State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 1
Table of Contents
1. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................................................................... 4
APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS ............................................................................. 4
POLICY COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................................... 5
EXCEPTIONS TO POLICY .................................................................................................................. 5
INFORMATION SECURITY CONTROLS ............................................................................................. 5
INFORMATION SECURITY POLICIES ................................................................................................ 6
Acceptable Use .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Access Control .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Security Awareness and Training ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Audit and Accountability ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Security Assessment and Authorization ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Configuration Management ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Contingency Planning ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Identification and Authentication ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Incident Response .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Maintenance Policy ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Media Protection ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Physical and Environmental Protection ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Security Planning ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Personnel Security ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Risk Assessment ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
System and Services Acquisition ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
System and Communications Protection ........................................................................................................................................... 9
System and Information Integrity .................................................................................................................................................... 10
SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SECURITY POLICIES ................................................................... 10
Criminal Justice Information System Security ................................................................................................................................. 10
Federal Tax Information Security..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Payment Card Data Protection ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Protected Health Information Security ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Protection of Personally Identifiable Information ........................................................................................................................... 12
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 2
KEY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................... 12
Authorizing Official (Agency Role) ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Business System Owner (Agency Role) ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Chief Executive Officer (Agency Role) ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Chief Information Officer (DoIT Role) .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Chief Information Security Officer (DoIT Role) ................................................................................................................................ 14
Risk Officer (DoIT Role) .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Information Security Architect (DoIT Role) ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Information Security Risk Assessor (DoIT Role) ............................................................................................................................... 15
Information System Security Controls Assessor (DoIT Role) ........................................................................................................... 15
Information System Security Engineer (DoIT Role) ......................................................................................................................... 16
Information System Security Officer (DoIT Role)............................................................................................................................. 16
Resiliency Planner (DoIT Role) ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Technical Business Owner (DoIT Role) ............................................................................................................................................ 16
12. REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................... 17
13. APPROVALS AND MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT .............................................................................. 17
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 3
It is the policy of the State of Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) to (i) support the business
missions, goals, and objectives of the Governor and DoIT’s client agencies, boards, and commissions, (ii)
reduce the risk posed to the State of Illinois due to the loss, disruption, or corruption of information and
Information Systems, and (iii) comply with applicable state, federal, and industry laws, rules, and regulations
related to information security. Unless otherwise specified, capitalized terms contained herein shall have the
meaning assigned to them in the Terminology Glossary. Any reference to “Agency” herein shall include both
DoIT and Client Agencies.
The Secretary of DoIT is committed to securing State of Illinois information, Information Systems, and
technology assets. The Secretary has issued this State of Illinois Enterprise Information Security Policy and its
corresponding policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines to prevent or limit the adverse effects of a
failure, interruption, or security breach of State of Illinois Information Systems. This Policy is intended to focus
on the core concepts of confidentiality, integrity, availability, and system resiliency.
This Policy and its subordinate policies and standards define the minimum-security controls that must be
implemented for State of Illinois Information Systems. This Policy further establishes parameters and
boundaries regarding the acceptable use of information and information technology assets.
Those who use, acquire, implement, and manage State of Illinois Information Systems must comply with this
Policy. Individuals responsible for the implementation of Information Systems, including third parties, must
address the security controls of this Policy and corresponding standards and procedures.
Executive Order 2016-01 created DoIT in recognition that thousands of state systems are redundant,
outdated, and vulnerable to cyberattacks that place the private information of Illinois employees, residents,
consumers, and businesses at risk. Public Act 100-0611, which codifies Executive Order 2016-01 and
establishes DoIT by law, directs DoIT to (i) develop and implement data security policies and procedures that
ensure the security of data that is confidential, sensitive, or protected from disclosure by privacy or other
laws, and (ii) ensure compliance with applicable federal and state laws pertaining to information technology,
data, and records of DoIT and the State of Illinois agencies, boards, and commissions that DoIT serves and that
have been identified as client agencies of DoIT through executive order, legislation, or inter-governmental
agreement (Client Agencies).
The Secretary of DoIT has established an information security program to address the requirements of
Executive Order 2016-01 and Public Act 100-0611, to ensure a continued and deliberate effort to reduce the
risk posed to the State by external cyberattacks, insider threats, and other incidents, and to ensure compliance
with applicable state, federal, and industry laws, rules, and regulations. Focusing on the core information
security concepts of confidentiality, integrity, availability, and system resiliency, the State of Illinois
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy is established to help ensure that the risk posed to the
State of Illinois due to the loss, disruption, or corruption of information is managed within acceptable limits.
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 4
The State of Illinois Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy requires statewide compliance and
applies to all State of Illinois agencies, boards, commissions, trusted partners, and information technology
service providers that utilize State of Illinois information networks and information technology resources (IT
Resources). This Policy applies to all Users and Employees, including contractors and third-party entities, of
DoIT and its Client Agencies.
To secure the State of Illinois enterprise information technology environment, DoIT has selected the
information and cyber security frameworks published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) as the foundation for the State of Illinois Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy. The NIST
Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity and NIST Special Publication 800-53, Assessing
Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Systems and Organizations provide information security controls.
This Policy seeks to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations as well
as to comply with industry-specific guidelines. The following non-exhaustive list of laws, rules, and regulations
are applicable to the State of Illinois and are critical drivers to this Policy.
Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140)
Illinois Identity Protection Act (5 ILCS 179)
Illinois Personal Information Protection Act (815 ILCS 530)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)
Federal Bureau of Investigations Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy
Federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) MARS-E Document Suite
Federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Information Security Acceptable Risk Safeguards
(ARS) CMS Minimum Security Requirements
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 199, Standards for Security Categorization of Federal
Information and Information Systems
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 200, Minimum Security Requirements for Federal
Information and Information Systems
Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Publication 1075 Tax Information Security Guidelines for
Federal, State and Local Agencies
Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014, which amends the Federal Information
Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended by Public Law No.104-231, 110 Stat.
3048, Electronic Freedom of Information Act
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act or GLBA), also known as the Financial Modernization Act of 1999
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (P.L. 104-191)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53 Security and Privacy
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 5
Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS)
Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579)
State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430)
In order to implement this Policy, the DoIT Division of Information Security establishes supplemental policies,
standards, procedures, and guidelines and designates responsibility to specific personnel. To the extent
necessary, each Client Agency and/or DoIT Division must establish procedures in order to achieve Policy
compliance. It is the responsibility of Users to understand and adhere to this Policy.
Failure to comply with this Policy may result in the Chief Information Security Officer temporarily
discontinuing or suspending the operation of the Information System, solution, and/or resource until such
compliance is established as deemed solely by the Chief Information Security Officer. Failure to comply with
this Policy could also result in the loss of access to State of Illinois IT Resources and/or discipline, up to and
including discharge.
The State of Illinois Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy establishes the security baseline for
the State. Policy exceptions can adversely impact this baseline and increase information security risk. Some
exceptions to this Policy and to related information security policies are inevitable due to ever-changing
business and technology environments.
The acceptance of information security risk is not an information technology issue but is a business and public
safety issue. Decisions to implement an Information System will be made by the executive level of State of
Illinois government, and those decisions should be risk-informed.
If the head of an Agency determines that compliance with the provisions of this Policy or any related
information security policies or standards would adversely impact the business of the Agency or the State, the
head of the Agency should request approval to deviate from a specific requirement by submitting an exception
request to the Chief Information Security Officer.
Each request shall be in writing to the Chief Information Security Officer and approved by the head of the
Agency. Included in each request shall be a statement detailing the reasons for the exception as well as
mitigating controls and all residual risks. Requests for exceptions shall be evaluated, discussed with the
Agency, and decided by the Chief Information Security Officer. Should an information security policy exception
be granted, the applicable Agency head will acknowledge the acceptance of the risk posed due to the policy
exception. Denied exception requests may be appealed to the Secretary of DoIT.
Any data that is originated, entered, processed, transmitted, stored, or destroyed by or for the State of Illinois
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 6
shall be subject to the State of Illinois enterprise information security controls. These security controls must
be implemented to protect information at the State of Illinois from unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
modification, destruction, or denial and to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of State of
Illinois information. All State of Illinois Employees, trusted partners, or entities authorized to access, store, or
transmit information at the State of Illinois shall protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the
information as set forth in this Policy and all State of Illinois information security policies. Information is not
limited to data in computer systems and is included regardless of where it resides in an Agency, what form it
takes, which technology is used to handle it, or which purposes it serves.
The following State of Illinois information security policies are established based on NIST controls. State of
Illinois agencies, boards, commissions, trusted partners, and third-party providers are bound to each policy.
The policies establish the standards and procedures to effectively implement corresponding State of Illinois
controls and establish an information security baseline for the State.
Enterprise security standards and procedures will be periodically reviewed and updated by DoIT. Policies will
be reviewed by DoIT every three years, or more frequently when significant changes to the environment
warrant an update.
Acceptable Use
The Acceptable Use Policy requires that all State of Illinois Users, contractors, and third parties understand
the acceptable use of state information and Information Systems and the consequences of not adhering to
the Acceptable Use Policy. The Acceptable Use Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials and all
other associated personnel understand and communicate to Users the need for acceptable use of information
assets to reduce the risks to Agency Information Systems due to disclosure, modification, or disruption,
whether intentional or accidental.
Access Control
The Access Control Policy requires automated security controls, authorized access and use of Information
Systems, special and limited access conditions, physical and automated process monitoring, and authorized
system account activities by approved personnel. The Access Control Policy ensures that State of Illinois
Authorizing Officials and all other associated personnel understand the responsibilities, access management
requirements, and separation of duties necessary to effectively manage Information System accounts and
coordinate, plan, and execute appropriate physical and account access control activities.
Security Awareness and Training
The Security Awareness and Training Policy requires role-specific training on security controls, authorized
access and use of Information Systems, physical and automated process monitoring, and authorized system
activities and functions by approved personnel. The Security Awareness and Training Policy ensures that State
of Illinois Authorizing Officials and all other associated personnel understand their responsibilities and training
requirements necessary to reduce internal and external threats and prevent additional security-related
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 7
Audit and Accountability
The Audit and Accountability Policy requires approved personnel to audit essential information, manage audit
service devices and locations, integrate audit events, manage audit repositories, and process and generate
audit reports. The Audit and Accountability Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials with
auditing responsibilities understand the responsibilities required to successfully manage audit information,
assign audit roles and tasks, and prevent the compromise of State of Illinois information.
Security Assessment and Authorization
The Security Assessment and Authorization Policy requires approved Agency personnel to conduct impartial
security assessments, establish external system restrictions, and conduct penetration testing and other
necessary vulnerability assessments. The Security Assessment and Authorization Policy ensures that State of
Illinois Authorizing Officials and all other applicable personnel understand the responsibilities necessary to
establish effective security assessment and authorization controls, prevent conflicts of interest, and maintain
continuous monitoring strategies.
Configuration Management
The Configuration Management Policy requires approved Agency personnel to adequately manage the
configuration of State of Illinois systems, including retaining previous system configurations, configuring
approved devices for high-risk areas, tracking and documenting system changes, and assigning privileges to
authorized personnel. The Configuration Management Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials
and Information System support personnel understand the responsibilities necessary to maintain up-to-date
system configuration, support rollbacks and system change requirements, and prevent unauthorized system
changes, including software and program installs.
Contingency Planning
The Contingency Planning Policy requires approved Agency personnel to coordinate contingency plans with
existing contingency development, designate key resumption activities, define service-level priorities, and
define critical assets and offsite backup sites, including telecommunications, transaction systems, and
operational separation measures. These standards ensure that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials and
personnel responsible for contingency planning understand the responsibilities necessary to prevent conflicts
with other contingency elements, effectively resume essential operations during and after a disruption,
prevent loss or compromise of assets, and provide alternate methods to secure, store, and access State of
Illinois information.
Identification and Authentication
The Identification and Authentication Policy requires approved Agency personnel to manage network systems
that employ multifactor and public key information (PKI)-based authentication, replay-resistant mechanisms,
identification of connected devices, and registration process requirements. The Identification and
Authentication Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials and third parties understand the
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 8
responsibilities necessary to regulate non-privileged access of State of Illinois accounts, minimize
authentication attacks, and prevent unauthorized devices and connections with State of Illinois networks.
Incident Response
The Incident Response Policy requires approved Agency personnel to apply incident response capabilities,
including automated response and reporting processes, establish a test process for those incident response
capabilities, and coordinate with existing State of Illinois contingency plans. The Incident Response Policy
ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials and all other associated personnel understand the
responsibilities necessary to ensure that the State of Illinois’ incident response capability (i) is effective, (ii)
prevents conflicts with other contingency elements, and (iii) relies on automated system response, reporting,
and support.
Maintenance Policy
The Maintenance Policy requires approved Agency personnel to employ adequate and approved information
maintenance tools, inspect all maintenance tools entering State of Illinois facilities (including supporting
media), and apply priority or time-sensitive maintenance procedures. The Maintenance Policy ensures that
State of Illinois Authorizing Officials and personnel assigned to information technology maintenance-related
activities understand the responsibilities necessary to effectively diagnose and repair State of Illinois
Information Systems, ensure maintenance tools and supporting media are not modified beyond the State of
Illinois’ authorized specifications, and determine the levels of risk and priority for each Information System
affected during an incident.
Media Protection
The Media Protection Policy requires all State of Illinois personnel to apply proper Information System media
markings on all approved media, devices, and systems property; properly designate and control both physical
and digital storage locations; execute approved and secure transport methods; ensure cryptographic
protection is applied to required devices; and prohibit the use of unidentifiable devices. This Media Protection
Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials and other applicable personnel understand the
responsibilities necessary to ensure that all State of Illinois media is adequately used, handled, and distributed
and properly protected, stored, and transported, including applying additional security mechanisms and
restrictions on the use of unauthorized media devices.
Physical and Environmental Protection
The Physical and Environmental Protection Policy requires definition of both physical facility and Information
System management processes. All corresponding personnel will apply and manage security safeguards
accordingly for facilities and Information System distribution and transmission lines; control and monitor
physical information output devices and locations, including the use of safety, intrusion, and surveillance
equipment; and implement appropriate power protection and alternate location practices and measures. The
Physical and Environmental Protection Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials and personnel
responsible for ensuring physical and environmental protection of information technology facilities and assets
understand the responsibilities necessary to prevent unauthorized communication or transmission access.
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 9
Security Planning
The Security Planning Policy requires all assigned State of Illinois DoIT personnel to effectively coordinate
security-related activities with Agencies and outside entities, provide and enforce social media and network
rules and restrictions, and implement an adequate information security architecture. The Security Planning
Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials, the Chief Information Security Officer, and other
personnel responsible for security planning understand the responsibilities necessary to prevent security
conflicts within and throughout the State of Illinois to ensure that a proper security architecture is in place
and is continuously assessed.
Personnel Security
The Personnel Security Policy requires the employment of mechanisms to control employee transfers, as well
as commencement and termination status, including disabling access for specific Information Systems,
designating access levels for specific positions and roles, and conducting personnel screening before granting
authorization or access. Furthermore, the Personnel Security Policy governs personnel security for both State
of Illinois personnel and third-party providers. The Personnel Security Policy ensures that State of Illinois
Authorizing Officials, management, human resources, and personnel assigned to access control functions
understand the responsibilities necessary to ensure that (i) appropriate personnel have limited or appropriate
access, (ii) changes in personnel status properly control further access or restriction to Information Systems,
and (iii) appropriate documentation and processes are followed in order to track corresponding authorization
changes and access.
Risk Assessment
The Risk Assessment Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials, management, information
security personnel, business owners, and information technology support personnel understand the
responsibilities necessary to readily identify and respond to system vulnerabilities. The Risk Assessment Policy
requires that Agencies employ appropriate vulnerability scanning tools, maintain accurate updates of scanned
vulnerabilities, and remediate legitimate vulnerabilities.
System and Services Acquisition
The System and Services Acquisition Policy requires Agency to apply visually functional security interface
controls, controlled levels of systems design and implementation, and appropriate systems engineering,
configuration, and service principles. The System and Services Acquisition Policy ensures that State of Illinois
Authorizing Officials, management, and information technology personnel responsible for Information System
design and engineering understand the responsibilities necessary to ensure that (i) State of Illinois sensitive
information is excluded from open and unauthorized view, (ii) system functionality and requirements are
defined during early development, and (iii) proper life-cycle strategies are in place.
System and Communications Protection
The System and Communications Protection Policy requires Agency to employ application, information, and
functionality partitioning measures; limit external network connection points; properly manage external
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 10
telecommunications; prevent non-remote connections; and secure and monitor all transmitted and stored
data, including all channeling networks. The System and Communications Protection Policy ensures that State
of Illinois Authorizing Officials and personnel responsible for the management, maintenance, or development
of Information Systems understand the responsibilities necessary to prevent unauthorized system
management access and control information flow via shared information sources, connections, networks, and
other data sources.
System and Information Integrity
The System and Information Integrity Policy requires Agency to employ alert mechanisms to identify
Information System flaws during malfunction or failure; designate central management for automated
malicious code protection measures; apply real-time event analysis, validation, and verification tools,
including traffic communications monitoring; and log detection events. The System and Information Integrity
Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials, information security management and personnel, and
other personnel assigned to system and information integrity roles understand the responsibilities necessary
to effectively determine changing states within the State of Illinois’ Information Systems, obtain accurate
event-based system information, and determine suitable corrective actions for security-relevant events.
The State of Illinois has developed and published supplemental policies to ensure the appropriate protection
of information and Information Systems that require the establishment of enhanced information security
controls due to the sensitivity or criticality of the data, and/or the existence of enhanced security
requirements established by state or federal law, rule, regulation, or industry-specific guidelines.
All information and Information Systems governed by supplemental information security policies adopt the
requirements of all minimum-standard information security policies detailed above, unless otherwise
specified. The additional required security controls and standards are included in each supplemental
information security policy.
Should a conflict be identified between a State of Illinois supplemental information security policy and the
laws, rules, regulations, or guidelines that have been published by the governing authority, the requirements
stipulated and published by the governing authority shall apply.
Criminal Justice Information System Security
The security of criminal justice information is governed by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Criminal
Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy. Criminal justice information is the term used to refer to all
the FBI CJIS-provided data necessary for law enforcement and civil agencies to perform their missions,
including but not limited to biometric, identity history, biographic, property, and case/incident history data.
Illinois criminal justice agencies, as well as DoIT, have specific responsibilities and security requirements
identified by the CJIS Security Policy. The CJIS Security Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials
and other personnel who are responsible for ensuring the security of criminal justice information understand
the expanded security and compliance requirements.
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 11
Federal Tax Information Security
Federal law specifically names state Employees among those who may not disclose federal tax returns and
return information unless permitted by an exception in the statute. (See Internal Revenue Service
Publication 1075.) Tax Information Security Guidelines provide safeguards for the protection of federal tax
returns and return information. The expanded security and compliance requirements that must be
established and maintained apply to all State of Illinois personnel, but are especially relevant to those
Agencies that deal with federal tax returns and return information on an ongoing basis. Federal Tax
Information (FTI) that is transmitted across Information Systems must also be specifically addressed.
The Federal Tax Information Security Policy ensures that State of Illinois Authorizing Officials who
oversee and/or authorize the use of Information Systems that contain or process FTI understand the
expanded security and compliance requirements of FTI. State personnel who process, use, or otherwise
access FTI must also understand the requirements and, specifically, the limitations on the release and/or
sharing of FTI.
Payment Card Data Protection
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was developed to encourage and enhance the
security of cardholder data and to facilitate the broad adoption of consistent data security measures
globally. The PCI DSS provides a baseline of technical and operational requirements designed to protect
account data. The PCI DSS applies to all entities involved in payment card processing, which includes many
State of Illinois agencies, boards, and commissions. State of Illinois agencies, boards, and commissions that
process electronic payment card transactions are expected to meet the supplemental requirements
associated with protecting
themselves from PCI fines, credit card misuse, consumer identity theft, and cyber-crimes.
Protected Health Information Security
The United States Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Public Law
104-191, in 1996. This law addresses a variety of issues related to health care. HIPAA required the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services to adopt standards regarding the electronic exchange, privacy, and
security of health information. The HIPAA Privacy Rule sets standards with respect to the rights of individuals
to their health information, procedures for exercising those rights, and the authorized and required uses and
disclosures of such information. The HIPAA Privacy Rule defines what information needs to be protected and
who is authorized to access the Protected Health Information (PHI), and it also delineates individuals’ rights
to control and access their own protected information.
The security standards in HIPAA (the HIPAA Security Rule) were developed for two primary purposes. First
and foremost, the implementation of appropriate security safeguards protects certain electronic health
information that may be at risk. Second, protecting an individual’s health information, while permitting the
appropriate access and use of that information, ultimately promotes the use of electronic health information
in the industry—an important goal of HIPAA.
Agencies shall establish reasonable measures to limit the use and disclosure of electronic PHI to accomplish
the intended purpose of business requests and to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws.
Agencies must set baselines to effectively limit access and protect the confidentiality, availability, and
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 12
of electronic health information.
Protection of Personally Identifiable Information
The State of Illinois is entrusted with the personal information of millions of its residents and other
constituents. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is held in myriad State of Illinois Information Systems
and must be protected. Agencies shall establish appropriate and effective privacy security controls to
protect the identity of individuals by defining permissible and prohibited practices in the collection, access,
use, sharing, and destruction of PII. Agencies shall manage PII utilized by State of Illinois resources and shall
promote compliance with local, state, and federal regulations regarding privacy and confidentiality in
accordance with the Illinois Identity Protection Act (5 ILCS 179) and the Illinois Personal Information
Protection Act (815 ILCS 530).
State of Illinois information security is a shared responsibility that must be integrated into all aspects of the
State of Illinois information technology enterprise. This section focuses on the specific roles and
responsibilities involved in securing information. (The below subpart headings do not necessarily reflect actual
job titles.)
Authorizing Official (Agency Role)
Senior official or executive with the authority to formally assume responsibility for operating an
Information System at an acceptable level of risk to operations, assets, individuals, and other
Reviews and approves the data classification and system categorization assigned to the information
types and Information System
Approves security plans and Plans of Actions and Milestones (POAMs)
Determines whether significant changes require reauthorization
Business System Owner (Agency Role)
Responsible for the procurement, development, integration, modification, operation, maintenance,
and disposal of an Information System
Ensures system Users and support personnel receive requisite training
Responsible for addressing the operational interest of the User community and for ensuring
compliance with information security requirements
Assigns and documents initial information classification and periodically reviews the classification to
ensure it accurately reflects the risks associated with the potential loss of the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of the information and Information System
Responsible for integrating the minimum baseline security controls based on the categorization of the
Works with appropriate staff to remediate control deficiencies
Establishes and maintains Information System resiliency requirements based on business impact
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 13
Serves as the approval authority for access requests from other business units or delegates approval
authority to a representative in the same business unit
Chief Executive Officer (Agency Role)
Ensures that information security management processes are integrated with strategic and
operational planning processes
Ensures Chief Information Officers provide information security support for operations and assets
under their control
Ensures personnel are sufficiently trained to assist in complying with the information security
Ensures all Employees, contractors, and third parties who will access the State of Illinois network
and/or otherwise have access to sensitive State of Illinois information are appropriately screened in
line with Agency and information security policies and standards
Ensures all Employees, contractors, and third parties who will access the State of Illinois network
and/or otherwise have access to sensitive State of Illinois information receive information security
awareness training
Chief Information Officer (DoIT Role)
Ensures that all IT projects and procurements go through Governance
Ensures the periodic assessment of risk posed to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
information and Information Systems and ensures the development and execution of risk remediation
Responsible for remediation of identified vulnerabilities
Ensures that data is classified, Information Systems are categorized, and resiliency requirements are
established based on the mission and business objectives of the Agency
Designates or otherwise identifies an Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) who will be
responsible for ensuring the adherence to State of Illinois information security policies, standards,
and procedures for all Information Systems
Ensures the completion, execution, and maintenance of Information System security plans that
address Information System security requirements for all Information Systems developed, acquired,
or utilized as a service
Ensures that all Information System security requirements are met prior to Information System
Ensures personnel are adequately trained in information security roles and responsibilities
Assists senior Agency officials concerning their security responsibilities
Facilitates the sharing of security-related information among appropriate staff
Designates an Agency Information System Security Officer
Designates a Technical System Owner for each Information System
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 14
Chief Information Security Officer (DoIT Role)
Ensures the alignment of information and cyber security programs with the business missions, goals,
and objectives of the Governor and agencies, boards, and commissions
Establishes information security governance and communication plans
Conducts information and cyber security strategic, operational, and resource planning and facilitates
an effective enterprise information security architecture capable of protecting the State of Illinois in
the ever-changing cybersecurity threat landscape
Facilitates development of subordinate plans for providing adequate information security for
networks and systems or groups of Information Systems
Develops and maintains risk-based, cost-effective information security programs, policies,
procedures, and control techniques to address all applicable requirements throughout the life cycle
of each Agency Information System to ensure compliance with applicable security and regulatory
Establishes DoIT’s capability to sufficiently protect the security of data through effective Information
System security planning, secure system development, acquisition and deployment, the application
of protective technologies, and Information System certification, accreditation, and assessments
Ensures that Agency personnel, including contractors, are appropriately screened and receive
information security awareness training
Oversees personnel with significant responsibilities for information security and ensures a competent
Supports the DoIT Secretary in annual reporting to the Governor and the General Assembly on the
effectiveness of the State of Illinois information security programs
Establishes the policies, procedures, processes, and technologies to rapidly and effectively identify
threats, risks, and vulnerabilities to Agency Information Systems, and ensures the prioritization of the
remediation of vulnerabilities that pose risk to the enterprise
Develops and implements capabilities and procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to
security incidents
Establishes proactive capabilities to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from information
and cyber security threats and attacks
Periodically assesses and communicates risk and magnitude of the harm resulting from unauthorized
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of information and Information
Systems that support the operations and assets of Agencies and the enterprise
Establishes and periodically tests security policies, standards, procedures, guidelines, and plans that
provide the framework for reducing information security risk and enable regulatory compliance
Establishes and maintains a process for planning, implementing, evaluating, and documenting
remedial action to address any deficiencies in the information security policies, procedures, and
Agency practices
Develops the policies, standards, and monitoring capabilities to enable effective information security
asset management, including asset classification, prioritization, and secure configuration monitoring
Manages and prioritizes the acquisition of security services and products
Facilitates secure system and information access through the establishment of effective identity and
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 15
access management controls, processes, and technologies; privileged identity management and
monitoring; and the management of digital certificates
Ensures preparation and maintenance of plans and procedures to provide cyber-resilience and
continuity of operations for Information Systems that support the operations and assets of the State
Establishes and implements the data classification, system categorization, and resiliency programs
Reviews and processes information security policy exception requests
Risk Officer (DoIT Role)
Ensures risk-related considerations are viewed from an Agency-wide perspective regarding the
Agency’s overall strategies, goals, and objectives
Ensures that the management of Information System-related security risks is consistent across the
Provides oversight to the data classification and system categorization process to ensure that Agency
risk to mission and business success is considered in decision-making
Considers all sources of risk, including aggregated risk from individual Information Systems
Promotes collaboration and cooperation with other Agencies and external entities
Identifies risks and assists with the development of suitable loss control and intervention strategies
Facilitates the sharing of security risk-related information among authorizing officials
Information Security Architect (DoIT Role)
Responsible for ensuring the identification of Information System security requirements necessary to
protect the Agency’s core mission and business processes
Addresses all aspects of enterprise architecture, including reference models, segments and solutions
architectures, and the resulting Information System supporting the business mission
Serves as the liaison between the Enterprise Architect and Information System Security Engineer
Information Security Risk Assessor (DoIT Role)
Facilitates the classification of data and categorization of Information Systems
Conducts Information System security risk assessments
Facilitates the development of risk treatment plans
Information System Security Controls Assessor (DoIT Role)
Conducts assessments of management, operational, and technical security controls of an Information
System to ensure compliance with Information System security plans and to determine the overall
effectiveness of the controls
Provides specific recommendations on how to correct weaknesses or deficiencies in the controls
and reduce or eliminate identified vulnerabilities
Provides recommendations and findings related to Information System security controls to assist with
the Information System accreditation and authorization process
Tracks compliance with Information System security control Plans of Action and Milestones (POAMs)
State of Illinois
Department of Innovation & Technology
Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy
S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s
D e p a r t m e n t o f I n n o v a t i o n & T e c h n o l o g y
O v e r a r c h i n g E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o n S e c u r i t y P o l i c y
P a g e 16
Information System Security Engineer (DoIT Role)
Reviews and refines security requirements, provides recommendations, and assists with the
integration of appropriate security technologies into Information Systems
Provides guidance in the establishment or validation of the system boundary of Information Systems
Serves as advisor to solution development teams and/or providers to assist with the design,
development, and implementation of Information Systems or the upgrade of legacy systems
Information System Security Officer (DoIT Role)
Develops, executes, and controls the changes to Information System security plans for systems
Ensures that Information System security plans address Information System security requirements for
assigned Information Systems
Coordinates and facilitates applicable security requirements for assigned Information Systems
In close collaboration with the Business System Owner, ensures that the appropriate operational
security posture is maintained for an Information System
Serves as a principal advisor on all matters, technical and otherwise, involving the security of assigned
Information Systems
Assists in the development of security controls and procedures
Resiliency Planner (DoIT Role)
Facilitates the completion of business impact analyses for Agency functions that are supported by
Information Systems
Provides findings to chief executive officers, Business System Owners, and other key personnel
Develops and assists with the training, testing, and execution of Information System and critical
infrastructure contingency plans and disaster recovery plans
Technical Business Owner (DoIT Role)
Responsible for the technical implementation, development, integration, modification, operation,
maintenance, and disposal of an Information System as requested by the Business System Owner
Responsible for ensuring technical compliance with information security requirements
Responsible for integrating the minimum technical baseline security controls based on the
categorization of the information
Works with appropriate staff to remediate information system deficiencies
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Overarching Enterprise Information Security Policy