Question Type
Admissions Accommodation
Are first years guaranteed accomodation if they live in
All first year students who accept Imperial as their firm choice are
guaranteed a place in College accommodation provided they're eligible
and complete their application by the deadline. Find out more here:
life/accommodation/prospective/ug/(Are first years guaranteed
accomodation if they live in London?)
Admissions Advice
How is the medicine admissions process going to be
different to other years in light of COVID?
The 2022 admissions cycle will hopefully look very similar to a 'standard'
admissions year as we continue to recover and emerge from the COVID
pandemic. If you are concerned about anything regarding your application
next year you can email is
the medicine admissions process going to be different to other years in
light of COVID?)
Admissions Advice
What are the main aspects of an application that
differentiates successful medicine applicants from the
Provided an applicant meets the minimum predicted grade requirement of
AAA and the BMAT threshold, then their success or otherwise would
depend on their performance at interview.(What are the main aspects of
an application that differentiates successful medicine applicants from the
Admissions Advice
How many applicants are there each year and how
many of them are accepted?
The number of applications Imperial receives changes each year. For 2021
Entry, we received an increased number of applications (up by 26%) so we
received approximately 4500 applications. We currently have 357 places
available for 2021 Enty.
Admissions Advice
Do we have to be 18 years old when the course starts
in the fall? and if yes, by what day?
We have a very strict age limit and all students must be 18 by the start of
the course without exception. For 2022 this would be 3rd October.(so do
we have to be 18 years old when the course starts in the fall? and if yes,
by what day?)
Admissions Advice
what vaccinations must be taken before arriving at the
for the immunisation programme when you are to fill out a Health
questionnaire. You will be asked to fill out details about your last
vaccinations for specific groups. If you have not undertaken that specific
vaccination previously then you may be required to attend a vaccination
clinic when you join Imperial in October. Please make sure you complete
these documents accurately and in full.
Admissions Advice
What courses enable you to convert onto medicine
after first year?
This is not an option at Imperial. We only accept students who have
applied through UCAS for 1st year entry.(What courses enable you to
convert onto medicine after first year?)
Admissions Advice
would events such as global summer schools put you in
a better position in terms of your application?
Taking part in Summer Schools or other schemes can give you insight into
the department you may wish to join. It does not give you advantages to
jump part of the admission process. It may give you more experiences to
talk to or more insight in making a choice as to whether Imperial is the
place for you.
Admissions Advice Are private candidates at a disadvantage in any way?
No, you are not disadvantaged. You would be treated the same as any
other applicant. You may be required to ensure your reference submits
predicted grades and you may need to submit your grades independently
to confirm your achieved grades in August.
Admissions Advice
Will everyone who meets the entry requirement be
treated the same or would applicants who exceed the
requirements be prioritized over those who have just
achieved the minimum entry requirements
Everyone who meets the entry requirements will be treated the same.
Shortlisting will occur during the BMAT stage of the admissions process.
Your achieved BMAT score will determine invitation to interview. You can
review the admissions timeline here:
Admissions Advice Which nationalities are mainly present on campus?
We have a huge range of UK and International students. Learn more here:
nationalities are mainly present on campus? )
Admissions Advice What is the difference between MBBS and Bsc?
The MBBS refers to your doctor's qualification - this is called a Bachelor of
Medicine and Surger. Undertaking the degree at Imperial also allows you
to obtain a BSc degree in Medical Science in addition. This means you will
graduate with two degrees.
Admissions BMAT
What is the weightage of the BMAT score in the
Applicants are ranked by their BMAT score and this is how Imperial will
shortlist applicants for interview. Your scores in Section 1 and Section 2
are combined and that combined score will need to meet both the
minimum threshold and the combined threshold score. You will also be
expected to meet the minimum threshold for Section 3 to be invited to
interview. You can see the full breakdown of the 2021 Entry scores on our
Admissions BMAT How can we prepare for ucat/bmat?
The best way to prepare for BMAT which Imperial takes is to look at the
BMAT preparation websites:
takers/bmat/preparing-for-bmat/. You can also see our current student
talk through tips for BMAT
e-mbbs-programmes/MMI/timeline/ (How can we prepare for
can you do the ucat and still get in
No, at Imperial, we only accept BMAT and not UCAT.
Admissions BMAT What score would you be looking for in the BMAT?
BMAT cut-off scores are calculated each year, as a result of ranked
candidate BMAT scores versus number of expected interview sessions. As
a result, the absolute BMAT cut-off changes each year. However, the
BMAT cut-off scores from previous admissions cycles may be used as a
For 2021 Entry, Home candidates: Candidates were required to score a
minimum of 3.5 in Section 1 and Section 2, with the sum score in these
two Sections being at least 10.9. They were required to score a minimum
of 2.5C in Section 3.
For 2021 Entry, OS/EU candidates: Candidates were required to score a
minimum of 4.0 in Section 1 and Section 2, with the sum of scores in these
two Sections being at least 13.3. They were required to score a minimum
of 3C in Section 3. You can find out more here:
medicine/medicine/#entry-requirements (What score would you be
looking for in the BMAT? )
Admissions BMAT
is the BMAT online this year? or is it back in paper
The BMAT website is the best place to check this due to COVID
takers/bmat/bmat-november/(is the BMAT online this year? or is it back in
paper form?)
Admissions BMAT
How early should one start revising for the
You should give yourself enough time for revision and practicing BMAT
sufficiently to achieve the best performance possible. The best way to
prepare for BMAT which Imperial takes is to look at the BMAT preparation
takers/bmat/preparing-for-bmat/. You can also see our current student
talk through tips for BMAT
Admissions BMAT
do you have any suggestion for books we should use to
study for the bmat?
We don't suggest any specific books rather you should use the
preparatory material on the BMAT preparation websites:
bmat/. You can also see our current student talk through tips for BMAT
Admissions BMAT
What are your expectations when it comes to the
BMAT Score. Do you have a threshold?
Applicants are ranked by their BMAT score so the BMAT threshold will
vary from year to year. 2021 entry threshold can be found on the course
mbbs-programmes/ (What are your expectations when it comes to the
BMAT Score. Do you have a threshold?)
Admissions BMAT What year do you recommend we take the BMAT?
You should take the BMAT during the same year you are submitting your
application to UCAS for medicine. If you are applying to UCAS by October
2021, you would sit BMAT in November 2021.
Admissions BMAT
Is there a BMAT cut off and in the previous years, what
was the typical score of a sucessful applicant?
Applicants are ranked by their BMAT score so the BMAT threshold will
vary from year to year. 2021 entry threshold can be found on the course
mbbs-programmes/ (What are your expectations when it comes to the
BMAT Score. Do you have a threshold?)
Admissions Campus Visit
Are there going to be any in person open days this
At the moment, it is not possible to visit the campus due to Covid-19
restrictions. We hope that we will be able to welcome prospective
students on campus soon, but meanwhile you can have a look at the
virtual tour on our website:
Admissions Campus Visit Does Imperial offer any campus visits right now?
At the moment, it is not possible to visit the campus due to Covid-19
restrictions. We hope that we will be able to welcome prospective
students on campus soon, but meanwhile you can have a look at the
virtual tour on our website:
Admissions Cohort Size how many places are there for A100 course?
The cohort size is set by the Department of Health who impose a cap on
the number of students permitted to enter medical school each year. This
year, the number is 357.
In 2020, the cap was lifted, and the number was higher, due to the
changes in the A-Levels outcomes.(how many places are there for A100
Admissions Disabilities
What level and kinds of support do you provide for
those with learning disabilities?
All disabilities disclosed with us are carefully taken into consideration. If
you would like more detailed information, I suggest you get in touch with
our Disability Advisory Service:
Entry Requirements
Do Imperial look at your GCSEs?
No, we do not look at GCSE grades
Admissions Entry Requirements Is four a levels given preference over 3?
No - you just need to meet the entry requirements (A*AA). You will not
gain preference over other applicants for having an extra A Level.(Is four a
levels given preference over 3?)
Admissions Entry Requirements Is maths a necessary subject to apply here?
Maths is not a required subject in order to be considered(Is maths a
necessary subject to apply here?)
Admissions Entry Requirements is A*A*A or A*A*A* preferred compared to A*AA?
provided you are predicted AAA then you will progress to the second
stage of selection, which is the BMAT. Our standard offer is A*AA so there
is no advantage being predicted A*A*A*(is A*A*A or A*A*A* preferred
compared to A*AA?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Does doing 4 A-levels rather than 3 improve your offer
chances? And if you do 3 A-levels, are they preferred to
all be sciences/maths?
The standard offer are three A-levels at A*AA (including an A* in either
Biology or Chemistry). You would not be asked to provide a fourth A Level
grade. Doing a fourth A Level will give you two opportunities to obtain
your third A grade however it would not give you an improved chance.
Rather you can talk about taking your additional A Level in your personal
statement and the interview to demonstrate any additional skills you feel
taking the fourth A Level has provided you.
Admissions Entry Requirements Does Imperial medicine have rolling admissions?
No. All students are required to complete an application via UCAS for
entry, and the timeline of the application process follows a few steps. Find
out more here:
Admissions Entry Requirements
I live in Scotland, and if I take more than 3 advanced
highers, will it increase my competitiveness for
medicine applications? (ie. easier to get in because i
took 4/5+ advanced highers)
There is no advantge in taking more subjects than required in terms of
securing an offer. (Jade (Unverified) asked "I live in Scotland, and if I take
more than 3 advanced highers, will it increase my competitiveness for
medicine applications? (ie. easier to get in because i took 4/5+ advanced
Admissions Entry Requirements
how many ucas points do you need to get into your
medicine course?
You can see the full list of entry requirements here:
medicine/medicine/(how many ucas points do you need to get into your
medicine course?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Does imperial prefer if you've done three science
subjects (e.g. bio, chem and maths) or can you have
done something different as your third subject?
The standard offer are three A-levels at A*AA (including an A* in either
Biology or Chemistry). General Studies and Critical Thinking are not
accepted.(Does imperial prefer if you've done three science subjects (e.g.
bio, chem and maths) or can you have done something different as your
third subject?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Is doing 5 A levels advantageous for the application
You just need to meet the entry requirements of A*AA. More A Levels
than this does not give you an advantage.(Is doing 5 A levels advantageous
for the application process?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Is having Maths as subject in grade 11 and 12 a
necessity for applying to medicine at imperial??
Maths is not a strict subject requirement in order to be considered(Is
having Maths as subject in grade 11 and 12 a necessity for applying to
medicine at imperial??)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Are ACT/SAT scores taken into consideration in my
admissions if I am currently taking the IBDP? No your ACT/SAT scores are not taking into consideration.
Admissions Entry Requirements
Is it possible to study Biology, Chemistry and Religious
Studies for A-levels and get into medicine at Imperial?
Yes - for Medicine at Imperial, the requirement is A*AA (including A* in
either biology or chemistry). General studies and critical thinking are not
accepted. This means your 3rd subject choice can be anything else (it does
not have to be maths). For example, I did Biology, Chemistry and
Psychology. (Is it possible to study Biology, Chemistry and Religious
Studies for A-levels and get into medicine at Imperial?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
can i do medicine with a maths , biology and
psychology a level
Biology and Chemistry are both required subjects. We won't be able to
consder an application without them(can i do medicine with a maths ,
biology and psychology a level)
Admissions Entry Requirements
For the IB, is there a prefered course for the third
higher level subject?
Provided you are taking Biology and Chemistry at HL your other subject
choices do not matter and will not impact on your application(For the IB, is
there a prefered course for the third higher level subject?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Must your predicted grades match with entry
reqirements in order to apply successfully? E.g entry
requiremnts AAA/A*AA but predicted grades are AAB?
You must be predicted a minimum of AAA. all applicants predicted this
will proceed to the second stage of assessment which is the BMAT.(kemi
(Unverified) asked "Must your predicted grades match with entry
reqirements in order to apply successfully? E.g entry requiremnts
AAA/A*AA but predicted grades are AAB?")
Admissions Entry Requirements
does studying sociology at a levels relate to medicne.
will it help me at university or not? because i find it
really interesting but i find it hard to relate it to
As long as you have Biology and Chemistry as two of your a-level choices,
you are free to do any 3rd subject, as long as it's not General studies or
Critical Thinking. For example, I did Psychology and I found this to be very
helpful during this year as we had a whole module on Psychiatry, so I
already knew the information. I would suggest for your 3rd subject,
choose a subject you enjoy!(does studying sociology at a levels relate to
medicne. will it help me at university or not? because i find it really
interesting but i find it hard to relate it to medicine)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Do you consider AS-Levels taken/ see them as a benefit
to an application?
AS levels do not form any part of our selection process.(Do you consider
AS-Levels taken/ see them as a benefit to an application?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Is getting A*AA better than getting A*AAD? Is it worth
taking the fourth a level?
Our minimum requirement is for grades AAA in three A-levels including
Chemistry and Biology, with a standard offer being A*AA (with the A* in
Chemistry or Biology). When initially assessing applications, we look at
predicted grades, not AS level or GCSE results. If these are sufficient then
you will proceed to the next stage of the assessment, which is the BMAT.
All applicants who are predicted AAA will go through to the next stage of
the selection process (the BMAT grades), thus a candidate predicted 4 A*s
has no advantage over one who is predicted AAA. Please note that any
offer made will be our standard as above.(Is getting A*AA better than
getting A*AAD? Is it worth taking the fourth a level?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
How is further mathematics considered as an A-Level at
Further Maths is considered as an individual A Level.(How is further
mathematics considered as an A-Level at Imperial?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Is it possible to be considered with Chemistry and
another science (e.g. physics) instead of biology? Yes, the A* needs to be in either Biology or Chemistry
Admissions Entry Requirements
if you do the IB, do you need to present other English
language qualifications like the IELTS?
If you are taking English in your IB then there is no need to take an
additional test. our grade requirements can be found here: you
do the IB, do you need to present other English language qualifications like
the IELTS?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
What is the language requirement for medical
You can see the English Language requirement here:
is the language requirement for medical application? )
Admissions Entry Requirements
I am in the IB programe, I have High Level Biology, but
my school does not offer High Level Chemistry,if I take
University online Chemistry course, wll it count as
Higher Level Chemistry? Am I qualified to apply?
We would not accept an online university course in lieu of IB so you
would need to take either A-Level or Advanced Placement in order to be
elligible.(Students: I am in the IB programe, I have High Level Biology, but
my school does not offer High Level Chemistry,if I take University online
Chemistry course, wll it count as Higher Level Chemistry? Am I qualified to
Admissions Entry Requirements
Are there reduced offers for people doing four a-
No, we have a standard offer of A*AA. we do not adjust this for students
taking more than 3 subjects.(Are there reduced offers for people doing
four a-levels?)
Entry Requirements
does the A* need to be from bio or chem?
Yes, that is correct (does the A* need to be from bio or chem? )
Admissions Entry Requirements
Is it absolutely essential that the A* be in biology or
chemistry as opposed to in the 3rd subject?
Yes, the A* needs to be in either Biology or Chemistry (Is it absolutely
essential that the A* be in biology or chemistry as opposed to in the 3rd
Admissions Entry Requirements
Does doing an EPQ at A-level contribute to the
admission process consideration? Thank you
No, EPQs do not form part of our assessment or offers(Does doing an EPQ
at A-level contribute to the admission process consideration? Thank you)
Admissions Entry Requirements Whats the offer and acceptance timeline?
Please have a look here for a timeline of the application process:
Admissions Entry Requirements Can offers be lowered if you are doing an EPQ?
EPQs do not form any part of our assessment or offers(Can offers be
lowered if you are doing an EPQ?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
If four A levels are taken, would an offer be made
incorporating all four subjects or just the usual three?
Our standard offer is A*AA which we do not adjust for students taking
more than 3 subjects.(If four A levels are taken, would an offer be made
incorporating all four subjects or just the usual three? )
Admissions Entry Requirements
Do we need an A* in Biology or Chemistry, or can the
A* be in another subject?
The A* must be in either Biology or Chemistry.(With offers is the a*
specific for any subject?)
Admissions Entry Requirements I applied by directly email, will you read?
All applications must be made either via UCAS (for undergraduate
degrees) or through Imperial's website (for postgraduate degrees - see
here (Aysoo
(Unverified) asked "I applied by directly email, will you read?")
Admissions Entry Requirements
I sent my DBS check but have not heard back. Do i miss
my offer if i still dont by the 30th June? Please send an email to feo-admissions-in[email protected]
Admissions Entry Requirements
Are there reduced offers for people who do 4 a-levels
rather than 3?
The standard offer are three A-levels at A*AA (including an A* in either
Biology or Chemistry). You would not be asked to provide a fourth A Level
grade. Doing a fourth A Level will give you two opportunities to obtain
your third A grade however it would not give you an improved chance.
Rather you can talk about taking your additional A Level in your personal
statement and the interview to demonstrate any additional skills you feel
taking the fourth A Level has provided you.
Admissions Entry Requirements With offers is the a* specific for any subject?
The A* must be in either Biology or Chemistry.(With offers is the a*
specific for any subject?)
Admissions Entry Requirements
Where can I find what Imperial is locking for in
All applicants have a chance to be accepted into the programme, as long
as they pass the "hurdles" of the admissions process. All students are
required to complete an application via UCAS for entry and sit our
required admissions test – BMAT (Biomedical Admissions Test) in the year
of application. You must meet our minimum entry requirements and be
predicted AAA or 38 IB to move forward in the admissions process. If you
then meet the cut off scores in your BMAT (we use a combined score of
Section 1 and Section 2) you are invited to take part in our interview
process. Our interview process is Multiple-Mini Interviews and this is what
will determine whether an offer is give. If you are successful at interview
and meet the threshold for an offer, you will receive an offer at the end of
the admissions cycle through UCAS. Have a look here for a full list of entry
Admissions Finance
What should you do if you do not think it is finacially
possible to attend university in london?
It is really important to make sure you have enough funds to study in
London. If you study in London and are eligible for Student Finance
England funding, you will obtain an extra allowance for "living in London".
Imperial Bursary scheme is also one of the most generous provisions in the
UK which depending on your household income can support your living
costs. You can see more information about fees and funding here: In the School of
Medicine we also support hundreds of students each year through the
Hardship Fund which supports students in financial difficulties.
Admissions Finance
Are medical students allowed to have a side job while
they study at Imperial?
It is possible to have a part-time job during university, however, you need
ot have good organisational skills so you can balance your academic
medicine work too.
Admissions Finance does imperial have scholarship?
Please see
funding/bursaries-and-scholarships/ and for
more information on available scholarships
Admissions Finance
Does this financial support include not UK Students?
Because I´m from Brazil and live in Germany since 2019.
The Imperial Bursary is only available to Home students. You can find out
more about fees and funding on Imperial's Student finance website: There are also
scholarships , but these are available to students who have already been
accepted and have received an unconditional offer to study with us.
Therefore, you will need to apply and be accepted to the programme
before you can be considered for the scholarship. I hope it’s clear. Here
you can find more information about scholarship opportunities at
Admissions Gap Year
How would you recommend applicants spend their
time on their gap year before entry into medical
We have a gap year advice website which may be helpful in what you
want to do during your gap year. You can review this here:
Admissions Gap Year
Do you have to apply for deferred entry before/during
your application or can you decide once you have
gotten an offer?
You can apply for deferred entry during your UCAS application or if you
chose to take a gap year once you have undertaken the admissions
process and have an offer, you can talk to the department to approve the
gap year.
Admissions Gap Year is deferred entry offered and automatically granted?
Deferred entry is possible however it is generally provided following a
successful interview offer. You may be asked to write to the department
to discuss your deferral. You can also apply for a deferred entry at UCAS
application stage. (is deferred entry offered and automatically granted?)
Admissions Gap Year
if we apply one year and get an offer but decide to take
a gap year, do we need to retake the BMAT and
interview process again?
No, you are not disadvantaged. You would need to talk to the department
once you received an offer and your conditions would be carried over to
the next entry year. You would not need to take BMAT or the interview
cycle again.
Admissions Graduate Entry
are you accepting graduate entry applications this
The graduate entry programme is not currently running. You can enter
the 6 year programme as a graduate but you would be expected to take all
six years including a BSc during your fourth year. (are you accepting
graduate entry applications this year?)
Admissions International How many places are there for international students?
We have approximately 25 places per cohort. This is around 7.5% of our
intake. The Department of Health applies an overseas cap for medical
school places.
Admissions International
Are members of Europe considered as internationals
when it comes to admissions?
To check status of European citizens and what level of fees you would
need to pay, please have a look at the following page for more
funding/tuition-fees/fee-status/ as well as the UKCISA website. If you are
not considered as a Home student, or do not have Pre-Settled status, then
you will be charged International fees. Currently there remains a cap
imposed by the Department of Health on the number of international
students an instition can take. For Imperial this remains at around 24
Admissions International How many international applicants are there ?
This varies every year but we receive a very high number of applications
from students based in the UK and overseas. Based on 2020 admissions
data, we receive 10 applications for every one available space on our
Medicine degree.
Admissions International
What is the acceptance rate for international studnets
at imperial?
Approximately 50-60% of international applicants will accept their offer to
study at Imperial School of Medicine.
Admissions International
As an international student what are the other options
if u cannot attend a MMI
For the last year we ran our interview process remotely. It is likely that
this option will be given over the next year of the programme. Please get
in touch with the FEO Admissions Interviews team <feo-admissions-> if you want any more details should you apply
to us next year.(As an international student what are the other options if u
cannot attend a MMI)
Admissions International
What are the merit-based scholarships available for
international students at Imperial for medicine?
The School of Medicine scholarship information can be found on this
. Our scholarship process opens annually following offer holders becoming
enrolled students.
Admissions International
As an international student, I am not currently studying
for either IB or A-Level. Does Imperial organise an
alternative route for students without said
qualifications? For instance, the examination I am
preparing for (i.e. Diploma di Esame di Stato Scientifico)
fully covers the A-Level syllabi for Mathematics, Physics,
Biology and Chemistry. Would I still be able to apply to
The following webpage shows the minimum academic entry requirements
and you can contact Medicine Admissions on
Admissions International
how much does an undergraduate medicine degree
cost for international students?
You can see the tutition fees here:
which includes fees for Medicine. (how much does an undergraduate
medicine degree cost for international students?)
Admissions International
Is the imperial bursary only for uk applicants or for
international applicants as well?
The Imperial Bursary is only available to Home students. You can find out
more about fees and funding on Imperial's Student finance website:
Admissions International
How can an International Student stand out in the
application (considering the quotas)
The admissions process can be considered in steps - as an applicant, you
should aim to highlight your academic and extra-curricular strengths when
writing your personal statement, you should practice your BMAT
performance as International Students do have a higher threshold to meet
and should you get through to Interview, you should prepare examples
from your own experience to talk against when you meet your
interviewers. We would also recommended reviewing the NHS Values
which appear during ethical discussions with your interviewers. You can
see the values here:
Admissions International
How many international students apply to medicine in
Imperial? How many are admitted to interviews and
how many are finally admitted?
The ratio of applicants per interview is 1:9 and the number of applicants
per place is 1:7. The cohort size is set by the Department of Health who
impose a cap on the number of students permitted to enter medical
school each year. This year, the number is 357. In 2020, the cap was lifted,
and the number was higher, due to the changes in the A-Levels outcomes.
Admissions International
What BMAT score would make me an attractive option
for Imperial as an international student?
Anyone who is taking BMAT should aim to achieve the best possible score
for them. There are different thresholds for International Students due to
the competition for places. Please check our website for the 2021 Entry
BMAT thresholds so you can practice to achieve these scores. Website:
Admissions International
Does national/international work experience make a
We consider all experiences regardless of where it was. Volunteering and
work experience is personal and different for everyone. The important
aspect is for it to be something you can talk about and reflect on - if your
experience was internationally resourced, the key is to be able to talk
about what you learnt, what skills you took away from it, how it helped
make you make the decision to take a medicine related career path.
Admissions International
What sort of funding/scholarships are available for
international applicants? (any special
scholarships/funding for commonwealth countries in
the UK?)
The School of Medicine scholarship information can be found on this
. Our scholarship process opens annually following offer holders becoming
enrolled students.
Admissions Interview
Which applicants have a higher chance to gain
admission to your medical school?
All applicants have a chance to be accepted into the programme, as long
as they pass the "hurdles" of the admissions process. All students are
required to complete an application via UCAS for entry and sit our
required admissions test – BMAT (Biomedical Admissions Test) in the year
of application. You must meet our minimum entry requirements and be
predicted AAA or 38 IB to move forward in the admissions process. If you
then meet the cut off scores in your BMAT (we use a combined score of
Section 1 and Section 2) you are invited to take part in our interview
process. Our interview process is Multiple-Mini Interviews and this is what
will determine whether an offer is give. If you are successful at interview
and meet the threshold for an offer, you will receive an offer at the end of
the admissions cycle through UCAS.
Admissions Interview How do virtual interviews take place?
You can find out more about the virtual MMI we ran this year here:
mbbs-programmes/MMI/(How do virtual interviews take place? )
Admissions Interview
Hi how is the interview marked and judged and how
much is it weighted in comparison to other areas in the
application process like bmat?
The interview is marked by 7 individuals which give you each a score.
These scores combined will determine whether you receive an offer.(Hi
how is the interview marked and judged and how much is it weighted in
comparison to other areas in the application process like bmat?)
Admissions Interview
How can you tell from an applicant’s profile or their
interview performance that they are going to be a good
The interview process is designed to test a number of skills that are
required to be a doctor. Having multiple stations helps the interviewers to
assess more broadly whether the candidate possesses these skills.
Preparation and knowledge of the NHS pillars is key, but also reflection on
one's own experience and understanding the role of a doctor are essential
characteristics to have to receive an offer.
Admissions Interview How are we assessed in the interview? Thank you!
The interview process is Multiple-Mini Interviews. These are five-minute
stations covering a specific construct. Imperial currently run seven stations
looking at these constructs:
•Commitment to Medicine
•Teamwork and Leadership
•Ethnics – through NHS Values
•Work /Volunteering Experience
•Contribuon to Medical School – Student Life
Your communication skills are assessed throughout. I hope this helps!
(How are we assessed in the interview? Thank you!)
Admissions Interview
How much emphasis do you put on our interview? is it
a make or breaker
The interview is possibly the most important step, and this is because we
get to hear directly from you, and we can listen to your answers and
reflections on how you would act in a number of different situations and
scenario. However, in order to be invited to interview you have to score
well in your BMAT test and be predicted the minimum grades. Therefore,
every step of the admission process is important.
Admissions Interview
Is the interview performance the only aspect
considered when deciding to give offers?
All students are required to complete an application via UCAS for entry
and sit our required admissions test – BMAT (Biomedical Admissions Test)
in the year of application. You must meet our minimum entry
requirements and be predicted AAA or 38 IB to move forward in the
admissions process. If you then meet the cut off scores in your BMAT (we
use a combined score of Section 1 and Section 2) you are invited to take
part in our interview process. Our interview process is Multiple-Mini
Interviews and this is what will determine whether an offer is give. If you
are successful at interview and meet the threshold for an offer, you will
receive an offer at the end of the admissions cycle through UCAS.
(Is the interview performance the only aspect considered when deciding
to give offers?)
Admissions Interview how were the MMIs carried out this year?
This year (entry 2021) MMIs have been carried out asynchronously, this
means that students did not have to come to Imperial but they could
record a video of themselves answering the questions on the MMI
stations. (how were the MMIs carried out this year?)
Admissions Interview
Is studying your A levels in the UK enough for the
english language requirement? And if not does it affect
your chances of getting an offer if you haven't done the
IELTS test before your interview?
Our English language requirements are listed here: Even
students at school in the UK will need to satisfy our English requirement. It
will not have a negative impact on the likelihood of receiving an offer if
you apply without the required English scores, but we will include an
English condition if you are made an offer.(Is studying your A levels in the
UK enough for the english language requirement? And if not does it affect
your chances of getting an offer if you haven't done the IELTS test before
your interview?)
Admissions Interview how does the roleplay typically play out?
You can have a look on the MSC website with tips and advice on your
Admissions Interview
In terms of interviewees, are you looking for a mix of
students or only students that know a lot already and
are seemingly 'perfected' or those that don't know a lot
and don't answer questions the best, but are looking to
build their knowledge.
All students are required to complete an application via UCAS for entry
and sit our required admissions test – BMAT (Biomedical Admissions Test)
in the year of application. You must meet our minimum entry
requirements and be predicted AAA or 38 IB to move forward in the
admissions process. If you then meet the cut off scores in your BMAT (we
use a combined score of Section 1 and Section 2) you are invited to take
part in our interview process. Our interview process is Multiple-Mini
Interviews. These are five-minute stations covering a specific construct.
We currently run seven stations looking at these constructs:
Commitment to Medicine
Teamwork and Leadership
Ethnics – through NHS Values
Work /Volunteering Experience
Contribution to Medical School – Student Life
Your communication skills are assessed throughout.
If you are successful at interview and meet the threshold for an offer, you
will receive an offer at the end of the admissions cycle through UCAS.
Admissions Interview
Are the interviews going to be online for the 2022
We will communicate all the details about 2022 entry in the next few
months. Please keep an eye on this page:
mbbs-programmes/MMI/(Are the interviews going to be online for the
2022 entry?)
Admissions Interview
how many interviews out of the applicants are offered
each year?
Approximately 35-40% of Home applicants are offered an interview.
Approximately 10-15% of overseas applicants are offered an interview.
Admissions Interview what can we do to make it more likely to get accepted?
Control what you can control: make sure you prepare thoroughly for your
BMAT test, practising on old papers. If you make it through to the
interview, read all the information we send you and make sure you follow
our tips. Again, practice sample questions and make sure you're
prepared.(what can we do to make it more likely to get accepted?)
Admissions Interview what form of interviews do imperial give?
Imperial College School of Medicine does Multiple Mini Interviews. You
can find more about MMIs here:
mbbs-programmes/MMI/(what form of interviews do imperial give?)
Admissions Interview Are there scoring systems in MMI interviews?
You can see more information about our MMI process including the
scoring scheme on this website:
Admissions Interview
What would you recommend to prepare yourself for
interviews like in terms of practise?
The interview process is Multiple-Mini Interviews. These are five-minute
stations covering a specific construct. Imperial currently run seven stations
looking at these constructs:
•Commitment to Medicine
•Teamwork and Leadership
•Ethnics – through NHS Values
•Work /Volunteering Experience
•Contribuon to Medical School – Student Life
Your communication skills are assessed throughout. We recommend you
prepare for this skills using sample questions, and reading on our bespoke
MMI page:
Admissions Interview
If you are like a school prefect or you have made
societies in school can you say that will make you a
good fit in imperial because you will fiit into uni life in
the interview?
All of this is great, it definietly shows that you have developed good skills
and experience! Make sure to reflect on what you have learnt from these
experiences! Tania, fifth year Medic(If you are like a school prefect or you
have made societies in school can you say that will make you a good fit in
imperial because you will fiit into uni life in the interview?)
Admissions Interview
How do we know if we're ready for medicine and how
do we show this to you?
The best thing would be to read and prepare in order to find out more
about the profession. Work experience also helps to understand what
medicine is all about and if it is right for you. Examples taken from your
work experience, as well as being reflective in your answers will help us
understand whether you are ready to start your medical career.
Admissions Offer Condition
What are the typical clearing offers for medicine at
It is very rare for us to offer places through Clearing as our courses are
almost always oversubscribed(What are the typical clearing offers for
medicine at Imperial?)
Admissions Offer Condition
what happens if you get an offer to imperial but miss
out on your grades on results day? would they still take
you if your third subject was lower than an A?
If you miss your offer conditions, you would be classed as a
reconsideration candidate. Your grades would be reviewed by the
department independently and a decision would be made as to whether
an adjusted offer could be given. This is not guaranteed. Your case is
therefore given one additional chance of review after grades are issued in
Admissions Personal Statement What do you look for in a personal statement?
In your personal statement, which is part of your UCAS application, you
have the chance to tell us about yourself. Remember that we do not know
you, but we only know what you tell us: so, make sure you tell us about
yourself. Think about the qualities that make a good doctor and show us
how you reflect upon them. We are interested to know about your
qualities, your skills and your interests and understand why you would be
a good doctor.
Our main advice is that you are honest, specific and concise - exaggerating
your work experience will not necessarily put you ahead of other students.
It is more genuine to describe and reflect upon the real experiences you
have had, even if things did not go to plan. Give specific examples related
to a career in medicine, and make sure you always show how you meet
the non-academic criteria of the medical school you are applying to.(What
do you look for in a personal statement?)
Admissions Personal Statement
Is the personal statement or BMAT more weighten in
giving an offer?
The admissions process can be considered in steps - you are required to
complete both the UCAS application including a personal statement as
well as sit your admissions test (for Imperial this is BMAT). You can see the
timeline of the admissions process here which will also give you more
advice about what to do in each section. Website:
Admissions Personal Statement
From previous webinars, personal statement was not
considered. Is this a recent change?
A personal statement is used differently depending on each instituion. At
Imperial, we do not put a high weighting on your personal statement as
we would rather gain insight into you through the interview process. You
have to still produce a personal statement but we do not shortlist from it.
Admissions Personal Statement
Is there any criteria that your personal statement/
interview is required to meet to get into Imperial?
We detail the aspects of the admissions process on our timeline page:
mbbs-programmes/MMI/timeline/. We also encourage applicants to
review our prospectus pages which covers the type of areas we will ask
you about during the interviews - these cover the types of attitudes and
behaviours we would be assessing you on. Our main advice for the
personal statement is that you are honest, specific and concise.
Admissions Personal Statement
Imperial is a very research-based university, do we need
to include a research based project we might have done
etc in our personal statement to stand out ?
You do not need to undertake a research project as part of the admission
process. If your experience highlights an interest in research and you have
undertaken a project, you can talk about it during your interview to
demonstrate what skills/experiences you learnt from it. We are not
expecting you to be a fully-fledged researcher before joining - rather if you
have an interest in research, Imperial can be a stepping stone towards
your future aspirations.
Admissions Resit Advice
What advice would you give to resit candidates with
extenuating circumstances that are interested in
applying to medicine with achieved grades?
I'd encourage you to contact Medicine Admissions after this presentation
to provide further information so we can assist you further - advice would you give to
resit candidates with extenuating circumstances that are interested in
applying to medicine with achieved grades?)
Admissions Resit Advice
How do you view the difference between resit
applicants with achieved grades and those with
predicted grades?
The department can consider applicants who apply with resit grades, if
your original exam performance was negatively affected as a result of the
affects of the COVID-19 pandemic. (How do you view the difference
between resit applicants with achieved grades and those with predicted
Admissions Scholarship Do you offer scholarships? If yes, what is the criteria?
Information on scholarships can be found here
scholarships/ and here
funding/scholarships/. You can also contact the Student Funding Team for
more scholarship details. (Do you offer scholarships? If yes, what is the
criteria? )
Admissions Tuition Fees
Hello, if I am a British Citzen but study in an American
School (Advanced Placement), will my application still
be counted as a home applicant?
Please see the following webpage and
the UKCISA website for more information on how Imperial assesses fee
Admissions Tuition Fees
if you are a British citizen but not residing in U K are
you considered a forigen student or local
Please see the following webpage and
the UKCISA website for more information on how Imperial assesses fee
Admissions Tuition Fees
How many years is the course - i.e. for which I need to
pay ?
The course is 6 years in length. Depending on your fee status will
determine whether your tuition fees can be funded. You can review this
Admissions Visa When i should start for visa
Please have a look here for visa information:
immigration/ (Aysoo (Unverified) asked "When i should start for visa")
Admissions Widening Participation
Do you take into account when a candidate is the first
generation to study at university, is from
underrepresented ethnicities or from a low-income
background in the admissions process?
We want to ensure that the type of doctors we are producing are from all
backgrounds so best equip you for the future. We operate contextual
adjustments throughout the admissions process for those who are flagged
as widenining participation (this includes through your BMAT score,
Interview score and offer conditions). You can see more and whether you
would be considered here:
Admissions Widening Participation is there a contextual offer system?
You can find more information on admissions schemes and contextual
offers here
schemes/ and here
Admissions Widening Participation
Is the summer school for students in year 11 who
attend a private school and are not on a bursary?
The School of Medicine summer schools have specfic criteria for eligibility.
You can review this here:
Admissions Widening Participation
What type of contextual offers are given to Pathways
to Medicine students?
We want to ensure that the type of doctors we are producing are from all
backgrounds so best equip you for the future. We operate contextual
adjustments throughout the admissions process for those who are flagged
as widenining participation (this includes through your BMAT score,
Interview score and offer conditions). You can see more and whether you
would be considered here:
Admissions Widening Participation What are the criteria for contextual offers?
We want to ensure that the type of doctors we are producing are from all
backgrounds so best equip you for the future. We operate contextual
adjustments throughout the admissions process for those who are flagged
as widenining participation (this includes through your BMAT score,
Interview score and offer conditions). You can see more and whether you
would be considered here:
Admissions Widening Participation
how can I apply for widening participation
The WP flag is given to students automatically, through the information
that is given on the UCAS form. If you think you qualify for WP please send
an email to FEO Admissions Interviews with all the information and
evidence <> (how can I apply
for widening participation programmes?)
Admissions Work Experience
what form of work experience would you recommend
is best?
Any work experience that can demonstrate your interests and
motivations to apply, as well as the skills required to study medicine is
valuable. It doesn't just have to be in a hospital and this isn't necessarily
'best'. Many hospitals, GPs and nursing homes offer work experience and
voluntary work, and these are some ideas you could explore.(what form of
work experience would you recommend is best?)
Admissions Work Experience
Due to covid-19 restrictions, relevant work experience
is not possible. Therefore, is the virtual Observe GP
work experience and the Brighton Sussex medical
school virtual work experience sufficient for a
competitive application to Imperial College?
We understand the challenges for our prospective applicants to gain
experience practical experience in clinical settings. In response
to the government’s social distancing guidelines, which have a significant
impact on all areas of life, we have decided to relax our work experience
questions, allowing everyone to be able to talk about their work-related
skills in schools or online scenarios.    Despite the relaxed
requirements, we still require our applicants to understand the realities of
working as a healthcare professional and to show they have the necessary
skills and attributes for their chosen career.  Online resources can give
you valuable insight into working in the healthcare sector and outline the
wide range of careers and courses available.
Admissions Work Experience
Would it matter if we didnt have any clinical work
experience as its hard to get any due to covid?
It does not matter if you don't have clinical work experience as we
understand how difficult it has been during COVID. The most important
aspect of your experience is that you are able to talk about what you
learnt, what skills you took away from it and how it helped shape your
decision to take a medicine related career path.
Admissions Work Experience
How to utilise online medicine work experiences and
how to talk about them on your personal statement?
Online resources are extremely valuable to how you learn about the
healthcare sector and you should use it to supplement your understanding
of what joining the medical profession is like. The key to any type of
experience is how you are able reflect on what you learnt and talk openly
about your own insights.
Admissions Work Experience
how heavily do you weigh having volunteering work
experience at charity shops, over care homes for
example, or are they both considered equally
The important element about experience is to talk against what the
experience taught you and the skills you have learnt from it rather than
the kind of experience. Showing insight into what you learnt really counts
for a lot. You can see more about all aspects of the admissions process
mbbs-programmes/MMI/timeline/(how heavily do you weigh having
volunteering work experience at charity shops, over care homes for
example, or are they both considered equally)
Admissions Work Experience
With most physical internships unavailable at the
moment, how valuable are online courses for our
personal statements?
We understand how difficult it is for applicants to get physical in-person
work experience and therefore are happy to hear about virtual
experiences or volunteering in other customer-facing sectors.
Volunteering and work experience is personal and different for everyone.
The key is to be able to talk about what you learnt, what skills you took
away from it, how it helped make you make the decision to take a
medicine related career path.
Admissions Work Experience Can volunteering act as work experience?
Yes, volunteering can be looked at instead of work experience. The most
important aspect is to be able to reflect on the experiences you had and
the skills you have learnt from the experience. (Can volunteering act as
work experience?)
Admissions Work Experience
is shadowing in a hospital very beneficial to getting
accepted, or are there other more significant
experiences that help to get in?
Shadowing in a hospital versus any other experience does not give you any
additional "points" for acceptance. We know that any volunteering and/or
work experience undertaken is personal. Therefore what we look for is a
honest and realistic understanding of what you learnt from the
experience, what skills if any you took away and how it helps shape your
understanding of going into the profession.
Admissions Work Experience
How much work experience do you really need to make
your personal statement stand out?
There is not a perferred amount of work experience. Rather it is the insight
you take from the experience which is key. Remember that what ever
experience you obtain, you need to be able to recall what you learnt, the
skills you picked up and how it helped you develop insight into the
Admissions Work Experience
How important is it that I have done volunteer work. As
it is quite difficult to do this due to COVID.
We understand how difficult it is for applicants to get physical in-person
work experience and therefore are happy to hear about virtual
experiences or volunteering in other customer-facing sectors.
Volunteering and work experience is personal and different for everyone.
The key is to be able to talk about what you learnt, what skills you took
away from it, how it helped make you make the decision to take a
medicine related career path.
Admissions Work Experience How recent do your experiences have to be?
Your voluntering and/or work experience should be something you can
talk about and reflect on regardless of how recent the expereince took
place. The key is to be able to talk about what you learnt, what skills you
took away from it, how it helped make your decision to choose a medical
career path.