Kofax mobiFlow
React Native Bridge Developer's Guide
Version: 6.0.0
Date: 2020-10-23
2020 Kofax. All rights reserved.
Kofax is a trademark of Kofax, Inc., registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or
transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Kofax.
Table of Contents
Getting help with Kofax products....................................................................................................... 4
Product documentation.......................................................................................................................5
Online documentation.............................................................................................................. 5
Offline documentation.............................................................................................................. 5
mobiFlow React Native Bridge for SDK....................................................................................................... 6
React Native sample application........................................................................................................6
Build Android React Native sample application.................................................................................6
Build iOS React Native sample application....................................................................................... 7
How to use the Bridge....................................................................................................................... 8
Required library and framework files................................................................................................. 8
iOS........................................................................................................................................... 8
Android..................................................................................................................................... 8
Licensing............................................................................................................................................. 8
This guide includes the information you need to integrate the Kofax mobiFlow React Native Bridge into
your project.
You can develop React Native applications using the Kofax mobiFlow React Native Bridge for SDK. This
guide includes information on creating iOS React Native and Android React Native sample applications,
that are used to demonstrate the functionality of the SDK. By adding the Bridge to your mobile application,
you can use it to capture, process and extract documents and bar code data received from mobile
Note The latest React Native version supported by the mobiFlow React Native Bridge is 0.55.4.
Getting help with Kofax products
The Kofax Knowledge Base repository contains articles that are updated on a regular basis to keep you
informed about Kofax products. We encourage you to use the Knowledge Base to obtain answers to your
product questions.
To access the Kofax Knowledge Base, go to the Kofax website and select Support on the home page.
Note The Kofax Knowledge Base is optimized for use with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft
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Kofax mobiFlow React Native Bridge Developer's Guide
Product documentation
By default, the Kofax mobiFlow documentation is available online. However, if necessary, you can
download the documentation to use offline.
Online documentation
The product documentation for Kofax mobiFlow 6.0.0 is available at the following location:
Offline documentation
To access the documentation offline, download the documentation .zip files from the Kofax Fulfillment Site
and extract them on a local drive available to your users.
mobiFlow React Native Bridge for SDK
React Native is an open source mobile application created by Facebook. The Kofax mobiFlow React
Native Bridge for SDK is used to create mobile applications that you can use to capture and process
images and bar code data received from mobile devices.
The Bridge exposes much of the mobiFlow SDK functionality within a React Native application. The bridge
calls existing SDK methods and sends the response back to the JavaScript. The Bridge contains native
methods that are exposed to the Javascript.
The React Native related files provided with the Bridge are described in the following table.
File Name Description
These are the native parts of the Android Bridge. These
parts are responsible for interacting with native libraries.
These are the native parts of the iOS Bridge. These parts
are responsible for interacting with native libraries.
React Native sample application
A sample React Native application demonstrates the Bridge is available in the Hybrid/ReactNative
folder. This sample application can be used on iOS and Android devices.
The sample application demonstrates the capture, process and extraction features with the Check
When user taps on the Scan button, the application launches the check capture view controller, and after
capturing results are displayed.
The Check component has been exposed for this sample application. You can capture Full Page, Bill,
Custom, Credit Card and Passports components by using Kofax mobiFlow React Native Bridge. To launch
the other components you need to make changes in the code.
Build Android React Native sample application
1. To open ReactNative, run the following command in the Terminal or Command Prompt:
cd "Hybrid/ReactNative/ path"
2. To install the dependencies, run the following command:
npm install
3. In Hybrid/ReactNative/android/app/src/main, if assets folder exists, then remove the
contents from it. If it does not exist, create a folder with the name assets.
Kofax mobiFlow React Native Bridge Developer's Guide
4. Update the license in Hybrid/ReactNative/App.js file.
5. To load the contents to the assets folder, run the following command:
node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js bundle --platform android --dev
--entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/
--assets-dest android/app/src/main/res
6. Copy the mobiFlow.Android-release.aar file from the KofaxmobiFlowSDK(Android/aars) folder
to the Hybrid/ ReactNative/android/app/libs folder.
7. Open the Android project (ReactNative/android) in Android Studio.
8. Run the application.
Build iOS React Native sample application
1. To open ReactNative, run the following command in the Terminal or Command Prompt:
cd "Hybrid/ReactNative path"
2. To install the dependencies, run the following command:
npm install
3. Update the license in the ReactNative/App.js file.
4. To update jsbundle, run the following command:
node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js bundle --entry-file index.js --
platform ios --dev false
--bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ios
5. Unzip the Frameworks from \iOS\mobiFlow\Frameworks.
6. Copy opencv2.framework and KofaxmobiFlowWidget.framework from the KofaxmobiFlowSDK (iOS/
mobiflow/Frameworks) folder to the ReactNative/ios/MobiFlowSDK folder.
7. Copy the Resources folder from the KofaxmobiFlowSDK (iOS/mobiflow) folder to the
ReactNative/ios/MobiFlowSDK folder.
8. Open the ReactNativeMobiFlow.xcworkspace project in ReactNative/ios.
9. Change the code signing development team for the both ReactNativeMobiFlow and
ReactNativeMobiFlowTests targets.
10. If you get the error "config.h not found in demangle.h", remove the third-party folder from the
ReactNative/node_modules/react-native folder.
11. If you get the error "unknown argument type '__attribute__' in method -[RCTAppState
getCurrentAppState:error:] Extend RCTConvert to support this type", update the method
RCTParseUnused in the class ReactNative/node_modules/react-native/React/Base/
RCTModuleMethod.mm with following code:
return RCTReadString(input, "__unused") || RCTReadString(input,
"__attribute__((__unused__))") || RCTReadString(input,
12. Run the application.
Kofax mobiFlow React Native Bridge Developer's Guide
How to use the Bridge
You can use the Bridge with the existing application or with a newly created application. You need make
some changes to the project. For instructions, go to \Hybrid\ReactNative folder and open the
ReadMe.md file.
Required library and framework files
To use MobiFlow SDK with your application, refer to the Kofax mobiFlow SDK Developer's Guide for
specific library and frameworks.
For an iOS project, the following frameworks are required:
Localized string files and bundle in the Resources folder
For an Android project, the following library is required:
When you use the Bridge in the sample application, you need to pass your mobiFlow SDK license to the
For the sample application, the license is set in the parameters of the scan method, which you need to do
in the App.js file.
In the sample application directory modify ReactNative/App.js to insert your license.