The Production of
Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown
Based on The Comic Strip Peanutsby Charles M. Shulz
Book, Music, and Lyrics by Clark Gesner
Additional Dialogue by Michael Mayer
Additional Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa
Holicong Middle School
T CAST—Thursday, March 10th @ 7:00 & Saturday, March 12th @ 7:00
F CAST—Friday, March 11th @ 7:00 & Saturday, March 12th @ 2:00
Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown is a 1967 musical
based on the characters from the beloved Peanuts comic
strip, created by Charles M. Schulz. In 1999, the revival of
the musical, which our performance follows, gained new
popularity. The show follows the ordinary antics of Char-
lie Brown, his friends, and his dog Snoopy in the lunch-
room, on the playground, and in the classroom. The plot
captures everyday moments infused with friendship, exas-
peration, and fun. In the end, Charlie Brown realizes that
being a good manequals trying your best and finding
happiness in the little things.
is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of
Tams-Witmark LLC.
Holicong Middle School s production of
Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown
is brought to you by:
Michelle Ambrosini
Jim Glaser
Matthew Palmer
Amanda Romig
Amanda Romig
Pat Kelly
Stage Crew
Matthew Palmer
Art Crew
Matthew Palmer
Original Direction for this version of
Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brownby Michael Mayer
Originally Produced in New York by Arthur Whitelaw
and Gene Persson
Act I
Scene 1: On the way to school
Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown & Ensemble
Charlie Brown Red dancers
Scene 2: At school
Schroeder Lucy
Scene 3: At Snoopys doghouse
Snoopy Snoopy, Sally, Lucy
Yellow dancers
My Blanket and Me Linus
Blue dancers
Scene 4: In the Van Pelts house &
at Snoopys doghouse
The videotaping or making of electronic or other audio and/or visual recordings of this production and
distributing recordings or streams in any medium, including the internet, is strictly prohibited, a violation
of the author(s)s rights and actionable under United States copyright law. For more information please
Act I
Scene 5: Outdoors
The Kite Charlie Brown, Marcie, & Patty
The Doctor Is In Charlie Brown, Lucy, Shermy, &
Scene 6: At school
Beethoven Day Schroeder, Loretta, Emily, Peanuts
Gang Chorus, & Pumpkins
Scene 7: At Snoopys doghouse
The Book Report Lucy, Schroeder, Charlie Brown,
Linus, Peppermint Patty,
Shermy, Sally, Snoopy,
Pumpkins Chorus, Peanuts
Gang Chorus
Yellow dancers
The videotaping or making of electronic or other audio and/or visual recordings of this production and
distributing recordings or streams in any medium, including the internet, is strictly prohibited, a violation
of the author(s)s rights and actionable under United States copyright law. For more information please
Act II
Scene 1: At Snoopys doghouse
My New Philosophy Sally, Patty, Schroeder,
Blue dancers
Scene 2: Baseball Field
The Baseball Game Charlie Brown & Ensemble
Scene 3: Glee club rehearsal room
Glee Club Schroeder, Violet, Emily,
Loretta, Sally, Lucy, Charlie
Brown, Linus, Snoopy,
Peanuts Gang Chorus,
Valentines Chorus
The videotaping or making of electronic or other audio and/or visual recordings of this production and
distributing recordings or streams in any medium, including the internet, is strictly prohibited, a violation
of the author(s)s rights and actionable under United States copyright law. For more information please
Act II
Scene 4: At Snoopys doghouse (daytime)
Little Known Facts Lucy, Peppermint
Patty, Frieda, Five, Linus,
Charlie Brown
Suppertime Snoopy & Peanuts Gang
Yellow dancers
Scene 5: Outdoors (nighttime)
Happiness Charlie Brown & Ensemble
The videotaping or making of electronic or other audio and/or visual recordings of this production and
distributing recordings or streams in any medium, including the internet, is strictly prohibited, a violation
of the author(s)s rights and actionable under United States copyright law. For more information please
Charlie Brown………….………….….……………Logan Ford
Lucy Van Pelt………….………….….…………Rachel Becker
Linus Van Pelt……………………..….…………Beau Bradney
Schroeder………………………….….……………Sam Sexton
Sally Brown …………...………….……………...Emery Foster
Snoopy……………...…………….…………...Timmy Santucci
Peppermint Patty……………..….…………………..Julia Velez
Marcie…………………..….……...……………...Lily Sperance
Frieda ……………………………….…………..Sarah MacLean
Shermy……………………………….………...Dylan Hargrove
Violet ………………………………….……..Abby Wojewodka
Five…………………………………….………..Lilly Norcross
Loretta…………………………………………..Emma Watters
Emily …………………………………………….Kate Monroe
Rerun …………………………………………..Grayson Mator
Umpire/Radio announcer …………………………..Jake Dozor
Little Red-Headed Girl……………………………Emily Bohn
Woodstock……………………………………….Maddy Smith
Red Baron………………………………………...Sofia LoFaso
In Order of Appearance
In Order of Appearance
Charlie Brown……………………………………….Matt Fean
Lucy Van Pelt…………………………………….Ashlin Coyle
Linus Van Pelt……………………...……….…Sean Semanoff
Schroeder………………………………..Damon Baierschmidt
Sally Brown……………………………….Shayna Shkolnikov
Snoopy………………………………….Santi Zarate Martinez
Peppermint Patty………………………………..Aubrey Pecic
Marcie……………………………………….…...Jillian Smith
Frieda ………………………………………...Victoria Bottino
Shermy………………………….……………...Bobby Purring
Violet ………….……………….…………..Lily Corliss-Regul
Five…………..……………….……………………MJ Naugle
Loretta…………………………………………..Saleena Khan
Emily …………………………………………….Lauryn Pfaff
Rerun ………………………………………….Ashton Snyder
Umpire/Radio announcer ……………………..Brendan Duffy
Little Red-Headed Girl……………………………Jackie Dill
Woodstock…………………………………..Cassidy Mergen
Red Baron……………………………………Mary Patterson
Chloe Aronson
Max Days
Audrey Huggins
Grace Michvech
Kate Monroe
Braelyn Parks
Hailey Ware-McGovern
Rachel Becker
Beau Bradney
Logan Ford
Emery Foster
Dylan Hargrove
Sarah MacLean
Timmy Santucci
Lily Sperance
Jay Velez
Abby Wojewodka
Emma Watters
T Cast
Megan Fahey Addison Frith
Ella Grossman Olivia Kaczmarczyk
Sofia LoFaso Maddy Smith
Anya Aziz
Emily Bohn
Juliana DeSouza
Breanna Flannelly
Avery Harris
Abby Iampeitro
Ella Mackiewicz
Lisa Trush
Damon Baierschmidt
Victoria Bottino
Lily Corliss-Regul
Saleena Khan
Aubrey Pecic
Jillian Smith
Santi Zarate Martinez
F Cast
Angela Calderone Marin Ford
Charlotte Haubrich Cassidy Mergen
Kylie Mergen Mary Patterson
Chorus Groups
T Cast
Keira Donahoe
Michaela Garrahan
Ella Grossman
Olivia Kaczmarczyk
Hannah Krack
Sofia LoFaso
Maddy Smith
F Cast
Breanna Flannelly
Lily Frazier
Avery Harris
Kaitlyn Jimenez
Ella Mackiewicz
T Cast
Chloe Aronson
Max Days
Kiera Dozor
Audrey Huggins
Hunter Irving
Ava Kanter
Ella Marchesi
Madelyn Stone
Hailey Ware-McGovern
F Cast
Emily Handel
Victoria Hendricks
Abby Iampeitro
Adam Lopez
Cassidy Mergen
Kylie Mergen
Julia Nace
Alex Russ
Ellie Shalaby
Lisa Trush
Sam Zebertavage
Laila Zimmer
Chorus Groups
Peanuts Gang
Damon Baierschmidt
Rachel Becker
Emily Bohn
Victoria Bottino
Beau Bradney
Lily Corliss-Regul
Ash Coyle
Jackie Dill
Jake Dozor
Brendan Duffy
Matt Fean
Logan Ford
Emery Foster
Dylan Hargrove
Charlotte Haubrich
Saleena Khan
Sarah MacLean
Grayson Mator
T & F Cast
Peanuts Gang
T & F Cast
Kate Monroe
MJ Naugle
Lilly Norcross
Aubrey Pecic
Lauryn Pfaff
Bobby Purring
Timmy Santucci
Shayna Shkolnikov
Sean Semanoff
Sam Sexton
Jillian Smith
Ashton Snyder
Lily Sperance
Jay Velez
Emma Watters
Abby Wojewodka
Santi Zarate Martinez
Behind the Scenes
Mr. Matt Palmer
Sarah Dayman
Madison Hesketh
Alice Irwin
Mackenzie Junkin
Lauren Kille
Chloe Shea
Arrow Stough
Marisa Venson
Nia Hafen
Art Crew
Behind the Scenes
Stage Crew
Mr. Matt Palmer
Gabriella Abraham
Naomi Amatuegwa
Lyla Becker
Katrina Bentrim
Allison Gillis
Brianne Lyzinski
Ava O’Toole
Jahnvi Patel
Luka Paolino
Annabelle Taylor
Katie Toner
Mona Gallo
Cole Kleindienst
Olivia Owtscharuk
Jaime Poon
Aubrey Shuck
Ellie Shalaby
Sofia Volynsky
Nathan Wapner
Stef Mantashev
Sydnee Sklar
Veronika Fridman
Behind the Scenes
Lighting Crew
Mr. Pat Kelly
Dan Curran
Bella Crespo
Mae Davis
Ezekial Horchheiner
Trevor Hastings
Sound Crew
Mr. Glaser
Gwen Alemao
Jack Bielinski
Ella Bloom
Logan Brown
Eevee DiStefano
Chloe Dunigan
Matt Dunn
Darshan Patel
Jack Reilley
Dylan Schweder
Aanya Sinha
Choreographers by Song
Youre a Good Man, Charlie
choreographed by Miss Romig
choreographed by Miss Romig
My Blanket and Me
choreographed by Mrs. Iversen
Beethoven Day
choreographed by Miss Romig
Rabbit Chasing
choreographed by Miss Romig
The Book Report
choreographed by Miss Romig,
Mr. Glaser, &
Ms. Ambrosini
The Red Baron
choreographed by Lily Bohning,
Sophia LoFaso, Mary Patterson,
& Sophia Rumbas
My New Philosophy
choreographed by Brianna Webb
The Baseball Game
choreographed by Miss Romig
Little Known Facts
choreographed by Ms. Ambrosini
& Miss Romig
choreographed by Lily Bohning &
Sophia Rumbas
choreographed by Ms. Ambrosini
& Jillian Smith
Ms. Ambrosini (Co-Director): Ms. Ambrosini is a 7
grade English teacher on Team 7
-0. In addition to teaching, she has co-directed Holicongs musicals alongside Mr. Gla-
ser since 2001. Over twenty years of musicals, the ONE consistent and inspirational
element has been the students. These creative, friendly, enthusiastic, emotional, hard-
working, and talented students keep Ms. A coming back for more. Yes, there have been
unexpected challenges, both big and small, over the years. Yet, no matter the challenge,
Holicong musical theater students are resilient, focused, and dedicated. It has been a joy
for Ms. A to return to the live musical theater routine. She is proud of the cast and crews
of YAGMCB who continue the tradition of bringing talent, joy, and enthusiasm to the
Holicong stage. Ms. A especially admires the 9
grade cast and crew members, who led
with talent and grace through three memorable years. Ms. A is supremely grateful to Mr.
Glaser, Senor Palmer, and Ms. Romig for their tireless commitment and creativity as co-
directors. She appreciates the dedication of Lily Bohning, Sophia Rumbas, Brianna
Webb, Mr. C, Mrs. Iversen, Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Loughlin, Mrs. Madden, Mrs. Repper, and
Ms. Slotterback who generously shared time and their talents. As always, Ms. A thanks
her family for their love and support.
Mr. Jim Glaser (Co-Director) This is Mr. Glasers 22
year as the vocal music direc-
tor here at Holicong! Favorite past roles include Moonbeamin the 9
Grade Oral
History instructional video with Mr. Kelly and Dr. Teeth in The Muppets Search for The
Richboro Treasure. In his spare time, he enjoys playing disc golf, watching pro disc
golf on YouTube and thinking about the fact that everyone else probably thinks its
weird how much he likes disc golf. He is grateful to his wonderful wife, Adrienne, for
her love and understanding and for supporting him in the crazy life of a middle school
music teacher (and for renewing his Friends subscription box againbut, you know it
was inevitable, or moo- like a cows opinion). Thanks to Mom and Dad for support-
ing every show now just like you did when I was on stage. Thanks to Ms. Ambrosini,
Mr. Palmer, Miss Romig, Mr. Kelly and everyone else involved in the production for
being such a great team, to my Holicong Music family (Repper and C) for pitching in
and always having my back, and to everyone on the staff who helped in some
way. Thanks to the private vocal instructors of so many of these students for helping to
get them so well prepared for our show! Thanks to our administrators for their support
and encouragement through this difficult process, and thanks to the kids for getting this
ship back up and running this year like we never stopped in the first place. And in our
anniversary year, a special thanks to our alumni this music and theater program is
built on the foundation of joy, friendship, success and excellence that you laid.
Meet the Staff
Meet the Staff
Mr. Palmer (Art Crew, Stage Crew, Co-Director): Señor Palmer is a 9
Spanish teacher and one of the Freshman Team Leaders at Holicong. He is extremely
excited to be back to planning a live show for our students and Holicong community to
enjoy. He is grateful for his amazing art crew students who helped create our beautiful
set and props. He is also grateful for his stage crew students for working hard behind
the scenes! He values the dedication, experience, and hard work of all those involved in
the show! Ms. Ambrosini, Mr. Glaser, Ms. Romig, Mr. Kelly, Mr. C., our students,
community members, and our alumni performers all give their time and their hearts to
make our show memorable and enjoyable. He would also like to thank his close friends,
most of whom are former Holicong musical performers that still speak so highly of
their time in the musical productions at Holicong and how it has touched their lives,
and he is honored to be a part of something so special. Have a great show, everyone!
Mr. Kelly (Lighting Crew): Mr. Kelly is a ninth grade social studies teacher, and he is
also in charge of Holicongs television studio, Mock Trial team, World Affairs Club,
and ninth grade National History Day. He has been designing lighting for concerts and
musicals for thirty years and has worked at venues from the TLA and Trocadero in
Philadelphia to the BB&T Pavillion in Camden New Jersey. He enjoys seeing the
wonderful work that student musicians, actors, and stage and lighting crews put into
Holicongs shows and concerts. He would like to thank his wife Joanne and children,
Abbie and Brendan, for all of their love and support. He also wants to thank Mr.
Glaser, Ms. Ambrosini, Miss Romig and Mr. Palmer for all their hard work in over-
coming the challenges to make this show so wonderful.
Miss Amanda Romig (Choreographer/Production Staff): A former Holicong
student turned Special Education Teacher, Miss Romig has been a part of every
Holicong musical since 2011! From playing Lucy in Youre a Good Man, Charlie
Brown as a ninth grader, to assistant directing High School Musical in 2016, she has so
many fond memories of every year. She is overjoyed to work on Youre a Good Man,
Charlie Brown this year, especially since it was her ninth grade musical when she was a
student. Miss Romig is so appreciative of the musical staff (aka her colleagues!
WHAT!?) for always including her in this wonderful process and dealing with her
antics for this long, including but not limited to dancing around like a maniac to get the
cast to have more energy, and showing up to Holicong for rehearsal without shoes on.
She would like to thank her family for their constant support and the entire company of
YAGMCB for putting their all into this sentimental performance. Your hard work and
dedication to the show is incredibly appreciated. FEED BRUCE!
Chloe Aronson (Ensemble, Blue Dancer) Chloe is in 9th grade. This is her first year
participating in a Holicong musical. She likes to dance and have fun with friends. She
likes to sing and is a part of the 9th grade choir. Chloe is very excited to be involved
in You're a Good Man Charlie Brown this year and has had so much fun behind the
scenes with friends!
Anya Aziz (Blue Dancer, Pumpkin Chorus Group) — Anya is in 8th grade. She was
Jodi and in the chorus in Freaky Friday (Seventh Grade). She likes singing and acting
and started in Holicong Robe Choir in 8th grade. Anya is excited for You're a Good
Man Charlie Brown and hopes everyone does well!
Damon Baierschmidt (Schroeder) – Damon is excited to be making his Holicong Mu-
sical debut as Schroeder in this years Youre a Good Man Charlie Brown musical.
As an Eighth Grader, Damon has been performing for years, having performed in Music
Nation Academys production of James and the Giant Peach Jr,and Ghostlight The-
atre Guilds production of All Shook Up. He has 6 years of extensive vocal training
and performing, participating in numerous vocal recitals, concerts, and contests, as well
as being a second-year Robe Choir and H-Factor member, and a first-year Robe Officer.
He was discovered by his elementary school principal in 2
grade, who invited him to
sing as a soloist several times for school and community events. He gives a warm shout-
out to his amazing vocal teacher, Katie Gornick and wishes his wonderful castmates a
great performance.
Rachel Becker (Lucy Van Pelt) — Rachel is a current 9th grader at Holicong. This will
be her third year participating in one of the musical productions here. She loves being
apart of an amazing group of people while continuing to do the things she loves, such as
singing and acting. She played as one of the tubes in Xanadu, and Monica in Freaky
Friday. She is very excited to be preform in this years musical, Youre a Good Man
Charlie Brown.
Emily Bohn (The Little Red Headed Girl) — Emily is excited to be doing her third mu-
sical here at Holicong! She has been singing and dancing since she was three and did
her first musical in fifth grade at Buckingham in The Lion King. She loves the positive
environment and enjoys dancing with friends. She is looking forward to other perfor-
mances to come!
Meet the Cast
Victoria Bottino (Freida) — She is in 8
grade, and this is her 2
Holicong musical.
She is so excited to get the full experience of a Holicong musical! Last year she played
Eve in Freaky Friday and now she cant wait to play Freida in Youre a Good Man
Charlie Brown!
Beau Bradney (Linus Van Pelt) — Beau is in 9th grade. He has been in the musical
every year at Holicong starting as Young Danny in Xanadu which he unfortunately
was unable to perform and last year as Karl in Freaky Friday. Beau loves to act and
sing with his friends in Robe Choir and H Factor where he is an officer. Beau can't wait
to show everyone his passion and wishes luck for the rest of his cast!
Angela Calderone (Yellow Dancer) – Angela is in 7
grade. She is so excited to be in
the Holicong Musical for her first time. She has done it once before, in her elementary,
but she wasnt able to do it all the way because of the pandemic. She was also a dancer
when she was 5.
Lily Corliss-Regul (Violet) — Lily is so elated to be a part of this years production
of Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown. She is in 7
grade and a part of Holicongs
Robe Choir and H factor. She hopes that everyone enjoys the musical and has a good
Ashlin Coyle (Lucy Van Pelt) — Ash is extremely ecstatic to be performing in her very
first Holicong Musical! As a 7
grader at Holicong, Ash is involved in many things at
school, like the Holicong Robe Choir. Over the years, Ash has been involved in a pleth-
ora of musical theatre performances; her favorite roles were the Scarecrow (The Wizard
of Oz) and Auntie Drizelda (The Frog Prince). Ash enjoyed watching the Charlie
Brown movies as a child, and she is so excited to be a part of this show! She is so grate-
ful for all the hard work everyone has put into this show and for all the amazing people
she has met!
Meet the Cast
Max Days (Blue Dancer, Valentines Chorus Group) — Max is showcasing his dancing
and singing in the premiere of "Youre a Good Man Charlie Brown!" Max has not only
been in Holicong Musical productions, but in fact his acting debut first began in Germa-
ny in the play "Hagbanes Doom" as the lead character of Joshua Brown. When not sing-
ing/dancing/leading, Max enjoys: Destroying bokoblins, Wolf Link, camping in the
great outdoors, swimming, and showcasing his sweet dance moves. Max is new to
Bucks County as of 2019 as a continuation of his world tour of California, Indiana, Ger-
many, Spain, France, Denmark, Utah, and now Pennsylvania. Max is so excited for the
musical production and cannot wait for the show to go on.
Jackie Dill (Little Red-Haired Girl) — Jackie is thrilled to perform her first musical!
She played Timon in Buckingham Elementarys The Lion King (5
grade), but never
got to perform it, as COVID-19 spoiled it. Jackie is a seventh grader here at Holicong,
and she is also involved in Robe Choir. She is looking forward to her future as a singer
and actor at and outside of Holicong!
Keira Donahoe (Pumpkins singing group) — Keira is excited to be in You're a Good
Man, Charlie Brown during her seventh-grade year at HMS. She enjoys playing piano
and clarinet, reading and writing, and track. Keira wishes the entire cast and crew good
Jake Dozor (The Umpire/Radio announcer) Jake has been acting on the stage for a
few years, and loves it. Although he doesn't have plans to act at CB East, he might see
what shows fit him at the county theater.
Kiera Dozor (Peppermint Patty's baseball team) — Kiera is in 7th grade. She has been
in chorus a few years now. This is her first musical and is very excited to participate in
the Charlie Brown play! Shout out to Brianne on stage crew!
Brendan Duffy (Radio announcer, Umpire) Brendan is an 8th grader who has 5
years of tap dancing experience. He also was ensemble in "Warwick elementary
present's The Wizard Of Oz". He has been in Robe Choir for 2 years and joined H-
Factor this year. Brendan is excited for how "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" turns
out and wishes everyone good luck!
Meet the Cast
Meet the Cast
Megan Fahey (Yellow Dancer) — Megan is in 8th grade at HMS and is excited to be
participating in her second Holicong musical. In 7th she was part of the Freaky Fri-
day production starring as a Lohan dancer and part of the student chorus. She made so
many great memories last year and is excited to be making more with her friends and
classmates this year.
Matthew Fean (Charlie Brown) — Matt is in 8th grade and is thrilled to return to the
Holicong stage live and in-person! Matt began acting at age 9, previous roles include
The Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz and Karl in Holicong's virtual production
of Freaky Friday. He also enjoys being an officer in Robe Choir and a member of H-
Factor. Matt would like to thank his family, friends, and sends a special thanks to Ms.
Ambro, Mr. Glaser, Senor Palmer and Ms. Romig for trusting him with this role and
helping him grow as an actor. Break legs everyone!!!
Breanna Flannelly (dancer/singer) — Breanna is in 7th grade. This is her first perfor-
mance at Holicong! Breanna is so excited to be a part of the musical. Breanna pre-
formed as Glinda in the Wizard of Oz jr and is so excited to be back on-stage preform-
ing again!
Logan Ford (Charlie Brown) — Logan is a 9th grader at Holicong Middle School. He
has performed as Young Danny in Xanadu (7th grade) and starred as Adam in Freaky
Friday (8th grade). He has been learning tap for 3 years and has been singing since he
was 3 and is a valued member of Holicong Robe Choir and H-Factor. He has also per-
formed in a total of 4 musicals at Central Bucks East! Logan is excited to star in the title
role of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown.
Marin Ford (Yellow Dancer) — Marin is an 8th grader here at Holicong Middle
School. She was a part of the Holicong musical last year where she played Mrs. Time
and was a Lohan dancer. Marin is very excited for this year's show and wishes the
whole cast and all the crew good luck!
Emery Foster (Sally Brown) — Emery is thrilled to be participating in her first Holicong
Musical! In seventh grade she loved getting involved with the music program, joining Robe
Choir and H-Factor, (and later becoming a Choir Officer for this year in eighth grade,) as
well as performing at online Songfests. She adores everything involving the arts, and has
taken both dance classes and acting classes outside of Holicong in addition to the amazing
singing and music opportunities offered inside the school. Emery is looking forward
to You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown and is so grateful for everyone involved.
Lily Frazier (Pumpkin Chorus Group) — She is in 7th grade and she like to sing, act,
play soccer, bake, and so much more! She is in the pumpkin chorus group for this years
play Youre A Good Man Charlie Brown. Lily is so excited to for this play and she
hopes you all enjoy it!
Addison Frith (Yellow Dancer) — Addison is so excited to perform in her first
Holicong musical. She has been in Chorus throughout elementary and middle school.
She has also been dancing for seven years and cant wait to have the opportunity to do it
with all of her friends.
Michaela Garrahan (Pumpkin Chorus Group) Michaela is in 8th grade. She was
Eve in Freaky Friday (7th grade). She has been singing since 5th grade, and is excited
for Charlie Brown, and wishes everyone good luck!
Ella Grossman (Yellow Dancer, Pumpkins) — Ella is excited to be performing in her
second Holicong musical You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. Last year she played as a
Lohan Dancer and Mrs. Time in Freaky Friday. Besides participating in the musical,
Ella has danced for 10 years at Buckingham Dance Studio and Doylestown Dance Cen-
ter, she takes acting and singing classes at Lights Camera Acting, and is a first-year
Robe Choir member. Over the summer, Ella does a performing arts camp called Ravens
Run. Ella can't wait for You're a Good Man Charlie Brown and wishes everyone good
Emily Handel (dancer, singer) — Emily is very excited to be in her very first ever
Holicong musical! She has done dance before and has been in shows for dance. She has
never been in a school play before this is her very first! She has been dancing since four
and did tap and ballet then picked up ballet and hip-hop at 10 years old. She is now 13
and does love to sing and dance! she is in choir and is thinking about joining robe choir.
She is very excited about being apart of Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown. And wish-
es everyone in the show good luck!!
Dylan Hargrove (Shermy) — This is Dylans second musical theatre performance. He
is very excited about this performance as it is the first non-ensemble singing role he has
gotten. He hopes you like the show!
Avery Harris Avery is in 8th grade, and a member of Robe Choir, and is very excit-
ed to see how well the You're a Good Man Charlie Brown play will turn out. Avery has
appeared in last years play, Freaky Friday, and is excited to continue their year in the
theater community. They wish good luck to all!
Meet the Cast
Charlotte Haubrich (singer/dancer/actress) — Charlotte is in 8
grade. She has been a
member of the Holicong Robe Choir and Holicong H-Factor since 7
grade and loves to
sing! She also loves to dance and act and is really looking forward to performing in
Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown!
Victoria Hendricks (Ensemble/Chorus) — Victoria is in the 8th grade and cannot wait
to be a part of The Charlie Brown Cast! This is her first time being in a Holicong play
because she remained virtual throughout the entirety of last year (7th grade), but Victo-
ria has been in her elementary school play The Lion King (6th grade). Even though she
has only gotten a part in the ensemble, she is still very enthusiastic none-the-less! Thank
you to Mr. Glaser, Ms Ambrosini, Mrs. Romig, Mr. Palmer for Victoria's amazing op-
Audrey Huggins (Blue Dancer, Valentine's Chorus Group) — Audrey is an 8th grader
at Holicong. In 7th grader, she was a dancer and singer in Freaky Friday. She enjoys to
draw in her free time, but also loves to sing. She's super pumped for this year's musical!
Abby Iampietro (dancer/singer) is in 7th grade. She has been dancing for nine years
and has been singing since the day she could talk. Abby has been in two productions
(Honk! Jr. and Frosty and Rudolph) at Music Mountain Theater. She is also on the field
hockey and cheer teams at Holicong. Abby is excited to be part of You're A Good Man,
Charlie Brown!
Hunter Irving (Pigpen) — Hunter is enthusiastic to do the Holicong play this year.
This will be his first play at Holicong. Hunter is in 8th grade and is a beginner in thea-
tre. Other than the musical, Hunter likes to play baseball.
Kaitlyn Jimenez (Ensemble) — Kaitlyn is excited to be preforming in her first school
production and is in 8
grade. Kaitlyn loves to sing and dance and is thrilled to be in
Youre a good Man Charlie Brown! She wishes the cast and crew good luck.
Olivia Kaczmarczyk (background dancer and singer) — Olivia is in 8th grade and was
in the musical 'Freaky Friday' last year, playing the principal, background dancer, and
background singer (7th grade). Olivia has been dancing since she was 3 and enjoys
dancing and performing in the play. Additionally she enjoys singing and is in choir. She
also has taken theater camp over the summer of 2021 and wishes everyone good luck!
Meet the Cast
Ava Kanter (Valentines Chorus Group) Ava loves to paint, sew, and be on stage.
This is her first school production and is in 8th grade. Ava can fit 24 grapes in her
Saleena Khan (Loretta) — Saleena is in 8th grade. She has been performing on the
stage since 1st grade by participating in school talent shows. Over the years she was a
munchkin in the Wizard of Oz (6th grade) and has been in Robe Choir for the past two
years. Outside of school, she also enjoys playing the piano. Saleena is thrilled to be per-
forming in her first Holicong musical and wishes everyone the best of luck!
Hannah Krack (Pumpkins Chorus Group) — Hannah is in 7th grade, and she was crow
and jitterbug in the play, Wizard of Oz (5th grade). She has been a hip hop dancer since
she was four. She loves to sing and recently got added into the Holicong Robe Choir.
Hannah is so happy to be part of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown and will try her ab-
solute best to make it a great show.
Sophia LoFaso (Red Baron) — Sophia is a 7th grader who is excited to be performing
in You're a Good Man Charlie Brown for her first ever Holicong musical! Sophia has
also been in many theater productions at Music Mountain Theater and throughout her
musical theater and dance career. Sophia loves to sing and has been dancing since she
was 3. She is looking forward to many future shows at Holicong!
Adam Lopez (Valentines Chorus Group) Adam Lopez is excited to be in this years
musical, Youre a Good Man Charlie Brown. This is Adams first year, and his first play
at Holicong. He is glad to be entering the play and hopes to do it again next year. Good
Luck to all members of Youre a Good Man Charlie Brown!
Ella Mackiewicz (Ensemble) — Ella is in ninth grade and is excited to be acting in her
first musical at Holicong. With a love for singing, Ella knew she wanted to participate in
this year's play production, You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. She has enjoyed work-
ing on the play and connecting with new people. Good luck to everyone working on the
musical this year!
Meet the Cast
Meet the Cast
Sarah MacLean (Frieda) - Sarah is an eighth grader honored to play a clas-
sic Peanuts character in her second Holicong musical, following her first year when she
played Ms. Luckenbill the English teacher in Freaky Friday! She has been a proud
member of Robe Choir and H-Factor for two years, as well as a Robe Choir officer for
one. You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown has been an incomprehensibly huge silver lin-
ing during these challenging times, and she would like to wish the cast and crew good
luck and thank everyone involved (especially Mr. Glaser, Ms. Romig, Ms. Ambrosini,
and Señor Palmer) for their commitment. ... Their commitment, and their motivation.
Their commitment, their motivation, and their amazing attitudes! (Get it?)
Grayson Mator (Rerun) — Grayson is super excited to be in You're a Good Man
Charlie Brown. Grayson has had no experience in theater but was going to do the Lion
King in his year of sixth grade and is a part of robe choir. Grayson is now in Seventh
grade with a 3.8 GPA and hoping to have an excellent year. Out of school Grayson is a
soccer player and a curious kid who likes to cook. Grayson wishes everyone luck!
Cassidy Mergen (Yellow Dancer and Woodstock) — Cassidy is super excited to be
performing in her 2
Holicong Musical. She is in 8
grade and she has been dancing
for 9 years since she was 5. During her 7
grade year, she was a Lohan Dancer is the
musical Freaky Friday. Cassidy is in the choir at Holicong and was in the choir at her
elementary school. She is so excited to get to perform on a stage this year with her
Kylie Mergen (yellow dancer) — Kylie is in 8th grade at Holicong, she has been danc-
ing for 7 years. She was a Lohan dancer in 7th grade in the Holicong musical Freaky
Friday. She is in the choir at Holicong and she was in her Elementary school choir as
well. She is very excited to be preforming in this years Youre A Good Man Charlie
Brown musical.
Grace Michvech (Blue Dancer) — Grace is so excited to be in this years production
of Your A Good Man, Charlie Brown! In her 7th grade year she was a foster dancer in
Holicong's Freaky Friday. Now that she is an 8th grader, Grace is enthusiastic about her
second show here and hopes everyone will do their best!
Kate Monroe (Emily) — Kate is so excited to be making her debut on the Holicong
stage! Outside of the musical, Kate, a seventh grader, is a member of both of Holicong's
Robe Choir and H-Factor. She is also actively involved and has performed in many
children's theatre productions at Music Mountain Theatre, where she was recently ac-
cepted into the Junior Youth Company. To the entire cast-- break lots of legs!
Julia Nace (Valentines chorus member, player on Peppermint Patties team, art crew) —
Julia is an eighth grader at Holicong middle school. She participated in Buckingham
Elementarys 2019-2020 performance of The Lion King as part of the ensemble. Julia
also participated in Holicongs 2020-2021 performance of Freaky Friday as Ms. Blu-
men. Along with being part of the cast of Holicongs 2021-2022 musical Youre a Good
Man Charlie Brown as a performer, she also helped bring the stage alive by being part
of the art crew! She is so excited to be back on the stage and to put on a live perfor-
mance for everyone!
Mj Naugle (Five) — MJ is in 7
grade and is excited to be performing in Youre a
Good Man Charlie Brown for her first musical experience. She has enjoyed working
with cast and crew and wishes for everyone to break a leg!
Lilly Norcross (Five) — Lilly is in 9th grade. In pervious Holicong performances, she
played an angel/ensemble in Xanadu, and she played the Priest and a dancer in Freaky
Friday. She has also performed at Town and Country Players. She is excited for the
show and wishes everyone to break a leg!
Braelyn Parks (blue dancer and ensemble) — Braelyn is thrilled to be in her second
Holicong Middle School Musical, as a 8
grader! She is a blue dancer and ensemble in
this production of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. She has been dancing since she
was two and has been competing since the age of 9. She was in her Elementary
Schools play, Broadway Revue. Braelyn is really excited to be in You're a Good Man
Charlie Brown this year!
Mary Patterson (Yellow Dancer) — Mary is in 8
grade at Holicong Middle School.
This is her second musical at Holicong but her first in front of a crowd. Mary is not cur-
rently a dancer outside of school but does many other activities like karate and painting.
Mary thinks this is a great show and knows everybody will do amazing!
Meet the Cast
Meet the Cast
Aubrey Pecic (Peppermint Patty) — Aubrey is in 8
grade. She played Charlotte in the
Holicong musical Freaky Friday last year. She has been singing/ acting since she was
young and was in her first musical in 4
grade. She loves to sing so she has been in robe
choir since 7
grade and joined h-factor this year. Aubrey is so glad she got to partici-
pate in such a wonderful musical with just an equally as lovely cast and she wishes eve-
ryone good luck!
Lauryn Pfaff (Emily) — Lauryn was so eager to hear that she had gotten a part in this
years musical, You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. Emily is the name of her small role,
a little girl who hangs out with Peppermint Patty and is on her baseball team in act 2.
Although she has no speaking roles, Lauryn is very excited for her one line solo in the
song Beethoven Day and her trio, including herself, Violet, and Loretta at the beginning
of Glee Club.
Bobby Purring (Shermy) — This is Bobbys first musical at Holicong, just starting his
middle school journey this past September. Already Bobby has shown much involve-
ment in the Holicong Music program and being an active member of the 7
grade Cho-
rus and joining the Robe Choir, achieving a solo in the Winter Choir Concert! Bobby
enjoys meeting new people and it goes to show how many people hes met
through Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown this year so far. The times leading up to
the auditions for Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown may have been stressful, but it
was far worth it with all the memories Bobby has made and all that are soon to come!
Alex Russ (Valentines Chorus Group) — Alex is a 7th grader who is performing in his
first musical this year. He is a singer in the robe choir. He loves chess and has been
playing for almost 5 years by now. He loves the musical and was very excited to audi-
tion when he heard about it. He wish everyone good luck!
Timmy Santucci (Snoopy) — Timmy was in last years musical Freaky Friday as Ad-
am and the Lion King as scar in sixth grade. He is excited to be in musical that isn't
filmed or canceled. Timmy also is in Holicong's Robe choirs and H factor. Timmy is
excited for the show and wished the whole cast luck.
Sean Semanoff (Linus) — Sean is excited to be back acting in front of a live audience
in Your a Goodman Charlie Brown. While he dreams of becoming a broadway actor he
is also studying computer aided design to design roller coasters as a possible career.
Sean is the quintessential theater kid who cant wait to perform for all of you. He would
like to thank his fabulous mother and father for always supporting him in all his endeav-
ors, crazy projects, and dreams.
Sam Sexton (Schroeder) — Sam is currently in 9th grade and performing in his second
musical at Holicong. He has been apart of seven different musicals which include taking
on lead roles in both Freaky Friday and The Adventures of Captain Starblaster, along
with smaller roles in Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins, and The Sound of Mu-
sic. Sam is excited to be apart of such an amazing community of individuals who are
just as passionate about acting and singing as he is. Sam has loved being in this years
musical, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
Ellie Shalaby (ensemble) — Ellie is in 8th grade. She is thrilled to be taking part in the
musical this year! She was part of the stage crew group in her 7th grade year for the
production of Freaky Friday. She's so excited for You're a Good Man, Charlie
Brown and she wishes everybody good luck!
Shayna Shkolnikov (Sally Brown) — Shayna is super excited to be participating in her
second musical at Holicong! In seventh grade, she acted as a gender-bent version of
Fletcher from Freaky Friday, Fiona, and signing and acting are only two of her many
passions. Now that she's an eighth grader, she's super excited to be acting along with all
her friends with her newly acclimated attitude! She can't wait to see what kind of musi-
cal achievements come her way in the future!
Jillian Smith (Marcie) — Jillian is thrilled to be making her debut on the Holicong
stage. As well as acting and performing, she is a dancer of 10 years. Favorite credits:
Baby Louise (Gypsy), Amanda Thripp (Matilda), Young Elsa (Frozen Jr.), and Ensem-
ble/Beggar (Aladdin Jr.). She would like to thank her family and friends for supporting
her, and she would also like to thank the directors for making this possible! Break a leg
to all the cast members!
Meet the Cast
Meet the Cast
Madelyn Smith (Woodstock, Yellow Dancer) — Madelyn is excited to be performing
in her second Holicong Musical, Youre a Good Man Charlie Brown. She performed in
last years musical Freaky Friday as a teacher and as a Geneva dancer. Madelyn is an
grade student at Holicong. She dances at Doylestown Dance Centre. Madelyn is very
happy to be able to participate in the show at Holicong this year and wishes everyone
the best of luck!
Ashton Snyder (Rerun Van Pelt) Ashton is so excited to preform his first real musi-
cal! Ashton joined Central Bucks in 2020, and loves the district. He is an amazing stu-
dent and brings joy wherever he goes. He is currently orchestra, playing the violin. He
does many things inside and outside of school, such as Orchestra Leader, iTeam,
P.O.P's, Tennis, and is currently in the musical. He is so excited to preform and can't
wait to meet new people and make new friends. And he is hoping to make as many as
he can in the upcoming musical. Ashton hopes that the entire musical cast will have an
amazing show! And he wishes everyone good luck!
Lily Sperance (Marcie) — Lily is very excited about this years musical and the role she
is playing! Lily is one of the Holicong cheer captains and enjoys the musical and cheer
very much. She played Senora O' Brain in Freaky Friday the musical last year. Lily is a
current 8th grader who looks forward to next years musical.
Madelyn Stone (member of Peppermint Pattys baseball team, background actor)
This is Maddies first year in theater as a seventh-grade student at Holicong Middle
School. She loves making new friends, and making people laugh. Although the only
experience Maddie has had in theater is being a tree in a kindergarten performance, she
is determined to go out there and do her best. She feels so incredibly lucky to have such
a great cast and cant wait to do it again next year. Maddie is exited for this years show
Youre a Good Man Charlie Brown and is cognizant all of you will enjoy watching the
show as much as she did putting it together.
Lisa Trush (Valentines, Blue dancer) — Lisa is in 8th grade. She has been in three
school musicals and You're a Good Man Charlie Brown will be her fourth! She loves to
dance and has danced Latin Ballroom for almost 8 years. Lisa loves to sing, she takes
Chorus as one of her classes in school and has taken multiple singing lessons. This is
Lisa's second musical at Holicong Middle School and she wished everyone good luck!
Julia Velez (Peppermint Patty) — Julia is so excited to be performing in You're A Good
Man Charlie Brown! She is in 9th grade and has been involved in Holicong's musical
program since 7th grade. She's also been involved in the school's choirs, robe for the
past two years and H Factor since the beginning of this year. Outside of school Julia has
performed in many places around Doylestown and has taken singing lessons for roughly
four years. She's so incredibly proud of the performance she's helped put togther and
wishes the cast good luck!
Hailey Ware-McGovern (Blue Dancer, Valentines Chorus Group) — Hailey is in 8th
grade. She was a dancer in Freaky Friday (7th Grade) and was a lollipop kid in Wizard
of Oz (6th Grade). Hailey is so excited to be in this play and wishes everyone a good
Emma Watters (Loretta, Red Dancer- My Blanket & Me, Peanuts Gang) — Emma is
currently in 8
grade and is a part of H-factor and Robe choir. She played Charlotte last
year in Freaky Friday and was so happy to take part in this years musical! She has
made so many amazing friends along the way! She is so enthusiastic to be able to take
part in this years production of Youre A Good Man Charlie Brown!
Abby Wojewodka (Violet) — Abby is ecstatic to be performing in her first Holicong
musical as Violet! In addition to being apart of the musical cast, Abby is a member of
Holicongs Robe Choir and Holicongs H-Factor. Two of her previous roles include
Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz and the Big Bad Wolf in The Big Bad Musical. Abbys
dream is to one day attend The Juliard School and become a professional actress.
Meet the Cast
Meet the Cast
Santiago Zarate Martinez (Snoopy) — Santiago is in 8
grade and is so excited to be
performing in the school play for his second year! Last year in the play, as a 7th grader,
Santiago played Mike in Freaky Friday. This year, Santiago is stoked to be playing
Snoopy in Your a Good Man Charlie Brown. He had been in Robe Choir for two years
and this year has joined H-Factor. Santiago is beyond excited to perform in Your a
Good Man Charlie Brown and hopes the best for everyone!
Sam Zebertavage (Valentines Chorus Group) Sam is a 7th grader at Holicong. Sam
has been taking Lights Camera Acting improv classes for the past 2 years and has been
in such productions as: Charlotte's Web, and Three Doors to Death. Sam has been very
excited to be part of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown as his first Holicong musical
and wishes his fellow cast members the best!
Laila Zimmer (Valentine) — Laila is excited to be performing in her first Holicong
Middle School Musical! As an eight grader, Laila is ecstatic to be part of this year's mu-
sical, You're a Good Man Charlie Brown! She is very excited to perform with her peers
and wishes everyone all the best!
Thank you for your support!
Dr. Shillingford, Principal & Mr. Canelli, Assistant Principalfor tireless
support and dedication to do what is best for students
Dr. Lucabaugh Superintendent of Schools, and Dr. Malone, Director of
Secondary Education
Mr. Kellyfor giving your time and expertise with lighting
Mr. C, Mrs. Repper, Tom Razler & Ryan Schwartzfor your time and
musicianship in the pit
Ms. Slotterbackfor giving your time and dedication to a great program
Mrs. Maddenfor your time organizing ticket sales
Mrs. Loughlin, Mrs. Loftus, & Mrs. McCuskerfor everything you do
everyday to make things run smoothly
Mrs. Loughlinan extra thank you for your sharing your artsy side with us
Mr. Fulmer and the custodial stafffor all of your time and support
Mrs. Sperancefor your valuable help with refreshments
Parent Volunteersfor your help with refreshment and Kiss the Cast & Crews
Diana Iversenfor choregraphing and giving your time
Brianna Webb, Holicong’s original Audrey (Little Shop of Horrors) and Babe (The
Pajama Game)for sharing your expertise with Holicong students
Lily Bohning & Sophia Rumbasour busy, dedicated alumni
choreographersfor sharing your time and talent
Brad Ogdenfor another wonderful t-shirt design
Xanadu and Freaky Friday alumnifor leading the way, encouraging this cast,
and visiting
Parents of the cast and crewsyour time and support make this show possible
All who generously offered props and costumes
All who took out an ad or patronized the show
One Liners
Adam! We are proud of you and your accomplishments this year!
Break a leg! Love, Mom and Dad
Annabelle - we are so proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad
Santi, enjoy every minute of it, you will be great! Mom and Dad.
KPD2 Break a leg! We love you! Love, Mom, Dad, A, P, N & S
Here's to a great show from the 2022 musical cast - Damon and
Michaela G- You are a great singer!
Ella G- You are a great dancer!
Olivia K- You are a great performer!
Hailey WM- It was fun to dance in the show with you!
Braelyn- always so much fun to watch you perform on stage. So
proud of you! Love ya! XO
To the Fantastic Five, minus one (Fabulous 4?): BAL!
One Liners
Congrats on your first HMS show, J! Proud of you & friends! xo,
Mom, Dad, Mia
Congratulations & Break Legs Abby I, Sophia, Kate, Emily! xo,
Break Legs Abby W, Bobby, Lily C-R, Grayson! Its been so fun!
xo, Jillian
Sean - Youre our star - Lisa & Mad
Sean you never cease to amaze me - Love Miss Nancy
Sean - Break A Leg! - Sophia
We love you very much and very proud of you – Uncle Mike &
Aunt Marcie
We love to watch you perform, Sean!! We love you! The Peck
Avery Harris-We are so proud of you-Love, Mom and Dad, Fin
and PF
Go for it, Cassidy and Kylie! Mom, Dad and Cole
To Marley, you're an amazing actor! Hannah
One Liners
To Jill S., Lily F, Bobby P., Lily C., Kate M., Abby I., and Gray-
son M. Thank you guys all so much for making my first year in
the musical so amazing. You guys are such great friends and I am
so proud of all of us! <3 Abby Wojewodka
Great job Marin! We love seeing you on stage! - Mom and Dad
Break a leg, Marin! -T
Onward and upward Marin! We love you! - Mom-Mom and Pop-
Thanks to everyone for making this great musical happen! -Max
Best of luck to you, Sarah- never forget how amazing you are <3
To my fellow Sally- Ill never forget getting to do this with you
<3 Emery
Soph - Bravo on a fantastic show! Love Mom, Dad & James
Sophia - We are so very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad and
Soph- We R so proud of U! Congrats to U, Jill, Kate & Abby!
Mom, Dad & J
One Liners
Shayna, you light up every day with talent and passion. Love
you! – Sarah
Sean, your presence=best kind of loud and proud, chunky and
funky. <3 Sarah
Damon, youre an insane musician and person. Thanks for being
you! – Sarah
Thanks to the cast and crew for such a perfect experience! <3
Emery & Sarah
Audrey, you are the best husband-friend I could ever ask for.
Love, Sarah
Great work, Dylan! You made it without any debilitating injuries!
<3 Sarah
Emery, I couldnt have done it without your wondrous self. Love
you! –Sarah
Good job Julia, Emma, Mare, Timmy, Matt, Laila, and every-
one!!!! - Lily 2
Keira- Break a leg (not an ankle!)! We love you and hope you
have a blast. Love, Mom, Dad, A, P, N and S
One Liners
Matt-Couldnt have picked a better Charlie Brown! You did
amazing! ~Emma
Timmy-You did absolutely amazing as Snoopy! ~Emma
Lily-You are such an outstanding Marcy! ~Emma
Lisa-Youre a terrific dancer! ~Emma
Julia and Lily - So proud of you guys! - Laila
Break a leg Laila! Love Mom & Dad
Congratulations, MJ! You're awesome! Love, Aunt Annie
The sky will light up when you take the stage, MJ! Love, Pap &
You are our shining star, MJ! Have fun being 5! Love, Grammy
& Pap
We are so proud of you, MJ! Break a Leg! Love, Mom, Dad,
Marin, & Mia
Patrons and Contributors
Everyone involved in the
production of
would like to thank
all the families and businesses
who have made
a donation to support
our theater program.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Patrons and Contributors
The LoFaso Family
Julia Velez and Family
The Smith Family
Ashlin Coyle and Family
Mary Patterson and Family
Richard DiGregorio and Family
Grace Michvech and Family
Abigail Iampietro and Family
Cole Kleindienst and Family
Samuel Zebertavage and Family
Rachael Ford and Family
Lily Sperance and Family
Marley Naugle and Family
Saleena, we cant wait to see you perform at your first Holicong
performance - you have always brightened our lives with your magical smile !
Youre amazing and along with the rest of the cast we wish you a brilliant perfor-
Go shine our sweet darling and enjoy this amazing opportunity !
All our love
Daddy, Preshie, Baji Pooh, Didi & Chum
Past Holicong Musicals
Freaky Friday 21
2021 Freaky Friday
2020 Xanadu
2019 Annie
2018 Disney’s The Little Mermaid
2017 Thoroughly Modern Mille
2016 High School Musical
2015 Seussical
2014 Dear Edwina
2013 You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown
2012 Xanadu
2011 The Pajama Game
2010 Little Shop of Horrors
2009 Thoroughly Modern Millie
2008 Once Upon an Island
2007 Seussical
2006 Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
2005 Bye Bye Birdie
2004 Friday Knight Fever
2003 Honk!
2002 Once Upon a Mattress
2001 Broadway Snapshots
20 years of Holicong
Thanks for coming &
supporting the show!