Statement of Professional Interest
Your Statement of
Professional Interest is a
snapshot of you and your
career interests. This makes it
a crucial tool in the internship
What’s included? Your
interests, internship goals,
future professional goals, and
skills you are hoping to gain
and/or utilize.
Statements should avoid
naming specic organizations
as this statement will be sent
out to multiple organizations.
An effective statement
balances broader interests
with areas of focus. Don’t
let your statement hinder
you with a highly specialized
Statements should be brief,
no more than 100 words.
How to Write an Effective
Statement of Professional
Example 1
Communication and advocacy are two of my passions.
Particularly, I am interested in exploring the relationship between
social media and its use in international advocacy. New media
has bridged the gap between generations and continents.
People can now connect over similar issues and nd ways to
support one another. My goal is to explore this venue and utilize
technology to raise awareness about international issues.
My experience as Editor-in-Chief of my college newspaper has
provided me with communication experience and has instilled in
me a duty to inform others about urgent topics. I hope to utilize
my time in D.C. to explore advocacy’s role in the non-prot
During my internship, I want to work for a private or governmental
organization which focuses on nance or economics. I hope to
pursue a doctorate in economics, and I hope to explore D.C.’s
impact on the national economy. Ideally, I want to gain hands-
on-experience and feel that my daily actions and work are
contributing to the success of the organization. The tasks I hope
to assist with include: data gathering, analysis, consulting, and
collaborative research efforts. Above all, I want to work on a
project that will promote the success of the organization in which
I am an intern.
Through my internship, I want to gain hands-on experience
and be involved with the justice process. After graduating with
a degree in criminal justice, I have aspirations of attending law
school as well as working in law enforcement. I want to grow as
a law enforcement professional and develop relationships that
will help me have a career in the justice eld. My interests in law
enforcement lie within investigating, public service, and white
collar crime. I also want to gain a better understanding of the
justice system as a whole.
Example 2
Example 3
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