Warm-up #1: Identify and label the Verb, Subject, Direct Object & Indirect Object in each of the twelve sentences.
First, identify the verb.
Subject: Ask “who/what VERB?”
Direct Object: Ask “VERB what?”
Indirect Object: Ask “VERB to/for whom?”
You may want to look back at warm-ups 7, 8 & 9 from Quarter 1.
1. Please don’t send me any more samples.
2. My aunt told me the differences between Creole and Cajun cooking.
3. Knitting offers people a relaxing and rewarding pastime.
4. The architect mailed Mom and Dad the plans for the new family room.
5. The Art History teacher showed the freshman class a video about Diego Rivera.
6. The reporter asked the exhausted survivors too many questions.
7. Dr. Massey has shown hundreds of students the excitement of physics.
8. The principal gave her the award.
9. My father always offered whoever asked a helping hand.
10. I’ll give you a quiz when they leave the room.
11. I sold her my painting.
12. Samantha gave the teacher a thank-you card.
Warm-up #2: Affix Review
You may want to review warm-ups 13 and 14 from Quarter 1 on Prefixes and Suffixes.
Based on the examples given, determine what these prefixes mean.
1. disrespect, disconnect, disappear, disown, dishonor
What does dis- mean?
2. thermometer, thermodynamics, thermostat, thermonuclear
What does thermo- mean?
3. decade, decathlon
What does deca- mean?
4. semicircle, semi-annual, semi-monthly, semi-conscious
What does semi- mean?
5. pedicure, pedicab
What does pedi- mean?
Based on the examples given, determine what these suffixes mean:
1. praiseworthy, trustworthy, newsworthy, noteworthy
What does worthy mean?
2. carefree, smoke-free, fat-free
What does free mean?
3. corpulent, opulent, flatulent, fraudulent, turbulent
What does ulent mean?
4. heliocentric, eccentric, concentric
What does centric mean?
5. telekinetic, psychokinetic
What does kinetic mean?
Warm-up #3: define these 10 words from All Quiet on the Western Front
haricot peat
voracity (voracious) dixie (British, military)
quid (tobacco) billet
queue latrine
chemise indignation (indignant)
Warm-up #4: define these 10 words from All Quiet on the Western Front
pithily melancholy
skat (game) pettifogging
martinets discomfiture
ostracize carbolic
mutineer misère ouverte open to view
Warm-up #5: define these 10 words from All Quiet on the Western Front
revile indigent
saveloy renunciation
curtly horse-box
acrid lorrie
fallible fatigue
Warm-up # 6: Homophones, Homonyms & Homographs
Mrs. Johnson will define and explain each in class today. Then, write down the following 15 sentences, carefully
inserting the correct words.
1. Who will perform the play’s next (scene, seen)?
2. He is usually (quiet, quit, quite) jovial.
3. The dog hurt (its, it’s) leg while chasing the ball.
4. When the runner (passed, past) the stands, the crowd cheered.
5. How do you plan to increase team (moral, morale)?
6. The (sole, soul) survivor of the crash is his sister.
7. Do you think that the team (threw, through) the game?
8. (Whether, Weather) you do it or not is not my decision.
9. Your efforts were all in (vain, vein).
10. Do you happen to (know, no) his correct address?
11. I would (have, of) appreciated all the help.
12. Terry saved her money and bought a (stationary, stationery) bicycle.
13. Can I exchange some of my (lose, loose) change?
14. Please (set, sit) those packages here on the table.
15. We plan to (canvas, canvass) the entire region this year.
Can you think of some homonyms, homophones & homographs? List a few examples of each at the end of
today’s warm-up!
Warm-Up #7
too, two, to, hear, here, passed, past, through, threw, their, they’re, there, principal, principle
1. Mrs. Manke is the ___ of Freedom High.
2. The shortstop ___ the ball to first base.
3. ___ taking ___ car to the shop.
4. I’m ___ tired to work right now.
5. The recipe calls for ___ cups of flour.
6. For the ___ three years, we’ve lived here.
7. My first ___ is to be honest.
8. Did you ___ that thunder?
9. I’m right ___ now, but I was over ___.
10. Donna ___ the butter at the dinner table.
11. Jim wants ___ go ___ the tunnel.
Warm-up #8 is a mock Spelling Quiz in class
Warm-up #9: Write a sentence for each of the following ten words, using each correctly.
1. whose
2. who’s
3. too
4. to
5. two
6. there
7. their
8. they’re
9. your
10. you’re
Warm-up #10
1. It was so ___ you could hear a pin drop.
2. I am ___ pleased to meet you.
3. Please ___ this gift.
4. Everyone ___ Andy plans to go to the meeting.
5. I read the book first. ___ I saw the movie.
6. Frances is two inches taller ___ Don.
7. Kelly will ___ score points in tonight’s game.
8. The weather report indicated that rain is ___.
9. I would like your ___ about which course to take.
10. Your counselor will ___ you about college options.
Warm up #11: Word puzzles
1. to stop: _ _ _ s_
to rent: _ _ _ s_
to annoy or harass: _ _ _ s_
2. a color: _ _ _ w_
a headdress: _ _ _ w_ to
die by suffocation in water: _ _ _ w_
3. a seat: _ _ d_ _ e
to row: _ _ d_ _ e
to walk like a penguin: _ _ d_ _ e
4. an eating establishment: _ _ n_ _
one who digs coal or ore: _ _ n_ _
an ocean-cruising vehicle: _ _ n_ _
5. to get as a loan: _ _ r _ _ _
not today, maybe to-: _ _ r _ _ _
sadness, loneliness: _ _ r _ _ _
6. open space of land: _ i _ _ _
to handle a tool or weapon: _ i _ _ _
to give way: _ i _ _ _
7. at the ocean: _ _ _ _ h
sweet fruit: _ _ _ _ h
to instruct: _ _ _ _ h
8. a big meal: _ _ a _ _
a monster: _ _ a _ _
smallest: _ _ a _ _
Now, make up two of your own.
Warm-up #12: Trivia!
1.Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
2.The main character in To Kill A Mockingbird is..
3.What is Batman’s alias?
4.What is a Cyclops?
5.What is the name of the evil creature in Beowulf?
6.A speech you give on the spur of the moment is..
7.What is Darth Vader’s real name?
8.Finish the cliché: “Beauty is in the eye of the…..
9.What is the name of the main character in The
Wizard of Oz?
10.How many in a “baker’s dozen?
Think of five more trivia questions to challenge us!
Warm-up #13 is a mock Spelling Quiz in class
Warm-up #14: Roots
Using your dictionary skills, define each root. List at least two examples of words which use that root.
Warm-up #15: Choose at least one of the quotes & write a thoughtful paragraph in response.
“This above all - to thine own self be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then
be false to any man.” - Shakespeare
“Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all.- Tennyson
“Beauty without expression tires.” - Emerson
“The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them.” - Goldsmith
“To be proud with knowledge is to be blind with light.- Franklin
“Deep in the cavern of the infant’s breast, The father’s nature lurks, and lives anew.” – Horace
Warm-up #16: All-Time Favorites
What is your favorite…
…book? Tell a little about it.
…color? Why?
…food? Explain.
…movie? What’s it about?
…song? What do you love about it?
Who is your favorite person right now? What do they mean to you?
Warm-up #17: The 2
Quarter is ending. What did you learn? Are you happy with how the Quarter went? It is
also the end of the first semester of your sophomore year. Are you pleased with your semester grades? Are you
ready for final exams? Is your notebook organized? Are you changing any classes at the semester? Reflect on the
semester & write all about it! What are your plans for winter break?