April 18, 2024
1:00 3:30 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://dhswi.zoomgov.com/j/1604519247
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Tony Evers
PO BOX 309
MADISON WI 53701-0309
Kirsten L. Johnson
State of Wisconsin
Telephone: 608-266-8922
Fax: 608-266-1096
TTY: 711
Department of Health Services
1:00 1:05 PM
Katie Sepnieski/Lorie Graff
1:05 1:10 PM
Katie Sepnieski
1:10 1:45 PM
DHS Policy
1:45 2:00 PM
Lorie Graff
Kris Weden
Nicole Rolain/Ann Kriegel
2:00 PM 2:45
DHS Staff
2:50 2:55 PM
Alicia Grulke/Lorie Graff
2:55 3:00 PM
Lorie Graff
3:00 3:05 PM
Alicia Grulke/Lorie Graff
3:05 3:10 PM
Lorie Graff
3:10 3:15 PM
Income Maintenance Subcommittee Key Messages
April 12, 2024
Agenda Item
Assigned To/ Referred
DHS Policy/COVID-19
DHS Staff
Kevin Wetherbee, the new Deputy Director of BEEP/Bureau of
Eligibility & Enrollment Policy, was introduced.
Food Share Policy Updates-Stevey Poppe
ABAWD Policy High Level Timeline Visual was shared.
October 2023-March 2024:
Timeline reinstatement: Current ABAWD members who
had the time limit suspended during the PHE were phased
back on to requirement and subject to TLBs after
completing SMRF or renewal, whichever came first.
ABAWD age range increase to age 52: Current members,
age 50-52, are subject to FoodShare Work Requirement
rules after completing renewal.
ABAWD Geographic Waiver: ABAWDs living in
qualifying areas continue to have the time limit suspended.
October 2024 and Forward:
ABAWD age range increases to 54: Current members aged
53-54 are subject to the FoodShare Work Requirement
rules after completing renewal.
Potential continuation of Geo-Waive, qualifying areas
subject to change.
January 1, 2025: New Food Share 3 Year Clock begins.
Reminder: If a case is eligible for the Food Share interview waiver,
but there’s an individual that’s subject to the work requirements
and there’s no exemptions already identified, the worker must make
at least one contact attempt to review the work requirements and
DHS received federal waiver approval to allow electronic and
telephonic signatures for replacement Food Share benefit requests.
CARES changes are being implemented to support the waiver. The
waiver will not start until October 2024.
HealthCare Updates Autumn Arnold
DHS will no longer allow someone to apply on behalf of an
incapacitated person. Direction from DHS Office of Legal Counsel
has clarified that an incapacitated person maintains their right to
make financial decisions until someone else is formally designated
to act on their behalf. An Op Memo will be coming out today or
early next week.
Summer EBT Jonelle Brom
On March 22
, Wisconsin became the first State to have their 2024
Summer EBT plan approved by the USDA. The Summer EBT
program will not be exactly the same as the P-EBT program.
Families will receive $120 for each eligible child, and it will be a
single lump sum payment. First issuance is expected to be in June
2024. Summer EBT benefits must be used within 122 days of
issuance. Any remaining funds will be removed. IM agencies will
not have a role in administering the program, but they will need to
make referrals for those with questions. DHS will provide talking
points to assist IM agencies.
Tool: https://summerebt.wi.gov/s/SummerBenefitinfo
Summer EBT application:
Help Center: d[email protected]
Access Modernization & Check My Benefits Worker View Jodi
With modernization of Access modules, the Check My Benefits
worker view may no longer be available to workers. DHS is looking
for feedback on what staff use this feature for to assist them in
planning options if it’s no longer available:
If a member states that they didn’t get a notice or that
access doesn’t match what the IM worker is telling them.
To assist a member to unlock their Access account.
To assist an individual to learn how to use Access.
Used for fair hearings.
If consortia think of any other things that they use it for, they are
asked to email Jodi.
With Time Limited Benefits back, the Food Share Gatepost question
related to whether an individual between the ages of 18 and 52
received Food Share in another State has been turned back on. A
CCN will be sent out next week.
New system issue to be aware of Seeing children in MAGC, who
are certified for continuous coverage, failing for not verifying
information (112/113 codes). They should not be failing for this
reason and PRT is looking into what actions workers need to take.
So far, actions have been case specific so they should be sent in to
While Cares isn’t working well due to all the different policies right
now, DHS expects these issues will be resolved when the unwinding
ends. To assist workers, they will be moving forward to post
temporary information in Process Help known issues and steps to
take to address.
Unwinding Operations
Jonelle Brom
Katie Sepnieski
Alicia Grulke
Unwinding Coordinator Update Alicia Grulke
State LTE’s are continuing to get hired to fill consortia openings.
Western Consortium recently hired two. The statewide Call Center
ASA decreased by 2 minutes from February to March.
Are there policies and practices that have been in place during the
PHE unwinding that have benefit in continuing after unwinding?
DHS shared a Post PHE Unwinding Recommendations document
that lists the policies that were implemented to assist during the
unwinding. For each policy, DHS provided the Department’s
recommendation on whether it should continue, be modified, or
stopped at the end of the unwinding. Consortia reps were provided
an opportunity to provide feedback on each item on the list.
There was discussion about the Food Share interview waiver. Some
consortia reported that there’s often still a need to make outbound
calls to clarify unclear information, and the script is still required for
some cases. Jonelle asked that written feedback around this be
submitted so it can be further discussed at a Performance
Monitoring subcommittee meeting.
DHS asked whether consortia use the 481 Enrollment Report
(Forward Health Enrollment Report). They do use the 481
Enrollment Report for data at budget time and for county-specific
reports. Consortia confirmed that they do not use the new
unwinding dashboard (can’t drill down to information we need).
DHS recommends going back to Cares System availability from
7am-7pm M-F and until 3pm on Saturdays. Consortia expressed
interest in early hours based on staff preference for putting in extra
hours early instead of later in the day.
Most of the additional groups and meetings that were set up to
support the unwinding will end at the end of the unwinding. The
monthly meetings that DHS has with each consortium will stop.
The Weekly Consortia Leads Unwinding meetings will end, and
materials from these meetings will be covered at the IMOA monthly
meetings. The Unwinding Task force will end, but DHS is working
to identify alternate channels to engage stakeholders. The IM
Partner Workgroup meeting will also end at the end of the
unwinding. DHS is working on a plan to use limited time at IMOA
meetings quarterly to invite partners and advocates to cover items of
common interest. Discussed the potential need to extend IMOA
and prep to avoid case-specific or consortia-specific conversations
when partners join IMOA.
Genesys Update
Paul Michael
Paul went through a power point covering the Genesys Cloud
rollout schedule. Consortia rollout will be done in a phased
7/11: Bay Lake, East Central
7/25 IM Central, Northern, Southern, Western, WKRP
8/8 Central, Great Rivers, Moraine Lakes
8/22 MILES
Training will be rolled out as far in advance of the scheduled rollout
date as possible.
IT Stakeholder Information sessions were completed last week. A
recording of the sessions is available.
Local IT testing must be completed by June 1
Contact information for technical questions is included in the power
point. Paul Michael should be contacted if there are issues that need
to be escalated.
Feedback from consortia was that there are some counties that are
requiring individual remote workers to complete the testing. Jonelle
confirmed that this is not the intent for the testing.
Security Update
Carla Treuthardt
The annual systems audit cycle will be starting within the next
couple of weeks.
DHS is looking at online request systems, and they are utilizing a
couple of consortia security officers to assist with testing.
DHS is looking at solutions to assist with consortia requests for
worker audit records. HMAR access would require statewide
access, which wouldn’t be permitted as information must be limited
to consortia level only. The requests focus on two different goals.
Sometimes the request is to determine whether a worker accessed a
specific case. Other times it’s to more broadly audit staff activities
during the day. The interest in this information has increased as
more staff are working remotely. Some agencies are going through
OIG to get information. Their information comes from Control D,
but is keystroke level detail.
Question was asked what the difference is between Control D,
Tableau and HMAR. Control D provides canned reports (used to be
EOS system reports). Reports are being transitioned to Tableau and
IMMR. HMAW and HMAR are mainframe worker audit logs.
HMAR shows up in Control D.
CDPU Updates
Robert Tillmon
Power Point was shared. The CDPU has identified a group of
counties that they will be setting up regular touch base meetings
with to make sure things are going well and address concerns as
they come up.
Consortia shared seeing untimely returned mail showing up on their
dashboards from the CDPU. These have been emailed to the CDPU
contact and DHS PRT. Robert shared that they have recently hired
more staff at the CDPU.
Unclear Rule
Julie Taylor
Q & A document was reviewed and sent out with meeting materials.
Implementation date is September 1, 2024.
Consortia requested that the training plan be brought to consortia
leads for review. Consortia would also like to see a more interactive
training, not just an online video. DHS suggested maybe following
up the training with a Q & A session.
DEAR- Disabled
Elderly Accessible
Renewal (Attachment)
Abbey Graf
Power point was sent out and reviewed.
Project goal is to remove administrative burden for Food Share
households that are deemed stable, with limited risk of having
changes that must be reported. It would extend Food Share
certification periods for DEAR households to 35 months with no
interim reporting.
Project implementation is planned for October 19
, with the
October 2024 Cares Release.
Attendees spent time in breakout groups reviewing the policy details
and formulating questions for DHS. These were submitted in
writing and sent to Alicia.
Senior Care Auto
Transfer Process
Jodi Noble
Background: Because of the caseload structure for Senior Care
Senior only cases, agency transfers cannot occur from an IM agency
to the EM CAPO when IM programs close. CARES was
programmed to automatically transfer these cases to the EM CAPO
after IM programs have been closed for 90 days. In the past, it was
reported that this isn’t happening, and it was determined if workers
queried a case, the 90-day clock reset, and the auto transfer process
wasn’t working as it should. With Senior Care modernization in
October 2024, this was raised as something to fix, so DHS is trying
to determine if this is still an issue. Is it still a problem if a case
doesn’t transfer back to the EM CAPO? If so, please describe
Consortia receive more alerts and documents if the cases
aren’t transferred (social security alerts, returned mail etc.)
Skews consortia caseload numbers.
Crosse Departmental
Updates (Attachment
Updated copy sent out with agenda materials.
Future Agenda Topics
Jonelle Brom
May Safe at Home, Eligibility Management Homepage Redesign
Next Meeting
Friday May 3, 2024
9:00 am 12:00 pm
Income Maintenance Subcommittee Key Messages
Call Center Operational Technical Subcommittee
April 8, 2024
Agenda Item
Assigned To
Outages/Issues and
No outages or enhancements since last meeting.
Tentative Timelines
Agent, supervisor, and admin training will be rolled out
as far in advance of the scheduled rollout date as possible.
A training call flow is expected to be available to agents
prior to rollout date.
General training (excluding ATS) will be available prior
to any LOB going live.
Each LOB will have access to the platform approximately
60 days prior to their go live date.
Agents will receive a 5-digit access code allowing them
utilization of the training base, including the ability to
take and make calls.
Tentative Rollout Schedule:
Most state LOBs are rolling out in the pilot and phase 1. LOBs
that require ATS training will role out in phases 2 through 5.
Consortia rollout will be spread across multiple phases to level out
the number of agents rolled out at a time.
Pilot 5/16/24: WFCAP, Estate Recovery, PRT/DMS
Training, EMCAPO
Phase 1 - 5/30/24: Enrollment Broker, IMQC, OIG,
Summer EBT
Phase 2 - 7/11/24: Bay Lake, East Central, W2, Tribes,
Katie Beckett
Phase 3 - 7/25/24: IM Central, Northern, Southern,
Western, WKRP
Phase 4 - 8/8/24: Capital, Great Rivers, Moraine Lakes
Phase 5 8/22/24: MiLES/MECA, DMS Main Line
IT Stakeholder
Information Meeting
Meetings were rescheduled to Monday, April 1, 2024 @
1:00 and Thursday, April 4, 2024 @ 10:00.
Meetings were held to provide local county IT staff
specific desktop, browser, network, and telecom
requirements to support Genesys Cloud.
Cloud Requirement
Input Decisions
Text and video chat options will not be implemented at
this time to reduce the learning curve for agents and better
manage the amount
of training required to onboard agents. This may be
implemented as a future enhancement.
Agent ability to add or remove themselves from a queue
will not be implemented at this time to reduce the
learning curve for agents, better manage amount of
training required to onboard agents and better manage
queue staffing. This may be implemented as a future
Usage of After Call Work codes will be mandatory for
MiLES and optional for balance of state. This option
may be updated in future enhancements.
Reporting Demo
Paul Michael gave a short demo on Genesys Cloud
reporting options. Information is “real time”, no refresh
Historical and live reporting are on the same platform.
Reports can be downloaded in the moment or scheduled.
Agents will be able to see the status of any queue they are
assigned to and will also be able to see their own status.
Queues will remain but agent groups will no longer exist.
Callbacks will be included in the inbound call queue.
Report will be Central Time Zone.
Next meeting
Monday, April 29, 2024 @ 1:00 p.m.
Contact information:
DHSGenesysCloud[email protected]
Income Maintenance Subcommittee Key Messages
Performance Monitoring Subcommittee
March 20, 2024
Agenda Item
Assigned To
Roll call attendance was taken
Introduced Valerie Hayes as new subject matter expert
on Ashely's team
Ashley Schabel
Recap Jan 2024 meeting
2024 charter reviewed-reminder to share desk aids or
helpful guides with this group
QC proposed rule and will keep the group updated
FSQC error data 1.69 % August active
CAPER 19.7 %
Auth rep project that was completed in fall 2023 and
reviewed errors and round table where suggestions were
WREA shared rep type desk aid with the group
Ashley Schabel
Unwinding IM
Looked at the metrics that the state looks at month to
month based on the calls we have with Alicia.
Tracking staff unable to work at 100%, training in the
cohorts, what LTEs are doing for the consortia, call
center stats, ASA is under 10 minutes statewide, If wait
time consistently high, DHS will reach out. Timeliness
is excellent for application processing and renewal
processing. SMRF is also very high. QC error rate
remains low/good. CAPER also much below the Fed
Jonelle Brown
level. 1 to 2 weeks lag in processing renewals.
At April IMOA we will discuss temp policies and if they
should be extended.
Jonelle commended the agencies on performance
through unwinding.
PCR updates and feedback
Enhancements implemented in Feb
Can assign cases to self
School enrollment and immigration in driver flow
County name now displayed on search results page
Sups can choose all cases or any of the criteria
Created review completed re-review status
Feedback provided-find it clunky to use but did get good
data from it. used info for trainings.
Some holding off until after unwinding.
Encouraged to give it a try if haven't for awhile as the
enhancements have made it more user friendly.
We would find it interesting to see Wisconsin's
performance compared to other states.
Lisa Hanson
Family Plan only (FPOS)
Concerns from another division in DHS about
processing and requests for verification that don't align
with policy.
Eg: 14 year old FPOS -req HHC or parent's info
Over 19 y.o. female apply for FPOS-pending HHC and
spouse's info
These have no impact on FPOS
FSQC has not seen this come up recently.
If concern PRT will review and reach out.
May be some misunderstandings about FPOS.
Jody Noble
Other PRT updates
Update from past things:
Safe at home cases-report/all made confidential and if
agency reached out, Jody provided the cases.
Kids pending MAGC for insurance access but MAGE
passing. Do we need to leave it passing until we get
insurance info? connected with policy recently and
agencies don't have to pend-can just pass the extension.
Timeliness issues on cases-still researching. A lot of
Can say: some situations-renewals trying to get all
components of what is a timely renewal-still working
on. Some things noticed: change of what comes in as
Jody Noble
renewal-the dates and then it changes. Then worker
processes and it changes the work item to be sooner that
it should-researching that.
Other situation have seen-work items completed but
then if we search it can't be found-says not a valid work
item. Unsure of cause but probably contributing to the
timeliness issues that we are seeing.
LIS referral work items when processed to case are not
dropping off the cases. working with Deloitte to
determine root cause. Identified a fix that will hopefully
be resolved in June fix.
Some application timeliness issues are: worker did
program add with a date in the past/didn't confirm,
started a new program add with new date. Each filing
date sets a new work item. If filing date is in the past it
can cause a timeliness issue. that can cause cases to
show up multiple times on the timeliness reports.
Policy Check in
Admin renewals/ extensions not working correctly. This
is problematic from a workload and customer service
This is caused by policies being layered and CARES not
responding well to that.
Reviewing each one individually to make sure causes
are being caught.
Manually extended MAGP through PHE so the system
isn't reading it correctly to put them into MAGE with
rest of group. Kids aren't always going into extension.
CARES should treat like a brand new ext, but it isn't
always doing that correctly.
Jody is reviewing each of these.
Keep sending these in. PRT will provide guidance as to
whether to extend.
Case closed for lack of renewal-run elig and the other
AG opening and passing. Trying to figure it out. if
children are confirmed open, cannot close it. If worker
catches it and doesn't confirm-send to PRT. Put
signature to no and send manual notice.
Nicole Rolain
When renewal is completed-19 yo never open on case-
over income. Entire family closed but 19 year old
opened. Were directed to trust the system. Send things
like this in-can copy Jody and Manhee if concerned
about response.
MAGM extensions for adults with no dep children are
opening-send them in
Disabled people going into MAGE-send them in.
Handbook not yet updated for premiums-states no
longer have to pay first premium at agency. PH update
coming weekend 4/6. Initial payment doesn't have to be
paid at agency. If agency receives it, may just send it in
to be tracked. This is for CHIPS premiums. MAPP is
TBD at this point.
EBD/LTC meeting last year-if we need to request MSP
for SSI members in CARES. Policy right now says we
need to keep that request as a yes. This is until policy
changes. CCN coming out 3/21/24 with this info
MAGC 19-year olds
At conclusion of previous PERM/MEQC cycle one of
the major errors was continuing 19 y.o under MAGC
funding. Under corrective action. This should have
ended with unwinding. Some are open with CEED in
future. Some are not confirming elig closed even when
they should be. Some have comments unable to confirm
negative action. Some exceptioned out at batch. Alerts
not being processed.
As they are found-close them as appropriate as long as
CEED is not in future.
Is there a list to identify these members?
May be one coming out soon for agencies to fix.
LaTanya Baldwin/Jody
Consortia Report
Trends-caseload is decreasing from peak in July 2023.
Applications increasing until Feb when there was a
98.18 % app timeliness through Feb 2024
Donna King
FSQC Error Findings
Didn't include Sept 7.43% ended with 4.89% active,
Dione Sanders
24.53 with cumulative 20.56% negative for overall
Oct data for 2024 6.86 % active
Wages/salaries, shelter, self-emp, HHC are top errors
Arithmetic and unreported = top errors for
Shelter-reported info disregarded or not applied
HHC-withheld by client
Negative 7.46% for October
Verification, Wages/Salaries, Notices = top 3
IMQA Error Findings
Top Jan/Feb 2024 3 errors
Employment income not reported, Calculation,
If end of employment is questionable there have to be
Some errors could be avoided by checking budgets,
double checking math and making sure all things
reported on app are entered. Verification due dates were
Rep details: missing signatures, witness signatures, form
not on file
ACCESS updates-auth rep will require first/last names.
Seeing duplicate signatures-when first and last names
match-there will be an information banner displayed to
inform the person there may be an error. Page level
comments will be added. This is for June update.
Confirmed assistance group summary-cert period
renewal issues. Cert period ending when another
renewal is being processed or verif being processed.
SMRF not received but FS remained open.
HC cert-extended erroneously when certain actions
taken. Worker aligned dates with FS without renewal.
Confirmed assistance group summary page-click on
Ashley Schabel
magnifying glass-can see history and make sure it's
Roundtable-Extending due
date verifications
When partial verification is received before the due date:
worker to call and if cannot reach add text to the VCL
Partial verif received and agency is proc on due date or
after the due date: if reach out/fail. HC may give them
additional 30 days.
Unclear or unreadable verification received-extend, give
call. apply same as for partial. Reach out/add text.
Extension request-how long? Give them what they ask
or standard? 10 days is standard. Some consortia allow a
max of 20
How do requirements differ at change, renewal/SMRF,
application-SMRF-not past last day of 7
application-one time up to 10 days.
Will be adding some info to Process Help
Ashley Schabel
Walk on items/QC
Reviewing OP claims for timeliness and that ops memo
is being adhered to. We will receive emails from
corrective action if applicable. Unsure if there will be
formal communication regarding this.
Will use current email contacts to distribute-not through
IMQA tool.
LaTanya Baldwin
Future Agenda Items
Wisconsin's performance compared to other states.
Next meeting 5/15/24
Ashley Schabel