W W W . G R A D Y . U G A . E D U / A P P L Y
How to Write Your Statement of Interest
Your statement should offer a sense of who you are and what you want to
Questions to get you started:
What meaning have you drawn from any Grady courses so far? What Grady
courses are you excited to take?
What aspect of your major attracts you?
Why is Grady College the place for you?
What professional goals do you have? How will Grady help you attain these
What related experience do you have? In other words, how have you
invested your time? This can include clubs and volunteer work.
What will make someone say, This is a great candidate!
Is there anything special/interesting about you that stands out?
What is your story about how you became interested in your major?
Plan ahead. Before your appointment, make an outline of the main points
you want to cover and the examples you want to use for each.
Don’t try to memorize your statement word for word.
Practice writing in a timed environment. For example, open a blank
document and set a timer for 90 minutes. Try not to get distracted or leave
the document.
Focus on your first major choice.
Take a break after composing.
Look for claims requiring evidence.
Make sure everything is doing some kind of work.
Read your work aloud.
Read on a different medium.
Brainstorm / Marinate / Talk1.
2. Free Write
3. Aim for a Unique Start
4. Create Several Drafts
Use readable sentences that are clear, interesting, detail-driven, and
concrete rather than abstract.
Don’t use generic phrases.
Don’t repeat information from the application.
Show a distinctive and compelling interest in the major, career, or field.
Tell your story about why you want to apply to this major.
Honors students are not required to write a Statement of Interest.
How to Write Your Statement of Interest
Make an appointment with the UGA Writing Center.
Schedule a time to meet with the Grady College Career Consultant in the
UGA Career Center.
Ask friends or older students for feedback.
Ask graduate students to review it.
Try out multiple versions and get feedback on ideas.
The Statement of Interest is 25% of your application scoring. The other
75% of your application score is your GPA in 24 hours in Areas I-V of the
general education core curriculum.
Scoring is based on:
Content and Credibility (10 points)
Credible investment in major, goals, or field and/or shows relevant
professional experience.
Content is trustworthy: experiences and facts are discussed in detail
and their significance is articulated.
Style and Execution (10 points)
Demonstrate overall organization, structure, and style that is
competent in written communication.
Risks in approach or style do not undercut credibility or
Sentence-level issues don’t undercut or interfere with the message.
Overall Effectiveness (5 points)
Shows evidence of promise of study and work in mass
Showcases a student who can introduce and communicate interests
and ambitions persuasively.
Statement represents an effective piece of communication.
Total: 25 points possible
Schedule your Statement of Interest at University Testing Services in Clark
Howell before the deadline.
The Statement of Interest is:
Timed for 90 minutes.
If you have Disability Resource Center accommodations, let Testing
Services know.
If English is your second language, email gradyabj@uga.edu.
Typed on a computer using Times New Roman sized 12 font.
Two pages, double-spaced.
Written without Spelling and Grammar Check.
Notes and drafts cannot be used.
About $30. The price is set by University Testing Services.
5. Ask for Feedback
6. Know the Grading Rubic and Testing Environment