Ember.js front-end framework
SEO challenges and
frameworks comparison
Sunil Shrestha
Bachelors Thesis
Degree Program in BITe
October 2015
Sunil Shrestha
Title of report
Ember.js front-end frameworkSEO challenges and frameworks
Report pages
Juhani Välimäki
IWA Labs Oy, a Finnish company with extensive experience in modern information
technology provides professional service in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), online
marketing as well as develop mobile and web applications for its clients. In order to
provide smooth and better user experience with web applications, the company has
adapted front-end dedicated frameworks such as AngularJS, Backbone.js, etc. Therefore,
the company is interested in Ember.jsanother emerging front-end framework that was
first released in 2011.
The paper aims to study over current development of Ember.js and compare it with
alternative frameworks based on community popularity and their core features.
Furthermore, it also addresses some of the most common SEO challenges from Ember.js
The comparison of frameworks is based on various metrics of each framework such as
GitHub stars, commits history, available plugins, Stack Overflow questions, Google
trend over time etc. Additionally, core features are also discussed in terms of Model-
View-Controller (MVC) pattern. On the other hand, possible solutions for most
common SEO challenges in Ember.js are studied and tested via a sample application.
Based on the community popularity, AngularJS is clearly proven to be the most popular
framework. Nonetheless, based on GitHub commits and other metrics, Ember.js can be
taken equally an active and fast growing project. Ember.js community seems to be aware
of SEO challenges in Single Page Application (SPA). An ember ad-on, ember-cli-fastboot
is actively developed by Ember.js core team to make the application crawlable by search
engines and improve performance. However, the ad-on is not ready for production yet
and prerender.io service is used for our sample application to get it crawlable by search
Ember.js, Front-end frameworks, Front-end JavaScript frameworks, Front-end
frameworks comparisons, SEO challenges in Ember.js
Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ i
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... ii
Abbreviations and terms .......................................................................................................... iv
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope of the study ........................................................................................................ 1
2 Study plan ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Background theory ....................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Objectives for the research ......................................................................................... 2
2.3 Research ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Conclusions and Evaluation ....................................................................................... 2
2.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 2
3 Background theory ................................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Web Application Framework (WAF) ....................................................................... 4
3.2 MVC Pattern ................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Ember.js ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ........................................................................ 10
4 Objectives for the research ................................................................................................ 11
4.1 Comparing Ember.js with similar frameworks ...................................................... 11
4.2 Addressing SEO challenges from Ember.js standpoint ...................................... 11
5 Research ................................................................................................................................ 13
5.1 Comparing Ember.js to similar front-end frameworks on the market .............. 13
5.2 SEO challenges from Ember.js standpoint ........................................................... 24
5.3 Applying SEO challenges solutions to sample application ................................. 35
6 Conclusions and Evaluation .............................................................................................. 38
6.1 Comparing results against the goals ........................................................................ 39
6.2 Validity of the results ................................................................................................. 40
6.3 Evaluating used information sources ...................................................................... 40
6.4 Learning during the thesis process .......................................................................... 41
6.5 Further research ......................................................................................................... 41
7 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 43
Appendix A – Landing page of sample application running at server ............................... i
Appendix B – Google search result for sample application ................................................ ii
Appendix C – HTML document with Meta tags for each resource (AngularJS). .......... iii
Appendix D – HTML document with Meta tags for each resource (Backbone.js). ...... iv
Abbreviations and terms
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
Application Program Interface
CSS, JavaScript, Images
Framework dedicated to manage front-end components
Front-end framework built upon JavaScript
Small piece of code or snippets hosted in GitHub for easy
Repositories hosting service where people can share and
collaborate easily
Hyper Text Markup Language
Dynamic programming language also known as ECMAScript
JavaScript Object Notation
Model-View-Controller / Model-View with optional
Open source HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an
IMAP/POP3 proxy server
Representational State Transfer is an architectural style, and an
approach to communications that is often used in the
development of Web services.
Uniform Resource Identifier
Web Application Framework
Extensible Markup Language
1 Introduction
With the advancement of information technology, the web technology has also evolved
remarkably since early 1990s, when the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) were
publicly introduced. As the web applications have become the most common platform
for sharing information, it is also very important to present content to users with intuitive
design, great experience and smooth interactivity. This creates the need of proper client-
side dedicated frameworks like AngularJS, Ember.js, Backbone.js etc. These frameworks
offer not only great user interactivity, but also proper conventions, tools to keep the
codes organized, as well as make web application development more efficient.
Iwa Labs Oy, a Finnish company focusing on human centric digital solutions, holds an
extensive experience in developing popular web-services. While being close to modern
web development technology, the company provides professional services on designing
business models and service concepts, search engine optimization (SEO), online
advertising, e-commerce and usage analytics. (Iwa Labs Oy, 2015). In order to serve
clients with modern web technology, Iwa Labs has felt the need of study over current
trend of front-end JavaScript frameworks on the Internet and see where Ember.js
stands. Hence, this paper aims to compare currently available front-end frameworks and
study where Ember.js stands. Additionally, we will also address some SEO challenges
from Ember.js standpoint, find solution, and apply solutions to a sample application.
1.1 Scope of the study
The objective of this paper is to provide an overview on Ember.js, framework
architecture as well as compare it with other alternative frameworks in terms of
community popularity and their core features. The paper will also address Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) in Ember.js, find solutions to SEO challenges, and test them via a
sample application. However, it cannot be considered as a complete guide to SEO. As
this paper will present some snippets as examples, readers are expected to be familiar
with Ember.js to grasp the solutions for SEO challenges thoroughly.
2 Study plan
The study in this paper consists of five different phases: background theory, objectives
for research, research and, conclusions and summary.
2.1 Background theory
This section will familiarize readers with the general idea and concepts around Ember.js
such as front-end, backend, SEO, and other theoretical topics that will be required to
understand the context and significance of content we will address ahead.
2.2 Objectives for the research
In this section, we will clarify our main objective for research and the need for it. In
addition, this section will also explain the means and methods that will be used to
conduct the research and achieve our goals.
2.3 Research
This section will address the objectives of the paper and will involve detailed research
for our objectives. Here, we will collect data from different sources and find possible
solutions and present the findings to readers. In addition, solutions to SEO challenges
will be tested via a sample application. By the end of this section, the objectives of the
study will be resolved and readers will have proper understanding on solution to research
2.4 Conclusions and Evaluation
In this section, we will compare the result of study against our initial goal, discuss about
the validity of our results and evaluate the sources from where we have extracted our
solutions. In addition, readers will also be presented with uncovered topics as well as
further research and development after this study.
2.5 Summary
In this section, we will summarize the study in short and end the study part.
3 Background theory
The concept of web application is evolving continuously and demand for a better user
experience has slowly reshaped its philosophy. Ember.js on the other hand is a front-
end dedicated JavaScript framework contributed by well skilled open source community
and holds some key concepts of a modern web technology. Hence, in this section, we
will get into some of the theoretical topics and key concepts of web application that will
help us to understand the context and significance of content we will address ahead.
As of a traditional web application, the basic structure of the application consists front-
end and backend which keeps the development and maintenance process simpler. The
figure below illustrates the basic components of a web application.
Figure 3.1 Basic components of a traditional web application
As shown in figure 3.1, the user interacts with the web application via browser where
JavaScript is run and HTML, CSS, images, etc. are rendered. This presentation layer is
known as front-end as well as client side. On the other hand, backend comprises of
server with application, database and other components that stay behind the browser
listening to users’ requests. Backend handles the users’ requests, apply business logics
and serves HTML and other required assets. Hence, backend codes stay on the server
side where as front-end acts as an interface between user and backend.
(3nytechnology.com, 2015)
3.1 Web Application Framework (WAF)
“A web application framework (WAF) is a software framework that is designed to
support the development of dynamic websites, web applications, web services and
web resources. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with
common activities performed in web development.(Wikipedia, 2015f)
As stated by Wikipedia, WAF is designed to reduce the complexity in application
development. There are many frameworks, which are designed to handle the backend as
well as render views for the front-end. Frameworks like Rails can handle different type
of requests from clients and respond with appropriate format such as HTML, XML, and
JSON, etc. Table below presents some of the famous web application Frameworks
collected from Wikipedia. (Wikipedia, 2015a)
Programming language
Runs at
Spring MVC
Rails (Ruby on rails)
C# (C Sharp)
Table 3.1 List of Web Application Frameworks (WAF)
The backend frameworks reside on the server whereas front-end frameworks run at the
end-users’ browser and takes care of the presentation of content and user interactions.
As we have full control on the backend servers, it is common to have security layers and
business layer on the backend and serve only assets and data to the front-end
3.2 MVC Pattern
Most of the famous web application frameworks follow the Model-view-controller
(MVC) architectural pattern, which separates the data model with business rules from
user interface. MVC pattern is sometimes also detonated with MV* where asterisk (*)
could be an optional component. In addition, this concept helps to modularize the codes
and allow us to render different views or interface for different type of requests. (Pastor,
2010) For example: we can render fully styled page for human requests; only JSON data
for API requests or we can render sitemap.xml in XML format for crawlers like
Googlebot. Some of the examples MVC based frameworks as follows. (Wikipedia,
Spring MVC built with Java
Rails (Ruby on rails) built with Ruby
Ember.js built with JavaScript
Front-end frameworks
Front-end frameworks are meant to support the client-side presentation and maintain
the front-end related codes and organized them. The term “Front-end frameworks” may
refer to design oriented frameworks such as bootstrap, foundation, semantic UI etc. as
well as the same term could meant the full-fledged JavaScript frameworks like Angular.js,
Ember.js etc. Design oriented frameworks like bootstrap provide easy and more
standards-compliant web-design along with different tool and modules like reset-
stylesheet, grid and responsive web-design, styling for forms, buttons and navigation
menus etc. On the other hand, full-fledged JavaScript frameworks are meant to handle
JavaScript related interactivity in application by keeping them structured and organized.
Most of the famous JavaScript frameworks follow the MVC pattern, which isolates the
data model, user interface and business logic into different layers as Model-View-
Controller. This makes the MVC pattern capable of controlling user requests and handle
interaction to servers more intelligently and logically.
How do we know if we should change to JS MVC Frameworks?
For years, we have been using jQuery and other libraries. One might think, it was okay
then why should we change to frameworks now? Sometimes, adapting such big
frameworks for a simple application could be too heavy and overkill the application.
However, we should always analyze the required resources, need of framework and
competitive advantage of adapting them. These JavaScript MVC frameworks would be
beneficial for sites such as Stock Market Ticker, Social networking app, Data
visualizations apps etc. that involves maximum user interaction. We should use them
under following circumstances (Kukreja, 2014).
In an application with use of heavy AJAX interaction
Same data is being rendered in various ways on the page
Presence of highly reusable visual elements. E.g. Like, Comment or Share links on
Facebook, which appears in every single Facebook post
Page contains many but trivial interactions. E.g. Like buttons
The server can serve JSON/XML bases interface
Sites with news, blog pages, weather forecasts etc. rarely have that much of interactivity
on the page. So, sites of these typical types are not recommended or should at least
consider following points before undertaking any frameworks.
The server is not capable of handling too many requests. If we use JS MVC, each
model operation will cost a server call and server will need to respond to several
small requests.
The application has minimum user interactions. For example a page with form,
that has a "Submit" and a "Delete" button only.
Data on the application does not change very often or is a static web app.
Single page application
A single page application is a tending approach of building web application where all
necessary code or assets such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS etc. are retrieved on user’s
browser with a single page load or the appropriate resources are dynamically loaded and
added to the page as necessary in response to user actions. (Wikipedia, 2015e). Figure below
shows a typical example of a single page application built with Ember.js
As shown in the figure 3.2, Ember.js application runs almost entirely in the browser as
a single-page app. Routing, views rendering, model layer, handling user events,
persistence, etc. all run in the client. The application is loosely coupled to the app server
and data server, which may or may not be running on the same server. In this case, they
are running in different servers. App server mostly serves static files whereas data server
serves data in JSON or XML format via some RESTful API.
Data, currency
etc. formatting
Local storage,
User requests
Serve static assets
(Images, JavaScript, HTML)
Ember.js app server
View rendering
Figure 3.2 Ember.js application communicating with data server and application server.
Adapted from Brehm’s diagram (Brehm, 2012)
This approach is gaining popularity with Ember.js as well as with other similar
frameworks like angular, backbone etc. However, this approach has two major
drawbacks: performance and SEO. The performance flaws comes from the fact that the
browser needs to download and evaluate all external and inline scripts before the
browser can render any meaningful HTML. SEO is a vital aspect for content-heavy sites
to be visible on Internet and absolutely need to allow search engines to crawl our
application. But, keeping the application SEO friendly and crawlable has been big
challenge while building single-page app like this. (Brehm, 2012)
3.3 Ember.js
‘Ember.js’ an MVC framework for creating ambitious web applications. Ember.js is one
of the most famous and emerging open sourced JavaScript front-end frameworks with
wide range of developers’ community. Many popular sites including Yahoo, Groupon,
Discourse etc. currently use Ember.js. The framework is well designed to develop
scalable single page application where all the templates and views resides within a page
and takes care of rendering appropriate template based on state of URL or route. More
than anything else, it provides a rich object model, declarative two way data binding,
computed properties, HTMLBars templating engine (previously known as
Handlebars.js) to automatically-updating views and a router for managing application
state. (Ember.js, 2015a)
Basic Concept
Sets model for
Sets state on
Figure 3.3 Ember.js architectural design. Adapted from Knebels diagram ( Knebel, 2013).
Ember emphasizes strongly on convention over configuration to incorporate common
idioms and best practices among the developers’ community. Figure 3.3 shows the
architectural design and core concept of Ember.js app following the MVC pattern.
The router is a powerful concept of Ember, emphasizing the importance of the URL in
managing application state. Ember also has route, which is different from the router. A
route object corresponds to a URL and essentially serializes the application's current
state whereas the router is just a synopsis of all of our routes. Tom Dale one of the lead
developers of Ember quoted as follows emphasizing importance of URL.
The URL is an important strength that the web has over native apps. In web apps,
the URL goes beyond just being a static reference to the location of a document
on a server. The best way to think of it is as the serialization of the application’s
current state. As the user interacts with the application, the URL should update to
reflect what the user is seeing on their screen.” (Dale, 2012)
Every route has an associated model, containing the data associated with the current
state of the application. Models may be retrieved and updated by implementing AJAX
callbacks inside each route, or we can also rely on Ember-Data (a data-storage
abstraction layer) to greatly simplify the retrieval, updating and persistence of models
over a REST API. Despite of all great features in ember.js, it is important to realize that
Ember-Data in rapid development and its good idea to keep an eye on its updates.
A controller gets a model from a route and makes the bridge between the model and the
view or template. It is the perfect place to handle user events or actions like submitting
the form and apply the business logic before making request to API.
Templates are used to present the user interface, which are written with the HTMLBars
templating language, a variation of handlebars template system. HTMLBars templates
print the model data and automatically update it when the model changes.
In addition, it has the usual templating logic like, if-else, each-loops as well as formatting
helpers to allow developers to build their own helper functions.
A view is associated with a controller, a template and a route. The difference between
views and templates can be tricky. Views are best when we want to handle events or
handle some custom interactions of elements that are impossible to manage from
templates or CSS. Views are used to add sophisticated handling of user events, JavaScript
animations and custom graphics not made with CSS.
3.4 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website which might
involve editing its associated codes, content, HTML or making it more relevant to
specific keywords to increase visibility in search engines. The sites having higher rank on
search engines get visible earlier and more frequently in search result list, which certainly
affects the web traffic to the site. On the other hand, it also takes care of any behavior
that cause any barrier for the site being indexed by search engines. The process of SEO
considers on what people search for, how search engines work, relevancy of content to
the search keyword etc. that makes a remarkable contribution for Internet marketing.
(Wikipedia, 2015c)
4 Objectives for the research
The web is evolving rapidly, new technologies arise, and old methodologies quickly
become irrelevant. Having numbers of frameworks providing similar kind of features,
choosing a single framework is one big challenge. Nevertheless, choosing Ember.js for
a project is another huge decision. Hence, this report focuses on study over different
aspect of Ember.js to achieve the following goals.
4.1 Comparing Ember.js with similar frameworks
Choosing a right framework for our application may have a vital impact on ability to
deliver on time, and ability to maintain application code in future. An application can
easily get dirty when features grow, which requires a scalable framework to maintain it
properly. As there are many frameworks with similar design and features, it can be
confusing to choose one of them. Hence, we will try to find other alternative frameworks
that can provide similar feature or closer to what Ember.js does and compare with them.
Based on top JavaScript MVC frameworks presented by InfoQ (Synodinos, 2013),
AngularJS, Backbone.js and Knockout.js seem to be possible alternative framework to
Ember.js. Hence, we will go through an in-depth comparison of these three frameworks
with the possible sources available on Internet.
4.2 Addressing SEO challenges from Ember.js standpoint
SEO is a significant tool for a content-heavy web application, which enables its targeted
users to reach the relevant content from our site when they search in any search engine.
On the other hand, implementing SEO in an application along with a JavaScript
framework has been a well-known issue. Obviously SEO is a broad topic and many
factors such as content of application, response time by server etc., independent of
framework we choose and thus, will not come under our scope of study. Hence, we will
accomplish the following tasks to keep our Ember.js application SEO friendly.
Use SEO friendly URLs or make it human readable instead of having some
random number or text as URL.
Update document title of page dynamically based on current route.
Set Meta tags content dynamically depending on current route. For example:
different route of the application will have different content for Meta tags. I.e.
description, keywords etc.
Set Facebook open graphs properties dynamically based on current route. For
example, change in model or route will have different og:image, og:url,
og:description etc.
Make the site crawlable by search engines.
In order to achieve the above listed goals, we will create a sample application and host
in a server. Before we can even check in search engine or in Facebook, we will need to
make the site crawlable first. Then apply our solutions and make test on Google search
and also post a link to Facebook to check if open graph properties are applied properly.
5 Research
In this section, we will address the research objectives mentioned above. For comparing
Ember.js with other possible alternatives, data from different Internet sources will be
collected. However, addressing SEO challenges from Ember.js standpoint will involve
finding solutions on Internet, documenting them and testing with sample application.
5.1 Comparing Ember.js to similar front-end frameworks on the market
The Landscape of front-end web development consists of so many libraries, tools, and
frameworks that it has become very difficult for anyone to keep up with everything.
Developers these days are spoiled with choice when it comes to selecting MV*
framework for structuring and organizing their JavaScript web apps. If one does a
quick Google search for “JavaScript MVC Frameworks”, it is really easy to become
overwhelmed with all the choices that one can choose from. Table below lists the top
four frameworks as presented by InfoQ (Synodinos, 2013).
Initial Release
50 kB compressed
and minified
6.5 kB, Packed and
13 October,
95 kB, minified &
21 kB, minified &
5 July 2010
Table 5.1 List of popular MV* frameworks on market
All these frameworks today have a lot in common. They are open-sourced, released
under the permissive MIT license, and try to solve the problem of creating Single Page
App with MV* design pattern. Nevertheless, it is no easy job to decide which one to
choose. So, we will try to compare them based on community popularity as well as main
features they provide.
Community popularity
One of the biggest factors to consider when choosing a specific framework is size of the
community and the support behind it. A large community means more questions
answered, more third party modules, easy solutions as well as assertion of future
development. So, we will compare each of these frameworks based on the following key
Google trends for frameworks’ keyword
Third-party modules, GitHub and other metrics
Commits history
Top 10 contributors and their commits count
Google trends for frameworks’ keyword
Google trends might be the easiest way to find the most popular framework on Internet.
Google provides a tool, which helps us to compare keywords, which are being searched
on web, and illustrates comparison among searched keywords over time. Hence, the
figure 5.1 shows the trends for these four frameworks on Internet from 1 June 2010 till
31 March 2015 within computer and electronics category.
Figure 5.1 Worldwide Google trends over time on web search. June 2010 -March 2015
It becomes pretty clear that “angular js” is highly searched term on Internet while other
three frameworks terms are almost not comparable. However, we should also remember
that the graph compares only for the keywords searched regardless of what they mean.
If a person searches for a tech company named “backbone” which not necessary means
the Backbone.js framework, then that search is also accounted in this graph. On the
other hand, the graph also does not include search count for framework if the framework
is known with any other keywords. For example: Ember.js which was first known as
SproutCore 2.0 and name as Amber.js then renamed it again to be Ember.js as now.
Third-party modules, GitHub and other metrics
As all of these four repositories are open soured and hosted in GitHub, it makes easy to
compare them based on their commits, GitHub stars and contribution activities. Table
5.2 presents author-collected data as of 29 March 2015 from GitHub, Stack Overflow
and other sources.
Table 5.2 Current metrics on popularity of each framework
In terms of third-party modules, AngularJS is clearly the richest framework with 1,312
modules. In the second place, Ember.js has around 800 modules whereas Backbone.js
and Knockout.js have less than 300 modules. Besides, the highest number of questions
on Stack Overflow also shows that it has become point of interest among many
(Backplug.io, 2015)
m, 2015)
( Steiner, 2015)
(Mitchell ,
(Waite, 2015)
(Iwburk, 2015)
(Stack Overflow,
Stars on
( Ashkenas, 2015)
( Ashkenas, 2015)
Contributors on GitHub help to understand the governance style of project whether it
is managed by a small group of people or open to contributions from diverse audience.
Angular is a clear winner here. However, we should not overlook the fact that Angular
is the oldest (initial release 2009) of the three frameworks and Backbone.js initial release
was in 2010 whereas Ember (initial release 2011) is the youngest. All these metrics,
however, merely show the current state of each framework. It is also interesting to see
which framework has a faster-growing popularity, which we can study from commits
history and Google Trend.
Commits history
Commit history of the project help us to learn about the trend and growth of particular
framework. Commits history data can be retrieved from logging system of Git version
control or from the GitHub API for any Git repository. Hence, author collected Git log
for each framework is presented on the figure 5.2.
Figure 5.2 Commits history of each framework since 2014 till February 2015
As we can see from the graph above, Ember.js has a growing number of commits
whereas Knockout.js and Backbone.js have very minimal number commits compared to
AngularJS and Ember.js. In terms of commits history, AngularJS comes in second
position but we should also consider that AngularJS community is moving to a complete
re-write of framework as AngularJS 2 in a new repository which might have caused
dropping number of commits.
Nov-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15
Contribution distributions
Besides the number of commits or contributors in any project, it’s also important to
know who is actually developing them. Contribution distribution in the chart below
shows distribution of commits amongst top 10 contributors of each project. The data is
taken from GitHub as of date 11 April 2015.
Figure 5.3 Contribution distributions of top 10 contributors in each framework till February
The higher a line stays up before it drops down, a better indication that there is a healthy
distribution of commits amongst contributors. From this measure, Ember.js and
AngularJS seems have evenly distributed commits and share the credit equally among
committers compare to others. Backbone.js seem to have only few contributors
committed to project whereas Knockout.js seems a bit of a one-man show.
Concept and main features comparison
Based on the community popularity metrics and data, AngularJS seems to be highly
anticipated framework for future development whereas Knockout.js has very few
activities going on. From Ember.js standpoint, it would make more sense to compare it
with AngularJS or Backbone.js to learn why we should move to these frameworks or
should we just stick to Ember.js. Hence, we will compare Ember.js features with
AngularJS and Backbone.js only, leaving out Knockout.js from now on. In order to
understand the idea behind these frameworks, let’s start by getting into core concepts
and ideas behind them.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
AngularJS’s catchphrase “HTML Enhanced for Web Apps” explains pretty clearly its
philosophy and how it is actually used. Angular is heavily driven by directives, which
allows developer to extend the HTML with special tags and properties. This way of
writing code allows us to express view logic using real markup code and thus feels like
“enhanced HTML”. Some describe AngularJS as a library; many believe that it's a
framework, whereas lines below by Misko Hevery from AngularJS core development
team claims that it's an html compiler rather than a framework.
But a better way to think about angular is not to think about it as framework but
as HTML compiler, which allows you to create your OWN DSL in HTML, by
attaching your own behavior to any HTML element, attribute or text. And by any
I mean that you can make up your own names (outside those of HTML spec).”
(Hevery, How do Angular.js and Backbone.js compare?, 2011)
Backbone.js doesn’t boldly have a catch phrase, but the creator Jeremy Ashkenas, likes
to say, “There’s more than one way to do it”. As we can probably understand from that
statement, Backbone.js was built to be very flexible. Even though Backbone.js does not
offer many features out of the box, it does provide platform developers to extend via
numbers of plugins.
Ember.js’s catchphrase “A framework for creating ambitious web applications” from its
home page presents itself very clearly and boldly as the framework for large web
applications. Having “conventions over configuration” philosophy, Ember.js is a very
holistic framework in the sense that it’ll probably provide us with everything we need
and more, but because of this it also tends to be one of the biggest frameworks in terms
of size.
Furthermore, in order to understand these frameworks better, we will breakdown the
core components of these frameworks in terms of MV* Pattern as below.
Data binding
The simplest routing infrastructure a MV* JavaScript Framework can offer is mapping
functions to URLs, similar to their server-side relatives (e.g. Grails, Spring, ASP.NET,
CodeIgniter). Over the past couple years, we are seeing a big shift of the “backend”
functionality happen more on the client side and routing is the major component of how
these Single Page Apps are developed. With Single Page App (SPA), we can have one
common UI and just request the specific data that’s needed. This is commonly achieved
by adding a Hashtag (‘#foo’) to the path (or might even be full path assuming HTML5
push-state is enabled) which tells the browser not to fetch a request to web server but
allows the client side MV* framework take care of the logic for those respective paths.
Routing in Ember.js is considered to be the core of the application, which serves, as
almost the root file a developer would first start looking to understand the whole
application. It is quite intuitive that Ember.js route figures out its model, view, and
controller along with URL path just with a single line of code as long as we follow the
naming convention. As shown in table 5.3, we can simply provide the View as first
parameter while defining a route and Ember.js router will automatically look for these
classes in application unless we are planning to change the default behavior.
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.Router.map(function() {
//first paramater refers to the view/template
this.route('home', { path: '/' });
//Defining data for route
App.BlogsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
return {
title : “Title for the blog post”
body : “Body for the blog post”
Table 5.3 Defining routes in Ember.js
By default, an Ember.js app expects the path to route, controller and templates as below.
If we needed more granular customization, we can define different Controller, Template,
Model. Besides, we can also change default behavior of data access on model and fetch
data from API via Ajax in traditional way ( Knebel, 2013). For example in second part
of code above, we are simply returning JSON object as data for BlogsRoute.
In contrast to Ember.js’s convention-over-configuration routing mechanism, AngularJS
requires a template and even a controller to its router configuration. We have to manage
our template and controller manually but we can do that almost without restrictions.
Routing in Angular is very clean and simple. As shown on codes in table 5.4, Angular
uses the $routeProviderservice to take care of the routing for our application. It uses
a simple “object like” syntax of routing, for example the first route for /homesimply
declares that when user visits /home path, application should use home.html”
template backed byHomeControllercontroller.
var routingExample = angular.module('Example.Routing', []);
routingExample.controller('HomeController', function ($scope) {});
routingExample.controller('BlogController', function ($scope) {});
routingExample.config(function ($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/home', {
templateUrl: 'home.html',
controller: 'HomeController'
}).when('/blogs', {
templateUrl: 'blog.html',
controller: 'BlogsController'
redirectTo: '/home'
Table 5.4 Defining routes in AngularJS
Routing in Backbone is similar to AngularJS as it also uses similar “object like” syntax.
However, it’s slightly different for the reason that it maps templates through functions
instead of declaring them with in the route. For example in the code below in table 5.5,
when the user visits the blogs page with URL /blogs’, blogsRoute function gets
triggered. It is important to note that Backbone actually has no controller; the route is
actually the closest thing to a controller in Backbone.js.
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'homeRoute',
'home': 'homeRoute',
'blogs': 'blogsRoute',
homeRoute: function () {},
blogsRoute: function () {}
Table 5.5 Defining routes in Backbone.js
The Models are data objects that are stored in application to present on the UI. In an
MV* pattern, the model commonly serves two purposes. The first is to define the data
object for storing data, and the second purpose is to be able to observe model changes
and respond accordingly for state management.
In Angular the model is tied to the “$scope” object of the controller and is used in a
plain JavaScript object like style. Having dirty checking technique for data binding in
AngularJS, there is no need to call any method to grab data or send data from and to the
While AngularJS’s data binding takes care of the state management of the model,
Backbone handles models a bit differently. Backbone models are like JavaScript objects
too but with inherited methods to provide an API access and manipulate the data.
Backbone allows us to “extend” a model to use get () and set () functions in addition
to any other custom functions the developer creates.
The data model in Ember.js is a very similar concept to Backbone in the same style that
we can “extend” the model and use getters and setters. However, it has a numerous way
we can store, cache, and persist data. For example, we can also use Ember data to
define data model, manage model data, store in data-store as well as persist data via
Templating is basically a presentation of HTML document with special parameters that
eventually get replaced by arguments from a data model. There are two types of
templating: string based and DOM based. String based templates are similar to the
common jQuery html (“”) or the innerHTML method in which we can inject a string of
HTML and the browser would parse it to HTML. For example,
$('body').html("<p>Paragraph inside body</p>"). In contrast DOM based
templating will crawl the DOM tree to discover special elements in the tags (like angular
directives) and manipulate the DOM tree to manufacture the final DOM tree.
Angular uses a DOM based templating approach that is very easy to use out of the box.
As shown in table 5.6, it uses “mustache” like syntax with curly braces, and data for title
andbodyis automatically mapped from ‘BlogCtrl’ Controller.
<body ng-app =”myApp”>
<div ng-controller=”BlogCtrl”>
<h1> {{ title }} </h1>
<p> {{ body }} </p>
Table 5.6 Templating in AngularJS
Backbone, on the other hand truly justifies, “There’s more than one way to do it” which
actually allows us to use any third party templating system. Although Backbone has
dependency to underscore.js for out-of-the-box templating system, Handlebars is also a
very popular templating system, that is commonly used with backbone.js.
Ember.js uses string based Handlebars.js templating system and is going forward for
HTMLBars templating engine that is built on top of Handlebars.js. HTMLBars is
designed to compile Handlebars that builds a DOM rather than a String that can fake
DOM in server and render server compiled templates, which not only improves
performance, but also solve SEO issue, which is a major drawback in most of the front-
end frameworks.
Data binding
Data binding is a state of the current UI when it is in sync with the latest data model. In
other words, it is a consistent snapshot of our data model presented in UI. For example,
when a user fills out a form in a couple of input fields, if there’s data binding in place
the data model will be updated automatically to reflect the latest changes of the input
AngularJS is well known for its two-way data binding. Having regular JavaScript objects
as the ‘model’ in AngularJS, we don’t even need to do anything to keep the data in sync
because it does some “dirty checking” behind the scenes. This is done by checking if the
property in that “$scope” has been changed and if so, update the DOM and save the
new value.
Backbone doesn’t support data binding out of the box but there are numbers of third
party plugins that you can integrate to support data binding.
Ember does support data binding but does so via “getters” and “setters”. Ember.js
provides ability to bind property by watching some other object, property and reflect
changes immediately. In addition, it also provides the idea of observers to observe
properties and trigger function.
Compared to AngularJS, ‘getters’ and ‘setters’ in Ember.js can get very verbose as we are
constantly setting/getting, but the advantage of the ember way is that it is not dirty
checking and thus gives more performance benefit. One of core members of the
AngularJS team Misko Hevery points out that we can have up to 2000 properties bound
at a time (Hevery, Databinding in AngularJS, 2012). The continuous dirty checking starts
to be expensive when the collection of a specific $scope has a ton of properties.
5.2 SEO challenges from Ember.js standpoint
Keeping a web application SEO friendly as well as harvesting the goodness of front-end
JavaScript frameworks is one of the biggest challenges for developers. Hence, this
section will address the SEO challenges in Ember.js. We will also create a sample
application with a model name ‘framework’ and apply our findings and solution to this
application. The application will be running at http://seo.bitsocean.com and source
code will be available at GitHub repository: https://github.com/sunil-
shrestha/seo-friendly-ember.js (Shrestha, 2015). Table 5.7 below represents the
framework model in our sample application.
Table 5.7 Attributes for 'framework' model in sample application
Make SEO friendly URLs
Most of the client side MVC frameworks default to hash-based URLs that take
advantage of the fact that characters in a URL after an # are not passed through to the
server. Once the JavaScript application boots up, it looks at hash data and figures out
what it has to do. However, in modern browsers, we have better alternative to hash-
based URLs. I.e. HTML5 History API that allows our JavaScript code to modify the
URL without reloading the entire page. Thus, this approach helps us to maintain the
traditional way of URL http://example.com/blogs/blog-title instead of using
URL like http://example.com/#/blogs/blog-title”. By default, locationType for
routes is set to ‘auto’ which uses URLs based on HTML5 History API if possible and
fallbacks to #based URLs. However, we can configure it manually as follows within
router.js file.
// app/router.js
import Ember from 'ember';
var Router = Ember.Router.extend({
location: ‘auto’ //possible options: auto, history, hash,
Router.map(function() {
export default Router;
Table 5.8 Configuring Ember.js router location type
So far, Ember.js seems to be pretty good in handling URLs by providing options to keep
them clean with History API as well as fallback to #as per need. Nevertheless, our main
topic of interest here is creating the human readable or SEO friendly URLs. Search
engines do indexing on URLs and look for keywords in it. Both search engines and
people prefer websites to have consistent, easy-to-read URLs whereas poorly structured
URL can impair rankings and keep pages out of the search engine indexes. Therefore,
we want to have page URLs as in first row in table 5.9 instead of a complicated URL in
the second row.
Table 5.9 Example of URL structure
In order to achieve this human readable URL structure with Ember.js, we can use slug
as the unique identifier to our resources. However, we also need to make sure that the
property we use as slug is a unique attribute. Table 5.10 shows our model ‘framework
with ‘slug’ as a computed property from name of framework and same property will be
used for constructing a URL for each resource.
// app/model/framework.js
import DS from 'ember-data';
var Framework= DS.Model.extend({
name : DS.attr(),
description : DS.attr(),
source : DS.attr(),
initialRelease : DS.attr(),
liscence : DS.attr(),
slug: Ember.computed('name', {
get: function () {
return this.get('name').toLowerCase()
.replace(/ +/g,'-');
Table 5.10 Adding computed property 'slug' to use for resource URL
Now we can modify our router to use framework_sluginstead of ‘id’ for the dynamic
part of our framework route as shown in table 5.11.
// app/router.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Router.map(function() {
this.resource('frameworks', function () {
this.route('framework', {path: '/:framework_slug'} );
Table 5.11 Using slug as unique identifier instead of id
Once we have our slug property for the model, we need to tell our route to look for slug
property instead of id of model. However, we also need to serialize the model so that it
understands the dynamic part of route framework_slug as slug property of the
model. Table 5.12 presents the framework route after adding this serializer.
// app/routes/frameworks/framework.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function (params) {
return this.modelFor('frameworks')
serialize: function(model){
return {framework_slug: model.get('slug')};
Table 5.12 Adding serializer to model for using slug as dynamic part of route
After having all these codes intact, we should be able to have a SEO friendly URL. For
example, when we have a framework record with name ‘ember.js’, it should set our URL
Create dynamic document title based on current route of page
The document title of a page is defined by <title> tag, which is obligatory in all HTML
documents. For any HTML document, document title defines the title in browser
toolbar, provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites, displays a title for the
page in search-engine results as well as plays a vital role for the page being indexed by
search engines. (W3Schools, 2015). There are many ways to set our document title for
page and Ember.js has couple of add-ons just to do that. We could write our own code
also, but it can also be good idea to install an add-on and harvest the best possible
solution as well as benefit from Ember.js community. Thus, we will install an add-on
‘ember-cli-document-title’ to our sample application from
https://github.com/kimroen/ember-cli-document-title which is quite well documented
and contributed by some of the developers who are also in Ember.js core development
The add-on simply adds two new keys titleand titleTokento our routes, which
can be string or a function and sets the document title every time when the application
transition to any route. With installation of the add-on, Ember.js collects
thetitleTokens from the leaf most route and bubble them up until it hits a route that
has title defined and finally, returned value from the title function is used as the
document title. For example: we can create the ‘title’ function in application route as
shown in table 5.13 and settitleToken in child routes as in the tables 5.14 and 5.15.
// app/routes/application.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
title: function(tokens) {
if (tokens.length > 0) {
return tokens.join(' | ') + ' - BitsOcean';
return 'BitsOcean';
Table 5.13 Adding title function in application route
// app/routes/frameworks.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
titleToken: 'Front-end frameworks'
Table 5.14 Setting titleToken for frameworks route
// app/routes/frameworks/framework.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function (params) {
return this.modelFor('frameworks')
.findBy('slug', params.framework_slug);
titleToken: function (model) {
return model.get('name');
Table 5.15 Setting titleToken for framework route (leaf most route)
Thus, this will generate different document title for every record in ‘framework’ model
based on their name. For example, When record name is ‘AngularJS’, document title will
be Front-end frameworks | AngularJS BitsOceanand when record name is
‘Knockout.js’, document title will be Front-end frameworks | Knockout.js -
Set Meta tags dynamically depending on current route
The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document which is machine
parsable, but not displayed on the page. Meta elements are usually used to specify page
description, keywords, and author of the document, last modified, and other metadata.
Meta tags can help describe any page in a more convenient machine-readable format and
more suited to search engines. They are best used when accurately describing the page,
and helping search engines to shortcut to information about our page.
Meta tags are a great way for webmasters to provide search engines with
information about their sites. Meta tags can be used to provide information to all
sorts of clients, and each system processes only the meta tags they understand and
ignores the rest.” (Google Inc., 2015b)
As quoted above, Meta tags are great way to quickly tell search engines about the Meta
data of any HTML document. Besides, meta tags are also used by search engines while
indexing as well as presenting the page as matching search results. Figure 5.4 below
shows the search result for “prerender.io for ember.js” in Google search. When we
follow the link and look into the HTML document of the site, we can see the Meta tag
with name ‘description’ as on the table 5.16
Figure 5.4 Meta tags content used by Google search while listing search result
<meta name="description" content="Allow your AngularJS, BackboneJS, or
EmberJS apps to be crawled perfectly by search engines. View on
Table 5.16 Meta tag from the HTML document of the site
As shown in the result above, Google presents description below the URL of each search
result, which is extracted from the content of Meta tag name ‘description’ from HTML
document. Meta tags not only benefit sites with SEO but also help people to get quick
information about the site immediately from result page. Hence, we will add Meta tags
to our sample application so that the content of Meta tags changes depending on the
route we visit. In addition to basic Meta tags, we will also implement Meta tags for
Facebook open graph.
Adding basic Meta tags
Adding dynamic Meta tags in Ember.js application is pretty straight forward with an
Ember add-on “ember-cli-meta-tags”. With this add-on, we can have those Meta tags
populated when entering individual routes. So, we can simply follow documentation of
the add-on in GitHub and setup our application. (ember-cli-meta-tags, 2015) . Once
the add-on is installed, we can import the mixin provided by add-on and extend our
route from it. Table 5.17 below shows the setup for our sample application where we
have extended our ‘app/routes/frameworks/framework.js’ route.
// app/routes/frameworks/framework.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import RouteMetaMixin from 'ember-cli-meta-tags/mixins/route-meta';
export default Ember.Route.extend(RouteMetaMixin, {
model: function(){
meta: function (model) {
var model = this.get('currentModel');
return {
'name': {
'description' : model.metaDescription.substring(0,150)+ '...',
'keywords' : model.title
Table 5.17 Adding Meta tags for framework route
By extending the mixin from add-on, we are provided a property ‘meta’ inside the route,
which can be set as a function or a JSON object. The add-on will then nicely populate
the Meta tag within header tag of document when user visits this route. In the snippet
above, we are simply accessing the current model (record) and setting the description
and keywords meta tags based on the current model for now but we can also set
additional meta tags name if needed.
Adding Meta tags for Facebook open graph
‘Ember-cli-meta-tags’ add-on also provides ability to set meta tags’ property which is
very useful when we want to set our meta tags targeting to precise social networks and
sharing platforms. In this case, we will setup Meta tags for Facebook open graph by
modifying our previous route file and adding additional key-values as required by
Facebook open graph such as og:url, og:image, og:description etc. Table 5.18 below
shows our route after modification (Facebook Inc, 2015b).
// app/routes/frameworks/framework.js
meta: function (model) {
var model = this.get('currentModel');
return {
'name': {
'description' : model.metaDescription.substring(0,150)+ '...',
'keywords' : model.title
'property': {
'og:name' : model.title +' - BitsOcean',
'og:url' : document.location.href,
'og:image' : 'http://i.imgur.com/ilmbIHl.png',
'og:description' : model.metaDescription.substring(0,150)+
Table 5.18 Adding Meta tags for Facebook Open Graph
Hence, dynamic Meta tags in an Ember.js app can be achieved pretty easily once we have
the add-on installed. With this setup in our sample application, we should be able to see
the Meta description under the URL of search result when, our application is presented
in Google search result. In addition, above settings for Facebook Open Graph will
suggest Facebook to apply the particular name, URL, image and description to show
when someone shares or posts the link to our application.
Make the site crawlable by search engines.
Single page applications with client side frameworks have been challenging for search
engines to process because the browser can execute JavaScript and produce content on
the fly but the crawler cannot. AJAX content is produced dynamically by the browser
and thus not visible to crawlers. To make the crawler see what a user sees, the server
needs to give a crawler an HTML snapshot, the result of executing the JavaScript on the
page. While there are existing methods for dealing with this problem, they involve regular
manual maintenance to keep the content up-to-date. This is a real trade off developers
have to consider before deciding to go with an MV* framework instead of an application
that does its rendering on the server side. (Google Inc., 2015a)
“If some of your content is created dynamically, the page source will not include
all the content you will want the crawler to see. In other words, "View Page Source"
is exactly what the crawler gets. Why is this important? It is important because
search results are based in part on the words that the crawler finds on the page. In
other words, if the crawler can't find your content, it's not searchable.” (Google
Inc., 2015a)
Thus, Keeping Crawlers happy with client side frameworks one of the challenging job
for developers. Google has set some conditions to be agreed between our application
and Google crawler so that the crawler can reach out to our AJAX enabled page content
and get it indexed, which can be summarized as follows.
The site should adapt AJAX crawling scheme.
The server should provide an HTML snapshot for each AJAX URL, which is the
content a user (with a browser) sees.
The search engine indexes the HTML snapshot and serves original AJAX URLs
in its search results.
There are numbers of open source projects, which are trying to solve this issue while
only few of them are able to give satisfactory result. However, paid service like
Prerender.io seems to be quite a promising option for many businesses. Prerender.io
simply renders JavaScript in a browser, save the static HTML, and our application/server
returns that to the crawlers. If a crawler ever tries to access a page that isn't cached,
Prerender.io will render it on the fly and cache it afterwards. Furthermore, Prerender.io
also provides free service for saving up to 250 pages. (Prerender.io, 2015) Thus, we can
sign up for free service in Prerender.io and setup our server so that it will request for
static HTML from Prerender.io and return it whenever we get request from a crawler.
Once, our sample app is ready and running at server, we can simply follow the
documentation, which provides numbers of options and snippets depending on
platform we use. In our case, the sample application will be running in nginx server, so
we will configure it similar to Gist snippets provided by Prerender.io
Ember-prerender and ember-cli-fastboot
In order to solve the particular issue in an Ember.js application, there is also a project in
GitHub named ‘ember-prerender’ (https://github.com/zipfworks/ember-prerender),
which makes use of Node.js and JSDOM, PhantomJS, or WebDriverJS depending on
our preference. However, we will need to run this service in our own server unlike
Prerender.io doing this for us. Unlike the Prerender.io Service, the goal of ember-
prerender is to reduce rendering times by utilizing a long-lived instance of an app instead
of reloading it on every request. In addition, we also get the flexibility of using JSDOM
or WebDriverJs instead of only PhantomJS. (Ember-prerender, 2015)
Main reason why we chose Prerender.io over ember-prerender is that the ember-
prerender project seems to be not very active project and, if we check commits history,
there is not much going at the moment. On the other hand, Ember.js core team is
actively developing an add-on ‘ember-cli-fastboot’ which has promised to solve not only
this SEO issue but also increase the efficiency of initial page load. There are still several
major restrictions we should be aware of and only the bravest should even consider
deploying this to production.
While looking for the best options to get our sample application crawled by search
engines, ember-cli-fastboot has also been experimented. Though, it could not provide
us a satisfactory result at this phase, we should definitely keep an eye on this project so
that we can get this functionality out of the box with Ember.js app and not require
5.3 Applying SEO challenges solutions to sample application
Our sample application is built upon Ember.js 1.12.0, Ember-data 1.0.0-beta.19.1 along
with numbers of other ember-add-ons. The application contains a model ‘framework’
representing any front-end frameworks such as Ember.js, AngularJS etc. The application
is running at http://seo.bitsocean.com and repository is hosted at GitHub
(https://github.com/sunil-shrestha/seo-friendly-ember.js). When user visits
our site, the application takes user to ‘http://seo.bitsocean/freameworks’ URL, which
shows the list of frameworks and some description. Clicking on any framework item will
take user to particular framework’s page. Appendix A demonstrates the current look of
landing page in our application. Now we have our application ready and running on
server, we can start to test if we have achieved our goal. Hence, for each of our goals
mentioned above, we will evaluate the result from the sample application.
Make SEO friendly URLs
In order to have SEO friendly URLs, each of the record should have URL with slug text
instead of ids or meaningless strings. I.e. URL should look something like
‘http://example.com/frameworks/backbonejs’. Appendices C and D are the snapshots
taken from our sample application, which show the page with URLs for two different
resource with SEO friendly URLs. Comparing the images, we can conclude that we have
successfully achieved our SEO friendly URL for each resource.
Create dynamic document title based on current route
We can test the document title of application by inspecting the HTML source code of
running application and also verify that Search Engines are showing the correct title in
search result. As shown in appendices C and D, we are able get contextual document
title for different record. I.e. document title tag for the framework AngularJS is
<title>Front-end frameworks | AngularJS - BitsOcean</title>whereas for
Backbone.js is<title> Front-end frameworks | Backbone.js - BitsOcean
</title>”. Similarly, the appendix B shows the search result for the term seo bitsocean’
in Google search and result quite nicely shows the title of each result item mapped to
the document title of each record.
Set Meta tags dynamically based on current route
The main objective of having dynamic Meta tags is to be able to set different Meta tag
names and properties for different record. As we can see from the appendix B, search
results in Google already presents the description of every result quite nicely. Another
way of verifying that we have dynamic Meta tags for page of each record is to look into
the HTML document. As shown in the appendix C and D, Meta tags for name such as
description and keywords are different in different page of record. Additionally, we need
to make sure that Meta tags for Facebook Open Graph also works as expected.
Therefore, a link from sample application is shared to Facebook and figure 5.5 below
demonstrates how nicely Facebook pulls the Meta tag properties we have set for Open
Graph and shows while sharing a link.
Figure 5.5 Meta tags for Facebook Open Graph displayed while sharing a link from sample
application on Facebook
Make our application crawlable
As we can see, Facebook is able to pull information from our site, and show it while
sharing or posting a link. Additionally, Google search results in appendix B also gives
proper information about our application, which clarifies that we are able to make our
site crawlable.
6 Conclusions and Evaluation
It’s very overwhelming to imagine the future of web application with all these fast
evolving tools and frameworks. Frameworks like AngularJS, Backbone.js, Ember.js etc.
brings structure to our JavaScript code and keep them organized, but they might also
overkill if used for small applications. Thus, many times, it’s a good idea to think if the
application really needs any framework. All these frameworks have their own kind of
benefits and scenarios where they fit the best. Instead of having competitive
comparisons of these frameworks, one good approach on picking the framework would
be to know the requirement of our application and choose the one that fits the best.
After our study about community popularity, AngularJS seems to be highly anticipated
framework for the future development of the single page application. Some of the best
features like two-way data binding, modularity, dependency injection, etc. have made it
highly popular amongst the developer community. However, two-way data binding can
be pretty expensive when the application grows with numerous components because it
has to make dirty checking continuously for every binding. Many times, developers
claim that, integrating AngularJS with other libraries and API are quite a struggling job.
Especially when a developer with jQuery background enters to AngularJS world, where
DOM manipulation is designed with a totally different approach.
In terms of integration and customization, Backbone.js is considered as the best option.
Besides, it is also very modular, plays quite well with other libraries and quite easy to get
solutions from Internet in case we get stuck at some point. On the other hand, it is very
minimal, requires third party plugins to get data bindings working and memory
management has to be done manually for destroying events and views. In spite of being
a popular framework, commit frequency seems to be slowing down and not many
contributors seem to be active. However, Backbone.js can be best options for small or
medium type of applications with the possibility of integrating with many other libraries.
Backbone.js sets many options and flexibility, which also means that there are many
choices to be made while creating an application. Deciding which plugins or libraries are
the best for our project requires research, which in turn takes time, and one of the main
purposes of framework is to save our time. Thus, Backbone.js standalone can hardly be
considered a complete framework, but can be taken as great tool that can be used to
create structure, leaving it up to the developer to decide how to structure the application.
Contrasting with Backbone.js, Ember.js is a well-structured and very opinionated
framework with lots of granular configurations and structures. Ember.js embraces an
excellent routing mechanism, an optional data layer called ember-data and many other
modules out of the box. Thus, it makes the size of Ember.js comparatively larger than
others frameworks. Ember.js’s philosophy on Convention over Configuration binds
developers to follow best practice and keep the application standardized whereas, it
might also narrow down the options on what developers can do. Ember.js is creating its
own eco-system with a rapid growth of add-ons and development tools like ember-
inspector, ember-cli etc. Learning Ember.js would mean also to learn its methods, tools,
development environment, conventions as well as getting involved with whole eco-
system which might be quite a steep learning curve for beginners. Nevertheless, Ember.js
is still in rapid development which will require developers to keep an eye on latest
updates and builds, but it’s quite an exciting to see how Ember.js evolves in future.
6.1 Comparing results against the goals
Looking back to our initial goal of study at this point, results are fairly satisfactory. While
comparing community popularity of Ember.js with other front-end frameworks, we
were able to get some concrete data and know the current trend. In addition, we are also
able to find fairly good solutions to our all SEO challenges as well as get our sample
application running on server. Hence, it can be considered that we have successfully
accomplished our goal.
On the other hand, there are definitely some inadequacies, which are not covered.
Comparison of front-end frameworks could go more deeply on architectural design and
internal elements, which are only softly touched. In order to make our application SEO
friendly and crawlable by search engines, the initial solution was to use ‘ember-cli-
fastboot’ or ‘ember-prerender’ add-ons, which are meant to solve the particular problem.
After testing our sample application with these add-ons, it became clear that they are not
production ready yet. Thus, it led us to adapt limited service of Prerender.io, which might
not be a preferred solution for many other cases.
6.2 Validity of the results
Due to rapid development of web technologies, any report or information about it can
be outdated pretty easily. Thus, the information reported here best fits with the current
context of web technology and expected to change in near future. Comparison of front-
end framework is done based on currently available alternatives on Internet whereas the
data collected may not stay relevant for long in the future. There are many similar tools
and libraries like canJS, montageJS, etc. that we could not include in our comparison,
but it can still be interesting to see how they evolve in near future. Furthermore, our
sample application is built upon current release of Ember.js and the SEO challenges are
handled with currently available methods, tools and add-ons. Hence, it is important to
realize that the solutions applied in this sample application can still be optimized or get
some better alternative solutions in the future.
6.3 Evaluating used information sources
Having study on information technology, specially related to Internet and web
technology makes more sense to rely on Internet sources to access the most recent
information. On the other hand, some information presented in this report relies on
Stack Overflow, Quora and some personal blogs, which provide more of personal
opinion than any authentic solution. Nevertheless, these sources still hold information
from expert in particular field. Even though the URLs or contents of some blogs and
forums might change, sources like Google, Facebook, and Wikipedia are expected to
stay consistent for longer period.
6.4 Learning during the thesis process
After going through numbers of frameworks and features they provide, it can be seen
that one of the major challenge for any single page application is to keep it SEO
friendly. In addition, most of these frameworks are trying to solve more or less the
same issues with web technology, which are as follows
Improve the end-user experience and interactivity between user and application
Improve the performance by providing all views layer and interactive components
of application right on users’ browser and keeping only data on the backend.
Making the development of application more smooth, fast and organized.
During the time of this study, it can be seen that Ember.js framework has evolved quite
fast and continuously getting better and better. The Ember.js team eventually released
‘ember-data’ which has been in beta testing for years, as well as Ember.js 2.0 along with
its development tools. Although Ember.js is one of the best tools to develop an
ambitious web application, continuous API changes, needing to keep track of latest
updates, etc. has not been good experience for me personally. Thus, it can easily create
lots of outdated documents, solutions and tutorials on the Internet, which confuses the
developers as well as makes the learning more difficult.
6.5 Further research
Tools, techniques and data presented in this study provide an overview of available
front-end frameworks as well as solve some of the SEO issues in Ember.js application.
With the release of ember-cli-fastboot add-on, Ember.js community is trying to render
virtual DOM at node server which will not only solve the SEO issue but also planned
to improve the initial page load so that, it could show information on page immediately
after the request is completed instead of waiting for all assets to load and then load any
meaningful data via Ajax call. Nevertheless, it is also a good idea to look for other
alternatives and choices available. For example: React.js powered by Facebook, which
has gained a great deal of popularity lately for its ability to render virtual DOM at node
server and provides solid solution to make an application crawlable by search engine.
React.js is simply a UI component, which acts as ‘V’ in a ‘MVC’ framework.
Thus, we did not include React in our frameworks comparison, but it definitely worth
taking a look.
React abstracts away the DOM from you, giving a simpler programming model
and better performance. React can also render on the server using Node.js, and it
can power native apps using React Native.” (Facebook Inc., 2015a)
On the other hand, AngularJS community is working on AngularJS 2.0, which is not a
complex major update, but a whole rewrite of framework. It is expected to have numbers
of performance improvements along with solid architecture for future development.
While attraction to AngularJS is growing, many AngularJS developers also suggest
beginners to wait until the release of AngularJS 2.0 so that they could learn only one
AngularJS framework. However, AngularJS team is trying to keep the community calm
and providing an overview of future AngularJS at its preview site (http://ng-
As these applications run fully on users’ browser, UI layer is loosely coupled with data
servers and the communication between UI and server requires certain level of security.
It is important to be aware of security issues such as CORS (Cross Origin Resource
Sharing) as well as proper way of user authentication and authorizations.
7 Summary
Keeping track of all the latest releases and changes on front-end frameworks is obviously
a challenging job. However, this study gives an overview of currently available front-end
frameworks, compares Ember.js with them as well as addresses some of the commonly
known SEO issues in Ember.js application. With an active developer community,
Emer.js along with its add-ons, development tools as well as whole eco-system is
growing very fast. On the other hand, AngularJS is equally an active project and proven
to be the most popular in developer community based on our comparison data. Thus,
AngularJS can be the best choice for the one looking for an alternative to Ember.js.
As many front-end frameworks are still facing a common challenge of making the
application crawlable by search engines, Ember.js is no exception. Even though, we had
to adapt the Prerender.io service, we have been able to make our sample application
crawlable by search engines and handled all our planned SEO goals. However, with
future version of Ember.js and ember-cli-fastboot, we expect to get our application
crawlable by search engines without needing to adapt Prerender.io services.
Hence, all these tools, frameworks and active developers community has given great
opportunities for any beginner to learn and build single page application in no time. On
the other hand, framework like AngularJS, Ember.js, Backbone.js etc. are continuously
evolving to provide better interactivity and user experience, which also makes clear that
the web applications these days are being more user experience centric.
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Appendix A – Landing page of sample application running at
Appendix B – Google search result for sample application
Appendix C – HTML document with Meta tags for each re-
source (AngularJS).
Appendix D – HTML document with Meta tags for each re-
source (Backbone.js).