Certification Renewal Guide
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
The CRC Certification Program
is accredited by NCCA.
CRC-Master Addictions Counselor
CRC-Clinical Supervisor
Section 1: Introduction & Inquiries 3
Section 2: Certification Renewal Program 4
CRC Career Pathways
Section 3: Guidelines for Certification Renewal 6
Renewal Procedures
Notification of Renewal Deadlines
Failure to Renew
Re-Application Following Discontinuation of Application Processing
or Revocation of Certification
Section 4: Continuing Education 7
Continuing Education
Section 5: Domain Focus Areas 9
Ethical Standards and Practices in Rehabilitation Counseling
General Rehabilitation Counseling
Section 6: Acceptable Continuing Education 10
Post-Approval of Continuing Education
Professional Development
Renewal Requirements for CRCs who hold the MAC Adjunct Designation
Renewal Requirements for CRCs who hold the CS Adjunct Designation
Section 7: Renewal Extensions 13
30-Day Extension
12-Month Extension
Extension Fees
Section 8: Appeals Process 14
Requesting an Appeal
Section 9: CRC Retirement Designation 14
Section 10: Fees 15
Renewal Through Continuing Education Fees
Extension Fees
Retirement Designation
Written Certificate Verification
Replacement Certificate
Section 11: Frequently Asked Questions 16
Table of Contents
Thank you for your interest in the certification renewal process.
The acronym CRC
is used throughout this guide to refer to the designation Certified
Rehabilitation Counselor. CRCC
is used to refer to the Commission on Rehabilitation
Counselor Certification.
Individuals who wish to pursue certification renewal should refer to this guide as it contains
information to help guide individuals through the renewal processes.
As information in this guide is updated periodically, please access the guide directly from the
CRCC website to view the most recent version. Be sure to read carefully before completing an
CRCC uses email and first-class mail to maintain contact with all candidates. It is the
candidate’s responsibility to update their contact information, making any changes necessary.
Please contact CRCC with any questions:
Phone: 847-944-1325
Email: contactus@crccertification.com
Section 1: Introduction & Inquiries
Reproduction of this guide, in whole or in part, is expressly prohibited without written consent
from CRCC.
Recommended citation: Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification. (2023). CRC
Certification Renewal Guide. Schaumburg, IL: Author.
is a registered service mark of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification.
All rights reserved.
is a registered certification mark of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor
Certification. All rights reserved.
The CRC certification mark must be used consistently with the scope for which the certification
was granted and in accordance with all applicable use policies of CRCC. Unauthorized,
fraudulent, or misleading use of the CRCC or CRC marks may result in legal or other actions,
which may include but are not limited to, revocation of CRC certification.
REVISED: April 12, 2024
Section 2: Certification Renewal Program
CRCC believes that individuals certified as rehabilitation counselors (CRCs, CCRCs,
CRC-MACs, and CRC-CSs) should continue to expand their skills in order to enhance the
quality of the services they provide. Certified rehabilitation counselors are encouraged to
build on the demonstrated specified levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities addressed by
the education and employment requirements and the initial certification examination. They
are also required to provide evidence of continuing competence through the completion of
courses and other activities that will help them more effectively serve their clients.
CRCC requires certification renewal at five-year intervals. Participation in continuing
education throughout the five-year intervals is expected; participation in courses and
programs sponsored by recognized continuing education providers affords a credible
mechanism to support continuing competence and acceptable standards of quality in
The continuing education clock hour credits associated with these activities are mapped to
the same specified levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities addressed by the certification
examination. CRCC conducts a role and function study every five years to ensure the CRC
certification process accurately reflects the practice of rehabilitation counseling.
CRC Career Pathways
A CRC is the only professional counselor educated at the graduate level and who has
demonstrated a breadth and depth of knowledge and skill necessary to serve individuals with
disabilities across a wide range of disabling conditions.
The career opportunities for rehabilitation counselors are far-reaching and may cover a
multitude of pathways and work settings.
CRCs work in education, the health sector, community rehabilitation programs, government
agencies, and the private sector. Wherever an individual with disabilities might seek services,
certified rehabilitation counselors can be found.
These work settings and areas of specialty provide numerous opportunities for each CRC to
make a difference in the field they feel fits their professional interests.
CRCC encourages you to start your career pathway today! Pursue the CRC certification and
consider the opportunities available to you in the rehabilitation counseling field.
You can view the complete Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Career Pathways guide here.
CRCC does not condone or engage in discrimination based on age, arrest record (including
expunged criminal history), citizenship, color, disability (mental or physical), ethnicity/
ancestry, genetic information, language (if unrelated to their duties), marital status, military
status (including unfavorable discharge), national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex,
gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other additional class protected by
applicable law, including applicable County or City ordinances.
CRCC respects the privacy of its certificants. View the CRCC Privacy Policy on the CRCC website.
The CRCC certification renewal program allows certificants to extend their certification
status as a CRC, CCRC, CRC-MAC, or CRC-CS. This renewal of certification is based on the
documentation of 100 clock hours of approved continuing education, of which a minimum of
10 clock hours must be in ethics.
Renewal Procedures
A certification renewal application will become available via My Account on the CRCC website
approximately four (4) months prior to the valid-through date printed on the certificate.
To complete the renewal process, certificants must:
1. Log in to My Account on the CRCC website.
2. Update the contact information section with any changes
3. Document the completion of 100 clock hours of continuing education, including a
minimum of 10 clock hours in ethics. Continuing education must be submitted via My
Account on the CRCC website. Email/mail submissions are no longer accepted.
4. Submit the renewal application. Once the required clock hours of continuing
education have been documented, the renewal application will become available.
Certificants may access the renewal application in the My Account section. Click the
credential in the My Certifications and Renewals section and complete and submit
the renewal application. The submission includes payment of the non-refundable
certification renewal fee.
Notification of Renewal Deadlines
CRCC will make every reasonable effort to send notification that a certificant can begin the
renewal process. However, it is the certificant’s responsibility to renew their certification
by the valid-through date on their certificate.
CRCC asks that certificants pay particular attention to the various deadlines that occur
during the certification renewal process. If schedules for requested information are not met,
additional fees may apply.
Failure to Renew
Failure to renew a certification will result in the expiration of certified status. Should a
certificant fail to renew their certification and pay all fees, they will be required to start a new
application, meet the CRC eligibility criteria in effect at the time of the new application, and
achieve a passing score on the certification exam.
When completing the renewal application, a certificant agrees that they will adhere to the
CRCC Code of Professional Ethics for Rehabilitation Counselors and acknowledge the
Section 3: Guidelines for Certification Renewal
information provided in their renewal application is accurate. If CRCC subsequently learns
that a certification was renewed on the basis of false, misleading, or inaccurate information, it
has the right to revoke or suspend that certification.
Furthermore, a certificant signifies their acceptance and understanding of the following
statement: “Information submitted as part of the application for initial certification or
certification renewal becomes the property of CRCC and will not be released to outside
parties unless authorized by the applicant/certificant or unless required by law. Individual
exam results are released to the certificant and are not released to any institution or
employer. For research and statistical purposes only, data resulting from the initial
certification and certification renewal process may be used in an anonymous/unidentifiable
manner. CRCC does provide a database of certificants on its website, which is updated
periodically, for the use of the public. CRCC also receives and responds to requests for
information about the certification status of those holding its credential.
Re-Application Following Discontinuation of Application Processing or
Revocation of Certification
Certificants who engaged in an action(s) that caused CRCC to terminate application
processing or revoke an individual’s certification may start a new application after 18-months
have elapsed. The new application does not guarantee a determination of eligibility.
CRCC welcomes the submission of a personal statement and/or documentation of
affirmative educational or corrective measures taken to address the concern(s) that initially
led to termination of application processing or revocation of certification.
Re-Application Following Discontinuation of Application Processing or
Revocation of Certification
Certificants who engaged in an action(s) that caused CRCC to terminate application
processing or revoke an individual’s certification may start a new application after 18-months
have elapsed. The new application does not guarantee a determination of eligibility.
CRCC welcomes the submission of a personal statement and/or documentation of
affirmative educational or corrective measures taken to address the concern(s) that initially
led to termination of application processing or revocation of certification.
At any time, a certificant may access My CE Report via the My Account Links on the right side
of their CRCC account page. Certificants can verify the status of their Continuing Education
(CEs) submission(s) and the total number of clock hours approved and added toward the
total 100 required clock hours.
CRCC strongly encourages certificants to submit documentation as activities are completed.
There is no cost when submitting CEs that are pre-approved. However, there is a cost for post-
approved continuing education hours.
When renewing their certification, certificants must complete 100 clock hours of continuing
education, of which a minimum of 10 clock hours must be in ethics. The dates of completion
of the continuing education clock hours submitted for a certificant’s current renewal cycle
MUST fall within their current five-year period. Certificants may only submit the same
program one time.
Note: There is no requirement for CE clock hours in the Professional Development category;
if a certificant chooses to fulfill their continuing education requirement in the Professional
Development category, they can submit a maximum of 50 clock hours that will be tabulated
in the overall 100 clock hour total.
Section 4: Continuing Education
When renewing, certificants must:
1. Ensure the continuing education activities used for certification renewal fall within the
focus areas and are acquired within their five-year renewal period.
2. Gather certificates of completion or participation.
3. Access their account via My Account on the CRCC website.
4. Click the designation under My Certifications and Renewals.
5. Click the Continuing Education check list tab, located right of the dashboard. Select the
‘Report CE’ button.
6. Select the type of credits to report: Pre-Approved CE or Post-Approved CE.
7. When adding Pre-Approved CE, the certificate of completion will have a CRCC
approval number. If this pre-approval number is missing from the certificate, you
must contact the CE provider.
a. Click the Pre-Approved CE button.
b. Enter the number that appears on the certificate of completion/participation to
search for the activity. Click the Next button.
i. If an error message appears, click the Back link at the top of the window.
ii. Re-enter the CRCC approval number on the certificate. Click the Next
iii. If the activity still does not appear in the Search results, please contact
CRCC at 847-944-1325 for assistance.
c. Enter the activity date (the date the certificant completed the activity). Use the
calendar feature if this is easier.
d. Enter the number of clock hours to claim. Note: The Course Max number to
the right of the clock hours text box. Certificants may not claim more than this
e. If additional pre-approved continuing education activities need to be added, click
the Save & Add More button.
f. If the certificant is finished adding pre-approved continuing education, click the
Save button.
g. A confirmation screen should indicate the credit has been added to the transcript.
h. CRCC no longer requires certificants to submit their certificate of participation to
claim pre-approved continuing education credit.
i. If a certificant reviews My CE Report, the pre-approved continuing education
credit will be included in the list of Pre-Approved Credits.
j. Certficants do not pay CRCC for pre-approved courses.
8. Adding Post-Approved CE. CRCC will also approve continuing education activities for
individuals on a post-attendance basis. These activities may include (but are not limited
to) workshops, seminars, self-study courses; the certificate of completion will not have
a CRCC approval number. See pages 10-13 for other types of continuing education and
the documentation required for each type.
a. Save the required documentation to a computer’s desktop. It is required to
upload a single document for each post-approved activity. If there are multiple
documents, they must be saved as a single document.
b. Click the Post-Approved button.
c. Note: the clock hours must be a minimum of 1 hour.
d. Enter the program/activity name that appears on the certificate of completion/
e. Enter the activity date (the date the certificant completed the activity). Use the
calendar feature if this is easier.
f. Enter a brief description of the activity.
g. Select the Credential Type.
h. Select the Method of Instruction.
i. Enter the number of clock hours to claim in the General or Ethics text box. Note
the Course Max number to the right of the clock hours text box. Certificants may
not claim more than this number.
i. If a certificant holds the MAC designation, they may enter the number of
Addictions Counseling clock hours here, too.
ii. If a certificant holds the CS designation, they may enter the number of
Clinical Supervision clock hours here, too.
iii. If a certificant is claiming Continuing Education in the Professional
Development Domain, they may claim a maximum of 50 hours here, too.
j. Upload the required documentation from the computer’s desktop.
k. If a certificant has more post-approved continuing education activities to add,
click the Save & Add More button.
l. If a certificant is finished adding post-approved continuing education, click the
Save & Checkout button.
m. A confirmation screen should indicate their credit has been added to their
n. The certificant will automatically advance to the Shopping Cart to pay the post-
approval review fee(s).
o. The certificant’s post-approved credit will appear in My CE Report, the status of
Verified will be “No” until CRCC staff reviews and approves the credit.
Notes: CRCC charges a review fee for each activity a certificant adds to the account.
Post-approved CE will be deleted from the certificant’s record if the review fee has not
been paid within 7 days of the activity submitted.
The continuing education activities used expand and enhance rehabilitation counseling
practice are mapped to the same CRC knowledge domain focus areas addressed by the
certification examination. The knowledge domain focus areas are continually validated
through ongoing Job Task Analysis (previously known as role and function studies).
When a certificant completes continuing education specific to the ethical standards and
practices in rehabilitation counseling knowledge domain, they will see this credit in the Ethics
CE area of their transcript. Continuing education credit for other knowledge domains will
display in the General CE area of the transcript.
Ethical Standards and Practices in Rehabilitation Counseling
CRCs and CCRCs are required to complete a minimum of 10 clock hours in ethics within every
five-year renewal cycle. Clock hours in excess of the 10-hour requirement will be tabulated in
the overall 100 clock hour total.
General Rehabilitation Counseling
Content Includes:
Professional Orientation and Ethical Practice (for guidance, visit the domain subtopics)
Counseling Theories, Techniques, and Evidence-Based Practice
Group and Family Counseling
Crisis and Trauma Counseling and Interventions
Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability
Assessment/Evaluation, Occupational Analysis, and Service Implementation
Career Development and Job Placement
Business Management (Previously known as Demand-Side Employer Engagement)
Community Resources and Partnerships
Case Management
Health Care and Disability Management
Research, Methodology, and Performance Management
View all sub-content topics on the CRC Exam Knowledge Domains web page.
Section 5: Domain Focus Areas
Section 6: Acceptable Continuing Education
Post-Approval of Continuing Education
CRCC will also review continuing education activities on a post-approved basis. CRCC
charges a review fee for each post-approved activity. The documentation required to verify a
certificant’s participation in or completion of a continuing education activity varies depending
on the activity. This list below includes examples of continuing education activities, the clock
hour(s) awarded, and the documentation required to claim this type of continuing education
Attendance at a conference, workshop, seminar, in-service training program, or distance
learning course that is NOT pre-approved by CRCC
CE awarded: 1 clock hour for each hour of training
Documentation: Certificate of completion/participation
College or university course
CE awarded: 15 clock hours for 1 semester credit hour OR 10 clock hours for 1 quarter
Documentation: Transcript or grade report documenting completion of course
*Ph. D. dissertation seminars are counted once the disssertation or thesis are
complete (refer to Research section)
Auditing a college or university course
CE awarded: 5 clock hours for 1 semester credit hour OR 3.25 clock hours for 1
quarter credit hour
Documentation: Transcript noting audited course
Authorship/co-authorship of article published in a professionally recognized, peer-
reviewed publication
CE awarded: 15 clock hours
Documentation: Copy of the article reflecting the date of publication or internet
citation for the article with the date
Authorship/co-authorship of a published book chapter
CE awarded: 30 clock hours
Documentation: URL for publisher or sales outlet showing the cover, title page, and
table of contents from the book where the chapter appears*
*Information submitted must reflect the certificant’s name as the author/co-author
and date of the publication
Authorship/co-authorship of a published book
CE awarded: 50 clock hours
Documentation: URL for publisher or sales outlet or a copy of the cover, title page,
and table of contents from the book where the chapter appears*
*Information submitted must reflect the certificant’s name as the author/co-author
and date of the publication
Development of professional presentation*
CE awarded: 2 clock hours for each hour of training
Documentation: Outline of the training program or presentation AND a program
agenda listing the certificant as presenter and includes the length and date of the
program or presentation
*CE clock hours are awarded on a one-time-only basis for the learning experience,
research, and development of the presentation/program educational content. CE
clock hours are not awarded for the presentation itself
Development of in-service training program*
CE awarded: 2 clock hours for each hour of training
Documentation: Outline of the training program or presentation AND a letter
from the supervisor or training director stating the certificant is the developer and
includes the length and date of the program or presentation
*CE clock hours are awarded on a one-time-only basis for the learning experience,
research, and development of the presentation/program educational content. CE
clock hours are not awarded for the presentation itself.
Internship/fieldwork supervision of rehabilitation counseling student
CE awarded: 10 clock hours of credit for each semester OR 7 CE clock hours for
each quarter
Documentation: Letter on university letterhead signed by the chair of the
department stating the semester/quarter and year the certificant supervised the
rehabilitation counseling student(s)
Professional Development
Certificants may elect to claim continuing education hours for activities reflecting a more
personal experience for self-development.
A maximum of 50 clock hours of continuing education are allowed within the certificant’s
five-year period of certification. Professional development encompasses those activities
intended to enhance a certified individual’s overall abilities with respect to their professional
skills and the delivery of services to individuals with disabilities. Activities that may be used
as professional development include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
Computer Applications and Technology Related to:
Note: Computer applications & technology training on Microsoft® or similar products is
not acceptable.
Development of curriculum of rehabilitation counseling coursework
CE awarded: 15 clock hours for 1 semester credit hour or 10 clock hours for 1
quarter credit hour
Documentation: Copy of the course syllabus AND a letter of verification, on
program letterhead, from the chair of the program stating that the certificant
Transferable skills analysis
Placement programs
Assessment programs
Report writing
Record keeping
Information services
developed the curriculum, including dates of development and the number of
credit hours (semester or quarter) awarded for the course
Development of legislation or regulations
CE awarded: 1 clock hour for each hour of service
Documentation: Letter of appointment to the committee and information
developed in relation to legislation or regulation
Editorial review of rehabilitation counseling publication
CE awarded: 15 clock hours
Documentation: copy of page from the publication listing the certificant as editor
or peer reviewer. Must reflect the date and title of the publication
Research (includes dissertation research)
Credit awarded: 50 clock hours
Documentation: Copy of qualitative and/or quantitative research findings
related to rehabilitation counseling or counseling that is disseminated and/or
distributed. Include a list of source materials.
Service to a national- or state-based rehabilitation counseling membership organization
(e.g. American Rehabilitation Counseling Association [ARCA], International Association
of Rehabilitation Professionals [IARP], National Rehabilitation Counseling Association
Credit awarded: 1 clock hour for each hour of service provided to the association,
with a maximum of 50 clock hours of CE.
Documentation: Letter from the president/director of the membership
organization documenting services performed, the number of hours served, and
the dates of service
Note: CRCC reserves the right to request additional information to determine compliance
with the documentation requirements outlined above.
Renewal Requirements for CRCs Who Hold the MAC Adjunct Designation
CRCs who hold the MAC adjunct designation are required to obtain a total of 100 clock hours
of continuing education (CE):
At least 50 of those clock hours must fall within the Addictions Counseling focus
areas that follow
At least 10 of the 100 clock hours of CE must be specific to ethics
The remaining 40 clock hours of CE can be taken in any of the domain focus or
professional development categories described on pages 11-12
Addictions Counseling Focus Areas
Foundations of addictions counseling (e.g., introductory course on drug/alcohol
Addictions diagnosis/assessment
Clinical addictions counseling
Addictions and special populations (e.g., teens, women, the elderly, minorities,
Co-existing disabilities where an addiction is one of the disorders
Group counseling with persons who have addictions disorders
Family assessment, counseling, and other rehabilitation services
Vocational rehabilitation services
Case management
Addictions prevention, education, and consultation
Professional responsibility and ethics
Administration and supervision of drug rehabilitation programs
Renewal Requirements for CRCs Who Hold the CS Adjunct Designation
CRCs who hold the CS adjunct designation are required to obtain a total of 100 clock hours of
continuing education.
At least 10 of the 100 CE clock hours must be specific to ethics.
While it is not required, CRCC strongly recommends that at least 20 clock hours
of CE fall within the Clinical Supervision focus areas that follow. The remaining CE
clock hours may be taken in the domain focus or professional development category
described on page 9.
Clinical Supervision Focus Areas
Supervision process
Roles and functions of clinical supervision
Models of clinical supervision
Counselor development
Methods and techniques of clinical supervision
Supervisory relationship issues
Diversity issues in clinical supervision, including disability-specific content (where
Group supervision
Legal and ethical issues in clinical supervision
Section 7: Renewal Extensions
All certification renewal extension requests must be submitted via My Account on the CRCC
website prior to the renewal date.
30-Day Extension
CRCC provides a 30-day extension beyond the certificant’s renewal date for submission of
renewal material. The request must be submitted via My Account on the CRCC website prior
to the renewal date, along with payment of the extension fee. Continuing education may be
accrued during the 30-day extension period. The individual’s certification will remain in an
active status during this 30-day extension period. The renewal process may be completed at
any time within the 30-day extension period.
12-Month Extension
CRCC also provides a 12-month extension beyond the certificant’s renewal date for
submission of certification renewal material. The request must be submitted via My Account
on the CRCC website prior to the renewal date, along with payment of the extension fee.
Continuing education may be accrued during the 12-month extension period. The individual’s
certification will remain in an active status during this 12-month extension period. The
renewal process may be completed at any time within the 12-month extension period.
Note: Renewal extensions have two (2) distinct renewal extension fees. However, the
maximum extension is 12 months from the original renewal date. Individuals with multiple
certifications: Each certification has a separate extension fee.
Section 8: Appeals Process
CRCC’s appeals process is available to certificants denied for renewal eligibility based on
disclosures of ethical and legal issues or rejected continuing education hours. At the time
a certificant is informed the continuing education or certification renewal documentation
submitted has been denied by CRCC, they will also receive information about their right
to appeal as well as the procedures, instructions, and time schedules for making such an
appeal. A request for a renewal appeal must be sent to CRCC via email (with a formal letter
attached) at contactus@crccertification.com within 30 days of the decision.
Materials submitted by the candidate, including any new evidence the candidate wishes to
submit, will be considered during the appeal process.
The appeal will be reviewed by CRCC’s Executive Director and the Executive Committee who
will make the final decision regarding the candidate’s eligibility. The appeal process can take
up to 90 days for the final decision by the Executive Committee.
During this time, if the CRC/CCRC/CRC-MAC/CRC-CS certification renewal date expired, the
certificant will not be able to use the CRC/CCRC/CRC-MAC/CRC-CS designation and may be
subject to fees and late renewal fees that are part of the renewal application procedure.
Note: There is no appeal process for certificants that lapsed due to non-payment of renewal
fee and/or not meeting the continuing education requirements.
The appeals process is designed to provide:
a complete review of the facts at issue
a second, independent evaluation of the material presented to document the
certificant’s eligibility for certification renewal
due process, and fair
consistent application of the eligibility criteria
Certificants who are retiring from active practice may choose the retirement designation,
which changes the certification to an honorary designation. The retired status enables
the individual to stay on CRCC’s mailing list to receive updates and news from the field of
rehabilitation counseling. There is a one-time fee to select the retired status.
An individual may not actively practice using their CRC/CRCC designation when they are in
the CRC/CCRC Retired status. If an individual’s retirement status changes and they wish to
regain use of the CRC certification, they would need to re-apply, meet the criteria in effect at
the time of re- application, and achieve a passing score on the certification examination.
Therefore, if an individual believes that they may provide consulting or other services in the
future using their CRC/CCRC certification, they should not select the retirement designation,
but should continue to maintain the CRC or CCRC certification.
The retirement status may be completed at the time of renewal calling CRCC at 847-944-
CRC/CCRC’s may only go into retirement status at the time of the expiration of their five (5)
year renewal cycle.
Individuals interested in pursuing the retirement status, must contact CRCC at (847) 944-
1325 or contactus@crccertification.com to inquire about the process.
Section 9: CRC Retirement Designation
Renewal Fee
CRC and CCRC $405
CRC-MAC $460
CRC-CS $460
CRL (See CRL Certification Guide) $405
Multiple Certifications
If a certificant is a current CVE, CRC, and/or CRL, the renewal fee will be $405 for the first
credential and $205 for each subsequent credential. This discount only applies when a
certificant holds at least two (2) of the above credentials.
If a certificant allows one of their credentials to lapse, their CRC renewal fee will revert to the
full renewal fee amount of $405.
Post-Approved Continuing Education Fees
Single program (activity) post-approval request $18
Fees are assessed for the post-approval of continuing education. CRCC does not assess any
additional fees for pre-approved continuing education.
*Pre-Approved CE: If certificant incorrectly paid for a pre-approved course, there will be no
Renewal Extension Fees
The extension fee may be made online when completing the extension application.
30-Day Extension $125
12-Month Extension $175
CRC/CCRC Retired Designation Fee $100
Handling Fee for Returned Checks $45
Must be paid for checks returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF) or closed accounts.
Certification Verification Fee
For use in documenting certification status for other organizations/agencies.
Email Verification $35
Written (via US Mail) $45
Expedited $60
Replacement Certificate
(Except at renewal time) $40
Please send a written request to CRCC along with payment or request through your profile.
All fees are subject to change, non-refundable, and must be paid in U.S. dollars. Payment can be made
online via credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express) or in the form of an electronic
check or money order. Checks should be made payable to “CRCC.
Section 10: Fees
What qualifies as continuing education in the ethics Knowledge Domain focus area?
The content of the program must convey specific behavior that is related back to, preferably,
the CRCC Code of Professional Ethics for Rehabilitation Counselors or, alternatively, the
ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Appropriate subject matter must relate to
rehabilitation counseling and must include one of the following:
The counseling relationship
Confidentiality, privileged communication, and privacy
Advocacy and accessibility
Professional responsibility
Relationships with other professionals and employers
Forensic services
Assessment and evaluation
Supervision, training, and teaching
Research and publication
Technology, social media, and distance counseling
Business practices, or
Resolving ethical issues
How often must I renew my certification?
Once certified, individuals must renew their certification every five years. CRCC strongly
encourages certificants to submit their CE clock hours as soon as the activity is completed.
How do I renew my certification?
Renewal requires submission of an online renewal application and appropriate fees.
Certificants also need to document 100 clock hours of approved continuing education, 10 of
which must be in ethics. These clock hours must be accrued within the certificant’s five-year
period of certification.
How will I know if a workshop, seminar, conference, or in-service training
session I attend is considered pre-approved continuing education?
Many organizations seek CRCC’s pre-approval of their programs. When a certificant
completes the activity, the sponsor will provide them with a verification of completion form
containing a CRCC approval number. To enter continuing education, certificants access My
Account on the CRCC website, and enter the pre-approval number and date of completion
that is found on the course completion form. No fee is required for pre-approved programs.
For more detailed information, please refer to Section 4: Continuing Education.
Can I receive continuing education credit for activities that aren’t pre-approved
by CRCC? If so, what fees are required?
Yes, any continuing education activity that satisfies at least one knowledge domain area
described in this guidebook can be submitted for approval on a post-attendance basis. The
procedure, which is described in detail in the Continuing Education section, is as follows:
Access the My Account section of the CRCC website;
Click on the CRC under My Certifications and Renewals;
Click on the Contiuing Education Checklist Tab
Select Report CE button and select Post-approved
Upload the required documentation; and
Pay the required $18.00 processing fee per program
Section 11: Frequently Asked Questions
Note: Post-approved CE will be deleted from the certificant’s record if the review fee has
not been paid within 7 days of submitted the activity.
If I acquire more than 100 clock hours in a five-year period, may I apply the
excess to the next renewal cycle?
No, since continuing education is intended to keep certificants current with emerging trends
and technologies, it may be applied ONLY to the current five-year certification period.
Is there an advantage to submitting my continuing education on an annual
Yes. It helps to keep track of how much continuing education a certificant has on file and how
many clock hours are still needed to renew the certification. At any time, certificants may
check the status of the continuing education clock hours submitted via My Account on the
CRCC website.
1501 Woodfield Road, Suite 105E
Schaumburg, IL 60173