, the following for each worker:
i. Name and Social Security Number.
ii. Physician’s written opinion from the examining physician
including the following:
Whether the worker has any detected medical
conditions that would place the worker at an increased
risk of material health impairment from exposure to
Any recommended limitations on the worker or
recommendations on the use of personal protective
equipment such as respirators.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 283
A statement that the worker has been informed by the
physician of the results of the medical examination and
of any medical conditions that may result from asbestos
e) You shall not start Work until the submittals are returned with the City’s
Asbestos and Lead Management Program’s written approval.
2. You shall submit the following information to the Engineer immediately
following the removal and disposal of ACP:
a) Copies of all waste shipment records.
b) Copies of all air monitoring results taken during the removal in
compliance with OSHA. Air sample results shall be submitted to the
Engineer within 24 hours.
306- Friable Asbestos.
1. Any friable asbestos (material that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to
powder in hand) or soil that is contaminated with friable asbestos are regulated as
hazardous waste (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4.5, Chapter 11,
Article 3, §66261.24). The City reserves the right to select another qualified
Contractor to perform the Work related to friable asbestos materials.
306- Payment.
1. The payment for the handling and disposal of asbestos-containing materials
shall be paid for as Extra Work unless a Bid item has been provided for
“Handling and Disposal of Non-friable Asbestos Material”.
306-3.7 Imported Backfill.
1. If you elect to import material from a source outside the project limits for use as
backfill, the backfill material, delivery of samples, suitability, and placement
method shall be in accordance with 217-2.2, “Imported Trench Backfill”.
2. Should the imported material not be substantially the same as the approved
sample, it shall not be used for backfill and shall be removed from the Work
site at your expense.
3. The densification method for imported material authorized by the Engineer shall
be dependent upon its composition, the composition of the in-place soil at the
point of placement, and the relative compaction to be obtained.
306-4 SHORING AND BRACING. ADD the following:
1. Shoring is considered to be the adequate sheeting, shoring, bracing, or
equivalent method for the following:
a) The protection of life and limb which shall conform to applicable safety
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 284
b) The protection of existing underground and above-ground private and
public improvements.
c) The remedy of any and all conditions encountered, regardless of
depth, during the construction of the Project.
2. You shall take appropriate measures when trenching adjacent to the existing
utilities to prevent the existing utility trench from sloughing into the new
trench excavation. The wall of the new trench may be adjacent to the edge of
the existing trench and therefore may contain loose material. You are required
to use adequate shoring or other protective construction measures as
required by field conditions to prevent damage to pavement outside the
trench width and to prevent sloughing of the trench wall.
3. You shall be responsible for any sloughing and damage to the road surface or
other utilities that may occur. It shall be your responsibility to repair any
damaged pavement or utilities as a result of the sloughing.
306-6.3 Bedding for Plastic Pipe and Fittings. ADD the following:
1. CLSM shall be used for bedding and backfilling when HDPE pipe is installed in
paved areas, where pipe crosses utility easement, and at locations where pipe
is to be backfilled with concrete as shown on the Plans. CLSM shall conform to
201-6, “CONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH MATERIAL (CLSM)” and the following
concrete classes or as designated in the Contract Bid item or shown on the
a) 190-E-400 in residential and local streets.
b) 380-E-800 in major and arterial streets.
2. The concrete backfill shall be placed in the trench against undisturbed material
at the sides and bottom of the trench and in a manner that shall prevent floating
or shifting of the pipe and that shall prevent voids in or segregation of the
concrete. Foreign material which falls into the trench prior to or during the
placement of concrete shall be immediately removed. Where necessary, earth
plugs shall be constructed and compacted at the ends of the planned concrete
backfill to contain the concrete within the trench.
3. The surface of the concrete backfill shall be finished with a heavy broom to
produce a uniform rough surface if asphalt concrete is to be placed directly.
4. No material shall be placed on top of the concrete backfill until 24 hours after
placing the concrete backfill.
5. Bedding material for irrigation pipe, direct burial control wire, and electrical conduit
shall be SE 50, plaster, or mortar sand in accordance with 200-1.5, “Sand”.
306-6.5.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. For PVC water pipes:
a) Bedding material shall:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 285
i. Either be sand, crushed aggregate, or native free-draining
granular material.
ii. 100% of the bedding material shall pass the no. 4 sieve and shall
have an expansion when saturated with water of not more than
iii. Have a sand equivalent of SE 50. SE 30 or higher may be
substituted for SE 50 as bedding material if all of the following
requirements are met:
The top of the pipe and haunch areas are mechanically
compacted by means of tamping, vibrating roller, or
other mechanical tamper.
Equipment is of size and type approved by the Engineer.
90% relative compaction or better is achieved.
b) When jetting, care shall be exercised to avoid floating of the pipe.
2. PVC sewer pipes shall be bedded in 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) or 1/2 inch (12.5 mm)
crushed rock in accordance with 200-1.2, “Crushed Rock and Rock Dust”. Crushed
rock for PVC sewer pipes may contain recycled Portland Cement Concrete and
shall conform to gradation requirements for 3/8 inch or1/2 inch nominal size as
shown in Table 200-1.2.1 (A).
3. Storm drains and all types of non-PVC sewer mains shall be bedded in 3/4 inch
(19 mm) crushed rock in accordance with 200-1.2, “Crushed Rock and Rock Dust”.
Crushed rock for storm drains may contain recycled Portland Cement Concrete
and shall conform to gradation requirements for 3/4 inch nominal size as shown
in Table 200-1.2.1 (A). Bedding shall be placed to a depth of 4 inches (101.6 mm)
below the outside diameter of the pipe or 1 inch (25.4 mm) below the bell of the
pipe, whichever is greater.
306-7.1 General. To Table 306-7.1, ADD the following:
Gravity Pipe Material
Installation Specification
Perforated PVC Pipe 207-17.7 1002-4.2
306-7.7.1 General. To paragraph (1), ADD the following:
h) Perforated PVC Plastic Pipe conforming to 207-17.7, “Perforated PVC Pipe”.
306- Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Mortar (FRPM) Pipe.
1. Each section of pipe shall be moved or installed using approved non-metallic
slings. The slings shall support each pipe section at a minimum of 2 locations
in such a way that the pipe is not damaged by flexure or abrasion. Submit
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 286
detailed drawings of slings proposed for the handling of the pipe during
production, loading, unloading, and installation.
2. The installation depth of CCFRPM pipe shall be limited to a minimum cover of
5 feet (1.5 m) to a maximum of 15 feet (4.6 m) including cover, unless a special
design is approved by the Engineer.
306- General. ADD the following:
1. Testing of the completed pipeline shall be performed in sections between test
bulkheads after all anchors and appurtenances have been installed and after
backfilling has been completed. Install the test bulkheads at locations
approved by the Engineer. Pressure testing against closed valves shall not be
2. Pressure testing of pipe and fittings at the lowest elevation shall be performed
at 150% of the specified test pressure and no less than 100% of the specified
test pressure at the highest elevation.
a. Specified test pressure for Class 235 pipe shall be 150 psi and is tested at
225 psi.
b. Specified test pressure for Class 305 pipe shall be 200 psi and is tested at
300 psi.
3. Side outlet valves to be furnished with blind flanges shall be tested while
uncovered to allow visual inspection for valve leakage during the required field
hydrostatic test.
4. An optional field hydrostatic test may be permitted by the Engineer. The
duration of the test shall be 1 hour with pumping discontinued at the specified
5. In the event that the rate of loss of water during the test method exceeds the
acceptable rate, you shall locate the leaks and perform the required repairs.
Regardless of the outcome of the test, all detectable leaks shall be repaired by you
at your expense. Additional testing shall be performed until satisfactory results
have been completed. The connections to existing pipelines shall be tested at line
pressure after refilling the existing pipelines. Repair all leaks in the connections
which occur as a result of testing operations.
6. Leakage shall not be allowed for steel (flanged or welded) and ductile iron
(flanged) pipe. You shall provide accurate means for measuring the quantity
of water lost. The allowable leakage for all other pipe shall be 15 gallons per
inch (2.3 L/mm) of diameter per mile of pipeline within 24 hours.
306- Air Pressure Test. ADD the following:
1. For PVC sewer mains, minimum gauge pressures, test durations, acceptance
requirements, and gauge certifications shall be in accordance with 306-, “Air Pressure Test for PVC Sewer Mainlines”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 287
306- Air Pressure Test for PVC Sewer Mainlines.
1. Air pressure test sewer lines after laying, backfilling, and compaction. Air
pressure testing shall not be required for sewer main replacements where live
laterals are connected to the new main.
2. The test section shall be pressurized to 3.5 psi (24.1 kPa) and shall be held
above 3.0 psi (20.7 kPa) for not less than 5 minutes. Air shall be added if
necessary to keep the pressure above 3.0 psi (20.7 kPa).
3. When the prevailing groundwater is above the pipe being tested, air pressure
shall be increased 0.43 psi (3 kPa) for each foot the water table is above the
invert of the pipe.
4. The pressure gauge used shall be supplied by you, shall have minimum
divisions of 0.1 psi (0.7 kPa), and shall have an accuracy of 0.04 psi (0.3 kPa).
Certified testing shall verify the accuracy and the calibration of the gauge firm
annually or when requested by the Engineer.
5. At the end of the 5 minute saturation period, note that the pressure shall be
at a 3.0 psi (20.7 kPa) minimum and begin the same lapse required for the air
pressure drop. If the pressure drops more than 0.5 psi (3.4 kPa) in less than
the time shown in Table 306-, the section of that pipe shall be deemed
to have failed the test.
6. For larger diameter pipe use the following formula:
Minimum time in seconds = 1.2 x diameter in mm.
TABLE 306-
L for
L (sec)
Specification Time for Length (L) Shown (min sec)
100 ft.
30.5 m
150 ft.
45.7 m
200 ft.
61.0 m
250 ft.
76.2 m
300 ft.
91.4 m
350 ft.
106.7 m
400 ft.
121.9 m
450 ft.
137.2 m
4/10.16 1.53 597/181.97 0.190 x L 1:53 1:53 1:53 1:53 1:53 1:53 1:53 1:53
6/15.24 2.50 398/121.31 0.427 x L 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 2:51 3:12
8/20.32 3.47 298/90.83 0.760 x L 3:47 3:47 3:47 3:47 3:48 4:26 5:04 5:42
10/25.40 4.43 239/72.85 1.187 x L 4:43 4:43 4:43 4:57 5:56 6:55 7:54 8:54
12/30.48 5.4 199/60.66 1.709 x L 5:40 5:40 5.42 7:08 8:33 9:58 11:24 12:50
15/38.10 7.05 159/48.46 2.671 x L 7:05 7:05 8:54 11:08 13:21 15:35 17:48 20:02
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 288
L for
L (sec)
Specification Time for Length (L) Shown (min sec)
100 ft.
30.5 m
150 ft.
45.7 m
200 ft.
61.0 m
250 ft.
76.2 m
300 ft.
91.4 m
350 ft.
106.7 m
400 ft.
121.9 m
450 ft.
137.2 m
18/45.72 8.30 133/40.54 3.846 x L 8:30 9:37 12:49 16:01 19:14 22:26 25:38 28:51
21/53.34 9.55 114/34.75 5.235 x L 9:55 13:05 17:27 21:49 26:11 30:32 34:54 39:16
11.20 99/30.18 6.837 x L 11:24 17:57 22:48 28:30 34:11 39:53 45:35 51:17
27/68.58 12.45 88/26.82 8.653 x L 14:25 21:38 28:51 36:04 43:16 50:30 57:42 46:54
30/76.20 14.10 80/24.38 10.683 x L 17:48 26:43 35:37 44:31 53:25 62:19 71:13 80:07
33/83.82 15.35 72/21.95 12.926 x L 21:33 32:19 43:56 53:52 64:38 75:24 86:10 96:57
36/91.44 17.00 66/20.12 15.384 x L 25:39 38:28 51:17 64:06 76:55 89:44 102:34 115:23
306- General. To Table 306-, REVISEPercentage Barrel Deflection Allowed
” to
“Percentage Barrel Deflection Allowed
1, 2, 3, 4
To the Table notes, ADD the following:
3. Deflections of up to 6.5% of the in-field measured diameter are acceptable for
storm drain applications.
4. Inward bell shaped deflection in the pipe barrel shall not be allowed.
306- Mechanical Joints. ADD the following:
1. Joints and mechanical couplings and nuts and bolts shall be field wrapped with
a 3-part wax-tape coating system per AWWA C217.
306- Installation of Polyethylene (PE) Film Wrap on Iron Fittings. ADD the following:
1. The requirements of this section shall only apply when special coatings are not
required or specified for corrosion protection.
306- Butt-Strap Closure Joints. To subsection “b”, DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with
the following:
The joint exterior shall be coated to match the existing main line coating
system. When special coatings are not present, the joint shall be coated with
mortar to a minimum thickness of 1-1/2 inches (38 mm). Immediately prior
to applying mortar to interior or exterior of joints, cement wash shall be
applied to the metal to be coated.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 289
306-8.5.4 High Deflection Coupling.
1. High deflection couplings shall be constructed in accordance with the Plans
and Reference Specifications. Working Drawings prepared by a Civil or
Structural Engineer registered in the State of California shall be submitted in
accordance with 3-8.2, “Working Drawings” for any proposed additional high
deflection couplings not indicated on the Plans and Reference Specifications.
306-8.8 Valves, Hydrants, and Appurtenances. ADD the following:
1. Water valve bypasses for mainlines 16-inch and larger shall be constructed in
accordance with the Plans, Reference Specifications, and SDW-154, “Water
Valve Bypass Details For Mainlines 16-Inch And Larger”.
306-8.8.3 Thrust Blocks. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
306-8.8.3 Thrust Blocks and Anchor Blocks.
1. Thrust blocks shall be installed at all bends, tees, dead-ends and reducers. The
use of restrained joints requires approval from the Engineer. The thrust blocks
shall be constructed as follows:
a) Thrust blocks shall be constructed of concrete conforming to 201-1,
b) Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, concrete thrust blocks shall be
constructed in accordance with SECTION 303 - CONCRETE AND
MASONRY CONSTRUCTION and the Standard Drawings.
c) Concrete blocks shall be constructed between undisturbed ground
and fittings to be anchored.
d) Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, the quantity of concrete and the
bearing area of the pipe against undisturbed soil shall be as shown on
the Standard Drawings.
e) Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, concrete shall be placed so pipe
joints and fittings remain accessible to repairs.
2. At least 10 Working Days prior to the construction of thrust blocks and anchor
blocks for 16 inch (406.4 mm) and larger water mains, you shall excavate via
potholing and expose the soil to the depth of the proposed water main at
locations approved by the Engineer. The Engineer will confirm the design when
shown on the Plans or will provide the design details within 10 Working Days
after the Engineer has observed the exposed Site.
3. If there are conflicts with adjacent utilities that prohibit the installation of the
concrete blocks, you shall immediately notify the Engineer.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 290
306- Water Services.
1. Each service shall have its own meter unless specified otherwise on the Plans.
Water Services shall conform to 209-4, “PVC PRESSURE PIPE” and SECTION 212 -
306- Trenchless Method for Water Services.
1. General.
a) Trenchless methods for the installation of water services shall be used
at your discretion or when noted on the Plans.
2. Submittals.
a) You shall submit the following information:
i. Address and schedule of water services.
ii. Method for trenchless construction.
iii. Launch and receiving pit and shaft dimensions.
iv. Proposed drill path alignment (both horizontal and vertical).
v. Tunnel diameter.
vi. Minimum depth of cover.
vii. Construction procedure and operation sequence.
viii. Tunneling equipment.
b) You shall obtain the Engineer’s approval prior to the start of any boring
3. Water Service Construction.
a) Copper pipe shall be placed in a perforated sleeve and shall not be
pushed or pulled against soil during the installation of water services.
The sleeve shall be installed between meter and main launching pits.
The sleeve shall be cut flush with walls of meter and main launching
b) The inside diameter of sleeve shall be at least 1 inch (25.4 mm) greater
than the outside diameter of the water service. The sleeve tunnel
diameter shall not exceed the sleeve diameter by more than 2 inches
(50.8 mm) and shall align horizontally within 3 inches (76.2 mm) of
meter inlet location. The sleeve material shall be PVC SDR 35 (or higher
class). HDPE SDR 21 (or higher class) may be used in lieu of PVC.
c) The construction for each service shall be scheduled to minimize water
disruption to the property being served.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 291
306-8.8.5 Acceptance. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
306-8.8.5 Water Meter Boxes.
1. Water meter boxes that are called out as a Bid items only shall be installed at
locations determined by the Engineer.
306-8.8.6 Temporary Blow-offs.
1. Caps and plugs installed by you to temporarily close the ends of new mains
adjacent to points of connection shall contain 2 inches (50.8 mm) outlets with
corporation stops. Corporation stops shall protrude free from thrust blocks
and shall be available for use in relieving pressure in the mains prior to
connecting. Caps and outlets are your property and shall be removed from the
Site after main connections are made.
306-8.8.7 Blowoff Valve Assemblies.
1. You shall field verify, with the approval of the Engineer, the final location of
each assembly.
306-8.8.8 Air and Vacuum Valve Assemblies.
1. You shall field verify, with the approval of the Engineer, the final location of
each enclosure.
306-8.8.9 Out-of-Service Fire Hydrant Discs.
1. The out-of-service hydrant discs shall conform to the following:
a) Constructed of heavy-duty plastic and shall have an inside diameter
large enough to easily slide over the large port of a fire hydrant and a
minimum outside diameter of 11¼ inch (287.8 mm). Refer to Standard
Drawing SDW-104 for “Fire Hydrant Installation”
b) Minimum of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) thick.
c) Resistant to tearing, ripping, extreme changes in temperature, and
d) Of a highly visible color of red.
2. Unless specified otherwise in the Special Provisions, you shall maintain City
provided out-of-service hydrant discs on the large port of every newly installed
fire hydrant immediately after it has been bolted in place and existing
assemblies that have been taken out of service. You shall unscrew the cap on
the large port, place the disc on the port, and securely replace the cap.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 292
3. You shall ensure that the out-of-service hydrant discs remain on the fire
hydrants until the new main has been connected to the existing main and
4. Once in service, City Forces will remove and retain the out-of-service hydrant
306-8.8.10 Acceptance.
1. Acceptance testing for valves and appurtenances shall conform to 306-8.9.3,
“Testing of Valves and Appurtenances”. Valves and appurtenances shall be
pressure tested at the same time connecting pipelines are pressure tested.
Valves, operators, or control and instrumentation elements whose pressure
rating is less than the test pressure shall be protected or isolated during
pressure testing.
306- Allowable Leakage. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. For prefabricated pressure pipe testing requirements, refer to prefabricated
gravity pipe pressure testing requirements in 306-7.8.2, “Pressure Testing and
Leakage Inspection”.
306- General. ADD the following:
1. New water mains shall be disinfected and tested in accordance with AWWA
C651 and State Health Department requirements. The City will perform a
chlorine residual test prior to flushing and a bacteriological test after flushing.
No main shall be placed in service until the results of the bacteriological tests
are announced as satisfactory and until a shutdown has been scheduled.
306- Dechlorination and Flushing. ADD the following:
1. When you are required to flush water mains using a 4-inch or larger meter,
you shall provide a submittal to the Engineer for review of the proposed
connection point of the meter and a plan demonstrating how flushed water
will be captured or delivered down the storm drain or sewer system.
2. Once the submittal has been approved, you shall be responsible for
coordinating the payment for this meter at Development Services Department
by filling out the DSD form for the need for a construction meter for flushing
purposes. Once paid by you, call Public Utilities Department Coordination
Number at 619-527-7424 to coordinate the delivery and use of the meter in
accordance to the approved submittal.
3. You shall return the meter to the City at the completion of work.
4. The payment for the meter cost shall be reimbursed under the allowance Bid
item for “4-Inch or Larger Meter for Construction Flushing”. All other costs
associated with the purchase of the meter shall be included in the contract
price. Costs associated with flushing operations shall be included under the
costs for the pipeline installation.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 293
306-9.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Cast-in-place non-reinforced concrete pipe shall not be allowed for use in San
306-12.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The Engineer shall have the authority to require further testing when, in the
opinion of the Engineer, the nature of the native backfill material or maximum
dry density of Imported Trench Backfill has changed.
306-12.4.1 General. To paragraph (3), subsection “c”, DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with
the following:
c) The lift of backfill shall not exceed that which can be readily densified by
jetting, but in no case shall the undensified lift exceed 10 feet (3 m).
306-12.4.2 Compaction Requirements. ADD the following:
1. All trench backfill shall be compacted to a minimum 90% relative compaction
except where 95% relative compaction shall be required by 301-1.3, “Relative
306-13.2 Permanent Resurfacing. ADD the following:
1. A paving machine or spreader box shall be used to place the Class “F” asphalt
concrete wearing surface followed immediately by a roller. Resurfacing shall be
completed within a maximum of 30 Days after traffic is restored.
2. You shall be responsible for removal and replacement of all permanent paving
damaged due to exposition, repair, and replacement of the pipe which has
failed testing. You shall not be entitled to any additional Working Days due to
delays resulting from removal and replacement of permanent paving due to
test failure.
306-14.10 Dewatering.
1. The measurement for dewatering shall be in accordance with to 3-12.8.8,
306-14.11 Perforated PVC Pipe.
1. Perforated PVC Pipes are measured along the longitudinal axis between the
ends as laid and shall include the actual pipe in place and shall not include the
inside dimensions of junction structures.
306-15.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The payment for pipe and conduit Work shall be included under the linear foot
Bid items and shall include the payment for the following:
All wyes, tees, bends, couplings, monolithic catch basin connections,
and specials as shown on the Plans
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 294
Removal of interfering portions of existing pipelines, sewers, storm
drains, and improvements
Closing or removing of abandoned conduit and structures
Trench excavation
Disposal of excess excavation
Control of surface waters
Preparation of subgrade
Placing and joining pipe
Erection and removal of forms
Reinforcing steel
Pressure testing
Disinfection sample collection and delivery
Backfilling the trench
Permanent resurfacing, Class “F” asphalt concrete wearing surface,
and clean up
Trench shoring and plans, excluding engineered shoring, and
engineered shoring plans
All other Work (excluding temporary resurfacing) necessary to
install the pipe or conduit, complete in-place.
2. No separate or additional payment shall be made for additional bedding or a
higher strength of pipe necessitated by you exceeding the maximum trench
width, unless a bid item has been provided.
306-15.2 Shoring and Bracing. ADD the following:
1. The payment for furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing all sheeting,
shoring, or bracing for conditions encountered that require shoring, excluding
engineered Shoring Plan requirements, shall be included with the Bid items for
the pipe and conduit Work in 306-15.1, “General”.
2. When provided, the Bid item for “Engineered Trench Shoring” shall include full
compensation for furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing all sheeting,
shoring, or bracing for any conditions encountered that require shoring including
the preparation of engineered Shoring Plans in accordance with 5-7.2.2, “Shoring
Plan”. No additional payment shall be made.
306-15.3 Dewatering. ADD the following:
1. The payment for dewatering shall be in accordance with 3-12.8.8, “Payment.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 295
306-15.5 Valves. ADD the following:
1. The payment for water valve bypasses shall be included under the Bid items
for the following:
a) “Water Valve Bypass for T-Mainline 16 Inch and Larger”
b) “Water Valve Bypass for Straight Mainline 16 Inch and Larger
306-15.6 Hydrants. ADD the following:
1. The payment for fire hydrant assembly and marker, fire service connection,
assembly and backflow preventer, and fire service connection and assembly,
shall be included in the Bid items for the following:
a) Fire Hydrant Assembly and Marker
b) Fire Service Connection, Assembly, and Backflow Preventer for City
c) Fire Service Connection and Assembly
2. Removal of existing fire hydrants within the trench limits and all appurtenant
Work shall be included in the Bid item for “Fire Hydrant Assembly and Marker”.
3. Removal of existing fire hydrants outside of the trench limits and all
appurtenant Work shall be included in the Bid item for “Removal or
Abandonment of Existing Water Facilities” in accordance with 306-3.3.4,
4. Payment for fire hydrant discs shall be included in the Bid item for “Fire
Hydrant Assembly and Marker”
306-15.7 Buried Structures. To sentence (3), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
The Contract Unit Price shall include excavation, backfill, disposal of all excess
excavation, constructing inverts, furnishing and installing castings, restoration of the
street surface and improvements including but not limited to sidewalk panel, and all
other Work, excluding temporary resurfacing, necessary to construct the buried
structure, complete in-place.
306-15.8 Pipeline Appurtenances. To paragraphs (3) and (4), DELETE in their entirety.
ADD the following:
1. The payment for meter assembly shall be included in the Contract Price unless
a Bid item for each “Meter Assembly” has been provided. Payment for the
meter, unless otherwise furnished by the City, concrete pads, appurtenant
piping and couplings, meter boxes or vaults, and meter box lids shall be
included in this payment.
2. The payment for water services shall be included in the Bid item for each
“Water Service” and includes service tap, corporation stop, lateral, riser, angle
meter valve, service saddle, meter installation, meter box, meter box lid,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 296
sidewalk panel, and all other service material shown on the Plans or specified
in the Special Provisions.
3. Payment for water meter boxes and meter box lids shall be included in the Bid
item for “Water Services” unless a Bid item for each “Meter Box” has been
provided. Payment shall include any additional adjustment to place the box
around the meter to ensure the valve is accessible and operating properly
(including adjusting the water service pipe beyond the meter box).
4. The payment for trenchless construction of water services shall be included in
the Bid item for each “Trenchless Water Service”. If your proposed trenchless
installation becomes infeasible or does not comply with these specifications,
the water services shall be installed by open trench methods and shall be paid
by the Bid item for “Water Service”.
5. The payment for water service transfers shall be included in the Bid item for
each “Water Service Transfer” and shall include extensions, corporation stops,
and connections to the existing services.
6. The payment for temporary blow-off valves shall be included in the Bid item
for the water main.
7. The payment for permanent blow-off valves shall be included in the Contract
Price unless a Bid item has been provided for “Blow-Off Valve Assembly”.
8. The payment for air and vacuum (air release) valves shall be included in the
Contract Price unless a Bid item has been provided for “Air and Vacuum (Air
Release) Valve Assembly”.
9. The payment for installing each water quality sampling station shall be
included in the Bid item for “Water Quality Sampling Station” and shall include
all labor, materials, removal of existing station, and other necessary Work
required in order to replace or install the station complete in place in accordance
with SDW-163.
306-15.10 Thrust Blocks and Anchor Blocks.
1. Thrust blocks and anchor blocks, and all appurtenant Work, for water mains 12
inches (304.8 mm) and smaller shall be included in the Bid items for the water main
2. Thrust blocks and anchor blocks for water mains 16 inches (406.4 mm) and
larger shall be included in the Bid item for “Thrust and Anchor Blocks for 16
Inch and Larger Water Mains”.
3. The payment for potholing for thrust blocks and anchor blocks for water mains 16
inches and larger shall be included in the Bid item for the water main Work.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 297
306-15.11 Imported Backfill.
1. The Bid item payment for “Imported Trench Backfill” shall be made at the
Contract Unit Price per ton and shall include payment for suitable backfill
material, delivery, installation, and compaction completed in-place. This Bid
item shall also include excavation, removal, and legal disposal of native
material determined to be unsuitable for use as trench backfill. This bid item
will be verified by a printed ticket from the material vendor with a date, time,
volume in tons, and with a description of the material.
306-16 MANHOLES.
1. Manholes located outside of public right-of-way or in an unpaved area shall
have covers locked to the frame as shown on SDM-113, “Manhole Cover
Locking Device”.
2. Where a manhole is to be constructed on unstable native material, a stable
base shall first be constructed with additional bedding material in accordance
with 306-6, “BEDDING” to the dimensions specified in writing by the Engineer.
3. Precast manholes shall not have ladder holes.
306-16.1 Polymer Mortar.
1. Polymer mortar shall be used at the riser joints on all manholes to create
water-tight joints to resist infiltration.
2. The mortar shall be mixed in accordance with manufacturers specifications, but
shall not exceed 5 parts sand to 1 part polymer.
3. Materials shall be in accordance with 201-10.2, “Polymer Mortar”.
4. The concrete or other surfaces that are to adhere to the polymer mortar shall be
free from dust, loose aggregates, oil, grease, or other contaminants.
306-16.2 Plastic Liner.
1. When noted on the Plans, in the Bid Proposal, or both, pre-cast manhole risers
including the cone shall be lined with white polyvinyl chloride sheets. Material
shall be in accordance with 210-2, “Plastic Liner”. Manholes connecting to
mains 18 inches (457.2 mm) or larger in diameter shall be PVC lined.
306-16.3 Polyurethane Lining.
1. When PVC lined manholes and existing manhole reconstruction are noted on
the Plans, in the Bid Proposal, or both bases and exposed concrete mortar
surfaces, including any remaining risers, shall be protected with a
polyurethane coating.
2. Except as otherwise indicated in this subsection, manhole reconstruction shall
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 298
3. The lining application shall be performed only by workers certified by the
manufacturers as trained and experienced with the specified material in
accordance with 201-10.3, “Polyurethane Coating” method and equipment of
4. You shall demonstrate the material on a sample area, which is representative
of a Site application. When approved, the sample area shall serve as a
standard for further work.
306-16.4 Exterior Waterproofing.
1. The exterior surface of all manholes located below plus seven 7 feet (2.1 m)
M.S.L or below ground water level shall be coated with a waterproofing agent
consisting of a coal tar emulsion. The coal tar emulsion shall be applied in no
less than 2 coats to achieve a total dry thickness of 25 mils to 35 mils (625 µm
to 875 µm).
306-16.5 Connection to Existing Manholes.
1. Where connections to existing sewer manholes are required, the manholes
shall be broken out as necessary to accommodate the new sewer pipe and the
base shall be rechanneled, as required, to allow a smooth transition between
the inlet and outlet pipe. The manhole reinforcing steel shall be cut only as
required to allow the connection of the new pipe.
2. The existing concrete surface shall be cleaned and prepared with an approved
concrete epoxy adhesive prior to the connection of the new pipe and
placement of concrete dry pack.
306-16.6 Payment.
1. The payment for manholes shall be included in the Bid item for “Manholes” and
shall include polymer mortar, liner, and/or coatings. The cost of the locking
device when required shall be included in this payment.
2. The payment for connecting to and rechanneling existing manholes shall be
included in the Bid item for “Connection to Existing Manhole and Rechanneling”.
3. Where sewer drop manholes are shown on the Plans the payment shall be included
in the Contract Price unless a Bid item for “Sewer Drop Manhole” is provided.
4. The abandonment of manholes outside of the trench limits shall be paid in
accordance with 306-3.3.4, “Payment”.
5. The payment for water proofing and PVC lined manholes shall be included in
the Bid item for “Manholes” unless a Bid item for “Manholes PVC Lined” has
been provided.
1. A connecting sewer is commonly known as a sewer lateral and may be so
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 299
2. Laterals shall be replaced and shall include a cleanout at the property line. The
Plans show the approximate location of the laterals. Connections shall be
made using a “wye” cut-in. Saddle connections shall not be permitted.
3. Lateral connections at the property line shall be made with stainless steel
shielded couplings. The Plans show the approximate location of the laterals.
4. If the "wye" is in the public right-of-way, each lot shall be reconnected to a new and
separate lateral and shall include separate cleanouts. If the "wye" is out of the public
right-of-way, the lots shall be reconnected to a new lateral with a cleanout. A stub-out
with a cleanout shall be provided to the property line for future reconnection.
5. Lateral records are available to you for inspection at Public Utilities
Department, Maps & Records, (619) 527-7482.
6. If the proposed sewer main alignment is in a different location than the
existing main or the proposed laterals are at a different angle than the existing
laterals, you shall locate the laterals by using a remote locating device,
potholing existing laterals to be connected to the new sewer main, or both.
7. New laterals shall be perpendicular from the new sewer main. You shall
determine the exact location of the lateral at the property line prior to the
installation of the new main and shall install the corresponding wyes at these
8. Replacement laterals shall be the same size as the existing. The minimum
diameter for a lateral and cleanout shall be 4 inches (100 mm).
9. Concrete base shall be required only for a Vitrified Clay Pipe lateral if the
vertical drop is 6 feet (1.8 m) or greater. Concrete base shall not be required
for PVC or ABS laterals.
10. You shall ensure that sewer laterals have been successfully connected to the
new sewer mains and that water tight capping or plugging has been completed
before abandoning any existing sewer mains. You shall plug the existing sewer
main that is identified on the Plans to be abandoned at a downstream location
approved by the Engineer.
11. You shall monitor it for a 48-hour period to ensure that there is no flow in the
existing main. If there is flow in the existing main, you shall perform dye pack
testing to determine which lateral remains connected and repeat the 48-hour
test once it is replumbed.
306-17.1 Sewer Lateral with Private Replumbing.
1. Where sewer laterals with private replumbing are shown on the Plans, you
shall install a new sewer lateral and new private sewer pipes and connect the
new pipe to the private house plumbing. The Work shall be performed by a
qualified licensed contractor in accordance with current building and
plumbing codes.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 300
306-17.1.1 Location.
1. The location and details of replumbing Work shown on the Plans are
approximate. You shall locate sewer laterals by using a remote locating device,
potholing existing sewer laterals, or both for the connection to the new sewer
main. The alignment for each new connection shall be selected such that the
required length of pipe and disturbance to the private property are minimized.
2. Prior to any sewer lateral replumbing construction activity, you shall
coordinate with the property owner and arrange for a video recording of existing
conditions of the property in accordance with 400-1.1, “Video Recording of
Existing Conditions”.
306-17.1.2 Permits.
1. It shall be your responsibility to pay for, obtain, and get approval for any required
permits for the Work to be done on private property. Submittal of the approved
permits shall be a condition of Final Payment for each location.
2. The City has obtained the executed replumbing agreements with the property
owners for this project. A copy of the agreements may be obtained from the
City’s Project Manager. You shall meet with the property owner and the
Engineer prior to any Work and coordinate the details of the installation at
each location. You shall notify the property owner a minimum of 10 Working
Days before beginning Work on private property.
306-17.1.3 Submittals.
1. Prior to any sewer lateral replumbing construction activity, you shall submit a
separate Working Drawing of the new connection for each property to the
Engineer. Working Drawings shall include a Plan and profile showing existing
size and type of material to be used and point of connection to the existing
property plumbing. Each Working Drawing submittal shall include a written
approval by the property owner including an acknowledgement that the
property owner has been provided a copy of the Working Drawings by you
including any As-Built conditions.
306-17.1.4 Trenchless Construction.
1. Trenchless methods shall be used for installation if the sewer lateral location
intersects existing structures or as noted on the Plans. The following requirements
shall apply:
a) Pipes used for private replumbing shall be a minimum of 4 inches
(101.6 mm) in diameter and shall conform to SECTION 207 - GRAVITY
b) Sewer lateral cleanouts shall be constructed at the connections to the
house plumbing and at every bend on private property.
c) The construction schedule for each replumb shall be arranged to
minimize the disruption to the property owner.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 301
d) You shall ensure 2% fall, avoid existing utilities and foundation, and
maintain alignment within the property boundary while meeting the
end connection. The borehole diameter shall not exceed the pipe
diameter by more than 2 inches (50.8 mm).
e) Submittal Requirements:
i. The proposed method shall be submitted for approval.
ii. Address and schedule of sewer lateral replumbs to be
iii. Launch and receiving pit locations for each sewer lateral
replumbs to be tunneled and shaft dimensions.
iv. Proposed drill path alignment (both horizontal and vertical)
for each sewer lateral replumbs to be tunneled.
v. Pipe physical properties and specifications. Calculations
indicating that the method/process used does not exceed the
allowable tensile and compression limits of the pipe.
vi. Jacking forces and factor of safety.
vii. Tunnel diameter.
viii. Minimum depth of cover for each sewer lateral replumbs to
be tunneled.
ix. Construction procedure and operation sequence.
x. A list of the completed projects and staff experience shall be
included in the submittal.
xi. Tunneling equipment and grade control methods.
xii. Certification that the tunneling method shall be able to
achieve the tolerances; if listed in these specifications.
xiii. If drilling fluid is used, viscosity, density, and composition of
drilling fluid.
xiv. If drilling fluid is used, method of slurry containment and
306-17.1.5 Private Pump Installation.
1. Private Pumps shall be installed when:
a) Connection points for replumbs have been verified as stated on the
b) The Engineer has determined the elevation of the main in the street
cannot be lowered and sufficient slope is unavailable to replumb a
house by gravity means.
c) When shown on the Plans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 302
2. You shall notify the Engineer a minimum of 10 Working Days before beginning
Work on the private pump.
3. The electrical wiring from the private pump shall be connected to the
property’s electrical panel, in accordance with all applicable governing codes,
and the City’s electrical standards.
4. Prior to any private sewer pump system construction, you shall submit
Working Drawings and detailed installation instructions for equipment to be
furnished including dimensional data and materials of construction. The
Working Drawings shall include a plan and profile showing location of the private
pump, alarm panel, private force main, and point of connection to the existing
building plumbing. Each Working Drawing shall include written approval by the
property owner.
306-17.2 Payment.
1. The payment for constructing each new sewer lateral and cleanout and for
connecting to the main shall be included in the Bid item for “Sewer Lateral and
Cleanout” and shall include the removal and replacement of concrete curb and
gutter, sidewalk panels, and existing surface improvements as required by the
2. The payment for the plugging, monitoring, and testing of the new sewer main
shall be included in the Bid item for the new sewer main.
3. The payment for sewer lateral cleanouts, including the removal and
replacement of concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk panels, and existing surface
improvements as required by the Engineer, shall be included in the Bid item
for “Sewer Lateral and Cleanout” unless a bid item has been provided for each
“Sewer Lateral Cleanout”.
4. The payment for each cleanout at the end of the sewer main shall be included
in the Bid item for “Sewer Main Cleanout” and shall include the removal and
replacement of concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk panels, and existing surface
improvements as required by the Engineer.
5. The payment for sewer lateral connections shall be included in the Bid item
for “Sewer Lateral and Cleanout” unless a bid item has been provided for each
“Sewer Lateral Connection”.
6. The Bid unit price for the “Sewer Lateral with Private Replumbing” shall include
the installation of new pipes connecting to each existing property, plumbing
to the new sewer main, installation of clean outs, and locating, capping, or
plugging the existing sewer piping. It shall include removal and reinstallation
of fences, irrigation, landscaping, ground cover, excavation, backfill and
compaction, fittings, and permits necessary to install the new sewer lateral
system, in place, and to restore private improvements to pre-Bid condition.
Potholing performed for the replumbs shall be included in the unit Bid price
for the replumbing Work.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 303
7. When required, the payment for the trenchless construction of sewer laterals
with private replumbing shall be included in the Bid item for “Sewer Lateral
with Private Replumbing (Trenchless Method)”.
8. The payment for each sewer lateral with backwater device assembly shall be
included in the Bid item for “Sewer Lateral with Backwater Device Assembly”
and shall include the connection to the main.
9. The payment for the private pump system Work shall be included in the Bid
item for “Private Pump System”. The payment for the private pump system
shall include the pumps and appurtenances, electrical hook ups, pump well,
discharge line to the main, installation of clean outs, locating, capping, or
plugging the existing sewer piping, excavation, backfill and compaction,
fittings, inspection Work, and permits necessary to install the new sewer
lateral system, in place, and to restore private and public improvements such
as the removal and reinstallation of fences, irrigation, landscaping, and ground
cover to pre-Bid condition.
10. Within 10 Working Days after the activation of a pump system, you shall make
a private pump compensation payment of $6,080 for each pump to the
property owner. You shall provide to the City the proof of payment by
submitting a copy of the canceled check and a receipt with the property
owner’s signature. You shall not be entitled to compensation unless this proof
is provided. The private pump compensation payment and all related costs
shall be included in the Bid item for “Private Pump Compensation”.
11. The payment for the extended 3-year warranty and the manufacturer’s
inspections for the private pump shall be included in the Bid item for “Private
Pump Extended Warranty”.
306-18.1 General.
1. Work under this section, when required, shall consist of investigation of
pipelines by use of digital closed-circuit color video recording to determine
condition of lines following cleaning, rehabilitation, and installation of gravity
pipelines and water lines.
2. In coordination with the Engineer, you shall video record pipelines to:
a) Locate existing laterals.
b) Confirm no flow in existing mains prior to abandonment.
c) Assess the conditions of the existing pipe segments and laterals after
the cleaning process and prior to commencing rehab Work.
d) Accept the newly installed or rehabilitated pipelines.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 304
306-18.2 Video Inspection Camera.
1. The camera source image shall provide a high-resolution video with a
minimum 30 frames per second producing a continuously-monitored high-
quality picture. All major and minor operational and structural defects in the
pipelines shall be discernible from the source image.
2. The minimum video bit rate shall be 4.7 Mega bits per second (Mbps) and
minimum audio bit rate shall be 128 Kilo bits per second (Kbps).
3. Video equipment shall include a multi-angle camera capable of spanning 360°
circumference and 270° on horizontal axis.
4. Video inspection shall be performed utilizing one of the following video
camera systems:
a) Remote-focus stationary lens cameras.
b) Rotating-lens cameras.
c) Pan-and-tilt cameras.
5. The video camera shall be mounted on a skid, floatable raft system, or
transporter based on the conditions of the pipeline to be recorded. The radial
view camera shall be solid-state color and have remote control of the
rotational lens. The camera shall be capable of viewing the complete
circumference of the pipe and junction structure as applicable. Cameras using
mirrors or exposed rotating heads shall not be acceptable.
6. The camera shall be operative in 100% humidity conditions.
7. Camera lens shall not have less than a 140° viewing angle.
8. Focal distance shall be remotely adjustable through range of 6 inches (152.4
mm) to infinity.
9. The remote-reading footage counter shall be accurate to less than 1% error
over the length of the particular section of pipeline being inspected. This
distance shall be measured from the centerline of the junctions such as a
manhole to the centerline of the next manhole.
10. The camera height shall be adjusted such that the camera lens is always
centered in the pipe being inspected. The equipment shall display on the
monitor the distance of the camera from the centerline of the starting
manhole. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, footage measurements
shall begin at the centerline of the upstream manhole.
11. Lighting and camera quality shall produce a clear, in-focus picture of the entire
periphery of the pipe for a minimum distance of 6 feet (1.8 m). Lighting shall
be remote-controlled and adjusted to minimize reflective glare and to avoid any
dark or shadowy regions appearing on the video file.
12. The video camera and monitor shall be capable of registering a minimum of
400 vertical lines and 460 horizontal lines resolution and be a clear, stable
image with no interference.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 305
13. The video portion of the digital recording shall be free of electrical interference
and shall produce a clear and stable image. The audio portion shall be
sufficiently free of background and electrical noise providing an oral report
that is clear and discernible.
14. For pipes smaller than 6 inches (152.4 mm) in diameter, you shall use portable
long-range pan and tilt push cameras with a motorized wheel to push the
probe for 180 feet (54.9 m) or more down pipes such as laterals.
15. You shall provide a camera capable of extended video recording lengths and
operation in remotely accessed areas without direct vehicular access.
306-18.3 Inspection Procedure.
1. Video inspection shall show with high resolution operational and structural defects
such as inflows, sags, offset joints, cracks, roughness, and “fins” or folds in the
pipelines. This shall include an audio commentary and inspection log.
2. The Engineer shall be notified a minimum of 2 Working Days in advance of the
video inspecting.
3. Video inspection shall be performed one pipe reach (such as manhole to
manhole) at a time.
4. You shall video inspect the pipeline with the maximum flow diverted from the
pipeline. The pipe reach being inspected shall be isolated from the remainder of
the pipelines with the upstream sewage flow bypassed. In the event that the
existing flow is interfering with the video operation, a bypass shall be performed
by you to lower the flow volume sufficiently to allow for a clear video picture.
Sufficient water shall be supplied to the isolated section to cause drainage
reaching the downstream manhole prior to video inspecting. If existing flows are
high, Pre-construction video inspection can be done with partial flow.
The depth of the flow shall not exceed the following:
a) For pipes 6 inches to 10 inches (152.4 mm to 254 mm) - 20% of the pipe
b) For pipes 12 inches to 24 inches (304.8 mm to 609.6 mm) - 25% of the
pipe diameter.
c) For pipes 27 inches (685.8 mm) and up - 30% of the pipe diameter.
5. The camera shall be moved through the pipeline in a downstream direction at a
uniform rate by means of power cable winches or self-propelled tractors at each
manhole and shall stop and rotate the camera head at each lateral connection,
defect, or both to allow for adequate evaluation. When necessary, stop to ensure
proper documentation of the pipe condition has been recorded but in no case shall
the camera be pulled at a speed greater than 30 feet (9.1 m) per minute. A clear
picture looking into each service connection shall be provided. Both pre and post
video inspections shall be submitted to the Engineer.
6. Measurements for the location of defects shall be above ground by means of a
measuring device. Footages shown in the digital files shall coincide with horizontal
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 306
lengths from the stationing shown on the Plans. Footage measurements shall begin
at the centerline of the upstream manhole or storm drain access point unless
permission is given by the Engineer to do otherwise.
7. You shall clean the sewer mains or storm drains prior to video inspecting as
necessary to adequately perform the video recording operations. If the camera will
not pass through the entire pipeline section, you shall reset the equipment at the
downstream manhole and attempt to inspect the section of pipe from the opposite
direction. If the camera fails to pass through the entire section, it shall be assumed
that an obstruction exists. Efforts to video record that section of pipe shall be
temporarily suspended and you shall notify the Engineer. Upon removal of the
obstruction, you shall complete the inspection.
8. If an obstruction is encountered during the post-construction video
inspection, you shall remove the obstruction by excavation, repair, or other
means approved by the Engineer at your expense so that video inspection may
9. The system used to move the camera through the pipe shall not obstruct the
camera’s view. You shall calibrate the measuring device each day with a known
distance to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to starting the inspection and
video recording process.
10. You shall obtain the Engineer’s approval for any additional point repairs.
11. See the Contract appendices for additional requirements for video inspection
306-18.4 Reports and Documentation.
1. You shall provide a sample submittal at the start of the video inspection Work
demonstrating the typical video with audio quality and the database to be
provided for approval by the Engineer. This submittal shall note any proposed
changes to these specifications such as video format, data bases,
compression, or other conditions for review and approval by the Engineer.
2. Pre-inspection and post-inspection digital files, log sheets, and reports shall be
submitted to the Engineer and shall become City’s property.
3. Subsequent to recording, use a dual recording system and submit post video
inspection files to the Engineer.
4. You shall use the City’s standard inspection introduction, abbreviations, log
sheet forms, and severity code with legend when recording the line segment
5. The inspection reports shall incorporate and utilize the National Association of
Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Pipeline Assessment Certification
Program (PACP), Manhole Assessment Certification Program (MACP), and
Lateral Assessment Certification Program (LACP) to be provided for
comprehensive evaluation of pipeline, manhole, and/or lateral conditions
such as a standardized listing of facility conditions and defect codes. Pipe
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 307
conditions and faults information tied to pipe locations shall also be recorded
in the Report.
6. Documentation shall consist of color digital video files, log sheets, and a written
report detailing the condition of the pipeline and lateral connections and openings.
Video files shall be provided on external hard drive or on DVD.
7. The video files shall be highly compressed, resulting in an anticipated average
file size of 10 MB per minute of video. The compression shall be in accordance
with Windows Media Video (WMV) or mp4 format. The compression shall not
significantly degrade the still frame quality of the video or audio signal from
the original source video, as judged in a side by side viewing under normal
viewing conditions.
8. The report shall note the time and date of video inspection, street name,
upstream and downstream manholes, direction of view, direction of flow,
surface materials, pipeline lengths, pipe section lengths, pipe sizes, pipe
materials, lateral connections, DVD numbers, counter numbers, and a detailed
logging of defects encountered in tabular form.
9. Each submittal shall include the following:
a) Visuals.
i. Adequate view of the upstream and downstream manholes or
storm drain access points and the direction of the survey
upstream or downstream.
ii. A pause at and zoom in on the lateral connections for at least 15
seconds for identification of the condition of the connection.
iii. A pause at and zoom in on the identified defects sufficient for
identification of the type of problem.
iv. Identified fault conditions or defects, refer to the appendices for
v. Each pipe section shall be identified by FSN (for sewers) or
Drain Conveyance ID (for storm drains), manhole numbers and
the street name. If shown on the Plans, station numbers and
sheet numbers shall also be identified.
vi. A continuous read-out of the camera distance from the
starting manhole to the end point at all times.
vii. Pipe size.
viii. Pipe or liner material refer to the appendices for Material
Description and Code.
b) Audio.
i. Date of CCTV inspection.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 308
ii. Confirmation of each section to be CCTV inspected such as
narratives of manholes, storm access points or station
numbers, or FSN’s or Drain Conveyance ID’s, and direction
upstream or downstream.
iii. Description of pipe size lined on post and final videos, material liner
type for post and final videos and pipe joint length.
iv. Description and location of each defect.
v. Description and location of each service connection.
vi. Include brief but informative comments on any data of
significance, including, but not limited to, the locations of unusual
conditions, type and size of connection, collapsed section, the
presence of scale and corrosion, and other discernible features.
vii. A continuous read-out of the camera distance from the
starting manhole.
c) Written Documentation.
i. Date of CCTV inspection.
ii. Printed labels on DVD or storage device number, location
information, date of inspection, and other descriptive information.
iii. Location, size, material, and length of pipe.
iv. Direction of flow and measurement "From" manhole or storm
drain access point or station number "To" manhole or storm
drain access point or station number or FSN or Drain Conveyance
v. File numbers itemizing individual segments.
vi. Sketch showing the street and cross streets where the CCTV
inspection was made.
vii. Description and location of each defect or deficiency and a list
of all proposed repairs.
viii. Description and location of each connection.
ix. A menu which lists files for each pipe section to be inspected
and the date of the inspection.
10. The reporting software shall be compatible with the City’s format
requirements. The reporting software shall utilize Microsoft Access database.
Only the final database without Facility Sequence Number (FSN) or Drain
Conveyance ID duplicates shall be submitted. The reports shall also show all
service lateral connection locations.
11. The FSN shall be compatible with the data input features of the reporting
software (such as the number of available input digits and/or fields). The file
naming convention for final sewer video files consists of the following:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 309
a) “[Upstream MH FSN]-[Downstream MH FSN]-[“U/D” for upstream or
downstream run]-[Date code in yyMMdd_HHmmss]” where the date code
is for year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Example: 12345-12346-U-210617_154830
12. The FSN or Drain Conveyance ID shall be compatible with the data input
features of the reporting software (such as the number of available input digits
and/or fields). The file naming convention for final video files consists of 18 for
storm drains, including the extension. The structure for storm drains includes
the following:
a) “(First Drain Structure ID)-(Second Drain Structure ID)-(Direction (US or
Example: 12504-12505-US.wmv
13. Video files will be reviewed by the Engineer for focus, lighting, sound, clarity of
view, and technical quality. Videos recorded while a camera has flipped over in
the process of traveling and the viewing of laterals, obstructions or defects that
are blocked by cables, skids or other equipment shall not be accepted. Sharp
focus, proper lighting, and clear distortion-free viewing during the camera
operations shall be maintained. Failure to maintain these conditions shall result
in the rejection of the submittal.
14. One file shall be provided for each manhole to manhole pipe segment (or for
each manhole to manhole inspection video).
306-18.5 Video Inspection Submittals.
1. You shall make submittals during construction as applicable to the Project.
Each video submittal shall be limited to 20 segments. In the event that any
deficiencies are discovered by the Engineer, either by your video inspection or
the Engineer’s inspection, 5 Working Days shall be allowed for the Engineer to
judge whether the deficiencies or sags are repairable, in place. If the judgment
is made that the deficiencies are non-repairable in place, the affected
portion(s) shall be reconstructed at no cost to the City.
b) Existing Sewer Mains Proposed To Be Replaced - When video
inspecting existing mains proposed to be replaced, you shall provide
the video files and a red-lined set of Plans showing the location of the
existing laterals to the Engineer before constructing the new sewer
mains. Sewer lateral video inspection shall be submitted separately.
c) Post Cleaning Videos Prior To The Rehabilitation Of Mains - You shall
video record the pipe segments after the cleaning process has been
completed and prior to commencing the rehabilitation Work. If point
repairs are necessary, you shall identify the location of the proposed
point repairs and submit the post cleaning video within 5 Working
Days of completion of the segment cleaning and at least 5 Working
Days prior to commencing the rehab Work to obtain prior approval by
the Engineer. The Engineer will review each video submittal within 10
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 310
Working Days of receiving the submittal. The post cleaning video for
the remainder of the mainline segments shall also be submitted.
d) Post Cleaning Videos Prior to the Rehabilitation of Laterals (Lateral
Launch Videos) - You shall video record the lateral segments after the
cleaning process has been completed and prior to commencing any
Work on laterals. The post cleaning video for lateral launch shall be
submitted within 5 Working Days of segment cleaning. The Engineer
will review each video submittal within 10 Working Days of receiving
each submittal. Each submittal shall be limited to 20 segments. The
video inspection shall include the inspection of service laterals a
minimum of 30 feet (9 m) in length from the mainline or up to the
property line unless an obstruction is encountered.
e) Service Lateral Video - If the property line cleanouts are not known to
exist, the service lateral video may be obtained with camera
equipment designed to launch into the service lateral from the
mainline or access from the private property with the homeowner’s
permission. Each service lateral shall be identified by the FSN of the
mainline, when included in the Contract Documents, and the address
of the property which it serves.
f) Final Video Inspection - New sewer mains or storm drains shall be
video inspected and recorded not less than 22 Working Days after the
completion of permanent trench restoration and finished grading, but
prior to final resurfacing. You shall review the digital file for any
discrepancies or deficiencies in the installation of the pipe or liner. You
shall notify the Engineer at least 30 Working Days in advance of the
anticipated date that Acceptance will be requested. If the specified
advance notice is not given, Acceptance and bond release may be
g) For sewer mains only: You shall first clean the line with high pressure
water jetting equipment and a sewer ball and then perform tests as
specified by the Engineer. You shall provide for the collection of debris
from the leaning operation. You shall dispose the water into an
existing sanitary sewer system.
h) For sewer mains only: The camera shall stop at each lateral
connection, focus on the bottom of the opening, and then shall make
one slow clockwise observation around the perimeter of the lateral
which clearly shows the quality of the connection. The camera shall
then focus on the center of the lateral opening for a minimum of 15
seconds before moving on to also adequately show and document
that the saddle has been installed properly for new installations and
that the lateral opening has been reestablished for rehabilitation. Each
lateral shall be identified by the address of the property which it
serves. If you fail to properly show and document within the database
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 311
any of the lateral openings, you shall be required to repeat the video
recording of that section of pipeline at no additional cost to the City.
i) Post-rehabilitation Videos - Post-rehabilitation videos shall be submitted
within 30 Calendar Days of the completion of the Work in phases not to
exceed 2 mile increments. The final video recording shall clearly show the
condition of the liner with ends sealed at the manholes, service laterals,
and connection seals. The submittal of this final video recording shall also
include MS Access database and marked up Field Book pages or Plans as
j) Failure to comply with these specifications, including the failure to
deliver the submittal(s) within the time identified or if a total of more than
20 segments are submitted in a single video, may result in one or more of
the following:
i. A delay of the review and approval of the submittal(s).
ii. A delay in progress payments.
iii. A requirement for you to repeat video recording at no cost to
the City.
306-18.6 Tolerances.
1. Tolerances encountered following inspection shall be addressed as follows:
a) For new underground sewer or storm drain conduit installations, the
maximum operational tolerance for sag shall be ½ inch (12.7
mm). When video recorded inspection is used to check for sag, a
calibrated ¼ inch (6.4 mm) diameter steel bar mounted in front of the
camera shall be used to measure the depth of sag.
b) If the Engineer determines that the deficiencies or sags are non-
repairable in place, the affected portion(s) shall be reconstructed in
accordance with 6-8, “Completion, Acceptance, and Warranty”.
306-18.7 Payment.
1. The payment for the cleaning and video inspection of existing pipelines and
culverts shall be included in the Contract Price unless a Bid item has been
provided for “Cleaning and Video Inspection of Existing Pipelines and Culverts”.
2. The payment for the video inspection of pipelines, culverts, and laterals for
acceptance shall be included in the Contract Price unless a Bid item has been
provided forVideo Inspection for Pipelines and Culverts for Acceptance”.
3. The payment for the cleaning and video inspection of laterals to be
rehabilitated (Lateral Launch Videos) shall be included in the Bid item for
“Cleaning and Video Inspection of Existing Pipelines and Culverts” unless a Bid
item has been provided for “Cleaning and Video Inspection of Existing
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 312
4. The payment for the video inspection of rehabilitated laterals for acceptance
shall be included in the Bid item for “Video Inspection for Pipelines and
Culverts for Acceptance”.
5. The payment for post-rehabilitation videos shall be included in the associated
Bid items provided, regardless of the number of phased videos required at 2-
mile increments.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 313
307-1.7 Payment. ADD the following:
1. The payment for jacking operations shall include the casing and the carrier
pipes and shall be included in the Bid item for “Sewer Main by Jacking
Operation with Steel Casing”.
307-1.8 Jacking Polymer Concrete Pipe.
307-1.8.1 Material. Polymer Concrete Pipe material shall be in accordance with 207-26,
307-1.8.2 Installation. The installation of pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with
the project plans and specifications and the manufacturer’s recommended
307-1.8.3 Pipe Handling. Textile slings, union anchor lifting devices or other suitable
materials and/or a forklift are recommended.
307-1.8.4 Jointing.
1. Pipe end, gasket and sealing surfaces shall be inspected for damage
and cleaned of all debris.
2. Apply joint lubricant to the sleeve coupling interior and the elastomeric
gasket. Use only lubricants approved by the pipe manufacturer.
3. Use suitable equipment and end protection to push the pipes
4. Do not exceed joining or pushing forces recommended by the
307-1.8.5 Field Tests.
1. Pressure Testing and Leakage Testing. Testing shall conform to
307-1.8.6 Tolerances. Tolerances shall be in accordance with 307-1.5, “Tolerances”.
307-1.8.7 Measurement and Payment. The measurement and payment for Polymer
Concrete Pipe shall be in accordance with 307-1.6, “Measurement” and 307-
1.7, “Payment”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 314
308-7 PIPE. ADD the following:
1. When required, the carrier pipe shall be constructed as specified on the
Plans and Special Provisions.
308-7.1 Microtunneling Polymer Concrete Pipe.
Microtunneling with Polymer Concrete Pipe shall conform to the material, installation,
pipe handling, jointing, and field test requirements in 307-1.8, “Jacking Polymer
Concrete Pipe”.
308-12 PAYMENT. ADD the following:
1. The payment for microtunneling shall include the casing and carrier pipes and
shall be included in the Bid item for “Sewer Main by Microtunneling with Steel
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 315
309-2 MATERIALS. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The concrete portion of monuments shall be constructed in accordance with 201-
2. Monument markers shall be as approved by the City and furnished by you.
309-3 CONSTRUCTION. ADD the following:
1. Adjustment of Survey Monuments shall be in accordance with 403-4, “SURVEY
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 316
314-4.3.7 Payment. ADD the following:
1. The payment for the removal and replacement of existing traffic striping,
pavement markings, and pavement markers shall be included in the lump sum
Bid item for “Removal and Replacement of Existing Paint Striping”.
2. The payment for the new installations of traffic striping, pavement markings,
and pavement markers, shall be included in the lump sum Bid item for “Paint
314-4.4.5 Measurement. ADD the following:
1. Thermoplastic traffic striping for continental crosswalks shall be measured by
the square foot for the actual area covered with thermoplastic and shall
require RE approval prior to installation.
314-4.4.6 Payment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. No separate payment shall be made for establishing alignment for stripes and
layout Work.
2. The payment for the removal and replacement of existing thermoplastic traffic
striping, pavement markings, and pavement markers shall be included in the
Bid item for “Removal and Replacement of Existing Thermoplastic Striping and
3. The payment for the installation of proposed thermoplastic striping as shown
on the Plans shall be included in the Bid item for “Thermoplastic Traffic
Striping” and shall include the payment for the installation of pavement
4. The payment for the installation of proposed thermoplastic pavement
markings as shown on the Plans shall be included in the Bid item for
“Thermoplastic Pavement Markings”.
5. The payment for the thermoplastic traffic striping of continental crosswalks
shall be included in the Bid item for “Continental Crosswalks” and shall include
the payment for the removal of existing striping, pavement markers, and
paving markings.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 317
315-1 GENERAL.
1. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a multiple pass trenchless construction
technique for installing underground conduits utilizing specialty equipment,
driller’s mud, and directional locating system(s) along a predetermined path.
When specified or as approved by the Engineer, HDD shall be subject to the
specifications in this section.
1. You shall be a certified installer trained and experienced in the use of the HDD
2. You shall submit the following items for the Engineer’s approval prior to
ordering pipe materials and the start of the Work:
a) List of past HDD projects successfully completed by the personnel
leading the Work, including at least 5 miles in the last 5 years, and a
current reference for each project.
b) Certification that you are currently licensed by the HDD system
manufacturer as an installer of their system.
c) Pipe fusion or welding operator current certification by the fusion or
welding equipment manufacturers.
d) Pre-printed machine specifications or a letter from the HDD machine
manufacturer demonstrating that the selected machine(s) is capable
of progressing through the anticipated soil conditions suitable for the
size and scope of the Project. Calculations showing drill rig shall exceed
maximum anticipated pull-back of pushing forces, as measured by the
worst case, by at least 25%.
e) Construction procedure for pipe installation including:
i. Proposed dimensions, locations, methods of excavation,
shoring, bracing and ventilation of insertion and receiving pits.
Pits shall be of the smallest size practical for construction and
shall have a sump to remove incidental construction water.
ii. Pilot hole bore diameter and bore hole diameter.
iii. Equipment technical data and operating procedures.
iv. Method of construction, reconnection and restoration of
existing sewer laterals, if applicable.
v. Sewer bypass plans as required.
f) Contingency plans for approval for the following potential conditions:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 318
i. Monitoring for loss of ground or heaving.
ii. Encountering an unforeseen obstruction.
iii. Loss of, and return to, line and grade.
g) Manufacturer recommendations for handling, storage, and repair of
pipe and fittings. Pipe physical properties and specifications.
Calculations indicating that the method or process used does not
exceed the allowable tensile and compression limits of the pipe and
the pipe can withstand the final in place loading.
h) Proposed tracking method to be used during construction.
i) Layout of HDD equipment and above ground equipment at each shaft
location. For projects with limited Work area, the HDD machine shall
be a pit launched machine.
j) Driller’s mud mixing and recycling system details. Information about the
drilling fluid to be used (including product information, material
specifications, and handling procedures), material safety data sheet
and special precautions required, methods of mixing and application, and
disposal plan. Circulating pumping capacity as measured by volume,
density, and psi shall exceed maximum anticipated requirements by 20%.
k) Method of spoil removal, spoil disposal, disposal location.
l) Electrical system, lighting system, and onsite power generation.
m) Grade and alignment control system details including direction of
n) Compressed air plant details if a pneumatic hammer system is used. Air
compressor capacity as measured by volume and psi shall exceed
maximum anticipated requirements by approximately 20%.
1. The directional drilling equipment shall consist of a directional drilling rig of
sufficient capacity to perform the bore(s) and pull-back of the pipe(s), a drilling
fluid mixing and delivery system of sufficient capacity to successfully complete
the Work, and a guidance system to accurately guide boring operations.
315-3.1 Drilling Rig.
1. The directional drilling machine shall consist of a hydraulically powered
system to rotate, push, and pull drill pipe while delivering a pressurized fluid
mixture to a steer-able drill head. The drill rig may include drill steel handling
equipment and grippers for the adding or removal of additional lengths of drill
steel. The machine shall be anchored to withstand the pulling, pushing, and
rotating forces required to complete the project. The drilling rig hydraulic system
shall be self-contained with sufficient pressure and volume to power drilling
operations. The hydraulic system shall be free of leaks. The drilling rig shall have
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 319
a system to monitor and record maximum pull-back hydraulic pressure during
pull-back operations.
315-3.2 Drill Head.
1. The horizontal directional drilling equipment shall produce a stable fluid lined
tunnel with the use of a steerable drill head. The system shall be able to control
the depth and direction of the pipe. Drill head shall contain all necessary
cutters and fluid jets for the operation and shall be of the appropriate design
for the medium being drilled.
315-3.3 Drilling Fluid System.
315-3.3.1 Drilling Fluid.
1. Drilling fluid shall be composed of clean water and the appropriate additive(s)
for the fluid to be used. Water shall be from a clean source and shall meet the
mixing requirements of the manufacturer. The water and additives shall be
mixed thoroughly to assure the absence of any clumps or clods. No hazardous
additives may be used.
2. Drilling fluid shall be maintained at a viscosity sufficient to suspend cuttings
and maintain the integrity of bore wall(s). Drilling fluid shall be disposed of
offsite in accordance with local, state, and federal requirements and permit
conditions. No additional chemicals or polymer surfactants shall be allowed to be
added to the drilling fluid as submitted for this project without written consent of
the Engineer.
315-3.3.2 Mixing System.
1. A self-contained, closed, drilling fluid mixing system shall be of sufficient size to
mix and deliver drilling fluid for the Project. The mixing system shall be able to
ensure thorough mixing of the drilling fluid. The drilling fluid reservoir tank shall
be sized for adequate storage of the fluid. The mixing system shall continually
agitate the drilling fluid during drilling operations.
315-3.3.3 Drilling Fluid Delivery and Recovery System.
1. The drilling fluid pumping system shall have a minimum capacity to supply drilling
fluid in accordance with the drilling equipment pull-back rating at a constant
required pressure. The delivery system shall have filters or other appropriate in-
line equipment to prevent solids from being pumped into the drill pipe.
2. Used drilling fluid and drilling fluid spilled during drilling operations shall be
contained and properly disposed of. The use of spill containment measures
shall be maintained around drill rigs, drilling fluid mixing system, entry and
exit pits and drilling fluid recycling system, if used, to prevent spills into the
surrounding environment. Pumps, vacuum truck(s), and storage of sufficient
size shall be in place to contain excess drilling fluid.
3. A closed-loop drilling fluid system and a drilling fluid cleaning system shall be
used to whatever extent practical depending upon project size and conditions.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 320
Under no circumstances shall drilling fluid that has escaped containment be
reused in the drilling system.
4. In the event of a drilling fluid fracture, returns loss, or other loss of drilling
fluid, operations shall immediately cease and you shall be responsible for
restoring any damaged property to original condition and cleaning up the area
in the vicinity of the damage or loss. You shall immediately inform the
315-3.4 Pipe Pull Heads.
1. Pipe pull heads shall be utilized that employ a positive through-bolt design
assuring a smooth wall against the pipe cross-section at all times. Pipe pull
heads shall be specifically designed for use with fusible pipe and shall be as
recommended by the pipe supplier.
1. The pits shall be located such that their total number shall be minimized and
the length of replacement pipe installed in a single pull shall be maximized.
Locations of manholes shall be used for insertion or access pits when feasible.
2. Excavation shall be between the easements or right-of-way lines to the lines
and grades designated on the Drawings. You shall size and locate pits so that
they minimize interferences with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. If the traffic
plans cannot accommodate the location or size of the proposed access pits,
you shall be responsible for the changes or for new plans required in
accordance with 5-7, “SAFETY”.
3. Entry and exit areas shall be excavated so as not to exceed the bending limitations
of the pipe as recommended by the manufacturer. The pit(s) and related
excavations shall be shored to prevent any movement or slippage of earth. You
shall take the necessary precautions, such as chain link fencing or plating, to prevent
unauthorized persons from accidentally entering the pits.
1. The drill path shall be accurately surveyed with entry and exit areas placed in
the appropriate locations within the areas indicated on Plans. If using a
magnetic guidance system, drill path will be surveyed for any surface
geomagnetic variations or anomalies. Instrumentation shall be provided and
maintained at all times that accurately locates the pilot hole, measures drill-
string axial and torsional loads and measures drilling fluid discharge rate and
pressure. Entry and exit areas shall be drilled without exceeding the bending
limitations of the pipe as recommended by the manufacturer.
1. The Site as indicated on the Plans shall be graded or filled to provide a level
working area. No alterations beyond what is required for operations shall be
made. You shall confine all activities to designated Work areas.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 321
1. The system shall be able to control the depth and direction of the pipe.
Calibration of the electronic detection and control system shall be verified
prior to the start of the bore. The drilling head shall be remotely steerable by
means of an electronic or magnetic detection system. The drilling head
location shall be monitored in the three following dimensions:
a) Offset from the baseline.
b) Distance along the baseline.
c) Depth of cover.
315-8.1 Pilot Hole Bore.
1. Pilot hole shall be drilled along bore path. In the event that the pilot bore does
deviate from the bore path, you shall notify the Engineer and the Engineer may
require you to pull-back and re-drill from the location along bore path before the
2. You shall limit curvature in any direction to reduce force on the pipe during
pull-back. The minimum radius of curvature shall be no less than that specified
by the pipe manufacturer and as indicated on the Plans. In the event that a
drilling fluid fracture, inadvertent returns, or returns loss occurs during pilot
hole drilling operations, you shall cease drilling and contact the Engineer.
3. The pilot hole bore alignment shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the
back reaming phase and pipe installation.
315-8.2 Reaming.
1. After successfully completing the pilot hole, the bore hole shall be reamed. A
swivel shall be used between the reaming head and the fusible pipe to
minimize torsion stress on the assembly.
1. Carrier pipe materials shall be approved by the Engineer. You shall use only
HDPE. You shall furnish and install a structurally sound, leak-proof, fusible high
density polyethelene pipe for all piping identified for installation by horizontal
directional drilling. You shall be responsible for the sizing of the carrier pipe to
withstand all installation forces, curvature, residual forces, and final in-place
loading. The selected material shall have an inside diameter no less than what
is stated on the Plans. Individual pipe lengths shall be assembled by butt-
fusion unless otherwise specified.
1. You shall monitor for ground movement associated with the Work and shall
maintain no ground settlement or heave. The pipe shall be installed in a
manner that does not cause upheaval, settlement, cracking, or movement and
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 322
distortion of surface features. You shall monitor for ground movement
associated with the Work and make all efforts to maintain no settlement or
heave. Monitoring points shall include the centerline of the designed
installation with points on the adjacent foundations, unless otherwise
approved by the Engineer.
2. You shall be responsible for any damage to existing utilities, structures, and
adjacent properties due to settlement or heave and shall repair or replace
them in kind at no cost to the City.
1. You shall inspect the sewer pipe immediately after the pipe installation in
accordance with 500-3.4, “Video Inspection”. Prior to pipeline CCTV inspection,
you shall perform sewer cleaning in accordance with 500-3, “CLEANING AND
1. Pipe not meeting the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be
abandoned and full pressure grouted in place in accordance with 306-3.3,
“Removal and Abandonment of Existing Conduits and Structures” and an
alternate installation shall be done at no cost to the City. The abandoned pipe
shall be properly shown on the Red-lines.
2. Line shall not vary from designed centerline by more than 1 inch (25.4 mm)
horizontally and shall always be within the confined right of way. Grade shall
always intersect the tie-in, provide a properly functioning gravity sewer, shall be ±
1% of design grade at all times, and never less than 1% for sewer mains and 2%
for sewer laterals, unless otherwise shown on the plans.
3. If misalignment is encountered during installation due to voids surrounding
the existing pipe, you shall replace the defective section by making point
repairs that shall be acceptable to the Engineer. You shall be compensated for
such corrective measures if the Engineer determines that such difficulties are
due to existing voids. If you do not inform and demonstrate this to the
Engineer, the misalignment shall be considered to be caused by your failure
to follow correct installation procedures and corrective measures shall be
done at your expense.
4. If pre-installation CCTV inspection reveals sag, offset joints, or obstructions in
the existing sewer, you shall install the replacement pipe for an acceptable
finished product. You shall take the necessary measures to eliminate the
unacceptable conditions described in these specifications by making point
repairs in accordance with 500-4, “PIPELINE POINT REPAIR AND/OR
REPLACEMENT”, or by other measures acceptable to the Engineer.
5. You shall re-drill another line at no additional cost to the City if gouges or
excessive surface damage of more than 10% of the wall thickness occur.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 323
6. The tolerance for the annular space shall be 1 inch (25.4 mm) unless you
demonstrate that a proposed higher tolerance is the minimum possible
without affecting the main pipeline.
7. Testing of materials shall be in accordance with 500-5.1.1, “Sampling, Testing,
and Installation”. Testing of the finished pipe shall be performed in accordance
with 306-7.8, “Gravity Pipeline Testing”.
8. During installation, you shall install a rock trap in the downstream manhole.
Install the trap daily prior to the commencement of Work and monitor it during
Working hours. The trap shall be removed at the end of each Working Day.
1. You shall locate and expose sewer lateral connections prior to pipe
installation. Reconnections shall be performed immediately after mainline
horizontal directional drilling. Sewer laterals shall be reconnected to the pipe
by using heat or electro-fusion tee or wye (Y) or strap saddles. Heat or electro-
fusion tees and wye saddles shall be made of a polyethylene pipe compound
that meets the requirements of ASTM D1248, Class C, suitable for fusion
welding to polyethylene pipe. Once saddles are secured in place, a hole shall
be drilled to the size of the full inside diameter of the saddle outlet. Edges shall
be smooth and free of abraded and loose material.
1. The payment for horizontal directional drilling Work shall include the pipe
material and shall be included in the linear foot Bid item for “Horizontal
Directional Drilling and Pipe”.
2. The payment for each sewer lateral connection associated with Horizontal
Direction Drilling shall be included in the bid item for “Sewer Lateral
Connection to HDD Pipe”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 324
316-1 GENERAL.
1. Pipe bursting is the process of bursting the existing pipe and compressing the
old pipe sections into the surrounding soil while simultaneously installing a
new pipe of the same or larger size inside the annulus created followed by
sewer lateral reconnections. When specified or as approved by the Engineer,
pipe bursting shall be subject to these specifications.
1. You shall be a certified installer trained and experienced in the use of the pipe
bursting method. The pipe welding shall be performed by personnel trained,
experienced, and certified in the use of the welding equipment.
2. You shall submit the following items for the Engineer’s approval prior to
ordering pipe materials and the start of the Work:
a) List of past projects successfully completed by the personnel leading
the Work, including at least 5 miles in the last 5 years, and current
reference for each project.
b) Certification that you are licensed by the trenchless pipe replacement
system manufacturer as an installer of their system.
c) Pipe fusion or welding operator certification by the fusion or welding
equipment manufacturers.
d) Construction procedure for pipe installation:
i. Proposed dimensions, locations, methods of excavation,
shoring, and bracing of insertion and receiving pits.
ii. Equipment technical data and operating procedures.
iii. Manufacturer recommendations for handling, storage, and
repair of pipe and fittings.
iv. CCTV inspection performed to locate live services, sags, offset
joints, obstructions, and all other necessary information in
accordance with 500-3.4, “Video Inspection”.
v. Proposed point repair locations and methods.
vi. Method of construction, reconnection, and restoration of
existing sewer laterals.
vii. Sewer bypass plans as required. Provide contingency plans for
approval for the following potential conditions:
Monitoring for loss of ground or heaving
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 325
Encountering an unforeseen obstruction
Loss of, and return to, line and grade
e) Pipe physical properties and specifications. Calculations indicating that
the method or process used does not exceed the allowable tensile and
compression limits of the pipe. Provide the proposed tracking method to
be used during construction (such as pulling logs).
1. Sections of polyethylene replacement pipe shall be assembled and joined on
the Site above the ground. The replacement pipe shall be joined in appropriate
working lengths near the insertion pit. Jointing shall be accomplished by the
heating and butt-fusion system in strict conformance with the manufacturer’s
printed instructions. The joints shall have a smooth, uniform, double rolled
back bead between 1/8 inch and 3/16 inch (3.2 mm and 4.8 mm) made while
applying the proper melt, pressure, and alignment. The beads shall be
removed prior to pipe installation. The final pipe surfaces shall be smooth
after bead removal. Joints shall be made available for inspection by the
Engineer before insertion.
2. Pipes shall be capable of withstanding all forces imposed in the process of
installation and the final in-place loading conditions. The pipe, including the
ends and joints, shall be protected against damage. Any pipe damaged during
installation shall be replaced by you. The replacement of damaged pipe or
installation of a new pipe shall be at no additional cost to the City.
3. The installed replacement pipe shall be continuous over the entire length of
each pipe segment from manhole to manhole. Replacement pipe with gashes,
nicks, abrasions, or any such physical damage which may have occurred
during storage or handling shall not be used and shall be removed from the
Site. You shall exercise care in handling the pipe and shall not drag the pipe
on pavement.
1. You shall locate and expose sewer lateral connections prior to the pipe installation.
Reconnections shall be performed immediately after mainline pipe bursting.
Sewer laterals shall be reconnected to the pipe by using heat or electro-fusion
tee or wye or strap saddles. Heat or electro-fusion tees and wye saddles shall
be made of a polyethylene pipe compound that meets the requirements of
ASTM D1248, Class C, suitable for fusion welding to polyethylene pipe. Once
saddles are secured in place, a hole shall be drilled to the size of the full inside
diameter of the saddle outlet. Edges shall be smooth and free of abraded and
loose material.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 326
1. See 315-10, “GROUND MONITORING”.
316-9 PAYMENT.
1. The payment for pipe bursting Work shall include the pipe material and shall
be included in the linear foot Bid item for “Pipe Bursting”.
2. The payment for each sewer lateral connection associated with Pipe Bursting shall
be included in the Bid item for “Sewer Lateral Connection to Pipe Bursting”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 327
317-1.1 Fusion Technician Requirements.
1. Fusible HDPE pipe shall be fused by qualified fusion technicians, as documented
by the pipe supplier. Training records for qualified fusion technicians shall be
available to the Engineer upon request. The fusion technician shall be fully
qualified by the pipe supplier to install fusible HDPE pipe of the type(s) and size(s)
being used.
317-1.2 Fusion Process.
1. Fusible pipe shall be handled in a safe and non-destructive manner before,
during, and after the fusion process and in accordance with these
specifications and pipe supplier’s recommendations.
2. The fusible pipe shall be installed without exceeding the recommended
bending radius.
3. Where fusible pipe is installed by pulling in tension, the recommended safe
pulling force, according to the pipe supplier, shall not be exceeded.
4. Only appropriately sized and outfitted fusion machines that have been
approved by the pipe supplier shall be used for the fusion process.
5. Fusion machines shall incorporate the following properties and elements:
a) HEAT PLATE Heat plates shall be in good condition with no deep
gouges or scratches within the pipe circle being fused. Plates shall be
clean and free of any contamination. Heater controls shall properly
function and cords and plugs shall be in good condition. The
appropriately sized heat plate shall be capable of maintaining a
uniform and consistent heat profile and temperature for the size of
pipe being fused per the pipe supplier’s recommendations.
b) CARRIAGE Carriage shall travel smoothly with no binding at less than
50 psi. Jaws shall be in good condition with proper inserts for the pipe
size being fused. Insert pins shall be installed with no interference to
carriage travel.
c) GENERAL MACHINE Overview of machine body shall yield no obvious
defects, missing parts, or potential safety issues during fusion.
d) DATALOGGER The current version of the pipe supplier’s recommended
and compatible software shall be used. Protective cases shall be utilized
for the hand held wireless portion of the unit. Datalogger operations and
maintenance manuals shall be with the unit at all times. If fusing for
extended periods of time, an independent 110V power source shall be
available to extend battery life.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 328
6. Other equipment specifically required for the fusion process shall include the
a) Pipe rollers shall be used for support of pipe to either side of the
b) A weather protection canopy that allows full machine motion of the
heat plate, fusion assembly, and carriage shall be provided for fusion
in inclement and/or windy weather.
c) Fusion machine operations and maintenance manuals shall be kept
with the fusion machine at all times.
d) Facing blades specifically designed for cutting fusible PVC pipe.
7. Each fusion joint shall be recorded and logged by an electronic monitoring
device (Datalogger) connected to the fusion machine. The fusion data logging
and joint report shall be generated by software developed specifically for the
fusion of fusible PVC pipe. The software shall include fusible HDPE pipe based
dimensional data and fusible PVC pipe based interfacial pressure relationships.
Data not logged by the Datalogger shall be logged manually and be included in
the Fusion Technician’s joint report.
317-1.3 Fusion Joints.
1. Unless otherwise specified, fusible HDPE pipe lengths shall be assembled in
the field with butt-fused joints. You shall follow the pipe supplier’s written
instructions for this procedure. Joint strength shall be equal to the pipe as
demonstrated by the testing requirements. Fusion joints shall be completed
as described in these specifications.
2. All internal and external beads shall be removed prior to installation in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. The final pipe surfaces
shall be smooth after bead removal. Joints shall be made available for
inspection by the Engineer before insertion.
3. PVC gasketed and push-on fittings and retainer glands shall be installed per
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
317-1.4 Pipe Installation.
1. The pipe, including the ends and joints, shall be protected against damage.
Any pipe damaged during the installation shall be replaced by you. Pipe shall
be fused prior to insertion. The installed replacement pipe shall be continuous
over the entire length from manhole to manhole. Replacement pipe with
gashes, nicks, abrasions, or any such physical damage which may have
occurred during storage or handling shall not be used and shall be removed
from the Site. You shall exercise care in handling the pipe and shall not drag
the pipe on pavement.
317-1.5 Pipe Pull-Back and Insertion.
1. You shall handle the pipe in a manner that will not over-stress the pipe prior
to insertion. Vertical and horizontal curves shall be limited so that the pipe
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 329
does not over-deflect, buckle, or otherwise become damaged. Damaged
portions of the pipe shall be removed and replaced.
2. The pipe entry area shall be graded if needed to provide support for the pipe
and to allow free movement into the bore hole. The pipe shall be guided into
the bore hole to avoid deformation of or damage to the pipe.
3. The fusible pipe may be continuously or partially supported on rollers or by
other Engineer-approved and friction-decreasing supports during joining and
insertion if the pipe is not overstressed or critically abraded prior to or during
4. Buoyancy modification shall be at your sole discretion and shall not exceed
the pipe supplier’s recommendations. Damage caused by buoyancy
modifications shall be your responsibility.
5. Once pull-back operations have commenced, the operation shall continue
without interruption until the pipe is completely pulled through the bore hole.
Except for drill rod removal, pull-back operations shall not cease until the pipe
has been completely installed to final position. During the pull-back
operations, excessive pull-back force shall be reported to the Engineer.
317-1.6 Connection to Sanitary Sewer Manholes and Structures.
1. Fusible HDPE pipe shall be connected to manholes and other structures to
provide a leak-free and properly graded flow into or out of the manhole or
2. For a cored or drilled opening, provide a flexible and watertight connection
that meets or exceeds ASTM C923.
3. For a knockout opening, provide a watertight connection meeting the material
requirements of ASTM C923 that is securely attached to the pipe with stainless
steel bands or other means.
4. For grout openings in manhole walls with non-shrink grout, pour a concrete
collar around the pipe and outside the manhole opening. Provide flexible pipe
joints or flexible connectors within 2 feet (0.6 m) of collar.
5. A flexible and watertight gasket per ASTM C923 shall be cast integrally with
riser section(s) for all precast manhole and structures.
6. Grout internal joint space with non-shrink grout.
317-1.7 Ground Monitoring.
1. See 315-10, “GROUND MONITORING”.
317-1.8 Video Inspection and Cleaning.
317-1.9 Quality Control.
1. See 315-12, “QUALITY CONTROL”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 330
317-1.10 Payment.
1. The payment for pipe fusion Work shall be included in the linear foot Bid item
for “Fusible HDPE Pipe”.
2. The payment for each sewer lateral connection associated with fusible HDPE
pipe shall be included in the Bid item for “Sewer Lateral Connection” in
accordance with 306-17.2, “Payment”.
317-2.1 Fusion Technician Requirements.
1. Fusible Pressure PVC Pipe shall be butt-fused by qualified fusion technicians,
as certified by the pipe supplier. Training records for qualified fusion
technicians shall be available to the Engineer upon request. The fusion
technician shall be fully qualified by the pipe supplier to install fusible Pressure
PVC pipe of the type(s) and size(s) being used.
317-2.2 Fusion Process.
1. Fusible pipe shall be handled in a safe and non-destructive manner before,
during, and after the fusion process and in accordance with these
specifications and pipe supplier’s recommendations.
2. Fusible PVC pipe shall be butt-fused by qualified fusion technicians, as certified
by the pipe supplier.
3. Each fusion joint shall be recorded and logged by an electronic monitoring
device (data logger) connected to the fusion machine.
4. The fusible pipe shall be installed without exceeding the recommended
bending radius.
5. Where fusible pipe is installed by pulling in tension, the recommended safe
pulling force, according to the pipe supplier, shall not be exceeded.
6. Only appropriately sized and outfitted fusion machines that have been
approved by the pipe supplier shall be used for the fusion process.
7. Fusion machines shall incorporate the following properties and elements:
a) HEAT PLATE Heat plates shall be in good condition with no deep
gouges or scratches within the pipe circle being fused. Plates shall be
clean and free of any contamination. Heater controls shall properly
function and cords and plugs shall be in good condition. The
appropriately sized heat plate shall be capable of maintaining a
uniform and consistent heat profile and temperature for the size of
pipe being fused per the pipe supplier’s recommendations.
b) CARRIAGE Carriage shall travel smoothly with no binding at less than 50
psi. Jaws shall be in good condition with proper inserts for the pipe size
being fused. Insert pins shall be installed with no interference to carriage
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 331
c) GENERAL MACHINE Overview of machine body shall yield no obvious
defects, missing parts, or potential safety issues during fusion.
d) DATALOGGER The current version of the pipe supplier’s
recommended and compatible software shall be used. Protective
cases shall be utilized for the hand held wireless portion of the unit.
Datalogger operations and maintenance manual shall be with the unit
at all times. If fusing for extended periods of time, an independent 110
V power source shall be available to extend battery life.
8. Other equipment specifically required for the fusion process shall include the
a) Pipe rollers shall be used for support of pipe to either side of the
b) A weather protection canopy that allows full machine motion of the
heat plate, fusion assembly, and carriage shall be provided for fusion
in inclement and /or windy weather.
c) An infrared (IR) pyrometer for checking pipe and heat plate temperatures.
d) Fusion machine operations and maintenance manual shall be kept
with the fusion machine at all times.
e) Facing blades specifically designed for cutting fusible PVC pipe.
9. Each fusion joint shall be recorded and logged by an electronic monitoring
device (Datalogger) connected to the fusion machine. The fusion data logging
and joint report shall be generated by software developed specifically for the
fusion of fusible PVC pipe. The software shall include fusible HDPE pipe based
dimensional data and fusible PVC pipe based interfacial pressure
relationships. Data not logged by the Datalogger shall be logged manually and
be included in the Fusion Technician’s joint report.
317-2.3 Fusion Joints.
1. Unless otherwise specified, fusible pressure PVC pipe lengths shall be
assembled in the field with butt-fused joints. You shall follow the pipe
supplier’s written instructions for this procedure. Joint strength shall be equal
to the pipe as demonstrated by testing requirements. Fusion joints shall be
completed as described in these specifications.
2. All external beads shall be removed prior to installation in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendation. The final pipe surfaces shall be smooth after
bead removal. Internal beads need not be removed. Joints shall be made
available for inspection by the Engineer before insertion.
3. PVC gasketed and push-on fittings and retainer glands shall be installed per
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 332
317-2.4 Pipe Installation.
1. The pipe, including the ends and joints, shall be protected against damage.
Any pipe damaged during installation shall be replaced by you. Pipe shall be
fused prior to insertion. Replacement pipe with gashes, nicks, abrasions, or
any such physical damage which may have occurred during storage or
handling shall not be used and shall be removed from the Site. You shall
exercise care in handling the pipe and shall not drag the pipe on pavement.
2. During installation, comply with the following:
a) Installation guidelines from the pipe supplier shall be followed for all
b) The fusible PVC pipe shall be installed in a manner so as not to exceed
the recommended bending radius.
c) Where fusible PVC pipe is installed by pulling in tension, the recommended
safe pulling force established by the pipe supplier shall not be exceeded.
317-2.5 Pipe Pull-back and Insertion.
1. You shall handle the pipe in a manner that will not over-stress the pipe prior
to insertion. Vertical and horizontal curves shall be limited so that the pipe
does not over-deflect, buckle, or otherwise become damaged. Damaged
portions of the pipe shall be removed and replaced.
2. The pipe entry area shall be graded if needed to provide support for the pipe
and to allow free movement into the bore hole. The pipe shall be guided into
the bore hole to avoid deformation of or damage to the pipe.
3. The fusible pipe may be continuously or partially supported on rollers or other
Engineer approved friction decreasing implement during joining and insertion,
if the pipe is not over-stressed or critically abraded prior to or during
4. Buoyancy modification shall be at your sole discretion and shall not exceed
the pipe supplier’s recommendations. Damage caused by buoyancy
modifications shall be your responsibility.
5. Once pull-back operations have commenced, the operation shall continue
without interruption until the pipe is completely pulled through the bore hole.
Except for drill rod removal, pull-back operations shall not cease until the pipe
has been completely installed to final position. During the pull-back
operations, excessive pull-back force shall be reported to the Engineer.
317-2.6 Preparation Prior to Connections to Existing Pipe System.
1. Approximate locations of existing piping systems are shown on the Plans. Prior
to making connections into existing piping systems, you shall:
a) Field verify locations, sizes, piping materials, and piping systems of the
existing pipe.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 333
b) Obtain all required fittings, which may include saddles, sleeve type
couplings, flanges, tees, or others as shown on the Plans.
c) Have installed all temporary pumps and/or pipes.
2. Unless otherwise approved, new piping systems shall be completely installed
and successfully tested prior to making connections into existing pipe systems.
317-2.7 Pipe System Connections.
1. Pipe connections shall be installed per the applicable standards and regulations
as well as per the connection manufacturer’s guidelines and as indicated on the
2. Pipe connections to structures shall be installed per applicable standards and
regulations as well as per the connection manufacturer’s guidelines.
317-2.8 Tapping for Potable and Non-potable Water.
1. Tapping shall be performed using standard tapping saddles designed for use on
PVC piping in accordance with AWWA C605. Tapping shall be performed only with
use of tap saddles or sleeves. Direct tapping shall not be permitted. Tapping shall
be performed in accordance with the applicable sections for saddle tapping per Uni-
2. All connections requiring a larger diameter than that recommended by the pipe
supplier shall be made with a pipe connection as specified and indicated on the
3. Equipment used for tapping shall be made specifically for tapping PVC pipe.
a) Tapping bits shall be slotted shell” style cutters specifically made for
PVC pipe. Hole saws” made for cutting wood, steel, ductile iron, or
other materials shall be strictly prohibited.
b) Manually operated or power operated drilling machines may be used.
c) Taps may be performed while the pipeline is filled with water and
under pressure (wet tap) or when the pipeline is not filled with water
and not under pressure (dry tap).
317-2.9 Hydrostatic Test for Pressure Pipe.
1. Testing shall comply with 306-8.9.2, “Hydrostatic Pressure Test” and all
applicable jurisdictional building codes, statutes, standards, regulations, and
a) Hydrostatic and leakage testing for piping systems that contain
mechanical jointing as well as fused PVC jointing shall comply with
AWWA C605.
b) A simultaneous hydrostatic and leakage test following installation with
a pressure equal to 150% of the working pressure at point of test but
not less than 100% of the normal working pressure at highest elevation
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 334
shall be applied, unless otherwise approved by the engineer. The
duration of the pressure test shall be for 2 hours.
c) If hydrostatic testing and leakage testing are performed at
separate times, follow procedures as outlined in AWWA C605.
d) In preparation for pressure testing, the following parameters shall be
i. All air shall be vented from the pipeline prior to pressurization.
This may be accomplished with the use of the air relief valves or
corporation stop valves, vent piping in the testing hardware or
end caps, or any other method which adequately allows air to
escape the pipeline at all high points. Venting may also be
accomplished by “flushing” the pipeline in accordance with the
parameters and procedures as described in AWWA C605.
317-2.10 Disinfection of the Potable Water Pipe.
1. After installation and after passing all required testing, the pipeline shall be
disinfected prior to being put into service.
2. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the pipeline shall be disinfected in
accordance with 306-8.9.4, “Disinfection” and in accordance with AWWA C651.
317-2.11 Ground Monitoring.
1. See 315-10, “GROUND MONITORING”.
317-2.12 Payment.
1. The payment for pipe fusion Work shall be included in the linear foot Bid item
for “Fusible Pressure PVC Pipe”.
2. The payment for water service connections associated with fusible pressure
PVC Pipe shall be paid for in accordance with 306-15.8 “Pipeline Appurtenance”
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 335
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 336
400-1 GENERAL. Paragraph (2), DELETE in its entirety.
ADD the following:
1. You shall repair or replace all existing improvements within the project area
which are
not designated for removal (curbs, sidewalks, driveways, fences,
walls, signs, utility installations,
pavement, structures, and etc.) that have been
damaged or removed as a result of your operations. When a portion
of a
sprinkler system within the project area must be removed, the remaining lines
shall be capped.
Repairs and replacements shall be at least equal to the
existing improvements and shall match them in finish
and dimension.
2. The City reserves the right to repair damages to the City’s facilities caused by
your operations at your expense.
3. You are responsible for coordinating with property owners for access to be
provided to Work on the private property.
4. Underground Work disturbing and requiring the restoration of loop detectors
and/or other detection systems shall be replaced within 3 Working Days of the
completion of that Work and trench cap. When street overlay Work is required,
replace loop detectors and/or other detection systems in accordance with 404-
5. In any emergency affecting the safety of persons or property, you shall act, at
your discretion, to prevent threatened damage, injury, or loss. Any change in
Contract Price or Contract Time resulting from emergency Work shall be
determined as provided in SECTION 2 SCOPE OF THE WORK.
400-1.1 Video Recording of Existing Conditions.
1. To document the Site deficiencies for which you are not responsible for, you
shall video record the existing conditions of the Site in advance of the Work.
Examples of the items to be recorded may include, but not be limited to:
a) Property markers.
b) Right-of-Way and easement conditions.
c) Utility markings.
d) Survey conditions.
e) Pavement conditions.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 337
f) Location and conditions of the existing pavement markers and
g) Adjacent property conditions.
h) Sidewalk, walk, median, curb, and gutter conditions.
i) Safety conditions.
j) Unusual conditions or equipment.
k) Existing canyon conditions (including vegetation) along the pipe
l) Existing vegetation.
m) Existing turf grass conditions.
n) Existing site improvements.
o) Existing fencing, walls and gates.
p) Any defacing, including graffiti.
2. Submit the DVD recordings to the Engineer prior to the mobilization of each
project phase.
400-1.1.1 Payment.
1. The payment for video recording services shall be included in the Bid item for
“Video Recording of Existing Conditions”.
400-1.2 Placement and Removal of Markouts.
1. Markouts refer to the temporary marking or painting of the ground, pavement,
or sidewalk by the facility or utility owner or its representative for your
2. Do not place Markouts in the public right-of-way more than 30 Days prior to
the commencement of excavation.
3. Remove Markouts from all surfaces in the public right-of-way, including
decorative surfaces, within 30 Calendar Days of the completion of the Work.
400-1.2.1 Payment.
1. The payment for the placement and removal of Markouts shall be included in
the Contract Price.
400-1.3 Construction Maintenance and Temporary Improvements.
1. Where construction fencing and other construction appurtenances impact
existing irrigation systems you shall install temporary irrigation improvements
outside of the project boundary to ensure adequate irrigation coverage is
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 338
maintained. You shall be responsible for the design of temporary irrigation
2. You shall be responsible for the maintenance of existing landscaping within
five feet of the construction boundary. At a minimum, maintenance shall
include weed abatement, litter pick-up, mowing and trimming.
3. You shall ensure your operations do not impact City maintenance crews
from completing their work outside the boundaries of the project.
400-2 PERMANENT SURVEY MARKERS. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. Pursuant to Division 3, Chapter 15 of the Business and Professions Code, you
shall not disturb survey monuments that “control the location of subdivisions,
tracts, boundaries, roads, streets, or highways, or provide horizontal or vertical
survey control” until they have been tied out by a Registered Land Surveyor or
Registered Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying within the State
of California.
2. Monument Preservation shall be performed by the City’s Construction
Management and Field Services (CMFS) Division on all Projects, unless
permission is obtained for these services in writing by CMFS.
3. You shall submit to the Engineer a minimum of 7 Calendar Days prior to the start
of the Work a list of controlling survey monuments which may be disturbed. CMFS
(or the private owner for Permit Work) shall perform the following:
a) Set survey points outside the affected Work area that reference and
locate each controlling survey monument that may be disturbed.
b) File a Corner Record or Record of Survey with the County Surveyor
after setting the survey points to be used for re-establishment of the
disturbed controlling survey monuments.
c) File a Corner Record or Record of Survey with the County Surveyor
after re-establishment of the disturbed controlling survey
400-3 PAYMENT. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
400-3.1 General. You shall prevent or minimize the following:
1. Root cutting or damage root systems of trees are extensive and often
asymmetric. Roots are damaged by:
a) Excavation equipment cutting roots during grade change or other
b) Trenching equipment used for gas, water, sewer, electrical,
communication, irrigation, and other utility installations.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 339
c) Coring or boring during discovery.
d) Burial of debris.
e) Adding fill soil over roots.
f) Altering water tables, water movement, and drainage patterns.
2. Soil compaction most soil compaction results from vehicle and equipment
traffic, although foot traffic and rainwater impact may also contribute to a
lesser extent. The severity of compaction depends on the force per area unit
applied to the soil, frequency of application, surface cover, soil texture, and
soil moisture. Soils with a clay or loam texture, high moisture content, or low
levels of organic matter are more susceptible to compaction than are dry,
coarse-textured soils, and those high in organic matter.
3. Injury to the trunk, major roots, and crownmechanical injury can be caused
by equipment used for land clearing, grading, construction, material delivery
and landscaping. When injury occurs on bark or other conductive and
protective tissues, the capacity of the tree to transport water, nutrients,
carbohydrates and signaling compounds is reduced. Insects are attracted to
wounds and barriers to pathogen entry are compromised in trees with this
type of damage, making them susceptible to future structural and health
4. Heat damage foliage, branches, trunks, and some roots can be injured by hot
equipment exhaust.
5. Chemical damage certain chemicals, such as cleaning solvents, paint
thinners, oils, and fuels may be lethal to the foliage and roots of trees. These
types of injuries are rarely correctable, and place added stress on the tree.
Contaminated water runoff from concrete trucks or other equipment can alter
soil chemistry and cause root damage or disruption of nutrient uptake.
6. Trunk flare or root collar damage soil or debris placed against the trunk or
over the buttress roots favor the development of certain root disease
pathogens, insect pests and encourage stem girdling roots.
400-3.2 Defining the Tree Protection Zone.
1. A tree’s Critical Root Zone (CRZ) is the area immediately adjacent to the trunk
where roots essential for the tree’s health and stability are located. A Tree
Protection Zone (TPZ) is an arborist-defined area surrounding the trunk,
intended to protect roots and soil within the CRZ and beyond. When defining
the TPZ the Trunk Diameter Method will be used to calculate the appropriate
TPZ. The trunk diameter method is based on the trunk diameter measured at
DBH (4.5 feet above grade); this measurement is multiplied by a factor of 15
to determine the radius of the TPZ. The unit of measure used to calculate the
DBH (inches) will be the same unit as the radius of the TPZ. For example, a tree
with a 30-inch trunk diameter would have a TPZ radius of 450 inches (37.5
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 340
2. Even when the TPZ is placed at a location defined by the Trunk Diameter
Method, large portions of the root system may be lost. The arborist will inspect
the tree and site and alter the TPZ as needed to provide adequate tree
protection. Trees on adjacent properties may also need to have TPZs
established if they are close to construction activities. Compromising the TPZ
and damaging roots within the CRZ will reduce likelihood of long-term tree
survival and increase the risk of tree failure.
400-3.3 Pre-Construction Consultation with Project Arborist.
1. Prior to construction, tree removals, TPZ establishment, or staging of
construction materials and equipment, a pre-construction consultation with
the assigned project Arborist shall take place on site to ensure understanding
of the scope of tree conservation and removal activities. The project managers,
construction contractors, engineers, architects, project arborists and utility
representatives may be included in this meeting.
400-3.4 Tree Protection Zone Fencing and Signage.
1. TPZ barriers shall be erected around the zone’s perimeter before any site work
begins. Fencing shall be sturdy and highly visible to discourage entry into and
disturbance of the area. Fencing shall be 4 to 6 feet tall and solidly anchored
onto the ground. TPZ barriers shall be clearly marked with signs stating that
the area within is a Tree Protection Zone and that entry is prohibited without
prior authorization from the project arborist. Signs shall contain contact
information for the contractor and project arborist.
400-3.5 Soil and Root Protection within the Tree Protection Zone.
1. If foot or vehicular traffic or construction activities cannot be kept outside of
the TPZ for the entire duration of construction, you shall disperse the load and
minimize soil compaction and mechanical root damage using the following
a) Applying 6 to 12-inch-thick layer of 4-inch mulch to the area.
b) Laying 3/4 -inch minimum thickness plywood or road mats over a 4
inch thick layer of 4-inch mulch.
c) Applying 4 to 6 inches of gravel over a taut, staked, geotextile fabric.
2. Stone, geotextile, and mulch exceeding 4 inches thick shall be removed from
the TPZ once the threat of soil or root damage has passed. Any removal of
vegetation or spreading of mulch materials within the TPZ shall be performed
manually, and all efforts shall be made to protect the soil.
3. Small power equipment or hand tools shall be used any time work is done
within the TPZ to reduce potential for tree damage. Excavations within the TPZ
shall be done using specialized tools designed for root pruning or gentle
excavation methods, including air excavation tools, pressurized water, or hand
tools, as described in the 400-3.6, Root Pruning within the Tree Protection
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 341
400-3.6 Root Pruning within the Tree Protection Zone.
1. Root pruning shall be done when existing tree roots are damaged as a result
of construction activities. The two acceptable methods of root pruning are:
a) Soil excavation using air excavation tools, pressurized water, or hand
tools, followed by selective root cutting using a sharp and sanitary
b) Cutting through the soil along a predetermined line on the surface
using a tool specifically designed to cut roots. Blades shall be sharp
and sanitary.
2. Damaged roots shall be pruned to result in a flat surface with the adjacent
bark firmly attached. Exposed roots shall be pruned with sharp and sanitary
tools, such as loppers, hand saws, or small chain saws. Pruning paints or
wound dressings shall not be used.
3. You shall not prune roots near the trunk or within the dripline of the tree
unless directed to do so by the Arborist.
400-3.8 Grade Changes and Fill within the Tree Protection Zone.
1. When adding fill soil over an existing tree root system, you shall keep the fill
soil as far from the trunk and in as think a layer as possible. Coarse-textured
fill soils shall be used Compaction of the original site soil and the fill soil shall
be minimized to the greatest extent possible.
2. Place the fill soil in direct contact with the original grade with no geotextile or
gravel layer.
3. If fill is installed over the tree roots, ensure the original root zone soil remains
hydrated. Soil moisture in the fill and native soil shall be monitored and
irrigation provided when needed.
400-3.9 Irrigation and Mulch.
1. Irrigation shall be provided within the TPZ when irrigation was previously
present or when the hydrology of the site has been altered. Ensure irrigation
water penetrates the soil to the depth of the tree roots, generally within the
upper 6 to 18 inches of the original soil surface. Monitor soil moisture with soil
moisture sensors as directed by the Engineer.
400-3.10 Pruning.
1. Removal of dead, diseased, or dying branches before construction is
recommended to reduce the risk of branch failures impacting people,
structures, or equipment in the construction area. Crown raising or reduction
may be required to allow trucks, cranes, and other equipment to access the
site. The assigned Park Arborist will determine what pruning should take place
prior to the start of construction activities. Unless otherwise directed by the
project arborist, you shall not remove live interior branches or reduce the
crown to compensate for root loss.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 342
400-3.11 Landscape Installation
1. Soil beneath tree canopies shall not be roto tilled, compacted with a lawn
roller, or planted to turf. Alternative methods of seeding shall be used to avoid
root disturbance.
400-4 PAYMENT.
1. No separate or additional payment will be made for 1) protection of existing
improvements, and 2) restoration of existing improvements. Damaged
permanent survey markers will be restored
by the Agency at your expense.
2. Where there is a difference in value between the tree lost and the
replacement tree due to your operation, the difference will be deducted
from the Contract payment. The value of the tree lost shall be determined
by the Engineer and approved Arborist, using the latest International Society
of Arboriculture (ISA) guidelines for value determination.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 343
401-2 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. Bituminous pavement shall be cut and removed in such a manner so as not to
tear, bulge, or displace adjacent paving by use of saw cutting, rockwheel,
jackhammer, or milling machine.
2. Wheel-type pressure cutters and drop hammer cutters shall not be permitted
for final edge cut. Saw cutting of edges to be joined is optional.
3. Where only the surface of existing bituminous pavement is to be removed, the
method of removal shall be approved by the Engineer and a minimum laying
depth of 1 inch (25.4 mm) of new pavement material shall be provided at the
join line.
4. Where bituminous pavement adjoins a trench, the edges adjacent to the
trench shall be trimmed to neat straight lines before resurfacing to ensure that
all areas to be resurfaced are accessible to the rollers used to compact the
subgrade or paving materials.
401-3.1 Concrete Pavement. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Concrete pavement shall be removed to neatly sawed edges.
2. Saw cuts shall be made to a minimum depth of 1½ inches (38.1 mm).
3. The edges of existing concrete pavement adjacent to trenches, where
damaged subsequent to saw cutting of the pavement, shall again be saw cut
to neat, straight lines for the purpose of removing the damaged pavement
areas. Such saw cuts shall be either parallel to the original saw cuts or shall be
cut on an angle which departs from the original saw cut not more than 1 inch
(25.4 mm) in each 6 inches (152.4 mm).
401-3.2 Concrete Curb, Walks, Sidewalks, Gutters, Cross Gutters, Curb Ramps, Driveway,
and Alley Intersections. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. Concrete shall be removed to neatly sawed edges with saw cuts made to a
minimum depth of 1½ inches (38.1 mm).
2. Concrete walk, sidewalk, or driveway to be removed shall be neatly sawed in
straight lines either parallel to the curb or at right angles to the alignment of
the sidewalk. No section to be replaced shall be smaller than 30 inches (760
mm) in either length or width. If the saw cut in sidewalk or driveway would fall
within 3 feet (0.9 m) of a construction joint, expansion joint, or edge, the
concrete shall be removed to the joint or edge, except that where the saw cut
would fall within 12 inches (304.8 mm) of a score mark, the saw cut shall be
made in and along the score mark.
3. Curb and gutter shall be sawed to a minimum depth of 1½ inches (38.1 mm)
on a neat line at right angles to the curb face.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 344
4. You shall expect to encounter a large amount of tree roots to be removed in
accordance with 401-5.1, “Trees, Stumps, Roots, and Other Landscape”. If you
encounter tree roots larger than 16 inches (406.4 mm) in diameter, you shall
notify the Engineer before the roots are removed. Work at a specific location
shall not commence until your measurements have been accepted by the
5. You shall expect to encounter pavement up to a depth of 12 inches.
6. You shall expect to encounter reinforcing steel in concrete pavement.
401-5.1 Trees, Stumps, Roots, and Other Landscape.
1. The removal of a tree shall include removing from the site at the end of each
Working Day all trimmings, wood stumps, roots, surface roots, other
vegetation, debris, and litter resulting from your operation. Cut trees shall not
be stacked for future pick-up, chipping, or both. Roots having a diameter of 4
inches (101.6 mm) or more shall be traced out and removed to a minimum of
2 feet (0.6 m) from finish grade. Roots 4 inches (101.6 mm) or more in
diameter, the tops of which are 6 inches (152.4 mm) or less below the existing
soil level, shall be considered a part of the stump and shall be removed except
where such removal is prevented by existing walks, curbs, buildings, or other
2. Stumps shall be removed to a minimum of 15 inches (380 mm) below existing
finish grade. Where the stump removal operation intercepts an in-service
utility line, removal of the stump shall be made to the top of said utility line
with the remaining portion of the stump removed to the required 15 inches
(381 mm) minimum depth. No stump shall be left for more than 1 Working Day
following removal and shall be secured with barricades and mounted flashers.
You shall remove and properly dispose of all non-millable material generated
by the removal operation, including stump grinding, as required above.
3. Where holes or depressions resulting from the removal of trees, stumps,
shrubs, or palms occur, you shall supply standard clean topsoil to backfill and
firmly compact the holes or depressions to finish grade and shall make a
smooth transition to the adjacent ground or pavement level as applicable. The
cavities shall be backfilled the same day following the removal, unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer. The topsoil shall be Class A or as specified
otherwise in the Special Provisions. Backfill under paved areas shall comply
with the specifications for paving.
4. If a tower truck will be required in medians, rights-of-way, and at other sites
where the trees can be reached, it shall not be placed on the lawns. Spikes
shall not be used except when approved by the Engineer.
5. Tree root removal shall include cutting, excavation, disposal, and backfill.
Some locations involve the prior removal of an existing tree in the parkway
area and will affect the final Work product. Other locations involve working
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 345
around a tree that has been root pruned. You shall exercise due caution when
working around the remaining trees and shall prevent damage to the trunk or
any of its limbs. If damage to a limb occurs, you shall immediately notify the
Engineer. Once excavation has occurred, all efforts shall be made to minimize
the exposure of the tree roots to the air by expediting the forming and pouring
of concrete at that location.
6. Ornamental landscape shall be disposed of or relocated at locations approved
by the Engineer for the property owner’s use.
401-5.2 Railroad Tracks and Facilities.
1. Notify the Engineer of any location where abandoned railroad tracks or
appurtenances are found to exist within the excavation.
2. When directed, you shall remove and properly dispose of railroad facilities. The
removal shall include rails, ties, and any other associated facilities found within
the excavation.
3. Where the rail line lies only partially within the trench area, the entire width of
the track shall be removed, including the entire length of each affected tie and
both rails.
401-7 PAYMENT. ADD the following:
1. The payment for existing pavement removal and disposal of up to 12 inches
(304.8 mm) thick, within the excavation, shall be included in the Bid item for
the installation of the mains or the Work that requires pavement removal.
2. The payment for the removal and disposal of existing pavement beyond 12
inches (304.8 mm) thick within the excavation shall be included in the Bid item
for “Additional Pavement Removal and Disposal” and no additional payment
shall be made regardless of the total thickness and composition of existing
pavement removed and disposed.
3. The removal and disposal of railroad tracks and associated facilities within the
excavation shall be measured along the centerline of each pair of rails to be
removed. The payment for “Removal and Disposal of Railroad Tracks” shall include
all Work necessary to remove and dispose of the tracks and associated facilities.
4. The demolition, removal, and disposal of various types of existing hardscape in
parkway areas, such as colored concrete, bricks, flagstone in the parkway or right-
of-way, shall be included in the Bid item for “Remove and Replace Miscellaneous
Hardscape with Topsoil” and shall include the payment for Decomposed Granite
(DG) when required unless a separate Bid item has been provided.
5. The payment for the removal and disposal of tree roots shall be included in
the Bid item for “Root Removal and Disposal”.
6. Work related to tree removal and disposal shall be included in the Bid item for
“Tree Removal and Disposal”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 346
402-1.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The City does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the location and
type of existing utilities and substructures shown on the Plans. You are
responsible to accurately locate, by potholing or other suitable methods, all
existing utilities such as service connections and substructures, as shown on
the Plans and marked out by Underground Service Alert (USA) to prevent
damage to such facilities and to identify any conflicts with the proposed Work.
2. You shall fill all potholes on the same day of potholing if no trenching is to be
performed within 10 Working Days of the excavation. Fully restore all potholes
and any damaged surrounding areas to their original condition unless
otherwise specified by the Engineer.
3. Potholing at any specific location as required by the Plans shall be included in
the Contract Price. Neither shall showing some specific locations on the Plans
relieve you of the responsibility to pothole as previously mentioned in this
4. You shall notify the Engineer in writing of any conflicts between existing
utilities and the proposed Work a minimum of 5 Working Days and 300 feet
(91.4 m) in advance of the Work to provide adequate time and space for any
changes to the Work needed to avoid unforeseen conflicts.
5. You shall locate and reconnect all House Connection Sewers (laterals). Sewer
lateral locations of the existing buildings as shown on the Plans are
approximate. House Connections Sewer records are available at the Public
Utilities Department, 2797 Caminito Chollas.
6. Elevations shown on the Plans for existing utilities are based on a search of
record information available during design. Actual elevations will need to be
confirmed by potholing.
7. If an underground utility is uncovered, revealed at, or is contiguous to the Site
which was not indicated in the Contract Documents and which you could not
reasonably have been expected to be aware of, identify and notify the utility
owner of such underground utility and inform the Engineer.
8. When the Construction Documents require that you alter, relocate, or
reconstruct a utility, temporary or permanent relocation or alteration of the
indicated utilities shall be your responsibility to coordinate with the utility
90 Calendar Days prior to any paving work, you shall notify the utility owner to
provide them adequate time to adjust their utility box frame and cover to
finish grade.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 347
402-2 PROTECTION. ADD the following:
1. You shall repair or replace traffic signal and lighting system equipment within 72
hours after notification of defects by the Engineer.
2. While working in or around meter boxes, you shall protect in place all
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) devices attached to the water meter
or located in or near water meter boxes, coffins, or vaults in accordance with
the Contract Documents. This includes any antenna installed through the
meter box lid.
a) Avoid damaging the antenna, cable, and endpoints when removing the
meter box lid and when disconnecting AMI endpoints from the register
on top of the water meter.
b) If meters or AMI devices need to be removed or relocated, the AMI
endpoints shall be reinstalled with the Encoder/Receiver/Transmitter
(ERT) pointing upwards.
c) Because the AMI equipment is uniquely matched to each service
location and to specific meter serial numbers, any AMI devices that are
removed or disconnected shall be reinstalled on the same service
lateral as well as to the same meter serial number it was attached to
d) Do not change or modify the lid if the lid has an antenna drilled
through it.
e) If you encounter damaged, disconnected, buried, or broken AMI
endpoints, cables between the registers, antennae, lids, or ERTs, notify
the Engineer within 24 hours.
f) Any AMI equipment damaged by you shall be repaired or replaced by
City Forces at your expense.
402-3 REMOVAL. ADD the following:
1. Refer to 306-3 for abandonment of utilities.
402-6 COOPERATION. ADD the following:
1. Unless otherwise specified, notify SDG&E at least 10 Working Days prior to
excavating within 10 feet of SDG&E Underground High Voltage Transmission
Power Lines (69 KV and higher).
1. Where existing underground utilities are undercut, particular care shall be
exercised in selecting, placing, and compacting backfill material under and around
such utility to assure firm support. For at least 12 inches (304.8 mm) all around
the undercut utility, the backfill material shall conform to 306-6, “BEDDING”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 348
2. You shall be responsible for the altering, relocating, or reconstructing of
portions of existing water or sewer connections which may or may not have
been shown on the Plans or not accurately shown on the Plans, but which are
found to interfere with the Work. You shall contact and coordinate the
alteration, relocation, or reconstruction of gas, electric, cable or telephone
service connections with the owners of the utilities.
3. Abandoned water services (stiffs) not shown on the Plans, but found to
interfere with the progress of Work shall be shut off and cut 6 inches (152.4
mm) from the main.
402-7.1 Support for Existing Water Mains.
1. Existing water mains which are not high-lined shall remain in service during
construction. Water mains shall require vertical and horizontal support at tees,
crosses, bends, and etc.
402-7.2 Pipe Separations.
1. Pipe installation shall be in compliance with the State’s health standards for
separation and the following:
a) You shall notify the Engineer immediately if:
i. 1 foot (0.3 m) vertical separation as measured from the outside
of pipe wall to the outside of pipe wall between sewer mains,
water mains, and/or storm drains cannot be maintained.
ii. 10 feet (3.0 m) horizontal separation as measured from the
outside of pipe wall to the outside of pipe wall between sewer
and water mains cannot be maintained.
iii. 5 foot (1.5 m) horizontal separation as measured from the
outside of pipe wall to the outside of pipe wall between storm
drains and water mains cannot be maintained.
iv. 6 inches (152.4 mm) vertical separation and 12” horizontal as
measured from the outside of pipe wall to the outside of pipe wall
between utilities other than sewer mains, water mains, and/or
storm drains cannot be maintained.
v. 3 feet (0.9 m) or more of cover over the top of a distribution
water main (8” to 16” diameter) cannot be maintained.
vi. 5 feet (1.5 m) or more of cover over the top of a transmission
water main (16” and larger) cannot be maintained.
vii. 5 feet (1.5 m) or more of cover over the top of a recycled water
main cannot be maintained.
viii. 2 feet (0.6 m) of cover over the top OR 1 foot (0.3m) of cover
below a pavement subgrade of a storm drain, whichever is
greater, cannot be maintained.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 349
ix. 1 foot (0.3 m) horizontal separation as measured from the
outside of pipe wall to the outside pipe wall between storm
drains and dry utilities cannot be maintained.
x. The storm drain is located above the water main and below
the sewer main in the same street or easement.
b) If 1 foot (0.3 m) vertical separation cannot be maintained between the
proposed and existing utilities, 6 inches to 11 inches (152.4 mm to
279.4 mm) sand cushions in accordance with 200-1.5, “Sand” and 1
inch (25.4 mm) neoprene pads shall be installed as shown on Plans.
The neoprene pad shall be 1 inch (25.4 mm) thick and wide enough to
extend a minimum of 6 inches (152.4 mm) horizontally beyond the
outside pipe wall. Neoprene pads shall have a hardness between 50-
70 durometers, as manufactured by Hoffmeyer Company, Industrial
Rubber Supply, or approved equal. The neoprene pad shall be
installed immediately below or on top of the existing utility. The sand
cushion shall be placed between the neoprene pad and the proposed pipe.
c) Dimensions shall be measured from the outside of pipe wall to the
outside of pipe wall.
402-8 PAYMENT.
1. The payment for items of Work related to SECTION 402 - UTILITIES and utility
location shall be included in the Contract Price.
2. Potholing of existing utilities as shown in the Contract Documents for the
purpose of replumbing Work shall be included in the payment for the
replumbing Work.
3. With the Resident Engineer’s approval, compensation for each existing utility
pothole that is not shown on the Plans but marked out by USA shall be
included in the Bid item for “Potholing Existing Utilities Not Shown on Plans
(Depth up to 7 feet)”. Potholing for existing utilities that have been shown on
the Plans shall be included in the Contract Price.
4. The payment for previously abandoned water services shall be included in the
Contract Price unless a Bid item has been provided for “Abandon Water
Services (Stiffs)”.
5. The payment for supporting existing water mains shall be included in the
Contract Price and no additional payment shall be made.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 350
DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
403-1 GENERAL.
1. You shall set water, sewer, and storm drain manhole, vault frames, and
covers within areas to be paved or graded to finish grade before paving.
2. You shall remove all debris from the interior of manholes, vaults, and gate
valve covers and shall clean all foreign
material from the top of the frames
and covers.
3. Non-City Utility manhole, vault frames, and covers within an area to be
paved or
graded will be set to finish grade by their owners.
1. You shall set manholes in concrete pavement to finish grade prior to paving.
1. Utility structures projecting less than 2 inches (50 mm) above the subgrade
may be paved over and later
adjusted to grade.
2. The top of reset manholes and other utility structures shall conform to the
requirement specified in 302-5.6.2, “Density and Smoothness”.
3. You shall temporarily cover all utility structures from which manhole frames
and covers have been removed to facilitate paving with a steel plate.
a) When this procedure is impractical, such as
for large vaults, or
special structures, remodeling or reconstruction shall be completed
to finish
permanent surface prior to paving operations.
4. You shall coordinate your Work in accordance with 3-15, “SITE ACTIVITIES BY
5. Castings, pre-fabricated risers, and frames or covers of existing City
manholes or gate valves shall be adjusted to conform to the new grade.
6. Water, sewer, and storm drain manhole covers shall be raised by installing
pre-fabricated risers manufactured in 1 inch (25.4 mm) increments. Minor
adjustments necessary to match existing finish pavement grade may be
made with broken brick as described below. Manhole frames and covers
shall be reset in concrete collar as follows:
a) The pavement shall be cut to a width of no less than 8 inches (203.2
mm) or more than 12 inches (304.8 mm) and a depth of no less than 6
inches (152.4 mm) around the circumference of the manhole frame.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 351
The outside cut shall be as neat and clean as possible to insure a
smooth joint between asphalt and concrete collar.
b) Once the frame has been broken loose and the debris is cleared away,
the frame shall be shimmed to match the new grade. Only broken
brick shall be used for shimming as it will remain a permanent part of
the frame base. Once the concrete collar is placed, the space between
frame and riser ring or casting shall then be grouted to ensure total
and complete support of the manhole frame.
c) The concrete collar shall be placed with 560-C-3250 concrete and be
finished to ensure a level and smooth connection between the asphalt
pavement and manhole. Grout used under manhole frames shall be
Class "C" mortar.
7. Gate valve caps, casings, and leveling shall be done after resurfacing.
Measurements shall be made from the top of the new grade to the top of the
gate cap to determine the length requirement for the extension of the valve
riser casing. This extension shall be cut from 8 inches (203.2 mm) O.D. by
1/8 inch (3.2 mm) steel casing only. The gate valve cap shall be removed. The
extension shall be placed on the existing riser casing. The gate valve cap
shall be replaced and checked for assurance as to height and levelness. The
extension shall be circumferentially welded to the old casing.
8. In the event that an old style casing of a different size is found, a Cast Iron
Riser Ring to match overlay thickness is not available, or two Cast Iron Riser
rings have already been used, the following procedures shall be followed:
a) Pavement around the gate valves shall be cut to a width within 6 inches
to 8 inches (152.4 mm to 203.2 mm) and to a minimum depth of 8
inches (203.2 mm) around the circumference of the valve casing. The
new casing shall then be placed around or inside the old casing.
b) A concrete collar shall be poured and finished to ensure a level and
smooth connection between the asphalt and gate valve cover. The City
will furnish 8 inch (203.2 mm) gate caps to replace old and oddly sized
c) Gate valve caps and sewer manholes covered by resurfacing will be
located and marked out by City Forces and shall be raised by you in
the same manner described in these specifications.
d) Except for those areas which have been identified for cold milling in
accordance with 404 - COLD MILLING, you shall be responsible for
locating all metal objects in the area that shall be milled.
1. The casing and cover for survey monuments shall be adjusted to the finish
grade in accordance with M-10A, “Street Survey Monument Overlay
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 352
2. Construction of new survey monuments shall be in accordance with SECTION
1. The payment for adjusting each existing manhole frame and cover to grade,
preparation of subgrade, removal and replacement of DG and other
improvements, and all other necessary items to complete the Work shall be
included in the Bid item for “Adjust Existing Manhole Frame and Cover to
2. The payment for adjusting each existing gate valve frame and cover to grade,
preparation of subgrade, removal and replacement of DG and other
improvements, and all other necessary items to complete the Work shall be
included in the Bid item for “Adjust Existing Gate Valve Frame and Cover to
3. The payment for adjusting each existing survey monument to grade,
preparation of subgrade, removal and replacement of DG and other
improvements, and all other necessary items to complete the Work shall be
included in the Bid item for “Adjust Existing Survey Monument to Grade”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 353
404-1 GENERAL. ADD the following:
1. Excessive asphalt concrete pavement adjacent to Type “G” and “H” curb and
gutter lines and concrete cross gutters shall be milled in accordance with the City
of San Diego Standard Drawing SDG-107, “Trench Resurfacing for Asphalt
Concrete Surfaced Streets” or as shown on the Plans.
2. Cross gutters shall be cold milled 1 inch ± ¼ inch (25.4 mm ± 6.35 mm) within
24 hours or less of the time the resurfacing is placed. In areas where the curb
height has been diminished by multiple overlays, the milling depth shall equal
the proposed overlay thickness. Cross gutters shall be cold milled a minimum
of 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) within 5 Working Days of the time the resurfacing is
3. Milled widths of pavement shall be continuous except for intersections at
cross streets where the milling shall be carried around corners and daylighting
at the point of curb return. The header cuts shall daylight at the point of curb
return or as directed by the Engineer.
4. Milled widths of pavement shall be continuous except for intersection at cross
streets where header cuts shall daylight at the point of curb return or as directed
by the engineer. Header cuts shall be 12 feet (3.7 m) in width at intersections, cross
gutters, and paving limits or as directed by the Engineer.
5. You shall cold mill the full width of existing streets to the depths specified in
the Contract Documents or as directed by the Engineer. Cold milled full width
locations shall be paved within 3 Working Days.
6. Existing traffic striping and thermoplastic markings located within the limits of
the area to receive asphalt overlay or slurry seal shall be removed a maximum
of 10 Working Days prior to the application of asphalt overlay or slurry seal by wet
sandblasting or other approved methods. Dry sandblasting may be used in selected
areas only with the permission of the Engineer and with approval of the air pollution
control authority having jurisdiction over the area in which the Work will be
performed. Temporary striping for thermoplastic markings and temporary tabs shall
be applied to any pavement exceeding the 10 Working Day requirement.
7. Transitions from walks, sidewalks, ramps, and curb ramp gutters shall be flush at
the same level. Pavement at the street level shall be milled to achieve a flush
condition in accordance to SDG-131139.
404-1.1 Removal of Irregularities.
1. Removal of humps, lumps, and pavement irregularities include areas 1 inch (25.4
mm) or more above the finish grade of the existing pavement surface as marked
in the street or as directed by the Engineer. The removal of the hump, lumps, or
irregularities may be done either by milling or other means. The required hot mix
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 354
asphalt concrete patching shall be C2 PG 64-10 in accordance with 203-6,
2. At the end of each Working Day, you shall submit to the Engineer an itemized list of
the areas where the removal of humps, lumps, and irregularities has been
completed. The list shall include the location of the Work and the exact length in
linear feet.
404-1.2 Buried Metal Objects.
1. The City acknowledges that certain unidentified utility facilities (buried metal
objects such as magnetic traffic pads, sewer and storm drain manhole covers,
water valve covers, survey monuments, and etc.) have been inadvertently paved
over on some streets in past projects. These facilities may not be readily apparent
from a visual inspection of the project or from an examination of As-Built records.
You shall be responsible for locating and protecting these facilities in accordance
2. You shall locate buried metal objects. You shall examine any available As-Built
records, properly notify “UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT” (USA), and request
that all utility lines, covers, and facilities within 6 inches (152.4 mm) of the
surface be identified and marked. If requested by the Engineer, provide
documentation that this service was completed.
3. You shall sweep all street locations with a metal detector ahead of the milling
operation. Suspected buried metal objects shall be identified by a painted
cross within an outlined area in a manner allowing the milling operation to see
the questionable area and take corrective action. Any damage incurred by the
milling machine striking a buried metal object within a 3 foot (0.9 m) radius of
such a marking shall be at your expense.
4. At each street location screened with a metal detector, you shall note that the
street has been checked by painting a checkmark at a location that is approved
by the Engineer. This mark should be visible to the Engineer and the milling
operator but shall not be placed to divert or confuse public traffic.
5. The Engineer shall be notified a minimum of 24 hours in advance of any street
that is to be swept for buried metal objects. Proper traffic control shall be
erected and maintained for all metal detection operations. If, after any given
street has been checked with the metal detector, the milling operation hits
more than 2 buried objects, then you shall revise your methods and re-check
street locations at your expense.
ADD the following:
1. If approved by the Engineer, equipment other than milling machines may be
utilized to achieve the removal of distressed asphalt pavement.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 355
1. You shall account for concrete trench caps up to 12 inches (304.8 mm) of
concrete with ¼ inch (6.4 mm) of asphalt.
2. Composite Pavements not shown on the plans shall be measured in
accordance with 404-11, “Measurement”.
404-6.1 Cold Milling of Asphalt Concrete with Pavement Fabric Material.
1. Pavement fabric material includes fabrics which conform to Table 213-4.1.
Fiberglass or fiberglass composite fabrics conforming to Table 213-4.1 are not
included. The area of pavement containing pavement fabric material shall be
measured in accordance with 404-11, “Measurement”.
1. The Engineer will determine which traffic detector loops and/or other
detection systems shall be replaced unless specified otherwise in the Contract
2. Traffic detector loops shall be reinstalled after resurfacing and striping Work
of the related street within 15 Working Days from the completion of all
preparatory Work which includes milling, cutting, and grinding. You shall
contact the City of San Diego’s Street Division in Traffic Signal Maintenance per
the table below to request the loop layout and/or for other detection systems
within pavement.
North of Interstate 8
South of Interstate 8
3. Traffic Signal Maintenance shall lay out locations and size of new loops and
will inspect the installation. You shall be responsible for making field
connections. You shall obtain prior approval from the Street Division for each
traffic loop stub out replaced.
4. Traffic detector loops installed either in the new street surface or in the
original street surface after grinding or repairs shall be Caltrans type “E” loops
as described in Caltrans Standard Plan ES-5B. The front loop at the stop line
shall have 4 turns instead of the 3 that is required by Caltrans. Asphaltic
emulsion loop sealants shall not be used when installing traffic loops on the
street surface.
5. If existing traffic detector loops are damaged, disabled, or become ineffective
due to construction activities for a period of 5 or more Calendar Days, install a
City approved temporary video or radar detection system in accordance with
601-1, “GENERAL”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 356
404-10 PAVEMENT TRANSITIONS. ADD the following:
1. Where transverse joints are milled in the pavement, no drop-off shall remain
between the existing pavement and the milled area when the pavement is
opened to public traffic.
2. If asphalt concrete has not been placed to the level of the existing pavement
before the pavement is to be opened to public traffic, a temporary asphalt
concrete taper shall be constructed. Asphalt concrete for temporary tapers shall
be placed to the level of the existing pavement and tapered on a slope of 15: 1 or
flatter to the level of the planed area. Asphalt concrete for temporary tapers shall
be commercial quality and may be spread and compacted by any method that
will produce a smooth riding surface. Temporary asphalt concrete tapers shall be
completely removed, including the removal of all loose material from the
underlying surface, before placing the permanent surface.
404-11 MEASUREMENT. ADD the following:
1. Measurement for the removal of humps, lumps, and pavement irregularities
prior to the placement of asphalt concrete shall be of actual areas and depths
authorized by the Engineer based on your submitted itemized list and shall be
calculated in lineal feet based on a 1 foot by 6 foot (0.3 m by 1.8 m) drum width.
404-12 PAYMENT. ADD the following:
1. The payment for the replacement of traffic detector loops and appurtenances
shall be included in the Bid item for each “Traffic Signal Loop and
Appurtenance Replacement” as shown in the Bid.
2. The payment for the removal of humps, lumps, and other pavement
irregularities shall be included in the linear foot Bid item for “Removal of
Humps, Lumps, and Pavement Irregularities”. No additional payment shall be
made for incidental asphalt patching required after hump, lump, and
pavement irregularity removal.
3. The payment for cold milling shall be included in the Contract Price unless Bid
items, as applicable, have been provided as follows:
Cold Mill AC Pavement (0 Inch 1½ Inch)
Cold Mill AC Pavement (> 1½ Inch 3 Inch)
Cold Mill AC Pavement (> 3 Inch)
Cold Mill Header Cuts LF
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 357
4. In the event that concrete in excess of the total area milled in a particular street
segment (block) is encountered, payment shall be made at the Bid unit price as
specified in the table below. Prior to paving over the milled areas, you shall notify
the Engineer that the incidental amount has been exceeded.
Cold Milling of Additional
Composite Pavements
Asphalt Concrete
with Pavement
Fabric Material
Cold Milling of Additional
Asphalt Concrete with
Pavement Fabric Material
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 358
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 359
To Part 4 - EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS (A), REVISE with the following:
402-1 LOCATION. ADD the following:
1. Coordinate the review of the Project design drawings by the utility agencies at
every design phase submittal.
2. Determine locations and elevations of all active and abandoned underground
utilities in the Project area that may affect Project construction activities.
3. Provide all required information for the construction or relocation of all public
or private utilities that shall be constructed or relocated as a result of this
4. Provide designs for wet utility crossings.
5. Coordinate utility facility and equipment shutdown requirements with the
402-4 RELOCATION. To the paragraph (2), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
Alter, relocate, and reconstruct all utilities, including water and sewer connections, as
necessary to construct the Project. Utilities not indicated on your Plans that are found
to interfere with the Work shall be relocated, altered, or reconstructed by the utility
owner or by you at no additional cost to the City. You shall contact and coordinate
alteration, relocation, or reconstruction of gas, electric, cable, and telephone service
connections with the owner of those utilities.
1. You shall not be entitled to an extension of the Contract Time or for
compensation for Extra Work or delays attributable to utility or substructure
relocations or alterations when the existing utilities or substructures were
identified in the Contract Documents, utility records, As-Built and record
drawings, or other relevant records and archives pertaining to utility
locations that you could reasonably have been expected to be aware of and
when they were marked out by USA.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 360
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 361
500-1 GENERAL. ADD the following:
1. You shall furnish and install a tight-fitting sewer rehabilitation liner between
the limits shown on the Plans or in the Contract Documents. The allowed
rehabilitation methods shall be in accordance with the latest Approved
Material List (AML).
a) Cured-in-Place Pipe Liner (CIPP) shall conform to 500-5.5, “Cured-In-
Place Pipe (CIPP) Liner”.
b) Deformed/Re-formed HDPE Pipe Liner shall conform to 500-5.7,
“Deformed/Re-formed HDPE Pipe Liner”.
c) Folded and Re-formed PVC Pipe Liner shall conform to 500-5.10,
“Folded and Re-formed PVC Pipe Liner”.
d) Spiral Wound Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe Liner shall conform to 500-
5.13, “Spiral Wound Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe Liner”.
2. Structural requirements as they pertain to each specific material installation
shall be approved by the Engineer prior to installation.
3. If the rehabilitation system Work discussed in Part 5 PIPELINE SYSTEM
REHABILITATION results in failures, the Resident Engineer will provide
direction on repairs and additional Work after consultation with the Public
Utilities Department.
4. Any Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) lining Work within a 1000 foot radius from
school areas shall first be coordinated with the school and shall be performed
outside of school hours at no expense to the City
500-1.1 Design Criteria and Testing Requirements.
1. Table 500-1.1 (A) lists the minimum finished pipe liner wall thicknesses and
minimum long-term flexural modulus for the pipeline rehabilitation. The
thickness installed shall be increased as necessary to accommodate the
existing conditions. This accommodation shall result in the minimum
thickness specified for all locations. The felt and resin system shall be selected
from those listed in the City’s AML.
2. The volume of resin used shall be sufficient to fully saturate all the voids of the
fabric tube material and to allow for change in resin volume due to
polymerization and any migration of resin into cracks and pipe joints.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 362
3. Structural and chemical tests shall be in accordance with Table 500-1.1 (B) Test
TABLE 500-1.1 (A) Minimum Pipe Liner Thickness (Inches)
Material C.I.P.P H.D.P.E. PVC Type A PVC Type B
Minimum Long Term
Flexural Modulus (psi)
150,000 110,000 280,000 155,000 155,000
Nominal I.D. (inches) Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Stiffness
6 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.18 71
8 0.24 0.25 0.19 0.24 151
10 0.30 0.31 0.23 0.30 287
12 0.34 0.38 0.28 0.37 493
15 0.45 0.47 0.34 0.46 953
18 0.51 0.56 0.41 0.50 1,640
1. Modulus of Elasticity is the minimum in accordance with ASTM D790.
2. Minimum pipe stiffness (EI) in accordance with ASTM D2412.
TABLE 500-1.1 (B) Test Methods
Item Description ASTM Method
1(a) ID Wall Thickness ASTM D2122
1(b) Flattening ASTM D3034
1(c) Pipe Stiffness ASTM D2412
2 Impact Strength ASTM D2444
3 Extrusion Quality (PVC only) ASTM D2152 or ASTM F1057
4 Hardness ASTM D2240
5 Tensile Strength/Tensile Modulus ASTM D638
6 Flexural Strength ASTM D790 (Procedure B)
7 Flexural Modulus ASTM D790 (Procedure A) & D2990
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 363
500-2 SUBMITTALS. ADD the following:
1. You shall submit certified test results from an independent lab for each item
in Table 500-1.1 (B) on the specified structural characteristics of the
rehabilitation systems for the Engineer’s approval.
2. You shall submit bypass locations, bypass system sizing, a proposed
equipment list to ensure that the Work can be accomplished without a sewage
spill, and all other documents in accordance with 3-12.5.2, “Sewage Bypass
and Pumping Plan” and 3-12.5.3, “Spill Prevention and Emergency Response
500-2.1 Initial Submittals.
1. Unless specified otherwise, prior to the Pre-construction Meeting, you shall
submit the following required information:
a) Contractor’s Experience and Past Project Documentation.
i. You shall submit documentation that you have performed
similar main rehabilitation projects (of scope and size)
successfully within the last 10 years in the United States. The
scope shall include the same product, installation, and curing.
The proposed product shall have at least 5 years or more of
documented performance records.
ii. You shall identify the employees who will be assigned to this
project and provide references in the format presented in the
Contract Documents. See the Contract attachments for the
required format for the submittal.
iii. Your superintendent shall be assigned full time to this project
and shall be present at the Site while Work is being performed.
If CIPP is used, the superintendent shall have documentation
conveying experience with the proposed resin and felt
combination used and the installation of the proposed lateral
sealing system with the pipe lining system.
b) Authorized Installer - The installation of the lining system shall be
performed by a contractor authorized, certified, or both by the
manufacture or owner of the process. You shall submit a copy of the
authorization from all manufacturers for which they are authorized,
certified, or both and a letter from the manufacturer(s) stating the
name, address, point of contact, and telephone number. The Engineer
will verify these authorizations.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 364
500-2.2 Pre-construction Submittals.
1. Within 15 Working Days after Notice to proceed, you shall submit to the City,
design calculations signed and sealed by a California Licensed Engineer for
the pipe liner for approval.
2. The design calculations shall be in accordance with the systems applicable
ASTM requirements for fully deteriorated pipe. The pipe liner shall be
designed to support hydraulic, soil, and live loads based on a minimum 10
feet burial depth to top of pipe and highway loading accordance with
AASHTO (HS 20).If local conditions impose greater loads, the greater loads
shall be used. Local conditions may include depth greater than 10 feet,
railroad loading, groundwater or other loadings.
500-2.3 Construction Submittals.
1. You shall submit the following during construction:
a) Daily reports with required attachments - The daily report shall include
the wet-out data sheet, boiler operator cooking worksheet, and
temperature strip charts.
b) Redlines, post cleaning videos (for sewer pipe segments and service
lateral launch), and final videos.
c) Samples - Required samples shall be submitted to the Engineer
immediately following the lining operation.
500-3.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The pipe diameters are nominal dimensions. You shall verify the actual
internal pipe diameters and length of each reach prior to ordering lining
500-3.4 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE
with the following:
500-3.4 Video Inspection.
1. An initial video inspection shall be required prior to rehabilitation. A final
video inspection shall be performed to determine if the Work was completed
in accordance with the Contract Documents and that all service connections
have been reinstated, as required. Video inspections shall be performed in
accordance with 306-18, “VIDEO INSPECTION”.
2. During the post-cleaning video you shall identify all existing protruding
materials within the existing main and trim them flush to the main prior to
500-4.7 Payment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The point repair Work shall be measured and paid for in the Bid item for each
“Point Repair for Existing Sewer Main”. Measurement shall be made at the pipe
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 365
and shall be based on the length of pipe repaired. You shall be paid for 1 point
repair for each repair 8 ft (2.43 m) or less in length. Any continuous point repair
greater than 8 ft (2.43 m), shall be paid linearly proportioned to bid item “Point
Repair for Existing Sewer Main”. This payment shall include all necessary labor,
materials, and equipment to clean, repair, excavate, inspect the Point Repair,
backfill and restore pavement.
500-5.1.1 Sampling, Testing, and Installation.
1. For pipeline rehabilitation systems, you shall take an 18 inch long sample from
every other rehabilitated pipeline segment (FSN).
2. For rehabilitated service laterals, an 18 inch long sample shall be taken for
every ten service laterals rehabilitated or any part thereof.
3. You shall cut each sample longitudinally in half, create a chain of custody
document for both sample halves, and test one of the sample halves by a
certified third party laboratory in accordance with Table 500-1.1 (B).
4. You shall submit the other sample half for the monthly review and approval of
the Engineer, along with its minimum thickness test results specified by Table
500-1.1 (A), and structural properties as required in each subsection
corresponding to the liner material type.
5. CIPP samples shall be tested for structural properties in accordance with Table
500-5.1.2 Order of Work for Rehabilitation Installation.
1. Rehabilitation shall be performed in the following order of Work:
a) First: Rehabilitation of Sewer Main, including sampling and testing.
b) Second: Installation of Sewer Lateral Connections and End Seals.
c) Third: Rehabilitation of Sewer Laterals, including sampling and testing.
2. You shall plan and schedule Work accordingly. Additional payment for
demobilization or mobilization and additional Working Days shall not be
granted for delays due to the order of rehabilitation Work.
500-5.5.1 General. ADD the following:
1. CIPP Liner and resin system shall be selected from the AML.
2. The CIPP Liner shall extend the full length of the pipe reach to be
rehabilitated and shall provide a structurally sound, impermeable, seamless,
joint-less, close-fitting pipe that, when cured, is bonded to the host pipe.
500-5.5.2 Material Composition and Testing. ADD the following:
1. Tube:
a) The tube shall be in accordance with ASTM F1216 or ASTM F1743.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 366
b) The side of the liner exposed to the sewer flow after inversion or pull-
in is completed shall have a layer of polyurethane bonded to it and
shall be pinhole free. Seams and patches in the polyurethane coating
shall be inspected under a black light.
c) The tube shall be placed under a vacuum at the factory and
submerged in a dye bath to verify that it is pinhole free. You shall
provide proof to that effect. No joints or laps shall be permitted
between manholes.
2. Resin:
a) You shall furnish an approved resin and liner system in accordance
with the AML. A compatible catalyst system shall be specified by the
resin manufacturer. The resin manufacturer shall provide you with the
recommended curing cycle and shall submit the same to the Engineer
for approval.
b) Certified copies of all test reports performed by the independent
testing laboratory on the properties of the selected resin and on the
properties of the field liner coupons, in accordance with 4-4, “TESTING
and these specifications shall be submitted to the Engineer.
500-5.5.5 Installation. ADD the following:
1. The installation procedures may vary with the methods of rehabilitation
techniques and processes approved for the Project.
2. You shall submit in the same format as in 500-, “The Wet Out”; 500-, “Insertion”; 500-, “Cool Down”; and 500-, “Finished Pipe”
or give detailed instructions, procedures, and the steps to be followed for the
installation of the CIPP even if the process is named in the specification. Such
instructions and procedures shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer.
3. Material delivered to the Site shall be accompanied by appropriate individual
documentation listing physical properties, curing or reforming temperatures,
and pressures.
500- The Wet Out.
1. You shall designate a location where the felt tube shall be impregnated (“wetted
out”) with resin. The quantity of resin used for tube impregnation shall be
sufficient to fill the volume of air voids in the tube with additional allowances for
polymerization shrinkage and stretching during installation, and for the loss of
resin through cracks and irregularities in the host pipe according to these
2. The calculations for the quantity of resin required shall be submitted and
approved by the Engineer prior to wetting out the liner.
3. A roller system and vacuum shall be used to uniformly distribute the resin
throughout the tube to thoroughly saturate the felt tube prior to its dispatch
for installation. The gap in the roller shall be verified every 50 ft (15.2 m). You
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 367
shall inform the Engineer at least 4 Working Days in advance to inspect the
materials and the wet out procedure.
4. A catalyst system or additive(s) compatible with the resin and tube may be
used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. They shall
not impair or reduce the resin’s quality to withstand the minimum chemical
resistance criteria.
500- Insertion.
1. The wetted out tube shall be transported and kept in a refrigerated truck until
it is inserted through an existing manhole or sewer main cleanout by the
approved technique or process of the installer or you. You shall use either an
end-stop or hold-back mechanism to prevent the felt tube from extending into
conduits which are not to be rehabilitated. You shall protect the Site in
accordance with 3-12, “WORK SITE MAINTENANCE” and SECTION 400 -
PROTECTION AND RESTORATION and shall be responsible for repairing or
replacing all existing improvements within the Site which are damaged,
removed, or both as a result of your operations at no cost to the City.
500-5.5.6 Curing. DELETE in its entirety.
500-5.5.8 Service Connections. ADD the following:
1. After the service has been completely established, you shall proceed with
sealing the lateral connection or lateral lining or both as called for in these
2. If you cannot reestablish a service connection as specified above within the
specified Normal Working Hours, the following shall apply: You shall open all
live laterals with preliminary cuts to relieve the flow the same day as the
installation. The preliminary cut shall be a smooth round cut, with a
minimum diameter of 1 inch (25.4 mm) less than the lateral’s diameter. Final
cuts shall be completed during Normal Working Hours within 1 week from
the date of the liner installation, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
500-5.5.10 Curing.
1. After tube placement is completed, you shall provide a suitable heat source
and distribution equipment to distribute or recirculate hot water throughout
the installed CIPP liner tube. Temperature shall be maintained during the
curing period as recommended by the resin manufacturer and approved by
the Engineer.
2. After the tube is cured, a cool-down period shall be used prior to opening the
downstream end, reconnection of services, and returning normal flow back
into the system. Heat curing of the resin shall occur within the manufacturer's
approved recommended time frame (pot life). The water in the CIPP shall be
cooled to below 100°F (38°C) before discharge.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 368
3. All City water used shall be from a metered supply and paid for by you in
accordance with 2-5.2.1, “Water for Construction Purposes”.
4. The heat source shall be fitted with suitable monitors to gauge the
temperature of the incoming and outgoing heat source. It is required that
thermocouples be placed on the top and bottom of the impregnated tube and
the host pipe at the upstream and downstream manholes as well as in any
intermediate manhole to determine the temperatures during the resin curing
5. Thermocouples shall be connected to a recording device at the heater truck to
have a continuous measurement of the thermocouples on the tube as well as
the intake and output water temperatures at the water heater. The recording
device used to measure all temperatures shall be calibrated prior to use on
the Site. You shall provide all calibration records for all equipment used on the
job upon request by the Engineer.
6. Remotely located thermocouple readings and the temperature of the
circulating water at the downstream end of the liner away from the heater truck
shall be recorded every 3 to 5 minutes until the resin begins and sustains a
thermal reaction and then the interval for recording temperatures shall be every
10 minutes.
7. The initial cure may be considered completed when the exposed portions of
the felt tube appear to be hard and the remote sensing device indicates the
temperatures to be adequate, as recommended by the resin and catalyst
system manufacturer, and approved by the Engineer. You shall be fully
responsible for the accuracy of its Work and for determining when curing has
been completed to meet the specified properties. Care shall be taken during
the elevated curing temperatures so as not to over stress the fiber liner. Curing
temperatures and duration shall comply with data and information previously
submitted and approved by the Engineer.
8. The cured liner shall have a smooth finish inside. Any roughness that may
affect the hydraulic conditions shall be removed by sanding or trimming the “fins”
or folds. Such trimming shall not change the required thickness or structural
strength of the liner. You shall apply an approved sealant compatible with the
material to areas where sanding has taken place or replace the pipe liner from
manhole to manhole as determined and directed by the Engineer at no additional
cost to the City.
500- Cool Down.
1. You shall cool the hardened pipe to a temperature below 100°F (38°C),
before relieving the water column. Cool water may be added to the water
column while draining hot water from a small hole at the opposite end of
the CIPP so that a constant water column height is maintained until cool-
down is completed. Care shall be taken in the release of the water column
so that a vacuum will not develop that would damage the newly installed
pipe. Coupon samples shall be obtained for testing in accordance with 500-
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 369
5.1.1, “Sampling, Testing, and Installation” and these specifications. The cool
down process may vary depending on the installation technique.
500- Finished Pipe.
1. The finished CIPP shall be continuous over the entire length from manhole to
manhole and shall be free from visual defects such as foreign matters, dry
spots, pinholes, wrinkles and other deformities. The liner passing through or
terminating in a manhole shall be carefully cut out. The cut shall be smooth
and parallel to the manhole wall. The finished liner shall not protrude into the
manhole over 2 inch (50.8 mm).
2. If the manhole has been lined through, the top half of the liner pipe shall be
cut off even with the top of the shelf leaving the channel lined unless otherwise
approved by the Engineer. The invert and benches shall be lined for smooth
flow. The area or annular space between the host pipe and the CIPP liner shall
be sealed with the approved epoxy or other material that is compatible with
the CIPP liner and shall provide a watertight seal.
3. The sealant system and materials shall conform to 210-2.3.3, “Chemical
Resistance Test (Pickle Jar Test)” and shall be pre-approved by the Engineer.
4. During the warranty period, any defect specified by the Engineer which will
affect the integrity or strength of the pipe liner shall be repaired at your
5. Installations shall not be considered complete until the lining is installed, all final
cuts are finished, all channels and benches in the manholes are installed or
refinished, all miscellaneous Work described in the Contract documents are
complete, the final video inspection is performed and As-Built information is
submitted to the City.
500- Process Limitations.
1. You shall not change any material, thickness, design values or procedural
matters stated or approved in the submittals, without the Engineer’s prior
knowledge and preapproval. You shall submit, in writing, full details about
component materials, their properties, method and procedure of installation
and comply with them fully during the entire course of the Project.
2. The City shall require a continuous, uniform liner 300 feet (91.4 meters) or
greater between maintenance holes, unless otherwise specified. The City shall
not allow intermediate excavations for additional manholes unless otherwise
500-5.7.1 General. ADD the following:
1. Deformed or reformed HDPE pipe liner shall extend the full length of the pipe
reach to be rehabilitated and shall provide a structurally sound, impermeable,
seamless, joint-less, close-fitting pipe which is tightly adhered to the host pipe.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 370
500-5.7.2 Material Composition. ADD the following:
1. Before installation, you shall provide to the Engineer appropriate individual
test documentation with the physical properties and information as specified
by the manufacturer for each coil of pipe. The information shall consist
of: Factory test results to show compliance with ASTM D3350 Cell
Classification 345434 C, D, or E and the requirements of 207-19.2, “Material
Composition” reforming temperatures and pressures, a production date for
each coil, and all other appurtenant information which is necessary to conform
to the applicable requirements.
500-5.7.6 Installation. To subsection “f”, ADD the following:
1. 2 (two) 18-inch (457.2 mm) long restrained samples shall be taken by you from
the downstream and intermediate manholes. You shall test one of the
samples in accordance with ASTM D2122 methods to verify the minimum wall
thickness as specified by Table 500-1.1 (A). The HDPE shall have the minimum
values per Table 500-5.7.6 when tested in accordance with ASTM standards by
an independent testing laboratory approved by the Engineer. The other
sample shall be provided to the Engineer.
TABLE 500-5.7.6 HDPE Testing Minimum Values per ASTM Standards
D 790 D 790 D 638 D 638 D 2444
U-Liner -
110,000 psi -
160,000 psi
3,000 psi -
3,500 psi
- Pass/Fail
2. Certified copies of all test reports performed by the independent testing
laboratory, in accordance with 4-4, “TESTING” and these specifications, shall
be submitted to the Engineer.
3. The finish of the end seals shall comply with 500-, “Finished Pipe”. The
area or annular space between the host pipe and the HDPE liner shall be
sealed with the approved epoxy that is compatible with the HDPE liner. During
the warranty period, any defect which will affect the integrity or strength of
the liner pipe or cause a problem with service connections, due to improper
finishing of channels or benches, shall be repaired at your expense.
500-5.10.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The minimum thickness of the pipe liner shall be in accordance with 500-
2. The factory test results shall show compliance with ASTM D 1784 Cell
Classification 13223-B and the requirements of 500-5.10.2, “Type A” for
Type A, or 500-5.10.3, “Type B” for Type B. The test results for each coil of
pipe shall be submitted to the Engineer before installation.
3. PVC pipe liner when installed and cooled shall have the required minimum
values for the corresponding liner type when tested in accordance with
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 371
ASTM standards by an independent testing laboratory approved by the
ASTM Test D 790 D 790 D 638 D 2444
Type A 2,200 psi
280,000 psi -
320,000 psi
5,000 psi -
6,000 psi
Type B 1,930 psi
155,000 psi -
280,000 psi
3,500 psi -
5,000 psi
4. Certified copies of all test reports performed by an independent testing
laboratory, in accordance with 4-4, “TESTING” and these specifications shall
be submitted to the Engineer.
500-5.10.2 Type A. To subsection “f”, item “i”, ADD the following:
1. You shall furnish and maintain all equipment necessary for the proper
execution of the Work as specified. The method of installation shall be
compatible with the manufacturer’s recommended practices. Before
installation, the pipe coils shall be tested by you in accordance with ASTM
D2122 to verify compliance with the minimum wall thickness.
2. The liner pipe shall be inserted into the existing sewer through existing
manholes, without modification of the manholes.
To subsection f”, item “v”, ADD the following:
1. If the liner fails to form, you shall remove the failed liner and replace it with a
new liner. This Work shall be performed without additional costs to the City.
After the line has been formed, the ends of the liner shall be cut away at both
2. The finished liner shall comply with 500-, “Finished Pipe”. Any defect
which will affect the integrity or strength of the liner pipe or cause a problem
with the service connections, due to improper finishing of channels or
benches, shall be repaired at your expense.
500-5.10.3 Type B. To subsection “f”, ADD the following:
vii. You shall submit factory test results and the date the PVC liner was
manufactured for each coil of pipe prior to installation for approval. No pipe
liner shall be installed later than 6 months from date of manufacture.
viii. You shall furnish and maintain all equipment necessary for the proper
execution of the Work as specified. The method of installation shall be
compatible with the manufacturer’s recommended practices. Before
installation, the pipe coils shall be tested by you in accordance with ASTM
D2122 to verify compliance with the minimum wall thickness.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 372
500-5.13.1 General. ADD the following:
1. The lining process shall use a continuous PVC profile strip which is machine-
wound directly into the existing pipeline from an existing manhole. The
process shall be continued until the complete length of the existing pipe has
been lined. PVC profile strip for machine spiral-wound liner pipe rehabilitation
of existing sewers shall comply with ASTM F1697 except as modified herein.
500-5.13.6 Installation. ADD the following:
1. Installation of machine spiral-wound PVC liner pipe rehabilitation of existing
sewers shall comply with ASTM F1741 except as modified herein.
2. The existing pipeline shall be cleaned of any obstructions and televised in
accordance with 500-3, “CLEANING AND PRELIMINARY INSPECTION”. Existing
live service connections shall be precisely located longitudinally, radially, and
in accordance with 500-8, “SERVICE CONNECTION RE-ESTABLISHMENT” and
500-6, “END SEALS” and logged for subsequent reinstatement following
insertion of the PVC strip pipe liner.
3. Coincident with lining forming into a spiral by the winding machine, a bead of
Vulkem 116 Urethane Caulk or equal shall be injected during the winding
process into the double locking elements in a sufficient amount such that
upon cure it will create a watertight seal as tested on a deflected segment of
fully expanded pipe.
4. You shall submit for the Engineer’s approval the method and material
composition for the end sealing and service lateral sealing material.
500-5.15 Sewer Main Rehabilitation Identification.
1. Whenever pipes are lined upstream, downstream, or both, a 3 inch x 8 inch (76.2
mm x 203.2 mm) reflective yellow delineator shall be installed above the inlet
and outlet which were lined and shall also be installed 36 inches (0.9 m) below
the manhole cover.
2. For rehabilitated manholes, the delineator shall be installed using a 2-part
epoxy, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, compatible with
polyurethane, PVC, epoxy, or any other liner material. Concrete manholes that
are not lined shall have the mounting surface scuffed to sound substrate prior
to installing delineator.
500-5.15.1 Payment.
1. The payment for identification tags shall be included in the Contract Price.
1. After curing is complete, you shall reestablish all live service connections in
accordance with this section. After the service has been completely
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 373
established, you shall proceed with sealing the lateral connection or lateral
lining or both as called for in these specifications.
2. If you cannot reestablish a service connection as specified above within the
specified Normal Working Hours, the following shall apply: you shall open all
live laterals with preliminary cuts to relieve the flow the same day as the
installation. The preliminary cut shall be a smooth round cut, with a minimum
diameter of 1 inch (25.4 mm) less than the lateral’s diameter. Final cuts shall
be completed during Normal Working Hours within 1 week from the date of
the liner installation, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
500-11 MEASUREMENT. DELETE in its entirety.
500-12 PAYMENT. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The unit price for rehabilitating the sewer main in the manner described shall
be for the length of the liner installed in the field and shall be measured
between the manholes from the wall, next to the insertion invert, to the invert
wall of the downstream manhole, unless you line through the manhole at the
City’s request. Payment for the liner shall also include trimming all other
protruding materials including existing, the cost of end seals, and the re-
establishment of active service connections by a remote control device in
2. Unless specified otherwise, no separate compensation shall be paid for
testing. The testing costs shall be included in the linear foot price of the pipe
rehabilitation Work. At the Resident Engineer’s discretion, 10% of the price of
the pipe rehabilitation Work shall be withheld until you submit certified third
party laboratory test results and chain of custody documents for each sample
taken, along with the corresponding sample halves, for quality assurance
verification testing by City Lab Staff.
3. Video inspections, before and after rehabilitation, shall be paid for in
accordance with 306-18.7, “Payment”. As-Built information and all other
relevant submittals shall be considered incidental to the Project for payment
purposes. This shall include the cost of the video inspection of the Service
4. You shall be responsible for making adequate and suitable arrangements for
any bypass pumping that may become necessary to prevent any backflow onto
private or public property, between the time the liner is inserted, and the service
re-connections have been made, tested, and approved by the Engineer. Unless
provided for, bypass pumping shall be incidental to the cost of the sewer
5. No separate or additional payment will be made for the removal of
obstructions encountered during post-installation CCTV inspection nor for any
re-televising necessary due to the digital recording being unacceptable to the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 374
DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
501-1 GENERAL.
1. Service Lateral Connection (SLC) is the interface of the house sewer lateral with
the main sewer. SLC to rehabilitated sanitary sewer lines shall be sealed,
normally without excavation, by the installation of a resin-impregnated,
flexible, felt tube or fiberglass tube installed into the existing service lateral.
The tube shall form a “tee” section with a full lap inside the main pipe and shall
extend continuously from the sewer main into the lateral for a minimum of 4
inch (101.6 mm). SLC may be a combination of “tees” or “wyes” of varying angle.
The resin shall be cured to form the tube into a hard impermeable pipe-within-
a-pipe. When cured, the SLC sealing shall seal the connection of the lateral to
the mainline in a continuous tight-fitting, watertight pipe-within-a-pipe to
eliminate any visible leakage between the lateral and mainline and shall
provide a leak-proof seal designed for a minimum 50-year life to prevent root
intrusion, infiltration, and exfiltration between a liner and a host pipe.
2. Prior to cleaning, you shall submit a detailed operational plan for the proposed
cleaning of all roots inside the pipe and around the service connection for the
Engineer’s approval. After cleaning, you shall proceed with lining of the pipe
and reinstating all live service connections. The service connection openings
shall conform to the shape and the size of the inside diameter of the existing
service connection. You shall use a wire brush or other methods and
equipment as recommended by other lining system providers or other
approved means and methods to provide a smooth opening for connecting
the lateral to the newly lined pipeline.
3. You shall trim all existing protruding materials which interfere with the lining
installation as flush with the pipe interior as practicable.
1. This specification references ASTM test methods which are made a part hereof
by such reference and shall be the latest edition and revision thereof and shall
meet the chemical resistance requirements of 210-2.3.3, “Chemical Resistance
Test (Pickle Jar Test)”.
1. The finished SLC sealing product shall be fabricated from materials which
when cured shall be chemically resistant to withstand internal exposure to
domestic sewage and shall meet the chemical resistance requirements of 210-
2.3.3, “Chemical Resistance Test (Pickle Jar Test)” and Table 210-2.4.1.
2. The SLC sealing product shall be compatible with the lining system materials
utilized in the main sewer line.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 375
1. A flexible felt tube shall be fabricated to neatly fit the internal circumference
of the conduit specified by the City. Allowance shall be made for
circumferential stretching during insertion.
2. The SLC sealing shall extend a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) from the
mainline into the lateral.
3. You shall furnish a specially designed, unsaturated polyester or vinyl ester
resin and catalyst system compatible with the SLC sealing process that
provides cured physical strengths specified herein.
1. The cured SLC sealing shall conform to the minimum structural standards as
listed in Table 500-5.5.2.
2. No cured-in-place pipe rehabilitation technology shall be allowed that requires
bonding to the existing pipe for any part of its structural strength.
3. Design methods are to be derived for various loading parameters and modes
of failure. Equations shall be modified to include deformation in the shape of
an oval as a design parameter. The design method shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval prior to the Pre-construction Meeting.
1. You shall remove internal debris out of the sewer line.
2. Inspection of pipelines shall be performed by experienced personnel trained
in locating breaks and obstacles by closed circuit television. The interior of the
pipeline shall be carefully inspected to determine the location of any
conditions which may prevent proper installation of the SLC sealing into the
pipelines and it shall be noted so that these conditions can be corrected. A
color video and suitable log shall be kept for later reference by the City.
3. When required, provide for the flow of sewage around the section or sections
of mainline pipe where the service lateral designated for SLC sealing is located.
The bypass shall be made by plugging the line at an existing upstream manhole
and pumping the flow into a downstream manhole or adjacent system. The pump
and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow without
service interruption. The bypass systems shall be approved in advance by the City.
4. The service lateral shall be inactive during the time of installation.
5. You shall clear the line of obstructions that prevent the insertion of the SLC
sealing material. If inspection reveals an obstruction that cannot be removed
by conventional sewer cleaning equipment, you shall make an external point
repair excavation to uncover and remove the obstruction. You shall inform the
Engineer prior to the commencement of the Work.
6. The mainline pipe opening shall be prepared to accept the SLC sealing and the
mainline rehabilitated pipe shall be maximized to obtain the best possible
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 376
7. The transition from the mainline pipe to the service lateral shall be smooth
and continuous to provide adequate support for the SLC sealing during
installation and cure.
1. The resin impregnated tube shall be loaded inside a pressure apparatus. The
pressure apparatus, attached to a robotic device, shall be positioned in the
mainline pipe at the service connection. The robotic device, together with a
television camera, shall be used to align the SLC repair with the service
connection opening. Air pressure, supplied to the pressure apparatus through
an air hose, shall be used to invert the resin impregnated SLC sealing into the
lateral pipe. The inversion pressure shall be adjusted to fully invert the SLC
sealing into the lateral pipe and hold the tube tight to the pipe wall. Care shall
be taken during the curing process not to over-stress the tube.
2. The pressure apparatus shall include a bladder which shall inflate in the mainline
pipe, effectively seating the SLC repair against the service connection.
3. After inversion or pull-in is completed, the recommended pressure shall be
maintained on the impregnated tube for the duration of the curing process.
Curing method shall be compatible with the resin selected. An ultraviolet (UV)
light cured, heat cured, or ambient cured resin system is typically used.
4. The initial cure shall be deemed to be completed when the SLC sealing has
been exposed to the UV light or heat source or held in place for the time period
specified by the manufacturer.
5. You shall cool the hardened SLC sealing before relieving the pressure in the
pressure apparatus. Cool-down may be accomplished by the introduction of
cool air into the pressure apparatus. Care shall be taken to maintain proper
pressure throughout the cure and cool-down period.
6. The finished SLC shall be free of dry spots, lifts, and delamination. The lateral
SLC shall not inhibit the final video of the mainline or service lateral pipes.
Frayed ends of the SLC repair shall be removed prior to acceptance.
7. During the warranty period, any defects which shall affect the integrity of
strength of the SLC shall be repaired at your expense in a manner mutually
agreed upon by the manufacturer, City, and you.
8. After the Work is completed, you shall provide the City with a video recording
showing the completed Work including the restored conditions.
501-8 CLEAN-UP.
1. Upon acceptance of the installation Work, you shall reinstate the Site affected
by its operations.
501-9 PAYMENT.
1. The payment for Service Lateral Connection Work shall be made at the
Contract Unit Price or lump sum price in the Bid for each Service Lateral
Connection. The Contract Unit Price or lump sum price in the Bid shall include
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 377
the furnishing and the installation of the Service Lateral Connection sealing
system, surface preparation and repairs, preparation and tape submittal of all
post cleaning videos and final videos in accordance with 306-18, “Video
Inspection”, bypassing if required, and testing, unless otherwise specified in
the Special Provisions.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 378
502-5.1.3 Installation. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
All steps shall be removed flush with the inside wall of the host structure. For the
removal of manhole steps for manholes not being lined, the contractor shall remove
the steps flush with the inside wall of the host structure (the manhole riser or wall)
and to seal the holes up with grout approved by the City. Formwork for the lining
system shall be installed in a manner that fits the existing walls and creates an equal
and approximate 3-inch (75 mm) annular space. Portland cement concrete shall be
used to fill the annular space. The installation of the liner shall conform to 311-1.
Prior to placement of the Portland cement concrete, the existing mainline pipe shall
be connected to the host structure as shown on the Plans and/or as specified in
the Special Provisions. Exposed Portland cement concrete surfaces within the host
structure shall be protected as specified in the Special Provisions.
502-5.6 Cured-In-Place Manhole (CIPM) Liner.
1. General.
a) CIPM liner for the rehabilitation of a manhole shall include the
furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment for the rehabilitation
of an existing manhole with the installation of tailored fabric liner
system covering the inside surface of manhole wall and shelf. The
fabric shall be impregnated with epoxy resin and placed tight against
the manhole wall and shelf and cured with pressurized steam.
2. Material Composition and Testing.
a) The fabric liner shall contain a PVC membrane and one or more layers
of polyester fleece and fiberglass reinforcement.
b) The material shall be compatible with and capable of carrying epoxy
or epoxy-vinyl-ester resin, be able to withstand installation pressure
and curing temperature between 160° F and 200 °F (71.1 °C and 93.3
c) The approved epoxy shall be compatible with the application and be
able to cure in the presence of hot steam. The initiation temperature
for cure shall be as recommended by the resin manufacturer and
approved by the Engineer.
d) The CIPM liner shall comply with ASTM D695, ASTM D790, and ASTM
C857 and shall have, as minimum, the structural properties in
accordance with Table 500-5.5.2.
e) You shall provide Field-cured samples as directed by the Engineer.
3. Resin and Fabric Acceptance.
a) Resin and fabric shall comply with 500-5.5.3, “Resin and Tube
Acceptance”. The fabric shall be custom tailored to fit any shape
manhole wall including base, cone, and risers. The fabric shall be
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 379
tailored such that, after curing, the maximum allowed pliable wrinkles
do not exceed ½ inch (12.7 mm) ply. Excessive wrinkles or plies may be
grounds for rejecting the rehab Work. You shall assure maximum resin
coverage where plies are anticipated.
b) The minimum design thickness of the fabric shall be 20 mils PVC
membrane, 10 oz/yd
of polyester fleece backing, and 18 oz/yd
fiberglass backing. The minimum total composite thickness shall be 88
c) The fabric shall be completely submerged in resin to allow for
maximum absorption. Resin containment shall be your responsibility.
4. Chemical Resistance.
a) The CIPM liner system shall comply with 500-5.5.4, “Chemical
Resistance Testing”.
5. Installation.
a) Prior to placing the liner, the manhole shall be cleaned in accordance with
502-6.2, “Spark Test”. You shall repair spalled or deteriorated concrete
in accordance with 502-6.3, “Mil Gauge Test”; 502-6.4, “Adhesion
Testing”; and 502-6.5, “Liner Repairs”.
b) Installation shall be by an installer that is qualified by the liner
manufacturer. You shall include the furnishing of all materials,
equipment, tools, and labor as required for the rehabilitation of the
manholes selected, including the installation of the interior liner. The
installation of the approved liner system shall be in strict accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions. This shall include the preparation,
installation, inflation, curing, and finishing operation required for the
completion of the manhole rehabilitation process. Safety rules and
regulations applicable laws and insurance requirements shall be
observed in storing, handling, use and application of the liner materials,
resins, and any solvents. Ventilation shall be provided to the workers at
all times.
c) The liner shall be installed and cured in place via controlled curing by
heat and pressurization (2 psi to 5 psi) in the manhole to complete the
curing process in less than 2 hours.
d) The lining of the manhole shall result in a monolithic structure to the
shape and contour of the existing manhole. The liner shall be installed
and bond to the interior manhole substrate and completely watertight,
free of any joints or openings.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 380
502-5.6.1 Payment.
1. The payment for manhole rehabilitation Work shall be included in the vertical
foot Bid item for “Rehabilitate Existing Manhole with Cured-In-Place Manhole
Liner” and shall include all necessary labor, material, and equipment to clean,
repair, and line the manhole as specified herein. The vertical foot liner
measurement shall be defined as the distance between the top of shelf to the
manhole cover seat.
502-6.6 Chemical Resistance Test (Pickle Jar Test).
1. Epoxy Lining Systems, Polyurethane and Epoxy Protective Lining Systems
shall meet the requirements of 211-2, “CHEMICAL RESISTANCE TEST (PICKLE
JAR) TEST”. Proof of meeting these requirements shall be provided to the
Engineer for approval at least 15 Working Days prior to commencement of
2. The epoxy primer materials for the polyurethane lining system shall be 100%
3. The epoxy materials for the epoxy lining system shall be 100% solids.
502-6.7 Repair Methods.
1. Defects in the APC shall be repaired in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions or 303-1.10, “Curing” and 200-1, “ROCK PRODUCTS”.
2. Pinholes in the protective lining shall be marked off on surface areas
containing pinholes to a point 6 inch (152.4 mm) beyond all pinholes and
recoated with the epoxy lining or primed with epoxy primer and recoated with
polyurethane to a minimum additional thickness of 30 mils (762 µm).
3. Blisters, uncured lining, and surface imperfections shall be completely
removed and the areas recoated with the epoxy lining or epoxy primer and
polyurethane lining to a point 6 inch (152.4 mm) beyond the repair areas at a
minimum thickness of 100 mils (2540 µm).
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 381
503-1 GENERAL.
1. The rehabilitation shall be accomplished using a fabric or fiberglass tube of
particular length and a thermoset resin with physical and chemical properties
appropriate for the application without excavation and disturbing surface
improvements. The tube is vacuum impregnated with the resin. Access to an
upstream end of the service lateral is made by excavation in the public right
of way. Installation of the resin-impregnated tube into the service lateral may
be performed either by Type A inversion in accordance with ASTM F1216 or by
Type B pull-in in accordance with ASTM F1743 and may be performed from
either the mainline or the excavated end of the lateral.
2. The cured-in-place liner shall extend the entire length of the lateral from the
access point at the property line to the mainline. The location of the cleanout
shall not be modified unless approved in writing by the Engineer. Once the
tube or resin composite is cured, the installation equipment shall be removed
and the protruding end in the sewer main shall be cut using a robotic cutting
device. A sewer cleanout in accordance with Standard Drawing SDS-102,
“Sewer Lateral Cleanout (In Paved Alley, Sidewalk, or Other Areas Subject to
Traffic)” or SDS-103, “Sewer Lateral Cleanout” shall be installed at the access
point and properly backfilled.
3. A lateral rehabilitation including the installation of lateral cleanout and backfill
process shall be completed within 15 Working Days.
4. The liner shall be extended sufficiently to create a water tight seal at the main
and the liner interface.
5. If there is a Service Lateral Connection (SLC) in place, then the cured-in-place
lateral liner shall have a minimum overlap of 2 inches (50.8 mm) over the
previously installed SLC -.
6. Existing ABS and PVC sewer laterals shall not be rehabilitated. These laterals
shall be replaced or shall have point repairs performed on them as directed
by the Engineer.
1. The tube shall consist of one or more layers of flexible needled felt or an
equivalent material. Where the tube is fabricated from non-woven felt, the
longitudinal and circumferential joints are made up by seal bonding. The tube
shall be capable of conforming to bends, off-set joints, bells, and disfigured
pipe sections. The resin and catalyst system as designed for the specific
application shall meet the chemical resistance requirements of 210-2.3.3,
“Chemical Resistance Test (Pickle Jar Test)”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 382
2. The composite of the materials above shall, upon installation inside the host
pipe, exceed the minimum test standards specified in Table 500-5.5.2.
3. The thickness of the lateral lining shall be no less than 0.12 inch (36.6 mm) and
not more than 0.18 inch (54.9 mm) for laterals up to and including 8 inches
(203.2 mm) in diameter. The thickness of the lateral lining shall be in
accordance with Table 500-1.1 (A) for laterals larger than 8 inch (203.22 mm)
in diameter.
1. The property owner of the lateral being reconstructed shall be informed and
the flow stopped for the period of reconstruction Work.
2. You shall excavate an access pit at the property line cleanout location. The
excavation pit shall be located entirely within the public right-of-way, and shall
not encroach into the private property. You shall replace in kind all existing
improvements impacted by the installation process.
3. You shall clean, video, and determine the structural condition of the lateral line
prior to installation. Roots, debris, and protruding service connections shall be
removed prior to installation.
4. The tube shall be inspected for torn or frayed sections. The tube in good
condition shall then be vacuum impregnated with the thermoset resin.
5. No open pans or uncontrolled open-air pouring of resin shall be allowed
during tube saturation. Resin shall be contained within the inflation bladder
during vacuum impregnation and insertion. You shall ensure that no property
is exposed to contamination by liquid resin compounds or components.
6. The saturated tube along with the inflation bladder shall be inserted into the
installation equipment and the end closed. The entire installation equipment
shall be placed in the pipe access pit and aligned with the exposed end of the
7. The resin and tube shall be completely protected during the placement. The
resin shall not be contaminated or diluted by exposure to dirt, debris, or water
during the placement.
8. The tube shall be installed from the installation equipment by controlled air,
water, or steam pressure in accordance with manufacturer instructions. The
tube shall extend the entire reconstruction length and shall be held tightly in
place against the wall of the host pipe until the cure is complete.
9. When the curing process is complete, the pressure is released and the inflation
bladder reverted back into the installation equipment and removed from the
access point.
10. No barriers, coatings, or any material other than the cured tube or resin
composite specifically designed for desirable physical and chemical resistance
properties shall be left in the host pipe. Any materials used in the installation
other than the cured tube or resin composite shall be removed.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 383
11. Any cured tube or resin composite pipe left protruding from the service
connection into the sewer main shall be trimmed back using a hydraulic-
powered robotic cutting device specifically designed for cutting cured-in-place
pipe made from these materials.
12. A second video inspection shall be performed to verify the proper cure of the
material, the proper trim of service connection, and the integrity of the seamless
13. The bypass pumping system shall be removed and the sewer flows restored
to normal flow conditions. The excavation shall be properly backfilled and
compacted. The property owner of the service connection shall be informed
before and after the Work is complete.
1. If pre-installation inspection reveals conditions in the service lateral to be
substantially different than those used in the design of wall thickness, tube
construction, tube length, or resin system, then you shall correct the situation
as approved by the Engineer.
1. Upon completion, you shall deliver the video records and written reports to
the Engineer. The Engineer shall review the documentation and the Site to
determine if the Work is complete and if the Work may be accepted.
503-6 PAYMENT.
1. The payment for the service lateral rehabilitation Work of existing sewer
laterals shall include the removal and replacement of sidewalk panels and
restoration of existing surface public/private improvements as required by the
Engineer and excavations are included in the Bid ItemService Lateral
Rehabilitation with Cleanout, regardless of sewer lateral material or depth
of cleanout.
2. The Bid items for service lateral rehabilitation Work shall include all necessary
labor, materials, and equipment in order to clean, repair, and line the Sewer
3. The point repair Work for sewer laterals shall be in accordance with 500-4,
“PIPELINE POINT REPAIR AND/OR REPLACEMENT” and shall be included in the
Bid item for each “Point Repair for Existing Sewer Lateral”. Measurement shall
be made at the pipe and shall be based on the length of pipe repaired. You
shall be paid for 1 point repair for each repair 8 ft (2.43 m) or less in length.
Any continuous point repair greater than 8 ft (2.43 m), shall be paid linearly
proportioned to bid item “Point Repair for Existing Sewer Main”. This payment
shall include all necessary labor, materials, and equipment to clean, repair,
excavate, inspect the Point Repair, backfill, pavement restoration including
sidewalks, driveways and any other above ground improvements.
4. The payment for the cleaning of and video inspection for rehabilitated
laterals shall be paid in accordance with 306-18.7, “Payment”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 384
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 385
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 386
DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
600-1 GENERAL.
1. Your Work shall cause no unnecessary inconvenience to the public or businesses
in the vicinity of the Work. You shall have no greater length or quantity of Work
under construction than can be prosecuted with a minimum of inconvenience to
the public and other contractors engaged in adjacent or related Work.
2. You shall notify property owners and tenants in accordance with 5-10.2,
“Community Outreach Services” and shall post signs notifying the public a
minimum of 5 Working Days prior to the closure or detour of streets.
3. You shall provide continuous and unobstructed vehicular and pedestrian
access to the adjacent properties unless otherwise specified in the Special
Provisions, Traffic Control Plans, or Traffic Control Permit as approved by the
4. You shall cooperate with the various parties involved in the delivery of mail and
the collection of trash, recycling, and yard waste to maintain existing schedules
for these services.
5. You shall notify Environmental Services Department via email
) of street closures affecting the regular scheduled solid
waste collection at least 3 Working Days prior to the street closure. Include
your business name and phone number, days of closure, time of scheduled
closure, and date of anticipated street reopening in the notification.
a) You shall verify waste collection schedules via the Environmental
Services website at:
b) You shall comply with the following requirements for trash, recycling,
and yard waste collection:
i. Provide advance written notice to every property affected by
blocked public right of way.
ii. Coordinate the relocation of trash, recycling, and yard waste
containers to an accessible public street for the City’s waste
collection crews on collection day.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 387
iii. When necessary, relocate the containers from the blocked
streets to the accessible public right of way before the City’s
collection vehicles arrive to assist with collection on existing
schedules. Return the containers to their point of origin to
ensure the accuracy of inventory assignment by address.
c) If the City’s crews are unable to provide the citizens with the mandated
services due to your failure to comply with these specifications, you
shall collect trash, recyclables, and yard waste on the City’s schedule
and deliver to the City’s designated locations. If you fail to perform this
Work, you shall incur additional costs for the City to reschedule pick
up of an area.
6. You shall obtain a Right of Entry Permit from Railroad prior to entering or
constructing on property owned, operated, occupied, or controlled by the
Railroad. You shall abide by the terms of the Right of Entry Permit and shall
arrange and pay for inspection as required by the Railroad. The terms of the
Right of Entry Permit control over the Plans and Specifications. Your right to
enter right-of-way owned, operated, occupied, or controlled by Railroad is
subject to the absolute right of Railroad to cause your Work to cease if, in the
opinion of Railroad, your activities create a hazard to Railroad’s patrons,
employees, and operations.
a) The term “Railroad” means an owner, operator, inhabitant or
controller of rail facilities. These include San Diego Metropolitan
Transit System (MTS), San Diego Trolley, Inc. (SDTI), San Diego
Association of Governments (SANDAG), Port of San Diego, San Diego
& Arizona Eastern Railroad (SD&AE), American Track - National
Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRACK), Transit America, Union
Pacific Rail Road Company (UPRR), Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Railway (BNSF), and North County Transit District (NCTD).
b) Information on obtaining a Right of Entry Permit and regarding policies
can be obtained at:
i. MTS Right of Way Services at 619-557-4501 or
http://www.sdmts. com/Business/Permits.asp
ii. NCTD Customer Service at (760) 996-6500 or
iii. BNSF Permit Management Office (817) 230-2628
iv. UPRR Customer Service at (402) 501-4941 or
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 388
7. Notify and coordinate with Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) and the San
Diego County Regional Airport Authority (Airport Authority) a minimum of 5
Working Days prior to excavation, construction, or temporary traffic control
affecting airport operation and transit stops.
a) MTS (Street Closure and Bus Stops)
(619) 238-0100 Ext 6451
b) MTS (Taxi Zones) / (Trolley Lines)
(619) 235-2644 / (619) 595-4960
c) San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
8. Notify the remaining agencies a minimum of 2 Working Days prior to construction
activities affecting the agencies.
a) Fire Department Dispatch (Street or alley closure)
(858) 573-1300
b) Police Department Traffic (Street or alley closure)
(619) 531-2000
c) Street Division/Electrical (Traffic signals)
(619) 527-7500
d) U.S. Navy (32nd Street Naval Station)
(619) 556-1319
e) Underground Service Alert (Any excavation)
(800) 422-4133
9. Where Work occurs on Harbor Drive or impacts traffic flow to San Diego
International Airport (Airport) from adjacent and contiguous streets such as
Pacific Highway, Laurel Street, Grape Street, Hawthorn Street, and Nimitz Blvd.,
you shall adjust the Schedule to take advantage of the reduced Airport operations
and low vehicular traffic on Harbor Drive and surrounding streets between the
hours of 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM, Monday through Saturday, or as stipulated by
your Traffic Control Permit. Do not interrupt access to the Airport.
10. If Work is located within the flight path of aircrafts landing or taking off at San
Diego airports, you shall obtain a construction permit for tall equipment (such
as cranes) through Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
11. If weather condition is suitable, complete each street segment within 15 Working
Days from the day of the resurfacing in accordance with 6-3.1, “General”.
1. Vehicular access to private properties and businesses shall be maintained to the
property line except when necessary construction precludes such access.
2. Maintain cross traffic and turning moves at the intersections.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 389
3. If backfill has been completed to the extent that safe access may be provided
and the street is opened to local traffic, you shall immediately clear the street
and driveways and provide and maintain access.
4. Maintain full width of all traffic lanes of the existing roadway during non-working
hours and on Saturday, Sunday, designated Holidays, and when construction
operations are not actively in progress on Working Days.
1. See CA MUTCD Chapter 6D for requirements and guidelines.
2. Pedestrian zones and public transportation stops, as well as pedestrian crossings
of the Work site at intervals not exceeding 300 foot (91.4 m) shall be maintained
unless otherwise approved by the City. When sidewalks are closed, an alternate
walkway shall be provided. Pedestrians shall not be directed into direct conflict
with vehicles operating within the Work site or other traffic. Where it is necessary
to divert pedestrians into the parking lane or a street, barricades or temporary
traffic barriers shall be provided to separate the pedestrian walkway from the
adjacent traffic lane.
a) If crosswalk closures are necessary, you shall close only one crosswalk at
a time at intersections having 4 crosswalks. If 2 or more crosswalk
closures at an intersection are necessary, you shall submit a pedestrian
detour plan and obtain approval from the City before implementation of
the closure. Approval from the City shall be obtained before closing any
crosswalks at intersections having fewer than 4 crosswalks.
3. Vertical changes of surface elevations in areas subject to pedestrian traffic of 1/2
inch (12.5 mm) or greater shall have a beveled edge of 12 horizontal to 1 vertical.
4. Walkways within the Work site shall be a minimum of 4 foot (1.2 m) in width and
6 foot (1.8 m) in width in high volume pedestrian area with passing spaces at least
60 inches (1524 mm) by 60 inches (1524 mm) every 200 feet (61.0 m). Obstructions
within walkways shall be illuminated during hours of darkness. The minimum
vertical clearance to any obstruction larger than 4 inches (101.6 mm) within a
walkway shall be 7 feet (2.1 m).
5. The minimum horizontal clearance (buffer space) between walkways within the
Work site and Work areas or operating equipment shall be a minimum of 5 feet
(1.5 m).
600-3.1 ADA Requirements.
1. Temporary facilities shall be detectable by a person with a visual disability
traveling with the aid of a long cane and include accessibility features
consistent with the features present in the existing pedestrian facility. A
detectable barrier shall be placed across the full width of the closed sidewalk.
2. Channelized pedestrian routes shall be clear of obstacles and shall have a
continuous detectable edging. The accessible route shall have the following:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 390
a) Clear headroom of at least 80 inches (2032 mm).
b) A surface that is firm, stable, and slip resistant.
c) No level changes in excess of 1/2 inch (12.5 mm) vertically (in the
absence of a curb ramp, ramp, elevator, or platform lift).
d) A curb ramp slope of less than 8.3% (1:12).
e) A path of travel slope of less than 5% (1:20) and a cross slope of less than
2% (1:50).
f) Routes that are under scaffolding conforming to ADA requirements.
g) Audible information devices (when shown on Plans or Traffic Control
1. Bikeway systems interrupted by Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) shall have
signage through or around the TTC back to the bikeway in accordance with
MAINTENANCE WORK ZONES. Roadways adjacent to the Work site shall be
kept free of obstructions or other hazards to bicyclists.
600-5 PAYMENT.
1. The payment for access Work as specified in SECTION 600 ACCESS shall be
included in the Contract Price.
2. The payment for MTS Right of Entry Permit procurement Work including
railroad liability insurance, plan reviews, inspections, flagging, and fees shall
be included in the allowance Bid item for “MTS Right of Entry Permit”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 391
DELETE in entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
601-1 GENERAL.
1. Temporary traffic control (TTC) for construction and Work zones shall conform
to Part 6 of the California MUTCD, the specifications, and the Traffic Control
Plan (TCP) if so included with the Plans or if required to be prepared by you
and submitted as a Working Drawing.
2. Working hours are the Normal Working Hours unless otherwise specified.
Work requiring traffic lane closures shall only be performed between the
hours specified in the Special provisions or shown on the TCP.
3. Traffic shall be permitted to pass though the Work site, unless otherwise
specified in the Special Provisions or shown on the TCP.
4. If construction is to be performed in phases, complete the Work in each phase
prior to beginning the Work in the next phase. Approval of temporary Traffic
Control Plans or Working Drawings for hours outside of the Normal Working
Hours does not constitute a guarantee that the City will be available to inspect
the Work.
5. TTC activities and milestones shall be shown as activities on your construction
schedule in accordance with 6-1, CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND
6. The term “hours of darkness” used in the specifications shall mean the hours
of darkness as defined in Division 1, Section 280, of the California Vehicle Code.
7. Roadways adjacent to the Work site shall be kept clean and free of
obstructions or other hazards. Do not store or allow equipment, material, or
debris to remain in the public right-of-way without prior approval by the City.
8. You shall conduct roadway construction operations in a manner that provides
a surface safe for vehicular traffic. Vertical changes of pavement elevations 1½
inches (37.5 mm) or greater shall have a beveled edge of 4 horizontal to 1
9. Pavement surface disruptions in marked bike lanes or routes of ½ inch
(12.5 mm) or more shall have a beveled edge of 8 horizontal to 1 vertical. Signs
indicating the condition of the surface of the pavement shall be posted as
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 392
shown on the TCP or as specified in the Special Provisions. If the pavement
surface elevation changes are not beveled and signs are not posted, the
bicycle lane or route shall be closed.
10. When a bicycle lane or route is closed, signing shall be installed to terminate
the bike lane or route. Signs shall be posted to advise motorists and bicyclists
that the previously separated bicycle traffic will be in the vehicular traveled
way. Barricades used at the terminus or the closure shall be spaced to prevent
physical passage by bicyclists into the closed bicycle lane or route.
11. Lane restrictions, flagging, or other operations shall not cause traffic to stop
on railroad tracks. Whenever the Work causes traffic to back up across an
active railroad track, a flagger shall be provided.
12. Backfill or cover trenches with steel trench plates at the end of each Workday.
“STEEL PLATE AHEAD” (W8-24) signs shall be present whenever steel plates are
present. Place an asphalt ramp around each trench plate. Upon completion of
excavation backfill, provide a satisfactory surface for traffic. Portable concrete
barriers, additional noticing, and other items may be required when trenching
cannot be secured overnight by backfilling or trench-plating.
13. You shall furnish, install, program, and maintain a City approved temporary
video or radar detection system to provide vehicle detection for intersection
approaches that existing detection systems are damaged, disabled, or become
ineffective due to construction activities for a period of 5 or more Calendar
Days. At the completion of the construction phase, you shall be responsible
for the complete removal of all temporary detection equipment and
restorations or installation of the permanent vehicle detection system.
14. Additional TTC requirements shall be as specified in the Special Provisions.
601-2.1 General.
1. If specified in the Contract Documents, you shall submit a TCP in accordance
with 3-8, “SUBMITTALS”.
2. Traffic Control Plans shall have the project title, phase identification, name of
the firm preparing the TCP, name and stamp of the Registered Civil Engineer
(for engineered TCP), approval block for each jurisdictional agency, north
arrow, sheet number, and number of sheets comprising the TCP. General
notes and symbol definitions shall be included when required.
3. The TCP shall be drawn to a 1 inch = 40 feet (1:500) scale on common size
sheets, either 8½ inches (215.9 mm) x 11 inches (279.4 mm), 8½ inches (215.9
mm) x 14 inches (355.6 mm), or 11 inches (279.4 mm) x 17 inches (431.8 mm)
Plan sheets as dictated by the length of Work. Engineered TCP shall be 2 feet
(609.6 mm) x 3 feet (914.4 mm) in accordance with 601-2.1.2, “Engineered
Traffic Control Plans (TCP)”.
4. The requirements in the Special Provisions shall govern the design of the
proposed TCP. Working Drawings may be approved by the City.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 393
5. The TCP shall clearly show all necessary details and shall be Site-specific. The
City will not accept typical Plans and sections.
6. Prepare TCP in accordance with the City’s Computer Aided Design and Drafting
(CADD) standards. You may use any standard engineering CADD program
(MicroStation or AutoCAD) to prepare the TCP.
7. Allow at least 20 Working Days for the City’s review of each submitted TCP.
8. You are not entitled to Contract Time extensions if you fail to properly produce
the Engineered TCP or Traffic Control Working Drawings to schedule the Work.
601-2.1.1 Traffic Control Permit.
1. Do not begin the Work in the public roadway without the approved temporary
traffic control permit. The TCP is not valid until Work dates are approved and
a temporary traffic control permit is issued by the City.
2. For City Projects, coordinate the traffic control permit application submittal
with the Work so that no items of Work will be delayed. To obtain a temporary
traffic control permit, call the Engineering and Capital Projects’ (ECP)
Construction Management & Field Engineering (CMFE) Division’s Traffic
Control Section, (858) 495-4742 for an appointment a minimum of 2 Working
Days prior to starting the Work and a minimum of 5 Working Days when the
Work will affect a traffic signal. Provide 1 copy of the temporary traffic control
drawings specified in the Contract Documents at the time of the appointment.
Upon approval of your TCP, the Traffic Control Section of CMFE will issue the
3. For Private Development Projects, the Developer/Contractor shall submit a
Traffic Control Plan (TCP) to Development Services Department (DSD) for
approval prior to starting Work. The Developer/Contractor shall also obtain a
Temporary Traffic Control Permit for the approved TCP from DSD for any Work
in the public right-of-way prior to start of Work. Temporary Traffic Control
Permits can be obtained online on the DSD traffic control permitting website
permit). In person visits will be scheduled only if approved by DSD staff by
calling 619-446-5150. The Developer/Contractor shall obtain a Temporary
Traffic Control Permit a minimum of 5 Working Days prior to starting the Work
and a notification to agencies 5 Working Days in advance if the Work will affect
a bus stop or an existing traffic signal or will require a road or alley closure.
4. Submit proposed changes and deviations from the traffic control plan permit
for the City’s approval. Prior to implementation, the City will observe the
implementation of Traffic Control Plans and reserves the right to require you to
make changes as field conditions warrant. The City may approve the changes to
the Traffic Control Plan Permit or if directed in writing by the City.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 394
5. Any Work impacting traffic to and from the San Diego International Airport
shall be coordinated with the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority and
Working Hours shall be approved by the San Diego County Regional Airport
Authority prior to obtaining a Traffic Control Permit from the City. Refer to
600-1, “GENERAL”.
601-2.1.2 Engineered Traffic Control Plans (TCP).
1. Engineered TCP shall be 2 feet (609.6 mm) x 3 feet (914.4 mm). The engineered
TCP shall be signed and stamped by a Professional Civil Engineer registered in
the State of California (per CA MUTCD 1A.09).
2. Coordinate with the City’s Traffic Control Section of CMFE for the development
and approval of the engineered TCP. Submit a Traffic Control Approach to the
Engineer prior to preparing the engineered TCP. A list of traffic control items
is available upon request from the CMFE Division as a guideline. Prepare the
engineered TCP in accordance with the approved Traffic Control Approach.
You may obtain a copy of the Project area base map through the City. If
extensive additions or corrections are required, the CMFE Traffic Control Section
will return the marked-up print for corrections and re-submission.
3. If no changes or corrections are required, the Traffic Control Section will retain
the original engineered TCP and return 1 copy with the TCP Permit to you.
4. You shall obtain or require your Subcontractor to obtain Architects and
Engineers Professional Insurance (Errors and Omissions Insurance) in
accordance with 5-4, “INSURANCE” as specified in the Special Provisions for
the Work of the engineered TCP.
601-2.1.3 Traffic Control Working Drawings.
1. For those portions of the Work where Engineered TCP are not provided nor
required, prepare and submit traffic control Working Drawings as part of your
Traffic Control Permit package.
2. If extensive additions or corrections are required, the Traffic Control Section
will return the marked-up print for corrections and re-submission.
3. If no change or correction is required, the original Working Drawings will be
retained by the City. One copy, with the TCP Permit attached, will be returned
to you.
4. When required by the City, Traffic Control Working Drawings shall be prepared
and stamped by a Licensed Professional Civil Engineer.
601-2.1.4 Traffic Control for Resurfacing and Slurry Sealing.
1. Prepare TCP for Resurfacing and Slurry Sealing in accordance with 601-2.1.3,
“Traffic Control Working Drawings”.
2. Place temporary reflective pavement markers on all roadways with painted
centerline immediately upon completion of the resurfacing or slurry sealing.
Remove temporary reflective pavement markers only for new permanent
pavement striping.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 395
3. The City will provide you, at the Pre-construction Meeting, with the standard
format for “NO PARKING - TOW-AWAY ZONE” signs for the resurfacing or slurry
seal portion of the Work. You shall furnish the “NO PARKING - TOW-AWAY
ZONE” signs and pedestals for posting on sidewalks and streets.
a) Mount the “NO PARKING - TOW-AWAY ZONE” signs on suitable
pedestals, such as tripods and barricades. Post signs every 50 feet
(15.2 m) on both sides of the block affected by the proposed
resurfacing, slurry sealing, or both.
b) Affix to each “NO PARKING - TOW-AWAY ZONE” sign cards with 2-inch
(50.8 mm) high letters stating the day(s) of the week parking is
prohibited, as well as your company name and telephone number.
Remove the “NO PARKING - TOW-AWAY ZONE” signs immediately
following the completion of the resurfacing, slurry sealing, or both.
c) For each street block segment scheduled for slurry sealing or
resurfacing, the “NO PARKING - TOW-AWAY ZONE” signs shall be
posted for 2 consecutive Working Days. Schedule the slurry sealing on
the first posted Working Day, unless approved by the City. The second
posted Working Day shall be reserved for emergency Work, and may
be used only with the approval of the City. Reschedule street block
segments which are not completed by the second posted Working
d) Place “NO PARKING - TOW-AWAY ZONE” signs 72 hours in advance of
the scheduled slurry sealing. Reschedule street block segments which
are not completed by the last posted Working Day. If a Work delay of
48 hours or more occurs from the originally scheduled Work date,
remove the “NO PARKING - TOW-AWAY ZONE” signs for a minimum of
24 hours, then reset and re-post for the appropriate Work date.
4. Furnish and distribute door hanger notices in sufficient quantities to advise
the general public of the scheduled parking prohibitions in accordance with 5-
10.2, “Community Outreach Services”.
601-2.1.5 Traffic Control for Street Closures and Detours.
1. You shall comply with all applicable State, County, and City requirements for
the closure of streets.
2. Street closures, detours, barricades lights, other safety devices shall conform
to current requirements covering “signs” as set forth by Caltrans.
3. You shall provide barriers, guards, lights, signs, temporary bridges, flag
persons, and watch persons. You shall be responsible for complying with
additional public safety requirements which may arise. You shall furnish and
install signs and warning devices and promptly remove them upon completion
of the Work.
4. At least 2 Working Days in advance of closing, partially closing or reopening,
any street, alley, or other public thoroughfare, you shall notify the Police, Fire,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 396
Traffic and Engineering Departments, and comply with their requirements.
Deviations shall first be approved in writing by the City. Refer to 600-1,
5. You shall secure approval, in advance, from authorities concerned for the use
of any bridges proposed by it for public use. Temporary bridges shall be clearly
posted as to load limit, with signs and posting conforming to current
requirements covering “signs” as set forth in the Traffic Manual published by
the California Department of Transportation. This manual shall also apply to
the street closures, barricades, detours, lights, and other safety devices
6. Maintain, whether shown on the Plan or not, existing traffic control signs or
signals in their proper location on temporary mounting supports until
permanent signs or signals are restored.
7. When constructing a new roadway, install and maintain Type 3 barricades with
flashing yellow lights and “Road Closed” signs, chain link fences, or both until
the new or improved roadway is accepted by the City.
8. For the Work in the vicinity of the Airport as specified in 600-1, “GENERAL”,
perform the following:
a) Perform the Work necessitating closure of 1 or 2 more lanes on Harbor
Drive outside Normal Working Hours unless otherwise specified in
the Contract Documents.
b) When sufficient width is available, maintain a minimum of 2 travel
lanes in each direction at all times unless otherwise specified in the
Contract Documents or agreed upon by Airport representatives.
c) Construct and maintain detours at the proper time. The City will close
down the Work if you fail or refuse to construct and maintain detours as
d) Do not interrupt the operation of the existing traffic signals and
lighting unless otherwise specified.
e) Whenever a portion of the roadway is completed, make that section of
the road available to traffic immediately if it does not conflict with the rest
of the traffic control devises and if it does not compromise public safety.
f) Furnish flag persons, when required, to give adequate warning to
traffic or to the public of any dangerous conditions to be encountered.
601-3.1 General.
1. TTC zone devices shall conform to NCHRP Report 350 criteria for TTC
crashworthy devices and the California MUTCD. Retro-reflective sheeting used
on TTC devices shall conform to ASTM D4956.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 397
2. Furnish, install, and maintain the traffic control devices as shown on the traffic
control permit and approved TCP’s and any additional traffic control devices
as may be required to ensure the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians
and to provide for the safety of construction workers.
3. Maintain existing traffic control signs and traffic signals in their proper location
on temporary mounting supports until permanent signs or signals are
4. Your name or the Supplier’s name who owns the traffic control devices shall
be clearly noted on each device.
5. All traffic control devices shall be removed from the work area immediately
following the completion of the Work.
601-3.2 Categories.
1. Category 1. Category 1 TTC zone devices shall be defined as small, lightweight
devices weighing less than 100 pounds (45.4 Kg) certified as crashworthy by
crash testing or crash testing of similar devices. Category 1 temporary traffic
control zone devices include, but are not limited to, traffic cones, plastic traffic
drums, portable delineators, and channelizers.
2. Category 2. Category 2 TTC zone devices shall be defined as small, lightweight
devices weighing less than 100 pounds (45.4 Kg) that are not expected to produce
significant changes in vehicular velocity but could cause harm to impacting
vehicles. Category 2 temporary traffic control zone devices include, but are not
limited to, barricades and portable sign supports.
3. Category 3. Category 3 TTC zone devices shall be defined as temporary traffic-
handling equipment and devices weighing 100 pounds (45.4 Kg) or more that
are expected to produce significant changes in the vehicular velocity of impacting
vehicles. Category 3 temporary traffic-handling equipment and devices include,
but are not limited to, crash cushions, impact attenuator vehicles, temporary
railing, temporary barrier, and end treatments for temporary railings and barriers.
601-3.3 Crashworthiness.
1. Category 1 devices purchased after October 1, 1998 shall be self-certified by
the vendor. Self-certification shall be based on crash testing, crash testing of
similar devices, or years of demonstrable safe performance. The certification
shall be submitted to the City prior to the start of the Work.
2. Category 2 devices shall be those listed on the FHWA’s “Accepted Crashworthy
Category 2 Hardware for Work Zones” that meets NCHRP Report 350 criteria
for crashworthiness. Category 2 devices shall have FHWA acceptance and have
been purchased after October 1, 2000. FHWA acceptance shall be labeled with
the FHWA acceptance letter number and the name of the manufacturer prior
to the start of the Work. The label shall be legible and permanently affixed by
the manufacturer. Category 2 devices without a label shall not be used on the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 398
3. Category 3 devices shall be those that have been tested in accordance with
NCHRP criteria. Category 3 devices shall be as specified in the Special
Provisions or shown on the Plans or Standard Plans.
601-3.4 Operation and Maintenance.
601-3.4.1 General.
1. You shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the TTC zone
devices and services.
2. You shall patrol and monitor the Work site to ensure that the TTC devices are
in-place, properly positioned, and operational.
3. You shall ensure that TTC devices are repaired, replaced, and cleaned as
necessary to preserve their appearance and visibility. TTC devices that are
damaged shall be repaired or replaced.
601-3.5.1 General.
1. Unless otherwise specified, signs shall conform to the California MUTCD.
Each sign shall consist of a base, standard or framework, and a sign panel. Sign
units shall be capable of being delivered to the Work site and placed into
immediate operation.
2. Signage shall include all temporary signs required for the direction of traffic
through or around the Work site. Sign placement shall conform to the
California MUTCD and the TCP.
3. Unless otherwise specified, temporary “No Parking” and “No Stopping” signs
shall be installed 72 hours before enforcement. . Signs shall indicate specific
days, dates, and times of restrictions. If violations occur, call Police Dispatch
619-531-2000 to enforce the Tow-Away notice.
601-3.6 Channelizing Devices.
1. General. Channelizing devices shall include cones, tubular markers
(delineators), channelizers, drums, barricades, and temporary barriers.
Channelizing devices shall be placed as shown on the Plans or the TCP.
2. Cones. Tubular Markers and Channelizers. Cones, tubular markers or
channelizers shall be used on short-duration and short-term stationary
temporary traffic control zones. Tubular markers or channelizers shall be used
on intermediate-term stationary temporary traffic control zones and when
additional visibility and stability is required.
3. Drums. Drums shall be used in lieu of cones or tubular markers for long-term
stationary temporary traffic control zones or as shown on the TCP.
4. Barricades.
a) Barricades shall not be placed in a merging lane of traffic without
advance warning. Advance warning shall consist of a “High Level
Warning Device”, arrow panel and other appropriate delineation.
Barricades used at night shall be equipped with flashing lights.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 399
b) Type 1 and 2 barricades shall be used on local streets and sidewalks.
Barricades shall be Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3.
c) Type 1 barricades shall not be used where they may be encountered
by the visually impaired unless horizontal tie bars are provided not
more than 6 inches (150 mm) from the bottom of the barricade.
d) Type 2 barricades shall be used in major, secondary, and collector
e) Type 3 barricades shall be used for closing streets to through traffic
and for other major operations where the barricades shall remain in
place for extended periods.
f) Barricades shall be placed such that there is no gap large enough to
for a vehicle to pass through, except where necessary to provide
access for local traffic or emergency vehicles. Ballasting of barricades
shall be by means of sand filled bags placed on the lower parts of the
barricade frame or stays. Ballasting shall not be placed over any
retroreflectorized rail face facing traffic.
g) Barricades displaced or not in an upright position shall immediately be
replaced or restored to their original location, in an upright position.
h) You shall place “OPEN TRENCH” signs (C27(CA)) on Type 3 Barricade
within the construction Work zone, ahead of any Work areas with open
trenches that are greater than 3 inches in depth, in accordance with
California MUTCD SECTION 6F.103 (CA). The barricades shall be placed
in a continuous manner and shall prevent pedestrian, vehicular, and
biker access to the open trench area.
5. Temporary Traffic Barriers.
a) Temporary traffic barriers and end treatments shall be placed as
shown on the TCP. Water-filled plastic barriers shall be used within
sidewalks and bike paths. Concrete barriers shall be used within the
vehicular way and bike lanes and routes.
b) Temporary traffic barriers shall be placed on a firm and stable
foundation. The foundation shall be paved or graded to provide
uniform bearing throughout the entire length of the barrier.
c) Abutting ends of adjoining segments shall be placed and maintained
in alignment without offset to each other. Segments shall be
positioned straight on a tangent alignment and on a true arc on a
curved alignment. Segments shall be pinned to each adjacent
segment. An impact attenuating device shall be provided on the
approach end.
d) If it is necessary to leave a gap between barrier segments due to
equipment or special drainage features, the gap shall be closed at all
times when the Work is not actively in progress at the location of the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 400
e) Drilling of holes for concrete barriers shall be as shown on the
Standard Plans or as specified in the Special Provisions. Threaded
rods of dowels shall be bonded in holes drilled in the existing
601-3.7.4 Warning Lights.
1. General.
a) Warning lights shall be portable, powered, lens-directed, enclosed
lights with a yellow lens. Warning lights shall consist of a lighting unit,
a flasher unit, visor, backplate, standard, battery power source, and
base. The components shall be assembled to form a complete self-
contained warning light that can be delivered to the Work site and
placed in immediate operation. Warning lights may be mounted on
channelizing devices or on a standard and base.
b) The type of warning light to be used shall be as specified in the
Special Provisions or shown on the TCP.
2. Standards and Bases.
a) Standards shall be adjustable to provide a variable mounting height
between 6 feet (1.8 m) to 10 feet (3.1 m) measured from the bottom
of the base to the center of the lens. Standards shall be securely
attached to the base. Power cables shall be multi-conductor and
jacketed with neoprene and shall be of sufficient length to
accommodate the full-vertical height of the standard.
b) Bases shall be large enough to accommodate a minimum of 2, 12V
automotive-type storage batteries, and shall be of such shape and
mass that the warning light will not roll in the event it is struck by a
vehicle or pushed over.
c) Standards and bases shall be finished with 2 applications of orange
enamel conforming to color No. 12473 of Federal Standard 595B.
3. Assemblies.
a) Warning light assemblies shall be weatherproof and capable of
operating a minimum of 150 hours between battery recharges or
other routine maintenance.
b) Warning lights shall be capable of use in either a steady burn or
flashing mode.
c) Lamps shall be rated at 25W for operation with a 12V battery current.
d) The color of the light emitted shall be yellow.
e) Lens shall glass or plastic and conform to the requirements of
ANSI D.10.1.
4. Visors and Backplates.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 401
a) Warning lights shall be equipped with an 8 inch (203.2 mm) minimum
length visor and a backplate. Visors are not required during the hours
of darkness.
b) The interior of the visor and the front face of the backplate shall be
finished with 2 applications of flat black enamel conforming to 210-1,
5. Installation.
a) Warning lights shall only be used outside of the Work site to provide
advance warning unless otherwise specified in the Special
Provisions or shown on the TCP. Warning lights used for advance
warning shall be clearly distinguishable from the primary delineation
and shall be positioned above the normal reflectorized barricades.
Warning lights shall be mounted a minimum height of 3 foot (0.9 m)
high measured from the bottom of the lens to the underlying surface.
b) Warning lights shall be used in either a steady burn or flashing mode.
Visors will not be required during the hours of darkness. Torches and
flares shall be used only in patrolled emergency situations.
601-3.7.5 Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS).
1. PCMS shall be furnished, placed, operated and maintained at the locations
shown on the Plans, TCP, as specified in the Special Provisions, or as
designated by the City.
2. Remove PCMS after initial placement, from location to location, as directed by the
Resident Engineer.
3. Make PCMS available for use 24 hours per day as required, without any additional
payment for time or number of locations unless otherwise required for changed
4. PCMS shall not be used for advertising or as a substitute for temporary traffic
control signs and devices.
5. PCMS messages shall be approved by the City.
6. PCMS shall be installed per CA MUTCD Part 2 Chapter 2L, Part 6 Chapters 6C, 6D,
6F, and 6G.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 402
601-3.7.6 Flashing Arrow Boards.
1. Flashing arrow boards shall be mounted to provide a minimum of 7 foot
(2.1 m) clearance between the bottom of the panel and the roadway surface.
Flashing arrow boards shall be used when the posted speed is 40 mph or
more, or when curvature of the roadway limits visibility.
601-3.7.7 Flashing Directional Bars.
1. Flashing directional bars shall be vehicle mounted. Flashing directional bars
shall be used to provide traffic control for lane closures as specified in the
Special Provisions or as shown on the TCP.
1. General.
a) Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions or as shown
on the TCP, temporary traffic striping and pavement markings shall
consist of one coat of paint and glass beads (except black stripes).
b) Glass beads shall conform to 214-3, “GLASS BEADS”. Paint shall
2. Application.
a) Unless otherwise specified, application shall conform to 314-4,
MARKINGS” and the following:
i. Yellow lines shall separate traffic flow in opposing directions.
ii. White lines shall separate traffic flow in the same direction.
iii. Broken lines shall be permissive.
iv. Solid lines shall be restrictive.
v. Line widths indicate degree of emphasis.
vi. Double lines indicate maximum restriction.
vii. Centerlines shall be used to separate opposing traffic.
viii. Traffic striping shall not project into or across a street
3. Removal.
a) Removal shall conform to 314-2, “REMOVAL OF TRAFFIC STRIPING AND
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 403
1. General.
a. Traffic lanes and clearances shall conform to the requirements
specified in the Special Provisions or shown on the TCP.
2. Lane Widths.
a) Unless otherwise specified or shown on the TCP, temporary traffic
lanes shall be at least 12 foot (3.7 m) wide. A minimum 14 foot (4.3 m)
wide traffic lane shall be provided next to a curb or vertical drop off.
When only one lane is provided in each direction, wider lanes shall be
provided to separate opposing traffic and to accommodate turning
movements. A minimum 18 foot (5.5 m) wide lane shall be provided if
parking is to be allowed.
b) Bicycle lanes shall have a clear width of not less than 5 foot (1.5 m). Bicycle
lanes less than 5 foot (1.5 m) wide shall be closed. If the Work site is in a
bike path and requires the bike path to be closed, a detour bike path, lane
or route, with appropriate signage, shall be provided.
3. Clearances.
a) Unless otherwise specified or shown on the TCP, clearances to
obstructions shall be as follows:
i. Two (2) feet (609.6 mm) from vertical obstructions including,
but not limited to, longitudinal curbs, guardrails, or temporary
traffic barriers.
ii. Ten (10) feet (3.0 m) from the edge of the traveled way to fixed
objects unprotected by barriers. When the minimum clearance
to fixed objects cannot be provided, temporary barriers shall
be placed to protect the fixed object. On local streets with
speed limits of 40 miles per hour (70 km/hour) or less,
temporary asphalt concrete curb may be used in lieu of
temporary traffic barriers.
iii. Five (5) feet (1.5 m) from any excavation or drop off of 2 inches
(50.8 mm) or greater to allow placement of temporary barriers
to keep traffic out of the Work site and minimize traffic
surcharge on the excavation. When the 5-foot (1.5 m)
clearance to an excavation or drop off cannot be maintained,
temporary traffic barriers shall be placed to separate vehicles,
bicycles, and pedestrians from the excavation or drop off.
b) If the City determines that it is necessary to decrease the minimum
distances specified to allow for the prosecution of the Work, you shall
provide such temporary traffic control devices as required by the City.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 404
1. General.
a) Existing traffic signs and signal faces shall be covered as specified in
the Special Provisions or as shown on the Plans or TCP.
b) Covers shall be designed to be installed by hand without the use of
tools. The size of the cover shall closely fit and encapsulate the traffic
control device.
2. Cover Material.
a) Covers shall be made from outdoor grade, weather-resistant cloth,
plastic, or metallic material and be specially fabricated for the intended
b) Cover material shall be of sufficient density to block out the sign face
or message so that the sign face or message is not visible to oncoming
c) Signal head covers shall be a matte tan color or a contrasting color to
the signal head. Covers for pedestrian indications shall be a matte
black color.
3. Installation.
a) General. Covers shall be secured in place with bolt snaps attached to
elastic straps. Adhesive tape shall not be used. The straps shall be
permanently attached to the cover.
b) Vehicle Heads. You shall cover all non-functioning vehicle heads
utilizing signal head covers. No holes shall be drilled in any indications
to attach the covers. A minimum of 2 vehicle heads for each phase
shall be in operation while Work is being performed at an intersection
except for approved shutdowns.
c) Pedestrian Indications. Pedestrian indications shall be covered. If
audible pedestrian signals are in place, the audible warning device
shall be temporarily disabled for the crossing taken out of service.
d) Pedestrian Push Buttons. Pedestrian push button message signs
shall be removed, reversed, and remounted on the pedestrian push
button assembly. Pedestrian push button assembly covers may be
used instead of reversing and remounting pedestrian push button
message signs.
e) Audible Pedestrian Signals. Audible pedestrian signals shall be
disabled by temporarily removing the load switches for the pedestrian
indications within the traffic signal controller cabinet. The pedestrian
indications shall then be covered.
f) Signs. Sign covers shall be securely fastened to the sign.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 405
1. The payment for traffic control Working Drawings, permits, traffic control
Work including any traffic control devices that may be required by the City,
shall be included in Bid item for “Traffic Control and Working Drawings”.
2. The payment for Engineered Traffic Control Plans, traffic control Work, and
permits shall be included in the Bid item for “Traffic Control and Engineered
Traffic Control Plans”.
3. When included in the Bid proposal, the Bid item for “Traffic Control” shall
include the payment for all traffic control devices, permits, required signs,
notices, and detours as shown in the provided Engineered Traffic Control
4. No separate or additional payment shall be made for the operation,
maintenance, repair, or replacement of TTC zone devices.
5. When included in the Bid proposal, the following traffic control devices shall
be measured and paid for separately:
a) K-rails shall be measured and paid for per linear foot along the top
of the rail per location. Maintaining, repairing, replacing, and
removing the K-rail; excavating and backfilling; drilling holes and
grouting threaded rods or dowels when required; removing threaded
rods or dowels and filling drilled holes with mortar; and moving and
replacing removable panels as required, complete in place, as shown
on the Plans and in accordance with these specifications and the
Special Provisions, shall be included in the Bid item for “K-rail”.
b) Crash cushion modules shall be measured per each individual
module (barrel), on a one-time basis, for each location shown on the
Plans. Maintaining, repairing, replacing, and removing the modules,
complete in place, as shown on the Plans and in accordance with
these specifications and the Special Provisions, shall be included in
the Bid item for “Crash Cushion Module”.
c) Flashing arrow boards and electronic message signs shall be
available for use 24 hours per day as required, without any additional
payment for time or number of locations unless otherwise required
for changed conditions. Maintaining, repairing, replacing, and
removing the flashing arrow boards, complete in place, as shown on
the Plans, and in accordance with these specifications and the
Special Provisions, shall be included in the Bid item for “Flashing
Arrow Boards”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 406
d) PCMS shall be measured by the unit from actual count. The
allowance Bid item for “Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS)”
shall include full compensation for furnishing, placing, operating,
maintaining, repairing, replacing, transporting from location to
location, and removing the PCMS as shown on the Plans, in
accordance with these specifications and the Special Provisions,
and as directed by the City.
e) The payment for furnishing, installing, programming, maintaining, and
removing City approved temporary video or radar detection systems
as specified in 601-1, “GENERAL” shall be included in the Bid item for
each “Temporary Detection System” required at each intersection.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 407
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 408
DELETE all sections and subsections in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. All material shall be in accordance with Sections 86 and 87 of the Caltrans
Standard Specifications edition identified in the Contract Documents.
2. Sections that start with “86” or “87” in the following specifications correspond
to the same subsections in and are additional provisions to Section 86 or 87 of
the Standard Specifications of Caltrans.
3. Signal, lighting, and electrical system materials and installation Work shall be
done in accordance with Caltrans Standard Plans, except as herein amended.
4. References to Sections 10 through 95 of the Standard Specifications of the
State of California shall apply where shown in Sections 86 and 87.
5. References in the State Standard Specifications to the State of California, its
agencies, or agents shall be construed to refer to the City, its corresponding
agencies, or agents.
6. These specifications shall be used in conjunction with SECTION 701 -
700-1.1 Foundations.
1. Spacers shall be inserted between the reinforcing steel cage and the form to
ensure that the specified clearance is maintained.
2. Foundation for CIDH pole shall be constructed in accordance with latest
Caltrans standard drawings and specifications.
700-1.2 (86-1.02J) Standards, Poles, Steel Pedestals, and Posts.
700-1.2.1 General.
1. Standards, regardless of diameter, shall be round unless otherwise noted.
Steel standards shall be galvanized (whether or not they are painted).
Aluminum 1-A poles, where indicated on the Plans, shall be fabricated of
seamless tubing conforming to 6063-T6 wrought aluminum alloy
specifications of the Aluminum Association. The base of the post shall be a
minimum of 6 inches (152.4 mm) O.D. tapering to 4½ inches (114.3 mm) O.D.
at the top. The wall thickness of the shaft shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch (6.4
mm). Ornamental anchor bolt nut covers shall be provided for all traffic signals
and/or lighting standards and posts. Edges shall have minimum 1 inch (25.4
mm) radius.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 409
2. Standards shall have an aluminum identification plate attached with stainless
steel rivets or screws, as specified on the Plans. Each Standard shall have a
handhole in the base and a handhole cover. The handholes shall conform to the
details shown on the Plans or Standard Plans. The handhole cover shall be
securely attached to the Standard with tamper-resistant hardware or as detailed
on the Plans or specified in the Special Provisions.
700-1.2.2 Straightness.
1. For street lighting and pedestrian Standards the maximum deviation shall not
exceed the tolerance specified in Table 700-1.2.2 when measured with the
Standard in the vertical position. For traffic signal standards the maximum
deviation shall not exceed the tolerance specified in Table 700-1.2.2 when
measured with the Standard in the horizontal position.
TABLE 700-1.2.2
Length of Standard – Excluding
Maximum Allowable Deviation
From String Line*
Over Equal to or Less
--- 21 feet (6.4 m) ½ inch (12.7 mm)
21 feet (6.4 m) 25 feet (7.6 m) ¾ inch (19.1 mm)
25 feet (7.6 m) 35 feet (10.7 m) 1 inch (25.4 mm)
35 feet (10.7 m) 40 feet (12.2 m) 1¼ inch (31.8 mm)
40 feet (12.2 m) ---
As specified in the Special
* The maximum deviation shall be measured from a string line on the face of the
Standard, in a plane passing through the longitudinal axis.
2. Short deviations in the Standard shall not exceed 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) deviation
from the centerline of the Standard for each 5 feet (1.5 m) of length.
3. Offsets or jogs due to mold extensions or joints shall not exceed 1/16 inch (1.6
mm) in thickness along the surface of the Standard.
700-1.2.3 Mast Arm Replacement or Modification.
1. The welding of mast arms and qualification of welders shall conform to AWS
D1.1, “Structural Welding Code”. Tenon shall be mechanically held in relation
to the mast arm before welding tenon. The Welds and damaged galvanized
surfaces of modified mast arms shall be painted with 2 applications of zinc-
rich primer as provided in Section 75-1.02B, "Galvanizing", of Caltrans
Standard Specifications. The second application shall be applied at the
installation site.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 410
2. At each mast arm replacement location, a new or completely modified mast
arm shall be on hand and ready for installation before closing traffic lanes or
ramps. Luminaires installed on modified mast arms shall be horizontal, with
no tilt, or as directed by the Engineer.
700-1.2.4 Concrete Poles.
1. Under working load (including wind loading) the pole shall not be stressed
beyond the cracking strength. Wind loads shall be as specified in the latest
edition of the AASHTO Standards. The ultimate moment of the poles is calculated
using the PCI “Guide to the Design of Concrete Poles” and validated through
testing. AASHTO (Sections 7 and 3) are used to develop allowable loads for
overturn, shear, and torsion as well as load application.
2. Poles shall be tapered, centrifugally cast, and pre-stressed. They may be round
or octagonal, black and white marble aggregate or natural exposed aggregate,
and direct burial or anchor base type. The minimum outside diameter or
dimension of direct-burial poles shall be 5 inches (127 mm) at the top and
uniformly tapered to the bottom. Pole shape and color shall be uniform for any
one project. Replacement poles shall match existing. Aggregates shall conform
to current requirements of ASTM C33 as required by ASTM C1089, and be free
of Iron particles that could oxidize. No dye or sealer shall be used without
approval of the City.
3. The centrifugal casting process shall produce a center duct throughout the length
of the pole. The duct shall be free from sharp projections or edges which might
injure the wire or cable. It shall have a minimum diameter of 1-inch in 5-inch (25.4
mm in 127 mm) top diameter poles and 1½ inches in 6-inch (38.1 mm in 152.4
mm) top diameter poles. All reinforcing steel shall have a minimum cover of 5/8
inch (15.9 mm).
4. Four galvanized bar studs shall extend approximately 1 inch (25.4 mm) above
top of standard for attachment of bracket arm. These studs shall be
sufficiently embedded so as to provide sound anchorage for the mast arm and
luminaire under working loads. Other methods of attachment may be used,
with the Engineer’s approval.
5. After curing, the surface of the standard shall be treated to remove cement
laitance and develop the surface texture. When finished, poles shall be without
cracks or brazing and shall have a uniform surface (without objectionable
mold marks) and texture throughout the entire length. Maximum deviation
from string line at any point shall not exceed 0.03-inch per foot (2.5 mm per
meter) of length.
6. Direct burial poles furnished with sand and gravel aggregate shall have a
concrete finish free from fins or other imperfections and shall have a finish
equal to Class 1, see 303-1.9.3, “Class 1 Surface Finish” at the base of the
concrete standard, the pre-stressing steel shall be cut flush to the bottom
surface. The exposed ends of the pre-stressing steel and the base of the light
standard shall be heavily coated with roofing asphalt or coal tar enamel.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 411
7. Grounding contacts shall not be bonded to the neutral except as allowed by
the NEC.
700-1.2.5 Metal Standards.
700- General.
1. The top of each Standard shall be equipped with an ornamental cap which
shall be securely held in place by a 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) diameter hex head
machine bolt. Provisions shall be made for substituting 3/4 inch (19.1 mm)
diameter steel insulator pin. The cap and cap support surface shall have
sufficient strength to transfer to the Standard, from a point 5 inches (127 mm)
above the top of the cap, a 950 lbs (4,250 N) horizontal loading.
2. Metal standards shall withstand, without permanent deformation, a maximum
horizontal load of 950 lbs (4,250 N) applied to the center of the cap that is attached
to the Standard. In addition, metal standards shall withstand, without exceeding
a deflection of 2-5/16 inches (58.7 mm) a normal horizontal load of 370 lbs (1,650
N) applied to the cap that is attached to the top of the Standard.
3. Exposed edges of plates that comprise the base assembly shall be finished
smooth. Exposed corners shall be rounded unless otherwise shown on the
Plans. Slots or drilled holes shall have a tolerance of 0 to + 1/8 inch (3.1 mm).
4. Metal standards shall be equipped with anchor bolt covers made of metal of
the same type as that used for the shafts or as specified on the Plans or
Standard Plans. Anchor bolt covers shall be equipped with all necessary
fittings and hardware for securing the bolt covers to the Standard.
700- Steel Standards.
1. Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, steel standards shall
be fabricated from sheet steel of weldable grade having minimum yield
strength, after fabrication, of 40,200 psi (276 MPa). When a single-ply 5/16 inch
(7.9 mm) thick steel standard is specified, a 2-ply steel standard with an
equivalent section modulus may be substituted unless otherwise specified
in the Special Provisions. Certified test reports that verify conformance to
this minimum yield strength shall be submitted to the Engineer in accordance
with 3-8, “SUBMITTALS”.
2. Steel standards may be fabricated from full length sheets or shorter sections.
Each section shall be fabricated from not more than 2 pieces of sheet steel.
Where 2 pieces are used, the longitudinal welded seams shall be directly
opposite each other. When the sections are butt welded together, the
longitudinal welded seams on adjacent sections shall be placed to form
continuous straight seams from the base to the top. In addition, butt welded
sections shall be strengthened by inserting a welded sleeve at each joint. The
sleeve shall be fabricated from steel 1/8 inch (3.1 mm) nominal thickness or
thicker of the same composition as the steel used in the Standard. The sleeve
shall have a minimum length of 1 inch (25.4 mm). The sleeve shall be centered
at the joint and have the same taper as the Standard such that the outside of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 412
the sleeve is in full contact throughout its length and circumference. The weld
metal at the transverse joint shall extend to the sleeve. No transverse joint shall
occur within 3 inches (76.2 mm) of mast arm fittings.
3. All welds shall be continuous and conform to the requirements of America
Welding Standards D1.1. The welds joining the shafts of Standards to their
base plates shall be as shown on the Plans or Standard Plans. However,
alternative weld joint details may be approved by the Engineer. Approval of
alternative weld joint details will be contingent upon the proposed weld joint
passing both weld procedure and nondestructive testing as deemed
necessary by the Engineer. All costs of the weld procedure and
nondestructive testing shall be borne by you.
4. Longitudinal welds in steel tubular sections will be tested by the Agency in
conformance with the requirements in California Test 664. The sampling
frequency shall be as directed by the Engineer. The welds may be made by the
electric resistance welding process. Exposed welds shall be ground flush with the
base metal.
5. Steel standards shall be galvanized by the hot-dip process conforming to
210-3, “GALVANIZING”, or cadmium plated with Type NS coating conforming
to ASTM B766. If specified in the Special Provisions or shown on the Plans,
steel standards shall be painted in accordance with 210-1, “PAINT”. Painting
shall conform to SECTION 310 - PAINTING.
700- Aluminum Standards.
1. Aluminum standards shall be fabricated from seamless tubing conforming to
“6063-T6 wrought aluminum alloy of the Specifications of the Aluminum
Association” or the specifications in Table 700-
TABLE 700-
Castings B26/B26M
Luminaire Arm B490-90a
Spun Shaft B241/B241M
Square Extruded Shaft B429
2. The wall thickness of the shaft shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch (6.4 mm).
Aluminum standards shall be supplied with a mill finish, and be uniform and
commercially sound in conformance with ASTM B209M.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 413
700-1.2.6 Fiberglass Standards.
1. Fiberglass standards shall consist of fiberglass-reinforced thermosetting
plastic poles. Fiberglass standards shall be hollow, tapered or with tapered
sections, be non-conductive and chemically inert. Fiberglass standards shall
be in conformance with current AASHTO manual titled “Standard
Specifications for Structural Supports for Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic
Signals” (2013) and ANSI requirements. You shall submit to the Engineer a
Certificate of Compliance from the manufacturer in accordance with 3-8,
“SUBMITTALS”. The certificate shall include a copy of all applicable test reports.
The test reports shall be signed and stamped by the licensed engineer who
supervised the tests. The certificate shall also comply with 4-5, “CERTIFICATE OF
COMPLIANCE”, and certify that the Standards were manufactured in accordance
with an Agency-approved testing and quality control program.
2. Fiberglass standards shall be constructed of continuous fiberglass filaments
combined with thermosetting polyester and ultraviolet-resistant resin. The
fiberglass and resin ratio shall contain at least 65% glass and 35% resin by weight.
The resin shall be pigmented as required by the Standard Plans or Special
Provisions and be of uniform color throughout the entire body of the
Standard. The glass filament shall be helically wound under tension at angles
to provide axial strength. The finish shall be smooth.
3. Fiberglass standards shall be flame resistant in accordance with ASTM D635.
In addition fiberglass standards shall be reinforced in areas of handholes,
conduit entrance openings, and mast arm connections.
4. Fiberglass standards shall be direct burial or have an anchor base as shown
on the Plans or the Standard Plans. The base shall be bonded to the pole with
an adhesive recommended by the manufacturer, and coated with an aliphatic-
type acrylic-modified polyurethane finish. Each Fiberglass standard shall be
equipped with a removable aluminum or galvanized steel pole top cap.
5. An aliphatic-type acrylic-modified polyurethane coating shall be applied to the
exterior of each fiberglass standard. The coating shall be semi-gloss, weather
resistant, and shall match the color of the resin specified in the Special
Provisions. The coating shall have a minimum of 3 mils (75 μm) dry film
thickness. A 1 quart (1 liter) can of the coating that matches the specified color
shall be furnished as specified in the Special Provisions. The polyurethane
coating shall be tested by the manufacturer for adhesion in accordance with
the requirements of ASTM D3359, Method A and shall have a scale rating of
5A. The adhesion testing shall be conducted before and after the accelerated
weathering evaluation by the manufacturer. You shall provide the Engineer
with a copy of the test results from the manufacturer in accordance with 3-8,
“SUBMITTALS”. The test reports shall be signed and stamped by the licensed
engineer who supervised the tests.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 414
6. Finished surfaces shall be capable of withstanding a minimum of 2,500 hours
of accelerated weathering when tested by the Agency, in accordance with the
requirements of ASTM G154. Testing lamps shall be UV-B (313 nm wavelength).
The testing cycle shall consist of 4 hours of ultraviolet (UV) exposure at 140° F
(60° C), followed by 4 hours of condensate exposure at 100° F (40° C). After
testing, the finished surface of fiberglass standards shall exhibit the following:
a) Fiber Exposure - None
b) Crazing - None
c) Checking - None
d) Chalking - Very slight
e) Change in color - May dull slightly.
7. Each fiberglass standard shall be spiral-wrapped in its entirety with a
weatherproof wrap for protection during shipping and storage.
700- Fiberglass Lighting Standards.
1. Where indicated on the Plans, standards utilizing fiberglass-reinforced
thermosetting plastic (FRP) poles may be substituted for steel lighting standards
as provided below:
TABLE 700- (A)
Steel Standard FRP Equivalent
Type 15 Type 15F
Type 15 with Slip Base Type 15F (Breakaway)
Type 21 Type 21F
Type 30 Type 21F
Type 30 with Slip Base Type 21F (Breakaway)
2. Fiberglass lighting standards shall consist of round, fiberglass-reinforced
thermosetting plastic poles with aluminum mast arms. FRP poles shall be
hollow, tapered or with tapered sections, non-conductive and chemically inert.
3. FRP lighting standards shall conform to the details shown on the plans, and shall
comply with requirements in the AASHTO manual titled “Standard Specifications
for Structural Supports for Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals” (2013) and
ANSI Roadway Lighting Document C136.20, “Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Lighting Poles”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 415
4. FRP lighting standards specified as “Breakaway” types shall also comply with
the requirements in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Report 230, “Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance
Evaluation of Highway Appurtenances”. Design wind velocity for lighting
standard systems shall be 100 mph (160.9 Km/hr).
5. You shall provide the Engineer a Certificate of Compliance from the
manufacturer in accordance with 4-5, “CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE”, of the
Standard Specifications. The certificate shall also include a copy of all
applicable test reports on the lighting standards. The test reports shall be
signed by the manufacturer's management person responsible for the tests.
The certificate shall also certify that the lighting standards comply with the
requirements of the specifications and were manufactured in accordance with
the approved testing and quality control program.
6. Each standard shall have an identification plate conforming to the provisions
in the second paragraph of Section 86-1.02J, “Standards, Poles, Steel Pedestals,
and Posts”, of Caltrans Standard Specifications. The identification plate shall
show the standard type, manufacturer's name, manufacturer's part number
and the year of fabrication. If the lighting standard is a breakaway type, the
identification plate shall include the word “BREAKAWAY”. The plate shall be
located either on the anchor base or just above the handhole.
7. The pole shall be constructed of continuous fiberglass filaments combined
with thermosetting polyester, ultraviolet-resistant resin. The fiberglass and
resin ratio shall contain at least 65% glass and 35% resin by weight. The glass
filament shall be helically wound under tension at angles to provide axial
strength. The pole shall be flame resistant in accordance with ASTM D635. The
resin shall be pigmented light gray and be of uniform color throughout the entire
body of the pole. The finish of the pole shall be smooth.
8. Each pole shall have a handhole and handhole cover, bearing the name of the
manufacturer. The handhole cover shall be securely attached to the pole with
tamper-resistant hardware. The handhole shall be located on the side away
from the mast arm. The pole shall be reinforced in areas of handholes, conduit
entrance opening, and mast arm connection.
9. The pole shall be smooth, round and uniformly tapered above ground and
anti-rotation shaped below ground. The pole shall be direct burial or anchor
base as specified on the plans. Each standard shall be provided with a
removable aluminum or galvanized steel pole top cap.
10. The base shall be bonded to the pole with a suitable adhesive, and coated with
an aliphatic-type acrylic-modified polyurethane finish. For new installations,
adaptor plates shall not be used to attach the standard to the foundation.
11. FRP lighting standards that are not specified as “Breakaway” types shall not
have the machined groove inside the anchor base casting as shown in the
“Aluminum Anchor Base Elevation” detail shown on the plans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 416
12. Direct burial poles shall have a 2-inch x 6-inch (50.8 mm x 152.4 mm), nominal
size, grommetted conduit/conductor entrance located 2 feet ± 1 inch (609.6
mm ± 25.4 mm) below finished grade after installation. The entrance shall be
located directly below the handhole. The butt end of the direct-burial pole shall
be flared or modified by some other acceptable means to increase the
resistance to rotation and pullout and provide additional ground bearing
13. The pole, with specified luminaire and mast arm installed, shall withstand the
bending strength test load shown in the following table. The pole shall
withstand this load with the handhole in compression. The pole shall not
exceed a maximum deflection of 13% of the length of the pole above the
ground line when subjected to the deflection test load shown in the following
TABLE 700- (B)
Standard Type Bending Strength Test Load Deflection Test Load
Type 15F, Type 15F
2406 N (540 pounds) 1606 N (360 pounds)
Type 21F, Type 21F
2562 N (575 pounds) 1708 N (385 pounds)
14. Test loads shall be applied according to Section 12, “Pole Deflection
Measurements”, of ANSI C136.20. Poles shall be loaded 12 inches (304.8 mm)
below the tip.
15. In addition to the requirements stated above, aluminum mast arms shall
comply with requirements in the Aluminum Association’s Publication 30,
“Specifications for Aluminum Structures”. Length of mast arm shall be as
shown. Outer end of the mast arm shall be provided with a 2-3/4 inch (69.9
mm) O.D. slipfitter, 6 inches (152.4 mm) long.
16. An aliphatic-type acrylic-modified polyurethane coating shall be applied to the
exterior of the fiberglass pole. The coating shall be semi-gloss, highly weather
resistant and light gray in color matching the color of the resin and shall have
a minimum 0.075 mm (3 mils) dry film thickness. A 1.1 quart (1 liter) can of the
coating to match the poles shall be supplied with each order of poles. The
polyurethane coating shall be tested for adhesion to the pole surface in
accordance with the requirements of ASTM D 3359, Method A and shall have
a scale rating of 5A. The adhesion testing shall be conducted before and after
the accelerated weathering evaluation.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 417
17. The finished surface of the pole shall be capable of withstanding a minimum
of 2,500 hours of accelerated weathering when tested in accordance with the
requirements of ASTM G 154. Lamps shall be UV-B (313 nm wavelength). The
testing cycle shall be 4 hours of ultraviolet (UV) exposure at 140° F (60° C) and
then 4 hours of condensate exposure at 40° C (100° F).
18. After testing, the finished surface of the pole shall exhibit the following:
TABLE 700- (C)
Fiber exposure: None
Crazing: None
Checking: None
Chalking: Very slight
Change in color: May dull slightly
19. Each pole shall be spiral wrapped in its entirety with a weatherproof wrap for
protection during shipping and storage.
20. Installation and backfilling for direct burial poles shall be as provided for wood
poles in Section 56-3.06, “Wood Poles”, of Caltrans Standard Specifications.
The pole butt end shall be embedded into the ground 5 feet (1.5 m) deep.
21. Each FRP lighting standard shall have its luminaire, mast arm, and anchor bolts
effectively grounded as provided in Section 86-1.02F(2)(c)(ii), “Bonding Jumpers
and Equipment Grounding Conductors”, of the Standard Specifications. A
separate bonding connection to the mast arm will not be required provided
there is non-insulated contact between the luminaire and the mast arm.
700- Fiberglass Type 1-A Traffic Signal Standards.
1. Fiberglass Type 1-A standards shall conform to dimensions shown on Caltrans
Standard Plan ES-7B.
2. The design of the pole assembly shall use latest edition of AASHTO “Standard
Specification for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic
Signals” when calculating maximum expected wind loading. The pole shall be
designed to not deflect more than 5% when loads are applied.
3. The pole shall be smooth, round and uniformly tapered. The pole shall be
constructed of continuous fiberglass filaments combined with thermosetting
polyester resin. The fiberglass and resin ratio shall contain at least 65% glass
and 35% resin by weight. The glass filament shall be helically wound under
tension at angles to provide axial strength. The pole shall be reinforced in
areas of hand holes. A coating shall be applied to the pole surface to maintain
surface integrity against the effects of sunlight and extremes in the weather.
The pole resin and surface coating shall be gray unless otherwise noted. The
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 418
pole shall be flame-resistant in accordance with ASTM D635. A-inch by 5-
inch (6.35 cm x 12.7 cm) oval handhole with cover plate shall be located in the
pole a minimum of 12 inches (304.8 mm) above the base plate.
700-1.3 (86-1.02B) Conduit.
1. When approved by the Engineer, conduit runs shown on the plans to be
located behind curbs may be installed in the street, within 4 feet of and parallel
to the curb, by narrow trenching. All pull boxes shall be located behind the
curb or at locations shown on the plans. Narrow trenching shall be performed
in accordance with the latest City Standards. Any changes in conduit location
shall be approved in advance by the Engineer. All narrow trenching shall
conform to the City of San Diego Standard Drawings SDG-117, “Narrow Trench
Resurfacing for Asphalt Concrete Surface Streets”, SDG-118, “Narrow Trench
Resurfacing for PCC Surfaced Streets”, and be inspected prior to backfill.
Trenches behind sidewalks shall be compacted using compaction tools to
ensure no sinking of trench will occur. Trenches wider than 6 inch (15.2 cm)
shall conform to the City of San Diego Standard Drawings SDG-107, “Trench
Resurfacing for Asphalt Concrete Surfaced Streets”, SDG-108, “Trench
Resurfacing for PCC Surfaced Streets”, and SDG119, “Trench Types G, H & I
Backfill for Dry Utility”. A 3-inch (7.6 mm) bed of fine soil or sand shall be placed
in the trench.
2. Conduit to be installed underground shall be Type 3 unless otherwise
specified. Detector termination conduits shall be Type 3.
3. The conduit in a foundation and between a foundation and the nearest pull
box shall be Type 3.
4. After conductors have been installed, the ends of conduits terminating in pull
boxes and in service and controller cabinets shall be sealed with an approved
type of sealing compound.
5. Pull ropes for use when installing cables in Type 3 conduit shall consist of a
flat, woven, lubricated, soft-fiber polyester tape with a minimum tensile
strength of 8,000 N (1,800 pounds) and shall have printed sequential
measurement markings at least every 3 feet (0.9 m).
6. If you judge it appropriate, the final 2 feet (0.6 m) of conduit entering a pull
box in a reinforced concrete structure may be Type 4.
7. Orange colored conduit shall be used for communication lines and gray
colored conduit shall be used for power lines.
700-1.4 (86-1.02C) Pull Boxes.
1. Christy electrical box shall only be used where specifically shown on the plans.
Pull boxes shall not be installed in surfaces subject to vehicular traffic unless
approved by the Engineer.
2. A No. 3½ pull box shall be installed immediately adjacent to each street light
pole. A No. 3½ pull box shall be installed at each end of a street lighting conduit
run crossing a street. Unless otherwise shown, ¾-inch crushed rock shall be
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 419
placed 6 inches around the box and shall also be placed, with a minimum of 6
inches, at bottom of pull box edges. The top of the conduit shall be 6 inches
below the lid and 2 inches above crushed rocks
3. A No. 6 pull box shall be installed immediately adjacent to each signal pole or
as otherwise indicated on the Plans. Unless otherwise shown, ¾-inch crushed
rock shall be placed 6 inches around the box and shall also be placed, with a
minimum of 6 inches, at bottom of pull box edges. The top of the conduit shall
be 6 inches below the lid and 2 inches above crushed rocks.
4. The cover of the pull box shall be stamped with the words “TRAFFIC SIGNAL”,
“STREET LIGHT”, or “COMMUNICATIONS”, as appropriate.
5. A 4 inch (10.2 cm) diameter white ceramic raised pavement marker (Type A
Marker) shall be installed on the face of the curb or asphalt dike adjacent to every
pull box installed in landscaped area.
700-1.4.1 Type 15 Pull Boxes.
1. Type 15 pull boxes and extensions shall conform to the Western Underground
Committee Recommended Guide No. 3.6, “Non-Concrete Enclosures”. Type 15
pull boxes shall be 30 inch (0.8 m) wide x 48 inch (1.2 m) long x 18 inch (0.5 m)
deep (nominal inside dimensions). Each pull box shall have one 8 inch (20.3
cm) or 16 inch (40.6 cm) extension.
2. Hold down bolts or cap screws and nuts shall be of brass, stainless steel or
other non-corroding metal material. Cover marking shall be
“COMMUNICATION”. Enclosures, covers and extensions shall be concrete gray
3. Type 15 pull boxes shall be installed where shown on the Plans for
communication system.
700-1.5 (87-19) Fiber Optic Subsystems.
700-1.5.1 Trenching.
700- Warning Tape.
1. Warning tape shall be provided and placed in the trench over conduits
containing fiber optic cable as shown on the plans. The warning tape shall be
4 inches (101.6 mm) wide with bold printed black letters of approximately 3/4
inch (19.1 mm) on bright orange color background, and contain the printed
warning “CAUTION - BURIED FIBER OPTIC CABLE” repeated at approximately
30 inch (76.2 cm) intervals. The printed warning shall be non-erasable and shall
be rated to last with the tape for a minimum of 40 years. The construction of
the warning tape shall be such that it will not delaminate when it is wet. It shall
be resistant to insects, acid, alkaline and other corrosive elements in the soil.
It shall have a minimum of 120 pounds (530 N) tensile strength and shall have
a minimum of 700% elongation before breakage.
2. The warning tape shall be the detectable type with a contiguous conductor in
the form of a copper wire or aluminized foil, encased in a protective plastic
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 420
jacket. The aluminized foil shall be 0.35 mils thick. Separate rolls of the warning
tape shall be electrically connected by corrosion resistant clips or by soldering.
The ends of warning tape shall extend into pull boxes and splice vaults a
minimum of 24 inches (609.6 mm) for future connection to a warning signal
device. The continuity and detectability of the warning tape, for the entire
conduit run, shall be demonstrated prior to, and again after backfilling each
trench, to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
3. Warning tape shall be Condux International, Inc.; Allen System, Inc.; Reff
Industries, Inc.; or approved equal.
700- Trace Wire.
1. Except where a detectable warning tape will be installed, a separate trace wire
shall be installed external and adjacent to the conduit along the entire fiber
optic cable route for use in active cable location. The trace wire shall be a #8
AWG bare-copper solid wire.
2. No insulation or other coating material shall be on the trace wire. The trace
wire shall be terminated by connecting to the ground rods at the pull boxes as
noted in the Plans.
700- Colored Concrete Backfill.
1. The concrete backfill for the trenches with conduits that will contain fiber optic cable
shall be a medium-to-dark red or orange color 2 pounds (1 kg) of color pigment per
sack of cement) to clearly distinguish the concrete backfill from other concrete and
soil. The concrete shall be pigmented by the addition of commercial quality cement
pigment to the concrete mix. The red or orange concrete pigment shall be LM
Scofield Company; Orange Chromix Colorant; Davis Colors, or approved equal.
2. For trenches in pavement areas, only the top 4 inches (101.6 mm) of concrete
backfill will be required to be pigmented concrete. If you judge it appropriate,
the full depth may have the pigment.
700-1.5.2 Fiber Optic Cables.
1. Single-mode optical fiber shall be Corning SMF-28
. Each optical fiber shall be
glass and consist of a doped silica core surrounded by concentric silica cladding.
All fibers shall be useable and shall be sufficiently free of surface imperfections
and inclusions. The coating shall be a dual layered, UV cured acrylate.
2. The coating shall be able to be stripped mechanically or chemically without
damaging the fiber.
Core Mode Field Diameter (Petermann II)
@1310 nm 9.3 ± 0.5 µm
@1550 nm 10.5 ± 1.0 µm
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 421
Core Diameter Variation ± 3 µm
Core-to-Cladding Offset ≥ 1.0 µm
Cladding Diameter 125 µm ± 2 µm
Cladding Non-circularity defined as: 1- (min. cladding
dia. / max. cladding dia.) x 100 Attenuation
≤ 1.0%
@ 1310 nm ≤ 0.4 dB/km
@ 1550 nm ≤ 0.3 dB/km
Chromatic Dispersion
Zero Dispersion Wavelength 1301.5 to 1321.5 nm
Zero Dispersion Slope < 0.092 ps/(nm
Maximum Dispersion
@1300 nm - 1330 nm < 2.5 ps/(nmkm)
@1550 nm < 20 ps/(nmkm)
Cut-off Wavelength < 1250 nm
700-1.5.3 Cable Fabrication.
700- Cable Certification.
1. The cable manufacturer shall certify that the cable is suitable for direct installation
in 1-1/4 inch to 3-inch (31.8 mm to 76.2 mm) conduit in an underground
environment. You shall submit a sample and its certification submittal prior to
installation. You shall submit laboratory test reports on representative
samples of similar cable design to demonstrate compliance with the following
requirements prior to cable installation:
a) Tensile Strength per EIA -455-33A and EIA-RS-455-28A
b) Jacket Shrinkage per EIA -455-86
c) Cable Twist per EIA -455-85
d) Environmental Temperature Cycling per EIA -455-3A
e) Flexing per EIA -455-104
f) Impact Resistance per EIA -455-25
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 422
g) Compressive Strength per EIA -455-41
h) Freezing Test per EIA -455-98A
i) Mechanical Bend Test per EIA -455-37
2. You shall provide the manufacturer’s certification that the offered cable shall
comply with all optical and mechanical requirements set forth in this specification.
The cable manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 registered.
700- Applicable Documents.
1. The cable shall conform to the latest issue of the following standards
documents which are incorporated by reference into this specification:
a) EIA-455: Standard Test Procedures for Fiber Optic Fibers, Cables,
Transducers, Connecting and Terminating Devices.
b) EIA-359 : Standard Colors for Color Identification and Coding.
c) MIL-202: Test Methods for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts.
d) MIL-454: Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment.
e) MIL-810: Environmental Test Methods and Engineering Guidelines.
f) EIA-598: Color Coding of Fiber Optic Cables
2. Fiber optical cables shall be constructed in accordance with EIA-455 and 100%
of all optical fibers and jacketing shall meet or exceed the requirements
contained in this specification.
700-1.5.4 Mechanical Performance.
700- Fiber Proof Test. Fibers shall be 100% subjected to a minimum proof stress of 100
ksi prior to being drawn into fiber sub-cables.
700- Minimum Bend Radius. The cable shall be able to withstand bending to a minimum
radius of 10 times the cable outer diameter without tensile load applied and 20 times
the cable outer diameter with maximum load applied (during installation only) without
damaging the cable components or degrading the optical fiber performance. The fiber
optic cables shall withstand at least 20 cycles at a minimum bend radius without
damaging the fiber optic cable components or degrading the optical performance. The
cyclic flexing test shall be in accordance with EIA-455.
700- Cyclic Flex Resistance. The cable shall withstand cyclic flexing 2,000 times per the
requirements of EIA-455-104.
700- Environmental Performance. The fiber optic cable shall comply with the
requirements specified herein when subjected to the following environmental
700- Temperature.
1. The cable shall comply with the optical and mechanical performance
requirements specified herein up to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 423
when subjected to moisture resistance conditioning according to Method
106B of MIL-202 except that the specimen shall not be vibrated.
2. The shipping and storage temperature of the cable shall be -40° F to 160° F (-
40° C to 70° C), and the operating and installation temperature range of the
cable shall be -40° F to 160° F (-40° C to 70° C).
700- Moisture Resistance. Optical and mechanical performance shall not be degraded
and the cable shall not be damaged in any way by immersion in ground water.
700- Fungus Resistance. The outer jacket material used in construction of this cable shall
be fungus inert as described in requirement 4 of MIL-454.
700- Sunlight/UV Resistance. The outer jacket material shall be suitable for long-term
exposure to sunlight and weather with a life expectancy in excess of 20 years.
Suitability shall be determined in accordance with MIL-810, method 505.
700- Loose Tube Cables.
1. Optical fibers shall be placed inside loose buffer tubes. Each buffer tube shall
contain between six and twelve single mode fibers. Each fiber shall be
numbered and color coded. The cable shall contain between 1 and 6 buffer
tubes. The tubes shall be color coded.
2. Each fiber shall be distinguishable from other fibers in the same tube by
means of color coding. Each tube shall be distinguishable from other tubes in
the same cable by means of color coding. The colors shall be targeted in
accordance with the Munsell color shades and shall meet EIA-598 “Color
Coding of Fiber Optic Cables”. The color formulation shall be compatible with
the fiber coating and the buffer tube filling compound, and be heat stable. The
colors shall not fade or smear or be susceptible to migration and it shall not
affect the transmission characteristics of the optical fibers and shall not cause
fibers to stick together.
1. Blue (BL) 5. Slate (SL) 9. Yellow (YL)
2. Orange (OR) 6. White (WT) 10. Violet (VL)
3. Green (GR) 7. Red (RD) 11. Rose (RS)
4. Brown (BR) 8. Black (BK) 12. Aqua (AQ)
700- Buffer Tubes.
1. Clearance shall be provided in the loose buffer tubes between the fibers and
the inside of the tube to allow for expansion without constraining the fiber.
The fibers shall be loose or suspended within the tubes. The fibers shall not
adhere to the inside of the buffer tube.
2. The loose buffer tubes shall be extruded from a material having a coefficient
of friction sufficiently low to allow free movement of the fibers. Buffer tubes
shall be made of a tough abrasion resistant material to provide mechanical
and environmental protection of the fibers, yet designed to permit safe
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 424
intentional “scoring” and breakout, without damaging or degrading the
internal fibers.
3. Buffer tube filling compound shall be a homogenous hydrocarbon-based gel
with antioxidant additives and used to prevent water intrusion and migration.
The filling compound shall be non-toxic and safe to exposed skin. The
compound shall be chemically and mechanically compatible with all cable
components, non-nutritive to fungus, non-hygroscopic, and electrically non-
conductive. The filling compound shall be free from dirt and foreign matter
and shall be readily removable with conventional nontoxic solvents.
4. Buffer tubes shall be stranded around a central member by a method that will
prevent stress on the fibers when the cable jacket is placed under strain, such
as the reverse oscillation stranding process.
700- Central Member. The central member shall be a glass reinforced plastic rod with
similar expansion and contraction characteristics as the optical fibers and buffer
tubes. A linear overcoat of low density polyethylene shall be applied to the central
700- Filler Rods. Fillers shall be included in the cable, where needed, to lend symmetry to
the cable cross-section. The sum of buffer tubes and filler rods shall be equal to six.
Filler rods shall be solid medium or high density polyethylene. The diameter of filler
rods shall be the same as the outer diameter of the buffer tubes.
700- Stranding. Completed buffer tubes shall be stranded around the overcoat central
member using stranding methods, lay lengths, and positioning such that the cable shall
meet mechanical, environmental, and performance specifications. A polyester binding
shall be applied over the stranded buffer tubes to hold them in place. Binders shall be
applied with sufficient tension to secure the buffer tubes to the central member without
crushing the buffer tubes. The binders shall be non-hygroscopic, non-wicking (or rendered
so by the flooding compound), and dielectric with low shrinkage.
700- Core and Cable Flooding. The cable core interstices shall be filled with a polyolefin-based
flooding compound to prevent water ingress and migration. The flooding compound shall
be homogeneous, non-hygroscopic, electrically non-conductive, and non-nutritive to
fungus. The flooding compound shall also be nontoxic, safe, and compatible with all other
cable components.
700- Tensile Strength Member. Tensile strength shall be provided by high tensile strength
aramid yarns and fiberglass which shall be helically stranded evenly around the cable
700- Outer Jacket.
1. The jacket shall be smooth, free of holes, splits, blisters, and other surface
flaws, and shall be medium density cross-linked polyethylene (PE) with
minimum nominal jacket thickness of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). Jacketing material
shall be applied directly over the tensile strength members and flooding
compound and shall not adhere to the aramid strength material. The
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 425
polyethylene shall not promote the growth of fungus. The color of the cable
outer jacket shall be solid yellow.
2. The jacket or sheath shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, the date
of manufacture, a cable code to identify the number and type of fibers, and
sequential measurement markings every meter. Additionally, the following
shall be printed on the jacket at regular intervals: “CAUTION Fiber Optic
700-1.5.5 Traffic Signal System Fiber Optic Cable.
1. The actual length of the cable shall be within -0/+1 % of the length marking.
The color of the markings on the cable jacket shall be black. The height of the
marking shall be approximately 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) and shall be permanent and
weatherproof. The markings shall be repeated at 39 inch (1 m) intervals.
2. The cable shall contain at least one ripcord under the sheath for easy sheath
700- Fan-out Termination.
1. Individual fibers within the loose tube cable require handling protection inside
the termination cabinets. Fan-out kits shall be installed in the patch panel
enclosures to transition the loose tube fibers to ruggedized tight-buffered
fiber pigtail cables. Fan-out tubes or furcation kits shall not be used. Optical
fusion splices shall connect the loose tube fibers to the tight-buffered pigtail
2. The colors of the outer jackets of the tight-buffered pigtail cables shall match the
colors of the individual fibers within the loose tubes. The optical splice loss shall
comply with the specifications for optical splices. Splice protection sleeves shall
be employed on all splices to protect the splices. A wall-mountable splice center
shall house the splices and serve to fully protect excess lengths of loose tube
fibers from exposure.
3. The tight-buffered pigtails shall be terminated with ST connectors.
700- Fan-out Pigtail Cable Specifications. Single-mode fiber (Corning SMF-28) shall be used
in the pigtails. Optical characteristics shall comply with the optical fiber performance
Buffer material: Thermoplastic
Buffer O.D.: 35.43 mil (900 µm)
Strength Member: Kevlar
Jacket Material: Polyethylene
Jacket O.D.: 98.4 mil (2.5 mm)
Temperature Range: -5° F to 160° F (-20° C to + 70° C)
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 426
700- Mechanical Performance.
1. Fiber Strippability. The fiber optic jackets shall be easily removed with
commercially available mechanical stripping tools. The cable shall contain at
least one ripcord under the outer jacket layer to facilitate jacket removal.
2. Minimum Tensile Strength. The fiber optic cable shall be rated to withstand
a maximum tensile load of 2,700 N (608 pounds force) during installation
(short term) with no damage and 890 N (200 pounds force) installed (long
term). While these are rated tensile loads, you shall exercise every precaution
in minimizing cable tension during installation.
3. Compressive Load. The fiber optic cable shall withstand a compressive load
of 220 N/cm applied uniformly over the length of the cable. The average
increase in attenuation for the fibers shall be < 0.10 dB/km at 1550 nm for a
cable subjected to this load, and the cable shall not exhibit any measurable
increase in attenuation after load removal. Testing shall be in accordance with EIA-
455-41, Compressive Loading Resistance of Fiber Optic Cable.
4. Tight-buffered Cables. The fiber optic cable shall be of fiber optic sub-cables
encased in an outer jacket. The cable shall contain 18 tight-buffered breakout-
type riser-rated fiber optic sub-cables each comprised of one 9/125µm
(Corning SMF-28
) single-mode (SM) fiber.
700- Fiber Optic Cable Description.
1. General Description. Operating wavelengths shall be 1300 nm and 1550 nm
for all fibers. A Polyethylene outer jacket shall be extruded under high
pressure directly over the stranded fiber sub-cable core. This process results
in the internal surface of the cable jacket interlocking with the cable
substructure so that the cable cannot move axially within the cable jacket. The
design shall allow the fully rated tensile load of the cable to be applied with
wire mesh (Kellums-type) grips during installation. The cable shall be flame
retardant UL-listed type ONFR for riser application.
2. Fiber Optic Sub-cables. Each fiber sub-cable shall consist of a central glass
optical fiber surrounded by a 500 µm primary UV-cured acrylate buffer with a
secondary hard elastomeric polymer buffer up to 900 µm. Non-elastomeric
(PVC) materials shall not be used for the buffer materials.
The tight-buffered fiber is surrounded by a synthetic yarn or aramid strength
member (Kevlar or equal) and a color-coded elastomeric polymer jacket. Non-
elastomeric (plastic) materials are not allowed. The strength member shall be
composed of individually and precisely tensioned elements such that tensile
loads are equally shared by each element. The sub-cable outside diameter
shall be 1/8 inch (3.2 mm).
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 427
3. Cable Outer Jacket. The jacket shall be smooth, free of holes, splits, blisters,
and other surface flaws, and shall be of flame-retardant Polyvinylchloride
(PVC) with a nominal wall thickness of 3/64 inch (1.2 mm) and a minimum wall
thickness of 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) at any point. The outer jacket shall be pressure
extruded over the outer layer of the stranded cable core
4. Cable Marking. The completed cables shall have sequentially numbered length
markers, in a contrasting color to the cable jacket, at regular intervals of not more
than one meter along the outside of the jacket. Printed on the jacket shall be the
cable code to identify the number and type of fibers (for example: 18 Fiber - 18 x
9/125), the manufacturer's name, manufacturer's part number, the year of
manufacture, and the sequential length markings. Additionally, the following shall
be printed on the jacket at regular intervals “CAUTION Fiber Optic Cables”.
700- Colors. The color of the cable outer jacket shall be solid yellow. The color of the
markings on the cable jacket shall be black. The single-mode sub-cable outer jackets
shall be color coded in accordance with EIA-598 and designated as shown below. The
colors shall be targeted in accordance with the Munsell color shades. For all
documentation, the individual sub-cables shall be identified by the fiber number.
700- Sub-cable Jacket Color Assignments for Fiber Type. Table 700- shall be used
to apply the color of the sub-cable to the fiber type and sub-cable number.
TABLE 700-
Sub-Cable Color
Sub-Cable Color
1 Blue 10 Orange/Yellow Dash
2 Orange 11 Green/Yellow Dash
3 Green 12 Brown/Yellow Dash
4 Brown 13 Slate/Yellow Dash
5 Slate 14 White/Yellow Dash
6 White 15 Red/Yellow Dash
7 Red 16 Black/Yellow Dash
8 Black 17 Yellow/Black Dash
9 Blue/Yellow Dash 18 Violet/Yellow Dash
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 428
700-2.1 Assistance and Technical Support. You shall seek the assistance and technical
support of the supplier of the fiber optic cable in preparation for and during
700-2.2 Cable Protection.
1. The cable shall be inspected for jacket defects as it is removed from the reel.
If defects are found, the pulling operation shall be terminated immediately
and the Engineer notified. Repair of cable jacket will not be permitted. To
reduce the possibility of damage to the outer jacket of the fiber optic cable,
the following protective measures are recommended.
2. A cable feeder guide shall be used between the cable reel and the face of the
duct and conduit to protect the cable and guide it off the reel and into the duct.
A pulling eye shall be attached to the cable end and be used to pull the cable
through the duct and conduit system. As the cable is pulled off the reel and
into the cable feeder guide, it shall be lubricated with a water-based lubricant
approved by the cable manufacturer. Dynamometers or breakaway pulling
swings shall be used to ensure the pulling line tension does not exceed the
installation tension values specified by the cable manufacturer. Maximum
allowable cable strain during installation shall be 0.75%. The pulling of the
cable shall be hand assisted at each handhole or pull box. The cable shall not
be crushed, kinked, or forced around a sharp corner.
700-2.3 Installation Procedures.
1. Cables shall be installed in continuous lengths without intermediate splices
throughout the project. Cable installation personnel shall be familiar with the
cable manufacturer's recommended procedures including, but not limited to
the following:
a) Proper attachment to the cable strength elements for pulling during
installation. Depending on cable design this will involve direct
attachment to internal strength members or attaching an external
“Kellums” or split mesh grip.
b) Cable tensile limitations and tension monitoring procedures.
c) Cable bending radius limitations.
d) Cable twisting limitations.
2. You shall comply with the cable manufacturer's specifications at all times.
3. Cable installation procedures shall conform to Bellcore guidelines.
4. To accommodate long continuous installation lengths, bi-directional “center
pull” techniques for pulling of the cable is acceptable and shall be
implemented as follows:
a) From the midpoint, pull the cable into the conduit from the shipping
reel in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 429
b) When this portion of the pull is complete, the remainder of the cable
shall be removed from the reel to make the inside end available for
pulling in the opposite direction.
c) This is accomplished by hand pulling the cable from the reel and laying
into large "figure eight" loops on the ground. The purpose of the figure
eight pattern is to avoid cable tangling and kinking. The loops shall be
laid carefully one upon the other (to prevent subsequent tangling) and
shall be in a protected area. The inside reel end of the cable is then
available for installation.
d) In some cases, it may be necessary to set up a winch at an intermediate
cable vault. The required length of cable shall be pulled to that point,
and brought out of the cable vault and coiled into a figure eight. The
figure eight is then turned over to gain access to the free cable end. This
can then be reinserted into the duct system for installation into the next
5. At locations noted on the plans, you shall provide 30 feet (9.1 m) of cable slack.
The cable shall be coiled and secured with cable ties. You shall ensure that the
minimum bending radius of the cable is not compromised when preparing this
stored cable slack.
6. The pulling eye/sheath termination hardware on the cables shall not be pulled
over any sheave blocks.
7. When power equipment is used to install cabling, the pulling speed shall not
exceed 100 feet per minute (30 meters per minute). The pulling tension, bending
radius and twist limitation for cable shall not be exceeded under any
8. Large diameter wheels, pulling sheaves, and cable guides shall be used to
maintain the appropriate bending radius. Tension monitoring shall be
accomplished using commercial dynamometers or load cell instruments.
9. Sufficient slack shall be left at each end of the cable to allow proper cable
700-2.4 Optical Fiber Termination.
1. Termination components shall meet or exceed the applicable provisions of
EIA-455-5. Cables shall have all optical fibers terminated directly at the patch
panel via connectors. All cables shall be routed in each equipment cabinet in
a manner that prevents damage during regular operation and maintenance
functions. All exposed cable and fiber sub-cables shall be secured every 12
inches (304.8 mm) to 18 inches (460 mm) to the equipment frame or cable
tray with nylon ties, hand tighten only.
2. Connectors shall be field-installable and perfectly matched to the cable used.
Optical fiber connectors shall satisfy all of the interface parameters of
equipment components as may be defined by the transmission equipment
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 430
3. The connectors shall provide tight fitting termination to the cladding/buffer
tubing and to the outer jacket. Epoxy-based or “hot melt” adhesives shall be
used to bond the fiber and buffer to the connector ferrule and body prior to
polishing the end face. No dry-termination or “quick crimp” connectors are
allowed. When termination is authorized by the Engineer, termination shall be
by trained, qualified persons only.
4. After termination with connectors, the fiber ends must be visually inspected
at a magnification of not less than 100 power to check for cracks or pits in the
end face of the fiber. If any irregularities found cannot be removed by further
polishing, the entire process must be redone by cutting off and disposing the
connector body.
5. Connectors shall have a maximum allowable connection loss of 0.3 dB per
mated pair, as measured per EIA-455-34. No index-matching gel is to be used,
dry interfaces only. Single-mode connectors shall be capable of field
installation on 9/125 µm fibers with 900 µm buffers (OD) and 1/8 inch (3.2 mm)
outer jackets.
6. Each connector shall be of the industry standard SC™ type compatible,
designed for single-mode tolerances, and shall meet or exceed the applicable
provisions of EIA-455-5, 455-2A, and 455-34, and shall be capable of 100
repeated matings with a maximum loss increase of 0.1 dB. Connectors shall
incorporate a key-way design and shall have a zirconia ceramic ferrule.
Connector bodies and couplings shall be made of corrosion-resistant and
oxidation-resistant materials, such as nickel plated zinc, designed to operate
in humid environments without degradation of surface finishes.
7. Each connector shall be labeled for ease of subsequent identification and
testing. Each connector label shall be attached next to the connector strain
relief boot in a manner that will ensure that the label remains permanently
intact. The optical test diagram details the numbering system to be used. The
system employs two numbers, separated by a decimal point. The first number
refers to the sub-cable number. The second number refers to the relative
connector position in the backbone ring.
8. Splicing of fiber optic cable shall not be permitted unless otherwise specified
in the Special Provisions or shown on the Plans. When splicing is authorized
by the Engineer, splicing shall be by trained, qualified persons only. Any
allowed splicing of fiber optic cable shall be by fusion splice only, no
mechanical splices are permitted.
9. Fusion splicing equipment shall be in good working order, properly calibrated,
and meeting all industry standards and safety regulations. Cable preparation,
closure installation and splicing shall be accomplished in accordance with
accepted and approved industry standards.
10. The average splice loss shall be 0.1dB or less per splice. The average splice
loss is defined as one-half the summation of the losses as measured in each
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 431
direction using an OTDR through the fusion splice. No individual splice loss
measured in a single direction shall exceed 0.15dB.
11. Upon completion of the splicing operation, all waste material shall be
deposited in suitable containers, removed from the Work Site, and disposed
of in an environmentally acceptable manner.
700-2.5 Cable Testing. You shall notify the Engineer in writing 10 Working Days prior to
commencing tests. You shall provide information regarding what type test equipment
will be utilized (manufacturer and model number) plus the equipment calibration
procedures that will be utilized.
700-2.6 Test Equipment.
1. An Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) with recording capability shall
be utilized to test for the end-to-end transmission quality of each optical fiber.
Quality tests shall consider both attenuation and localized loss discontinuities.
The OTDR shall be equipped with a switchable, dual-wavelength module with
1300 nm and 1550 nm light sources compatible with single-mode test fibers.
The OTDR shall be capable of writing to a hard drive and configured with an X-
Y plotter to provide a hard copy record of each test measurement. The OTDR
shall be equipped with sufficient internal masking to allow the entire cable
section to be tested. This may be achieved by using an optical fiber pigtail of
sufficient length to display the required cable section, or by using an OTDR
with sufficient normalization to display the required cable section. A hard copy
X-Y plot shall be provided to the City for all OTDR tests. The OTDR shall be
calibrated for correct index of refraction to provide proper length
measurement from a known length of reference fiber.
2. Testing light source: A laser diode (LD) light source with a 1300 nm wavelength
shall be used. The LD shall be stable within 0.1 dB in output power over a time
period sufficiently long to perform the measurement.
3. Power Meter: The detector in the power meter shall have an effective
numerical aperture (NA) and active area that is larger than the fiber under test.
The power meter shall have a sufficient measurement range to measure the
insertion loss of the cable and connectors in the link. The power meter shall
be linear over the range of losses to be measured in the system and have
sufficient resolution for the proposed measurements (0.05 dB). The power
meter shall be able to measure both absolute power in units of dBm and
relative loss in units of dB. The power meter shall also be able to change its
calibration wavelength to match the system operation wavelength (1300 nm).
4. Launch Reference Cable: The patchcord used to connect the fiber optic cable
to the multiplexer shall be used as the launch reference cable for the particular
link under test.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 432
700-2.7 Submittals.
1. Detailed shop drawings and specifications of proposed products shall be
submitted in accordance with 3-8, “SUBMITTALS”. You shall submit the
manufacturing data, pre-shipment test results, and a sample. Representative
samples manufactured to the above specifications shall be submitted.
2. Submittals required by this item shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a) A material staging plan, if you propose City-owned property as a
staging area.
b) Manufacturer's complete specifications for all communication system
cables, connectors, patch panels, fiber optic multiplexers, video
encoders, and associated electronics and hardware components.
c) Manufacturer's complete specifications for optical fiber cable patch
d) A detailed fiber optic cable and twisted-pair cable installation
procedure including the following:
i. Fiber optic cable cutting lengths reflecting the cable order and
reel allocations.
ii. Detailed installation procedures (cable pulling plan) which
shall contain the staffing and equipment to be used, locations
of the staffing and equipment for each pull, location of figure
eights, and the estimated pulling tensions and which also
identify the physical locations for equipment placement,
proposed equipment setup at each location, and the pulling
methodology for each type of cable. The cable pulling plan
shall be submitted for approval 10 Working Days prior to
pulling in each fiber optic segment.
iii. Staffing proposed for all equipment, safety, and manual assist
700-2.8 Test Documentation. The results of insertion loss testing shall be recorded along
with the test date, test wavelength, name of person performing the test, and the brand
name, model number and serial number of the equipment used during the test. The
measurements shall be recorded on a form identical to the test table provided in this
specification. OTDR traces shall be generated into a hard copy and in electronic format
for the purpose of developing historical "As-Built" documentation regarding the
cable's condition before and after it was installed. The hard-copy and electronic copy
documentation, along with associated software to reproduce on paper via personal
computer, shall be provided to the Engineer.
700-2.9 OTDR Tests. You shall use OTDR testing to ensure that each fiber is one continuous
length (contains no splices within the cable structure) and meets the attenuation
(dB/km) specifications of the manufacturer and cognizant industry standards. In
addition, OTDR tests shall be performed to measure connector and fiber loss on all
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 433
terminated fiber links. OTDR measurements shall be made before the cable
installation to provide baseline data for comparison to post-installation OTDR tests.
700-2.10 Required OTDR Trace Information.
1. Traces shall display the entire length of cable under test, highlighting any
localized loss discontinuities (installation-induced losses, connector losses, or
both). The trace shall display fiber length (in kilofeet), fiber loss (dB), and average
fiber attenuation (in dB/km) as measured between two markers placed as near
to the opposite ends of the fiber under test as is possible while still allowing an
accurate reading. Care shall be taken to ensure that the markers are placed in
the linear region of the trace (away from the front-end response and the far-end
Fresnel reflection spike). Time averaging shall be used to improve the display
signal-to-noise ratio. The pulse width of the OTDR shall be set to a sufficient
width to provide adequate injected power to measure the entire length the fiber
under test.
2. If connectors exist in the cable under test, then two traces shall be recorded.
One trace shall record the fiber loss (dB) and average attenuation (dB/km) of
the entire cable segment under test, including connectors. The second trace
shall display a magnified view of the connector regions, revealing the
connector losses (dB). Connector losses shall be measured using the Least
Squares Approximation (LSA) or 5-point splice loss measurement technique.
3. The OTDR trace shall also include the following information:
a) The date and time of the test
b) The cable ID number
c) The cable segment ID number
d) The fiber color or sub-cable number
e) Launch point connector number
f) The optical wavelength used for the test
g) The refractive index setting of the OTDR
h) The pulse width setting of the OTDR
i) The averaging interval of the test
700-2.11 Pre-installation OTDR.
1. Prior to removal of each cable from the delivery reel, all optical fiber sub-cables
within the cables shall be tested by you using an OTDR. The OTDR tests shall
consist of end-to-end length and fiber attenuation (dB/km) measurements to
ensure proper performance of the fiber optic cable. The tests shall be
performed from both ends of each fiber to ensure complete fiber continuity
within the cable structure. Cable sections failing this test shall be disqualified
from subsequent use for installation.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 434
2. Pre-installation, “on-reel” test results shall be compared with the
manufacturer's test report delivered with the cable. Gross dissimilarities shall
be noted and remedied between you and the manufacturer.
700-2.12 Post-Installation OTDR.
1. You shall conduct insertion loss testing on all installed and terminated optical
fiber elements. Insertion loss test measurements for each terminated fiber on
each cable shall be documented by you and the results provided to the
Engineer. Testing shall be conducted at 1300 nm for all terminated sub-cables.
Total node-to-node insertion loss for each terminated sub-cable in each cable
shall be within the fiber optic multiplexer manufacturer's allowable loss
budget specifications. The total node-to-node insertion loss, between adjacent
multiplexers, for the single-mode fiber links shall be less than 6dB at 1300 nm.
If it is not, you shall take corrective measures to bring the insertion loss into
compliance with the manufacturer's specifications, including re-mating and re-
termination of the connectors, and/or replacement of the cable.
2. Fiber links shall be measured in both directions in order to measure patch
panel connector and link insertion losses accurately. The Insertion Loss Test
Table shall be used to conduct the insertion loss measurements. The table
calls for inserting light at various insertion points and measuring power out at
other points. Once all of the powers have been measured, the insertion losses
are then calculated and recorded in the table.
700-2.13 Node Equipment.
700-2.13.1 Termination Cabinet.
1. A Model 332L cabinet shall be installed at each location shown on the plans.
You shall submit for review detailed drawings showing the proposed cabinet
2. The cabinet shall be equipped with a standard ventilation fan and filter,
shelves, rack for mounting the fiber optic and Ethernet network layer 3 switch
and the fiber optic termination patch panel, 120 V AC power for operating
equipment, and terminal blocks for copper cable termination.
700-2.13.2 Fiber Optic Termination Patch Panel.
1. The patch panel enclosure shall be rack-mounted in the cabinet. The enclosure
shall have nominal dimensions of 3.5 inches high x 19 inches wide x 15 inches
deep (88.9 mm high x 482.6 mm wide x 381 mm deep). The enclosure shall
have doors to protect the fiber terminations inside the panel. The inner
connector panel shall be mounted vertically in the enclosure and be
approximately in the center of the enclosure to allow access to both cable
sides. The cable ends shall enter the patch panel enclosure from the bottom.
The patch panel enclosure shall provide cable strain reliefs at the entry ports.
All enclosure hardware shall be stainless steel or aluminum.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 435
2. The fiber optic cable shall terminate inside each of the communications
cabinets on a termination patch panel. The patch panel shall be fitted with
” type bayonet couplings. All optical fibers within the cable shall be
terminated with “SC
” compatible connectors. The patch panel shall have a
24-fiber capacity, and shall facilitate fiber optic cable cross-connection between
outside plant cables and opto-electronic interface equipment. Unused couplings
shall be fitted with protective dust covers. Factory-terminated, tight-buffered,
aramid-reinforced fiber optic jumper assemblies or interconnect cables,
standard 1-3/16 inch (30.2 mm) O.D., shall connect the optical fiber
terminations to the multiplexer I/O ports via the patch panel couplings.
3. The termination patch panel shall be equipped with a suitable means for
routing and securing of cables and shall provide a suitable means of protection
for the mounted optical fiber connectors to prevent damage to optical fibers and
connectors during all regular operation and maintenance functions. Bend
diameters on cable, sub-cables, and jumpers must be greater than 4 inches (101.6
mm) at all times to ensure optical and mechanical integrity of the optical fibers.
700-2.13.3 Copper Cable Termination Blocks.
1. You shall provide and install 12-pair cable termination blocks in each cabinet
where twisted-pair cable is installed. Termination blocks shall be capable of
accepting #22 AWG insulated solid conductors and be rack mountable on a
standard 19inch (482.6 mm) rack. Termination blocks shall be designed to
operate in unheated outdoor cabinets, capable of resisting corrosion and
oxidation, and capable of preventing open circuits caused by poor metal-to-
metal contact.
2. Each quick connect terminal block and barrier terminal block shall be sprayed
with a PIC restoration spray to retard corrosion. Three coats shall be applied
prior to connecting the wires and three coats shall be applied after all the wire
connectors have been completed. Each coat shall be allowed to dry
thoroughly, as specified by the manufacturer, before the next coat is applied.
You shall terminate all SIC cable on termination blocks in each cabinet where
twisted-pair cable is installed.
700-2.14 Twisted-pair Copper Subsystems. The interconnect cable shall contain the amount
of twisted, #22 AWG solid, copper pairs as specified in the Plans. This cable shall be
constructed for installation in an underground conduit environment with a sheath
consisting of a double coated aluminum shield over which a medium density
polyethylene jacket is extruded, in accordance with REA Standard PE39. This cable
shall be filled with a gel compound to resist water penetration and migration.
700-2.14.1 Cable Performance. The copper twisted-pair cable shall meet or exceed the following
1. 22 AWG, solid copper conductor, twisted pair.
2. Insulation: Dual, semi-rigid PVC skin over foamed PE.
3. Core wrap: Polypropylene film.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 436
4. Mutual capacitance of 94 nanofarads per mile, measured at 1 KHz.
5. DC Resistance = 92 ohms per mile.
6. Attenuation = 2.2 dB/1,000 ft. @ 150 KHz.
700-2.14.2 Installation.
1. You shall install cables and the combination connector/protector block. The
same pair assignment shall be maintained. Cables shall be installed at each
location per the Master Interconnect Conductor Assignments shown on the
plans. Cables shall be installed in continuous lengths from terminal block to
terminal block. There shall be no splicing between terminal blocks.
2. You shall determine a suitable cable installation method to ensure that all
cable installation requirements shall be met in all conduit sections. All Work
shall be carried out in accordance and consistent with the highest standards
of quality and craftsmanship in the communication industry with regard to the
electrical and mechanical integrity of the connections; the finished appearance
of the installation; as well as the accuracy and completeness of the
3. You shall make a physical survey of the project site for the purpose of
establishing the exact cable routing and cutting lengths prior to the
commencement of any Work or committing any materials.
4. When ordering cable, you shall ensure that the cable shall be of sufficient
length to pull from terminal block of one traffic signal controller cabinet to the
terminal block of the next traffic signal controller cabinet. A minimum of 3 feet
(0.9 m) of cable shall be provided in each pull box.
5. The cable shall be carefully inspected for jacket defects as it is removed from
the reel. If defects are noticed, the pulling operation shall be terminated
immediately and the Engineer notified. Precautions shall be taken during
installation to prevent the cable from being kinked or crushed. Crushed or
kinked cable shall be replaced with new cable. As the cable is pulled into the
conduit system, it shall be sufficiently lubricated with a lubricant that shall be
the water based type and approved by the cable manufacturer. The
mechanical stress placed upon the cable during installation shall not be such
that the cable is twisted and stretched or exceeds manufacturer's
6. The pulling of the cable shall be hand assisted at each handhole or pullbox.
When pulling through intermediate pullboxes, the cable shall be placed on the
ground near the pullbox and care taken to prevent damage by vehicles or other
objects. The cable shall not be crushed, kinked or forced around a sharp corner.
A minimum of 3 feet (0.9 m) slack shall be left in each pullbox and enough left at
each end of the cable to allow proper cable termination. All cable pairs shall be
terminated on terminal block.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 437
700-2.14.3 Cable Testing.
1. You shall perform field acceptance tests on the installed copper cable. The City
shall observe the tests and the test results shall be documented as prescribed
elsewhere in this specification. You shall replace any cable failing these tests
at no additional expense to the City. You shall provide all test equipment
necessary to perform the tests. All pairs of each copper cable shall be tested for
continuity, polarity, shorts, grounds, longitudinal balance, and resistive loss
consistent with the manufacturer's specifications and standard
telecommunication industry requirements.
2. After installation each pair within the cable shall be tested with a Time Domain
Reflectometer (TDR). TDR testing shall be for end-to-end transmission quality,
splices, improper terminal termination, no bridge taps, or pairs that have no
termination, open or shorted pairs. You shall certify that all individual wires
have been terminated consistent with the wire insulation color to termination
pin requirements.
3. You shall document the test results and provide a certification for each cable
that the cable meets or exceeds the manufacturer's published specifications
and otherwise complies with the requirements set forth in this specification.
You shall provide the City with information regarding what type test
equipment will be utilized (manufacturer and model number) plus the
equipment calibration procedures that will be utilized by you prior to
conducting all test routines.
4. Each underground cable shall be tested end-to-end from the termination
block to the terminal block at each cabinet. You shall provide test readings for
each of the following items to verify the cable performance:
a) DC Resistance - The resistance of any conductor in any cable shall not
exceed 92 ohms per mile.
b) DC Resistance Unbalance - The resistance unbalance between the two
conductors of any pair shall not exceed 5%.
c) Mutual Capacitance - The mutual capacitance of any pair shall not
exceed 94 nanofarads per mile at 1 KHz.
Capacitance Unbalance: Pair to Ground - The capacitance unbalance to
ground at 1 KHz of any pair shall not exceed 800 picofarads per 1,000 feet
(304.8 m).
d) Ambient Noise Measurements - You shall measure the ambient noise
level in dBrn0 to determine the level of noise on each cable being
tested. The distant end of the pair being tested shall be terminated
with a 600-ohm resistor. At the near end, a HP3551 or equivalent
transmission measuring set shall be configured for conducting a noise
reading test. Cable pairs being sampled shall provide an ambient noise
figure of 30 dBrn0 (-60 dBm) or better. You shall record all readings.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 438
e) Attenuation - You shall test the attenuation of all twisted pairs in each
cable at various frequencies. Attenuation shall not exceed 2.2 db per
1,000 feet (304.8 m), measured at 150 KHz.
f) Near-end Crosstalk - The near-end crosstalk (NEXT) coupling loss
between worst pairs within a cable shall be equal to or less than 53 dB
per 1,000 feet, (304.8 m), measured at 150 KHz.
g) Bit Error Rate - You shall conduct a dynamic data transmission test of
each pair in each cable whose application in intended for data
communication applications. The dynamic test shall verify that the
transmission quality of each cable shall support a bit error rate of 1 x
10-6 or better at 1 Mb/s. The results of this test shall be documented
for one pair in each cable.
h) Ground Resistance Measurements - Ground resistance of the single
point ground system shall be measured before and after it is bonded
to the electrical service ground or building earth ground. Resistance
after the bond has been made to the electrical service ground (or
building earth ground) shall not exceed 3 ohms. If the measured
ground resistance exceeds 3 ohms, you shall provide additional
grounding points until this maximum differential has been achieved.
5. TDR traces shall be generated into a hard copy and software file in electronic
format for the purpose of developing historical As-Built documentation
regarding the cable’s condition after it was installed. The hard-copy and
electronic documentation shall be provided to the City.
700-2.15 Conductors. Conductors of size #8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. Ends of cables
entering the controller shall be marked the same as in the pull boxes adjacent to the
pole the cables serve and shall include the pole served. The cables shall be identified
with one or more wraps of ½ inch (12.7 mm) 7 mil vinyl electrical tape, conforming to
the following color coding:
Blue Orange Green Brown Grey White Red Yellow Violet
700-2.16 Wiring.
1. Where specified on the plans or at the direction of the Engineer, conductors
shall be spliced by the use of “C” shaped compression connectors as shown on
ES-13. A jumper wire with clips shall be provided for continuity of shielded
cables. The completed splice shall be rated for direct burial application and
capable of normal continuous operation at 600 V. Splices shall be insulated
with heat-shrink tubing of the appropriate size.
2. Splices shall be insulated by “Method B” or, if you judge it appropriate, splices
of conductors shall be insulated with heat-shrink tubing of the appropriate size
after thoroughly painting the spliced conductors with electrical insulating coating.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 439
3. The open end of cable jackets or tubing shall be sealed in a manner similar to
the splicing requirements to prevent the entrance of water.
700-2.17 Fused Splice Connectors. A fused splice disconnect shall be installed in the pull box
adjacent to the service point for a street light. Each street light shall have a fuse and
700-2.18 Service.
1. Install Type III service equipment enclosure for combined 120 V metered traffic
signals and 120 V unmetered street lighting as noted on the plans. Maximum base
size of service equipment enclosure shall not exceed 16 inches x 16 inches
(406.4 mm x 406.4 mm) and service equipment shall meet all SDG&E
requirements. Traffic signal service shall have 50 A, 1P, 120 V main circuit
breaker, and street lighting service shall have 30 A, 1P, 120 V main circuit
breaker, unless noted otherwise on the plans.
2. Continuous welding of exterior seams in service equipment enclosures is not
3. Type III service equipment enclosures shall be the aluminum type.
4. Circuit breakers shall be the cable-in/cable-out type, mounted on non-
energized clips. All circuit breakers shall be mounted vertically with the up
position of the handle being the “ON” position.
5. Dead front panel or panels, and corresponding exterior door, shall be hinged
on one side and shall be openable without the use of tools.
6. A barrier-type terminal block rated for 40 A, minimum, shall be provided in
each service equipment enclosure. The terminal block shall have a minimum
of 12 positions with terminals rated at Size No. 8 or larger, to accept the field
wires indicated on the plans. Field wires shall be terminated using crimped,
insulated loop connectors.
700-2.19 Solar Electric Power System. Where shown on the plans, a solar electric power
system shall be provided. The system shall consist of solar modules, batteries, a
charge regulator, mounting hardware, and the necessary wiring.
700-2.19.1 Solar Electric Modules. Solar electric modules for school zone flashers shall use triple
junction thin film technology. Twenty-four-hour systems may use the thin film or
polycrystalline modules. Thin film module electrical characteristics shall be 16.5 V DC
maximum power voltage and 23.8 V DC open circuit voltage under standard test
conditions of 1000 W/m² at 77° F (25° C). Polycrystalline module electrical
characteristics shall be 16.9 V DC maximum and 21.5 V DC open circuit voltage under
standard test conditions of 1000 W/m² at 77° F (25° C). The cell shall be fabricated on
a stainless steel back sheet. Cells shall include an integral bypass diode. Cells shall
provide the required module wattage and be encapsulated under low-iron glass.
700-2.19.2 Batteries. Systems shall consist of nickel-zinc batteries. Sizing of battery depends on
autonomy and load requirements (minimum of 1000W). Battery rating shall be 120 V AC.
System shall be ethernet capable.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 440
700-2.19.3 Charge Regulator.
1. The unit shall be an integrated system control unit with the capability to
control power and load management functions. Basic features shall include
charging of the system batteries based on voltage and temperature, low
voltage disconnect to protect the batteries from over-discharge, and operation
of the flasher circuit.
2. The unit shall have an external trigger input for system activation by external
sources such as timers, detectors, and devices incorporating a switch/contact
closure and shall include a select switch for this. The controller shall include a
series switch-configured charge controller which controls the flow of array
current to the battery.
3. The charging algorithm shall be a pulse type that features temperature-
compensated charging. On-board short circuit protection shall be standard. The
controller shall have two lamp outputs set for a 50% duty cycle each and
normally calibrated for 50-60 flashes per minute to meet ITE and MUTCD
4. Outputs shall be complimentary-one on and the other off. Automatic intensity
adjustment of the lamps shall be made by the controller for variance in light
conditions. Dimming circuitry shall be integral to the controller. Electronics shall
be potted or coated to protect against environmental damage.
5. The unit shall feature an integral heat sink and an 8-position terminal strip with
all positions labeled for ease of servicing. Manual switches shall be provided on
the controller to select the lamp activation source (on continuous or external
activation) and the dimming circuit activation. Dimming shall be capable of being
defeated for school zone systems.
700-2.19.4 Mounting Hardware.
1. Solar modules shall include an aluminum frame to allow for ease of mounting
and rigidity. Solar modules shall be mounted to a fixed tilt mounting structure
set to an angle of 45E-50E. The mount shall be constructed of galvanized steel
(ASTM A-153 Class A) or clear anodized aluminum. The mount shall be suitable
for use with a Type 1-A pole. The mount will include appropriate stainless steel
hardware to secure the modules to the mounting structures.
2. The system shall be housed in a gasketed enclosure, constructed of 1/4 inch
(6.4 mm) aluminum, and designed for mounting on a 14 feet (4.2 m) Type 1-A
pole. The enclosure shall have room for a vertical aluminum mounting plate
capable of holding the system controller and the timer module (school zone
3. The battery section of the enclosure shall feature a minimum of 1/2 inch (12.7
mm) styrofoam insulation material around the battery compartment sides to
minimize transfer of heat from the enclosure wall to the battery. Screen-
covered louvered vents shall be included on each side of the enclosure to allow
circulation of air in the enclosure.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 441
4. The enclosure shall feature one or more PELCO police locks to secure the
contents from unauthorized access. Enclosures shall be capable of holding
either two or four batteries, depending on system requirements. The door
shall have a lock cover plate attached to the door with a rivet. The door shall be
attached to the main enclosure with hinges that are welded or sufficiently riveted
to each piece. Enclosures for four batteries shall feature a continuous hinge. A
mechanical stop shall be included to prevent the door from opening more than
700-2.19.5 Wiring. The system shall be provided complete with wiring necessary for installation
on a Type 1-A pole. Cabinet and lamp wiring shall be color coded and include a seven-
pin cannon plug in the harness to allow disconnect of the system. The plug shall be
keyed with a locking mechanism to ensure proper connection. Array wiring shall be
coated in UV resistant sheathing and come with cord grips for exiting the module and
entry to the pole. Conductors shall be terminated with either a forked terminal or a
spade terminal. Sealing lock rings or O-rings shall be used to minimize the entry of
water or dust into the junction box. Module interconnect cables, if used, shall be
constructed of #10 AWG with a UV resistant sheath. Cord grips shall be provided at
entry and exit points to the module junction box. Conductors shall be terminated with
forked terminals.
700-2.20 Testing. Testing of control equipment and cabinet wiring, complete, will be
accomplished at a facility by the City of San Diego. Testing of street lighting equipment
shall include a 3-day burn, by you, with the use of shorting caps.
700-2.21 Painting.
1. Where shown on the Plans or specified in the Special Provisions, all light
standards, mast arms, luminaire arms, signal heads, luminaires, and electrical
service cabinets shall be painted the specified color. In the Centre City
Community, the specified color is known as CCDC dark blue (Sherwin Williams
F63TXL-1075-4365, Tnemec 75-J6179, or equal).
2. Steel surfaces shall be prepared either by Power Tool Cleaning per 310-2.4,
“Power Tool Cleaning” or Commercial Blast Cleaning conforming to 310-2.5.1,
“General”, subsection “d”. New ungalvanized ferrous and non-ferrous metal
surfaces shall to be prepared in accordance with SECTION 310 - PAINTING.
Coating system shall be Sherwin Williams (as listed below), Tnemec 75-J6179,
or approved equal:
a) Wash Prime Coat: Sherwin Williams, Industrial Wash Primer, P60g2,
0.2-0.4 mil dry film thickness
b) Prime Coat: Sherwin Williams Tile-Clad II Hi-Build Primer, B62N
71/B60V 70, 4mils dry film thickness
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 442
c) First Finish Coat: Specified color, or Sherwin Williams F63TXL-1075-
4365, 2 mils dry film thickness
d) Second Finish Coat: Specified color, or Sherwin Williams F63TXL-1075-
4365, 2 mils dry film thickness
3. You shall touch up marred or abraded areas with a matching paint.
700-3.1 Controller Assemblies.
1. Traffic signal controllers shall conform with the latest edition of Standard
Specifications, State of California, Department of Transportation, “Section 86”,
and “Traffic Signal Control Equipment Specifications”, State of California.
Controller assemblies shall be on the current State of California Qualified
Products List (QPL). Traffic Signal Control Equipment Specifications shall have
precedence over Caltrans Standard Specifications. See TABLE 700-3.1 below:
TABLE 700-3.1
1 1 1
Model 2070LX controller unit including:
UNIT CHASSIS, 2070-1C CPU uploaded with
Q-Free MAXTIME software, 2070-2E+ FI/O,
2070-3B FRONT PANEL and 2070 - 4A
POWER SUPPLY modules and one blank
8MB datakey.
1 1 1 Power Distribution Assembly #2 (PDA #2)
1 1 1
Aluminum cabinet wired for and including
the necessary accessories for full operation
except as noted
1 1 1 2010ECLip Conflict Monitor Unit
4 2 2 Model 242 two-channel isolator
12 12 6 Model 200 switch pack
16 8 4
Model 222 two-channel loop detector
sensor unit
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 443
1 1 1
Model IEX-408E-2VDSL2-LV-T Moxa Ethernet
or Etherwan ED3575 Hardened Managed
Ethernet Switch/Extender
1 1 1 3’ Cat 5e cable
1 1 1 DIN rail
2. The doors of the cabinets shall be hinged so that the doors swing away from
the curb or street.
3. When the controller assembly is to be furnished in a Model 336 cabinet with
base adaptor, the cabinet shall be constructed in accordance with the
Controller specification for Model 332L aluminum cabinet but with the
configuration shown in Figure 3.
4. Each cabinet shall be equipped with a single fluorescent fixture with front and
rear door activating switches, and slide-out document drawer. Cabinet finish
shall be anodized aluminum with clear anti-graffiti coating except when a paint
finish is specified.
5. Front panel character display modules shall be socket mounted for easy
replacement in the front panel assembly.
700-3.2 Model 200 Switch Packs. Model 200 switch packs shall be capable of operating Type
"G" pedestrian signals without exceeding Model 2010ECLip Conflict Monitor threshold
limits and shall be capable of switching a single L.E.D. head.
700-3.3 2070-1C CPU Module. 2070-1C CPU Module shall be uploaded with Q-Free MAXTIME
software, have open Linux operating system architecture, and shall be Caltrans TEES
2009 compliant. The module shall have a minimum of (3) RJ45 Ethernet ports and (1)
USB port.
700-3.4 School Zone Flashing Beacon System Timer Module. The system timer module shall
have the following minimum standard features:
1. Alphanumeric LCD display.
2. 48-hour capacitive backup.
3. 15 A SPDT relay output.
4. 16-key input keypad.
5. Auto-leap year compensation.
6. Auto-prompt for programming.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 444
7. Crystal clock source.
8. Operating temperature range of -22° F to 165.2° F (-30° C to 74° C).
9. Solid-state construction except for the relay.
10. Auto-daylight savings time adjustment.
11. Compatible with nominal 12 V DC operation.
The unit shall be capable of exception periods when operation can be suspended or
optional programs can be run for periods such as holidays or special events. Program
steps shall allow the programming of a single day, weekend, or week days.
700-4.1 Signal Faces and Signal Heads.
1. Signal head sections, except programmed visibility type heads, shall be metal
with metal visors and metal back plates. Visors shall be tunnel-type, have ears
and be attached to the signal heads with screws. Visors shall interchange with
Econolite, Traffic Control Technologies, McCain, and Automatic Signal
manufactured vehicle heads.
2. All new signal faces and all arrow indications shall be provided with 12 inch (305
mm) sections unless shown otherwise on the plans. Lenses shall interchange
with Econolite, Traffic Control Technologies, Automatic Signal, and McCain
manufactured vehicle heads.
3. Type SV-1-T mountings with 5 sections and SV-2-TD mountings shall be strapped
to the standard using ½ inch (12.7 mm) stainless steel strapping material and a
stainless steel standoff.
4. Except for programmed visibility heads, the red, yellow, and green indications
shall be Type 1 Light Emitting Diode (LED) signal modules conforming to the
latest Caltrans specifications and shall have the "Incandescent Look" LED. All
lenses shall be tinted. A maintenance period is not required. Replacement
modules shall be provided promptly after receipt of modules that have failed
at no cost to the City except cost of shipping of the failed modules. All warranty
documentation shall be given to the Engineer prior to installation. The
replacement modules shall be delivered to the City’s Street Division-Electrical
Section at Chollas Operations Station, 2781 Caminito Chollas, San Diego, CA
92105 within 5 Working Days after notification.
5. Where solar electric power is provided for a flashing beacon, the indication(s)
shall be yellow or red Light Emitting Diode (LED) signal modules conforming to
the latest Institute of Transportation Engineers specifications. A maintenance
period is not required. Replacement modules shall be provided promptly after
receipt of modules that have failed at no cost to the City except cost of
shipping of the failed modules. All warranty documentation shall be given to
the Engineer prior to installation. The replacement modules shall be delivered
to the City’s Street Division/Electrical Section at Chollas Operations Station,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 445
2781 Caminito Chollas, San Diego, CA 92105 within 5 Working Days after
6. Traffic signal heads shall be green with black doors unless otherwise specified
in the plans or specifications.
700-4.2 Programmed Visibility Vehicle Signal Faces. Lamps shall be furnished by you. You
shall arrange to have a signal technician qualified to program the programmed
visibility signal heads present at the time the signal heads are placed in operation.
Lamps for the signal units shall be 150 W, 120 V, incandescent lamps with a minimum
average rated life of 6,000 hours. The lamp and socket shall be the 3-prong type.
700-4.3 Types.
1. Pedestrian signals shall be Type “G”.
2. Each pedestrian signal shall consist of a housing with front screen, a message
plate, and two Light Emitting Diode (LED) modules, Pedestrian signal housings
shall be metal with metal visors and shall conform to provision in Section 86-
1.02S. All pedestrian signals shall incorporate a pedestrian countdown timer
3. The message plate shall be 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) nominal thickness ultra-violet-
stabilized, prismatic-patterned polycarbonate plastic; 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) nominal
thickness hammered wire glass; or 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) nominal thickness
ultraviolet-stabilized, prismatic-patterned acrylic plastic. The message plates shall
have a flat-black surface over the entire projected area except where the symbols
are located. The material used to mask the message plate shall be hard and
durable and shall bond in such a manner that it will not flake or peel when the
message plate is in use or is washed. The symbols shall be the only illuminated
portion of the message plate. The message plate shall be sealed to a
polycarbonate case to form a dust-tight and weather-proof module.
4. For crossings where the distance from the near curb to the pedestrian signal
indication is 60 feet (18.3 m) or less, the luminance of the UPRAISED HAND symbol
shall be 960 cd/m
(280 footlamberts), minimum, and the luminance of the
WALKING PERSON symbol shall be 3,400 cd/m
(990 footlamberts) minimum.
700-4.5 Accessible Pedestrian Signals. Accessible pedestrian signal shall consist of the
Control Unit and a weather-proof integrated push button station assembly with
vibrotactile arrow button, audible programmable verbal message, locator tone with
automatic volume adjustment to ambient noise, and sunlight-visible red LED
latches “ON” along with a tactile feedback “bounce” to confirm the button has been
pushed. When used, accessible pedestrian signals shall be used in combination with
pedestrian signal timing. The audible signal device shall operate continuously during
the protected walk interval of the corresponding visual pedestrian signal when
actuated by the corresponding pedestrian push button. The information provided
by an accessible pedestrian signal shall clearly indicate which pedestrian crossing is
served by each device. The audible pedestrian system should be either a 2-wire
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 446
system for actuated pedestrian signal and 3-wire system for pedestrian recalled
700-4.6 Signal Mounting Assemblies. Signal faces installed prior to signal operation shall be
covered with shade cloth, canvas, or similar. Cardboard is not an acceptable cover
material. Mast arm slip-fitters, post top slip-fitters, and terminal compartments shall
be cast bronze.
700-4.7 Flashing Beacons. Flashing beacons installed at school locations shall be equipped
with a solid-state programmable timer with digital display as specified in 700-3.4,
“School Zone Flashing Beacon System Timer Module”.
700-5.1 Vehicle Detectors.
1. Loop wire shall be Type 2. Loop detector lead-in cable shall be Type “B”. Slots
shall be filled with elastomeric sealant, epoxy sealant, or hot-melt rubberized
asphalt sealant, except asphaltic emulsion loop sealant and cold tar loop
sealant are acceptable if the pavement surface will receive an asphaltic
concrete overlay.
2. Vehicle detector loops shall be Type E per Caltrans Standard Plan ES-5B or Type
E Modified per City Standard Drawing SDE-104 as shown on the plans. Refer to
the latest Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications and latest City of San
Diego Standards. Bicycle detector loops within bicycle lanes shall be Type Q.
For Type E detector loops, sides of the slot shall be vertical and the minimum
radius of the slot entering and leaving the circular part of the loop shall be
inches (38.1 mm). Slot width shall be a maximum of 5/8 inch (15.875 mm). Type
E detector loops shall have three turns of conductor. Limit line vehicle detector
loops (front loops) shall be Type E Modified loops. Type E Modified loops shall
have four turns of conductor.
3. The sand mixed with the epoxy loop sealant shall be clean and dry silica sand
and shall be smaller than 1,520 µm (pass a No. 12 sieve) and be no smaller than
860µm (retained on a No. 20 sieve). The adhesive shall be a black, low viscosity
material consisting of equal parts of modified coal tar epoxy resin and modified
amine-bitumen hardening agent, equal to Epocast H-1136A and 1136B. Adhesive
shall be mixed together mechanically on the Site and shall have 30 to 45 minute
pot life.
4. Fill the slot with sand. Soak the sand with adhesive overflow. Cover the slot
with additional sand. Before the adhesive sets, strike off excess material flush
with pavement and remove from adjacent road surfaces.
5. You shall perform loop drag tests to verify functionality of loops after
installation and splicing and shall be responsible for validating any loops that
are installed or spliced to ensure that they are fully functional prior to leaving
the site. You shall also verify locations of DLC's.
6. You shall follow the “backfill stub out” method as follows:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 447
a) Install duct seal to cover the conduit
b) Place small layer of sand bedding and compacted permanent asphalt
700-5.2 Pedestrian Push Button Assemblies.
1. Pedestrian push buttons shall be Type “B”. Actuator shall have a minimum
diameter of 2 inches (50.8 mm) and have a raised tactile arrow and an
operating force of 2.5 N to 3.6 N (9 ounces to 13 ounces) and a release force
of 1 N (3.5 ounces).
2. Pedestrian push button signs shall conform to the size shown on Standard Plan
ES-5C. Signs shall display international "Walking Person" symbol and directional
arrow. Pedestrian push button housing shall be mounted with the actuator
button at 3 feet 3 inches ± 1 inch (1 m ± 25.4 mm) above the adjacent finished
700-5.3 Preformed Inductive Loops.
1. Preformed inductive loops shall be the type shown on the plans. The loop shall
be 6 feet (1.8 m) square unless otherwise shown. The loop shall consist of 4
turns of No. 16, or larger, wire with Type THWN or TFFN insulation. The loop
wires shall be encased in Size 10, minimum size, Schedule 40 or Schedule 80
PVC or polypropylene conduit. The conduit shall be sealed to prevent the
entrance of water and the movement of wires within the conduit. The loop
wires from the preformed loop to the adjacent pull box shall be twisted
together into a pair (at least 7 turns per meter (2 turns per foot)) and encased
in Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 PVC or polypropylene conduit between the
preformed loop and the adjacent pull box or detector handhole. The lead-in
conduit shall be sealed to prevent the entrance of water at the pull box or
handhole end.
2. In new roadways, the preformed loops and lead-in conduits shall be placed in
the base course, with top of conduit flush with top of base, and then covered
with the asphalt concrete or PCC pavement. Preformed loops and lead-in
conduits shall be protected from damage prior to and during pavement
3. In new reinforced concrete structure decks the preformed loops shall be
secured to the top of the uppermost layer of reinforcing steel using nylon wire
ties. The loop shall be held parallel to the structure deck by using PVC or
polypropylene spacers where necessary. Conduit for lead-in conductors shall
be placed between the uppermost 2 layers of reinforcing steel.
4. In existing pavement, preformed loop installation shall conform to the
a) The preformed loops and lead-in conduits shall be placed in slots, 1/4
inch (6.4 mm) minimum width, cut into the existing pavement. The top
of the conduit shall be 1 inch (25.4 mm), minimum, below the top of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 448
b) Slots in asphalt concrete pavement shall be filled with elastomeric
sealant, epoxy sealant, or hot-melt rubberized asphalt sealant.
c) Slots in portland cement concrete shall be filled with elastomeric
sealant or hot-melt rubberized asphalt sealant, or shall be filled with
epoxy sealant conforming to the requirements in Section 95-2.09,
“Epoxy Sealant for Inductive Loops” of the Standard Specifications.
5. You shall install a permanent mark (engraved arrow) on the edge of the gutter
or face of the curb to indicate stub-out for loop wires.
700-6.1 Photoelectric Controls.
1. The photoelectric control unit (PCU) shall be Type "IV".
2. Furnish an individual, stand-alone PCU with each fixture. The PCU shall have a
silicon light sensor that complies with ANSI 136.10 2010, and have MOV surge
protection. The PCU shall have a minimum ten year warranty. The PCU shall
fail in the “on” control. It shall be capable of inverse ratio controls. It shall be
suitable for roadway applications.
3. The PCU shall be American Electric Lighting model number DLL127-1.5 or
approved equal.
4. Photoelectric units for illuminated signs shall have a “turn-on” level of between
215 lux and 323 lux (20 footcandles and 30 footcandles) corresponding to a
switching level of approximately 430 lux to 646 lux (40 footcandles to 60
footcandles) measured in the horizontal plane. The “turn-off” level shall not
exceed 3 times the “turn-on” level.
5. All components shall be long life with UV inhibitors.
700-6.2 LED Cobra Head Luminaire.
700-6.2.1 General.
1. Each luminaire shall consist of an assembly that utilizes LED components as
the light source subject to the following requirements:
a) Operating Temperature: The luminaire shall be designed to operate at
an average nighttime temperature of 70° F (20° C). The ambient
operating temperature range shall be 30° F to 130° F (-5° C to 55° C).
b) UL Listing: The fixtures shall be UL Listed and shall include UL label.
The UL listing shall include the pole mounting assembly.
c) Components: LED components shall be interchangeable amongst
similar wattages for common fixtures without requiring use of special
tools. Troubleshooting components shall not require special
diagnostic tools or individual energy usage metering systems.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 449
700-6.2.2 Electrical Requirements.
1. Operating Voltage: The luminaire shall operate within one of two voltage
categories (95 to 305 and 480) Volts AC (VAC). The fixtures shall be capable of
operating in the range of voltages listed. Fluctuations of line voltage within
these categories shall have no visible effect on the luminous output. External
Transformers are not permissible as components for the luminaire input
2. Power Factor: Power supply should have a minimum Power Factor of 0.90.
3. Harmonic Distortion: The total harmonic distortion shall not exceed 20%. An
integral factory installed standard driver is required that includes inherent
thermal protection.
4. Surge Suppression: The luminaire on-board circuitry shall include Surge
Suppression Devices (SSD) to withstand high repetition noise transients as a
result of utility transients, and other interference. SSD shall conform to UL
1449 or UL 1283, depending on the components used in the design.
700-6.2.3 Controls.
1. Photocell Receptacle: Each luminaire shall have a rotatable (so the window can
be adjusted to the north) prewired 7-conductor (twist-lock) ANSI C136.41-2013
photocell receptacle.
2. Furnish a photoelectric control unit (PCU).
3. All components shall be long life with UV inhibitors.
700-6.2.4 Cooling System.
1. Thermal management of the heat generated by the components shall be of
sufficient capacity to assure proper operation of the luminaire over the
expected useful life of more than 100,000 hours at specified operating
temperature range and climate zone.
2. The light output variation shall not deviate greater than 15% over 40° F to
130°F (0° C to 55° C) operating temperature variation.
3. Thermal management shall be passive by design and shall consist of a heat
sink with no moving mechanical parts or liquids.
700-6.2.5 Roadway Application Requirements and Optical Assembly.
1. Correlated Color Temperature (CCT): CCT shall be 3000 or 4000 Kelvin
depending on location and as indicated on the Plans.
2. Color Rendering Index (CRI): Luminaires shall have a minimum CRI of 70.
3. Optics: The luminaire shall conform to the Illuminating Engineering Society
(IES) definition of “cut-off”, with no illumination above an angle of 90 degrees
above the nadir. The fixtures shall be International Dark-Sky Association (IDA)
compliant. Submittal documentation shall include “Dark Sky” compliance.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 450
700-6.2.6 Physical/Mechanical Requirements.
1. Luminaire Fixture: The luminaire shall be a single, self-contained device, not
requiring on-Site assembly for installation. The power supply for the luminaire
shall be integral to the unit.
2. Maximum Dimensions: 40 inch long by 16 inch wide by 8 inch tall (101.6 cm
long by 40.6 cm wide by 20.3 cm tall).
3. Luminaire shall not weigh more than 40 pounds (18 Kg).
4. Assembly Housing: The housing shall be primarily constructed of dye cast
aluminum or steel corrosion resistant paint. Finish shall be gray in color,
powder coated and rust resistant. The fixture openings and doors shall be
sealed and gasketed. The components within the fixture assembly shall be easily
accessible with a two-piece hinged door separable from the upper assembly. The
lower door shall be removable. All screws shall be stainless steel. Captive screws
are required on accessible components that require maintenance after
installation. Lens discoloration shall be considered a failure under warranty.
5. Access: Provide easy access to internal components. Include an external latch
capable of being operated with one hand. No internal components shall fall
out when the lower door assembly is opened. Seams shall be CNC formed and
TIG welded.
6. Lens Requirements: The lens shall be tempered glass 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick
lens, or approved equal with gasketed door.
7. Mast Arm Mounting Connection Requirements: Luminaires shall mount on
min 1-5/8 inch (4.13 cm) OD to max 2-3/8 inch (6.03 cm) OD horizontal tenon
with no more than four 9/16 inch (1.43 cm) hex bolts and a 2-piece clamp(s).
Luminaire leveling capability shall be integral to the fixture. Multiple mounting
angle adjustments shall be provided to adjust the level of the fixture ± 4° from
the horizontal.
8. Mechanical Requirements: The assembly and manufacturing process for the
induction luminaire shall be designed to assure all internal components are
adequately supported to withstand mechanical shock and vibration from
9. Ingress Protection (IP) Rating: Optical assembly shall have a minimum rating
of IP-65, the exterior shell shall have a minimum IP rating of 54.
10. Terminal Block: Field wires connected to the luminaire shall terminate on a
barrier type terminal block secured to the housing. The terminal screws shall
be captive and equipped with wire grips (serrated strips on the terminal for
conductors up to #6 AWG wire size). Each terminal position and conductor
phase designation shall be clearly identified.
11. Components: All components, including circuit boards, shall conform to
Chapter 1, Section 6 of the “Transportation Electrical Equipment
Specifications” (TEES) UL 1598, and ANSI C 136 requirements. Fixture
components shall be modular in design and recyclable.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 451
12. Replumbing Painting: Powder coat painting of the housing shall conform to
the requirements of the Caltrans Standard Specifications and the Contract
Documents. Applied coating shall be free of lead and mercury.
13. House Side Shield: The manufacturer shall offer a field installable house side
14. Luminaire model shall be constructed in accordance with the latest City Standard
or as noted in the Plans.
700-6.2.7 Luminaire Identification.
1. Identification: Each luminaire shall have the manufacturer’s name, trademark,
model number, serial number, date of manufacture including month and year,
and lot number as identification permanently marked inside each unit and the
outside of each packaging box.
2. Identification: The wattage and CCT rating of the luminaire shall be able to be detected
visibly from an observer standing at ground elevation at the base of the pole.
3. Identification of Operating Characteristics: The following operating characteristics
shall be permanently marked inside each unit: rated voltage and rated power in
Watts and Volt-Ampere, and Luminaire Efficiency Rating (LER).
700-6.2.8 Photometric Documentation. IES Files: Submittals shall include IES files for each
fixture type. Submittals shall include photometric iso-foot candle diagram for a 30 feet
(9.14 m) mounting height for each fixture type, and a point to point diagram with
uniformity calculations that identify maximum to minimum illumination ratio.
Photometric diagrams shall be in a scale of 1:20.
700-6.2.9 Quality Assurance. Luminaires shall be manufactured in accordance with ISO9001.
The Manufacturer’s Warranty Certificate shall be in accordance with 3-13.3, “Warranty”
and submitted in accordance with 3-8, “SUBMITTALS”.
700-7.1 Removing Electrical Equipment. Salvaged equipment not reused on the Project shall
be delivered to the General Services Transportation Department, Street Division,
Electrical Section at Chollas Operations Station, 2781 Caminito Chollas, San Diego, CA,
and stockpiled. Delivery time and location shall be coordinated with the City at
Telephone No. (619) 527-8031, a minimum of 1 Working Day in advance of desired delivery
date. You shall provide equipment, as necessary, to safely unload and stockpile the
material. You shall obtain an appropriate receipt upon delivery. You shall tag each pole
and mast arm with the size and type using an indelible ink marker.
700-7.2 Reinstalling Removed Electrical Equipment. When removed electrical equipment is
to be reinstalled on a new or different size pole, you shall furnish and install all new
mounting equipment including all necessary signal mounting assemblies, anchor
bolts, nuts, washers and concrete as required for completing the installation.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 452
700-8.1 General.
1. Each traffic signal, where shown on the Plans, shall have a modulated light
signal detection system which shall conform to the details shown on the plans
and these special provisions. Each modulated light signal detection system
shall consist of an optical detector/discriminator assembly or assemblies
located at the traffic signal. Emitter assemblies are not required for this
2. Each system shall permit detection of two classes of authorized vehicles. Class I
(mass transit) vehicles shall be capable of being detected at any range of up to
1,800 feet (548.6 m )from the optical detector. Class II (emergency) vehicles shall
be capable of being detected at any range up to 2,500 feet (762 m) from the optical
3. Class I signals (those emitted by Class I vehicles) shall be distinguished from
Class II signals (those emitted by Class II vehicles) on the basis of the
modulation frequency of the light from the respective emitter. The modulation
frequency for Class I signal emitters shall be 9.63855 Hz.
4. A system shall establish a priority of Class II vehicle signals over Class I vehicle
signals, and shall conform to the requirements in Section 25352, of the
California Vehicle Code. Standard emitters for both classes of signals shall be
available from the manufacturer of the system. Range measurements shall be
taken with all range adjustments on the discriminator module set to
700-8.2 Optical Detection/Discriminator Assembly.
700-8.2.1 General.
1. Each optical detection/discriminator assembly shall consist of one or more
optical detectors, connecting cable(s), and discriminator module.
2. Each such assembly, when used with standard emitters, shall have a range of
at least 1,800 feet (548.6 m) for Class I signals and 2,500 feet (762 m) for Class
II signals. Standard emitters for both classes of signals shall be available from
the manufacturer of the system. Range measurements shall be taken with all
range adjustments on the discriminator module set to “maximum”.
700- Optical Detector.
1. Each optical detector shall be a weatherproof unit capable of receiving optical
energy from two separately aimable directions. The horizontal angle between
the two directions shall be variable from 180° to 5°. The reception angle for
each photocell assembly shall be a maximum of 8 degrees in all directions
about the aiming axis of the assembly. Measurements of reception angle will
be taken at a range of 1,800 feet (548.6 m) for a Type I emitter and at a range of
2,500 feet (762 m) for a Type II emitter. Each optical detector shall be installed,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 453
wired, and aimed as specified by the manufacturer. Mast-arm mounted optical
detectors shall utilize clamping hardware shown in the attached, “E.V.P.E. Detector
Mounting Details”.
2. Internal circuitry shall be solid state and electrical power shall be provided by
the associated discriminator module. Each optical detector shall be contained
in a housing which shall include two rotatable photocell assemblies, an
electronic assembly, and a base. The base shall have an opening to permit its
mounting on a mast arm or a vertical pipe nipple, or suspension from a span
wire. The mounting opening shall have female threads for 3/4 inch (19.1 mm)
conduit. A cable entrance shall be provided which shall have male threads and
gasketing to permit a water-proof cable connection. Each detector shall have mass
of less than 2 pounds (1.1 kg) and shall present a maximum wind load area of
36 in
(230 cm
). The housing shall be provided with weep holes to permit
drainage of condensed moisture.
700- Cable. Optical detector cable shall meet the requirements of IPCEA-S-61-492/NEMA
WC 5, Section 7.4, 600 volt control cable, 75° C (165° F), Type B, and the following:
1. The cable shall contain 3 conductors, each of which shall be No. 20 (7 x 28)
stranded, tinned copper with low-density polyethylene insulation. Minimum
average insulation thickness shall be 25 mil (0.63 mm). Insulation of individual
conductors shall be color-coded: 1-yellow, 1-blue, 1-orange.
2. The shield shall be either tinned copper braid or aluminized polyester film with
a nominal 20% overlap. Where the film is used, a No. 20 (7 x 28) stranded,
tinned, bare drain wire shall be placed between the insulated conductors and
the shield and in contact with the conductive surface of the shield.
3. The jacket shall be black polyvinyl chloride with minimum ratings of 600 V and
80 EC (175 EF) and a minimum average thickness of 45 mils (1.1 mm). The
jacket shall be marked as required by IPCEA/NEMA.
4. The finished outside diameter of the cable shall not exceed 0.35 inch (8.9 mm).
5. The capacitance, as measured between any conductor and the other conductors
and the shield, shall not exceed 157 pf per meter (48 picofarads per foot) at
1,000 Hz.
6. The cable run between each detector and the controller cabinet shall be
continuous without splices or shall be spliced only as directed by the detector
manufacturer. Provide 20 feet (6.1 m) of slack lead-in cable for each detector.
Coil cable in pull box adjacent to pole on which detector is installed.
700- Discriminator Module.
1. Each discriminator module shall be designed to be compatible and usable with
a Model 2070LX controller unit and Q-Free MAXTIME software, and to be
mounted in the input file of a Model 332L or Model 336 controller cabinet, and
shall conform to the requirements of Chapter I of the State of California,
Department of Transportation, “Traffic Signal Control Equipment
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 454
Specifications”, dated April, 1978, and all addenda thereto, current at the time
of project advertising.
2. Each discriminator module shall be capable of operating 4 channels, each of which
shall provide an independent output for each separate unit. Each discriminator
module, when used with its associated detectors, shall be capable of:
a) Receiving Class I signals at a range of up to 1,000 feet (304.8 m) and
Class II signals at a range of up to 1,800 feet (548.6 m).
b) Decoding the signals, on the basis of frequency, at 9.639 Hz ± 0.119 Hz
for Class I signals and 14.035 Hz ± 0.255 Hz for Class II signals.
c) Establishing the validity of received signals on the basis of frequency
and length of time received. A signal shall be considered valid only
when received for more than 0.50 second. No combination of Class I
signals shall be recognized as a Class II signal regardless of the number
of signals being received, up to a minimum of ten signals. Once a valid
signal has been recognized, its effect shall be held by the module in
the event of temporary loss of the signal for a period adjustable from
4.5 seconds to 11 seconds in at least 2 steps at 5 seconds ± 0.5 second
and 10 seconds ± 0.5 seconds.
d) Providing an output for each channel that will result in a “low” or
grounded condition of the appropriate input of a Model 2070LX
controller unit with Q-Free MAXTIME software. For Class I signals, the
output shall be a 6.25 Hz ± 0.1 % rectangular waveform with a 50 % duty
cycle. For Class II signals, the output shall be steady.
3. Each discriminator module shall receive electric power from the controller
cabinet at either 24 V DC or 120 V AC.
4. Each channel, together with its associated detectors, shall draw not more than 100
mA at 24 V DC nor more than 100 mA at 120 V AC. Electric power, one detector input
for each channel and one output for each channel, shall terminate at the printed
circuit board edge connector pins listed in TABLE 700-
TABLE 700-
A DC ground
B +24 V DC P (NC)
C (NC)
D Detector input, Channel A R (NC)
E +24 V DC to detectors S (NC)
F Channel A output (C) T (NC)
U (NC)
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 455
H Channel A output (E) V (NC)
J Detector input, Channel B W Channel B Output (C)
K DC Ground to detectors X Channel B Output (E)
L Chassis ground Y (NC)
M AC- Z (NC)
(C) Collector, Slotted for Keying
(E) Emitter, Slotted for Keying
(NC) Not connected, cannot be used by manufacturer for any purpose.
5. Two auxiliary inputs for each channel shall enter each module through the
front panel connector. Pin assignment for the connector shall be as follows:
a) Auxiliary detector 1 input, Channel A
b) Auxiliary detector 2 input, Channel A
c) Auxiliary detector 1 input, Channel B
d) Auxiliary detector 2 input, Channel B
6. Each channel output shall be an optically isolated NPN open collector transistor
capable of sinking 50 mA at 30 V and shall be compatible with the Model 2070LX
controller unit inputs with Q-Free MAXTIME software.
7. Each discriminator module shall be provided with means of preventing
transients received by the detector from affecting the Model 2070LX controller
8. Each discriminator module shall have a single connector board and shall
occupy 2 slot widths of the input file. The front panel of the module shall have
a handle to facilitate withdrawal and the following controls and indicators for
each channel:
a) Three separate range adjustments each for both Class I and Class II
b) A 3-position, center-off, momentary contact switch, one position
(down) labeled for test operation of Class I signals, and one position
(up) labeled for test operation of Class II signals.
c) A “signal” indication and a “call” indication each for Class I and for Class II
signals. The “signal” indication denotes that a signal above the threshold
level has been received. A “call” indication denotes that a steady, validly
coded signal has been received. These two indications may be
accomplished with a single indication lamp; “signal” being denoted by a
flashing indication and “call” with a steady indication.
9. In addition, the front panel shall be provided with a single circular, bayonet-
captured, multi-pin connector for two auxiliary detector inputs for each
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 456
channel. Connector shall be a mechanical configuration equivalent to a MIL-C-
26482 with 10-4 inserts arrangement, such as Burndy Trim Trio Bantamate
Series, consisting of:
a) Wall mounting receptacle, G0B10-4PNE with SM 20M-1S6 gold-plated
b) Plug, G6L10-4NE with SC20M-1S6 gold-plated sockets, cable clamp,
and strainer relief that shall provide for a right-angle turn with 2½ inch
(63.5 mm) maximum from the front panel surface of the discriminator
10. Each discriminator module shall be ethernet capable.
700- Cabinet Wiring.
1. The Model 332L cabinet has provisions for connections between the optical
detectors, the discriminator module, and the Model 2070LX controller unit
with Q-Free MAXTIME software.
2. Wiring the Model 332L cabinet shall conform to the following:
a) Slots 12 and 13 of input file "J" have each been wired to accept a 2-channel
b) Field wiring for the primary detectors, except 24 V DC power, shall
terminate on either terminal board TB-9 in the controller cabinet or on
the rear of input file "J", depending on cabinet configuration. Where TB-9
is used, position assignments shall be as follows:
Channel A detector input, 1st module (Slot J
Channel B detector input, 1st module (Slot J
Channel A detector input, 2nd module (Slot
Channel B detecto
r input, 2nd module (Slot J-13)
c) The 24 V DC cabinet power will be available at Position 1 of terminal
board TB-1 in the controller cabinet.
d) Field wiring for the auxiliary detectors shall terminate on terminal
board TB-0 in the controller cabinet. Position assignments are as
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 457
-12) FOR MODULE 2 (J-13)
Position Assignment
+24 V DC from (J-12E) 7 +24 V DC from (J-13E)
Detector ground from (J-12K) 8 Detector ground from (J-13K)
Channel A auxiliary detector
input 1
9 Channel A auxiliary detector input 1
Channel A auxiliary detector
input 2
10 Channel A auxiliary detector input 2
Channel B auxiliary detector
input 1
11 Channel B auxiliary detector input 1
Channel B auxiliary detector
input 2
12 Channel B auxiliary detector input 2
700- System Operation. You shall demonstrate that all of the components of each system
are compatible and will perform satisfactorily as a system.
700-9.1 Pedestrian Barricade.
1. Protective railings shall be constructed in accordance with SDG-140,
“Protective Railing at Curb Ramps”.
2. Pedestrian Barricades shall be constructed in accordance with SDG-141,
“Pedestrian Barricade - Type A”.
3. Assembly shall be commercial quality galvanized material.
700-9.2 Traffic Signs and Components. Traffic signing shall conform to latest version of the
California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). Sign panels shall
be 0.080 inch (2 mm) aluminum alloy 5052 mill-produced stable H38 hardness. All
aluminum shall be anodized. The sheeting on the signs shall be 3M™ Scotchlite™ High
Intensity Grade Reflective Sheeting Series 2870/3870, Stimsonite Series 6200, or
approved equal.
700-9.3 Traffic Striping and Marking Removal.
1. Removal of traffic striping and marking shall conform to Section 15, “Existing
Facilities” of the California Standard Specifications.
2. You shall neatly and thoroughly remove all striping and marking from
pavement surfaces at those locations shown. Where conflicting striping and
markings are removed and no overlay will occur, removal shall be by hydro
blasting (water blasting technology) cleaning methods only. You shall furnish
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 458
all materials, labor, tools, equipment and incidentals as required for
completing the removal of traffic striping and marking. The use of abrasives
other than those specified herein will not be permitted unless approved, in
writing, by the Engineer.
3. When hydro blast cleaning is being performed in areas adjacent to traffic,
people, or property, you shall provide suitable devices and take appropriate
actions to prevent damage or injury. Prior to starting Work, you shall furnish
for approval of the Engineer, a description of all equipment which is to be
utilized in the performance of the Work. Traffic striping and marking shall be
removed regardless of the condition and thickness of the paint per
measurements made by the Engineer prior to removal. The pavement shall be
restored by slurry seal or asphaltic concrete patch.
700-9.4 Traffic Striping and Pavement Markings.
1. Traffic striping and pavement markings shall conform to Section 84 of the
Caltrans Standard Specifications and to the Standard Plans, State of California,
Drawing No. A20A, B, C and D; and to A24A, B, C, D, and E except that
longitudinal traffic lines in City ROW and City assets in CALTRANS ROW shall
remain 4-inches wide as defined in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (CA MUTCD).
2. The paint shall be rapid dry water-borne (State Spec. No. 8010-91D-30).
Pedestrian crosswalks, limit lines, pavement arrows, buffer area hatch markings
and pavement legends, including bikeways, shall be installed utilizing 125 mil
thermoplastic marking material.
3. You shall contact Construction Management and Field Services Division for
approval prior to striping installation.
4. Continental Crosswalks shall be installed no earlier than 48 hours in advance
of Signal Turn-on.
5. All median noses separating traffic moving in opposite directions shall be
painted yellow. All median noses separating traffic moving in the same
direction shall be painted white.
700-9.5 Raised Reflective Pavement Markers.
1. Raised Reflective pavement markers shall conform to Section 81 of the
Caltrans Standard Specifications.
2. Pavement markers shall be installed on all lane lines and centerline striping on
all new streets, as well as on existing streets where replacement of pavement
markers is necessary. The minimum height of the pavement markers shall be
0.70 inch (18 mm).
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 459
DELETE all sections and subsections in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. This section shall be used in conjunction with Sections 86 and 87 of the
Caltrans Standard Specifications edition identified in the Contract Documents
and SECTION 700 - MATERIALS of these specifications.
701-1.1 General.
1. You shall determine the quantities required to complete the Work. The
quantities and values shall be included in the Schedule of Values in accordance
with 7-2.1, “Schedule of Values (SOV)” submitted to the Engineer for approval
in accordance with 3-8, “SUBMITTALS” within 10 Working Days after Award of
the Contract.
2. No adjustment in compensation will be made in the Contract lump sum prices
paid for the various electrical Work items due to differences between the
quantities shown in the SOV and the quantities required to complete the Work.
3. The SOV shall include the following items:
a) Foundations - Each Type
b) Standards And Poles - List By Each Type
c) Conduit - List By Each Size And Installation Method
d) Pull Boxes - Each Type
e) Conductors - Each Size And Type
f) Service Equipment Enclosures
g) Signal Heads And Hardware - Each Type
h) Pedestrian Signal Heads And Hardware - Each Type
i) Pedestrian Push Buttons
j) Loop Detectors - Each Type
k) Luminaires - Each Type
4. Service Point shall be located less than 10 feet from the SDG&E source and
shall have 30A single/double in-line fuse, ¾-inch x 8-foot copper ground rod,
and neutral-ground bonding (for both 120v and 240v circuits).
701-1.2 Maintaining Existing and Temporary Electrical Systems. Traffic signal system
shutdowns shall be limited to periods allowed for lane closures in accordance with
701-1.3 Scheduling of Work. No material or equipment shall be stored at the Site until receipt
of notification by the Engineer. Signal poles shall not be installed more than 3 weeks
prior to the scheduled traffic Signal Turn-On date without prior approval of the
electrical inspector. Obtain Electrical Service Orders (ESO) from the Street Lighting
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 460
coordinator at 619-527-8088 to validate plan locations of all poles and the total
quantity required. This document shall be attached to a copy of the Street Lighting As-
Built Drawings for requesting street lights to be energized.
701-1.4 As-Builts. For Street Light energizing purposes, As-Built drawings shall be attached to
the ESO and shall show all lights numbered accordingly. Feeder system shall be clearly
marked on an SDGE plat map or may be hand drawn on an 11”x 17” sheet. As-Builts
shall show the title of project, work order number, drawing number, and types of
luminaires and poles. You shall also provide contractor’s name, address, and phone
number. Provide 3 legible hard copies of signed and dated As-Built and mail to 9573
Chesapeake Dr, San Diego, CA 92123. You may also send a digital copy to the Resident
701-2 PAYMENT. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the payment
for the street lighting and traffic signal systems Work shall be as follows:
1. If a separate Bid item has not been provided for an item of the Work related
to street lighting and traffic signal systems as described or shown in the
Contract Documents, the payment shall be included in the Contract Price.
2. Street Lighting and Traffic Signal System components, which are required by
the City, not included as separate Bid items, are included in the Contract Price.
3. The payment for the trenching and pavement restoration is included in the
payment for the associated Work.
4. The payment for warning tape, trace wire, and the cement pigment to achieve
the color required shall be included in the Bid item for the conduit.
5. When included in the Bid proposal, the following traffic control devices
shall be measured and paid for separately:
a) The payment for electrical equipment pedestals shall be included in
the Bid item for “Pedestal for Electrical Equipment”.
b) The payment for Type III meter pedestals and wiring shall be included
in the Bid item for “Type III Meter Pedestal”.
c) The payment for costs associated with SDG&E service orders shall be
paid as a lump sum in the Bid item for “SDG&E Service Orders” or
“SDG&E Fee Allowance”.
d) The payment for the 2 inch (50.8 mm) electrical service conduit to
SDG&E service connections and wires shall be included in the Bid item
for “2 Inch PVC Conduit Per SDG&E Standards”.
e) The payment for the 2 inch (50.8 mm) PVC conduit and wires shall be
included in the Bid item for “2 Inch PVC Conduit Per City Standards”.
f) The payment for grounding shall be included in the following Bid
i. “30 AMP Fuses, Cartridges, and Grounding Rod”
ii. “10 AMP Fuses and Cartridges at Street Light
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 461
g) The payment for the installation of the electrical conduits and wires
shall be included in the Bid item for “Electrical Conduit”.
h) The payment for pull boxes and lids shall be included in the following
Bid items:
i. “Pull Box”
ii. “#3 Pull Box”
iii. “#6 Pull box”
i) When provided in the Bid proposal, the payment for pull box lids shall
be included in the Bid item for “Electrical Pull Box Lid”.
j) The payment for pole base foundations shall be paid for as part of the
pole Work unless a Bid item for “Pole Base Foundation” is provided.
k) The payment for the removal of existing poles and metal structures
shall be paid for as part of the Work for the new pole unless a Bid item
for removal has been provided:
i. “Remove Existing Wood Pool”
ii. “Remove Existing Wayfinding Pole
iii. “Remove Existing Metal Structure”
iv. “Remove Existing Street Light”
l) The payment for removing equipment or removing and reinstalling
equipment shall include surface restoration, pole base foundation,
and wiring and shall be paid for in the following Bid items:
i. “Remove Existing Street Light”
ii. “Remove and Reinstall Traffic Signs”
iii. “Remove and Reinstall Existing Post Top Street Light Pole
iv. “Remove and Reinstall Existing Light Pole”
m) The payment for the pole foundation base, pole, mounting hardware,
the sign, and any electrical wiring components for traffic signs on posts
shall be included in the following Bid items:
i. “Install Traffic Sign on Post”
ii. “Install Type K Traffic Sign on Post
n) The payment for new or modified street lighting systems shall include
all components and Work to provide a functioning system and shall be
included in the following Bid items:
i. “Street Lighting”
ii. “Street Lighting Electrical System”
iii. “Standard Light Pole (Type A)”
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 462
iv. “Standard Light Pole (Type C)”
v. “Type 15 Fixture with Pole”
vi. “Ameron #21CT13 #37 Pole or Equal
vii. “Remove and Replace Capital Assembly and Luminaire”
o) The payment for new or modified traffic signal systems shall include
all components and Work to provide a functioning system and shall be
included in the following Bid items:
i. “Traffic Signal
ii. “Traffic Signal Modification”
iii. “Type 15 Pole with Mast Arm”
iv. “Wiring Existing Traffic Signal to New Service”
v. “Upgrade Street Light on Traffic Signal Pole
vi. “Traffic Signal Street Light Circuit Wire and Connecting to New
p) The payment for traffic signal system restoration shall be included in
the Bid item for “Traffic Signal System Restoration”.
q) The payment for street light system restoration shall be included in the
Bid item for “Street Light System Restoration”.
r) The payment for cobra head luminaires shall be included in the Work
for street lights unless a Bid item for “Cobra Head Luminaire” has been
s) The payment for protective railing Work shall be included in the Bid
item for each “Protective Railing at Curb Ramps”.
t) The payment for Type A pedestrian barricade Work in accordance with
700-9.1, “Pedestrian Barricade” shall be included in the Bid item for
each “Pedestrian Barricade (Type A)”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 463
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 464
800-1.1.2 Class “A” Topsoil. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Class “A” topsoil shall be from a selected source outside the limits of the Work.
2. Class “A” topsoil shall have the same relative composition and structure, a
friable sandy loam character, and be free of roots, clods, pockets of coarse
sand, noxious weeds, sticks, brush, and other litter. Class “A” topsoil shall not
be infested with nematodes or other undesirable insects and plant-disease
organisms. All non-organic components of imported Class “A” topsoil shall
pass the 4.75mm (No. 4) sieve. Organic components shall conform to Table
3. Class “C” topsoil being corrected to meet Class “A” topsoil shall be free of
stones larger than ½ inch (12.5mm) in their greatest dimension.
4. The Agronomic Topsoil Test procedure shall be as follows:
a) For Class “A” topsoil, submit the source and location of the soil, a physical
sample, and current test results by a third party independent agronomic
laboratory reflecting compliance with the Contract Documents to the
Engineer within 15 Working Days of the NTP.
b) For Class “A” topsoil a second series of independent third party agronomic
soil tests shall be required 15 Working Days before soil placement to
verify conformance with these specifications. Topsoil that fails to meet
these specifications shall not be shipped to the project site. Under no
circumstances shall the Engineer accept topsoil knowing that additional
amendment is required.
c) For Class “A” and Class “C” topsoils, a series of tests by a third party
independent agronomic laboratory shall be required after soil placement
to verify conformance with this section.
i. The On-site Soil Collection Protocol shall be as follows: You and
the Resident Engineer shall walk the site and collect soil on site.
Once 3 composite samples from different locations from the
field are collected and kept, separate samples shall be
identified and labeled specific to the Project with your contact
information., You shall provide soil samples to the Resident
Engineer with a prepaid and preaddressed shipping bag, box
or envelope addressed to the testing company. The bag, box
or envelope shall be dropped off to the shipping source by the
Engineer to ensure that the material shipped to the testing
company is the actual on-site material tested. Sample
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 465
locations shall be approved by the Engineer. Samples shall be
taken from a depth of six to twelve inches.
d) No planting shall begin until test results confirm the agricultural
suitability of the topsoil. You are responsible for all third party
independent laboratory testing and shipping expenses. Testing shall
continue until soil passes testing requirements. Final testing shall be
completed within 2 weeks of sod installation to confirm conditions at
time of planting.
e) The test results shall provide the following information:
i. Date of Testing
ii. Project Name
iii. The Contractor’s Name
iv. Source of Material and Supplier’s Name
v. Estimate of Quantity Needed in Cubic Yards
vi. Soil Gradation
vii. Fertility
viii. Heavy Metals
ix. Soil Permeability in Inches per Hour
x. Toxic Elements
xi. Chloride Content
xii. pH
xiii. EcE (electrical conductivity)
xiv. SAR (Sodium Absorption Ratio)
xv. Organic Content by Dry Weight
xvi. Carbon : Nitrogen Ratio
xvii. Water-soluble Nutrient Levels
xviii. Recommendations for adding amendments, chemical
corrections, or both.
f) Physical Testing:
i. Soil Texture: Soil-particle, size-distribution analysis by the following
method according to Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
"Methods of Soil Analysis Part 1 - Physical and Mineralogical
Hydrometer Method: Report percentages of sand, silt,
and clay. Report percentage of gravel, if present.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 466
ii. Total Porosity: Calculate using particle density and bulk density
according to SSSA's "Methods of Soil Analysis Part 1-Physical
and Mineralogical Methods."
iii. Water Retention: According to SSSA's "Methods of Soil Analysis
Part 1-Physical and Mineralogical Methods."
iv. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: According to SSSA's "Methods of
Soil Analysis Part 1-Physical and Mineralogical Methods"; at 85%
compaction according to ASTM D 698 (Standard Proctor).
g) Chemical Testing:
i. CEC: Analysis by sodium saturation at pH 7 according to SSSA's
"Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3- Chemical Methods."
ii. Clay Mineralogy: Analysis and estimated percentage of
expandable clay minerals using CEC by ammonium saturation
at pH 7 according to SSSA's "Methods of Soil Analysis Part 1-
Physical and Mineralogical Methods."
iii. Metals Hazardous to Human Health: Test for presence and
quantities of RCRA metals including aluminum, arsenic,
barium, copper, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, lithium,
and vanadium. If RCRA metals are present, include
recommendations for corrective action.
iv. Phytotoxicity: Test for plant-available concentrations of
phytotoxic minerals including aluminum, arsenic, barium,
cadmium, chlorides, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, lithium,
mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, sodium, strontium, tin,
titanium, vanadium, and zinc.
h) Fertility Testing: Soil-fertility analysis according to standard laboratory
protocol of SSSA, including the following:
i. Revise required items for analysis in subparagraphs below to
suit Project; insert additional subparagraphs if required.
ii. Percentage of water in saturation extract.
iii. Electrical conductivity (ECe).
iv. Soil reaction (acidity/alkalinity pH value).
v. Buffered acidity or alkalinity.
vi. Nitrogen ppm.
vii. Phosphorous ppm.
viii. Potassium ppm.
ix. Manganese ppm.
x. Manganese-availability ppm.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 467
xi. Molybdenum ppm.
xii. Iron ppm.
xiii. Sulfur ppm.
xiv. Boron ppm.
xv. Zinc ppm.
xvi. Zinc availability ppm.
xvii. Copper ppm.
xviii. Chloride ppm.
xix. Sodium ppm and sodium absorption ratio (SAR).
xx. Soluble-salts ppm.
xxi. Presence and quantities of problem materials including salts
and metals cited in the Standard protocol. If such problem
materials are present, provide additional recommendations
for corrective action.
xxii. Other deleterious materials, including their characteristics and
content of each.
i) Organic-Matter Content: Analysis using loss-by-ignition method
according to SSSA's "Methods of Soil Analysis - Part 3- Chemical
j) Recommendations: Based on the test results, testing agency shall
provide interpretation of data and written recommendations for soil
treatments, soil amendments to be incorporated, and required
leaching, to produce satisfactory planting soil suitable for healthy,
viable plants as indicated on the Plans. Include, at a minimum,
recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium
fertilization, and for micronutrients. Include results of the soil texture
and percent by dry weight of soil organic matter. Include
recommendations for remediation of phytotoxicity elements and
deleterious materials. Include amount and length of time to perform
leaching operations, if required.
i. Fertilizers and Soil Amendment Rates: State recommendations
in weight or volume per
1,000 sq. ft. for 6-inch depth of soil and
in weight or volume per cu. yd. of backfill mix.
ii. Soil Reaction: State the recommended liming rates for raising
pH or sulfur for lowering pH according to the buffered acidity
or buffered alkalinity in weight or volume per
1,000 sq. ft. for
6-inch depth of soil and in weight or volume per cu. yd. of
backfill mix.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 468
5. The topsoil shall conform to the following agricultural suitability requirements:
pH 6.0 7.5
ECe (electrical conductivity) 0.0 3.0
SAR (Sodium Absorption Ratio) 0.0 5.0
Chloride Content Less than 300 ppm
Boron Content Less than 1 ppm
Organic Content 5% to 6% by dry weight
Carbon : Nitrogen Ratio 20:1 maximum
Sandy Loam Gradation Limit*
Gravel over 2mm: Less than 10% by weight
Sand: 75% to 85%
Sand finer than 100 mesh (0.15 mm): Less than 15%
Sand finer that 60 mesh (0.25 mm): Less than 40%
Sand larger than 32 mesh (0.5 mm): Minimum 15%
Silt: 20% maximum
Clay: 15% maximum
Permeability Rate** 2 inches to 5 inches per hour at 80% compaction
Available aluminum measured with the Ammonium
Bicarbonate/DTPA Extraction shall be less than 5 parts
per million
Calcium Carbonate Content
Free calcium carbonate (limestone) shall not be
Phytotoxic Constituent,
Herbicides, Hydrocarbons
Germination and growth of monocots and dicots shall
not be restricted more than 10 percent compared to
the reference soil. Total petroleum hydrocarbons shall
not exceed 50 mg/kg dry soil measured per the
modified EPA Method No. 8015. Total aromatic
volatile organic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene,
xylene and ethylbenzene) shall not exceed 0.5 mg/kg
dry soil measured per EPA Methods No. 8020
Heavy Metals
The maximum permissible elemental concentration in
the soil shall not exceed the following:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 469
* Per USDA Classification Scheme.
** Tested in accordance with USDA Handbook Number 60, method 34b or other
approved method.
800-1.1.3 Class “B” Topsoil. ADD the following:
1. Topsoil shall be weed free upon delivery or treated as specified for weed
eradication, prior to placement.
2. Prior to placement, Class “B” topsoil shall meet and shall be tested for the
agricultural suitability requirements stated in item 5 of 800-1.1.2, “Class ‘A’
Topsoil”. The soils shall be amended in accordance with 801-2.2, “Topsoil
Preparation and Conditioning” based on recommendations included in the
test results and as approved by the Engineer.
800-1.1.4 Class “C” Topsoil. ADD the following:
1. Prior to placement, the Class “C” topsoil shall meet and shall be tested for the
agricultural suitability requirements stated in item 5 of 800-1.1.2, “Class ‘A’
Topsoil”. The soils shall be amended in accordance with 801-2.2, “Topsoil
1. Total Threshold Concentration Limit (Ammonium
Bicarbonate/DTPA Extraction TTLC Level) parts
per million (mg/kilogram) dry weight basis:
a) Antimony: 150 ppm.
b) Arsenic: 50 ppm.
c) Barium: 1,000 ppm.
d) Beryllium: 7.5 ppm.
e) Cadmium: 10 ppm.
f) Chromium: 50 ppm.
g) Cobalt: 800 ppm
h) Copper: 250 ppm
i) Lead: 50 ppm.
j) Mercury: 2 ppm.
k) Molybdenum: 3,500
l) Nickel: 200 ppm.
m) Selenium: 10 ppm.
n) Silver: 50 ppm.
o) Thallium: 70 ppm.
p) Vanadium: 240 ppm.
q) Zinc: 2,500 ppm.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 470
Preparation and Conditioning” based on recommendations included in the
test results and as approved by the Engineer.
800-1.2.1 General. To paragraph (2), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Furnish a certificate of compliance stating that the material meets the
800-1.2.2 Manure. DELETE in its entirety.
800- Pre-plant Fertilizer and Tablets.
1. Pre-plant fertilizer shall be granular commercial fertilizer 12-12-12 unless
otherwise recommended by the soil test results.
2. Fertilizer tablets shall be compressed slow release tablets, 20-10-5, and shall
be installed as follows:
Quantity Weight Application
One Tablet 5 grams Per Each Flatted Plant or Cutting
One Tablet 21 grams 1-Gallon Container
Two Tablets 21 grams 5-Gallon Container
Four Tablets 21 grams 15-Gallon Container
One Tablet 21 grams Per Each 2 Inches of Box-Sized Container
800- Post-plant Fertilizer.
1. Post-plant fertilizer shall be slow release 15-15-15 unless otherwise
recommended by the soil test results.
800-1.2.4 Organic Soil Amendment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Compost shall be well decomposed, stable, and weed-free organic matter
produced by composting feedstock and shall bear United States Composting
Council's "Seal of Testing Assurance” and shall comply with the following:
a) Compost shall be produced at a facility inspected and regulated by the
Local Enforcement Agency for CalRecycle.
b) Comply with Title14 requirements of the Process to Further Reduce
Pathogens (PFRP), Fecal coliform and Salmonella testing and pathogen
and EPA, 40 CFR 503 regulations
c) Feedstock limited to leaves and plant parts only; includes straw and
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 471
d) Mushroom, manures, peat mosses, green waste and food waste
composts are acceptable.
e) Composted wood products are conditionally acceptable (stable humus
must be present). Wood products based on redwood or cedar are not
acceptable. Wood derivatives, including sawdust and chipped
construction waste are not acceptable.
f) Sewage sludge and animal waste are not acceptable.
g) Compost shall have a dark brown color and a soil like odor.
h) Compost exhibiting a sour or putrid smell, containing recognizable
grass or leaves, or is hot (120° F) upon delivery or rewetting is not
i) Comply with Title14 requirements of the Process to Further Reduce
Pathogens (PFRP), Fecal coliform and Salmonella testing and pathogen
and EPA, 40 CFR 503 regulations.
j) Particle Size: The maximum particle size shall be 0.5-inch
k) Calcium carbonate shall not be present if to be applied on alkaline
l) The salt content shall be less than 6 millimho/cm @ 25° C. (ECe less
than 6) in a saturated paste extract.
m) Additional Properties:
Property Method Requirement
pH, Units Saturation Paste 5.5 to 8
Soluble-Salt Concentration Less than 5 dS/m
SAR Less than 5
Chloride Method 3a, USDA Less than 1000 mg/l
EC, dS/m Saturation Extract 0 to 10
Boron, ppm Saturation Extract less than 1
Silicone Content (Acid insoluble
Less than 50%
Moisture content by weight, % Gravimetric 35-55%
Bulk Density, lbs/cubic yard 500 to 1100
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 472
Property Method Requirement
Organic Matter, % of Dry Weight Loss on Ignition 50-65%
Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio Less than 20:1
Maturity Solvita 5 or above
Stability Solvita 5 or above
Particle Size Sieve Analysis
Pass 3/4 inch sieve 98%
Pass 1/2-inch sieve 90%-100%
Pass #4 screen 80% or more
CA Title 22 Metals Title 22
Antimony (Sb) Less than 150 ppm
Arsenic (As) Less than 50 ppm
Barium (Ba) Less than 1,000 ppm
Beryllium (Be) Less than 7.5 ppm
Cadmium (Cd) Less than 10 ppm
Chromium (Cr) Less than 50 ppm
Cobalt (Co) Less than 800 ppm
Copper (Cu) Less than 250 ppm
Lead (Pb) Less than 50 ppm
Mercury (Hg) Less than 2 ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) Less than 3,500 ppm
Nickel (Ni) Less than 200 ppm
Selenium (Se) Less than 10 ppm
Silver (AG) Less than 50 ppm
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 473
Property Method Requirement
Thallium (TI) Less than 70 ppm
Vanadium (V) Less than 240 ppm
Zinc (Zn) Less than 2,500 ppm
Salmonella Title 14 < 3 MPN per 4 gms
Fecal Coliform <1000 MPN per 1 gm
Physical contaminants
Plastic Metal and Glass, %> 4mm % by Weight < 1
Sharps, % > 4mm % by Weight 0
800-1.2.5 Mulch. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Mulch shall be designated by Type in accordance with the requirements
2. Unless otherwise approved, mulch shall be packaged in bulk.
3. Mulch materials shall be free of seed, debris, and deleterious materials as
certified by the Supplier and shall be as follows:
a) Type 1 Mulch (ground wood product) shall conform to Type 1 organic
soil amendment.
b) Type 2 Mulch (sewage sludge product) shall conform to Type 2 organic
soil amendment.
c) Type 3 Mulch (mushroom compost) shall conform to Type 3 organic
soil amendment.
d) Type 4 Mulch (peat) shall be brown compressed sphagnum or
e) Type 5 Mulch (fir or redwood bark chips) shall be fir or redwood bark
chips in the gradation specified.
f) Type 6 Mulch (straw) shall be either threshed new straw or stable
bedding material derived from rice, oats or barley. Straw in an
advanced state of decomposition shall not be acceptable.
g) Type 7 Mulch (wood chips) shall be wood chips in the size and type
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 474
h) Type 8 Mulch (shredded redwood or cedar bark) shall be either
redwood or incense cedar bark which knits in a manner to minimize
sloughing, floating, or being kicked away.
i) Type 9 Mulch (recycled) shall be recycled and clean green material
processed in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 14,
Chapter 3, Article 7, §17868.3. Clean green material shall be tree and
landscape materials that have never been mixed with other waste
materials and have been processed by a permitted compost facility.
Type 9 Mulch size shall be as specified in the Special Provisions.
j) Type 10 Mulch (rock, gravel, or cobble) shall be rock, gravel, or cobble
in the size specified in the Contract Documents.
k) Type 11 Hydro-mulch (wood fiber) shall be of clean and natural non-
recycled wood fibers processed to contain no germination or growth
inhibiting factors using non-toxic dye to facilitate the metering of
materials. Type 11 Hydro-Mulch shall be manufactured in such a manner
that, after its addition to and agitation in slurry tanks with fertilizer, seed,
water, stabilizing emulsion, and other approved additives, fibers in the
material shall be uniformly suspended and shall form a homogeneous
slurry. When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, the homogeneous
slurry shall form a blotter-like ground cover impregnated uniformly with
seed which shall allow moisture and rainfall to percolate to the underlying
soil after application. Suppliers shall certify that their product meets all
foregoing requirements based on testing.
l) Type 12 Hydro-mulch (stabilizing emulsion) shall be a concentrated
liquid chemical that forms a plastic film upon drying and allows water
and air to penetrate. The films shall be non-flammable and shall have
an effective life of at least 1 year. Stabilizing emulsion shall be non-
toxic to plant or animal life and non-staining to concrete or painted
surfaces. In its cured state, the stabilizing emulsion shall not be
re-emulsifiable. The material shall be registered with and licensed by
the State of California, Department of Food and Agriculture, as an
“Auxiliary Soil Chemical”.
m) Type 13 Hydro-mulch (bonded fiber matrix) shall be wood fiber, long
strand, and whole wood fiber thermo-mechanically processed from
clean whole wood chips. The fibers shall:
i. Disperse into a uniform slurry when mixed with water.
ii. Contain ¾ inch (19.1 mm) fiber strands for at least 25% by total
iii. Be retained 100% when passed through a No. 25 sieve.
iv. Have an initial moisture content of no more than 15% of its dry
weight when tested under CA Test 226. The moisture content
shall be marked on the packaging.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 475
v. Have a water holding capacity by weight of at least 1,200%
when tested under the procedure designated in the
Department's Final Report, CA-DOT-TL-2176-1-76-36, “Water
Holding Capacity for Hydromulch”, available from METS.
vi. Be non-toxic to plant and animal life.
vii. Be free of synthetic or plastic materials, lead paint, printing ink,
varnish, petroleum products, seed germination inhibitors, and
chlorine bleach.
viii. Contain less than 250 ppm of boron.
ix. Contain less than 7% ash when tested under Technical
Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, TAPPI Standard T 413.
x. Be colored to contrast with the area on which the fiber is to be
applied. The coloring agent shall be biodegradable, nontoxic,
free from copper, mercury, and arsenic, and shall not stain
concrete or painted surfaces.
The bonding agent for the fiber material shall be a liquid formulation
with polyacrylamide as the primary active ingredient with the following
i. Linear, anionic copolymer of acrylamide and sodium acrylate.
ii. Anionic with a residual monomer content that is at most 0.05%
by weight.
iii. Formulated and labeled as one of the following:
Water-in-oil emulsion containing at least 2.6 pounds of
pure polyacrylamide per gallon (0.3 kg/L). Pure
polyacrylamide shall be at least 30% active.
Liquid dispersed polyacrylamide containing at least 4.4
pounds pure polyacrylamide per gallon (0.5 kg/L). Pure
polyacrylamide shall be at least 35% active.
800-1.2.6 Inorganic Soil Amendments.
1. Iron sulfate shall be ferric or ferrous sulfate in pelleted or granular forms
containing not less than 18% metallic iron. It shall conform to the Agricultural
Code of the State of California.
2. Gypsum shall be commercially processed and packaged CaSo
- 2H
O with a
minimum 80% grade containing 14% minimum combined sulfur.
800-1.3 Seed. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Seed shall be fresh, clean, new crop seed, and mechanically premixed to the
specified proportions.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 476
2. Seed shall be delivered to the Work site in original unopened containers bearing
the dealer’s “Guaranteed Analysis”, germination percentage, and a certificate,
stamp, or release by a County Agricultural Commissioner. Any seed tagged
“Warning, Hold for Inspection” shall be inspected and released by the Agricultural
Commissioner of the County within which the seeds are to be planted.
3. All seed used for lawn, erosion control, or other planting specified on the Plans
or listed in the specifications shall be furnished in labeled and sealed standard
containers with duplicate signed copies of a statement from the vendor
certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully labeled in accordance
with the California State Agricultural Code stating the certified percent of
purity and germination.
4. Seed which has become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged in transit or
storage shall not be accepted.
5. Custom seed blends shall have the Project name printed on the seed tag. Prior
to the start of any seeding operation, custom seed blends shall be inspected
and approved by the Engineer once delivered to the Site.
6. Unless otherwise specified, turf seed shall be one of the following or
approved equal:
a) 20% Common Bermuda, 10% Hybrid Bermuda, 10% “Barclay”
Perennial Rye, and 60% “Turfstar” Perennial Rye.
i. Seeds shall be hulled when applied from April to September.
ii. Seeds shall be unhulled when applied from October through
b) Agrono-tec Ballfield Mix 2A.
c) OreGro Sports Mix #2.
800-1.4.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Plants shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer prior to planting at the
time of arrival to the job site. Prior to 15 Working Days before installation, you
shall submit photos of all proposed plants to be used in accordance with 3-8.4,
“Supporting Information”.
2. Plants shall have a growth habit normal to the species and shall be sound,
healthy, vigorous, and free from insect pests, plant diseases, sun scalds, fresh
bark abrasions, excessive abrasions, or other objectionable disfigurements.
3. Tree trunks shall be sturdy and well “hardened off”.
4. Plants shall have normal well-developed branch systems and vigorous and
fibrous roots systems which are neither root nor pot bound and are free of
kinked or girdling roots.
5. Other than the normal side pruning during the growth period, pruning shall
not be done prior to inspection at the nursery.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 477
6. The scientific and common names of plants specified shall conform to the
approved names given in the “Western Garden Book” published by Sunset
Publishing, Menlo Park, CA.
7. When delivered on site, each group of plant materials shall be labeled clearly
from the nursery source as to species and variety. Patented plants (cultivars)
required by the plant list shall be delivered with a proper plant patent
attached. Any plants which are not labeled or are not as indicated on the Plans
and Specifications shall be rejected and shall be removed from the site
800-1.4.2 Trees. ADD the following:
1. Trees shall have a uniform trunk taper from the base of the tree, continuing
up the main leader. Palms shall be un-skinned unless specified otherwise.
2. Trees with naturally occurring central leaders shall remain un-pruned or
unaltered from the nursery.
3. Trees Planted In Turf Areas.
a) Trees shall be spaced to permit the most effective use of mechanized
maintenance equipment and operation of the irrigation system.
b) Trees shall have a minimum of 12 horizontal feet between other trees
and vertical objects.
c) Provide a 4 foot diameter mulched area around the base of the tree;
there shall be no mulch within four inches (100 mm) of the tree trunk.
800-1.4.5 Sod and Stolons (Turf Grass). ADD the following:
1. Sod and stolons species shall be as specified on the Plans or in the Special
Provisions. Material shall be delivered and installed within 24 hours of
harvesting with shipping documentation to verify the origin, harvest date,
stolon preparation date, and shipment date. All material shall be from the
same growing ground.
2. Turfgrass Sod: Turfgrass sod shall be Certified Number 1 Quality/Premium,
including limitations on thatch, weeds, diseases, nematodes, and insects.
Turfgrass sod shall comply with the "Specifications for Turfgrass Sod
Materials" as found in the Turfgrass Producers International (TPI) "Guideline
Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding." Furnish viable sod of uniform density,
color, and texture that is strongly rooted and capable of vigorous growth and
development when planted.
3. Turfgrass Species: Turfgrass sod species shall be as indicated on the Plans.
800-1.4.7 Vines.
1. Vines shall be of the specified type and size.
800-1.5.3 Tree Stakes. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 478
1. The tree support stakes shall be 10 feet (3 m) minimum length by two-inch (50
mm) diameter lodgepole stakes.
800-1.5.4 Tree Ties.
1. Tree ties shall be manufactured of virgin flexible vinyl meeting ASTM-D412
standards for tensile and elongation strength. Material shall be black or ultraviolet
2. Tree ties shall be manufactured with a double back locking configuration and
secured with one galvanized nail to prevent slippage.
3. Tree ties shall elongate with the tree growth and shall prevent damage to the
800-1.6 Erosion Control Matting.
1. Jute.
a) Jute matting shall be of open weave with approximately 1 in
(1 inch x
1 inch) (25.4 mm x 25.4 mm) mesh. It shall be manufactured from
loosely twisted jute yarn varying in thickness no more than half its
normal diameter.
b) Matting shall be made smolder resistant by treatment with chemicals
which are non-leaching and non-toxic to vegetation. An identification
mark to differentiate it from untreated jute cloth shall be present.
2. Excelsior.
a) Excelsior blanket shall consist of a cured wood excelsior mat.
b) Fibers shall be evenly distributed over the entire area of matting. 80%
of fibers shall be at least 6 inches (152.4 mm) long with consistent
c) The topside of the matting shall be covered with 2 inch by 1 inch (50.8
mm x 25.4 mm) biodegradable extruded plastic mesh.
d) The blanket shall be made smolder resistant without chemical
3. Staples.
a) Staples for erosion control matting shall be 11 gage steel wire bent in
a “U” shape with 6 inches (152.4 mm) minimum length.
4. Root Barriers.
a) Root barriers shall be equivalent to the following:
i. Type LB 12-2 or UB 18-2 for installations at existing trees or
approved equal.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 479
ii. UB 24-2 for installations at new construction, as manufactured
by DeepRoot or approved equal.
iii. 19.5 inch (495.3 mm) root control fabric as manufactured by
Biobarrier, or approved equal.
800-2.1.3 Plastic Pipe for Use with Solvent Weld Socket or Threaded Fittings. ADD the
1. Schedule 40 and Class 315 pipe shall be used for continuously pressurized
pipe on the supply side of control valves as shown on the Plans. Use Schedule
40 pipe for 1-1/2” (38 mm) main line and Class 315 pipe for main line sizes two
inch (50 mm) and larger.
2. Schedule 40 pipe shall be used for installation on the discharge side of control
valve (lateral lines).
3. Fittings and couplings for plastic pipe shall be threaded or slip-fitted tapered
socket solvent weld type. Threaded female adapters shall be provided with
socket pipe for connections to threaded pipe. Plastic pipefitting and coupling
shall be PVC I or PVC I/II material. The type of plastic material and schedule
size shall be indicated on each fitting or coupling.
a) All fittings on pressurized main lines shall be Schedule 80.
b) All threaded fittings shall be Schedule 80.
c) Slip fittings for non-pressure lateral lines shall be Schedule 40.
4. Fittings and couplings shall comply with the following table:
ASTM D2466
ASTM D2466
ASTM D2467
ASTM D2464
800- Pipe Primer and Glue.
1. Refer to 207-17.3.3, “Solvent Cement Joints”.
800- Pipe Sleeves.
1. Pipe sleeves shall be Schedule 40 pipe and shall be 2 times the diameter of the
pipe or wire bundle being sleeved with a minimum size of 2 inches (50.8 mm).
Pipe sleeves shall extend 12 inches (304.8 mm) beyond the edge of hardscape
and shall be required when wires and pipes cross under streets, driveways,
walkways, and access paths. Pull boxes shall be located over the terminus of the
sleeve. At the end of the sleeve, wires shall extend up into the pull box and shall
provide a 2 foot (0.6 m) expansion loop.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 480
800-2.1.6 Concrete Thrust Blocks.
1. Refer to 201-1.1.2, “Concrete Specified by Class and Alternate Class”.
800-2.2.3 Manual Control Valves. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
800-2.2.3 Manual Control Globe Valves.
1. Manual control globe valves shall be brass or bronze and shall be straight
pattern globe valves. Valves shall be full-opening, key-operated with a
replaceable compression disc, and shall have ground joint unions on the
discharge end. Valves shall have a brass or bronze cross handle.
800-2.2.4 Remote Control Valves. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Remote control valves shall be:
a) Electrically operated.
b) Brass or bronze with accurately machined valve seat surfaces.
c) Equipped with flow control adjustment and capability for manual
d) Made so that they may be readily disassembled for servicing.
2. Plastic remote control valves shall be electrically operated and may be used
only when specified or with prior approval from the Engineer. Unless
otherwise specified, the valve body shall be constructed of heavy-duty glass-
filled UV-resistant nylon and have stainless steel studs and flange nuts.
Diaphragms shall be of nylon reinforced nitrile rubber with accurately
machined valve seat surfaces equipped with flow control adjustments and
shall be capable of manual operation. All internal parts shall be removable
from the top of the valve without disturbing the valve installation.
800-2.2.6 Quick-Coupling Valves and Assemblies. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with
the following:
1. Quick coupling valves shall be brass or bronze with self-closing valves and shall
be supplied in 1 inch (25 mm) sizes, unless otherwise specified.
2. When a quick-coupler assembly is specified, it shall consist of the valve, quick-
coupler key and hose swivel.
3. Quick coupling valves shall have a locking rubber cap.
800-2.2.7 Valve Boxes. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Valve boxes shall be constructed of precast concrete.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 481
2. Covers shall be cast iron with a non-corrosive metal self-locking device
connected with stainless steel bolts and self-locking nuts. Covers shall be
permanently and legibly labeled with 100% acrylic epoxy white or yellow
waterproof paint on the top of the box indicating the component contained in
the box. The Contractor shall replace the clevis pin with a marine grade
stainless steel nut and bolt. The assembly shall be greased to prevent
800-2.2.8 Master Control Valve.
1. The master control valve shall be of a normally open design of solid brass
construction with a waterproof 24 VAC 3-way solenoid coil, self-cleaning
orifice, and one-piece molded construction diaphragm with an integral
O-ring seal reinforced with 600 lb (272.2 kg) test fabric.
2. The master control valve shall be slow closing to prevent water hammer and surge
and shall operate on pressures by valve size in accordance with the table below:
Operating Pressure (psi) Valve Size (Inch)
Up to 200 (1379 kPa) ¾ - 2 (19.1 mm 50.8 mm)
150 (1034.2 kPa) - 3 (63.5 mm 76.2 mm)
800-2.2.9 Flow Sensing Device.
1. The flow sensing device shall be an in-line type with a non-magnetic, spinning
impeller as the only moving part. The electronics housing shall be glass-filled.
The impeller shall be glass-filled nylon or Tefzel with a UHMWPE or Tefzel
sleeve bearing. The shaft material shall be tungsten carbide. The electronics
housing shall have two ethylene-propylene O-rings and shall be easily
removed from the meter body.
2. The sensor electronics shall be potted in an epoxy compound designed for
prolonged immersion. Electrical connections shall be 2 single conductor
18AWG leads. Insulation shall be direct burial “UF” type colored red for positive
lead and black for the negative lead. The flow sensing device shall operate in
line pressures up to 100 psi (689.5 kPa) and shall operate in flows of 1 foot per
second (30.5 cm/sec) to 20 feet per second (609.6 cm/sec) with linearity of ±1%
and repeatability of ±1%. The meter body shall be fabricated from Schedule
80 PVC tees with socket end connections.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 482
800-2.2.10 Flow Sensor Cable.
1. The flow sensor cable shall be 2 conductor 18 AWG shielded U.L. type PTLC wire
rated to 105° C (221° F), per manufacturer’s specification. Maximum Wire run shall
not exceed 2,000 linear feet (609.6 m) from flow sensor to the irrigation controller.
2. Flow sensor data cable shall be installed in ¾ inch (19.1 mm) PVC electrical
conduit from the controller to the flow sensor.
800-2.2.11 Rain Sensing Device.
1. The rain sensing device shall be constructed of high impact thermoplastic
which shall withstand extreme weather conditions. The enclosure shall be
stainless steel and vandal resistant. It shall contain hygroscopic discs which
absorb water and expand proportionally to the amount of rain collected.
Unless otherwise specified, the rain sensing device shall be connected to the
controller and shall operate by interrupting the electrical circuit from the
irrigation controller to the irrigation remote control valves and by restoring the
electrical circuit upon sufficient drying of the hygroscopic discs.
800-2.2.12 Locking Manual Valve Cap.
1. The locking manual valve cap shall be molded high-impact plastic body with
locking brass hinged covers as manufactured by Weathermatic or approved
800-2.2.13 Pressure Regulating Valve.
1. The pressure regulating valve shall consist of a bronze body and bell housing, a
separate access cover for the plunger and a bolt to adjust the downstream
pressure. The bronze bell housing and access cap shall be threaded to the body
and shall not require the use of screws. The assembly shall be of the balanced
piston design and shall reduce pressure in both flow and no-flow conditions. The
assembly shall be accessible for maintenance without having to remove the body
from the water line.
800-2.2.14 Wye Strainer.
1. The Wye Strainer shall be cast bronze per ASTM B584. The strainer screen shall
be 20 mesh 300 series stainless steel and shall be accessible for cleaning
without removing the device from the water line.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 483
800-2.2.15 Backflow Preventer Enclosure.
1. The backflow preventer enclosure frame shall be constructed of 1¼ inch (31.8
mm) tubular stainless steel with formed stainless steel tubing and rod or ½
inch (12.7 mm) #13 flattened mesh expanded stainless steel cage. The
enclosure shall be smooth with no sharp edges or burrs. The enclosure shall
be equipped with stainless steel mounting hardware and locking mechanism
capable of being embedded into a concrete pad. The enclosure shall be of
sufficient size to contain the backflow preventer and any ancillary equipment
such that the inlet and outlet pipes shall be fully within the enclosure.
800-2.2.16 Anti-drain Check Valve.
1. Anti-drain check valves shall be capable to compensate for elevation changes
up to 32 feet (9.8 m) and shall meet Schedule 80 pipe specifications. The anti-
drain check valves shall be capable of being adjusted through the top of the
2. Anti-drain check valves shall be installed within the swing joint below the irrigation
head unless the irrigation head specified has an integral anti-drain check valve or
site conditions warrant additional protection as determined by the Engineer.
800-2.2.17 Booster Pump.
1. The water pressure booster pump system shall be designed and fabricated by
Barrett Engineered Pumps or approved equal. The system shall be a completely
prefabricated system with pump, piping, and electrical and structural elements
fully contained within a marine grade aluminum alloy enclosure with a hinged top.
The enclosure shall be secured to the concrete pad with stainless steel hardware.
2. The pump shall be single stage end suction close-coupled centrifugal brass or
bronze fitted construction equipped with mechanical shaft seal and back
pullout design. Impeller shall either be keyed or locked to the shaft with a hex
head impeller nut and washer or shall be threaded directly to the end of the
shaft. Pump shaft shall either be high strength S.A.E. 1045 carbon steel
protected in the stuffing box area by a replaceable bronze shaft sleeve or shall
be stainless steel with no sleeve. Pump shall be directly coupled to a C-face
electric motor.
3. The electric motor shall be of the squirrel cage induction type suitable for full
voltage starting. Motor shall be ODP to aid in cooling. Electric motor shall be
rated for continuous service. The motor bearings shall be of such size that the
average life rating is no less than 3 years (10,000 hours) of B10 life. The motor
shall have horsepower ratings such that the motor shall carry the maximum
possible load to be developed under the designed pumping conditions and
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 484
not overload the motor beyond the nameplate rating of the motor. Motor shall
have a 1.15 service factor. The motor shall conform to the latest NEMA
Standards for motor design and construction.
4. The pump control panel shall have a NEMA 4X plain front non-metallic
enclosure with padlock latches and shall include power and control resettable
thermal circuit breakers, heavy duty magnetic starter with adjustable overload
protection, Hand-Off-Auto switch to select mode of operation, and heavy duty
numbered terminal strips for power and control wiring lead terminations.
5. The metal oxide varistor protected pump start relay(s) shall be incorporated
in the panel to start the pump with a signal from each irrigation controller.
6. All system piping shall be type “L” copper. All fittings shall be copper or brass
with unions or flanges to allow for system disassembly or major component
removal. The system shall incorporate an integral full pipe size bypass line with a
check valve to allow for pump removal and repair without disrupting water supply
to system.
7. Isolation valves shall be all brass quarter turn ball valves with hard chrome ball
on lines 2 inches (50.8 mm) and less. Isolation valves shall be lug style butterfly
valves with Buna-N elastomeric seats, ductile iron nickel coated disc, and
stainless steel stem with handle and 10 position galvanized memory plate on
lines 2½ inches (63.5 mm) and greater.
8. Check valves shall be all brass spring-loaded disc style with metal-backed
Teflon wafer disc, stainless steel stem, and spring on lines 2 inches (50.8 mm)
and less. Check valves shall be cast iron bronze fitted wafer style silent check
with spring loaded bronze disc, bronze guide shaft, stainless steel spring, and
replaceable bronze seat on lines 2½ inches (63.5 mm) and greater.
9. Gauges shall be 2½ inches (63.5 mm) diameter face, glycerin filled with stainless
casing, and brass internals. Gauges shall be equipped with brass isolation
10. The pump system shall have a flow activated paddle style magnetically
coupled flow switch, sensitive to flows as low as 1 fps, mounted on piping and
interconnected to time delay relay to shut down pump on no-flow conditions.
The time delay relay shall be adjustable from 0 to 5 minutes.
11. Pump system shall be mounted on a structural aluminum skid with mounting
flanges on front and back to allow for mounting of skid to concrete pad. The
skid shall be equipped with pipe support on suction and discharge piping. All
nuts, bolts, and washers shall be heavy zinc coated steel on skid and piping.
Skid shall include mounting hardware for integral aluminum enclosure.
12. The enclosure shall be constructed of marine grade aluminum alloy 5052-H32
or minimum 14 gauge #304 stainless steel including the mounting base and
fastening hardware with #4 polished finish. The system enclosure shall be
vandal and weather resistant. The enclosure shall be low profile hinged top
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 485
design with padlock provision. The cover shall be secured to the concrete pad
with stainless steel hardware.
13. Power, low voltage, and plumbing connections shall be contained within the
enclosure and shall be fully grounded (with grounding rod).
14. Unless specified otherwise, pump assembly shall include the following
a) Top of Form.
b) Hydraulically controlled, diaphragm actuated pressure-regulating
valve, cast iron bronze trim with epoxy coated body, equipped with
flow clean strainer option. Valve shall provide constant downstream
pressure regardless of pump discharge pressure.
c) Low suction pressure switch mounted on suction manifold and
interconnected to time delay relay adjustable from 0 to 5 minutes to
shut down pump on low suction pressure.
d) High temperature non-adjustable thermostat mounted on pump
discharge to shut down pump on heat buildup in pump casing due to
no-flow situations. Set for 130° F (54.4° C).
e) Electrical current measurement control sensor switch mounted in
control panel to shut down pump on loss of suction fluid or loss of
15. A factory trained service professional shall be required on the site to certify
proper installation, perform the startup, and instruct operating personnel. A
startup report containing voltage and amperage readings, suction and
discharge pressure readings, estimated flow conditions, and general operating
characteristics shall be submitted to the Engineer.
16. Four (4) physical copies and 1 electronic copy of the operating and
maintenance manuals shall be provided to the Engineer after startup and shall
include parts manuals for components, performance curves for pumps,
general sequences of operations, and electrical schematics for control panels.
800-2.3 Backflow Preventer Assemblies. ADD the following:
1. Include the installation of backflow preventer enclosures in accordance with
800-2.2.15, “Backflow Preventer Enclosure”.
800-2.4 Sprinkler Equipment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Sprinkler heads, bubbler heads, and spray nozzles shall be of the types and sizes
shown on the Plans. Equipment of one type and flow characteristics shall be from
the same manufacturer and all equipment shall bear the manufacturer’s name
and identification code in a position where they can be identified in the installed
2. Fixed heads, shrubbery heads, and bubbler heads shall have adjustable radius
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 486
800-2.4.1 Low Flow Irrigation Equipment.
800- Pressure Regulator/Filter Combination Unit.
1. Pressure regulator/filter combination units shall be as indicated on the Plans.
The pressure regulator shall be pre-set to the manufacturer’s specifications.
The filter shall be a basket type or “wye” type with a stainless steel screen. The
unit shall be serviceable without removal of the unit from the drip valve
assembly. The inlet size shall be 1 inch (25 mm) IPT. The pressure
regulator/filter combination unit along with the remote control valve shall fit
within a standard concrete valve box.
800- Pressure Regulator.
1. Pressure regulators shall be preset in line regulators set not to exceed the
manufacturer’s pressure rating of the emitter head or drip tubing. Pressure
regulators shall be constructed of high-impact thermoplastic with fixed
stainless steel compression spring housed in separate chamber from the
normal water flow. The size shall be as specified on the Plans.
800- Filter.
1. Filters shall be provided in each valve servicing low flow irrigation systems.
The filter shall be line-size with 2 piece threaded housing with O-ring seal
molded from high heat. The filter shall be chemical resistant ABS plastic and
shall have a ball flush valve connected. The filter screen shall be stainless steel
with 150 mesh size (100 Micron) with the collar molded from vinyl.
800- Air Relief Valve.
1. The air relief valve shall be located at the highest end of each lateral for low
flow irrigation systems. Air relief valve shall be manufactured from non-
corrosive material with ½ inch (12.7 mm) male pipe thread. Maximum
operating pressure shall be 100 psi (690 kPa).
800- Flush Valve.
1. Flush valve shall automatically operate at the start of each irrigation cycle. The
flushing water volume shall be 1 gallon (3.8 L) per cycle.
800- Drip Emitter.
1. The emitters shall uniformly regulate the water discharged from each port at
the rate specified on the plans. The emitter shall be multi-outlet made of UV
resistant polymer and resistant to impact and high temperature. Unless
otherwise specified, the emitter shall have a minimum of 6 independent
barbed outlet ports that are mounted on the bottom of the device and that
securely retain ¼ inch (6.4 mm) distribution tubing. The body shall have a ½
inch (12.7 mm) female pipe thread connection.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 487
800- Drip Tubing.
1. The distribution drip tubing shall be constructed from UV resistant polyethylene
materials. The drip tubing shall be secured with 4 inch (101.6 mm) minimum
length tubing stake and constructed of UV-resistant plastic material sized to
accommodate the drip tubing. Tubing shall be installed with protective
distribution cap (Bug Cap). Bug Cap shall have a barb inlet and a flanged shield.
The barb inlet shall fit into ¼ inch (6.4 mm) distribution tubing with ID of 0.16
inches (4.1 mm). The flanged shield of the Bug Cap shall diffuse water to
minimize soil erosion at emission point. The Bug Cap shall be made of
2. Drip tubing shall conform to the following:
a) ¼ inch (6.4 mm) tubing designed for use with all drip systems.
b) 60 psi (413.7 kPa) rating.
c) Compatible with all ¼ inch (6.4 mm) transfer fittings and all barbed
outlet ports.
800-2.5 Extra Equipment to Be Furnished.
1. You shall provide the following to the City prior to the final Acceptance, unless
otherwise specified on the Plans or Special Provisions:
a) Five (5) irrigation heads with nozzles of each type used for every 100
irrigation heads or portions thereof.
b) Two (2) sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling, and
adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on the project.
c) Two (2) sets of 5 foot (1.5 m) valve keys for every 20 gate valves
installed or portions thereof.
d) Two (2) sets of keys for each automatic controller, locking valve box,
and locking quick coupler.
e) Two (2) sets of keys for each pump.
f) Two (2) sets of valve keys for every 20 quick coupler assemblies
installed or portions thereof.
800-3.2.1 Conduit. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Rigid non-metallic conduit shall conform to the requirements of the UL
Standard for Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit, Publication UL 651 (PVC Schedule 80)
and UL 651B (HDPE). Rigid non-metallic conduit connections shall be of the
solvent weld type. For underground installation, conduit shall be UL approved
heavy wall polyvinyl chloride (PVC Schedule 40) unless specified otherwise
on the Plans or Special Provisions.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 488
800-3.2.2 Conductors. ADD the following:
1. #14 AWG control wires shall be color coded per station as follows:
a) 1 Yellow
b) 2 Orange
c) 3 Blue
d) 4 Black
e) 5 Brown
f) 6 Purple
g) 7 Yellow w/ Black stripe
h) 8 Orange w/ Black stripe
i) 9 Red w/ Black stripe
j) 10 White w/ Red stripe
k) 11 Yellow w/ Red stripe
l) 12 Blue w/ Red stripe
m) 13 Orange w/ Red stripe
n) 14 Purple w/ White stripe
o) 15 Brown w/ White stripe
p) 16 Yellow w/ White stripe
q) 17 Blue w/ White stripe
r) 18 Red w/ White stripe
Repeat the color pattern for valves 19 through 36 and valves 37 through 54.
2. Spare Wires: Spare wires shall be color coded Red, 14 AWG. Provide two spare
wires from the irrigation controller to the furthest valve manifold on each main
line branch. Loop the spare wires into at least one valve box on each valve
manifold. Provide a two-foot loop.
3. A manufactured weatherproof plastic identification tag showing the irrigation
controller and station shall be affixed to the colored conductor wire in each
valve and pull box.
4. Common Wires: Common wires shall be color coded White, #12 AWG.
5. Wire Bundles: Tape wire bundles with colored vinyl electrical tape 10 feet (3
m) OC. Use different color tape for each controller.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 489
800- Wire Connectors.
1. Wire connectors for direct burial irrigation control wires of 30 volts or less shall
be capable to accommodate #18, #14, #12 and #10 gauge wire sizes and shall
be designed to ensure waterproof connections. The wire connector kit shall
contain a UL and CSA listed copper crimp sleeve, polyethylene connector body,
and polyethylene connector plug. The connector plug shall be filled with blue
color self-curing epoxy resin sealant immediately prior to assembly of the wire
connector to fully waterproof the connection.
2. Wire connectors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Wires shall be crimped and soldered together and
inspected by the Engineer prior to placement into the wire connector plug and
3. Wire in pull boxes shall be loose and shall not come within 3 inches (76.2 mm)
from the lid. Boxes shall be sized accordingly to accommodate this
800- Wire Solder.
1. Wire solder shall be 60% tin and 40% lead alloy wire with internal flux capable
of quickly turning from a solid state to a liquid state when heated and capable
of quickly returning to a solid state upon cooling.
800- Trench Marker Tape.
1. Trench marker tape for irrigation systems (for water lines and electrical wiring)
shall be 3 inches wide and consist of a minimum 5.0 mil overall thickness with
a 0.35 mil solid aluminum foil core. Marker tape shall be acid, alkaline and
corrosion resistant. Lettering shall be 1 inch (25.4 mm) height minimum.
Marker tape shall be installed in accordance with Standard Drawing SDM-105,
“Warning/Identification Tape Installation,” SDM-110, “Irrigation Trench PVC or
Copper Pipe,” and SDI-119, “Control Wire Installation.
800-3.4 Pull Boxes Materials.
1. Pull boxes shall be constructed of precast concrete.
2. Covers shall be cast iron with a non-corrosive metal self-locking device
connected with stainless steel bolts and self-locking nuts. Covers shall be
permanently and legibly labeled with 100% acrylic epoxy white or yellow
waterproof paint on the top of the box indicating the component contained in
the box. The Contractor shall replace the clevis pin with a marine grade
stainless steel nut and bolt. The assembly shall be greased to prevent
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 490
801-1 GENERAL. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. This section includes specifications for the preparation, planting, and irrigation
system construction for landscape areas shown on the Plans.
2. Unless otherwise specified, walls, curbs, planter boxes, walks, irrigation
systems, and similar improvements shall be constructed following rough
grading and before landscaping and irrigation work.
3. Work on the irrigation system including hydrostatic tests, backfill and
densification of trenches, and other excavations shall be performed before
topsoil placement. Preliminary operational tests of the automatic control
system and coverage tests shall be performed after topsoil placement.
4. Trees or shrubs which have been identified to remain as shown on the Plans
shall be protected in accordance with Section 400-3, “Tree Protection During
801-2.2.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Unless otherwise specified on the Plans or Special Provisions, the topsoil
shall be Class A and shall be 15 inches (381 mm) thick.
2. Planting areas shall be free of weeds and other extraneous materials to a
depth of 12 inches (304.8 mm) below finish grade before topsoil Work.
3. Soil shall not be worked when it is so wet or so dry as to cause excessive
compaction or the forming of hard clods or dust.
4. The existing soil below subgrade for Class “A” and Class “B” topsoils shall be
scarified in a cross pattern to a depth of 6 inches (152.4 mm) prior to
placement of topsoil. Stones over 1 inch (25.4 mm) in greatest dimension shall
be removed from the scarified area. The subgrade depth shall be verified by
the Engineer prior to topsoil import.
5. Class “C” topsoil shall be scarified and cultivated to a finely divided condition to a
depth of 8 inches (203.2 mm) minimum below finish grade. During this operation,
all stones over 1 inch (25.4 mm) in greatest dimension shall be removed.
6. The soil shall be prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the soil
analysis results stated in 800-1.1.2, “Class ‘A’ Topsoil”.
801-2.2.2 Fertilizing and Conditioning Procedures. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE
with the following:
1. The planting area shall be brought to finish grade before spreading the fertilizers or
soil conditioning materials specified in the soil test recommendations.
2. If leeching is required per the recommendations of the soil test recommendations,
amendments shall be blended into the soil prior to leeching. Leeching shall be
performed until analysis results are in compliance with agriculture suitability
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 491
standards. Soil amendment materials shall be uniformly spread at the prescribed
rate as recommended in the soil test recommendations.
3. The quantities of materials necessary for the planting areas shall be at the
Work site and verified by delivery tickets furnished to the Engineer before
4. After spreading, the soil amendments shall be cultivated into the upper 15
inches (381 mm) of soil by suitable equipment operated in at least 2 directions
at right angles.
5. The resulting soil shall be in a friable condition.
6. All planting areas shall be fertilized in a uniform manner at the application rate
identified in the soil analysis recommendations.
7. Fertilization of turf areas shall be accomplished by uniformly spreading 50%
of the specified quantity in one direction. The remaining 50% of the fertilizer
quantity shall be spread perpendicular to the previous direction, immediately
after the initial application. Each of the applications shall be spread uniformly
in parallel, overlapping passes, to provide uniform results.
801-2.3 Finish Grading. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Finish Grading shall provide a smooth, uniform surface plane with loose,
uniformly fine texture. Roll, drag and rake to remove ridges, and fill depressions
to meet finish grades. Rake out and remove all rocks and material 1/2-inch size
and larger. Prior to approval, remove ridges greater than 1/2 inch and fill
depressions greater than 1/2 inch within a 100 sq. ft. (10-foot x 10-foot) area.
2. Finish grades shall be as indicated on the Plans.
3. Finish grades shall be measured at the top surface of surface materials.
4. Molding and rounding of the grades shall be provided at all changes of slope.
5. Take every precaution to protect and avoid damage to new and existing
sprinkler heads, irrigation lines, and other underground utilities during
grading and conditioning operations.
6. Finish grades shall be acceptable to Engineer before planting operations begin.
7. Finish grade shall ensure positive drainage of the site with all surface drainage
away from buildings, other structures, and walls with flow towards storm
drains and catch basins.
8. General planting areas shall be graded with no less than 2 percent surface
slope for positive drainage.
9. Sports Field turf areas (softball fields, baseball fields and multi-purpose fields)
shall be graded with a 1.5% minimum and 2% maximum surface slope for
positive drainage unless indicated otherwise on the drawings. Sports Fields
shall be laser graded in accordance with the Sports Turf Managers Association
pamphlet “Laser Grading Sports Fields” available at
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 492
10. Compact blended planting soil to 80 percent minimum to 85 percent
maximum of maximum Standard Proctor density according to ASTM D 698
unless otherwise shown on Plans.
11. The finish grade adjacent to paving, curbs, or headers shall be ½ inch
(12.7 mm) in lawn areas and 3 inches (76.2 mm) in shrub and groundcover
801-3 HEADER INSTALLATION. To paragraph (2), DELETE in its entirety.
801-4.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The types, sizes, and quantities of plant materials shall be as specified in the
Special Provisions or shown on the Plans.
2. All plants shall be reviewed and approved prior to planting, including plants
previously approved at the nursery. You shall be responsible for the condition
of all plants, planted or otherwise, until the completion of the Work.
3. Planting shall be performed with materials, equipment, and procedures
favorable to the optimum growth of the plants and in compliance with these
4. Except as noted for specimen planting, all planting shall follow the completion
of the irrigation system.
5. Soil shall be fertilized prior to planting per the recommendations of the soil
analysis results.
6. Application of the herbicides shall be as specified in the Special Provisions.
801-4.2 Protection and Storage. ADD the following:
1. Sun sensitive plants shall be stored in the shade or screened from the sun.
2. Stolons and sod shall not be delivered to the site until the site is ready for
immediate installation.
801-4.3 Layout and Plant Location. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Prior to planting, perform a detailed layout within the planting areas to be
approved by the Engineer.
2. The first row of plants in areas designated for center-to-center spacing of
plants shall be located at one-half of designated spacing form the edge of the
area unless specified otherwise on the Plans or Special Provisions.
3. Plants shall be located to prevent irrigation blockage.
801-4.5 Tree and Shrub Planting. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Planting holes shall be the depth of and twice the width of the plant container
or ball and shall be larger, if necessary, to permit handling and planting
without injury or breakage of the root ball or root system. Any plant with a
broken or cracked root ball before or during planting shall not be planted.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 493
2. Plant holes shall not be augured. This produces a smooth wall that deters
lateral root growth. Smooth edges shall be scarified prior to planting.
3. Containers shall be removed in such a manner that the roots are not injured.
Balled plant wrappings shall be loosened or cut back after the plant is
positioned in the planting hole.
4. The native soil at the bottom and sides of planting holes shall be scarified.
5. Prepared backfill mix for shrub planting shall consist of 20% to 40% by volume
of Type 1, 2, or 3 organic soil amendments mixed with native soil, depending
on soil conditions at each site, as approved by the Engineer. On projects
requiring soil analysis of native soil, backfill mix shall be determined by the
recommendation of the soil analysis results and as approved by the Engineer.
6. Planting installation shall conform to the following requirements:
a) The bottom of the planting pit shall be compacted.
b) The plant shall be set at the approximate center of the hole and plumb
so that the crown of the plant is 1 inch (25.4 mm) above finish grade.
c) Backfill shall be added in 6-inch (152.4 mm) lifts and shall be hand
tamped to finish grade.
d) The backfill shall be thoroughly water-settled and additional backfill
added to fill any remaining void below finish grade.
e) After the water has drained, the specified number of fertilizer tablets
shall be placed in the planting hole in the presence of the Engineer.
f) A circular watering basin shall be constructed at the edge of the tree
planting pit. The basin berm shall be 4 inches (101.6 mm) high. The
bottom of the basin shall be at approximate finish grade or slightly lower.
The specified mulch shall be spread at least 3 inches (76.2 mm) thick in
the basin leaving 3 inches (76.2 mm) of clearance around the base of
shrubs and 4 inches (101.6 mm) at tree trunks.
7. Basins of planted container material shall not be planted or seeded.
8. After planting, the plant shall be plumb, with the root crown 1 inch (25.4 mm)
above finish grade.
801-4.6.1 Method “A” Tree Staking. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
801-4.6.1 Tree Staking.
1. Trees shall be staked with the type and length of stake in accordance with 800-
1.5.3, “Tree Stakes”. Tree ties shall be in accordance with 800-1.5.4, “Tree Ties”.
801-4.6.2 Method “B” Tree Staking. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
801-4.6.2 Guying.
1. Guying shall be done as specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 494
801-4.6.3 Guying. DELETE in its entirety.
801-4.7 Ground Cover and Vine Planting. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. Soil preparation and fine grading shall be completed prior to ground cover
2. Ground cover and vines shall be planted in moist soil and spaced as indicated
on the Plans. Soil shall be moist within the total root zone of the material being
3. Each plant shall be planted with its proportionate amount of container soil to
minimize root disturbance. Soil moisture shall be such that the soil does not
crumble when removing plants.
4. Following planting, ground cover and vine areas shall be regarded to restore
smooth finish grade and to ensure proper surface drainage. A 3-inch (76.2
mm) layer of the specified mulch shall be spread over the planted areas unless
specified otherwise.
5. When necessary to prevent plant damage from pedestrian traffic during the
initial growing stage, erect temporary protective fencing to be removed at the
end of the Plant Establishment Period.
6. Vines shall be tied to walls, fences, etc., in the manner prescribed in the plans.
801-4.8.2 Seed. To paragraph (2), subsection “a”, “Method A”, ADD the following:
The soil shall be moist for a depth of 6 inches (152.4 mm) before planting. If not, prior
to planting the soil shall be watered to a depth of 8 inches (203.2 mm) and allowed to
dry out to the point soil is moist and shall support labor and equipment without
damage or undue compaction to soil and finish grade.
To paragraph (5), subsection “b”, “Method B”, DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE
with the following:
b) Method B. The seed, fertilizer, fiber, and other materials in the slurry mixture
shall be as specified in the Special Provisions or shown on the Plans. All
materials shall be of such character that they shall disperse into a uniform
slurry when mixed with water. The mixture shall be such that an absorbent
and porous mat shall be formed. All materials shall be available for inspection
prior to application. Weights and contents of containers shall be clearly
identified. A green coloring additive shall be used in the slurry for visual
inspection purposes. The slurry shall be applied under pressure at the
specified rates. Areas to be planted by this method shall be moistened to a
depth of 6 inches (152.4 mm). The slurry planted areas shall be kept moist
during the germination period, but ponding shall be avoided.
i. Application Rates for Type 11 (Wood Fiber) Mulch. When specified,
Apply Type 11 (Wood Fiber) Mulch in the locations, rates, and number
of applications shown in the Contract Documents and as follows:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 495
Apply in successive passes as necessary to achieve the
required application rate. Form a continuous uniform mat with
no gaps between the mat and the soil surface.
Apply in two or more directions.
Mulch application rate shall be 2,000 lbs. per acre.
Binder application rate shall be 150 lbs. per acre.
Fertilizer application rate shall be in accordance with the soil
analysis recommendations unless otherwise specified.
Seed application rate and type shall be specified in the
Contract Documents and/or as specified by the Project
Biologist, when applicable.
ii. Application Rates for Type 13 Hydro-mulch (bonded fiber matrix).
When specified, Apply Type 13 Hydro-mulch (bonded fiber matrix) in
the locations, rates, and number of applications shown in the Contract
Documents and as follows:
Apply in successive passes as necessary to achieve the
required application rate. Form a continuous uniform mat with
no gaps between the mat and the soil surface.
Apply in two or more directions.
Mulch application rate shall be 3,500 lbs. (including the binder)
per acre unless specified otherwise.
Fertilizer application rate shall be in accordance with the soil
analysis recommendations unless otherwise specified.
Seed application rate and type shall be specified in the
Contract Documents and/or as specified by the Project
Biologist, when applicable.
ADD the following:
1. Lawn Seed application rate shall be 10 lbs. per 1,000 square feet.
2. Mow lawn areas planted from seed in accordance with the schedule listed
below. Cross cut mow if required to achieve a uniformly smooth lawn surface.
After mowing at 60 Calendar Days the Engineer will determined if lawn areas
need to be re-rolled to achieve a smooth lawn surface. Re-roll as directed by
the Engineer between 60 and 75 Calendar Days after seed installation. Roll as
required with a one-ton ride-on double drum roller to provide a uniformly
smooth lawn surface.
a) First mowing at 60 Calendar Days after installation of seed at a height
of 3 inches (76.2 mm) using a rotary mower.
b) Second mowing at 75 Calendar Days after installation of sod at a height
of 2 inches (50.8 mm) using a reel mower.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 496
c) Third mowing at 90 Calendar Days after installation of sod at a height
of 2 inches (50.8 mm) using a reel mower.
d) Weekly for the remainder of the PEP at a height of 1.5 inches (38.1 mm)
using a reel mower.
801-4.8.3 Sod. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. The type of sod and the areas to be sodded shall be shown on the Plans or
specified in the Special Provisions.
2. Subgrade for sod (topsoil elevation) shall be the specified thickness of the sod
below finish grade. Soil preparation and fine grading shall be completed
before sodding. Prepare planting area for soil placement and mix planting soil
according to Agricultural Soil Testing Lab Recommendations. Remove existing
turfgrass, vegetation, surplus soil and waste material, and legally dispose of
them. Do not mix into surface soil.
3. Adjust elevation of planting soil to allow for thickness of sod. Pay special
attention to soil height at irrigation valve boxes, irrigation heads, quick
couplers and mow curbs. Ensure soil is sufficiently compacted and at the
correct elevation.
4. With the exception of equipment required to install rolled sod, no heavy
equipment shall operate over the subgrade after grading is completed.
5. Sod shall be installed within 24 hours after cutting.
6. Soil surface shall be uniformly smooth and shall have a consistent slope or
elevation with no more than 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) deviation within a 100 sq. ft.
(10 ft. x 10 ft.) area. Soil surface shall be free of depressions, pits, and high
7. Before planting, obtain Engineer acceptance of finish grading to a uniform
smooth soil surface and soil moisture content. Restore planting areas if
eroded or otherwise disturbed after finish grading.
8. The subgrade shall be moist but not wet when sod is laid. Sod shall be laid with
closely fitted joints and the ends of the strips shall be staggered. Gaps between
sod pieces will not be accepted. Openings shall be plugged with sod or topsoil.
9. Avoid damage to soil or sod during installation.
10. Anchor sod on slopes exceeding 6:1 with steel staples spaced as
recommended by sod manufacturer but not less than two anchors per sod
strip to prevent slippage. Lay sod parallel to contours in sloped areas.
11. Within 2 hours after installing sod and before rolling, the sod shall be lightly
irrigated. All seams and joints shall then be rolled until the sod is bonded to
the subgrade.
12. Lawn Surface shall be uniformly smooth and shall have a consistent slope or
elevation with no more than 1/2-inch deviation within a 100 sq. ft. (10 ft. x 10
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 497
ft.) area. Lawn surface shall be free of depressions, pits, and high spots. Level
of installed sod shall be flush with adjacent surfaces.
13. The areas shall then be watered thoroughly to penetrate the subgrade at least
6 inches (152.4 mm). Watering shall be repeated as necessary to keep the sod
moist until rooted into the subgrade.
14. Apply fertilizer at installation per sod supplier recommendations.
15. Sodded areas shall be protected against foot traffic through the Plant
Establishment Period.
16. Within 1 week after laying sod, work fine sand into minor cracks between
pieces of sod or minor depressions that were not otherwise identified and
remove excess to avoid smothering sod and adjacent grass. Sand depth shall
not exceed ¼ inch (6.35 mm). Continue to incrementally sand any low areas
weekly during plant establishment and maintenance periods.
17. If, upon installation, it is identified that areas of sod were installed too high or
too low adjacent to mow curbs, valve boxes, irrigation heads, quick couplers,
catch basins or other items, immediately rectify condition by pulling up sod
and adding or removing approved topsoil to achieve desired elevations.
Assure topsoil at adjusted areas is sufficiently compacted.
18. Mow lawn areas planted from sod in accordance with the schedule listed
below. Cross cut mow if required to achieve a uniformly smooth lawn surface.
After mowing at 30 Calendar Days the Engineer will determined if lawn areas
need to be re-rolled to achieve a smooth lawn surface. Re-roll as directed by
the Engineer between 30 and 45 Calendar Days after sod installation. Roll as
required with a one-ton ride-on double drum roller to provide a uniformly
smooth turf surface.
a) First mowing at 30 Calendar Days after installation of sod at a height
of 2.5 inches (63.5 mm) using a rotary mower.
b) Second mowing at 45 Calendar Days after installation of sod at a height
of 2 inches (50.8 mm) using a reel mower.
c) Third mowing at 60 Calendar Days after installation of sod at a height
of 2 inches (50.8 mm) using a reel mower.
d) Weekly for the remainder of the PEP at a height of 1.5 inches (38.1 mm)
using a reel mower.
19. Lay sod across slopes exceeding 3:1.
20. Contractor shall water new turf areas per the sod manufacturer’s
recommendations for proper turf establishment.
801-4.8.4 Stolon Planting. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Topsoil preparation and finish grading shall be completed before stolon
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 498
2. The area to be planted in stolons shall be thoroughly irrigated to a depth of at
least 6 inches (152.4 mm) before planting.
3. At the time of planting, the top 2 inches (50.8 mm) of soil shall be friable and
shall contain enough moisture to prevent stolons from drying out during the
planting operation. The stolons shall be worked into the soil to a depth of ½
inch to 1½ inches (12.7 mm to 38.1 mm) by a mechanical or hand planter, or
broadcast by hand and covered with ¼ inch (6.4 mm) of topdressing mulch.
4. When the area to be planted exceeds 10,000 ft
(929 m
), a mechanical
spreader shall be used. When less than 10,000 ft
(929 m
) and more than
2,000 ft
(185.8 m
), the use of a hand planter or mechanical planter is optional.
When less than 2,000 ft
(185.8 m
), hand planting or broadcasting with mulch
is optional.
a) Hydrostolon Application Rate.
i. Stolons shall be of the variety specified in the Contract
Documents and shall be applied at a rate of 5 US bushels per
1,000 square feet.
ii. Mulch shall be applied at a rate of 2,000 lbs. per acre.
iii. Fertilization application rate shall be as recommended in the
soil analysis recommendations, unless specified otherwise.
5. The planted stolons shall not be allowed to dry out. Watering shall begin
immediately after planting and the stolons shall be kept moist at all times
throughout the Plant Establishment Period.
6. When overseeding is required, the seed shall be spread as shown on the Plans.
7. Mow lawn areas planted from stolons in accordance with the schedule listed
below. Cross cut mow if required to achieve a uniformly smooth lawn surface.
After mowing at 60 Calendar Days the Engineer will determined if lawn areas
need to be re-rolled to achieve a smooth lawn surface. Re-roll as directed by
the Engineer between 60 and 75 Calendar Days after stolon installation. Roll
as required with a one-ton ride-on double drum roller to provide a uniformly
smooth lawn surface.
a) First mowing at 60 Calendar Days after installation of seed at a height
of 3 inches (76.2 mm) using a rotary mower.
b) Second mowing at 75 Calendar Days after installation of sod at a height
of 2 inches (50.8 mm) using a reel mower.
c) Third mowing at 90 Calendar Days after installation of sod at a height
of 2 inches (50.8 mm) using a reel mower.
d) Weekly for the remainder of the PEP at a height of 1.5 inches (38.1 mm)
using a reel mower.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 499
801-5.1 General. To paragraph (2), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
You shall be responsible for furnishing the labor and materials for the utility
connections. Utility connections shall be as shown on the Plan or designated by the
utility company.
ADD the following:
1. The installation of the irrigation system shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions unless specified otherwise.
801-5.2 Trench Excavation and Backfill. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. Trenches and other excavations shall be sized to accommodate the irrigation
system components, conduit, and other required facilities. Additional space
shall be provided to assure proper installation and access for inspection.
2. The minimum depth for conduits containing low voltage control wire or
communications wire shall be 21 inches (533.4 mm). Conduit shall be located
with irrigation pressure mains wherever possible.
3. The bottom of trenches shall be true to grade and free of protruding stones,
roots, or other matter which would prevent proper bedding of pipe or other
4. Trenches and excavations shall be backfilled so that the specified thickness of
topsoil is restored to the upper part of the trench. Backfill shall be jetted in
accordance with 306-12.4, “Jetted Trench Backfill”. Other methods of
compacting backfill may be approved by the Engineer.
5. Trenches through paved areas shall be resurfaced in accordance with 306-13,
801-5.3.1 General. To paragraph (2), sentence (2), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with
the following:
The pipe shall be surrounded with SE 50 plaster or mortar sand material per 200-1.5.5,
“Sand Gradations”.
To Paragraph (3), ADD the following:
Irrigation mainlines, valves, and supporting equipment shall be located in the planting
areas. Unless otherwise specified no parallel pressure pipelines shall be installed
within 1 foot (0.3 m) of each other.
801-5.3.2 Steel Pipeline. To paragraph (3), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
Joints shall be made with a non-toxic and non-hardening joint compound or Teflon
tape and applied to the male threads only.
801-5.3.3 Plastic Pipeline. ADD the following:
1. Tees shall be installed horizontally at the connection with the main line.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 500
801-5.3.4 Copper Pipeline. ADD the following:
1. Copper pipe shall have a straight butt square edge with all burrs and fins
801-5.4 Installation of Valves, Valve boxes, and Special Equipment. DELETE in its entirety
and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. All irrigation equipment, except sprinkler heads and bubblers, shall be located
a minimum of 10 feet (3 m) away from all tree locations. All irrigation
equipment, except sprinkler heads and bubblers, shall be placed in shrub beds
unless otherwise specified.
2. Valves and other equipment shall be installed in a normal upright position
unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer, and shall be readily
accessible for operation, maintenance, and replacement.
3. Valves shall be the same size as the pipeline in which they are to serve unless
otherwise shown on the Plans.
4. Isolation valves shall be installed at line depth and shall be equipped with a
sleeve centered on the valve stem. 2 inch (50 mm) and smaller globe valves
shall be in 2-inch (50.8 mm) diameter PVC Schedule 40 sleeves with locking
metal lids in accordance with the Standard Drawings. Isolation valves 2½ (63.5
mm) inch and larger shall be in a 6-inch (152.4 mm) PVC sleeve-centered in a
locking valve box in accordance with the Standard Drawings and 800-2.2.7,
“Valve Boxes”.
5. Quick coupler valves projecting above grade shall be 12 inch (304.8 mm) from
curbs, pavement, and walks. In ground cover and shrubbery areas, quick
coupler valves shall be set 3 inches (76.2 mm) above finish grade. Quick
couplers in lawn areas shall be installed flush with finish grade.
6. Valve boxes and pipe sleeves with caps shall be set to finish grade.
7. Backflow preventers shall be provided with pipe supports and the accessories
necessary to properly secure the assembly.
801-5.5.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Mains and laterals, including risers, shall be flushed and pressure tested
before installing swing joints and sprinkler heads, after which a water coverage
test shall be performed.
801-5.5.2 Location, Elevation, and Spacing. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
1. Sprinkler head spacing shall not exceed the maximum shown on the Plans or
recommended by the manufacturer.
2. Lawn sprinklers shall be installed 3 inches (76.2 mm) clear of adjacent walks,
curbs, paving, headers, and similar improvements, unless otherwise specified.
3. Sprinkler heads shall be installed 24 inches (609.6 mm) from adjacent vertical
elements projecting above grade such as walls, planter boxes, and fences.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 501
4. Sprinkler heads and nozzles on risers shall be installed 12 inches (304.8 mm)
above finish grade, unless otherwise specified.
5. Nozzle lines projecting above finish grade shall be at least 6 inches (152.4 mm)
from adjacent curbs, walk, paving, and similar improvements.
6. Sprinkler heads located adjacent to pavement that do not drain into the
landscaping shall be located a minimum of 24 inches (609.6 mm) away from
the edge of pavement.
801-5.5.3 Riser and Nozzle Line Installation. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the
801-5.5.3 Riser Installation.
1. Risers shall be oriented perpendicular to finish grade.
2. Sprinkler head risers shall be installed as shown on the Plans.
801-5.5.4 Sprinkler Head Adjustment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. When all sprinkler heads are installed and the irrigation system is operating,
each irrigation station shall be adjusted, with control valves fully open, to
obtain “head-to-head” irrigation coverage.
2. Sprinkler heads having adjustable pin nozzles or orifices shall have the pins
adjusted to a maximum 25% radius reduction to provide uniform distribution
of water over the coverage area. Non-adjustable sprinkler nozzles may require
substitutions of smaller or larger nozzle cores as directed by the Engineer.
3. A water audit of the irrigation system shall be required as specified in the
Special Provisions.
801-5.6 Automatic Control System Installation. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with
the following:
1. You shall install a complete automatic irrigation control system including the
automatic controller, remote control valves and wiring, and all necessary
accessories and utility service connection.
2. Stand-Alone Irrigation Controller: The installation of the automatic controller
shall be certified by the manufacturer upon the completion of installation.
The automatic controller shall be installed outside of the coverage pattern of
the irrigation system at the location shown on the Plans. Each controller shall
have a power ON/OFF switch, with lock-out and tag-out capability and shall
have a separate circuit breaker. The foundation for the controller shall be
concrete, as specified in 201-1, “PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE”, of the size
shown on the Plans or recommended by the manufacturer. The control
components in the controller shall be fused and the chassis shall be
grounded. Remote control valves shall be compatible with the automatic
3. Irrigation Controller inside Structure: When specified on the plans the
irrigation controller assembly shall be wall-mounted within a maintenance,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 502
storage or electrical room as indicated. The irrigation controller assembly
shall be on a stainless steel backboard panel securely anchored to the
building wall. The installation of the automatic controller shall be certified by
the manufacturer upon the completion of installation. Each controller shall
have a power ON/OFF switch, with lock-out and tag-out capability and shall
have a separate circuit breaker. The control components in the controller
shall be fused and the chassis shall be grounded. Remote control valves shall
be compatible with the automatic controller.
4. For the purpose of these specifications, service shall include all material and
equipment necessary to complete the electrical connection between the
terminating point of the serving utility and the irrigation controller. A
separate disconnect switch and circuit breaker shall be installed between the
source of power and the controller. The minimum service wire shall be No.
12 AWG copper 600 volt type TW, TWH or TWHH or larger as required by the
Contract Documents or controller manufacturer. Wire splices shall be
located only in specified pull boxes and shall be made with a packaged
waterproof kit approved for underground use. Pull boxes shall be set on an
un-mortared brick foundation to finish grade in lawn areas and 3 inches (76.2
mm) above finished grade in mulch areas.
5. Control wiring shall be color coded in accordance with 800-3.2.2, “Conductors”.
Unless otherwise specified, all control wiring shall be direct burial, Type UF,
No. 14 AWG copper. At least 2 feet (0.6 m) of slack shall be left at each splice
and point of connection in pull boxes and valve boxes. Wire splices shall be
located in specified pull boxes spaced at maximums of 300 feet (91.4 m).
6. All wiring shall be tested for continuity, open circuits, and unintentional
grounds prior to connecting to equipment. The minimum insulation resistance
to the ground shall be 50 megaohms. In multiple controller installations, the
common control wires shall be separate for each controller. Multiple
controller enclosures shall be sized accordingly. 110 volt wire runs shall not
pass from controller to controller. Each controller shall have a separate
electrical service and circuit breaker through an individual raceway.
7. Upon completion of the Work, a legible reduced copy of the As-Built irrigation
Plans provided by the Engineer shall be color coded by irrigation station,
laminated in plastic, and placed on the inside of each controller enclosure. The
outside of each controller enclosure shall be identified per the Plans with a
black, permanent 2 inch (50.8 mm) stencil. The location of the controller
identification shall be as approved by the Engineer. The color-coded
operational chart shall include the location of the circuit breaker and water
meter feeding the controller. Each installed remote control valve shall be color
coded to its parent controller.
801- General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Pressure testing for leakage shall be performed on newly installed supply
lines, pressure mains, and laterals, except for non-ridged pipelines and
pipelines with spray nozzles installed into the pipe.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 503
2. Pressure testing shall be done with all in-line isolation valves, manifold
isolation valves, quick coupling valves and remote-control valves installed. All
gate valves and globe valves shall be completely open. Remote-control valves
shall be completely open with the outlet side capped off.
3. Irrigation lateral line testing (downstream of the control valve) shall be done
with all solvent weld fittings in place. Connections for sprinkler head
assemblies (swing joint assemblies) shall be capped.
4. Pipelines installed by trenching and backfilling and pipelines which are
completely visible after installation shall be tested in accordance with
801-, “Pipeline Pressure Test Method.
5. Backfilling of trenches shall not occur prior to pressure testing. Center loading
of the pipes is allowed provided all joints are completely exposed for
801- Method A. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
801- Pipeline Pressure Test Method.
1. Pressure testing for leakage shall conform to the following procedure:
a) Notify the Engineer at least 24 hours prior to performing a pressure
test. Pressure tests shall be performed such that the test periods are
within the working hours specified in the Special Provisions. The
Engineer shall observe each pressure test.
b) Before any portion of the pipeline on the supply side of a control valve
is backfilled, water shall be turned on into that portion of the line and
maintained at full pressure as described in the table below from the
water source for a period of not less than 4 consecutive hours after air
has been expelled from the line.
c) Before any portion of the pipeline on the discharge side of control
valve is backfilled, a similar test shall be performed, except the test
shall be for a period of 2 hours as described in the table below. Leaks
that develop in a tested portion of the system shall be repaired. After
the leaks have been repaired, the pressure test shall be repeated.
Additional repairs shall be made until no leaks occur.
d) The constant test pressure shall be as follows:
Pressurized Mains
125 psi (861.8 kPa) 4 hours
Non-pressurized Laterals 100 psi (689.5 kPa) 2 hours
801- Method B. DELETE in its entirety.
801-5.7.3 Sprinkler Coverage Test. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Prior to requesting the sprinkler coverage test, you shall:
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 504
a) Verify that all irrigation system components such as pumps,
controllers, and electrical connections are connected and automated.
b) Verify that sprinkler heads have been installed and head-to-head
coverage has been achieved.
c) Make adjustments to achieve head-to-head coverage and eliminate
overspray from hardscape elements.
2. Each section or unit in the irrigation system shall be balanced to provide
uniform and adequate coverage of the areas serviced. Correct any deficiencies
in the system in accordance with 801-5.5.4, “Sprinkler Head Adjustment”.
801-5.8 Flow Sensing Devices Installation.
1. The flow sensing device shall be installed downstream of the backflow preventer
using the flow sensing cable in accordance with 800-2.2.10, “Flow Sensor Cable”.
801-5.9 Rain Sensing Devices Installation.
1. The rain sensing device shall be mounted in an approved location with open
skies and away from other water sources such as the drip line of buildings or
within the spray patterns of the irrigation system. Submit Working Drawings
showing the installation in accordance with 3-8, “SUBMITTALS”.
801-5.10 Pressure Regulating Valve Installation.
1. The pressure regulating valve shall be installed downstream of the backflow
preventer and shall be set to the design pressure of the system.
801-5.11 Backflow Preventer Enclosure Installation.
1. A backflow preventer enclosure shall be required for each backflow
prevention device and shall be installed level and plumb. Backflow preventer
stall be installed on a level concrete pad with a minimum of four inches of
clearance between the enclosure and the edge of the concrete pad. The
enclosure shall open completely for access without any obstructions.
801-5.12 Booster Pumps.
1. Booster pump installations shall be certified by the manufacturer once installed.
SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Maintain all planted areas on the continuous basis as they are completed
during the progress of the Work and during the Plant Establishment Period
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 505
2. Mowing of lawn areas shall be as specified in 801-4.8, “Lawn Planting”.
3. Any required pruning of plants shall be designated by the Engineer at the start
of the PEP. Perform the pruning as part of the plant establishment Work.
4. After all planting and related Work has been completed in accordance with the
Contract Documents, request a pre-maintenance inspection from the
Engineer. All Punchlist items shall be completed prior to the start of the PEP.
5. After planting is completed, a field notification shall be issued to establish the
effective beginning date of the PEP.
6. The PEP shall be as specified in the table below unless otherwise specified in
the Contract Documents.
90 Calendar Days Permanently Irrigated Plants and Sod Installations
120 Calendar Days Seed or Stolonized Lawn Areas
7. Unless otherwise specified, the Resident Engineer and Project Biologist will
determine that the PEP has been successfully completed when the following
conditions have been met:
a) Site is erosion free.
b) 100-percent container plant survival.
c) Zero-percent weed and invasive plant cover.
d) Best Management Practices (BMPs) are in good condition as
determined by the Resident Engineer.
8. The PEP shall be extended by the Resident Engineer if additional planting is
necessary to achieve the required success criteria above or if other corrective
Work becomes necessary.
9. Unhealthy plant materials shall be replaced within 2 weeks from the Engineer’s
10. Upon completion of the PEP, a final inspection shall be performed by the
Engineer. If the PEP is satisfactorily completed ahead of other Work included
in the Contract, the maintenance of planted areas shall be continued until all
other Work has been completed.
11. When specified in the Contract Documents, the acceptance of the PEP by the
Engineer shall begin the Long-Term Maintenance and Monitoring period in
12. Maintenance shall be performed weekly or as directed by the Engineer and
shall include irrigation inspection and repair, Site cleanup, pruning of
groundcover, shrubs, and trees, mowing, weed control, fertilization every 4
weeks in accordance with 801-2.2.2, “Fertilizing and Conditioning Procedures”,
pest and fungi control, plant replacement, and mulch replenishment.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 506
13. You are responsible for the scheduling of Work throughout the duration of the
Contract. Early installation of landscape planting does not relieve you of planting
and irrigation maintenance responsibilities prior to the completion of construction
and Final Acceptance by the City. Should the PEP lapse prior to Final Acceptance,
you shall maintain planting until completion and Final Acceptance.
801-7 MEASUREMENT. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. You shall immediately notify the Engineer if a tree appears to be or may be
unstable as a result of trimming or root pruning activities.
2. All measures will be taken to minimize the removal of tree roots in order to
maintain the health and stability of the tree. Those measures include but are
not limited to ramping over roots, meandering around roots, and reinforcing
sidewalk with rebar to strengthen sidewalk. Removal of tree roots shall be the
last option when the hardscape is being replaced or newly constructed.
801-7.1 Tree Trimming.
1. Trees shall be trimmed per ANSI A300 Standards for Tree Care Operations
1 week prior to root pruning or as directed by the Engineer. Tree trimming
shall include:
a) Removal of low branches overhanging residential streets to a height
above the street grade of 14 feet (4.3 m) unless otherwise directed.
b) Removal of low branches overhanging sidewalks shall be trimmed to
a height of 8 feet (2.4 m) unless otherwise directed.
c) Removal of the dead, broken, diseased, and insect-infested branches
and stubs larger than ½ inch (12.7 mm) in diameter.
d) Pruning end branches to lighten end weights where such overburden
appears likely to cause breakage of limbs based upon a certified
arborist report and under their supervision of this Work.
e) Removal of cross limbs and water sprouts (suckers).
2. Final pruning cuts shall be made without leaving a stub. Final pruning cuts shall
be made in a manner to favor the earliest covering of the wound with callous
growth. The wound shall be as small as practicable. The cambium tissues at
the edge of the cut shall be alive and healthy. Extremely flush cuts which
produce large wounds and weaken the tree at the cut shall not be made.
3. Pruning and cutting tools shall be kept sharpened to a condition that shall not
permit leaving a scraped cambium edge on final cuts. Such tools shall also be
kept clean and free from infectious materials.
4. The use of climbing spurs or spike shoes shall not be permitted.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 507
5. Trimming of the trees shall provide adequate clearance from obstructed street
standard, globe, or sign. Trim tree limbs shall clear all adjacent structures by
5 feet (1.5 m).
6. In the event that high voltage aerial utility wires present a hazard to your
personnel or others near the Work Site, the Work shall immediately cease and
you shall notify San Diego Gas & Electric. The Work shall then commence in
accordance with the instructions from the utility company.
801-7.2 Root Pruning for Re-configured Sidewalk.
1. At locations where the width of the walk will be reduced or moved over to
enlarge the tree well, the Resident Engineer and certified arborist may arrange
for root pruning after the existing walk has been demolished and removed
and prior to installation of new walk. Coordinate the scheduling of root
pruning within 1 week of the concrete repair Work to start. Roots shall be cut
at the locations established by the Engineer based upon a report from a
certified arborist.
801-7.3 Root Pruning for Sidewalk Replacement.
1. Prune the trees roots in accordance with the Contract Documents. You shall
coordinate the scheduling of root pruning within 1 week of the concrete repair Work
to start. The Work includes cutting all roots necessary for satisfactory forming for
replacement sidewalk to a depth of 12 inches (304.8 mm), 21 inches (533.4 mm) on
the curb side, along the edge of the new walk or curb for a distance of 10 feet (3 m)
in each direction from the center of the trunk, unless otherwise directed by the
Engineer based upon a report from a certified arborist. If the walk will not be
replaced, roots shall be cut in straight lines parallel to the walk or the curb. The root
cut shall not be more than 3 inches (76.2 mm) from edge of existing walk or curb
for a length of 10 feet (3 m) in each direction from the center of the trunk.
2. Roots more than 2 inches (50.8 mm) in diameter shall be preapproved for
removal by the Engineer based upon a report from a certified arborist. Roots
shall be cut at the nearest node to encourage roots to grow away from the
walk. Root cutting shall not impact the trunk flare. Roots shall be cleanly cut
from the new walk edge. Backfill excavated areas with Class A topsoil or
decomposed granite as directed by the Engineer to existing grade and
compact sufficiently to not settle when walked upon.
3. In order to protect existing trees, surface roots in the parkway area or planter
strip shall not be damaged or removed outside of the pruning area and no
construction equipment or supplies including spoils shall be placed in or upon
this area.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 508
801-7.4 Root Pruning on Curb Side.
1. Prune the tree roots as noted in the Contract Documents based upon a report
from a certified arborist. You shall coordinate the schedule of this Work within
1 week of the concrete repair Work scheduled. Roots shall be cut following the
removal of the existing curb and prior to the installation of the new curb when
2. The Work includes cutting all roots necessary to a depth of 21 inches (533.4
mm) only along the edge of the new curb line adjacent to the tree, in order to
provide forming area for new curb. This shall be done for a minimum distance
of 10 feet (3 m) on the curb side of tree. In cases where the curb will not be
replaced, roots shall be linear cut no further than 3 inches (76.2 mm) from
edge of existing curb for a minimum length of 10 feet (3 m) from the tree trunk.
801-7.5 Equipment.
1. Cuts shall be made with a root cutting machine such as Vemeer, Doscocil Inc.,
or approved equal as approved by the Engineer. Any shredded roots shall be
cut clean to the nearest root node. Use of a tree stump grinder for root
pruning shall not be acceptable.
801-7.6 Root Barrier.
1. Install root barriers for trees within 10 feet (3 m) of hardscape for new
construction, where the root pruning and walk construction has been
completed, or as directed by the Engineer. Root barriers installed on either the
curb side or walk side shall be continuous, 20 feet (6.1 m) in length, and centered
on the tree or as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer may allow for
alterations to the root barrier in order to accommodate necessary root locations
based upon an arborist report.
2. Where trees requiring root barriers are 18 feet (5.5 m) or less apart, the barrier
shall be installed continuously between trees. The barrier shall be placed 1 inch
(25.4 mm) above finish grade against the back of the curb or the front edge of
the walk. Vertical raised ribs on barrier shall be faced toward the tree(s). The
barrier shall be installed vertically, or if conditions allow, with the top inclined
towards the tree.
3. The barrier shall not be installed with the top inclined away from the tree. The
root pruning trench shall be backfilled to the top of the barrier. The tree shall be
inspected by the Engineer for stability prior to the backfilling of the root pruning
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 509
801-8 PAYMENT. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following:
1. Landscaping and irrigation Work shall be measured as specified in the
Contract Documents and as shown in the Bid.
2. Tree maintenance Work shall be measured by the tree trimming, root pruning,
or root barrier required for each tree.
801-9 PAYMENT.
1. The payment for landscaping and irrigation Work shall be included under the
lump sum Bid items or for the Contract Unit Prices shown in the Bid and shall
also include the payment for the Plant Establishment Period Work.
2. The payment for tree maintenance Work shall be included in the following Bid
a) Tree Trimming
b) Root Pruning
c) Root Barrier
3. When used, Decomposed Granite (DG) shall be included in the Bid item for
“Remove and Replace Miscellaneous Hardscape with Topsoil” unless a
separate Bid item has been provided.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 510
802-1 GENERAL.
1. This section is specific to any habitat protection, native species plantings for
erosion control, re-vegetation, restoration, or creation of native habitat for
mitigation purposes.
2. The provisions of 1-6.2, “Subcontractor Listing” shall not apply to the
independent supplemental agreement.
3. You shall limit staging and stockpiling areas and access routes to areas
identified in the Contract Documents.
4. Materials shall be non-toxic, biodegradable, and wildlife-friendly to the
maximum extent possible. For example, recycled wood chips shall be used
rather than decomposed granite, erosion control blankets, and wattles shall
not have tight plastic netting, and pest removal shall be non-lethal.
5. You shall comply with any and all applicable environmental regulations
including but not limited to those in the Contract Documents as well as the latest
City Landscape Standards, Biology Guidelines, Sewer Design Guidelines, and
Environmentally Sensitive Lands Guidelines and Municipal Code Landscape
Sections §142.0401. You are responsible for adhering to local, state, and federal
laws including but not limited the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
802-1.1 Terms and Responsibilities. For the purpose of these specifications the following
definitions and descriptions of the responsibilities shall apply:
1. Biological Resources Protection During ConstructionAreas on site and in
adjacent locations to be protected during Work activities. These may include
but are not limited to: native plants, sensitive or rare plants, habitat,
jurisdictional areas, preserved areas, or formerly mitigated areas. The
Contract Documents shall specify requirements for Biological Resources
Protection During Construction such as a Biological Monitoring Exhibit, pre-
construction meetings, pre-construction surveys, construction monitoring,
construction limits fencing, flagging, or signage and post-impact reports.
2. City Representative City staff qualified to perform duties described.
3. Communication The Resident Engineer shall be the single point of contact
and shall be included in all communication. All directions from the Project
Biologist to you shall come through the Resident Engineer. The Project
Biologist shall have the authority to temporarily stop the Work until the
Resident Engineer can provide further direction to you. The Re-vegetation
Contractor shall contact the Resident Engineer at certain phases detailed in
the Contract Documents to perform inspections. The Project Biologist shall
submit reports to the Resident Engineer at certain phases detailed in the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 511
Contract Documents. The Resident Engineer or City representative shall
contact MMC staff and Resource Agencies for site inspections at certain
phases detailed in the Contract Documents.
4. Environmentally Sensitive Lands (ESL) Environmentally Sensitive Lands
administered by the Development Services Department through the ESL
regulations and the City’s Biological Guidelines. ESL, for the purposes of this
section, can be steep slopes, coastal bluffs, jurisdictional waters, and native
habitat. Work conducted within ESL typically requires monitoring by the
Project Biologist and may require additional special studies or impact
avoidance measures. Refer to the Contract Documents for more information.
5. Installation Installation of all erosion control, seed, container plants, and
irrigation as specified in the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise directed by
the Project Biologist via the Resident Engineer, installation shall be completed
within 90 Calendar Days of the completion of grading or disturbance. Written
acceptance of installation by MMC staff or City Representative shall commence
the PEP.
6. Invasive Plants Plants listed in the latest Cal-Invasive Plant Council website
(Cal-IPC) with a rating of “Moderate” or “High” and/or perennial non-native
species regardless of Cal-IPC rating.
7. Maintenance and Monitoring (M&M) Period The period of time required
to ensure long-term establishment and health of re-vegetation. The M&M
Period shall be 25 months for re-vegetation or erosion control projects and
shall be 60 months for mitigation projects, unless otherwise specified. The
M&M period shall start after the 120 Calendar Day PEP has been considered
complete by MMC staff or City Representative. The M&M Period may be
extended by the Engineer. Written acceptance of the M&M Period by MMC
staff or City Representative and Resource Agencies specified in the Contract
Documents shall close the project.
8. Mitigation and Monitoring Coordination (MMC) Section A section in the
City’s Development Services Department responsible for the compliance of
the CEQA document and any City environmental permits, the approval of Re-
vegetation Plan changes and for the approval of the completion of success
criteria for installation, the 120 Day Plant Establishment Period, and the 25
month Maintenance and Monitoring Period. MMC staff or a City representative
shall issue internal City memos or punchlists to the Engineer regarding the
9. Multiple Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) A mapped system of
environmentally sensitive areas given special protections and administered by
the City’s Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP).
10. Plant Establishment Period (PEP) The specified period of time required to
ensure successful initial establishment of plants. The PEP shall be 120 Calendar
Days for erosion control, re-vegetation, and restoration projects. The PEP may
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 512
be extended by the Engineer. Written acceptance of the PEP by MMC staff or
City Representative shall commence the Maintenance and Monitoring Period.
11. Plant Supplier Plant Suppliers shall have at least 2 years experience in the
propagation of native plants in Southern California and shall be responsible
for providing containerized plant materials and required documentation. The
Plant Supplier shall hold a valid Department of Agriculture Inspection
12. Project Biologist The Project Biologist shall be responsible for overseeing
the Biological Resources Protection During Construction requirements and the
entire re-vegetation program. The Project Biologist shall not be the same
person and shall not be from the same company or organization as the Re-
vegetation Contractor. The Project Biologist shall review and become familiar
with the Contract Documents and shall function under the direction of the
Engineer. The Project Biologist shall be an individual or team of individuals
with 4-year degree(s) in botany, ecology, landscape architecture, or a related
field with demonstrated experience in at least 1 habitat restoration project of
similar type, size, and complexity in Southern California. If required by the
contract documents, the Project Biologist or a sub-consultant shall also be
qualified to perform United States Fish and Wildlife Service protocol focused
sensitive species surveys. The Project Biologist may be hired by you, the City,
or be a City representative as specified in the Special Provisions.
13. Resource Agencies Local, state, and federal government agencies that
approve Work in and around natural habitat areas.
14. Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor The planting and plant
establishment Work shall be performed by a qualified contractor (you or your
Subcontractor) with a Class C-27 license. Under the direction of the Project
Biologist via the Resident Engineer, the Re-vegetation Contractor shall
implement the Re-vegetation Plan in accordance with the Contract Documents.
The Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor shall install and maintain the
planting site for the specified Plant Establishment Period. When included in the
Contract Documents, you shall execute the 25-month or 60-month Long-Term
Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement. The Re-vegetation or Restoration
Contractor shall demonstrate knowledge of native vegetation and weed
identification associated with upland and wetland vegetation communities. The
Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor and the personnel working in the re-
vegetation sites shall be familiar with re-vegetation site boundaries, the
requirements of the re-vegetation effort as it pertains to them, and any other
information that the Project Biologist determines is necessary for the success of
the re-vegetation or restoration program (such as the protection of existing
adjacent upland and wetland areas). In the event that the application of
pesticides, insecticides, or herbicides is required, it shall be done by an individual
or firm possessing a valid license.
15. Re-vegetation or Restoration Plan Plan sheets or documents containing
important details on procedures, materials, and methods applicable to
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 513
Biological Resources Protection During Construction, re-vegetation or
restoration, and maintenance and monitoring of installed vegetation. It shall
include all elements in the latest City Landscape Standards, including but not
limited to irrigation methods and timing, success criteria, and maintenance
and monitoring schedules. If available, the document will be included in the
Contract Documents. When you are required to prepare the Re-vegetation or
Restoration Plans, they shall be prepared by your Project Biologist and
approved by the City (Development Services Department or City
16. Seed Supplier Seed Suppliers shall have at least 2 years experience in
collecting native seeds in Southern California. The Seed Supplier shall hold a
valid Department of Agriculture Inspection Certificate. The Seed Supplier shall
be responsible for providing necessary quantities of specified plant species
and required documentation.
17. Weeds Plants listed on the latest Cal-IPC with a rating of “Limited”, “Alert”,
“Watch”, or do not have a rating, non-native annual species, and/or non-native
grasses. . In certain circumstances and if approved by the Project Biologist,
non-native species that are not listed may be used to achieve coverage goals.
802-2.1 Project Biologist.
1. Unless otherwise specified in the special provisions, you shall retain the
Project Biologist to perform Biological Monitoring Work. You shall submit
copies of the Project Biologist qualifications as noted in 802-1.1, “Terms and
Responsibilities” and shall obtain the City’s approval prior to the pre-
construction meeting. If the proposed Project Biologist is not approved, you
shall submit and obtain approval of an alternate Project Biologist at no
additional cost to the City prior to the start of the construction Work subject
to the process under Public Contract Code Section 4107.
2. If the City provides a qualified Project Biologist to perform biological
monitoring Work for the Contract, you shall coordinate your activities and
Schedule with the activities and schedules of the Project Biologist.
3. The Project Biologist shall have the authority to issue Stop Work notices and
shall report directly to the Resident Engineer any Site conditions, Work
activities, or Work products that do not comply with the Contract Documents.
4. The Project Biologist shall be responsible for interpreting and communicating
via the Resident Engineer the intent of all Environmental Constraints detailed
in the Contract Documents and all other applicable regulations and laws.
802-2.2 Environmental Constraints.
1. All responsible parties under your control shall have a pre-construction
meeting at the Site with the Engineer, the Project Biologist, and MMC staff
before Work commences to discuss environmental constraints. Environmental
Constraints may include: limits of construction, access, stockpiling, and
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 514
staging; constraints on methods detailed in Contract Documents; seasonal
noise restrictions, drainage and lighting constraints; and/or Biological
Resources Protection During Construction. The Project Biologist shall provide
recommendations for ongoing protection throughout the Project to the
2. If you impact areas outside the identified limits of construction, cause direct
or indirect impacts to Biological Resources Protection During Construction, or
violate Environmental Constraints detailed in the Construction Documents,
you shall mitigate, in accordance with the direction of the Project Biologist and
Resident Engineer, the areas at your own expense.
802-2.3 Construction Fencing.
1. If detailed in the Construction Documents and approved by the Project Biologist
via the Resident Engineer, construction fencing shall be installed at a minimum of
3 feet (0.9 m) high and shall be staked at no less than 10 feet (3 m) on center with
metal fence stakes. The material shall be fastened with a minimum of two nylon
ties at each stake.
802-2.4 Working in Unpaved Areas.
1. In compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, to avoid any direct
impacts to raptors and/or any native or migratory birds, removal of habitat
that supports active nests in the proposed area of disturbance should occur
outside of the breeding season for these species (February 1 to September
2. If the removal of habitat in the proposed area of disturbance occurs during
the breeding season, the Project Biologist shall conduct a pre-construction
survey to determine the presence or absence of nesting birds within the
proposed area of disturbance. The pre-construction survey shall be conducted
within 10 Calendar Days prior to grading soils and/or clearing, grubbing,
trimming, or crushing vegetation. The applicant shall submit the results of the
pre-construction survey to the Engineer for review and approval prior to
initiating any construction activities. If nesting birds are detected, a letter
report or mitigation plan in conformance with the City’s Biology Guidelines and
applicable State and Federal Laws (appropriate follow up surveys, monitoring
schedules, construction and noise barriers/buffers, and etc.) shall be prepared
by the Project Biologist.
3. Litter, including tobacco debris, from construction or food packaging shall be
prohibited on construction sites.
4. Equipment maintenance and pollution control shall be in accordance with 3-
5. Smoking shall not be allowed within vegetated areas.
6. Additional restrictions may be listed in the Construction Documents.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 515
802-2.5 Construction Access Routes.
1. Pedestrian, vehicle, and equipment traffic shall be limited to areas identified
in the Contract Documents.
2. Any vegetation in the access route shall be trimmed, pruned, crushed, or
mowed instead of being removed.
3. All temporary areas shall be re-vegetated according to the Contract Documents.
4. You are advised to investigate Site conditions prior to Bid.
1. Materials selected by you shall be subject to inspection and approval of the
Project Biologist via the Engineer.
2. For all erosion control or re-vegetation projects, when the PEP is completed to
the satisfaction of the Engineer, the 25-Month Long-Term Maintenance and
Monitoring Agreement shall commence in accordance with the Contract
3. Some projects constitute mitigation. For those projects, when the PEP is
completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the 60-Month Long-Term
Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement shall commence in accordance with
the Contract Documents.
4. All requirements in 802-3.10, “Maintenance, Monitoring, and Reporting” shall
apply to this section.
802-3.1 Project Biologist.
1. All specifications in 802-2.1, “Project Biologist” are applicable.
802-3.2 Licensed Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor.
1. When required in the Contract Documents, you shall retain a licensed Re-
vegetation Contractor or Restoration Contractor. You shall submit copies of
the qualifications as noted in 802-1.1, Terms and Responsibilities” and shall
obtain the Resident Engineer’s approval prior to the pre-construction meeting.
2. If the proposed licensed Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor is not
approved, you shall re-submit and obtain approval of an alternate licensed Re-
vegetation or Restoration Contractor at no additional cost to the City prior to
the start of the Construction Work and subject to the process outlined under
Public Contract Code §4107. The selected Re-vegetation or Restoration
Contractor may be requested to attend the pre-construction meeting.
802-3.3 Mulch.
1. Unless specified otherwise or directed by the Project Biologist, cleared native
vegetation shall be salvaged during construction activities. Vegetation shall be
ground to a coarse grade of mulch for re-application. Weeds shall not be
included in the mulch and shall be disposed of legally.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 516
2. The salvaged mulch shall be stored at a location on Site that is approved by
the Resident Engineer or Project Biologist. The mulch shall be stored
separately, protected, and covered by means of an impermeable tarp and
appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs).
3. If additional mulch is required, it shall conform to the latest City Landscape
Standards and, if applicable, to the Sewer Design Guidelines and shall be
approved by the Project Biologist via the Engineer.
4. Avoid the creation of brush piles from cut and brushed vegetation. Vegetation
not to be salvaged shall be chipped, cut, or both to pieces of 12 inches (304.8
mm) or less and then shall be removed, buried, or adequately spread out as
directed by the Project Biologist.
802-3.4 Topsoil. For the purpose of this part, ADD the following to 801-2.1, “General”.
1. Prior to any excavation that may occur, vegetation shall be removed and the
top 8 inches (203.2 mm) of topsoil shall be removed and stored.
2. The salvaged topsoil shall be stored at a location on Site that is approved by
the Project Biologist via the Resident Engineer. The topsoil shall be stored
separately, protected, and covered by means of an impermeable tarp and
appropriate BMPs.
3. You shall not use subsurface soils from the deepest parts of the excavation
unless specifically approved by the Resident Engineer and Project Biologist.
4. You shall perform minor ground contouring (grading) at the direction of the
Resident Engineer in accordance with the Project Biologist’s recommendations
and in accordance with the Contract Documents.
5. If import of topsoil is determined to be necessary, Class B topsoil in accordance
with 800-1.1.3, “Class ‘B’ Topsoil” from a comparable Site shall be provided and
tested, as specified. Topsoil quantity, source, and quality shall be approved by the
Project Biologist via the Resident Engineer prior to delivery.
6. Topsoil shall be free of Weeds upon delivery or treated as specified for Weed
802-3.4.1 Soils Testing.
1. The Project Biologist shall be responsible for determining the suitability of
topsoil material prior to Installation.
2. If directed by the Project Biologist via the Resident Engineer, the following
specifications shall apply:
a) Soils in areas to be re-vegetated, including sub-soils and existing
topsoil, shall be tested for soil fertility and agricultural suitability in
accordance with 800-1.1.3, “Class ‘B’ Topsoil”. Sample locations shall be
approved by the Project Biologist and Resident Engineer.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 517
b) Tests shall be conducted and evaluated by a qualified soils scientist from
an approved soils laboratory approved by the Project Biologist via the
Resident Engineer.
c) The Project Biologist shall evaluate the soils lab recommendations to
determine if additional soil preparation requirements shall be
necessary prior to seeding.
802-3.4.2 Topsoil Preparation and Conditioning Procedures.
1. Topsoil shall be reapplied to the disturbed areas prior to planting and seeding.
2. The topsoil shall be free of rocks and all clods greater than 1 inch (25.4 mm) in
3. You shall match existing elevations of adjacent untouched native soils and
shall provide natural drainage to the maximum extent possible.
4. Unless directed otherwise by the Project Biologist and the Resident Engineer,
compaction within re-vegetation areas shall not exceed 70% standard proctor
within the top 8 inches (203.2 mm) of soil. Compaction testing may be required
to verify that these specifications have been achieved. Overly compacted soils
shall be de-compacted by ripping or tilling as directed by the Project Biologist.
5. If soils analysis indicates soil amendments are necessary, specified amendment
materials shall be evenly spread over designated planting areas and shall be
thoroughly incorporated to a uniform soil depth of 8 inches (203.2 mm) by
rototilling a minimum of 2 passes, with the second pass perpendicular to the first
pass. Soil amendment application rates shall be determined by Project Biologist
via the Resident Engineer.
6. Soil Fertilizing and Conditioning Materials shall only be used if specified in the
Contract Documents and under the direction of the Project Biologist.
802-3.4.3 Weed and Invasive Plant Eradication.
1. The Project Biologist shall inspect the re-vegetation or restoration site for
Weed and Invasive Plant coverage prior to planting and throughout the Project
2. All Weeds and Invasive Plants shall be treated and removed from the Site prior
to the installation of native plant material.
3. All Weeds and Invasive Plants shall be treated and removed from the Site
before attaining a height of 6 inches and/or producing seed, throughout the
Project duration.
4. All areas where Weed and Invasive Plant removal creates bare areas in excess
of 25 feet
x 25 feet (7.6 m x 7.6 m) shall be replanted at the direction of the
Project Biologist via the Resident Engineer.
5. Pulled Weeds, Invasive plants, and debris shall be transported and disposed
of legally offsite immediately to prevent any seed dispersal on the Site.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 518
6. Herbicides shall be applied under the direction of the Biologist and shall
contain green dye.
802-3.5 Seed.
1. You shall arrange for seed to be delivered to the Site in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
2. The Project Biologist shall inspect the seed and the required documentation
regarding the quantity, quality, and origin before Installation to ensure
compliance with the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise specified in the
Contract Documents or directed by the Project Biologist, seed shall be collected
from coastal San Diego County. Seed shall be ordered, delivered, separated, and
containerized by species.
3. All seed application rates (lb/acre) stated on the Plans or in the Contract
Documents shall be for pure-live-seed, unless otherwise specified.
802-3.6 Container Stock.
1. You shall arrange for container stock plants to be delivered to the site in
accordance with the Contract Documents.
2. You shall notify the Project Biologist and Resident Engineer at least 48 hours
before the delivery of the container stock plants.
3. The Project Biologist shall inspect the container stock plants and the required
documentation regarding the quantity, quality, and origin before Installation
to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise
specified in the Contract Documents or directed by the Project Biologist,
container stock plants shall originate from coastal San Diego County.
Container plants shall be ordered, delivered, separated, labeled, and
containerized by species.
4. The quality and size of the container stock plants shall be vigorous, healthy,
and well-proportioned as verified by the Project Biologist via the Engineer.
Plants which are even moderately “overgrown”, or are showing signs of disease,
infestation, fungus, frost damage, root girdling, decline, lack of vigor, or stunted
growth shall be subject to rejection. Plants showing pruning may be rejected.
Plants larger than the sizes specified may be used with the approval of the
Engineer and the Project Biologist. The use of larger plants shall not cause any
change in Contract Price.
5. Plants not approved by the Project Biologist may be rejected by the Engineer.
Replacements shall be furnished by you at your own expense.
802-3.7 Temporary Irrigation.
1. The Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor shall be responsible for providing
temporary irrigation to plant and/or seed material to ensure successful
establishment and to ensure vegetative cover meets success criteria.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 519
2. Temporary irrigation via irrigation lines and appurtenances (or alternate
method approved by the Resident Engineer and Project Biologist) shall be
provided by the Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor.
3. The Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor shall responsible for the design,
installation, operation, maintenance, and removal of the temporary irrigation.
4. Irrigation shall deliver water sufficiently and uniformly and shall be
appropriate to the needs of the plant materials.
5. The amount of irrigation shall be adjusted when warranted by site conditions.
802-3.8 Installation.
1. You shall arrange for Installation of seed, erosion control, container stock, and
irrigation in accordance with the Contract Documents.
2. Installation shall occur under the direction of the Project Biologist and shall
comply with the Contract Documents. Spotting of container stock plants
before planting may be required. Plants shall be planted and watered as
herein specified immediately after the removal from the containers.
Containers shall not be cut prior to placing the plants in the planting area.
3. Planting pits for container plants shall be approximately 1.5 times as deep and
3 times as wide as the container size. All planting pits shall be filled with water
and allowed to completely drain prior to plant installation. After the planting
pits have been presoaked, Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor shall
backfill the hole to the appropriate planting depth and set plants in the center
of the hole, then backfill the hole and thoroughly apply more water.
4. A watering basin, approximately twice the size of the plant canopy shall be
created. Re-vegetation or Restoration Contractor shall apply 3 inches (76.2
mm) of weed free mulch inside the watering basin.
5. Stakes shall be installed on all trees for stabilization.
6. Planting shall not be performed if plant pits contain standing water or if pits are
over saturated to a condition which may result in an unhealthful condition for the
7. Installation of seed or container plants on Public Utility access paths or over
sewer lines shall follow the latest City Sewer Design Guidelines.
8. Irrigation lines shall not be placed in areas where they can be driven over.
9. Unless specified otherwise or directed by the Project biologist, Installation of
plant and seed material shall occur during the rainy season (Oct 1 - Feb 15).
10. Changes to the Contract Documents regarding the Re-vegetation or
Restoration Plan (installation timing, species, irrigation, and schedules) shall
be first approved by the Project Biologist, Engineer, and MMC staff as
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 520
802-3.9 Hydro Seeding.
1. Hydro seeding materials specified in the Special Provisions or as shown on
the Plans shall conform to the Contract Documents, the latest City Landscape
Standards, and shall be inspected and approved by the Project Biologist via
the Engineer.
2. Slurry spilled into areas outside the limits of Work shall be cleaned up at your
expense to the satisfaction of the Project Biologist and the Engineer.
3. You shall schedule an inspection of the installation phase with the Engineer.
4. You shall receive written notification of any deficiencies before the start of the
802-3.10 Maintenance, Monitoring, and Reporting.
802-3.10.1 General.
1. You shall notify the Engineer to schedule inspections in accordance with the
schedule in the Contract Documents.
2. If you have hired the Project Biologist, that person shall submit required
reports to the Resident Engineer in accordance with the Contract Documents.
The Project Biologist shall prepare the reports in accordance with the Contract
Documents in a format acceptable to all applicable Resource Agencies.
3. You shall immediately contact the Resident Engineer and shall be responsible
for, under the direction of the Project Biologist, controlling any insect
infestations, herbivore activity, and/or diseases that may spread throughout
the re-vegetated or restored areas. Remedial action, such as fencing and
protective cages, shall be provided at your expense.
4. Native vegetation and branch drops shall be retained in place unless removal
is required by the Project Biologist.
5. You shall remove and dispose offsite all non-organic debris. Removal of trash
and litter shall continue on a regular basis during the project.
6. You shall maintain signage, BMPs, silt, and construction area fences on a
continual basis throughout the project.
7. At any time during the life of the Contract, where insufficient seed germination
occurs or re-vegetation areas show signs of failure to grow, or where plants
are so injured, damaged, dead, or diseased as to render them unsuitable for
the intended purpose, you shall re-vegetate these areas within 2 weeks of
receipt of written notice by the Resident Engineer at no additional cost to the
City. If you fail to replace plants within the time limit, the Resident Engineer
may issue an additional written notice and will replace them at your expense
after 5 Working Days of receipt of the written notice.
8. Seed species used for reseeding or container plants shall be the same species
and quantity in accordance with the original Re-vegetation or Restoration Plan
or be a substitute approved by the Project Biologist and the City.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 521
9. You shall monitor for erosion within re-vegetation areas and shall prohibit
gullies, ruts, rill and sheet erosion, bare soil areas, and silt deposition from
occurring in the project footprint or from run-off from the project. Erosion
control shall emphasize prevention. Repair of eroded areas shall be directed
by the Project Biologist via the Engineer and may include redirection or
dissipation of the water sources and re-contouring of soil followed by seeding,
mulching, and planting.
802-3.10.2 120 Calendar Day PEP.
1. The PEP Work of this section shall also be performed in accordance with 801-
2. After all planting and related Work has been completed in accordance with the
Contract Documents, request a pre-maintenance inspection from the
3. All Punchlist items shall be completed prior to the start of the PEP.
4. When all deficiencies have been corrected to the satisfaction of the Resident
Engineer and Project Biologist, the 120 Calendar Day PEP shall begin and a
field notification will be issued to establish the effective beginning date of the
5. Unless otherwise specified, the Project Biologist will determine that the 120
Calendar Day PEP has been successfully completed when the following
conditions have been met:
a) Site is erosion free.
b) 100-percent container plant survival.
c) Zero-percent weed and invasive plant cover.
d) BMPs are in good condition as determined by the Resident Engineer.
6. The PEP shall be extended by the Resident Engineer if additional planting is
necessary to achieve the required success criteria above or if other corrective
Work becomes necessary.
7. You shall receive written notification of any deficiencies before executing the
25-month or 60-month Long-Term Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement
(LTMMA) in accordance with the Contract Documents.
802-3.10.3 Long-Term Maintenance and Monitoring Period.
1. In addition to 802-3.10.1, “General”, refer to the Long-term Maintenance and
Monitoring Agreement (LTMMA) included in the Contract Documents for
additional M&M period requirements.
802-4 PAYMENT.
1. The payment for items of Work described in 802, “NATIVE HABITAT
included in the following Bid items as applicable unless specified otherwise
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 522
in the Special Provisions, Long-Term Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement
(LTMMA), or both:
a) The payment for the removal and disposal of the existing vegetation,
weeds, trash, and other objects shall be included in the associated Bid
items requiring the Work.
b) The payment for the construction of temporary facilities, such as
access routes and fencing, shall be included in the Bid item for
“Construction Fencing and Access Route”.
c) The payment to complete the soil testing, topsoil preparation,
conditioning, preparation of the final grade, installation, and PEP
phases shall be included in the associated Bid items requiring the
d) The payment for Biological Monitoring and Reporting throughout
installation and the PEP includes the payment for the Project Biologist
when required and shall be included in the lump sum Bid item for
“Biological Monitoring and Reporting”.
e) The payment for the monitoring, reporting, and maintenance Work
required during the maintenance period beyond the PEP in
accordance with the Manholes (LTMMA) included in the Contract
Documents includes payment for the Project Biologist when required,
furnishing the required reports, site observations, and bond(s), and
shall be included in the lump sum Bid item for the “25-Month Re-
vegetation Maintenance and Monitoring Program” or the “60-Month
Re-vegetation Maintenance and Monitoring Program”, unless
otherwise specified.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 523
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 524
900-1.1 General.
1. Materials may have been used previously, but shall be in good working
condition, free of defect, and have only been used to convey potable water.
2. You shall procure pipe, fittings, adapters, materials, and components required
for a complete and operable high-lining system installation.
3. Products and materials shall be suitable for the intended purpose and
recommended by the manufacturer for the application intended.
4. Hoses shall be used only at corners and curves and for connections to user’s
service meter(s).
900-1.2 Galvanized Pipe.
1. Pipes shall be fabricated in sections of 2 inches (50.8 mm) Galvanized steel
pipe and shall conform to the following:
a) ASTM A53 or other equal ASTM galvanized pipe standard.
b) Minimum wall thickness shall be Schedule 40.
c) Pipe ends shall be machine cut or rolled for grooved couplings and
fittings in compliance with ANSI/AWWA C606.
2. Fittings shall be ductile iron and shall conform to the following:
a) Fittings and couplings, including tees, wyes, elbows, reducers, caps,
plugs, and adapters, shall have standard flexible grooved mechanical
joint connections in compliance with ANSI/AWWA C606.
b) Minimum pressure rating shall be 200 psig.
c) Housing material shall be ductile iron coated with the manufacturer’s
standard painting system. Coupling gasket material shall be standard
Ethylene-Polypropylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) rubber.
d) Couplings shall be Victaulic Style 78 or approved equal.
e) The branch outlet of reducing tees shall be 1 inch (25.4 mm) male pipe
thread. Connections of standard tees shall be grooved.
f) Grooved elbows with 11¼°, 22½°, 45°, and 90° bend angles shall be
required to configure the high-line piping system to existing bends and
contours at the Site.
g) Manufacturers shall be Victaulic, Mech-Line, or approved equal.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 525
900-1.3 Grooved-End PVC Pipe.
1. Pipes shall be fabricated in sections of 2 inch (50.8 mm) fusible PVC pipe and
shall conform to the following:
a) ASTM A53 or other equal ASTM fusible PVC pipe standard.
b) Minimum wall thickness shall be Schedule 80.
c) Pipe ends shall be grooved for couplings and fittings in compliance
with ANSI/AWWA C606.
2. Fittings shall be PVC and shall conform to the following:
a) Fittings and couplings, including tees, wyes, elbows, reducers, caps,
plugs, and adapters, shall have standard flexible grooved mechanical
joint connections in compliance with ANSI/AWWA C 606.
b) Minimum pressure rating shall be 200 psig.
c) Housing material shall be ductile iron coated with the manufacturer’s
standard painting system. Coupling gasket material shall be standard
Ethylene-Polypropylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) rubber.
d) Couplings shall be Victaulic Style 78 or approved equal.
e) The branch outlet of reducing tees shall be 1 inch (25.4 mm) male pipe
thread. Connections of standard tees shall be grooved.
f) Grooved elbows with 11¼°, 22½°, 45°, and 90° bend angles shall be
required to configure the high-line piping system to existing bends and
contours at the Site.
900-1.4 Yelomine Pipe.
1. Pipes shall be fabricated in sections of 2 inches (50.8 mm) Yelomine pipe and
shall conform to the following:
a) Designed and Manufactured in accordance with ASTM (D2241) and
ASTM (D1784).
b) Performance requirement for SDR 17, rated 250 psi for 2 inches (50.8
mm) - 8 inches (203.2 mm) diameter pipe.
c) Field cut is permissible when necessary to configure the high-line
piping system to existing bend and contours at the Site.
2. Fittings shall be Certa-Lok Yelomine material (or compatible) and shall
conform to the following:
a) Coupling and fittings shall be Yelomine pipe including tees, elbows,
reducers, caps, plugs, flange adapters and tapped couplings, shall
have standard flexible grooved mechanical joint connections in
compliance with ASTM D3139.
b) Minimum pressure rating shall be 250 psi.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 526
c) Manufacturers shall be CertainTeed Certa-Lok Yelomine, or approved
900-1.5 Miscellaneous Materials.
1. Meter Connections.
a) For meters up to 1 inch (25.4 mm) in size:
i. The connections shall be 90°, long radius, brass elbow
couplings with a swivel meter nut on one end and male pipe
threads on the other.
ii. The swivel meter nut shall be sized to fit the specific meter. The
male pipe thread end shall be fitted with a galvanized steel
“Chicago” 2-lug, quarter-turn, quick disconnect hose fitting-to-
female pipe thread fitting.
iii. Manufacturers shall be James Jones Co., Ford Meter Box Co.,
Inc., or approved equal.
b) For meters larger than 1 inch (25m.4 m) in size:
i. The connections shall be elbows with a 2-bolt Class 125 flange
on one end and female pipe threads on the other.
ii. The flange shall be sized to fit the specific meter. The female
pipe thread end shall be fitted with a short pipe thread to
grooved connection adapter nipple.
iii. Alternately, the assembly shall be a 2-bolt Class 125 flange-to-
male pipe thread fitting, a threaded pipe elbow, and a short
pipe thread-to-grooved connection adapter nipple.
iv. Manufacturers shall be James Jones Co., Ford Meter Box Co.,
Inc., or approved equal.
2. Bushings, Reducers, and Adapters.
a) The City Forces will be responsible for all fit-up and connections in the
b) You shall provide all bushings, reducers, and adapters required to
connect the high-line system to the existing fire hydrants, meters, and
other facilities at the Site. Bushings, reducers, and adapters shall be
provided at no additional cost to the City.
c) For pipe-to-hose adapters, when 1-inch (25.4 mm) hoses are used, the
adapter shall be a 1 inch (25 mm), galvanized steel, “Chicago” 2-lug,
quarter-turn, quick disconnect hose-to-female pipe thread fitting.
d) For fire hydrant-to-pipe connectors, the actual connection to the live
fire hydrant shall be a brass or bronze 2.5 inches (63.5 mm) female fire
hydrant thread to 2 inches (50.8 mm) male pipe thread fitting.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 527
3. Bolts and Fasteners.
a) Bolts and fasteners, including bolts, nuts, and washers, shall meet the
minimum requirements of ASTM A 307, and shall be hot dipped
galvanized according to ASTM A 153.
b) Bolts shall be installed with nuts face down.
4. Valves.
a) Pipe shutoff valves shall be 2 inches (50.8 mm), lever handle, two-position,
manual butterfly valves with grooved mechanical connections in
compliance with ASTM C 606. Minimum pressure rating shall be 200 psig.
b) Housing material shall be ductile iron coated with the manufacturer’s
standard painting system. Seal material shall be standard EPDM
c) Manufacturers shall be Victaulic, Mech-Line, or approved equal.
5. Curb Stop Valves.
a) Curb Stop Valves shall be bronze full-port ball valves without handles.
b) Seats shall be molded Buna-N rubber or other approved material. The
ball shall be Teflon-coated brass or bronze. Approved plastic ball
materials shall be considered as substitutes.
c) Size shall be 1 inch (25.4 mm), with female pipe thread connections.
Other sizes and end connections may be required to accommodate
specific user connections.
d) Manufacturers shall be James Jones Co., Ford Meter Box Co., Inc., A. Y.
McDonald Mfg. Co., or approved equal.
6. Hoses.
a) User Connection (Service Meters).
i. For meters up to 1 inch (25.4 mm), the hose shall be 1 inch
(25.4 mm) potable water hose with 300 WP rating. End
connections shall be galvanized steel, “Chicago” 2-lug, quarter-
turn, quick-disconnect fittings banded to the hose.
ii. Materials shall meet the NSF/ANSI 61 certification for potable
water use in conformance with AWWA C651-14.
b) Curves and Curbs.
i. Hose shall be 2 inch (50.8 mm) potable water hose with 300
WP rating. End connections shall be galvanized steel grooved
mechanical end fittings in compliance with ASTM C606 banded
to the hose.
ii. Materials shall meet the NSF/ANSI 61 certification for potable
water use in conformance with AWWA C651-14.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 528
7. Check Valves.
a) Check valves shall be swing check type with grooved mechanical
connections in compliance with ASTM C606. Minimum pressure rating
shall be 200 psig.
b) Housing material shall be ductile iron coated with the manufacturer’s
standard painting system. Seal material shall be standard EPDM
c) Manufacturers shall be Victaulic, Mech-Line, or approved equal.
8. Backflow Preventers.
a) Backflow preventers shall meet the requirements of AWWA C511.
b) Manufacturer and model shall be approved by the Department of Public
9. Pressure Regulators.
a) If required, you shall provide 2-inch (50.8 mm) pipe size of bronze or
ductile iron construction. Materials, coatings, seals, diaphragms, and
trim shall be approved for potable water service. Connections shall be
pipe threaded union couplings.
b) Pressure ratings and regulation ranges shall be approved for the
pressure zones involved.
c) Manufacturer shall be Braukmann or approved equal.
10. Pipe Supports:
a) Supports shall be adjustable type and fabricated from galvanized
carbon steel.
b) Manufacturers shall be Grinnell, Tolco, or approved equal.
900-1.6 High-lining Materials for City Forces Work.
1. If required in the Contract Documents and if a Bid item is provided for
“Contractor Furnished Materials for the City Forces High-line Work”, you shall
furnish the necessary materials for the City Forces high-line Work to the City,
as shown on the Plans. You shall coordinate with the City Forces for the
delivery of the materials. The delivery location for furnished materials shall be
determined by the City Forces.
2. Materials shall not be delivered to the City until the City Forces are ready to
install high-lining. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents,
the City will retain the high-lining materials at the end of construction.
900-1.7 High-lining Materials for Contractor Work.
1. You shall furnish all necessary materials for your high-line Work as shown on
the Plans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 529
2. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, you shall retain the
high-lining materials at the end of construction.
900-1.8 Submittals for High-lining.
1. Prior to the start of the Work, you shall submit the following:
a) An itemized list of high-lining materials to be used, including
information on:
i. which parts are new and which have been used before
ii. verification that used parts have only been used to convey
potable water
b) Catalog data for all high-lining materials and components required.
c) High-line system installation and detail drawings (shop and Working
Drawings) prior to ordering or purchasing material.
d) High-lining schedule prior to ordering or purchasing material of any
part of the high-lining system.
e) One (1) set of Traffic Control Plans to the Traffic Control Section. You
shall obtain a permit a minimum of 2 Working Days (5 Working Days
when the Work affects a traffic signal) prior to ordering or purchasing
material of each phase of the high-lining system in accordance with
900-1.9 Payment.
1. The payment for furnished materials for the City Forces high-line Work shall
cover materials (fittings, valves, and hardware) and shall include delivery and
unloading. You shall be paid under the Bid item for “Contractor Furnished
Materials for the City Forces High-line Work”. If you request the City Forces to
high-line in excess of what is shown on the Plans, those costs incurred,
including additional materials due to excess high-lining, shall be at your
expense. Costs incurred by the request of excess high-line Work shall be billed
at the current hourly rates (loaded) according to the schedule available from
the Public Utilities Department. Any request for additional high-lining material
shall have prior approval by the Engineer.
2. The Payment for your high-lining materials (fittings, valves, and hardware),
including delivery and unloading, shall be paid for under the linear foot Bid
item “Furnished Materials for Contractor High-line Work”.
900-2.1 Connection, Cut and Plug, and Cut-in Materials Provided by the Contractor for
City Forces Work.
1. If required in the Contract Documents, you shall furnish the necessary
materials for the City Forces’ connection, cut and plug, and cut-in Work as
shown on the Plans to the City.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 530
2. You shall coordinate closely with the City Forces for the delivery of materials.
The delivery location for furnished materials shall be determined by the City
3. Materials shall not be delivered to the City until the City Forces are ready to
perform their work, unless otherwise specified in writing by the City.
900-2.2 Connection, Cut and Plug, and Cut-in Materials for Contractor Work.
1. You shall furnish the necessary materials for your connection, cut and plug,
and cut-in Work as shown on the Plans to the City.
900-2.3 Payment.
1. Unless specified otherwise, the material for City Forces connection, cut and
plug, and cut-in Work for mains smaller than 16-inch (406.4 mm) shall be
provided by City Forces.
2. If required, payment for furnishing materials for City Forces connection, cut and
plug, and cut-in Work for mains 16-inch (406.4 mm) and larger, as shown on the
Plans, shall be paid under the bid item for “Contractor Furnished Materials for City
Forces Connection, Cut and Plug, and Cut-in Work for Mains 16-inch and Larger”.
3. The payment for furnishing materials for your connection, cut and plug, and
cut-in Work shall cover all necessary materials (fittings and hardware,
excluding valves and pipes), delivery, and unloading. The payment shall be
included within the Bid item of the Work involved and no separate payment
for furnishing those materials shall be made. The payment for furnishing valve
and pipe materials for your connection, cut and plug, and cut-in Work shall be
included in the separate Bid items for each valve and pipe.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 531
901-1.1 General.
1. Only City Forces will isolate the water system, and perform all shutdowns by
closing valves on water mains. Trial shutdowns will be performed by the City
at all shutdown locations. The City is responsible for the cost of the City Forces
2. The Engineer will coordinate all interactions between you and the City Water
Operations Division, the City Water Quality Laboratory, and other City
organizations. Upon your request, the Engineer shall notify the City's Public
Utilities Department’s staff as noted below which shall be required at least 20
Working Days prior to the beginning of Work that involves shutting down
pipelines, high-lining, cutting and plugging of, or making connection to the
existing water mains. Unless otherwise specified on the Plans, contact the
a) Transmission Mains (16 inches and larger) Senior Water Distribution
Operations Supervisor (619-527-7438)
b) Distribution Mains (less than 16 inches) Water Systems District
Manager (619-527-7539)
c) Water Facilities Water Production Superintendent (619-527-7465)
and Senior Water Distribution Operations Supervisor (619-527-7438)
901-1.1.1 High-lining Installation by City Forces.
1. City Forces shall be responsible for notifying and providing the residents with
water services, by means of high-lining (temporary above ground supply lines),
during construction and as shown on the Plans, unless otherwise specified
in the Contract Documents.
901-1.1.2 High-lining Installation by the Contractor.
1. If specified and when a bid item is provided for “High-lining Installation
by the Contractor”, you shall be responsible for notifying and providing the
residents with water services, by means of high-lining (temporary above
ground supply lines), during construction and as shown on the Plans.
2. You shall bypass sections of the existing water main line with a temporary
above-ground supply line (high-line) to services affected by the water main
replacement and in phases shown in the contract documents.
3. You shall provide the Engineer a schedule for the high-line Work at least 20
Working Days prior to work required by the City Forces (connections or
4. You shall phase the Project such that all structures in the area are within 1,000
feet (304.8 m) of an active fire hydrant, measured using streets, private roads,
or other routes driven by emergency vehicles. The Work includes shutoff
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 532
valves at intersections to isolate sections of the high-line if there is a leak or
break to minimize the water service shutdowns.
5. The high-line system shall have a dual feed and provide continuous full service
to connected water services until the new water main line is installed and in
operation. The Work shall be coordinated, scheduled, and performed to
minimize disruption of water services during installation and removal of the
high-line system.
6. You shall flush, disinfect, and leak test the high-line in accordance with the
applicable codes and regulations prior to connection Work beginning.
7. You shall perform connections to high-lining system and disconnects to
meters and fire hydrants, after the City has verified the high-lining system has
passed bacteriological testing. Connections shall be properly covered with
cold mix asphalt for protection.
8. Bacteriological sampling and testing will be performed by the City Water
Quality Laboratory.
9. You shall ensure proper installation, pressure control, and operation of the
high-line to avoid damage to water users’ property and related public health
and safety issues.
10. You shall transfer the new fire services and water services to the meter after
the new mains have been accepted. While making the transfers and once
service is interrupted, you shall continuously work until service is fully
11. You shall notify the Engineer 5 Working Days prior to any Work that will affect
water service. You shall prepare and distribute, after approval by the City,
written notification 5 Working Days prior to starting Work on any water main
that will affect water service. This notification shall be delivered door-to-door
to water users in the affected area. A copy shall be delivered to the Engineer
on the date of user notification.
12. For each service connection, you shall also notify the customer immediately
prior to beginning Work which will interrupt service and shall again notify the
customer immediately after the service is restored.
13. You shall notify all consumers with fire services 20 Working Days in advance
of any shutdown.
14. You shall dismantle and remove the high-line system from the Site, and
restore streets, gutters, fire hydrants, other disturbed facilities, and surface
improvements within 5 Working Days from the time the reconnections are
15. Parallel mains, fire services, and water services which are not high-lined shall
be connected to the meter only after the adjacent sections of the new main
have been fully constructed, hydrostatic and chlorine residual tested, and
certified acceptable by the Public Utilities Department.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 533
16. Cleanliness of the main shall not be compromised. The Engineer will decide
whether re-disinfection is required at your expense.
17. Services shall be thoroughly flushed by you prior to restoration of water supply
to customer's premises.
901- Construction.
1. Workmanship:
a) High-lining system shall be installed and maintained such that it is
neat, orderly, and leak-free, and shall be arranged to minimize
interference with or present a hazard to normal usage of streets,
sidewalks, driveways, and other affected facilities.
b) High-lining system shall be installed in such a manner that does not
cause flooding or erosion to the surrounding area.
c) Excess materials and debris shall be removed from the Site by the end
of the Working Day on which they are generated.
d) Highlining crossings and run at curb ramps shall be installed and
maintained per SDW-174.
2. Water Users Notification: You shall coordinate the Work to minimize the
duration of water shutdowns and outages.
3. Emergency Telephone:
a) The 24-hour Emergency Services telephone number which shall be
listed in user notifications, imprinted on safety barricades, and posted
in the Work area shall be your emergency number.
b) On receipt of notification of a problem in the Work area, you shall
immediately notify the Engineer and Water Operations Division (City
Forces). In case of emergency such as life threatening situations, you
shall contact Emergency Services.
4. Repair and Maintenance:
a) You shall maintain the temporary asphalt (coldmix) protective ramps
for the duration of the high-line installation. You shall repair coldmix
damage on the day of discovery.
b) You shall repair and maintain the high-line system during Normal
Working Hours.
c) You shall provide replacement parts needed for highline repairs. Leaks
or damage shall be repaired within one hour of discovery or
reporting. These repair criteria shall apply to leaks or damage arising
for any reason, including vandalism and damage by your personnel,
equipment, or Work activities.
d) If the repair involves any disassembly of the system, you shall disinfect
and flush the affected components according to AWWA C651. This
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 534
shall be done in the presence of the City Public Utilities Department,
Water Operations Division employee familiar with the water system.
e) Repair Work shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer and the
City Public Utilities Department, Water Operations employee familiar
with the water system. At the sole discretion of the Engineer, you shall
be billed separately for non-responsive or otherwise unacceptable
repair and maintenance Work that the City must do to restore any
5. Problem Reporting: High-line system problems discovered or reported and
corrective actions taken shall be documented in your daily log.
6. Traffic Control: You shall provide traffic control for all high-line Work.
7. Schedules and Timing:
a) The time required to furnish and install the high-lining system as a
whole or in accordance with phases, shall be included in the Contract
Time. The high-lining schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer for
review and approval.
b) You shall coordinate high-lining operations such that the Project’s
Schedule is not affected or delayed.
8. Installation of High-line Piping System:
a) The high-line piping system shall be installed in accordance with the
approved schedule.
b) Piping phases shall be installed in loop systems, with a fire hydrant
connection to the water supply at each end.
c) The high-line piping system shall be inspected and approved by the
City Public Utilities Department, Operations Division familiar with the
water system via the Engineer prior to the City Forces charging the
system with potable water or connecting to any user service line.
d) The high-line piping shall be installed along both sides of streets to
supply water service connections to water meters. Meter service
connection shall not be routed across a roadway, driveway, or other
area subject to vehicular traffic.
e) Shutoff valves shall be installed at each fire hydrant connection, along
the piping runs at the check valve, on either side of high-line tee fittings
for user connections to all meters and at the ends of cul-de-sac blind
runs to permit flushing. The lever handles shall be removed from the
valves to prevent unauthorized operation.
f) The 2-bolt grooved couplings shall be installed with the bolts oriented
as shown on SDW-173, “Highlining Crossing & Run at Driveways and
Curbs”. This orientation permits the pipe to be laid closer to the curb
and is less susceptible to damage by auto traffic. To prevent damage
to auto tires, coupling bolts shall not extend beyond the thickness of
the nut when installed and tightened.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 535
9. Fire Hydrant Connection:
a) The fire hydrant connection shall be laid as shown in SDW-171, “4Inch
Fire Hydrant High-lining Connection”. You shall make the final
connection to the fire hydrant system.
b) You shall use elbows of different bend angles as required to align the
connection fittings parallel to the sidewalk or curb.
c) In situations where the fire hydrant is located such that piping must
cross a sidewalk, piping shall be routed under the sidewalk surface in
a 6 inches wide x 6 inches deep (152.4 mm x 152.4 mm) saw cut trench
by you. The trench backfill and temporary asphalt surface shall be
tamped and compacted to provide a smooth, safe surface for the
duration of the high-lining by you. Routing the pipe above the sidewalk
shall not be permitted.
10. User Connection (Service Meters):
a) You shall furnish and install all material and labor as specified. Connect
the water services to the system in accordance with SDW-172,
“Residential User Highlining Connection”.
b) Connection to meters sized up to 1-inch (25.4 mm) shall be as shown
in or the details included in the Contract Documents for Residential
User High-lining Connection.
c) Connection to meters 1½ inches (38.1 mm) and larger shall be made
with 2 inches (50.8 mm) galvanized steel pipe with grooved
d) A shutoff valve in the user connection line shall be provided at the
high-line tee fitting.
e) Meters 1½ inches (38.1 mm) and larger typically have 2-bolt flanged
connections. Provide adapters as required to connect to specific
f) Sidewalk crossings may be routed above ground and covered with an
ADA compliant cable cover and ramp. Details shall be included in the
Working Drawings for Driveway High-lining Crossing or Curb Ramp
High-lining Crossing, Type Driveway or Accessible Crossing, and as
required elsewhere in this subsection.
g) Field cut, groove, and fit pipe as required to make user connections.
Sections of the high-line piping shall be cut such that service tees are
as close as possible to the user meters and service connection hose or
piping length is minimized.
h) Provide barricades and cones as required by the approved Traffic
Control Plan at service tees and meters and as required to ensure
public safety.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 536
11. Roadway Crossing and Trenching:
a) Portions of the high-line system shall be trenched and buried to avoid
interference with roadways.
b) Wherever piping is required to cross a roadway, piping shall be routed
below the roadway surface in a 6 inches wide x 6 inches deep (152.4
mm x 152.4 mm) (approximate dimensions) trench. Routing the pipe
above the roadway shall not be permitted. The trench backfill and
temporary asphalt surface shall be tamped and compacted to provide
a smooth, safe surface for the duration of the high-lining.
12. Vehicle Driveway or Curb Ramp Crossing: Wherever the high-line piping
crosses a vehicle driveway or curb ramp crossing, the piping shall be provided
with temporary asphalt crossing ramps as shown in the Standard Drawings or
the details included in the Contract Documents for Typical Driveway or Curb
Ramp Crossing. The temporary asphalt crossing ramps shall be tamped and
compacted to provide a smooth, safe surface for the duration of the high-
lining. The temporary asphalt crossing ramps shall be constructed such that
they do not interfere with normal storm water or other drainage flows. They shall
not divert drainage flows either into the street or onto adjacent properties. Where
required to achieve proper drainage, sections of galvanized steel piping shall be
installed in the crossing ramp parallel to the high-line piping to allow for drainage
past the crossing ramp. Crossing ramp installations shall be inspected and
approved by the Engineer.
13. Corners and Curves:
a) Routing the high-lining system around corners and curves shall be
accomplished by the use of 2 inches (50.8 mm) hose or PVC pipe.
b) A 2 inches (50.8 mm) shutoff valve shall be installed at each end of the
c) Portions of corners and curves with driveways or curb ramps shall be
crossed with galvanized steel or PVC pipe as shown on the Standard
Drawings or the details included in the Contract Documents for
Driveway or Curb Ramp High-lining Crossing. Use of hose shall not be
permitted at these crossings.
d) Corners and curves with bend radii too short to be accommodated by
hose shall be routed with short sections of pipe and grooved elbows
of different bend angles. Pipe shall be cut, grooved, and fitted in the
field as required.
e) Portions of the piping and fittings extending 12 inches (304.8 mm) or
more from the curb shall be protected with temporary asphalt
covering of not less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) thickness above the pipe
and fittings. The temporary asphalt covering shall be sloped over the
pipe and tamped in place to provide a durable surface.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 537
901- Start-up Procedures.
1. System Leak Test:
a) You shall charge the system with available water pressure, bleed the
system of air, and verify that the entire system is filled.
b) You shall visually inspect the system for leaks and repair any leaks
discovered. The system will not be accepted by the Engineer until all
leaks are repaired.
2. Flushing, Disinfection, and Bacteriological Testing of High-line Mains:
a) You shall not use the high-lining system to fill and flush any main or
b) After the high-line system is fully assembled but not hooked-up to the
consumer meters, you shall flush the piping with potable water from
a commercial metered source until the effluent is clear and free of dirt
and debris. You shall designate the disposal of flushing water via
approved methods.
c) You shall disinfect the high-lining piping according to AWWA C651 and
306-8.9.4, “Disinfection.”
d) The transport, storage, and handling of disinfection materials shall be
in accordance with the CFR 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations
and Emergency Response, CFR 49.12 Hazardous Materials
Regulations, and the General Industry Safety Orders of the California
Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5194.
e) Pipeline disinfection shall be accomplished with calcium hypochlorite
tablets. Short pipe sections, valves, fittings, and similar small portions
of the system shall be disinfected with a solution of sodium
f) You shall notify the Engineer 5 Working Days in advance of the date
that the high-line system will be disinfected and ready for
bacteriological testing.
g) The City Water Quality Laboratory will collect samples from three
points in the high-lining piping. Two points shall be from taps near the
fire hydrant connections at each end and one from a tap near the
center of the piping.
h) The City Water Quality Laboratory shall perform bacteriological testing
in accordance with AWWA C651 and the City standards.
i) The high-line system shall not be accepted until two consecutive sets
of acceptable samples collected 24 hours apart pass tests
administered by the City Water Quality Laboratory, and until written
notice of acceptance is issued by the Engineer. The City Water Quality
Laboratory shall be the sole judge as to whether or not the test
samples meet or exceed the established test criteria.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 538
j) In the event that the high-line piping system fails to pass the required
bacteriological testing, you will be expected to help investigate and
perform corrective actions if warranted by the findings and you shall
re-flush and re-disinfect the lines for re-testing at no additional cost to
the City. Disposal of chlorinated water for retesting shall be in
accordance with the City standards and regulations. Indiscriminate
disposal of chlorinated water shall not be permitted.
k) On acceptance of bacteriological testing, you shall drain and flush the
highline piping system according to AWWA C651 and the City
standards. Disposal of chlorinated water shall be in accordance with
the City standards and regulations. Indiscriminate disposal of
chlorinated water shall not be permitted.
3. Restoration of Normal Service:
a) You shall not flush the new main line with water from the high-line
b) Restoration of user service to the new water main line shall be done
only after installation, disinfection, and bacteriological testing of the
new water main line is verified by the City and when user connection
lines are completed.
c) Transfer of the water service from the high-line to the new water main
line shall be performed by you.
901- High-lining Removed by the Contractor.
1. After restoration of normal service to water users, you shall disconnect high-
lining from all services, breakdown and fully disassemble the high-line system
and remove all high-line construction materials and debris from the area by
the end of the Working Day.
2. After removing all high-lining construction material and debris, you shall
restore streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, fire hydrants, and other disturbed
facilities in accordance with PART 4 - EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS. Street
resurfacing shall be restored in accordance with the SDG-107, Trench
Resurfacing for Asphalt Concrete Surfaced Streets” and SDG-108, “Trench
Resurfacing for PCC Surfaced Streets”.
901-1.2 Reference Specifications, Codes, and Standards.
1. Reference specifications, codes, and standards shall be the latest unless a
specific code issue date, edition, or adoption date is specified.
2. The Work shall be done in accordance with the applicable AWWA standards
and State Department of Public Health codes and shall be in accordance with
the applicable parts of the following codes and safety regulations:
a) California Fire Code.
b) California Mechanical Code.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 539
c) California Plumbing Code.
d) City of San Diego Water and Municipal Sewer Approved Materials List,
where applicable.
e) State Department of Public Health, Office of Drinking Water
publication titled, “Approved for Service Isolation in California Public
Water Systems.”
f) Applicable City, local, state, and federal codes and regulations.
3. The Work shall be in accordance with the following commercial and industrial
a) ANSI/AWWA C606 - Grooved and Shouldered Pipe Joints.
b) ASTM A53 - Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc
Coated, Welded and Seamless.
c) ASTM A123 - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized)
Coatings on Iron and Steel Products.
d) ASTM A153 - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dipped) on
Iron and Steel Hardware
e) ASTM A307 - Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 6,000 psi
Tensile Strength.
f) ASTM A395 & 536 - Specification for Snap-Joint Coupling grade 65 45-
15 and grade 64-45-12 coating orange enamel.
g) AWWA C511 - Standard for Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow
Prevention Assembly.
h) AWWA C651 - Disinfecting Water Mains
901-1.3 Payment.
1. The Bid item provided for the high-line installation Work by the Contractor as
described in 901-1.1.2, “High-lining Installation by the Contractor” shall be full
compensation for installing, maintaining, and repairing the high-lining system
during normal working hours. High-lining materials shall be paid for separately
in accordance with 900-1.9, “Payment”.
2. The Bid item provided for the removal of high-lining shall cover the Work
described in 901-, “High-Lining Removed by the Contractor”. The
payment for removing high-lining shall include the removal of the high-lining
material and the restoration of existing improvements and trenches shall be
included under the Bid item for “High-lining Removed by the Contractor”.
3. The payment for the temporary asphalt material and temporary resurfacing
Work for the protection of high-lining shall be included under the Bid item for
“Temporary Resurfacing” in accordance with 306-15.9, “Temporary
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 540
901-2.1. Coordination During Connections to the Existing System by City Forces.
901-2.1.1 General.
1. The City Forces shall be responsible for making connections and cut-ins to the
existing mains as part of the base Bid, unless otherwise specified in the
Contract Documents.
901-2.1.2 Utility Verification for Connection Location.
1. You shall provide information about the condition of the pipes and valves prior
to connections.
2. You shall pothole the location and depth of all utilities to verify that there are
no utility conflicts prior to excavation.
3. You shall locate and confirm vertical and horizontal locations, size, condition,
materials, types of fittings and joints of existing water mains to which
connections are to be made.
901-2.1.3 Submittals.
1. You shall submit Shop Drawings, Working Drawings, and other information
prior to start of construction.
2. The drawings and other descriptive material shall adequately describe
procedures to be used, materials to be furnished, any related pipeline
appurtenances, and trench shoring.
3. Each drawing shall be reproducible original, accompanied by 6 copies of all
submitted information. If approved without change or correction, two
approved copies will be returned to you.
901-2.2 Connections to the Existing System by the Contractor.
901-2.2.1 General.
1. If shown on the Plans or specified in the Special Provisions, you shall make
the connection (cut-in or tie-in) to the existing mains as shown on the Plans,
specified in these specifications, and in conformance with the latest standards
of the State Department of Public Health.
2. Suitable facilities shall be provided by you for proper de-watering, drainage,
and disposal of all water removed from the excavation and pipe without
damage to adjacent property.
3. You shall locate and expose the existing water main to which connection is to
be made prior to and in advance of trenching to permit grade and alignment
changes as approved by the Engineer.
4. In the presence of the Engineer or an authorized City Public Utilities
Department, Water Operations Division employee familiar with the water
system), you shall make the connections as shown on the Plans regardless of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 541
the condition or location of the existing pipe, valves, and fittings with no
adjustment in the Contract Price.
5. The Engineer will coordinate all interactions between you and the City Water
Operations Division, the City Water Quality Laboratory, and other City
organizations. Upon your request, the Engineer shall notify the City's Public
Utilities Department as noted below which shall be required at least 20
Working Days prior to the beginning of Work that involves shutting down
pipelines, high-lining, cutting and plugging of, or making connection to the
existing water mains. Unless otherwise specified on the Plans, contact the
a) Transmission Mains (16 inches and larger) Senior Water Distribution
Operations Supervisor (619-527-7438)
b) Distribution Mains (less than 16 inches) Water Systems District
Manager (619-527-7539)
c) Water Facilities Water Production Superintendent (619-527-7465)
and Senior Water Distribution Operations Supervisor (619-527-7438)
901-2.2.2 Submittals.
1. You shall submit Shop Drawings and Working Drawings for the cut and plug of
existing water mains larger than 16 inches (406.4 mm) diameter prior to the
start of construction.
2. The submittals shall adequately describe procedures to be used, such as
distance from valves, thrust blocks for temporary plugs, materials to be
furnished, any related pipeline appurtenances, and trench shoring. Each
drawing shall be reproducible original, accompanied by 6 copies of all
submitted information.
3. If approved without change or correction, 2 approved copies will be returned
to you.
4. You shall submit traffic control drawings and obtain the Traffic Control Permit
from the City prior to the start of the cut and plug and reconnection
901-2.2.3 Notification and Timing of Shutdowns.
1. You shall coordinate the Work with the City Water Operations Division, and
notify them a minimum of 20 Working Days after the Engineer’s approval of
your Work plan and prior to any shutdown of an existing water line. The City
Forces will perform all shutdowns including trial and final attempts.
2. If you fail to keep the field appointments, the City will bill you for City Forces
waiting or standby time and the costs incurred by the City for notification of
its customers for the subsequent appointment.
3. You shall schedule the requested shutdowns during low demand
times. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, you shall assume residential
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 542
areas may be done during the day and shall assume that all commercial,
industrial, school, and business areas shall be shut down at night.
4. No shutdowns to the system shall be scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving
Day, between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, and any moratoriums
specified in the Contract Documents.
5. You shall coordinate with the City’s Public Utilities Department to verify the
appropriate times of shutdowns prior to construction. The City may refuse to
shut down a water line on the day requested by you due to operational
6. You shall notify the Engineer 5 Working Days prior to any Work that will affect
water service.
7. You shall prepare and distribute, after approval by the City, written notification
5 Working Days prior to starting Work on any water main that will affect
service. This notification shall be delivered door-to-door to water users in the
affected area. A copy shall be delivered to the Engineer on the date of user
8. You shall notify all consumers with fire services 20 Working Days in advance
of any shutdown.
901-2.2.4 Preparation for Connection.
1. Prior to connecting to the existing water main, you shall have all personnel,
material, and equipment ready to connect the fittings to the existing mains to
minimize the shutdown time.
2. The City may postpone or reschedule any shutdown operation if, for any
reason, the City determines that you are not prepared with competent
personnel, equipment, or materials to proceed with the connection.
3. When installing a cut-in tee or cross with new valves, reducers, or other fittings
that are larger than the existing pipe, the new assembly shall be installed at
the depth sufficient to allow the valve to remain below the subgrade of the
street which may necessitate lowering the existing pipe.
4. You shall provide and install the entire assembly (valves, reducers, and any
other hardware) necessary under the City inspection in accordance with the
City Standards.
5. The entire assembly shall be connected in advance to facilitate the expedient
connection to the existing main.
6. You shall clean and disinfect the connection in accordance with AWWA C651.
7. Upon receiving notification of a shutdown date by City Water Operations
Division for your planned connection, you shall trench and steel plate the pit(s)
necessary to make the connection(s) prior to the start of the scheduled
shutdown to facilitate an expedient connection to the existing main. Shutdown
of the water main and connection shall be completed within the timeline
agreed upon and as specified by City Water Operations staff so that water is
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 543
restored in accordance with the shutdown notification and as needed for
operation of the water system.
8. If you anticipate connection operations exceed the time as identified in the
notification, causes health and safety risks, or disrupts water services to the
consumers, you shall notify the Engineer and the City’s Station 38 at (619) 527-
7500 as soon as possible for assistance to provide potable water and
temporary high-lines to restore water to the affected consumers.
9. The City will order necessary corrective measures. All costs for corrective
measures shall be paid by you. You shall be liable to the City for the costs of
the City Forces’ emergency work.
10. If existing valves leak excessively once they have been closed during the
isolation of the segment that is going to be connected, you shall use methods
at your disposal to work with the resulting leakage.
11. If the influx of water cannot be controlled with two 2-inch (50.8 mm) pumps
sufficiently to complete the Work, then the shutdown shall be rescheduled, as
agreed upon by you and the City.
12. After the connection operation (for mains or services), you shall request the
Engineer notify City Water Laboratory take water samples for bacteriological
tests in accordance with Section 7 of the AWWA C651. If the test does not pass,
you will be expected to help investigate and perform corrective actions if
warranted by the findings.
13. Bacteriological Testing (Bac-T) sample results are valid only for 14 Calendar
Days from the date the results are first made available. If any system is not
placed into service within the 14 Calendar Days, then bacteriological testing
shall be reinitiated.
901-2.3 Cut and Plug of the Existing Main.
901-2.3.1 General.
1. Prior to the cutting and plugging of existing water mains, you shall have all
personnel, material, and equipment ready to minimize the shutdown
time. You shall organize its workforce, equipment, and operations to protect
the existing water main while performing the Work.
2. Shutdown of water main and cut and plug operations shall be coordinated
with high-lining operations, shall be performed during low demand times, and
shall be completed within the timeline specified.
3. If the existing valves leak once closed during the isolation of the segment that
is going to be plugged, you shall use methods at your disposal to Work with
the resulting leakage. If the influx of water cannot be controlled with two 2-
inch pumps sufficiently to complete the Work, then the shutdown shall be
rescheduled, as agreed upon by you and the City.
4. If the cut and plug operations exceed the time as identified in the notification,
causes health and safety issues, or disrupts water service to the consumers,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 544
you shall notify the Engineer and the City’s Station 38 at (619) 527-7500 for
assistance. The City will provide potable water and or temporary high-lining to
restore water to the affected consumers. The City will order necessary
corrective measures.
5. All costs for corrective measures shall be paid by you. You shall be liable to the
City for the costs of the City Forces’ emergency work.
901-2.3.2 Utility Verification for Cut and Plug Location.
1. You shall pothole the location and depth of all utilities to verify that there are
no utility conflicts prior to excavation.
2. You shall locate and confirm vertical and horizontal locations, sizes, condition,
and materials of existing water mains.
901-2.3.3 Cut and Plug of the Existing Main by City Forces.
1. The City Forces will isolate existing water mains to be replaced by you. The
City Forces will mark locations, elevations, and approximate grades of existing
mains on street pavement and will record this information for future use. You
shall consult and cooperate with the City Forces’ supervisor to ensure that the
information is understood and used correctly.
2. Within the last 10 feet (3 m) to be installed by you, you shall install bends,
concrete thrust blocks, short lengths of pipe, and other appurtenances
necessary to put the new installation on line and grade with the existing pipe.
901-2.3.4 Cut and Plug of the Existing Main by the Contractor.
1. You shall expose the existing water main where the Work ends.
2. You shall be responsible for determining the elevations of existing water
mains and fittings.
3. The new water main shall be at the same grade and alignment as the existing
main and shall be no farther away than 10 feet (3 m) from the existing water
901- Quality Control.
1. Cut and plug of existing water lines shall be completed in a safe, neat, and
orderly manner. Plugs shall be capable of blocking the pressurized main with
no visual leak detected. You shall take every precaution necessary to prevent
trench water, dirt, or debris from entering the water mains during the capping
or plugging operation.
2. Cut and plug Work shall not proceed if the City Public Utilities Department
Operations Division employee familiar with the water system is not present
for the duration of the cut and plug Work.
3. After the cut and plug operation, the water main and its appurtenances shall
be disinfected and field tested by you in accordance with the latest edition of
AWWA C651. You shall also request the Engineer to notify the City Water
Laboratory to take water samples for bacteriological tests in accordance with
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 545
Section 7 of the AWWA C651. If the test does not pass, you will be expected to
help investigate and perform corrective actions if warranted by the findings.
4. Suitable facilities shall be provided for proper de-watering, drainage, and
disposal of all water removed from the excavation or pipe without damage to
adjacent property.
901- Water Main Repairs During Cut and Plug Operations.
1. If the water main is damaged by your operations, you shall immediately notify
the Engineer and the City Water Operations Division representative or the
City’s Station 38.
2. The City Forces will perform all necessary repairs to the water main. You shall
be liable to the City for the costs of the City Forces’ repair work.
901- Operation of Valves.
1. Valves on the City’s water main system shall be cleaned and operated only by
the City Forces.
2. You may exercise valves on services as necessary to complete the Work.
901-2.4 Pavement Restoration.
1. You shall restore surfaced areas to its original grade and condition in
accordance with Part 4 - EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS.
2. After the final connection is completed, you shall remove all temporary
resurfacing, compact sub-grade and restore affected area with permanent
resurfacing in accordance with the Standard Drawings or as shown on the
901-2.4.1 Compaction.
1. Compaction of the trench after installation of the water main shall be in
accordance with 306-12, “BACKFILL”.
2. If the Work is located within a different jurisdiction or agency other than the
City or private easement, compaction shall meet the requirements of that
agency or utility granting the permit.
901-2.5 Payment.
1. The payment for connecting to the existing system (cut-in or tie-in Work),
regardless of the time or the day of the scheduled shutdown, excluding new
main interconnections between various phases, shall be included under the
Bid items for the connection (cut-in or tie-in Work) and shall include the
a) Trenching, furnishing, and installing all materials and labor to
complete the Work, including up to 10 feet of new water pipe
b) Potholing
c) Protecting the water main while performing the Work
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 546
d) Coordinating your Work with the City Forces
e) Coordinating with the community (community outreach including
door hangers)
f) Traffic control and construction BMPs
g) Pavement Restoration
2. The payment for cut and plug Work of the existing system, regardless of the
time or the day of the scheduled shutdown, shall be included under the Bid
item for “Cut and Plug by the Contractor” and shall include coordination of
Work with City Forces, any scheduling impact costs, community outreach,
furnishing and installing of materials, and traffic control. Potholing and
protecting the water main while performing the Work shall be included in this
3. Traffic control, saw cutting the trench area, trench caps, and other spot repairs
in the vicinity of the disturbed area at each restored connection shall be
included in the square foot Bid item for “Pavement Restoration for Final
Connection”. Asphalt overlay and slurry seal Work shall be paid for under
separate Bid items.
4. Interconnections between various phases of newly installed watermains shall
be included in the associated pipeline bid items.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 547
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 548
1000-1 GENERAL.
1. You shall comply with the most current City of San Diego Storm Water
Standards. The municipal permit requires development and implementation
of a Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) to reduce the
negative impacts from development runoff to receiving waters.
2. You shall apply the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board standards
to the project and shall provide all design and technical documentation
needed to comply with these standards.
3. Unless specified otherwise, you shall obtain the regulatory approvals and
permits required for the Project.
4. All costs, fines, penalties, additional mitigation, or litigation costs associated
with your negligence to comply with any of the permit conditions, federal,
state, and local laws, ordinances, codes, orders and regulations, shall be your
5. As-Built Drawings shall accurately record the final location and configuration
of permanent BMPs.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 549
1001-1 GENERAL.
1. The Project will be subject to the Storm Water Pollution control requirements
listed on the Plans or as specified in the SSP.
2. For Contracts subject to the Construction General Permit (CGP), your QSD shall
verify the City’s assessment prior to Bid submittal.
3. These specifications set the City’s minimum requirements. You shall comply
with the requirements of the City’s Storm Water Standards Manual, Municipal
Permit, and Construction General Permit for any construction or demolition
activity that results in a land disturbance.
4. You shall pay the City for regulatory or court imposed fees, fines, or penalties
imposed on the City arising from your failure to complete the Work in
compliance with the requirements of the City’s Storm Water Standards
Manual, Municipal Permit, and CGP.
5. You shall be responsible for delays associated with your failure to complete
the Work in compliance with the requirements of the City’s Storm Water
Standards Manual, Municipal Permit, and CGP.
6. Conform to all applicable local, state, and Federal regulations and laws
pertaining to water pollution control. You shall conduct and schedule its
operations and follow and implement best management practices in such a
manner as to prevent water pollution.
You shall provide the City with email addresses (Owner, Project Manager,
Module. You shall notify the City within 24 hours if any of the contact
person/email address has been changed/updated so the City can update the
1001-1.1 Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms.
1. The terms, definitions, and acronyms listed in Appendices 5 and 6 of the CGP
shall apply except as follows:
a) Attachments - Attachments referenced in these specifications are
from the CGP. Attachments can be viewed at the following website:
b) Best Management Practice (BMP).
i. A method that is implemented to protect water quality and
prevent or reduce the potential for pollution associated with
storm water runoff and construction activities. Examples
include scheduling of activities, prohibitions of practices,
maintenance procedures, and other management practices.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 550
ii. Any program, process, siting criteria, technology, treatment
requirement, or operating method, measure, or device that
controls, prevents, removes, or reduces pollution.
c) Construction General Permit (CGP) - National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System permit for Storm Water Discharges associated with
the construction and land disturbance activities (State Water
Resources Control Board Permit, Order No. 2009-0009 DWQ).
d) Discharger - The Contractor (You).
e) Legally Responsible Person (LRP) - The City of San Diego for the City’s
Public Works projects.
f) Linear Utility/Overhead Project (LUP) - LUPs include the following:
i. Any conveyance, pipe, or pipeline for the transportation of any
gaseous liquid including water, wastewater for domestic
municipal services, liquescent, or slurry substances.
ii. Any cable line or wire for the transmission of electrical energy.
iii. Any cable line or wire for communications such as telephones,
telegraphs, radios or television messages.
iv. Associated ancillary facilities.
g) Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) - The technology-based
standard established by the United States Congress in the Clean Water
Act 402(p)(3)(B)(iii) that municipal discharges of urban runoff shall
meet. MEP generally emphasizes pollution prevention and source
control BMPs primarily as the first line of defense in combination with
treatment methods serving as backup and additional lines of defense.
h) Municipal Permit - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
permit for San Diego Region. Order Number R9-2013-0001 and all
other subsequent amendments.
i) Numeric Effluent Limitation (NEL) - Any numeric or narrative
restriction imposed on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations
of pollutants, which are discharged from point sources into waters of
the United States, the waters of the contiguous zone, or the ocean. The
CGP contains both narrative Effluent limitations and numeric Effluent
limitations for pH and Turbidity.
j) Permit Registration Documents (PRD) - Includes a Notice of Intent
(NOI), Risk Assessment, Site Map, Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP), Annual Fee, and a signed Certification Statement.
k) Qualified Contact Person (QCP) - The trained and competent person
you employ that shall be responsible for the implementation of a
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 551
l) Rainfall Erosivity Waiver - For projects subject to the CGP, the EPA’s
Small Construction Erosivity Waiver applies to sites between one and
five acres demonstrating that there are no adverse water quality
impacts. Projects which qualify for a Rainfall Erosivity Waiver shall
submit a WPCP in lieu of a SWPPP as part of the PRDs.
m) Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) - A Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) is a
written document, specific for each rain event. A REAP shall be
designed that when implemented it protects all exposed portions of
the site within 48 hours of any likely precipitation event forecast of 50%
or greater probability. The CGP requires Risk Level 2 and 3 dischargers
to develop and implement a REAP designed to protect all exposed
portions of their sites within 48 hours prior to any likely precipitation
event. The REAP requirement is designed to ensure that the discharger
has adequate materials, staff, and time to implement erosion and
sediment control measures that are intended to reduce the amount of
sediment and other pollutants generated from the active site. A REAP
shall be developed when there is likely a forecast of 50% or greater
probability of precipitation in the project area.
n) Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System
(SMARTS) - The Storm Water program regulates storm water
discharges from locations such as industrial facilities, construction
sites, and small linear projects. SMARTS is also responsible for
processing, reviewing, updating, terminating Notices of Intent (NOIs),
annual reports, and maintaining the billing status of each discharger.
SMARTS has been developed to provide an online tool to assist
dischargers in submitting their NOIs, NOTs, and Annual Reports, as
well as, viewing/printing Receipt Letters, monitoring the status of
submitted documents, and viewing their application/renewal fee
statements. The system shall also allow the Regional Board and State
Board staff to process and track the discharger’s submitted
documents. SMARTS is a user account and password protected system
where a valid user account and password is needed to access the
o) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - Site specific
document required by the CGP and Municipal Permit.
p) Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP) - A plan required by the City
Storm Water Standards Manual for projects with less than 1 acre of
ground disturbance, inclusive of any unpaved areas associated with
the Project or for projects which exceed an acre and qualify for a
Rainfall Erosivity Waiver, which is determined to have a potential to
impact water quality during construction.
q) Water Quality Sensitive Area - Areas that include, but are not limited
to, all Clean Water Act 303(d) impaired water bodies (“303[d] water
bodies”); areas designated as an “Area of Special Biological
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 552
Significance” (ASBS) by the State Water Resources Control Board
(Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and
amendments); water bodies designated as having a RARE beneficial
use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control
Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments), or areas
designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multiple Species
Conservation Program (MSCP) within the Cities and County of San
Diego. The limits of ASBS are those defined in the Water Quality
Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994 and amendments). The City
of San Diego has identified the Los Penasquitos Lagoon as an impaired
water body (CWA 303(d)) for sediment. The City of San Diego has two
(2) areas of ASBS, La Jolla (#29) and San Diego-Scripps (#31).
r) WDID # - Waste Discharge Identification number required prior to the
start of any construction activities for projects that disturb more than
one acre.
1001-1.2 Illegal Discharges.
1. Any discharge to the MS4 that is not composed entirely of storm water except
discharges allowed under an NPDES permit and discharges conditionally
allowed under the MS4 permit, as set forth in San Diego Municipal Code
section 43.0305. Illicit discharges include irrigation runoff discharged to the
1001-1.3 Additional Control Requirements for Areas of Special Biological Significance.
1. These are ocean areas requiring protection of species or biological
communities to the extent that alteration of natural water quality is
undesirable and are classified as a subset of State Water Quality Protection
Areas. For construction sites located within the La Jolla Shores sub-watershed,
non-storm water discharges are prohibited from entering the City’s storm
water conveyance system, including, but shall not be limited to, natural
drainages, ditches, roads, streets, constructed channels, aqueducts, storm
drains, pipes, street gutters, or catch basins. The method for the removal and
disposal of non-storm water discharges shall be included with detail in the
1001-1.4 Training.
1. You shall ensure that all persons responsible for compliance with the San
Diego Municipal Code Section §43.03, City’s Storm Water Standards Manual,
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 553
Municipal Permit, and CGP shall be appropriately trained in accordance with
the CGP. Training shall be both formal and informal, occur on an ongoing
basis, and shall include training offered by recognized governmental agencies
or professional organizations. You shall include documentation of all training
to the Engineer and as required by the Annual Report.
1001-1.5 Legally Responsible Person (LRP).
1. For projects with coverage under the CGP the City has identified the LRP for
the regulated Site and designated at least one Approved Signatory (AS) in the
event that the LRP is unavailable. Only the LRP or the AS may certify the final
submittal of the PRDs, Annual Reports, SWPPP Amendments, and Notice of
Termination using SMARTS.
1001-1.6 Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD).
1. For projects subject to the CGP, you shall appoint a QSD to prepare the SWPPP
with site specific BMPs and pertinent information in accordance with the CGP
prior to uploading onto SMARTS. The verification of the certification shall be
included in the SWPPP.
2. The QSD shall have the certification and appropriate experience as required
for in the CGP Section VII.B.1.
1001-1.7 Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP).
1. For projects subject to the CGP, you shall appoint a QSP. The QSP shall be
responsible for non-storm water and storm water visual observations,
sampling and analysis, the preparation of the annual compliance evaluation,
and the elimination of unauthorized discharges. The QSP shall be on-Site daily
to evaluate the conditions of the Site with respect to storm water pollution
2. The QSP shall have one of the certifications and appropriate experiences as
required for in the CGP Section VII.B.3.
1001-1.8 Permit Registration Documents (PRDs).
1. For projects subject to the CGP, you shall prepare and upload the PRDs into
SMARTS. The PRDs shall be reviewed, certified, and filed by the LRP or
designee following the review of your submittal. You shall submit the PRD’s to
the Engineer for review prior to the Pre-construction Meeting. The Contract
Time shall start in accordance with 6-1.2, “Commencement of the Work” or as
determined by the Engineer. The Work shall not commence without a valid
WDID number.
2. The City shall initiate the NOI form application process and set up the project
in SMARTS. You shall complete the Developer, Risk Assessment, Billing
Information, and Additional Site Info tabs in SMARTS. The LRP/AS shall certify
the NOI application.
3. A preliminary Risk Assessment has been calculated for design purposes based
on the Site’s characteristics and the CGP requirements. You shall perform a
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 554
separate Risk Assessment to verify the City’s Preliminary Risk Assessment. The
Risk Assessment shall be completed by the QSD using the Risk Determination
Worksheet in Appendix 1 of the CGP.
4. You shall prepare the Site maps with the PRDs as described in the CGP. As
phases of the construction change, the Site Map shall be adjusted to
correspond to each phase. A copy of each Site Map shall be included in the
SWPPP. At a minimum, the Site Map shall include:
a) The project’s surrounding area (vicinity).
b) Site layout.
c) Construction site boundaries.
d) Drainage areas.
e) Discharge locations.
f) Sampling locations.
g) Areas of soil disturbance (temporary or permanent).
h) Active areas of soil disturbance (cut or fill).
i) Locations of all runoff BMPs.
j) Locations of all erosion control BMPs.
k) Locations of all sediment control BMPs.
l) ATS location (if applicable).
m) Locations of sensitive habitats, watercourses, or other features which
are not to be disturbed.
n) Locations of all post-construction BMPs.
o) Locations of storage areas for waste, vehicles, service,
loading/unloading of materials, access (entrance/exits) points to
construction site, fueling, water storage, water transfer for dust
control, and compaction practices.
For LUPs, at least 3 Site Maps shall be submitted. The first map shall be a
zoomed 1000 feet - 1500 feet (304.8 m – 457.2 m) vicinity map that shows the
starting point of the project. The second map shall be a zoomed map of 1000
feet - 1500 feet (300 m - 450 m) showing the ending location of the project. The
third map shall be a larger view vicinity map, 1000 feet - 2000 feet (304.8 m –
609.6 m), displaying the entire project location depending on the project size
and indicating the LUP type (1, 2, or 3) areas within the total project footprint.
5. For LUPs only, submit construction drawings that show the locations of storm
drain inlets and waterbodies that may receive discharges from the
construction activities and that shows the locations of BMPs to be installed.
6. The SWPPP shall be prepared using the guidelines in Appendix G of the City’s
Storm Water Standards Manual and in accordance with the requirements of
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 555
the CGP. CASQA and Caltrans SWPPP Templates are available online
electronically and may be used for this purpose. The SWPPP and each
amendment shall be prepared and signed by the QSD and shall be submitted
to the Engineer for review. If extensive additions or corrections are required,
the Engineer shall return the submittal for corrections and re-submission.
After the SWPPP is revised to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the SWPPP shall
be uploaded through SMARTS. The QSD shall notify the Engineer no later than
24 hours from when the upload is complete.
7. The SWPPP shall be implemented by you and updated as necessary to address
Site conditions. Make the SWPPP available at the Site during working hours
while construction is occurring and make it available immediately upon
request by a State inspector or the Engineer.
8. You shall be responsible for paying the required permit fee to the State Water
Resources Control Board immediately following the filing of the PRDs by the
LRP. The QSD shall notify the Engineer when the payment is mailed to the State
Water Board.
9. Once all PRDs are submitted to SMARTS and payment is received by the State
Water Board, the LRP shall receive a notification to certify the PRDs. You shall
allow for 5 Working Days for Certification by the LRP or AS.
1001-1.9 Effluent Standards.
1. For projects subject to the CGP, refer to the CGP for the applicable effluent
standards pertinent to Risk Levels 2 and 3 and LUP Types 2 and 3. Site
evaluations and testing and sampling results shall be documented in the
SWPPP in accordance with requirements of the CGP.
1001-1.10 Record Retention.
1. As required in the CGP, you shall submit a completed SWPPP with all
inspection reports, annual reports, and updated Site Maps to the Engineer at
the completion of the project.
1001-1.11 Post-construction Requirements.
1. You shall comply with the post-construction storm water requirements when
post-construction requirements have been identified in the Contract
2. You shall mark every storm drain inlet and catch basin within the projects
boundaries with painted stencils or imbedded concrete stamps. You shall use
stencils on existing inlets and concrete stamps on new inlets. On curb inlets,
the concrete stamp or stencil shall be placed on the top of curb at the inlet
roof. On catch basins, the concrete stamp or stencil shall be placed next to the
inlet grate.
3. Final site stabilization requirements shall be as follows:
a) The site shall not pose any additional sediment discharge risk than it
did prior to the commencement of construction activity.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 556
b) There shall not be any potential for construction-related storm water
pollutants to be discharged into site runoff.
c) All final landscaping and hardscaping has been installed.
d) Construction materials and wastes have been disposed of properly.
e) Post-construction storm water management measures have been
installed and a long-term maintenance plan has been established.
f) All construction-related equipment, materials, and any temporary
BMPs that are no longer needed are removed from the site.
4. For projects subject to the CGP, the QSP shall notify the Engineer immediately
if the removal of the construction BMP shall expose the Site to conditions that
would impair the water quality and put the City at risk of violations to the CGP
and/or Municipal Permits.
1001-1.12 Notice of Termination (NOT).
1. For projects subject to the CGP, within 90 days from the completion date
shown on SMARTS you shall terminate coverage of a site by uploading an
electronic NOT, a final site map, and photos onto SMARTS. The final site map
and photos shall be submitted to the Engineer as a submittal for review prior
to the upload to SMARTS. By uploading a NOT, you shall be certifying that
construction activities are complete and that the Project is in full compliance
with the requirements of the CGP. The LRP shall be notified by SMARTS that a
NOT was submitted for certification. You shall allow for 5 Working Days for the
LRP or AS to certify the NOT. Upon approval by the appropriate Regional Water
Board office, permit coverage shall be terminated and communicated to the
LRP. Approval of the NOT does not relieve you of the responsibility for the
submittal of Annual Reports and the payment of the Annual Fee.
1001-1.13 Annual Reports and Annual Fee.
1. For projects subject to the CGP, you are responsible for the submittal of the
Annual Reports and for the payment of the Annual fee in accordance with
requirements of the CGP. If the Project is enrolled for more than one
continuous 3-month period, you shall electronically upload an Annual Report
through SMARTS no later than August 1
of each year. SMARTS shall notify the
City of submittals and reviews for certification. You shall allow the City 5
Working Days for review. If extensive additions or corrections are required, the
Engineer shall notify you of corrections and re-submission. After the Annual
Report is revised to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the Annual Report shall
be uploaded through SMARTS. You shall allow for 5 Working Days for the LRP
or AS to certify the Annual Report. Copy of all Annual Reports shall be retained
on Site and included in the SWPPP and be made available to the Engineer or
the State authorized inspector immediately upon request. The annual reports
shall include the following:
a) Storm water monitoring information as listed in Section XVI.D of the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 557
b) Training information for all individuals responsible for Permit
compliance (Section XVI.E).
2. You shall pay the Annual Fee to the State Water Board within 30 Calendar Days
of the Invoice Date. Your failure to pay within this timeframe will place the City
of San Diego (City) at a risk of receiving a Notice of Violation and the
assessment of penalties from the San Diego Water Board. Should this occur,
the City will exercise its rights and seek reimbursement for the penalties
including all soft costs associated with the case.
1001-1.14 Change of Information.
1. For projects subject to the CGP, you are responsible for updating SMARTS to
reflect the most current project schedule, to submit revised Site Plans, to
reflect changes to types of BMPs, and any changes to the QSD and/or QSP.
This includes, but shall not be limited to, changes of information to the
Developer, Risk, and Billing Info tabs. At least 5 Days prior to updating SMARTS,
you shall notify the Engineer as to the nature of the change(s).
2. If the scope of work has not been completed and the NOT cannot be filed
within 90 days of the completion date in SMARTS, the contractor must file for
a Change of Information (COI) to extend the completion date.
1001-1.15 Risk Assessment.
1. For projects subject to the CGP, you shall update the project schedule in the
Risk tab of SMARTS monthly to match the schedule provided at the monthly
progress meetings. If during construction, the Risk level or LUP type is increased
you shall comply with the additional requirements required by the CGP.
1001-1.16 Rainfall Erosivity Waiver Expiration.
1. For projects subject to the CGP, 30 Days prior to expiration of the Rainfall
Erosivity Waiver, you shall update the project schedule in the Risk Assessment
tab of SMARTS. Should the project construction extend beyond the projected
completion date given on the waiver certification, you shall recalculate the
rainfall erosivity factor for the new project duration and submit this
information through the SMARTS system.
2. If the new R factor is below 5, you shall update all applicable information on
the waiver certification through SMARTS and retain a copy of the revised
waiver onsite.
3. If the new R factor is 5 or above, you shall immediately notify the Engineer. The
Engineer shall initiate the NOI application process and set up the project in
SMARTS to obtain coverage under the CGP. You shall complete the Developer,
Risk, Billing Information, and Additional Site Info tabs in SMARTS. You shall be
required to retain a QSP, shall prepare and submit a SWPPP, Site Map, and
Drawings (for LUPs), and shall pay the permit fee.
4. Should the Rainfall Erosivity Waiver expire prior to obtaining permit coverage
(active WDID#), you shall cease all construction Work. No additional payment
to you shall be made as a result of the delay in Work.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 558
1001-1.17 Risk Levels and LUP Types.
1. You shall refer to the Risk Level or LUP Type identified for the Contract and the
following to determine the applicable requirements of the CGP:
a) Risk Levels (Traditional).
i. Risk Level 1 (Baseline for all Risk Levels). See Attachment C of
the CGP.
ii. Risk Level 2. See Attachment D of the CGP.
iii. Risk Level 3. See Attachment E of the CGP.
b) LUP Types (Linear Underground/Overhead Projects). See
Attachment A of the CGP.
i. Type 1 LUP.
ii. Type 2 LUP.
iii. Type 3 LUP.
1. Implement and maintain such BMPs as are relevant to the Work and as are
specifically required by the Plans or Special Provisions.
2. You shall be responsible throughout the duration of the Contract for installing,
constructing, inspecting, maintaining, removing, and disposing of BMPs for
wind erosion control, tracking control, erosion and sediment control, non-
storm water control, and waste management and materials pollution control.
Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, you shall be responsible for BMP
implementation and maintenance throughout any temporary suspension of
the Work.
1001-2.1 Construction BMP.
1. As required by the City’s Storm Water Standards Manual and Municipal Permit,
BMPs shall be installed in accordance with California Stormwater Quality
Association (CASQA) BMP handbooks:
or Caltrans Construction Site BMP Manual:
2. You shall store and have readily accessible, sufficient and appropriate standby
BMP materials necessary to protect the Site against erosion, to prevent
sediment discharge, and to prevent non storm water discharges.
1001-2.2 Erosion Control.
1. You shall control the Site erosion through the implementation of effective
wind erosion control and effective soil cover for Inactive Areas, all finished
slopes, open spaces, utility backfills, and completed lots.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 559
2. Erosion shall be prevented. Erosion-susceptible slopes and denuded areas
shall be stabilized, covered, planted, or otherwise protected in a way that
prevents displacement.
3. You shall protect unpaved areas, including landscaping, from erosion-using
vegetation or other physical stabilization.
4. Exposed soils that are actively eroding, or prone to erosion due to disturbance,
shall be protected from erosion. Significant accumulations of eroded soil shall
be removed or contained to prevent sediment transport in runoff to the storm
drain system.
5. Such temporary measures shall be maintained and replaced as needed until
such time a permanent solution can be implemented.
6. The SWPPP/WPCP shall include the sequencing of the Work activities and the
implementation of effective Erosion Control BMPs while taking local climate,
such as rainfall and wind, into consideration thereby reducing the amount and
duration of soil exposed to erosion by wind, rain, runoff, and vehicle tracking.
7. The SWPPP/WPCP shall:
a) Describe when Work shall be performed that could cause the
discharge of pollutants in storm water.
b) Describe the water pollution control practices associated with each
construction phase.
c) Identify the soil stabilization and sediment control practices for all
disturbed soil area.
1001-2.3 Good Site Management “Housekeeping”.
1. You shall ensure construction-related materials, wastes, spills, or residues are
prevented from discharging from the Work Site to streets, drainage facilities,
receiving waters, or adjacent properties by wind or runoff.
2. You shall ensure non-storm water runoff from equipment, vehicle washing, or
any other activity shall be contained within the Work Site using appropriate
3. You shall assess the potential pollutant sources, identify areas of the Site
where additional BMPs are necessary, and ensure the effectiveness of existing
4. You shall stabilize and berm all stockpiled construction materials that are not
actively being used (soil, spoils, concrete debris, aggregate, fly-ash, stucco,
hydrated lime, and etc.).
5. You shall store chemicals in watertight containers (with appropriate secondary
containment to prevent any spillage or leakage) or in a storage shed
(completely enclosed).
6. You shall minimize exposure of construction materials to precipitation. This
does not include materials and equipment that are designed to be outdoors
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 560
and exposed to environmental conditions (poles, equipment pads, cabinets,
conductors, insulators, bricks, and etc.).
7. You shall implement BMPs to prevent the offsite tracking of loose construction
and landscape materials.
8. You shall prevent the disposal of any rinsed or washed waters or materials on
impervious or pervious site surfaces or into the storm drain system.
9. You shall ensure that the containment of sanitation facilities, such as portable
toilets, prevent discharges of pollutants to the storm water drainage system
or receiving water.
10. You shall provide secondary containment for all temporary sanitary facilities.
Water must not be left in the secondary containment and You shall ensure
that it is free of sediment and debris.
11. You shall clean or replace sanitation facilities and inspect them regularly for
leaks and spills.
12. You shall cover waste disposal containers at the end of everyday and prior to
a rain event. You shall inspect waste disposal containers for leaks on a daily
basis and you shall empty them when they become 95% full. Wash down of
waste containers is prohibited onsite.
13. You shall prevent waste disposal containers from discharging to the storm
water drainage system or to receiving water.
14. You shall contain and securely protect stockpiled waste material from wind
and rain at all times unless actively being used.
15. You shall implement procedures that effectively address hazardous and
nonhazardous spills.
16. You shall develop a spill response and implementation element of the
SWPPP/WPCP prior to commencement of construction activities. The
SWPPP/WPCP shall require the following:
a) Equipment and materials for cleanup of spills shall be available on site
and that spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately and disposed
of properly.
b) Appropriate spill response personnel are assigned and trained.
17. You shall ensure that concrete washouts are watertight and fitted with
secondary containment to prevent any concrete waste from being able to
discharge on to the ground or offsite. You shall ensure that concrete washout
containers are emptied or exchanged when containment reaches 75%
capacity. Concrete washout containers must be covered securely at the end of
every work day.
18. You shall contain stockpiled materials, such as mulches and topsoil, when they
are not actively being used.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 561
19. You shall contain fertilizers and other landscape materials when they are not
actively being used.
20. You shall discontinue the application of any erodible landscape material within
2 Days before a forecasted rain event or during periods of precipitation.
21. You shall apply erodible landscape material at quantities and application rates
according to manufacture recommendations or based on written
specifications by knowledgeable and experienced field personnel.
22. You shall stack erodible landscape material on pallets and shall cover or store
such materials when not being used or applied.
23. You shall maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent leaks and spills.
24. You shall prevent storm water, ground water, and soil contamination by
capturing leaks and spills before they contact the ground. Collect fluid leaks
using drip pans or sealable containers and prevent spills using funnels, rags,
and/or drop cloths when performing maintenance.
25. You shall control potential sources of water pollution before they come in
contact with storm water systems or watercourses by implementing the
measures specified in CGP for the following sources:
a) Delivery, inventory, storage, stockpiling, and use of construction
b) Air depositions from the Work which include pollutants such as
particulates as sediment, nutrients, trash, metals, bacteria, oil, grease,
and organic matters.
1001-2.4 Non-Storm Water Management.
1. For projects located in an ASBS, you shall refer to 1001-1.3, “Additional Control
Requirements for Areas of Special Biological Significance” for additional
2. You shall identify all non-storm water discharges and either eliminate, control,
or treat them.
3. You shall wash vehicles and clean streets in such a manner as to prevent
unauthorized non-storm water discharges from reaching surface water or
drainage conveyance systems.
4. You shall prevent oil, grease, or fuel to leak into the ground, street, gutter,
paved areas, storm drains, or surface waters.
5. You shall place all equipment or vehicles which are to be fueled, maintained,
and stored in a designated area fitted with appropriate BMPs.
6. You shall clean leaks immediately and dispose of leaked materials properly.
1001-2.5 Sediment Control.
1. You shall control sources of sediment associated with the performance of the
Work to the MEP.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 562
2. You shall install and maintain effective perimeter controls along the perimeter
of the construction site or limits of grading, the stabilization of construction
entrances and exits, and the protection of storm drain inlets with the potential
to receive runoff from the Site.
3. Sediments shall not be discharged to a storm drain system or receiving waters.
4. Sediments generated on the Work Site shall be contained at the Work site
using appropriate BMPs.
5. Storm drain inlet protection must be implemented during dry weather at
every storm drain inlet that has the potential to receive construction related
pollutants from active construction areas. Inlet protection in the public right-
of-way for streets open to the public must be temporarily removed prior to
rain to ensure no flooding occurs and reinstalled after rain is over. Inlet
protection must be removed during emergency water main breaks. If rain is
forecast after working hours or over the weekend, contractor must remove
inlet protection and replace prior to the resuming construction work.
6. The storm drain inlet sediment control measures shall be of sufficient weight
so as not to shift out of place or shall be secured in place against movement.
Inlet sediment control measures shall be maintained daily and/or as often as
needed. Maintaining inlet sediment control measures shall include replacing
damaged BMPs and removing and disposing of accumulated sediment, trash,
and debris at the end of every workday and prior to rain.
7. You shall design the sediment basins according to the method provided in
CASQA’s Construction BMP Guidance Handbook.
1001-2.6 Run-on and Runoff Controls.
1. You shall effectively manage run-on, runoff within the Site, and runoff that
discharges off the Site. Run-on from offsite shall be directed away from
disturbed areas or shall collectively be in compliance with the effluent
limitations in the CGP, as applicable.
2. Calculations and design details as well as BMP controls for site run-on and
runoff shall be included in the SWPPP/WPCP and shall be shown on the Site
1001-2.7 Construction Entrance and Exit Area.
1. Temporary construction entrance and exit areas shall be on level and
stabilized ground. Stabilized construction entrance/exits must be sufficiently
implemented at every construction project to control and prevent sediment
tracking from the site. Construction entrances/exits must be constructed with
a length of 50 feet or as allowable by project site conditions and a minimum
width of 10 feet or greater to accommodate vehicles.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 563
1001-2.7.1 Payment.
1. The payment for the construction, maintenance, and removal of entrance and
exit areas shall be included in the Bid items for “WPCP Implementation” or
“SWPPP Implementation”.
1001-2.8 Performance Standards.
1. You shall be responsible for implementing water pollution control measures
based on performance standards. The performance standards shall be the
a) Non-storm water discharges from the Site shall not occur to the MEP.
Storm water discharges shall be free of pollutants including sediment
to the MEP.
b) Erosion shall be controlled by acceptable BMPs to the MEP. If rills and
gullies appear, they shall be repaired and additional BMPs shall be
installed to prevent a reoccurrence of erosion.
c) An Inactive Area shall be protected to prevent pollutant discharges. A
Site or portions of a Site shall be considered inactive when
construction activities have ceased for a period of 14 Days or more.
2. BMPs shall be implemented and maintained at all times during construction.
You are responsible for the cleanup of debris, concrete waste, sweeping, and
dust control. Construction debris and waste shall be contained and disposed
of properly. Access locations shall be kept clean and swept daily and/or as
needed to ensure that sediment will not leave the construction site. The
surrounding public streets shall be kept clean and swept daily and/or as
needed to keep sediment out of the storm drain conveyance system.
1001-2.9 Additional BMP Control Requirements for Significant Threat to Water Quality.
1. You shall include and implement additional controls as part of the WPCP or
SWPPP for all construction sites tributary to a CWA section 303 (d) water body
impaired for sediment or within, directly adjacent to, or discharging directly to
a receiving water with a Water Quality Sensitive Area as follows:
a) Use of high-performance erosion control methods including, but shall
not be limited to, bonded fiber material or anchored erosion control
blankets on all exposed slopes.
b) Ensure a sufficient vegetated buffer between the construction activity
and the protected water body.
c) Where construction site drainage is directed to an inlet or other
drainage structure that conveys flow to an impaired or sensitive water
body or to a down gradient perimeter near the impaired or sensitive
water body, there shall be at least 2 lines of defense for sediment
control. Such defenses shall include, but shall not be limited to, two
parallel lines of silt fence along the perimeter or silt fence barriers
strategically located upstream of a protected inlet. Each line of defense
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 564
shall be designed to independently control sediment to the maximum
extent practicable.
d) Stockpiles shall be fully protected and shall be located at a sufficient
distance from the site perimeter that is near the sensitive water body.
1001-2.10 BMP Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair.
1. Inspection, maintenance, repair, and sampling activities on-site shall be
performed by the QSP or QCP.
2. At a minimum, inspections shall be performed weekly and at least once each
24-hour period during extended storm events, Pre-storm (within 48 hours
before) and Post-storm (within 48 hours after).
3. Inspections and observations shall identify BMPs that need maintenance to
operate effectively, have failed, or could fail to operate as intended.
4. You shall complete implementing repairs or design changes to BMPs within 72
hours of identification. However, if BMP deficiencies impact the MS4
conveyance system, operations, services, facilities, or public health and safety,
you shall complete the repairs within 24 hours of identification or sooner as
directed by the Resident Engineer.
1001-2.11 Weather Triggered Action Plan (WTAP).
1. T
For projects subject to CGP, the WTAP must be developed by the QSP for all
available to the Engineer or the State authorized inspector immediately upon
Whilethe CGP only requires Risk Level 2 and 3 dischargers to develop and
implement a REAP.
The Storm Water Standards Manual requires all projects
1. When so specified in the Special Provisions or if so required by a
jurisdictional regulatory agency, you shall prepare and submit in accordance
with 3-8, “SUBMITTALS” a storm water pollution prevention plan. The SWPPP
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 565
shall conform to the requirements specified in the Special Provisions and
those of the jurisdictional regulatory agency.
1001-3.1 SWPPP Risk Level 1.
1. The detailed requirements for Risk Level 1 are in Attachment C of the
2. The SWPPP shall address the following objectives:
a) Control all pollutants and their sources associated with the Work.
b) Identify and either eliminate, control, or treat all non-storm water
c) Reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharges and
authorized non-storm water during and after construction through the
implementation of appropriate BMPs.
3. The SWPPP shall include supporting information such as the conclusions,
selections, use, and maintenance of BMPs.
4. A copy of the SWPPP and the BMP maps shall be kept at the Site and be made
available to the Engineer or the State authorized inspector immediately upon
1001-3.1.1 Monitoring and Reporting.
1. You shall develop and implement a written Site-specific Construction Site
Monitoring Program (CSMP) as required by CGP. The CSMP shall be developed
prior to the commencement of construction activities and shall be revised as
necessary to reflect Project revisions. The CSMP shall be a part of the SWPPP
and shall be included as an appendix or separate SWPPP chapter. The CSMP
shall address the objectives specified in CGP Attachment C Section I.2.
2. The CSMP shall include monitoring procedures and instructions, location
maps, forms, and checklists, which shall cover the following requirements:
a) Visual Monitoring for Qualifying Rain Events.
b) Visual Observation Exemptions.
c) Monitoring Methods.
d) Non-Storm Water Discharge Monitoring.
e) Non-Visible Pollutant Monitoring.
f) Particle Size Analysis for Project Risk Justification.
1001-3.2 SWPPP Risk Level 2.
1. The detailed requirements for Risk Level 2 are in Attachment D of the CGP.
2. Risk Level 2 sites are subject to items required for Risk Level 1 and the
following subsections.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 566
1001-3.2.1 Sediment and Erosion Control.
1. Implement appropriate Sediment and Erosion Control BMPs for areas under
active construction as defined in the CGP.
2. Implement appropriate erosion control BMPs (runoff control and soil
stabilization) in conjunction with sediment control BMPs for areas under active
3. Apply linear sediment controls along the toe of the slope, face of the slope,
and at the grade breaks of exposed slopes to comply with sheet flow lengths
in accordance with Table 1 of Attachment D of the CGP.
4. Ensure that construction activity traffic to and from the Project is limited to
entrances and exits that employ effective controls to prevent offsite tracking
of sediment.
5. Ensure that all storm drain inlets and perimeter controls, runoff control BMPs,
and pollutant controls at entrances and exits, such as tire wash-off locations,
are maintained and protected from activities that reduce their effectiveness.
6. At a minimum, inspect on a daily basis all immediate access road. Prior to any
rain event, the discharger shall remove any sediment or other construction
activity related materials that are deposited on the roads by vacuuming or
1001-3.2.2 Rain Event Action Plan (REAP).
1. A REAP shall be developed by a QSP in accordance with Attachment D Section
H of the CGP for all phases of construction. You shall ensure that a paper copy
of each REAP is available on-Site in compliance with the record retention
requirements of the CGP.
2. You shall ensure that the QSP begins implementation of the REAP no later than
24 hours prior to the likely precipitation event.
3. All developed REAPs shall be submitted to the Engineer at the completion of
the Project.
4. The WTAP that is required for all projects supersedes the REAP requirement.
1001-3.2.3 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements.
1. You shall develop and implement a written Site-specific Construction Site
Monitoring Program (CSMP) as required by CGP. The CSMP shall be developed
prior to the commencement of construction activities and shall be revised as
necessary to reflect Project revisions. The CSMP shall be a part of the SWPP
and shall be included as an appendix or separate SWPPP chapter. The CSMP
shall be subject to the objectives specified in the CGP, Attachment D, Section
2. The CSMP shall include the following requirements:
a) Visual Monitoring for Qualifying Rain Events.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 567
b) Water Quality Sampling and Analysis.
c) Storm Water Discharge Water Quality Sampling Locations.
d) Storm Water Sampling and Handling Instructions.
e) Monitoring Methods.
f) Analytical Methods.
g) Non-Storm Water Discharge Monitoring.
h) NAL Exceedance Report, when applicable.
3. Water Quality Sampling and Analysis
a. At a minimum, the QSP shall collect three samples per day of the qualifying
event from each of the sampling locations. The QSP shall electronically
submit all storm event sampling results to the State Water Board no later
than 10 Days after the conclusion of a qualifying event to be certified by
the LRP or designee.
4. NAL Exceedance Report
a. The QSP shall develop a NAL Exceedance Report in the event that any
effluent sample exceeds an applicable NAL and a copy of each report shall
be retained on Site and included in the SWPPP and be made available to
the Engineer or the State authorized inspector immediately upon request.
1001-3.3 SWPPP Risk Level 3.
1. The requirements for Risks Level 3 are in Attachment E of CGP.
2. Risk Level 3 sites are subject to the requirements for Risk Levels 1 and 2 and
the following subsections.
1001-3.3.1 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements.
1. You shall comply with all requirements for a Risk Level 3, with emphasis on the
following requirements:
a) You shall develop and implement a written Site-specific Construction
Site Monitoring Program (CSMP) as required by CGP. The CSMP shall
be developed prior to the commencement of construction activities
and shall be revised as necessary to reflect Project revisions. The CSMP
shall be a part of the SWPPP and shall be included as an appendix or
separate SWPPP chapter. The CSMP shall address the objectives
specified in CGP Attachment E, Section I.2.
b) The CSMP shall include the following requirements:
i. Visual Monitoring for Qualifying Rain Events.
ii. Water Quality Sampling and Analysis.
iii. Storm Water Discharge Water Quality Sampling Locations.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 568
Storm Water Sampling and Handling Instructions.
v. Monitoring Methods.
vi. Analytical Methods.
vii. Non-Storm Water Discharge Monitoring.
viii. NAL Exceedance Report, when applicable.
ix. Bio-assessment, when applicable.
1001-3.4 SWPPP LUP Type 1.
1. The SWPPP shall be designed in accordance with the objectives specified in
Section K.1 of Attachment A of the CGP.
2. The QSD shall include information in the SWPPP that supports the conclusions,
selections, use, and maintenance of BMPs.
3. You shall comply with the narrative effluent standards listed in Section J.1 of
Attachment A of the CGP.
4. A minimum of three LUP site maps shall be prepared as specified in B.2 of
Attachment A of the CGP.
1001-3.4.1 Construction BMP Requirements.
1. Refer to LUP Type 1 requirements specified in Attachment A of the CGP.
1001-3.4.2 BMP Inspection, Maintenance and Repair.
1. You shall at all times properly operate, inspect, maintain, and repair BMPs in
accordance with Section x, Performance Standards and Section J.7 of
Attachment A of the CGP.
1001-3.4.3 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements.
1. You shall prepare a Monitoring and Reporting Program as required by Section
M of Attachment A of the CGP and shall immediately implement the program
at the start of construction. The monitoring program shall be implemented at
the appropriate level to protect water quality to the MEP at all times
throughout the life of the Project. The Monitoring and Reporting Program shall
be a part of the SWPPP, included as an appendix, or shall be a separate SWPPP
2. You shall conduct visual inspections daily during working hours and in
conjunction with other daily activities in areas where active construction is
3. You shall take photographs of the site before, during, and after rain events
while conducting inspection and submit reports through SMARTS once every
three rain events. The QSP’s reporting through SMARTS shall not be subject to
a LRP certification.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 569
4. The Monitoring and Reporting Program shall address the following:
a) Monitoring Requirements for Non-Visible Pollutants.
b) Visual Observation Exemptions.
c) Particle Size Analysis for Project Risk Justification.
1001-3.5 SWPPP LUP Type 2.
1. You shall follow the requirements listed for LUP Type 1 and the following
1001-3.5.1 BMP Inspection, Maintenance and Repair.
1. You shall at all times properly operate, inspect, maintain and repair BMPs in
accordance with Section 1001-2.8, Performance Standards and Section J.7 of
Attachment A of the CGP.
1001-3.5.2 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements.
1. You shall follow the following requirements from Section M.4 of
Attachment A of the CGP:
a) Inspection Requirements.
b) Effluent Monitoring and Sampling.
c) Monitoring Requirements for Non-Visible.
d) Monitoring Methods.
e) Analytical Methods.
f) NAL Exceedance Report.
1001-3.6 SWPPP LUP Type 3.
1001-3.6.1 BMP Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair.
1. You shall follow the requirements listed for SWPPP LUP Type 2.
1001-3.6.2 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements.
2. You shall follow the following requirements from Section M.4 of
Attachment A of the CGP. Also, you shall follow the requirements listed
for LUP Type 1 and LUP Type 2 and the following:
a) Storm Water Effluent Monitoring Requirements.
b) Receiving Water Monitoring Requirements.
c) RW Sampling Locations.
d) Analytical Methods.
e) NAL Exceedance Report.
i. You shall electronically submit all storm event sampling results to
the State Water Board no later than 10 Days after the conclusion
of the qualifying storm event to be certified by the LRP or
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 570
designee. In addition, you shall provide an NAL Exceedance
Report when requested by the Regional Water Board.
1001-3.7 Payment.
1. The payment for SWPPP Development, SWPPP Implementation, and
compliance with the requirements of the CGP and these specifications shall be
included in the Bid items for “SWPPP Development” and “SWPPP
Implementation”. The payment for the pertinent required trainings and
certifications shall be included in these Bid items.
2. The payment for the permit to obtain coverage under the Construction
General Permit shall be made under the Allowance Bid item for “SWPPP Permit
3. You shall submit a Schedule of Values in accordance with 7-2.1 “Schedule of Values
(SOV)”. The SOV shall itemize the Work further, as applicable, as follows:
a) Development and Amendment of PRDs.
b) Good Site Management “Housekeeping” BMPs.
c) Non-Storm Water Management.
d) Erosion Control.
e) Sediment Control.
f) Run-on and Runoff Management.
g) BMP Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, and Construction BMP
Maintenance Log.
h) Development and Implementation of CSMP.
i) Annual Report.
j) Change of Information.
k) Notice of Termination.
l) Development and Implementation of Sampling and Analysis Portion of
m) Development and Implementation of Monitoring and Reporting
n) Street Sweeping.
o) Development and Implementation of Rain Event Action Plan (for Risk
Level SWPPPs) and Weather Triggered Action Plan.
p) Development and Implementation of Active Treatment System (Risk
Level 3 only).
q) When specified, Post Construction Requirements (such as Inlet
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 571
4. For private projects, disregard references to the measurement and payment
and refer to the permit conditions for additional requirements.
1. A WPCP shall be prepared for construction activities that result in land surface
disturbances of less than 1 acre (0.4 hectare) according to the guidelines of the
City Storm Water Standards Manual, for projects over 1 acre (0.4 hectare)
determined to be exempt from the CGP, or if a project qualifies for a Rainfall
Erosivity Waiver.
2. The WPCP shall include Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs, Good
Housekeeping Measures, and Site management.
3. The WPCP shall identify all construction BMP requirements listed in the City
Storm Water Standards Manual, Construction BMPs, including routine
monitoring and maintenance of the BMPs.
4. The WPCP shall also show the BMPs to be implemented during construction
to reduce or eliminate discharges of pollutants to the storm drain conveyance
5. The WPCP shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer prior to the Pre-
construction meeting and shall be kept at the Site and made available at all
times during normal business hours. Land disturbance can only occur when
there are no exceptions taken to the WPCP by the Engineer.
6. The WPCP shall be amended when there is a change of QCP or whenever there
is a change in construction or operations which may affect the discharge of
pollutants to surface waters, groundwater, or to the City’s MS4, or are deemed
necessary by the Engineer. Amendments shall be documented in the
Amendment Log (Appendix A). Copy of each amendment shall be retained
on site and included in the WPCP and be made available to the Engineer
or the State authorized inspector immediately upon request.
7. The WPCP shall be prepared by a qualified WPCP preparer if the project is not
subject to the State Construction General Permit requirements, is a Priority
Development Project, and is classified under any of the following scenarios:
a) The project is located in the Los Penasquitos or Tijuana River
b) The project discharges directly to or is located adjacent to an
Environmentally Sensitive Area.
c) The project discharges to an Area of Special Biological Significance
(ASBS). Refer to Appendix A of the Construction BMP Standards in the
Storm Water Standards Manual for more details.
8. A qualified WPCP preparer shall be at least one of the following:
a) A California registered civil engineer.
b) A California registered geologist.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 572
c) A California registered landscape architect.
d) A professional hydrologist registered through the American Institute
of Hydrology.
e) A certified professional soil scientist registered through the Soil
Science Society of America.
f) A certified professional in erosion and sediment control registered
through EnviroCert International, Inc.
g) A certified professional in storm water quality registered through
EnviroCert International, Inc.
h) A certified professional in erosion and sediment control registered
through the National Institute for Certification in Engineering
9. The WPCPs that do not require a Qualified WPCP Preparer must be prepared,
certified, and amended by a Qualified Contact Person (QCP).
10. Any hydrology or hydraulic calculations, soils report or geotechnical reports
prepared in support of the WPCP must be prepared by a professional
engineer with appropriate registration qualifications issued by the State of
1001-4.1 Site Management.
1. You shall implement and update the WPCP and BMP maps with each phase of
construction activity, monitor the Site, and shall maintain BMPs in effective
working condition. A copy of the WPCP and the BMP maps shall be kept at the
site and be made available to the Engineer or the State authorized inspector
immediately upon request.
2. You shall do the following:
a) Designate a Qualified Contact Person (QCP) who shall be responsible
for the development, implementation, maintenance, and
improvement of the BMPs and WPCP. The QCP shall be trained and
competent in the use of BMPs.
i. The QCP shall be on-Site daily to evaluate the conditions of the
Site with respect to storm water pollution prevention.
ii. The QCP shall be responsible for monitoring the weather and
for the implementation of any emergency plans that shall be
activated when there is a 50% or greater chance of rain. The
weather shall be monitored with the National Weather on a 5-
day forecast plan.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 573
iii. The QCP shall be responsible for overseeing any site grading
and construction operations and for evaluating the
effectiveness of the BMPs. The QCP shall ensure the
modification of the BMPs, as necessary, to keep the Site in
compliance and to ensure adequate routine maintenance of
the BMPs.
b) Educate all Subcontractors and employees about storm water
pollution prevention measures required during construction activities
to prevent the impact of construction discharges to the storm water
conveyance system. Education requirements shall be in accordance
with Section E.7 of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
(SDRWQCB) Order No. R9-2013-0001 NPDES NO. CAS0109266. You
shall ensure that all personnel are trained in basic storm water
construction management. A log of the trained staff and the
educational materials shall be kept in the WPCP file and shall be
available to the Engineer at all times.
c) Protect new and existing storm water conveyance systems from
sedimentation, concrete rinse, or other construction related debris
and discharges with the appropriate BMPs that are acceptable to the
Engineer and as indicated in the WPCP.
d) Indicate in the WPCP the locations of BMPs like concrete wash outs,
vehicle maintenance, staging and storage area protection, and etc. to
be implemented. You shall ensure that these areas shall be utilized
properly and maintained regularly.
e) Ensure that all waste and debris generated from the project and public
during the period of construction within the storage, staging area, and
designated area is contained and properly disposed of. Perimeter and
runoff control measures shall be installed around the storage and
staging area. The entrance to the construction storage and staging
area shall be stabilized to prevent any tracking to impervious or paved
f) Inspect and document weekly or as directed by the Engineer the
condition of all BMPs during the dry season (May 1
September 30
). Inspect and document daily or as directed by the
Engineer the condition of all BMPs during the rainy season (October
through April 30
). You shall include documentation in the WPCP
that BMPs were inspected at the intervals required and shall update
and maintain this documentation for the duration of the Project.
g) Conduct visual inspections daily and maintain all BMPs as needed.
Visual Inspections and maintenance of all BMPs shall be conducted
before, during, and after every rain event and every 24 hours during
any prolonged rain event. You shall maintain and repair all BMPs as
soon as possible as safety allows.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 574
h) Return the land areas disturbed during construction to the pre-
construction or equivalent protection at the end of each workday to
eliminate or minimize erosion and the possibility for discharge of
sediment or other pollutants during a rain event.
3. If non-storm water discharge leaves the Site, you shall immediately stop the
activity and repair the damages. You shall immediately notify the Engineer of
the discharge. Any and all waste material, sediment, and debris from each
non-storm water discharge shall be removed immediately from the storm
drain conveyance system and shall be properly disposed of at no cost to the
1001-4.2 Payment.
1. The payment for the development of the Water Pollution Control Plan shall be
included in the Bid item for “WPCP Development”.
2. The payment for the implementation of the Water Pollution Control Plan shall
be included in the Bid item for “WPCP Implementation”.
3. Submit a Schedule of Values for these Lump Sum Bid items in accordance with
7-2.1, “Schedule of Values (SOV)”. The SOV shall itemize the Work further to
show the following details:
a) Development and Amendment of WPCP.
b) Good Site Management “Housekeeping” BMPs.
c) Non-Storm Water Management.
d) Erosion Control.
e) Sediment Control.
f) BMP Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair.
g) Street Sweeping.
h) When specified, Post Construction Requirements such as Inlet
1. A Minor WPCP (DS-570) shall be prepared for construction activities that
result in land surface disturbances of less than 5,000 square feet and
have less than a 5-foot elevation differential over the entire project area.
2. The Minor WPCP shall identify all required construction BMP requirements
listed in the City Storm Water Standards Manual, Construction BMPs.
3. The Minor WPCP shall also show the BMPs to be implemented during
construction to reduce or eliminate discharges of pollutants to the storm drain
conveyance system.
4. The Minor WPCP shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer at or prior to the
Pre-construction meeting and shall be kept at the Site and made available at
all times during normal business hours.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 575
1001-5.1 Payment.
1. The payment for the development and implementation of the Minor Water
Pollution Control Plan shall be included in the Bid item for “Minor WPCP
Development and Implementation”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 576
1002-1.1 General.
1. Permeable interlocking concrete pavers shall consist of the paving unit, joint
fill and bedding aggregate, base aggregate, and subbase aggregate.
1002-1.2 Materials.
1. Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver. All paver material shall comply with
ASTM C 936. Paver color pigment material shall comply with ASTM C 979. For
vehicular applications, the minimum allowable paver thickness shall be 3
inch (80
mm). For pedestrian applications the minimum allowable paver thickness shall be 2
inch (60 mm). The joints and/or openings shall comprise a minimum of 5% of the
paver surface.
2. Crushed Stone Joint Filler and Bedding. The joint filler and bedding material
shall conform to 200-1, “ROCK PRODUCTS”. The gradation shall conform to Table
200-1.2.1 (A) and ASTM No. 8. When the joints are narrow, gradation permitted
shall conform to Table 200-1.2.1 (A) and ASTM No. 89 or ASTM No. 9.
3. Base Aggregate. The base aggregate shall conform to 200-1, “ROCK
PRODUCTS”. The aggregate gradation shall conform to Table 200-1.2.1 (A) and
AASHTO No. 57.
4. Subbase Aggregate. The subbase aggregate shall conform to 200-1, “ROCK
PRODUCTS”. The aggregate gradation shall conform to Table 200-1.2.1 (A) and
ASTM No. 2.
1002-1.3 Storage.
1. Store materials in protected areas such that they are kept free from mud, dirt,
and other foreign materials. Store concrete paver cleaners and sealers per the
manufacturer’s instructions.
1002-1.4 Bedding.
1002-1.4.1 General.
1. Permeable interlocking concrete pavers bedding layer shall be constructed of
material conforming to Table 200-1.2.1 (A) ASTM No. 8, ASTM No. 89, or ASTM
No. 9 as directed by the Plans.
1002-1.4.2 Spreading.
1. Imported aggregate bedding shall be delivered to the roadbed as uniform
mixtures and each layer shall be spread in 1 operation. Segregation shall be
avoided, and the bedding shall be free from pockets of coarse or fine material.
2. Aggregate bedding shall be deposited on the roadbed at a uniform quantity
per linear foot (meter) which quantity will provide the required compacted
thickness within the tolerances specified herein without resorting to spotting,
picking up, or otherwise shifting the aggregate bedding material. At the time
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 577
the aggregate is spread, it shall have a moisture content sufficient to obtain
the required compaction. Such moisture shall be uniformly distributed
throughout the material.
3. The bedding thickness shall be installed at 2 inches (50.8 mm). The layer may
be spread and compacted in 1 layer.
4. The surface tolerance of the screeded bedding material is ± 3/8 inches over 10
feet (± 9.5 mm over 3 m).
1002-1.5 Construction Methods.
1. Work shall be performed by a qualified installer meeting the following
a) Submit documentation showing comparable concrete paver
installation similar in scope, design material, and extent indicated on the
Plans has been successfully installed within the past 5 years or more of
documented performance record for the proposed product and has
been successfully performed by the installer and its personnel
assigned to the concrete paver installation for this project.
b) Holds a current certificate from the Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Institute Concrete Paver Installer Certification program.
1002-1.5.1 Construction Test Section.
1. Construct a test section using the same method and crew performing the
2. The test section shall be used to determine the surcharge of the bedding layer,
joint sizes, and lines, laying pattern, color, and texture of the job.
3. The test section shall be a minimum of 100 ft
(9.3 m
4. The test section may be incorporated in the Work if approved by the Engineer.
5. The Engineer shall be notified at least 24 hours in advance of construction of
the test section.
1002-1.5.2 Subgrade.
1. The subgrade preparation shall conform to 301-1, “SUBGRADE PREPARATION”.
1002-1.5.3 Base/Subbase.
1. The base/subbase aggregate installation shall comply with 1002-2,
1002-1.5.4 Bedding.
1. The bedding aggregate installation shall comply with 1002-1, “Permeable
Interlocking Concrete Pavers Bedding”. Do not subject screeded bedding
material to any pedestrian or vehicular traffic before paving unit installation
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 578
1002-1.5.5 Paving Unit Placement.
1. Paving units can be installed by manual methods or with mechanical
equipment. The paving units shall be laid in the pattern(s) and joint widths
shown in the Plans. The straight pattern lines shall be maintained.
2. Fill gaps at the edges of the paved area with cut paver units. Cut pavers subject
to tire traffic shall be no smaller than 1/3 of a whole unit.
3. Openings and joints shall be filled with the fill material identified in the Plans. Excess
fill aggregate on the surface shall be removed by sweeping the pavers clean.
4. The pavers shall be compacted and seated into the bedding material using a low-
amplitude, 75-90 Hz plate compactor capable of at least 5,000 lbf (22 kN)
centrifugal compaction force. At least 2 passes with the plate compactor shall
be required. Compaction within 6 feet (1.8 m) of an unrestrained edge shall
not be performed.
5. After compaction, additional filling aggregate shall be applied as needed and
the cleaning and compaction process repeated.
6. The final surface tolerance of compacted pavers shall not deviate more than ±
3/8 inches over 10 feet (± 9.5 mm over 3 m).
1002-1.5.6 Acceptance.
1. Permeable interlocking concrete pavers shall have an infiltration rate of a
minimum of 100 inches per hour (254 cm/hr) when tested.
2. Adjacent pavers shall be no greater than 1/8-inch (3.2 mm) difference in
height. Final elevations shall be checked for conformance to the Plans.
1002-1.6 Measurement and Payment.
1. The payment for quantities of structural bedding shall be measured by the
square yard (square meter) or cubic yard (cubic meter) in place as shown on
the Plan or as directed by the Engineer and shall be included in the Bid item
for “Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers Bedding”. The volumetric
quantities of bedding material shall be those compacted in place within the
limits of the dimensions shown on the Plans.
a) The weight of material to be paid for shall be determined by deducting
(from the weight of material delivered to the Work) the weight of water
in the material (at the time of weighing) in excess of 1% more than the
optimum moisture content. No payment shall be made for the weight
of water deducted as provided in this subsection.
2. The payment for permeable interlocking concrete pavers and installation
Work as shown on the Plan or as directed by the Engineer shall be included
under the square foot Bid item for “Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers”.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 579
1002-2.1 General.
1. Permeable pavement structural base shall be constructed of material
conforming to Table 200-1.2.1 (A) and AASHTO No. 57.
2. The permeable pavement structural subbase shall be constructed of material
conforming to Table 200-1.2.1 (A) and ASTM No. 2.
3. Rounded river material shall not be used for vehicular applications.
1002-2.2 Spreading.
1. Imported aggregate bases/subbases shall be delivered to the roadbed as uniform
mixtures and each layer shall be spread in one operation. Segregation shall be
avoided, and the base/subbase shall be free from pockets of coarse or fine
2. Aggregate bases/subbases shall be deposited on the roadbed at a uniform
quantity per linear foot (meter) which quantity will provide the required
compacted thickness within the tolerances specified herein without resorting to
spotting, picking up, or otherwise shifting the aggregate base/subbase material.
At the time the aggregate is spread, it shall have a moisture content sufficient to
obtain the required compaction. Such moisture shall be uniformly distributed
throughout the material.
3. The base thickness shall be installed to a minimum of 4 inches (100 mm) and a
maximum of 6 inches (150 mm). The layer may be spread and compacted in 1
4. The subbase thickness shall be installed to a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm).
Where the required thickness is more than 6 inches (150 mm) the subbase
material shall be spread and compacted in 2 or more layers of approximately
equal thickness and the maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall
not exceed 6 inches (150 mm). Each layer shall be spread and compacted in a
similar manner.
1002-2.3 Compacting.
1. Each lift shall be compacted with a minimum 10 ton roller to be firm and
unyielding. A minimum of 2 passes with a vibratory roller and then 2 passes
with a static roller shall be performed until there is no visible movement of the
base/subbase. The aggregate shall not be crushed.
1002-2.4 Measurement and Payment.
1. The payment for quantities of structural base and subbase will be measured
by ton and shall be included under the Bid item for “Permeable Pavement
Structural Base And Subbase”. The volumetric quantities of base and subbase
material shall be those compacted in place within the limits of the dimensions
shown on the Plans.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 580
2. The weight of material to be paid for shall be determined by deducting (from the
weight of material delivered to the Work) the weight of water in the material (at
the time of weighing) in excess of 1% more than the optimum moisture content.
No payment shall be made for the weight of water deducted as provided in this
1002-3.1 General.
1. This section shall apply to all areas that receive a plastic liner to provide an
impermeable barrier to prevent water or other liquids from infiltrating into the
subgrade. This section shall also apply for the material required to provide a
seal at each utility penetration through the plastic liner that is associated with
water service, gas service, sewer lateral, and underdrain crossings.
1002-3 Submittal.
1. You shall submit a Manufacturer’s Certificate in accordance with 3-8,
“SUBMITTALS” that the material complies with this specification.
1002-3.3 Materials.
1. Flexible Plastic Liner.
a) PVC liners used for the lining of green infrastructure shall meet the
requirements of ASTM D-7176 Standard Specification for PVC
geomembranes used in buried applications and shall conform to the
requirements in Table 1002-3.3 (1).
b) The PVC liner shall be ultraviolet light resistant and shall be sufficiently
flexible to cover and closely conform to all edges and corners of the
filter bed excavation at ambient temperatures as low as 45° F (7.2° C)
without application of heat.
c) A geotextile fabric shall be placed on the top and bottom of the
membrane for puncture protection. The geotextile fabric shall be
nonwoven geotextile fabric meeting the requirements indicated in
Table 213-5.2 (A): NONWOVEN.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 581
TABLE 1002-3.3 (1)
Property Test Unit PVC 30
Thickness ASTM D-5199 in ± 0.030
Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D-882 kN/m (lb/in) 12.8 (73)
Tensile Elongation ASTM D-882 % 380
Tensile Modulus ASTM D-882 kN/m (lb/in) 5.6 (32)
Tear Strength ASTM D-1004 N (lb) 35 (8)
Dimensional Stability ASTM D-1204 % 3.0
Low Temp. Impact ASTM D-1790 C -29°
Index Properties
Specific Gravity ASTM D-792 g/cc 1.2
Water Extraction % Loss (Max.) ASTM D-1239 % 0.15
Avg. Plasticizer Molecular
ASTM D-2124 400
Volatile Loss ASTM D-1203 % 0.7
Soil Burial Break Strength G160 % 5.0
Soil Burial Elongation G160 % 20
Soil Burial Modulus at 100% G160 % 20
Hydrostatic Resistance ASTM D-751 kPa (psi) 690 (100)
UV Resistance ASTM D-4355 % 70
Seam Strengths
Shear Strength ASTM D-882 kN/m (lb/in) 10 (58.4)
Peel Strength ASTM D-882 kN/m (lb/in) 2.6 (15)
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 582
2. Clay Liners.
a) A geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) is a woven fabric-like material, primarily
used for the lining of green infrastructure. Geosynthetic clay liners
shall conform to the requirements in Table 1002-3.3 (2).
TABLE 1002-3.3 (2) Geosynthetic Clay Liner Specifications
Property Test Method Unit
Bentonite Mass per unit Area (min) ASTM D-5890 g/m
Swell index (min) ASTM D-5891 ml/2g 24
Fluid loss (max) ASTM D-5890 ml 18
Peel Strength (min) ASTM D-6496 N/m 360
Index Flux (max) ASTM D-5887 (m
)/s 1 x 10
Permeability (max) ASTM D-5887 m/sec 1 x 10
Tensile Strength (min) ASTM D-6768 kN/m 4.0
Total Mass per unit Area (min) ASTM D-5993 g/m
3. Field-welded Joints.
1. All joints shall be field-welded using adhesive, chemical fusion, or
thermal fusion welding methods or in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Adhesives shall be in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
4. Hose Clamps.
a) All hose clamps shall be 1 piece 300 series stainless steel with worm
gear. The hose clamps shall be suited for water environments.
Alternative clamps may be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
1002-3.4 Plastic Liner Construction Methods.
1. Plastic liners or PVC geomembranes that are placed within green
infrastructure shall be placed in accordance with the following provisions:
a) Pre-Installation Examination and Preparation. Prior to beginning
Work, you shall examine previous Work, related Work, and conditions
under which this Work is to be performed. This shall include the
i. Verify the subgrade is at correct depths, lines, and dimensions
for installing the liner.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 583
Ensure that overly wet conditions do not exist or are not
anticipated to occur during installation, as they will contaminate
the liner. Prior to placement, the trench shall have no standing
water, mud, debris, or excessive moisture. No liner shall be
placed on a subgrade that has become softened by water or
overly dried until the subgrade has been properly reconditioned,
restored, and re-inspected.
iii. Clear any construction debris present within the placement
area which may damage the liner. Work is to be sequenced to
avoid construction traffic on the exposed liner at any time.
b) Placement.
i. Liner shall be cut, fit to the dimensions, and placed in the
trench in accordance with the Plans. Trench sides and bottom
shall be excavated to provide a smooth surface, free of
obstructions and debris.
ii. The liner shall be installed on the bottoms and the sides of the
trench and/or on top of the permeable aggregate base and to the
elevations in accordance with the plan details. To prevent lateral
flow, the hydraulic restriction layer shall extend the full depth of
the media to the base of the drainage layer in situations where
underdrains are required. In situations where underdrains are
not required, the vertical hydraulic restriction layer shall extend
to a depth in accordance with the Right-Of-Way Design Manual.
At locations where liners are not required in the vertical surfaces
of the trench, the liners in the horizontal placements shall be
extended and turned up minimum 6 inches (152.4 mm) on the
vertical surfaces to provide tight layer separation.
iii. Voids between liner and excavation sides shall be prevented
during construction. Removing boulders or other obstacles
from the trench walls may create such voids. Natural soils shall
be placed in these voids at the most convenient time during
the construction to ensure liner completely and uniformly
conform to the sides of the excavation.
iv. During construction, waterproofing membrane shall be held in
place by backfilling or other means without puncturing the
material. Other methods of pinning can also be used as
allowed by the Engineer.
v. No traffic or other equipment shall be allowed directly on the
vi. The liners shall have minimum longitudinal and vertical
overlaps. Unless specified otherwise, when overlaps are
required between rolls, the upstream roll shall overlap the
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 584
downstream roll in order to provide a shingled effect. If
chemical seams are used, the panels shall overlap by 6 inches
to 8 inches (152.4 mm to 203.2 mm) with a 4 inches (101.6 mm)
wide seam. If thermal seams are used, the single track weld
shall overlap 4 inches to 6 inches (101.6 mm to 152.4 mm) with
a minimum 2 inches (50.8 mm) wide seam. All seams shall be
made in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendation. If at all possible, seams shall not be located
at low points in the subgrade unless the geometry requires
seaming to be done at these locations. Field seams shall be
inspected and, when ordered by the Engineer, shall be tested
and pass the Vacuum Box Test.
vii. Before covering with backfill material, the conditions of the
liner including all factory seams shall be observed by the
inspectors to determine that there are no holes or rips that
exist in the liner and all piping or conduit penetrations are
properly sealed and welded. Damaged liner material shall be
repaired at your expense by placing new material that meets
overlap requirements over the damaged area. The liner shall
be covered as soon as possible after being inspected, but not
later than 7 Days after placement. Material left uncovered for
more than 7 Days shall be removed and rejected.
viii. All liners shall have a minimum of 3 inches (76.2 mm) top soil
and/or mulch covers and they shall not be exposed to any
sunlight. After placement of granular fill and soil media, two
edges of the liner protruding at the top of the trench shall be
anchored to concrete curb or sidewalk. Excess material shall be
trimmed neatly such that it is not exposed. Excess liner shall not
be trimmed until the site is fully stabilized.
c) Pipe Penetrations and Pipe Sealant.
i. Provide pipe penetrations and joint sealant sealing systems for
all utilities and underdrain penetrations through the liner.
ii. Penetrations shall be sealed using the same plastic liner or PVC
geomembrane material, flat stock and accessories as shown on
the Plans and specified hereon.
iii. The field fabricated assembly shall be field welded to the main
liner as shown on the Plans so as to prevent leakage. These field
welds shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
iv. All sealed areas shall be Air Lance tested using ASTM D-4437 and
verified to be leak free.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 585
Adhesive and stainless-steel hose clamps shall be included as
indicated on Plans.
1002-3.5 Payment.
1. The payment for the plastic liner shall be measured by the area of fabric placed,
not including any material for overlaps and splices. The square foot Bid item for
“Plastic Liner” shall include testing, transportation, seams, overlaps, staking,
embedment, protection measures, and the lining used for pipe penetrations and
1002-4.1 General.
1. Trenches for underdrains where perforated PVC pipes are located shall be
excavated, the plastic liner placed in accordance with 1002-3, “PLASTIC LINER”,
the pipe installed, and the trench backfilled with permeable material according
to the dimensions and details shown on the plans. When underdrains are
installed in trenches outside the subgrade area, the top 6 inches (152.4 mm)
of the trench shall be backfilled, as shown on the plans, with structure backfill
2. The underdrain system shall be located above the invert of adjacent storm
water systems.
3. To prevent clogging of underdrain from construction sediments, the
associated storm water facilities shall be excavated to rough grade. After the
contributing drainage area is stabilized, the underdrains and the storm water
facilities shall be constructed to achieve the final elevation.
4. Materials shall be in accordance with 207-17.7, “Perforated PVC Pipe”.
1002-4.2 Installation.
1. The solid and perforated PVC pipe shall be installed in accordance with
2. The perforated PVC pipe shall be placed such that the perforations are pointed
downward. The drainage stone shall be placed and compacted so that it is firm
and unyielding prior to placing the pipe. Subsequent backfill shall be in lifts no
greater than 8 inches (203.2 mm) and compacted to be firm and unyielding.
The underdrain shall be encased in a layer of clean, double washed ASTM D448
No.57 or smaller (No. 68, 8, or 89) stone.
1002-4.3 Jointing.
1. Jointing of solid PVC pipe shall be securely made in accordance with 306-, “Jointing of Injection-Sealed PVC Pipe”. Where there is less than 12
inches (304.8 mm) of vertical clearance between the underdrain and the
existing water line (or more if indicated on the plans), then no joints shall be
within 4 feet (1.2 m) of either side of the existing water line.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 586
2. Perforated PVC pipe shall be connected with belled ends, or with sleeve-type or
stop-type couplings under AASHTO M 278. Solvent cementing of joints shall be
1002-4.4 Measurement and Payment.
1. Perforated PVC Pipes are measured along the longitudinal axis between the
ends as laid and shall include the actual pipe in place and shall not include the
inside dimensions of junction structures.
2. The linear foot Bid item for “Perforated PVC Pipe (Underdrain Pipe)” shall be
considered full compensation for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and
incidentals (including pipe risers, caps, fittings, pipe penetrations, and joint
sealants). The payment quantity includes the length of elbows, outlets, risers, tees,
wyes and other branches to the point of intersection.
1002-5.1 General.
1. Underdrain cleanout structures shall include in-line wye fittings and stub for
access where called for in the plans.
1002-5.2 Installation.
1. The wells/cleanouts shall be connected to the perforated underdrain with the
appropriate manufactured connections. The wells/cleanouts shall be capped
with a lockable screw cap. The ends of underdrain pipes not terminating in an
observation well/cleanout shall also be capped.
1002-5.3 Test Methods and Acceptance.
1. When construction is complete, you shall test all completed underdrain
systems for continuous, unimpeded flow.
2. The test methods for each pipe run are as follows:
a) At highpoint or upstream end of underdrain pipe, open cleanout and
insert hose from water source.
b) Turn on water.
c) Acceptance of pipe run consists of free flow of water through drain
outlet into the existing storm drain structure.
3. Any sections of the underdrain that are clogged or crushed shall be replaced
at your expense.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 587
1002-5.4 Payment.
4. The payment for underdrain cleanouts shall be included in the Bid item for “Underdrain
Cleanout” and shall include shoring, backfill, compaction, installation of cleanout including
wyes and jointing, pipe risers, gaskets, frames and covers or screw caps, and concrete
encasements. This payment shall also include the Work required for testing and
acceptance.1002-6 CHECKDAMS.
1002-6.1 General.
1. Checkdams for green infrastructure are intended to slow the velocity of the
water to prevent erosion within the system.
1002-6.2 Materials.
1. Cast-in-place Concrete.
a) The checkdams (cast-in-place concrete) material shall conform to
2. Mason Blocks.
a) The checkdams (mason blocks) material shall conform to 202-2,
3. Recycled Concrete.
a) Checkdams may reuse pieces of demolished driveways, sidewalks, and
other flatwork for construction.
b) The sizes of the recycled concrete material shall be as specified on the
1002-6.3 Sequence of Work.
1. Placement.
a) Cast-in-place Concrete. Concrete work shall conform to the
requirements in 303-1, “CONCRETE STRUCTURES”.
b) Mason Blocks. Mason work shall conform to the requirements in
c) Recycled Concrete.
i. All work shall be laid true, level, and plumb in accordance with
the Plans.
ii. Mortar joints shall be straight, clean and uniform in thickness.
Horizontal and vertical joints shall be a maximum of 3/8” thick
with full mortar coverage.
iii. Stacked units shall have mortar joints offset at 6 inches
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 588
Units shall be laid with push joints. No slushing or grouting of
a joint will be permitted nor shall a joint be made by working
in mortar after the joints have been laid.
v. All joints shall be tooled with a round bar to produce a dense,
slightly concave surface well-bonded to the block at the edges.
Tooling shall be done when the mortar is partially set but still
sufficiently plastic to bond. All tooling shall be done with a tool
which compacts the mortar, pressing the excess mortar out of
the joint rather than dragging it out.
1002-6.4 Protection and Curing.
1. During construction operations, all adjoining Work shall be protected from
mortar and/or concrete droppings.
2. The checkdams shall be protected from surrounding work and kept free from
mud, dirt, and other foreign materials.
3. Recycled concrete work shall be protected from the sun and rain.
1002-6.5 Measurement and Payment.
1. The payment for checkdams shall be included under the square foot Bid item
for “Checkdams” and shall include but shall not be limited to labor, materials,
and other appurtenances as shown on Plans.
1002-7.1 General.
1. Bioretention Soil Media (BSM) is a formulated soil mixture that is intended to
filter storm water and support plant growth while minimizing the leaching of
chemicals found in the BSM itself.
2. BSM consists of 70% to 85% by volume washed sand and 15% to 30% by
volume compost or alternative organic amendment.
3. Alternative proportions may be justified under certain conditions. BSM shall
be mixed thoroughly using a mechanical mixing system at the plant site prior
to delivery.
4. In order to reduce the potential for leaching of nutrients, the proportion of
compost or alternative organic amendment shall be held to a minimum level
that will support the proposed vegetation in the system.
1002-7.2 Sand for Bioretention Soil Media.
1. The sand shall conform to ASTM C33 “fine aggregate concrete sand”
requirements. A sieve analysis shall be performed in accordance with ASTM C
136, ASTM D 422, or approved equivalent method to demonstrate compliance
with the gradation limits shown in TABLE 1002-7.2 below.
2. The sand shall be thoroughly washed to remove fines, dust, and deleterious
materials prior to delivery. Fines passing the No. 200 sieve shall be non-plastic.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 589
TABLE 1002-7.2: Sand Gradation Limits
Sieve Size
(ASTM D422)
Percent Passing (by weight)
Minimum Maximum
3/8 inch 100 100
#4 95 100
#8 80 100
#16 50 85
#30 25 60
#50 5 30
#100 0 10
#200 0 5
Note: Coefficient of Uniformity (Cu = D60/D10) equal to or greater than 4.
1002-7.3 Compost.
1. Compost shall be certified by the U.S. Composting Council’s Seal of Testing
Assurance Program or an approved equivalent program.
2. Compost shall comply with the following requirements:
a) Organic Material Content shall be 35% to 75% by dry weight.
b) Carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio shall be between 15:1 and 40:1,
preferably above 20:1 to reduce the potential for nitrogen
c) Physical contaminants (manmade inert materials) shall not exceed 1%
by dry weight.
d) pH shall be between 6.0 and 7.5.
e) Soluble Salt Concentration shall be less than 10 dS/m (Method TMECC
4.10-A, USDA and U.S. Composting Council).
f) Maturity (seed emergence and seedling vigor) shall be greater than
80% relative to positive control (Method TMECC 5.05-A, USDA and U.S.
Composting Council).
g) Stability (Carbon Dioxide evolution rate) shall be less than 2.5 mg CO2-
C per g compost organic matter (OM) per day or less than 5 mg CO2-C
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 590
per g compost carbon per day, whichever unit is reported. (Method
TMECC 5.08-B, USDA and U.S. Composting Council). Alternatively, a
Solvita rating of 6 or higher is acceptable.
h) Moisture shall be 25%-55% wet weight basis.
i) Select Pathogens shall pass US EPA Class A standard, 40 CFR Section
j) Trace Metals shall pass US EPA Class A standard, 40 CFR Section
503.13, Tables 1 and 3.
k) Shall be within gradation limits in Table 1002-7.3 (ASTM D 422 sieve
analysis or approved equivalent).
Table 1002-7.3: Compost Gradation Limits
Sieve Size
Percent Passing
(by weight)
16 mm (5/8”) 99 to 100
6.3 mm (1/4”) 40 to 95
2 mm 40 to 90
1002-7.4 Alternative Mix Components and Proportions.
1. Alternative mix components and proportions may be utilized, provided that
the whole blended mix (1002-7.5) conforms to agricultural, chemical, and
hydraulic suitability criteria, as applicable. Alternative mix designs may include
alternative proportions, alternative organic amendments and/or the use of
natural soils. Alternative mixes are subject to approval by the City Engineer.
2. Additional mix components, such as granular activated carbon, zeolite, and
biochar may be considered to improve performance for other parameters.
1002-7.5 Whole BSM Testing Requirements and Criteria.
1. You shall submit the following information to the City Engineer at least 30
Calendar days prior to ordering materials:
a) Source/supplier of BSM
b) Location of source/supplier
c) A physical sample
d) Available supplier testing information
e) Whole BSM test results from a third party independent laboratory
f) Description of proposed methods and schedule for mixing, delivery,
and placement of BSM
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 591
2. Test results shall be no older than 120 Calendar Days and shall accurately
represent the materials and feed stocks that are currently available from the
3. Test results shall demonstrate conformance to 1002-7.6, “BSM Agricultural
Suitability”, 1002-7.7, “BSM CHEMICAL SUITABILITY”, and 1002-7.8, “BSM
Hydraulic Suitability”.
4. No delivery, placement, or planting of BSM shall begin until test results confirm
the suitability of the BSM.
5. You shall submit a written request for approval which shall be accompanied
by written analysis results from a written report of a testing agency. The testing
agency shall be registered by the State for agricultural soil evaluation which
indicates compliance stating that the tested material proposed source
complies with these specifications.
6. Third party independent laboratory testing shall be paid at your expense.
1002-7.6 BSM Agricultural Suitability.
1. The BSM shall be suitable to sustain the growth of the plants specified and
shall conform to the following requirements:
a) pH range shall be between 6.0-7.5
b) Salinity shall be less than 3.0 millimho/cm (as measured by electrical
c) Sodium adsorption ration (SAR) shall be less than 3.0
d) Chloride shall be less than 150 ppm
2. The test results shall show the following information:
a) Date of Testing
b) Project Name
c) The Contractor’s Name
d) Source of Materials and Supplier’s Name
e) pH
f) E
g) Total and plant available elements (mg/kg particle concentration):
phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron,
calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, molybdenum, nickel, aluminum,
arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, lithium, mercury,
selenium, silver, strontium, tin, and vanadium. Plant available
concentration shall be assessed based on weak acid
extraction(ammonium Bicarbonate/DTPA soil analysis or similar)
h) Soil adsorption ratio
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 592
i) Carbon/nitrogen ratio
j) Cation exchange capacity
k) Moisture content
l) Organic content
m) An assessment of agricultural suitability based on test results
n) Recommendations for adding amendments, chemical corrections, or
3. BSM which requires amending to comply with these specifications shall be
uniformly blended and tested in its blended state prior to testing and delivery.
1002-7.7 BSM Chemical Suitability.
1. For systems with underdrains, the BSM shall exhibit limited potential for
leaching of pollutants that are at levels of concern. Potential for pollutant
leaching shall be assessed using either the Saturated Media Extract Method
(aka, Saturation Extract) that is commonly performed by agricultural
laboratories or the Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) (EPA SW-
846, Method 1312). The referenced tests express the criteria in terms of the
pollutant concentration in water that is in contact with the media. In areas in
which a pollutant or pollutants are associated with a water quality impairment
or a TMDL, BSM in systems with underdrains shall conform to the following
Saturation Extract or SPLP criteria for applicable pollutant(s):
a) Nitrate < 3 mg/L
b) Phosphorus < 1 mg/L
i. Alternative mixtures may be considered for systems with
underdrains in areas where phosphorus is associated with a
water quality impairment or a TMDL or where the BSM does
not achieve the Saturation Extract or SPLP criteria of < 1 mg/L
total phosphorus as specified. Details regarding alternative
mixtures requirements and potential components are
included in 1002-7.4, “Alternative Mix Components and
c) Zinc < 0.1 mg/L
d) Copper < 0.025 mg/L
e) Lead < 0.025 mg/L
f) Arsenic < 0.02 mg/L
g) Cadmium < 0.01 mg/L
h) Mercury < 0.01 mg/L
i) Selenium < 0.01 mg/L
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 593
2. Criteria shall be met as stated where a pollutant is associated with a water
quality impairment or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) in any downstream
receiving water. Criteria may be waived or modified, at the discretion of the
Resident Engineer, where a pollutant does not have a nexus to a water quality
impairment or TMDL of downstream receiving water(s). Criteria may also be
modified at the discretion of the Resident Engineer if you demonstrate that
suitable BSM materials cannot be feasibly sourced within a 50-mile radius of
the project site and a good faith effort has been undertaken to investigate
available materials.
3. The chemical suitability criteria listed in this section do not apply to systems
without underdrains, unless groundwater is impaired or susceptible to
nutrients contamination.
1002-7.8 BSM Hydraulic Suitability.
1. The saturated hydraulic conductivity or infiltration rate of the whole BSM shall
be measured by one of the following methods:
a) Measurement of hydraulic conductivity (USDA Handbook 60, method
34b) (commonly available as part of standard agronomic soil
b) ASTM D2434 Permeability of Granular Soils (at approximately 85%
relative compaction Standard Proctor, ASTM D698)
2. BSM shall conform to hydraulic criteria associated with the BMP design
configuration that best applies to the facility where the BSM will be installed:
a) Systems with unrestricted underdrain system (i.e., media
control). For systems with underdrains that are not restricted, the
BSM shall have a minimum measured hydraulic conductivity of 8
inches per hour to ensure adequate flow rate through the BMP and
longevity of the system. The BSM shall have a maximum measured
hydraulic conductivity of no more than 20 inches per hour. BSM with
higher measured hydraulic conductivity may be accepted at the
discretion of the Resident Engineer. In all cases, an upturned elbow
system on the underdrain, measuring 9 to 12 inches above the invert
of the underdrain, shall be used to control velocities in the underdrain
pipe and reduce potential for solid migration through the system.
b) Systems with restricted underdrain system (i.e., outlet control).
For systems in which the flowrate of water through the media is
controlled via an outlet control device (e.g., orifice or valve) affixed to
the outlet of the underdrain system, the hydraulic conductivity of the
media shall be at least 15 inches per hour and not more than 40 inches
per hour. The outlet control device shall control the flowrate to
between 5 and 12 inches per hour.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 594
c) Systems without underdrains. For systems without underdrains, the
BSM shall have a hydraulic conductivity at least 4 times higher than the
underlying soil infiltration rate, but shall not exceed 12 inches per
1002-7.9 Delivery, Storage and Handling.
1. You shall not deliver or place soils in frozen, wet, or muddy conditions. You
shall protect soils and mixes from absorbing excess water and from erosion
at all times. You shall not store materials unprotected during large rainfall
events (>0.25 inches). If water is introduced into the material while it is
stockpiled, you shall allow the material to drain to the acceptance of the
Resident Engineer before placement.
2. BSM shall be thoroughly mixed prior to delivery using mechanical mixing
methods such as a drum mixer. BSM shall be lightly compacted and placed in
loose lifts approximately 12 inches (300 mm) to ensure reasonable settlement
without excessive compaction. Compaction within the BSM area shall not
exceed 75 to 85% standard proctor within the designed depth of the BSM.
Machinery shall not be used in the bioretention facility to place the BSM. A
conveyor or spray system shall be used for media placement in large facilities.
Low ground pressure equipment may be authorized for large facilities at the
discretion of the Resident Engineer.
3. Placement methods and BSM quantities shall account for approximately 10%
loss of volume due to settling. Planting methods and timing shall account for
settling of media without exposing plant root systems.
4. The Resident Engineer may request up to three double ring infiltrometer tests
(ASTM D3385) or approved alternative tests to confirm that the placed material
meets applicable hydraulic suitability criteria in accordance with 1002-7.8,
“BSM Hydraulic Suitability”.
5. In the event that the infiltration rate of placed material does not meet
applicable criteria, the Resident Engineer may require replacement and/or
decompaction of materials.
1002-7.10 Quality Control and Acceptance.
1. Close adherence to the material quality controls herein are necessary in order
to support healthy vegetation, minimize pollutant leaching, and assure
sufficient permeability to infiltrate/filter runoff during the life of the facility.
2. Amendments may be included to adjust agronomic properties.
3. Acceptance of the material will be based on test results certified to be
4. Test results shall be conducted no more than 120 Calendar Days prior to
delivery of the blended BSM to the project site.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 595
5. For projects installing more than 100 cubic yards of BSM, batch-specific tests
of the blended mix shall be provided to the Resident Engineer for every 100
cubic yards of BSM along with a site plan showing the placement locations of
each BSM batch within the facility.
1002-7.11 Measurement and Payment.
1. The payment for quantities of Bioretention Soil Media shall be measured by
the cubic yard in place as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer
and shall be included under the Bid item for “Bioretention Soil Media”. This Bid
item shall include all labor, placement, soil mixture as specified herein, testing
and all other incidentals necessary to install the BSM.
1002-8.1 Drainage of BSM. Drainage of BSM requires the use of specific aggregate materials
for filter course (aka choking layer) materials and for an underlying drainage and
storage layer.
1002-8.2 Rock and Sand Products for Use in BSM Drainage.
1. Size classifications detailed in Tables 1002-8.2 (1) and 1002-8.2 (2) shall apply
with respect to BSM drainage materials. All sand and stone products used in
BSM drainage layers shall be clean and thoroughly washed.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 596
TABLE 1002-8.2 (1): Crushed Rock and Stone Gradation Limits
Sieve Size
Percent Passing Sieves
AASHTO No. 57 ASTM No. 8
3 in - -
2.5 in - -
2 in - -
1.5 in 100 -
1 in 95 – 100 -
0.75 in - -
0.5 in 25 – 60 100
0.375 in - 85 – 100
No. 4 10 max. 10 – 30
No. 8 5 max. 0 – 10
No. 16 - 0 – 5
No. 50 - -
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 597
TABLE 1002-8.2 (2): Sand Gradation Limits
Sieve Size
Percent Passing Sieves
Choker Sand - ASTM C33
0.375 in 100
No. 4 95 – 100
No. 8 80 – 100
No. 16 50 – 85
No. 30 25 – 60
No. 50 5 – 30
No. 100 0 – 10
No. 200 0 – 3
1002-8.3 Graded Aggregate Choker Stone.
1. Graded aggregate choker material shall be installed as a filter course to
separate BSM from the drainage rock reservoir layer. This ensures that no
migration of sand or other fines occurs.
2. The filter course consists of two layers of choking material increasing in
particle size. The top layer of the filter course shall be constructed of
thoroughly washed ASTM C33 fine aggregate sand material conforming to
gradation limits contained in Table 1002-8.2 (2). The bottom layer of the filter
course shall be constructed of thoroughly washed ASTM No. 8 aggregate
material conforming to gradation limits contained in Table 1002-8.2 (1).
1002-8.4 Open-Graded Aggregate Stone.
1. Open-graded aggregate material shall be installed to provide drainage for
overlying BSM and filter course layers, provide additional storm water storage
capacity, and contain the underdrain pipe(s). This layer shall be constructed of
thoroughly washed AASHTO No. 57 open graded aggregate material
conforming to gradation limits contained in Table 1002-8.2 (1).
1002-8.5 Spreading.
1. Imported BSM drainage material shall be delivered to the BMP system
installation site as uniform mixtures and each layer shall be spread in one
operation. Segregation within each aggregate layer shall be avoided and the
layers shall be free from pockets of coarse or fine material.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 598
2. Aggregate shall be deposited on underlying layers at a uniform quantity per
linear foot (meter), which quantity will provide the required compacted
thickness within the tolerances specified herein without resorting to spotting,
picking up, or otherwise shifting the aggregate material.
3. The thickness of the aggregate storage layer (AASHTO No. 57) will depend on
site specific design and shall be detailed in contract documents.
4. The bottom layer of the filter course (ASTM No.8) shall be installed to a
thickness of 3 inches (75 mm). The layer shall be spread in one layer. The top
layer of the filter course (ASTM C33) shall be installed to a thickness of 3 inches
(75 mm). The layer shall be spread in one layer. Marker stakes shall be used to
ensure uniform lift thickness.
1002-8.6 Compacting.
1. Filter course material and aggregate storage material shall be lightly
compacted to approximately 80% standard proctor without the use of
vibratory compaction.
1002-8.7 Measurement and Payment.
1. The payment for quantities of graded aggregate choker material shall be
included under the cubic yard Bid item for “Graded Aggregate Choker Stone”
and shall include all labor, installation, compaction, and other incidentals
necessary to install the graded aggregate choker material. The volumetric
quantities of graded aggregate choker stone material shall be those placed
within the limits of the dimensions as shown on the Plans.
2. The payment for quantities of open-graded aggregate storage material shall
be included under the cubic yard Bid item for “Open-Graded Aggregate Stone”
and shall include all labor, installation, compaction, and other incidentals
necessary to install the open-graded aggregate storage material. The
volumetric quantities of open-graded storage material shall be those placed
within the limits of the dimensions as shown on the Plans.
3. The weight of material to be paid for will be determined by deducting (from
the weight of material delivered to the Work) the weight of water in the
material (at the time of weighing) in excess of 1% more than the optimum
moisture content. No payment will be made for the weight of water deducted.
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 599
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 600
Abandonment, 275, 296, 301, 302, 345
Adjustment Factor, 178, 186
Air Pressure Test, 284
Allowance, 11, 27, 66, 78, 122, 136, 153, 176,
290, 362, 370, 383, 399, 452, 560
Approvals (Design-Build), 170
Approved Materials List (AML), 18, 44
Archaeological, Native American, and
Paleontological Mitigation, 135
Asbestos Materials, 278
As-Builts, 11, 166
Bedding For Plastic Pipe and Fittings, 282
Best Management Practice (BMP), 59, 496, 507,
539, 548, 566
Blowoff Valve Assemblies, 289
Bonds (Payment and Performance), 23
Building Permit, 26, 78, 167
Butterfly Valves, 233, 475, 518
Cable Installation, 413, 420
CADD, 166, 386
Caltrans, 12, 26, 40, 89, 151, 152, 166, 194, 353,
388, 400, 451, 544, 548
Cement Treated Base (CTB), 193, 267
Certificate of Compliance, 12, 76, 193, 196, 208,
405, 461
City Forces, 12, 74, 131, 290, 345, 349, 517, 519,
522, 525, 531
Claims, 21, 24, 30, 55, 58, 69, 83, 87. 91, 132,
143, 146, 162, 171, 180
Class 2 Aggregate Base, 191, 246
Cleanouts, 42, 206, 212, 276, 297, 308 576
Community Outreach, 92, 274, 388, 537
Compensation Adjustments For Price Index
Fluctuations, 151
Conductors, 409, 427, 445, 479, 493, 549
Conflict of Interest, 96
Construction and Demolition Waste
Management, 98, 101
Construction Documents (Contract Documents,
Bridging Documents), 13, 167, 184
Construction General Permit (CGP), 539
Contract Time Extensions, 386
Control Valves, 41, 470, 492
Controller Assemblies, 434
Correction of Work, 69, 401, 553, 587
Cost Reduction Proposal, 28, 80
Crack Seal Work, 264
Curb Ramp, 94, 241, 268, 274, 340, 351, 383,
449,, 524, 588
Damages Caused By Act Of God, 142
Defective Work, 13, 70
Delays, 128, 356
Design-Build Contracting, 158
Detectable Warning Tiles, 19, 241
Disinfection, 292, 332, 524, 528
Dispute Resolution Process, 32
Earthwork, 242
Emergency Vehicle Preemption
Equipment, 44
Encountering or Releasing Hazardous
Substances, 103
Fertilizers, 458, 481, 450
Fiber Optic Subsystems, 411
Field Orders, 141
Fire Hydrants, 235, 290, 293, 517, 523, 529
Flow Sensing Device, 472, 495
Foreign Materials, 77, 566, 577
Formal Partnering, 73
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 601
Fusible Non-Pressure Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe,
Gate Valves, 232, 274, 348, 478, 494
Graffiti Control, 53, 230, 334, 435
Health and Safety Plan, 88
Holiday, 14
Horizontal Directional Drilling, 209, 212, 222,
House Connection Sewer (Laterals), 207, 222,
Humps, Lumps, and Pavement Irregularities,
351, 354
Indemnification, 91, 171
Infield Mix, 192
Job Order Contracting (JOC), 178
Joint Venture, 12, 15
Laws, 11,26, 53, 82
Legally Responsible Person (LRP), 540, 543
Liquidated Damages, 139
Long-Term Warranty Contract (LTWC), 72
Long-Term Maintenance and Monitoring
Agreement, 503, 506, 512
Manholes, 194, 260, 274, 295, 305, 309, 318,
327, 348,362, 373, 513
Markouts, 334,
Markup, 153
Mobilization, 148, 275
Moratoriums, 130
Mulch, 464, 484, 493
Normal Working Hours, 15
Notice of Completion, 15
Notice of Termination (NOT), 137, 543, 546
Paint, 230, 314
Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights, 87, 162
Payment, 143
Payroll Records, 87, 144, 152
Pedestrian Barricade, 467
Permit Registration Documents (PRDs), 126,
540, 543
Permits, Fees, and Notices, 26
Phased Funding, 124, 128, 150
Pipe Bursting, 212, 322
Pipeline System Rehabilitation, 357
Plug Valves, 235
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 223
Pre-Award Schedule, 128
Pre-construction Meeting, 46, 57, 82, 92, 98, 101,
122, 130, 134, 141, 359, 371, 388. 501,
Precedence of Contract
Documents, 39, 165, 184
Private Pump, 229, 300
Public Notice By Contractor, 93
Pull Boxes, 410, 451, 470, 480,
Punchlist, 11, 16, 68, 89, 122, 131, 496, 512
Rain Sensing Device, 473, 495
Raised Reflective Pavement Markers, 450
Red-lines, 11, 16, 40, 65, 67, 166, 320,
Remote Control Camera Inspection, 36
Removing, Reinstalling, or Salvaging Electrical
Equipment, 443
Replumbing, 297, 347
Resurfacing, 64, 94, 130, 145, 259, 291, 308,
340, 349, 351, 351, 381, 387, 410, 490, 531
Retention, 16, 24, 69, 140, 457, 545,
Re-vegetation, 42, 501
Right To Audit, 140
Rock Materials, 187
Root Barriers, 469, 499
City Supplement (Rev. 2021) Page 602
Sanitation, 53, 550
Schedule, 16, 66, 122
Schedule of Values (SOV), 126, 141, 175, 451,
Scope of Work (SOW), 16
Seal Coat, 219, 261
Separate Contractors, 17, 74, 129, 348
Shoring, 281
Signs, 51, 93,102, 206, 273,278, 333, 379, 384,
388,397, 405, 449
Soil Amendments, 458, 482, 508
Special Inspection, 78
Specialty Inspection, 77
Spill Prevention, 54
Sprinkler Equipment, 476
Stop Work, 71, 130, 137, 278, 504
Storage and Staging Areas, 54
Stored Materials, 146, 208,
Subcontractors, 21, 23, 34, 69, 73, 86, 91, 137,
140, 143, 152, 161, 165, 172
Subsurface Data, 50
Survey Monuments, 269, 274, 313, 335, 349, 352
SWPPP, 43, 45, 540,
Technical Studies, 50
Temporary Blow-offs, 63
Termination of the Contract, 97, 137, 151
Time of Completion, 174, 185
Topsoil, 455, 48, 507
Trade Names, 80, 170
Traffic Signal Faces and Fittings, 436
Traffic Signal Loop Detectors, 353
Traffic Signs and Components, 449
Traffic Striping, Curb and Pavement
Markings, and Pavement Markers, 314
Tree Removal, 22, 343,
Trench Marker Tape, 480
Trenchless Method, 288, 298, 301
Underground Conduit
Construction, 274
Underground Service Alert
(USA), 344, 381
Video Inspection, 301, 320, 360
Video Recording of Existing Conditions, 298
Virtual Project Manager (VPM), 97
Waiver of Claims, 146
Walk-through, 68
Warranty, 46, 69, 71, 169, 226, 229, 301
Water Discharges, 60, 83, 540, 551
Water Meter Boxes, 237, 289, 345
Water Pollution Control, 44, 58, 82, 184, 539, 54,
Water Services, 288, 293, 346, 522
Withholding of Payment, 165
Work Outside Normal Working Hours, 165
Work To Be Done, 26, 161
Standard Specications For
Public Works Construction
525 B STREET STE. 750
Standard Specications
For Public Works Construction
2021 Edition