Provides for the cyber security policy and the re-
quirements for contracting services of data pro-
cessing, data storage and cloud computing to be ob-
served by financial institutions and other institutions
licensed by the Central Bank of Brazil.
The Central Bank of Brazil, in the form of art. 9 of Law 4,595 of December 31, 1964, an-
nounces that the National Monetary Council, in its meeting held on April 26, 2018, based on art. 4, item
VIII of this Law, art. 9 of Law 4,728 of July 14, 1965, art. 7 and art. 23, sub-item a of Law 6,099 of Sep-
tember 12, 1974, art. 1, item II of Law 10,194, of Februrary 14, 2001, and art. 1, Paragraph 1, of Comple-
mentary Law 130 of April 17, 2009,
R E S O L V E D :
Art. 1. This Resolution provides for the cyber security policy and the requirements for con-
tracting services of data processing, data storage and cloud computing to be observed by financial insti-
tutions and other institutions licensed by the Central Bank of Brazil .
Section I
On the Cyber Security Policy Implementation
Art. 2. The institutions mentioned in art. 1 must implement and maintain a cyber security
policy formulated according to principles and guidelines that seek to ensure the confidentiality, integrity
and availability of data and information systems used.
Paragraph 1. The policy mentioned in the heading must be commensurate with:
I the institution’s size, risk profile and business model;
II the nature of operations and the complexity of the institution’s products, services, ac-
tivities and processes; and
III the sensitivity of the data and information under the responsibility of the institution.
Paragraph 2. A single cyber security policy may be adopted by:
I a prudential conglomerate; and
II a credit cooperative system.
Paragraph 3. The institutions that decides not to constitute their own cyber security policy
because of the discretion on paragraph 2 must formalize the option in a board’s meeting or, in case the
board is nonexistent, in a senior managements meeting.
Art. 3. The cyber security policy must comprise, at a minimum:
2 Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018
I the institution’s cyber security objectives;
II the procedures and controls adopted to reduce the institution’s vulnerability to inci-
dents and to address other cyber security objectives;
III the specific controls, including those directed at information traceability, aiming to
ensure the security of sensitive information;
IV the record of incidents relevant to the institution’s activities, as well as the analysis of
their cause and impact and the control of their effects;
V the guidelines to:
a) the development of scenarios that reflect incidents considered in business continuity
b) the definition of procedures and controls directed at the prevention and treatment of
incidents to be adopted by third party providers that handle sensitive data or information, or that are
relevant for the institution’s operational activities;
c) the classification of data and information according to their relevance; and
d) the definition of parametres to be used in the assessment of the relevance of incidents;
VI the mechanisms for dissemination of a cyber security culture within the institution,
a) the implementation of programs for training and periodic evaluation of employees;
b) the provision of information to clients and users regarding precautions when using fi-
nancial products and services; and
c) the commitment of senior management with the continuous improvement of proce-
dures related to cyber security; and
VII the initiatives for sharing information with other institutions mentioned in art. 1 re-
garding the relevant incidents mentioned in item IV.
Paragraph 1. When defining the cyber security objectives mentioned in item I, the institu-
tion must take into account its capacity to prevent, detect and reduce the vulnerability to cyber incidents.
Paragraph 2. The procedures and controls mentioned in item II must comprise, at least,
authentication, criptography, prevention and detection of intrusions, prevention of information leaking,
performance of periodic tests and scanning to detect vulnerabilities, protection against malicious soft-
wares, implementation of traceability mechanisms, control of access and segmentation of the computer
network, as well as maintenance of data and information backups.
Paragraph 3. The procedures and controls mentioned in item II must also be applied to the
development of secure information systems and to the adoption of new technologies employed by the
Paragraph 4. The incident recording, analysis of cause and impact and control of effects
mentioned in item IV must also comprise information received from third-party providers.
Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018 3
Paragraph 5. The guidelines mentioned in item V, sub-item b, must comprise procedures
and controls with a level of complexity, coverage and precision compatible with those employed by the
institution itself.
Section II
On Disclosure of Cyber Security Policy
Art. 4. The cyber security policy must be disclosed to the institution’s employees and to
third-party providers, in a clear and accessible language and in a level of detailing compatible with the
functions developed and with the sensitivity of the information involved.
Art. 5. The institutions must disclose to the public a summary containing an outline of the
cyber security policy.
Section III
On Plan of Action and Response to Incidents
Art. 6. The institutions mentioned in art. 1 must establish a plan of action and response to
incidents, aiming at the implementation of the cyber security policy.
Sole paragraph. The plan mentioned in the heading must cover, at least:
I the actions to be developed by the institution in order to adjust its organizational and
operational structures to the principles and guidelines established by the cyber security policy;
II the routines, the procedures, the controls and the technologies to be employed in the
prevention of incidents and response, in conformity with the cyber security policy guidelines; and
III the area responsible for recording and controlling the effects of relevant incidents.
Art. 7. The institutions mentioned in art. 1 must appoint a director responsible for the cyber
security policy and for the execution of the plan of action and response to incidents.
Sole paragraph. The appointed director mentioned in the heading may perform other func-
tions in the institution, except those that may result in a conflict of interest.
Art. 8. The institutions mentioned in art. 1 must prepare an annual report regarding the
implementation of the plan of action and response to incidents, mentioned in art. 6, with a reference date
of December, 31 of each year.
Paragraph 1. The report mentioned in the heading must comprise, at a minimum:
I the effectiveness of the implementation of the actions mentioned in art. 6, sole para-
graph, item I;
II the summary of results obtained in the implementation of routines, procedures, con-
trols and technologies to be employed in the prevention of and response to incidents mentioned in art.
6, sole paragraph, item II;
III the relevant cyber security incidents that occured during the period; and
4 Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018
IV the results of the business continuity tests, considering scenarios of unavailability
caused by incidents.
Paragraph 2. The report mentioned in the heading must be:
I submitted to the risk committee, if existent; and
II reported to the board or, in case a board is nonexistent, to the senior management until
March, 31, of the year following the reference date.
Art. 9. The cyber security policy mentioned in art. 2 and the plan of action and response to
incidents mentioned on art. 6 must be approved by the board or, in case a board is nonexistent, by the
senior management.
Art. 10. The cyber security policy and the plan of action and response to incidentes must
be documented and revised at least annually.
Art. 11. The institutions mentioned in art. 1 must ensure that their policies, strategies and
structures for risk management established in regulation in force, specifically regarding to the criteria for
decision on the outsourcing of services, include the contracting of relevant data processing, data storage
and cloud computing services, in the country or abroad.
Art. 12. The institutions mentioned in art. 1, previously to the contracting relevant services
of data processing, data storage and cloud computing, must adopt procedures that comprise:
I the adoption of corporate governance and management practices proportional to the
relevance of service to be contracted and to the risk they incur; and
II the verification of the capacity of the third-party provider to ensure:
a) compliance with the laws and regulations in force;
b) the institution’s access to data and information to be processed or stored by the third-
party provider;
c) confidenciality, integrity, availability and recovery of data and information processed or
stored by the third-party provider;
d) its adherence to certifications required by the institution in order to perform the services
to be contracted;
e) the institution’s access to reports provided by the specialized independent auditor hired
by the third-party provider, related to the procedures and the controls used in the services to be con-
f) provision of adequate information and management resources to monitor the services
to be contracted;
g) the identification and segregation of data pertaining to the institutions clients through
physical or logical controls; and
h) the quality of access controls aimed at protecting the data and information of the insti-
tution's clients;
Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018 5
Paragraph 1. In the assessment of the relevance of the service to be contracted, mentioned
in item I of the heading, the contracting institution must consider the criticality of the service and the
sensitivity of the data and information to be processed, stored and managed by the third-party provider,
taking into account the classification carried out in accordance to art. 3, item V, sub-item c.
Paragraph 2. The procedures mentioned in the heading must be documented, including the
information related to the verification mentioned in item II.
Paragraph 3. In the case of applications run through the internet, referred to in item III of
art. 13, the institution must ensure that the potential third-party provider adopts controls that mitigate
the effects of possible vulnerabilities in releasing new versions of the application.
Paragraph 4. The institution must have the necessary resources and competencies for the
adequate management of the services to be contracted, including the analysis of information and use of
resources provided under the terms of sub-item f, item II.
Art. 13. For the purposes of this Resolution, cloud computing services comprises the avail-
ability to a contracting institution, on demand and in a virtual form, of at least one of the following ser-
I data processing, data storage, network infrastructures and other computational re-
sources that enable the contracting institution to deploy or run softwares, which may include operating
systems and applications developed or acquired by the institution;
II - deployment or execution of applications developed or acquired by the contracting in-
stitution using a third-party provider's computing resources; or
III - execution, through the internet, of applications deployed or developed by a third-party
provider using its own computational resources.
Art. 14. The institution contracting the services mentioned in art. 12 is responsible for the
reliability, integrity, availability, security and confidentiality of the services contracted, as well as for com-
pliance with the legislation and regulation in force.
Art. 15. The contracting of relevant services of data processing, data storage and cloud
computing must be previously communicated to the Central Bank of Brazil by the institutions mentioned
in art. 1º.
Paragraph 1. The communication mentioned in the heading must comprise the following
I the name of the third-party provider to be contracted;
II the relevant services to be contracted; and
III the designation of the countries and the regions in each country where the services
can be provided and the data can be stored, processed and managed, as defined in item III, art. 16, in the
case of contracting abroad.
Paragraph 2. The communication mentioned in the heading must be made at least sixty
days before the contracting of services.
6 Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018
Paragraph 3. The contractual changes that imply a modification of the information referred
to in paragraph 1 must be communicated to the Central Bank of Brazil at least sixty days before the change
are effective.
Art. 16. The contracting of data processing, data storage and cloud computing relevant ser-
vices provided abroad must fulfill the following requisites:
I - the existence of an agreement for exchange of information between the Central Bank of
Brazil and the supervisory authorities of the countries where the services may be provided;
II the contracting institution must ensure that the provision of the services mentioned in
the heading do not cause damage to its own functioning neither do they deter the action of the Central
Bank of Brazil;
III the contracting institution must define, previously to the contracting, the countries and
the regions in each country where the services can be provided and the data can be stored, processed
and managed; and
IV the contracting institution must anticipate alternatives for business continuity either
in the case of impossibility of continuation of the contract or in the case of its termination.
Paragraph 1. In the absence of an agreement under the terms of item I of the heading, the
contracting institution must request an authorization from the Central Bank of Brazil for contracting ser-
vices, observing the deadline and the information required under the terms of art. 15 of this Resolution.
Paragraph 2. In order to comply with clauses II and III of the heading, the contracting insti-
tutions must ensure that the laws and regulations in the countries and regions in each country where the
services may be provided do not restrict or prevent either the institution or the Central Bank of Brazil
from accessing the data and information.
Paragraph 3. The proof of compliance with the requirements referred to on items I to IV of
the heading and the fulfillment of the requirement mentioned in paragraph 2 must be documented.
Art. 17. The contract of relevant services of data processing, data storage and cloud com-
puting must comprise:
I an indication of the countries and the regions in each country where services may be
provided and data may be stored, processed and managed;
II the adoption of security measures for transmission and storage of the data mentioned
in item I;
III the segregation of data and the access controls to protect the clients information while
the contract is in force;
IV the obligation of, in the case of contract termination:
a) transfer of the data cited in item 1 to the new third-party provider or the contracting
institution; and
b) elimination of the data mentioned in item 1 by the substituted third-party provider, after
the data transfer mentioned in item ‘a’ and the confirmation of the integrity and availability of the re-
ceived data.
V the access by the contracting institution’s to:
Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018 7
a) information provided by the third-party provider, in order to verify the compliance with
itens I and III;
b) information related to certifications and reports provided by the specialized independ-
ent audit mentioned in art 12, item II, sub-itens d and e; and
c) proper information and management resources to monitor the services to be provided,
mentioned in art. 12, item II, sub-item f;
VI the obligation of the third-party provider to notify the contracting institution in case of
subcontracting services deemed relevant to the institution;
VII the permission of access by the Central Bank of Brasil to the contracts and terms re-
lated to the rendering of services, the documentation and information related to the services provided,
data stored and information about its processing, backup of data and information, as well as access codes
to the data and information;
VIII the adoption of measures by the contracting institution as a result of determinations
from the Central Bank of Brazil; and
IX the obligation of the third-party provider to keep the contracting institution perma-
nently informed about possible limitations that may affect the services provided or compliance with laws
and regulations in force.
Sole Paragraph. The contract mentioned in the heading must comprise, in case the con-
tracting institution is submitted to a resolution regime by the Central Bank of Brazil:
I the obligation of the third party provider to allow full access by the responsible for the
resolution regime to contracts, terms, documentation and information related to the services provided,
to the data stored and information about its processing, to the data and information backup, as well as to
the access codes mentioned in item VII that are available to the third party provider; and
II - the obligation to previously inform the responsible for the resolution regime about the
intention of the third party provider to interrupt the rendering of services, at least thirty days before the
date of the interruption, observed that:
a) the third party provider is obliged to accept an occasional request by the responsible for
the resolution regime for an additional period of thirty days before the interruption of services; and
b) the previous information also applies to an interruption motivated by a default of the
contracting institution.
Art. 18. The provisions of articles 11 to 17 do not apply to contracting of systems operated
by clearing and settlement systems operators or trade repositories.
Art. 19. The institutions mentioned in art. 1 must ensure that their risk management poli-
cies implemented in conformity with the regulation in force comprise, relating to business continuity:
8 Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018
I the treatment of relevant cyber security incidents mentioned in art. 3, item IV;
II the procedures to be followed in case of an interruption of relevant data processing,
data storage and outsource of cloud computing services, containing scenarios that consider a substitution
of the third-party provider and the resumption of the normal operation of the institution; and
III the scenarios of incidents considered in the business continuity tests referred to on art
3. Item V, sub-item a.
Art. 20. The procedures adopted by institutions for risk management in conformity with
the regulation in force must comprise, relating to business continuity:
I the treatment adopted to mitigate the effect of relevant incidents mentioned in item IV,
art. 3 and the interruption of relevant data processing, data storage and cloud computing services con-
II the deadline stipulated for resumption or normalization of activities or relevant services
interrupted, mentioned in item I; and
III the timely communication to the Central Bank of Brasil on the occurence of relevant
incidents and the interruption of relevant services, mentioned in item I, that configure a crisis situation to
the financial institution, as well as procedures for restart of activities.
Art. 21. The institutions mentioned in art. 1 must establish monitoring and controlling
mechanisms to ensure the implementation and the effectiveness of the cyber security policy, the plan of
action and response to incidents, and the requirements for contracting services of data processing, data
storage and cloud computing, including:
I the definition of processes, tests and audit trails;
II the definition of adequate metrics and indicators; and
III the identification and correction of occasional deficiencies.
Paragraph 1. The definition of mechanisms mentioned in the heading must consider the
notifications received on the subcontracting of relevant services mentioned in art. 17, item VI.
Paragraph 2. The mechanisms mentioned in the heading must be submitted to periodic
tests by the internal audit, when applicable, in line with the internal controls of the institution.
Art. 22. While safeguarding the duty of secrecy and free competition, the institutions men-
tioned in art. 1 must develop initiatives for sharing information on the relevant incidents mentioned in
art. 3, item IV.
Paragraph 1. The information sharing mentioned in the heading must comprise information
on relevant incidents received from third-party providers.
Paragraph 2. The information shared must be made available to the Central Bank of Brazil.
Art. 23. The documents relative to the following topics must be made available to the Cen-
tral Bank of Brazil for five years:
I the cyber security policy mentioned in art. 2;
Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018 9
II - the minute of the board’s meeting or, in case the board is nonnexistent, the minute of
the senior management’s meeting, in the case the option mentioned in the Art. 2, paragraph 2, is exer-
III the plan of action and response to incidents mentioned in art. 6.
IV the annual report mentioned in art. 8;
V the procedures mentioned in art. 12, paragraph 2;
VI the documentation mentioned in art. 16, paragraph 3, in the case of services provided
VII the contracts mentioned in art. 17, the lapse mentioned in the heading being counted
from the termination of the contract; and
VIII the data, the records and information related to the mechanisms of monitoring and
control mentioned in art. 21, the lapse mentioned in the heading being counted from the implementation
of such mechanisms.
Art. 24. The Central Bank of Brazil may adopt measures to enforce the provisions in this
Resolution, as well as the establishment of:
I the requirements and procedures related to information sharing, in accordance with art.
II the requirement of certifications and other technical requisites to be demanded from
third-party providers by the contracting financial institution for rendering the services mentioned in art
III the maximum deadline, mentioned in art. 20, item II, for resumption or normalization
of the financial institution’s relevant activities or services interrupted; and
IV the technical requirements and operational procedures to be observed by institutions
in order to comply with the provisions established in this Resolution.
Art. 25. The institutions referred to on art. 1 that have already contracted the provision of
services for relevant processing, data storage and cloud computing on the date of entry into force of this
resolution must submitt to the Central Bank of Brazil within a maximum of 180 days from the date of entry
into force of this Resolution, a schedule for compliance with the provisions mentioned in:
I art. 16, itens I, II, IV and paragraph 2, in the case of services provided abroad; and
II art. 15, paragraph 1, and art. 17.
Sole paragraph. The deadline for compliance mentioned in the heading must not exceed
December 31, 2021.
Art. 26. The cyber security policy mentioned in art. 2 and the plan of action and response
to incidents mentioned in art 6 must be approved, in the form prescribed in art. 9, until May, 6, 2019.
10 Resolution CMN 4,658 of April 26, 2018
Art. 27. The Central Bank of Brazil may reject or impose restrictions, at any time, to the
contracting of services for data processing, data storage and cloud computing in case of a failure in com-
pliance with the provisions established in this Resolution, establishing a deadline for adequacy of the ser-
vices provided by the institution.
Art. 28. This Resolution enters into force on the date of its publication.
Ilan Goldfajn
Governor of the Central Bank of Brazil