Office of Inspector General
Lessons Learned from the
August 11, 2007, Network Outage at
Los Angeles International Airport
Notice: The Department of Homeland Security, Office of the Inspector General, has redacted
this report for public release. A review under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.
552), will be conducted upon request.
May 2008
Office of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
May 28, 2008
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) was
established by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296), by amendment
to the Inspector General Act of 1978. This is one of a series of audit, inspection, and
special reports prepared as part of our oversight responsibilities to promote economy,
efficiency, and effectiveness within the department.
This report addresses lessons learned from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s
management of the network outage at Los Angeles International Airport on
August 11, 2007. It is based on interviews with employees and officials of relevant
agencies and institutions, direct observations, and reviews of applicable documents.
The recommendations herein have been developed to the best knowledge available to our
office and have been discussed in draft with those responsible for implementation. It is
our hope that this report will result in more effective, efficient, and economical
operations. We express our appreciation to all of those who contributed to the
preparation of this report.
Richard L. Skinner
Inspector General
CBP U.S. Customs and Border Protection
CIO Chief Information Officer
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHS Department of Homeland Security
IT Information Technology
LAN Local Area Network
LAX Los Angeles International Airport
NOC Network Operations Center
OIG Office of Inspector General
PDT Pacific Daylight Time
SOC Security Operations Center
TECS Treasury Enforcement Communications System
Bradley Terminal Tom Bradley International Terminal
Table of Contents/Abbreviations
Executive Summary............................................................................................................ 1
Background......................................................................................................................... 2
Results of Review ...............................................................................................................3
Actions Taken During the Network Outage................................................................... 3
Lessons Learned ............................................................................................................. 6
Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 11
Management Comments and OIG Analysis................................................................. 12
Other CBP Ports of Entry May Experience Similar Outages....................................... 13
Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 14
Management Comments and OIG Analysis................................................................. 14
Appendix A: Purpose, Scope, and Methodology .....................................................15
Appendix B: Management Comments to Draft Report ...........................................16
Appendix C: August 11, 2007, LAX Network Outage Timeline ............................17
Appendix D: Major Contributors to This Report.....................................................18
Appendix E: Report Distribution ............................................................................19
Department of Homeland Security
Office of Inspector General
Executive Summary
We evaluated actions taken by US Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) to address the network outage at Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX) on August 11, 2007. We also
evaluated actions CBP took to prevent a similar outage from
occurring again. We performed onsite inspections at the airport,
interviewed department staff, and conducted technical tests of
workstations involved in the outage. We also reviewed applicable
department policies, procedures, and other appropriate
The August 11, 2007, network outage at LAX prevented CBP from
conducting its normal operations for approximately 10 hours and
affected more than 17,000 passengers. CBP has taken actions to
ensure that a similar outage does not recur at this airport. These
actions include updating its network topology and ensuring that
backup systems can be deployed quickly.
We are recommending additional actions that CBP could
implement to manage network outages more effectively. For
example, the CBP Network Operations Center (NOC) could use
onsite support staff more effectively to isolate and resolve outages.
Additionally and automatic error
notification messages should be established. Further, contingency
planning documentation for the network at LAX should be
While CBP has taken actions to prevent an outage from recurring
at LAX, the conditions that gave rise to the outage may also exist
at other ports of entry. We are recommending that CBP determine
whether their actions taken at LAX should also be taken at other
ports of entry. CBP management concurred with our
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
Page 1
On August 11, 2007, the CBP network at LAX experienced an
outage that started at approximately 1:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight
Time (PDT) and lasted until 11:45 p.m. PDT.
At first, CBP staff
experienced response time delays with the computer system used
to process passengers. Specifically, CBP reported response time
during the outage as averaging 2 to 3 minutes when normal CBP
computer system response time is under 5 seconds.
Starting at 4:16 p.m. PDT, CBP officers were not able to perform
any queries of their remote databases. At that point, CBP was
unable to process arriving passengers using remote systems.
Further, full deployment of a backup system was delayed until a
field technician started assisting with the deployment an hour later.
According to CBP estimates, this outage affected up to 17,000
passengers. Due to the delays in processing passengers, the
international arrival areas filled with passengers and the LAX fire
marshal restricted the number of people that were allowed in the
waiting areas and jet ways. As a result, new arrivals were not
allowed to disembark. These passengers sat on approximately 60
planes on the tarmac for several hours. Other operations at LAX,
including international departures, were also affected.
Additionally, several international flights were diverted to Ontario
International Airport, California, approximately 55 miles away.
See Appendix C, August 11, 2007, LAX Network Outage Timeline, for details.
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
Page 2
Results of Review
Actions Taken During the Network Outage
CBP staff and their communications vendor Sprint took various
actions to resolve the outage of the CBP network at LAX on
August 11, 2007. Specifically, individuals at LAX and remote
locations worked together to identify the cause of the outage and to
restore processing.
12:50 p.m. PDT to 2:00 p.m. PDT
On August 11, 2007, at 12:50 p.m., PDT, CBP staff at LAX first
reported a delayed response time when querying the Treasury
Enforcement Communications System (TECS).
CBP’s NOC was alerted that they could not access the LAX router.
At 1:16 p.m., PDT, the NOC reported the problem with accessing
the router to its communications vendor, Sprint. The CBP Help
Desk and Duty Officer were notified of the problem.
The NOC instructed the CBP onsite technician at LAX to restart
the communications devices leading to the router by turning them
off and on. However, restarting these devices did not resolve the
problem. CBP reported query response time was now averaging
2 to 3 minutes, approximately 30 times slower than normal. At
1:55 p.m., PDT, Sprint reported to the NOC that its
communications lines were active and its routers at LAX
responded electronically. Sprint suggested that CBP restart its
communications equipment.
2:00 p.m., PDT to 3:00 p.m., PDT
The NOC again asked the CBP onsite technician to restart the
communications devices and also to verify that there was power to
the router. Sprint confirmed that the circuits were not
disconnected. The CBP Duty Officer was notified. At 2:48 p.m.,
the NOC called Sprint and verified that there was power to CBP’s
communications equipment. The NOC was to call Sprint back
when CBP verified that there was power to the Sprint router.
TECS is a CBP mission-critical law enforcement application designed to identify people and businesses
suspected of or involved in violation of federal law. TECS is also a communications system permitting
message transmittal among DHS law enforcement offices and other national, state, and local law
enforcement agencies.
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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3:00 p.m., PDT to 4:00 p.m., PDT
CBP onsite staff confirmed that there was power to the router. The
CBP Duty Officer requested a status update.
The NOC established a teleconference call with Sprint
that Sprint dispatch a technician to the airport.
and the CBP onsite technician. At 3:57 p.m., PDT, the NOC
reported to Sprint that there was power to its router and requested
4:00 p.m., PDT to 5:00 p.m., PDT
The CBP Acting Port Director and the CBP local area
network (LAN) field manager for Southern California requested a
status update. The last query of the CBP database from LAX was
at 4:16 p.m., PDT. The Sprint technician was dispatched to LAX
at 4:20 p.m., PDT.
5:00 p.m., PDT to 6:00 p.m., PDT
A second CBP onsite technician arrived at LAX and started
in terminals 4
and 5. The NOC provided status information on the outage to the
CBP Duty Officer and LAX LAN administrator.
6:00 p.m., PDT to 7:00 p.m., PDT
A CBP field technician started assisting
at the Tom Bradley International Terminal (Bradley
Terminal). CBP’s Duty Officer set up a conference call on the
outage and provided the number to Sprint and the NOC. CBP’s
LAX Deputy Field Officer, Southern California area manager,
deputy area manager, and Office of Field Operations Duty Officer
were provided with a status update.
The Sprint technician arrived at the airport and verified that the
Sprint equipment was working correctly. Specifically, while the
Sprint router had been responding electronically, Sprint was not
able to remotely administer the router. When the Sprint technician
restarted the router, it restarted in a “busy” state. However, when
the Sprint technician disconnected the LAX LAN and then
restarted the router, Sprint was able to remotely administer the
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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router. This confirmed that the problem was with the CBP LAX
LAN and not with Sprint equipment.
7:00 p.m., PDT to 9:00 p.m., PDT
Sprint remote network support staff joined the conference call and,
with the onsite Sprint technician, started assisting CBP in
identifying the problem with the CBP LAX LAN. Sprint remote
network support instructed the Sprint technician to connect his
laptop computer with a modem to the CBP switch.
Communicating through the modem, the Sprint remote network
support staff evaluated the traffic on the switch with the laptop’s
HyperTerminal software.
9:00 p.m., PDT to 11:00 p.m., PDT
By approximately 9:00 p.m., PDT, all terminals were now
processing passengers by accessing the CBP databases except for
the Bradley Terminal.
CBP field technicians started activities to isolate the problem.
They disconnected a wireless network and a media converter from
the network, but this action did not resolve the outage. At the
Bradley Terminal, the CBP field technicians continued trouble-
shooting by removing and replacing components of a
communications device without first turning the power off, a
process known as “hot-swapping” components. During this effort,
the device burned out, filling the telecommunications closet with
smoke. However, the CBP technicians located a decommissioned
switch from another section of the airport, restored functionality,
and then continued their problem resolution activities.
Hyper Terminal is a program that comes with the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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11:00 p.m., PDT to 11:45 p.m., PDT
CBP field technicians disconnected a circuit at the Bradley
Terminal containing 12 devices. CBP staff at the Bradley
Terminal could then perform database queries. The 12 devices
remained disconnected from the LAX LAN and full processing
resumed at 11:40 PM PDT.
Lessons Learned
CBP has taken actions to ensure that the outage on the LAX LAN
does not recur, or if it recurs, that the impact will be minimized.
However, further actions are necessary to
expedite recovery efforts following a network outage.
Specifically, during future events, the CBP NOC should establish
conference calls to keep all interested parties informed of the
recovery efforts. The NOC also could more effectively use onsite
support staff as well as other information sources. Additionally,
CBP should provide diagnostic tools,
and establish automated messaging to help identify network
problems in a timely fashion. Further, CBP should update the
LAX LAN contingency plan to provide better guidance during an
outage. Finally, CBP’s Security Operations Center (SOC) should
improve procedures for controlling devices that may be the cause
of an outage.
According to Appendix III of the Office of Management and
Budget Circular A-130, Management of Federal Information
“Inevitably, there will be service interruptions. Agency
plans should assure that there is an ability to recover and
provide service sufficient to meet the minimal needs of
users of the system.”
“Normally the Federal mission supported by a major
application is critically dependent on the application.
Manual processing is generally NOT a viable back-up
option. Managers should plan for how they will perform
their mission and/or recover from the loss of existing
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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application support, whether the loss is due to the inability
of the application to function or a general support system
failure. Experience has demonstrated that testing a
contingency plan significantly improves its viability.
Indeed, untested plans or plans not tested for a long period
of time may create a false sense of ability to recover in a
timely manner.”
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
Page 7
Network Operations Center
CBPs NOC manages CBP’s wide area network from a central
location. However, on August 11, 2007, the NOC could not
remotely access the CBP LAN at LAX
If a similar outage were to
occur in the future, the NOC could take additional steps to keep
staff informed, resolve the outage sooner, and identify the source
of the outage.
For example, during the outage on August 11, 2007, several people
called the NOC to ask about the status of the outage. These callers
included the CBP Duty Officer, the local LAN administrator, and
CBP Field Operations staff. However, it was the CBP Duty
Officer at LAX who initiated a conference call so that all
resolution efforts.
concerned parties could find out the status. In the future, if an
outage is not resolved quickly, the NOC should establish a
conference call to keep all parties informed of the status of
Additionally, the CBP NOC could use onsite CBP field support
staff more effectively in future outages. For example, the NOC
then back on, to various communications devices. However,
restarting these devices did not resolve the outage. At that point,
the NOC could have instructed the onsite support staff to perform
more “‘trouble-shooting” activities. Specifically, the NOC could
have instructed the onsite field support staff to remove connections
and isolate devices in an effort to identify the cause of the outage.
had the onsite CBP field support technician turn the power off,
Further, CBP could provide network management tools to assist in
identifying and resolving network problems.
The NOC could provide similar tools to onsite
support staff.
Placing network management tools onsite would allow the
NOC to use the onsite support staff more effectively when the
network is not accessible from a remote location.
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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Further, the DHCP server may be able to provide the CBP NOC
with specific information about the cause of an outage.
The TECS database provided information on whether
queries were being received from CBP’s LAX LAN; and
CBP’s Automated Operations Division received network
traffic information from CBP’s LAX LAN;
The NOC also could use additional information sources when
diagnosing problems with a remote network. For example, during
the outage on August 11, 2007, the CBP NOC was concerned that
the Sprint circuits to LAX had been disconnected. However, the
NOC could have determined that the circuits were active through
three different CBP informational sources. Specifically,
Additional Information Sources
Field Support Procedures
CBP should ensure that field support staff have the training and
information necessary to effectively service hardware components.
Specifically, these procedures should list which devices are not
“hot-swappable.” This information would assist onsite support
technicians when they are trying to resolve a network outage. For
example, a CBP LAX LAN communications device burned out
and filled the LAN room with smoke when CBP field technicians
erred by removing and replacing components of a communications
device without first turning off the device.
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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Contingency Planning Documentation
CBP should ensure that contingency planning documentation is
sufficient to guide staff in the event of a general support system
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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Security Operations Center Procedures
CBP’s SOC should improve procedures for controlling devices that
may be the cause of an outage. For example, the CBP SOC’s and
our evaluations of workstations that may have been involved in the
outage were inconclusive. Specifically, the SOC noted that
rebooting one of the machines may have eliminated critical
Improved SOC procedures for impounding devices and
maintaining a chain of custody would assist CBP when performing
diagnostics on other workstations that may be involved in a similar
We recommend that the CBP Chief Information Officer (CIO) take
the following actions for CBP activities at LAX:
Recommendation #1: Establish and test procedures to use NOC
support staff.
and onsite field support staff more effectively during a network
Recommendation #3: Provide network diagnostic tools for onsite
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
Page 11
Recommendation #6: Improve procedures for impounding and
maintaining the chain of custody for computers to be evaluated.
Management Comments and OIG Analysis
We obtained written comments on a draft of this report from the
CBP Office of Policy and Planning. We have included a copy of
the comments in their entirety at Appendix B.
In the comments, CBP concurred with recommendations one
through six. These recommendations will be considered resolved
but open pending verification of all planned actions.
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
Page 12
Other CBP Ports of Entry May Experience Similar Outages
According to CBP staff, there is a high risk that a similar outage
could occur at other CBP ports of entry. For example, according to
an August 2007 briefing CBP provided to the Congress,
CBP has taken various actions to ensure there is no repeat of the
August 11, 2007, outage on its LAN at LAX.
Further, CBP has updated its systems security plans to include
devices operating at LAX. Finally, we have made
six recommendations in this report to assist CBP in improving
system operations at LAX. CBP should determine whether these
improvements should also be applied at other ports of entry.
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
Page 13
System Documentation
CBP has taken steps to ensure that all known information
technology assets are included in the system security plan for the
LAX LAN. These include refugee fingerprint processing
machines and a network monitoring workstation operated by the
Automated Operations Division. These assets may be operating at
other ports of entry and may not be included in the appropriate site
security plan.
According to DHS 4300 Sensitive Security Handbook,
Attachment D – Type Accreditation,
“To account for unique physical and logical variations at
the site level, a description of any differences and the
associated risks at each site are documented, and the site-
specific documents are incorporated as attachments or
appendices to the master C&A package.”
We recommend that the CBP CIO:
Recommendation #7: Determine whether the corrective actions
taken at LAX should also be taken at other CBP ports of entry.
Management Comments and OIG Analysis
In the comments, CBP concurred with recommendation seven.
This recommendation will be considered resolved but open
pending verification of all planned actions.
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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Appendix A
Purpose, Scope, and Methodology
Our purpose was to determine whether actions taken by CBP to
address the August 11, 2007, outage at LAX were sufficient to
minimize the effects of a potential future outage. Specifically, we
evaluated whether the controls that CBP implemented would assist
in identifying the cause of an outage, facilitate deployment of
backup systems, and recover from the outage.
We coordinated the implementation of this technical security
evaluation program with the DHS Chief Information Security
Officer. We mutually agreed to the wording for the Rules of
Engagement for the technical testing.
We reviewed applicable
DHS and CBP policies, procedures, and CBP’s responses to our
site surveys and technical questionnaires. Prior to performing our
onsite review, we used CBP’s responses to identify occupied
space, server rooms, and telecommunications closets. Our onsite
review included a physical review of CBP space and interviews
with CBP staff. Our technical review included reviews of
workstations that may have been involved in the outage at LAX.
We provided CBP with briefings concerning the results of
fieldwork and the information summarized in this report. We
conducted this review between August 2007 and March 2008.
We performed our work according to the Quality Standards for
Inspection of the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency,
and pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended.
We appreciate the efforts by DHS management and staff to provide
the information and access necessary to accomplish this review.
Our points of contact for this report are Frank Deffer, Assistant
Inspector General for Information Technology, (202) 254-4100,
and Roger Dressler, Director for Information Systems and
Architectures, (202) 254-5441. Major Office of Inspector General
(OIG) contributors to the review are identified in Appendix D.
The Rules of Engagement established the boundaries and schedules for the technical evaluations.
Our analysis of three devices that may have been involved in the August 11, 2007 outage was
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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Appendix B
Management Comments to Draft Report
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Appendix B
Management Comments to Draft Report
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Appendix B
Management Comments to Draft Report
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Appendix B
Management Comments to Draft Report
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Appendix B
Management Comments to Draft Report
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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12:50 p.m
1:00 p.m.
5:00 5:00
7:00 7:00
Appendix C
August 11, 2007 LAX Network Outage Timeline
First report of a problem
NOC reports problems to Sprint. CBP onsite technician powers
equipment off /on and stays in contact with CBP NOC.
Sprints reports to NOC that its circuits are active.
Between 2PM PDT and 3PM PDT, C BP onsite technician powers
equipment off /on. Sprint reports that its circuits are active.
CBP requests that Sprint sends a technician to LAX.
No further queries against the CBP database from this point
until 8:13 PM PDT
Sprint dispatches a technician to the airport.
CBP onsite technician starts helping in Terminals 4 and 5.
CBP onsite technician starts helping in Tom Bradley
International Terminal (Bradley Terminal). Sprint technician arrives
onsite and verifies that Sprint equipment is working correctly.
Sprint assisting CBP in trouble-shooting the CBP LAN at
starts to isolate problem. Bradley Terminal subnet removed from
CBP database gets first queries since 4:16 PM PDT. All
terminals can now access remote databases accept for the
Bradley Terminal.
During efforts
a switch burns out between 9PM PDT and 11PM PDT.
CBP field technicians find replacement parts and continue efforts to
isolate and resolve the problem.
CBP LAX LAN operates
ns Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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Appendix D
Major Contributors to This Report
Roger Dressler, Director, Department of Homeland Security,
Information Technology Audits
Kevin Burke, Audit Manager, Department of Homeland Security,
Information Technology Audits
Domingo Alvarez, Senior Auditor, Department of Homeland
Security, Information Technology Audits
Beverly Dale, Senior Auditor, Department of Homeland Security,
Information Technology Audits
Matthew Worner, Program Analyst, Department of Homeland
Security, Information Technology Audits
Sammer El-Hage, Program Management Assistant, Department of
Homeland Security, Information Technology Audits
Syrita Morgan, Program Management Assistant, Department of
Homeland Security, Information Technology Audits
Richard Saunders, Director, Department of Homeland Security,
Information Technology Audits
Steve Matthews, Department of Homeland Security
Information Technology Audits
Pamela Williams, Referencer/Senior Auditor, Department of
Homeland Security, Information Technology Audits
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
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Appendix E
Report Distribution
Department of Homeland Security
Deputy Secretary
Chief of Staff
Deputy Chief of Staff
General Counsel
Executive Secretary
Under Secretary for Management
Assistant Secretary for Policy
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Chief Privacy Officer
Deputy CIO
Chief Information Security Officer
Commissioner, CBP
Information Systems Security Manager, CBP
CBP Audit Liaison
DHS Audit Liaison
Office of Management and Budget
Chief, Homeland Security Branch
DHS Program Examiner
Congressional Oversight and Appropriations Committees, as appropriate
Lessons Learned from the August 11, 2007, Network Outage at Los Angeles International Airport
Page 23
Additional Information and Copies
To obtain additional copies of this report, call the Office of Inspector General
(OIG) at (202) 254-4199, fax your request to (202) 254-4305, or visit the OIG web
site at
OIG Hotline
To report alleged fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement, or any other kind of
criminal or noncriminal misconduct relative to department programs or
Call our Hotline at 1-800-323-8603;
Fax the complaint directly to us at (202) 254-4292;
Email us at [email protected]; or
Write to us at:
DHS Office of Inspector General/MAIL STOP 2600,
Attention: Office of Investigations – Hotline,
245 Murray Drive, SW, Building 410,
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The OIG seeks to protect the identity of each writer and caller.