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1.1. To ensure City Information is accurate, relevant, properly
consistent with City policies and
1.2. To establish Information Security Policies and procedures for
Information and the use of City Computer Equipment, Network Services, and
Mail (Email) and non-City or personal Computer Equipment that may be
used to
City Computer Equipment, Computer Systems or Network
any person
affiliate that is subject to this Administrative
1.3. To establish a procedure for approving and notifying
and other
and entities subject to this Administrative Regulation, about
Information Security
Standards and Guidelines that will provide specific guidance and criteria in securing
using City Computer Equipment, Network Services, and
1.4. To establish the basis for an Identity Theft Prevention Program, to ensure the
and safety of both employee and
2.1. This regulation applies to all City employees, contractors, volunteers, and other affiliates,
sometimes collectively referred to as "Individuals," using some or all of the City of San
Diego's Computer Systems, Computer Equipment, Network Services or Email system.
2.2. This regulation applies to the use of City Computer Equipment or Network Services and to
non-City or personal computer equipment that may be used to access City Computer
Systems or Network Services by any Individual subject to this Administrative Regulation.
3.1. Breach - Means unauthorized access to the City’s Computer Equipment, Computer
Systems, Email, or Network Services was, or is reasonably believed to have been,
acquired by an unauthorized person.
(Supersedes Administrative Regulation 90.63, Issue 1, effective June 30, 2011)
(Signature on File)
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3.2. City Information - Includes information relating to the conduct of the public’s
business which is prepared, owned, used or retained by any City department or
Individual regardless of physical form or characteristics.
3.3. Computer Equipment - Includes computer hardware and peripherals, including
monitor, mouse, keyboard, and printers, tablets, portable or laptop computers, smart
phones and similar communication equipment owned, operated or maintained by the
City or an information technology (IT) service provider under contract with the City.
3.4. Computer Systems - Includes a network system, interconnected computer equipment (e.g.,
servers and storage devices), software package, or other IT resources.
3.5. Email (Electronic Mail) - A method of composing, storing, sending, and receiving
(electronic transfer of information) electronic messages, memoranda, and attached
documents from a sender to one or more recipients via a telecommunications network.
3.6. Guidelines - Recommended actions and/or industry best practices that should be used
regarding security practices for ensuring compliance with policies and standards.
3.7. Information Security - An attribute of information systems which includes specific policy-
based mechanisms, practices, procedures, and assurances for protecting the confidentiality
and integrity of information, the availability and functionality of critical services, and the
privacy of individuals.
3.8. Information Security Standards and Guidelines - Means the standards and guidelines
developed by the Department of IT and approved by the appropriate IT governance body
which govern operation of City Computer Systems, Computer Equipment, Email, and
Network Services.
3.9. Information Security Policies - Organizational rules and practices that regulate how an
organization manages, protects, and uses its information system assets and data.
3.10. Internet - A publicly accessible network connecting Computer Systems throughout the
world using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). In addition to providing capability for
Email, other Internet applications include, but are not limited to, news groups, data
processing & storage services, data transfer services, Email, cloud services, and the world-
wide web (“WWW” or “Web”).
3.11. Network Services - Communication networks, including the underlying infrastructure of
routers, switches, wireless access points, and communications media for hard-wired or
wireless transmission of data across the network. Local Area Networks
(LANs), Wide
Area Networks (WANs), the Internet, and wireless networks are examples of Network
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3.12. Standards - Indicates how and what kind of software, hardware, databases, and business
practices should be implemented, used, and maintained to meet security and operational
3.13. System Managers or System Administrators - Individuals who support the operations and
integrity of City Computer Systems and their use. Their activities might include system
installation, configuration, integration, maintenance, security management, and problem
analysis and recovery. By the nature of their duties, they have administrative-level access
to Computer Systems, including operating systems, applications, databases, software
utilities, and computer hardware, not accessible by standard Users.
3.14. User - Any individual who has been granted privileges and access to City Computer
Equipment, Network Services, applications, resources, or information. User is also any
person who is identified in Sections 2.1. and 2.2. above.
3.15. User ID or User Account - The unique account identifier that is assigned to a User of
the City’s Computer Equipment, Computer Systems, and Network Services.
4.1. General
4.1.1. Guidance, direction, and authority for Information Security activities are centralized
for the City under the Department of Information Technology (“Dept. of IT”), Chief
Information Security Officer (CISO).
a. The Dept. of IT will provide direction and expertise to ensure the City’s
information is protected. This responsibility includes consideration of the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of both information and Computer
Systems that manage information. The Dept. of IT will act as a liaison for all
Information Security matters with all City departments and IT service
providers, and must be the focal point for all Information Security activities
throughout the City. The Dept. of IT will participate in vendor product
evaluations and in-house system development projects, assist with
implementing security controls, investigate Information Security Breaches
and perform other activities which are necessary to assure a secure
information handling environment.
b. The Dept. of IT has the authority to provide exceptions to specific
provisions of this policy based upon unique business requirements and other
considerations. Departments will promptly notify the Dept. of IT in the
event an exception is being requested for the security requirements of their
respective Computer Systems. All exception requests and resulting actions
must be fully documented and will be retained by the Dept. of IT.
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4.1.2. All computer files developed, created or enhanced within the scope and course of
City employment, or a City third-party contractual relationship, are the property of
the City of San Diego, regardless of their physical location or the form in which they
are maintained. These include, but are not limited to, computer data files,
documents, databases, spreadsheets, calendar entries, appointments, tasks, and notes
which reside on any City Computer Systems or Computer Equipment, or the
computer equipment of a contractor performing work for or on behalf of the City.
a. The City reserves the right to access and disclose as required or permitted by
law, and as defined in the approved Information Security Standards and
Guidelines, all messages and other electronic data sent over its Email
systems or stored in computer files on City Computer Equipment. City-
related computer files stored on non-City or personal computers must be
provided upon the City’s request in City standard formats.
b. It is the responsibility of the Department Head or designee to ensure access
to City
Computer Systems is terminated and all computer files are properly
handled by the City when an employee leaves City employment, pursuant to
applicable City regulations, policies, and procedures.
c. All inventions, improvements, developments, or other works and any related
copyrights, trademarks, patents or other intellectual property rights which are
in any way related to City business or activities and which are created,
developed, enhanced, or are derived, by one or more City employees during
the employee’s employment and compensated working hours, or using City
Computer Equipment, or otherwise developed within the scope of an
employee’s employment, are the exclusive intellectual property rights of the
City of San Diego and the City shall own all rights in such intellectual
property, including any applicable copyright, patent, trademark, or other
intellectual property rights.
4.1.3. Access to information available through the City’s Network Services or from the
City’s Computer Systems is controlled by Dept. of IT approved access control
criteria and Information Security Standards and Guidelines, which are to be
and reviewed
at least annually, including updates, as necessary.
4.1.4. Authorized access to City Computer Systems and Network Services shall be at the
minimum level required for the Individual to perform and complete their assigned
duties, and not at a level that allows access to information beyond the scope of that
Individual’s assigned duties.
4.1.5. Each Computer System or Network Services User ID must uniquely identify only
one User. Generic, shared, or group User IDs are not permitted. Any unique
User ID shall not be duplicated across multiple user authentication directories,
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so that there is always only one source User directory for authenticating any
User ID for access to City Computer Systems or Network Services. Network
security groups may be used to combine Users access rights. Approved group
Email accounts may be shared by multiple Users who each have unique User
a. Any Department that requires Individuals to share a single Computer
System, such as a desktop PC used for customer service, must ensure
compliance with the shared-use workstation requirements of the
Information Security Standards and Guidelines.
4.1.6. The initial login password issued to a User must be valid only for that User’s first
online session. At the time of initial login, the system must force the User to
create another password before any other work can be done on the system.
Passwords must meet the current criteria set in the Information Security Standards
and Guidelines.
4.1.7. Network Services are an essential component of the City’s information resources.
No device may be connected to the City’s Computer Systems, data network or
voice network
unless it has been specifically approved by the Department of
Information Technology (IT) pursuant to Information Security Standards and
Guidelines adopted in accordance with this policy. This section excludes portable
data storage devices/media, such as USB drives, being connected to an existing
City computer, as long as proper security measures are taken with those devices to
prevent and avoid infection by malicious software (i.e., virus or Trojan).
4.1.8. All servers, network equipment or telecommunications equipment used for the
production support of City business operations must utilize uninterruptible power
supply (UPS) and surge protection. Devices deemed critical to City business
operations should be on dual power grids or on emergency power generators to
protect against power outages.
4.1.9. Portable storage devices should only be used for temporary storage of data. Any
City data
or records created on portable storage devices, such as CDs or USB
drives, are to be treated according to Section 4.1.2. above. The content should be
made accessible in a standard format and should comply with the Information
Security Standards and Guidelines. City records stored on portable storage
devices must be retained in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations,
and policies pertaining to the management and retention of City records.
4.1.10. Misrepresenting, obscuring, suppressing, or replacing a User’s identity on an
electronic communications system is forbidden. The User name, Electronic Mail
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address, and related information used for login/access and included with
messages or online postings must reflect the actual originator of the messages or
4.1.11. Users shall not download or store software from the Internet on City Computer
Equipment which has not been properly licensed to the City or in which the City
does not have a legal right to possess or use. Users shall not install unauthorized
or unlicensed software programs on City Computer Equipment. Any
authorization must be obtained in advance from the Department of IT.
4.1.12. An Information Security Committee or its successor, as defined and chartered
through the
City’s IT governance structure, will meet periodically to review the
current status of the City’s Information Security, review and monitor security
incidents within the City, approve and periodically review Information Security
projects, and provide semi-annual reports related to these activities to the Dept. of
a. The Information Security Committee will review this policy and the related
Information Security Standards and Guidelines annually during the first
quarter of each fiscal year, making recommendations for any updates to the
Dept. of IT. The Dept. of IT will forward any recommended updates to the
City executive management team for approval.
4.2. Departmental Management Policy
4.2.1. Department Directors are ultimately responsible for departmental compliance
with the provisions of this policy and other information security and acceptable
use policies.
4.2.2. Senior management will lead by example by ensuring Information Security is
given a high priority in all current and future business activities and initiatives.
4.2.3. Management must provide all Users within their department with sufficient
training to allow them to understand their personal responsibilities to properly
protect information resources, including tracking of the dates and names of
employees trained. Information Security training materials will be created,
maintained, and made available by the Dept. of IT. Such training should occur
within the first 90 days of employment, and then refresher training should occur
annually for all employees.
4.2.4. Management must allocate sufficient on-the-job time for Users to acquaint
themselves with Information Security Policies, separately from the formal
training required in Section 5.3 above, including the Information Security
Standards and Guidelines with related procedures on prohibited activities and
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appropriate ways to report security threats. Management must notify Users of
specific actions that constitute security violations and that such violations will
be logged.
4.2.5. Each department will designate an Information Security Liaison (ISL) to be the
point of
contact responsible for department compliance with the City’s
Information Security Policies and coordination with the Dept. of IT. The
Information Security Liaison should be a senior IT staff member or unclassified
manager. The City’s Chief Information Security Officer will manage the ISL
program and provide information and training pertinent to the position to assist in
protecting City IT assets.
4.2.6. Each department will review their own security practices at least annually for
conformance with this policy and compliance with the Information Security
Standards and Guidelines.
4.2.7. All department and City Computer Systems privileges must be promptly
terminated at the time a User leaves City employment or ceases to provide services
to or receive services from the department or the City. Such termination of access
to City Computer Systems includes revocation of the assigned User ID and must
occur as soon as possible and, in any case, no more than three (3) business days,
after access is no longer required. All
held in the User’s home directory, as
applicable, will be held for 90 days for their supervisor or designee to review and
will then be deleted. All City records shall be retained in accordance with the
department’s approved Records Disposition Schedule or the Citywide General
Records Disposition Schedule
4.2.8. Records reflecting the Computer Systems on which Users have accounts must be
kept up-to-date and reviewed periodically, at least annually, by the respective
Department Head or designee, so Computer Systems access privileges may be
expeditiously revoked on short notice, if the need arises.
4.2.9. To provide evidence for investigation, prosecution or disciplinary actions, relevant
Computer Systems information should be immediately captured and preserved
whenever it is suspected that a computer Breach, crime or abuse has taken place.
The relevant information must be securely stored offline until such time as legal
determines the
City will no longer need the information. The information
to be
immediately collected
shall include the current system status and backup
copies of all potentially involved files. The Information Security Liaison or User
who discovers the suspected Breach, crime or abuse should report such to the
Dept. of IT, Chief Information Security Officer who will take action to preserve
the relevant information.
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4.2.10. To ensure a quick, effective, and orderly response to information security
incidents, the Information Security Committee will identify a “Cyber Security
Incident Response Team (CSIRT) comprised of IT staff to handle the reporting
of and response to information security incidents. The reporting of incidents
will be done according to the Information Security Standards and Guidelines
4.2.11. All known vulnerabilities of the City’s Computer Systems, in addition to
suspected or known violations, must be communicated in an expeditious and
confidential manner to the Dept. of IT, the Chief Information Security Officer,
the IT Service Provider, and any others designated by the Dept. of IT.
4.2.12. Except as specifically provided for in this policy, other Information Security
Policies and
procedures or otherwise provided by law, reporting information
security violations, problems or vulnerabilities to any person outside the City,
except to an appropriate government or law enforcement agency, without the prior
written approval of the Dept. of IT, is strictly prohibited
4.2.13. Criticality levels will be assigned to each business application to reflect the
potential impacts resulting from a Breach, data corruption or denial of service.
No less than once every two years, the Dept. of IT will conduct a rating survey to
inventory and assign criticality levels to City applications. Each Department
Director or their designee will assign criticality levels and data elements based
on criteria established by the Information Security Committee. The Dept. of IT
will maintain a master list of all inventoried applications and assigned ratings.
4.3. User Policy
4.3.1. Users must be responsible in their use of City Computer Equipment, and Network
Services. Any action that may cause interference with City Computer Systems
exposes the City’s Computer Systems to risk or adversely impacts the work of
others in using these Computer Systems is prohibited.
4.3.2. Employees may be disciplined in accordance with standard City procedures for
improperly using or knowingly allowing the improper use of the City’s Computer
4.3.3. Equipment, Network Services or Email system as stated in this regulation. Abuse
of the City’s Computer Systems may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination and criminal prosecution if deemed appropriate.
4.3.4. Employees should cooperate fully with all investigations, regarding the abuse of the
City’s Network Services, Computer Equipment, Computer Systems, and the Internet.
4.3.5. Every end User must have a single unique User ID and a personal password which
must be
kept confidential and not shared with anyone else. This User ID and
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password will be required for access to all multi-user Computer Equipment and
Network Services. User passwords must comply with the Information Security
Standards and Guidelines.
4.3.6. Users accessing City Computer Systems are prohibited from gaining
unauthorized access to any other non-City computer systems or in any way
damaging, altering or disrupting the operations of those systems. Users are also
prohibited from capturing or otherwise obtaining passwords, encryption keys, or
any other access control mechanism which could permit unauthorized access.
4.3.7. Employees who use City Computer Systems, Computer Equipment, Network
Services, or the City’s Email shall sign an Information Security Policy
Acknowledgement Form which states that the employee agrees to comply with
the terms of this Administrative Regulation.
4.4. System Manager/Administrator Policy
4.4.1. Every multi-user system must include sufficient automated tools to assist System
Managers in verifying the security status of the Computer Equipment and
Computer Systems. These tools must include mechanisms for automated
notifications to be sent to System Managers and for the correction of security
4.4.2. Whenever a City Computer System has been Breached by an unauthorized party,
or there is a reasonable suspicion of a Breach or other system compromise,
System Managers must immediately change the password on the involved system
and any other systems at risk from the Breached account. Under either of these
circumstances, all recent changes to User and system privileges must be
reviewed for unauthorized modifications.
4.4.3. Production application systems which access financial or sensitive information
must generate logs that show every addition, modification, and deletion to such
4.4.4. Mechanisms used to detect and record significant computer security events must
be resistant to attacks. These attacks include attempts to deactivate, modify, or
delete the logging software or the logs themselves
4.4.5. All Computer Systems and application logs must be maintained in an environment
where they cannot readily be viewed by unauthorized persons. By definition, a
person is unauthorized if he or she is not a member of the authorized network
security group(s) which allow access to such logs.
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4.4.6. Logs of computer security related events must provide sufficient data to support
comprehensive audits of the effectiveness of, and compliance with, security
measures. Logs containing computer security related events must be retained in
accordance with the applicable department’s Records Disposition Schedules or
the Citywide General Records Disposition Schedule. During this period, the logs
must be secured so that they cannot be modified, and so that they can be read only
by authorized persons. These logs are important for error correction, forensic
auditing, security Breach recovery, and related efforts.
4.4.7. To allow proper remedial action, System Managers must, on a daily basis, review
records reflecting security relevant events on multi-user machines/systems.
4.4.8. When a person who is authorized as a System Manager or System Administrator
ceases to
perform those functions, then such person’s access to City Computer
Systems, Computer Equipment, Network Services, and applications must be
immediately revoked and system-level passwords to which he or she had access
must be changed as soon as possible and, in any case, no more than twenty-four
(24) hours after such System Manager or System Administrator ceases to
perform those functions. In addition, such person’s physical access to City
Computer Systems, Computer Equipment, and Network Services must be
restricted or revoked immediately, as appropriate.
5.1. Mayor
5.1.1. The Mayor will establish regulations and procedures regarding the security and
safeguarding of City data, Computer Equipment, Computer Systems, and Network
5.2. Chief Information Officer
5.2.1. The Chief Information Officer has the responsibility to provide Guidelines,
strategic direction, oversight, and coordination of citywide Computer Systems.
5.3. Chief Information Security Officer
5.3.1. The Chief Information Security Officer or designee will direct and manage the
planning and supervision of all Information Security services for the City, including
those provided by vendors/providers.
5.4. Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC)
5.4.1. The Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) or other IT governing
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body as assigned by the City Chief Operating Officer is responsible for
approving Information Security Standards and Guidelines.
5.5. Information Security Committee
5.5.1. The Information Security Committee or other IT governing body as assigned by
the STAC is responsible for reviewing departments’ initial requests for
exemptions from the Information Security Standards and Guidelines and
recommending modifications to the City’s existing Information Security
Standards and Guidelines, as necessary
5.6. IT Services Provider(s)
5.6.1. The City’s IT services provider(s) will be responsible for providing, operating,
and maintaining the City’s primary Computer Systems, and Email systems,
Network Services, and Internet connectivity. The IT services provider is charged
with the responsibility of protecting the City’s Network Services and Computer
Systems from intrusion from outside sources, including the management and
maintenance of firewalls
5.7. Department Directors
5.7.1. Department Directors or their designees are responsible for approving requests for
User IDs and User Accounts for Email and Network Services.
5.8. Information Security Liaison
5.8.1. The departmental Information Security Liaison is the primary point of contact
responsible for department compliance with the City’s Information Security
5.9. System Administrators and System Managers
5.9.1. System Administrators and System Managers are responsible for maintaining the
security and integrity of City Computer Systems and Network Services, including
duties related to creating, modifying, and deleting User IDs or User Accounts,
and for maintaining the confidentiality of data contained on those systems in
compliance with the City’s Information Security Policies.
5.10. IT Asset Manager
5.10.1. The department IT Asset Manager is responsible for maintaining an accurate, up-
to-date inventory of all departmental IT assets, including computer hardware and
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5.11. Supervisory Personnel
5.11.1. Supervisory Personnel are responsible for overseeing the employee’s use of City
Computer Systems, Email systems, and Network Services.
5.12. Every Individual is responsible for his/her actions and conduct in accessing or using the
City’s Computer Systems, Network Services, and Email Systems. Violation of
the City’s
Information Security Policies or unauthorized or inappropriate use may result in
disciplinary action.
Legal References
San Diego Municipal Code, section 27.3564(b)
Administrative Regulation 45.50 - Private Use of City Labor, Equipment, Materials, and Supplies
Administrative Regulation 90.20 - Office Telephones
Administrative Regulation 90.62 - Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use
Administrative Regulation 90.64 - Protection of Sensitive Information and Data
Administrative Regulation 90.65 - Broadcast Email and Voice Mail
Forms Involved
Employee Acknowledgement of IT Security Policy Overview
Form IT-063 - Information Security Policy Acknowledgement
Subject Index
Computer Equipment, Security Computer Systems, Security
Electronic Mail, Security Email, Security
Internet, Security
Network Services, Security
Security Information Technology
All Departments (Mayoral and Non-Mayoral)
Administering Department
Department of IT
Information Security Policy Acknowledgement Form City
Policy Summary (pertinent excerpts from Administrative Regulation 90.63):
4.1.2. All computer files developed, created or enhanced within the scope and course of City employment, or a City
third-party contractual relationship, are the property of the City of San Diego, regardless of their physical location or the
form in which they are maintained. These include, but are not limited to, computer data files, documents, databases,
spreadsheets, calendar entries, appointments, tasks, and notes which reside on any City Computer Systems or Computer
Equipment, or the Computer Equipment of a contractor performing work for or on behalf of the City.
a. The City reserves the right to access and disclose as required or permitted by law, and as defined in the
approved Information Security Standards and Guidelines, all messages and other electronic data sent over its
Email systems or stored in computer files on City Computer Equipment. City-related computer files stored on
non-City or personal computers must be provided upon the City’s request in City standard formats.
4.1.4. Authorized access to City Computer Systems and Network Services shall be at the minimum level required for the
Individual to perform and complete their assigned duties, and not at a level that allows access to information beyond the
scope of that Individual’s assigned duties.
4.1.5. Each Computer System or Network Services User ID must uniquely identify only one User. Generic, shared, or
group User IDs are not permitted. [...] Network security groups may be used to combine Users access rights. Approved
group Email accounts may be shared by multiple Users who each have unique User IDs.
4.3.1. Users must be responsible in their use of City Computer Equipment, and Network Services. Any action that may
cause interference with City Computer Systems, exposes the City’s Computer Systems to risk or adversely impacts the
work of others in using these Computer Systems is prohibited.
4.3.2. Employees may be disciplined in accordance with standard City procedures for improperly using or knowingly
allowing the improper use of the City’s Computer Equipment, Network Services or Email system as stated in this
regulation. Abuse of the City’s Computer Systems may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination and
criminal prosecution if deemed appropriate.
4.3.4. Every end User must have a single unique User ID and a personal password which must be kept confidential and
not shared with anyone else. This User ID and password will be required for access to all multi-user Computer Equipment
and Network Services. User passwords must comply with the Information Security Standards and Guidelines.
4.3.5. Users accessing City Computer Systems are prohibited from gaining unauthorized access to any other non-City
Computer Systems or in any way damaging, altering or disrupting the operations of those systems. Users are also prohibited
from capturing or otherwise obtaining passwords, encryption keys, or any other access control mechanism which could
permit unauthorized access.
Employee/Supervisor Acknowledgement
By signing below, the employee acknowledges that he or she has been advised of the City’s policies
related to Information Security as provided in Administrative Regulation 90.63 (“Information Security
Policy”), which has been discussed with his or her supervisor, and further acknowledges that he or she
understands and agrees to comply with the provisions of the policy. Employee understands that this
form will be kept as part of his or her departmental employee file, and that he or she may receive a copy,
if requested. The supervisor acknowledges that he or she has discussed the policy (A.R. 90.63) with the
employee named below and understands the supervisor’s obligations regarding Information Security
under this policy.
Employee’s Name (Print Legibly)
Employee’s Signature Date Signed
Supervisors Name (Print Legibly)
Supervisor’s Signature Date Signed
Form IT-063 (04/2017) (City Employee Form)